#y'all who follow me for like... ed content
onlyblackcoffeez · 7 months
let's play the game "will they notice I'm drunk at dinner"
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littleprincerianne · 3 months
on one hand, i know it's my responsibility to monitor who's following my blog, interacting with posts, and looking through my things regardless of how many times i go "pls don't interact if y'all nsfw"
cw: cuss words, mentions of nsfw and triggering content i'm so sorry
but on another hand, fUCK THAT I KNOW Y'ALL KNOW HOW TO READ AND Y'ALL CAN SEE MY BRIGHTLY COLOURED RIANNE DOESN'T LIKE NSFW INTERACTIONS BANNER THINGY... tumblr is one of the rare outlets i have to "let that little baby run free" cuz there are multiple factors holding me back from properly regressing and it's been that way for years...
so while i acknowledge that it's my responsibility and i'm bringing this upon myself by being a public platform, i've honestly had enough of seeing nsfw accounts send me messages or follow me or interact with my posts. i also know that i can just completely ignore such accounts but if i want to be a safe platform for everyone else, i can't just do that and when i do finally have the time to check on my own or after being told by somebody, it's disgusting to see shit that's either hella sexual or pro-ed...
anyways yeah (⁠*⁠ノ⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠)⁠ノ⁠♫ if you're an nsfw account and you see this, fuck you and fuck off.
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torra-and-the-toons · 10 months
I might make some slight changes to this blog...
No, I haven't given up on Ed Edd n Eddy, they're just hibernating in my sub-conscious for the time being. Don't worry about that part.
But since I've recently rediscovered and fallen in love with the Animaniacs again, I might make this blog about all the cartoons I love and make content for from here on out. This way I don't clutter up my main with my hyperfixating nonsense, and I don't just keep making sub blogs.
Starting with the name, it'll go from torra-and-the-eds to torra-and-the-toons! (I'll have to go change all the read@ lines in my comics but I think this will work out for the best. And I'll eventually work on changing my pinned post too...)
Another change I've painfully decided on is that no matter what show or series I'm focused on, I won't engage in shipping. I've ultimately decided that shipping characters in cartoons is way more of a hassle than it's worth. Yes, I still like certain ships, but people get too heated, myself included, and I have way more fun just making platonic stories anyhow. So for all intents and purposes, I'm going to keep this blog ship free from here on out, but I'll keep my old stuff.
That being said, I may still make suggestive or nsfw posts, just more generalized, so minors beware... Lord knows the Animaniacs def had way less subtle adult humor, especially in the older version 😳
I hope y'all understand, and I appreciate everyone who's stuck with me, and all you new followers as well! I apologize if you came here looking for Ed Edd n Eddy content right before I decided on this change, but I hope you enjoy the new wave of Animaniac nonsense that's about to hit lol
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Books to Read (Judaism Edition)
Currently listening to: Melting by Kali Uchis
It's a Mitzvah! By Bradley Shavit Artson
The Outsider's Guide To Orthodox Judaism by Rabbi Arnie Singer
Living a Jewish Life by Anita Diamant
Choosing a Jewish Life, Revised and Updated: A Handbook for People Converting to Judaism and for Their Family and Friends by Anita Diamant
A Short History of the Jewish People by Raymond P. Scheindlin
The Complete Tanakh (Tanach)
The Jewish Holidays by Michael Strassfeld
Jewish Literacy Revised Ed: The Most Important Things to Know About the Jewish Religion, Its People, and Its History by Joseph Telushkin
One thing about me is I have the attention span of a well-fed rat. So, I definitely can't promise I'll read all of these immediately. But I identified a few things I thought I could learn more about and decided to add them to a list of books that came up on my fyp on tiktok.
I follow a lot of orthodox Jews on there, and for some reason, it's not something I ever thought about before they started coming up on my fyp. But I find a lot of their traditions and rules very fascinating, so I thought I'd include a short guide on the basics so that I can understand what they're talking about.
Two of the creators I see most on there are Melinda Strauss and Miriam Ezagui. I find their content to be some of the most fascinating because if I'm being entirely honest here, I have almost never seen orthodox Jews outside of science fiction or historical fiction. And that's not because it's super common to see orthodox Jews in sci-fi. It's just because the first time I remember ever learning anything about it was actually on the X-Files.
I learned a strange amount about Judaism from the X-Files, now that I think about it. Because that's also where I first learned about golems. Anyway, I find these two women incredibly fascinating also because they share and explain so many things I straight up just never would have never thought about.
Recently, I think Melinda's daughter, Nora, had her bat mitzvah and it was the cutest one I've ever seen. I see a lot of Jewish creators on my fyp outside of these two, and there was one girl who was rating all the bat mitzvah t-shirts she had gotten over the years. It's a super funny series because she's a really funny person, but it reminded me of the amount of people who have shown their bat mitzvahs on tiktok and also just on other apps as well, and whenever I think about it (which isn't very often but definitely whenever I see any of Melinda's videos now), I cannot get over how cute Nora's was. It was like this super cute 80s/lightning bolt theme? The colors were like pink and black, I think. Very girly. But the t-shirts and everything were so cute.
Anyway, Melinda also goes really into detail about what is kosher and what isn't, talks about all the different rules of Shabbos, and all the different religious observances. It's so cool. Miriam is similar. Her daughters are much younger, but the videos she post really show her life as an orthodox Jewish woman. She talks a lot about marriage. One of the most fascinating things to me was learning about the wigs. It confused the fuck out of me at first because I was thinking it was like a modesty thing, but apparently it's not.
I am also really interested in reading the torah. Y'all have no idea how shook I was when I saw a real one for the first time. My friend showed me and I was like ITS A SCROLL???????? Shook. Like I actually can't name anything else that shocked me more than that. I don't know why but I just wasn't expecting that. But anyway, I found an online translation into English and I'm super interested in it.
Before I stop myself from writing anymore, I was thinking earlier about how when I was a child, I wanted to convert. I was a very serious Catholic, but I think I had a lot of trouble with my faith. So, I remember asking my mom if I had to be Christian and if I could be Jewish instead. She didn't say no. She just ask me if I really believed Jesus wasn't the son of God and if I was really ready to give up Christmas.
The question always freaked me out so badly as kid because the very question felt a tiny bit like I might go to hell for saying anything short of yes. So, I'd just let it go. But I came back to that question a lot throughout my childhood and teen years. Now I really just like to learn as much as I can because I am very passionate about being a good ally to my Jewish friends, and because I lowkey have a type and I do not want to keep sounding like a total dumbass whenever I talk to Jewish girls.
The main things I want to work on learning about are 1). keeping kosher (what is and isn't kosher) because I really want to cook for my friends but I want to stay respectful and ask them what is okay but also have a general idea of what is okay and what isn't. 2). Understanding the nuances of Israel (and Palestine) in politics and in Jewish communities. This topic always makes me so nervous bc I have absolutely no idea where to start and every single time it comes up in conversation people expect me to already have an opinion on it. 3) Knowing more about some of the basics: How to act in synagogue, what to say on the different holidays, what each holiday entails, etc.
My next reading list will be for books about Islam!
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sadgirlnoga · 2 years
Ok so idk why but recently i've had lots of pr0 4n4 content pop up on my dashboard, idk if its maybe because i accidentally followed a pr0 4n4 ablog thinkinhg their just a regular coquette/2k14 blog or i might have accidentally liked a post from a blog who occasionally posts pr0 4n4 content(i am still searching through my likes and follows) but what im about to say is something y'all should listen to carefully. If you are pr0 4n4, pr0 m14 or pro any ED in general DO NOT INTERACT WITH THIS BLOG OR ANY OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS I MAKE!!! AS A MATTER OF FACT BLOCK ME!!!! This blog is not a safe space for harmful, disgusting and lethal bullsh1t like this!! e4t1ng d1s0rders arent cute, they arent cool, they arent 2k14, they arent y2k and they definitly arent aesthetic! They. Are. Life. Threatening. my cousin suffered from an0r3xia for years and that sh1t fvcked up her life so bad she cant even work or go to certian places, and shes been like this eversince i was a baby!!! you being able to wrap your fingers around your arms doesnt make you a delicate little fairy you fvcking self destructive glass canon peice of sh1t, fvck you!!!!!!!!!!!
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lmk-6earm4c-au-blog · 3 months
6Ears-Wifey posted to r/ispp Reasons Why 6Ears from ISPP is a GOOD PERSON (y'all are just mean) a comprehensive thread:
He is actually a real person. He doesn't try to act positive all the time, and he was actually a little gruff and awkward back in S1 when some fans would talk to him. I think he wasn't used to being online and all that interaction yet so you know he's not some narcissistic mastermind trying to manipulate the internet into loving him.
Wholesome af. Like SO WHOLESOME he reminds me of my happy autistic stimming moments when he starts gushing about his interests and projects on a stream, you can tell that he really cares about his work and has fun with it unlike some soul less productions out there and it's just so pure to see 🥺 more happy 6 moments pls and thanks
He's an Indie content creator when he could be SO MUCH MORE. He turned down deals and sponsorships from bigger companies.
Even after moving his plays to YouTube full-time, he still puts on part-time plays for FREE even if there's only one person. ESPECIALLY if there are kids. You know what tweet I'm talking about with the teacher whose students missed out on their field trip due to crazy weather and he let them inside his theatre and put on a free show. We stan 😍
This is my friend's story but she fell asleep after one of his shows and instead of being a creep because the whole place was empty, he let her use his phone to call me to pick her up and kept the theatre open past closing until I got there since it was raining and he was just so normal and nice the whole time and encouraged her to pursue her acting dreams if she wanted. 10/10 motivational speaker and 10/10 respectful behavior. Yeah she got into her first choice college btw 😉 love you bestie! you earned it 😘 and ty 6 you're literally an inspiration
The only acceptable 6 sightings are those where he's watching a family of ducklings cross the street before someone tried to run them over and protecting them and the one with the baby monkey on his head??? He's so sweet with animals too. This is NOT a simp post I'm just saying.
He's broke af but when a fan said they couldn't donate because of their situation he went and paypal-ed all the money he got from the livestream to them??? Hello sir???
He ADORES his VAs and you can really see that with Heir because he's younger and we love seeing a director who actually cares about the actors involved. He's always uplifting them and having to defend them against everyone's toxic 💩
Case in point: Get out of here with 6 negativity! You're not welcome in our fandom.
🕊 icarus-withstyle follow
source: reddit
🌊 gentle-waters follow
ALL HAIL 6EARS-WIFEY!!!!! 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️
🥔 hakuna_patatas
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dabis-cum · 11 months
*⢄⢁✯ 𝑊𝑒𝑙𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝐶𝑢𝑚𝑣𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑒 ✯⡈⡠*
✭ I am 18+ so minors please go away no offense I just don't want little hellions running around that's my job
✭ I have severe ADHD, it affects everything about me and my life. This includes posting motivation and interactions with people, so feel free to ask for clarification if I say something stupid or rude (I usually do not mean to come off that way)
✭ This blog is completely satire and these may not even be headcanons I have I just like saying stupid shit
✭ This blog will absolutely contain NSFT content and will be tagged as such, anything triggering will be tagged as tw: _ please feel free to ask for specific things
✭ Everything I make is made only by me, if I accidentally use fanart for content PLEASE let me know! I only use canon material as to not steal content or cause issues. If you as an artist want me to use your stuff lmk
✭ The askbox is open for requests or whatever! I'm fine with basically anything as long as it isn't bigoted (I make gay and homophobic jokes those are fine I am gay myself)
✭ I only know so much about MHA since I am still watching it, please try to keep spoilers to a minimum. Newer characters are fine to request!
✭ I am an extremely unserious person but I do take accountability if I say something overly distasteful. However, please don't come here expecting me to kiss ass about trivial matters
✭ I do not want extremely violent people on my blog. If you harass people over fiction, are any type of -ist or -phobic, or any kind of ED positive blog, please don't even bother following.
✭ Y'all spam my inbox with harassment and it'll get closed I literally don't give a shit go outside and socialize. Speaking of, don't bring discourse here. I don't care about shipping wars or who said what. I don't have time to care and I've dealt with shitty fandoms enough in my time
*⢄⢁✯ 𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌𝒔 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒑𝒑𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒃𝒚! ✯⡈⡠*
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Oh no …. An Angel
lol @ me being one of the first two likes
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nightswithkookmin · 3 years
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I chose this thumbnail because it represents how I feel right about now knowing Tuktukkers are spasming out of control in their corner of the internet over all the brouhaha jubilation happening over in JiminiewaJungkookie gay land.
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I was kinda praying no one ask me of my opinion on it though chileee.
Y'all are just gonna get me in trouble.
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From what I gather, it seems they were pretty much super excited because to them what JM said to JK when JK mentioned how the other teams had Namjin seemed pretty much gay🤭
Some have said his statement carries the same sentiment as the 'I want you/ I want to have you' Jungkook kept saying to Jimin during his photoshoot in the kitchen.
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It makes sense to me then why they are so excited- hell, I'm gyrating and doing backflips as we speak🤣🤣🤣🤣
Nothing makes me happy than seeing Jikook antis choke on their hate🤣🤣
Thus, I'm tempted to sit this convo out 💀
I think the real tea for me is in the why they were sat like that in the first place and why RM suggested they form teams based on their seating positions.
It's obvious there was an imbalance of skill and knowledge in the way that they were sat.
A physical challenge would have put Jk's team at an advantage no doubt. General knowledge wise, RM, Tae or Suga would be at an advantage and anything 'nonsense' challenge would put Jin at an advantage too.
Anything that requires effort and intellect, discipline etc would put JM at an advantage.
Jhope would have to sit with me and watch them🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I joke of course- not really. No🤣
For Jikook it's obvious. They just walked into the room together, spotted a seat and made themselves comfortable as they whispered sweet empty nothings to eachother.
RM's comments about sitting in teams thus was more like a 'gotcha' to Jikook I think. It felt as if he was teasing them that their constantly being around eachother had bitten them in the ass. More like a teasing moment similar to when they teased JK with Jimin's father on JM's birthday.
'His appa is here. You is doing his son. You are so in trouble'
He pointed out how Jikook had been excited all morning before shoot of the episode. Seems he was hyper aware of them that day- I wonder why.
It's Jikook's reaction at the start of the episode when RM pointed out that they were already sat in teams for me. Lmho.
To me, RM's comment sounded more like, 'you get who you came with for this game' and since Jikook always come with eachother, that puts them at a disadvantage in the competition especially if the game is about general knowledge or nonsense quiz or whatever, as Jimin pointed out.
'It looks like we sat in teams?' Jk asks.
Then JM glares at RM.
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The joke stopped being funny when Jin reiterated it, suggesting they form teams based on their seating arrangements which this time the editors took notice and commented on in the captions.
Y'all saw JK's feet when Jin said that?
Jin's reason for wanting the default group wasn't because he thought Jhope added a competitive advantage to his team but that he might end up with RM if they reshuffled- to which Tae objected to.
It's a competition. Luck is part of the game and he shouldn't worry about forming a super team with RM when the chances of that happening is slim.
The episode was fun to watch, they played to the strength of each pair except for Jikook.
As Hobi pointed out, the strength of Jikook lie in their impeccable teamwork.
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And I think this moment exemplifies that when the staff announced they had to listen to a song and guess the title.
Jimin caressed JK as a sign of encouragement and his trust in him, acknowledging he wasn't really good at that game and that he was counting on JK to get them to the finish line.
Throughout the show, you could see JK trying to shake JM's hand to encourage him just like Jin was doing with Hobi or even RM with Tae.
Other than this, I didn't see any challenge in the game that brought out that excellent teamwork in them.
May be we will see that in the other episode.
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JK asking JM to put his mom off speaker was equally sus to me especially when Hobi had had his mom on speaker not too long ago and later had his dad on speaker too.
Was he worried the others would copy their answer or was he worried his mother in law would say something sus?
'Oh Jungkook's boyfriend how are you doing?'
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For now, all I can say is that I'm not Korean, don't know Korean beyond a few phrases but when I read what JM Saif to JK on run my first impression was that Jimin wanted to stress and emphasize his own worth to JK given the context of the conversation as discussed above.
They both seemed to be stressing how disadvantaged they were being with eachother compared to the other teams- which was the point of the members suggesting they formed those default teams.
I'm not gonna lie, I uWu-ed at that moment even without knowlege of the nuance of their language. Especially when he followed his statement up with, 'You don't think I want them too?" Or whatever the translation is.
Fuck. That was soft as hell.
It felt like a vulnerable moment between them especially when JM kept asking him to look into his eyes or look at him or something.
Jk came off strong, acting like he'd been given the short end of the stick.
Rather than mask his feelings with anger or act passive aggressive like he would have a few years ago, Jimin went raw with his emotions this time around commenting how JK's statement made him feel which honestly made my chest tighten not gonna lie.
Sounded to me like,
Hey but you have me! You think I don't want the others too? I do but I'm content with you. Are you not content with me? Look me in the eye and tell me, am I not good for you?
There was a certain level of vulnerability in his expression amidst the laughter and I think most of it is locked away in the words he used.
That level of vulnerability coming from a guy to another guy would come off as gay to most I guess. And of course a lot would dismiss it as nothing too.
Personally, I wouldn't use that as proof Jikook are dating but I can't pretend it wasn't a cute moment. And I'm pretty sure it's the vulnerability in that moment that has Karmy losing their minds. Who knows.
Jimin has matured a lot...
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yan-lorkai · 2 years
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» In no way am I writing about yanderes to romanticize the violence and abuse often inflicted on the reader or those close to them. I write merely for fun and because I enjoy horror, the behavior written in these stories or headcanons is neither healthy nor good. If you are going through something similar get help!
» Minors, I know you're gonna ignore this and it's not like I can stop you from reading the things I write, from interacting with my blog, but if you're a minor and you read my content, that's entirely your responsibility. With that being said, if you follow me and don't have your age in your bio or somewhere visible, you'll be blocked immediately. If I also caught you lying about your age you're getting blocked.
DNI list
✧ I like to think that you're not that kind of people that by coincidence stubbled upon my blog but absolutely DNI if you're LGBT+phobic, support MAPS, is racist or carry any kind of prejudice and romanticizes mental illness, Eds, etc. You will be blocked on sight!
About me
.⌇🍂 ✧ Hello, you may call me Lorkai! I'm a brazilian who absolutely loves to write and read, and as I love the horror and the gore that comes with the yandere trope I started writing for it.
.⌇🍂 ✧ Also I'm 100% happy to be asked to be moots or chitchat with y'all, so dw about annoying me when sending asks.
✧ Sometimes my motivation comes and go, if I lose motivation while working on any request then it's possible I'm never completing them. And I don't always write my requests in the order I receive them, first I write what piques my interest.
Fandoms I'll write for:
Twisted Wonderland
Obey Me
Kuroshitsuji (Sebastian, Undertaker & Ciel)
Hellsing Ultimate (Alucard, Seras & Integra)
I will write:
💭 I will basically write everything as long as it's SFW (Fluffy, angst, romantic/platonic fics, poly relationships, prompts, interactions). By the way all my fics are gender neutral, except when someone requests for a specific gender.
⠀. Please remember to make sure to tell me what format you want when requesting or you're going to receive some headcanons, which btw are the default format. Also, you can be as detailed as you want when requesting! :3
I will NOT write:
» I do not write: romantic fics for Ciel and I don't age him up. I don't write smut for now, but suggestive fics are fine to send. Oc x character are also something I don't work with. This one actually depends but diseases and syndromes are something I tend to avoid it in case I don't know how to write respectfully about them. As well as suicide and self harms scenes.
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ed-die · 2 years
Introduction (please read)
heyy! here's some basic information abt me first:
- my name on here is eddie :)
- im a scorpio lol, if you want the moon and other planets just message me
--------------------------------- before you follow:
- i swear sometimes for funises, i try not to in posts tho unless it's to add *flavor*
- i do vent sometimes but i'll prolly tag it w #vent :)
- my interests jump around a lot so one day i'll be posting about torchwood and then next it'll be stardew valley or something so if you're following for specific content i apologize if i disappoint
- i post the most random thoughts i am sorry DNI:
- basic ones, homophobia, transphobia, racism, sexism etc will not be tolerated.
- anyone hateful to anyone for stupid reasons.
- dsmp fans are fine as long as y'all aren't shipping real people (especially DNF. stop.) or just doing weird stuff in general.
- if y'all think pedophiles or zoophiles are apart of the LGBTQ+ community
- if you sexualize any part of the LGBTQ+ community.
- if you harass real people about dating eachother. shipping is also weird, celebrities and content creators are not your dolls you get to control.
- if you use any kind of mental illness or disorder as a personality trait. especially if you don't have them and are just using them to be "trendy"
- excuse s/a or victim blame
- ed sheeran fans (mutuals are okay,,,i guess /hj)
- people who sexualize kpop or just other cultures in general.
- my hero academia fans are on real thin ice
- obey me fans (you know who you are)
- people who romanticise yoonbum and sangwoo's relationship. y'all are just horny and don't care about the story and again are just sexualizing them.
- etc etc you prolly get the point. ----------------------------------
things i like include (but are not limited to):
- The Outer Worlds
- The Sims (mostly 3 and 4 but i've played 2)
- COD: Infinite Warfare (mostly zombies lol)
- Stardew Valley
- House Flipper
- GTA 5
- Fallout 3 and 4
- Skyrim my beloved
- L.A. Noire
- Minecraft :)
- FNAF AHAHAH (the first one is my favorite :D)
- Watch Dogs
- Doctor Who <3
- Torchwood
- Arcane
- Community
- Tokyo Ghoul
- Demon Slayer
- Ouran Highschool Host Club
- Seinfeld eheheh
- The Umbrella Academy
- Violet Evergarden
- The Walking Dead
- Criminal Minds
- Stranger Things
- Sex Education
- Heaven Officials Blessing
- Zach Stone is gonna be Famous
- Strong Girl Do Bong Soon
- It's Okay to Not be Okay
- Peacemaker <3
- Deadly Class
-The Boys
- Corpse Bride
- Nightmare Before Christmas
- Edward Scissorhands
- Spaceballs
- Rise of The Guardians
- Literally anything to do with spider man
- Scream movies
- Train to Busan
- #Alive
- anything to do with zombies please recommend zombie movies
- Cooties
- A Silent Voice
- Last Night in Soho
- The Suicide Squad
- Markiplier <3 (always will be a fave)
- Danny Gonzalez
- Kurtis Conner
- Drew Gooden
- Sam Collins
- Schlatt (istg if you say a n y t h i n g)
(only a few because these are just the channels where i watch almost everything they post <3)
- Glass Animals
- Melanie Martinez
- Mother Mother
- Gorillaz
- Mitski
- Alec Benjamin
- Set it Off
- 100 gecs
- Conan Gray
(many many more)
- teacups
- squishmallows <3
- PURPLE <333
- makeup
- pinterest
- dark academia but also like grungy stuff like that futuristic dystopian aesthetic thingy idk man
- listening to music at any given moment i spend too much time on spotify and youtube <33
- collecting random things
- blankets ehehe
beware. this post is too long and took me forever uhhh sorry for any spelling mistakes.
mutuals: i am scared of you. i only have 2 or 3 on here however you still scare me, @painandalsosuffering is terrifying and i know them irl /hj
i'll prolly add to this sometime if i remember i dont post super often its usually reposts sorry lol
asks are always open if you want to ask a question, go for it
uh yeah thanks for reading bye <3
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boop-le-snoot · 4 years
First time reader click here
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TWs/Summary: Feelings! PTSD! Anxiety! Clint! Team bonding! Reader is a badass 😍 And comic book medical accuracy .
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"It smells like a liquor factory in here," Bucky's voice came from the kitchenside, followed by noises of the team's arrival. Via portal, because the elevator made zero noise.
"I suggest you avoid the area around me and Clint. It might be contaminated." My voice sounded sharp to my own ears. I sat in silence for several hours, waiting for the team's return, while Clint restlessly dozed next to me.
My words caused the team to freeze in their tracks, owlishly blinking at me and at Clint laying sprawled on the floor, surrounded by plastic bags and biological hazard containment units. Tony's helmet swiftly covered his face - I heard muffled sounds coming from within, probably Friday's explanations. In seconds, the helmet retracted, showing an extremely worried Tony.
"How do you feel, Princess? Any weakness, any pain?"
"No symptoms, Tony. Just a fuckton of anxiety," I admitted, avoiding the concerned looks of Tony's teammates. "I almost drowned the room in alcohol but warned you just to be safe. Also, your alien pathogen protocol sucks."
"We made it so unauthorized personnel wouldn't get their hands on Thor's or Loki's blood samples," Bruce supplied meekly from where he was leaning against Steve, wearing a tattered hoodie and his hulk-out pants. "Off to decon we go," The scientist sighed. "Friday, code seven-zero-three-five-five. Pull up the data you gathered. In the shower." The man was exhausted, yet the call of science seemed to give Bruce a tiny energy boost. With newfound determination, he waddled to the communal showers, the rest of the team in tow.
Natasha's stare was truly unnerving. I was fully aware she and Barton had long history; the fact that I had to respond to one of the deadliest assassins if I had made even the slightest mistake - anxiety mixed with blind terror in me. I fought the nausea and the headache, focusing on Clint's hair between my fingers. His steady breathing.
He'd be okay. He had to be okay.
"You did great, Princess," The time passed in a blink. Bruce's warm hands were encompassing mine - gently pulling me away from Clint. I looked at Banner's face with unseeing eyes.
"I heard what Friday said and I can only applaud your quick thinking. You saved his life," Strange, sounding uncharacteristically quiet and bashful, parroted Bruce, hovering behind the scientist. His angular face was contorted in sorrow. "I believe I should apologize for dropping Barton onto you like that. I underestimated the extent of his injuries." The man sounded so, so guilty.
"I saved his life," I repeated in disbelief. Surely they were exaggerating.
"You did, malysh. For that, I am grateful," Natasha's hand found my own, squeezing briefly, before following Steve that had picked up a still-sleeping Clint, to, presumably, carry him to medical. "Come on, Banner, we need you."
Banner gave me a brief squeeze of his own, taking his leave, scurrying after Romanoff. I was left awkwardly standing in front of Strange, both of us disheveled and dazed.
"I ordered pizza," I said, just to fill the grim silence.
"Okay," Just like that, he snapped out of his trance, sitting down on the couch and picking up his food.
The others trickled in, Bucky, Pete, Thor, Loki, Sam, Wanda, Pietro. I saw it all like it was tinted by a thick fog. Their words made a jumbled cacophony when they reached my ears. Tony's arm around me - that woke me up, slightly. I focused on my favourite thing in the world - the faint smell of him, a mix of soap, machine oil and expensive cologne.
"She's shellshocked," Bucky suddenly said, pointing at me.
"No," I frowned. "No. I may be a fumbling idiot but I don't have PTSD."
Tony's breath stuttered in his chest. Promptly, I was turned around, a pair of intelligent brown orbs sharply gazing into my eyes. "Princess?"
"I'm so glad y'all are alright," I choked out, fisting the cotton of his shirt in my palm. "Even Stephen the asshole. Team bonding wouldn't be the same without his sarcasm," Hurrying to hide the fact that I was scared shitless, I did what I do best. I joked.
"Gods, you two are really a match made in heaven," Wanda's tired voice had 110% eye-roll in it. "So much self-deprication, almost as much as brilliance." The witch usually refrained from commenting on people's private thoughts. Usually, but not that day.
"I am relieved to know you hold me in high regards," Stephen's sarcastic remark made it's way around a mouthful of pizza.
Bucky's phone beeped. "They're saying Clint will be out in a few hours. No permanent damage, the gash on his leg won't scar and he's demanding Tony buy his saviour a cake," With a smile, the soldier read the text's contents out loud. "Also, the resident doc wants to hire you." Bucky pointed at me with a teasing grin.
"I, umm, I," Stammering, way to go. "I just - uh, I googled and I improvised? I'm not a doctor or a scientist, I'm a high school student," I replied, voice raising half an octave higher.
"Told you Tony, she's a friggin' genius," Peter sounded way too smug for someone who had a bruise half the size of his head.
"That she is," Tony's voice... Was different. It was honeyed and warm, blanketing me, surrounding me with safety. His arms tightened around me - not uncomfortably so, just enough to ground his presence in my personal space. I snuggled into him happily - he didn't mind at all. The cold glow and faint humming of his arc reactor calmed me. "Friday, cake. Princess cake from the bakery on Seventeenth."
Wow, Tony knew my favourite kind of cake. That was amazing.
"On it, boss." The AI immediately replied. "Well done, Miss." Friday addressed me with the same tone I heard in the lab. Gentle and understanding. It was so very strange.
We mulled around the living room until the pizza was gone and half the occupants were snoring away, dead where they sat. It was an unanimous decision to pull out the unfolding couch and form a cuddle pile of sorts - after such a long and grueling mission with one of their own facing the brink of death, all the superheroes were more than a little unsettled. I didn't exactly know where I fit in that. Obviously, all of them were close in one way or another. Even Loki and Stephen, seeing them get cussed out by Thor for attempting to leave was kind of amusing.
But it got me wondering. Maybe they felt like imposters, too? After all, I wasn't special. Loki wasn't considered a good guy. And Stephen was too much of a lone wolf. All three of us were comfortable alone, used to dealing on our own.
One look from Tony, Stark-patented puppy eyes, and I was making space for myself and for Stephen. Even if Loki insisted on grumbling all the way through, his exhaustion showed in the way he leaned on Thor's arm, using a weakly glimmering spell to summon himself a book and then closing his eyes for a moment.
Muted cheering broke out the moment elevator doors opened, showcasing a pale but smiling Clint held up on both sides by Natasha and Steve, Bruce half asleep on the blonde's other side.
"Looking pretty good for a dead bitch," Clint grinned in my direction.
I couldn't resist the bait. The boomer knew his memes, after all. "She's alive!"
He patted my leg, making his way to a free spot on the ginormous sofa bed. "Aw, pizza," He groused, spying the empty boxes.
"Should arrive in ten minutes," Bucky quipped, waving his phone. Then, the brunette super-soldier looked at me pointedly. "We usually order double after long missions."
"Duly noted, y'all hungry peoples." I said, filing it away for later. Thinking about more missions, more near-death experiences wasn't something I wanted to handle that very moment.
"So, uh, what exactly happened? My memory is pretty spotty," Clint demanded once he got his hands on some food.
"I also need to know. You're going to have to sign a statement and a mission report," Natasha stated apologetically.
I looked at her, confused. "Like... How many details do you need?"
Tony shifted beside me uncomfortably. I put a steadying hand on his leg - my palm was immediately dwarfed by his own. Natasha gave him a Look. "Fury's eyes only, but SHIELD needs to know how you figured out to neutralise a potential alien threat. Bruce ran some tests and this pathogen is... Pretty nasty, to say the least. It has the survivability to be classified as a potential weapon." Natasha's voice was apologetic, once more.
What have I gotten myself into? I was just trying to save a friend. "First of all, I'm not working for Men in Black, like, ever," I made the point to look her in the eyes. A brief moment later, she nodded. Tony relaxed, exhaling soundly. "Okay, get your reading glasses on. It went like this..." I retold the story, taking careful note to voice my thought processes as much as I remembered them. Save for a few surprised gasps and Tony haphazardly kissing the top of my head, the team gave me no interruptions.
Bruce was the first one to react once I was done. "But... How did you think of bloodletting? It's such an unusual solution," He mumbled more to himself.
"I've watched enough horror movies to know better than to introduce a foreign bacteria, such as antibiotics, to a person with an alien infection," I deadpanned, spying a satisfied smile on Stephen's face. "Worst case scenario, the substitution of infected blood with healthy would have diluted the amount of parasites or deflected their attention from eating away Clint's nerve endings. Him going bazinga from pain was my main concern," I admitted, the archer's pained cries once again filling my ears. The memory was still fresh.
"That makes sense," Bruce nodded.
"And what would you have done?" I asked, unable to withhold my curiosity.
"Sedated Clint while I examine the specimens," Banner replied with the obvious. "Then figure out how to cure the infection."
I nodded along slowly. "I considered that option but ultimately, I was too chicken to entertain the possibility of the parasites interacting with heavy sedatives. Fentanyl affects some of the blood components the parasites eat so only God knows how it might have ended."
Banner was impressed, that much was obvious. Tony's lips once again landed on the crown of my head, gentle and warm. More and more people in the room were giving me impressed, happy, grateful looks. It was strange and I squirmed in my spot, putting the half-eaten pizza slice back in the box, Steve immediately eyeing it in contemplation.
"Have at it, you human garbage disposal," I muttered, laying down comfortably. I was still shivering from the adrenaline rush and the soft blanket cocoon I shared with Tony and Stephen - their combined body heat under it - called to me like a siren.
"Are you well?" Loki noticed my state, casting a dark look over the edge of his book.
"Yeah, just cold. Us humans shiver when coming off an adrenaline rush," I remarked absently, pressing myself closer to Tony.
The engineer laid down, spooning me, tangling our legs together. We slept like that, all over each other, every time I stayed in his bed. It felt comfortable, like home, and nobody seemed to mind. Peter and Wanda, already snoozing away, were in a similarly indisposed state, octopus-ing their nearest teammates. Friends. Family.
My eyes drooped. My chest was about to burst with an odd sort of content - quiet, steady and welcoming. Tony's beard tickled my neck, breaths coming in soft puffs against my nape, spreading warmth all over me.
And there was something - someone warm in front of me, too, I could smell the sandalwood and spices of his cologne. Abandoning all reservations, I shamelessly wrapped both of my arms around a larger, more muscular one, taking note to avoid Stephen's scarred, sensitive hands. The flat of his tummy under my palm was rising and falling steadily, his breathing almost in sync with Tony's and mine.
All of us were safe and alive. It mattered to me, perhaps, more than I'd ever cared to admit out loud. As much as I refused to let them all in, for real and beyond silly gimmicks, they still wormed their way inside my heart, inside my brain. Not with long discussions and talking feelings - hell no, that's the hard and the boring shit, but with simply their presence.
Hugs. Mario Kart tournaments. Cake after I'd done good at something. Sunday morning pancakes for all. Homework. Sciencing together. Catching up on memes and just watching funny YouTube videos together. Playing Twister and Monopoly.
For the first time in my life, I had a stable presence. I belonged somwhere. It felt too good to deny, so once again, I allowed myself to be selfish.
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✨ Taglist of my lovelies ✨ still open.
@another-stark-sub ​ @mostly-marvel-musings  @vozit ​ @littlegasps ​ @pilloclock ​ @shereadsinquiet @downeyreads @hermione-grangers-wife ​ @individualistfem ​ @sleep-i-ness @capbrie @lillsxd @agustdowney @dee-vn @justanotherblonde23 @fanngirl19 @persephonehemingway @softie-socks @schemefrenzy @letsby @cutenessloading
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rosekim · 4 years
intro — looking for mutuals☆
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aaaa, i realized i've been here for a week now but i haven't introduced myself properly yet, though it's not really necessary but lemme haha. for everyone who's been following this sideblog of mine, hello there! you can call me zi or rose. asian, filipina. i've been watching kdrama for almost four years now but i've only completed around 22 dramas, i guess? since i'm mostly busy with life. but i think i have much time now to spend my leisure times slacking off and scrolling, interacting on tumblr and twitter.
i'm also a fan of the following:
Hyun Bin
Son Ye Jin
Lee Jong Suk
Crash Landing On You
Psycho But It's Okay/It's Okay to not be Okay
Weightlifting Fairy
Mamamoo (slight)
Taylor Swift
Ed Sheeran
besides being a part time k-drama addict, i also write original fiction. mostly are written in filipino but now i'm attempting to write english ones, thus the purpose of my main writeblr (lumierezi).
also, about the story that i told you where Seo Yea Ji and Kim Soo Hyun are the main cast, i'm still doing some prepping. i want to make the story as proper and great as possible coz, shame on me for using HyunJi and making some crappy stories. i'll be posting the details, summary, etc on my writeblr but i will certainly reblog it here so you could check it out, too if you're interested♡
lastly, i just want to say thank you for those who have been following this blog, reblogging and liking my edits, you guys are making my journey fun. please, please, don't hesitate to talk to me or send me an ask and share your thoughts about the dramas you're watching or anything. i always love interacting and making friends esp if we share the same interest. i'm friendly i don't bite😆
expect me to post more contents soon, such as film and drama reviews, edits, icons, fic, etc. not just about PBIO/IONTBO but also about other things that i fangirl. thank you so much! have a nice day, y'all ☆
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mcustorm · 4 years
Thoughts on Love, Victor Season 1
PSA: If you think that you might be gay, don’t get a girl emotionally invested! Please!
Ya know, at first when I thought about what I was going to write about this show, I thought that I should split the writings into the first half/last half of the show. Now I’m thinking “screw it”, if only because if I was going to go that route I should have stopped, parsed through my feelings about the first 5 episodes, and written those thoughts before proceeding with the next half. That, of course, did not happen, so to prevent the back half of the season’s events from miring the first half, I’ll just write about the whole shebang. There’s probably a joke about that word somewhere, I’ll try not to make it.
Anyways, let’s start by saying that on the whole, I really liked this show. It was not as good as Sex Education season 1, yet in my opinion waaaay better than HSMTMTS season 1. Most of the characters were likable and felt developed enough, it moved at a nice pace, and you can tell that a lot of heart went into this. Perhaps because we all watched this in a day, it felt like a 5 hour movie rather than a 10 episode tv show.
Additionally, I of course like the Latinx representation. The intersectionality of the Latinx community and the LGBTQ+ community has been presented on at least five TV shows to my knowledge: Ugly Betty, One Day at a Time, Diary of a Future President, The Baker and the Beauty, and now Love, Victor. Let’s keep it up!
As for the premise of the show itself, I *love* that this show acknowledges that Simon’s journey, at least at his house, was leaps and bounds easier than many other people’s. Victor’s parents are more conservative and religious, and they don’t have their shit together, so this is not the best environment to drop that bombshell in (which is why it was so incredible when Victor decides to do it anyway). Simon and Victor’s DM’s being a framing device for the show was a great way to tie the universe together.
The hook of Love, Simon was that you know all those cheesy and cliche rom-coms that straight people have gotten since the dawn of time? Well LGBT people deserve those stories too! Love, Victor is sort of presented with that same thesis in mind, which is why watching these episodes felt like different things I’ve seen before all over. The whole season ironically feels like Alex Strangelove: The TV Show, right down to the often cringy relationship with the girl, the openly gay love interest who conflicts our protagonist, and the goofball friend who chases after a girl who is seemingly out of his league.
Mia’s character felt a lot like Laila from All-American, being a black girl who is ordained as the hottest girl at school (which I feel like is a title only given in fictional schools), who also has a missing mother and problems with her rich dad. Pilar, on the other hand, feels like Casey from Atypical, in that she is openly rebellious in large part because of her mother’s infidelity.
Victor’s story this season sure was something to watch. The biggest question for me was, just how much sympathy should he be given? The world is inherently unfair to Victor. None of us should have to go through the agony and anxiety that so often comes with being in the closet and coming out. But for Victor to have visited those problems on Mia, who is going through things herself? That makes him pretty morally gray.
But he was still finding himself! But he loves Mia, just not like that! I get it, which is why he should have cut things off as soon as he got back from New York, no he should have cut things off when she asked him if there was “anything else” in her bedroom, no he should have cut things off when he literally felt like he and Benji were the only two people in the room at the concert, no he really shouldn’t have done this to begin with.
The line between Victor finding himself and him deceiving Mia is the conflict of the show, but the moment for me when I was like “Damn, Victor” was after he intentionally derailed Mia’s shebang-ing that she planned, he found the gall to lie to Benji and plan a seduction! That is why the season finale was so glorious. Because yes, while the world is unfair to Victor, he’s being unfair to the people around him.
I have made it a point not to read other people’s opinions extensively so as not to bias my own thoughts, but is Felix everybody else’s favorite? Felix’s character and arc was great. He was a supportive friend yet still felt like he had a story and stakes of his own, something which some TV shows get right (Sex Ed) and some TV shows get various shades of wrong (Jamie Johnson, Andi Mack). I like that he knew his worth and cut things off with Lake, and I like that she realized that her happiness with him should take priority over what others think of her.
I was soooo sympathetic to Mia. Her world is being turned upside down at home. Clearly, she has not even processed her mother being out of her life, and now her Dad is “replacing” her Mom while the baby is also “replacing” her! In Mia’s eyes, at least. Mia just needs to know that she is loved and appreciated. Which she *thought* of all people she’d be able to get from her boyfriend. Shucks.
As for the rest of Victor’s family, I also thought the parents’ storyline was pretty interesting yet unfortunate. Armando just can’t come around to trusting Isabel, which I actually kind of understand. Isabel, meanwhile, is being prevented from doing the thing she loves to do, which sucks especially because she’s in a radically new environment. Adrian is of course great, protect him at all costs. Pilar’s seemingly permanent mode of “angsty” is completely justified, as her friends back in TX are moving on just fine without her, she’s having trouble opening up and fitting in, and her family is WYLIN.
Some things that didn’t go so well for me was Andrew’s character, who feels like he’s just there to obstruct at any given moment. Y'all knew that when Victor and Benji were having that convo in the bathroom, someone was in the stall and someone was Andrew. Also, my guy, how are you not even somewhat aware that you are a total douchecanoe? I liked Benji, but Venji didn’t quite work for me because of all of the cheatation that it took to get there. Benji was pissed and ready to stay away from Victor permanently after the [attempted seduction], but once his relationship was over he was completely fine with putting his tongue down Mia’s boyfriend’s throat.
Overall, I really enjoyed this show. Some of these teen dramas I’m admittedly only watching for the LGBT content, so to have that be at the forefront of a show for once was amazing. The conflict was realistic if frustrating, and to me most of the characters seemed fully realized. Thankfully, the show didn’t even feel too “spin-offy” even with Nick Robinson being all over it.
In any given multi-season serialized show, the trajectory of the show goes one of two ways: the first season puts your feet on the ground of the series, and then later seasons go above and beyond with the storytelling (The Office, Breaking Bad, Bojack Horseman, Jamie Johnson) OR the first season is pretty great TV, and the following seasons fail to live up to its glory (The Good Place, Dear White People, really most every Netflix show ever). Which category Love, Victor ends up in is something to look forward to. Where do we go from here now that Victor is taking his first steps out of the closet?
Stray thoughts from the episodes:
The soundtrack on the whole, was not my cup of tea. I still liked a couple of songs, so that means somebody out there liked more of them.
I completely forgot Natasha Rothwell was in Love, Simon. More of her! More of Ali Wong! More of Beth Littleford! They were all great.
So Roger got his ass beat by Armando, and he still wants to get back with her?? Roger is reckless, man.
Speaking of reckless, Victor’s closet skills completely fell apart towards the end there. Assume somebody’s always watching!
Lake’s mother is a trip.
Good for the family for standing up to the grandparents.
Oh my god, Simon and Bram. Those guys are mine, and now they’re growing up and moving to the Big Gay City. They’ve come a long way.
Speaking of the Big Gay City, we were in Atlanta for a season and got *0* acknowledgement of the vibrant gay community there. More things to look forward to.
Was anybody else singing Selena along with Isabel? That is my favorite Selena song!
By rule of Felix being a male and Pilar being a female close in age, I immediately thought they were going to be a thing. The writers didn’t pull that thread too much...
That moment at the end there when we all thought Victor was going to hold off on his announcement only for him to go “fuck it” and say it anyways? And then he got to exhale? Perfect. chef’s kiss
What with June being Pride month, the SCOTUS ruling a couple of days ago, this entire show premiering today, and Delliot things going down in less than 24 hours, this will likely be the gayest week of the year. I suggest we all enjoy it.
Stay Peachy!
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goodgrammaritan · 5 years
McKitterick Appreciation Post
Are y'all following @mckitterick yet?
Here are some @mckitterick facts:
1. His blog is full of cuteness. Not just fluffy animals, which are always great, but also unexpected cute animals, like octopi or cuttlefish or whatever.
2. He posts original photos of urban wildlife near his home. Squirrels he feeds (and knows by sight), semi-feral cats, etc.
3. His unrestrained enthusiasm for the things he loves shines through in every post. Whether it's space, motorcycles, kilts, Leverage, what have you, he raves about it, and his pure, wholesome adoration is infectious, even if space/motorcycles/kilts/Leverage isn't your thing.
4. He's open and vulnerable. He's willing to share about himself, and you feel like you have a trusted friend with his every post. And the times I've DM-ed him, he's responded with an encouraging word or commiseration, and is just generally kind.
5. Remember when I mentioned kilts? He wears kilts daily! How awesome is THAT? And it's not a bit, it's just who he is.
6. He frequently shares conversations with his partner @clevermanka, another active tumblr user, and these glimpses into their relationship are both sweet and amusing.
7. He's passionate about his beliefs and about speaking out against what's wrong with the U.S. I recommend his #notmypresident and #eat the rich tags.
8. His tags are a thing of beauty. Thorough, sensitive (will always warn about potential triggering content), fun, and inventive, like his "compost the rich" tag, an environment spin on anti-capitalism. Also, he does the work for me. Half the time I just copy his tags verbatim because they're so spot-on.
9. He's very open about having ADHD. As a fellow neurodivergent, his posts about mental health, mental illness, and executive dysfunction are encouraging, and make me feel less alone. It's perfect solidarity.
10. He's a writer. Not only does he curate quality content from all over tumblr, but he writes thoughtful, introspective original posts about a variety of topics. They're always detailed, thorough, sourced (if from a news article or the like), and full of pictures and engaging thoughts. You can tell these are carefully drafted posts, not just something written on the fly. He puts time and effort into everything.
Okay, so basically follow @mckitterick. Not a day goes by that his blog doesn't make me think, squee, smile, or laugh out loud. (And some days it makes me cry, but in a good way.) Your life will be better with him in it.
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rough-n-randy-rando · 5 years
Edd and Flow, The First Night Of Summer
The air smelled of summer. Earth and ozone were heavy in the humid air, intermittent storms making their way to torment the mountains to the west. Dogs yipped at fireflies as they rose from the tall grass near the swollen creek and fluttered about like wild embers in the creeping dusk. In the cul-de-sac, dinners were being eaten, chores were being done, plans were being made. This was the last summer of childhood, the gateway to Senior Year, to college tours and military recruiters roaming the halls, to future success or the pit of immediate mediocrity.
Kevin Barr worried that he was at the edge of the pit rather than on any path to a different, rosier outcome. He had cruised through high school on the bare minimum, lettering in any sport that involved a ball and some measure of physical violence. But Peach Creek isn't scouted like Boston or D.C. or Rhode Island, and so while the bare minimum was enough to allow his athletic career to go uninterrupted, his prospects were slim. His father's voice was stuck in his head saying, 'There's always the Army.' He shrugged it off, shuddering at the prospect of getting yelled at for a living by legions of men who reminded him of his father, minus the warmth and intelligence to cushion their authority and judgement.
This was the year to pull out the stops, make every Hail Mary he could think of, even if it were Lemon Brook Junior College. Last resort. 'There's always the Army.' Last of last resorts. But that was for another day, another time. Tonight, here and now, there was a party to attend, and worries to drown.
The party started to take shape around 7. Nate's family was in California on business and wouldn't be back till the day before graduation, so he naturally became the host and organizer. The first to arrive and help set up the well-loved speaker system was Johnny, with Plank's help of course. Then came Nazz with Kevin, Rolf following with a wagon full of various types of meats in plastic and metal containers. The Kankers arrived together bearing peace offerings of several cases of beer obtained through dubious means. Nate sanctioned the deal and declared his house neutral ground.
As a dozen or so other kids from Peach Creek High arrived and took advantage of Nate's luxurious home, the question arose, 'Where are the Eds?'
"Well I mean, I invited them." Nate said offhandedly as he thumbed through the playlist on his phone, settling on an EDM song who's only lyrics were, 'feed me your love'.
Kevin groaned and grabbed a beer from the rapidly draining supply in the fridge. "Eddy's gonna say something to someone and it'll all go South."
Nazz pinched his arm and stole the beer from his hand, topping off her solo cup before handing it back, "You're just worried he'll say something to YOU and YOU'LL make a big scene."
"I thought you were all buddy-buddy with the short one now, ever since that whole cross-country chase y'all went on in Junior High?" Nate also snatched Kevin's beer and took a sip.
"Eddy's Eddy, he's always out for another scam, something to make him money or make him look good."
"Well good, because I can only play my Spoofy playlist for so long before people get bored." Nate handed back the nearly empty beer to Kevin and turned to walk out to the pool. "We need a little excitement and scandal every now and again."
Kevin huffed and turned to Nazz, "He just doesn't know the Eds like we do."
Nazz shook her head and sipped at her drink, "Maybe just Ed or Double-Dee will show up, Eddy's supposed to be moving to The City right after graduation so for all we know he's apartment shopping right now."
"Yeah, maybe just Double-Dork…"
The lights in the house all cut out abruptly. People yelped and cursed, phone screens and flashlights piercing the darkness. The speaker system shrieked, causing even more chaos.
"The Germans!" someone cried out, causing nervous laughter and breaking a bit of the tension.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, and of course Kevin…"
"I knew it, Shorty had to make an entrance!" Kevin saw a pulsing neon glow approaching the rear fence near the pool and tried to make his way out of the house, tripping on Plank en route.
"I, Eddy Reese, your facilitator, your entertainer, your guy in the know, present for you an entertainment extravaganza unlike any you've ever seen!"
A stage adorned with stadium-quality lights that pulsed and flashed along to a heavy, percussive beat with what can only be described as a crystalline hissing sound rose over Nate's rear fence. It was emerging from the lane, slowly and deliberately, billowing thick grey smoke that flowed into the yard and even spilled onto the surface of the pool, obscuring a couple that was involved in some heavy petting. It was about 8 feet tall, 10 feet wide, and 6 feet deep, with a drawn, pitch-black curtain swaying slightly as the entire traveled through the air on barely visible supports.
"Whatever this is, I'm sold." Nate had stripped down to just his boxer briefs and had managed to adorn himself with glow bracelets and necklaces, as well as what looked like a military-grade chemlight that was clenched in his teeth.
"I knew the dorks would pull something!" Kevin had emerged from the house, Plank in one hand, a pocket flashlight in the other, which he used to scan the crowd for the usual suspects.
"Chill out Kev, this looks fun." Nazz had taken off her shirt and was also covered in glowing jewelry, her bra patterned with various amorous emojis.
"Yes hot of the collar Kevin, join in the merriment and cease your sour face making!" Rolf was wearing tube socks, a jock strap and not much else.
Everyone barely had a moment to take in the sight before the stage finally settled with a crescendo of electronic insanity, punctuated by the stage-lights all fading out and back in as a deep, dark red.
"People of Peach Creek!" A single floodlight snapped on and aimed skyward, revealing Eddy standing at the uppermost level of the stage, the light making him seem villainous. "I give you, Edstravaganza!"
The lights on stage began to strobe as the curtain parted, revealing none other than Ed, standing alone and wearing a billowing robe as well as a vacant but pleasant look on his face. The lights flashed brilliantly, like a chain of precise lighting strikes that dazzled and awed the rapt audience. They slowly diminished, easing into a weak but steady pulse. Ed stared out into the crowd and the crowd stared back. The crowd stared at Ed and Ed stared back. Ed stood upon the stage, a mysterious figure cloaked in magnificence and showmanship, and those gathered were in the palm of his hand. And that was it, he just stood there. The lights suddenly snapped to their full brilliance; Ed still unmoving.
"Hey, Lumpy, you're on!" Eddy's shoe dropped down and bounced off Ed's head, eliciting no response. Kevin began to laugh.
Suddenly, Ed threw off the robe, revealing that he was stripped to the waist with an intricate network of what looked like EKG nodes and wires crisscrossing his torso and arms.
"You Got it Eddy!" Ed threw out his arms and the lights turned a mossy, aquatic turquois, the strobes speeding up as he fluttered his fingers. As he raised his arms above his head the percussive beat rose in tempo as well, a slight whining pitch emerging from the depths of the stage. He clapped his hands and the lights all shifted to violet and indigo, bathing everything in color.
A woman's voice cut through all the sound and implored no one in particular, 'Trap for me!'
And so the party raged, guided by the kinesics of Ed and the occasional, orgasmic words of unseen men and women begging the audience to perform various vaguely musical actions. The party had grown, kids that weren't even from Peach Creek were arriving with more alcohol and more than a little drama. Word had gotten out, and Eddy quickly capitalized, charging admission and harassing people that tried to cheat the house by clambering over the fence.
Kevin escaped the borderline riot by climbing onto the roof, discovering that other exhausted party goers had gotten the same idea. He was soaked in sweat, and was splattered with the contents of several chemlights, looking almost radioactive. Even after stripping off his shirt he felt like he was running hot, and a few splotches of the glowing fluid were visible on his skin. "Damnit Nate…"
"Mix a solution of one teaspoon liquid dishwashing detergent, one-fourth cup distilled white vinegar, and one cup of cool water."
Kevin was startled and looked to the far end of the roof. Edd was sitting comfortably on a padded camping stool, with what looked like a control panel balanced on his knees. He was dressed casually, possibly owing to the humidity, wearing a tank-top with a design of the solar system across the chest, a fanny pack, and a pair of vintage men's athletic shorts that looked more at home on a beach in Florida than in a Peach Creek cul de sac.
"Oh, hey Double-Dee… uhm… what?"
"The recipe I gave was for a simple mixture that will clean the luminescent fluid from your clothing without ruining the color." He looked Kevin over and giggled.
"What's so funny?" Kevin felt his face get warm, though not in anger, more embarrassment, like he'd been caught with his, well, his shirt off on a rooftop in the dead of night.
"Oh, nothing, just having a laugh over the small amount on your skin, it's quite amusing."
"Yeah, Nate decided he wanted to write his name on his 'property' and went around trying to write 'NKG' on me and a few others." Kevin wiped at the fluid, smearing it more and transferring it to his palm.
"Well I see you escaped the branding, though not wholly unscathed." Double-Dee set down the control panel and walked over to Kevin, taking the glowing hand in his own. "Luckily this chemical is both non-toxic and simple to clean off."
Kevin watched Double-Dee consider his hand like some kind of specimen, a wave of prickly, cold needles washing over him at the coolness of the raven-haired teen's fingers played across his skin. Kevin felt warm, unusually warm, and while he could chalk some of it up to the rave going on just past the lip of the roof, he felt the odd sensation that it had something to do with the boy holding his hand. His other hand moved to his stomach and likewise smeared and stained itself, Kevin watching it with detached confusion.
"Oh my, now both your hands are glowing." Double-Dee lightly took hold of the other hand as well, making a flustered face that bordered on the maternally annoyed. "What are we going to do with you?"
Kevin didn't know why but his hands closed around the other boy's fingers, not harshly, not menacingly, but just enough to press them fully to against his own. Again, the difference in temperature between the two stirred up some bubbly, anxious humor in his belly and further south. Was that it, was it just that he was slightly colder, and his body was reacting to it? These thoughts and more came to a halt as he felt Double-Dee's hands squeeze back.
"Is something wrong, Kevin?"
The redhead instantly released the boy's hands and set about neurotically searching for something to do with his own; stuffing them in his pockets, wiping his forehead, scratching his belly, sliding under his very sweaty armpits, and finally hanging uselessly at his side. "Ah, no, just, your hands are cold, is all."
"I have poor circulation, Father ties it to my lack of physical exertion but Mother attributes it to an old Vincent family malady, we're all slaves to our genetics in the end." Double-Dee smiled pleasantly at Kevin, totally nonplussed.
Kevin nodded and nodded and grunted something akin to "uh huh, uh huh" without truly understanding a single word he'd said. It would seem impossible but a quiet settled between the two while the impromptu concert dominated the soundwaves all around.
"You two are cute."
The pair jumped, Double-Dee letting out a small squeak and Kevin throwing his cap at the now glowing Nate laying luxuriously on the roof nearby.
"Don't do that!" Kevin shouted.
"Do what, lay on MY roof watching MY friends get… friendly?" Nate flung Kevin's cap back at him.
"Nathaniel, you startled me." Double-Dee tugged at the front of his shirt, airing himself out.
"I have that effect on people." He stood and walked over to Double-Dee, putting him in a very intimate hug, soaked in sweat and chemlight fluid, still dressed in only his boxer briefs. "You really outdid yourself with the light show, makes Eddy's promoter shtick almost tolerable."
Double-Dee, clearly dismayed by the physical contact and the unsanitary state of Nate, nodded and tried his best to escape the teen's embrace. "Y-y-yes, ah, Eddy can be rather overbearing where profits are involved, I hope you won't hold it against him."
"No, but I'm fine with this situation as far as holding things against other people goes."
"While I appreciate the levity you're approaching the situation with I think I should go and try to calm Eddy down, as well as check on Ed, he must be parched."
"Yeah, Nate, I think Double-Dweeb has better things to do than get dry humped by you." Kevin knew his hands were balled into fists but for the life of him he couldn't explain why.
Nate nodded and released Double-Dee with a cartoonish, meaty, sucking sound as they came unstuck from one another. "Very well, please see to the evening's festivities."
A loud thud and a sudden burst of shrieking feedback came from the stage, the lights all snapping back onto flood-mode. Dismayed boos and surprised shouts came from the sizeable crowd below. The trio looked out and saw that Ed had collapsed to the floor in an inhuman puddle of sweat.
"All Done!" Ed wheezed from his place on stage.
Eddy fought his way to the stage, pockets and a backpack bursting with bills. He climbed on stage and began trying to revive the larger Ed, using entreaties and threats in equal measure.
"Oh dear, Ed must be absolutely exhausted, curse my curiosity!" Double-Dee started as though to leave but paused and turned to look at Kevin, biting his lip.
Kevin was frozen to the spot, his knees locking up and leaving him vulnerable to a stiff breeze. Double-Dee approached and removed a sky-blue bandanna from his fanny pack, using it to lightly scrub at Kevin's palm, lifting some of the glowing fluid.
"There, see, nothing drastic, just a little elbow grease, which I'm sure you have no shortage of." Double-Dee squeezed Kevin's bicep, pausing in appreciation, then hurried off, bidding Nate a brief farewell in passing. Kevin noticed a large letter 'K' written on his back in chemlight fluid.
"I couldn't help myself, after your Saved By The Bell moment I had to."
Kevin, unable to respond, walked towards the edge of the roof, Nate standing beside him. "Nate… not a word."
"What about a tasteful nude drawing?"
Kevin put his hand to Nate's back and gave a firm shove, sending him flying out into the crowd. As Nate surfed the rowdy sea of teens and the Eds alternatingly argued and tended to their friend, Kevin looked at the unremarkable blue bandanna and felt the unfamiliar cool needles attack him all over.
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