#yamato one piece x you
at1nys-blog · 1 year
Worst timing
Pairing: Yamato x Mugiwara!reader
Summary: You are known to have the worst timing in your crew, you just don't know when is the right time is and on Onisganshima nothing is different.
A/N: light early Oniganishima spoilers; mention of reader being moody as Ulti
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You loved chaos, creating havoc was something you were good at, but being with a captain such as yours it was an easy task actually. Part of the crew, read Nami and Usopp, really hated this nature of yours: always chasing danger; the others didn't care too much.
Seeing Kidd and his crew entering the Live Floor got your blood boiling, you decided to follow behind him, maybe trying to get in first.
"YN STOP HIM" your captain screamed from behind you which made Zoro scream at the two of you to stop being so reckless and reminded that you had a plan to follow. Whatever the swordman said next, didn't got processed by your ears, let alone your brain.
The inside of the Live Floor was filled with drunken warriors that sometimes will stop you for a drink or a flirt, you excused yourself saying you had to search for your party.
"Come on let's have some fun" a drunk man said, hanging his arm on your shoulders "you can find your friends later" you gave the man a creepy smile and then a sloppy punch, making him fall on the ground. You laughed maniacally jumping some steps behind. The man stood up confused and was about to ask the reason behind the punch.
"Oh I am terribly sorry, I thought you were one of those idiotic samurais" you laughed and the rest of the warriors followed you in a fist of laughter. "Please forgive me, now I really have to go" and with that you left the group and run to find your captain.
It didn't took long to do so, you just had to follow the chaos he was creating himself. It made you giggled. Seeing Luffy loosing his temper was such a blessing for your eyes, it was such an amazing moment to witness. Zoro was on your side some moments after, scrolling his head for the stupidity of his captain.
"They were throwing the soup at each other for fun" he said, voice so deep it made you shiver head to toes. Uh uh you thought, remembering your meeting with O-Toma and how happy she was to eat a simple, yet delicious, red been soup with rice.
At what the captain said Zoro too started to loose his temper, how could they do such a thing was behind reason for the three of you. The swordman smirked, this meant you were going to beat up some guys that came your ways and this was the best part of the day.
After a pair of punches and kicks threw here and there you decided it was time to leave and head for your target, it was no use to waste your energies and time for some small fishes like them.
"Where to captain?" you asked following Luffy just a little behind him, he knew where to go better than you or Zoro. The teen pirate just pointed somewhere above your heads, but of course the enemies knew better than stopping you.
While on your way, the trip got cut due to a pair or people falling from the floor above, both of them had a mask covering half their faces. Luffy being Luffy somehow managed to infuriate the girl which decided to give start to a battle between her and your captain; you on the other hand just laughed at the girl.
"You really thing you can handle him?" you said in between laughs, this behaviour of yours got under the boy's skin, he trasnformed himself into a weird looking animal, a dinosaur. You recall having saw some on Robin's history books.
Another useless fight started between the four of you: Luffy against the girl and you against Pa-tan?
"You surely have a weird name, dinosaur." you said, vortcing around his body. The animal-boy got even more angry. I stroke a nerve, you told yourself, so you kept on annoying him about his appareance and weird name.
It all happened in a second. You heard the girl screaming and your opponent's attention was on her in an instant and so yours. You looked around trying to find Luffy but he was nowhere to be found. When you saw the whole on the ground you suspected he was there and he was.
He emerged some minutes later, reading to pick the fight from where he left it but his opponent was going to give him a harsh attack if it wasn't for a new presence in the room, that saved your captain from a painful collide of heads.
"PA-TAN" cried the girl, the boy on her side in a second leaving you surprised and sad about not having anyone to beat up. "YAMATO YOU ARE DEAD" she said punching Pa-Tan stomach, you laughed. You surely were bipolar but she was worst than you.
The new presence put both of your enemies down with such ease you wondered who they were but you couldn't ask anything since they were trying to have a conversation with Luffy.
Not wanting to get killed by the dinousar siblings, you decided to call them that, you were following Yamato, that was the name he introduced himself to Luffy, and your captain away from your enemies.
"AND WHY ARE YOU FOLLOWING US?" he asked looking behind at you
"Becuase I am with him" you said pointing at Luffy
"You could have saved me, Yamao LET ME GO I HAVE TO BE SOMEWHERE"
You wanted to scream at them to stop yelling at each other but everytime you tried they started bickering until Luffy finally gave in.
"great, but not here. People can hear us" and this is how you ended up on the attic of the castle.
Yamato presneted himself once again, esording with the fact that Kaido is his father; Luffy wanted to leave already, then he mentioned Ace and how he wished so much to go out at sea with him but couldn't not when his father imprisoned him on Wano installing him the fear that he would have died if he left the cuntry; then at the end he showed himself. Taking off the mask and the sleeves of his shirt you were meet with... A woman?
"You said you were Kaido's son?!" Luffy was confused. Did he heard wrong? "You are not a man"
You were astonished, in a good way that is. You never saw such beauty before.
"Oh my god you are soooooo handsome. Are you single?"
"Y/N this is not the time" said Luffy desparate about your attitude. "we have to kill Kaido" he remembered you.
"And let me out of those" Yamato said.
"I know, I know. So, are you single or not?" He didn't answer you, instead asked Luffy if he was able to let him free. The pirate nodded. "I guess I have to wait. Well, one more reason to not die in this battle then."
And with that Luffy freeded(?) Yamto from his cuffss they exploded sending the three of you flying back on the Live Floor.
"Not a good start to my promise." you rolled your eyes.
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bennysblabbering · 11 days
Telling OP characters that your tummy hurts (and you want cuddles)
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ft. Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, Robin, Nami, Law, Ace, Yamato
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inafallsaway · 6 months
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I think they’d be funnn hehehe
everyone see my vision right now I demand it
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lale-txt · 2 years
🌙 waking up at night without you by their side ↳ w/ Kid, Rayleigh, Denjiro & Yamato
a/n: another draft that's been sitting here since forever. in the light you go!! love me some lighthearted fluff. slightly suggestive + poly mention for Rayleigh (i feel like i'm putting this ALWAYS when writing Rayleigh omg) also sending kisses to all my anons swooning over Yamato. i know i don't write him that much but wanted to include him here for you ♡ i always love reading about your undying love for him, it's the purest thing.
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how dare you leave his side while he’s sleeping
don’t you know about your big spoon duties which involve holding him tenderly from behind, rubbing his back and making sure your arms are constantly wrapped around him all the time? 
Kid huffs when he wakes up with his back cold and your side of the bed empty
were you going for a midnight snack without him? didn’t you know that he was also craving shredded cheese at 3am? was your relationship a lie the whole time? 
no he’s not being dramatic why do you ask
or did you miss a step of your skin care routine and went back to the bathroom to do it again? he told you countless times that it didn’t work that way…
he throws back the covers and gets up, his red hair a mess and barely held together by the cat ear hairband you once gifted him 
Kid’s first instinct when he’s in trouble is to consult Killer so they can be in trouble together, so naturally he stomps down the hall to Killer’s cabin and doesn’t bother knocking, just bursts in like the Kool Aid man 
he lets out a surprised gasp when Killer isn’t sleeping peacefully in his bed but playing cards with you, Heat and Wire – very wide awake 
before Kid’s face can turn the color of his hair, you already kick out a chair for the tulip and gesture him to sit his ass down so you can explain
“see… on the last island when we stocked up on supplies Killer didn’t buy decaf coffee like ne normally does but regular… and since everyone but you drinks coffee–” “because it’s BAD for your skin, but no one ever listens to me” “–all of us have just been unable to fall asleep.”
Kid rolls his eyes and continues huffing, but also pulls you in his lap and wrap his arm around you, falling asleep with his head resting against yours as you continue your game
but no more coffee for you after 2pm, decaf or not. the big spoon rule book got updated, you gotta keep up duh
even in his sleep Rayleigh reaches for you, wanting to hug you close to him, only content when he can nuzzle his face in the back of your neck
so when his hand pats into empty space, he’s suddenly awake, mumbling out your name into the dark 
first thing he does is turn on the light on the nightstand and reach for his glasses because he can’t see shit without them
still fighting off sleep, he takes a moment to reconstruct last night, smiling over it. no, you definitely fell asleep in his arms after you both finished… several times
actually he could go another round now that he was awake, but someone was missing…
it’s when he hears muffled voices coming from downstairs that he calls out your name again, louder this time
“we’re in the kitchen!”
we? … oh
with his observation haki never failing him, Rayleigh realizes within a heartbeat now what is going on
following your laughter he finds you in the kitchen… accompanied by a very familiar face
“Ray, I must say your taste is exquisite as always…”
Shakky cups your face, a cigarette dangling from her lips, as she beams at her husband leaning in the doorframe
“i think I’m in love with your wife”, you sigh dreamily, melting under her touch and gazing up to her with puppy eyes, completely encharmed by her 
Rayleigh ruffles his white hair and just smirks. he was about to introduce you anyway, so this makes things much easier now
he comes closer and places kisses on both of your cheeks. this night just got so much more interesting… 
Denjiro is always a little sleepy and would pass out within a heartbeat wherever and whenever, but preferably with you by his side, pulling you close even in his sleep
so why were his arms empty right now?
long blue hair is spilled all over the futons and usually by now you would complain because you’re getting tangled up in it 
rubbing his eyes he sits up, he murmurs out your name into the dim light of your shared room 
Denjiro isn’t too worried, he knows what you’re capable off, otherwise the yakuza boss wouldn’t have married you. he twists the golden band on his ring finger absentmindedly as he’s slowly forcing himself to wake up properly
it’s when he notices the gentle breeze coming through the open sliding door leading to the veranda and he immediately knows where to look for you
throwing the blanket over his shoulders he gets up, already making out your silhouette in the milky moonlight as you sit there huddled up, looking over your shoulder when you hear his footsteps approaching
“Den… you gotta see this…” 
your excited whisper and gestures to keep quiet had him curious, but more than that he was just happy to see you smiling
Denjiro sits down behind you and pulls you in his lap, wrapping his big arms and the blanket around you and kissing the side of your neck. you’re cold but feel warmth tingling in your limbs immediately under his touch
“what is it, little moonshine?”, he whispers and rests his chin on top of your head. you almost disappear in his embrace due the size difference and wiggle yourself in a comfortable position, the tip of your nose and your curious eyes peeking out from the blanket 
“snow bunnies”, you say softly and point to the garden where a pair of white bunnies frolic around in the falling snow, almost invisible for the eyes
Denjiro smiles and leans down to kiss you again. love is stored in the little things, you taught him that. and soon he falls asleep again, holding you tightly as he drifts into dreams of you, but none sweeter than the reality he gets to live with you
personal space? not in this house 
Yamato usually sleeps sprawled out like a starfish and rotates in his sleep like a beyblade
but it’s fine because you adjusted to that! nothing can stop you from cuddling your big golden retriever boyfriend in his sleep
so when he wakes up at night and doesn’t feel your familiar weight on top of him it just sends him into straight up panic
in an attempt to turn the lights on he gets tangled up in the sheets and stumbles, taking down the lamp and everything else on the nightstand with him 
he’s calling out your name and trying not to cry on the spot
did you have a bad dream and he didn’t notice? were you somewhere crying on your own? his heart couldn’t take the thought of it. 
this was even worse than the one time he lost you at the supermarket in the candy aisle and he had to make an announcement over speaker which was mostly him sobbing into the microphone
his brain still lagging from the sleepiness and shock, Yamato doesn’t notice how you squat down next to him, picking off various nightstand items (tissues, crystals, harness…) off him 
“Yams, just what are you doing down there? were you sleepwalking? i knew this would become an issue one day…”
cut to Yamato sobbing in your arms because for three hot minutes he thought he had lost you forever 
which is when you kindly explain him that nature called and you only went to the bathroom but would have returned into his arms straight away
however you can never hold back tears as well when you see Yamato crying and now you’re both on the floor sobbing as you hold each other tenderly 
only when he kisses away the salty streaks you both calm down a little and can laugh about the situation
ever since you leave a little note out when you have to use the bathroom in the middle of the night and make sure to snuggle extra close to him once you return, making Yamato smile even in his sleep
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thevirtualvalentine · 9 months
Starring… YAMATO 📸
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“Helloooooooooooooo! So im thinking voyeur yamato corrupting an afab reader would go really hard.”
MATURE WARNING(S) : fingering, roommates to more, afab!reader, modern au, corruption kink, dom!yama, cunnilings (he eats you clean 🐱), voyeurism, underwear stealing, slight size kink, praise (he’s obsessed w you), overly wordy author.
DIRECTORS CUT : for my favorite writing cohort @gingersp1ce547 <3 I hope it was worth the wait.
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Trying to find a place to live these past few weeks was stressing you out to no end. Every place you visited had some sort of mold infestation or made you pay insane utility fees that you know you couldn’t keep up with. That is, unless you wanted three jobs. That’s when you met him, Yamato. Supposedly he’s some rich nepo baby who split the rent at a price with you that was perfect.
You couldn’t understand why people wouldn’t wanna take the deal until he explained not everyone’s comfortable living with a man or understanding his gender identity. Fine, so be it, you both would make great roommates. That’s what you told yourself.
The two bedroom modest apartment stationed your rooms right next to each other with a living room and kitchen down the hall. Regular apartment things like a leaky tub, paper thin walls, and a light that never seems to stop flickering in and out were staples of your new cozy home.
Then there was him, a giant and boisterous guy who filled your dingy shared space with laughter and high energy. It was common to find him dancing around or working out if he wasn’t busy. You couldn’t deny there was a level of boyish charm to him that you found endearing. He made you feel safe, something about his larger than life presence caused you to feel at home with him. Almost needed. A mutual bond and understanding between you both as time went on.
You could trust him, Yamato always asked before entering your space or borrowing your belongings. He liked that you relinquished so much of yourself to him. His adorable little roommate that struts around the apartment always in a hurry to do something.
You were too tense, at least that’s what he thinks. He’s always wanted to find some way to relax you, pulling you into his hold while you both practice yoga in the living room. “You’re pretty good at this y/n, ya sure you haven’t done this before?”
He gets up to help ease your hamstring, he’s so much bigger than you are. Not that you’re paying attention though, lost in the bliss of easing that aching pain you’ve had all week.
Yamatos mind can’t stop wandering to indecent places when he sees that his entire hand almost covers the length of your torso. The contortions of your face as your muscles begin to relax. Fuck, he wants to feel you throb and whine like that on his thick fing—
“Why are you staring at me like that?” Just as quickly as his eyes glazed over, his impure desires were back to normal; big cheesy grin outstretched on his sweet face.
“Nothin! Just tryna stretch you out.” Your body involuntary twitches at his choice of words, pushing yourself away from his hold to have some space to breathe. Of course he didn’t miss that. “Aw, did I embarrass you? Your face is heating up.”
You throw a punch at him before he catches it in his large hand, pinning it down next to your face with light force. Yamato leans down into the crook of your neck, “careful, you could hurt someone with one of those,” he patronizingly says following the long line of spit he left up the column of your neck. You shiver and god does it make him want to take you, but he won’t, and just like that he’s off of you. Toweling himself off like nothing had happened between you both.
You’re left a hot, sweaty, sticky, and absurdly horny mess. Stomping through the hallway with more than displeased footsteps, making your way to the shower to cool off.
He’s not much better himself though, pouting as the fat of your ass jiggles when you walk away. Yamato never expected to get this attached to you. The guy can’t even go a day without rummaging through your clothes to get a good whiff of you when you’re out on business. He feels himself clenching his thighs together, drawing his bottom lip between his teeth thinking of the time(s) he stole your underwear and gorged himself on the scent of you. Fingers playing with the entrance of his cunt thinking of how you’d scold him for being a pervert. It gets him so hot.
On his way to come apologize to you that night with promises of your favorite snacks with a corny movie to follow, he stops dead in his tracks hearing the whine creep from under your door. The sound of squelching hung in the air as you whimpered. Were you touching yourself?
Yamato shook his head of long white hair side to side in disbelief, collecting himself as he took a few steps back from the doorway. As good and pure his intentions with you were; there’s always that grotesque feeling within him, the one that wants to listen to you moan and writhe as you pleasure yourself so close to him. He presses his ear against the door as you heave out cry after cry for more.
He felt his own slick collecting in his briefs as his breath hitched during a particularly pathetic plea of yours, heart rate skyrocketing with each passing moment. He felt his morality crumble altogether when you let out a meek, “Ya—Yama please.”
So this is what you think about when you’re alone? Yamatos mind was racing, he couldn’t stop his hands from finding the doorknob, nor stop his feet from walking through the door that separated him from you.
Your back is arched, legs spread as your fingers deliriously curl within your warm walls. The sight forever imprinted in his mind, you’re perfect. The same urge from earlier compels his hands to find his nipples as he watches you, each roll sending electricity shooting through him. He sees your eyes crinkle in frustration while trying to get yourself off. “Ha- Yama I need more,” you say as your thighs clench around your wrist.
But he continues only to watch, wanting to savor every little plea that spills past your lips. How long will it be till you notice him? Beg him to help get you off? He can hear the blood rushing in his ears, rubbing his clit in tune with the fluidity of your wrist. Yamato never anticipated just how hot it was to watch someone like this, so vulnerable as the endorphins consume you; so much so that it blinds you of his presence in the room with you.
Your eyes flick open when you feel movement around the room, and there he is basked in the halo of your ambient lighting. More of an incubus than anything else, his eyes burn with desire as you cower under your sheets. “Wha- why are you watching me?” Although it was a question, it comes out rather declarative.
First he has to stop himself from drooling, your nipples still hard as they poke out from your thin white sheets. Of course the first thing he says is optimistic and arrogant. “Don’t beg for my help then,” he says while making the bed dip with his added weight.
“I did not beg—” he still looms closer, “what are you doing?” You pull the sheets taught as he ghosts his hands over the plush of your thighs.
“What does it look like? I’m helping you out since you asked for me.” It’s in the way the way he says it, self assured that he’s all you’ll need. Ultimately, your body can’t deny what it wants. Your arousal pooling between your legs in self defeat and embarrassment.
Yamato allows his palm to sit snug against the sheet that separates him from your warmth, digging the flat of his hand against your clit. “I can feel how wet you are through the sheet, you needed me this bad?” Your words die in your throat as you look at him dumbfounded, taking advantage of your disoriented state he strips the sheet off your body.
Your mouth is left gaping, he wastes no time taking as he wants. Licking and nipping the skin of your neck with sharp canines. The pad of his finger teases your entrance before it eases in with the help of your arousal. He smothers you in his lust, stroking that spot within you that always seemed out of reach.
It’s not soon that you’re mewling for another of his lithe digits to be knuckle deep inside you. “Patience sweetness, it’s my job to take care of you.” He’s so reassuring, sending a surge of warmth throughout your body that makes you melt like putty in his pretty hands. Sliding his ring finger inside next to his middle, he scissors you wide open.
“So wet from thinking about me, you hear that baby?” Listening to his voice centers you, drawing heed to the squelching noise of your throbbing cunt. Your legs lay flat apart as he pounds your pussy, bruising the entrance with speed alone.
You’re so close he can feel it, your inside pulsing and gripping his fingers like you don’t want them out of you. That’s when he rips them out, leaving you clenching on nothing. “Do you want to feel really good?” He asks while licking his fingers like a mutt in heat, enamored by the taste and scent of you.
He’s stripped you to the point you’d do anything for him. So, obediently you nod and mumble out a yes. “When you feel good, don’t hold back on me.” Yamato drags his thumb down your folds till he finds your clit, lightly circling the pad of his finger on top of it. He leaves feather like kisses on the insides of your thighs, sucking the skin as he gets closer to your heat.
His own cunt throbs hearing your airy sighs and breathy moans, licking your entrance to collect his due. “You taste even better than you smell,” he says against your lower lips, sliding his long tongue past the tight ring of muscle.
It feels like fucking heaven, his thumb rhythmically rolling your bud as his tongue devours your insides. All you can do is allow your pleasure to wreak havoc against your vocal cords as you lose yourself to his touch. “Bet you could never make yourself feel this good, huh?” It’s condescending but it’s pussy clenching, and you best be sure he felt it against his wet tongue.
“Only you Yama, please don’t stop,” you’d do anything to forever feel like this. So small within his warm hands that bring you a burning feeling in your lower gut. He tongues your clit, applying heavy pressure while opting to curl two fingers against your g-spot. You can see the sheen of spit and slick against his face while he makes out with your pussy. It’s downright depraved how he consumes you with his hands and mouth alone.
He finally gets what he wants, watching you clench and throb around his fingers in a hot sweat while your orgasm licks at you. Yamato thrums the pads against your insides flicking his tongue against your swollen bud. “Give it to me baby, let me know how good you feel,” and that’s all it took. His soothing voice coaxing you to your climax. It hit you like a bag of bricks, making you twitch against him as you ride it out.
A string of curses leave you as the pressure in your cunt dissipates. You cling onto his wrist to stop the overstimulation consuming you, but he can still feel the way your walls hammer against him. “So pretty when you cum.” It’s small but it’s enough to bring you back, reaching out for him to take care of you like he always does. This time with the added intimacy.
“You should let me watch you more often,” he says softly while holding you against his chest. The fact you allowed him to see you like this was astounding, therefore he would hold you for as long as you needed. Aftercare was no problem to him.
“You are such a damn vouyer,” you joke as you snuggle deeper into his chest. Yamato laughs a little at the joke, but he couldn’t help feeling it may just have been true.
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Enjoy? Reblog & click here 2 see more!
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vinshippingweek · 6 months
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Hello hello! I bring you a new special event for One Piece fans who may or may not have a soft spot for Sanji's siblings!
The event will be held in May but I think it's always a good idea to share this kind of information in advance.
If the work is a fic in ArchiveOfOurOwn (Ao3), it will be added to the Vinsmoke Shipping Week collection and should also be posted with the tag VinShippingWeek(Inster Year).
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bidisastersanji · 10 months
Heartstopper-style ZoSan AU with Zoro as the jock who realises he’s gay because he falls in love with lanky curly haired bisexual Sanji?
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leakyweep · 8 months
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a glance to you, then away.
the party was roaring around them, banquet hall filled to the brim with bodies waiting to eat, drink, or dance in merriment.
but these glances were silent. yamato’s golden eyes said no words.
yet you knew exactly what he was saying. and you were listening. you told him so, with your own shining gaze.
once more, those orbs of golden flame flicked to you, widening ever so slightly, and slightly tipped his head to his room in the now broken skull dome. those feelings he had been keeping inside would be known behind that door. the tension had been too thick between you two, ever since he had tried to make his confession before being interrupted by kaido.
but for now, in the growing vibrancy of the table and everyone clinking cheers and dancing jigs, the silent language was enough for you and yamato. it spoke of a night promised, an evening shared between only you two.
and that was what moved your feet, what made you grab a drink, what made you enjoy yourself before you helped the land of wano repair itself after years of strife. the promise of spending the night with the one you wanted to call your beloved.
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smokersbaby · 11 months
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Kink of the day: anal plug Character: Yamato Reader: gender neutral Tw: rimming, use of sex toys You can find the "Kinktober Masterlist 2023" here!
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"Are you sure you want to try, love?" Yamato whispers in your ear, his voice being tender more than suggestive as he tries to get you at ease with a new thing you wanted to try for a long time. You nodded looking at the metal toy your partner was holding in his hand, its shape and dimension frightening you a little but you knew well it was more of a mental block and that the plug size was perfect for someone who has never tried one.
Since you and Yamato were accustomed to doing everything together (even watching porn) once you ended up in the category "toys" and as you saw a beautiful plug with a gem nestled in the back of it, your eyes began to shine with curiosity as you were eager to see and feel how it would have been to "wear" one of those.
After buying one at the sexy shop you couldn't wait any longer, but the nervousness was taking over you as the moment of truth came and you positioned yourself on all fours, your ass lifted and your head on the soft pillow in front of you, as Yamato tried to make your entrance relax with soothing words.
"It won't hurt, it's little and I'll go slow. But first I want to help you out…" you feel Yamato's breath on your right buttcheek as if he was getting closer to your tight entrance, you could feel his lips on it and then he kitten-lick it slowly to lube it. The way Yamato was practicing slow rimming on you made your nerves relax and your hole too, and soon the idea of trying a plug on didn't scare you that much anymore.
"Don't worry, I've got lube if necessary, but I think we can make it fit only with my saliva" he reassured you, as he switched his tongue with his index to apply some pressure on your butthole. You contracted your muscles involuntarily at the intrusion. "Relax babe…" he continued, his finger only preannouncing what was about to come.
The feeling of the metal object against your entrance was new for you, Yamato warmed it up with his hands before making contact with your skin. He spitted some saliva on your anus to lube it up a bit more and then he began to apply some pressure. Unexpectedly, the slow preparation Yamato did on you helped a lot, so you didn't feel the need to contract your muscles as you felt the plug sliding inside of you.
"That's good, we're halfway there" he whispered as your butt was taking the metal object in it, stretching delicately your hole inch by inch. It didn't hurt at all, but you felt the pressure growing as the plug's width became larger.
Then you felt it sliding in all in one last motion, a clear sign that the plug was all inside of you, its base decorating your butthole with a pretty red gem. You couldn't exactly describe how it felt, it was a new sensation and you were almost afraid to move from your position, but you felt your body way more sensitive to your partner's touch as Yamato kissed the curve of your back.
He admired your ass well displayed in front of him, his hands spreading your buttcheeks to admire how the plug's gem was adorning your butthole as if he was proud of his work.
"So beautiful… now let me play with that gorgeous body of yours"
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henrioo · 9 months
I need get this out of my head. But whats yamato(one Piece) damn gender? People keep saying different things all the time. Some say "you can't call yamato trans because oda hasnt comfrimed anything." Like the thing is just so messed up.
I apologise for sounding so dumb. But ever since I got introduced to yamato things had been so confusing
Please help.
Oh baby, you don't sound dumb at all, this can be a little hard to understand if don't are a trans male, but I will try to help
So here a quick and easy explanation about wtf is Yamato's gender!
First, when we learn about Yamato they said that Kaido have a daughter, then at first you would think, okay its a girl? Not exactly
That was said for people outside of Wano, who only know about the birth gender of Yamato, since Kaido doesn't let him leave Wano is kind of obvious that no one would know about the way he identifies himself, so people know him as Oni princess
adding this to the fact that in the Vivre card, a book with a lot of facts about the chars, is write that Yamato is a woman, a lot of people get confused and even use that last info to say that Oda confirms that he is a girl
So, we need to get based on things that Oda really said, what it means, let look at the manga!
After we have this about Kaido daughter, doesn't take too long to finally meet Yamato, and guess what
Everyone in Kaido crews calls him a boy??? Not only that, the Kaido himself calls Yamato his son??? Wait, this is getting confusing right?
The thing is, Yamato was called a girl, we can't deny that... BUT FOR THE REST OF WANO HE WAS ONLY REFERRED TO AS A BOY!
Yamato is called by son by his own father kaido, Yamato is called as young Master and not other title that girls used to have, like young lady
Yamato is referred by Luffy as a boy, and even called Yama bro, Yamato has the honofic of MALE SAMURAIS, Yamato even have the Japanese refer to boy, like Nami and Robin have gain the O in front of their names
Yamato literally Y both male Japanese and English pronouns, and guess what, HE IS EVEN TOLD TO BE THE SHOGUN, A MALE TITLE
So, then why people call him a girl? Why people insist on that?!
First of all, because they are transphobic
Yeah, you can't deny boy, if you don't see Yamato as a boy after all of Oda show, then yes you are a transphobic
Those transphobic say like "Oh but there are boobs!"
First, everyone has boobs, and of course, Yamato would have, he is not doing any hormonal stuff! Also, he is a fighter, he can't use a binder or he probably will faint in the middle of the battles
And guess what, not all trans male people want to get rid of their boobs! Woooow, so incredible right???
After that, people use the argument of like, he is called one princess, kaido daughter! Bla bla bla
What again is not a strong argument since he is also called as kaido son
The most strong argument they have is "Yamato only says he is a man because Oden is a man and he wants to be like Oden!"
So again if you are cis you won't understand that, but this is actually a common way to trans masc people say that they are a boy
The same way that Kiku says she is a woman in her heart, saying that you want to be or that you are a boy like a man person is used by trans male people
As an example, I always say to myself that I want to be a boy like Luffy or Ace because that is a way to motivate myself to never give up, is also a goal, I want to be see as a boy much as they are seeing by other people, makes sense?
And even if Yamato is only a boy because he is following Oden, at the end of wano he says to Luffy that he won't follow more Oden, because now he wants to be only Yamato and have his own dreams
And guess what, weeks later of he said that, people still refer to him as a boy! Because he is a boy doesn't have anything with Oden!
Oden was the inspiration for Yamato to discover himself and also a way to fight against the cruelty of Kaido
But when he has his dream fulfilled, that is wano be free, he is still a boy! Because being a boy wasn't a joke or just a term for him, he is truly a boy and he knows it!
So yeah, Yamato is a boy and if you don't accept that you are really dumb and transphobic, but like I said, if you are a cis person you probably won't get it that
Because oda has to be really careful saying that Yamato is a boy, because you know how Japan is, also he made that because guys, oda is a cis old man, he doesn't know the best way to do this
But he did a great job with Yamato and Kiku, they are some of the best trans people written and they even show too much
If you read Wano again looking more carefully for each signal, you gonna see that Yamato is always called a boy, and the only times he is not, is for people that don't really know him before that
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firstdivisiongirl · 1 year
Yo! I have a bit of an angsty request, albeit with a happy ending. The reader (gender neutral is fine) confessing their feelings to Yamato, only for them to be turned down by him. The thing is Yamato does return those feelings, but everyone who treated him well has ended up dead and he's too afraid of something happening to his beloved. Luckily, he ends up deciding to give their love a chance.
Hi there! Not going to lie. I loved this whole idea! But then I’d go to write it and I’d be like low quality anime two dots for eyes face and no thoughts. But I finally got it and I hope you like it!
(Yamato x GN! Reader) Is Death Worse Than Lying About Love?
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“I’m sorry Y/N.  I don’t feel the same.”
That was what Yamato said after you confessed your love for him. It wasn’t that he didn’t love you.  In fact, he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you, but there was one thing stopping him.  Death.  The one thing that took everything Yamato loved away.  He wasn’t going to let you see that same fate, so he felt it was better for you to be heartbroken than dead.
It had been two weeks since you had seen Yamato.  Usually, on clear, cool Wano nights like tonight, you and Yamato would be sitting under the starry sky, talking about what you wanted to do if you two ever left Wano.  But for the past two weeks, you just sat out there, alone, crying.  “Hi,” the familiar voice of your crush said from behind you, “I want to talk to you?  Something has been eating me up.”
“What is it,” you asked, trying to sound like you hadn’t been crying for the past hour.
“I lied.  To you.”
You stood up trying to get closer to eye level, but of course you weren’t at eye level.  You raised an eyebrow, “About what?”
Yamato took a deep breath as he approached you, his form towering over yours.  “Being without you got me thinking.  Maybe lying to protect you was just as bad as losing you like everyone else.  I really do love you Y/N.  I have since the day we met, but I don’t want death to take you away or for you to get hurt.”  His speech was interrupted by lips smashing against his.  Your lips to be exact.  It was slow and passionate. The reason it was slow was because you wanted him to know that even if death eventually came for you, it wasn’t going to be anytime soon.
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Please do not copy, modify, translate, or repost my writing on other platforms. Comments, reblogs or likes are highly appreciated!
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theogonies · 2 years
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All Yours
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prompt | yamato x f!reader + snow day
summary | yamato shows you a slice of life outside the walls of the flower capital.
word count | 2k
content warnings | reader is implied to be a geisha in orochi's court, some slightly suggestive conversation but nothing explicit
winter holiday event masterpost
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You carry the note close to your chest all morning.
A thin slip of parchment tucked beneath the neckline of your hikizuri: meet me in the gardens this afternoon? I’ll make it worth your time.
It bore no signature, but it’s not hard for you to know who the sender was. Yamato’s hand, so careful and delicate, an endearing contrast to his sometimes-brutish appearance and temperament. He’s written you letters before, during periods when the shogun kept you too busy to slip away; always extensively wordy, his written language so much more refined and florid than when he speaks.
And yet, this little note is so short that it’s almost curt–a small mystery that’s left your heart thrumming with anticipation from the moment you found it, slipped beneath your door in the early hours of morning, to now.
The winter months always leave you hard at work, as the shogun buries himself in the warmth of sake and women. Yamato knows this, and you know that he would be understanding if you didn’t make it to your rendezvous. But as you can feel the paper, pressed warm against your bare skin as if it were Yamato’s own hand, you can hear the shogun’s lecherous laughter down the hall, and you know that whatever risks you may have to take to make it to the garden are worth it.
Thankfully, with the shogun already waist-deep in sake by noon, it isn’t difficult for you to excuse yourself under the pretense of fetching another bottle and slip away.
Your skirts trail through the snow as you pass down the twining paths of the garden, taking a bridge across the frozen creek to your usual meeting place: a bench beside the property’s walls, tucked safely out of view from the rest of the gardens. It’s surrounded by cherry trees, their branches now bare with winter but still enough to provide shelter from the snow.
Yamato is waiting for you there, hands fidgeting with a bundle of fabric on his lap.
“(Y/N)! You came!” he calls out as soon as he sees you.
Used to his unguarded enthusiasm and energy by now, you lift a finger to your lips, reminding him that you’re still supposed to be working, and he nods, flushing a little with embarrassment.
“Put these on,” he says, voice softening a bit as he holds the bundle out to you.
“What is it?” you ask as you inspect the fabric: quilted cotton, printed in a rippling pattern of pale blue and white.
Yamato’s fangs peek out from behind his lips when he smiles at you, his expression one of utter excitement. “You’ll be too cold, dressed like that.”
You hesitate, considering the potential repercussions of disappearing in the middle of the day like this, but Yamato’s enthusiasm is so irresistible, and you know that if worse came to worst, he could pull the strings to keep you safe.
“Don’t look,” you instruct him as you place yourself between him and the wall.
Obediently, Yamato fixes his gaze straight ahead, broad back shielding you from view of the rest of the garden as you unfold the bundle to find a shirt, trousers, and hanten. A less trained eye than yours would only see simple garments, made to withstand the cold and not much else, but you can tell by the weight of the fabric and the fine stitching that Yamato must have spent a fortune on these–possibly even had them made specially for you.
It’s not the cost that surprises you–he is Kaido’s son, after all, he could likely buy you a whole new wardrobe if you asked–as it is the care evident in the fact that he put so much thought into something as simple as keeping you warm.
Once you’ve changed, folded your court clothes, and stashed them safely in an alcove on the wall, you wrap your arms around Yamato’s neck, snuggling up to his warm body.
“Ready?” he asks, nervous energy clearly apparent in his voice.
“Ready,” you nod.
You keep your arms wrapped tightly around him as you feel his weight begin to shift beneath you, shoulders and back expanding as white fur sprouts from his arms and the nape of his neck to tickle your nose. While it’s not the first time you’ve seen his Zoan form, you’re still unsure whether you’re ever going to get used to the feeling of his muscles shifting and contorting until all that you can recognize is his eyes: beyond his innocent demeanor, they're so wise beyond their years, and so headstrong.
He waits for you to securely wrap your legs around his waist before he gathers his weight on his back haunches and leaps, clearing the wall in one easy stride. And then you’re bounding down the path that leads from the palace, through the streets of the Flower Capital, the whole world flying past you with a kind of confidence and ease that you can’t help but envy.
When he finally stops moving, far from the city, you find yourselves in a snowy grove hemmed by cypress trees and dusted in powdered white snow. Across the clearing is a small wood cottage, soft light flickering behind the paper windows.
Yamato waits for you to slip from his back before he returns to his human form, unbothered by the way you stare as he stretches and rolls his shoulders like he’s settling back into his human skin.
“What do you think?” he asks, tipping his head to the side curiously.
“It’s beautiful,” you answer, not bothering to hide the awe in your voice.
It’s like he knew exactly what you needed: picturesque and wild, nothing like the neatly trimmed gardens of the shogun’s palace. And even better, completely closed off from the rest of the world, like it was made just for the two of you.
“Come on,” he says, waving to you over his shoulder as he turns toward the cottage. “I want to show you something.”
You’re not entirely listening, though; he’s already set your mind wandering back to the days before you became a kamuro, when dignity and elegance were the last things on your mind. Memories of your childhood, playing with your friends in forests not unlike this one, and Yamato’s back turned to you as he walks away give you an idea.
Before you’re entirely sure what you’re doing or why, you’ve begun rolling a small ball of snow between your hands, pressing it together until it holds.
And then it’s sailing through the air until it lands in the middle of Yamato’s back with a satisfying smack.
For a moment, he just stops moving and stands completely still, leaving you worried that you’ve somehow offended him even though that seems near-impossible. But then you see him bend over, his shoulders shaking with laughter.
In one movement so fluid that it doesn’t leave you time to react, he swoops low, pivoting on one foot as he gathers a ball of snow in his own hands and slings it in your direction. The snowball bursts against your shoulder in a puff of white.
“Revenge!” Yamato crows, raising his fists to the sky as he grins at you.
“You know what they say about an eye for an eye, right?” you giggle, dodging to the side as you duck down to roll another snowball and toss it at Yamato.
The moment the words leave your mouth, it’s all out war. For once, your smaller frame gives you the advantage; while he may have better aim than you thanks to all his time spent training, his broad frame and towering height mean that Yamato is practically a walking target. Still, he manages to land a couple good hits of his own until you’re both panting, the fronts of your hanten flecked with snow.
“Are you ready to surrender yet?” you say, placing your hands on your hips and smugly puffing out your chest.
“Never!” Yamato proclaims, rolling a fresh snowball between his palms in preparation for the end of your ceasefire.
Knowing Yamato well enough to know that he’d never give up so easily, you’ve got another trick up your sleeve. Before he can react, you’re barreling forward, leaping toward him as soon as you’re close enough to tackle him.
Yamato playfully stumbles back, clasping a hand to his chest as if he’s been stabbed, and collapses back onto a snowbank, your legs straddling his waist.
You lean in close to Yamato’s ear, relishing how easily he flushes as you whisper, “what about now?”
His voice has gone uncharacteristically shy when he concedes, “I’m all yours.”
“And how should I use my spoils of war?” you ask, leaning forward to rest your head on your arms, folded over his chest.
Yamato blinks and glances away as he thinks, cheeks flaring even brighter against the white snow. “However you’d have me.”
Ever since you first met Yamato, you’ve been charmed by how delicately he tries to treat you, even when it’s so clear that he’s naturally much more physical and uninhibited. It was a welcome reprieve from men like the shogun, with their entitlement and possessiveness. But sometimes, you wish that Yamato was more willing to take what he wanted from you.
So you take what you want instead: a kiss.
His lips part so easily for you, as if he’d been waiting for this moment since you first met. Then again, you muse, perhaps he has. The soft groan he releases when you place your hand on his chin, tug of his fingers running through your once-carefully arranged hair as it tumbles around your shoulders, the fervor of his gentle nips at your lower lip; all charged with the hunger of a starving man.
Unfortunately, even with Yamato’s warm body as a barrier between yourself and the snowy earth, it’s too cold for the two of you to stay that way forever. Eventually, you have to pull back, running your hand along Yamato’s jaw as you ask, “you wanted to show me inside?”
He has to take a moment to collect himself, lucidity returning to his eyes, before he nods wordlessly. As he stands, he scoops you up in one arm as if you weigh nothing and carries you through the snow, past the sliding doors of the cottage, to find a small room, cushioned with pillows and blankets and warmed by a fire in the hearth.
“Whose–” you begin to say, but Yamato cuts you off.
“I had it built.” Then, shyly avoiding your gaze, “for you. If you ever need–a break. To get away.”
“It’s–” Your voice cracks, forcing you to take a brief pause before you’re able to finish the thought. “Yamato, this is too much.”
“It’s nothing,” he shakes his head obstinately. “If I must live with my father’s wealth, I may as well use it for the ones I care about.”
And it’s true, Yamato has been generous with his wealth for as long as you’ve known him–not just with you, either, but with all the people of Wano, whenever he’s able. So you pause, biting back further protests, before pressing a gentle kiss against his cheek.
“Thank you. It’s perfect.”
“It’s nothing,” he repeats, cheeks reddening as he carefully sets you on the ground. “You must be cold.”
Eventually, you find yourselves nestled before the fire, dressed in fresh, dry clothes and mugs of tea cupped between your hands.
“Someday I’ll liberate this land from my father,” Yamato promises, absentmindedly curling your unbound hair around one of his fingers. “And then we’ll both be free.”
“What then?” you ask, resting your head in the crook of his neck.
“Tell me what you want, and I’ll take you there,” Yamato answers, the simplicity of his promise and the sincerity of his tone yet another reminder of why you’ve chosen him, why you’d choose him again and again if given the chance.
You think for a little while, watching the steam rise from your teacups.
“I want to see the world outside Wano. Want to travel by your side. That’s enough to make me happy.”
He presses an affectionate kiss to your temple. “Then that’s what we’ll do. I’m all yours.”
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lale-txt · 2 years
✱ 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐝..
where you travel with your friend and your favorite trope comes to life
↳ 𝐰/ 𝐊𝐢𝐤𝐮, 𝐃𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐢𝐫𝐨 & 𝐘𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐨
a/n: slowly getting back into reworking and reposting older stuff as i work on my trades and requests (´⌣`ʃƪ) i'm so weak for all three of them (not just because of my raging size kink). Wano just introduced us to so many good chars, it's wild. holding them gently in my palm with little hearts floating around my head
word count: 1.1k
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Kiku and you actually don’t mind the bed situation, but almost get into a fight because both of you insist that the other one takes the bed
you give in when she draws her sword (no questions were asked why she is bringing her sword on a regular road trip, you just roll with it) and threatens you to take the damn bed
her smile is sweet but her eyes definitely say murder
you flop down on the bed and pat next to you, inviting her to join you
“see? there’s actually plenty of space for both of us. the blanket seems rather small though, so if you don’t mind some cuddling at night…”
she doesn’t, moreover, she initiates it
at first you freeze when she wraps her arms around you from behind, spooning you, then you let yourself sink deeper into her hug, enjoying the comfort of her warmth
you can’t fully relax though because whenever you close your eyes, you see the face of her brother, threatening you with a gun because how dare you touch his perfect little sister
your therapist will definitely hear about this 
but for now you’re happy, turning around so you can look into her beautiful eyes in the dim bedroom light
you cup her face, your thumb brushing the soft skin of her cheeks as she smiles, a smile so pretty it feels like a stake straight through your heart
wow, you really are in love huh? why else would there be so many butterflies all of sudden? why does being in her arms feel the safest you have been? 
the two of you have some soft and sweet pillow talk, too giggly to fall asleep, spilling secrets in the dark
only when you run out of words, you both scoot closer and closer, subtle but enough so your lips can find each other, sweet kisses fluttering all over your face, whispered confessions in your open mouth until the morning comes and you walk hand in hand out of that fateful hotel room
“oh well. you can have the bed, i don’t sleep that much during the night anyway.”
which is in fact, true. he naps often and everywhere because he’s usually up all night, robbing the rich and causing arson
tonight is no exception, just a little different from his usual shenanigans 
Denjiro would probably bargain with the owners of the hotel first to get you both a big discount on the room since it’s not what you booked
you can hear him going full “i want to speak the manager” on the poor staff downstairs
he’ll come back in the room with a big grin and a bag full of cold hard cash, his fox eyes looking feisty
“let’s party”
he encourages you to go wild on the room service, ordering everything your heart desires as long as you get him some sake too
you still end up in the same bed together, watching reality tv shows all night while feeding each other the most delicious stuff the room service carried in on a dozen silver tablets
cuddled up against him, you can’t help but think that maybe sharing a bed with him isn’t that bad…?
and judging from the way he holds you close, dozing off every now and then, Denjiro seems to be comfortable too
you snuggle closer against him when he pulls you into his lap, your head resting against his broad chest, his arms wrapped around you
“want to order some dessert, too?”
his voice is close to your ear, sending warm shivers down your spine
you tilt your head back to look him in the eyes, returning the wide smile as you reach for his long blue hair that’s falling over his shoulders
“i think there’s something sweet in the room already that i want to taste…”
yes you kiss <3
you both stand in front of the queen sized bed, hands on the hips as you both shrug at each other
you’re friends, right? no big deal sharing the same bed, friends do that all the time
still, you can’t deny that your heart is skipping a few beats by the thought of it
Yamato initiates a pillow fight when he notices the slight tension and accidentally knocks you out when a pillow hits you directly in the face
quickly grabs your soul leaving your body and stuffs it right back in
when you regain your consciousness again, Yamato is leaning over you, carefully dabbing your face with a cold towel, his worried face brightening up when he sees your eyes fluttering open again
he apologizes a thousand times on his knees (poor boy sometimes forgets how strong he is) and begs for forgiveness
he even offers to sleep in the bathtub tonight to make up for it, so you can enjoy the bed all for yourself
you can’t help but giggle from the thought of Yamato trying to fit all his long limbs into the tiny tub and you can see the relief on his face when he realizes that you’re not mad at him
“i accept your apology. to make up for it, you could let me lay in your lap and run your fingers through my hair…?”
guess three seconds of feeling brave really pay off because Yamato is so fast to jump into bed with you, building a tiny fort of pillows around you both before he pats into his lap, gesturing you to lay down
if you could purr, you would right now because Yamato’s fingers make you feel things
you’re chatting about all the things you want to do on your vacation but you can’t fully concentrate on the conversation because your heart is drumming so loud in your chest, you fear it might just jump out 
only when you suggest to switch positions so you can pet Yamato too, your faces are coming awfully close to each other, your hands touching, and just like that the last remaining inch between your lips is gone as you sink into a deep kiss that takes your breath away
every time people ask how you two got together, the story will start with a “and there was only one bed”
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sashi-ya · 2 years
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ᴍɪɴɪ ᴇᴠᴇɴᴛ > COTTON CANDY CLOUDS˚۰
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MYSTERY ✦ LOVE yamato x gn! reader
request. Anonymous asked: thank you!! Mystery of love with Yamato with maybe gender neutral reader ! If you can ofc if not u can pick ur whatever gender u feel most comfortable writing for ,no more information,just let Yamato be in love nd be loved 🙏please and thank you tw. none. sfw. yamato asks himself if they will be back, if they love him or not. I might have inspired this on Ace fulfilling his promise of coming back to him. wc. 626 masterlist.
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But what is love? kissing your lips, touch your skin perhaps? or the tears that ran through my cheeks when you left me here?
Is it the wind playing with my white hair? or is it the way your fingers brushed through it? You love me? You do?
Are you the wind? where have you gone? will you come back?  Will you love me, and solve this mystery of love?
Of course, I will.
“Yamato! Are you still here?” you ask, walking into somewhere only you know. he should be there, waiting for you. Just as he promised. Just as you promised.
There is no light but the silver rays of the moon tonight. You crawl up, climbing the rocks of a higher place of Wano Kuni. The last time you saw him, he waved at you from there. Up, up and high as the sun itself, with a smile that you couldn’t forget.
His wrists had still shackles, the chains that were still restraining him from freedom… but, it should be different now. It should be different now…
But, Yamato… Yamato isn’t there anymore. He is not sitting on the rock with a bottle of sake waiting for you… why? Is he ok?
You walk towards the same place you’ve sat when you were there the last time. Tired. Yet, you fulfilled your promise; “I’ll be here exactly 3 years from now, at this same point, at this same hour”
You sigh. The infinite vast sea, that’s now only black and it reflects the big orb that’s the moon, accompanies you. “Did Yamato set sail too? I can’t blame him, he wanted to be free”
“I wanted to be free… but freedom is nothing if you aren’t next to me. Will you take me with you this time, (Name)?”
You turn around, maybe it’s just the words you wish you were hearing… but maybe, just maybe it’s him standing right behind you.
His flowy red hakama, the white top part he always wears. The moonlight reflecting on his golden hoops, the white and mint colour hair dancing with a summer breeze. He is there, Yamato is right in front of your eyes.
“Yams… I- you haven’t forgot…“ you stutter. You can’t speak, you only want to hug him. And you do. But it’s him who runs towards you and pounces into you.
“You are back, you are back. I knew you will be back! How could I forget you? Even if century would pass, I would never forget you!” he chimes excited and with tears in his eyes. Reddish nose is all you can see, and you are dying to kiss it. But first, you take a quick glance at his wrists.
You smile, widely. Yamato has no more heavy shackles, nor marks of them stopping him anymore. “Yams, give me your hands” you ask, taking them to your face. A kiss on each one of his wrists makes him giggle. “This had been the place of your skin I wanted to kiss first. I’ve dream with it since I left… I wanted to kiss you, Yams”
Yamato’s lips tremble. His eyes are now flooded with tears; tears that can’t stop flowing. “I- I- I’m free, now I am totally free! You… you can kiss me!” he says, watering your face with the salty representations of joy.
“And, there is nothing that makes my happier…” you whisper, now pressing your lips against his after yearning for them for so long, hugging his frame, letting yourself melt into his embrace.
And while Yamato’s eyes stop pouring, he looks at the moon and whispers… “So, this is the truth… the mystery of love is solved”
“No, Yams… our mystery of love has just started…”   
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cebwrites · 2 years
Haunted House Reactions (Yamato, Ace, Sabo)
gn reader word count: 0.8k
He wants nothing but to impress you as your Certified™ Big Strong Boyfriend - but at the same time Yams is also a little bit of a chicken
Yamato’s stoked to be here and fascinated by all the decorations and attractions because he’s never had the freedom to really explore what common interests would be, so it makes him come off as a little naïve 
He’s an overgrown, excited puppy that gets spooked and jumps almost as high as the ceiling, but he plays it off quite well (or at least he thinks he does, be nice to the poor baby)
Yams isn’t really the ‘cool, suave’ type anyway, so you find that endearing about him; it’s cute when he claims he’ll protect you from any monster that blocks your way but screams when something brushes against his arm
Another target that the interactive staff likes to antagonize, but with you there at the very least there’s someone to keep him level
If you ever got separated, you’d likely hear his sad little whimpers before anything else, you could just imagine his poor little ears pressed flat against his head already
If you show even a drop of distress or get spooked by something while separated, though, Yams is at your side in an instant - he’ll sniff you out like the big bad wolf in shining armor and cradle you near
He’ll treat you to snacks and a walk down the pier after, too
He’s smug and casual almost the whole way through, an arm around your shoulder while he points out how ‘cute’ the whole setup is, poking and prodding at decorations, putting on masks laying around to pretend scare you - even if you were nervous at first, Ace helps you relax with his antics
Ace is the ideal ‘calm, cool’ boyfriend on paper, if you ignore his regular traits and only focus on him here, he’ll crack jokes to ease your nervousness and halfway through you even find yourself laughing, entirely forgetting what you were so scared of in the first place
His hubris will be his downfall, though
Three quarters of the way through, when you’re comfortable enough to split away from Ace to explore the house a little more on your own, you hear a blood-curdling shriek and, peering into the hallway, you see your “lax, chill” boyfriend sprint pass you to immediately fumble with the lock on a door while someone in a monster costume lagged behind him
Ace was too panicked to open it properly and, having made eye contact with the “ghoul” beside you, helped him with the lock; monster guy gestured to the way out to you both once it was open and Ace looked like all his flabbers had been ghasted before he started running again, this time with you in tow
You wouldn’t let him live it down for at least a week afterwards, at which Ace could only pout, huff, attempt to tease you in return for something else, and then have it dissolve into a kissy battle as usual while the both of you attempted to tickle each other
Sabo isn’t afraid of haunted houses, haunted houses are afraid of him - or at least, the staff is
Bobo’s the insufferable kind of person that comes to haunted houses to cause problems on purpose; it’s almost entirely down to the fact that he never intends to go but always gets dragged along anyway by Ace, Luffy, or Koala, so he decides to have fun on his own terms
By being an absolute menace
He never jumps at any of the scares, if an actor runs up to him in an attempted spook he’ll just politely shake their hand and be on his way
Going to a haunted house with Sabo almost makes everything less scary by proxy because of how he reacts to things, which is fine, but makes the experience kind of less fun, too? I mean what’s the point of going if you’re not gonna be scared, Ace would say, immediately getting into a slappy fight with Bobo after
Sabo holds your hand throughout the tour and keeps everyone else in line so they don’t go over whatever “schedule” he’s made up in his brain for how long it should take to make it out of here
Maybe on occasion he’ll be up for exploring things in further detail, but that also definitely means he’s fucking with the staff too, and those poor teenagers aren’t getting paid 10$ an hour to deal with your boyfriend’s petty nonsense
Bonus: If the three of them had to go into a haunted house together, Yamato and Ace would cling against Sabo for dear life and Bobo would be this 🤏 close to committing murder for it.
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swampstew · 2 years
Blind Date Event - Yamato X Reader
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Thank you to everyone who submitted applications for my Blind Date Matchmaking Event. I hope you enjoy these lovely bedtime stories during this week of overpriced chocolates, flowers and heart shaped things.
Mostly fluff, SFW, Yamato(he/him) X GN(they/them) reader, first blind date experience. WC: 930. Minors DNI - my content is for mature audiences only
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Yamato was practically bouncing in his chair at the ramen shop he had taken you for your blind date. The ride to the small restaurant was quiet as you held on to his waist. He had picked you up in his teal MotoTec Phantom 49cc – and not having ridden a motorcycle before – you were silent via anxiety as your arms gripped him tightly when he rounded corners. You didn’t see it happen, but the action made his face split with a smile each time.
The ramen shop is called Oden’s Pot. You were both new to match making so you’re both equally nervous. Excited jitters rippled through Yamato while the waiter refilled your glasses, taking your orders.
“_______ tell me more about yourself! We’ve been talking about my background and job as a bouncer at the hottest queer bar in the city but I really want to know more about you!”
You sip on your water as you try to summarize yourself in as few words as possible.
“Oh um, well I already told you about my job. Hum…I guess I’m just down to Earth. I enjoy simple pleasures like playing video games, watching movies and YouTube essays, and I’m a big fan of listening to music while I do art or other creative endeavors,” you slowly trail off, hoping he won’t ask to see any of it.
“Wow can you show me your art?!”
Fingers trembling, you pull out your phone to share one of your finished pieces. You’re quite proud of it, even if you won’t say so yourself, trying to downplay your own work.
“Nope, not buying that _____. Art is subjective, there is no grading scale that determines how good it is. If you feel proud of the work you put it, that’s the real value of your art. Personally, I’m not that great beside some doodling but THIS <points to your phone> is damn good!”
You smile bashfully. He said the same thing your close friends have told you countless times. You felt like you could share more of your artwork and not once did he subject you to unsolicited constructive criticism or ask you to draw him on the spot.
When your food arrived, you took turns playing 21 questions and other ice breaker games provided in the blind date packet you received from the Medium Matchmaker. Yamato was enthusiastic through it all, even during the slightly more uncomfortable games and topics that were suggested in the pack. You were skeptical of the whole idea when you saw the online application. However, now that you were here and actually enjoying Yamato’s company, you were glad your best friend forwarded you link.
Yamato wasn’t rude or aggressive with you like your previous disaster dates had been. He wasn’t some meathead gym bro even though he had impressive muscles on his tall body – he swears its hereditary, his family being from a different country. He’s incredibly handsome without being arrogant and you appreciated that. He was down to earth and easy to talk to. Being easy on the eyes and having magnificent hair was a bonus too, you felt butterflies in your stomach.
Not wanting the night to end, Yamato ordered several desserts for you to share. “I just want a taste of everything,” he speaks softly, blushing furiously as he drains his water. It made you giggle.
“Oh wait that’s not an innuendo!” alarm flashes on his face, sputtering water to the side. That made you laugh out loud; you reached out to pat his hand in understanding before he really panicked.
Through dessert, the topic of conversation got a little heavy. Yamato was brave enough to disclose the abuse he suffered from his father who raised him single handedly. Not because he wanted you to pity him but because he’s an open book. He has nothing to hide nor shame about his past. You were impressed with his strength, with his ability to cut out the toxicity from his life and move on to build himself up with no one else to support him. You felt like this is a person you can get close to. A person you can share intimate details of your life without fear that he’d freak out or reject you.
The ride back to your home was more relaxed. You felt secure in his company as he swerved between traffic; not once showing off in a way that would put you in harm’s way. He walked you up to your front door, fingers twitching as he considered how to end the night. Not quite wanting to leave but also not wanting to make assumptions.
“_____, I had a really nice time tonight. If you feel up to it, I would like to take you on another date. Maybe see that new blockbuster horror film that comes out on Friday?” He tapped his forefingers together nervously as your eyes widened.
You smile, “I had a nice time with you too. I’d love to see that film with you for our next date.”
He looked so relieved. “Yeah? Awesome! I can pick you up then, same time as tonight?”
“That sounds like a plan,” you twiddle with your keys in hand.
“I don’t want to be presumptuous but do you want to come inside? I could go for a cup of tea and some Mario Kart. Unless you don’t like the taste of dust as I leave you at the starting line.”
Yamato’s gorgeous orbs lit up, “Oh you’re SO on _____. I call dibs on the Flame Runner bike!!”
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