#yandere lu fierce deity x reader
yourlocaltreesimp · 3 months
hello! I read your yanlinks and wanted to know if can be possible some hc of the links (+deity and dark link) with darling taking mask as their child? like I always wanted to hug and punch the goddess for what the poor kid suffer, imagine that traumatized kid just being take of that doomed world and just the reader just ‘this my child now, he will have the childhood all of you deserve but had’ so they better accept it. sorry :( if you can’t is okay
ofc i can do this
thank you for sending this in-
so i didn’t do headcannons (so sorry) but I’ll definitely write more with mask ((i had too much fun)) and could make hcs!!
Also, funfact, my hotel had to evacuate while i was writing this
TW: Yandere content
There are few times you were separated from the chain anymore. As the trip progressed and their mental states began to spiral, you began to notice more and more how much they’d begun to infringe on your time. There was always one of them there, vying, hoping, tripping over themselves if they could just be of use to you. It was because of that you couldn’t leave. There were always eyes on you and a hand lingering somewhere on your skin.
A loving quirk, you may call it.
And you’d be willing to dismiss it if it were simply a matter of chance— there are plenty of them and one of you, it seems perfectly reasonable there’d be someone near you at all times… right?
The time you’d returned from bathing without telling them only to find Wind backed into a tree explaining he didn’t mean to lose sight of you says that thought is wrong. Time hardly ever yelled. Never at you and never again in your presence, but you’re reminded thinking back to that just how dangerous these boys are beneath their sweet smiles and reverent gaze.
And you may think that they simply wish to protect you. The woods are dangerous, afterall. The woods crawl with creatures that intend to bite. To take you and harm you.
Wind spent the rest of that night crying and huddled into you. He had not much more than a sliced lip, but he certainly was shaken. The others didn’t do much to hide their glares, after all they were justified.
Weren’t they?
They just wanted to keep you safe.
It’s exactly those prior events that made this specific circumstance so… unsettling.
You were alone.
The woods were quiet.
There were no monsters.
Your legs were shaky and weak beneath you as your hands pulled you up. The bark on the tree you’d used for support was wet and the earth smelled of fresh rain. The back of your clothes stuck to your skin, the cold seeping in.
Slowly, the world began to move at a pace that made sense. You didn’t realise until a gust of wind had shook the gnarled trees that the air was stagnant and dead.
Nor did you realise the sound of a hiccuping child, crying over the buzz of cicadas.
Internally, you struggled. This is the exact kind of fae trap you’d expect waking up in Hylia knows where, it’d be dumb to go blindly walking into that.
But the worst that could happen is you move from one cage to another, so your get began to tread across the muddy ground.
You certainly weren’t expecting what you got.
A boy. A link. Curled up at the base of a tree, crying. The sight was rather painful to bear, his fragile shoulders shuddering as he tried to choke everything back. his face his scrunched up, and he bares a snarl that is missing a few teeth when you kneel to help.
“Hello Li…” You trail off, quite unsure how he’d react to seeing you know his name when he was already quite unhappy at being interrupted.
“Hello, little one” You settle on that, pulling the sleeve of your shirt up and over your thumb to wipe the tears and snot off his face. He’s backed into the tree as far as his legs can manage to push him. You pause to gather exactly who you’re looking at, and if there’s anything to guess by the bright green tunic, ocarina and collection of masks, this is the young time you’d originally thought him to be.
“Are you alright? What happened” You try your hardest to soothe him, but it’s clear the distrust has already been so deeply woven within him. He just shakes his head and shoves you away.
So, without much else to do, you set up camp.
You talk aimlessly as you work, noticing that despite his stubborn silence, the young Link (Mask, as you decide to call him) was awfully perceptive. You hope, somewhere in his little mind, he can gather through your subpar attempts at starting a fire and your light-hearted ramblings that you’re not a threat. That the food you made was not poison and you were someone he could rely on.
You saw what the world had done to those boys.
Maybe you could help this one meet with a better fate.
It’s hours into the night before he’s cheered up. He chews happily on some chicken skewers you made, the world easing its grip on him. He recounts his own tales about Epona and Navi, ones Time wouldn’t usually be vulnerable enough to share. And even then he never spoke with such the same spark. This little boy in front of you, beaten down as he was, had so much life in him.
You would not let anyone take it from him.
Not Hylia, not the people, not whatever evil incarnate found him, not even the world.
He does nod off in time. It’s far later than you’d expect his little body to endure, but he falls asleep slumped against you. It seems with just the notion of safety, he gave out.
He’s just hardly light enough to carry, so you were able to unpack his bedroll and drape whatever fabric you could find to make a blanket.
The world goes sickeningly still again. The wind stopped and it felt as though the forest died. A voice, too loud and too encompassing cuts through the dead air. It’s multiplied and shifting, as though it can’t tell how it wishes to portray itself. It’s thousands of people.
But also just one.
“Hello, Little one” It mimicked your tone in every manner from soothing to mocking. You reach slowly to your side to grab your dagger.
“You needn’t be frightened. I have no need in harming you” The voice comes from in front of you instead of behind you. Your breath is stagnant in your lungs the moment you think you’re caught— that Time had found you.
No. He had not.
But the deity had.
He stands, impossibly tall and almost incomprehensibly grand. He has no pupils in the vast whiteness of his eyes, but you know he’s looking at you. You know because something in you freezes up. He sets down his sword with a thump, the intertwined metal heavy and ebbing a sense of power equal to the man who wields it. You purse your lips to start saying— something, but he holds up a single hand in dismissal.
“I know who you are. I know why you’re here” He kneels across from you, the fire licking each contour of his bold features. He’s comparable to many of the great roman or grecian statues, striking and yet too perfect to be human. The warm light casts his skin in a warm highlight to almost convince you that his body, his vessel holds warmth, but it’s the cold moonlight and the shadows that creep around his edges that remind you who it is you’re speaking with.
“You truly must forgive my… abrupt course of action. The others left me without much time.” He quiets his voice, eventually managing to mimic something close enough to human. It’s uncanny, but ignorable.
“So… you know about-“ You choke on the thought, “the others?” It is quite odd that despite this being some split into the past he knows not just of you, but he knows you— your situation.
“The hero never truly ridded of me, you know.” His lips curl halfway between a snarl and a smile, “I was always there. Watching. Observing. Learning.” As he speaks, his words feel as if they curl around you, cinching in.
“If I hadn’t taken you when I did, it might’ve been fair to say you would’ve been stuck.” Each syllable is sharp. Concise.
“What do you-“
“I’m sorry if you’re not feeling well. Time travel truly isn’t something the mortal body is accustomed to. Especially into such an obscure timeline. But I had to be sure I kept you safe. Hidden.”
One cage for another.
“There are no monsters in these woods anymore, my flower. Don’t worry. I ensured it” He whispers, that menacing grin branding into your mind.
But there was a monster in these woods.
Because not always are they agents of evil and incapable of causing anything but harm.
Sometimes they bare their teeth in grins. They take you and harm you. They hide their worst intentions behind sweetened tones and good intentions while they hold a knife to another.
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dia-oro · 3 months
Imagine linked universe but you just go yeeted by a portal when you just put that fancy outfit for the wedding/party of a friend and thank this the chain now think you’re a foreign princess/prince or worse if you’re also touched by hylia to make it more direct that you stay with the chain, you’re now their Zelda, good luck pal’s.
good luck x34 if they end being yanderes, you’re now for real their new Zelda.
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yandereunsolved · 5 months
Yandere Link(s) & Yandere Sword Spirit(s) text posts | Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5 | aged up Links
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Could you write a yandere FD where reader finds his mask and accidentally frees him? I find the idea of him stalking reader after his freedom and reader being helpless to get help due to what he is.
Order up!
There really isn’t enough FD stuff (that isn’t smut) ((but also in general)) So here you go!
Edit: Part 2
tw: yandere, murder, slaughter of animals, blood/gore
𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝
The deity despised what he had come to. A being of such pure power, capable of ripping Termina away from Hyrule thread by thread, was now bound to not much more than a piece of wood. The feeble fears of incapable gods now made a mockery of who and what he was. His prison was bleached and painted with the same war patterns that defined his godliness with the eyes empty for its wearer. Two blank spots —weak spots— in the mask. For when they bound his form to such fragility, there was something of a loophole left behind. The hallowed eyes allowed the wearer to see, and believe they had some control over their actions as his consciousness began to muddle with their own. You see, within the mask there were no holes allowing them —the wearer— to breathe. Because while they wore the mask, likeness of his own face, they didn’t realise the rotting wood begin to mingle with their skin. None of them did. Too hungry for more of the power he could provide and blood he could spill they hardly realized what they were becoming. The paint was always the first to merge with the new wearer, the pigments staining the skin as a faint, ever fading —but never truly gone— reminder of what he was. The hair came next. Silvery white strands mixing with their own around their fringe, framing their face, much similar to his own now. Last was the eyes. Not many kept the mask long enough to ever really hand themselves fully over to him, but his conscience would continue to invade nonetheless. No one held the power to hold him captive in their minds, so a corpse they were rendered. Their eyes would lose their iris, and as the wearer weakened, their eyes would become vast pools of stark white. He heard in the travelers’ wisdom that eyes were the doorway to the soul. Perhaps that was why the eyes were the last part of a person he was bled into. His final act to them was conquering their souls. Where once, double helix sword in hand, he would have slain any thing —living or otherwise— where once he could’ve conquered anything, now he was left to the slow trickle of energy from collected souls.
He’s first made aware of you by your gentle touch. You fingers cup the edge of his face —what was of it now anyway— and attempt to make sense of who it was you were looking at. Perhaps is was they no longer worshipped him in Termina. Centuries could slip by him in this form and he’d not know better. Hand in hand with that, the paint on his mask could very well be greyed and chipped beyond recognition. Immortality was always more faulty than the mortals made it seem. While boredom could be sated with bloodshed and war, it was aging that couldn’t be so simply ignored. Despite the fact his consciousness was as it was from the second he was bound into what he was, it didn’t stop the wood from rotting nor the paint from chipping and fading. Much he was like the warrior constellations in the sky. While consistent across the birth and death of many civilizations, slowly he died with them. Not in the final splatter of blood like the matter of mortality, but it was death in all the way that matters. Perhaps Hylia proved that you can kill a god. Sure, she may have ‘killed’ demise, but cyclically, he was still her tormentor. With Fierce, his form was weak. Too weak to hold him further. Much like the mortals who believed they could shoulder the weight, this form would too crack and rot beneath the earth. His point still stood that in spite of every possible factor that your serenity shouldn’t have met with his ruthlessness, you’d defied fate nonetheless.
By your grace he loved to watch you. Mounted on the fireplace, he could see everything in your tiny cabin. He could watch you cook food for yourself, sing as you cleaned the dishes afterward, and especially the fact you often would fall asleep on the couch meant he could spend even longer admiring the curves of your face. You were incomparably precious to the world. He remembers the days of his youth in divinity, freshly given his purpose. He’d killed many in those days, like an executioner who’s axe discriminated against none. The worship he once had, the temples he’d once been graced with, the concubines left for him… Perhaps he wanted more than to watch you. Being so close to what he wanted, truly wanted, made him antsy. And you’d live through life like you’d not known better. You’d talk to people where he couldn’t monitor to keep you safe, you’d leave the protection he offered. He’d long for you while you sat just out of reach, tempting him to try something. And so he did. It seems years of rot made the wood fragile.
You were honestly quite disappointed the mask had broke. The wood was splintered across the floor, and with how old it was, it really wasn’t worth saving. Still, you collected the bits from across the floor and kept moving. The forest was still and quiet as you traveled, the wind would whistle in the trees and a murder of crows crowded around you. Unfortunately, you had no bread or shinies to spare aside from a small green rupee, which they normally would’ve cawed and kicked around. Instead, their beady eyes watched you, huddled high in the trees as you waded through the forest. You could feel their eyes on you the whole way past.
The dead animals on your doorstep are not only mildly concerning, given their split open ribs, but incredibly creepy the longer it goes on. Clearly whoever was doing this was stubbornly persistent given their notes in a not very decipherable language. At first they left you a crow, the day they watched you. It had a small ring in its leg you didn’t bother to touch. The next was a badger, followed by fox, then an elk. Now, it was entirely beyond you who’d collect that many animals carcasses —you’d doubted they were hunted, given the large lacerations across their torsos— but it wasn’t much flattering. It wasn’t until you’d caved and cooked one of the elks and they’d kept giving you more that you’d considered they were trying to feed you. Sweet as that was, no one person had a use for that much elk. No one person could hunt that much elk. No person would see it right to draw a sigil in blood on the back wall of someone’s house in elk blood. No one person would help you.
You were still beautiful as you slept. He was glad now you were his spouse, though it did take you a while to get used to his courting. It was for the best though, you were well fed and protected now, more than any mortal man could hope to provide you with. He did enjoy killing all your other suitors. That tradition was always entertaining.
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neverchecking · 1 year
NSFW Alphabet- Fierce Deity Edition
And the winner of the poll (Which isn't technically over) is, in a surprising turn of events, Fierce! Sage had the lead for a while and then it was Legend, and then the man himself pulled ahead!
I was watching it the whole time while writing this like "you better not change."
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
He's the silent broody type, but every touch of his is startlingly soft. But he's pretty good at aftercare, all things considered! He's probably the type to have a set routine that he goes through each and every time. A wipe down and then a bath and then probably letting you lay on his chest while he towel dries you off <33
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
On his partner? Everything. He can't chose. That would be sacrilegious. He loves every part of you. Every bump, scar, insecurity is what makes you, you. And he'll be damned before he doesn't worship every inch of your entire being.
On him? (I'll have everyone know I almost put hands here. AGAIN.) Probably his back or chest. Now, I know that sounds weird, but it's the first place your hands mark in glorious streaks of white when he's buried deep within you. It's one of the only places he can wear the marks you have graced him with so proudly. It's where you sign your name and place your claim on his heart, soul and entire being.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Man cums a lot. Be forewarned. It's thick and it's creamy and there's always a lot. Another Link with those heavy breeder balls, you know? Ones just begging to be drained into your pretty little hole. Which is exactly where he does it. Every single time. Anywhere else is a waste.
And he refuses to be wasteful.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He is always secretly terrified that he could somehow in someway hurt you. So when you take control and ride him, bouncing up and down, over and over and over again, he just feels himself fall deeper into devotion for you. Because you aren't afraid. He's slaughtered thousands. And yet, you cradle him like he is a saint. This is only proven when your above him, using him like a toy and trusting that he won't do anything to take back control.
Because he won't.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Fierce was never one for sex. I'm gonna go right off the bat with that. In fact, you're probably his first. That being said, if he lets you sleep with him, he's probably finding ways to spend the rest of his immortal years with you. You aren't leaving him. He won't let you. He's only willing to learn your body. What makes you tick. Not anyone else. He has no care for anyone else.
And he's a fast learner.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Missionary all the way. He'll do others, but I can't see him really enjoying them. With Missionary he gets to watch your facial features and the way you heave breath after heavy breath, watching as he disappears into your greedy little hole over and over again.
So yeah, he loves missionary. Even if a breeding press also has it's place in his chest cavity (bc I'm not sure if he has a heart hfof)
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
You're kidding, right?
This man has no sense of humor. Period. Maybe he'll give you a small twitch of his lips, but other than that, he's the same stoic faced, bare boned man he portrays. So if he doesn't laugh during the times he's clothed, there's like negative chances of him doing it when he's naked.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
I like to think every part of him is strictly uniform. Every part. His pubic hair is nicely groomed and trimmed and still the same stark white as the hair on his head.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
I could go either way with this. On one hand, he probably doesn't know a whole lot about Romance. Just devotion. And his devotion is so whole and honest in a way I don't think I could truly describe. Everything he does is for you. Your attention. Your approval. Your everything.
On another hand, if his lover wishes for romance, he shall do all the research necessary to ensure he is properly versed in every courting method there is. Anything his darling wants. Their wish is his command.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Never. Not once. He has zero interest in touching himself. None at all. As far as he's concerned, his dick is yours and yours alone. He merely carries it around. He has no right to touch whats yours.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
There I said it. He's so into taking this pristine art of the Golden three and just absolutely ruining it. Making your eyes red and puffy with tears as you cry out for him, bruising the delicate flesh on your hips with a grip tight enough to keep you in place, claiming you in every way you claim him as the biggest fuck you to the goddesses who blessed you
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Anywhere private. He has absolutely no interest in sharing the view of you. That is his and his alone. He believes that sex is such an intimate thing, it's his holy time.
And he doesn't share
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Anything. Anything with you. You could breath in his direction and he's hard and ready to go. If you give him the opportunity, he'll worship you all day every day. Just give him the word.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Any form of physical harm. He refuses to do that. Absolutely refuses. His hands are stained with thousands of years of blood and he refuses to let yours be there as well.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Giving all the way. That is his purest form of devotion and that's his sacred time. He could spend hours down there if you'd let him. So please let him. Plus, he's a god at oral. He's so focused on you and your reactions, you have no complaints regarding his head game.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Anything his lover wants. If they want slow and sensual, he'll do it. Fast and rough? He's pinning them down. Long, hard drags? Done. Shallow thrusts that have you crying out? Anything you wish.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Hates them. Hates them hates them hates them. SO MUCH. He refuses to rush his prayers to you. REFUSES. It's frankly insulting to insinuate he would ever do such a thing. He is taking his time in taking you apart and not speeding up even for the end of the world.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Nope. No risks. Anything risking his time with you is a big no-no. That's his special time. His moment of prayer and devotion and it is not to be interrupted.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
All day and all night. The only thing stopping him is his partner pressing the red light. He can go forever if you'd let him. He has no limit. He is a Deity after all. <3
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
None. Hates them too. Why have something as stupid as a toy there to try and please you when he does it well enough on his own? Why have any form of an imposter when he is there? Why insult his abilities with knockoffs like that?
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He enjoys it at any given point, but not a lot. Just enough to have his lover crying out his name. Just enough to have them yearning for him in just a fraction of the way he yearns for them.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
SILENT. Wouldn't say shit if he had a mouthful. Why bother? Any noise he makes is just taking away from what your crying out and he refuses to distract himself from that pure choir. A hymn of his own making.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
If his lover asked, he'd let them peg him. He'd bottom for his lover. He'd give away any control if it meant keeping his lover. Want to wrap him up in satin red ribbons and keep his limbs starfished for your exploration?
He'd do it.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
PACKING BIG HEAT Like, it's almost too big to take. Ten to eleven inches with GIRTH, maybe twelve when hard. Veiny too and he's circumcised. Has the prettiest head, just a lovely red that you can't help but want to suck. And BIG BREEDER BALLS <333
Just drain them dry babes <33
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
He could go at any time, he just hides it. You say the word and he's following like an obedient puppy.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Does not sleep. He's holding you and watching to ensure you take every breath he needs you to take. He's watching you all night just to make sure you live to see the next day <3
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can we take a moment to remember the fierce deity chain au where the chain become gods and trap y/n in a reality that looks like their home put is controlled by the chain
also we know twilight abuses doggo privileges, does legend abuse rabbit privileges?
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OMG YOU’RE RIGHT I REMEMBER THIS. Damn it’s been so long I should really redraw this or just the Chain’s FD designs in general.
Also, it’s hard to say whether or not Legend abuses his rabbit privileges since his circumstances are much different than Twilight’s.
For one thing, Legend doesn’t have unlimited access to the Twili artifact, that’s one of Twilight’s things. If he wanted to use it, and use it enough that he’s considered abusing his cute bunny form, then he’d have to steal the artifact far too many times for Twilight not to notice.
Plus there’s the whole pink hair thing and while I don’t think Legend would forsake affection just because he’s a little bit embarrassed about having pink hair(especially if (y/n) actually likes his pink hair) it also serves as a big obvious indicator that got bunnified to those who know.
Granted, this is all under the assumption that Legend needs to hide this during a time when they’re all still tumultuous with each other and their feelings. If they have a steady foundation and trust in one another then Legend could simply ask Twilight for the artifact from time to time. But even then Twilight isn’t letting him have it to very other day, y’know?
So the answer is, while Legend might want to take advantage of his rabbit form, he wouldn’t be able to one way or another.
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cloudninetonine · 8 months
Hi, this is my first time asking someone anything before as I’ve largely existed as little more than a ghost on this website for the longest time. I’ve just not wanted to interact or feel the need to until now. Anyways, I’ve been cooking up a little LU x reader fic that I had first planned on keeping to myself, but I’ve always wanted to share my writings with people who seem to enjoy fanfics similar to what I write. It’s a lot about Fierce Deity and the slow progress he makes in escaping from the mask that binds him thanks to the “help” of the reader. Safe to say that there are some shenanigans involved, creepy and fun. Yandere, I would say (I’m still getting used to writing yandere content so I don’t know what else to list his behavior as). Your thoughts?
Love myself some creepy and fun behaviour, I live for that shit, you can see that heavily in APA FMKWJDNE- you should definitely go for it (if you haven't already because I'm a slow responder KFMKWND) I'd love tk read something like that!!!
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dia-oro · 2 months
The best way to stop a fight internally in the group is at readers hand, imagine a clash of opinions very loudly between two links and reader just… “ok, Ok! Let’s agreed to disagreed in this one, you’re are all Babigirls so stop this Now” and just like that…. Both man just stop working. one time with twilight and sky you call them ‘malewife’ and just… two hours of both suffering a Error 404, two weeks later they are “sorry I gutted that thief that try kidnapping you… I’m still your malewife ?? 🥺🥺”
wind is having his best life there teasing his big brothers there.
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yourlocaltreesimp · 1 year
Reader: "So eventually I'm like- alright"
Reader: "Being nice doesn't work, being nice gets me stalkers" *side eyes the chain*
Reader: "Being mean gets me crazy men who are attached to crazy woman" *side eyes dink*
Reader: "I'm just gonna ignore y'all now *walks away while fierce deity follows behind them*
Reader: (AND THEY LIKE THAT TOO!) *turns around and yells* LEAVE ME ALONE!
Yan!Chain and all the extras is essentially just a cult. Someone’s too nice? They’re getting a very stern talking to. Someone too judgmental? Getting called out immediately. Someone too rude? Well, I hope they have good locks. Considering you’ve got anywhere from 10 to like 12 heroes, the shadow king and quite literally God, the sky could come falling down and you’d be surviving and thriving.
Oh? And Guide AU? Yeah you’re never leaving. Don’t even try. You won’t get far. They won’t let you leave again. Why would they even try to keep living if not for you?
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yandereunsolved · 4 months
Hello there I don't know if you take requests or not but what if reader was a yandere instead of the Links
If you do more than one character in one fic or something can I request this with Time, Deity, wild, and four
Obsession Is In The Name - ,, yandere reader w/ (separate) Time, Fierce, Wild, & Four
cw(s): yandere themes, suggestive themes, graphic gore
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— Time —
✧ You most likely fell for him after he saved you. You weren't close to him during his journey—well,  not physically close, at least. You had stalked him while he was saving Hyrule. You'd do odd jobs and stock up on supplies to conveniently leave near him. You'd patch him up when he was sleeping and cuddle with him as well. It was like both of you were forbidden lovers because he is the hero and you are his devoted stalker.
✧ You are always there to valiantly defend him. After his toughest journey, you make sure to murder all those who question his ways. You read an awful prophecy on the walls of a temple that both of you visited on his journey. Sure, he wasn't aware you were there with him, but you both still visited together. That thought—the thought of him turning into some strange thing with bulky armor—only made you more protective. You became increasingly paranoid and sloppy in your killings.
✧ Which led you to murder Malon, Time's girlfriend. You carved her heart out of her chest and stabbed it until it was nothing more than unidentifiable chunks of flesh. You dumped her body in some deep, murky lake water. She deserved it! That bitch deserved it. You wanted to dig your eyes out of your skull whenever you saw the two of them together. You just couldn't handle it anymore. She must be the reason he turns into the Hero's Shade. She doesn't give him a worthy offspring to teach. She doesn't help him spread the news of his heroic adventures. She doesn't watch over him and protect him when the nights grow long and the cold nips at his figure. You had to save him from her and himself. He didn't really love her. She was just a substitute for you. After all, if the hero is so busy protecting everyone else, who will protect him?
✧ Ganondorf saw that in you. He saw your obsession as something he could use to corrupt you. This wasn't Time's Ganondorf. This was another version of him. One in a dimension that was trying to take over every other time line. You were initially disgusted when he invaded your dreams. He was clearly trying to manipulate you into joining his side. You were livid at the thought of betraying Time. So you killed him! You crossed dimensions just so when he woke up, you could be above him. There was a look that was so crazed in your eyes that it would rival the one seen in Cia's toward Warriors. 
You didn't feel bad either. He was simply scum. You were helping this different Hyrule. Their Link would surely be grateful for you. Even if this version of Link didn't know it, it was you who mercilessly slaughtered Ganon. Each of his body parts put on spikes of Hyrule Castle, as a reminder, no version of Ganondorf may touch your Link.
✧ You came back after a while. You aren't sure how long. The whole dimension-hopping thing isn't as easy as it looks. You look for Link, and you can't find him. You call out Time, Link, baby, sweetheart, darling, and no one answers. An acidic, bitter feeling rises in your throat. It feels as if someone shoved a bunch of hot Goron coals down your throat.
You don't sleep that night. You can't.
You run around in a crazed manner for the next few weeks. You threaten anyone you can get your hands on. You make sacrifices for whomever will listen. As long as its name isn't Ganon or Ganondorf, you would align. 
You were on your way to some hidden temple to try and sacrifice something to an evil deity when you slipped and fell into a portal. You weren't even able to scream. It was cut short as you ended on top of your Time, your Link, your love until the end of time itself.
✧ You became acquainted with the other versions of him. Awe doesn't even begin to describe how you were feeling or how you continue to feel at this absolute miracle. You found him, and there are other hims. Time was much more concerned than astounded. He was frantically checking over you, worried that a villager he had only spoken to a handful of times got dragged into this mess. So what if he only sees you as a villager right now? He's just pretending. He loves you! He's smothering you in attention and concern. 
He even gets the one Link, Hyrule, to give you a health examination. You weren't exactly thrilled to be separated from him for a short period of time, but it was because your Link cares, so it's okay.
✧ You grow closer to Time, and he even allows you to call him Link in private! You get to see him out of his armor, and you aren't even stalking him! It's a gift from the golden three, for sure. He has such well-defined muscles and an athletic body, even after all the hits and illnesses he has been through. 
He is protective of you. He doesn't allow monsters to kill you. He doesn't allow the other Links to question or offend you. He even threatened Legend once after Legend got aggressive with you because you broke one of those trinkets of his! You did it on purpose, but Time doesn't have to know that.
✧ That is just one of the ways you keep the other versions of Link away from you. You walk the fine line between polite and rude, caring and vicious, towards all of them except for Time and, oddly enough, Twilight. You enjoy his pleasant company. It almost feels as if he is kin to you. You have the same inclinations around him as you do around your Link, except in a more platonic manner.
You like it.
Getting rid of Malon was worth it. There's no way Time is going to turn into that hideous monster. Learning that Twilight is a descendent of Time only affirms your past agrecious behavior. You must have started a family with him! Twilight may literally be kin to you.
✧ You still threaten anyone outside of The Chain. It is an instinct for you. You had to slip up one of these days. You did, and you regret it. Link found you midway into murdering someone who had flirted with him. You didn't feel any remorse for the person, only remorse that Link now felt conflicted. 
It won't stop you from committing these vile acts in the future, even if he asks you to. Sometimes your darling is wrong, and that's okay. That's why you are here—to protect him and save him from when he is wrong.
✧ He chose to confront you about your strange tendencies in private. When he questioned you, you confessed. He recoiled with disgust in his eyes. He thought of you as a child who needed to be guided. You needed to be saved from yourself. Why couldn't you see that?
"I see myself as your guardian. You can't simply throw around the word 'love' to get out of the consequences for your actions."
Throw around the word?
Oh, no, no, no, no.
He thinks of you as a child?
If anything, he is the child.
✧ Perhaps Legend could finally be of use after all. You simply stole a few potions, tweaked a few things after learning magical cooking from Wild, and voilà, a love-inducing amnesiac potion was invented. You mixed it in with some Hylian dressing and made sure that he had some on his salad one night. 
The hearts in his eyes—you can practically see them. He now loves you just as you love him! You'll deal with The Chain, do everything, and then go back to your Hyrule. You'll settle down with him, and everything will be perfect. You have your Link. He's your happy ending. Just you and him, until the end of time.
— Fierce —
☾ Fierce has known you since the beginning. So the first time that spark of obsessive love appeared in your eyes, he knew. You are his devoted follower. You are the only one allowed to live and guard their temple. He was indifferent to your existence at first. He has had many mortals fall to their knees and beg him for his seed within them—womb or not. Yet none have stayed with him through their most vulnerable and weakest moments. His indifference slowly changes into something he isn't familiar with. He knows he should have cast you out the first time he saw you cry, but he didn't. They are a deity of war but also protection. They couldn't just cast their little priest(ess) out.
☾ You slay any entity that enters this place of divinity and worship. You find no difference in one of their followers or one of Ganon's monstrosities. They are all threats in need of elimination. A friend could easily turn foe if you aren't cautious enough. There can only be one mortal residing within the walls of their temple, one priest(ess).
☾ He is pleased by your devotion to him. He rewards you with his mask. The one item that no one possesses but you. To adorn his mask is to become one with him. That is a blessing you can never repay him for. You treat it as if it were made of glass, despite it being stronger than any Hylian or Twili armor. You never wear it within the temple. Being graced with the sense of his presence is enough. You only place the mask on when you need to slay many of Ganon's monstrosities at once. 
That has only happened twice, and you have little memory of it. The one thing you do remember from both of those times is how invigorated you felt. Unstoppable. Perfectly at peace. It was as if every trouble and doubt you had were simply nonexistent.
Your hands often find their way to the mask. You don't wear it; you simply allow your fingers to graze over the surface of it. You gained the permanent markings of the mask after your first time using it. You always touch the marks on your face and trace over them. It could be the material of the mask or your flesh; you were marked by him. It made you feel a sense of completeness you had never known before. It is so incredibly safe within the temple of the Fierce Deity, for you at least.
☾ They find themself amused by your reverence. It sparks more interest in them. They find themself often teasing you in various ways. He will ghost your body with spiritual touches. He'll leave notes for you around his temple. He'll ask you the most invasive and downright mortifying questions, and you will willingly answer. It only spurs him to be more attentive toward you. They say it a lot. It just does.
Your mortal antics greatly amuse them. They would never willingly admit that you are the priest(ess) he holds most dear to his heart over the several that he has had. It makes them want to move forward in this strange 'relationship' you both are in.
☾ So he leaves you needy. He doesn't pity the way your soul begs for him either. They're purposefully being obtuse. They need you to sink down to your knees once again and pour your heart out. Only then can he give you a fraction of the affection that you desire and then disappear once again.
It is what his entire being craves. They need dominance and control. You cannot protect someone if they have a chance of disobeying you. You have shown that he could kill you and toss you into the deepest depths, and you'd still follow him with a broken mind and body.
☾ As time goes on, he begins to indulge in your mortal needs. He gives you affection and tender love through his blank stare and empty heart. They grace you with their hylian form. They are easily able to manipulate it, but he knows your preferences well by now. He can see your eyes bulge out of your head and your body grow faint.
You worship him in any way you are able when he appears in his hylian form. He is still well over seven feet tall. It's deeply intimidating and slightly arousing if you had to speak the truth.
☾ You are his little pet—wait. That isn't the right term, is it? Non-deities prefer the term partner or spouse. You are his small 'malewife', if he is remembering the definitions correctly. He may be a deity, but he hasn't had the time to keep up with the evolving languages of the other races. Still, you are his, and he is enough of yours.
You are such a submissive thing for him. You're so ready and eager to get your hands on something and slaughter it to get his praise.
☾ He thrives within your bewitched nature. The pure violence that emanates from your soul when something dares question him is arousing, to say the least. You and the deity both grow closer. There is one thing he makes known to you: you can be as impassioned as you'd like, but his word is law. You cannot go against it, as it is an extent of him. Not that you ever would. You love him too much.
— Wild —
ღ Death Moutain, the Hot Springs, where you met your darling Wild. You had come across a side of the mountain covered in malice, with three large, fiery chuchus ambushing you from behind. You had to escape across the malice, and you became drenched in it. Your footsteps were weary and unstable; you fell into the healing springs as your legs gave out.
When breaking the surface of the water after your wall, you were met with a completely nude Wild. Your eyes widened as you sheepishly averted your gaze from his. You would soon learn that his wounds were so extensive that he had to be carried down here by a Goron. Fireblight Ganon was the monster you would soon learn of that he had slayed. He freed Divine Beast Vah Rudania.
This was the hero from those stories? The hero that was asleep for a hundred years. You couldn't take your eyes off of him.
ღ You didn't know much Hylian sign, but you got the essence of what he was saying. You both were lone travelers, so you decided to stick together that day. Wild was naturally overprotective of you, for reasons you could only assume. Your heart slowly inched closer to his, and after waiting for him to free Divine Beast Vah Rutain Zora's Domain, you realized how important he became to you. 
You became even more overprotective of him than he was of you. You would be quick to fury at anyone who made any slight toward him. He couldn't even interact with any townsfolk without you hovering, one hand always firmly placed on your weapon. Your attraction to him was quickly spiraling into something far more dangerous.
ღ Wild knows it's toxic, but he still soaks up every last ounce of affection you bestow upon him. He's been starved of affection and love for the last hundred years. Only half of his memories are back, and even those ones seem to be devoid of any type of love. He had the other champions, but they didn't seem to fill his soul with joy, even though he deeply cared for them in a platonic sense.
He practically purrs when you touch him. His body leans into your embrace. He wants to take in your scent and keep you close to him forever. He is just in need, and you are willing to provide it so readily. His eyes water, and tears threaten to escape when you speak such sweet words to him. 
You promise to never leave him. That's the one thing that makes him sob.
He always signs back something even sweeter than whatever left your mouth. He feels as if he could conquer any enemy when he sees you learning how to communicate with him. No one has done that for him. Zelda knew some, as he remembers, but she still preferred to just speak and not sign to him. You're getting better every time you do so. He just wants to smother you, but he refrains.
ღ After each day, the two of you cuddle. It doesn't matter where you are—on the ground or in a stable bed. He shyed away from your touch in the beginning. You both consented to cuddle, but the monsters within his mind caused him to retreat back to his internal shrine. He feared that you would be disgusted by the many scars that adorn his body. He was more scarred than unmarred flesh.
You didn't flinch or have an expression of contempt on your features when you saw him without his tunic. You have already seen some of his scars before, at the hot spring, and when you needed to patch him up. You weren't aware they were so extensive. Still, you accepted him and his body the way it is. You lovingly traced his scars that first night, and he has been hooked ever since.
It is the thing he cherishes. Whenever you two needed to sleep, it became his favorite time. He just couldn't believe you were so intrigued by them. You always told him that you'd love him and his body, no matter what. You wanted him to eat more so he could regain fat and muscle. You wanted to find a proper healer so that he could get checked up on. You were somewhat of a healer, but not proficient within the means of the title.
He always has nightmares, and you soothe him. He prefers laying on top of you in a defensive manner, so he can soak up your warmth, but if the two of you have to sleep on the ground or another rough surface, he prefers you laying on top or to his side. He wants to save you from the discomfort. You deserve it. 
ღ Not everything with you can be so perfect. You have your flaws, as does he. So he has to do his best to keep you in line. He has to learn how to act like a disappointed parent. That seems to make you rethink any rash decisions you may want to make.
He has a ground rule of 'no killing any non-enemies'. It is the hardest rule for you to follow. It's even harder, considering he's found that you are quite clever about murdering people behind his back. He refuses to give you attention for a little while after you kill someone. He does his best to seem firm in his actions, but he can't deprive himself of you for too long. So it's the blank stare that works the best. You always feel guilty and apologize.
He'll have to find better methods in the future to keep you docile. He just has to stop feeling so honored when you murder someone for him.
ღ When the time comes, you help him through the arduous Hyrule Castle. You let him lead because he somewhat remembers some of the groundwork. You are able to sneak past most of the monsters. They don't seem to pay you any mind. You find Zelda's diary before he does, and you shove it in your bag. You later light it on fire and let it burn. She had some very romantic things to say about Link. You didn't appreciate that.
ღ You weren't allowed to follow him to defeat Calamity Ganon. He expressly forbade you from doing so. So you helped him fight Calamity Ganon anyway. You covered his back and kept Ganon distracted with arrows. Both of you narrowly survived. 
It was just something you had to do for him. You couldn't let him die. If he died, you wanted to die right next to him in the glory of battle. After the entire thing, the both of you cried and clung to each other. 
Of course Zelda had to come in and ruin this sacred moment between you two.
ღ Zelda was now freed. She said that your services were no longer needed. Her and Wild needed to go rebuild Hyrule. Zelda knew what you were. She had been watching over Link during his entire journey. She sensed what you were and what happened to you. She saw you burn her journal and the pure contempt in your soul whenever his name was mentioned within her inky letters.
It was very intense between you two. Only the Master Sword would be able to cut through the thickened tension rising in the air.
Wild did his best to calm the both of you. He defended you and thought Zelda was just acting jealous. He knows you have your quirks, but you didn't abandon him when he needed you. You can continue to travel with him. That's his decision, and it's final in its making.
ღ You reluctantly travel alongside Zelda with him. You constantly threaten Zelda behind his back. You do it most when Link is sleeping. You will make thinly veiled threats under the guise of passiveness. They are so vague that Zelda has no ground to stand on when trying to convince Wild of your corrupted nature. 
Zelda is unable to keep herself safe from your assaults due to her weakened magic. You try to slit her throat, and she cannot put up a barrier to protect herself. She makes it out with a thin cut along her collarbone. You lie, and Wild believes that Zelda got hurt, and it wasn't your doing. 
You do it again with poison, then fire, and you even tried to murder her by pushing her over a cliffside. 
As abruptly as the attacks had started, they stopped. You stop making attempts at her life. Zelda is even more on edge. She is just waiting for you to strike again. She knows what you are. She would never trust something like you.
ღ Zelda gets so paranoid that she allows the two of you to venture on your own. She needs to come up with a plan since Wild won't listen to her. You move into his home in Hateno Village. It's lovely that you both are able to settle in for a while. Your romantic relationship is official! You are able to keep him to yourself most days. You make him stay home more and more. He is content with it. He gets overwhelmed when he has to walk into the village and be bombarded by everyone's questions and praises. Some even try to degrade him for his first failure. That villager or villagers who insulted him always go missing the next day. Wild doesn't mind it so much now. 
ღ He has to begin to take care of you. You come down with a strange illness. It isn't deadly, from what you are able to tell. Your skin becomes more red, with a strange tint to it. Your irises change to so dark a color that people feel as if they are looking at death when met with your eyes. You become easily exhausted, so you only leave the house at night. You become more violent and unhinged. You nearly kill Wild.
ღ You thought you scared him off, but almost instantly he forgave you. He couldn't blame you for something you couldn't control. Purah diagnosed you with gloom disease, an infection created from malice that spreads throughout one's body and turns them into a puppet for evil. It's impossible that you would have a disease like that. Calamity Ganon has been defeated. It must be an aftereffect from your original time being poisoned by the malice.
ღ He pledges to stay by your side and help you regain your health. He doesn't need the villagers, Sidon, or even Zelda. All he needs is you. Your relationship isn't perfect, but you both still try to make it work. How unfortunate that it will leave him in tears as the kingdom falls once again.
— Four —
ꨄ︎ You first met Four by complete accident; you both had an order of the same forging material, but they didn't have enough, so you ended up splitting the amount of materials until the next shipment of them came in. You thank the goddesses every day for that accident. You believe it was fated. It had to be fated. The two of you were meant to be. 
ꨄ︎ After an awkward apology, the two of you began to talk. You connected instantly; well, that's what you tell yourself. You told him about your dreams of becoming a blacksmith. You were just a novice, so Four offered to take you under him as an apprentice. The orders were multiplying by the day, and he did need an extra pair of hands.
ꨄ︎ You became entranced by the way he worked and the complete concentration in his multicolored eyes. His frame may have been small, but it was well built. You have to wipe the drool spilling over your lips multiple times a day. You manage to get so lost in admiring him that you've tuned out the words forming on his chapped lips.
You want to get his lips so wet with your own. So badly. You need to kiss him.
"Ahem—did you get all that?"
You could only nod in embarrassment and end up clumsily executing whatever he had instructed you to do. Four just took this as you being inexperienced. You seemed so focused when he was talking. You must just be a slow learner. That's okay. He can work with that.
ꨄ︎ You always overwork yourself. It is something he has chastised you for before. You still do it over and over and over again just to hear those worried words escape his mouth. You take pride in them. You do it just to see him gently stop you and ask you why you do this to yourself. You could 'you' and go into an extensively in-depth monologue about your never-ending devotion to him, but you just settle for some generic answer. The sore muscles and burnout are always worth it, just because you do it for him and you get rewarded with his attention, which you covet so religiously.
ꨄ︎ The best part of being his apprentice, coupled with the fact that your brain can't admire and listen to him at the same time, is when he guides your movements and teaches you. Him physically touching you, his back pressed against yours, his calloused hands adjusting your movements. It's enough to make you want to beg for him to touch you more. You can't help it. He's so hot, both in the metaphorical and literal sense. 
ꨄ︎ It leads you to begin following him to his cottage at the end of the workday. You wouldn't call it stalking per se; you are simply people—person watching. You are observing your mentor and learning from him. That's all. It becomes a routine. Four knows something is off, and it causes him stress. He does his best to figure out who is following him home, but you are clever with your use of stealth potions and noise-suppressant clothing. Four becomes so distressed that, after he comes home one day, he splits. 
You were so surprised that you nearly fell off your hiding perch. You leaned in and tried your best to listen to them bickering. You only got bits and pieces of what they were saying. The Red one was mentioning your name a lot. It only seemed to be in a positive way, given the fact that his voice was pitched upward and he was bouncing on the balls of his feet. You may not have known much about this strange split, but you did know that you were going to use it to your advantage.
ꨄ︎ It isn't necessarily a bad thing that you are inflicting anguish on him, right? You are just doing it to learn more about your esteemed mentor. You also just can't stop. It was first when you noticed that his eye colors shifted out of harmony when he was troubled. You soon deduced that each color must correspond with those people that split from him. You did little things to agitate him. You'd make sure he didn't know, of course. It's just that the orders kept arriving late, project plans disappeared, and finished pieces suddenly broke or had chips in them. It was enough to turn his internal, perfected harmony into the dying screeches of an alley cat. 
So he split right in front of you by complete accident.
ꨄ︎ All four of them froze up and just stared at you with wide eyes. Your nose began to bleed. There are four of them. You are in love with four people—well, four parts of one person. It was just too much for you. They are all so gorgeous. You nearly fall, and Vio catches you. While he holds you against his muscular frame, they continue to argue about the problems that have been going on. They say they have to get to the bottom of this. Oh. You'd love it if they got to the bottom of it.
ꨄ︎ A routine forms from it. You help them solve the problems you create. You look like a hero to all of them. You are always so caring and soft with them. You help heal any burns he gets from the forge; you are always attentive; and there is never a moment where a compliment doesn't leave your mouth about him and his smithery.
You are slowly integrated into the more intimate aspects of his life. Anytime they split, which is rarely, you help mediate the arguments. You aren't partial to any of the Colors since you love them all. It is a dangerous toxin for you. You learn so much about him and about them that you begin to feel sick when away from his presence. It's a disease that affects both your heart and mind, threatening to drive you into insanity unless you heal it with his time and touch.
ꨄ︎ You cannot handle any competition. Anything that gets within his vicinity ends up dead the next day. You aren't even able to restrain yourself any longer. You'd stop doing it if he asked, maybe. However, that'd require him to know what you are doing for him. You want him to know, but you don't know how hurt he would be if he did.
ꨄ︎ What solution can you find to that? Enchanted items. You gift him small trinkets that have been enchanted. You play it off as something small. You are merely being as good-natured as always. Some have protection enchantments, others ward off bad energy, and even one that will supposedly attract him more to you. You are incredibly careful about making sure none of the enchantments are too strong. It still has to be your little secret. In your defense, you are only working in his best interest.
ꨄ︎ Four asks the Minish to help him figure out what is happening. They tell him the truth. They have known it was you all along. They were just too terrified to tell him. You look so scary.
It shatters his insides. He splits.
Their reactions to your yandere tendencies are mixed.
Red thinks that it is kind of sweet. You may be slightly insane, but you treat them all so well. You deserve a second chance. All Four needs to do is talk it out with you.
Blue wants to have you locked up for what you have done. It is insanity as Red said. You need to be stopped immediately. Who knows how far you will go? They have already dealt with Vaati. They don't need a copy of that situation all over again.
Green does his best to calm the two down. Red and Blue are getting into a heated argument, and more strife in this situation won't solve anything. A part of him agrees with Red, and the other with Blue. You have been so kind, but your actions are unjust. He just feels betrayed.
Vio is impressed. He wants to know the extent of this infatuation you have with Four. He won't lie and say that he isn't attracted to your possessiveness. Something about it just makes him hotter than the heat in the forge.
ꨄ︎ They stay split for the night as none of them can come to an agreement. Any attempt at communication just ends in a screaming match. It's a blessing that this is one of the few nights where you weren't able to stalk him home due to your schedule of killing the people that got too close to him.
It was that night that not only did they learn of your true nature, but it was also the night in which the plan to truly test you was put in place. It was Shadows doing, as always. Shadow popped up next to Vio and convinced him to truly test your limits. Vio was both surprised and relieved to see him again. He thought he was—that he was gone. Shadow has just been watching all of them in the darkness.
Vio could almost chuckle. How typical of him.
ꨄ︎ So in the morrow hours Vio leaves his counterparts and goes to the forge. He sees you there, but acts as if he doesn't. He heavily flirts with one of the customers. He could see your body language shifting to something more rigid and bitter. Shadow snuck up behind the customer and pushed them onto Vio. They both kissed, and since no one else was there but you, they continued. Vio didn't resist making out with the random buyer. He was disgusted at the fact he had to kiss another, but if it meant seeing you snap, then it was worth it.
ꨄ︎ Snap you did. One of the new swords Four had crafted earlier in the week lopped the head of the patron clean off. You didn't stop there. You grabbed Vio by the collar of his tunic and began to drag him towards Four's cottage. He didn't resist; he was more amused than anything. The rest of the Colors didn't have the same reaction. 
ꨄ︎ You got on your knees and confessed everything to them. Every little thing in your heart and mind, you spoke. You begged them, begged him, to return your affections. Yet they were in disarray. They rejected you. They rejected you? They rejected you!
You left and didn't return for a few weeks. The Colors were on edge and had a few choice words for Vio, but they reformed into Four. Everything was normal until, after a long day of work, you came up behind Four and knocked him out. You chained him to his bed with an absolutely unhinged expression in dilated pupils. 
ꨄ︎ You ignored his panic and resistance. You only cooed and took that kiss you had been so patiently waiting for. You broke. Your sanity was consumed by your devotion to Four. If he denies you his love again, you'll kill him with his Four Sword. It's romantic the more you think about it. You'd be able to keep the Four Sword if you killed him. You could keep his clothes, and he'd always be yours. His body would be yours because you would have taken his life from him. He can love you or die at your hands. It's really his choice. 𖹭𖹭𖹭𖹭
✎ᝰ 𓆉𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 ᝰ.ᐟ
⟿ taglist: @cxndiedvi0lets @fear-is-truth @moonhasmanyanimals @screaming-until-god-hears-me @numberonehere2008 @justscreaminginprivate @505-fierce-deitys-simp-505 @bleper @h4wari @ozzgin @yourlocaltreesimp
✎ᝰ 𓆉𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 ᝰ.ᐟ
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neverchecking · 1 year
Day 1: Macro- With Fierce Deity
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Kicking it off hot~ This one was so fun to write and I'm rather happy with how it turned out!
Smut so Minors Do Not Interact. If I find out a minor has interacted with my blog, I will block you.. Thank you!
Smut CW: Size difference, Fierce being a BIG BOY, there is penetration, but I tried to keep it pretty gender neutral! Let me know if I missed anything or accidently gendered it and I'll fix it!
This is Day one of My Kinktober so be sure to come back and check out the other days! Friendly Reminder that all of my smut is tagged 'Cindersins' including this, but this will also be tagged as 'Cinder's happy halloween' along with the run of the mill smut tags.
Kinktober Masterlist <<< >>> Day 2
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“There you go.” His voice rumbled in his chest, low and deep, rolling in dark purrs along your back. 
If there was one thing everyone knew about the deity behind you, it was that he, simply put, was big. An absolute unit of a being. Bringer of wars and harbinger of conflict. More blood than you could fathom had stained his fingers, drowning his soul until it had flickered from the once hopeful light to a fiery inferno of rage and hatred. He had sat upon a throne of bones and skulls, torn from the very enemies he laid to rest. 
Until he had met you.
You were a direct contrast to him. Soft and naive. A being so untainted by the remains of life and the cruel corners of it, you had no choice but to shine. To push back any shadows daring to marr your own soul. To remain as untouchable as you were untouched. To remain cleansed and pure. As if plucked right from the monastery's doorstep. An unwept tear shimmering in the moonlight. 
His precious jewel designed just for him. 
You had awed over every little thing he was capable of. Every tale of gore and horror spun about his capabilities had others regarding him much in the same way he did himself. Like a monster capable of snapping at any given point. But you? You never held any animosity or ill will towards him. No, you remained as open and caring as you always had. Asking in the sweetly unimpeachable tone for him to lean down, only for you to bestow upon him a crown of chain linked daisies and other flowers. Pleading with him to reach a fruit too high for your delicate hands to even brush and thanking him with a press of your lips to his cheeks. Even when crossing bogs and swamps, while you had been hesitant at first, you now happily climbed onto his shoulder, perched there like a little bird while he effortlessly carried you across. 
If you allowed him the privilege he’d be your chariot for as long as you desired. To feel the heat of your skin, with blood coursing through your veins, was something so startlingly beautiful to him. It was a complete contrast to the flash of heat he’d get when slashing through an enemy and their own blood would slick against his cheeks and jaw. Every part of you that made you alive was something he held near and dear. Counting your breaths while you slept and nearly panicking when you missed one or it was delayed by a mere half a second, hearing the pounding of your heart while you went on about what type of butterfly you saw that day or how many deer crossed the paths behind you. Even just the patter of your footsteps beside his, three of yours for every one of his, was such a reliable beat to him. 
Even the pulsing of your walls as you clung to him, whimpering out in either pain or overwhelmed lust as you continued letting your hips fall. He had expressed his worry for you, that he would be too big for someone of your stature, but you had brushed him off, calling him ‘Silly’ for even implying such a thing. He didn’t see the connection, as it wasn’t an attempt at being humorous, but allowed you to think that way. 
You had explained that it was all about muscle work. About relaxing them and stretching them, making them used to the intrusion before it happened. It just so happened that he had the fingers necessary to do it. You had taken three, which had pumped in and out of your twitchy little hole with great difficulty at first, before they were soon sliding in and out easily. Then you had become impatient, pushing his hand out and instead moving to straddle him. His cock bounced against your ass as you gently cupped his cheek. With your free hand you moved the head of his cock to prod against you, locking his lips with your own as you moved to sit down. It was a struggle with the same muscles that were so accommodating before now clenching, refusing him entry as you tried so desperately to force them to relax. When that didn’t work, he let the first praises slip past his tongue, which was so suddenly weak willed when pitted against your fiery determination.  
To his surprise it had worked. Inch by inch disappeared into you before you were sitting on his lap, panting in heavy breaths as you leaned into him. He rubbed your back with a heavy hand. 
“Guess you were right. It did fit.” 
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yourlocaltreesimp · 1 year
Totk!Link, about Y/N: You wanna know what I confessed in there? What my greatest sin was? It was how many times I let them down.
Yan! Chain, your cult, with additional members is so much more that it’s difficult to wholly sum up. But I will try.
NOT their official hcs for this page, those will be written at a later time.
I subscribe to the belief that this man is feral. He knew who you were and that you were his guide immediately and fell pretty much immediately. On grounds of sanity, he doesn’t have much. The malice and gloom swirling in his blood did it’s number on his sanity to the point he was already a madman when the chain happened upon him, not that it was readily apparent though. Before, he made the obligation to his forced status as hero. Polite, helpful, strong, silent, You get the deal. But boy oh boy, that shit went down the drain faster than a korok on a rocket. Once his eyes caught yours and he was returned to your side, he could care less of Hylia or the Triforce, let alone Zelda. Link had a new deity, a new purpose, a new person for which he was wholly devoted for. Only this time around, his deity smiled back at him, his reason for living thanked him for his sacrifices and his utter devotion towards keeping them alive was something he yearned to do. To have blood staining his hands as you fall asleep safely within his arms… arm, but that’s aside the point
He struggled to remember your guidance, he’d admit. Your kind smiles and expansive wisdom blurred in his memory, like a candle snuffed out. He could see the remanents, those smoky memories proof that your familiarity was well placed…. but he never got to see the warmth that you had. But it was when the flame in his heart was relit that he remembered exactly why he forgot you. And boy was he livid. Hylia stole his life, his freedom, that which he knew. But Hylia also stole his love, bitter that you held it instead of her. And so, you were ripped away from him too soon. And of course, he suffered in Hylia’s wake. Afterwards, he’d do anything possible to stay by your side, to cherish you as you deserved. The goddesses were dead to him, you were far more deserving of that place. He’d worship the ground you walked on if you asked, bring Hylia kneeling before you and strip her of her immortality if that’s what you wished as vengeance. In long and short, no matter the cost, he’d be there.
Fierce deity
He didn’t really know you per say. He knew of you, though. He knew of you rather well. He watched behind his companions eye, learning all he needed to know about you. Learning the planes of your face and curve of your body. The nuances of your personality and tells of your ways. He memorised you, so that even as many moons passed and you became dust, your face would be fresh in his mind. Fierce had grown accustomed to confinement, stuck as another entity lodged within the Hero of Time, spirit locked away within the mask, stuck as nothing more than a war deity no more useful than the lives he could reap. But you made him long for more. To be by your side, to be your safe haven, to be worth more than a tool. He wanted to be yours, for that was far more valuable than immortality.
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neverchecking · 1 year
Ok I saw the 🧜‍♀️ request and I have to ask for a part two
Can I have a yandere sky, fd,war, sage, CDI link ( excuses me princess) , Link between worlds, dark link x harpy reader please nsfw
You can!
I assume you meant Legend when you said A Link Between Worlds Link? And I think you also meant the animated Link (Courage) because CDI Link (Koridai) Is from a game. Those are the ones I wrote anyway. Also bc there are so many, these are shorter. And i know you also asked for Dink and FD, but I got lazy and didn't wanna make them a banner so...
(Have you guys ever seen the CDI scenes? Holy hell that is PAINFUL-)
Part one -> Here!
Smut so MDNI! 18+!
Smut CW: Breeding, Monster fucking, Reader is a harpy!, light baby trapping
A Bird's Eye View
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・❥・Now, Sky, unlike the others, is used to birds. In fact, it was you who assisted him when he first began roaming the ground level.
・❥・You stuck by his side for the entire time before being left behind when he was deposited back on Skyloft.
・❥・He had tried finding you, but it was as if you just...disappeared.
・❥・So when he's on a ride with Crimson, and hears your distinct calls? He's thrown out whatever his previous goal was without so much as a flick of his wrist.
・❥・When he finds you hurt? He goes into total mother-hen mode.
・❥・When your bandaged and clean? hes just so ecstatic to see you again! He may be hovering, all but forcing food down your throat, but you have to understand.
・❥・He won't let you leave again.
"That's it, songbird. Nice and slow." His voice crooned smoothly over your warbled cries, hands holding your hips and easing your descent onto him. "You're doing so well."
You were a sight. Watching you above him, feathers ruffling as your body sheened with sweat, glimmering in the light around the room? It drove him mad with lust. Maybe desire? He just knew he wanted you. And he had you. You had come back to him!
He knew you were meant for him from the start. You had always been such a caring companion, perfect in every way. When you chirped at him for a cut a little too deep, or nuzzled up to him when the nights were a little too cold? He knew. When you shoved herbs and berries into his hands to boost his immune system? He knew. When you ran your taloned fingers through his hair, picking out twigs and bugs? He knew.
He knew that you were irrevocably his. His to keep and cherish and love and hold. Those were all privileges that were only bestowed upon him. He only had to give you your own privilege. One that would be exclusive to you and you alone.
And he knew exactly what he wanted it to be. Because he had seen you care for him. He had seen the way you fret and croon and-
And he wanted-no, needed to see you be that way with your child. No. That wasn't right either. Not your child. His child. A kid made from the two of you?
He was so excited to meet them.
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・❥・You probably save him from that dragon knight. Yk the one? In the beginning of the game? Him.
・❥・It probably leaves your feathers scorched and that's where he steps in. He cares for you with his basic military first aid knowledge.
・❥・You prove to be useful in battle, acting as an aerial advantage, so he keeps you close.
・❥・Your especially helpful when it comes to Cia. Your an unaccounted for variable. And she doesn't like that. She can try and get rid of you, but because Wars keeps you so close, it doesn't quite work out.
・❥・This only deludes him further, because if this powerful sorcerer that has a hand in time and space, can't separate you two, nothing can.
The hand around your throat tightened just a bit as his hips crashed against yours. In the back of his head, he worried about hurting you, but he had a mission that needed to be fulfilled.
As a Captain, the mission would override any concern.
He needed to ensure you stayed with him. That no matter what, you stayed by his side. And what was more damning than a baby? A person who would rely on the two of you so heavily that you would never even think of leaving him.
And that's what he needed. He needed you to stay with him. He needed you to remain with him, with your unyielding loyalty and unbending ferocity. You were everything he needed in this life. And the thought of you having his baby? Was something he also needed. Just the thought of having this perfect little nuclear family made his nerves buzz. He would provide and you would stay by his side.
Like a good little bird.
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・❥・I can't tell if I hate this guy or love him.
・❥・I just- I think i mostly wanna hit him.
・❥・Now, I don't know a lot about the animated series, but I have too much self respect (/j),
・❥・But he probably meets you through Sprite. She seems like the type to be like 'Look who I met' to attempt to rub it in your face, but it backfires.
・❥・Courage finds himself too enamored with your glorious feathers and effervescent eyes, immediately laying it on thick. He's complimenting your eyes and your smile and the way the light reflects off the apples of your cheeks.
・❥・If you dare even giggle at his honeyed words, he knows he's got you. Hook, line and Sinker. Now, Courage is more of a brawn over brains type of guy, but he's still a link. He knows how and when to go on the down-low.
・❥・And, honestly, who's better suited for you then the hero of Hyrule?
"Come on, Princess. I know you can do better." He knew his smirk was infuriating if your low grumbles were anything to go by. "How can you prove you want my kid if you don't work for it?"
You gave a challenging look, bounces speeding up as you leaned into his space. You gave a low trill, feathers moving in a wave of agitation as you did, teeth bared down at him . It was so cute seeing you act so aggressive. Like you would ever stand a real chance against him. It was almost daunting- how trusting you were of him. How you just believed everything he told you.
How you trusted he would ever let you out of his sight.
How you trusted he would never use whatever means necessary to get what he wants from you.
How you trusted that he wouldn't do anything to keep you tethered to him.
But he would. Because once you were tied to him, once you were his in every way- with a fat ring on your finger and your belly so swollen you couldn't see you feet- you wouldn't be able to escape. There was no where in this kingdom nor the next that he wouldn't be able to find you. Not that it would matter. Once his child was safely growing, you wouldn't be able to move fast enough to get rid of him! You would lose your, aerial advantage, your running and hiding abilities would be greatly hindered, and should push come to shove, he wasn't against using the triforce to keep you right where he wanted you.
Afterall, you wouldn't want the kingdom your child was growing up in to be destroyed...Right?
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・❥・For Legend to trust you to this level, you must've met him at the beginning of his first adventure. In fact, you probably saved him when he was still young and inexperienced.
・❥・Thus proclaiming you as his most trusted companion.
・❥・After Koholint, he for sure latched onto you far more than ever before. He couldn't risk you being torn away from him too.
・❥・Because of what happened with Marin, he felt he had lost the ability to love. But you quietly and calmly reassure that he hasn't.
・❥・Thus leads to him just...knowing that you are here to stay. You won't be leaving him anytime soon. You won't ever leave him behind.
・❥・He lost his chance the first time and he absolutely refuses to lose it again.
・❥・Even if it means temporarily overriding your basic autonomy. You'll understand eventually.
He knew his other form sometimes bled over into his hylian one. it was something he learned to live with and, sometimes, battled with depending on his mood and the circumstance.
He was sure this was part of that.
He had heard the saying 'Fucking like rabbits' but this is just a little ridiculous. It wasn't all that unwarranted however. He needed to mark you as his. Brand you and litter you with enough hickeys and bitemarks to have even the most dense boys (Because that's all they were when compared to him) backing off.
Legend had lost too much in too short a time to take any chances. Honestly, it was a miracle that you were still here. Hylia had proven that she liked taking the most precious things in his life away from him (That fraud. Thinking she could outsmart him?! Thinking he would go down without a fight?! She had another fucking thing coming.) and you had held that title for years.
And you would. For at least a few more months. But even then, you would only have to share.
As he hoisted your legs up to your chest, folding you practically in half as he kept his rhythm steady and continuous (over and over again. Until you remembered the shape of him and only him.), he felt his lips twitch. He could see you now, cradling his and yours young. An absolutely precious little kit that would have your eyes, your perfect eyes, and maybe his nose. Who would be brought up with your gentle nature, but his intellect. Who would know no dangers of the outside world as he would destroy it to keep you two safe.
If it kept you two warm, he wouldn't hesitate to burn it all down.
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・❥・Yall have been WAITING for this one.
・❥・Now, my broken little rat. He probably meets you up on the Sky islands. You probably help him get down and he just...latches onto you.
・❥・When you stick with him, even down on the ground and into the depths, he slowly learns to trust you.
・❥・If your patient with him and let him move at his own pace? You aren't leaving. He has let too many people leave and let too many people fuck him over.
・❥・He will not let you do the same. In fact, he's thinking of a million and one ways to keep you with him.
・❥・while all of the boys will think a5bout it, Sage is the only one to actually genuinely clipping your wings. You can't leave him if you can't fly, now can you? He's faster than you.
・❥・ Let's say, for the sake of it all, you happen to befall an accident that makes clipping your wings necessary. While he isn't super excited about you being injured in any capacity, he is a little grateful that he didn't have to do it.
・❥・And on the plus side, he gets to be the good guy and nurse you back to health!
・❥・Not flying health (He has no idea why your wings aren't healing like the rest of you), but healthy enough he can enact his own little plan.
His voice quivered as he bent over your own hunched form, keeping your chest pinned to the counter he had deemed acceptable. His one hand remained locked onto your hip while the other snaked up your chest to gently wrap around your throat. There was no pressure behind the action, just enough to keep you right where he wanted you.
Keep you perfectly still while he pumps you so full of cum you'll have no choice but to carry his child. You won't ever be able to leave then. No, you were kind. Too kind for his world. Too nice, too much of a beacon of pure light to ever do that. You would never deprave a child of his father, nor would you deprave a father of his young. And he knew this. If he planned on capitalizing that fact, just a little, that was no one's business but his own.
Just the thought of you carrying a child, a perfect mix of both of you-- just as much yours and they were his-- was almost enough to have him thanking Hylia for you. For putting him through everything if only to gift him with you in the end.
"Keep going, dove. Your almost there. Soon, we'll have a family of our own."
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yanderelinkeduniverse · 10 months
Reader: "So eventually I'm like- alright"
Reader: "Being nice doesn't work, being nice gets me stalkers" *side eyes the chain*
Reader: "Being mean gets me crazy men who are attached to crazy woman" *side eyes dink*
Reader: "I'm just gonna ignore y'all now *walks away while fierce deity follows behind her*
Reader: (AND THEY LIKE THAT TOO!) *turns around and yells* LEAVE ME ALONE!
(At this point, it's safe to say reader is a yandere link magnet with how many alternate versions of link swarm her like a bunch of honey bees to a field of flowers 🤣😂)
https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8fcnfoE/ (this is the audio they’re referring too)
Heavy is the head which where’s the crown, it seems like wherever this girl goes she ends up with at least one(1) admirer of the insane variety 😂
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yourlocaltreesimp · 10 months
I am still so new to the LU so please go easy on my requests. I am basically learning as I go and also because I am hesitant to request here. So here is my simple request.
I don't know if you do Yandere anymore but can I get Yan Time/FD(I love him so much;^;) and Wild reacting to reader confessing their feelings to them. I just want fluffy fluff. I might request again but I don't wanna overwhelm your bucket list.
Now I am going to do the first prompt, But put the second back in the inbox and it’ll get done… eventually?
TW: yandarism and all it’s accompanies (obsession, violence, etc), yan!reader
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Safety was a concept you didn’t know much of. It was like a bird, swooping nearer to you and diving away. It was something you once had wished for. Something you couldn’t have. Not with the struggles and strife of the world. It was something that lured, something so ironic once you realised that the very concept of safety often led people away from what was truly safe. In a world without real villains, there were only false heroes. And so, you settled for as close to safety as one given person could manage. But life is a shaky course, filled with so much unpredictability that it’s natural that your walls came crashing down eventually. Now, you were in a world with a true villain. One of evil for evil's sake, one whom it was easy to label as the bad guy. He ripped you from your home and with malice he chased until you met who you can only presume to be your hero. Who else could wield such a sword with such accuracy and grace that the gods themselves wished to emulate? Your heart felt like it was clawing at your ribs whenever the shadow man lashed at your hero. If only you weren’t injured. But it seemed your heart needn’t worry, your hero moving so quickly as to miss the blade, even as strands of gold and white were cut by the sweep of the villain’s blade. They clashed until your hero triumphed, pinning his rival under his boot with a glare of such power that you felt… oddly secure. His smile was wide and hungry and you saw a teal v shake that contrasted the tan of his skin and gold of his hair, blood red marks beneath his eyes that complimented the flush on his cheeks. The villain faded to dust and your vision went with him. Your hero picked you up, and in your fading mind you smiled and clung to that overwhelming feeling of safety. You now knew it, and you wouldn’t be letting it quietly slip by.
The deity knawed in Time’s mind, latched to the soul of the person he saved. Never once had he felt such a tug to any given person. Sure, there was that longing for home, for comfort, but that was never something he was meant to achieve. A lure to keep him moving, to keep doing as he was told. But you… what was it about you? Sure you were undeniably pretty in the way you must’ve been carved by the gods themselves -or been one, as far as the deity was concerned- but that didn’t explain the urge he felt. The urge to go looking for something tugged at his very soul, as if looking for something forgotten. There he found you and just knew. There wasn’t much thought before he drew his blade, and he didn’t resist the second consciousness aiding his steps and swings. There wasn’t anything but bloodlust, comfortable and warm, teeming beneath his skin. It was primal, something so base and inherit that as the shadow was caught beneath his boot all he could do was smile, baring his teeth. Of course the shadow faded away, but it seemed terrified. That thought stuck- that he was capable of making something so otherworldly no more than a scared boy. It felt justifying. Like the scared little boy in him had grown and was satisfied. And then there was you. Just you. Your sweet, content smile as he picked you up. He felt gratified, feared and loved. What they needed him to be and what he wanted to be. He couldn’t just let you leave now, him and the deity both agreed. You wouldn’t be safe without him.
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