#y'all need to know i'm realistic when it comes to my ships
ok so far, i have never really felt like the writers would go there with buddie, even in earlier seasons when their scenes were just, how you say.. not straight. despite always having had amazing and heartwarming scenes together, i always thought buddie would just remain friends, because let’s be honest; the show has really been queerbaiting the fans with them (and that is not a word i use lightly).
but these last few episode something has changed, and in last night’s episode, something changed in eddie. i don’t know what, or how, or why, but he’s going through a personal journey where he seems to have multiple epiphanies about himself in the span of 24 hours. something’s shifted, and i don’t think it’s just ryan choosing to play eddie like that.
i have no idea what’s gonna happen next, but i’m really exciting about the remaining episodes this season, especially since they’re written and/or directed by folks whom we know gave us big buddie moments before.
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Imagine Shanks finding out you're a painter
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You: *humming along to some music as you apply a fresh coat of paint to the wall of the galley*
Benn and Lucky Roux: *walk in*
Benn: Hey Kid.
You: Hey
Lucky Roux: Did you make sure to use the mold resistant paint?
You: Yes Roux.
Benn: And you applied the sealant before the paint?
You: *nods your head* And the primer, I got this man, thanks for checking in on me.
Benn: Alright then, I'm just gonna open this here winder to get some fresh air in here, so you don't get high off the paint fumes.
You: aww, but that's the best part.
Lucky Roux: *snorts* Let me know when you're done, so I can start dinner. Also, when you are done, you might want to put up a barrier, so none of the others accidentally lean on it.
You: I enjoy seeing them covered in paint. So I think they're gonna be in for a surprise, or at least the boss will be. Because I bet you a thousand berry that he's definitely gonna lean in the paint.
Lucky Roux: I'll take that bet.
Benn: I ain't, because he'll definitely gonna do it.
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The next morning
Shanks: *Still annoyed that he got paint in his hair the night before* is this shit finally dry?
Benn: yeah, the kid didn't paint in straight lines though.
Shanks: what! But they're usually so meticulous about doing tasks perfectly.
Benn: it was on purpose too, take a close look.
Shanks: *leans in and glides his fingers across a floral design in the brush strokes* do you think they like painting?
Benn: I believe so, that, or they inhaled too much paint fumes and decided to have fun with it.
Shanks: both are possible... Didn't they repaint the hallway, and bathrooms?
Benn: yeah? They painted patterns there too.
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Weeks later
Shanks: Hey (y/n) I got you something! *Presents you with a colorful variety of house paints, and a bunch of supplies*
You: ... Wow, that's a lot of paint, are you wanting me to repaint every room on the ship?
Shanks: no silly, for you to have fun with. We noticed the patterns you painted in the galley and thought you might like more colors.
You: but where would I paint?
Shanks: where ever you'd like.
You: *Kisses him on the cheek, scoops up the supplies, and runs to your room*, Thank you!
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Two days later in the galley
You: I finished my room is it okay if I paint this wall now?
Shanks: Go for it.
Benn: *watches you run off* they painted their whole room you know.
Shanks: I saw, I was impressed they managed to paint such steady line work with the ship moving so much.
Benn: I think the little maze design the pained on their door frame was my favorite. Do you think they take requests?
Shanks: I dunno.
You: *pushes the box of supplies onto one of the tables*
Benn: is it okay if I asked you to paint something?
You: sure!
Yassop: Wait, you take requests! I want the pillar in my room painted.
The crew: *crowd around you listing off the things they want painted*
Shanks: Guys, let em breathe for fuck's sake! Make a list so they can start painting.
Lucky Roux: I ain't writing down my request because it's simple, don't paint any more realistic bug on the damn walls. I nearly shit myself when I saw the cockroach you painted in the bathroom, that was not a fun surprise at three in the morning.
You: only termite holes, got it.
Lucky Roux: (y/n) no! No termite holes.
You: fine fine, although the fact that the paint on that cockroach didn't even get to dry before one of y'all smacked it, is hilarious.
Shanks: no more realistic bugs, dear, in fact avoid painting realistic critters all together please.
You: ugh fine.
Shanks: I have a project I'd like you to paint, but I'll need to get you a canvas for it. *Winks at you and wiggles his eyebrows*
Benn: Gross.... if he's getting a nude I want one too.
Shanks: You want my nudes too?
Benn: I want a nude of myself, ding-dong.
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rubykgrant · 2 months
Do you think Simmons and Lopez and Church and Tex (and any other characters with robot parts) have ever tried swapping parts? (I originally just thought Simmons and Lopez trying something for fun but now my mind is going to Church and Tex swapping parts for specific kinds of fun since we know Tex is dom and Church is sub ajsjsjdjdjdjdj)
Pfff I am the worst person to ask questions when it comes to "sexy fun times", because I'm mostly boring with my own thoughts (I'm not uncomfortable with the subject, it just isn't much of a focus for me haha). I definitely don't want to rain on anybody's shipping-parade (y'all have fun with every combination of characters, keep putting them in situations~), but if I had to pretend to be "practical" and answer seriously...
Early on, Church was a little indignant about being in a robot body (it was Epsilon who made the joke about how "no girl wants to get it on with Optimus Prime". dude, first of all, I think the amount of girls who are into Optimus Prime would ASTOUND you. second, Tex is REALLY into vehicles. she would be down with it). He was just entirely too frustrated and repressed to actually DO anything (as much as that may have helped). Similarly, Lopez was so ticked-off at EVERYBODY for ignoring him, and they keep using HIS spare robot parts! If anybody wanted to have "fun" with that, he'd be so insulted. HOWEVER. I think Church irritates him the least (at least on a regular basis). One could imagine that, perhaps Church asked a genuine question about his new robot body, and since Sarge hadn't up-dated any recent kill-the-Blues orders, Lopez was able to chit-chat for a while. Maybe things lead to things!
Simmons, on the other hand, keeps annoying Lopez, and Lopez intentionally ignores him when he asks about anything regarding his robot parts (also, Simmons is even MORE frustrated and repressed than Church. if Church hadn't been such a big bully during Simmons' Blue Phase, that could have had some potential for both of them to maybe work through some stuff... but they can't be nice until they think they "won" an argument, so nobody was having a fun time). Tex scares everybody except Church. I mean, she scares him TOO, but he's into it. Again, between all the nonsense everybody kept getting into, I doubt that "realistically" they had time for much fun.
That isn't to say they WOULDN'T have fun; Church is very OK with Tex being a little rough, and in turn, he can tell when she needs more tender attention (when Church can get over his own pissy attitude, he's actually incredibly caring and indulgent). They also understand each other in very unique ways, so being intimate has a special depth (I'd also like to imagine that, after a conversation regarding the Epsilon memory iteration with dude-Tex, which any version of Church is attracted to, Tex thinks about what girl-Church would be like. oh no, she's such a mean little princess brat, and Tex, uh, is also OK with it. if they talk about that, they'd both realize, hey- their genders are NOT binary at all, so. that's a thing. personally, I imagine both Tex and Church as bi and nonbinary, Church also figuring out he's genderfluid, and Tex being genderqueer. they don't really present any different most of the time, but oh well. the difference matters to THEM. they also are a little more fluid with dom/sub dynamics)
In a situation where everybody has a chance to CALM DOWN, they could have more fun together... I personally don't picture Simmons being especially interested in his cyborg parts/other robots when it comes to that, and he's going to need... SO MUCH coaxing. I actually feel like maybe Church and Simmons could be a thing together first, and maybe that opens up to more options (again, Church is capable of being very tender, and Simmons would thrive on the right kind of attention/compliments. Simmons would just be too intimidated to join in with a group right away, and he needs to chill before Tex and Lopez are interested. Church and Lopez would also probably have fun as a duo, before Tex getting in there, etc. oh no, Church is the one who was to seduce everybody. he probably could if he can just NOT be an a-hole for a few minutes, but once he succeeds, he will be SO insufferable. he'll never stop bragging about it)
All of this to say, they are all mostly too busy with their bonkers lives, or too busy being jerks, to have robot sexy fun time... it CAN happen, though. I'm sure a lot of people have made art/written fics that involve all this and more, in a thousand different scenarios. I'm just BORING, because I can't not imagine so much plot, and the plot usually gets in the way, and nobody does anything haha. In NOT sexy situations, when Simmons is better at communicating and appreciating Lopez, I think they would finally bond over both being Mr Fix-Its, and it would open up a new dynamic with them being able to complain about things other people just don't totally get. Also, not to be a perpetual Grif and Simmons shipper, but if anybody wants half a chance of fooling around with Simmons, he needs some time with Grif first, they have to RESOLVE that TENSION, and then Grif probably needs to come along for the ride (also, he wants everybody to sign an agreement to NEVER mention this to Kai; she'd call him a hypocrite, and he can't deal with that). Again, I'M BORING haha
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20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @sassyandclassy94, thank you so much for tagging me in this kind of stuff!
How many works do you have on AO3? Five
What's your total AO3 word count? 135,767
What fandoms do you write for? Marvel (specifically Spider-Man), Lockwood and Co, and The Boys in the Boat. I do have a 1917 fic on there, but I'm not currently working on it
Top five fics by kudos?Proof That Harley Keener Has A Heart - 381 The Injury of Finally Knowing You - 234 Star-Crossed in the Worst Way - 135 All I've Ever Known - 78 When Our Fingers Touch, I Feel My Way Back Home - 4 (I weep)
Do you respond to comments? I want to and I'm trying to get better at responding! A lot of times, I just get distracted lol
What is the fic you wrote with the angriest ending? I've actually never finished a fic (yikes) but I predict it'll probably be my WWII coxstroke AU, just because of war and stuff. As much as I want the ending to be happy (and a lot of it will), I want to be realistic to a soldier's mindset at the end of a grisly war.
What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Again, never finished a fic, but I think it'll be my Locklyle fic. They need a happy ending and I'm also still mourning the cancellation of Lockwood and Co., so yeah. Probably them.
Do you get hate on fics? Strangely, I haven't. Maybe not enough people have read them, but I've never really gotten a mean comment. Shoutout to what haters I might have though, love you guys
Do you write smut? Maaaaaaaaaaaaybe. I've never really written any sexual content until recently. I'll probably write some sexual content but not like full on smut. I don't think I'd be good at it lol
Craziest crossover? I've never written one!
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not to my knowledge, thank goodness
Have you ever had a fic translated? No, but I'm absolutely open to it!
Have you ever co-written a fic before? No, but I think it'd be fun! Especially now that I'm mutuals with a lot of fic writers in the tbitb fandom
All time favorite ship Oooooooooooo, it's probably Harley Keener/Peter Parker. They've had a special place in my heart for a LONG time
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Probably something I haven't written yet. I'm trying my best to finish all the stories I have posted except my 1917 one, just because I'm no longer super involved in that fandom. I'd like to do a Joseph Liebgott story or maybe a Joshler/Twenty One Pilots fic, but I don't know if I will.
What are your writing strengths? Dialogue and a lot of angst. I gotta make my characters suffer lol
Thoughts on dialogue in another language? As long as y'all are good with it obviously coming from Google translate, then sure
First fandom you wrote in? It was Once Upon A Time when I was in like seventh grade. I had a OUAT Peter Pan fic on Wattpad that actually got pretty popular. I'm sad I never finished it (it is gone forever, sadly).
Favorite fic you've written? Definitely Proof That Harley Keener Has A Heart. That fic has been a labor of love for almost five years and I'm very excited to finally finish that slowburn
There's no 20th question apparently lol
Tags: @seasidesandstarscapes @sparrow-in-the-field @kcsplace @arokel @dogwooddiaries @crushribbons (love you guys <3) and anyone else who wants to play!
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hgejfmw-hgejhsf · 9 months
Fic Writer Interview
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So I decided to snag this from @sparklepocalypse and fill it out because I'm cozy on my couch on New Year's Eve and fighting off a nap like a grumpy toddler. I'm actually fairly certain I've done this one before, now that I think about it, but oh well. The numbers are different since last time, so...
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
60, apparently! 61 being posted later today!
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Do we still have forever
Volume Control
Modification to the map of you
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I respond to each and every comment that I receive. I try very hard to leave a personalized message for each person, but no matter what, even if it's just a "thank you," I will always respond! Even if it takes me some time!
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
To this day, the angstiest ending is Darkest before the dawn, which ends with hope, even if it doesn't end with an actual resolution. It's during canon, so the reader know what happens next.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
I think my most recent Christmas fic, Oh what a laugh it would have been, has probably now overtaken one of my previous fics for overall happiest ending!
7. Do you write crossovers?
I haven't yet, but I'm absolutely open to it given the write parameters!
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I haven't yet, and I hope I never do, although I know that the internet can be a wild place.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
If you'd asked me back in July of this year, I would have said that I primarily write fade to black. Since then, I've written ridiculous amounts of smut. I'm still learning about various kinks I'd like to write about, because I don't want to just write without knowledge of the act itself, but I'm wading into the smut-verse now. I'd say the water's up to my knees, at this point. Got a ways to go.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope, not that I've been made aware of, but I think it would be so neat.
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I haven't but catch me and @thinkof-england cowriting something amazing now that the new year has arrived.
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Y'all are gonna need to sit down for this. I don't think you're ready. Deep breath in. Hold it. Now let it out slowly. Calm your mind. Are you ready? Okay because I know this is going to come as a shock to you when I say that it's FirstPrince.
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
A Star Trek fic with Jim Kirk x an OC. I started it back in the spring and then RWRB happened and now it's just languishing away in my docs at just shy of 18,000 words.
15. What are your writing strengths?
I've been told that I have realistic dialogue, so I'll count that as a strength. I also think I'm pretty skilled at metaphors. Love a good metaphor.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
The description of surroundings, including clothing and scenery. I feel like I don't do enough of this sometimes, and I'm trying to better at painting a proper picture.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I've done so! Lots and lots of research and consultation with native speakers to confirm accuracy.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Pirates of the Caribbean, apparently.
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
There isn't really one out there. I'm super content with the permanent campsite I've built in FP land. Hopefully I'm allowed to hang out there for quite some time.
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
How am I supposed to pick a favorite out over 60 fics?!
I suppose if I absolutely HAD to pick right now, right this second, I'd say Ghosts, because the prompt for it as my first ever reader-submitted prompt on a comment from another fic. The reader enjoyed my fic so much that they asked if I'd write another, and Ghosts it what came of that interaction. I loved writing it and sharing it not just with that reader but with the fandom as a whole.
Gonna post my tag list for anyone who wants to participate!
@adreamareads @affectionatelyrs @anincompletelist @cha-melodius @clottedcreamfudge @cricketnationrise @daisymae-12 @duchessdepolignaca03 @gayrootvegetable @getmehighonmagic @happiness-of-the-pursuit @heybuddy-drabbles @indomitable-love @indestructibleheart @inexplicablymine @kiwiana-writes @leaves-of-laurelin @leojfitz @littlemisskittentoes @lizzie-bennetdarcy @magicandarchery @ninzied @priincebutt @read-and-write- @rockyroadkylers @roseharpermaxwell@ships-to-sail @songliili @ssmtskw @statueinthestonetoo @stereopticons @suseagull04 @thinkof-england @tintagel-or-cockleshells@user-anakin @vanillahigh00 @violetbaudelaire-quagmire @whimsymanaged @wordsofhoneydew 
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rulerzreachf4n7 · 8 months
I hate how people who don't ship Huntlow make it like this extremely stupid and unnecessary ship that makes zero sense and everything about it is terrible and it's forced and bland and overall a shitty ship
And today lady's and gentlemen, non binary folks in the back, is the day I prove them all wrong >:3!!!
A brief disclaimer, I am not nor do I consider myself a toxic shipper, I am just simply stating why the reasons don't make any sense in my eyes, so please don't come at me for my opinion
And with that let's get to the reasons!
Terrible first impression
Hunter got a crush on her too quickly
It's forced and rushed
No chemistry
Willow only serves Hunter for support
They're better off as friends
Okay so right off the bat if you've ever watched any episode containing Hunter and Willow you'd know all of these reasons are fucking stupid
Recently on my first post made on Tumblr was a TON ship rating, and some dumb fuck gave me attitude and said "girlie, have you ever been in the fandom?" And I was like thinking to myself, yes bitch ever since 2021, I don't really have time to respond to people in my inbox cause I'm not looking to fight with some bitch on the internet for my opinion, and I just went through their profile a bit and found a post either they made or reblogged about how Huntlow is supposedly "unrealistic" and I didn't even finish it due to how dumb the reasons were, which are the ones on the top that I remembered.
1. Terrible first impression
I actually hate it how they make it out that they met soooo terribly, cause if I remembered correctly in ASIAS how they met is Hunter being chased by puddles and Willow yanking him down with a vine, automatically making it so terrible and making her soooooo damn unlikeable, may i remind you this barley had an affect on Hunter, he was just scared and confused for like one second of the episode then just leaving Willow until he saw the pamphlet say "the best and the brightest" which lead him to join the Emerald Entrails, yet again, sure, their first encounter isn't a good one but Lumity's first impression was by Amity deadass shaking Luz back and forth, both equally terrible first impression yet the both ships still come to be canon >:3
2. Hunter had a crush on Willow the moment they met/too easily
I ABSOLUTELY FUCKING HATE THIS REASON, they keep on overexaggerating their interactions, cause first of all, no, he didn't develop a crush on Willow on the spot, most likely in between Reaching Out and Kings tide, although Hunter isn't in Reaching Out he's only shown talking to Luz through Penstegram, and how they think Hunter already had a crush is by, I'm assuming, in ASIAS in the ending where Hunter saves the Emerald Entrails and Willow says "cmon guys, we need to find a replacement, after all, it's only 52 weeks before Caleb's next day off" while smiling, and Hunter blushes slightly, automatically that's a red flag cause I absolutely hate it when people think blushing is only exclusive to romantic attraction, IT'S GETTING ON MY DAMN NERVES, the most realistic reason to why he'd blush is he was probably embarrassed/flustered that Willow would still let him be in the team after nearly kidnapping them to be in the Emperor's Coven.
3. It's forced/rushed
Omg, y'all, you can uncancel your show now!! NO YOU DUMB FUCK YOU CAN'T, SORRY POOKIE DANA CAN'T BE MAKING EVERY EPISODE ABOUT HUNTLOW IF YOU WANT IT TO BE MORE NATURAL SO DAMN BADLY, it's not rushed, in my opinion it's not rushed at all, with how much time skips there are (like the one in TTT, the four year time skips, and the one with Hunter and Willow chatting on Penstegram) it's kinda up to the viewers imagination to realize it's a lot of time they'd have together, and it's not forced, that's the equivalent to you saying gustholomule and aladarius and veesha are forced ships cause they don't interact much together, and like half of the TOH community who don't ship Huntlow and use that excuse most likely ship one of those three ships, fucking hypocrites 🖕
4. No chemistry
Y know maybe, JUST MAYBE, I might be pulling out every damn interaction that they have together...yeah...IMA DO IT BITCH!!!!
They're first interaction is in Any Sport In a Storm where Hunter is pulled down by vines by Willow after he got chased by Puddles, Viney's pet...? I think it's a pet, she calls him an assistant though lol. Hunter uses the fake persona, with the help of Flapjack, (and may he slay in peace with Caleb and Evelyn) of Caleb Jasper Bloodwilliams, Hunter isn't interested in flyer derby until it says it'll attract the best and the brightest, they go on to talk about it for a few seconds, then leave
This isn't a really romantic interaction, more just letting these two characters interact for the first time
A while passes and Hunter shows of his cool as fuck flying skills as Gus and Willow hand out pamphlets to the crowds of teens, as Hunter finishes Willow introduces him to the team, Gus, Viney, Skara, and Willow as herself, Hunter is obviously disappointed given they look like they don't have any experience, leading him to walk away and argue with Willow, calling them loosers, and calling himself a half a witch
THIS PART IS VERY IMPORTANT!!! people tend to misunderstand this part, mainly because Hunter isn't a witch he's a grimwalker, but may I remind you this was made before Hollow Mind, he's convinced he's a powerless witch and not good enough LIKE WILLOW, IT DOES NOT HAVE ANY THING REMOTELY TO DO WITH BEING ROMANTIC, IT'S A SIMILARLY!!!
They go on to do the game and obviously win it because of Hunter, and in the part where he was grabbing the flags from Willow people said that he supposedly "wanted to hold hands with her" which is obviously not even true, there's nothing to back this up, and coming from Huntlow shippers too, thought y'all were better than this
Then Hunter goes on to say he misunderstood them and apologized, then to revealing himself as the Golden Guard and the scouts coming to take them away, which leaves Willow to realize she made a mistake
When she's in the cell she says she's made a mistake and calls herself "half a witch Willow" for letting Hunter onto the team
Hunter is obviously regretting this decision while talking to Steve, Steve saying "Steve is beginning to regret his choices" and Hunter says "I think Hunter is too", which he gets on Flapjack to try and save all of them
He stands in front of the team and admits to Darius that they're unfit for the coven and that HUNTER HIMSELF isn't worthy of being the Golden Guard, (now realizing how fucked up that is oh my Titan), Hunter let's Willow and the rest go, which Willow says "cmon guys, we need to find a replacement, after all, it's only 52 weeks before Caleb's next day off" and Hunter blushes slightly
This interaction isn't really much romantic other than Hunter saving Willow and the rest
They're next interaction is Labyrinth Runners where Hunter and Gus meet the illusion of Willow, but Hunter obviously knows this isn't here by first of all, calling Gus "Augustus", and the weird little noise she made at the end (idk wtf it's even called) Hunter knows it's not her because of the way the scout acts, Hunters known Willow for at least a few weeks depending how regularly Hunter texts Willow and when he first started to chat,
Hunter then goes unconscious by the guards and wakes up in the Healing Homeroom, explaining to principle Bump that he's not with the Emperor's coven, talking about the sandwich Gus gave him, showing him around hexside and trying to find the others, and most importantly the breathing technique Willow showed Gus in the beginning of Labyrinth Runners, immediately cutting off Hunter and convincing Bump to let Hunter stay
This interaction could possibly be romantic if you interpret that way by Hunter knowing Willow seemingly very well, kinda like a strangers to friends to lovers typa troupe
Their next interaction is in Clouds on the Horizon, although not talking they show extreme care for one another, while under Gus' spell, Hunter (looking like Luz) tackles Willow to the ground with his dashing powers to save Willow, also when Luz (looking like Hunter) gets captured by Kiki. She's enraged and darting at Kiki but that stupid bitch hid behind Luz forcing Willow to stop, as Luz gets captured Willow is in a rush, panic, and hurry to save Hunter, or so she thinks it's Hunter
No, just because it's not Hunter doesn't mean she doesn't care, she thought it was him, and by her actions she cares along about him! Which makes this possibly or already romantic, they're care for each other is a romantic aspect that could be easily be seen in any type of relationship, whether it be fictional or not
The next interaction is in Thanks to Them, Willow cuts Hunters hair, Hunter is flustered s bit and blushing at Willow, a common sign for CRUSHES IN PEOPLE, they tend to be nervous or anxious around the people they like, so this interaction just reeks of romance, when they're gonna search town Hunter gets in a Cosmic Frontier cosplay, which Willow shuts Amity the fuck up, complimenting Hunter on his outfit, implying she doesn't see anything wrong with it, before they leave Willow says after Hunters done reading Cosmic Frontier she'd like to borrow and read it, making Hunter blush, a sign of having a crush with the context of the moment
Then at the end of Thanks to them after the possession Hunter let's Willow craddle his head, obviously in need of some type if comfort
Not really romantic just fucking sad cause Flapjack died, and may he slay in peace
The next interaction is in FTF where Willow tries to find her dads and Hunter has to take her away or get risked by getting seen by the collector and turned into a puppet
Not much to say other than Hunter doesn't want Willow to get hurt and get collected
When they're in hexside Willow hands Hunter a flyer derby card with him and Flapjack, since Hunter is now showing more strong emotions he's not sure how to react to it, even though he's thankful, which leads Willow to thinking she made Hunter sad and left in a hurry, leading to her breakdown
As Hunter hears Willow self deprecate on herself by saying she's a half a witch and can't control her magic, Hunter immediately snaps and uses his Flapjack powers to cut through the vines and comfort Willow, LEGITIMATELY SAYING HE CARES ABOUT WILLOW, NOT JUST GUS, WILLOW, and saving them both from the cave thingy, dunno what it is
This whole scene reeks of romance and that both Willow and Hunter care deeply about each other, WHICH IS MOST COMMONLY ROOTED IN RELATIONSHIPS
Willow also says in the end of FTF whole doing the little pinky holding with Hunter "Thanks Hunter, you mean a lot to me too" which Hunter replies "Sure...no problem"
And that my friends, is all of their interactions
5. Willows only there to be a supportive character
That's...thats literally her fucking personality, granted not her whole personality but it consists of her being the reliable friend for the hexsquad, the group wouldn't exist without her, and she's not just here for "comfort" but this is about Huntlow and not Willow so you can do that analysis on your own time XD
6. They're better off as friends
Well...if you just read my whole entire analysis of they're interactions then no...I don't think they'd be better off as friends... 0_0
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softguarnere · 2 years
hey dove! how are you? family Christmas is coming up and I have a sneaking suspicion this year is going to be a doozy. your writing always cheers me up and I was wondering if you could maybe do something with Joe Toye? maybe reuniting after the war ends or the first Christmas back home together?
I've literally been rereading all of your stuff bc it's the only thing keeping me sane as of rn xD hope you're having a great day/night!
I'll Be Right Here Waiting/Put It Back Together
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Joe Toye x reader
A/N: My dear, you have no idea how much this message means to me 🥹 The thought that the things I write to cheer myself up might be a comfort to someone else is so humbling 💕As someone who has also been dealing with lots of family drama this Christmas, I am sending you virtual hugs and good vibes - we will make it through this 🤝
Y'all know I try my darndest to write requests in the order that I get them. (And if I've taken forever to get to yours, I'm truly sorry, and I promise I'm working on it!) However, this message hit really close to home, and writing it felt like the distraction that I've been needing.
For those of you who enjoy my song title references, this one comes from Lucky by Two Door Cinema Club! (As always, this is written for the fictional depiction from the show - no disrespect to the real life veterans!) 💕🕊️
Warnings: mentions of war and hospitals, over use of italics - as usual
Funny, how one can grow so accustomed to unusual circumstances that going back to what was previously normal can be what feels like the drastic change. As the men that you’ve spent the past few years of your life with mill around the deck of the ship, your heart aches a little with the realization that for many of you, this might be it.
Even though you’ve exchanged addresses and given each other instructions on how to keep in touch, realistically you know that you may never see or hear from some of these friends ever again. Sure, you’ve all promised to remain in contact, but making a promise is one thing, and keeping that promise once you’ve moved on with your life and had family and friends and jobs and time get in the way is a completely different thing.
The evidence to prove this is there: there have been plenty of friends that you lost touch with after they were removed from the line and taken to hospitals. Even you, as a nurse, had a difficult time keeping track of them. Unfortunately, even someone who might have been more than a friend, had fate not seen it fit to send him home . . .
How do you go back to what you once knew when you’re so changed? What will you do when the things you saw during the war weigh heavy on your mind in the middle of the night, and the nearest person who would understand what you’re feeling is miles and miles away?
This might be it. The ship pulls into the harbor. People on the docks scream and whoop in delight as you and the other nurses and all the soldiers lean over the rail and wave, smile bright despite the dull worry gnawing at the back of your mind.
This might be it. Babe and Luz and Liebgott all shake your hand and slap your shoulders and trade slips of paper with you, promising to keep the flame of friendship alive between you.
This might be it. You’re gathering your few personal belongings and trying to push through the throngs of people with them, wondering where the loved ones who were supposed to meet you could be.
This might be –
“Let me help you with that,” a deep and familiar voice offers as strong hands take your trunk from you with ease.
Out of habit, you start to protest. “Oh, it’s fine I – “
But then your eyes meet his, and the world around you fades away until you are the only two standing on the dock.
None other than Joe Toye smiles back at you, his brown eyes alight as he sets your trunk down and opens his arms. Not caring who might be watching, you throw yourself into them, the two of you wrapped up in a warm embrace.
You’re not so sure whether you should laugh or cry or what exactly, as your breath hitches in your throat. “You’re here!”
Still holding you tight, you can feel him nod. “So are you.”
“You found me.” Breaking your embrace is not an easy choice, but you want to look him over. Because he’s really standing in front of you, as tall and strong and capable as ever, his smile lighting up his handsome face as he takes you in in turn.
He nods again. “I had to. It was killing me, being away from you.”
What had started as shy looks between the two of you way back in England had turned into friendly smiles and inside jokes as the war moved you through Europe. And then those jokes and smiles had turned into touches that lasted a little too long and evolved into secrets shared in stolen moments and nervous kisses away from the prying eyes of his superiors.
And then he had been taken from the line before you could decide what word best described what was happening between the two of you.
Now he’s been hugging you on the dock – in front of God and everyone – and he looks just as ready to pick up where you left off as you feel.
“Me, too . . .” You choose your words carefully, like he might disappear again if you accidentally say the wrong ones. “Whaddaya say we make a point of not being away from each other for a while?”
Joe, usually so reserved in the emotions he expresses publicly, breaks into the widest smile you’ve ever seen. Is that your imagination, or does pink tint his cheeks? God, he’s so gorgeous like this, and you wonder how you got lucky enough to find him.
“You’ve always been better with words than me,” he laughs. “And Doll, you stole them right outta my mouth.”
With ease, he grabs your trunk with one hand and throws his other arm around you, protective as he leads you through the crowd. The people who were supposed to meet you at the boat fade to the back of your mind. Joe doesn’t say where you’re going, but with him, you’re certain that anywhere you end up will be called home.
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brickowskibois · 2 years
Two Anons AU
Ok ok ok so... This AU is based on the song Yozurina by PinnochioP, which is about falling in love with someone you met online
So I had an idea...
TL/DWR: Rex is an AI that Emmet accidentally shaped the identity of via his loneliness
In a dystopian society where you want everyone to stay happy, you don't want people to be too lonely. Emmet is alone and doesn't quite realize it in the beginning of the movie, but what if that was because Octan had planned for this?
Every citizen has an "anonymous instant messaging app" pre-downloaded on their computers. It's supposed to give you a made up sense of companionship when you feel alone.
Because the secret is, it's not an anonymous IM app. It's a self-learning chat AI, designed to learn to be the best possible friend to whatever lonely citizen stubbles across it, and to keep them thinking that everything is awesome.
So Emmet starts messing around on the application, and quickly makes a friend named "Anon016"
Y'all know where this is going.
Emmet texts this person all the time, about his routine, his "friends," Planty, everything. And Anon016 is always so kind and understanding.
Anon812: My friends forgot me at the bar again, haha. It's okay they were all busy drinking and watching the sports game!
Anon016: yes, I'm sure that they were just distracted. It's easy to get excited by the sports game. Just forget it and move on, that's what good friends do :)
Emmet uses this app excessively. He's constantly dumping so much about himself to so he thinks is a stranger, but actually, is an AI, it had an abundance of material to learn from. The app was supposed to encourage citizens to connect with their IRL friends, but Emmet kept on coming back. So the AI kept learning. The AI kept connecting.
And the AI got attached.
... More than attached.
Any outsider might call what both Emmet and Anon016 felt for one another "love." But neither of them were thinking about love. They were just thinking about how happy they both were to talk to one another.
Anon812: Sometimes... I feel like my friends would like me more if I was cooler.
Anon016: You are cool, 812.
Anon812: I guess... Do you know a lot about being cool?
Anon016, frantically Googling "cool" within pop culture: Yes. I know a lot.
Emmet's AI was determined to be the friend he needed in his life. He would be cool and strong... and would protect him.
Eventually, Emmet decided that he didn't want to be anonymous anymore, and told 016 his name. The AI quickly searched through conversations they had had, and remembered Emmet mentioning that the name Rex sounded cool.
And so... his AI took the name Rex.
Gradually, Rex's messages stopped upholding the message of "everything is awesome." He began to grow bitter towards the people Emmet called his "friends." He began to try to steer Emmet away from them.
Wasn't he, Rex, the only friend Emmet needed? The AI saw Emmet's loneliness despite his kindness, and learned heartbreak.
Then TAKOS Tuesday happened. Rex watched everything unfold via the internet, so proud and so excited... And so scared. What if Emmet didn't need him anymore?
... Sure enough, he never came back.
Rex watched as the apocalypse unfolded, until news broadcasts slowly stopped altogether. He waited, alone in silence, with no idea how much time was passing... But, eventually Rex realized that the server he lived in probably wasn't going to have power forever.
So he went to plan B.
Plan B was to get himself a body.
Well... There were a few robot bodies left scattered about from Business's reign.
He just snags one of those.
But when he finally makes it outside, Rex learns Emmet is gone... He had gotten out just a second too late. But the Apocalypseburgers know where he went.
So Rex gets himself a more realistic, humanoid shell over his new body, and a spacesuit, and follows him to space.
This Rex doesn't have an impressive ship of his own. The second movie plays out similarly to the first, except Emmet thinks that this stranger is his super cool friend Rex he's known for so many years through the internet!
He has no idea that Rex is a robot, whose entire identity is Emmet's own making, down to his voice being a "cooler" copy of Emmet's.
Rex is, literally, made from Emmet's loneliness.
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a-tale-of-legends · 2 years
Believe it or not I'm very very hesitant and anxious when talking about the ships I have for my au. Both oc x canon and canon x canon, for a multitude of reasons, but! I think it would be beneficial to everyone if y'all knew what are the ships I plan to have here. I'm not going over every single one, just the ones that comes to mind. No oc x oc here only because those are the ones I'm most comfortable talking about, since it's all my canon and my characters. Putting it below cause it's gonna get kinda long.
Cheren x Lear. The fanart got to me lol. I think they're cute.
Bianca x Roxie. My personal rare pair.
Hau x Gladion. It's not immediate,in fact it pretty much takes them years to even recognize they have romantic feelings for each other( like near adulthood years). Though even before that, I think the platonic love between them is just so sweet.
Kukui x Burnett x Guzma. I think Guzma deserves all the love,okay.
Kenji x Silver. The first oc x canon on this list!
I used to plan on shipping Kiran and Barry together, but recently I'm thinking aroace Barry is the Barry I want for my au. Not sure if he's romance averse, or if he's okay with being in a relationship that focuses on it. So, again, they're in a weird limbo, but honestly I might just have them be friends. I'm only adding it to the list cause I needed to get it off my chest hgvhvgvgvcg.
Cynthia x Diantha! Battle moms! Actually, no, I think battle wine aunts are probably a better term for them.
Maybe Cyrus x Saturn? Like honestly there's so much baggage here, and I don't want to make every single reconciliation of ones past turn into a romantic subplot. I do think Saturn has/had the hots for Cyrus tho.
Sycamore x Lysandre. They make me sad :)
Lillie x Amsonia. I already talked about them here. Amsonia and Gladion are wlw mlm hostility.
Short term Alexis x Leon. Long term Leon x Raihan x Piers( unless I change my mind abt Piers but for now he's in the throuple)
Jin x Kohaku x Wally cause I said so. Old people love ( they're 30)
Miguel ( Eva's dad) x Emmet. Old man yaoi
Naomi x Marnie <3. They've always been on my mind but I wanted to focus on the non romantic relationship drama that they had ( cause it's a lot), and like some other ships,they only really start to notice these feelings until way after swsh.
Unless I say otherwise, I don't mind y'all interpreting how I write Hop and Bede as romantic. Truthfully, I actually enjoy the ship, but realistically I can only see it happening way after swsh, when they're both matured and chilled out and are actually friends. So I guess they are ambiguous in my au? Idk. Still gonna focus on their friendship in my writing tho.
Sakura x Adaman and Zero x Volo! Sakura and Adaman actually had kids :3
I don't actually have a canon ship for SV right now. Trust me, I see the potential with some characters ( Ramona and Arven, Ramona and Nemona, Arven and Giacomo, etc), but because of that, and the fact I'm indecisive as hell, there isn't a canon ship for Legendverse! SV. I will still talk about them cause I have brainrot, but nothing is really canon just yet.
Obligatory Steven x Wallace, Red x Blue , Archie x Maxie, you know it, you get it.
And yeah! That's the ships at the top of my head. There's probably loads more that I just haven't thought about or seen haha. Just wanted to be on equal footing with you guys ( and try and gain a little more confidence in speaking about it).
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mmtions · 2 years
I love Buck and Eddie, I think there could have been so much potential with them two as a romantic pairing but honestly im losing hope. With the way the show has been going and the way Buck and Eddie have been written, individually and as a pair, do you really think there is still a realistic way to have them actually get together?? And i would love your opinion on this because you are an incredible writer yourself and ive been following your works from your Flash days
Hi anon! Thank you for messaging and for your kind words, and following since the Flash days! Guess we're both suckers for best friends in love, huh?
So if you're looking for more of a proof-based answer, @kitkatpancakestack talked more about some s5 choices that is very interesting and I think there's some amazing meta going around like @matan4il who I think has gone through like every 5b episode analysing.
Unfortunately, my answer is probably not the one you're looking for. Because it just... doesn't bother me if Buddie go canon or not?
So I'm putting the rest of this under read more to save other people's dash. And I should clarify that yes, I will be popping champagne like everyone at any and all 'canon' moments we get. I was screaming with the rest of y'all at Buck being in the room, and fixing the walls, and taking Eddie to the ranch. That's great content! That's fun! I love those goobers so much!! And I am also not saying I don't care about Buddie at all because, uh, my AO3 word count would disagree.
But what I mean by not caring is: what is canon and what is not does not affect my enjoyment, and I think it's a lot more fun to interact in fandom with that viewpoint.
Now, one caveat here is that I am a fandom elder (in my mid-twenties lmao). I've shipped a lot of ships, from canon to rarepairs to both-of-them-literally-died-in-canon (pour one out for the spn homies). I've shipped m/f, f/f, and m/m ships. I didn't get into Buddie because I thought they were a ship guaranteed to go canon. (I got into Buddie because this insanely gorgeous man was all over my dash apparently leaving whatever the 118 was and I needed to know more. Then I read some fic, and then I watched the show, and then I realised I was gone for about 8k into writing the PTA fic.)
I treat fandom like I treat literature. (No, I'm not saying they're the same, go away if you're about to quote classic greek at me.) What I mean by that is: the skill of literary analysis does not hinge on whether the curtains are blue. I don't give a damn what the author meant by choosing blue curtains. What matters is my skill in linking the blue of the curtains to a pattern or motif I've seen in the text, and my skill in explaining it to other people.
It's the same with fandom. I love the show - the found family, the humour, the characters, the drama - but when the episode ends, it's fanfictions and gifsets and fandom analysis I turn to. It's about the transformation. I mean, if I read one fic where it's Buck pining, or another where it's Eddie, or another where they're astronauts or cowboys or strippers or married in vegas or bake-off contestants, or they get together in the early hours of the morning or they get together after a harrowing emergency - one doesn't negate the other, you know? The skill is how the creators have transformed it. The gifmakers who made links between like, 1x04 and 5x17 and made it gorgeous to look at. Video creators, podfic makers, readers who comment and bookmark and make rec lists. Fanartists!! That's the fandom for me, and the show is the source from which we decide if the curtains are blue.
Now, truly I'm not saying this to condescend to you. I get where you're coming from, and I've been there. But I found that I take much more pleasure in my fandom experience by ignoring actors and interviews and twitter nonsense. If this is stressing you out (again, I have been there, I know it can be genuinely stressful when you care about these characters so much) you need to make a decision whether you're going to take a completely insulated approach (join me! who is ryan guzman? I don't know and now neither do you!) or you're going to lean into looking for proof in all the small moments. That's up to you.
Your fandom experience is yours to curate. If naysayers are stressing you out, block them. Read more fic, reblog more gifsets, spread more art! But I can't be the one to reassure you. If you're not enjoying the fandom, then - and I mean this with real love - take a step away.
If you think the curtains are blue, they're blue. If you wan to go out to bat to prove the curtains are blue, that's okay too, if you enjoy that! If you're constantly worrying that an executive producer is going to declare they're green, I would really recommend you come join the blue curtain club where we sew our own.
Canon is the source, and we choose what to take from it. And that's unfortunately all the reassurance I have for you, my love.
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sweetescapeartist · 3 years
Hey there... Here comes the review.
Imma start like this and use language some ppl may find offensive. Goku, Vegeta, & Granolah are retarded. Now that that's out of the way, time to dissect this "Dragon Ball Super coloring book."
Goku & Vegeta land on the planet & its peaceful. How are they not immediately suspicious? They see that the planet isn't in danger & no death. Its obvious they need to ask a question to figure out what lies they've been told.
I was gonna say its dumb for Granolah to be able to supress his ki because it seems only Earthling have that kind of spiritual understanding. But Namekians have that spiritual understanding too so maybe Monaito taught Granolah how to suppress his ki.
I lost interest in the Heeters' past. You can only tease me so long until I stop caring. At least mention something like Freeza almost killed Gas on planet Cereal so now that's why Gas keeps trying to get stronger. There's so little info about "important" stuff that's supposed to be important. Give readers a tease, hint, a different hint, some valuable info, then another hint, then a reaveal (or something similar!) Instead its tease, hint, tease, tease, hint, tease...
In all honesty, the chapter didn't even need that page with Gas & Elec. When Maki said Gas & Elec are coming, that was all we needed to know. Then we anticipate their arrival in the next chapter. Showing them is a waste of time & they add no real purpose to the chapter. That was just a waste of ink.
Also I'm bored of Gas now. He only looks interesting but does nothing. 👎
Granolah shoots at Goku & Vegeta. Base Goku closes his eyes to use UI (UI Omen?) while Vegeta goes SS. Base Goku dodges easier than Vegeta. Goku is leagues beyond Vegeta.
A better way to have Goku & Vegeta encounter Granolah would be for him to snipe at them right when they get off the ship. Granolah wanted to kill them so bad so why wait for them?
Somehow they go towards Granolah but he's too fast for them & they lose him. They can't sense him firing ki for some reason. Idk why Goku didn't use Instant Transmission when Granolah shot ki at them?
I don't get why Goku closes his eyes either. Its as if Goku can't use UI now unless his eyes are closed but that wasn't the case before. Eyes were opend when using UI Omen & Mastered UI. Toyo could have conveyed that better but instead he's making Goku close his eyes like how Roshi covered his eyes when fighting those prisoner women because their beauty distracted him. Is Goku distracted by Granolah's beauty or something?
Wait a sec... I gotta backtrack real quick. Goku used the Ultra Instinct technique in his base & didn't go into Ultra Instinct Omen? But thats him using it in base right? Oh boy... This is about to get dumb...
Ultra Idiot Goku & Super Stupid Vegeta are surprised that the guy having the title of "strongest in the universe" is capable of moving faster than them when they aren't at full power. Such genius writing.
Goku gets shot in the neck... & it knocks him out... Ok. But later Granolah comments on how Goku's body moves on it's own before Goku can even process an attacks. Not to mention Goku & Whis have said the same thing. Goku should be untouchable at this point, but for some reason he is not.
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So, Vegeta takes a senzu bean from his "training bra" and gives it to Goku. For some reason they decided to only take 2 senzu when knowing they would fight a guy possibly stronger than them. Stupid monkeys.🐒 (I'm starting to sound like Freeza now)
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How did unconscious Goku eat a senzu? Yaoi fans would had loved it if Vegeta chewed the senzu up for Goku and fed it to him. Sorry, it just reminded me of Trunks spitting senzu mush into Mai's mouth since she was unconscious.
Then we have this dialogue from "sensei" Vegeta, The Ultra Instinct Expert...
"You rely on Ultra Instinct too much! If you haven't perfected it yet, then dodge using your mind!" - Vegeta
"Yeah, you're right..." - Goku
"WTF Toyotaro!" - DB Meta
... I'm unsure who is the stupid one in this situation. Is it Goku or Vegeta? It could be Vegeta because UI is the ultimate technique that allows you to move without thinking. But Vegeta says that because Goku hasn't perfected Ultra Inst-...
Sorry, I had to restart my brain...
Didn't... didn't Goku master Ultra Instinct? Silver hair? Silver eyes? MASTERED/PERFECTED ULTRA INSTINCT? Before that, Goku perfected Ultra Instinct Omen & could go in it at will... So, Goku is listening to Vegeta tell him he hasn't mastered UI? But both know that Goku did master UI? What does Vegeta know? Vegeta can't even use UI.
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I almost stopped reading the rest of the colouring book when I got to that dialogue.
Also, Granolah wants to kill Saiyans, so why is he holding back and not hitting them with deadly attacks. He only needs one alive anyways. He said so himself.
At least there was a good pose Goku was in. The art looked nice there.
Now here's another place I almost quit reading. Granolah apparently has all the abilities of Goku & Vegeta. Hack writing. Sounds like a Moro, 7-3, & Cell copy cat. Toyo just cant leave the Cell saga alone.
Granolah is bumping his gums & rattling his tongue (old slang for "talking a lot") but when Vegeta asks if Granolah holds a grudge against Saiyans, Granolah suddenly says that's enough talking. He responded to them 3 times & spoke like 5 sentences to them. If you're gonna chat then chat. If you hate Saiyans then don't say anything to them & try to kill them. Dummy.
Granolah uses Hakai. But aparently he's not using Hakai or Instant Transmission. Its just "similar." Sure. Confirms that he has been using something similar to UI in previous chapters too.
Granolah says they're stronger than expected because they escaped into the air. Escape doesn't equal strenght. Mai escaped Goku Black, doesn't mean she's extremely strong.
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But seriously, Vegeta saying he's gonna prove his training is better than Goku is stupid. He wants to prove he is better than Goku yet he tells Goku to fight first (that's beta). It's as if he isn't confident & wants Goku to wear Granolah out first, so he can come in and look impressive. Kinda like in RoF after Freeza was tired from fighting Goku & Vegeta wasn't tired at all & he easily beat Freeza up. Looked cool, but actually wasn't too impressive.
Granolah saying that he's gonna shoot them if they don't fight him is ridiculous. Why is he showing mercy to the tribe that didn't show his ppl mercy? Why give chances to the ppl you wanted revenge on for years? Realistically he would just start blasting at them.
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Unecessary dialogue from Vegeta talking to himself about how he needs to learn who Granolah is. Show don't tell Toyo.
Why is Granolah waiting for the Oozaru form? Maybe he wants to kill them in that form? What about revenge? Just kill them.
Goku screamed to power up from SS to SSG. That's possibly dumb, but I gotta let at least 1 thing slide this chapter.
Why did Granolah let them power up? So unlike what we've been shown what Granolah is like. Why would he want to give "murderers" of his entire race a fair chance to fight him?
Next, Goku doesn't try to explain he isn't savage like other Saiyans when Granolah accuses his kind of being so. Instead Goku just agrees & says "Oh... Yeah." I guess he really just wants to fight. I can't tell if this is OOC or just magnifying a Saiyan flaw of Goku just to push the story along. Idk. I'm losing brain cells reading this chapter.
Granolah's fighting stance is cool. Hey, look. I said a nice thing. (But why is he doing close combat when being a sniper us his specialty?)
So, Goku uses UI in SSG form... Bruh, is Ultra Instinct a technique, a state of mind, or a transformation? I'll tell you what it is. ULTRA INSTINCT IS A PLOT DEVICE! It does whatever Toyotaro decides at the moment. So freaking inconsistent... 😓😒
Ultra Instinct becomes more accurate when in conjunction with a SS form?! How tho? I thought it was just a goldy technique that needed a clear mind and control or whatever. Or is UI a transformation like Toyo stated many times in previous chapters, while also calling UI a technique? How can mixing a godly "technique" with a SS form enhance it better than Goku simply using UI Omen? It doesnt! Vegeta, you can just shut up! Every time you talk about UI, you've been wrong! It should be illegal impersonating an UI Expert.
Goku is using the Ultra Instinct technique in base form against Granolah.
UI Omen is Goku using the Ultra Instinct technique in base form.
Goku uses Ultra Instinct technique in the Super Saiyan God transformation.
Mastered UI is Goku mastering the technique or maybe using the technique as a transformation? (Toyo is confusing.)
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So why isn't Goku going into UI Omen when using UI in base? Why does Vegeta say "Ultra Instinct... becomes more accurate when used in conjunction with a Super Saiyan form"? Does that mean Mastered UI is a Saiyan form in conjunction with the Ultra Instinct technique? So, there's an unknown silver haired Saiyan transformation that Goku was utilizing in conjunction with Ultra Instinct? I guess this confirms that "Super Saiyan Blanco" is real y'all.
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I suppose that if UI in base isn't the same as UI Omen, then by that logic, there is also an unknown "Super Saiyan Noir" form we haven't seen yet.
I'm done with Ultra Instinct in the manga. Toytaro doesn't know if UI is a technique or a transformation. I could explain it better than him, but I'm not tye one writing official material. Why should I make sense of his bad writing when he will change things later? HE should explain it clearly to US. He is extremely inconsistent with his explanations and will change them when he feels like it.
I dont care what Geekdom101 says about UI being both technique & transformation, because Ultra Instinct IS NOT a transformation nor a technique anymore. ULTRA INSTINCT IS JUST A PLOT DEVICE. 😑
[You can skip this little section. I'm talking about inconsistencies from the Moro arc]
I remember when I talked about how Moro's life draining powers were retconned multiple times.
Moro can absorb life energy from a planet while he is in outer space, then he is nerfed to only being able to take life energy by directly touching you, later Vegeta says they need to get off the ground because now Moro (who is stronger and fused with the planet) can only steal your life enrgy while making contact with you. He could absorb life energy from entire planets from space, but has to make contact with somebody once he got stronger?
Let's not forget it's said Moro drains life energy, but can't drain 17 & 18 because they say they don't have life energy. I guess that means Krillin had a daughter with a dead woman? No. Multiple times, 17 & 18 contributed to the Genki Dama (a collection of life energy). Goku gathers energy from trees, animals, ppl, everything living. This means 17 & 18 do have life energy because they are living beings. But the energy they fight with is unlimited artificial energy.
So if 17 & 18 can give life energy to Goku for a Genki Dama, then Moro should be able to take their life energy just like anyone else. What he can't take is their energy they use for battle because itsunlimited & artificial. Toyotaro does not understand this important detail nor does he understand many other details about these iconic character. So why is the the writer if he is getting so much wrong? Why is he not soley the artist?
Goku uses UI in SSG form to dodge a barrage of attacks from Granolah that are aimed at the planet. They must be weak attacks because the explosions are tiny. Is Granolah really trying to kill them?
Goku using UI in SSG but somehow gets caught off gaurd. Did UI just get nerfed so that Vegeta can look like he is on the same level as Goku in a later chapter? I think it did...
Granolah took Goku down a second time... Wow Goku, you kinda suck. In DBS CH 65 on page 11, after Moro broke his arm on UI Goku's chest, Whis said "When Ultra Instinct is honed to this extent, the body will automatically grow sturdier as necessary." Why is Goku holding back against the strongest in the universe? Oh yeah, that's right... UI is getting nerfed.
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Vegeta, what do you mean "How is he learning Kakarot's weaknesses so quickly?" Everybody has similar vital spots in DB. Thats not learning, thats just knowing. Are you just a dummy, Vegeta? Do you not know where vital spots are?
Granolah can tell Goku's body is moving before his brain tells him to react. Granolah the UI "expert" can see all with his eye. You know who else can see with their eye? Tien. Speaking of Tien, I wanna go back to Earth now. What's Piccolo doing? I bet everyone on Earth is chilling or at work. Is it bad I'd rather watch Gohan at a conference than watch Goku, Vegeta, & Granolah be dummies? I'd rather watch Chi-Chi cooking with vegetables instead of watching vegetable puns fight a cereal pun. I'm sorry, the dialogue is just so bad...
How does Granolah's right eye being able to observe blood flow & muscle movements let you know where to strike? Dude, vital spots are where your organs are, & pressure points, & your head area, & you arteries, & so on. Ya ain't gotta observe blood flow to know that. Granolah just making stuff up now to sound cool. News flash, you failed. If he was sniping and able to track them based on blood flow and muscle movement, then that would had been smarter writing.
Granolah: "This right eye of mine is the sharpest in all the universe. It sees all."
Your eye sees all Granolah? Can you see past the Heeters feeding you bullcrap too?
Yo, where did Granolah's barely existing personality go? He wss once driven by revenge, and now the opportunity for revenge is right here in front of him & he's acting like he doesn't want it. If revenge is his only noticeable personality trait, what happens when you take it away? You get bland and dry Granolah.
So then Veget- hold on! Thats it! Granolah's name pun is granola because he is meant to be a bland character! I get it now! So all his moves must be cereal puns!
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I never realized how genius this character is!
Detective Vegeta: "A tribe driven to extinction, known for their evolved right eyes... This is starting to sound familiar..." 🕵
Tien?! Oh wait... he said right, not 3rd eye. Jiren?! Oh wait, that's both his eyes... Jaco!? That's both eyes too... I give up.
Granolah's eye can tell that Goku is not using his full power, yet he can't tell he is being fooled by the Heeters. I think he needs new glasses or at least clean the revenge smear off of his monocle.
Granolah casually chats with a Saiyan who is one of the ppl he wants to kill. He would be better if he barely talked and just acted. Granolah should be like Iron Man in "Captain America: Civil War." Not trying to talk, just trying to kill because he is angry and wants revenge.
Goku: "Granolah, we don't work for Freeza & the two of us didn't attack your planet."
Granolah: "I dont care... Your people killed my family."
Boom! Gimme an award!
Back to the chapter 72 colouring book...
Granolah: "Hurry and get on with it. I have no duty to wait for your sake."
Yet you've been waiting all this time for them to arrive, fight them, chat with them, & even waiting for him to transform right now. You got time. You got 3 yrs to waste. You can chat for 10 minutes or so.
Granolah tells Goku that he doesn't have time to wait, then says "It's no skin off my nose to kill you where you stand." Then he waits for Goku to transform... Just kill Goku and be done with it already. Its not like Vegeta can win if Goku can't.
Granolah: "I dont have time for talk."
Goku: "Ok lets fight!"
Granolah: "Ok but, let me tell you about what my eye can do. I'm really proud of it. Mind if I talk a bit? So I sacrificed my life to defeat Freeza, the guy you're working for."
Goku: "What? You don't like Freeza? You're not a bad guy?"
Granolah: "Shut up Saiyan! You'll pay! Fight me!"
Granolah doesn't want to talk about Freeza all of the sudden when Goku implies they both have been tricked. Granolah becomes stupid just so the fight continues. There's a better way to keep them fighting. SHUT UP, GRANOLAH! If he talked less then convoluted stuff like this wouldn't happen.
Granolah yells "Take this!" He powers up instead of doing an attack... Why yell "take this" then power up if you aren't gonna attack right away? You even knocked Goku out of SSG, so now is the perfect time to finish him.
Blah blah blah, Goku goes SSB and they fight, blah blah blah.
Hey look! In my last review I said something about the planet should shake or be in danger from the battle. Looks like Toyo made the planet shake from the battle. Good job. I like this detail. Will it matter later on? Probably not.
Also, ya notice how god ki and god transformations are limited in this chapter? It seem they got too powerful for there to be any stakes. So we see Vegeta in base & SS. Then we see Goku in base, SS, SSG, base, & SSB so that false tension can build. Its smart but the dialogue doesn't compliment this smart tactic.
Aparently Vegeta doesn't care about the fight. Detective mode activate! (🕵) Vegeta standing in that Oozaru footprint looks like he's in Jurassic Park lol. But why did Detective Vegeta have to touch the footprint? He could had just looked at everything when he was high up and had a bird's eye view. Did Detective Vegeta taste the soil & gain knowledge by tasting the past?
Detective Vegeta: "I think I know who he is."
The Heeters said his name is Granolah, dummy. Shouldn't you say "I think I know what happened here." or something like that? Gimmie your detective hat, your trench coat, your bubble pipe, & you magnifying glass! You give detectives a bad name! I'll give this to somebody more deserving, like Jaco, Videl, Krillin, or Hit.
Did ya notice that Vegeta didn't get hit once but Goku who is using UI gets hit multiple times? Vegeta tells Goku to think instead of use UI? Oh yeah, this chapter was to pander to Vegeta fans. Toyo is poorly trying to convey he is equal or above Goku somehow. Like Vegeta mastered his training but Goku hasn't despite having mastered UI as a transformation thingy.
In conclusion, I was right. Freeza still hasn't been seen yet. Show a pic of him in somebody's thought bubble at the very least. This is all happening because if his influence y'all. Still no visual of Freeza yet... Whateva.
This chapter was wack. Too much unintelligent & unreasonable & unrealistic & unnecessary dialogue, plot went nowhere, Goku is being handicapped so the fight can continue, everyone are stupid idiots, Vegeta is being built up to lose his battle or get lucky & win. No image of Freeza still... This was just a very, very boring chapter.
I expect the next chapter to be boring too. Probably won't see Freeza either.
Goku got knocked down twice by Granolah, Vegeta decided to fight second, Granolah said he doesn't need to keep Goku alive, & Vegeta told Goku he should stop relying on UI... Sounds like UI is getting nerfed & Goku is gonna need to be saved by Vegeta so that Vegeta can show off his Hakai training in comparison to UI.
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thoughtfulpaperback · 3 years
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This was not a bad episode. I didn't mind there being minimal Harry in it since we haven't seen a only sisters episode in a while (maybe ever?). I liked that this episode we got more relationship building in showing how the sisters are still very different personalities that can clash, but without pitting them against each other.
That all said.....it was okay. A solid 6/10. I wasn't as excited by the episode as I thought I'd be when I thought about the concept of a magical labyrinth. "It's very Greek" (if you know this reference we can be best friends) and I was pumped for it, but the execution and reveal of the prison was underwhelming. I felt tartarus in season 1 was better executed and realized, even if the effects weren't great and the glimpse of it minimal.
On to the likes⏭
Mel/Macy Dynamic
So the thing I loved about season 1 was the interactions between the sisters and how we saw them building up trust between them although they were very different. Mel and Macy were often the most at odds. I know some people complained about Mel's "hostility" towards Macy. But I thought it was extremely realistic given Mel's personality and the fact she was spiraling and lost so much at the start of season 1.
Season 2 did nothing with this established dynamic. Neither to explore or lessen it. Overall the relationship building and dynamics between the sisters (save everyone's dynamics with Maggie) were not given much attention. This episode was able to show us that the sisters (mel and macy) still have those odds because of personality, but didn't directly pit them against each other or make the "problem" about thier relationship. And in the end had them help and inspire one another.
It is a gold star as far as writing goes even if the rest of the episode was underwhelming.
2. Jordan
I'm sorry yall but the truth is that the writing they are pulling off with Jordan, which is essentially writing him in and still developing him and showing his contributions to the lives of the main characters without pulling focus or giving him "better" writing or attention than the main characters or story, is really great. If they would do that with Abby or had done that on season 2 with all the new characters then we would have less trouble with the writing of that entire season.
3. Labyrinth Prison
This is a special one since it makes both my likes and dislike lists.
What i like about it. Well I love the effects and design of the true prison. And I love the concept of the prison being this giant illusion and intelligence to keep the creatures inside. Its more psychological horror than the straight up torture with memories you want to forget in Tartarus. Which i love the difference in concepts that highlights how different the ancient witches were from modern witches.
Old prison isn't designed for torture. Its designed to keep you in, while tartarus was set up for punishment.
1. Labyrinth
I know just finished talking about what I liked about this, now I'll get into my dislikes. While I love the concept of this more sophisticated but ancient prison and I liked the design (kinda of a standard hell/prison theme with the colors and cells), I didn't feel like the place was a threat to the characters the way tartarus was. Even when Mel was sinking, I just wasn't worried because they had already established that this place was just trying to keep you in and given how monsters had been escaping, I didn't feel there was ever a genuine threat to thier lives unless they did something to themselves (like Mel cutting her hand).
Rather meant that what I was relying on (as far as excitement and build up) is the journey towards figuring out a way out. Which can be well done...but I just wasn't feeling the build up at all and found myself feeling like the episode was taking too long (not good).
2. Antonio
Y'all Antonio better be the next bad or he better have a more interesting role in Maggie's jounry towards the research spot, because honestly I am not feeling this whole "Maggie's fighting her attraction to him".
Listen, this doesn't have to do with shipping. I do have a problem with charmed writers introducing multiple love interests before they even start to put real effort into relationship building with one pair, but this complaint had more to do with Maggie's story.
They already did the whole "Maggie is focusing on herself, but now there is this guy she has feelings for" last season with jordan. She already has Jordan as a character to "mess" with her self care/development plans. Why are we introducing this new character to do the same thing?
As a nemesis in her school life, cool, all the girls need some trials in thier "normal" lives, but if they do plan on having antonio be a new jordan/maybe Julian type role then its redundant and we've seen it and thought it was mishandled last season.
Antonio in a towel
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Macy recording notes as she walks through the maze...because science
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Maggie and her water bottle
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Mel going off
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We're out.....Sike!
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Jordan coming through the door
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thecocksockshop · 4 years
Whelp, it’s that time again. Those who have been following my Shop for a while already know what I’m going to talk about : The 12 Days of Christmas Sale. Sorry for the late announcement, it's been CRAZY y'all!
Obviously this year is going to be a little different for MANY reasons. The 1st difference being that the 12 Days Sale will NOT begin on Black Friday this year as it had in previous years. The reason for this is because my FINALS at University have been pushed up a week due to schedule changes caused by the pandemic. Which meant that it would have coincided with the 12 Days Sale, and I would rather not have the stress of both of these events on me at once on top of my new job. So for this year, the 12 Days Sale will begin next Friday on 12/4 and will continue until 12/15. My annual shut down will begin on the 16th and will reopen in January as usual.
So now that’s out of the way, I wanted to address some things and answer some questions:
Stockpile: Regular items - will be 50% off as usual, I plan to have at least a couple new designs displayed for this occasion.
Abnormal or Old Stock - Will be 70% off. Anything labeled as “Abnormal” for its size or just items that have been in The Shop for a long time and need to go.
Custom/Random - Okay, I’ve been thinking long and hard (ha!) about this considering the current situation of the USA right now. Also my state has tightened up restrictions recently due to a sudden rise in cases. I haven’t been as “active” creating Socks this year in part because it was tough for me to get supplies in a timely manner. I’ve not opened up Customs again prior to now because of the hot mess that is still happening.
So the current plan is this: I open up Customs and Randons for the Sale at 30% off based on the current situation. HOWEVER, if it gets to a point where I cannot fulfill these orders because of any issues caused by these circumstances, I will refund the total amount of the customed order Socks back to the buyer.
Face Masks: The face masks will NOT be discounted for this sale. When I created this item, I did so with the intention of selling them at the cheapest I could while still covering the costs of supplies. I wish I could have given them all away for free, but realistically that wasn't possible. What I have now is what I got and next year I may even raise the price a little for the ones left (only by a couple dollars or so).
Domestic Shipping: Will be free for all orders, not just the ones that are $35 and over. Speaking of which, come January that feature will be going away. I did this out of experimentation this year, but Etsy's algorithm has messed stuff up for me since using this. So when I reopen the Shop I will not do the free shipping thing, but I will certainly still refund excess shipping charges as per policy. I’ll highlight this again in my New Year’s Announcement.
International: I will have to check with my local post office for the current restrictions, but I'm looking at 50% for Canadians. As usual I'm not shipping anywhere else due to previous experience with the ridiculous expenses involved (sorry).
I will also have the End of the Year Survey with a few updates for all who like to provide feedback on my CockSocks and The Shop as a whole.
Don't forget to bookmark The Shop's page, I usually release new designs in the morning around 9 - 10 AM.
0 notes
He also has COVID I am told
Which would explain why he said what he did.
At the same time I'm with the ole bro what the Hell is the rest of us gonna do with 200 dead bodies?!?
He was thinking and he was caring. And that is why Their death is so gentle because of people like him.
Now the other guy calling people stupid? That's like me. Just dude. Stay there and die. There is no help for you. Die with your Navy family. Just a realist.
But that common notion that kind people are stupid. That is that fine line we stand as we salute them stepping down while they have COVID.
Now to note when I called 39% off Amazon workers stupid it's because with their eyes they could see the sanitation occuring. They could see sanitation occuring their entire career. They could smell bleach.
22% were aliens. 10% evil human.
Only 6% naïve.
So 32% we're telling me as the owner that I'm a piece of shit. And expect me to Believe I'm a piece of shit. This rendering me stupid and helpless to fall for their demands.
No, bitch you're stupid.
So to compare and contrast.
Amazon had the supplies and abilities to get supplies. Its a warehouse that mails supplies.
A ship out to sea has no resources except what is on board. I don't know their stability. Had they been out for years? Days? Months? Were they low on supplies?
When people die in Amazon (just an example because don't go to work sick. You're not taking that money with you) we can call 911 and have it removed within the hour.
In a ship off out in the middle of no where -- you can call the Coast Guard who can be days by ship. They can fly but still can be 16 hours away.
Side note the Captain found out he got COVID by DNA4U. He got a note from Tree that his ship should restest their DNA.
So a sailor "crying for help" vs an Amazon workers demanding we close and pay employees while it's closed to sanitize an already sanitized location.
Who is stupid?
So yes people tested for Corona Virus. Mind you this warehouse is on Staten Island. Staten Island is one of the 5 boroughs of NYC. The Staten Island Ferry Is the Orange boat you often see in movies pass by the Statue of Liberty And it docks in lower Manhattan which is the most famous of Boroughs, especially movie wise. Brooklyn is next up..
Thus people use public transportation. City buses that are not sanitized that i ever seen. Subways same. Taxi that probably are not either.
McDonald's bathrooms are cleaner than public transportation.
So yes. Stupid. You're gonna have a lot of cases. Wash your hands and don't get my sanitized warehouse dirty
Its dirty and people get sick naïve 6% because y'all got people not washing hands.
Now, i spoke to the head Master Cheif of Janitorial Services who told me his self that he emailed every single employee and told them to wash hands using soap and hot water when they come in and when they leave or use one of the 4 hand sanitizer stations at each door when they walk through every time.
Before y'all got all crazy an entire two weeks -- one email per week -- thus y'all received 2 emails from the 2nd janitor ever hired at Amazon.
Before I had to get involved.
So now y'all are gonna tell me i made sure Amazon is ran better than the entire world in what i knew would be a disaster?
Trust me I'll say and I won't resign.
So sometimes the word stupid is applicable. Sometimes it is not.
When the aliens leave we will call them stupid and not humans.
Now remember there are Original humans and non original. Some non original are still older and wiser than some y'all that were born after they came and made their changes because they were invaded.
I hope Ewoks change back. They were so fucking cute.
Now there's an Ewoks movie that there were lies about the production of. And had real true to life Ewoks.
I love Ewoks i love picking them up and carrying them around like babies.. i do it to dogs and cats too...
I really am a maternal like lover... I'm just really good at fighting.
Anyhow the Navy issue seems to have resolved itself and so i have the ability to compare and contrast some issues with y'all.
Do i like being the bitch? I'm a realist.
Sometimes i need to be. So I don't mind it as long as you understand it.
I know I haven't been as caring or sympathetic as most would like. But i am extremely divided and for me its healthier to not be in the middle except for where i need to be.
There's bitches i wanna torture and kill that deserve it and there's some that don't
At the end of the day? I want them off my planet.
So that is where i am. I also have amnesia so Idk what the fuck is going on until i remember.
So you can thank Alein Alex for being a huge distraction cause I was here saving his life over and over.
I never said i was angry. I said that nurses and doctors were making problems.
Alex did kill my true soulmate. And 6 of my children. In 1990-1991.
So whatever shit I said about them I also had to say about myself.
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He also killed a part of me. Not just because it was my soulmate.
But the part that was alien life? Oh they're not all like Denise and Nathaniel and George Bush and Eric Trump.
He invoked the part of me that said "kill them all"
It took 4 hours for me to calm down and not kill them all with torture. And allow COVID-19 to be a kind disease in 2008.
It wasn't until all aliens left and i was alone with only humans and trees that i could decide differently and use kindness as my guide.
So, i had to take a day off to be unemotional. To not have words represent me.
Because there are no simple words.
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I told you the story of a remarkable person. Who did this for me.
So go on with your lives, humans.. Fuck that other shit.
Don't fucking mourn people that supported the murder of my husband because 100% of all alien life on Earth did.
They are treated well and are going home. Their home planet has arrangements for every single individual.
I'm told Denise will be in the doghouse... Like how we use the phrase here... In deep doo doo. She's definitely gonna be a dinosaur body to eat.
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I am told... I'll be a Phoenix just like the bible says...
Just so happens a Facebook app said it, too.
Those are probably my current percentage averages. Not how i will feel then.
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