#ya know what? the best thing to do is put her with greg and make alex talk about how much he thinks she perfect
aladaylessecondblog · 5 months
Red Mountain Waffle House, pt. 4 ("The Hand")
Sadara kept the corprus thing under wraps. She told Jiub--but no one else.
"Well if that doesn't suck shit I don't know what does," he said through the cigarette dangling from his lips, "You okay? Gonna need me to shank you before you go crazy? When did you get bitten, a couple days ago?"
"A few months, actually," she said, "That's the strange part, I haven't had any symptoms. Not a rash or a boil or anything."
There was a pause. He flicked the cigarette, opened the baggie before him, and set it on the table.
"You got the papers?"
"Do I have the papers..." Sadara scoffed. "With the week I've had I don't think I'll ever forget them again!"
She handed over the bag and Jiub set them out and started rolling their weed into joints.
"Makes me wonder why we ever decided to come here, y'know. We could be doing pretty good just killing cliffracers."
"Yeah, and sleeping outside and in all conditions...I don't want to do that again. Ever." Sadara sighed, and checked on the ash yam stew on the stove, giving it a few stirs before coming back. "Like it wasn't bad, and this time we were choosing to do it, but..."
"But you're sick of it and want a permanent roof over your head. Even if it's just this shithole."
"Exactly. See, you understand me so well."
It was a friendship that went back to when they were both young and hungry. Easier to be poor when you had someone to watch your back and help you out when you needed it. And though they'd parted a few times due to one thing or another, they usually ended up watching each other's back again. Sometimes people thought they were dating, and she'd asked him once, but Jiub didn't seem interested. Didn't like girls, but didn't seem to like guys, either...
He was always good to pretend he was her boyfriend to put off the creeps, though.
"Yeah, maybe I'm a bit tired of it too, I'll be honest...fighting and scraping and trying to heal up from all the fights with cliffracers...like...I can buy healing potions and all, but who's to say we don't get got by a pack of them at some point?"
"So we work at a restaurant where we only get shit from people on two legs."
It wasn't THAT bad, really. The corprus monsters left her alone now, and why that was she couldn't figure out. Maybe having it made them think of her as just another one of them?
There'd be time to debate over it. She'd just have to keep an eye on it, and pray it didn't get any worse than it already was.
"Hey, hey, Greg, how ya doing?" Jiub waved as the imperial walked through the door. "So you finally decided to join us in civilization?"
"Something like that," Greg laughed. He was a fairly jovial sort, and the one with a fairly large house (how he owned it inside the Ghostfence was a mystery to everyone) and thus the guy who held all the best house parties. To be friendly with him was always a good idea, even if they weren't entirely sure if he wasn't Sanguine's avatar or something. "You two gonna be free in two weeks? Say, Saturday?"
"What's happening saturday?"
"What d'you think's happening? We'll have ale and sujamma, but if you can bring a little green that'll be appreciated."
"Can't get ahold of any?" Sadara took his order for a waffle and some eggs and stayed at his table as Jiub went to work cooking. "Or you just want some to mellow out?"
"A little of both, it's been harder to get and Jiub's always had a way with the stuff. Oughta grow your own...or maybe you do already, in which case keep up the good work."
Sadara handed him the coffee and plate once Jiub was done cooking. "He's got a green thumb. Me...me, mine's pure black, inside and out. Except for that plant on the windowsill. The local cult leader seems to think I'm Nerevar returned because he was like that too."
"Is that so? Well, that guy's a bit isolated...he'll turn up to a party now and then, but mainly to--"
The door bell jingled and in walked a pair of ordinators. One of them same as Sadara had tossed out before, and she immediately tensed on sight of him.
"At least there's none of those things in here tonight," the mer said, "You'd probably welcome them with open arms."
She didn't respond.
Greg paid and left shortly afterwards, saying he'd give them specifics on when to turn up later. Sadara went over to the ordinators' table.
"And what will the two of you be having?"
The first one was muted, tired, and asked just for some sausage and eggs. The angry one glared up at her, "A Temple-fearing waitress would be a good thing to have, but obviously we're both out of luck now, aren't we?"
"To eat, sir." Her tone was icy, and she could see the temper broiling beneath the man's severe expression.
"Coffee, and eggs."
She took the order and walked back to her place. Shortly after, Ulen entered, and the ordinators tensed up.
"Ulen, it's good to see you again," Sadara said, "The sky looks like it's been threatening to rain all day, does that mean you expect to see..."
"Ah, not today, most likely," Ulen replied. "He has much to handle at home. Something has livened him up and we are all happier for it."
His gaze such as it was, turned to hers.
"YOU again," the ordinator snarled from the corner. When his food was ready a moment later, he was still seething. "I don't care if his money spends well, suppose the ordinators stopped coming here because you're obviously in with the Dagoths?"
"I'm not in with ANYONE," Sadara replied, "It's economics. They spend more than you anyway, it wouldn't be much of a loss."
"How DARE--"
"Can we not right now?" his partner said, "We're off duty, they're not violent, it's not worth the fight."
"The duty never ceases."
A groan.
Ulen didn't acknowledge them, and spoke instead to Sadara. "Your arm, it is healed?"
"Yes. Where did you--oh, right. He must've told you. Please tell me he doesn't have me watched."
"He DOES want to be sure his Nerevar doesn't come to harm."
"HIS Nerevar?" Sadara gave a laugh, and then not wanting to appear rude quickly added, "I'm sorry, it's just a ridiculous idea to me. Me, who's never been to Morrowind before the ship brought me here, and he thinks I'm the incarnate of Nerevar--"
"He thinks you're WHAT?"
The last sentence, spoken perhaps a bit too loud, had caught the ordinator's attention. He stood up so quickly his plate was turned over and clattered to the floor.
"The SHARMAT thinks you're Nerevar," the ordinator charged forward and grabbed her by the collar, "Now you've reached the point of outright heresy and that I CANNOT ignore."
"Get the fuck off me, you creep!" Sadara moved and kneed him in the crotch.
The ordinator let go, but slapped her with his right hand a moment later. "The Temple will know. And the Temple will do to you what they do to ALL those who think to call themselves Nerevarine!"
Sadara decked him then, and dragged him outside, hearing only a faint, "I tell him not to do this shit" from the ordinator's partner, who kept calmly drinking his coffee.
"I'm not Nerevar, but I'll damn sure kick your ass like I was!" She ducked a fireball from the ordinator and gave him another hit on the jaw. The fight that followed was confusing - she would recall afterwards getting cut by his blade, getting knocked in the head, sitting on his chest and punching his face bloody, but nothing more than that. What she did remember was going back inside to clean up.
Ulen came forward to heal the cut, and she thanked him. Gladly, the ordinator's partner left soon after, saying "he just gets like this" and both of them did not return to cause more trouble.
A few days later, Sadara's black eye had come in in full bloom, and she had to get a pair of shades to cover it up. The mail tracking app said the package was due to be delivered today, and she went out to the mailbox to check.
Except there wasn't one package, there was two. One was definitely the sunglasses marked "Tiber Mart", but the other was wrapped in postal paper, tied with twine, and marked only with "A Gift" in the most cursive, flourished, show-offy handwriting possible.
She brought them both inside, and after checking that the sunglasses covered up her black eye well enough she looked to the other box. A Gift. What in the hells?
Sadara pulled the end of the twine and tore off the paper. The box was neat and expensive looking, but the scent was horrendous, and for a minute she considered tossing it out. The ordinators might've sent her a stinkbomb, or something poisonous, maybe...
Against her better judgement she opened the lid.
And screamed.
There, within the box, was the bloody, rotten, bonemold gauntleted hand of an ordinator.
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crescentblossom66 · 2 years
Murder on the Beta Express
She landed with a loud thud on some kind of strange long, noisy vehicle. She appeared to be in a desert of some sort, that she was easily able to discern by the small sand grains that got whirled up by the motion and ended up in her eyes.
“Holy smokes! Where do ye come from!?” Hat Kid, hadn't even realized that someone else was standing on the back of this moving...thing with her. The weird creature, who was crouched down, presumably fixing something, almost dropped the saw he had in his...wing?, he pointed at her with his other wing that shook like a branch during a hurricane. She tilted her head at his question and pointed upward. Had he not seen her fall from the sky?
The green bird...thingie got up and dusted off his yellow suit, and straightened his pink tie. He looked up and scratched the back of his neck, “What?...You mean to tell me that you fell from the sky?” She vigorously nodded. The bird just looked at her for a moment longer. “The desert heat must've toasted your brain, wee one.” He smiled awkwardly, before he sighed. “Arright come with me, we gotta get ya out of the blazing sun.” The green bird opened the door that led inside and motioned for her to go through, which she did while she still kept an eye on him. Considering that some strange noodle ghost had attacked her, and that most everyone on this planet so far had been more or less hostile, she found it best to keep her guard up.
“The name's Greg. What's yer name wee girl?” He asked after he closed the door again and Hat Kid looked around the interior. There were multiple other birds, most of which resembled owls form her own planet, however these looked more or less harmless, unlike the owls near her home, those were bloodthirsty monsters! They seem to be working on some machine, some were tightening screws, others were welding metal together, while a few of them were observing a white board with a complicated looking formula.
She turned around to look back at the yellow suit-wearing bird and pointed at her hat and then she moved her arms up and down, she still wasn't able to speak the language of this world, understanding it wasn't an issue, but her tongue refused to create the word that she needed.
“Uhhh...Hat Small? What are ye tryin' ta tell me?” She sighed and tried to speak as best she could.
“H-Hadt Kit.” She received a blank expression before he tried to make sense of her words.
“Hat Kid?” She smiled and nodded. “Weird name, but, eh, heard stranger ones.” The owls paid no attention to them as they walked past them and they made their way to the next wagon.
“Are ye done outside, Greg? I miss being in me favorite spot on the train.” She heard a voice that was slightly higher in pitch than that of the bird that she was accompanying. Sitting on a stool near the cafeteria, drinking what appeared to be coffee, was another strange bird that looked a lot like Greg, however, this one was yellow and wore a black suit with a purple tie.
“Not yet, brother, might still take me a few minutes.” The black suit-wearing bird looked at her and gave Hat Kid a warm smile.
“Who do we have 'ere? I don't recall ye boardin' earlier.” Greg frowned for a moment and looked at her rather sternly which made her shrink in on herself a little.
“What?! That cannae be true, if ye don't recognize her-” He freaked out a bit, gesturing to her and then to her brother and when to the ceiling, “-How? How did ye get here?” Hat Kid didn't know what else to say, she just fell onto this...train? That was what the yellow one called it earlier.
“Calm down, Greg, maybe I wasnae payin' enough attention and she snuck in.”
The green bird shook his head. “Nae! Ye always pay attention!...Wait-” He looked her up and down again. “-Does that meant that the girl's a stowaway?!” Thinking that she was in trouble, she slowly backed away from the strange bird, the black one got up and put himself between her and Greg.
“Look what yer doin' ye buffoon, yer scarin' the lassie.” Greg stopped his frantic gesturing and took a deep breath. Hat Kid looked between the two who seem to contemplate what to do. “Why don't ye ask Walter and what to do while I keep an eye on the lass?” The green bird nodded, but just stopped in front of her for a moment.
“I'm sorry fer scarin' ye, girlie.” He then walked off toward the front, leaving her with the yellow bird, an eccentric that Greg.
“Sorry, 'bout that, me brother can get a little hysterical sometimes, he likes things ta be in order, it's almost a compulsion for him.-” The yellow bird informed her, before he leaned down to her a bit “.Please donae tell him that there is a small oil stain on the back of his suit, he'll freak out.” He went back over to his coffee and motioned for her to take a seat, which she reluctantly took, still a bit weary of the bird. “Where are me manners, the name's Connor, and I'm one of the conductors on this here train.” He took a sip of his coffee and almost chocked as he realized something, “I'm really rude today, ain't I? Do ye want a hot cocoa, or a bottle of juice?”
The girl tapped her chin in thought for a moment and then pointed at an apple juice box with a straw. “Ye donae like ta talk, eh? Don't appear to be from these parts, either.” He brought the juice box over to her and sat down again, that's when the door to the front opened and a yet another jagged-beaked bird entered the room, and closed the door rather forcefully. Hat Kid got startled and almost dropped her beverage to the floor. This red bird was smaller than the green one, but taller than the yellow bird next to her, the feathers on the side of his face were curved upward a lot, they almost looked like small hooks. His suit was light brown, and his cream colored tie tied rather haphazardly.
“Redd, what in blazes happened?!” Connor questioned as the bird apparently named Redd barricade the door with his body, he turned his head to the side and cringed. What followed was a loud bang that made Hat Kid leap onto her feet, while the yellow bird got up as well.
“Yeah, funny story, Con. Ya see, I was s'posed to deliver some chemical over to our esteemed passengers,-” He walked away from the door and looked down to the floor in shame, “-I may have accidentally dropped it.” He had a kind of sleazy-sounding voice, this bird was obviously trouble. The black suit-wearing bird shoved the other to the side and opened the door to the next wagon. His feathers rose when he saw the state of the room.
Out of curiosity, Hat Kid peeked inside and gasped before she started to cough, the whole room was covered in thick smoke. Connor leapt to action and quickly opened the windows in the room while the red one joined Hat Kid in the doorway. “Quite a mess, eh, kid?” He chuckled awkwardly, while Hat Kid looked at the broken vials that were on the ground, the smoke emerged from an oddly bubbling purple liquid.
“I swear on our dead pa, Redd, one o' these days, ye'll kill us all.” The yellow bird muttered between heavy coughs, which worried the young girl.
“You...okay...sir?” She inquired with concern which elicited a small smile from the bird.
“Aye, lass, don't ye worry, I'm fine.”
“What is going on here?” That was a voice that she hadn't heard yet and it came from the forth strange bird...how many of those were there?
This bird stood a bit stiffer than the other three, the beautiful white feathers he sported immediately caught Hat Kid's attention, they were harshly contrasted by his prussian-blue suit and light blue tie. Greg looked at the room and immediately seemed to feel unwell, which prompted Redd to take his brother back to the front of the train where he and the white bird had come from.
Connor, who had recovered from his little coughing fit, decided to fill in his white feathered brother. “Well, Redd was bein' Redd again, said he dropped something, and now...ye see the results yerself, Walter” Walter put a wing to his head in frustration.
“This will take hours ta clean, as soon as he returns, I'll have a word with our dear youngest brother.” The yellow bird cringed and his feathers lowered down. Hat Kid looked at him and rose an eyebrow at his odd reaction.
He leaned down and whispered to her “Don't ever get on Walter's bad side, lassie, getting' berated by him is worse than scrubbin' the whole train top to bottom.” She nodded quietly. Well, the white bird looked rather strict, like a school teacher, so she thought it best to heed the advice. The cold gaze of the blue suit-wearing bird fell on her and she couldn't help but fidget under it.
“So, yer the little child that Greg informed me about. He said something about ye having no ticket. Is that true?” She looked down to the ground and nodded ashamed.
“Donae kick 'er off, Walt. The lass hasn't done anythin' bad.” The yellow bird pleaded, Hat Kid rose her head up again to see the reaction of the white bird, who recoiled a bit.
“Do ye really think I'd kick a child off our train, how horrible do ye think me?-” He almost looked offended. “-She can stay as long as she's willing ta help out a wee bit.” He glanced back at her and she nodded.
She still had a time piece to find somewhere on this...train is what they called it right? Getting kicked off would further complicate things, so she nodded again. “Alright, ye can help Connor here clean the china in the cafeteria.” He then turned around swiftly and went to the front as well, mumbling something that sounded like 'subjecting a child to the desert heat, how cruel does he think me?'
She and the yellow bird went back to the cafeteria, and, like she promised, she started to help wash the dishes. Greg and Redd came back from the control room, Greg greeted them, while Redd grumbled something. He was carrying another weird substance, this time the liquid was gray. Hat Kid wondered what those things contained.
After a few minutes she grew bored and decided to try to start a conversation with the yellow-feathered train conductor. “You...a-all...brothers?” She asked, hoping to get the bird to start talking again, he seemed to enjoy making small talk.
Connor was washing an old-looking ashtray that he handed to her for drying, she must've caught him off guard with her question as he jolted barley noticeably. “Aye, we're all brothers, Walter's the oldest and Redd's the youngest. We actually have one more brother, but-” his feathers lowered a bit, “-He went to some kind o' forest and never returned...I hope he's doin' well.” She wondered if the bird had seen one of her time pieces, in the commotion earlier she had completely forgotten to ask them.
“Seen...our...glass?” She made a motion to show the shape of her valued item, but the yellow bird shook his head.
“Never seen somethin' like that 'round here. I'll help ye look for it when we're done, how's that sound?” She gave him a wide smile and nodded.
A few minutes later both of them got startled by loud shriek coming form the room with the science owls. They ran over to it and found one of the birds lying in a puddle of blood, a small puncture wound was visible, likely what killed the owl. The door to the caboose opened and Redd entered, his clothes and wing were stained red, Walter and Greg pushed her and Connor aside to see who had let out that bloodcurdling scream. Walter's feathers rose in shock and he recoiled. Redd looked horrified and placed both his wings in front of his beak. Gregg looked rather pale, like he was going to throw up any second.
Hat Kid couldn't help but let out a squeak at the gruesome sight after she recovered from the initial shock. Connor snapped out of his stupor and put a hand on her shoulder.
“W-We should get ye outta here, i-it's okay, the owl is only pretendin'.” His shaking wings and quaking voice contradicted his claim immensely.
“It was Redd, clearly, he even has blood all over his clothes!” The red bird shook his wings and head.
“I-It wasn't me, I swear. This is paint, I...uhh...I decorated the exterior of the caboose a bit.” Hat Kid knew that something was very off about all this, she could feel the presence of the time piece nearby.
“Why would you do something like that, Redd? This...This is grotesque!” Greg accused his brother, his whole body was shaking with fear, Walter, meanwhile, tried to appear more collected.
“Let's all calm down and stop blindly accusing people.” On of the science owls pointed a shaking wing at the white bird.
“You're just saying that to protect your brother! He's a cold blooded killer.” Redd started to tremble.
“It really wasn't me, you gotta believe me.” Hat Kid felt bad for the brown suit-wearing bird. She felt like he was actually saying the truth, so she pried free from the hold of the yellow bird, who tried to reach for her again as soon as she walked off.
“Where are ye goin', lassie? It's dangerous!” She looked up at the red bird, who was still blocking the way to the outside of the caboose.
“Ye gotta believe me, kid, please.” He nearly begged and she gestured for him to move aside which he did. Nothing was out of the ordinary outside...except for a huge spray painting that red “Walter sux!!!” She rolled her eyes and went back inside.
“Redd...said...true.” She informed the birds to the best of her limited ability and the other birds checked the outside after hearing that from her. Even though Walter was understandably displeased with the graffiti, he decided to let it slide for now, given the circumstances.
“Who did it, then? I cannae believe one of me brothers would murder someone.” Connor spoke with his ear-like feathers tightly pressed to his head.
Hat Kid knew that it couldn't have been him, he was with her all the time, which left Greg, Walter and Redd.
She started speaking with Redd again. “What...do...after... leaving...cafeteria?” She asked, praying that he understood her butchered speech.
“I-i went back outside the caboose to help Greg, after delivering the chemical to the owls, he left after a while to get something, but I stayed there the whole time, I swear on me life!” Hat Kid tapped her shin and nodded.
She then asked Greg to see if he really did leave. “Well, girlie, I went outside with Redd and then went to the control room to get a screwdriver.” Lastly she asked Walter.
“I was in the control room the whole time, I run this train most of the time after all. I came runnin' when I heard that scream.” Something was wrong with what someone said...and she knew what.
Neither Connor nor her had ever seen Greg in the cafeteria through which he would have come to get to the room Walter was in, now she knew who had the time piece. She walked over and whispered to the yellow bird.
“This...not Greg...never...entered...cafeteria.” The feathers on the yellow-feathered bird rose after realizing it too.
“Y-Yer right, lassie, we only saw him go to the back, but he never come back up, yet he appeared behind Walter.” He whispered back
“Time piece...he has...time piece!” She told him with a serious expression. Out of nowhere the normally laid-back bird tackled his green 'brother' to the ground, due to the other being startled, he was met with little resistance. He pulled a weird hourglass from the yellow suit and threw it over to Hat Kid, who caught it.
“What are ye doin', Connor?” Walter was about to interfere when the bird that he assumed to be his brother changed shape into a bizarre creature with many eyes.
“This sucks, you found me out! Hehehe.” The creature cackled. Redd ran and got some rope from the front and tied up the shape shifter.
“Walt, what're we gonna do with it?” Walter thought about it for a moment and then answered Redd's question.
“We're calling the C.A.W, agents and get rid of it at the next station. They'll take care of this...abomination.-” The white bird lowered his long, white head feathers, “-More importantly, we gotta find Greg!”
Everyone searched for the green bird, and they found him tied up on the roof, how he got there not even he knows, all he remembered was that something struck him as he was about to enter the cafeteria, after that everything went black and the next thing he knew was that he was on the roof.
After the events Hat Kid was more than welcome on the train, she didn't even need a ticket.
There you go! One beta fic. Our Conductor has his beta personality, in case that wasn't clear. Greg acts as a mechanic, Walter mostly controls the train, Redd helps the science owls, and Connor greets the new passengers. I gave them all different colors for their suits and feathers so it's easier to distinquish between them. It got quite long, just short of 3000 words, that's why it took some time.
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lovecolibri · 3 years
I agree about M*ria feeling trapped and unsatisfied with her life and how it makes her cling to her powers and lash out, but assuming it's directed at Michael because he's supposed to be a friend is a more generous interpretation than mine. To me, it reads like it's directed at Michael specifically because he's the one person who's life was supposed to be an even bigger waste than hers. Alex doesn't work in this context any more than Liz or Kyle does. They all left Roswell and came back highly accomplished. I think M*ria's description of Michael from her POV was exactly how she saw him until they started dating, and it worked for a while because she wasn't privy to how much he's done for others. All she saw was the bar fights and him doing odd jobs at the Pony. But that POV no longer holds up after their relationship, and she has to face the fact everyone else has way more going on than her, and not even Michael is spending time with her if alcohol isn't involved. Not to mention, her closest friends are wrapped up in big romances, and she's no one's first priority. They should have dug into M*ria's feelings about the lost decade back in S1 instead of having her handwave Liz's ghosting with an offhand comment and never bring her friendships into adulthood. Now, both Liz/M*ria and Alex/M*ria feel heavily rooted in high school nostalgia (pretty much all her relationships do) on all sides without the show ever engaging with who the characters became as adults. You can't say this about Kyliz or Kylex, or any other adult dynamic. I don't know if S3 will ultimately ever explore any of this (M*ria at least owes Michael one hell of an apology) or if we'll all have to rely on personal interpretations forever, but I am giving it a few more episodes.
So for everyone else, this is in response to this post that I reblogged about how m*ria is projecting her issues onto Michael.
Nonnie, I really like your take here because yes, absolutely, this is the vibe I get, though I will say seeing Michael as a drunk who just gets into bar fights isn't relegated to m*ria as both Max and Isobel have pretty short fuses when it comes to Michael's more raucous behavior (even though they at least have most of the story and should know better), and Alex feels responsible for what happened to Michael's hand and everything changing after that because he doesn't have some key parts to the story. But Max and Alex especially both seem to want better for Michael (even if they don't go about telling him that in the best ways) because they know the kind of brilliance Michael is capable of, and Alex especially knows that softer, sweeter side to Michael. But the writing doesn't give us that with m*ria, and instead of giving us a "why are you doing this to yourself, I know you have so much more potential", we get her making (incorrect) assumptions about what kind of person Michael truly is, and we get her talking down to and about him. Compare that with Alex who yeah, he tells Michael he's wasting his life (making sure Michael knows that it's still his choice what he does, because Michael is taking into account everyone else's needs instead of his own), but is also always defending Michael to other people, reminding them he's a good person, reminding m*ria that Michael bore the weight of Isobel's sins for a decade just so she wouldn't have to, because Michael thinks his life is expendable and hers isn't. (Sidebar, please don't make me think about Michael Guerin and Evan Buckley parallels right now and how much they both need hugs.)
And then we get to the crux of why her words hit so poorly and so much different that the frustrated but borne of love words from others: "it reads like it's directed at Michael specifically because he's the one person who's life was supposed to be an even bigger waste than hers." That's it. That's the issue. She still sees Michael as nothing more than someone who sits on a barstool wasting his life away and picking fights and the more she learns about his selfless actions, about his whole ass science lab he's been running in his bunker, about all the research, and alien artifacts he's found, bought, or stolen, about how he was the one that broke through Alex's hard shell he made to protect himself, about how he worked with Kyle and Liz (both people she knows are very smart and that she highly respects) to find a way to save Max and even built him a pacemaker in a matter of hours because he's a literal genius, the more she realizes she has no idea who he is, and he, over the course of the their "relationship" never really lets her in to see these things. It's all mostly learned second hand.
"she has to face the fact everyone else has way more going on than her, and not even Michael is spending time with her if alcohol isn't involved. Not to mention, her closest friends are wrapped up in big romances, and she's no one's first priority." Exactly! Season 1 she just played oracle to Liz, giving her info about Rosa and not gonna lie, even at the end of season 1 I was still pretty sure m*ria was in the grade ahead of Liz and was Rosa's friend more than anyone else's because that's all she was around to do besides being a person-shaped obstacle to Malex in a role that could have been filled by literally any other person, male or female with the same outcome. The way they didn't allow Alex to have any negative emotions towards m*ria about that whole thing, means the fact that it was her specifically and not a rando guest star makes absolutely no difference to the way it played out. So what was even the point? Season 2 still found her not being a priority for anyone except for Michael who is obviously trying to hide from things he doesn't want to deal with, and even with that, she's not his priority in a way that works for her. Which leads into season 3 and Liz is gone, Michael has been avoiding the Pony (or wait? Has she not seen him around in awhile, or has he spent the past year sitting on a barstool doing nothing? I don't remember 🙄🙃), and Kyle is lecturing her about refusing to take basic precautions for her medical condition, but Kyle is also lecturing Max, and staying on top of things with Rosa, and keeping up with Liz, and oh yeah! Being a full time doctor. So now it comes off like she's pushing so hard to have these visions because they are making her the center of attention and without them, what does she bring to the table? Especially now that Isobel is (and apparently always has been if Jones is to be believed?) the empath.
Which leads into your next point "They should have dug into M*ria's feelings about the lost decade back in S1 instead of having her handwave Liz's ghosting with an offhand comment and never bring her friendships into adulthood. Now, both Liz/M*ria and Alex/M*ria feel heavily rooted in high school nostalgia (pretty much all her relationships do) on all sides without the show ever engaging with who the characters became as adults." This sums up the issue so well. We have seen how everyone else has grown over the past decade, but all we know about her is she bought the bar and has made some improvements and is hustling to make ends meet while caring for her mom. But those things only seem to come up when they are convenient, instead we hear more about her going to Rosa's grave, and holding on to a high school grudge against Isobel and most of her and Liz's interactions are about Rosa and the past.
Michael may put on a surface show for everyone else, but he's never stopped working on his research because he doesn't need to go to college to keep learning and hey! having a job that keeps his hands busy but his mind fairly clear is probably really helpful for him. He has a roof over his head, he has his research, and he has Isobel sometimes Max, and sometimes Alex, and he occasionally gets to both punch people being racist dicks AND needle his brother with his behavior. Michael isn't feeling "stuck" in his life, he's still actively working on all sorts of things, and when m*ria learns that he isn't this sad-sack who has it worse than her, he isn't someone she can hold her yardstick against and say "hey at least I'm better than Wyatt Long or Michael Guerin", she lashes out. And it's a shame that the show keeps pushing this more and more with her behavior, while simultaneously having NO ONE call her out on it, and try and gaslight the audience into thinking her actions aren't bad and we shouldn't hate her because look! None of the characters do! 🙄🙄🙄
I'm not ready just yet to give up on the show, but I definitely gave up on liking m*ria a long time ago and after some of the frankly ridiculous stuff we've seen in season 3 with regards to her treatment of Michael being so hostile for no reason (with still no one saying anything) and the gross way they are pushing Alex worshiping her and how they are pushing her with Straight Alex in the form of Greg, I'm not holding out a lot of hope that they will even attempt to address her behavior. 🤷‍♀️ But that's fine, I wasn't going to like her anyway after last season, so at least now I don't have put up with the show trying to pretend that anything she does now could possibly make up for her gross, manipulative behavior.
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mjlovescm · 3 years
20- Cat and mouse
Completed, 26 chapters, “So, you’re the babysitter, huh ?” Rodrick Heffley x black fem reader
It was an almost odd comfort. Knowing what people thought and not letting it affect you. Normally if someone or a few people thought two friends were dating it would cause some strain between them. Or at least that was your experience. Having your past “Friends” act outrageously simply because someone teased them about possibly being with you. Turing you into some undateable joke, which hurt. Deeply.
But maybe that's what brought you and Rodrick so close. He didn't act disgusted or embarrassed, he just didn't care. And that's what made this all just one big game to you. You and Rodirk could tease each other without it going too far or making things awkward.
In retrospect, it might not have been the best thing to do if you planned on deflecting the dating rumors. But it certainly was fun. Then again who cares right. It's not like you were actually dating or had any feelings for each other… Or at least none that you were sure of. Rodrick might have been another story, though.
“So, anything interesting happen at school?” Your mom ask before taking a bit of her food.
You mumble a small no, expecting Faith to do the same. But today something had happened.
“I heard a rumor about you today.” Faith says to you.
The atmosphere of the room changes immediately. On default, your mind runs back to any and everything bad thing you've ever done.
“What kind of rumor?” Your mom asks a voice directed at you.
“Nothing. I just overheard Greg say that Rodrick had a crush on you.”
There's a silence as both their eyes lay on you. The same expression written on their faces.
“What.” You say to their stares.
“Nothing. Just, I wouldn't be surprised if it was true.”
“It's not true. Trust me, Greg just loves drama.”
You knew this for a fact.
“Doesn't mean it's not true.”
The truth was, you weren't fully sure how Rodrick was going to react. It's one thing to randoms spread lies, but it's another to hear it coming from your own brother. Especially if your brother was as messy as Greg was. You thought maybe he'd laugh it off, joke about how out of hand things can get. Or at least yell at Greg and give him some type of threat.
But no, instead he froze, taking a moment to react. Rodrick was clever, he could tell by the way you brought it up was casually. He knew if he acted too shocked or caught off guard that you would have questions. Questions he wasn't sure if he could answer.
He gives you a dry chuckle, his hand squeezing the back of his neck.
“Greg told her that?”
“No, not like directly. I'm pretty sure she was just eavesdropping on him and Rowley.”
“So Rowley knows.”
“I think so, why.”
“Nothing.” He says, giving you a small smile.
It's far, far from nothing. A long time ago, Rodrick made the decision to put you first. After everything that happened between the two of you in such little time, He decided that your friendship, and your feelings, mattered more than his.
“I'll be right back, I gotta go to the bathroom.” You say, getting up from Rodrick's bed. 
He makes a small noise of acknowledgment as you leave the room. He waits a second before getting up and storming into Greg's room. Once he enters, he slams the door behind him, scaring Greg and Rowley. 
“You little shit.” Rodrick says seething. “I trust you with one thing, and you just can't keep that big mouth shut.”  
He spoke loudly and in his brother's face. 
“W-what are you talking about?” Rowley says, besides Greg. 
“No one's talking to you, Ron Weasley. Beat it.” 
Rowley quickly gets up and grabs his bag. He was already scared of rodrick, but right now he was terrified. But before he leaves, he gives Rodrick a word of advice. 
“You should just tell her ya know she might feel the same way.”  
Rodrick turns to him, eyes dark. Narrowed on Rowley as if he was some target. The look send a shiver down Rowley back. Coming out of the bathroom, you were immediately pushed into the wall by a running Rowley. Seeing you, Rodrick is quick to change his demeanor. Letting Rowley get away.
“Hey y/n. You hungry ?” He quickly changed the subject.  
“Uh, We still have some work to finish, but I guess I could take a break.” 
“Cool, I'll uh put a pizza in the oven.” 
Sitting in the living room, you flip through channels while Rodrciks in the kitchen. 
“Hey there y/n.” Franck says leaving the basement. 
“Hi Frank.” 
You cringed internally at calling him by his first name. But every time he insisted you call him frank, and after some time you were used to it. 
Opening your mouth to speak, you quickly shut it. Unsure if you really wanted an answer to the million-dollar question. But your curiosity got the best of you. It wouldn't hurt to ask, right ? 
“Frank, can I ask you something ?” 
“Of course.” 
“Do you think… Do you think Rodrick could have a crush on me?” 
You felt silly just saying it. Thinking Frank would give you some mundane answer telling you how he didn't know. But instead he dances around the question, not say what he really wanted to. Not wanting to betray his son's trust but not wanting to discourage you. 
“Is that a yes?” You ask genuine, confused by his rambling. 
“It's certainly not, a no.” 
Next chapter ;)
All chapters :)
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Title: Cafe Con Lychee
Author: Emery Lee
Genre: YA Fiction | Drama | Romance | Food | LGBTQ+
Content Warnings: Homophobia
Overall Rating: 8.3/10
Personal Opinion: A charming love story about good food and enemies turning to lovers, what more could you want? Theo Mori and Gabi Moreno are the sons of parents that own competing businesses. So naturally, they’re enemies. They hate each other’s guts. Or at least, Theo hates Gabi. In truth, Gabi has always admired Theo. Not just because Theo is living out and proud, something he can only wish he did. But how will admiration evolve into romance? You’ll just have to read to find out.
Couple Classification: Theo Mori X Gabi Moreno = Jock X Nerd
Do I Own This Book? Nope.
Spoilers Below For My Likes & Dislikes:
- I am a sucker for two things in stories. Food and Gaysians. This has both those things. I mean, I have a few gripes with Theo but overall I enjoyed his passion. The food though. I’ve got a borderline addiction to boba and every time it was mentioned and how popular it was, I felt… validated. Maybe because I went to college in Vermont and I didn’t find any places that sold boba. Oh yeah, this book takes place in Vermont and it mentioned Lake Champlain so again, I felt seen. Basically, I’m saying that there was a lot in this book that I personally related to and that gives it bonus good points in my book.
- I think the thing that I had appreciated the most was that people took accountability for their actions. Meli apologized for being a lousy friend and Gabi did the same. Justin said sorry for pushing Theo away and Theo said sorry for making everything about him. Gabi also apologized to Justin for meddling with his love life, Theo’s parents apologized for making him feel like he was to blame for everything, Gabi’s parents apologized for… well, everything. It doesn’t really make up for shit and Gabi also acknowledges that Meli will probably make mistakes again but it’s a start. Unfortunately, I would have liked it if Meli had followed up her apology with a promise she could actually keep but again, it’s a start.
- I think there is nothing more romantic in this book than when Gabi was gushing about Theo. Theo fully believed that he’s a disappointment and he’s full of self-loathing. The fact that, even before he fell for him, Gabi saw these incredible traits in Theo (his athleticism, his intelligence, his work ethic) is just so charming. Also, admiration turning romantic is one of my favorite tropes.
- Theo’s parents being so giddy about the homecoming dance was so cute to me. Just Theo’s dad lending them his suit jackets and ties and his mom wanting to take a bunch of photos. That kind of shit is so cheesy but it’s good shit.
- The title is super clever to me. It’s good wordplay and fits with the themes of the book. Especially since so much of the food stuff in the story was about weird fusions. Now, that being said, coffee with lychee sounds disgusting. I mention this because apparently, it’s not just the title of the book and the name of the new cafe they’re opening (super cute), but it’s also an actual menu item that Theo and Gabi sold. I cannot imagine it being a best-seller because it truly does not sound like it tastes good. However, I hate coffee so maybe that’s just me. 
- Thomas doing drag was a twist. I don’t know what he’s questioning when it comes to his identity but him doing drag was never something I had imagined. And I love it.
- I also love Theo’s mom standing up for herself against Greg because fuck Greg. Like Theo said, that was amazing.
- Gabi’s parents are a mess. And Theo’s aren’t much better but they put in a lot of effort in the last few chapters. I bring this up because blood families treating their kids like shit never sit well with me. Sixteen years of being homophobic is… ugh. Gabi says himself that their apology doesn’t make up for all that, so like, I’m trying to look past it but I don’t know. Maybe it’s because I read so many stories with chosen families supporting one another unconditionally and this book just did not have that. Justin and Meli were both kind of lousy friends at times. I didn’t feel like they were actual best friends with either of the protagonists. So when the parents aren’t great and the friends aren’t great, I’m left at a loss for the relationships I like. Is the only one between Theo and Gabi? Because if so, that’s kind of lame.
- Theo is not the most likeable protagonist. He’s very negative and it is so draining. There’s not really anything wrong with a less than outgoing main character but Theo just made me feel tired. I think it was too much like looking in a mirror. Inferiority complex with his brother, self-loathing concerning his sexuality and his parents’ views on it, and overall just thinking you’re inadequate. It was depressing. Plus, there’s also all his unreasonable hatred toward Gabi in the beginning. It was so aggressive and I just felt bad for Gabi. At least he was able to admit to himself later that it was unreasonable. But it was still a lot.
- Uncle Greg is the real worst though. Glad he got put in his place in the end.
- I cringed way too hard at Gabi not wanting to share a drink with Justin and saying, “But I’m not gay.” I’m glad he apologized (and also came out) two chapters later but oh my god, I had to stop reading for a bit because I felt my soul exit my body. My guy, straight people can share a damn cup.
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duffs-shot-glass · 3 years
Forget Him *PART ONE* (Izzy Stradlin)
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Forget Him Part Two
Izzy Stradlin x Reader
Sad fluff (not really much fluff in this part)
WARNINGS: profanities, abusive relationship, physical abuse, mental abuse
Word Count: 1,758
Y/N’s POV:
I was sitting in the living room of Izzy’s apartment, hanging out with the boys. And my boyfriend, Greg. If I was being honest I hated hanging out with greg. He made me uncomfortable constantly. In the beginning of our relationship he was really sweet. He spent time with me on the weekends, told me how important I was to him, and sometimes spoiled me a bit. Material things don’t mean a lot to me but I still thought it was kind of him. At first he really was the perfect boyfriend. Then it all went downhill.
I still remember the first night that started it all.
Greg and I were sitting in my apartment watching tv and cuddling when he started kissing my neck. I didn’t think much about it because we had made out before and he did that sometimes when we made out, but this time was different. He trailed his hand up my leg and started tugging at my pants in an effort to take them off. I stopped him and he looked at me confused. “Greg I’m sorry I uh...I’m a virgin and I...I don’t think I’m ready.” Greg huffed and looked at me. “Are you serious right now? After all I do for you and you’re gonna say ‘I’m not ready’?” He said it in a taunting voice. That was the first time I ever felt unsafe around Greg. “Greg I’m sorry I just don’t want to do that right now.” I said and stood up, moving away from him slightly. “Fuck you Y/N! Come here right now.” He literally chased me around my apartment until I threatened him with a police call. “Gregory Connar Philips I will call the police on you!” I yelled at him. His eyes widened and he looked worried. “Fine.” He slumped onto my couch and I couldn’t believe what had just happened. “I think it’s best you leave.” I whispered. He stood up and walked over to the door. After grabbing his jacket off the coat rack he opened the door and began to walk out. Right when I thought I was safe he turned to me and whisper-yelled, “If you tell anyone about this you will regret it. I will find out Y/N. I’m not stupid, unlike you.” And with that he slammed the door in my face. I couldn’t sleep that night. I wanted to die. I cried the entire night and contemplated what he said.
*End of flashback*
The next few weeks weren’t any different. Greg would come over to my house and the only way I got him to leave was by threatening him with the police. It was true I wasn’t ready. As long as I was with Greg, I never would be. I always loved my best friend Izzy. He was one for me. I was too scared to ask Izzy if he felt the same, and he never made a move. So eventually I met Greg and I liked him so I settled for him. I shouldn’t have done that though. Greg never layed a finger on me thankfully. Of course that changed though, two weeks ago actually.
“Greg please stop yelling at me!” I yelled. I had sat on the couch crying for the past two hours. Greg had been yelling and cussing at me about not wanting to have sex with him. I fucking hated Greg at this point. All the love I had ever felt for him, if any, was gone. Then it happened. Greg lifted his right arm and I looked up at him. He wouldn’t hit me, right? Well I was wrong. His hand came down at an extremely fast speed and hit me in the face. My face was stinging and tears were now running down my face at an immensely fast pace. I looked up at Greg and he smiled devilishly. “Don’t fucking yell at me little girl.” He spat. He pointed his finger in my face and walked into another part of the house. I wasn’t at my house so I decided I would leave. I walked to the door and opened it, but Greg shut it. “You’re not going anywhere. We don’t need you telling anyone about this do we?” I didn’t answer. I just looked at him shocked. “Do we?” He yelled. I shook my head no. After that I stayed at his house for the night. I slept on the couch that night.
*End of flashback*
After that I think Greg felt more comfortable with hitting me because he did it often. The worst so far was the black eye that I had currently. I didn’t want the boys to see it so I covered it up with makeup. I wanted to tell the boys about what Greg did but I was scared. Greg draped his arm around my shoulders and I shifted uncomfortably. Izzy and Slash were sitting on a couch opposite of me and Greg. I felt Greg’s hot breath on my ear and I shuttered. “You look very good tonight doll. What do you say we ditch these guys and go have some fun?” He whispered. He was seriously doing this in front of people?! “I’m alright. Thanks though.” I said loudly enough so the boys could hear. Greg gave me a death glare and I suddenly knew I had messed up. How bad would the punishment be this time? Izzy looked at me and raised his eyebrows. I shot him a small smile and looked down. Greg put his hand on my knee. Here we go again.
Izzy’s POV:
I looked over at Y/N as she shifted uncoftably. Greg whispered something in her ear and she declined it politely. I saw the look Greg gave her afterward and it made me think. What could he have said to her? I looked at her and raised my eyebrows, but she just smiled and looked down. I shrugged it off and continued to joke around with the guys.
*Time Skip*
It had been an hour since the Greg incident happened. I thought that was the end of it but then it happened again. And again. And again. I was starting to get upset with Greg. He was a complete asshole whenever I talked to him and Y/N seemed to be uncomfortable around him. As much as I didn’t wanna admit it I loved Y/N. We had been best friends for a while and I had developed feelings for her. I never had the guts to ask her out though. Then she found Greg and I had no chance. Greg wasn’t like me at all. He was some rich momma’s boy that played golf on the weekends. I was some weird ass rocker that played with their band on the weekends. I had watched Y/N become more uncomfortable by the minute over the past hour and I was done with it. I walked into the kitchen to find Axl and Duff. “Hey guys can I ask you something?” I whispered. “Ya just did dipshit but sure, give it a shot.” Duff spoke. “Have you guys noticed anything off about Y/N? Like, doesn’t she seem uncomfortable around Greg?” Axl and Duff both shot glances at Y/N and Greg. “Nah man. I think they’re fine.” Axl said. I leaned on the counter and sighed. “Alright.” I whispered. I watched Greg and Y/N for the next little while. It sounds creepy, but I wanted to make sure she was ok. I decided to sit in the chair next to them. I acted like I wasn’t paying attention, but I was snooping. I knew it was wrong to listen to their conversation, but I couldn’t help it. “Y/N you’re going to sleep with me tonight.” Greg whispered. What the hell is he talking about? “Greg, I told you I’m not ready for that. Please don’t do this in front of people. I don’t want it to get out of hand.” She pleaded. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. As much as my heart was hurting hearing the conversation I continued to listen. “Y/N I’m done with your bullshit. Tonight is the night or you will regret it.” His hand formed a fist in his lap and she frowned. “Can we please just talk about-” He cut her off. “No. No more talking Y/N!” His voice was now loud enough for everyone to hear. The boys turned their heads towards the couple and Y/N looked around. Greg’s eyes, however, stayed on Y/N the entire time. A single tear escaped her eye and coursed down her cheek. Greg stood up and looked down at Y/N. “Greg, please don’t do this right now please!” She choked out. It was obvious she was about to start crying and I had to do something. I looked at all the boys and they looked at me. “Hey Greg take a seat buddy. We can figure this out whatever it is.” Slash said in a hushed voice. “Shut up mop head.” Greg said and grabbed Y/N’s arm. “You are going to wish you didn’t do this Y/N.” He began dragging her down the hallway and Axl chased after. “Hey man I’m sorry but you can’t go back there we are uh..remodeling.” Axl stood in the hallway in front of Y/N and Greg to block their way. I could hear Y/N crying as Greg dragged her back down the hallway to the living room. “Greg, please stop! You’re hurting my arm.” She squealed. I walked over to Greg and looked him in the face. I wasn’t about to let him hurt Y/N. “Greg I don’t know what your problem is but you need to calm down.” He looked at me and smiled evily. What the hell was with this guy? “Tell the worthless piece of shit to make me happy and maybe I would calm down Mr. Stradlin.” He said perfectly calmly. This guy has issues. “Don’t talk about Y/N that way!” Duff stepped in. Greg tried to grab Y/N but I stopped him. “You need to leave Greg.” “Fine. Come on Y/N we’re going home.” He motioned for Y/N to go with him but I stopped her from going. “No Greg. Just you. Out now before I call the police.” Greg flipped me off and walked out of the house, slamming the door behind him.
Hello!~This is my first two part imagine! I know this was really sad but I promise it will get better. Just make sure to read the second part! Thanks for reading btw. I have an instagram where I post edits I do of the boys so if you want to check it out i will put the name of it below. Have a great day and remember you are beautiful! :)♥︎
Instagram: thinkaboutyou_65
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Every Ace Is Different And Full Of Love (2022)
I did this some days ago this February, like around February 3, 2022.
the ship drawing I’m working on is not fully finished, it has to do with Max Goof and another character, so it’s kind of a Crossover ship.
if I end up taking a long nap or just don’t feel like finishing up today or tonight, I can try to work on it more tomorrow....
which will mean I will have to put down “February 9 to February 10″
which I will have to do the same with some other half finished drawings...
like if you do a drawing last year but you didn’t fully finish it when it became next year, so you have to put the month, day and new year on to the drawing as well to sure the day and year you first worked on it and to the day and year when you fully finished it.
I think I will wait to post it tomorrow, the ship drawing I mean....
well no matter if I am Enbian or not (because my pendulum gave me a “Yes” when I asked if am a Enbian...)
it’s not like I feel a super attraction to all humans, you know in a romantic way....sure I am fine with crushes and I’m fine with that.
plus I know there are some who I can care about and love in a platonic way.
but some humans are the reason for my being Semi-Misanthrope.
and finding out that in this I am a Karmic-Daughter because of my Dad,
the whole “Karmic” thing wouldn’t just be from him, it can also do with the let’s call it a consciousness manifestation of light (which is what Gems from Steven Universe are, and the same could be said for Other type of Souls...)
I wouldn’t of found out about the whole “Karmic Child” thing if it wasn’t for watching that whole video that was for Gemini, and then it caused me to get curious to try to look up info about it which ended up having me find a video that explains Karmic Children....
I still don’t know if wearing gems like a necklace or bracelet can help everyone, or it can help those who end up being born Karmic Children, but it doesn’t hurt to try.
I only take my bracelets off when I really need to, and of course I do take off my necklace but only when I have to take a bath or shower or have to go to sleep.
and right now, I have to go to sleep because I’m tired.
 I had to stop watching the Part 2 of Season 5 of Steven Universe,
because I became little sleepy, I will watch more of it later....
and after I finish the last few episodes on there, I will move on to the movie and then Steven Universe Future.
not everyone has to like Steven Universe Future,
but the problems Steven was showing in it, had first started in the first series and the SU-Future was the breaking point, at least things worked out in the end.
finding out about Greg’s past, some might take his side and agree about how his parents were “terrible”....sure Greg still has his good side, but how he parented Steven could still have it’s negative effects.
like excluding Steven, when Greg and Connie does the high-five while saying “Human beings”....or not taking Steven to the doctor for his human half.
even after getting all that money, Greg could still taken Steven to the Doctor.
I still love Steven Universe, Steven Universe Future and the Movie...
but some dark secrets you find out about some characters, it makes you see them differently.
at least Pink/Rose saving Earth and helping Gems make a new life on the planet Earth, it was in her way redemption but she still end up hurting those around her, those who loved her....
if Pink had destructive powers that happen when she got really mad and throws a tantrum, and if Steven is right about Greg being Just Like Her....
then Steven’s Grandparents might of gave him some rules for a good reason.
I can talk more about it later, like the next time I sign on here...
for now I’m going to go to sleep....hope some of you like this drawing....
see ya later, stay safe and remember, reality is a illusion, buy gold, bye.
Bill Cipher reference is one of the best references. XD                          
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alittlextrathatway · 3 years
A/N: I’m working on a thing that I feel like I won’t finish before Wednesday night so, just in case, you guys get a sneak peek to prove I started it before 9x14 for that day after 9x14 when I inevitably finish it. 🤣
She texted Greg before shift with the hopes of meeting up when they were both off work, but he never replied. She assumed that would be the end of it. To her surprise, about an hour after she arrived home he finally replied.
“We should talk.”
No more, no less. She definitely agreed so she texted back to ask when and where. She at least wanted the chance to apologize.
They met up at one of Sylvie’s favorite take away windows and found a table away from the larger cluster of tables. Neither of them had ordered very much. Surely a sign this talk wouldn’t take very long. Sylvie took that to mean Greg had not, in fact, come around.
Their conversation proved her assumption correct.
Which meant Matt was wrong. And while she was sad about it during shift, right now she only felt...relief. Sure, her ability to move on from Matt was still uncertain. Her belief that even her best effort to get over him would never be enough was still firm and she doubted her disappointment in herself for making Greg feel like second best would be going away anytime soon. But the feeling of relief that was uncoiling all the tension in her muscles persisted.
Her professional life was fine, but her personal life was a mess — and she’s started to think it always will be. What was the point of trying if she was always going to want someone she couldn’t have? She needed to accept her fate as an old spinster cat lady and adjust her future expectations now to spare her more disasters later.
“I truly am sorry, Greg,” she apologized once again. “I feel like I was as honest with you about Matt as I could possibly be.”
“You were,” Grainger assured her. “Sylvie, I’m not disappointed because you didn’t tell me about Casey.”
“You’re not?” She asked with a bewildered expression.
“No, you’re right. You were as truthful as you could be. You didn’t lie to me.”
She breathed a sigh of relief, guilt lifting off of her shoulders. But Greg wasn’t done.
“You’re lying to yourself, and I can’t put myself in the middle of that.”
All she could do was blink at him. “What?”
He sighed before releasing a sound that seemed to combine a laugh and a groan. “I can’t believe I’m having to do this again. Sylvie, you said what you had with Casey was between nothing and something and I think you truly believe that, but you’re wrong. I’ve watched this guy around you — at the firehouse, at Molly’s, on calls — and what you two have goes way beyond something. I don’t stand a chance against a connection like that. I would be doing us both a disservice if I kept trying.”
“I don’t know what you think you saw but Casey doesn’t feel that way about me. At least not in the very specific way I feel for—“ she cut her sentence short, realizing she was about to admit to the very thing Greg called her out on. Her connection to Matt.
“Not the same way you feel for him?” Greg asked knowingly. He scoffed and then grinned crookedly at her. “I wouldn’t be so sure about that. My impression is that Casey would do just about anything for you — even if it’s so selfless it’s nearly idiotic.”
“What do you mean by—“
Her phone rang and interrupted them. She glanced down at her phone on the table and then up at Grainger.
“You should answer that,” he replied, brushing off her apologetic glance. “We’re done here anyway.”
“Greg, I’m so—“
“Will you stop apologizing?” He asked with a muted chuckle. “I’ll be okay. You warned me and, besides, it was a hell of a lot of fun while it lasted.” He reached across the table and squeezed her hand as he stood. “I’m happy I had a chance to get to know you. I don’t regret it. I just hope you don’t let yourself regret anything either — not anymore.”
“You’re being more cryptic today than you’ve ever been,” Sylvie complained with a teasing glare.
“I’m not gonna do all the hard work for you,” Grainger responded with a sharp smirk. Her phone blared her ring tone again and Grainger took a big step away from her. “Whatever it is must be important. You’d better pick up.” He waved and gave her a final nod. “See you around, Brett.”
“Yeah,” she said, watching him go with a confused pinch between her brows. “See ya around.”
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halstudandruz · 4 years
Always Have, Always Will ~ Part 3
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*Not my gif*
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader
Requested: Yes
Prompt: Sequel to Part 1 & Part 2
Warnings: Swearing
It had been about a month since Will found out. He avoided you and Jay at all costs only talking to you when he absolutely had to at work and you still felt just as guilty as before. Which only caused you to get into your own head. Yeah, you loved Jay but was it just the old Jay you loved? You both were different people now and that scared the hell out of you.
“Jay, do you want olives?” You yelled from the kitchen pulling the jar out when he came walking.
“No, I hate olives.” He answered coming up to wrap his arms around your waist.
“What?” You asked after a few seconds of silence.
“I hate olives, and so do you. Why do you even have them?” He asked, but you went stiff in his grip.
“Cause you love them, what do you mean you hate olives? You used to eat a jar a day.” You explained grabbing a hold of his wrists to loosen his arms around you.
“I know, that probably wasn’t good for my blood pressure. They got a little old after eating them so much.” He chuckled.
“But..what about the olive theory?” You turned to face him and a confused look came over his face.
“Why do you look like you're about to have a meltdown over olives?” He looked at you concerned taking in your features. Your mind was running rapidly, your chest starting to tighten.
“Because I am!” You exclaimed causing Jay to take a step back to get a good look at you by putting space between the two of you.
“Babe-“ He started going to grab your shoulders but you shrugged him off.
“I just..I need a minute.” You shook your head slipping past him into your room to shut the door. Tears were crowding your eyes and you were starting to breathe harder pacing around the room when Jay quietly earned.
“Babe. [Y/N]. Hey, come here. Talk to me.” He reached for you, setting you down on the bed beside him as you stared down at your shaking hands, “what’s going on?” His hand ran through your hair.
“I’m just scared. Terrified actually.” You admitted glancing at him.
“Of what?” He questioned grabbing a hold of your hands, steadying them.
“It’s just...we’re such different people now. Ya know? I feel like I know nothing about you.” You explained.
“[Y/N]..” Jay sighed.
“No, I’m serious. You’ve gone through things I can’t even begin to fathom. I mean obviously that has to change you, right? We’re not these teenagers who were clueless about the real world anymore. What..what if the people we are today just don’t fit like we used to?” You looked down into your lap, and were surprised to hear a small laugh come from Jay.
“Look here,” he whispered tilting my chin up with a finger, “no, we aren’t the same people we used to be, and yes we have a lot to learn about each other again. A lot of stories to catch up on, but we’re only the people we are today because of those clueless 18 year olds. We may have been through some shit since then, but I know with my whole heart you are still that stubborn, smart, gorgeous girl I fell in love with and that is the part of you I know I’ll always have.” He smirked at you, palm against your cheek.
“What if I can’t save you from everything you’ve gone through?” You worried.
“Baby girl, I don’t expect you to save me from anything. I just need you here that’s it and I know everything will be okay as long as I have that.” He assured you.
“I love you Jay Halstead.” You bit your lip.
“Even if I don’t like olives anymore?” He joked making you giggle.
“Even if you don’t like olives anymore.” You nodded leaning into to kiss him deeply, breaking when his phone began to ring. Sighing moved to dig it out of his pocket,
“I swear I’m gonna get rid of these.” He complained before answering, “What? Yes. Okay see you soon.” You looked at him, eyebrows raised. “Ruzek said they’re on their way to Molly’s.” He explained kissing your forehead as you nodded both moving around to change before going to meet with his team.
It was the first time you were actually going to be around them so you were sufficiently nervous walking over to their table Jay’s hands clasped tightly with yours.
“Hey, wait I know you!” Mouse looked at you intently.
“What? You sleep with Greg too?” Erin asked eyes on you.
“I-I uhm no?” You choked out nervously under her intense gaze, only relaxing a little when a smile took over her face.
“I’m kidding, come on sit down.” She patted the seat beside her.
“You’re the girl from the picture.” Mouse continued his thought.
“What?” You asked, confused.
“Mouse.” Jay jumped in giving him a hard stare that seemed to be some kind of warning.
“But it’s her isn’t it?” He defended pointing at you.
“Mouse. Drop it.” Jay scolded. Causing Mouse to put his hands up defensively nodding his head. You knew better than to push with Jay sitting there so you dropped it as well falling into conversation with those around you. Well until Jay went to get drinks and the rest of the team dispersed to mingle, leaving you alone with Greg.
“So, spill.” You rested your head on your hands smirking at Mouse once it was just the two of you.
“Yeah, in case you haven’t noticed Jay could probably break me in two.” Mouse raised an eyebrow at you.
“Maybe, but then I’d yell at him so it wouldn’t really be worth it.” You shrugged sighing loudly Mouse looked over his shoulder to see Adam and Jay still standing at the bar.
“Okay, he just..he had this picture the entire time we were in the army. Never left it alone, always had it in his pocket. You know like most guys do. Have pictures of their family and girlfriends. Anyway he was so attached to it one night we thought it’d be funny to take it and hide it when he was showering. No big deal right? He can just get someone to send him another. But he freaked. Said he couldn’t get another, tore his bed apart. I’m his best friend and anytime I asked he just avoided the conversation. We just figured you died or something.” He explained shrugging.
“Alive and in the flesh.” You joked just as Jay arrived with your drinks,
“What were you talking about?” He questioned looking between you two suspiciously.
“Football.” You both answered at the same time giving each other a surprised look. You were going to like this kid.
An hour or so later you had come out of the bathroom just in time to bump right into Will, who was coming back the hall. Laughing bitterly he shook his head turning to go right back where he came from,
“Wait no! Will just..” You begged, grabbing a hold of his arm which was tense underneath your fingers. He turned to face you, jaw tight, body stiff. “Listen I know you’re mad and you have every right to be. Hate me all you want, but don’t hate Jay, please. He’s your brother.” You pleaded.
“That’s exactly the issue, [Y/N]. He’s my brother and he had no problem stabbing me in the back.” He shot back, anger clear in his tone.
”You know as well as I do that every morning he wakes up it might be his last. He’s really not all that careful.” You admitted blinking down at the floor, voice shaky. Sighing loudly Will ran a hand through his hair,
“I’m still so pissed. At both of you, but Jay’s right I played a part in this too. I should’ve been upfront and honest with both of you and I wasn’t. I knew in the back of my head something like this was going to happen. I’m not stupid [Y/N]. I could clearly see you never felt about me the way you did about him, and you were never going to. It wasn’t fair of me to expect you to, and it wasn’t fair of me to put you in that position that day at the hospital. It was petty of me.” Nodding you reached for his hand,
“I’m really sorry.” You apologized looking at his now relaxed face.
“Me too,” He gave you a small smile.
“You want to grab a drink with us? I’ll buy.” You bit your lip making him laugh,
“Yeah I’m not quite ready for that yet, give me another couple months.” He winked at you, squeezing your hand before turning to walk away. Swallowing hard you closed your eyes to run a hand down your face before feeling strong arms encircle you,
“If you wanted a quickie in the bathroom you could’ve just come and got me.” Jay whispered into your ear making you jump.
“Where’d you come from?” You asked, turning to face him.
“Well I came to find you and saw you talking to Will. So, I kinda avoided that one. Trying to explain black eyes aren’t as fun as it may seem.” He chuckled, “How’d it go?” He asked looking down at you.
“Pretty well actually.” You admitted, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“He still pissed?” Jay questioned
“Well yeah, but I think it’s gonna be okay.” You smiled up at him.
“How couldn’t it be when I have you in my arms?” He grinned tilting your chin up to place a soft kiss on your lips, “Ready to go?” Nodding you grabbed his hand letting him lead you out of the bar after saying goodbyes to his friends. Jay grabbing your hand over the center console as you headed to his place,
“So like Kim and Adam are totally boning right?” You started the conversation.
“What?” Jay looked at you confused.
“Are they not dating?” You questioned.
“They were engaged actually, but then they broke up.” He explained.
“So friends with benefits then?” You negotiated, they were definitely still sleeping with each other, there are few things better than your girl instinct and you very clearly saw the looks they shot each other all night.
“What? No, they’re broken up.” He reiterated.
“Honey, you may be one hell of a detective but you don’t always have the best intuition.” You joked as silence filled the car for a couple minutes before Jay broke it again,
“Oh my god, they’re totally still fucking.” Jay looked over at you wide eyed causing your laugh to fill the truck.
Crawling into bed with Jay that night you wrapped your body comfortably around his listening to his heart beat against your ear, and that’s when you decided to take the leap.
“Do you still have it?” You wondered.
“Have what?” Jay looked down at you skeptical look on his face.
“The picture.” You answered.
“I’m gonna kill him.” Jay sighed moving to grab his phone but you snatched it away from him giving him a look,
“Why didn’t you ever tell him about me?”
“I don’t know. It’s embarrassing.” He shrugged, and even in the dimly lit room you could see the pink tint on his cheeks.
“Loving me is embarrassing?” You replied.
“You know that’s not what I mean. It’s just..everyone carries around pictures of their wives and their kids and I just have one of my ex girlfriend. Then I’d have to be the one who admitted I broke up with you. Relive the biggest mistake of my life. Have to listen to all the guys make fun of me and call me an idiot, because I was. I don’t know it was just a conversation I didn’t want to have.” He confessed.
“Well..do you?” You asked again.
“Yes, of course I still have it.” He chuckled.
“Can I see it?” Beg coming out a little, huffing Jay unwrapped himself from your walking to his dresser to retrieve his wallet. Laying back down beside you he opened it pulling out numerous cards before the picture emerged behind them. Handing it to you.
“I completely forgot about this picture.” You admired it, torn edges, little tears along the side, color faded showing the wear it had been through.
“It’s always been my favorite.” He smiled lovingly.
“It’s not posed. It’s not fake. It’s just us and we look so happy. Like nothing in the world could ever stop us. Get in the way of us, but then...I let it.” Jay explained. You remembered the day it was taken very clearly. Seated on Jay’s lap in his backyard as he sang to you the song that was playing on their old radio, Jay’s mom sneaking up on you to capture the moment.
“Jay.” You sighed, grabbing a hold of his hand to entwine your fingers with his.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry I hurt you and I’m sorry I pushed you away. I just was doing what I thought was best for you regardless of how much it might’ve hurt at the time, but then I never stopped. Every time I thought of you, it just...hurt the exact same as it did the day I left, and I swear god my life flashed before my eyes whenever I watched Will put his arm around you.” He shook his head, jealousy seeping into his voice.
“I’m sorry. I don’t know what I was thinking. I was hoping if I faked it then it would somehow become real and I wouldn’t have to miss you anymore.” You admitted.
“I’m just glad you came back to me.” He said brushing a piece of hair beside your ear.
“Why do you still carry it around?” You wondered.
“Regardless if I’m over there or here it’s still the only thing that got me through.” He grinned leaving a gentle kiss on your lips.
“You know I could’ve been married. You could’ve been jacking off to a picture of some other guy's wife.” You teased.
“Haha, you’re so funny.” Jay said sarcastically, rolling his eyes before flipping you underneath him to cover your face and neck in kisses causing you to laugh loudly as the picture fell out of your hand onto the floor. He didn’t really need it anymore. He had the real thing in front of him again to help him through whatever he may face.
All Tag List:
@corebore123 @scarletsoldierrr @hehurst23 @beautiful-bunny89 @ingie @halsteadsway @malrunaway @smclelli
Jay Taglist:
@justadreamxx @life-treatments @weepingfestivalmentality @queen-of-arda @toomuchtv95
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wiypt-writes · 4 years
Riding High
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Ch11: I’m Thankful for Chicken Nuggets
Chapter Summary: It’s Thanksgiving and Mary’s eating chicken nuggets.
Chapter Warnings: Bad Language words. SMUT (NSFW, no under 18s thanks!)
Chapter Pairings:  Frank Adler x OFC Fliss Gallagher
A/N: Yeah yeah I know it’s the wrong time of year but hell, we’re all on lock down so the days and months don’t actually exist anyway at the moment… The Boat Company used here IS an actual company in South Pas, but I got no idea who runs it so this is completely made up- roll with me here.
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Fliss Gallagher and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Riding High Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Chapter 10
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 “Good morning, Handsom.” Fliss smiled as she held her phone between her shoulder and her ear as she continued to fork up the bedding in the stable.
“Morning sweetheart.” His soft voice hit her ear.
“Happy Thanksgiving!”
“Back at ya.” He chuckled softly “You at the yard?” “Yeah, been here a few hours now.”
“Do you need a hand with anything or…” “That’s really sweet but there’s not much left to do.” she replied, honestly “They’re all out for the day and are staying there until tomorrow morning so I’ve just a couple of stables and then some paper work to sort out before I pop back this evening to do a check.” “Ok so, once you’re done for the morning you’re free for a while?” “Yeah, why?”
“Mary had an idea.” “I did not!” Fliss heard the seven year old scoff  “It was your…” “Ok, WE had an idea,” Frank conceded and there was some scuffling and Fliss could imagine he was holding Mary at arm’s length as she made a grab for the phone, “that maybe you might wanna come join us for dinner if you have time.”
“You mean your Thanksgiving dinner of chicken nuggets?” Fliss grinned “How could I turn that down?”
“Cool, just head over when you’re done.” “I might need to head home and shower.” She looked down at herself. “I’m filthy and probably don’t smell great either to be honest.” “You can change here if you want.”
Fliss paused, she had a spare change of clothes in her car. Well, a pair of sweats and a different polo shirt. She normally kept them there just in case of a downpour.
“Erm, sure, if you don’t mind…” “No of course not.”
“Alright, then, I’ll see you in about two hours or so?” Fliss smiled.
“Great.” Frank replied “See you soon.” ******
Fliss didn’t bother knocking. She opened the door to the apartment and was immediately barrelled into by a flurry of blonde hair.
“Hey!” she chuckled, dropping her bag. “Wanna let me get inside first Stack?”
Mary stepped back and Fliss straightened up and smiled as Frank walked into the kitchen.
“Hey, Beautiful.” he smiled, dropping a kiss to her lips. Mary sidled off into the main room, a smirk on her face.
“I stink.” Fliss warned “I mucked out twelve stables today.”
“Yeah, you’ve smelt better!” Frank laughed as she snorted. “You know where the bathroom is. Fresh towels in there. You need anything out of this or…” He gestured to her bag, as he went to pick it up.
“It’s just my clothes so…”
“I’ll put it in my room.” He smiled, giving her another kiss. “I would offer to come scrub your back but…” he inclined his head to the main room and Fliss gave a snort.
“Calm down, Sailor” she teased “Plenty of time for that later.”
“Promises, promises.” He grinned, picking her bag up and heading through to his room. He dropped her bag onto his bed, glancing round. He’d attempted to tidy a little bit after the realisation she’d actually never been in his room before. After their night together the previous week they hadn’t managed another night alone, Fliss being a little ‘uncomfortable’ at being together like that when Mary was literally outside the door and to be honest, it wasn’t something Frank was particularly happy about either. It had never bothered him before, because Mary was never there when he brought a girl home but this was different. That said, he knew he was going to have to find somewhere bigger soon, Greg had warned him it would likely be a condition of him being awarded Guardianship. He’d be lying if he said it wasn’t concerning him a bit, living pay-check to pay-check didn’t leave him a huge housing budge but he’d work something out, he always did.
Pushing the worry from his mind, he closed the bedroom door and headed back into the room. Mary was sat on the rug looking at the instructions to the new lego kit he had bought her for Thanksgiving.
“Sussed it out yet Stack?” He asked and she gave him a withering look. He bit back the laugh that was bubbling in his throat and sat next to her, taking from her, trying to figure the instructions out to make the Storm Trooper helmet, Star Wars being her latest obsession.
“That’s upside down…” She rolled her eyes, taking it from him to turn it the right way up.
“My bad.” He shrugged, looking at it again. “Ok, so…this piece…and we need one of these…” Together they began to pull together the elements they needed for the first section and the next time Frank looked up was when Fliss walked into the living area, a little shyly, wrapped in a towel. Her long, auburn hair was piled up on top of her head and her shoulders were speckled with water. She smiled as she padded past to his bedroom, Mary not even looking up as Frank watched her with his eyes as she closed the door behind her, giving him another smile. There was something so simple, so domestic about the situation, Frank couldn’t help but feel a warmth in his chest.
Roberta was right, he definitely had it bad.
“When we gonna give Fliss her present?” Mary asked, looking up at Frank.
“After dinner.” He said “Which reminds me, best turn the oven on.”
“Would be a start.” Mary agreed.
Frank rolled his eyes and stood up, heading into the kitchen. Shoving the stuff in the oven, he returned and found Fliss was now sat with Mary who was showing her the instructions.
“I LOVE Star Wars.” Fliss grinned, “So does my Dad. He has a Cinema Room in the house upstairs and a poster from every single Star Wars film on the wall. I’ll show you later tonight.” “A Cinema Room?” Mary asked. “Like, with a huge screen?” “Yeah. It’s pretty cool. When I finally get round to buying a house I’m gonna build one too.” “Do you think I could watch something in there tonight?”
“Mary,” Frank started to warn her but Fliss smiled.
“Frank it’s okay.” she said. “And yeah, course you can. If you have a favourite DVD we can take that or you can pick. We have loads on the hard-drive and Sky.”
It wasn’t long before they were sat round the small kitchen table which had been pulled into the living room to allow them more room. Frank and Mary both showed Fliss their favourite thing to eat in the world- Chicken Nugget Sandwiches. After a sceptical look, Fliss leaned over to take a bite of Frank’s as he offered it and gave a small laugh announcing that it was actually pretty good. After a large slice of Chocolate cake each that had been made for them by Roberta, they collapsed onto the sofa, Mary once more on the rug, Fliss groaning about the “food baby” she was growing, rubbing her hand over her stomach.
“Hey Frank?” Mary looked at him. “Is it time now?”
It took Frank a moment and then he realised what Mary was talking about. “Oh, yeah, hang on…”
He hopped off the sofa and headed into his bedroom, pulling the small gift bag from his dresser. He walked back into the living room and sat back down, shyly handing it to her.
“You got me a gift?” Fliss’ eyes went wide.
“Yeah.” Frank shrugged.
“You really shouldn’t have…” Fliss looked at him. “I didn’t get you two anything…” “That’s not the point of giving a gift.”  Mary looked at her sternly. “You don’t give to receive, right Frank?”
“Right.” Frank nodded, leaning back on the sofa, looking at Fliss “And I wanted to…” he gestured between him and Mary where she was sat, Fred crawling into her lap, “…we wanted to, say thank you for everything over the last few months.” Fliss smiled at him and then Frank saw a childish excitement cross her face “Can I open it now?” He nodded, glad she was going to as he wanted to see her face when she did.
With delicate fingers she gently undid the ribbon that the woman at the store had wrapped it with and her mouth dropped open when she saw the white box which was emblazoned with the Pandora name and logo
“Frank,” she looked at him, before she opened the box and stared at the contents. She blinked before her hand gently covered her mouth as she saw the silver charm bracelet that was inside.
“I thought it was time you started a new one, for new memories.” He said gently as she reached into the box and took out the bracelet which held a single charm in the shape of a boat.
Fliss swallowed, and her eyes filled with tears. “I…” She took a deep breath and Frank frowned as he saw her struggling for composure.
“Hey,” he said, turning sideways on the sofa. His hand gently rubbed up her arm and she fell into him, pressing her face to his chest as he wrapped his arms round her.
“You made Fliss cry. On Thanksgiving.” Mary deadpanned, throwing a ping pong ball for Fred.
“Why don’t you go do that outside?” Frank asked. “Stay on the step.” Mary shrugged and stood up, doing as she was told.
“You ok?” He asked Fliss softly as his hands rubbed at her back. He placed a kiss to the top of her head and she nodded taking a deep breath.
“Sorry, that was…” she sat back, wiping her eyes. “Absolutely fucking ridiculous…”
“You do like it right?” he asked, suddenly feeling a little nervous.
“Baby, I love it.” She smiled at him, and he felt his chest swell not only at the fact she liked the gift, but that was the first time she’d used that particular pet name, and he kinda liked it. “I just, well, I can’t believe you remembered about my bracelets.”
He shrugged as she reached out to gently cup his cheek.
“Thank you.” she smiled softly, leaning over to kiss him. He happily leaned into the kiss, his tongue snaking into her mouth, sliding against hers as she met him movement for movement before there was a light cough and Frank groaned, resting his forehead against Fliss’ as he turned to look at Mary.
“Need another ping pong ball. The last one flew under Roberta’s BBQ and I aint going under there…spiders and stuff.” She headed to the box at the back of the room, dug in and retrieved a net of ping pong balls, digging one out.
“Wanna go outside?” Frank asked and Fliss nodded. He stood up and held out his hand, pulling her up with him and they headed out after Mary.
A little while later, after a game of tag on the lawn which resulted in both the girls tackling Frank to the floor in a huge tickle fight, Fliss noting that he was ridiculously ticklish and filing it for future reference, they headed back inside, grabbed their things and after an almost tantrum from Mary who wanted to bring Fred and Frank refusing, they headed off in Fliss’ jeep for the yard to do the final checks for the evening. They were just about to head up to the field to make sure all the horses were settled and the waters were topped up when Bill walked onto the yard.
“Shouldn’t you be with mum getting stuff ready for the party?” Fliss frowned at her Dad, surprised to see him.
“Are you joking!” Bill scoffed “You know what she’s like.” He coughed and then put on a light, airey voice “Bill, those champagne flutes are grouped in threes, not fours. No, those plates don’t go there, they go there. What are you doing with that cheeseboard, the grapes go in the middle…”
Frank felt his eyebrow raise slightly as Fliss laughed. Champagne, cheeseboards? This was not the type of party he was used to, at all.
“Oh don’t worry.” Fliss clocked his face. “It descends into debauchery and chaos after about an hour, mum just likes to play the part of hostess with the mostess…”
“I like cheese.” Mary piped up.
“Good, we got plenty of it.” Bill said. “But, anyway, I dropped by for a reason. I picked something up earlier this afternoon that I think you might like.”
“Me?” Fliss frowned, but before she could say anything else Frank’s attention was taken by a man who was walking down the side of the barn. He slightly taller than Frank, quite stocky and had a shock of dark brown hair and looked ridiculously like Bill. Fliss gave a little shriek and ran towards the man, throwing herself into his arms as he laughed, twirling her round slightly before he dropped her to the floor.
“That’s her brother.” Mary supplied and Frank gave her a look.
“Yeah I kinda figured that.” He rolled his eyes. “How do you know anyway?”
“Saw a photo of him.” Mary shrugged.
Frank turned his attention back to the two siblings and Fliss was now looking between her father and her brother, confusion on her face. “What, I mean, how, why are you here?”
“In New York for a stag do on Saturday.” Steve replied “Thought I’d take the chance and pop down here for a day or so.”
“Does Mum know you’re here?” she asked.
“Yeah, she does now.” he laughed “There were a few tears when I rocked up.” “Frank made Fliss cry before.” Mary said, and all attention turned to Frank who hung his head and let out an audible groan.
“Seriously?” He looked at her as Fliss burst out laughing.
“Because I was happy.” She said, shaking her head “He bought me a new Pandora.” Frank didn’t miss the exchange of looks between father and son, both wearing identical expressions of surprise which morphed into soft smiles as Fliss moved and slid under Frank’s arm.
“Frankie, this is my brother Steve.” she smiled, as Steve stepped forward, holding his hand out. “Or Steeb, Steeby…whatever you want to call him.” “Nice to meet you.” Frank smiled as Steve shook his hand, his grip firm.
“Likewise.” Steve smiled “Heard a lot about you.” He then turned to his left and looked down “And you must be Mary.” “Yup,” She smiled, looking at him “Did you bring your kids?”
“Mary.” Frank warned gently as he looked at her, shaking his head.
“What?” She asked, “I was just asking a question. I wanted to meet them.” “No, not this time.” Steve smiled “Just a flying visit. But they’re coming over for Christmas so I’ve no doubt you’ll get to see them then.” He straightened up and smiled at Fliss. “Where’s that grumpy ginger Nag?” Fliss narrowed her eyes “Don’t you talk about Heidi like that. She’s in the top field.”
“I thought he was talking about V.”  Bill mumbled to Frank who gave a snort, and then looked at the man, the pair of them bursting into laughter. By the time they had composed themselves, Steve and Fliss were stood, watching the pair of them, hands on their hips in almost identical poses.
“They do this all the time.” Fliss shook her head. “Come on, I’ll take you to see H. I was on my way up to check them all anyway. You coming Stack?” she looked at Mary. Mary grinned and ran forward, linking her hand into Fliss’.
Frank miss the eyebrow raised on Steve’s face, before the man smiled softly, dropping an arm round Fliss’ shoulder, pressing a kiss to the side of her head.
Fliss changed quickly when they were home into a pair of jeans, a strappy top and a pair of sandals before the three of them walked over to the house after another near argument about getting Mary to leave the bucket of lego she had brought with her in the annex, which Fliss cleverly managed to avoid with the mention of the Cinema Room.
The house was busy, not packed but busy, and there was no way Frank was going to remember everyone’s names. But he smiled and shook hands as Bill introduced him to people, and he was surprised to find he felt at ease. Most of the people were older than him and Fliss, bar her brother of course, and it was a different circle and class of people he would normally mix with but he certainly didn’t feel like any of them were looking down at him, a stark contrast to how he used to feel at his Mother’s parties.
Well, they weren’t really parties, more like a gathering which rich snobs used to brag to other rich snobs about how much money they had.
“And this is Mike, Martin and Keith.” Bill said, nodding to the final three men, one of whom was giving Fliss a hug.
“You look great!” She beamed at him “How much weight have you lost now?” “40lb.” the man called Keith nodded and Fliss grinned.
“That’s awesome.”
“All down to the golf.” He smiled, gesturing to Mike, Martin and Bill “These guys drag me up there regularly enough.” “Frank hates golf.” Mary said. “Says it ruins a good walk.”
There was a pause as Frank groaned, wanting the ground to open and swallow him. He glared at Mary who looked at him, frowning.
“What?” She asked as Bill suddenly began to roar with laughter, the other men joining in.
Frank shook his head and looked round. “It’s just not my thing…”he said, by means of an explanation. “I prefer playing basket ball or baseball.”
“Each to their own.” The man called Martin beamed. “To be honest when I was your age I hated it too. Was far more into drinking and women.” “Frank likes that too.” Mary said, and Frank then really did give her a look.
“Shut up.” He said, but of course she didn’t as the men continued to laugh.
“Although I’m glad he finally got together with Fliss, because she’s my favourite. Miss Stevenson would not have been a good choice.” Frank groaned again and he felt Fliss beginning to chuckle besides him.
“Miss Stevenson?” Bill asked.
“We don’t need to hear about that…” Frank said, his neck growing hot.
“She’s my teacher.” Mary nodded “She stayed at our house one night. I wasn’t supposed to be there but I saw her coming out of the bathroom wearing Frank’s sheets and…” “Ok, Mary, why don’t we go and see the Cinema Room.” Fliss hastily cut her off as the three men were now all howling with laughter.
“Oh, okay.” she shrugged, before she pondered something “Why was she in your sheets Frank, and not in a towel like Lissy was before?”
At that Bill arched an eyebrow and Fliss felt her cheeks grow warm “I had a shower, I’d mucked twelve stabled out.” There was a pause before she recovered and steered Mary out of the room.
Frank grimaced and looked back round as Bill patted him on the shoulder, wiping tears of mirth out of his eyes. “I bloody love that kid.”
“She’s yours if you want her.” Frank said. “I could gift-wrap her for you. Just say goodbye to your private life being private.”
Thankfully the Cinema Room kept Mary out of the way, especially when she had a stash of popcorn, sweets and soda to keep her occupied. For the next few hours Frank stuck mostly by Fliss’ side, talking to people, chatting to her brother a bit about his job and the business he had taken over from Bill, his kids, but Frank got the impression the man was being a little guarded with him. He was polite enough, and wasn’t being rude but he wasn’t overly warm either. But he supposed that was understandable. She was Fliss’ big brother after all.
Mary came down a few hours later and tugged on Fliss’ hand. Fliss went with her and Frank headed into the kitchen to grab himself another beer after being told by Verity to “stop asking and just go get”. He turned round, flipping the lid off, almost bumping into Bill.
“Sorry.” He apologised to the man who smiled at him as he held the fridge door open.
“There’s someone who just arrived that I want you to meet.” Bill said, gesturing for Frank to follow him. With a slight puzzled frown, he did as he was told and wandered through to the large lounge where a number of people were congregated. 
“Frank, this is Alan Maxwell.” Bill introduced a short, stocky white haired man who was wearing a pair of modern thin-rimmed glasses and a cream blazer over a dark polo necked shirt and dark jeans. Frank took him in, noting his outfit probably cost more than Frank’s entire wardrobe.
“Hi.” Frank smiled, shaking his hand “Frank Adler”
“The boat mechanic?” Alan asked.
“Yeah.” Frank looked at him then to Bill, frowning a little.
“Alan’s in the Repair and Retail business.” Bill offered and Frank gave a nod of understanding.
“I own MarineMax in St Pete’s” Alan smiled.
“Oh on Gulfport?” Frank looked at him and Alan nodded.
“You know it?”
“Yeah, you could say that.” Frank scratch at the back of his neck “I errr, I applied for a job once but I didn’t have the relevant experience so…” Alan looked at Frank for a moment, “How long you been a mechanic now?”
“Over six and a half years.”
“And you’re freelancing?” Frank nodded.
“Good success rate?”
“Over ninety-eight percent.” Frank said. “I mean, I only do one boat at a time because I’ve been juggling my hours around Mary for the last 7 years but…” he shrugged “I have regulars who come back so I must be doing something right.” “Could you get references?”
“Yeah.” Frank nodded “Pretty sure I could.”
“Hmmmm.” Alan looked at Bill who inclined his head towards Frank with a smile.
“I told you, I’ll vouch for him.” he shrugged “He’s sleeping with my daughter after all.”
“Jesus Bill.” Frank groaned as the two men laughed.
“It’s a compliment” Bill smiled “If I didn’t trust you I wouldn’t let you within three foot of her”
“Thanks, I think.” Frank looked at him taking a drink of his beer.
“Come see me next week.” Alan looked at Frank, pulling a card from his wallet and handing it over “I may have a position you’d be interested in.”
“I errr…” Frank was temporarily sideswiped by the suggestion “I…that would be…”
“I know it will be different to freelance but it’s a full time job, full package of benefits and a negotiable wage plus bonus scheme.” Alan said, “I’m not a huge outfit, but I pay my guys well.” Frank nodded, placing the card in his pocket “I’ll stop by.” “Just give me a call the day before and I’ll make sure I’m around.”
“I will.” Frank nodded. “Thank you.”
Frank made his excuses, realising he hadn’t seen Fliss for a while and headed off looking for her. He moved from room to room, realising there was no sign of her or Mary. He headed into the kitchen and then poked his head out of the large bi-folding doors which led onto the large raised decking area which spanned the length of the house.
“Hey.” Frank spotted Fliss’ brother leaning on the railing, lit cigarette in one hand, beer in the other. “You seen Lissy?”
“She was in the living room last time I saw her.” Steve said chuckling slightly, shaking his head.
Frank frowned at the man’s demeanour and Steve noticed, and smiled. “Sorry, just seems strange. Hearing someone else call her Liss or Lissy other than the family.”
“Yeah, well, I kinda picked it up from Bill and it stuck.” Frank smiled.
“Yeah she doesn’t suit Felicity.” Steve shook his head “Although that’s all he ever fucking called her. Apparently nicknames were deemed too common.” “Yeah well, he’s a dick.” Frank shrugged
“No arguments here.” Steve looked at Frank. Frank watched as the man studied him for a second, clearly thinking about something before he returned to leaning on the rail of the decking, looking down over the huge garden area as he took a final drag from the cigarette, before stubbing it out in the fire bucket to his right.
“Okay,” Frank stepped outside, “let’s have it.” “Have what?” Steve asked, looking at him.
“The big brother lecture. The one where you threaten to rip my head off if I hurt your sister.” Frank said as Steve gave a huff of a laugh.
“Well, rest assured I will.” Steve looked at Frank as he too leaned on the railings. “But Dad says you’re a good bloke so, that’ll do for me.” Frank nodded and took a pull of his beer. “I have no intention of hurting her, in anyway.” he said, his voice loaded with meaning and Steve sighed.
“I know.” he said gently “I just, well, I worry.” “Understandable.” Frank nodded, and it was. He got it, he really did.
“I hated that fucker.” Steve shook his head, “right from the start. Smarmy assed, stuck up Yank. Sorry, no offence.” Frank laughed “Non-taken.” he waved Steve’s apology away.
“I know she’s only actually my step-sister but well she was only two when I met her and…”
“Blood doesn’t make you family.” Frank nodded. “If you ever meet my mother you’ll realise that.” “Yeah, Fliss wasn’t very complementary of her.” Steve snorted.
“She called her a cold hearted bitch to her face.” Frank raised an eyebrow as Steve laughed.
“I shouldn’t be pleased at that.” Steve smiled. “But not long ago she wouldn’t have been brave enough to be that outgoing.” “Oh she certainly isn’t backwards in coming forwards.” Frank shook his head
“Something he managed to suck out of her.” Steve sighed.
“You know, I’d love to get that fucker alone in a room” Frank glowered. “Five minutes, that’s all I’d need.” “Get in line.” Steve shrugged, “Behind me and dad.” “Yeah, Fliss said something about there being a queue.”
“The day she said she was moving to Boston to be with him full time, it was the worst day of my life. And Mum and Dad’s” Steve took another drink. “But we knew if we tried to stop her it would give him the perfect excuse to turn her against us. So what could we do but support it?” He hung his head slightly and Frank’s brow furrowed at the man’s open display of vulnerability
“I wish we’d done more, you know, anything, but we didn’t know how bad things had got. Not that he was hurting her, not like that.” “None of it was your fault.” Frank looked at him. “Or your parent’s. Or Fliss’”
“No, I know that but it doesn’t stop any of us feeling guilty.” Steve sighed. “But, anyway, it’s in the past now. That is until he goes for parole, which he will.” Frank shrugged “We’ll greet that when it happens.”
“Yeah?” Steve looked at him. “You ready for all that? Because I guarantee what she’s told you, well it won’t even scratch the surface, Frank.”
“Are you asking me if I’m gonna bail when the going gets tough?”
“Suppose I am, yeah.” Steve looked at him.
Frank took a deep breath and exhaled through his nose, quelling the frustration that was brewing at the man’s questioning, reminding himself that he had a right to worry, a right to be concerned. He’d feel the same if it was Diane in this position.
“Look, Steve, I know she hasn’t told me everything. And I’m not gonna push her to either. It isn’t important to me to know every sordid little detail of what that cunt did to her. What is important is that she’s happy with me, and that she feels safe and knows that I’d never hurt her like that and I sure as hell won’t abandon her when the road gets a little bumpy. She was there for me through a very bad time recently and, well…” Frank shrugged, “even if we decide that what we have isn’t working I’d still be by her side.”
Steve’s face remained passive for a second before it split into a grin “I don’t think there’s any worry about that, Frank. From what I’ve seen this afternoon and this evening, Lissy’s besotted. In fact, I’ve never seen her like this before.” Frank felt his cheeks flush a little and he looked down “Yeah, well, the feeling’s mutual.”
Steve opened his mouth to say something else but they were interrupted.
“My ears burning?” Fliss asked, eyeing the two men up.
“I was just making sure his intentions are honourable.” Fliss rolled her eyes with a snort “his intentions are honourable? What are you, like ninety?”
Steve shrugged “No, but I’m three years older than you and still your big brother Titch.” “Whatever, Steeby.” She moved over to where Frank was stood and slid under his arm. “Quit with the 3rd degree or I’ll tell Mum you’ve been smoking.”
“You wouldn’t!” he said in mock horror as she raised an eyebrow. Steve turned to Frank and raised his eyebrow, jerking his head towards his sister “Sure you know what you’re letting yourself in for?”
Frank laughed “her bark is worse than her bite…owww!” he said, as she nipped his arm.
“Sure it is.” Steve winked as h pushed himself off the railing and headed inside.
“Was he being an ass hole?” Fliss watched him go before she turned to Frank and he chuckled, pulling her closer.
“No,not at all.” he said, dropping a kiss to her lips “Where’s Mary?”
“With Dad in the living room with the guys from the golf club.” she said, shrugging.
“No doubt revealing more of my dark secrets.” Frank groaned.
Fliss laughed “Nah, she’s got her lego. Bill and her will have some kind of building contest going on no doubt.”
“I told her to leave those in the annex.” Frank shook his head. “She did. I took her to get them.” Fliss shrugged
“Seriously?” Frank looked at her, rolling his eyes.
“What? She was bored and wanted something to do.”
“You’re a pain in my ass.” he said, his arms circling her and she grinned as he dropped a kiss to her lips.
“Hush, Sailor, you love it.” she smirked against his mouth.
“Yeah, yeah I do.” he muttered, pulling her closer for a deeper kiss.
It was about midnight when the party started filtering out. Mary was crashed out on one of the sofas so Frank suggested they call it a night and Fliss, feeling the effects of a fair amount of alcohol, agreed. They made their goodbyes and Frank easily scooped Mary up and the three of them made their way, a little slower than usual, to the annex.
Once they’d roused Mary and she’d changed for bed Frank tucked her in, in the bed in the spare room and she was flat out before he even closed the door. He headed into Fliss’ room and laughed as she was led on the bed with her legs over the edge, feet flat on the floor. She was wearing just her bra and jeans, and her arm was bent over her eyes.
“My jeans are too tight.” she said.
“What?” Frank laughed.
“I can’t be bothered to take them off.” She leant up on her elbows and ginned at him “Wanna help me out Sailor?”
“Happily.” he grinned, and moved towards her but she stopped him.
“Ah ah.” she pointed to his polo-shirt. “Off.” With an arch of his eyebrow he reached back and grabbed a fist full of his shirt, pulling it over his head. “Better?”
“Yup.” she nodded as he moved towards her, gently dropping down and undoing her jeans. With a tug he pulled them down over her thighs, his hands softly tracing up her skin as she sighed, before his lips met hers.
“You were a hit in there.” she smiled gently, her fingers tracing the muscles on his arms as he propped himself up over her.
“Yeah?” he asked, gently shifting so that she moved with him, laying further up the bed.
She nodded. “Charmed the pants off all the posh bastards you did, Adler.” “There’s only one person I’m interested in charming the pants off.” He quipped and she laughed, shaking her head.
“Smooth.” “Is it working?”
She glanced down. “Nope, they’re still on.”
“Guess I’ll have to use my hands then.” He said, and with a quick move down he slid them over her ankles and gently pressed his lips to her knee, trailing soft kisses up the inside of her leg, nipping at the inside of her thigh. Fliss gave a soft sigh as he moved, his short beard scratching at her skin as he moved, her hands fisting in the sheets. When he reached his target he gently placed a long lick up her entrance. Instinctively, one of her hands fisted in his hair before she hastily moved it and Frank paused, reaching up, and placing it back where it had been.
“I like it.” He peeked up at her, a cheeky look on his face before he dropped his head back down and Fliss’s head fell back against her pillow as she gave a shaky moan.
She couldn’t remember the last time a man had gone down on her. John had certainly never done it, making it clear from the start he found it disgusting, but still happy to shove his dick in her mouth when he wanted a blow. But Frank ate her out like a man starved, moving his mouth as he paid attention to how her body reacted and when he found her spot, she gave a cry, her back arching off the bed, and she felt him double his efforts, his lips and tongue teasing her, in a delectable way. Pleasure lanced through her entire body, the heat rising from her very toes and as she felt her orgasm rising her fingers tightened on his hair and he gave a low moan at her touch, which vibrated through his mouth right against her clit and that was it. Her hips bucked upwards as she came, hard, her knees tightened slightly around his head, her arm flying to her mouth to stifle her loud moan.
Working her through her release, Frank moved back, stripping off the remainder of his clothes before he crawled up her body again, kissing his way up from her naval to her chest. She arched her back and he reached around to unhook her bra before he set his attention to her breasts. Fuck, he could listen to the noises and whimpers she was making all day but after a week he was aching for her.
“You got any…” he started to ask softly and she nodded, her hand gesturing to her bedside table. He paused and pulled open the drawer, and had to smirk as he saw the new, full packet of condoms in there. Pulling one out he opened it, whilst Fliss gently gave his dick a stroke causing him to hiss slightly, his fingers fumbling on the foil and she grinned.
“Something distracting you, Sailor?” “You know damned well what’s distracting me.” His voice was almost a growl as her hand moved over his whilst he rolled the latex down.
Her giggle turned to a moan as he buried himself inside her, his entire body feeling coiled like a spring, and his thrusts began slow, and deep before soon she was begging for more and he picked up the pace, each movement rolling against her spot, causing her to breathlessly whisper his name as he buried his face into her neck, nipping and biting at that spot that drove her wild. At some point she moved, gently pushing on his shoulders, and he understood, rolling onto his back. She straddled him, pulling her long hair over one shoulder as she leaned down to draw him into a deep, sultry kiss before she sank down onto him, taking him in.
“Fuck, Lissy,” he said, his hands gently gripping her hips as she began to move, rolling her pelvis, “God you feel so good.” She preened at his praise, yup, she definitely had a praise kink, and her pace quickened as she leaned forward again to kiss him, a moan falling from her mouth as he raised his hips to meet hers, his fingers tightening on her hips. Frank looked up at her, her mouth slack, lips plump, freckles still visible in the soft light from the outside lights, breasts bouncing softly as she moved.
“So beautiful.” He whispered, sitting up and she cried out at the change of depth as he pulled her close, thrusting up into her.
“Frankie, I’m…” and with a low whine her head tipped back as her release washed over her for the second time that night, a slow, deep burn which left her slack in his arms, as she collapsed forward. After a few more desperate thrusts he was right behind her, clinging to her, his face buried into her shoulder, his own groans stifled in her skin.
They stayed like that for a little while, both recovering, hands softly dancing over skin before he leaned up to give her a soft kiss.
“Thank you.” She whispered and he pulled back, frowning a little.
“What for?”
“For making me feel good. For making me feel wanted.” She swallowed, tears filling her eyes and Frank let out a sigh, his arms curling round her, pulling her close, his own chest tightening at her words as he understood instantly that it was clearly something she wasn’t used to.
“You deserve it.” He spoke softly, , “Don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise.”
She moved back, her hands cupping his cheeks as she gave him another deep kiss, her lips curling into a smile and Frank smiled back, before he kissed her again.  
***** Frank woke the next morning and, as he blinked, he realised he was alone. Sitting up he rubbed his eyes, and could hear soft voices from elsewhere in the annex. Grabbing his phone he looked down and with a start realised it was past ten.  Running a hand over his face, he climbed out of bed, grabbed his bag and retrieved a clean pair of boxers and a t-shirt before retrieving his jeans which were now folded and placed over the back of the chair by Fliss’ vanity unit. After sorting himself in the bathroom he made his way downstairs and found Fliss and Mary sat outside in the small yard, an array of breakfast items on the table. Fliss long hair was pulled into a messy pony tail and she was wearing an oversized shirt and a pair of denim jeans. Even like that she looked effortlessly gorgeous.
“Morning.” He greeted, stepping out onto the decking and Fliss smiled at him.
“Hey.” She smiled, accepting the kiss he dropped onto her cheek before he sat down next to her. “Sleep well.”
“Hmmm I was tired for some reason.” He quipped, causing her to grin.
“Fliss says I can go ride Monty today.” Mary looked at Frank. “Is that ok?”
“It’s not your week for a lesson.” Frank spoke.“And it’s Friday.”
“It’s ok.” Fliss smiled. “The riding school is shut. Joanne’s done the morning shift so we can just go up this afternoon. I need to work Cap and Bronson but she can ride if she wants.” “Please.” Mary looked at Frank who sighed.
“I’ve gotta nip to the boat yard.” he looked at her. “Got some guy who needs a motor looking at and I said I’d meet him today.” “I don’t wanna go to the boat yard.”  Mary pouted.
“It’s okay, she can come with me.” Fliss offered “I don’t mind, honestly.”
Frank hesitated, he didn’t want Fliss to think she was obliged to take Mary. He knew that the pair of them came as a package but still.
“You sure?” Frank asked. “Roberta would normally take her but she’s not back until tomorrow.”
“Yeah, its fine.” Fliss nodded “She can help me and Joanne.”
“Okay then, yeah, you can go.”
Mary grinned and turned her attention back to her book.
“You want breakfast?” Fliss asked, moving to stand.
“I’ll get it. You stay there.” Frank offered, but Mary suddenly jumped up.
“No it’s okay, we made you something special…” With that she shot into the kitchen.
“Special?” Frank looked at Fliss, and she grinned as his lips met hers.
“Yeah.” she nodded to Mary who emerged from the kitchen, giggling. Frank gave a snort of a laugh and shook his head as she thrust the box of Special K into his hands.
“Thanks…” he deadpanned, rolling his eyes.
**** Chapter 12
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catboycafe · 4 years
I Will Now Express Every Thought I Have About Pacific Rim: The Black 
⚠️ spoilers for the whole thing baby
I actually forgot Pacific Rim: The Black was premiering today until I saw it in an article this morning! When I first heard about it months ago, I was decidedly not sold on a Pacific Rim anime. Uprising burnt me the fuck out and I don’t have a lot of trust left in me for new entries to the franchise. But I had heard rumblings of Raleigh and Herc being referenced after going into #pacificrim and I decided I may as well check out to see what was up! I binged it in 4 hours and it sure was a whirlwind, I’ll tell ya
The Plot
I really enjoy the setting and initial concept! We’re so use to seeing Kaiju/Jaegar shenanigans play out within these major cities with helpless civilians everywhere that spending so much time in a lonesome desert and these destroyed civilizations was really cool and indicative of the changes Pacific Rim has undergone in the last few years. I also looooved the Desert Settlement from the beginning!! It seemed really homey and picturesque; I wish we’d spent more time with the other survivors and got to see more of their day to day aside from farming and sitting. 
I also found the first episode set up to be really tight and well written! I was hooked during the initial flashback, Hayley and Taylor’s fight was really poignant and well acted, and the reveal of Atlas Destroyer felt really huge and epic!!
But once we left the Desert Settlement and the plot started actually moving along, the pacing becomes suuuper rough. We spent way too long in Bogan with Shane and Mei; there’s only 7 episodes and we spent, like, 3? 4? within the confines of that camp and I felt it weighed the plot down. Boy is introduced in the 2nd episode and, because the narrative spends so much time on Shane’s evil machinations and Mei’s back story, we still don’t know anything concrete about his origins or purpose 3 episodes later! That felt frustrating to me
The story beats overall were very predictable. I was able to pick up on Mei’s backstory via her dynamic with Shane in their introductions, so her memories felt too built up and too hollow once they were revealed. The same with the reveal of Boy’s Kaiju form; he was in a big green test tube in a PPDC base - I assumed immediately he was a part-kaiju experiment and again his reveal felt hollow, especially after the glacial pace of it’s development. 
Even when events weren’t predictable, they lacked weight. The appearance of several Kaiju Breaches in “Boneyard” felt very cheap for some reason; I wasn’t scared and I didn’t feel tense about these odds mounting against the protagonists. This was just happening and I was just watching. 
The Art Direction and Animation
I’m very obsessed with all the new Kaiju we got from this; I love how Copperhead is rendered, they’re a joy to see on screen!! The Rippers are also very cute and deserve little plushies...i love these neat little dogs. Boy’s Kaiju Form is very intimidating with an interesting color palette and I loved seeing him next to Copperhead’s highly saturated design!
That’s unfortunately all that I liked however; All the human character design is unmemorable to me. Every character looks exactly like another easily identifiable anime character from a different property (Hayley looks exactly like Zero Suit Samus to me, for example. And Mei kept reminding me of both Bernadetta Fire Emblem and Motoko Kusanagi from GitS. The list goes on). 
I can sort of understand why they’re so bland? A franchise going from Live Action to something as heavily stylized as anime is probably a really difficult transition and these designs are probably meant to be more lowkey than more unique anime designs in order to help that transition. But realistically stylized designs can still be recognizable and unique! These feel uninspired and bare bones.
 I have no problem with the switch to CGI animation that modern anime is doing because I know it’s a lot cheaper to produce and it can still be really unique and striking! But The Black’s model animation felt very stilted and inconsistent. I don’t have a lot of knowledge about animating so I don’t think I can accurately describe what I disliked? Wooden is probably the best term. Character movements felt wooden and things like hair and clothes felt plastic. 
Impacts also had very little weight. The fight between Tayler/Mei and Copperhead reminded me of when you’re in a dream and trying to punch something, but you can’t punch hard. It was simply too floaty and too soft. The final showdown in “Showdown” was better, but not by much. It was very immersion breaking seeing these Giant Robots and Giant Monsters unable to throw a real solid hit!
My favorite character was unequivocally Joel Wyrick. We love Joel Wyrick in this house! Joel’s character has real charisma and charm. I love his flirtations with Loa, how his cocky disposition is juxtaposed with his drinking problem and later insecurities over his lost memories, and his genuine kindness shown to Mei, Taylor, and Boy. No one ever plays with Boy, they just run after him and drag him around...but Joel has this moment in “Escape from Bogan” where he kneels down to Boy and helps him collect rocks. It was sweet!
So of course, when Joel dies for absolutely no reason 5 minutes later - pissed! I was pissed! I yelled “COME ON” aloud in my studio apartment! I was genuinely so excited to see him interact more with the rest of cast then, poof. No More Joel.
His death felt like it was for shock value to me rather than actual narrative development. Why kill him when we still don’t fully understand his and Mei’s relationship? Why were they so close? Were they childhood friends, or just coworkers that happen to become friends? Why did he specifically know all the details of Shane’s abuse towards Mei before she did? 
What did his death accomplish? It made Mei sad...ok? She was already...very sad. Her running away from Shane already had consequences - the consequences of Shane coming after them for revenge in the future. Why did Joel have to become a causality? 
His death is ultimately tied to Mei’s character arc which is, unfortunately, my least favorite :c I find Mei to be a really one dimensional character with a personality, backstory, outlook, and motivation that I’ve seen done a million times before with a million other characters. She feels very out of place in the franchise as a whole - Pacific Rim is, at it’s core, a story about connecting with others. Her self-centric arc and lack of desire to connect outside of drifting really alienates her from the story at large and it frustrates me how long The Black’s narrative spends on her. 
Hayley and Taylor were otherwise very interesting in the pilot episode, but become similarly one dimensional at the story chugs on. Taylor’s unflinching (bordering on unhealthy) faith in their parents was really interesting next to Hayley’s complete acceptance of their parents’ death. But once the two of them make up their differences, they lack an interesting dynamic and become very passive protagonists.
 Taylor especially has no personality - how would you describe Taylor? He’s...brave. He’s the older brother. He’s a leader? He’s nice? There is nothing noteworthy about him at all, which is sad considering I think he has the potential to be a really interesting way to explore the original movie’s influence on The Black’s story.
Hayley’s grief and self-blame are more interesting than Taylor’s...nothingness, but she still falls into this one-note trope of being the naive, excitable little sister. I guess I feel abnormally frustrated about this flat character writing because Pacific Rim’s incredibly unique cast has always been an inspiration to me! It feels sad that this new iteration into the series is full of what feel like stock characters. 
Then we get to Boy. How come Boy can’t have a person name? It’s specifically written in a dialogue between Taylor and Hayley: “I’m not going to call him Chad or Barnaby or one of those names for a baby brother you wanted as a kid,”
He’s by all accounts a human child when they find him. Yes, he was found in a big green test tube - but he walks and acts just like a human child. The only difference, seemingly, is that he is non-verbal and engages in strange/annoying behavior (running off, eating bugs, etc). So he isn’t deserving of a name?? I don’t know why that makes me so mad, it just does. it’s like they refuse to treat him as a human even before they find out he’s a Kaiju  - it’s super weird! How can the story sell me on the three of them becoming found family (like they’re seemingly trying to do) if the protagonists won’t even treat this kid like a kid??
Misc. Thoughts
The callbacks to Stacker, Herc, and Raleigh were cool! I also like that Herc is a major plot point! We love Herc Hanson and it’s what he deserves. I also find Loa’s connection to Horizon Bravo very interesting...and the fact we’re getting Kaiju cultist lore! Love that! Love that!
Fucked up that the only two dark skinned characters were: 1) removed from the story 10 minutes in with no call back yet, 2) Killed after having 1 line of dialogue and fridged for the character development of the blonde white girl. I really need to know what the deal with those 4 characters leaving in the beginning was about - I absolutely thought we’d see them again by now, but no dice
I don’t know how to feel about Ajax and have no clue what their purpose in the story is. They’re cool, but whats the point? 
If Mei and Taylor are paired up together romantically, I’m putting Craig Kyle and Greg Johnson in the time out box. Very tired of seeing random hetero romance B plots in stories that can’t even get their A plots together
Overall, it’s kind of subpar! It has the foundations of a really interesting story, but the pacing and characters really took me out of it. I’m interested in Season 2! I know season 2 is already ordered and I’d love to see how things continue to develop, see if the character writing gets any better - but I’m not too hopeful unfortunately. I really really love Pacific Rim after all these years and I’m happy to still be getting content and world building! There’s just sooo much I would change about this however. At least fanfiction’s free! 
Thanks for reading all this, I have ADHD and just go on and on if u let me. hmu if You Too have thoughts about Pacific Rim: The Black and have no one to talk abt them with
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softboywriting · 4 years
Fight For You | Part 1
Summary: Your whole adult life you’ve dated mixed martial arts fighters, it comes naturally with working and living in and around the fighting circuits. After a fallout with your now ex-boyfriend you find a new place to start a new life where you find someone who is willing to fight for you as much as you are for him. Will you be able to build something beautiful or will your past come back to haunt you? [fighting] [asshole ex]
Word Count: 13k
Authors Note:  None of my works should be posted anywhere outside of my linked accounts. I do not give permission to repost with or without credit to my accounts. Please notify me of any reposted fics on any platform.
|Masterlist In Bio|
Moving to a new town in a new state is a fresh start for you. After a rough year dealing with an asshole boyfriend, leaving said boyfriend and losing your job, you have to find a new place in life. The world is a clean slate for you and Red Lake is where you’re ready to put down some roots and start over. Your best friend Jodi and her wife live there and they’re the closest thing to a real family you have left so choosing Red Lake was a no brainer.
"So, how's the apartment?" Jodi asks as she unlocks the back door of the gym where she works. Her wife Harlow is the owner and a former female MMA fighter. "It's not too shitty I hope."
"Oh I didn't get the apartment. I got the house on Garden Plaza. The one Harlow said her friend was renting out."
"Oh yeah! Fuck, I totally forgot." Jodi holds the door open for you and you wander into the back storage room. It's full of old mats and various pieces of equipment in need of repair. "When does the truck arrive with your stuff?"
"This week. The drivers said tomorrow but I'm not counting on it."
Jodi pushes open the door to the main hallway to the gym floor and nearly smacks into someone. "Holy shit!" She leans on the door and you step forward to see who she hit or just got scared by.
"Are you okay?" A voice says from beyond the door and a head pops out. "Sorry Jodi."
"God! Why are you here so early!" Jodi asks, ushering you out into the hall. She closes the door and you see a guy in a fitted black shirt and a pair of grey sweats standing behind the door. He's oddly familiar.
"Harlow asked me to come in and...wipe down the mats." The guy stares at you and you stare back. You know him. Those chocolate curls, soft eyes, and sharp jawline are unmistakably familiar. You just can't put your finger on it.
Jodi waves her hand in front of his face. "Shawn? Earth to Shawnie boy!"
Shawn Pierce. Shit, yeah it's coming back to you. Tate trained with him about a year ago when he was trying to get into the western region MMA championship circuit. You were never properly introduced but you did talk a few times. Tate didn't bring you by the gym a lot, he claimed you distracted him.
"You're Tate Greyson's girlfriend right?"
"Ex." Jodi snorts and you shove her shoulder. Shawn raises his eyebrows.
"I was, yes. We're not together anymore." You chuckle and shake your head. "Not that we were ever that together in the first place."
Shawn narrows his eyes at you and you shift uncomfortably. "Did he hit you?"
"What?" Your eyes go wide.
"The bruise on your collarbone."
Jodi leans in and pulls your shirt aside a little bit. "Oh shit, what happened?"
Suddenly you remember the bruise in question. You had fallen off the step ladder in your apartment back home while taking down your plant hangers. "I fell while packing up my apartment." You pull your shirt back to show Jodi more of the yellowing bruise. "I swear Tate never hit me. It's been months since I've seen him."
"Oh thank God." Jodi sighs and pulls out her keys. "I'd kill him myself if he touched you."
Shawn steps back and rubs his neck awkwardly. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have assumed anything."
You lean against the wall as Jodi walks up the stairs to her office door. "No, it's fine. Tate is a bit of a loose cannon, but he never hit me."
"Yeah, he was a tough one." Shawn folds his arms, stretching the tee across his chest and you can't help but stare. He shakes his head. "He never did like to listen, always just wanted to swing hard and fast, no finesse."
"Should have seen him in bed. Same tactic."
Shawn's eyes widen and you realize you didn't really need to tell him that. You flush and he just laughs. "Man he must have pissed you off if you're out here dragging him like this."
"Yeah he did." You roll your eyes at the thought of Tate. Everything he did pissed you off. Silence falls between the two of you and you push off the wall. "I'll see you around?"
"I'm here just about every day." He puts his hand out for you awkwardly and you take it, giving an oddly formal shake. "Are you going to be here a lot?"
"Dunno. I got a job at Dixie's down the street but I work nights. So I might come around a bit."
Shawn drops your hand and runs his hand over his hair. "A waitress?"
"Bartender." You smirk and he grins. "You can stop by, I make a good gin and tonic. I'm allowed discounts for family and friends."
"I'm a friend then, eh?"
"Oh I'm sure you'll be a friend." You look him over and bite your lip. "Maybe more."
Shawn grins and you can't miss the pink that spreads across his cheeks. "You're bold. I like that." He steps back and turns to go out to the main floor. "I should get back to those mats now."
"Mmmhmm." You wave him off. "See ya."
Jodi clicks her tongue and you steps out of her office. "You are so predictable." She says from the top of the stairs.
You jog up to meet her and give her a look. "What? Because I think he's hot?"
"No, because he's a fighter." Jodi rolls her eyes and sinks into her chair as you follow her into the large room. "You only date fighters."
"Says the woman who married one!"
"Hey, I don't count. Harlow is the only fighter I ever dated and I didn't even know she was a fighter when we started going out."
You roll your eyes. "Whatever. So I got a type. Whoopty do."
"At least Shawn's a good one."
"You saying I have poor taste?"
Jodi picks up a few large envelopes and stares at you over them. "You're joking right? Tate? Remember that hot garbage of a few months ago?"
"Yeah but Chase before him wasn't garbage."
"Chase was a two month fling while you worked the circuit with me. Was he ever anything?"
You flop down onto the couch under the window that overlooks the gym. "I guess not. So what, Shawn's a fighter and I like fighters. Maybe he'll be a keeper."
"Ex fighter."
"Shawn's an ex fighter." Jodi types aways at her computer and you wait for her to continue. "He doesn't fight anymore. What?"
"He doesn't? Why? He looked healthy."
"Personal choice. Harlow has been trying to book him on the circuit for years. He keeps in shape and trains other fighters for Harlow but he's not getting in that ring for anything. It's a shame, he was a two time champion."
You look out the window to where Shawn is running along the mats on the far side of the gym with a towel. You wonder what made him stop competing. A guy like him could take out anyone his weight. No doubt. You'd seen him spare with Tate once when he trained with him. Shawn has the skill, what would drive him to waste it?
Dixie's is a hole in the wall kind of place. Definitely a local spot and everyone in town goes there. It's a bar and restaurant that serves your classic American staples, burgers, fries, steak and sandwiches. Nothing fancy, but the food is good and homemade. The day time crowd at Dixie's is mostly families, regular customers on their lunch breaks or afternoon meetups, occasionally a truck driver or two since it's on the edge of the town. The night time crowd at Dixie's is much different, very adult orientated. They didn't let kids in after eight since that's when most of the drunks and party goers start showing up. Most people know to avoid Dixie's for a late dinner lest you be caught up in a fight or have to listen to some guy babble on about the good ole days for four hours.
You work the night shift at the bar. You don't mind, you tended places much worse. Hell, you lived in Vegas for a year after graduation and that's where you learned to bartend. When you're raised in hell, the rest of the world doesn't seem so bad.
"Hey! You made it!" Carrie says from the door to the kitchen. "I was worried you wouldn't come back after last week."
"What? Greg? Please, I've dealt with a lot worse then having a drink thrown at me and being called a raging bitch." You place your purse under the counter behind the bar in a little safe. Carrie didn't fuck around when it came to safety and personal belongings in her bar.
"Oh thank God. Greg is an asshole but if you made it through the night with him I think you'll be alright."
"I worked in Vegas, Carrie." You grab your apron off the wall beside her. "I've seen shit. Greg, ain't shit."
Carrie looks incredibly relieved. "I've had four bartenders walk out because of him."
"Yeah, well, they weren't me." You wave to one of the waitresses, Sammy, coming in for her shift. The two of you hit it off really well last week so you're excited to work with her tonight."Besides, I'd like to stick around."
Carrie pushes open the kitchen door and you follow her in. "Oh yeah? Find a love interest?"
"I don't think I'd call him that yet. But I'm definitely interested." You grab a few plates off the warming table to help Carrie serve them. "We've met before."
"Oh wow, coincidence huh? You just moved here right?"
"Yeah. It's so weird, but he's a fighter who trained with my ex boyfriend a year ago. I guess I'm bound to meet people from the same circuit."
Carrie chuckles and leads the way with her arms full of plates. "You like those fighters huh? We got a lot of those type around here."
"I do." You fall silent as you help Carrie serve the large group of middle aged people at the front of the seating area. As soon as you're done Carrie walks with you to the bar.
"Anyway, those fighters are always coming in here. I don't mind the business of course, they eat a lot. But some of them also drink alot and bar fights between fighters is a nightmare."
"Don't worry, I can handle them." You wipe out some glasses on the drying station and Carrie starts going through the liquor stock to see what she needs to bring out of the back for the night. "I swear, I'm sticking around."
Carrie pauses and looks over at you. "You seem pretty set on it."
"Yeah, I am. Things are good here. I have my own place, I'm near my best friend, there's a hot fighter who I wanna get to know. It's good. A fresh start."
"I'm happy for you dear." Her hand comes down on your shoulder and you look over at her. She's smiling, her big round glasses sitting too low on her nose. She blows a stray curl out of her face and pats your shoulder a few times. "You're a good kid."
"I try to be." You chuckle. "Anyway, looks like it's kicking off early tonight." You point at a group of guys who have just walked in, some fighters by the looks of them. Out of circuit fighters, the kind who drink too much and let their bodies get weakened by alcohol. You scoff to yourself. Frat boys with too many muscles and big dreams but no dedication. A bunch of Tate Greysons'. It's gonna be a long night.
"Pierce! Focus!" Harlow yells from the office doorway at the top of the stairs. Shawn is standing in the ring with his client for the day but he keeps looking over at you where you're talking to Jodi near the bathrooms.
You look over and bite your lip, knowing you got him in trouble. "Anyways, as I was saying," you turn back to Jodi and she's grinning. "What?"
"Harlow is gonna kick his ass if he doesn't stop gawking at you." She looks up at her wife through the window and she's pacing the office, watching Shawn like a hawk. "You're quite a distraction."
"I don't mean to be. I'm just standing here for fucks sake." You gesture to your jeans and plain tee shirt. "I'm not even dressed up!"
Jodi laughs. "Shawn's just soft, he's got your attention and he doesn't want to lose it. I don't know the last time he had a girlfriend."
"Really?" You look back. "A guy like him has been single for-" Shawn gets clocked in the head. "Oh shit."
Jodi sighs. "Moron."
You jog over to the ring and hold onto the cage, staring at Shawn on the ground. "Are you okay?!"
"Dude, you went down like a sack of bricks." The other fighter says, kneeling on one knee beside Shawn. "Dude?"
"Is he knocked out?" You ask, walking along the ring to climb the stairs at the open entryway. "Shawn?"
"I haven't been hit that hard in years." Shawn groans, eyes closed. "Good left hook, Connor."
"Thanks, but for real are you okay?"
"I'm fine." Shawn sits up and holds his head. "Y'know no matter how many fights you're in, and how much training you do, getting hit hurts worse when you're not expecting it."
"Getting hit hurts in general." You laugh and help him up on his feet. "And you would have expected it if you weren't staring at me."  
Connor snickers.
"I was not staring." Shawn stretches his arms and shakes off the hit.
"Yeah? Why'd you get hit then?"
"We're sparing."
"Uh huh." You look to Connor. "Did he seem distracted?"
"Mmm thought so." You turn and walk out of the cage with a glance back with a small smile.
Shawn calls out to you as you cross the gym floor. "Wait, what's that supposed to mean?!"
"Stop staring at me and actually talk to me is what it means!" You laugh and meet up with Jodi outside the office. "God he's ridiculous."
"He hasn't asked you out yet?"
"No! It's been a week since we met. He just stares at me when I'm here and occasionally says no more than four words to me." You glance over and Shawn and Connor have changed positions so Shawn is with his back to you. "I think he's shy."
"Shawn? Nah. He's sweet, always has been. I think he's just cautious because he knows you just got out of a relationship, and one with a former trainee of his too. I'd be cautious."
"Well light a fire under his ass for me will you?"
Jodi gives you a thumbs up. "I'll get right on that boss. Matchmaker Jodi Price is on the case!"
"Oh shut up. Just talk to him?"
"I will." Jodi grabs her keys from Harlow as she steps out of the office. "We'll be back later honey."
"I'll pick up dinner." Harlow looks out at Connor and Shawn. "If I'm late it's because I've got two man-children to deal with."
"Easy on him. He's got feelings for our girl here."
Harlow rolls her eyes. "I don't pay him to have feelings."
"You're such a hardass, Harlow." You laugh and she smirks. "I promise I'll try not to stop in too much when he's training Connor."
"Yeah yeah." Harlow waves you off. "Get out of here, go have fun."
"Picking up furniture at Ikea isn't fun." Jodi says in annoyance.
"Mmhmm. Sure its not. Bye bye." Harlow walks toward the window to the gym floor and you wave goodbye.
"Come on." You put your arm around Jodi's shoulders. "Let's go build some skeptical furniture and relive the good ole days."
Jodi laughs. "Yeah, the good ole days of duct taped chair legs and book balanced tables. God I hope these Ikea things will be better than our crap back then."
"I'm sure it'll be fine."
Building furniture is a nightmare. You and Jodi spend an hour putting together a dresser that you end up abandoning in favor of Chinese take out and a rerun of Chopped you hadn't seen before while sitting on the boxes for your nightstand and kitchen cart. You still have both of those items plus your bed frame to build. You'll get to it eventually.
Eventually leads to three days later and you still have the boxes propped against the wall of your living room where you and Jodi abandoned them after dinner. Every day you walk past them and think, maybe that day, but then you keep going. It's not until today, Friday, your day off, that you might actually get them built.
"Hey, what're you doing tonight?" Shawn asks as he steps down out of the cage. You've been watching him spar with one of the other trainers for an hour now after stopping by to help Jodi read over some paperwork for the gyms lease.
He grins. "Yeah, you."
"Building furniture for my house."
He chuckles and sinks into the chair next to you, observing two fighters now sparing on the mats nearby. "Sounds like a wild time."
"Oh it will be. I'll probably decide to get drunk halfway through and just say fuck it again." You laugh to yourself. "Drunk lonely furniture building on a Friday night. I've reached my peak at age twenty four."
"Need some help?" Shawn looks over and you raise your eyebrows. He is really making a move. Finally.
"You sure you don't have some floors to clean or something?" You ask, referencing the last time he tried to get out of your attempt to instigate a date. He is a weird one, definitely interested but hesitant for some reason. You get what Jodi said, about him being cautious because of your past with Tate but it's been almost five months. You're ready to move the fuck on. You gotta make it clear to this man you're ready.
Shawn smiles and looks away. "Okay, fair enough. Just call me out why don't you?"
"Yeah? You realize you've been dragging this out?"
"Yeah yeah. So can I come over?"
You grin and cross your arms. "I guess. What do you drink?"
"Tequila?" He says with a smirk as he starts unwrapping his hands.
"I'm not buying tequila. I don't know about you but tequila fucks me up and I will make some bad decisions."
"Me too, maybe we should go for it then."
"Absolutely not." You reach over and grab Shawn's hand as he picks at a piece of the fabric that's tucked too tightly under another. "How about we just start with some hard lemonade or something?"
Shawn smiles and closes his big hand over yours. "It's a date then?"
"Is it a date?"
"Could be."
"Let's just call it hanging out for now." You place the coiled up wad of wrapping fabric in Shawn's hand. "Now, I'm going to get lunch at Dixie's. You want something?"
"Nah, I brought lunch." Shawn looks over at the sitting area where Harlow has set up a refrigerator, a stand with a microwave and a few little tables with chairs. "Leftover chicken and rice."
You stand and Shawn stands with you. He flexes his hand a few times to work out the stiffness of it being bound too tight in the wrapping. You head for the office stairs to see if the ladies want lunch too. "I'll let you know when I'm heading home so you can follow me."
"Works for me."
"Oh, and don't wrap your hand so tight next time." You point at his hand. "You should know better."
Shawn grins sheepishly. "Maybe someone else should wrap it for me?"
"Maybe." You smile and he just grins.
"Hey Jodi have you seen- oh." Shawn leans against the door as he looks between you and Jodi on the couch in the office. It's almost seven and you had completely lost track of time.
"Whatcha doing?"
Jodi holds her half wrapped hand up to show Shawn. "Teaching her to wrap."
Shawn smirks. "Your ex never taught you?"
"Tate didn't like having me around too much when he was fighting. He said I distracted him. So I didn't get to wrap his hands but once or twice."
"What a dick. Well I'm done cleaning up for the day, are you ready to go?"
Jodi raises her eyebrows. "Y'all have a date? And you didn't tell me?"
"It's not a date." You roll your eyes. "He's just going to help me with the furniture."
"So he's gonna be at your house with you alone?"
"Yes." You stand and Jodi unwinds her hand. "Now don't say another word missy." Jodi just snickers and you grab your purse. "Let's go Shawn."
An hour into furniture building and you're sure you're going to combust. Shawn is so big and thick, and close. He's in a pair of tight black jeans and a black tank top, having forgone his shirt almost as soon as you started working. He is just...he's too much. You thought Tate was big, you thought Tate was ripped and he was but not like Shawn. The way Shawn is built and the way he moves so fluidly is just...it's enough to stop your heart.
"Hey, hello?" He waves his hand in your face. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine?"
"Did you hear me?"
Shawn chuckles and leans back on his forearms. "What'd I say?"
"Nope. I asked you if you wanted to get dinner."
"Oh." You push your hair back out of your face and look up at the clock over your kitchen table. "It's almost eight. Shit."
"So? Do you work tomorrow?"
"Yeah in the evening, but I didn't mean to keep you this late."
"It's not late?" Shawn laughs. "It's no big deal. I'm off tomorrow. I'll order something and we'll keep putting together this bed frame, sleeping on a mattress on the floor is bad for your back."
"Mmmhmm. Sure you don't just want to stay late to get me on this bed after we put it together?"
Shawn sits up, leans forward onto his hands and knees, face close to yours as he pushes himself up off the floor. "Oh I'll be much more upfront when I wanna do that." He pulls out his phone and you flush hot. "What sounds good? Pizza? Wings? Chinese?"
"Don't you need to eat healthy?"
"I do." He smiles over at you. "It's alright to indulge now and then."
"None of this is going away because I eat some pizza now and then." He gestures up and down himself. "I know that sounds incredibly pretentious but I worked hard for this strength. I'm having pizza." He puts the phone up to his ear and walks around the room aimlessly as it rings.
"Tate never wanted to get dinner. He said it'd ruin his diet." You stand and look around at the scattered pieces of the bed frame and your stomach rumbles loudly.
"Yeah because he was an idiot." Shawn says softly before answering the phone and placing an order for a medium taco pizza.
You raise your eyebrows and he grins. How did he happen to know your favorite pizza? There was no way he could have known or guessed. Taco pizza was not an every day order.
"Thank you bye." He pockets his phone. "Anyway Tate was obsessed with his eating habits. I remember sitting him down and explaining that he actually needs to eat real food and not protein shakes and supplements for every meal. He didn't ever listen though."
"Yeah he was an idiot, okay, but how did you know I like taco pizza?"
"Wild guess."
"Uh uh. Who told you?"
Shawn holds his hands up. "Honest to God, you want the truth?"
"Yeah. Who was it?"
"No one. Seriously, it was a wild guess. I like taco pizza and I noticed you have little taco magnets on the fridge and a taco pillow on your couch so I figured maybe you like them too. Seriously, it was a shot in the dark."
You stare at him slack jawed. He had been in your house for an hour and he noticed your taco magnets? That was...just so...weird? What else did he notice? You look around your room suddenly very self conscious of everything you have sitting on the dresser and nightstand. "I...I don't know what to say about that."
"About what?"
"About how observant you are."
"Oh. Should I not be?"
"N-no, I mean, it's fine? I've just never had someone pay attention to my stuff I guess."
Shawn chuckles and gets down on his knees to start taking the rest of the bed frame pieces from the box. You definitely don't miss how his ass is perfectly accentuated by the dip of his jeans. "Well, I like your place, it's interesting and cozy. Sorry if that's weird, I don't mean it to be."
"It's fine." You get down next to him, eyes still on his butt and he hands you a bag of screws. "It's just different. You're different." He leans forward to grab a bar from the frame and the way his back curves makes you want to grab his ass so bad. It's perfectly round and you just want to feel it so badly.
He glances over with a smile as he sits back on his knees. "Is that good?"
"W-what?" You feel a flush on your cheeks. Was he talking about your staring? Was he good? Because yes, a thousand times yes he was.
"Is it good that I'm different?"
"Oh! Yeah, very good." You smile and look down with a chuckle as you dump the bag of screws into a little Tupperware bowl he hands you that you've been using for small parts so nothing gets lost. "I like different."
"Me too." He grins and you meet his eyes. "Let's get this bed together so we can relax when the pizza gets here."
"Sounds like a plan."
"Busy night?"
You look up from the back of the bar and see Shawn sitting a few seats down from you. He's smiling, hair pushed back looking like a damn angel in his white tee. The bar has been crowded for two hours now, a huge bachelor party of some sort taking up most of the space in the building. You and Sammy have been working double time to get food and drinks out as quick as possible. Big parties of guys meant big tips, keep them happy, keep that tip growing.
"Yeah." You glance over to the loud crowd nearby. "Bachelor party."
"I see. Must be fun?"
"For me or them?"
You chuckle and walk down to stand in front of him. "Is it fun making drinks? Yes. Is it fun watching a bunch of twenty some year olds get hammered while getting hit on by every one of them? Not so much."
Shawn waves off a drink offer as you gesture to the bar behind you. "I just came by to see how you were doing. You haven't been by the gym in a few days."
"Oh, you noticed." You lean back and smile. "I've been working doubles. Carrie has had a cold and I didn't want her to push herself. I'm a lot younger, I can't handle a few days of work."
Shawn cracks open a peanut from the bucket on the counter for customers. "You're a sweetheart." He grins and pops the peanut in his mouth. "Glad you're alright though."
"Did you think I was avoiding you?"
"Nah. Well, a little?" He chuckles and hangs his head. "Honestly I thought I fucked up the night we put together your bed."
You step forward and fold your arms on the counter in front of him. "I'd tell you if you fucked up. Trust me, you haven't done anything to put me off."
"Good. What do you say to lunch Wednesday?"
"I'd say I hope you like Dixie's pulled pork special because that's where I'll be."
"You work dayshift again?" He shakes his head.
"Yep. My last double."
"Okay, alright. I'll stop by?"
"I'd love it."
Shawn looks over at the party of guys getting loud again. "I'm gonna head out before that gets too wild. Stay safe honey."
"Bye Shawn." You roll your eyes at his ridiculous pet name and he waves as he heads out.
"How's Connor doing?" You ask as you watch the young fighter spar with one of the other guys while Shawn is taking a break in the office.  
"The kid is insane. He's fast, strong, smart too. He reminds me of myself when I was nineteen."
You look over and Shawn is tossing a stress ball up at the ceiling casually. "Connor is nineteen?"
"Yeah." He looks over with a grin. "Why? Thought he was cute?"
"Shawn! God, no. I'm just surprised Harlow took on a guy that young."
"I was too. I remember when Connor walked into this gym. He was a short little sixteen year old with no intention of doing anything but bulking up a bit."
"He didn't wanna be a fighter?"
"Nope." Shawn chuckles. "He came to take some HIIT classes and some CrossFit bullshit Harlow had let a trainer do for a few months. I think once he saw me and Mike in the ring he caught the bug."
You watch as Connor takes down his opponent, pinning him to the mat. Shawn's right, he is fast and strong for his size. His practice opponent is easily twenty pounds heavier than him and he is taking him down like it's nothing. "You think he's gonna make it to championship finals?"
"He going to make it to nationals if I have any say in it. He has what it takes, he's got the heart and soul of a fighter. You don't see that everyday. I've trained a lot of guys in the last few years and they just don't have what Connor has."
"Has any of your trainees made it to the championship circuit?"
"No. Not yet." Shawn looks over and you chuckle. "What? You think I'm not good at training?"
"Not that. I'm just laughing because your last trainee was Tate right?"
"He definitely didn't have what it takes."
"He didn't. He couldn't listen, just wanted to do what he thought was right. You'd think when a two time western champion and two time national finalist takes the time to train you, you might try and give a fuck." Shawn sits up and squeezes the shit out of his stress ball. "Tate honest to God pissed me off like no other."
You raise your eyebrows and giggle. How funny it was that the two of you shared the same distaste for Tate. "He was something."
"No. He's nothing and he's never going to be until he gets his head out of his ass."
"You think so? I'm sure you've thought the same thing."
You smirk. "I've definitely thought worse."
"And I'm harsh?"
"I haven't said it out loud." You scoff and lean back in Jodi's chair. "But someone should."
Shawn stands and walks over to the desk. He leans forward and smirks. "I'd tell that sorry piece of shit every single thing you wish you could say to him. I'd hand deliver it to him right in his smug fuckin jaw."
"Easy tiger." You run your hand up his arm, fingers curling against bicep and he drops his head. "No need for the violence. Fighting is an art not a brawl."
"I'm using your own words against you?" You smirk and stand up, checking a message on your phone from Sammy about stopping by for tips from last night.
Shawn straightens up with a grin and shakes his head. "You remember me telling Tate that?"
"It's the first thing I ever heard you say to him."
"Tate is a dumbass for losing a woman like you, y'know?"
"Yeah." You walk around and past Shawn toward the door. "But if he wasn't, I wouldn't have ever found a man worth fighting for."
Wednesday afternoon is a shit show. For some reason there are a couple day drinkers in at the bar and they won't stop bugging Sammy. She's covering a shift for one of the other waitresses, Megan, since it's her birthday and she's seriously regretting it. Day shift is supposed to be easy. The worst part being an occasional kid throwing food around. Poor girl.
"I just can't do it," Sammy hisses as she stands beside you at the end of the bar at the wash station. "That guy over there has been harassing me non stop. I've tried everything to get him to fuck off."
You take a look over at the end of the bar and you know exactly which guy it is. He's in his thirties, probably an insurance broker or real estate agent by the looks of his tailored suit and gray temples. He looks older than he should. There's a glass of whiskey in his hand that you served him about ten minutes ago. He's the one you were about to cut off and send packing anyways.
"Want me to make him leave?"
"Do you have a bouncer?" Sammy glances over your shoulder. "Because I don't think he's going to leave so easily."
"Well, how about we make him realize you're not into him?"
"By doing what?"
You smirk and set down your dirty glasses into the sink. "I can stage kiss you. I used to do it all the time with my friends back in Vegas." You look down at the guy. He'd definitely fall for it, he was too drunk to see straight. "We'll make a show of it."
"I don't know." Sammy twists her hands in her apron. "Maybe he'll just leave?"
"Sammy. He's not gonna leave if he thinks he has even an inkling of a chance." You pull Sammy down the bar closer to where the creep is sitting. "It's up to you. He's watching us right now."
"Okay, okay." She shakes her hands out and puts her hand on your shoulder, going up to your neck. You can see her glance over at the guy. "It's working he's watching intently."
"Good." You cup her cheek and bring your other hand up to here jaw and cover her mouth with the side or your palm as you pretend to kiss her. "Is he looking?"
You pull back and give Sammy a hug before going down the bar to the creep. "Do you need a refill on that?" You ask, pointing to his nearly empty glass. You weren't really going to give him a refill, he'd had more than enough.
"No." He grumbles and stands up. "I'm going home." He passes you his credit card and you settle his tab. "Thanks."
Sammy beams from her spot by the liquor shelves. "I can't believe that worked!"
"Almost every time." You walk over and hand her the ones the creep had left as a tip under his cup. "For you dear."
"Thanks." Sammy pockets the bills and smiles. "I wish I had you years ago."
"Well I'm here now." You ruffle her hair and she ducks away. "Do me a favor?"
"Keep an eye out for Shawn? He is supposed to be coming in for lunch."
"Ohhh." Sammy smirks. "You got a little crush on the big boy?"
"Obviously." You toss your bar rag over your shoulder and head for a lady who's just walked up at the end of the bar. "How couldn't I?"
"He's a good one!" Sammy laughs and heads off to check on her tables while you get back to bartending.
Shawn never showed up for lunch. You can't say you weren't a little disappointed since you had made plans, but you understand that he may have gotten busy at the gym. Things happen. It isn't a big deal.
You stop by the gym the next day to help Jodi with registration for the fall championship circuit for the western region. She had to have all of the fighters from Harlow's registered and ready to go by Monday. It is a ton of paperwork and you know what to do, so you volunteer to help out before work.
"Can you go get Jack for me? I need to talk to him about getting me a copy of his physical."
"Yep." You push away from her desk and head out the door. The locker rooms are to the right of the main floor of the gym and you head there first.
"Dude, I saw her kissing Sammy."
You freeze and listen to the conversation you've walked up on. It's clearly Shawn.
"So? What's the big deal?" It's Connor.
"I thought she was into me. We've been flirting and stuff and then I walk into Dixie's for lunch and she's kissing the waitress! I thought she was into guys!"
Connor laughs and sighs. "I dunno dude."
"I can be into both." You say, stepping into view and getting a good look at Shawn in nothing but a towel. He's dripping wet and it's so hard to focus on the conversation at hand, you have to look away. "Maybe if you wanted to know what was going on, you should ask me?"
Connor's eyes go wide and he looks between the two of you before ducking his head and squeezing around Shawn to make himself scarce.
"I know you can like whoever you want...I just thought..."
"Shawn." You walk over to him and lay your hand on his chest. He's warm and damp and oh Lord when he shifts you can feel the muscle flex. "Relax. I pretended to kiss Sammy so a guy at the bar would stop harassing her."
"Is that why you didn't show up for lunch?"
"Yeah." He rubs the back of his neck. "I walked in and saw that kiss and I didn't know what to think. I'm sorry, I should have asked you."
"It's fine. I probably would have been really confused too." You look him over and he smirks. "I swear I'm still very much into you."
"Yeah? Enough to go on a real date?"
"Mmm I think it's time we did. Any plans?"
Shawn grins. "I have a few. How's this Saturday night sound?"
"I'm off. What time?"
"Six? I'll pick you up. Wear something comfortable and not too fancy."
You raise your eyebrows and he just keeps smiling. "Alright. I'll see you then. In the meantime, have you seen Jack? We need a copy of his latest physical for the registration."
"He's probably out on the floor. If you didn't see him, check the backroom because he might be resting on the spare mats."
"In the storage area?"
"Yeah." He chuckles. "He likes to meditate and listen to his audio books back there to relax."
"Oh. Well thanks." You pat Shawn's chest and he traps your hand under his, curling his fingers around yours. "Yes?"
He bites his lip and shakes his head before releasing your hand. "Nothing. Go on."
"See you in a bit."
"Do you still do photography?" Harlow asks you Friday day while you, her and Jodi sit in their living room while going over travel plans for the out of state fights in this year's competition.
"A little bit. I don't do anything professionally anymore."
"But you have your camera?"
"Yeah of course and my lenses. Why?"
Harlow grins. "If I hire you, will you do the photography for the website? I need pictures of all the guys for the brackets this year."
"Sure I can do that. I think I have a my backdrop stuff still as well."
"You'll probably get to photograph Shawn too." Jodi pipes up from where she's typing away at the laptop. "You could take a few just for yourself."
Harlow groans and shoves her wife's shoulder. "I'm hiring her for a professional shoot, quit teasing her."
"Yeah yeah."
"What time do you want me to stop by? I'm free this weekend and next Thursday all day. Otherwise I work after six."
"Stop by whenever you want. I'm sure it'll take a few days to get all the fighters done and we have a few weeks before fights start. We'll start with Connor when you do get set up. He's my headliner. I'm banking on him hard so I want his photos to be really good."
"Yes ma'am."
"So you're doing photos for Harlow?"
You look over at Shawn from the passenger side of his truck. He'd picked you up at a little after six and still wouldn't tell you where you're going. He did make you change into an old pair of jeans instead of the black skinnies you had on and promised you wouldn't regret it. You're almost convinced he's taking you mudding outside of town because you've been driving for twenty minutes and you're still not sure where the hell you are.
"Yeah, I'm doing photos for her? Why?"
"No reason, I was curious."
"You want me to take pictures of you too?"
"I'm not a fighter in the circuit."
Shawn looks over and raises his eyebrows. "So why would you take pictures of me?"
"Because you're gorgeous." You look out the window away from him, heart racing at your admission. "I'd die to photograph you in action. You're a rarity, perfect from every angle. It'd be a treat."
"I had no idea you were so into photography. That's awesome." He bumps your leg and you look over. "I'd love to see what kind of photos you take at matches."
"I've taken some good ones. But like I said, I really want to photograph you."
He chuckles. "Sorry sweetheart. I'm retired." He turns the truck down a dirt road toward a big sign that says Pierce Ranch.
"You have a farm?"
"No, my uncle does."
"Why are we going to your uncle's farm?"
"Because I'm taking you horseback riding."
"What? You're serious?"
Shawn turns the truck into a long driveway in front of a big sprawling house. "Dead serious. My uncle is out of town for a few days and he said we could come out and spend some time out here."
You sit stunned in silence. Horseback riding as a first date. Who thought of that? It's so off the wall and incredibly romantic.
"Should we go back?"
You snap out of your thoughts and look over at Shawn as he kills the engine in front of a set of garages. He looks worried. "No, why?"
"You're really quiet. If you don't want to do this we can just go to dinner or something. I know it's kind of different and-"
"I want to go horseback riding."
"Oh." He smiles big and you can see the relief on his face. "Okay good. I'm really looking forward to having you meet my favorite horse."
You put your hand on the door to get out. "I can't wait."
An hour later and you're set up on a horse named Butters, his favorite, and you're strolling along side Shawn on a well worn path around some trees behind the barns. You were nervous at first, needing Shawn's help to stay on the horse but eventually you got the hang of it.
"So, you must really like horses then?" You giggle, looking over at Shawn during a lull in conversation.
"Yeah. I used to spend every summer here with my Uncle Carlos. I still come out here pretty often when I need to relax and get away from it all."
"Ahh, I can see why. It's nice." You bite your lip and glance over. "Can I ask you something?"
"Yes?" He chuckles. "Usually that's how dates go."
"Why don't you fight anymore?"
Shawn is quiet. You know it's a sore subject, seeing as no one really wanted to get too in depth when they talked about Shawn's past. You're curious though. A man like him with his skills and experience could still be in the ring.
"It's okay if you don't want to talk about it."
"No, I-I knew you'd ask eventually." He sighs and guides the horses to a clearing in the trees. He slides off and hitches his horse and then yours to a tree before helping you down.
"Seriously, you seem uncomfortable to talk about it. We don't have to."
Shawn stuffs his hands into his pockets as the two of you head for a bunch of rocks. There's a stream nearby and you can hear the water trickling along the rocks you're walking toward. This place is incredibly serene and you feel bad for bringing up such a tense subject when the date has been going so well.
"So, three years ago I won my second championship." Shawn drops down onto a large flat boulder. "But, the fight was so intense I almost killed my opponent. Now I know, fights get rough and tension runs high in the ring when there's a lot of money and a title at stake. It wasn't about that though. I kicked my opponent so hard he dropped, he just went down, lights out. It wasn't until after everything was said and done I found out he had serious brain trauma from the fight, particularly from my kick."
You sit down next to Shawn and grab his hand. He rubs his thumbs over your fingers gently before continuing.
"I found out he had a newborn baby. I accidentally almost killed this man and took him away from his child because of a sport. I had to stop after that. I couldn't do it anymore."
"Oh Shawn." You squeeze his hand and he looks at you. "You didn't kill him though. He's fine, he's alive and with his child. It is part of the risks you take as fighters."
"I know. I just couldn't deal with that sort of thing happening again. I've made my peace with it and with fighting."
"I understand." You scoot a little closer and he runs his free hand over his hair. "You're a great trainer. Maybe being a fighter isn't for you anymore, but your skills aren't wasted this way. Do you want to fight?"
"To be completely honest, yes. I want to fight every single day, I itch to compete and I think that's why I push Connor so hard. I'm living vicariously."
"Maybe you could do some small time stuff? Not such high stakes?"
"I can't." He shakes his head. "When I'm in the ring I don't stop, I fight hard until I'm out or I win. It's all or nothing."
"Yeah. But anyways, I'm happy training." He smiles, soft and small but genuine nonetheless. "I'm proud to be training a fighter like Connor."
"Good. That's what matters." You bite your lip and giggle to yourself. "I much rather see you like this then all beat up anyway."
"Oh yeah? Not into the black eye and busted lip look?"
"Not on you." You reach out and tenderly turn his face to you. "You're too gorgeous to see damaged."
"I'm gorgeous?" Shawn smirks and runs his hand over your hair. "I think you're mistaken. You're the gorgeous one here." He cradles your face in his hand and just stares at you lovingly.
"No, definitely not." There's a moment where you're both staring at each other's lips and you both know that you want to make a move but it's too soon. Or is it?
Shawn's hand slides away from your face and he stands, offering to help you up. "Let's go back. I've got stuff to make dinner."
"You're making me dinner?"
He hauls you up against him. "Mmhmm. You can help if you'd like." He holds you steady by your hips. "How does spaghetti and meatballs sound?"
"Really good."
"Good." He puts his arm around your shoulders and starts walking back to the horses. "Because when we both have garlic breath the rest of the night won't matter."
You laugh and he just beams at you. "You're something else." You run your hand over his back and he leans his head on yours. "I like it, I like you."
"I like you too."
Wednesday night comes around again quicker than ever and Dixie's is crawling with people. All the fighters from Harlow's have showed up to celebrate the announcement of the western circuit championship bracket. Shawn shows up a little after nine and you can't help the smile that spreads across your face. He smiles back and makes your heart beat faster. Things have been going incredibly well with him since the date at the ranch. You're falling hard and fast and you don't really want to stop.
"Hey darling," Shawn says over the loudness as he leans against an empty spot at the bar. "How's it going?"
"Packed! Harlow brought all the guys and their friends and families in! It's crazy."
"Good for business though."
"Very. Carrie is moving faster than I've ever seen her go. We've had to pull Dave from the kitchen twice to help me catch up with drinks. We're gonna need to restock." You laugh and point back at the bar. "My tips are racking up fast too."
Shawn looks you over in your required black tee and apron. It's nothing special, but you know it looks good on you and so does he. "You deserve every dollar you get tonight. You're working hard."
"I am. Can I get you something?"
"Just a diet coke is fine. I'm taking it easy in case anyone needs a ride home tonight."
You turn around and fill a glass from the soda guns attached to the counter. "Enjoy yourself, you got most of these guys to this competition after all."
Shawn raises his drink to that and smiles. "I'm going to go hang out with Connor and Jack. I'll check in later?"
"I'll be here."
Two hours later and you are pushing through the kitchen doors to find Carrie. There's a guy who's harassing you and he's way more wasted then he should be, you've only served him three drinks and they weren't that strong. You suspect he may be taking something along with his drinks and Carrie won't have that sort of activity in her establishment.
"We've got a problem." You state angrily, gripping the doorway to the walk in cooler. "It's that asshole who's been trying to get my number since he sat down."
"Yeah?" Carrie turns to look at you as she hauls out a box of burger patties for the cooks. "Is he tweaked out?"
"I think so. He just grabbed my chest when I leaned over to hand some drinks to a guy beside him."
Carrie is livid, her eyes look like she could kill a man with her bare hands and possible has before. "Oh he's gone, I'm gonna-"
A loud crash from beyond the kitchen stuns you both and not a second later Dave, the line prep cook, throws open the door to the backroom and says there's a fight in the front area. Carrie drops the box of burgers in the cooler and closes the door as she hightails it to the front with you on her heels.
The scene before you is not pretty and immediately you think that it's one of the fighters involved. You're right. It's a fighter. But not a current one. It's Shawn and he is standing in front of the bar squared up with the drunk grabby handed guy. There is an overturned table and chairs and you think Shawn's already knocked the asshole down once, or he stumbled into the table and fell.
"Shawn!" You try to yell over the crowd but it's way too loud.
Carrie pushes past you and shoves her tiny frame through the crowd. You decide to go around to get behind the bar and as soon as you do you see a mess of shattered glass and ice on the floor.
"Shawn!" You shout, hands cupped around your mouth. "Shawn stop!"
He isn't listening or he can't hear you. Either way he's swinging at the drunk guy again in defense and before anything can get worse, the cops show up. You watch as the crowd separates and drunk grabby hands gets cuffed while Shawn tries to talk to the cops. It's no use and you watch them walk Shawn out of the bar as well.
You lean on the counter with your back to the door as the two guys get escorted out. Great. You can't help but feel like this is your fault. Shawn must have seen the move grabby hands pulled and approached him. You run your hand over your hair and look to Carrie as she steps behind the bar.
"God damn fighters. This is such a mess!"
"Yeah it is." You chuckle dryly to yourself. "It sure is."
You didn't think you'd ever be waiting in the lobby of a police station at three in the morning but here you are. Harlow was going to come with, in fact she was going to go alone and bail Shawn out but Jodi was absolutely trashed and you know she needed to take care of her over Shawn, so you said you would go. Besides, you wanted to talk with him one on one about the fight and why it happened.
You hear Shawn before you see him. He's coming down the hall behind the check in desk. "What do you mean my girlfriend came and-"
"Hey," you wave and he walks over to you quickly and hugs you tight.
"Thank God you're okay."
"Of course I'm okay. What would have happened to me?"
Shawn pulls you back and holds your face. "I couldn't find you after that guy put his hands on you. I was worried you left Dixie's or he did something."
"Shawn, he was wasted. What was he going to do to me? He could hardly stand."
"I don't know. I approached him after I saw what happened and he was talking all this shit like what he wanted to do to you. God it was disgusting, and then I didn't see you around and I panicked."
You cup his face and he has a bruise blossoming on his left jaw. "So your instinct was to fight him?"
"He came at me. I was just going to get some of the guys to help me escort him out but he started swinging as soon as I said he needed to go."
"Well it's done and over with now." You turn and head for the doors. "I'll take you to get your truck at the bar."
The ride to Dixie's is quiet. The dark streets are empty, illuminated only by the soft yellow street lights that have been there for far longer than they should be. Seriously the light is so dim it hardly lights up the road. You turn down the street you live on to take a shortcut to Dixie's and as you pass your house you glance at it instinctively.
You slam on the breaks just past your driveway. "What the fuck?" You put the car in park and squint at your darkened front door, or lack thereof. The door is open, gone by the looks of it.
"Don't get out of the car." Shawn warns, flipping the lock button. "Someone could still be in there. Call the cops and back up out of sight."
You fumble with your phone and put it up to your ear. You report the break in and your street name. As soon as you're done you reverse down the street until you're a few houses away.
Shawn reaches over and lays his hand on your shoulder. "Do you know anyone who might have done this?"
"No. I have no idea. I don't even have anything worth stealing!" You lean your head on the steering wheel. "I don't understand. Could this night get any worse?"
"Don't say that." Shawn rubs up and down your back. "It's not the end of the world. We'll find out what's going on."
"What if I had gone home from Dixie's? What if I didn't come pick you up?" You look at the darkened house. "What if I was there?"
"You weren't. That's what matters. Look," he points to a police car coming down the street. "Here comes the cops."
"Will you go in with me?"
"Of course. You think I'm gonna just stay in the car?" Shawn grabs your hand and kisses it gently. "Come on, let's go talk to the cops."
An hour later and you've filed a full report with Officer Jones. There was nothing stolen as far as you can see. The house is fine, completely in order except for your room. Your dresser had been torn through and your closet emptied out, bed sheets and blankets torn apart too. You have absolutely no idea what someone was looking for and Officer Jones kept asking if you were completely sure you didn't know who could have done this.
It's nearly five in the morning and you are exhausted. The sun is coming up and the sky outside is getting brighter by the minute. You need to sleep and you don't feel safe in your house with the door broken and your bedroom torn apart.
"Grab some clothes, I'm gonna take you to my place." Shawn says, walking around your mess of a bedroom. "We'll take care of the broken door frame and stuff later."
"You're sure?"
"Yeah. Come on. I know we're both exhausted so I'll drive and we'll pick up my truck tomorrow. We need to rest, it's been a long night."
You grab a tote bag from your closet and throw a few shirts and jeans in it with some underwear. "I could stay with Jodi."
"I really would feel better if you stayed with me." Shawn takes the bag from you as you grab a pair of shoes and socks by the dresser. "Are you okay with it?"
"Of course Shawn." You join him by the door and lay your hand on his shoulder. "I trust you. We'll go to your place. If you want to take that stuff to the car I'm going to grab my camera gear. I told Harlow I'd start doing photos tomo- today." You sigh. "Well, I'll try and get everything set up after we get a few hours of sleep."
"I'm sure she'll understand." He rubs your back and you lean your head on his shoulder. You're absolutely at your limit, body ready to collapse on the next available soft surface. "I'll be in the car. Don't take too long."
"I won't."
When you wake up you have no idea what time it is. Shawn's room is bright and you look around for some hint that he is there. He had insisted you take his bed and he'd sleep on the couch. His bed smells so good, like fresh laundry and his cologne. Warm and spicy, it is absolutely perfect. You reach for your phone on the nightstand and see it's just after noon. There are three missed texts.
Harlow: are you coming by to do the shoot today?
Shawn: I'll be at the gym, take it easy and help yourself to the fridge.
Harlow: nvm please rest I talked to Shawn
You close your eyes and flop back onto the pillows. You promised Harlow you'd be by to take some photos, at least some of the ones for the gym website. You turn over and curl up with Shawn's spare pillow, pressing your face into while opening Shawn's text to reply.
You: is Harlow mad I didn't make it?
Shawn: no. I explained the situation and she's more worried about you than anything
You: tell her I can still make it in to set up at least
Shawn: okay. If u are coming by bring me an extra shirt? I forgot to bring one for post workout.
You: okay no prob.
You glance over at his dresser and then back to the window opposite you that over looks the tree line behind his house. It looks like a nice day, it'd be a shame to waste it but you aren't feeling like going out. You just want to stay curled up in his bed forever. Yesterday was so draining with everything that happened and you don't know how much you can handle without snapping at someone. Rest had definitely helped but you still feel uneasy about the break in. It just seemed so targeted like Officer Jones said, but you can't imagine what someone would want from you.
Eventually you get up and make your way down stairs to the kitchen. Shawn's place is beautiful, it truly is. It's very much like a modern cabin and you're not surprised since it's just outside of town in the woods. He's got a few neighbors but it's not like a usual neighborhood setting.
You grab a protein bar from what you assume was once a fruit basket. It looks good enough and you grab your purse from the living room, stuffing one of Shawn's tees into it before you head out. You pause, looking down at the white shirt hanging out of your purse. You go back into the bedroom and take a blue shirt from Shawn's dresser before stripping off your top and pulling the white tee on over your head. It's a little big but it fits well enough and you smile to yourself in his mirror. You grab your purse and head for the front door.
The drive into town is quiet, a little long, but it's nice. It's one long road that winds around the woods in a circle and then turns out on to Main St that you take all the way into town. It's basically a cul-de-sac but in the woods. The whole time you wonder if you should stop by the house and check on it, or if you should call Officer Jones and see if they have anything to go off of. You're really banking on one of your neighbor's having a security camera or something that spotted the intruder. Though your street is so dark at night it's hard to see anything anywhere.
You turn into the lot behind Harlow's and park beside Jodi's Jeep. You unload your backdrops and stands, carrying everything in the back door. You're met with Connor whos grabbing some tape for a mat from the storage room and he offers to help.
"Look who I found," Connor announces as you walk out onto the gym floor with all your stuff in hand.
Shawn walks over from boxing with a stand up bag. "Hey darling," he takes your camera bag and stand case. "Did you sleep okay?"
"Yes." You smile softly. "Your bed is very comfortable."
"I'm glad." He rests his hand on your lower back. "Is this my shirt?"
He grins and kisses your cheek. "It's all yours now. Looks good on you anyway. Any word from Officer Jones?"
"Not yet. I'm sure he'll call tonight or tomorrow."
"You can stay at my place as long as you need to."
You stand up on your toes a bit and kiss his cheek. "Thank you."
"Alright love birds break it up." Jodi says loudly, clapping at the two of you. "Before you start getting set up I wanna talk to you about what happened, I need to know who I'm going to skin alive."
"We don't know anything yet Jodi." Shawn says with an eye roll. "I told you that."
Jodi snorts. "I'm still going to kick someone's ass."
"I promise I'll let you know who to hunt when we hear back from the police." You say softly and Shawn gives you another kiss on the head before heading back over to the cage with Connor. Jodi puts her arm around you and the two of you head to the backroom that isn't full of old equipment to set up your camera.
Photos go well, you manage to get all the guys done in a few hours. You'll go home later and look them over to decide if you need to reshoot anything. But for now you are finished and starting to pack up.
"Hey, you forgot one."
You turn and look at Shawn standing in the doorway to the backroom where you're set up. "I did?"  
"Yeah. Me." He grins and steps in, closing the door behind him. "I thought you couldn't wait to get photos of me."
"Well, I figured I could get them any time."
"Oh? You think I'll pose for you whenever you like?"
You smirk. "You might, but I want to take candids of you."
Shawn wraps his arms around you and you lean back into his chest. "Candids huh?" He noses against your ear, hand going over your stomach. "Like private candids of me in my bed, laid out on the sheets holding my-"
He chuckles deeply and you can feel your body get warm, heat pooling between your legs. "Is that not what you want?"
You turn around in his hold and run a hand over his hair. "I want so much more from you then a couple of photos."
"Yeah? Tell me what you want."
"Oh you know...all the good stuff."
"The good stuff?" He walks you back against the backdrop and you bring his head down, foreheads rolling together. "This kind of good stuff?" He asks lowly before he kisses you softly.
"I know why you came in here." You whisper between kisses, hands going up and down his back. "You're jealous."
He lets out a growl as he kisses along your jaw. "You think I'm jealous of my fighters?"
"Your fighters hmm?"
"Mmm. I'm partnered with Harlow." He pulls back to look down at you. "I own the gym with her. I thought you knew?"
"No, I had no idea. She seems so bossy and it's called Harlow's so..."
Shawn plays with the ends of your hair, twisting his finger around bits of it. "She already had the place, I just bought in with championship winnings to keep it open. She runs the business side with Jodi and I run the gym floor as you can tell."
"Wow. So Connor and the other guys in the circuit this season is a huge deal for you."
"Yeah. A win from one of them could mean we expand Harlow's, new equipment, more fighters. With four guys going this year we have a good chance, and with Connor, we have the odds in our favor, I think."
You grin and shake your head. "Our first kiss and here we are talking business. Y'know if you were anyone else I'd have left by now."
"But I'm not anyone else." He leans in and bumps his nose to yours. "I'm special huh?"
"Oh you're special alright."
Shawn gives you one more kiss before he laughs and pulls back. "Let me make it up to you. I told Connor I'd go to dinner with him at Dixie's to talk about his first fight and what to expect. We can go a little early and have some time to ourselves first. How does that sound?"
"Sounds like a date."
"Oh it's not necessarily a date, but it could be."
You smile and he just holds your hips looking down at you. "Come on, enough staring like weirdos. I'm hungry."
Dixie's is packed when you arrive but you manage to get a table near the bar that's a small two seater. You see Carrie running around like a mad woman and two of the day time waitresses are running around behind her. The place is popular this time of year with fighters and their crews moving into town and nearby during the first part of the western circuit. That's what Carrie told you anyway during her briefing on what to expect and how she deals with the increased number of fights during this time of year.  
"Is that Connor?" Shawn asks, pointing to a table behind you. "What's he doing here so- oh I see."
You turn and look over at where Shawn is pointing to a corner table where Connor is and leaning on the table in her work clothes is Sammy. You smirk, it's about time they talked. Sammy has been eyeing Connor for weeks but she's hesitant because he's a fighter and she knows what the lifestyle entails.
“They’re kids, leave 'em be.”
“Yeah, yeah. Sammy is a good girl. I’m not worried about it.”
“She is. She also knows what it’s like to live with fighters. She told me her brother was a fighter.” You shake your head. “I think she said he went north to try for the canadian championship but he didn't win and ended up settling down up there”
“I knew her brother Devin, we fought a few times.” Shawn smiles over his drink. “The guy was really good, he gave me a run for my money.”
“Oh yeah? Did he train at Harlow’s?”
“No, no it was way before then. When I was nineteen he was twenty one, we went a few rounds in my first championship entry. I didn’t win that year, I got too cocky and big headed. He was a tough dude though, if Sammy is anything like him she’ll keep Connor in his place.”
You chuckle. “Sammy is very shy, I’m not sure she’s like her brother at all.”
“The shy ones are the ones you gotta watch out for.” Shawn smirks and you roll your eyes.
"Anyways, you said I could stay at your place again?"
"Mmhmm." Shawn smiles and chews on his straw. "I definitely don't mind."
"Good. I'm nervous about going home until we find out more from the police. It's feels like such a personal attack since they went through just my bedroom and didn't even take anything." You shake your head and lean you chin on your hand on the table. "They didn't even take jewelry. Someone wanted something from me."
"Maybe they thought it was someone else who lived there?"
"I don't know. I hope there is video footage from one of the neighbors that shows us something."
"They're gonna check with the neighbors for you?"
"Yeah, Officer Jones called while I was photographing Gauge. He said they're gonna canvas the area, ask for surveillance from anyone nearby and see if they can't get a suspect or even a car or something."
Shawn leans back and crosses his arms. "Y'know I was actually thinking, do you think it could be Tate? I didn't want to say something about him to the cops but is there something you have of his?"
You raise your eyebrows. You hadn't thought of Tate being a suspect. Hell, you were two states away from him now and it's been months since the break up. "I don't think I have anything. I gave him everything back, all his clothes and anything he ever bought me. I left it all in a box in our apartment."
"It was just a thought."
"No, it's a good one. He is crazy enough to do something like that." You roll your eyes and flag down Carrie to pay for your drinks. "Maybe I can call him, or I could try his sister Maggie."
"I'd try Maggie if you have a good relationship with her. If it was him he probably won't want to talk to you."
Carrie stops by the table and hands you your bill. "Have you seen Sammy?"
"She's over there with..." You look around for her and Connor but neither are at the table in the corner anymore. "Well she was here. Is she working tonight?"
"Yeah. Her shift starts in five minutes." Carrie takes your cash and you wave her off for change. "You say you seen her?"
Shawn chuckles. "She was with Connor."
"The fighter?"
"Yeah, my champ." Shawn stands and gives you a look and you nod, letting him know you don't mind if he goes looking for the two of them. "I think I know where they are."
Carrie raises her eyebrows. "Well if you find her, tell her to get her ass to work."
"Yes ma'am." Shawn smiles. "See you at the house." He squeezes your shoulder and heads for the front door.
A minute later Sammy comes walking in very flushed and you can't help but smile to yourself. She's got a flower tucked into her hair and you think her and Connor must have been sitting out on the patio since the flower is definitely from the pots out there.  
You get to Shawn's place a little after eight. His truck is in the driveway so you know he's there. The sun is starting to go down and you are tired from working on photos and stress from the break in. Your brain is absolutely taxed. All you want is some dinner and a soft bed. You turn the handle to the door and walk into music blasting from the kitchen. It's some eighties hair band and you chuckle to yourself as you walk across the living room to find Shawn around the corner shadow boxing at the stove shirtless.
"What's for dinner?" You laughs and he looks back around with a grin. "Smells good!"
Shawn turns and shuts off the music on his phone. "It's chili. I figured it's pretty easy to throw together since I got home just a few minutes ago."
"Why not order something?"
"Eh, I like homemade." He stirs the pot around. "I haven't had it in a while, I thought it'd be nice."
You walk around the island and take a look into the pot. It's not chili. Well, it is, but it's not what you were expecting. "What kind of chili is this?"
"Chili Verde. My dad's recipe. Wanna taste?" He spoons some out to cool in a little bowl on the counter.  "I promise it's good."
You smile. "I'm sure it's very good. What's in it?"
"Pork, onions, green chilies. I cheated and used a bottle of premade chili verde salsa for a starter since I don't have time to stew tomatillos and green chilies for hours." He spoons some up for you and you take a bite. "Good yeah?"
"Hot." You cover your mouth. "It's kinda spicy but I like it. It's good."
Shawn beams and scoops out two bowls to cool. "I'll finish getting dinner ready, go change and relax."
You lean up on your tiptoes and kiss his cheek. "Thank you for making me dinner."
"Of course." He kisses your nose and your heart skips. "Go on."
Post dinner you're sitting on the couch with Shawn watching some ghost hunter show. He's got his arm around your shoulders and you're tucked into his side snugly. It's comfortable, being with Shawn feels incredibly natural. He's warm and safe.
"What're you doing next Sunday?" Shawn asks as he tucks his feet against yours where your legs are outstretched on the ottoman. "I was thinking if you're available we could go out."
"I work the late shift but I can see if one of the guys can cover for me."
"I don't want you to miss work. We can go another day."
"No, I want to go. It'll be a nice escape from the stress around here." You run your hand down his forearm and slide your hand into his. "Are we going to go horseback riding again?"
Shawn squeezes your hand. "Nope. I have another idea."
"What is it?"
"I'm not telling." He grins at you and you narrow your eyes at him. "I can surprise you again can't I? It's more fun that way."
"I'd like to see what tops horseback riding."
"I have a few ideas. Don't worry." He glances at the clock on the wall in the kitchen. "I should go to bed, I have a seven o'clock session with Jack tomorrow." He scrubs a hand over his face and sighs. "Do you mind if I take the bed?"
"Nope. I don't mind sharing."
"Sharing? You're ready for that?"
You push off of him and stand up, putting your hand out to him. "I'm ready for anything with you."
He takes your hand and stands, pulling you against him. "Anything huh?" He runs a hand over your hair. "Falling a little fast aren't we?"
"I don't mind." You wrap your arms around his middle. "We work well together. I've never felt this comfortable and free around someone before."
He hums. "It feels natural. I completely understand."
You scratch at his back gently and he smiles down at you. "Let's go to bed. You need to be up early."
"Mmm I could always reschedule if we wanted to stay up late." He runs his hand down your back and over your butt. "I'm sure Jack won't mind."
You shake your head and laugh. "No, you're not cancelling work because of me. We can sleep together any time."
"Well don't make it sound like we're an old married couple, jeez."
You lean up on your tiptoes and kiss him quickly. "Maybe it's good practice for the future."
"Wh- oh." He grins. "First kiss and you're planning our future all in one day? Damn."
"Oh shut up." You pull away and head to his bedroom. "Come on, chop chop. The bed awaits."
You wake up in the middle of the night and you're freezing. It doesn't even feel like there is a heater on in the house. You roll towards Shawn and slide your arm around his middle, spooning him from behind. He shifts. A soft grunt followed by a mumble of incoherent sleep laden words. He's like a furnace, body radiating into yours.
"You okay?"
"Mmhmm." You press a kiss to his hair. "All good now."
"I missed this." He places his hand over yours on his chest. His heart beats in time with yours, a cadence of comfort in the night. "I missed being held."
"It's been a while?" 
"A long while. I didn't like to date when I fought. I only wanted to focus on my work." He chuffs. "I'd deprive myself to be the best. Stupid huh?" 
"No. You thought it'd help. It must have, you did win." You flex your fingers against his skin, blunt nails scratching him lightly. "Do you like being the little spoon?" 
"Love it. There's something about having someone smaller than you curled up and wrapped around you that I just love. I do like being the big spoon too, but I really enjoy being held sometimes." 
"I'll hold you any time." You give him a squeeze and he tangles his legs with yours. "You're like a big teddy bear."
He chuckles and that's the last thing you hear before you fall asleep to the sound of his soft breathing and the beating of his heart under your fingertips. 
End Part 1
Thank you for reading! Part 2 will be out sometime in the future as I have to write the ending still, but it’ll be another 13k at least. Thank you all again.  - A
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killianglyndon · 4 years
Someone you care Ch1
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A/N: okay, so this is the chapter 1 of my Rafael Barba x reader series. Again, my first language is not English, so there will have some grammar errors and typos. I will try to update at least one chapter a month. Feel free to give me some feedback! And I will stop writing any Rafael Barba x Reader oneshot until I finished this series. This chapter is mostly background mention.
Warnings: rape mentioned.
Series masterlist
Next chapter
Greg Yates’s case bought SVU and Intelligence together. Nadia was brutally raped and murdered by him. It was extremely hard for everyone, especially Intelligence.
SVU and Intelligence had worked a few cases together before, that was how you met Sergeant Benson. You remembered after a case she told you that you were good with victims.
“Hey, (y/l/n).” Liv called you as you walked out the break room. “Hey, Sarge.” “Good job in there, you were really good with them.” Liv told you. “Thanks, I was just doing what I can... All I can do is telling her that she’s strong and she will come through...but god...sometimes I can’t even imagine what some of them had gone through...” You said sadly. “This is what we do, (y/n)...have you ever thought about joining SVU?” Liv put a hand on your shoulder, you were surprised that she asked you. Before you were going to answer, “You don’t have to give me answer now, just think about it, will you?” She gave you a little smile. “And I already mentioned it to Hank, so give it a thought.” She added before leaving.
Here you were, sitting in front of your desk and staring into your computer screen. You knew that Sergeant Benson had mentioned it to Hank before, but you were still a little nervous to told him about your decision.
You and Hank were close, he was like a family to you. Fifteen years ago, you father got killed on duty, he was trying to save a little boy from a hostage situation. And Hank had been checking on you from time to time since then. Your dad was one of the reasons you wanted to become a cop, you remembered when you mentioned it to your mother, she was happy for you. She always knew you were just like your father, willing to help anyone. But sadly, your mother never got a chance to see you being a cop... she died from lung cancer when you had just went to police academy. Since then, Hank took you under his wings and let you live with him.
“Okay, you can do this.” You said to yourself.
You walked towards Voight’s office, and knocked on the door. “Hey, I want to talk to you about something.” You walked slowly into his office, and he gestured you to sit down in front of his desk. “ What’s wrong?” Voight asked. “I...uh...made up my mind.” “About?” “About Sergeant Benson’s offer, I want to go.” “I know.” Voight said and gave you a knowing look. “You...what? How?” You tried to figure something out. “I just knew... You just like your dad, compassionate and always dedicated to your job. I know, kid...” He gave you a small smile. Voight stood up and moved his way to you, pulling you in for a hug. “They would be proud of you. Intelligence will always have a spot for you.” He patted lightly on your back. “Thank you, Hank. I really appreciate it.”You two slowly pulled away. You wiped away the tears which rolled down your cheeks. “Call me if you need me, kid.” You knew Hank was a little sad that you were leaving Chicago, but in deep down you knew he was happy for you.————————
(After a few weeks)
You have finally settled things down, you never knew finding a place to live in New York would be this hard. Thankfully, with Sergeant Benson’s help, you found a nice place to live. It was nothing fancy, but it was cozy. And the rent was reasonable, the best part was that it was not far from 16th precinct.
You looked into mirror and checked yourself one more time. You knew you worked with SVU before, but you were still kind of nervous about actually working there. Nevertheless, you got yourself together, grabbed your bag and keys then head out.
You decided it was a good idea to bring something to everyone, since it was your first day. You wanted to make a good impression, so some cupcakes would work, right?
You anxiously waiting for the elevator, you didn’t hear someone approaching you. “Detective.” He said. You jumped a little. “Counselor.” You smiled and tried to ignore the fact you just jumped a little. “Ding” The elevator had arrived, “After you, detective.” He smirked. You two were now in the elevator, the air was a little quiet. “So, you think this will work?” You gestured the box of cupcakes in your hands. “It’s working now.” He replied. You blushed to his words. You could feel your cheeks heat up a little. “Text me.” He handed you a piece of small paper before walking out of the elevator. You looked down at the paper in your hand, he gave you his number.
You walked into squad room after Barba, Carisi first approached to you, “(y/n), welcome to SVU.” He said and tried to help you with the box in your hands. “Thanks, you want one?” You pointed to the cupcakes. “Yeah. Oh, and sarge said your desk is here.” He gestured the desk in front of his. “Looking forward to work with ya, partner.” He smiled. “I’m looking forward too.” You smiled back. Fin walked to you and Carisi, “You’re officially my favorite detective now.” He said to you and took one of the cupcakes. “Hey, I brought some food when I first started in SVU. Why didn’t you said that to me?” Carisi asked. “Yeah, but I love cupcakes more. So...” Fin said while walking away. You laughed and patted on Carisi’s back.
A case came in, a child named Owen was kidnapped, but from what the squad had known. It seen that Owen knew the man who took him. The parents, Dana and Sam were having custody issues. The mother, Dana, was a mess, and Liv were doing her best to comfort her. You and Carisi were checking Dana and Sam’s finances. Because the man who took Owen asked for $37k in cash, and that was to specific to be ransoms.
The squad and ESU found Owen at some point. Luckily, he was unharmed. But the kidnapper said that it was Dana who told him to do it. After some efforts, the squad found out that it was the father, Sam, who planned this.
You first case in SVU was a little overwhelming for you. While you were in Intelligence, you never saw a case like this. One of the parents tried to kidnap his own child and framed the other. It was understandable that both parents wanted the custody of child, but going this far? Guess this was the thing that you would always ponder the reason.
After finished up some paperwork, Liv asked you to drop some case file to Barba. You would be lying if you said you weren’t looking forward to see him again.
You strolled into One Hogan Place and looked for Barba’s office.
He must spotted you wandering around like a lost puppy, so he called you “Detective.” You heard him calling you, and you walked over to him. “Sorry, it’s been a while since I came to here. I thought I remember where your office was, but turns out I don’t.” You explained. “It’s okay, you’re lucky I was heading out.” He chuckled. “So, Liv asked me to drop you this.” You handed the files to him, and your fingers brushed his. You definitely felt a election when your fingers touched. You couldn’t help but blush to this contact.
Rafael definitely felt it too, the slight brush of your fingers. His mind had been occupied with someone, you. He been dying to know when would he see you again since Yates’ case. He was regret that he didn’t asked for your number then, so he made up his mind that if he ever seen you again, he would give you his.
He took the file from your hand,
“ Thanks, (y/l/n).”
“It’s no big deal, Barba.”
“You can call me Rafael, we’re not at work now.” He smiled.
“Okay. See you tomorrow, Rafael.” You smiled back.
“Good night, (y/n).”
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chemicallady · 4 years
Greg Sanders x Reader!
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A/N: Hi everyone! Have you ever noticed that there are not enough Greg Sanders fanfiction in the world? I have looked for some for a while, but nothing. Now, stop complaining and let's have fun togheter, this is my first Greg Sanders x Reader! I hope you will like it! Besos! 
 Couple: Greg Sanders/Female!Reader 
Category: Fluff 
Content Warning: // 
 Summary:  this is the first time Greg tries to find love with an app. Who knows whohe  is gonna meet with a cyber matching?
Las Vegas, October 5th 2015 
The last month was rough for him. Many things had changed forever. Nick had resigned from the team, Sarah decided to take a break after a big promotion in order to restore her relationship with Grissom, Catherine is back to her position as the leader of the night shift. 
Russell is moving on with his life and Finn is gone. Forever. No matter how much his tried to save her life or they prayed for her, she is gone. 
Greg is not confortable with big changes. For the first time in forever he is feeling like he is flooting. Dr Robbins said that is normal, in a moment like this one, in which he has escaped the death again, to feel this way.
«Maybe you need a fresh new start.»
Everyone is starting something, whatever. Nick is a boss now, Sarah is happy with her ex husband and former director of the lab. Even Hodges is living the moment, with a new girlfriend. 
«He met her on a website», Henry said to Greg during a coffee break. 
He laughted, then he used this information against Hodges. 
«It isnt a website... I am not dating a russian wife!»
Greg smirked, «No more girls interested in your Visa after the italian one?»
«Shut the fuck up, Sanders. Nowdays is normal using dating app. You should try and stop wasting my time!»
He didnt download Tinder only because Hodges suggested it. 
Of course.
He decided to try the app only to dimostrate that is a poor life choice. 
But the amounth of time he have spent in looking at girls profiles is already too much to look credible. Furthermore, Lindsay have noticed him swapping girls away and she giggled amused. «You should try to go on a date. Dont tell my mom, but I met a guy once, on Tinder. He was really awsome, but he was a tourist. An advice, always take a loool if she is a resident!»
And he followed her suggestion, making the opposite. Just to have some fun. 
There are many people who only are in Vegas for having fun and even if was cool, meeting girls who only want a one night stand, after three or four date started to make him feel bored. 
He always talk a little about is job, fake interesting in the girl’s plan for her vacation and everything ending in the morning. 
So he decided to try something else. 
A serious date, for once. 
He is exploring your profile since the moment you two matched. He is fascinating by your (y/e/c) eyes in the profile picture. You look smart but gentle at the same time. No mention to the fact that even if you are linving in Vegas, you are from (you hometown/nation) and you are a PhD candidate in Archaelogy. 
You dont look like the other girls he met in the last period. You are a student, a really good one. You have a picture in front of Columbia University, which you attended for your MSc and graduated.
So you are not only smart, but really intelligent. 
You have those beautiful (y/h/c) hair and a gentle smile. 
So he picks all his courage and writes you a simple ‘hi’. 
You dont answer immediatly, even if you have read the message. So Greg closes the app with disappointed. Well. It’s proved. You cant find love in one of this app. 
He decides that is far better to start with the awfull pile of documents on the desk, before is too late. Or to early, depends by the point of view. 
He had finished with paperwork around 7 am and so he decided to go home.
In the moment he enters the living room, he feels so lonely. It’s happening quite often in the last period. He kicks his shoes away and sits on the sofa, taking a deep breath. With his eyes close, he starts to thing about the last serious date and its look like a century ago.
And it was a complete failure.
Everytime he fell for a girl is always the same old story. Firstly, amazing. Then a mess because of his job.
But he doesn't have to change is life only because he feels the emptiness of his house. He has worked so much to achieve this results and now...
Now? What he has? A good position in an horrible schedule shift. An amazing group of team mates - unfortunately Hodges is still working in the materials lab, but who cares- but no social life. No family. He is 40 now and he was looking for a 25 years girl.
So silly.
So stupid.
But what's is even silliest? Losing himself in those throughs instead of sleep. He has his shift starting at 11 pm, but he has the laudary to do. And he need to clean the apartment. Is full of dust.
After seven hours sleeping, he feels himself far more positive. It's around 2 pm when he wakes up and start with the laudary. He gets a look on the phone and answer to Morgan under a pic on facebook, than he notices that he has a new notification on Tinder.
He is so surprise when he realises that is you.
-who wrote 'hi' at 4.30 in the morning?-
He blushes a little, thinking about it. It was really early and he hasnt realised it.
-someone who is working at night...?-
The answer is not the best. But you are smart and you bring a good observation.
-like a hooker?-
He laught a little, rising his elbow.
-sorta. But not so well paid.-
Making fun of the hookers is not a good way to start a conversation, but someway, it works. You two share some messages and then you give your phone number to him.
You are free tomorrow for lunch, even if is unusual meeting someone with the sun in the sky, in Vegas.
And he is totaly down.
Is strange for you to go on a date with someone you don't know. But it is even strangest go for a lunch date. It's look so formal to you, but the guy in the profile pic looks potentially awsome. You have read from his description that he works for the Clark Country Police Department and this is a hot detail: you have a thing for cops.
You dressed nicely for the lunch inside The Venice's restaurant. Classy choice by the way. But not elegant because is 12 am. You also decide to go easy on your make up, because after this date you have to help in teaching a bacherlo class and you are hoping that you won't have enough time to change, after the meal.
So here we go.
In front of the restaurant.
You look around and see a figure a couple of meters away from you. He is pretty tall and with dark blonde hair. He is also well dressed, better then you, but not formal.
Your glazes meet in the middle of the atrium and you both smile embarrassed. He is the first one to move some steps near to you.
《Hi. You are (y/n)?》
《Yes. And you must be Greg.》
You shake his hand and then catch his invitation to enter in the restaurant first. The waiter reserved you a nice place on the balcony. The cannel is fake, not even similar to the Italian one, but is romantic.
One score for Greg.
《What would you like to eat?》, he asked so politely that you can't help yourself, but smile back.
《I thing I'll go with a sandwich for lunch》
《Nice choice, I am down. Wine?》
《Sorry, but I have a class in the afternoon...》
This time he is smiling. 《Then water for two.》
He is so kind. He decides to drink water because you can't drink wine. This is another score.
After you two have made your orders, it's time for questions.
《Do you usually meet people this way?》, je asks, nicely. Even if there is no accusation in the tune of his voice, you blush a little.
《It's not the first time, but I am still a skeptical, by the way.》
《Because I've met only morons on Tinder. 》 You try your best smile. 《Hope you are not one of them.》
《I share this hope with you》, he jokes. 《I am looking for your verdict at the end of the meal, so.》
You both laught. Is a nice company and the tension is going away.
《So you are a cop?》
《Not exactly. I work for the crime like as a crime scene investigator.》
You looked impressed. 《Sounds amazing but hard at the same time. I am asking to my self you an awsome guy like you is still single.... is for your job?》
This time is Greg the one who blushes. 《Yes is really... It takes most of my time. Someday all of my time.》
《I can relate》, you say. 《I am not cool as you are, I don't save people for live, neither I am good in puzzle but... I work on field so I spend several weeks abroad. Sometimes even a month or two and when I come back...》
《...You have the feeling that everyone is carries on with his life but you are static》 he ends your statement. 《Yes, you can relate, totaly.》
You two share a smile and then he starts to ask you some questiom about your job, your position at the UNLV and stuffs.
In the end, after a sweet fight, he insists to pay the meal, but you put on the table the tips.
《It was really nice 》, you say and he agrees. 《We should do that again. What's your spare night?》
《Monday》 he aswers, immediately 《If my boss wont tell me otherwise.》
《If you are agree, you can see eachother again on Monday, so.》
《It will be amazing.》
Another smile and a little silence. You have no idea of what to do now. Is too soon for a kiss, but an hand shake would be awful. So you decide to come closer to him and kiss his cheek. Is so cute the way he blushes again. Greg is near now and you can feel his breath on your lips. For him, is not too soon. He gently puts a hands on you hip and drag you into a soft kiss.
The best way to end a good date.
《So how is she?》
After two weeks dating, Greg decides to tell the guys about you.
Terrible idea.
《She is so nice!》 He starts excited, while Catherine is laught, shaking is head and look at David Philips in the classical 'told ya' way. 《She is beautiful and gentle. She is also tremendously determinate. More than anything, she is so intelligent and her smell is amazing.》
《She can cook?》, Super Dave asks, joking.
《Everything you can say, she can do it. Is incredible. She speaks like five languages and is so sexy in bed.》
《This information is not necessary 》 is Catherine's comment.
But Dave wants to prove a point now. 《....She speaks five languages in bed or it was not correlated?》
《Guys, we are on a crime scene.》
The two boys share a small smile and wait for Russell to be far enough. So Dave asks one last question. 《Are you only fancy her... or maybe you are already in love?》
Greg thinks about it for a couple of second. 《I am already fucked.》
Dave laughs, 《of couse you are.》
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myblueeyedbuggers · 3 years
My Boys
Chapter 2
Chapter 1 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7  Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11  Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14
Pairings: Reader x Steve Rogers (Platonic) Reader x Bucky Barnes
Word Count: 1918
Warnings: Language, A tiny bit of Angst
Summary: After being abandoned by her parents in Brooklyn in 1929, y/n makes a living for herself by working for the Црни лабуд gang until she meets two boys in a back alley and her life slowing begins to change.
So, Hi again, I know I said that the next chapter would be shorter but I kinda got carried away with the story, hopefully you guys don’t mind XD As mentioned before All requests and imagines are open, any constructive criticism is welcome. Enjoy Everyone! (I just noticed I linked the wrong page for Chapter 1, not a very good tech student am I? XD)
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A few days later-
The right side of my face felt like it was on fire, a constant ache reminding me of what happens when I fail my task, boss handed my ass to me in more ways then one. The damn beatings from the boys made me too weak to stop the bastard named Greg from running off and calling the police, the dick decided to hand himself in instead of spending time with yours truly, which in all honesty is understandable, any sane person would turn and leg it away from a small lass looking like she went 5 rounds with a bear.
Perhaps walking around in the middle of the day isn’t the best idea when your face looks like the rear end of a smashed-up truck, people were stopping and staring at me, it was really doing miracles for my self-esteem (Notice my sarcasm there). I’d already managed to screw up this “mission” anyway, staying undetected with a face like this is nearly impossible, my decision of winging it this morning coming back to bite me in the ass within the first 5 minutes out the house. Safe to I was royally buggered, both literally and figuratively.
My mind was buzzing with different techniques and plans I needed to get the next target, maybe I could break into his house and dig up some dirt on this guy, from what I’ve been told that should be easy considering the dirt bag’s cheating on his wife with the maid from the apartment be- whatever train of thought I had was completed obliterated, somehow my ass hand ended up on the floor. Again. Irritation flooded my veins, whoever did better be ready to dig themselves an early grave, looking up my eyes made contact with the one person who I wished to never see again. Bucky f**king Barnes. “Why is it every time I see you, you’ve somehow managed to piss me off? Is that how you greet everyone or am I just that Special?”, I was met with silence. Not unnerving at all, glancing at him I noticed he was staring at my face with wide eyes, immediately I pulled myself from the floor and ran like hell in the opposite direction.
 This is not an ideal situation, to anyone else it’d look like I was running for the bus, when I was actually running for my life, “y/n! stop!” like that’s gonna bloody happen ya moron there’s a flipping reason I’m running, cause I ain’t doing it for fun!I already know I’m gonna regret doing this, my feet changed direction and guided my body down a small but familiar ginnel, two lefts and a right later I was approaching a wall, adrenaline was rushing through my body as I launched myself at the wall. Surprisingly I didn’t faceplant and managed to get a hold of the top of the wall, the lower half of my body erupted in sharp pains, but I needed to ignore them, quickly pulling myself up and leaping off to the other side. As soon as my feet touched the floor I was off, I didn’t really wanna know if Bucky saw what I did or where I went, I might not like the guy, but he doesn’t need to get tangled up in with a hopeless case like me.
Once I was certain that I’d lost him, I crouched down behind some bins and attempted, key word attempted, to catch my breath. I’ll admit that was way too close, anyway why does he care? I was and still am being a complete dick to him, does he not get the hit that I’m not his number one fan? Eh, when’ve I cared?  it’s just me against this bullshit world and I’m pretty sure that ain’t gonna change anytime soon. Now fully recovered, I emerged from my hidey hole and… walked right into Bucky. “What the Hell?! Are you some form of f**cking ninja or something, did you not get that don’t wanna talk or do I need to give you a formal letter?!”, he just stared at me with raised eyebrows and let me finish my rant, cocky bugger.
 “You done running now? Wanna try telling me who the hell did this?”, okay who the hell crapped him is cereal? “Nobody, I simply fell of a bike earlier on this week avoiding the village idiot”, giving me, an incredulous look Bucky sighed and covered his face in exasperation. Seeing an opportunity to get away, I slowly started edging away and to be fair, I nearly got past him before he grabbed my arm, “do you really expect me to believe that y/n?”.
The glare I sent him could have made Satan himself piss his pants, but Bucky didn’t even flinch much to my frustration, “Believe it, don’t believe it all in all I couldn’t give a shit, now let go of my arm before I rip it off “I’m pretty sure I just growled at him. And of course, the dick does the opposite and tightens his grip on my arm, wait is he dragging me?! The hell! do I look like dog on a leash? “Fine then don’t tell me, but you’re coming to my house to get cleaned up” his tone was final and left no room for arguments, but it’s me, when have I ever backed down from a challenge? “Nope, nah, not happening I can take care of myself thank you very much, now I’ll ask you one last time. Let. Go. Of. My. Arm.”
My voice held so much spite, I hardly recognised it as my own, “No” and with that he picked me up, ignoring my protests, and started carry me to his home
.-40 minutes later
How the hell Bucky managed to carry me for this long, I have no idea, for a lad of 14 he’s impressively strong and that’s the annoying thing, I’ve been trying to get off him for the past 40 minutes and even my hardest punches and kicks just seemed to tickle him. At one point he even started laughing at my threats, which added to my burning rage, the urge to smack this cocky son of a gun was hard to contain at this point. I’ve no idea what neighbourhood were in, it resembled a perfect suburban hub, the ideal place to settle down and raise a family, I wonder what it’s be like to be apart of a fully functioning family coming home to people who loved you…it must be nice. 
 Unknown to Bucky, a single tear slid down my face, my heart longing for a family to call my own, but that’d never happen, hell according to my parents I wasn’t even supposed to exist, by the time my mother realised she was pregnant it was too late to get an abortion. I was a curse that ruined their lives and their relationship, I’ve got the scars to prove how much of a waste of space I am, “You okay back there? You’ve been quite for more than two minutes” Bucky’s voice cut through my thoughts, for a minute I’d forgotten where I was. Okay that’s enough of feeling sorry for yourself y/n, pull yourself together you’ve managed this long without anyone, “Hello? Are you asleep of somethin?” I swear down this guy is more annoying then my conscious sometimes, “Nope I was thinking of all the different ways I can kick ya ass later buddy boy”, his body vibrated with laughter as Bucky let out a load laugh at my reply. 
Do you see what I’m dealing with here ?!, “Good to know you’re back to the you’re ever cheerful self doll”, what in the name of ever loving fudge?! “Since when did I become your doll Barnes? last time I checked slingin’ a girl over your shoulder and carrying her off isn’t the way to get a girl!” all the bugger does is laugh, laugh I tell you! this boy is gonna be the death of me. “You sure about that doll face? cause it worked for me”.
I could practically see the stupid smirk on his face, also can someone explain to me why I’m blushing? For once I had nothing say, my sarcasm failed me…damn it. A low chuckle brought my attention back to the annoyance with legs, more commonly known as Barnes, “We’re almost home Doll, Mama should be able to clean you up in no time” oh no, no, no I don’t do well with parents, or any adult now that I think about it, they always have this look of pity in their eyes when they see me. It’s like they’ve just found a homeless kitten on the street and feel the need to adopt it and take care of it until they get bored, it’s infuriating and embarrassing, “Oi! Barnes, I ain’t telling you again I can look after myself, your mama doesn’t need to trouble herself with me I’m perfectly capable of cleaning myself up!” he let out another frustrated sigh, he must be going for a record it’s the 20th one, before ignoring me completely and walking up the drive.
“Yeah you keep saying you okay by yourself but look at the state of you y/n! you’ve got a busted-up nose and lip, a black eye and a cut on you’re eyebrow! How the hell is that taking care of yourself?!” for once he did have a point, but hell’s gonna have to freeze over before I admitted that, “Not that you’d know this Barnes, but this is what happens every day, I have to make my own livin’ I ain’t got anyone to rely on and it’s been that way for years, it’s how I like it! now put me the hell down before I kick ya ass to China!”.
The sound of an opening door stopped Bucky’s reply, “JAMES BUCHANAN BARNES WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU DOING LUGGIN’ THIS POOR GIRL AROUND LIKE A SACK OF POTATOS?! PUT HER DOWN NOW!” holy mother of all things holy I do NOT want to be on the receiving end of this lady’s anger! I think my ass is attracted to the floor, one minute I’m being held captive by an annoying pillock and the next I’m on the floor nursing a bruised behind, “Jesus Christ talking about letting a girl down quickly!” hands grabbed my upper arms and pulled me to my feet, Bucky’s apologies faded into the background when a shocked gasp silenced the conversation. Slowly I raised my head, Bucky’s mother had tears falling down her cheeks, her brown eyes were filled with the two emotions I hated the most, pity and sadness.
 Not being able to keep eye contact any longer, my gaze shifted to the porch floor, her shadow slowly started to move towards me, she was being cautious as if she were approaching a wild animal and I hated it. I hate seeing people treat me like a basketcase, I can’t stand it “I’m very sorry for disturbing you ma’am, I’ll leave” I quickly turn around and start to walk away, about 3 steps in a gentle hand grabs my shoulder and stops me. “Sweetie, you don’t have to apologise for anything, come inside I’ll get you cleaned up, Bucky, honey Steve’s inside with your father and sister” and with that Bucky’s mother guides me inside with a comforting hand and a gentle smile. 
Soooo..yeah this happens, I’m not gonna lie I felt really bad writing the sad bit about the reader, I may have teared up a tiny bit, anyway YAY chapter 2 is outta the way!. Hope you all liked it  :)Rose xx
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novantinuum · 4 years
Contact (Ch. 3/4)
Fandom: Steven Universe
Rating: T (No TW this chapter, but keep in mind this involves major character injury)
Words: 3.0K~
Summary: The first (and with any luck, only) time it happens, he’s almost 16.
Chapter Summary: Amethyst, Greg, and Pearl struggle to keep it together.
So this fic is Steven and Amethyst centric, set during the 2 year time skip. It’s also kinda in conversation with An Indirect Kiss, and explores the idea of what could happen to a hybrid with a cracked gem. This chapter has no specific trigger warnings. 
If you read this and enjoy, I’d greatly appreciate your support through reblogs here, or kudos/comments on AO3 as well. AO3 link will be provided in the reblogs. Thank you! <3
Chapter 3: The Fountain
Discounting extreme circumstances, (such as diamond mind control or flaws in incubation), Gems are designed to have perfect memory.
It’s one of the many aspects of their culture that surprises humans, and all too often one that makes them jealous. But Amethyst doesn’t understand why there’s anything to be jealous about. Sure, maybe it means she can learn a skill once and be done with it, or hold on to cherished moments in crystal clear recollection, but it also means that in some part she’ll always be haunted by everything boring, everything bad. It’s an unavoidable facet of her life: that every passing second of all those years she spent alone in the Kindergarten waiting for orders she’d never receive is forever etched into the baseline circuitry of her gem like ink on a human’s skin, that she can remember every rotten fight she and Pearl ever had with picture perfect clarity, each instance ending with her feeling like absolute garbage for days and days. That... no matter how hard she tries to escape the untimely reminders... deep down, all those selfish, immature versions of herself she wishes she could dump in the past forever are still a part of her coding.
In comparison, humanity has it lucky. In time, they forget. They move on. Even the most traumatizing memories seem to eventually fade by the end of a life, leaving behind only feelings... only scars... just whispering impressions of those experiences.
She desperately hopes Steven takes after his dad and not Rose in this aspect.
The four of them exit the ship in a hurry, Amethyst still helping Greg carry his son, and Pearl advancing ahead to check on the state of the water supply.
As always, Rose’s fountain is a time capsule. The shrubs and trees surrounding the inner pool are tame now, a stark difference from the first time she had the untimely pleasure of visiting, but the cold, staticky sensation rising within her as she steps off the boarding ramp of the Roaming Eye with Steven’s legs secure in her grasp is the same. Amethyst only barely holds back a shudder. She recalls the disorientation she felt in this place so vividly she may as well be cracked all over again.
The world glitches violently within her sights, ashen sky and charcoal stone phasing into each other. Left is right and up is down, hard light stretching out from her broken gemstone like clawing, yearning fingers... forming and reforming, taut at one moment and pliable at the next, and her words are jumbled and backwards, and deep within she knows this with an intense clarity but she can’t help it, she can barely even think, she ca—
“Amethyst, no more roughhousing, you'll exacerbate your crack!”
“Doog m’I, gnihtyna ro yrrow t’nod.”
“This isn't right... the fountain isn’t running.”
The thin little circuits of light running throughout her projected body jolt in remembrance of that afternoon, indelible phantom pangs of a sliver of time she can never forget for anything. With a dull huff and a grimace, she adjusts her hold on the boy she’s long come to see as her baby brother. Best to not become lost in the flood of the past when she’s got a mission to uphold. That’s... that’s all this is, ch’yeah? A mission. Just a mission. Retrace your steps, meet your goal, get it done. Easy-peasy. No problem.
Ignore the stakes. Ignore everything that isn’t right here and right now. Ignore the sharp cries of pain that escape his lips intermittently, that stab at you so deep you feel like you should be poofing.
“Amethyst?” a voice comes to her softly. “You okay?”
But don’t ignore Greg. Whatever you do, don’t ignore the people around you, don’t lose yourself to that awful disorientation again, don’t make everything worse, don’t push, don’t roughhouse, don’t—
“She’s been cracked like this before,” Pearl explains as she walks in a frantic pace ahead of them. “And we Gems, well... we remember things vividly, shall we say.”
She scoffs, still inwardly cradling her gem in response to what happened in the Roaming Eye. Sheesh. It’s so typical of her to launch headfirst into other people’s business before she can open her own dumb mouth to explain on her own, huh?
“Wow,” she bites back on jerk instinct, “thanks for the announcement, Pearl. ‘S not like I could’ve said it better myself, or anything.”
The slender Gem snaps upon her bait with a piercing, annoyance-filled gaze, and frankly, Amethyst would’ve doled out another snide comment in return had Steven’s hoarse voice not chosen that moment to hitch in panic, derailing all other thoughts in an instant. Her arms grow just as stiff and locked as the muscles in his calves, be it from sympathy or as a mirror into the bitter past, to a time where she suffered just as much as he is now.
The weight of this realization settles like lead at her core. Her favorite guy in the whole galaxy is in earth-shattering pain, and she’s wasting precious seconds of his life taking cheep shots at Pearl?
Not the time, she growls at herself, shedding her petty feud to the wind. Focus!
“Uh, y’guys? I-I think it’s happening again!” his father says, exhausted arms quivering under the strain of carrying the boy for so long.
“Damnit,” she hisses, and follows Greg’s lead on easing his body closer to the ground before the worst of his fits arrive. This time, Steven lacks the energy to mask his broken sobs, split between desperate gasps for breath. Nothing, not gentle whispers or even his father’s calloused hand delicately brushing through his curls, seems to soothe his anguish now. She doesn’t consider herself much of a crier, but she’s close to tears herself just watching him. As she glances up to check how far they are from their destination, she catches a flash of ivory and blue disappearing between the shrubbery. “Pearl!” she bellows, her shout echoing across the entire garden. “Slow down, would ‘ya? He’s seizing again!”
Her features contort as she whirls around to glance back, unmaskable stress now nearly tearing her apart at the seems. She jabs her finger at the narrow path between the shrubs. “But we’re almost—“
“Fine, fine, never mind! You’re right!” Amethyst blurts, waving her off. “You go run ahead. Just...”
Her voice grows thick as she roughly wipes away the moisture accumulating at the corner of her eyes. She forces herself to drink in the stark reality of their immediate situation, taking note of the injured teen’s hiccuping cries as he recovers from his latest seizing episode, as he continues to ride through the unimaginable torment of a cracked gem left too long without healing... his dad, kneeling amongst dirt and stone, no doubt pressing harsh indents into his knees as he freely offers his lap as a headrest, panting with exhaustion, absolutely wrecked with anxiety and terror despite doing everything within his power to mask it for his son’s sake... and her. Her. Amethyst, Facet-5 Cut-8XM, a Gem who’s become downright traumatized by this place, by this precise scenario, barely able to retain a handle on her own emotions and eidetic recollections to where she actually feels she can be of reliable help.
“I don’t think we can’t follow you anymore, ‘kay?” she says, hoarse. “Greg’s tired, Steven’s flat-up in tears, and... an’ this place is startin’ to really mess me up, y’know? S-so...”
She tugs at thick clumps of her hair as the thought trails off, fingers fruitlessly searching for a clue that might direct her out of these darkened, murky waters and back to shore.
But as always, if you put in the work to look for them, there’s leading lights scattered amongst the mist in places you’d never expect.
“Bring the fountain to you,” Pearl completes, gaze softening within that moment. She nods in wholehearted acceptance of her duty. “I’m on it.”
Thank you, she mouths in earnest, the dull buzzing running throughout her form dropping to a blessed minimum as she— lips parted— watches her longtime friend disappear between the shrubs and vibes, every arc of her movement accentuated by unerring grace. Amethyst flushes, and mentally pushes such sentimental distraction away.
Right. Okay. One problem solved. Back to Steven.
The hybrid in question is cradled in Greg’s care, his head laying in the man’s lap and his limbs twitching without repose. She hasn’t checked the state of his gemstone recently, but given the minutes ticking away since his injury and his steadily deteriorating state, she’s almost too scared to look. Greg continues to whisper thin reassurances to him, wiping the sweat off his dampened forehead.
“He’s getting really warm,” he comments, stress coating his tone, and damn does she wish she could do something, anything, to help, but there’s simply nothing they can do without that healing water.
As the trio waits for word from Pearl, inevitable waves of dread collapsing upon them heavier and heavier with each uneven heartbeat that passes, Steven’s wobbly gaze falls upon her.
“Ah... Amethyst,” he gasps, barely able to attain a full breath.
She snaps to attention, clasping his hand tight in hers. “Yeah? I’m here, buddy, I’m here! Whatever you need.”
“I’m- I’m s-suh—“
Sorry, she realizes he’s trying to say, remembering how he struggled earlier trying not to stumble over the ‘s.’ She swallows hard.
“You don’t gotta be sorry for anything, ‘kay?” she says, rhythmically rubbing the back of his palm with her thumb. “It’s my fault, this is just- I should’ve been looking out for you, I should’ve protected you and I failed. All this is on me.”
“B-but I—“
To her utter horror, his next words are so slurred in his disorientation they’re all but unintelligible. All attempts on his part to communicate are then broken as he gnashes his teeth together and writhes in his father’s arms. Greg’s brokenly calling his name as he loosens his hold, vying with every slice of will he has left to help him not hurt himself further, help him find any shred of relief, but it’s of little use. The boy is all but unresponsive right now. She tries her best not to internalize the sound of his broken wails, least they be carved upon on her gem forever. Her form flickers in the height of her distress, hard light veins pulsing with unparalleled intensity.
The memories are impossible to dodge now. Those fragments strike like barbed arrows.
The cliffside. The fall. The rock. The audible crack as her fate is sealed. The immediate static rising in her mind as she stands up, only halfway alert, feigning casual indifference as her body quite literally begins to fall apart. I’m fine. I’m fine. The worry, the brambles, the panic, the fountain, the strained tears, c-can’t think can’t feel, can’t —
“It’s empty!” Pearl cries from the distance, voice shrill and laced with panic.
Her eyes split wide as she snaps her head towards the ivory Gem’s call, dread clasping ahold of her like a physical hand to her gem. “What??”
She emerges from between the shrubbery to enter the clearing again, emphasizing her doom-spelling news with a sharp flourish:
“I said, the main fountain is empty!”
“Empty?" Greg repeats, all the blood draining from his face. He squeezes his injured son’s hand with the grip of a man lost at sea, clutching to a life preserver.
But while he freezes upon processing this information, Pearl can’t seem to stop pacing. Her lithe fingers twitch rapid fire as she passes back and forth in front of them, brimming with an infinite supply of nervous energy that’s befitting of their perilous situation.
“Stars, the water we left behind after healing all those corrupted Gems must have completely evaporated...” she mutters to herself, clutching at the lapels of her jacket as if this garment is the last tangible thing holding her form together. “I knew we shouldn’t have left it open to the elements!”
“But then- what the hell are we supposed to do now?!” he says, voice breaking in all his fearful anguish. His gaze snaps from her to Steven laying prone in his lap. “My only son is in agonizing pain! He’s- he’s got a high fever! We can’t just give up! There has to be something!”
“I- I’ll check in the inner chambers!” Pearl says with dawning realization, one last ray of hope penetrating the glossy surface of her gemstone as she jabs her index finger into the air. “Surely there has to be some remnant of Rose’s healing magic left, right?”
Steven shudders in his dad’s arms, sloppy tears streaming down his pale cheeks.
“Tluaf ym lla si siht...” he blubbers, and for whatever reason something about his unintelligible speech seems... different from before. Her brow creases as she searches the infinite wilds of her stored memory for answers, for patterns, anything that might provide the slightest hint of clarity in this fraught situation, and sure enough...
Dawning truth stings like a fist to the jaw as she recalls her own experience and realizes his slurred words are far more than unintelligible; this injury has scrambled his mental processes to such a degree that his speech has slipped backwards. And that can only mean... Lip quivering, Amethyst pushes through the dread tugging at her soul and yanks up the hem of the teen’s shirt. The deep gouge running diagonal across his gemstone has lengthened— edging ever closer to the edges of the pentagon— and threatens to partition it in half. Pearl’s soft “oh no” and Greg’s strained sob tell her everything she needs to know. The consensus is clear: time is not their ally anymore.
“Pearl, HURRY!” she yells, pointing towards the fountain’s heart.
Her fellow Crystal Gem doesn’t even pause to comment on the matter, and instead, water brimming at the corner of her eyes as she spends her last second in their company lovingly gazing upon the boy as only a surrogate mother could, hurriedly disappears between the shrubs to seek out Steven’s last chance of salvation. Left alone in the throes of their mutual panic, Amethyst and Greg place comforting hands upon his head as— huddled together on the cold stone of the fountain’s doorstep— they’re assailed by the terrifying possibility that his life may very well slip between their fingers before Pearl can ever hope to return. Gone, in an instant.
Her shapeshifted stomach churns at the mere thought, like she’s finally eaten something her hard light system refuses to break down. She clutches tight at her own gem, gasping as she rides the sharp wave of distress. In all these years, though every fight and struggle... she’s never seen someone shatter before. Fresh, hopeless tears cut a raw path across her cheeks as her hand trails across his overheated forehead.
Stars, not today. Not him, please not him.
The teen barely restrains a hiccuping sob as he cries out again. “Thgir gnihtyna... od t’nac I, syug yrros m’I!”
Greg’s breath hitches, gaze briefly trailing from his son’s strained face to his still-exposed gem. Whirling to face her, he roughly grabs ahold of her shoulders, his expression downright pleading now. “Pearl... Amethyst, if she doesn’t find anything, if the fountain’s empty, please tell me there’s somewhere else we can go, something else we can do...!”
She frantically shakes her head. “I- I don’t know, we—“
Desperately, she wishes she could give him reassurance. Desperately, she wishes Rose had thought ahead, secured a sum of her essence in another location for redundancy’s sake, but the truth is a bitter pill: they’re all but useless in this place, stripped of their agency and forced to rely on the mercy of the dead. If they can’t find any remnants of Rose’s healing tears here, then Steven’s gem will splinter into shards and he will die. She clenches her teeth together, once again feeling those phantom pains rip through her form, faint impressions of a near-tragedy long abandoned to the past, it’s over, it’s over, get a hold of yourself, keep it together, keep it together, keep it to—
“Yaw siht leef annaw t’nod I- I, deracs os, os m’I, Dad, deracs os m’I... I!”
The boy’s father clutches his hand in his, arm trembling just like Steven’s frail body as— after his long, valiant attempt to mask it for everyone else’s sake— he finally crumbles, failing to swallow his fear.
“Oh- oh god,” he chokes over his words, eyes puffy and red, “I’m... I’m gonna lose him, aren't I? He’s gonna—“
“Eid annaw t’nod I—!”
And then, at the apex of the storm, Amethyst finds what she’s always been searching for: their leading light, burning faithfully through the dark.
“I’ve got it, I’ve got it!!” Pearl cries from the near distance, voice growing louder with each and every syllable. “I’m coming!”
She emerges from between the shrubbery like the first ray of light breaking an eclipse's totality, clutching a thin vial in her grasp. At first glimpse the vial almost looks empty, but after the ivory Gem drops to her knees beside them in the clearing and pops the cork stopper out, sure enough— it holds a few pink-tinged drops of fluid, Rose’s coveted magic. And all they need is one.
They all watch expectantly, blood and hard light alike pulsing through their forms at a unified pace as Pearl tips the vial, allowing the tears to careen downward towards its mouth.
When the single droplet finally slips from the edge of the glass, it hangs in the air right above his cracked gem for what feels like hours, scattering the ambient sunlight across their tear-stained, expectant faces like the dizzying patterns of a kaleidoscope. In an intentional echo of all the once-alien experiences she’s long come to cherish and genuinely respect, Amethyst— despite having no lungs of her own— takes a deep, anticipating breath, her mind running through every what-if as she waits. The futures where he dies. The futures where he lives. The futures where... where she still has a chance to tell him how much he means to her. Where she’s not too late. Not a failure. Futures where they can laugh again, where they can finally begin to move on.
Time creeps forward. The healing tear plummets downward, directly towards his center facet. She exhales.
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