fantomette22 · 10 months
First cool Yahar’gul pictures!
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Now about our dear friend that drop the key to upper cathedral ward. Well i have a new idea!
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Maybe that could just a random choir member but what if it’s just Edgar?
The door is close from the inside right? So either bro got complete crazy to attend the ritual (brainwashed by Mico like @katyahinatheorise + he's not attached too) or he wanted to be a part of it. Like theorise before as well. Or perhaps he lock himself to be able to get out but so nothing would get in and bother/hurt him.
But I know what you gonna say : Edgar don't have the choir set in the nightmare! Yes but where are we teleported before going to nightmare of Mensis? The lecture hall! And what can we find in the lecture hall?
The student set Edgar wear! Maybe he just took it there hehe
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Also that mean this guy ended up in the nightmare of mensis. There's severals dead hunter and dead church members across it. And most the mensis' scholars seemed to have become the brain of mensis.
Besides Edgar we don't see any other choir member in the nightmare, alive or dead. So where did they go? Well if it's Edgar... it actually explain some stuff.
In that case he would have willingly did the ritual and lock himself up from inside to not be deranged or hurt by ennemies.
Why the corpse is missing one glove and one trouser leg idk. Maybe to inject himself with smt to fall asleep? Sadly he never woke up 😔
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gg-force · 2 years
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Just a quick edit of this very joyous place.
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synthwayve · 9 months
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I’m throwing him onto tumblr. Sorry to everyone in the server who might see him twice.
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yharnamesque · 1 year
Bloodborne Observation Notes
Back in 2018 I had a very stupid idea: what if I went through my favourite game, Bloodborne (2015) by Fromsoft, and noted down every single thing I could see? Well that’s what I started doing. Did the main game, took a several year break, came back and did the chalices. I mean it when I say this is my favourite game, it is so stupidly important to me, and I wouldn’t have done this if it wasn’t
So I present to you, broken down into territories, all of my notes looking into every single detail I could come across in every single area of the game. I made these to be shared, for everyone to see and to use how they want. The only thing I ask for in return is you share them about, and give credit plus a link back if they end up influencing your own work. This is my contribution, my gift, to the community, and I hope it serves you well
The links below will go straight to the folders themselves rather than all the individual documents, but they’ll still be listed out here for easy reference as to what is where
Progression + Foreword
Iosefka’s Clinic
Central Yharnam
Old Yharnam
The Hunter’s Dreams
The Hunter’s Dream
The Hunter’s Nightmare
The Cathedral Ward
The Tomb of Oedon / Oedon Chapel
The Cathedral Ward / The Grand Cathedral
The Upper Cathedral Ward
Healing Church Workshop
The Abandoned Workshop
The Altar of Despair
The Forbidden Woods
Forbidden Woods
Hemwick Forest
Hemwick Charnel Lane
Castle Cainhurst
The Unseen Village
Hypogean Gaol
The Graveyard of the Darkbeast
The Nightmares of Yharnam
The Lecture Hall
The Nightmare Frontier
The Nightmare of Mensis / Mergo’s Loft
Central Pthumeru
Lower Pthumeru
Cursed and Defiled
Great Pthumeru Ihyll
Lower Hintertomb
Ailing Loran
Lower Loran
Great Isz
Cut Chalices
Great One Beast
Alternate Moon Presence
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beesmygod · 11 months
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intended for:
the casual player
the bloodborne lore fanatic
people who can't play bloodborne but desperately want to understand it
people who want to see what mental illness REALLY looks like
and hopefully its FUNNY!!!
foreword: explaining the fromsoft game design ethos and the perils of taking shit too seriously
common misconceptions
history of yharnam:
history of yharnam part 1: the founding of pthumeru, cainhurst and the labyrinth, the discovery by byrgenwerth
history of yharnam part 2: fishing hamlet, caryll and the runes, leaving byrgenwerth
history of yharnam part 3: research hall, maria, and gehrman
history of yharnam part 4: the raid on castle cainhurst, logarius, and ludwig
history of yharnam part 5: lower pthumeru, rom, and the bloodletting beast
history of yharnam part 6: the choir, kin, and ebrietas
history of yharnam part 7: the school of mensis, ailing loran, and yahar’gul
INTERMISSION: is ebrietas the source of the healing church blood?
history of yharnam part 8: silver, black, and white
history of yharnam part 9: laurence, djura, and brador
history of yharnam part 10: the night unfurls
contemporary yharnam history (wip, each section is named after the soundtrack associated with it):
the hunter’s dream
cleric beast (NEW!)
the hunter (NEW!)
significant colors in bloodborne
iceberg posts:
justifying my bloodborne iceberg part 1
justifying my bloodborne iceberg part 2
justifying my bloodborne iceberg part 3
the current word count is ‭29,833‬. we have just defeated gascoigne. this might take a while. please feel free to link to various places and people
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emberizidaemelo · 7 months
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I’ve got the chance to make fanart for my concept art class assignment so…here’s some rough concept for a (maybe) Micolash centered level. It’s supposed to be a nightmare about Yahar’gul but many years ago (?
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pyro-madder · 22 days
micorom headcanons post because i heard interest :}
be warned : it starts off silly then gets sad real fast
* Being the same age, they enroll the same year in Byrgenwerth and – alongside Caryll – become fast friends. It will be soon impossible to call them fully innocent due to being part of Byrgenwerth and its dubious study methods of Pthumerian and the Great Ones, but Micolash especially was far tamer than he is now, just… cryptic, and generally a freak /affectionate
Rom, though known for her cheerful temper, was also frequently described as being on her own plane of existence, and so… they hit it off pretty well, pretty quickly. It was frequent for anyone in Byrgenwerth to catch them in the middle of a conversation and immediately go --
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They go 3 years, all the way to their Bachelor’s degree (or at least Micolash’s – I may give Rom a slower graduating, alleged intellectual shortcomings and all), and only start dating the following year or the one after that, after Laurence and Maria’s enrollments (with one or both, as respective dormmates to Mico and Rom, possibly giving them a small push). And they’re genuinely one of the most stable relationships in my narrative. weirdo4weirdo.
* I haven’t determined what drives them to follow Laurence – or more accurately, to distance themselves from Willem’s teachings – but they do. First together in the Research Hall, then splitting in complementary work as the respective heads of the Choir and the School of Mensis, stepping up in their research and experiments.
During this era, Rom falls pregnant.
Now this is the blurry part – how would they react to the prospect of parenthood. X) In such a busy and promising time for scientific breakthroughs, I don’t think Mico would be too happy with it… but also, it’s not like Rom fell pregnant by herself ! And one way I’d see it happen is if he was planning to involve the child in their research… on Rom’s side, it’ll depend entirely on me and the characterization I want for her. Definitely tamer than Mico but perhaps with her own Byrgenwerth streak of unethical science, ready to experiment on her own flesh (literally and/or metaphorically) ? I’ll figure it out at some point :v
* Either way, we are in Bloodborne, and Rom enters labor one-two month(s) earlier than expected, in the middle of her duties. It does not go well. After much pain and distress, her child is stillborn, and Rom herself likely only survives thanks to the fact that she was already within Church walls - ensuring fast care by many doctors and fast access to blood to sustain her body. Laurence was by her side the entire time - because it was premature, Micolash was just going about his day in Yahar’gul, and the time it takes for Laurence’s hastily scribbled letter to reach him and then make the trip up, he arrives after the storm.
Needless to say, Rom is shattered. The guilt that’s known to come with this kind of tragedy, and the trauma of forceful intervention on her body – she’s devastated, and Mico is wholly unequipped to deal with that. He also feels guilt because once again, she didn’t fall pregnant by herself. He hovers around her while she recovers but, well… they can barely look at each other. They never officialize it, hardly communicate, but it’s clear to everyone their relation died with their infant.
* And so they drown themselves in their research, and this is the start of their respective slip. Exponentially, they progress, get results, and immerse themselves more and more into their respective theories – theories that start deviating from Laurence’s (who is tearing his hair out at the loss of authority in addition to playing their divorce attorney). Micolash remains hidden away in Yahar’gul (chasing after Damian), while Rom can bear less and less being within Cathedral walls due to the memories of her miscarriage ; she shuts herself away with Ebrietas and/or returns to Byrgenwerth(? I don’t have the exact circumstances of her ascension yet). Anyway, this culminates in said ascension – again, wholly independant of Laurence’s will – soon followed by her physical death. Micolash slips further.
* Fastforward of many years to the Mensis Ritual – as the Nightmare opens and Micolash is sitting bound to his throne, skull splitting, brain frying - he gets a vision of Rom, human Rom, embracing him, bound again beyond death. Perhaps the cries of an infant, calling for a mother, beckoned her ?
And Rom’s spell hides away the Ritual, until the Hunter, assisted by Damian, releases their souls.
In the Nightmare of Mensis, a hunter brave enough may retrieve a crumpled letter tangled under layers of Apostles webs that, despite its apparent torn and burnt state, clearly projects the following words into one's mind :
Rom giving birth - UCW
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mnemesir · 1 year
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Twst x Bloodborne
A bloodborne Au containing Azul, Jade, and Floyd.
Azul is a member of the choir and a kin. The twins are hunter of Yahar’gul. And while exploring Yahar’gul the twin capture Azul, his only way out it by making a contract with the twins.
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areas-of-fromsoft · 1 year
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Now that the Dark Souls trilogy is finally out of the way, I’d like you all to get ready for the first of the single-title tournaments.
We’ve got the bracket for Round 1 ready so take a look and decide who you think should make it all the way :)
note: all Chalice Dungeons are included as one area, usual thanks to @fun-mary for the bracket/screenshots/general assistance with this entire thing
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1. Forbidden Woods vs Upper Cathedral Ward
2. Nightmare Frontier vs Byrgenwerth
3. Hunter’s Nightmare vs Hemwick Charnel Lane
4. Fishing Hamlet vs Research Hall
5. Cathedral Ward vs Old Yharnam
6. Yahar’gul, Unseen Village vs Forsaken Cainhurst Castle
7. Chalice Dungeons vs Nightmare of Mensis
8. Lecture Building vs Central Yharnam
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euphoricmigraine · 5 months
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Cathedral Ward / Yahar’gul
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fantomette22 · 1 year
Ok so funny thing happened yesterday while i played my new playthrough of Bloodborne.
Basically i went to Yahar’gul, got Adella and she went to Oedon chapel. Speak with her and all. Then i got a bug and she freaking disappeared!
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Actually she returned to Yahar’gul lmao 🤣
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Girl wtf
So yeah got an interesting bug for sure. She said she’s gonna go there (Oedon chapel, when she already was there… ) but yeah weird bug i’m not sure what happened.
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katyspersonal · 1 year
Hey I explored Yahar’gul the other day and I got reminded of smt and idk if we talk about it before.
But it’s about the kids. 
Well lil reminder for people. We know some of the corpses in the chairs of Yahar’gul and the nightmare of Mensis are too small to be foreigners. So euh why do you think they were kids around Mensis & Micolash?
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(like the kid here sorry I can't find better pic for now)
I got severals ideas. To put it simply, I wouldn’t be surprised if Mensis took under their wings the kids of Yhahar’gul or even some orphans of Yharnam (that nobody wanted or care) or more simply the children of members from Mensis and indoctrinated the poor lads into their cult as well. (Yes I can picture Mico giving math classes to little kids now, help). 
Don't you worry, /I/ have a better picture >:3
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+ The interesting detail about it is that little corpses, presumed children, do not have shackles unlike the adult ones:
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Hypogean Gaol literally means 'underground jail' and well, there are jailcells, so maybe these people were literal prisoners! Not to mention the vehicles you find deeper in Yahar'gul being for transporting prisoners!
If you remember, my theory was that Choir used children (orphaned children, specifically!) because they have had a higher chance of being heard by the Great Ones, as well as perceiving them on their own because Great Ones wanted to adopt children, unable to have their own. (According to Miyazaki himself, the general idea is that the more developed species always have less children, so maybe the most developed species could not have any at all, as immortal and perfect beings!) School of Mensis might have had the similar motivation for involving children in it - they would have had a better "connection" with Great Ones, and perhaps attract Great Ones to descend better! Maybe those Amygdalas played with them and let them ride their backs all the time xDDD Lack of shackles on the children does make me think that they were willing, whether it is because Micolash can talk to children (whereas adults will recognize his "bad vibes" fsdhfsd), because they were roped from such a young age they don't know any better or both. Maybe he promised them all a new mom.
Micolash does have shackles himself, though, which is extra interesting because like,... did he need them? My only guess was that he had to restrict himself, expecting pain or instinctive urge to run away. Maybe he was much more scared than we think, which I doubt because the cage is suppressing such urges, so I bet on expected torment. So, again, likely that children had it easier as Great Ones favour them!
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^^^ But also, not all children were involved, apparently? The crowds of petrified people in Yahar'gul do have some little boys! I have roughly three ideas:
1) These children were of other kidnapped people, so, not orphaned! Thus, not really fitting the right emotion of loneliness and yearning for a parent that resonates with the Great Ones.
2) It is possible that School of Mensis separated from the Choir, since Damian and Micolash are using Choir tools. They might have also taken many orphans from their Orphanage with them, so they were already subjected to be the "secret thinkers"! (Also imagine every other time some kid gets orphaned, Choir and Mensis having a goddamn competition to snatch them xD)
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3) Micolash only really picked children that have shown the "potential". Not everyone will be perceptive of 'smart' ideas about higher plane, ascension etc; even among children some people just do not trust such things or not understand them!
Maybe it is a combination of all three, but I am leaning towards number 1! I do think that the factor of despair was important for people that School of Mensis used. So, prisoners already had their willpower broken, and orphaned children were desperate and lonely. Again - Yahar'gul definitely had a little too many people kidnapped, many are just stuck there petrified without being used in a ritual or having cages. Perhaps Yahar'gul's kidnapped basically everyone, and then Micolash was picking out those he seemed fit for "further use", or "worthy of ascension" rather than leaving them be just a cattle. But of course the other kidnapped people could not just go home, since they've seen too much now.
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Not gonna lie, I feel a pit in my stomach after writing this one for some reason. Yeah, my conclusion is a combination of children (especially orphaned) having the best connection with the Great Ones and Micolash cherry-picking the 'intelligent', 'worthy' people. I suspect that not all prisoners were picked, either. I also headcanon Gehrman and Rom as having been orphans, so when it is not one thing (age) it is the other (deeply rooted loneliness since childhood). I just.. well, it is kinda disturbing, isn't it
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synthwayve · 9 months
Hi have this absolute crackpot of an AU my delirious 4:00 AM brain came up with where Micolash fulfills the role of the Plain Doll. Doodles+rambling below the cut \o/
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Imagining him saying “Ah, good hunter” has been killing me for the past 30 minutes
In all honesty I have no idea where any of this came from, I think I just wondered what it would’ve been like if Insight was the loose stat that does not progress the story, and Beasthood/Blood became the story-dependent stat. That brought up the possibility of Laurence and Gehrman communicating with Kos rather than MP, and THAT made me think “what if Laurence got whisked away like he was supposed to, instead of Gehrman taking the fall for him?”
Since the doll looks like Maria and not Laurence, I figured if Laurence were in Gehrman’s place, his doll wouldn’t resemble Gehrman. So I started wondering who else would fit the role AND. YEAH. Then I just went insane from there. In this AU, moon presence would be dead(maybe “washed up” in the field of asphodels rather than the beach?) and Yahar’gul would fulfill Yharnam’s role (since it’s the more insight-heavy area, so there’s be Old Yahar’gul and New Yahar’gul lmao). I think Kos would take an arm rather than a leg thanks to the placement of the Kos Parasite, but I still drew Laurence in a wheelchair because I imagine after a certain point he’d lose the energy/mobility to walk due to an unclean cut and eldritch shenanigans.
I like to think that while Gehrman has the know-how to create the doll and MP gave it life pygmalion style, if Laurence were in his position, he would 1. Not know how to do that and 2. Not create Micolash anyway. So I thought it’d be funny if Kos just dumps him in the dream like “hey I heard you were upset, here’s something that’ll make you more upset” because Great Ones don’t understand human feelings. Kos thinks having a curious doll that can’t be killed is a gift, but obviously Laurence would Have Issues with seeing his old academic rival who died horribly just be “Brought Back But Wrong” like that. Perhaps Lady Maria and her research patients would be a really big deal and Micolash+The School of Mensis would have been the first “faction” to die in this AU. I haven’t exactly marked out who “”swaps”” with who since there are quite a few characters who dabble in both Blood AND Insight, so their biases are hard to figure out(maybe Rom would fulfill Carylls role and you’d get to fight an ascended/beastified Caryll, The Byrgenwerth Runesmith?) idk!
This is all just silly half-asleep “hey what if”s and “oh this would be goofy to draw”s so obviously I’m just tossing ideas around. And doodles! I’m tossing doodles around too :,) okay goodnight
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bornetoblood · 1 year
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More Bloodborne Billy. I think we’d meet him in like Yahar’gul or something and he’d yell about the glory of the machine until you kill him.
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beesmygod · 1 year
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foreword: explaining the fromsoft game design ethos and the perils of taking shit too seriously
common misconceptions
history of yharnam:
history of yharnam part 1: the founding of pthumeru, cainhurst and the labyrinth, the discovery by byrgenwerth
history of yharnam part 2: fishing hamlet, caryll and the runes, leaving byrgenwerth
history of yharnam part 3: research hall, maria, and gehrman
history of yharnam part 4: the raid on castle cainhurst, logarius, and ludwig
history of yharnam part 5: lower pthumeru, rom, and the bloodletting beast
history of yharnam part 6: the choir, kin, and ebrietas
history of yharnam part 7: the school of mensis, ailing loran, and yahar’gul
INTERMISSION: is ebrietas the source of the healing church blood?
history of yharnam part 8: (coming next) shits on fire yo
assorted other bloodborne posting:
justifying my bloodborne iceberg part 1
justifying my bloodborne iceberg part 2
justifying my bloodborne iceberg part 3
if you enjoyed this, consider dropping a few bucks my way for my trouble. this is turning out to be an enormous effort. it's over 10k words and uhh...counting.
YES! i enjoyed this and would like to send you a little money
NO! i hated this and i want to send you diseases
please consider reblogging this for the bloodborne sickos out there. we crave this stuff. i think. i hope.
thank you. for supporting my sickness. let me know what's confusing but keep in mind more is coming that will either explain things or make everything way worse.
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katyahina · 2 years
A compillation of Bloodborne characters data and model bits
I just decided to put as many bits about Bloodborne chaarcters as possible in one post, so to not have to check multiple folders every time I want to draw a character, but I thought it could be handy for other artists/writers! The following references feature the data mostly gathered by awesome Zullie the Witch but maybe also some others. I use the NPC data for the characters but also some model references, all put in one post.
1) Here are all the exact colors from NPC data gathered on one image.
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They are gathered from this ( x ) sliders page, all in one image for the convenience. The white hovering effect over eyes color means ‘clouded’ eyes effect that the player cannot access in normal character creation, and the X mean that hair is missing (I did not count ‘bald’ eyelashes variant as one though).
1.1)  Almost all characters with brown skin have strange ‘reddish grey’ eye colors. Such characters are Henryk, Djura’s Ally, Yahar’gul hunter with Cannon and Ludwig’s Riffle, Yahar’gul character with Threaded Cane that uses Tiny Tonitrus (and ambushes you from the corner like a rat lol), Olek, Simon, Djura’s Apprentice and Yahar’gul hunter that’s trapped in Church’s chambers.
Exceptions are Afflicted Beggar who instead has hazel eyes and Yahar’gul Hunters that use Tonitrus (in Cathedral Ward) and one that uses Beast’s Claw, who instead have simply grey eyes (and share face data).  Interestingly, this red-grey color appears to be exclusive for characters with brown skin.
1.2) Adella’s hair is dark brown, not black. It is hard to see even on this image.
1.3) Tomb Prospectors have strange skin tones. Josef and Forgotten Madman have more purpl-ish skin tone, with his escord having it too but closer to blue on the color spectrum, Vitus and Queen Killer have greenish skin, Wallar has bluish skin. Olek seems to be the only one with realistic skin tone, it is simply dark olive / brown.
1.4) Plenty of characters have no eyebrows. So yeah, this might disqualify some of the above. These characters are: Djura, Djura’s Ally, Yahar’gul Hunters that use Claw and Tonitrus (idential), Micolash, Hunter of Despair (Black Church one), Edgar, Olek, Josef, Queen Killer, Afflicted Beggar, Unused Vileblood, Valtr, Brador, Damian, Yahar’gul hunter in Nightmare, Doctor in Research Hall, Antal, Vitus and Wallar. I have no idea what they all had to smoke to get their eyebrows fall out, lmao
2) Arianna’s hair lose color after she births a child, and her eyes are dark pink. Arianna has three face data - normal, after Bloodmoon, and after birth. In the Bloodmoon she just gets slightly paler, more sickly colored skin and lips and loses her blush, but after birth her skin gets MUCH paler, hair loses color and eyes get ‘clouded’ effect.
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This eye color is not the same as reddish grey one from previous example, it is more saturated.
3) The most buff character is a Yahar’gul hunter with Cannon+Rifle. He is the only NPC of all who has all body scale stats (except for ‘head’) set to maximum 255. Queen Killer has only ‘chest’ and ‘abdomen’ set to 255, and Alfred has ‘abdomen’ on 255 but ‘chest’ only on 212. Yes, random hunters have way more of a male tiddy than Alfred.
4) Arianna is more flat than Adella. Yeah, it is a bit goofy remark, since ‘chest’ slider for Bloodborne NPCs is just chest width and not breasts size, but it could be interpreted as such. There are generally two types of ‘chest’ slider for female characters: the smallest 0 (Iosefka+Imposter, Arianna, Yurie) and the middle meaning 128 (Adella, Black Church Hunter, White Church Hunter, Henriett). Lonely Old Dear is a special case and has slider set to 192 (the largest).
5) Simon might actually lack eyes. MIGHT. Simon’s face data has two vertical stripes both going through where his eyes are. Djura is strongly implied to miss an eye where his face data has a scar going through where his eye is covered with bandages. It seems like developers can distort characters’ faces but not remove eyes, as you can see that despite implications, Djura’s data has both eyes. In either case, Simon has those strange scars for some reason.
6) Henryk and Afflicted Beggar share absolutely identical mole on the right side of their nose.
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7) Edgar’s glasses are supposed to be round. But because his forehead/brows lean so strongly down, it causes glasses model to bend to avoid clipping, so it is a bit flattened at the top. Sure, it provides for a more unique glasses shapes, but... from technical standpoint bro frowned SO hard that his glasses frown too. xD
8) The ridge of Yamamura’s glasses is dark red.
9) Besides the eye colors shown in NPC data, there is some more. Willem’s eyes are grey, Maria’s eyes are greyish green and very pale, Gehrman has emerald eyes, and older daughter of Gascoigne and Viola seems to have greyish green eyes too. Ludwig appears to have his right eye blind and his left eye having its pupil so enlarged that it obscures the iris.
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(Sources for models are Sinclair vid ( x ) and datamined corpses page ( x ))
9.1) Micolash has brown eyes in NPC data, but blue in cutscene model.
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10) Some characters have interesting unused items equipped. Simon has Fist of Gratia and throwing knives equipped both of which he never uses, Yamamura has throwing knives that he never uses, Crow of Cainhurst has Hunter’s Bone (heavily implied to be Maria’s) and Executioner’s Glove that he never uses.
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10.1) Simon only has throwing knives in Fishing Hamlet. Within lore, they are associated with Henryk. I personally do not see any other reasons for the developers to add them in this specific condition to the character that won’t even fight you, besides for the dataminers to conclude Henryk was likely participating in Fishing Hamlet massacre too. But heeey it is just a the-
11) Some interesting stats as NPCs. I am going to list every stat from the highest to lowest in order. Some characters have different stats depending on their questline and/or summoning location though; for such cases I only used the highest stat possible.
Blood Level (murder level??):  #1: Bestial hunter (234) #2: Olek (176) #3: Queen Killer (174) #4: Wallar (170) #5: Yamamura + Brador (162) #6: Yahar’gul hunter in Nightmare (157) #7: Gremia, Damian and Vitus (150) #8: Josef (146) #9 Djura’s apprentice and White Church doctor lady (145) #10: Black Church female hunter (143) #11: Black church doctor (121) #12 Simon (116) #13: Valtr (90) #14: Crow (88) #15: Henryk (81) #16: Madaras Twin (80) #17: Henriett (75) #18: Antal (72) #19: Edgar (68) #20: Alfred and Eileen (65) #21: Yahar’gul trio that ambushes you (60) #22: Micolash and Yurie (50) #23: two Hunters of Despair and Imposter Iosefka (46) #24: Suspicious Beggar (42) #25: Yahar’gul hunters that guard the entrance to Yahar’gul chapel (40) #26: Djura (30) #27: Djura’s ally (18) #28: Hostile Tomb Prospectors, Izzy’s Admirer, Forgotten Madman, Madman’s Escort, Bone Ash Hunter, Hostile Executioner, Unused Vileblood (10) #29: Annalise, Iosefka, Skeptical Man, Lonely Old Dear, Arianna, Adella (1)
Vitality: #1: Olek (65) #2: Wallar (63) #3: Queen Killer (55) #4: Vitus (53) #5: Damian, Simon, Crow and Micolash (50) #5: Gremia and Brador (49) #6: Valtr (48) #7: Josef (47) #8: Black Church female hunter (45) #9: Yamamura and Yahar’gul hunter in the Nightmare (44) #10: Djura’s apprentice and Antal (42) #Edgar (41) #12: Henriett, Alfred, Eileen and Bestial Hunter (40) #13: Yahar’gul trio that ambushes you (37) #14 Black Church doctor lady (36) #15: Yurie (33) #16: Imposter Iosefka (32) #17: Suspicious Beggar (31) #18: Henryk and Madaras Twin (30) #19: Djura (26) #20: White Church Doctor lady 25) #21 Unused Vileblood and Yahar’gul hunter in Cathedral Ward that uses Tonitrus (20) #22: Djura’s ally (19) #23: Yahar’gul hunter with the Rifle (15) #24: Two hunters of Despair (13) #25: Annalise, Iosefka, Skeptical man, Lonely old dear, Arianna, Adella, Hostile tomb prospectors, Izzy’s Admirer, Forgotten Madman, Madman’s Escort, Bone Ash hunter, Hostile Executioner (10)
Stamina: #1: Bestial hunter (80) #2: White Church Doctor lady (50) #3: Wallar and Brador (45) #4: Queen Killer and Josef (43) #5: Olek (41) #6: Damian (38) #7: Gremia (35) #8: Djura’s Apprentice (34) #9: Vitus (33) #10: Black Church doctior (30) #11: Yahar’gul hunter in the Nightmare (29) #12: Valtr (24) #13: Simon and Crow (21) #14: Henriett (20) #15: Black church hunter lady, Yamamura, Yahar’gul trio that ambushes you, Micolash, Edgar, Yurie, Eileen and Alfred (19) #16: Imposter Iosefka, Henryk, Two hunters of despair, Madaras Twin and Antal (18) #17: Suspicious beggar, Djura and two Yahar’gul hunters at the Cathedral ward (17) #18: Djura’s ally (16) #19: Hostile Tomb Prospectors, Izzy’s Admirer, Forgotten Madman, Madman’s Escort, Bone Ash hunter, Unused vileblood and Hostile executioner (15) #20: Annalise, Iosefka, Skeptical man, Lonely old dear, Arianna and Adella (12)
Strengtht:  #1: Bestial Hunter (60), #2: Micolash and Crow (50), #3: Yahar’gul hunter in the Nightmare, Brador and Yamamura (45), #4: Edgar (42) #5: Alfred (40) #6: Yahar’gul hunter withe the claw (38) #7: Valtr (36), #8: Djura’s apprentice, Queen Killer, Madaras Twin and Black Church female hunter (35) #9: Henryk, Olek, Josef and Yharnam Hunter of despair (31) #10: Black Church Doctor (30) #11: Suspicious Beggar (29) #12: Henriett and Yahar’gul hunter in CW with Tonitrus (28), #13: Gremia (27) #14: Djura (24) #15: Hostile executioner, Vitus and Wallar (25) #16: Damian (21) #17: Hostile Tomb Prospectors, Izzy’s Admirer, Forgotten Madman, Madman’s escort, Bone Ash hunter and nameless vileblood (20), #18: White Church doctor lady (15), #19: Eileen and Yahar’gul hunter with the cane and tiny Tonitrus (the rat behind the wall one) (14), #20: Imposter Iosefka,Yurie and Hunter of Despair from Black Church (13) #21: Annalise, Iosefka, Skeptical man, Lonely old dear, Arianna, Adella, Antal and Yahar’gul hunter with the Rifle (12) #22: Djura’s ally #23: Simon
Skill:  #1: Micolash (50), #2: Bestial Hunter, Yamamura and Yahar’gul hunter in the Nightmare (45), #3: Eileen and Black Church female hunter (40), #4: Yahar’gul Hunter with the cannon and Yahar’gul hunter with the cane (the FUCKIN rat one!) (38) #5: Simon (35), #6: Yurie and Vitus (33), #7: Imposter Iosefka, Black Church hunter of despair and Gremia (31), #8: Brador, White Church doctor lady, Black Church doctor and Djura’s disciple (30),#9: Josef and Olek (29), #10: Yahar’gul hunter with the Rifle (28), #11: Madaras twin and Wallar (27), #12: Antal (26), #13: Queen Killer (25), #14: Djura’s ally, Damian, Hostile tomb prospectors, Izzy’s Admirer, Forgotten Madman, Madman’s escort, Bone Ash hunter, Unused Vileblood and hostile executioner (20), #15: Crow (15), #16: Alfred, Edgar and Yahar’gul hunter with the claw (14), #17: Suspicious beggar, Henryk, Yharnam Hunter of despair and Valtr (13), #18: Yahar’gul hunter with Tonitrus (12), #19: Djura (11), #20: Annalise, Iosefka, Skeptical Man, Lonely old dear, Arianna, Adella and Henriett (10)
Bloodtinge:  #1: Micolash and Crow (50), #2: Yamamura and Bestial Hunter (45), #3: Edgar (42), #4: Eileen, Black Church female hunter and Djura’s Apprentice (40), #5: The trio that ambushes you in Yahar’gul (38), #6: Brador, Simon and Yahar’gul hunter with the Rifle (35), #7: Yurie (33), #8: Imposter Iosefka, Henryk, Two hunters of despair, Olek, Queen Killer and Vitus (31), #9: White church doctor lady, Yahar’gul hunter in the Nightmare, Black Church doctor and unused vileblood (30), #10: Wallar (29), #11: Gremia (25), #12: Djura (24), #13: Josef (23), #14: Damian (21), #15: Djura’s Ally, Hostile tomb prospectors, Izzy’s Admirer, Forgotten Madman, Madman’s Escort, Bone Ash hunter, Hostile Executioner (20), #15: Henriett (14), #16: Madaras Twin (12), #17: Antal (10), #18: Alfred and Yahar’gul hunter with Tonitrus (9), #19: Annalise, Iosefka, Skeptical man, Lonely old dear, Suspicious beggar, Arianna and Adella (6), #20: Valtr (5)
Arcane:  #1: Micolash and Damian (50), #2: White Church Doctor lady (45), #3: Edgar (42), #4: Imposter Iosefka and Alfred (40), #5: Yahar’gul hunter with the cane (he IS a rat tho) (38), #6: Queen Killer (35), #7: Yurie and Wallar (33), Gremia and Both Hunters of despair (31), #8: Olek (29), #9: Vitus (25), #10: Josef (23), #11: Hostile Tomb prospectors, Izzy’s admirer, Forgotten Madman, Madman’s escort, Bone Ash hunter, Unused vileblood and hostile executioner (20) #12: Simon and Black Church doctor (15), #13: Yahar’gul hunter with the claw, Valtr, Beastial Hunter, Black Church female hunter, Yamamura, Yahar’gul hunter in the Nightmare, Antal and Djura’s apprentice (14); #14: Henriett (13), #15: Annalise, Iosefka, Skeptical man, Lonely old dear, Suspicious beggar, Arianna, Adella, Eileen, Djura, Djura’s ally, Yahar’gul hunter with the cannon, Henryk, Crow, the two Yahar’ful hunters in CW, Brador and Madaras Twin (8)
(All stats are from this ( x ) page)
11.1) Micolash has all stats at the decent 50, except for the stamina that he only has at 19. Ironic for someone whose entire battle is running...
11.2) Bestial hunter ABSOLUTELY kicks ass as you can tell.
12) Some summons were canned. Such as: Djura (unknown boss), Yamamura (against Ludwig), Antal (unknown) and Bone Ash Hunter Carla (unknown).
11.3) You were supposed to find Henriett dead. Guess that was a way to explain her appearing in the Nightmare. Also, there is a secret catherdal ward NPC that you were supposed to find dying.
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12) Some characters drastically change stats when you don’t see them. Such characters are: Alfred (from 33 to 65 blood level), Eileen (30 to 65) and Simon (97 to 116). Basically they were killing while being left to do their own ways, I just step in here to appreciate the attention to the details.
That’s all yet, I think! I might have made some mistakes (especially at the point 11) so if you spot any you guys tell me! But uhhh I think I actually gave my strongest attention span to all these numbers, so it must work :pensive:
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