#yadda yadda he said a woman is made to birth
2000sweed · 8 months
i love how i had my period of mommy issues lasting from childhood and now my mom is actually improving and being nicer but we have entered the era of daddy issues
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nat-space-obsessed · 6 months
"I'm 23." "No, You're Not."
Crossposted on AO3!
It turns out to be very hard to get a tattoo when you look eternally 14.
Prompt by @charcoalhawk
"Kid, You're like twelve. That's a fake ID. I'll get in trouble if I let you get a tattoo here." 
"As I said, I am literally 23. I've been 23 for five months now. It is on my ID. I swear to you that my ID is real." Danny repeated for the third time that hour. 
Danny had been going to get a tattoo, his second, actually, and both times so far he had come across one issue: 
His eternally 14 year old face. 
"I told you, this can't be a real ID, you look twelve."
"I look fourteen, thank you very much."
"You realize that doesn't help, don't you?" The girl behind the counter retorted. 
No, it doesn't. 
One thing about being immortal is that you forget that you are immortal. Danny's ID has his birth date and his current photo. It's not his fault that he looks fourteen!
Actually it is. He's the one who died. 
"If I told you it's a health condition, would you believe me?"
"Not without a doctor's note. Either way, kid, even if you are somehow older than 16, you can't get a tattoo even with parental consent. We live in Illinois."
Danny hated being locked out of things due to his perceived age. Even when he was in college, and all of his classmates thought he skipped a bunch of grades to get where he was. Every time he met someone new he had to go through the same spiel. 
'I'm nineteen, yes I look young, it's a medical condition, yes I am in my second year of college' yadda yadda yadda. It had been four years and it only got worse. 
It was worse when he was going to different age restricted places, such as bars and tattoo parlors, which thought that he was a literal kid. 
"Look. I already have a tattoo, isn't that enough??"
"How do I know you didn't have a friend do that for you, huh? I remember middle school with all of the stick-n-pokes."
"Does this look like a stick-n-poke???" No, it doesn't. It was a full color three quarter arm in a neo-traditional style. It was a ghost, because he loves his irony. 
Danny kept staring at the girl behind the counter, not blinking the whole time, as she stared at him incredulously. 
"I'm going to have to ask you to leave if you keep being a problem."
"I'm not being a problem! You're the one who isn't listening as I try to explain my situation!"
"Kid, you aren't going to get a tattoo from this place." She sighed. "Look, I can call my boss and she can make the final call on it." 
"Yes! Please! Do!"
The girl in front of him walked into the back room and called a name that Danny hadn't heard since high school. "Hey! Star!"
Wait, Star? 
"What is it now, Kay?" A familiar voice rang out, in an exasperated voice. 
"Look, there's this kid at the front who says he's 23, he has an ID that looks like it checks out, but he looks twelve. Literally twelve." 
"God, Kay. Just tell him no!" A woman walked out from the back room, and looked at Kay, then made eye contact with Danny.
"Wait, FENTON? Damn, you literally haven't changed since freshman year!" The blonde girl laughed. 
"Star! It's been so long, I can't believe you recognize me!" Danny smiled. "You started a tattoo parlor?" 
"Yeah, after high school, I decided to apprentice at that one parlor down the road from school? Yeah you know the one, right?"
"I got my first tattoo there! this one," Danny pointed to his three quarter. 
"Was it James? I apprenticed under him." Star smiled at Danny. 
"Wait, Star, you know this kid?" 
"We went to high school together. I was a bit of an asshole, but we made up at the end of senior year! We'd all been through a lot together, you know what they say about trauma bringing people together!"
Danny smirked at Star. "You still in contact with Paulina?" He started, "Have you heard about her new girlfriend?"
"Oh yeah! We had a double date not too long ago, you know, me and Kwan."
"I always thought you and Kwan would get together! You guys were always pretty good with each other."
"WAIT, wait wait, so Star, he's not lying about his age??" The girl behind the counter said. 
"Yeah, he's looked that way since freshman year, some sort of medical condition, right?"
"It was a whole thing in senior year, we were comparing yearbook photos, it was so funny to see Dash freak out like that."
Danny and Star laughed at the memory. 
"So, can I get my tattoo now?" 
"Oh for sure! I'd love to get you started on that, do a quick consultation." Star led Danny to her office in the back. 
The girl at the front counter grasped her head in frustration. 
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guaxinimraccoon · 3 years
jesus christ why-
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FIRST OF ALL I'm SO sorry for taking so damn long to answer those, I've been really really busy and I'm very sorry, I'm doing my best to answer everybody ; o ;
BUT FINALLY let's talk about our big last Euphoria reveal (about four months ago but ok-), where I showed you guys that Alex is Brad's father and Elisa is Toby's mom.
SHUSH , CALM YOUR TITS DOWN and let me explain:
Ok, so I'll be putting some links here and there because yes, Alex and Elisa's story is very, VERY connected to Brad and Toby's. 
And get ready for a veeeeeeeeeeeeery long post. You were warned.
As you all already know, Alex and Elisa had a troublesome meeting, but eventually got closer to each other, they fell in love yadda yadda yadda BUT their will to get closer to each other, in other words, their relationship brought HUGE consequences.
Yes, they did manage to build a healthy relationship, they were happy, they were fine.
But they were also adults, adults that wanted something serious and concrete, they couldn't spend the rest of their lives as forbbiden lovers.
So Elisa did something literally illegal. She did a potion that was forbidden by the Colony authorities - a shrunken potion - to get closer to Alex.
Those potions were never developed, they're rustic and really antique, so they could do more harm than good or not work at all.
But Alex didn't care, he took the risk and drank the potion to get closer to his girl, the woman that was the love of his life.
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The effect of the potion is temporary, so Alex would drink them from time to time whenever he had the opportunity to visit the Colony, spend some time with Elisa and, of course, be a part of her life.
He wasn't just trying to "be like her", he was also trying to be a part of her home. He made friends with her friends, he met her family, he met new imps, new fairies, all of it under his "imp disguise". He even fought for the Colony at it's war times (that is lasting till the current story time). He EVEN presented himself with a more “impish name” - Turk - to make sure people wouldn’t suspect anything.
Of course, people eventually started to ask why didn’t he live in the Colony with Elisa, why did he only showed up from time to time. Alex and Elisa lied, obviously, they told everyone that Alex belonged to a secluded imp tribe that lived walking around the forest as nomads, which made sense since those types of imp communities do exist.
ANYWAY THE POINT IS Alex grew affectioned of those people and with their lifestyle. He started to feel like he was one of them. 
And, of course, he was now closer than he ever was to Elisa.
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Since they were different species, they never worried about having kids. I’ve never said this before but Alex is a doctor, he knows about this stuff, so he always made sure to reassure Elisa that "they were their own condon" and, as sad as it may sound, they couldn't have kids.
... Or so Alex thought.
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You know how tigers and lions can have offspring together? Yeah, it's the same thing.
It's very hard to happen, but they spent YEARS together if you know what I mean so yeah
That's how Alex and Elisa gave birth to their first child: Tobias, the only one of a specie that is a mix between human and imp.
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His parents were really worried at first, afterall, they new NOTHING about Toby's condition. They didn't know if he was going to grow as large as a human or if he'd assume imp proportions forever. After some research with his son's blood, Alex found out that Toby was indeed half human and half imp, but he was predominantly physically an imp. That means his biological features are, mostly, imp like: he'd hardly grow as large as a human through his life's course and could live as a normal imp in the Colony. The fact that he showed talent for magic (once he was old enough to do so) and was able to do it just like any other imp in the Colony also made things easier.
Elisa and Alex chose to raise Toby in the Colony, they believed it’d be healthier and safer for him (especially after some events that I’ll be talking about in other posts), although it hurt Alex to pretend that he was an imp to his son and that he couldn’t see him everyday. 
Even if they couldn’t see each other everyday, Alex and Toby were very close. Toby loved his daddy very much and was very attached to him.
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After five years after Toby was born, Elisa got pregnant again and gave birth to their second child: Bernardo (that’d eventually be nicknamed as “Brad”), one of the two only beings of the specie Alex and Elisa accidently created together.
For preucation, Alex took a bit of Brad’s blood and made some research, just like he did to Toby.
And what he found out wasn’t exactly... relieving.
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Brad, just like Toby, was half human and half imp, but he had expressed mostly human features in his physical body. He was as small as a baby imp now, but it was a matter of time until he started to grow very VERY large.
Unlike Toby, Brad couldn’t live as an imp in the Colony and things got very complicated for them.
Alex wanted to leave. He told Elisa the Colony’s community would NEVER accept their youngest, they would never accept Alex and probably wouldn’t accept Toby either. They had to leave that place before they couldn’t hide the truth anymore, even if it cost revealing Toby, a five year old child, that most of his life was a lie.
But Elisa was hesitant. She didn’t want to leave her home, her parents, her friends. She knew Alex was right, they couldn’t stand that play for too long, but how to leave everything she had built behind? How to leave everything she knew as home behind? It wasn’t that easy.
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Until something very bad happened.
Remember I said Alex made a few friends in the Colony? So, one of them was Stefan, a experienced fairy soldier that had known Elisa for as long as she was alive. He was pretty much her best friend (even if he was old enough to be her father) and now he was also great friends with Alex.
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Stefan is important here. He has a very tragic backstory involving humans. He lost pretty much everything to them: his whole family and his wings, something that meant more than just flying to him.
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So, as expected, he hates humans and truly believes that they are nothing more than monsters that try to manipulate you and to get advantage from imp’s and fairy’s magic. 
After some years, he started to get very suspicious over Alex. Some things weren’t making any sense anymore and that “nomad imp community” was starting to sound way more like an excuse than the actual truth. He simply didn’t understand what was stopping him to live with Elisa and his sons for once.
So he did some investigation. One day, he followed Alex (that he knew as Turk) out of the Colony, in one of the days he had only come to visit his family. Alex had said earlier that he had to “go back to his own society”. Yeah, right. Stefan was hiding the whole time and followed Alex till a good distane from the Colony’s limits. 
And he didn’t get exaclty happy to see his best friend growing impossibly huge out of nowhere.
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Stefan now knew the truth: Alex was pretending to be an imp using shrinking potions. He didn’t belong to any nomad imp group, he was a human that lived in his own house and was coming to the Colony to play family with them.
Of course, he didn’t only felt betrayed, but pissed as fuck. Stefan didn’t waste any time: as soon as Alex came back to the Colony he confronted him. Alex tried to explain himself, but they only argued and ended up having a pretty bad fight.
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In anger, Stefan didn’t want to hear no more explanations, so he told some of the Colony’s high authorities about Alex’s lies and that they had to do something about it. 
The Colony’s Council decided to call Elisa and solve things between imps and fairies only. But they showed her no mercy.
They basically gave her two options: or she’d prove her loyalty to the Colony and would kill her husband and her human son, or the Colony would sentence all of them to death penalty, including Toby and Brad, children that they claimed should have never been born. 
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Elisa was in shatters. She didn’t know what to do. She couldn’t kill the man she loved and her baby child, she just couldn’t. She was about to accept the second option, rathering die with her family than killing them, but Stefan decided to help her out.
He wasn’t expecting the Council to be so cruel and he started to regret his decisions the moment he saw how Elisa was worried about her family and how much she loved them, even if they were human. He hated Alex and Brad, but seeing Elisa in excruciating pain over them was impossible for him, so he made up a plan with her to save everybody.
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It cost Elisa to trust Stefan, he had told their secrets to the worst people possible, but she had no option aside from accepting his help and following his plan.
The plan was simple: Elisa would tell the Council she’d kill Alex and Brad and would tell Alex that she had changed her mind and that they should leave the Colony as soon as possible now that Stefan knew the truth.
Alex believed her and, after Stefan’s confirmation, so the Council did. The next step was to take Alex and Brad to the Colony’s limits, pretending they were about to leave. 
Then it happened.
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Elisa made, with Stefan’s help, a huge barrier on the Colony’s frontier that didn’t allowed humans to cross it. It was basically a security method that they never thought it’d be necessary.
But now it was and it wasn’t meant to protect the ones inside the Colony...
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Of course, Alex didn’t understand SHIT.
He spent MONTHS returning to the Colony in his shrinking form, trying to find a way to cross the barrier and to get Toby back. 
Or to talk to Elisa.
Or to understand.
Or anything.
He just wanted his family.
Eventually, his potions ended and he was left to raise Brad on his own and to never see his wife and oldest son again.
Since then, he hates Elisa. Or at least thinks he does. He’s just deeply mad at her, he doesn’t understand why she left them. 
He did everything for her. Denyed his own race, submitted himself to the dangerous effects of a extremely nocive potion which he faces the consequences till this day, did his fucking best to be the best father and husband his family could have-
All this love, all this effort, all this sweat and blood
It took years for him to fully recover. Aside from the health problems the abusive use of the shrinking potions brought, he also became alcohoolic. Because he wasn’t mentally estable enough, neither to take care of himself and of his very very small son, he went to live in his parents house. His family knew about Elisa and the children they had together, his folks actually liked her a lot so it saddened them as well that she simply abandoned Alex and Brad and that they would never see Toby again.
His family didn’t had to worry about Brad’s very little size for too long though, before he was one year old he had already reached his human size.
Anyway, Alex’s family gave him a huge help until he was healthy enough to take care of Brad, the only one left from the family he built.
Back to Elisa, she didn’t told Alex her plan because she KNEW he wouldn’t want to do it. She simply knew Alex would be too stubborn. He’d have wanted to try to escape or to face the Council. Both alternatives would get them all killed.
Toby didn’t understand why his mother did what she did. He was forced to go back home with her, screaming the whole time, saying that they left his father and brother behind while Elisa was crying endelessly.
Stefan came to them eventually and calmed Toby down. His heart broke when he saw Elisa. She was... not okay.
Unfortunately, he didn’t have time to assist her. He immediatly went to a representent of the Council and took them to Elisa and to the Colony’s frontier to prove that she had done it and did even more than she was suppose to. Of course, not without consequences to her sanity, she had just killed her husband and baby, of course she was in pain.
Nevertheless, the Council confirmed Elisa had done her part and left to leave her alone with the child they let live.
After that, Toby spent weeks returning to that spot of the frontier to look for his dad and brother. No sucess.
As time went by, he eventually forgot about Brad, he was very young when they tore apart and Elisa and Stefan never talked about him nor Alex. All he can remember is that there was a baby in the middle of that mess, but he can’t relate to it.
He kept the memories of his father though, who was closer to him, and till this day he believes he’s alive somewhere and that he can be found. But he has no idea he’s a human and has no idea of his own true nature.
Elisa and Alex miss their respective sons deeply and think about them everyday. They also miss each other very much and the first months after the incident were terribly agonizing for the both of them.
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They kept going for the child that had remained for the both of them and raised them apart from each other. Alex never told Brad what happened and so Elisa did to Toby. Like that, none of the brothers knew about the existence of each other.
Until the day Toby was sent, coincidentally, to his “little” brother’s house
And none of them has no idea of this fucking long backstory I just spent four months writing :)
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nefskullcritique · 3 years
Hi! I came from a post talking about the user "Rebornica" and the person who made the post tagged you as having more info. After reading the FAQ and seeing that they use they/them, I wanted to ask if they faked being trans? I saw someone say they did, and if they did, did someone have proof? I hope it isn't a bother to ask.
yea they did, i plan to make a longer post with evidence and stuff but here's as basic as i can make it
bones is indeed afab. this is not to disrespect them, this is just to prove a point. they had friends who knew this in 2012/2013, even making a post after making a sjw comic, and stating that they were afab.
so, come 2014 onward. bones begins to claim they are amab. they lied to their partner at the time saying they are amab. they break up, said partner is worried for them, gets into contact with bones' father, and since bones told them they are amab, they referred to them as gerard's son.
it's assumed that at this point, gerard thought that this meant bones was ftm, because like i've said, and theyve said, they were afab. there is photo evidence of this and gerard himself has referred to them as female.
bones attacks this partner, saying that they put them in danger of being outed to their family and that malaysia is a transphobic country, basically how dare they out reb to their father yadda yadda despite reb claiming that gerard was supportive of their gender and referred to them by they/them pronouns.
as far as i'm aware, ever since this incident, gerard calls bones rascal and by he/him pronouns. rascal is what bones says their birth name is, despite this being untrue. their birth name is gillian, which is also strewn across the internet from their rebornica days.
fast forward to 2016/2017. in 2016-mid 2017 or so, bones kind of goes by he/him and refers to themself as a male a majority of the time. sometime after breaking up with nifaux, they decide that they are actually a trans woman, mtf. they advertise themself as a big titted trans woman, which i don't have a problem with, but it'd be nice if they actually were mtf, which they weren't. they just didn't want to say they were cis.
they began to claim that they were on HRT, and had taken a lot of selfies of themself in makeup, even photoshopping their face to look more feminine. in 2019, they go back to they/them pronouns.
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tansypoisoning · 5 years
(Un)Conditional - Part 1
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You didn’t remember how or why you found yourself in Ransom’s bed in the first place, but now, poor, pregnant and desperate, you had your reasons for putting up with him, and they weren’t noble. His reasons for staying with you weren’t noble either.
   Me  🤝  The Reader Insert     making stupid decisions
In which the reader is pregnant with Ransom’s baby and he sees that as an opportunity for personal enrichment. Big changes to the original plot, but Idk where this is going, so stay tuned for my brain farts, and I accept suggestions (Ransom redemption arc? Or should I make him even shittier? I haven’t decided yet!). I still want to have Benoit Blanc in the story somehow, because he’s my jam, my jelly, my peanut butter and my peanuts. This chapter is safe for anyone who hasn’t watched the movie but THERE WILL BE SPOILERS in the future.
 Chapter 2 - I Came Out to Have a Good Time and I’m Honestly Feeling So Attacked Right Now
Fandoms: Knives Out
Genre: *surprised Pikachu face*
Ships: Ransom Drysdale x Reader
Word Count: 4k
Warnings: Smut, some light choking, some daddy kink, mentions of past sexual assault, talk of abortion, unhealthy relationships, Ransom is an asshole, a fuckboy and also verbally abusive tbh.
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You were such an idiot.
Many were the times you had come home after terrible dates, or left parties in your friends’ arms after a guy tried to finger-bang you when you were passed out on the couch, and yet you still let your guard down around men you knew to be assholes. You could always tell; you weren’t sure whether it was thanks to familiarity ,or if you had a knack for reading people, but you still let terrible men in when you knew them to be terrible. Bad habits, hard to break, yadda yadda yadda. All that made for piss poor comfort when you looked at the five little plastics sticks in front of you.
Feet tapping against the ground and your phone held in between your cheek and shoulder, you typed on your laptop. Planned Parenthood. You should’ve done this sooner, way sooner, when you could get an IUD, or the pill, or the shot, or whatever the fuck else, instead of trusting your reliably unreliable partners and your nonexistent backbone. Birth control was expensive, but it was nowhere near as expensive as a baby, and you were going to get the same amount of help with either, which was to say, none.
No… That wasn’t quite true. Your brother and your friends would pitch in if you asked, you knew, but, as previously established, you were an idiot.
You knew there were people who loved you and would support you no matter what, but you didn’t want to burden them with your problems. This mess was on you, on you and…
Mailbox. Of course he didn’t pick up. He got what he wanted from you, and was now moving on to another woman who was equally as gullible and equally as “passable” as you. You couldn't believe his negging had worked on you, you were so fucked.
Deep breathes. It wasn’t over yet, you could fix this. The… the thing was still only two months, you could get rid of it, with a pill, even. But should you?
You tossed your phone to the side and opened another tab. Fetus two months. You clicked the first result that mentioned the development of the thing growing inside you and read the section entitled “Baby”. Internal organs already in place… wiggling and waving like mad? Distinct facial features?!
Your hands found their way to your mouth as a sob found its way past your lips. No way. This was some forced-birther propaganda, it had to be.
You left that shitty website and opened usually trustworthy Wikipedia, but it was of no help. It didn’t exactly contradict the information the other website had given you – the difference between “waving” and “twitches” was negligible to your addled brain.
You closed your laptop with a little more force than it was wise. You stood and began pacing, one hand over your face and another resting on your abdomen. It was just your luck to have your eggs dodge the sperm of every jerk you could get to pay child support, only for you to end up carrying the Antichrist – and the Devil could afford the best lawyers.
Damned be the day you let Hugh RaNsOm Drysdale in your bed without a condom, and damned be you for being so fucking stupid. You deserved whatever suffering that came from this, and you could accept them with some grace if it didn’t feel like you were dragging an innocent along with you.
You stopped and looked down at the row of pregnancy tests arranged over the bathroom counter, all of them positive. You couldn't do this. You regretted that one night of meaningless sex more than you regretted anything in your life, and maybe you’d regret your current decision even more but you couldn't do the thing you knew you should do.
You swiped all the tests into your arms and dumped them in your bag. You grabbed your keys and walked out of your pitiful apartment and into your pitiful car. You had barely enough money to take care of yourself, let alone a child. Abortion could be the best thing you could do as a mother, but…
You pushed the keys into the ignition and shook your head. You were emotional, that was all. If you just gave yourself a little more time you’d stop thinking of it as more than the parasite it actually was, but for now… For now you needed to get things straight with the sperm donor, no matter how much it could hurt, and you were under no illusions – it would hurt like a motherfucker.
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You had been in Ransom’s unfairly cool house a grand total of three times. He didn’t like having you over, much preferring fucking at your house even if he turned up his nose at the building and everything inside it. Maybe he didn’t like having to disinfect his furniture every time it got into contact with your poor people germs.
Yeah, like he cleaned anything.
You parked in front of the contemporary building and made your way to the front door, ringing the bell four times because Ransom never answered when people rang only once or twice, and then another because you were filled with dread, and manic energy, and the powerful desire to punch him in his perfect face until it wasn’t quite so perfect anymore.
You waited several minutes but there was no answer. It wasn’t surprising; if he was inside you’d have seen him through one of the outrageously large windows that covered almost every wall of the house.
You sat down on the steps to the entrance and pulled out your phone. You were done with work for the day, and you weren’t sure when he would want to pick up your calls again. You could wait.
And wait you did.
It was two in the morning when Ransom’s BMW pulled up in front of the building, activating the motion sensor lights. He walked out of the car with the confidence of a man who knew he owned everything he surveyed.
Fucking dipshit.
“Wow,” he laughed, opening his arms then dropping them to his side again, lest he appear too inviting. “You want it bad.”
You started rummaging through your bag for the pregnancy test as not to waste your time with pointless conversation. That should tell him everything you wanted to say.
“Sorry, I’m not in the mood today,” he said pulling his keys from his stupid suede coat only he could make look hot “long day, you know how it is. You can suck my cock and stay over, if you want.”
He had unlocked the door and was nudging you with his foot when you found what you were looking for and got up with a jump.
You waved the stick in the air victoriously. Even though you were the one who was the worst off in this scenario, you could at least use the source of your misery to wipe the smirk off his dumb, gorgeous face.
Done and did. Once Ransom caught on, the corner of his mouth dropped, free falling. Your life had been thrown in disarray, and the medical bills, if you chose to keep the thing, would ensure you would end up homeless in a couple of months, but at least you could rejoice in the fact you had ruined his eternal party in a spectacular fashion.
“What do you want?” He snarled. “Can’t pay the abortion? How much is it?”
You recoiled as if he had just swung a knife in your direction. This was new. You’d seen him angry before, sure, but this… the curl of his lips, the look in his eyes– it had you second guessing your decision to come see him.
You struggled to find your voice for a few seconds “I don’t… I haven’t decided what I want to do yet.”
Regret pierced you through like a lance. You knew he didn’t care about you – he didn’t “do monogamy”, he never asked you about your day, it was a struggle to get him to even buy you a coffee, and he only bothered to make you come if he could use it to feed his pride somehow – but all his disinterest in your well-being was nothing compared to the loathing radiating from him, like you were a fat dying cockroach stuck to the bottom of his nice leather shoes.
There was no reason Ransom should be able to make you feel like that. He was an absolute shitheel, a trust-fund baby who had never had a job in his life, never worked to build anything, and didn’t even have the decency to be thankful to his family for all they had done for him, and you didn’t even like him (conceding that he was attractive and you were a masochist was not the same as liking), so his opinion shouldn’t matter to you, someone with a stable source of income and an ounce of moral fiber. That didn’t stop you from writhing under his gaze.
“Get in,” he said, voice devoid of anything that could be considered charming.
You entered, waiting at the side, in fear of walking past the foyer without invitation, while he locked the door behind him.
He walked by you and went right to the kitchen. You followed him with your eyes, watched him grab a glass, fill it with water and down it. He didn’t offer you anything – you figured he didn’t think you deserved it.
“You’re suggesting it’s mine.”
His words startled you from your stupor, and you shook in your spot by the entrance before answering. “I know it’s yours. I haven’t slept with anyone else in almost a year.”
“And you are saying that.”
You bristled at his insinuation. “We can get a paternity test, if you want.”
Ransom lifted his head and inhaled sharply. He paced the length of his high end, open concept, immaculate-because-it-was-never-used kitchen, then opened a drawer, pausing to look up at you, closed it, then moved to the next and repeating the process several more times, while you shifted from one foot to the other.
“Here’s the thing, honey,” he said, and the last word was said with anything but sweetness “I’ll pay for the abortion, and I’ll pay for you to have the abortion. If you’re not gonna do it, then I don’t want to see your dog face again.”
You knew Ransom didn’t like kids – he despised them, even – but you didn’t think he’d react quite this badly. You knew he would want nothing to do with it, but you still thought telling him was the right thing to do. He deserved to know at least, surely.
The feeling you got when he first turned on you that night was a sign; you shouldn’t have come.
“I’m leaving,” you whispered.
Ransom’s cheeks were red and wide, and it seemed as if he was about to argue when he slammed his hand against the counter then stomped towards you.
You shrunk in on yourself, but you needn’t have. He just unlocked the door and pulled it open, holding it for you to walk through. His breathing was heavy and his shoulders were tense, like he was holding himself back.
Once you had rallied your strength and crossed the threshold, you heard your name being called behind you. You turned to see Ransom, still glaring at you with the same awful expression. You couldn't imagine what he had to tell you that hadn’t already been said.
“If you try contacting me again, you’re fucked.”
And then he slammed the door in your face.
You made your way to your car, head hanging low. That had been a disaster, but at least he made it easier for you to choose one of the options.
Fucking dipshit.
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You had been right; time had given you helped you think things over.
Three days later and you could refer to the fetus as a fetus without going down a depressive spiral, and the thought of abortion was more palatable to you. In a couple more days you were certain you’d be able to walk into Planned Parenthood with your head held high, get your pill, and walk out, facing the world and the potential crowds of angry protesters with confidence, then move on with your life, promising never to get involved with another shitty guy again. The scare would be enough to make you change your ways, you were sure.
You didn’t want a kid, at least not yet. You were young, living paycheck to paycheck, and any child you had right now would grow up without a father. You were still mulling it over but abortion seemed like the most responsible choice, and if you couldn't make the responsible choice now, you’d make for a terrible mother in the future.
A knock on the door made you look up at the clock. Fifteen past eleven. Maybe the old lady who lived across the hall from you needed help killing a bug or something. You stood, pulled the latch off and unlocked the door, not thinking much of it, and almost walked face first into a hard body you were far too familiar with.
Ransom was there, waiting for you, his face inscrutable. His chest was heaving, and some serious heat emanated from it. You had the urge to hug his waist and burrow into his warmth, but you resisted it bravely. You’d promised yourself you would stop chasing men like him, and you intended on keeping that promise.
“Ransom,” you greeted, trying to keep your voice even.
A flash of pain roamed his face, and then he was putting his hands on you, holding the side of your face in his large palms. You opened your mouth to scream, but the sound was muffled between your lips and his.
A kiss. Ransom was kissing you – and a second ago you were so sure he was paying you a visit just to beat you up.
He maneuvered you into your apartment, still cradling your cheeks with surprising gentleness. You knew you should’ve stopped him, but your feet followed his steps with such ease, and he was so fucking warm and you living room so cold.
As one of his hands slid from your face to the back of your neck, something inside you screamed. It told you to stop now or it would be too late, and you’d fall into the same old hole and not be able to crawl out of it. You surprised yourself by listening to it and pulling away, pushing on his chest to keep a good distance between you. You told yourself you were doing well, even though you were holding onto his white shirt like a lifeline and arching your body into his.
“Ransom, wha-” your words were cut off by another kiss, more heated than the previous.
He pushed you down onto your couch -  the creaky old thing he always complained about – and climbed on top of you you, forcing you both into a laying position.
When Ransom pulled away (only to immediately latch his lips to your earlobe) you made to question him before the weakest part of yourself could convince you to just let it happen. It was she who had gotten you into this mess in the first place. “What are you doing?”
“What does it look like I’m doing?” He mumbled against your skin.
“I know what you’re doing,” you huffed, twisting your body beneath him in a half-assed attempt to buck him off “You told me to never contact you again. Why are you here?”
He chuckled, a deep rumbling sound that had your very core thrumming. He removed his hands from you and pushed himself up by the forearms to look down at you. When you saw his smirk, you knew you were going to end up having sex with him no matter what he said next.
“I guess I couldn't keep away.”
And with that he went right back to his station, sucking and nibbling on the spot just behind your ear and running his hand across your waist and belly.
But what about the baby? What about whether you wanted to keep it or not? These questions were lodged in your throat, dying to burst out, but you didn’t want to to ruin this moment. You were so tired; you just wanted to be held, and Ransom was willing to do that for you, so what was the harm in giving in?
You lifted a leg and wrapped it around his thigh, and that Ransom took as acquiescence or defeat. He pulled away to lift your shirt above your breasts and wasted no time diving for them, capturing one of your nipples in his mouth and squeezing the other in between his fingers. You planted your feet on the couch and used them as leverage push your crotch upwards and rub it against his. He was a terrible person, you knew, but he could fuck you so good when he wanted to, and right now you only had the brain space to care about one of those things.
Your hips rocked in tandem with his, driving you closer to that edge you didn’t know you were yearning for until you saw him standing on your doorstep. Entangled in his arms, you remembered your older brother’s words from that night some ten years ago when you were lying on the backseat of his car, a plastic bag filled with your vomit clutched in your hands. You saw his eyes in the rear view mirror, crinkling in a smile that was equal parts amused and concerned.
A pretty boy is going to be the end of you, huh?
Ransom pushed himself into a kneeling position, removed his dark cardigan and tossed it to some forgotten corner of your living room, his shirt receiving the same treatment soon after. For someone who was so averse to working, he sure didn’t skimp on his work outs. He was built like a god, but his smile was that of the devil.
He crashed down on top of you, and his arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you to him. You sunk both hands in his perfectly coiffed hair and dragged him up until you were staring into his baby blue eyes. He leaned down to kiss you, and you obliged him. His mouth devoured your own while his hands roamed your body, hungry, desperate almost. You didn’t want to be outdone, both because he was an asshole and you didn’t want to lose to him, and because you were as starved of him as he seemed to be of you, so you wrapped both legs around his waist to pull yourself even closer to him, as close as you could get.
Ransom’s hands abandoned your body in favor of his belt, unbuckling it to shove his pants just past his upper thighs. His eyes were pointed, telling you he expected you to follow his lead. You undid your buttons with heavy fingers, and allowed him to pull your bottoms all the way off. His grin grew in size and insolence when he saw your panties were soaked through.
“You do want it bad.”
Fucking dipshit.
Before you could think of something smarter to say, he was dragging your underwear to the side and spreading your folds. You certainly weren’t going to think of a comeback now, with his fingers up your cunt and your body begging for his attention. You wouldn’t be this aroused with any other man, but you already knew you suffered from a serious case of tastelessness and dumb. Most grievously, it appeared to be terminal.
Ransom stoked the fires inside you with one hand, pulling it out periodically to smear the wetness across your lower lips while he held himself aloft with the other, his usual lazy, confident smile plastered on his face. It made a sudden wave of lucidity wash over you.
What the fuck were you doing? You knew he wasn’t worth your time since the day you met him; Three days ago he had treated you like shit after you told him you were pregnant; Just a few minutes before you were determined not to get involved with him or men like him ever again. All the signs told you to stop now, push him away and tell him to get out under threat of you calling the police, and yet here you were, panting under him and dying to feel his cock stretching you. The mere promise of dick had you going back on your word like a rat, and all you did was make excuses for yourself. You were always too weak or too dumb to resist your urges, weren’t you? That’s why you never bothered trying.
The air was forcibly expelled from your lungs when his cock entered you. He wasn’t gentle, and he didn’t have to be; your body was more than ready for him. The grunt that came fro you had an air of finality to it. You weren’t going to stop him now.
The screaming part of you let out one final screech, then withered and died.
Ransom panted, rolling his hips against yours. You held onto his arms and looked up at him. This was unusual. Normally he’d be pounding into you when you were this slick, and unusual with Ransom tended to mean ‘bad’.
He brought two wet fingers to your face and tapped your chin with them.
“Get me clean.”
You parted your lips and accepted the appendages into your mouth. Nothing unusual there; he’d made you taste yourself on his fingers a couple of times. He liked to watch you lick them clean, but this was different. His smile was strained and his eyes looked past you. You turned the full powerful of your best puppy impression on him, but he still seemed to be half-there half-somewhere else.
Once you had slurped all your juices and then some, Ransom moved both his hands to your arms, pressing you against the hard surface of the couch. He should’ve started fucking you already, but he only rocked his pelvis side to side, giving you just a hint of friction, nowhere near enough to satisfy you.
You whined and bucked your hips upwards. That got him out of his trance, his eyes regaining their shine and his smile splitting into a grin. There was that asshole you knew and didn’t love.
“What’s with that face?” He asked and moved one of his hands to your neck, applying pressure, not enough to compromise your breathing but enough to leave you light-headed for a different reason “You want something?”
“Ransom,” you clawed at his forearm like you could do anything if he chose to choke you.
“You gotta ask, baby. If you want daddy to fuck you, you gotta ask.”
Your fingers stilled around his arm. The daddy thing was not new either, but you didn’t think he’d bring it up under the present circumstances. Was this intentional, or was he not even aware of what he was saying? Were you wrong to think it was weird for him to say that now?
The fingers around your throat tightened, closing your airway for a moment, then releasing.
You squirmed, tapping on his arm, but all that got you was another squeeze.
“Please,” you whimpered “Please, fuck me, daddy.”
Ransom’s grin grew even wider, wide enough that light reflected off his canines. He adjusted his position on his knees, and took his other hand from your arm, reaching behind your head to pull you by the hair, further exposing your neck to him.
“That’s a good girl,” he whispered against the top of your head.
He pulled his cock almost all the way out, then slammed back inside you. He pushed into you with shallow thrusts until he tapped a spot that made you gasp. Having found what he was looking for, Ransom diverted most of his attentions to hitting his target over and over again, periodically stopping to grind against it in a torturous slow pace.
You were too aroused to last much longer, and the bastard would be able to finish you off with little effort.
“You close, baby? You wanna cum?” He asked, and you nodded emphatically “Then you gotta do what daddy says. Can you do that?”
God, you’d do anything he asked of you at this point. Someone needed to tattoo ‘Sucker’ on your forehead already.
“Yes, daddy!” You cried, your words devolving into a high-pitched whine “I’ll do anything, please!”
The hand in your neck slid down across your body and delved in between your legs in search of your clit. You squealed when his fingers made contact, and whimpered when they began rubbing. You were aware of your trembling legs, but unable to do anything about them.
Ransom could always dismantle you with ease, but now more so than ever. You came in record time, with short little moans that culminated in an embarrassing howl. You were just coming down from your high when he picked up his pace, grunting and huffing above you. He gave you no warning before spilling into you, swaying back and forth and groaning as his own orgasm ebbed away. The fact that this was the least concerning thing he’d done all evening didn’t escape you.
He held you to him for a few seconds as both your breaths evened out, then rolled over, leaning against the backrest and lying you down by the outer edge of the couch. Ransom was always more tractable after sex, but he’d go back to being his dismissive self come the morning, and then you’d bitch and moan to yourself. This was a familiar dance you couldn't seem to stop repeating.
You were ready to recommence your self-pitying when Ransom spoke, interrupting the flow of your lamentations.
“I thought about what you said the other day,” he said. The pregnancy? Why would he bring that up now? “and if you want to keep it, I’ll help you.”
A tremor ran through your spine and you lost your precarious balance on the couch, falling to the carpet with a loud thud.
There was laughter – because of course there was – then Ransom was peering down at you. His lips were pressed together, as if he was still fighting to rein in his amusement.
“You… you want to help me?” You asked when you found your voice again.
He nodded. “I do.”
“You want to help me raise a kid?”
“Yeah,” he rolled his eyes “I thought that was obvious the first two times I said it.”
“You don’t like kids.”
“I like to think I would like my kids,” Ransom said, stretching across your couch like a lazy cat.
“Why?” You said, then, realizing that question was more for yourself than it was for him, you rephrased your question “What made you change your mind? Cause you seemed pretty sure when I saw you last.”
“And I was,” he agreed “I never wanted kids, and… And I was pissed,” he chuckled and shook his head “I don’t know who I was pissed at. All I know is I couldn't think straight. When I saw the pregnancy test… I don’t know, I could see my entire life crumbling.”
You could’ve asked him ‘what life?’ but decided against it.
“So, cut to a few days later, and I had this… Clarity. I realized there was nothing I could do if you wanted to keep it, and maybe,” he paused to take a deep breath “maybe I should take responsibility.”
You sat up and made a point of frowning at him. “Seriously, what happened?”
“I told you already. Just… boom – clarity.”
You knew Ransom was sharper than a first impression would lead one to believe, but self-awareness was not his forte. Could he have had a change of heart in such a short period of time? Did you believe him? You wanted to believe him.
“Do you seriously want to raise a kid with me?”
He laughed and threw his hands up in the air “How many times do I gotta say it?”
“Do you even know what that entails?”
“Hey, I babysat my cousins a couple times,” he said, picking at the foam peeking through a hole in the upholstery of your couch “I bet I’d do better than you.”
Being a parent had to be harder than watching children for a few hours, but as far as experience with children went… well, maybe he was onto something.
A palm emerged in front of you, rousing you from your thoughts.
“Truce?” Ransom asked. There was something about the way he looked at you gave you hope.
Earnest, he looked earnest.
You took his hand in yours and shook once.
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Part 2: I Came Out to Have a Good Time and I’m Honestly Feeling So Attacked Right Now
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robotnik-mun · 5 years
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So, what happens when I decide to throw caution to the wind and mash together as many fucking Sonic Continuities as I possibly can? You get a big ass tangle of a family tree that needs to be split up into five separate images, that’s what. 
It’s ugly, it’s unpolished, and I made it on a whim. Because the mental image wouldn’t leave me. And because I actually started developing this godforsaken nightmare of a family tree, born of merged continuities, headcanons, and sleep deprivation. 
Now keep in mind that this thing is pure crack- it implies a world where Sonic eventually collapses from exhaustion of having to fight TWO Robotniks. It’s a mish mash of what-if’s, continuity mergers and personal ideas glued together. And I wanna stress it has nothing to directly do with my current setting- this is just like, The Path of Insanity. 
Anyway, yeah. Against my better judgement I made notes for this insanity. Also, you may notice pictures of characters from other franchises being used as portraits for various characters. Those are basically faceclaims of sorts, meant as abstract representations rather than the literal idea of what they looked like... since, honestly, even I’M not cruel enough to inflict my ‘art’ on you. 
Anyway, let’s get the ball rolling- 
-Robotnik Ancestor in ‘Mobigypt’. Was probably some big important muckity-muck.
“Julius Robotnikus”
-Probably Mobius’ answer to Caligula. His family eventually fell out of power and was forced to re-settle in what would eventually become Overland. 
Ivo Kintobor
-Yeah, that whole ‘House of Ivo’ thing? This is the guy responsible. Most likely a douchenozzle, as there is a high concentration of that in the bloodline. Basically a minor warlord who unified a bunch of clans to form his own Kingdom, that was subsequently absorbed into Overland during the unification. 
Brutus Kintobor
-Oh wow, a SKINNY Robotnik/Kintobor. This douche canoe attempted to conquer Angel Island for the Overland, but failed miserably. Sent back home in disgrace, a failure.
Gerald Robotnik
- Originally born Gerald Kintobor of the House of Ivo in Overland. He was more interested in science than politics, and after completing college he left that mess behind and immigrated to the United Federation. He changed his name to signify the break from his family history. 
-Explored Angel Island in his youth, where he learned about Chaos Emeralds and the like from the various ruins there. He was even friends with then-guardian Janelle-Li. 
-Started up Robotnik CORPS. He founded it as a way to disseminate his technology to the people of the UF and earn money to fund more experiments. 
-You know the rest. The ARK, Maria, NIDS, Black Doom, Shadow, yadda-yadda-yadda. 
Olga Robotnik
-Gerald’s wife. Duh. 
-She met him while he lived in a spare room her father was renting out. She’d collect his rent. They grew close and eventually had kids and started a family. 
-The shit this poor woman endured is amazing, but she managed to remain unbroken by it, and tried to remain close to her surviving grandchildren. 
Grigory Robotnik
- The first son of Gerald. He wasn’t a genius, but he pursued a career in academics and became a doctor of physics. He had two children, Warren and Maria.
-After the ARK incident he became paranoid and accused the government of covering up what really happened. The obsession to uncover the truth destroyed his physical and mental health, and he died a shunned outcast ranting on pirated radio stations about various conspiracies. 
-Died in a halfway house, but he managed to get ahold of Gerald’s diary before biting it. While he never got to use it to bring down GUN, it still paved the way for Eggman’s eventual use. 
Amelia Robotnik 
-Maria’s mother. After the ARK incident and the supposed death of her children, she fell into a deep depression and eventually committed suicide. In case you haven’t noticed, the story of the Robotnik family is depressing as fuck. 
Warren Robotnik, ‘Warpnik’ 
-Maria’s brother. What a tweest! 
-He was with her on the ARK, and demonstrated a similar scientific gift to his grandfather. He wasn’t close to Shadow the way Maria was. 
-When the ARK was raided, he was captured and subjected to brainwashing treatments by GUN in the hopes of turning him into a loyal, in-house mad scientist. All it did was make him batshit crazy. 
-He escaped some time during the Great War, and is now loose in Mobius, a lunatic geneticist fixated on continuing his grandfather’s ‘great work’... or at least his own warped perception of it. 
Maria Robotnik 
-You know her. You love her. Her life is a tragedy. She’s Maria! Nuff said. Years later, and she still weighs heavily on Shadow. 
Ivo Kintobor
-And here is where things get a bit confusing! Ivo was born ‘Ivo Robotnik’, the second son of Gerald. Long story short, he was a douche more interested in politics and profit, and as such did not get along with his father, who bequeathed the family company to his younger brother. 
-Despite this, Ivo SOMEHOW managed to reproduce. And when the ARK incident happened, he bought the government line hook line and sinker. He changed the family name back to Kintobor and moved everyone back to Overland to start anew. 
-He’s like 50% responsible for Julian winding up the way he did. 
-And yes- he DOES want to bulldoze the puppy orphanage to create a combination oil rig/toxic waste dump. 
-Was murdered by Julian, who disguised it as an accident. 
Lydia Kintobor
-Julian and Colin’s mom. 
-She 100% supported her husband’s douchery, and was an active participant in tormenting her secondborn son in the hopes of ‘breaking’ him out of being a genius. 
-Killed in the same ‘accident’ that took her husband’s life. 
Colin Kintobor Sr. 
-Born in the United Federation, but moved to the Overland as a child and grew up there. 
-Major league Nationalist and Human Supremacist. Prick. 
-Hated Julian basically forever and was encouraged by his parents to do so. He became their ‘golden child’ and was pushed to succeed at everything. 
-Pursued a career in politics, law, and the military, and eventually served as a general in the Great War. 
-Was eventually murdered by his own brother
Miriam Kintobor 
-Colin’s first wife, via arranged marriage. 
-She was pretty much his opposite, yet despite that fact the two came to genuinely love one another. 
-Died giving birth to their son. Have I mentioned the Kintobor/Robotnik family history is a trainwreck yet? 
Angela Kintobor
-The second wife of Colin. She probably met him while serving as a military functionary during the Great War. She is also the mother of Hope Kintobor. 
-Other than that, I got nothin’. She likely died when Hope was young, by way of Swatbot invasion. Seriously, do NOT become a Kintobor Love Interest. 
Colin “Snively” Kintobor Jr. 
-You know him, you hate him! It’s the Snivster, bay-bee! 
-His mother died giving birth to him. His dad blamed him for this. You can guess the rest. 
-You know most of the story- crappy childhood, admired his uncle Julian, helped him take over the Kingdom of Acorn, spent a decade as his punching bag, etc etc. 
-After seemingly offing Julian during Endgame, he briefly took over the Robotnik Empire.... and promptly lost it to Naugus, forcing him to flee for his life. In exchange for information about Robotropolis’ defenses, King Acorn spared his life but sentenced him to be imprisoned forever.
-Was busted out by a returned Julian so that his uncle would be able to properly ‘thank’ him for losing his empire. Helped the FFs to escape Robotnik’s revenge, and after spending time bumming around with them (and hating it) decided to throw in his lot with Crazy Uncle Ivo. 
-He’s regretted it ever since... though he sticks with him because its either Ivo or Julian, and Julian will ensure his death is cruel, messy, and lingers for years to come. 
Hope Kintobor 
-The second child of Colin Kintobor. She was born during the later years of the Great War and spent much of her early life living in siege conditions as Overland tried and failed to stop the advancement of Robotnik. 
-Eventually she witnessed the death of her father and remaining family at the hands of Robotnik before being saved by Sonic. She had an extended stay in Knothole afterwards, where she slowly learned that much of her people’s views of Mobians was innacurate. 
-She eventually moved to the United Federation as a ward of GUN, serving as the technology expert for Team Dark. She is close to all of them. 
-Seeks to redeem the name of her family so that it’s legacy won’t be one of bloodshed, conquest and madness. She’s got a waaaays to go, to put it mildlry. 
-Despite everything she still cares about her awful, awful half-brother. 
Dr. Julian Robotnik 
-Had a REALLY goddamned crappy....well, life, basically. Take my word for it. 
-Has basically murdered his entire immediate family by this point. 
-Prior to the Great War he aided the Overlander Ministry of Conflict in toppling the legitimate government of the Kingdom of Amunopolis (Aleena’s Kingdom), forcing it’s royal family to flee to the Kingdom of Acorn and re-settle under new identities, with crown princess becoming ‘Bernadette Hedgehog’. That’s right- he’s indirectly responsible for Sonic existing. 
-Blah blah blah evil experiments blah blah war crimes blah blah sentenced to be executed by Overlander government during the Great War and blah blah blah coup.
-Took over a large swathe of Mobius and expanded to conquer more, and for a time seemed like he might conquer the entire planet. The Robotnik Empire is.... not a fun place. Then or now.
-Then Sonic and the FF’s happened. Then Endgame happened, and he was... indisposed for a while, leading to his empire being diminished. While he has returned, he has suffered numerous setbacks since then, and the Robotnik Empire is now greatly diminished from its peak. 
-That being said, he still rules a pretty big part of the planet, and is still the biggest danger to the world at present.
-Hates his cousin Ivo.
-REALLY goddamn hates That Hedgehog. 
Laura Kintobor 
-That’s Doctor Laura Kintobor (nee Ellison) to you, buster. 
-She and Julian both worked as scientists with Overland’s science ministry, where they met and befriended one another. She eventually managed to coax Julian out of his shell, and their friendship bloomed into a romance, which led to the two marrying. 
-She worked in the organic sciences division and was an expert on biology and zoology. In contrast to most scientists, she was very much an outdoorswoman. Even managed to convince Julian to partake. 
-Much like her unfortunate sister-in-law, she died in childbirth... giving birth to a stillborn daughter. 
-Yeah, this shit is grim. 
Theodore Robotnik
-Third son of Gerald. Blatantly named in reference to Theodore Roosevelt, who was used as a visual reference for Eggman.
-Basically a professional beancounter who later inherited Robotnik CORPS. He chose to stick with his original name even after the ARK incident, and struggled to keep Robotnik CORPS afloat in the immediate aftermath of the incident. 
-Set up a trust fund for his son Ivo, and tried his best to raise him to be a contributing member of society. 
-Sufficed to say, that didn’t work. If he’s still alive, he has a REALLY tense relationship with his son. 
-Named his son after his older brother as a passive-aggressive act of spite for abandoning the ‘Robotnik’ name. 
Dolores Robotnik 
-Mother of Ivo. She was a professor of chemistry who decided to put her career on hold in order to be homemaker. 
-Was much closer to her son than Theodore was, and often wound up having to play peacemaker between the two. ESPECIALLY during Ivo’s tumultous teenage years. 
-Sufficed to say she is not exactly pleased with how he turned out, assuming she’s still alive even. 
Dr. Ivo “Eggman” Robotnik
-HE IS THE EGGMAN. HE’S GOT THE MASTER PLAN! Really, do you NEED to know any more? 
-Well, okay, you do. He was born very shortly before the ARK incident and never knew his grandfather. 
-His childhood wasn’t horrible, but it was rough in areas due to his high intelligence making things more difficult for him than they should of be. Loads of disagreements with his dad over pursuing science. Spent years plagued by the derogatory name of ‘Eggman’ due to his weight problems. 
-You know how you fantasize about ruling the world as a kid? He never really left that stage of things. 
-He initially worked as a research scientist in the fields of AI and energy. During the Great War he was approached by GUN to develop weapons for them. His research would go on to form the basis of the robotic soldiers later used by them in the Robotnik war. 
-Began his plot to take over Mobius during his time there, and secretly began to appropriate resources and machines to build a hidden base on the distant South Island. Eventually his schemes were discovered by GUN, but he fled. 
-While his cousin conquered portions of Mobius elsewhere, Eggman began his long term Death Egg scheme as a means of conquering Mobius in one fell swoop with the aid of the Chaos Emeralds. 
-You can guess how it goes from here- he encounters Sonic on South Island and in the Scrap Brain Zone and is defeated, thus setting the tone for MANY other defeats in the future. He eventually took on the name ‘Dr. Eggman’ as a way to differentiate himself from his cousin, and to make the insult that dogged his life into a name to be feared ala ‘Penguin’. 
-When his cousin Julian was seemingly killed and the Robotnik Empire in dissarray, Eggman started new bids to take over the world. He established the Metropolis Zone as his ‘capital city’ and founded the Egg Army to help supplement his Badnik Horde. The Eggman Empire now exists as a terrorist army at the beck and call of Dr. Eggman, though he’s still got a ways to go. 
-Has four sons by three different women. Slut. 
-Haven’t got a name for her yet. She was a random girl that a college age Ivo knocked up, which putty much put an end to her collegiate ambitions. She gave birth to two sons, one of whom she bitterly named ‘Ivan’ as a reminder of his origins after failing to get child support out of her babydaddy. She re-married and is currently leading a comfortable enough life. Humors her son because she knows it annoys his biological father. 
Ivan Eggman
-The oldest of Eggman’s sons. In his mid 30s or so. Scientifically gifted, as his father was. 
-Has numerous, numerous issues pertaining to his stepfather, a hard and strict man with little toleration for nonsense.
-Idolizes his biological father and desperately wants to be acknowledged by him, even changing his original surname to ‘Eggman’. Eggman the 1st was NOT amused. 
-Eventually founded a company, Eggman Industries, and grew rich rapidly. Settled by the Bygone Islands where he pursues life as a ‘villain’ now, though really he’s more like a public nuisance than anything. 
-Honestly he’s basically living a ‘second childhood’ of sorts using his scientific know-how and riches, and has vowed to one day impress his father and earn his acknowledgement. As you can imagine, it is.... not working out at all, given that he’s even more of a goober than his pop. 
-Ironically, he isn’t naturally bald- he SHAVES his head. 
-Yeah, he ain’t a robot here- Steve is the organic, younger (by about a minute) twin brother of Ivan. 
-Utterly unconcerned with science or any of that jazz. He’s basically a bohemian beach bum, complete with californian accent- he spends much of his time surfing and earning cash from side jobs. 
-Really mellow and easy-going, and doesn’t really dwell on stuff. 
-Utter himbo. 
Mrs. Robotnik 
- Ex-Wife of Ivo Robotnik. Haven’t given it too much thought, but she and Ivo met while working in acadamia, and eventually married. 
-Initially the relationship was pretty solid, and they even had a child together. However things swiftly deteriorated between the two as Ivo’s immaturity and increasing anger at the world strained their relationship, along with him being a lousy parent to their son. She eventually divorced his ass. 
-After going through a rough patch with her son, she has begun to re-connect with him after his years a delinquent, and now happily supports his endeavors. 
Ivo Robotnik Jr. 
-Middle son of Dr. Eggman. Had a nonexistant relationship with his father while growing up, which combined with the divorce eventually turned him into a juvenile delinquent. 
-He roamed with a biker gang for a while, and prefers to be called ‘Junior’ rather than ‘Ivo’. 
-Fell in with Breezie for a while, the both of them unaware of the other’s connection to Eggman. They eventually went their separate ways once Junior began to turn over a new leaf. He still carries a torch for her, though is painfully aware it’d never work out. Their relationship is... complicated, these days.
-Has since become a software security engineer, making a living providing Anti-Eggman/Robotnik software to companies. 
Lindsey Thorndyke
-A famed actress. She and Ivo had a drunken tryst at a wrap party where he’d been invited to act as a consultant on scientific accuracy. To avoid scandal she informed her husband, and they passed off the baby as their own. 
-What more do you want. Its LINDSEY. 
Chris Thorndyke 
-The youngest son of Ivo Robotnik. Spent much of his life completely unaware of his true parentage. 
-Eh, what can I say, I kind like the theory of him actually being a Robotnik in some capacity or the next. 
-When he was a boy, he befriended Sonic and his friends and even hosted them during the days when Eggman’s schemes for global conquest caused him to haunt Station Square for a while. 
-Admired his grandfather Chuck and pursued science to be like him, studying physics and engineering. 
-Thanks to his mom he’s something of a film buff. 
-In college he learned the truth of his heritage. This has put a strain on his relationship with his parents.
Francis Kintobor 
-The youngest of Gerald’s sons. Pursued a career as a schoolteacher. While he changed his name in the aftermath of the ARK incident as his older brother Ivo had, he chose to make a small joke at his brother’s expense over the ludicrousness of the name change by naming his own son ‘Ovi Kintobor’. 
-Named after Francis Mao, aka That Guy Who Made That One Comic Adaptation From 1991. 
Elizabeth Kintobor
-Dr. Ovi Kintobor’s mother. A career veterinarian with a strong love of animals. That’s about it. 
Ovi Kintobor 
- Grew up on Westside Island, among Mobians. Had a pretty happy and contented childhood, and like many of the other various members of the Kintobor/Robotnik clan developed a pronounced interest and skill in science at a young age. 
-Developed a particular interest in researching Chaos Emeralds.
-A Concientious Objector, he served as a medic during the Great War.
-Deeply, deeply shamed by the actions of his more notorious cousins, he has essentially hidden himself from the world to pursue his research and evade their notice, while helping against them in whatever way he can. 
-Has secretly transported people threatened by his cousins to safer places, and once caused a mass sabotage of their respective robotic forces through the ‘Nicenik Virus’. 
-An ally of the Freedom Fighters. 
-Deeply distrusts GUN (which frankly isn’t a bad call).
-Bit of a hippy, but really is a genuinely nice guy who wants to help others through science. 
-In some villages he is known as ‘Mr. Tinker’. 
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fae-fucker · 5 years
Zenith: Chapter 29-32
I realize leaving y’all hanging for a whole year like that in the snark, where our beloved heroes Andi and Dex had just been shot in their empty little heads, was very cruel of me. You guys must’ve been just DYING to know what happened.
Quick recap: Andi & Co are space pirates. They are captured by Andi’s ex Dex and the father of Andi’s childhood friend, whom she “murdered” by landing a ship bad. He asks her to get his son, who is in a dank dark prison. Andi does the thing with the help of Dex and her ragtag bunch of generic archetypes. 
We good?
Let’s go.
Chapter 29
We interrupt the 100% totally real threat of Andi and Dex being shot to death to have another boring-ass moment with Nor. She walks around in an underground lab feeling sorry for herself and thinking about how tragic her backstory is. We’re introduced to a two-headed scientist who could’ve been interesting in the hands of actually talented authors, but who doesn’t appear in the book after this point so she’s wasted. For some reason she’s also referred to as one person when the heads are clearly different individuals? Irl when there are two heads sharing one body the heads are different people with different names. You know, because the person is stored in the brain? Idk why Shinsay did this.
“Slowly, you dolt!” the right head screeched to the left. 
The left head huffed in annoyance. “I’m merely trying to give our queen a glimpse of her new toy.” 
“It’s a wonder I’ve been able to put up with you all these years,” the right head retorted. 
“You haven’t a choice, my dear,” the left said back.
I think this is supposed to be funny, but all I can think if is how everyone’s dialogue sounds exactly the same. 
We find out that this is where Nor’s people are developing the titular Zenith (except it’s not named yet, spoilers), and Nor wants to know if they’ve made any progress.
The two-headed scientist, Aclisia, says that the weapon is ready and that they only need a test subject. Did they develop this mind-altering thing without any previous test subjects? I mean I guess it makes sense that they’d need somebody unaffected by previous versions to test out the final product, but like ... Did the previous subjects die? That doesn’t bode well. 
Anyway, the test subject they have is one of the guards on Lunamere, where Andi and Dex were in the previous chapters. Nor is displeased that the guard “let them go,” and I want you to remember this line:
“You had one of the Unified System’s most wanted fugitives in my prison. And instead of keeping her there, where she could have been persuaded to join the right side of the galaxy...you lost her. [...]”
File that away for future reference, my pretties. 
Anyway, we end the chapter without even finding out what the drug does, because Shinsay love breaking their own pace and suspense because they have to rely on cliffhangers to keep people reading. 
Chapter 30
Oh Christ oh God it’s our girl Klaren again. It’s year twenty-four and despite five years passing this woman is still all about how she’s destined to die and everything in her life is crap, which, idk, mood I guess?
Xen Ptera is losing the war and Klaren is sick because of all the poison air or whatever. The king wants her to hide because enemy troops are closing in, and Klaren takes another moment to think about how she wasn’t supposed to fall in love and yadda yadda. 
Who’s ready for another Smaasism?
She wished she could go back. She wished she could change that passionate night they had shared, the careless days after and the tonic she’d forgotten to take...
You’d think in advanced space times they’d have more reliable birth control. 
Also ... wouldn’t the king expect an heir anyway? Like, we’ve seen that even the title of “general” is inherited in this shitfest of a universe, so wouldn’t he eventually catch on and insist on having a kid? Or if she claimed she couldn’t produce one, surely there would be tech to get around that? Idk. For all the future-sight this bitch had, she sure didn’t have any common sense. 
Klaren tells the king to take Nor and fuck off, and Darai says something about how she’s the strongest Yielded and how she must fulfill her duty. 
Which apparently includes going into the battlefield, which is conveniently right outside the palace, and mind-control General Cortas into wanting to fuck her so bad he forgot she was his enemy. 
Her husband was wrong. 
Hope was not dead. 
Hope, in the form of the queen’s sacrifice, had only just flickered to life.
This is framed as tragic and beautiful but she is about to mind-rape a man for years soooo get ready for some extremely uncomfortable shit.
Chapter 31
We’re back in Andi’s POV, except it’s still a fucking flashback. This time it’s to when Andi was still Kalee’s Spectre and lived with Valen and the other dingdongs. And then we get actually good writing?
During meals, when Andi and the other Spectres stood guard, she’d watch him curiously. Valen usually sat in the farthest seat from his father, hunched forward as if he were battling some deep, silent pain. Sometimes she’d catch him staring at her with his strange, unblinking hazel eyes, his paint-stained fingers gripping his golden fork like a weapon he didn’t want to use.
Like I’m into this. It’s showing and not telling, mysterious and intriguing without being on the nose, and for once Andi doesn’t have all the cards and knows what Valen is inside and out, so his character doesn’t become obvious. Like, he’s battling some pain, but he’s also reluctant to use a weapon? That could mean anything! In a good way!
This good chunk is also immediately ruined by the following descriptions, which point out that indeed, all the other kids talk about Valen and how WEEEEYOOORDDD he is, and how he’s constantly covered in paint, because that’s what artists look like, I guess. Catch me bodyslamming a freshly painted park bench to prove I know color theory.
We’re also told that Valen never got a personal Spectre for spooooooky reasons. He just doesn’t feel like a proper part of the family, ya know? I wonder that it all could meeeeaaaaaan. 
This is all told to us just so we can revisit the part where Valen tries to stop Andi and Kalee from going on a joyride. Kalee insults him for a bit, and then Valen drops some more foreshadowy dialogue about how he hopes this birthday is everything Kalee wants it to be. 
Chapter 32
Lira has been literally counting seconds since they left Andi. 
She recaps everything that happened three chapters ago, saying they executed their secret plan with the “ultimate amount of finesse” before noting that despite obeying Andi’s direct orders to run, she feels like a traitor. 
Your captain is in chains, a voice whispered in the back of her mind. You should be by her side. Instead, you’re running. 
All you ever do is run.
I have literally no idea how this is even a little bit relevant considering that they’re waiting for Andi and Dex to return and aren’t moving anywhere. By the way, Andi and Dex are thirty minutes late. Which freaks Lira out because THAT WASN’T IN THE PLAN. 
Her scales start freaking out and she’s about to overheat. Holy shit, how are you still alive? 
Honestly, this is a pretty accurate depiction of someone with an anxiety disorder, but I think we’re supposed to think Lira is emotional or analytical or loyal or whatever. I doubt Shinsay have the finesse required to write something like this on purpose, so this just reads as incompetence. 
Apparently Andi said that if they’re late, the girls are supposed to flee and save themselves, and Lira is starting to get antsy. 
Ok so ... just moments ago you were worried about how you’re always running away. So why is your first instinct when your beloved captain is THIRTY MINUTES LATE to book it? Like. Calm the fuck down. Thirty fucking minutes, in space? Can you chill??? 
Lira whines more about how this is the second time this week that she’s second-in-command and she hates it. Hey why not give that responsibility to Breck, who’s always calming everyone down? Would that make too much sense? 
Lira goes to her room to mope and angst about how she likes being alone. It’s riveting. She thinks about how this crew is her SOUL and how much she LOVES them. Which we can see by her sitting alone in her room thinking about how much she loves them, obviously.
She continues to angst about how her dad died of Space Plague, and her mom became a drunk because ... Idk, that’s what moms do in books like these. But lo, she and her brother got taken in by their Cool Aunt, who then wanted them to Do Things when they grew up, and Lira doesn’t want to Do Things, she wants to fly around and Crime. 
So she left her home planet because her Cool Aunt wanted her to Do Too Much Stuff, and the weight of her expectations crushed Lira, who must soar the skies like the beautiful bald blue bird she is. 
The other girls interrupt this godawful exposition dump by inviting Lira to play some Not!Pokémon. And we get this exchange, which I included in my review, and yes, it’s real:
“Hope is a raging asshole,” Gilly said. 
“Explain to me, Gilly,” Breck said with a sigh, “how exactly can an asshole rage?”
Lira choked on a sudden, unexpected laugh. “I swear, the two of you. You were both born with my brother’s sarcastic soul.”
This bloated and repetitive nonsense that apparently passes for character development is interrupted by Alfie, who’s gotten out of the waste bay. We’re reminded that this ship doesn’t have any mechanics, because of course, and Alfie makes a reference about how the ship’s AI’s voice is turning him on. 
It appears Lira has gotten a message from Soy to come and get Andi and Dex.
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jeaneybean · 6 years
The idiots find a vampire
Because of course they do.
So we zone back in to our party staring down hundreds of goblin eyes. ‘So what do you guys do?’ Sam asks. I’m like ‘Vera just, she pushes the door back shut’
So periodically as we decide what we’re doing, Jake opens the door back up. The goblins just stare. None go to attack. There are adorable ( I mean, for goblins) goblin babies, goblin women, goblin children, goblin elderly. This is a fucking nest.
The group plan becomes letting Vera go in and talk to the goblins because she’s real good at talking to people. Maybe a few goblins will speak common. So in she goes, showing her hands off that she has no weapons and she asks very politely (How politely? 28 diplomacy politely) if any of them speak common.
One eventually gets pushed forward and asks her what she wants, so Vera gives the quick explination. (Traveling through, fought a gargoyle, fought the skeletons, checked in here.) He repeated what she wanted so Vera parsed down as low as she could: They’re looking to help people.
‘Not here for us.’ ‘Do you need help? We’re here to help.’ ‘Not here for us’ and the Goblin picks up a spear and points down the wall. So In Vera goes, followed by Magnolia and Jasna. Jake and Nitahn stay with the door, because Jake alone with the door would be a horrible idea.
So into the goblin hole they go, eventually getting to a door where they can hear mining noises from inside. So they knock, noise stops. Vera calls through (Which has to be creepy) ‘Hello? Is anyone in there?’
Window slides open on the door, someone stares out at them. Makes the astute observation that they’re not goblins, Vera agrees. They get let in, where the room is full of people mining. They explain where they’re from, Adventuerers contracted from Hora and Evil Donkey to find missing people. Well, here are the missing people. They’re mining silver, which obviously is very not approved of in a country ran by vampires.
This is the one note I have about the session, which is ‘Vera: So, tell me all about your cult : )’ Because being able to inspire such loyalty and devotion in so many people is fascinating. Please help her, a woman from a far off country, understand this. So the guy tells the story, they’re all saved from their various villiage and mine silver to strike against the ruling class, yadda yadda rabble rabble.
Meanwhile Magnolia sneaks away to look for the brother to the woman who gave her a silver locket and asked her to find her brother. She finds him and tries to give it to him and tell him to come home, but he doesn’t want the memories. He insinuates that everyone he knew and loved is dead. Mags forces the amulet on him and he puts it on, crying as  he turns back to his work.
Mags comes back to the group and they talk for a bit, and Sam’s like ‘A new person comes up and starts talking, but Vera you don’t hear anything. Or see anything. You’re stunned for about, oh, six seconds.’
Which means that this new person who’s came up is at least twice their level. Very evil. Fantastic!
So his name is Anton and he’s a vampire. He asks if we want to take this out to the rest of the party, or have them come in there. He’s very interested on trying to make the party comfortable. This has the opposite effect on Vera, who’s very fucking uncomfrotable, and on Jasna, who recognized that Vera went totally unresponsive for a few seconds at the same time this dude showed up.
Vera tries to argue that they should just talk here, alone, with the most level headed. Anton looks kind of amused at her and calls her bluff and she’s like ‘You don’t know our Jake.’
Meanwhile, Jake is trying to convince Nitahn to go back and check on the donkeys so that he can steal a goblin baby while Nitahn’s gone.
They decide to take this party out to the rest of the party with Anton taking the lead after Vera tells him not to worry about making her comfortable, he reminds her of her father. “And who is that?” “Oh, a minor noble that thinks himself more.” As they’re heading back, Vera makes direct eye contact with Nitahn and shakes her head at him slightly and makes her eyes real big like, ‘this is not a good thing’. Nitahn doesn’t get the clue, but still is apprehensive.
As Anton gives his sob story about being made a creature of the night forced into doing terrible things by his sire and escaping his control once the old monster died, Jilly quietly comes through the door that they just shut on the goblins. When the vampire sees him Sam asks Magnolia for a knowledge: nature roll and writes that down. Anton continues to explain how he’s rising up against the vampires controlling the country, trying to do good and improve, and that’s why he’s been getting people to mine silver for himself. Sam’s surprised I’m not rolling more sense motives, and it’s because Vera’s already decided that she’s being lied to by someone who’s saying just the right thing to incite sympathy with her. 
Because, seriously. Not evil through his own actions but by the circumstances of his birth, trying to rise above that and do the right thing, trying to better himself? It’s like he’s trying to get her to be like ‘oh, same hat’. But he’s still very, very evil. Knock her on her ass evil. The kind of evil you gotta work to maintain, in her opinion.
They talk, Anton being very nice. He even offers to give them silver that he’s mined so the party can silver their weapons. He also informs the group that hte town they met up in, Hora, has been used to state the vampire’s thirsts. Most of the town is dead. 
Jake spends a long while talking with him and asking him a lot of questions about vampires. My personal favorate was:
Jake: So if we came back with silver weapons, could we kill you? Vera: No.
Anton asks them to introduce themselves, and Jasna gives her name, jake gives his name, Jilly gives his name, Nitahn’s nickname of Havilah is given for him, and Vera introduces herself as Vera Medvedeva. Anton comments on that, mentioning that it’s an old house name and one that isn’t around much anymore. Vera smiled and said that her family was good at sussing out when to leave. Blood runs deep, however. (Which is the Medvedev family motto, ahah).
Magnolia wants to go back and talk to the boy missing from the caravan, so she and Anton go in together. After a bit where they explainn things to Jilly (And Sam and Katie go out of the room to talk, with him coming back to look at her character sheet and go ‘son of a bitch’ and head back) they return. Some more men are going to come unload the silver, one of them the boy from the caravan. Magnolia makes a beeline for the cart and the river, with Vera quickly following her.
Magnolia twirls on Jilly when they’re across the river and asks him why the Pale Man is afraid of him. The knowledge: nature check? She’d spotted a reaction in Anton that reminded her of wollf behavior. The roll that Sam was like ‘Son of a bitch’ about? Anton tried to dominate her and remove that from her mind. Jilly says he has no idea in his usual Jilly way.
The people coem out with silver and load it up, with Nitahn going to talk to the boy from the caravan. Magnolia aproaches and casts ‘Protection from Evil’ to see if he’s being mind controlled. He’s not. He’s mining of his own will because he beleives Anton is being truthful to them and is going to fight the monsters controlling their country. He asks NItahn for some paper and he writes a letter to give to his parents.
At one point Jasna questions Vera, asking her about the name she gave. She’s introduced herself as Vera Isha in the past, after all. ‘Well, it used to be my name. Also, it wasn’t my name first.’ ‘VERA ARE YOU MARRIED?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘What is he liiiiike?’ ‘He’s more beautiful than the sun.’ Vera adds in a bit later that ‘His eyes sparkle like Onyx (which Jilly commented on, black eyes, neat) his smile could launch a thousand ships. His hair curls to the envy of every woman in the capital. If he died I’d burn the world down and it wouldn’t be enough suffering.’ And Nitahn was like ‘uhhhhhhh’ at the last bit. 
So the party decides, as Vera suggested, that they head to the dwarves. So through the woods they go, eventually coming to a part of the forest where they could rest for the night. Of course, it looks like a tree literally exploded nearby, a-la-the fucking dire bear situation they found last session. Vera and Jilly are like ‘let’s keep moving’
So they head forward and find the next town at about 11PM. It’s a literal ghost town, no sources of life nearby. No evil, either. So they find the inn (And Vera prays over the bones of the dead donkeys inside) and decide to camp there for the night. Everyone just sleeps in the stables. Vera climbs up in the haymound because of course she does. Nitahn sleeps on the front of the cart with one of the donkeys, Jilly slept on top of the wagon, Mags and Jasna slept underneath, and Jake stayed up for watch because he slept all day in the wagon.
The first four hours goes by without a hitch, everyone sleeps. Nitahn is woken up at four hours to recast his alarm spell, and as soon as he does it just goes off. Boom. Noise everywhere. So we all wake up (Vera stops cuddling up to her sword and readies it) and look around. Someone passes a spot check and notices that the shadows look a bit odd.
So vera fucked right out of the haymound, getting on the ground after seeing clearly that there was nothing there with her. The group found sources of light as they could to track the shadow as it moved around, eventually going up into the haymound.
Vera: I’m not up there anymore, asshole.
The only thing that can hit it is Jake’s magic missiles, and it screams whenever jake hits it. (Vera: Stop that. Jake: Hitting it??? Vera: No, it scream.) So  eventually it gets tired of being hit and launches at Jasna, who dodges. It then goes for Jake, who it gets a hand on and gives him a -2 to his strength as damage. But Jake kills it since he’s the only party member who can fight it. Vera has no holy damage, having used it all on the fight that morning with the bone skeletons. Jasna, Nitahn, and Jilly can’t attack because it’s a shadow. Mags has no spells that’ll hit it.
However, as it dies with a shriek, outside there’s answering shrieks from other shadows. There’s more, and our party has little to no ability to fight them. Session end.
0 notes
skyure · 6 years
You don’t need enemies if you got family.
Seriously, do you have someone in your family that is such a complete and utter knows-it-all and mansplainer that they always have to be right, and if you do not agree with them they start to throw insults, a temper tantrum, and run off? That’s my brother for you.
He is well in his forties, works as a construction worker for a telecommunication provider, and thinks he’s the hottest shit on earth.
He also thinks, because I am in early retirement due to health reasons, and because I am (for the same health reasons) overweight, that I am the dumbest bitch around, and that everything I say needs to be put down as false, and needs to be challenged, and that I have no idea how the world works. *LE SIGH*
We are speaking about an adult man that claims that blood types aren’t hereditary, but random, and the reason we have different blood types is because he got A, because he is a good human, my sister got AB- because she is only a woman, and I am A because only women without jobs get that blood type. I am not joking. He says that when you check a blood type at birth, it tells you if the human is worth living, if they have a job later in life, and so on. I wish I was making this up, I seriously do.
Also according to him:
=>Bees aren’t close to extinction. =>English isn’t the language spoken in America. It’s american. =>I can’t be engaged to a woman because women cannot be engaged to each other. Only a man can allow women to be engaged to each other.
=> You cannot fall in love over the internet. (His last two girlfriends he met on the internet.) => Everyone you meet over the internet that does not live in the same county as you is fake. Yes, you heard that right. Everyone on the internet is just an AI. => Doctors say you should not desinfect wounds, because desinfecting wounds causes your skin to rot and you will die. => Riding his bike and going overheated into his pool is good for him. No you cannot get a heart attack from that. => The reasons he is skinny and other people are not is because he is a good human who has a job, while I am fat because I am not working.
=> You can only loose weight if you stop eating completely. For months. => The reason his ex-gf/my landlady has mold in her apartment under mine is because I put a closet on the far wall. Not because SHE doesn’t air out. Ever. That’s me just trashtalking her. => His son can NOT have ADHD, because both his parents have jobs. => My son has ADHD because I do not have a job and am overweight.
=> Also beta-carotine causes ADHD. Not the genes. => Also, men can inherit the gene that makes them more prone to the risk of addiction. Women do not get this gene, it is their weak psychological attitude. They WANT to get addicted. Men not. Men aren’t possibly at fault there.
=> Women do not get heart attacks. Women just want attention.
=> If a woman gets raped, she wanted it. (... why am I even related to this person?!)
Just a few things. (Only from this week :D There are more things that are even more stupid.)
He’s also argueing whenever I give answers to questions asked to me. When I answered my brother-in-law about his rethorical question how much a service on his new AUDI would cost, I answered “I’d say about five hundret” because services are expensive as hell. My brother started yelling at me about how dumb and uneducated I am, and that I’d pay every price out of sheer stupidity, all while my brother-in-law just nodded and said “I paid 600 for the last service, with oil changes and checkups”.  Even that did not stop my brother from telling me how dumb I am. Same discussion, since our ‘trash-laws’ differ from county to county, trash collection days and even which kind gets collected and which needs to be brought to recycling places, vary greatly. My brother lives in a completely different county. And yet he still claims that the rules of HIS county are global all around germany. My mother and I just sighed, because WE live in the same county, and our trash gets collected mondays and tuesdays, and we need to bring our glass and paper to the recycling places. HE claimed we were just too dumb to read, and that trash gets taken every friday, and if we weren’t too dumb to be alive, we’d know that there aren’t any recycling places around to take paper and that they need to be put into special paper bins that get fetched wednesdays. Alrighty! Not.
Another discussion that is always my favorite is about his darling ex-girlfriend, the mom of his son, and my landlady. Yay.
My landlady is the laziest ass around, and we haven’t had any maintenance done on this flat since we moved in here nine years ago. Literally... nothing was done. I requested a new water-heater for the bathroom in the years 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 I finally gaveup, because nothing happened. Same as other things. Windows where it rains into get ignored, and yet she wails that she only gets the smallest rent paid. Boo-fucking-hoo. Cry me a river. So brother is hot for his ex-girlfriend. Like, no matter what it is about my flat, it is always my fault, never hers. When we moved in, we rented a kitchen. a 35 year old kitchen. All the little things considered, back then it was a good kitchen, now its crap. I exchanged the stove and stovetop, only to get told that if I wasn’t such an asshole, I’d be happy about the things I got, namely a stove that’s not working anymore. Yay. <.< I don’t even know WHY he thinks his input is needed, but he’s like the little stupid nagging voice in your head that you can’t kill off. Now this kitchen is on the verge of breaking down, literally, and mom and I made plans to replace it. Albeit for a cheaper kitchen (only the cabinets, I have a new dishwasher, that I bought myself, and my new stove), but at least it won’t fall apart. What does he tell me? If I’d just stop being lazy and clean it up, the kitchen would be just fine! And yes, that means, if I’d just CLEAN (I never clean. My kitchen gets cleaned every day, but that’s NEVER in his book), it would not LITERALLY AND PHYSICALLY BREAK APART!!!
(35yo cabinets? Made from chipboard. survived a few floodings and got taken apart and put back together three times? Can you belive it’s breaking apart? *gasp* must be the non-lacking hygiene around!)
Face => Desk.
Today was a great day, where he, the construction person (Yes, only construction, driving trucks, digging holes, welding a few things and putting coverings around cables, and then filling those holes again), tried to tell me that I cannot physically have faster internet than my landlady. I do. I also got a different company than her. Telekom only offers 16k. Why? Do I look like I care? Probably telekom capping it off or something, in worry it might need more service if not. No idea. I have a different company, that offers me 50k. I get those. Literally no fallout ever. The technician who came here, who is freelancing, also said, after checking the place where phone line from the street meets line inside the house, that he gets signal that could give every person in the house 100k. (My brother also claims that this is not true, since yadda yadda, he did not SEE the phone company lay such lines. Joke is on him, they put down those lines in our street in 2012. And the rest of the village also got that ‘upgrade’ recently). So, my landlady only gets 16k, and I get 50k... and he tells me I am lying.
I am highly confused, because why do I need to lie about that?
He says, I might THINK I get 50k, but I have no way to prove it.
I am even more highly confused, and pull out the speedtest result that I made at home.
He tells me, that the phone company tells the routers to THINK that they get such fast internet.
I COULD see this happen, but ... again, I listened to the technician which was spliced INTO the line going into the house, saying that even 100k would be possible without glitches, but that telekom would only allow 16k going to THEIR routers, to rule out glitches. Why? (I am not a technician. But neither is my brother. He is everything BUT).
He gets louder and louder, because I am not really buying into his shit, especially those glory lines “IF (LANDLADY/EX-GF) SAID SO, THEN YOU ARE LYING!”, kinda ruin it for me.
So mom, which is in another village close by, and says she’s going away from the Telekom, and that she’s going to another provider, because said provider put optic-fibre through her village, and Telekom did not... gets screamed down that she’s dumb and that the other provider cannot do more than the Telekom (hard-on for that company, I guess?), even though the other provider DID indeed not use the Telekom lines, but ACTUALLY PHYSICALLY PUT THEIR OWN LINES INTO THE GROUND. Which, of course, according to my brother, is not true.
So I tell him to not scream around like that, and that he doesn’t even hear himself yell anymore, and he gets huffy, and puffy, and gets up and runs off, STILL screaming about how I am a know-it-all, and all that even though I do not even have a job and am fat, and that people like I are too dumb to work and lose weight.
Which tells me everything I need to know. Don’t get lackeys, licking your spit off of your frothing mouth and believing every shit you say? Even going as far as to NOT agree to everything you say? Start insulting them.
Makes you so much more believeable.
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