#yandere sister location x reader
lovesick-feelings · 8 months
lord, i REALLY like your Funtime Freddy design! you mind drawing/writing (doesn't matter, you write/draw WONDERFULLY!) about Y/N celebrating Yandere Funtime Freddy's birthday? (understandablew if you don't want to. no pressure)
“Oh, cupcake, I’m the one who’s supposed to be celebrating birthdays! Not the other way around, silly!” 
He boops your nose, giggling. Freddy finds the whole thing sweet, but he insists that his birthday isn’t worth celebrating because he doesn't have one!
His creator never cared enough to give his creations much background besides basic programming so why should he try making one up? Besides, he much prefers celebrating to being the one celebrated. 
If you decide you still wanna give him something special it could go down in two ways: 
You aren't trapped: With more access to time and materials, you could set up an actual party! You’ll also have an easier time hiding your plans from the bear. Because FT Freddy is quick to notice subtle changes in behavior it’s easier to excuse yourself for work reasons than to make up a lie. The worst FT Freddy can do is pester you with non-stop questions and pleadings. If you can settle his curiosity with a couple of hints you could convince him to give you some space till you’re ready. 
You are trapped:  Though a little limited there is enough to make a serviceable gift. The only problem is none of the time away from FT Freddy. It’s already hard enough for him to part from you when you have to use the bathroom, nonetheless making a party for him. FT Freddy himself is quite the delusional fellow so whenever you propose anything to do with being away from him he expects it to be an escape attempt. Getting anything done requires BonBon and Bonnet's assistance. Luckily These cuties are more than willing to give you a hand. It’s going to take a lot of convincing to get Freddy to agree and even more patience when he’s constantly on your tail about it. 
Do be mindful of how much time you have. No matter the situation Freddy will grow more wary from your lack of presence. You wouldn’t want Freddy to snap from the lack of attention. 
“Hello there, Cupcake!” You jump from a sudden shrill voice. It doesn't matter how long you’ve been with the bear, you'll never get used to how stealthy he is for his size. You turn to see him hover over you with his typical Cheshire grin.  His hand puppet happily waved your way mouthing a ‘hi’.
 “You've been a-awfully secretive as of late, w-whatcha up to mmm?” Despite his upbeat attitude, you could hear a hint of impatience in his tone. Finally deciding it was time you tell him to close his eyes. 
“Oh, a s-s-surprise!? Is that what you’ve been p-planning?” His hand flaps in excitement, but he instantly deflates. 
“This isn't a trick, i-is it?” You shake your head. He eyes you before giving in. 
“Oh, alright!” He closes his eyes “W-w-whenever you’re ready, cupcake!” 
Freddy stares at your gift wide-eyed when you present it to him. The only movement he makes is the twitching of his face plates. It’s a little unnerving to see him so speechless.
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“I-Is it… really f-for me?” He mutters. Before you can answer, he quickly pulls you into a gentle embrace. You felt the gift slip from your hands but relaxed once you saw Bon Bon had it. You return the embrace, feeling the warmth of his body against yours.
“I love you'' Freddy whispers. He shifts but doesn't let you go. Instead, he clings to you tighter. You looked up to meet large, lovestruck eyes fixated on you. 
“I really, really love you, Y/N” ♥️
Oh Boy…
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Because why not
Yandere sister location headcanons (general):
(warning!: The following contains mentions of murder, obsessive behavior, and unhealthy themes. If you uncomfortable with any of this please go read something else)
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Circus baby 🍦:
🍦 OMG this girl
🍦she's a handful even without the Yandere part, she's manipulative, clingy, and just a menace over all.
🍦 she'll manipulative you, your friends, HER friends without any Shame. She thinks she's knows what's best for you.
🍦 honestly doesn't matter what you look like, you could be still wearing your pajamas and she still thinks your the most beautiful/handsome creature she's ever seen 💀
🍦once you actually get to know her though she's not all that bad. Just a little.....strange
🍦 although the next time you see her she seems much more happier then usual.
🍦que all your friends going missing
🍦just....don't check those extra springlock suits ok?
"you came to see me? How sweet..."
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Funtime Freddy 🎉:
🎉 oh jeez....have fun with this one. Now I personally don't think he is AS sadistic as everyone thinks but just more forceful and annoying.
🎉 but still sadistic just not to you.
🎉 I picture him as a clingy, playful and possessive yandere. He almost never leaves you alone. Going to the kitchen for a snack? Let him come, He'll get a snack to! Doing repairs? Oh he'll come to, he knows lots about mechanical machines! Let him help. Your not even safe in the bathroom 💀. No matter where you are he is at least outside the door.
🎉 at one point him and his hand puppets (bon bon and bonnet) even followed you home one time. Now he can really be with you!
🎉 he is also very physically affectionate, like hugs and cuddles. But he ends up being....rather rough with his affection.
🎉 that being him accidentally breaking your spine because he hugged you to tight. He doesn't let go immediately either...
"hey bon-bon Look, it's our new friend~! I wonder what game I should play with them today~"
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Funtime foxy 🌹:
🌹Jesus Christ have mercy on my soul 💀 🙏
🌹 this dude...he's probably the worst out of all of them. He's clingy, possessive, obsessive, and a attention whore 💀.
🌹he litterly wants you to pay attention to him no matter what your doing, and purposely messes you up because he's angy you didn't look at him immediately.
🌹he's petty like that, he has no shame.
🌹like F.freddy he likes to follow you around, but he's WAY more annoying though. If your a technician he constantly fakes things to get your attention. Doing a check up on ballora? He's complaining (dramatic lly) about how his joints are stiff and he can't perform. He's even put Funtime Freddy out of (temporarily) out of commission cause you had to fix his voice box instead of watching his show. It's just 'how dare you >:( '
🌹the moment you do turn to him though he gets so excited, his tail starts wagging and he's acting all innocent and nice for you.
🌹 (cough) narcissist (cough)
🌹the chances are he's followed you home before, he's surprisingly good at stalking for such a loud bot.
"why weren't you at my show!? You had to fix circus baby...? Nonsense! She's fine >:/ "
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Ballora 🩰:
🩰 I love her so muchhh 💙💙💙
🩰 but on to the headcanons. She's a manipulative Yandere, more on a smaller scale really.
🩰 she does it mainly for your safety, aka circus baby's plan. And she won't hesitate to kidnap you so the others won't hurt you. She surprisingly knows quite a bit about humans: emotions, mental health, anatomy...ext...
🩰 honestly she's more of a mother figure then a love Interest...
🩰 but she can't help it, she worries when your not there :(
🩰 she definitely has the minireenas spy on you for her. She's not trying to be creepy she's just making sure your ok and if there's anyone she needs to get rid of
🩰 she's definitely the best yandere in this group, more or less harmless really.
" would you like to dance with me dear?"
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Ennard 🤡:
🤡 so first of all this dude is B.I.P.O.L.A.R
🤡 he has his own personality than the other Funtimes, but his emotions change according to how the others inside of him react.
🤡 if he's playful it's most likely to be Funtime Freddy he's channeling. If he's serious then it's mostly ballora or his actual persona.
🤡 but he's mostly just a clingy, possessive, and serious yandere.
🤡 much like F.foxy and F.freddy he likes to follow you around to either see you or to get your attention (unlike them it's mostly stalking though.)
🤡 at one point it's likely he will (sorta) kidnap you. It's more like just trapping in your own home really.
🤡 he has a bit of anxiety that you'll abandon him, most of the Funtimes have abandonment issues due to being stuck in that facility for so long. He sees so many come and go.....but never stay.
🤡 he gets really anxious when your not there...it's ballora peaking through with her anxiety
🤡 he's not as physically affectionate as F.foxy and F.freddy might be, but his love language is definitely quality time.
🤡 but be careful, he's not the most stable...
"I hope your not escaping again, I will find you"
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Lolbit 📺:
📺 omggggg
📺 this is the biggest simp ever to exist, he definitely worships you.
📺 he's an AI made to help the technicians and maintenance, but was scrapped due to Elizabeth's dissapearence like the rest of sister location.
📺 the abandonment issues are strong with this one, he fears you might get scared or hate him and leave.
📺 he's obsessive, clingy, and worshipping type yandere. He's just so happy he met you, he finally won't be alone! And most of all, he won't be bored.
📺 he loves to cause chaos, always pulling pranks on F.foxy and circus baby. Those are his most frequent victims. Easy to say everyone (except ballora) hates him.
📺 he actually was a rather high view on ballora, he sees her as almost a parental type figure sometimes. Not much to say but their friends :)
📺 he will definitely convince you to take him home with you, that way he can trap you with him.
📺 he's pretty smart when it comes to robotics, he's gonna build himself a body so that he can finally touch you! :D
📺 nothing dirty, he just wants to give you a hug. But he's hacked litterly all of your devices before and knows everything about you! He'll tell you to, he's proud of himself.
📺 when he does get a body be prepared cause he's gonna wanna be with you every.single.moment.
📺 he's gonna make sure it has faux fur to, so you'll be more comfortable when he wants to give you affection.
📺 he'll do litterly anything you'll ask him to, not matter how extreme it is. Want someone dead? They've already been stuffed in a suit. Got a persistent ex who's been harassing you? Not anymore!
📺 he's litterly perfect for you, or...so he tries to be.
"oooh y/n~ look what I found online, I thought it would be perfect for you! What is it? It's a wedding dress silly~!"
Bon bon and bonnet 💙🩷:
💙 bon bon is a worshipping and delusional yandere. He tries his best to calm his best friend down so that he doesn't accidentally hurt you! He definitely doesn't want that...
💙 he knows his behavior may be unhealthy he thinks that he's not doing anything wrong, that's the delusional part. What do you mean keeping you is kidnapping?! He's just speeding up the living process :)
💙 if your outwardly upset he understands that this may be scary but you'll get used to it eventually! It gonna be even worse if F.freddy is yandere to. You really aren't leaving...
🩷 bonnet is a harmless yandere: she knows she and the others can be overbearing that's why she's there! She'll be your emotional support :D
🩷 as long as your happy, she's happy. She does get anxiety when you leave though...
🩷 she's the one who's escaped the most probably, her anxiety got the best of her. She doesn't mean any harm! She just wants to make sure your ok...
"don't worry! You'll get used to us, we love you!"
"um...bon bon they don't look very pleased...maybe we should send them home :,) "
(give this woman a RAISE tho, she is seriously trying to save your ass 😔✋)
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theyanderespecialist · 8 months
Base Yandere Funtime Freddy Headcanons (Yandere Funtime Freddy X Male Reader) Five Nights At Freddy's Sister Location
[Hello, My Sexy Muffins so in this chapter it is going to be Funtime Freddy as a yandere for a male reader! I will have this on YouTube in audio/video as well!! I hope that you all enjoy this chapter here, muffins! 
(Disclaimer:  FunTime Freddy Is SENTIENT in this, he is NOT POSSESSED by ANY CHILD SPIRIT(S)! HE IS SENTIENT) 
(Disclaimer: Funtime Freddy Is NOT Yandere in canon! This is just for fun and NOT To be taken seriously at all! Simping for fictional characters and yanderes is fine, just do not be illegal or gross about it. Yanderes are NOT Ideal partners to have in real life. Also, remember to separate fiction from reality and headcanon from canon! Thank you!] 
-Base Yandere Headcanons With Funtime Freddy X Male Listener- 
.Funtime Freddy is an energetic animatronic bear and loves entertaining Children. 
.That is what he appears to be most of the time. 
.In truth, Funtime Freddy Is sadistic, psychotic, and deranged. 
.So it is no surprise that when he meets you he becomes obsessed with you. 
.You are the love of his life and he is going to make you scream (Wow Freddy, buy the guy dinner first!) 
.He has never felt like this for anyone before. 
.You were something special. 
.He is beyond unstable and loves to hurt people. 
.He does want to break you, but do not worry, he will put you back together (William? Is that you?) 
.You are his darling and he will take such good care of you. 
.He does not deal with rivals well, killing them without giving them a second chance. 
.If He cannot have you, he is going to make damn sure that NO ONE ELSE Has you. 
.You are his little teddy and he is not going to share. 
.He is the type of yandere to mock you a bit, not in a nasty way, but more a way to mentally break you down. 
.He is going to break you down so he can put you back together and that way you know you can only be with him. 
.He is also a bit softer with you, loving to snuggle you and hold you close. 
.Though if you try and squirm away then you will be held even tighter. Even to the point that it might hurt. 
.Funtime Freddy is a yandere who likes to cause pain. 
.So if you step out of line, he is going to punish you, taking great glee in teaching you a lesson. 
.He takes even more pleasure in hurting anyone in the way of his love for you. 
.You are his man, his sweet little teddy bear and he is going to get you, one way or another. 
.He is very upfront about his feelings, as when he first sees you, he knows that he wants you to be his and he will make that happen. 
.Making his intentions clear almost right away! 
.If you openly reject his feelings oh BOY will you be in big trouble! 
.He will be teaching you a lesson very, very soon. 
.If you do not shoot him down right, this will stroke his ego. 
.He is confident and egotistical and will have your passive nature as confirmation that you are HIS Good boy and that you want him. 
.He will make you his good boy one way or another. 
.When he officially tells you that you are his. 
.If you turn him down, well he is breaking an arm, or a leg, or both! 
If you accept his love he will be over the moon and you will be his. 
.You would have sealed your fate. 
.You are his little Teddy Bear, and he is your Big Teddy. 
I hope you are Ready for Funtime Freddy Cause he is coming for you~ 
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Another chapter is done, I hope you all enjoyed this, and stay sexy, all of my sexy muffins!] 
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Funtime crew my beloved <3
So imma just put this out there, you and Funtime Freddy are going to get along the best to be honest. I feel like his main love language is touch, and he isn’t afraid to steal you away from any others you may be spending time with.
any time you pull him into an embrace or, heaven forbid, you kiss him……let’s just say you won’t be leaving for a VERY long time, and he’s not afraid to harm others who try to take you
as stated above, any affection you give him will be returned tenfold, and BonBon is more than happy to help to keep you at bay should you ever try to struggle out of his iron grip.
now onto our favorite clown, Baby. Baby’s love language is acts of service and quality time, she knows all your favorite songs by heart and would love to give you a performance while holding you tightly to her in a locked room while the others are trying to break down the door to get you.
her favorite thing is to have you sitting in her lap while her hands mess with your hair and you slowly start to drift off. She just can’t help it! You look so at peace relaxing into her hold! :)
Ever the mom friend, Ballora prioritizes in making sure you get some TLC incase one of the others are ever to rough with you, oh, and don’t worry, she makes sure to get them back one hundred times worse later. She always has a first aid kit on hand, and is more than happy to kiss any bruises or cuts you may accumulate.
often times, she will pull you close and dance with you, gently swaying and cooing as you melt into her touch. Often times she will send the minirenas to spy on you when you are with someone else, and have them report back to her everything that was said and done.
and finally our star, Funtime foxy. This fox absolutely LIVES for his thermal sensors being able to watch the blood rush to your face, doing anything he can to make you flustered at anytime.
he puts on private performances just for you, practically bursting at the seams with happiness just from having your eyes on him. When all of you are together (and they haven’t started fighting yet) he will possessively wrap an arm around your waist and pull you close, gently rubbing his hand up and down just to aggravate the others as well as satiate his own desire to feel you.
eventually, they all follow you home and all hell breaks loose. They are surrounded by you and your things and they all feel like they could die of happiness!
they all take turns sleeping in your bed (carefully, they don’t want to hurt you) some of them like Baby and Funtime Freddy, will steal small things of yours, just to hold onto when you can’t be with them
if you carry a purse with you anywhere, Ballora will be sure to stuff a minireena in your bag to watch over you like at the old pizzaria, and Funtime foxy will try to reenact any romantic scenes he watches on your tv.
Overall darling, you have your hands full, but all your physical needs will be met with excitement and love at every turn. :)
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yanderebunnyboi · 2 years
Demo funtime is a yandere too? :0
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We're all yanderes darling~
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hotpinkboots · 1 year
3 am and I'm thinking up the most heart wrenching angst to write rn get ready to suffer
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banj0possum · 9 months
Bloody Red Roses
Yandere!Evil King x GN!Reader
CW: kidnapping, weirdo behavior, pretty mellow for now
👑 It was known throughout the land that King Alistair of the Obsidian Kingdom was a terrifying and cruel ruler. His heart held no mercy for those who opposed him.
👑 His dark magic was one to be feared, many know better than to ever go against him and his undead soldiers.
👑 Recently, he’s set his sights on your kingdom. He was planning on overthrowing a few lands and expanding his territory, and with your kingdom’s promising resources and location, he saw it as the perfect prize.
👑 But he isn’t a war mongering psychopath who declares war right then and there, no no he’s much more sophisticated than that, he’s going to kidnap the princess instead!
👑 He needed a bride anyway, so for him it’s a win/win!
👑 “Sir! We got her! We got the princess!” The door opening and the rattling of bones got Alistair’s attention. He sent a few of his skeleton soldiers to capture the princess whilst on a carriage ride through the borders of his territory.
👑 There were many guards protecting the area, but their weapons were no match for enemies who couldn’t die, and with a little bit of sleeping potion, carrying the princess away will be easy as pie.
👑 “Excellent~ and you brought her to my chambers like I told you correct?”
👑 They nod and scamper alongside the king to meet the princess
👑 “Oh princess~ are you awake ye- !!” His eyes widen and he cuts himself off. The person unconscious and tied up in his bed was indeed a royal, but the princess they were not.
👑 “What. Is. This?” He growls, the soldier’s bones rattle in fear
👑 “W-well you sai-“ “Does this look like a princess to you?! How am I going to take over their stupid kingdom if don’t have a bride!?” He scowls angrily.
👑 He hears you tossing and turning in your sleep, you let out a soft little squeak as you reposition yourself to be hugging one of his pillows.
👑 “…”
👑 “Uhm…your highness..?”
👑 “Leave. I’m done with your stupidity..I’ll deal with them myself..”
👑 The soldiers waste no time running off to who knows where as Alistair looks at you with cold eyes.
👑 “Hm…”
👑 He takes a seat by the bed, watching you as he figures out what to do with you.
👑 He’s trying to figure out a strategy, but he keeps getting distracted by your form. You looked so small and delicate, maybe he could…no that’s stupid he could never..could he?
👑 His thoughts plague him a awhile longer until he notices you waking up.
👑 Your muscles are weak, your head feels like it’s spinning, and it takes a bit for you to get back to your senses and realize what happened.
👑 You jolt awake, remember of the attack and almost scream at the sight of Alistair, but he was quick to covers your mouth and try to ease your panic. It took a while, but he managed to get you to stop fussing so he could take off your binds.
👑 “Apologies for this little..incident, I was supposed to take your sister..but now that you know my plan for your little kingdom, I have no choice but to keep you here. Perhaps I don’t need a princess to marry after all, I could just use you as ransom..” he chuckles.
👑 He sees the tea in your cup rippling in your shakes hold and scoffs, bringing his hand to hold your wrist to still your trembling “Oh don’t be so scared now, I don’t bite..”
👑 It was just supposed to be a means to make you stop shaking, but your skin…your big pitiful eyes staring up at him..he didn’t want to let go.
👑 So he kept you, for ransom of course, not for anything else..
👑 With you at his disposal, he started preparing negotiations with your kingdom to see what they’ll do to get you back.
👑 But in the mean time, he had to deal with you somehow..
👑 He settled on just letting you wander around the castle (with supervision of course)
👑 But then he starts to wonder what you do everyday, what did you even like to do? If you were staying with him, he might as well talk with you for the time being.
👑 It started off sort of awkward, he spotted you by the garden feeding some birds with two soldiers watching you. He approached and waved at the soldiers to leave them alone together. You thought you were in trouble but to your surprise, he just asked you how you were doing..
👑 “I uhm..heard you like going out here everyday..I figured I’d join you…Don’t take it the wrong way, I just had some..free time..that’s all..”
👑 The whole interaction was unusual. It wasn’t like him to be so casual and calm with someone, especially a royal of another kingdom.
👑 He enjoys the reactions you give him whenever he talks about his role as the dark king of the Obsidian Kingdom. Your nervous but polite smile masks your mortification of him, but it’s adorable to him nonetheless
👑 “What? A scared of the big bad king? How cute.”
👑 Your little talks slowly became frequent, for the king, it even became something he couldn’t help but do. What can he say? He was so used to your presence it seemed wrong to not talk to you at least once..plus he had to check to see if you weren’t planning an escape so..
👑 “Where have you been my little rose? I haven’t seen you all day.”
👑 His interest in your interactions turned to fondness the more he picked up on your cute little quirks. He takes note of the things you find funny or interesting, he brings them up in order to see that adorable little smile of yours, and that giggle, oh god that giggle…
👑 He denies it so much at first, but slowly starts to accept the fact that he wants- no, needs you with him
👑 Soon he started to want your presence even more, offering to eat meals alongside you instead of eating whenever he’s schedule allowed it, he started eating scheduled meals for you <3 we love self care guys
👑 “Of course I’m eating with you tonight. After all we never got to finish our conversation.”
👑 He loves watching you, even when simply eating or any mundane thing, you will more often than not catch him staring at you. You’re just so cute and soft! Definitely not like the snobby and overly stiff men and women he’s seen.
👑 He couldn’t have you trying to escape so what better plan than to keep you by his side 24/7? Then you’ll never be out of his sight!
👑 “What’s so wrong with letting you tag along my dear? I’m sure you’ll enjoy yourself with me.”
👑 And what if you try and sneak out from your chambers? Clearly you need to be moved to his chambers, that way he can make sure you’re behaving.
👑 Oh and of course in case you get lost, he made you a cute collar with the royal insignia on it! Isn’t it pretty? He used your favorite colors and everything!
👑 Of course he needs to fulfill his kingly duties. But how can he leave you alone for that long? No worries, you can sit right on his lap! That way you won’t have to stand for a long time and hurt your feet.
👑 And those clothes? So simple and out of style, perhaps you should wear something more fitting to his kingdom’s styles? Like a cute outfit with lace and ruffles! You look so delicate and graceful in it! He can’t help but buy you lots more outfits like that! Tis only fair for a person of your status.
👑 “How about this one? It compliments your form…what do you mean it looks too cutesy? I think it looks perfect for you.”
👑 he’s the type to not do much physical affection, but dear god does he crave both giving and receiving it. Give him a kiss or a caress of his cheek and he struggles to keep his composure and not melt to your touch
👑 Simply put, he might not seem like it (at least he thinks he does) but he can’t live without you. He couldn’t fathom the fact he was planning on trading you for a kingdom, you’re way more valuable than some puny kingdom!
👑 He even considers his original plan, you wouldn’t mind right? Besides, he bets you look absolutely exquisite in a little wedding dress~! Even if you don’t want a dress, an elegant suit would perfect on you~!
👑 “Where do you think you’re going my rose?”
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It’s finally here guys ✨✨✨ I know it’s been a while but I’ve been busy with school and genshin. Anyway we got em in the end! Thank you for being so patient guys !! qwq
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tarjapearce · 9 months
Heathens (Pt. 1)
Priest! Miguel O'Hara x Nun!Reader
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art by @maxro_art on IG (Her Deliverance AU is ❤️❤️🤌🏻)
WARNINGS: MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. If you're sensitive regarding religion, please don't read this. Masturbation in holy places, explicit language, wet dreams, Female anatomy, oral ( F receiving) Gentle Dom Miguel, Corruption kink, overused tropes cause yeah, a tinge of yandere undertones if you squint, mutual lust, Not Proofread ~
Summary: Father O'Hara had a little lamb ~
A/N: Another for the Miguelverse ~ Reblogs and comments are much appreciated c:
Main Masterlist
From all the places you could've find solace from war, The house of God was the least of lieus in your list. Not that you had a choice.
Family long gone after unsuspected explosions decimated your town, followed by constant tragedies such as losing friends along the way either by enemy and merciless hands or sickness. In the end, it was only you. You had outlived them all despite your short age. And now, they lived crammed up in your memories.
Happy, smiling and very much alive. Sometimes you'd see familiar faces on stranger's bodies. Grief had slowly nested within your soul and when all hope seemed lost, the chapel had saved you from what surely would end up in your premature death.
The blackest of black matched the crispest white you had ever seen, they were all donned in their beatific robes, prayer beads dangling at every gentle step they did. And there it was, epiphany unfolding itself before your experienced in horror eyes. It was your call.
All the answers to your laments and aching heart were sent as them. Nuns of the Mistbourne Parish. A church located in the outskirts of a now rundown by conflict Nueva York. The church that now played a major role in taking in as much people within their sacred walls, before they could be dispatched to a more adequate place.
Without hesitation, you had joined. And now, six years later you still remained with them. Early twenties had settled right for you as a nun. Ever devoted, compassionate, and diligent.
As time went on, the main city was reconstructed, burying it's dark tragedy under freshly built towers, hiding the pain under the rugged carpet full of concrete and wire homes, like nothing ever happened. Like if war had never stepped upon it and gave it a much needed renewal at people's lives expenses.
But no matter how many changes time brought, life in Mistbourne's Parish remained the same. Untouched by the technological advances from the outer world. There was always something to do, as simple as it was. And so far, you've been satisfied with it.
The only alterations worth of mention was your holy family expanding.
A new couple additions to the staff. More sisters, an eighty percent of them were beyond fifty. You were the youngest, their child. After all some ended up raising you within the house.
And him. The new priest.
The tallest and bulkiest man you've ever seen. As much as staring was considered rude and borderline a sin, it was unavoidable to do so, when his rusty brown eyes fell upon you. Their color unique, like he was. Never in your life had you seen someone like him, or another man besides the butcher and the guard. He had definitely been a regular man before coming here.
The soft weary expression lines in his sharp countenance revealed his own fair of lived experiences.
He towered over you, crisp white dot on his black rimmed neck line, parading his status with modest pride, and golden praying beads dangling on his narrow hips, you held yours while asking forgiveness for keep staring.
Father O'Hara. In his mid thirties, broken family also torn by war, wearing his vows in the shape of a ring on his right hand.
His voice deep yet gentle, like a lullaby. His steps took him away to his own residence. The rectory outside the church.
It made sense as to how some workers were renovating it in the past few weeks. The parish last priest had been sent off in sacred duties, only to realize later that he had killed a man. Cops and detectives surely made a show out of it.
Dark times, according to Sister Lianne, one of your mother figures. But now, Father O'Hara had taken his place, erasing all traces of the previous man with concise and pithy actions.
He took his role seriously. Said masses on sundays, visited the sick, baptized people; but his most popular feat was to hear the confessions. The most intimate secrets revealed to him by either your fellow sisters or people from the town that came to expiate their sins in hope to be forgiven.
You'd sometimes run into each other, bumping casually in the narrow wooden floored halls, you'd often apologize, only to reciprocate a polite smile on both ends. He'd sometimes help you out by carrying things a bit too heavy, or you'd help him out lighting up the altar for his speech.
Yet, his hands in one occasion took an accidental taste of your body dimensions underneath your beatific robes, while preventing you from falling down the stairs. He'd scold you for being careless and carrying things that obscured your sight.
After many sorries on your behalf, you returned to the cells and went straight to your own dorm, leaving him alone with his thoughts.
His hands felt burning upon remembering the dents of your form, the curve of your waist and certainly the warmth that irradiated from you, so so close from his.
Unexpectedly it had brought memories from his past. His old life where he'd have his lovely and temporary companion for the night impaled deliciously with himself before war and hell broke loose. Before he was forced by the subversives that raided his town to create a new fake identity in the spot as they heard him speak spanish or fight a war he hadn't started, much less would end. And so, his life as Father O'Hara begun.
Odd enough, the sudden and thoughtless choice had granted him peace after witnessing so many terrors his fellow human could be capable of. His need of help has always been stronger than anything and when he finished licencing some sacrifices were required.
Poverty vows weren't an issue since his previous life had been modest yet good enough to go by. Little difference between his current lifestyle.
The obedience vow took him a little longer to fully yield. But he accomplished it to a T, just to avoid more trouble. He faked it until he made it.
His chastity vow had been a quite the challenge to perfect, but no matter how much the temptations paraded before him in the many parishes he was assigned to, he didn't give in. His libido had been sapped out of his body, like a campfire after completing it's useful cycle.
Not because of his brand new sanctity invested by holier-than-thou elders, but rather a broken mind full of grievance and other negatives that always haunted him. The gunshots and bombings too fresh in his mind.
It had been years since he touched someone in a way that wasn't holy. Since he had provoked things in someone else that clearly would make him go under the laicization from the clergy without second guessings.
Until he held you the other day.
Both of your eyes too enraptured in eachother that had sent an igniting spark to his spine. Reviving all those inactive nerves he thought his existencial toll severed long ago. His eyes had gave a brief rake over your face.
Wide and round eyes staring back, both in awe and surprise straight into his soul. Nose flaring softly just like your mouth, whose bottom lip trembled at the little erratic breaths your lungs exhaled upon being in physical contact with a man for the first time in ever, while cheeks bloomed with a not so discreet flush. And your body heat.
Jesus all mighty.
It was dangerously tempting. For a brief moment his past self had taken over, but quickly vanished upon hearing steps. Earning you to fix your crucifix and cowl nervously and him to fist his hands to refrain himself to take another taste and fix his collar and cassock.
To his conclusion, the robes you wore did not match what was underneath. He noted much, but having you wear that loose habit only fuelled his now active and sinful imagination. An opposite from your habits' purpose.
Priest life was hard, and the Celibacy vows were his biggest damnation. Mind often plagued with 'I shouldn't have done this.' 'This is ridiculous' 'Fucking idiot' 'Why did I even lie about this?' But even so, priesthood was better than ending up dead or mutilated by mines somewhere in the battlefield, in the middle of a war he didn't started, much less would end.
Government later was forcibly recruiting all those men, be them widowed or married. It didn't matter. War wasn't for him. Neither Priesthood.
But he'd bear it. He'd bear it until he was put in another parish church full of older and witty ladies he'd definitely wouldn't lust after.
"Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned."
The sweet voice behind the confessional punctured walls, perked up his ears. He had memorized a lot of things, your voice included.
"I... I haven't confessed in weeks. But it grows me concerned that... my mind is somewhere else."
Silence. You were met with silence as expected, it also encouraged you to keep talking.
"A man has flooded my thoughts and no matter how much I try to occupy myself, he's there. Leading me to temptation and sin."
A man?
His brow quirked as he slanted over the little wooden division between you, to hear better and take a peek on your face. The only men he could think of was the guard, the butcher and himself. The only men inhabiting the same area as you.
"How does this man tempts you?"
"He... He visits. In my dreams I mean and..."
A low 'forgive me, God' echoed in your stall. His throat dried and his hands rested on each side of his knees, gripping at the fabric of his pants.
"He does things I know I shouldn't partake in... But, it feels too real."
"You sound scared. Does it frightens you?"
"Very much so. But it is a strange sort of fear, Father."
"What kind of fear then?"
It took you a long pause to muster
"A fear of him stopping his visits in my mind."
He gulped.
Your hands took the crucifix and held it tighter, "For him to stop doing such sinful things to me, even in my dreams."
"Have you sinned in the carnal affairs?"
"N-No. I would never. I've never engaged in them, Father."
His groin twitched, as a hand raked over his scalp. A shaky breath that was forced to come out in silence. Only when he thought you couldn't be more innocent, there you were proving him wrong.
"I promise to you with my life, I've never."
"I must know" He wetted his lips with his tongue, "What kind of things does this man does to you?"
Your spine straightened up instantly, eyes wild, staring another hole into the already punctured division. Cinnamon color in his skin, the only brief glimpse you managed to see. But even so, his gentle yet cornering voice brought you down from your initial jump.
"I need to know, so I can dictate a penance."
The flush on your cheeks returned, burning bright upon remembering the all too lucid dream you've been having about your secret man. That, even though visited frequently, you still didn't know his face, just his body as it smothered yours wholy in a constant merciless and scorching rut.
All what you remembered was him feasting between your legs like a starved man. His hands maneuvering your soft mounds to then give a gentle squeeze.
"His hands are the ones that bring the sin, Father."
"Explain yourself"
His voice was sultry, buttery rich and smooth on the other side of the stall. A subtle order. To your dismay, that same demon had a similar voice tone. Alluring, speaking to you in a foreign language it had you mewling and asking for forgiveness every time you remembered, cause you had begged the faceless man for more.
"He touches and... t-tastes places I shouldn't allow no man to delve in." With a thick gulp you continued, "His tongue is... marvelous."
His eyes widened for a second as his hand hovered over his crotch
"I feel the biggest sinner by admitting this. Please, do forgive me."
"Accountability is part of the process."
He tried to sound as professional as he could, but little did you know his mind was torturing his already crumbling resolve with such vivid details. Celibacy wasn't a problem, until now. Hearing such sinful words coming from such a unsuspecting thing like yourself, a virgin that is, made his old self to re-emerge.
Disguising himself as a sheep, while he fought through his holy learning years to tame his wolfish appetite.
There were plenty of ewes in the flock , but so far the only one that made his mouth water was you. A perfect little lamb. And now, this. We're you set to making him break his vows?
No. You weren't. He was reaching his limits to break celibacy and you were just having wet dreams about someone that definitely made him wonder about your past life. A past lover? No. Not even that. A possession? A demon? No. Definitely not.
He had heard things whenever on lunch duty. Mindless talk that revealed more to him from others and you than they intended to. You, a nun. Picked up from a ravaged village nearby and raised within  the nuns, meaning, you had zero idea of what pleasure meant.
He believed, but wasn't a complete blinded idiot to faith. Your body was asking for physical and forbidden relief. Just like his.
But again, the golden band around his right hand not only forbid but also was the perpetual reminder of what was a stake.
"I know, Father. But... this man has such power over me that has pushed me to sin. He... he has pushed me to take such vulgar matters in my own hands."
Maker's mercy
His cock twitched harder and he was unable hold back and gave a firm  squeeze while biting his lip to quiet himself at the long forgotten and heady pleasure that was drowning his body in an alarming rate.
As if done of being fed lies and a quick and sloppy handjob for ages. It was disgusting how easy was to sin, how well his body ached and reacted to such stimulus. How effortlessly his old habits had caught up to him.
He was the one that needed a penance now, cause he couldn't shake the image of you spread with your legs wide open, naked, sliding your fingers in between your weeping folds. You'd certainly have your mouth shut or lips bitten to avoid having anyone hear you.
He had closed his eyes while his jaw clenched, occasionally sweeping his tongue over his lips to keep them moist.
"Say it. Say your sin."
He commanded in a voice that had your cheeks flustered and your pearly nub a throb. His hand half squeezed half stroked over his clothed groin. Swollen and needy cock begging to be set free and properly taken care of.
"I..." A dry gulp and your hands went to your crotch, begging your nature to behave. Cheeks impossibly red.
"I've enjoyed touching myself after dreaming a man... f-fucks me, Father."
The word 'fuck' coming out your delicious looking yet pure lips, had his teeth gnawing at the insides of his cheek, self control harder to keep under the leash. It barked, howled even demanded for more explicit details.
Instead, he sighed quietly and cleared his throat. The sudden noise had you gripping the skirt of your habit in shame.
Miguel didn't say much besides the prayer of absolution and a couple of more prayers as your penance. The same right hand that was squeezing his cock was now being kissed by you, to confirm your forgiveness. Plump, warm and soft lips caressed his ring finger.
And once you were gone, his hand took control on its own, slid under his soutane to stroke himself. If you felt like a sinner, he was the devil himself.
The vice like grip in his own cock made him shudder, sensation foreign yet so welcoming after years without it. A little whine escaped past his gaping mouth, exhaling pecaminous breaths as he stroked like teenage boy that just discovered masturbation for the time ever. Sloppy, desperate and wet motions echoed in the now sullied stall.
He fisted his hand tighter, thick fingers coaxing a much needed release, hips rutting into his choking hand. Quiet whimpers and an array of curses flew out his mouth.
His flushed tip swayed and shook under his own rough ministrations while his jaw clenched, he clawed at the chair when hot and thick spurts of his cum dribbled down his hand and wrist before time; pooling in the hollow of his palm while earning a gutural growl that dissolved into a shaky whimper, as he curled against the wooden and punctured wall for a brief lapse of seconds to regain his composure.
"Fuck..." He had to lay against his chair to keep the light-headedness at bay, drowning in his own made pleasure, panting like he had run a marathon for hours.
He shouldn't have lied back ago. And  definitely shouldn't have become a priest. He was soiling their already tainted reputation. His old self was back to stay.
He cleaned up his hand under his robes to then leave to change. He was given a glimpse as you were picking up some harvest in the orchard while he was making his way back home.
Window's glasses echoed with the soft rain. The parish has been quiet during weekdays, but busy for you. As winter approaches the harvest must be picked, the grains sorted and the meats stored.
You saw Father O'Hara less and less, and when you did, they were mere glimpses. He was as busy in meetings with other priests, or preparing for the mass that was now given twice a week.
If you weren't in the garden or the laundry, you were in the choir.
Lingering yet brief gazes chased each other. He had heard some nuns speaking about him, some had wonderful things to say, saying that he had been one of the most efficient priests the church has had.
Others mentioned between hushed and bashful whispers about his physical condition and how they caught him go for runs at crack of dawn a couple of times.
And you, just wanted to go to confession again and ask for forgiveness. Not to spill the advantures you had in your dreams with a man that oddly resembled like Father O'Hara, but to unleash your heart's desires to wonder what was beyond the parish.
It was your life, all you've ever known so far. But one of those trips to the city during a beneful visit to another location, had left you amazed. How could a world so different like yours could be considered bad and straying?
But again, vows. Your vows bound you, and once broken, there was no turning back. But right now all that mattered was to get to the dorms. The rest was out in another visit to the city, you were to stay to finish your tasks in the kitchen.
Weather changed so abruptly that one moment you were taking the last basket of vegetables inside, to then run for the dorms to seek refuge. But they were far and the only thing in sight was Father's O'Hara rectory.
It was either getting a terrible fever from the cold and unforgiving rain or ask him to lend you an umbrella to mitigate the glacial numbness spreading through your body. Another reason you barely went out during these days, rains in the countryside were merciless.
Miguel was tending his own garden when the rain begun drenching. Even more when the thunders broke the peaceful white noise. He removed his soutane and shirt off leaving his inner vestments free, but the desperate knock on his door made his undressing ritual to stop.
While quirking an eyebrow, he approached the door and opened it. Eyes widened in surprise upon seeing you, soaked through your bones. lips blue and shivering from the cold.
"Jesus. Come in."
He ushered you in, then rushed to get a towel. A frown in his face deepened upon hearing your teeth clatter, clothes stuck to you like a second skin.
"C-Can I... borrow your... u-umbrella?"
Without much though he smoothened the towel against your face, drying it.
"An umbrella? Really?!"
A vehement shake of your head, while trying to get him off you.
"You're freezing cold, the dorms are too far for you to leave. Don't be stubborn."
"I... I don't h-have clothes."
You mumbled through rattling teeth while your eyes darted hazily over his naked torso. He sighed.
"Unbelievable. You're freezing to death and you're worried about clothes. Get them off, I'll put them to dry."
He grumbled while taking more logs into the fire to what would be his living room. If it wasn't for the glacial and biting freeze that refused to leave your body and the foggy thinking in your brain, your cheeks would be beyond red. Crimson even from such simple act.
A weak nod you gave. Your hands stopped bracing your shivering body to focus on removing the cowl and headdress. Releasing through shaky motions your soaked hair that wasted no time to stick on your face and neck.
The next was your crucifix, and praying beads, the tempo you removed them could make a slug to easily win the race, this alarmed him greatly. He had seen what hypothermia did, way before turning himself into this holy persona.
Without much thought, he peeled off your habit that weighed you down.
"Qué mierda más pesada" (Such a heavy shit)
He held you by one arm as he removed the outer layer off. Your eyes drooped and he gave you a little shake.
"Hey, hey, look at me."
Eyes concerned raking over and it dawned on you. Those eyes, the same beautiful and unique eyes were the same that visited in your dreams.
A difficult gulp rolled down your throat as Miguel kept undressing you while grunting. Wet clothes were a pain in his beatific ass. Shivering dicreased, but your lips remained blue, a new shade of purple drawing over them.
"I-It's so cold" You mumbled through laborious breaths.
"Course it's cold. You're soaked! What were you even doing?"
The way he scolded you felt like someone you've known for years was giving you a lecture. So casual, homey, normal. It was Miguel O'Hara speaking, not Father Miguel. The ever gentle and patient man you've been helping.
"Jesús bendito, con cuánta cosa te vistes." (Holy Jesus, so many layers.)
He murmured while pushing you to his chest as he removed the dress that covered your underwear. It felt like a heatless body had been thrown over him, but the warmth irradiating from him felt heavenly. Your form instinctively nuzzled your head on his chest. He had to stop to gulp at the sensations
Even though his mind slapped itself, His couldn't help but wander over your shivering and weak body.
A small dark patch hovered above the joint of your legs. Taut peaks followed by lovely areoles ever standing and shivering under the flimsy white fabric of a short nightgown that proved even harder to remove since it clung to you like a second skin, refusing to abandon your body.
He peeled you off of everything despite your protests, but was sufficiently prude to not look over your naked form. A minute too slow and it would be late. Like the young boy in his arms, that had died out of cold once the subversive groups arrived in the forsaken town, they had forced him and the rest to go through a frozen river. He made it, but the boy didn't.
His mind wasn't in the tip of his cock.
That will come later.
But his brain had only one single purpose right now. To keep you alive but for that he needed keep you warm.
Despite the recklessness of his actions, he pulled a freshly folded duvet around  while pulling you ontop of his chest and sat together near the fire. Hands moving to dry your hair as much as he could. Your skin was full of goosebumps, frosty to touch, that relished into any source of heat available. His torso, the duvet and the raging bonfire made your head spin.
It felt like his hands, rubbing some life back into your arms while he shielded your body, embracing your form with his torso and limbs. Like a paramedic on duty. Your cheek smooshed against his solid chest, it made him shudder with your own coldness but eventually the body heat treatment would be effective.
"Sorry" it was all you managed before your teeth shuddered again, and his fingers caressed your neck, placing a new wave of delicious heat on your skin.
"You'll be fine."
Your body was slowly but surely returning to it's temperature. Miguel remained there, basking you within his body, fingers gingerly caressing as much cold skin as he could under the duvet. Even his breath provided a little heat. Your erratic breaths collided against his skin, earning a discreet shudder from him.
You had drifted off to limbo, trying to sleep a bit, but unable to completely do so. Not when a man, the Parish Father nonetheless, was holding and nursing you back to an acceptable temperature with his own.
"Father O'Hara..."
Miguel's ears perked up upon you mentioning his name.
"It's Miguel."
He mumbled while drawing lazy circles on your lower back. The fire and the duvet had kept you toasty to curl even more towards him. Teeth no longer clattering.
"Thank you, Father."
His eyes rolled in annoyance, as his hands stopped caressing your skin to then rub his face.
"Stop calling me that."
"But that's your-"
"I don't like it."
He grumbled while looking down at you.
"Call me Miguel."
"I can't do that. Feels too disrespectful."
"I'm not Father O'Hara here, understood?"
You nodded
"Are you cold?"
"I am. Not as before but yes. Has it stopped raining?"
His own smell was making your mind a puddle, some of that fragrant incense remained etched on him.
"No. Just got worse."
You sighed while resting your head on his chest. Heartbeats a mellow lullaby.
"I'm sorry for all of this."
"You were cold and soaked." He pointed dully and bored.
The duvet was brought closer to your chest while staring at the flames. Fingers tracing a lazy and mindless pattern in his abdomen.
"I was picking up the last batch of harvest when rain poured on me."
Your toes curled in as a soft breeze flickered the fire and he tilted his head to watch you closer.
"Now I'll have to explain why there isn't enough corn."
"We'll go by. It's ok."
"Are my clothes ready yet?"
A snort that  would be translated into an 'Are you kidding me?', your brow furrowed.
"You'd be lucky if they get dry during the night."
Another defeated sigh. But a sudden thought however made your cheeks burn faintly.
"D-Did you see me naked?"
There was a silent pause before you spoke again. Curiosity tempting.
"Have you seen other women naked?"
He huffed playfully while pushing your hair away from your lovely and sweet face.
"Yes. I was a regular man before all of this."
His fingers curled up in his hand, morphing into a lazy fist
"Do you miss it?"
"Would be a liar to say if I don't."
"You... You've had sex before?"
He chuckled while with an open palm, took a taste of your skin, deliberately roaming your lower back. You shuddered.
"I did. Plenty of times."
Your audible gasp made his eyes droop hazily in a smirking grimace.
"I was told it felt marvelous."
You looked up at him and he pulled your chin upwards, he really had to keep his restrain under a leash to not take you here and there, instead, he cupped your face and hovered his lips over yours
"Do you want me to teach you, Sister?"
He was the demon. The very same one that visited in your dreams and left you a soaked mess. A little too late you'd noticed that he wasn't wearing his vow ring. It was placed somewhere else you truly couldn't care less at the moment.
You only nodded.
"Use your words, dear"
"Please", you gulped, "Teach me."
It was in that moment that he sealed your lips with his. Your first kiss ever. Chaste and sweet at the beginning that slowly turned into this obscene display of his mouth assaulting yours with his tongue in between gentle licks and bites of his lips.
A shaky whine then a whimper escaped your throat upon feeling his hands skimming down your spine. He only let you go when you tapped out for air.
"How often am I on your mind, pequeña?"
Finally the demon in your dreams had turned into a reality. Eyes were closed, unable to look at yourself melting under his touch. Nipples perked against his chest.
Plump and hot lips caressed yours but they stopped. Hands pulled you upwards, Miguel turned you around so your back was now colliding with his chest.
"You're still cold."
Cheeks grew impossibly red while he slowly peeled off the duvet out of your body, leaving you bare before him. You gulped as he moved your hair to a side and slowly kissed up and down your neck.
His hands were unable to resist any more and cupped your mounds, like in your dream. Calloused palms, rough against soft breast.
"Qué maravilla. Is this how your dream goes?
Legs smothered together, a little strip of hair etched to your pubic mount. He hummed in appreciation to then part your legs above his. Cunt pulsing at the coolness of air brushing past it.
Both of your legs dangled ontop of his as you remained nested above. Your heart beat at the playful moves his middle and index finger pulled on your nipple as his free hand darted over the joint of your inner thighs. You could feel him trembling underneath, the restrain made his breath hitch.
Your own turned erratic once more as he slid three fingers in between your folds. A shy Ah escaped your lips while he used two of them to part the outer labia
"Look at that, little one. Is that what you touch when thinking of me?"
Drunk eyes darted between your legs and his skillful hand, the engorged and pearly clit peeked out as one of his fingers flickered slowly. Focusing the right amount of pressure in it that had your moans shaky. He paused to adjust his fingers as they caressed and rubbed as much flesh as they could.
Mouth etched to your ear. Deep and needy breaths fanned behind you
"So so pretty. Look at that"
He made a show of his fingers coating themselves in your slick. One of his digits hovered over your entrance, slowly it disappeared inside. A muffled groan echoed in the void space
A wet and shlicking sound came from his ministrations, head unable to move, too enraptured into watching him sliding in and out. Skin bloomed with a new wave of goosebumps as his tongue licked your neck and earlobe, rewarding you for taking one finger deliciously, that he licked up clean before going back to rub at your clit.
"Want to add another?"
A breathless and hissing yes.
You didn't know who was with you right now since Father O'Hara couldn't. Your brain still refused to believe they were the same man. One preached and talked mass every Sunday, the other had your head spinning while his fingers explored your insides with such gentleness it only increased your whimpers and need for something more and bigger within you.
"Does that feel good, Hm?"
A dumb nod while more escaped your mouth repeatedly
How could he deny to such petition? Even most when you were gripping him so deliciously and pulsating with every stroke he delivered in, grazing at your sweetest spot.
"Like this?"
He increased the tempo and your breath hitched, hips moving to meet his fingers aiding them to reach deeper and deeper.
Breaths turned into short and shallow pants, blood rushed to your cheeks. One of his digits pushed past between your lips meeting your moist muscle that wasted no time into kissing it. All you could hear was yourself and your weeping pussy that demanded for more.
But they weren't enough. Brain was sent into an override when the climax washed over you. All the pent up need and lust drowned you. Strong pulsations dictated the contractions that trapped and milked Miguel's fingers. Mind split in two in a shattering and core shaking spasm.
Mouth gaped, eyes heady and drunk with blind hot pleasure, body convulsed while an array of mumbles and clumsy curses flew out of your mouth to finally end with a delicious quivering cry.
"It's okay, shh, it's okay, pequeña." He cooed you through it while kissing your neck. Heart pounding in your ears.
It took you a moment to breath properly. How could you have missed this? How could you remain so ignorant to this? Alienated from something you were often told it was dirty and condemning.
He had only touched in the right places and you were melting. But why stopping there? You knew he also wanted you, his hard on pressing over your lower back, begging to set free.
He shook his head with a proud smile
"Can't do that, preciosa"
A capricious whine came through your throat, "Why not?"
"Cause, as much as I'd love to take you until you recite the bible backwards to me, you know what could happen."
"You don't want me, then? Why stopping now?"
"Far from that. And we must be discreet. Wouldn't want you to be whipped by Sister Lianne."
He took your hand and kissed your wrist. While his other limb pulled you closer to him.
"I am the only one that shall leave marks on you, my dear. Is that clear?"
"Yes, but-" He took your chin in a gentle but firm grip.
"Is that clear?"
You nodded with a pout.
"Lay on the bed."
"What? "
"Lay on the bed, so I can taste you."
Miguel could fulfil that fantasy. With Bambi-like steps you pushed yourself up and walked over his bed. Plush surface welcomed your body under a creak.
"Spread them."
Toes curled up for a second before spreading them open. Clit already tingling with a foreign yet needy sensation.
He kneeled before you, like he did every day he worshipped the Lord. But this time it wasn't God, but you. Nose nuzzled over your inner thighs while taking a whiff of your scent. Tantalizing and so alluring for his own senses.
Slow and deliberate kisses were placed above your flesh, the strip of hair that decored your pussy, to finally sink in between soaked folds.
The mewl you gave only made him feast upon you. Hands grope the sheets by instinct as he spreaded you further.
His tongue lapped and curled at your hole, slurping it without refrain and inhibitions. Devouring it like it would be his last meal.
Your dream had felt too vivid, yes, but this was completely different. This was in a whole new different level. His corruption had tainted your soul and it was gladly welcomed into your arms.
Legs twitched and shook while your head was thrown back, chest heaved with shallow breaths, unable to breath properly as his tongue was set into fucking your drooling hole.
The way his tongue fucked, dribbled and guzzled your cunt had you mewling and moaning the filthiest things you didn't think possible you could get out.
Good was an understatement, heavenly was a measly word to compare what you felt like. It was maddening and he gave you no rest.
Have you ascended? No. He just wrapped your supple thighs around his head, preventing you from squirming too much, holding your hips in place as his sloshing and assailant mouth gave you no rest.
You hadn't recovered completely from the other orgasm when a new one had approached. Lurking around your senses.
His name was moaned, over and over and when your hands were done of clinging onto the sheets, you held onto his hair. Silky and smooth chocolate locks slid under your fingers.
Eyes peeked over you, and he had to pause for a moment to squeeze his cock. Aching and weeping for him to let him free and make you his. But that would come later.
That would come much later when he had more leisure time and when he'd get protection. As much as he wanted to wreck your snug cunt, he didn't want you to be whipped and shamed like another nun was when the higher ups found out she was pregnant by an outsider.
His name on your lips rich and tasty, like him.
Your voice snapped him out of his trance to immediately go for your clit. Plump lips pursed and captured the engorged nub. While his hands pushed your legs up and folded them, giving a complete access to your pulsating pussy.
He slurped and souped while his tongue teased. Wet laps sent jolts through your spine each time he tasted you.
Too much. Too good and too soon, yet he didn't stop. He shook his head like a mad dog subduing it's prey and that move alone had you gushing over his mouth. He quickly gobbled it all down.
You whined, cried and blabbled, even tried to pull his head away but he delivered you a last stroke with his tongue to then lick his lips clean.
You mumbled through blown breaths as he watched you with a lust blown glare.
What had he done out of you?
"Greed is a sin, my dear."
What had he created?
"But if you're good enough, the wait will be worth it."
His little lamb was so willing for him, aching to be tainted, corrupted even more. And his task was to banish such whims.
He'd given you a taste of what laid ahead. A promise of a much unholy reward if you followed this path with him. But your resolve had been made the first time you came.
He'd be your first and last. There wasn't any need for another to teach you what he was compliant to demonstrate.
You'd be his to fuck. His to tame and corrupt.
You'd be his.
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issa-pheonyx · 1 year
Yandere!Lord Dimitrescu&Sons X Fem!Reader [Part 1]
𝗧𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗺𝗮𝘆 𝗯𝗲𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝗮 𝘀𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗲𝘀 𝗱𝗲𝗽𝗲𝗻𝗱𝘀 𝗼𝗻 𝗵𝗼𝘄 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗳𝗲𝗲𝗱𝗯𝗮𝗰𝗸 𝗴𝗼𝗲𝘀 𝗶𝗳 𝗽𝗲𝗼𝗽𝗹𝗲 𝗲𝗻𝗷𝗼𝘆 𝗶𝘁. 𝗜𝗳 𝗶𝘁 𝗱𝗼𝗲𝘀 𝗜 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗯𝗲 𝗮𝗱𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗺𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘀. 𝗔𝗹𝘀𝗼, 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝗵𝗮𝘀 𝗮𝗯𝗶𝗹𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗲𝘀 𝘀𝘂𝗰𝗵 𝗮𝘀 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴 (𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗳𝗲𝗲𝗹 𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗻), 𝘀𝘂𝗽𝗲𝗿 𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗴𝘁𝗵 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘀𝗽𝗲𝗲𝗱, 𝗿𝗲𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗲𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘄𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝘁𝗼 𝗮𝗱𝗱 𝗮 𝗯𝗮𝗻𝘀𝗵𝗲𝗲 𝘀𝗰𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗺 𝗰𝗮𝘂𝘀𝗲 𝗜 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗸 𝗶𝘁 𝘄𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱 𝗯𝗲 𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 (𝗜'𝗺 𝗮𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗜'𝗺 𝘂𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗹𝗮𝗱𝘆 𝗱𝗶𝗺𝗶𝘁𝗿𝗲𝘀𝗰𝘂 𝗴𝗶𝗳𝘀, 𝗯𝘂𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝗶𝘀 𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗶 𝗴𝗼𝘁)🤭🌚 Part 2
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▌│█║▌║▌║ L̳͈͉̅̊ȍ̸̢̢̮͚̐̚v̸̵̝͙͆̈ͤę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ M̶̷̲̊ͥ͋͟ę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ L̳͈͉̅̊ȍ̸̢̢̮͚̐̚v̸̵̝͙͆̈ͤę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ M̶̷̲̊ͥ͋͟ę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ L̳͈͉̅̊ȍ̸̢̢̮͚̐̚v̸̵̝͙͆̈ͤę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ M̶̷̲̊ͥ͋͟ę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ L̳͈͉̅̊ȍ̸̢̢̮͚̐̚v̸̵̝͙͆̈ͤę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ M̶̷̲̊ͥ͋͟ę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ ║▌║▌║█│▌
It seems like being the only daughter came to an end when Rosemary was born and developed a quick favorite too. You wanted to hate your sister so much, but you couldn't. She wasn't at fault it was Ethan and Mia (so you thought to be...). Maybe it was, because you were the easily ill type in which your mother, Mia, was giving you medicine. Lots of vaccine shots. As a child you didn't think much of it, but as you grew older. Now hitting your eighteenth. You realize it was very strange. You didn't need that much vaccine shots as a child. Mia always told you that you were just built different. I mean just let it go and believe it. She's your mother, she's always telling you the truth...right?
However, after witnessing uncle Chris intruding the home and shooting your mother in front of Ethan distinctly traumatized you (you hid by the stairs watching below). Once they saw you take baby Rosemary away and Ethan trying to stop them. Chris declines his resistance and when he caught you watching he nods at his crew. You notice two of them were going upstairs. This terrified you as you were next to be taken away. "(Y/N)!! No, Chris what the hell-don't touch her!" How rare it is for your father, Ethan, to sound so protective of you.
But, right now is not the time to find it a warming moment as you whimper when they catch you. Both hooking their arms under your pits. "Got her, captain." Your eyes widen in absolute terror, body trembling, color on your face going lighter, and chills. You thought you were going to die. "NO!! Not her! Chris, please-" That's when one of the soldiers beside him knocked him out by the butt of his rifle. "Father!" You screeched. Everyone winced in pain and when recovering they became puzzled and concerned from that sudden impact of your scream. The bastards who attempt to maintain their grip on you, you budge your arms running to your father only to be knocked out too
You didn't know how long you were knocked out, but you woke up freezing your ass off. But, smothered in the snow. You panicked as you try to stand, but there was so much snow. You cried in fear and flail your body only for the snow to deepen. However, you made it out really quick...but, not for the others it seems like a major crash happened. Body buried deep in the snow, some were ripped to shreds-a bear attack? Of course not it is snowing. There's no way, they have to be hibernating at this point. "Rest assured, dear (Y/N). You are safe, but it is best if you follow me." A woman's voice was heard from afar
"Who are you?" You asked as the figure starts to walk away. "Hey! Hold on! Who are you and how do you know my name!?" You run your legs through the deep snow-more like speed walking as if it is nothing-that the wind grew more intense and the freezing gusts hits you as you had to keep wiping off the snow from your body. "Follow my voice. You will find the village quickly." Village? Located in a village?
The snow and wind itself deepens and worsens. You squint your eyes to focus hard on the vision of this mysterious shadow woman. The snowstorm goes stronger as you can't see her at all. "Hello!? I need help!" No answer as you let yourself down on your knees. You were tired of chasing who it was as the cold snow was making you sleepy. The last thing you saw and heard was the mysterious lady getting close to you and said,"Let the ceremony commence."
▌│█║▌║▌║ L̳͈͉̅̊ȍ̸̢̢̮͚̐̚v̸̵̝͙͆̈ͤę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ M̶̷̲̊ͥ͋͟ę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ L̳͈͉̅̊ȍ̸̢̢̮͚̐̚v̸̵̝͙͆̈ͤę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ M̶̷̲̊ͥ͋͟ę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ L̳͈͉̅̊ȍ̸̢̢̮͚̐̚v̸̵̝͙͆̈ͤę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ M̶̷̲̊ͥ͋͟ę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ L̳͈͉̅̊ȍ̸̢̢̮͚̐̚v̸̵̝͙͆̈ͤę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ M̶̷̲̊ͥ͋͟ę̷̵̧̖̫̗̆̊ ║▌║▌║█│▌
𝗧𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗸𝘀 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗴! 𝗜 𝗵𝗼𝗽𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗲𝗻𝗷𝗼𝘆𝗲𝗱 𝗶𝘁. 𝗠𝘆 𝘂𝗽𝗱𝗮𝘁𝗲𝘀 𝗱𝗼 𝘁𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝘀𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲 𝗷𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝗮 𝗳𝗮𝗶𝗿 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴. 𝗦𝗹𝗲𝗲𝗽 𝘄𝗲𝗹𝗹~🖤🫣
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zapreportsblog · 1 year
*ahem* Yandere Alec & Jane x Reader
Think about it,
When Bella goes to save Edward from the Volturi, Reader comes along to make sure their older sister Bella goes home alive only to make first contact with Jane.
Jane would be the quiet yet protective Yandere type, meaning when Jane first felt the bond she instantly wants the Reader close to her.
As Jane tells Bella, Edward, Alice and Reader to follow her with Felix and Demitri behind them(of course Jane makes sure to hold on to the Readers wrist lightly but strong enough)
Soon the group is in the throne room, Alec soon feels the same type of bond just like Jane and looks at Reader with hungry eyes.
Alex is the type of yandere that gets jealous easily and just wants to keep the reader locked up in a room.
Soon both siblings are on each of the readers side being protective and clingy, holding onto their hand and arms for recurrence and security.
Of course the reader is not used to it and gets freaked out and tries to get close to their older sister Bella, Bella doing the same thing by trying to reach out to the reader.
But the reader gets pulled back from Bella and has been forced to stay by the Volturi and the siblings FOREVER.
Ah yes now you’re talking my love language, who doesn’t just love them an unhinged partner
❝forced to stay❞
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✭ pairing : yandere jane volturi x reader x yandere alec volturi
✭ fandom : twilight x reader
✭ summary : the moment she made a contact with the twins she should’ve known that her fate was sealed 
✭ authors note : I don’t know what it is about having a unhinged partner, but I find it oddly romantic . Like for an example I have been dating my current boyfriend for almost a year now and only recently I would say a couple of months back. He told me that he was going to look up my location and come to my house after I did not respond to him for the first few days of us talking, we were not dating in the beginning, obviously so the fact that this man was going to somehow get access to my location whew gurl, this man got me down bad 
✭ twilight masterlist
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The evening had settled in, casting long shadows as Bella Swan sat in her room, her thoughts consumed by worry for Edward. She had barely spoken to him since he left, and the emptiness was overwhelming. Just then, a light knock on her window startled her, and she turned to find Alice Cullen perched on the windowsill, her golden eyes filled with urgency.
"Bella," Alice began, her voice laced with concern, "we need to talk."
Bella's heart raced as she sat up straighter. "What is it, Alice?"
"It's Edward," Alice said, her voice steady yet grave. "He's planning to expose himself to humans—to reveal his true nature—in order to provoke the Volturi into killing him."
The words struck Bella like a physical blow. Her mind raced, unable to comprehend what she had just heard. "No, he can't be serious," Bella whispered, her voice trembling.
Alice's expression was somber. "He believes it's the only way to keep you and your family safe from the Volturi's attention."
Tears welled in Bella's eyes as the gravity of the situation settled in. "I have to stop him," she said, her voice determined.
Alice nodded in agreement. "I'm coming with you."
As Bella stood, her gaze locked onto the window, and she realized that someone else was listening. Turning, she saw her younger sister, (y/n), standing at the door, her expression a mix of concern and determination.
"(Y/n), what are you doing here?" Bella asked, surprised yet touched by her sister's presence.
"I heard everything," (y/n) replied, her voice steady. "And I'm coming too."
Bella's heart swelled with a mixture of pride and worry. "(Y/n), this is dangerous. I can't let you get involved."
(Y/n) stepped forward, her eyes unwavering. "Bella, you're my sister. I can't just sit back while you face this alone."
Alice's lips curled into a small smile. "She's right, Bella. We're all in this together."
Bella hesitated, torn between her protective instincts and the realization that her family's bond was unbreakable. Finally, she nodded. "Fine, you can come. But promise me you'll stay close and follow my lead."
(Y/n) nodded, determination gleaming in her eyes. "I promise."
With the decision made, the three of them exchanged a look that held a mixture of worry and resolve. The bond between sisters ran deep, and their determination to protect each other was unyielding.
As they stepped out of the house, ready to face the perilous journey ahead, Bella knew that no matter what challenges they encountered, they would face them together. The unbreakable bond between sisters would guide them through the darkness, giving them the strength to save the ones they loved, even if it meant facing the Volturi themselves.
As Bella, Alice, and (y/n) approached the Volturi chamber, a tense atmosphere hung in the air. Shadows danced across the walls, and the weight of their purpose settled heavily upon them. Just as they were about to enter, a trio of figures appeared, drawing their attention.
Jane, Demetri, and Felix materialized before them, their presence both unsettling and foreboding. (Y/n) sensed the intensity of the situation, her instincts on high alert. Her gaze locked with Jane's, and a strange shiver ran down her spine. Unbeknownst to her, Jane's connection to (y/n) ran deep, fueled by the intense bond of mates.
Demetri's voice cut through the air, his tone respectful yet firm. "The kings are awaiting your presence. Follow us."
Bella exchanged a wary glance with Alice, a silent acknowledgment of the gravity of the situation. With a nod, they followed Demetri and Felix, their steps echoing in the dimly lit corridor. The tension was palpable, and (y/n)'s heart raced as they moved closer to their destination.
As they entered the chamber, (y/n) felt a shiver run down her spine once more. The Volturi kings sat upon their thrones, exuding an air of authority and power. Aro, Caius, and Marcus regarded them with interest, their eyes glinting with curiosity as they took in the unexpected guests.
"(Y/n) Swan and Bella Swan," Aro's voice rang out, his tone laced with intrigue. "A pleasure to have you with us."
(Y/n)'s and her sister Bella’s eyes widened, taken aback by Aro's direct acknowledgment of her presence. They offered a tentative nod, voices momentarily caught in their throat.
“So tell me, why have you come here? Why do two humans and one vampire stand before us?” Aro questions obviously amused with the whole situation. 
As the conversation with the Volturi kings continued, (y/n) felt a strange sensation wash over her. The intensity of Alec's gaze upon her didn't go unnoticed. Unbeknownst to her, the same bond that had sparked between her and Jane had also formed with Alec, albeit with different implications.
Alec's eyes, hungry and possessive, trailed over (y/n) as if she were the only thing in the room. An invisible thread connected them, a connection that (y/n) couldn't comprehend. Her heart quickened under his gaze, an unfamiliar heat blooming within her.
As the conversation continued, (y/n) found herself shifting uncomfortably under the weight of Alec's gaze, a sense of unease settling in the pit of her stomach. Soon before she knew it Alec and Jane were standing before her, they clinged to her every being allowing no room for others to touch or even get near her.
Their presence was suffocating .
(Y/n)'s world had become a whirlwind of confusion and unease. She felt like a puppet, caught between the possessive affections of Alec and Jane on one side and the protective concern of Bella on the other. It was suffocating, overwhelming, and completely foreign to her.
As (y/n) attempted to navigate through the tense atmosphere, her heart rate quickened. Alec and Jane were by her side, their grip on her hand and arms feeling like a constant reminder of their presence. The clinginess and possessiveness made her uncomfortable, and she found herself longing for a moment of solitude.
Bella's attempts to reach out to her were a lifeline in this sea of intensity. She wanted to cling to her sister, the familiar bond between them offering a semblance of normalcy. But every time she tried to get closer to Bella, Alec and Jane would pull her back, their possessive gestures preventing her from seeking comfort in her older sister's arms.
Torn between the conflicting desires of those around her, (y/n) felt trapped. She wanted to be with Bella, to find solace in her sister's embrace, but Alec and Jane's hold on her was unyielding.
Then, the announcement from Marcus changed everything. His words echoed in the chamber, declaring that (y/n) was Alec and Jane's mate. The shock and realization of what that meant sent tremors through her. It was a bond she didn't understand, a connection that both terrified and intrigued her.
As the truth sank in, the weight of her circumstances settled on her shoulders. Aro, always the master manipulator, took advantage of the situation. He presented Bella and Alice with an unfair deal, Edward's life in exchange for (y/n)'s captivity among the Volturi.
The decision was left to (y/n), and despite the unease and discomfort, she found herself speaking up. "Agree to the deal," she told Bella and Alice, her voice steady despite the turmoil within her. "I'll be fine. You have to save Edward."
It was a sacrifice that she never thought she would have to make, but (y/n) was determined to protect her loved ones, no matter the cost. As the deal was settled, (y/n) felt a mixture of fear and determination coursing through her veins. Her life had taken an unexpected turn, and now she had to face an uncertain future, bound to two yandere vampires who held an inexplicable claim over her heart and soul.
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lovesick-feelings · 8 months
Hi! You probably have a lot of requests, but I was wondering..
How would Funtime Freddy (Idm yandere Funtime Freddy I just dunno how'd you put yandere in with the plot) react if reader had autism/ADHD and gets overstimulated and stuff? It'd probably be pretty hard to deal with Freddy as someone with that, because he's always this bouncy, loud, energetic guy, and then someone with autism/ADHD is just.. so overwhelmed.
Ty!!! Love your work btw
Funtime Freddy being silent around someone should be considered a bad omen in itself. Chances are he’s observing someone, he’s plotting someone's demise or both. You’re right though, he can’t help himself, especially around you. It’s been such a long time since he's had someone, besides Bon Bon, willingly be with him. With his boisterous, unpredictable persona, anyone can easily feel overwhelmed.
If his lover shows signs that they’re overstimulated he's quick to stop whatever he’s doing. You don’t have to tell him how you feel for him to get the message. He’ll do whatever he can to try to help out whether it's bringing you snacks or simply giving you some quiet time. The one thing he struggles with is giving space. The best he can do is sit a couple of feet away from you as he doesn't like leaving you alone, especially at a time when you're stressed. 
As soon as you recover, Freddy will behave like his usual silly, goofy self, but he'll be more careful around you. He’ll be listening to Bon Bon when he says “Take it easy”, next time.
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yepperoniro · 1 year
Three in the morning idea...
Alpha Hashiras x Omega Reader x Kamado Gang???
Did I add yandere? because, yeah, it has to be Yandere.
Master notes that the population of Demon Slayer Corp members keep getting weaker, and the Hashira's are on edge. So he figures let's solve both problems at once. He sends out Kakushi to locate a prime omega in their early 20 or late teens. That would be you.
You wake up in a strange, extremely fanciful manner with more questions than answers. But it all goes downhill because you felt your heat kicking in. You unintentionally follow the scent of alpha, which leads you to a room full of 6 unmated alphas, a mated pair, and one prime alpha - the Hashira.
You, in a shock, run off to the nearest building where you find solstice in a group of betas named Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Kanao, and Inosuke.
Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Inosuke, and Kanao are all Platonic Yandere and want to protect you from being forcibly marked by one of the alphas.
Prime Alpha Tengen: Who has three omega wives already but could always use a prime omega wife.
Alpha Obanai and Alpha Mitsuri: Who are a mated pair and are looking for an omega to use as an incubator.
Alpha Kyojuro: Who wants nothing more than to find a mate and start a family.
Alpha Giyuu: Who has little interest in mating... until you come around and force him into his rut.
Alpha Sanemi: Who is the same as Giyuu. The only difference is that he plans on claiming you the second he sensed you.
Alpha Shinobu: Who is infuriated that her beta sister is banning her from getting herself an omega.
Alpha Gyomei: Who wants to shield you from all of the world's cruelties by marking you. For your protection, of course.
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Funtime Foxy's Mate (Headcanons/Scenarios) Yandere Funtime Foxy X Female Reader (Five Nights At Freddy's/FNAF)
[Hello, My Sexy Muffins! I am back with a new chapter! This one is going to be with Funtime Foxy being Yandere for a female listener with headcanons and scenarios! Enjoy this!] 
(Disclaimer 1: Funtime Foxy is Sentient/Sapient in this, he has a conscious sense of self and is aware he is a living creature and has his own thoughts and feelings! 
Disclaimer 2: Funtime Foxy is not yandere, this is just for fun and not to be taken seriously at all! Simping for fictional characters and yanderes is fine! Just do not be illegal or gross about it! You know who you are! You Dirty, Flaky, Biscuits! Yanderes are not ideal partners to have in real life! Also, remember to separate fiction from reality and headcanon from canon!) 
-Yandere Headcanons With Sentient/Sapient Funtime Foxy From FNAF With Female Reader- 
.Funtime Foxy fell for you right away and knew that he wanted you.
.He was a performer and would put on a show for you, to woo you to make you his and have you fall in love with him~
.He is a very possessive yandere he does not like to share and he declares that you are his first mate and HIS Mate!
.He does not want to give you up or let anyone else get their hands on you! 
.He is a bit annoyed when you spend time with others and does not like it. 
.You should only spend time with him. 
.He would also steal your things and hide them in his burrow (Which is his private sleeping room) making a shrine of you and for you. 
.He will eventually kidnap you and bring you to his burrow. 
.That way he can take care of you and keep you to himself.
.He also would lash out at anyone who tries to keep you from him, because he sees you as his mate and he does not want to share his mate. 
.He would cuddle the heck out of you and might leave hickies on you to mark you as his and his alone~ 
.Where everyone can know that you are his and his alone. 
.He would also bite anyone who tries to mark you as theirs, you are his, and no one else is allowed to touch you~ 
.He is a selfish yandere who would not let anyone near you. 
.Most likely chaining you down so you cannot leave him. 
.He would confess to you over and over and if you accepted his love it would take him longer to kidnap you. 
.If you deny his love he will kidnap you much faster and the more you turn him down the more he will be thinking of kidnapping you. 
.He deals with rivals by growling at them to scare them off and if that does not work he ends up biting them. 
.He is very much territorial of you and will want to not let anyone else near you. 
.Also as a yandere he would put on a show to rivals that he is a good guy and that no one has to worry about what he would do to you. 
.He also put that same show on for you, that you did not realize what he was doing until it was too late. 
(Now Onto The Scenario, Let's Go!!!) 
(Funtime Foxy) (Kidnapping His Mate) 
(No One's POV) 
You worked with the Funtime Animatronic Rental Company. You were Funtime Foxy's handler. So you worked with Funtime Foxy a lot. Which was a good thing in Funtime Foxy's eyes. He was very attached to you and called you his mate. You would blush when he first called you this and become flustered. But now you were sort of used to it. Which made Funtime Foxy think that you were into it. He loved you and wanted you by his side at all times. He hated it when you had to leave work.  So He decided that he was not going to let you leave again. You are currently working overtime. Cleaning Funtime Foxy and he is watching you with the glowing golden eyes. He waits for Baby to mess with the cameras and lights. 
Suddenly the lights go out and you yelp. You could not see at all and Funtime Foxy grabs you throwing you over his shoulder. You cry out and he starts to hum a pirate sea shanty as he carries you to his burrow. He throws you on the cushions in the burrow and he lightd up the candles. You look around and stare in horror. 
In Funtime Foxy's nest were things that he had stolen from you! Not just from your locker, but also from your home! That is right he has broken out and has stalked you to your home. Breaking into it and stealing the things he needed to make the love nest more comfortable for you. 
"Do you like our love nest, mate~?" He says to you his tail wagging and the gears inside of him going fast he was so excited.  "What the hell are you doing, Foxy!?" You demand. "Let me up!"  He shakes his head. "I cannot let you up, (Name), My Mate~" He purrs. "I love you and you are mine, you are going to be mine forever."  You try and speak but he kisses you pressing his snout against your lips and he shoves his robotic tongue into your mouth~ He tastes like pink lemonade~ You feel your face heat up and he pins you down. He was going to show you how much he loves you and make you his forever and ever~  Your cries and screams for help are swallowed by his robotic mouth and you have no idea how long you are going to be trapped here with Funtime Foxy! 
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS, Another chapter is done! I hope you all enjoyed this, and stay sexy, all of my sexy muffins!] 
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Of course!! Thank you for being my first ask!! If anyone could give me some constructive criticism, I would really appreciate it! :)
I personally believe that after his brothers “accident” Michael never really pursued anyone, believing that he was unworthy of receiving love from another person
You moved into what used to be his old family home many years after his death, and from the start he was fascinated with you. All these new technological advances, terms, fashion trends, etc. but most importantly, someone to finally chase away his loneliness after so many years.
He follows you everywhere whether that be the grocery store, college, work, everywhere, anchoring his soul to you as his only attachment to this mortal plane.
Slowly, watching also starts to be accompanied by touching, lingering fingertips ‘ghosting’ (I’m hilarious, please laugh) over your frame, what seems to just be a small breeze coming out of nowhere and playing with your hair, a random cold spot on the side of your bed whenever you lay down to rest.
The more in love with you he falls, the more likely it is that you will actually see him. Such intense emotions energize his soul and give him a form more perceivable to the human eyes.
When you do see him, he is elated, almost in tears, and tries to communicate with you immediately……..it probably won’t go over well because your at least a little scared of him.
After you get over what he refers to as ‘your rough patch’ you will often wake up to him standing over you, holding you, laying on you, no matter how much you tell him it makes you uncomfortable. He just loves you so much!!! Can’t you see that?
I am also a firm believer that William had secret rooms and passages around his house, dedicated to his research on immortality, and well, let’s just say that Michael being a ghost means there are no secret passages to him. He starts conducting his own research on how you could possibly join him, f o r e v e r.
He injects you with the substance while you are sleeping and cries while apologizing as he kills you as painlessly as possible
You wake up to the world looking a little grayer than you remember, Michael holding onto your ghostly form tightly. The moment he registers your awake he gasps softly and presses his lips to yours in a fevered kiss, softly moaning with appreciation and the sheer force of his love for you.
No matter how much you try to push him off, he clings onto you stubbornly for hours. As he has been dead for longer, he is much stronger than you and knows all the tips and tricks of being a ghost, not being afraid to use them against you as long as you don’t get hurt.
Eventually, Michael becomes even more paranoid that you are going to somehow leave him still, so he forces a soul bond between you both. This anchors you two together in such a way that you can barely walk five feet away from him without an invisible force pulling you back to him
Michaels love language is physical touch, both giving and receiving since he was without it for all those years, so expect to be bombarded with kisses and hugs at almost every waking moment, as well as a sobbing Michael if you won’t give into his demands for cuddles.
Let’s face it darling, you’re stuck. After all, not even death can do you part.
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yanderebunnyboi · 2 years
Can we get some headcanons of funtime demo?
Sure rockstar!
Funtime demo normally has to go to Funtime foxy to help him with his make-up.
Ft demo tend to flirt with Michael and reader. He mostly does that to just to miss with them!
Ft demo doesn't really need pants because of his shirt isn't actually a real shirt, but he still wears them for reasons, as shown.
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hotpinkboots · 2 years
Yan circus baby? Just general hcs or whatever you think you should write, idk
~Yandere!𝓒𝓲𝓻𝓬𝓾𝓼 𝓑𝓪𝓫𝔂 x Reader Headcanons~
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𝓒𝓲𝓻𝓬𝓾𝓼 𝓑𝓪𝓫𝔂
~Oh, she's so obsessed....
~She simply needs to have you....
~You're essential for her sanity....It's not selfish to need you when she absolutely requires you...It would be so cruel of you not to let her keep you, darling!
~Baby doesn't want you to leave her Pizzeria. Sometimes she'll trap you to keep you for the night. But don't be afraid. She's not going to hurt you. She's only going to keep you for a little while....
~Oh, do let her love you, please. She just feels so lonely without you. Baby needs you. It'd be so selfish of you to only think about yourself! Doesn't she matter to you?
~Baby wants you close at all times. Even if you're in another room. She can feel you. She can sense you. You just make everything better...
~And she's not going to let go of the one thing that makes it all feel better.
~Baby doesn't want you to interact with other people. You don't need them. You just need her! Isn't she enough?
~She gets jealous incredibly easily. She doesn't mind if you're talking and playing with the children- she thinks that's adorable! But if you're getting a bit too close with somebody, expect her to ask questions and be suspicious, maybe sulk around for a few days.
~Baby is a very patient yandere. Although she wants you now, she can wait. She can do whatever it takes for you to love her, and hardly gets impatient, and her sweet personality never falters. She can hide her annoyance.
~Will end up isolating you, forcing you to depend on her for anything you need, until she decides you've been good enough to be let go.
~She'll look down at you with adoration, claiming she's done it for your own good. Because she loves you! You just weren't behaving....You weren't paying enough attention to her!
~Baby will give you the most gentle touches and praise you for being so good during your.... quarantine.
~Why must you fight with her? Don't you know she's only keeping you because she loves you?
~Will gaslight and manipulate you into thinking you're in the wrong, but later will tell you you've done nothing wrong...So she can start the whole process over again. So she can keep you coming back.
~Despite her terrifyingly possessive behavior, deep down, she knows this is wrong. She wants to stop, but...she just can't. She can't stop loving you. She can't stop wanting you, needing you, requiring your praise, adoring your voice....Every little detail about you makes her feel as though her system were heating up, and sparking. All because of you.
~Baby can't handle the thought that she's in the wrong, the fact that she's hurting you and scaring you- So she forces herself to believe this is for your own good. Your safety. She's protecting you.
~She's a bit....delusional....imagining scenarios between you and her that never happened, and almost thinking they're real.
~Somehow, she always finds a way back to you. You have no idea how, but...you can't get rid of her. You'll never be able to. No matter where you are, someway, somehow, she'll find you.
~"You are so....perfect...Don't you know that? Will you let me hold you?" Baby would beg you.
~"You have to stay here... You have to stay here...with me. You'll be safe. Don't you love me? Don't you love me like I love you?"
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I could say this 1,000 times and would still be screaming about it, but here I go again- BABY!! SHE!! SHE'S SO CUTE!!! 😭
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~Love, PinkBoots
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