#yayyyy /sarcastic
coolguypluiplup · 8 months
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have a renchanting doodle from a ll apocalypse au i haven't talked about on here yet :)
i'll post more about it once i've finished the first draft, so expect more of that soon !!!
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HELO yesterday I thouhg t I had the allergies of seasonal, but today at work both co-workers said they'd had colds, and also the allergy medicine I took did nothing at all, so I think I have a cold also.
unrelated - is 6:12 pm too early to hav some NyQuil and do a lie down eyes closed rest sleep nice sleep?? becus. ifts realy nice-ish to, if you have the nose breathing tubes stuffed to heck, to replaces the booger with lead weightss. yehs. Also I triedto get some sleep last night but failed, but oh thank goodness I had very very little work otday's shift and could leave early.
(Also the steam lines drawn above my mug is a lie. no thing on my nightstand right now is hotter tha n room temperatuer)
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strwrs · 4 months
I wish I had a fuckin clue what I’m doing
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flurriethefox · 8 months
I’m officially older today :D
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catch me feeling bad for my brother cause my dad just went off on him
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ratvich · 11 months
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princesskkfish · 1 year
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Nothin like Arizona summers~
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takenbypeter · 1 year
Hiii i love ur writing!!!
I was wondering if you could write a young Kurt Wagner x fem!reader hc or fic about kurt liking the reader who is really cool and funny and he thinks shes way out of his league, it doesnt help that some of the more extroverted students are always flirting, and he doesnt get how it comes so naturally to them. Anyways he's lowkey jealous and insecure (esspecially bc he looks so different compared to her and the other students) and oblivious to the fact that the reader only has eyes for him!! Angst and fluff are my faves ugh
(+bonus if peter tries to give him advice on how to hit on a girl and its a total trainwreck bc kurt is so obviously not acting like himself and shes lowkey freaked out and trying not to laugh in his face💀)
Stick to the Plan
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Kurt Wagner x reader
Words: 1486
Authors note: I totally forgot about the jealousy aspect of this whole thing sorry but I hope you still like it and this is like my first Kurt fic so yayyyy!
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Kurt was already easily known as the nervous type around people. Didn’t always know what to say, didn’t want to do the wrong thing.
But with you? He was terrified.
Now he knew you weren’t perfect, no one is. But he was pretty sure you were just about close to it.
You were quite beautiful yet weren’t afraid to wear silly expressions. Your laugh was very infectious that even when he wasn’t a part of the conversation, he could feel his cheeks uplifting at just the sound that he recognized from far away.
Kurt didn’t talk to you much but he did always find himself coincidentally in the same area as you. He found it quite admirable how it seemed like you got along with practically everyone and never let anything get you down.
You could say he had a crush.
He wanted to talk to you, to connect about anything, but like mentioned earlier…he was scared. It also didn’t help that he could tell that he wasn’t the only one who had a thing for you. He knew of at least two other guys who were very obvious in their likings of you. But unlike himself, they actually had the guts to talk to you, you’ve laughed with them, shared jokes.
It also didn’t help that Kurt couldn’t help but feel like he looked like a freak most of the time. The tail, the teeth, the blue, sometimes it was hard for him to believe that people could accept him this way—that you could accept him this way.
Despite what he felt, he believed he kept his feelings well hidden, but that wasn’t exactly the case because a certain speedster had caught on quickly.
Kurt had just watched you leave the small group that you had been chatting with, you just about stepped out of the room when a voice suddenly appeared right beside Kurt’s ear. “So when are you planning on puttin’ the moves on?”
Kurt jumped, shocked at the question, “excuse me?”
“Come on, you’ve been pining for weeks, just make your move already.”
Kurt freezes for a moment, but then grabs the man unexpectedly and disappears as a puff of smoke left behind practically dissolves into air. He teleports the two to Kurt’s own room before releasing the speedster.
“You will keep what you know, only between us,” Kurt insisted but Peter was already nodding. “Don’t worry your secret’s safe with me. I actually wanna help you.”
“You want to help me?” Peter nodded again and Kurt couldn’t stop a scoff from escaping past his lips, “because you’re so good at this type of stuff?” Kurt added, tone more sarcastic than positive.
“Hey at least I can talk to ‘em.”
He’s got a point there.
Despite everything in Kurt telling him not to take Peter’s advice he still hung his head in defeat. “Alright, I will accept your help…but what do you get out of this all?”
It was hard for Kurt to believe that Peter was doing this out of the good of his heart, but Peter shrugged. “Bored,” is all he said before clapping his hands together, “okay let’s get started.”
Kurt should’ve known better than to trust Peter. He taught him strange things that he guaranteed would “woo” anybody’s heart and although it all seemed unlikely, Kurt took each and every one of his advice to heart.
The strange way of talking, the attitude that he should carry, all of it he took in until Peter deemed the blue mutant ready.
It wasn’t until the next day while you were seated in a corner of a busy room that the plan went into action.
You were clearly occupied with your head buried in a graphic novel but your attention got deterred when a body sat directly across from you.
Eyes leaving the pages, you were met with a set of bright yellow eyes taking you by surprise, but you quickly collected yourself.
“Oh hey Kurt,” You were trying your best to conceal your surprise at the sight of the man in front of you, especially since typically it seemed like the boy did his best to avoid you, “what’s up?” You asked, setting your book down in your lap but with your thumb holding your place.
Kurt could already feel himself wanting to duck underneath his shoulders and disappear from your view but he fought every urge to do that.
Fighting his instincts he slumped his shoulders down and leaned back trying his best to look what could possibly be perceived as cool. And in that position he let out a line he’d practiced in the mirror the night before, “something must be wrong with my eyes because I can’t take them off of you.”
Your mouth forms a little oh shape as your eyes widen and your eyebrows lift. Kurt obviously can see how shocked you are by his words and he himself could feel his body getting ready to prepare for the cringe he was beginning to feel, but he pushed through and delivered another line, “hey, you’re pretty and I’m cute. Together we’d be pretty cute.”
Oh God, your expression told him all he needed to know about that one. He instantly regretted that one.
Your face contorted from confused to surprised then half amused before you started cracking up.
You were laughing.
You were laughing at him right to his face.
Kurt pushed his teeth together before muttering, “I’m sorry,” he was about to disappear as it seemed that was the only thing he was good at, but you rested a hand on his shoulder stopping him from doing so.
Once you controlled yourself you let out, “I’m sorry, you think I’m pretty?”
His whole demeanor flipped, his shoulders leaned up, his arms suddenly were in his lap as he brought his hands together in the middle.
He knew he said those words but it felt so strange hearing you repeat the line when he technically hadn’t even confessed his feelings yet.
At Kurt’s silence that’s when you spoke up, “I’m sorry I didn’t mean anything by…that,” you said, referencing to your more than little laugh session, “it was all just…unexpected. This,” you waved a hand in the air motioning towards whatever that display was, “just doesn’t seem like you at all, are you okay?”
He felt the air in his throat hitch as he began to panic about what to say next, should he just confess now? Peter didn’t cover this. Should he just relay back to the things Peter had taught him? But with all this thinking he couldn’t come up with something fast enough and instead finally let out a breath.
“It’s not me.”
“Yeah I know,” you chuckled.
He finally seems to relax for the first time since your interaction began and his eyes drift down to your book still in hand.
“What are you reading there?” he asks and your eyes follow where he was looking. “Oh this? It’s just a murder mystery.”
“How is it? Do you like it?”
“Yeah I love murder mysteries, I love when there’s a twist ending but I also love when it ends in a real cliche way. I’ve actually read this one before but the movie for it just came out so I’m rereading it before going to watch it later this week.”
“I’ve actually read that book before too, it’s pretty good.”
“I didn’t know there was a film for it,” Kurt truly meant nothing by that statement, if anything it was more just a way to continue the conversation with you.
“Yeah…did you want to watch it together?”
There was nothing on earth that could’ve predicted this moment for him. He truly had to take a moment, and when he finally came to he just nodded, shock still written on his face. You mirrored his nodding with a smile, “great, it can be a date.”
“A date?”
“Yeah, and you can continue telling me how pretty I am.”
Again he seemed to still be in a daze, “yeah…wait what?”
With that you packed your things and stood up from your spot, “okay I have to head somewhere now but we’ll make plans later, but um, I’ll see you later?”
He blinked a couple times coming out of the trance you seemed to put him under, “yeah.”
“I’ll see you,” you added, taking steps backwards as you exited the room.
“See you.”
“Okay—sorry,” you said to the chair you had accidentally bumped into while you were walking backwards and with that you gave a last wave before finally turning around.
As soon as you left the room in came Peter who surprisingly actually wasn’t listening.
“How’d that go? Did you make your move?”
“…yeah,” Kurt responded eyes stuck to where you last waved to him.
“Did you get a date?”
“Is that the only word you know right now?”
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hesbuckcompton-baby · 2 months
Better Off - Bernard DeMarco x OFC - Chapter 5
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Masterlist | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 |-| Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8
Summary: A nearby air raid forces Susie to confront the past
Warnings: Drinking, alcohol, death/description of dead body, angst again yayyyy
Word Count: 4.1k
Tags: @xxluckystrike @latibvles @footprintsinthesxnd @mads-weasley @joyfulbookreviewmarvelspy
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The band was in full swing, the sound of Egan's terrible singing almost drowned out by the overlapping din of music and conversation that filled the officers' club, the flight crews toasting another successful mission. Susie couldn't recall what the mission had been about - she wasn't even sure anyone had told her in the first place. She'd gotten used to taking Meatball without question and going about her day - what the pilots did never affected her, save for the faint sense of anxiety that had begun to permeate her during the hours they were away. It was unnerving.
"Oh, you have got to be shitting me," Maeve huffed, eliciting a proud laugh from Charlotte as she forked over another fistful of the peanuts they'd acquired from the bar to act as poker chips.
"Call it a punishment for being so young and sprightly," Charlotte shrugged, a smug grin curling her lip as she took her share. They had acquired a table in the back corner of the club, far from the dancing but comfortably close to the alcohol, Charlotte's huge engagement ring and Susie's resting-bitch-face a foolproof deterrent to protect them from any unwanted attention.
"She's just jealous, Maeve - her freedom's running out, and she's taking it out on us," Susie smirked, reaching for the bottle of wine in the middle of the table to refill their glasses. It was a recurring joke among the women - that Charlotte's engagement had only been dragged out as far as it had because she secretly dreaded being 'tied down', dreaded losing her individuality and becoming one of those stereotypical housewives, like the girls Susie had never gotten along with growing up. It was all in jest. Her sisters were married, and most were decently happy. But it had never been a future Susie had been able to picture for herself, and maybe that was why she felt the need to poke fun.
"Ha-ha," Charlotte drawled sarcastically, and Maeve let out another sigh of despair as she turned over another card. "You'll be the only ones showing up to the wedding alone with that attitude - two old spinsters in the back."
The sound of whimpering distracted the group from their petty bickering as Meatball padded over, resting his head dramatically in Susie's lap, ear twitching against her thigh. As she reached for a couple of the peanut-poker-chips, tossing them into the dog's waiting mouth, the other two let out cries of annoyance, and Maeve hunched over the table, beginning to try and count how many remained.
"Ladies," From behind her, DeMarco approached, drink in hand as he surveyed the state of their table - peanuts scattered all over the place, interspersed with an almost-empty bottle of wine and several glasses, their playing cards tattered and stained. The game was a mess, entirely indecipherable to anyone except the three of them.
"Your dog's eating our poker chips," Charlotte stated dryly.
"Susie's fault!" Maeve added, reaching over to scratch behind Meatball's ear.
"Oh, I'm sure," He nodded, smirking faintly as he lifted his glass to his lips. His other hand rested on the back of Susie's chair, fingers occasionally brushing against her back when she moved.
Susie stared down at her hand of cards. Her gaze had not shifted to look at him since the moment he arrived. "Thought you usually dance at these things. Why don't you go ask... Gwen, or someone. She'd probably say yes."
"I don't wanna dance with Gwen," Benny shrugged. "I came over here to see if you'd dance with me."
Maeve's brow raised, shooting Susie a pointed look, but she didn't notice, playing her turn. "Can't. Busy."
He peered over her shoulder at the cards in her hand. She was losing. Badly, in fact. "... I can see that."
Charlotte stared across at him, noticing the way his brow furrowed, frown deepening slightly as he noticed Susie's hand. "DeMarco has a terrible poker face."
"Oh, dammit!" Susie huffed, turning sideways in her chair to whack him across the arm with her cards. With a stubborn frown, she tossed her cards down onto the table, and Maeve let out a sigh of relief at the game's sudden ending. "Enjoy your peanuts, Charlotte. I hope your wedding sucks."
Standing up from her seat, she came face to face with DeMarco, who appeared slightly appalled at her last remark. "Jesus, sore loser much?"
"Wouldn't have lost if you could keep a straight face."
"I don't think anything could've saved you there, sweetheart," He admitted as she reached for her wine, pouring the last of the red liquid down her throat. It clearly wasn't her first glass - the slight flush in her cheeks could attest to that - but she was holding it well, her aggression no more irrational than usual.
"So?" DeMarco prodded.
"So... what."
He put his empty glass down on the nearest table, holding out his hand for her to dance. Susie hesitated for a moment before letting out a scoff, rolling her eyes as she took his hand in hers, letting him lead her towards the dancefloor.
"You know I hate dancing," She pointed out somewhat bitterly.
"You hate most things. And you're a nice dancer."
"God, I don't like you."
"See, that’s just not true," DeMarco grinned. "Hurtful. But not true."
Susie couldn't stop herself from smiling, looking down at her feet as they moved in time with the music. "There she is," She could hear the smirk in his voice and tilted her head back up to face him, biting her lip to stop a chuckle as she refused to meet his eye. He was staring. She could feel it, resisting the urge to squirm.
"Stop it," She shook her head, pushing against the palm that held hers.
"Stop what?"
That boyish grin never wiped itself from his expression as he tilted his head sideways to get a better look at her. Susie couldn't reciprocate his gaze, not when he looked at her like that, turning away as a nervous chuckle escaped her throat. DeMarco felt her grip on his hand slip, and was about to speak again when a sudden interruption sounded.
"Come on everybody! Bike race in the mess hall! Who's in?"
The very moment the invitation was issued, the crowds began to disperse, couples fleeing the dance floor in a dash to the door, their ranks thinning by the second. Susie pulled away, hands dropping to her sides as she took a step back. "That sounds like your cue, DeMarco."
His hand was still raised where it had been when she'd held it, and as she turned away to find her friends, he let out a long sigh. "...Damn it all."
She found Charlotte and Maeve halfway along the path to the mess hall, a new bottle of wine in Charlotte's hand as they passed it between themselves, sipping straight from the neck. Susie stepped in seamlessly, announcing her arrival by tugging it from Maeve's grip, the tart liquid running smoothly down her throat.
"Thought you were off with your pilot," Charlotte teased, stealing the bottle as soon as she was done.
"He's racing. I'm babysitting again," She raised Meatball's leash, and Maeve let out a slight gasp of delight as she noticed the dog trailing along beside them, tail wagging in satisfaction.
DeMarco dragged his bike into position beneath the mess hall lights, shouldering for space among the crowd of pilots, pressed together so tightly he barely had room to pedal. Buck and Bucky had pushed their way to the front, exchanging grins with him as they passed, and all around the edges of the room spectators pressed themselves up against the wall, waiting anxiously for the race to begin.
His gaze searched the crowds distractedly, not quite attuned to the announcer's instructions as he searched for Susie among them. When he spotted her, he couldn't help but let out a laugh, drawing the confused stares of the men beside him. She was stood in the far corner with her friends, cradling Meatball in her arms like a giant baby so that he wouldn't get underfoot and trip any of the cyclists in all of the excitement. Her head was turned away from him, talking to Charlotte, but every now and then one of the other women would raise the wine bottle they were sharing up to her lips, a red droplet running down her chin where it missed.
Maeve must have told a joke, for Susie suddenly began to laugh, nose scrunched, eyes screwed tightly shut. The sight made him smile, and the sudden bang! of the starting pistol startled him, pushing off with a clumsy start and almost knocking over the man beside him as the race began.
Her expression contorted into momentary horror as DeMarco seemed to almost crash before even crossing the starting line, but he quickly found his footing, and her friends let out cheers of encouragement as the men zipped past, navigating the twists and turns with reckless abandon. Meatball let out a howl, mimicking the whooping of the crowd, and she laughed, the wine beginning to go to her head.
All three of them had begun to go red in the face, everything seemingly far funnier than it had been an hour ago. And as Cleven and Egan screwed it up on their final corner, their bikes taking a tumble, knocking down the cyclists behind them in turn, it suddenly seemed one of the funniest things they'd ever seen, tears brewing in Susie's eyes as she let out a cackle of laughter.
DeMarco had just managed to avoid the crash, wheeling to a stop and a long, sobering siren split the air. The energy in the room didn't seem to dissipate for a moment, realisation about what was happening encroaching slowly, but the sound had ripped Susie out of her somewhat-drunken haze instantly, a sudden nausea bubbling in her stomach.
Her gaze darted wildly across the room, waiting for the rest of them to notice, to get up and move. It wasn't until Charlotte shot her an unnerved glance that she realised her breathing had quickened, coming sharp and ragged, panic clearly visible in her expression.
"It's ok, we're good," She assured her, a hand on her arm as she put Meatball down, his claws skittering against the linoleum. "Let's go, yeah?"
Susie nodded firmly, making a beeline for the door just as the situation seemed to become apparent to the rest of the room, the cyclists collecting their bikes and calmly departing for the air raid shelters. Leaving the warmth of the mess hall and stepping out into the cool night air seemed to make it easier to breathe, panic beginning to subside as she took in their surroundings - the squat Nissen huts, the rolling countryside in the distance.
This wasn't the city. This wasn't home. No one was out to get her here.
But then she reached the top of the stairs to the shelter. Staring down at the dark doorway, she couldn't take that next step, couldn't descend below ground level to wait it out.
"You take Meatball and go down," Susie turned to Maeve, pressing his leash into her hand. "I'll come in a minute."
"Okay," Her friend nodded, looking up at her with concern as she took the dog down the steps, disappearing into the shelter with the others. People flooded past as she pushed against the tide, pulling away from the crowd and stepping back into the grass.
The sky lit up with dozens of colours, explosions of flame and flak smoke like blots of watercolour against the clouds. The hum of engines and the rattle of anti-aircraft guns were far from unfamiliar sounds to Susie's ears as she sat down on the lawn, pressing her hands into the grass, tethering herself to the knowledge that it was different here - that they weren't the target.
She'd been awoken by these sirens so many times before, listening to the rustle of bedsheets beside her as Ellie scrambled awake, shaking her shoulders until she got up. Susie couldn't even remember why Ellie hadn't been home the night they'd killed her. All she remembered was sitting in the shelter with her mother, and the blinding daylight as they reemerged the next morning.
"Hey," A voice broke her train of thought, tugging her gaze from the planes that circled above like moths to a flame. The woman standing above her was dressed in a WAAF uniform, frizzy brown hair falling to her shoulders, an unlit cigarette between her lips. She recognised her, but she couldn't quite pinpoint who she was.
"Hi," Susie nodded, brow furrowing slightly as the woman sat down beside her. She stared at her for a long moment, watching the way flickers of orange light flashed across her face as the fighting continued above.
"... You're the mechanic, right?"
The woman smiled, holding out a hand to her. "Frankie."
She accepted, shaking it gingerly. "Susie."
Frankie nodded, and Susie accepted a cigarette as she held the box out to her. "Not many people 'round here with an accent like yours."
"...Ah," She let out a long sigh, clearly piecing things together immediately. "I got friends in Coventry."
"Everything's a shitshow," Susie huffed, lighting her cigarette, and Frankie let out a low hum of agreement, leaning back on her elbows.
"We're okay out here, though."
"My sister... Got a sister in London. One of the plotters. She'll be all over this."
"My friend George takes their telegrams."
They sat in silence for a long moment, and Susie suddenly realised she was still carrying the half-empty bottle of wine, too consumed by panic at the mess hall to have bothered putting it down.
"... You want some?" She offered, holding it out to Frankie.
"Oh, thanks," She smiled, tipping it by the neck and taking a long sip. Susie couldn't stomach the idea of drinking anymore. She didn't reach for it back, and Frankie didn't pass it.
Sucking in a long, tight breath, Susie lay back, feeling the damp grass against her scalp. 'My sister...' She'd almost told her. A complete, utter stranger, and she'd almost let it slip. She almost told everyone these days. Ellie's body had been dragged out from the rubble, pale and battered and limp, but it hadn't been her. Not truly. Her body was an empty vessel - whatever had truly been her had slipped away the moment her head caved in. It seemed as if every room she entered now, she brought with her a silent cry of ‘Have you seen my sister?’, a quiet search for her soul in the eyes of others.
It lasted just less than an hour. As soon as the planes had arrived, they were gone again, the sky falling flat and black, the buzzing silenced. Frankie had said something to her before she left, but Susie hadn't been listening. When she looked up, the mechanic was gone. So was the wine.
Her watch had just ticked past midnight by the time she sat up, smoothing down her damp hair with one hand as she rose to her feet. Something bubbled within her, something caught in her throat that made her feel all at once about to vomit and about to weep. She took a deep breath, watching as people began to clamber out of the shelter across the lawn. DeMarco was with them, a part of the dispersing crowd of spectators, and even through the darkness, he caught her gaze, a frown creasing his brow. They drifted towards each other as they walked, meeting halfway.
"Where were you?" He asked. "You were supposed to be in the shelter."
"So were you," She huffed. He could tell something was bothering her. She reached up to scratch her nose every other second, an incessant, phantom itch that she couldn't conquer. "D'you have a phone?"
"... Are you ok?"
"Fine. Just need to call someone."
DeMarco frowned, watching her expression keenly. "There's one in the officers' club. I'll walk you over."
She was surprised the place was still open, the door hanging slightly ajar, left open as its inhabitants had hurried to find shelter. The bulbs buzzed as he flicked the lights on, showing her over to the bar where a phone waited on its hook. He hesitated for a moment, watching her hand twitch as she tried to remember the number, the dial rattling as she turned it. Susie looked up at him, and he took it as his cue to leave, the door closing behind him with a click as she was left alone, glancing around at the half-finished drinks and still-smoking cigarette butts that littered the room as she waited for the other person to pick up.
An irritated groan sounded on the other end of the line, and she could hear the rustling of sheets as she waited to speak.
"Hello? What is it?" Beatrice huffed, sleep lining her voice.
"Hey. It's me."
"Susie? What do you want?"
Her sister always had such a way with pleasantries. "Just watched a raid over... Norwich, I think. I was wondering if... if you knew anything?"
"Wasn't my shift," She replied curtly. Susie could picture her now, half sitting up in bed, rollers in her hair as she leant against the headboard, scowling.
"Oh, right," She paused, mentally scrambling for something to say before Beatrice hung up. "Is your husband there?"
"No. Staying in his flat, probably with his girlfriend."
"... Ah."
It was quiet for a moment, before she heard her sister let out an irritated huff. "What do you actually want, Suze? I know you don't care about bloody Norwich."
Beatrice's accent had changed since she'd left Manchester - she'd married rich, and she'd made sure she had something to show for it. But whenever she got annoyed, that familiar northern drawl seeped back through.
"I was just... I dunno, I needed to talk to someone."
"You were thinking about Ellie, weren't you?" Beatrice asked. The silence stretched out between them, and it was all the answer she needed, letting out a sigh. "You've gotta get unstuck, Suze. You can't live like this forever."
"I'm not stuck," She replied indignantly, brow furrowed.
"Yes. You are. None of us ever saw you cry after it happened - you never felt it like the rest of us, you never let yourself move on."
Susie bristled, suddenly defensive. "I'm just not like you - I was always braver than the rest of you."
"No, that's the opposite of what you are," Beatrice thundered. "You're a coward, Susie - you don't ever move on with your life because to do that you've gotta feel something other than fucking angry. You were there when they found Ellie and I know the rest of us weren't, I know it's different. But stop making that everyone else's fucking problem and just deal with it."
"She was my-"
"She was my little sister too! But so are you! I'm sick of listening to you make excuses for why you just wallow in it - it's been years since I've seen you not miserable, and it's your own fault. You know I love you. And I'm only being like this because everyone else in our family is much too bloody nice. But get over it, Susie."
She'd been gnawing at the inside of her lip the entire time she'd been listening to Beatrice speak. With a hiss, Susie realised she'd broken the skin, a droplet of blood pooling in her mouth, coating her tongue with a sour, metallic flavour.
She wanted to snap - a thousand cruel words poised on her tongue, a hundred things to hurl back at Beatrice. But not one would have made her point any less true. Tears were forming in her eyes, blotting out her vision until she could barely see an inch in front of her face. Susie squeezed her eyes tightly shut, feeling them roll down her cheeks, leaving warm, wet trails in their wake.
"Susie?" Beatrice's voice came tentatively, and she realised it had been a few minutes since she'd uttered a sound.
"Goodnight, Beatrice," Her voice came firm, hanging up before her sister could reply.
Suddenly the silence in the officers' club was too much to bear. She felt as if she were about to explode, the hot sting of tears in her eyes, the sudden, painfully breathlessness in her throat all too foreign, too frightening. Susie opened her mouth to suck in a breath, a hoarse, choking sound ripping through her, the air getting stuck before it could reach her lungs. She felt her expression contort in anguish, and the first, involuntary sob broke free. Once the floodgates opened, they couldn't close, tears streaming down her cheeks as she fought to catch a breath, fumbling blindly as she crossed the room to the door, desperate to be anywhere else.
The door to the officer's club swung open easily, and Susie stormed out into the night, chest heaving up and down over and over as she sobbed, hands trembling. She turned her head, caught off guard just long enough for a sob to catch in her throat, coming out as a hiccup as she spotted DeMarco, throwing up her hands in frustration. He'd been leaning up against the wall as she came out. He had waited for her.
"Susie? Hey," DeMarco hurried forward, expression twisted in worry. He reached for her hands, thumbs rubbing against the backs of her palms. His voice was so incredibly gentle, more than she'd ever heard it. "Hey, c'mon."
Susie's lip trembled, and she let out a croak as she fought to catch her breath, heart beating too fast for her body. He sighed, letting go of her hands to wrap his arms around her, pulling her forwards against his chest. It was too close. For a split second, she wanted to push him away, to peel his touch away from her body.
But it was so warm here. Her head turned to the side, her ear pressed up against his ribcage, she could hear his heartbeat, soft and steady. In the cage of his arms, for the first time in a long time, she felt tethered to something. She had balled her hands into fists. Slowly, they unfurled, and she wrapped her arms around him, hands resting against his spine.
"My sister didn't die. She was killed." She whispered, voice muffled against his jacket, just loud enough to hear. "They bombed her factory. I was there when they pulled her out."
Everything suddenly came into alarming clarity. DeMarco nodded, releasing a long sigh. He brought a hand up to the back of her head, her curls snaking around his fingertips as he gently stroked her hair.
"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to," He uttered, tilting his head downwards, his nose pressed against her forehead.
"I want to. You waited."
"I thought you looked a little spaced out earlier. After the raid. So that was because-?"
"Jesus. I'm sorry, Suze."
"It was a few years ago, now."
"That doesn't make it okay, though. Does it?"
She looked up at him then. In the darkness, her eyes looked like bottomless pools, the brown turned black in the starlight.
"... No. It doesn't."
A few strands of hair had stuck to her cheek where her tears had begun to dry. He lifted a hand to brush them away, the warmth of her skin against his fingertip so wonderfully soft. Susie sniffed, and it was as if some trace had broken, her arms tugging away from him, the squeeze against his back suddenly gone as she stepped back. Exhaustion tugged down at her face, dark circles forming beneath her eyes. She looked so helpless it almost broke his heart.
"God," She sighed, running a hand across her brow. "I don't-... I don't know, I don't think I wanna go back to my hut. Too many questions."
"Ok," DeMarco nodded. "That's ok. I know a place. C'mon."
Susie had no idea where he would take her. Perhaps if she'd been in any better state she would've refused. But she wasn't. She was tired, and he was kind. Her mind was clouded over, thoughts barely half-formed.
But she trusted him. She'd gotten him out of the middle of nowhere when their truck broke, and now he was getting her out when she did.
"... Alright."
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aceoffangirls · 9 months
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YAYYYY (she said sarcastically)
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acethegaycard · 1 year
summary: Xiao finds you very overworked and unconscious after your commissions took a bit to much of a toll on you, fluff and good intentions, angst if you squint a bit ig
a/n: This is actually a (half) refined thingy instead of absolute word vomit with no thought in it. yayyyy :)
One day, while doing you commissions, you were on the verge of unconsciousness. Almost leaving you completely defenseless near a nasty camp of hilichurls, that would've been gone if not for your recklessness while doing commissions.
Unbeknownst to you in your deep slumber, those hilichurls had noticed you far before you dropped into unconsciousness. And they had readied weapons.
Before most harm could come to you though, you were conveniently swept back towards a familiar inn by a figure. A certain yaksha, to be specific. Thankfully, before you could get seriously injured, he had "coincidentally" found you lying on the ground, unconscious and in harms way.
So as you were waking up, you were met with a stern look from somebody leaning on the doorframe with a spear leaning on the wall in the same manner.
Seeing that you had returned to the conscious realm, he stepped over rather quickly, as if there was something on you he needed to tend to. Observing your now awake body, a frown appearing on the man's face. He was focused on you, akin to a scholar trying to find an answer in frustrating papers.
And just like a scholar finding a long wanted answer, he seemed to find the answer he was looking for, gaze relaxing for just a second.
Whilst you were still rubbing your eyes in an attempt to make sense of the blurry world you were seeing, he was picking up an item from a far corner of the room you were in. Taking what you could depict as bandages from a heavy box, and walking right back over to the bed you were resting on.
Waking up fully was something you were taking slowly, by using all your might to push yourself into an upright sitting position and asking a mix of "What happened??" and "How am I here?" questions.
"I found you laying unconscious near your next commission, so I took you back to the inn."
You were fully awake now, understanding the words Xiao was saying. How did you manage not to get hurt? A miracle nobody will know. But it was no miracle. With your clear head, you felt a pained sting on your left arm. Turning your head to see where the feeling was coming from you were met with injuries you swore you didn't have before. You let out a confused and slightly pained "What..?" and the adeptus standing in front of you answered,
"Fighting with such injuries was highly dangerous. It was inevitable that I would've had to tend to you, since you always insist on not taking care of yourself."
He intended to sound serious, to make sure you didn't do anything like that again. But all you heard was something like a mother reprimanding their kid. Your sarcastic tone within your answer to him was not something he appreciated. Though you knew he was genuinely worried, you couldn't help but reply that way.
And even as he put on a stern look and reprimanding words, you could tell that he was just glad that your still here, alive and breathing. It was unusual for you to slip up on something as simple as your daily commissions in the first place, but the fact that you were completely unconscious and vulnerable made his heart squeeze in a way he didn't ever want to feel again.
He went on about how you shouldn't have done that and how you were putting yourself at risk, and how that was this. But once he was finished with his good intentioned (?) lecture, you noticed that your arm had been patched up, and the bandaged that he had brought over were missing some.
He always finishes your commissions before you can now.
idk how i was supposed to end it srry my brain juice was gone :((
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mackmp3 · 3 months
tell me about christopher ecclestons doctor vs david tennats doctor
or explain what the hell is goin on with the daleks
or you could tell me about (insert musician)’s influence on music
just some options for you to lore dump to :)
RAHHHHHHH OKAY THANK YOUUUU this will be um. super spoilery for doccy whomst.
okayyyy so christopher eccleston plays the ninth doctor who tragically only gets one season AND HE'S SO FABULOUS he's really funny and sarcastic and he says 'fantastic! :D' a lot and is also a massive dork and yayyyy i love him - the interesting thing with nine is that we dont see his regeneration. like we don't see him come into being but its implied that the incarnation before him was horribly injured in The Time War and then became nine, who wanders around alone for a bit racked with guilt and lonely and full of regret and all that fun stuff until he meets ROSE :DDD who pretty much says you're super weird & offputting but also the most interesting thing that's ever happened to me and he's like cool uhm. maybe i do need friends after all so then he takes her on a date to the destruction of her planet to show off that he wasnt kidding about the time machine bit. he also has a really cool leather jacket. and a northern english accent and a sliiiiightly butch lesbian buzzcut. anyways he's very fabulous and also kinda tragic but yeah!! i love him.
BUT THEN universe under massive threat from daleks etc the only way to save the world will be massively catastrophic etc etc so he sends rose home to save her. and she is understandably super upset by this so she ABSORBS THE HEART OF THE TARDIS (pro tip : usually people dont survive that) so she can get back to him, resurrect this other guy who kissed them both and rewrite time so that this will definitely always happen & also destroys a whole lot of daleks. this is called BAD WOLF (<- the capital letters are important. to me.) and its killing her so nine kisses her to pull it out of her (she doesnt remember this) so it kills him instead. then *magicical girl transformation* he explodes into golden light and becomes david tennant!!!!!
david tennant is the tenth doctor and I LOBVE HIM FORVER ADN EVER my specialest little scrunkly girlboy pathetic wet cat terrifying alien guy-shaped-being <33333. rose is understandably like wtf who're you (because the doctor Never does timelord 101 and tells them about regeneration and the two hearts thing) and he is sad about it. so he takes her home. then passes out in front of her mother and sort-of-boyfriend who're also like wtf. anyways he's fine and rose pretty immediately is like wow this guy is actually beautiful & way less grumpy now and they go n do a whole bunch of stuff and they very clearly love each other A Lot (like she loves him when he's nine too of course but it changes) and in my head it's teenage lesbian undefined relationship mutual obsession b/c those be the vibes. a Thing happens and she end up trapped in an alternate universe from which she can never return and the doctor manages to hologram himself in there for a minute to say goodbye and HE ALMOST SAYS I LOVE YOU TO HER but the connection runs out. a lot of other stuff happens and ten is actually pretty scary at points in a way that nine never gets to and A Lot happens to him. my beautiful babygirl she has Every Problem.
see cos the doctor is actually massively emotionally repressed and while nine was a lot closer time-wise to destroying his own planet, ten was coping a whole lot less. ten is often described as the most emotional and most human of the doctors and thats probably true but he's also the most afraid of that vulnerability - he just cant help showing it. he's full of love but he's also full of a desperate sadness and guilt. a lot of guilt. nine has this guilt and the love he just has found a way to not be so raw with it. he is far more measured with his emotions. i reallllllllyyyyyyyy wish we could have seen what would have been done with his character had we got more time with him but alas t'was not to be.
like a good example of that is when we meet nine he's been alone for some time and appears to be more or less okay with that, maybe not super happy but more or less adjusted and functioning. when ten is alone for a while he sort of loses it a bit until he find someone..... like after he and rose get separated, and i mean IMMEDIATLY AFTER, he meets donna who I LOVE :D but he's still so racked with grief that he kills a whole race of spider things and canonically would've destroyed himself along with them if she hadn't been there to tell him to stop. (like legitimately there's an episode, Turn Left, about what would've happened if the doctor died and it's uhm. its unnerving to say the least). ten can't deal with being alone but Also can't deal with loving someone. especially when he is so very aware that he has to lose them.
ten has three seasons & then a year of specials, and he has and then loses the most companions of the doctor and the way he deals with this is Fascinating. he is separated from rose, martha leaves of her own volition b/c she realises that she cant spend her whole life living For Him and that she deserves her own life too, and then he has to wipe donna's memory to save her (she gets it back like. fifteen years for her and ~1000 years for the doctor later but thats a whole thing). like nine does the whole 'no one can get close to me because i will always end up hurting when they die/leave and that will usually be my fault' thing BUT TEN. TEN feels the same way he just can't help himself from making friends and falling in love (grayaroace) with everyone he meets and still being emotionally destroyed when they die. nine's way of coping with the guilt of the time war is to push people away in the first place and ten's is Never Stop To Think Never Stop To Examine Feelings. so yeah. lots of fun.
ALSO the daleks!! theres a ton of lore to them as well, but in short they're genetically modified creatures who have been selectively bred by this guy davros (who has major darth vader vibes. down to the voice and the mechanically supported body) to only feel hate and want to destroy everyone who is not a dalek. they're these weird little things that kinda look like rubbery octopuses inside the metal thing (they're not robots they are actually alive) and they suck. also they're really hard to get rid of like. i swear at least five times the doctor says 'this is the last of the daleks' like bestie just you wait about half a season. the daleks and the timelords (the doctor's species) fought The Time War which really really sucked and they're mortal enemies. so yeah!
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hottpinkpenguin · 2 years
Hi, lovely! I'd like to request a one-shot if that's okay! I was thinking accidental kiss with Bucky x fem!reader, very fluffy <3 Thank youuuuuuuu
A/n: yayyyy my second Bucky fic of the weekend! having a lot of fun writing for him right now. hope it's fluffy enough for you anon! <3
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Heights: Bucky Barnes X Fem!Reader
Warnings: none (not proofread) Word Count: 3434
You took a sip of the champagne the waiter handed you, immediately noting how expensive it tasted. 
“Really, Tony?” you asked, raising an eyebrow at him and gesturing emphatically with your champagne flute. He gave you a comically sarcastic expression, feigning offense.
“What, like you’d expect anything less,” he jibed back, giving you an infuriating wink. You slapped him on the arm, but you weren’t able to keep from chuckling. He was right: it was exactly what you expected for a Tony Stark New Year’s Eve party. Decadent, lavish, effortlessly classy, and with the most star-studded guest list you could imagine. 
“Play nice with my guests, y/n/n. Miss Potts seems to need my assistance at the bar.” Your eyes followed Tony’s across the room to where his assistant, Pepper, stood behind the bar, pouring a generous glass of whiskey for Thor as he shamelessly flirted with her. Pepper certainly didn’t seem to need any form of assistance, but you knew Tony was a jealous man, and you couldn’t blame him. Thor had traded his normally out-of-place Asgardian armor for a handsomely tailored gray suit. Even though he still didn’t quite pass as human, he wasn’t as godly-looking, and you didn’t doubt that Pepper was enjoying the view, much like you. 
“Go get ‘em, tiger,” you replied playfully as you watched Tony vanish into the celebrating crowd, weaving through the admirers straight towards Pepper. You smiled softly as a surge of happiness for your friends flooded your body. You’d grown up with Tony, literally: your parents had babysat Tony whenever his parents were out of town, which, given their lavish lifestyle and Tony’s dad’s work for S.H.I.E.L.D., was quite often. And you were the one who had insisted that Tony hire Pepper. You saw in her the right combination of grounded, spunky, and bitingly intelligent that would tame Tony. And, you thought with a bit of smugness, you’d been right. Tony was saddled up and tamed, and Pepper hadn’t even broken a sweat doing it. She was an incredible woman and the perfect partner for your best friend.
“That champagne must be good,” a familiar voice said from behind you. Startled out of your daydream, you turned, smiling demurely when your eyes locked with Bucky’s. His hair, which was normally deliciously unkempt, had been smoothed somewhat for the occasion. Similar to Thor, you weren’t used to seeing Bucky without his fighting armor. He’d opted for a more understated look compared to the Asgardian, donning a dark blue suit jacket over a crisp white button down and jeans. The top two buttons of his shirt were undone, and your mouth went dry as you caught sight of the notch at the top of his sternum. 
Desperate to distract yourself, you furrowed a brow quizzically at Bucky. “What?” you replied, sounding somewhat dumb. He chuckled as he came to stand next to you, clinking his own flute with yours. 
“Haven’t seen you smile like that in a long time,” he explained, any note of teasing dropped from his voice as his brown eyes drank you in. You felt a blush spread over your cheeks and down your neck. You dropped your eyes from his, unable to take the heat you felt from his gaze. 
“You watch me smile a lot, do you then, Bucky?” you replied, your words a lot bolder than you felt. You took another generous sip of your champagne, grateful that Tony had shelled out for top-of-the-line booze. Seemed you would need all the liquid courage you could get. 
“Not nearly as much as I’d like to,” Bucky replied, his voice dropping low and taking on a note of tenderness that made your toes curl. You tried to hold his gaze, but that damn blush was deepening, embarrassment pulling your eyes away. You began running a finger absentmindedly around the edge of your flute. 
Sensing your nervousness, Bucky cocked his head somewhat, dipping down to meet your eyes. 
“It’s warm in here, don’t you think?” he asked seriously. You nodded, swallowing thickly. He gave you a reassuring half-smile, jerking his head in the direction of Tony Stark’s penthouse balcony. “Let’s get some fresh air.” 
Your heart tied up in knots at his suggestion. You were terrified of heights and you made it a point not to find yourself high up. Standing on a glass-bottomed balcony almost fifty floors above the New York City streets certainly wasn’t going to do anything but send you into a panic attack. You opened your mouth to say as much, but then you caught Bucky’s expression. He was gazing at you like you were the only person in the room, his eyes alight with happiness and hope. You’d had a soft spot for Bucky ever since you’d first met, and the feeling had only deepened the more time you spent with him. You suspected the feeling was mutual based on how often Steve Rogers casually tried to arrange alone time for the two of you, although there was almost always some sort of unexpected obstacle that prevented you and Bucky from being able to address your feelings head on. But now, you could see a forceful determination in Bucky’s expression that told you there wouldn’t be anymore running. How could you say no?
You nodded, your eyes wide in a mix of terror and nerves. Bucky’s face broke into a wide smile as he reached out and took your free hand, turning away from you and leading you towards the large, open windows that overlooked Tony’s balcony. 
It was an unseasonably warm evening for December in New York, although the air still had a chill to it. When you stepped into the darkness, the sounds of the party dying behind you, your bare arms immediately puckered into goose pimples. 
Bucky noticed immediately, stripping off his dark blue suit jacket and wrapping it around your shoulders as he led you closer to the edge of the balcony. You let him tuck the warm fabric over your bare shoulders, trying to force yourself to keep breathing and not look down. You could feel your heartbeat in your ears, your chest tightening slowly. 
“Beautiful view, don’t you think?” Bucky asked aimlessly, although his eyes never left your face. You couldn’t bring yourself to look out towards the city, so you turned your gaze back towards the party. You were beginning to feel faint as your terror was increasing. You wished you had just told Bucky you were afraid of heights. Now that you were out here on the balcony, you didn’t know if you’d be able to get back inside. Your legs were beginning to lock up underneath you. All you could focus on - aside from the handsome man in front of you, completely unaware of your panic - was the feel of your high heels against the glass floor of Tony’s balcony. 
“Y/n, are alright?” The note of concern in Bucky’s question told you that he’d caught on to your rising fear. 
He squeezed your hand to mirror the question he’d asked you, the smile melting off his face as flirtatious happiness turned to worry. 
“Bucky… I’m sorry, I think- I need to go… back inside,” you managed to pant out as your vision started to blur. In the next instant, your legs went to jelly and you felt yourself crumple. Your mind went blank halfway down, your consciousness hovering somewhere between awake and asleep for a few moments…
The first thing that came back to you was the feel of warm, strong hands running along your forehead and your cheeks. Next came the sound of concerned whispers all around you. Then, a voice you knew well, distant but growing louder: “Y/n? Y/n, talk to me. Are you ok?” There was a note of fear in that voice that ran through your body like a jolt.
Your consciousness fell back into your body quickly, your mind coming out of the fog of fainting. Your eyes flew open as your head jerked up instinctively. Had your reflexes been faster, you would have registered that Bucky’s face was mere inches above yours as he brushed your mussed hair away from your face. But in the confusion of surfacing from passing out, your instincts took over. As your head lifted up from the couch you’d found yourself on, your face almost collided with Bucky’s. You were barely a hair’s width from slamming teeth with him when your jittery body gained control of itself and you froze.
In the next instant, you felt one of Bucky’s hands gently cup the base of your head, closing the distance between the two of you and connecting your lips. 
Still flustered and fuzzy from passing out, you didn’t know how to react. Your heart felt like it was about to climb out of your chest, and you couldn’t tell if the adrenaline surge in your blood was the lingering effects of the panic that had taken you over on the balcony or the result of Bucky’s kiss. 
His lips were soft and warm against yours, but you didn’t notice that fast enough. He held his lips against yours for a little more than a heartbeat, as if testing you. With your mind moving in a million directions, you didn’t register the question in his gesture fast enough. He pulled back from you, your lips separating and his eyes ducking down in embarrassment as you heard Tony’s voice break the crowd. 
“Where is she? Y/n, are you alright? What happened?” You were on the edge of reaching out to grab Bucky and pull him back towards you when Tony jostled Bucky out of the way. Tony was like a bull in a china shop, and you doubted that he even noticed what had just transpired between you and the Winter Soldier. He barreled in between you, Bucky’s hands sliding off of you and leaving you yearning for his touch as he slipped into the crowd. Tony ran a hand over your forehead, mussing over you like a protective mother.
“You’re clammy, Y/n. What the hell happened?” The all-consuming nature of Tony’s presence tore your mind reluctantly away from Bucky as your focus settled on Tony’s question. 
“The balcony… I went out on the balcony,” you mumbled sheepishly as Tony waved away the onlookers with frustration. From across the room, you heard the four piece band Tony had hired for the occasion strike up. With the music beckoning people back to their merriment, the crowd of worried bystanders began to dissolve around you, the sound of idle chatter and tinkling glasses rising back to a comfortable volume. 
“The balcony?” Tony was looking at you incredulously. He knew of your fear of heights. He’d been there the day you’d first developed your fear at the age of 6, stuck high up in a tree with a quaking, cracking branch threatening to give out under your weight. 
“What on earth brought you out there…” Tony’s question trailed off as his eyes snapped to the jacket still wrapped around your shoulders. Bucky’s jacket.
Tony’s face went dark in an instant, the protective best friend contorting his features as his eyes combed the crowd, looking for the Winter Soldier. Ever since Tony had learned of Bucky’s role in his parents’ death, his normal goodwill had dissolved into raw, vengeful rage. It had only been for your and Steve’s sake that Tony had made a very tenuous, strained peace with Bucky. 
“Tony, please don’t,” you begged, putting a hand on his arm and squeezing, forcing Tony’s eyes back to you. “He didn’t know, Tony. And I didn’t tell him.”
Tony looked at you intensely, his nostrils flaring as he tried to regain control of his anger.
“Tony, please don’t do this,” you continued, your voice growing stronger as your mind came back to clarity. The last remnants of your panic-induced pass out were fading, and now all you were left with was burning humiliation and a dying desire to find Bucky. But first, you had to talk Tony off the edge.
“For me.” You winked at Tony as you said it, shooting him a knowing smile. 
Most people who knew Tony Stark wouldn’t dare tease him when he was in a rage, but you and Pepper were the only ones who knew exactly how to pierce his defenses. It was the comfort that comes with a lifelong friendship that emboldened you to turn an otherwise serious moment into a jest. Part of you wondered if it would backfire on you, but when Tony snorted and let his shoulders relax, shaking his head softly, you knew your comment had hit its mark. 
“You’re a lovesick puppy, you know that,” he replied, the edges of his words still hot with fading anger but the danger passed. 
“I know,” you agreed, relieved that you hadn’t unintentionally incited a fight at Tony’s party. 
“You better go track him down,” Tony instructed as he stood up, holding out a hand for you. You took it gratefully, letting Tony help you up off the couch that Bucky must have put you down on. As you considered how you’d wound up moving from the balcony to the couch towards the back of Tony’s penthouse, you realized that Bucky must have carried you there. The thought increased your restless need to find him. 
You nodded in vague agreement with Tony as your eyes ran over the crowd, trying to find Bucky in the sea of faces. 
“He went that way,” Tony mumbled, pointing towards a dimly lit hallway that led back to Tony’s lab. Bruce and Natalie were leaning against the wall next to the hallway, serving as casual guards who would intercept any unwitting guests who tried to stumble in that direction. They’d let you pass, just like they’d let Bucky pass, since you were both members of the Avengers. 
Without a second thought, you let your feet carry you towards the hall. Behind you, you heard Tony scoff slightly and say something smart, but your mind was too focused to let his comment stick. You waved vaguely behind you as if to swipe his retort aside, earning a louder “Thank me later!” from your friend. 
As you marched past Bruce and Natalie, you caught the former’s eye as you quirked an eyebrow at him. Bruce nodded, already sensing your question. You breezed past him and Natalie, idly noting how close they stood together, their heads bowed together as they whispered conspiratorially and with a hint of flirtatiousness. The sight made you happy for Nat and Bruce, and it increased your itch to find Bucky. 
The party noise faded behind you as you walked down the hallway. 
“Bucky?” you called out hesitantly as you entered Tony’s lab, closing the door quietly behind you. With the door shut, you were enveloped in quiet. You hadn’t noticed how loud the party was until you noted the faint buzzing in your ears. 
Tony’s lab was dim, but you could see a faint glow from the floor below towards where the guest rooms were. Many of the Avengers called Tony’s penthouse home from time to time, thanks to a well-appointed guest wing, complete with a spacious sitting room. Tony’s lab opened onto that sitting room from the second floor. You let your feet carry you towards the light, conscious of how noisy your steps were.
“Bucky?” you called out again, wondering for the first time since you’d decided to try and find him if maybe he didn’t want to be found. 
“Here.” Bucky’s reply was neutral; neither warm and inviting nor irritable and defensive. 
“Are you alright?” you asked cautiously as you climbed down the small set of stairs that connected Tony’s lab to the common area. Bucky was sitting on a couch, a reading lamp turned on beside him, his back to you. His hair looked messier than it had at the party: he’d been running his hands through it, you realized, a tic you’d noticed in him when he was nervous. 
In reply, he scoffed, almost bitterly. “Am I alright? Y/n, I should be the one asking you that.” He turned to face you, rising from the couch as he did. The relaxed, happy smile he’d worn at the party had vanished, leaving his face contorted into something that looked almost like pain. 
You were so distracted by his expression that you barely processed his words. 
“I’m fine, it’s no big thing,” you reassured him quickly, faltering now that you were within reach of him. You wanted to rush to him, bury yourself in his arms, and let him kiss you for real this time, not the accidental mess that had happened a few minutes prior. But you couldn’t get a read on how he’d respond, his body tense and his lips pursed. 
“I should have remembered you’re afraid of heights, I never should have asked you to go out on the balcony, that was incredibly selfish and stupid of me.” His words started coming fast and furious, each syllable seeming to screw him up into a tighter state of discomfort. It took you a moment to read his emotions, but when you realized he was angry at himself, you reacted on instinct. 
Letting out a shaky exhale, you stepped towards him, grasping his hands in yours and running your thumbs on the back of his palms. 
Bucky’s words died on his lips as your eyes met. You smiled gently at him, hoping he could read in your expression that you weren’t interested in an apology. 
“We kissed. Back there,” you managed to stammer out. It wasn’t very graceful, and you felt a little childish saying it, but between the smell of Bucky’s cologne and the way the lamplight cast half his handsome face in mysterious shadow, it was the best you could manage. 
“Well… yeah, I guess we did,” he admitted sheepishly. Your smile deepened when you heard the same nervousness in his voice that you felt. You shouldn’t have been so surprised to see confirmation of his feelings for you, but it felt good and calmed your fears of rejection nonetheless. For the first time since you two had started this dance, you were about to name everything that had gone unsaid between you.
“It’s not exactly what I’d dreamed of for our first kiss, but at least it’s a good story.” You waited for Bucky to respond, wondering if he’d take the bait. He seemed frozen, chewing on his lower lip and trying to hold your gaze. Both of you breathed a little harder in the silence that followed. You moved a half step closer to him, close enough now to feel his breath on your cheeks. He was watching you, wide eyed, as if trying to pinch himself awake from a dream.
“Why don’t we try it again, Mr. Barnes?” you asked quietly, using a pet name you’d taken to calling him when you two were alone. 
Something about the nickname broke whatever dam had been holding him back. Bucky’s hands tangled in your hair quickly and needily, his mouth closing the space between you. This time, when his lips met yours, you were ready. You returned his kiss, matching the rhythm and pressure easily, you two falling into a well-choreographed embrace as if you’d done this a thousand times before. 
You couldn’t say how long you stayed like that, lips connected, enjoying the moment that both of you had skirted around for so many months. You let your hands roam up his arms and twine around his shoulders as he gripped your lower back, pulling your bodies flush against one another while his tongue teased at your lips. There was a deeper heat beginning to take root in both your minds, but for the moment, the kiss was enough. There would be plenty of time for the rest later. 
You were certain that neither of you were prepared to stop, but the sound of someone clearing their throat from the lab broke your moment. You pulled your faces away just enough to turn towards the sound, neither of you willing to break apart from how your bodies fit together like puzzle pieces. 
Steve was leaning against the wall framing Tony’s lab, a smug, self-gratified smile on his lips. 
“I told you the balcony was a good idea,” Steve said, winking at his friend before he turned back towards the party, leaving you and Bucky to ring in the New Year by yourselves…
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overangeled · 6 months
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"Well, merry fuckin' Christmas ta me... fuckin' yayyyy..."
He says sarcastically sitting alone at the bar in the hotel - don't mind him he's just little salty due to him having no family or friends to celebrate christmas with.
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greedyvanfleet · 11 months
15 Questions for 15 Mutuals
Thank you for tagging me, @wildbluesorbit <3
I'm pretty new to GVF Tumblr (and I just came back to tumblr after like 3 or so years away to satisfy this e x t r e m e t h i r s t), so your tag makes me feel so extra special :) :) :) :)
1. Were you named after someone?
My mom's maiden name was shortened to create my first name, but I usually go by nicknames anyway
2. When was the last time you cried?
LOL My boyfriend started crying as we were watching Hamilton with his mom (we have both watched it maybe 100 times?) and when I saw him crying, I started crying; specifically when the chorus sang "The Orphanage..."
3. Do you have kids?
I don't! *maybe* someday, but it's not entirely up to me
4. Do you use a lot of sarcasm?
Honestly, I never think that I do but according to others, I am very sarcastic :')
5. What's the first thing you notice about people?
This is going to be weird, but being a fat person, a person's size is the first thing I notice? But not in a judgmental way, more so in a way that's like "do we experience the world the same?"
6. What's your eye color?
Dark brown
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Love a good psychological thriller
8. Any special talents?
I was a competitive figure skater for 20+ years :O
9. Where were you born?
The motherland of our favorite boys - Michigan
10. What are your hobbies?
Video games, board games, watching movies, artsy things (graphic design, singing/playing guitar/piano/bass, writing, etc.)
11. Have any pets?
Dead dog club (':
12. What sports do you/have you played?
Figure skated all my life, dance, bit of softball at one point too
13. How tall are you?
5'5 on a good day. I'm the shortest of all of my friends
14. Favorite subject in school?
15. Dream job?
I'm kinda living my (realistic) dream job right now as an academic advisor (if you attend my school, you didn't see any of this) but the real dream is anything where I can create art in some way. Maybe a screenwriter or musician
Yayyyy this was a lot of fun! Idk if I have enough mutuals on this blog for this, and if you are my mutual and have already done this, pls disregard.
Love you all <3
@ageofhearingloss @jurassicdan94 @freyjalw @mybussyinchrist @iamasimpandnotproud @runwayblues @malany-benton @lipstickitty @happy-harpy-stuff @puzzle-gvf @jmkho @girlypop-gvf @sammyscherub @ohgodthefeeling-gvf
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mayullla · 4 months
I just read through your OG works and I have to say omg they are so good! I feel like a hungry person who finally had a good meal but I’m still starving for more! I esp loved the yandere kitsune, ice spirit, and yandere hero vale! I really hope to see more from you in the future! Also I hope you’re ok and the break is not from something bad :(
HDAJSAKDKDHD Super happy that you like them, especially the ice spirit yandere!! And yeah I am doing... "alright" I guesssss
Nothing bad necessarily happened physically I just so happened to realize that my mind is unconsciously placing itself a bad place again for unknown reasons. I kind of need a break from tumblr not only from writing but also the app but all media in general really. But other than that uni started for me again so instead of writing fics I need to read and write essays and reports which like yayyyy /very sarcastic.
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