#yandere knuckles the dread
yangoodomens · 5 months
My man knuckles the dread doesn’t get enough love so can you do knuckles the dread x raccoon reader head canons please?
Thank you for this request. You are correct he DOES NOT get enough love. You didn't specify if you wanted yandere or not, so I did both, enjoy :)
Knuckles the Dread x raccoon!Reader romantic headcanons
Tw: Drugging, mentioned violence, lobotomy mentioned
Knuckles is a fun care free captian of a ship, He's been on the sea for practically all his life. He's had the same ship mates for a long time now.
Then he finds you, whether you were a lost sailor or a pirate thrown over board he's happy to take you in
He loves your ears and tail, the patterns in your fur(hair?) Intrigue him, and he loves to run his hands threw them
His favorite pass time is to be cuddled up together in a hammock, his captains quarters peacefully quiet as the sun rises
Going off the same meeting situation, everything would be the same, until you try to leave..
He hates when you try to leave, he loves you, why would you want to leave him, don't leave him
He doesn't want to hurt you, but you pull his arm, he need to keep you here with him. Don't worry. He'll fix your snapped wrist. Just stay with him. <3
He would convince sails to make some sort of sedative or do a procedure on you to keep you nice and docile (dare I say lobotomy?)
He just loves you, why would you want to leave?
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
Yandere Knuckles the Dread(romantic) having your obsession, what travel with Sonic to other dimensions.(Sonic Prime)
Yeah, I'll try writing something for Prime :) Hopefully I read your request right. Plot conflicts with Prime's plot but trust me, I tried ^^
This was written as I was watching Prime and takes place in an alternate ending after Season 1. I actually think Dread has good potential as a yandere.
Yandere! Knuckles the Dread with Darling that travels with Sonic
Short Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Implied obsession at first sight, Kidnapping, Manipulation, Possessive behavior, Forced affection, Forced relationship.
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You met Dread the same way Sonic did.
Or at least, similarly.
Sonic got to No Place by running really fast to the point he warped.
You could've gotten there by a shard portal created by Nine.
Either way, you're meeting up with Sonic again in a world of pirates.
When you meet Dread, he comes off as extremely friendly towards you and Sonic.
Not many come to his ship, he wasn't even expecting a looker like you either!
You quickly find this version of Knuckles is the life of the party when you first meet.
He offers you food and cannons of confetti, a fanged grin on his face as he talks to you.
Admittedly... calming down with Sonic in this universe isn't that bad.
Until the parties start becoming excessive....
"Come on! Just relax and talk to me, won't you? There's no need to waste the day! I want to know more about you and that hedgehog friend of yours."
You notice Dread becomes rather invasive towards you when it comes to privacy.
Like a pirate to treasure, the captain already seems to have taken a liking to you.
You try to distance yourself from him as you don't know anything about him.
You also couldn't trust him since when Sonic asked about the shard, he looked a bit hostile.
Although... you allowed Dread closer to keep him under control while Sonic tries to get info about the shard and retrieve it.
Going off script from Prime, the general idea of how you meet Dread is through Sonic.
For the most part, Dread is a coward when you first meet him.
Although as you help build up his confidence with Sonic... he becomes a much more bold pirate towards you.
Once Sonic encourages Dread to become a legendary pirate, you'll notice he's crueler.
While this helps you closer to the shard... Sonic has no idea what he's sacrificed.
Dread was originally overly friendly with you.
He tries to charm you with parties and cheery songs, often doing what you'd assume is sheepish flirting?
For being a captain, the lack of confidence makes him less threatening.
It's better to have him be overly friendly than... the alternative.
Pirates are greedy towards what they want.
Which to Dread... that means the so-called shard... and you.
"Well aren't you a treasure... a treasure that's definitely mine...!"
Recall how Dread acted when he got the shard in Prime?
Yeah, that's essentially what his yandere behavior would be like.
Once Dread obtains the shard, Sonic's teleported within it while you wait with the others on the boat.
Your worry increases when neither of them come back.
You worry something happened to them... which is not entirely wrong.
When you manage to help the crew get the ship closer, you're met with Dread.
Just Dread.
"... Where's Sonic?"
"Oh! I was wondering when you'd catch up, treasure."
His grin is unhinged, filled with greed while he holds the shard close to him.
"It's a shame Blue didn't take you with him, huh?"
Worry pools into your stomach.
"Sonic left. He's gone. Not like it should matter though... not when you have me!"
"Have you lost it!? I need Sonic to go home!"
"Why follow him now when you've got me, a legendary pirate, to follow?"
Dread is much more intimidating when overcome with greed.
The greed caused by the shard only makes his obsession darker.
Now he doesn't have to worry about Sonic being so close to you anymore!
You're lost and alone...
Ready for him to take you as his own.
You're subjected to the worst of his obsession when Sonic is removed from this universe without you.
His greed makes his own crew scared of him.
Scared to the point they can't do much to help you.
Dread is awestruck about you like something to be admired.
His purple eyes hold so much yearning.
He keeps the crystal away from everyone, especially since he fears you can use it the same way as Sonic.
He'd be a fool to give up a treasure like you.
You'll notice the more confident pirate is even bolder with affection now.
After all, he's convinced you're all his now.
"Our meeting was the start of something fruitful... stop squirming, will you? You're mine... I get to hold you because you're MINE."
Utterly unhinged.
He is not the same pirate you knew with Sonic after he gets the shard.
Part of you wishes to blame Sonic... although you know he wasn't entirely at fault.
Sonic caused all of this...
But you believe he'll fix it.
For Sonic, you tell yourself, you allow Dread to do what he wishes.
You just feel when this is all over you'll never see Knuckles the same way again-
It saddens you to know that Dread was once part of your friend.
A part of your friend that's greedy... possessive of anything he deems a treasure.
Including you, a close companion in his heart.
Every affectionate nuzzle from the captain feels too needy.
Dread's gaze tells you everything you need to know when he holds you.
No matter what you say, he's convinced you're his.
Words won't get through to him anymore... you have to play the waiting game now.
"You're mine... I'm never going to let you go. Not even Sonic will take you away from me! Not when I have you!"
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yandere-daydreams · 10 months
Title: Sacrifical Bride.
Commissioned by the very lovely @yanmaresu.
Pairing: Yandere!Hades x Reader (Record of Ragnarök).
Word Count: 3.0k.
TW: Fem!Reader, Non/Con, Forced Marriage, Unbalanced Power Dynamics, Emotional Manipulation, Rough Sex, Unprotected Sex, and Mentions of Kidnapping/Prolonged Captivity. Not Canon Complacent. I Have Never Met Canon But I Hear She's Very Nice.
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The wedding was a solemn affair.
Not dull, because nothing that had your heart beating so violently could ever be considered ‘dull’, and not dreary, because despite the many, many things you could say about your kidnapper-turned-husband, he wasn’t one for bland affairs. No, your dress was of the finest and most vibrant silks, your veil lined with pearls and rubies and the gown’s train long enough to swell and ebb behind you as you walked down the seemingly never-ending aisle, unaccompanied by any escort. Wreaths of shining ivory lilies and blooming chrysanthemums encircled marble pillars, low-burning lanterns casting the chapel in long, wavering shadows. The pews were empty. The only guests were his ghastly servants, and they’d never once said a word to you.
There was no officiant. Hades waited for you at the brimstone altar alone, a gentle simper playing over his lips as he watched you drag your feet and fight the urge to bolt, to run, to do the very thing that’d left you trapped in his arm in the first place. It was tempting, albeit pointless. You’d always been swift footed, but there was nowhere to escape to in Helheim. At best, you’d spend a few days hiding and struggling to survive in the empty plains that surrounded his looming fortress of a home. At worst, you’d find yourself without direction and beyond the reach of his control, hopelessly lost and stumbling through fields of fading dead and gnarled beasts and things that would make the man in front of you look hospitable, in comparison. You tried to remind yourself of that as your body begged you to flee.
As you reached the altar, his smile grew into something that could’ve been convincingly genuine, had it been able to reach the pits of lifeless ice that were his eyes. Rather, the gesture only seemed to add to the coil of dread growing tighter in the pit of your stomach as you stepped beside him, clutching your bouquet to your chest in a white-knuckled grip. He’d let you pick that out yourself, at least, and you’d taken a truly irrational amount of joy in picking wildflowers and trimming roses and breaking every rule of decorum your mother had ever taught you. Now, though, the shadows of his hall seemed to dull your vision-searing colors, and it was difficult to take joy in such a simple pleasure knowing the man in front of you sought to ensure you’d never braid daisies or sleep beneath open skies again, when he was staring you down like yet another precious gem he planned to add to his ever-growing collection. It was a cruel comparison, but not quite as hyperbolic as you would’ve liked.
There was a shallow sigh, a hand brought to the edge of your veil. He toyed with the fabric for a long moment before taking the hem in both hands and pulling it away from your face. If he recognized the terror stitched into your expression, he only deemed it worth a slight shake of his head. “Oh, beloved.” His hand fell to your cheek. “You’re as radiant as the day we met.”
The day he plucked you from your mortal life and dragged you into the depths of the earth, the day he’d forced the awful seeds of that terrible fruit down your throat and promised you would never see another living soul again. You swallowed back your nerves. “Please, don’t draw this out.”
You were lucky you’d fallen into the hands of such a mild-tempered captor. He let out an airy chuckle, turning back to the altar. It was decorated sparsely; an overflowing cornucopia posed in one corner, a standing thurible slowly releasing nauseatingly sweet incense into the stagnant air sitting in the other. Between them was only a bottle of dark wine and two twin chalices, crafted of only the finest bronze and polished until they shined in the low lighting. He filled both to the brim before looking towards you, a glint in his remaining eye as he took a chalice in either hand.
You’d been wrong when you assumed they were identical. Where one had a line of aimless, curling thorns following the rim and plunging down the length of the handle, the other was embellished with roses, abstract and nearly shapeless, forming neat columns across the body of the cup. He extended the latter to you, its contents threatening to spill as you took it in your trembling hands. You’d managed to talk him out of the more elaborate ceremonies he’d suggested, but it was difficult to remember that this was a preferable alternative now that could feel the chill of his wine seeping into your palms.
You brought it to your lips, held it there for a moment, then pulled back at the hint of a more familiar scent than that of his dizzying incense. “Pomegranates?”
“I thought it would be a nice touch.” For him, maybe. He’d always struggled to see things from your perspective. “Forgive my sentimentality.”
You wouldn’t, but you were smart enough to keep that to yourself. When he raised his chalice, you did the same, mirroring him when your own will failed you. “To us, darling.”
You nodded. “To us.”
He took a long sip from his chalice, seeming to savor the rich wine, while you drained yours in a single breath. Try as you might to enjoy it, you could only seem to taste ash.
A few vows were exchanged, a kiss pressed into the back of your hand when you flinched away from his attempt to communicate his affection more directly. Finally, he took your arm and guided you back to your shared chambers, lingering in the doorway while you collapsed onto his bed – your marital bed, now, you supposed. You buried your face in the silken sheets, letting out a soft groan. There would be a celebration later on, a feast with all of his many gloating brothers and prying sisters in attendance, but the worst of it was over. You were bound to him, for better or for worse. All you could do was weather the consequences.
You’d hoped he would be kind enough to leave you alone while you consoled yourself, while you took all that you knew and all that you didn’t and recontextualized it with yourself as the mortal bride to the God of Death, but a hand on your shoulder dispelled that fleeting fantasy. With no small amount of reluctance, you pushed yourself upward and turned your attention back to Hades. This time, without the pretense of custom, he didn’t settle for your hand. His mouth found its way to the dip of your shoulder, then the crook of your neck, his teeth scraping against your skin as he pressed wet, open-mouthed kisses into his chosen targets.
When he started to move towards the curve of your throat, you moved on instinct – your hands finding their way to his hair as you dragged him away from you before he could do anything you wouldn’t be able to forget as soon as he left the room. “Please,” you said, not for the first time that day. “I… I’d rather be alone, right now. If it’s all the same to you.”
His smile didn’t waver. “You know that, if it were up to me, I would bend to your every whim,” he spaced the words out generously, as if worried your feeble human mind might not be able to understand. “But we aren’t done.”
Your expression fell. “I’ve done everything you’ve asked of me. I wore the dress, and—and I took your vows, and—”
“My love,” he cut you off swiftly, bringing his hand up to cup your cheek. “Our union will have to be consummated, eventually.”
You felt your throat begin to swell shut.
“I know that, but—” You laid your hand over his, trying to call upon whatever pale imitation of sympathy might’ve existed in his heart. “—does it have to be consummated now?”
You watched as his gaze softened, as his head lulled to the side in that endeared-yet-condescending manner he seemed so fond of. Slowly, with a painstaking gentleness, he brought you closer to him, ghosting over the top of your head and lingering there, even as he started to speak. “I think,” he started, his voice muffled by proximity. “that it would be in your best interest not to keep me waiting any longer.”
It wasn’t a threat, but it was posed like one, dredged up from somewhere deep in his chest and accompanied by his hand on your waist, nimble fingers slipping underneath the sash binding your gown together. When you jerked back, reflexively trying to escape his advances, he was quick to chase you, to let his softened smile spread into an amused grin as an arm wrapped around your midriff and dragged you, willingly or otherwise, into his lap. “I don’t want to hurt you.” And yet, your safety didn’t seem to cross his mind as his blunt nails bit into your waist, as he dragged you close enough to feel his chest press into yours, to become uncomfortably aware of the stiff outline against the loose fabric of his pants. “If I rely on my own self-restraint for another day—” Another kiss, this one to the tender patch of skin above your jugular vein. “I’m afraid I might end up doing something we both regret, when the time comes.”
“Less than a day,” you pleaded as he buried his face in your neck. There was a blur of movement, the ghost of his touch along the curve of your spine, and your bodice fell away in tatters, the ruined fabric collapsing to your waist. When you moved to cover yourself, Hades clicked his tongue and you froze, letting your arms fall back to your sides. Begging him to change his mind was one thing. Going against him so transparently would only make things more difficult. “Half a day. An hour. I just— Hades, I can’t do this right now—”
“My love.” Swift, blunt, merciless. You’d been a fool to ever think he was one of the kinder gods. “I think I’ve waited long enough to claim what belongs to me.”
Any protest you might’ve had died in your throat.
You’d been a fool to ever think he was anything less than the cruelest of his kin.
You wanted to scream. If you couldn’t run, then you would yell, raise your voice and tell him that he already had you, that he’d gotten everything he could’ve possibly wanted, but anything you might’ve said was torn away and ripped to shreds as his head dipped low, his teeth latching onto the vulnerable skin of you collar bone and sinking in. He didn’t draw blood, but he didn’t have to. A bolt of pure, stinging agony shot from your chest to your core, only dulling as he pulled away with a low groan. “Have I ever told you how much I adore the sound of my name on your tongue?” You felt his hand on your hip, then your thigh, the remains of your dress cut through and disposed of with little fanfare. He gave your bridal lingerie (pure white and so obnoxiously lacy, you’d had to wonder if this was all some sadistic joke as you slipped it on) more attention, his thumb running along the delicate trim before his fingers slipped underneath it, tracing the length of your slit before doing away with the barrier altogether.
Dread and panic dulled your reactions, but it would’ve been a lie to say the feeling of his mouth on your skin had left you completely unaffected. He chuckled as he gathered your slick on his fingertips, two of which were soon pressed into your clit with a brutal sort of precision. “And you tried to play coy.” He teased the sensitive bundle of nerves mercilessly, the patterns he traced into your clit too slow and too fleeting all at once. You wished he wouldn’t touch you at all, but if he was going to, it was the least he could’ve done not to draw it out. “That must’ve been why you seemed so rushed during our ceremony. If you’d asked me to make love to you on that altar, I happily would have.”
Hot, humiliated tears welled up in the corners of your eyes. You attempted to deny it, but a cracked moan slipped past your lips instead as two of his fingers were forced into your cunt and spread, splitting you apart. Your hands shot to his shoulders, trying to stabilize yourself, but he only saw your desperation as an invitation – bowing his head and pumping his fingers into you at the kind of languid pace that left you fighting not to rock against him, not to make up for the urgency immortal creatures so often lacked. “You’re a vice,” he muttered, his breath ghosting over the shell of your ear, his tone low and lecherous. You wondered, briefly, if words that fell from the lips of a god could be considered sinful. “To think my own wife would’ve had me neglect her so severely for so long.”
You shook your head. You were married to him, sure, bound to him. But you couldn’t afford to think of yourself as his wife. You couldn’t afford to think of yourself as something so limited, something so purely an extension of him. “I’m not—”
“Don’t try to spare my feelings. I can see that I underestimated just how much attention my little mortal would need.” His wrist quirked, another digit pushing past your entrance and stuffing your pussy full as his fingers curled and ground inside of you. Against your will, you felt a tight heat begin to twist and writhe in the pit of your stomach, pangs of burning pleasure coursing from your cunt to your core. Now, you cried unabashedly, embarrassment and shame burning in your cheeks and fueling the unsteady stream of tears that Hades was so agonizingly quick to coo over, to kiss away as your hips bucked unsteadily against his hand. “What a sensitive wife I have.” That word – that awful word – was enough to earn a ragged sob, but if he recognized the connection, he didn’t deem it worth his concern. “I promise, you’ll never feel so unloved in my care again.”
You would’ve given anything to be able to pull away from him, to be able to shove at his chest and swear to all the gods you’d once worshiped that there was no part of you that could ever feel loved with him, but in the end, he was the one to let you go, to throw you onto the center of his great bed and leave you whining involuntarily at the sudden loss of stimulation. He’d never been one to deprive you, though; in a moment, he was in between your open legs, one hand wrapped loosely around your thigh while the other pulled feverishly at his own clothes. His coat fell away first, then his shirt. You heard fabric shift and metal clink and, in a daze, saw him wrap his fist around something he could not have possibly planned to fit inside of you. Half out of terror and half out of instinct, your gaze flickered from his cock to his face – to the wide, fanged grin he’d been wearing for as long as you could remember.
He moved to kiss you, and you drove your heel into his stomach.
The blow would’ve been weak by human standards, but it caught him off-guard. Out of reflex, he reeled back, and you took the opportunity to scramble off his bed and towards the door, to any part of this forsaken place where Hades wasn’t. You made it a step, maybe two before something caught your shoulder, before your body buckled under a weight greater than your own. You were dragged onto your knees before you could so much as think to slip away from him, your cheek forced against the cool marble of the floor before you could hope to make your descent more dignified. You felt his broad chest press into your back, his snarling lips against the curve of your throat. You wondered if the insult would be great enough to warrant taking your life, but the thought was dismissed quickly.
Hades had never been the kind of god capable of showing such mercy.
“I would’ve made love to you like a queen,” he spat, his tone all manic venom and overdue obsession. “But, if you’d rather be fucked on the ground like a whore, I’m more than happy to oblige.”
You weren’t allowed the luxury of bracing yourself, this time. In one brutal movement, he thrust into you, splitting you open on his cock with the kind of harsh, unforgiving force better suited to a wild animal.  There was no time to adjust, no time to sob, only Hades groaning against your neck as he bucked against you, never daring to pull out completely. Whatever agony his fingers had sparked was now ten-fold. Your legs shook, your body threatening to collapse entirely, but Hades kept your ass raised and your thighs spread, his focus entirely on bucking into you as deeply and as roughly as he could.
It almost surprised you when one of his hands shot to your head, his fingers tangling themselves in your hair as he forced his mouth against yours. You tried not to cooperate, but two fingers pressed into your clit and your mouth fell open in a guttural cry, providing an opening he seemed content to take advantage of. It was a deep, lingering, messything – all tongue and teeth – but his cock ground against something soft and vulnerable and you failed to suppress the wave of pure heat that flooded through your battered body as you clenched around him, as you came undone around the cock of your kidnapper, your captor, your husband. Hades wasn’t far behind, his composure shattering no more than a second after the walls of your cunt clenched down around him. You could only choke on your misery-tinged pleasure as his hips pressed into your ass and he came inside of you – his awful warmth soon tainting every fiber of your being.
You tried to tell yourself that, at the very least, it was over - that he’d had his fill of you and now, you’d be free to console yourself elsewhere, but your hopes were once again dashed when Hades failed to release you, failed to pull out of you, failed to do anything but press himself into your back and trail his lips idly down to the nape of your neck. “Once is a pitiful amount for a king. Don’t you agree?”
You felt his hips move back, then rock against you just as quickly.
“You can forgive me when we’re done, love.”
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yandere-writer-momo · 4 months
Yandere Short Stories:
Always Watching, Done Waiting
Yandere Stalker x Terrified Fem Reader
TW: paranoia, psychological horror, STALKING, horror, yandere themes, unhealthy behavior that should never be romanticized, Your STALKER is not attractive
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“Hush, little baby, don't say a word, Mama's gonna buy you a mockingbird.” (Your name) wept into her knees when that haunting melody began to echo throughout her home. No doubt from the same radio it had played from countless times before late in the night…
The young woman trembled in the confines of her closet while heavy foot steps echoed down her hall. If she kept herself as small a possible, would (your name) be able to avoid being caught by this psycho?
For months she had been harassed by a mysterious man… a man who would not take no as an answer.
At first it was innocent! It was small bouquets of cheap flowers, the kinds that one could buy at a grocery store for under ten dollars. Then it was boxes of her favorite candies. Simple gifts that once brought her joy since she’s never really received such flattering attention… but then it quickly began to snowball into a darker matter. This was no simple puppy love, this was an obsession.
Notes made from magazine clippings for each letters so he couldn’t be recognized through his handwriting, dozens of intimate pictures of her placed in envelopes, and body parts of the local cats she fed all had littered her doorstep over the last two months. Each ‘present’ inspired dread within (your name).
Then began the break ins, the holes in her walls and ceilings that could fit an eye in there to peep, the notes delivered to her job, the isolation from all of her friends and family, and the paranoia. There was not a single place that felt safe to her any longer… and the police wouldn’t help since her stalker had never done anything to harm her.
What on earth could he possibly want from her? Her first born? Maybe he wanted to harvest her organs and sell them on the black market? No… even someone as dense as a rock knew this stalker was utterly obsessed.
“And if that mockingbird don't sing, Mama's gonna buy you a diamond ring.”
The nursery rhyme continued to echo down her hall as her pursuer continued to explore her home with agonizing slow steps. (Your name) had gotten rid of her spare key so how was he able to get in? Had he been staying here prior? God, she didn’t want to think about what this sicko was capable of.
(Your name) silently scooted herself into the corner of her closet when she heard her bedroom door creak open. The young woman placed her hands over her mouth to prevent any noise from escaping despite the desire to scream. Hot tears fell down her cheeks, her body trembled like she was in below freezing temperatures. Oh god… she was about to die.
And that’s when the door was swung open to reveal a greasy man around her age. His dark hair greasy and his face covered in stubble and acne scars. (Your name) had seen this man before… he was the guy she gave a few sandwiches to last year! He was so drunk and lost, she felt bad for him… oh god. Was that small act of kindness her catalyst to her fate?
“My darling girlfriend!” The man bent down in front of her and set the radio beside him. His hands snatched hers up in a tight grip. He brought her knuckles up to his chapped lips to press kisses on them. “You’re so skittish… it’s just me!”
“W-who are you?” The man threw back his head and laughed before he gave her a small smile.
“It’s me, silly. Malachi? Your boyfriend of a year?” (Your name) remained as still as stone. A million thoughts ran through her head while this mad man continued to ramble. “I’m sorry I didn’t come to fetch you sooner but money has been tight.”
(Your name) was suddenly pulled into a hug, the young woman tried her best not to gag from the heavy scent of musk and cigarettes that permeated from Malachi. “It was hard to stop drinking, but you were worth it! You were always so kind to me with your pretty smile and your sandwiches… I wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for you!”
“W-what-“ (your name) nearly fainted when her eyes met his crazed blue ones. How could someone hold so much emotion in their eyes?
“I got my life together and I found a nice place for us… it’s perfect!” Malachi pressed his nose against hers. “It’s away from all of the weird men that harass you in the convenience store and away from all those nasty animals. It’ll be our little safe haven!”
(Your name) snapped out of her stupor when he said that. She had to get away… she needed to run!
The young woman tried to pull away from Malachi but his grip on her was stronger than an anacondas.
“I know it’s a really big step, but it’s been a year now! And I’m tired of waiting for us to take bigger steps! I know you liked my gifts! You never threw any of them away!” Because she needed evidence to give to the police! The same people who wouldn’t protect her…
(Your name) gulped when she felt Malachi press his hips into hers. Something large pressed against her that made her stomach drop. “I’ve been watching you for so long… and I’m done waiting.”
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starleska · 1 year
If you're still taking writing requests, could you do possessive Wally headcanons?
*cracks knuckles* oh anon, i most certainly can 😈 yandere!Wally fans (me too 😳), this one's for you! (this is less headcanons and more a oneshot... kinda wanna write the whole thing 🙈)
content warnings for possessive behaviour, manipulation, threats, arson, entrapment and kidnapping!
Possessive/Yandere!Wally Darling x Reader headcanons
👁 it all started so well. Wally was a Darling both in name and behaviour, and you fell hard and fast. such an attentive sweetheart, from the moment you moved into the neighbourhood it was as if he were always at your side. anywhere else, you may have been unnerved, but Wally's simple warmth and easy smile dispelled all of your doubts. while you tried to spread your time equally between your kind new neighbours, you somehow always found yourself in Wally's presence, talking to him for hours.
👁 in time, you found yourself becoming bolder. you start returning Wally's curious glances, and soon allow your eyes to linger a touch longer than they should. curiously (and with a little bit of a thrill), you notice that Wally seems incapable of breaking eye contact - no matter how long you stare, he'll always stare right back, unperturbed.
👁 one day, you find yourself closer to Wally than usual. you're half-pressed against one another on your sofa, Wally's cheek nestled in the crook of your shoulder. he's drawing something in his sketchbook: an indistinct, wobbly shape that you can't make heads or tails of. while Wally's right hand scribbles furiously with his pencil, the fingers of his unoccupied left hand spill at your side, reflexively clenching every now and again with the automatic motions of his drawing.
👁 the closeness imbues you with a newfound confidence. you take a breath, steady yourself...and reach across, brushing your fingers lightly across Wally's own. Wally's eyes snap towards you. for a moment, his pupils blow so wide you think they might just swallow you.
👁 the next day, your house catches fire. such an incident is unheard of in this neighbourhood, and all your neighbours are horrified for you. however, Wally is strangely calm. "I'm sorry you lost so much," he says, still smiling. "Would you like to live with me?"
👁 you're shaken - but accept Wally's offer. the shock of the fire takes a few days to wear off, but nothing could be more unsettling than living in close quarters with Wally Darling. existing within the living, breathing (creaking? squeaking) walls of his Home has an atypical effect on the puppet. Wally's voice is lower, and he moves with more purpose, as if he and Home are one and the same: symbiotic entities which exist in tandem with one another.
👁 to add to your creeping sense of dread, Wally flips the script on your personal space. now he is the one letting his fingers slip easily around your waist, and fixing you with uncomfortable, impossible-to-ignore stares. you try to laugh off his behaviour, questioning him openly if he enjoys having you as a guest so much. for once, Wally doesn't smile when he replies, "I love you living with me."
👁 it isn't until a week has passed that you learn all the doors are locked, and Wally never gave you a key. you try wrestling with the door handle, but it doesn't budge. then you try the windows, but they're sealed shut. 'I'm not trapped!' you think to yourself. 'Wally is just being a good neighbour - he wants to keep me safe.' but that still doesn't stop you from panicking, scouring the house for the heaviest thing you can find and trying to smash the window. the glass does not break. Home suddenly groans with the sound of a thousand old floorboards and overloaded pipes - a dreadful, ear-rending noise - causing the glass in the window to triple in height and thickness right before your eyes.
👁 terrified, you scramble backwards to run out of the kitchen - only to run smack into Wally. you collapse to the floor and gaze up at Wally, standing in the doorway with his hands tucked behind his back, that cat's smile of his holds some private amusement.
👁 "did you try to leave Home?" Wally asks. "Silly, silly." he takes a step towards you, and then another - slow and loping steps, his cute puppet form now moving in a way equal parts unnatural and sinister. he crouches next to you, those eyes now whirlpools of void which obscure all but the slight white rim of his scleras. "Try again," Wally whispers. "I'd like that very much."
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oleander-nin · 1 month
Hi can I please request yandere Rise Leo playing truth or dare with his darling ( if possible could reader be female if not that’s fine , I’m fine with g/n) (romantic please )
But more there play , more tense it gets Leo starts acting weird asking odd truth questions it was when the reader decided to go home in the rain , Leo suggested reader stay for the night , which the reader refuses at first , till Leo gaslight them, reader then agreed to stay
It was only when Leo fallen asleep , reader tries to sleep but felt on unease so reader tries to sneak out only for Leo to teleport them back , reader lies saying their gotta get home parents/guardian is worried , only for Leo to call out on their bluff
verbal prompt ; 1 Well that wasn’t very smart
.and 19
If you're going to lie to me, at least have the decency to look me in the eyes while you do it."
love to see what you come up with and if you wanna go for a really dark plot you can do 💗
Please Just Stay
A/N, not important: Apologies, this is probably not what you had in mind, but I tried to follow your plot to the best of my ability while still giving myself room to breathe. Beta read by @astral--horrorshow. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.
CW: Manipulation, Peer Pressure, kidnapping, yandere themes
Words: 3495
Summary: You've been planning this sleepover for forever, but now that's it's finally happening, you're not so sure you want to stay.
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You could barely hear the rain from where you were in Leo’s room, the faint pitter patter against the pavement above you more of an itch in the back of your skull than something tangible. You keep your attention split between the movie playing and Leo’s face, continuously shoveling popcorn into your face while you wait for him to hurry up. The two of you had been cycling through different ways to pass the time for the past few hours; board games, video games, and most cheesy sleepover games had all been tried at some point in the night. You were currently on the classic game of Truth or Dare, mostly because it wasn’t too hard to play while staying inside Leo’s room.
“Truth or dare?” He finally asks, his chin resting on his knee and his other leg draped over the edge of the bed. The way his back and shell moved bemused you, the hard shell and plastron seeming more flexible than you had first thought upon meeting them.
“Dare,” Your muffled voice tries to answer through your full mouth, holding the back of your hand in front of your lips to keep the food contained inside. You take a few precious seconds more to swallow, hitting your chest twice to make sure it goes down. Leo watches you, his expression stuck between concern and amusement. You look up, a toothy grin flashing at your friend as you speak up again with a more clear, unblocked voice. “Dare. Give me your worst.”
“My worst?” Leo asks, raising his frontalis muscle in jest. You nod, still grinning eagerly at him. Leo sits up, cracking his knuckles in front of his chest with a mischievous glint in his eyes. A brief rush of nervousness and anticipation brushes through you, trying to not dread your decision. Leo finally meets your eyes again, looking pleased with himself. “Give me your phone.”
You snort slightly, although you don’t comply right away with his request. A part of you didn’t trust what he had planned, but you didn’t want to let your apprehension show. “Really? That’s your dare?”
“It is,” Leo insists, holding out his hand expectantly. “I won’t do anything with it, I swear.”
“Your dare is to give you my phone.” You repeat, blanking at him to hide your hesitation.
Leo lets out a small huff, his grin a bit more strained. His hand curls in twice, trying to coax you into handing him the device. Just that motion alone tempted you to tell him to pick something else. “Oh come on, you’re acting like you don’t trust me.”
You purse your lips, reluctantly handing over the small device. You didn’t like not having it near, especially when you were somewhere away. You trusted Leo and the others with your life, of course, but somehow losing your only means of contact made you feel… Vulnerable. Leo takes the phone easily, glancing at the lock screen as it flashes on when he takes it. It was April, Leo and his brothers, and you all together at the latest con, a picture Leo insisted everyone make their lock screen after taking it. You half expect him to go back on his word, to open your phone and start looking through it, but he doesn’t even touch the screen. Leo merely sets the phone on his dresser face down before turning back to you. You chew on your bottom lip, your fingers toying with the ends of your shorts slightly. Leo rolls his eyes again, looking at you impassively.
“Your turn,” He prompts, flashing you another grin. It’s your turn to roll your eyes, unimpressed with his easygoing behavior.
“Truth or dare?” You ask, your voice picking up a more bored and aloof tone. Your change didn’t seem to bother him as he pretended to think hard about the question, his face scrunching up in thought. The odd expressions he was going through were enough to make you start to laugh, causing him to laugh with you.
“Dare,” He parrots, looking smug as he tries to mimic your voice and tone. “Give me your worst.”
You shake your head as he copies your words, kicking his leg slightly in retaliation. Leo, ever the dramatic, holds his leg tightly and scrunches his face up tight like he was in pain. You snort at the mutant’s theatrics, smiling brightly as you look him over. “Mikey made cupcakes tonight, right?”
Leo pauses his wounded display, straightening up slightly as he looks at you curiously. “Yeah, why?”
“Dare you to go get me some,” You say brightly, flashing him a large smile as you nudge his leg again. Leo huffs, unimpressed with your request. He slumps over slightly, resting his hands in his lap.
“That’s a lame dare,” He claims, picking at a loose string on his pajama pants. You shrug, unbothered by his words.
“So was yours.”
Leo seems to concede at this, standing up with a loud sigh. You suppress a laugh as you watch him leave to room to acquire your cupcakes, returning shortly and handing you one of the brightly frosted confections. You eye the identical one in his one hand as he practically shoves the entire cupcake into his face, feigning disgust at the mess of frosting now stuck to his face. Turning back to your own cupcake, you unwrap the cupcake holder from the sweet treat and start prying the bottom half off. You set it atop the frosting and squish it down, treating it like a sandwich.
“So,” Leo starts, wiping frosting from his face with the back of his hand while you continue to nibble at yours. “Truth or dare?”
You swallow the bite of cake and frosting in your mouth as you think it over, weighing the pros and cons. “Truth.”
“Coward,” He teases, with no bite to his words. “Who’s the last person you texted?”
You hum in thought, shoving the last of your cupcake and starting to chew. “Probably either you or a friend from school. Can’t remember, since someone took my phone.”
Leo snorts, shoving your shoulder lightly. “You kept checking it! This is the first sleepover we’ve had in weeks, is it so wrong I want your attention on me instead of whatever you were doing?”
“I was checking my email! You know I’ve been applying to scholarships and colleges!”
“Can that not wait until later?” Leo points out, annoyance flashing over his face. You frown, carefully folding the cupcake wrapper into squares as you try to think of how to answer. Technically he was right. You really could wait until tomorrow, especially since you’d be leaving by the end of the year for college anyways. You should be making the most of your time with him.
“Fine,” You mumble. “Please accept my humble apology.”
Leo nods, leaning back so his shell was against the ‘headboard’ of his bed, which in actuality was just the railing for the old train seating. “Truth or dare?” You ask, crumpling up the small square you made of the cupcake wrapper before trying to throw it across the room into his small trash can. You fail miserably, watching painfully as it soars about a foot past your target.
“Dare,” Leo answers, clearly trying not to laugh at you for your failure of a throw. You lightly kick him in retaliation, huffing softly.
“Dare you to go properly throw it away for me.”
“Are you just going to use this game to use me as a servant?” He complains loudly, getting up to do your bidding either way.
“Truth or dare?” He asks again as he throws away the wrapper. Properly, this time.
"You're no fun," He complains loudly as he plops back down on the bed, pushing his feet into your lap just to be annoying. You roll your eyes, shoving his feet back onto the bed. "Why do you want to go off to college so bad?"
You blank slightly at the question, confused. Why wouldn't you want to go off to college? Especially since the career you were vying for required a bachelors at the least. And, whether it was unlucky or lucky, you being a first generation college applicant as well as your family making well below the national average opened you up to a lot of government grants. It was far from anything considered affordable, but you were confident you'd be able to pay off any loans you needed to take out by your thirties. Your parents had done everything in their power to help you get this far, and you'd be dead before you squandered it.
"Just, what I want to do." You say simply, shrugging. That was really all there was to it in the end after all. It was what you wanted in life, how you wanted your story to go. Get a job, pay back your parents, help them retire. It felt right.
"But you'd most likely be leaving," Leo argues, annoyed. You falter at that, feeling slightly bad. He did have a point after all. While you of course applied to every local university, the one you had your heart set on was a couple states away. Which meant leaving the turtles, and your family, behind.
"We don't know that yet," You point out, rubbing your wrists. You hated when Leo brought this up.
Leo just frowns, clearly not agreeing with your answer. He crosses his arms, tapping his fingers above his elbows. "We both know you're not planning on staying."
"Can we *not* talk about this right now? Please?" You practically beg, feeling incredibly uncomfortable as he starts to get more accusatory.
"No, I want to know why you want to leave so badly." Leo demands, frowning. You panic slightly, hating this conversation and not knowing what to say. Of course you weren't trying to abandon them, or to run away. You'd be back in four years. You just needed this opportunity to advance your life, and you didn't know how to explain that to him.
“I think my guardians called me,” You blurt out before you can really think about what you just said, having mostly wanted to just end the conversation. You wanted to go home, your heart pounding and palms sweaty. You couldn't deal with him right now, his accusations and arguments making up upset. You school your face into a blank look, ignoring the surprised and slightly annoyed look Leo held. You knew you screwed up. Leo had your phone still and not a peep had come from it since he first put it there.
“Did they now,” He grumbles, rolling his eyes as he reaches for your phone that still sat on his bedside table. “I didn’t even hear it ring.”
You purse your lips as he lifts the phone and taps the screen, briefly glancing at the notifications popping up. Satisfied with his check, he puts the phone back down. “You know,” He starts with a frown, his eyes conveying a deep hurt that makes your stomach churn with guilt. You didn’t want to hurt his feelings, to have to bail on the sleepover you’ve both had planned for weeks, but you couldn’t ignore the gut feeling that was radiating through your body. “If you're going to lie to me, at least try to have the decency to make it believable. I don’t know why you’re trying to get out of this so bad, but it can’t be that bad being here with me. Right?"
Leo’s words make you falter slightly, the guilt starting to deafen the warning signs blaring in the back of your head. You couldn’t help but agree with him slightly, faltering in your own resolve to go home. Even you weren’t entirely sure why you wanted to leave so badly. Leo hadn’t technically done anything, after all. He was probably only worried about you, after all. College is a big deal, and you'd be all alone for so long. It was natural to be upset about this.
"I'm not trying to leave you guys," You say softly, rubbing at your wrists again. His upset stare was making you feel bad, guilt building in your chest. He doesn't respond yet, still staring blankly as he waits for you to continue. You take in a deep breath, frowning. "You know the college I want has the best program for what I want. I'm sorry it's so far, but it's not like I'll be gone forever. I'll be able to visit when school's out and in four years I'll have a steady job and my own apartment."
Leo just grumbles, looking away. "I still don't want you to leave."
You sit there awkwardly for a moment, unsure how to respond to that. You were done with this conversation, done with having to justify your dreams to him. He wasn't going to make you change your mind.
"Maybe we should head to bed," You mutter, starting to drop off the bed and onto your sleeping bag you had set on the floor. "It's getting late."
Leo opens his mouth to say something, but closes it soon after. He didn't look happy you were dropping the conversation, but he didn't argue. "Yeah, we should." He finally concedes, picking up his phone to plug it in before doing the same to yours.  You sigh in relief as he doesn’t push it farther, settling down into your makeshift bed to sleep. You still felt a bit uneasy, and a part of you really didn’t want to stay. You knew Leo had the tendency to blow things out of proportion, and he’d likely bring it up again tomorrow. Probably in front of everyone else too.
With that thought swirling around your head, you made the decision to leave. Not now, of course. It’d raise suspicion and hurt feelings. But once Leo was fast asleep, it would be easy enough to sneak out and send a quick lie of a text about a family emergency. Sure, he’d probably see through it, but it was easy enough to bring over a couple pizzas next time you see him as compensation.
It only took around an hour for Leo to finally fall into a deep enough sleep for you to justify getting up. You slip out of the sleeping bag as quietly as possible, carefully folding it up enough to shove back under his bed. You set the pillow down at his feet, navigating the dark room carefully to get to his dresser and retrieve your phone. Figuring leaving the rest of your stuff there would help sell your story, and since it wasn’t like you couldn’t get it later anyways, you decide to leave your bag of spare clothes in his room. Might as well add to the collection of belongings that live at their place.
You carefully step out, wincing as the door gets stuck on its sliding track. The last thing you wanted to do was wake him, especially since being caught now would just be embarrassing. You ease the door forwards, flinching slightly at its loud screech before it’s able to slide again. You look up towards Leo, your eyes carefully scanning his sleeping form to make sure he hadn’t woken. Satisfied, you close the door the rest of the way and make your way out.
It had been a while since you’d walked through the dark of the sewers, your meager phone light barely casting enough to see more than a foot in front of you. You grimace at the smell, your shirt pulled up over your nose as you try to ignore the growing dread in your bones. Despite how often you’ve traveled down these tunnels, you never could shake the eerie feeling they brought at night.
As you finally reach a ladder to the surface, you turn off your light and put your phone into your pocket. You weren’t sure how well you could leave, considering Leo and his brothers insisted on moving the covers for you whenever you came or went. You’d heard word of them being heavy, but figured they couldn’t be that bad.
Climbing blindly up the ladder, you keep one hand above you as a brace to make sure you wouldn’t accidentally smash your head against the iron cover. The rain steadily got louder as you climbed, causing you to groan inwardly. You were not looking forward to being soaked on the walk home, and you could already feel drops falling on your head as you climbed. As you reach the top, you carefully wrap an arm around the topmost rung to keep yourself from falling as you try to push the cover up and off. Surprised by the lack of give, you try again at a different angle, shifting your feet to give yourself as much leverage as possible.
As it continues to hold firm, you start to push desperately at the edges of the cover, leveraging against the solid iron with your shoulder. You could hear the rain louder now, small bouts of water dribbling down and running down your back and arms. It gathered in your hands, making your already sweaty palms even more slick against the rusted metal ladders. You try your best to keep your balance, not wanting to lose your grip and fall the approximately fifteen down. Your heart pounded in your ears, the uncomfortable feeling in your gut still as persistent as it was earlier in the night. You couldn’t help but feel watched, vulnerable even. You hated this, and the heavy manhole lid that refused to budge was not helping in the slightest. You just wanted to leave, to go home and lay in your own bed for the night. It would be embarrassing to go back now, even if you weren’t found out. Just knowing you couldn’t leave on your own was enough of a blow to your pride.
“You’re not going to be able to lift it,” A voice calls as the area around you starts to glow a soft blue, making you jump. You freeze where you are, recognizing the voice immediately and light source immediately. You sigh, turning slightly to look at Leo with a sheepish look on your face. Leo’s face was clearly unhappy, his eyes crinkled into a deep frown.
“You’re awake,” You say simply, unsure how to break the tension between you both. Leo stays quiet for a moment, his dark eyes taking in the situation. He holds out his hand, balancing his other on the rim of his portal.
“C’mon. I’ll take you home.” He says softly, waiting for you to take his outstretched palm. You sigh, taking his hand and letting him pull you forwards into the portal. You were a bit surprised as you arrived in his room instead of your own, watching the portal close behind you as he moved back onto his bed. You look down in surprise when you see he set your sleeping back and pillow back up, frowning slightly as the surprise morphs into confusion.
“Uh, Leo?” You ask weakly, trying to gain his attention. He looks up at you, tilting his head slightly like there was nothing wrong. “I thought you were going to take me home.”
“I did,” He answers easily, his voice sweet like he was talking to a lost child. You frown, not appreciating his tone nor the joke he seemed to be playing.
“Hah hah, very funny. I meant my home, Leo.”
Leo sighs, frustration seeping back into him. “I did. You’re staying here.”
This declaration does not make you feel any better than you did a moment ago, your confusion growing even more. “Leo, what are you talking about?”
“I’m done with you trying to leave me,” Leo says, glaring at you. “Get in bed. You’re staying here.”
You balk at him, taking a step back towards the door. Leo sits up at this, his body tensed like he was ready to reach forwards and grab you a second's notice. You flub your words, trying to make sense of what he was saying. “Leo, this isn’t funny.”
“Neither is you being so insistent on abandoning me, but you seem fine doing that,” He says bitterly, gritting his teeth. “Lay down. We’ll talk in the morning.”
You shake your head, turning for the door before you feel Leo’s arm's reach out and wrap around your waist, yanking you back. The sudden momentum causes you to wheeze, your stomach aching at the harsh pull. You fall backwards against Leo’s chest, causing you to start to struggle against him in an attempt to get away. He doesn’t budge, his grip tightening to a painful degree as you cry out.
“I’m not losing you.” He hisses, holding you down. His words haunt you, causing your flailing to increase and his own grip to shift so you could barely move without hurting yourself in the process. “Not now, not ever.”
Tag list: @f1oricide @itsyagurlchip @lordfreg @acutiewithagun @rottmnttmnt2012 @lixnininotnay @lexiechr @ssak-i @rottmntsimp
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suguru-getos · 6 months
Not sure if your requests are open or not, but if they are would you pretty please write a yandere Gojo who's darling is upset because he left her alone on her birthday to go "play" with his new best friend Geto instead? Like, he legit forgot it was anyone's birthday at all? But his darling tries to be sweet and understanding even though she's deeply hurt by him suddenly neglectjbg her so much? Pretty please and thank you. 😘🙏
Heyy!! I don’t take requests but I really like this prompt. Thanks for sending 🙇🏻‍♀️🩵 to be very honest Yandere Gojo would never forget his darling’s birthday. :DD Even normal Toru chan wouldn’t. ;))
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Warnings: Toxic Toru :(( // Reader doesn’t really love love him but is in a major Stockholm Syndrome typa-thang. Forced fluff, implied sexual thingys.
You sighed, it’s been long past twelve and out of all the people who have wished you yet, Satoru isn’t one of them. It hurts because he could have gotten super mad and punished you for forgetting his birthday. Coming up with excuses thar you forgot the one person’s special day who should be meaning the most to you. A shiver runs through your spine to imagine the extent of his rage if that were to happen. Is it because you’re powerless compared to him? Is that why he doesn’t care about you? Why else would he go around Geto Suguru and not you.
Satoru comes back around 2 am, a little tipsy but you know he’s a lightweight so he must’ve not drunk much. He watches your tired eyes draping his form and raises a brow. “Aww, how cute? My Princess stayed up for me? You wanted to sleep with me that bad sweetheart?” Your lip quivered at his familiar, patronizing tone. It was your birthday. Your birthday! God damn it!
You looked down, trying to form the right words. “Toru, s’ my birthday today. I waited for your wish.”
It’s like he’s been anchored by the feet at rock bottom sea. He can’t breathe — surely he must not — oh fuck! He did. He forgot his sweet princess’ birthday… shit! “Oh- oh no- I’m so sorry! Oh no-” his beefy arms are quick to wrap around you, hugging you snug against his chest. “Please baby, m’ sorry. You never make a biggie out of it so I forgot.” He pouted, kissing your forehead and stealing apologetic kisses. You gnaw at your lip and looked down. “It’s okay, Toru.” Oh he knows it’s not okay.
Part of him dreads that you’d leave him & he doesn’t want to, but he’s close to acting out. “Are you going to leave me because of it, Cupcake?” He asks tenderly, though you know better & you’ve learnt better. “N-no! Of course not Toru. I’d never leave you.” You shake your head no like a trained bobblehead. Satoru takes a sigh, six-eyes trying to find out any hidden intents behind your words.
He sighed with defeat, “Pretty girl, I know, that was so careless and bad of me. Really bad. Let me make it up to you? I’d let you meet your friends!” He chirped. To live under Gojo Satoru means to live under his wing & his wing alone. He couldn’t care less if you’re lonely. All the more reason to ensure that your world revolves around him, no?
“Come here.” He craddles you against his lap, kissing your knuckles, your chin, your forehead, leaning in and kissing your clothed breasts. With Satoru, you’d never know how things might turn sexual. You do resist this time though, you don’t have the emotional capacity to endure this & be treated like a toy.
“I’m sorry Toru, can’t.” You leaned away with a subtle flinch. His brows furrow at the rejection but he knows he’s fucked up. “Alright Baby girl. I wouldn’t. Ssh~ let me make it up.” His phone comes out & he orders a cake — of course he would know your favorite flavor by now. He grins wide. “Thank god it’s still night ~ Tomorrow, I’m going to make sure you forget my fuck up! I promise!” He sounds so determined it helps you to feel less shitty. However the neglect still seeps through. Maybe because you’ve been living with him that he’s taking you for granted.
A snap of fingers shoves your trail of thoughts astray. “Ssh~ eyes here, mind here.” Satoru cooes, cupping your face and leaning his forehead against yours. “You know I love you, right? To the point of insanity.” It’s when he starts to get serious that makes you uncomfortable. You squirm a little at his words, nodding meekly.
“Then stop thinking wild thoughts or Toru has to be mean to your meanie thoughts & you wouldn’t like it.” He says it in such a delirious baby-talking way it makes you choke out on any thoughts whatsoever anyway. “Y-yeah..”
You know Satoru will make a big deal out of your birthday tomorrow. Might as well enjoy, even if it’s forced.
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chezzywezzy · 1 month
Yandere Birdbox (3/5)
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Word count; 3.8k
For the first time, Y/n had the concious thought about whether they could use their ability to see their surroundings. They always thought their blindness was a curse, but in the apolcolypse, it had come in usefully. Whether this was only an ability in their sleep, Y/n had yet to determine, but they hoped it wasn’t — Y/n didn’t see any other way to survive.
Y/n laid their head against the counter. They plugged their phone in, dreading the day when electricity was no longer available and Siri — Y/n’s only friend — was silenced. And then came the issue of food. They were stuck. Y’n couldn’t help but ponder death. They were aware of how generally awful they were as a person, and that kept Y/n with a will to live and a will to die.
Y/n was selfish, rude, and a coward. They were bitter at the world for being unfair and punished the people around them the same. Too selfish and afraid to die, but too hateful toward the world to live. It was a conundrum. Y/n figured, though, that their general confusion would be the death of them, as they were too confused on what to do. Y/n had their talents in a paintbrush, not a weapon. Y/n couldn’t see. Y/n hardly knew the area because their father often shipped groceries to their doorstep so Y/n only left the house for exhibitions, interviews, and art supplies. 
Their father. Y/n sat up, grabbing the phone. 
“Hey, Siri. Call dad.”
The phone began ringing. The screen was slightly cracked, but its not as though Y/n cared. The phone rang. And rang. And rang.
“The person you are trying to reach is unavailable. After the tone, please leave a message.”
A wave of sadness and worry washed over Y/n. They recognized that their father was the most important person in their life. Perhaps his phone was dead. Perhaps it was lost. Perhaps he was asleep.
Or perhaps he was dead.
For the first time since hell had descended on earth, Y/n began to cry. They wandered over to the couch to lay down, curling on their side. For the first time in a while, they thought of ‘Last Look’s dreadful day.
“Doctor, why can’t my child see? How can they get their sight back?” their father pleaded.
“Sir, I’m sory, We’ve ran several tests, but sometimes, things like this happen. A hidden gene. A faulty switch in the occipital lobe. Although there is still no noticable differences in their brain development, nerves, or blood work, cases like this happen. It’s unfortunate, and unfair. Sometimes, the eyes shut down entirely overnight from unknown causes. And, currently, we don’t have the technology to do anything about it.”
Their father’s eyebrows furrowed. Although Y/n couldn’t see it, he was losing hope. He wondered if he had somehow failed his only child. 
“I… I did some research. They somehow made a young boy see again —“
“That was a scientific anomaly, sir,” the doctor argued desperately. “And anyway, this clinic is incapable of giving that kind of treatment.”
Y/n’s father began to sob. They are crying, too. The doctor’s words scared them. They clawed and rubbed at their eyes, but their father grabbed their hands, squeezing tightly. He comforted them, whispering sweet words that everything would be alright. That they would make due. That there was nothing wrong with being blind. That it wasn’t the end of the world.
But Y/n was only a child. Their entire future had been robbed. Y/n didn’t know of any blind heros. Anyone out there that made a living or lived independently. Y/n was uneducated. All they knew was that their world had ended, and that they wanted to see again.
And see they now did. Y/n shot up. It was but a blink, but they saw. It was like they physically transcended their body and walked to the door, going right through it. They reached for a canvas, their fingers tracing it like a memory. A man. Middle-aged, beer-bellied, straggling jawline, balding. Pale eyes with a daze. Pounding, over and over. His knuckles bleeding. His clothes torn and bloody. The woman’s corpse beside him, eyes torn open and from her skull, as though his fingers had dug into them to remove them personally. In the woman’s chest, there was an iron rod.
Y/n could still see it clearly. The man was really there, still pounding ruthlessly. Y/n had blocked out the knocking, but with sudden focus, their ears returned to the sound.
Knock. Knock. Knock.
They dropped the brush and went over to the kitchen. They pulled a knife from the drawe, removing the blade cover. The wind was still howling outside, pounding at the windows. They went over to the door.
Y/n suddenly found courage and a voice.
“How are you alive? Why are you here? How did you know I was here?”
The knocking stopped suddenly. With its absense, an eerie silence followed. Y/n suddenly regretted speaking up.
A gruff voice, enchanted yet ery, very dry and cracked, answered. “They showed me true beuty. They want me to show you. Let me give you my eyes, Y/n. I want to give you my eyes —“
“Why is everyone else dead but you? What’s doing all this?” Y/n’s voice was shaky yet steady. 
“…Sinners. All of them. They did not want to see. But I do. You do. They want me to show you it all. Open the door, Y/n. Let me give you my eyes.”
“That’s impossible. I am blind. Please, leave me alone —“
“But you have the sight!” the man suddenly boomed. “They gave it to you a long, long time ago. And now, they will show you everything great and beautiful. Open the door. Open the door. Let me give you my eyes.”
Y/n only grew more confused with every sentence. Nothing made sense. 
“How will you give me your eyes?”
Manic, cracked laughter ensued. “I will tear them from my skull and hand them to you. You must see it, Y/n. It is beautiful! Beautiful, I tell you! Open the door!”
“Leave your eyes at the doorstep. I will take them that way.”
“I wish to see you myself. They speak so highly of you. You are the most beautiful landscape of all. I must see you, Y/n. I must see you and hand you my eyes —!”
Shivers rolled down their spine and they took a step away from the door. Y/n was left with more questions than answers. The whole endeavor was pointless. However, Y/n knew that they couldn’t stand the knocking anymore. And they didn’t trust that this man would just die. Something supernatural had consumed the world. The man’s eyes weren’t normal. Perhaps his biology wasn’t, either.
With that, Y/n didn’t let the fear take over. They unlocked the front door and swung it open. The voice was no longer muffled. They aimed to stab, but the man suddenly bellowed and collapsed to his knees. The man was far more vocally gruesome with a door no longer seperating them. The man bowed.
His scarred, bloody hands touched Y/n’s feet. He scrambled and panted. Y/n is left stunned, allowing the man to grovel at their feet. 
Sobs echoed the empty hallway.
And Y/n was shaking from head to toe.
“Oh, it’s beautiful!” he cried. “They were right! The most beautiful thing in creation!”
His praises fell on deaf ears. Rough hands squeezed Y/n’s feet and they felt overwhelming disgust, overpowering the fear. The hands clawe at their calves and then their thighs. Suddenly, he withdrew, falling silent. His face was drenched in sweat. He glistened with salt and oil. Tears continued to fall, and although Y/n did not know, his eyes were glued to their figure in awe.
And then, he began to claw. He dug his thumb and pointer finger into his eyelids. Y/n stumbled back, hearing the squelch. The man released painful gurgles. Slowly and painfully, he removed his eyes. The man sobbed desperately, and yet all he cried was blood.
Y/n felt a spray against their pants. Y/n had enough. Their selfish, angry side kicked in, adrenaline suddenly bursting through their veins. Gritting their teeth, they stabbed the man in the neck, somehow knowing exactly where to aim. The man gurgled out a cry, dropping his eyeballs and collapsing to the welcome mat. Y/n kicked the man away, feeling their socks get drenched with liquids. The man’s thud was the last sound he made. 
Y/n felt around the corpse for the knife, disgusted. They removed it. 
They slammed the door shut and locked it again.
The corpse sat there. The man lay there, decaying and wet. The eyeballs were completely seperated and long cords spun out from his eyes. Despite the pain he and Y/n had caused, the man was smiling.
Y/n was rattled to their core, turning and sliding down the door. Their hands had intense tremors. They knew damn well they couldn’t stay stuck. The wind was howling, harder and harder. The beast was near. And the insane missionary had found them once. Another one surely could. 
Y/n stayed frozen on the floor, cradling the moist knife like a child, for a very, very long time. It was slowly settling on them that they had commited murder. It didn’t feel like self-defense. The man had worshipped them, for christ’s sake. They couldn’t help but wonder what would have happened, had they taken the eyes? What would they have seen?
They decided to think it over in the shower; they knew they had to move while they had the resources. Siri wouldn’t live forever. Their food supply wouldn’t last. They needed to find a grocery store to camp in — one that wouldn’t be too populated with hypothetical looters.
They also needed resolution on what happened to their father.
When they hopped out of the shower, they began to pack the essentials: their charger, phone, cane, clothing, food, and paints. Everything they’d need to survive, but also live. 
Y/n’s first thought of where to go was the corner store down the block. It’s where they often went for an easy snack. Y/n took their cane and turned Siri on to the corner store. They shoved the phone in their pocket after plugging in earbuds. 
They felt their way toward the elevator. Their ears were keen, but the hallway was silent.Usually, their apatment building was full of hustle and bustle, especially at… god, Y/n didn’t even know what time it was. So, they asked while in the elevator.
The elevator beeped and the doors opened. More silence. Siri repeated directions, but Y/n knew the way to the front entrance. 
They paused. The beast seemed to follow their every move; it was everywhere. It was the air Y/n was breathing. That much they knew. They hovered, afraid to leave. But Y/n’s will to survive and be selfish was the most important part.
And then they hear it: a screaming woman. Y/n dashed out the door, selfishly believing this was their chance. In Y/n’s mind, the wind would divert its attention, even if it was an entire entity. The screams echoed and grew louder. The wind was bustling and squealing in their ears. They could hardly use their cane, relying solely on Siri’s directions.
“Turn left to reach your destination.”
Y/n skidded to a stop, losing their footing. Y/n grunted loudly, knowing they would probably be left with a nasty bruise. They scrambled onto their knees. They dropped the cane, but as the wind whistled and bustled, the cane was the last thing on their mind. In their world of darkness, they crawled forward, finally feeling at a glass panel. Y/n scrambled to their feet, gripping the handle.
They pulled at it desperately, almost falling again as the door swung open. They felt papers adorn the inside, and a wave of relief washed over them as they pulled the door shut. Y/n was shaking in their boots as they held the position, feeling the wind beat against the door. 
Y/n tensed, turning wildly and reluctantly releasing the doorknob. Their voice came out as a squeak.
“Who’s there?”
“Don’t move. Hands up.”
A man’s voice echoed in the otherwise silent corner store. The man sounds gruff, and Y/n can tell that the man sounds rather redneck. And by the clicking, the man held a gun. Y/n complied.
The man emerged from behind a shelf, crouched slightly, and had a pistol aimed directly at them. Y/n panted, unaware of the man’s exact location. Their head turned every which way, attempting to locate the man. The man wore a dark leather jacket and was somewhat older. He had a peppered beard and a big bald spot on his head. He wore glasses and ripped jeans, giving off the general aesthetic of a retired biker. 
“Now, what’s it like out there? Have you seen it?”
“I - I don’t know. It’s quiet, sir,” Y/n stuttered. “I’m blind — I can’t see the monster —“
“I dropped my cane right outside the door —“
“I know you’re just like the last guy. Trying to fool me, are you —“
“I’m blind! I’m Y/n L/n — I’m famous, haven’t you fucking heard of me, you fucking loser?” Y/n exclaimed, almost insulted. “Just look out, and you’ll see you fucking cane —“
While Y/n had been ranting and tossing insults at the man, he had progressed silently. Y/n stared out blankly, expression angry and unchanging as the man snuck up on them. Y/n paused, breathing heavily. All they saw was darkness, unaware of whether a gunshot would shoot them dead.
Y/n jumped wildly, flailing to the ground. They burst into tears, which made the man laugh. He glanced out the paper, noticing the cane. “By golly, I guess you are blind. Or one hell of an actor. You don’t got the same eyes as them, either.”
“Jesus, fuck you —“
The man lowered his gun and chuckled gruffly. “Yeah, yeah. If you saw the world we were living in right now, you’d understand. Now, get away from the door and behind this here counter.”
Without asking, the man grabbed and pulled them. Y/n frowned firmly but allowed it to happen. Behind the counter was a small pile of wrapper trash and a torn up sleeping bag. The man beckoned to sit, but they gathered that once they felt the counter. Their movements were still skittery, untrusting of the man before them.
“So, let’s exchange stories.”
“My name is Mark. I’m the owner of this establishment, although that doesn’t mean much these days,” he explained. “I followed the news religiously, waiting for something like this. Then, I noticed reports of mass hysteria starting in Italy. I shut down shop immediately, and not even an hour or so later, the news turned to shit, and so did the world outside. I learned that whatever’s out there cannot be seen and all that shit, so I’ve got my trusty blindfold around my neck just in case. And finally, I guess it’s safe here for now, but we sure as hell can’t stay here. It’s a fucking corner store. The supplies aren’t endless.”
Y/n listened intently to his ramblings and, deciding to suspend distrust, nodded and replied. “Yeah, okay. So, I’m blind. I’m surprised you haven’t heard of me. I’m the ‘blind painter.’ I had a gallery that day and was heading home when it all started. Uh, and I was fine until I started having… dreams. Seeing things that were there. Like this cult guy outside my door that wouldn’t leave me alone. I actually saw what he looked like in my head. I killed the guy and he was fucking worshiping me. Something about how he wanted me to see. God, he pulled out his eyes —“ Y/n stopped, replaying that moment in their head and shuddering. “Uh, and I came here… Oh. And I’m Y/n.”
“The fuck?”
“I guess this plague affects everyone differently, but if I’d known that, I sure as hell wouldn’t have let you in.”
“It’s a gift,” Y/n insisted anxiously. “A stupid one. But my father always told me god gave me eyes in my dreams. The truth is, I think I’ve seen the monster in my dreams. And when I focused, I could see the man outside my apartment. But only when asleep.”
“Prove it. Show me some of your drawings. You obviously brought the fucking supplies.”
“I haven’t used this notebook in years. It’s only old drafts,” Y/n answered, withdrawing the notebook from their bag. 
“Well, if you’re some fancy painter, it doesn’t really matter.”
Without warning, the man snatched the notebook from their grasp and started going through the pages. He slowly goes through them, ignoring Y/n’s angry expression from the invasion. Inside the notebook was several drafts of pretty locations. Some faces. The occasional animal.
Mark paused at a page, his brows crinkling. “This the monster you saw in your head?”
“What is it?”
Mark described it to them.
“Yes. Although that could have been my imagination.”
Mark continued to stare at the scribbles. It was somehow made of clean yet untidy scribbles. There was a large circle surrounding a large head that had long, spindly tendrils, leaving a cavernous mouth. The thing had slits for eyes, and there was a gleam to the flesh of the beast. It was like a halo over it, and Mark couldn’t help but admire the drawing. 
Then, he turned the page to find another one. He was suspicious, but the drawings were aged and marked with a date from several years ago. This drawing had a clearer face image, showing the tall, slimy forehead. The slits for eyes were open, bulbous, and consumed with black charcoal. The tendrils leaked down the paper like Y/n had switched to paint halfway through.
After that sketch, it returned to an image of a mountain waterfall.
“…Huh. So you’re telling me you saw this shit coming too?”
“Hardly. I thought they were nothing but recurring dreams until now.”
“Well, let me get some food. I think there’s a spare sleeping bag in the back, too.”
Mark rose and weaved around Y/n. Y/n remained still, grabbing their notebook back and getting lost in thought.
They thought about how long they would be able to stay, especially in the company of Mark. Another person meant the distribution of resources, but Mark could also see and shoot. Y/n figured their thoughts were selfish, but the world would probably be much prettier without fellow humans polluting it. Yn didn’t care much bout life, but cared enough that they refused to commit suicide. Y/n wondered if their father was alive —
Y/n heard a door open and assumed Mark was returning. Mark returned with a box of Frosted Flakes and a rolled-up, far newer sleeping bag. 
A sense of safety and exhaustion reached Y/n as they silently munched on Frosted Flakes. The taste was slightly stale, and despite their typical pickiness, there was a sense of comfort. They came to terms calmly with the fact that the apocalypse was upon them. That meant that stale cereal, a warm sleeping bag, and a man with a gun weren’t the worst things in the world at that moment.
“You sure you aren’t possessed?” Mark yawned, perking up and cradling his pistol.
“He said ‘they’’ wanted to give me my eyes back. To give me true sight. The ma worshipped me as a god,” Y/n recalled with a pause. “I wish I was possessed because whatever they are seeing… it must be incredible.”
Y/n was awoken from a deep, terrifying slumber with animated shaking. “Wake the fuck up!” Mark bellowed. “What are you seeing?”
Y/n scrambled, sleep in their eyes. Mark was on top of things, scrambling for their paint palette and notebook. Y/n felt at them. Some terrified tears escaped their eyes as they scribbled roughly on the notebook paper. Mark was silent and watched carefully as Y/n drew, their gaze staring up fearfully and unknowingly making direct eye contact with Mark.
Y/n suddenly dropped the paint brush and panted. “This. I saw this.”
Y/n handed the notebook over. Some time had passed; according to Mark, they had rationed well, and a week or so had passed. Trust had formed between the two of them. Sometimes, Y/n dreamt and they drew. But based on the violence in their head, Mark must have known something was especially wrong with this one. Y/n often woke up with the sun, according to Mark, but Y/n had the sense that the sun was not up yet.
“I… hope I drew it right. I saw many, many people. A mob. They were walking down a road, dazed and enchanted. They’ve seen it.”
Mak analyzed the work intensely. He was still amazed at his comrade's ability and figured it would be his demise. But at least it kept him on his toes. It made for conversation, too. 
The image depicted rocky, cold, and dying terrain with stale grass and swamplands in the distance. A few abandoned, rotting cars were on a large, spacious road, which was covered in oddly detailed figures. The mob was walking, dazed, just as Y/n had described. The mob was thick, and despite their harmless and dumb expressions, they yielded weapons — anything from crowbars to hammers to guns. 
“That’s Dale. My coworker,” Mark stated, pointing to one of the figures. “We worked at the same local construction company for a while.”
The realization dawned on the pair. Mark examined the road further. “That same road. It’s the main road leading into town.”
“Do you know what that means? Why are they coming here?” Mark inquired carefully, perturbed by the situation.
“They’re… coming for me, I think. It won’t take a genius to realize that I moved. Please, we have to go somewhere else —“
“Jesus, I get it. Let’s pack what we can. We can go out to back. And, Y/n, I want you to wear this blindfold. Just in case.”
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tiny-1karus · 1 year
Pairing: Yandere Batfam (Dick, Jason, Tim, and Damian) x Reader
TW: GRAPHIC domestic and verbal abuse (but not by the batboys) so please take this warning seriously, stealing, feels, background manipulative behavior, obsession
This is a hurt-comfort fic about a fem Cinderella-esque Reader who wants to move away and yandere!batfam's reaction and response to that. Btw, Damian is around the same age as the Reader here and they are both in university.
There are some dark themes but the hurt-comfort is the main focus. This is technically part 2 but can be read as a standalone. Enjoy!
Just a warning though, this is a 6k+ fic that almost got to 7k. I got carried away lol.
"It would be nice to get out of the city."
You were looking out the window with a pensive expression as you said this. You were currently in the Wayne manor's dining room eating lunch with all the Wayne men. You had just finished your lunch (after fighting off numerous attempts to add more food onto your plate with your fork) and was quietly sitting in the large dining table sandwiched between Damian and Tim as you waited for the others to finish eating. You hadn't meant to say it aloud, you were just musing to yourself as you daydreamed, but everyone in the room heard it regardless.
All of the men immediately perked up, albeit in varying degrees.
"You mean, like a vacation?" Dick asked across from you with a smile. You certainly deserved it, after all.
You shook your head with a chuckle as you leaned into your palm with a wistful smile. "Maybe something more permanent than that. Anywhere would do. Maybe out of the country too, who knows?"
Everyone frowned as they immediately picked up on your phrasing. They couldn't help the growing feeling of dread in the pit of their stomach as they began to fear the worst.
Tim cleared his throat with a strained smile. "Permanent?"
You turned to him with a bright and eager grin. "Yeah! Can you just imagine it? I finally get to build the life I've always wanted. Away from—" your smile faltered as your mind drifted to your family but you immediately picked up your smile, you didn't want to worry them after all. "—… From the city and all that. I could get an apartment, get a better job, the whole shebang!" You wiggled a bit in excitement, totally oblivious to the darkening moods of the people around you. You were too caught up in the prospect of a better life away from your miserable family to notice the downright frightening expressions of the men around you.
Of course, it was a few years away but 3 years compared to the hell you've endured your whole life? It wasn't even a competition.
You beamed at everyone even when they stayed uncharacteristically silent, you got the feeling that something felt a bit off with them but their faces gave nothing away so you wrote it off. "Don't worry guys! I'll be sure to get you all nice gifts once I'm rich and famous. The best on this side of the continent and what money can afford, of course!" You tried to flip your hair but immediately laughed at that. The very idea of you gifting one of the richest man alive and his family the best of anything with practically nothing was so laughable that it was silly. You covered your mouth as you giggled uncontrollably. Even if you saved up for the rest of your life, you doubted that you could ever gift them anything worth of value or that could match their status and taste. Maybe it was just as funny to them as it was to you.
But the entire room was dead silent.
You missed the alarmed looks and rapid silent communication that occurred between all the men in the room while you snickered to yourself.
Damian had a fierce glare as he clenched his fork so tightly his knuckles turned white, he had to fight the urge to stab something. Dick immediately reached out discreetly to Jason, who sat next to him, and gripped his arm in warning even as he struggled to remain calm himself. Jason shoved his shaking hands under the table and balled them into tight fists as he grappled with a sudden surge of anger, fear, love, confusion. It was a struggle to keep his rationality at the moment if not for Dick's steadying grip on his arm. Tim wasn't faring any better as he sat there with a growing sense of anxiety as he looked stricken, as if you had just killed a puppy in front of him.
Deep inside, they could all feel a gnawing sense of nausea and panic clawing up from their stomach up to their head as they fought to control it. They never would have expected this of you.
Why didn't you want to stay?
Bruce was the only one who seemed unaffected by the sudden revelation of your plans. If you had known him better, you would have noticed the subtle tenseness of his body and the slight furrow on his brows that betrayed his emotions. He knew his sons wouldn't be able to speak right now so he spoke for them instead. "What do you mean by that?"
Everyone already knew the answer to that but Bruce had to ask just to make it a 100% clear that you meant what they all feared you meant.
You smiled as you propped your chin into your hand, oblivious to the intensity of the question and the glares. There was an excited and hopeful gleam in your eyes as you told them the greatest wish you've held so dearly to your heart for years. "I want to move out once I've finished with college. Anywhere would do as long as it's out of Gotham. I think I could save up enough for that by the time I graduate." You leaned in with an excited grin as if you were sharing a secret, "I've been saving up for years, actually."
Your declaration was met with silence, again. This time, you finally took notice of it and the glaringly dark moods of the people around you. The smile dropped off your face as you looked around. Was it something you said?
"Is everyone alright? Did I—" but you were interrupted as your phone rang. You fished it out of your pocket and looked at the caller ID, it was your stepmom.
You grimaced as you excused yourself from the table and hurriedly went to the hallway to answer it.
The second you were gone, a heated argument broke out on the table as everyone started speaking in furious but hushed tones.
"She's leaving?"
"She never mentioned this before." Tim anxiously ran his hand through his hair, mussing up his neat do.
"Goddammit! The fuck is this shit?"
"We can't allow that to happen." Damian's eyes narrowed dangerously. "I won't allow it."
"Calm down." Bruce's commanding voice cut through the frantic chatter. There was a familiar calculating gleam in his eyes. It was a silent command to follow his lead.
Slowly, the men all settled down. They were the Waynes, and most importantly, a renowned team of the world's greatest detectives and vigilantes. They couldn't lose their composure over this.
They'd have to find a solution for this, simple as that. They would have to dissuade you of this ludicrous notion of yours. The world was far too dangerous for you to be out of their sight and beyond their protection. They knew the darkness of the world all too well; they lived, fought and breathed in it's cover every day and every night of their lives.
Tim clasped his hands on the table and frowned. Now that he was thinking clearly, he immediately pinpointed the reason why you'd want to leave Gotham (leave them). Or, one of the main reasons at least, you've never really talked about this before now.
"I'm sure we're all aware what made her want to go."
In unison, all of the men in the table scowled and shared dark looks. They had researched your background extensively in the beginning, it was a provision for any person they had any form of contact with. It had simply started as any other security procedure, simple and necessary. But when their obsession started and steadily grew, they began digging further and further until the nature of your family was brought to light.
The Waynes were left severely disgusted and frighteningly outraged at the abuse you had to endure everyday from those utter scum infesting your house. It was inconceivable, that you—an angel and Paragon of light in their life—would ever be treated so terribly by the vile vermin posing as your family. Family was sacred to them, and for these churls to desecrate that by hurting you, of all people, to the point that you'd rather leave this city (and leave them) was beyond criminal.
They were the reason you wanted to leave (leave them, leave them, leave them). Of course, it would always go back to that pathetic, disgusting excuse of a family you have.
They'd have to rectify this.
For your sake.
No matter what.
You returned with a frown, the earlier light and gleam in your eyes had dimmed as you stood in front of the table fiddling with your phone. You noticed that everyone hasn't seemed to touch their food since you left, but other than that, they seemed normal enough. There wasn't a single trace of their dark mood from earlier. Had you imagined that?
"Sorry it's so sudden but I have to go home. Thank you so much for lunch! Bye Mr. Wayne, bye everyone!" You reached out to give a quick hug to Tim since he was closest to you.
Everyone stood up and crowded against you all of a sudden.
Dick pouted as he held his arms open. "You already forgot about me, baby?"
You laughed and quickly hugged him, his arms held on to you a bit tighter than he usually does but you didn't mind. His hugs always felt so warm and nice.
Jason ruffled your hair roughly as he pulled you into his arms the minute Dick let you go. "C'mon squirt, I'm taking you back."
You raised your head to look up at him even as you were pressed to his chest. "You don't have to, Jay. I don't want to impose on you." You protested with a chuckle as he squeezed you one more time before letting go.
Damian scoffed, even as you leaned closer to him and his arms automatically opened to give you a hug. A feat that none of his family thought him possible of. "Tt. Todd's driving skills are incompetent. You'd sooner put her in an accident before you get her home." He skillfully maneuvered the both of you away from Jason's irritated swipe. His green eyes looked down on you thoughtfully, "let me take you—" his mouth curled distastefully at the next word, "—home."
Your mind reeled as the boys began squabbling amongst themselves on who would take you home. You felt immensely flattered and grateful that your friends were so willing and generous to take you back back home but you were anxious about imposing on them and how you were running out of time to get home. Your stepmom could get… Nasty if you didn't follow her rules to the letter and you were supposed to start on your chores half an hour ago.
You held up your hands placatingly, "I'm really, really grateful for the offer, everyone, I really am, but I have to go. I'll just catch a bus, I don't want to bother any of you."
Tim snorted, as if the very thought was absurd, "how could you ever be a bother? That's just ridiculous. And a bus is just dangerous and unreliable at this time. C'mon, I'll take you—"
Bruce, who had been a silent, watching figure behind the boys, layed his hand on Tim's shoulder, immediately shutting him up.
"Tim, I'll take her home. Why don't you and the others rest for now?" His voice was calm but his eyes were a different story. "We'll figure out that… Issue with the competitors when I get back."
It was like a switch went off in the men in front of you. They suddenly looked so serious and grave that you were afraid to ask about it. It probably isn't even your place to know about whatever business the Waynes had anyways.
You withheld an exasperated sigh but couldn't help smiling a little as Mr. Wayne led you to the garage with his hand resting against your upper back. You knew it was futile to argue with the Wayne patriarch so you just went along with it. Secretly, you were touched and grateful that the family cared so much for your safety that they'd go out of their way to drive you home. It wasn't the first time they did this, but you couldn't help feeling shy about it still. You didn't want to bother or inconvenience them from how wonderful they've been with you, after all.
Gosh, you were going to miss this once you move.
!!! CW: GRAPHIC Domestic and verbal abuse, proceed with caution !!!
Days passed with relative ease, your stepmom still worked you to the bone like a slave as your two stepsisters piled on your already busy duties with inane, miscellaneous tasks that they were more than capable of doing themselves. This was hard enough to do on top of your college workload and your half-time job but you bit your tongue and silently shouldered it all. You had learned early on that fighting and standing up for yourself was pointless and only served to make your life harder than it already was.
And you couldn't afford to anger your stepmom, lest you lose the roof above your head (it was one of her favorite and reoccuring threats against you). You needed a place to stay that was close enough to your university that the commute wouldn't kill you and one that wouldn't be a drain on your already strained finances to maintain. You had already checked for every other alternative there was, everything was frustratingly just out of your budget and means.
On top of being a working student, you only got into the University of Gotham through a full-ride scholarship. You couldn't afford to slack off on any front. Everything would be worth it once you finally graduate. You'd leave this miserable house and find a place you can actually call your home.
You leaned against the kitchen counter with a cup of cheap instant coffee, the only thing that your step-family never seemed to touch. It was the main reason why you kept on buying the brand in the first place even if it tasted awful. You had just finished cleaning the whole house, ending with the kitchen. You were resting for a bit before you'd start on dinner. You preferred to do all the chores early so that you had enough time to dedicate to your school work before you had to leave for your shift.
As you sipped your crappy coffee, your stepsisters entered the house loudly as multiple shopping bags hung from their arms. They ignored you and completely blew past you as they went up the stairs with obnoxiously heavy steps. You glimpsed the brand on the bags as they went by and you couldn't help feeling confused. How on earth were they able to buy from Chanel? You never bought from there, never even entered the store in your lifetime, but you were at least aware that it was a designer brand and what they sold wasn't cheap.
You pursed your lips as you parsed through the memory of the past few days. You noted how weird it was that your step-family seemed to increase their spending habits from seemingly nowhere. Unless they secretly won the lottery and failed to mention it to you (doubtful, your two stepsisters were a pair of braggards), there was just no possible reason on how they could've gained so much money from thin air.
Your stomach dropped as a horrible thought crossed your mind.
No, they couldn't have.
You felt sick to your stomach as you rushed up the stairs towards your room. You hurriedly opened the door and locked it behind you before you all but dove under your bed. Your eyes widened in horror as you saw a corner of the perfectly cut piece of carpet flipped upward. You never left it like that, you always made sure to bring it back to how it was, inconspicuous and safe. Even if someone looked, you made sure to cut the carpet in a way that no one would easily notice.
The sinking feeling in your stomach opened up into a nauseating pit as you shakily flipped the carpet all the way and picked up the loose floorboard you had painstakingly pried open all those years ago. All to hide the ticket to your brighter future.
The small space under the floorboard was empty. The metal box that held all your savings was gone.
Just then, the loud, obnoxious laughter of your step-sisters rang out from the room adjacent to yours and startled you badly enough that you hit your head on your metal bed frame.
You felt so sick that you were a second away from throwing up that cheap coffee. You crawled out of the bed and sat on your haunches with a stricken expression. You felt far away as your mind replayed all the times you caught your step-family parading through the house with brand new, luxurious items.
It was your money the whole time.
After your first few, miserable attempts at gaining financial literacy ending horribly for you, you had decided to personally hide away your money so that your stepmother could keep her and her daughters grubby paws off of it. You had been meaning to transfer your money into a secure credit for years but with how hectic your life had been you had pushed it off until the last minute.
Now it was too late.
You were ripped out of your revery as your stepmother's voice boomed from downstairs, irritatedly calling your name. Without even realizing it, you were suddenly walking down the stairs on autopilot to be greeted with the sight of your stepmother standing in the small foyer with her arms crossed imperiously.
She eyed you coldly and her lips curled in a sneer as she gestured dismissively towards the kitchen. "Have you been slacking off? It's almost dinner and you haven't even started on anything. What do I even work for—"
"Did you take my money?" You cut through her incessant nagging. Your eyes bored into hers with an intensity that she had never seen from you. She seemed too shocked by your sudden gall that she forgot to be angry.
You stopped at the last step and gripped the handrail. You were quivering from nerves and a steadily mounting anger as you stared right at her, as if silently pleading that it wasn't the case. That, by some miraculous force, your stepmother wouldn't do something that was ingrained in her twisted nature.
Her expression schooled into one of casual indifference. The woman seemed to raise her chin higher as she sent you a challenging look, "what money?"
You curled your hands into fists and pressed them tightly against your chest. It did nothing to alleviate the pressure, pressure, pressure—that suddenly burst from the very core of your being into an enraged scream. "DID YOU TAKE MY FUCKING MONEY—"
A harsh, violent slap cut you off mid-scream as you were sent careening into the wall. Your head hit the wall harshly and you crumpled against the landing of the stairs, dazed out of your anger. Before you could even get your bearings, the same cheek was struck, but this time with a sharper, stinging pain that seemed to break skin. You cried out and curled up into a ball to hide your face.
There was a moment of tense silence as the all-consuming anger that had seemed to engulf you was effectively replaced by a familiar fear.
"How dare you." Her voice quivered with malice and sheer, utter wrath.
Sharp nails dug into your scalp and grabbed a fistful of hair before violently yanking your frightened face to face hers. Her eyes spoke of malevolence as she brought your head closer to hers.
"How fucking dare you!" She screamed right into your face, spittle flying from her mouth, "I decided to take in your worthless ass out of the goodness of my heart once your fucking daddy dies. I provided a roof over your head, food to eat, and the clothes on your back and this is how you repay me? You worthless bitch!" She slammed your head against the wall and you clenched your jaw just so that you wouldn't cry out.
If you hadn't been overcome with fear, you would have laughed right in her face. You barely had food to eat, all the clothes on your back you had to thrift on your own with your own money and this house? She stole it from you. You wanted to throw it all back in her face but it was getting harder to think through all the pain.
"That fucking money you have? You owe that to me for every single goddamn thing I've ever done for you. You could've been some worthless street rat or a fucking low-life prostitute but I kept you here, because I'm such a good person and I deserve nice things!" For the third time, she slammed your head into the wall, you didn't even have the energy to cry out. Her chest was heaving as her deranged eyes glared at your dazed eyes. After a moment more, she released her iron-grip on your hair and let you crumple into the floor in a heap. As if to add insult to injury, she delivered a swift but punishing kick to your side.
"Clean this up, then go to your room. You're not going to eat dinner and I don't want to see you until tomorrow." She clicked her tongue in annoyance, "selfish bitch."
Your stepmom stepped over your prone form and went up the stairs as if nothing happened. You pressed your forehead against the cool tiles and counted in your head until the spinning stopped and you could breathe easily.
Once you were absolutely sure that no one would be coming down, you shakily picked yourself up. You glanced at the blood on the ground that had dripped from the wound on your face. It was probably from the large, gaudy ring your stepmom insisted on wearing. You gently poked at the side of your head that had been brutally smashed against the wall repeatedly, it was really sore and you felt lightheaded. Your vision was swimming a little and you didn't know if that was a good sign. You desperately hoped that you didn't have a concussion.
You glanced back up the stairs, heard nothing, then began creeping towards the front door. You held your tender side and ignored the pounding of your head as you reached for the door knob with a shaking hand. You hesitated before opening it, afraid that the sound of the door opening would summon your demonic stepmom to give you a round two.
But the thought of staying even a minute in this house pushed you to open the door. You opened it as quietly as you could but didn't bother closing it once you've slipped past. You secretly hoped that they'd get mugged.
Once both your feet were on the pavement, you ran. It was raining heavily and you wore nothing but a thin shirt and threadbare pants so the cold easily pierced you, but it only pushed you to run faster. The sidewalk was fairly deserted so it made running like an idiotic madman very convenient. You barely had the presence of mind to watch where you were going as you frantically weaved through corners and streets until your lungs felt like it was going to burst. You didn't stop until you felt like you've gone far enough. Until you were as far as you could go from that house and the awful people inside it.
The rain pelted you mercilessly as you stood there on an empty sidewalk, chest heaving, head pounding, and body trembling from a mixture of the cold and the storm of emotions that whirled and ravaged you from the inside. You felt so angry, bitter, hopeless, and so damn helpless that you felt like it was going to tear you apart.
That was years of hard-work, of fervent dreams and hopes, of everything that you had been working so hard for, gone. And worse, you had been helpless to stop it. The vision of a bright future away from your awful family was cruelly ripped away from you just when it felt like it was within your grasp.
If you didn't feel so utterly hopeless and bitter, you probably would've laughed.
Someone called your name and you blinked up hazy eyes to stare at a man who stood a couple of feet away from you. He was similarly drenched in the rain as a white streak of hair hung over his blue eyes. His chest was heaving as if he had been running this whole time. It clicked and you recognized him as Jason Todd, your friend. You were suddenly hyper-aware of the very visible wound on your face and you quickly turned your head to the side and let your wet hair curtain that side.
"Doll," Jason called out to you as he slowly approached you, as if approaching a wounded animal. Once he was in front of you, his hand reached up to cup your uninjured cheek as he took in your drenched and rumpled clothes and your bloodshot eyes.
"Are you alright?" You had never heard him sound so soft before and the tender way he held your face seemed to break you down further. You sobbed loudly as you flung yourself into his chest and clung to him desperately like a lifeline. His arms came around you in a protective hold and you felt his hand on the back of your head as he stroked your wet hair comfortingly. You ignored the way it made your head pound.
"I can't take it anymore! How—" you choked on a sob as you buried your face further into his chest, "how can they…?" You couldn't even finish it as a surge of deep-rooted bitterness swelled and clogged up your throat.
Jason let you sob openly into his chest as he held you closely. He didn't seem to mind the rain as he just… Held you, out there on the sidewalk of the seedy part of Gotham. He felt like the only thing keeping you from tearing at the seams until there was nothing left of you.
"C'mon sweetheart, let's get you home." Jason murmured into your hair as he half-carried and half-led you to a sleek, black car parked next to the road. He opened the rear door for you as you all but stumbled in and he quickly followed from behind.
"Hey, sweetheart." You didn't look up but you could recognize Dick's voice anywhere. "Don't worry, we're gonna take you home."
Home, there's that word again. It grated on your fragile nerves and made even more tears spill from your eyes. "Please, I can't go back there. I can't—please."
Jason gently laid a hand on your shoulder as you shook so violently it felt like you were falling apart.
"You're not going back there, doll. We're taking you back to ours."
Distantly, you felt like you should protest (you couldn't be a burden, you couldn't be a burden, you couldn't—), but presently you just didn't have the energy to. Numbly, you nodded as your shaking lessened but didn't dissapear. You felt so cold in your drenched clothes.
Wordlessly, Jason took off his maroon leather jacket and draped it over your shivering form. It was a little wet on the outside from the rain but the inside felt so warm since he had just worn it; it smelled of cigarettes, libraries, and something vaguely metallic. It brought a modicum of comfort to you. But you felt so numb that you didn't even notice that Dick had been driving for a while now until the car stopped.
The passenger door on your side opened and a big, warm hand settled on your shoulder. Dick's worried blue eyes looked down on you. You shakily stepped out with his hand on your back, silently supporting you. You gripped Jason's jacket closer to you as the two Wayne brothers flanked you on both sides as they led you into the house.
You had your head bowed as you were gently shephered into the living room where the rest of the Wayne men were anxiously waiting for you.
Dick led you to the cozy arm chair near the fireplace as Damian and Tim immediately stood near your chair like sentries. You couldn't bear to look at them so you let your wet hair to hang limply in front of your face in a weak attempt to hide your face and the bruise on your cheek.
God, you felt so pathetic. How do they see you now?
Suddenly, Mr. Wayne was kneeling in front of your chair peering through the hair that covered and stuck to your wet face. He gently clasped your hands as his steel-grey eyes brimmed with compassion. "What happened? You can talk to us." His voice softened as he said in a reassuring tone, "You're safe here."
You raised your head an inch to meet his eyes as you finally found your voice. "Where do I even start?" Your voice sounded so weak that you doubted he heard you.
It was more of a rhetorical question but Mr. Wayne just squeezed your hands before he answered.
"Start from the beginning."
He let go of your hands but stayed close as the rest of the Waynes seemed to huddle around you in a protective bubble. Your head was still bowed as you reached up to wipe the tears from your face as you slowly gathered your thoughts. It felt like you were majorly overstepping by even contemplating unloading your problems on them but you just felt too empty to care.
All of a sudden, a warm, steaming cup of what smelled like hot chocolate was pushed into your hands. You gave a brief glance at who gave you the cup to see Tim smiling down on you with a tender and inviting smile. You looked around and saw a similar expression of warmth and acceptance mirrored on every Wayne's face. Somehow, it gave you the push to finally talk.
Slowly, in a stilted and hesitant speech, you opened up to them about your problems at home. Like a dam bursting once the flood gates were opened, it felt like the truth spilled endlessly out of you as you shared your pain without divulging the more graphic and horrible details. You didn't feel like you had the right to say it aloud, not yet. You were half-afraid that they'd judge you for blowing up at your stepmom but they only seemed outraged on your behalf and so endlessly considerate and compassionate for your pain.
"I don't have anything more to give." You admitted quietly. Your voice sounded so hollow, even to your own ears. You stared emptily at the warm cup in your hands. It helped chase away the chill a little but you felt so empty and drained that you could do nothing but hold it. "Everything I had, they took, even when there was nothing left to take."
You sank a little lower on the comfortable armchair as you whispered in a broken voice, "It was my only hope. I thought I could get away from them if I worked hard enough. It's the only thing that kept me going." You chuckled bitterly and bowed your head lower. "Guess not."
Gently, as if you'd break otherwise, Dick pulled you into his side from where he was perched on the armrest to your right. His large, calloused hands slowly carded through your hair and you leaned into the tender touch immediately. His touch was so soft that it didn't seem to worsen the pain on your head. You felt pathetic, drained, and desperate for comfort. And these men have always been a haven of warmth and comfort that you had been deprived of your whole life. You secretly craved this but felt too ashamed to ever ask for it from anyone.
God, what were you doing? Now that they knew how fucked up your life is, how lower could you possibly sink in their eyes? You're better than this, you had to get a grip.
You straightened up as you finally met the worried gazes of the family around you. You tried to smile but you just felt so tired. "Don't worry about me, I'll… Be fine. I'd probably be able to save up again, I still have some time before I graduate anyways." You desperately wanted to believe in those words but they sounded like empty consolations, even for you. You had exhausted every other option, what was there left for you?
Their eyes mirrored your sentiment and you couldn't bear the suffocating sense of pity that seemed to emanate from them so you turned your head to the side in shame.
The action moved your hair and you felt a light touch as the limp strands of your hair was brushed away from your face. There was a sharp intake of breath to your left as Damian, who was standing next to the armchair to your left, gently ran the back of his fingers against your cheek, you winced as you felt a slight pain there from where your stepmom had struck you. His green eyes were a storm of emotions that promised danger (but not to you, never you) as he asked you in a low, chilling voice, "who hurt you?"
Immediately, the rest of the Waynes zeroed in on your cheek as you tried to hide it behind your hair again. Too late, Mr. Wayne gently grasped your chin, turned your head forward, and brushed your hair away from your face. Illuminated by the fire, the giant bruise that colored your cheek was stark against your skin. There was a thin line of red that ran horizontally from one corner of the bruise to the other, the wound had already crusted over but the whole injury looked painful and displaced on your face. As if it didn't belong on a person as precious as you.
You felt yourself warm up for the first time since arriving here, but it was from shame. Here was the evidence of a lifetime of pain and suffering and the Waynes, the most wonderful and kindest family that you had the fortune of meeting, were finally privy to it.
Tim was suddenly kneeling in front of you, replacing his father. He didn't touch you but his hands hovered over yours for a second before he settled it on the cushions on either side of your legs, his blue eyes seemed to swim with overwhelming emotions as he took in the shame and defeat writ across your face.
"I know how it feels, I've been there." Your eyes snapped to his, surprised. Him? You would never have thought…
He smiled wryly, as if guessing your thoughts. "Trust me, I know. My life from before wasn't easy." A shadow cast over his eyes but the kindness still shine through as he regarded you with an understanding that spoke bone-deep. "So please, believe me when I say that it isn't hopeless. I'm here for you, we're here for you. You're safe here, with us."
Tears slid down your battered face unbidden. You thought you had already cried enough tears to last a lifetime but the tears felt warm as you bowed your head and let them flow. For once, you felt safe enough to let yourself cry in front of people and it felt good that you wouldn't be punished for it.
Your tears dripped into the cool drink that you still clutched on your lap. Someone plucked it from your trembling hands and you heard hushed voices as they began talking to each other in soft murmurs. You let the soft sounds wash over you as you felt a wave of tiredness sweep you over. Suddenly the pain from all your sounds came back with a vengeance, it seemed that adrenaline had protected you from feeling the worst of it.
You suddenly felt woozy as darkness creeped on the edge of your vision for a second and you tilted forward. Strong arms caught you before you were even aware of it. Dick was staring down at you with worried but alarmed blue eyes.
You tried to smile as your vision swam for a bit. "I think I also have a concussion." You murmured but the words sounded slurred. It was getting harder to think from the heavy pounding pain in your head, it felt like someone was hammering away at your skull. Everything just hurt.
Someone cursed as Dick picked you up as gently as he could. You closed your eyes and let yourself sink into Dick's strong, warm arms that cradled you so tenderly. The others hovered around you and their concern and worry was palpable.
Mr. Wayne's voice was a low, rumble that followed you as Dick began carrying you out of the living room, the others following closely as if gravitated to your side. "Stay here for tonight, we'll fix this in the morning."
You felt soft lips press against your temple and someone murmured against your head the words you've desperately wanted to hear your whole life, "You're safe."
As you slowly lost consciousness; you truly, from the bottom of your weary heart, wanted to believe that.
After Alfred had tended to you and you slept soundly in the medical bay, the Wayne men were finally able to leave your side before reconvening in the Batcave. You had suffered a concussion with bruises on your side and face, there was a laceration on the bruice on your face as well. The worst of it were the numerous scars that littered your body—some old, some new—which were usually hidden by your clothes. It was obvious that none of it were self-inflicted.
They were all suited up and standing silently around the batcomputer, as if readying for a mission. The air seemed to buzz from the dangerous aura that emanated from the vigilantes and they had a restless energy as they watched Tim work furiously on the computer. They already made a plan on what they were going to do to the utter scum that had dared to hurt what was theirs. They were just making sure that you'd get out of this situation scot-free.
Once Tim was finally done on the computer, he rose and gave the others a nod. Without a word, they all boarded their vehicles and shot off into the tunnel and into the night. They didn't need to open the tracking device on their equipment, they all knew your address by heart.
The darkness seemed to cling to them as they drove with a single-minded determination.
They knew indeed what evil they intended to do, but stronger than every afterthought was their fury, a fury that brings upon mortals the greatest evil.*
And oh, how they'd let this pathetic family of vermin feel their wrath.
It was their job to rid the world of their kind after all.
Aaaand that's part 2! I wrote this out of order and started with the second part before starting on the first but I got carried away with this so y'all can have this as a treat. This was a neat little experiment to test out posting, this is the first time I posted a written work since middle school and that was like a decade ago lmaooo.
This was heavily inspired from @blughxreader their platonic yandere!batfam content and all things batfam related is just top-tier. I lost so much sleep over their blog and I don't regret it. Check out their work if you haven't already!
*and the original quote goes like this btw, "I know indeed what evil I intend to do, but stronger than all my afterthoughts is my fury, fury that brings upon mortals the greatest evils." -Euripides. I felt like it just fit the story hahaha.
Lemme know your thoughts! I didn't really edit this since I got lazy lol. This is officially my offering to the Tumblr overlords as my first post. I'm kinda new to this site and I'm gonna need their blessing and counsel. Wish me luck, babes.
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blushhingblue · 9 months
Saturday Sleepovers
Yandere! Olivia Rodrigo x Reader
attempted(?) suicide, manipulation
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“You’re coming over tomorrow right?” Olivia asked.
Every Saturday, since the beginning of time, you and Olivia would have a sleepover. These sleepovers were done despite sickness, family problems, and just about any other inconvenience. Though, you were starting to dread these hangouts. You’ve grown out of them and just wished they’d stop.
“Of course i’ll be there,” you replied with half a smile.
As Olivia continued to ramble on about whatever, you noticed Amelia, your crush, behind her. She was talking with her friends and she looked as beautiful as ever. After staring for too long, she finally noticed and motioned you over.
“Hey Olivia?” you interrupted her abruptly.
“What’s up?”
She seemed taken aback.
“I’ll be right back,”
You nervously walked over to Amelia and her group of friends. When you opened your mouth to talk, so did she, which led to an awkward silence.
“So Y/N,” Amelia trailed off.
You looked at her with expectant eyes. Your thumbs subconsciously began to twiddle in a desperate attempt to sooth your nerves.
“I was wondering if you wanted to come over on Saturday,” She asked, her cheeks turning a bright pink.
“Sure, that’d be really nice.”
You couldn’t contain the large smile that spread across your face, stretching from ear to ear. She reciprocated the smile and leaned in to give you a small peck on the cheek.
“Cool!” She giddily said and walked away with her friends.
You were frozen in place, the shock still taking its course throughout your body. Why would Amelia, one of the prettiest and most popular girls in school, have any interest in you whatsoever? You’ve lived on the same street for your whole lives, but now that you can both drive, you don’t see much of each other anymore. Being so deep in your own thoughts, you failed to hear the loud stomps approaching you
“What was that about?” Olivia asked, her voice shaky and upset.
You turned around and saw Olivia, her lip quivering and her eyes welling with tears. Your hand immediately reached for hers, and began rubbing her knuckles with my thumb. You learned this calmed her down when, in elementary school, she fell off the swings.
“Nothing. Amelia just asked me to hang out on…”
Saturday! You completely forgot about Olivia and I’s sleepover whilst in the presence of Amelia.
“Sunday. I’ll go once I wake up after our sleepover,”
You tried to cover up your hesitance, but she was already looking at you with glossy eyes. Confusion was etched deep into her forehead when she furrowed her eyebrows. Olivia seemed to think for a moment before speaking.
“Well I wanted to ask you if you wanted to have a long sleepover this week. Are you seriously going to pick me over her?” Olivia questioned angrily.
This seemed like a trap, so you tried to answer as politely as possible.
“She asked me first and we always hang out.”
This didn’t seem to calm her down at all. If anything, it made her far angrier.
“So what you’re telling me right now is that you don’t even like hanging out with me? We’ve been doing these sleepovers for forever! You mean to tell me that tradition means nothing to you?” She spoke accusatorially.
“No, of course it means a lot to me, but it does get sort of repetitive.”
Her hands started to shake. You glanced worriedly between her and her hands.
“We can hang out all weekend next week. I’ll come over right after my homework on friday and we can drive together to school on Monday,” Y/N suggested, just rambling on hoping some magical word would calm her down.
Her hands stopped shaking, but then balled into fists. With knuckles as white as paper from gripping so hard, she just began to cry.
Olivia had always done this. Whenever you tried to hangout with someone that wasn’t her, she would get so upset that she would cry. It also always happened in public. She made sure you felt obligated to comfort her because if you didn’t everyone would shoot you dirty looks.
This was the 2nd time this week alone. You tried to hangout with your other friend a few days ago and she had a tantrum. When you eventually gave in and let her join, she stuck to your side the entire time and refused to let go. She also shot dirty looks at your friend the entire time.
You could never say no to her when she started to cry. It made your stomach twist in all sorts of uncomfortable ways and made you want to cry yourself. The sound of Olivia’s sobs hurt your heart. You looked at her, unsure of what to do. Looking down, you saw your thumb was still rubbing her knuckles, but it didn’t seem to calm her down this time.
“Olivia, please stop crying,” You begged, voice shaky.
The guilt you felt was overbearing. The way she looked at you with such misery made you want to drop every other plan you curated and stay with her until she felt better. But, at the same time, you knew she was a manipulative person and that if you didn’t take a stand now, you never would.
“I’m not hanging out with you on Sunday,” I paused to build some courage, “or Saturday.”
Her despondent gaze contorted into one that read full blown rage. She didn’t say anything, instead she stomped away. As she left, she mumbled plenty incoherent phrases. You watched her leave, that empty feeling running rampant in your stomach.
That night and the following morning, you didn’t get a single call or text from Olivia. It scared you how she didn’t try to reach out. It made you wonder how she was doing, but you knew that if you called first, she would just suck you in.
Instead, you took a hot shower. The warm water cascading down your body soothed all your nerves and worries. The light feeling as you massaged your scalp. Eventually, you got out and put on a casual outfit. You checked the time and saw it was 12:00. Your phone dinged, and you saw that it was Amelia telling you to come over at 1:00. You ate something, brushed your teeth, and began walking over.
As you made it to Amelia’s front door step and rung her doorbell,your phone began to ding. You pull it out and you saw there were a few texts from Olivia asking what time you were coming over. You rolled your eyes and left her on read.
“Hey Y/N! Good to see you,” Amelia said, wrapping her arms around you.
She smelt fantastic like freshly washed clothes and shampoo. Beckoning you into her home, she led you to her living room.
“Would you like anything to drink or eat?” She asked
“I ate before I came here, but I’d like a glass of water if you don’t mind.”
“Of course.”
Once she left, your phone began to ring. Olivia was calling. You quickly declined, hoping she’d give up. But that wasn’t Olivia. She never gave up when it came to you because no matter the circumstance you had to be glued to her hip. She kept calling and calling.
When Amelia came back, she just sat awkwardly waiting for you to answer. Every time someone began to speak, your phone would ring. Though, for some odd reason, whenever your finger inched to put your phone on silent, a wave of fear came with it.
“Are you sure you don’t want to take that?” Amelia asked uncomfortably.
“No, It’s fine,” You assured her, but you were also secretly trying to assure yourself.
You knew that Olivia was either fuming or crying right now. You tried to continue conversation, but with the guilt in your stomach and the constant ringing of your phone, you couldn’t. Finally when you just couldn’t take it anymore, you answered.
“What do you want, Olivia,” You yelled angrily into the phone.
You heard her soft sobs through the phone and immediately shut up.
“Y/N please come over. I can’t live without you,” She muffled through her harsh sobs.
“Speak to me Olivia. What’s wrong?”
“You chose her over me. I’m in my bathroom now looking at all these pills, Y/N. I’m gonna kill myself and it’s all going to be your fault,”
You hung up the phone.
“Amelia, I have to go!” You yelled bolting out of the house.
You quickly ran down the street and to your house. As you jumped into your car and sped to Olivia’s, you prayed that she wouldn’t make any rash decisions. Although she drove you crazy and was far too clingy for her own good, she was still your best friend and you loved her.
Olivia didn’t live too far. About 10 minutes driving, but right now, it felt like an eternity. Unbeknownst to you, Olivia watched you speed into her driveway with a small, devious smile.
Though you didn’t waste any time knocking. Instead, you barged right in and screamed, “Olivia! Where are you?” You were met with silence. You scrambled hastily around all the bathrooms in her house until one didn’t open.
“Olivia, please let me in,” you pleaded, unsure of whether or not she was conscious or even alive.
That was until there was a slight jolt at the door knob. You twisted it and were met with Olivia sitting on the floor, her body lazily thrown against the wall. She was surrounded by countless yellow pill bottles. You kicked them out of the way and immediately sat by her side, your hand instinctively grabbing hers.
“How do you feel?” You asked.
“Drowsy,” Olivia responded, her body shaking.
“Should I call someone?”
She just shook her head in disapproval. You wrapped your arms around her body and repeatedly kissed her on the head. Little did you know, she had that same evil smile painted across her face.
“I’m so sorry I didn’t come over,” You apologized profusely.
You whispered countless “I’m sorry’s” into her hair. A few tear drops escaped from your eyes, wetting her scalp.
“I love you, Y/N.”
“I love you too, Olivia.”
“No, Y/N, I love you. Like really love you,” she expressed, her voice muffled.
Your stomach churned slightly, fully understanding what she meant.
“Now isn’t a good time for this. Why don’t we go lay down?” You suggested.
Olivia nodded against your shoulder, knowing her words were lingering in your head. You stood up, and helped her up. She leaned against you as you led her to her bedroom.
“I’m going to grab you a glass of water, okay? Lay down,” You said, tucking her in and turning on the television.
She nodded, a faint smile on her face. As you left her bedroom and began to prepare the glass of water, you figured you should call Amelia and apologize. Though, like clockwork, as soon as your phone began to ring, Olivia screamed your name. You bolted upstairs, cup in hand, and rushed to her side.
“What’s wrong? Are you okay?” You questioned worriedly
“I heard your phone ringing. I don’t appreciate you calling other girls right now especially when i need you,” She angrily said, grabbing you by the neck of your t-shirt and pulling you into her bed.
A wave of guilt washed over you, and you avoided eye contact with her shamefully. She allowed you to get comfortable before crawling on top of you and cuddling your body. Her grip was tight and unforgiving. You wondered how she had so much strength despite the weakness she portrayed earlier.
Suddenly, you felt a pair of lips pecking along your jawline. You winced uncomfortably, knowing Olivia’s stubborn personality would soon revisit the confession from earlier. You figured this was the introduction to it.
Olivia was stunning. She had beautiful brown eyes and long, brown hair. Not to mention she was funny, and extremely down-to-earth. Almost all of the boys at school had a crush on her and had tried to ask her out at least once. But she always said the same thing, “I’m waiting on someone”. She was practically all you could want in a woman, but she was just your best friend.
“Can I tell you something?” Olivia asked in a whisper against your ear.
You gulped and nodded, her breath tickling your neck.
“When you told me you didn’t want to hang out with me today, it made me realize how I can’t afford to lose you. Of course, I always knew I was in love with you ever since elementary school, but I was never really sure how far I would go to cherish our love. That was until Amelia came around. She opened my eyes to how much I was capable of and I realized I would go as far as to kill for you.” Olivia confessed, her watery eyes boring into yours.
You were at a loss for words. You felt guilty that she had felt these unreciprocated feelings for so long and that she had to constantly suffer through all your meaningless crushes. But you also felt afraid. Afraid of what she could do after coming to this “realization” and even afraid for your own safety.
“Olivia, I think I should go,”
She laughed manically for a moment, before her giggles turned into sobs.
“I just poured my heart out to you and you want to leave me again? How about no! I’m sick of you using me as a stepping stool knowing that I would do anything for you! It’s time for me to be selfish!” She shouted through sobs.
You weren’t exactly sure what that meant, but you weren’t too keen on finding out. You shoved her off of you, and rushed for the door. Though, she was quick on her feet and jumped onto your back. She jerked your neck back, pulling you onto your back. Only one hand left your neck, and the other reached into her pocket. Out she pulled a sharp blade.
“I don’t want to hurt you, Y/N!” She shouted, her tears dripping onto you.
“I know you don’t Olivia. Just drop the knife,”
She shook her head.
“It’s so unfair, Y/N! i’m the full package! I have my pick! Boys and girls drop to my feet just for a chance with me. Yet, i’m stuck on you! Why you? You’re not all that special and despite that I’ve loved you since we were little kids,” She put the blade up to your neck, her hand shaking violently out of anger.
“Did you even take any pills? Were you ever going to hurt yourself,”
“If you didn’t come, I would’ve. But you did come and that’s why I love you so much,”
“What do you were just going to lie to me? You really acted sick!”
“Y/N, don’t be so stupid! You knew all along. You knew I didn’t really take any pills. You also knew that I’ve loved you since the moment I saw you!”
You shook your head and yelled, “Don’t put words in my mouth!”
Olivia laughed and began to caress your cheek with her soft hand while the other was still pressed harshly against your neck, clenching a knife.
“You know I’ve still never had my first kiss. I’ve been waiting for you,” Olivia admitted, her cheeks turning a pink hue.
You were terrified at how fast she could switch her demeanor.
“I mean I haven’t had any practice, but i’m sure you could show me how to do it,” She suggested shyly, struggling to hold eye contact.
While you didn’t want to, you thought it could serve as a distraction to possibly disarm her. You nodded and connected your lips. They were surprising soft and tasted like chapstick, but had a small salty taste due to her tears. She pulled away and looked expectantly at you, waiting for your approval.
“You could use a little work, but it’s not bad for your first time,” You lied, biting your tongue.
She smiled widely, showing you her pearly white teeth.
“You’re going to have to take away a few of my other firsts. I’ve waited too long to stop at kissing,”
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yangoodomens · 10 months
Hello! My name is Harvey, I am a writer and artist, I have decided to take request here are my rules
Fem reader
Masc reader
Gn reader
Romantic or platonic
Character x Character (unless it's poly, as in Character x reader x character, as in Aziraphale x reader x Crowley, or Miles x reader x Ginger ext.)
Character x Oc (for writing)
Pedo stuff
Too much gore
Too much Murder
Etc. have decency you homosapiens
What I will write/draw for
Sonic - any variation
TMNT - most variations
Empires Smp
Good Omens
Hannibal (2013)
Bbc Sherlock
Bright young things
Gravity falls
Silence of the lambs
The boy
Or just a generally disrespectful person in general
THANK YOU, I hope to hear from you soon
- Harvey
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glassartpeasants · 2 months
Run Rabbit Run .12
Yandere!Eustass Kidd x F!Reader
Warnings: angst, depression, pregnancy, mentions of death, amputation?, non canonical events, reader got trauma and ptsd up the wazoo, characters are probably nerfed but whatever it's my story
A/N: it is done. IT IS OVER. I should make a key for who's talking: (Nami-regular orange) (Chopper-small orange) (Zoro-regular green) (Usopp-small green) (Sanji-regular blue) (Franky-small blue) (Kidd-regular red) (Luffy-small red)
You grit your teeth as you clutch the transponder snail until your knuckles turn pale. His words bring a burning rage to run through your veins as the familiar sizzling of your devil fruit powers ring along the Thousand Sunny.
“How dare you say you love me after all you’ve done!” You scream into the phone. “You wouldn’t know love if it hit you in the face! You're a sick fuck who took everything from me!” Tears of frustration pour down your face as the memories of the past three to four years run through your mind.
“I don’t even remember my own mother's face cause of you! I never even got to say goodbye!” Your knees grow weak as you clutch your heart, the throbbing pain becoming almost unbearable. Biting your lip, you try to hold back your hiccups.
Arms begin to wrap around you, a symbol that you aren’t alone. That familiar smell of rubber burns through your mind. The cracking of your electricity does little to sway your captain. Just then, you were stripped of the phone as Zoro stole it from your hands.
“Listen here, you bastard, the moment I even see you, I’ll cut you down. I’ll kill you before you even see her.” The venom in Zoro’s voice made a quivering smile appear on your lips. Through your tears even a spark of hope manages to shine through that maybe if Zoro and the others are willing to, they can help you, Tashigi.
Even though you can’t trust Eustass, you know you heard her voice. And knowing that, you can't let Eustass hurt her any more than he already has. She means too much to you and has been there for you all throughout your first and second trimester of pregnancy. You had to save her. You wouldn’t be able to live with yourself if you didn’t.
You couldn’t hear what else Kidd said as Zoro slammed the transponder snail down, a vein popping on his forehead as he gripped his swords tightly. “Zoro?”
“We need to keep watch now. He’s coming.” Hearing Zoro’s words makes your heart drop. How long until he arrives? Days? Hours? Minutes? The thought kills you inside. What if you weren’t paying attention, and he managed to sneak up on you? Would he set fire to Sunny as he did with G-5’s ship?
Not to mention, his crew is composed of more people than the Straw Hats. While they're strong, what if? The fact there even is a chance makes you feel nausea. If he won, then he’d kill them. How he’s acted the past 6 months has shown he’s not afraid to take lives if it comes to you. 
“We need to have people on watch at all times.”
“Not to mention be prepared for anything if his actions are anything to judge by. I highly doubt the bastards gonna play fair.” Everyone seemed to nod in agreement at Sanji’s words. The feeling of Luffy’s arms uncoiling around you makes a cold breeze flow through you. The familiar sizzling of your devil fruit powers now gone.
“Thank you, Luffy.” With a sign, you wipe your cheeks of tears. “I needed that.”
“Don’t worry (Y/N), we won’t let him win.” Nami puts her hand on your shoulder. “You and the baby will be safe.”
“Yeah… me and the baby.” Nami’s words cause a sense of dread to fill you. Even if Kidd were to die, evidence of his existence would forever haunt you in the shape of an infant. Even if it only shared half his genetics, you know you’d see him every day in the child's eyes.
How were you supposed to be a mother if the baby was caused by the man who destroyed your entire world? Hatred for an innocent being who was brought into the world at the wrong place at the wrong time. It was easy to listen to the advice around you, yet the voice in the back of your mind lets you never forget whose child your carrying. 
A sigh escapes your lips as your head begins to pound. “Ah…I think I’m going to take a nap. My head is hurting.”
“Okay, get some sleep, okay? You’ve been through a lot today.”
“I’ll walk you there.” You nod at Robin's offer. The two of you make your way towards the girl’s bunk, the weight of the world seemingly on your shoulders.
“You won’t be alone to raise the baby (Y/N). We’re here to help.”
You let out a dry chuckle. “Am I really that transparent?”
Robin rubs your back as the two of you sit on your bunk. “It’s normal to feel the way you do, especially after all he’s done. It's normal for a person to be feeling the way you do.”
“I hate this. How am I supposed to get over and heal when I’d have the memory of him always with me? I’m a horrible person Robin, taking out my anger on someone who’s done no wrong.”
“(Y/N) you still have a few months till the baby arrives. No one expects you to be joyous. We know what’s happened, and what you feel is valid.”
“Will I ever get over this?” You ask in a whisper.
“You’ve been through hell and back. Some things may heal and some never well. It's simply the course of being human." Leaning your head on her shoulder, you wipe your tears with your hands and put them on your thighs.
“I can’t even remember what I looked like without my scars. I don’t even feel like me. I feel like a shell. An empty husk of what I used to be.” You admit with a shaky voice.
Robin carefully pets the top of your head. “I’m sorry. I wish I could reverse time to make everything better. But for what it’s worth, I think it shows your strength, your will to survive.” Sniffling, your eyes look down.
“Maybe. But my will to survive cost people their lives.” The news of Kidd’s crimes materializes in your mind like a bad memory. “People just living their lives only for it to get cut short simply cause I took a step on their island.”
“Kidd killed those people (Y/N). It was his choice to do it.” Robin continues to try and soothe you. “Don’t blame yourself for his actions.”
Wiping the tears from your eyes, you look at Robin. “How can I not? There are thousands of people who hate me and blame me for it all! How can I sleep at night knowing that?” Robin pulls you into a tight hug, the simple action making your heart calm its aching, if only for a moment. 
The night began to show its signs as the sun made its descent. The beautiful colors of the sunset had you sitting on the deck, leaning against one of Nami’s orange trees. The sweet smell almost reminded you of home—or the memory of it.
“Come on, love! We’re almost there!” Your fiance's voice echoed in your ear, and you couldn’t help but laugh. 
“I’m coming! I’m coming!” Picking up the pace, you finally managed to climb up the hill. Out of breath, but you did it.
“Tada!” Looking around, you see a picnic set up under an orange tree, with a view over the entire island as the sun begins to set. 
“Wow…(....) it’s beautiful,” you say as you sit down on the blanket. Looking at the horizon, you can’t help but wonder what lies beyond your small island.
“It is, isn’t it?” The sound of rustling has you turning your head towards your boyfriend. Raising a brow, you watch him fumble with something.
“(....) you okay?”
Your fiance jumped before turning to face you. “Yep! Everythings fine!”
“Okay, if you say so.”
“Yeah, I promise I’m fine! Why don’t we eat?” Letting out a soft chuckle, you simply nod and begin to unpack the food your fiance has brought.
As the two of you ate, warmth bloomed in your chest. If there was a heaven, you were in it. You have never felt so content in your life as you do right now. If only every day could be like this: sitting next to the one you love while watching the sunset.
“Yeah (....)?” Turning your head, your hands fly to your mouth. Your heart beats against your ribs as tears begin to blur your vision. With teary eyes and overflowing love, you watch your fiance get down on one knee.
“Will you marry me?”
The beautiful and heartbreaking memory of the best day of your life flashes in your mind like a movie. Pay to watch, but the payment is heartache and tears. The knowledge that you’ll never be able to feel such happiness and love like that again. No amount of love the Straw Hats give will ever be enough to replace the love you lost that day.
As you watch the sunset and the waves move along the sea’s surface, a feeling of emptiness and loneliness hits you hard. The ache in your heart never stops, reminding you of the pain and damage you’ve caused people by simply being alive—the hell you’ve put people through. Not a second goes by when you don’t think about it. Every moment spent dwelling on what could have been seemingly dissolving what’s left of the woman you used to be.
What once was a lively spirit that grew up shielded by the horrors of the world is now tainted. Not an inch of what used to be remains. You don't recognize yourself when you look at yourself in the mirror. The scars that cover your body like a macabre mural forever remind you that no matter where you go or what you do, a part of Kidd will always be with you—always there to remind you of everything you’ve endured and lost.
The branding you bear on your chest will keep people aware of the Kidd pirates for years to come. Even if they perish tonight or in the next few years, they’ll always be remembered as long as you're alive.
As you feel the breeze brush through your hair, a slight calm rushes through you. It felt as if only for a minute, you were home, breathing in the south blue air. Listening to children laugh and play as they ran through the schoolyard. Couples walking hand in hand and looking at each other lovingly. But now, they were nothing more than memories. 
“(Y/N)? Are you here?”
“I’m over here, Chopper!” The sound of little footsteps coming towards you makes you wipe your watery eyes and sniffle before smiling. “Hey Chopper, how can I help you?”
“I just haven’t seen you since earlier today, and I got worried.”
“Aw.” You grab Chopper before pulling him into a tight hug. You're so sweet. But I’m okay. I’m simply right here watching the sunset.”
“How are you feeling with the baby and using the scar cream? Is it helping at all?” Chopper asks, looking up at you in concern.
“I’m doing fine, Chopper, I promise. And the scar cream helps dull the pain like you said it would. A true doctor sticking to his word.” You smiled at him, causing him to blush.
“Flattery won’t get you anywhere with me!”
Letting out a giggle, you look out to the setting sun. “How about we go eat, huh? I’m sure Sanji has food prepared for all of us.”
With a bit of Chopper's help, you managed to get up from the floor. Taking his hoof in your hand, you walk side by side, both of your shadows hitting the ship's walls. The delicious smell of Sanji’s cooking causes your tummy to rumble. Hopefully, the taste of his cooking will block out the gut-wrenching feeling of doom lingering in the air.
Laughter rang throughout the air despite the tension that surrounded everyone. The impending knowledge of Kidd’s arrival was suffocating. When it would happen was anyone's guess. Robin was on guard at the moment, and with the seas and skies dark, it was almost impossible to see anything outside. Let alone another ship. No moon to light the vast seas. Only stars that were far away for any significance.
“(Y/N), here is that shake you wanted!”
“Oh, thank you, Sanji! That’s so kind of you.” You smile as you take a sip. As you swallow the cold mixture, the sunny always violently, as a loud boom rings throughout the dining room.
“What was that?!” Usopp yelled. Everyone began to rush out of the room. As soon as you go to check, Luffy stops you.
“Stay here. We don’t know if its the Marines or-”
“(Y/N)! Where are you, princess?”
Your blood runs cold as the horrific sound of Eustass’s voice echoes across the Sunny. The insanity inside his voice has the nightmares you endured by his hand flash before your eyes. The pain, the screaming, the blood, and the dark rushing through you.
Running to the window, you see darkness. No sign of the Victoria Punk or Kidd. Running to the other side, you only see the stars. You're sure you heard him. No doubt in your mind you did.
The door busted open, revealing Robin’s panicked face. “They’re here!” Soon, sounds of metal clanking against each other rang across the deck. Peering over Robin's shoulder, you saw flashes of blades and the two figures of Zoro and Killer.
As soon as Luffy sees it, he dashes past Robin and out onto the deck. “Stay here! Robin! Do not let anyone near her!” Robin nodded as he closed the door.
Hearing the battle outside you, your heart goes into overdrive as you hear, through all the violence, the telltale sign of Kidd’s boots hitting the wood of the deck.
Your eyes trail down to the dining room door, where the shadows of feet block some of the light. The smell of sake and metal fills your nose—the same sake that you’ve only ever seen one man drink.
The door to the dining room busts open. Dust spills into the air, making you and Robin cough. Looking in the direction of the now-open doorway, you make eye contact with the amber eyes that haunt your dreams every night.
“Kidd…” You whispered as you covered your mouth. 
Jumping in front of you, Robin stood between you and Kidd. She had a determined look on her face as the sound of his footsteps drew near. “(Y/N) Stay behind me!”
You watched as Robin crossed her arms, getting ready to attack. It felt as if the whole world had ceased to exist at that moment. The only soul left was the man smirking in front of you.
“Nico Robin, eh? Heh, too easy.” Kidd spoke, making your palms turn sweaty as a feeling of dread ate away at you. “I’ve had a lot of time to study you, Straw Hats.” A grin of insanity spread across Kidd’s face.
“Stay back! Don’t you dare move another inch if you want to keep your life!” Robin warns as you see her famous words on the tip of her tongue.
“(Y/N).” Kidd cooed to you. “You wouldn’t want your friend to get hurt, right? So be a good girl and walk over to me.”
“She’ll go nowhere with you!
Kidd’s eye twitched at Robin’s interruption. “(Y/N), you know what happens to people who try and take you away from me. Or do we need to have a repeat?”
Flashes of the night of Heat’s death flash before your eyes as you feel your blood run ice cold. Looking down at his hands, you see the same knife he had used to take Heat’s life. Your heart skipped a beat, and before you could think rationally, the trauma of watching Heat’s passing hit you full force.
Pushing past Robin and moving in front of her, your eyes starting to create tears. “Please, no! Don’t hurt her! I’ll come with you! Just please don’t hurt her!”
“Good girl. I won’t hurt her since you decided to listen.” Kidd smirked and took a step forth.
“Demonnio Fleur!” With wide eyes, you watch as two arms sprout out by Kidd’s head. Both grabbed a part of his head.
Yet just as a slip of hope appeared, you gasped in horror as Kidd’s metal hand grabbed one of Robin’s false wrists, holding it in a tight grip. A sickening crack was heard, and you hear Robin cry out in pain. The limbs holding Kidd’s head disappear as Robin holds her wrist in pain.
Your arm is grabbed, and you're pulled to Kidd’s chest. It wasn’t even seconds later that a cold grip wrapped around your neck. Moving your hand to your neck, you feel cold metal encircling your throat. The feeling of your energy being drained had your inner alarms going off. 
Sea stone.
“Easy. Now, I don’t have to worry about you using that pesky devil fruit power of yours.” Kidd begins to drag you away despite your trying to pry his grip off you and activate your devil fruit powers. But you knew that you were too late; your mind had blocked it out when it all was going down.
Robin once more lifts her arms to invoke her devil fruit powers. “Demoni—” Lifting up his metal arm, he rushes at Robin and throws her into the wall. The sound of her crashing into the wall makes your stomach drop.
“Robin!” You cry as you try to come to her aid, only to be pulled out of the dining room and onto the deck of the Sunny.
Everywhere you looked, there was violence. Zoro and Killer’s blades caused sparks everywhere. Usopp snipped people from above as Sanji fought Wire. Everyone else seemed like a blur as if your world was burning down around you.
“Great. Now let’s go.” With a tight grip, Kidd begins to drag you to the back of the Sunny. There, you saw the Victoria Punk in its horrible glory. As you got closer, the memory of Tashigi’s voice rang in your ears.
“You said Tashigi was still alive! Prove to me you're not lying, and I’ll stop putting up a fight!” Clawing at Kidd’s grip, you try pulling yourself free. But with the sea stone collar, it was a losing battle.
“You’ll see her when we get on the boat. Now stop fighting, and let’s go!” Kidd’s grip tightened, causing you to whimper from the pain. “The longer we're here, princess, the more of your friends get to meet Heat’s fate.”
“No! Leave them alone!”
“Oh, I’ll leave them alone, alright. Right after you back to where you belong.” His tugs got harsher as he practically dragged you to the Victoria Punk. “Down where only I can see. Where you and our baby will be safe and never leave me again.”
His words brought you back to the cold cell you gave away three years of your life, too. Where you’ve been used and abused, even almost killed. The tally marks on the walls and the blood spot that reminds you of your amnesia. The small window that only gave you a sliver of life. It’s existence made to never let you go a day without thinking about it.
“No! I can’t go back! Please! Anywhere but there!” Cries of fear left your throat as you hit and kicked Kidd to try and free yourself. You wouldn’t go back down, and you sure as hell wouldn’t have your child growing up in the dark.
“Stop fighting, damnit!” Kidd’s grip went to your hair, making you yelp in pain. “Now let's go!”
Tears stream down your face as the burning in your scalp grew harsher. With a shaky voice, but at the top of your lungs, you scream. “Luffy!”
“Shut up (Y/N)! Don’t-”
The grip on your hair disappeared as you watched Kidd go flying into some barrels. A familiar smell of rubber hit your nose as you felt an elastic arm wrapping around you. Your heart finally managed to calm only slightly as a familiar straw hat was in your peripheral vision.
“Luffy?” You spoke softly as you felt a wave of relief wash over you. “Thank you…”
A growl left Kidd’s lips as he stood up, and broken splinters of wood fell off him. His eyes met in Luffy’s direction, animalistic rage flashing in them. Cracking his knuckles, you watched him grit his teeth. “Straw hat.”
“Eustass Kidd.”
The tension was thick and heavy. Both boys emitted hatred for the other, one wanting to save while the other wanted to take.
“Bastard…you stole her from me. You took what's mine. You stole her from me.” 
“We saved her from you. There was nothing to steal.” The look in Luffy’s eyes was something you’ve never seen before—hatred and rage that burned brighter than the sun. “If you know what’s good for you, you’ll call off your crew.”
“Not until every Straw Hat falls dead.” Your heart drops as you know Kidd planned to follow through with his threat. “I already took care of that annoying Nico Robin.”
“Liar! Robin wouldn’t lose to the likes of you!” Luffy’s words made your eyes water. While you didn’t know if Robin was alive or not, the fact he even threw her against the wall so violently was enough to flame the fire of your fears.
“(Y/N) stay behind me, go try to hide-”
“Don’t you dare move (Y/N). You don’t want Tashigi to die now, do you?” Kidd’s words made your blood freeze and body still. Even if you heard Tashigi’s voice earlier that day, who’s to say he didn’t kill her after the call? But what if he didn’t? What if she was still alive on the Victoria Punk?
“After I kill this bastard, we’ll save her too (Y/N)! Don’t let his tricks fool you!”
The arguments between Luffy and Kidd felt like hammers against your head. Everything was going on all at once, and it felt as if your brain was going to explode.
It seemed as if Luffy’s words finally broke Kidd because, without a word, Kidd makes his way towards Luffy. His metal arm winded back. A murderous look in his eyes.
“Luffy!” You warn, making him turn around, thankfully in time for him to move out of the way of the punch. He moves you back before pushing his straw hat more onto his head.
And just like that, he lunged into the fight.
Each fighter fighting for their own version of justice. A hero and villain’s final fight. Only one planning to leave alive. 
The crashing sounds of bodies being thrown into objects and the crunching of metal were deafening. Tunnel vision overclaimed everyone in the vicinity. All having a goal that they needed to reach. All the way they came and all they’ve fought for proving itself tonight.
Their footsteps on the wooden deck sounded like thunder, each one loud enough to stop your heart. One step meant one step closer to victory—a victory that’s been fought for almost three years.
Words were spoken on both sides, but neither you could understand. The only thing you could understand was the beating of your own heart in your ears. None of the screams, clashing blades, or footsteps broke out of your trance.
“(Y/N)!” A cold metal arm wraps around you as the smell of cola hits your nose.
Turning your head up, you see Franky grabbing you, a little roughed up but otherwise fine. “Franky?!”
“Don’t worry (Y/N); Luffy’s got this! But for now, we gotta get you somewhere safe.” As you were beginning to move, Franky suddenly stopped.
“Oh no, you don’t!” Kidd’s voice boomed. Once again, the crinkling and crunching of metal could be heard, but so could grunts of pain.
As you look at Franky, you look on in horror as his arms seem to be shrinking in on themselves and shaking violently. Right then and there, you are reminded exactly how devastating Kidd’s devil fruit powers really were.
A snap could be heard echoing on the deck as a part of Franky’s arm flew across the battlefield only to hit Luffy and knock him off his feet momentarily. You scream on in horror as you get an up-close seat to your friend's unwilling amputation.
“Franky! Luffy!” You cried before you fell to the ground. Hitting the wooden deck beneath you. Despite being pregnant, you try your best to sit up only to go speechless as the sound of more crunching metal once again hits your ears. You stare at Franky with a queasy stomach and terror.
Different metal parts of Franky’s body were crunching and shrinking up on itself. That was what you could see. What about the metal on the inside you couldn’t?
Franky falls to his knees, clutching his stomach and chest. Without wasting a second, you move to his aid. Looking desperately for a way to help him.
“Franky! Oh my god! Don’t worry, you’ll be okay!” You stammer as you scan his body, trying to find some miracle button to stop his pain. But there was none.
Turning to Kidd, you see him continue fighting off Luffy, but you can see one of his hands twitching in Franky’s direction. You watch as Kidd balls his hands up in a fist in a quick motion. The second he does, Franky let out a scream of pain. 
“No! Kidd stop, please! You're hurting him!" You wail while panic surges through your body as Franky writhes in pain. “Stop it!”
“You want to save your pathetic metal friend?”
“Yes! Please just stop hurting him!”
“Get on the Victoria Punk.” Kidd’s voice left no room for negotiation. He looked at you with eyes that if you dared to defy it, it wouldn’t be pretty.
“Don’t listen to him (Y/N)!” Luffy exclaimed as he continued to punch and kick at Kidd’s defenses and attacks.
With the sea stone collar around your neck and the baby in your tummy, there was no way for you to fight. Not when you were so weak and vulnerable.
Biting your lip, you look down at the deck beneath you, globs of tears hitting the floor like a thud. “You promise? What if I come willingly, you’ll call of the rest of the Kidd pirates and stop hurting Franky?”
“No…(Y/N) don’t…”
“Don’t! I can beat him, I promise! I can save you!” A barrel flew into Luffy, cutting off his words and crashing into a wall. The sight made you cover your mouth.
“I promise, princess. I’ll call off my crew and leave the cyborg alone. As long as you take my hand and come to me, then we can board the Victoria Punk where you belong.” Out stretching his hand, Kidd gave you a grin that knew he had you right where he wanted you.
Your body and heart tried desperately to stay, but the fear and guilt of everything weighed down on you. The lives lost from his rampage. G-5’s death, Franky’s suffering, and the promise of Tashigi's life being spared if you went with him. But if you didn’t, then Franky and Tashigi would die. More people you cared about dead from his obsession.
With a trembling body and a heavy heart filled with grief, you force your feet to move. Your tears hit the deck beneath you as you got closer and closer. The moment you slowly feel the cold metal of his hand, a shiver runs down your spine.
His hand gripped your tightly as the smile of insanity returned to his lips.
“Good choice, princess.” Pulling you close, you hear him rally back his crew. You watch each pirate run back, wounds and blood on some as they made their way aboard their ship. Killer coming in last behind everyone else. 
“We’ve got our treasure. Now time to go.” With a smirk, Kidd began to lead you to the ship.
“Hey! You're not going anywhere with her!” Footsteps echo along the wooden deck, making you turn your head to see the rest of the Straw Hats rushing towards you.
“No! Stop!” You plead as you try to stop them. “Don’t…don’t come any closer.”
“(Y/N) what are you-”
“I’m sorry.” Tears fall from your face, drenching your shirt in teardrops. “Please forgive me for the trouble I’ve caused.”
Kidd began to lead you away towards the Victoria Punk. “Thank you for doing your best.” You whisper with a trembling lip. A forced smile spreading across your lips as you began to walk up the ramp.
“(Y/N), you don’t have to do this! We can save you!” Looking at them, you gently shake your head. With a quivering smile and blurry vision, you take a final stop aboard the Victoria Punk.
“It’s better this way. No one else will be hurt.”
Tears filled the Straw Hats' eyes as they saw you board the ship and the state of Franky. The overwhelming scene made their world spin as they tried to find the words to say.
As Kidd lifted up the Victoria Punk anchor, you spoke once more—the last thing you could ever say to them.
“Thank you for everything, but just some people can’t be saved.”
Tags: @rebeccawinters @iggy5055 @dairygrrl @childconnoisseur @nerdgeekandeverysweet-blog @menifire1092 @tremendoushorsepatrolgoth @carpinchootaku @misxoxramen @pinkfoxmusic @mizzhellsingsstuff
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ctheathy · 1 year
Yandere Sails Headcanons
Sails x Reader
Yandere Headcanons
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Important information that this takes place after Knuckles the Dread got his hands on the prism shard. His insanity gets confused with Sails’ obsession and it causes the crew to fall apart.
Sails/Reader [Romantic//Platonic]
[Gender-neutral Darling|Female Darling|Male Darling]
Potential ⚠️TWs⚠️ :
Possessiveness • Overprotective behaviour • Implied death • Violence • Attempted drowning • Isolation • Abduction • Jealousy • Assault • Forced affection • Clinginess • Threats • Greed • Demise of important character role
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Sails is somebody who already grew up in a habitat surrounding both adventurous and tricky situations to begin with. He isn’t one to shy away from taking risks and seems to be in constant search for another case he could deem as exciting. The fox can also be seen as quite the daredevil, not backing down from any challenge being put in his way. But aside from all that, he remains to be a good soul. He holds the kindness in his heart his original counterpart has, looking out and caring for his crew while helping in any way possible. He prioritzes the safety of his team, whom he quite literally views as his one and only family and would do a lot to ensure their welfare.
But ... There has seemingly been one weakness stated during his appearances in the show. One that cannot be healed by any method or through other means, not with his doomed fate among No Place atleast. His gruesome despise towards living the same thing over and over again. One that might be the exact little push he needs to create a brief change in the personality of the sweet fox we all grew accustomed to. And which makes him a lot more vulnerable to the idea of him living in a loop. It feels like a curse to him, traumatizing even. He just has his little need for constant new opportunities and adventure, otherwise life would get rather ... Boring to him, an empty and draining feeling eating away at the fox, unable to be cured no matter how much those around him try to cheer him up for it. Which may even be the start of where the now familiar unhealthy mindset and coping mechanisms start to become noticeable in the first place.
Even just meeting him right from the start is going to end up as one hell of a rollercoaster. Him and his crew aren’t prone to trusting those who they just met right off the bat. But in a way, Sails is going to be feeling intrigued by you. He’s never seen anything such as yourself before. You’re... A new experience. The beginning of everything seemed so innocent at first ... Sails allowed you onto the crew’s ship as he practically kept looking for whatever excuse he could get his grabby hands on to prevent you from just being eliminated on the spot. He promised his cooperation on the Captain’s desires, who was currently obsessing over the shard, and that he’d take immediate responsibility for this new scallywag. And him technically being the brains of the team, both Batten and Black didn’t have much to argue against, assuming the decision to be beneficial for all of them.
Oh, were they wrong ...
Right at the start of your temporary stay, you’d be spending most of your time with Sails around the crow’s nest. And for being a mere stranger, he was sincerely ... A curious one to say the least, and he certainly seemed on the excited side as well. He would constantly bombard you with questions for the time being, some really personal ones too ... The mobian seemed rather at ease and shameless when it came to being touchy with you. It had almost been as if personal space and private information was practically meant to be nonexistent in this universe. It made you uneasy. You may have been let onto the ship, but enough strict rules were attached to it that could have easily made it a regrettable decision. Despite figuring if you should just dip and jump off the ship or not, your thoughts were quickly interrupted by the request to meet ... Their captain. But the fox mobian you grew acquainted with in the meantime seemed strangely unhappy and dissatisfied about the fact you were going to have a proper introduction. He’d noticeably cling to your side for the entire meeting, feeling unusually possessive over you. The conduct leaving the rest of the crew to ponder whenever they made a mistake.
Taking a look at his yandere behaviour, it’s important to keep in mind any of the realistic aspects on real pirates and the traits whom they may hold; unmerciful and ruthless ... Stopping at nothing to gain whatever caught the eye. Being a pirate, he’s naturally going to feel lured in by things that could be deemed as shining, and his attraction only goes so far. Unknowingly even having turned into a predatory and power-hungry mobian over time, a part of him who he would have wished to avoid in modern times. But atlas, his greed would noticeably start to grow recklessly, to where at some point he is literally close to unrecognisable.
It’s horrifying to even witness for anyone around, to realise what affects selfishness can have on a once charming and adventurous soul. Even his crew would have no idea what to do with him, as while the growth of his violence and these new boosts of aggressiveness can certainly help during any considerable fights; he grows more and more inattentive torwards them too, finding them to be insignificant. Over time, he starts operating more on his own instead of that with his crew. His selfish and unbeneficial actions speaking for themselves as he slowly grows more distant.
He also deems the others to be delusional whenever they mention his change in literal identity. You could easily notice him growing more confrontational when the topic is brought up, leaving the crew to slowly... Lose hope on him. And the worst part is that the team considers Dread having been preoccupied by the light of the prism shard as reason behind why Sails is behaving the way he is, being the influence behind his sudden changes in behaviour. While realistically, these reasonings are far from connected with one another. But despite this;
That won’t change the fact that a life was lost that day after the abandonment .
As for harm’s sake, he is surprisingly one of the most brutal. Living amongst the ocean limits a ton of the punishments for his doings and it sure has brought in a lot of confidence in getting away with what he does. Something that he had started realising aswell is how it also wouldn’t really require much to keep any of his nemesis in their place. As he takes care of the threat, usually resulting in either just dumping the said problem overboard, leaving the sharks to deal with the defenseless mobian on their own or by simply pushing the razor sharp tip of his cutlass at their throats, being left at his mercy. But he won’t be hesitant to take a darker turn when it includes your sake either.
There’s one of the many, many events you had remembered in particular, one that had gone so unimaginably bad. One that resulted in the use of some more brutal lengths to defeat the said ‘thief’ attempt. The poor creature was being held remorselessly by the calf with Sails’ mechanical hand, an obvious way too tight grip on the leg as they were being left to dangle above the deep oceans. They were being swung around which could have easily caused the breakage of the said limb, all while they were continuously being dunked into the waters with no sign of mercy or regret being visible in the act. Every time they were forced to stay put underwater for longer ... And longer. All while you could do nothing but watch fromout the border of the Angel’s Voyage. You could clearly see the glint in his eyes. There had been a terrifying gleam of insanity in Sails’ once gentle blue eyes. One of pure joy all while he was attempting to drown the victim who was now desperately trying to free themselves from his grasp. It hadn’t been until you yelled at him on the top of your lungs that he quit the torturous deed. But that memory. That horrifying imagery of him yet continues to live on in the back of your mind.
He would likely reach a point where he’d most certainly consider you his treasure ... Making him a whole lot more possessive than his other counterparts. He deems you to be a helpless being in need of his guidance in order to survive the current circumstances you’re in. He knows you’re stuck here and quite frankly have nowhere to go to. And now with the lack of hope and distrust considering the rest of the crew and the absence of a proper captain, he makes sure going to them for help isn’t even an option for you anymore. As you were looking down upon the water’s waves below from the top of the crow’s nest, you knew.
He wasn’t gonna let you go.
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ourrootsgodeep · 1 year
demon on a leash.
(ramsay bolton x oakheart!reader)
a/n: listen i like evil men okay. i do not condone their actions i just think it’s kind of hot and silly and i don’t think that is a problem (it is a problem)
warnings: MINORS DO NOT INTERACT OR I WILL HIT YOU WITH A CAR, ramsay bolton is a warning in and of himself, pre-season 4 of GOT, unprotected sex, oral sex (f receiving), biting, breeding kink, murder, stray pickled eyeball, ramsay is a fucking creep, this could probably be described as yandere, the author is bad at writing smut, this author is bad at writing generally, vague mention of joffrey (disgusting), implied bisexual reader but let’s face it all my readers are bisexual, reader is NOT a virgin and ramsay appreciates it, ramsay is pussywhipped as hell
the ceremony had been beautiful, but it was so cold up there. she had expected her wedding to be warm and summery, but when her mother had betrothed her to the infamous “bastard of bolton,” all her fantasies were dashed.
y/n smoothed the creamy velvet dress as she stood before the fire. the jewels she was wearing caught the light beautifully, glowing amber in the dim atmosphere. ramsay would be there soon, she thought. he had seemed so odd during the ceremony: cold, and charming, and utterly attentive to her. disturbingly attentive, for someone of his reputation. he poured wine for her, cut her meat. his pale gaze never left her for even a second.
a floorboard creaked suddenly, and she whirled around. ramsay stood there, observing her in the firelight. “my beautiful wife,” he said, in his soft, rasping voice.
she curtsied. “husband.”
he crossed the room in three quick strides, taking her hand in his and directing her into one of two chairs at the fireside. margaery tyrell had one like him, she thought. if only she remembered how margaery had said she handled him.
ramsay hadn’t stopped staring at her for even a second. “forgive me, sweet girl, i had some unfinished business to take care of.”
“it’s quite alright,” she said softly, and hesitated before speaking again. “i am sure whatever it was must have been important. i do not begrudge you your time.”
ramsay’s mouth twitched in a faint, amused smile. “i am glad to hear it. incidentally, i have a gift for you.”
he nodded and reached into his pocket, pulling out a small, ornately carved wooden box. y/n took it with murmured thanks and turned it over in her hands, inspecting it carefully. it was carved with oak leaves around the sides, and the flayed man of house bolton on top. as she turned it, she heard a faint thunk inside. she turned to ramsay, feigning delight, dreading what her instinct told her was within. “what is it, my love?”
he raised his eyebrows and smiled cheerfully, but said nothing, merely gesturing for her to open it.
when she undid the clasp and the lid sprang open, a bloody brown eye looked back up at her.
she froze, forcing her face into a faint, impassive smile, her thoughts running through all the people it could be. a friend? a cousin, dear gods, not-
she turned to ramsay, who was grinning delightedly. “whose is it, my love?”
he stood, coming over and leaning over her shoulder, pressing a surprisingly gentle kiss to her shoulder before replying. “one of walder frey’s bastards. he had the nerve to ask me when the bedding ceremony was.”
interesting. maybe she could work with this. “thank you for that, husband,” she said, choosing her words carefully. “i do not wish anyone to see my body, save you.” y/n took his hand from where it rested behind her and pressed his scarred knuckles to her lips, looking up at him and making her eyes large and soft.
he preened under the attention. “good girl.” his voice was low and raspy, pupils blown wide in his pale eyes.
alright, she thought. she could work with this.
king robert’s fiftieth birthday was held at winterfell, and almost everyone was in attendance, from the umbers of the last hearth to the ullers of hellholt and the redwynes of the arbor. even most of the bastards of the great houses had been invited, leaving ramsay standing in a corner while his father spoke with lord flint.
he had hoped to see lady oakheart and her daughter that night. he had heard of lady y/n’s beauty as she grew, remembering her from when they were children. he scanned the room, sneering at jon umber as he noticed him trying to flirt with margaery tyrell, scowling at rickard karstark’s drunken jokes.
he could see theon greyjoy standing off to the side, eying a woman in gold with robb stark. curious, he followed their gaze, and it led him back to her.
he inhaled sharply when he saw her, in soft silks draped carefully over her soft curves, with golden pins and jewels holding it delicately in place. he hadn’t seen her since they were thirteen years old, but in the five years since then, she was a woman.
he could see greyjoy walking over to her, which meant he had to act fast. he crossed the distance between them as quickly as possible, bowing before her as he reached her and noting greyjoy’s annoyance with delight. “sweet lady,” he said, looking back up at her after a moment.
her lips parted in a pretty smile. she looked like a goddess, in a halo of candlelight, resplendent in gold. “my lord,” she said with a slight chuckle.
he stared at her for a moment, his breath catching in his throat before he remembered himself. “would you dance with me?” he asked.
she raised her eyebrows, her voice taking on a teasing lilt. “i don’t even know your name.”
“y/n.” she took his arm gently, allowing him to lead her onto the dance floor.
he settled his hands onto her hips as the slow, elegant song began, delighted to feel the soft flesh so warm under the thin fabric. “how do you find the north so far?” he asked, looking down into her eyes.
“cold,” she replied. “i thought people were exaggerating the summer chill.”
he could see that. her hard nipples were poking through the dress. he wondered what her skin would taste like if he were to lick and suck at the pointed nubs. “i never particularly notice, myself. you get used to it the more you stay up here.”
“are you from here, then?”
“near the dreadfort.” he spun her carefully in his arms, watching her earrings catch the light. her perfume smelled like vanilla and sweet amber. “i’m in service to lord bolton.”
“oh really?” she was so close to him he could feel her breath. he silently thanked the old gods, or whichever gods were out there, for the crowds on the dance floor. “i was betrothed to his son, before he died. lord domeric.”
“were you now?”
“mhm. it was such a tragedy. i did not know him well, but he seemed a very kind man.”
kind indeed. he remembered the slight look of disdain she had had for him when they met. how lucky that she was now available to marry ramsay. “are you betrothed now?” he asked.
“not yet. i’ve had an offer made to me by theon greyjoy’s father, but nothing is settled.”
he clenched his teeth, but kept a straight face. “the greyjoys are an old and proud house. you could do well there.”
“mm, perhaps. too proud for my taste, though. and it’s so dreary there. i would miss my home.” ramsay looked down at her face, eyeing her lips, painted with red ochre. in the candlelight, it looked like she had been drinking blood. “besides, if i were to marry anyone, it would have to be someone like you.”
he had to do a double take to be sure he wasn’t imagining things. he’d been dreaming of that for so long. “you’d what?”
she chuckled, her cheeks flushed. “well, not you specifically. but someone who isn’t the heir of a great house like the starks or the greyjoys, who wouldn’t get in the way of me inheriting my own lands..-.”
she was still talking, but he wasn’t listening. all he could think of was her words. she would have to marry someone like him.
the fire was still crackling in the hearth, but ramsay was uncomfortably silent.
y/n could still feel his pale eyes on her as she stared at the frey man’s eye. he was working at undoing the elaborate braided hairstyle she had been married in, carefully plucking out the pins and placing them on the vanity next to them. “i should go down to the maester tomorrow and get a good jar of vinegar for this,” she remarked, trying to break the silence.
she could see his eyebrows crease through the mirror. “what for?”
“it’ll preserve it,” y/n replied. she tilted her head back and smiled up at him as the last lock of her hair came undone. “so i can keep your sweet gift forever, my dear husband.”
he smiled broadly and kissed the top of her head. “you are the sweet one, little wife.” at least she now knew what seemed to please him.
she stood up, pulling the thick locks of her hair over her shoulder, exposing the laces of her dress to him. “will you undress your wife?” she asked softly.
he let out a noise that was half chuckle, half groan and stepped closer to her. he pressed a lazy kiss to the junction of her shoulder, grazing the soft and delicate skin with his teeth. “i will.”
she saw the power she had over him, he knew that, but ramsay couldn’t bring himself to care. he finally had her, and everything was coming together.
he undid the strings holding her dress carefully, feeling the smooth velvet on his hands. he had been concerned, sometimes, when he was fucking his fist or myranda late at night, that they would be too rough for his pretty darling. he’d heard she liked the pretty boys down south. pretty boys and pretty girls both. his spies had at least been helpful in that regard. but she hadn’t seemed to mind his hands much when he was undoing her hair. he had noticed that she was wearing the same vanilla and amber perfume as at that ball two years ago. the scent permeated her hair, and since he had touched her neck he could smell it on his hands.
she was turning to him now, the firelight catching in her hair and turning it to a halo again. her dress hadn’t yet fallen down.
he noticed her lips moving and blinked, fixing his mouth into a winning smile. “pardon me, love, i wasn’t paying attention. what was that?”
she smiled back at him prettily. “i asked whether you’d like me to undress you, husband.”
he shook his head. “not yet. take off your clothes.”
she inhaled sharply through her nose and let the dress fall.
ramsay looked down at domeric, watching him writhe in his bed.
domeric’s eyes cracked open, watching him approach. “you did this,” he croaked. “you poisoned me.”
“mm. yes, i did.” ramsay shoved his hands in his pockets, taking a seat in the chair at the side of the bed.
domeric coughed. “why? i was always kind to you. you were my brother.”
ramsay laughed harshly. “your bastard brother, as you reminded me every day.” he leaned closer. “you stole my father, my birthright. you tried to steal the woman i love. i stopped you.”
“woman?” domeric frowned. “you love y/n? ha!” he coughed again, glaring up at ramsay with a red-rimmed eye. “you don’t love anyone.”
ramsay smiled at him coldly. “certainly not you.” he picked up a pillow idly, pretending to inspect it closely before standing up and smiling cheerfully at domeric. “happy dreams, dear brother.”
the pillow descended over domeric’s face.
y/n didn’t want to admit it, but ramsay’s words had gotten to her. perhaps it was something to do with the way he said it, in that low rasp, or the way his eyes looked at her so hungrily. the dress slipped down her body, leaving her in her under clothes. she heard him inhale sharply when he saw the sheer, delicate lace chemise hugging her breasts, pushed up beautifully in the corset. she undid the clasps holding it up, heat rising in her belly when he groaned as her breasts fell free.
“on the bed,” he ordered, and she complied, quickly sitting on the edge and waiting for him.
instead of pushing her back and undoing his trousers as she thought he would, he knelt in front of her. she watched his hands closely, watched them pull her legs apart, begin to pull down the delicate lace stockings. she shivered in the new cold against her legs, then shivered again when he pressed a kiss to her thigh, just above her knee. he grinned at her reaction to him, then pounced forward quickly and but down harshly at the tender skin of her inner thigh.
y/n cried out at the feeling of his teeth sinking into her, and ramsay looked up and hushed her gently. “quiet, sweetling. you’re mine now. i get to mark you as i please. i will not hurt you too badly.”
her chest rose and fell in quickened breaths, and she looked down at him with eyes that she knew were blown wide with lust. “i did not say it was a bad pain.”
ramsay laughed darkly, looking up at her like a starving man. “i believe i must be the luckiest man in the world.”
he reached upwards and tore through her smallclothes, ignoring her protests and diving into her core, lapping at it like a man dying of thirst. he nipped slightly at her swollen bud and she moaned his name loudly, reaching down and grabbing a fistful of his hair. he groaned at the mix of pain and pleasure and reached down, using one hand to hold her legs apart and the other to fist his cock. y/n could barely hear it over the rush of blood in her ears, but as she came over his face and tongue she could hear him muttering things like, “so beautiful… wanted you for so long… no one else deserved you.”
she collapsed back on the bed, chest heaving and cheeks flushed. ramsay chuckled softly. “not yet, pet. let me see you.” he pulled her up and took her lace chemise off of her body carefully, setting it aside. finally, he lay her back on the bed, admiring the many bruises and bites that now littered her thighs and shoulders. “are you a virgin?” he murmured hoarsely. at her hesitation, he added, “do not worry, sweet girl, i won’t be angry. you didn’t know yet.”
didn’t know what? she wanted to ask, but refrained. instead, she slowly shook her head. “i am not, no.” he didn’t seem like a person to lie to.
his lips parted in a wide and utterly unexpected grin. “thank the gods.”
he flipped her over onto her belly, manhandling her into the position he wanted on the bed. he raised her hips into the air and climbed up behind her, undoing his trousers and letting his cock spring free. it fell against her center, and he rutted against her a few times, soaking his painfully hard length with her slick and then plunging into her, setting a rough, almost punishing pace from the start. y/n mewled, her hands curling into the sheets and fisting the soft material. he would bruise her hips, she was sure, with how hard he was gripping them, muttering between his grunts of pleasure about how pretty she would look round and swollen with his heir. he reached up and palmed her tits, pulling her backward into his chest and pinching her hardened nipples. “you see these?” he panted, making her whine as the rough pads of his thumbs brushed over her sore flesh. “these will feed my son in a few months, pretty wife.”
y/n’s head tilted back, falling onto his shoulder, exposing her soft neck to him. he bit down at the tender place just under her jaw as he finished, reaching down to rub harshly at the pearl between her legs and making her tremble and squeeze around him as she came, leaving her limp-boned in his arms. he panted harshly for a few moments, letting her collapse back onto him, before carefully pulling out and laying her down on the bed, chest still rising and falling quickly. y/n saw him get up through half-lidded eyes, admiring the muscles of his back as he moved. he rifled through his desk for a moment as she caught her breath before turning back and walking to her, holding something small in his hands.
he looked down at her spread legs, where a few drops of his seed had leaked out of her swollen, puffy cunt. “careful now, sweetling,” he murmured. he used his free hand to push the sticky white spend back inside her, grinning at the whine she let out at the intrusion into her sensitive core. “have to make sure there’s a baby in you by next month.”
y/n nodded sleepily, eyes half shut. she gestured towards the small thing in his hand. “what’s that?” she murmured.
“oh, this?” he held it up. “it’s a collar.” the jewelry was rich, fine gold, studded with rubies and emblazoned with the sigil of house bolton. “do you know what collars are for?”
y/n blinked up at him sleepily, dreading what he was going to say.
“they tell you who owns the bitch, sweet wife.” he caressed her face gently, then pulled her up into a sitting position and fastened the collar around her neck. it sat prettily at the base of her throat, the rubies gleaming like fresh blood. “now, whose bitch are you, my love?”
y/n’s voice was hoarse and quiet from moans and cries and no small amount of fear. “yours, husband.”
“i didn’t quite hear you.” he tugged her head forward until her lips were close enough to kiss. he spoke slowly, emphasizing every word. “who. do you. belong to?” the collar was digging into the bruises on her neck, but y/n looked up at him and cleared her throat. her mind was whirling with fear, with escape plans, with the question of how she was going to survive this. “answer me, my love,” he said again, gripping the collar tighter. y/n’s eyes seemed to clear as a realization came over her, a new plan for survival. she looked up at him with hazy, false, lovesick eyes, and answered him.
“you. i belong to you.”
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The Vampyre’s Bride
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Relationship: yandere male monster x fem reader
You had to admit, the ring that decorated your finger was exquisite.
It was cut like a crimson teardrop, ornate and simple, yet breath-taking. Petal-like jewels of a similar shade decorated the larger piece, and the more you stared, the more you had grown to tolerate the tiny fragment of jewellery.
Though, the reason it was on your finger was why you had to quickly grow to like it.
Your newly taken husband was nowhere to be seen: in the gloomy yet large rooms that framed his manor, he was out of sight, the only sounds coming from passing staff and those of kind he celebrated the event with. Vampyres of all ages: old and wise, lethal yet ethereal.
Fireworks. You could see them from your lonely window, the one you would have to share with your now husband. They decorated the night's sky as you continued to hear laughter and cheers, colours of all shades encapsulating the twilight.
I shouldn't be here. You told yourself, wiping your tears as you had dutifully and quietly during the ceremony. I shouldn't be with these monsters.
The doors poured open with the wind following, the man you recognised in his macabre suit, embellished white trim and flower embroidery. His long dark hair was neatly slicked back, piercing red eyes trailing the room until they landed on you with a wide, sickening soft smile on his pale face.
Cassius was every part a comely young man and monster combined, merging both until it was hard to differentiate the other.
"My love," his voice was silky smooth and low, striding into the room without it even looking like his legs were moving against the ground, floating eerily, "you look otherwordly."
Had he been aware of the tear streaks down your face, how pale and exhausted your struggles had been when you resisted? You stared up at him in horror, dreading his next moves, watching him hawkishly as he moved to sit beside you on the queen-sized bed.
His slender fingers drifted past your neck without any warning, parting your strands of loose hair back as he leaned in towards your flesh, pressing a delicate kiss to you as if his touches were more for a devoted, loving partner than the monster he was.
He paused when he felt you stiffen, clenching the black silks of your wedding dress, knuckles clenched and turning white. "My love, your heart flutters. "
"Yes," You drifted to find your words, to not dare look to see him staring intently at you from your side, thinking to the open window instead, "it is rather drafty tonight, after all, husband."
"I would not know," he mused, running a finger along your arm, the hairs reacting as they raised, pleasing him. "It has been more than two millennia since I was affected by a mere breeze."
You didn't have time to answer when you felt the wind pick up beside you, catching you off guard, a slam from in front as the window appeared miraculously shut, Cassius sitting beside you once more as if he had not moved an inch.
"Now then, how shall I have you tonight?"
"Excuse me?"
"You're my wife, it will not be long until you are like me." He smiled fondly, caressing your cheek carefully, ignoring the dampness of your cheek. "The others are already happy to welcome you to our family. Having you share a drop of my blood will please them more."
"I... can I think about this?" Your words dried in your mouth, trying to seem confident when you looked into his eyes. The blood-red of his pupils scared you rigid, staring as they started unblinkingly back. "This is a big thing after all."
Cassius said nothing at first: as if he hadn't heard you first, slowly watching the vegetation of life fill back into his features and registering your words. "Why, there is nothing to be afraid of." He took your hand into him with some rash strength, stroking the ring he bestowed you with. "You will be exactly like me, and we will be together for the rest of the earth's cycle."
"I miss my family, my friends," you whimpered, and once again, you were crying as you did at the front of the altar, swearing your loyalty to a man who kidnapped you. "When can I go back home?"
"This is your home," Cassius hummed sweetly, "you will join our family and we will be your new one. Forgot about them, they will be dust and weeds in a blink of an eye."
"Shush, my dear," Cassius hugged you to his chest, and the stiffness of his cold body was a reminder to you how you would feel very soon. Cold, dead, lifeless. A life you dreamt of forgotten, "you will ruin your makeup."
You sobbed silently into the ruffles of his coat, feeling the way he stroked your hair lovingly, speaking the same words he did as a promise of loyalty. "You will look so beautiful when I dine on your blood, "It will be painless and quick. You will not feel a thing," "You have so much to look forward to."
You resisted keeping your hands in his, snapping them to rest in your lap and trying to get as far away from him as possible whilst on the bed. The body language alone brought something to click in his mind, watching the clogs move just from the window into his mind.
Something snapped in a flicker of time, and hands were pulling your wrists and your body back into him with some force, staring up in horror to see the unfazed, dead stare. A silent cry fell from your lips as you tried to resist his forceful grip, feeling the way his iron grip didn't falter, the bone in your wrist growing more painful by the second.
"I am a patient man, my love." There was tension in his words as if the resistance and pulling you to him was putting effort into the strain. Your quiet plea fell quiet when he leant to your ear, whispering dangerously low.  "I will have you like me."
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animeyanderelover · 1 year
“It’s a shame I have to cut your beautiful skin.” “Close your eyes so it’ll hurt less.” and “You’ll learn to enjoy it.” Tsukinami Shin but NSFW
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, Nsfw, sadism, blood kink, spanking, degradation, Dacryphilia, sex toys, chains, overstimulation, afab s/o, mentions of past non-con
Prompt 189 + 192+ 193
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Another shriek escaped your throat as you felt his palm meeting your buttock again, your ass cheeks jiggling with the force of his slap, leaving a fresh stinging sensation on the hurting flesh. The chains on your limbs rustled when you flinched, the metal of the cuffs rubbing itself against your raw skin as you were positioned on all four with your forehead pressed against the cool stone wall of the dungeons, your shredded clothes carelessly tossed away on the floor to reveal everything to Shin's gleaming eyes. His hand was tracing over your swollen flesh which was burning and pulsing under his palm. "Hmm, have you kept count for me, my little pet?" he spoke in a jolly tone, nails digging into your cheeks and scratching your hot and painful skin.
"Ei-eighteen slaps so far." you choked out with wobbly lips, tears stinging your eyes as he he used the chance to inflict the next slap on your booty. "How many did we agree on again?" he asked with this sickening mirthful voice of his, not wasting a second as his other hand grabbed your hair and pulled your head up, pulling it back and forcing you to shift on your knees as your back arched and you let out another painful scream as your scalp felt like it was about to be ripped out yet when your hands wanted to fly up to pull his hand away, they were instantly stopped by the chains holding them back.
"That just now was the ninteenth slap, right? Ahh, that means we're nearly done. A little disappointing." His voice dropped the tiniest bit as the man was genuinely upset that he had to stop so soon already when it had just started to be fun, with the skin on your rear sensitive and raw. You could see his face from this angle now, the gleam in his yellow eye making you feel sick to your very core. "Let's give you a good last one then. Be so sweet to count me in, then. Starting from three." he instructed you, tightening his grip on your hair to snuff out any objections.
"Th-three...t-two...o-one!" With no patience to let you finish counting down in between your suppressed sobs, Shin struck out before swinging his hand back to meet your cheeks one last time, the inpact echoing through the dungeon just as much as your scream did. He let abruptly go of your hair, your upper body slumbing down with your temple and cheek pressed against the cold ground, taking deep breaths to try to forget about the pain. The cool air against your nude rear helped a tiny bit to lessen the burning sting, although you couldn't help the goosebumps rising up simultanously on your skin, shivering as a response to the chilling temperature.
"You didn't do as bad as I thought you'd do. You're getting better at handling it."
It sounded almost like he was praising you, his fingertips pressing down in the back of your neck before sliding down your spine, the motion making you shiver. His hand travelled lower and lower, down your ass before eventually brushing over your lower lips. When you felt his knuckles down there, your breath hitched in your lungs as dreadful foreboding filled you. His long fingers felt as cold as ice against your warmth, eliciting another shudder from you against your best attempts to not show it.
"Oh~What's this? For all your protests, you're quite wet down here! You're secretly enjoying this, aren't you?" he laughed out when pushing your labia away, fingers tracing over your hole which had started to produce slick due to the stimulation of the cold air and the pain, to your huge shame and Shin's other delight. Panic shot through you when you felt his fingers tracing around your vagina, memories of previous times where he had forced himself on you flashing before your inner eye. Your legs started trashing around as you tried to get away from him yet it was of no use. Before you could have done anything, he had swung one of your legs over his shoulder and lifted your body up. You had to support yourself with your arms as the rest of your body was lifted above the ground. Your other leg was awkwardly dangling in the air, Shin positioned between your legs with a nice view of your spread pussy in front of him.
"Please don't! Please don't!" you cried out, still trying to scramble away from him, your fingernails dugging harshly into the stones as you tried to pull away from Shin who kept an iron grip on your thigh. "Ah~ don't worry. You'll learn to enjoy it. That's what good whores do after all." he cooed, giggling a bit when he saw the first tears escaping your eyes which you had astonishingly been able to hold back until now. The mere thought of him violating your body again horrified you though. He gave you no time to mentally prepare yourself, not that you could have done so even if he would have been considerate enough to do so, as he shoved three of his fingers inside of you, pressing deep inside until he was knuckle-deep in. You let out a whimpering choke as you felt the burning stretch of the sudden intrusion as your slick hadn't been enough lubrication, leaving your body all alone to accommodate to his three fingers stretching your walls out. You desperately gasped in all the air that you could get as you tried to breathe through the pain yet you should have expected Shin to not give you a moment of break.
He quickly started thrusting his fingers in and out of you, your breath stuttering when you felt his fingers shifting around inside of you, scratching your walls slightly and creating a stinging pleasure that made you whimper, your face heating up as shame flooded you, fully aware of the position you were in right now. Fully naked with your most vulnerable part exposed to Shin, your body betraying you as you felt yourself growing wetter as your walls adjusted to the onslaught of his fingers teasing you.
"See? I told you that you'd enjoy it. I know my slut after all." he beamed brightly as he plunged his fingers in and out, glistening with your arousal as you could hear squelching sounds, pleasure and shame alike burning through your veins. The chains were rustling as your body bounced up and down, your breasts jiggling as the blood was rushing to your head, a slow ache pounding in your temples. It was all too much for you, your position humiliating, your muscles sore as your pussy throbbed with pleasure, hugging Shin's fingers eagerly as they went in and out, your slick coating his hands, allowing him to slip easily in and out.
You protectively laid your head on your hands to not scratch yourself on the stony floor, tears dripping out of your face as pants and reluctant moans and sobs started to slip from your mouth, aware that he'd be displeased if you'd try to hold all noises back. You heard him stuffing back a moan when he picked up the noise of your moaning sobs and bent his head a bit in order to get a look of your face, squished against your palms and sticky with tears and snot.
"You should really look at yourself right now! You look so pathetic! Don't you feel ashamed right now, enjoying yourself even though you wish me to drop dead all the time? In the end, you're just a needy, little hoe who enjoys being treated like this. You love this, my little masochist."
He was laughing whilst spitting those words out, tightening his grip on your leg as he pulled you even further up, the chains on your legs straining, the cuffs pressing painfully against your ankles and forcing a short scream out of you, the pain crawling through your body only to get tangled up with the hot pleasure of being fingered out by Shin. You felt your stomach starting to tighten, a clenching feeling that slowly built up and made your body break out in trembles. Your hands became fidgety, trying to grasp something as if trying to ground you yet there was nothing to hold onto, leaving you with a feeling of despair that bubbled up in your chest.
"You're close, aren't you?" Shin questioned you in a teasing tone, pupil blown out wide as he observed how you pathetically clawed at the floor, unable to handle the growing pressure inside of you, chest heaving fast as your heartbeat quickened. The smell of arousal was wafting thickly in the air as he took greedy gulps of it, twitches of pleasure and want going through his own body as he felt himself throbbing inside his pants, tight and uncomfortable, leaking with pre-cum.
You couldn't hold back another embarrassing moan as you felt his thumb brush over your swollen clitoris, switching back and forth between rubbing pressing against the sensitive bud which elicited a visible shudder from you as the pleasure kept on building higher and higher, tensing your muscles up to the point where it felt like they'd snap at any moment. Violent shivers went through your body when you suddenly felt him scissoring your walls, forcing your insides even further apart as the dull searing of being stretched more returned, fueling the burning lust in your stomach only further. "Cum for me, like the sweet slut you are for me~" he demanded with a false sweet tone before navigating his fingers around to brush against the bundle of nerves inside of you he knew would finish you off.
All the tension snapped the moment he pressed against the spongy spot, pulsing through your body and wiping every thought from your mind, leaving only the drowning pleasure. Ripple after ripple of it shot through your veins, your head bumping against the stones as you forgot how to breathe. Your body went limp as your brain tried to catch up with you, if it wouldn't have been for Shin still grabbing your leg you would have flopped down onto the floor. Your mouth hung open as you sucked in the air, slowly coming back to reality, your chest shaking slightly every time it heaved for another breath. A scratching tingle on your thigh slowly caused your attention to drift back to Shin who was still holding you. Your brain was all over the place as you slowly noted how he dropped your leg, your body making contact with the floor as pain shot through you when you made contact with the rough floor. It felt numb though, endorphins dulling your senses.
He leant over you, grabbed you by your hips and turned you around so that you faced him, grinning down on you. Your face was turned to one side when he slapt you on your cheek, the pain slowly returning as you started to come down. "Come on, that was barely one orgasm and you're already out of it. I haven't even gotten to the good part yet." he told you with an excited gleam in his eyes, his knee pushing against your labia and rubbing against it. You whined when you felt the stimulation against your pussy, still overstimulated and dripping with fluid that quickly soiled his black pants.
Fingers grasped your shoulders and lifted you up like a doll, the one hand that had been plunged inside of you not too long ago smearing your sticky release over your skin as he placed you on his lap where you could feel his bulge against your exposed sex, only two layers of clothes separating you two. His dark pupil had expanded and his breath was ragged, his tongue swiping eagerly over his lips as his eyes rummaged over your naked body and soft skin, unharmed and free for him to scar and hurt.
"Shin-Shin, please wait." you stuttered out as your mind returned to your body and you saw him pulling out a dagger which he twirled excitedly around, eyes flying over your exposed body and searching for a good spot to start. Your hands grabbed the collar of his shirt anxiously as you shook your head, pleading him silently to leave you, let you wallow in your own self-pity. Your distraught expression had the opposite effect as his grin only widened, reminding you of the Cherishe Cat in the tale of Alice in Wonderland.
"You look so gorgeous when you give me such a pathetic look. It only makes me want to see you cry and fall apart beneath me even more."
You yelped when you were pushed down, your back meeting the uncomfortable ground of the dungeons, the rough tiles of stone digging into your skin and pressing against your spine. Your eyes were blown wide as you watched Shin tracing the sharp point of the knife over your body, starting so gently that you could have imagined the touch only to press it deeper and deeper into your skin. You held your breath when he traced it over your chest, eyes quivering and following every movement, whining when the knife started scratching your skin, although not deep enough to see blood.
"It's a shame I have to cut your beautiful skin. Don't you think so too?"
Before you could consider a reply, he pushed the tip of the knife deep into your skin, drawing a bleeding cut as long as yout thumb right over your chest. It wasn't enough to make you scream but it draw a silent whimper from you, a hiss the moment his tongue darted over the cut and dug into the minor wound purposely to make it sting.
"You taste so sweet." he cooed mockingly before he smeared your slick over the cut, the sticky substance by now cold and only adding to the stinging burn. You felt disgusted when he eagerly licked it clean, loving the mix of your fluids together. Your mind was partially taken off when he thrusted his clothed bulge against your own exposed vagina, painfully hard and erect with the desire to push into you. Shin wanted to wait for a bit longer though, forcing his hips to stop rutting into you as he took a few breaths, dizzy with the taste of you on his tongue. He let go of your shoulders as he crawled down to come face to face with your wet pussy, taking greedy inhales of your release as he grabbed your thighs and pushed them apart to get better access, yellow eyes scanning all the faint scars he had already left on them as the metal of the dagger was poking against the flesh of your leg.
His tongue darted over an older bite mark of his, revealing his sharper teeth and scratching the surface of your skin with them. You instantly tensed up under his fingertips, the sensation a by now familiar one for you. He snickered when pleads started stumbling from your lips, afraid of the sharp and invasive pain that always came when his teeth broke through your skin.
"Close your eyes so it'll hurt less. I'm merely starting so you'd better get used to it."
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