#yandere Geralt
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Headcanon/Preference # 23
Gifs NOT mine.
Requested? Nope.
Year posted - 2023
Fandom - The Witcher (TV series)
Note that I haven't actually watched this show, I plan on watching it, but only the content that included Henry, because him getting fired for being "toxic" is total bullshit.
| How did Geralt first cross paths with you? |
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• Exactly how you would expect, he saved you from being killed by a Noonwraith while trying to gather wild herbs for your elixirs.
• He'd been traveling for a fortnight, and he'd dealt with all sorts of trouble along the way. Who knew his chosen path would be so troublesome.
• The day had been relatively calm and quiet, which he was grateful for, he needed a break. Then a sound suddenly broke through the quiet, a woman's scream from further up the road.
• Geralt couldn't help the sigh that passed his lips, of course he wouldn't get to have a break from the chaos of the world. But regardless of that he urged Roach to trot faster so he could help whoever potentially needed his assistance.
• The creature had you by the wrist, trying to slash at you with its sickle, which you continuously managed to dodge in the nick of time. Another terrified scream ripping from your throat as the Noonwraith shrieked at you.
• Geralt unsheathed his sword and got to work, slaying the Noonwraith with a little bit of trouble, he was exhausted after all. All the while you had rushed around gathering the herbs you had dropped as they fought.
• "Those must be pretty important." Geralt had observed gruffly after he'd slain the Noonwraith. You ducked your head in slight embarrassment, feeling as if he was scolding you for it. He then turned to leave, not honestly expecting anything from you.
• "Wait!" You called out to him, taking a tiny step back when he turned to look at you. "Thank you... For saving me." He nodded his head without a word. "I... I don't have anything to give to you as a reward, except for a hot meal and a warm bath if you'd like."
• Considering the week he's had, that was the best reward he'd had in what felt like an eternity. But Geralt maintained his cold demeanor, and accepted the offer, following you back to your modest little cottage nestled deep in the woods.
| When did Geralts obsession start? |
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• That evening when you invited him into your home, you fed him well, and explained that you are a "potion master" as you put it. After he'd finished his meal, you tended to the small injury on his forearm, then left him to tend to the small bathhouse, preparing a warm bath as promised.
• You'd mixed in a few fragrance oils and flower petals into the steaming water. Trying to make it as relaxing as you could, without being overbearing. Geralt had found it amusing when he'd realized what you'd done, but he was pleased with the claiming atmosphere that now filled the bathhouse.
• You'd left him be as he soaked, rushing off to your cellar to start working on the elixir you'd been gathering herbs for. And as he soaked he thought about you, about how tender you'd been with him, and how you'd treated him so endearingly. So much so that an onlooker would have assumed you were lovers with the way you fretted over him. It was nice.
• You'd offer him lodging after his bath, giving him your own bed, and stating you'd sleep in the upper loft. He'd tried convincing you to just let him stay in the upper loft, but you declined saying how he'd saved your life, and you intended on offering him the best comfort that you could as a reward. He accepted this offer when you sternly informed him that you wouldn't change your mind on the matter.
• So that night he lay in bed, surrounded by the scent of you, just thinking about everything that's happened in such a short time since he'd met you. You been grateful for his help, you gave him a hardy meal, a nice bath, and now let him sleep in your bed. And yet unlike so many others he's helped, you didn't want anything in return. He'd saved you, and yet you didn't request that he help you with whatever other troubles you had.
• He wondered why you'd been so desperate to gather those herbs that you'd risk crossing paths with a Noonwraith. Let alone why you were intent on collecting them all again as he fought the creature, not even waiting until he'd slain it, or given up on gathering them all together.
• He wondered why you lived all the way out here, seemingly all alone deep in the woods. How you managed to survive your day to day life. You had few animals, and no crop fields, only a simple garden. And yet you seemed to be living comfortably, he'd seen nothing to suggest you had much wealth, but you weren't miserable like so many others he's met.
• His obsession started growing from the moment you'd welcomed him into your home. And as the day progressed and his curiosity peaked that obsession grew. You were a mystery to him, and with how kind you'd been to him he found himself smitten before the night was even out. Making his departure that morning an unwanted but necessary venture, so he'd left before the sun had risen, and while you still slept.
| Does Geralt try wooing you in a healthy way before snapping? And how does he do it? |
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• He didn't stay away for very long, showing up one evening with a large gash on his arm, hoping you'd assist him. You of course rushed to do so, gathering healing herbs, cleaning and dressing the wound, and assuring him that he was more than welcome to rest at your home until he was well again.
• You'd offered him your bed again, stating it was more comfortable, and would be much easier for him to get to than the upper loft with his arm injury. This time however he wouldn't let you do that, and when you argued against it, he'd suggest that if he'd struggle with the ladder leading to the loft, that you could simply assist him.
• You'd thought about it for a moment, and eventually agreed with a heavy sigh, knowing you couldn't convince him otherwise. And that's what ended up happening, he struggled with the ladder, and you quickly rushed to place yourself directly behind him on the ladder, allowing him to lean against you as he slowly climbed up, following his pace patently.
• He was larger than you, but that didn't stop you from doing whatever you could to help him. And Geralt came to realize pretty quickly that that's just how you are, always trying to help in anyway you can without expecting anything in return. That made his obsession grow of course, no one had really ever been that way with him, so the feeling was addictive.
• Witchers heal much father than regular men, and combined with the healing herbs you'd used, his arm was completely healed by morning. And Geralt was intent on repaying your kindness, subconsciously hoping it would woo you the way your kindness had wooed him.
• In doing so Geralt worked on many chores around your homestead. Chopping wood, feeding your animals, repairing the damage he'd noticed to your home, even going out and hunting some game for you, which he later skinned and cured for you. Because of how much he was intent on doing for you, he had stayed with you for a few days.
• He would offhandedly praise your beauty, and often praised your skill crafts. He'd offered a helping hand with some of your elixirs, and went out and found some of the more rare ingredients you'd gotten low on. Most of which were only found in dangerous places. He assisted with cooking as well, and made as much small talk with you as he could.
| What happens when you politely reject Geralt for another man? |
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• He'd learned so much about you in such a short time, and he found his heart felt lighter at the mere thought of you. So he decided he'd take a chance with you, feeling as if he'd never be the same without you in his life. He'd grown to love and adore you in so many ways, you were all he dreamed of, all he could think of, he needed you to be his.
• That evening after cleaning up after dinner, Geralt had taken a chance, and cupped your face between his hands. You looked at him with curiosity, then a surprised gasp escaped you when he suddenly kissed you. He all but melted into the kiss, but you remained stagnant, eventually pushing on his chest to get him to stop when he didn't seem to notice your lack of enthusiasm.
• He of course released you in an instant, worry and confusion etched onto his face. You then sheepishly explained that you were already betrothed to another, and you wouldn't accept his advances. You also explained that those elixirs that were so important for you to make were actually meant for your betrothed, who was suffering from a ailment you couldn't cure, but at the very least you could slow its progression.
• So you'd rejected him for a dying man... That hurt, much more than he'd ever admit. So he'd left without saying much, he needed to think, he needed to get away and let out his heartache. Which came out of him in a fit of rage as he brutally slain some bandits that he later crossed paths with.
| How bad will things get when Geralt does finally snap & become Yandere? |
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• It's all he can think about anymore, you'd rejected him for a dying man, someone weak and unworthy of you. And his obsession starts taking a dark turn as that thought consumes him, and he allows that pent up rage to take over from time to time, which usually resulted in bloodshed.
• Eventually he finds his way back to your cottage, but he doesn't make his presence known to you. Instead he watches you from a distance, and follows you as you make your weekly trip to your betrotheds home. A basket containing the vials filled with your most powerful healing elixir hanging from your arm.
• The stone home was shabby, and in Geralts mind a pitiful excuse for a home. The dense woods surrounding it allowing Geralt plenty of cover to hide behind. And later into the evening, still early enough so you would get home before the sun went down, you'd left with an empty basket and a promise to return soon.
• Geralt stayed where he'd been hiding until the sun had set, and he knew you were long gone. Then he made his way into the stone home, breaking the door down in order to enter. Inside sitting at the table was a sickly man who wasn't nearly half the size of Geralt. He'd been eating salted meat and bread, a coughing fit taking hold of him as Geralt entered.
• The sudden of it all clearly terrifying the sick man, who through his coughing pleaded for his life. Geralt ignored him and walked around the little home, finding the vials of your elixir on the table beside the shabby bed. "Who are you?" The man asked once his coughing subsidized, Geralt looked to him with dark uncaring eyes.
• "You're the Witcher that saved (Y/n)." He realized quickly. That made Geralt smirk as he shoved the bedside table over, the vials breaking as they hit the stone floor. "What are you doing!?" He'd asked in a panic. "Cutting loose ends." Geralt stated calmly before leaving the man behind, knowing that without the elixir he'd die slowly, painfully, and all alone.
• That night Geralt showed up on your doorstep, a dark aura about him, making you nervous. Despite this nervousness however, you foolishly opened your home to him. And Geralt took full advantage of that, making it much easier for him to steal you away and runaway into the darkness. No one would ever come looking for you, and on such dangerous roads you'd never dare trying to run away from him.
| So what kind of a Yandere is Geralt? |
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• Obsessive, possessive, jealous, and manipulative. He adores you, and he wants you all to himself. He's greedy and he'll kill anyone that might come between you, finding cleaver ways to cover the murder up.
• He would never harm you physically, but he will break you mentally. Then he will mold and reshape you into his perfect little obedient lover. You will love him the way he loves you, sooner or later, with or without the help of magic or potions.
• He will remind you constantly that without him you would be dead, that without him you would be nothing but meat for the crows. Sometimes he'll test you and pretend to leave without you in the night, if you run he will find you and punish you, if you cry out for him, he will come to you in an instant.
• Punishments from Geralt are usually being denied food and water for an extended period of time. Other times he'll make you walk as he rides Roach, and he won't allow you to take a break, making you walk for several days at times. Sometimes it'll be as simple as denying you things like, the warmth of the fire on a cold night, or a bedroll, leaving you to sleep on the hard icey forest floor.
• However when you are good Geralt is very tender and sweet with you. Making sure you are well sated and hydrated. Holding you lovingly in his arms as you ride together, his arms around your hips as you practically sat in his lap. Keeping you warm and comfortable on chilly nights, cuddling with you by the fire on a fairly comfy bed he'd made with things from the forest.
• When it's just you two he's easier to keep satisfied, simply do as he asks, do not fight him, praise him as often as he praises you, and never try running away.
• When others are around he's much harder to keep satisfied, as his jealousy knows no bounds, anyone and everyone is a threat in his eyes. So it's best just to stick with him, particularly right up against his side, with his arm around your shoulders reminding everyone you are his.
| Is Geralt worried anyone will find out? |
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• Not in the slightest bit. Before ever taking you anywhere near other people, Geralt broke you to the point where you wouldn't try running away, or beg anyone to help you.
• In the beginning of it all he would chat with Roach about you, and as time went on, and he became more and more obsessed and deranged, he would loose his hold on morality of the situation, talking about it all allowed him to accept it much easier.
• If anyone tries to ever take you away because they know something is wrong, they'll vanish from town without a trace, along with the witcher and his female companion. You'll both become a ghost story in most of the settlements you pass through.
• Geralt is very good at manipulating people, and if that doesn't quite work he'll try to intimidate them, though it's rare but if that also fails then he'll simply kill them and anyone else that might get in his way.
• And considering how long you've been on the road now, he knows your betrothed is long dead, and you didn't have any family left, or any friends. No one knows who you are or where you came from except for him. No one cares about you anymore except for him, and he's sure to remind you of that fact until he's achieved breaking you completely into submission.
| What happens when/if you are ever hurt? |
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• It was bound to happen sooner or later no matter how hard he might try to prevent it. You travel all over dangerous lands, and stay on the sidelines as he slays any beast or men that poses a threat. He really should have allowed you a dagger, or at least hide you somewhere safe when working a contract.
• He'd heard your panicked scream when one of the wolves managed to get passed him and corner you. It was as if his heart had been ripped from his chest, and the world was moving in slow motion. In reality he'd spun on his heel in an instant and thrown a knife into the wolfs throat before it could do anymore harm to you.
• He dispatched of the rest of the wolves, and rushed to your side as you sit on the ground, leaning against a tree and cradling your bleeding leg. He'd been making you wear trousers, as they were easier for you to travel in, but now he wished you'd had a dress on, as it would have been easier to get to the gash without causing you anymore pain.
• But that wasn't the case, so Geralt had to unlace the pants and pull them down until he can reach the gash. Cleaning it and dressing it as best he could, even taking advice from you when you told him what herbs would be best. Afterwards he pulled the pants back up as gently as he could, and pulled you up into his arms.
• After finding a safe place in the woods, Geralt set up a large camp. Somewhere for you to rest until your leg was healed, and where you would later train with a sword. He wouldn't make this mistake again, so he will make sure you can protect yourself properly if he cannot. While your leg is injured he would carry you everywhere, or let you ride Roach while he walked beside you to catch you if you fell.
| Is Geralts obsession in any way sexual? |
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• In the very very beginning it wasn't sexual to him, you were to pure in his mind in the very beginning. But as time goes by, his love blooms into desire, which will deepen as his obsession grows, and even more so when he sees you bathe after he's taken you captive. He had to make sure you wouldn't run, and sometimes he couldn't help but look at you.
• He may be yandere and at times cruel, but he will not force himself onto you. Not for a kiss or anything else. Even when he wants to cuddle at night, he lets you initiate it, which due to the cold you did so often even when you were still fighting against him.
• But when you finally give into him, and begin to see his love and begin to love him in return. He's like a starved beast, everything is so fierce and intense, yet he is still gentle with you, knowing if he took it to far he could seriously hurt you, and that's the last thing he'd ever want.
• No one and I mean no one but Geralt can see your naked body. Not even the female maids you cross paths with in castles or keeps. If you need assistance in the bath or with your clothes Geralt will be the only one to help you. If someone barges in while you're in a compromising situation, he'll dispose of them for ever looking at what is for his eyes and his eyes alone. Doesn't matter to him who it is, and this could really prove to be a problem if it's someone of great importance.
• He's addicted to your taste, from the taste of your kisses, to the taste if your dripping pussy. Geralt would spend all day and night with his head buried between your thighs if you allowed him to. By the time he's finished with you, he'll be the only god you'll ever pray to.
• Geralt also fucking loves watching you ride his cock, and he doesn't care where you are when you do it. In the woods, an inn, a castle or keep, doesn't matter in the slightest. The sight if his cock stretching you out is far to divine a sight to pass up, not to mention how fucking incredible you look as you use him to fuck yourself into oblivion.
• Geralt will totally melt if you insist on sucking his cock, you look so precious and you do so well he doesn't honestly last long when you suck him off. Sometimes he'll order you to suck his cock and talk about all the filthy things he's gonna do to you as you work his length. But the he still much rather prefers to eat you out.
• He'll leave bruises on your skin from how tightly he holds you as he's fucking you. Sometimes he'll even leave bite marks, but he prefers when you bite him, it's just so primal feeling and he can't get enough. Geralt will warship your entire body for hours before sex and oftentimes after sex as well. Tender overstimulation and aftercare are his specialty.
• Geralt would give you the world on a silver platter if he could, but since that's easier said than done, he'll offer you his body to use as you please whenever you so please. And he feels most at home with his cock buried to the hilt inside of you, so be prepared for all the cockwarming you can take, because now there's no other way to sleep.
*Alrighty y'all I'm feeling better finally, and I'm trying to get back into the groove of writing. So I hope you enjoyed this piece, and know that if you've sent in a request I've got them in my drafts and I'm slowly working on them again.
- The Jaded Monkey 🐒
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popawritter12 · 3 months
Yandere! Geralt of Rivia headcanons.
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Probabilities that your loved ones will be killed.
Let's start by talking about the fact that he already has experience killing both humans and monsters or creatures that escape our imagination, or even people of other races.
But he usually doesn't want to apply it, if he can avoid spilling blood, he will. Although some of them probably end up dying, more out of self-defense than out of his jealousy.
My guess is a 30% chance, the only exception is that those people ARE dangerous to you but you refuse to accept it.
First impressions
You met him because he saved your life. Whether by humans or monsters, or other creatures.
You were infinitely grateful to him, to the point that you insisted that he can always come to you if he needs help or a place to stay.
Even with sex or not involved, we can assume that he ends up accepting your offer, even if he didn't initially want it.
Unlike other people, you always treated him like another human being; It wasn't difficult for him to trust you seeing how kind you were, although at first he doubted your true intentions more than once.
Fall in love
You both got along well, even with all the negative comments from people you knew, you just thought they were people's exaggerations.
After the first time you welcomed him into your home, he felt that one day he would have to come back to visit, even if it was for something as minimal as buying supplies or upgrading his armor and/or tools. That idea of returning crossed his mind several times, until he visited you again.
You recognized him instantly, and greeted him as if you were seeing a great friend. Both of you shared a moment together where they told how things had gone since the last time they had been together. If you pay attention, you will notice that he seems more open or even more relaxed than usual.
Geralt didn't know why he felt so much trust with you, but he liked that feeling; he couldn't deny the fact that he preferred being with you over other people. It took him quite some time to realize the reality of his feelings.
Although you assumed that he constantly visited you or that he enjoyed your presence it was because he fully trusted you as a trusted friend, the reality was different.
And you didn't notice it until you saw that every time he visited you (we assume once a month or even more), he seemed more attentive to you or flirted with you more regularly.
Beginning of "Yanderism"
After a couple of months, that overwhelming feeling slowly escalates. He couldn't confess what he felt; Whether it was because of how dangerous his job was or the knowledge that many humans or other creatures would try to kill you, it was a thought that sometimes ate his mind and kept him thinking all day, going around and around the same issue.
Both Ciri and other people are worried about him, he denies what he feels or what he thinks, even getting angry because of how difficult it was for him not to be able to get you out of his head.
And it's not until he finally lets his feelings take over that there is no turning back.
(From this point forward, there is no way back)
First murder or Yandere act.
He would kill someone very close to you, not out of self-defense, nor because that person was a danger to you, but at one point, his jealousy took over him completely.
Geralt had a hard time believing it when he did it, since he almost never let himself be carried away by his emotions. But this time, he had screwed up, and he knew that sooner or later you would find out.
Even if he tried to hide it, you end up finding out what he did. You deceived yourself, trying to believe that it was just a lie, or that the situation at that moment led him to defend himself on his behalf or to kill him for something that person had not told you.
But in the end, lies have short legs.
He saw you cry and argue with him, yell at him about why he had done such a thing, and that your dead family member or friend had never done anything to hurt him.
And he was forced to act on impulse.
Relationship or kidnapping
After he confessed, you had already grown afraid or disgusted with him, not because he was a witcher, but because he had harmed someone you loved through a simple act of jealousy.
You reject him, feeling disgusted with his decision; You hoped he would leave you alone, but he couldn't go back, and you knew that the hole in his heart that your abandonment would leave was never going to be filled.
And he does it, he forces you to go with him, even tied up or kicking, he was always going to be able to with you. And no matter who gets in the way, no one could stop him.
In this case, it is not very good. You feel afraid that he will hurt you, or hate for all the damage he did in your life, but he still seems so calm around you.
He would hate hurt you, hate the idea of hurting you and causing any kind of pain that makes you cry. Of course, that is if we talk about the physical sense.
We can say that their punishments are more mental.
He would talk to you about how much he loves you, he would show you with affection and make you feel the body heat of another living being for weeks on end. And then he would become distant, he wouldn't touch you and he would rarely respond to you like you normally do.
The more violent you get with him, the less effect it will have on his way of punishing.
Of course, if you show obedience and affection, the affectionate and loving side of him would always be there, and he would never leave you alone.
In case of kidnapping, where would he take you?
Next to him, everywhere. Unless you have managed to escape from him more than once, which would cause him to make the drastic decision of leaving you locked in a place away from civilization and any kind of help or contact with humans or any damn species.
It would be difficult for someone to manage to snatch you from him, considering everything he is capable of doing in a non-yandere state.
Marriage and family.
In this case, I don't see the possibility of marriage.
I mean, he already sees you as his destined partner and he wants you to be together in this life, and in others to come. However, he is not the least bit interested in marriage.
Regarding Geralt's friends, they know almost nothing about you... It's hard for them to believe that he is capable of something so extreme, but when they see it, they only understand that they must keep a certain distance from him if they don't want to cause problems. .
And, in case it wasn't obvious, your family has no say in anything at this point in history.
↘If possible, children?
Now, if we assume that by some fucking magic trick from I don't know where the possibility of having a child with you comes from, I'm sure he would be more than happy to take it.
Reasons to be a Yandere:
-During his entire life he suffered a lot of discrimination from many people, he is used to an almost 100% hostile environment, and having the possibility of being with someone who from minute 0 was kind to him and treated him with respect and affection... is something he wouldn't let go so easily.
-Let's say that it is very difficult for him to develop a feeling of trust with someone, especially when that someone is surrounded by people who constantly remind you that you should not interact with them.
-He is used to killing, (more than anything due to the context of the world in which he lives and how his life was) let's say that someone who already has enough experience taking lives from other living beings can implement those actions in others (not specifically harm you, if not those he may consider dangerous)
Extra data:
-Geralt is sweet to you, and he usually likes to have you in his arms to know that he can protect you from anything.
-He is the type of Yandere who would never force you to have sex, under no circumstances would he allow himself to subject you in such a way.
-I would venture to say that Geralt was irritated by how Jaskier constantly seeks to talk to you, not out of jealousy, but because his presence bothers him.
I had this character in my head for DAYS to make him headcanons hajdajahdjqi
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yandere-sins · 2 years
Hello hi how are you? could I please request a yandere geralt x sick reader? Perhaps they’re at kaer morhen for the winter and he’s just all overbearing and not letting them outside? Maybe locks them away to keep them from escaping despite the fact that all the witchers wouldn’t let you leave anyway?
Thank you you are an incredible writer! 💛
Thanks for requesting!
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If Geralt didn’t want to let you go before, he sure didn’t want to now.
You didn’t think his attention could be any more suffocating than he already was, but here he was, pinching your nose to make you eat just one more spoon—for the fifth time by now. You’d have screamed at him to stop if your mouth had not been full of sticky, unsweetened porridge. Then again, your throat was aching so much that you’d probably not have made that impressive of a sound.
Even when you sulked or fought before, Geralt would let you do your thing most of the day, content to just be by your side while sharpening his tools or fixing his armor. But you just had to fall sick, causing everything you worked so hard to achieve—mostly the small amount of independence of taking your meals as you pleased and ignoring him—to crumble into nothingness.
At the first cough rattling through your lungs, Geralt had plunged you into a sea of blankets, wrapping you as you struggled against him. The fever didn’t set in immediately, giving you some time to fight him. But it was too late; he had already changed. There was no longer this slightly defeated, puppy-eyed facade he had taken on after you indefinitely kicked him out of your bed. Neither was it the look of concentration he had when fighting monsters or hunting you through the forest. No, this was different. It was a deeply unsettling emotion to see, feeling like worry in the good moments and hysteria in the bad. As if he thought every cough would be your last, a mere cold enough to turn your place of rest into a deathbed.
It was ridiculous. Mind-boggling, annoying, overbearing ridiculous. You’ve had colds before, and given the stress you’ve been under for months, it wasn’t that far off to think you might catch one in the middle of winter. Especially not in the old keep Geralt had brought you to, chained you to the bed with a slit in the wall only big enough to reveal the snow storm outside and nothing else but cold drafts haunting your body. But he stocked the fireplace with fresh wood every few hours, brought you cups of tea and soups for dinner. Aside from missing walking around, you weren’t lacking anything you didn’t dispose of yourself, like you sometimes did with the blankets he offered you, just to piss him off. You weren’t going to die. Clearly, fate had terrible plans for you, but it probably wasn’t death by cold while Geralt was the one watching over you.
However, the unfortunate reality was that you could do absolutely nothing about your treatment. Not least because your fever had been running high for the last three days and your whole body ached so much you could barely move. If you could have, you’d have one hell of a time getting out of all the blankets Geralt forced on you, every limb securely and tightly wrapped so there was no chance of getting out on your own. You’d still have tried, simply because your discomfort was unreal, lying in your own sweat as doctors would suggest, and bruising from never changing position.
All while he kept shoving spoon after spoon of disgusting porridge into your mouth that had no taste on your tongue.
His eyes were dark, maniac. If not for the haze in your brain, you might have felt fear as you looked at him, but you could barely concentrate on swallowing, let alone at the threat sitting by your bedside. One day, he’d be the reason for your early grave. You were sure of it. If not because of his crazy idea of love, then the porridge.
“Geralt!” you croaked out, either spit or food mush dripping out of your mouth as you tried to gain his attention.
Immediately he seemed to snap out of his trance, and you sighed in relief internally, seeing his eyes grow light again, features softening but still showing his worry. The call of his name pleased him, even if he tried not to show it, and he inched closer to you so you wouldn’t have to speak too loud. Even if you hated him pitying you for what he was putting you through, it was good to know you could still talk to him if needed. Reaching forward, he wiped your mouth, bringing his thumb to his lips to lick it off in one disgusting declaration of affection before his hand fell to your forehead, feeling your temperature.
Unable to hold back, you sighed out loud, the coolness of his skin an instant relief to your body and soul despite him being the wrong person to feel thankful for. Nonetheless, you pushed yourself into his hand as best as possible, Geralt being kind enough to stay that way for a few moments more before retracting his hand, frowning. “You’re still burning up,” he noted factually, and you bit your tongue not to make a snarky remark about how you noticed that too.
Your eyes had closed initially, but now that his hand was gone, you forced one open, watching him. Things weren’t great between you. Not like they had been in the beginning. Everything had seemed so amazing in the honeymoon phase where you two enjoyed the time together, him helping you travel to your destination, keeping you safe. You tended to his wounds, and he stayed up to make sure you could sleep protected and comfortable. Kisses under the moonlight and laughter by the fire.
Why did it have to change?
Why didn’t he let you go when you two always knew it was just a travel romance? Why did he force you to continue accompanying him? Made you choose between trying to escape and probably be killed by monsters, or clean his wounds and take care of him, just so you’d be safe in the forsaken forests he brought you to? Lay by your side at night while you desperately tried to sleep, hugging you, smelling you, whispering confessions into your skin? And finally took you to this old, barely inhabited place that no one could rescue you from, chaining you to the bed and forcing you to stay with him this way? All in the name of love?
“I have a suggestion. I think it will lower the temperature.”
His eyes immediately grew dark, and you didn’t have the strength to blame him. Geralt didn’t like your suggestions consisting almost exclusively of “Let me go” and “Fuck off.” But if it truly was love, if he really felt anything for you aside from possessive, obsessive mania, then he’d hear you out. You took his silence for a cue to go on, explain yourself, thinking it might be one Geralt would not be too displeased about.
“Help me out of the blanket and--”
Idea shut down immediately you snapped your mouth closed, glaring at him as best as you could even though everything was fuzzy. “You didn’t listen until the end,” you chided. It was as if the roles were reversed. Normally, you’d be the one to interrupt and disagree, even if you didn’t actually dislike his idea. It was just the principle. Just like it was his principle now to care for you as best as he knew.
“I wanted to say we could choose two warm blankets, and you could come here and... cuddle.”
Geralt’s jaw dropped as you suggested something you knew you’d regret soon. He blinked a few times, his eyes lightening with every motion. You could barely believe what you said yourself, but thinking back to all the times he made you choose between evils made you realize you could do the same to free yourself of the pain you were in now. It would be a pain-in-the-ass to correct later if he insisted on sleeping like this in the future. But, that was a problem for future you. Right now, you wanted to curl onto your side and maybe take advantage of his low body temperature to ease your aching.
“I... guess,” he yielded, but by the smile creeping on his face, it seemed like he was the one holding the victory and not you. It made you cringe, but he at least started to undo the intricate wrapping he had done, like a full-body armor of restrictive fabrics, until you could take a deep breath again, your chest expanding in a sort of pleasurable pain.
“Would you like me to wash you?” Geralt asked from your side while you enjoyed your few moments of bliss outside the blankets. Your attention drifted to him, tired eyes fixating on the washcloth in his hand. He always had a bucket with water and fresh clothes prepared, keeping it warm near the fire. If you were honest, a bath would have been amazing, but that wasn’t an option for you. Instead, you nodded slowly, letting him help you sit up and undress you, his rough, calloused hands roaming your body in bittersweet tenderness. Geralt touched, caressed, and moved you as gently as a lover would but as attentive and skilled as a husband.
The warm water dripped down your body, leaving behind more cold than you wanted as the warmth dissipated, freeing you of the feeling and stench of sweat. He started at your neck, down your arms, the curve of your spine. When he was done with the back, he pulled you against his chest to wash your front area, collarbones, and palms. Every finger was gently wiped down as if you were an expensive porcelain doll, prone to breaking but in constant need of attention and care. You neither liked nor disliked the wash. Even when he proceeded to your legs, stretching and bending them for you—which was a torturous strain that turned into a moan from your lips—you still didn’t feel uncomfortable. You knew that even though he had gone entirely off the rails, the crazy bastard wouldn’t do anything to you to hurt you on purpose. He enjoyed taking care of you just as much as forcing you into his fantasy. And as he pulled a fresh shirt over your head, you could have cried from feeling so much better after this cat bath.
Satisfied and content with how you were, you let Geralt lift you out of bed, swiping at the blankets to clear the way for you. Finally, you were returned to your one true love: the mattress. Already feeling less stiff and suffocated by everything and everyone. Your body could finally relax and heal, all on its own, just like you expected, and exhaustion was taking over now that your optimal conditions to recover were met.
You were already dozing off as you felt Geralt’s body spoon up to you from behind. With your nose clogged off, it was hard to tell, but you heard the splattering of water before and felt it dripping on your face from his hair, telling you he washed up as well, which you appreciated. He covered you both in blankets, and you couldn’t count if he stuck with your suggested two, but it didn’t matter so much. All you wanted was to sleep and heal now.
His beard tickled you as he kissed from behind your ear to the nape of your neck. You vaguely remembered opening up to the affection, probably a response from your weakened, sick body in search of any kind of care it could get. Geralt’s words were lost to your exhaustion as it pulled you into sleep, but his arm held you firmly against him, giving you no room for doubt that he was holding you snug the whole time you slept.
“You don’t know the power you have over me,” he whispered, kissing along your jawline. “The things you do to me when you invite me like this. It surprises me every time but confirms what I already know.”
Lucky you who slept unaware. Didn’t hear all the crazy confessions and future plans Geralt had for you. You were content indulging him this once, having chosen the lesser evil to help yourself. But how many chances would you have to coax him into doing as you wanted in the future? How often would fate humor you before it gave your luck to Geralt instead?
“I can never let you go,” he whispered into your neck, pressing his face hard into your soft body until you stirred. Only then did he recoil, instead settling with his face nestled in your hair, taking deep breaths to calm the raging emotions inside of him. The want, desire, need. Wanting to be recognized for all the efforts he made. Desire to have your love just like he had back when you two were just traveling buddies and not captive and captor. Needing more of those delicious moments of closeness you allowed once in a full moon when you needed him to protect you or to care for you because you were sick.
“I love you.”
Madly. Irresistible. Forever.
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anxiousnerdwritings · 2 years
I'm obsessed with The Witcher series and 7tspurslurapura what are your thoughts on yandere romantic Geralt???? I kinda think he'd fight his feelings initially before giving up and simping on main for Y/N
Definitely! He’ll fight his feelings to hell and back in the beginning but the moment someone else takes an interest in them or god forbid something happens to them, Geralt is a force to be reckoned with.
He’ll outwardly intimidate the ever loving fuck out of anyone taking an interest in his darling. No one is good enough for them, he’s not good enough for them but he’ll be damned if some other bastard ends up stealing them away from him. He’d rather live the rest of his life not acknowledging his feelings whatsoever but still having them stay by his side then see them become someone else’s. When someone does show too much of an interest in his darling, Geralt will unconsciously act more attentive towards his darling. He’ll kick himself for it later but if it gets him a worthwhile reaction from his darling, especially a positive one, Geralt would be happy. Now, if the intrusive bane of his existence doesn’t take the hint and still pursues his darling, then Geralt doesn’t have any other choice then to set some boundaries. And by boundaries that usually means the death of the provoking person.
In the case that something does happen to his darling, Geralt would blame himself. Whether it was due to them being important to him or him not being there to protect them that got them hurt or almost, Geralt would blame himself for it. He would have half a mind to just leave them and get out of their life completely but the mere thought of not being with them or being able to se them hurts more then anything ever has. It would also probably take a talking from Yennifer or Jaskier to get Geralt to not go through with leaving his darling. (No doubt they’re probably supportive of his feelings for his darling, whether they know how deep it goes or not.) So, he decides to indulge himself in his feelings/obsession but by this time things have probably grown far more intense then they ever were in the beginning. Too bad, once Geralt allows himself this he has no plans of backing down ever again against his feelings.
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mangaka-devotee · 1 year
Yandere Geralt and jaskier
Geralt hadn't even realized his obsession until after yennafer had left him thus instead of shouting at him in an attempt to push him away,he became attentive and possive but he was smart about it, he kept careful until mere humans attempt to steal his little lark away from him then the "monster" he happen to have a contract on would wind up with a new unfortunate victim, and with all his skill and know how he can make it convincing as hell, and not to mention jas would never really know about it honestly he probably would have stopped flitting back after the mountain as he's now has his beloved white wolf.
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adelphiafox2 · 1 year
You're mine,no one else's
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(part 3,the end,I will be writing to endings bad and good and I know Geralt will never do this)
{warning: suicide, graphic writing,mention of rape,sexual assault}
I was devastated,it happened so quickly him killing Kane and how his head fell on the ground and how his hands roamed my body,I can still feel it and I feel so so disgusting and oh so dirty,to think I lost my virginity to a man I don't even love I don't even know the man and he wasn't even slow he went rough and fast,after he was done he dressed me then threw me over his shoulder and brought me to his horse,I felt him place me on the horse then he got on his horse then he galloped away from the hut I looked at it and saw it getting smaller and smaller till I couldn't see it at all,it was a very quiet ride which I hate I don't even want to be here and if I run he might do it again so I'm not even gonna try,we were riding for hours and it was really dark which wasn't safe at all,all the stories I read about the monsters that lurk in the night,some were harmless some weren't at all,I felt the horse suddenly stop making me snap out of my thoughts,"we'll camp here" "but what about the monsters?" "What about them?" "Some lurk at night so shouldn't we find a village and town and ask if we can stay there for the night?" He got off his horse "no,this is the safest area no monsters will come near us all we have to worried about are the Bandit's" he held out his hand for me making me slowly take it I jumped off the horse and landed on my feet then I felt him let go of my hand, "stay here I'll go search for fire wood and try to escape again, I'll make you wish you hadn't escaped again" I nodded 'im not even gonna try' I saw him walk away amking me walk over to the horse and I started to pet It's head.
After a while he came back with the fire wood then I saw him start the fire,I looked at the fire and saw the flames build up I suddenly felt someone sit beside me making me jump a bit and I looked to my right and saw him,I then felt him put his arm around me making me get chills down my spine,"what did Kane tell you?" "Excuse me?" "What did Kane tell you?" "Nothing" "I'm not stubid what did he tell you" he said then I felt him grab my shoulder tightly making me hiss at the pain "h-he told me that you were selfish" "that's all?" I nodded slowly then he let go of my shoulder making me sigh in relief,it was silent for probably two minutes till the horse started to freak out,I saw Geralt get up and grab his sword,Suddenly jumped five Bandit's out of the bushes,making me gasp then I felt a bandit grab me from behind I screamed in fear but he held my mouth shut,I saw Geralt glare at the bandit.
good ending
"ain't this a beautiful sight" said a bandit smelling me making me glare at the bandit "let her go" said Geralt with gritted teeth.i saw Geralt walk up to the bandit but I gasped as I felt a cold kinfe hit my knife lightly"not one step closer or she dies" Geralt stoped in his tracks "now give us all you got then we'll leave you two be" said another bandit geralt glared at him "we don't have any gold" said Geralt through gritted teeth "oh,really?" I then felt the knife go deeper into skin "no!" Shouted Geralt"tell us the truth or she dies!"I felt blood start to drop from my neck,my heart started to race "I just told you!we don't have any gold!" "Search them" commanded another bandit"yes boss"I saw the bandits look through Geralt's stuff,then I felt another bandit start to touch me making me start to scream but it came out muffled, I saw Geralt's knuckles turn pale,I then suddenly felt the bandit grab my ass,making me gasp but then I saw Geralt stab the bandit making him fall on the floor dead,then I felt the knife suddenly leave my neck and I looked beside me and saw the other bandit dead,"get him!" Shouted a bandit then they suddenly charge at Geralt,I then decided to find the knife that the bandit had,I saw it and grabbed it,I then saw all the bandits dead on the floor then I saw geralt face me,"what are you doing?" I raised the knife "no!" But it was to late I felt the knife go inside of my stomach then I felt blood drip from my mouth,then I fell to the floor but before my body could hit the surface I felt someone catch me "no!no!" I smiled as I felt weaker and weaker "stay with me!" But then I closed my eyes and everything went black.
Bad ending
"ain't she a looker"said a bandit "let her go!" Growled Geralt angrily the bandits laughed "ain't you the protective type" said a bandit smirking "I said let her go" "or what?" "Yeah if you do anything she dies" said the one who held me I then felt the knife go deeper onto my skin,I saw Geralt gasp as he saw the knife cutting my neck,"no! "Search them" commanded a bandit,I saw the bandits search Geralts stuff then I saw another bandit come over to me,I felt him search my body making me start to shake,"ain't this a shy one?" Said the bandit smirking reaveling his yellow teeth,I looked over at Geralt and he was glaring at the bandit,I then suddenly felt him touch my area,making me gasp then I suddenly kicked the bandit then I saw him get stabbed making me gasp then I saw Geralt push his sword out of the bandit,then I saw the other Bandit's try to attack Geralt but he sliced all thier heads off,then I suddenly felt the other bandit let me go,I saw him try to run away but a sword him in the back maki g me gasp as he fell on the floor clearly dead,I started to shake then I suddenly felt someone hug me from behind making me start to shake,"you are save,no one will ever hurt you again"I felt him smell my hair making me start to shake "you are mine,no one else's" 'this is my life now...if I just grabbed the knife'
I hope you enjoyed these 3 chapters,and I hope you have a great day :)
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s0apysm1les · 2 years
Omg I love your yan geralt x rock troll darling; if it still ok with you maybe some hcs on geralt finding out darling's/reader's persuit was only intended to be a friendship and friendly company while she's separated from her mate and until she can unite with him again but she still wants to be friends with him? I don't think yan!geralt would take that info very well 👀
The ultimate - surely accidental - betrayal and one that you will come to regret. He not only did not kill *you* out of his random benevolence but he even left your comrade alone as well... until he saw the two of you hold hands and seem to lean on each other in a passionate way.
The rage he felt when he heard the clacking of stones that led to him turning and seeing the sight had never left him since then. Even as you treat him the same was you did previously.
The exited nature of matching a rock to his cold exterior and gleefully bringing it to him. Was it just you treating him as a lesser in your own sickeningly cruel way? You treat him like this. You open him up to you and make him connect you to him, make him have a vulnerability. You-you break him. And you can act like nothing happens? No. That's not how this works.
You CHOSE him. You already picked your mate when you sought Geralt out each of those times. The days where you somehow made him cater to your unspoken requests, the moments where he unpromptedly defended you, fed you and saved your life on multiple occasions was you. choosing. HIM.
It didn't matter that you had bonded with this other troll creature before you had met Geralt. It didn't matter because you had made Geralt chose you and with every one of your actions you had yelled to the stars above that you had chosen Geralt too. Don't you attempt to deny it now when everyone who you two had passed had seen everything and would agree with his thinking
If they knew what was good for them.
Your false... "mate" will die. He will ensure that you know this. He will ensure that *it* too knows this. Making a demented sort of show as he flourishes in watching the false mateship end in a gory tumble.
You will learn soon enough that this was only a farce that that other rock troll surely tricked you into.
You are just too oblivious and stupidly kind of a creature to notice that the other rock troll was lying and deceiving you the entire time into a relationship that is meant for Geralt to partake in with you.
But ignorance does not beget innocence you... darling, daft creature. And Geralt will teach you just who you belong to. No matter how much you cry and mourn for that fraudulent thing you called a mate.
Part One
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koogl001 · 2 years
Finish Tender Mind? Pretty please!
Hi, sorry for not updating Tender Mind for so long, I've been lacking inspiration lately… The main character has major psychological problems which were inspired by my own issues. I would always write after suffering a break down so the breakdowns of the main character would be more authentic and realistic. However some time ago I got professional help, which unfortunately resulted in me not knowing how to continue the story. But don't worry, I plan on updating soon!!
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ametrictonofaudacity · 4 months
Okay so consider!!!
Yandere platonic Geralt!! Generally very cool!! Very nice!! But if you fuck up you have to deal with (what you have dubbed) the get along cuff. Which is literally him just making you sleep next to him and tying your leg to his with a bit of leather cord. It’s thin so he can easily snap it if there’s a danger, but he’ll wake up if you move it.
Also Jaskier being completely fine and okay with this would be hilarious, I would love to see you write a scenerio!! (Idk why but I picture a modern reader, like one who got dropped in the Witcher from the modern world)
I love this ask!! I also love the trope of a modern character in a medieval setting, I think it was all the ‘Modern Girl IN Middle Earth’ fanfics I read (an actual tag on ao3) so I have a weakness for it!! Also Jaskier just going ‘eh’ is so funny to me.
Warnings: forced proximity, captivity, kidnapping, some level of being infantalized, being tied to another person as a form of being restrained, future Stockholm syndrome. Jaskier is complicit, up to you whether he is also a yandere or not. Also the fact Geralt can smell emotions
“You know this could be like, an actual danger?”
You try and reason your way out of your situation, like reason has ever worked on Geralt before. He ignores you, mostly, concentrating on tying the knot around your wrist in a manner that you cannot undo the knot but it also didn’t cut off your circulation. He slips a finger under the cord, testing the knot and the cords strength, and you hear him make a satisfied rumble. You were still getting used to that, to the various sounds the Witcher made to express emotion.
“No it’s not. The cord’s thin, and if I have to fight I can snap it easily. Plus this area doesn’t normally have monsters, not this time of year.”
He stands, towering over you from you spot on the ground, near the fire, and you tilt your face up. The yellow light throws his features into a harsh countenance, makes his face all angles and scars, golden eyes reflecting the light the way a predators would as he glared down at you, scowling. You tighten your fingers in the wool cloak he had given you, so long ago, the fibers catching in your nails.
He must see something in your gaze, or maybe it’s the way you know you probably reek of anxiety right now, but his stance softens, the scowl melting away into something softer, not a smile because you knew he was still very, very upset with you, but not a harsh frown that made you feel small and stupid and like all the things he thought about you were true.
He crouches, making himself smaller next to you, and you feel your shoulders start to unwind. It was strange, being around someone who was so perceptive to your emotions, but seemingly had no clue how to address or handle them, beyond his own instincts as a Witcher and his limited interpersonal skills. His very limited interpersonal skills.
Seriously. You were pretty sure the guy only had two friends.
“You’re going to try and run again. Maybe not tonight, but I clearly can’t trust you to behave without me keeping my eye on you at all times. Since I can’t do that while I’m asleep, this is the solution.”
He motions to the thin leather cord, and you scowl, face twisting into something you know is ugly but doing it anyways. He wouldn’t be intimidated, you knew, he seemed to view you as some helpless kid, even though you were a fully grown adult who had been attending college.
“You wouldn’t have to watch me if you just let me go, Geralt. You can’t… you can’t just not let someone go home, that’s not right.”
You snap, fingers burying further into the cloak to stave off the chill that was only getting colder, creeping up your arms and legs to your torso and making you shiver. It had just gotten dark, the little fire Geralt built crackling away and too small to provide much warmth but rapidly gaining strength, and you shiver, leaning toward the fire and away from the Witcher.
“We’re not having this conversation again. You can’t survive out there on your own.”
Your face flushes, angry, and you bury your face further into the cloak. He had a point, to some extent. You weren’t used to the world of the Witcher, with its monsters and it’s hardships, weren’t used to the roughness of medieval life and all of its struggles. You were used to the modern world, where distances could be travelled by car, not horse, and you didn’t have to endure biting cold in the winter and blazing heat in the summer.
“That doesn’t mean I can’t at least try, Geralt. What kinda person would I be if I didn’t at least try to get home?” You protest, and there’s the sound of rustling, a muttered curse. Looks like Jaskier was back with wood.
“Ah. Seems I walked into a horribly tense situation.”
Jaskier remarks, but his voice is light, not taking your predicament seriously, even as his eyes land on the tether around your wrist and Geralt’s as he feeds wood into the fire, which licks up the logs and sticks eagerly, hungry for fuel. You scowl, face buried in the cloak to hide your sour mood as much as possible. Geralt didn’t care if you were pisses off or not, he cared when you were afraid not when you were mad, but Jaskier would do everything in his power to pull you out of your bad mood. From telling stories to playing little tavern songs, he would be relentless in making sure you cracked a smile at least once, and you didn’t feel like having to endure the bards attempts to cheer you up right now.
“Is tying them to you really necessary though, Geralt? They look like a kicked pup, can’t you be a bit more lenient?”
Jaskier wheedles, and wow, he might actually be your favorite person right now. You peek up from the fold of the cloak, and he’s got a hand on a hip, shifting his weight with a concerned frown. He looks entirely disapproving of the whole thing, which makes your heart soar. Maybe he would actually be able to get Geralt to listen to him.
“They’re lucky I don’t tie them on Roach all day.” Geralt grumbles, setting up the bed rolls. You could feel every small movement he made, the motion tugging gently on the thin tether.
“Oh you grump. Stop being so rude.” Jaskier huffs, sitting next to you, and you quietly despair how easily he gave in, how quickly he yielded to what Geralt wanted to do. You tuck your face back into the cloak, dejected.
“Hey now, it isn’t all bad. There are worse places to sleep. I can recall a few of them myself.”
Jaskier’s hand lands on your shoulder, and you glare, annoyed. You didn’t want company, or comfort, or any of it. You wanted one thing, and it was something that the both of them were denying you.
Jaskier, because he was Jaskier, seemingly didn’t notice. Which wasn’t the greatest.
“Yeah, sure, I guess. Never slept tied to somebody, though.” You say pointedly, and the annoyed rumble Geralt gives is almost worth it. Sharp gold eyes narrow at you slightly, before Geralt huffs, turning back to his task.
“I have! Well, it was more I had been knocked unconscious, but it still applies, I think! And those ropes were rather coarse, my wrists were aching for days!” Jaskier recalls. “Geralt had to rescue me, it was quite the adventure. I wrote a song about it, at some point, although I never published it. I really should rework that song, actually, come to think of it.”
He rambles, his voice filling the tense silence between you and Geralt, and you feel your shoulders start to relax. He was good at that, chattering to fill the silence that would drag on for hours between the two of you if it wasn’t for him. You sigh quietly, leaning into the warm hand clasped on your shoulders as the fire grows in strength, the bedrolls almost fully prepared.
“Alright. Jaskier, you take first watch, and I’ll take over in an hour or so.” There must not be many monsters around, you think, for Geralt to be so comfortable letting Jaskier take watch. Jaskier nods, slipping away your side as Geralt approaches.
“Not a problem! I was feeling wired tonight anyways, a few more hours though and I should be able to sleep well enough.” Jaskier agrees amicably. “Although I am a bit surprised, you normally insist on first watch.”
“Wanna get (Y/N) down.” Geralt huffs, and Jaskier nods.
“Fair enough, I suppose. They are criminally lacking in the sleep department, they’re beginning to get bags, poor thing.”
You scowl at Jaskier, annoyed.
“I’ve had these since middle school, first of all, not my fault I have insomnia.” You scowl, and jerk when Geralt all but drags you to the bed roll, barely waiting for you to finish talking.
“Hey!” You protests, annoyed, but he’s too busy ‘getting you settled’ as he liked to call it. Fussing over the blankets and the best roll, making sure your body was protected from the harsh winds that even the fire couldn’t stave off.
“Jaskier, stop keeping them up.” Geralt grumbles, sounding more tired than annoyed. He drags you closer, and it must be a Witcher thing to radiate heat like a furnace, because he was chasing off the cold without even trying, the same arm that you were tied to securing you against his chest.
“Pretty sure I can sleep on my own.”
You snark, and Geralt rolls his eyes.
“Not for the next week you aren’t, if that. Now go to bed.”
You scowl, glaring up at him. With the blanket over you, the fire, and the heat radiating off his body, you were tired, sure. But not tired enough not to say something, not when you were being treated like an idiot who couldn’t do anything for themselves.
“You can’t just- Geralt this isn’t right, and you know it. You can’t just- keep me here!”
You protest. Arguing with Geralt was much like arguing with a wall, honestly. Stubborn and just as likely to listen to you as the bricks that made up the walls of your old college.
But walls could come down. You just had to get through to him, make him realize that what was doing wasn’t going to work. You weren’t strong enough or fast enough to escape him, not without some clever plan or tricks up your sleeve, and you were pretty sure that an Olympic level athlete would still have issues trying to outpace him. So your only hope was getting him to listen.
It was a fragile hope, but it was the only hope you had.
“We’re not talking about this right now. Go to sleep.”
Geralt grumbles, and you open your mouth again. The warning rumble in his chest cuts you off, and you swallow.
The sound was exactly that. A warning. Geralt had never hurt you before, not really, but whenever he got mad things were miserable. Jaskier would be irritated with you for ‘putting Geralt in a mood’ as he put it, and you would be without the bard’s chattering to fill the heavy silent between you and Geralt. Not to mention the awkwardness of being forced to ride atop Roach with Geralt, the silence thick with tension between the two of you, or the way you would hope desperately for the day to end so you could go to sleep.
No, it was better to keep the Witcher happy. For all parties.
“Alright. Good night.” You finally mutter, and he sighs, the tension leaving his body. You feel his torso loosen, relaxing behind you, and you feel your hand shaking, just slightly. Or a little more than slightly. Your stomach twists, and Geralt sighs.
“I know you don’t understand. But you’ll realize this is what’s best for you.” He says it like it’s supposed to be an assurance, smoothing a hand over your hair like you’re a particularly fussy child, and you consider, for a second, twisting and biting that hand. Driving your teeth deep enough to draw blood and make him listen to you, for once.
You don’t, mainly because you know he would just move it fast enough your teeth would just snap at empty air.
You close your eyes. With the almost stifling heat behind you, and the too-heavy weight of the cord on your wrist that logically shouldn’t feel as heavy as it did, sleep does not come easy. Eventually, though, you feel your consciousness slip away into oblivion.
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aphroditelovesu · 9 months
can you please write a love letter romantic from yandere geralt of rivia from the Witcher x gender neutral reader and thank you ❤️😊
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My beloved,
I loved you from the first moment our eyes crossed, my heart belonged only to you since then. Every thought, every breath, every beat of my heart is dedicated to you, and you alone.
My nights are tormented by the idea of ​​losing you, of seeing you in someone else's arms. I can't bear the thought of anyone else touching what's mine. I promise I will do anything to keep you safe, to keep you by my side.
I know I can be impulsive, that my actions can seem strange at times, but everything I do, I do it out of love. Because I love you so deeply and intensely that I can't imagine my life without you. And I don't want to imagine my life without you.
Remember, my beloved, that this love is a blazing fire, which can burn everything in its path. But it is also a love that will never die. I will always be here, protecting you, looking out for you, even if it means doing things that others would consider crazy.
Because I love you and this all that's matter in the end.
Never doubt my love for you, for you are the most real and true thing in my life. You are my light, my reason for living, my eternal beloved.
With all my love,
Geralt of Rivia.
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gulnarsultan · 1 year
Yandere Geralt of Rivia headcanons?
Geralt is overprotective of you. Don't let others get close to you. No one can harm or insult you. Those who hurt you will soon disappear. He pampers you with gifts. You will be kept locked in the room until they trust you. He gets jealous when other men are intimate and close with you. He has a jealous disposition. He holds you in his strong arms at night. Geralt is not ashamed to give hugs and kisses.
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lady-ashfade · 1 year
This is based off of a small fic I wanna make- Ahh! Someone stop me.
Viserys stressed and holding his head: Why is it that both of my daughters want to marry their uncles…
Daeraron smirking and holding y/n in the corner
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Daemon and rhaenrya almost making out at her wedding day.
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* Here’s what is in my mind now, causing brain rot. Henry Cavill plays daemons twin brother in this…And I’m not even sorry because he’s so fucking hit with white hair. So yeah, I already have HC’s in my head of how he will acted.*
Not sure if anyone wants this because idk how to really make it, but I want to. I want to do a small little thing for it- STOP ME PLEASE
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brithombar · 1 year
why does like every netflix original have a fandom thats exclusively reader x y/n mpreg headcanons
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yandere-sins · 2 years
Yandere geralt keeping s/o locked away in kaer morhen and making sure none of the other witchers let them out?
Thanks for requesting!
»»———————— ♡ ————————«« 
“I’m just saying it might be good for their condition to go out every once in a while.”
Eskel was as right as he was wrong as he strolled alongside his old friend, Geralt marching straight to the room he had occupied this winter, only grunting in response. Something felt off about the situation, and the awkward weirdness bounced between everyone in the old keep, though no one dared to speak up about it.
The... person (everyone assumed) that came with Geralt this year had looked much worse than they really were. Dirty, covered in cuts and bruises, unable to speak, seemed to only be alive thanks to Geralt’s continuous support and care, even though not even the Witcher could truthfully explain what happened. But for all they know, there was a sick person being nursed back to health in his room.
“Geralt.” Eskel’s voice was firm as he stopped the stern witcher in his tracks, forcing him to halt by blocking his path. “No one has seen them since you first brought them around. You keep bringing them food, but are they even alive?”
It was an attempt to find reason in Geralt, who gazed at his friend with a mix of boredom and anger. In Geralt’s opinion, Eskel was meddling in matters that didn’t concern him, and he was quite fed up with having to constantly be accused of something that didn’t happen. Of course his darling was alive. What kind of accusation was that?
“And just like this-” Geralt grumbled, shoving his shoulder into Eskel’s to get around him, continuing on his way to his room, “-they might not come out at all.”
“Oh, come on!” Eskel yelled after him. “You can’t keep them inside forever. That’s not healthy!”
He knew that, but Geralt wished it was.
When he closed the door behind him, turning the key in the lock as quietly as possible, he sighed inwardly, feeling the burden of his decisions even more when someone close to him pointed them out. He hated his position in this relationship but, at the same time, could not imagine a different kind of future for you two other than the secure, safe one he established.
You barely moved from your position on your bed. If the others saw you chained up and fully healed, they would have definitely cut you free and taken you from him. Even though Geralt had noticed the slight flinch you made as he stepped inside, you were doing your damn best to ignore him now, your eyes fixed outside the little window, watching the snow fall rather than facing him.
Geralt replaced the old meal tray with the new one, feeling a tiny sense of happiness seeing your teeth marks on the slice of bread and knowing you indulged in some at least. Some days he wasn’t sure you were eating at all, and it worried him. That, and the fact you kept throwing the pelts he brought you across the room where you couldn’t reach them anymore, telling him in silent protest that you’d rather freeze than accept his kind gifts.
Putting the old food aside, he went to pick them up, shaking them out before returning the pelts to the foot of your bed where you could grab them from later. Once you were more comfortable. Once he was gone. However, Geralt couldn’t omit taking one of them in his hands, the softest and prettiest of them all, before wrapping it around your shoulders, feeling how cold your body was against the back of his fingers.
You took a deep breath, either from annoyance or defeat, but at least you didn’t shrug the pelt off, easing Geralt’s mind a little. He contemplated staying, briefly going to the fireplace to feed the fire with new wood so it would remain as cozy in this old keep as possible for you. Even if it had been in silence, he would have liked to sit by your side, rest and recuperate from the exciting, yet, straining year behind him. But he had done that for the last couple of days already. Before that, he strengthened his gear and sharpened his weapons so there was nothing else to occupy himself with.
Other than you, of course.
And yet, heavy-hearted, he opted to go hunting instead. Because he knew if he stayed, he’d become greedy and you even more miserable than you were. Kaer Morhen wasn’t the best place to keep you captive, but at least for this winter, it would be safe and warm, somewhere you could heal and perhaps find it in your heart to... trust. Love again. Not flinch, scream, kick, cry, punch, and flail whenever he touched you, kissed your hand, held you in your sleep. If you’d at least stop shivering from his touch, that would have been a great success for the Witcher. If only you could see things from his point of view, how much he cared and longed for you. If you could just understand these, he’d already be satisfied—at least for now.
Dressing himself in his gear and armor, Geralt stepped towards the door, unlocking and opening it. “I’d like to go out sometimes,” you whispered into the room. You must have known his ears would pick up on it, no matter how soft your voice was. But Geralt didn’t know you heard his and Eskel’s conversation from before.
“Will you stay by my side and listen to what I say if I take you outside?”
Of course, there was no answer. You could have lied, but why bother when he’d know anyway? You weren’t going to sit still, look pretty and play a happy couple with your captor, which made sense to anyone but Geralt, who awaited the day eagerly where you two would just live in peace and harmony with each other.
“Eat your food,” he eventually compassioned himself to you. “If you eat it all, I’ll take you for a walk around the keep tomorrow.”
It was the first offer like this he made since coming here, and he left, locking the door behind him, not wanting to hear what was coming next. If you agreed and ate, he’d have a happy surprise waiting for him this afternoon, and if not, he didn’t want to get his hopes up that you’d comply and understand that one hand washed the other. You could have had it all if only your stupid heart felt the same as his. If you were as madly, deeply in love with him as he was with you, a mistake in and of itself, considering these feelings were terrible for a witcher.
But maybe not that day. Or that winter.
However he was going to explain your absence for all of winter to the rest of the suspicious witcher living with you two in Kaer Morhen. The same ones that threatened to ruin all Geralt worked so hard for, with just one lockpick while Geralt’s eyes were busy stalking prey.
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mangaka-devotee · 11 months
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Yandere Geralt doddles
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adelphiafox2 · 1 year
We are meant to be
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(here is another yandere geralt story, I'm sorry I just love yandere geralt and as I said I don't see a lot of yandere geralt fanfics, maybe you guys have but I haven't so let's get into this)
{you're also a witcher you've always worked alone you did have some help sometimes and you didn't mind the people helping you and you,you also love having people around well sometimes atleast,you also go to some taverns from time to time and you had a lot of fun especially the songs you heard the bards sing,you also love killing beasts and of course you loved the money you get from the people and the honor they give you, although Witchers Don't feel emotions but you always feel emotions like any other person,like you feel anger, sadness, jealousy and most importantly fear,of course you will feel fear when a six to seven beast is standing right in front of you,but you still fight the beast and you win everytime,well not everytime but you do win sometimes, but when you don't kill the beast sometimes the people are nice enough and say how you did your best and some well let's just say they aren't that nice, but what happens when you are just riding your horse to go and find a creature that has been killing a village's sheep's and cows,they offered you a lot of coins so of course you didn't back up on that offer but while you were looking for the beast it attacked you from behind while killing your horse which made you see red,but what if this beast is to strong to fight on your own so you almost got killed but another Witcher helps you and kills the beast in a second,you got a little bruised from the beast so the witcher watched over you,so when you woke up you saw a Witcher who was quite handsome but his presence felt...off but you didn't listen to yourself which was stupid,but what happens when the witcher becomes more and more interested in you but then it turns into.... obsession}
I was walking around the forest trying to find a village or town so I could get some money for me an h/n(horse name) she/he does need a new saddle anyway we also need food for us both,so I am in desperation for money,while I was riding I heard shouting and talking making me gallop over to the village when I got there I slowed h/n down so I could look around the village,I stopped h/n and got off and grabbed h/n's reins and walked over to a pole and tied her reins then I walked over to a woman who was sorting her clothes, "may I know where the master of the town is?" The woman turned to me and then gasped "y-your a witcher" "yes I am now may I know where the master of the town is?" She nodded then pointed to a huge looking house making me smile and thank her then made my way to the house,when I got there I knocked on the door and waited for a bit till someone opened the door, "hello?" Asked a man "hello yes I want to ask if I may speak with your master" "for what causes?" "Well I am witcher and I'm here to help you with any creature" "o-of course I'll be right back" the man then closed the door rather harshly I waited a bit till the door opened again, "come in please" said the man making me nod then I went inside and it was quite fancy and rather homely "wait here" I nodded and watched the man walk away,I looked around and saw something shiny I looked at it and it looked quite beautiful I picked it up and looked at it but then I accidentally broke it making me look around then I quickly put it away and made my way back where I was, "you must be the witcher my butler told me about" I turned to person who said it and saw a man,who had long hair that was pulled back and he was rather well built, "yes, I'm y/n" I said holding out my hand he looked at it and slowly took it, "you a witcher a woman?" I glared at him then I put my hand on my hip and I had a tricky finger to pull out my sword and kill him right there and then, "I'm only joking no worries I find it brave for a woman to fight" I nodded "now I heard you wanted to ask me if we had any monster problems,is that right?" "Yes that's right" "well we have a big one" "how does it look?did it look for anything?did it kill a animal or anyone?" "A lot of questions well, it's very tall dark to and red eyes, well he must've been looking for food and yes it killed five sheep and one grown man" I nodded"how much will I get after killing the beast?" "Well how about one thousand coins" "deal" "you sure just one thousand?I mean that creatures is pretty huge" "okay how about three thousand?" "Good choice,now on you get I'll see you when you bring that beasts head" I nodded then walked out of the house,then I made way to h/n and untied her and we started to ride into the woods.
It turned nightime and I still didn't find the darn beast I sighed but then I heard a branch snap making me grab my sword then I heard a snarl,I then felt something push me off h/n I then heard a pained neigh of a horse and I saw the beast stab h/n making me see red I got up and grabbed my sowrd and swung at the beast,I hit the bloody beast on the arm making him hiss in pain,it slapped me away making me stop from me falling further I glared at the beast, "you're gonna regret killing my horse!" I then charged at the beast and I saw it sent his arm making me dodge it and I stabbed it on his side making it screech in pain then I felt a sharp sting on my back making me hiss I fell to the floor making me drop my sword but I quickly grabbed it again and moved out of the way and I saw the beast hand stuck on the floor giving me a chance to hit it's side again but harder it screeched again and he got his arm free and then threw me away making me grunt in pain,I then hissed in pain as I felt my back hit a tree it made it worse because of the cut of the beast, "curse you beast" I hissed with venom then I looked around for my sword I reached for it but I screamed in pain as I felt the beast stand on my wrist,I quickly reached for my dagger and I got it then I stabbed the beast on the stomach it screeched again then it glared at me then it growled at me then it roared at me but it stopped when I heard a bone cracking noise and then I saw the beast eyes shut then it fell on top of me making me groan and I tried pushing it off but it was way to heavy but I was relived when someone else took the beast off of me,I blinked a few times to get the blurry vision away,I looked up and saw a man with long white hair,he also had yellow eyes and I realised that he was a Witcher, "are you gonna get up or are you going to keep staring?" "Oh,right sorry" I then got up and I smeared off some blood that was on my face I looked at it in disgust and threw it off my hand I then turned to the Witcher, "who are you?" "Why should I tell you?" "Because I asked" he rolled his eyes "it's Geralt" "y/n" I then turned to my left and I saw h/n I sighed and walked over to her/him "you are quite weak for needing help from another Witcher" I ignored him then I I crouched down and touched h/n lightly I laid my head on her/his stomach I then took off her/his saddle and the railings and put it beside her/him I heard the other Witcher sigh "if you need someone to get you somewhere I am more then glad to help you" I looked at him "that would be nice" I said wiping my tears I then grabbed my pouch that had a few coins and some food, I walked over to the witcher and saw he to had a horse of course he would how would he get here I saw him get on then I got on "hold on or you fall either way that's your problem" I sighed and held him by his waist and then he started to ride away "where do you need to go?" "To a village I went to them to get some coins" I saw him groan softly making me glare at the back of his head.
After a while we made it back to the village and It was already morning and I saw everyone working but they stopped as they saw me and geralt I looked away "where off to now?" I pointed to the house where the master lived then I felt geralt ride over to the house and then stopped I got off the horse and went up to the door and knocked on it I waited then it opened and it was the butler but he gasped as he saw me I sighed and looked at the floor he then lightly closed the door making me sigh then it opened again after a few minutes and it was the master of the town his eyes went wide when he saw me "come inside please" I did what he saw and I got inside "did you kill it?" "What do you think?" He looked at the floor "fair enough stay here and let me grab your coins". I saw him walk away making me look at the floor,he came back with a small bag of coins I took it from him and it felt pretty full "thank you" I said "no thank you" I nodded then walked over to the door and opened it and walked out of there closing the door of course, "how much did he give you?" "We made a deal that he'll give me three thousand coins" "I wouldn't have done it for three thousand" "I'm not you now am I?" "Fair" I was about to walk away but he stopped me "where are you going?" "I don't know" "how about you travel with me?" I turned to him "are you sure?" He nodded I then looked at the floor then back at him I sighed then I got on his horse.
Me and Geralt were traveling were traveling with eachother for a month already and I learned that Geralt gets potions to make him stronger,but he only uses them in a intense fight,which I understand,me and Geralt also became great friends and he feels like brother to me that I never had,we also did come across some monsters or bandits but luckily we were together so nothing bad happened to either of us which was good in a way,but I sometimes get a wierd feeling in my gut and my gut tells me to stay away from Geralt or to either run,but I kept ignoring it,I also thought of how I want to live alone and have farm,with lots of farm animals and I told Geralt this and he just groaned like he was always does, I also sometimes get wierd looks from Geralt but I ignored it,I suddenly snapped out of my thoughts by Geralt,"y/n did you even hear me?" I shook my head and looked at Geralt "no sorry what did you ask?" ",Do you think it's a good idea to camp here for the night?" I looked around then I nodded my head "yeah we can camp here" Geralt nodded then he started to get of roach so did i,we then started to get everything, Geralt then went to go and get some fire making me wait for him it's been a while since he went to get the fire wood but he did come back we then lit up the fire while Geralt went to go get wood he also got us some food,after we ate the food,I then decided to go to sleep and Geralt decided to watch over us so no danger came to us,for some reason I couldn't sleep but I don't want to disturb Geralt so I tried to fall asleep but I just couldn't,I suddenly heard Geralt walk over to me making me freeze and I closed my eyes to pretend that I was sleeping,I then felt him move a strand of hair away from my face,it was hard trying to pretend to sleep when someone is crouching over you and it made you quite uncomfortable,I could just feel his gaze on i don't know if it's a killer gaze or something else,I then heard him speak "oh y/n,why would want to leave me?" I remember telling geralt that I want to quit doing hunts and adventurous and just wanted to life my live i wouldn't want to just live my life by just hunting creatures or doing adventures but I never said I'll leave Geralt well I mean I am leaving him because he wants to stick to hunting and adventurous, I'm fine with it but doesn't want me to leave him, "I wish I could just trap you somewhere no one can find" I felt a sudden chill run down my spine,"you've changed me y/n" I suddenly felt something stab my making me turn to get comfortable which scared Geralt because I could hear footsteps I opened my eyes a bit and I saw feet and I knew they were Geralt's feet,"I want you" I'm so confused maybe I'm dreaming, "you really shouldn't be believe me y/n and I know your not sleeping"I quickly reacted and ran away and I heard geralt running after me,I started to run as fast as I can but Geralt was faster then me and I felt him tackle me to the ground and started to scream and struggle, "hold still y/n!" I started to struggle even more I then felt him wrap his arms around my waist and felt him pull me up,I then felt him bury his face in my neck, "we are meant to be y/n" I heard him whisper in my ear and I started to cry, "let's go my love" I then felt him drag me away.
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