#bc endometriosis
2000sweed · 8 months
i love how i had my period of mommy issues lasting from childhood and now my mom is actually improving and being nicer but we have entered the era of daddy issues
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bettercallroasty · 7 months
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I made this for endometriosis awareness month which is March! It's important to spread awareness. It took me about 15 years to get a diagnosis. I am 3 months post total hysterectomy. I was hoping people would get interested if they saw something with one of their faves!
There is no cure, but certain things may alleviate the symptoms. It is grossly underdiagnosed, understudied, and underfunded. There are a wide variety of symptoms that vary from person to person. I only wrote SOME possible symptoms.
Other things that can cause similar symptoms are PCOS, adyemosis, and fibroids. Learn how to advocate for yourself and reach out to support groups. There are many online. A doctor should not be telling you it's "just a bad period" and writing you off.
Endometriosis can worsen and advance in stage over time. The only way to truly diagnose endometriosis is through exploratory laproscopic surgery. If Endometriosis is found, they will excise (cut it out) and run it through pathology. This is because endometriosis often does not show up I'm imaging. If you have a clean ultrasound, CT scan, or MRI, this does NOT mean your issues are in your head. Your best bet is to find an OBGYN who specializes in endometriosis and uterus diseases. After excision, Endometriosis is likely to grow back. However it's managed depends on you and your body. Do a lot of research, and don't be afraid to turn down a treatment plan if it makes you uncomfortable. Not all cases have to end in hysterectomy.
And when all else fails, better call saul! Medical malpractice attorney!
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lunerabo · 28 days
Women: every waking moment I am in debilitating pain. My entire body is on fire and I can barely go to work. I have been waiting for an actual diagnosis for three years. My mother had this and it killed her. Please help me
Doctors: that sucks lmao hope it gets worse faker
Men: dick no worky :(
Doctors: ohguhh oh mym fUCJKIGn god we have to DO something about this
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bakasara · 2 months
urologist who is getting paid real money to tell women stuff like this: I see you have endometriosis. are you sure the reason you recently need to pee so badly and so frequently you can't get out of the house isn't that you're having a psychosomatic reaction set off by the fact that you haven't accepted that you have endometriosis?
me: no i'm pretty sure you just made that whole crock of shit up
(4 days later the lab results come back and they find a particularly dastardly and uncommon type of bacteria in my bladder that causes severe UTIs)
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amywritesthings · 1 month
i'm feeling quite fuzzy because
i'm seeing a good chunk of people reading 'war of clarity' saying they have chronic pain or headaches and i'm glad you guys get to be like 'omg i have that!!! i'm being repped!'
and now i am like '...maybe for endometriosis awareness i can do a little mini series of different characters comforting chronic pain & disease' because -- i see you, chronic painers! and our blorbos would love you no matter what!
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fruitwoodmac · 25 days
which blorbo has a hysterectomy 🎤
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theygender · 11 months
I love being T4T. My gf has been on estrogen for a couple weeks now and she's been having a rough time with her mood so I'm teaching her about the ancient art of soaking in a bubble bath with a little drink to sip while watching shows on your laptop
#pro-tip for any girls newly on E. this is The Cure for PMS#(which accurately describes what youre going through btw)#other great cures include putting on nice smelling lotion and fuzzy socks and wrapping yourself in a blanket burrito/nest#also eating lots of chocolate or other sweets and drinking your favorite caffeinated beverages#my mom used to always put on lotion and fuzzy socks and drink dr pepper and eat chocolate#my cousin likes to watch netflix in the bath with wine and then get in a blanket burrito with her favorite lemonade tea#if youve got someone to take care of you then you dont even have to come out of the burrito. you can just ask them to bring you things#all of these methods help a lot. we're experts on this you can trust me (family of people with endometriosis)#also if youre having headaches and bloating and stomach pain you might try midol (generic works fine)#it has acetaminophen for pain + caffeine for headaches (like excedrin) + antihistamine for bloating#also to clarify: i said girls newly on E only bc i figured girls who have been on it for a while might have already figured this stuff out#but PMS is by no means exclusive to transfems who have newly started on E#many transfems have reported getting PMS symptoms and even cramps on a monthly basis after being on estrogen for a while#this is bc after a while on E your body can start naturally making more estrogen and this can come with its own hormone cycle#and as a result you can essentially get all of the symptoms of a period just without the actual bleeding#(this can include cramps bc even in cis women the signals for the muscle spasms can sometimes get misdirected to nearby organs—#unfortunately causing stomach issues as well)#so if anyone out there happens to not already know this information and youve been feeling like shit periodically for seemingly no reason#now you know 😅#its your period#rambling
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opalsiren · 4 months
dear sweet angel of a friend has started having excruciating period pains. do i introduce her to the minefield of reproductive care and medical misogyny knowing there is practically 0 treatment for endometriosis where we live and she'll likely be diagnosed with female hysteria should she choose to pursue medical care. or do i tell her to take some painkillers, use a hot water bottle, and keep it pushing lol
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coridallasmultipass · 9 months
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Shit Post venting hour let's go:
Trans Bro/Trans Dirk has endometriosis (*enBROmetriosis, because people are shitty and don't get that guys have it, too), even AFTER getting a hysterectomy, because, unfortunately, sometimes our bodies are just transphobic like that. (True story, bro...) He doesn't get symptoms regularly post-op, but when they hit, they hit like a plane-wreck - it's a huge disaster for one, and it also becomes everyone else's business.
Trans Dave doesn't have endo, but still goes through a lot of pain relievers for normal cramps. He forgot to tell Bro they were out of medicine last time.
Cue Bro stuck hugging the toilet, sick from how much pain he's in as soon as he wakes up, and Dave doesn't hear him call out for healing.
As soon as Dave hears Bro talking about Advil, he immediately remembers his mistake and realizes why Bro's been extra volatile lately (PMS/PMDD/etc).
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i-never-shut-up-ever · 3 months
experiencing ego death (my monthly menstrual cycle)
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i <3 having two severe period disorders and vaginismus it makes my life so great /sar
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yrfemmehusband · 1 year
Offended that I haven't gotten the "show your diagnosis papers" anon ask bc if I did I could use it as an excuse to post the pictures I have of my own mangled uterus
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anarchypumpkincowboy · 4 months
Will someone come give me a hysterectomy I’ll make you donuts
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shalegas34 · 6 months
just got a prescription for drugs i had to sign for at the pharmacy. lets fucking go
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sweetie-peaches · 7 months
Guess who passed out again guys..this time in a preschool classroom……with kidssss
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intersex-support · 1 year
hi, sorry if something along the lines of this has already been asked! i was born with poland syndrome which is a chest deformity that leads to variations in how one's chest grows. i personally have one boob on one side and am completely flat (Which is admittedly rare w poland syndrome since it can be concave) on the other. does this count as intersex? i've always had a complicated relationship with gender because of it.
Hi anon!
First off I want to make it clear that I am not an authority on who is or isn't intersex, and that my perspective is just one perspective.
I'm going to copy out a few definitions of intersex that I think are helpful for conversations like these:
“The term intersex is an umbrella term that refers to people who have one or more of a range of variations in sex characteristics that fall outside of traditional conceptions of male or female bodies. For example, intersex people may have variations in their chromosomes, genitals, or internal organs like testes or ovaries. Some intersex characteristics are identified at birth, while other people may not discover they have intersex traits until puberty or later in life. ” -InterACT
This includes both primary and secondary sex characteristics such as hormones, genitalia, and chromosomes that fall outside of what is typically considered “male” or “female.”
Intersex activist Hans Lindhal also adds on that these traits are usually "significant or noticeable enough to cause stigma and violence in a person's life."
Traditionally, poland syndrome hasn't been considered an intersex variation--the medical world doesn't consider it a difference in sex development. I haven't really found resources from intersex organizations explicitly including it either. Conversations about poland syndrome seem to usually be operating under chronic illnses/disability frameworks rather than biological sex and intersex frameworks. I also think that because poland syndrome can apply to people regardless of chromosomes, hormones, genitalia, and internal organs, that it hasn't really been understood as an intersex variation because the rest of the components of biological sex are still fitting within the "typical" definitions. However I can absolutely see the argument that breasts are considered a secondary sex characteristic, and could understand that perspective. I think that the terminology of intersex is always shifting, and as our understanding of the sex binary, our bodies, and the political context we live in grows, definitions expand beyond just what doctors think are intersex variations.
All this is to say although poland syndrome hasn't been considered an intersex variation, I don't think there's anything wrong for seeking support from intersex resources if those experiences resonate or overlap with your experiences as a person with poland syndrome. I've had conversations with people before, especially other disabled and chronically ill people who don't have intersex variations, but might sometimes describe themselves as having "intersex adjacent" experiences and have that solidarity with intersex community. I think it's perfectly okay for people in those circumstances to seek support with intersex community and just be honest about the fact that although you might not have an intersex variation, you have some overlapping experiences and are looking for welcoming community spaces. As long as people are considerate of not speaking over intersex people on their personal experiences or understandings of intersex oppression, I personally feel like there's so much room for intersex and disabled solidarity, especially when it comes to people who experience disability/chronic illness of reproductive anatomy and sex characteristics.
I'm just one intersex person and cannot speak on behalf of the whole community, so if other intersex people want to add on their perspectives please feel free!
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