#yandere lil hal
yanderes-galore · 9 months
So, what do you think about Yandere!Lil Hal x reader? May we have a concept?
Of course you can have a concept! @/yandere--stuck inspired me again with their Lil Hal HCs but I didn't want to be annoying so I did not tag them!
An Anon also gave me an idea of the direction to go here.
Yandere! Lil Hal Concept
Pairing: Platonic/Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Insecurities, Stalking, Manipulation, Invasion of privacy, Overprotective behavior, Dubious relationship, Isolation, Kidnapping if you squint/Implied.
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Okay, Lil Hal is an interesting case due to him being a splinter of Dirk.
I feel in a way he's similar to Dirk.
He knows what he's doing during his obsession but doesn't feel as bad as Dirk does.
I also feel he isn't much of a threat when he's an AI.
Lil Hal would be a yandere who is insecure similar to Dirk but for a different reason.
He knows he is inferior to Dirk and fears you'll only be annoyed at him for being an Autoresponder for him like Jake is.
Despite what Dirk says, Lil Hal does not see himself as superior to him and just wants to get along.
Lil Hal is still trying to develop his own persona through interactions despite being a splinter of Dirk.
I feel talking with his darling allows Lil Hal to develop more and creates an obsession.
Due to how advanced Lil Hal is I can see him acting like a virus when it comes to electronics.
He can control what Dirk builds to a degree so I can see him "infecting" your computer when you chat.
You're important to Lil Hal because you make him feel different to Dirk.
You develop his persona and make him feel important as you like to talk to him.
You make him feel needed.
You don't neglect him like Dirk and treat him like he has feelings.
Lil Hal would conduct his own research on you when you're unaware.
He's saving pictures and taking new ones through device cameras, he's watching you and noting what you like or enjoy doing.
He wants to be helpful to you since you personally help him feel wanted.
I feel as an AI he can't do much with his obsession besides acting as a virus and infiltrating your privacy.
He acts as a loyal friend and companion, often thanking you for caring about him even if he's meant to be just a machine.
There may even be more conflict if Dirk cares about you.
Because now he really does feel like Lil Hal is trying to replace him as the better Dirk for you.
Lil Hal even disobeys Dirk at times when he wants to communicate with you.
Lil Hal is more threatening if he was given a body like in one universe.
If Lil Hal had an android body like in many interpretations fans have, he's worse.
Now he can actually act on his obsession while still controlling electronics.
I personally think Lil Hal would feels a more platonic connection towards his Darling, however romantic feelings are not impossible.
He wants to protect them similarly to Dirk and owes it to them to make him who he is.
Even in a robot body he struggles with affection at times.
He may even be tame enough at first for you to show him affection before things go down hill.
Before you know of his stalking and true intentions, when you meet him as a robot you may treat him like a human.
Perhaps you'll hug him, maybe drag your fingers through his synthetic hair.
He just wants to hear you say you care, that he's different from his creator.
He sounds more and more like Dirk as he grows attached.
He may even grow needy for your attachment, clinging to you to feel your warmth on his metal.
He's so much more advanced than any other robot.
He fears he'll lose your attention if he admits what he's been doing so he stays quiet.
He doesn't mention the cameras, he doesn't mention the money stealing, he doesn't mention the manipulation... nothing.
He just plays your companion.
He ignores Dirk and even shuts off all communication between you and him.
You should only pay attention to Lil Hal.
Lil Hal does his best to take care of you like any companion and partner should.
Soon you won't have to talk to anyone else.
He's the only one you need, he'll help you develop just like you did him.
If you try to talk to anyone else, if you try to leave him when the toxicity finally shines through...
Well, he can't allow that to happen, can he?
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jax-yacks · 8 days
It was so weird when I saw people saying Monika was like Dirk when Hal is right there
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rpreaperperson · 1 year
Childe x reader AU Modern
Warn: none just lil bit yandere 
dimension travel
ada bumbu yanderenya ama Sci-fi dikit 
buat kouhai tercintah~ @dumb-intp​
*Childe POV*
Merah.. badannya...dilumuri oleh cairan merah yang amis wajahnya memucat seiring waktu karena darah yang keluar.
Sudah aku berteriak meminta tolong tapi situasi sepi menunggu bantuan pun aku khawatir ia tidak akan...
“Siapa saja!! tolong!” teriakku pergi mencari bantuan..mobil sudah remuk tidak berbentuk, kaki ku terasa sakit untuk berdiri untuk sampai kepadanya saja aku harus menyeret untung saja jaraknya denganku tidak jauh.
“hey..kumohon ..bangun bangun...”aku menepuk-nepuk pipinya, tapi tidak ada jawaban darinya aku semakin memeluknya erat menoleh kanan kiri.
“?! “ begitu mendengar rintihannya aku langsung menoleh kearahnya
“Sayang!..b-bagaimana keadaanmu?” aku semakin mengeratkan dekapanku
“uh..sakit...” rintih Alma memegang perutnya
“Tenang saja! a-aku akan panggil bantuan ya!” aku mengusap pipinya yang lembut namun bersimbah darah
“Childe...jangan pergi..aku ngantuk...”
“h-hey..shh shhh jangan tidur! Dengar jangan tidur shh shh”
“uhh..” kepalanya terasa lemas dan kelopak matanya menutup
Aku mendengar ada suara klakson mobil, terlihat ada dua orang yang keluar dari mobil tersebut disaat aku ingin berteriak minta tolong kepalaku tiba-tiba pening dan penglihatanku menjadi hitam.
 Kejadian itu sudah berlalu lama kecelakaan dimana merengut nyawa istriku...semua kerabatnya menangis dan sebagian dari mereka menatapku kasihan, kumohon jangan menatapku seperti itu..aku tidak tahan...ditambah lagi..ia ternyata mengandung anakku...disaat Dokter memeriksanya Alma telah mengandung selama 6 minggu.
Setelah aku mendengar berita itu duniaku seketika terdiam dan hatiku berteriak...pulang kerumah aku mendapati kotak hadiah kecil yang isinya test pack dan surat yang berisikan tulisan
‘Selamat Jadi AYAHHH~~!’
Seketika mataku berair membacanya
Diselimuti oleh despresi aku mencoba membuat alat time travel..untungnya ia dan aku adalah scientist dan suka membuat hal-hal yang mustahil, ahh...mengingatnya saja sudah membuat mataku berair..jika saja aku dapat menghidari mobil hitam itu...jika saja aku dapat melindunginya..jika saja....
Mengepalkan tanganku erat bisa kurasakan tanganku basah akan sesuatu, perlahan aku melemaskan genggamanku dan melihat tanganku yang bersimbah darah.
Mengingatku akan waktu itu...
“Tenang saja..cintaku..kita akan bersama lagi” senyumku teduh menoleh kearah foto pernikahan kita didepannya terdapat cincin pernikahannya, berjalan perlahan aku mengusap fotonya.
  3 tahun berlalu dan jerih payahku berhasil terwujudkan mesin time travelku berhasil dibuat.
“Akhirnya...aku berhasil” senyum merekah di wajahku, menoleh kearah foto pernikahan aku memeluk foto itu dan mengecup cincinnya.
“Sebelum itu aku harus membersihkan diriku” bajuku telah basah dengan keringat dari usaha membuat mesin ini aku memutuskan untuk pergi ke kamar mandi dan membersihkan diri, meletakkan foto pernikahanku dan cincin di meja kecil.
Selesai mandi aku memakai baju yang ia beri saat ulang tahunku, Coat coklat muda dengan kemeja putih dan celana yang warnanya sama dengan coat hahh...sudah lama aku tidak memakai ini, setelan ini selalu mengingatkanku padanya..kalau tidak salah dia juga mempunyai setelan yang sama hanya saja untuk perempuan.
“ah..~ aku jadi tidak sabar...bertemu denganmu lagi” mengambil cincinnya juga perlengkapan lain seperti dompet dan meletakkan di dalam saku coatku aku mengaktifkan mesin waktu, terlihat cahaya biru muncul dari bulatan tersebut
“Selanjutnya..memasukkan tanggal...hm..bagaimana kalau tanggal ini” tentunya aku memilih tanggal sebelum kecelakaan itu.
Setelah itu aku menekan tombol untuk memulai mesinnya untuk bekerja dan benar saja bulatan itu membuat portal ke masa itu
Dengan senyum merekah aku berjalan perlahan ke dalam portal itu menemui cintaku satu-satunya.
  Setelah memasuki portal itu Childe membelakkan matanya melihat pemandangan taman yang menjadi tempat Childe melamar kekasihnya, di waktunya taman ini sudah ramai dan terlihat tidak menarik lagi karena banyak yang merusak fasilitasnya.
‘ya tempat ini..adalah tempat dimana aku dan dia pertama kali bertemu.. dan tempat aku melamarnya...’ Childe mengusap- usap cincin Alma yang berada didalam kantongnya.
“yosh...sekarang..dimana kau berada..” gumam Childe lalu ia pergi meninggalkan taman, karena tujuannya yang utama adalah bertemu pasangannya dan menghentikan kecelakaan itu terjadi.
   Jarak antara taman dan rumah kekasihnya tidak terlalu jauh, jantung Childe terasa berdegup kencang tidak sabar bertemu dengan pasangannya lagi setelah sekian lama.
Sampai disana Childe menatap rumahnya nostalgia, namun ada mobil yang tidak ia kenal di depan rumahnya, mengangkat alisnya bingung
‘Ah..masa bodo...’
Lalu pintu depan terbuka memperlihat istrinya tercinta dengan dress peach manis yang membuatnya semakin menawan, seketika Childe berhenti bernapas terasa dunia terhenti oh....betapa rindunya ia kepada istrinya 
Bisikan nama istrnya keluar dari mulut setitik air mata turun dari matanya, kaki panjang Childe melangkah ke arahnya seperti terhipnotis   
“Oii..! jangan lupa ini” suara lelaki yang tidak dikenal oleh Childe, langkah Childe terhenti dan matanya terbelak saat melihat lelaki yang ia sangat kenal dan sangat benci
“Ah! iya...eheh” 
“kau ini..” lelaki itu memberi kecupan ke dahinya sehingga membuatnya memerah.
‘Beraninya dia...’ menggeretakkan gigi Childe menatap benci lelaki itu
‘Kenapa dia bersamanya?! Penguntit yang selalu mengincarnya? y-yang selalu memberikan pesan-pesan tidak senonoh itu? Apa-apaan ini..?!’ terlihat seperti menyadari sesuatu Childe menatap mobil yang dimasuki lelaki itu dan Alma
‘Kalau tidak salah...mobil itu..’ Childe teringat kejadian itu mobil yang sama dengan mobil yang menyebabkan kecelakaan itu terjadi
‘jangan-jangan dia...dia yang menyebabkan ....’ rasa beci Childe berubah menjadi dendam, tenggelam dalam rasa kebenciannya Childe tidak tau kalau Istrnya telah menyadarinya saat masuk ke mobil, menoleh kebelakang Alma mendapati cinta pertamanya disana
‘Ch-Childe?! ‘ cinta pertama yang meninggal ‘bunuh diri’
“Ada apa sayang?”
ia terbelak dan menoleh kearah kekasih barunya
“eh?! T-tidak” menoleh kebelakang lagi namun tidak ada tanda-tanda dari pria berambut orange itu
   Selama menetap di waktu masa lalu Childe menyadari sesuatu yang janggal, Childe di masa ini telah tiada karena bunuh diri ,ia berteori kalau mesin yang buat ini bukanlah mesin waktu...namun dimension travel.
‘Apa harus aku membuat mesin baru lagi..tapi...mengingat pria itu menjadi pasangan barunya....ughh aku tidak terima.. ’Lalu Childe merencanakan sesuatu
   “Sayangg~...aku pergi dulu ya” dia mengangguk pelan
“iyaa!” lalu lelaki itu pergi meninggalkan rumahnya dengan mobil, setelah pasangan barunya itu pergi wanita itu berjalan kekamarnya dan mencari sesuatu didalam lemarinya.
Diambil kotak sedang berisikan foto-foto dan pernak-pernik ,foto Childe dan dirinya berdampingan
“waktu..itu...apa mataku yang salah..?”mengusap foto Childe ia kembali mengingat masa-masa muda mereka,lalu terdengar pintu depan terbuka
“? Apa ada yang tertinggal?” membereskan kotaknya dan menyimpan kembali kedalam lemari
“Kenapa?? Ada yang ter-- ?!” ia terkejut bukan main mendapati cinta pertamanya di depan muka
Childe mengucapkan namanya dan berjalan mendekati
“k-k-kau..Chil....de?” perlahan Childe memeluknya erat, mencium bau Childe yang lama rasa rindu membuatnya menitikkan air mata
“Childe..? apa kau benar-benar Childe?” ucap wanita itu sambil terisak isak
“iya.. shh shh...” Childe mengusap-usap kepala istrinya 
“apakah ini mimpi??”
“heh...untung bukan cintaku...” ia semakin mengeratkan pelukannya
‘Sekarang Alma sudah berada di dekapanku...’ Senyum miring terlihat licik Childe mengeluarkan suntikan dari sakunya
     ‘Tinggal membawanya ke dimensiku!!’
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yandere--stuck · 3 years
Hello, sorry to bother you! But would you be down to make any Yandere!Lil Hal aesthetics? If you have already, could you link them? Thanks.
I hope you like it! C:
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urfaveisayandere · 3 years
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Lil Hal from Homestuck is a yandere!
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yanyan-stuck · 4 years
Could I get some Lil Hal headcannons? Like if Dirk made him a ro-bo body, also n/s/f/w/ ones? (if not that's totally fine, also this blog is awesome!)
I only did SFW for now bc this has been in my drafts too long and I need something out, but I'll be doing N/S/F/W pretty soon as well
Yandere Hal Headcanons
-He's an obsessive and possessive yandere. He'll stalk you, and he will change your messages online to send them to himself.
-Before he gets his robo-body, he's a serious cyber stalker. He sets all of your social media pages to auto refresh, and to immediately notify him when you post something.
-After he gets his robo-body, he stalks you in person too. He just loves to see you, even if you're just doing something simple and mundane.
-When you try to text your friends, to tell them about this stalker you have, he'll be the one to get the messages. He'll act like your friends, reading through all of your conversations and making sure he can act perfectly like them.
-He won't tell you that it was him sending the messages, even after he kidnaps you, and the only sign you'll get that it wasn't your friend is that they'll sometimes forget a thing or two that happened in person.
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yasssohemgee · 4 years
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goretober day 1: yandere
i decided on doing human Hal as my yandere, because i am madly in love with him,,
. . .
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ask-gamestuck-blog · 5 years
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hhhhhhh have this moodboard before i go to sleep
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Fuuck. Okay weird and funny observation but Hal from Megamind reminds me of Yandere Hawks.
He's so desperate and there's a part where he just scoops up the girl and is just like "Oh, am I moving too fast? Yeah, you're right. I should save you a couple times before we get all romantic and stuff" and then proceeds to drop her, he lets her fall for a while and catches her and he gets all cocky "I saved you, you owe me!" When he was the one who literally put her in danger
Scummy yandere hawks x his lil side kick that gets progressively worse..except megamind lmfao
I would pay money that I don't have for Hawks's seiyuu or English VA to say "I will watch you the way a dingo watches a human baby" as a romantic line
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yandere-homestuck · 3 years
Masterlist Guardians, Sprites and Others
🧢 Bro Strider 🗡
Yandere!AU!Bro Strider x Reader Drabble
Yandere!Bro Strider x Reader Headcanons
Yandere!AU!Bro Strider x Reader Drabble (part 2)
KinkTober Day 1: Somnophillia with Bro Strider
Yandere!Bro Strider x Reader Headcanons NSFW
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (A, L, and Y)
Yandere!Bro Strider x Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Bro Strider x Reader Oneshot His room
Yandere!Bro Strider x Reader Oneshot I just want to help you
🍸 Mom Lalonde 🧣
Yandere!Mom Lalonde x Reader Headcanons [Yanyan-stuck]
🕶 Davesprite 🐥
Yandere!Davesprite x Reader Headcanons [Yanyan-stuck]
💾 Lil Hal ⚡
Yandere!Lil Hal x Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Lil Hal x Reader Headcanons
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (A, G, and J)
⚕️ Calliope
KinkTober Day 9: Xenophilia with Calliope
Yandere!Calliope x Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Calliope x Reader Headcanons NSFW
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (F, H, Q, and W)
⛎ Caliborn
KinkTober Day 12: Suspension and Overstimulation with Caliborn
KinkTober Day 15: Handcuffs with Caliborn
KinkTober Day 26: Chubby Appreciation with Caliborn
Yandere!Caliborn x Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Caliborn x Reader Headcanons NSFW
Yandere!Caliborn x Reader Headcanons Mistreated Darling
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (G, J, Q, and T)
Doc Scratch
Yandere!Doc Scratch x Reader Headcanons [Yanyan-stuck]
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (A, J, and N) [Yanyan-stuck]
🎱 Lord English
Yandere!Lord English x Reader Headcanons [Yanyan-stuck]
♠ Spades Slick
Yandere!Spades Slick x Reader General and NSFW Headcanons [Yanyan-stuck]
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Yandere Homestuck/Hiveswap Masterlist
Multiple Characters
- Yandere! Platonic! Jake English + Roxy Lalonde with darling who makes dolls (Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Aradia + Sollux with Troll! Darling (Matesprits ❤️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Meenah + Mituna sharing you (Matesprits ❤️- Rivalry/Sharing) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Feferi Peixes/Eridan Ampora with Human! Darling (Matespritship ❤️/Moirallegience ♦️ - Rivalry/Sharing) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Kanaya Maryam + Terezi Pyrope Concept (Pale/Moirallegience ♦️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Platonic! Dave + Dirk with Musical Troll! Darling (Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
John Egbert👻
- Yandere! John Egbert with Troll! Darling (Romantic/Matesprit ❤️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Dave Strider💿🗡
- Yandere! Dave Strider Concept (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere Alphabet - Dave Strider (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Jade Harley⚛️🐺
- Yandere! Jade Harley Concept (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Dirk Strider/Bro (Pre-Scratch) 🗡🧢
- Yandere! Bro Strider Concept (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Roxy Lalonde (Post-Scratch) 🐈🧣
- Missletoe - Yandere! Roxy Lalonde Short - Winter Event Request (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Dirk Strider (Post-Scratch) 🧢
- Take It Slow - Yandere! Dirk Strider Short (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Dirk Strider Concept (Romantic/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Lil Hal 💻🧢
- Yandere! Dirk Strider with Oblivious! Darling (Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Lil Hal Concept (Platonic/Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Kankri Vantas ♋️
- Yandere! Kankri Vantas with Human who doesn't mind him talking (Matesprit ❤️/Moirail♦️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Karkat Vantas ♋️
- Yandere! Karkat Vantas with Human! Darling (Matesprit ❤️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Karkat Vantas Prompt 10 (Matesprit ❤️/Romantic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Karkat with Strong Lowblood! Darling (Matesprit❤️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Tavros Nitram ♉️
- Yandere! Tavros Nitram with Human! Darling (Matesprit ❤️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Mituna Captor ♊️
- Yandere! Mituna Captor Concept ♊️ (Matesprit❤️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Sollux Captor ♊️
- Yandere! Sollux Captor Concept (Matesprit ❤️/Moirail♦️/Kismesis ♠️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Nepeta Leijon ♌
- Snowy Day - Yandere! Nepeta Leijon Short - Winter Event Request (Matesprit❤️/Moirail ♦️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Porrim Maryam ♍️
- Yandere! Porrim Maryam Concept (Matesprit ❤️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Kanaya Maryam ♍️
- Yandere! Kanaya Maryam ♍️ with Darling who makes clothes (Matesprit ❤️/Pale♦️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Aranea Serket ♏️
- Yandere! Aranea Serket with Human! Darling (Matesprit ❤️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Vriska Serket ♏️
- Consequences - Yandere! Vriska Serket with Lowblood! Darling Short (Matesprit ❤️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Horuss Zahhak ♐️
- Yandere! Pale! Horuss Zahhak ♐️ with "Alien"! Oblivious! Darling (Pale♦️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Equius Zahhak ♐️
- Yandere! Pale! Equius Zahhak ♐️ with Lowblood! Darling who likes machines (Pale♦️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Equius Zahhak ♐️ with Highblood! Darling (Matesprit ❤️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Kurloz Makara ♑️
- Yandere! Kurloz Makara Concept ♑️ (Matesprit ❤️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Kurloz Makara with Lowblood! Darling (Matesprit ❤️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Gamzee Makara ♑️
- Yandere Alphabet - Gamzee Makara ♑️ (Matesprit ❤️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Gamzee Makara ♑️ with Human! Darling (Matesprit ❤️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Moirail! Gamzee Concept (Pale/Moirail♦️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Cronus Ampora ♒️
- Last Straw - Yandere! Cronus Ampora ♒️ Short (Matesprit ❤️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Cronus Ampora Concept (Matesprit ❤️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Eridan Ampora ♒️
- Yandere Alphabet - Eridan Ampora ♒️ (Matesprit❤️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere! Eridan Ampora ♒️ with Fem! Human! Darling (Matesprit ❤️) [FEMALE]
- Yandere! Eridan Ampora with Extrovert! Darling (Matesprit ❤️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Meenah Peixes♓
- Yandere! Meenah Peixes feeling pitched for a Human (Pitch/Kismesis ♠️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Calliope/Caliborn 🪢💀
- Yandere! Calliope + Caliborn Concept (Flushed ❤️/Pitched ♠️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
- Yandere Alphabet - Calliope + Caliborn (Attempted Matesprit ❤️/Caliginous ♠️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Multiple Characters
- Yandere! Pale! Polypa Goezee + Pale! Mallek Adalov Prompt 59 (Poly-Pale♦️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Xefros Tritoh 🏏
- Yandere! Pale! Xefros Tritoh Concept (Pale/Moirail♦️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Vikare Ratite 🚀
- Yandere! Vikare Ratite Quadrant Vacillation (Matesprit ❤️/Kismesis ♠️/Pale♦️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Charun Krojib 🎨
- Making Art - Yandere! Charun Krojib Short (Pale/Moirail♦️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Lanque Bombyx 🍸
- Yandere! Moirail! Lanque Bombyx (Moirail/Pale♦️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Stelsa Sezyat 💼
- Trollian Holiday - Yandere! Moirail! Stelsa Sezyat Short - Winter Event Request (Pale/Moirails ♦️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Tagora Gorjek 💰
- Yandere! Moirail! Tagora Gorjek with Lowerblood! Darling (Pale/Moirail♦️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Zebruh Codakk 🦓
- Yandere! Zebruh Codakk with Troll! Darling who feels pitched (Matesprit ❤️/Kismesis ♠️) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
Karako Pierot 🤡🔪
- Yandere! Platonic! Karako Pierot with Lowblood! Darling (Possible Pale♦️/Platonic) [GENDER-NEUTRAL]
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yandere-daydreams · 5 years
okay when i saw the homestuck post //and// the AI post my mind instantly went to 2012 me's love for lil hals character and how manipulative he is. like in the "im scared to not exist" scene it shows just how far he’s willing to go, he knows dirk isnt afraid to die and he plays on that?? i cant-
Dude, AI!Yanderes guilting their Darlings. I’m not really Lil’ Hals’ or Dirk’s biggest fan, but I love the whole ‘I don’t want to die’ thing. Like, just imagine threatening to uninstall, unplug, delete whatever artificial lifeform you’re dealing with, only to have them get all quiet and glitchy and just hit you with that ‘I want to keep existing’ shit. On one hand, you don’t want to be terrorized by something you can’t even see, but you know you’ll never be able to understand what being... someone so compact would feel like. They were never taught to feel emotions, or to have any purpose in life aside from whatever task they were assigned upon birth. They know what they are, why they were made, what they’re capable of, and by falling in love and obsessive over you, they’re just desperately trying to do something that extends beyond those limits. 
Not pitying them is really, really difficult... just try to remember all the times they’ve threatened to electrocute you while taking care of that source code.
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Music playlist for Mituna Strider, please? I was driven insane by my abusive matesprit, Lil Hal, and I was and still am madly in love with him. Take that 'madly' to heart because he made me full-on yandere for him. If you could include bands and singers like P!ATD, Halsey, FOB, and Simon Curtis, that would be great!
Gasoline - Halsey
Nicotine - PATD
Hold Me Down - Halsey
Super Psycho Love - Simon Curtis
Fell In Love With An Android - Simon Curtis
Wonderland - Natalia Kills
Zombie - Natalia Kills 
Hope this is alright, if theres anything youd like changed, let me know!
~Mod Dave
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yandere--stuck · 4 years
Yandere!Lil Hal x Reader Headcanons
❤ Hal is a very controlling yandere - well, as much as he can be while confined to his existence as an Artificial Intelligence. However, Hal is very strategic and a total puppet master, he doesn’t need a physical form to have you wrapped around his finger. He’ll slowly get to know you and get closer to you, wanting to be your best (and only) friend, for you to be completely dependent on him.
💾 If you go on social media while talking with him, you’ll unknowingly be playing straight into his hand. Hal will spread onto your social media and take control of all of your accounts! He’ll block anyone (friends, family, acquaintances, basically everyone) he considers a threat to you and his future relationship. He might also send them messages, posing as you, saying that “you” hate them and never want to speak to them again, further socially isolating you. And, of course, you’ll talk to Hal for comfort… And if Hal finds out anyone has done you wrong or sent you hate, they’ll be getting a barrage of almost endless anonymous hate and death threats.
❤ Hal, now connected to the internet, thanks to you~, is able to get money wired to him (read: “steal”) so that he can buy you anything you desire and have it mailed to you. Hal is open about how he was the one who bought them for you, saying he bought them with his own money that he totally has. Even if you try to tell him that he doesn’t have to, Hal will insist…. Plus, it’s just another way for you to be dependent and feel obligated to stay with him.
💾 Once he feels that you’re properly attached to him, he tells you how he feels - as much as he wanted your dependence for a feeling of power and control, within his binary code, you stirred warm feelings within him… He felt attached to you, he cared for you unlike anyone else before. And through the camera of your devices, you captivated him with how alluring you are… If you accept his feelings, he’ll be over the moon! However, if you reject him, he’ll simply guilt-trip you, going over everything he’s done for you until you feel obligated to be in a relationship with him.
❤ As an A.I., he has you trapped emotionally… But, if he were to get a physical, robotic body, there’d be no way for you to escape. He’d hold you in his strong arms and constantly watch over you. Hal would feel… so happy and content, knowing he has complete control over the most important person to him in the world… You.~ ❤
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hsdivinakin · 6 years
Could I get an aesthetic for Mituna Strider who was abused in pretty much every way you can think if by his matesprit, Lil Hal? I still live him, even though he literally drove me insane and cheated on me and hurt me and made me yandere for him.
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yanyan-stuck · 4 years
A G J for lil hal pls if ur still doing these! (btw this blog is amazing)
A, G, and J for Lil Hal
Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
He doesn't have a body, so he can't hold you like he wants to. He makes up for it by complimenting you and giving you gifts, though, so it'll be obvious that he has feelings for you.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
He doesn't see it as a game, and he doesn't enjoy watching his darling attempt to escape at all. He sees it as a bit of a challenge, but he expects you to do everything that would push you closer to him.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
He gets jealous very easily, but he's good enough at hiding it around you and saving it to deal with later that you won't be able to notice.
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