#yandere free! dive to the future
bluemoonzeph · 1 year
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hiyori gave me big yandere vibes, for obvious reasons.
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faesdreaming · 2 years
Yandere Namor Headcanon
an: I’ll work on requests I swear, I’ve just been obsessed with this man
tw: yandere themes, Black Panther: Wakanda Forever Spoilers, stalking, overprotective behaviour, kidnapping, captivity, ooc
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•Namor, a child without love as he’d been cursed, did not have it within his heart to love another. His love lay with his people. That was until he happened upon you. An inquisitive human who was investigating the legend of K'uk'ulkan. At first, he’d planned to kill you as he did with all others that had come to find him ans Talokan. However, your intentions, unlike the others, was honourable. You only visited out of curiosity, and acted respectfully towards the land and the people of the village. Namor began to observe you. He watched you from afar as you continued to search for him, for any signs for him. He never let you catch on though.
•Frustrated by your fruitless efforts, you decided to leave in resignation. Despite hiding himself from you, Namor wasn’t prepared for you to go. He’d spent so much time watching you that he grew obsessed. He was completely enamoured with you, with your mannerisms, your habits, your laugh, your smile, everything about you. You were a pure being. The cruel surface world was undeserving of you. So, the day you were meant to leave, you visited the beach one last time as a sort of nostalgic end visit. That’s when you saw him, emerging out of the water. You stood there, stunned. Here before you was K'uk'ulkan in all his glory. And he was glorious. He must’ve been the most gorgeous man you’d ever seen. The silence between you two grew as you eyes raked him over, taking him in. Slowly, he moved towards you, then he uttered your name. That single utterance of your name caused your insides to double over, twisting and turning.
“K'uk'ulkan,” you whispered in awe, eyes widened. Smiling, he corrected you, “Namor. You’ve been searching for me.”
Still in awe, you nodded slowly. “You wish to see it, do you not? My home,” asked Namor, outstretching his hand in an unspoken offer. He was inviting you, a mere human, to see his home. Your heart was pounding in your chest as you cautiously took his hand. He pressed a mask to your face and before you could register what was happening, you were being pulled under the water.
•Namor took you to an underwater cave where you didn’t need a mask. This is where you’d be staying, he told you. You didn’t pay any thought towards his ominous tone, too absorbed with the mesmerizing beauty of the cave. Namor then showed you to a high-tech deep-sea diving suit. Once you were suited up, Namor showed you Talokan. The underwater city was ethereal. You marvelled at the sights and the people, all who received you warmly. Namor’s heart swelled watching you interact with his people as if they were your own, well they would be soon.
•You enjoyed your time at Talokan. All your needs and wants were met. You adored spending time with the people, especially the children. However, eventually, the novelty wore off and you grew homesick. You tried to bring it up with Namor but he would either change the course of the conversation or just blow you off entirely. This dodgy behaviour worked up your irritation until it finally spilled over.
“Namor!” you called out. Namor turned around, his face set in an adoring smile. “I need to talk to you.”
“What is it? Is there anything you need?” He asked sweetly.
“I want to leave, and don’t try changing the subject. I love it here in Talokan, but this isn’t my home. I have a home, a life back on the surface that I need to return too,” you said, pleadingly.
Something in Namor’s eyes changed, and he titled his head in confusion. Then, he laughed. “Darling, tell me, what did you expect to happen once you accepted my hand. Did you believe that Talokan has remained hidden for so long through allowing people free range?”
Your heart rate quickened, and you stuttered, trying to formulate a response. You hadn’t thought of the future consequences, lost in the thought of experiencing the myths you’d studied for so long first hand. Chuckling, Namor closed the distance between you two and cupped your face with his hands. “Worry not, beloved. Talokan shall offer you far more than the surface world ever could.”
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sxcret-garden · 1 year
ღ About the writer ღ
ღ salty ღ she/they ღ 98-liner ღ infp ღ austria ღ my main is @dive-into-u !! ღ my bg stan list for anyone who's interested hehe
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ღ i'm kinda shy and socially awkward, so if i come across as cold i'm just not sure how to express myself... i actually wanna make more friends on here but it takes me a while to warm up to people and to become comfortable!
ღ some of the things i like (other than kpop hehe) are cats, good food, warm hearted people, music, and i'm also very interested in languages, psychology and japanese culture!
ღ i also love talking about fics and writing, and everything that has to do with it~
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ღ What I write ღ
mostly smut, but there will be fluff, angst, comfort, etc... as well!
drabbles, reactions, scenarios,...
i also do mtl's & you guys can send me hard hours!
fem!reader/fem-bodied!reader/gn!reader x idol
i also write about poly-relationships
as for smut, threesomes are cool too, but I find them challenging to write so you won't see full fics about them on here very often
i write smut only for 03-liners and older
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ღ What I don't write ღ
idol x idol (unless a reader is involved too; there might be exceptions in the future though)
hard no's: extremely sadistic doms, noncon, yandere scenarios, certain kinks i don't vibe with (feet, spit,...)
case by case: dubcon, daddy/mommy kink
I'm pretty open to most things though, so please feel free to ask! nobody's getting kinkshamed on here^^
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ღ Request rules ღ
i will answer most asks i get as soft or hard hours
you can send me your thoughts or ask me about my thoughts on something!!
i also do reactions, mtl's,...
if i feel particularly inspired by an idea i'll turn it into a full drabble~
please only send in requests through my ask box & check my masterlist to see whether they're currently open or not
when i do a drabble game i will obviously try to write all requests in a full fic - but i can't guarantee that i can do every single request i get for those
please only send me one request at a time!
you can specify the reader's gender and sex if you want - for smut i tend to write fem-bodied readers the most, and for everything else i usually write a gn reader
requests that do not follow my rules or are sent in while requests are closed will be deleted!
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ღ Some more stuff about this blog ღ
ღ My askbox is always open, so even aside from requests, etc. you can always feel free to come talk to me!! 💕
ღ I try to split my warnings into potential trigger warnings & inclusivity - though I try to be as accurate as I can, it's always possible that I missed a warning. If you feel that that's the case, don't hesitate to let me know and I'll see what I can do^^
ღ As for inclusivity warnings I try to focus on the aspects that I have seen people saying they're upset about the most - like stating if the reader visibly blushes, if they're picked up in the fic, if they're explicitly stated to be smaller or taller than the idol, any specific descriptions about the reader's hair, etc... once again, I might sometimes miss a warning - in that case feel free to let me know and I'll add it! 💕
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lleldey · 2 years
the broken vow is so overwhelming and mindblowing, i cried while reading it idek why 😭😭😭 you’ve a great job creating this masterpiece! 🔥 but i have few questions lingering in my mind, 1. what is the backstory behind their divorce? (might missed it bc tears got my eyes blurry lol) 2. what happened to tae afterwards? 🥺 3. will y/n love jk as much as before after what he had done? (not gonna ask about jk since he’s the yandere here so the answer is obvious lmao)
Hi! Yeah, you weren’t the only one who was crying over the story - the first scene I wrote was of him crying in the apartment. Somehow his backstory really affected me, and one thing led to another - I was crying for his character.
But! I should disclose that my sympathy was so prominent simply because I can’t imagine the pain of your closest person leaving you (we do not support his yandere actions). Even more so, if you wake up from coma, and are expected to simply deal with it - I don’t think I would be able to cope with that. So, my heart really cried out for him.
And for your questions!
1. I never disclosed it word-for-word, rather mentioned it every once in a while, so no worries! The idea is, that JK got into a motorcycle accident after which his body went into a coma-like state. He was like that for almost 8 years, and in that time MC met Tae. She decided to move on with her life after doctors said there’s basically no hope left for him to ever wake up. And after waiting 5 years for him, she went ahead with the divorce.
I actually went into a deep-dive of how divorces happen if one of the parties is in coma, and turns out you have to present hard evidence that the person is to never wake up. That ties into the last plot - fraud documents. JK pressurised the doctors to testify that they never gave out these documents to MC, and so the story arch with court/annulled divorce begins. (The last part is completely made up, so I hope that none of my readers study/work within law departments 🙈)
2. The annulled divorce leads to MC’s and Tae’s marriage to be invalid. But at the end of the story we see, that MC succumbs to JK’s scheme, and decides to stay with him. Therefore, Tae is let free of JK’s wrath (although, there will always be distaste between both of them).
Except for JK’s yandere tendencies, he has very gentle characteristics; MC for sure made JK pull some strings so that his farm is back in business.
But aside from business factors, he’s heart broken. They had been married for 2 years at that point, so he had clear vision of his future (that being side by side with MC). And now that it’s torn apart, he has to learn how to be alone again.
3. It’s hard to measure how much you love someone. JK will always hold a dear place in her heart - at the end of the day, they are each others first love. Love has always tied them together, and it will continue to do so.
I’m rather thinking of how their every day life looks like - MC is definitely more conscious around him; JK displayed his power over her, and that left her extremely restless. A bigger factor tho would be the one I only lightly touched upon - we know that coma influenced JK’s mental and physical health, but we looked over how it influenced MC’s. She was by his bedside for 5 years almost every day. And now the poor woman is unable to do so much as to even watch him sleep. Wouldn’t be surprised if JK woke up with an empty bed space, only to find her sleeping in the living room 🤷🏼‍♀️
Also, I saw you recommending LIAG, thank you so much, remote embraces wherever you are!
Thank you for the ask, hope this helped! ☺️
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Lovesick Log (A Yandere Social Media Platform)
I got this idea from seeing someone with their own take on Yanderes using a website like they would social media, except of course it is a social media platform for Yanderes. This is my take on that!
[Warnings: Implications of Non-con, stalking, unhealthy behavior, toxic behavior, murder mentions]
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Lovesick Log
You always checked your social media, sure most of the time it was to see which friend tagged you in what picture, chat in shared group messaging, and speak to them one on one. But there was one website that you always looked into, it was never out of getting involved with the people behind the posted profile pictures, or browsing through what was posted on the featured timelines. It was a necessity to you if you wanted to stay out of someone’s crosshairs.
“Lovesick Log” is what the site was called. It’s where they gathered. They could be anyone really, a friend, a relative. That annoying asshole in the front of the class that was obnoxiously loud, the quiet one that minded their own business but occasionally looked up every now and again to stare at something, someone. A stranger, a neighbor, a community worker, a store owner, all of them were to be weary of.
In the end, when they were alone or had zero chances of being disturbed, they went on that site. Whether it was to share or show off, it was all gut churning and sickening to see. 
Posts showing off people dressed nicely like a toy tied and gagged on plush beds and silk sheets, others showing how unaware an individual was when they went about their lives, or even showing what they do behind the closed doors of their home, their supposed safe space. There were times when you ran into the occasional gruesome post of an unfortunate person who just so happened to get involved with a freak’s person of interest. 
You always hated seeing newcomers arrive at the site, asking questions on how to get rid of evidence, or how to kidnap their person of interest without raising suspicion. Because despite the fact that you knew they were sick, some naive part of you wanted to believe that someone else would come to stop them in their tracks and do the right thing, but instead there are others that lend help and advice, feeding into each other's sick twisted mind sets.
The people that they stalked, harassed, and “marked” were unanimously called their “Darlings”, a name that was often shared by lovers as a term of affection now twisted and degraded at it’s new usage to call someone they “love”.   
You couldn’t take back the ignorance you had before you found this hell site, it was both a blessing and a curse to know of it’s very existence. You can reluctantly admit that the thing gave you some knowledge as to how to keep your head down and not get killed, it also helped keep unwanted attention away from yourself.
You hated it, you always felt as if you were dirtying yourself even further every time you logged on, every time you saw post after post of someone kidnaping another, killing an unfortunate, stalking their “darling”, making living arrangements for their “lover”. It all made you sick with every new hashtag popping up left and right; #darling❤, #s/t/he/y’re mine, #another kill, #new gift, #borrowing darlings things again, ect.
But a small part of you felt guilty, because while you were aware of this place there were others that didn’t, forever oblivious to the piercing eyes that stared at them with various intentions, none of them good. The first time you came across a familiar face on Lovesick Log, was the first time that the realization of this site being real and not some meme page really slapped you hard. Fear tore through the entirety of your being, your throat was dry as the palms of your hands got sweaty, you didn’t realize you dropped your phone when you saw the picture.
You saw them in the photo, tied up, blind folded, and gagged inside a cage ment for a dog. From their reddened cheeks anyone could tell that they’ve been crying, you don’t even want to think for how long, and they were dressed down to their underwear. The photo was enough to let fear settle in you, but it was the text at the bottom that made you terrified;
“Finally was able to lure my precious darling down here in their new home!~❤ I can’t wait to have some fun with them tonight~ Hopefully, they’ll remember who they belong to by then😙🤗😘  All that persistence finally paid off!😆😁”
They weren’t popular, but they weren’t looked down upon either, you didn’t interact with them much but you knew them just enough to be a rather well acquainted desk mate. To see them in that state they were in, in that photo, you just couldn’t hold it in anymore when you made a dash for the bathroom and threw up whatever contents you ate that day.
Since then you used the site to keep yourself and those close to you away from any potential sick freak that could be hiding, it did wonders but you feared for whatever time you had left before it ran out.
After a particular day from going to school and work, you were reminded of visiting the site when you saw it’s pink and black icon that showed up on your notifications tab before immediately blinking out of sight. With a sigh you reminded yourself that it would be best to cheek in case there was something that you wanted to keep an eye out for. With little to no hesitation left you opened your phone and went to the main page.
Everything felt like it froze when you stared at the screen with terrified eyes at the first post you saw.
It was you, this morning sitting at your desk as you drank your morning beverage while you typed away at your computer, and from where the photo was taken it confirmed that they were outside, watching you.
The text read…
“This is (Y/n) (L/n), I need some tips…”.
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nana-is-loading · 4 years
ummmmm may i request a yandere makoto tachibana x reader hcs? gender-neutral if that’s okay
of course! i’m such a huge simp for Makoto, he’s adorable! i had such a fun time writing this
Yandere Makoto x Reader hcs
Makoto Tachibana, a familiar name. Where have you heard that before? oh right! You guys were in the same classes. Despite not knowing much about him, he had kept a few tabs on you.
As far as pet names go, he likes to call you “my love” or “darling”
He would never hurt you. It wouldn’t even cross his mind. If Makoto layed a hand on you, he wouldn’t be able to forgive or live with himself.
Makoto wouldn’t hurt innocent people. Some examples are a person you had a crush on (if they aren’t a horrible person), your sweet and caring friends, and maybe your family. It all really depends
He can’t bring himself to get his hands dirty. He’d ask other people to do the work for him. What can i say, the boy has a weak stomach
He sticks to stalking you because he doesn’t really have to hurt anyone.
Makoto would love to sneak into your room while you’re asleep so he can get a “front row seat”, but he doesn’t wanna risk getting caught so watching from the window will have to do
He would kidnap you 100%. He would teach you what he learned in school that day though, just so you could still get an education.
Makoto also doesn’t like to treat what he’s doing like a crime and sugarcoats things a lot
As he shushed you while you yelled and screamed for help.“Kidnapped..... is such a dirty and cruel word, my love”
In all honestly, he really just felt like what he did would keep you safe. He wouldn’t ever force you to do something you wouldn’t wanna do
Makoto genuinely cares about and loves you, he just.......didn’t choose the right way to show it whatsoever
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rinmatsuokatrash · 4 years
How do we not have a Yandere! Haru fanfic yet? Like I’ve read about Rin being a stalker but we don’t have Yandere Haru yet? I feel like there’s so much potential for it...
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ladyseara · 6 years
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While I was rewatching Free dttf, I’ve noticed that both Ikuya and Hiyori are thinking about themselves as a Little Mermaid. We all know what Hiyori gave up - his own happiness. He acted as a villain to protect Ikuya, took care of him and stood beside him. But I wonder - does Ikuya really know what he is giving up? He is focused on his past and Haru and - as Little Mermaid lost her voice for legs - Ikuya is giving up his friendship with Hiyori over the grief from the past. What is even sadder - he doesn’t notice it. When he is thinking about loosing his friends, he doesn’t even remember about Hiyori. Well - he might be sure that Hiyori will always be with him. And this makes him cruel - using Hiyori, saying mean things, ignoring his feelings. I’m not even surprised anymore that Hiyori doesn’t like Haru. It doesn’t have anything with the swimming, but more about being replaced. Imagine yourself in this situation. You’re doing everything for your best friend, you even save his life, take care about his health, try to cheer him up, and yet he still prefers someone from the past? He is focused on him so much, that he calls his name instead of yours? And yet Hiyori doesn’t want Ikuya to know. He is fine with being the shadow of someone. He is so, so lonely, because while he is with Ikuya, Ikuya isn’t with him at all. Another thing. Why people still talk about Hiyori stopping Ikuya from meeting Haru and the others? In 4th episode Ikuya says that he saw them. If he really wanted to talk with them, he could do it. But he didn’t. Instead he let Hiyori deal with them (again!). Hiyori doesn’t deserve this. He is giving up much, much more than Ikuya.
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hiyoritonofree · 6 years
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Free! Dive to the future Hiyori appreciation episode 4 part 10
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memysqui · 6 years
Hiyori is the Yandere!Makoto y’all wished fooooooooooor
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tourmalinedreams · 6 years
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Hiyori. HIYORI.
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reasonreblogs · 6 years
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nozakis · 6 years
y’all i don’t trust hiyori; like his tone lowkey annoyed me - also he seems way too obsessed with ikuya wtf
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Day 18: The Kelpie [Hyori Tono]
Kelpies always frightened you when you were a child, and it was one of the reasons why you grew to be very wary of horses. You couldn’t help it really, some were even huge in build that intimidates you away from seeing them.
Then you came across him, Hyori Tono.
At least that is what he called himself when he was human, despite his seemingly kind profile you always made sure to keep your guard up when around him specifically. Yet he was so persistent when it came to you, he almost followed you around like a lost puppy, a puppy is what they called him but you saw him as a shadow. One that could leap at you at any moment, and drag you into the deep darkness of the abyss.
You can still remember the day he found you near the horses, the first time he saw your vulnerability.
“What are you so afraid of? They’re practically gentle giants”, he smiled as he gave a kind laugh.
You could only frown as you asked, “Have you heard of Kelpies?”.
Your question drew his interest, you don’t know why you asked at the time, but perhaps it was because somewhere deep inside some part of you knew he wasn’t entirely human. Maybe the real reason you asked him such a question was to draw something out of him.
You can still remember the way he shuffled his feet for a moment before leaning on the fence, he looked so relaxed and his mask of interest truly fooled you at the time.
“Aren't they water spirits in the shape of horses?”, he asked so convincingly. 
“They are also said to lure people to their deaths, you see, ever since I heard the tale of the Kelpie I can’t help but be scared of horses, even if they are said to be gentle”, you said as you walked away from him.
Perhaps that was why you went to him after the disappearance of several colleges, news went about their disappearance, and when the search party was conducted you did care who you were set with. Admittedly that was your mistake, but one of the missing persons was dear to your friend who was part of the family, so with little regard for your own being you went with him.
No one could really blame you though once he lured you close to the waters, he had you cornered as he made you an “offer”, if you could call it that. He’d return everyone back, so long as you went with him, a selfish part of you didn’t want to, you were absolutely terrified of what he would do to you. Yet you thought back to your friend, maybe if you were a little more self centered you would’ve ran away to call off the offer he oh so graciously made you.
But you weren’t, which is why the moment he dragged you in the water, you thought that this was the way you were going to die. It surprised you that you were even alive when you woke up, but it was unfortunate that Hyori held you close.   
Even still though, you were scared of him.
He was a kelpie after all, the thing you feared since you were a child.
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hetaczechia · 6 years
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hechano · 6 years
Can't believe people are really out there confusing Hiyori with Natsuya...,,,, y u gotta do Natsuya dirty like that............
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