#yay its friday have a great weekend!
allylikethecat · 6 months
Chapters: 8/20 Fandom: The 1975 (Band) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: George Daniel/Matthew Healy Characters: George Daniel, Matthew Healy, Ross Macdonald, Adam Hann, Carly Holt, Jamie Oborne, Charli XCX (Musician) Additional Tags: Equestrian, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Implied/Referenced Drug Addiction, Past Drug Addiction Summary:
“Why the hell is Matthew Healy riding Carly Hann’s horse?!” George exclaimed, flinging open the door to storm into Jamie’s office, taking care to make sure the door was shut again behind him. He was surprised Jamie was even out so early, sitting in front of the computer with his reading glasses perched on the end of his nose. “He’s bad fucking news, Matthew Healy?!” George said, shaking his head as he ran his fingers through his close cropped, bleached hair.
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bricktoygrapher · 2 years
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Canoeing 🛶
Yay, it's Friday! It's time to escape to nature and enjoy its charms. 🏞️
Have a great weekend!
This is my entry to the Toy Photographers Bingo challenge.
Prompt: Water ✔️
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tonyburgessblog · 5 months
Yay, It's Friday!
Hello good people, it’s Friday, well for me its 2nd Friday because I am taking a mental health day today so its a three-day weekend for me. This week has been interesting to say the least so today has come at a good time. I hope you all have a great Friday and a greater weekend. Love and peace everyone.
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9990zara · 17 days
vent because i had a terribly stressful day under the cut for your convinience
it all started as soon as i opened my eyes LMAO i missed my alarm and i had to leave even earlier than the ass crack of dawn because of some bullshit. said bullshit is that my parent's car broke down (mood) so my oldest brother lent us one of his, but we had to drive him to work (because of more bullshit im too lazy to explain rn). so we had to drive 30km to pick him up. then like 10 km more to drive him to work. surprisingly the last 10km were the problem, as the morning traffic jam was in full force. usually i intentionally leave a lot of leeway in the morning so i dont stress out but guess what!! fridays are the day i have my only 100%-attendance-or-you-fail, outside-of-campus-so-we-use-the-bus, touch-grass-for-REAL-knowledge 8:30 class!!!!!!! so i couldn't be even a minute late or the bus would leave without me!!!! and i, a complete FOOL, miscalculated and told myself i would just take the bus on the way back from my brother's work. well my dad just had to go through the worst street in the fucking city so that i regretted all my life choices ^^ i ended up making it just as the bus was leaving, but i took like 75 emotional damage lmaoo.
class went surprisingly fine all things considered, including the fact that i HATE this course but i need it to graduate. it involves a lot of tracking through the mud, using all things pesticide and chemical, and rabbits eating last week's work. but my uni friend is delightful and her presence is like a balm, so i powered through. normally when this class is over i go straight home, but today my dad asked my middle brother and i to go look at cars with him, so downtown i went. we had a tasty but too-big-for-me lunch so i was happy but sleepy and with a tummy ache. when my arm started acting up for no reason at all, forcing me to take meds to Feel Normal. great! chronic pain is such a delight you know!!
looking at cars wasnt too bad, but we had to wait for my dad's friend, so we did a bunch of things, among those drop off my middle brother at uni, pick up my mom and my oldest brother. all nice and cool until my dad's friend decided to not show up, and my mom and oldest brother were so thoroughly stressed out for some work matters they did not elaborate on that their presence turned the air acidic. we went to drop off my oldest brother, and then spent like 40 minutes there as i tried to convince my mom to go because my middle brother was waiting for us. also my nephew is sick and it's never nice to see him like that, he's a lot like me at his age (constantly sick and fussy).
after we managed to leave and go pick uo my brother to finally go home (day started at 6am, its 6:30pm at this point) we go in only to find it stinky and messy because my oldest brother's dog (who we have been looking after. and he still hasn't picked up for some reason???) got into the cat litter to eat cat poop. because she likes to eat poop for some reason!! so its cleaning time. and my middle brother tried to push his ONLY chore (feed the dogs) on me who was doing my own chores LMAO.
so now im lying down for the first time today. its currently 8:20. i have to go wash my clothes, clean my bedroom, pack a bag because i have a forced trip this weekend, eat dinner, convince my groupmates to work on our graded assignment so i can do mine, have dinner, study a little maybe, and sleep early because of the trip. yay!!!!1!!1!1!1!!
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what-if-nct · 6 months
hellooo today's reminder is the interview went ok which I'm not sure whether i should be happy about or not but oh well. also I'm taking tomorrow off and day after is a holiday anyway and i don't plan to work too much on Friday so let's call it a long weekend
Hii, I hope you get the outcome that works best for you. But oh yay days of work are always the best and I think it's safe to say you almost have a full week off of work. I hope your day's off are great and you enjoy your extended break from work. Oh okay last time I'll talk about clothes but I got the rest of my order today and I love everything surprisingly the only thing I'm on the fence about is a hello kitty headband it's too big. I'll just try to do my hair different later. But all the tops are cute but the one outside of my comfort zone is my absolute favorite and I need ten of them. I even took a picture after trying it on its so cute. It's here if you wanna see, it looks way better in person the lighting just sucks I really need to get a full body mirror for my room. But I hope your long weekend is great and you get lots of rest🩷
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jaymgates · 2 years
Antares Log - Travel
The collected posts from his journey out here.
So, my journey with Antares, which continues to be the definition of "interesting times":
Saw him on the New Vocations website. Fell in love. Submitted an application that day.
Vet took 3 weeks to send confirmation that they do, in fact, care for the horse Dylan owns.
Application finally confirmed.
Reach out to trainer handling his rehab. She says he's on stall rest for a hoof issue.
Several weeks pass. He gets off stall rest, gets turned out, I'm told he's going back into training.
I contact a ton of horse haulers. Only one gets back to me with a decent quote, which expires in a month.
He gets ridden once, comes up lame.
Two weeks more of stall rest, terror, vet visits, xrays, radiographs.
Eventually, "he got too excited after stall rest and hurt himself."
He finally goes sound again. Goes under saddle. Trainer has a week-long retreat, during which time I'm chewing my nails off.
The shipping quote expires on Wednesday.
I'm supposed to get my first video of him on Friday. On the following Monday, I message with a nervous "heeeyyyy, everything okay?"
He's fine, one of his stall mates did that magical thing horses do where it ripped a gash in its haunch and the trainer spent all day with that.
Get the video literally while I'm being tattooed. Manage, with one hand and no ability to move, to confirm I want him.
I expect it, given the timelines at that point, be a few days at least until anything more happens.
Ten minutes later, "Great, I'll send the contract." I am still being actively tattooed.
Sign the contract, post all sorts of "YAY!" things. Get a call from my grandfather that my grandmother is in the hospital for unknown reasons. (That got sorted out fine, but argh.)
Get a new quote from the hauler. Confirm timeline. Gas prices have gone down, yay, quote is lower.
Let the trainer know the timeline.
Talk to hauler. They have a semi, so getting him directly to the barn here is going to be hard. Can I pick him up in Chehalis?
A few stressed messages, and sure, we can come get him. Plus, it saves a big chunk of money.
A week of blissful peace, during which it starts to sink in that I have a horse.
Nagging feelings of concern linger, but everything SEEMS fine.
Monday, the hauler calls to get my card info. They mention they're having trouble setting up the NY to KY leg, but they're confident it will be figured out. I just won't have confirmation until a day or two in advance.
Contact trainer. Trainer needs specific dates to get his health certificate, without which, he cannot travel.
Contact hauler on Tuesday. Hauler can't confirm but gives me a couple of days it's most likely.
Trainer says she has a horse show the day he's likely to be picked up. Hauler is apologetic, but we'll work it out.
This morning (Wednesday), hauler lets me know they haven't been able to book him a ride because the Keeneland racehorse auction is this weekend and literally every major hauler on the East Coast is booked.
I flip out and light all the signal beacons.
The horse world is amazing. I literally get like thirty recommendations.
Two hours on the phone, everyone is booked, because it's the last minute, SHOCKINGLY.
Trainer, who by this point probably just wants me out of her hair, says to call one of the groups that turned down the hauler the first time.
Local hauler says they might be able to do it.
Call national hauler. They say that their truck leaves Wednesday, so if I can get him there by then, they'll make it work (he was supposed to get there Sunday night).
Call local hauler back. Local hauler says they'll call me back with a specific schedule quote.
Local hauler calls back, says they can't get him in til Wednesday.
Thank them, have a panic attack.
Call another recommendation. He's a lovely, sympathetic gentleman with a VERY New York Brooklyn accent which makes me think fondly of one of my adopted uncles, a former NYPD homicide detective I worked with for years, who was my first glimpse into how broken policing is.
Anyways, he commiserates with me for a few minutes and says he can't help.
I start to hang up.
Wait. Can they pick him up from Columbus? He's willing to go out of his way to meet them in Columbus...tomorrow night.
Call the national hauler back. Nope.
But wait! says national hauler. Truck doesn't leave til Wednesday night. Can I get him there Wednesday morning?
Call local hauler.
Nope, not by morning.
Local hauler maybe takes pity on my jaw-clenched "thank you I understand" response.
"Well, we could get him there late morning/early afternoon."
I call the national hauler. They're nervous, but that will work for them.
I IMMEDIATELY call the local hauler back, and jump on the opportunity. It's risky, because horses are fragile, and that's a lot of travel, but I can set him up with all the meds and supplements to keep him safe, and he's an experienced traveler.
We book everything. I get the dates, times, costs, stall size (he gets the big one for the first leg, just to make it as comfy as possible).
Everything is confirmed. I call the national hauler back, and let them know.
National hauler is surprised, but I point out that favors have been called in. They check the price I'm paying, which is...not cheap.
National hauler says "well, we have another horse that needs to go up to Stanwood that weekend, so we could take yours up for free to help offset the extra cost."
I confirm. Everything is good. Things are settled.
I post all the "thank you so much for your help!" statuses.
While I'm inside, updating Dylan, local hauler calls back.
I have another mild panic attack and forget voicemail is a thing.
I call back, get THEIR voice mail.
Leave a very stressed but polite message.
Remember voicemail is a thing.
"Sorry, i miscommunicated with the scheduler--" (caller speaks in that slow, Southern syrupy voice, which, it turns out, gives one plenty of time to have at least three panic attacks between the words "miscommunicated" and...) --"we'll actually be picking him up on the 19th and getting him there on Tuesday."
I hang up and stare at the phone. That miscommunication cost me an HOUR of phone calls.
Whatever. For the moment, he's booked to get to Kentucky on Tuesday, and Washington on Friday, and the barn on (I think) Saturday the 24th.
I am a wreck, but I'm so grateful for the equine community, which is a glorious trainwreck that is absolutely *terrifyingly* fast and networked when someone says "I know someone who needs help."
But seriously. The phone calls. I have literally made more phone calls today than I've made in probably most *years*.
I am so tired of phone calls. The drop-off update I need to send the national hauler is going in a goddamned email.
Trainer confirmed that Antares loaded up without any fuss this morning. He's currently on the New York to Kentucky leg. If all goes well, he'll spend tonight and tomorrow in Lexington and then, tomorrow night, be loaded onto a semi for a hard straight run from Kentucky to Washington. He'll switch trucks in Chehalis and, if everything goes right, make the last leg from Chehalis to Tulalip on Friday.
Jesus christ this is the stress train that never quits.
Everyone is FINE, but the hauler who has Antares right now just called from Ohio because some fucking asshole pulled right in front of her and a semi and slammed on his brakes. She was able to get stopped in the nick of time because her boss had sent her with the heavy-duty truck, but Antares got a little banged up and his leg is scraped up.
I just spent twenty minutes talking the driver down off of borderline hysteria because apparently she's never had this close a call in decades of hauling and felt terrible about it.
Just...DON'T FUCKING PULL IN FRONT OF TRAILERS AND SLAM YOUR BREAKS FOR FUCK'S SAKE. I suspect I'm going to have a full "what could have been" panic attack in the next few days about this because I've seen those pictures and this is one of my two worst nightmares relating to horses.
The good news is that she's absolutely in love with him. Even banged up and freshly traumatized, she said he stood incredibly calmly and gave her his feet when asked, didn't get spooky about his legs being handled, just did a "hey, that hurts" request to have his leg back when she was checking his wounds.
She said he's also incredibly sweet and friendly, hopped in the trailer with no fuss, and has been steadily working through hay - he's on his second bag already, and eating even though he was just nearly in an accident.
His previous owners and the rehab facility did a great job with him, and I'm happy to hear my assessment of his temperament so far has been correct. I think he's something very special...if I can get him here in one piece.
Also, he's apparently big enough to be a cozy fit even in a big slant trailer, so that helped keep him from getting too banged up.
I just...I really fucking want him home so this nightmare can end.
Antares made it to Kentucky about half an hour ago, finally. He's a little stressed and worried and asking the hauler for reassurance, but he's settling down and stretching out. He'll get electrolytes and free choice hay for the night, they'll check him out in the morning, and then he has a while to relax before the next leg.
I have promised to keep the hauler updated for the rest of the journey, too. This boy has quite the little network of people helping him along.
"No news is good news."
The truck with Antares and a bunch of other horses was scheduled to leave Kentucky an hour ago, and the coordinator (who seems to have hours as relentless and terrible as mine) promised she would let me know if anything delayed them.
I have not heard anything, so now I just...try to keep breathing.
He's a seasoned traveler. He's also injured, and stressed, and those things are hard on horses.
So now I stop pretending for a bit that I am a rational person who no longer believes in metaphysical woowoo and indulge in focusing every bit of good luck and safety I can conjure to get him through this last bit safely.
If it isn't real, it doesn't hurt anything. If it's even remotely a thing...I'll take every bit I can get, after the journey so far.
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afeelgoodblog · 3 years
Best News of Last Week
Edition #012 - Hope you had a great weekend. Let's read some positive news
1. Brazil court upholds ban on missionaries trying to contact isolated Indigenous
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“Brazil’s highest court has upheld a ban on missionaries entering reserves that are home to isolated and recently contacted Indigenous people during the pandemic.
The decision comes in response to a lawsuit filed by Indigenous organizations against a law passed in July 2020 that allowed missionaries to remain inside these reserves despite the pandemic, in violation of Brazil���s official policy in place since 1987.”
2. India to provide free healthcare for transgender people, including sex change operations
“Ayushman Bharat, the Centre's flagship health insurance scheme for the poorest of the poor, will now provide medical cover to transgenders and support medical intervention like sex change operations.”
3. Ontario (Canada) government makes deal with Shoppers Drug Mart to offer free menstrual products in all schools
“Students in Ontario will have access to free menstrual products this fall after the Doug Ford government partnered with Shoppers Drug Mart to give students equitable access to the essential hygiene item.
The three-year program, announced by Education Minister Stephen Lecce Friday, will see six million sanitary pads distributed to school boards across the province annually, which can then be accessed by students in school washrooms free of charge.”
4. A chemotherapy drug derived from a Himalayan fungus has 40 times greater potency for killing cancer cells than its parent compound.
“A new industry-academic partnership between the University of Oxford and biopharmaceutical company NuCana as found that chemotherapy drug NUC-7738, derived from a Himalayan fungus, has 40 times greater potency for killing cancer cells than its parent compound.”
5. A malaria vaccine is approved by the World Health Organisation
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“This implementation programme, in which RTS,S reduced by 30% the number of cases of severe malaria which led to hospital admissions, therefore measured what kind of efficacy can be expected if the vaccine is rolled out widely across Africa.
Some may think that 30% efficacy is not much. But in parts of sub-Saharan Africa children contract malaria six times a year on average. Each year more than 260,000 African children die of it before their fifth birthdays. Those who survive often suffer lifelong harm, including stunting, a form of impaired growth that affects the ability to learn. The impact of RTS,S will thus be huge.”
Even at 30% it will save almost 80,000 lives per year! Yay science!
6. 3-year-old Texas boy found alive after going missing in woods 4 days ago
A 3-year-old boy who went missing after wandering into the woods was found alive and safe on Saturday, rescuers confirmed, ending a frantic four-day search. Christopher Ramirez was "dehydrated as well as hungry" when he was found but "in overall good spirits," a local sheriff said.
Read more here
7. Drug treatment for Lyme disease could lead to its eradication
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The discovery that a chemical is deadly to the bacterium that causes Lyme disease but harmless to animals might allow the disease to be eradicated in the wild.
“Lyme disease is well-positioned to be eradicated,” says Kim Lewis at Northeastern University in Boston. “We are gearing up, the first field trial will be next summer.”
That's it for this week. Until next week,
You can follow me on twitter . Also, I have a newsletter :)
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Happy Fab Friday! Not too many updates this time. I was able to post my second chapter for my witch/werewolf au, which I'm really proud of! I also started a one shot of a scene where Rhea is asked by one of her crew to teach her how to dance but in the midst of her teaching, it leads to a really sweet moment between Rhea and Felix (who have yet to get together at this point)
Very much going for the "only have eyes for each other but still not realizing they like each other" moment. I'm hoping to have it finished by the next Fab Friday!
One final update is I set a new writing goal for myself of trying to reach 200 words a day during the week and then 200 minimum during the weekend. I've missed a few days but otherwise its so nice to be able to know I only have to write a little a day and then achieve it!
Yay!!! Congratulations on another chapter!!!
And I can SMELL the sweet scent of pining from here!!! I'm living for this dynamic!! :)
200 words a day sounds like a great goal! It's small enough that you can squeeze it any time, but it's not overwhelming or exhausting so even when you're dead tired, you can still achieve it! I love that! :)
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cheyla-v · 3 years
February Round-Up
I was going to post this last weekend, but then I figured that it would make more sense to wait until the end of the month because I missed three of the four weeks already. Oops? 
All in all, February was a very productive month. I think I’ve got my insomnia to thank for that, because I was awake during what are apparently my peak writing hours. So, here goes.
My original monthly goal was 15k and I wrote over 21k, so yay! Then again, I really shouldn’t be surprised because there were several days that I was awake between 1am and 5am and was cranking out to 2-3k in that time period.
My main focus of the month was to finish my YOI Big Bang project, since submissions are due in March for that. I’m close, y’all! Close! 9k currently (it’s going to definitely be over my 10k estimation though...)
Soul’s Scream updates - Chapter 18 is at 5.5k right now, so progress! I also wrote a scene that’s currently 1.5k (and will probably end up a lot longer, because Gheyos!) for one of the Friday/Introduction day chapters, as well as a 4k scene that’ll take place at some point in the fic introducing Kai and some of Brishen’s backstory.
I wrote 3 fics for the YOI Olympics - Beijing 2022 event. I was going to write more, and I actually started a 4th fic, but then Olympic figure skating just became so emotionally draining. It’s gotten to the point where I don’t want to work on anything YOI related, unfortunately, which really sucks, because that fandom was what broke my 3-year writing hiatus and saved me during the pandemic and my last year of law school. 
I also wrote 3 drabbles for the February Ficlet Challenge. I wanted to write more because there were some great prompts, I just didn’t have the right muse at the time. I might do some late additions for when muse does strike if I can. 
Because my normal muse and WIP list isn’t enough, I signed up for the HP Next Gen Fest. 😅Super excited for the prompt though! Also considering joining another fest, but that’s currently TBD right now, since the prompts haven’t been released yet. Prompts are out in a few days, so I’ll know fairly soon. 
I needed fluffy and I needed funny during this month, and luckily I found plenty of both. I think I’m officially a MXTX fan now as well, considering for three of the four books I read by her, I didn’t go to bed until 2 or 3am and for two of the three series, I promptly watched the animated series that same day or the following day (it would have been all three, but watching The Untamed and Mo Dao Zu Shi is what got me started down this path in the first place 😂).
At First Bloom by Chera Carmichael
Call to Water by Chera Carmichael
Under the Water by Chera Carmichael
Mo Dao Zu Shi/Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation, Vol. 1 by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
Tian Guan Ci Fu/Heaven Official’s Blessing, Vol. 1 by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
Tian Guan Ci Fu/Heaven Official’s Blessing Vol. 2 by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
Ren Zha Fanpai Zijiu Xitong/The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
(Also Idan and Minh are totally not loosely based on the personalities of Xie Lian and Hua Cheng or Lan Wanji and Wei Wuxian... 😅)
Other Projects
Here’s the long awaited photo of what I was working on in January! I got it done in time to qualify as a late Christmas/early birthday gift. Book colors of course, because I’d never live it down if I used movie colors, lol.
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It took a few weeks, but I’ve decided what my next big project is going to be and I took a trip to the craft store for yarn. Since this next project will be something for personal use, I can actually post progress photos. I’m five rows in currently and oh my stars, there’s so much yarn switching. I can’t tell if I’m weaving or crocheting half the time.
I’m proud to say that I also FINALLY bought a coffee table. It only took ... six months? 😅But I’m happy, because it means I can unpack a few more boxes, can use my lap desk for its actual purpose again, and my cats are happy because a) it gives them a new surface to explore/lay on and b) they’re no longer getting squirted by the spray bottle for climbing on the boxes I was using as a makeshift coffee table these past few months (one was a very determined little bugger when it came to doing that and it was a whole hour-long morning ritual for several weeks, which didn’t help the whole insomnia thing...). I also bought and built a bookcase this week, so my arms and wrists are currently hating me and my tendinitis is flaring up... Next on my list of furniture to get are a nest-couch and side tables. Might take another six months for me to get them though, lol.
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drabbles-mc · 4 years
My Plus-One (Part 1)
EZ Reyes x Reader
Request by the lovely @ly--canthrope​:  The reader has a large ball/award ceremony/something fancy to attend. Her and Ez have been in each other's lives for years and they make a promise that each year, if there is an event to go to, they would go together. Its been a few years since this tradition has played out, and it is brought up in conversation (maybe talking about their plans for that week, what they are doing and busy with etc) and Ez goes, “I am busy, I am going with you to your event” and he is a pure gentlemen (You can decide thing like; are they bordering that blurred line where they are really affectionate with one another and time frame like, he could be at uni still and travels to go see her just for this event because its special to her)
Warnings: none. just some good old pining 🥺🥺
Word Count: 3.4k 
A/N: I loved writing this so much wtf. I switched up the timing of it a little bit but I think it worked out well! I got a little carried away with it (hence the 3.4k lmao) but I just love EZ and I’m a sucker for friendships with feelings. Please enjoy! (requests are always open)
EZ Tag: @noz4a2​ (if you wanna be added just shoot me a message!)
(Part 2)
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You wandered around your small studio apartment, phone held loosely in your hand while you video-chatted with EZ. Both of you had long since given up on making sure that you held the camera at flattering angles. Besides, you were trying to make dinner and not even EZ could stop you from getting food.
“So glad I get to have this conversation with half of your face,” he laughed, shaking his head.
You held the phone up so you could get a better look at him—he was sitting at the table in his trailer, phone propped up as he typed away on his laptop. “This better?” you laughed as you tried to set it up on your counter so he could see more of your face.
“Much,” he smiled, “I miss you.”
You glanced over at him as you turned the stove on, “Miss you too, EZ.”
“So,” you could hear the clicking of his keyboard in the background, “what’re your plans for the week?”
“Meh, not a whole lot going on. I do, though, have a gala for work this Saturday.”
“Oh?” he raised his eyebrows, “Sounds fancy.”
You chuckled, nodding as you waited for your water to boil, “Yea, kinda. I was thinking,” you looked at him through the lens of your phone, “If you aren’t busy, and if you really miss me, you could maybe come and be my date. It’s all paid for and everything already. All you’d have to do is show up and be my arm-candy,” you batted your eyelashes.
“Ah, like the good old days.”
“C’mon, it’s been a while since one of us had to drag the other to an event that was way above our paygrade.”
“What’re you talking about? You just drove out to visit me last year for an event.”
You rolled your eyes, “Your patch-in party is not the same as a fundraising gala, Ezekiel. Although,” you laughed, “it was undoubtedly more fun than this is going to be.”
“Giving me the hard sell, Y/N,” he laughed and shook his head.
“If you’re too busy with club shit, I get it. I know I didn’t really give you much of a heads-up.”
“Well…” he dragged out the word, milking every letter for all it was worth, “I am gonna be busy.”
“Fuck,” you sighed, “I get it, I do. Sorry I always protcrastin—”
“Let me finish,” he smiled, “I’m gonna be busy with you, so I’ll let the guys know that my weekend is booked.”
You laughed, clapping your hands excitedly, “Yay! Oh, I can’t wait to see you. I feel like it’s been forever.”
“Because it has,” he waited for you to look back to your phone, “When was the last time you came back home to SanPa?”
You sighed, shaking your head, “God, like, six months maybe? Maybe a little more? Work has just been nuts, you know?”
“You think they’re gonna relocate you back closer to home any time soon?”
You shrugged, “Not sure. I hope so, though. I miss bugging you all the time in person not just by blowing up your phone.”
“Well, you’ll get to bug me in person all weekend. Text me your address and anything else I should know. I can probably come out Friday night if that works for you?”
You nodded, “Yea, that’s fine by me. You can crash here if you want but I gotta warn you, my place is wicked small.”
“I’m currently living in a trailer, Y/N,” he chuckled, “I’m sure we’ll be fine.”
“Alright,” your heart felt so much lighter knowing that he was going to be able to go with you—you hated going to these kinds of things by yourself, “I’ll text you all the details and stuff later this week.”
“Sounds good. Go back to making your gourmet ramen over there,” he chuckled, “I’ll see you soon. Love you.”
“Love you too, EZ,” you waved goodbye before hanging up the call. You let out a sigh of relief as you tucked your phone back into your pocket.
The week seemed to fly by. Any time that you felt yourself getting stressed, or overwhelmed, or homesick, you remembered that you were going to be able to spend the whole weekend with your best friend. It made the rest of your problems seem so insignificant. Every night you’d come home and you’d see your dress hanging against the door of your closet, begging to be worn. You’d smile and run your fingers along the fabric whenever you’d walk by it. Back when you were in high school and college, the two of you went to everything together. Each prom, award ceremony, induction ceremony, friends’ weddings, you name it, it was the two of you showing up together no matter what. You had your own unspoken language, knowing when the other was ready to tap out and call it a night. Sometimes to keep things interesting you’d try to sneak out unseen, other times one of you would come up with any excuse you could so that you could leave early without anyone giving you a hard time about it. It’d been a few years since either of you had an excuse to get dressed up together.
You were finishing cleaning up your apartment when you felt your phone going off in your pocket. You glanced down and smiled at the sigh of EZ’s name on the screen, “Hey, what’s up? Everything okay?”
“Yea. I think,” he chuckled, “I think I’m outside the right building? Everything looks the same here.”
You laughed as you walked over and peeked out your window. Sure enough, you saw him sitting, leaning against his bike, “I see you. I’ll be right down,” you hung up and made sure to close your closet door before heading downstairs to greet him.
You came barreling out the front door of your apartment building, tackling him in a hug. He laughed, sweeping you up off of your feet and swinging you around as he held you tight to him. You wrapped your legs around his waist, forcing him to hold you for a few moments. It had been way too long since you last saw him in person.
“I’ve missed you,” you mumbled against his neck.
“I’ve missed you too.”
You finally let go, dropping your feet back to the ground. You helped EZ get his two bags and had him follow you up the stairs to your apartment. You kept apologizing in advance for the fact that all you had was a studio, so there wasn’t going to be a lot of room, and there was no grand tour to give him. He smiled and shook his head, constantly telling you that he didn’t care.
You opened the door, dropping one of his bags next to the couch, “This is,” you chuckled, “my beautiful kingdom.”
EZ smiled as he looked around your apartment. It was a studio, so there wasn’t a whole lot of space, but it was all modern and renovated. He was impressed by how much you had managed to utilize the space. He also liked being able to see how you chose to decorate a space that was completely your own. The last time he got to visit you, you had been sharing an apartment with a roommate and the two of you had completely opposite tastes in décor. He liked the vibe you had created—a lot of bright, happy colors. He recognized some of the art on the walls as things you had commissioned your friends to make for you because you liked having things that were one-of-a-kind.
“This is a pretty great spot, Y/N.”
You smiled, “Thanks. It’s home for now,” you sighed, “I have no guest room to offer you, but the couch does pull out so you won’t be too crammed for the next couple nights.”
He chuckled, nodding, “I appreciate it.”
“You eat before you left?”
He nodded, “Yea I’m all set. Didn’t want to be taking any of your ramen from you.”
You gave him a playful slap to the arm, “So considerate.”
The two of you spent the night sitting on the couch together catching up, a show on the television just for background noise. It crept late into the night before the exhaustion started to show on EZ’s face. He had had a long day but he was enjoying the fact that he was actually face-to-face with you for the first time in months.
“I’ll let you get some sleep,” you smiled as you stood up off the couch, “If you’re up for it in the morning there’s a really good coffee spot a few blocks from here.”
He smiled, nodding, “Sounds good.”
“Bathroom is right through there if you wanna change. I’ll see you in the morning,” you leaned in and gave him a hug that you dragged out to last a little longer than you usually would, “Goodnight.”
The morning and afternoon flew right by, and before you knew it the two of you were getting ready for the gala. You chastised EZ for leaving his dress clothes in his bags for so long. All these years and he still hadn’t figured out that they needed to hang to cut down on wrinkles. You ironed out his slacks and shirt, impressed by the fact that he had also brought a suit jacket. It was an all-black ensemble that you knew would make your coworkers drool over him, and you were going to soak up every second of that.
You left the bathroom open for him to get changed as you retreated to the semi-privacy of the space that passed for your bedroom. You shimmied into your dress, pulling the straps up onto your shoulders. You zipped it up as much as you could without risking ripping any of the stitching, thankful that you had EZ to help you with it the rest of the way. You looked at yourself in the mirror and smiled, still loving the dress as much as you had the day you tried it on in the store.
You had settled on a deep burgundy dress. It was a little low-cut, but not so much that you felt overly exposed. It was floor length, and had a slit up to just below your hip that you could only see once you started walking. You had picked up some simple jewelry—a few gold bangles and a long necklace that draped down your chest. Deciding to pull the whole look together with your favorite pair of black heels. A little height boost when you were walking with EZ never hurt.
“Hey, EZ? Can you come finish zipping me up?”
You heard the sounds of his dress shoes on the hardwood. He poked his head around the half-wall that separated your bed from the rest of your apartment. His eyes grew wide as he took in the sight of you. He cleared his throat, trying to get his thoughts in order as he remembered the actual reason you had called him over.
You pulled your hair off to the side and turned so your back was to him, thankful that it gave the added benefit of hiding the giant grin on your face. He tried to be as gentle as possible, the rough pads of his fingers grazing lightly against your back as he pulled the zipper up the last of the way.
“You look amazing, Y/N,” he smiled at you.
“Yea, we clean up alright, don’t we?” you patted his chest, practically salivating over the sight of him in dress clothes for the first time in years. You reached and undid the top button of his shirt, allowing a little bit of his collarbone to be exposed.
“Feeling a little risqué tonight?” he chuckled.
“Who knows when we’re going to get to do this again?” you smiled, “Might as well make the most of it.”
“I was gonna offer to take you on the bike,” he laughed as he looked you up and down for the hundredth time in two minutes, “But I don’t think that dress would make it.”
You nodded, “You’re right. We’ll take my car,” you walked over and grabbed the small clutch that you had picked up just for this occasion, pulling your keys out of it, “You ready?”
“I think so,” he patted his pockets down to make sure that he still had his phone and wallet, “You gonna give me the dirt on all your coworkers on the ride over?”
“Of course,” you smiled as you ushered him out the door, locking it behind the two of you.
You parked the car at the venue and EZ all but leapt out of the car to come and open your door for you. You chuckled as he held his hand out to help you step out onto the pavement. He hadn’t even wanted you to be the one to drive there, but you insisted since he knew nothing about the area.
He gently wrapped his arm around your waist as the two of you walked into the venue. You knew that your coworkers weren’t expecting you to show up with a plus-one. You had been quite clear about the fact that you weren’t dating anyone, and that no one at your job interested you enough to break your, “I don’t date coworkers” rule. There were quite a few lax jaws as the two of you strolled into the event room. Anyone else might have been nervous, but EZ saw how much you loved it and he was eating up every second of it.
You brought him around and introduced him to everyone, reveling in the fact that his arm never left your waist. After a handful of introductions, you dragged him across the room to introduce you to your boss.
“Cynthia,” you smiled wide, “This is my friend Ezekiel. Ezekiel, this is my boss Cynthia.”
“Please, call me Cindy,” she held out her hand, eyes slowly raking over the man you had put in front of her, not that you could blame her, “It’s nice to meet you, Ezekiel. I have to admit, Y/N here is a bit of an enigma around the office,” she turned her attention to you, “You look amazing, by the way.”
You smiled, “Thank you, so do you. A little more than business casual, huh?”
She laughed, nodding, “That’s for sure,” she paused, “Also, don’t forget, it’s open bar. So help yourselves.”
You tapped your fingers together mischievously, “Ah, don’t mind if I do.”
“I’ll make sure to catch up with you two later,” she smiled at EZ, “It was nice to meet you, Ezekiel.”
“Nice to meet you too,” he nodded politely before she walked away, swept up in a sea of other conversations.
“Remind me to keep a close eye on you around her,” you laughed, “Don’t want her snatching you up.”
The night wore on, and you were impressed with how easily EZ blended into the crowd with everyone from work. He made his way through a lot of small talk, a lot of, “So how do you know Y/N?” and other questions of the sort. The whole night he couldn’t help but to keep looking over at you, making sure that he had physical contact with you in one way or another. You couldn’t pretend that you minded it.
By your fourth glass of wine EZ had managed to get your keys from you, promising that he would drive the both of you back to your apartment safely and responsibly. His largest obstacle of the evening was hiding your bidding number sign from you so you didn’t spend money that you didn’t have.
“You’re the one who told me,” he said quietly in your ear, trying to suppress a laugh, “that your financial contribution was the, and I quote, buttload of money you paid for our tickets here.”
You huffed, trying and failing to give him a displeased expression, “But I wanna feel like a fancy rich person, EZ.”
He smiled at you, resting his hand on your thigh, “You’re certainly dressed like one, Y/N, so for tonight that’ll have to be enough. And besides, I’m your personal chauffer, so it doesn’t get more fancy rich person than that.”
You smirked over at him, placing your hand on top of his and interlocking your fingers, “I’m really glad that you’re here.”
He squeezed your fingers lightly, “Yea, me too.”
The evening was beginning to wind down, and EZ could see it on your face that if he didn’t get you out soon, you were going to start causing trouble. It was fine when the two of you were out among people you didn’t know, but he didn’t think that he’d be a very good friend if he let you start drunkenly stirring the pot with your coworkers. He convinced you to start saying your goodbyes, his hand placed on the small of your back as the two of you maneuvered through the small crowds of people in the event space.
You were walking through the parking garage, your hand entwined with his as you swung your arms back and forth, “What a night!”
EZ chuckled, spinning you carefully so you didn’t fall over, but still got to enjoy the flow of your dress when you spun and moved, “I’m honored I got the invite.”
“You sure you’re good to drive?”
He laughed, nodding, “I’m sure. Not like you could take over for me anyway.”
He helped you into the passenger seat before going around and getting in, sliding the seat back so he could actually fit. He chuckled as he saw you out of the corner of his eye, peeling your shoes off before you even left the parking garage. The whole drive home you went on and on about how much your coworkers loved him, you could just tell. He smiled and nodded, letting one hand stray and come to rest on your thigh.
He parked outside your apartment building and you looked over at him with your biggest puppy-dog eyes, “Ezekiel, I don’t wanna put my shoes back on. Will you carry me upstairs?”
He laughed and nodded, “Yes, but only because tonight you’re a fancy rich lady.”
“You’re so good to me. I love you,” you smiled over at him.
He felt his heart beating harder inside his chest, “I love you too.”
He carried you bridal style up the stairs with such ease. You loved every moment of it. He held onto you as you unlocked the door, still wrapped up in his arms. You giggled into his neck as he kicked the door shut behind you and turned the deadbolt. He carried you to your bed, setting you down gently. You smiled up at him from your mattress, reaching out and taking his hand in your own.
“I’ve missed you so much, EZ.”
He traced his thumb over your knuckles, “Yea, I’ve missed you too.”
Before he could walk out to collapse on the couch you asked him, “Can you help me with my dress?”
He swallowed hard, nodding, “Yea, of course, whatever you need.”
You pulled your hair off to the side again so he could pull the zipper down. If you didn’t know any better, you’d say that there was a slight trembling to his hands as he fumbled with the zipper, pulling it down slowly. He took a deep breath as he gently pushed the straps down off your shoulders. You hummed in approval as you leaned back against him, melting into him as he wrapped his arms around your waist. There were a few beats of silence before you felt him lightly press his lips against the bare skin of your shoulder, gently kissing the soft skin there.
Your breath caught in your throat and it took you a second to get the words out, “You could, um,” you were thankful that you weren’t facing him so he couldn’t see the nervousness on your face, “you could stay in my bed tonight…if you wanted. It’s probably…you know…more comfortable than the couch.”
His lips were still pressed against your shoulder and you could feel his laughter vibrate against your skin, “Yea? You sure?”
You turned around so you were facing him. He leaned in, resting his forehead against yours. He was holding you close enough that you were certain that he could feel your heart palpitating, “Yea. I’m not ready to give up your company yet.”
He kissed your forehead, “Let’s get to bed then.”
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editorialsonlife · 2 years
Yikes what a chaotic mess life is at the moment honestly. In both a physical and mental and organisational sense and I’m trying to be kind and compassionate to myself about it but like, fucking hell I feel like it’s the end of March and the whole year has been a mess so far and it’s frustrating.
We moved in over the weekend even though the house isn’t done and it’s Fkn frustrating. We can’t unpack anything properly so we’re basically living off microwave food and other shit. Until all the tidy ups are done the fridge is plugged in in the spare room so I can’t work at home and there’s all kinds of issues there.
Work is challenging. Like fun but fuck me its hard yakka. So much history, so much bad behaviour, so much negativity on all fronts and it’s just bloody rough. So that’s taking a toll as well.
Dave is burnt out like heck. He had Friday and today off though which has helped but we need the house to be done so he can have longer I think. We’re in for a punishing April and May where we’re away four weekends in a row (covid permitting) And that’s gunna be a lot.
And to top it all off I’ve hit a distressing new highest weight and being in both the apartment and now at home and in work lifts I’ve realised I really haven’t seen my whole body in a mirror consistently in a long while. And there was a day I was walking down the street and saw my reflection and literally didn’t recognise myself and it’s just horrendous and I feel terrible. And then because I feel utterly miserable I eat more shit food. And I know the last 8 weeks are a temporary sitch and I know the moment we get a cooktop back it’s gunna be veges for life but fucking hell I’m finding it really not to hate my body and fall into an absolute pit of despair at the moment. It’s not good. And made challenging by the fact I can’t track calories without being obsessive over it and the Fitbit is actually horrendous for my mental health and I can’t pick just one direction and commit to it right now (thanks chaos brain) and it’s just a shitty analysis paralysis cycle tbh. I Fkn hate it.
So yay. But in classic life is shit it’s also Fkn great though. The renos are done and the house is ANAZING and so function now and it looks cool and we’re so stoked with it man and work is good and let’s be real, I’ve made it through these 8 weeks with no major breakdowns at all which most definitely would not have been the case 8 months ago or 2 years ago so like how good is personal growth ya know???
Living a pretty Fkn good life right now despite everything.
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hale-13 · 3 years
Triple Axel
By Hale13
For the Summer of Whump Day 1 - Freezing
There’s nothing Peter loves more about winter than spending the entire season ice skating. The fact that Mr. Stark‘s lake freezes over so well just gives him the perfect excuse to hang out with his mentor, pseudo-sister and still get to skate for free.
Words: 2738, Chapters 1/1 (Complete), Language: English
Fandoms: Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies)
Rating: Gen
Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark
Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Morgan Stark, Sam Wilson, Bruce Banner
Read on AO3 or below the line break.
Peter grew up a pretty graceless kid.
He never looked where he was going, always too excited, and tripped over air. His knees and palms were perpetually covered in cuts and scrapes in various stages of healing and he broke his glasses so often May and Ben had taken to just taping them together at the bridge of the nose instead of replacing them. Going to the community playground was an activity that was fraught with danger due to Peter’s over enthusiasm; well that and his two left feet and lack of hand-eye coordination. It was lucky that he picked up the, much safer, past time of building legos and other models with Ned at a young age.
Peter looked back on those sepia childhood memories with nostalgia and fondness now but he can remember the frustration of just wanting to do what the other kids did. He hated that he stood out because of his ridiculous coke-bottle glasses, the severe asthma attacks that kept him from participating in gym and recess. He just wanted to have fun.
And, unbelievable to anyone who knew him, the one thing that Peter Parker was inexplicably good at as a kid was ice skating.
The first time Peter was allowed to skate was when he was eight at Betty Brant’s birthday – coincidentally the first party he was invited to. May and Ben had both be overly hesitant – accident prone kids didn’t often mix well with anything slippery and sharp pointy objects – but Peter was able to wear them down eventually.
The prediction that Peter would fall flat on his face the second his skates touched the ice proved to be accurate but Peter was nothing if not stubborn so he pulled himself up and used the wall to make a shaky first lap. The longer he spent moving, the better he got and, by the end of the two hour party, he was able to make a complete circuit all by himself. His love for skating and finally, finally, being able to do something active grew from there. May and Ben were never able to afford lessons for him but they managed to scrap together enough money for season passes for him every year at the local rink.
Skating reminded him so much of the toddler ballet classes his mom had signed him up for before he had been diagnosed with asthma but so much more fun. He spent just about every weekend he could on the ice for a few hours practicing; he was never really able to do any jumps or anything too fancy but it was still so much fun. It wasn’t until after the spider bite and his life changing forever that he got really good.
It sure sucked that he couldn’t thermoregulate well anymore.
“Petey!” Morgan screamed, delighted, from where she was carefully skating closer to the edge of the frozen over lake under the watchful eye of her father. “Do another flip!”
Peter smiled indulgently and performed a perfect double axel, landing gracefully and gliding over to where Morgan was clapping next to dock. She had good balance for a five year old but the thin blades of her tiny skates still wobbled precariously on the ice due to her enthusiastic cheering.
“Not bad kid,” Tony told him from where he was seated in a camp chair on the dock and covered with blankets, a thermos of warm tea in the cup holder. He had flat out refused to test his luck with skating but, then again, his center of gravity was still off from his upgraded prosthesis.
“Thanks Mr. Stark!” Peter smiled, coming to a stop next to the other two and spraying his mentor with ice. Tony protested wordlessly but his smile let Peter know he wasn’t too serious. Peter absently rubbed his hands against his biceps to bring some warmth back into his skin – part of not thermoregulating well meant minimal to no shivering in the cold so he had to rely on friction – he was clearly not sneaky enough though because he could see the moment Tony clocked the movement and narrowed his eyes.
“Alright Johnny Weir time to go in before you freeze into a spider-sicle,” the man said as he drained the last of his tea and started packing up all of the stuff they had carted down to the frozen lake – more than they really needed in Peter’s opinion. “I promised your aunt I wouldn’t let you get hypothermia this week.”
“Aw daddy,” Morgan whined, skating unsteadily over to collide with Peter’s knees and shins and nearly knocking him off balance and onto his butt. “Five more minutes? Please?”
Morgan was attempting her very best puppy dog expression and Peter joined in when she shoved her pointy little elbow into his thigh. Tony had gotten soft in his old age and Peter could see his resolve crumbling under their combined gaze before he finally cracked with a sigh.
“Fine,” he conceded. “Five more minutes. I’m going to go brew up some hot chocolate. Can I trust you two by yourselves?”
“Yay!” Morgan screamed making Peter clutch his ears as she shakily skated off, getting just a little bolder and heading more toward the middle of the ice where Peter had been doing jumps and flips earlier. “Come on Petey!”
“I’ve got her Mr. Stark,” Peter promised before taking off after the little girl he was beginning to see as a sister, doing a perfect back flip and landing easily on the thin blades of his skates to her delight. At Morgan’s request, Peter continued to skate around her in wide circles, doing more and more elaborate jumps and laughing with her when he fell or stumbled.
“Do the hard one again!” Morgan called out from her spot about fifteen feet away from Peter, standing pretty steady for her lack of practice and Peter smiled indulgently.
“Last time and then we should probably head in before your dad comes after us,” he agreed, skating back into a wide arc before picking up speed and calculating his jump. He planned to land a few feet from Morgan because he knew it would really excite her. Things went pretty great in the beginning, his speed and takeoff were both perfect and his execution, while a little off, was passable enough for his sister.
His landing, however, needed work.
Unlike the ice rink ice he was used to, the frozen lake was pitted and rough. Peter had a little difficultly adjusting when he started but was able to compensate quickly as the afternoon wore on. Unfortunately, he was just a little too late this time to notice the divot and he hit it with his toe pick sending him sprawling onto his front about six feet from Morgan.
“Ouchies,” he muttered as he gave Morgan a thumbs up to show he was okay and started to leaver himself up.
Until he heard the cracking.
He froze immediately and looked down in horror to see the ice below him cracking and shattering. A small part of him wanted to slam his body down flat to better distribute his weight but his logical brain knew it was far too late for that all he needed to do was make sure that…
“I’ll help you Petey!” He heard her yell seconds before she crashed into his side and Peter, thinking fast, double clicked the panic button on his watch just as water started gushing through the cracks, pulling him under.
Morgan screamed and struggled as Peter did his best to keep as much of her as possible out of the water. His head was dunked briefly and his lungs seized from the cold. He felt the sharp blade of Morgan’s skate cut into his shoulder through his puffy jacket and he winced before clawing his way back above water with a gasp. He could hear Morgan still screaming and, gathering all the strength he had left, Peter hurled her from the water and across the ice where she slid safely away from the cracks.
“G-get dad-d,” Peter gritted out through shattering teeth as he gripped the broken edges of the ice. He could vaguely hear Morgan shuffling off the ice and up toward the cabin but his main focus was staying above the water and keeping purchase on the continually shrinking edges of the ice. His legs were completely numb and the metal of his battered skates felt heavy in the water, pulling him down deeper.
“Hang on Peter!” He heard Tony’s panicked voice from the shore before the sound of repulsers drowned out everything else and Peter looked up and made eye contact with the Iron Man suit piloted by FRIDAY. The left hand reached down and plucked him out of the water and into its arms, flying back to land on the porch steps. Peter collapsed on the ground, completely unable to hold up his own weight and feeling completely numb. “Peter!”
Tony skidded to his knees next to Peter, Morgan in his arms before he swiftly set her down on the porch. “C-cold,” Peter gritted out through clenched and chattering teeth as he tried to force his frozen body to curl up with little success. Through blurry eyes he could tell that Morgan had ditched her skates somewhere and he felt a spike of worry – he didn’t want her to get frostbite.
“I know buddy,” Tony said, propping Peter up with his vibranium arm before picking him up in a bridal carry. “I’m going to get you warm.” Peter didn’t do anything to help beyond curling closer to Tony’s chest and the body heat it emitted. The man kicked open the cracked door to the mud room and air so warm it burned cascaded over him. “Morgan go grab some blankets from the closet for Peter okay? Really quick now.” Morgan, crying silent tears and pale and shivering in her damp winter gear, ran off down the hall toward the linen closet.
“Tony,” Peter whimpered when he was set on the floor but the man was quick to shush him.
“I know buddy,” he reassured, “I just need to get these wet clothes off okay? Just let me do all the work. FRI, have Banner and a quinjet here ASAP.” Peter spaced out as Tony whipped Peter’s frozen, wet hoodie over his head followed quickly by the t-shirt and thermals under it. “Eyes up Pete,” Tony ordered as he worked on getting Peter out of his soaked jeans and thermal pants to leave him shaking on the floor in his boxers. “Your only job right now is to stay awake, capiche?\
“Yes sir,” Peter said, willing his eyes to open and his teeth to stop chattering. Morgan slid back into the room trailing a pile of fleece blankets and the comforter off of Peter’s bed and Peter mustered up a smile for her so she wouldn’t be so scared.
“Great job Maguna,” Tony praised as he wrapped the thickest fleece around Peter’s shoulders, doing his best not to jostle him too much. “Now run up to Pete’s room and get him a pair of sweatpants and his black zip up jacket okay?” Morgan hiccuped on a sob but ran out of the room and back up the stairs. Once she was out of the room, Tony wrapped Peter in another blanket before helping him wiggle out of his icy boxers. “FRI update on Bruce?”
“Dr. Banner and Mr. Wilson are on their way, ETA seven minutes. He advises getting Peter out of his wet clothes and wrapped in warm blankets. He recommends not moving him too much.
“Thanks dear,” Mr. Starks said distractedly as he pulled Peter into his arms to provide extra warmth. “How we doing Pete?”
“Tired,” Peter answered, burrowing into Tony’s arms. “Cold.”
“I know kiddo, just hold on a second longer.”
“I got it!” Morgan said as she came back into the room brandishing Peter’s clothes.
“Good job honey,” Tony said as gently as possible as he took the clothes. “Uncle Bruce is on his way and we’re going to go visit the compound. Can you go change into your warmest PJs for me as quick as possible?” As soon as Morgan had left the room again, Tony made quick work of threading Peter’s unwilling and stiff limbs through his pants and jacket, tucking the comforter around them both to lock in the warmth.
“Tony?” Bruce called, voice urgent, from the direction of the front door.
“Mud room!” Tony called back, not moving from his position curled around Peter’s limp body. Footsteps thundered in their direction and Bruce and Sam skidded around the corner a second later both wearing their warmest loungewear and Peter felt a little guilty about pulling them away from a day of relaxation.
“Jesus,” Sam mumbled as he dropped to his knees next to the pair reaching into the blanket nest to press burning fingers to Peter’s carotid to take his pulse.
“How long was he in the water?” Bruce asked, carefully moving Peter’s hair back out of his eyes to look at his pale face. His eyes darted over to the gash on his shoulder from Morgan’s skates that was beginning to bleed sluggishly now that Peter was out of the water and warming up but ignored it for now.
“Only a couple minutes,” Tony told him, an edge to his voice, “but he had been outside for a few hours. We were about to come in for hot chocolate.” The man sounded bereft and Peter cuddled closer into his chest trying to offer some comfort.
“Okay,” Bruce said, calm. “Peter you’re going to let Tony carry you out to the jet. I don’t want you moving more than you absolutely have to so just let him do all the work. Once we get you on board I’m going to start warming you up.” His tone brokered no argument and Tony disentangled himself from the cocoon and picked Peter up. Sam left the room but Peter could hear him talking to Morgan in the kitchen, calming her down and ushering her toward the jet.
Things went a little fuzzy for Peter from there. He was vaguely aware of the quinjet taking off and Bruce and Sam starting warm IV fluid. Warmed oxygen forcing its way down his throat. But he was just so tired. He knows he promised but surely Mr. Stark wouldn’t be too upset if he just took a little nap right? He let his eyes dip closed one last time as he slipped away.
Peter can remember waking up on and off a few times. He remembers getting off the quinjet and being settled in a trauma room in the compound’s MedBay, the heated blankets that felt heavenly to his cold skin. He was out for a while after that he thinks and, when he next wakes up, he’s warmer and much more comfortable.
“Pete?” Peter lets his head fall to the side and he gives Tony a little grin. His mentor looks like shit and is sitting hunched over in an uncomfortable chair next to Peter’s bed. “Oh thank God,” he says, going to grab Peter’s hand and then aborting the motion, leaning forward to press their foreheads together instead. “If you ever scare me like that again you’re grounded until your thirty.”
Peter chuckles a little and shifts on the bed. His arms both have IV catheters in the forearm and he can see blood flowing through the lines. He follows it back to a larger machine set up next to his bed and mutters a hoarse little “what?” of confusion.
“You were too cold so Bruce started warming your blood,” Tony told him, hand reaching up to comb through Peter’s wild hair. “You’re okay now though,” he assured. “You’re on the mend. Bruce said you should be done with this in about an hour so you just need to relax right now okay Bambino?”
“Morgan?” Peter asked instead, dizzy and tired and barely clinging to consciousness.
Tony smiled down at him. “She’s just fine kiddo. You saved her you big damn hero.”
“Good,” Peter slurred, letting his eyes slip closed again. “May?”
“Happy went to get her,” Tony promised. “The roads aren’t too great but they should be here soon.”
“‘Kay,” Peter yawned.
“Take a nap buddy – you earned it,” and, warm and comfortable, Peter did.
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featherymalignancy · 4 years
#FanficFriday has been just what I needed today. In Vino Veritas is so detailed on the wine knowledge!! What's your favorite drinking wine for the weekend? [LALH was my favorite fic of yours for a while but I think In Vino has surpassed based on how many times I've read the last chapter... ]
Hi Love!
Sorry, I think I missed this last week but its a dope question because YAY WINE 🍷
So unpopular opinion, particularly among wine snobs who consider whites to be less elevated and complex than reds, but I am a year-round white-wine drinker, and if I’m not eating, I am more likely going to be drinking white over red.
My favorite white is a type of Spanish/Portuguese wine called Albariño, which is the varietal (grape). It’s dry and fruit-forward with refreshing citrus 🍋 and nectarine 🍑 that gives it a really bright, acidic flavor 🤩 . The soil in that region is also got salt 🧂 in it from the ocean 🌊 , which gives the grapes a different character and the wine a slight effervescence from the minerality! (Cash talks about this type of wine when Nesta agrees to try the white in chapter four of In Vino Veritas, Mar de Frades)
One of the biggest things I love about Albariño is the freshness, and since that is what typifies the wine, WINEMAKERS DON’T AGE IT IN FUCKING OAK BARRELS .
I hate oaky white wine (LOOKING AT YOU CALIFORNIA CHARDONNAY). Aging white wine in oak gives the wine a rich sweetness that has a sort of vanilla/tea vibe that is just not nice. It also changes the texture and makes it buttery/silky, which may sound nice to some people, but it me it’s almost...slippery? Like in the mouth it feels gross to me. 😟 If you’re drinking it with some really creamy poultry dish it can be fine, but for drinking alone NAH FAM. (Cash would totally agree, see his assessment of a California chard in chapter one of In Vino Veritas, Cheval)
While it’s reasonably priced in Europe (I love you 🇪🇸 and 🇵🇹) straight Albariño wines can be more than you may want to spend in 🇺🇸 so a nice alternative is to branch out from the specific Albariño varietal and go for a Vino Verde.
Vino Verde refers to Portuguese wine made in the Minho region (Northwest Portugal) and is the name for the type of wine that Albariño is used to make. So basically, Albariño grapes can be used in Vino Verde, but not all Vino Verde wines have Albariño in them. If you wanted to try this type of wine (and not break $10) I would recommend Broadbent Vino Verde and Casal Garcia. They make a great patio pounder in summer and an AMAZING compliment to ceviche 🍤 (honestly any white fish), salty foods, 🧀 cheese board, but I also drink it alone a lot
However, there are days that I like to pretend I’m Kerry Washington in Scandal and drink red wine 🍷 without food, in which case I usually drink Beaujolais. Beaujolais is the appellation (where the wine in made, which is Southern France below Burgundy) the varietal is Gamay (thats the grape). It’s got a lot of berries (raspberry, blackberry, cranberry, cherry🍒) in it, which is fruity and yummy, and it again, the soil has some minerality to it (like the region where you get Vino Verde) so there is a little salt 🧂 in there that adds a zip. My favorite Beaujolais at the mo is Louis Jadot Beaujolais Gamay, it’s like... $11 at my liquor store.
Beaujolais are also meant to be served a LITTLE BIT chilled 🥶 . (like...10-12 degrees below room temp). For me, I like the things I drink to be refreshing, and that BABY chill on the Beaujolais does the trick. (I usually put it in the fridge for like 15 minute before I drink it) Mostly importantly (FOR ME): Beaujolais wine AREN’T TANNIC.
Tannins are naturally-occurring compounds in wine which give a bitterness to the flavor and add astringency (that feeling where your mouth kind of puckers and your tongue buzzes. You know when you eat an under-ripe banana🍌? THAT’s astringent).
Wine experts will tell you that tannins add complexity; Cash would tell you that for everything there is a season: if you’re eating some incredibly rich, fatty cut of red meat 🥩 , a tannic-heavy wine is going to add a lot to the experience. Cabernet Sauvignon, for example, is tannic AF, that’s why it’s go-to at steak houses. But for just drinking at home on the couch? It’s a huge mistake in my mind.
Okay I gonna stop there because that was WAY too long already, but thank you for letting me geek out a little and if you ever want wine recs, I’m NOT an expert but I can give you ones I like! 🍷
Also if you have more questions for Fanfic Friday, hit me up! ♥️
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under-omit · 3 years
Monday announcement!
Hello! lovely 5 followers!  first off, OMG THANKS FOR 5 FOLLOWERS I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH AND I AM SO HAPPY THANKS 1- My banner art!!! (very important!!!) So, Some may have noticed that I got banner art! YAY!  It is my artwork, however, I did use a reference for UNDYNE based off a specific Instagram post and artist whos goes by Apollo. While unfortunately they do not have a Tumblr, they said it was okay to refer to their Instagram! So, this is their insta- do give them some love <3 Apollo’s Instagram (I will try to put this somewhere on my blog for easy finders. Don’t know too much about Tumblr yet, but I am slowly getting there!) 2- Soooo, school starts this Monday! (and I still have work lol).  This means that one thing is gunna start happening. Less posts! I will post on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. After work ends, I will doing pretty much all my art on the weekends, which will probably change the schedule to Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and sometimes Friday.  - (please read) However, I have also been debating making maybe longer posts? They would be less frequent, but more pages the days I do post.  If I posted two times a week, readers could probably expect 2-3 pages each day I post. If I posted once a week, readers could probably expect up to 6 pages, though 5 is more realistic.  Personally, I like posting more often, but, that can be a weird reading experience. so PLEASE LET ME KNOW. (even if you see this post in a fricken year from its date posted, let me know!!) 3- Update on my brother. He is doing great :) He moved back to my grandpas, but not that it matters too much anyways, considering I am moving back to my dads for school. I have an actual work space there, so... yay! I have already created two more pages last week after my brother had gone back to grandpas, which will be posted soon! 4- Art style. I am actively trying to “change” my art style to something more fun (for me to draw). This mainly goes for eyes, clothes, coloring, and shading. I want to develop a style that is fast, easy, but still looks good.  So, readers may notice quite the significance in changes here and there. :) 5- Story plans! (recommend reading). I am at a halt for The story of Chara. I know what I want in the long run, but it is hard for me to think about the “now”. So, do excuse the lack of posts on Chara until I map it out better.  As for The story of Sabri, I have put far more thought into their story (as it is something that has never had any guidelines, because its not cannon.) So, there will be quite the flush of pages on Sabri for a while :)  Other stories: I reaaaallly cannot wait! I have so many plans for so many of these stories! I really think this universe will be a keeper :D 6- AU details that are kinda important (about similarities) So I want to put this out NOW.  I have read, watched, and learned about A LOT of Undertale AU’s. My AU is supposed to be fully unique from others. However, last time I went through those.... many many au's, was YEARS ago. So, if the readers happen to notice anything slightly similar to other au’s, please note it is not on purpose! All of my content is solely based off the original game and my own mind. I do understand that our brains may think we are creating something original from memory of an idea and makes itself think it is original due to not remembering the source. I doubt this will happen, but if it does, please just keep that in mind. (Also, tell me if you notice any similarities so that I can look into it. (Note: I purposely avoid AU’s that may end up inspiring mine. While I would love the inspiration and expand on ideas, I really don’t want to accidently forge content!) Lastly, thanks for reading, and thanks again Apollo for letting me use their art as a reference! -2k
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lynne-monstr · 4 years
hi blog, it's friday! I'm sitting on my sister's couch and attempting to do my work on my phone (which is working okay i guess but not great lol). I came over to help prep for holiday dinner tonight (shana tova!) but I was in a rush and did not bring my work computer oops.
work is about to pick up in a big way and I'm hoping it doesn't impact my writing productivity but it probably will. but that's okay I think I've made a lot of good progress these past couple months. I've posted a handful of tka fic (yay new fandom) and even managed to finish up a bunch of malec fic that was languishing. upcoming fic projects are:
secret tka fic! the big bang event will start posting in october and i'm so excited. my fic isn't super long but i'm proud of it!
non-linear malec fic. I posted a ramble last year of an idea about asmodeus asking for magnus to come to edom for 1000 years rather than give up his magic and I have about 3k words of that draft written. I'm trying my hand at telling a story out of order and boy is it hard!
de-aged yu wenzhou fic. this spawned as very self indulgent writing exercise from writers month and grew legs. I gave up trying to update it every day because I needed to pull back and see where it was going. I have hope it will be close to 30k words when its done. maybe
I hope everyone has a great weekend!
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softyoongiionly · 5 years
Fear and Dumplings: Chapter Nine
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Confronting your fears for a final grade sounds unappealing but, with Yoongi as your partner, things might not be so bad.
Summary: You’re in your final semester at University when your Abnormal Psychology professor assigns you a partnered project surrounding your greatest fears. Lucky for you, your partner just so happens to be a cute boy named Min Yoongi.
Pairing: Min Yoongi x Reader
Genre: Underground Rapper! Yoongi, Soft!!! Yoongi, Fluff!!!, some moderate angst (later), smut (later later), slow-ish? burn.
Word Count: 8.3k (holy moly)
A/N: Thank you all for waiting! Don’t forget to check out my post to weigh in on my upcoming fics :)
Warnings for this Chapter: language aka the bros are wild as usual, smut, also if you’re afraid of spiders, they are mention in (gross) detail later in the chapter.
Warnings for the Fic: mentions characters confronting their fears, characters in uncomfortable situations, emotional moments between characters, mentions of bad parenting, explicit language throughout the fic, moderate angst, and very explicit smut later in the story.
Chapter 9: Spiders and Scary Movies
“So…like…was it big or?” Jimin’s mischievous voice twinkles though the speaker causing Tae to chuckle. Jungkook wrinkles his nose, vigorously shaking his head.
“I don’t know why that matters, when all they did was hold hands…right Y/N?” Jungkook chimes in over Jimin’s voice, giving you a pointed look.
You giggle, shaking your head before leaning back against the arm of your couch. As promised, you had FaceTimed your friends after your study group to inform them that, no, you did not in fact sleep with a man named August.
“Right, that’s it, just a lot of hand holding and absolutely nothing else.” You agree, your lips pursed in attempt to hold in your laughter.
Jungkook looks pleased with your response, his face relaxing momentarily but, its short lived when Taehyung pipes up to give his two cents.
“That’s funny…” He begins smirking, nodding to you. “I don’t think I’ve ever gotten a hickey from holding someone’s hand before.”
Jungkook’s brows raise up in horror as his face snaps up toward you, wide eyes frantically searching your face and neck. With a furrowed brow you look into the screen, trying to locate the cause of the commotion. Your teeth tuck into your lip as you finally spot the aggravated bit of violet skin near the base of your neck. You hadn’t even noticed it when you were rushing to get ready earlier in the day and, the realization that your friends at your study group had definitely seen it, quickly washes over you
“Must have held his hands too tight…” You concede, smirking to yourself
“Y/N…” Jimin whines, he flops his head back onto his bed, looking mildly impatient. “Tell us what happened…I’ve been waiting all day. Kookie just cover your ears if you don’t want to hear about it.”
“I’m not giving you his measurements Minnie…” You insist, giggling at his antics.
“If you guys keep talking about the details of his dick, I’m hanging up.” Jungkook grumbles, his lips pouted and, you can’t help but notice how much he looks like his younger self: pouting because Jimin and Tae forgot his banana milk on their convenience store run.  
You recount the story to your best friends, detailing the events over the last 24 hours however, you are careful to avoid any details that involve Yoongi’s behavior during sex. To be honest, it was something you were still mulling over in your own head and, so much had happened so fast, you still hadn’t had much time to process it. Besides, you liked Yoongi and, you didn’t feel right exposing a part of him that he likely wanted to keep private.
“Wait…you like…like him like him…” Taehyung observes ever so eloquently as you wrap up your story, his face slightly surprised.
You bite your lip in thought, giggling at his jovial conclusion before nodding.
“Yeah…I think I do.” Your voice wavers slightly but, you smile up at the faces on your screen, confident in your response.
“Awwwww my baby has a crush.” Jimin coos, his eyes swimming with fondness as he beams, his puffy lips making kissy faces at the screen. “…and she got some good dick, I’m so proud of you.” Jimin finishes, pretending to cry as he wipes invisible tears from his cheeks.  
“So, since he’s a rapper does he say “Skrrrt!” when he cums?” Jungkook finally pipes up after a long period of silence, his initial apprehension clearly wearing off.
His comment causes the three of you to burst out in a fit of laughter, Jungkook joining in soon after as he sees that his ridiculous joke was successful.
Eyes rolling, you reply through the chorus of giggling, “You’re so dumb, stop!”
Jungkook snickers, clearly proud of himself as he adjusts the collar of his sweater, he looks over at Taehyung for a moment, mumbling something to him, before Tae nods in response, smirking.
“Yah! Secrets don’t make friends! What are you two mumbling about?” Jimin protests, one of his hands running through his pink locks, his eyebrows raised in offense.
They both chuckle shaking their heads at him before Tae nods to the screen.
“What are you two doing next weekend?”  
“Probably studying for finals…and crying…definitely crying.” You conclude, accepting your fate as finals were only three weeks away and, you had so much left to do.
“I’m in rehearsal most of the weekend but, I have Friday night off so, I can rest.” Jimin explains and a soft smile graces your features momentarily as you hear that Jimin scheduled a rest day; proud that he had taken your advice.
“Well…Kook and I are gonna be at Kappa Sigma’s senior party so, you guys should keep Friday night open…for some entertainment” Taehyung casually drops the bit of news, still smirking towards Jungkook who is now looking toward his floor. A flash of different emotions play on your face as you look between the two men. Jimin obviously responds first, failing to address the confusing aspect of their announcement, his excitement bubbling over.
“Yay! Really? Wait does that mean you’re coming two weekends in a row then? Cause my showcase is the weekend after that…”Jimin’s voice fades at the end of his sentence, his eyes holding a bit of concern before, Jungkook quickly reassures him.
“Yes, Jimin-ssi…we would never miss the nation’s sweetheart, brutalize his competition for the fourth year in a row…”
Jimin’s face blooms with a beaming smile, clearly satisfied with Jungkook’s response, his body shifting happily in his seat.
You smile fondly at the two of them before nodding to Taehyung, the charm emitting from the exchange wearing off as you still have no clue why Jungkook and Tae would be at another fraternity’s party 300 miles from their own.
“Wait, why are you guys gonna be at Kappa’s party? Doesn’t your frat normally do something for seniors?” You smirk as Jungkook seems to shrink away with uneasiness, Tae chuckling at his side.
“Well, our Jungkookie here thought it would be a good idea to shit-talk the president of Kappa Sigma while they were playing games on live and, made a bet with him that he could…” Tae trails off as he shoots a taunting glance towards Jungkook, mischief in his eyes, “What were your exact words Kookie?”  
“…crush his high score, wasted, with one hand tied behind my back…” Jungkook mumbles in response, a cheesy smile on his face as he avoids eye contact with the screen. You burst out in a fit of giggles, Jimin joining you soon after.
“Oh my god Kookie’s such a light weight he’ll be wasted after one drink!” Jimin wheezes through his giggling, the corner of his eyes wrinkled in absolute delight. “You know who Kappa’s president is right? Were you drunk when you made the bet?”  
The president of Kappa Sigma is none other than Kim Seokjin; resident ladies man, beer pong champion and, e-sports legend. Seokjin, or Jin, as you called him, was a good friend of yours and, aside from his incredibly large ego, is a pretty great person. The two of you had met your freshman year during your human sexuality class and, spent most of the time trying not to laugh every time your professor said phrases like “low hanging balls” or, “orgasmic euphoria” or, your favorite, “cursed clitoris.” The two of you never had much time to hang out but, Jin never failed to let you know that he was there if you needed anything. Back in your first years of university, partying was something you did more frequently, you used to frequent the Kappa Sigma house a lot and, Jin taught you most of what you know about drinking games, hangover cures, and cooking.  He used to FaceTime you when he was preparing food for Kappa Sigma’s party and, showed you probably 50 different ways to make ramen and, at least 14 or so, different chip dips. In essence, Jin was the fucking best and, you missed him a lot.
“Hyung, he talks so much shit! I want show him who the champion is so we can squash this beef once and for all and, I can play Mario Kart in peace!” Jungkook gripes, passion in his elevated voice as Jimin’s eyes widen before, falling back into his previous giggle fit. Your eyes widen with him as Jungkook mentions that he would be battling Jin in a game of Mario Kart aka the game Jin was an expert in.
“What? Why are you guys laughing at me, have a little faith, I’m Jeon Jungkook! I always win.” He insists, puffing his chest out and slapping it lightly.
“Kook, Jin has won the national,” You emphasize the word, trying to let your giggling subside so as to reason with your overly confident best friend “competition for Mario Kart for the last 6 years and, you bet him that, not only could you beat him, but, you could beat him wasted, with one hand tied behind your back, at his best game. We love you but, are you insane?”
Jungkook rolls his eyes, waving you off as Taehyung and Jimin continue to snicker occasionally at him.
“The only reason Seokjin has won for the last 6 years is because, I’ve never entered his stupid little competitions.”
At this, Taehyung scoffs, “The one’s you watch every year?” He accuses, with his brows raised and Jungkook shoves him playfully, the two of them snickering.  
The conversation ends with a mutual agreement that the four of you would see each other next Friday and, that would all be wearing “Team Jungkook” shirts to the party. You made a mental note to text Jin and explain that, you still love him even though, for one night only, you would be actively rooting against him
You lean over to the other end of the couch in an attempt to coax a curious Marzipan into your lap. She reluctantly follows the movement of your hand and plops down onto your lap as a satisfied smile makes its way onto your face. You can feel the heaviness in your lids take over and, you decide that it was time to start your #nighttimeroutine that consisted of you, turning on Netflix, falling asleep on your couch with your mouth open and, waking up at 3am to drag yourself into your bedroom. Subscribe!  
The TV lights up with the trusty red logo, you know all too well and, you begin searching through your “Continue Watching” section because, let’s be honest, you’re not going to be watching anything new tonight. As you make it to the section, you feel a little flutter in your stomach as you spot the dragon documentary you and Yoongi had started (but definitely not finished) earlier in the day. The thought to text him plays on your mind for a moment before, you squash it, remembering that he was working on his project tonight and, deciding that you didn’t want to disturb him.  
You did however, find yourself replaying the events from the last 24 hours in your head, again. Thoughts of Yoongi had been looping in your head the entire day despite your best efforts. Yoongi wasn’t exactly an open book so, it’s not like you knew all of his deepest secrets but, you had to admit that his behavior during sex was surprising. Hell, your behavior was surprising, there wasn’t a single sexual experience that you’ve had that could replicate the energy you felt when you were with Yoongi. You had never really thought of yourself as a dominate person in the bedroom but, there was something about Yoongi that made you want to fuck him so good that he couldn’t remember his name. A smirk plays on your lips as you log that idea away for another time. There was a small amount of anxiety around being with Yoongi as you had never really been in a real relationship before. You hooked up with a few people and, saw a guy briefly during your sopohmore year but, no one had ever made you feel the way Yoongi did. Quite frankly, he had you feeling all kinds of soft and mushy.
Sunday had passed with minimal excitement. You spent the day cleaning up your apartment and, tackling the mountain of laundry that had formed in the corner of your bedroom. There was an attempt to work on your final paper but, you only managed to get out a page or so before, getting distracted by more important things i.e., using a laser pointer to play with Marzipan because, lord knows, she needs the exercise.
Monday moved agonizingly slow but, you made it to all of your classes without being overtaken by senioritis. Although, you did attempt to talk yourself out of going to your 8am class but, thankfully (?), the logical side of you prevailed. The rest of Monday evening consisted of spicy  Ramen (Jin’s recipe of course) and, more coursework that you definitely did NOT fall asleep on.
Tuesday had mercifully arrived and, you were now currently seated in your Psych class, eagerly looking towards the door, waiting for a certain platinum headed boy to trudge through into the room. Morning lectures were the worst but, getting to spend them with a sleepy, pouty, fluffy haired Yoongi made them a little bit better. Professor James strolled through the door moments later, smiling softly at everyone, waving a hand to the lecture hall. He busied himself at the front of the room as began getting things ready for class whilst the students who were filing in started pairing up with their partners and, pulling out their research journals. As the classroom fills more and more you feel a bit of disappointment brewing in your stomach. It wouldn’t be unusual for Yoongi to miss class as, he was absent quite frequently but, you had been looking forward to seeing him.
The hope of Yoongi showing up to class slowly dissolves as the last of the students trickle in and, Professor James turns on the projector.
“Morning everyone, I hope you all had a good weekend.” He begins, his voice echoing throughout the lecture hall.
There’s a chorus of unenthusiastic murmurs responding to his greeting causing him to chuckle, his brows going up in mock offense.
“Wow, chill, the energy in this room is off the charts.” He jests, and scattered laughter is heard throughout the room as he continues. “Alright so, most of you are nearing the end of your projects and, from what I’ve seen so far, everyone seems to be doing a great job.”  
You glance down at your research journal, your fingers flipping through the pages as you nod to yourself. Time had been flying by and, until Professor James said something, you hadn’t even realized that you only had two fears left to tackle.
“I only have a couple things I want to mention before letting you guys pair up with your partners. First_” Professor James stops abruptly as the door to the hall swings open.
You bite your lip to stifle the incredibly huge smile that is threatening to overtake your face as, Yoongi walks in, dressed in a Hawaiian shirt and some ripped gray jeans. His bag is slung over his shoulder as usual but, his hands are clutching a drink carrier. You squint your eyes slightly to catch a glimpse of what he’s brought but, your question is answered as he stops momentarily at Professor James’s podium, his hands extending slightly toward him.
“Mr. Min you are a life saver, thank you so much, 50,000 extra credit points to you…” Your professor bellows, hands outstretched to take the tall paper cup currently nestled into Yoongi’s drink carrier. As Yoongi nods to him, he turns around and you catch him smirking at your professor’s comment. Wow, he has no business looking this good at 8 in the fucking morning. Looking into his carrier, you notice he’s still wielding two more drinks and, as he makes his way towards your desk, his eyes find yours. The smirk dissolves into a softer smile, his feet picking up slightly before finally making it to the desk you had saved for him. You smile back at him, looking curiously at the drink carrier before; Yoongi pulls one of the cups out and places it on your desk.
“I hope they made it right, the lady behind the counter was new…” He whispers to you and, you just about melt into a helpless pile of mush. “Also, this still doesn’t count as one of the times I’m paying so, don’t get any ideas.”
You giggle at his comment, his small gesture touching you more than you cared for him to know.
“You are the best person in the observable universe…” You whisper back to him, eyeing the drink eagerly.
“It’s just coffee, don’t be ridiculous.” He grumbles but, the playful glint in his eyes makes it obvious that he’s kidding.
“Did Professor James ask you to get him coffee? I’m so confused.” The question passes your lips as you move to take a sip of your coffee. It was perfect and, there’s another annoying flutter in your stomach as you realize that Yoongi remembered your order despite only ever hearing it one time.  
Yoongi takes a sip of his own drink, an iced Americano, his dark eyes normally puffy from the lack of sleep, lighting up slightly as the caffeine hits him. He nods, chuckling, the two of you keeping your voices down as Professor James continues speaking.  
“James is actually a good friend of my roommate so; he’s at the house all the time. He texted me this morning and, said he forgot his coffee and, asked if I could pick something up for him.” Yoongi explains, his morning voice crackling in the space between you. “Luckily for him, I was already at the coffee place.”  
“Really? How does your roommate know him?” You can feel your energy elevating more and more as the caffeine and Yoongi’s presence work wonders on your previously sleepy self.
“I think they met in their undergrad?” Yoongi’s eyes are squinted in thought before he nods to himself. “Yeah, I think that’s what Namjoon said. They go way back.”
You cock your head, confusion painting your features. Undergrad? You had assumed Yoongi’s roommates were still in their undergrad.
“Is Namjoon in grad school?” You ask to sate your curiosity, taking another sip of coffee.
Yoongi smirks, his eyes flitting over to you as he shakes his head.
“No, he’s in his third year of medical school. Namjoon got his bachelors 4 years ago.” He explains and, your confusion doesn’t wane. This must have been obvious as Yoongi just chuckles before speaking up again.
“Yeah, he’s kind of a genius. He graduated high school two years early and, started college while he was still in his junior year. He got his bachelors at 18 and, then started medical school. Him and James roomed together during their freshman and sophomore year. That’s how they know each other.”  
Your eyes are wide with amazement, shaking your head, impressed with Yoongi’s explanation.
“Damn…that’s insane. I just assumed he was in our year, did you guys not meet on campus then?”
Yoongi shakes his head, “Namjoon and I have been friends since we were kids. We went to school together when we were little until he moved away but, we always kept in touch. When I was looking for a place to stay after I moved out of my dorm, Joon offered his place to me. Hoseok and I moved in at the same time.”  
“…and I’m guessing Hoseok is Jay right?” You clarify, only remembering Yoongi mentioning two roommates.
Yoongi rolls his eyes, chuckling as he nods, his hand coming up to scratch the back of his neck.
“Yeah, that’s what he goes by on campus but, in my house he’s Hoseok or, Hobi. That’s what I usually call him, Jay just feels weird.” He explains as he scribbles down something on his notebook. Professor James had left a few reminders up on the projector after he finished wrapping up his introduction. You followed suit, a fond smile still on your lips as you listen to Yoongi talk about his friends.
“They seem like good people, it’s good that you ended up living with your best friends instead of ending up with a college roommate horror story.” You point out
“Yeah, yeah they’re alright.” Yoongi waves you off but, the fond smirk doesn’t really leave his face. “I’m sure you’ll meet them someday, you guys would get along well.”
Yoongi’s comment sends another flutter to your stomach but, you attempt to keep the conversation going without melting for the millionth time.
“I’d love to meet them.” You murmur, smiling softly. “My friends know Jay pretty well actually.”
“That doesn’t surprise me,” Yoongi chuckles airily, his dark eyes regarding yours. Yoongi is definitely one for subtly and, although he doesn’t do anything obvious, you can tell he is much more comfortable around you than he ever has been. “How do your friends know him?”
“He was in a few dance classes with my best friend Jimin and, he was in my other two best friend’s fraternity before he transferred to our campus.” You explain and Yoongi nods in understanding, taking another big gulp of his Americano.
“Hobi knows everyone, no matter where we go; he’s always running into someone. It gets kind of annoying actually because, then he spends way too much time talking their ear off before we can move on with our day.” Yoongi laments, his expression shifting to one of mild annoyance.  
“What, you don’t love standing by awkwardly and doing that polite little wave when you’re friend finally introduces you? That is peak social interaction.” You lean back in shock, earning another eye roll from Yoongi as he chuckles, shaking his head.  
“Fuck no.” He states bluntly, the two of you laughing together as class begins to wrap up.
The two of you had decided to combine your fears once again and, agreed to meet at your apartment later on that night. After the remainder of your classes you headed back to your place to get everything ready for the night ahead. You and Yoongi had decided you would watch a horror movie that contained spiders in it thus, tackling his fear of scary movies and, your fear of spiders. 
Yes, you were spending time with Yoongi and, that was a well and good but, you were not (!!!) excited to spend two hours watching a movie about the creepy crawly creatures that had plagued you since childhood. You shuddered at the thought of it before attempting to busy yourself with preparing the living room for your morbid movie night. Yoongi had, of course, insisted on bringing the food and, as promise, you had allowed it with no resistance. You were thankful that you had spent Sunday cleaning your apartment because, normally, you would be cleaning Marzipan’s litter box and, frantically shoving a pizza box into the garbage chute before Yoongi arrived. However, today you decided to put in a little extra effort since you had the time.
After about an hour of work, you had transformed your living room into a sleepover scene that Pintrest users everywhere, would envy. Your couch was pulled out into a bed that you had lined with your fluffiest pillows and covered in the large fluffy white duvet that normally resided on your bed. You had your end tables positioned on other side of the bed, for optimal snacking, both of which held your homemade caramel corn and, snack sized bags of chips. Your fairy lights framed the walls surrounding your living room ,illuminating the space with a soft glow.
If you were going to spend two hours staring into the (eight) eyes of evil, goddamnit, you were going to do it in style.  
The final step was for you to change into something more comfortable so, you opted for one of your biggest black hoodies and, your favorite pair of PJ shorts. You pulled your hair out of your face and, decided that reapplying a little bit of concealer was a good idea but, decided not to fuss with too much considering that any makeup you apply may fall victim to your tears. Because, you know, spiders. Whilst strolling out of your bathroom, your phone vibrates with a text from Yoongi.
Yoongi: I’m here; can you open the door when I come up? Hands are full.
You feel your mouth water at the thought of food before quickly sending your reply and, heading towards your front door.
You: yeah, no worries
A minute or so later, a knock emits from your door and, after fluffing the pillows a final time, you walk (run) to the door to let Yoongi in. As you open the door, you see him standing there, dressed in a pair of gray jogging bottoms and a black hoodie that’s easily four times his size. His hands are clutched tightly around two pizza boxes and, you move quickly to open the door wider so we can enter.
“You read my mind; I’ve been craving pizza all week.” You groan, hungrily eyeing the boxes he was carrying.
Yoongi’s brows rise, placing the boxes on your countertop, “It’s only Tuesday.” He points out, chuckling at you, his eyes holding a bit of fondness.
“Well, it’s a good thing you took care of my craving today, who knows what could have happened.”  
Yoongi snorts, his eyes rolling as he braces his hands against the counter, he opens his mouth to respond but, stops himself as he catches a glimpse of the living room. You notice his eyes soften for a moment, his lips pursed as nods toward your finished project.
“Did you do all this for tonight?” He inquires, his voice less snarky than before, dark eyes scanning the room.
Your teeth nibble on your bottom lip as you follow his eyes to the living room. For some reason, his soft gaze is making you nervous but, you play it cool as you nod.
“I’m hoping the snacks and mood lighting will distract us from the awful, awful things we are about to witness.”
A soft smile graces Yoongi’s pout lips momentarily as he snickers, nodding along to your response.
“It looks great.” He concludes, the softness never really leaving his features.
The two of you decide its best not to start the movie while you’re still eating and, you’re grateful for this because, you really don’t want to watch a movie about one of your least favorite things whilst eating one of your favorite things. Roughly 7 slices of cheesy pizza are demolished before; you grab the remote, your thumb hovering over the play button.
“Are you ready?”  
Yoongi had himself propped up against the mountain of pillows, wearing an uneasy expression. He finishes wiping his hands on his napkin before nodding to the spot beside him, brows raised expectantly.
“Well you’re over there…when you should be over here so… no.” Yoongi’s crisp voice is dripping with sarcasm, his eyes playful during his comment but, you can tell he’s nervous.
A giggle bubbles over your lips and, you shake your head, eyeing the spot beside him before situating yourself against his side. His arm wraps around you, his hand loosely draped over your shoulder as he pulls you closer to him. A smile touches your mouth momentarily as you lay your arm over his stomach and, although you don’t see it, Yoongi smiles softly down at you.
“Are you ready now?” You inquire playfully, looking up at him.
He pretends to think for a moment, eyes squinted in thought before nodding thoughtfully.
“I think so.”  
You laugh at his antics before, your thumb presses the play button on your remote. The opening credits for the movie start playing and, you feel yourself growing slightly uncomfortable at what was to come. The movie was called Under My Skin and, it was about a town afflicted with a horrible disease that caused spiders (!!!!!!!) to grow underneath a person's skin. Like, seriously, who the fuck comes up with these things??? You tried to focus on how unrealistic the premise of the movie was but, all your brain kept going back to how horrifying that reality would be.
“I think we’ll be okay; this movie seems too stupid to be scary.” Yoongi assures the both of you, confidence in his voice.
“I agree, it doesn’t make any sense. How does a disease just make spiders grow under your skin? It’s so dumb.” You agree, eyes trained on the screen as the main character is introduced.  
The two of you zone out, focusing on the movie as it starts progressing more and more. As usual, the silence that settles in is natural and pleasant. You tuck your fingers underneath Yoongi’s hoodie, your nails lightly brushing the bare skin over his hip. Yoongi feels himself warming up at your touch and, it frustrates him slightly that he’s so affected over such a small gesture.  
“Oh god why is it so big???” You groan, your legs subconsciously curling up to make yourself smaller.  
Yoongi snickers beside you, his hand patting your shoulder, lazily attempting to comfort you.
“Cause the guy forgot to take his medicine and, remember, the scientist said they would grow bigger if they didn’t take it.” He explains matter of factly as a giant hairy spider pops onto the screen.
Both of you jump at that, Yoongi’s grip tightening on you slightly, a grimace on his face.
“fucking jump scares.” Yoongi grumbles to himself and, you bite your lip to keep from giggling, choosing instead to press a kiss to his side. “This movie is horrible.”
You nod as you look up at a slightly scared, disgruntled Yoongi: Brows furrowed, lips pouted, his voice a slight whine as he stares at the screen. You’re about to agree with him right as a giant spider bursts out of the main characters skin, followed by hundreds of other spiders running all over his body. Your eyes widen as you cringe harder than you’ve ever cringed in your entire life.
“EW! Oh my god, what the fuck, what the fuck???? I hate it....I hate it....” You exclaim, voice elevated slightly as you practically pounce onto Yoongi causing him to erupt in his rickety laughter, his hands coming up to steady you. “Yoongiiiiiiii” you whine, brows furrowed in disgust, your skin crawling.
Yoongi’s laughter doesn’t cease and, if you weren’t so grossed out, you would take time to appreciate it. Groaning, you stuff your face into his chest, taking solace in his scent.  
“We could have just watched a video on tarantulas...” Yoongi points out, eyes damp with tears, no doubt from his fit of laughter. “Why did you pick out such a disgusting movie?”  
“Cause I was trying to challenge myself...” You grumble, voice muffled by the material of Yoongi’s sweatshirt.  
He chuckles, his hand coming up to rub the back of yours gently, his fingertips lightly brushing your scalp.  
“I think you went a little overboard...” He’s smirking now, looking down at you fondly as you pull your face from his chest.  
“Hindsight is 20/20.”
Pieces of hair have fallen in your face, from your previous outburst and blowing air from your lips doesn’t help you but, it does cause Yoongi to laugh again (a beautiful sound).   He lifts a hand, gently brushing the hair from your face, a faint smirk still on his lips as he shakes his head at you.
“Do you want to turn the movie off?” He suggests, brows raised, his teeth chewing on the inside of his lip as he nods to the TV.
At his suggestion you perk up, quickly moving off of him as you turn around to grab the remote. You press stop right as another spider tries to make its way onto the screen. The main menu of Netflix pops up and you grimace as you see that “Under My Skin” is now suggested on your ‘continue watching.’  
“They can’t hurt us anymore...” You vow, drama coating your voice as you nod solemnly towards the TV.
Yoongi rolls eyes, his expression incredulous as he snorts, “You’re ridiculous.”  
Your head whips around in his direction, eyes widened in mock offense. “I’m not ridiculous, I just saved our lives. You’re welcome.”
Yoongi bites his lip, stifling his laughter as he nods thoughtfully, his hands raised.
“Thank you, your bravery will not go unnoticed.”
Your eyes slit momentarily before pouncing on him, your legs making their way around his waist. Yoongi eyes widen, his hands coming up to catch your hips, his face blown out with shock.
“Why are you always such a punk huh?” You tease, hands worming their way in the crook of his neck, tickling at the skin there.  
Yoongi squirms, laughter bubbling over his lips as his face scrunches up at the sensation.
“Yah! Why are you always so theatrical?” He cries out through his laughter as one of his hands makes its way to pinch at your side.  
A squeal leaves your lips, eyes widening as you loose your balance, falling backwards onto Yoongi’s legs.
“You know what??? I’m not theatrical, I’m just expressive unlike some people I know!” You retort, eyes pointed in his direction.
Yoongi scoffs, acting quickly as he moves on top of you, nimble fingers pressing into your sides, causing rather unattractive giggles to leave your lips as you try to wiggle out of his grip.  
“What was that Y/N? I can’t hear you.” Yoongi tilts his head in a mock attempt to listen to you, all while his hands tickle over every surface of your body he can reach.
“You’re an ass oh my god!” You giggle, hands desperately trying to tickle him back but, he manages to pin your arms above your head in the process, leaving you helpless.
“Oh I’m an ass am I? Well that’s just rude.” He admonishes, eyes a light with amusement as he moves to tickle over your ribs.
Your feet frantically kick behind you, stomach clenched as you giggle harder, thrashing beneath him before, an idea pops into your head. Yoongi’s lips move closer to yours, and you take advantage of the moment, pushing your lips against his. At your gesture, Yoongi’s hand stalls, the hand that’s holding your wrist softening as he leans into your mouth.  
You tuck your lips between his, nibbling on his bottom lip as he sighs out through his nose. A twinge of satisfaction stirs in your stomach; you were amazed at how fast you could get him to react. He kisses you back with gentle but firm lips, his hands braced on either side of your head as the kiss deepens.  
“You’re cheating...” He mumbles against your mouth, words slightly muffled by your lips.  
“I wanted to kiss you.” You smirk, your voice reduced to a shallow whisper as you lean up into his mouth. Yoongi’s lips were made for kissing, everything about them made you want to suck and bite and kiss into them until they were wet and swollen from your movements.
Yoongi pulls back momentarily, breathing slightly ragged as he looks down at you. His hair fell into his eyes that were dark and deep with want, his cheeks flushed as he returns your smirk. Your own eyes travel over his body before zeroing in on the seam of his joggers that were inflated with his hardening dick.  
“It’s not polite to stare...” Yoongi whispers, tongue licking over his lips as he regards you with mischievous eyes.
Your brows raise at his comment, head cocked slightly as you return his stare before pushing yourself up on your elbows.
“You’re being awfully bold today Yoongi...I think you’re forgetting your place.” You whisper and, your smirk grows as you see him visibly inhale at your comment, his dick twitching in his pants.
However, he doesn’t back down and, instead tries his luck once more, “Oh my place huh? What place is that?” The questions leave his lips with a scoff and, his attitude ignites something inside of you. You push off your elbows, hands coming up to press against his chest, pushing him back against the bed. The motion makes him gasp slightly, his brown eyes wide as they stare up at you, some of his attitude wiped from his expression.  
You giggle lightly, head tilting to the side, lips moving slowly to hover over his as you respond to his question,
“Beneath me...” You whisper and, at your response, Yoongi’s dick seems to swell from underneath you, the breath he held escaping shakily through his lips.  
“You want to do all the work again huh? Please, be my guest...” He smirks, eyes scanning over your body he does, his attitude quickly returning as you kiss his lips again. Your lips start moving along his jawline, paying careful attention to sensitive spots. Yoongi sighs, a slight groan catching on the end of it as he tilts his head back for you.  
“You talk a lot of shit for someone who’s going to be whimpering in a few minutes.” You say simply, feeling your panties dampen as you start to kiss over his collarbones. You may have a slight fixation with them. Teeth nibble and suck over the sensitive skin as Yoongi opens his mouth to respond. His response is quickly cut off when you press your hips to his dick, words caught in his throat as he groans slightly.  
“Talking shit is my kink...” He whispers, smirking, his eyes lulled with lust, teeth biting into his bottom lip as he pushes his hips back against you.  
You giggle at his comment, lips pressed against his skin as you do. Your careful to ensure that the seam of your leggings lines up with the seam of his joggers so, that you can feel his swollen dick press against your clit. The sensation sends a shiver down your spine and, you hate that you’re already so eager to have him inside of you again. Your hands slip underneath his hoodie, pushing it up further and further, exposing Yoongi’s chest. He takes the hint, hands quickly coming up to remove the article of clothing, revealing his body to you. His nipples are hard, his smooth stomach clenched slightly in anticipation as he looks down at you. You bite your lip at the sight of him, lips returning to his collar bones, kissing and sucking over the skin there.
“Is that why you’re so hard?” You quip, Yoongi’s hands coming up to push at your own hoodie, encouraging its removal with furrowed brows. He gets his way as you briefly pull away from his neck to take off your sweater before, returning back to kissing your way down his chest.
Yoongi’s soft laughter can be felt against your lips, his hips pressing up into you again before he responds, “No.”  
“No? Then what’s making you so hard?” You pull back, sitting on him, putting your lace covered chest on full display.  
With eager eyes, Yoongi scans over your body, taking in the sight before him, sucking on his bottom lip.
“You’re so hot...” He mumbles, mostly to himself, his hands coming up to squeeze at your hips.
 “That doesn’t answer my question...” You retort, voice soft and raspy with lust as you smirk down at him.
His nimble fingers find the clasp at your back, undoing your bra in no time, pulling back to look at your breasts, licking his lips as he does. Yoongi’s gazes shifts to meet your own before returning your smirk, sitting up slightly to wrap his arms around you fully.
“Yeah...” He presses his lips to yours “it does.”
He’s leaning you back slightly, your legs wrapping firmly around his torso as he kisses at your lips, a gummy smile flashing when he pulls away. Another laugh leaves your lips as you come up to place your fingertips on either sides of his cheeks. The energy between the two of you is so pure and refreshing, you felt so comfortable and elated and turned on all at the same time and, by the way Yoongi was peering into your eyes, lips still playfully attacking your own, you could tell he felt the same way.  
Yoongi leans forward a bit more, laying you down on the opposite end of the bed, hands eagerly tucking into the band of your leggings and pulling them off in one quick motion. You squeal slightly as he does, feet landing on either side of his knees, as you stare up at him.
“Your turn...” You nudge his hip with your foot, toeing the hem of his joggers. Yoongi snorts, batting your foot away before pulling his joggers and boxers off at the same time. His dick was so hard it stood prominently away from his hips, veins pushing against the smooth skin, as the tip of him shined slightly with precum.  
“You left my panties on.” You point out, eyes swimming with desire as you pry your eyes away from Yoongi’s cock. The black lacey panties you chose to wear for the evening we’re drenched and, you wondered whether or not Yoongi could tell.  
Yoongi’s heavy eyes meet yours, the corner of his mouth pulling up in a half smile as his hands come up to rest on your knees, parting your legs.  
“I know...” He whispers, licking over his lips as he slots himself between your thighs.  
The smirk returns to your mouth as you pull him closer to you, your breasts pressed to his bare chest as you place a searing kiss against his bitten lips. He smiles into the kiss, hips aligning with your own as he does, his swollen dick agonizingly close to where you want it the most.
“Is that another one of your kinks? Fucking me with my panties on?” You mumble into his lips as he braces his hands on either side of your head.
Yoongi smile waxes again, his teeth biting into your bottom lip as he nods, his brown eyes wide and falsely innocent as they look into yours.
“Can I?” He murmurs, fingers tracing patterns on your inner thighs, only adding to the wetness in your panties.
You nod eagerly, looking down at where the two of you are connected, your fingers moving to tuck themselves into the side of your panties, pulling them over to expose your bare pussy to Yoongi’s gaze.
His eyes close momentarily as he lets out shaky breath through his nose. They open seconds later, a renewed amount of darkness in them as he looks up at you, his hand wrapping around his dick. As he strokes himself a few times and lines himself up at your entrance, his eyes never leave yours even when he pushes himself into you. The moment you feel him enter you, your pussy tightens around him, contracting and pulling him closer to you. A drunk smile graces Yoongi’s features as he lulls his head back towards you, his shallow breath catches in his throat as he starts to move in and out of you, grazing that spongey spot inside of you as he does.
“Good?” You whisper shakily, giggling at the blissful smile on his face.
Yoongi stares down at you, chuckling darkly, his words slurred slightly as he responds, “So good.”
You start to meet the motion of Yoongi’s narrow hips, your feet planted on either side of him for leverage. Yoongi leans down, kissing into your neck and across your chest as his hips start to subtly pick up the pace. You can feel your clit swell at his motions, the increased speed nudging that spot inside of you more consistently. Everything about him felt so fucking good, his hips, his lips, his dick, even his breath. If you had it your way, it would last forever but, things with him were so good that you found yourself wanting to cum way too early.  
Yoongi sucks on a particular part of your neck that makes your eyes roll back and, you tense at the pleasure, your hands coming up to grab at Yoongi’s back. He picks up the pace of his hips slightly as he feels you on his back, soft grunts leaving his pouted lips as he does.
“You always make me feel like I could...cum so fast...” Yoongi’s gravelly voice is muffled by the skin of your neck, the tone almost pained as he grinds slower momentarily before picking up the pace again. “It’s not fair.” The last bit of his sentence sounded very much like a whine and, you giggle softly, feeling very drunk yourself as you meet the motions of hips with your own.
You feel your nails press into the skin of his back, digging in roughly and, you realize you must be doing something right because, you literally feel Yoongi throb inside of you.  
“You like my nails?” You whisper in his ear, nibbling on the curve of it, sending a shiver down Yoongi’s spine as he still continues kissing over your chest and neck.
He nods, not fully attentive as his lips wrap around one of your nibbles, soft tongue coming out to rub against it. Your back arches into his mouth, eyes closing at the feeling, hips moving faster and slightly harder as you run your nails all over his back. There is a familiar tightness in your stomach that’s weaving its way into your pussy, your clit jumping in response as Yoongi hits your spot with more force.  
You moan softly, as Yoongi kisses his way up your neck, settling on your lips. His eyes are wild and blown out as he looks into yours, his lips lacking all sense of technique as he kisses at you.
“Jagi...” He whimpers into your mouth and, the sudden change in his tone makes you almost loose it right then and there. You suck on his bottom lip in response your hands rubbing on his shoulders as the two of you fuck into eachother harder and harder.  
“Are you close?” You whisper, a moan catching on the end of your question as Yoongi delivers a harder thrust, your orgasm rapidly approaching as he nods, his teeth knocking against yours slightly.
“Want your nails...” He mumbles again, lips kissing on your lips.
You flex your fingers over the skin of his back, hoping to find the motion that makes his dick throb, trying to keep focus through the hazy fog of your impending orgasm.  
“You want me to scratch you baby?” At your question, Yoongi snaps his hips against yours, the movement causing you to almost loose it.
Yoongi pulls back from your lips, flitting his eyes toward yours, his gaze intense and, swimming with pure desire as he forces out a raspy, broken response.
“If you scratch me, you’re gonna make me cum.” He warns, hips grinding upwards to focus on your g-spot and, your thankful for his warning because, you were not in a position to last any longer either.
“That’s ok, I’ll cum with you, I’ll cum too.” You assure him, hand coming up to brush the sweaty hair from his eyes, his lips turning to kiss against your palm before he nods.
“Do it...I’m so close jagi, please.” He pleads with you and you oblige, digging your nails into his back, scratching against his skin as he starts to fuck you so hard, it forces air from the back of your throat.  
“fuck...” Yoongi whimpers, his voice almost small as you feel his hips tense against yours, his first rope of cum hitting the walls of your pussy. Yoongi’s eyes find yours and the desperate, fucked out expression he sports, is enough to send you over the edge. The tension in your hips breaks as warmth and euphoria spread throughout your body. Yoongi’s hips are unrelenting as he fucks through his orgasm, a deep shaky moan leaving his lips.  
“Yoongi...” You moan softly, still scratching at his back and, at the sound of his name, Yoongi crumbles, his eyes rolling back as his orgasm continuing to shatter him as he collapses onto your chest, his lips sucking on the skin there.  
The two of you start to come down as Yoongi slows the motion of his hips, his body covered in a sheen of sweat and goosebumps. The nails on his back soften as you ride out the rest of your orgasm, your fingers brushing against the battered skin of his back gently. There’s quite a few moments of silence before he pulls out of you and, if your panties weren’t wet before, they were completely soaked now. Yoongi cuddles up into the crook of your arm, his sweaty blonde head, resting on your chest as he does. You smile softly, still breathless as your hand comes up to comb your fingers through his hair.  
“Do you want to stay the night?” You whisper finally, breaking the few moments of silence.
His eyes are shut, a blissful smile on his face as he cuddles into you further, his heart still pounding when he nods.
“Yes please.”
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