#mr puzzles x orange juice
mrpuzzlessimp420 · 4 months
Mario Simulator (Joke Fic)
Chapter 2
Warnings: Mention of Lobotomy, Blackmailing, Kidnapping, Plotting Murder (none of these are taken seriously)
Ships: Marware, SMG34, BatteryAcid (Mr Puzzles x Orange Juice)-Mentioned
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An idea popped into Mario's head, quite surprising as he probably didn't have any braincells left.
A very... unique idea.
You see, there was something actually... unnormal about Mario.
He was what you would call...
A yandere.
Now Mario wasn't your Ayano Aishi "I've never felt ANY emotions before Senpai!" yandere, he was your "though emotionally stunted still had emotions" yandere.
His entire life he had never felt strong emotions before which wasn't questioned by literally anyone as they just thought it was just because he was you know Mario or because he had been implied to be lobotomized in that one episode.
It also wasn't questioned when he started acting coo-coo crazy over Mr Puzzles as they just cracked it up to just be Mario being Mario.
So hiding this fact about himself from others was as easy as forcing your friends to kiss for a tiktok trend.
But like any yandere (insert-literally-any-character) fanfic, Mario had some roadblocks that stopped him from being with his one and only true loves...
Now Mario was used to having rivals, love related or not but Orange Juice was a special case.
Unlike the others, Orange Juice was actually dating Mr Puzzles which meant that if he just straight up murdered him, Mr Puzzles would be depressed, wear grey/black hoodies all the time and be emo and Mario couldn't have that! Being emo was the greatest sin of humanity!
He'd had to think of a plan to get Orange Juice and Mr Puzzles to break up or for Orange Juice to be extremely toxic so when he goes to kill him, Puzzles wouldn't be a sad depressed babygirl!
Unluckily for him, Mario was a number 1 lazy boy and didn't want to go through all the effort of figuring something out so he thought of the next best option: get someone to figure it out for him!
Now how would be his unwilling victim?
No she has had to much character development that she would drop kick him into the sun if he asked her to revert back to the days she was crazily obsessing over Boopkins (really though, Boopkins??)
No he was weird in his own way that Mario didn't want to deal with.
He'd probably need some sort of blackmail though.
Luckily for Mario, he always kept a copy of SMG3's gay little diary on hand, just in case.
A loud rigging bell went that snapped Mario out of his thoughts, it was the end of break!
And he didn't get to eat his spaghetti-flavoured apple :(.
Moving on from that, Mario knew what his next move was. At lunch he would kidnap SMG3, blackmail him to make a plan that would get Orange Juice and Mr Puzzles to break up, force him to help in the actual plan himself and make him promise to never tell anyone about the situation ever.
Yeah that seemed like a solid plan, what could possibly go wrong?
The next two lessons went by like SMG4 and SMG3's will-they-won't-they relationship that will probably never be canonized because of half of the fandom's homophobicness and their insistence that their brothers.
Right as Mario was considering drowning a random girl in a bucket of full of acid because of how clingy she was being, the bell went signalling it was lunch.
He ran out of the classroom with no time to lose, not even caring that the teacher yelled at him that "the bell doesn't dismiss him, she does" or whatever that crap was.
After searching for what felt like weeks, he finally found SMG3 packing up his stuff in a classroom that was now empty. His face slightly smiling at a image on his emo skull phone.
It was now his chance!
Mario grabbed a black bag out of thin air and, without SMG3 noticing, put it on SMG3's head and tightened it.
Now all he needed to do was find a dark, empty room that no-one would dare walk near to.
The broom closet! (DID YOU GET THE BROOM CLOSET ENDING? THE BROOM CLOSET- The author is then choked to death because they referenced another piece of media)
Dragging SMG3's lifeless body that definitely was losing oxygen by the second and not at all trying to hide himself, waving to others whenever they passed who just chalked it up to be Mario being Mario. When he finally reached the broom closet, he dumped the poor man in it, locking himself and SMG3 inside.
After finding a chair that definitely looked out of place in a broom closet that only held brooms, he placed SMG3 on it and tied his hands behind the chair with some spare rope.
Realising he needed SMG3 to talk during this blackmailing, Mario finally took the black bag off of SMG3's head.
"What the hell Mario?" SMG3 shouted after panting for oxygen for 4 minutes straight, his voice not being heard from the outside as the closet was noise cancelling.
"Mario wants you do to something for him." Mario said sinisterly, which was hard to tell due to his voice only being voice clips.
"Hell no I'll do something for you! Last time I did so I was humiliated on the internet!" SMG3 argued, not wanting anything to do with Mario.
"Well.. Mario has your gay diary sooo.. :D" Mario said, grabbing the copy of SMG3's notebook out of his skirt that has pockets.
SMG3 immediately freezed up, a pink blush spreading around his checks.
"Y-you wouldn't leak that would you?" SMG3 asked, sounding extremely nervous. No one could see his deepest and darkest thoughts and know about his massive crush on SMG4.
"I won't if you do this for me.." Mario stated as menacingly as he could, leaning down to SMG3.
The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife...
"Fine... I'll do it..." He said, giving in to Mario's demands.
"Yippeee!!" Mario squeaked, though he was sad he didn't get to use his brand new cringe memes machine to torture SMG3 with but he could use it at another time.
"What do you want me to do then? Make spaghetti for you? Force me to a dumb challenge? Humiliate myself on camera?" SMG3 asked.
"Help me commit murder." Mario said blankly.
"Yeah sure why not." SMG3 stated, he selled bombs on the black market for a living, murder wasn't that extreme that he wouldn't do it. "Who is it and what's the plan?"
"Actually I wanted you to make a plan for me" Mario rubbed the back of his head, pulling a silly face while doing so.
"Of course you did.." He said, not surprised at all.
"Well to be honest, I need your help to get Orange Juice and Mr Puzzles to break up so I can go kill Orange Juice." Mario stated, extremely casually.
"Honestly wouldn't take you for a yandere type of guy"
"The author's friend thought it be funny."
"Well, I've already thought of some ideas so let's plan this!"
30 minutes later and they had already made a Plan A, a Plan B for if it goes wrong, a Plan C etc. Now all they needed to do was set it into motion...
(part 3 coming whenever I feel like it babieee-)
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sycamorelibrary754 · 4 months
The Doting Tree
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Summary: During your visit to your grandmother at her assisted living community, you learn that Bucky has been regularly volunteering there as a part of his therapy sessions with Dr. Raynor.
Pairings: Bucky x Platonic reader
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: None
A/N: Who doesn't want to see Bucky healing?
"Ms. Y/L/N, Mr. Stark requests your presence in his lab," Friday announced, pulling you out of your intense focus.
"Can it wait, FRIDAY? I'm swamped with overdue mission reports here," you replied, shuffling through the stack of papers on your desk.
“Mr. Stark says you have a phone call,” FRIDAY responded.
“A phone call?” you asked, puzzled, picking up your phone. “No, I don't.”
“In his lab, Ms. Y/L/N,” FRIDAY said.
"Okay,” you said as you rubbed your tired eyes. “Tell him I'm on my way.”
Walking into Tony's lab, you found the genius hunched over his desk, tinkering with one of his holographic interfaces. His phone was propped between his ear and shoulder.
“Really? I had no idea,” Tony said with a surprised look. “Y/N is so at ease on the motorcycle you would never know she didn't learn to ride a two-wheeler until she was nine.”
Your eyes widened. "Oh my God. Who are you talking to?" 
"One moment, ma'am," Tony said before placing the phone against his chest.
"It’s your grandmother," Tony said. "She called the front desk trying to reach you, and they patched her through to me." 
"What? Why didn't they call me?" you said, reaching for the phone as Tony pulled it away. 
"Because this is way more fun," Tony smirked. 
"Gimme the phone!" You snapped.
Tony placed a hand on your forehead to hold you at arm's length like an annoying older brother while putting the phone back to his ear.
"Y/G/N, your granddaughter just walked in. So, I’m going to pass you over to her," Tony said. "No, don't be silly. It's no problem. I enjoyed talking with you, too. Feel free to call back anytime. My pleasure, ma'am. Bye-bye."
You sighed as the billionaire finally handed over his phone, walking back toward the pane-glass windows for some privacy.
"Hi, Grandma," you chirped.
"Hello, dear, so good to hear your voice," your grandmother said.
"How did you end up on the phone with Mr. Stark?" you asked.
"I accidentally deleted your cell phone number, but your mom has your workplace down on this list she made, so I called information and then was connected to your lovely boss," your grandma explained.
"Ah, I see. Well, he’s not technically my boss, more like an annoying man-child who pays for everything," Smirking back at Tony and sticking your tongue out.
Your grandma asked, 'What is this I hear about you riding a motorcycle?”
"Oh, no need to worry. I’m a professional, and it's part of my job," you reassured her.
"Still," your grandma began. "I hope you're wearing a helmet."
"Always, Grandma, don't worry,” you fibbed. “So, how are you?” Doing your best to shift the conversation away from your dangerous life as an Avenger.
"I’m good, sweetheart. I'm just wondering when you're going to visit me. It's been a while since I’ve seen you,” your grandma asked. 
Your heart broke at her words. Your grandma lives in an assisted living community near the compound called The Doting Tree. You did your best to see her often, but the unpredictable nature of your work made regular visits difficult.
“I know; I’m sorry. Things have been hectic lately, and I just got home from a work trip a few days ago. How about I stop by tomorrow around noon?" you asked.
“That would be great," she exclaimed. "See you then!"
"Okay, bye," you said, hanging up Tony’s phone.
You gave Tony his phone back, and he handed you a hundred-dollar bill in exchange.
“What's this for?” you asked.
“I may be an annoying man-child, but even I know you treat Grandma like a queen,” Tony quipped with a wink.
The following day, you joined the rest of the team for breakfast. Wanda had made her special chocolate chip pancakes and fresh orange juice for everyone. You sat beside Bucky and began squeezing Maple syrup over your pancakes. 
Pepper set a plate in front of Morgan and sat beside Tony. "So, what's everyone got lined up for today?"
"Nat and I are getting the recruits up to speed," Steve replied, digging into his pancakes.
“That sounds interesting,” Pepper said.
"It would be interesting if they paid attention this time," Nat remarked, downing the last of her orange juice.
"I always paid attention," you declared confidently.
"Sure, Y/N, you ran those extra laps after training at Nat’s request just for fun," Maria teased.
"Yelena and I are off to an advanced obedience class with Lucky and Fanny," Kate said. "This week, it's all about the army crawling!"
"By the end of the training, they'll be more mission-ready than your little recruits, Natasha," Yelena teased as she cut into her pancakes.
Nat leaned over and flicked her sister's arm.
"Ow, son of a—"
"Language!" Steve interjected.
Yelena was about to retort, but then she caught Morgan's smile and shut her mouth.
"I’m supposed to meet with Secretary Ross, but I'd much rather catch the new Godzilla vs. Kong movie. Anyone up for it?" Rhodes suggested.
"I'm in!" Sam exclaimed. "How about you, Buck?"
"Can't make it; I'm tied up," Bucky replied, sipping his orange juice.
“Come on, man, how often do we blend in with the crowd?" Sam quipped.
"I can't, Sam," Bucky replied with a shrug.
"Your loss," Sam retorted. "What about you, Y/N?"
"I'd love to, but I promised my grandma a visit," you replied.
"That's thoughtful of you, Y/N," Wanda chimed in.
"Oh, that reminds me, guess who didn't learn to ride a bike until they were nine?" Tony butted in enthusiastically.
You rolled your eyes. “And that's my cue to leave," you said, getting up. "Catch you all later.”
You made great use of Tony's money by treating your grandma to a lovely bouquet of roses and a box of her favorite chocolates. When you arrived at The Doting Tree, the scent of Fabuloso greeted you, mixing with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee from the communal area. Passing through the lobby, you exchanged a warm smile and a wave with Joan, the friendly receptionist stationed behind the oak desk.
You knocked eagerly on the door of room 508, and the sound of your grandmother's footsteps grew louder before she swung open the door.
"Y/N!" she exclaimed.
"Hey, grandma," you greeted her with a smile. "These are for you," you said, handing her the roses and chocolates.
"Oh, you didn't have to, sweetheart," she replied, taking her gifts.
You hugged her and were instantly transported back to his childhood. Her warm embrace was a comfort you didn't know you were missing.
"Please, come on in, Y/N," she said as she broke the hug.
As your grandma whipped up a delightful batch of creamy, rich hot chocolate, the cozy aroma filled the room, enveloping you in warmth and comfort. You lost track of time, immersed in lively conversations and shared memories as you leisurely walked down memory lane. She asked about your work, and you carefully selected the most positive stories to share: the most recent Stark Gala and the Avengers community outreach efforts. You wouldn't dream of telling her about the near miss on your last mission when Nat's impressive scissor-leg neck grab saved you from a potentially fatal situation.
I can't believe how quickly time has flown by," your grandma exclaimed, glancing at the clock. "Movie night starts downstairs in fifteen minutes."
"Oh, in that case, I'll leave you to get ready," you replied, getting up.
"Nonsense," she insisted. "I'd love for you to join me. Tonight is Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, a classic from the Golden Age of Hollywood."
You quickly checked your phone and were relieved to see no missed calls or texts from Fury, Maria, or Steve.
"Great, I've never seen it, and I’m free for the rest of the day," you said.
"Wonderful, let’s go," your grandma replied.
When you and your grandmother arrived in the small community theater, the Doting Tree staff handed out popcorn and queued up the movie. You followed your grandma to two empty seats near the end of the row. 
Hi, Y/G/N, I was hoping to see you here tonight," the brunette woman with half glasses beside her confessed.
"I wouldn't have missed this for anything. You know Jimmy Stewart is my favorite!" your grandma proclaimed. "Oh, Betty, this is my granddaughter Y/N, she's one of those Avengers!" she proudly introduced.
You felt slightly embarrassed by the attention but extended your hand to Betty. "Hi, Betty. It's great to meet you."
"It's lovely to meet you, dear. Y/G/N has told me so much about you!" Betty said.
"All good, I hope?" you joked.
"Of course. I don't know how you all do it, but thank you for everything you've done."
"It's my honor, ma'am,” you said.
"Excuse me?" a man in a sweater vest behind you said, catching your attention. "I couldn't help but overhear. You mentioned you're one of the Avengers?" 
"That's right," you replied.
"Do you happen to know James? He's one of our volunteers. My buddy Walter swears he's an Avenger."
"James?" you asked, puzzled. "We don't have anyone named—"
"Alright, folks," a familiar voice interrupted.
"Bucky," you whispered to yourself in surprise.
Your friend stood at the front of the room, looking effortlessly stylish in a casual navy crew neck shirt, perfectly fitted jeans, and trendy sneakers. His beaming smile transformed his entire appearance, making him almost unrecognizable.
"Tonight's movie is one of my favorites, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington," Bucky announced, clapping his hands together. "Jimmy Stewart was one of my favorite actors when I was a kid."
"Not to mention Jean Arthur!" someone shouted from the back row, and the room erupted in laughter.
“Alright, Stacy, can you turn off the lights, please?” Bucky asked one of the staff members.
As the idealistic young Jefferson Smith was appointed to the United States Senate, your attention continually drifted to Bucky. You observed as he quietly passed a box of Nestle crunch bites down the row to one of the residents and whispered something to the woman beside him, who laughed in response.
When the credits rolled, and the lights came on in the theater, you lingered at the back of the room while your grandmother caught up with her friends. Perhaps it was the spy-like instincts that Natasha had instilled in you, but you couldn’t take your eyes off him. You were captivated by the transformation in his demeanor. The man who once seemed only to wear a scowl now appeared happier than you had ever seen him.
You walked over slowly as he was engrossed in conversation with a man you recognized as Richard Swanson. According to Joan, he was one of The Doting Tree’s oldest residents in time and age. Tall and slender, with a confident posture that hinted at a lifetime of discipline and care, he still boasted a thick mane of hair that belied his age. The strands, once a rich chestnut, now shimmered with a distinguished silver hue, the only overt sign of the passing years.
"What unit were you in, Barnes?" Mr. Swanson asked.
"107th Infantry Regiment, sir," Bucky replied.
"No kidding?” said Mr. Swanson. “I was in the 103rd."
"I remember that regiment," Bucky said, snapping his fingers. "You were guarding the Trisssana Bridge, right?"
"That's right," Mr. Swanson replied. “My cousin was in the 107th Regiment. Maybe you knew him? Tim Dugan.”
"Wow," Bucky sighed, his voice trailing off as he paused to reflect. "Tim Dugan. I haven't heard that name in almost 80 years," Bucky said, his eyes distant with memories. "I did know him. He was a good man," Bucky reminisced, a hint of wistfulness in his voice.
He was indeed," Mr. Swanson sighed, his tired eyes reflecting the long day he had endured. The elderly gentleman checked his antique pocket watch. "I've got to get going. It's almost past my bedtime," he chuckled softly as he patted Bucky on the shoulder with a sense of fondness. "See you next time, Barnes."
"See you, Mr. Swanson," Buck called out, his voice carrying a tinge of warmth and respect.
"Bucky?" you said softly, careful not to startle him as you approached.
He turned at the sound of your voice, his eyes meeting yours with surprise. "Y/N? What are you doing here? I thought you were visiting your grandmother today?"
"I am; she lives here," you explained, a gentle smile gracing your lips.
"What are you doing here?" you asked, your curiosity piqued.
Bucky took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, the weight of his thoughts evident in the furrow of his brow. "Alright, look,” running his hand through his hair nervously. “Dr. Raynor thought it would be good for me to volunteer here. Spend some time with people from my generation," he said. "I resisted at first, but now..." he paused, looking around at the bustling activity of the assisted living community. "It's nice.”
"That's awesome, Buck. It's clear that the residents appreciate having you around, but why didn't you mention it to us?" You inquired.
"I just didn't want to deal with the inevitable jokes and questions from everyone," he explained.
"Oh, come on, Bucky. It wouldn't have been that bad. They would have been supportive," you reassured.
"After you left, Tony told the bike story and bought you a kid’s bicycle as a joke," Bucky deadpanned.
"Jackass," you remarked dryly.
"See," Bucky declared.
"But a supportive jackass, Buck. We all give each other shit, but at the end of the day, we're a family," you insisted. "Everyone would get it."
"Maybe," he mused. "When I'm here, I'm not an Avenger, The Winter Soldier, The White Wolf. Hell, I’m not even Bucky."
"I've noticed that, James," you said with a smirk.
Before he could respond, your grandma and her friend Betty strolled over to where you were standing.
“James, I just had to tell you how much I enjoyed tonight's movie. You have impeccable taste,” Betty said, touching his metal arm.
“Thanks a lot,” Bucky replied.
“Will you join us for our knitting class next week?” she asked eagerly.
“Work can be unpredictable, but I'm planning on it,” he responded.
“Wonderful!” Betty exclaimed. “I've been knitting a scarf for you, honey.”
Bucky blushed. “Oh, thank you. I can't wait to see it.”
"I see you’ve met James, Y/N,” your grandma said. “We’ve so enjoyed having him here the last few months.”
“Oh,” you said, looking between Bucky and your grandmother. “Yeah, I just had to come up and tell him how much I loved the movie, too.”
“Right,” Bucky said. “I’m glad you enjoyed it.”
“Well, I’m feeling a bit tuckered out, Y/N,” your grandmother said. I think I'll call it a night.”
“Okay,” you said. “I'll walk you back to your room.”
“Okay, goodnight, James,” your grandmother said.
“Goodnight, Y/G/N,” Bucky replied.
You turned back toward him before following your grandma out of the room and whispered, “Don’t leave. I'll be down in a few minutes.”
Bucky nodded in agreement.
As you stepped off the elevator and entered the lobby, the warm glow of the chandeliers illuminated the spacious communal room. Your eyes scanned the area, searching for Bucky. After a moment, you spotted him sitting on the plush sofa, engrossed in a copy of Lord of the Rings, which he had plucked from the nearby shelf.
Sitting beside him, you couldn't help but ask, "So, what do people think James does for a living?"
With a half-smile, he replied, "Well, those who don't know who I am think I’m a mechanic at that garage on Wilshire."
The image of Bucky as a mechanic made you chuckle, and you leaned in to hear more.
"The ones who do, like Mr. Swanson, don't give a damn about who I am or who I‘ve been," he continued, returning the book to the shelf. "All they care about is living each day to the fullest."
As you silently nodded, you reflected on his words, feeling the weight of the conversation settle in. "I understand, Buck," you said, patting his thigh. "I'm glad you're finding fulfillment here, and you can trust me to keep this between us."
"Thank you," he sighed, a sense of relief in his voice.
"Let’s go home," Bucky said, a hint of determination in his tone.
As you both said goodbye to Joan in the lobby, you stepped out into the refreshing early evening breeze.
"Alright, see you at home," you said, heading towards the bus stop.
"You took the bus here?" Bucky inquired.
"Yeah, just didn't feel like driving today," you replied.
“Want a ride? I've got Nat's motorcycle," he offered, nodding towards the bike.
You arched an eyebrow, "Does she know you have it?" You knew Natasha didn't just lend her bike to anyone. You had learned that the hard way during one of your early missions together.
"Yep, she allows me to borrow the motorcycle in exchange for helping with recruit training," Bucky explained as he slipped on his leather jacket.
"Alright, I'll take your word for it," you agreed.
As you were getting ready to hop on the back of the motorcycle, you spotted the extra helmet hanging on the back. 
“Really?” Bucky quipped. “You never wear a helmet out in the field.”
“I know,” glancing back at The Doting Tree, “I just want to keep a promise to my grandmother,” you said with a smirk.
“Good call,” he replied with a grin.
You fastened the helmet and hopped on the back of the bike, wrapping your arms around Bucky’s waist. With a twist of the throttle, the bike roared to life as Bucky revved up the engine. Together, you both zoomed out of the parking lot, heading back toward the compound with a newfound sense of camaraderie and understanding.
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makeyoumine69 · 2 years
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◥ PAIRING: Patrick Bateman x Fem!Reader
◥ SUMMARY: Patrick is so obsessed with an idea to breed you, and he's ready to knock you up even in his mother's house.
◥ CW: 18+/ NSFW │69 & cowgirl (sex positions), heavy daddy kink, Patrick being fluffy but degrading reader at the same time, a lot of creampie.
◥ A/N: I'm sorry again for a lot of words. Thank you so much for this request, I hope you like it! 🥰
◥ LINKS: │Bingo Writing Challange Masterlist│ │Main Masterlist│
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What could be better than a ‘family’ dinner in Patrick’s mum’s fancy house–you thought ironically, fidgeting in your place. Almost straight away, you felt Bateman’s warm palm around your shoulders as he hugged you tightly, petting you from time to time like he was trying to soothe you and that was really unusual for him.
“So, how was your trip to Miami?” Mrs. Bateman asked, finishing her meal with a glass of wine.
“Everything went fine,” Patrick murmured, pulling you closer and leaving a small peck on your cheek. “(Y/N) received a lot of unforgettable memories and that is the most important thing for me.”
“Yeah, that was really nice.” You said sheepishly as you smiled at him, laying your head on his broad shoulder.
Amused by you two, Mrs. Bateman called out for a maid to ask what had been planned for a desert. Speaking about Patrick–his most desirable desert was sitting right beside him, melting in his sweet embrace.
With a quiet gasp, Patrick turned to look at you, watching you fighting with a yawn. Hugging you closer, he stroked your cheekbone before whispering: “Are you tired, Peach? It's been a long day.” “No no, I’m okay,” you nuzzled against his large palm, feeling yourself heavenly. “Just… All dishes were so delicious and that made me a little drowsy.”
“Someone loves to eat, don't they?”
Frowning a bit, you pushed him aside with a light laughter “Well, it’s better than to always be grumpy cause you’re on the latest fad diet.” You punctuated the last words with a tease smirk and took a sip of the fresh orange juice.
As soon as Patrick was about to say something in reply, his mother clapped her hands with excitement, returning her attention to you again: “Patrick, dear. Maybe you will stay tonight? Tina’s cooking a cheesecake. She's so good at confectionery, you both need to try it!”
“You know I don’t eat any sweets…” imperceptibly, Patrick looked under the table and then, his tempting gaze fell on the black stockings you were wearing. “But maybe we will stay...” His suddenly low voice made your heart skip a beat.
“Ohh, I will be so happy if you stay!” You gave him a slightly confused glare, but you didn’t dare to speak, understanding that he definitely had something on his mind. Puzzled, you put a glass on the table to avoid any chance to break it when you heard Mrs. Bateman’s voice:
“I wanted to ask before, but I wasn't sure,” she grinned, gazing upon you one by one. “Are you planning to have kids? I have looked forward to being a grandmother for years now since Sean turned out to be a total jackass.”
“We’re working on it.” Patrick sneered in a stern voice, planting his palm on your hip.
His unexpected words almost made you choke on the air. Coughing, you grabbed his hand which was slowly sliding down between your legs, scorching your skin wherever he touched it. 
“Good to know. By the way, have you already shown (Y/N) my house?”
“I just thought about it,” he crooned, smirking to himself as he felt your body shivering from his barely sensible touches. “C’mon, Peach. Let me quickly show it to you.”
After saying that, Patrick stood up and gave you a hand, his eyes were darting all around your pretty frame, leaving you completely embarrassed.
“I expect you to return when the cheesecake is done. You don’t want to offend an old woman, don’t you?”
“We will come back later, for sure,” you nodded to Patrick’s mum, placing your palm into his big one and letting him help you stand up. “Thank you so much for the dinner. Everything was so perfect!”
Flattered, she looked at Patrick, smiling as if she knew something and saying: “You’re always welcome, sweetheart.” 
And then, you walked away, leaving a luxury living room behind.
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“How many rooms does this house have, exactly?” You asked Patrick, turning around each time you saw a door. 
“A lot, trust me.” 
All the way down here, Patrick was holding your waist, petting your back from time to time. Usually whenever he acted sweet, you knew–he was up to something; something you might not even like but that was the last thing Bateman worried about. 
Humming to himself, he halted near a dark wooden door, opening it slowly with a cocky smile. “Well, here we are.”
Bateman let you get inside first and then, a beautifully decorated room opened up before your eyes. Every little detail here was radiating an expensive, luxurious vibe: starting with the carpet and ending with the elegant curtains. Admired by the surrounding atmosphere, you turned around to see Patrick, standing near the entrance, watching you with pure delight.
“Is it your room?” 
“Mmm, technically it was mine… a long time ago, but now it’s just a guest room,” he said in a soft voice, hiding his hands in his pockets. “You like it?” “Yes. It’s dazzling and… it reminds me of your apartment.” With a cute grin on your face, you walked further into the room, exploring all stuff you could see.
Your curiosity made him chuckle from amusement, especially when you began to ask so many questions about each thing you found.
“Wow… what a nice picture,” you took a photo, where two obviously rich boys were smiling at a camera. “It’s your brother I guess?” “Yeah, it’s Sean.”
“As I remember, you don’t really like him…”
“True. So, I doubt you would ever meet him.” He stated, strolling around the room behind your back.
You let out a quiet gasp, putting the photo in its place when you suddenly noticed an enormous collection of different musical records and cassettes. Biting your lip, you had to lean down to have a proper look at them and you didn’t notice the hem of your skirt pulling up, revealing the pretty curves of your butt. Without saying a word, Partick exhaled loudly through his nostrils as if he had been waiting for that specific moment. 
“I can see something caught your attention…” He murmured, approaching you from behind.
“Just wanted to have a lo–,” you gasped abruptly, founding yourself trapped in his powerful arms, with his hard groin pressed against your ass. “P-Patrick…”
“What is it, Peach?” He whispered into your ear, teasing the delicate skin of your neck. 
“You planned all of this, r-right? A-aww…” You moaned from the way he was squeezing your boobs, hugging you from behind.
“I just thought we shouldn’t waste any time,” pulling you closer, he licked your neck, biting it a bit after and forcing you to tremble in his grip. “Sugar… I can’t wait to see you pregnant.”
 “Patrick… W-we, we are at your mum’s house…”  
“You think I care?” Groaning softly, he hold you in his arms, lifting you up with ease as he moved towards a big bed in the room's corner. 
Gently, he set you on the edge, petting the bare skin of your thighs which was not hidden by your black stockings. Patrick was exploring your body with no rush like it was your first intimate moment and he wanted to enjoy every second. 
“When I saw these black stockings on you–I already knew how this day would end.” He purred, while his sneaky fingers finally reached your wet panties. 
“D-daddy…” You flinched from the burning heat his body was radiating. 
“Mmm, Peach,” he snuggled into your shivering frame, forcing you to lean on your back. “I won’t even comment on this. You’re always so wet for daddy, such a slutty little girl. Did you think about me fucking you during the dinner?”
Fidgeting in your place from embarrassment, you made a deep breath before replying: “I… Yes, I did...”
You heard him chucking in amusement when he unexpectedly pulled away from you, standing up and towering over you like a mountain. 
“What an unbelievable confession.” Patrick mused, grasping your chin.
“Why don’t you just wait until we come home?” You rejoined, looking into his brown eyes. “I don’t feel comfortable… Since everyone here can hear us.”
“Whether you want to be loud or quiet–it’s entirely up to you,” he fondled your lower lip, slipping his thumb into your mouth. “The only thing you can’t affect–I want to fuck you right here and right now. Be a good girl–take off your panties and spread your legs for me.”
His raspy voice echoed in your ears like a thunderclap, it sent a million goosebumps down your spine, hypnotizing you like a spell.
Thrilled, you were watching each other undressing, losing your minds by the second. With shaking hands, you tried to focus on your clothes that have left but you couldn’t take your eyes off of Patrick’s naked torso; he was literally sculpted like a Greek God–you thought like that whenever you saw the perfect relief of his muscles. 
When you finally did what he said, you looked at him from under your lashes, seeing nothing but a ravenous desire in his savage gaze. Breathing heavily, Patrick swallowed hard with how you opened up for him, revealing your blushing pussy; he didn’t even care about undoing his pants as his primal instincts overtook him completely. 
Watching your reaction, he cupped your needy cunt and pressed a thumb to your little nub, causing a muffled wail to erupt from your half-open mouth.
“D-daddy… A-ahhh..” That was all you managed to pronounce as you threw your head back.
“(Y/N), baby… Tell me, what you want the most,” he was teasing your clit with light strokes. “My fingers or…”
“Mouth!” you desperately blurted out, “I w-want your mouth…Please, daddy…”
“Oh, is it so?”
“Mm-hmm.” You nodded, timidly closing your eyes as your felt his skilful digits moving up and down your folds.
“Your dirty talk has improved markedly,” he admitted, pinching your tight nipple. “It’s not perfect yet, but it’s really getting better.”
Gasping from the lack of air, you remembered you forgot to put off your stockings, but as soon as you touched them you heard his hoarse voice:
“Leave them like that, sugar,” carefully, he took your hand away, replacing it with his own to worship your hips here and there. “You have such pretty legs, but… by this time they should have been already rested on my shoulders or around my back.” After saying that, Patrick laid across the bed behind you, leaving you completely confused.
“C’mere, Peach,” he murmured as he beckoned you. “I’ve another idea how I can use my mouth.”
Hesitating a bit, you climbed onto the sheets beside him as you were trying to understand what was on his mind. “You want me to get on top of you?”
“I want you get on top of my face,” he responded, smirking with how your bit your lower lip. “Previous times, I didn’t have to persuade you…”
And he was so goddamn right-you thought before mounting him, but almost immediately, you had to change your position as he spanked your ass, forcing you to turn around, so you could reach his extremely hard cock. Leisurely, you unzipped his pants, petting his dick through his fancy boxers. Passionately, Patrick groaned in response, his solid body tensed under your touch. And then, when you sensed a light pressure on your lower back–you knew exactly what he wanted. With one simple motion, you got rid of the last obstacle to his hot flesh, which was longing for your attention.
“Baby… m-mhm,” he let out a muffled moan as you were giving him a hand job he needed. “Do ya want me to start first?”
Turning around to face him, you murmured: “Yes, daddy… Please, taste me…” Your innocent gaze was like a red button for him, which was turning on a full insane mode. 
As soon as his wet tongue met your oversensitive clit, you had to cling to his ankles, feeling a tingling sensation in your lower belly. Smugly, Patrick smirked to himself, revelling in all your high-pitched wails as his hands were tightly wrapped around your hips, pulling your pussy closer to his greedy mouth.
“A-aww, P-Patrick…” You whimpered before you gave his stony cock one long lick, starting with his balls and ending with the tip.
Feeling his lips tensed around your little tip, you made a deep breath and let him push into your mouth, taking him as deep as you could. Bobbing your head up and down, you were about to choke on his beefy shaft with how his tongue was toying your soaked pussy, but you didn’t stop–even if you couldn’t win in this “fight” you wouldn’t give up that easily.
“Such a cock-addicted slut, f-fuck…” he groaned against your cunt, your wetness running down his chin. “You’re doing so well, sweetheart… I’m gonna reward you with my seed, gonna pump your tight hole so-fucking-full.”
Almost breathlessly, you moaned around his dick, drooling so badly and massaging his heavy sac as you were painfully close to your high; his hot tongue was relentlessly fucking your dripping cunt, while his brawny arms were holding you still, not allowing you to move even an inch. 
“D-daddy, mm-hmm, I’m s-so close…A-aah...” you cried out, almost sprawling against his legs, feeling a coil in your lower belly snapped with a vivid sensation. “A-aww, o-ohhh my Godddd… ” 
Shaking erratically, you let him send you almost to the moon from the way his experienced mouth was eating you out, drinking in every drop of your sweet juices. With a slurping sound, Patrick couldn't get enough of your taste, licking and sucking your tender flesh, squashing your ass to keep you close as he was tongue fucking you through your orgasm.
Only after your body stopped trembling, he allowed you to break away from his hot mouth, petting your hips and leaving small pecks on them.
“You lasted even longer than usually, Peach,” he mocked, giving your buttocks a few slaps. “Maybe you even are bold enough to ride daddy’s cock?”
Gasping for air, you turned around to face him, locking your hazy eyes with his dark ones and it seemed like he could easily rail you just only with his fucking gaze. Smirking as he watched you getting yourself on top of him, he spread his knees to make you more comfortable and then; you had to bite your lips almost till the blood from the delightful sensation of being so full.
“D-daddy… I want you to fill me and make my belly swell with your child.” You whimpered as you started to bounce on his thick cock.
Patrick growled in a low voice, resting his hands on your hips and forcing to you move faster. “You want daddy to make you a mommy?”
“Y-yes! P-please… A-aww… You’re so big, so… F-fucking big…”
“A-aaah…. I thought you didn’t know any crude words,” he grunted, cupping your breasts which were jumping up and down whenever you moved. “F-fuck… You should see yourself, such a pathetic little whore… Begging daddy to breed her...”
Tilting your head back, you could feel a fucking ocean of mixed liquids where your bodies where connected, it was even flowing down his pubis and making it so wet. Although, it was so hard for you to ride him because of his huge size; you were trying your best to take him as good as you could cause you knew–you would be definitely praised for it later.
When you felt his chest rising and falling so rapidly beneath your hands, you leaned down to his face, latching your lips on his soft ones and moaning through the kiss as he suddenly began to pound into you harder; his solid hips were meeting yours with nasty sloppy sounds.
“B-baby… Baby girl,” panting, he palmed your cheek, understanding that you were getting tired. “Let daddy take care of you…”
Without waiting for your answer, Patrick pulled you closer to press you against his firm torso, gripping you under the elbow for a better control and ramming into you in a merciless pace.
“A–aww, P-Patrick…” You sobbed into his ear, feeling nothing but a total delight from the intense friction your bodies were making. 
“I… I'm gonna put my seed where it belongs…” with a loud groan, he sank his teeth into the delicate flesh of your neck, causing a pitiful whine to escape your swollen lips. “C’mon, Peach… Cum for me… Cum for your daddy!”
Trembling, you were desperately trying to find his lips in this mess of your slightly wet hair, when Patrick suddenly gripped your neck, squeezing it and rocking into you with ragged deep thrusts. This insane mixture of sensations left you no chance but to fall over the edge, your inner walls spasmed around his throbbing cock so tightly–your vision turned white, as your eyes rolled to the back of your head.
“Peach… F-fuck, you’re clenching so hard around me…” 
Slamming into you with his last strength, Patrick yanked you closer to press your forehead against his and then, with a feral growl, he shot his warm seed inside your pulsating womb, pumping you so hard until his cum flowed down your thighs. Shivering, you hugged him tighter, nuzzling against his neck and spreading your legs wider as your pussy was so greedy for every drop of his fertile cream.
It felt delicious, being ruined by him and claimed. 
Totally exhausted, you were about to get off of him when you heard his grumpy voice: “My dear, where are you going?” he pinched your ass, making you flinch. “Did you forget what the doctor said?”
“About us having a regular sex?” You rejoined tiredly. 
“No, baby,” Patrick laughed, taking your tresses away to look into your eyes. “We need to lie like this for some time, but that thing’s also very important.”
Gasping, you rolled your eyes from his didactic tone, staying still cause you didn’t want to argue with him. “As you say, daddy.”
Patrick knew you were teasing him, but he didn’t react, as he decided to leave it for later. “We have to go downstairs and try this fucking cheesecake, cause my mum won’t leave us alone,” he scowled, rolling both of you on the side. “And… I think we need to cancel all our plans for tomorrow.”
“We have an entire night ahead,” he smirked, tracing his thumb against your lower lip. “I doubt you could move after it.”
A muffled whine of protect fell from your lips before he caught your mouth, covering your little body with his powerful one and damn–he was still unbelievable hard inside you. 
“Shhh, little one. I got you…”
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jae-daddy · 4 years
Duff (6)
jaebum au series
one / two / three / four / five / six / seven / eight masterlist
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pairing: im jaebum x reader  genre: angst, smut, cheating, CEO! i guess too now “ plot: you are the duff and guys use you to get close to your best friend, Heather, and turns out Jaebum is no exception. but as time goes on the tension between you and your best friend’s unofficial boyfriend grows a/n: im sorry for posting after so long. i got busy with new year celebrations and then started struggling with a creative blog. not edited. hope y’all enjoy it! <3
“So, how is it working for the hot new Director?” Naina asked, watching you take a bite of the fries on your plate. You narrowed your eyes at her anticipating face, waiting for any drop of new information.
You frowned at her instead, “Naina, you ask me this every time we meet.”
Naina only pouted in reply, before picking up a fry from your plate and popping it into her mouth. Before you could complain, she lifted up a quarter of her wrap and dropped it on your plate, “I only ask because you never know when situations can change. One day your secretary and boss, and the next day, you both are hooking up on his sexy desk.”
“Did you just call his desk sexy?”
“Come on,” Naina blew gaping at you as if you were the one insane. “Have you seen that majestic dark wood slick piece of beauty?”
“Oh my god, the Director’s desk right?” Pam settled next to Naina. Naina gave you a told you so look, and you just rolled your eyes at their antics. You didn’t say anything as the other two ladies drifted into a conversation about how sexy furniture could be.
You would have normally joined them, and told them about the three thousand dollar coffee table at Heather’s apartment. But you couldn’t participate in their conversation. Not when your mind was elsewhere; somewhere so much more interesting and sexier than furniture.
What Naina had said had planted another seed in your garden of fantasies about Jaebum and you.
This time you imagined yourself spread on his dark wood desk. Your bodies holding on to each other, desperately trying to get closer as he fucked into you.
You swallowed, as you popped a fry into your mouth, making you choke. You coughed a few times to avail before your hands reached out to your friends who turned towards you with wide eyes.
God, this was so embarrassing. You were going to die from choking on a piece of fry at the company cafeteria.
“Y/n!” Naina and Pam panicked, jumping in their seats. They held your hand staring at you horrified and lost. You had such idiot friends, you were truly about to meet the devil any second now.
Suddenly, you were pulled up from your seat and arms wrapped around your waist. You felt the person behind you press into your stomach from behind, making you heave. The smell of rose and vanilla enveloped you as you felt softness behind you.
“One more time,” a smooth voice grunted into your ear. You nodded, frantically, before the person pressed once more. The piece stuck in your throat flew out. You fell forward, your arms catching the table in front of you. Arms covered in a grey jacket held you steady as you caught your breath.
You heard claps, and you were so embarrassed.
“Are you okay?” You turned around and your breath got caught in your throat from the beauty in front of you. Her almond-shaped eyes crinkled as she gazed at you with concern.
Her pouty pink lips drew into a straight line before her fingers gently brushed the hair from your face. Your heart skipped a beat at the touch, before you nodded, holding in your breath, “I’m okay. Thank you.”
The goddess in front of you smiled, her short hair brushing her shoulders slightly, “Chew your food properly, doll.”
She shot you a wink and walked away with ease and confidence. You remained standing there, your hand over your pounding heart.
“Wow,” Naina gasped from behind you. You slipped into your seat, seeing their face mirror your awe, “I think I'm in love.”
“Me too,” Pam and you replied.
You walked into the office after two quick knocks for the sake of formality, and to piss of Jaebum.
Jaebum hated it whenever you did something that an employee was supposed to do, especially when no one else was around.
Jaebum’s office was supposed to be empty with just him sitting on the couch, he worked from.
So imagine your surprise when you walked into his office to find Jaebum and the gorgeous woman from the cafeteria tangled into one another.
You noticed how she was slightly perched on the dark wood of the sexy desk your friends had gushed about. You noticed how Jaebum’s hands spread on her back, and how her head dipped into his neck.
“Oh,” was all that left you. You didn’t know if you should walk back out or stand there until they noticed your presence.
Jaebum noticed you immediately and untangled himself from the woman instantly. You bit your cheek to hold in the urge to roll your eyes. He was going to pretend that you didn’t just walk into a moment in case you went back and reported to Heather.
All men are trash.
And you knew Jaebum was just like everyone else already. You knew that the moment he decided to jump the boat from you and Heather literally five minutes after meeting you. He was no different to every other sleazy shit head to walk this earth.
The caught look on Jaebum’s face told you couldn’t hide the distaste from your face as your eyes settled on him.
“Hey, it’s you!” Her smooth voice chuckled, “You work for JB?”
“Everyone here does,” you gave her a curt smile back.
She could have saved you from hell but that didn’t excuse whatever her and Jaebum were up to before you walked in.
Your eyes drew back to Jaebum. The top button of his shirt open, his hair a mess and cheeks flushed. Biting your tongue, you tore your gaze away from him and the mess he echoed.
“She’s my assistant, y/n,” Jaebum finally croaked out. His eyes watching you.
You looked at the iPad in your hand instead of the pair in front of you, “You have a meeting with Mr Mark Tuan in twenty minutes, and dinner with Jackson Wang at eight.”
“No mister for Jackson?” the lady rose an eyebrow at you.
You gave her a polite smile, “No.”
She held your gaze for a moment longer, before turning to Jaebum. She let out a sigh as she hugged him once more. Jaebum hugged her back hesitantly this time, aware of your dark eyes watching them.
He patted her back twice and she moved away.
“It was nice seeing you after so long, JB,” she smiled at him. Jaebum smiled back at her this time, nodding in agreement. She patted his shoulder before picking up her bag from the chair next to the desk. “Oh, before I forget, guess who is back in town and wants to get into business with you?”
Jaebum frowned, and you watched the pair, almost sulking from your corner.
Her smile brightened with secrecy that made you listen intently, “Park Jinyoung.”
Your heart stopped.
“Hey y/n!” You blinked back to reality to find Jaebum in front of you. His eyes staring into yours as he rose his brows in question, “You alright?”
The grimace formed on your lips before you could hold it back. You didn’t even know what you were feeling but it wasn’t pleasant.
You felt it towards Jaebum and how he was hugging that girl. Not because of your feelings, but because he was with Heather.
Not that you had feelings for him or anything.
God, this was so confusing. On top of that, he was back in town.
You felt your frown deepen into a scowl as you glared at Jaebum.
You hissed at him, making him jump back slightly, “Get ready for the meeting. I’ve sent you the report for the meeting already.”
He opened his mouth to something, but you cut him off, “With notes, sir.”
You turned and began walking out of his office.
“Y/n,” Jaebum called out, but you ignored him.
Your foot kept tapping against the carpeted floor as you watched the numbers increase on the screen. You hadn't been able to keep still since the moment you heard the news.
Im Jaebum was no help either. All you wanted was to be left alone but he kept on trying to talk to you or kept on sending you to get coffee.
He didn’t take a single sip of those five iced americanos he ordered. All the cups piled on the floor next to the couch he sat on watching you with those dark eyes.
As soon as the clock hit seven-thirty, you called for Jaebum’s driver and rushed out of the office. You didn’t head home, you didn’t even consider going home for a second. Your feet without hesitation led you to Heather’s apartment.
You entered the code, your birthday, and entered the chilly room blasting with the AC high.
“Heather, I need wine and a good movie for crying. You won’t believe what I just- oh MY GOD- AHHHHHHH!” A bloodcurdling scream escaped you, as you fell onto the wall behind you.
When your scream settled as you took in the figure standing in the pink robe belonging to your best friend, you straightened, confused.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” You sneered.
“Wow, such a kind greeting for me,” Bambam rolled his eyes, before continuing to sip the glass of orange juice in his hand. You stared at him, your mind puzzled and trying to figure out what the fuck was going on.
“So what’s the tea?” Bambam smacked his lips before licking the droplets of juice remaining on them. He slammed the glass on the white marble, grinning at you. “Why do you need wine and a sad movie? Time of the month?”
“Why- What- How- Pink robe?” You stammered over your words pointing at him. Bambam stood there as if there was nothing weird about this situation. As if standing in nothing but another girl’s pink robe in a stranger’s kitchen was a normal occurrence for him. Your eyes narrowed at him, “Where’s Heather?”
“Y/n!” Heather appeared through her bedroom door. You took in her wet hair and silk robe, your eyes going to Bambam’s also wet hair. You frowned in confusion, and a fire blazed inside of you as an evil thought sprouted somewhere in the back of your mind.
Did they... Are they cheating on Jaebum?
Jaebum’s face from that night at the club invaded your mind. The smile on his face, the look in his eyes as he watched Heather with such softness, “It’s good she gets to live her life how she wants to.”
God. God.
What do you do?
You glared at Heather. Your eyes burned with betrayal from your friend and the anger that spread through your veins as you thought of Jaebum. You couldn’t bear to even imagine the sight of him heartbroken, defeated and cheated. You would rather the world end than see him like that.
“No, y/n!” Heather huffed taking a step towards you. The droplets from her long ember hair darkening the pink silk wrapped around her body. She took a step towards you and you almost took one back. But your feet remained still, as you saw the panic in her eyes, the desperation, “Let me explain.”
“So, what you’re telling me is that he is homeless?” You grunted at a dressed Heather sitting in front of you.
Bambam sat somewhere behind you, snorting, “I’m not homeless. Just low on cash and have no place to go.”
“That is literally homeless,” you turned towards him, giving him a smile.
“Basically,” Heather nodded, ignoring Bambam’s protest in the background. “I’m letting him stay here for a few weeks until his apartment problem is sorted out. I’m living at home anyways, but I came here today because I spilt coffee all over myself.”
“Oh,” you nodded. You weren’t completely convinced. She could’ve gone home, it was just ten minutes away. And why was both of their hair wet from the shower, when there is only one shower in the apartment. Maybe she might have kicked him out of the shower pulling ownership rank.
You had to believe her. There was no other explanation. The alternative was too cruel, and you would rather believe this than consider the dangerous alternative.
And how could you possibly not believe her? You knew Heather would do this in a heartbeat for anyone, she would do so much more then let others stay in her house. She had done the same for you once upon a time, she had done so much more.
She was even willing to buy you a house and you had to talk her out of it.
Yeah, there was no way anything was going on between Heather and Bambam. Whatever she said was the complete and absolute truth, there was no other alternative explanation needed or present.
Heather would never hurt someone else purposefully, she was pure and kind. She was not you.
“How come you’re here?” Heather asked, changing the subject.
“It’s nothing,” you shook your head.
“She's lying,” Bambam butted in. “She came in asking for wine and a movie that will make her cry. Something happened, or she’s on her period.”
Heather turned to you with a grave look, “What’s wrong, babe?”
You glared at Bambam, before turning to Heather. You let out a sigh as you picked your fingernails nervously. Heather instantly took your hands in hers making you meet her concerned green eyes, “What’s wrong?”
You frowned. Your lower lip trembling, “It’s -”
Ding Dong.
You and Heather turned towards the door, and then at Bambam. He let out an exhausted sigh, before he getting up, groaning.
“What am I meant to do? Send them away or- Oh, it's JB,” and without hesitation, he let the dark-haired male in.
Your frown deepened as you glared at the doorway he appeared through. His eyes landed on you right away and stayed on you. You held his gaze, your face darkening into a glare.
His rosy lips parted, his dark eyes filled with desperateness and despair as he held your gaze. It was as if all he saw in the room was you; as if the rest of the people, all disappeared.
It terrified you. It terrified you how this single moment made your heart flip and race. He terrified you.
“Oh good, you’re here Jaebum,” Heather spoke from behind you, and finally, Jaebum looked away from you. But it didn’t stay there, his dark eyes fell back on you, watching you intently.
Was he scared you would tell Heather what you saw in the office?
You scoffed at him, shaking your head as you looked away from him.
“Take Bambam out for a bit,” you heard your best friend’s sweet voice tell her boyfriend.
“I’m not a dog!” Bambam protested. Heather laughed behind you, but Jaebum and you didn’t as much as attempt to smile. Your eyes glittering with fire remained on him before you smirked at him.
You noticed his jaw tightened.
He was so pathetic.
You couldn’t believe you were worried about Heather cheating on him when he was almost dry humping another girl in his office. Well, you didn't see the humping, all you saw was the embrace, but you never know.
You can never know with guys like Im Jaebum, with their bad-news piercing and bad fuck-boy ways.
“Come on, let’s go,” Bambam began dragging Jaebum away, making him look away from you. “Clearly the ladies want us out.”
The door clicked behind them, and you felt your throat dry up.
Heather felt the tension too. She gently placed her fingers under your chin making you meet her gaze, “Now tell me, why do you need a sob night?”
“Heather,” you breathed. Your heart felt as if it would escape out of your chest. Your palms clasped sweatily, as you fisted them in your lap.
Two thoughts bounced around in your head, debating which one do you tell her.
Do you tell her about Im Jaebum who might have cheated on her if she hadn't walked in? Without any proof, without any certainty?
Or do you tell her what you wanted to, what had been bothering you since the afternoon?
“Heather,” her name left you shaky and weak, you gulped, your throat dry, “he’s back, and I might be seeing him around.”
Heather looked at you confused, and you continued, “He wants to get into business with Jaebum, and I'll have to be there.”
“Who, y/n?”
“Park Jinyoung,” you held in your breath.
Rage blazed through her emerald eyes matching the fire of her ember curls. She shot up from her seat, her fists clenched on her sides, “Fuck off if that asshole thinks he can come anywhere near you.”
You snorted, “He isn’t trying to come near me, Heather. He’s trying to do business with Jaebum.”
“I’ll talk to Jaebum to-”
You shook your head, “No, I can do this.”
Heather looked at you for a long moment.
You leaned into her, letting her engulf you into her arms, “Just let me be sad tonight and get ready for tomorrow.”
“My baby is all grown up,” She kissed your forehead, pulling you closer to her, “I’m so proud of you, but I’m always here for you.”
You nodded, you knew that.
The door of the apartment opened and you slightly turned to find Bambam walk in with four bottles of wine, “Are you guys ready to cry?”
You rolled your eyes, but couldn't help but giggle as he popped one open and offered it to you.
“Fuck yeah!” Heather cheered. You all turned to her, surprised. Heather didn’t talk crude, but tonight she didn't care to act proper. She just rolled her eyes, “Tonight, we are improper human beings.”
Bambam turned to Jaebum who stood a few feet away, “You in?”
His dark eyes travelled to you once again. After a long moment, he nodded, finally, tearing his gaze away from you and to Bambam.
“Good, go get the glasses,” Bambam ordered him laughing. He turned to the front and pulled out the remote, “Notebook, Titanic --”
“One Day,” you say.
They all gasp and stare at you. You just shrug and take a sip of the wine.
“You really chose heartbreak today, huh?” Bambam snickered, pulling up Netflix. “One Day it is. Jaebum get the tissues ready.”
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Dancing lessons
Barry Berkman x reader
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Summary: Barry is finally cast in a feature, the problem? He said he could dance and now he can either disappoint Sally or found a way to learn some steps.
Warnings: Swearing, blood, violence, guns, cheating maybe.
Part 1 ● Part 2 ● Part 3 ● Part 4 ● Part 5 ● Part 6 ● Part 7 ● Part 8 ● Epilogue
Part 2
One week after the first time Barry meet Y/N he was nowhere near learning tango, let alone dancing on the level his stupid resume said he could, he only have ended with horrible pain on his knees, thighs and back. And he hasn't even practice dancing with music yet, apparently his instructor thought he first had to learn one basic step and repeat it a million times before he could start doing the "flashy and presumptuous" step, as she called them, that the director may want.
"You really don't have to worry" Sally said during breakfast, they have an agreement to spend the night at least twice a week in each other apartment but he could tell she rather if he stayed at hers since Jermaine and Nick didn't get along with her. "That girl you say is dancing with you, I just heard from Lindsay that she is totally sleeping with the director so probably the scene is an excuse to show her dancing talent and they will be focusing on her instead of you" She drank the rest of her orange juice and stood up quickly "God is so late" she checked her phone and gave him a kiss on the cheek before taking her purse and keys and rush to the door "I'll see you tonight ok? Good luck!"
"Bye, I love..." And then she was gone. "You" He finished his breakfast and took his own car to the studio where he had to finish filming his scenes.
"Barry you're here, excellent!" Andre said when he arrived, thankfully he was not the star of the film and he didn't have to listen the hundred of notes he had for the leads nor taking all the shit the PAs get from him. "Look" He said pointing at his tablet "Janice is on New York for three more weeks for a Ballet presentation, but she sent this to me, is the perfect choreography for the scene. What do you think?" He showed her a clip of Janice and some professional dancer with a song he didn't knew, probably in Spanish or Italian, dancing incredibly close, with several lifts and spins.
"Great" He said feeling dizzy "Flashy and presumptuous" He add really low.
"What was that?"
"Classy and marvelous, is a modern take on the Argentine style isn't?" He said repeating what Y/N had said to him the day before.
"I have no idea, but hey you are the expert" He gave him a pat on the back. "You can start rehearsing with Janice when she gets back" He didn't like that kind of touching, it reminded him of Fuches and make him feel uneasy.
"Sure, great, hey could you send me that video, you know to study her movements" he tried to sound casual and not frightened as he was.
"Yeah sure" he said and with a hand gesture urged him to move to the set where he got to start shooting.
The minute he was over he drove back to Y/N's studio and saw her giving her class to young girls all dressed as ballerinas, she was wearing a black seetrough dancing skirt over a leotard, and his eyes lingered on her legs a few seconds more than he should mesmerized as he was by the elegance she used to dance.
"Barry you are early" She saluted him with a smile, "Girls say hi to Mr. Block" she said at the mass of pink and white.
"Hi Mr. Block" They cheered.
"I'll be done in a few minutes but this really is a private rehearsal" She pat her lips with one finger thinking "Would you mind waiting upstairs? I mean I would hate for you to drive back home to come back in less than an hour, and the coffee place on this block sucks" She said and the girls start laughing "Don't tell your mothers" She quickly add.
"I don't want to be a burden"
"Oh nonsense, you are not, go upstairs, I have food on the fridge but I wouldn't recommend it since you are dancing later and the WiFi password is written next to the phone" She insisted and he finally accept.
The apartment was just a little bigger than the one he rented with Jermaine and had a nice walls on a blue shade that reminded him of the ocean. And a big window facing directly to the door, so the first thing you see when you entered were the rooftop of other buildings and the hills in the back.
He entered feeling himself as an intruder, but being honest that was a common feeling for him, even if he haven't break in any place in over a year, a very long year, and again the pain of thinking of Fuches maybe lurking around strike him in the chest.
He found a place to sit and after being 5 minutes in complete silence trying to not be alone with his thoughts he took out his laptop to watch the dance again. Next to the landline was a nice picture of Y/N on his wedding dress next to a man that must be her husband with golden letters and numbers written over: JPTLV150813.
Once he was connected he allow himself to look around, the living room was tastefully decorated and there were some framed paintings of wild flowers on the wall in purples and pinks. He glance at their dinner table in the other room next to her kitchen, and while he was still holding he picture his mind start wandering, maybe Sally would like to live with him in a place like that. Full of light and peaceful.
He picture himself waking every morning and walking towards the kitchen to make her breakfast, she getting out of the set exhausted, to get a glass of wine in the living room. Reading lines together in the couch, and falling asleep there watching a movie.
And then since he hadn't sleep wery well and Y/N couch was madly comfortable he fall asleep still holding the picture and suddenly Sally's face start fading away, and Y/N replaced her, in a blue version of the clothes she was wearing earlier, he saw himself dancing with her on the living room, a slow and romantic rhythm, and instead of her husband it was him smiling on the picture next to the phone. She would come upstairs tired from work and he would stop her at the door to give her a passionate kiss... then the sound of a gun going off came from the window and a blood stain start forming in her chest running and she collapsing on his arms, and then it was Sally lifeless body again who he was holding and she whispered before losing her breath You did this and fearful he looked at his own hand holding the gun...
"Barry?" Y/N's voice came from the door, and immediately woke up and shake those horrifying ideas from his mind.
"Here" He call from the couch and was careful enough to not look back and don't picture her covered in blood
"I'm so done, boy I'm glad you came upstairs, Amanda's mother is a pain in the ass, if she have seen you she would have called the cops or something" She said and sit in next of him, she was already wearing the heels she used to practice with him. "What you got there?" She said looking at the screen where the video of Janice was still on.
"Is the dance I'm supposed to do for the movie" He said glad to have something to said and he showed her the clip.
"Well... you are screwed" She said after it was finish and he gave her an imploring look. "I'm kidding, I mean is a monstrosity of showing off, and her technique is not perfect, but I'm pretty sure you can put together something, like Ed Sheeran on Thinking out loud". She said confidently.
"Who?" He asked with no idea of what she meant.
"He is a British singer, we are probably too old to know him, but couples come all the time trying to learn his routine for their wedding" She said, but his face was still puzzled "You are not very familiar with pop culture, for an actor living in L.A. I mean" She stood up and walked towards her kitchen "Do you want anything? I have wine, beer, orange juice?" She called from the other room.
"Beer is fine, and is because I only became an actor recently" He said with some embarrassment in his voice taking the bottleshe offered him "I used to amm... sell auto parts in Cleveland"
"Ohio, that's ... far" she said taking a sip of her drink.
"And before that I was a Marine" He add and she almost spit her beer but did her best to pass it down.
"Oh wow, that's unusual. I would definitely say thank you for your service, but I'm antiwar so what if I gave you a 10 percent off on the lessons and we call it even?" She grin at him
"Don't worry about that, I don't like to make a big deal about it anyway" He said sincerely "Also I'm pretty sure you are wasting your time with me"
"Don't be so harsh on yourself, here look" She took the laptop off his hands and found a video of a ginger man singing a cheezy song about eternal love "See he is not properly dancing, but he act like he is, so first you have to learn how to lead, come on take off your shoes"
"Take them off? Why?" He asked while she got rid off her heels and let her bare feet touch the wooden floor.
"Because, and I mean this with respect" She said standing and looking for a record to put in her old record player until she found one "You are huge, and I'm afraid you would step on me with those shoes" a slow rhythm start playing and he did what she asked and stood barefoot in front of her.
"That doesn't sound like the other songs" Although he like it.
"Because you have to learn to walk before you can run, now, put both of your hands on my hips" She said getting closer to him.
"Like this?" It was funny how without the heels she was way shorter and couldn't completely reach her neck so she settled for put both hands on his shoulders.
"Fine now listen to the music and move" She said moving her body rhythmically "There you go, now move me, lead, right or left, is your choice" She said letting him take small steps and occasionally looking down to watch his feet.
"This is not that bad actually" Barry was actually enjoying himself, then the music start going faster and she took his right hand on hers and pull away from him and he chose to ignore the feeling of lost that caused him.
"Now, the hand on my back has to be steady, and lead, we can spin" She said and taught him how "Or we can walk" She started walking back slowly letting him follow the steps at his own pace. "Is all about who is leading" She gave him a smile and they kept dancing until the music was ending and since he had confidence now he make her spin and catch her on his arm like Janice's partner did on the clip.
"Sorry I always wanted to try that" he said once she was standing next to him.
"It was great, you are getting it, now we can try to improve your actual steps, but we should go downstairs, my husband is about to comeback and he hates having music on when he is working" She put on her shoes again and walked out followed by Barry.
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avengerscompound · 5 years
Mixology - The Wingman
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Mixology - A Captain America Fanfic
Series Masterlist
Buy me a ☕ Character Pairing:  Steve Rogers x Reader
Word Count:  2761
Series Warnings:  Angst, Character death, Breaking up and making up, past trauma, pregnancy, talk of abortion, smut (vaginal sex, fingering, other things)
Synopsis:   Steve Rogers comes into your bar and after a night of flirting you take him home.  When he leaves the next day you never expect to see him again.
A/N:  This fic was written pre-Infinity War.  So while it follows canon for a while, it then veers off wildly at the end.
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The Wingman
The music in the bar has that loud thud-thud that makes hearing customers orders difficult.  You have been on shift for a couple of hours now.  Manning the bar with the very serious Davide and the very flamboyant Brian. You seriously love this job. You’ve been traveling around the world for a while now, getting jobs at bars wherever you’ve gone, but this has to be the best place you’ve ever worked.  Your coworkers are amazing, your customers are all fantastic.  No one harasses you, and the very rare times a straight guy came in and decided that the fact you were there possessing a vagina so therefore you must want to use that vagina with him, it took three seconds flat for around ten guys to intervene and drive him out.  Plus, the owner of the bar also owns the building and is letting you rent an apartment upstairs for peanuts.
A couple of guys enter the bar.  You worry for a moment.  Despite the fact they are both extremely fit and gorgeous they also look uncomfortably out of place.  Your first thought is gay bar tourists.  So you keep half an eye on them while you continue to make drinks in case they cause trouble.  
It becomes pretty evident that they aren’t gay watching when one of the locals goes over and starts hitting on them and ends up being dragged onto the dance floor by the guy who seems much more confident in his surroundings.
The other one approaches the bar and sits down at the end, keeping his friend in his line of sight.  He really is remarkably good looking.  Tall, blond, broad-shouldered with a tiny waist. Stunning blue eyes that have eyelashes so long that you’re honestly a little jealous of.  His arms are something else too.  He’s wearing a light blue button-up shirt, but it is so tight around his biceps that you can clearly see the shape of them.  He’s also rolled up the sleeves, and his forearms are thick and veined.  For what might be the first time ever you curse the fact this is a gay bar.  
You’re about to approach him when one of the regulars grabs your arm.  
“Can you send him a drink from me?”  He says.
“Sure, babe.  What’s your poison?”  You ask.
“Maybe something like an old fashioned?  I bet he would like that.”  He says.
You have no idea what that means, but you grab a glass and muddle some sugar and bitters around the edge.  You pour in some wild turkey and a dash of water and approach the guy.  
“This here is from tall dark and handsome at the end of the bar.”  You say sliding the glass in front of him.  
He looks up at you startled.  “Oh, uh …”  He glances down at the man who had sent him the drink and then back at you.
“Not interested?”  You ask.
“I’m just here because my friend said he wanted a wingman.”  He answers.
“Want me to go throw it in his face?”  You ask trying to put him at ease.  It does the opposite and makes him panic.
“No.  No.  I don’t want to turn him down like that.”  He says waving his hands in front of him.
“Shall I go let him down easy for you?”  You offer.
He nods.  “Please.”  
You walk back over to the regular and shake your head.  “Sorry.  You’re really not his type.  Like really, really.”  
“What do you mean?”  He asks.
“Well, I think maybe I might be more his type.”  You answer.  
“Aw shit. Why are all the good ones straight?”  He laughs and you join in.  
You keep your eye on the hottie.  He, in turn, keeps watching you, but he’s also keeping half an eye on his friend.  His friend is doing very well for himself.  He will definitely be getting laid tonight.  When hottie finishes his drink you decide to make him another.  You’re feeling a little playful, so you decide to make him something to see if you can make him blush.  
You grab the triple sec, peach schnapps and Midori.  You add them to a glass in equal parts and take the drink to him.
“I’ve come offering a cockteaser.”  You say, sliding drink to him.  
He looks startled again.  “You what?”
You laugh.  “It’s the name of the drink.  I made it for you.  Mr?”
“Oh thank you.  Steve.”  He answers.
You cock an eyebrow at him.  “Mr Steve?”
He’s flustered now, and you kind of feel bad for teasing him like that.  “No, uh.  Rogers.  But it’s Captain.  Uh… Just Steve is fine.”  He says.  “Is this drink really called that?”
You laugh.  “Sure is.  I don’t make them enough considering it’s a gay bar.  And you’re sitting here all alone being such a good friend.  You should at least get a drink out of it.”
You leave him alone again continuing doing your job.  It’s busy tonight and between the three of you behind the bar, you don’t stop for a breath too often.  You keep your eye on Steve though.  Men will approach him periodically and he continues to turn them down.  They never look like they’ve been hurt by his rejection though.  You like that he is letting them down easy each time.  You see that he’s finished his drink so you decide to make him another.  
“Sex on the beach?”  You ask as you sidle over to him.
He laughs.  “See, I know that one is a cocktail.”  
“Oh, then how about a blowjob instead?”  You counter.
He blushes.  Actually really blushes.  “What about sex on the beach first.  We can do the blow job later.”
You hold your hand to your heart like your scandalized.  “Mr. Steve.  Are you propositioning me?”  You pull out the orange and cranberry juices, the vodka and the peach schnapps and layer each liquid in the glass so that it makes a beautiful orange to red ombré in the glass.
You put it in front of him and he takes a sip.  “I like this one.”  He says smiling up at you.  
“Yeah, it’s kind of refreshing.”  You agree.  You both hold each other’s eye contact for a while.  “Yeah so, uh.  Job to do.”  You say and jerk your thumb over your shoulder.  
The night moves on.  You do give Steve that blowjob a little later.  He invites you to take the shot with him, and despite technically not being allowed to drink on the job, you accept anyway.   You’re also surprised by how little the alcohol is affecting him.  He’s now mixed several different alcohols and had quite a few standard drinks but he still seems completely sober.  
The bar starts to empty and you mix him another drink. Brian has been nudging you and whispering about him all night.  Now that it’s quieter he wants you to get to know him better.
“Here I am with one hot pussy.”  You say putting the drink down in front of him.  
He blushes again.  He looks at his hands and mumbles something.
“Didn’t quite catch that.  Sorry, Steve.”  You say.
“I said;”  He shakes his head like he can’t believe what he’s about to say.  “I can see that, and what’s the drink called?”
You burst out laughing.  “That was amazing.  I love it.”  You say putting your hand on his.  
“So you know my name, but I still don’t know yours.”  He says taking a sip of the very pink drink you just placed in front of him.
“It’s y/n.”  You reply.  “Now tell me, you know what I do, how about you?”
Steve looks at you like he can’t quite believe that you just asked that.  “You really don’t know who I am?”  
You give him a puzzled look.  “Should I?”
His friend comes over and claps him on the shoulder.  “What the hell are you drinking, Cap?”
Steve shakes his head and mumbles his reply.
“It’s a hot pussy.  You want one?”  You answer for him.  His friend cracks up laughing.
“No thank you.  I got myself some hot ass instead.”  He laughs.  “Speaking of which.  I’m heading out, Cap.  Are you right getting home without me?”
“Of course, Sam.  Enjoy your night.”  He pats Sam on the back and Sam heads out with his date.
It suddenly dawns on you who you’ve been talking to all night.  Your hands fly to your mouth.  “You’re Captain America!”  You squeak.  
Steve looks at you.  He looks serious, but not angry.  “No, Captain America is what I do.  I’m Steve.”  
You shake yourself.  “I’m sorry.  I just feel like an idiot.  I’ll just … job.”  
You go back to serving people and cleaning up.  You’re sure he’ll leave now.  Justifiable really.  How could you have been that oblivious?  He finishes the drink but he doesn’t move. Just stays seated at the bar.  He watches you, but not in a creepy way.  Just keeping half an eye on you while the crowd-watches.
The bar starts emptying out at around 1 am.  At two Brian calls last drinks.  You fill a glass with ice and pour Kahlua, Bailey’s and Amaretto over it.  You skewer some cherries with a toothpick and balance it on the side of the glass.  You consider just drinking it.  This is stupid, but Brian nudges you in Steve’s direction.
You put the drink down in front of him, and he wraps his large hand around the glass.  He looks up at you, waiting for the line he knows you have.
“There you are, Steve.”  You say.  “I just gave you an orgasm.”
Steve laughs and shakes his head.  “Maybe you’ll let me return the favor.”
You smile and lean into him.  “Captain Rogers …”
“Steve.”  He says, putting his hand on yours.
“Steve,”  You continue.  “I live upstairs.  Would you like to come home with me?”
Steve smiles.  “I would love to.”
You end out your shift cleaning off the tables and stacking the chairs onto them.  Steve comes to help you and you both chat.  Not about anything in particular.  Just small talk.  He’s a little shy which you find endearing.
When you’re finally completely finished you grab your coat and hook your elbow around Steve’s.  “Shall we?”  You say.
Steve nods and you take him out the front door.  The entrance into the apartments is only a few yards from the entrance to the bar. You lead Steve inside and hit the elevator call button.  It’s slow and you stand holding his hand while you wait for it to arrive.
“I’m actually only a few floors up.”  You say.  “But what’s the point of living in a building with an elevator if you can’t make out in it once in a while?”
Steve chuckles.  “Would you like me to do that thing where I lift you up and slam you against the wall they always do in movies these days?”
You look up at him and bite your lip.  “Yes, please.”
The elevator arrives and you both step inside and hit the number 4.  You turn to Steve and he leans down, capturing your mouth with his.  His hands slide down your back to your ass and he lifts you pushing you against the wall.  You wrap your legs around his slim waist and your hands to go this hair.  You devour each other, mouths clashing together.  He grinds his hips into you.  
The elevator ride is over too soon and he drops you to your feet.  You walk down the hall to your apartment and fumble with your keys, still light headed from the kiss.  As soon as you’re through the door to your studio apartment he’s on you again, his hand on your face.  You stumble backward towards your bed, kicking off your shoes and unbuttoning his shirt as you go.  He has a singlet underneath.  An honest to god singlet.  You pull it up and scrape your fingernails over his overdeveloped abdominal muscles.  
He pushes you back onto the bed and crawls up in between your legs.  It is then that one of the most mortifying things that could happen when you’re engaging in foreplay with someone could happen. You yawn.  Not a little, accidentally slip out yawn.  A large, gaping mouth, take over your body yawn.  
“Oh my god, I am so sorry. I do really want this.”  You stutter.  
“That bad is it?”  He asks, raising his eyebrow at you.
“No! No, no. I swear to god.  I’ve just been up for 18 hours now.”  You explain.   “I promise.  I’m really into it.”
Steve laughs.  “You know, I can beat that, I was up at 5 this morning.  I’m exhausted.  I didn’t want to say.  These things usually have limited windows. Would you be opposed to actually sleeping now?  We can do the other stuff in the morning?”
You breathe a sigh of relief.  This is actually a little exciting.  You have the day off.  You can sleep with this gorgeous man in your bed and then just devote the whole day to fucking his brains out tomorrow.  “You really don’t mind?”  
He rubs his hand over the back of his head.  “Not only do I not mind, I think I’d like it.”
The two of you get ready for bed.  It feels like such a cute domestic thing to do considering you’ve only just met.  You pull out one of your spare toothbrushes and the two of you stand at the vanity together brushing your teeth.
Steve strips off to his boxers and singlet.  It’s amazing how a guy who’s wearing grandpa clothes can be so completely, disgustingly hot.  You aren’t sure what to do.  You would normally either sleep naked or in warm, flannel pajamas.  Neither seems quite appropriate.  You settle on one of the cami sets you own.  It’s light blue and more on the cute side than the sexy side.  
Now the only question is do you just strip naked in front of the stranger in your room?  You were going to have sex with him not even fifteen minutes ago, he would have seen you naked.  So why does it feel weird to just change clothes in front of him?
It’s like Steve has read your mind.  He walks up behind you and moves your hair off your neck.  He nuzzles at your throat and his hands slide up under your t-shirt.  He pulls it up over your head and turns you to face him.  He deftly unfastens your fly and pushes your shorts down.  You step out of them and he brings his lips to yours. You kiss slowly, lips caressing each other's.  His hands roam your body and settle, one on your throat, the other on your breast.  His thumb rolling over your nipple through the fabric of your bra.
He pulls away from you, his hands moving down to your hips.  “I’d like to see you.”  He says.  The way he says it puts you at ease.  It’s not an order, but it sort of is.  It’s a little hopeful too.  Like he’s looking forward to it.
You unfasten your bra and slide it down your arms.  He places his large hands on your breasts and circles his thumbs over your areolae.  There is a dark hunger in his eyes, and he runs his tongue over his bottom lip.  You shudder and stand waiting for him to finish.  When he removes his hands you remove your panties.
“Come to bed.”  He says and steps away from you.  
You pull on your cami set, switch off the light and climb into bed next to him.  He pulls you into his arms, and you snuggle into his chest.  
That’s how you fall asleep wrapped in the arms of Captain America.
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You wake to the sound of whimpering.  Steve starts to thrash in the bed next to you.  
“Bucky, no!”  He cries amongst general, unintelligible murmuring.  You hug yourself against his body and run your palm over his brow.
“Shh… you’re safe, Steve.”  You whisper into his ear.  
His arms wrap around you again.  “I gotta put her in the water.”  He mumbles.
“It’s just a dream.  You’re safe.”  Somehow you know that’s not true.  It isn’t just a dream. You continue to whisper to him, running your hands through his hair.  He whimpers for a little longer, burying his face into your neck then stills.  This time when you drift back off to sleep it’s him in your arms.
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the--sad--hatter · 6 years
Name Calling (34)
PAIRING - BUCKY X READER (female reader, no physical descriptions)
DESCRIPTION -  In which the ongoing and bloody war of words between you and Bucky turns in your favor when a disgruntled one night stand of his lets slip a secret when you run into her in the elevator… Now you have all the ammunition you need to destroy your enemy but you don’t plan on killing him quickly. Oh no, Bucky Barnes was going to suffer and you were going to enjoy every second. You just didn’t count on how much you would enjoy it.
Current Word Count -  95,032
Moodboard by @talesofakindredspirit
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Chapter Thirty Four - Starkcation
On the bright side you were the golden girl of the international media and had been given a medal of some kind by the Spanish Government for dismantling Los Charlínes, one of the major Galician Mafia Clans.
On the less bright side, you had three bullet wounds a broken wrist, a hairline fracture in your skull and the worst hangover known to mankind. The UN were furious with you for your unsanctioned self-appointed mission despite it’s success and you were currently sat on a Private Plane across from your extremely displeased father.
You tried to sit up and grab the glass of water but every time you moved half an inch you just ended up groaning in pain and/or throwing up.
“Help?” You muttered pathetically at Tony.
You hadn’t really needed his help or to have him fly all the way to Spain in a panic but Wade had convinced you it was a great idea. Your drunken self had agreed and paused in the middle of a shoot-out with forty odd mafia goons to phone Tony and tell him you were in trouble. By the time he arrived you were holed up in the American Consulate building being congratulated for your work by the Spanish Prime Minister and trying not to throw up into a waste-paper basket.
“I told you I needed space. You really think acting out like this is going to make things better?” Tony snapped at you as he pushed the water within reach.
You guzzled it down and collapsed back in your seat with a whimper.
“I * hiccup* missed you.” You muttered.
“You went on a killing spree with a mercenary whilst you were drunk, without any kind of back-up,  without informing anyone where you were and you did it in a foreign country.” He ranted.
“Well when you say it like that it just sounds impressive.” You retorted.
“It’s… a little impressive.” He begrudgingly admitted.
“But it was dangerous, foolhardy and ill thought out and now I sound like Capsicle so thank you for that!” He continued.
“I just wanted to have fun, I needed to have fun and feel good feelings but I realised no matter how hard I try it doesn’t mean anything if you don’t love me anymore.” You said weepily.
There was a slight possibility you were still drunk.
“I can’t love you if you’re dead! If this had gone badly you’d be floating in the ocean right now as shark bait!” Tony yelled and you winced at the volume.
“But I won. Well we did, Wade helped. He got all the money and I got all the credit. There’s a country with a lot less crime going on, there’s less drugs being intentionally shipped, we get to spend quality time together and I have a pet donkey! There’s no downside.” You insisted.
There was in fact a donkey in the cargo bay of the ship, gifted to you by a very grateful family who’s son had been taken by the mafia a few years prior. His name was Mr Donkeypool and Tony had to pull some strings so you could take him back to the US where he was going to live on the Barton farm since Laura had happily agreed to take him in.
“No downside? You’ve got so many bullet holes in you you’re practically swiss!” He pointed out.
“I’ll heal.” You pouted.
“You’re too much like me, I can’t argue with you.” He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Does that mean you forgive me?” You asked hopefully.
“For risking The Accords and international politics? Yes. For falling in love with the 100 year old brainwashed assassin who orphaned me? I’m trying, I really am.” He admitted.
“I know you need time, I do. But do you have to ignore me? I won’t rub me and Bucky in your face, I promise but please don’t push me away.” You begged.
Tony looked guilty and reached over to slowly adjust your seat so you were lying down.
“Get some sleep Kit Kat, you need it. We’ll talk more once we’ve landed.” He instructed you.
You were drunk and hungover at the same time, in massive amounts of pain and emotionally and physically exhausted. You didn’t have to be told twice. Your breathing evened out quickly and Tony watched your face smooth over as you fell asleep.
Maybe pushing you away wasn’t the best idea. He couldn’t face you and Barnes but maybe he didn’t have to just yet. Secretary Ross needed time to cool off and you needed some R&R away from the buzzing public while you healed. He pulled out his phone and started making arrangements.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Tony gently shook you awake as the plane a few hours later.  
“We’re landing Kit Kat.” He warned you.
The sun was streaming through the windows and you blinked blearily, shifting to check your pain levels. You were stiff as hell and your mouth felt like dry moulded over cardboard but you had healed a little bit. You’d gone from death’s door the death’s driveway so it was an improvement at least.
The plane tilted as it began it descent and the pilot spoke over the intercom.
“Good morning Mr Stark, Miss Stark. We’ve begun our descent and will arrive at Van Nuys Airport shortly.” He said.
“Where?” You asked groggily.
“We’re in Malibu, you haven’t been to the New House I had built here yet and you need a few days for your injuries to heal.” Tony explained.
“So we aren’t in New York?” You asked, puzzled.
“No we’re in Malibu.” He repeated, shaking his head at you and handing you an espresso.
“Why?” You asked.
“For Gods sake… We’re here to have a vacation.” He said, rolling his eyes.
“Oh. OH! Really? We? As in you’re staying?” You asked excitedly.
“Well I’m not leaving you alone in my beach-front mansion, you’ll probably invite every morally dubious individual in the city over and throw a rager.” He snarked.
You ignored the sass and grinned happily at him.
“I would never do that, not without inviting you anyway.” You offered.
“No parties, can’t believe I’m saying that. Pepper landed a couple of hours ago and will meet us at the house. This will be a peaceful family bonding holiday. With lots of booze. For me, you’re being dried out.” He informed you.
You couldn’t care less, you were going to get to spend a few days with Tony and Pepper. Pain aside, this was the best news ever.
When the plane landed Tony had to help you hobble off it and down the stairs and as he guided you across the tarmac you decided there was something magical about the sky in Malibu, it was so blue. You barely had a chance to see it as Tony ushered you both into the waiting car but he did put the top down for you as he drove you both to his house.
Mr Donkeypool was in good hands he assured you, he was being transported to the house and he was going to be a beach Donkey for a few days. Tony promised he’d be happy in Malibu and he’d hired someone to look after him until it was time to send him to the farm.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
After you washed the jet lag off in the gigantic en suite shower you wandered back into your bedroom. Pepper had set out a sundress on the bed for you in your favourite colour and you smiled at the gift. Pepper had a penchant for spoiling you.
You slipped it on, mindful of your plasters and bandages and after gently rotating your wrist you decided you could get away without rewrapping it. It was fairly healed by now.
You happily slid down the bannister and joined Tony and Pepper on the back deck where luch had been set up.
“There you are sweetheart, how was your shower?” Pepper asked you, passing you a glass of orange juice.
“Great! I’ll enjoy it more when I’m not doing weird acrobatics to keep my bandages dry though.” You admitted.
“Maybe try not getting shot next time.” Tony snorted.
“This coming from the man who flew a nuke through an alien wormhole.” Pepper berated him and you smirked.
“Wait how did this become about me?” Tony asked, perplexed.
“Isn’t everything?” You quipped and he toasted you in agreement.
“If you’re feeling up to it we were going to take a walk on the beach after lunch.” Pepper informed you.
“I’m ready, I’ve never been to the beach!” You admitted excitedly.
“You two have fun, I’m going Jet Skiing.” Tony informed you both.
“Tony...” Pepper warned.
“Don’t worry, Kit Kat is going to help me test the new repulsor gauntlet on the beach later.” He assured her.
You choked on the bite of fruit salad you’d just swallowed.
“I am?” You asked.
“Yip. I’ll throw stuff and you can shoot it. It’ll be fun.” He said.
“And perfectly safe dear.” He told Pepper confidently.
Tony and Pepper continued to affectionately bicker throughout lunch, you and Pepper teaming up to make fun of him every few minutes.
“That’s it, I’m leaving while I still have a shred of ego intact.” Tony sulked, kissing you both on the cheek.
“Want to take that walk now?” Pepper asked you and you nodded.
She linked her arm with yours since you were still a little unsteady as you both casually strolled along the sandy beach.
It was beautiful and calming and while you missed Bucky terribly (He was sending you sad face emoji’s every half hour and you were going to kill whoever taught him how to use emoji’s) you found you were strangely happy. You just weren’t you when you didn’t have Tony.
“So you and Barnes?” Pepper asked, diving right in.
“I know, I picked the worst possible person to fall for.” You sighed, ready for her disappointment.
“I’m not sure you did. I remember how much you admired him before you even met him and how he inspired you to ask Tony if you could join the Avengers. I think you and Bucky have a connection, a unique way of understanding each other.” She admitted.
“You’re not mad at me because of the complications?” You asked her.
“What happened to Tony’s parents was in no way Sargent Barnes fault, he’s a good man. I admire him for trying to make amends for the things he was forced to do, it takes real bravery and strength. And maybe, this will help Tony finally see Bucky as someone other than his parents killer.” She said.
You were speechless. Pepper not only supported you, she saw Bucky the same way you did and saw hope for Tony and Bucky’s relationship.
“Thank you.” You told her earnestly, holding her a little closer as you walked.
“If he hurts you though, it won’t be Tony he has to be afraid of.” She warned and you laughed, even though you quite believed her.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
It was the same scene he had watched on a grainy video in Sibera but this time he was there, frozen and unable to do anything as his parents car was ran off the road. He watched the Soldier stalk over to the car and kill his parents, horrified and heartbroken but he couldn’t stop it.
“Dad… Help me.”
He turned slowly, in fear at the familiar voice. His daughter, his Kit Kat was sprawled across the road, covered in blood. He tried to go to her but he couldn’t move as The Soldier walked over to her.
She coughed weakly, reaching up to stroke The Soldiers face lovingly as he knelt down and placed his metal hand on her neck.
“Barnes, stop.” Tony croaked.
“I love you.” She said, to him or the Soldier he wasn’t sure.
The metal hand crushing her windpipe jerked to the side and her neck snapped with a sickening crunch. Her unseeing eyes looked straight through Tony.
Tony woke up covered in sweat. Pepper was sleeping soundly next to him and he quietly slipped out of the bed without disturbing her and left the room. The door to your room was cracked open and he peered through. The room was empty. His heart skipped a beat before he spotted your silhouette on the balcony and he walked over to join you.
“Can’t sleep?” He asked.
You’d had a long day, playing in the sun with him all afternoon after your walk with Pepper. You’d been exhausted at dinner and assumed you’d sleep through the night.
“Too much on my mind.” You admitted.
“Wanna go down to the lab and help me rewire the circuitry on the Jet Ski I crashed?” He offered.
“Sure.” You shrugged and followed him downstairs.
“Why are you awake?” You asked him.  
“Too much on my mind.” He mimicked you.
“Touche” You muttered as you both entered the lab.
“So what’s eating you Kit Kat?” He snorted at his own dad joke.
“Just nervous about my first session at Xavier’s. It’s straight after we go home.” You admitted.
“Why would you be nervous about having a telepath poking around in your brain?” He asked sarcastically.
Why indeed. What was lurking in your subconscious was weighing heavily on your mind, no pun intended and you wished you could discuss it with somebody.
“Dad I...”
You almost told him. You wanted to. But how could you tell him that the monster within you was one of your own making? That there was a very real part of you that wanted to destroy the world. That deep down in your soul, you were evil.
“I know Kit Kat. I know.” He said.
You frowned and he sighed heavily.
“There’s a video in The Vernichtung Files from the one time Docherty managed to call Vernichtung to the surface. Since I saw it, on some level I’ve known the truth since I found you. It wasn’t until the Professor told me you needed his help to make yourself whole again that I worked it out though.” He admitted.
“You know what Vernichtung is?”
“Yes sweetheart, it’s you.”
“How did you know?”
“Genius remember?” he snorted.
“You aren’t afraid of me, you don’t hate me?” You asked fearfully.
“I’ve never met anyone without a dark side. The difference is you literally locked yours away to keep it contained, that doesn’t make you evil, that makes you stronger than most people.” He assured you.
“But my Dark side wants to kill people!” You insisted.
“And my good side created a killer robot and sold weapons of mass destruction. Nobody is perfect, especially those of us with power. Don’t mistake your capability for destruction with being a bad person. The fact is you’re the same as everyone else except for the fact you fight harder than most. Being a good person is a choice and you went through hell to stick to that choice.” He rebutted.
Your eyes teared up. Tony knew the worst parts of you and loved you anyway, more than that he saw the good in it that you couldn’t. You tried to stifle a sob by burying your face into his shoulder and you felt him put his arm around you.
“No matter what happens kid, I’m proud of you. Always will be.” He assured you.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The hottest new Hero on the block is taking a much deserved vacation in Malibu after her busy week.
Deathwave hasn’t been on the scene for long but she’s already proving herself to be a force to be reckoned with. After her debut taking down aliens in the Capital it was revealed that the mysterious hero was actually the youngest Stark and a Secret Avenger, one responsible for helping the Secretary Of State save millions of lives and facilitating the arrest Benjamin Newlands.
Her tragic backstory was then revealed and hearts around the world broke as they read about the harrowing upbringing of the mutant know as ‘Vernichtung’. Raised by what can only be described as a mad scientist the young mutant was primed to end the world and live up to her namesake but instead chose to become a symbol of goodness and hope.
Fans around the world have accepted her into their hearts and while there are naysayers and those who believe she poses a threat, the general consensus is that the heroine is the symbol of strength and hope we all need. Proving that people can be what they chose and not what they are told, we our the masters of out own fate.
Seen earlier today walking along the beach with billionaire superhero Tony Stark, it seems the hero on everyone’s minds is enjoying some family time after her recent victory in Spain. We can only assume her father is as proud of her as the general public is since the family are celebrating in the sun.
“She’s almost ready.” He said with a vicious grin after reading the article.
“Everything is proceeding as I hoped. Vernichtung will soon learn her final lesson. The more she gives in to hope and happiness, the easier it is for me to break her.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The drunken shenanigans with Deadpool were left out for several reasons...
It just seemed funnier to see the aftermath.
I'm in too deep a sad funk to write a funny drunk chapter. I'm starting to wrap up this fic now, so there are several chapters left but we are in the home stretch now. I was informed that longer fics can put readers off so I'm quitting while I'm ahead, before anyone gets too bored. As long as people are still interested I'll still do sequels and one-shots though, but that is mostly up to you lovely folks!
@nerdandproud-86 @harrison-shot-first @thejourneyneverendsx @thelostallycat @inquisitor-selvala @the-corruptor @iovher @kendrawr-kitkat @phoenix-whiskey-tears @the--real-wombat @buckitybarnes @fairislesheets @angieptt @meganjonezzzz @dugan365 @fluffeh-kitty @memanda17 @krystallynx @theonelittleone @piscesbarnes @free-as-fishes @tarastudiesalot @captainamericasbeard @dropthepizza346 @jaynnanadrews @likes-to-smell-books @drdorkus @life-wanderer @metalarmlover @animegirlgeeky@jsmith509
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justjen523 · 6 years
Save You
Saeran x MC, Saeyoung
Rating E (18+)
Sorry for the delay, had a lot of family matters to attend to. However, I made this chapter longer to hopefully make up for it. Thanks for your patience! :)
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Chapter 6 - Games
I awoke to the smell of breakfast being made. When my eyes opened, Saeran was still passed out next to me, his face angelic in sleep. What a precious and adorable sight. It was impossible not to gaze at him and smile lovingly. Seeing him so peaceful had become one of my greatest wishes and always satisfied me so much to see it happen. I couldn’t help myself from wanting to touch him. My fingers gently caressed his cheek causing him to stir. 
“Nm?” His eyes slowly opened, blinking the sleep away. A perfect smile greeted me immediately.
“You spoil me.” He chuckled pulling me against him to cuddle.
“Do I?”
“Mmm yes. Though I’m certainly not complaining. I love having your beautiful face be the first thing I see when I awake each morning.” 
The door flung open and in walked Saeyoung dressed from head to toe in a nurses outfit, heals and all carrying a tray. I couldn’t suppress my laughter and immediately covered my mouth with my hand trying to absorb it. Saeran on the other hand had frozen in place a moment seemingly too shocked to figure out how to respond yet. His brother took advantage of this opportunity and made his way to my side of the bed.
“Well good morning to you two. I trust you slept quite well brother.” Oh shit! That’s right.....last night.....I couldn’t help but laughing harder and burying my face in my hands. 
“S-Seven! Oh my god I’m so sorry.....pfffft! Hahaha!” Poor Saeran was completely lost and just stared with a furrowed brow trying to catch up with everything.
“Umm......yeah so....about that.” I start but Seven just waves his hand as if to say ‘I get it but I really don’t want to talk about you blowing my brother.’ 
“Why the hell are you dressed like a nurse?!” Saeran finally finds his voice startling the both of us.
“Aww, what’s wrong with that? I think he looks good as a nurse!”
“I knew you’d get me _____! She knows beauty when she sees it. I am fabulous, don’t be jealous.”
“Shhhh....stress gives you wrinkles.”
“Here, have some pancakes.”
“I don’t want-
“Saeran don’t be rude!” Rolling his eyes he sighs dramatically.
“Just so you know, I’m only eating them because of _____.” Seriously these two. Definitely brothers even now after all this time and hurt feelings.
“Why are they shaped this way?” I hadn’t paid any attention to them till Saeran mentioned something.
“Are these.....?” Seven smiles mischievously at me before turning his expression back to completely innocent.
“Celebratory Rocket-ships!”
“Seriously.....?” Saeran’s expression is flat and unamused as he stares at his brother. 
“Well I should be off! Looks like our little patient is on the mend. I will be back later to check in on-”
“No. Don’t.” I elbow Saeran who doesn’t even budge when it makes contact.
“Yes, thank you Nurse Seven for your generosity!”
“You are very much welcome! And now I bid you, adieu.” With a rather impressive curtsy he leaves and shuts the door behind him leaving me with Mr. Grumpy Bear.
“What? I think that was a wonderful gesture. He’s trying to make up with you!”
“By making me penis pancakes?” He asks incredulously and I can’t help but laugh.
“Celebratory Rocket-ships.” I correct.
“Uh-huh....sure. I may be inexperienced but I’m not stupid.” He folds the pancake over several times before fitting all of it in one bite. 
“Someone must be hungry! I’m so glad to see you have an appetite. It means you are definitely on the mend!”
“Why was he dressed like a woman?” Pfffft....I should have known he wasn’t going to let this one go. 
“Does it bother you?”
“That my brother was dressed as a female nurse? No, it’s the most natural thing in the world.” 
“This seems to be common seeing as you’re not the least bit surprised.”
“I think it’s cute.”
“Cute? My brother cross-dressing is...cute?”
“Honestly? He makes for a sexy woman.” Saeran practically chokes on a bite of pancake making me pat his back as I chuckle to myself. After handing him a glass of orange juice to wash it all down he looks at me suspiciously. 
“What?” I smirk at him playfully. He just shakes his head and goes back to eating still staring at me.
“Would it make you feel better if I told you I think you’d make a gorgeous woman too?” He stops chewing and tilts his head to the side as if he heard me wrong.
“Ohhhh pleeeeeeease let me do your make-up though! I could make you so much hotter than your brother!”
“A-Are we seriously having this conversation right now?” I give him a quizzical stare and he exhales sharply.
“I just want to eat my breakfast without having to think about where my brother buys his pantyhose.”
“I bet you would look sexy in pantyhose...”
“You’re not gonna let this go are you?” He says this with a mischievous smile I have never seen before and it makes my heart race. There is so much I really don’ t know about him and the thrill of learning more has become quite entertaining. From what I have learned this far about the man formerly known as “Ray”, he is not as fragile and desperate a boy as I first imagined. He is actually quite complex and considering how gentle and afraid he originally came across as, he is strong, stubborn, has quite a temper and freely speaks his mind whenever his brother is concerned. 
“You’re a mystery to me.” I finally manage and his eyebrows raise as if I said something extremely unusual. 
“I’M the mystery? I find you far more mysterious. I mean, any girl who wants to see men dress as women are fascinating all by themselves.” I can’t help but laugh as he says this. He does have a point. 
“So does that like....turn you on?” 
“W-Woah! For being so shy-”
“-who said I was shy? I told you. I’m inexperienced that’s true, but that doesn’t mean I’m not still a man.”
“True but, before last night.....” That expression. No....
“Saeran Choi! You little pervert!” I swat at him careful where I am hitting but he is laughing so hard I want to knock him out.
“You lied to me!”
“I didn’t lie. I have never touched another person sexually before nor has anyone touched me. I never had the time or desire for my mind to think about such things before so the need to...well it just wasn’t necessary. That doesn’t mean I don’t know how that stuff works.”
“So you knew damn well what I was...,why didn’t you say anything!?”
“Where’s the fun in that? You absolutely love the idea of corrupting me don’t you? I thought I’d play along a little.” What a sadistic grin!
“I want to know more about you.”
“Yeah? What do you want to know? You only get one free question per day, everything else you’ll just have to discover the old fashioned way.”
“Aww only one? Hmmm....” I really needed to think about this one. It had to be something I couldn’t learn unless I asked.
“Okay but this is a little complicated so it may take a couple questions to get the answer?”
“That’s totally cheating.” I give him my best pouty face and he rolls his eyes. 
“Fine, but this is the only time I’ll allow it.”
“Yay! Okay so. What I want to know is who was “Ray”? You are definitely not the same man you were when we were at Mint Eye together. You’re like a completely different person! Not in a bad way don’t get me wrong but just, wow. Were you pretending to be someone else?” He smiles gently and his eyes show confidence as he gazes at me lovingly.
“Ray was a name given to me by the Sav- Rika. When I drank the elixir it allowed all of my repressed anger, rage, resentment and pain to come to the surface. It pushed down all of the love, hope and capacity for kindness creating a barrier between the two. In truth, it eventually split me in two leaving each with it’s own personality. Like a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hide. Ray was the embodiment of everything Rika thought was worthless and so she gave him a name that meant nothing. Ray. However, Saeran was hard to control and destructive so she had no choice but to let Ray do the work most of the time.” 
“S-Saeran. I....I’m so sorry.” I didn’t even realize I had been crying until his finger wipes the tears ready to fall down my cheek. 
“It took me a while to piece everything together. After the elixir wore off and had been fully out of my blood stream, the two personalities started to merge back together. The me you see before you now is the real me. All the pieces of the puzzle put back in their proper place.”
“You’re perfect Saeran Choi. The most beautiful, wonderful soul I have ever met and I can’t believe you’re mine.”
“Are you not? Was I-”
“Haha relax. Of course I’m yours. Is it safe to say then that you are mine also?”
“Yes, my heart and soul belong to you and only you. I love you.”
“I love you too ______.” We share a sweet and tender kiss, the kind only lovers do and my heart feels like it’s home.
“Go away Saeyoung!”
“Saeran, at least try to be nice....”
“Housekeeping!” Seven enters in full maid attire complete with feather duster. I can’t help but laugh loudly this time while Saeran sips his orange juice staring at his brother with a displeased expression. It might just be me but I could swear there’s a hint of a smile hidden beneath that gruff exterior he’s presenting. 
“Wow Miss! I absolutely LOVE that color lipstick!”
“Oh bless your adorable little heart! Girls secret? Russian Red Matte lipstick by MAC. I absolutely love their entire line.”
“Thanks! I am definitely going to go check that out! Would you two excuse me a moment? I have someone I KNOW would look gorgeous with the right shade. Be right back! I lean in and give a surly looking Saeran a smooch on his cheek before whispering in his ear.
“Behave and I may have a very special way of saying thanks.” With a wink I disappear out the door giving the twins their first chance to be alone and talk. I wish with all of my heart they can find their way home to one another.
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teenwolfhot · 6 years
Scott McCall imagines part 4
Inspired by ariana grande " break up with your girlfriend...bored "
You and theo were trapped completely surrounded by these people until
This shit always happens to me (Yeah)
Why can't we just play for keeps? (Mmm-mmm)
Practically on my knees  "
The lyrics of the song was loud theo sighed and looked at you while " i can hear a faint heartbeat sister " the voice said " nevermind Elijah we have to go nik will have our heads with we meddle " as the footsteps were suddenly disappearing
Theo grabbed you " go ahead and maybe get us killed " you nodded still in shock " who was that ?" Theo couldnt scent them out " i dont know whoever they are definitely aren't from here that's for sure "
Ever since you were little girl a slight obsession with a certain boy and well it started since that very summer day back in kindergarten
" thats my doll give it back " a tall girl with pigtails wrapped in red ribbons snatched your favourite doll away from you " well its mine now ...hahahaha " the girl stuck her tongue out while another kids watched afar was scott meeting his long term best friend stiles
He wasn't listening to the young boy in front of him as he saw you got pushed he immediately ran over " stop .... give back the doll " you looked up to see a boy in front of you wearing blue and white stripe polo shirt and a dirty jeans with converse on " why she your girlfriend... nananananan " scott pushed the little girl " shes my firend " snatched the doll away from the girl and turned to you " here i think this is yours " he smiled while handing it to you somhow your knee got scraped " here... for ummm... your knee "he pointed
Lydia was unable to read kira " soo what's up with you and scott lately... i want the juice " looking puzzled at the girl " lately his been well ummm his been avoiding me recently... i try to help but .... " she looked malia
" why do i get the feeling something happens between you two " pointing to malia and kira " we discuss some .... well ... scott ..... ummmmm isaac ..... uhhhh " kira didnt feel like talking about the situation about isaac and malia even scott its like a plague
" malia ???" The girl simply zoned out unfortunately " it will eventually come out im telling you
Hearing liam and stiles argue about the jeep and the adjustments liam made to the jeep
" i said you can have the jeep not redesigned it " lydia walking towards the two boys " well its my jeep ... you gave it to me .... well i simplify the jeep to my liking " liam looked at stiles and all the boy did was sigh " is okay I've got a new car or jeep " stiles said with dignity
" yes stiles we all know the FBI gave you a Land Rover " lydia rolling her eyes when suddenly theo's car pulled into the McCall drive way "we all need to talk " rushing out of the car
As you step out of the car you never been to McCall house before this is your first time " i should... probably. I'll wait in the car " as you headed back isaac grabbed you by the arm and dragging you inside
" whats the problem raeken couldn't it wait till tomorrow?" Stiles squinting his eyes " well no ... me and (y/n) were at the library earlier and well .... three people broke into the school and they were searching for something " scott looked at theo " i don't think is supernatural related theo " scott said quietly while everyone else got it " well .... i can smell them and they aren't from here scott ... especially at a time like this ... what are they thief I'm sure parrish is on patrol ..." which made everyone think
" well of theo is right what do they want ?" Lydia looking at you" are you okay (y/n)?" Just then stiles smacked the back of theo's head " you brought her .... her seriously " looking at you "isaac dragges me in i wanted to wait in the car .... anways I'm intruding i should go .... either way we dont hang out anyways... " smiling at each of them before leaving
As you were making your way to the door " hey ... about stiles ... is going to be fine ... we should hang... " the strawberry blond smiled " im lydia martin ... im ..." you intrude " i know my teacher talks highly of you " you said to her " thanks well I'll lead you out then
Isaac felt the need to follow after you " wait "(y/n) .... (y/n) " isaac walking up to you before lydia walks back in "im sorry ... i thought you .... " you rolled your eyes " really lahey thats how you want to play out ... the I'm sorry to drag you into something you shouldn't be there for .... i know we're friends but i don't think.... they like me .... martin sure made some.... kind of gesture or something to get me involved "
" you know what lahey ... stop ... just stop caring.... yes I'm a little bit insecure and sensitive but at least i don't draw attention to myself ... so save me the pleasure of acting like i belong in your group "
Walking away
Meanwhile " i supposed you know who i am then ?" Chris was hanging like an X arms being held down with cuffs while spikes on this inside the cuff diggs in " slowly your bleeding " the voice simple said " now ... do you know us ... do you know what we are ?" The strange man asked again this time digging into argent chest and blood soaking through the black shirt " yes ..... yes .... yes ... i ... i ... DO !!!"
the man removed he hand from argent chest " well thats great news ..... so where are the rest of your groupies " the man looked deep into argents eyes " i said i know what you are .... i definitely can't be compelled " Chris laughing
" well i just have to ...... bleed you some more then .... until you're able to be compelled Chris "
The blond walked through the door and ran to chris " you lied ... hunter you lied ..." as the blond reached into chris chest he started to have a short breath " i can hear your heart beating fast " sister... sister ... sister ... toture should be fun.... " another young fellow with a metal baseball bat at hand and wacked it on the side of argent chest " did i hear ribs being broken " the young man laughed
" all of you are interrupting my interrogation.... really so much blood " as the blond release her hand away from his chest heavily breathing " blood of hunter " dragging her fingers over his arms that are in blood " i wouldn't taste his blood ... his on vervain "
As the blond wiped it off " we just have to continue till you talk then "
5 days after the event
Walking to school you've been avoiding every single one of isaac friends like a plague " sooo.... you're alive " it was isaac looking at you and smiling you pushed passed him " why do you care suddenly... lahey its not like you care in the first place anyways "
Continuing walking while lydia and malia catched up to the curly boy " soo anything... nope ... she wouldnt talk .... it seems she closed herself up again" lydia started to smirk " what if ... scott ... im mean scott could get her to talk right ?" Isaac was sceptical about this
" well yeah but they've had brief conversations but not a full one ... im telling you its a bad idea "
Taking out your biology books and writing down the extra writing on the board scott took tbe opportunity to seat next to you " hey " you didnt pay attention to him kept writing down the notes till " oh man ... i forgot my biology books ..... i swear " you turned into your bag " here this is yours ... ms martin gave it to me to give to you ... i was gonna give it to you somehow but " yours and his hand slightly touched as he grabbed the book
" thanks ... " smiling
You were happy that you managed to give the item back to him but still you wanted to know everything... especially his relationship with malia and kira
You didnt like kira you had no problem with malia is that asian girl you didnt like .. she somehow inserted herself into scotts life without even knowing him
You were furious when you found out that scott was dating her , it was a stab in the heart one way or another your going to make scott McCall yours
Thinking of ways to be in his life you didn't realise that the teacher was calling you " (l/n)...(l/n).... (y/n)" you paused and heard your name being called
" im sorry miss (y/t/n) i was elsewhere... i do apologise " the teacher rolled her eyes "what i meant was ms martin would like to see you " she gave you an orange slip for you to leave class " right now ?" Yhe teacher stop in her tracks "yes right now .. unless you want to stop her orders or you willing to tell the principal why you aren't obeying one of " you shake your head " I'll go " picking your stuff up you rushed out
Thinking why would ms martin see you now what possibilities could she be thinking pulling you away from class especially AP BIOLOGY
Seeing two people in ms martins office you sighed and opened the door " ms martin you wanted to see me ?" The much older strawberry blond woman smiled " yes i do ... actually i wanted to discuss your career future college " as she points to a chair " i hope you don't mind I've took the pleasure of asking your parents to come by too "
As you took a seat next to your parents " well we 100% be involved in whatever our daughter decisions today " as ms martin smiled and sitting behind her desk
" mr and mrs (l/n) your daughter records are outstanding she will be graduating with honours " ms martin smiled while your parents looked like their on cloud nine " we are very pleased to hear " your mother said with joy in her voice " i must say (y/n) since you've not give in your final recommendation on the career path we will have to submit it today " your parents were shocked " very well "
"( y/n) what is your career goals " ms martin looking at you "- ummmm uhhhhh ummmm ..... biology.... i want to do something with biology " you started to gain confidence " biology is your main career point ?" Ms Martin writing it down "yes it is im very passionate about biology and i would like to study furthermore into the subject if i can ... im also looking into go apprentice in a laboratory on biology something like genetic or microbiology " you said while looking at her
Your parents were surpised you wanted to go that way becuase generally you talked about veterinary and medicine about the well being of animals this is sort of different types of research
" very well... i see you've made your research I'm pleased on that "ms martin smiled
" also theres three apprenticeships round the areas including here at school and some at local biology department in the science community " pausing " the only i like is not in this town but in mystic falls " your mother gasped
" well you certainly did your research on this subject then .... i will see to it your application form has been sent to all of these locations... in the meantime please keep your grades to these standards "
Walking out of the offcie the whole interview along with your parents exhausted you completely " so ... what did lydia mum want ?" Isaac putting his arms round your neck my career choice " removing isaac arm " plus i think i might have a chance of leaving this place lahey "
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mrpuzzlessimp420 · 5 months
Mario Simulator (Joke Fic)
Chapter 1
Ships: Marware, BatteryAcid (Mr Puzzles x Orange Juice), SMG34 (minor)
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Mushroom Akademi was your normal pseudo-japanese highschool and Mario was a normal student.
He had... awful as shit grades because he didn't concentrate in class (god I wish I was that carefree ) and had a decent enough reputation, expect for that one incident where he was caught... you don't want to know what he was caught doing.
Anyway, Mario was normal.
He awoke to his loud two trucks alarm and started to get ready for the day. Putting on his highschool girl uniform that definitely did not look like the sailor scout uniform, not brushing his teeth and grabbing a plate of spaghetti to eat.
He quickly checked his phone to see that it was... 8 a'clock??? He was going to be late and get told of by SMG4 because of it!
Spaghetti plate still in hand, he rushed out the door, trying his best not to trip and be a clutz like he always is.
He eventually arrived at the school, only 2 minutes late and ran to his class, before realising he had no clue where he was going and had to check his timetable, which he also realised he lost like 5 months ago.
After 10 minutes of searching for his class, he finally found it and sat down in his seat, absolutely exhausted, spaghetti plate still in hand.
"Mario? You're late again? This is the 20th time this week! You know what I don't care, just don't be a nuisance like yesterday." Karen stated, not giving a crap about Mario because she is a girlboss, a legend and the moment.
The lesson went surprisingly quickly as the entire time Mario was finishing of his spaghetti or talking to SMG4 about memes or some cringey shit like that.
When the lesson and 2nd period was over, it was finally break.
Mario ran to say hello to his friends before a figure caught his eye.
The figure was a tall, handsome TV head giving out audition leaflets for a school play, rather dramatically you could say... and pathetically as he was literally on his hands and knees begging one student to join, a crying baby face replacing his normal emotes on his TV head.
Mario's heart skipped a beat. Oh how he had fallen for this TV head for the past couple of months. Yeah he tried to mind-control his friends to force them to preform in a everlasting play but that was ages ago. Honestly, Mario was down bad for him, his patheticness, his passion for the arts, his dramatic nature. I mean he was even good to look at, I mean look at those cables and wires (bro 😭) .
"Mario? MARIO!"
Mario finally snapped out of his god damn solioquy and lovestruck pinning just to be faced with a very annoyed SMG4.
"Where you even listening to anything I said?" SMG4 asked, pissed that Mario hadn't been listening for the 100th time this week.
"Uhhhh..." Mario said before saying the most, disgusting, revolting thing you ever have seen that had to be censored for the sake of EVERYONE'S sanity.
"What? No??? I was explaining the entire FNAF lore." SMG4 explained like the cringe pathetic loser he is.
"I honestly still don't get it." Meggy stated
"I do." SMG3 stated, with lovestruck eyes that told everyone in the room that he did not understand anything SMG4 just said and just liked to hear SMG4's voice
"Ha ha Gayyyyyy!" Mario shouted before being punched in the face by SMG3
"Shut Up! You like Mr Puzzles!!!" SMG3 declared, deflecting Mario's accusation back onto Mario.
"That's because he's-" Mario was once again censored by the Great Fanfic Writer in the sky who didn't want to write out the disgusting thing Mario just said about Mr Puzzles
"We.. didn't need to know that but anyway what was I on about again?" SMG4 asked, forgetting his entire lore dump he just did a few minutes before hand.
"You were on about the lore of FNAF?" SMG3 stated, looking back at SMG4 with eyes that were screaming with 'I love you so much, I want to hear your voice all the time, we are friends, we are literally soulmates made for each other, I would literally die and kill for you.'
"Oh yeah!" SMG4 was a oblivious idiot and didn't notice SMG3's obvious pinning "Anyway Foxy Bro killed his own brother or some shit and got really depressed ig, couldn't be me"
SMG4 went on to ramble about FNAF again but Mario got bored immediately. Why would anyone care about a Purple Guy and some dead children? The lore was way to complex for Mario's stupid little brain anyway, he couldn't even count to 10 let alone remember all of that.
Mario's focus went back to the pathetic Vox look-alike and sighed lovely.
He was perfect to Mario. Absolutely perfect. Though he was a bumbling idiot and still not fully redeemed, he was harmless and Mario knew he could fix him.
Mr Puzzles was now acting like that desperate clinging to a student to get them to join didn't happen and was still handing out leaflets for the audition.
Maybe Mario could audition? It's not like he had anything better to do with his life other than eat spaghetti and annoy SMG4 24/7. And it gave him the excuse to hang out with the handsome TV head.
Before Mario could think any longer, a new character appeared on screen and jokely spooked Mr Puzzles, which caused Mr Puzzles to jump and move his hands dramatically like a primary schooler trying way to hard in a poorly done school play.
Mario immediately didn't like this new figure. How dare they spook their one and only true love? And be friendly with him? (Damn Mario just let him have friends, he needs them desperately)
The figure was tall, taller than Mr Puzzles in fact which was a surprise, and extremely buff, looking like that one yaoi art base (you know the one). His head was replaced with a glass of orange juice which for some reasons had eyes on it, like working eyes. Mario didn't question it though as the canonical SMG4 universe was already lacking of lore on how the fuck Mr Puzzles is alive after he cut his head off.
"Awww, did I scare you pookie bear? I'm sorry~!" the figure said, kissing his lover on the check loving.
"I-It's okay OJ-Kun! You just scared me a little that's all." Mr Puzzles said, extremely flustered and shy now out of no where, acting like a uwu soft twink.
Mario was seething with anger. Mr Puzzles had a lover? A boyfriend? This was not okay. Only Mario could be his boyfriend and if he couldn't, then no one could.
An idea popped into Mario's head, quite surprising as he probably didn't have any braincells left.
A very... unique idea.
You see, there was something actually... unnormal about Mario.
He was what you would call...
A yandere.
(part 2 when??? Lol)
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lauxeyson · 6 years
Pairing/Characters: Steve Rogers x Reader
Summary: The heartbreaking pain of wanting someone you can’t have, and watching as their love is given to someone else. Someone who isn’t you. 
Warnings: Angts, unrequited love, bad writing.
Word Count: 1,138
A/N: A little angst never hurt nobody, right? I’m not really happy with this but I realized that it’s been a real long time since I posted something...so this is me breaking the radio silence haha! I hope you’ll like it tho. I’m so afraid of posting this because I’m really not sure how to feel about it, so please tell me  what you think. Tell me how much it sucks please! Feedback is VERY much appreciated!
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She is perfect, everything about her is perfect. Each little detail about her can only be described as perfect. It takes you deeper than your feet could ever wander and it makes your faith ever stronger, all in the presence of your savior. When he smiles, your heart does a leap in your chest, but it falls to the bottomless pit deep down your stomach when you realize that he was smiling at her, standing behind you the entire time.
In the presence of your savior, everything will be destroyed. Everything will turn to dust when your eyes open up to see that he is not the person you wanted him to be.
Her sandy blonde hair drapes over her shoulders, like a waterfall of liquid gold caught in the afterglow of the rain. The mild breeze that hang in the air catch a hold of it, twirls it around like in a dance only between the two of them. It flows like velvet through the waves of the ocean, rocks cascading on the surface, white foam washing up to the shore.  
His fingers at the nape of her neck, grabbing a fistful of it, delicately and yet passionate as he leans in to mend his lips with hers. The smile on her face, as she rubs her nose against his, is bloody perfect as well.
Her lips are pink and plump, always so ready to get back into the all too familiar harmony they play with his. So ready to fall back into the steady rhythm that they create together, their bodies connected by the hip; always together. Just the two of them, as one organism, one life, one love.  
She has those ocean eyes, the kind that can stare into yours for eternity and seem to be able to see deep, deep into your soul. Truly see you and all your secrets, everything you try so hard to keep concealed come spilling to the top when she pulls her tricks on you, a wicked smile pulling on the corners of her lips. They are always looking into his; always shining with the love she holds inside, sparkling like a thousand diamonds caught in the moonlight.
Always for him.
Why did it have to be him? Why did she have to choose him? The one man you were not to fall for, man you were not supposed to see in any other way than a friend. Your teammate, your flat mate, your captain, and yet for what? There is no taking it back now, no resurrections for a fading heart. It has gone beyond the prospect of a passing crush, an overflow of feelings. It is deep and brooding, mad and hopeless.
It is all for him.
You fell for his quirks and talents and all his gifts, his flaws and the mistakes he makes from time to time. You fell for the bright blue eyes he hides behind and the wide smile he use to throw people off. The holy hands of a human god that could turn anyone into a sinner.
Captain America, the golden child, the lion boy who knows how it is like to conquer.  
Captain America, the fearless one, the broken boy who knows what it is like to burn.
You never wanted the ridiculous persona, the propaganda and the parades.  The real Steven Rogers is what your heart desired, the beaten little boy who grew up in Brooklyn, picking fights with people twice his size; the man who would never stray from one.
The thought that he shares all this and more, explicit details about himself that he will never let anyone see, with her, is unbearable. It is as if a wild beast is trying to claw its way to your trembling heart, only to devour it in one painful bite.  
Your insides are but empty, hollow, aching. You tried so hard not to fall in love, you really did, but you only ended up falling harder and harder, and harder.
He is always, always searching for her. Like she always, always search for him. Calling for the other, beckoning them closer and closer until they are once again reunited. His face lights up when his eyes meets hers, when her hands are on him again. It never fails. The glimmer in his eyes, the fire and the light that shines so, so brightly, it always comes back. For her.
The pain that comes from looking into his eyes, the same eyes you spend so much time yearning for, is indescribable. When it is you who is searching for his steel blue eyes and he looks away, it hurts in a way that nothing else ever has.
They fit together like two pieces of a puzzle, complementing each other to a fault. They are always around, holding each other, locking lips and caressing the others skin. They are always there, flaunting their love to the world.
He never even saw you.
All the times you said the words that lingered on the tip of your tongue, every time you put your heart on the line, he.never.saw.you. He only ever saw her.
Your melancholy mood hangs over you like a dark cloud, a darkness that consumes you and everything you are. It is like an insatiable fire that burns out all the oxygen in the room, and walls closes in on you, inch by inch.
Some days you are empty, feeling nothing at all and other days you are a channel of streaming emotions, feeling everything all at once and all so suddenly.
That is the thing about love; you will let them get away with murder, even if it is your own.
The endless stream of tears when you are alone, knowing you would never and can never be her is tugging at your heartstrings. That you can never be her in the way he holds her when they kiss, the way he always holds her hand, always. When you hear the fondness in his voice whenever he talks about her, when he smiles because he thinks about her and you just know; you know he is always thinking about her because you are always thinking about him. The sting deep in the roots of your heart when you see that smile, knowing, just knowing that there is no other reason for it, but her.
You never knew what hit you, when you cried yourself to sleep one night, picturing him holding her close, cuddling her to sleep, resting his head in the crook of her neck. It is borderline hilarious knowing that he would never be like that with you, never holding you close to his chest, never miss you, never tell you he loves you.
She is perfect, everything about her is perfect.
But she is not you.    
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FOREVER TAGS:  @imboredsueme @sgtjbuccky @ex-bookjunky @daysoffuturepast @sgtjamesbuchananbarnes107th @sgtbxckybxrnes @deputy-orange-juice @thatcraxygirl15 @cutie1365 @raindancer2004 @writingsofawaywardnerd @shieldagentofthemonth @lokiandbuckyaremine @teamironamerica @whatiswrongwithpeople @monsis-world @walkers-imagines @notfergusmom @mrs-dr-strange
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ruckystarnes · 7 years
Things Never Stay Hidden
Author: RuckyStarnes
Summary:   hidden relationships never seem to stay hidden
Warnings: swearing, slight foreplay
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x reader
Words: 1,976
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I yawned as I walked into the kitchen and made my way to the coffee pot. Pulling a coffee mug out from the cupboard, I groaned when I noticed the coffee pot was empty.
“Damn it,” I huffed. “FRIDAY, who had the last cup?” “Mr. Barton did, Miss,” the AI responded as I filled up the reservoir with water and scooped out the coffee into the filter. “Of course he did,” I muttered starting the coffee then walking to the pantry to get a bagel. “Well, don’t you look like you had a long night,” a voice from behind me said. “Shut it, Sam,” I muttered, pushing past him to put my bagel in the toaster, then got the cream cheese from the refrigerator. “Who was the lucky guy?” he smirked as he got a glass of water. I shrugged. “Trevor? Hugo? Enrique? I don’t know.” But in truth, I knew damn well who it was. The same guy every night kept me up in the most pleasurable way and woke me the same way every morning. Kicker was, no one knew. They only assumed that I was with some guy I picked up at the bar. “Do you even get their names?” Sam chuckled, taking a sip of his water. The toaster popped up my bagel and I removed it to put the spread on. I just shrugged again causing Sam to laugh loudly. “What’s so funny, Wilson?” I turned my head to see Steve walk in obviously done with his morning run. He walked over to the refrigerator and grabbed the orange juice. “Nice hair, Y/NN,” he smirked at me. “Y/N had another tryst last night,” Sam answered, nodding at me as I poured myself a cup of coffee. “Is that a bad thing?” I asked, glaring at the men before taking a sip. Both men shook their head. “Good. Even if you thought it was I would tell you to go to hell.” We fell in silence as I ate my bagel by the counter, Sam was busy making eggs and bacon, and Steve read the newspaper like the grandpa he was. Neither one of them made anymore comments of what I did last night, granted I had it coming with my Guns ‘N Roses hair, baggy shirt and boyshort underwear. But I have no shame in it. He was great in bed, after all. As I finished my coffee, Tony strolled in, and seeing me, smiled widely. “Looking good, sex kitten,” he cooed, ruffling up my already messy hair. “I always look good,” I said, winking at him and nudging him with my hip. “And, no, I’m not giving details.” It was a routine. Tony always wanted to know the dirty details of my “one night stands”, but I never gave any. “One of these days,” Tony smirked, “I will get the down low on all these guys you bring back and thank them for this lovely image we get of you every morning.” Pouring myself another cup of coffee, I bit my lip to keep myself from laughing. I walked over to Steve, sitting down next to him, and stole the sports section of the paper. Steve narrowed his eyes at me, but I stuck out my tongue and started to read the stats of last night’s game. “You know,” Steve started, “you wouldn’t have to read the paper for the stats if you watched the game instead.” “But sex is just so much more fun,” I whined, seeing his cheeks turn pink. “Cap doesn’t know that yet,” Tony chimed in, which made Sam snicker. “Tony, only I can tease Steve about his nonexistent sex life,” I chided as I rested my head on Steve’s shoulder, taking a sip of coffee. “You know, no one needs to be in my business of my nonexistent sex life,” muttered Steve. Sam shook his head and smiled. “It’s not going away anytime soon. And Y/N, you missed a great game last night,” he said. Oh, it was worth missing, I thought to myself. “According to the paper, I didn’t miss much. Yankees are still the same as ever,” I responded, glancing over the article quickly, and I agreed silently that it was a great game. “Oh look who’s finally awake,” Steve teased the mystery person. I didn’t have to looked up because I knew who it was. “Shut it, punk,” Bucky said gruffly. That voice sent a shiver down my spine, and I took a sip of coffee trying to conceal my reaction. “So, does this mean winter is coming?” Tony smirked over his cup at Bucky, who ignored him. A smile played on my lips as I raised my cup up again. “Winter came this morning,” I muttered quietly in my cup, my eyes still on the paper. I didn’t count on the two super soldiers to have impeccable hearing. “What?” Steve asked, his head turning to look at me. I saw Bucky’s back tense under his white t-shirt, as he was still fixing himself a cup of coffee. “What?” I retorted, trying to say it as innocently as possible, while hoping my blush want noticeable. “Did you say something?” Tony asked, his eyes fixed on me. Bucky turned to look at me, his brown eyes fixed on me sent a wave of warm through my body as I shifted in my seat. “It wasn’t important,” I said getting up from my spot to put my cup in the sink. “It thought I heard you say–” Steve started, but I interrupted him. “It might rain this morning,” I rushed out. I turned on my heel and walked out of the kitchen before they could question more. I really didn’t want to explain that story.
The sun started to peek through the sheer curtains and I nuzzled into Bucky’s chest, my fingers lazily traced circles on his skin, a smile on my lips. I knew he would have to be leaving soon to get back to his room before anyone realized he was here in mine. It was the fourth time this week that he found his way in my bed, and we won’t count the times I found my way into his. It’s not that we didn’t want the team to know, we just like having one thing a secret. Granted secrets do have a way of coming out eventually, but for the time being, we will wait. I liked having him to myself, and not sharing details with anyone. I heard my phone buzz and groaned as I rolled off of Bucky, taking the sheet with me, but two arms pulled me back into that strong chest. “Mmm, it can wait, doll,” he mumbled into my hair, his breath and whiskers tickled the skin of my neck and ear, sending a shiver down my spine. “But if it’s Tony, or Steve,” I whispered, my fingers carding through his tangled brown hair. “OR worse yet…Nat.” He groaned in frustration, rolled me onto my back and was straddling my hips. His metal arm reached out and grabbed my phone, looking at it. He smirked, and tossed it to the floor. “It’s just Wilson,” he rolled his eyes. “Not important.” It was my turn to roll my eyes. “Seriously, when are you two going to stop this little feud you’re having,” I huffed. “When he gives back my Steve,” Bucky smirked. That made me giggle, but it quickly turned into a moan as Bucky’s lips grazed over my jaw to my ear, where he bit down on the sweet spot just below. I dug my fingers into his back, my hips bucking up. It was not hard to want this man. Just as his flesh fingers started to travel lower between us, there was a knock at my door. I froze, but Bucky continued to move his fingers lower making me bite my lip, trying not to moan out loud. “Who is it?” I called out in forced calm, glaring at Bucky, trying to push him away, but failing. “Y/N, did you forget about our run?” Sam answered. I pushed at Bucky again and mouthed a no, causing him to groan quietly as he rolled off of me. I grabbed the duvet off the bed, wrapped it around my body and walked to the door. Opening it a crack, I saw Sam in his shorts and muscle shirt with a smile on his face. “I guess you got your exercise in already, hey Bon Jovi?” He smirked at me. “I like to think I resemble more of White Snake,” I quipped back making him laugh. “You know, I don’t care which 80’s rock band you look like,” he replied. Bucky snorted from the bedroom and I tensed up, hoping that Sam didn’t hear him. But luck wasn’t on my side. “Oh? Mystery man didn’t leave yet?” Sam mused, his eyes shining with mischief. “None of your business, Sam,” I said shutting the door, but Sam’s foot stopped it. “Sam, remove your foot,” I warned, but it fell on deaf ears as he pushed the door open wide, stepping into my living space. “But I think I deserve to know who is taking up my running time with my buddy,” he smirked, making his way to my bedroom. “Sam, please,” I begged, grabbing his hand, but he kept going, pushing the door open.. My eyes widen as I saw Bucky sitting against the headboard, above the covers, completely naked with a smile on his face. “Morning Wilson,” Bucky smirked, sending Sam a suggestive wink. Any other time I would have laughed, but in that moment I was mortified but the image of my best friend seeing the guy he had a “feud” with in my bed. “So this is what you’ve been doing on your nights?” Sam said slowly, his hand blocking parts of Bucky from his view. “Yup,” Bucky answered for me,  "and pretty much every night. Sometimes a few times in one night.“ I could walk over there and slapped that smug look off his face, but I was rooted to the ground. "That,” Sam started, his gaze shifted to me, “I didn’t need to know.” I looked at Sam with an apologetic look. “Well, you were one of many who wanted to know,” I said softly. “You and Barnes. For how long?” Sam asked me. “About seven months,” I murmured, my eyes looking up at the ceiling. “Seven long and glorious months,” Bucky chuckled, still sitting in all his glory, arms crossed in front of his perfect chest. “Bucky, you’re not helping,” I muttered. “And go put some clothes on.” I jerked my head towards the bathroom. He got the message and got up, saluting Sam before he went. “There are some things I wish I could unsee,” Sam muttered, shaking his head. “Sam, please, for the love of all that’s holy, don’t tell anyone,” I begged. “Oh, I’m not telling anyone,” Sam smirked. “They’ll find out soon enough.” I looked at him, puzzled. This only made him laugh. “Y/N. Everyone is already up and waiting to see who is coming out of your room. Hell, I think Tony’s making breakfast waiting for him for him.” “Oh fuck me,” I groaned. “I was trying to do that before Wilson interrupted us!” Bucky called from the bathroom. “Shut it, Barnes!” I shouted back. I slapped my hand to my mouth, realizing anyone could have heard that, which, to my dismay, someone did. “Y/N is banging Barnes!?” Tony exclaimed from the hallway outside my door. “I knew it!” Steve yelled. “Ah, shit,” I moaned, falling on the bed face down. Sam chuckled and patted my calf. “Well, we all know who makes Winter come now.”
“Fuck off, Sam,” I growled as I made my way to the bathroom.
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thorne93 · 7 years
Prompt: (Request from Anon) hii! can i request a chill/fluffy charles x reader (ft the rest of the team) where theyre all talking about zodiac signs over breakfast and arguing about whos sign is the best and everything, and raven being totally obsessed with which signs are the most compatible (+reader is an aries and id imagine charles is an aquarius or taurus? but idk if theres any canon info on that or not) this might be a corny request but itd be cute i think! if you do it thanks in advance!!❤♈️            
Word Count: 1326
Notes: Beta’d by the amazing, flawless @like-a-bag-of-potatoes
Anon, I hope I did this justice for you. I LOVED this idea because I love astrology and X-Men. I found all the signs (save for Reader and Charles) online, so idk if it’s super accurate but I went with it! I hope you all enjoy it!
“I’m serious, I’m a Cancer,” Raven insisted as she sat at the large round breakfast table in the breakfast nook of the kitchen.
“You know, I can see it,” Hank agreed as he eyed her sweetly.
“Thank you, Hank!” she said, thrusting her hand at him.
You weren’t sure how it got started, but as everyone was making waffles, pancakes, toast, sausage, bacon, potatoes, and pouring cereal, milk, orange juice, or coffee, a huge thing had erupted about astrology. Raven was trying to tell everyone she was a Cancer.
“But I’m a Cancer too,” Peter interjected. “And you and I are nothing alike.”
You scoffed. “As if. You two are the most smart assed, sneaky, overly clever bastards here. You’re almost like twins.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment,” Raven said with a smile.
“Okay, Y/N, what about you, huh? What magical sign are you?” Peter asked, so far he’d made no bones about how silly it was to discuss zodiacs.
“I’m an Aries,” you informed sticking your tongue out.
“Figures,” Scott said. “What with the fire breath and all. Aries is a fire sign so…” he shrugged.
“Good morning, everyone,” Charles greeted as he entered and grabbed a cup of coffee, and made a plate of bacon and pancakes. Your stomach felt the full force of the butterflies erupting around inside. You’d had a bit of a crush on the Professor for a while but you were a student-teacher at the school so you weren’t sure how appropriate that would be to make a move. Yet, that didn’t stop Raven from constantly pushing you two together.
“Good mornings” rang out from each of the students and teachers around the table.
“What are you all so animatedly discussing? I could hear you well down the hall,” he informed as he sat down and sipped his coffee.
“Astrology,” Jean said simply.
“Ah yes. Let me guess, Raven brought this up,” he said with a teasing smirk at his friend.
“How did you know?” Jean asked.
“See when we used to go around pubs--”
Raven smacked his arm and he began laughing.
“Shut up,” she instructed. “No one needs to hear that.”
“Professor, what’s your sign?” Jubilee asked.
“I’m an Aquarius,” he informed simply.
“Makes sense,” she said. “They’re usually truthful, inquisitive, highly intelligent, and kind.”
“Oh please, you could apply that mumbo-jumbo to anyone,” Peter said. “Besides, Cancers are sympathetic, sensitive, and caring too, no different.”
“Yes, but Cancers are very emotionally driven while Aquarius are much more thought driven,” Jubilee added.
“So what’s yours then?” Peter encouraged.
“Pisces!” she announced with pride as she sat up a little bit.
“Why am I not surprised?” Logan said in a deep voice. He’d been rather quiet through the whole ordeal except a smirk here or there.
“And just what is that supposed to mean?” Jubilee demanded, turning to the hulking man on her left.
“Means you’re spunky and artistic. Of all the Pisces I’ve met, they’re all just like you,” he informed nonchalantly.
“So you mean they’re all great?” she said with a scrunch of her nose.
“Please, we all know no one can get anything done without a Capricorn,” Scott boasted before leaning back and tucking his hands behind his head.
“Let me guess, you’re a mer-goat?” Peter said. “Psht.”
“I’ll have you know, I’m ambitious, determined, and practical. All the things you aren’t, Mr. Cancer,” he shot back.
“I’m shaking in my boots, the goat is gonna get me.”
“Hank, what’s yours?” Raven asked before she quickly followed up with. “No! Let us guess.”
“I bet it’s Taurus,” Peter said.
“I’m thinking Virgo,” you offered.
“Wrong, both of you,” Hank informed.
“Is it Leo?” Raven tried as she had been staring at him as if he were a puzzle.
“Yes, how did you know?”
“Simple. Leo is lion. Lions are known for their heart, being optimistic, kind, and loyal,” she explained with a kind smile.
“Right you are,” Hank agreed with the raise of his coffee cup.
“Lion is a beast, after all,” Logan said with a nudge to Hank who gave a half-smile.
“Oh, Logan, what’s your sign?” you asked.
“Oh, no, I’m not getting involved in this BS.”
“Come on, it’s just for fun.”
“I don’t even know it,” he said. You weren’t sure if he was lying or legitimately didn’t care to remember.
“Well what’s your birthday?”
He told everyone with a roll of his eyes.
“Taurus,” Raven said. “He’s a Taurus. You know, I can see it now. Practical...ambitious, reliable.”
“Great, I sound like a new appliance or car,” Logan scoffed, still poring over the newspaper.
Everyone laughed as they went back to eating for a second before Raven broke the clatter of dishes and chewing.
“You know, none of the signs mean anything without knowing who they go best with,” she offered, her eyes flickered to you. Your stomach knotted as you realized where she was taking this.
“Oh, yes!” Jubilee agreed.
“So let’s see,” she started, eyeing the table. I’m Cancer and we’re best with….Taurus?” she informed, pulling her expansive astrology knowledge to the forefront of her mind. “So Logan, you and Peter should go on a date,” she joked as everyone laughed at the expression on Logan’s face.
Peter made a kissing face toward Logan before his middle claw came out. “You’re not my type,” he informed with a snort.
Laughter rumbled around the table.
“Wait, Jean what’s your sign?” you asked. “We have to know if you and Scott are compatible.”
“I’m a Virgo,” she said quietly, her gaze dancing to Scott next to her.
“Oh, yeah,” you said as if it was obvious. “Virgo and Capricorn are a match made in heaven. Both are practical, driven, loyal, and ambitious.”
“Virgos are also perfectionists, which rings true with Jean,” Peter said.
“I am not a perfectionist,” she argued. “I just like things to be their best!”
Another roll of laughter went around the table.
“Okay, fine, maybe I’m a bit of a perfectionist.”
Peter coughed, “Control freak.”
“Har-Har,” she sneered at him.
“So that leaves Jubilee. Pisces, right?” Raven confirmed as Jubilee nodded. “I think the only person you fit with at the table is Peter…”
“I’m fine with that,” she informed as she stared at him.
“We should put it to the test. Everyone here who matches the zodiac should go on date,” Peter offered.
“That’s dumb,” Scott said.
“You just think it’s dumb because you’re already dating your match. This Saturday, we all date our match. So that’d be me and Jubilee; Jean and Scott; Raven, you and Logan.”
“Do I have to?’ she pouted.
“You could do worse, sister,” Logan insisted.
“Hmm, so that leaves Hank, Charles, and Y/N. Y/N, you’re an Aries, right? I hear they go good with Aquarius.”
“I-uh-yeah….I wouldn’t know,” you said, suddenly flustered. Your face was red, you were aware, and being aware made it all the worse.
No one else had known about your crush on Charles except Raven, now it seemed everyone who was looking at your face was keenly aware of your embarrassment.
“What about it, Y/N? Care for a date?” Charles offered, flashing a grin that took your breath away.
“Uh...sure,” you whispered.
“Wait, so where does that leave me?” Hank asked. At that moment, Storm walked in.
“Storm, what’s your sign?” Raven asked as she turned around while Storm fixed a plate.
“My zodiac? It’s Libra, why?”
“Perfect! Libra and Leo go together.”
“Uh, Storm, would you want to go on a date this Saturday? We’re trying to prove something,” Hank informed, feeling silly.
“Would I ever! Yes! Let’s do it. I don’t know what we’re proving, but I’m down.”
“There, it’s settled! Everyone will have a date and we’ll go over who had the better time on Sunday.”
“I’m very much looking forward to this,” Charles informed as he stared at you.
“Me too,” you squeaked.
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a-i-kkon-blog · 8 years
Safe Arms (HANBIN college!au Fluff)
iKON’s B.I / Kim Hanbin       x       Reader
Fluff and lil smutty
You are a normal student in one of Korea’s top university and this is your fourth semester. On your free time all you do is write write and write, well yes you’re a well-known young writer that has been published five books about romance and daily life. You’re a bright playful yet mature person. Your friends always lean on you, they always talk to you about their hard times, they always ask you for advice, and some boys on your class even falling in love with your personality. But they can’t even touch you, they don’t even have a courage because…. Kim Hanbin always stick beside you.
Yes, that Kim Hanbin.
Yes, B.I.
Yes, iKON.
Yes, leader.
Yes, Kim Hanbin the student or B.I the iKON’s leader.
Girls from other department were jealous of you. You’re not that smart, you’re not that good at grades, but why did Kim Hanbin stay beside you? He can’t even help him or he can’t EVEN USE you for his grades? The last time a girl bluntly asked him and Hanbin’s answer was,
“Because she’s real.”
You can’t help but laugh after he got back from those girls.
“So they’re fake?” You laughed, clapping your hands.
“They’re not sincere.”
You just showed him your warm smile and he smiled to you in return.
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Today, you saw a preview of Hanbin from fansite at japan airport, they were heading to Korea.
You smiled, “He’s back again.”
You finally took the bus and sit on your chair. You sent him a message, 
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   Poor him, he can’t even take a rest. He’s here back in Korea and he should study at class, with me. He can’t even had a proper meal.
You get off from the bus and buy his favourite snacks and stuffing them on your bag. Then you went to class but he wasn’t there. But you decided to keep joining the clas becau—
“I’m sorry, I’m late. Proffesor. I’m sorry I’m late.”
Mrs. Chae smiled brightly and let him in.
“It’s okay Hanbin-ah, I understand you.”
Him, with his hoodie, his airport style, his nike shoes, and mask. But his face doesn’t look so good.  He was searching for you as you cover your face with a book, then he immediately ran to you.
He was smiling so bright, 
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“Do you miss me?”
“No. Please go back to Japan as fast as you could.”
“Alright, I miss you too.” He laughed at your behavior.
“By the way.” He took something from his bag. Your eyes quietly followed him.
“I bought so many chocolate for you in a bag—“ Said Hanbin with his puppy eyes.
“But you accidentaly put the bag on Bobby’s luggage so you didn’t bring it. It’s okay, you’re going to Japan again anyway.”
Hanbin looked at you with his surprised look, “HOW COULD YOU KNOW?!”
“That’s a thing about me, isn’t it?” You laughed, “It’s okay anyway. Pay attention to this class.”
“Sooooo I bought you this.” He act like a cute 5 years old kid while giving you chocolate from KOREA’s MINIMARKET. Not JAPAN.
“Thanks I appreciate that.”
“How could you be so cold. You didn’t even know what I’ve been through to get this chocolate.”
“You just go ask you manager to buy it for you, right?” You looked at his eyes, something’s wrong.
“No.” Hanbin looks disappointed.
After the class, Hanbin put all of his undercover kit so the people won’t recognize him. He followed you, and sometimes he stop following you because students from other department asking for your signature and photo because they claimed that they just bought your fourth book. You laughed. You have this B.I cool leader behind you but you were the only one that they want to take photo with. You still found it funny. Until they disappeared you felt Hanbin is still following you.
You looked behind with your warm smile, “Why are you being like that? Come here walk next to me..”
“I’m mad at you but I’m going to your house because it’s been a while since we spent our time together.”
“But you won’t even talk to me?” You put a sad face in front of him.
“Aish, okay, I’m going to talk to you.” He put his arms on your shoulder. Yet, something is off. He usually put his right arm. Why did he put his left arm right now?
You keep smiling, as if nothing happened.
You two finally arrived at your apartement. “What do you want? There’s choco cone on the fridge or let me cook for you.”
“I’m not hungry.” He sat on your sofa.
You changed your clothes and brought grapes to eat while watching tv in the sofa with him. Sudenly, he put his head gently at your lap.
“Let me sleep for a second.”
You were very startled by his action. Skinship never went this far, skinship never went this intimate.
“O.. o.. Okay, sleep.” You finally stroking his hair softly and he smiled,
“I feel okay again.”
He was not okay from the moment he went into the class.
You keep staring at him and playing with his hair while watching TV and stuffing yourself with grapes. After one hour, you finally get a cramped muscle and he woke up. He went to the kitchen, drinking a cold water without saying a thing and you move to the floor and let your legs spread to stop the cramped.
He went to the floor with his still-not-okay look. He sat beside you silently. You’ve never been in silence like this with him. You usually fight or listening to his worries or even doing silly things together. After all the cramp disappeared, you finally turn your sitting position, now looking at Hanbin’s serious face at the TV, meanwhile his mind  is somewhere else. You can’t be more sure than this. You finally asked him about his Japan tour.
He immediately smile and talking about iKONICS who were very excited and made him happy.
So, this isn’t the problem.
And you asked more about his flight, he drank 3 bottle of orange juice.
This isn’t the problem too. So what’s the problem….
He began to talk,
“I wen’t to the convenience store after I forgot about the plastic bag. And,”
Yes, tell me what’s wrong Hanbin..
You looked at him in his eyes.
“Someone called me Emblezzer’s son. He shouted it. And the others began to recogni—“
You pulled him close and hug him, stroking his hair as you feel his tears on your thin clothes.
“Recognize me as emblezzer’s son not iKON’s leader. They mock my father in front of me, they said I will never succeed in life. Karma will hit me.”
“Hanbin-ah…” You keep stroking his black hair, and you let him go but he insisted.  He kept you on his arms.
“I’m just scared, I’m hurt, I don’t know what to do in life. There’s nothing I can do properly.”
You let him go and wiped his tears away. When you were going to grab the tissue, you touched his right arm and he shouted in pain.
“Hanbin-ah, what’s wrong?”
You looked at him with your suspicious look.
“Open that hoodie for me.”
He looked at you with his teary eyes, “I’m really okay.”
“I said open it.” You helped him took off his hoodie. A big and purple but still red from blood bruise appeared.
You can feel your eyes get wet and you cried as you took the medicine.
“Why are you crying? You’re a strong girl this is the first time I saw you cry…. Like this…..” Hanbin looked at you, puzzled.
You quietly put the medicine and wrap him with gauze. Slowly, lovingly, you felt your heart hurt so bad.
“First of all, you’re not what others tell you. It’s your Dad’s past, people made mistakes. That’s life. Your family apologized, those people should receive it though.”
“Second, you’re an amazing human being. I cannot describe it because it’ll take forever to explain how amazing and wonderful you are. Kim Hanbin.”
“Third,” He wipe your tears from your cheeks.
“Please don’t get hurt.” You touched his face.
“I don’t know this feeling. But I’m 1000000% sure that I can’t live without you.” Hanbin said to you as he held your hands.
“You’re the reason why I feel so energized and happy yet safe every single day. To go to college, I feel like I have my number one fan and I SHOULD make her proud because she’s amazing.”
“But what do I do? I’m just a failure, I have nothing to be proud about. And look at you, look at how perfect you are with that brain of yours that can write a book that inspired me so much and—“
You kissed him to stop him from talking.
You told him, “Even when karma ever being a total bitch and hits you, I’m going to be there for you. I’m going to stay beside you. We’re going through that thing together. I swear to God.”
Hanbin can’t keep his tears at his eyes, “Even when I have nothing?”
“Even when you’re being the stupid Kim Hanbin, even when you’re nothing. This is a promise.” You played with his hair as you put your legs inside Hanbin’s and he continue to stroking your thigh.
“You made me feel safe, you made me feel amazing.”
“Because you really are amazing, you stupid.” You slapped him and kissed him.
“I love you when you’re being like this. Fuck the company. I love you, I’ll protect you til the end of my life. Please wait for me.”
“Hhhh, this cheesy stupid romancisct.” He began to kiss your neck and…
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Can you write a "home is where the heart is" part 2? I loved it!! Thank you, love
Home Is Where The Heart Is
Masterlist // PT1
Everything feltweird to you, nothing had changed since you were away, not even theneighbours. It was surreal and you found yourself doing things youdid as a kid, waking up around ten, get ready for the day beforeheading over to the Hoods house. Calum would sit on the edge of thecouch every morning, taking quick glances through the window to seeif he could spot you walking past just so he could be the one to openthe door and be the first one to greet you with a smile and hug. MrsHood would urge you to come into the kitchen where the rest of hisfamily would sit around the table, eating breakfast and talking aboutwhat they’d do for the day, asking questions and cracking jokes,you’d laugh along, joining in as if nothing had changed. It waslike you were still kids, swinging your legs as you sat on the edgeof the seat because your feet were just that little bit shorter,stuffing yourselves with fluffy pancakes and washing them down withorange juice, sometimes challenging each other to see who couldfinish first, Calum still always one of course, you’d get a stomachache halfway through and have to sit listening to his cheers ofvictory whilst Mr Hood simply shook his head, trying to hide a smile,Mali couldn’t contain her laughter, letting the sound drift throughthe house causing everyone else to follow in toe. There was alwayssomething about that house that just brought joy to even the worstdays.
Aweek went by, spent with justCalum, exploring your own home and finding the old parks had beendone-up. Hours past as you sat on the swing sets with him by yourside, feet planted firmly on the ground as your legs pushed you backand forth lightly, listening to every letter that fell from his lipsas he filled you in on everything going on with his life, it wasmostly the stuff he hadn’t told anyone else because he’d neverfelt as close to someone as he did with you and of course you feltthe same. Taking in turns to fill each other in on what felt likelife changing events, past relationships, the ups and downs of schooland everything in between. Everything felt right in those momentsuntil the words you always dreaded fell from his lips, turning yourwhole world upside down “so yeah, now I have a girlfriend” yourheart sank and your smile dropped for a second, looking to the flooryou swallowed the lump in your throat, forcing the corners of yourlips to raise again you looked back up at him “that’s great news,I can’t wait to meet the lucky girl” you lied, adding a playfulnudge to make it more believable. Thetruth was, coming home and spending time with him made you realizeyou’ve been in love with him this whole time but he clearly didn’tsee you as more than a best friend since he had a girlfriend and thatcrushed you inside. “Hey, Cal!” a loud voice echoed through thepark as both your heads turned behind you to find three tall guys,dressed in black, making there way towards you too, your heart racedas he smiled at them before looking back at you. Wanting any excuseto leave you stood to your feet, grabbing your things in a hurry ashe looked to you with a face of confusion “I er” you looked atthe three guys quickly approaching before back to Calum “I said I’dhelp my mum with some stuff around the house so I’ll see you later”you smiled, taking a few steps backwards as he blinked, not fullyaware of what was going on “okay, I’ll see you tomorrow?” itwas more of a question but you nodded regardless before turningaround and making a swift exit out of the other side of the park,ignoring the calls from his friends, asking you to come back.
Theworld felt like it was crumbling down around you as his words spunaround in your head I have a girlfriend, itwas taunting you, making you want to scream to block out the soundbut every time you closed your eyes all you saw was his fingersinterlocked with someone else. Nobody deserved Calum or appreciatedhim like you did, not the way the corner of his eyes crinkled up whenhe smiled or how his dimples shined through, not the passion in hisvoice when he spoke about his love for the bass or just music ingeneral. He deserved the world and someone who could at least try andgive him it, you thought you were the only one who could do that butyou were wrong, as time went on you slowly drifted apart, the onlytime you spent together was spent talking about how incredible hisgirlfriend was and you had to sit there and listen with a smile as itkilled you inside. Day by day you stopped going over to the Hoodhouse, being there soon felt wrong, almost like you were intruding,his girlfriend should be the one sat at the table not you, she shouldbe joining in on the laughter not you. Calum continued to sit on theedge of the couch each morning, knee bouncing as he waited for yourarrival that sometimes never came, he couldn’t understand whathappened but was too afraid to ask. Mrs Hood watched as her son satwatching the clock tick away, refusing to do anything but wait untilyou arrived, not wanting you to miss another second of the fun times.He stopped eating, seeing his friends and his girlfriend in fear thatif he moved, even for a minute he’d miss you but after while andsome convincing he stopped waiting and went back to his old ways butthe light in his eyes fizzled out because you were the one who put itthere, he was never the same after that, less passionate and lost theskip in his step just like you but neither of you dare to confrontthe other so you just moved on and moved away from each other,searching for the missing piece of the puzzle that brought sunshineon even the worst days. It slowly killed you but there was nothingyou could do. Not everyone can keep there soulmate.
I know the ending is kinda sucky but I was listening to Somebody Else - The 1975 and I ended up getting hella sad and confused about stuff! So I’m sorry it sucks! But I hope you enjoyed! And thank you for requesting my lovely! x
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jumperlink2-blog · 5 years
But seriously, I am sick of it too. Such a drag.
So basically as you guys know, I had double jaw surgery about 4-ish years ago. Well, recently I realized that my lymphatic system in my face wasn’t draining properly- this was causing me to swell up like a balloon any time I stepped on a plane, traveled to higher altitude, &/or drank too much alcohol. Even salt! Like forget it- one too many grams of salt & I was immediately Fat Bastard.
I was over it. Personally, I became convinced that the reason I was swelling so much was because of the screws & plates in my face. I mean it can’t be GOOD for you to have metal in your face blocking your flow. My acupuncturist told me this too- he said the screws/plates from double jaw surgery were JUST BAD. Especially because it goes against everything Chinese medicine says.
So I said to myself “fuck it- I want this shit out!”
If you can’t tell, when I get my head stuck on something, I get my head stuck on something. I couldn’t let it go.
So I found a jaw surgeon in LA ( as you know we recently moved from San Diego to Los Angeles ) & immediately booked an appointment. It all went well. We didn’t remove every single screw but the majority of them. Immediately after surgery I SWELLED RIGHT THE FUCK UP. Which is to be expected- it happens after an invasive surgery. But now, 3 weeks later, I am feeling better…& I should add: more contoured & less swollen than before the surgery. WHICH WE LOVE.
You could definitely say it was a success…& I am convinced my theory was right.
Anyway, so that’s my jaw drama. & while we are at it- let’s talk tips to fight inflammation because boy I am the fucking queen of that. AHEM:
♡ Watermelon juice!!!
Watermelon juice was my main request because it’s non-acidic. I like to add a TON of lime too. Lime is acidic but turns alkaline in the body. So watermelon x lime is just fucking gold. I’ve been chugging it like a sorority sister chugs Jungle Juice at a frat mixer. Watermelon juice is just perfect in every way. Go for the juicy red flesh at the center of a watermelon because it’s the only nutrient-rich area, forget the white part. The white part sucks, kinda. Some other benefits: watermelon is great for blood flow, it’s anti-inflammatory ( perfect for surgery ), & has TONS of vitamins and minerals. ALSO IT’S A DIURETIC. Cleans you out. Bottoms up!
♡ Next up, Mr. raw coconut juice.
I like this baby for its electrolytes. Raw coconut water is filled with electrolytes which REALLY boosts hydration. Hydration is key in sickness recovery. I always search for the pink coconut waters because supposedly they contain more antioxidants. This one is my favorite brand by far! Love it when it’s a baby pink mixture ( this happens only sometimes depending on the coconuts they get ).
♡ Heyyyy Kefir!
Since I had to take some more antibiotics for this surgery, I needed something with probiotics to coat my stomach. This kefir smoothie makes all the difference. Kefir is a whole different blog post but basically it’s “a sour-tasting drink made from cow’s milk fermented with certain bacteria. Also, a great source of probiotic bacteria and yeast, and requires daily maintenance, if using milk kefir grains. It is generally more sour in flavor and of a pourable consistency. Milk kefir may also be used in many, many recipes.” When I take antibiotics I ALWAYS balance it out with a probiotic. This is why kefir is amaze; it balances the antibiotic out by promoting good bacteria. This smoothie is simple. Nothing crazy because I definitely don’t want to shock my system.
♡♡♡ TSC Kefir Probiotic Smoothie
1 banana 1 cup kefir Handful of kale 1 splash almond milk Handful of ice Top with cinnamon ( << an anti-inflammatory )
Directions: blend. Garnish with cinnamon & cheers!
♡ Now let’s talk about liquid gold!
A full blown Vitamin C juice!! My favorite…orange/carrot/ginger/turmeric. SO healing for the system when you’re in recovery ( or on any day ). The orange relieves constipation, is full of potassium, & again, turns alkaline in the system ( so it’s essentially NON acidic ). The crunchy powerfood carrot does wonders: they’re full of fiber & literally flush nasty-ass toxins from the body. SO cleansing. Ginger, one of my favorites, is a real life saver because it takes away nausea. And typically surgery brings on nausea, yuck. Ginger also reduces gas, has a warming effect, & stimulates circulation. Lastly turmeric root!!! My home girl. Turmeric ( like real turmeric. Ever seen it at the grocery store? It looks like a sick bug. You can actually buy it online too ) is the shit in juices. Turmeric root is INSANE for inflammation. I’ve been shooting it in shot glasses #rebel.
Here’s the deal. I’ve been doing ice facials since Sonja Morgan from RHONY recommended them after a brutal hangover circa 2014-ish when noble Countess Luann was yelling at Heather Yummie Tummie about being ‘uncool.’ It really wasn’t until my brutal jaw surgery that I discovered the IT beauty tip of 2016 ( AKA MY LIFE LINE ). IT FIGHTS INFLAMMATION- I DO IT EVERY MORNING. TRUST ME.
Let me set the scene, years ago: I was actively perusing Amazon ( SHOCKING, this is something I do on the regular ) & was searching ‘jaw surgery book.’ Weirdly, an ice roller popped up.
So I was like, “umm, yes. This will make life easier PLUS give me a little lymphatic drainage while I’m rolling downward on my swollen jaw.”
Added to cart……..& then shit, the rest is history.
Not only did I fall absolutely HEAD OVER HEELS in love with my ice roller ( I use the white roller with a blue handle ), I also entered into a committed relationship with my ice roller. Like I said: I use it every ( EVERY ) day, once sometimes twice a day for as long as it’s cold ( usually 2 to 3 minutes per time ). In fact, I’m grumpy if I don’t get to use it first thing in the AM! Bye swelling.
♡ Lastly: TEA.
This one isn’t really too healthy but it’s keeping me refreshed. I get a large Starbucks iced green tea with two splashes of passion fruit & no sweetener. Obviously this isn’t like organic, homegrown, gold star tea BUT it’s cold on my throat & feels good plus it forces me to drink more water. And well, I just like it. Also, I’ve definitely been sneaking some mint chocolate chip ice cream because ‘help me, I’m sick.’ If you’re so healthy, lucky you, drink organic Numi green tea & skip the iced Starbucks.
♡ Oh, & another one not pictured:
I HAVE BEEN CHUGGING OWL VENICE BONE BROTH IN DISGUSTING AMOUNTS. I’ve been told it’s the best thing you can put in your system BEFORE & AFTER surgery. I add lemon & seriously GULP, GULP, GULP. A post on the broth can be found here.
ALSO: using Valor oil, taking massive amounts of arnica & turmeric ( I AM OBSESSED WITH TRUVANI’S TURMERIC TABLETS because they’re real deal turmeric with black pepper- I take them all the time ), using TONS OF ICE for ice facials ( which has helped me the most, especially this specific ice roller ), dry brushing, detoxing, juicing, applying real aloe vera/raw coconut oil, & also I’m really trying to avoid salt. ANY OTHER TIPS? Please share.
Before we go I also want to discuss pros of having double surgery in the first place because it seems like it’s been an on-going thing. Also this is important because I receive a lot of DM’s on questions about the initial surgery:
+ I feel balanced now. I felt out of whack/alignment for my whole life. Towards the end I started to get used to being uncomfortable. Now I feel at peace. This is me now ( still have a long way to go, but this is without photo editing & no makeup- you can’t edit on Snapchat ). Swollen still, but coming down.
+ I haven’t been grinding my teeth AT ALL. This is huge for me because I’ve been grinding my teeth every night of my life to the point where Michael couldn’t sleep.
+ I haven’t snored once. This is another big one because I sounded like a freaking wildebeest when I was sleeping. Now I sleep like a baby without waking up in the middle of night…& Michael can sleep peacefully. This is AMAZING.
+ My bite fits together. Before I could only chew on one side of my mouth & my bite never fit together. Now my teeth fit together like a perfect puzzle piece & my mid-line is on point.
+ No more headaches, cracking my neck, or anxiety around my neck. I would also try to fix my bite myself by holding my jaw in the proper place. Because the issue was skeletal, it put major anxiety in my shoulders & neck. This feeling is gone, gone, gone.
+ Michael has literally seen me at my lowest point looks-wise, so I’m thinking he’s a keeper….LOL.
+ Lastly, my cheekbones look a little higher. A vain plus, but hey it’s a plus.
So that’s that. Thought I would share the process with you guys because you know I like to get specific.
I am off to eat a sourdough peanut butter & jelly sandwich because I got food poisoning last night. The culprit was either bad shrimp or bad cauliflower rice- you decide. If anyone has any food poisoning tips, I am all ears because man, do I feel queasy. Like I said- it’s always something! LOL.
HOPE YOU’RE ALL HAVING A PRODUCTIVE WEEK. See you tomorrow, lauryn x
+ to read more about my jaw surgery experience check out my other jaw surgery posts: still swollen | jaw surgery | finding energy after surgery
++ for more posts on how to recover from jaw surgery: facial massage | Gua Sha | cryotherapy | how to lymphatic drainage
Source: https://www.theskinnyconfidential.com/double-jaw-surgery/
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