#yardsale find
packratshiloh · 1 year
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She's so pretty 😭😭
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beththemudkip · 5 months
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Got all this at a yard sale this weekend for 10 bucks!
(Anyone have tips on getting musty smell out of the shirts?)
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smashwolfen · 1 month
Went to the biggest flea market in my area and stuck to a list of things I wanted to find, and I found 3 things I wanted to get!
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-An authenic copy of Blue! I have one already, however Ive come to learn the test of time was failed and that the RAM inside it is shot, so no matter how many new batteries you give it, it will never hold a save again. So i grabbed one just 5 bucks past my planned limit for it and he has a new battery and works wonderfully! Brought my SP to test it myself XD
-Pokemon snap! Had one growing up and lost it so I got one in my price range and haggled 5 bucks off for it so yay!
-Best find, an actual Gameboy Advance/Gamecube link cable! Got it from a local seller who actually was the one to replace all my generation 1-3 pokemon games batteries a while back (and also diagnosed the dead RAM in old blue) . I showed him my list of things I wanted to hunt for and he got so excited he said he JUST got that cable in literally yesterday and brought it out of hiding for me XD
I can go boot up Gale of Darkness and save all the shadow pokemon and move them forward skrbfndnsndnd AND DO THE BATTLE MOUNTIAN THINGY MAYBE!!!!!
Theres so much stuff at this yearly flea market you literally can find ANYTHING there if you know how to look for it, and im amazed I stuck to my plan and got only what I was looking for, I saw so many pokemon cards, plushies and other games I wanted but were out of my price range (pokemon conquest for 150 and Pokemon Ranger Guardian signs for 55, ive seen lower) but I stuck to the list and got what I wanted in the end! There was even a gameboy player with its disc for the gamecube I could have gotten but also out of my range and had to be fiancially good XD
Dont knock giant ass flea markets guys you can find almost anything you've ever wanted there!
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swagging-back-to · 1 year
i decided to return my ipad which is really sad bc i have soooo many drawings on there and I'll probably lose them all :/
i uploaded em to icloud but i doubt I'll be able to edit them on my new ipad. oh well ig....
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coveredinredpaint · 11 months
Im an aspiring punk here ive wanting to start making my own stuff maby start a batle jacket or patch pants or somthing but those projects sound a bit intimidating. Do you have any recmondations on a good place to start?
hey ey!
to begin sorry for the late reply, i got a lot going on currently
to begin id advise collecting inspo for what kinda jackets/pants you want first. i use pinterest, tumblr and etsy to find inspo for my diy stuff. i like to sketch out different designs for my projects before making them, so i can try out what fits and what doesnt.
to practice id say starting by making patches and sewing them (use dental floss, its cheap and incredibly strong and durable) on for example a bag is the simplest way to introduce urself to patchmaking and sewing. i advise using the whip stitch to sew them on. when youre a bit more confident in ur skill level one of the easiest projects to start is a battlevest, since its mostly flat and straight fabric its easy to sew on and modify. most people find denim more difficult to sew on cause of its sturdiness but i prefer it for exactly that quality, it prevents the fabric from moving/stretching too much
you dont need expensive supplies, even stuff that might be seen as trash is very useful for punk diys, some old cloths and acrylic/fabric paint will already be enough for patches. i got a tutorial on my blog for stenciling them (let me know if you want me to link it). soda tabs can be used to make buttons/pins, chainmail, chains, and so much more. bottlecaps can also be made into different types of buttons/pins and chains (and more stuff i cant think of rn). you can get chains for cheap from hardware stores, id also keep an eye out for those chain dog collars in yardsales and such, theyre often very good quality (i got 3 all secondhand).
on that note, where can you find ur stuff for projects?? i get almost all my stuff secondhand. ive got at least 4 thriftstores nearby, and there are often fleamarkets around my area, which i always try to go to when i have the chance. fleamarkets are often announced in local newspapers or on posters around town. you might also find em by googling ur towns name and then "fleamarket" or "yardsale". if you live in a remote area where these things just dont exist i advise asking family/friends if they got old stuff they wanna get rid off. or to use online secondhand stores like vinted or depop (altho depop sellers often overprice, keep an eye out for cheap deals) for stuff you really cant get secondhand like spikes etc. i advise etsy. also if youre US based studsandspikes.com has tons of different spikes for cheap.
an important thing to remember is that your stuff wont and doesnt have to look perfect. your stuff will be messy and sometimes a project totally doesnt end up how you want and thats okay. fuck around and find out!
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yetanotherthriftblog · 2 months
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Yardsale find.
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dameronscopilot · 2 years
I’ll Be Your Bright Side
Pt. 3 - Find Me Where the Skies Are Blue [BENNY'S POV]
Benjamin “Benny” Miller x f!reader
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He was so tightly woven into your life at this point, a part of Benny knew that when you eventually began to dig up those roots, cutting them away to make room for something new, he’d never get those parts of himself back.  There would be no getting over you.
Word Count: 1k
Content: angst, pining
A/N: This is a partial snippet of Benny's POV from part 3, detailing his internal monologue when your date shows up before trivia night. Dedicated to @helloimhereforabit 💖💖
If you haven't read I'll Be Your Bright Side yet, I'd suggest reading up to part 3 for context first.
“I have a date.”
A date.
A date?
A pained, self-deprecating laugh threatened to spill from Benny’s lips when you finally said the four words he’d been selfishly hoping he’d never have to hear from you. Because of course it had to happen this way. Of course you’d start seeing someone when he’d finally worked his way right to the precipice of telling you how he felt. He’d been so fucking close.
And yet it seemed that even now, even when you were in the same room, you were destined to be a million miles away. 
He deserved this.
You attempted to downplay the date by telling Benny that you were just doing trivia night, but something bristled inside of him as you said it. Admittedly, it was stupid and immature for him to feel some kind of entitlement over it, but you always did trivia night together. And then any chances of him brushing it off were destroyed the moment you added in that Santiago and Frankie had apparently received an invite, too, for whatever reason. 
And that…hurt.
Benny felt a pang in his chest, and internally, he stumbled.
While his automatic response was to sarcastically ask if his invite had been lost in the mail, he bit his tongue, easing into the question—though his bafflement over the situation then increased tenfold as you then informed him that it was Star Wars night. The knowledge only served to add insult to injury
“...and you didn’t invite me?”
His confusion grew as you retorted, “I thought you had a hot date tonight.”
In that moment, Benny wanted to shout from the rooftops that there was nothing he wanted less than that—to try and fail on yet another date, where he’d inevitably spend the entire night comparing her to you.
He’d been there and done that already, he’d tried to pretend you hadn’t accidentally ruined him for anyone else.
When he realized you’d taken Santiago’s sarcastic comment about his one-on-one lesson with one of his clients the wrong way, there was a split second where Benny wondered if you were jealous. If perhaps that was why you had a date in the first place. So naturally, before he could second-guess the entire situation, he invited himself to come along.
But at the sound of a knock at your door, Benny was filled with an odd sense of dread. 
He could lose you forever.
“Don’t scare him off!”
Striding over, pinning you up against the wall in the entryway, and kissing you the way he’d always imagined doing while your date waited outside would likely fall into that category. 
Benny was fairly certain he was going to be sick as he made his way across the room and went to lean against your kitchen counter, reaching for a tea packet sitting in a pile in a small wooden bowl to busy his hands—better than clenching them at his sides. He watched as your date briefly observed the collage of framed artwork he’d painstakingly hung up two weeks ago, another wave of nausea coursing through him at the knowledge that soon, it might no longer be his place to do things like that for you. 
You wouldn’t need to call him to come over when you couldn’t reach something on the top shelf. When you found a ridiculous armchair at a yardsale and needed help getting it up into your apartment. 
And you definitely wouldn’t call him anymore shrieking over a spider the size of a quarter at three in the morning, knowing he’d drag himself out of bed just to come and squash it for you. 
(There’d be no more late nights passed out beside you on your couch either—those quiet, stolen moments where he woke up to find you asleep with your head resting on his shoulder. When, cast in the soft glow from the television, he’d glance down at you and allow himself to pretend. If only for a moment.)
You had so many of his shirts strewn about in your drawers and closets, what would you do with those? Would you leave them forgotten until you eventually came across them years later, hardly remembering who Benny was? Would you donate them to a thrift store without a second thought? 
Would you give them back to him? As if he’d ever be able to stomach wearing them again.
Benny never quite could lie to himself about how much he loved seeing you in his shirts, the way he never made an effort to get them back when you borrowed them. 
He was so tightly woven into your life at this point, a part of Benny knew that when you eventually began to dig up those roots, cutting them away to make room for something new, he’d never get those parts of himself back. 
There would be no getting over you.
As you introduced Benny to Dan, he couldn’t decide what he was more distracted by—the fact that this was his bizarro lookalike from the dating app, or the way he almost felt the need to correct him for bringing you a bouquet of cut flowers.
Wildflowers, nonetheless, like some goddamn hipster.
He didn’t know you didn’t care for bouquets. 
That you always felt silly for how guilty and upset watching them wilt and die made you feel. 
He didn’t know how much you loved houseplants and the permanence they represented. The way they set down roots, how they’d always stick around as long as you took care of them.
There he went with the fucking plant metaphors again.
Dan didn’t know you had funny names for each and every one strewn about in your apartment. He didn’t know the story behind the lopsided one sitting on the windowsill in the living room, the one whose pot had a small chip along the lip—Benny had knocked it over when he was watering your plants for you while you were away once. 
As he watched you rifle through drawers looking for a vase to put the flowers in, Benny was on autopilot as he went to grab the one that he knew was in the cabinet above the fridge. 
But as you placed Dan’s flowers down on the counter beside the small plant Benny had bought for you on a whim last week, something about seeing the way the two contrasted with one another was Benny's undoing.
Maybe you’d learn to like flowers better.
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safety-pin-punk · 1 year
do you know anything i could put on patches (im planning on making a vest soon) that isn’t super punk related? my parents said yes to me making patches and putting them on my clothes, but i dont know their attitudes towards punks/punk culture.
I realize this is from a MONTH ago (my bad) but I still think it deserves an answer lol
Patches for bands that arent punk. Good music is still good music. (Ex: I have some alt pop stuff )
If you’re anti war, throw some ‘peace’ stuff on there with 60s and 70s vibes. A nice nod the the anti war movement in the US without a giant ‘HELL NO WE WONT GO’
Quotes from books or movies you like
Stuff with raccoons/frogs/possums etc
Do you like hiking? Throw some outdoorsy stuff on there
Do you like other activities? Add some things related to those activities
Try going to some yardsales and see if you can find cool things. I’ve gotten pins, patches, and other dangly bits that way (my favorites are a Meowth patch, a New York rails patch, and some old keys)
If youre on meds, throw the chemical structure on a patch
Cute pictures/doodles you like
Other suggestions welcomed my brain is tired
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bones-edition · 3 months
Hey anybody know what these symbols mean
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my sister got this necklace from a yardsale and there's mysterious runes on the back
here's what the front looks like, for context:
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based on my research, i think it might be tiger's eye stone, but i cant find anywhere selling something that's an exact match, and i have no idea how to go about looking up the symbols on the back
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packratshiloh · 1 year
Nostalgic find at a yardsale
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vintage-tech · 1 year
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Yesterday's awesome yardsale find: a 1913 book of nursery rhymes. An antique for a stinkin' quarter.
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smashwolfen · 5 months
hello i am so in awe that you have collected all the pokémon games (i finished my collection of 3ds ones a bit ago but i considered a lot of the other ones out of reach) and i was wondering how long it took? i know especially the older remakes are insane to get so i’m super curious
(This got incredibly long i'm so sorry for the wall of text my guy)
In relation to this post
Hello there! :D
Believe me, I still can't believe it myself that I managed to pull it off considering who I had to get ahold of! Been happy dancing to myself ever since I got the last game~
God it feels like it was longer ago honestly, but I only really began trying to finish the Pokemon collection just a year ago! Had to check back in my DMs with my buddy, but the day I began to seriously search for the rest of the authentic generations was May 5th 2023, the day I discovered my copy of Platinum was a repoduction, ya watch ONE video regarding reals vs. fakes and it all went down from there when I looked over the ones I owned already, luckily Platinum was the only one who was fake ;w;
I had passively over the years been picking up games as I went, but from that day last year til recently I looked where I could for the games I was missing, to be fair I had about half the collection to begin with just from growing up and finding ones out and about, I only needed to find the pair of whatever I owned already, besides gen 5.... since I somehow never played gen 5 growing up. Funny enough I didn't have to look too far, every single game I found had all been local! Facebook marketplace saved me big time I just had to wait and compare prices til I was happy with what I was willing to pay for! I scrutinized every single copy I got my hands on and triple checked everything before I was satisfied XD
The 3DS titles were very easy to get thankfully, and the same goes for you too good on ya for getting your 3DS ones! Hardest for sure were gens 3-5, specifically ALL of gen 5 they are the WORST to get since no one wants to sell them and they're required to be able to move anyone forward to the 3DS and then to the Switch! I think It'd be easier to list who I owned and who I hunted for in the year of the search.
So I owned:
Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold, Silver, Crystal, Leafgreen, Emerald, Diamond, Pearl, X, Alpha Sapphire, Moon, UltraSun, Sword, Violet and Arceus (some I had gotten as gifts growing up and others I had gotten through yardsaling and thrifting by chance as I grew up, Emerald was 70 at a yardsale!)
The ones I got from the year of the hunt:
Ruby, Sapphire, FireRed, Platinum, Heartgold, SoulSilver, Black, White, Black 2, White 2, Y, Omega Ruby, Sun, UltraMoon, Shield, Lets Go Pikachu, Lets Go Eevee (I DID own Eevee before but traded it in before the hunt) Scarlet, Brilliant Diamond, and Shining Pearl.
Now knowing who I had to get, we all know it costs a pretty penny, so I essentially sold things myself to fund the hunt, like my amiibos I didn't really need or want, a handful of random collectable things I picked up and kept over the years (notably a masterchief helmet from the legendary collection I got for free like 10 years ago lol) and some odds and ends I didn't need anymore and to declutter the home! I think out of my own pocket I only paid maybe 40 bucks total so I paid for everyone that way! It was all mostly luck finding everyone and keeping an eye on marketplace, and some of them I had gotten from folks I knew! Black and Black 2 actually came from one of my managers at work who sold them to me for insanely cheap, and Sapphire I got for free as I mentioned in the games post XD
If you do try to go for the complete collection, I say have a gameplan for how to pay and build that piggybank of funds, go for what you can afford! So if you see a game without a case thats usually better, you dont NEED a case or have a game CIB really, a bunch of mine dont have a case or box and I'm alright with that! Look locally at second hand stores, vintage ones, marketplace or any other local yardsale or fleamarket type thing you may have in your area, and I say this with caution, but if you HAVE to, you can consider ebay, but I strongly suggest not to when it comes to the games. I had originally tried to get a Brilliant Diamond copy from there and well, dude never sent it at all and got my money (ebay fully refunded me but that still bites). And finally get well versed in learning how to authenticate to the best of your abilities, 3DS and switch I don't think can be faked but everything else can be! I used this as my guide to figure out who was real and fake in my search and it worked very very well! Twas my bible of knowledge
End of the day it didn't take as long as one would think, but luck played a HUGE roll in this endeavor, I was smart with my money, and I was very very VERY stubborn and wanted them all XD
If you go for the complete collection like I did then I wish you the best of luck my friend! And thank you very much for the ask! It kinda got away from me while typing but yeah thats the story and process of how I got all the main series titles!
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mosraev · 1 year
City signs may change but never memories - Shout Out (Mosræv, 2015)
Probably one of the most 'just out of highschool' songs you can find since it was written by a just graduated Micah eight years ago wanting to thank their friends for staying by their side.
Recorded on 05/26/15 - Pre-T - Lyrics under the line
Stay creative, my fellow foxes 🦊💚
"Shout Out" lyrics:
Turn the page
"The story of my life"
written on a cheap paperback, yardsale price.
Where everyday is a chapter; At dawn begins a new.
The dark, the bright, the scary - every part I share with you.
Turn the page, but leave a bookmark in.
We were watching horror movies at night without an end.
Laughing at our own stupid jokes, no need to explain.
Jamming in the basement,
Do it all over again.
Wanna scream
Wanna shout
Shout out to all my friends!
Gotta live life loud.
So raise your voice up high.
Every boy and every girl,
who feel out of place in this world:
Fuck them who criticize!
Never let them rule your life!
Scream, wanna shout
Shout out: "We're alive"
With you I sang my lungs out
at the concerts with our favorite bands.
You could always make me laugh and cry
and wanted to dance my stupid dance.
City signs may change but never memories.
I can always count on you through pain, hard times and tragedies.
And you know I'll do the same.
Wanna scream
Wanna shout
Shout out to all my friends!
Gotta live life loud.
So raise your voice up high.
Every boy and every girl,
who feel out of place in this world:
Fuck them who criticize!
Never let them rule your life!
Scream, wanna shout
Shout out: "We're alive"
Every boy and every girl,
who feel out of place in this world.
The reckless, the hopeless and the one without an fall back plan:
Fuck it!
Wanna scream
Wanna shout
Shout out to all my friends!
Gotta live life loud.
So raise your voice up high.
Every boy and every girl,
who feel out of place in this world:
Fuck them who criticize!
Never let them rule your life!
Scream, wanna shout
Shout out: "We're alive"
"We're alive."
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dreamsofalife · 6 months
Talk about… favorite hobbies…
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"This is gonna be weird, but bear with me here, okay? I like building marble runs and racing the marbles; you can find all sorts of sets and equipment online, but there are also some fun DIY ways to make sets and tracks. I started out by watching Jelle's Marble Runs on youtube a few years ago, and watching the way the sets were built and set up, I sorta wanted to start? I bought a few assembly sets at toy stores, and my first few attempts were...well, not great, but the way it's going now, I can create a track that takes up almost a whole room!"
"I also collect vintage toys; my favorite piece of my collection is my Starcastle Moonlight Castle playset in-box. It came with all of the original dolls and accessories, and I somehow managed to snag it at a yardsale for less than fifty bucks, which if you know Starcastles is a HUGE steal."
"Other than that? I love movies, classic literature, and visiting historic graves."
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Yardsale find. It was really popular in 1978 and the collectors today dig it.
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sainthermelin · 1 year
pros of buying tableware at yardsales: cute vintage finds for incredibly cheap prices
cons of buying tableware at yardsales: 15 teacups and 1 tea saucer fuck you!!!!!!!
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