#yandere Fallout
yanderemommabean · 4 months
What if you were a pregnant woman in Fallout, running and trying to get far away from raiders or something/someone else. You are scared and trying to hide it this gloomy and abandoned home only to accidentally found a nest with egs6 and mother Deathclaw. You frozen in shock and fear, not having an idea of what to do in this situation. However the beast didn't tear you apart but comes closer, sniffing you and gently nuzzling you already big stomach. But when the pursuiters found you both, so Deathclaw cover you and her eggs and tears them apart, leaving NO survivers. Mother protects mother.
You just tremble, holding a hand over your stomach in fear as the beast trots closer. Its curious, head tilting here and there as it chuffs and snorts, before it just lays its head on your stomach as well, even seemingly purring. These things can do that?!
You almost sigh in relief, gently scratching the massive beasts head as a thank you, but that crackling of broken glass gets your attention. The fuckers you've been running from found you-seemingly breaking a window in the process as they hollered for you to give up the jet and med-ex you had on hand. You don't though. They're just hellbent on this idea though and have chased you for literally nothing. And you're close to tears, thinking you were about to die either by this angry beast or by psychos. But the deathclaw stands in front of you, roaring loud and deafening, shaking the foundation of the abandoned building as she makes sure it's known. This place is a death trap if they step any closer.
Do they listen? Well no. They aren't the type. They were literally going to kill you for drugs you said you didn't have and proved you didn't have, why would a deadly lizard beast be a threat to those idiots?
Three seconds. It takes three seconds as you turn away and hunch over, holding your stomach with both hands to protect you and your baby. They're scattered, some even eaten whole as their screams are cut off. The next thing you feel is a blood covered nose nudging you, as if to reassure you that you're ok, and it makes sure to push you again when it thinks you didn't notice. How...Cute? Can deathclaw's be cute? Well, you suppose this one can be. And its a hero, oddly enough. To think you fight these things regularly... "Thank you, uh...Ma'am?" you ask, unsure how to address it or give the beast a name. Maybe names can come later? You're exhausted from the entire chase, and thinking death was seconds away. The deathclaw just whuffs, encouraging you to sit down in the rubble-Wait, nest? It's nest right?? Maybe not- and you oblige. She trots away for a moment, sniffing the puddles of blood to make sure the bandits were dead, before taking another bite for good measure. You suck in a breath, but decide to just let that image be locked away for now, needing to rest for you and your baby's sake. Seems the deathclaw agrees, coming to curl around you as she turns her eggs, facing them towards the sun as she grumbles and purrs, making sure you're warm and protected as well as her belly presses to your back.
Maybe this is the beginning of something even stranger, but, for now you decided to just sleep while you can. Who knows when you'll be able to again?
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Your Deathclaw Boyfriend (Male Reader Version)
Male Yandere Deathclaw x Male Reader (CW: Noncon, Inhuman genitals, double penetration, ass eaten like it’s groceries, general yandere behavior) Word Count: 920 (Hope you guys enjoy this, I wrote and edited hastily so I hope you can forgive any errors.)
It had been an extremely stupid idea, exploring the wasteland solo with no group. But you had never been one for traveling with other people, you preferred scavenging alone, and it had a few benefits. No betrayals from companions looking for the right moment to stab you in the back and you maintained  the ability to move stealthily. You could always detect a loud group of unruly bandits, they weren’t exactly subtle. But finding a scavenging group to scour the wastes with or maybe even settling down completely in a relatively safe settlement would have prevented the fate that ultimately befell you. You had been exploring a small cave that looked like it may have some loot, old long dead people stashed all kinds of nice stuff in places like this. You should have known something was wrong immediately by the odd smell that seemed to permeate the air wafting out of the entrance, but it could have been anything so you continued cautiously. That was your first mistake. Your second mistake was seeing what was some kind of nest with large, sparkling gems at the base forming a large circle along with smoothed stones and bit of shining metal, all with hay, feathers, and clothes at the top. It was obviously bedding, but whatever it was that slept here wasn’t present then. So you decided to nab a couple of the large gemstones before making a hasty exit. Unknown to you the maker of the nest had seen you enter his home and was silently stalking you as you approached his bedding. And he was thrilled that his scent marking had led you into his home and was even more excited when he saw you touch the stones he had collected to attract a mate, it was a clearly an indication that you were receptive to being with him. You had gotten closer and kneeled down in front of the nest and placed a hand on one of the gems, ready to snatch it up, but suddenly you were jerked backwards and lifted up several feet into the air. You were being held by an alpha deathclaw with black and green glowing skin. As you thrashed wildly trying to escape you were surprised to hear him speak. “Ah, tiny mate-thing, Grogth is so happy you were attracted to my home~  Didn’t expect a human to be interested but am so so excited!” His voice was deep and beast-like but he spoke fluently. “No! I was just… exploring!” You didn’t want to admit to having been about to steal his gems. “Awe, you’re so shy! That’s okay, Grogth knows how to be gentle.” If you could have reached your weapon you would have, but he quickly tore through your clothing and tossed away all your supplies before placing you carefully in his nest on your back. He crouched down and brought you to the edge of the bedding and gently spread your legs, ignoring your attempts to kick him away and attributing all of your resistance to first time jitters, fully convinced that this was what you wanted. Why else would you have been at his nest if you didn’t want to be mated? He lapped eagerly at your cock and balls, at first he was surprised to see them between your legs, thinking only a female would want to be his mate and not being able to tell between a clothed human male or a clothed human female, but he was not the least bit deterred. After all, he was a large and powerful mate and he had an awesome nest, he could never blame you for wanting to be his cute partner. Humans were so tiny and you obviously needed his protection. Maybe that was why you were so shy, you were worried Grogth would reject you if he knew you were male. He couldn’t let his precious new mate think that! So he made sure to give your delicate human cock lots of love, slowly licking up your shaft, wrapping his tongue around it and stroking it with his tongue until it was nice and hard. Then he dove his mouth between your cheeks and slid his strong tongue into your entrance, making sure to apply plenty of spit to make you good and lubed up. You twitched and writhed as his tongue massaged your prostate.  And once he deemed you nice and well lubed your legs were raised and both his cocks were thrusting in and out of your tight hole.   True to his word he was as slow and as gentle a lover as he could possibly be, nuzzling into your neck and telling you how you were such a good boy for him and so very perfect at taking his cocks as he bred you. Despite his tenderness, with the sheer size of both of his cocks penetrating you deeply pain was unavoidable. Though it was not unbearable and after a while as more and more of his precum lubricated your ass it became very pleasurable. It did not take too long for you both to cum hard, after which he held you lovingly as you panted and tried to recover. There was no way you would ever escape from him, your weapons were not strong enough and you didn’t have it in you to hurt Grogth anyway when he wasn’t purposefully malicious, and if you ran away he would track you down. This was your life now, and you might as well accept it.   
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everydayyoulovemeless · 6 months
Oooh you do yandere stuff?? Can I please have something for yandere Joshua Graham, either headcanons or the alphabet would be great!
Yandere Joshua Alphabet
➼ Word Count » 1.7k ➼ Warnings » yandere themes ➼ Genre » Romantic, Yandere
Affection - How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
Joshua shows his affection through how he shelters you. He hates it when you leave the camp without him, and does everything he can to ensure you won't end up being a target for the White Legs or any other Legionary assassin that may come for him again. He's fully aware of the influence Ceasar has and would take this aspect of your relationship very seriously. You won't leave without someone else going with you. He simply won't allow it.
Blood - How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
In a normal relationship, Joshua would be more hesitant to show how violent he can get. But, in this situation, all the drive to hide who he really is goes out the window. He's willing to go as far as he needs to when it comes to you. Anyone necessary. The tribals, your companions, and even Daniel. He'd slaughter them all if it meant you'd be safe. He'd even do it in front of you.
Cruelty - How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
No. He thinks it's rude. It's not your fault that you aren't as experienced as he is. In fact, the whole reason he'd abduct you is to be able to keep a better eye on you. Making fun of you for something that was inevitably going to happen isn't something he's prone to doing.
Darling - Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
He's going to have you baptized, whether you want to or not, but besides that, he wouldn't dream of forcing you to do anything you didn't want to.
Exposed - How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
There are times when it feels as if you don't even know the man. He's quiet and incredibly closed off, even to you. He'll try to discreetly tell you about himself through bible verses or poetic words, but other than that, he's not jumping for you to learn about his past with the Legion any time soon. He wants you to love and trust him, not despise him.
Fight - How would they feel if their darling fought back?
He understands it. This world is harsh, of course, your instinct is to fight him. However, after the first week of staying with him, he hopes you’ll calm down and finally just accept that you’ll never get away from him.
Game - Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
He won’t. If you try and escape the humble home he’s managed to set up for you both in Zion, he’s going to be upset. Even with all the knowledge he’s told you about the White Legs and all those around who want to hurt you, and you still want to try your luck? He’ll be disappointed, to say the least. He expects you to have more instinct than that.
Hell - What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
He's always taken his philosophies seriously, even when he was in the Legion. So, if he ever overhears you saying something he deems to be blasphemous towards his religion, you're going to have a very hard time calming him down. He'll force you to pray out loud to the Lord and ask for forgiveness until he's satisfied. It doesn't matter to him if it takes hours, he refuses to let you be shunned to Hell for a sorry mistake such as the one you committed. What kind of husband would he be if he didn't seek to save you from God's wrath?
Ideals - What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
If he had it his way, you’d be the perfect housewife, staying home to cook and clean while he went out and did whatever. Some Legion habits never left him, and coming back to a loving spouse who’s prepared to comply with his every whim is one of them. Just the perfect nuclear family.
Jealousy - Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
He gets very quiet when he's jealous, preferring to be silent rather than blatantly lashing out at whoever is triggering these feelings. He thinks it's stupid that he gets so upset at the tribals for simply being around you. It's not like you'd leave him - not like you could - so why is he so stressed? He'll pray and go on walks to try and combat his jealousy, it's one of the only things he actively tries to work on.
Kisses - How do they act around or with their darling?
He acts as any spouse would. He kisses you on your hands or on your cheeks to greet you, rests a gentle hand on your lower back when you're near him, and does everything he can to take care of you.
Love letters - How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
As he believes any man should: with trinkets and thought-out dates. He wants to court you the right way, even if you’re aware from the start that you’ve got no other choice other than to accept his advances.
Mask - Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
On the outside it doesn’t appear as if anything has changed, however he feels different. There’s an urge now, something that tells him to kill. He’s felt it before during his peak in the Legion, but now it’s come back and he’s not sure what else to do than to quench the thirst of fear that floods him by ensuring your safety. Maybe it’s God's will that’s enforcing him to protect you.
Naughty - How would they punish their darling?
He’d shout and maybe grab your face, but he couldn’t imagine going any farther than that. If he wants to get his point across then he’ll just let you feel the raw fear that getting chased by Legionaries gives you (only once, he doesn’t want you to be actually harmed), but enough to get you to listen.
Oppression - How many rights would they take away from their darling?
He’ll take away your right to leave the tribes camp, your right to your weapons, your right to your opinions, your right of religion - there’s not much he doesn’t have control over.
Patience - How patient are they with their darling?
Joshua thinks he's patient, but he has a clear temper. He'll be kind one moment then angry the next. Although he does his best to not take it out on you, it's still terrifying to witness. Sometimes you wonder if it'd just be best to listen and avoid his fits altogether...
Quit - If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
No, he’s got it in his mind that God assigned him specifically to defend you and keep you safe, so if he ever were to fail that, he’d feel as if he were betraying the Lord's trust.
Regret - Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
How could he? You're better off this way. He's sworn to care for your every need. He'll feed you, give you access to water, cloth you, comfort you, bleed for you, house you - why should he feel guilty about doing you a favor? For loving you?
Stigma - What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
Joshua has always had this need to worship in his life. It could be seen with how devoted he was to the Legion and the will of Caesar, then with God, and now with you. There's a primal urge within him to commit himself to wherever he feels most desired, and that just happened to be you.
Tears - How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
It shatters him, especially if you're acting like this because of something he did. He'll sit beside your curled-up form and whisper Bible verses and scriptures as a way to encourage and reassure you.
Unique - Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
Vice - What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
His religion is a massive weak point, and if you can somehow convince him that it was God's will for you to go elsewhere, he may just let you go. Granted, you'd have to be really good at persuading people. He's a logical man and won't just take your word for it so easily.
Wit’s end - Would they ever hurt their darling?
Not intentionally, but sometimes he forgets his own strength when it comes to handling you. He likes to brush it under the rug though, best not to think about it.
Xoanon - How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
In his mind, he's already won you over. Of course, he'll still go through the process of romancing you and won't ever stop doing that, but his delusions tell him that you've already fallen for him. One thing about Joshua, however, is that he almost sees you as a second Christ. If you ask him to do something, he'll do it no questions asked. But, in the same sense, he's paranoid that you'll be crucified just like the Lord and is constantly looking out for that certain 'Judas' that will betray you.
Yearn - How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
Like a day. The second he feels different around you compared to others, he's got it in his head that you're a divine being or, at the very least, someone God wanted him to meet.
Zenith - Would they ever break their darling?
He hopes to 'break you in' to his way of life, but he hopes that it won't have to be violent or over the top in any way. He's certain you'll come around to his way of thinking soon enough, even if you need a little shove.
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femmefemmefatale · 2 months
Hey I have two request (seperate you don't have to do both or you can do them different times )
The first one is yandere Lucy from the fallout show x fem!reader who has been traveling with her but is planning on splitting off because the reader finally arrived to where she was going
The other one is yandere Ashe with gn!reader who is trying to collect her bounty
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TW: Lucy uses her tranquilizer gun on you. Traveling with Lucy has been interesting, to say the least. Her vault-tech ways were refreshing but naïve. It made wanting to travel with her very easy. Especially since you were both heading in the same direction. That pip-boy of hers sure came in handy. For a wastelander you were better off than most. You weren't starving, you were literate, you had a weapon to protect yourself against others and you had enough medical knowledge to patch yourself up in case someone used a weapon against you. But in comparison to Lucy, you felt… unkempt and uneducated. While you did your best to manage your hygiene, water was a luxury, and educational books were a rare accommodation. Lucy however didn't share that sentiment. The girl was pretty much singing your praise from the moment you met her.
Lucy loved everything about you. From how resourceful you were to how despite the horrors of the wastes you were still kind to strangers. You were cautious, she had to earn your trust, but you were kind—a true diamond in the rough. You just needed a little polish and you would be perfect. You were already perfect to her of course, but a little cleaning up never hurt anyone. Of course, that polishing wouldn't be possible anywhere but in Vault 33.
She hoped that by the time the two of you reached your destination her stories of Vault 33 would've made you curious enough that you were willing to go with her. The fact that you hugged her when you got where you needed to be cemented that fact for her. Only for you to drop a bomb on her.
"I'm going to miss you," you said as you held her tightly. Your chin on her shoulder and your arms wrapped around her.
For a moment those words didn't hit her at all. She was too busy drowning in your embrace to listen to you. But when that initial hit of bliss was gone, she was left with the cold hard reality.
"Miss me? Silly, there's no need to miss me if you join me," she tried with her everlasting chipper tone. Reluctantly, she pulled back to look at you.
The sheepish look on your face was endearing to her. The way you tucked your hair behind your ear. The way your gaze drifted to the side even though she preferred to have your eyes on her at all times.
"Your vault sounds amazing, Lucy. And I would love to visit it one day. But I have… matters to attend to here. It's not something I can ignore," you explained to her. Your vague answer didn't bother her a bit.
Unlike Lucy, you've been a bit more secretive with your past. But that just intrigued her. You were a beautiful mystery she was dying to unwrap in more ways than one. You weren't from a vault but you had more education than most surface dwellers. She tried to guess where you came from by the way you dressed. But your generic leather armor didn't give any hints.
It took a while but she finally got a hint a week into traveling with you. You were unpacking your bag, looking for something, when you suddenly pulled out a dress. It was lovely and well taken care of. When she asked you why you had it, you grinned that grin of yours that made her want to pull you on her lap so she could take your breath away. The only thing you said was; "To dance, Silly."
While she had no dress of her own, she would still love to dance with you. And she was hoping that she would be able to dance with you underneath the artificial sky in her home vault.
"Are you sure I can't convince you to join me?" she asked. Feeling a bit daring, she pressed herself against you. This wasn't the first move she made on you. She was never afraid to get what she wanted, but you were the first woman she wanted. Lucy knew she needed to do things differently. Not just because you were a woman, but also because you awoke something in her.
You were stronger than her. More capable of defending yourself, but somehow still so sweet and kind. She wanted to wrap you up and take you away. Away from prying eyes and anyone who could hurt you.
Being your knight in shiny armor, however, wasn't a way she could sweep you off of your feet. While she was a good shot, you were faster. More experienced in a way she couldn't be because she grew up in a vault.
That's why she showered you in compliments. But you didn't seem to catch on that it was anything but friendly. Not until she started to get a little more bold. Complimenting your looks instead of a skill.
The first time you realized her compliments weren't as platonic as you thought they were, she was almost afraid you would pass out from how flustered you got.
Since then, her favorite thing to do was to make you as flustered as can be. The blush on your face now the reason why she decided to take drastic measures.
A quick look to take in her surroundings told her everything she needed to know. And as you did your best to formulate an answer all while being too flustered to look at her, she took her chance.
She slowly took one of the tranquilizer darts from her belt. With one swift motion, she stuck it inside of you. It only took a second for you to collapse onto her.
Lucy held onto you tightly. A loving embrace. While it would be a pain to carry you all the way home, she could never be upset with you.
Besides, she always wanted a chance to sweep you off of your feet.
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imagine-silk · 7 months
Could you do the Yandere Fallout 4 Girls reacting to their darling Sole leaving Synth Shaun to die?
》I'm so here for this kind of hurt. I'm going to have it so they were there for this decision. You know, for extra hurt.
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【Cait】 "..."
She's not going to pretend she understands why you did it but he wasn't her kid and it wasn't her place to think about it. Hell, you could have told her to end him and she would've taken your word for it.
【Curie】 "This is what you wanted, no? Is he being a synth the problem?"
She actively tries to get you to take him. Not because she actually cares for him. If he was human she would've let you leave him. But if him being a synth is a problem how do you feel about her being a synth? She cries and begs for her own reassurance and Shaun cries with her.
【Piper】 "I'm sorry it's gotta be this way, kid."
You ran around the Commonwealth only to find a robot and a dying old man. You must be so upset. And she can't have that. When he cries and grabs you she pushes him off and shoots him. No warning or remorse.
【Haylen】 "Kid, just sit back. It'll all be over soon."
Her sweet attitude was eerie, like she wasn't telling him to die. This little abomination had no right to get between you two. You made the right decision. Never doubt yourself. She's so proud of you.
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Could I have Piper, Cait and Curie (seperately) finding out that their S/O was once a soldier of the Enclave?
As a journalist, she was completely enraptured with the idea of the elusive group still being around after the war in the capital wasteland. But as your partner, she was completely shocked and slightly disgusted too.
The enclave not only was a racist organization, but it also worked with Vault tech, which isn't very well-liked in the wasteland. She always wondered why you were so unphased when committing murder. It all made sense now.
Piper would need a moment to process it all. To reflect on her interactions with you before with this new knowledge to know if she really wants to continue a relationship with you.
If you showed a kind personality, helpful and adventurous, then she would be willing to look past what you've done and continue the relationship between you two.
If not, then she would give you an ultimatum. You have to change, or she will leave you. She has a sister to care for, and she's a reporter that's fighting for the rights of people. She can't be in a relationship with someone that doesn't support her views.
When you first tell her, she's unsure what the enclave is. Being with the Raiders for the majority of her life, she hadn't gotten a very good education. Not that many wastelanders have.
The way she finally realizes what sort of fucked up person you used to be, she would start a huge fight with you. She probably chatted up Maccready about it, considering he was from the capital wasteland, even if he was a child, so he probably knew more about the whole enclave thing.
After Cait would give you an honestly bad beating out of frustration for trusting someone who used to be no better than the Raiders, she would be very much tempted to just leave you without even saying goodbye.
And trust me, she will if she thinks you have been showing red flags while traveling with her. She ain't the kindest, nor the most welcoming, but that doesn't mean she would tag along with someone that reminds her of her old oppressors.
If she thought that you were changed and a good person, or already helped her get off psycho, then she would give you one chance. One single chance to prove to her that you had that life completely behind.
She will sit you down and you better come completely clean about the things you did. If she finds out that you lied to her, she will leave you in the middle of the night and won't rejoin you.
Curie would be the most neutral about these things. Being created by vault tech and serving scientists who weren't the most morally good people, she was used to things others would see as bad in the name of science.
Curie would be the only one okay with you still being part of the enclave and would actually want to join the scientist team before you explain to her that they weren't exactly the most welcoming of non-humans.
She would be disappointed, but would jump right back, curious about what you've done and if you're currently on a mission. She would want to know every single detail.
If you aren't part of the enclave anymore and have changed, she would be happy for you. While she is disappointed to be unable to join such a huge scientific community, she will support you in your journey to better yourself.
In general, very little would phase Curie, as she is very new in her journey of selfhood and feelings. She may become more bitter about the fact later down the line, but for now, she's completely fine with whatever your choices may be.
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creepylunaofmars · 2 months
Temperance is a yandere magnet but she tries to take it in stride. Hard to take most seriously when she can toss the majority of them around like a sack of potatoes. The post-apocalypse has made that type more crafty and bolder though, much to the chagrin of her well worn nerves.
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yanderegameguys · 2 years
If you're still taking yandere requests can you write about Mr House from fallout please I think he's kinda cute
He’s got eyes EVERYWHERE!!!!! He founded RobCo so he knows machines.
You might feel like you’re being watched, which you are be owns basically most of the strip and will control it when the Courier gets him that package.
He’s got robots and armed men that will track you down if you leave or even try and run
Might even force you into the body of a Securitron AI/ way less lethal robot. Good luck running down those stairs. Plus there’s a tracking chip in your new body.
Doesn’t need his House Girl’s anymore since he has you for any needs. He’ll have Jane watch you which she will happily do to keep Mr House happy.
Depending on your gender he might try to do some little experiments to get you pregnant without putting his body in jeopardy
Everyone on the strip knows not to mess with you (even Benny who actually listens)
He might also hire the Courier to body guard you as well if you need to go out because they lives and are probably the best fighter in the Mojave
He could also probably make you personal toys since he’s not physically able to do so. Or put himself into a special sex-bot. (Sorry i had to)
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gremlingottoosilly · 5 months
Now, Fallout!AU for Raider!Konig and fem!Reader...
Konig as a raider. Your typical one - wall of meat, muscles, mean motherfucker who doesn't really care who to kill and who to fuck after. It might be from one of the less drug-addicted gangs, most of the shit never works on him anyway. Might be radiation, might be mild mutation - no one cares. He isn't a leader of the gang, never good at working with people and commanding them - but he is good at shooting people and taking their stuff. He is good at spotting and sniping, despite people around laughing at his huge form scrambling behind a stolen sniper riffle. This is how he spots you, actually. A vault dweller - this much is obvious. You can lead him to your stash, a can deep in the ground. Filled with people, vault-dwelling rats - the ones that are too fucking good for this place. Konig thinks he hates them - but honestly, half of the wasteland does. You do look good in that tight suit of yours. Bright blue on the dry yellow of the ground below. he wondered who designed the suits - if people knew that every dumb underground rat would be spotted from at least 3 kilometres away in that bright blue thing. Works for him, though. He flips off the guy who didn't want to spot for his position. His rank in the gang is high enough to just get a guy by his neck and force him on guard duty - all while he is getting ready to catch the little rat. It was a while since he saw someone so pretty - honestly, only Vault dwellers can be considered pretty at this point. Clean skin, moderately clean hair. He knows that if he gets to smell you, you'd have this awesome stench of cleanliness. Would be lovely to push his nose into your hair as he fucks you on his bunk. Might even clean his room a bit so the underworld princess won't be too disgusted at the perspective of being chained to his bunk. A prized property. Pretty helpless thing.
Konig drags you to the compound with ease. You're too startled at the sight of a giant hooded man approaching you with a very mean gun on his hip - not even in his hands, since he is confident he can snap your neck with just two fingers. You whine like a brain calf being split in two at some posh casino far in New Vegas - he brushes his hand over your ass, gripping it. Patting it. You do have a weapon - he disposes of it now, just getting it to his pocket. You freeze when he takes your pip-boy off, snapping it off your wrist with ease. You mouth a little plead with your lips. Konig laughs. You have a Vault location in here - it's funny how such a silly thing is going to be the doom of your people. The gang leader would probably be sad they didn't get to torture you for information, but Konig is making sure the whole gang will be satisfied hearing your moans and cries the whole night. Everyone knows that Konig is a beast - and that if they try to get the leftovers of a pretty Vault girl, they will be used as a target practice next. You do smell good. Konig takes note of breaking into some abandoned building and trying to fetch water and cleaning supplies so you could continue to smell nice. Wants to doll up his pretty Vault snatch - even finds some old, pre-war dresses. Plays house as long as gang allows it. Some of the younger members give you a pitied look, hearing your little sobs every time Konig forces you to move. Some of the older members know that the moans you're letting out aren't the ones of pain. Konig isn't the one to share and to talk, so he never even brags about his girl. Just has her attached to his hip, clinging to his armor since he is the only one who you know here. At least you know him, somehow. At least you know he likes his pretty Vault rat too much to let you get hurt. By anyone but him, that is.
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losersiren · 5 months
Yandere! Vault Dweller
N: I just finished the Fallout show, went on YouTube and fell down a rabbit hole of lore about the game. I decided Vault 11 shall be sacrificed (hehe). Everything I put in this fic is from the videos I've watched and the fan wiki, so it's like semi-accurate… Cw: talks about suicide, suicide (not the reader), violence, yandere tendencies, gore(?), death, manipulation, coercion, talks of death, should be gn! reader safe.... if not, put me in the chamber WC: 2.2k
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Quiet. It was quiet. The silence is deafening, yet the ringing in your ear grows louder and louder, each second feeling as if eons had passed. The automated computer voice repeats in your head like a catchy song you’ll hear on those dusty records, the ones Mama used to play and dance to.
“Congratulations, citizens of Vault 11! You have made the decision not to sacrifice one of your own. You can walk with your head held high, knowing that your commitment to human life is a shining example to us all. And to make that feeling of pride even sweeter, I have some exciting news. Despite what you were led to believe, the population of Vault 11 is not going to be exterminated for its disobedience. Instead, the mechanism to open the main vault door has now been enabled, and you can come and go at your leisure. But not so fast! Be sure to check with your overseer to find out if it's safe to leave. Here at Vault-Tec, your safety is our number one priority.”
You were young when your parents escaped the bombs to the vault you're situated in right now; you grew up believing that damned computer about sacrifices and watched your fellow vault mates get killed one by one. You waited for the time it would be you in that same chamber. Now, with this information surfaced…they died for what? An experiment? What would have happened if you had been voted overseer…
The lump in your throat grows heavier, and the arguments and yelling in the background become more and more apparent that you can't ignore them anymore. Your eyes drift to the man standing tall and proud beside you, Charli, his hair still somehow slick back; he still looks perfect even after the maddening chaos of events that transpired these past few days. His blue jumpsuit was as crisp as an ironed suit that the actors would wear from the moving pictures on television before the vault. His expression is as vacant as his blue eyes, his soft lips decorated with a barely visible smile. As he watches the other three vault survivors argue, Your brows furrow. 
Why isn’t he affected by the news like everyone else? This information is soul-crushing and life-changing!
Then again, you reason with yourself that maybe this is his way of coping; who are you to judge and microanalysis him like some psycho? Perhaps it’s the lack of sleep or the sense of safety ripped out of your hand like candy stolen from a baby. Heavens, you might nearly flip your lid entirely if something else happens. You sigh. To believe you almost were insinuating that Charli would even be a drop suspicious, and of what, exactly? He saved and shielded you from the massacre that only left the five of you remaining; he was your childhood best friend..how could you? You reprimand yourself.
His eyes finally meet yours, and the sympathy and worry you sought appeared when the blonde saw how distressed you were. “Are you alright?” his soft voice fills your head–drowning out the talks of whether the group should commit suicide in honour of your dead vault men or venture into the outside world to educate others on how your vault was misled. You were somewhat dissociated from the whole conversation. Reasonably so.
His hands, soft yet calloused, turn your head side to side to check for any visible injuries he might’ve missed, which he shouldn’t have—knitted eyebrows and razor-sharp eyes search frantically for anything. 
Charles or… As you’ll call him later in your relationship, Charlie, has always been like this. When you met him, he was a reserved kid, a trait that would carry on from his pubescent to adolescent years. 
When other kids grew out of their shyness and worrisome attitude and eventually adapted to the vault, he was pushed aside. Well, that wouldn’t be the only reason. His father was the first overseer of Vault 11, the same overseer who thought the best course of action was not to tell the vault residents about the sacrificial system they were now to live with. That same choice he made was the reason for his death, and he was the first to test the new system. He wasn’t a good man. He was greedy, a neglectful father and husband, and so on. A family now ruined by one man’s ill-considered decision; Charles's mom wasn’t much better, the textbook definition of a hypocrite. Bad-mouthing her dead husband, the same one she defended when said husband would push his son away.
Most would fear having no one at the end of the world, but it became Charles's life; while everyone adapted to vault life, Charles adapted to the misfortune of the consequences of his old man’s actions. You decided one day to talk to him while others stood clear. It was a simple conversation; others would just brush it off…which he did initially. But after that day, you would constantly seek him out, and with that, you wore a genuine smile and interest every time you talked to him. His walls crumbled into dust for you and only you. You were like a shooting star he wished for. His reputation grew because of you and, with that, his feelings for you sored. You became his way of life. In his teen years, he decided to become the best match for you– He would participate in every extracurricular activity the vault would provide to make him an unstoppable force of a man. The perfect golden boy was made..for you.
He had the “perfect body,” perfect sperm count, unmatched intelligence, and charisma—he perfected them (even if you were the only one he talked to for long periods)—strength, agility, endurance—all of it. He will be everything you need and more. With that, he made sure no one would vote you as overseer…
He was so soft on you that it would rival feathers. Do you need help lifting that? He's already there. Do you need help with your pre-war history? He’ll just sit you down and study with you for hours. Are you bleeding from an accidental cut? Don’t worry he just finished his first aid training. He already had a plan for you both for everything that would happen.
“I’m fine…” You grab both of his hands gently. “...Well, not fine, fine, but I'm not hurt.” You smile weakly up at him. “It’s okay. You and I will get through this,” He coos, pushing strands of your hair away from your face and behind your ear. His touch is warm and tender, yet the words you hear next aren’t.
“Fuck..I..I can’t do this I’m sorry.” A man, short in stature, starts backing away, gun in hand, clearly distressed. Your eyes move away from Charli’s to your fellow survivor; unknowingly to you, Charli rolls his eyes at the man's “dramatics.”  “We don’t deserve to leave...That thing called us a shiny example..f..f.fucked! Thats fucked! I..I can’t live with that!” Another man says, “Anyone would’ve done what we did.” A woman comments, “You ask me? That's exactly the problem. Now, let’s get on with this.”
“Wait,” you say, stunned, as if he had predicted this would happen. Charles moves his hands to cover your eyes. The short man is first, putting his gun on the roof of his mouth and pulling the trigger, not sparing any more time; the woman is next, the second gunshot. Then, with a sigh and short prayer, the last man repeats the action done by the others. Each lifeless body hits the floor one by one, and then there is silence.
What the hell.
You try to understand the situation, but your brain has yet to catch up…it’s all too much. Charli whispers calming phrases while he shields your eyes with one hand and rubs patterns along your back with the other. Tears start rolling down your face…and you sob. Hard. His hand moves to pet your hair, soothing you while you let it all out of your system.
He moves his body to shield you from the gruesome events that have just taken place; he moves both of his hands and cradles your face. You try looking behind him out of curiosity, but he stops you before you can.”Hey! Look at me with those gorgeous eyes,” He mummers, and of course, you comply. “There we go. You listen to me so well,” he whispers lovingly. “Here’s what we’re going to do. We’ll both go back to my vault room. I have enough supplies for the both of us to survive outside for a while, okay?” He asks you, and you nod, agreeing to whatever he says. 
“I need to hear you say it..” 
“…yes, of course, whatever you think is best.” He smiles at you, thumb caressing your cheek. “Keep your eyes on me, okay?” He takes your hand and leads you through the halls. It's quiet… you don't like it. Your eyes are trained on his back, Charli…he’s your lifebuoy in the angry sea, the only thing keeping you afloat; if it wasn’t for him…you might’ve met your end with the others. As if sensing your inner turmoil, he squeezes your hand, comforting you…and you squeeze back. Your world just fell apart, yet…it doesn’t seem entirely gone with Charli by your side. 
It's only a short time till you reach his vault. You’ve been here so many times it's basically your room by now. The tall blonde turns to look at you. “I’m going to let you go, just for a second, okay..? I just need to get the supplies.” He holds your one hand with both of his– you reply with a soft okay, and with your permission, he starts to move. He moves towards his small desk to grab a small, flat-headed screwdriver, walks to a particular spot, and pops the floor title beneath him, revealing a hidden compartment. It's filled with two modular military backpacks, filled to the bream with necessities for outside the vault.
He was prepared for all of this…
Then he starts talking about what he has in mind for the two of you, settling on the surface of living together and everything. Charles gets lost when talking to you; he can speak his mind about almost anything, and rambling is second nature with you. The hermit turned a social butterfly in your presence.
“You know that computer may have been our downfall, but god did bless me with more information than I could handle…good thing, huh, glad I went through all that code…Vault-tec tried to make it secure, but I found a way...We could go somewhere called New Vegas…” He keeps talking. 
But you stand there, still, as a statue, looking down at him as he gathers everything…What did he just say? 
You think back to the start when killing between the blocs started..he was right there, ready to protect you, when you and the other surviving tested out if the chamber would kill all of you…he almost seemed to be too assured nothing bad would happen to any of you, almost like…no…no. You’re overthinking, right? But the more you listen…
“You knew…” you shakingly exclaim out loud, cutting him off. “Hmm?” He looks up at you as he puts the tile back…” You knew we didn’t need sacrifices…you knew it would play out like this…” you say louder and more confidently. Those once-homey blue eyes become cold and distant… analyzing you.  
You both stare at each other.
You turn and run.
 But your efforts are in vain; you don’t even leave the room before two muscular arms wrap around behind you, overtaking you, holding your arms down around your waist, dragging you back. You scream and kick with no success. You end up with his arms around you while he sits down, his back against the wall, and you in front of him with his head in your neck while you let it all out. “When?” you croak out, “When we were fifteen, I didn’t want you to become overseer…I didn’t want you to die..so I wondered if it was the computer that sent signals to kill whoever was sent in that chamber and wondered if I could stop it from killing you specifically; that's when I found out .” He answers swiftly and truthfully, “Why didn’t you tell anyone?” You question, “I didn’t care, honestly, the only thing that matters is you…If everyone died in the process, it would be less work for me…I wanted it to be us from the beginning, anyway. I want you to need me as much as I need you…and now you finally do.”  
You feel weak and sick to your stomach… All your peers would’ve ended up dead either way. “I want to leave.” he hums, not mocking you but in acknowledgment. “And do what? You don’t know how to defend yourself; you have no supplies prepared, barely any survival instincts, and you don’t even know any information on the surface above. You can leave, but you’ll die…I can’t let that happen, sorry.” Charles buries himself more into you. 
“I hate you,” You whisper.
“That’s okay…all that matters is that you're here…with me and only me… I’ll keep you safe and sound.”
N: This was a long one, whew! I had to think about how I could make a Yandere fic with Fallout, and I had tons of concepts, but this one stood out the most. I hope my execution was good enough....Anyway, my next fic will most likely be a jealous fic about my Yandere lord, so stay tuned! Till then! see you soon my little guppies (´꒳`)♡ extra note: Throughout writing this, I thought "My Way of Life by Frank Sinatra" would fit Charli perfectly.
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the-faceless-bride · 5 months
No. Not again. Not you.
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Yandere Cooper Howard/The Ghoul × Vaultie!R
Summary: The Ghoul of the wasteland had exepted the man he once was is dead. He isn't caring. Isn't loving. Isn't feeling. Friendship, companionship, partnership... love? Wasn't for him. Not anymore. But all that comes crashing down when he meets you... you brought something back from the dead.. though it isn't as 'good' as it used to be...
Warnings: yandere content, Cooper being controlling, Canon violence, death (not reader or Cooper), violence towards reader (by both strangers and a litte Cooper), flashbacks, and forced kissing.
You stumble around behind Cooper talking about the town you were about to come up apon, you were happy to babble away to him, and though he wouldn't always answer, he would always listen.
You liked traveling around, especially with Cooper; you were in a vault all your life, not by choice. But to be out of it was an amazing feeling, even if in the start Cooper didn't take your optimistic outlooks to kindly.
You remember how dumb he thought you were...
You'd just escaped your vault. And you were so confused...
You remember 'yesterday' you were baking a pie waiting for your husband to come home, when you heard a big bang, your husband rushed in took you. And you just passed out... you had always told him you didn't trust vault-tech or the people who were a part of it. But he didn't care, he was desperate.
When you woke up, the Vault was empty... quiet... bloodied... you stumbled around, trying to find something, someone... anyone... when you heard a whistle,
"Pphheeeww- looks like I've got a live one," a voice called out; turning around meeting the face of the goul... it shocked you at first your face contorting, but it wasn't so much fear as it was confusion... who is that? Had the war started? How long has it been? "If I were you I'd hope my pretty ass back into that ice block and let the world rot away,"
God, you remember him putting you through hell and back; no water or food, hot unforgiving sun, the fighting, crying, begging, and eventual acceptance.
"You think the people here will be friendly?" You babble as you reach for the canteen on his side; he let's you take it, moving his coat to the side for an easier reach. "Friendly?-" he laughs like you've told him the funniest joke he'd ever heard, "when is anyone out here friendly? What did it teach you? You need a reminder?" He smirks, turning to look at you, "Oh no thanks!" You yipp as you take a swig of water.
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You and Cooper walk into the town, eyes all around you. Some curious, some cautious, other dangerous... most eyes not on you, but Cooper. The Ghoul. Most people would never know you were a Vault dweller, you'd exchanged the blue and yellow suit in for a teal top and brown loose pants and some boots, Cooper made sure to tell you that if you kept that look somebody would've tried to sell you. You got lucky to be with him.
You didn't want to run off, You'd learned your lesson before; but you were hungry, and you saw what looks to be a place for food and bar. But you didn't want to just run off, especially if it could be dangerous... you wouldn't want Cooper to get in a brawl again.
"What do you think Cooper?" You whisper to him, only for him to hear, you whisper his name.
You liked saying his name. You didn't say it often, but when you did, it always felt good; even if it was a little strange. You still remember the first time he'd told you his name.
You'd woken up to russeling sounds when you spotted the small group trying to steal your supplies. And you yelled "Ghoul!"
You yelled as loud as you could, and He woke up, the Group of four masked raiders all attacked. And you sat there like a complete idiot while he took on all four men while little to no effort.
And even if you hadn't actually fought, you'd felt like you were on the edge of a panic attack, what if something happens to him? You'd be alone. What would happen to you? Would you be killed? Sold? Forced to-
The last gunshot that rang out, the last body falling ti the floor before he walks over and kneels down to your stance where you sat on the ground. "I'm- I'm sorry Ghoul, I just- I saw them I panicked it was like I couldn't even move- I'm sorry Ghoul, I just-" -- "Cooper." -- "what?" -- "My name. It's Cooper."
"Cooper." You smiled.
He didn't smile back, but you could see his eyes change. He didn't look so angry when he looked at you.
He nodded his head and handing a handfull of caps to you, a silent 'okay' for you to break away from him. At least for a little while.
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You'd sat in a stool up at the bar eating the first hot meal in God knows how long, and sipping on a sweet drink that was a bit too strong for you, "what's a cutie like you doing here alone?" You heard a man call to you. He wasn't much, scruffy, scrawny, but had very pretty eyes.
"I'm not alone,'you say confidently with a sweet smile, one you're sure he's never seen before.
He takes the stool next to you and tries to have a conversation with you. But quickly gets irritated when you don't play along. And that's when he became ugly...
Yelling, cursing, name calling, everything under the sun wa seeing tossed at you because you told this strange man, "No." You hadn't taken his as anything serious, all bark no bite. Throwing a hissy fit because you wouldn't let him fuck you for a few caps.
And it wasn't until you felt a sting on your left cheek and your head snapped to the side when you realized. He had struck you. Before he grabbed you, pulling you to him, kissing and grabbing at you. The other bar goers had found this... funny. At least until a loud bang was heard and the mans brains splattered all over your face and bar.
"Now who the hell do you think you are to mess with another man's woman?"
A rope found its way tosses around you as Cooper shoved you down and into a corner, "don't fucking move."
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You were on the road again, Cooper muttering curses under his breath. Still at the man who'd dared lay a hand on your sweet skin, damning him and all his friends who laughed.
No matter how hard you tried you haven't been able to get to him. He just mutters over and over. He could've lost you.
That man would've done much work that just kiss and grab you had he not been there.
Much worse. You would've been killed by the end of it.
"I won't lose you. I won't. Not again."
"Cooper." You tried to move around him to get infront of him, but a harsh grasp hand you in place. "Ouch! Cooper that hurt."
"Where do you think you're going?" -- "No where! I'm just worried about you!"
"I won't lose you. Not again."
You didn't have time to talk, Cooper kissed you.
"Humph!" Your shock is muffled. You try to pull away.
He doesn't let go...
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paper-mario-wiki · 5 months
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yandere behavior
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everydayyoulovemeless · 9 months
Yandere Charon Alphabet
➼ Word Count » 1.7k ➼ Warnings » Yandere Themes, Mentions of Suicide ➼ Genre » Romantic, Yandere, Whumpee/Whumper
Affection - How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
He's very subtle about how he feels toward you. A part of him is scared that once you realize how obsessed he truly is with you, you'll sell him off. On the outside, nothing seems to have ever changed, but inside he's battling with himself to keep it under wraps. He can't make it obvious and he can't let you know.
Blood - How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
As messy as he needs to be. Charon is incredibly protective and is excellent at his job. If it ever gets out of hand, he'll just make some excuse about how it was necessary at the time to ensure you're safety. That's his job, isn't it? Keeping you safe?
Cruelty - How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
He doesn't necessarily abduct you. It's more so him getting you to agree to stay in this one spot because it's dangerous. That being said, you can hardly tell the difference. He's the exact same as you remember and nothing really changes.
Darling - Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
It depends. You're still his boss, so whatever you say goes, however he definitely decides who's a threat and who's not. He doesn't care if it's someone you're close to, if he doesn't like them, he'll have no qualms about killing them. He has you to look out for, after all.
Exposed - How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
He doesn't share anything with you. He's still the same old, same old in this regard. There's nothing about his past that'll help you out specifically, so why bother telling you? He's supposed to be your bodyguard, not some bum drinking away his sorrows.
Fight - How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Angry. He's only doing what he's doing to shield you from the horrors out in the wasteland, can't you see that? Why fight him on something as trivial as that? He'll restrain your wrists and stare you down until you're calm. He's stronger than you--bigger than you--he knows you'll realize this eventually and quit trying to challenge him on this.
Game - Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
He doesn’t enjoy it at all. This isn’t a game to him, it’s real life, and he doesn’t take kindly to you doing anything reckless. He’ll grab you roughly, pulling you against his chest as he breathes silently in your ear. He tries his best to be gentle, even in these states of anger, but he always accidentally leaves bruises along your wrists.
Hell - What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
There was once a time when he felt so paranoid about you getting killed that he grabbed you and ran to the nearest shelter. He kept you there for a day, refusing to tell you what was wrong, and for a good majority of the time he kept his hand clamped firmly over your mouth. It was terrifying for you, but it was over once the next day rolled around.
Ideals - What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
He's not sure yet. His main goal is keeping you alive, so he supposes he'll see how long he can keep it up for. Ideally, nothing would change and you'd go about your life in the wasteland with him, but he feels that first he's gotta break you in--make you a bit more agreeable-- before heading out again.
Jealousy - Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Charon gets jealous fairly easily. He knows what he is. He recognizes that he isn’t the most attractive guy out there. You could get anyone, and a part of him's afraid you’ll realize this and leave, or just drop him off like everyone else has done to him. His jealousy stems from his fear of being abandoned again, but he refuses to let any of it show. He’ll push it down, bottling it away until it becomes too much for him to hold.
Kisses - How do they act around or with their darling?
As he always does. He's quiet, protective, and helpful--even if it's slightly more so. He's not affectionate--never has been--and doesn't plan to start now. You won't realize anything's wrong until it's too late.
Love letters - How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
He didn't have to. You came up to him. You bought his contract. It was you who wanted this and he didn't even have to lift a finger.
Mask - Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
No. In fact, he makes sure that everyone else is aware of the lengths he’d be willing to go for you.
Naughty - How would they punish their darling?
It’s tricky because, as much as he seeks to be in charge of the relationship, that contract keeps him at bay. That being said, he wouldn’t do anything unless you signed off on it first, including punishments for things he deems to be bad. However, even if it's not physical, he wouldn’t be against isolating them for a bit. Just taking you out into a (mostly) empty building and camping out there for a week. He'd tell you that it's dangerous outside and you shouldn't be so hasty to leave. But that’s as far as he would go.
Oppression - How many rights would they take away from their darling?
None. You’re free to do whatever you want—go wherever it is you want to go. Just know that it’ll be with him.
Patience - How patient are they with their darling?
As patient as he needs to be. For most things, at least. He doesn't yell or get visibly upset at you, but he'll occasionally restrain you and stare you down in an attempt to get you to follow along. Why do you always have to be so reluctant to trust him? Isn't that the whole reason you bought his contract?
Quit - If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
God no. If you were to ever die, he’d probably end up killing himself. That was his one job, and he still ended up failing it. He wouldn’t ever be able to move on after something like that. However, if you were to sell his contract to someone else, he’d feel a bit indifferent, but I think he’d eventually move on, lumping you into the others who were just out to use him. The only reason he goes yandere for you, to begin with, is because he assumes you actually care for him and see him as a person.
Regret - Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
He sees it as him doing it for the greater good. Everything he does is in your best interest and made it be for your benefit. So, no, he wouldn’t regret anything.
Stigma - What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
You were nice to him. You treated him as a person, and he wasn’t used to it. You were nice to everyone you met (even if it was overly so at times) and that made him grow a desire to defend you from anything that could cause you harm or change your innocent little worldview. His expectations of being sold off also played a huge part in it. He'd do anything you asked--be as loyal as he could as long as it meant you'd keep him around.
Tears - How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
Indifferent. He doesn’t feel anything when it happens and just lets them express themselves however they feel they need to.
Unique - Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
Not really? He’s pretty average in terms of the classic yandere trope and doesn’t stray very far from it. The only real difference would be that his motivation is your safety and not as much to win you over.
Vice - What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
The contract. If you ever felt that he was getting out of hand with his actions then you could dangle the thought of selling him off to scare him back into place. It’s a cruel thing to do—exploiting his fear of abandonment—but it’s the only weakness he’s got in terms of getting him to relax.
Wit’s end - Would they ever hurt their darling?
Not intentionally. His job is to ensure you don’t get injured, so hurting you sort of defeats the purpose of his contract. Although there are times when he does so accidentally. Sometimes when you get too rowdy he forgets how much stronger he actually is compared to you, but the most he leaves behind are a few bruises from gripping you to tightly.
Xoanon - How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
He sees himself as a tool for you to use, even if you insist that he's so much more than that. He wants to protect you by any means necessary, so to that degree, he worships you as someone so much greater than the usual wastelanders he's met. You're better than anyone he's ever met, and he'd do anything to keep you alive and happy.
Yearn - How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
Constantly bottling up his emotions causes him to 'snap' a lot more often than he'd like to admit. If his jealousy goes unchecked, he might end up slaughtering a few people in cold blood just so he can release some of that built tension he feels. But other than the occasional bloodfest, he prefers to keep it under wraps. He doesn't want you to catch wind of how he feels and will keep it secret for as long as he can manage.
Zenith - Would they ever break their darling?
Not in the sense that you change completely, but rather that you trust him a whole lot more than before.
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femmefemmefatale · 2 months
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Hey everyone! A quick introduction here. I'm a yandere x fem!reader blog. I will primarily write for video game characters and anime but I will do the occasional tv-show and OC. Many moons ago I used to be on this site as @cherchezlafemme-yandere-blog. Unfortunately I forgot the mail that belongs to that account so I have to start over again!
You can find my rules and fandom list here!
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imagine-silk · 9 days
I forgot to make the Assaultron request for the men, sorry. Could you do the obsession of the Fallout 4 guys coming back from a trip with an assaultron and saying: "Hey, say hello to my lover H.A.L. (Handsome Assaultron of Love)!" I forgot to make the request earlier after I made the request for the Ladies, so is it okay to still request it?
》I love that I remember exactly what you're talking about cause that ask was from over a year ago. It's also interesting to me how much my style has changed.
》Also I go back and forth giving H.A.L he/it pronouns because it didn't specifically state what was preferred.
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【Codsworth】 "If I knew you'd get so restless as to settle for a bucket of bolts I would have offered my services."
He doesn't believe you are in love with H.A.L Instead he believes you missed having a spouse and couldn't find a human to replace their presence. He immediately insist you get rid of it and replace it with him. He knows everything about you. What you like, what you dislike, what your spouse was like, he can take care of you in almost every way. What does H.A.L know about you? Not enough. He'll make his distaste very verbal unless you tell him to stop, however his distaste will simply go from verbal to silently obvious.
【Danse】 "I... I..."
Pre-BB he would get rid of it by saying the Brotherhood was confiscating the technology and be done with it. However Post-BB doesn't have those resources or self-assurance. He'll try to congratulate you even as he feels chaos on the inside. This peace is only temporary for you. He will snap at some point. He doesn't even remember doing it. He was going for a walk in the middle of the night and he saw them. Next thing he knew they were scraped and he was holding a shovel. In a panic he simply runs back to his home, hoping no one saw.
【Deacon】 "Think about it. I'm your friend, I care about you. How can you trust them?"
He knows KL.E.O was able to become sentient so he knows this isn't and act. But he brought this upon himself for trying to stay close to you as your best buddy and nothing else. As much as he is chastising himself he thinks of ways of distancing you from H.A.L. He needs you for a mission across the Commonwealth and a robot following you would raise suspicion. Don't you ever get the feeling H.A.L watching you too much? The Railroad's base is secret and H.A.L really wants to go. Isn't that weird? Why did they talk to you specifically? They could have known how important you are in the Wasteland. Suddenly you are questioning all these things he tells you.
【Hancock】 "I might be mayor but I don't know everything that happens in my town."
There are very few times he abuses his power as mayor. Sure he uses it a few times to prove a point but he rarely asks anything of his residents. However he asks if H.A.L is ever alone they should dismantle them, preferably in a mob. They're not doing anything in particular when it happens and you will not know until you see the broke pieces for yourself. Not a single person fesses up to the crime.
【MacCready】 "What model were you again?"
He's not too happy about this new development. He was waiting for you to realize how much he does for you, for free might he add, and start to realize he's the one for you. The thought it's his fault for not asking himself crosses his mind for exactly one second before he dismisses it. He wastes no time finding manuals on assaultrons, because every single one has a weakness that will dismantle them in a push of a button. And when he says he can help fix them he 'accidentally' hits that button and crushes their chip.
【Nick】 "I didn't think it's programing would allow it to do that but it could be a crime of passion, seeing as it's taken to you so thoroughly."
On one hand he's pissed, on the other he's kind of happy he knows you'll date a machine. He'll praise you for being progressive while treating H.A.L with disdain while your back is turned. When a string of murders pop up he does his routine detective work, however instead of arresting the culprit he shoots them dead. Now that the real murderer is off the streets he can get to work framing H.A.L as the prime suspect.
【Preston】 "I will always be here for you."
He was so busy with the Minutemen and keeping you safe he didn't notice you were talking to someone new. He looks away for one second and you find a new lover before him. In his mind this is a national level tragedy, but outwardly he acts friendly. He calls you away to work with him more often so you spend less time with H.A.L. He turns up his charm and hides it behind friendliness. And one day H.A.L is just gone. What were you to do but cry on his shoulder as he reassured you this might be for the best?
【X6-88】 "It was a threat."
He kills H.A.L. Takes them out one night and shoots them dead with the laser rifle you gave him as poetic justice. When you go to him for reassurance and ask him what happened he admits to killing them, that they were dangerous and he out of all people can recognize a threat. He was just taking out a problem before it became one. What he won't admit is the satisfaction it gave him to put H.A.L down.
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gladiatorcunt · 2 months
- # 🎰 All or Nothing (Ace in the Hole) !!
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cw: afab!reader, breeding, implied murder, inaccurate fallout au (vault inspired by Fallout 76 bc i just wanted one mention of appalachian horror vibes), reader lowkey has a old man fetish (mentions of age gaps though no specific men are mentioned), childhood best friends to strangers to lovers (forcibly), future extreme dubcon, fallout typical sexism and expectations & creepy behavior (attempted grooming (?)), biblical undertones, ambiguous time period, implied southern setting & characters, unedited
1k event / commissions
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It’s been so quiet for ages now, deathly silent as if everyone in the world was perfectly sound asleep. Your world consists of metal tunnels buried deep underground, a myriad of dark rooms that are meant to simulate the life you’re supposed to have on the surface. A cafeteria, where there’s hearty chuckles and playful ribbing over food even astronaut’s would have turned their noses up at. Piles of meat the same color as a fresh corpse, slightly moldy cheese and bread on the days the ego maniac people in charge are feeling fancy.
Green Houses, meeting rooms, infirmarys, kitchens, breeding rooms bedrooms, you truly have it all in vault 426. Jewel of the Texas Commonwealth. Even the howling coming from above like a hailstorm can be soothing when you have nothing else to listen to. They say your name when your back is turned, when they know you can’t venture out to see them. The temptation has driven people mad before, it will again. Right now, you wander through the vault searching for any sign of life. Yesterday you were arguing with your Ma over what she had done, hitching your wagon to one of the few unclaimed men your age. Now you were wishin’ on stars the elders used to talk about seein’ that you would peek around the rusting corner to find her waiting. You don’t want to wonder why there’s blood on the wall, varying between bright and darker shades of red.
Not a single peep from the man you were meant to marry, ‘your last chance at a proper purpose’ Pa had said. This vault wasn’t strongly steered in the direction of being a hive for breeding, but in these uncertain times more pairs of hands ready to rebuild the world were more than encouraged. Seeing as this bubble of refuge from the acid sky was so precious, every life counts. You knew that future would be yours someday, and you didn’t really mind. It got boring occasionally in the vault, knitting the same garment again and gossiping with your Ma’s friends about the same subjects. Maybe a cock in your cunt would settle your nerves, caring for a baby would be a task that would never end.
The wedding was supposed to be today, at noon on the dot. You overslept, panicking when your kitschy alarm clock didn’t rouse you from your dreamless sleep. It wasn’t until you zipped up your blue and yellow suit and tip toed outside of your room that you truly felt afraid. What reason would you have had to feel the uncomfortable emotion before? Life was so serene and idyllic nestled in the dirt, your vault a poor man’s sword in the stone. An intoxicating comfort zone that you cared more about staying in than fighting against, though there whispers from dwellers who felt otherwise. Your childhood friends, Patrick and Art, who you have drifted apart from over the years.
It was childish, your past feelings of jealousy, it wasn’t hard for them to become the most eligible bachelors in the community. There were only a handful of single young men left these days, or your only option was a old timer who had already broken in quite a few wives. They have the chipped belts and rough hands to prove it, you’ve gotten a rush of fluid in between your thighs when you lie awake and think about it for too long. Perhaps it wouldn’t be too terribly awful if you got saddled with a stern older man, some beaten down part of your brain begs for it. Your Pa’s buddies used to say that they would bet good money on tight your velvet grip would be.
There were many invitations to sit in on their blackjack games left unanswered in your Ma’s nightstand, under brass lock and key.
But to see your friends be giggled and fawned over made your stomach churn, so you pushed them away and focused on living as any good dweller would. Preparing to spend your years with your lips frozen in a smile and your holes split open around wrinkly skin, your shape molded by your husband. If you could’ve known that that would only make more determined to prove their toughness to you, that they would be the hands clasping pearls around your neck and slamming their dicks into your untouched flesh.
“Aw, hell-” A deep voice gasps and grabs ahold of your fore arms, wrestling you into an abandoned bedroom as you walk past.
You squawk, flapping your arms around in an effort to fight. Then you see him, Art, smiling gently and reaching out to cup your tear covered cheek. His other hand is free, which means that the man restraining you has to be Patrick. Where one is, the other will he close behind. There’s a saying about smoke and fire, and you hear the crackling embers as Art gingerly slides his other hand around your neck. A new fangeled set of pearls, hard won and all yours. Call it an engagement present.
“There you are, Angel Face, we were so damn worried about you.” Art coos, the ‘damn’ hissed in a way that gives off a ‘I still haven’t got used to being allowed to swear’ impression.
You think he could the be the angel, a scythe discarded in favor of a well used hatchet lying on the floor. His blood splattered curls call to you, or the absurdity of the situation must be sinking in and overpowering your ability to accept reality. Of course you had sensed their hungry eyes burning holes into your soul, yes you had heard the shuffling and muffled shouts outside your door. The way it would creak open when you were believe to have succumb to slumber. You don’t feel bored, and that’s enough of a thrill for you to recognize where your new place in the food chain is. The bottom.
“I don’t- I- What’s goin’ on? Where is everybody?” You ask, stupid and content to be their lover in distress.
Patrick readjusts his hold on you and wraps his arms fully around you, spinning you around to come face to face with him. If you thought Art looks drenched in blood, Patrick appears to be made of it. There’s lightning in his eyes, a phenomenon you’ve only heard and never seen. But this must be what it’s like, electrifying and God given. You’re stained now, no doubt about it, visibly and in your spirit.
“They went nuts, like a bunch of rabid dogs.” He grunts. “We had to defend ourselves, had us out here runnin’ around like headless chickens because you were gone.”
You weren’t brought up to know much, except that animals will be animals and man reacts accordingly. Patrick’s words make about as much sense as anything ever could, and you’re desperate to believe whatever yarn they have to spin you. Art nods and saunter up behind you. He wetly pecks you on the cheek, his lips ‘Smack!’ing the plump skin as he pulls back. You gasp and they share a foreboding laugh, shoving you further down a long dusty hallway where you can pretend that nothing bad has ever happened to you. That your Virgil and Dante followed after you with innocent intent.
“Get ‘em in the stirrups, Pat. Need these legs spread nice and wide. Don’t we, sugarpie?”
Your heart drops and floats back up at a jackrabbit’s pace, “W-what?”
Your look over your shoulder is perfectly timed, your hair framing your face like a pre-war Hollywood starlet. The kind that could cry at the drop of a hat and deep throat a stuffy executive’s cock in one go. Simmering heat pools in your belly, every circle of hell seemingly setting themselves aflame in your body. And while you know they wouldn’t dare seriously terrify you, they would probably get a kick in their pants if you let a sliver of fear slip. They’re men who no longer have a societies rules to wear as if they were costumes after all, perfectly chiseled faces and painted masks.
Offering you a marriage license so they plant you in a gilded cage, but Midas ghosted his fingers along your roots years ago. When you stumbled in on two boys playing a game that used to be popular in the pre-war days, a yellow-green fuzzy ball bouncing on a wired net racket. You giggled when an elder scolded them for staging their challengers match in the hall. And with the sound of a bell, the walls came tumblin’ down.
Patrick’s grin writes your name on the dotted line, “Our pretty lil’ cock socket, we’ll repopulate in no time at all.”
They had already stolen your wedding outfit that same day way back when, slim pickings have to be snatched up in this dog eat bitch world. But they were something far above dogs with malleable forms and a blunter bite, they were opportunists and God always has his eye on those who can seize what he provides.
The House always wins.
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- 2024, do not cop/translate/feed my work to ai
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