#yandere mutant
Platonic Yandere Mutants
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“Can I help you with anything sir?”
Giving your typical customer server voice, you finished shelving the sauces and turned to the anthropod-mutant. The world has seen a resurgence of mutated humans that are just the same as any other human other than their more animalistic traits. A big part of the service-related industry was being able to handle the large, intimidating, and sometimes violent clientele.
“I’m so distraught…” The anthropodian looked just as he said with inky-black goo pouring from his black eyes. His quivering pupils were an amber-yellow, looking deep into your soul with lashes painted by his tears like mascara. 
He was arguably quite handsome if you could get past the staggering height of 244 centimeters, the three spider-like legs, and a lean torso connected to a larger abdomen. From a glance, it seemed that he was a spider-mutant but the folded wings on his large backside and the lack of mandibles or multiple eyes said otherwise. You didn’t know if it’d be polite to ask;  in the meantime, he continues. 
“Ever since the Spring the love of my life and I have been trying to fertilize our eggs Even our roommates attempted to help us make our children but to no avail. We went to the doctors and you know how few of them actually know how to treat mutants but that’s beside the point. They told us that we technically should be able to but for whatever reason we just can’t. We suspect that it might be because of the vaccine they recently brought mainstream. It’s just been so hard going through life without our own little bundle of joy.”
“Sir….this is a Matiscoes.”
He started crying again, putting his hands over his face, and you shot a nervous glance around, trying to spot another employee or nosy customer willing to intervene. No other customers were there and your coworkers that were weren’t interested in helping you whatsoever–only willing to offer a minor shrug.
“Is there anything you want here…to quell your grief.”
His crying seemed to cease or at least let up enough to fold his hands in front of him. He was smiling now and tilting his head. You copied the motion as you awaited his answer. 
“That’s why I came here today,” he started. “We’ve been watching you for a while now and we’ve decided you're going to be our new addition to the family!”
You blanched. 
“Uhm what–”
Faster than you could react strong grey hands grasped your shoulders, hugging you tight into his chest before holding you up high. In a way that only an anthropodian could do his backside’s wings opened up. Another layer, which looks like an exoskeleton, pulls back to reveal a gooey compartment. Barely able to let out a yelp as he unceremoniously dropped you into the compartment. 
The feeling of the compartment’s innards was soft and fleshy complimented by what had to be gallons of viscous slime that coated its sides and bottom. You saw your coworkers first–all of them either preparing to scream or reaching out as if to pull you out. Opening your mouth to call for them you found yourself choking on the chunky liquid, as you reached out. It was then you felt a hand on your head pushing down as the exoskeletal layer closed over you. 
It was a mostly transparent screen with tinges of gray that matched the skin tone of the mutant who had grabbed you. Next were the wings which folded over sealing you within the blackness of the compartment and forcing you to curl into yourself. You tried to hold your breath but when your lungs couldn’t take it, you resigned yourself to suffocate within the goop and complete darkness. Come to find you somehow could…breath just fine? You wanted to dwell on it, to question what this was but you found yourself unable to register much in the darkness of the cavern. Or even registering yourself as you felt your eyes close and your body relax.
All you knew was that the muffled yells were nothing but white noise to fall asleep to.
“You look happy today? Was it lunch?” 
Granger, the harpy, was preening his navy blue and magenta feathers when the anthropodian mutant happily strolled in. Picking up on the faint scent of metal, he deduced that his roommates had treated themselves again. 
He didn’t mind it really. 
After all, he had his own specific tastes.
But as much as they were his roommates, they were the closest thing he had to friends. And seeing a smile on your recently mopey friend's face was a good enough sign. The reason he felt like asking was the blacker tint of a blush on his gray cheeks as he lightly scurried by. 
“I did have a good lunch today but I got something better!”
“What is it?”
The anthropodian let out a coy giggle, winking as he made his way out of the mansion to the den he’d recently been crying in. While Granger didn’t pride himself on being emotionally intelligent he wasn’t as stupid as others expected. 
Something definitely happened.
And maybe the landlord might want to know about it. 
Sending the text swiftly, he tucked his phone away at the silent entrance of his other roommate. She held a mass of webs in her human-like arms along with a larger web sack strung over her shoulder and strapped against her back. The drider didn’t even bother to let one of her eight eyes even glance at him as she skillfully strode along the ceiling.
The harpy tilted his head up almost leaning completely on the chair to watch her make her way to the kitchen. 
“So I hear you two went out to lunch.”
“We did.”
“Are those the only leftovers? And I took you for the saving type.”
She didn’t say anything for a while instead opening the fridge to store what she had wrapped. For a moment, Granger thought she was ignoring him but then she spoke up. 
“I sent the real leftovers up to the den in the minecart. This food I retrieved is for…Harley.”
Granger made a face.
“Does Harley have a sudden interest in normie food?”
“You could say that…point being don’t eat any of this.”
“Ugh you know I won’t.”
“I mean it, Granger, if you eat this you will know the wrath of Harley.”
“Yeah yeah whatever.”
She blinked all eight of her eyes indignantly before scurrying away. 
Everyone was acting so weird. Granger felt excluded from whatever was going it’d stop when Quintin got home.
“Sire here are the final reports of this week’s averages.”
“Thank you. Make sure the office party ends well I’ll be taking my leave.”
“Of course sire. Have a nice evening.”
Walking out of the meeting room turned party venue, he drew the eyes of everyone there. Curious staring and admirable gazes alike followed him all the way to his office, giving him a temporary reprieve from the constant attention. The albino looked like any other of his employees, other than his strikingly white hair, pale face, red eyes, and the matching snake tail sprouting from his lower back. 
He too despite his upper appearance, was a mutant. Though more accepted for his resemblance to basic humans, Quintin still received a mix of reactions for his noticeable difference. Balancing the disgusted reactions for who the mutant he was along with the odd fascination for his mutant extremity made his success a winding road. Filled with pain, abuse, and constant questions of his own existence. 
But he was here and now he was a mogul among mutants and humans alike. 
He kept an open mind as he learned of new things, different curve balls, and spotty trends. His openness allowed for flexibility that let him navigate his industry. But that didn’t mean he didn’t like plans. As much as he practiced being open, routine was vital to his level-headedness. 
Specifically with things regarding home. So a text from the unruly tenant and friend made him remarkably tense. 
<Hey so Harley and Mar-Mar are acting weird…>
<I guess something went down at lunch>
Harley and Margot must have gone on one of their little excursions again.
Quintin had a sneaking suspicion as to what it may be but he had to be sure. Considering Harley was dealing with their infertility without too many distractions he could see why he’d go do something extreme. Tapping the password he retyped so often, the familiar security camera configuration popped up.
His eyebrow twitched, his claws scraped the underside of his desk, and his tail angrily whipped around. Finding nothing but the small movements of a cat on one of the cameras the subject for those cameras was nowhere to be found.
Through gritted teeth and a hiss on the tip of his tongue, Quintin cursed, “Harley!”
He hurried home without his typical unaffected air about him but no one bothered him let alone said goodbye. They knew better than to do so. Signalling his chauffeur to quickly head home he tried to calm the anger rising from within. 
The drive felt longer than usual because his mind was in near disarray. He kept it together, calmly undoing his tie and hanging his suit jacket up as he walked up the steep path to the mansion. He planned to quickly change out of his work clothes, with his partner being so privy to the faint scents of his coworkers. 
“Quintin! There you are! What’s up?”
Dodging a feathered hug, he shot him a scornful look shutting down the playful greeting of Granger. Passing him with burning vigor, he made his way through the mansion finding his practically untouched suite. He changed into the relaxing and more comfortable poet shirt and leather pants before sprinting up the mount.
He sent a passing glance at the displaced mine carts. They had been moved recently, which matches up with Granger’s inclusion of Margot. She happened to be the one who suggested moving furniture and delivering food to Harley’s den when he first began to nest. Only confirming his suspicions he ran at speeds invisible to the human eye. Despite looking so similar to them he was wired completely different 
With no need to catch his breath, he strode past the various webbing around the mouth of the cave. For someone who claimed to be celibate Margot was heavily invested and involved throughout their fertility journey. Going so far as to insulate and effectively monitor the cave with Harley in it. Of course, it remained to be seen if this was helpful or not. 
He walked farther, attempting not to trigger the connection of webs that alerted neither Harley nor Margot. Eventually, the webbing stopped and the cave split into tunnels. He already knew where the latest nest was based on scent alone. After navigating the various paths to the entry of an even smaller cave was where he found Harley. 
It was a smaller cavern with a slow but moving body of water with a generator powering the off-hand appliances, and heating panels pointed downwards. A little ways from them in a widely dug hole was the nest, a collection of blankets and pillows that he excitedly went shopping for not too long ago. And so was Harley happily tidying up and poking at the pillows infusing them with his blood and plasma.
His smiling gray face turned to look at him with a black blush he could tell had been there for a while. 
“Quintin! I’m so glad you’re here we’re almost ready.”
“W-what, aren’t you happy?”
“I told you to wait. To wait until we were both ready.”
The anthropod made a face. 
“But I was ready. My body said it was time so I just–”
He continued to quietly justify himself as Quintin let his mind drift. This was a common conversation throughout their journey. While his snake heritage was always known to him and the behaviors connected with it the same could never be said about Harley. All they knew was that he was connected to the anthropod type in some way. Other than that it was a guessing game. More often than not they just had to rely on whatever feeling Harley was focused on hoping it’d be akin to a birthing instinct. 
It was exhausting. 
But Quintin loves Harley.
So he’d put up with that, during their latest attempt–surrogacy–he met someone who kindled the paternal instincts in him like none before. It was during an interview for an assistant intern that he happened to be watching that he’d found them. 
A human. 
An awkward one.
That was just trying to make their way in the world.
Never before had he wanted to stow anyone away except for Harley. So young. So weak+ So unachieved. Maybe it was the way you spoke, what answers were firm and not, the way your eyes checked yourself in the mirror provided. Whatever it was it solidified it for him, if this next attempt didn’t work out then he wouldn’t mind adoption. Granted you weren’t a child or a teen but barely an adult he wanted nothing more than to coddle and spoil. 
So after stringing them along a few other interviews, he rejected their application. Keeping the template-based resume and taking the vital information to do an extensive background check. It was a great distraction setting up the cameras in your home and guiding your job search to a crooked grocery store. So of course the sorrow of another avenue closing was painful but it just gave him an excuse to have a routine—-to be calm. To sync his routine with yours; watching your daily life allowing him to scold you through the screen. 
It wouldn’t be long before Harley caught wind of his turned attention, eventually scoping out his secret pastime. Quintin was worried originally, while he had the financial power Harley was just an unstoppable unit if pushed hard enough. It wouldn’t be the first time he’d made meals out of coworkers he deemed too close. But much to Quintin’s surprise, it became the newest vice for Harley’s sadness.
“When can we? I want them home soon!” 
“We need to wait…give it time then we’ll slowly reel them in.”
It was the wise way to bring their baby in. Slowly gain their trust, earn their friendship, and eventually become the parents that could be without explicitly saying it. It was a long game but it’d be worth it as they got the payout all without immense force or bringing stress.
“-it’s just that they’re getting older and we’re going to miss out! I wasn’t trying to-”
“I understand.”
“I get why. It’s fine. We’ll make this work.”
“Oh well, I’m glad you see it my way!”
How shameless.
Harley bent down to give him a light peck before happily turning away. Continuing to arrange and rearrange the nesting area. Surely there wasn’t much else that could be done, other than maybe customizing it with a few things from their baby’s shoddy shack they called home. But not too much. He could only hope your favorite things weren’t infected with whatever vermin surely lived in the rundown place he had (his staff) those cameras planted in. On that topic, he made a mental note to pick up the little creature he saw running nervously around there. Surely bringing it back home would help their baby acclimate. Speaking of them…
“Where are they by the way?”
With a small smile and a flutter of Harley’s wings, he already knew. Quintin couldn’t help but pinch the bridge of his nose.
“How did I know…anyway Harls are you going to release them soon?”
“But they’re so cozy and quiet in here!”
“I was going to but what better way to get close to each other?!”
“Harls. Most humans already are frightened by our appearance, let alone the inner workings of us mutants…they aren’t going to respond to your…” He sent a worried look to the anthropodian’s behind. “Affection all that well.”
“I know that! All babies are fussy, especially when they haven’t been with us for too long.”
Quintin decided to dismiss the jump in logic. Harley sighed before picking a place among the pillows to settle down in. With a pout on his lips, his wings flapped up and the final layer of his protective pouch pulled back. 
There you were, sleeping in the fetal position and submerged in the yellow fluids of Harley’s design. Soothed by the sounds of your light breathing Quintin took a minute to admire you before scooping you up in his arms. Not bothered by the residue soaking through his shirt, he settled you down on one of the many propped-up pillows. Making sure to support your head as he held you tight. He lightly rocked you noting you were still wearing your work uniform. He held back a sigh and sent a look to his partner who had finished closing his pouch and had turned to sit against his side. 
“What? We figured we’d get lunch along the way.”
“Did they see?”
“Nope! And if you want we have leftovers!”
“ I smelt so and…maybe if the manager is among them.”
“Hmm you’ll have to ask Margot, she’s already wrapped them up.”
“U-u-uhm what is going on?!”
When you woke up, you first remember how hard it was to open your eyes. Not only because the desire to sleep wasn’t constantly plaguing your brain but because something had glued your lashes together. It took over five attempts to blink your eyes open. 
Your lips had the same problem, you’d have to try to open them too. 
What was this taste in your mouth?! 
It was remarkably blurry. Like round spots of color barely moving blurry. But your eyes would adjust like all your other senses, including your ears which seemed to have been clogged but were slowly becoming clear.
Both those voices sounded so familiar one more so than the other. Coupled with the oddly chilly hand weight of a hand supporting your back, which seemed to lightly bob you up and down. The voices of the ones above you became clearer, talking about something you couldn’t grasp.
“Uhm, what’s going on?!”
It came out before you could register your mouth moved at all. It only made you regret it when they both turned to you with such wide eyes; almost like a feline’s glare when it came to hunting. 
The gray man gave a fanged smile, “Hi baby, good morning! Did you have a nice rest?”
You felt the urge to scream only able to hone in on the glowing yellow pupils and the sharpened teeth coming closer to you. The paler face, a much more human-like face tutted the threatening being. Pulling you to sit on their lap, letting you eye the incredibly dark cavern that you were in before covering your eyes with a pale hand. 
Eyes covered, you could only guess it was a muscular arm wrapping around your waist. Hushing in your ear and a hand attempting to soothe you by rubbing the side of your upper arm. It helped…a little.
“(Y/n), relax for me. Breathe in and out. Breathe in and out.”
You followed the man’s instructions to fight the urge to let out a shuddered breath. You could feel your tears dampen the hand over your eyes. He repeated the same instructions to you, waiting for your breath to even out before trying to speak to you.
“(Y/n) some things are going to be different now.”
“What do you mean by that? How do you know my name? Where am—”
Shushing you again the voice calmly continued,” I am Quintin and the anthropod you met before is Harley. We’ll be your guardians from now on.”
“What?! Guardians?! But I’m an adult I don’t need any–guardians!”
The voice seemed to pause, almost offended by your denial. The arm around you—that felt like it didn’t have joints–tightened around you in a vice grip.
“We are your guardians from now on (Y/n)...now would you like to see or would you like a blindfold?”
Now it was your turn to be silent. Debating with yourself on what would bring the most comfort in the stress full time.
On one hand, if they were going to torture you or force you to undergo some horrific experiments or something the blindfold would be better.
On the other hand, having your sight lets you see where you can escape and see what you’re up against. 
Well, the answer is obvious, right?
“I want the blindfold off.”
“Okay, but if you misbehave it’s going right back.”
You ignored the warning as your dim surroundings were revealed. Blinking away the blurred specks in your eyes it revealed the familiar face from the store. Your expression must’ve shown your realization because the mutant spoke.
“Hi, sweet pea! We did officially meet in the store but I’ll have you know I’ve been wanting you home with us for a long time!”
You grimace, “You were stalking me?” 
His expression became downcast before he shook his head. 
“Stalking is for hunting, sweetie. We’ll have to go over everything you know about hunting if that’s what you’ve been taught. Stupid humans if that’s what they're teaching we’ll have to reteach you everything!”
“I’m human!”
He swoons before pinching your cheeks and cuddling his face against yours. “I know but you’re our human! And that makes you better than all of them.”
You felt disgusted. While there were tensions with the mutants it was mostly through those rioting and promoting discrimination. Those same rioters tended to look down on the other race, saying things just like that. It disturbed you. 
“Humans aren’t stupid!”
“(Y/n).” Quintin warned. You didn’t listen.
“Have you ever considered that our strengths aren’t in our physical strengths alone? “
“(Y/n), please.”
“Now, angel watch your tone! You won’t speak to your father and I like that.”
“I’m going to say something if you’re looking down on people.”
“I look down on them because that’s nature, darling. Just because it’s the way the world works doesn’t mean you need to misbehave.”
“I’m not misbehaving! I’m stating my opinion!”
“Maybe you’re opinion isn’t wanted.”
“Then maybe you should’ve gotten some underdeveloped child!”
“Grrr. That’s it, I’m putting you in time out.”
Repeating the same actions as he did at the store, you tried your best to struggle this time. Scratching and squirming did nothing to stop your route to the opened exoskeleton compartment. Harley only stopped at Quintin’s hand on his chest.
“But honey they—”
“Are adjusting we have to give them time to learn their surroundings. To get to know us.”
“But Quin!”
With a sigh, he set you down again. Angrily crossing his arms Harley watched you scramble away, sending a look towards Quintin who closed the distance between you. Finally seeing his face as he came to kneel in front of you. His skin was pale, a smooth off-white that could barely be distinguished from his hair. His eyes were like crimson pearls with slitted pupils gazing deeply into your own. 
“(Y/n), I know a lot of things are changing for you,” he kept stepping closer to you; minding how your back had reached the wall of the crater. He continued to step close to you, holding his hands up when you flinched. “And there’s a lot to learn so I’ll make it easier for you.
You felt something slither between your back and the wall pulling you closer to Quintin as he reached into his pocket. Now it hit you that the albino had a tail sprouting from his behind, that easily held you tight as a blindfold was tied over your face. Naturally, you reached your hands up to analyze it only for those oddly warm and chilled hands to wrap something soft around your wrists.
“Wait did you–”
“I did.” 
You opened your mouth to protest, stopping when you felt the slicing of the air near your ear. Barely sensing the breath, you gathered that Quentin was hugging you and prepared to whisper.
“Don’t upset him. Otherwise, he’ll keep you in that pouch forever.”
“But what if–”
“He’s emotional, you won’t be able to reason with him.” He paused, internally enjoying the defeated look on your face. Taking advantage of your hesitance he set your head to rest on his shoulder. “I’ll always come back for you. When I do I can reason with him so hang tight for me, okay?”
He felt your lips wobble and the small drips against his shoulder. He tightened his hug, relishing the clinging of your cuffed hands against his shirt. 
He tried again,” Can you do that, (Y/n)? Let him baby you, just for a little bit?”
“I’m already so proud.”
He pulls away, delightfully having to unlatch your fingers from him. He fights the smile that threatens to spread as he begins walking back to Harley. The anthropodian mutant glared at him with an angry dark blush on his face. His wings occasionally and angrily fluttered as Quintin came closer. Holding his gray cheeks in place, the snake prodded his tongue against Harley’s lips. Pushing past the barrier Quintin enjoyed the warmth of Harley’s mouth diving deeper until he was met with a reciprocated stroke. Before they got carried away, they pulled away each licking off the translucent purple saliva that hung on their lips. 
“Be forgiving Harley, they’re really scared.”
Harley clung to his love’s shirt, peering over his shoulder at the helpless human who curiously turned their head.
“But what if I’m scared too, Quintin? What if they get away from us, like the last ones?” 
“They won’t. I’ll make sure of it.”
Amber eyes looked nervously into Quintin’s eyes before letting a smile stretch across his face. Harley took his time placing another kiss on the albino’s lips, stepping around him as he made his way to the human. 
“Then hurry back, I think we’ll both be looking forward to our first meal–as a family!”
Quintin smiled casually jumping out of the crater; smiling widely as watched Harley scoop you up with care. This time lightly running his nose along your head as he spoke, probably apologizing. 
The snake mutant made his way back to the mansion, not only planning to begin moving your things but also grabbing the food Margot brought especially for his baby. He had to calm himself when he found his tail unconsciously striking the trees around him. Chastizing himself, he didn’t want to knock all the trees down, he’s sure you’d love climbing them. 
“Oh right. We’ll have to talk with others, I bet they're dying to meet you.”
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khayalli · 6 months
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uh- yeah, no, my car is just shitty. Definately...defiantely not just making up excuses to see him haha....
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yanteetle · 2 months
How about some angry raph?
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"Who's there! Hands in the air, or we'll shoot!"
Have some angry future Raph. Sorry for literally not posting for 2 years (or more)! He's not very happy about the little interruption, and the mess that'll have to come out of it.
Taglist: @dynaspamm @faetaiity @fried-milkfish @milks-thoughts @hearteyedracoon @zxphy @mellytumbles @nekonekoastume @temmerloverart @ramblehour @redak-ted @unnamedindividual @lampylamperson @elegantkidfansoul @lexiechr @yourleastfavoriteguyinthechair @gemini-forest @galaxyblast23 @sardonic-the-writer @0what-a-guy0 @oleander-nin @zonepastrrii @silverwatergalaxy @neonsaccherine @chaoticdaydreamss @speckle-meow-meow @dead-end-stuff
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faetaiity · 5 months
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If this fucking happens
Im writing for ROTTMNT again bc holy shit I’m so excited I might get back into the community oh my FUCKING GOD /POS
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f1oricide · 11 months
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Taglist: @itsyagurlchip (if u want to be added, lmk in the inbox or comments)
KING BOO DONNIE!!! I kinda rushed this but I think it looks great :)) I am SO tempted to draw the tongue but I know better than to give y’all heart palpitations <3
Idea created by: @gal-with-pastels
And inspired by: @lexiechr @sweaterrat
861 notes · View notes
oleander-nin · 8 months
Hi I really enjoyed your writing and i recently got interested in Tmnt and Rottmnt due to my sister watching the shows. I wondering if you can make headcanons about Rottmnt brothers as yanderes but the brothers more in tune with their turtle instincts. Like the yandere brothers try to court their darling but them not understanding and this frustrates the brothers. Thank you taking the time to look at this and I hope you are doing okay.
A/N, not important: You're so sweet, and this ask genuinely made me feel really happy. Although, just a quick disclaimer, I kind of took creative liberty with this because '"turtle instincts" are basically mate and leave, so.... Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.
CW: not very intense yandere(imo), possessive behaviors, territorial behaviors, animal instincts, biting, forced contact, dark themes
Words: 906
Summary: ROTTMNT with more turtle-ly instincts
Tag list: @f1oricide @itsyagurlchip @lordfreg @acutiewithagun @rottmnttmnt2012 @lixnininotnay @lexiechr @ssak-i
He’s somehow ever more clingy, constantly rubbing his cheeks against yours or resting his chin on your shoulder. He likes to have you with him, hissing or snapping his beak when you try to pull away.
He’s very vocal with you, constantly chirping happily or churring as you both cuddle, or giving off a high-pitched hiss if you’re doing something he doesn’t like. He doesn’t mean to, and he finds it slightly embarrassing.
Head butts you for attention. If you’re avoiding him, or doing something by yourself, he’ll just lean against you and softly knock his head against yours to silently voice his displeasure. He doesn’t like when you’re not paying attention to him, or hanging out with him. He wants to be involved with what you’re doing, and the easiest way he’s found is to just knock heads.
Lays in your lap and just retracts into his shell when he’s tired. He’ll just push himself onto you before disappearing into his shell, completely content. He knows you won’t move him while he’s tucked away, which gives him even more of an incentive to do it.
Box turtles have a homing range, which is the only area they’ll be in their entire lives. Mikey hates having you leave what he considers his range, growing agitated every time you mention going farther than the distance that spans his ‘territory’. His range would probably be all of New York, but if you ever mention leaving the state, Mikey won’t be happy. Not that you could ever leave him anyways, but just the thought makes him feel on edge.
More territorial with you. You’ve more or less been integrated into his space and become what he considers ‘home’. He doesn’t like leaving you for long because you’re his space, his happy place. 
Bites you randomly, especially when you’ve annoyed him. He has a strong bite, so he tries to hold back from accidentally severely injuring you, but he can’t help chomping when you push his buttons or try to leave.
He likes to be in the water with you. There’s most likely some form of clean water, pool–esque area in the lair, so sometimes he’ll just drag you over and lay in the water with you. He’s an aquatic turtle, and the water is soothing to him. If you can’t swim, or just really don’t like to be in the water, he’ll situate you on his chest or back as he floats on the surface.
Drags you under piles of blankets and pillows to cuddle with him. Since he can’t burrow, nor truly wants to, his blanket forts are the next best thing to him. He’ll always have some premade pile of soft things somewhere, either in his room or lab. If he wants attention, or to just be near you, he’ll drag you under the pile with him and just hold on tight.
More territorial of you, doesn’t like you leaving his sight. He can protect you when you’re near him, but if you wander off, he’s basically helpless to help you. His worry and his need to keep you safe causes him to keep you close at all times.
Aggressive when you’re with others. Because of his more territorial nature, he hates seeing other people near you or interacting with you. He doesn’t trust anyone else, which ends up with him usually intimidating or fighting everyone you're close to into leaving you alone.
Bites you randomly as you’re laying with him. Whether he’s holding you close and suddenly chomps on your shoulder, or is just talking with you before biting at your hand, it doesn’t matter. He just has the urge to bite you, almost like he’s teething. He tries to not do it hard, especially since it’s usually your shoulder/neck, but he’s left teeth imprints before.
Like to just grab you. He’ll just wrap his arms around you in a hug, or rest his hands on your shoulders. He tries to not accidentally grip too hard, but he can’t help but hang onto you when he’s feeling lonely.
Likes to touch your face and drum his fingers over your cheeks. If you pull away, he’ll get upset because it’s just one of the ways he shows his love. If you keep trying to get him to stop, it’ll only make him do it more often because he feels like you’re rejecting his love, rather than the action. Usually churrs softly as he flutters his fingers across your skin in an attempt to make you accept it.
Basks on you. If you’re laying down on the couch, he’ll lay on top of you and completely stretch out, especially if there’s some light source shining on you both from nearby. 
He likes being able to lay on you and warm up, finding you cozy as well as appreciating the fact you can’t exactly get away from him. You’re right there with him, and there’s nothing you can do about it.
Nips at your fingers if they’re in front of him. Like if you’re holding his cheek, he’ll nip and kiss your palm. He never bites hard, usually only nibbling on your skin while holding you.
Very vocal, constantly churring or rumbling while with you. He doesn’t usually hiss at you unless you’re actively trying to get away from him. He’ll nuzzle his beak against your face while churring, unable to stop the habit.
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honey-minded-hivemind · 2 months
works best with the X-Men 97' universe but imagine what you want lmao
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Gambit: Too bad so sad, little bat likes Gambit most!
Morph, Logan, and Scott: 😶😡😤😠
Gambit: Um... why y'all lookin' at Gambit like dat?
Scott: GET HIM!!!
Gambit: Mon petite bat, HELP ME!!!
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tmntxthings · 5 months
you said your requests are open in your navigation post and i'm absolutely obsessed with your writing !! could you possibly do something with yandere mikey ? whatever you want !! i'm just starving for mikey content and i love the way you characterise him <3
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author’s notes: ahhhhh thank you my sweet anon for the kind words, i’m a simple person, you say yandere, and i start writing 😂
warnings: dark au, yandere tendencies, erratic behavior, delusion, threats, intimidation, choking, unedited, angsty
song: 4ÆM by Grimes
It was late one night. Mikey rarely stayed up past 2 am but here he was, humming to himself as he made the two of you grilled cheeses. It wasn’t 2 but 4 in the morning. Everyone else was in their own respective rooms. You had doubts that Leo and Donnie were asleep. But you could hear Raph’s snores all the way in the kitchen. And Splinter wasn’t exactly a peaceful sleeper either.
“Should I heat up some soup to dip it in?” You offered going to where they kept the cans of microwaveable soup. “Ah sure!” Mikey agreed. As it so happened, the microwave was right above the stove where Mikey was working his magic.
But years of being in each other’s space had you easily crossing the boundary of personal space to get on your tippy toes to press the button that opened up the microwave and placed the bowl of soup inside. You set it for three minutes, clicked start, and then backed away.
The smell of burnt bread filtered through your nose and you looked over to Mikey to see that he was just staring straight ahead. Spatula in hand ready for flipping the cheese sandwiches but not doing anything at all. “…Mike? It’s burnin’” you said plainly.
He blinked, looked down and his blank expression morphed into one of horror. “Oh no no no!” In dismay he flipped to see the charred toast. His teeth clacked as he scooped it once more and went for the trash can.
“Wait wait I’ll eat it! Don’t waste it Angelo!!” You said hurriedly but he just looked at you with a bewildered expression before chunking it. “We’ve got more cheese and bread, I’m not feeding you burnt grilled cheese.” You crossed your arms. “All it needed was a good scraping on the burnt side and it would’ve been fine!”
He shook his head. “Trash!” He said with finality. He got to work whipping up two more. You let it go. And the two of you situated yourself at the kitchen table, soup in between you both as you had your own respective sandwiches. You were starved so you chowed down right away. Blowing out hot air as you burned your tongue in the process.
Mikey had pulled up a YouTube video for the two of you to watch in the meantime. Glancing over at your antics and shaking his head once more but with a smile this time. “Wha?” You said with food still in your mouth. His beak scrunched. And you gave him a wicked grin before opening your mouth fully to show him the mushy half eaten food inside.
“Gross! Why?!” He whined, tearing his eyes away to watch the video he had up. You didn’t have a response for that. Spontaneity you guessed. You hadn’t finished your meal yet but you pushed out of your seat. “Where ya going?” He chirped not looking away from the screen. “Drink!” You stated, bending down as you looked in the fridge to view the options.
“Want something?” You asked. “Nah… actually a Dr. Pepper.” You grabbed one and headed back. Cracking it open you took a sip before sliding it his way. He took a sip without looking away from the screen. You tilted over to see what it was about, some grocery store hijinks. Lame! You got back to the meal. Opening up your own phone to check the messages you had missed.
You hadn’t been on your phone all day! Spending most of it with Mikey doing mundane stuff. Video gaming or watching movies. You smiled down at a specific message.
Unbeknownst to you, Mikey had his eyes on you ever since you had opened up your phone. A blank expression taking over his face once more. “Who’s that.” He said, not a question. But you hardly noticed, your attention enraptured from the slew of messages you were receiving now. Then you halted and your eyes shot up at Mikey, one of his brow bones lifted in question at the shocked look you gave him.
“I never told you!” You said with surprise and turned fully to him. Mikey felt his muscles tighten. Something you hadn’t told him? What could it be? His thoughts spiraled to worse case scenarios. “I met this person… and it was like insta-crush! They’ve just got this way about them. Okay wait wait lemme start from the beginning—“
The muscle by his jaw ticked. A crush. An insta-crush. You were crushing on someone? It was as if by thinking of the worst thing possible it then came true. While you went on distracted by your disgusting puppy love, Mikey sat there not really listening. He watched as you were pulled away from the conversation multiple times by your phone lighting up. And his pupils started to shake.
After the fourth time of you getting all distracted and giggly Mikey rammed his fist down into the table. Smashing bits of it to splinters. “What the hell Mikey?!” You were out of your chair and raising your hands up in what was a mix of emotions. “Heh! Sorryyyyy,” those dead eyes of his crinkled into crescents as he smiled then he shook his fist as if it had hurt.
“Sorry?! What was that?? You smashed the table into dust!” Your eyes were bugging out at the show of strength. “There was a bug!” Mikey lied. You gave him a once over. Then you took a step back. Ah he was such a terrible liar.
“Maybe I should go? It’s getting late. You’re probably tired!” It’s like you were trying to give him an excuse. “But I thought we were having a sleepover?” Mikey whined. Getting up from his chair slowly. You were pedaling backwards. “We can reschedule Angie! Really!” Your voice was half placating, and half fearful.
“Okay okay, you got me!” Mikey held up his hands in a show of surrender and in your confusion you hesitated to escape further. “Huh?” You questioned. “I may have gotten a teensy bit jealous! I had no idea you were crushing on someone!” Mikey explained. Then went further.
“I actually thought.. with how much you’ve been over.. and how well we get along.. I just thought maybe words weren’t needed to describe what we were!”
You blinked slowly. “We’re friends Mikey.” You said plainly. His hands went down, while his head tilted to the side. “Really? Do friends stay up this late together?” You were instantly defensive. “Yes! Donnie, me, and Leo stay up this late all the time!” So Mikey went further.
“Do they share food or the same soda? Do they cross boundaries? Do they text 24/7? Do they say I love you? Do they cuddle? Do they share a bed?” The more he listed the more his face lost control. His eyes widening in a manic sort of way as his hands started to flail about. You flushed at the last bit. “I was perfectly fine on the couch! It was you who had insisted—“
“We. Are. Dating!” He yelled out. His plastron heaving as he struggled to breathe properly. “You like me! And I like you. We aren’t friends. We’ve been dating forever. You don’t have a crush on anyone but me!” He swallowed as his eyes brightened completely into what you could only describe as his ninja stare. You trembled in place as his hands rose from his sides, his ninpo flaring to life as that fiery orange chain snaked into view threatening to shoot towards your form if you dared to bolt.
“Say it.” You couldn’t. It was a lie. It was a delusion. Something Mikey had made up all on his own, something you had no part in. You shook your head. He huffed. “Fine.” The last thing you remember seeing was that chain faster than lightning wrapping around your body, it squeezed you, holding on to every part available. Choking you. And Mikey walking over without a care in the world as your vision swam and turned black.
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0mysticmidnight0 · 28 days
Hello, could you write a Rottmnt headcanon about what quirks the turtles would have according to their personalities?
This has been on the back of my head..
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-I feel like he would just zone out randomly and he'd have a smirk on his face while doing it.
-Definitely raids the kitchen at night for anything Mikey made.
- when he's eating he'd eat anything without realizing. "what are you doing?" "Chewing gum." "that a pen cap.." "So it is.."
- (After the movie) If he can't stop thinking about the incident, he'll subconsciously waddle to Donnie's room and plop down on his bed (while Donnie being in the room doesn't matter). "Wha-? Mmph-! Leo?!" "Scooch over, I need my beauty sleep.."
-has a reflex when he's scared. Leo had the unfortunate pleasure of finding out. "BOO! ACK-!" "DONT SCARE ME LIKE THAT!" Leo in the wall: "Noted."
-Has anxiety everytime his brothers go on solo missions but beats himself up for being a worry wart. "must check brothers.. NO RAPH.. THEY CAN HANDLE THEMSELVES.. but-" and it's just back and forth with himself.
-Fiddles with his hands or fingers when he's listening to someone talk
-the type to impulse buy plushies.
-the type to try to act like he has everything together when he doesn't. He helps his family but when he needs help, he's tries to hint that to them, be it very terribly..
"Why didn't you contact me?" "I lost my phone.." "hope you find it soon." "It could be a lot easier if someone were to help me.." "I could call Leo or Raph." "SOMEONE THAT'S HERE-"
-This little guy never paints or draws in normal positions.. "What are you doing upside down on the pull up beam?" "drawing!"
-When he sees that one of his brothers aren't eating, he'll sneak a little plate of something homemade with a little note.
-when he's sad, he'll attach himself to one of his brothers. I MEAN LITERALLY ATTACH.
-Sleeps at random times of the day. It could be like 2pm and he'd be asleep or 12pm. You get it..
-Has backup plans for backup plans.. (I think we all knew that)
-when he's sick, there's a 50/50 chance of him being locked in his room and another 50/50 chance of him constantly looking for his brothers (rare clingy Donnie)
"Wha-?" "We shall not speak of this." "of you hugging me..?"
-sometimes when he can't get the exact look of his idea on a blueprint, he'll ask Mikey to draw it for him and he'll just adjust it to his liking.
so.. how are you all doing? Been a while hasn't it?
From yours truly,
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trashlama · 10 months
- Did I mention that I have a thing for muscles?
- May color this later
- I got so much to color...
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Rough-Rough Drafts ↓
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umbrella-show · 3 months
Platonic Yan Rottmnt
「 ✦ 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐢𝐜 𝐘𝐚𝐧 𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐌𝐍𝐓 𝐱 𝐌𝐮𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐓𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐏𝐭.𝟑 ✦ 」
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The final part of my short Yan platonic Rottmnt series :) THIS IS IN NO WAY APPROVING OF A ABUSIVE OR TOXIC RELATIONSHIP
TW: Kidnaping, Stalking
Words : 1661
“Here you go, birthday boy, enjoy!” You smiled kindly, placing a cake on the table where a young fish yokai sat with a party hat strapped around his head. He beamed at the cake excitedly, his friends gathering around his table to gawk and drool at the cake, eager to eat. You watched fondly, clasping your hands together behind your back. You watched as another yokai, made of green slime, hopped on top of the table. He shouted loudly from excitement, “Let’s get this party started!” Right at that moment you grabbed a spare menu from another table nearby, opening it in front of your face to shield your face from the sudden splat of Exploding Frankie’s famous party trick. The green goo clung onto the menu before it dripped off and all of the green slime came together to form him again. The kids cheered and you took that as a que you had done your job. 
You loved your job. You loved seeing the smiles on other mutant’s and yokai’s faces when you brought them their meal they had been eagerly waiting for. Your boss, Senior Hueso, was pretty cool. You are forever grateful for him. He took you in when you had nothing and gave you a job as a waiter. The pay was enough for you to buy an apartment in the hidden city. The hidden city was full of wonders. Shortly after you made your escape from the dreaded sewers you had made your way back to the city to find some form of refuge. You had watched, what you learned was a yokai, opening a portal to the mystical city through a graffiti drawing on a wall. You had followed after them and were amazed by the sight of other beings, like you, wandering a city full of mystic and magic.
It’s been 3 months since you escaped the sewers, and you haven’t seen those turtle brothers ever since. You supposed that was a good thing. You didn’t really want to see them ever again after they held you against your will. While living in the sewers wasn’t half as bad as you originally thought, it felt suffocating with all the attention you were given.
“Y/N,” you were snapped out of your thoughts when your boss spoke to you. “Mi amigo manchado, is everything alright.” You gave him a courteous nod, fiddling with the collar of your outfit.  He was always looking out for you. You were one of his most diligent employees, after all. He even told you himself. You did your best to put a smile on everyone’s face. Even the rude customers. 
“I’m alright.” You responded, “just thinking.” You watched your boss look at you with a curious expression as he patted your shoulder. He was always a little concerned when you spaced out to think. You weren't sure why.
“Well then, there are a few more customers you may serve before you clock out.” “I wouldn’t mind working overtime again.” You quickly responded right after he finished speaking. You could use all the extra money. Heuso frowned, shaking his head in disapproval. “Oh no, you, tortuga, need more rest. You have bags under your eyes.” He pointed out, causing you to deflate at his protective tone. However, you weren’t going to argue with him. You didn’t mind getting more sleep anyways. With all of the days you worked overtime, your sleep schedule was basically obliterated.
“Fine,” you muttered in slight disappointment, causing him to give you a proud smile and another pat on the shoulder before walking away and letting you go seat the new customers. You gave him one more glance as he walked. Probably back to his office to work on his miniature wooden ship. You dusted off your apron, making sure you looked presentable for the last customers you were going to serve before walking all the way back to your apartment and collapsing into bed. The more you thought about it, the more excited you were to get more sleep than you usually got.
You glanced at the entrance of the restaurant, about to greet the new customers. Your blood ran cold and you immediately turned around to hide yourself once you saw them. No. There was no way they found you. You dared to take another glance, begging that it wasn’t them. Maybe you mistook someone else for them. You were proven wrong when you took another glance.
The Hamato brothers. They found you. How did they find you? You left no sign that you were here? How did they know about the Hidden city? You thought this was a safe place. The only place they would never find you. You needed to leave. Now.
You began to walk away from them with your back turned to them. You tried to look as discreet as possible. You needed to get to Hueso’s office. Hopefully if you asked him if you could just leave a little earlier, he wouldn’t ask questions and let you. For now, you needed a distraction.
“Excuse me,” you quietly spoke to an unoccupied owl Yokai waiter. “Could you serve them?” You carefully pointed towards the turtle brothers who were already seated at a table. Luckily, by your nervous and uncomfortable expression, the owl nodded and didn’t say a thing as he walked over to serve them. You silently thanked him, standing there for a while. You didn’t realize how shaky your breathing was until now. Your palms felt sweaty and your hands and knees were shaking a bit. You closed your eyes and tried your best to take deep breaths and calm down. You had to keep calm. You needed to blend in. 
You felt a strong urge to check if the turtles were distracted so you could hurry to Hueso’s office. You slowly turned your head as little as you could so your eyes could see them. Leonardo seemed to be talking to the waiter, seemingly ordering for himself and his brothers. Donnie was distracted by his phone and Raph was idly sitting, listening to the waiter list out the food they ordered. Mikey looked especially happy, kicking his feet under the table. You could tell he was extra giddy, seeming excited to get pizza. 
You didn’t know why you continued to watch, most likely looking for reassurance that they were occupied and therefore wouldn’t see you sneak to Hueso’s office. However, just as you were about to turn away, Mikey’s eyes started wandering throughout the restaurant, and soon landed on you. You two engaged in a staring contest, you visibly paling as his face lit up. You tore your gaze away, turning around like it never happened and bolting to your boss’s office. Just before you turned the corner to where Hueso was, you heard a loud whisper from Mikey, alerting his brothers of your presence, you assumed.
You left through a different entrance of the restaurant, one you hoped the turtles didn’t know existed. You bolted to your apartment complex, weaving through the crowd of Yokai in your way. Hueso had graciously let you leave early. You mentally thank him for not asking questions, though he did look suspicious. You wondered if you should tell him some other time. If you did, that might cause the brothers to definitely know you were there. Though, you were sure it didn’t make a difference, considering Mikey already saw you. They all knew you worked here by now. Maybe you could quit and find a different job. Somewhere deeper in the Hidden City. The thought of quitting your job and leaving Hueso out of the blue made you sad. He was the one who took you in when you were desperate and in need of shelter. 
As you continued on to your apartment complex, there were less Yokai in your path and soon enough, you were alone walking through an alley between two other buildings. This was a shortcut you normally took, so you weren’t really on guard or alert. That was a mistake.
The floor suddenly felt as if it disappeared and you felt like you were falling. Your breath hitched, your eyes opening as your body braced itself for some kind of painful impact. Instead, you landed on your backside on what you thought was the floor. You snapped your eyes open and saw you were encased in some purple glowing sphere. You pressed your hands against the walls of your prison. 
“Hey, sib! I didn’t know you got a job at Hueso’s.”
Your blood ran cold at the sound of that voice from behind you, almost not wanting to turn around. However, you did, and stared with wide eyes wide in shock at the sight of the turtle in blue, followed by the rest of them as they stood around you. You pressed yourself against the wall of the round cage, shrinking down like prey to a predator. You watched Leo place his foot on the purple device trapping you.
“It’s a shame, I really thought you’d be able to get us free pizza, or at least a discount.”
You watched him playfully pout, faking looking hurt as he put his hands to his chest. Mikey suddenly hugged the sphere, pressing his face against it with no warning, making you harshly flinch and shrink away from them even more.
“Welcome home, Y/N! We’re so glad to have you back!!!”
You gawked at him, dumbfounded before finally registering his words. Home? You glanced behind him, seeing the familiar walls of Donnie’s lab with computers and machinery all around. You’re mind blanked, your ears catching onto bits and parts of Donnie speaking. Talking about new reinforcements being made to the lair to specifically make sure you don’t escape again. You stared aimlessly at the wall as the feeling of horror and devastation sunk in. 
You were right back where you started. Except this time, there really was no escape.
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pianocat939 · 11 months
I mean one positive is that if someone mistreats MC they could just go to Mean girl Donnie and suddenly that person's reputation is in the negatives and they are kicked out of their clubs and stuff-
Tw: degradation, Donnie’s basically a toxic tsundere, supposed to be comedic
“Why are you moping around like that? Come on, I have to get this robotics project working here!”
“…Sorry- I just, something’s been bothering me today.”
“Oh? What is it? Some dumb favourite character of yours died?”
“No. A friend of mine just said something really hurtful to me.”
“Excuse me?”
“Oh never mind, you don’t need to-“
*drags MC by collar*
“Huh?? Wait what?”
“WELL? WHO SAID THAT? Ugh, I swear, I’m gonna burn that imbecile for making me look bad-“
*Aggressive marching and heels clacking intensely*
*The next day. MC finds out the person has been expelled from clubs and has a bad reputation instantly*
“…I- that was a really terrible way to handle it. But, thanks…I guess.”
*Donnie’s smugly smiling*
“Aren’t I just so wonderful~? Be grateful you’re mine.”
“Uh yeah…Now can I go home?”
“Ugh, obviously not! We need to finish that project because of your slacking!”
(Mean Girl Donnie would absolutely kiss tf out of MC’s face everywhere when they’re in private. And be smiley and giggly)
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yanteetle · 1 year
Do you have any more yan!Raph sketches you'd be willing to share? 👉👈
Because like idk how to describe it the way you draw him is just so cuddly and omg my sweet slightly insane baby-- 😔🙏
(No pressure or anything sorry if this comes off as kinda demanding!!)
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sure thing! I have a few Raph sketches that I don't really plan on finishing, so I may as well dump it here :)) I love him so much I need to draw him more <33 I loved the idea that before kidnapping y/n, he'd made a plushie of them and knit cute little blankets and outfits for them while kissing the mini yn plushie goodnight and tucking them in bed. He's just a little guy, tootally not capable of murder or anything :D
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jokingmisfit · 5 months
Science Experiment
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Yandere Villain Rise!Donatello x Human!Reader
Prompt- “I was going to kill you, but I found a much better use for you instead.”
Warnings-Kidnapping, Implied Human Experiments, Implied Human Torture, Human being kept as a pet, Implied Murder
It had been so long. You were so fucking tired. You knew it’d been a few months, you just don’t know the exact number. You’ve been in this hell hole for too long. He didn’t let you keep count of the days and whenever you asked he’d give you a loose answer. 
He’d stopped his experiments a few days ago. You remember when Donatello first kidnapped you, he told you the only way you’d ever experience peace again was when he’d lost interest and killed you. A part of you felt hopeful. Finally a minute of rest. Another part of you knew that you’ll be resting forever soon. You were equally terrified.
The past few days were peaceful in your isolated cell. A little cage in the corner of his massive lab. You can still see him just like he can still see you. The thing is, he's just been staring these past few days. Glares and no words. Donatello would normally experiment on you several times a day. You noticed it’d lessened over time, but the new schedule worried you as much as it calmed you. 
He fed you more too than he originally did. Patched you up after his tests. Spoke less and yet did more. It confused you. At least you could rest. The time you’ve been given has helped rid your body of some of its pain. Though you were aware you wouldn’t leave this lab alive, it was nice to feel some sort of healing; even though you’ll never be the same as you were before.
You knew Donatello had no problem with killing you. You’d seen him bring in other “subjects” , quite a few on the brink of death or already dead. Everytime he did you’d watch with morbid curiosity. Unable to look away from his gross administrations. In the beginning you’d silently cry at what you saw now however you only let the pity last a few seconds. One of the few things he did successfully was desensitize you to the gore.
The lab was currently silent aside from the buzz of the multitude of machines. Your eyes were closed as you enjoyed the moment of solitude. A moment that wouldn’t last.
The doors opened and Donatello came in smoothly. A body carried by his mechanical arms. Not a glance spared to you as he sets up a table. Tools spread on a separate one.
He turns and walks towards your cell. You avoid meeting his eyes, something you’d started towards the beginning to keep him from lashing out at you. Donatello opens the door and grabs your chains.
Crawling out of the cage and onto the floor you stand in front of him with your head turned down head down.
“Sigh,” He says rather than actually sighing. “Look at me.” He demands.
Simply you obey, learning a while back that it did nothing but make things worse to argue or disobey. His eyes matched his pleased smirk. He always liked when you listened. You made it so easy for him.
“Such a fragile creature.” He says raising his hand and stroking your cheek. “You remember our conversation when you first came here, yes?” He asks with a prideful smirk.
You nod your head silently.
“Ah good!” Donatello says clasping his hands together. “Remind me,” He starts. “What did I say I’d do to you once you were no longer useful?” He asked this time with a sadistic smile.
Your heart skipped for a second, but you knew this was coming. It was time for him to rid you of your life. There’s a sort of bittersweet feeling to it. You were no longer useful. A deep breath in and you look away for a moment.
“Once I’m no longer needed you’ll dispose of me.” You say flatly.
Your eyes meet his again. Donatello's eyes bore into your own, seemingly satisfied with your answer, but there was something gathering in his eyes that you’d only seen a few times.
“Yes,” He smiles almost in anger. “That was the original plan.”
You look up at him with confusion. What does he mean “the original plan”?
“However,” He says, holding his hands together pointed at you. “Things have changed. Don’t get me wrong, I was going to kill you, but I found a much better use for you instead.”
Your brows furrowed at the turtle's words. What better use? Hasn’t he done all he can? All the experiments, wasn’t he done with you?
He pulls your chain causing your head to look up at him. “Would you like to know what I’ve decided?” He asks. “I’ve decided to keep you as a pet instead. You see,” He says walking you towards the center of the lab. “I noticed something different about you. The odd little human you are.” He says, shaking his head with a deranged smile. “Captured my affections somehow. Fascinating, how something so weak and pathetic could capture MY attention.”
Your head reeled at this revelation. He developed some deranged likeness for you. How would something like that even happen?
You’d paused all movement in your confusion causing him to pull on the chain sending you to the floor. It knocks the wind out of your lungs for only a split second.
Donatello turns around in shock. He stops his talking as he shakes his head. He comes back over to you and pulls you back to your feet.
“Sorry.” You say looking down. Although you didn’t talk much anymore you knew better than to not apologize.
“Were you even listening to me?” He asks, annoyed.
You nod. “Mostly…”
“I was listing your new rules.” He says adjusting the chain around your neck. “I recommend you listen carefully. Understood?”
You nod, again.
“Good, now. You’ll be moved into another room to sleep, although you’ll still spend most of your time here in the lab. You haven’t been stimulated or fed properly since you’ve been brought here therefore you will be put on a proper schedule. You still are not allowed any communication with any of the others in the lair…” He drones on and on.
You listen intensely to everything he has to say. Following him blindly as he leads you around the extra spaces you’re allowed to tread through. Still, as you listen, you can’t help but wonder what he was thinking. Why is he really letting you live? Where did this destructive heart come from?
Why you?
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f1oricide · 1 year
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Tag list: @itsyagurlchip
Swooping in like a BOSS, King Bowser! Raph!
I think this one is like my second favorite, I love the colors and the pose and how bad ass he looks. I added confetti bc Mario 3D World is like my second favorite Mario game
Idea created by: @gal-with-pastels
Inspired by:@lexiechr and @sweaterrat ‘s design
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oleander-nin · 1 month
Hi can I please request yandere Rise Leo playing truth or dare with his darling ( if possible could reader be female if not that’s fine , I’m fine with g/n) (romantic please )
But more there play , more tense it gets Leo starts acting weird asking odd truth questions it was when the reader decided to go home in the rain , Leo suggested reader stay for the night , which the reader refuses at first , till Leo gaslight them, reader then agreed to stay
It was only when Leo fallen asleep , reader tries to sleep but felt on unease so reader tries to sneak out only for Leo to teleport them back , reader lies saying their gotta get home parents/guardian is worried , only for Leo to call out on their bluff
verbal prompt ; 1 Well that wasn’t very smart
.and 19
If you're going to lie to me, at least have the decency to look me in the eyes while you do it."
love to see what you come up with and if you wanna go for a really dark plot you can do 💗
Please Just Stay
A/N, not important: Apologies, this is probably not what you had in mind, but I tried to follow your plot to the best of my ability while still giving myself room to breathe. Beta read by @astral--horrorshow. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.
CW: Manipulation, Peer Pressure, kidnapping, yandere themes
Words: 3495
Summary: You've been planning this sleepover for forever, but now that's it's finally happening, you're not so sure you want to stay.
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You could barely hear the rain from where you were in Leo’s room, the faint pitter patter against the pavement above you more of an itch in the back of your skull than something tangible. You keep your attention split between the movie playing and Leo’s face, continuously shoveling popcorn into your face while you wait for him to hurry up. The two of you had been cycling through different ways to pass the time for the past few hours; board games, video games, and most cheesy sleepover games had all been tried at some point in the night. You were currently on the classic game of Truth or Dare, mostly because it wasn’t too hard to play while staying inside Leo’s room.
“Truth or dare?” He finally asks, his chin resting on his knee and his other leg draped over the edge of the bed. The way his back and shell moved bemused you, the hard shell and plastron seeming more flexible than you had first thought upon meeting them.
“Dare,” Your muffled voice tries to answer through your full mouth, holding the back of your hand in front of your lips to keep the food contained inside. You take a few precious seconds more to swallow, hitting your chest twice to make sure it goes down. Leo watches you, his expression stuck between concern and amusement. You look up, a toothy grin flashing at your friend as you speak up again with a more clear, unblocked voice. “Dare. Give me your worst.”
“My worst?” Leo asks, raising his frontalis muscle in jest. You nod, still grinning eagerly at him. Leo sits up, cracking his knuckles in front of his chest with a mischievous glint in his eyes. A brief rush of nervousness and anticipation brushes through you, trying to not dread your decision. Leo finally meets your eyes again, looking pleased with himself. “Give me your phone.”
You snort slightly, although you don’t comply right away with his request. A part of you didn’t trust what he had planned, but you didn’t want to let your apprehension show. “Really? That’s your dare?”
“It is,” Leo insists, holding out his hand expectantly. “I won’t do anything with it, I swear.”
“Your dare is to give you my phone.” You repeat, blanking at him to hide your hesitation.
Leo lets out a small huff, his grin a bit more strained. His hand curls in twice, trying to coax you into handing him the device. Just that motion alone tempted you to tell him to pick something else. “Oh come on, you’re acting like you don’t trust me.”
You purse your lips, reluctantly handing over the small device. You didn’t like not having it near, especially when you were somewhere away. You trusted Leo and the others with your life, of course, but somehow losing your only means of contact made you feel… Vulnerable. Leo takes the phone easily, glancing at the lock screen as it flashes on when he takes it. It was April, Leo and his brothers, and you all together at the latest con, a picture Leo insisted everyone make their lock screen after taking it. You half expect him to go back on his word, to open your phone and start looking through it, but he doesn’t even touch the screen. Leo merely sets the phone on his dresser face down before turning back to you. You chew on your bottom lip, your fingers toying with the ends of your shorts slightly. Leo rolls his eyes again, looking at you impassively.
“Your turn,” He prompts, flashing you another grin. It’s your turn to roll your eyes, unimpressed with his easygoing behavior.
“Truth or dare?” You ask, your voice picking up a more bored and aloof tone. Your change didn’t seem to bother him as he pretended to think hard about the question, his face scrunching up in thought. The odd expressions he was going through were enough to make you start to laugh, causing him to laugh with you.
“Dare,” He parrots, looking smug as he tries to mimic your voice and tone. “Give me your worst.”
You shake your head as he copies your words, kicking his leg slightly in retaliation. Leo, ever the dramatic, holds his leg tightly and scrunches his face up tight like he was in pain. You snort at the mutant’s theatrics, smiling brightly as you look him over. “Mikey made cupcakes tonight, right?”
Leo pauses his wounded display, straightening up slightly as he looks at you curiously. “Yeah, why?”
“Dare you to go get me some,” You say brightly, flashing him a large smile as you nudge his leg again. Leo huffs, unimpressed with your request. He slumps over slightly, resting his hands in his lap.
“That’s a lame dare,” He claims, picking at a loose string on his pajama pants. You shrug, unbothered by his words.
“So was yours.”
Leo seems to concede at this, standing up with a loud sigh. You suppress a laugh as you watch him leave to room to acquire your cupcakes, returning shortly and handing you one of the brightly frosted confections. You eye the identical one in his one hand as he practically shoves the entire cupcake into his face, feigning disgust at the mess of frosting now stuck to his face. Turning back to your own cupcake, you unwrap the cupcake holder from the sweet treat and start prying the bottom half off. You set it atop the frosting and squish it down, treating it like a sandwich.
“So,” Leo starts, wiping frosting from his face with the back of his hand while you continue to nibble at yours. “Truth or dare?”
You swallow the bite of cake and frosting in your mouth as you think it over, weighing the pros and cons. “Truth.”
“Coward,” He teases, with no bite to his words. “Who’s the last person you texted?”
You hum in thought, shoving the last of your cupcake and starting to chew. “Probably either you or a friend from school. Can’t remember, since someone took my phone.”
Leo snorts, shoving your shoulder lightly. “You kept checking it! This is the first sleepover we’ve had in weeks, is it so wrong I want your attention on me instead of whatever you were doing?”
“I was checking my email! You know I’ve been applying to scholarships and colleges!”
“Can that not wait until later?” Leo points out, annoyance flashing over his face. You frown, carefully folding the cupcake wrapper into squares as you try to think of how to answer. Technically he was right. You really could wait until tomorrow, especially since you’d be leaving by the end of the year for college anyways. You should be making the most of your time with him.
“Fine,” You mumble. “Please accept my humble apology.”
Leo nods, leaning back so his shell was against the ‘headboard’ of his bed, which in actuality was just the railing for the old train seating. “Truth or dare?” You ask, crumpling up the small square you made of the cupcake wrapper before trying to throw it across the room into his small trash can. You fail miserably, watching painfully as it soars about a foot past your target.
“Dare,” Leo answers, clearly trying not to laugh at you for your failure of a throw. You lightly kick him in retaliation, huffing softly.
“Dare you to go properly throw it away for me.”
“Are you just going to use this game to use me as a servant?” He complains loudly, getting up to do your bidding either way.
“Truth or dare?” He asks again as he throws away the wrapper. Properly, this time.
"You're no fun," He complains loudly as he plops back down on the bed, pushing his feet into your lap just to be annoying. You roll your eyes, shoving his feet back onto the bed. "Why do you want to go off to college so bad?"
You blank slightly at the question, confused. Why wouldn't you want to go off to college? Especially since the career you were vying for required a bachelors at the least. And, whether it was unlucky or lucky, you being a first generation college applicant as well as your family making well below the national average opened you up to a lot of government grants. It was far from anything considered affordable, but you were confident you'd be able to pay off any loans you needed to take out by your thirties. Your parents had done everything in their power to help you get this far, and you'd be dead before you squandered it.
"Just, what I want to do." You say simply, shrugging. That was really all there was to it in the end after all. It was what you wanted in life, how you wanted your story to go. Get a job, pay back your parents, help them retire. It felt right.
"But you'd most likely be leaving," Leo argues, annoyed. You falter at that, feeling slightly bad. He did have a point after all. While you of course applied to every local university, the one you had your heart set on was a couple states away. Which meant leaving the turtles, and your family, behind.
"We don't know that yet," You point out, rubbing your wrists. You hated when Leo brought this up.
Leo just frowns, clearly not agreeing with your answer. He crosses his arms, tapping his fingers above his elbows. "We both know you're not planning on staying."
"Can we *not* talk about this right now? Please?" You practically beg, feeling incredibly uncomfortable as he starts to get more accusatory.
"No, I want to know why you want to leave so badly." Leo demands, frowning. You panic slightly, hating this conversation and not knowing what to say. Of course you weren't trying to abandon them, or to run away. You'd be back in four years. You just needed this opportunity to advance your life, and you didn't know how to explain that to him.
“I think my guardians called me,” You blurt out before you can really think about what you just said, having mostly wanted to just end the conversation. You wanted to go home, your heart pounding and palms sweaty. You couldn't deal with him right now, his accusations and arguments making up upset. You school your face into a blank look, ignoring the surprised and slightly annoyed look Leo held. You knew you screwed up. Leo had your phone still and not a peep had come from it since he first put it there.
“Did they now,” He grumbles, rolling his eyes as he reaches for your phone that still sat on his bedside table. “I didn’t even hear it ring.”
You purse your lips as he lifts the phone and taps the screen, briefly glancing at the notifications popping up. Satisfied with his check, he puts the phone back down. “You know,” He starts with a frown, his eyes conveying a deep hurt that makes your stomach churn with guilt. You didn’t want to hurt his feelings, to have to bail on the sleepover you’ve both had planned for weeks, but you couldn’t ignore the gut feeling that was radiating through your body. “If you're going to lie to me, at least try to have the decency to make it believable. I don’t know why you’re trying to get out of this so bad, but it can’t be that bad being here with me. Right?"
Leo’s words make you falter slightly, the guilt starting to deafen the warning signs blaring in the back of your head. You couldn’t help but agree with him slightly, faltering in your own resolve to go home. Even you weren’t entirely sure why you wanted to leave so badly. Leo hadn’t technically done anything, after all. He was probably only worried about you, after all. College is a big deal, and you'd be all alone for so long. It was natural to be upset about this.
"I'm not trying to leave you guys," You say softly, rubbing at your wrists again. His upset stare was making you feel bad, guilt building in your chest. He doesn't respond yet, still staring blankly as he waits for you to continue. You take in a deep breath, frowning. "You know the college I want has the best program for what I want. I'm sorry it's so far, but it's not like I'll be gone forever. I'll be able to visit when school's out and in four years I'll have a steady job and my own apartment."
Leo just grumbles, looking away. "I still don't want you to leave."
You sit there awkwardly for a moment, unsure how to respond to that. You were done with this conversation, done with having to justify your dreams to him. He wasn't going to make you change your mind.
"Maybe we should head to bed," You mutter, starting to drop off the bed and onto your sleeping bag you had set on the floor. "It's getting late."
Leo opens his mouth to say something, but closes it soon after. He didn't look happy you were dropping the conversation, but he didn't argue. "Yeah, we should." He finally concedes, picking up his phone to plug it in before doing the same to yours.  You sigh in relief as he doesn’t push it farther, settling down into your makeshift bed to sleep. You still felt a bit uneasy, and a part of you really didn’t want to stay. You knew Leo had the tendency to blow things out of proportion, and he’d likely bring it up again tomorrow. Probably in front of everyone else too.
With that thought swirling around your head, you made the decision to leave. Not now, of course. It’d raise suspicion and hurt feelings. But once Leo was fast asleep, it would be easy enough to sneak out and send a quick lie of a text about a family emergency. Sure, he’d probably see through it, but it was easy enough to bring over a couple pizzas next time you see him as compensation.
It only took around an hour for Leo to finally fall into a deep enough sleep for you to justify getting up. You slip out of the sleeping bag as quietly as possible, carefully folding it up enough to shove back under his bed. You set the pillow down at his feet, navigating the dark room carefully to get to his dresser and retrieve your phone. Figuring leaving the rest of your stuff there would help sell your story, and since it wasn’t like you couldn’t get it later anyways, you decide to leave your bag of spare clothes in his room. Might as well add to the collection of belongings that live at their place.
You carefully step out, wincing as the door gets stuck on its sliding track. The last thing you wanted to do was wake him, especially since being caught now would just be embarrassing. You ease the door forwards, flinching slightly at its loud screech before it’s able to slide again. You look up towards Leo, your eyes carefully scanning his sleeping form to make sure he hadn’t woken. Satisfied, you close the door the rest of the way and make your way out.
It had been a while since you’d walked through the dark of the sewers, your meager phone light barely casting enough to see more than a foot in front of you. You grimace at the smell, your shirt pulled up over your nose as you try to ignore the growing dread in your bones. Despite how often you’ve traveled down these tunnels, you never could shake the eerie feeling they brought at night.
As you finally reach a ladder to the surface, you turn off your light and put your phone into your pocket. You weren’t sure how well you could leave, considering Leo and his brothers insisted on moving the covers for you whenever you came or went. You’d heard word of them being heavy, but figured they couldn’t be that bad.
Climbing blindly up the ladder, you keep one hand above you as a brace to make sure you wouldn’t accidentally smash your head against the iron cover. The rain steadily got louder as you climbed, causing you to groan inwardly. You were not looking forward to being soaked on the walk home, and you could already feel drops falling on your head as you climbed. As you reach the top, you carefully wrap an arm around the topmost rung to keep yourself from falling as you try to push the cover up and off. Surprised by the lack of give, you try again at a different angle, shifting your feet to give yourself as much leverage as possible.
As it continues to hold firm, you start to push desperately at the edges of the cover, leveraging against the solid iron with your shoulder. You could hear the rain louder now, small bouts of water dribbling down and running down your back and arms. It gathered in your hands, making your already sweaty palms even more slick against the rusted metal ladders. You try your best to keep your balance, not wanting to lose your grip and fall the approximately fifteen down. Your heart pounded in your ears, the uncomfortable feeling in your gut still as persistent as it was earlier in the night. You couldn’t help but feel watched, vulnerable even. You hated this, and the heavy manhole lid that refused to budge was not helping in the slightest. You just wanted to leave, to go home and lay in your own bed for the night. It would be embarrassing to go back now, even if you weren’t found out. Just knowing you couldn’t leave on your own was enough of a blow to your pride.
“You’re not going to be able to lift it,” A voice calls as the area around you starts to glow a soft blue, making you jump. You freeze where you are, recognizing the voice immediately and light source immediately. You sigh, turning slightly to look at Leo with a sheepish look on your face. Leo’s face was clearly unhappy, his eyes crinkled into a deep frown.
“You’re awake,” You say simply, unsure how to break the tension between you both. Leo stays quiet for a moment, his dark eyes taking in the situation. He holds out his hand, balancing his other on the rim of his portal.
“C’mon. I’ll take you home.” He says softly, waiting for you to take his outstretched palm. You sigh, taking his hand and letting him pull you forwards into the portal. You were a bit surprised as you arrived in his room instead of your own, watching the portal close behind you as he moved back onto his bed. You look down in surprise when you see he set your sleeping back and pillow back up, frowning slightly as the surprise morphs into confusion.
“Uh, Leo?” You ask weakly, trying to gain his attention. He looks up at you, tilting his head slightly like there was nothing wrong. “I thought you were going to take me home.”
“I did,” He answers easily, his voice sweet like he was talking to a lost child. You frown, not appreciating his tone nor the joke he seemed to be playing.
“Hah hah, very funny. I meant my home, Leo.”
Leo sighs, frustration seeping back into him. “I did. You’re staying here.”
This declaration does not make you feel any better than you did a moment ago, your confusion growing even more. “Leo, what are you talking about?”
“I’m done with you trying to leave me,” Leo says, glaring at you. “Get in bed. You’re staying here.”
You balk at him, taking a step back towards the door. Leo sits up at this, his body tensed like he was ready to reach forwards and grab you a second's notice. You flub your words, trying to make sense of what he was saying. “Leo, this isn’t funny.”
“Neither is you being so insistent on abandoning me, but you seem fine doing that,” He says bitterly, gritting his teeth. “Lay down. We’ll talk in the morning.”
You shake your head, turning for the door before you feel Leo’s arm's reach out and wrap around your waist, yanking you back. The sudden momentum causes you to wheeze, your stomach aching at the harsh pull. You fall backwards against Leo’s chest, causing you to start to struggle against him in an attempt to get away. He doesn’t budge, his grip tightening to a painful degree as you cry out.
“I’m not losing you.” He hisses, holding you down. His words haunt you, causing your flailing to increase and his own grip to shift so you could barely move without hurting yourself in the process. “Not now, not ever.”
Tag list: @f1oricide @itsyagurlchip @lordfreg @acutiewithagun @rottmnttmnt2012 @lixnininotnay @lexiechr @ssak-i @rottmntsimp
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