#yandere...? vent...? seeming things in their story
myangelscrimson · 2 years
I'm realizing how much I hide things just to make other people feel better or safer around me
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yanderes-galore · 3 months
Could you do a concept of Alicent from House of the Dragon with a handmaid/lady-in-waiting darling?
Watching/reading ASOIAF related content and I'm getting ideas. Am I being self indulgent? Perhaps... but let me have this.
As usual with ASOIAF content, read Trigger Warnings carefully.
Yandere! Alicent Hightower with Handmaid! Darling
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Female Darling, ASOIAF content, Obsession, Affairs, Girl/Girl, Manipulation, Medieval marriage practices and Medieval practices in general, Jealousy, Possessive behavior, Intimacy mentioned (Touchy behavior, Bedding, etc) but nothing graphic, Unhealthy power dynamic, Targcest (Mentions of Aegon and Helaena's marriage in one line), Blood, Threats, Violence, Death, Restraints, Dubious/Forced relationship.
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Alicent's story is a bit sad... but her actions feel vile at times.
Her father, Otto, made her marry King Viserys I to provide power to the Hightower family.
She didn't want such a role, such a role only ruined her freedoms.
She even lost Rhaenyra... the act of marrying her friend's father betraying the young princess.
Alicent was never happy in her marriage.
Her only purpose as queen was to supply male heirs for the throne.
She succeeded... having Aegon and Aemond... even a daughter, Helaena.
But all of this was out of duty.
Not love.
As a result I feel Alicent may confide in a loyal maid, you.
You're her personal maid, an outlet for her to vent to.
Alicent often calls her maid when she is not needed with the king.
You serve both her and Viserys I, but she calls you more often.
You showed the queen sympathy when she first brought up such issues.
She trusts you not to say a word as her handmaid, plus she can tell you pity her even if you don't understand the life of royalty.
Alicent's obsession starts as her speaking with you for comfort.
She wishes for her previous freedoms, she envies Rhaenyra for being able to do what she wishes...
Alicent wants to experience intimacy without just tolerating it.
As a result... Alicent ends up falling for the one person she trusts will care about her.
You are a comfort for her as her maid.
She knows she shouldn't have such feelings... you are a maid and Alicent is a queen married to a king.
Yet... when Alicent tests the waters with you after a few years... you seem so compliant.
You see the queen as what she is, a woman who has had her youth wasted.
You provide her friendship... support... someone to talk to.
Admittedly... when you noticed the queen get oddly touchy with you, it confused you.
When you spoke alone in her chambers, Alicent would sit beside you, a hand nearing your thigh as she leans closer.
The thought flusters you, but nothing's forced upon you.
Alicent grows fond of you when she speaks with you and watches you take care of her children.
You comfort Aegon when he's berated and correct him, you try to listen to Helaena's babbling about strange sayings, and you tend to Aemond's wounds after fights.
Alicent held no genuine love for Viserys... yet here she is infatuated with a maid.
I imagine eventually Alicent manages to convince you to join her in her bed when alone.
At first she says she just wishes to talk while you sit next to her...
But one thing leads to another...
Leaving the queen able to satiate herself.
Alicent keeps such an obsession hidden from everyone.
While Rhaenyra has rumors that her sons are Strongs (they are)... Alicent would rather have no rumors of her bedding her maid behind the king's back.
Alicent urges such an affair to stay quiet, she tells you not to say a word.
Yet this is only the start of Alicent's obsession.
Having been deprived of a partner of her choosing... she ends up soothing herself with her maid.
You are unsure how to feel about the queen being so attached to you.
She always has an arm or hand on you at all times, even at meals she keeps you close.
You feel uncomfortable under the gaze of Viserys and his children.
They have no idea how tightly Alicent holds your hand under the table... a reminder of the bond she has with you.
While you keep up appearances as the queen's handmaid, you know your duty when Alicent calls you to her chambers in private.
You'd be lying if you said you didn't like what the queen does for you.
You and the queen aid one another in many ways.
You are committing possibly illegal acts whenever the queen holds you close to her.
But guilt always manages to worm its way back into your mind.
Maybe you shouldn't enjoy it?
While Viserys is unaware... busy with his illness and children... you're here under Alicent's covers with her arms fully wrapped around you.
You are her escape... no matter the cost you have to pay.
As her obsession continues, Alicent continues to keep you close.
Many begin to whisper about the queen and her handmaid.
You two are very close... perhaps too close...
Yet such rumors are quickly snuffed out by Alicent whispering a silent order.
No one is allowed to touch you.
Even Aegon knows his place when he sees his mother hold you around the waist so tightly.
You're hers... even if you wished to change profession, she wouldn't let it go through.
You're her handmaid... her forbidden love... and she plans to be your one and only.
If others tried to court you, Alicent puts a stop to it.
A knight flirts with you? Alicent has his position moved.
Your family found someone for you? Alicent votes against it, saying she doesn't want her handmaid to devote herself to a partner yet.
Aegon touches you? Alicent will punish him herself.
Aemond already knows better and Helaena sees you in a platonic light.
Alicent worries Aegon will treat you like all the other maids... so you end up being unable to serve the prince for now.
Even when Viserys dies and Aegon II is set to be king... even when the war between the Blacks and Greens begins... Alicent has you by her side.
It's unknown if you are giving into her out of duty or genuine love by this point... but the queen has you on a tight lead.
With her husband gone, she is free to do with you as she wishes while Aegon II and Helaena act as the new king and queen.
Now her heart is fully dedicated to you.
She expects the same with you... any other partner being drained of their blood if they so much as touch you.
Ever since you gave in and provided comfort to the queen... you were hers.
Her mind deteriorates as tragic events begin to occur throughout the war.
Yet one thing is certain in her mind...
Her maid will always be by her side... even if it has to be by chains.
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idle-daydreams · 5 months
Demon King - Part 2
Shutendoji!Chuuya x Reader
Continuation of this.
Tw: Yandere, dub-con, mentions of blood, cannibalism and violence
[A.N: This got way too long, and isn't very yandere-y, imo. But its been in my head for a while, and I hope you guys like it!]
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In a certain way, being the wife of the Drunken Demon wasn’t all that bad.
You’d reached this conclusion on a silent night like this one, padding through the corridors by yourself. Chuuya’s – Manor? Castle? You weren’t quite sure – was far bigger than the quarters to which you were confined, quarters that were nevertheless larger than your entire home back in your village. They were a picture of comfort: there was a massive canopied bed, piled high with the softest pillows for you to sleep on; magical lamps illuminated the place, neither dimming nor burning out no matter how long they were kept lit. A roaring fire kept you warm in the winters, and hidden vents that kept you cool in the summer. There was always food and water, fresh and clean and delicious. You had your own bath, with more running water than you could have ever used in your entire life, heated or cooled to your body temperature. Chuuya brought you books to read, parchment to paint, any manner of things to pass the time, things that you couldn’t ever have imagined owning. He’d even allowed you a garden, though you weren’t to go there in his absence. He loved to spoil you, giving you everything you could possibly ask for; he was kind, and patient, indulging your idlest whim and your most irrational desires.
The only thing he denied you was your freedom.
You sighed, sinking down upon your bed. At one time, the loneliness had frightened you. Stories of the Drunken Demon had consumed your mind, and you’d spent countless hours curled up in a corner, crying and shaking and throwing up from the sheer terror of what he would do to you. Now, you relished these moments of solitude, times when Chuuya wasn’t clinging to your waist or brushing your hair or fucking you senseless wherever he could. The bruises and love-bites littering your skin, proof of his demented love, delighted him to a frenzy. Your cheeks still burned at the memory of hours the two of you had spent locked in a tangle of limbs, lost in the throes of pleasure, worlds removed from the puritanical teachings of your wifely duties drilled into your head during your early years. As with everything else, you’d gotten used to it – that part of your ‘marriage’ had been shamefully easy to get used to – but you knew what inevitably lay next. Either Chuuya would grow tired of you... or he would impregnate you. You’d never liked the idea of children, but the thought of raising half-demon offspring filled you with dread.
How long has it been? you wondered. Weeks? Months? A year? Despite the massive windows – always shut for your safety, of course, but still allowing you a view of the walled gardens – it was difficult to gauge the passage of time, since the path of the sun and moon didn’t seem to be that consistent in the demon world. You couldn’t help but wonder: did your family miss you, or did they think you dead? If Chuuya had truly bought you from them – and despite your adamant refusals to his face, you had to admit your family would have easily sold you off – then what tale had he spun to them? What exactly had they thought of Chuuya himself?
The thought of your ‘husband’ still sent shivers down your spine. It was difficult to wrap your head around the idea of being the wife of Shuten Doji, a demon so terrifying that people had trembled at the very sound of his name. Even though Chuuya wasn’t that Shuten Doji, he was still insanely powerful: on the rare occasion that Chuuya had taken you out in public, arm wrapped firmly around your waist, you’d been awed by the sight of great and dreadful demons sinking to their knees before him, not even daring to look upon his face. You’d seen him fight, tearing apart beasts and monsters twice his size with his bare hands, a maniacal grin on his face, red marks dancing upon his skin, reminders of his power. It had been incredible to witness and terrifying to comprehend.
The sound of the door opening jolted you from your thoughts. You tensed as a pair of muscular arms wrapped around you, Chuuya’s now-familiar from pressing against your back.
“Hey, [Y/N],” he murmured in your ear. “I’m back. Did you miss me?”
 “Good evening, Chuuya.” You reached up to caress his cheek. “Yes, I missed you very much.”
“Good. I missed you too.” He pressed kisses upon the side of your neck. “So, what were you doing all day? You haven’t finished that watercolor you were working on. I thought you liked that stuff.”
“I… was thinking of you.” You closed your eyes as his hands began to wander. “I guess I lost track of time.”
“Aw, that’s sweet.” Chuuya molded himself to you even tighter. “I know the feeling. I can’t get you out of my head either, you know that? I love you so much, miss you so much, it’s almost annoying sometimes. Sometimes I wish I could carry you around with me, you know? Put you in my pocket so that I can look at you wherever I go. Wouldn’t you like that, [Y/N]?”
“It would be nice.” You shifted slightly, trying to put some distance between the two of you as surreptitiously as you could. He was just so close: his hands were splayed upon your belly, chest flush against your back, chin resting in the crook of your neck. Chuuya responded with a small growl, nipping at your ear.
“Stop it,” he murmured. “I haven’t seen you since this morning. You want to be with me, don’t you?”
“Of course,” you said quickly. “But, I just, um—” Your eye fell upon the gourd of sake sitting in the corner— “I just thought you might like a drink.”
“Hm? Why not?” To your relief, Chuuya loosened his grip on you, leaning back to recline lazily on the bed. His eyes, however, followed your every movement, his gaze hungry.
“Come here,” he said as you proffered the sake to him. “You know I don’t like drinkin’ alone.”
You pursed your lips. You didn’t like the demon lord’s wine; while Chuuya claimed it wasn’t made from human blood, he also wouldn’t tell you exactly where it came from. Nevertheless, you settled into his embrace once again, allowing him to wrap an arm around you. Chuuya began playing with the sash of your kimono.
“You seem distracted tonight, [Y/N],” he said, playing with the sash of your kimono. “Is something wrong?”
“No, nothing’s wrong.”
“You’re usually way more sarcastic than you’re being right now. Did anything happen? Are you unhappy? Do you want something?”
“No.” You bit your lip as the silken fabric gave way all too easily under his sharp nails, allowing his hands to brush against your breast. “I’m happy to be with you. I don’t want anything right now.”
“Then drink.” He held the sake to your lips invitingly. It was rich and dark and far too potent for your liking, making your head spin with a single sip. You grabbed his wrist to stop him, making him laugh.
“Still so weak,” he said. “But you should drink more. It’ll make you feel better.”
“I’m fine.”
“That’s what you always say. I’m starting to feel like that’s code for something.”
He set aside the gourd, lowering his head to your breasts. Slowly, with agonizing tenderness, he began suckling on the pebbled flesh, drawing a keening moan from your lips.
“C-Chuuya,” you said. “Please.”
“Please what? You want me to stop?”
“No, but—” Your breath hitched as Chuuya returned to his ministrations, fist tightening in his hair. He was good, so good, that it was almost frightening. His hands wandered your body, sending sparks dancing in their wake. You arced your back, forgetting your hesitations as your mind sank deeper into a pleasurable haze. As you let out another moan, Chuuya hummed in approval.
“I want you, [Y/N],” he mumbled against your skin. “I want you so much it hurts sometimes. You’re so beautiful, so kind, so perfect in every way. I’ve seen my fair share of princesses and noble women, but none of ‘em hold a candle to you, you know that?”
“T—Thank you.” You looked away, embarrassed by his praise. Even after the level of intimacy between the two of you, it was still difficult to talk to him. There was a wide gulf between the two of you, a gulf you didn’t think you could ever cross.
Chuuya raised himself on his forearms to look at you. Your eyes flitted to his bare chest and his well-sculpted body, a being that once had been only a dream. Heat flooded your face, pleasure and panic tangling in your chest, and his smile widened.
“You like me too, don’t you?” he purred. “Course you do. I still remember the first time I brought you here. You were so scared then, such a shy little mouse. Now you’re not so scared, are you? Now you love me.”
“Say it.”
“I love you.”
He chuckled delightedly, swooping to press his forehead against yours. “I love you too,” he whispered against your lips. “I’ll give you anything and everything you want. A slip of moonlight? A bed of gold? The heads of every man in the world laid out at your feet? All you have to do is ask.”
You gazed upon him, into his guileless, grey-blue eyes. “I want to go home,” you whispered.
Chuuya paused, sitting up. Your heart sank, and you braced yourself for the incoming onslaught of begging and accusations.
“Home,” he said flatly. “You want to go… to your human home.”
“Not because I don’t love you,” you said quickly. “But – I am a human, Chuuya. I’m not a demon like you. I can’t live locked up forever like this.”
“Neither can demons.” He reached out to trace patterns along your shoulders, his tone oddly flat. “A demon’s world is far bigger than that of any human. I could show you things, places, people you couldn’t even imagine. You know the only reason I keep you locked up is because you continue to resist me.”
“I don’t resist you,” you pointed out hopelessly. “I live with you; I sleep with you. I call myself your wife! What more do you want?”
“There is more.” Chuuya leaned in closer, a strange light in his eyes.” There is a ritual – a proper ritual to join the two of us for all of eternity. If you’d only agree to that, then we’d be mates for the rest of our lives.”
“A ritual?” You stared at him. “You mean you want to turn me into a demon?”
“Its not as bad as the humans believe.”
“I believe that too!” You pulled away, filled with a sickening dread. Some part of you had realized this, but it was horrifying to hear it from his lips nevertheless. “I’m not going to turn into a demon, Chuuya! You can’t do that to me.”
“Why not?” He laughed bitterly. “You think you’re still purely a human?”
“I’m not… changed.” Your eyes filled with tears as you met his gaze. “I may have been with you, but I’m still me.”
“And you think that’s all you’ve done?” He loomed over you suddenly, the room seeming to fill with shadows. Flickers of red ran up his face and down his chest and arms, reflecting the red in his eyes. “You’ve eaten demon food, taken a demon’s seed inside you.” He raised his arm, showing you a thin scar that ran along its length. “You’ve drank my blood.”
Your blood ran cold at the sight. “No,” you said hoarsely. “Even then, I—I’m not a demon.”
Chuuya’s mouth tightened. You shrank back, terrified, only for him to pull away abruptly. “Fine,” he said, getting off the bed. “If you want to go home so bad, then let’s go home.”
“Wait, I’m sorry!” You sat up, alarmed. “Wait, please, I–I—"
“What?” He turned to you. “I thought you wanted to see your family.”
“I do, but…”
“I’m not going to hurt them, [Y/N].” He smiled, a rictus snarl. “I promise. Now come here.”
Something in his words made your hair stand on end “Yes, m—my lord,” you said, hurrying towards him.
“I’ve told you, [Y/N].” He wrapped his arms around you, pressing a hand over your eyes. “Call me Chuuya.”
The air changed. It grew cold. The wind rustled your hair, making you blink. As Chuuya pulled his hand away, you looked around, eyes smarting from the chill in the air.
You were standing on a hill overlooking a glittering city.
“Where are we?” you asked, voice trembling.
“Don’t you recognize it?” Chuuya waved a hand at the town laid out below. “Your village.”
“But—” You took a step forward, peering down at the twinkling network of lights. “No, it’s not. My village was pretty small. That is some great city.”
“That is a small place compared to the cities of today. But maybe you need more convincing.” He grasped your hand again, and in the blink of an eye you were standing in front of a shrine. Your village’s shrine.
But it was changed. Lichen covered the gates, moss creeping through the cracks in the ground. But more than that was the tall light that stood just outside the gate, a little flat plate just beneath it. 
“It – those lights,” you said. “Those are the lights from your palace.”
“They’re called electric lights, and they’re not exclusive to my palace.” Chuuya crossed his arms. “The world has moved on, [Y/N]. It’s been a couple of hundred years since I took you, give or take a decade.”
“No!” You turned to him, aghast. “No, it – you’re lying!”
“Well, you’re welcome to go down into town and ask people, if you don’t believe me. Or read that plaque over there. Or even wander the world if that’s what you want. But you’ll find that I’m tellin’ the truth. You’ve been my wife for over two hundred years now.”
“No!” You turned a full circle, scanning the scene for someone, something, to prove him wrong. Your eyes met Chuuya’s, and the pain and resignation in them made you pause. “You’re… not lying,” you said blankly.
“No.” He shook his head with a small smile. “I wouldn’t lie to you, [Y/N], it’s not my style. I’d have told you outright if your family was around – I’m not afraid of any of them, no one will ever keep you from me. But they’re not there anymore.”
“But – why?” You sank to the leaf-strewn ground, shaking, your vision blurry with tears. “Why would you do to me?”
“Because you are not listening to me.” Chuuya sank to his knees beside you, embracing you. “You’re mine. You belong to me. You were always meant to be with me. You just needed to lose everything to understand that.”
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corvusspecialartist · 3 months
A Panopticon's Desire: Yandere! Konrad Curze x Artist Reader (Pt: 1)
An artist born. Fire and Blood.. a future changed. Konrad was idling by on his throne. Something was off…. his world… his worthless populace had been fixed though the power of fear. He had very little need of going out to cull the scum. However, it was odd… he saw a future where he was dragged and somehow beheaded. His planet ablaze, but in as soon it arrived it changed… they were chained… locked away to rot. A rare beautiful toy to play with. He shook the vision form his head. NO matter. This future would not come to pass… after all. His spies that were loyal had reported that many of the families… despite going underground… had pooled their resources and planned some form of tribute.
Maybe this was some ploy of their feeble superstitious mind. Trying to appease him, so that just maybe their families would be spared. This would be very much interesting.
You were being smuggled. It was of upmost matter that you were to kept secret. You were a well known artist in the system… with your work respected. However, this would be your greatest job yet! They were offering you, in your view, your weight in gold. All of the materials and lodging were provided. It was surprising for this opportunity to even come up in the first place…your kin had told you about the lawless state of the planet. Yet, when asked about the current state.. your patrons told you that someone else was in charge. But no matter…you made sure to bring proper supplements and glow in the dark paint, to allow the Nostroamon to actually see the art. You have heard that the planet had almost no light, and the people there could see in the dark. A captain came into your quarters running urgently.
"I need you to go and hide immediately… although we have gotten the proper paperwork for you… we needed it to be discreet." you nodded immediately and followed the captain into a small dark closet. Hopefully, your patrons would provide some low-vision goggles in order for you to allow you to see signs more easily. As you were squeezed, you heard the murmured voices. After it seemed like, almost forever. The captain came back. "We managed to get you past customs… I would get ready and brace." After he said that you started to move within the small space… It was quick, but soon an announcement came by on the ship ."We have safely landed on Nostramo." Immediately you got out.. watching as the various serfs go towards your room and gather your things.
You have heard the sordid reputation of the people of this world, and made sure that you brought on very little in terms of valuables. However, as your patrons led you out of the ship…as you took a step foot on this world. It seemed… different… It was quiet. You have heard the stories and the screams and the rampaging and varying explosions… that this planet was crime ridden hellhole. It was impossible… it almost felt as if you were in a dream. It seemed almost fake. You were shown into your quarters… and were left alone for a bit. You packed out the things… and started to sketch. Your nightmares seemed to take a current inspiration.
Sitting down, you started to draw a whirling mechanical tower. It was a grotesque thing that seemed to have one white eye.. It seemed to shine a beam on light… searching. Mouths seemed from the vents and were screaming. You were standing out in the open… as the searchlight swirled closer to you… Running though the warped halls, , as the mouths wailed and cried.. almost as if denied their prey. It seemed to run though closer… hands grabbing various people and consuming them…the mouths screeching and groaning. You had awaken at the time. Maybe this was an omen.
Maybe this was an omen. An alternate future… the canon.. the proper future,where this little thing would be under his thumb. His spies had told him about a recent visa, for a popular artist throughout the system. Personally, he was not a big fan of their art… He had ordered of the visa to be detained. He smiled to himself… when he caught them. This would be a grand cause of celebration… a rare public execution. However, he paused. No. He couldn't do that… drag them in and kill them over some trumped up charges… They were too popular and had backing amongst the nobility, those who had bent the knee to his rule. Honestly, he wished,he wasn't so just. He should have just killed them all. However, a gleaming idea came into his head.. he would pay them a little visit.
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meowcatsposts · 11 months
Warm [Werewolf bf]
⚠︎ warning ⚠︎ : a little angsty at the beginning, yandere behavior from Argos
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idk if this fic makes a lot of sense - if it doesn't, I'm sorry (I needed an outlet for my emotions, esp with this one)
if you're interested, here's the previous part!
Overview: Argos begins to give you more freedom, but it might've not been the best idea. (He also treats you to a warm bath btw)
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It’d been a shitty week. Everything had been bubbling and churning and crashing inside you, like litter in the ocean. Litter choked and killed the poor sea life; people choked and killed your emotions. You tried your hardest to hide it from your keen boyfriend and it seemed to work, because he didn’t say anything. 
As twisted as it sounded, Argos stayed silent because he wanted you to be happy. He’d been giving you much more freedom lately–on the sole promise of secrecy–and you (and he) thought you’d absolutely enjoy it. Interacting with people other than him was refreshing–thrilling, even…at first. Your family and friends and acquaintances were oh so glad you were back, and it brought a huge smile on your face. They missed you! 
Argos followed you, however, anywhere you went. Sometimes he was a human, wearing a hoodie with sweatpants. Most times he was a wolf, slinking into alleys and shadows. He was happy to see you happy–he cherished your smile…loved your laugh, after all–but he just couldn’t shake off the fact that they never asked you what happened or where you went. Ever. If they cared for you, he thought, wouldn’t they wonder?
Currently, you were at a lovely gathering and in the midst of venting to a trusted confidant. Curses wouldn’t stop spilling from your mouth and you half thought no one deserved to hear the profanities spewing through your lips, but they nodded along, sitting on a chair and sipping on a drink. You were getting to a peak in your story, then–
“This is really good!” they exclaimed, gazing into their cup. “What did they put in this?”
The response was so out of pocket and so completely unrelated to what you were venting about, it sucked all the words right from your mouth. Your mind went blank. 
“I-” you started. 
“You know,” they continued to babble…and the rest faded away.
Quite frankly, you were beyond offended. Despite seeing all red you politely excused yourself and calmly walked away, drink quivering in your hand. You thought you’d nearly break that pretty little glass cup. Stay calm, you urged yourself. Stay calm. The last thing you–or anyone else, for the matter–wanted was another tiring confrontation at a lovely reunion, right?
Argos saw how your lower lip quivered. He saw how your eyes glistened. He saw how hard you gripped your drink. He saw everything, and it took all of his willpower not to rip the door off its hinges with his claws and steal you away. Sharp ears pressed against his head, his black fur melted with the shadows’ dark embrace. He’d get you out. Somehow. 
“Oh? Who’s this?”
Hearing some excited whispers, you glanced over to see what was happening. It’s probably some long-lost person coming to visit, you told yourself, standing uncomfortably in the corner of the room, swirling your empty glass. Nothing interesting, most likely.
Among the sea of voices you heard his, gravelly and deep. It cut through the air like a sharp knife, and it sent shivers up and down your spine. 
It was Argos, in the flesh. 
What in the world was he doing here? His copper eyes locked with yours and you quickly looked away, fighting the crooked smile that was creeping up your lips–he never failed to find you, did he? When you looked up again he was standing in front of you, large frame engulfing your vision. You nearly let out a yelp but he put a finger up to his lips, silently shushing you. (That simple shirt–the way it stretched tautly over his shoulders and chest, hugging his pale arms tight–looked delicious on him, you thought. As always.)
“What are you–” you started, in a hushed sort of way.
He cut you off by holding onto your hand rather firmly, but not enough to dig into your skin.
“Taking you home,” he replied, rather harshly. 
His voice was low as if he was purposely killing it; it came out in an almost baritone growl. His copper eyes were glued to the door–your ticket out. As you stared at him bewildered, he tilted his head toward the exit as if saying, ‘Let’s go home,’ and all you could do was oblige, half-stunned and half-grateful for his sudden act.
He whispered a soft, “Come,” as he squeezed your hand and tugged you along with him.
Inevitably, people tried to pry and ask questions, but he evaded each query with a charming, rugged smile and swiftly went along his way, you in tow. It seemed to work, because they stood there, too stunned to speak. 
When the two of you were out of prying eyes and ears, Argos shifted. (He had you hold his clothes, though, before he did; he shredded too many already.) He was so big–bigger than a pack mule–yet silent and invisible. (No wonder he’s able to stalk you.) Fur as black as obsidian ran in silky waves along his robust body, thick coat melding perfectly with the night. Paws as big as a dog’s head touched the ground as he gazed at you expectantly.
“You want me to ride on your back?” you asked, quite unsure. 
A muffled hum rumbled in his throat, telling you, “Yes.”
The ride home was pleasant. You mindlessly played with Argos’s thick black fur, running your fingers along it, pinching it gently. It was relaxing, hearing the soft crunch of leaves beneath you, burying your face in his warm back. He didn’t mind it when you played with his ears, either, or when you ran your hands along the sides of his fuzzy neck. He was just happy you seemed calmer. Less sad. 
After shifting back, Argos decided to treat you to a small bath. Might as well, he figured, because his clothes were off and you didn’t seem to mind the nudity anymore. The bath wasn’t anything fancy–no petals, no bubbles, no oils–but it was warm, and he was there to take care of you. His deft fingers massaged shampoo into your scalp, and you sighed in relief.
“Are you ok?” he’d ask softly once in a while, washing you off. You just hummed in response, eyes closed and enjoying the sound of water bouncing off the walls. 
He got into the tub after washing up himself, warm water sloshing around as you felt his skin against yours. You leaned into his touch. He pressed gentle kisses on your nape, then along the curve of your neck and shoulder, bringing you closer with his arms.
After a few moments of comfortable silence he mumbled against your shoulder, “What I did was a mistake…” frustration tinging his voice. “I shouldn’t have let you go.”
You knew damn well the reason why, but nonetheless asked softly, “...Why?”
He didn’t say anything, just buried his face in your shoulder further, arms wrapping around your waist tighter. 
They’d pay, he thought to himself.
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maleyanderecafe · 22 days
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Pretty Boy Panic (Visual Novel)
Created by: Bingzi
Genre: Horror/Otome
This game, as many, is still in it's demo state and it's actually created by the same person who made Pocket Lover. Currently, there is only one route available, which is Li, one of the MC's neighbors, thought there is a bit of another boy Tao, who is currently still in the development that's in the game. There are three ending so far and a guide. It's not too long of a game, but it does bring up yandere elements.
The story starts out with the Tan Xin waking up and being annoyed because of their neighbors who are being loud. They haven't slept well in a while because of them and the sounds range from lewd to suspiciously like murder. Tan Xin works in marketing with their friend/neighbor Kelly. Their boss (who just got a promotion) has been very tough on Tan Xin, making them pick up his extra work, much to their dismay. While going home, Tan Xin is extremely tired and has the option to kick one of the neighbor's doors in frustration and out comes Li, a surprisingly handsome neighbor. Tan Xin vents about how loud the neighbors are, and though most of it seems to be a different neighbor's fault, Li promises not only to talk about keeping the noise down but also buying the Tan Xin's food. After going to sleep, Tan Xin notes that it feels as if someone is watching them sleep. Tan Xin wakes up the next day to hang out with Li and while talking sees a beat up neighbor come out. It turns out he had quite a stern "talking" to by Li. Li and Tan Xin go to someplace sweet to buy food and the two talk about themselves- like Li's job and hobbies. After a while Tan Xin develops a crush on Li and sees him bringing boxes into his room. If you offer to help carry them, he snaps at Tan Xin before apologizing- as it seems there are some important computers in there. Tan Xin gets sleepier and sleepier as the days go by and even starts to lose things. One particular day, Kelly has to wake Tan Xin up before they oversleep and they head to work. Kelly asks Tan Xin to write James up for workplace harassment and the two go back. Li sees both of them coming back and asks the MC if they could start dating since they like each other. He says yes on the condition that Tan Xin stop talking to Kelly. The next day Kelly seems to have moved or gone on vacation (sure, that's what happened lol) and Li invites them into his house. There, Tan Xin notes a weird smell and while looking around, finds the dead body of Kelly. After finding out, Tan Xin finds out just how yandere Li is (stealing the MC's teeth and getting jealous). There's an option to tackle him, but either way the MC gets tased and taken into Li's home. There are a couple of other endings, one where Li breaks up (?) with Tan Xin because they don't have much in common and one where Tan Xin doesn't even confess and gets tased anyways.
If Tan Xin decides to not kick on the door, they will wake up the next day to find Tao as he gets slapped by another woman. As Tao cries, Tan Xin tries to comfort him and they start talking. Upon going to bed, Tan Xin ends up getting a call from James about the fact that they need some work done, promising to get them a good word so that they can get a promotion. The passing week is a big pain for Tan Xin, either having to work extra because of the project that James gives them, or are being forced to do extra work for refusing James. To take a break, Kelly brings Tan Xin to a bar, and ends up having to talk to one of her friends there, leaving Tan Xin alone. There, she interacts with the lady that slaps Tao, which can result in her letting it pass or flipping her off. Either way, Tan Xin ends up drinking a lot, leading to them talking to Kelly and Tao as he seems to be at the bar as well. There is a decision on whether or not Tao should bring Tan Xin home or if Kelly should, with the two compromising and both bringing them home. Tao ends up giving Tan Xin a piggy back ride and they end up sleeping at Tao's place, which slowly builds Tao and their relationship together. Later on though, Tan Xin learns that both Games and Kelly have died, with someone leaving their body parts all over the place. While going home, Tan Xin walks in on Tao and the lady from before hugging. Tan Xin runs off, devastated, but Tao runs after them, reassuring them and talking to them about how much they mean to him.
In the good ending, Tao and Tan Xin end up living together as a couple, but Tao ends up suggesting that the two of them move after learning about Kelly and Jame's death as he wants them to be safe from the serial killer.
In the normal (?) ending, Tan Xin notices a strange smell in Tao's place and looks around, only to find the lady amputated and dying. They try to help her, but Tao ends up knocking them out, only to wake up to having lost limbs just like the other lady.
In the bad ending, Tao ends up knocking Tan Xin out after the talk at the end and wakes up to Tao cutting off their arm. He mentions that now that they've lost an arm, they can be with him, unlike another girl that he seemed to be projecting onto them.
If Tan Xin goes back to their room and wakes up much later, they will end up meeting Hu, a college student that is working at tech, though he wishes to do something else. Hu apologizes for making noise and talks about his hobbies about pictures, and later offers to buy them lunch in response to them making noise. They end up going to eat at the same place that Li goes in his route and the two of them get a parfait. We find out that Li and Hu are actually brothers, catching the two talking to each other in the hallway. While at work, Tan Xin has to make James a coffee, which ends up with James eating glass and bleeding to death. Hu ends up following Tan Xin around, taking pictures of them while they sleep.
The two endings that are a bit similar are Hu and Tan Xin meeting under the cherry blossoms (after hiking for a bit, I believe), though in one ending if their affection is lower, Tan Xin will tell him that he doesn't want to have a relationship with him, while the other they simply just hike together.
In the bad ending, Tan Xin and Li talk for a bit, but Hu ends up catching them and kidnapping him. He ends up chaining them when they go out for classes, feeding them sweets to sustain them.
This game has a bit of spelling errors, but other than that it's a pretty good start. While I do think that I currently like Pocket Boyfriend a bit more since it has more elements of horror, I do think that Li himself has some good potential as a yandere. I think it's pretty neat seeing Li slowly cause Tan Xin to drift deeper and deeper into sleep as well as steal Tab Xin's molar (which is... a weird thing to steal and shrug off to be honest). We also see that he's pretty jealous, not only killing Kelly but also beating up our other neighbor for being too loud. It's very likely a lot of his "computer" hobbies are more of a cover up, considering how he reacts when Tan Xin asks to help carry boxes for him. It makes me wonder if he will get rid of James as well if Tan Xin asks him too considering that he is the source of a lot of the Tan Xin's problems. It's weird to me that there's a "bad ending" where Li doesn't see Tan Xin as someone datable and yet still tasers them in the end. It's actually comedic in a strange way, and it makes me wonder when Li started falling for Tan Xin in the first place.
Tao I feel like I have mixed feelings of as well, considering that he is a playboy but he also cries a lot. I generally am not as big of a fan of playboy characters in games, but I do really like crying. This is such a pain. In any case, Tao seems to be a projecting yandere, where he is trying to replace Tan Xin with another girl (as I remember), though we don't actually get to see who she is or what she even looks like. He also murders both James and Kelly, presumably for getting too close to the MC as well as the lady he was seeing at first. Still I don't really understand or know why he ended up meeting her again near the end since it's not really explained what they were doing together, which kind of put me off with his character. Still having a playboy type yandere is a pretty bold move regardless, so I think that it does deserve some props. Really wish we knew about his previous obsession though since I think it would really shine more into his backstory.
Hu despite being the youngest and most harmless of the yanderes actually probably has the worst ending out of all of them considering he basically kidnaps and keeps them in his studio. I do like the description on how Tan Xin struggles when they are captured by Hu though since you can really feel the hopelessness of it. I think it's also cool that Hu mimics a lot of things from Li's route since they both go to the same sweets shop and both stalk Tan Xin for a bit, though in different ways. It makes a lot more sense when you know that the two of them are brothers and that Li is actually helping Hu with getting along with Tan Xin. I think it adds a bit more of a layer to it considering that we kind of understand where Hu is getting a lot of his advice from. I think for that reason, I quite like Hu's route.
I played this first when it originally was just Li's route, so some of the opinions here might be a bit dated. I think that it's impressive they were able to finish a game with three different yandere love interests, since that's not a common thing nowadays, with all the demos. Still I think while it is great that it's a finished game with multiple routes, there could be some polishing done as well. I feel like since Li's was the first route made, he's actually one of the more weaker writing characters, where I feel like Hu is probably one of the better ones because he's more recent, so if the creator ever goes back to rewrite the other routes, I think that Li's route could probably be more expanded on. I also think that Tan Xin's name is kind of funny because it basically means like greedy in Chinese (assuming I'm using the right characters), which kind of is how you can view them considering they have like three yanderes after them. Kelly is the best character though, she stays by our side through thick and thin.
Overall, not bad for a full game, especially since it had a bit of development time. It's often rare to see a full game for yanderes now a days since currently most of them are currently in a demo state. I am curious to see if this creator will make anymore yandere games in the future that I'd like to cover.
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satanicsanity · 1 year
Please take the time to read this, because I feel this is something that needs to be addressed.
None of the information I include in my videos, is cannon. Wally and frank fighting isn't cannon, home hurting wally isn't cannon, yandere wally isn't cannon, NONE of the audios i make where wally is one thing or another Is cannon. These are specifically fan-Made based on peoples requests.
I have received a hurtful message saying that they hate how home is being made out to be a bad guy, and how they're starting to hate wally because of specific things I have said or done in my videos, that were requested by someone else.
These are FAN made, they're not MEANT to be cannon information. I'm NOT the creator, I don't work with the creator, i don't work with the voice actors of the characters. Nothing I do or say is accurate to the actual story of welcome home, it's NOT supposed to be. I'm not trying to induce theories, I make these for fun. They're alternative universe ideas, or simply audios of things people want to hear me say or do in wally's voice.
This message upset me deeply, as I have asked just yesterday not to message me personally and get snippy with me, or complain. And receiving those hurtful words, made me feel sick.
I know this may seem harsh.. But I truly do not care if you dislike wally, the welcome home fanbase, or if you love home to the core of your being. That is you, I personally do not hate home AT ALL, I'm simply making an audio based on Someone's REQUEST. None of that information is TRUE.
Now if I make a mistake, I will absolutely 100% try and correct it to the best I can. But it is NOT my fault if you hate wally, and NOT my fault if you hate my videos. If you are so genuinely disgusted by my work, block me. You can Block me. You do not have to come messaging me telling how much you hate my work, and blame me for you forming your own negative opinion on something.
I am so genuinely tired, I hate when people get mad at me, typing this out right now I am genuinely shaking. This is why I put trigger warnings in my videos, because if you hate the kind of stuff that will be in that specific video.. I ENCOURAGE You to NOT watch it. If you do, that is NOT my fault.
I'm not the only person who's made videos of alternate universes, where home IS the bad guy. It's not cannon, WE KNOW that nothing like that has been confirmed. My videos are not theories, they are fanmade material. I'm not trying to encourage people to hate home, I'm simply fulfilling a REQUEST I was GIVEN, by somebody else. There are people who want to see content where home is the bad guy, that doesn't make it cannon.
I understand this is alot of repeating information, and I'm sorry if this comes across as harsh or insensitive.. But I'm tired of having people cross over my boundaries, just to tell me how much they hate something or hate me for simply doing impressions of a character. If i make a mistake I will fix it, But i haven't because NOWHERE in my videos is there meant to be anything saying "oh this is cannon! This actually happened!" or "this might be the story behind welcome home!" that is not my intention of these videos. I'm doing them for fun, I'm doing them for the peeps who want to see specific things that I can provide to them.
Please just.. Read my boundaries, do NOT cross them, and do not message me personally saying hurtful things. There is a REASON the block button exists, pal. I am ONE person doing everything on this blog. If I make a mistake, I'm sorry. If you don't like something I do, I'm sorry. I'm one person, I can't do everything, I can't make everyone happy.
Furthermore, Do not message me to vent to me about how much you hate or dislike something I'm doing. I'm happy to do a comfort audio or something like that, but I'm not a therapist. I'm some random guy on the internet making voice impression videos, if you're so pressed about my content talk to someone else. I'm not going to to stop doing something that isn't a problem, just because you don't like it. That's called being selfish.
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minevn · 6 months
Here we go again talking about "Mine" and explaining my absence. For the past month or two I've been questioning myself if I want to put Mine on a hiatus(Which I didn't feel was surprising considering that I've vented about the game so much on this blog, I'm sorry for that). I wouldn't be getting rid of it and I would be heading back to it eventually, but I just needed to step away and really think about what I wanted to do. At this point in time I'm still questioning what I want to do. Long story short Mine won't be getting released any time soon and it needs a lot of work to be done on it, in every way.
I think my biggest issue was rushing into this project. I was so SO excited to just get my story out and talk about my characters and ideas, but I had almost nothing set in stone or planned out. Some of my favorite story aspects I created after I made this blog, granted it wasn't a obvious change since it had to do with spoilers, and story aspect kind of just fit together to make a bigger plot twist. I still love what I've created thus far, but it needs so much work, and it feels weird and off to have changes just happen with the characters and story.
I was getting bored of certain characters and the art style. I won't be getting rid of any characters because even the ones who don't seem that important to the overall plot are still important, but I'll be changing/upgrading character designs. And especially changing the art style. I was really disliking my style for Mine and even more so after the Halloween drawing. I did practice around a bit and I found a style I like, but it's still not set in stone.
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This is kind of what I was thinking. The eyes have a more defined shape, the nose is different, the hair is more detailed. I've also been wanted to mess around with coloring and shading. And once again this style is not set in stone, but this is what I'm leaning towards as of now. I want the game to have an anime style for reasons, but I did also try a style that's more mine I guess? Like I drew Yani in the style I draw in the most, the style that's most consistent to me. I mainly did this because one my bestfriends has been helping me sort out my own feelings and she said to at least try a more cartoon style even if the anime style is what I'm aiming for in the end.
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I obviously I do like the style, but it's just not what I'm going for, so I was going to try drawing different eyes styles and then I would build a face to match that.
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I did like these, but it didn't inspire me and I didn't want these for Mine. So this is what I've been working on for now, I'm trying t build my interest in this story again. I know I've talked about it before, but Yani and Jun's designs are the ones I'm most proud about(maybe Aki as well, if I change anything it wouldn't be too extreme), but the other characters will be getting an upgrade, in design, story, and personality.
Minato in particular. I feel so bad because as much as I like Minato, he feels so plain to me. Like I don't have fun writing him or drawing him. There are things I do really enjoy about him, like his hair style, and his yellow eyes. But I'm bored with pretty much everything else about him, and that's not a good sign, he's the first route, the first character to be released. he needs something to draw in the player, but I don't feel like he has that. I don't know where to really go with him though. I think the fact that he's the least yandere is charming and important, like to lure the player into a false sense of security, almost as if they were just playing a normal visual novel/dating sim with routes, and then the creepy stuff starts mainly happening with the other routes, but obviously I need something to make his route exciting.
In the meantime asks will most likely not be answered until I've figured the characters out more. When I figure out the characters as well, I want to go back and slowly work on updating previous asks to fit the new personality and stories. I'll probably make a poll on how to go about that just in case people want the old answered asks or something. Maybe I could just do something like-
Old: bhjdhsvjagjhasgd
New: VHJDhfdjgshdf
I don't know as of now. I also want to go back and update my 100 followers event drawings, and obviously finish that. Which by the way I am so sorry to everyone who sent in requests, for that event and just in general. Me struggling with Mine's art style has been a thing, even with the refs, there were some refs that I just hated how they turned out(cough cough Hoshi). I also have been practicing with more cartoon(?) styles, so working on a game with an anime style reminds me of my past styles, which I hated because I got those feeling of hating my style or falling behind my peers who were finding their style. I'm a lot better with it now, but I felt like I was falling back into old habits/styles, and it was upsetting.
While I was planning my hiatus, I kept thinking about some of my other game ideas because if I was going to go on hiatus I would focus on another one of my games with a more simple style(Since I wondered if complexity of the style was also an issue for my lack of motivation with Mine), and I do like my other games and ideas and characters, but none of hem were appealing to me like how Mine did. I went into Mine so excited and ready to talk and share my characters, but with my other stories I was just feeling more unmotivated with them, other then "The Magi Academy" which makes sense since that is my comfort story but also I'm gonna work on this in the background since the game is huge.
Another thing I thought about doing while on hiatus was making a test game, where I get used to making games, where I practice. Cause Mine is my first game, but I'm not sure I want it to actually be my first game, but I have no interest in my other games as of now so this game would be simple, a little test to get used to everything that comes with making a game. I'll probably work on this while I'm working on the art style for Mine and the character designs. It will have multiple routes and characters. I wouldn't really call it a dating sim, there will be romance elements but I think more then anything it will be a little "get to know my oc's" type story. Maybe I'll talk about it more if anyone if interested. Although when I make games in the future I'll either make the blogs later, when the game is almost finished or if finished, or at least claim the name and work on them later.
I'd say that Mine is going on a hiatus, at least with this blog, but I will be working on it! Mine won't be getting released soon and when I made this blog I didn't expect Mine to come out this year. Another thing I want to end up doing is dev logs, maybe weekly or monthly, it won't happen soon, but eventually I want to do dev logs. As of now though, I have a lot to think about with the characters and the story/stories. I'll probably work on character personalities and stories before their actual design so I can get back to writing asks, and then I'll be redoing refs and any bigger drawings I've done so far. I also want to have a schedule for answering asks, so I'll probably spend the weekends answering asks and then the weekdays I'll be working on the game, but this is for the future. My ask box and messages will be open though if anyone has any questions :3 I hope that this will help me regain the passion and excitement that I hold for this story, have a great day/night, and thank you for you continued support🩵
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icantthinkyandere · 12 days
Like imagine sherlock being yandere, he would prob manipulate you in some way. How do you think he would tread his s/o? And or how he would act as a yandere?
I just finished Traum, and damn, I did cry, lol. I really loved everything about the story, and Sherlock was my favorite part of it.
{Sherlock Holmes}
You're right that Sherlock is the kind of yandere that would manipulate his obsession. Manipulation is the biggest perk of being Sherlock Holmes! Manipulation is also one of the biggest disadvantages of being Sherlock Holmes.
A lot like Merlin/Lady Avalon, he will use his position in Chaldea so that he can get time alone with them because he wants to go over "important work."" Unlike them, however, it is some kind of strategy/some kind of meeting, or he's just honest about it being a break for them.
Like Merlin and Lady Avalon, he will also lie that you're busy and can't talk or do whatever active someone is asking you for. He tries to make it playful by calling it, "You're little secret," with a wink and a smile.
Even if he is the one to start this trend, after while he wants them to he the ones to ask for break time with him, so they'll start viewing him as the only person theh are able to relax around. He wants them to feel comfortable and safe around him so that he becomes your most trustworthy companion. Sometimes, he'll plant thoughts into their head that will make them stressed enough so they'll want to have break time with him.
Break time with Sherlock is awesome! Mainly because he just sits there and will listen to whatever you want to talk about whether it's something they like or just venting about something on your mind. He wants to learn every single thing about you.
He uses this knowledge to correct other servants that get it wrong to show out that they don't really understand or pay attention to you. He does have to be careful how often he does this since there are a lot of servants who will be quick to call him out for knowing a creepy amount about them.
Sherlock is really good at such subtle, small, and simple types of manipulation. I don't know how to explain it without it sounding normal. He starts with just simple information gathering that he can use to make him the understanding of you. Even with his position in Chaldea, he doesn't have the quick isolation trick that Merlin and Lady Avalon have.
He has to take it a lot slower than them since "going over strategies," or whatever the like isn't as unlimited as teaching defensive magic. People have to take what he says at face vaule since everyone other than Moriarty see no reason for him to lie about what he's saying.
His best tactic for isolation is making other servants seem to be less interested in you as a person and using their backgrounds as a reason for it. He says, "Of course, the staff want to be on your good side. You're the master and they need you to leave. If you're just a staff member, they mostly never cared about you in the first place and only care because it's their job.
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bridgetswonderfulland · 2 months
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I just made a new logo to replace a old one from last year, used to be a fan of RCH and Superbendys' GF but now I've lost them because of myself. It's a horrible Spring to me and I feel like I could do some updates for the blog
(Before you ask: What "update" you're doing?)
Good question!! I'm doing some focus on stories I haven't share any of them yet and instead of posting some cringyass self-inserts that nobody wants to see this, no worries that I'm still doing it!! I don't wanna annoy everyone with those hideous self-ships(I'm always worried about the Cringe Culture thing) and maybe focusing on OC stories are okay. Y'know what's the secret update? I'm gonna do some coping mechanism blog!!
("Hold up! Are you gonna make a coping vore blog?? That's so coo-")
Wait what?? Nah, but I'm not against those "extreme cuddling" blogs I have discovered. If you don't know what that is then it's a word for a SFW vore community, id-even-k why it's called "Extreme Cuddling" but I prefer not to ask those people because they'll find I'm against those fetishes. I'm not gonna make a coping mechanism blog which it involves vore but I might able to make one for many stuff instead of those like
Self-inserts, I do think people are getting seriously uncomfortable with my self-shipping with freaky creepyahh unhinged deranged men(Like Night Master, Edward Hyde, and The Moaner) so I might gonna move them in the future blog, so it might be better if you stay away if you're against it
Vent/gore/body horror art, the new future blog won't be fetishize vent/gore/body horror art I've made but they just need triggering warnings for everyone's safety. Don't enter if you're scared as hell, I might be venting/yapping about something scary or sad-
New coping sona, I believe I have seen people having "coping sona" in their coping mechanism blogs and I might be thinking to myself: "Maybe I should be doing it" and maybe if she will appeared then y'all should love her. She may not be related to my persona Bridgette, but they're really good friends. No you cannot ship them.
Yapping and silliness!!! I should might be yapping nonsense that seems annoying but that's what silliness does to the person like me! If you think I'm being so goddamn annoying in the future coping blog then get the fuck outta my blog. Sorry for saying this but I don't feel safe people who are against me doing this but I ain't no doing anything wrong.
Coping blog won't be a vore blog. I know!!! Terrible!!! But at least it would be a SFW blog, with silliness joyfulness freakiness and more! I know I'm against those fetishes but I don't wanna get myself involved because it's extremely uncomfortable with me to do this. You might have end up seeing me yapping my ass off or some weird self-inserts but at least they're not hurting anybody. Proshipers isn't allow on my blog too.
("Is this gonna be a yandere blog?") Idk but not, I have heard what Yancore is but I don't really think of this through. All you can see soon will be tons of weird self-inserts and me yapping some bs but you might not gonna see yandere stuff(I know!!! Rude!!!) But for Bridget's Coping Blog, it will be tagged as #BridgetsComfySpace
That's all for the future updates!! You might see some strange shit but they're for the better! It's not a vore blog but you will see some interesting things like what's happening in my Wonderful Land! Thank you for reading this!!
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sweetcloverheart · 2 years
Clover Rants Miraculously: Nope, still hate it
(This is more me venting then anything really. Spoilers below!)
Okay, to properly explain why I greatly dislike “Lila and Chloe are more evil than Gabriel” thing, I need you all to think back to the olden internet days when you would read those fanfics where the writer clearly and obviously wrote one half of their NOTP as a raging jerk/yandere psychopath to justify their preferred OTP/Self-Insert character and fav character getting together.
Did you imagine it? Did you remember how cringey and eyeroll-inducing you found it?
That’s how I feel about the whole “These two teenage girls are more monstrous and capable of greater villainy than the established magical terrorist super villain who emotionally abuses his son”.
Because it’d be one thing if Lila and Chloe becoming a supervillain criminal girlboss duo just for the hell of it was being done as a way to expand on their characters and explore new plot territory - That I don’t mind at all and would 1100% be down with. But instead, it’s very clearly and obviously being used to help hype up Gabriel’s frankly unearned in my opinion “redemption arc” because instead of writing Gabemoth showing actual remorse for his actions and eventually turning himself in or having him have this “too late now” moment that ends in his defeat and the slow realization that he destroyed his and his son’s lives for nothing, we are instead treated to the show repeated screaming at us that the two teenage bullies (both of whom could be very easily dealt with if the adults surrounding them did their jobs and forced them to face consequences for said bullying) are clearly the greater threats here, what with their constant scheming to...*checks plot* ruin the day of a girl they don’t like while trying to steal her boyfriend via lies and one of said girl’s parent’s money, which is clearly leagues more evil than...*checks plot again* magically controlling your son through the ring that’s literally tied to his life, while abusing the sentient cosmic entities you stole (well, actually your teenaged nephew stole them for you, but I digress) as you forcibly use their powers to buff up your magically transformed croonies to help them fight the pair of magical teenagers who’s magical jewelry you’re trying to steal.
It’s so obvious they can’t be bothered to make Gabriel into the 3D villain they claim he is, so their only option is to drag down the other antagonists so they’re “more evil” and make all the terrible and awful stuff he’s done on screen seem “minimal”/less bad than it is. That’s why Chloe’s “worse than usual” and Lila’s collecting moms and alternate identities like pokemon cards - not for actual plot development and character progression, but so that the writers can prop up Gabriel as this “misguided saint” who “only did what he had to for his family” while shoving his “redemption” through the story and down everyone’s throats. Because it’s the only trick they have in their bags for making a character “good” - make one character super evil/mean so whoever they’re propping up looks better in comparison. They did with the Zoe/Chloe comparisons, they did it with Felix’s intro, they’re doing it with Nathalie and Gabriel, they’re doing it with Amelie and Emilie (Don’t think I don’t see that nonsense going on with that “The other Princess wants a magic baby because she was overcome with jealousy over her sister” line), and they’re doing it with this.
Like, mark my words, almost every other episode of Season 6 is going to contain at least one character going “Wow, Chrysalis is so evil! Hawkmoth never did something like this!” or “If only Gabriel had kept the butterfly miraculous - he would never abuse it the way Chrysalis has!”
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Yo, how are you doing??? What if Plo Koon meet the Bad Batch and just went “these are my children now”
I am alive and still going to publish, sorry for being inactive for so long, college is kicking my ass.
Anyway, here it is, hope you like it, this ask I also placed it into my yandere clones au so I hope you don't mind.
So anyway this is a continuation
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Hunter crawled slowly through some vents over a locker room her remembered had some armor in it, if he was lucky he could nab one and use it to blend in, but just as he was about to move a tile to go down the room's door opened.
"I am telling you Comet, I can stay in my quarters if it helps keep you calm," The voice of the old Keldor made him recognizable immediately.
"No sir, right now I can't leave you alone, you may be in danger," COmet shot the option down as he took his helmet off.
It was Plo Koon, the bad batch had met him during one of their missions, he had been....nice but Hunter had done everything to prevent another meeting with the old Jedi, it wasn't so hard since the Keldor focused on the after-battles.
Hunter remembered how he had treated them, as if they were part of his men, who he already treated so well, almost like sons.
"Hunter, my scanners detect that a lightning storm is approaching, it will be impossible for us to leave before it reaches us," Tech informed and Hunter couldn't help but sigh in disappointment.
They had been assigned this mission in order to test them with after-battle scenarios, and they had done everything perfect, hell, they were getting along with the other regs and he even liked the Jedi but Hunter couldn't help but feel a bit weird at how the old Jedi treated them, he was so kind and gentle with them, he had even gotten Crosshair to lower his guard.
"Then let's start preparing the camp," Hunter instructed and it didn't go unnoticed to him the way his brother's almost excited face.
They had finished cleaning up a day ago, so this would be a sort of break.
*At least I can sleep a little longer this time,* Hunter thought not at all against being able to sleep longer than usual.
"Oi, Hunter," Hunter turned to see Sinker approach him with a cheery attitude.
"Plo Koon says you all should join us in our camp," Sinker informed.
"Oh, thanks, but we can set camp by our ship, we wouldn't want to take space from you all," Hunter excused half-assedly.
"I recommend you do it," Sinker pressed and Hunter raised an eyebrow.
"Jedi can feel things and I have the feeling that the general knows that you may be in some sort of danger if you camp here," Sinker explained.
"Besides, Tech still owes me a rematch on sabacc," Sinker added looking behind Hunter, making Hunter not only aware of his brothers but also of their clear excitement, no matter how much they hid it, he could always tell.
"Alright, we'll take your offer then," Hunter agreed.
Hunter sat with a mug in his hands looking at everyone doing their own things, Wrecker was doing pushups with more and more ridiculous things on top of him with Boost cheering and adding more ridiculous things.
Tech was playing sabbac with Sinker and other regs and was promptly stripping them of any of their possessions round after round.
Crosshair surprisingly was telling stories and chatting with Wolffe and some other regs around the fire they had started a while ago.
Hunter had to admit, that he had never seen his brothers so at ease and happy with others, Hunter knew that they all would always have each other's backs, but he knew that they all needed to socialize with others.
"You hungry?" Another's voice brought Hunter out of his own thoughts as he looked up and saw a younger looking reg, Comet is he remembered right.
Hunter accepted the ration bar and Comet seemed to take this as an opportunity to seat beside him.
"This is really a good night, we don't usually get these sort of times," Comet spoke.
"I thought that you sweepers had it easy," Hunter muttered.
"Sweepers?" Comet asked.
"It's what my batch and I call the legions that focus on after battle's cleaning," Hunter explained.
"Oh, clever," Comet commended.
"But not really, even if it isn't the heat of the battle many, slavers and smugglers tend to visit these sort of places to try a loot whatever they can find, or we even have to deal with some remaining droids,"
"If anything I think it's the paper pushers back in coruscant who have it easy," Comet added and Hunter chuckled nodding in agreement.
"But don't let the general hear you, he doesn't like it when we say that sort of things,"
"Yeah, he doesn't want us to create unnecessary rifts or something,"
"Why does he care thought, genuine question?"
"Well, the general has always cared, about us, about them, I guess the Malevolence made him worry more than normal,"
"You were there?" Hunter asked, he knew what had happened, everyone did, but he didn't really know if there had been survivors or not.
"No, it was Sinker, Boost, and Commander Wolffe, I guess it hit General Koon to have had in the morning more than 9,000 clones under him to only have three left by the end of the day must have hit me hard," 
"Didn't know they did,"
"Care?" Comete asked and Hunter nodded.
"Well, you guys don't have any Jedi assigned to you, but they grow on you, I mean, look at your squad now," Comet pointed at how Plo Koon was chatting with Crosshair and the other regs he had been with normally, even Crosshair was relaxed.
Hunter remembered how the Jedi had also helped Tech before with one of his scanners when Tech never let anyone touch his machines, and how he had asked for them to camp with everyone else, just because he thought they may be in danger.
"The Jedi really are something....such a pity so many only want to use them," Comet murmured catching Hunter's attention.
"Don't they use you too?" Hunter asked.
"NO....sorry, I mean, no, the general has never used us, he fights with us, he sees us as...us I guess, not as blaster fodder,"
"Hell, I remember when he met Waxer, one of Cody's men, he learned about a little twi lek girl they had helped, it was almost impossible to separate those two..."
"The general...he and the Jedi, they all care and love so much, but they love an ungrateful galaxy, sometimes I wish he could see not everyone will return his kindness," 
"You really care about him don't you?" Hunter asked.
Comet simply hummed.
"OI COMET, COME HERE AND HELP US!!" Sinker yelled from the Sabbac table making Comet chuckle, he stood up ready to go but he stopped for a moment looking at Hunter.
"You know...I bet that if you wanted the General could get you and your squad majorly assigned to us," Comet offered.
"I guess the others could use the company," Hunter joked.
"I'll think about it though, thanks,"
After this Comet left and Hunter remained alone for the rest of the night as everyone went to their tents to sleep, Hunter was the first in the tent and the last awake.
No matter what he did he couldn't sleep, so after who knows how long he gave up and sat up, thinking that some air would help he went out of his tent.
The camp was dead silent except for some that stood guard over it, Hunter simply walked to the side of the tent of his batch to feel the cold air for a while.
What he didn't expect was for someone to notice him.
"Is everything alright Commander?" The old Kel Dor's voice surprised Hunter.
"General, I didn't mean to perturb you," Hunter immediately apologized.
"I'll, go back to my tent, I just wanted some fresh air,"
"No no, it's alright, I simply saw you and wanted to know if everything was alright," The Kel Dor assured.
"Oh, yeah, just having a hard time sleeping, sir," 
"Would you want a cup of tea, it can help," The Kel Dor offered and Hunter didn't want to bother the man so he simply nodded.
The Kel Dor began leading the way to the center of the camp where Hunter could see a kettle on the fire.
They approached it and the Kel Dor signaled for Hunter to set near as he began pouring the tea into a cup.
"Here, it shouldn't be too sweet but do tell me if it is," The Kel Dor offered the cup and then took another small container with a straw for himself.
"Thank you, sir," Hunter took a tentative sip of the tea and his eyes widened at the flavor he had never tasted, it was so...complex, so good, Hunter wanted to down it in one go, but he kept himself from doing so.
"I'm glad you liked it," The Kel Dor said pleased.
"It's....I....I've never tasted anything like it," Hunter admitted.
"I doubt the kaminoans gave you anything that actually tasted good, and so far my men have enjoyed the tea I've brewed,"
"But, isn't oxygen toxic to Kel Dors?" Hunter's asked.
"Yes, but I've always found the task of making tea very relaxing, and if someone I care for enjoys it, it only makes it better," The Kel Dor explained.
 Hunter quieted down after this for a moment.
"Do you have many restless nights?" The Kel Dor asked and Hunter nodded.
"Do you have any theory on to why?" 
"Well, I... sometimes things are just too much, and make it hard for me to sleep," Hunter admitted.
The Kel Dor remained silent in thought, Hunter couldn't help but feel anxious at what he would say, at the fact that he was trying to find a sort of solution for him...a stranger.
"I can't say I know exactly what you go through, but, I have had to deal with some sensory overload through my connection to the force," The Kel Dor began.
"Sometimes, it causes me to feel too much, to feel everything around me, when I go through this, I will usually perform any task that is easy and keeps me focused and I meditate to ease it,"
"For me making tea helps me feel grounded, and helps me until it passes, perhaps you could have a task of your own," The Kel Dor asked.
"Well, I'm not much for meditating, but sometimes when this happens I clean my arms, it usually helps," Hunter answered.
"You do not have to meditate, as long as it keeps you grounded but if you wish perhaps you would want to accompany in meditation," The Kel Dor offered.
Hunter was about to say no but he knew that if he went back he would remain awake all night, so he sighed and accepted.
Hunter opened his eyes suddenly as he sat up quickly, noticing he had waked up as the night guards switched with the morning guards the sun wasn't up yet and he couldn't have slept for much, but he felt the most rested he had since.....ever.
He looked around and saw the general kneeling as if still meditating.
"I see you've rested commander," The Kel Dor spoke gently and quietly.
Hunter could do nothing but blink, he was right, he hadn't even noticed when he fell asleep.
"I guess you were right about the meditating thing," Hunter tried to compose himself, hearing the Kel Dor chuckle made him know he had failed.
"I wasn't right, it was simply the right thing for you at the moment, but I am glad you rested," 
"Thanks," Hunter said as he got up.
"Have a good morning commander," The Kel Dor bid farewell as Hunter left for his batch's tent.
The camp was gone, everything packed and ready to go, the marauder was ready to take them back to Kamino, but the batch was bidding farewell to the friend they had made.
Comet had come to wish good luck to Hunter, which was pleasant, considering they had only talked a few times before.
"By the way, I meant it about what I told you last night, you lot are always welcome with us," Comet reminded him as he left to continue uploading his camp's stuff to the ships.
Hunter thought about it and how his brothers would love to see the legion again, maybe he could indeed ask the Jedi, he seemed very kind, and as he thought this Hunter had begun walking to where the Kel Dor was, but as he did he noticed a pair of shinies beside him talking cheerily with him.
As Hunter saw this he remembered how he was with all of the men, with his batch with him, and for the first time, he felt his heart ache.
Who was he fooling, even if he asked the General to have his batch mostly stationed it wasn't a real solution just a temporary one, even if he managed to have them mostly stationed with him, what about the rest of the time, Hunter would have to see his brothers have to say goodbye to friends who may die in the time they are gone.
They will have to go from being part of the legion to being alone, time and time again, Hunter couldn't do that, as much as he wanted not only could he do that to his brothers, but for some reason, he didn't want to see General Koon treating other like that, like him.
Hunter didn't like this feeling, he had no reason or right to feel like this over the General who he had only spent a night with, when his men, they had thought together, mourned together, he simply couldn't he felt disgusted.
So Hunter went to inform the General of the batch's departure, as he did so, Hunter felt as if the General could see through him, yet he said nothing about it.
"I hope we may be able to work together more often, I wish you and your brothers a safe travel and for you to be safe in your next missions," The Kel Dor bid his farewell alongside Wolffe.
"Thank you General," Hunter saluted before walking away, his hand balled into fists tightly so he wouldn't turn back.
End of flashback
Hunter closed his eyes riding himself off the memory, the past wouldn't help him now.
But he had to admit, would Hunter have agreed with all of this if he had asked the general to have the assigned to him?
Would he have helped in drugging and imprisoning the Kel Dor?
The man who treated them as his own since the start, would he have betrayed him like that?
But then again, Hunter now recognizes the way he felt back then with the possessiveness of the others, he also had it, was sit something they were born with?
Was it a virus, a sickness, a condition?
*I can't waste my time with this. I need to find a way out,* Hunter looked down again at the Kel Dor and how even in the state he was, he still worried and wanted what was best for his men.
The same way he had before, it had turned HUnter's stomach back then, he had never felt it and didn't want to start, so maybe that was why he avoided the wolf pack, after all, if you could, wouldn't you try to avoid the one thing that makes you feel a sickening jealousy.
Jealousy for having someone care for you, fight beside you, trust their life to you?
Hunter did, he wanted all of that, and he could have gotten it, but, not forever, not permanently, only "mostly", always in reach, able to feel the warmth of their light, yet never able to bloom under it.
Hunter was brought out of his thoughts when the sound of the door of the room opened and closed, seeing that Comet and the Kel Dor where gone, leaving the room to Hunter.
He finally moved the tile and jumped down and opened one of the crates where he found a new armor, they didn't stay plain white for long now, but it would do the trick for long enough.
*Let's get this going,* Hunter thought, leaving his previous thoughts and memory to be buried and forgotten in his mind.
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Can I request Yandee future Steven, with your prompts: 38, 57, and 63? Romatic if you don’t mind!
Ohhh, this is in character for the prompts! Have a scenario similar to when Connie rejected his marriage proposal in the show. Obviously Steven needs help in this-
Aged up, post future AU.
Yandere! Future Steven Prompts 38, 57, 63
"My life has been so barren without you...."
"You're stuck with me, like it or not."
"You're my everything!"
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Unhealthy mental state, Manipulation, Potential rebounding, Clingy behavior, Obsession, Guilt-tripping, Fear of abandonment, Slight threat near the end, Angst maybe (?), Darling is oblivious to his obsession, Trauma.
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Steven thought he could move on from his relationship trouble when he left Beach City. He thought when he met someone new... he'd move on from Connie. When he met you, he felt whole.
But it just seems to be a repeat of last time.
He had befriended you and considered you his first friend outside of Beach City. As a result he began to cling to you. He felt like you were helping him recover by just being there for him... he wants to keep you by his side forever.
You allowed him to vent to you. You tried to understand his complicated life to help him. You were so similar to him and his need to help, he wanted to cling to the familiarity.
Steven always found comfort in you. For months you've been patient with him. It had barely been a year before he rushed things and popped the question to you.
Would you be willing to date him? Maybe even marry him in the future?
At the time he felt it was the best time to ask. At the time... things felt right. Steven was excited to confess to you.
Then he saw your face.
Ever since then he's created tension between the two of you. Steven often beats himself up about it, he's rushed things and it's his fault like last time. His guilt only drives him to be more desperate.
Which leads to him now, begging at your door while you stand there with a sympathetic face.
It feels horrible to cry in front of you like this, skin tinted pink while you struggle to find a way to help his outbursts.
"My life has been so barren without you...." Steven whimpers, on his knees while he looks up at you with teary eyes. It's like Connie all over again.... He wants you to hold him and tell him it'll all be okay. Even if he knows he doesn't deserve it.
"Oh, Steven... I just said it's a bit too soon. I didn't know you'd be so upset..." You help him to his feet, moving him into your home. He hugs onto you while you awkwardly shuffle him to your couch. His tears soak your shirt. "But don't you think a year is too soon for a proper relationship?"
Steven shakes his head and holds you closer.
"N-No... I don't want to lose you..." Steven sobs, feeling you pat his head and rub his back. "You're my everything!"
You should've known that Steven's mental state would cause him to act like this. He's been through so much according to the stories he's told you. Of course he'd be scared to lose you...
That didn't make this right, however.
"Steven... that's so sweet." You murmur, squeezing him softly before sitting him up properly. His hands quickly find yours and don't let go. "I'm happy you care so much about me."
Steven now has a slight smile on his face, thinking you'll see his side on things.
"... Yet we have time. I'm not going anywhere. We don't have to have a relationship right away."
You pull your hands away from him, only to place them on his shoulders. Steven's stunned but tries to focus on the contact and not the rejection.
"I do care for you... there's no need to be so scared."
Surprised at the fact you aren't entirely trying to push him away, Steven lunges into a hug. You fall onto your back and chuckle when he lays on top of you in a hug. He seemed much happier now.
Steven looks you in the eyes, you swore for a moment you saw something strange swimming within them.
"Okay..." Steven chuckles. "But you're stuck with me, like it or not!"
You assume Steven was teasing you. Although... something about the tone of his voice made you think he wasn't entirely teasing. It felt... darker.
Almost like a threat...
You try not to dwell too much on it, after all it's Steven...!
He'd never actually force you into anything... would he?
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cielsosinfel · 7 months
here are my thoughts on all BG3 companions up through the end of Act 1 and very beginning of Act 2:
Astarion: light of my life, I am actually spoiled for probably 95% of his story, he is such a disgusting and rancid poor little meow meow and I want to see him grievously mutilated and tortured and then gently put back together again (repeat). As a faggy bi man he is the best #representation I have seen yet from mainstream media lmao. If i speak too much about him this whole post will be about him, sorry. Guro noncon yandere kink fanfic material out the wazoo, tho (Also of course I have many many thoughts on his character's narrative around trauma and healing or the lack thereof, but, too many words)
Shadowheart: I LOOOOVE HER I love her. I kind of wish they'd kept her as initially hostile and cruel as in EA after viewing video of it, but I also enjoy how she seems low-key and almost normal, though an asshole, and then BAM suddenly she's waxing poetic about committing terrifying emotional and physical torture in the name of her beloved mommy goddess. She is such an asshole and I feel like she gets soft on the PC weirdly fast, but I also do enjoy how playing Dark Urge informs the relationship dynamic as her backstory and personality unfolds, how the fact she becomes Best Friends with them despite the whole blackout-frenzied-murder and urges to eat corpses plays into her own issues and desire for understanding and connection (the memory loss and disconnect from her previous life and sense of self, the god devotion, wanting to make herself an even worse person in the name of her god, how completely committed she is in the art of torture and causing suffering, how she's simultaneously disgusted by and intrigued by Dark Urge's whole murder cannibalism urges.) Anyway yes she's great, I love her turmoil about not living up to her potential as a Shar-loving religious zealot and expert torturer.
Wyll: Wylllllllllll I feel like he was done so dirty by the writers between Early Release and Release. They should have continued to let him be an asshole warring with living up to heroic ideals, who just made a deal with a demon out of desperation for respect and appreciation. But he's fun in release too, just too low-key for me? With Dark Urge it's interesting because he is truly the most morally Good-Aligned party-member, probably, and I think about how he must grapple his morals with aiding and growing close to a murderous gore-loving freak. He's constantly having to compromise his own deeply-held ideals in the name of getting the tadpole out of his head, and I wonder about that constantly. At the same time, he's so focused on doing good and the cause of justice but is REALLY REALLY DOWN FOR GOBLIN MASS-MURDER... Like OK Wyll!! They kept that from Early Access at least lmao. His relationship with Mizora and the angst and regret he feels at signing a contract with her, for making this one major ill-thought decision while in a high-stress "do or die" situation, gets me, the way he's like, so resigned to it... How he's so resigned to being transformed into the very thing he'd dedicated his life to culling existence of (demons.) (The constant metaphors to being a pampered pet on a leash get to me.) Though you know, it still gets me he's lamenting how ugly he looks with horns, claws and fangs, in the middle of a party full of Tiefling who just faced a lot of life-threatening discrimination for looking like demons... lmao... especially when he's venting these things to a Tiefling Durge lmao... oh wyll...... Anyway I think he's sweet, and I have even more thoughts on him and Astarion being foils who need to fuck. I want to learn more about his daddy issues so I can give him a proper daddy kink. Wow, how is this the longest part of this post.
OK THIS GOT TOO LONG AND ITS ONLY THREE CHARACTERS!!!! I am going to an indie comics and arts festival today, I will come back to do the rest of the characters later.
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Can I request yandere Demoman with s/o who absolutely HATES dancing? Demo wants to dance with s/o but s/o hates it. cue angry embarrassment tears.
Oh for sure, I had this happen to me at a quince once so this is so relatable
Tw: Drinking, panic attacks, breifest mention of throw up, angst, yandere and yandere themes
When Tavish had asked you out to this place you were weary. Not only would it be strange for you as coworkers to go to this seedy bar, but it would be weird for you in general. You never got out and about, the craze of this era being dancing, you could never get into the dancing. Your feet seemed to stumble and you always fell out of tune. It seemed everytime you were pulled to your feet you panicked. It didn’t help that Tavish put on his favorite pair of shoes to wear out. However- Tavish insisted.
More like begged.
He bemoaned at your door until Mick through a boot at him. Which prompted you to ask him the next day about the commotion. He was excited you brought it up, as he had been wanting to go for a while. He seemed to have his mind set on you as his drinking buddy that night.
You allowed yourself to be taken by the offer for drinks. On him of course, there wasn’t a chance in hell you’d go otherwise.
The venue wasn’t nearly as dodgy as you thought, it was out on a well lit street, and there wasn’t any alleys close to it. It’s music bumped from inside, and bright lights came from under its doors and vents. You smiled at your colleague who sent you a bright grin back.
“What’s so special about this place?” You asked nonchalantly, walking through the doors as Good Vibrations played loud from some corner of the bar.
Tavish laughed and pointed to the mechanized bull in the corner.
“Last time I came here,” he said, leaning into you. “I managed to get Engie drunk enough to ride that.”
You weren’t too impressed with the story, but as you sat down at the bar he continued. “He went on long enough o get the high score, but the second he was off?”
The bartender came by with a speed you hadn’t witness before in your life and dropped a beer down in front of him. Demo opened it with a pop and pointed to the Bull with it.
“You’re kidding.” You said in disbelief.
“It was projectile. Nastiest damn thing I’d seen.” You snorted as the waiter came back to drop you a menu. You couldn’t focus through the mental image in your head.
“Dell Conagher would never-“ you said in blantant disregard. Demo looked offended. In a bout of dramatics he cast his hand over his chest.
“Do I look like a man who’d like about this?” He gasped loudly. His faux accusing tone lightened your mood significantly.
“Maybe,” you teased. “Maybe you shouldn’t lie. Ever thought of that, hmm?”
Demos faced dropped comically. His big eye staring at you with pure betrayal evident. “You really think I’m lying?!”
You smirked. “I’ll believe it when I hear it.” You turned to your menu, trying to focus on the options rather than what Demo was saying.
Though he really wasn’t saying anything.
He stared into his hands placidly, trying to determine how he should react your your cold display of trust. Or- lack thereof. He could tell you were joking, at least partially. He doubted you’d actually want to see a coworker hurl himself on the floor after that. But his chest hurt with the thought that you couldn’t trust him.
He took a sip of his drink, opting to take it a bit slower tonight. This was his first time getting closer to asking you out. And he didn’t want to blow it.
Your turned back to him after a minute ready to take your order. You notice him staring back down at his hands, an odd trait you’d seen before. It seemed he only did it in public, as when you were alone together it never occurred. You tapped your friends shoulder, catching his attention rather violently.
He jerked up. Shocked out of his semi coherent trance.
You chocked it up to anxiety and smiled at him.
“Welcome back Alice, having a fun trip?” He scoffed humorously back, and tipped his bottle in accordance.
“Aye, and just who are you to take me out of my whole?” You smiled and waved the menu around cheekily.
“Hungry. And in the mood to drink.”
He nodded, flagging down the waiter. After the man took your order Demo looked back at the crowd of folks dancing in the center. “Y’know.”
There it was.
Something that would start a whole fiasco. You wanted to hide your head in your hands and shrivel away. But you kept your focus on him, trying to give him some respect.
“I’d always loved dancing. Feels like a release in a way. Getting all those ambitions out, clearing your mind. Really! How about you?” He leaned back, eager to hear your response. He knew what your answer was already, but he wanted to prove himself right.
“Heheh. Had a friend with asthma get an attack during a musical once… so uh. I’ve been kinda scared ever since. Never know when it can develop, scary little illness.” You wanted to play it safe and give a more medical reason for your hesitancy than a plain ‘I don’t like it.’
He cringed at that. Wanting to do more to be close to you. He pretended not to take the lie to heart. Instead he waved it off with a raspberry as your drink came to the table.
“Oh cmon! How hard could it be on you? You telling me you don’t even do slow dances?”
You made a face and shrugged it off, attempting to avoid the situation entirely. You felt anxiety rush up from your stomach and up to your throat.
“Yeah, unknowns, I’m mean- I don’t wanna ruin anyone’s fun either. Doesn’t mean I don’t like seeing other people dance,” you rambled,” If just means I-!”
Just like that Demos hand grabbed yours and pulled you up in a manner reminiscent of a puppy pulling on another’s sleeve.
“Cmon don’t knock it till you try it!”
Your hearts both raced for very different reasons. As he pulled you up your rate skyrocketed. He however felt exhilarated. He could ask you out in such a romantic way, and you’d have a new experience to share solely.
You silently cursed the man and his excitement, blubbering wildly, in a completely incoherent manner. Your eyes filled with tears almost instantaneously. He was stronger than you, he was more insistent, and with a bottle of beer already kicked back he was braver. You couldn’t blame his actions, as you were certain he was inebriated prior to your arrival.
A fast jazz track came on, the lights made every inch of you dizzy. Demos hands didn’t help, grounding you in an area where everyone’s bodies were moving around you.
With everyone’s backs facing you, you still felt like they were watching.
Your body was shaking violently. And you were twisted out and back in.
“Cmon! You can just follow what I do, you move your feet like this and then-“ his words caught deaf ears. It felt like your brain was swimming away from you. You tried to follow his movements, he took it as an opportunity to move you along with him.
The actions were subtle and violent, feeling like some hellish ritual in your body.
You were breathing heavily before the music slowed. You felt limp into demos arms before he brought you closer to him. His hands laid flat on your hips, and your shoulder. He hummed along to the tune and rocked you along with himself. His heat was unbearable, the smell of various alcohols made you nauseous.
“Yknow, I’ve been meaning to ask you some.. thing. Are you crying?” He pulled you back a bit. And sure enough you, were. With no hesitation he picked you up, watching as you buried your face into the crook of his neck.
He felt himself heat up in shame, your entire figure was shaking, and your sobs caused hiccups to wreck you.
He didn’t take a second longer to take you back outside and to the van where he sat you down in the back. Your body curled up the second he set you down. He shut the doors quickly, and sat beside you.
“Hey hey, what happened?” He asked, panicked by your reaction.
“I told you I didn’t want to dance DeGroot!” You shouted at him, casting a loathsome glare. He looked shocked, and worried in equal parts but you couldn’t care less. You scooted farther away from him, pressing your legs further into themselves. Your tears left the top of your shirt soaked. As he opened his mouth again you shut him up.
“I don’t care what fucking world you come from you DONT force people to do what they don’t want to. You asked ME to come here. You asked ME to dance. You wanted to be around ME. Why can’t you just fucking listen to ME? Instead of doubting me Tavish why don’t you just consider something I say instead of trying to prove me wrong or convince me otherwise?”
He looked down at his lap, hands crossed in themselves. He knew he fucked up.
“I- I didn’t think it meant that much.”
You scoffed indignantly. Your shocked and horribly offended expression sent chills down his body.
“You know what? I hope you’re just drunk from earlier and don’t know what the hell I’m saying. We’re going back to the base.”
He nodded his head, opting to stay quiet. You tossed the doors open, stepped off, and promptly threw up. The shock on the man’s face just continued to grow. You pointed back at him.
“This is not happening again.”
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darkbluekies · 2 years
nice choices for ocs.You can expand to other fandoms later on, I'm sure that'll be like as well.
Need to thank me darling ( i hope you're fine with this name) I believe that no matter how small or big the achievement is,should always be encouraged and appreciated. Dont ever succumb to someone's terrible opinion of you or force you to do something you don't like.You are the one living the life,you are the one that's effected not others. (Sorry for the rambling! I think everyone once in a while needs to hear this)
Im going through a somewhat rough period that's back again plus depression and stuff and I'll probably start losing sleep but I hope it ends soon.
If you ever want to vent out about something,you have your blog. It'll definitely help you feel better! No matter what it is just say it!
I also wrote full book about yanderes and stuff,started a recently but it's going well.experimented with plots I've never seen or have done before.so dont be afraid to experiment yourself!
Have a lovely day!!!!💐
P.S can i maybe...be first anon?? If that ok so that you know its me (and if one day i get enough courage,I might even reach out with my blog to ya!)
You seem like a wise human being, it's very refreshing to see! I like nicknames so I'm comfortable with darling, I promise!!
I'm sorry you don't seem to have the best part of your life at the moment. I'm sure everything will turn soon enough, but I know it might feel like the end right now. I'm here for you in case you need to lift some weight of your heart <3
How exciting that you're writing yourself! It's so nice to try things you haven't seen and put your own twist to it. What is the story about? I'd love to know.
You can absolutely be the first anon, I'd be more than delightful to have you here and know your signature. If you ever have the courage to show your blog I'll be here with open arms :>♡♡
Have a great day, love<3
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