#yams read it
lenok993 · 6 months
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A C K E R T H E O R Y credit to Ellen_Yevner
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mvtchayam · 2 months
My love for Heathcliff resembles the eternal rocks beneath: a source of visible delight, but necessary.
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datingdonovan · 19 days
a/n: wake up. food's ready. just sat here for a few minutes and rehabbed an old draft that was probably based on this fabulous onceler drabble, I think? also VERY pg13... not really any explicit sex but. it's a lot about sex. my blog and my writing used to be so sfw but cece is back after her most recent troubling sexual relationship and is probably sexier than ever. he he ha ha help me. I hope you enjoy. also reader is gn but does get called beautiful so if that feels gendered or triggering to you please be aware! also mentions of tipsy/inebriated sex!!!! so dubcon in that way? I tried to make everyone not drunk drunk but if tipsy sex is slimy for you watch out for that too
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Yamaguchi wakes up slowly, eyes halfway open, naked body warm. And then he remembers what happened. The muscles in his body all tense at once, and it takes every fiber of his being to stay still. No no no no no. That hadn't happened. Shit. That hadn't happened, right?
But it had. His palm is resting on the soft skin of your hip and despite his best efforts he's squeezing lightly, so fucking nervous, and you're squirming toward him, still asleep, smiling softly, and it had, it had happened, oh god, it had.
Fuck. His ears are ringing with anxiety. What had happened? What had happened? He hadn't drank nearly enough last night for this to possibly have fucking happened.
And the information floods his mind as you nuzzle closer to his chest, your skin flush against his, a soft kiss where your mouth meets his shoulder. You, Tsukki, Tsukki breaking up with you — meanly, meaner than was necessary. You, Yamaguchi, and Tsukki, best friends, best friends since freshman year and Tsukki dating you and Yamaguchi shutting up and enduring it and you feeling tired of Tsukki's pretentiousness and his mean jokes and you telling Yamaguchi about it and Yamaguchi telling Tsukki about it and instead of fixing it making it worse and then you. You. YOU.
You with no more Tsukki, crying into his shoulder, and saying you just want to fuck someone. You're not even angry, you knew this was coming, you just want to fuck someone to forget. And Yamaguchi, the ever-loving asshole that he is, saying yes, yes, that makes sense, instead of saying, no, it's a bad idea. And then your dorm room, and then your sheets, and then your skin, god, your fucking skin. And now probably a hundred missed calls from Tsukki when Yamaguchi can chance a look at his phone, and the swirling feeling of bile coming up his throat, but what the fuck was he supposed to do? Wouldn't anyone have done the same?
He'd been in love with you since he first laid eyes on you, and in better, kinder ways than Tsukki, he knew. You were so beautiful, a ray of sunshine, someone who deserved the world, and to be treated with tenderness, and care. Tsukki just treated you like he did any other adoring idiot who was obsessed with him. Yamaguchi knew you deserved someone who was obsessed with you, and he knew he could be that. He knew he could love you. He had to constantly fucking remind Tsukki how you took your coffee in the morning, and what your favorite flavor of ice cream was, and that it did in fact matter when he got home if you were waiting up for him, and that you actually cared about him more than he knew and he shouldn't be wasting this opportunity treating you like an annoyance, like you didn't deserve his attention. Hell, with everything Yamaguchi tried to do to make sure you were treated right, you might as well have been dating him the whole time.
And he hated how his heart twinged with jealousy every time you chose his best friend over him, but he let it happen, because he loved you, even though he just fucking knew that wasn't how it was supposed to be. And then last night, everyone was tipsy, and you were crying, and he saw the chance to show you what really being loved could look like, and he took it. Fuck.
You mumble something soft and sweet against his shoulder and he remembers what he said last night with you on top of him, the only thing he could find the words to say, in every cadence he could think of, even after you laughed and told him to stop:
"I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you."
Yamaguchi swallows hard.
It hadn't been sex. It had been love. And that was so, so much worse.
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zrllosyn-art · 3 months
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Colored sketch based off of frozen lighting by @izfaish!!
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hannah-heartstrings · 3 months
Sweet Surprise
During a trip to Skingrad, Lecrinn and Garrus decide to surprise each other. Early in the timeline, though I'm not actually sure how canon it is.
The lost sweetroll prompt fic. I spent half a month writing this, finished it, and went "meh." By then I'd worked on it to the point of not being able to tell if it was good or not, and I still can't tell.
So I'll just release it into the wild and you can tell me. (I do know some things I do and don't like but I decided to keep them to the tags.) From October 2022 but I'm still accepting concrit on it.
@druidx @babyblueetbaemonster @inkysqueed
            Cradling two sweet rolls in one hand Lecrinn held them close as she pushed the heavy door with the other. She opened it just enough to slip out, leaving the chatter and warmth of the busy inn for the street outside. It was also busy and warm but more tolerably so.
            She squinted against the afternoon sun. Now that she had the sweet rolls it was time to find Garrus, after she dragged him all the way from Cheydinhal to Skingrad it was only right he get something out of it.
            The roads were narrow between the tall stone buildings that arched above them. She weaved through their hustle and bustle. The street widened out into a fork, forward continued to more buildings and to the left, a statue of a horseman. There gazing up at the statue she found Garrus.
            Catching her from the corner of his eye he turned and beamed at her.
            She couldn’t help but smile back.
            “I have a surprise for you,” he said as she walked up.
            “So do I!” She stopped, both their smiles falling at the sweet rolls in the other’s hands. Looking back up at the other’s face they gave laughing smiles.
            “I suppose we had the same idea,” he shifted.
            She shrugged. “It’s a good idea.” His smile looked forced, he seemed to feel awkward, she didn’t know why and it was making her feel awkward too. “Well… this one’s yours,” she held one out and they swapped, both laughing a little. She noticed he only held one. “Did you already eat yours?”
            “I uh,” he glanced down, “I don’t know how much money this trip will end up costing so I only bought one for you.”
            “Oh…” she looked to her second one.
            “You can keep it.”
            “Nah, lets split it later.”
            “No, you bought it for yourself, you can have it.”
            She walked passed him. “One and a half sweet rolls is still more than I planned on getting.”
            He tilted his head, he supposed that was true. Turning he saw her sitting on the round base of the statue. He looked startled. “Are you allowed to sit there?”
            “I don’t see anyone guarding it.” Pulling the pack off her shoulders and beside her she rifled through it.
            “What if you get in trouble?”
            “Then you can just arrest me.”
            He looked around before going over to sit beside her.
            Finding a small cloth she wrapped up one of the rolls and put it in her pack. She then turned all her attention to the one in her hand, closing her eyes as she took a bite, savoring its sweet spice.
            She looked to Garrus who was looking at his sweet roll surprised.
            “They really are better in Skingrad.”
            “Salmo’s sweet rolls are famous for a reason.”
            “Perhaps we should get more of these before we leave.”
            Her smile widened. “Does Cheydinhal have its own desserts?” She took another bite.
            “There’s the thirty layer cake.”
            She had to quickly swallow the bite. “Thirty layers?”
            “They’re thin.”
            “Why would you ever need thirty layers?!”
            “No, they’re very thin, it isn’t much taller than a regular cake.”
            “Oh… I’m having a hard time picturing it,” she gave a smirk, “I think I’ll have to see it for myself.” The smile turned more genuine. “Is it good?” She took a smaller bite.
            “I haven’t got to try one, they’re expensive.”
            The smile fell. “Oh.”
            “I like the spiced root cake the Dunmer make, and there’s one made from something called marshmerrow, it’s a little too sweet for me but I think you’d like it.”
            “I’ll have to try them next time I’m in town.”
            “I’m also quite fond of the bread they make out of yams, though,” he lowered his voice, “I’ve been afraid to try it with scrib jelly.”
            “What’s that?”
            “…Maybe when you’re done with your sweet roll.”
            Her brows rose.
            As they continued eating she looked around, gaze catching on the red leaves of a nearby tree, its branches bobbing slightly.
            He stared out at the street. “I have been trying to learn more about Dunmer culture, and not judge things that are different too quickly.”
            She smirked to him. “Except for scrib jelly?”
            “Well some things are easier to respect from afar.”
            “It is admirable though, because not much grows in the ashlands they have to find food elsewhere and they managed to get multiple food types out of something others wouldn’t see as such, they’re survivors, no matter the situation you put them in.”
            She furrowed her brows. “I really don’t want to know what a scrib is, do I?”
            “No.” Tearing a piece off his sweet roll he rolled it between his fingers. “I hope that learning more about them will help me be a better guard to them, like you said, at the very least, perhaps I’ll be a better man.”
            Her smile lessened but turned more genuine. “You are a good guard.”
            “I hope so, protecting everyone is why I became a guard in the first place.” Eating the bite his eyes lit up. He turned to her. “Does the Merchant Inn still make those blackberry tarts?”
            “What?” She blinked, brain taking a second to keep up with the sudden topic change.
            “I use to get them sometimes when I was training in the Imperial City.”
            “Um…” she glanced off, thinking, before turning back to him. “I don’t know, I’ll check. If they do I’ll bring you some, unless they wouldn’t stay good… Maybe I’ll just have to bring you there,” she smirked.
            “Hopefully that can be soon,” he turned back to his sweet roll.
            She looked surprised. Did he mean he wanted the tarts soon or did he like her dragging him places? She looked away as she couldn’t contain the grin spreading across her face.
            Turning back to him she saw he was staring at his dessert, the same awkward look as when she gave it to him. Seemed whatever had been bothering him never really went away. “What’s wrong?”
            “I am grateful, truly, but since I wanted to surprise you didn’t know what I was doing and bought some too.”
            “So now we have three sweet rolls,” she was confused as to how this was a problem.
            “I just feel bad you had to pay for two.”
            “Oh…” she glanced off with a smirk, “don’t worry about that.”
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chewyyam · 2 years
80% of the yoshiden appeal to me is because yoshida is like the only similarly aged character who can legally be paired with denji (i think idk i havent read the manga) and he's, as far as i know, not majorly assaulted or groomed him like nearly ever other person denji gets shipped with,, so most of the appeal is in this guy treating denji like an actual human being
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canayams-art · 18 days
In my 4th read through of the governor’s illness I am once again on my hands and knees crawling through the horrors (the narrative) to get to the light at the end of the tunnel (the happy ending they deserve).
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scoots-canoe · 3 months
Do you ever put dragon ball fan comics into papago for translating and it just
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oxygenbefore1775 · 9 months
Just to add grievance to practically non-existent Zeke/Reiner dynamics
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Reiner is a pretty smart character, but how could he know Zeke's true intentions for sure if the last on-screen conversation he had with him was four years ago
Surely, Reiner must've had some conversations with Zeke during which they — most definitely — must've established some sort of connection so later on Reiner was able to realize Zeke's plan
To figure Zeke out, just being smart isn't enough. If it was so, Pieck would've guessed Zeke's plan instead of Reiner. Reiner must've known something else, something he learned from talking to Zeke in the span of 4 years and something that was never shown on-screen in neither manga nor anime
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levmada · 2 months
Omg i saw another panel where its after the fight with kennys squad in that cave with the glowing pillars and its when erwin catches up to levis squad and asks “is anyone hurt” “yea only hange” and hanges like “HEEEY ERWIN” why didn’t they keep that thats so funny and cute of them!!!
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HEHEEHHEHEHHEEHEHEHEHEH it's the way the dialogue is arranged too, everyone has a chill vibe😭🙏
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womaninwinter · 9 months
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I know it logically makes most sense for Kipps to be doing the physical work here as his psychic senses are useless but I love the beginning of this dynamic where Kipps kind of becomes LW’s second in command in a way? Like Lucy is definitely his second in terms of talent and combat, but when it comes logistics and practicalities, Kipps just starts to back LW and he starts to rely on him, to the point where by TEG, LW entrusts almost all of the preparation/execution of the Orpheus raid to him. I am just not immune to the power of brothers-in-arms relationships
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babymagi · 1 year
Sharrkan: Oh no, no more reading before bed, I hate waking up to you gasping dramatically every thirty seconds
Yamraiha: Well I'm SORRY that I engage and connect deeply with literature 🙄
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jumpybox · 1 year
Future Mikey back in time
cus I'm still on about it and have another version for it so far so here are mainly stuff that happened during it so far...I'm always up for questions/suggestions/ideas to implement! Either one day I write it or try drawing it...but writing seems more possible for me hehehe...anyway!
Michelangelo after using all his mystic powers to open the portal , somehow ends up going back in time himself
Yet its not with his own body, no, his energy and soul ends up in the Mikey from that time, and it ends up in a dormant state
Mikey during the following months starts getting nightmares of Michelangelo's future/past and his mystic powers getting stronger each passing day
At first Mikey hides it from everyone but after a sudden surge of the mystic making his arms hurt a lot, he admits to his family that he seemed to not be able to control it
Mikey soon starts getting lessons from Draxum
A few weeks after Mikey starts that, the boys get into a fight with a new mutant villain that can control plants (its a sort of butterfly mutant) 
During one of the attacks, Mikey gets thrown against a wall and gets knocked out for a few seconds
Its during that time that Michelangelo finally wakes up, opening the eyes of the body he was in, only to groan in pain 
Michelangelo during all that time had been awake and knew what was going on, if anything he feared that the body he was inside wouldn't be able to control more of the mystic power.
So while he gets help from Leo to stand up, Michelangelo decided to use his mystic powers to put a stop to the mutant.
Of course he uses them flawlessly but at the same time he had meant to do that to try and …
Michelangelo tries to stop existing, he was aware that he couldn't be a part of his younger self, it was unnatural, not how it should go.
If anything, he was pleased during those months to have been able to see Casey again, starting a new life as a normal teenager should….or as normal as someone with PTSD from an Apocalypse could be
And...he was glad to see the rest of his family, he really was, if anything he wished his Leonardo could see all of this.
The body he is in, suddenly starts to lose consciousness and he can feel part of the mystic power go out of it, at least with that Mikey will be able to slowly be able to control the mystic powers instead of being some kind of ticking time bomb because of Michelangelo.
The body faints once more and this time Mikey doesn't wake up after three days.
Michelangelo had thought that he would finally reunite with his family but instead he wakes up with a startle, coughing out water and feeling his whole body in pain and hard to move.
He questions himself if death is supposed to feel like that but once he opens his eyes, he is met with a pair of heterochromatic eyes that have tears in them.
"THANK THE ALL MIGHTY YOU ARE ALIVE MY CHILD!" The loud voice makes Michelangelo whine softly and he can hear the person holding him gasp and whisper 'sorry' before cradling him close to a chest.
And that was the first time Michelangelo met Yua ('binding love and affection') , a witch-yokai that had been experimenting for decades in the hope of being able to make a child of her own
So sue her, she might or might not have stolen Baron Draxum's idea(or papers, you can’t prove anything, everything exploded that time...she might or might not have also something to do with the lab destruction... Again, no evidence found) of super soldiers mutant and instead of soldiers, just trying to make a family for her own to raise.
Of course she wasn't really an expert or knew what was missing, but she had ended up successfully being able to create a mutant child, a Red Footed Tortoise type.
Sadly the poor thing didn't seem to have a conscious of himself and even seemed to be in a vegetable state, yet Yua refused to exterminate him, he was the first to  survive of many other types she had tried before.
So after 10 years of taking care of the body of her child (making sure of taking him out of the magic filled tank she would put him in to help with keeping his body stable, to move his limbs and exercise them) the moment she didn't think would happened, happened and that was the awakening of her child.
Of course she had been worried, she hadn't even attached the breathing gas before he took a deep breath and started to choke.
So that's how it had happened and Michelangelo or Asahi/Nikkō( 'sunlight'/'sunshine') was once more living and in a new body at that. 
He isn't sure how to feel about this second? Third? Chance in living but he guessed that he had to keep his family waiting for him for a bit longer, because he wasn't about to leave his new mom alone...stars, she was a mess and she needed him.
Nikko has to admit, the first few months he starts living with her are a bit hard on his poor body, after all, the muscles weren't fully there yet and as much as Yua copy Draxum's notes, she didn't exactly make a super soldier, sure, his body is regenerating but is not as fast as if he had been in his old body, still he is happy to slowly start moving or crawling around the first few months
And speaking! Its hard because again, this body didn't have the chance to speak during those 10 years
Its after a year of rehabilitation, love and dedication from Yua that Nikko(Michelangelo) can walk a certain amount(with help of a cane) and talk 
And Nikko has to admit, Yua is the best parent he has met in all his life...well Splinter was a good parent too but...not good good, if he had to be honest.
Yua is from Japan but moved to the hidden city many decades ago .Why? Because she just got bored and wanted a new change in her life...and maybe because she had done something that had her kicked out of her Clan.
Nikko tries to ask about the Family, Clan, but he can tell that it is some kind of a sore spot for his mom, so he instead enjoys listening to her when she talks about other stuff.
Imma keep writing more but honestly I would love more ideas! Also sorry if some phrases sound weird, I talk more in Spanish than in English, so my mind just translates some stuff weird lol
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makerofmadness · 10 months
I know I haven't posted about it but istg Yam being on Team Brains in that debate in ovenbreak is just. Confirmation to me that he indeed Holds The Singular Brain Cell of the guild gang-
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redjaybird · 5 months
[oh i gotta write a scene i thought it was a reactionf ksdjfsd]
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uselessalexis165 · 1 year
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the unholy wheeze i let out when i saw this
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