#yayay do you guys like it
frankenruth · 4 months
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In every universe three annoying nerds find each other & in every universe two are left behind what who said that. who said that
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269 · 4 months
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tech w his hair chopped. i have so so many feelings about piglin hair traditions my god
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evilmagician430 · 1 year
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happy MY BIRTHDAY to those who celebrate. and to those who do not, then nonetheless i wish you a happy anniversary of hitler's suicide
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kenmakodz · 7 months
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pairing: yuuta okkotsu x reader
summary: in which you and your friends sign up for a transfer study opportunity, but only you were accepted into the program. the idea of navigating an unfamiliar place while being away from your friends is a plague to the mind. when you finally get settled in and realize that the first project you’re assigned is with partners, in a class where you know nobody, all hope is lost— until the teacher starts reading out names: “y/n l/n and yuuta okkotsu, pair up”.
status: ongoing (started february 18, 2024)
warnings: mostly fluff, lil bit of angst, foul language, dark/crack humor, social media au, timestamps are irrelevant unless stated otherwise
- names of chapters can/will change as the story progresses
- chapters with (☆) will have written section(s)
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yuuji hate club [y/n's group]
3 reasons to wear a condom [yuuta's group]
01. nobara-assigned tour guide
02. shitty sushi place
03. life: ended
04. denialtown
05. sound the alarms
06. brain food
07. i hate men (except you two)
08. grow some balls!!
09. pinch me
9.5. birthday bash!!
10. dream team
11. i'll see you in court
12. jealousy
13. wait, what?
14. BANNED </3
more to be announced ..
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notes - finally getting this au up and running since ive been thinking it through for quite a while! i do write slow and overthink everything so updates MAYYY be patchy (please dont hate me if they are). i'm super excited about this though! it's my first time doing a full social media fic yayay i hope you guys end up liking it :p i heart yuuta
tag list is open
⤷ © kenmakodz -- pfps and pictures used do not belong to me, but the story does.
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maliland · 10 months
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now playing: xo by beyoncé
barbie(s): e-1610 miles & black fem reader
includes: fluff & fake ass friends
synopsis: your day starts off a bit rocky when you're confronted with conflict concerning your friendships. your boyfriend cheers you up by taking you to the fair!
wc: 8358 (not including the bonus)
credz: @/firefly-graphics
a/n: first fluff fic yayay!! i lied abt when i was dropping this sooo many times, mb.. there's a bonus to make up for it. i hope u guys enjoy this and read VERY slowly bc idk when i'm dropping a fic next 🚶‍♀️ idk what i was doing here lowkey… i h8 everything but the bonus. (i'm biased i like angst better) lmk what y’all think of this tho 💞 ((i proof read but there might be mistakes))
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mothers were always thought to have an intuition when it came to their children—some sort of sixth sense. the science behind it? well, there is none. none that’s been proven, anyway. that doesn’t stop some mothers from swearing that their second sight was legit. your mom was one of them, constantly giving her unwarranted two cents about people in your life who seemed harmless to you.
you felt blessed to have the mother you did. she was your best friend and your biggest cheerleader. she brought you up to be the girl you are today. without her, you didn't know who you'd be. not having a huge group of friends to be around 24/7 didn't really bother you as much as it would have if you didn't have her.
you’ve never felt like you needed to hide anything from your mom, but you did keep your crush on miles a secret for a hot minute. you'd never liked someone the way you liked him. you were shocked to discover that he like you too. when miles was ready to make things official, you knew you couldn't hide him from your mom anymore, so you didn't. she met him one saturday morning over breakfast, and to your surprise, she liked him. you were shocked she didn’t have anything condemnatory to say about your boyfriend, not because there was anything wrong with miles, but because your mom is overprotective of you.
growing up, you hadn’t always been the most sociable kid. all of the friends you had now found you and so did miles. that being said, your mom worried that people would take advantage of your built-in hospitality and youf kind heart. she watched out for certain things when you'd describe your interactions with people, then told you to watch out as well. although her overprotectiveness could be irritating more often than not, your mom had definitely helped you avoid trouble here and there.
growing up meant change. you weren't the biggest fan of change because of the risk that came with it. you had always preferred to stick to what you know—until this year. your fourth and final year of high school had you wanting to break out of your shell. the same few friends wouldn’t be there to keep you company when you graduate and go to different colleges, or hold your hand for the rest of your life. neither would your beloved mother. you had to hold your own hand.
you weren't sure how you were going to make friends, and you were too ashamed to ask anyone how to do so. thankfully, you didn't have to do much, because the friends you made came to you.
it started with a group chat with the five girls you had calculus with this year: tiesha, taraji, yanira, and adana. tiesha had created the chain so you all could send homework answers and test reviews back and forth. math was never your strong suit, so cheating was really the only reason you were passing. brief conversations about homework and how much you all hated the class turned into full blown conversations about boys and tv shows. minor comments about something annoying that someone did in class turned into major gossip sessions. you couldn't remember the last time you went a whole day without talking to those girls, whether it was one text message or twenty.
your mom told you she was excited that you had expanded your circle, but you could tell by the way her smile had slightly faltered that she was indeed irresolute. you knew you’d never understand her intuitive claims unless you had children of your own, and even then, you’d still doubt the phenomenon’s validity. it was just your nature to question everything.
presently, you were at a food court in the mall, sitting by yourself at one of the tables. every now and then, you’d glance up from your phone and see a group of friends or a couple pass by you.
you were supposed to hang out with yanira, taraji, adana, and tiesha, but it was almost one and none of them had showed up to the spot in the mall where you agreed to meet. every call you made went straight to voicemail. frustrated, you opened instagram to see if any of the girls were active. you raised a brow when you noticed the multicolored spiral around yanira’s profile picture at the top of your dash where stories were located. you tapped it just to be confronted with a boomerang of yanira, tiesha, adana, and taraji posing in a dressing room mirror. your eyes bored into the screen for a few seconds before you swiped out of instagram, treachery bubbling in your stomach. you released an exasperated sigh.
your mom was right. once again.
you glanced at a nearby tv on one of the walls in the food court and saw a picture of spider-man. you read the captions as they glided across the bottom of the screen, the clip of the hero fighting off a villain playing simultaneously. the news reporter narrated the highlights of the brawl and another one followed up his narration by concluding that spider-man had once again saved the city.
you smiled to yourself like a proud mother, then you thought about miles, not spider-man. you hadn’t talked to your boyfriend since the night before. as if he could read your mind, your phone buzzed against the table and lit up.
3 text messages @ 12:42pm
miles: hey, pretty girl (12:42pm)  miles: i couldn’t text you this morning, i’m sorry (12:42pm)  miles: villain of the week decided to get up early today (12:42pm)
so did you, but for different reasons. reasons that no longer mattered. you didn't even know why you were still sitting in that food court. you should've been en route to the train station by now. you felt so damn stupid.
you: that’s okay (12:43pm)
miles: are you okay? (12:43pm) miles: yk i’d never purposely ignore you, right? (12:43pm)
you: yeah, i know (12:44pm) you: it’s not you (12:44pm)  you: i’m at the mall rn bc i was supposed to meet some friends here, but they never showed. nb wanted to answer the phone either (12:44pm) you: i checked instagram n it turns out they’re all here (12:45pm) you: just without me (12:45pm) you: sooo now i have to do the walk of shame back to the subway station (12:45pm)
miles: that’s so messed up, i’m really sorry (12:46pm)  miles: did anything happen with them before this? (12:46pm)
you: no (12:46pm)  you: i mean if it did then idk anything about it (12:47pm)  you: my ma warned me about those girls. i should’ve listened 🤦‍♀️ (12:47pm)
miles: i got an idea. are you free now? (12:47pm)
you: i am 🤨 (12:48pm)
miles: take the subway to mine (12:48pm)  miles: i have a surprise ❤️ (12:48pm)
you: i gtg grab smth from my place b4 that (12:49pm) you: but i’ll be there :) (12:49pm)
miles loved a message @ 12:50pm
you didn’t even realize the smile that had crept up on your face until it was almost ear to ear and a few seconds away from making your cheeks ache. you quickly stood up from your chair, the legs howling loudly as they scraped against the tile. you winced at the noise and picked the chair up to move it instead of pushing it in. afterwards, you began walking to the exit closest to the subway station. your pace slowed when you saw your “friends” in front of you. they hadn’t noticed you yet. you hoped they wouldn't. they were walking in a horizontal line, laughing and carrying bags on their arms from different stores. you thought it made them look like they belonged in mean girls, or some coming-of-age disney movie with a clique of popular girls who manage to be both unnecessarily cruel and loved by everyone for antsgonists.
when the group of teens finally spotted you, they briefly side-eyed one another before looking back at you, fake smiles gracing their lips almost immediately after.
did they think you were stupid, blind, or both?
“[name]!” adana called out to you when you were only a few feet apart. she dragged out the last part of your name too. you saw it for what it was: an obvious and weak effort to sound genuine. adana picked up her pace so she got to you faster than the other girls. “we thought you weren’t coming, girl!”
you remained tranquil, though you could see everyone else behind adana snickering and exchanging looks. your kept your face relatively blank, not wanting to show the girls before you even the slightest bit of chagrin. they’d get a kick out of it and your outburst would be the topic of their conversations for weeks to come. high school was truly exhausting.
“i mean, i got here at twelve like we agreed,” you shrugged. “i called you guys too. i guess your phones were off.”
“yeah, they were,” taraji chimed in, showing you the 'do not disturb' icon on her phone. you fought the urge to roll your eyes at her fraudulent tone.
you almost couldn’t believe that this was a real situation that you were somehow caught in the middle of. tiesha pouted, the friction between her lips causing her already-faded pink and brown lip combo to fade some more. you knew she was mocking you, but you only wanted to smile when you thought about the shiny gloss that was neatly slathered on your lips, much unlike hers.
“are you okay? have you been here by yourself this whole time?” tiesha interrogated. it felt more like instigating.
“i mean, yeah,” your eyes darted around nervously. lipgloss honestly wasn’t a big deal anyway, tiesha probably had more in her bag. your confidence boost was short-lived and had diminished. you were never the type to thrive off someone's disadvantage. either way, you could act. “but it didn’t really bother me ‘cause i was texting my boyfriend and we—”
“boyfriend?” adana laughed mockingly like it was unbelievable. like it was impossible. “i didn’t know you had a boyfriend.”
“what? i’ve told you guys this,” you frowned, your voice wavering to a degree.
you stared at the four girls with an eyebrow cocked up while they turned to each other and shook their heads, a few whispers floated in the air and into your ears. you had spoken about miles to these girls before, you were positive. he was never a secret, you just weren’t someone who posted online a lot. in fact, you only had instagram because your mom made you sign up. you’d never posted once. either way, it’s your relationship. you didn’t want everyone in your business, that’s where mess was rooted. that's how problems started.
what mess the unforeseen treatment you were receiving was rooted in? that was a mystery to you. you didn’t understand how the girls who were supposed to be your friends could switch up on you at the speed of light. there hadn’t been any fights or arguments between any of you—to your knowledge, at least.
you’ve always preached that there are two sides to every story, but you also preached communication. you all were cool last night while confirming today’s plans, now suddenly they know nothing about you?
nobody questioned you about miles. instead, yanira broke the silence that you’d spent lost in your thoughts, trying to make sense of the uncomfortable situation you were in with purely scraps. “well, good thing we found you now.” she pursed her lips afterwards, clearly stifling a laugh.
words couldn’t describe how stupid and naive you felt. they were trying to play you in your face and thought you were oblivious to it. you were starting to think so too. maybe they’d been playing in your face this entire time. maybe they’ve been acting for the duration of your friendship. maybe there were signs this entire time and you didn’t notice until now. maybe the idea of meeting new people thrilled you too much, and they took advantage of that when they realized it.
you weren’t lashing out over everything going on in the name of “staying calm.” you couldn’t grant anyone the satisfaction of knowing they struck a nerve, and bad. you were just as committed to keeping up with your act as they were to theirs, and nothing was going to make you let up.
“we were just about to grab some food,” tiesha added after yanira, smiling ever so innocently, as if she was oblivious to the treatment you were receiving. tiesha was the one you were the closest with, so that hurt. stung even.
“thanks, but i have other plans,” you faked a smile and made sure to look each one of your “friends” dead in each of their glowering, dull eyes.
adana’s face contorted in slight indignation. “how could you have plans? were you only gonna hang with us for an hour?”
“i was heading out before i ran into you guys,” you smiled and shrugged, checking the time on your phone. “gotta go now or i’ll miss the train. i’ll see you guys at school on monday.”
those insolent girls gave you the stink eye as deviated away. a few steps farther from fakery and you could already hear the whispers and the murmurs, even if the mall was loud. they sounded more like hisses the farther away you got, until they blended into the many, many sounds of your local mall. you were thankful to be free from that conversation—if you could even call it that.
your next chat oughta be a real one. though you hated it, confrontation was just around the corner.
❤︎₊ ⊹
“and then they acted like absolutely nothing was wrong… tiesha too!”
you were seated on one end of the couch in miles’ apartment, your legs crossed and resting on top of his thighs and a pillow between the arm of the couch and your back. miles hadn’t told you what the surprise was yet, and quite frankly, it had slipped your mind entirely. you were never good when it came to keeping your emotions in check. the fury boiling and seething inside you was so immense that you couldn’t give anything but what happened at the mall even half of a thought even if you wanted to. miles was steadily running his hand up and down the bottom half of one of your legs because he knew it’d help you calm you down. it was something he did by default while you were ranting, because when you were upset over something, you could go on for hours.
miles was a teen girl’s diary that could talk back. you had been on a twenty-minute tangent about what transpired at the mall, making sure to include even the most minor details that other people would view as futile. your boyfriend made sure you knew he was listening, nodding and making a few comments when you’d pause to catch your breath. most people would hate hearing someone complain for as long as you usually did, but miles didn't mind it. in fact, he enjoyed it. it wasn’t your anger that he savored, he just loved staring at your pretty face. you had miles in a trance forever and always. your beauty would forever captivate the boy and you were well aware. the difference between now and when you weren’t blowing smoke out of your ears was that miles could admire every feature without you teasing him for it, because you wanted him to pay attention. in any other instance, you loved pointing out how much he stares and making fun of him for it as if you’re not just as head over heels.
“i feel pathetic. i waited there for a goddamn hour. and you wanna know what the worst part about all of this is?” you exhaled, your irises peering directly into miles’.
even when you were upset, you could admire him. you were doing it in that moment. last time it was his eyes, now it was his hair. the sun rays looming from the unfolded blinds painted his afro a soft brown, singling out and defining numerous strands of those gorgeous spirals sprouting from his head. he was so perfect to you. you often had trouble believing you could call him yours.
“tell me,” miles retorted, slightly angling his head to the left.
“i wore a good outfit for nothing,” you whined, tipping your head back concurrently. “i just got this tracksuit! this is honestly ten times worse than wasting a good outfit on a boring day.”
you had on a black, velvet matching set from juicy couture. it was expensive and you were pissed to have had wasted your first wear on the day you found out your friends aren’t shit. miles remembered how excited you were to buy that outfit. you’d talked about saving the money for it for what felt like forever.
“you didn’t waste your outfit,” miles assured you, drawing confusion to your face almost immediately. “i still have a surprise, you know.”
“right,” your eyes lit up and you sat up straighter, disregarding your mood. “i was thinking about it on the subway and i have a few guesses.”
“i don’t think you’ll be able to guess this one, but you can try," he laughed lowly.
“cookies?” you started.
miles shook his head. “no.”
“a cat?”
“no, mami,” he laughed.
“ummm,” you tapped your chin like you were deep in thought. your dark-colored orbs traveled to the ceiling. “movie marathon night?”
you snapped your fingers. “christmas movie marathon night."
“no movies,” miles clarified.
“not beyoncé.”
“i can do your makeup?!”
“you got me,” you rolled your eyes and blew raspberries. “i give up. spill.”
“i know you wanted to go to the fair during the summer, but i didn’t take you because i knew you’d complain about the heat,” miles began. “now that it’s november, i figured it’d be the perfect time to go.”
“oh shit, for real?!” your eyes slightly widened as you swung your legs off of miles.
“i don’t see why i wouldn’t be,” he retorted. “we’ll take the train and walk the rest of the way.”
you jumped off of the couch in excitement and shuffled behind the piece of furniture to grab your purse. you glanced over at miles, who was now scrolling on his phone. you crept up on him from behind the couch and inched close to his ear.
“get up!” you demanded playfully, grabbing his shoulders. miles slightly flinched, and you burst into a fit of laughter at his reaction.
“okay, okay!” he stood up, rolling his eyes and smiling. “i was thinking we could wait a little bit before we went.”
“nope, no time to waste,” you insisted. you’d wasted enough of that with your “friends.”
your boyfriend told you about all of the abilities that he acquired when he became spider-man, one of them being his heightened senses. you used to expect them to go off whenever you were approaching him, or whenever you scared him, but they never did. when you inquired about it, miles told you that his senses were most likely there to protect him, therefore they’d only go off when they felt like someone or something posed a threat. he didn’t elaborate any further, but you got what you needed to out of it.
knowing that miles and his radioactive dna felt safe around you made you feel special.
❤︎₊ ⊹
you hadn't been to a fair since you were ten. you had gone with your cousins, your mom, and your aunt. back then, you weren't smart enough to know how to play any of the games correctly. you weren't tall enough to ride anything that looked cool to you, either. you despised always having to settle for the teacups and the carousel.
going back to the fair wasn't really a priority until that past summer. it just happened to be on the long list of things you wanted to do with miles.
the air outside was cool and crisp and the sun probably felt threatened by the clouds obstructing its view of the city with insomnia. you were relieved to not feel the sweltering heat beating down on you, especially since you had worn the sun’s favorite color in velvet. the leaves on the trees were turning orange now. you were entranced by one tree in particular, watching as the plant detached itself from the branch of the tree and danced in the wind on the way to the ground.
at the front gate, you held out your hand so one of the employees could give you a stamp, as did miles. the stamp was an orange leaf, but it didn't really show up on your darker-colored skin no matter how you squinted.
now that you were there, the fair was much more different than you pictured it to be. though you wanted to experience as much as you could, you had three main goals in mind:  1. win an unnecessarily oversized plush 2. take pictures in a photo booth 3. go on the ferris wheel
as long as you were able to say you did all of those things by the end of that night, you’d forget all the misfortune that the first half of the day bestowed upon you and forgive the universe for allowing it.
as you strolled the fair grounds with miles, you tried to catch a glimpse of everything there was to do as you passed. the fair was bustling with people. there were families, groups of friends, trios, duo. there were also couples, like you and miles. you even saw people by themselves every so often. your day could’ve ended like that, you were elated that you didn’t feel alone anymore, but you’d never say it out loud.
“whatcha wanna do first?” miles asked you. he was being just as observant as you, if not more.
you squinted your eyes ahead and a specific game caught your eye. “let’s play basketball, i’ll definitely whoop your ass this time.”
“big talk for someone who can barely even shoot baskets when we're on the court,” miles fired back. “whoever wins gets to choose what we do next.”
“fine by me,” you shrugged.
you two grabbed a single basketball from your lanes when you got over to the game. you saw miles adjust his grip on the ball from the corner of your eye. you reduced your eyes to slits in response and pressed your lips together.
when the bell rang and the timer began to count down, you both shot your balls into the baskets. both of them made it in. you were doing fine for the first couple of seconds, but then your balls began to veer away from your basket. you quickly glanced over at miles’ scoreboard to find that he was eight scores ahead of you. you furrowed your brows and began throwing balls into the goal again, making the first three shots and missing the last two. you were on autopilot from that moment on, throwing balls at your goal without stopping to celebrate nor gripe.
just as you reached down for a basketball to make another shot, the timer went off, indicating the end of the game. you looked up at your scoreboard to find that you’d only gotten twenty-eight shots. you could already feel miles’ eyes boring a hole through your head, patiently waiting on you to look over at his lane and accept defeat.
you gave in to defeat and scanned his final scoreboard: fifty-eight shots.
you finally looked over at the boy and he was smirking slyly. “yeah, so i’m tryna play the game with the water guns and the targets.”
you would’ve much preferred to find a photo booth next, but a deal was a deal, so you brushed off your loss. neither of you had a map, so you weren't sure where any of the games were. you two agreed to wing it, so you and miles roamed around for a while. you made small talk and miles teased you for being so confident that you'd win the last game.
finally, you came across the mini-game he wanted to play. your face lit up when you saw all the stuffed animals hanging from the rack above. you could get behind this.
the worker was on her phone, visibly nodding off until you two approached the game. you caught a glimpse of her rolling her eyes and shoving her phone in the back pocket of her black jeans. though she was clearly fed up by the presence of you and your boyfriend, she thoroughly explained the rules of the game. miles had to strike down moving targets with a water gun. the targets would move left to right, up and down, or both. he had to shoot all of them to win, and he only got five minutes to do so.
the worker hit the red button and miles was on the clock.
the targets were the typical kind: white circles with red circular stripes, and a red bullseye in the middle. you watched keenly as miles gripped the gun and squeezed one of his eyes shut for precision, pulling the trigger and shooting a line of water at two of the targets with ease. to his surprise, they began to move faster. he was still hitting them though.
the employee was paying miles no mind, already turned around and back on her phone, texting away. even though dealing with those targets was like breathing for miles, he decided to take a shortcut. just for fun.
while the worker wasn’t looking, miles handed you the water gun and used his web-shooters to swiftly shoot down the last five targets. your eyes enlarged at him in a panic and before you could really think about it, you sprayed the webbing off of the targets miles shot down with them.
the worker turned back around when she heard the winner’s bell ringing. by that time, the water gun was already back in miles' hand. the worker stared at the both of you in confusion. miles looked proud of himself. you nervously smiled and shrugged.
the worker rolled her eyes before they traveled over to the selection of toys and stuffed animals just above her. “pick a prize, any prize,” she said unenthusiastically.
“which one do you want, mama?” miles asked you.
“umm…” your voice trailed off. your eyes glossed over all the different plushies until one caught your eye. “stitch for sure.”
the worker nodded and unhooked the stuffed animal from the rack. she quickly handed it to miles and gave him a quick half-assed smile before resuming her bored expression. miles passed you the stuffed animal and you smiled brightly. you remembered this feeling, and you felt like a little kid all over again.
“he’s our son now,” you proudly declared.
“he’s too big for that,” miles teased you. “that’s a grown man.”
you gave miles a dirty look and punched him in the shoulder. “i won’t let you body shame our son.”
“my bad!” miles laughed and put his hands up in defense.
"yeah, whatever," you gave miles an eye roll and grimaced. you clocked the worker glaring at you two from the corner of your eye, so you grabbed miles' hand and hurriedly dragged him away from the booth. "we gotta go before she sees the pile of webs on the ground and has cps investigate us. she already hates us, what if she makes us return our son?”
"that's your main concern?" miles' eyes widened. "not the worker finding out i'm a superhero?"
“why would i be worried about that?" you inquired playfully. "i shouldn't have to lose my baby because you wanted to risk your identity."
you both laughed as you wandered along the paths of the fair aimlessly. neither of you knew what you where you were going next, but you were way too immersed in your debate to think about it. amidst your little parley, the sun finally escaped from the clouds' cover, the sky shifting to a warm orange and light shades of pink instead of the gray it had greeted you with.
“by the way, that was very much cheating,” you chuckled, thinking back to the mini-game. “you need to play fair next time. no web-shooters.”
“we had no opponents,” your boyfriend reminded you.
“the employee seemed like one,” you replied, thinking back to the looks she’d give you two. “i didn’t even know you had your shooters on you… anyway, that means stitch is an accident.” you frowned.
miles' nose wrinkled. “man, what?”
“i’m just chattin’,” you snickered.
“per usual,” miles shook his head, slinging his arm around your shoulder and shaking his head.
you two kept walking aimlessly for a little while, but you stopped dead in your tracks when you spotted a photo booth. you briefly made eye contact with miles before briskly snatching up his arm, pulling him as you sped over to the booth.
“the booth’s not gonna disappear, damn!” miles from behind you, panting with his hands on his knees as he tried to catch his breath.
“it could,” you shrugged, gesturing to the curtain with your free hand. “get in.”
“stitch won’t fit in there,” miles pointed out.
you frowned and observed your surroundings. you knew stitch was bound to get stolen if you left him outside unattended. you continued to glance around, trying to come up with a simple, but logical solution. your eyes stopped on an old lady sitting on a nearby bench by herself, flipping through a novel. she had on a white sweater with a black dress underneath, her long hair braided down and resting on her shoulder. you told miles to wait by the booth and approached the woman with a light-hearted smile on your face.
“hi, excuse me," you spoke softly in an attempt to make a good impression.
the lady looked up at you, half-surprised. she adjusted the position glasses with her index finger, gently pushing them up the bridge of her nose. “oh, yes?”
“may you please watch this for me while i take pictures with my boyfriend in that booth over there? i promise we won’t be long.”
you looked back at miles and pointed in his direction. though he was clearly confused, he smiled nervously and waved anyway. you turned back around to face the woman and smiled again.
“of course i will, dear,” the lady replied, a smile gracing her lips. she waved back at miles.
“thank you so much,” you smiled graciously, setting stitch next to her on the bench. you were ready to go back to miles when the woman stopped you by calling out. you whipped around, biding patiently in the same spot until she spoke.
“cherish the memories that you’re making. all of them.”
you didn’t exactly know what she meant, but then your last trip to the fair came to mind. it was so long ago, but you had almost forgotten how much fun you’d had, even if you couldn’t do much. you never wanted to make the mistake of taking memories for granted whilst you’re making them, because then you'd miss them too much when they were in the past, at least that's how you saw it. the future is uncertain. life is cruel. that day at the fair as a toddler could’ve been the first and the only time you ever went. today could be the second and the last. you hadn’t really thought about any of that before. you hadn’t thought about how precious your memories really were.
“and make them with the right people.”
you knew what that meant.
your eyes lowered, confusion evident on your face anyway. “how do i know if they’re the right people?”
“you’ll know. intuition is real. if something feels wrong or right, you'll know. listen to what your body is telling you, my dear,” the lady replied, crossing one leg over the other and opening her book back up.
your eyes widened slightly as you were still a tad bit lost, but you nodded. "okay. i will."
you jogged back to the photo booth, excitement coursing through your veins. miles didn’t bother questioning your tactics this time.
you both sat down in the photo booth and miles drew the curtain shut. he sat back and you tapped the screen, selecting two printouts so you could both keep one. before you even got the chance to retrieve your wallet from your purse, miles was sliding a couple dollars inside the machine. you hadn’t even noticed them in his hand before.
“today is my treat. you’re not paying for anything,” he told you.
“boo. i can’t spoil my man every now and then?” you clicked your tongue. “i’ll get you those comics you wanted instead.”
miles shook his head and chuckled. when the timer on the screen began to count down from ten, you fixed your braids and made sure your clothes looked presentable.
“i have ideas,” you announced to miles. you'd be envisioning this moment in your mind for ages. “just let me lead.”
“you the boss,” miles conceded in compliance.
“cool,” you giggled. you slid your hand under miles' chin and pulled him closer until your lips were pressed onto his cheek. you stayed in the same position with your eyes closed until you heard the first flash. the next photo was simple, a shot of you and miles kissing. the third one was the both of you looking at each other and laughing. it wasn’t planned, but miles had made a joke so you didn’t have time to pose any differently.
in the following ten seconds, you made miles your canvas, scattering kissing all over his face. he was confused until he looked at the screen to see all that your lips were imprinted on his face with colored lipgloss. he kissed his teeth but then laughed. your arms were wrapped around his shoulders, and that was the last photo. it was your favorite.
you waited for the photo strips to print and then left the booth. you immediately snapped your neck towards the bench to see your stitch plushy still sitting with the older lady. you sighed in relief and jogged over to her.
“thank you again!” you beamed, grabbing the stuffed animal.
you had a feeling she knew you were also thanking her for the unsolicited advice. you'd never understand how some older people were so good at reading others.
“you’re welcome, dear,” she waved goodbye and you waved back.
you wouldn’t forget what she told you.
you then went back to miles, expressing how happy you were that stitch wasn’t stolen. you went on and on about what a terrible mother you would’ve been, had you lost your child after not even twenty minutes of having him.
a few minutes later, miles caught you staring at some nearby concession stands. you didn’t eat anything before leaving his flat, but the line was a bit lengthy. you were silently trying to decide whether the wait would be worth it.
“you hungry?”
you nodded, settling for waiting in a long queue over an empty stomach. “starving."
❤︎₊ ⊹
it was getting late now. the sun was nowhere in sight and neither was the end of the night. the cool fall breeze felt nice against your soft skin. you wished that you could live in this part of the day for eternity, playfully bickering with miles as if you wouldn’t cling to him a few minutes later during the drop on a rollercoaster.
up to that point, you had gone on at least thirteen rides and played nine competitive mini-games. miles ended up winning most of them, despite him saying he’d go “easy on you.” you’d always respond to loss by saying you won in your heart, and he’d laugh at you. you’d pretend to be upset until you couldn’t fake it anymore and laughed along with him.
now, you and miles were sitting on grass, the synthetic kind. you two had shared a peculiarly long corn dog. you claimed that was enough for you, but miles ordered nachos too, and you shamelessly snatced up a sizable amount of them. food just tasted better when it wasn't yours.
after hours of being offline, you finally had a phone break. you sent your mom a text to check in with her before navigating to your email app. you scrolled through your recent until you came across the digital copies of the pictures you and miles took in the photo booth earlier sitting in your inbox. “i got the digital version of the photos. they're so cute!" you exclaimed.
miles grinned. “send ‘em to me later on."
“will do,” you agreed, looking back up to see him stood up from the ground with stitch in hand.
“i’ma rent out a locker to keep this guy inside of and then head to the bathroom,” he told you.
“okay, i’ll be here,” you nodded.
whenever you were out with anyone, you always thought it was common courtesy not to reply to texts that weren’t urgent. you never wanted to make anyone in your life feel like your focus wasn’t on them while you were spending time together. that being said, you hadn’t thoroughly gone through your notification center since you were at the mall. since miles was gone for a little, you thought it was a good time to deliver a few textbacks, because you knew that after tonight, you wouldn’t have any energy to do so until the next day.
you didn’t have any notifications from the calculus group chat, no surprise there. you had an older one from your mom from before you checked in, but she was just sending a tiktok. the next one down was tiesha and then adana. a pit formed in your stomach and you nervously chewed on the inside of your cheek. despite the uneasy feeling you had, you opened tiesha’s text first.
tiesha💞: [name] (5:46pm) tiesha💞: miles is your boyfriend?? (5:46pm)
‘not this again’ you thought.
you didn’t know what you were expecting the text to say, but it wasn’t that. this wasn’t a topic you wanted to circle back on, given everyone’s initial reactions. and you thought she knew—you thought everyone knew. maybe you weren’t as close with tiesha as you thought you were. or any of those girls.
you: yes... i’ve said this before (7:34pm)
you: literally with him rn. why? what’s the problem? (7:35pm)
your brows were knitted together as you anticipated a reply, your fingers drawing circles in midair just centimeters above the keyboard. you were biting the left side of your lip and your teeth were close to piercing the skin. tiesha's response came quick despite your late reply.
tiesha 💞: miles morales? the one i told you i like?? (7:36pm)
you read the text and had to do a double-take. your stomach dropped all over again. you had an exceptional memory. tiesha had never mentioned miles to you, like, ever. she hadn't mentioned any crush of hers to you at all. you just assumed she wasn't interested in dating.
you: i don’t remember you saying anything about like any miles.. but yeah he’s my boyfriend. (7:36pm) you: he has been for months now. i told y’all this, so idk why you were acting all confused @ the mall. (7:37pm)
tiesha 💞: if we knew then why would we be acting confused? 😐 (7:37pm)
you narrowed your eyes at the screen. you could tell her tone was meant to be harsh.
you: i don’t know, tiesha. (7:38pm) you: maybe for the same reason y’all were acting confused when you found me by myself at the spot that we agreed to meet at tday?? 🤦‍♀️ (7:38pm)
tiesha 💞: we said you could come hang w us (7:39pm) tiesha 💞: you’re the one who left (7:39pm)
you released an exasperated sigh as you read her response. you thought back to what the lady who watched stitch for you told you earlier. you couldn’t stick around these girls for any longer. they weren’t the people you wanted to make memories with. perhaps they were nothing more than a much needed lesson. you partially learned how to socialize, but you also needed to learn how to stand up for yourself. you were growing up. nobody else was going to do it for you.
you: i left bc you guys were acting weird towards me (7:40pm) you: idk what the deal is, but if there’s a problem you need to be straight up about it. (7:40pm) you: we all agreed to meet at the food court, but i opened ig to see y’all posing in a mirror while i’m sitting alone. why’d you even invite me atp?? (7:40pm)
tiesha 💞: i thought adana was lying when she said you got with miles, behind my back but ig she was right. (7:40pm) tiesha 💞: you weird af for that. you know i like him (7:41pm)
you: fym bro.. ??? 😭 i literally did not (7:41pm) you: and either way, he’s BEEN my boyfriend (7:42pm)
tiesha 💞: yk you only got w him to tick me off 🖕 (7:42pm)
you: ok wtv. (7:44pm) you: you guys showed me what kind of people you really are, so best believe i’m not sticking around anyway. you can tell that to eb else.(7:45pm) you: and i don't know what you thought you were doing. miles has been MY boyfriend for almost over a year now. he’ll continue to be my boyfriend for years to come, thanks. (7:47pm)
you didn't hesitate to leave the group chat and block those girls everywhere. they didn’t get to have access to you anymore. it felt like weight was lifted off your shoulders and you silently celebrated in your head. you were still in public and didn’t want to draw attention to you because you were cheering about cutting people off. at least you were free from the burden, even if you had a few less friends now.
“ready to go to the ferris wheel?”
you glanced up from your phone to see miles towering over you, both of hands in the pockets of his green puffer. you smiled big. this was the last thing on your checklist, and the thing you’d been looking forward to since you set foot on fair grounds.
“duh,” you giggled, reaching your arm out so miles could pull you up. after he did, you brushed off your outfit and cleared your throat. “so, do we know which way it is?”
“nope,” miles answered. “we’ll just start walking and hope we come across a map, or something.”
you raised and eyebrow and smirked. “so like we’ve been doing this whole time?”
“like we’ve been doing this whole time,” he echoed.
“i guess it makes it more adventurous,” you decided as you two began to walk away from the grass. you clasped your hand with his. “plus, i can tell you what happened with tiesha while you were in the bathroom while we look for it.”
miles’ eyebrows elevated. “something happened?”
“yep,” you shake your head in annoyance. “tiesha had a crush on you or something. apparently, she didn’t know we were together, so she thinks i got with you just to spite her.”
“how wouldn’t she know?”
“that’s what gets me!” you pointed your index at miles’ chest and tilted your head back in irritation. “i told her and the other three, so i don’t know why they were acting clueless! plus, she swears up and down i knew she liked you. that girl never said a word.”
“from everything you’ve told me today… it sounds like they just don’t like you,” he frowned, speaking in a way that told you he was trying not to hurt your feelings.
“they don’t,” you sighed, tilting your head up slightly. “that’s why we’re not friends anymore. i told tiesha to tell everyone else we won't be talking anymore.”
"really? are you okay?"
you reluctantly nodded. "yeah, i think i'm okay." you were telling the truth. in the moment, you were okay. maybe it'd bother you later, but all that mattered was that it wasn't bothering you now.
miles’ expression softened in relief. “that’s good. i’m glad you’re learning not to take b.s.”
you covered your mouth and snickered when you heard "b.s." for whatever reason, you thought it was humourous coming out of miles' mouth.
“no, really,” miles insisted anyway. “i’m proud of you.”
you didn’t ask for confirmation because you believed him even if you found the delivery funny. “thank you, miles.”
he smiled and pulled you closer, planting a kiss on your forehead. you grinned and pressed your ear against his arm. you made sure to take in and appreciate each and every step you took forward with your lovely boyfriend. you were cherishing a memory that wasn’t one yet, but tonight felt far too special not to. you absorbed everything to the scenery and the moonlight to the warmth that clinging to miles' arm gave you.
as if it was looking for you two and not the other way around, you and miles found your way to the ferris wheel without even having to seek out direction. surprisingly, the queue wasn’t at all demanding. when you got closer to the front of the line, you thought of something. you needed something to remember your favorite memory by, anyway.
“we should take a picture in front of the wheel,” you suggested to your boyfriend. “we can ask someone to do it for us.”
“bet,” miles pulled his phone out of his back pocket of his jeans.
he turned around and kindly asked a random girl standing in line behind you two if she could take the photo for you. she thankfully agreed and miles swiped to the camera app and handed her his cell. you two backed up a bit and the girl told you where to stand so that the photo would look better. you took a few pictures standing in front of the wheel side by side, miles’ arm around your shoulders. you two were hugging in one of the shots and he was kissing your forehead in the other.
after those pictures, you took miles’ arm and made him face a different direction. now your shoulders were to the camera lens and the ferris wheel. you snaked your arms around his neck and he instinctively placed his arms around your waist. this was one of your favorite poses, miles knew what to do by now.
you glanced down at your feet and took a step closer to miles so the distance you two wouldn’t look awkward. you lifted your head back up to meet his gaze. the boy was looking at you and you could’ve sworn you saw hearts forming in his eyes. he wasn’t just looking at you, he was admiring you. there was a difference, and you could tell.
but it’s not like you weren’t doing the same.
you whispered loud enough for only miles to hear. “i love you."
“i love you more."
you shifted onto your toes and miles slightly leaned down to reach you. your lips connected effortlessly, your eyes fluttering closed in unison. the ferris wheel lights glimmered behind you two as miles deepened the kiss. you mindlessly lifted your hands to his cheek, your thumbs gently caressing his soft, warm skin.
“got it!” the girl taking the photo called out.
you and miles slowly withdrew your bodies apart and she approached you two, handing miles the phone. you both thanked the girl and got back in line. your gaze was fixed on the structure above you. all you could think about was how pretty the sky was bound look from all the way up there.
you excitedly entered the cabin when it was finally you and miles’ turn. the designated employee shut the door and your eyes immediately glued themselves to the window. you were just barely going up, and you already had a better view of the fair and all of the lights.
“you seeing this, miles?” you questioned without even daring to rip your eyes away from the window.
“i am,” he smiled. your reaction to the view made him happier than any angle of the world around him ever could.
as you ascended higher up, you focused more on what was above ground rather than on it. the luminous stars painted the night sky like white spatters of paint would paint a black canvas. they glittered brightly above you while the ferris wheel slowly spun.
you turned your head back to miles to smile at him, but he beat you to it. you felt like the luckiest girl alive. you were thankful to have at least one person who was true to you. that alone was more than enough. 
miles was more than enough.
the moonshine illuminated your beguiling features as you admired its fullness and its beauty. your head was rested on miles’ shoulder and his arm was sitting around your waist, the other one holding your hand in his lap. you knew you’d look back on this and recall that you never took this day or the feeling that came with it for granted, not once.
this felt so right—you didn’t know how to explain it. tonight was perfect and you would never change a thing. everything was how it should be. you were where you should be, you could feel it. this felt right in your soul.
maybe this was it. maybe this is what everyone was talking about.
maybe intuition is real.
❤︎₊ ⊹ bonus:
you and miles had concluded your fair date and were back at his place. you were going to stay for a while before returning to your own. your head was on his shoulder and your legs were curled up in the opposite direction. his hand was evolved in yours, as yours was in his. miles' mom was home and you definitely didn't want to give her the wrong idea by appearing exceedingly handsy.
“i had fun,” you gloated on the day you'd just had as miles browsed through netflix on the tv.
“are you sure? you seemed pretty over it when i beat you at basketball.”
you tongue clicked. "very funny, morales." you thought for a moment. “and thanks for taking me out, by the way. i know you were probably tired from having to fight all morning,” you exhaled.
“it’s no problem,” miles insisted, though you could tell he looked tired. “tomorrow’s sunday, i’ll get some sleep then.”
you both turned your heads when you heard the sound of a door being opened echoed through the hallway followed by rhythmic footsteps. even though you and miles both knew the footsteps belonged to rio, the hallway was dark, so neither you or him could see her until she stepped into the living room. her hair was down instead of being braided or put into a ponytail like it usually was. she was trying to slide a hoop into the earring hole in one of her ears. she was in one of her fancier outfits.
"jeez, you kids been on the couch all day?"
“we went to the fair,” miles replied, a smile tugging at one corner of his lips.
“oh really? explains the oversized oso on your bed. papa, didn’t you use to watch that one show… what was it called? spy oso?”
“special agent oso, mami,” miles corrected her, a hint of embarrassment fermenting in his voice. his teeth were clenched and his eyebrows were furrowed. “and that’s stitch, not a bear.”
you were stifling a laugh, one of your hands shielding the grin on your mouth while the other clutched your stomach. rio didn’t see, but miles did and he rolled his eyes at you.
“i left the snacks in your room, i’ll be right back," you told miles before you got up and disappeared down the hall.
“stitch? what’s a—” rio stopped herself and shook her head. “actually, never mind. how was the fair?”
miles answered her anyway. “it’s an alien, mom. from lilo and stitch. and the fair was good, we had a lot of fun. i can show you pictures later.”
“good,” rio smiled but then broke into a whisper. “miles, mejor la llevas a casa. don’t let that girl wander around all by herself at night.”
“alright, alright,” he put his hands up in defense. “you know i always take her home, calmáte.”
“alright, then. just making sure," rio retorted. "anyway, i’m in a hurry, i’m going to meet your dad, his coworker, and his coworker's wife somewhere. comportarse,” rio cautioned in a stern tone of voice, walking over to the couch and planting a kiss on her son’s cheek.
“i will,” miles promised as his mom hastily walked to the front door.
“tell [name] i’ll see her soon,” rio called out to miles before shutting the door.
a few moments later, you emerged from the shadows that lurked in the hall and took your seat next to miles on the couch. you scooted closer to him and pulled the blanket over both of your legs, handing him his bag of chips then opening your own. he hadn’t chosen something for you guys to watch yet.
“where’d your mom go?” you inquired, looking around.
“somewhere with dad,” miles answered, shrugging his shoulders at the same time. “she told me to say she’ll see you soon though.”
“aww,” you grinned. you really did love rio. you had to stop yourself from chuckling when you recalled her bringing up one of the shows miles used to watch as a kid. as hilarious as you found the whole thing, you held in your laugh anyway. you refocused your attention to the tv on the other side of the coffee table. it didn't take you long to realize that your beloved boyfriend still had yet to choose a movie to watch or a show to binge.
“what should we watch tonight?... homecoming?”
“jesus, no,” miles frantically shook his head, waving his arms around in a panic.
you were referring to beyoncé's 2018 coachella headlining performance movie. you’d made the boy watch the film with you more times than he could count on you two's twenty fingers combined. miles knew the name's every song being performed, the lyrics, and what order they were performed in. he had almost memorized all of the dance breaks, but not willingly. he swore that the word “homecoming” alone triggered some kind of ptsd. miles knew you too well. he was well aware that the renaissance movie would be a homecoming repeat, but maybe ten times worse. he'd been mentally preparing for that as well.
“booooo, you’re boring,” you frowned.
“thanksgiving is coming up, how about that one charlie brown movie?”
“only if we can binge christmas movies after.”
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maybemymali ©
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mrsmattyb · 7 months
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Warnings: none!
Summary: You and Matt share a cute moment in the car before launching your relationship to the public.
♪ you and me, always forever ♪
Matt starts the tiktok as you feed him a slice of pizza. You giggle slightly as it misses his mouth and he sticks his tounge out a bit. He helps you put the pizza in his mouth before he starts chewing it with a cheesy grin on his face.
He grabs the camera and shows you. You hid your face in embarrassment and put your knees up to your chest. “Matttttt, stop it.” you whine as he moves the camera closer to you. He giggles as the video ends.
The audio plays in the background on repeat as he attacks your face with kisses, making sure not to miss an inch. You laugh as he plays with your hair.
“You’re so cute y/n.” Matt says with a smile laid on his face. You hid your face in your hands. “Don’t hide, let me see that pretty face.” he says, pulling your hands down from your face. You drop them to your sides as you tilt your head to the slip with a downward smile displayed on your face.
“There she is.” Matt speaks quietly, stroking his thumb against your cheek. You peck a small and quick kiss on his lips. “Mm one more.” Matt mumbles against your lips, pulling you back in for a longer lasting kiss.
You two pull away and Matt grabs his phone. He clicks next on the video and captions it “hard launch” before hitting the post button.
“You posted it??” you question, knowing the fans were going to go insane since they started shipping you guys months ago. Matt quickly turns his head to you. “I can take it down, I thought you were ready.” Matt says frantically, pulling his phone back into his hands and tapping away. You giggle as you put your hand on his phone, stopping his hand from doing anything else. “Matt, it’s fine don’t worry. I’m ready.” you chuckle at his panic. He sighs and stops clicking on buttons.
Comments start flooding in, all of them in all caps from the fans’ excitement.
sturnlover478: I KNEW IT!!!!
ihearty/n22: FINALLY I LOVE THEM
strnioloss219: AWHHHH🫶🫶🫶
“Well it looks like they’re happy.” Matt smiles at you before pulling you back in for a kiss. He quickly pulls away as confusion washes over your face. “What are yo-“ you get cut off as Matt shoves a piece of pizza in your mouth. Matt laughs, wiping the sauce off of your cheeks with his thumb.
“You’re an idiot.” You mumble as you chew. “Yeah you love me though.” He was right, you did love that idiot.
A/N: this is my first fic ever soooooo idk if its good but here😊
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ssho197 · 11 months
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boyfriend xiao (im sorry if it’s out of chara, i’m working on characterise xiao properly)
new header yayay! i will be posting a little more often but not as often as before where it was one post every 2-3 days
content: fluff, suggestive (near the bottom)
boyfriend xiao cares a lot, despite his struggles to communicate, he really does care about you
likes to hold your hand because it keeps him grounded and acts as a reminder that you’re always there for him and he’s always there for you
if you’re someone xiao cares about, there is nothing that he wouldn’t do to keep you safe
after living with him for a little while you notice that he’s actually really peaceful and gentle,, this side of him doesn’t get shown much but he truly enjoys being around you a lot so he feels comfortable enough to express it
even though you two had been dating for a little while, xiao still unintentionally distances himself from you. he still believes that his karmic debt will hurt you and that he shouldn’t be this close to a human
he’s never felt so close to someone before. he usually doesn’t interact with anyone,, to most people, he’s super cold and doesn’t talk much. this is completely different from how he is around you
even during his self destructive moments, you’re somehow always there to help him through it. he couldn’t thank you enough, but he still has his worries about you
even when it comes to syx, xiao was really gentle and made sure that you were ok at every stage, he definitely didn’t know what to do the first time you guys had any sort of intimate moment
when walking around the house (or wherever you guys wanna live), he clings to your waist and tries to drag you back into the bedroom (although he doesn’t mind syx anywhere else, he would rather do it in a bed than on the kitchen floor)
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dollcherray · 3 months
Can I request a SMG4 x sick!reader
Don't worry I will wait. Unlike that one person
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✧₊⁺ STATIC ⋆.˚
⋆.˚ Notes: as a person who just recovered from being sick, this is going to have A LOT of self indulgence, sorry (not sorry) so, yeah, enjoy! reader is gn, there's some mentions of overdose and puking, kind of short? edit: BTW I LOVE YOU ALEXY
✧₊⁺ Type: Romantic, Fluff, Headcanons
۶ৎ Song: Static
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۶ৎ This man is worried and so dramatic about it, he's got all types of pills, analgesics and he's calling every fucking doctor in the showgrounds for you, thinking that you are going to die, when you're just with the flu, like please SMG4 there's no need for a healing ritual, they'll be fine in a couple of days.
۶ৎ He probably almost made you overdose with the BUNCH of medicine he shoved down your throat, you throwed up alot... that definitely made you worse.
۶ৎ He'll probably show you alot of memes to cheer you up, but they get so progressively chaotic in such a fast pace that you won't even be able to pick up what the 10th meme he's showing you means.
۶ৎ SMG4 will keep you in confinement, you're not allowed to leave the room and no one is allowed in except him and MARIO IN UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES IS ALLOWED TO ENTER YOUR ROOM, if he does, SMG4 will probably incinerate him.
۶ৎ He's trying so hard to take good care of you, he just wants to prove himself for you, that he can be a good caretaker and boyfriend, he's such a sucker for your approval and praise. (THIS SOUNDED DIRTY)
۶ৎ SMG4 will take very good care of you, he'll give everything that you need and even do more,like doing things for you, you want food? he brought the best in town, you need to get up to do something? nope! SMG4 is already doing it! don't you worry your pretty little head.
۶ৎ One thing that can happen is that he can get a tad paranoid, if you cough he's going to panic, if you sigh he'll panic, heck, if you even breath wrong he'll be wreaking havoc in his house, thinking you will die and he'll lose you forever... you'll have to muster up some strength and patience to reassure him you're okay.
۶ৎ You won't even need to request affection because when he's not doing something for you he's literally clinging onto you, if you're laid down, hes right there cuddling you, if you're sat, he's clinging to your side and won't let go for a long time.
۶ৎ He'll probably get sick too because of the constant affection he gave you, ah shit, now you're both sick.
۶ৎ SMG3 is probably the one taking care of both of you now, he's so fed up with you guys bullshit.
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saintobio · 4 months
i can’t believe i caught the ask box open 🥹 first off, miss saint, sy11 had me on my knees gasping for air i kid you not. your writing is truly incredible, and i will say time and time again that you are genuinely one of a kind!
okay okay. time for theories yayay! i know heaps of people have said this already, but my delusional ass self would love to believe that satoru rly did chase after akemi only to let her down. or to hit her with the “my heart belongs to yn. it always has” line. i feel like yn might’ve encouraged him to run after akemi, since yn must’ve also felt guilty since she played a role in gojo cheating on akemi (+ she was put in a similar position so she would know how it feels). since we have four more chapters to go (minus the epilogue), i feel like yn would likely distance herself from gojo, purely bc she feels horrible and didn’t wanna do akemi like that. it was just something done in the moment. i also feel as if the miscommunication trope will still move forward, despite yn and gojo pouring their hearts out to each other at the lake :’)
i have a gut feeling that momjo is likely going to make an appearance back and cause havoc again. maybe we’ll see some parallels between momjo and eula, or momjo and dadjo (who knows). but most likely she’ll plant seeds of doubt in satorus mind by implying things like how yn might only be using gojo as a rebound to ‘get over toji’ (even though we all know the complete opposite 😭).
kinda hoping for some sachi and yn moments bc the angst is too good to be true 🤌 kinda miss their interactions i can’t lie :( sometime tells me that towards the end or during the epilogue of sy, they’re gonna have another kid again (sachiko 🥺) purely bc they did it w/o protection lmao (im going insane)
anyways, i wish i could come up with the brilliant theories that some other readers can come up with (i lack the creativity to) but once again, from the very bottom of my heart, thank you so much for once again releasing another beautifully written chapter. pls don’t mind my rambling hahah. ilysm saint <3
no no, your theories were great and i believe many woudl agree !! so thank you for sharing them and for reading sy <33 i appreciate ur kind words
momjo will be definitely back for a bit, and like i said, gen and yn’s side of the family would make an appearance too. i think you guys already have a hunch as to why :)))
as for sachi, there’s a reason why he’s not in these episodes as much. but munchkin will be back soon!!
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sewerratzz · 4 months
hey. fancast ur moots in a musical
pulp musicals [the brick satellite] !! this one is completely for the fellas in the pulp thread in BRP <33
Samuel Stratford ~ me:p
Rose Stratford ~ @snarky-wallflower [fighting between casting us as the twins vs margaret & anna was beyond difficult btw. would double cast if i could]
Margaret Cavendish ~ @starlightsparrowfox
Sir John Herschel ~ @ricky-mortis
Anna Hanover ~ @tapestryoftrauma
Sia ~ @amethystunarmed
Charles ~ @oswaldpettyeye [idek if we are moots but this had to be done<3]
M.A.I.A. ~ @jackalope-t-m
ride the cyclone !!
Mischa ~ @chompisgay4mrbeast you could do this so well i think & id love to see it
Noel ~ @dumbcoconut5318008
Ricky ~ @nabwastaken this is mostly because you’re both into little guys [raccoons & cats]
Ocean ~ @tapestryoftrauma lesbian. need i say more
Constance ~ me :D
Jane Doe ~ @snarky-wallflower
Karnak ~ @pangothepangolin i think you could do this one pretty good & cool
Virgil ~ @charlie-but-not-slimecicle you like slimecicle im making you the rat [this is /aff i swear, i love rats & also slimecicle]
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miumura · 1 year
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— ♬ : when a baking session gives a chance for one of you to finally admit your feelings to the other. that’s sweet, right?
♡ pairing — childhood!bestfriend!gyuvin x gn!reader ♡
genre ✱ : best friends 2 lovers ; fluff | wc : 3k+ (3328)
warnings — a harmless threat, not rly proofread so …
☏ soph speaks ! bye i finally finishes this anyways , another zb1 imagine yayay !! once again, this is an idea that i thought of late at night..also thought of it when i was midway writing the ricky truth or dare fic 😭 anyways i did have fun making this one, so i hope you do enjoy it as much as i did writing it!
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Plop. Plop.
“Hm…what should we do?” Junhyeon sighs loudly, throwing a baseball up in the air repeatedly. The quiet room echoed with the sound of the ball constantly hitting his hand.
“Don’t know—got any ideas Y/N?” Gunwook glances at you peacefully on your phone. Making you look up, he gives you a small smile.
“Uhhh…ask Gyuvin. This is his house anyways.” You shrug, tapping him on the shoulder.
You, Junhyeon, and Gunwook were staying at Gyuvin’s house because his parents are away for a trip. Junhyeon thought it would be a great bonding experience for the span of seven days (although you quite disagree with that).
But clearly, you guys did not have anything planned for today.
Gyuvin being clueless like he usually is, he slowly shakes his head. Laughing at his reaction, Junhyeon suddenly exclaims and snaps his finger.
“Gyuvin, got any baking supplies at home?”
“Yeah, why?”
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The next thing you knew, all four of you gathered around the counter in the kitchen.
All of you were surrounding Gunwook’s small phone, reading the recipe for a crepe cake.
“Geez, why is this so complicated?” Gunwook groans, sitting back on the stool. “I give up.”
“Um, no you’re not? Plus, you agreed to this—can’t back out now.” Junhyeon says, eyes still glued on the screen. “And, you’re making the cake with me.”
You four decided to split into two groups—you and Gyuvin, Gunwook and Junhyeon. Junhyeon thought it would be fun to have a competition to see whose cake is better. (and he totally did not request this idea so you and Gyuvin can spend time together.)
“I can’t see the screen.” Two heads were blocking your view, causing you to sit next to Gunwook. Pulling out your phone, you decided to search up the recipe yourself. Once you had the same exact recipe up, you tapped on Gyuvin’s shoulder to get his attention.
Showing him your screen, he gets what you mean and moves to the empty space in the kitchen. Junhyeon smirked slightly then cleared his throat. “Gunwook hurry up. The two already left so no excuses now!” He says, pulling onto Gunwook’s sleeve.
Leaving Junhyeon with a whining Gunwook, you placed your phone on the counter. You two looked at the screen together, reading the ingredients carefully.
“…All purpose flour…” Your voice trailed off, walking towards the cabinet. Scanning the shelves, you spotted the big bag of flour. Picking it up, you made your way to Gyuvin who was still reading off your phone.
“Can’t read instructions now?” You said, placing the bag onto the table. Gyuvin looked at you to give you a blank stare, not noticing how close you were to him when you asked. Looking back at the screen and clearing his throat, he pretended that didn’t happen.
“I can read. We need sugar too.” Stating the obvious, you grinned at his response. Leaving Gyuvin and his slightly reddened cheeks, you made your way back to the kitchen. Looking up at the cabinets, you assumed one of them had it.
Now, why the hell were the cabinets so high up? Your hand briefly touched the cabinet handle, not even giving you a chance to open it.
You hated doing this, but you had to for the sake of the baking process.
“Gyuvin!” You said in a monotone, hearing his footsteps get closer as you continued to look at the counter.
“Hm?” He asks in an obvious tone, knowing very well you were staring at the cabinets above you.
“Get the sugar from the cabinet, please.” He smirks slightly, mocking your voice, “Can’t reach for stuff in cabinets now?” Your remarks sure do bite you back.
“Oh, shut up. Just quickly get it.” You were about to walk away until Gyuvin groaned, making you turn around. “Looks like I can’t reach it either.” You watched him lazily reach the cabinets, brushing over the handles. You can just imagine a mischievous grin spreading across his face right now. Feeling frustrated, you walk over to him.
“Don’t waste our time!” You pleaded, hoping he’d just get the sugar already. He wanted to tease you more, he wore a huge grin and pretended he didn’t hear you. He continued to “struggle” with getting the cabinets open, as if this wasn’t his own house.
Hearing his cheeky tone, you huffed out in response. Clearly agitated about him to be making fun of your height, you just decided to ask him for another favor.
“Okay, that’s enough. At least carry me up there so I can get it or something…” You mumbled quietly yet Gyuvin was still able to pick up what you’ve said.
Feeling his cheeks go warm, he avoids eye contact with you. “What?”
“Listen, you either help me or I’ll ask Gunwook and Junhyeon to help me instead. Or I don’t know—I’ll drag a chair over, whatever you prefer.” He remained silent, making the situation feel awkward as silence filled the kitchen.
“…Alright then.” He finally spoke, already getting lower. “A piggy back ride?”
“That works.” You jumped onto his back, your arms carefully wrapped around his neck. He effortlessly lifts you up, bringing you closer to the cabinet. You opened the cabinet at last, forcing him to back up a little so the door didn't hit him in the eye while still carrying you.
You smiled slightly, relieved to finally have the jar of sugar in your hands. "That wasn't too difficult, was it Gyuvin?"
Gyuvin scoffed playfully, “Couldn’t have done it without me.”
“Okay, okay. You get the credit, I guess. Now, put me down before I drop the sugar.”
“And if I don’t?”
“I’ll kill you.” You heard his sweet, hearty laugh and wished you could replay it in your brain. He kept playing around with you, keeping you steady and doing a few spins here and there. Hearing your screams made Gyuvin continue, temporarily ignoring the baking duties that needed to be done.
Holding him tightly, you tried your best to keep the clear jar from slipping out of your hands.
“You’re gonna drop it, Gyu!” Still teasing you, he smiled at the nickname. "Are you sure? I'm not the one who has it."
"You better not let me down or I'll drop it and you'll have to clean it!" He still didn't take you seriously enough, knowing how horrible you'd feel if you did.
“Sureeee.” He continued to drag on the word. “ You’d totally do that.”
As you two continued to bicker jokingly, Junhyeon and Gunwook secretly took photos of you two, waiting to use them to tease Gyuvin.
“Pinterest worthy?” Gunwook shows Junhyeon the amount of pictures he took of you two. The pictures continued to go on as he scrolled, gaining a thumbs up from Junhyeon.
“Oh yeah, definitely.” After gaining his approval, Gunwook saved all the pictures onto a photo album titled, “Gyuvin ♡ YN.” He should be thankful that neither of you has seen or has access to that album; if you did, he and Junhyeon would be dead by now.
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“Alright, we finally got what we needed!” Glancing at the other two, you noticed they were starting to get ready as well. Looking around the area you and Gyuvin went to, you realized there were no aprons. Since Junhyeon was the closest one to them, you decided to call out his name.
“Junhyeon!” Your clear voice got his attention, making him pause his short singing session. “Pass us two aprons, please.” He nodded, throwing two white polka dotted aprons across the room.
“Here.” You said, passing the apron to Gyuvin. You had yours on with ease, unlike Gyuvin. He struggled with tying the two straps together, feeling his arms getting sore already.
He stood there silently watching you tie your hair up while appearing not to struggle. Clearly, he thinks there's something wrong with his apron, and he's still convinced he could do something like this.
"You ready?" You turned to see Gyuvin with his hands still behind his back. "Uh, yeah." He finally lets go of his hands, the straps slipping free once more. The apron reopened, once again not wrapped around his waist. He sighed in defeat as you walked closer to him, chuckling.
"I'll help you." You made him turn around and grab the straps to properly tie them. Junhyeon couldn't keep his voice quiet any longer in the distance. Junhyeon and Gunwook both said "ooo" in unison, lingering on the expression. Gunwook had a wide smile on his face and was repeatedly hitting Junhyeon's shoulder in excitement, evidently pleased with the level of intimacy today. As a result, Gyuvin covered his face with his hands and made you make a slight smile.
"Couple things! Aw, look at the matching aprons too!" Junhyeon yells merely to gain your and Gyuvin's attention. Oh, how easy it was to notice the chemistry between you two. You two hit it off right away, much like your mom and his mom did. You've lived the majority of your life with Gyuvin by your side—first birthday party, first tooth being taken out, first day of school—he was constantly there for you.
You've been there for him through thick and thin—you two were that close. It was pleasant to be in each other's company, unable to separate.
People have assumed you two are in a relationship because they have always seen you two together. That wasn’t the case, but you both secretly wanted more than just a childhood best friend title. It was so obvious, yet you two are still unsure whether the other is picking up the signal or not.
Just one day. You constantly tell yourself, knowing you’d probably experience that sweet feeling of love soon, hoping it’ll be with Gyuvin.
That’s exactly what he wanted as well.
Unlike you two, Junhyeon and Gunwook knew exactly what you intended to say to each other, despite your denials. Those two have been doing everything they can to get one of you to confess since day one.
Tired with this back-and-forth flirtation (which you two were unaware of), your friends decided that today would be the day for one of you to confess. They didn't care who was going to, they just wanted you and Gyuvin to quit messing about.
This is why they constantly tease you both, let alone have a photo album of you two. They intended to show you the photos when you finally start dating. They sure were dedicated to this ship.
Finally finishing up with the knot, you hummed, pleased with how pretty the bow looked. You tapped onto his shoulder to show that you were done. You and Gyuvin immediately went to bake, completely engrossed in the instructions.
Quickly finishing up with the batter, you glanced at the next step.
“Oh right—we have to make a lot of these.” You looked at the screen, holding the bowl in one hand. “Are you good at flipping, Gyu?”
“Of course I am! I’m good at everything.” He says as he rolled up his sleeves, gaining a questionable look from you. He gives you his “what?” face only for you to make your way to the stove.
“We will see about that!” You teased, hoping he’d fail just so you could keep talking about it the whole day. Junhyeon and Gunwook quickly joined you two, turning on the other stove.
You held the bowl out for Gyuvin as you watched him prepare the pan and check the heat. He scooped a large cup of batter and stopped pouring when he heard you laugh faintly. "That's a lot of batter, Gyu." "What are you making, pancakes?"
He stood there staring at the huge blob of batter in the center of the pan, unsure what to do. You kept staring at him, waiting for his next move. He seemed to be about to make a decision as well, plainly worried for no apparent reason. To spread the batter, you reached for the pan and moved it in a circular motion.
"This will be our practice one." You comment quietly as you brush your arm on his. "Plus, I think Gunwook is burning his crepe right now." You two laughed at the charred edges of his crepe and the loud screeching noise Junhyeon made as he flipped it over.
Gyuvin quickly finished the failing crepe and placed it on a plate. You peeled apart the crepe despite how hot it was. You quickly fed Gyuvin first before taking a bite as well. You stared at his expression, hoping that the crepes were fine. His eyes widened as he remembered how much he liked the taste of these.
Exhaling a sigh of relief, you decide to continue. As long as it tastes good, presentation doesn’t matter. You pour the batter again, this time making sure sure it's the right amount. You peered at the pan, perfectly swirling the batter around, waiting for the crepe to be done.
“You wanna flip it?” Gyuvin grins, getting ready to show you his skills. “Saw this a youtube video, just watch this.”
Instead of flipping it with a spatula, he throws it in the air in an attempt to get it to return to the pan. The crepe, however, broke apart, with half of it in the pan and half in Junhyeon and Gunwook's uncooked batter. You giggled when Junhyeon scolded Gyuvin for being so irresponsible (despite the fact that he would do the same thing).
"...I believe we'll have to leave the cooking to me now." You teased as Gyuvin returned from his scolding. He smiled awkwardly, nodding and displaying his flushed cheeks. Oh, how adorable he was. Gyuvin stood behind you, admiring your skills as you expertly flipped each one. He's wondering if you're good at everything and how he ever met someone like you.
He sure thinks you’re perfect.
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With a dish full of nicely stacked crepes, you and Gyuvin went straight to work on the cream. Fortunately, Junhyeon and Gunwook were still struggling to flip them over—some flipped into half, uncooked, and burnt.
“Got all the stuff?” Gyuvin nodded, carrying all the ingredients to you. Bringing the silver bowl closer, you automatically followed the recipe. You put the ingredients in, fresh butter and condensed milk. You left the whisking to Gyuvin, handing him the hand mixer.
“Woah, be careful how you handle that machine.” You say, jokingly backing away and covering your face. Gyuvin scoffs, shaking his head.
"I won't make a mess, so come on over." He gestured rapidly, not wanting to disrupt the flow of his mixing. He mistakenly hits a button while looking at the other two people who are burning their crepes. The mixer moves quickly, causing cream to spatter all over the place. The cream got all over his and your clothes and faces. After hearing your yells, he quickly presses the normal button and glances at himself and your clothes.
"What in the hell did you do?" You say this while glancing at the mess Gyuvin has made. It was all over the seats, the table, and even the floor.
He chuckles at the cream on your face, leaving you with a frown that gradually becomes a smile. "I'll go get you some tissues." He gives you the mixer and goes off to find some.
He returns with a box and places it on the table. "Thankfully, it didn't get all over our clothes." Gyuvin wipes the cream from his face, making sure he doesn't leave any behind. You chuckled and kept mixing without wiping your face.
After cleaning up, he notices you still in the mess. He grabs a couple of tissues, walking toward you. While gently grabbing your chin to avoid startling you, he wiped some off your cheek. He examines your face, making certain that everything is clean. You looked away from the mixture and at his focused face. Your faces were merely inches apart—too close.
Your breath hitched, the close proximity between you two was killing you. Damn, he really does look pretty this close.
“Geez, are you allergic to cream? What’s the deal with your red face?” He asks such a dumb question, making you clear your throat. “Shut up, no.” He ignores your remarks, continuing to help you clean your face.
He finishes, leaving to throw out the tissues and you processing what just happened. Junhyeon whistles, snapping you out of your thoughts. You jokingly reached for the box of tissues to throw at him, easily making him say sorry.
“I think it’s done.” You say as Gyuvin comes back. You taste a bit of the cream, nodding your head in satisfaction. He clasps his hand and hums in excitement, he couldn’t wait to eat the cake.
“Okay..I hope you don’t mess this up too.” You say jokingly, cautiously handing him the supplies. He playfully grins at you, hoping he doesn’t mess up this either.
To your surprise, he was pretty good at it. You admired his physique, watching every move he made. Anyone could make up the heart eyes you were giving to this guy right now.
Placing the last crepe, he covers it swiftly with the remaining cream. Pleased with how it turned out, he looks at you with puppy-like eyes. “Do you like it?” He looks at you with anticipation, hoping you’d say yes.
“Of course I do. It’s missing something though.” He looks at you, wondering what was missing. You walked towards the fridge, taking out the freshly washed strawberries. “Let’s top it off with these?”
Opening the lid, you decide to give them to Gyuvin—he’s good at decorating after all. Coming up with a quick idea, he smiles lightly to himself, catching your attention. You watched him place them perfectly, trying to make the small strawberries align.
He finishes placing the last strawberry, grabbing a wet wipe to clean his now red hands. The words read, “I ♡ U”, making you giggle at the sudden message.
“I love you? Seriously, all of a sudden?”
“What? It’s just something I’ve been wanting to say to you—“ His hands flew to his mouth, eyes widening after realizing what he had said. Your eyes widened as well, standing them dumbfoundedly.
“Oh my god, ignore what I said—I’m sorry I didn’t want to make you feel—“
“Do you mean it romantically or?”
“Romantically.” His gaze avoids yours, trying to come up with an excuse. “But just ignore what I said—“
“Why should I ignore what you said when I feel the same?” Your eyes were on him, making him feel shocked and shy by your response.
“Wait, what?”
“I feel the same way, you idiot.”
“I’m serious, Gyu.”
He stares at you with excitement, realizing you could’ve been together a while ago. Facepalming, a wide smile is hidden under his hands. Your faces were covered with blush, feeling the awkward yet sweet presence fill the room.
“Does that mean…” He trails off, voice eventually fading due to embarrassment.
“I’m assuming so..” You say awkwardly, not quite familiar with these relationship stuff. But that’s okay, you’ll figure it out with Gyuvin.
“Kiss!” Junhyeon shouts, not wanting to contain his excitement anymore. He said the word that everyone had been waiting for. Junhyeon and Gunwook knew their plan would pay off. His smile then vanishes once he smells something unpleasant.
“Junhyeon, did you burn our crepe again?! We only have eight finished crepes!” Gunwook shrieks, his smile also fading as well. In unison, they groaned, not wanting to continue anymore.
You and Gyuvin chuckled at the guys, slowly stopping to look at each other.
“Want a slice?” He cuts a big slice to share with you. Handing you a plastic fork from the cupboard, you two eat the cake.
“This is sweet.”
“Tastes even better since we’re sharing.” He smiles at you, anticipating the next steps that will be taken in this new relationship.
Now, this is the sweet feeling you’ve been waiting for.
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PERM TAGLIST — @dwcljh @ilovewonyo @jiawji @tzyuki @kpoprhia
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themostsanebug · 1 month
hey hi i was planning on sharing this to dsaf confessions but since. that place is where drama DWELLS in the fandom i will not be doin so and instead keeping this on my blog teehee. so. WOE dsaf identity/ship hcs be upon ye!!!!
jack kennedy; sorry guys. i hit this fucker with the trans beam.... (transmasc agender) he/him pronouns. he is!!! also aroace!!!! romance neutral, sex favorable! he fucks but doesnt necessarily do it because he finds them hot. he also tried to date. several times and that didnt work. he dated dave and roger briefly and broke up with both of them. he still refuses to acknowledge hes not straight and in fact doesnt love anyone. yeah hes. autistic too.
dave miller; GENDERFLUID!!!! MASC-PRESENTING!!!! he fucks with mostly he/him pronouns but any work he could care less. terms and stuff of the like depend on what mood hes in. sometimes he likes to be called a girl and will be very happy if ya do so!!!! pansexual!!! personally think its for the best hes not polyamorous but. sorry chat get hit with my dave x roger propaganda but he loves that orange phone. in my eyes hes more chill after breaking up with jack!!!! he also doesnt like jack all too much anymore though..... doessss he see roger in a similar light to jack? just a lil.... roger being orange doesnt help. but hes not. AS obsessive. he also has!!! audhd!!! 2 me at least.
steven stevenson; t. transman... canonically gay so that remains!!!!! the same!!!!! he/it/fox pronouns in my heart. he just says he/him if you ask though. also. autism. hes autisitic. i see him with jake now..... my ass could not escape the liminalspace propaganda.... are most of these based on his askblog? yeah!!! do i care? no!!!
dee kennedy; cis female!!!! she is aroace and and in my heart bow uses she/bow pronouns because i said so. i COULD see her wanting a platonic relationship with another ghost kid though!!!!!! so mayhaps platonic attraction?
peter kennedy; transman. woah wonder how often thats gonna show up here!!!! he/him and he’s bicurious!!!! mainly because it makes sense to me. hes kissed a man before he got married.
harry fitzgerald; ttt. transman transman t- sorry. i cant restrain myself most of them are transmen. BUT!!!! he’s polyamorous and omnisexual with a masc-leaning preference!!!!! he/they pronouns!!!! yayay!!!!!! theyre dating. roger and and walt!!!!
jake wilson; giggles. guys you would NOT be able to guess this but hes trans too. shes just built different. WOE GENDERQUEER TRANSFEM JAKE BE UPON YE!!!!! she/he pronouns and and hes gay too!!!!! i heart breaking gender stereotypes with my headcanons. shes dating steven giggles.
roger jones; TRANSMASC BLURGENDER!!!!! is that me self projecting??? absolutely. he/it pronouns and and he’s bisexual and polyamorous!!!!! its also autistic.... he is dating harry and dave!!!!! yay!!!!!!!
walt grouse; cis male!!!!! woah i think hes like. the first on this list. any pronouns he doesnt give two shit call him whatever you want. he is!!!! also implaromantic/sexual!!!!! he gave up he couldnt find a label that fit him so that was his last resort. he is dating harry because rarepairs i love you rarepairs.
rebecca; cis female!!!! probably a straight ally!!! she/her pronouns but i can see her being fine with gender neutral terminology being used on her!!!! she is also not dating anyone!!!!!
henry miller; henrys just a guy. a dude. but also not? oddly enough, i agree with the interpretation that henry is gendervoid and that henry doesnt use pronouns but just henrys name!!!!! thank you chribs for that. also dont see henry being particularly romantic or sexual? so aroace in the sense that henry is romance and sex repulsed.
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yellowhollyhock · 4 months
Donnie tricking Mikey into coming to see Dr. Queeze with him (no idea how to spell that)
"I'm emailing him directly into his brain" he's so excited ljhggshaha
oh he wants intelligent mutants no wonder Donnie loves him. 'intelligent' and 'mutant' in the same sentence from literally anyone besides him is this turtle's dream come true
Venus trying to guess the correct sports is such a mood (and Leo is so upset about. meathead 🩵)
aksjdjaj "Donnie Venus is good at sports" "Don't care" also a mood, I'm so sorry athletes (Donnie back on his beef with Venus 💜💚)
supportive brother Raph ❤️
you make the Mikey run? make him run like the racehorse? oh! oh! jail for Donnie! jail for Donnie for one thousand years
Venus loving sports and being good at sports and getting all the phrases mixed up and being sassy about it is so so excellent
jdjdjsjaj the music change when Mikey calls Queeze a whackazoid akdjdhs
you make fun of Donnie's hero? you call him the whackazoid? oh! oh! jail for Mikey! jail for Mikey for one thousand years
they are cats to me
oooh interesting more magic and science dynamic but with the bad guys now.
jfjshshsj Donnie doing little chores for his bros to try to get them to help them save his hero guy 🤣 (and the nice things for both Venus and Raph is to spend time with them doing the things they like 😭)
Actually tho when has Donnie ever hesitated to help y'all with things that are important to you regardless if he understands. Venus at least is like 'yeah he's probably dead by now sorry' like not exactly gentle but way nicer than the other three just dismissing him because it's not interesting enough or the guy is too weird. he was being a tad bit of a jerk at the start of the ep but this is not warranted. y'all owe him apologies (there will be fics)
the scene where he meets Queeze is horrible I love it. aww Donnie. babygirl you can't trust people just because they're scientists. but also wow imagine how much safer he'd have been if he weren't DOING THIS ALONE
Leo trying to use the computer and immediately causing sparks XD
okay they are coming to help. took them freaking long enough
Raph Venus and Leo are such a fun teamup.
Mikeyyy saving Donnie yayay 💜🧡💜🧡
Venus figured out the bowling word 💚
ajdjsja Mikey gonna save DonDon but he's gonna make fun of him while he's at it
Donnie still didn't give up on Queeze. That's precious and infuriating. Splinter cutting right to the heart of the issue as usual
But what didn't happen at the end of this ep is a much needed apology. Which I knew would not happen but I did hope
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inkydiamonds · 3 months
also any updates bout the fate of tirazia !!!! I am invested
YAYAY NP!!! I'm so excited to see your art! (Edit: I took so long to answer this that I have seen it!!!!!)
I also really gotta add more characters to my art fight- including more FOT NPCs maybe ?? Maybe ??? I have one in particular I wanna do but I'm not sure how to do it bc I don't want Blue to see him bc he hasn't shown up in the campaign yet lol
For the actual campaign itself! I'm not sure where I left off lol. [Looks at that one long post] Ah! Session 7 it seems, then Blue sent some memes about session 8.
We haven't done any over the summer bc now we're 8 people total and also. Timezones. But! We ended on session 9, and holy shit were these some crazy last two sessions.
Brief session 7 recap:
Sadly, Hans's player couldn't come, so he canonically spends the entire session digging holes in the ground (... long story) and inspecting the mysterious magical skull he got after we raided the Order of the Five castle (where Sully buried that one person alive). However! For the first time, we have a new player who takes over playing Paul. Through this, the rest of the party goes on a wild goose chase to get a magical artifact with him except Anawrete, who visits her parents' place, and we get lore there. At the end of the session, Alloces goes off to investigate mysterious smuggler's den with ties to Anawrete at the Order of the Five castle and Silen follows him. It ends up having a tunnel leading off into the Underdark, and Silen loses sight of Alloces and starts walking down there.
That's session 7!
Now, session 8:
Sully, Paul, Mal, and after a minute Alloces go and reunite with Hans. Hans is outside the Shipbuilder's Guild, having dug a bunch of holes without finding what he wanted to (a lead brick we buried in like session 4ish) This is very concerning, bc it was supposed to be a message to a demon to kill this one guy (we were trying to solve a mystery and didn't know what else to do..... so we did that. Then we tried to unearth it bc we finished the mystery). Also, it wasn't supposed to disappear, even if it did work! So. Um?
However, the party decides that it's not that important, bc we're preoccupied with something else: the skull. Turns out Hans figured out that it's "locked" and that he can brute force unlock whatever magic it has inside it by blasting it with all four types of elemental magic at once. We figure out that between Hans, Alloces, Paul, and Sully, we have the needed elemental magic to do this. Unfortunately, Sully has suddenly become very up-in-arms, saying that combining elemental magic is against everything she believes in, and that she could never help with this. Hans refuses to listen, however, but he's stuck bc Sully is the only one with Earth magic in the party (and Earth magic is hard to obtain as a spell lol). Therefore, he decides to do something... not the greatest. He whispers to Alloces to use Suggest on her, and bc Alloces likes chaos, he complies. (Fun fact: ooc, I was actually the one to propose the Suggest idea. I thought it would be silly. <3) It works, and Sully now has to participate in this ritual against her will.
Meanwhile, Mal is watching all of this go down. She sees Sully rapidly change character, and realizes that something is up. She pulls Sully aside, asking if Sully is okay. Sully, unable to say otherwise, says yes, she's okay, she's just decided to do the ritual now. Mal fails her insight check, and decides that Sully must be okay if she says she is. Mal's player then does something which makes me go CRAZY insane and makes me want to chew on glass (/pos) and decides that NOW is the time to do a scene which she's been thinking about for a while. The Context: back in session 6 during our big fight, Sully got Mal out of death saves with a healing potion. Healing potions are a bit expensive, and Mal had her own which she didn't use before she got downed (overestimating her abilities), but Sully probs didn't even think twice and used her own on Mal. However, Mal obviously has been thinking about it, because she gives Sully that potion, then. Mal, very obviously very nervous, apologizes for "letting Sully down" and for being a burden during the fight, and not being strong enough to stay up herself. AND SULLY CAN'T EVEN SAY ANYTHING BC SHE'S PREOCCUPIED WORRYING ABOUT THE RITUAL + BEING UNDER SUGGESTION. Mal then leaves very quickly, and Sully is left there, speechless.
Then the fucking ritual happens and we all unlock the Skull, and Sully snaps out of her Suggestion. The Skull has some kind of spirit inside it, and is filled with Aetheric energy (which......... happens to be something Sully ALSO is very against). Sully then starts yelling at Hans, telling him to drop the Skull and berating him for getting Alloces to possess her (she also hates Alloces but like. She's always hated Alloces. She really liked Hans. This is a betrayal of literally everything she believes in). The spirit of the skull starts speaking and reveals himself to be Logan Mortem, the original founder of the Order of the Five, and with that name Paul freezes as well. Apparently Paul somehow knows him- and is horrified. Then we fight bc Hans still refuses to drop it: Hans and Alloces versus Sully and Paul. Sully and Paul lose as we both roll very low lol (also Sully was mostly trying to knock the skull out of Hans's hand), and Sully, fuming, injured and panicking, decides to leave. Hans and Alloces have a conversation with the skull where it reveals some of its goals. Alloces apparently knows Logan, and Logan is maybe his dad/creator (????). Hans has been chosen to be the next heir of the Order of the Five apparently. Logan wants to "bring order to chaos". Hans is like. "hm. btw, you're not evil, right?" and Logan is like "........no." Hans is like "seems legit 👍". Paul tries to attack Hans one more time, this time with his moon staff (the artifact we were looking for session 7), but it backfires and hurts him somehow. After Alloces and Hans leave, its revealed that when it backfired, Paul got some of his memories taken from him and forgot what he was doing and where he was. He also leaves for the Shipbuilder's hall.
MEANWHILE. Silen is in the fuckin UHHHH Underdark.
When he's walking down, he hears a thunk behind him and ends up running further in. He keeps going down, and down, and down, until he ends up in the Underdark. Honestly, nothing really happens here except him hearing some Drow or Duergar and realizing that he's in the Underdark, and heading back up the way he came. However, when he comes back up, he hears voices in Common (rather than Undercommon). The group of people hear/see him, and they're wearing colorful robes of some kind and have a huge piece of stone in the shape of a body with them. He's like "haha hiiiii". The people, ofc, ask wtf he's doing here, and with his very poorly made excuses, they decide to take him with them. He tries to escape, and they stop him- and when they use elemental magic to stop him, he finally realizes that their robes look quite similar to Sully's.
They take Silen and the rock with them underwater with water magic, and they go into a cliff face opened to show another tunnel in the earth.
Switching over to Sully's perspective, she decides to head over to the Monastery, for the first time as shown in this campaign (tho I think somewhere she goes there and leaves a note about Ansa after session 6 before session 7 for continuity). The party knows nothing about it other than it existing. Even though she's shaken about the fight, she was planning to go here anyways, and talks to Jenevra, a water-aligned monk, saying she's here about the "Anatheme". Jenevra leads her to a secret passageway she's never been in before, and there, she sees, against all odds- fucking Silen.
Adreyão, the lead figure in the party of monks, says that Silen claims to know Sully. Sully, ofc, confirms it, but asks wtf Silen was up to. He really doesn't have a good reason, but Sully takes it as Silen being Silen (which it is), and she says that they can let him go. But before they do, she explains what happened with the fight, and warns Silen not to trust Hans or Alloces, saying that they've been corrupted and don't have his interests at heart. (Kind of unreliable narrator- Sully is very very biased, close-minded, and is actively working to split the party against the two of them). Silen... kind of believes her, but ofc refuses to acknowledge that Alloces is bad bc bro is head over heals in love (why).
Silen is led out by Jenevra, and Adreyão guides Sully through a ritual of their own. She drinks a mysterious liquid, and is suddenly able to change the stone into orange-tinted quartz, revealing what was inside the rock that they transported- Ansa. Chained and cast in crystal, Ansa is transported into a larger room, where many many others like her sit. Surrounded by countless Anathemes cast in ice or crystal, Sully feels much more calm than before.
For the rest of the session, it's a lot of character interactions as we all try to deal with all the shit which just went down (and PAUL LORE). Unfortunately, Anawrete missed all of it (sorry Blue :((( ) so a lot of it is catching her up as she's like I WAS GONE FOR TWO MINUTES.....
When we take a long rest, some people hear weird rustling and chaos coming from Paul's room, and Sully (+unbeknownst to her, Alloces's shadow) investigate and find papers everywhere and a weird blue stone, which the shadow takes.
Meanwhile, Paul sees Anawrete on his morning walk, and tells her a bit about his moon rod, then about the fight and shit which happened the other day. Then he tells her to go touch the rock up in his room, saying he's "not been quite honest".
All the party starts meeting up and chatting in the common room. Mal is chatting with Anawrete about her new fit, Silen is trying to dissuade Hans from the skull (telling him about it possessing him earlier and saying "abomination") (end of session 6 idk if I mentioned this lol), Sully walks in and tries to talk to Mal, but is distracted by the conversation of what the skull is where Alloces says some ominous shit. It's very tense, but Paul walks in, interrupting the conversation by saying "who wants scoOOOOnes :D" (LMFAO)
We briefly talk about the stone, which Alloces gives up. Apparently Paul is losing his memories and says that we can access them through the stone- but that he doesn't want to be there for it. Sully take the stone, and says she'll do it in a bit, then takes Mal to talk to her. (Honestly even tho it was in character I felt bad about being like NO LORE NOW but I'm glad we saved it for the next session bc it was a long sequence of events lol).
Sully and Mal have a conversation, where Sully first says the same thing she did to Silen- explaining the fight, saying that Hans and Alloces don't have their interests at heart, etc. She says that Mal was correct that Sully was not herself at the time, and thanks her for being there, and also says that... Mal never let her down. But Mal has been slowly getting more panicked as Sully has been talking, and says "but now I've let you down twice now! Because I didn't even realize you were influenced by them!!" and Sully doesn't even know what to say to that. She tries to reassure Mal, but it doesn't really work, and they. AUGH THEMMM PIX I'M SO UNWELL ABOUT THEM...... THEY DON'T KNOW HOW TO COMMUNICATE FOR SHIT..................
Anyways, Silen and Anawrete talk, because she figured out that he was at the smuggler's den (tbh I forget how lol, maybs Alloces said it or just Silen himself). She interrogates him, and although he was VERY scared of her, he somehow doesn't mention that Sully's people were there, but he definitely throws Alloces under the bus. He then immediately runs to Sully and says that Anawrete lives there at the den (???) (she does not. bro was confused and scared out of his mind). Anawrete sees him talking to Sully (who mostly ignores him) and I think guesses that Sully was somehow related to all this.
However, at that moment Paul decides he wants to talk to Sully. They go off on their own, and have a very interesting conversation, where it's revealed that Paul definitely has a (negative) history with Logan and he's on her side. He says a lot of other ominous things ("you might have to become a demon to fight one" and "if I start feeling the effects of the skull, finish me off" are notable), and it's pretty obvious that they're against the skull for different reasons, but that they're on the same team.
Anawrete, with so much new info, goes back to her family complex briefly and talks to her mom about it. Her family has been tracking the Order of the Five and their movements, and found that the remaining troops have been heading up to Nortepont (a northern dwarf city), which is very interesting.
Finally, Alloces and Silen have a hilarious talk where Alloces tries to do a deal with him (favor for crossbow Alloces found in the den bc Silen is a ranger) and Silen's like "sure :D. As long as you take me to lunch again" and Alloces, done with this shit, decides against it.
But uhhhhh we've gone up to session 9. So. There's still more to talk about, though sadly I do not have the time rn. I will get to it later, and I hope you like this very long update!!!!
(I also got a lot of analyses and theories and art AND a whole ass cipher puzzle thing I gave to my campaign so there's. That too)
Also @blue-rhapsody feel free to add on anything! (Or even summarize session 9 I would be so happy if you did that lol)
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chocsra · 6 months
honestly when i like a certain fandom its like the only thing i like for like a year BUTTT I HAD A LOT OF OTHER FANDOMS I USED TO BE INTO. im a bsd centric fan, i also like csm bc of the writing of kobeni & asa (BEFORE IT GOT TIKTOKIFIED :() BUT ANYWAYS
used to be into:
danganronpa (please stop)
genshin (sometimes i still play it, not into it tho - i was obsessed w the raiden shogun, I STILL HAVE A COSPLAY OF HER STOP)
viral hit/how to fight (webtoon about a broke guy fighting ppl for money, it was pretty good - i also only read for taehoon and gyeoul)
alice in borderland (the fandom i was in before i got into bsd, loved chishiya & kuina)
other old media i wasnt obsessed wit and still enjoy: attack on titan, saiki k, persona 5, heathers, hamilton, the walking dead game & resident evil
yandere simulator (i dont support the creator neither do i play anymore)
fandoms im into rn??? or media i enjoy:
kpop except im not in the fandom & will prolly get called basic
jjk? kinda
bes (blue eye samurai)
makeup & skincare (igari, 2000s asian makeup & uzzlang)
i did NOT need to write allat but now you know!! im not in a lot of fandoms so i apologize 🙏
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reluctanttrabbit · 6 months
hehe first mutual ask, a question to you and any other Vanny fan that comes across this..
Do you know what it is about Vanny that's so appealing to you?
I love the idea of her so much and I just cannot figure out why to put it into words. Something about the potential of her design and plot. bnuny.. i love seeing bunny but I don't fully understand what it is in my brain that makes me like her so much, I wasn't even really a rabbit person before getting back into sb lol
hmmm tbh i just woke up so my wording/reasoning here might not be the best just bear with me lmao
i feel like the thing thats so appealing to me about her is like. the lack of her? because you see her almost nowhere in security breach and she has at least 3 voicelines. back when SB first came out i watched markiplier play it and instantly got hooked. but i remember not drawing or liking vanny as much as the others??
i think my obsession with her really started when i watched those cut content videos by tetrabitgaming and watched all the pre-release trailers. bc then i was like "woah wait she was supposed to be important" and thinking about that potential she could've had. i totally understand that it wasn't on steel wool studios and they had a deadline that playstation gave them or whatever but ALL THE TIME i wonder what kind of game we could've gotten if that deadline wasn't there. everyday i wake up and hope for a security breach remaster 😭
also her backstory is an important factor because like. wtf do you mean this character was planned for 3 years just to be shafted. wdym shes "been" in 2 other games wdym she used to be a 20-year old who just wanted to do her job??? wdym she now has this rabbit virus guy in her head??? wdym shes basically the next killer of the franchise bringing in a new era??? like dudeee its just so interesting theres so much you can do with her!! and yet literally everything that they wanted to explore with her got cut or scrapped and it makes me so mad!!!!
actually i think that might be my reason why i like her so much LMAO because im mad she cant be the character she was supposed to be
idk i just really like stupid patchwork bunny girl :3
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