#yamato on 2nd place!!!
marchenmusika · 2 years
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Omg as he should tho💙💙
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bas-writes · 10 months
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alright now I can officially confirm that Katakuri won and will have his juicy big dick & size kink fic~
as we agreed, @quinloki will write one too, for the 2nd place winner: Crocodile! please, give them a follow if you haven't already, to not miss it 👀
and finally, because Yamato's fight not only surprised me but also earned my respect (there were a few hours when his and Croc's votes were tied) - I decided I will write a fic with him too! what can I say, if you stripped me from my Gear 4 treat, I'll be at least self indulgent here 🙏
can't say what Quin will decide but I will try to make my fics as gender neutral as possible 🤭
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shinsengumi-archives · 11 months
An Assassination Attempt on Okita Souji
Abe Juro was a subordinate of Okita Souji in the First Squad.
After he and Itou Kashitaro separated from the Shinsengumi to form the Goryo-eji, he was no longer associated with Okita.
However, on December 18, Keio 3, he and his comrades, Utsumi Jiro (内海次郎) and Sawara Taro (佐原太郎), suddenly plotted to assassinate Okita.
What happened between Abe and Okita?
Before the incident
November 18, exactly one month before the incident. Itou Kashitaro, the leader of Abe's group, was attacked and killed by the Shinsengumi.
Abe escaped thanks to the fact that he and Utsumi had gone to Yamato at that time, but he fled to the Satsuma residence to escape the Shinsengumi's pursuit.
However, the Satsuma domain forbade them from going out for a month, along with other comrades who had also fled.
When Abe and his comrades finally received permission to go out in early December, the first thing they did was search for the Shinsengumi.
It's believed that during the time they were in hiding, they were determined to avenge Itou's death.
Then, on the evening of December 17. Kano Washio came across information that Okita was "hiding" at Kondo Isami's mistress's house in Rokujo.
The day of the incident
Abe Juro woke up at 4 a.m. the next morning and cut into the mistress's house with Utsumi and Sawara.
This is a so-called "night raid, morning attack" (夜討ち朝駈け) strategy.
Normally, this strategy seems to be used when a small number of men face a large number of enemies, but Okita was alone. Moreover, he was on his sickbed at that time.
Abe was skilled with a spear, and Utsumi Jiro was the head instructor at Itou Kashitaro's dojo. Sawara Taro was also described by Nishimura Kanefumi as "a master of swordsmanship", so it seems that he was quite skilled.
No matter how good Okita was, it might have been tough for him to fight against these three men with his illness.
In other words, Abe was wary of Okita that much.
However, Okita was not at the place where they planned to cut him down. Around 10 p.m. the night before, he had moved to Fushimi.
Mistaken assumptions
The reason why Okita was at the mistress's house in the first place is thought to have been a temporary refuge from the chaos of the Shinsengumi's move to Fushimi, as the Shinsengumi was moving out of their old headquarters and going to Fushimi.
Perhaps Abe and his colleagues could not grasp the fact that Okita would leave when the situation calmed down.
Nevertheless, they should have confirmed that Okita was home when they got the information and should have at least left a lookout.
It's said that Okita was lucky, but I think he was also helped by the lack of precision from Abe and his team.
And most of all, what they really needed to confirm was whether Okita was actually involved in the murder of Itou Kashitaro.
Abe's opinion of Okita
As it turned out, Okita was not involved in Itou Kashitaro's murder.
However, Abe seemed to have assumed that Okita must have been involved.
Abe's comments about Okita at the historical discussion meeting can be summarized as follows.
Okita was a cruel man
He acted like he didn't know there was an Imperial Court in this country
He was simply a good swordsman and used his swordsmanship well.
He only knew how to act for Kondo's sake
He killed people unnecessarily
This is a terribly negative evaluation. What in the world happened in the First Squad?
As for the 2nd point, Nagakura Shinpachi wrote that Okita was one of the members who discussed and worried about national affairs during his time in the Shieikan Dojo, so it doesn't mean that he didn't discuss national affairs.
However, Okita might have shrugged away from debates about national affairs in front of Abe and his colleagues and didn't take it seriously.
Okita's response seems very mature, as he knew the weight of his statements as an executive. But Abe must have taken his actions at face value.
Who was Abe Juro as a person?
Abe Juro was a man who was "smart, liked cleanness, a little short-sighted (=not thinking clearly, short-tempered), but very good with his hands and mouth (=speaks and acts well)", and had "a strong temper since childhood" (=nervous and irritable), and it seems he had a strong conviction.
From the contents of the historical talks, we get the impression that he was a hot-blooded man who was convinced of his own righteousness.
However, his belief in his own ideas may have led to the attempted assassination of Okita.
Okita was nearly killed by a false accusation.
I think it's important to confirm everything, not to act on assumptions. This is something I would like to always remind myself.
史談会速記録 第90輯 国会図書館蔵
大内町が生んだ幕末の風雲児 阿部十郎小伝 アベツトム (北方風土 : 北国の歴史民俗考古研究誌 (13) 北方風土社編)
新選組・高台寺党 市居浩一
浪士文久報告記事 永倉新八
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tiredlittlewriter · 11 months
High & Low 🧡🧡Sannoh Rengokai Headcanons🧡🧡 for the main 6 + Naomi some happy, some sad
Remember: These are my own hcs and you don't need to agree with me! Just don't be rude or I'll make fun of you♡ I love my Sannoh Boys
- Constantly tired, but a happy tired now that the whole Kuryu thing is over
- Can do a handstand for 30 seconds
- Hates carrots unless Naomi mixes them really really well into whatever he's eating
- Speaking of food :[ has trouble eating anything he doesn't make himself or made by Naomi and even then... Yamato has to make sure he eats or sometimes he won't
- Passed out from that more times than he would like to admit
- Definitely undiagnosed depression. He doesn't think anything is wrong with wanting to self-sacrifice himself all the time. Noboru checks up on him anyway
- Cried when Smoky died (not in public though, someone needed to be strong)
- A great singer but only sings when he's drunk at karaoke
- Member of the alphabet mafia, which letter? Don't worry about it
- A big baby, cries at movies
- Would clap at the end of a flight
- Empathy king!! Whenever someone is going through something he knows how to comfort them or give pretty bad (or good) advice
- Everyone in Sannoh respects women ofc but Yamato walks the girls of the Sannoh area home if need be. His big frame comes in handy
- Bumps his head on things
- Massively protective over Noboru and Chiharu. He sees them as one in the same sometimes, loves them a lot
- Despite all of the Mugen/Amamiya beef being squashed, he and Hiroto spar every now and then
- Doesn't drink a lot (only a social drinker) because he's afraid of being addicted to something the way his mom is pachinko
- Absolutely no way he didn't have a crush on Cobra for at least a little bit. I mean. Come on
- Alphabet mafia amen
- Most normal Sannoh member (this does not mean much)
- Would probably try to go back to law school, he'd want to learn how to protect S.W.O.R.D on a different front
- Has nightmares about the day he found his gf. He's moved on from the event but the way he saw her stuck with him
- A ball of anxiety
- Sucks at cooking
- Knits when he's stressed (has a lot of scarves would you like one please take one he has too many)
- Semi-speaks English
- Works at a nearby library
- Forced Chiharu to get his GED
- mmm I don't have very many but
- A pretty solid painter, painted the sign for his shop
- Joined Sannoh because he felt like he felt that he finally had a place to belong
- Doesn't have that much family
- 2nd best cook of the Sannoh boys (Cobra is first best but not by much)
- Owner of at plenty Noboru Anxiety Scarves and puts the ones he doesn't want up for sale in his shop
- Plays the lottery and won 100 dollars once (spent it on Sannoh and never told them)
- Adhd all the way babey
- Oya High alumni (tell no one)
- Has at least 2k followers on insta
- Keeps airing Sannoh's business on socmed 😭😭
- Jailbroke an iPhone once before forgetting how to do it
- Is religious (not one of Those Types) and prayed for S.W.O.R.D whenever they had major fights
- Goes to Nameless City to help rebuild and bring food incognito (Rude Boys just pretend they don't see him)
- He's cringe so he probably has had a crush on the same girl since middle school
- Likes to scrapbook
- Stays watching horror movies
- PDA King if ur in Sannoh you've hugged him at least 10 times within the month
- Lowkey bumps to the Mighty Warriors music on Spotify
- After officially squashing the beef with Furuya, they got along as well as you can when it is Big Loud Angry Guy and Please Don't Guy
- Can and will eat you out of house and home
- Works part time at Yamato's shop
- Giving him the highest honour I can bestow (Trans)
- Told Sannoh and cried and then Yamato cried cause Chiharu was crying and Tetsu decided that was the best time for a selfie with everyone's ugly ass cries
- Kizzy probably knows
- Although not the sharpest tool in the shed he's really good at puzzles and riddles
- He's never really forgiven himself for betraying S.W.O.R.D
- Lightest of the boys, Cobra has thrown him before
- Considers them his family, since his own kinda gave up on him after dropping him at Oya
- "I am not a nurse" she says as giving stitches to her boys
- She's a certified women kisser idc argue with the waaaaallll
- Really loves her boys no matter how mean she is to them
- She's a Sannoh girl, of course she knows how to fight a bit
- She knew she couldn't go up against the White Rascals but if someone tried to rob Itokan all they'd be leaving with is an ass whooping
- Keeps trying new styles with her hair, did a side shave
- Probably has an infinity tattoo for her brother
- Has a custom made motorbike
- Forget Sannoh being protective of Naomi, Naomi is protective of her hoodlums and will in fact talk mad shit to anyone who disrespected them
- Has a running tab for each gang that happens to eat there, White Rascals has the lowest one because Rocky always pays + a nice tip and Oya has the highest because they have 5 dollars between the entire school
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Fandom Shipping Polls - Daisuke Motomiya Shipping Analysis (Poll I + Poll II)
As pointed out in the main post, every single Chosen Child will get their individual analysis post to check on the status of the current popularity of their ships. With that out of the way, let’s take a look at Daisuke, shall we!  
The overall results / spreadsheet
Disclaimer: As the “Someone from 01/02″ and “Others” options from poll 1 and the “Someone from 01/02″ option from poll 2 have been excluded from the final analysis due to redundancy reasons and all results were culminated in another “final count”, the results will not be 1:1 to what the polls look like:
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Overall votes: 132 (approx. 110 in sum after the exclusion), the main poll got 93 votes, the secondary poll got 39 votes.
The “Others” choice in the main poll received 3% (approx. 3 votes) and 0% (0 votes) in the secondary poll. The comments/tags did not specify any preferences here (aside from characters that were already part of the main choices).
Ship Analysis
1st place: It should come to nobody’s surprise that Ken (52%) singlehandedly swept this poll without facing any kind of serious competition at any time of the voting. Daiken is one of the most popular mlm Digimon ships on the planet - and for good reasons, as their anime portrayal provides for some very intense and intriguing mutual character development. Not only do they start off as “enemies” (with one of the parties unknowingly holding lots of the admiration for the other), but them turning into friends - and Jogress partners - is one of the most significant development fuels for both of them; nurturing each other’s (self) confidence while growing closer, developing great fondness, attachment and protectiveness for each other as they get more and more comfortable with themselves and in the other’s presence. It’s an endearing framing with a lot of heart, and with the additional anticipation of more news on the 02 movie, it’s really no surprise to see them being as prevalent and beloved in fandom as they are at the moment.
2nd place: With a huge gap to 1st place, Takeru (11%) takes his seat on 2nd place. As mentioned in Takeru’s own analysis, this makes a lot of sense; their popularity here may be explained by the idea that Daisuke is supposed to be a foil to Takeru in a similar way Taichi is to Yamato - even though their dynamic as so called “rivals” does not play out in the same way at all. Despite the occasional bickering, it’s portrayed to be more lighthearted, especially on Takeru’s behalf, who likes to tease Daisuke, making for a mutually challenging, yet very playful  - and most importantly: more soft - dynamic.
3rd place: Daisuke is the second character after Mimi who had SEVERAL people competing for third place, resulting in a three-way-tie between Miyako, Hikari and Wallace, with each of them snatching 8% of the votes. And again, taking a very close look at canon, all of these choices make sense; Miyako proves to be companion Daisukes has a teasing and competitive, yet supportive and familiar relationship with; Hikari is portrayed as someone Daisuke heavily crushes on at first and tries to compete with Takeru to get her attention and affection over, but once that quietly mellows out, they prove to have a soft, mutually trusting bond; last but not least, Wallace is a movie-only character with a flirty, teasing attitude towards Daisuke while also making him want to fight for his sake and sad backstory.
Honorary mentions: As the majority of votes has been distributed among the choices mentioned above, there isn’t much left to be mentioned - yet characters that got more than 1 vote include Taichi (3%), Koushiro (3%), Sora (2%) and Michael (2%).
“The 1 vote squad”: This spot is reserved for Iori, Yamato, Mimi and Jou (1% each).
“0 votes go to…”: Interestingly, Daisuke is the only character in whose poll EVER SINGLE main character received at least one vote.
Annotations: N/A
What did the other polls say?
Daisuke won Ken’s poll (61%) with one of the biggest margins and also came in second Takeru’s poll (18%), thus mirroring his own results to a high degree. 
However, he doesn’t appear in the top 3 rankings for the other characters and actually has a tendency to come in fourth a lot, namely in Hikari’s (9%), Miyako’s (15%), Iori’s (9%), Taichi’s (10%) and Yamato’s (7%) polls.
Thus, for the majority of the rest, he was merely a niche choice, such as Sora (3%), Koushiro (2%) and Jou (1%).
Mimi is the only character in whose poll he did not get a single vote - she herself had received 1 vote in his though.
Notable additions / comments / thoughts
Daisuke’s polls stand out for the fact that he received the fourth most votes overall (after Taichi, Ken and Takeru) - which is quite ironic if you consider that he also appears to be the KING of getting fourth place, thus missing the podium for third place 5 times overall.
These facts aside, he is, as mentioned, the only character whose polls had every of the other 11 Chosen Children get represented by at least 1 vote. It shall not be overlooked that the sample size is still comparably low of course. Thus, I really hope to reach a wider audience if I choose to repeat the polls once the fandom is not as quiet as it is right now. However, the idea that Daisuke has enough followers that every possible combination had at least 1 fan is very interesting. 
Seeing Daiken sweep the entire voting overall is really no surprise, as they appear to have a very passionate group of followers, artists and writers alike, not only on tumblr, but on various internet spaces - regardless of country, even after all this time. This may or may not be assigned to the growing anticipation of the 02 movie as well as for a general demand of more 02 related content after the Adventure 01 cast received a lot of exposure in the past years. Overall, for the reasons mentioned above (and beyond, thanks to their portrayal), Daiken has always been going strong, despite never having been canonized.
The comments in the tags have only referred to the already mentioned choices. The “Others” option did not receive any further votes in the second poll, indicating that all the most viable choices have been covered by poll 1 and 2. Usually, the option is reserved for OC ships, for when people prefer to not ship a character at all or when they’re considered asexual (which will definitely be a future option to include as well!). 
Other Analysis Posts
Taichi Yagami Shipping Analysis
Yamato Ishida Shipping Analysis
Sora Takenouchi Shipping Analysis
Koushiro Izumi Shipping Analysis
Mimi Tachikawa Shipping Analysis
Jou Kido Shipping Analysis
Takeru Takaishi Shipping Analysis
Hikari Yagami Shipping Analysis
Ken Ichijouji Shipping Analysis
Miyako Inoue Shipping Analysis
Iori Hida Shipping Analysis
Meiko Mochizuki Shipping Analysis
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Natalie's 200 follower editing contest!
og pinned . requests r closed [3/10]
Hello.. its me again.. ur worst nightmare.. and i present to u.. MY 200 FOLLOWER EDITING CONTEST!! ^__^
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How to participate: make an edit (could be any type of edit lol) with one of my favorite characters + tag me in it! but it doesnt have to be one of my favorite characters, if u edit anything i will be happy. but make sure to tag me in it so i can see it. if u submit something, i'll reblog ur post! and there is a 1rst place (7 edits of choice) 2nd place (5 edits of choice) and 3rd place (4 edits of choice) and every1 who participates gets 2 edits! :D
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Rules: pls follow my regular blog rules + dont participate if ur on my dni if u participate and ur on my dni i'll block u. also PLEASE dont make all of ur edits of airi i want to see some of my other favorite characters lol..
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Favorite characters:
Pjsk = momoi airi, hanasato minori, akiyama mizuki, kusanagi nene, otori emu, tenma saki, yoisaki kanade, shinonome ena, + asahina mafuyu
Bandori = hikawa hina, maruyama aya, matsubara kanon, toyama kasumi, ushigome rimi, ichigaya arisa, shirisagi chisato, yamato maya, kurata mashiro, hiromachi namai, + pareo
Cookie run: parfait cookie, pumpkin pie cookie, lolipop cookie, strawberry crepe cookie, cherry blossom cookie, chestnut cookie, chess choco cookie, cotton candy cookie, + sugar glass cookie
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With all of that out of the way, make sure u have fun! i can't wait to see your entries :D
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luna-loner · 1 year
Duality: The True Beauty of Kanzaki Yukiko
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It's best girl's birthday! And what better way of celebrating than to gush talk about why I love her so much? Fair warning, this is going to be a long read 'cause when I start rambling about my girl, it's hard to stop ;)
The title pretty much spells out what it is that makes her character so unique in my humble opinion, but honestly, it has to do more with how her duality is handled rather than it simply existing.
Two Sides Of The Same Girl
Yukiko's character can be roughly broken down into two aspects: the Yamato Nadeshiko, and the Gamer Girl. Hardly can we imagine these two things going hand in hand given how their connotations and presumptions differ vastly from each other. Whereas the Yamato Nadeshiko paints the picture of an ideal Japanese woman, often submissive and obedient, the Gamer Girl invokes a more modern and frivolous image. Maybe she's a tomboy, a nerd, an irresponsible embodiment of chaos, or a hot babe with a console; but she certainly wouldn't be an ojou-sama in a kimono and geta sandals.
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In Yukiko's case, the Gamer Girl is a stark contrast to the Class Idol we were first introduced to. Dyed, wavey hair replaced the prim and proper Hime cut. Brown eyes, once filled warmth and kindness, were now hardened, and the polite smile that often accompanied them was no where in sight. Rather than meekly clasping her hands in front of her, our gamer showcased a tough exterior. Rather than elegance, she radiated a badass vibe.
I'll be honest; when I first watched the episode, I thought they were going with the "True self" route with the newly-revealed gamer aspect.
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Thank Matsui that's not the case because that would've been cliché and sexist. "Hey, see this ladylike character over here? Yeah, that's not who she really is. She's actually a hardcore gamer with a filthy mouth and big gremlin energy :D" (wooooow, what a girlboss *eye roll*)
@/o0o0thorn0o0o and I actually discussed this a long time ago and she told me how the reason the plot twist was so shocking wasn't because it made you go, "Oh, she was a gamer this whole time?" But rather, "Wait, a girl like her can be a gamer?" It's what makes her a breath of fresh air and a very unique character.
It's why I don't like it when people play up her gamer side until it becomes her whole personality. I've seen fics that erase her growth and revert her back to her 2nd year self and I'm just thinking, "Why...?"
Yes, I'm aware that everyone is entitled to their own interpretation of the character, just like how I am entitled to express my disdain of said interpretation 😇
A Lady, Not a Loser
Yukiko's arc concluded with her learning to embrace herself and stop worrying about how others perceive her. She never traded her modest, feminine attire for gamer merch, nor did she feel the need to denounce her interest in flowers to permentantly adopt a skull motif. My lady doesn't need to do any of that because she can walk into a damn arcade as herself now, thank you very much!
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To some extent, the Class Idol persona is just another aspect of Yukiko's true self. She's genuinely a nice girl who gets along with everyone, which is one reason why she's popular with the boys; it's not just for her looks. She's still earnest and diligent, so don't expect her to be obsessively gaming in class or pulling an all-nighters. In fact, her doing that would just make her arc meaningless. That girl on Ryuuki's phone represented a terrible version of Yukiko-- stressed-out, overindulgent, and unsure of her place in the world.
But just because she's quiet and reserved doesn't mean she's lost her rebellious streak. She gave her dad the finger when he disapproved of her career choice. She stood up to Takaoka even after witnessing how violent he got with Maehara, and of course, we have this iconic scene:
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I will forever thank Lerche for adding the raised pinky finger to this magnificant scene. Look at this! Look at how my girl's putting Ren in his place like the lady that she is <3
And then there's the time she gently threw ladylike out the window XD
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Her duality enjoys playing games with us and constantly challanging our presumptions of Yukiko. As stated before, I initially thought Gamer Yukiko was the real deal, but later moments in the series, as well as the details from the Roll Book, proved me wrong. She's not your typicial gamer girl, or your typical Yamato Nadeshiko. She fits perfectly in those two boxes, but never stays put in either one. You have to expect the unexpected and the expected from this girl. The moment you think you have her figured out, she either subverts your expectations, or fulfills them when you don't expect her to!!
I wouldn't go far as to say she's a very deep and complex character (if we're strictly going by canon), but she isn't one-dimensional either. Both sides of her are equally important and to dismiss or downplay either one would be a major disservice to her character. She's just the perfect blend of two unrelated tropes, wrapped together to give us something new and interesting.
I mean come on, she'd obviously play DDR in a Kimono and geta sandals and still win. (Meanwhile, everyone's just standing there wondering what the logic behind this strange phenomenon 😂)
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The Monokubs Final Frontier: Part 1.
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Alright, we’re here! This should be the place, right?
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Can I ask a question? 
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What was the point of there being a computer room, like the one we found Yamato in, if there’s a central computer reactor that’s different from the rest of it?
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Well, the simple reason why the reactor is something separate, is because this is the system that POWERS the system.
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Thus, if I was placed directly in here, not only would me options at controlling the lab be limited, but I would have the ability to shut down all the lab’s systems whenever I wanted. That’s not the kind of power an AI system is usually allowed to have.
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Especially in a situation where I may go rogue, you get it?
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Ah, I get it...So that room is the control pad, and this room is the battery.
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Yes, but it’s one big battery, and it’s gonna take me a while to turn it off.
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Well, let’s not waste any more time and get you in the system. Remember, we’re counting on you.
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I’ll be sure not to disappoint.
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You comfy in there?
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Yep, I’m in the system and all good to go.
*Yamato appears on a computer monitor on the reactor after Sora plugs him in.
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Think you can do it Yamato?
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Peh. You just watch me.
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Still, it’s gonna take me some time to finish, so...uh...I do have a favor I need to ask.
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Whatever that thing behind you is...I think you should take care of it.
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*Kaede, Sora and Monodam all turn around in unison, as Yamato points out a presence that enters the reactor room.
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Haha! About time you guys got here! You sure took your sweet time!
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Oh boy...
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The last Kub standing...
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Alright, let’s just get this over with. Yamato, keep up that fix, we’ll make quick work of this toad.
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Got it!
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*Thud!* *SLAM!* *SLAM!*
*Kaede leaps down from the platform and lands on her feet, spear at the ready. Monodam and Sora also drop down, piloting their respective Exisal’s.
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Hello, Monocum!
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Doesn’t matter, he’ll be dead in a few minutes.
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What do you mean “we took our sweet time.” We got here first!
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1st is the worst, 2nd is the best, 3rd is the one in the wedding dress, 4th is the one who got a new PC, 5th is the one who is very very happy, 6th is the one who is named by Mrs. Husky, 7th is The Who is kinda ugly, 8th is the one who doesn’t like potato’s, 9th is the one who is eating at a park, 10th is the one who’s the last one there.
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Wh-What? What kind of response is that!?
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Just trying to see if I remember the rhyme.
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You do realize that you can’t count on any backup coming to help you, right? Unless Greenie somehow decides NOW is a good time to backstab us, we’ve dealt with all the other Monokubs.
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You’re the last one left. We take you out, your entire family is history.
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Be that as it may, we have come too far to back out of this fight now. And you are foolish to think that I don’t have a plan.
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For you see, I have been hiding in the shadows for almost 24 hours now, knowing you would come here!
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24 hours...And somehow he KNEW he’d catch us here?
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That, or he’s just a moron. And trust me...I LOVE to pick on morons.
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Hohoho! Fight me, and THEN we’ll see who’s the REAL moron!
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Yes Kaede?
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I know I already said this but...Whatever you’re doing, don’t stop for even a second...I’ve got a bad feeling about this.
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Huh? O-Ok...
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What’s there to be afraid of? Don’t get me wrong, I’m prepared for everything, but look at this. 
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He’s by himself, armed with one Exisal, meanwhile on our side, we’ve got two, plus you with that crazy spear of yours.
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You’re outnumbered, so maybe start picking your battles before you lose them.
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...Yes...I am outnumbered...
*The hatch of Monotaro’s Exisal closes.
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But I am NOT outmatched...!
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... ... ...
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*The trio of lab warriors are caught unpleasantly off guard by what happens next. After donning his Exisal’s hood, Monotaro rushes at them at the speed of a lightning bolt. Masterfully moving as if the Exisal are his own arms and legs, he slides underneath the ground, sticking out his arms. The force and speed hits so hard, Sora, Kaede and Monodam all go rocketing up into the air! They fall back down and smash and collapse on the floor, as Monodam grinds to a halt, and whirls back round to face them.
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*The hatch opens again to reveal Monotaro’s smug face.
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Puhuhu! PUHUHUHUHUHUHUHUUUUUU! Well!? Do you LOSERS feel like taking me seriously yet, HUH!?
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N-No! That REALLY hurt! He’s...so strong!
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How the hell did he do that!?
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Wh-What? What is it? You’ve got a concerning look on your face.
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You can tell? All his expressions look the same to me...
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Oh joy! What is it!? And does it help us!?
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*Monodam clambers to his feet.
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So we’re fighting a teddy bear that’s as strong as Sakura freaking Ogami!? The STRONGEST HUMAN in the WORLD!?
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Hoooh, now this is more like it! Keep the compliments coming!
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That’s it!? That’s all you’ve got for me!? PAH! Fine...
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Anyway! Now you know your limits! Are you ready to conceded to the Mighty MONOTARO!?
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*Sora slams the ground with her Exisal fist, closes the hatch, and stands up with determination.
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Strong or not strong, he’s just a machine! Just like the others! We can do this together!
*Kaede and Monodam also stand.
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Right! We’re so close to getting out of here, and I’m NOT gonna let you swipe victory from us, you pompous selfish ass!
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Puhuhu! Yes! I haven’t had one of these in years! A serious fight! 
*The hatch closes again.
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Shirogane fears you, Kaede Akamatsu...Let’s see if you TRULY live up to the hype!
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*With Kaede’s shout, the trio rushes at Monotaro, who rushes at them right back!
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tuliptheoshawott · 10 months
It's time everyone
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Cutman from Mega Man 1!
It should've been obvious, he's iconic. He's the first robot master you fight in the first game in the series.
Plus, nobody steps to Kung-Fu Cutman!
What's next, Tumblr's favorite Maverick?
Maybe one day.
Eliminated in qualifying: Stardroid Neptune, Napalm Man, Dark Man, Rainbow Man, Glue Man, Whirlpool Man, Knight Man, Nail Man, Pump Man, Plug Man, Wind Man, Spark Man, Bomb Man, Oil Man, Nitro Man, Concrete Man, Frost Man, Drill Man, Punk, Dive Man, Stardroid Sunstar, Enker, Heat Man, Trinitro Man, Tengu Man, Spring Man, Jet Man, Magma Man, Sword Man, Stone Man, Magic Man, Dynamo Man, Hornet Man, Shade Man, Snake Man, Yamato Man, Needle Man, Bright Man, Stardroid Venus, Tomahawk Man, Flame Man, Bubble Man, Flash Man, Cloud Man, Ground Man, Star Man, Stardroid Mercury, Solar Man, Blizzard Man, Search Man, Comet Woman, Tank Man, Commando Man, Stardroid Jupiter, Blade Man, Strike Man, Quick Man, Bounce Man, Chill Man, Fake Man, Yoku Man, Air Man, Stardroid Uranus, Impact Man, Junk Man, Tornado Man, Aqua Man, Magnet Man, Yo-Yo Man, Time Man, Burst Man, Gyro Man, Stardroid Mars, Pirate Man, Pharoah Man, Splash Woman, Sheep Man, Wave Man, Centuar Man, Grenade Man, Block Man, Jewel Man, Crash Man, Charge Man, Dust Man, Ballade
Eliminated in Round 2: Hard Man, Astro Man, Ring Man, Fire Man, Stardroid Saturn, Metal Man, Gravity Man, Gutsman, Torch Man, Top Man, Turbo Man, Acid Man, Stardroid Pluto, Slash Man, Skull Man, Burner Man
Eliminated in Round 3: Cold Man, Freeze Man, Crystal Man, Stardroid Terra, Gemini Man, Blast Man, Toad Man, Galaxy Man
Eliminated in Quarterfinals: Clown Man, Plant Man, Wood Man, Ice Man
4th Place: Fuse Man
3rd Place (Bronze): Elec Man
2nd Place (Silver): Shadow Man
1st Place (Gold): Cut Man!!!!
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l0dric · 2 years
Gundam Seed Review
Our long national nightmare is over; That’s right Gundam Seed is finished. 
This is the worst Gundam show I’ve seen. Flat out. It’s bad. Do not recommend it’s very very boring and stupid. It’s also the 2nd or 3rd most popular Gundam show. 
2002 is a weird place for anime. Computer animation is here and being widely used. Even non CG is being digitally drawn now. Everything looks like shit. Naruto is the biggest show in the world and Sunrise (the company behind Gundam) has decided we need cool anime boys who can fuck whoever they want. So meet Kira Yamato 
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and Athrun Zala
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2 boys who are simply ambrosia to every woman they meet regardless of age or beliefs. 
Most Gundam shows are then about something outside of just being a cool guy. First Gundam is about nuclear war and trauma bound orphans, Gundam X is about the horrors of searching for the next form of humanity, Gundam Wing is about joining the hitler youth and how cool it is….Turn A is about the history of violence and humans urge to continue it. Gundam Seed then is about…..Genetics….and genocide and how the genetically modified people are the racist ones actually. But then it’s not even about that because the bad guy forgets that that’s a thing 3/4ths of the way through the show. 
Anyway it’s bad. I can’t wait to watch the sequel show Seed Destiny in 6 months. All I know about that show is that it’s like 3 years later and all the people that LOVE Seed, HATE Destiny and that’s enough to make me excited. 
#1 Mebius Zero the canisters come off on wires and can shoot from any direction. It’s cool as shit. 
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#2 Blitz Gundam. I don't know man none of the suits here are GREAT but this one is A okay by me. I like this wing thing with the giant needles.
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#3 BuCUE isn’t actually good but I like that they’re going for something. I wish I liked Zoids but I just do not. 
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#4 Freedom Gundam. It’s called the Freedom. That’s dumb. It looks kind of dumb but I kind of like all the wings. It never does anything remotely cool though. 
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#5 Aegis Gundam. This guy is a total mess but he does one cool thing. 
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Show Rankings: 
Turn A Gundam 
Mobile Suit Gundam 
Mobile Suit ZZ Gundam 
0080 War in the Pocket 
Gundam X 
Mobile Suit Victory 
Gundam Char’s Counter Attack 
08th MS Team 
F91 Gundam 
Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam 
Mobile Suit Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz 
Mobile Suit Gundam Wing 
0083 Stardust Memory 
G Gundam 
Gundam Seed
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wraith-of-thiodolf · 8 months
As she should know it.
rts is appealing, I imagine it's fun and intricate. I've mostly played rpg - mostly open world maps style games....kinda basic like that. What period did the first aoe take place?
It's not a real friendship without memes and obscurity
ive dabbled in some rpgs before. statistically rts fans rank rpgs 2nd lol. wouldnt call it basic.
the first aoe was stone-to iron age. egyptians and assyrians and yamato n such. aoe2 was medieval.
i concur :V
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holly-grove · 1 year
Join DJ Holly Grove tonight January 6th for the hustle contest and night of disco! THIS EVENT WILL SELL OUT (MAX 250 capacity)
2nd Annual HUSTLE dance contest & a night of Disco! BY LEIZA MICHAELS@ Pavilion/Boca-
MUST RSVP 561-912-0000
NEW DATE IS FRI, JAN 6, 2023 , at Pavilion Grille in Boca Raton., 301 Yamato Road
LEAD JUDGE: Dr. Mary Ann Rosa, ARNP
JUDGE: Eleanor Fabrizio
JUDGE: DJ Holly Grove
Be there or be square!!
Be brave: wear a disco outfit!
Free disco souvenirs to FIRST 100 ATTENDEES DRESSED IN DISCO or 70s OUTFITS!!
Free parking/ NO cover
Dinner @ 6PM,with $25/PP -Minimum beverage and food
FREE HUSTLE Dance lesson at 7PM
DANCING from 7:30-10PM
MUST REGISTER FOR DANCE CONTEST BY 7 PM. Questions? Call 954-859-4696
1st Place-$100 CASH AND $50 Pavilion Gift Certificate
2nd-$75 CASH AND bottle of Champagne
3rd-$50 CASH AND 2 deserts
ProAM & LGBT couples welcome in contest.
SINGLE?? Call 954-859-4696 to sit at our special single table 🙂 ❤
2nd Annual HUSTLE dance contest & a night of Disco! BY LEIZA MICHAELS@ Pavilion/Boca- CASH PRIZES!
SEE THIS VIDEO for what las year's event looked like:
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0 notes
heyhoeudoin · 2 years
"Wait, where exactly do you get all the money from?"
pairing: monkey d. luffy x reader
words: 3.3k
genre/s: fluff, modern!au
warning/s: she/her (sorry), swearing?
synopsis: luffy always has money on him, but the thing is he doesn't have a job
a/n: happy birthday luffy!
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luffy is a 2nd year in high school who lives with his two brothers, ace and sabo who are both 3rd years.
luffy is known to be a very childlike and chaotic person, but he means well. he's also one of the popular people in his school along with his brothers as the asl trio while having his own group of friends that people call the straw hats gang.
straw hats gang: 1st year - chopper, 2nd year - sanji, nami, luffy, usopp, zoro, 3rd year - brook, franky, robin and then yamato who is in another school, a private one
another thing that luffy is well known for is for his amazingly large appetite. good thing the chefs can handle his stomach with the help of sanji, who is an aspiring cook.
how about the fee?
it used to be pain by either shanks, a teacher who dotes on luffy a lot, or sabo, the one with the proper paying job among the brother. however, lately luffy has been able to pay his own food now which makes both ace and sabo proud for their little brother, but then when they ask what job luffy has.
he answers with, "job? is that a food?"
and there goes the mystery of the year: where exactly does luffy get his money from?
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now that school just ended, luffy and his friends are walking towards a new restaurant the opened up near the school. ace and sabo couldn't join since ace has detention while sabo has work today.
luffy now stood in front of the new fancy restaurant with sparkling eyes, "meat!" he was about to run in but got stopped by one of his friends.
"hold on, luffy! this place is expensive! you really think that any of us can afford this place?" nami exclaimed since she's really careful with her money.
luffy pouted, "it's fine! i can pay!" he told her as he escapes from her grip and goes over to the host. "for how many?" the host asks and luffy turns around to count then hold up nine fingers. the host nods, "nine people." then the host gives luffy a subtle sign.
he saw the look and pulls out something from his wallet which made the host panic. "oh my, i didn't realize you were— i'll get a private booth ready for you!" they exclaimed as they scurry towards the back.
luffy turned to his friends with a huge smug grin, "now they'll give us a room to eat in!" he exclaims as nami started shaking him, "what did you do?! the hell did you show that host?" she asked wanting to know the secrets of getting said private room.
usopp and chopper beams up, "way to go, luffy!" "that's our luffy!" zoro looks absolutely confused, "are we sure luffy can pay?" he asks to which sanji hits his head, "luffy's loaded now, you marimo." "what did you say, you pervy cook?!" then they started fighting again.
franky stepped in, "super~ not cool guys, we're at a fancy restaurant. behave for now." he scolded as the two just glared at each other. "yohohoho! here goes luffy paying for us again, i do wonder where he gets all this money from?" brooks lets out as the three guys next to him nods.
robin walked up, "luffy, do you perhaps have a pin?" she asked with a palm on the side of her face. the said boy avoided eye contact, "i can't say." he says all nervously which made robin just chuckle, "that's fine," she goes up to him and pats his head, "come now, let's have lunch."
with that the straw hats went inside the fancy restaurant.
the host showed them a room in the basement, "this is your room and the restroom is down the hall. use the phone for any orders and if there is anything else, please just call." they opened the door and pointed towards then phone on the table then left.
they ended up partying in the room all night.
of course, all good things come to an end and so when the bill came out, it was dreadful.
nami and usopp started crying, "we don't have this much money!" as they hugged each other. luffy stood up as he grabbed his bag but then got stopped by nami, "where are you going? we haven't paid!" he tilted his head, "what are you talking about? i told you guys, i'll pay!" then lets out his iconic giggle and bright smile.
nami and usopp stopped crying, but then nami started hitting luffy. "you're seriously going to pay? how much money do you even have?!" the boy in question shook his head, "i can't tell you that. the money's not even mine."
that made his friends both curious (mostly robin) and worried.
"anyways, i have to go somewhere. see you guys on monday!" luffy goes to the door and bid them a farewell then left.
robin then held luffy's wallet up with a cheeky smile and a hand on her cheek, "it seems our leader forgotten his wallet. perhaps we should follow him?" she suggests.
nami smiles as she took the wallet from robin, "and i'll be taking that!" she says with money in her eyes then checks the inside of the wallet. her jaws drop then shows a nervous smile as she points at the inside, "it's a fucking black card!"
nami pulls out the black card and then a golden pin, "and then... what's this pin?" she holds it out, "is this what luffy showed the host?"
the pin showed a small side portrait, something you'd find in a pendant or a locket. the carved portrait showed a woman and at the bottom also showed initials. then at the back of it showed a crest.
robin nods as she took the pin from nami's hand and started to inspect it, "this woman is the next heir to the l/n company." she flips the pin to show the crest, "this crest right here is proof that this is an authentic pin."
chopper raises his hand, "who are the l/ns?" he asks which made robin chuckle and pull out her phone to show a website. "the l/n family are nobles. they own multiple schools, both private and public, and are responsible for keeping this place in peace. then the eldest daughter—" she showed a picture of a woman with h/c hair.
brook points at the photo, "oh ms. y/n!" chopper looks at brook, "you met her?" he asks as brook nods his head, "i performed for her a while ago. she is very different from other nobles, a kind soul indeed! yohohohoho!"
zoro tilts his head, confused now, "if the l/ns are such a big shot, then why does luffy have the pin?"
sanji buts in, "no, the question should be how does he have it? he did say that the money he has all the time now, isn't actually his." before a fight could happen, nami stood up and glared at the two.
"sorry to cut this investigation short, but—" usopp took a peak outside the door, "luffy is leaving and we should get going if we still want to follow him to where ever he's going." franky stood up, "let's get super~ going then."
and so the crew left the restaurant and followed the innocent boy.
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the crew watched as luffy went to the opposite way of his home. robin walked at front to keep an eye on luffy as she has the best eye sight among the rest while the others made theories.
"where do you think he's going this late at night?" usopp asks as nami groans, pulling onto zoro's leash. "zoro! stop walking away, you're gonna get lost!" zoro growls at her as sanji laughs at him causing yet again, a verbal fight.
nami sighs before turning to usopp, "maybe a date?" she asks with a smirk, knowing that luffy is known to be an idiotic romanticist.
franky puts an arm around usopp, "actually, if you think about it, luffy getting a ton of money lately might mean he has a sugar mommy. sometimes, those types of relationships end up with dating each other." he points out.
usopp, nami, and sanji freaks out, "luffy, dating someone?!"
sanji starts getting frustrated, "if that idiot gets a girlfriend before me, i'm never going to cook him meat again!"
nami starts getting envious, "i want someone to give me money all the time."
usopp starts laughing, "i really can't imagine luffy dating someone!"
robin puts her hand up, "everyone, luffy just entered a house—" the crew then stop to look at said house, "but it's not just any house. it's the l/n manor."
"that's a mansion!"
the group of friends stood in front of the gates of the l/n manor, wondering on what to do now.
"what now?" chopper softly asks to which usopp shrugs, "should we just ask him on monday?" he suggests but nami lets out a horrifying aura, "we're getting answers one way or another!"
before nami could ring on the call system next to the gates, said gates opened. they were hesitant to go in since they weren't sure if they are invited, but then the call system rang.
"you are sir luffy's friends, are you not? he and the miss have given permission to invite you all inside the residence. make yourselves at home."
zoro shrugged then walked in with robin following closely behind. "zoro! robin?" nami called out, clearly hesitant to go inside despite being invited now.
"you heard the coms, we're invited now. let's go." zoro says as he nods his head towards the inside of the gates as robins nods, "we won't be executed for trespassing now." she comments making nami, usopp, and chopper let out a shrill.
now that they're properly invited, they went ahead and went in (with nami, usopp, and chopper still being a bit cautious). however, all nervousness were lost and quickly replaced with awe at the sight of the interior of the place.
immediately once they stepped foot into the place, a handful of maids appeared and lead them to separate rooms to get changed into a more formal wear.
after all, they can't be wearing their school uniforms to a banquet!
after they got changed into a more appropriate attire, they were immediately shoved into a huge ballroom filled with tables and chairs. with the insane sight in front of them, they eventually forgotten why they're here.
it was until a loud shatter of glass was heard at the front of the huge room, "thank you all for coming to this sudden celebration!." a female voice called out through the microphone at front.
but then before the woman at front could continue with her announcement, she was interrupted.
said person held a hand to the mic to cover it, "yes, my dear?"
"are you going to announce it now?" the young man next to her looked to be excited.
the woman smiles, "yes! would you like to do the honors?" she asks to which the young boy next to her moves over to the mic as he wraps his arm around her waist.
"i'm monkey d. luffy! and y/n is my wife!"
you chuckled, "i have no problem marrying you, but the proper term is girlfriend, luffy." you corrected him then gave him a kiss on the cheek.
"i meant girlfriend!"
everyone congratulated the two as claps boomed throughout the hall. meanwhile, the straw hat gang is honestly shocked (well, mostly usopp, nami, zoro, and sanji).
robin, franky, chopper, and brook laughed then congratulated the news saying: "i'm happy for him.", "good for him!", and such.
both sanji and zoro are furious for "how did luffy get a girlfriend before me?!" and "luffy is dense as a rock, how did he get a girlfriend?"
usopp and nami were envious for: "how nice! to have a doting girlfriend." and "how nice! i want someone to give me all their money to."
robin then comments, "although, i didn't know luffy is the son and grandson of dragon and garp, respectively." then she sips a glass of her drink.
"oh my, you didn't realize?"
"isn't garp the name of a police hero?" nami asks with wide eyes as robin nods then, "what the hell is up with this family?" zoro shakes his head with amusement.
chopper raises his hand, "who's dragon?" sanji turns to him, "you don't know who dragon is?" then nami buts in, "luffy's father is an outrageous man! he's part of the yakuza!" she points at luffy who's next to you.
then suddenly ace and sabo appears.
ace slams a hand on the table they're at, "oh guys! didn't expect to you all here." then sabo places a hand on ace's shoulder, "shocking announcement, wasn't it?" he chuckles.
they both noticed the obvious baffled faces of luffy's group of friends (well, mostly nami and usopp).
sabo holds a hand up, "ace, luffy, and i aren't blood related siblings." they visibly relaxed, "although, ace is the biological son of gol d. roger, but his adoptive father is edward newgate. then, i'm a runaway noble!" the baffled expressions came back.
ace nudged sabo, "you didn't have to say all of that." he purses his lips as he looks away, a bit embarrassed. sabo chuckles at his brother then turns back to the group, "also, we never knew luffy was dating someone until now."
before anymore chatter could happen, you and luffy finally walked up to the table.
"guys! you came!" luffy jumps up but then tilts his head in confusion, "wait, when did i invite you?" he says making both nami, usopp, and sanji hit him.
"you idiot!"
you let out a laugh which made them finally notice you.
'tall!' (you're around 6'4" here)
taking this as your cue to slightly bow, "a pleasure to finally meet you all, i am luffy's partner; l/n y/n, but you may call me y/n. i've heard a lot about you all! good things, of course. you all are wonderful people for my dear luffy over here." you gave them a closed-eye-smile as you hugged luffy from behind.
they became flattered and shyly denied it.
you then looked up on the gigantic clock at one of the walls, "oh my!" you put a hand on your mouth, "as much as i would love to stay and chat, but i have to end this celebration short. i cannot keep everyone here for the rest of the day, you all may leave anytime. good eve."
then the moment you left, luffy started getting ganged up on questions.
"one by one!" luffy started screaming from all the questions which made them calm down a bit. he pouts knowing that there's one question everyone wants to know,
when did he meet you?
"since y/n's family owns the school, she found me through there. i was told to meet up here at her house a couple months ago and she offered me to be her 'sugar baby', whatever that means. i asked her what that is and she told me that she'd feed me delicious food! so i accepted."
luffy stood in front of the huge gates and started screaming, "oi! anyone there? shanks told me to go here!" the gates opened which made him run inside as he let out screams of awe.
when he stepped inside the manor, one of the maids brought him to the dinning table which is filled with loads of food. then seated next to the head seat of the table is you!
you pointed at the head seat, "come now, luffy, you must be starving! eat all you want, my darling." you smiled at him as he screamed in happiness, "really?! thanks lady!" then started eating.
after the dinner, you finally started explaining on why he's here. you turned to luffy, who's drinking his milkshake, "nice to meet you, luffy. my name is y/n of the l/n family. you may call me y/n."
then you walked towards him and took a hold of both his hands. with sparkling eyes filled with hope, you asked, "luffy, oh could you please be my sugar baby?"
luffy didn't know what that was so he tilts his head in confusion, "what is that?" he asks which made you squeal at his adorableness. "basically, i offer you a lot of things, mostly money, whenever you need it. you can also live here, if you want. oh! and, free food every time you come here."
with star eyes, luffy stood up as he leaned closer to you, "i'll be your 'sugar baby' or whatever! for food!"
luffy explained looking proud at the mention of getting free food, then he started blushing. "then one day i started feeling weird around y/n, like a sickly but nice stomach feeling. i thought i was sick so i went to torao and he said that i love her. so i confessed and that's how we started dating."
a couple months past with you being luffy's sugar mommy and the two of you are really close. like very close. to the point that you and luffy have been bathing together. that close.
there would also be times wherein luffy would go to your room at night while rubbing his eyes, half-awake. when you ask "what's wrong?" you'd be answered with,
"i want cuddles."
of course, you'd fucking agree. he's just so cute aajshbdfnkhjf and then after that, whenever luffy stays over, you two would sleep together.
then at some point, luffy all of a sudden took you out on a date! you've always thought that he didn't know anything romance related, but besides that, you were delighted! a date with the one and only luffy.
luffy is an amazing person. he's so cute, childlike, innocent, greedy, selfless, and more! he's just someone very rare on this forsaken planet. you've heard a lot of him through the school's staff, mostly jinbei and shanks. every since then you've been wanting to meet him!
but you never expected to fall for him.
same goes for luffy.
after that date at the amusement park, he felt sick every time he's around you. at first he would have asked help from his brothers, but decided not to since he thought that they'd worry too much. so he asked a doctor-in-training that he knows, trafalgar law.
"torao! i'm sick!" luffy cried out, "every time i get neaar y/n, i feel like i' dying but in god way? like this nice feeling in my stomach, i feel hotter also, then my heart beats more. i'm not dying, am i?!" he continued to cry as law just stared at him dumbfounded.
"mugiwara-ya, you're in love, you idiot."
when law told luffy that, so many things went through his head then realization comes in. as if he was a popcorn, from a thinking face to a bright and huge grin, "i love y/n!"
then the next day, luffy immediately sprinted to your manor once school ended and clung onto you the entire time. you melted at luffy's hug as you nuzzled into his hair, "what's the occasion, luffy?"
he looked up with a huge grin, as usual, but something about it feels different as if lovesick.
"i love you!"
you almost fainted, but then, "i also love you!~" you squished luffy into a hug and the two of you are officially together.
ace and sabo started hugging their little brother. "i'm so proud of you, luffy!" sabo cried out making ace cry out also, "I thought you'd be forever alone!" from that comment, sabo hit ace on the head.
nami then stepped up, "that's so cute!" then her aura changed, "but that doesn't explain how you have a black card." she puts her fist on luffy's cheek and grinds against it.
"y/n gives me money also!"
that made nami cry in envious while she beats luffy up.
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a/n: feels a bit rushed but eh. i like this concept and might do more on it, this one just felt rushed because today is the deadline (luffy's birthday).
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Fandom Shipping Polls - Taichi Yagami Shipping Analysis (Poll I + Poll II)
As pointed out in the main post, every single Chosen Child will get their individual analysis post to check on the status of the current popularity of their ships. With that out of the way, let’s take a look at Taichi, shall we!
The overall results / spreadsheet
Disclaimer: As the “Someone from 01/02″ and “Others” options from poll 1 and the “Someone from 01/02″ option from poll 2 have been excluded from the final analysis due to redundancy reasons and all results were culminated in another “final count”, the results will not be 1:1 to what the polls look like:
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Overall votes: 164 (approx. 131 in sum after the exclusion), the main poll got 107 votes, the secondary poll got 57 votes.
The “Others” choice in the main poll received 6% (approx. 6 votes) and 7% (approx. 4 votes) in the secondary poll. The comments/tags did not specify any preferences here (aside from characters that were already part of the main choices).
Ship Analysis
1st place: This was actually a clutch one - and we may assign Koushiro’s victory (27%) here to the fact that Taichi’s poll was reblogged by Taishiro centric blogs as well. Initially, Yamato was leading the poll for the majority of the voting time and only got surpassed by Koushiro in the last few days (by round about 7 votes). Taishiro is still a well liked ship overall, presenting a “breaking your typical brawns/brains trope with a lot of mutual loyalty and devotion” bond that is still appealing to many, with them being all ride or die for each other. With several blogs even having picked it up in recent months, it should not be too surprising that they did get a lot of votes in comparison - however, a lot of big fandom names have moved on to different fandoms and it has become rather quiet outside of the Japanese spheres. Taiyama/Taito on the other hand has always been going strong and is a very popular choice for both parties.
2nd place: As mentioned above, Yamato (21%) was leading the poll for the majority of the time. And for good reason, as Taiyama is, not only in fandom but also in canon, a relationship that is highly focused on in terms of how they clash, but also complement, support and make each other better - which is also why there are tons of official promotional art that could have been used for the graphic! Taichi is Yamato’s (development) foil for a reason and the way their dynamics are being presented make them an appealing choice for one another. If the poll had been shared in Taiyama spaces, the results may have looked differently.
3rd place: Sora (16%) has been in the race for Top 3 the entire time, there wasn’t really any competition coming even close to them - however, she wasn’t surpassing Yamato at any moment of the voting. She did share second/third place with Koushiro quite a few times though. The poll was also making rounds in Taiora centric spaces, and even if there have been less enjoyable times in the past, tumblr itself is still having a dedicated  group of fans committed to making content, as Taiora has always been a viable ship for Taichi, just like the other two. Since Sora has been presented as main heroine in Adventure 01, being ride or die next to Taichi and foiling his development to the point of even indirectly activating his Crest of Courage, it is not surprising that their bond is still as popular as it is.
Honorary mentions: Daisuke is the only other character who surpassed the 10% mark for his senpai, but only picked up speed in the last few days. Mimi and Meiko were the only other ones who got past the 5% hurdle, which is interesting considering that other internet spaces (such as Facebook or Pinterest) are a lot more active in the Michi department.
“The 1 vote squad”: As Taichi’s polls were the ones to get as (comparably) many votes as they did, there actually are no “just 1 vote” answers - every other character in the Adventure verse (except one) got 2-3 votes, making those quite the niche options.This includes not only the main characters (Jou, Takeru, Ken and Miyako), but also the minor side characters (such as Menoa and Catherine).
“0 votes go to...”: Iori is the only character who didn’t get a single vote (which can probably be assigned to the lack of screentime/interaction as well as the age gap).
Annotations: Hikari was automatically excluded as a choice up front. Taikari does not seem to be a wide-spread choice in English speaking fandoms, even if a look at Japanese centric spaces may suggest that it’s fairly popular there.
What did the other polls say?
Interestingly, the other polls mirrored the results above and thus, Taichi won Yamato’s (37%), Sora’s (32%) and Koushiro’s (55%) polls as well, making him the character to win most polls overall.
He was also coming in second in Meiko’s (22%) poll and ranked third for each Mimi (13%) and Takeru (6%).
In Jou’s (2%) and Daisuke’s (3%) polls, he was quite a niche choice overall. 
He received 0 votes in the polls for Ken, Miyako and Iori.
Notable additions / comments / thoughts
As mentioned above, Taichi’s polls were the ones to receive the most votes overall, hence the numbers might be a little bit more accurate in comparison to other polls. He’s our main character after all, so he is likely to have interaction points and dynamics with a huge chunk of the cast. And thus, it’s no surprise to see people having different and also varying preferences for him - even if the results were pretty clear on who exactly was favoured most. However, the biases are still to be taken into account here. Thus, I really hope to reach a wider audience if I choose to repeat the polls.
Nevertheless, on a very personal note, I am both relieved and also not really surprised to see Yamato, Koushiro and Sora being represented as  the most popular choices for Taichi, as canon does frame them to be the most viable options, trope wise and screentime wise at least (rival/foil/opposite, right hand, female childhood friend). 
Seeing people slightly fancying characters like Meiko and Takeru is interesting, presumably due to his protective attitude towards them - a huge focus on Tri had been his and Meiko’s arcs being intertwined, making them contemplate whether and how to make very difficult choices, thus relating to each other. Takeru may look up to Taichi in a more brotherly way, that could also turn into more as they get older. Mimi is also represented for similar reasons, as the fandom sees a lot of potential in Michi, even though their anime interactions are more rare. Jou’s and Daisuke’s minor appearances suggest a niche interest in their dynamics after all; with Jou and Taichi gaining understanding and respect for each other through the series and Daisuke looking up to Taichi has his senpai, maybe even putting him on a pedestal there.
The comments in the tags have also only mentioned the three winners overall, so the “Others” option did not reveal any other potentially preferred suitors. This leaves room for speculation, but usually, the option is reserved for OC ships or for when people prefer to not ship a character at all (which will definitely be a future option to include as well!)
Other Analysis Posts 
Yamato Ishida Shipping Analysis
Sora Takenouchi Shipping Analysis
Koushiro Izumi Shipping Analysis
Mimi Tachikawa Shipping Analysis
Jou Kido Shipping Analysis
Takeru Takaishi Shipping Analysis
Hikari Yagami Shipping Analysis
Daisuke Motomiya Shipping Analysis
Ken Ichijouji Shipping Analysis
Miyako Inoue Shipping Analysis
Iori Hida Shipping Analysis
Meiko Mochizuki Shipping Analysis
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ashxketchum · 2 years
Digidestined as Students at UA Academy:  
Note: Feel free to disagree with this, I picked the quirks based on these little backstories I had planned for them or how much the vibe of the quirk matched the character, rather than the similarities between the MHA characters and the Digidestined!
Edit: Just realised that the graphic isn’t linked to this post, here’s the list of quirks 😅
Taichi: Once his quirk activates, he becomes the centre of attention everywhere and he truly enjoys every moment of it. He fools around and gets in trouble all the time, and never takes his surroundings seriously. Until one day during the last year of his Middle School, he goes too far and ends up facing a villain in a joke gone too far. The one who comes to his rescue then is his favourite teacher, Daigo, but unfortunately in making sure that Taichi gets out of the tussle alive, Daigo ends up losing his life. This is the turning point in Taichi’s life, and he makes up his mind to become a hero that saves people and swears to never let anyone else die in front of his eyes. He’s strong so of course at first he thinks UA will be a breeze, but he actually ends up placing 2nd in the entrance exam and gets another reality check. (Is obviously one of the Big Three later on.)
Yamato: His quirk is actually not related to either of his parents, and this causes a stir in the small countryside area that they live in. The people in their town are always spreading rumours about the legitimacy of him being his parent’s son or about his mother having cheated on. his father. Sick and tired of being ridiculed and having his family being put under this grim light, Yamato runs away from home at an early age. He enrols in UA with the aim to become a famous hero and shut everyone back home up for good once and for all. He is the strongest in his year and scores the 1st place in the entrance exam. (Obviously also in the Big Three and Taichi’s rival.) 
Mimi: Due to how visually pleasing her quirk and Mimi herself is, she was recruited as a child actress and has always been a very popular celebrity since she was young. But as she grows up, she wants people to recognize her quirk and herself for strength and not beauty, so she enrols in UA to break away from the stereotype that she has carried with herself forever. She gets in via recommendation, and to her dismay most of the student body is too nervous to be friendly with her. (Also in the Big Three.) 
Takeru: His memories of his brother are very hazy and he doesn’t recall the real reason Yamato just disappeared from home. After seeing him on television during the Sports Festival programme, Takeru decides to enrol into UA to find his brother and make him come back home. Yamato is very wary of him and doesn’t want Takeru to face any criticism at school so he maintains his distance but Takeru interprets this as Yamato not thinking him worthy enough for his attention, so he works even harder to be acknowledged by his brother. 
Sora: She is actually very embarrassed of her quirk since she used to get bullied for it during her time at elementary and middle school, but her mother forces her to enrol at UA in hopes that her time there will help Sora overcome her fear of her quirk. 
Koushiro: He’s actually one of the witnesses of the incident where Daigo dies and his impression of Taichi is very bad, but when he sees him on the television a year later during the Sports Festival and then in the news for Taichi’s efforts as an intern in a Hero Agency, Koushiro is taken aback by how much he has changed. He enrols in UA so he too can grow stronger and use his quirk for a better purpose, just like Taichi. 
Jou: He’s not inclined to become a Hero, or towards violence in general but enrols at UA anyway since that’s a family tradition. At school the teachers are very impressed by how he’s able to rally the students and various classes together, a task most of the teachers fail at too, and suggest to him that he could always choose to work at UA after establishing himself as a hero, which seems appealing enough to Jou to make him continue with the course. 
Hikari: She has pretty much lived in the shadow of her brother since she was little, and by enrolling in UA hopes to prove to her family and everyone around her that she’s just as strong as Taichi if not more. However, Taichi cant help but baby her every time he sees her and this usually ends up with Hikari  avoiding him as much as possible at school. 
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nakunakunomi · 2 years
Hi Hazel! I really liked the Ace x printer prompt. It was so cute!! Could I possibly get One Piece Yamato with "grad student" or if that's too weird maybe just "temple"(like the place)? I love him AND WE NEED MORE YAMATO!!! 😩🥰 Thank you! ❤❤
Hiya! I am glad you liked the Ace one. I absolutely LOVE Yamato. He is the absolute best. I had to look up where in education a grad student lies exactly, as they are not necessarily a specific category / term we have here? I do have to admit this one was a little harder to write, which is also why this is the very last one, again a modern Au ish? I don't back away from a challenge, no matter the struggle, lmao. I hope you like it!
2nd person. Gn Reader. Modern AU
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"If we haven't found a true partner by 25 then we'll just get together"
It was a silly promise, made when you were children, when twentysomething people seemed so old. So adulty. Now that you and Yamato were both around that age, you knew better. Barely adults, still looking for your place in the world. And by coincidence, both of you still painfully single.
You had gone through a lot of stages in life together. You lived in the same neighborhoods, went to the same schools. The minute you went to college you had thought the friendship would water down, but it had actually gotten stronger, despite distance. And now that you were both grad students, ready to finish up the school portion of life and thinking about further steps, you found yourself spending more and more time with him again, talking about the future, somehow always ending up at the past.
"Hey, do you remember the promise we made when we were eight or so?"
Yamato looked like he had to dig deep for that memory, you were purposely vague about it too. You wanted him to not remember, because you didn't really want to admit that you had been thinking about it more and more the more time you spent together.
"The one where we should date if we were still single by 25?"
You nodded. "That's the one."
Yamato laughed. "We oughta do that... it's about time, and I was honestly getting a little tired of waiting."
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