#yandere smg4 au
gay-people-for-ever · 5 months
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Ooo dumb doodles
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marasiatheferret · 2 months
New Banner! With my own aus!
(maybe one with someone)
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Tried to take the best pic but kinda good
I love how it came out!
Finally finished this
FNA3C own me and @lizaluvsthis
(Kinda messed up 4's arm but it's kinda fine)
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mrpuzzlessimp420 · 3 months
Mario Simulator (Joke Fic)
Chapter 3
Warnings (Just in case): Arson, Suicide (no one actually dies, SMG3 is just dramatic and contemplates it for a second)
Ships: Marware, Battery Acid (Orange Juice x Mr Puzzles), Swagmaster69696969 x Sonic (like for a second)
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It was a new day at Mushroom Akademi and Mario was lovesick, staring at the countless of definitely consented and not at all stalker-like photos of his one true love on his spaghetti-themed flip-phone with a Teletubby keyring hanging on it.
One day they would be together and have a pretty wedding and he'd be his everything and be together forever, but right now he'd has to put in the effort for that to happen. Sadly. Why couldn't life just make things easy for him? Why did he have to be born with this condition?
Anyway, Mario noticed Meggy waving at him to come over so he Naruto ran over, gusts of wind flowing away from Mario as he stopped, nearly causing everyone to fall over except Meggy cause she's built different.
"Hi Red! How's it going?" She playfully punched him which if it was done on any other person, would have sent them flying into the nearest wall. This was Mario though so it didn't. "We were just talking about- what were we talking about again?" She looked at SMG4 who quickly went into autism mode.
"We were just taking about how Sonic the Hedgehog is actually a good franchise and that it isn't as 'cringe' as some would say because it's a beautiful piece of media filled with cool mechanics, fleshed out characters, great stor-"
Mario quickly shut of his ears as SMG4 yappered on about some dumb blue hedgehog.
In the background, Sonic is seen judging SMG4 while holding his swagalious boyfriend's hand, who is aiming a gun towards SMG4's head.
"Oh uh Mario," SMG3 said while SMG4 still was autisming "I need to talk to you for a second, uh, privately."
"Okie-dokie! Good luck Meggy!" Mario exclaimed leaving Meggy alone with a cringe failure of a man and a declining sanity from being with him.
After they were out of view, SMG3 dragged Mario behind a perfectly cut and well placed bush.
"Okay, I think we're safe. Do you remember the plan from yesterday?" SMG3 whispered, careful not to raise his voice any higher in fear of being caught.
"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh nope!" Mario said, smiling innocently.
"Of course you don't" SMG3 hit his face, annoyed at himself for expecting Mario to remember anything. "We are going to spread a rumour about Orange Juice liking content farm videos."
"Why can't we just kill him?" Mario said while pulling out a double-barrel shotgun from his infinite storage pocket.
SMG3 sighed heavily "You said it yourself, Mr Puzzles will get depressed if we do that without ruining his relationship with Orange Juice first. If Mr Puzzles is depressed, we won't want to be with you."
"Wow, Mario is-a so smart!" Mario exclaimed
"Now, are you-" SMG3 tried to say before being cut off by a familiar single mother.
"What are you two doing?" Karen asked, looking down on the two suspicious individuals.
Mario had to think of a distraction, quick and fast! "UHHHHHHH Mario's PINGAS is-a stuck in the door again!" Mario shouted, a door magically appearing closed on his PINGAS
"Damn it Mario, not again." Karen stated, dragging Mario on the floor to the Nurse's office once again. Mario looked over to SMG3 and gave him the thumbs up, signaling to him that SMG3 had to start this on his own.
"The things I do for that Italian.." SMG3 whispered to himself as he strolled back to his small friendship group, in which Meggy was in a hospital bed, dying of boredom while SMG4 was still ranting about that blue rat.
"-and that's why The Murder of Sonic The Hedgehog is the best Sonic game ever and no one can tell you otherwise!" SMG4 stated, cheerfully while Meggy noticed that SMG3 was coming back and was immensely relieved.
"Oh hi SMG3! You're back! Please help me he won't stop talking about Sonic the Hedgehog" Meggy begged, clingying onto SMG3 with desperation.
"Aren't there content farms of Sonic?" SMG3 asked, ignoring Meggy's pleas for freedom
"There's content farms of everything." SMG4 gritted his teeth, at the mention of those horrible, cheap, lazy, brainrotting pieces of trash. "Why do you ask?"
"I just overheard that Orange Juice likes content farms, like unironically. Kind of cringe /neg if you ask me." SMG3 mentioned, planting the seed in his two friends head of the rumor.
"Really? Remind me never to talk to that guy ever again." SMG4 stated
"You'd believe that? What if it's just a rumor?" Meggy said, the only one in the group with a functioning brain cell.
"I heard him talking about it to Water Bottle and Apple Smoothie so I doubt it." SMG3 lied.
"Huh. I bet if Mr Puzzles finds that out, he's going to be pissed" Meggy stated.
"Probably." SMG3 hid a small smirk. This was way to easy, he probably should have asked for another condition other than not having his secrets be exposed. It was too late now for that.
The extremely loud and ear-bleeding bell rang, signaling for first period.
"Ugh, I have catering next..." Meggy sighed.
3 months ago she was banned from entering the class kitchen because she and Mario had burned the entire building down because they had tried to heat up some water. The school had to be closed for 1 week because it had to be rebuilt.
So she had to spend all of her catering lessons for the rest of her time being in this school in a dark empty classroom, writing down "I will not try and burn down the school" over and over again until she gets arthritis.
"Oh good luck then, I have to go to my art class now." SMG4 said, leaving the two so he isn't late.
"What do you have Three?" Meggy asked, not wanting to walk in silence.
"Physics, which is directly next to your empty classroom" SMG3 answered.
They both talked about random things until they reached both their classes and said goodbye.
The rest of the day before Lunch went pretty smoothly. The rumour spread like wildfire because of SMG3's conversation with SMG4 and Meggy and soon enough the whole school was talking about it, even teachers.
Mario even got to spread it even more when he got out the Nurse's office, talking to anyone and everyone about it, no matter if they wanted to know or not.
"Mario's a-proud of you S-M-G-3, you really out did yourself today." Mario patter SMG3's back like a father would to his child.
"Well, the sooner it gets done, the sooner I can leave." SMG3 stated, ignoring the fact this was the most fun he'd had with Mario ever.
Then the two of them were interrupted by a scream, a very electronic and theatrical scream coming from the rooftop of the school.
SMG3 and Mario ran in the direction of the scream before SMG3 pulled out a plot convenience portal which teleported them to the scene of the crime.
Mr Puzzles, looking obviously angered and betrayed was yelling at Orange Juice, who was backed at the edge of the railing, one nudge away from failing to his death.
"I swear I don't like content farms! They're gross and unoriginal! I would never-" Orange Juice tried to plead, before being interrupted by a furious Mr Puzzles
"I know your lying! I've heard the stories! I thought you loved me!" Mr Puzzles exclaimed, gasoline pouring out his screen, resembling human tears.
"I do love you my dear pookie bear you just have to believe me when I say that content farms are created by hell itself and I don't like them." Orange Juice stated, wiping Mr Puzzles' tears lovingly
Mr Puzzles breath hitched at the contact of his love, wanting to lean into it but just controlled himself, needing to know if Orange-Kun was telling the truth.
"If you mean that, you'll burn that place from the SMG4 Vs Content Farms video for me" Mr Puzzles stated, needing to know if Orange Juice was telling the truth or not.
Immediately, without stopping a beat, Orange Juice pulled out a comically large gasoline container with a tiny lighter and opened up a portal to that disgusting hell-like place. He then poured the entire gasoline can into the portal and lit it on fire, closing the portal before it could even spread into the school.
"So you are telling the truth?" Mr Puzzles whispered (and whimper- -gets shot-)
"Of course I am, now let's get you fixed up you beautiful doll." Orange Juice said, taking Mr Puzzles' hand and walking off into the distance, cherry blossom petals falling romantically as they did so.
Mario and SMG3 stared in shock at their failure of a plan that just played out in front of them.
"ARE YOU A-FUCKING KIDDING ME?" Mario finally shouted as SMG3 debated on jumping of the school rooftop before realising that would be an incredibly dumb idea after just one failure as afterall,
Tomorrow is another day.
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mochi-chan-2006 · 7 months
Hi mochi✋Your idea with Smg4 being a Mom and Smg3 being a Dad is the best Idea I ever seen❤️ Can I use your au to my Yandere Smg3 Simulator au👉👈 Like after the event? I wanted to draw your au in my style for so long!
Yes you can, but it also belongs to @askkassandragf-v-2 /My demon sis.
And you have a dressing for them.
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And here are their children (SMG5 is 12 years old, SMG6 is 5 years old and Baby SMG7 is 5 months old lol).
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clydeznuts · 9 months
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halloween is long gone but who cares lmao
also vamp!smg3is so my jam
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sh1n4 · 5 months
George as smg4
George because smg4 is golden reiver and energetic and nerd but his personality is different from George he is bisexual so going put him as bisexual boy and i give him scar from it gotta be perfect it gave him trauma from it and his age will be different from canon age his is 15 year old
Harold as smg3
I know that smg3 is like smg4 as arch enemy and like men but i ship Smg34 he like boom and stuff and he tsudere so going change Harold personality to into tsudere to yandere but kind he have arch enemy to George after lawsuit he big fan of george youtube channel and he like boom and adorable stuff don’t undermined him he have scar were youtube arc and have trauma of his past sleve and his age is same George his is 15 have big crush on George but is just au and shortie
Sonic as mario
Well for sonic in au his dumb and foster big brother of George but George is adpot he like chill dog just like mario and he abuse tails on gameshow and doesn’t care for him and he called talis as gay because he like men and his dumb because George usb pod and keep insulting amy and he like joke and game aswell he have healthy relationship to dressy and limey that he and erica were just siblings and scar he have is left eye by revelation arc
Erica as meggy
A octoling girl from inkpolis city she is fighter and competitive and fight with sonic he annoying her much before she becomes human she is agent 8 she care for her crew and she older that George and harold and dressy her age is 22 and she get annoyed by sonic she like noodle and like paint gun just George and harold she doesn’t have scar from her octoling fot
and inlove dressy and jessica but she shy to came out yet and she tallest of them
Dressy as tari
A shy cyborg from meta runner and in au she have tari personality she is shy and introverted person she like video games and smash brother and she care of everyone and duck and have lesbian for erica and jessica she too scared to came out yet and she have scar from her past she cyborg before after replacing her limb and he cyborg arm can talk her like the episode my goes psycho and she have strength of rejection virtual
Jessica as saiko
I don’t know about saiko and jessica jessica is kinda mean girl and saiko is badass and rock metal lover so change her personality is ok her sophie will put different role so she alone but her sophie one is kaizo and so can rock on her shoe but don’t underrated her she is badass girl and most strong one in world she yet to be tall she form group call k2s
Other sophie as melonly
A lime girl who is tall and she like sleepy and her name is limely and she had boyfriend before you know who is it and she personality is different from canon she like sleepy and childlike she lime girl and have glass scar from deity mask and her father is sonic?! And like chonk plushie
Bo as axol
A inkpolis and axolot and have crush on limey and but die from nile he personality is much different from canon he overprotective for limey and simp for limey he got sacrificed to stop nile to killed everyone and he always remembers by everyone
Melvin as shromy
A scout boy and mashroom is joining group and he do activities of scout boy will do his personality is different from canon series and can get angry if someone keep insult him and have airgun he join anti cast before he recovers now he like bagel and like outdoor and stick
Sophie one as kaizo
Kaizo and her she anime girl from kevin school she like rock and friend with Jessica together with her k2s she help Jessica and crew fight villain now but she got other job and her age is different she is 20 years old and rebel girl
Gooch as boopkins
A fish creature and anime lover is here to your service he like anime and stuff he had little brother and dad he crush on jessica before after she became lesbian and badass he cared for friends he best friends is Stanley peet and scared for he friends die his dad care for him and jubjub
Stanley as bob
A weird robe rapper dude and want more boobie and swear a lot he rapper and his lived on trash and a hobo never knew his parents his best friend is gooch and best good friend to him and not to other he roast them lot and never ask poper for girls
Professor poopypants as tv adware/ mr puzzle
A tv villain who gave trauma on crew and sonic enemy in igbpt he one gave George a weird keyboard who possessed him and in western spaghetti he one put everyone in simulated and he everywhere in show
That it i will make classic gang and anti crew ok
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dhmisshadowanon · 4 years
Okay due to the AU me and my discord friends I’m doing there will be new people to ask
Keith (boyfriend from friday night funkin)
Pico (same game and pico’s school)
Girlfriend (same game lol)
Monokimi (oc)
Monokuma (Dangonronpa)
Jaxx Joey Jerry Jessica ayano and Alex (oc’s and Yandere simulator)
Steven universe characters (maybe u decide)
Henry and Charles (Henry Stickman)
Zach-Chan (a friends oc)
Ddlc characters (Monika sayori yuri and Natsuki)
Meggy: (smg4)
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marasiatheferret · 6 months
Hello everyone again✋I came to know from you all, which of these endings will be true before the:
After event of 💜Yandere Smg3 Simulator💜
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marasiatheferret · 7 months
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Hello everyone✋I finished the students profile pictures! So here they are👍
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The page kinda riped because it has a mark that can let ripe it.
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I tried to make kinda a pins or sticker but it's kinda ok.
•The Final Promise the page 2 of the story will probable came out Saturday.
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marasiatheferret · 7 months
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Hello everyone again✋I came with a look of smg3 so here are those💜
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Some memes about the au
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And other things about this au.
•What if Smg3 matchmaked 10 rivals?
•What if Smg3 been friends with 10 rivals?
•Is it possible to Smg3 be in 3 groups?
•Is it possible to Smg3 be in all clubs in academy?
*Heart3, Spade3 and Book3 will be Really good friends with Smg3 and Smg4 in After Event of Yandere Smg3 Simulator.
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marasiatheferret · 7 months
I got a idea of my kinda new AU.
Yandere Simulator smg34 AU!
I never seen someone used a idea of smg3 being a yandere before so why can't I?
•in this au will be Smg3, Smg4, Tari, Saiko, Meggy and other characters.
*Smg3 will be a kinda yandere guy who is friends with 4 [he has a band in school].
*Smg4 is kinda a senpai who is friends with 3 (he don't know 3 is a yandere) [he has a guitar and is playing alone in school, sometimes secretly singing japanese songs].
*Tari is a drama club leader.
*Saiko is a dealer and leader of the deliquents.
*Meggy is a kinda like info-chan, has her own club info-club.
(there will be rivals like from original game [they will be guys] and other characters that be revealed after a while).
•there will be things from the original game.
•eliminating, confessing feeling, entering stalkers house and other stuff.
•smg 3 room, high school academy, town, cherry tree and other places.
•there will be easter eggs mods of the aus some of mine and others! (Really popular and known ones, will mention the creators of them)
(I fucking played old build and demo Yandere Simulator + 1980s so much! Now I want to play this game again! it was a while [it was my first game on my pc] ).
Heart 3, Spade 3 and Book 3 they would be side characters but don't worry they will not be in murder or eliminating!
[smg3 has a smol dog "egg dog" and smg4 has a grey cat "beeg"]
The details of the au will be on the discord server too. So if someone want to know more about it😉
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marasiatheferret · 7 months
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Hello everyone✋You are still waiting for part 2 for the story (sorry that it's kinda long after the first page). But I present to you the:
After Event of
Yandere Smg3 Simulator!
It's after the confession to 4 and they will be parent of 3 kids.
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The SMG family!
By @mochi-chan-2006 and @askkassandragf-v-2 !
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marasiatheferret · 7 months
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Hello everyone✋I sketched the rivals in students profile picture! The next day will draw the lines and colour them so here they are❤️
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I was drawing quick but with 4 is finished just give more people there and will start with smg3 in different outfits👍
I kinda messed up the correct order with names of them but someone can know who is there by name and look😉
So it's all for a moment the next or other day the page 2 of story will be finished.
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marasiatheferret · 7 months
💜Yandere Smg3 Simulator💜AU
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Hello everyone✋I came with another things and characters that will be in the au.
•SMG3 with colours💜
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•the every single one of 10 male rivals will be like from the original game (they will have own personality).
*the 1 rival will kinda like osana but different,
*the 2 rival will be from the cooking and baking club like amai from the original,
*the 3 rival will be from drama club that Tari is a Leader in,
*the 4 rival is kinda a leader in occult club,
*the 5 rival is a leader of gimnastics and sports club,
*the 6 rival is from Saiko's gang of deliquents,
*the 7 rival is kinda a Leader of the school like megami,
*the 8 rival is from photography club,
*the 9 rival will be from gardening club,
*the 10 be that new student.
•the students will have a profile picture of themself and info too.
•Smg3 will have new eliminating and killing methods like: burn students face on stove, matchmaking with someone else, push to a speeding train, drowning in the pool, be arrested by killing someone, pushing student at the stairs, snap students neck and that's all for now.
•Smg3's rock band will be called "Wild Birds" or something like that (+Smg4 can join the band).
•the look of Smg4
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•Smg3 can go out to town at night, to buy something or can work at the Coffee as Barista (he can sometimes see Smg4 working there as Waiter).
•SMG4 with colours💙
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marasiatheferret · 7 months
💜Yandere Simulator Smg34 AU💜
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(I was trying to make a logo of them game in the same style but came out kinda alright).
•the look of the main other characters will be next day.
- the look at smg3
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•in the easter eggs mod will be:
- captain 3 by @anartisticalniche
- bowser 3 by @funtimefreddyr123
- fna3c 3 by (me)
- vampire 3 by (me)
- that is all for now, will look for other aus and credit too.
• I will need to think to rivals names.
•Smg3 can join or help in clubs.
•there will be a new student
- rivals will be 10 in which is a new student,
- Smg3 can know who's name is by taking a photos of using his phone and message meggy of stuff or more informations.
• there will be matchmaking.
•smg3 can report students, k*dnap, frame, troll students with illegal things, get a student to be expelled.
•smg4 can reject a rival feelings, have a stalker (smg3 can feel kinda dizzy or in love? around 4).
•there will be school outfits for every student.
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marasiatheferret · 7 months
I have a announcement! The first page of Yandere Smg3 Simulator AU is out!!!
Someone can give some love to this one💜
I worked so hard on this one😔👍
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