#yandere swindler
midnightlee25 · 1 year
Akudama Drive Yandere Mood boards: Swindler, Doctor, Cutthroat, Brawler
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dullahandyke · 1 year
ok im getting off akudrive side of the internet
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ataraxiaspainting · 11 months
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Yan Chrollo x GN Reader.
Synopsis: Chrollo is many things; annoying, chatty, selfish, petty. Especially petty.
Warnings: Yandere themes and kidnapping.
Word Count: 700.
“Petty, much?”
The damn devil doesn’t even turn to look at you. Instead, he turns to the next chapter of his book, a book large enough to easily force you or any other ordinary person into a yearlong coma if it hits your head. His humming physically hurts your ears and almost makes their drums burst, you are sure of it. You would much rather listen to his trill sonata from a gramophone and disc that is at least five times your age.
You cannot find the stuffed animal you normally sleep with. You have been looking all day while this clone of the antichrist just sits and reads in whatever the hell that language on the dusty cover is. You wouldn’t be surprised if he had made it himself, it’s only further proof that he is just an old man on the inside. Or at least half; the other part may as well be a toddler throwing a tantrum. 
Maybe less than half, now that you think about it. That plush was a gift from Chrollo to you, after all, a symbol of how adorable you are or something else in that vein that made his face all the more punchable. The bunny made for a good pillow and could be used as a sort of wall whenever the epitome of hell lays on the bed beside you, trying to converse or cuddle with you. 
It certainly yielded better results than biting, kicking, and hitting him at least. Your knuckles and palms still sometimes hurt. Ow. His flesh is made of iron, you know it. Maybe you should dare him to get his DNA tested to ensure that he is indeed human before speaking with you again. 
You could fake an allergic reaction to automatons perhaps. Even though you were never a drama kid in school you think you can still pull it off. 
You can craft yourself an Emmy using what remains of your old art supplies, though that would require having Chrollo cut the papers and cardboard for you. You bet that if he is a robot, he will eventually use up all his battery by chatting away and then shutting down. 
“What are you, a kindergartener?” You move closer to his unholy throne, stomping with each step forward. “Stop acting like you are eight, you swindler, and give it back.”
It would be easier that way if he went unconscious because of his powerless charge. 
If you are feeling particularly sadistic you could use electric shocks on his unconscious tin can of a body until it explodes. It would be a great thing, the sound. Like fireworks, if you avoid getting stabbed by tiny slabs of hot metal.
“Kindergarteners are ages five to six.” You could picture dreaming of it now if you can go to sleep tonight. “Eight-year-olds are typically in the grades second and third.”
“So you do admit to stealing it, then. This trial has now concluded, you have been sentenced to life without parole.”
You can hear a slight chuckle that makes you want to fall down the stairs while playing jump rope. Anything to make sure you never hear it again. “You get points for effort, darling. That wasn’t a confession, I was just correcting your utterly adorable libel.”
“Don’t talk like that to your judge, you larcenist.”
“I see you have been reading the books I have given you.”
You grumble a curse under your breath as you walk a bit closer. “It is amazing what the human mind can remember from a dictionary when there is nothing better to do. I think if I ever see my literary teacher again she’d be impressed. I’d pass with flying colors if I ever had to retake her class.”
At the sight of your laid-out hand, a slight frown appears on Chrollo’s face. “Being polite never hurt anyone, you know.”
You scoff and cross your arms, not looking at him anymore. “It hurts me every time I say anything to you instead of trying to find out how to give you enough papercuts to make you internally bleed.” 
Underneath the table, you can see the rabbit plush, and crouch down to grab it.
“Take this as an act of precaution then; don’t test my limits, dear.” As soon as you look into his eyes, hugging the stuffed animal, you look away as you see what lies beneath the surface once more. 
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yandere-sins · 2 years
Prisoner #002
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a/n: I cut off your question at the end, but you did everything right, just maybe for the future try not to space out the ask so much, it’s a little impractical for me since it takes up a lot of space. You can condense your request, that is perfectly fine with me ^-^
Fandom: Genshin Impact     Pairings: Yandere!Prisoner!Childe x GN!Reader Warnings: Yandere, Sexual Content (Flirting, Kissing, Grinding, Dub-Con Activities, Innuendos, Nicknames, Mention of arousal, Hickies, Childe being a little too horny for the reader, Mentioning of sucking someone off, Rewarding actions with sexual acts, Mentioning of gore-y sex, Forced Relationship), Violence (Too many death mentions, Childe is a serial unaliver, Mentioning of gang activities, BLOOD MENTION, Mentioning of wounds, Biting, A fistfight, Talks about dismemberment and torture, Threats, Childe is a little crazy), Long post, Swear words
[Prison Project Introduction & How to request | Pinterest Moodboard]
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"Woah there, Sunshine!"
Of course. It was just your luck that running from one psycho forced you into the arms of another, his hands covered in scars as he wrapped them around your arms, holding you in place with too much ease for your comfort. Your face still hurt from crashing into a wall, trying to dodge the fist swinging at you the moment the guard left you alone with your new roomie who was definitely out for more blood after killing your predecessor.
Luckily, you had picked up some skills here and there, running from various other people before you were finally caught. Some may think identity fraud was just being a scammer or a credit card swindler. But to you, it had always been so much more. You stole IDs from dead bodies to make another gamble with a new life in a new city, convinced gangs and police that you were on their side, and when it became too much, you ran, hid, and assumed a new identity, took the money out of the hands of people that trusted you, and started all over again.
It was fun as long as it lasted, but this man holding you in an iron grip was the first indication that your fun was about to end.
His eyes scanned over you, and catching his gaze, you felt a familiar cold shudder run down your spine. It was the same reaction you always had when looking into the face of a killer. You had met people like him before. Lifeless, empty husks that could only be filled with blood and the screams of their victims. Nothing else moved them anymore. Only with violence would they revert back into a human, cruelty the only thing that could rattle these bones.
You had always hated the enforcers of the gangs you met, their presence enough to kill the mood real fast. They were amongst the creepiest people you had to deal with, even though they only bothered you when your identity scam came to light. It was never even personal for either of you. Just a boss that wanted to see you dead, and the enforcers going to great lengths to achieve that, always just one step behind you. They had no pride, joy, empathy, or understanding to share with you.
"Let go," you demanded, this one not being someone out for your head yet. If he was any bit like the others, he'd have no business with you unless someone asked him to put your head on a silver plate. That could become a problem in the future. However, he surprised you with a smile on his face, masking his lifelessness under fake playfulness that you didn't expect from such a person.
"Sure thing if you give me a name."
"A name?"
Whose name? Yours? Did you even remember your real name after all the identities you had worn over the years?
"Why would I give you my name?"
Lips curling into a grin, you jerked away when he let go of one of your arms, but he merely chuckled as he reached for your face instead. Still caught in escape mode, your instinct was to keep fighting him, your frantic mind wondering how one person could be so strong when you were throwing your whole body into a backward movement. But when he finally gripped your chin, pressing his thumb into the left corner of your mouth, you flinched. Hard.
"I'm not asking for yours—yet. But you gotta tell me whose face to bruise if you want me to take care of the person that hurt you."
Pulling his hand away, you saw the blood inking his fingertip. But just as quickly as it appeared, it disappeared under his tongue as he licked it off, your gut clenching in disgust. "My cellmate," you pressed out through clenched teeth, feeling yourself grimace while you couldn't look away from this guy. He definitely looked exactly the same way as the killers you met before. However, this one here seemed to still have some sanity left to act on his own devices, which was perhaps even more dangerous. "I don't know his name."
"That's fine. You can just tell me which cell it is."
"Wait, what? I'm not going back there! I'd rather-- Hey--?!"
You were wholly unprepared for this red-haired, blue-eyed monster to pick you up with a gleeful laugh before announcing, "Off we go!" as he walked back in the direction you had come from.
"Let me down!" you screamed, but he just kept chuckling to himself, restraining your kicking legs with an arm wrapped around them, and you could feel his head shaking against your thigh.
"And miss the show? I don't think so. I don't think so..."
His last repeat was a mere whisper, but you could hear the ominous grin in his voice. You had no idea what he was going to do, and looking at him, even while knowing how strong his grip had been on you, you didn't think he'd have much chance against your cellmate, whose build was so much more bulky and resilient. And now you were brought back to the hell hole you ran from.
Caught for the first time in your life.
«──────── 🗡♡ ︎𓍝 ────────»
You thought you had seen it all.
Fights, blood, death.
But it was nothing compared to the sight before you.
With his bare hands, this spunky bastard made a puddle out of your... former... cellmate. There wasn't much to say aside from what ended up on your floor could have been a body... or minced meat. He didn't leave the fight unscathed, receiving some mean blows as he punched your roommate into a groaning mess, but perhaps the most disturbing thing about it was the never-ceasing smile on his face. He was definitely having fun.
"Hah..." With a satisfied sigh, the lunatic straightened his back and rolled his shoulders, letting his neck pop on each side as if he had just done a good workout. It had looked much more like a dance of death than anything else, captivating and yet too gruesome to look. Then, he turned to you. At the first sight of the fistfight, you should have gotten a grip and ran away, but with the crowd that had collected outside your cell door, standing silently as they watched one of theirs getting beaten into a pulp, it had been almost impossible to leave.
No less because, for some reason, you couldn't take your eyes off your unlikely protector even when blood disgraced his boyish features. The excitement that had come over him was fleeting, changing his eyes back into a much duller color until they found you across the room.
Brightening up again, he took a few strides towards you, and you held your breath, pressing into the wall in your back, almost fearing you were the next one experiencing what excitement meant to this maniac. However, before he could reach you, his expression changed, scrunching into what seemed like pain. He fell forward, catching himself by smashing his arm into the wall above your head, holding himself just inches away from you.
The position was almost suave if not for his free hand gripping his side as the pain manifested even stronger on his face, though he tried to mask it, once again, with a smile. "How was I?" he asked, and you were too stunned to understand his question. Splatters of blood had covered his front in a lot more red than even the orange of his overalls, and though he was clearly hurt, he was asking you... how he was?
"Did I do a good job avenging you?" he chuckled, apparently reading you like an open book.
Your eyes darted over to the worse-off prisoner, and you gave a half-hearted nod, feeling somewhere between disgusted and impressed. "Nevermind," the guy in front of you said sharply, snaking his arm around your neck. For a split second, you caught the emotionless eyes of a killer on him again, but when you met his gaze with yours, they almost changed back to those of a human.
"Help me to the infirmary, will you?" he asked, lowering his voice so not everyone could pry into your conversation before putting on a mask quicker than even you could and grinning over the pain. Well, you didn't plan on staying in your cell anyway, and another glance at the beaten prisoner on the floor confirmed that you'd rather not be here when he was found.
"Sure," you agreed, allowing him to shift his weight on you while you turned to the door. The crowd of onlookers let out soft murmurs and gasps but immediately stepped aside. You were surprised for a moment, remembering the same faces having ridiculed and mocked you just minutes ago when you had entered the prison. Of course, they weren't showing respect to you, but that thought only came to you much later.
"And your name," the man hanging on to you for dear life demanded chipperly. You glared at him from the corners of your eyes, but he gave you a surprised expression as if to say, "Why not?"
"It's [Name]," you finally relented, your own name leaving an icky feeling on your tongue. You discarded it for so long, only hearing it again at your trials and now having to hear it from your own mouth. "What's yours?"
He let out a wolf whistle which you glared at him for, but he only laughed about your attempts to intimidate, clearly not taking you seriously. "Call me Childe," he replied. Childe, the man with no fear, grinned from ear to ear as you nodded in acknowledgment, helping him drag his body to the infirmary.
«──────── 🗡♡ ︎𓍝 ────────»
It was just a short, somewhat awkward showcase of thankfulness from you, but when you finally settled Childe on a clean bed with fluffy white sheets in a room cleaner than anywhere else in the facility, you had had enough time to realize he really stuck his head out for you for no reason. All of a sudden, you felt bad seeing him beaten up like this, groaning as he leaned back into a soft pillow, looking pretty pale by now. The way to the infirmary hadn't exactly been challenging, but he seemed very worn out by now, which you couldn't blame him for.
"Anytime, Sunny." Nevermind, he was back to grinning the second he heard what you said, looking no day past his prime as he wiggled his eyebrows at you. Charming.
"Don't call me that."
"Aww... and here I thought we were getting closer."
"That's not even the point--"
"AJAX! What did I tell you about getting into fights?! Don't come here after getting your ass kicked--!"
A booming voice interrupted you, and you snapped around, alerted, only feeling Childe's fingers wrap around your wrist when he pulled you closer to the bed. Your eyes met those of a tiny, old woman, having no bedside manner, apparently. However, when she saw you, she stopped ranting even though it sounded as if she was ready to let down a tirade of reprimands on your savior.
"It's good to see you, too!" Childe laughed awkwardly, and you felt his grip tighten a little, drawing your attention back to him. He caught your gaze head-on, not even inclined to look at the nurse that had just come in. She huffed, and it made you feel like you—as the reason for this visit—were the one at fault.
"He tried to defend me," you spoke up, giving him a nod, signaling you had his back. His lips parted, surprise dashing over his expression, but the nurse spoke up before he could add to your words.
"Don't try to lie for him. He constantly gets into fights. When he sees an opportunity, he takes it."
For some reason, that stung. Up until now, you had thought he was some crazy guy getting mad on your behalf. However, if her words were true, you had just been an opportunity for him to fulfill his violent tendencies. Way to go, feeling special and then getting crushed again. The you—the real one—you currently were simply wasn't that remarkable of a presence. That's why you had always preferred to be anyone but yourself.
The nurse proceeded with some tests, pushing into his abdomen until Childe was hissing and doubling over, and giving him some pills to swallow before patching up some lacerations you hadn't even seen under all the blood from the other guy. You watched, unsure what you could do to help. At some point, Childe slipped his hand into yours, allowing him to squeeze it when he felt pain, but he never did. He only held it, gently so, occasionally playing with your fingers when he answered the nurse's questions.
"Stop getting into fights," she warned him, wagging her finger at him. "I don't want to see you here anymore and take up my beds and time, you villain."
Watching her go, you whispered, "She's feisty," after she left, too scared to say your thoughts out loud.
"I know, she's great," Childe replied, moving around until he felt more comfortable with his position.
"She called you Ajax."
For the first time since you met him, he didn't reply to you wittily. He didn't reply at all. Shifting on your seat next to his bed, you checked if he had fallen asleep, but his eyes were wide open, unblinking as he stared at the ceiling. "So she did..."
His head turned back to you, these unreadable, dead eyes scanning you up and down until they landed on your face, his gaze softening a little when you cocked your head to the side questioningly. "I go by a few names, but you can call me whatever you want. Childe, Ajax, Tartaglia, Baby, Beloved, Daddy..."
"Okay, stop it," you huffed, pinching his forearm playfully, unable to hold back the hint of a smile dancing across your features. However, he winced at your touch, and you jumped up, hovering above him and intending to apologize for hurting him. But once you stood above him, his mischievous grin returned, and you rolled your eyes, realizing you had fallen for his trap.
Not letting you go this quickly, he cupped your face, his smile remaining even though his expression grew serious. "You defended me," he mumbled, thumb tracing your cheekbone as he followed the movement with his eyes. "No one ever did that before."
"Defend you? Back with the nurse?" you questioned, unable to believe that no one would have ever stuck up for him. "What about your family, didn't they--?"
His answer was as brief as it seemed truthful, brows furrowing in what seemed like a mix of anger and betrayal. "That's rough, Ajax," you mumbled, feeling bad for him. Sure, he was the strangest stranger you could have thought to encounter in these damned halls, but even if he chose a very bad way to solve problems, he did it for you.
Seeing your concern, he lightened up, giving an easy-going shrug to ease your mind. "They weren't a fan of my arrest. But that's my fault for not being more careful and getting caught."
"Caught doing what?" Did you even want to know?
"Cutting up the bodies of people who... got in the way."
Sighing, you should have anticipated that kind of answer by now. It was your own curiosity's fault for asking.
"Sheesh," you blew out, and his expression turned from chipper as he talked about dismemberment to worried.
"Do you hate me now?"
You had met a lot of people in your life. Living so many different lives, you were bound to meet a new set of faces in every new role you jumped into. But by method of elimination, Childe was definitely the weirdest of all of them. He could be violent, heartless, and completely detached from reality in one moment, flirting and laughing the next, and then turn into a punished puppy without so much as a warning.
"I'm... not sure. I don't think so, no."
"I beat someone up for you?" he tried to incite, and honestly, you couldn't help but laugh as he attempted the eyebrow wiggle again, failing miserably.
"That's true. I guess you are pretty... nice. In your own way. So, no. I don't hate you."
A bright, sparkling grin captured his lips, making him look childishly excited about what you said. "That's good! Really good! Remember that for after what I'm going to do now."
Next thing you knew, he pulled you down, pushing himself up to kiss you. Too stunned to react, you stood there, eyes wide open, while you felt his tongue press through your lips, the unpleasant taste of blood spreading in your mouth. And then, as if to fit you to him, he bit down, lavishing in your soft lips being mauled with a blush on his cheeks. The pain made you jolt awake, and you tore away from him, clasping your hand over your mouth. At least, that was your attention. The reality was his fingers tangled in your hair, not allowing you one inch away from him.
"You bastard--" you hissed, only to get interrupted by his eyes turning lifeless again and his voice a calm, collected whisper, only meant for your ears.
"Do you want to get out?"
"Do you. Want to. Escape."
Hesitating, you stared into these dead blue eyes of his, wondering what might be going on in this crazy brain. "What if I do?"
He grinned.
"I know a way, and you can help me with my plan. I know you have experience in becoming someone completely different when needed. Together we'd be unstoppable. The brain and the brawn."
"Why should I trust you?" There was honestly nothing that would have made Childe trustworthy, even after you sympathized with him on occasion. He said he had a plan, but without hearing it, you had no idea if it was even worth your time. Much less if he wasn't a damn snitch trying to butter you up so the court could turn your sentence into a much harsher one.
"You know I have family. I am desperate to get out and leave this craphole behind. I've been here far longer and did much worse things than you could ever imagine. No one will touch you when they think you belong to me, and we can make it out without interruptions. Look, I am so desperate, I'll even team up with a nobody like you. Isn't that proof enough?"
He didn't have to word it like that, making an unnecessary dig at you, even though he had a point. And even with his eyes dead like a fish on a dinner plate, his voice sounded nothing like a deceiving lure just to betray you later.
"Let's try it then. What's the plan?"
Oh, he liked the sound of that, his grin spreading further. "Kiss me," Childe instructed, and you felt your facial expression derailing into disbelief.
"No!" you complained, keeping your voice low even though he rolled his eyes as if you were the dramatic one.
"You want them to believe you're with me? Better give them a show they can't deny."
"No one can see us here!"
"They want you to think that. Didn't you see the cameras?"
You knew you couldn't look away from Childe's eyes, or else the plan would be over before it began. "And why are we pretending in front of the guards?" you grumbled, still not very on board with his secret "masterplan."
"I can only keep you safe because they are all afraid of me. Besides, guards have rats. Rats spread rumors like the pest. Historically proven." With another sly grin, you felt like he was mocking you by now.
"I hate it when you're smug like that."
“Ah-ah, remember? No hating me.”
"Just your smugness."
"Well then, kissing me shouldn't be so hard."
"Fuck you," you hissed, leaning forward to sink your lips into his.
"Feel free when you feel like it," he mumbled into the kiss before returning it even more passionately. He pulled you further and further on top of him until you had to sit on the bed by his side. Only then did he finally stop restraining you, hands wandering down your body until they gripped your hips.
You wouldn't lose, you promised yourself. Whether this was a necessary point to make to anyone or not, you accepted his challenge, allowing him to help you further up on the bed and climbing on top of him, straddling his thighs, and digging your fingers into his side. Childe hissed in pain, opening his eyes to glare at you. Now it was your turn to grin. Instead of retaliating, however, he urged you to bare your neck to him, deciding to sink his teeth into the skin there instead of your lips.
A moan escaped you as he suckled the spot, leaving his mark on you, and you couldn't help but grind your hips into his, causing the same reaction from him. You two were like fire and water, incompatible. But you were making it work, one way or another.
"Will you two stop! What are you? Horny teenagers?!"
A familiar voice finally snapped you both out of your showcase of competitive affection, and you clambered off his lap quickly as the nurse stormed back into the room. Feeling very ashamed, you were at least sure this was enough showcasing to proceed with his plan. "If you feel good enough to fuck, get out of my infirmary!" she scolded Childe, and he raised his hands into the air, slowly getting up while trying not to agitate his wounds. Holding his hand out to you, you hesitated at first before taking it, his fingers immediately entangling with yours as he hummed, satisfied with your reaction.
"Thanks for patching me up!" he chimed as he hurriedly led you out of the infirmary, and you bowed your head briefly to the nurse before disappearing through the door. However, no one awaited you outside. It was only you and Childe who wasted no time pulling you around a corner.
"I think we're good, no need to continue," you mumbled, pushing him away as he caged you between his arms.
"What? You think I'll stop after that show inside?" he scoffed, and you felt your mood tipping over from barely accepting his menace into disgust.
"Well, we're partners. Don't you think you should give me at least a tiny bit of respect?"
"Oh, I will when the time comes."
That wasn't the answer you expected. Humming in approval, you nodded, believing what he said a little too quickly. His grin couldn't mean anything good. You had learned that by now.
"You defended me and joined my escape plan, but I need one more thing from you."
"What is it?" Slowly, he was getting on your nerves.
"You still need to reward me for my 'help' in your cell."
"You mean for beating someone up who tried to punch me? Thanks... again."
"That will not nearly be enough."
For a moment, silence raked through the sparse space between your bodies. You were almost too scared to ask, knowing how unpredictable he was. "So what--"
"You can start on your knees."
"You are not serious."
Fingers wrapping around your throat, your air supply was immediately cut off as he gripped tightly. His lips hushed over yours teasingly as you gurgled for dear life, raking your nails over his arm. But Childe didn't care much for your antics, not even when you could feel the pressure starting to affect your senses. He only ever tightened his hold, never releasing it.
"Don't forget who's doing you a favor," he whispered, kissing your lips with gentleness unbefitting of his whispered threats before letting out a longing sigh as he relished in your taste. You felt his thumb grace down your neck, over the spot where he bit you before his nail dug into the flesh right there, pressing until it drew blood. "You've been sweet so far, but you don't want to find out what happens when I lose interest. Got it?"
There was no room for you to nod, but you hoped he could read it in your expression. "Good," he sighed after torturing you for a few silent seconds more before releasing you. You hadn't even noticed that he had lifted you from the ground; only now that you were falling to your knees, coughing and spitting up drool, did you realized how badly you had underestimated his madness. What kind of deal you had made with the devil right in front of you.
His body still caging you in, he leaned over you, pressing your face into his crotch. You felt a sickening throb behind the fabric as he gripped your head from behind, raking his fingers through your hair before pushing you against him. "Be nice, will ya?" Childe asked, and you wanted to scoff, but your body only shuddered, too afraid to offend him now. "I took care of your problems and even allowed you to join my plan. I deserve this, [Name]."
"Please..." you croaked, and Childe hummed in surprise. Sheepishly, you looked up at him, searching for his gaze through your lashes. "Not here... please."
Breathing out a moan, Childe's hold on you grew soft, his hand patting your head instead. Next thing you knew, he leaned down, hoisting you into his arms until you could wrap your legs around him. You definitely felt him flinch, but even if he was hurt, he didn't seem to care.
"Anything for you if you ask nicely, Babe. Let's go to my cell instead."
"Wait! What about your cellmate?"
"I can poke out his eyes and ear drums before taking you on his bed while he bleeds out next to you if you'd prefer that. Didn't take you for such an adventurous little thing."
You knew he was joking. Right? Maybe not...
"I don't have a cellmate," he clarified after watching you gulp, trying to hold down the horror that had built inside you from escaping you.
"Killed that guy, huh?" you chuckled wryly, slowly getting behind this guy's psyche.
"You're finally getting it," Childe hummed, grinning. "I can't wait to let the whole prison hear you scream my name, Sunshine."
"Why does it feel like this is no longer for show?" you whispered, your gaze drifting longingly down the hall to the infirmary, a place that had seemed so cozy and safe while it felt like Childe was dragging you down into the cold darkness that was your reality.
"You tell me, you are the brains of us two."
It never was.
Even when you didn't say it out loud, Childe grinned, reading your mind once again. "Right on the money, Baby."
"Are we still escaping?"
"Why, of course! I want you to meet my family. But I'll have you proof to me that I made the right decision first."
"A decision about what?"
"Not killing you when you ran into me."
You gulped again as you realized all of this could have gone a very different, very drastic way instead, if not for Childe somehow deciding he wanted to take revenge for you. "So why didn't you?" you hissed, suddenly overcome with anxious anger at this situation. What else did you have to lose? He was already kidnapping you and forcing you into a plan only he knew of, and you were almost sure that he'd force you into a lot more messes than just this one.
Stopping in his tracks, Childe let you down, cornering you against the wall in your back. You felt cell bars press into your shoulders, not having noticed you two had already gotten back to the cells. A short glance around confirmed your whereabouts until Childe gripped your chin, focusing your attention back on him.
"I liked the way you looked while bleeding. Then I liked the bite you had when talking to me when no one else dares to speak like that to me anymore in this prison. Then you defended me."
"Wow, so I did everything wrong, eh?"
"Wrong? Oh, no, Darling. More like, you did everything right."
Leaning forward, Childe kissed you again, moaning against your mouth as he felt your teeth graze his lips, relishing in the feeling of your unwillingness to indulge him. Pressing his body to yours, you felt his cock straining tightly against his overall, pulsing with need and only getting hotter as he ground it against your thigh.
"Because I'll get the reward I'm owed first, and when I'm done with you, you'll thank me for all I do for you with the rest of your life."
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Cutthroat: is insanely protective over Swindler for then unknown reasons, down to sacrificing other people for her and chopping his own legs off in order to save her. It’s implied that the “red halo” he sees on her is meant to show his growing feelings for her, but sadly for him, he interprets it as a need to kill her instead, and hunts her down before being killed by her himself.
Zenos: I've never heard a VA so convincingly portray how horny their character is for murder.
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You've probably explained it before because I remember rbing back and forth about it on one of my other accounts, but I've long since forgotten. Out of curiosity, is it okay for me to ask why you wouldn't classify Cutthroat as a yandere?
I don't think I've explained it before? Or if I have, I don't remember.
Of course, I'm not the abritrer of all things, but I personally don't think Cutthroat actually fits the bill as a yandere. I understand the similarities and why he appeals to yandere fans - and of course I have no issue with that, or having him mentioned in correlation to that, I just personally don't think that term is a good fit for him.
Of course I have to acknowledge my bias here that it's not my personal preference to use the term yandere in general. In my personal experience, it was like... One of those terms that I gave a lot of importance to when I was aged 12 and discovering anime, but nowadays using it as part of my regular vocabulary would feel embarrassing. It's a completely personal hang up, I don't think there's an age limit for using that word, that's just how it presents itself to me with my own experience. So I have a very neutral view of the word yandere: I may interest myself in its history, it's baseline definition(s), its iconic characters, etc., but I'm not interacting with people who care about yandere characters so I don't know what is generally accepted, where the lines are drawn, etc., in that fandom. Does that make sense? I'm looking at it from a "I know it but I'm not in the fandom" point of view.
The way I understand and view yandere characters is the baseline "this character presents as sweet and affective to their person of interest, but plot twist! They're a sicko [...]!" I see how Cutthroat shares traits with that, with his weirdly cutesy attitude in contrast to the violence exhibited in Episode 9, and his attachment to Swindler the entire way through. But the thing with Cutthroat that makes him not a yandere in my opinion is the complete lack of plot twist.
Of course there's the tiniest plot twist when it turns out oh, he's really doing it. But what I mean is that Cutthroat is introduced as a serial killer. That is even his name in the original dub. He kills and exhibits violence the entire way through. Moreover, there's no "complete switch in personality" normally exhibited by yandere characters: Cutthroat isn't being all sweet and making cookies for Swindler, only to reveal he can also be completely violent; he's ALWAYS a weirdo. He's ALWAYS the way that he is. He's a little childish and creepy from Episodes 1 through 8 and he continues to behave childishly and of course creepily in Episode 9.
Cutthroat, to me, isn't a yandere character. He's a serial killer character.
I don't know exactly what his deal is... But that's just who he is, and it's pretty plain. I don't think I'm giving a sufficiently thorough explanation of it, but to me he's missing the base of what makes a yandere a yandere. He may have traits in common with them, but he doesn't have the yandere personality, nor the yandere intent. He's just a killer waiting for the right moment to kill his prey. Like the man is a literal predator, not a yandere archetype.
Again I understand that he fits multiple key points that are likely to be attractive to fans of yandere archetypes. (Like literally the intense lover who's a violent murderer is a popular trait of the yandere, even if not the only one.) And for tagging purposes I understand how it makes sense to just put him in that category, especially if you're a fan of the yandere archetype and are going to expand on that in your writing. But if you ask me to cite a character who's a yandere I won't say Cutthroat. I guess I tend to mention it because I wonder if anyone else understands my very specific vision of "having dabbled in a little bit of yandere in the past".
One last aspect is that the yandere archetype is very much linked to women characters. In my opinion for a man character to be considered a yandere he would need to fit the bill very well. I genuinely think its history as a trope for women is way too important to be ignored. I don't think an untrustworthy and violent serial killer guy deserves to be called a yandere too easily because there are many interesting reasons why that archetype was created for girls. Etc. etc.
Thanks for asking though! I was thinking someone may ask me about that soon honestly asjsjaian
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m34gs · 1 year
What are your top 5 favourite platonic relationships in fiction?
Hi friend!!! Thank you for this ask! I'm so excited for this!!!!!! I had to do some errands earlier so I couldn't answer until now, and then when I had time I got so excited I just had to make myself a cup of tea first! So I shall sip my tea as I answer. Prepare for a Ramble. LOL. As usual, I will be listing this from Fifth to First, with my Top Favourite being last. Also, this list is gonna be HIGHLY subjective. :D Warning for potential spoilers ahead!
5th: Bokuto and Hinata, from Haikyuu!! What I like about this relationship is their dynamic. Hinata is enthusiastic and easily excited and Very Energetic. He's like a mini-Bokuto. And Bokuto loves that. Hinata looks up to him and even decides to become his 'disciple'. I love that Hinata continuously cheers for his senpai, and that Bokuto immediately is like "hell yeah! That's my disciple!!" It's very endearing. It's a very wholesome relationship. The reason it is lower on my list is that while I really love it, I also really really really enjoy the (non-canon) potential darker side of this platonic relationship...I have so far written and posted one fanfic where Bokuto kidnaps Shouyou in a bit of a platonic yandere way, and I really really can't let go of that idea to be honest. It's like an itch in my brain. So, if I get back to feeling like writing and posting more for Haikyuu, I may post more Bokuto tormenting Shouyou. :D
4th: Milly and Meryl from Trigun (1998). I absolutely love these two ladies. They kick ass, support each other, and bring me so much joy. Meryl and Milly work for an insurance company, chasing after Vash the Stampede because of the immense damages he caused in a past fight. They are both strong women, in different ways, and they work so well together. Meryl is the one in charge, but she's very high-strung and sometimes loses sight of things outside of work. Milly comes across as airheaded, and she is physically very strong (her gun is 98kg). She's kind and positive and makes a lot of jokes. Where Meryl gives the orders and keeps them on the right track, Milly is the one who reminds Meryl to stop and smell the flowers once in a while. They're amazing girls and they work very hard. I just really love how they encourage each other, listen to each other, and work together so well.
3rd: In third place is Rin Okumura and Izumo Kamiki, from Blue Exorcist. I actually am fond of most platonic relationships involving Izumo because she is such a tsundere and it's really fun and cute to watch her go through trying to act all prickly when she has become actually fond of her fellow exwires. I chose her and Rin, though, because I think this was one of the bigger turning points for Rin. (Spoilers for Kyoto Arc ahead! If you're caught up on the anime, then no worries!)
On the way to Kyoto, Izumo is the only one who approaches and sits next to Rin. And when he asks if she was afraid, as they now know he is the son of Satan, she responds that shouldn't matter. Sure, he's related to a demon, but Izumo points out that lots of Exorcists are. He just happens to be related to Satan. It's the way she is the first one to treat him as a normal classmate after the reveal...the way she also calls out their other classmates for being cowardly when they found out...it screams Friendship. She may pretend she's aloof most of the time, but she really does care, and this is one of my absolute favourite interactions that shows it. In return, Rin is a very caring and eager person. He definitely appreciates Izumo's actions, and it really shows in parts of the manga (of which I will not speak more since I don't want to spoil things for you!).
2nd: Swindler and Courier from Akudama Drive take the second spot! I think their relationship is really interesting. In my opinion, Courier has a bit of an older brother vibe, which immediately makes me very happy. In the show, I think the scene that cemented their relationship in my eyes was the part where they're trapped in the same scenario replaying over and over in their heads. They're trapped in the same scenario: back at the Takoyaki stand. To me, that emphasizes how much they really impacted each other. I also think by the end of the show they have a lot of trust and loyalty to each other. Swindler and Courier had to know. They Had to know that they weren't making it out alive if they tried to save Brother and Sister. There was no storyline where they would get out of that situation safe and sound. But they still did it, and they did it together. That loyalty and devotion doesn't just happen between everyone. I truly believe they had a special connection and friendship by the end, even if they didn't get to enjoy it for long.
1st: My top favourite is: Natsume and Nyanko-sensei from Natsume Yuujinchou (Natsume's Book of Friends). I just really adore the friendship between these two. Nyanko-sensei, aka Madara, comes across at first as a prickly tsundere with a very proud attitude. He's also a yokai. Natsume is a lonely orphan human who is able to see Yokai. At the start, their relationship is built on a mutually beneficial agreement: Natsume has a Book of Friends from his deceased grandmother which holds the names of yokai she defeated in fights. With their names, he can control them. Madara wants to get his paws on that book. The book makes Natsume a target for yokai who want their names back, or who want to control other yokai, as well as humans who would use the book to control all the yokai in it. Basically, they start as Madara agreeing to be Natsume's body-guard and in exchange Natsume will leave the book to Madara when he passes. But, as Natsume spends more and more time around Madara, they both grow attached. This is how we get lovely lines like "Don't eat my prey" from Madara when rescuing Natsume from other yokai, or situations where Madara is wailing like a child as Natsume returns names from the book to yokai, but actually doing nothing to stop Natsume. I adore them so much, because as Madara softens up, Natsume also opens up and learns how to make and have friends and family. They grow together. It's a really beautiful relationship.
There you have it! My current Top Five Favourite platonic relationships in media! (this is subject to change, of course, as I continue to consume new media, lol). Hope you enjoyed these answers, friend! I had fun writing this for you :D
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thatyanderecritic · 2 years
Is cutthroat from akudama drive a yandere?
Doubt it.
Based on what I read in the wiki about him and the series, Cutthroat and Swindler's relationship is the stereotypical one of a serial killer and his target. We have seen it time and time again in horror films of a killer hunting down a female protagonist. Based on what I've read of him in the wiki, I don't get any hint that Cutthroat likes Swindler romantically. He has a fixation on her to become his next murder victim. Just the fact that he has zero romantic interest in her, it puts him out of the running in being a yandere. He's more likely a yangire.
Edit: Came to my attention that the author of akudama drive pulled a JK Rowling and confirmed Cuttroat's romantic feelings for Swindler. From an outsider's perspective, maybe Cuttroat is a yandere but if he is, then I don't think he's a particularly well-written yandere (not saying that he isn't a well-written character. It's a distinct difference). We've said on the blog several times: If it's microscopic-level analysis is needed to figure out if he's a yandere, then he's probably not a yandere... or a well-thought-out one.
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sinful-liesel · 4 years
& thus my otp was born... 😍
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midnightlee25 · 1 year
Mini Profiles: Swindler
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Yandere type: Obsessive, Possessive  
  Traits: Manipulative, Smothering, Protective, Stalker 
  Is it Instant love or one that grow over time:  
It's like one of the moments in a romance movie where the new main characters lock eyes and see their whole futures together in that one moment. (Or that's how she sees it.) 
  Delusional level (0-10):  
5, she's a good between although it does waver depending on what's happening.  
  How will do they hide their yandere side:  
She hides it well and since she is aware enough to know to hide it helps a lot.  
  Danger level (0-10):  
6, she is willing to do a lot for her darling and for what she believes is best for both of them. 
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kowai-ai · 4 years
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♡ 殺人鬼 x 詐欺師 ♡
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ichigo-post · 4 years
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cutthroat + swindler = chaotic evil
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hisredhysteria · 2 years
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I wanna ramble about a few ideas I've had for little stories that I have yet to write or have been in the back of my mind for a while...maybe if I never get to them they can serve as something to imagine for fun? Most of the time I don't write certain ideas I come up with because I'm afraid to execute it poorly- but here goes nothing—
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A chase scene involving Courier and Hacker going after the reader whose essentially working with Cutthroat. I think that Courier and Hacker can be a deadly duo to work against so I've always wanted to write them working together in some way.
An Alice in Wonderland Au where Courier is the white rabbit (I'd probably twist it to make it fit him instead) who accidentally brings the reader into Wonderland after they chase him to give him his coin back— The plot here would be that the reader has to save the white queen (Swindler) from the red queen (Cutthroat). Of course, I'd have to make an explanation for why I chose them as those characters despite the color coding ...and Cutthroat would still have his childish, bloodlusted twist—
A rewrite of Tied Red (if anyone remembers...I hope not—) where Courier has actually been in a relationship with the reader and Cutthroat has been stalking them. However the reader is reluctant to tell Courier in fear of bothering him so things begin to escalate.
Yandere Hacker.
Yandere Courier.
I'd love to write something sharing parallels between the reader and Cutthroat and Cutthroat and his mother. I don't know how I'd execute this one, but I'd love to somehow twist one of his hysterical moments with the reader into a scene that parallels to his past with his mother.
A scene where Hoodlum goes on a date with the reader and Cutthroat forces them to let him tag along.
Hacker as a DJ....I literally know NOTHING about clubs but I want to see it done so bad...
A scenario where the reader ends their life before Cutthroat gets the chance to.
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
Yandere Obami Rin Hc’s
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, manipulation, isolation, blackmailing, bribing, gaslighting, threatening, kidnapping
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🐍If we’re talking about manipulative, Rin is by far one of the worst Yandere in Kakegurui to have. His clan itself is known for being swindlers so that is what he is best at. And he is very well good with it, using his good looks and his polite and charming demeanor to lure them closer to him. Rin is in his own rights terrible because he will look down on his s/o and humiliate them if he himself had a bad day and doesn’t get comfort which he expects to get it if his s/o rebelled. He displays a power play and knowing that he is his darling’s only one helps to keep his pride afloat. If he is kept happy he of course won’t hesitate to return that favor, but that only goes well as long as his darling plays by his rules since Rin is possessive, highly possessive to the point where he isolated his darling, his opinion will mean a lot to the s/o.
🐍With his inferiority issues Rin relies emotionally a lot on you even if he sees feelings as a nuisance as that will keep him from following his ambitions which is why the boy tries to avoid his darling at first or to put them down to convince himself they’re not worthy of his attention. But despite everything nothing seems to work which is just another reason why he decides to prey on them without a stop. So whether he actually admits it or not, Rin is a dependent Yandere since he relies on emotional support from his darling and he gets agitated if he doesn’t get it, though instead of lashing out he’ll start humiliating his darling. As someone who is obsessive and made it his goal to know dirty secrets he has things you don’t want others to know about, not to mention the power he wheels.
🐍For Rin it is some sort of test since he doesn’t let the s/o interact much with people in the first place. Everyone except Ibara is not wanted since Rin, despite using the guy, cares deep down about him. The black-haired boy won’t really show his jealousy as well, he keeps the silent grin on his face and just watches everything for quite some time, judging his darling. To be frankly, he doesn’t want to admit that he is jealous since he already feels that his darling belongs to him and doesn’t and shouldn’t need someone else. So he accuses his darling when he gets jealous and they together with the other person will have to suffer consequences. Now if his darling wants to avoid that person and hurry quickly back to him, Rin is rather pleased which earns his darling his rather sweet side.
🐍He always uses people he wants to get rid off in some way for himself before he throws them away like trash, he is sadistic in this sense. And Rin gets rid of people since it is easy to piss him off. He doesn’t like it when people steal his darling’s attention, he doesn’t like it when someone talks bad about him in front of the s/o, he doesn’t like it when someone grows too close to his darling. It is not a fair play he does, he always cheats in some way and he succeeds with it all of the time since he is talented. People who agitate him will be removed and be left shattered and broken when he is finished.
🐍Through pure and dirty tricks and blackmails he gets his darling to stay with him and it is beyond difficult to escape such a fate. Rin knows that as well and will rub salt in your wound when you do complain and protest against his ways. He knows you won’t be able to leave him. His darling wouldn’t want certain informations to lack out, would they? And it is not guaranteed that friends and family will be kept safe either or that he will manipulate them into turning against their darling as well.
🐍So it is either him being very sugar-coating and lovely with you or him being arrogant and insulting with you, all depending on how well you handle this situation and his moods, though different from Yumemi he has better awareness to not let his moods get the better of him and put you through a hard time when you haven’t even done anything. How bad of a manipulator shows by how he makes himself appear to be the only person you seem to have left, pushing everyone else with rumors away or planting the thought inside of you that you can’t trust them. Yet at the same time he can have his breakdowns as well or become emotionally needy and more clingy, the worst one he had was when he lost against Ririka. Rin additionally has this fantasy of his to marry his darling and make them his spouse.
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Cutthroat: is insanely protective over Swindler for then unknown reasons, down to sacrificing other people for her and chopping his own legs off in order to save her. It’s implied that the “red halo” he sees on her is meant to show his growing feelings for her, but sadly for him, he interprets it as a need to kill her instead, and hunts her down before being killed by her himself.
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i kinda wish that person who keeps re-running the best yandere/best thriller/best horror/toxic ship and whatnot polls would just remove akudama drive & swindler x cutthroat from their roster atp, even though i was definitely the person who suggested the latter idk how long ago. like what little hype akudama drive had left has died so it's just going to keep losing and it's only going to be obnoxious to the few people who still care enough to look at the tag lol. not to mention we're bored of voting in the same exact poll for the same exact thing
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