#yaz is just like. staring at her trying to figure out Whats Going On and missy is having fun seeing if shes gonna figure it out
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thasmissy thesis statement
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agent-barnes40 · 9 months
Teddy bears
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13th Doctor x GN!Reader (romantic)
The Doctor doesn’t realize the bear she bought you would have lasting consequences.
Fluff, pure fuckin fluff
The Doctor really really should’ve thought better when you came running up to her, practically death gripping her hands and dragging her back to the shop you had launched yourself into. Her brain was running a thousand miles a minute, trying to figure out what you had found, or if you had gotten into trouble. Instead, she saw the shop keep setting a brown stuffed bear on a shelf behind the counter, with two TARDIS blue hearts stitched over the chest.
"Please, Doctor. I would've given them earth currency but we don't have a universal currency and I don't know what currency this planet takes. I won't ask you to pay for anything ever again." You had practically begged, your voice coming out with words that even her brain had a hard time keeping track of.
The Doctor had to laugh, you looked adorable looking between her and the bear. Your feet were still tapping in excitement at finding the bear at all. "Yeah, we can get you the bear, if that is what your asking for."
"I forgot to even mention what I wanted! Oh thank you so much!" You didn't even think and pulled the woman in for a kiss.
The Doctor eagerly kissed back, her brain lighting up with ideas of what else she could do to have more kisses like this. Obviously more stuffed animals had made their way onto her list. She gently pulled away and rested her hands on your hips, laughing softly.
She really should've thought better when you started carrying the bear around everywhere, if she even mentioned there could've been a chance at sleeping outside The TARDIS. You had it stuffed in a bag you took everywhere. You and The Fam were curled up in a tiny tent, miles away from the TARDIS and you had pulled the bear out, setting it in your lap as she paced back and forth.
Yaz just smiled at the bear while Ryan snorted. "You still carry it around everywhere."
You smiled and nodded. "Gotta have a piece of my Time Lord with me everywhere I go. Plus, she's gonna be so busy tonight trying to figure out how to fix all this, she won't be open to cuddling. So next best thing."
The Doctor stilled at that, and then started pacing again. Graham was the one who picked up on The Doctor's stutter in her walk and the smile that had crossed the Time Lord's face.
Of course, you had been right and spent the night curled around the bear, and The Doctor had just stared at you. Your face had been burrowed into the bear's chest, barely enough room for you breath but it was how you slept with her.
The Doctor really should've checked the bear after that night, because when she heard you talking to someone in her room, her heart dropped and when she peeked her head in, and saw you curled up in her lilac and rainbow bedding, that damned bear sitting on your chest with her voice coming out of it.
She immediately pulled her sonic out and tried to discretely sonic it but your ears had caught the whirring and you sat up. "Hi Doc!"
Her eyes watched as the bear fell onto her side of the bed and she couldn't help but feel the spike of jealousy in her hearts as you readjusted the bear into a sitting position. She slowly moved the rest of the way into the room and sat next to the bear. "So when did you get it to speak to you?"
You tilted your head before looking at the bear. "I thought you did that. I had left her on the bed when we went out on Lavernus and when I came back she had started talking back to me."
"She?" The Doctor asked and you looked away from her, trying to not show how flustered you were.
"I mean, its kinda obvious who I'm projecting onto that bear, Doc."
"I just heard my own voice come out of that bear. I know the bear is representing me."
"Oh-Oh good, because its kinda embarrassing to project your girlfriend onto a stuffed bear."
The Doctor suddenly pulled you into a kiss, her hand wrapped the back of your head, gently keeping you in place. When she finally pulled away, she pressed her forehead to yours and a smile was on her face. "Do you know how jealous of that bear I have been since I bought it for you?"
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r-i-03-17 · 2 months
@yasammyweek Ok I guess this is a thing that exists, so I'm gonna contribute to it. Today's theme is a wedding, so I'm gonna write something that relates to that. This kinda caught me off guard but I'm gonna try my best. Enjoy
It has been about 8 years since Yaz and Sammy had "officially" gotten together, If you ask them they'll say they started REALLY dating after they made it back home, an agreement they made when they were still stranded on Mantacorp Island, in case either one (or both) of them hadn't made it, but basically everyone else agrees it was after they both brought their feelings to light. Either way it had been about 8 years, but for the past week, Yaz had been acting a little....skittish.
Yazmina was a woman of focus, commitment, and sheer flipping will. She had survived almost a year on an island full of dinosaurs, while having a sprained ankle for two of those months. She had faced down the Scorpius Rex, the Mosasaurs, and a really ticked off Galimimus (long story, but the dino had it coming). After all that, the almost dying nearly every day, why on gods green earth would a small wooden box with a diamond ring inside make her so nervous. She wouldn't even be the one receiving it, but the conclusion this poor nervous girl came to, is that the reaction of the person she wanted to give the ring to was what caused her nerves to shoot up. What would Sammy do? Cry, laugh, run, say no? All these possibilities were making Yaz more nervous than it would if she just asked Sammy the damn question "Will you marry me?". There's no reason for her to be this nervous right? I mean, the two of them have already been as intimate as you can get with another person, multiple times, so there was no grand surprise afterwards, no pressure to hold up to any "expectations" except of course actually showing up for the wedding....the wedding, the music, the people, the dresses, all the things that weddings involved made Yaz feel even more nervous. She had always considered herself the quote-un qoate "man" of the relationship, and as such she felt it necessary to perform the usual "man" rolls, she opened the doors to restaurants and vehicles for Sammy, made sure Sammy's truck was safe before she drove somewhere, and besides all that, had always gotten along better with Sammy's father, brothers, and nephews, than she had her mother in law, sister in laws, and nieces, though they all still got along well, but she had always found herself gravitating towards the guys, and had actually went to Sammy's father for advice on what to do for their first official date. But unfortunately, with Yaz fulfilling that role (that she was perfectly happy in, Sammy as well), that means it was up to her to propose. Great 😑.
Not really sure what to do, Yaz had chosen to try and distract herself from the thoughts racing in her head by going to lunch with Darius, Brooklyn, and Ben. Sammy was working and couldn't go, but insisted Yaz go and give them all a hug for her, which she had. As they sat down, the rest of the group noticed Yaz looked a little down, not that she was super bubbly to begin with, but she usually had more energy than this.
B: Yaz, are you ok?
Y: Yeah....I'm fine.
(obviously not fine)
D: Yeah sure, ok skip the BS and tell us what's up so we can help.
B: Dude, a little sensitivity would be nice.
D: What? She obviously has something that's bothering her, I'm just trying to figure out what?
B: Yeah but you can't just ASK, what if it was something sensitive?
Ben: Sensitive..... something kinda like a....ring...maybe?
Ben looked over at Yaz, who was now staring at Ben. And he instantly regretted it, Yaz had tears in her eyes, her cheeks red, and trying to compose herself as to not have a breakdown in the middle of a shopping mall food court. Yaz reached into her pocket, pulled out a small wooden box, and slid it across the table.
Y: Yeah, it's a ring. But I don't need it, it's not like I'd ever have a possibility of using it anyway....so take it.
She wiped her eyes and took a shaky breath and put a 20 on the table, asked them to pay for her food, and went to her car to go home.
Yaz made it to her truck, but didn't open it. Hand on the handle she looked at the reflection in the window, and it was a sad, sorry sight. Red in the face, tears running down her cheeks, crying like a 5 year old that had just broken her toy. What was she supposed to do? Go back to Sammy, the person that made her so happy, and dump all this on to her? And that's when the realization struck Yaz like a horse hoof to the chest, the reason Yaz didn't want to propose, wasn't because she didn't want to spend the rest of her life with Sammy, it's that she didn't want Sammy to be stuck with her. She's always been self conscious about herself, and in some ways that's a good thing, keeps a person humble, but it also can be a real pain for self esteem. Would Sammy WANT to be stuck with her for the rest of their lives, till death does them part? Why would someone like her, a beautiful, intelligent, friendly, girl from Texas want to spend the rest of her life with an introverted, relatively speaking average looking, sad nerd like her? There wasn't one, at least not one that Yaz could think of. So, she decided she wouldn't propose, and wouldn't put that burden on Sammy, so if at any time Sammy wanted to leave, she could. As corny as it sounds she'd rather Sammy be happy without her, then sad with her.
Yaz hadn't realized how long she had been standing with her hand on the truck handle, hadn't realized how long she had been crying, and hadn't realized how long her friends had been standing there, until Brooklyn had very gently put her arm on Yaz's shoulder, and was looking at her with so much concern that it almost made Yaz start crying again, but even if she wanted to, she couldn't, she was all dried up.
B: Yaz, we're so sorry, we didn't mean to push, we were just worried about you. I wasn't going to say anything, but the whole reason we came down was that Sammy was concerned about you. She said you'd been acting sad and wanted us to get you out of the house to see if you'd feel better. She's really worried, she was actually starting to think you had gotten tired of spending so much time around her.
Y: What? No, I....I didn't mean...I could never.....
B: Yaz, please tell us what's the matter, all we want to do is help you.
So Yaz did, Yaz told them EVERYTHING, every insecurity. All the hopelessness and sadness came out in one big, frankly depressing, story (including everything she said in her head, read above). At the end, Yaz was just sitting sadly on the tailgate of her truck, her friends sitting with her, looking for lack of a better term, dumbfounded and sad. They had all known Yaz had insecurities, who didn't, but they had no idea it ran so deep.
Y: So that's why I can't propose. I care about her, and I care enough to let her go.....I don't want to but.....
Ben: Yaz, kinda crazy question here, but have you... Idk......maybe mentioned ANY of this to Sammy, at all? Do you have any idea if she wants to get married?
Y: No, but I don't want to burden anything on her. And why would she want to marry ME anyways?
Nobody had noticed the black car that had pulled in the parking lot an hour before, and nobody had noticed the driver sneaking over and hiding behind the car beside them, listening to Yaz's entire story, every word since Brooklyn, Darius, and Ben had come out to comfort their sad friend. And nobody noticed the Texas girl hiding behind some strangers car, trying her best not to cry, and wanting to do nothing else but hug not just the girl she's been dating for 8 years, but her business partner, her other dog mom, and her best friend. But the little Texan girl couldn't stand it any longer and decided to set the record straight.
Sam: Yazmina Fadoula, are you kidding me?
Sammy stepped out from behind the car she was hiding behind, and gave a heart attack to the entire group sitting on the tailgate. Yaz started to get up but Sammy in no uncertain terms gave her a look that said sit back down......Yaz sat back down.
Sammy: So let me get this straight....the reason you've been acting depressed all week, the reason you come to bed later and wake up earlier than normal, why you aren't eating as much and acting super shy, is because you wanted to propose? And was worried I would laugh in your face, or reject you, or not want to be with the girl that I've been with for 8 years??
Y: Um....yes? Look it's not you Sammy, it's me...I was just....
Sammy: Oh I know, I heard the whole conversation, basically everything. I came her to pick up some food to surprise you, and I see you crying and looking at the truck, you didn't even see me drive by. I was gonna talk to you, but I saw them coming over to you, and figured they'd be better at getting you to open up.....guess I was right. I'm gonna be honest Yaz, why didn't you talk to me? We're a team, you're supposed to be able to trust me, and I know that's selfish that I just WANT you to trust me, but we've known each other for almost 10 years, even before we started dating......is it me? Am I driving you away, am I being too over bearing, I just wanted to help you, I didn't mean to be too much.
Now Sammy was crying, and Yaz felt like the world's biggest a**hole, beating herself up internally for not thinking about how this would affect Sammy. She knew Sammy was sensitive, and tuned into people's emotions, so she definitely knew Yaz was upset, but wanting to respect her privacy, hadn't pushed the issue. Yaz felt awful.
Sammy: You know the worst part about this, Yaz? This entire time I was scared you were getting sick of me....I thought you were seeing someone else.
Well if Yaz thought she couldn't feel any worse, she just got proven wrong.
Y: Sammy.....you thought that.....why would....
Sammy: What? See someone else?.....Yaz I heard everything you said, and the entire time I was wondering the same thing you were. Wondering why you'd want to be with ME? I'm just some yee-haw Texan rodio, banjo playing, chubby, middle of nowhere farm girl and there's a million girls just like me within like 20 miles of just like me, except prettier and cooler. I was scared to death that the only reason you were with me is because we were stuck on the island and once you had more people to choose from.....you'd leave. Yasmina I would LOVE to marry you, of course I would, but I still don't really understand why it'd be ME you'd pick out of everyone else. You're beautiful and smart and ACTUALLY talented, you have skills that are actually cool and unique, unlike me who can do farm things yeah, but so can everyone else.
Yaz sat with her mouth hanging open, in awe of that one, her girlfriend had the same insecurities she had, and two, that Sammy thought of herself like that. Yaz couldn't understand why the girl she was so worried about proposing to had never brought these issues up to her before. Yaz decided there and then that damn the consequences, whatever her future had in store for her, Yaz was going to make sure Sammy never had to worry that Yaz would leave her again. She walked up to Sammy and kissed her, a long kiss full of love and warm feelings that made butterflies fly in both of the girls chests.
Y: Sammy, I'm so so so so so so so sorry that I EVER made you worried about me leaving, ever made you feel insecure about yourself. With our friends and God as my witness I will do everything I can to make sure you never feel like this again. Brooklyn.......can I have my ring.
Sammy opened her eyes wide, Ben and Darius gasped and Brooklyn smiled as she handed Yaz the ring.
Y: With this ring I promise to be with you forever, for every sad day, when it shines, rains, or snows. Through every up and down, left or right, whatever happens I want this ring to symbolize how much I care about you... Sammy Gutierrez, can I put this ring on your finger.
Everyone was crying now, their friends, and some random people in the parking lot.
Sammy: Of course you can, but I have one request......Don't call me Gutierrez anymore.....it's Fadoula now.
Yaz smiled, slipped on the ring, and grabbed Sammy by the hips and hoiseted her up off the ground so they could look at each other, Sammy's legs wrapped around Yaz's hips and her arms rested on her shoulders. The parking lot whistled and hollered, horns honking and lights flashing to celebrate the couple.
Sammy: Hey Yaz?
Y: Yes Sammy?
Sammy: I think the chicken thawed in the back of my car.
Everyone laughed, and Brooklyn, Darius, and Ben all drove home with Sammy and Yaz to stay the night. Brooklyn was thankful that Yaz had soundproofed her and Sammy's bedroom wall, and Yaz kept her promise and made sure that Sammy knew every bit of her was as beautiful to Yaz as anything else.
They went to the town office the next day and made it official, and Sammy bought Yaz a ring.
Woooo, that was a long one, I hope everyone enjoys my contribution to @yasammyweek. See y'all later
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zyalahmiscfandom · 2 years
An Unexpected Trip pt3: Dhawan!Master x f!Reader
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AN: Sorry this took so long, and there is a very large chance the Master is OOC. I dunno. Anyway Part Three aka the penultimate part. 
The room was in chaos as Kate shoved your stolen phone into your hands. You grasped it tightly, your heart fluttering a million miles per second. On the one hand your were ecstatic that the Master had come for you, and claimed you as his publicly,(you didn’t have time to delve deep into the implications of that) but on the other hand he was threatening his full wrath upon the building, which could be disastrous for the innocent civilians of London and maybe all of the UK. To say you were torn would be an understatement.
“Y/N you okay?” You felt Yaz’s comforting hand on your shoulder. Your conflicted eyes met her genuinely concerned ones. You felt a little bit of your turbulence leave, even if it was only for a moment.
“Ask me again, when this is over.” You smiled a little weakly, staring at your reflection in the black mirror of your phone.
“Fair enough,” Yaz sighed, her eyes going to The Doctor who was currently running around the office rooms computers like an excited chicken, Kate, ace and Graham close behind all chattering away, trying to figure out a plan. Looking to you again for a moment before she decided to join you on the chaise lounge.
“Soooo, you and the Master?” She smiled, raising an eyebrow.
“Yeah…Maybe, kinda, oh I dunno.” You awkwardly chuckled keeping your voice low so only Yaz could hear. “We’ve never talked about having that kind of relationship, but sometimes I think we could, and that he wants to, but,” You sighed rubbing your eyes, flinching a little at your temple again. “Time-lords can be a little hard to read.”
“Heh, tell me about it.” Yaz glanced wistfully towards her manic blonde genius.
“Well we’ll just have to kidnap you next, get the Doctor to confess her love for you, then we’ll all double date at Evista Five.” You joked, Yaz let out a short laugh.
“Oh god the Doctor and the Master would kill each other after five minutes.” Yaz said her smile wide.
“Yaz be reasonable, it’d be less than two.”
The two of you shared a small reprise together, joking about how the two Time-lords would do nothing but try to one up the other for the entire two minutes they could stand to be around one another, ultimately leading to the swearing to never see each other again, which they would also fail to do.
“You two seem to be getting along.” The Doctor suddenly announced in front of you.
“Jesus, give me a heart attack why don’t you.” You jumped, hand on your chest.
“Sorry,” Her faced morphed into something akin to an awkward cat, “But I’m 99 percent positive I’ve figured out a plan.”
You and Yaz blinked up at her expectantly.
“Well 96 percent positive, maybe…” The Doctor started to ramble about percentages and variable factors.
“Doctor.” Yaz smiled, pulling her Time-lord out of her thoughts.
“Right!” She clapped her hands together, ���Y/N, you, Yaz and I are going to lure the Master away from the security centre and up to the roof, whilst everyone else evacuates through the underground passages hidden in the basement.”
“Counterpoint,” You stood, “How about you just let me go to the Master and we say goodbye to you lot,” You motioned to Kate, Ace and Graham at the computers. “Forever.”
“Counter, counter,” The Doctor raised her hands, “We can’t.”
“What? Why not?” You demanded. “He said he’d let all of this slide if you just handed me over.”
“But only if you weren’t harmed.”
“Oh.” You looked down at your raw wrists and thought about the pain in your temple. “How bad is my face?”
“Bad enough to give the Master a reason to explode.” The Doctor had a sombre darkness to her voice, something you hadn’t heard from the lively blonde before, though it was still nothing compared to the darkness the Master could hold, just another reason you wanted to get back to him as fast as you could.
“Doctor please, I really don’t want this to end in blood, but…I want this to be over.” You pleaded with her. “Is using me as bait to lure him away from my kidnappers really going to ease his blood lust? Or are you going to make things worse?”
“Doctor, maybe Y/N has a point?” Yaz sided with you, surprising you a little, but you could tell she didn’t want needless carnage just like you.
“You can’t really be considering this Doctor?” Kate interrupted. “The Master is a monster, we can’t just give into his demands.”
“Seriously Kate, drop it.” You glared, your own voice deepening in anger and frustration. “You’re the villain of this story not the Master.”
Kate scoffed.
“You want us to believe there is no malice to your arrival in London, and yet you talk to me like that?”
That was the final straw. You stood suddenly, Kate quickly took a step back, the Doctor’s eyes franticly looking between the two of you, ready to intervene at a moments notice.
“Fuck this.” You pushed past Kate harshly, heading towards the office exit.
“Y/N wait!” Yaz and the Doctor yelled in unison. You would have thought it cute if the situation was different.
“I’m sorry,” You stopped at the door, turning you head to look back. “I wasn’t kidding about Evista Five, it’d be nice to hang out under different circumstances. I’ll tell him you tried to help Doctor, let him know that this wasn’t your fault.” A sad smile played on your lips before darkness overtook your features. “And Kate, if I find out you’ve even thought about spying on my family after I’ve left, contacting them in any way. There will be no place in this universe you’ll be safe from me, let alone the Master.”
Satisfied with the shocked silence you left your captors room and started down the empty corridor bathed in the deep red of the emergency lights. You walked aimlessly for a couple of minutes before the realisation of what you’d done hit you.  
You’d just threatened a government official. Someone in charge of national security. Someone your parents had taught you to never piss off.
You groaned internally, the Master was clearly rubbing off on you, but Kate had threatened people you cared about, and that you could not abide. Who knew you where a ‘fuck around and find out’ kind of person.
Turning a corner you walked straight into two UNIT soldiers, both clad in riot gear and armed to the teeth.
“Fuck not again.” You groaned, getting ready to run in the opposite direction.
“Y/N?” Soldier one mumbled, his voice slurred his eyes almost completely glazed over. You’d seen that look before, mostly when you and the Master were sneaking into places you shouldn’t.
You nodded slowly, as the two almost bowed to you.
“You Master awaits.” Soldier two gestured for you to follow them. Next thing you know, your being led through the building by armed and loyal guard, every time a normal UNIT worker scurries by the guns your guards are holding are trained on them with laser focus, until the unfortunate worker has run away.
By the time your nearing the security office, your two soldier guard had multiplied to fifteen. You’d never felt more like a Princess in your life, all you were missing was a ball-gown and a crown. You had almost forgot how serious the situation still was until you came to the large security room doors, the electronic lock on the doors flashing a menacing red.
Soldier one left your side to knock heavily on the metal door.
“WHAT!” A frantic screech came from behind the door. You could barely recognise the Master’s voice, he’d never sounded so broken.
“Master? It’s me.” You forced your voice to sound strong. Holding your breath you heard a cavalcade of smashes and clamouring before the electronic light turned green.
The door had barely opened, before you were pulled into a lung crushing hug, the smothering embrace almost stopped you from registering the door being locked again from behind you.
You could feel jackhammering double heartbeats reverberating through your own chest, like the two of you were connected through panic and relief. You were finally back in the safety of the Masters arms, tears welled in your eyes as you squeezed him back as hard as you could.
“I’m so sorry,” You sniffled into his neck, absorbing his familiar scent. “So, sorry. I shouldn’t have gone, I shouldn’t have…”
“Shhh shh shhh,” The Master soothed, stroking your hair, “My sweet Y/N. My darling pet. None of this is your fault.” The mania in his voice was palpable, it sent a brief shiver down your spine. Pushing away from his grip a little, you looked up at his face.
Your heart stuttered, he looked a wreck. His hair was wild and dishevelled, his eyes puffy and red, his lip was chewed to ribbons and there was harsh scratch marks on his neck.
“Oh Master.” You cupped his distressed face in your hands, his tired eyes closed, sighing into your gentle touch. In the small moment of calm you took in the entire room.
Its state matched the Master’s perfectly, monitors had been ripped off the walls, sparking wires hung from the ceiling, papers carpeted the floor, the most horrific part was the long line of TCE’d people posed outside the doors of the TARDIS. A dark tableau of what was truly at stake at the moment.
“Let’s leave yeah,” You tried coaxing, “Just get in the TARDIS and go. Forget this ever happened.”
The Masters eyes snapped open and a curt laugh escaped his throat.
“Oh no, now the fun can start.” He cackled, spinning you around in a waltz like twirl.
“Master, please don’t.” You tried to reason with him. “You said we’d just leave, if they gave me to you.”
“Ah that’s the best part. They didn’t.” He giggled.
“Best part about a security room pet? The cameras.” He motioned to the small section of the monitors he hadn’t destroyed. It was a clear video feed of the room you had been held in, everyone still seemed to be arguing with each other. You had hoped they would have left after you did, but Kate had proved herself a stubborn woman.
“So they didn’t personally hand me over, it’s fine, I’m fine.”
“It’s NOT FINE!” He exploded. You tried not to flinch but he’d never blown up at you quite like that before. “They took you from me! They hurt you!” His hands floated above your wrists, before hovering above your temple seemingly too scared touch the marks UNIT had left on you.
“They have to pay.” His soft brown eyes dropped from yours. “So they will.” He abruptly turned away from you, before going to the intercom system.
“Attention worthless peons, you have your orders now obey!” You heard loud shuffling from the hypnotised masses on the other side of the door.
“Master what did you do?” You asked frantically.
“Nothing much, just a little hypnotism.” He shrugged nonchalantly, a giggle on his lips.
“Not what I meant Master, and you know that.”
He ignored you, going over to a computer and typing almost absentmindedly. You stormed over to him, pushing yourself in front of his busy hands.
“What did you make them do?” The Master opened his mouth to talk but you cut him off, “Other than collect, protect and deliver me to you.” He shut his mouth quickly, before contemplating his answer.
“They’re ordered to take down the building. By any means necessary.”
“Master you can’t.”
“I can! And I will!” He yelled again, pinning you to the computer desk behind you. “Do not forget that I am the Master and YOU are the pet. It’s my duty! They have to learn!” He screamed his frantic rambling thoughts. Tears welled in both of your eyes. It hurt to see the Master this upset, it made you want to bring the building down, but you knew in your heart you couldn’t.
“Please,” You whimpered, “We can’t let them win.” This time you hugged him.
“That’s why I have to do this, they deserve it. They all deserve it. They tried to take you away.”
“Because they’re idiots, even the Doctor said to let me go.”
“They did?” He asked incredulously.
“Yeah, well mostly Yaz, but they agreed I should be with you, because they believed me when I said you’d changed.”  
A million thoughts danced across the Masters eyes, none of which you were privy to. Instead you simply continued.
“Kate, UNIT, Ace. None of them believed we were simply here because I asked. They thought it was a plot. And if you destroy this building, you’ll prove them right. And you said you were never wrong.” You tried to play to his narcissistic side, the side that hated to lose.
“But they ruined everything.” He pouted, thousands of years of pain and fighting had taught him there were no peaceful resolutions for him.
“Only if we let them.”
The Master sighed in frustration, rubbing his hand exhaustedly over his eyes.
“Why can’t I say no to you?” He grumbled, as he once again activated the intercom.
“Because you love me?” You cheekily smiled, hoping to lighten his mood.
“Everything used to be so simple before you arrived,” He mumbled under his breath, “Listen now to your Master,” He proudly announced through the microphone, “Cease the assault immediately. Lay down your arms and surrender yourselves to your fellow UNIT members. And know this, it is only because I choose to let you live that you can continue to draw your pathetic human breaths. And I would suggest you leave my human alone from now on, lest there be more carnage. Understand? Good.”
He let the button go, and turned expectantly to you.
“I will be when we get out of here.” You smiled softly.  
“Fine.” He takes your hand gently in his leading you through the TARDIS doors, making sure to knock over the miniature bodies in his way like an angry child.
Even in the console room he refused to let go of your hand, skillfully he piloted the TARDIS one handed, and before you knew it the centre console started to move, and you finally left your nightmare behind.
However the Master’s posture told you, that this was far from over.
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riverstardis · 2 years
series 32 episode 37:
alicia :(
oh isn't that the actress who played young yaz's grandma in doctor who?
lmaooo bea and rash trying to use the coffee machine i miss them sjdjsfjfd
leigh-anne🙄 apparently they're taking kiegan off the oxygen today and ethan said he'd be there but the eds really busy because there's been a coach crash so he says he's sure she'll be fine without him and mr barling knows what he's doing but she insists
alicia volunteering to go out to the crash to get away from eddie :(
connie's mad that she went without permission and ethan says he and bea will help with the backlog but then immediately leaves bea when he gets a text from leigh-anne. what are you doing man😭😭
oh no leigh-anne runs over to ethan and hugs him when he gets to paeds and he's uncomfortable and mr barling's starting at them😭😭😭 then when jonathan's gone she says they shouldn't have to skulk around in the shadows and she wants to tell people now that kiegan's no longer a patient... which is an interesting thing to say when they're standing next to his hospital bed... ethan says they need to be careful and he just seems annoyed tbh i think forgiving alicia snapped him out of whatever he thought he felt for leigh-anne lmao
oop ethan goes to speak to mr barling, presumably to try and convince him there was nothing inappropriate going on but it's too late lmao mr barling has clearly already figured it out and warns him that there are boundaries they don't cross and ethan's like "yeah, i admit, she has come to rely on my support more than i would've liked" which i think is probably true tbh, though obviously missing out a HUGE chunk of the whole story, bc she has become weirdly distrustful of every other doctor and will only trust him, and yeah he got way too involved with helping her with kiegan to appease his guilt about scott, but he never tried to isolate her or anything so i do believe he didn't want her to end up like this. mr barling's just like "i've seen too many careers cut short because of a doctor who has confused the personal and the professional. i hope you aren't about to add to that number." so true make him see sense. go onnn ethan break up with her i know you want to!
wall collapses on the coach with alicia, iain, sam, and their patient still inside :/
leigh-anne's sitting in reception waiting for ethan??? girl go home what is wrong with you??? he is not happy to see her and tells her that barling knows and she says she doesn't care "tell them all" and he says it's not that simple and he's broken rules doing this and she says he's done nothing wrong and tries to take his hand and he pulls away and eventually manages to convince her to go home. mmmkay now how long til she's back again
lmaoo david tells ethan his patient from the crash's "girlfriend was trapped inside, and by all accounts so was dr munroe" and ethan turns his head SO FAST SJJSDJFSJ soo you see why he's lost patience for leigh-anne😭😭😭
aww he looks so worried🥺
oh look who it is! she managed to leave for one whole scene. kiegan's lips are blue or something and elle rushes him through meanwhile leigh-anne's trying to get her to get ethan
sjsjdf jacob answers the phone and ethan rushes over and jacob tells him that their lot are fine and they're on their way with the patient and ethan says to keep him posted because "the boyfriend's out of his mind with worry" mhmm yep he wasn't the only one though was he?
iain's worried about how cold alicia looks but she says she's fine :/
elle literally got mr barling down to look at kiegan and he says he's breathing fine it's just cold outside but leigh-anne isn't happy she's demanding a second opinion from ethan. i'm sure elle's wondering why she would trust an adult doctor over a paeds doctor with considerably more years of experience
sam finds blake using her punch bag in the ambulance station and says he might as well do it right and demonstrates and he's staring at her in awe. yeah you and me both buddy
aww alicia collapses in resus and they ofc assume she's hypothermic because she's soaking wet and ethan leaves bea to observe dylan doing the procedure and takes alicia to resus 2 to warm her up and she's saying she's so sorry and he's like don't be silly🥺
awww bea comes to check up on alicia🥺🥺🥺🥺 hey listen, alicia has two hands🏳‍🌈 bea says she got soaked out there so no wonder she's hypothermic but ethan says her temperature's actually fine so alicia attributes her collapse to the day taking it out of her :(
alicia comments on how good bea is after she's gone and ethan says she's a fast learner and alicia asks if they can swap mentees for a bit and then she's like "we are friends aren't we?" and he's like "yeah? yeah, i hope so" and she's definitely about to tell him what happened with eddie but elle interrupts them to tell ethan about leigh-anne urghhh ffs
"ethan, you have an admirer! leigh-anne carr is demanded your professional attention for her baby and she won't settle for anything less" "leigh-anne's baby kiegan was discharged?" "well he's back. she said he wasn't breathing but his test results show that he passed with flying colours"😭
ethan reassures leigh-anne that mr barling is a brilliant paediatrician and she goes "yeah. he thinks a lot of himself." huh????
yesss finally he breaks up with her! "i made a mistake, and i'm so sorry, but that's what i do. i just make things worse." oh :((((( ethan PLEASE go to therapy
alicia was waiting for ethan but she gets a call from eddie and he leaves a voicemail saying he's going to come and find her at the end of shift so she leaves early :(
then ethan's looking for her and bea says she's gone home and he says he's worried about her getting home safely because she was so shaken up earlier and eddie offers to go and check up on her and ethan's confused why he would and says it's okay he can do it and rash is smiling at eddie and bea is also confused and asks rash if he's withholding gossip from her😭😭
aw alicia :(
oh shit that made actually made me jump too wtf😭 she looks in the mirror and sees eddie behind her (he's not actually there)
ethan's brought her a bottle of wine and says he was worried about her and they never finished their conversation and then says that he lied earlier about them being friends. WHY WOULD YOU PHRASE IT THAT WAY😭😭😭 she's upset and he clarifies that he means he doesn't think they can be friends because he's still in love with her🥺 yeah wbk bestie but you have TERRIBLE timing AGAIN😭 if he'd told her that literally 24 hours earlier they would've got back together and then eddie never would've had the chance to get anywhere near her :(
her reaction clearly isn't what he hoped for so he apologises for dropping that on her like that and goes to leave but she grabs his arm and says she has to tell him something but she needs a glass of wine first. noooo alicia JUST TELL HIM WHILE YOUVE GOT THE CHANCE
he goes to the kitchen to get glasses and sees a note eddie left on the fridge and assumes that was what she wanted to tell him and he's like "i'm so stupid. he offered to come round, i practically elbowed him out of the way." "ethan this is not what you think" "that's why you wanted to work with bea?" "no! well, yes, but not because i..." "i'm gonna go" "no, please don't!" "i'm such an idiot. i shouldn't have come." she's crying and begging him to stay but she can't say what she means properly so he just says it's fine and he'll see her tomorrow and leaves :((((
alicia burning her bedding😢😢😢😢😢
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regenderate-fic · 2 years
Fire in Her Veins (Knew It Wasn't Rage)
Fandom: Doctor Who, Buffy the Vampire Slayer Ships: Ninth Doctor/Rose Tyler Characters: Rose Tyler, Ninth Doctor, Kennedy, Dawn Summers, Jimmy Stone Rating: General Series: Ready to Be Strong Word Count: 5,084 Other Tags: Post-Chosen, AU - Vampire Slayer, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Past Abuse
Read on AO3
Summary: It's May of 2003. Rose Tyler is seventeen years old. Jimmy Stone hits her and she hits back. Hard.
Two years later, she finds out what really happened.
(Slayer Rose AU.)
NOTES: this is deliberately compliant with my slayer yaz au but of course the slayer yaz fics and this fic can stand completely separately (i am of course working on the associated yazrose fic)
Rose is sixteen years old when Jimmy Stone sweeps her off her feet. He looks at her in a way that gives her butterflies— and it’s her he’s chosen, even though she’s only sixteen, even though she’s got acne and hasn’t figured out how to bleach her hair properly and is still sort of waiting for her body to fill out a bit. He makes her feel older, like she’s better, for being loved by him. She runs away with him, shares a little place and does his laundry and makes him dinner, all in exchange for feeling just a little bit better.
Of course, it doesn’t last.
One month in, she starts to notice that he’s spending all his money on alcohol— two months, and she’s not feeling older so much as stupid . Three months, and she’s convinced she can make him better. Four, and she’s starting to realize she can’t, but she’s given too much to stop trying now.
Five months, and he hits her.
Five months, and she hits back.
Rose runs back to London, back to the Powell Estate, backpack slung across her shoulder, the image of Jimmy’s bruised and bloodied face burned into her brain. He’s fine, she reminds herself, tells herself over and over as the bus bumps over potholes on the way back to London, jostling Rose’s head against the window. He didn’t even go to the hospital. He fell to the ground, and she stood over him, her breath heavy, until reality hit her and she fell next to him, desperate to make sure she hadn’t hurt him. And that was when he rolled over, sat up, and spat out blood, staring at her with sheer contempt as he told her it was over.
It’s good riddance, probably. But five months ago Rose was so sure she’d be with him forever— sure enough to run away with him, sure enough to get a flat and do his laundry and make him dinner. And then he hurt her, and then she hurt him.
She doesn’t want to be someone who hurts people. (She doesn’t want to be someone who gets hurt.)
And she doesn’t want to be someone who comes home, tail between her legs, with a stammered explanation of what happens. But she’s seventeen, and she doesn’t have a job, and she doesn’t have school, and she doesn’t have any other options.
Her mum’s jaw drops when she opens the door. She stares at Rose for one second, two, and then she pulls Rose into a hug. Rose almost squeezes back as hard as she can— but then Jimmy’s body on the ground fills her mind’s eye again, and she holds back.
She holds back a lot. She barely realizes she’s doing it— it’s just that when she turns off her alarm clock, what feels like a tap winds up acting like a slam, and when she pushes buttons on the microwave she has to be careful not to break it, and when she turns the doorknob she has to be careful not to wrench it out of the wood. She’s always being careful, it feels like. She’s so angry, these days: angry at Jimmy, angry at her mum, angry at her school and her friends and the entire world. Maybe it’s a manifestation of her anger, this sort of strength. She certainly never had it before, and she certainly was never this angry before.
She gets used to it. The anger becomes a simmer, and she stops worrying about tearing the door off its hinges. She’s figured it all out. She gets back with Mickey, and she gets a job in a shop (she’s given up on A-levels), and she settles into a routine. It’s boring, and she’s starting to despair that this might be all there is to life, but at least it’s something— at least it’s safe.
It’s not safe. The truth, it turns out, is much more exciting than that.
Rose can’t help but be thrilled.
It’s terrifying, to be sure: her job blows up, there’s plastic that can move around and think for itself, and she winds up chasing down a conspiracy theorist just to find more information about it all. But… underneath the Thames, with the strange alien Doctor trapped, with the threat of plastic taking over all of London, Rose finally feels like she knows what to do. There’s fire in her veins, pushing her forward, and when she leaps onto the rope, she feels alive in a way she hasn’t managed in years. She remembers her childhood gymnastics team— swinging on the rope, flying across the gym, grinning wide— and she remembers standing over Jimmy’s limp form, breathing heavily, for a brief moment satisfied at having given him what he deserved.
As she swings back and into the Doctor’s waiting arms, she can’t help but grin.
She sees so much. The far future— the distant past— for a moment, she’s worried she’s done it again: run away with a much older man, ruined any chance she had left of a half-decent life, destroyed all her stability. But she finds a new stability here, with the Doctor, as hard as it is to explain to her mum or to Mickey.
They’re on another planet, touring the inside of a volcano, when it happens. Rose has wandered away from the Doctor to look at an interesting rock formation. She’s about to wander back when the earth starts to shake, and she watches in what seems like slow motion as the walkway between her and the Doctor begins to crumble away, falling into the lava below. Rose is trapped— the chasm is wide, and the rock keeps crumbling away. The ledge Rose is standing on is starting to seem more and more precarious.
“Rose!” the Doctor yells, and she can see in his face how worried he is, how he doesn’t have a way out. She scans the gap between the ledge and the remaining walkway, between her and him, and she starts to smile.
“Doctor!” she calls back. “Stand back!”
“Rose, you can’t—“
Rose isn’t listening. She steps as far back as she can— there’s not much room, but it’ll do. It’s two steps, and then she’s in the air, launched across the lava. This should be terrifying. If she misjudged— if she isn’t strong enough, or if she lands wrong, or if she stumbles— she’ll be dead. Really properly dead, forever dead, and she’s faced down plenty of moments like this in her travels, but that doesn’t mean they don’t still give her nightmares.
But… she’s not afraid. In fact, she’s exhilarated . She’s grinning as she soars through the air, laughing as she lands, bouncing on bent knees. The Doctor rushes to meet her, and she falls into his arms, and they’re both laughing now, even as they start to run.
They barely make it out of the volcano. Rose falls on the floor of the TARDIS, still laughing as she rolls onto her back. The Doctor’s next to her, his hand still in hers as they come down from the adventure.
Finally, they’ve both stopped laughing, and the Doctor turns onto his side.
“You shouldn’t have been able to do that.”
Rose faces him with a frown. “What do you mean?”
“That gap was way larger than any human can cross,” the Doctor says. “You should be dead.”
A couple months ago, maybe, the Doctor’s blunt statement might have bothered her, but now she’s seen him face down the last remnants of the Time War with fire in his eyes, and she knows his bluntness is just a smokescreen. Sometimes, if Rose is delicate, she can slip past the smokescreen and see how he really feels, when he’s let his defenses down. But now isn’t the time for that. “Suppose all this running must be good for the legs, yeah?”
The Doctor shakes his head. In another second, he’s on his feet, tugging Rose up with him, and they’re walking through the TARDIS corridors. “I need to make sure there’s nothing wrong. Nothing in your blood or anything. Have you done that before?”
“What, jumped across a sea of lava?” Rose scoffed. “Not like there’s much of that to go around in 21st century London.”
“No. I’m talking about displays of strength.” A door slides open, and the Doctor ushers Rose through. It’s the infirmary. She rolls her eyes.
“Doctor, I’m fine. Feel just the same as always, promise.” But she hops up to sit on the edge of the hospital bed anyway, kicking her legs as she watches him pace.
“That’s what I’m worried about.” He’s already opening cupboards, pulling out boxes, sorting through them. “You don’t remember when it started?”
“When what started?”
The Doctor gestures at her. “The strength.”
“Oh.” Rose frowns. “I don’t know. Didn’t know anything was different.”
The Doctor hovers for a moment, and then he opens another cupboard and pulls out a wooden board.
“You just had that in there?” Rose asks, staring.
“TARDIS might’ve helped.” He turns to her. “Hit this. Hard as you can.”
Rose eyes the board. It’s not too thick, but it’s rigid— she’s half-expecting to break her hand.
“I won’t let it hurt you,” the Doctor promises. Rose turns her skeptical gaze on him, but after another moment, she nods.
“No holding back?”
Rose winds up the blow. It’s instinct: she draws her elbow to her side and makes a fist, her eyes focused on the board, and then her wrist is twisting as her fist shoots forward. She has half a second to process what she’s doing, and then her fist hits the board with a thwack, and the board cracks in half. Her arm reaches its full extension, and she holds it there for a second, staring at the two pieces of wood in the Doctor’s hand.
“How often do you hit like that, Rose?” the Doctor asks.
Rose’s hand falls. “I don’t,” she says, staring down at her denim-covered knees. For a second, she sees Jimmy Stone again, limp on the kitchen floor. “Or— I did. Once. Only once. Wasn’t expecting it to be— like that.”
“And when was that?” The Doctor’s voice is soft now, kind. Rose always feels like she’s about to melt, when he talks to her like this.
“Few years ago,” she says. “Just turned seventeen. Was still with Jimmy.” She’s told the Doctor a little bit about Jimmy, just the bare bones— he knows that she ran away with him, knows they lived together, knows it was a mistake. He doesn’t know exactly what happened, or why it fell apart, or how Jimmy made Rose feel.
Although— from the way his expression becomes stony and hard, maybe he can guess.
“Jimmy,” he repeats. “What year was that?”
“I don’t know,” Rose says. She counts back in her head. Would’ve been two years before she met the Doctor— “2003?”
“What month?”
Rose remembers that. She remembers the smell of springtime around her as she trudged to the bus stop, remembers the buds on the trees as they went by. It was barely a month after her birthday, too— her worst birthday to date, really. Jimmy forgot it, and Rose spent the whole day thinking maybe he would surprise her, only for him to come home late at night, drunk, without the slightest inkling of what had happened. She reminded him the next day and was answered with nothing more than a grunt. And she remembers coming back to the Powell Estate and realizing her friends were just about to get out of school for the summer, and realizing she wasn’t because she hadn’t been in school, because she’d run away with Jimmy Stone instead. She still feels the aching emptiness in her stomach.
“May,” she says. “It was May.”
The Doctor nods once. “May 20th, by any chance?”
“I don’t know. Might’ve been.” Rose shrugs. “Why? Something happen on May 20th?”
“Rose,” the Doctor says, “I think you’re a vampire slayer.”
The words hang in the air for a moment as Rose processes them— but then what she processes is so ridiculous that she scoffs, shaking her head. “A what?”
“Vampire slayer.” The Doctor looks her up and down. “You don’t believe me.”
“’Course I don’t believe you,” Rose laughs. “What in the universe is a vampire slayer ?”
“Er—“ The Doctor looks puzzled at that. “Isn’t it obvious?”
“Doctor, vampires aren’t real.” Rose’s eyes widen. “Are you telling me vampires are real?”
“Suppose I am.” The Doctor takes a deep breath. “Look, Rose, I need you to suspend your disbelief for me, all right? Just long enough for me to explain. Can you do that?”
Rose rolls her eyes. “Yeah, I think I can suspend my disbelief long enough for my alien mate who takes me for adventures in his half-sentient time machine to explain vampires to me.”
“Excellent.” The Doctor straightens up, adjusting his stance as he prepares to explain. “The thing is, you on Earth coexist with all manner of creatures. Not aliens, either. Vampires. Demons. Leprechauns.”
“No way.” Rose shakes her head. “Leprechauns?”
“No. That was a joke.” The Doctor raises his eyebrows. “But I’m not kidding about the vampires and the demons.”
“Right,” Rose says. “Suspending disbelief. Go on. Suppose these vampires go around drinking blood and all that?”
“Exactly. Drinking blood, turning humans into vampires, all that.” The Doctor waves a hand. “Normally, it’s not really my area. Especially in your time. But— well, that’s what I’ve got to explain.”
“Right,” Rose says. “The slayer thing.”
“Exactly.” The Doctor pauses. “Basically, thousands of years ago, some humans decided that they needed to do something about the whole vampire and demon situation. And their brilliant solution was to give magical superpowers to a single teenage girl so she could fight them off. That’s the Slayer.” He looks right at Rose. “’Course, she’s never been the only one fighting off vampires and demons. But she’s been a pretty major player. And the way it’s worked is, if one Slayer dies, another one gets the powers right away.”
“So… is that what happened to me?” Rose asks. “The last girl died, and I got the powers?”
The Doctor shakes his head. “May 20th, 2003. There’s someone intent on getting rid of the Slayer entirely. There are two active Slayers, but thousands, maybe millions, of potential Slayers. Girls who could get the power, but probably never will. The two active Slayers team up with a powerful witch—“
“A powerful what? Doctor, how come you never told me there was real magic?”
He raises his eyebrows at her. “Not my area. Anyway, any highly advanced science is going to look like magic to an outside observer, isn’t it? What’s the difference between real magic and my TARDIS?”
Rose considers for a moment. “Fair point,” she concedes. “Right. Two active Slayers— won’t ask how that happened— powerful witch. What happens next?”
The Doctor grins. “Ah, that’s the best part.” He gestures widely with his hands. “The witch takes the Slayer power and unleashes it. Gives it to every single potential Slayer in the world. It’s a brilliant move. But it awakens girls all over the place. Girls who never would’ve known they had the potential if they hadn’t suddenly developed super strength. Twenty years on, they’re still finding them.”
“And that’s what you think happened to me?” Rose draws her knees to her chest. It would make sense— a little too much sense. She remembers thinking she would break everything she touched, feeling that pent-up power. She’d thought it was rage.
The Doctor nods. He sits down next to her on the bed, taking both her hands in his. “I can take you to the Slayers,” he says. “Have them explain. You can join them, if you like.”
“What does that mean?” Rose asks.
“You’d have to ask. I’m given to understand it involves a certain amount of monster hunting.”
“But… on Earth.”
“You wouldn’t have to,” the Doctor rushes to say. “It’s volunteer, as far as I know. And you’re always welcome in the TARDIS.”
“All right, then,” Rose decides. “Let’s talk to the Slayers.”
The next day, the TARDIS lands in Cleveland, Ohio, just outside what appears to be a large-but-ordinary suburban home.
“Sure they’re not going to tow this away?” Rose asks, looking at the rows of nearly-identical lawns.
“Perception filter.”
“Oh, right.” Rose’s eyes turn back to the house they’re parked in front of. “So, this is it?”
“Think so,” the Doctor says, already stepping forward. “Unless I’ve misremembered. In which case we may have to pretend to be selling cookies.”
Rose rolls her eyes, even as she follows him. “Oh, that’ll go over well.”
“Good thing my memory is foolproof, then.” And he knocks on the door.
They’re greeted by a girl who has to be somewhere around fifteen— she’s in sweats, her hair pulled back, and she looks confused for half a second before she sees Rose and understanding sets in.
“Hang on just a second,” she says. Rose exchanges a look with the Doctor as the girl turns around and yells, “Kennedy! New recruit!”
There’s the sound of footsteps, and then a girl who looks about Rose’s age pops up in the doorway. “Oh, yeah?” She looks Rose up and down. Something about it reminds Rose distinctly of the way girls in her secondary school would use a single lingering look to decide who was worth hanging out with— but there’s not nearly as much judgment in Kennedy’s eyes. “You’d better come inside.”
Rose follows Kennedy through the house, the Doctor close behind. They pass a few open doors— to a kitchen, a living room, a study— and when Rose glances through each, she sees girls cooking, lounging on the sofas, staring at the pages of formidable tomes. The room Kennedy leads them to, though, is empty, with a few chairs around a rectangular table, resembling a corporate sort of conference room more than anything.
“All right,” Kennedy says, sitting down. “I’m assuming if you’re here, you know what we are.”
“Sort of,” Rose says. She glances at the Doctor. “I mean— you are the Slayers, yeah?”
“Yes.” Kennedy smiles. “Welcome to the Cleveland chapter of Slayers International.” She hesitates. “Or something along those lines. The name’s not official. Yet.” She leans forward. “C’mon, sit down. Tell me your name.”
Rose sits, and the Doctor takes the chair next to her, pulling it just a little closer.
“Rose Tyler,” Rose says.
“And how’d you wind up in Cleveland, Rose Tyler?”
Rose hesitates. “Suppose I heard this was where to come,” she hedges. The real answer, of course, is that the Doctor told her the Cleveland location was established first, and therefore the most likely to actually have resources she could use right away; the Slayers would have other locations, he said, but two years after their inception, things are still a bit up in the air.
“Well, you’re right about that.” Kennedy leans back in her chair, her eyes still on Rose. “So, what’s brought you here? Getting attacked by monsters on the street? Caught up in some strange magical dealings?”
“None of that,” Rose says. “I just… found out I’ve got more strength than I’m supposed to.”
“Wow, that’s a first,” Kennedy says. “Most of the time girls find us after some major trauma. Y’know, demons after them or something.”
Rose chews on her lower lip. “Er— I was sort of the one who attacked. The first time.”
Kennedy raises her eyebrows. “Oh, yeah?”
“Got hit,” Rose explains. “Hit him back. Harder than I meant to. But he was human. Regular strength. Barely left a bruise. And I hit him, and he— he crumbled.” She’s keeping the tears out of her voice, but they’re threatening to encroach anyway. She never lets herself think about this. There’s a reason she never lets herself think about this. She’s learned to control her strength, after all: it won’t happen again. There’s no good in lingering.
“Right,” Kennedy says slowly. “When was this?”
Rose tries to remember when they are. “Two years ago?”
“And you didn’t realize it was out of the ordinary until now?”
“Thought it was adrenaline,” Rose explains. “People can do all sorts of things, when there’s feelings involved.”
“But you still had the strength,” Kennedy points out.
Rose shrugs. “Didn’t notice it was different,” she says. “Sort of thought I was just angry at everything.”
Kennedy nods. “Interesting. Well, we’ll have to give you a test, just to make sure you really are a Slayer. And then we can give you the full briefing. History, present goals, training, all that.”
“Do I have to—“ Rose hesitates. “I mean, if I’m a Slayer. What happens then?”
“That’s up to you,” Kennedy says. “We get lots of girls coming through here. Lots of them want to help us. But lots of them have their own lives. Some girls come by after school to train. We’ve had a couple graduate high school and decide they want to make Slaying their career. But you can choose how involved you’re willing to be.” She narrows her eyes. “You’re British?”
Rose nods.
“Buffy and the rest are setting up a chapter in London,” Kennedy says. “You could work with them. Give as much or as little of your time as you like. We can pay, too. For some of us, it’s a calling or a destiny or something, but for lots of us, it’s just a job. Dangerous job, but still.”
“And if I worked with you,” Rose says. “What would that be like?”
Kennedy shrugs. “It’s all a bit up in the air right now. You learn how to fight, for one thing. Go out on patrols to kill vampires. Those are scheduled. Sometimes we get a big apocalypse thing, which can be inconvenient if you’re trying to keep a schedule, but from what Buffy says it’s a lot easier now we’ve got so many people to help.” She hesitates. “You’d work with Buffy and Faith, probably. If they stay over there. They’re good teachers. They work together well, now they’re not fighting all the time.”
“But I don’t have to,” Rose says.
Rose takes a deep breath. “All right. What’s this test you have to do?”
“It’s a magical thing,” Kennedy says. “Honestly, I don’t fully understand it. But it doesn’t hurt or anything.”
“Sounds promising,” Rose mutters. Next to her, the Doctor chuckles. Rose shoots him a glare. “So, what do you have to do?”
Kennedy stands up. “All I have to do is get the kid who actually knows how to do it.” She steps around the table and sticks her head out the door to yell, “Dawn? Are you up?”
“Just a second!” a voice calls back.
Kennedy turns back to Rose. “She’ll be here soon. Don’t worry, it’s a simple process.”
Rose nods. She fidgets in her chair for a moment before the Doctor reaches over and takes her hand; she gives him a reassuring smile, and he nods back. He seems tense— but of course, this is a strange process for both of them.
A few minutes later, a teenage girl comes in. She’s wearing a turtleneck, with long brown hair falling in sheets around her face. “What’s up?”
Kennedy nods to Rose. “New Slayer.”
“Oh, you need me to run the spell?”
The girl— Dawn? —turns to Rose. “Okay. Just give me a moment to get the crystal.” She leaves again, and Rose hears footsteps on the stairs. A minute later, Dawn is back, holding a translucent pink crystal in one hand. She offers it to Rose, and Rose takes it, apprehensive.
“What is it?” she asks.
“It’s just to help us reveal the energy,” Dawn explains. “Don’t worry, it doesn’t hurt. Basically, every Slayer has the same spell running through them, and so we can amplify the spell to see if you’re really a Slayer. Most of the time, it’s really obvious already, but we have to check just in case. A couple times, we’ve had girls with super strength, but it turned out they were on this magical drug— anyway.” She kneels next to Rose. “Can I take your hands?”
Rose nods. Dawn reaches out: her touch is professional, bordering on clinical. It’s not quite what Rose expected from the teenager she sees in front of her, but she’s beginning to realize that this is a place where young girls grow up fast.
She can get that.
There’s a warmth in the crystal, and then a heat: Rose almost drops it. It’s glowing, a yellow gleam shining through the translucent rock, and Rose stares.
“That’s— that’s me?” she whispers.
“It’s your power,” Dawn says. She lets go of Rose’s hands, and the heat disappears with a snap. Rose does drop the crystal then, letting it tumble to the floor, and Dawn snatches it up before standing. “Definitely a Slayer.” She glances at Kennedy. “You need anything else?”
“Not right now,” Kennedy says. “Might come bother you later about that Greek text you were translating.”
“Oh, right.” Dawn grimaces. “Turns out it’s majorly confusing. Especially if you don’t really know Greek.” She shrugs. “I’m working on it. Hopefully by next week I’ll know more Greek.”
“Hey, you know way more than me,” Kennedy replies.
Dawn gives her a tight smile. “See you later.” She leaves, and Kennedy turns back to Rose.
“Okay,” she says. “I’d better give you the full briefing.”
Half an hour later, Rose feels like she understands maybe a tenth of what goes on in this house. She’s gotten a quick rundown of the Slayers’ recent history, with maybe a little extra detail on the parts Kennedy was apparently there for, and an explanation of their current organizational structure, and how the Slayers are currently spreading into as many countries as they can manage.
“Of course, all the old resources are in Britain,” Kennedy says. “That’s why Buffy’s there now. But eventually, we’re hoping to be all over the globe.” She leans forward, resting her arms on the table in front of her. “And if you want to join, we’d love to have you. But there’s no pressure.”
Rose shakes her head. “Sorry,” she says. “It’s just—“ She glances at the Doctor. “I travel a lot. I’m not really in the same place long enough to join any organizations.”
Kennedy leans back again. “Of course. No worries.”
“Thanks.” Rose chews her bottom lip. “Is there— I mean, is there anything I need to know? About the whole Slayer thing?”
“You might find monsters come after you,” Kennedy says. “They can sense it or something.” She pulls open a drawer behind her and takes out a business card. “Take this. It’s got our number. We’ve got it set up so you can call from anywhere in the world and be matched to our closest representative.” She offers it to Rose, and Rose tilts it in her hand. Slayers , it says, with just a phone number printed underneath.
“Impressive,” the Doctor says.
Kennedy and Rose both stare: it’s the first thing he’s said this whole visit. It’s really for Rose, after all: the Doctor is just moral support.
“What?” he asks, staring back. “That sort of network— it’s amazing. I didn’t know humans—“
“He didn’t know it was possible,” Rose interrupts. 
“Right. That.”
“It’s Willow’s doing,” Kennedy says. “Our witch. The network’s magical. Don’t ask me how it works, ‘cause I couldn’t tell you.” She pauses. “Actually, Dawn might know.”
“Well, maybe I’ll just give you a call and ask,” Rose jokes.
“You do that.” Kennedy seems serious. “It’s not just for emergencies. Anything you need, you call us. Got it?”
Rose nods. “Anything else?”
“Take some stakes before you go,” Kennedy says. “Just in case you need them.” Rose must look confused, because she adds, “Best thing for killing vampires.”
Rose glances at the Doctor. “Don’t know how likely I am to be meeting vampires where we’re going.”
“You never know,” Kennedy says. “It’s good to be prepared.”
“And you’re welcome to stay as long as you like,” Kennedy adds. “Get to know some of the other girls.”
“That’s all right,” Rose says. “I mean— nothing against the girls. I’m sure they’re great. I just—“ She waves a hand. “Just want to get back to my life.”
“You sure?” the Doctor asks quietly. “Could be good.”
“No, that’s okay.” Rose lets out a breath. “It’s just— this is all kind of a lot.”
“Back to the TARDIS?” the Doctor asks.
Rose nods. “Thank you,” she says to Kennedy. “For explaining.”
“Of course.” Kennedy stands. “Thanks for coming by.” She nods at the card, still in Rose’s hand. “Remember to call if you need anything.”
“’Course.” Rose gets to her feet, shoving the card into her pocket so she can take the Doctor’s hand. “I’ll see you.” She shakes Kennedy’s hand, and then she and the Doctor are stepping out the door and back into the TARDIS, stake in hand.
Rose sits in the jump seat, brand new wooden stake in her lap, turning Kennedy’s card over in her hand. She’s already programmed the number in her phone— but she can’t quite let go of the card, tangible evidence of the Slayers’ existence. The Doctor’s at the console, launching them into the vortex, but then he hesitates, looking over his shoulder at Rose.
“You all right?”
Rose nods, still staring at the card. “Yeah.”
The Doctor sits down next to her, slinging an arm around her shoulders, and Rose burrows into his chest. It’s a relief, to have him here with her, to feel his chest warm against her cheek, even though layers of leather and wool.
“It’s just new information,” the Doctor says, his voice low. “Nothing’s changed.”
“Guess not.” Rose takes a deep breath. “Feels like it has.” She hesitates. “Doctor, should I have stayed with them?”
“’Course not,” the Doctor says. “What would I have done then?”
Rose manages a laugh. “But, I mean— what if I’m supposed to be helping them?”
“Nah.” The Doctor pulls her closer against him. “You heard that girl. They’ve got more than enough people. Besides, there’s a whole universe out there for you to help, if that’s what you want. All right?”
Rose considered for another moment. “Yeah,” she said, almost a whisper. “All right.”
Somehow, it was.
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slurrmp · 2 years
stargazing ✰ 13th doctor x reader
a/n: uwu what's this? i live?
holy shit - i'm so sorry for leaving you all for like eight months. just i hit writer's block and the lack of doctor who made it hard for me to get any sort of writing done. anyway, the easter special awoke my urge to write and this came out of it. definitely not really up to parr - but i hope y'all enjoy it. just some soft fluffy moments.
slight spoilers for the special. But not heavy.
posted on my ao3 | wattpad.
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“Don’t say a word.”
“I wasn’t going to say anything!”
There’s a smirk that slowly forms at the corner of your lips. Your eyes remained closed and your hands were clasped together, resting on your stomach. The breeze was cool against your face, a nice change from the whole running in the middle of the desert thing all four of you did earlier that day. The sound of waves crashing against the rocks was almost enough to lull you into a deep sleep. Your body was sore and the bandage around your rib cage was uncomfortable, but that was the price you paid when you did stupid things. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Yaz and Dan had decided to go into the village to find something for the humans of the group to eat - you had a strong craving for seafood, considering where you were staying for the night, but you had no idea what type of food you could even get on this planet. There had been a couple of places that you just could not stomach the food that had been offered to you - worms and something that looked like snails had been the last place you visited, you couldn't keep them in your stomach - throwing them back up, which meant that you didn't eat at all until you were back on the TARDIS, which had been a full twelve hours. You knew that you should probably eat something today if you didn't want the Doctor on your ass again. You had almost fainted from the lack of food on the last trip, and you had been injured this time around - running back to your little air bnb like place didn't help your injuries whatsoever. Having been forced into the bathroom, the Doctor had applied the fast healing cream onto your rib cage and also forced you on bed rest for the rest of the evening, that didn't stop you, however, from utilizing the cute little balcony thing up on the roof.
It was about twenty minutes later that the Doctor had come to join you. Nudging you slightly, so that both of you could fit on the one lounge chair together.
“I was just going to point out the constellations for you.” She continued. A sigh escaped you, as your eyes cracked open. You stared up into the spotted blackness of the sky. The planet had TWO moons, making the evening appear to be brighter than home. The multitude of stars made your head spin - it was almost like there were more stars on this side of the galaxy than at home. “But if you would rather sit here in silence, that's okay as well.”
Turning your head to look at the Time Lord - whose shoulder rested against your own - you couldn’t help the laugh that left you. “Of course you can point out the constellations for me.” You had almost been worried that the Doctor would chew you out again for your reckless behaviour today. But hearing that she only wanted to tell you about the stars, made your entire body feel light for once. The Doctor turned her head towards you - your breath sudden caught at the back of your throat. She was higher up on the recliner than you, causing her nose to brush against your forehead slightly. There had been this ... THING lingering between both of you for a while now. Ever since New Year's and the ever occurring time loop, Dan had figured it out - even Yaz and you didn’t know whether that was a good thing or not. They kept trying to nudge you in the right direction but - after dealing with the Sea Devils and the pirates, after hearing the fact that the Doctor couldn't fix herself to anyone - you backed off.
It was hard to do. Very hard to do. It almost felt like you had shut off a part of yourself, but you didn't want to make the centuries-old alien uncomfortable.
“Are you sure?” She questioned you. Tilting your head up ever so slightly, you rolled your eyes at her. She nudged your arm. “Oi, I just want to make sure - don’t want you going to Yaz and complaining about me.” A fake gasp escaped your lips as you sat up. Your right leg fell off the chair, and you twisted around to look back at the blonde.
“I do not go to Yaz to bitch thank you very much.” The Doctor laughed - causing your smile to grow wider. Slender fingers wrapped around your wrist, pulling you back down on the recliner - but the angel was wrong, causing you to stretch your ribs too far. Your face scrunched up. Why was it whenever you got into a fight, your body would meet a solid object almost every time. Your ribs hurt like a bitch, but the cream that the Doctor had put over your rib cage was slowly starting to take effect. “Besides, it’s really Dan that I go and complain to.” The Doctor snorted as you laid your head against her chest - the sound of twin heartbeats luring you in closer. Your arm slung across her stomach.
“You three...” Her voice was soft, as her fingers started to brush through your hair. “Humans, never cease to amaze me.” A huff left you. “You are so very fragile but you never back down from a fight.” Your nose scrunched once again - of course, she had to make mention of your failed fight. “And when you get hurt and knocked down, you get back up. You’ve spread across the entire galaxy and you continue to live your lives.” You tilted your head back slightly, looking up at the Time Lord. “You have such a short life span, but you do so much within the confinements of those years.”
“To you, we must seem so young.” You replied. Hazel eyes caught yours then. It was quiet for a couple of seconds, before the Doctor leaned forward and pressed a kiss to your forehead. Swallowing, you buried your head into her side. She was bad for your health. Very bad. The things that you would do for this alien were almost sinful. Your mother would never have approved of this relationship - which was why you never told your parents about the things you had been doing for the last three years.
“So very young, which is why I have to keep saving you a lot.” Fingers resumed their petting of your head. “But I never get tired of it.” You could feel the Doctor’s gaze staring down at the side of your face before she tightened her arms around you, pulling you closer to her. Pulling your head out from her side, you let your gaze focus on the night sky.
It was quiet for a couple of minutes - the only noise that could be heard by both of you was the waves. Then suddenly there was a flash in the sky (accompanied by a low rumble). Your arm shot out above you, pointing to the streak of light. “What’s that? A shooting star?” You questioned, you could feel the Doctor move underneath you - her arm coming to join yours. Her index finger pointed at it and you could almost picture her tongue sticking out the side of her mouth and one eye closed. Hand traveled the direction that the “star” had come from, only for it to land on the horizon.  
“The nine-fifteen shuttle to Orion.” The Doctor answered. The prideful tone in her voice made you sit up once again and look down at her.
“The shuttle?” You questioned.
"Leaves every couple of days." A huff left you and your smile was back. "Now, come on - lie back down and I'll tell you all about these clusters of stars." And so you did, finding your position again, snuggled into the Doctor's side. Head rested against her chest, as you watched her finger dance between the shiny dots. You were going to miss this.
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fandomgirl800 · 2 years
Hello! Can i ask for a Masterxreader(any master from new who is fine) where they try to corrupt the reader(in like a romantic way) who is the doctor's companion. I'm sorry if this sounds strange,feel free to ignore it. I love your stories anyways
The Master x Reader
Warnings: Grammatical Errors
Words: 4196
Summary: Doctor and (Y/n) arrived at strange hotel, with dissapearing rooms and aliens. They can't escape unless they solve the mystery.
(A/n): Hello! Thank you, I really appreciate it. This story can be read as any new who Master, but I had particularly Simm!master in my mind when I wrote this, and I chose 13th Doctor. I hope you will like it.
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"Soooo sorry, could you repeat that again?" (Y/n) frowned at the alien whose face strangely resembled the lion.
Lionlike alien let out a roar as you nodded and wrote something in your notes, "Mhm, mhm, sure..."
Then you turned to the Doctor and lifted up your eyebrow, quietly mouthing, "What did he said?"
"He said that the number of rooms was 35 at that day, but today it's just 33, he also said that you have a pretty face," Doctor silently mouthed back.
The lionlike alien was not amused and stared at you both.
"So that means that there are not just folks missing, there are dissapearing with whole rooms! And... What?!"
"Focus on the part where we question the suspects."
You nodded towards the Doctor's direction. You two had to figure out what was up in this strange hotel filled with aliens.
Doctor traveled only with you now, since... Well she didn't explained. You wondered where were her other companions. She mentioned that Yaz and Dan were busy with some human stuff. Maybe Yaz had a birthday? Possible, Doctor mentioned sending her cake.
"But that depends... Every day one room dissapeared..." she was thinking, turning around, looking at various guests.
"Who's the boss?" you quietly asked, "The ummm- Manager?"
Aliens around shrugged, some scratched their head and two Slitheens were just staring at eachother blankly.
You sighed turning to the Doctor, "Listen if we figure this out, we will be next Sherlock Holmes."
"If we survive..." Doctor nodded.
There was no extreme danger, just dissapearing rooms. All you had to do was not stay in the room, and so did the aliens.
That's why they all were now sitting in the hotel restaurant.
"Why can't we just get them out? Close this hotel?" you wondered laying on the something that looked like very expensive sofa.
"Because (Y/n), that's not how we do things here. Besides that we can't get out even with my TARDIS, she's gone."
"I wonder how many rooms, things and aliens dissapeared too," you spoke, sitting up, "This hotel is big. It's possible there were hundreds of rooms!"
"Something keeps pulling ships towards this hotel, and I'm going to find out," Doctor spoke bravely and laid down on your lap, lifting her legs up on the end of the seat. She was deep in thoughts, but you would like to go for a drink.
"Doctor? Could you... Move?" you asked.
"Sure, sorry," she woke up from her thoughts and sat up again with a deep sigh. She was exhausted, very exhausted.
And you were very thirsty.
Thankfuly near was a bar. You walked around the slitheens that were still staring at eachother - it was getting creepy, but Doctor explained that they were only in vegetative state for while. Near them was sitting Squiggle which was a cube of slime looking alien that was kinda cute, but had very grumpy expression. You noticed few sontarans that had to be tied up on chairs for causing a ruckus.
Behind the bar was the lion, drinking something from a glass, "They don't have cups, would you believe that? The manager would really deserve to dissapear with the whole hotel, don't you think?"
Your eyes widened, "You talk?"
"Of course I talk, but talking like this... It seems demeaning..." he spoke.
"Oh," you sat behind the bar. Lion politely poured you something in your glass and gave it to you, "Demeaning, sure..." you muttered quietly.
"Ah yes, it's usual for your kind to be rude," Lion sighed and sipped strange liquid from the glass.
"You were the one who started..." you spoke.
"Meh," he shrugged, took his cane and walked away.
You dared to take a sip from your glass as well, it had strange taste, nothing like drinks from earth.
Turning back to the Doctor, you found out that she wasn't on the sofa anymore. Not surprising.
'You shouldn't wander off,' she says, but yet she does the same.
Uncomfortable feeling hit you right after, because you realized she left you with these aliens that weren't keen to peace keeping in the universe.
The slitheens were now both staring at you and Sontarans were... They weren't there.
Maybe that's why Doctor ran off, to capture them before they would dissapear too.
It was clear that they headed towards the room 33. The next one in order to dissapear.
This hotel was as unpredictable as the flow of the universe - Doctor said.
Only alien that you could talk with right now was the lion, unfriendly, mean and such.
He kept anxiously squeezing the cane, looking on ground. He was in thoughts, like the Doctor, like you were right now. Compared to him, when you looked on slitheens, you couldn't see a piece of mind in their eyes.
Squiggle was now sliding on the red carpet, leaving trails of slime behind him.
This hotel was missing staff, that was the first thing you noticed when you arrived.
Missing staff, mysterious manager that was nowhere to be found, dissapearing hosts.
You stood up and walked upwards the stairs, to the room 33.
Creaking of the stairs, made you look behind on the aliens, who were still minding their own bussines.
The hallways were all the same, some of them missing doors at places where they should be. The numbers weren't going as they were supposed to also. Next to number 7 there was number 24, next one was number 5.
It didn't made any sense. Why was the hotel build this way?
It was like a trap for many.
"Looking for something?" lion was standing behind you, leaning against the wall.
"The Doctor, the manager, the staff, missing aliens..." you spoke, "And you?"
"I lost part of my cane somewhere here," he said and opened the doors 5, peeking in the room, "Interesting, they are unlocked."
"When did you arrived to this hotel?"
"Long time ago..." lion spoke, reminiscing.
"What about your room?"
"Room 33..." he spoke, "I noticed you came with your companion..."
You didn't listened to what he was about to say, your mind was focusing on the room 33.
"-s your room?"
"What? Sorry?"
"What number was your room?" he asked
"Number 1, the last one..." you gulped. The last one in the order of rooms which were about to dissapear.
"I wonder where did those rooms went?" lion looked behind him.
"I wonder where my friend went..."
"I shall go look for the missing part of my cane," he spoke and walked off.
"Wait you can't go alone! It's dangerous," you chased him. He was quick and didn't listened you, heading through the maze of hallways to his room.
"Is the part seriously that important to you! Do you want to throw your life away because of it?" you screamed, catching up to his speed of walk.
"Who said something about throwing my life away?" lion asked, standing near the room 33.
You had thoughts, maybe you should let him unlock the room. Maybe the Doctor was there.
Lion grabbed the handle and opened the doors. They creaked, but his room was still there, nothing strange in it, nothing weird, just a clean room, with some stuff on table.
The lion walked to the table and picked a strange glowing part of the cane.
"I thought you were here..." you muttered for yourself quietly, looking around the room. Doctor was no where to be found.
Then you glanced at the lion who was fixing his cane.
"Why is so important that cane of yours?" you asked, leaning on the close wardrobe.
"Tell me, why do humans use canes?" he answered with another question.
"So they could walk..."
"Here you have the answer."
"But you're not human," you thought.
Lion turned to you with the cane that was now glowing fully.
Doctor would give you better answer, even when it would be too complicated, she would probably warn you about it too.
"Never seen your species before," you spoke. Sure, you saw many lions before, but not the ones that could talk or had canes.
"Unfortunately I have seen yours..." lion muttered.
You rolled your eyes, looking around the room. It should be dangerous... The room should be doing something. But how could a room dissapear.
Maybe because you were in it, it was safe.
It couldn't dissapear with you, because you had room number one. You didn't belonged here, you had still some time before dissapearing with your own room.
That was when the globe top on the cane opened and produced a glowing marble.
"What's that?"
"That my dear, is the room 34..." lion laughed and caught his head, pulling the mask down.
He let out a deep sigh.
"Who are you?" you stepped back, but the doors were suddenly locked.
"The manager of the hotel, but you may call me the Master," he smiled, mischievous was playing in his eyes.
"Why are you doing this?" you frowned, "Why did you let all of them dissapear?"
"I wasn't targeting them, I was waiting for the Doctor," he said, like it was clear what his intentions were, "I had only hundreds attempts, Sontarans, Slitheens, even Zygons stopped by and decided to check in... Such a dissapointment. But then the TARDIS appeared together with Doctor and you. I had a hope, since the last room was still empty, but then you decided to sign the papers to check in and YOUR life was sealed..."
You only chuckled.
"What's so funny to you! Do you have any idea how long this took?!" Master yelled, shaking out of his pocket many glowing marbles that carelessly fell down.
"You were so close," you laughed, "How unlucky you can be?"
Master pointed the cane on your throat, lifting your chin up with it, "But now I have you..."
Aproximately five minutes later, you were sitting in the chair, tied up, listening and nodding. On the other side was Master, strolling around the room, thinking of ways to get the Doctor.
He was also talking, explaining who he is.
You had to admit, he was sorta handsome.
A time lord, same as the Doctor, but yet not the same. Certainly more dramatic.
"So, Master? Is it? Why don't you just go live somewhere peacefuly?" you asked.
He turned on his heel and chuckled, "Because Doctor is my enemy."
"I got that when you spoke about the... Something that happened hundreds years ago?"
"Don't say it just like that, oh... I have a plan," he turned towards the wall, with his back to you. You began to slowly untangle the ropes you were tied with.
"What kind of plan?" you asked curious, "I have to find the Doctor and warn her about you."
"No! We need to get out and I'm taking you with me."
You frowned, "Why? You don't need me..."
"You're her's companion, of course I need you," Master realized how it sounded like and added, "For my plan... I will show you the other side of the universe. One that Doctor doesn't want you to see."
"What about your companion? Maybe Doctor already captured them," you asked, looking on the cane that was on the table. If you were fast enough, maybe you could snatch it. There was surely a way to return all the aliens back towards with their rooms.
Master just gulped and stayed quiet. He was silent for a while, then turned back, "What about you human? Where is your Doctor now? She left you here all alone," Master smirked, but his eyes were looking down on the whole universe.
"She did it to you too, didn't she? Left when you needed her the most? Left even when she promised to stay?" you raised your eyebrows. You knew Doctor very well. They lived too fast, with regrets, but too fast.
"What you know about it..." Master spoke.
You didn't wanted but your instincts took over, you quickly stood up and jumped towards the cane.
Master turned to you with expression of betrayal, "What are you doing?"
"Taking you the weapon!" you held it behind your back.
"You are supposed to aim it at me human, just for your information it is the newest version of my TCE, I build it myself" he continued forward, looking directly in your eyes, speaking almost with pride.
"No!" you refused. Doctor had always his own way that was talking, not using weapons. And you liked it, since it usualy worked.
Only now you noticed Master's eyes, deep and old like universe itself.
You found yourself aiming at his chest.
"No! Stop making me do that!" you yelled and threw the cane away, pushing him towards the wall.
Master was taking a back, raising his eyebrows, "I don't care that the Doctor is not here. I don't care that she left. But I will finish this no matter what," you said pinning him, "and you will go to jail where you belong."
Master chuckled, he was so amused. Again you felt his eyes pulling you closer.
"Stop doing that with your eyes," you said, looking at his lips.
Master would blush if you stayed longer. You pushed yourself away from him and collected the cane, aiming at the doors.
You found a button and pushed it, nothing happened, "Unlock the doors, come on!" you ordered to Master.
"You will have to shoot me first," he smiled, "It's too late human, bombs are activated. Only I know the real way out."
You turned around and pushed him to the wall again.
"My name is (Y/n)," you spoke and searched a key in his suit pocket. The disguise looked extremely expensive, even felt that way.
"You won't find it, there's a lots of stuff in my pockets," Master chuckled.
The pockets were bigger on the inside of course... Time lords...
You managed to touch something that felt cold in your hand, "Ah, have it."
Master worried expression began to grew, as you were pulling out something.
Quietly you looked at the thing in your hand.
"Handcuffs, oh my," Master chuckled.
"Not what I expected but fitting enough," you suddenly turned him around and handcuffed him.
"Oi!" he yelled, "Careful..."
"You are arrested," you smiled, typing in a code, confirming it with your fingerprint and began to search his pockets, turning them out.
"Wait, no!" you noticed a desperate tone in Master's voice as many objects fell on ground.
You knelt down to them, and began to search for the key.
"I don't have any interest of your other things, I'm just looking for the key," you spoke, but then you noticed small books, "What is this? Pocket edition?" you smiled.
Master quickly threw himself on the things.
"Get off..." you spoke awkwardly.
"You have no right to be this rude! That's my privacy!" Master insisted on laying on his things.
You looked at the diary you found.
"It's about weapons..." Master spoke quietly.
"That doesn't matter, I just want the key," you rolled your eyes and pushed him off his things. He protested, kicked and yelled, but you managed to pull him on the near seat.
In the pile of things, you found maps, Gallifreyan writing, spare circuits from the TARDIS, more books and finaly, the golden key that said room 33.
"Found it," you turned to Master who was quieter than usual, "Now I will find the Doctor."
"She will kill me, you know that."
You stopped unlocking the doors, "I don't think she would..."
"It's always like that... Almost. It's either me or the Doctor," Master spoke.
You took Master's arms and lead him towards the unlocked doors.
"What about the bomb, doesn't it bother you?"
"No," you lead him through the hallways, "we will find the Doctor and we will send you to prison, you don't have to be worried about dying here."
Master gave you a sheepish look, "But you should be love."
"Carefully stairs," you said, carelessly pulling him forward. He almost tripped and frowned at you.
"You don't even know your beloved Doctor so well."
"She doesn't know me too, so we're even," you told. That sentence only boosted Master's interest in you.
"What secrets do you hide from her?"
"If you will be so curious, you'll be old soon."
"I'm old enough love," Master rolled his eyes.
"Of course you are..."
"So the secrets..." Master tried one more time as you both walked towards the room 1, "She should know about those."
"I don't want to tell her!" you yelled at him.
Master smiled and looked deep into your eyes, "Tell me human, everything."
"I'm not from the universe or time line she thinks I am," you spoke suddenly, under pressure of Master's hypnotism.
Quickly covering your mouth, Master let out amused chuckle, covering his mouth as well.
"That's not something worth keeping a secret, unless you did something horrible."
You two were right in front of the room 1.
"But I'm more then willing to tell her, she might do some background checks on you. And after that we might share a prison cell."
"Don't you dare," you gave him a glare.
"I believe she found out already..." Master spoke and turned around.
Doctor was standing in the middle of the hallway, she was sending you a betrayed look.
You only shaked your head and opened the doors with number 1, pushing the Master inside.
"At least get these off me," Master said offended. You glanced on the handcuffs frowning, "No, you knew she was walking behind us."
"Believe me, she was suspicious of you long time ago, maybe that's why she wondered off and left you in the room filled with dangerous aliens."
You closed the doors behind you and locked them from the inside.
"Are you afraid of her?" Master asked. It was only a simple question, but yes, you were afraid every time you stepped in her TARDIS.
"No," yet you simply lied.
Doctor was already knocking at the doors with all her power, calling your name.
"Wooden locks, she won't get in," Master commented and leaned on the closest sofa.
"(Y/n)! Let me in! You don't know who is he," you heared her yelling.
"You don't know who is she!" Master yelled back, "Am I right?" he said quietly looking st you.
"(Y/n), please just open the doors!" Doctor tried and tried again.
You wanted to let her in, but Master stopped you, "Don't open the doors (Y/n), get me out of here and you will be safe."
"But how?" you turned to Master. Somewhere deep inside you knew that Doctor wouldn't forgive you, even when she said she would. You saw Doctor lying for a greater good so many times, why would it be any different now?
"I said there are bombs here, already ticking," Master propped himself up, "There are also secret passages only I know about. So are you with me?"
"I have to think about it..." you shaked your head.
Doctor's yelling was more intense then ever.
"I'm quite of surprised you never heared about me, but I did heared about you," Master smiled.
"Shut up, you're my hostage," you grabbed the hem of his suit and pulled him up.
"And I'm deeply honored," he said sincerely.
You let him go, dropping him on the sofa again.
"You won't get a life sentence if you will go with me, and you will have more bonuses. I have to admit, I'm quite of huge fan of yours."
You were sure that Doctor was ready to kick those doors out.
"Oh are you sure you want a companion that destroyed her own universe Doctor?" Master yelled.
"Just got you a lifetime in the prison next to me, love," he turned to you, "Now there's no time for thinking."
Doctor was still trying to get inside, but she stopped shouting your name.
You acted on the instincts again, getting Master out of the handcuffs, typing a code in them.
"I understood who you were when you typed that code, you chose a year 3958. Day when everything stopped existing out there," Master spoke, "You're last of them, last human, in fact, you are everything that was left from that universe, how does it feel?"
"It was a mistake," you gulped and let the handcuffs fall on ground.
Master fixed his tie, pulling your hand towards the other room,"But what a mistake... I admire your work, I really do."
"Where are we going?" you asked him.
He didn't answered, climbing up in the chair, tinkering with the chandelier, "Every room has a safety mechanism, in case I got stuck here."
You carefully observed as he pressed something, and you both, even the chair teleported away.
Master now climbed down and walked to the console.
"What about the Doctor?"
"I'll get her next time," Master spoke, "I believe she's already gone, together with the aliens. Took them in the TARDIS, flied away."
"But her TARDIS was gone," you dropped yourself on the stairs.
"I already said she was suspicious of you."
"Time lord victorious," you whispered.
Some time later, you stood up and walked to the console, looking at Master piloting the TARDIS. It was slightly different from the Doctor.
"Where do you want to go (Y/n)? We have things to destroy, worlds to take over..."
"Master?" you said quietly. This was begining of a certain alliance between you and him, but you didn't needed that. What you did wasn't intentional...
"What?" he glanced at you.
You took both of his hands and put on him the handcuffs again.
You and Master both appeared in the space with six white walls surrounding you.
"Now we will both get a death sentence, congrats love," Master spoke.
"No, death sentence is not a thing here, and they won't arrest me," you shaked your head one more time, "I'm sorry, but I'm not like you," you pressed your lips to his and smiled.
"Who even are you?" Master frowned.
You chuckled, "(Y/n)."
It left him baffled, and confused.
Aliens made their way into the room through the doors that appeared on one side of the wall, took Master and pulled him away as he was protesting and trying to break away.
Meanwhile, Doctor was searching your real identity. How come she never noticed? She never asked for your surname, since you were always introducing by your first name. But now she knew.
"Oh (Y/n)..." she sighed, as she read the materials TARDIS gave her about you.
'Accidentaly destroyed the universe during scientific research.'
It was just an accident, a bad day...
Doctor leaned on the console, looking at the numbers, she had to move on once again.
Now Doctor was standing in the doorway, holding a gift for Yaz. She didn't wanted to be in a way of her, celebrating the event, but when she and Dan pulled her into celebratory circle, she had no choice, but to enjoy the rest of the day.
Two days later, Moon of Epir-4, year 00739d
You walked into the room with table, two chairs and Master.
"On your little visit again (Y/n)?" he lifted his eyes from the desk.
"Oh, no, no, I did the things I needed to do, used your TARDIS... My universe is back, I did it."
Master tilted his head, "Where's my TARDIS?"
"Safe, I fixed it after landing, it took me years," you crossed your arms.
Master was unamused, "Are you done?"
"Are they treating you well here?" you leaned closer to him.
"It's a prison..." Master frowned.
"The most luxurious one in the universe, come on! You're like on the vacation here, and you're a special guest," you rolled your eyes.
"And you work here, I could have thought so. Criminal..."
"Not anymore..."
"You think that," Master said quietly.
"I don't just work here... I'm in charge of this place."
Master raised his eyebrows, chuckling, "How did you even... You're human."
"I had your TARDIS genius," you fixed your tie and stood up from the chair, "I was thinking about your proposition to travel with you."
Master tilted his head, "I'm listening."
"I'm not asking you to be like the Doctor, but when we were in that hotel place of yours, you really showed me a different side of the universe."
"Am I hearing right? You betrayed me, closed me in your prison, stole my TARDIS, and now you want me to travel with you? Why? You saved your universe."
"Let me guess, humans in your universe hated you for destroying it once you reverted the process and brought everything back, so you had to escape, because they took you for a threat?"
"Not just humans," you forced a smirk on your face and stood up, "So... Want to go wreck this universe too?"
Master stood up from his chair and returned you the smirk.
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whitexwingedxdoves · 3 years
Foxtails and Rabbit trails | Part 2
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A/N: This is part 2 to my collab with @starlessea​ i’ve had such a fun time working on this with Yaz and I hope you all love it as much as we do   🐰 Read Part One Here  Summary:  Daryl Dixon was a good hunter, but there were still some things that he struggled to find. Such as the patience to deal with you. You wore a rabbit’s foot keyring, but Daryl thought you were the furthest thing from lucky. After all, you ended up stuck with him, too.
-  Lying back on the grass, staring up at the cloudless sky, you thought that the world had never looked so pretty. 
The foxtails tickled your cheeks, and you could feel the fresh dew on the leaves as they gathered up beneath your fingers. You tried to focus on their texture, and how you could hear them crunch brittley before they scattered to the ground like autumn confetti.  
You really did try to focus on the good.
But the pain was blinding. 
“Hol’ still, ‘m gonna get ya outta there,” Daryl whispered, but you picked up on the way his voice stuttered over the words.
He got to work on disabling the trap, every little movement translating into a jolt of searing pain which made you cry out for him to stop. Though, the look in his eyes was no better. Even through your tears, you could understand that this was hurting him just as much as it hurt you - maybe even more.
If only you hadn’t been so fucking careless.
You reached out your hand for your satchel, fumbling in the grass until your fingertips brushed up against the soft fur of your rabbit’s foot. It was supposed to be lucky.
What a joke, you laughed, and grit your teeth through the pain.
Daryl disarmed the trap, making you whimper hoarsely once more as the metal jaws dislodged from your ankle. Your knuckles had turned white over that rabbit’s foot - almost matching its snowy pelt.
The man retrieved the rag from his back pocket - that same one you’d joked about not so long ago - and used it to bind your leg to stop the bleeding. 
Maybe that ratty cloth was handy, after all.
You tried to look down to catch a glimpse of the injury, and assess the damage. Except, Daryl didn’t let you.
“Eyes on me,” he instructed, gesturing to himself with his free hand.
You nodded, before letting your head fall back onto the damp grass. You glanced off to the side, noticing the mounds of dirt that crumbled near you.
“Hey, Daryl,” you murmured, “look at all of the burrows.”
The man didn’t look up from what he was doing - tending to you - but he still nodded his head anyway.
“Yeah,” he replied, tightening the makeshift bandage, “see if ya can spot any rabbits.”
And with that, Daryl carried you back to Alexandria - quickly and carefully, looking down at his feet the entire time.
Once you reached the infirmary, the man placed you on one of the beds whilst Denise got to work. She tried her hardest to be gentle with you, but even the softest touch made your skin crawl. Painkillers were given - only dulling the sensation ever so slightly - but they seemed to be enough for the doctor to stitch up your wounds, and replace Daryl’s old red rag with a clean bandage.
“I thought you hunters were supposed to be mindful of your surroundings,” Denise quipped, sending one of her sneaky looks your way as she finished her work. 
You rolled her eyes and shuffled ever so slightly in the bed, trying to get a glimpse.
“Yeah well, it was pretty well hidden,” you hit back. 
Daryl cleared his throat from the corner of the room; he’d been so quiet that you almost forgot he was there.
“Nah, ya got too distracted by the damn rabbits,” he grumbled.
More like too distracted by damn Daryl Dixon.
A glare was exchanged between you and the archer, but your smile got wider the longer you stared.
“Either way, it got you pretty good. You need to stay off that leg.” 
With a stern tone, Denise broke your gaze.
You shook your head. “That doesn’t work for me,” you argued, “I’ve got people to feed!” 
In response, you tried to shuffle off the bed - but a searing pain clambered up your leg and stunted your movements.
“I’m sure Daryl wouldn’t mind taking over for a while. Just until you’re better,” Denise reassured you.
The young doctor peered over her glasses at the archer, only for him to reply with a grunt.
“Now rest,” she told you, pressing your shoulder back down into the mattress. “Doctor’s orders!” 
That first night at the clinic had been quiet - far too quiet. It made you mull over your mistake until it was old in your mind, and heavy on your conscience. 
That is, until Daryl returned to bring you dandelions.
Denise had insisted that you stay where she could keep an eye on you, until the morning at least. But, you missed the comforts of your own room - where it was familiar. The walls of the infirmary were too white and barren, as opposed to your house which was decorated with pressed flowers and furs and much too many books. 
Your foot twitched occasionally, and every time you closed your eyes you could hear the snapping of those metal jaws as they clamped shut.
Sleep would probably elude you tonight.
Your nerves were made even worse when you were startled by knuckles rapping on the window. Reaching for the lamp, you illuminated the figure behind the glass - who also seemed spooked at having been caught.
Daryl stood there, motioning for you to open the latch on the window. 
You did, and the man lifted the pane, letting in the cool night’s breeze. 
“You’re not supposed to be in here,” you whispered, peering around the infirmary.
Daryl scowled, and muttered something below his breath that you couldn’t quite make out. The lampshade cast long shadows on his face, and you could only see the whites of his eyes poking out from between the strands of hair hanging over them.
“I ain’t,” he rasped back, gesturing to where he stood. “Technically.”
You raised an eyebrow at the man, not expecting that dry humour to come from him. He shook you off, and continued.
“Not stoppin’ long,” he dismissed, lifting up his backpack and fumbling around in it. “Went back out there an’ couldn’t see no more traps.” 
He smirked - faint and dim in the artificial light. But you still caught it.
“Ya must’ve sprung the only fuckin’ one.”
You laughed a little too loudly.
“Just my luck,” you shot back.
Daryl pulled something out from his bag - something you immediately recognised. It was a pelt blanket of soft, tawny fur. You’d made it yourself.
“Olivia tol’ me to give ya this,” he explained, feeding the material through the open window until you could reach it. “She went to get it from yer room.”
The feeling between your fingers instantly brought you comfort, and you ran the blanket along your cheek absentmindedly. 
Before you could reply, Daryl fished something else out from the rucksack and placed it on the windowsill. 
It was a glass bottle of dandelions.
It was a soda bottle, to be exact - probably snuck out of the pantry when no one was looking. You also recognised the flowers; you’d seen them out hunting once and noted just how much you liked the colour.
They looked like sunshine.
“Those from Olivia, too?” you whispered, gently stroking over the petals with your fingertips.
Daryl zipped up his bag and shook his head.
“Nah,” he mumbled, gesturing for you to close the window behind him. “These are from me.”
That was when you realised that perhaps Daryl Dixon wasn’t such a hard ass after all.
Though, your favourite memory from back then had to be the time he brought you bluebells. You’d practically chewed his ear off on one of your earlier trips, telling him all about how pretty they were - but you never thought he was listening.
You’d been sitting in your front room, pressing the previous bunch of flowers between one of your bigger books, when Daryl entered your home that day. Denise still hadn’t given you the all clear to go back out and hunt, and your movements were still pretty limited.
Hence, the constant appearances by the other hunter.
At this point, it had just become a part of the routine. Daryl would visit the house, walk straight to the empty vase on your bedside, and fill it with a new set of flowers. 
Though, today was a little different. 
Usually, he’d drop off some of the meat he’d managed to catch, and then leave. But, today he took a seat on the sofa opposite yours and fumbled with a tangled up cord.
“To what do I owe the pleasure?” you giggled, sitting further back into your cushion.
“Been trying to fix ya stupid traps out there. Can’t get the knot right,” he mumbled, his patience wearing as thin as that rope in his hands. 
You couldn’t help but let out a hearty laugh at his words. 
The irony tasted so sweet. 
Daryl shot you a look which instantly made you cover your mouth. “Come here, I’ll help you,” you managed to say, whilst beckoning him over.
He did as instructed, but not without grumbling.
You took the cord from his hands and effortlessly untangled it. Daryl muttered something under his breath - but instead of prying, you took the victory and proceeded with your demonstration.
“Loop the rope around your hand like this and tie it.” 
Before finishing the action, you handed it over to Daryl so that he could do it by himself. 
“Then you fold the loop over to make ears, just like a rabbit!” you announced proudly, leaning over the man to show him exactly how it should look.
He scoffed. “What is it with you and the damn rabbits?” 
You rolled your eyes at the archer, and nudged him in the side for not paying attention - to which he carried on following your directions. 
“Then you thread the rope through,” you instructed, your hand hovering over his as you watched for any mistakes.
You hadn’t realised how close you were to him until he had finished the knot. You pulled away, and cleared your throat before refocusing on the cord - not daring to dwell on the tension.
“Then you add this end to the spring and leave the other end hanging.”
Daryl nodded silently, inspecting your work like he was trying to recreate it in his mind.
“Thanks,” he eventually whispered, chewing at the corner of his lip.
It didn’t take the man long to spring to his feet and murmur a goodbye before leaving. 
Thinking back on it, you could only laugh at how naive you both had been. 
Those bluebells were the last flowers ever left in that glass vase, but they hadn’t been the last you’d seen during your time at Alexandria. To this day, you still had an old, leather-bound book tucked away somewhere on a shelf - containing all of those pressed flowers with their dried up petals and stems. But, they weren’t the most memorable.
No. The ones you could remember the best, despite not having them laid flat atop a page, were the foxtail lilies.
“You good?” the man asked, guiding you through the long grass.
You followed him slowly, weaving through the wildflowers - being careful not to trod on them. 
Your leg had mostly healed, but your confidence still hadn’t made a full recovery. It was your first time hunting since the accident, and you couldn’t help but keep your eyes locked on your feet the entire time - despite Daryl having reassured you that he’d checked the area three times over.
“Yeah, just feels weird,” you replied, rolling your ankle. “But it’s good to be out again, thanks for taking over for me.”
Despite being out of commission for a few weeks, the people of Alexandria definitely hadn’t starved - that’s for damn sure.
Daryl shook his head, and continued to step through the foxtail lilies. He was leading you back to that new area - to explore it properly this time.
“Nah, ain’t nothin’,” he shrugged, not even sparing you a backwards glance.
You followed his trail, where his boots had flattened the grass and made it easier for you to navigate.
You sighed. “Can’t just say ‘you’re welcome’, can you?”
Something sprung in the distance, and you immediately flinched. It took you a few seconds to figure it out - but you soon realised that you recognised that sound.
You turned to the other hunter, only to find that he was already looking at you.
“Daryl Dixon,” you breathed, a smile already wide on your face. “Did you set a twitch-up snare?”
The man shook his head, before pointing into the distance - at the dozens of burrows you hadn’t gotten the chance to show him that day.
“Not jus’ one,” he announced, as you glanced around the field, counting the traps.
No wonder Alexandria hadn’t gone hungry.
Another one sprung, and made you jump. You couldn’t help it, you slapped Daryl over the back and laughed too loudly - probably making the remaining rabbits scurry back into their burrows.
“Be still my beating heart!” you joked. “I knew you’d come around.”
The lilies tickled your legs as they blew in the breeze, and made you laugh even more. But for once, the man didn’t scold you for scaring away the game.
“Yer welcome,” he replied, and smirked straight back.
Daryl thought of that memory, as he and Judith made their way through the darkened forest, back to the house. 
You had definitely changed him since then - in more ways than how he set up his traps.
Daryl hung behind the young girl, watching her feet as she navigated the thick overgrowth, and stepped over tree roots - her fox tail charm swinging from her jeans. 
It had been his, once. He’d caught that red fox himself in the dead of winter, and kept the brush just like you’d told him to do. Though, Judith Grimes had taken a liking to it as a baby - always reaching for the soft fur with her small hands, and sneezing when Daryl used it to tickle her nose.
It was hers now; it had been since that day.
As if feeling his stare, Judith turned back and called out to Daryl for him to hurry up - unless he wanted dinner to be cold. He let out a grunt and picked up the pace.
He was too damn old for this.
The two of them returned to the cabin before the sun had set, but Daryl could already smell the scent of cooked meat from the pathway, a few minutes back. The lights were on inside, flickering warmly behind the glass windows - as though calling the both of them home.
Judith reached the door first, and rapped on the wood, tapping out their signature knock. As soon as it creaked open, the young girl burst through - nearly knocking you over as she trudged through the house with a wide smile and muddy boots.
 Then, you disappeared behind the frame after her - yelling something about how animals were meant to be on a plate, and not seated at the dinner table.
Daryl couldn’t help but laugh at that one; you always did have a good sense of humour.
But for that reason, the hunter made sure to wash his hands as soon as he stepped through the door - before even attempting to put them on you, and pull you in close.
But once he did, you beckoned him over.
Daryl felt the warmth of your skin as you pressed your forehead to his.
“‘M home,” he murmured, offering out the bunch of wildflowers he’d picked for you on the way back.
They were slightly crushed from his grip - the stalks bent and the petals flaking off - but you still smiled at him in such a way that it made his breath catch.
Yeah, he thought, you hadn’t changed one bit.
“My favourites,” you replied, and placed those foxtails in fresh water at the centre of the dinner table.
tags:  @browneyes528​ @phoenixblack89​ @srhxpci​ @jodiereedus22​ @witch-of-letters​ @deadthewalking​
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riversofmars · 3 years
I have a prompt. Thirteen's vain attempt to get that fez to Eleven because she runs into River+Amy.. who are like NOPE no way.
Ohh I love this so much, that was a lot of fun! I really hope you like this, just a bit of fun! <3
Rating: G
Word Count: 1300
Read on AO3 or below
Delayed Delivery
“I don't know about you but I’m glad that’s over.“ Yaz sighed once they had returned to the TARDIS. Their excursion to Kablam! had been quite something.
“Same,“ Ryan agreed and Graham nodded as well:
“Me too.“
“Not quite over yet.“ The Doctor grinned when she spotted the fez she had ordered, still sitting on top of the TARDIS console. “The fez!“ She skipped over to it and sat it on top of her head with incredible joy.
“Yeah I did wonder about that, why a fez?“ Yaz asked, as its origin remained a mystery.
“I ordered it,“ the Doctor declared, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“You ordered a fez?“ Graham repeated, trying to figure out what in the world could have possibly possessed her to do so.
“Why?“ Ryan asked bewildered.
“Why does anyone order a fez? Because fezes are cool.“ The Doctor grinned and put her hands on her hips, holding her head - and the fez - high with pride.
“They’re really not…“ Yaz shook her head slowly, wondering how she could possibly have come to that conclusion.
“Only, this one arrived too late.“ The Doctor paid no heed to her comment, instead she went looking for the box and the shipping receipt to make sure her memory was correct. “Ah yes, see, I ordered it like… two lifetimes ago?“ She shrugged and looked back to her friends. “The wedding night of my best friends. Had little else to do, just sitting around the TARDIS while they were busy.“ She gestured quotation marks in the air and grimaced. “I should probably drop it off with my past self, that would have made me so happy.“ She placed the box on the console, took the fez off, quite reluctantly too, and placed it back in the box. She almost took it back out again, thinking better of it, but she managed to stop herself and quickly closed the box to resist the temptation.
“If you had… wouldn’t you remember it?“ Yaz frowned.
“Nah, memories blur when I cross my own time stream.“ The Doctor shrugged.
“Aren’t there like… rules against that sort of thing?“ Ryan asked and they all gathered around the console as the Doctor was beginning to set coordinates.
“All we’re doing is dropping off a fez, won’t even need to interact, just got to find a good time where I know where I am and that I won’t run into any trouble… here we go.“ Content with her choice, the Doctor grinned and launched the TARDIS into the time vortex. It only took a moment for them to land again.
“Where are we?“ Graham asked as the Doctor marched to the door, full of purpose, box in hand.
“Moon made of actual honey. Part of the honeymoon tour. Get it honey… moon…?“ She awaited a reaction to her pun but no-one responded. “Never mind,“ she huffed and opened the door. The Fam followed her and as advertised, they found themselves on a yellow moon, surrounded by little else than beeswax and honey. The landscape was magnificent and the vegetation extraordinary. No words appeared adequate to describe the wondrous place.
“Wow…“ All three of them were at a loss for words as they looked around, it certainly appeared a magnificent honeymoon destination. The air was impossible sweet and warm and there was a humming and buzzing in the air originating from the native bee population.
While the Fam were in awe, the Doctor skipped ahead and found the other TARDIS, her TARDIS but much older, just over a ridge.
“There we go…“ she called the Fam who hurried after her. “See, all we need to do is put this box here and…“
“Don’t move,“ a sharp voice interrupted her. “What are you doing over there?“
“Probably setting down a bomb, who are you?“ Another voice added and the Doctor grinned to herself before turning around, she knew both these voices very well indeed.
“River!“ The Doctor turned to look at her wife who - of course - was pointing a gun at her. “Amy!“ Her mother was right next to her, crossing her arms in front of her chest, with an almighty and very Scottish scowl.
“How do you…?“ Amy’s face fell upon hearing both their names and River raised her eyebrows curiously.
“Who are they, Doctor?“ Yaz asked, a little worried at the presence of a gun and the fact that the Doctor didn’t seem bothered about it at all. In fact she was grinning!
“Oh just… my wife and my mother-in-law…“ She answered joyfully.
“What?“ Amy stared at her for a moment, trying to compute the information.
“Doctor?“ River echoed and as the realisation set in, a wide grin spread across her features, mirroring her wife’s expression.
“Oh no…“ Amy groaned.
“Oh yes!“ River smirked as she put her gun away.
“Hang on, you’re married?“ Graham interrupted, flabbergasted, as were Yaz and Ryan.
“Oh most definitely.“ River grinned and was by her wife’s side in an instant, she grabbed her by the collar and kissed her with great enthusiasm. Amy, for her part, just gave an exaggerated sigh, looking anywhere but to her daughter making out with her wife.
“Okay, I sort of expected this to be the other way around…“ Ryan hummed to Yaz and Graham who nodded.
“What are you doing here, Doctor?“ Amy asked, clearing her throat loudly to interrupt them.
“Oh just… wanted to drop something off… for myself… am I around?“ The Doctor gave an awkward grin, trying not to draw too much attention to the box, as she half hid it behind her back.
“Rory fell in the honey lake and the Doctor is defending him against the bees, we were popping back for a change of clothes.“ Amy explained, rolling her eyes at her husband’s clumsiness.
“Oh I remember this!“ Her explanation jogged the Doctor’s memory.
“Do you get your fez at the end of it?“ Yaz asked curiously and the Doctor winced. She had ruined it.
“Don’t tell me…“ Amy sighed, exasperated.
“What’s in the box, Sweetie?“ River asked, trying to snatch the box away but the Doctor pulled away quickly.
“Nothing…“ She retorted, hugging it protectively.
“Doctor?“ Amy crossed her arms in front of her chest and the Doctor found herself cornered by the two women, she bumped into the TARDIS behind her, having nowhere to go.
“Oh come on, please, I’ve had to wait for this for millennia, that’s how long delivery took, let me have this,“ she pleaded.
“Let’s see if it’s any better on you now than it was then,“ River suggested with a playful smirk.
“River?“ Amy shot her daughter a look as if she couldn’t believe she had really just suggested that.
“Come on, just let us see,“ River repeated and a grin spread across the Doctor’s face. She opened the box, pulled the fez out and sat it on top of her head.
“Look, it’s great, it’s red and hey-!“ Before she could even properly showcase the hat, Amy had snatched it off of her head and chucked it into the air. River’s reflexes were sharp as ever as she drew her gun and shot it. The fez exploded mid-air in a laser blast.
“That was incredible,“ Ryan exclaimed and shaking their heads in disbelief, Graham and Yaz had to agree.
“Yeah, well, we have the practice,“ River smirked, holstering her gun and before she pressed a kiss to her wife’s cheek. The Doctor was thoroughly put out as she was left holding the empty box.
“I’m gonna order another one…“ She huffed, somewhat genuinely upset.
“Hey! OI! What’s going on over there?“ A voice carried across the plain. The Doctor, much younger, taller and bow-tied, was waving at them with Rory in tow.
“NOTHING!“ River and Amy called back, laughing, sharing a high five, as the blonde Doctor was left, huffing, and holding her empty box with great disappointment.
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aquaquadrant · 3 years
endless forms
Rated T for: Language, violence, blood/injury, drowning, eye injury, internalized ableism 
Summary: The campers’ boat is sabotaged by Wu’s mercenaries, leaving them stranded on Isla Nublar indefinitely. Through good times and bad, only one thing is for certain; none of them will ever be the same.
A/N: Well, when I sat down to write more JWCC angst, I didn’t expect it to be 14k words long, but here we are! This is my take on a fic where the campers get stranded for the whole three years between the movies, meant to be taken as a series of snapshots into the campers’ lives. Hope you enjoy, reblogs/comments are appreciated! - Aqua
Click here to read on A03 (with more complete tags).
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“There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed into a few forms or into one; and that, whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved.”
          - Charles Darwin, On the Origin of Species
endless forms
After escaping Wu’s team, the campers find the boat right where they left it.
It’s just on fire.
Pitch-black smoke curls up into the sky, smelling of metal and gasoline. Orange flames flicker through the shattered windows of the main cabin and the bow is dipping into the water. For a few long seconds, all they can do is stare. The realization sinks into them one by one as their wide eyes trace the telltale holes in the side of the boat.
Wu’s mercenaries had guns.
Darius finally breaks down. He drops to his knees right there on the dock and sobs, screaming his frustration and despair and desperation in wordless cries. His fingernails dig into his arms hard enough to draw blood, but he doesn’t even feel the sting over the agony seizing his heart, the guilt crushing his lungs, and he cries like the world is ending.
Kenji’s ill feelings towards Darius are forgotten in a flash. Blinking away his own tears, he immediately wraps his arms around Darius, holding him tightly. And all he can think is how small the other boy feels in his arms, this twelve-year-old leader of theirs who’s placed the weight of their lives on his shoulders time and time again without complaint.
Brooklynn is right next to them, squeezing Darius’s arm as tears stream down her face. She murmurs reassurances into his ear even while her stomach churns, because this is what they get for trying to do the right thing, trying to be heroes, they’re going to be stuck here forever and she knows that whatever good they accomplished today wasn’t worth it.
Yaz chokes back a sob and sprints down the rest of the dock, raking her hands through her messy ponytail as she surveys the damage, her silhouette outlined in flame and smoke. Her weight shifts from foot to foot restlessly, anxiously, uselessly, mind racing for something she can do to stop this, to fix this, but coming up blank.
Sammy is stunned, standing motionless and staring at the boat with wide eyes, uncomprehending. She knows what must’ve happened but she can’t make sense of it. Her hands hang limply at her sides and her voice is painfully small in her own ears as she mumbles to herself, “But… they didn’t have to do that… why would they do that…?”
Standing off to the side, Ben can’t quite figure out if he’s feeling disappointment or relief as he idly watches the flames dance. But he does know that, whatever his feelings on leaving the island are, his friends don’t deserve to suffer like this. So he makes himself a promise, that if they ever get another chance, he’ll do whatever it takes to make it happen.
In the meantime, everyone falls apart in their own way as the boat is slowly consumed by fire and sinks, inch by inch of twisted wreckage, into the depths below.
The walk back to camp is deathly silent.
It’s Ben who leads the group this time, Darius sandwiched between Brooklynn and Kenji as Sammy and Yaz bring up the rear. With how shell-shocked and rattled they are, they rely on Ben’s steady composure and sharp senses to take them through the jungle safely.
None of them can really spare a moment to wonder how Ben is taking this all so well, but if they did, they wouldn’t be surprised.
It takes all of three days for Darius to bounce back.
Three days spent curled up in his bunk, too worn out to cry, refusing food and refusing to talk. All things considered, that’s a remarkably short amount of time to be depressed, given their circumstances, so the others let him be.
When Darius does emerge, he’s more like his old self, but there’s a certain spark missing from his eyes.
“We can’t give up,” Darius says, in the first conversation he’s had with the others in three days. “Someone will come to this island eventually, even if not to rescue us. It’s the only place in the world with living dinosaurs, we already know people can’t resist it. We just have to survive until then.”
They all agree, because Darius sounds determined enough that they almost want to believe him. But they’ve seen the missing light in his eyes and they know what it means.
Quietly, privately, they each grieve the well-worn hope that’s finally been pulled from their grasp. They mourn their old lives, their families, coming to grips with the likely possibility that they will never go home, that they will live on this island until the day they die- however soon that may be.
For Darius, it’s guilt more than anything. He’s given his family another source of heartache, left it smaller and more broken than it already was. But more than that, he hates to think that he’s given them something to resent his dad for. After all, Jurassic World was a dream that Darius inherited from him. When he left, they were happy for him, but nervous, too, and he’d promised he’d be fine. At the time, he hadn’t realized his last words to them would be a lie.
For Kenji, who knows full well that his father has the resources to send out his own search party and yet hasn’t done so, it’s a melancholy affair. He’ll miss him, even though the reverse probably isn’t true, even though the man probably doesn’t deserve it. He just wishes it hadn’t taken getting stranded on dinosaur island to realize how lonely his life had been before. And he wishes he’d meant enough to someone, anyone, to be missed.
For Brooklynn, it’s a similar feeling. Her thoughts are with her fans more than her distant parents, wishing she could provide them some kind of closure, while at the same time resenting the warped self-perception they’ve given her. Has her disappearance meant anything more than a few clickbait videos or a trending hashtag? She finds it unlikely. And is that all her life has amounted to? There was so much more she wanted to do, so much more she wanted to be.
For Yaz, her rage is matched only by her regret. She had a bright future, a promising future. She was supposed to go pro, make her parents and coaches proud. And then all her hard work, her long days and short nights, her sore muscles and joyless childhood, would’ve been worth it. She was robbed and she is furious, but there is nothing to do and no one to fight. Let her see Wu and his thuggish crew again, and she will give them a taste of the hell they’ve condemned her to.
For Sammy, the grief is almost overwhelming. Her parents never wanted her to go in the first place, and will probably blame themselves forever. Her little sisters will have to grow up without her, and the thought is enough to bring tears to her eyes. She loves her family and would do anything for them, would’ve made the same choice again in a heartbeat, but oh, how she wishes it hadn’t ended like this. It didn’t have to end like this.
For Ben, who buried his own hope months ago in an unmarked grave, it’s business as usual.
There are a lot of silent tears at night, now.
As they trade off on night watch shifts, they don’t really acknowledge it aside from a wordless pat on the shoulder or a brief hug. There’s no point in asking what’s wrong when they all know, and there’s nothing they can say in reassurance.
Ben offers to take the whole watch by himself, to let them all rest, but it doesn’t really matter when none of them are sleeping, anyway.
Food is the first thing on the to-do list.
“Even if we increase our rationing,” Darius muses, “the supply we have will only last another couple weeks, at most. We need a reliable source of food.” And then he turns to look at Ben, with slight trepidation because there’s a good chance Ben’s answer will be berries and grubs.
Ben, who’s clearly already given the subject some thought, shrugs and says, “Either we learn how to hunt dinosaurs, or we learn how to fish.”
Fishing wins, by unanimous decision.
Over the next several days, they scavenge their usual spots for every bit of rope they can find. There are a few coils of it in the emergency kits they found at the veterinary station, there’s some strung between railing at the docks, and there’s even novelty jump ropes in the giftshops that are thick enough to work.
Brooklynn has a vague recollection of how to weave a fishing net, from the same unboxing video where she gained her scant experience with rafts, and between all of them they manage something passable. The first time they lower the net into the river, they’re all breathless with anticipation.
Over the next couple hours of inactivity, anticipation steadily turns to boredom. Eventually, though, the net does yield fish.
The fish in the river aren’t very big, about the length of a small hand. Their scales are slimy and their flesh is full of tiny pin bones. But it’s the first actual protein they’ve had since Mitch and Tiff’s campsite, and it isn’t from out of a can, so they’re more than satisfied.
Ben makes a fire for them to cook the fish on despite Kenji insisting they can be eaten raw because of his past experiences with eating sushi. Darius, who has never tried sushi, doesn’t think that sounds right but doesn’t know enough about sushi to dispute it. Brooklynn is quick with the fact check, however, and points out there’s probably a lot of bacteria in the river so they should cook the fish to be safe.
Of course, it takes all of five seconds for them to realize it’s the same river they’ve been getting their drinking and bathing water from, so technically they wouldn’t be any worse off for it, but raw fish is an acquired taste, anyways. In the end, they cook the fish.
Sammy, who’s looking a little green, timidly suggests maybe they should start boiling the river water before they use it from now on- which everyone readily agrees to.
(Yaz, who’s been drinking raw egg protein shakes every morning since she was eleven, doesn’t see what the big deal is, but keeps her opinion to herself.)
It’s around that small campfire, eating their first dinner of freshly-caught fish, that Darius’s composure abruptly slips.
He isn’t sure what causes it. One second he’s listening to Kenji wistfully rattle off a story about some amazing fresh sushi bar in Tokyo, and the next he’s staring at the bowl in his lap with blurred vision from the tears in his eyes.
Sitting next to him, Brooklynn lightly bumps her shoulder against his. A silent show of support.
Darius manages to smile at her and keep eating.
They set aside a day to pick through Mitch and Tiff’s campsite.
Most of what was there was trampled into ruin by the stampede, but there are a few good finds. Canvas from the tents makes for bedding and wall reinforcements alike, and there are some weapons that weren’t destroyed. No guns, but three long knives and a machete that are in good condition. Everything else is snapped or bent.
The machete goes to Kenji, who tries to pretend it doesn’t unnerve him. Ben, who has started keeping his spear strapped to his back at all times, gives him a knowing look and helps sift through the rubble until they find a sheath for it. Sammy and Yaz each get a knife. Brooklynn, now favoring a baseball bat, passes the last knife off to Darius.
“There’s a lot of super useful things we can do with these,” Darius says on the walk home, forcing cheer into his voice. “Stripping firewood, cleaning fish, cutting ropes, opening cans…”
They all know the most likely use will be poking an attacking dinosaur’s eye out, but the thought sits uncomfortably. Ben can see it from the way they hold their weapons. How strange, he muses to himself, that the thought of violence still makes them so uneasy.
“And for defending ourselves,” he adds, when no one else says it.
Darius grimaces. “Right. If we have to.”
Ben snorts but says nothing else.
They all know they’ll have to, sooner or later.
They have a discussion on whether they should move base or not.
Their camp is looking a little worse for wear, and Kenji’s condo- or, his dad’s condo- is a tempting prospect. It’s incredibly secure, assuming all the dinosaurs have cleared out by now, and protected from the elements. They could fortify the vents and doors, and have a virtually impenetrable fortress.
Kenji leaps at the idea, wanting to provide at least this bit of comfort and security for the others.
But ultimately, they decide it’d be too risky to move away from the river, their source of freshwater and food alike. Plus, trekking up and down a condominium with non-functional elevators everyday seems like a waste of time and energy.
It’s good to have it in their back pockets, though, as a safehouse to fall back on if needed. And they make plans to have a scavenging trip through the building for anything useful.
Kenji’s satisfied enough with that.
A routine is established.
Maintaining their food and water supply takes first priority. Through trial and error, they find the best spots in the river to cast their net, and Ben even makes some progress in using his spear to fish. It’s not really necessary, because a single catch is plenty enough to feed them all, but they’ve noticed Ben is more likely to eat when he gets his food himself, so no one questions the habit.
They stockpile firewood and cut down thick ferns and vines to fortify their camp with, making the roof water-tight and the walls more substantial. Darius and Yaz work on a map of the island, making small expeditions farther and farther out from camp so they can better familiarize themselves with the surrounding area. They note which places are regularly inhabited with dinosaurs and where all the structures are, to be scavenged through at a later date.
The tunnel system is also being mapped out. They find Brooklynn’s universal keycard can open some of the underground security doors, and Ben has plans for using controlled fires to melt the ones that it can’t. They chase out the few Compies that are still around and make sure to seal up whatever outside entrances they find, ensuring the system can only be accessed by opening one of the hatches.
(They find the room E750 escaped from. After picking through it for anything useful, they block it up for good, if only to make themselves feel better.)
There are always dinosaurs.
They don’t ever go more than a day without at least seeing one, unless they stay inside the camp the whole time. Darius would like to say they’re getting more and more used to it, every time an attack happens, but in reality he knows it will never be anything other than terrifying to hear that telltale roar in the distance.
He supposes it’s best not to get complacent, anyways.
One day, Yaz pulls Sammy away from the camp to talk.
In private.
“Look,” she starts without preamble, staring doggedly at the ground, “I’m not the best when it comes to emotions. But after everything that’s happened… I couldn’t- I can’t just say nothing. And now, now I figure… what have we got to lose, you know?”
Sammy tilts her head. “Okay…?”
Yaz risks a look up. “I… like you, Sammy,” she says quietly. “I mean, really like you.”
Sammy just gives her a gentle smile. “I… sort’a had a feeling.”
“What?” Yaz’s heart jolts, her eyes wide. “You knew?”
“I mean, yeah,” Sammy laughs, but her cheeks are flushed and she plays anxiously with her hair. “Well, I mean, I- I hoped… the way you act around me, I thought it had to mean something. But I wasn’t sure if maybe I was just misreadin’ things or not, so I figured I’d wait n’ see if you brought it up.”
Yaz is stunned. So much for keeping things close to the vest. It takes her a few moments to find her words, mouth opening and closing as she scans Sammy’s face- she’s amused but not unkindly so, and there’s the faintest glimmer of anticipation in her deep brown eyes.
“So… you know I like you,” Yaz settles on finally, her breath tight in her chest. “Do… do you like me, too?”
At this, Sammy breaks into a grin. “Yeah, of course I like you,” she says vehemently, taking Yaz’s arms to pull her closer. “Guess I should’a made it even more obvious.”
Yaz feels her face heat up. Had she really been so oblivious? “Maybe you should,” she murmurs, her heart starting to race. “Just to make sure I really get the message.”
And Sammy does just that, leaning in to kiss her with a smile.
It’s Sammy’s first kiss with a girl, and Yaz’s first kiss at all. It’s short and sweet, but manages to leave them breathless anyways. Sammy rests her forehead against Yaz’s as her arms settle around her waist to hold her just a little longer, almost reluctant for this moment to end.
“I’m glad I met you,” Yaz whispers. “Even if it took coming to dinosaur island.”
Sammy giggles. “Hey, at least we get somethin’ good out of the whole deal.”
They return to camp with interlaced hands and matching grins, and Brooklynn squeals loud enough to make Ben jump. Darius gives them a happy but knowing smile, and Kenji is caught completely off-guard.
Despite the fact that they’re now officially dating, not much changes for them on a daily basis aside from the occasional kiss. They talk and hang out together just as much as they did before.
… and okay, yeah, now Yaz sees it.
Ben visits Bumpy every couple days, both to check up on her and to ensure their bond doesn’t completely fade away.
Even though she lives with her new herd full time, it’s reassuring for the campers to know they’ll always have a friend in the Ankylosauruses.
In a moment of downtime, Yaz is reclined on the couch with her sketchbook in her lap, adding some shading to a sketch of Sammy, when Brooklynn suddenly swoops in to sit next to her. The appearance of the younger girl instantly makes Yaz snap her sketchbook shut, her cheeks flushing.
“Hi!” Brooklynn greets her cheerily.
“Hey,” Yaz offers, eyeing Brooklynn warily. She holds her sketchbook protectively to her chest, hoping that Brooklynn won’t ask about it.
“So…” Brooklynn drawls, her green eyes bright and eager. “Sammina or Yasammy?”
Yaz blinks, sitting up to face her better. “What?”
“You and Sammy’s couple name,” Brooklynn explains, leaning forward excitedly. “Which one do you like better?”
Yaz snorts, managing not to roll her eyes. “We don’t need a couple name, we’re not celebrities.”
“I guess not,” Brooklynn relents. Her grin eases into something smaller, more genuine. “It’s just… nice. To see you two happy together.”
Yaz softens. “Thanks. I’ve… never been in a relationship before,” she confesses. “I guess that’s why it took me so long to realize what my feelings meant.”
Brooklynn nods thoughtfully. “Yeah, I’m pretty sure everyone else knew before you did. Well, except Kenji,” she laughs. “So wait, did you even know you liked girls?”
“No.” Yaz shakes her head. “I mean, I guess the only people I’ve been close enough to develop feelings for would be my teammates, which uh, was an all-girls’ team. But if I did, I… didn’t realize it.”
“Huh. Must’ve been a surprise,” Brooklynn muses. “I’ve known I was bi since I was ten. Or, well, the internet sort of figured it out for me.”
Yaz raises her eyebrows. “Woah. That’s… kind of young, isn’t it?” she asks hesitantly.
Brooklynn makes a noncommittal noise. “Not a lot of privacy growing up when your parents run a super popular family channel,” she says faintly. “All the speculation and pressure to come out kinda… expedited the process.”
“I’m sorry,” Yaz murmurs, her brows furrowing. “That should’ve been something you figured out in your own time, on your own terms.”
Brooklynn gives her an appreciative look. “It’s alright. It sort of gave me a head start, in being a voice for all my LGBT fans. A lot of kids look up to me, so I’m glad I can be a role model for them, and help them know it’s okay.” She glances away, picking at a loose thread on the sofa. “Besides, there have been countdowns to my eighteenth birthday for years, so I’m used to not having any privacy.”
“Okay, that’s messed up,” Yaz says, appalled.
Brooklynn shrugs, lips tugging up in a rueful smile. “The life of an online superstar, right?”
“Yikes.” Yaz suppresses a shudder. “If we ever get back home, you have got to consider a new career.”
That makes Brooklynn laugh. “Okay, maybe I can tag along to a track meet with you, try out the athlete grind?” she suggests.
“Sure, just don’t forget your briefcase,” Yaz teases.
“Ugh.” Brooklynn holds her face in her hands, but can’t quite hide her grin. “Are you ever gonna let that go?”
“Don’t hold your breath,” Yaz warns, but she’s smiling, too.
None of them realize how much they’re growing until certain shelves in their camp suddenly become easier to reach. Yaz goes to kiss Sammy’s cheek one day and is startled to find she has to go up on her toes. When Kenji ruffles Darius’s hair, his hand is almost at eye-level.
For a while, height becomes sort of a competition, or at least something to brag about. The day Darius surpasses Ben is only beaten by the day Sammy nearly catches up to Kenji- up until he has his own growth spurt.
(At the end of three years, Kenji will still be the tallest, but only slightly above Sammy. The difference between Yaz, Darius, and Ben comes down to millimeters, but Brooklynn is the shortest by several inches.)
The campers warm up to the idea of using weapons.
None of them have any combat training, aside from Yaz’s five years of kickboxing lessons, so it’s mostly trial and error. They figure out the best way to use their weapons without hurting themselves, practicing stabs and slashes against the thick jungle tree trunks until the movement feels natural and fluid, building muscle memory and calluses alike.
It's a somber affair, but necessary.
After a particularly robust bout of growth spurts, their clothes start to feel a bit too tight and a bit too short.
Kenji’s condo is the first place they check for replacements. Unfortunately, it wasn’t really stocked for long-term living, and all they find are a few extra suits in his father’s suite. Nothing suitable for living on a tropical island, and they aren’t confident enough in their collective sewing abilities to fashion better fitting clothes out of the material.
Their next stop is the various gift shops on Main Street. They time their raid carefully to ensure the T-Rex is absent, posting Ben as a lookout because he was the least concerned with picking out anything specific to wear.
Ultimately, they all find a shirt and a pair of shorts that fit them. Everything has some kind of Jurassic World branding on it, but it can’t be helped. Some are more tasteful than others, in any case.
Darius picks a simple black T-shirt that has two little raptors printed on it, to look as if they’re poking out of the pocket. It amuses him endlessly because real Velociraptor hatchlings would be way too big for that.
Kenji takes a liking to a vintage-looking T-shirt with the original Jurassic Park logo on it. And for Ben, he grabs one with a cinematic print of the Mosasaurus, about to engulf a Great White shark. (Ben, after tearing off the short sleeves to convert it to a tank top, deems it acceptable).
Brooklynn manages to find the only pink shirt in the place. It has a chart on it displaying images of different Velociraptor expressions which, in her opinion, is a bonus- even if the ‘sad raptor’ looks suspiciously similar to ‘confused raptor.’  
Sammy goes with a white tank top with the Jurassic World logo, artfully surrounded by greyscale leaves and ferns.
Yaz is disappointed by the lack of athletic clothing, but settles for a crop top that reads, ‘It’s a Wild Jurassic World.’ After changing, she shows off the six pack everyone always suspected she had, making Sammy blush.
None of the gift shops carry underwear, but there is a shop for swimsuits. It’s… an unconventional substitution, but technically, the function should be the same. In fact, the swimwear is probably more durable than their current undergarments, and the waterproof material is helpful considering the tropical climate. All of them know the horrors of soggy underwear and would like to avoid repeating the experience, so the swimsuits are deemed acceptable.
Sammy, who’s had wire poking out from her bra for several weeks now, calls first dibs on the changing room.
Ben shows them how to construct small bits of armor out of vines and tree bark. It’s somewhat of a moot point, because they all know it can’t protect them from a dinosaur’s teeth or claws or crushing weight. But it can protect their arms and legs from small bumps and scrapes, often obtained when sprinting through the jungle, and it helps them feel slightly more capable.
And at the very least, it makes their cheesy souvenir outfits look slightly more cool.
The pages of Darius’s field guide start to fill up.
He tries writing smaller and using fewer illustrations to save space, but in the end, there’s just too much he wants to include and before he knows it, he’s staring at the back cover.
Part of him knows it’s not really important. He had originally started the practice so that once they got off the island, he could share his findings with the world. Now, though, the chances of anyone else ever reading his guide are slim.
Still, he finds himself reaching for it anytime he makes a new observation, only to be disappointed when he remembers.
Yaz’s ankle gives out, eventually.
It’s an ordinary day for them- which includes running for their lives from a dinosaur (a stray Monolophosaurus, in this case). A few sharp turns and heavy landings later, and suddenly there’s a loud pop. Yaz gasps, stumbling to her knees. Her face is pale and sheened with sweat, eyes wide with horror.
Sammy quickly doubles back for her, throwing Yaz’s arm around her shoulders to pull her up. But her foot won’t take her weight even with Sammy’s help.
By unspoken agreement, the rest of the campers dart into a loose circle around them, protecting each other’s backs with weapons at the ready. The Monolophosaurus catches up to them seconds later, pulling up short once it sees their defensive formation.
It paces around them uncertainly, tail lashing from side to side. Hissing, it makes a few swipes at them, darting forward and snapping its jaws.
The camper it happens to be closest to is Ben, who responds by screaming at it at the top of his lungs, jabbing forward with his spear. That seems to make the Monolophosaurus pause.
The rest of the campers join in immediately, screaming and swiping their weapons at it. Kenji’s machete comes close, but it’s Brooklynn’s bat that finally lands a solid hit on the side of the dinosaur’s face.
Snarling, the Monolophosaurus staggers back a few steps, shaking its head. It roars at them, almost indignantly, before turning and stalking back into the underbrush.
There’s no time to celebrate their victory- screaming is a good deterrent for smaller dinosaurs, but can easily attract the bigger ones. Wordlessly, Kenji lifts Yaz onto his back, and they begin their trek back to camp.
As soon as Brooklynn gets a look at Yaz’s ankle, her stomach drops. She would like to say it’s just a sprain. She knows how to help with those. But she heard the way Yaz’s ankle popped, and her entire foot is swollen and bruised, and the joint seems way too loose. The slightest movement has Yaz in tears, and it can’t bear any weight at all.
Whether it’s a torn ligament or a broken bone, it’s something beyond Brooklynn’s capacity to fix. All she can suggest is rest and support.
Using their scarce medical supplies and whatever materials they can scavenge up, they build a brace for Yaz. It’s clunky and only remotely boot-shaped, made out of metal pipes, tree bark, and compression tape, but it’s better than nothing.
Even after taking it easy for a couple weeks (as easy as she can, anyways), trying to do anything more than walking without the brace makes her stumble. It isn’t healing the way it should be, stuck at about 70%, and Yaz feels with horrible certainty that she’s damaged something permanently.
The brace stays on.
“Let me know if it hurts, alright?” Sammy asks.
The brace isn’t the most comfortable thing in the world, and at the end of a long day, Yaz’s leg is left pretty sore. Sammy’s taken it upon herself to massage Yaz’s aching muscles before bed, to help her relax and hopefully get some rest before it’s her turn for night watch. It’s yet another way their relationship has grown closer, in addition to them now sharing a bunk.
“You don’t have to do this,” Yaz mumbles, not for the first time.
Sammy gives her a patient smile. Her hands are infinitely gentle as they move over Yaz’s ankle, careful to soothe instead of hurt. “I already told you, sweet pea, I don’t mind. ‘Sides, it’s the least I can do.”
Yaz sits up a little more, careful not to bump her head on the roof of their bunk. “What do you mean?” she asks, frowning. “You don’t owe me anything.”
Sammy shrugs, her gaze downcast. “Well, you first hurt your ankle savin’ me from the Mosasaurus. And you didn’t even like me back then. Not to mention you probably reinjured it that night with the Scorpius-”
“Hey,” Yaz says softly. “This isn’t your fault.”
“I know.” Sammy’s smile is faint. “I just… after everything you’ve done for me…”
“I’d do it all again in a heartbeat,” Yaz swears.
And despite how terrified she is that her ankle will be the death of her, and the guilt she feels for being a burden on the group, she means it.
Brooklynn, a late bloomer, has her first period.
Sammy, an early bloomer who’s been dealing with hers since she was eleven, makes a perfect mother hen and helps the younger girl through it, banishing the boys from the camp for a few days.
They decide to make themselves useful and raid Kenji’s condo for chocolate bars. They’re stale, but a very welcome treat. Brooklynn tears up upon receiving them, and then punches Darius in the arm to make up for it.
“So hey, if you had to pick, which dino would you want to eat you?”
Kenji’s offhanded question comes out of nowhere, surprising and appalling the other campers. But before Darius can reprimand him, Ben’s immediately providing an answer, without even looking up from the fire where his fish is cooking.
“Easy, the T-Rex.”
Darius gawks as Kenji gives a delighted grin.
“Really?” Yaz asks, knitting her brows together.
“Of course,” Ben says matter-of-factly. “With the T-Rex, at least it’d be over in one big bite instead of a super painful mauling. Plus, if someone asks what happened to me, ‘He got eaten by a T-Rex’ sounds way cooler than ‘He got eaten by a Monolophosaurus.’ No one even knows what a Monolophosaurus is.”
Darius gives him an offended look.
“Okay, most people don’t know what a Monolophosaurus is,” Ben amends, rolling his eyes even as he smiles.
“Stop saying Monolophosaurus,” Brooklynn huffs.
“Hey, what about the Mosasaurus?” Kenji asks teasingly, lightly elbowing Ben in the ribs.
Ben wrinkles his nose. “Uh, it’d be really stupid to get eaten by something that’s literally confined to a tank. Plus, it might swallow me alive, and getting slowly digested would suck.”
Yaz’s expression is a cross between fascinated and disturbed. “You’ve given this a concerning amount of thought.”
Ben shrugs. “Not much else to think about.”
“You sure you wouldn’t rather get killed by an herbivore?” Sammy chimes in, as if she’s making a generous offer. Her arm is settled comfortably around Yaz’s shoulders. “Broken neck is a faster way to go than gettin’ chewed up.”
“Hundred percent,” Ben assures her. “If a dinosaur is gonna kill me, it better at least get a meal out of it. Can’t blame a carnivore for hunting, that’s the circle of life.”
Kenji snickers. “No offense, but you wouldn’t make much of a meal for anything other than the Compies.”
Ben scowls. “Oh sure, like you’re such a grand feast, yourself?”
“Uh, have you seen me?” Kenji asks in mock disbelief. He curls one arm to proudly show off his bicep. “That’s solid protein right there. Any dino would be lucky to get a bite of this.”
Ben’s eyes quickly dart away, his cheeks tinted ever so slightly. “Why am I not surprised you managed to turn this into an ego trip?” he grumbles, crossing his arms.
Meanwhile, Brooklynn is laughing into her hands somewhat hysterically. “I can’t believe this conversation is happening,” she groans, torn between amusement and mortification.
Darius pats her shoulder consolingly, unable to hide his own grin. “Just let it happen, superstar.”
“Hey, I’m a legit snack, Ben.”
“I don’t even know what that means!”
Darius is almost drowned by a Parasaurolophus.
No one is sure why the attack happened. Perhaps he was standing a little too close to the deep part of the river, and the dinosaur was feeling a little too territorial that day. One second, he’s directing Kenji and Brooklynn on where to tie the fishing net. The next second, there’s a splash, a shout of alarm, and he’s gone.
Kenji reacts first, racing over and diving into the river. He manages to snag one of Darius’s flailing arms, trying in vain to pull him back to the surface as the water churns around them, his feet scrabbling for purchase on the muddy riverbed.
Ben, who’d been keeping watch on the riverbank, dives in after him. Maneuvering a spear underwater is clumsy, but eventually Ben lands a hit in the face. The Parasaurolophus lets go, its cry of pain muted by the water, and swims off.
Kenji drags Darius ashore. The entirety of his calf has darkened into a nasty bruise from the force of the bite, but there’s no broken skin (Parasaurolophus teeth are flat, meant for grinding plants) and the bone doesn’t appear to be broken.
No, the biggest problem is that Darius has stopped breathing.
His face is slack, his eyes are closed, and his lips are tinted blue. At Ben’s shout, Brooklynn drops to the ground next to Darius and starts CPR. After a few tense moments, Darius’s body spasms, and then he’s coughing up water.
But even after his lungs are clear, he seems weak and confused, barely conscious, so Kenji quickly scoops him up and they hurry back to camp. It takes a couple hours for him to recuperate, laid up in his bunk as the rest of the campers hover anxiously.
When Darius does finally come-to, his first attempts at speaking devolve into coughs. He catches his breath, gaze drifting across each of his friend’s worried faces. “Wh- wha- what… what hap- what…” He stops, furrowing his brows, and tries again. “What happened?”
Ben eyes him apprehensively. “A Parasaurolophus dragged you under,” he says. “How are you feeling?”
Darius pauses, taking stock for a moment. His throat is a little sore and his leg is aching, but other than that, he feels fine. “M- my… my uh… my- my leg is, um… it’s…” His breathing quickens, panic starting to seep through his confusion. What word is he looking for? And why can’t he speak without stuttering?
“Hey, it’s alright,” Sammy quickly soothes him, not quite able to mask the nervous flutter in her voice. She grabs a water bottle and holds it out to him. “Here, just take a drink and have a breather.”
But when Darius goes to reach for it, it slips through his fingers and drops to the floor, a startling smack. Only now does he realize his hands are shaking. He blinks at them, tries to curl them into fists, but it feels like he’s moving through sand.
Yaz scoops the bottle up, alarm flashing in her eyes. “Here,” she murmurs, pressing it into his hand.
Darius keeps hold of it this time, though he can’t hold it quite still, hovering slightly in the air. And when he goes to unscrew the cap, his fingers don’t respond. They’re clumsy and slow and they tremble incessantly. Aghast, he sets the bottle down, unconcerned with his thirst for the moment.
“H- how… how lo- how um, how long was I…” Darius swallows, tries again. “How long w- was I, uh…” What’s the word, what’s the word… “Out?”
“I don’t know,” Kenji says lowly, his expression pinched. “But you weren’t breathing when I pulled you out of the water.”
‘Oh,’ Darius thinks, his chest tightening. ‘That’s not good.’
The realization must’ve shown on his face, because Brooklynn’s breath catches. “You’re… gonna be okay, right?” she asks carefully.
Darius grimaces.
Cerebral hypoxia- oxygen deprivation of the brain- can have many long-term side effects. Among these are memory loss, speech difficulty, and decrease in motor coordination. It’s generally irreversible; once brain cells are dead, there is no healing or replacing them. But it could’ve been much worse. If he’d gone even a couple minutes longer without oxygen, he could’ve had a seizure, wound up in a coma, or even died.
Darius would explain all this if he could, but he can’t string together the words without stuttering or forgetting certain terms, and he can’t hold a pencil steady long enough to write it out. His attempts only frustrate and fluster him as the others grow more concerned.
So in the end, “Brain damage,” is the short explanation he settles for, given with a half-hearted smile.
It’s a difficult adjustment.
Darius’s motor control isn’t as far gone as he initially feared, but it’s still pretty bad. He can, for the most part, grab and hold things (as long as they aren’t too small). He can still wield a knife, and climb a ladder, and pull in a fishing net. But anything intricate, anything that requires dexterity, is almost impossible.
The others don’t really know how to handle conversations with Darius anymore. They’re torn between patiently waiting for him to find his words, or attempting to help him out by filling them in from context. As a result, there’s a lot of fumbling and uncertainty that makes even casual conversations a challenge.
It’d be easier if Darius could make up his mind on which is more helpful, but that changes by the day. Sometimes, his frustration at forgetting a word is enough to bring him to tears, and he’s desperate for someone to help. Other times, getting cut off is a frustration all its own, because the word is on the tip of his tongue, if he could only get it out.
He tries not to snap at the others. He knows they’re doing their best. But sometimes the reality of the situation, the weight of everything he can no longer do, gets to be too much and he has to walk away before he loses his temper or breaks down crying.
He’s supposed to be a leader, to look after them. He’s supposed to be the one with the answers. And it’s devastating to know he’s failing at it, that he can’t be what they need.
Darius doesn’t tell them this- conversations are even harder when he’s emotional- but Brooklynn seems to figure it out anyways. She corners him after a particularly frustrating day, a knowing look in her green eyes.
“Dude, you have got to stop beating yourself up over this,” she tells him, her voice gentle but firm.
“I- I know that,” Darius tries to insist, but the truth must show in his eyes because Brooklynn sighs.
“You’re so much more than what you can do for other people,” she says, putting a hand on his shoulder. “All the decisions, all the responsibility, it doesn’t always have to be on you and you alone. We’re a team, so for once, put aside that big hero complex of yours and let us help you.”
It takes Darius a few tries to get his words out- and not for the normal reasons. “Okay,” he says finally, blinking away his tears. “Okay, I’ll… I’ll t- try.”
None of them know sign language. But, working together, they come up with a functional system of simple gestures- easy enough for Darius’s stiff fingers to do- that they can use to convey messages. Some of it is basic and intuitive; nodding means yes, shaking your head means no, a hand held up means stop. Then there’s specific signs for things like good, bad, follow, wait, quiet, run, hungry, tired, hurt, all clear, sorry, nice job, back to camp, help, and even a few short phrases.
They try to focus on words Darius is likely to use on a regular basis, so he doesn’t have to waste time and energy saying the same things over and over again, as well as stuff he might need to use in an emergency, where speed is important. After a couple weeks of practice, Darius knows the signs by heart and the others can immediately interpret them, even use them whenever a situation calls for stealth.
It’s not a perfect solution. There will always be times where Darius has to rely on the others to help him with simple tasks, or struggle and stutter through a sentence to get by.
But he doesn’t feel alone anymore, and that’s a good place to be.
Darius wakes up one day to find some peach fuzz on his upper lip.
Kenji claps him on the shoulder in congratulations while still insisting it’s not as impressive as his mustache, which complements his beard (both are still patchy, more stubble than actual hair, but that’s beside the point).
Meanwhile, Ben is starting to think he’ll never get facial hair.
Keeping track of time is hard, but it’s been long enough that they can reasonably assume they’ve all had at least one birthday since being stranded.
At least, that’s Kenji’s reasoning behind suddenly declaring it his birthday. “I can’t not have a sweet sixteen birthday party,” he insists. “I’ve been planning it since I was like, ten. It was gonna be a primo yacht party with the hottest DJ in L.A, private catering from a three Michelin Star restaurant, and swimming with professional mermaids.”
Ben snorts. “We could always go for a swim with the Mosasaurus.”
That earns a few snickers from the others. Kenji rolls his eyes. “Okay, obviously I’ll have to throw this party on a budget, but come on!” He throws his hands up. “We deserve to let loose a little bit. Let’s hang at the penthouse for a couple days, live it up!”
The campers have learned by now that Kenji’s showboating is actually a secret way of showing he cares about them. It’s a little disheartening that he feels like the only thing he can offer is his wealth, but they’ve all got their own shit to work through.
So they agree, and that’s how their ‘surprise birthday’ tradition gets started. Whenever they need a break from the stress of their daily life, or one of the campers seems to be in dire need of a boost, they can throw a birthday party to escape it all for a little while. The gifts they scrounge up for each other are crude, but it’s more about the principle of the thing.
(Besides, the best gift for Kenji is watching his friends be carefree teenagers again, even if just for a day.)
Brooklynn loses the vision in her left eye.
Although they’ve been on the island for a long time now and know it pretty well, there are always surprises. Especially because many of the dinosaurs don’t stick to any kind of regular schedule. The T-Rex has her lair on Main Street, but her hunting trips take her all over the island.
So, running into her unexpectedly is just part of life.
Fortunately, on this particular day, Ben happens to know the area and leads them to a waterfall. It’s part of a sheer cliffside and flows into a deep lake, so it’s perfect for jumping off of to elude the T-Rex.
Unfortunately, on this particular day, Brooklynn slams her head on a rock during the fall down.
When the other campers surface and see Brooklynn floating, motionless in the water with blood pooling around her, the terror of the T-Rex is instantly forgotten. Kenji pulls her to shore, frantically calling her name. She’s breathing but unconscious, and her face is covered in blood, stemming from a gash on her left temple, right beside her eye.
This isn’t the first time one of them has been severely injured, but this time it’s Brooklynn. Having the only person with first aid skills incapacitated adds on an entirely new layer of panic.
It’s a collective effort to try and get Brooklynn stable, to clean away the blood as best they can- as carefully as they can- and bandage the wound. In the time it took them to get back to camp, Brooklynn’s eye has swelled horrifically, so Sammy wets a rag with clean water to use as a cold compress.
From there, all they can do is wait.
Brooklynn does eventually regain consciousness, though it’s clear she’s suffering from a concussion. It’s a struggle to keep her from tearing at the bandages in her confusion, and her cries of pain are heartbreaking. Once she’s rested a bit longer and is more coherent, they explain what happened, and the fear on her face makes her look startlingly younger than she is.
Over the next few weeks, Brooklynn is restricted to bed rest, the other campers having to help her get around until she adjusts to her limited vision. It’s a severe bruise to her pride, and leads to more than a couple breakdowns.
But the worst part is when the bandages come off.
“Okay,” Brooklynn says impatiently, “you can take the rest of them off, now.”
Sammy, clenching a fistful of dirty bandages, swallows hard. “I, uh… already have, hun,” she says as kindly as she can.
Brooklynn freezes as the implications fully sink in. Carefully, she lifts a hand to her eye, her fingers softly probing. She can feel her eye moving around, the way her lashes flutter and her lids open and close. But she can’t see anything besides inky blackness.
“Oh,” Brooklynn says, and then she starts crying. As it turns out, her left eye can still do that.
It’s a heavy revelation for the campers to swallow. With just the right eye, Brooklynn can only see about 45 degrees to the left of her nose. That’s a considerable blind spot to have, when living in a place where the threat of death constantly lurks around every corner.
(Ben takes it particularly hard, as the one responsible for leading the group to the waterfall in the first place.)
And her eye hasn’t just lost its vision, its appearance has changed, too. Her pupil is permanently dilated, slightly larger than that of her good eye. The color of her iris has faded, now a milky white with only hints of green instead of the bright emerald she was born with. And the scarring around her eye leaves the skin a mottled pink, rough under her fingertips.
For the first time in a long time, Brooklynn’s thoughts stray back to her old life, when her image was everything. She can vividly imagine the kind of hate she’d get, if this had happened while she was still an influencer, and it makes her feel sick.
She starts parting her hair to cover her eye, seeing as how it’s useless anyways.
Relearning how to do everything with one eye is harder than Brooklynn thought it’d be.
The others are helping as much as they can. Using leaves and moss, they pad all the sharp corners in the camp, to lessen the chance of Brooklynn hurting herself when bumping into something. And whenever they have to venture out, one of them- usually Ben- stays firmly on her left side, guarding her blind spot.
Brooklynn is incredibly grateful for their support. She knows they still care about her and would do anything for her, and that accepting their help doesn’t mean she’s weak.
But knowing that isn’t always enough to silence the voices in her head, the ones that tell her she’s useless and ugly, that it’s her fault she was injured in the first place, that she’s a liability who is going to get herself or someone else killed.
It’s hard to open up about this stuff. But when Darius signs ‘Are you okay?’ to her one day, she remembers what she told him after his accident, and doesn’t want to be a hypocrite.
“No,” she says honestly. “I know I can count on you guys to look after me, I do, and I appreciate it. And I should just be glad I’m alive. But whenever I see my reflection, the way it looks, I- I just…” Her voice breaks, and she glances away, her eyes stinging. “It’s stupid, I know. Looking pretty is the last thing to worry about on dinosaur island.”
Darius’s expression softens. His hands are remarkably steady- a rare occurrence, nowadays- as he gently reaches out to brush her hair out of her face. He doesn’t shy away from her bad eye, and meets her gaze evenly.
“The outs- side… isn’t important,” he says. “What really, um, makes a- a person who they are is… is everything up here,” he taps a finger to the side of his head, “and in h- here,” he moves his hand over his heart. “Our- our bodies… are just, uh… just- just the machines we pilot. And ha- having a defective one doesn’t m- make us less of a… a, uh, you know, a… a- a person.” A smile pulls at his mouth. “And I w- would know.”
Brooklynn manages to laugh through her tears. “You know, all you had to do was say that I’m still pretty.”
Darius ducks his head. “O- oh, yeah, uh… that- that too.”
The sincerity in his voice catches Brooklynn off guard. “Oh.” She tucks her hair behind her ear, suddenly feeling shy. “Um, thanks. For everything, I mean.”
“No problem,” Darius replies, scratching the back of his neck. He might be blushing, it’s hard to tell.
It doesn’t magically make all of Brooklynn’s insecurities go away, but she does start wearing her hair back again.
No one really remembers when the last of the pink grew out of Brooklynn’s hair.
Sammy’s requires frequent haircuts to keep it from becoming an unmanageable tangle of frizz.
Yaz chops all her hair off one day on an impulse. She panics about the decision almost immediately after, but Sammy assures her that she’s still beautiful, and that if she’s tired of dealing with long hair on a tropical island, it’s entirely her right. Plus, Sammy personally finds the choppy pixie cut very flattering, which Yaz is greatly relieved to hear.
“Try a- a little m- more uh, more… high-pitched,” Darius suggests.
Ben obliges, taking another breath before blowing into his cupped hands. A sharp chirping sound pierces the air, making the campers jump even though they’re expecting it.
“Yeah, that’s it!” Darius cheers, signing ‘nice job’ for good measure. “Spot-on raptor im- impress- sion, man.”
After finding out Ben had an uncanny talent for mimicking dinosaur calls, Darius- unsurprisingly- immediately found a good use for it. Namely, teaching him the raptor call for ‘help,’ which could come in handy if they ever encounter the solo raptor again. Or, if they ever need to team up with her against a larger enemy again.
(Darius isn’t foolish enough to think they could ever tame the raptor, like Ben did Bumpy, but she’s cooperated with them in the past and it’s always good to be prepared.)
“Dude, how do you do that?” Brooklynn asks in amazement. “I can’t even whistle.”
Ben grins, looking pleased with himself. “Looks like my seven years of oboe lessons finally paid off,” he says, puffing out his chest.
Kenji gasps. “Wait, wait, wait. Stop everything.” A massive grin spreads across his face, eyes sparkling like he’s a kid on Christmas morning. “You play the oboe?”
Ben deflates again. “And that’s why I haven’t brought it up,” he sighs.
A Baryonyx encounter ends with Kenji getting clawed across the face.
Running in to them from time to time is inevitable, really. The pair of carnivores are hard to keep track of, since they tend to wander instead of establishing any kind of home nest. And their smaller size (relatively speaking) gives them a stealth advantage that many other dinosaurs don’t have.
It happens during a trip to Lookout Point, where the campers are hoping to scavenge the solar panels that power the gondolas. Ben has recruited Bumpy for the mission, fastening a makeshift sled to her spines so she can carry the heavy panels- an easy feat now that she’s reached her adult size. But they don’t even make it halfway to the mountain before they’re ambushed.
Weapons and training aside, two Baryonyxes are still a challenge. Bumpy squares off with Limbo, while Chaos sets her sights on the campers. During the attack, Kenji narrowly avoids her jaws by ducking- which happens to put him directly in the path of her claws.
Kenji screams like the campers have never heard him scream before, and goes down clutching his blood-streaked face.
Without hesitation, Ben jumps in front of him, screaming at Chaos in defiance and lashing out with his spear to keep her at bay. Bumpy delivers a parting blow to Limbo and charges to Ben’s side, roaring and beating her tail on the ground. The other campers immediately rally around them, forming a protective wall around Kenji.
After Ben’s spear hits its mark, slicing a gash up the side of Chaos’s face, the Baryonyxes beat a grudging retreat. Sammy pulls Kenji onto the sled, Ben hops onto Bumpy’s back, and they all make a break back to camp.
It takes all four of them to hold Kenji down while Brooklynn does her best to clean and dress his wounds. He screams and thrashes until the pain becomes too much, and he falls unconscious. This turns out to be both a blessing and a curse; Brooklynn is able to work much more quickly, but Ben is nearly beside himself with panic.
The next couple of days are hell. Kenji drifts in and out of consciousness, burning up with a fever that’s likely the result of infection. When he’s awake, he’s in extreme pain and can barely bring himself to eat, no matter how the others beg him to. When he’s asleep, he’s plagued by nightmares and can’t seem to get comfortable, shifting restlessly and crying out in his sleep.
Even after his fever breaks, the recovery is hard. The bandages- scraps of scavenged fabric- cover half of Kenji’s face, restricting him to the camp. Eating is difficult, and cleaning the wounds every couple days is excruciating. He hates the way the others have to help him with everything, and feels more useless than ever before.
(Brooklynn knows the feeling, and lets Kenji vent to her whenever he needs to.)
Once the bandages have been off for a few weeks, it becomes apparent that Kenji’s wounds have healed as much as they’re ever going to. That leaves him with three large slash marks cutting across the right side of his face.
The topmost one skirts along the side of his nose and just underneath his eye, the puffy scar tissue leaving his lower eyelid raised in a partial squint. The middle one has disfigured both his ear and the corner of his mouth- a sizeable divot in his upper lip exposes a sliver of his teeth even when his mouth is closed. And the bottom one crosses from the edge of his jaw to his chin in a deep gouge.
It’s all superficial. He can see out of his right eye perfectly fine, and despite the outer appearance of his ear, his hearing is unaffected. He can still talk and eat normally. The pain is getting better by the day. It could’ve been so, so much worse.
This is what Kenji tells himself, every time he catches his reflection in the river or traces his fingers over the scars and feels like crying.
It doesn’t always help.
Kenji feels Ben staring at him.
He’s used to catching Ben staring at him. Well, not him, specifically. Ben just stares a lot, in general. It’s one of his quirks that they’ve all gotten familiar with. But all of a sudden it feels different, like touching an exposed nerve, and Kenji bristles.
“What do you want?” he snaps. Immediately, he regrets how harsh his voice came out.
But Ben has grown a lot from the shy boy who first arrived on the island, and he isn’t even fazed by Kenji’s tone. Brows furrowing, he pushes away from the wall and stalks up to Kenji, his eyes hard and determined. Without a word, he grabs Kenji by the front of his shirt and-
And then Ben’s kissing him.
In the time it takes for Kenji to process what’s happening, Ben’s already pulled away. He’s backed up a step- not too far- and is glancing off to the side, avoiding Kenji’s gaze. His face is flushed red and he’s fidgeting with his hands, an anxious gesture that Kenji rarely sees on him anymore.
Kenji blinks. “Um-”
“I like your scars,” Ben says in a rush. “I think they look cool. And uh, they mean you’re a survivor. So don’t… don’t be insecure about them, okay?”
Kenji’s hand comes up to his lips. “So… you kissed me,” he says slowly, “just because my scars look cool?”
Ben rolls his eyes, but there’s a fondness, there. “No, I’ve wanted to do that for a long time,” he confesses. “I guess… I let my old fears get the best of me. But when this happened…” His eyes dart along Kenji’s scars, his expression softening. “We could’ve lost you. So it just- it put things into perspective.”
“I see.” A smile tugs at Kenji’s mouth, warmth curling in his chest. “Well, I can’t say I’m surprised someone eventually fell in love with me,” he drawls, putting on airs. “I’m really quite the catch.”
Ben huffs even as his blush darkens. “If you’re gonna be all smug about it, then forget it,” he sniffs, turning as if to leave.
“No, no, no,” Kenji says quickly, catching Ben by the hand. “No take-backs. You’re stuck with me now, wild man.”
Ben’s lips quirk up into a grin. “Alright, city boy,” he murmurs, sliding his hands up to Kenji’s shoulders.
“Woah, woah, woah, enough with the city boy already!” Kenji protests, indignant. “I’m older than you, and I’m definitely more man than boy. Have you seen my beard? And hey, aren’t you from Chicago?”
Ben gives him a dry look. “Are you gonna kiss me or not?”
Despite the sudden butterflies in Kenji’s stomach, he plays it cool. “Well, since you asked so nicely.” He leans down slowly, intending to take his time, but Ben grows impatient and closes the gap for him.
Kenji’s kissed girls before, but that was nothing like this. Ben’s calloused hands are rough on Kenji’s neck as he pulls him down, pulls him closer. When he lacks in experience, he more than makes up for with enthusiasm, kissing Kenji recklessly, like this is a battle he’s determined to win. His scent is strong- sweat and mud and grass, undercut with the sharp sting of alcohol from the hand sanitizer he seems to possess in infinite quantities.
It’s so perfectly imperfect, so Ben, that Kenji’s heart feels like it’s going to burst.
The sound of footsteps makes them both jump. They break away from each other, but not quite before Darius and Brooklynn round the corner. Kenji is painfully aware how clear it is that they were just kissing, and he feels his face burn.
Once they recover from their surprise, Darius and Brooklynn break into matching, shit-eating grins.
“It’s about time, you two,” Brooklynn says, while Darius lets out a wolf-whistle, giving them his hand sign for ‘nice job.’
The embarrassment is enough to make Kenji wish he’d sink right through the floor. But Ben just lets out an easy laugh, dorky as ever, and interlaces his fingers with Kenji’s. “Yeah, yeah, we get it. Now could you give us some privacy? We were in the middle of something.”
The completely unabashed way he says it has Kenji hiding his face in his hand. “Oh my god, Ben,” he groans, borderline mortified and yet almost in awe of Ben’s confidence.
Darius and Brooklynn oblige, cackling like hyenas on their way out. Ben wastes no time pulling Kenji into another kiss.
Darius’s voice changes overnight, without any warning. It gives all the campers quite the surprise in the morning.
Ben goes through an embarrassing period of voice cracks before his finally drops. Though it’s not dramatically deeper than it was before, which he considers a total rip-off.
Kenji’s is more subtle, gradually deepening over time before settling. It isn’t lower than Darius’s, which Kenji thinks is insanely unfair, seeing as he’s the oldest guy, but the universe doesn’t seem to care (which is, to be fair, par for the course at this point).
“- see those two flyin’ together? I call ‘em Terry and Donna. And that one with the red markings is Red Bull- you know, Red Bull gives you wings?”
Sammy and Darius are watching a flock of Pteranodons fly by, weapons held at the ready in case they are noticed. But the dinosaurs are well above the treetops of the jungle and for the moment, everything is peaceful.
“You know, you- you really shouldn’t name them,” Darius says off-handedly, though his smile is amused. “Naming d- dangerous animals can provide a- a- a- false sense of- um, of- of familiarity, and make you less, uh… less…” He frowns, signing ‘help.’
“Careful?” Sammy suggests.
“Careful,” Darius agrees gratefully. “Less careful around them. It’s th- the same logic behind venomous snakes at zoos.”
Sammy looks thoughtful. “Guess that makes sense…” Then she points at the next one, face brightening. “Oh, this one’s Madonna- get it? Pteranodon, Madonna?”
Despite himself, Darius laughs. “Okay, that’s- that’s pretty good.”
Ben’s hearing starts to go.
It’s a subtle process- so subtle, in fact, that it takes a long time before anyone even realizes what’s happening. They discover it completely by accident, when Darius unintentionally sneaks up on Ben while his back is turned.
Darius only just manages to avoid the fist that comes swinging his way, yelping in alarm.
“Woah, Darius!” Ben draws up short, realization flashing in his eyes. His hands drop to his sides, all the aggression and tension in his body vanishing as quickly as it had come.
‘Sorry,’ Darius signs, catching his breath. ‘Are you okay?’
“Yeah, yeah,” Ben waves him off, apologetic. “You just startled me.”
Darius knits his brows together. If it were any other camper, he wouldn’t think anything of it. But Ben? Ben is notoriously hard to sneak up on, always hyperaware of his surroundings as a result of his time alone. And it’s not like Darius was even trying to be sneaky.
A knot forms in his stomach. “Is your, uh… your h- hearing okay?” he asks tentatively.
Ben blinks in surprise. “What? Yeah, it’s fine. Why wouldn’t it be?”
Darius shrugs and lets the matter drop for the time being. But he’s not fully convinced, and starts keeping a closer eye on Ben. And as he does, he has some… worrying revelations.
It’s not uncommon for them to have to call Ben’s name a few times before he takes notice, if he’s a little way’s off from the rest of them. Before, Darius assumed it was just because Ben had a tendency to let his mind wander. But now, he’s not sure. And as he’s looking closer, he’s starting to see patterns.
Ben always answers straight away if he happens to be looking at the person talking, or standing close by. He’s less likely to hear them if there’s other noise going on in the background, like the running river water. And whenever they’re out on the island, and there’s some faint sound in the distance that makes them all tense, Ben doesn’t react until he sees the rest of them.
As much as Darius doesn’t want it to be true, he can’t deny the facts. And the longer they wait to address it, the more danger Ben is in. He brings it up to Ben in private, already knowing it won’t be an easy conversation.
“So,” he starts, “I uh, I’ve noticed some… uh, some things.”
Ben quirks a brow. “Things?”
Darius nods. “I- I think… I think, um, that you’re h- hard of- of hearing.”
“Darius, that doesn’t make sense.” Ben’s voice is tight, the way it gets whenever he’s trying to reign in his emotions. “I can hear you perfectly fine right now.”
“It’s n- not always all or- or nothing,” Darius explains gently, despite his rising dread. “D- does your family h- have any… a- any, uh… any history o- of hearing loss?”
Ben bites his lip, clearing debating with himself. “My uncle had to get a hearing aid when he was in his thirties,” he admits, glancing away. “My mom said there was a chance it was hereditary. But it’s not supposed to happen until later in life. For it to start so early, I- I don’t think…”
Darius’s uneasy feeling grows. The various roars from different dinosaurs can measure well above 100 decibels, which is hazardous to human ears. Not to mention the occasional explosions they’ve witnessed, often set off by Ben himself.
All of them have been exposed to loud sounds and been completely fine afterwards. But for someone with a genetic predisposition to hearing loss…
“Being on th- this island… has caused it to accelerate,” Darius says grimly.
There’s a split-second where Darius can see the fear plainly in Ben’s eyes. And then he shrugs, quickly turning away. “So what? Dinosaurs aren’t exactly quiet, I’ll be fine.”
But they both know that’s not true. Sure, the large carnivores on this island often announce themselves with a roar, but not always. They can be stealthy when they want to be. And all it takes is one time for Ben not to hear it coming, just one time for it to be fatal.
Darius takes a breath. “Look, I- I know this is h- hard, but-”
“But what?” Ben snaps, whirling back around with bared teeth and raised hackles. “I’m fine, I’m perfectly fine! I can take care of myself, I-” His voice breaks, and all the anger falls away, leaving him pale with fear. “I’m fine, I… I’m fine. I have to be.”
Darius puts a hand on his shoulder, sympathetic. “You’re… you’re gonna be o- okay, Ben,” he tells him softly. “We’re n- not going to let anything, um, a- anything… happen to you.”
Ben’s already shaking his head. “You can’t promise that,” he says, his voice wavering. “And- and if I can’t take care of myself, then I’m good as dead.”
Before Darius has a chance to respond, Ben’s gone.
Later that evening, Kenji finds Ben on the roof.
He’s sitting against the railing, angled so he can see anyone coming up the stairs while still keeping an eye out on the horizon, the dark blue sky bleeding into purple as the sun sinks low over the jungle. His gaze flicks over to Kenji briefly before he turns away again.
Kenji lingers by the stairwell, hesitating. He really doesn’t know how to handle… this. But when Darius explained how upset Ben got, Kenji knew he couldn’t just let him be alone. No one should deal with this kind of thing alone, not even a totally-capable semi-feral jungle man.
He must hesitate too long, because Ben sighs. “I take it you’ve all heard the news?” he asks dryly.
“Yeah, um…” Kenji swallows. “Ben, listen-”
“Listen?” Ben lets out a sharp laugh. “You might be out of luck, because apparently, I’m no good at that.”
“Hey, no.” Frowning, Kenji approaches Ben, sinking to the floor next to him. “Ben, losing your hearing isn’t a personal failure, it’s something beyond your- or anyone else’s- control.”
Bristling, Ben glances away, lips curled into a scowl. “Is that supposed to make me feel better?”
“Hey,” Kenji murmurs, putting a hand on Ben’s shoulder. “Don’t shut me out.”
Ben winces. “I’m sorry,” he relents, some of the tension draining from his shoulders. “I just… for the first time in my life, I’m finally strong enough to take care of myself. I don’t want to lose that.”
Kenji’s brows crease. “Okay, that makes sense,” he says, “but accepting help from your friends doesn’t mean you have to lose your independence.”
“Doesn’t it?” Ben asks helplessly. “Darius thinks I shouldn’t go anywhere alone, in case a dinosaur sneaks up on me.”
Kenji makes a noncommittal noise. “… I mean, to be fair, none of us should really go off on our own,” he says, spreading his hands. “The island is too dangerous for that.”
Disappointment flashes across Ben’s face. “You don’t get it.”
“You’re right, I don’t,” Kenji agrees, tilting his head. “Why is control such a thing with you? I can’t understand if you don’t tell me.”
Ben’s quiet for a moment. “It’s… the way my parents raised me,” he says finally, his voice tight.
“Ah.” Kenji blinks. “You… don’t talk about them much,” he says carefully.
Ben smiles without humor. “Yeah. I care about them, but they’re more like… super involved social workers instead of parents. Ever since I was little, they’ve managed every aspect of my life, every second of the day. How I dress, what I eat, the activities I do, who I hang out with…” He hugs his knees to his chest. “But it was my fault, too. I mean, you remember what I used to be like. It wasn’t like I had a lot of strong opinions of my own- unless it had to do with germs.”
Even if there’s some truth to his words, Kenji feels a pang of sympathy. “Still, though. That’s gotta be tough. I can’t imagine my dad being that involved in my life.”
Ben gives him a sidelong look, pursing his lips. “That’s sad for different reasons.”
“Sure, but we’re talking about you right now,” Kenji says deftly. “So, you had overcontrolling parents. And now that you’ve experienced freedom, the thought of not being completely, 100% independent and in control at all times over your life…”
“It’s scary,” Ben finishes, his voice small. “It feels like I’m that same helpless kid I used to be. And I can’t be him, because he wouldn’t make it out here.”
Kenji’s heart tightens. They’ve all struggled and suffered plenty since being stranded on the island. But sometimes, their worst demons are the ones that came here with them. Kenji knows the feeling well, considering how much he’s still affected by his strained relationship with his father. And it hurts to see Ben, the person who’s found so much strength and confidence, doubt himself now.
“Maybe not on his own,” Kenji amends, putting his arm around Ben’s shoulders. “But you’re not alone. And you’ve grown so much since I’ve known you, I- I don’t think you could ever go back to being helpless.”
Ben peeks up at him. “You… really think so?”
“Of course!” Kenji assures him. “Need I remind you who defeated Toro?”
Ben lets out a faint laugh at that, gazing at Kenji with equal amounts of fondness and wonder. “Thanks, Kenji,” he says softly, leaning in to kiss him on his scarred cheek.
Kenji hums and settles further into the embrace, Ben resting his head on Kenji’s shoulder as they watch the sunset together.
The official decision comes a bit later; no one is to go anywhere alone. When venturing out beyond the camp, each of them are to utilize the buddy system, as determined by Darius.
Kenji is paired with Yaz, on account of him being the only camper who could feasibly carry her if her ankle were to give out.
Brooklynn and Ben are paired together because they fill the gaps in each other’s senses exceptionally well; Ben’s eyesight is the sharpest of the group, and Brooklynn’s excellent hearing has become even more heightened since the loss of her eye.
That leaves Darius with Sammy, who he feels has the best chance of picking up his train of thought in the event of a mental stalling, since she understands more about animal behavior than the others.
Though they all accept this reasoning as solid, Sammy can’t help but pout- however playfully- at not being paired with Yaz. Darius then explains that he deliberately separated the couples in order to eliminate the temptation to become… distracted, and thus, letting their guard down.
Sammy blushes at this and concedes the point, though she notices that Darius has also avoided pairing himself with Brooklynn. A coincidence? Maybe.
But privately, she wonders if the same reasoning applies.
The campers experience their first real tropical storm on the island.
They’ve seen storms before, but nothing like this, where the rain is blowing sideways and the wind can fell trees. It rolls in fast and without warning, leading to a mad dash for the underground tunnels. They wait in the dark for hours and hours until they can no longer feel the ground shake from thunder, and warily, emerge blinking into the daylight.
It's a rude awakening. The whole island looks like a disaster zone, but their camp was hit especially hard. Flooding from the river has turned the site into a temporary mud pit, and their structure is in shambles. Normally, the sight would be enough to drive anyone to tears- all their hard work, wasted. But they’re rattled and exhausted and losing daylight, and crying won’t fix anything.
Wordlessly, they all start to rebuild.
A scavenging trip through the main park has brought the campers to the Lagoon. Unpleasant memories fresh in mind, they keep a wide berth around the Mosasaurus exhibit- up until Brooklynn realizes she can hear waves, much closer than they ought to be.
Brooklynn catches Ben by the arm, to get his attention before she speaks. “Hey, uh… does the gate look open to you?”
She’s squinting out at the enclosure, one hand shielding her eyes from the sun. Frowning, Ben follows her gaze. The far side must be at least a football field’s length away, and the glare on the water’s surface makes it hard to see. He gets as close to the edge as he dares, staring intently.
The other campers have taken notice of the situation, and wait with bated breath.
“… yeah, it does,” Ben confirms, nonplussed.
“Shit,” Kenji swears, his eyes widening.
Yaz rakes her hands though her hair. “Now how could that have happened?” she frets, her voice strained.
“I don’t know.” Sammy’s shaking her head, looking frightened. “But if the tank’s open, then that means…”
“Oh god,” Brooklynn breathes. “That means the Mosasaurus is out there, loose in the world-”
“Hey, h- hey, relax,” Darius says quickly, holding his hands up. “The Mosasaurus likes to, um, t- to- uh, to hunt in open water. It’ll pr- probably spend the rest of its days way out in the deep ocean, eating w- wh- whales and uh, and sharks a- and giant squid. There’s n- no- no reason for it to go near the um, you know, the- the ah, the shore.”
The relief that breaks across his friend’s faces is worth the uncertainty lingering in the back of Darius’s mind. He hopes he’s right, in any case, but there’s nothing they can do about it and it doesn’t really affect them, anyways. Besides, if the six of them can handle an island full of dinosaurs, the rest of the world should be able to deal with one.
“Happy trails, old friend,” Ben calls out to the empty tank, giving a two-fingered salute with a wry smile.
“Do you think we should have a plan in place, for if the volcano erupts?” Brooklynn asks one day.
Darius could explain that he finds that event unlikely, considering the volcano must have been thoroughly analyzed before the island was deemed safe enough to build two theme parks. But it wouldn’t hurt to consider the possibility, and it’s always a good thing to exercise his problem-solving skills, so he just nods.
Putting their heads together, the campers decide on the underground tunnels as their best chance of survival. They’re large enough for Bumpy (who Ben insisted on being part of their plan) and mostly sealed off from the surface, protecting them from toxic gasses, ash, and lava alike. And, considering the size, running out of oxygen isn’t likely.
Of course, none of them know how long it takes for a volcanic eruption to clear up. As a precaution, they start storing clean water in the tunnels, and a few extra supplies they have no immediate need for. The food will have to be brought down with them, since nothing they have can keep for very long.
Even though the possibility of an eruption is low, it’s hard to brush it off completely. Having a plan in place helps them feel a little more secure, but realistically, they can’t be sure it would work.
They’ll just have to hope the volcano remains dormant.
It’s a beautiful night.
There isn’t a single cloud in the sky to obscure the dazzling patchwork of stars above them, twinkling in a pitch-black abyss. The full moon hangs over them like a solitary eye, casting its gentle glow over the canopy of the jungle. A lullaby of rustling leaves fills the air, trees swaying in the warm breeze.
Normally, all but one of the campers would already be asleep by now, to catch what rest they can before it’s their turn for night watch. But by some unspoken consensus, they’ve all agreed it was too good of a night to waste. Huddled up on their roof, they sit together under the stars and take a rare moment to appreciate the beauty of their world; six small souls in the face of eternity.
Brooklynn’s quiet voice breaks the silence. “How long do you think it’s been?” she asks.
No one has to ask what she means.
The passage of time has gradually lost its meaning to the campers. They’d stopped keeping track of days after the walls of the camp filled up with tally marks. All they really need to know is how many hours of daylight they have left at any given moment, and they can easily glean that from the sun’s position in the sky, so timekeeping isn’t a huge concern of theirs.
“Definitely a couple years now, at least,” Kenji says decisively. “I mean, a beard like this doesn’t just happen overnight.”
Ben, who’s leaning against Kenji’s side, rolls his eyes fondly. “Right, ‘cause that’s how all the great ancient civilizations kept track of time; facial hair growth in prepubescent males.”
Kenji lets out an offended squawk, but Sammy swiftly intervenes before a full-fledged argument can break out. “We’ve all changed a lot,” she amends, carding a hand through Yaz’s short hair. “It’s… kinda strange to think about, how much things must’ve changed back home, too.”
“Yeah,” Yaz murmurs, eyes tracing her ankle brace as her hand rests on Sammy’s knee. “Makes me wonder if I’d even fit in anymore. If… any of us would feel right, if we went back to our old lives.”
“I know I wouldn’t,” Brooklynn declares, her expression scrunched up in distaste. Then she sobers. “But at the same time, it’s like… if we never make it home, then what was all of this for? Was it even worth it?”
The rest of the campers fall silent, considering the question.
Darius knits his brows together, thoughtful.
This life is hard. It’s a struggle just to make it through the day, to secure food and water and shelter, things they’d always taken for granted. Exhaustion is a constant companion, going hand-in-hand with terror. There are few moments of true peace, some new threat always lurking right around the corner, and none of them remain unscathed.
Some scars are small and superficial, received from the shallow gashes and scrapes that their rough lifestyle hands out on the daily. Like tally marks, they pepper the campers’ arms and legs, obtained without notice or care. Yet they remain an undeniable testament to everything the campers have overcome.
Some scars are large and visible, serving as grim reminders of the danger that will always follow them. Like Kenji’s maimed face or Brooklynn’s cloudy eye, Sammy’s three puncture marks from the Scorpius quills that only Yaz ever gets to see. They represent the close calls and what-ifs, and fuel the campers’ drive to be faster, stronger, better.
Some scars are more functionally detrimental, a permanent loss that can never be healed. Like Yaz’s weak ankle or Ben’s fading hearing, Darius’s fractured mind and unsteady hands. Parts of the self they can never get back, and instead must learn to live without.
And some scars are emotional instead of physical, left by the stress and trauma of everything they’ve been through. Like knee-jerk flinches and silent tears, night terrors that strike at random and breakdowns that build like a rolling storm. They have all been changed psychologically, fundamentally- and in many ways, for the worse.
But as Darius looks over his team, his herd, his family, he allows himself to feel a rare, fleeting moment of pride.
They are a group of teenagers who were left for dead- not once, not twice, but three times- and have survived anyways. They are grit and dedication in souvenir T-shirts and tree bark armor, carving a life for themselves on an island of giants until their fingers are raw and bleeding. They are loyalty and trust and steadfast love, pulling each other from the brink of death and oblivion time and time again.
They are endlessly evolving, as each new challenge inspires an inner strength they didn’t know they had to take form.
Part of Darius still hopes that someone will come for them, someday. That he could fulfil his promise and look at this experience safely from the other side. That all their struggles and hardship could have meaning beyond survival, that they could add something to the world with the knowledge they’ve gained and the lessons they’ve learned.
But even if that moment never comes, and they spend the rest of their days on this island, he knows it’s still a life worth living.
“We’re enough,” Darius says, his smile illuminated by the moonlight.
(And because it’s night, none of them see the distant smoke rising out of the volcano behind him.)
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still thinking about yaz travelling with 10 so heres what i have so far:
she runs into him in london coming out of an interview for unit or smth, a couple of months after potd. for him it's in the gap between waters of mars and end of time. hes So Messed Up and yaz is like oh i know this. this is familiar. this might not be my doctor but,,,,this is my doctor
hes like oh what year is this? i was aiming for- and shes like dont ask me i keep getting it mixed up too. and hes like thats a bit of a strange thing to say, do we know each other? you seem familiar. shes like yes we've met
she surmises he doesnt have company bc hes all high on ginger and not trying to hide it. then shes like youre not flying like this, can i take you anywhere bc this is a fucking tardis and a fucking doctor available to her and how many more times is she gonna get this opportunity? never? once, and she has to wait for it 40 more years? no way is she just gonna walk past and go home. shes gonna do what shes always done and buy herself a little more time
she lets herself into the tardis, too sure of herself for him to really do anything abt it, as she asks "where did you say you were going?" he closes the doors "eternity"
"eternity?" she looks at him "is that a euphemism"
"it's a planet. in the larger magellanic cloud. thought maybe i should check up. sorry but who are you, exactly?"
shes like yes. um. yasmin khan. im a friend. as she stares at the tardis in wonder like the first time she walked in. and the tardis lights up bc she doesnt care about linear time and she loves yaz. so yaz starts putting in coordinates. she has to search for some of the controls bc the console is different but it's not too bad
"well thats great to hear, yasmin khan. can never have enough of those"
"larger magellanic cloud" she says looking at the navigation on one of the screens. "dyou ever think it's maybe a bit weird to name things in space after colonists?"
"well depends whos doing the naming. we dont call it that"
"no? what do timelords call it"
"and seeing as it were human colonists who settled there, maybe the name fits"
"there goes my faith in humanity" and she pulls the takeoff lever
the flight is bumpy as ever and when muscle memory fails her three times in a row shes like oh my god WHERE is your conceptual geometer and instead of pointing it out to her he just walks over and adjusts it and the way he does it is so familiar she has to blink hard a couple times
they might or might not end up on eternity but they certainly run promptly into trouble. yaz is a bit mysterious to him, a bit suspicious maybe because she wont answer any question directly but shes able to anticipate him so well that teamwork is pretty much seamless and theyre both running away from something so their motives line up and their need for something fun and exciting and distracting to happen too and also hes lonely and despite the way she basically hijacked his tardis he likes yaz bc of course he does
they match up timelines while hiding from guards, whispering about 1969 and weeping angels and "oh THATS why i dont remember, two doctors in the same place same time" and he figures out yaz travelled with future him
yaz drops a "she" and hes like "she??" and shes like oh shit should i not have said that and hes like no it's fine. and then hes like "does it suit me?" and she does Not manage to blink the tears away at that one
"is it something i said?" and then the guards spot them and hes like "RUN"
the ease with which he takes her hand as they run is lovely and horrible at the same time. she lets herself be dragged along while she thinks about the way 13 shook them off almost any time any of them touched her
a week & 8 planets in and shes been held by him more than shes been held by 13
they become buddies in like the way that you can sometimes become buddies with the younger sibling of your best friend or something. hes probably too heartbroken and messed up to develop a real crush but it's still yaz right? you know the way 10 kisses claras hand in the day of the doctor? that vibe. and yaz, with the benefit of.........foresight? hindforesight? picks up that vibe here that she couldnt with 13. bc 10 is young and a fountain of emotion compared to 13
my yaz is pretty firmly a lesbian so even if she was gonna get over the like very recent heartbreak and younger sibling vibes then still nothing was gonna happen here but theyre also both not in a place where they could cope with another heartbreak like that so like,,,,,,they both know, and they both know that they both know, but they dont need anything more so it just kinda makes them better buddies. sometimes youre a little bit in love with your friend in a way you dont want to act on. just another thing to bond over
and for yaz it's maybe a little bit healing to get 10s adoration like that
at some point the fact of meeting in the wrong order also comes up of course. yaz is like it's a little bit complicated, i dont know what i can say and 10 is like meh follow your instincts, youve got good ones i can tell. and if theres really something you shouldnt say i'll stop you
yaz is like does that happen a lot, as a time traveller i mean, meeting people in the wrong order? and 10 is like [THINKING ABOUT RIVER] "from time to time"
i just think theres a lot of potential for fun with the two of them. both of them running from the inevitable. not wanting to lose who they are, wanting more time as this version of themselves
yaz will learn so much about the doctor that retroactively contextualises a lot of 13, which i think could help in getting a little bit of closure. and theres so much river echoes sort of going in both ways. yaz flying the tardis with 10 because she learnt with 13, river later flying with 11
i also think seeing the way 10 is about his principles compared to how 13 was would be interesting. she would see a lot of the ways the doctor has grown up. yaz got to see so much of 12 in 13s trauma but she never got to see how 12 learnt and grew to become the 13 she loved. i think it would be special to see 10. see how they used to be. and also slap him on the fingers sometimes when he needs it
i dont know how to end it yet because that will just be more tragedy. 10 still ends up in end of time. yaz still ends up home. but maybe they can help each other a little bit in the time inbetween, even if the end theyre running from still comes to them both
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agent-barnes40 · 9 months
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Dhawan!Master x Reader (Romantic)
The Master figures out a secret, one that you wished you could've hidden for longer
2177 Words
The Master was particular, he planned everything down to the final little detail when it came to you. Perfect clothing options, food options, preferred snack options, preferred drinking options, he had things down to a meticulous science and practiced ease at this point. He just did things on autopilot now when it came to you. He didn't mind doing these things, he just fell into a routine with them and with you.
Today, you were sitting with The Fam at a little alien café, you had chosen to sit out the outward chair, as it was nearing that time for The Master to just up and grab you and then just drag you off. Graham looked over, a smile on his face. "How have you been doing after the last run in with The Master?"
You shrugged. "Good. He's not all that bad, to be honest. I don't know how he can be as callous and rude as you all say he is."
Yaz looked over at you, a shocked look on her face. "He tried to kill us!"
You turned to face her, an eyebrow raised. "And The Doctor had it covered. She kept you all alive. The Master's even started to stock up on my toothpaste too."
"So what you have a room and bathroom in that shack?" Ryan asked and you smiled softly.
"Its not much of a shack, its the same as The Doctor's TARDIS, just replace the sign with a placard that says "HA" over and over instead of the regular text on the little phone door." You said, smiling as the waiter brought over the drinks you all had ordered.
Luckily it was an alien café that had a human menu, for travelers like you guys. You grabbed the shake you had ordered and when you looked up again, you had to stop and just stare. You hadn't registered who the waiter was and you suspected the others just hadn't realized who he was either.
There was The Master, in the uniform and smiling directly at you and it was like he knew you had clicked it. "Is everything alright?"
"Yes, thank you." You watched as The Master walked off, straight to the back and you were in shock.
The Fam watched as you just stared at the door, and then Yaz reached over and poked you. "Did you just get a thing for an alien?"
You looked over at her and then looked over to Graham, and then to Ryan before you shook your head. "Thought he looked familiar, that's all."
Yaz shook her head. "You have a thing for an alien!"
You groaned, your eyes drifting back over to look at the kitchen door again, and then looked over where The Doctor was. The Doctor was busy chatting with a local about some weird happenings in the area. The whole reason you all were here, you suspected The Master had done something.
Yaz bumped your leg with hers, a smirk on her face. "I'm sure The Doctor wouldn't mind it."
You rolled your eyes, smiling. "Yeah, yeah. I'll definitely start that conversation with her when she decides to sit down and join us."
It was like speaking The Doctor's name enacted some sort of homing beacon because The Doctor practically spawned back at the table. She reached out for the drink she got and got settled in her chair. "Soo, what are we talking about, fam?"
Yaz looked over at you and grinned. You started shaking your head. "Yasmin Khan, I swear!"
Yaz burst into laughter at you using her full name and so did you, causing the rest of the table to join the two of you. You felt good and then you noticed The Master watching you all and you waved a little at him, gaining one back.
"You totally have a thing for him!" Yaz said and you groaned again.
"I do not have a crush on him!" You said, trying to keep your voice down.
Yaz grinned and pointed. "Called it! You do have something for him. Go ask him out!"
The Doctor was turning in her chair and stilled, mid sip and just stared. "Yaz, describe him for me."
Yaz's face contorted into confusion and that's when you realized and your heart dropped. Yaz looked over at you and noticed your expression. "W-well he's got blue skin and.."
You had to hold in the groan and started to get up, catching The Doctor's attention as she turned to look at you, she called your name and you just kept staring at The Master. "Who do you see?"
"Doctor, I'm not feeling too well. I'm gonna head back to The TARDIS." You said, leaving your jacket behind, wanting to just get it all over with.
You barely got to the door before you felt that familiar hand grab the back of your shirt and had pulled you back. You quickly fell into the grip, stumbling a little. "Hey!"
The rest of the Fam got up, watching as you let the man pull you and then you were shoved to the ground and you winced, knowing your knees were going to be bruised. He usually didn't do the the whole kneeling thing unless he had a bigger plan in motion.
You looked up at him, knowing that all the Fam could see was that blue alien until you heard the sonic and you closed your eyes. You heard the aggravated groan leaving The Master and you reopened them.
"How is he here in place of that blue guy?" Graham asked.
"Perception filter, usually you all wouldn't notice him, but they saw through the filter. Is this the same one from London?" The Doctor was rambling.
The Master looked down at you and his signature deranged grin crossed his face. "Hello Dear."
"Hi. Fancy seeing you here."
You heard footsteps, instinctively turning to look when The Master's hand shot out and grabbed at your jaw, forcing you to keep looking at him. You knew it was probably the Doctor judging by how he was reacting.
"Let them go, Master." The Doctor said and The Master's eyes flicked up from you to her.
"You wish I'd stop stealing your precious little pet, they are spending more time with me than you." The Master said, his hand letting go of your jaw as he stared down The Doctor.
"I was wondering why you always took them, but with everything that has happened in the last hour we've been here, its become obvious." The Doctor shot back.
You turned to look at her and noticed the thumbs up Ryan was giving you and you took a deep breath, sending a subtle one back. It was something you as a group came up with if one of you needed to jump in to distract.
Ryan nudged Graham and then Graham nodded, getting the idea. The two of them quickly came up with a plan, one that you wished you knew sooner because in hindsight, it was kind of dumb but it worked.
Graham turned and grabbed your shake while Ryan grabbed your jacket. The two, as confidently as they could, held up the stuff. "Your forgetting something."
You quickly got up, dodging The Master's hands as you bolted for the Fam, sending a little smirk toward The Master. The Time Lord sent you an amused look and you smiled.
The Doctor looked between the two of you and you would've recognized the look on her face if you hadn't been celebrating your little victory over getting out of his clutches. You grabbed the shake from Graham and took a sip.
'Oh, love, it wouldn't be that easy to rid yourself of me.'
"I thought I told you not call me that." You said, not even thinking that the other's couldn't hear what he said. He spent a lot of time in your head and you groaned at the look Graham sent you.
"What have you done to them?" Yaz demanded.
The Master's deranged smile only grew wider at her question and his eyes flicked from you to Yaz. "Didn't you say, Yaz, that they had crush on me?"
Your heart dropped and you slammed the glass down. "Your teetering."
"Oh its a line you let me cross all the time, pet."
"Not to my friends, never my friends." You gave him a pointed look and yet he still pushed.
"Now, was that crush on me or the face I was using?" The Master pushed, the question aimed at you and you shook your head.
The Doctor was looking in your direction as well. You looked between her and The Master. "It was on the perception filter."
The Doctor's face relaxed and turned to fully face The Master. She had already made an escape plan for all of you. She quickly aimed her sonic up at the ceiling, cutting the lights. "Scatter!"
You quickly took off for the door you were already heading for, knowing you were in enough light from outside to be illuminated as you shot through it. Graham and Ryan following behind you as Yaz took off with The Doctor.
You all bolted toward where The Doctor left the TARDIS and you yelped when someone grabbed you, it was softer than before and you barely heard Graham and Ryan yelling as you were pulled through a blue door. You recognized the interior of The Master's TARDIS. He kept the inside the same as the shack but with large and vast hallways, you headed over to your chair. You had always left a new book on the stand next to it, to start reading it when you rejoined The Master.
You yelped as you were pushed to the ground, lightly knocking over a pile of books as The Master stood over you. "What is my name?"
"Master, what's going on?" You asked, you usually didn't feel fear when looking at him, but this time, this time you did. He had that look on his face, that cold calculating look he only gave to The Doctor or to whoever's kingdom he was overthrowing that day.
"Say it again!" The Master demanded, bending a small bit, looking down at you.
The Master grinned. "Once more pet."
You met his stare and realized he wasn't actually going to hurt you, he was just pissed off that you managed to get a good run away from him in. "Your name is The Master."
"Don't be cheeky. Get up." The Master ordered.
You started to get up, pushing your face close to his as he was still leaned over you. "Can't get up with you being like this, Master. One of us is going to have to move."
"Or you can tell my why you ran away."
Oh so thats what this was really about. You reached up and rested your hand on his face. "I like making things difficult, Master. You like it though."
"Oh do I?"
"You like a challenge. I like to be challenging. Now where are we going?"
The Master straightened up, sliding an arm around you to pull you up with him, making the two of you chest to chest. You barely noticed the position as he scanned your face. You were focused on him fully. "I know you we're lying earlier, love."
"Was I?"
"You have a silly human crush on me. You crave the days I steal you away from her." The Master's words had an air of superiority to them, like he knew the truth of the words he was putting on you.
"You don't understand what your talking about, Master. Lets put a pin in this conversation, please."
"OOOH, you used your manners, love. I'll relent this time but later, we are talking about this." The Master stepped away, your hand falling from his face. He had his answer, you all but confirmed it today and he'd push even more.
The Master's new favorite thing was to make you realize just how hard you had fallen for him.
(Little Bonus because I couldn't help it.) You ran up beside Yaz, waving to the Fam as you got readjusted to life back with The Doctor. The Doctor looked over at you and grinned. "So how was your date?"
"It was fantastic! He.." You stopped mid reply when you realized.
The blond shot her arms up in the air, cheering and certainly drawing the eyes of everyone in the vicinity. "Yaz you owe me!"
You watched the reactions of everyone and relaxed as they all groaned about losing the bet. Yaz looked over at The Doctor, pulling a few pounds out of her wallet. "How'd ya know it was gonna be that easy?"
"Because they've got this whole new relationship glow to them." The Doctor pointed out and you groaned.
"Among other things." Ryan pointed out, his eyes trained on the jacket you were wearing.
You hadn't even noticed you had grabbed The Master's coat. He must've placed his over yours after you had hung it up. "Of course I had to grab his jacket."
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Going Under Part Five
Fandom: Doctor Who
 Pairing: 13th Doctor x Reader
 Summary: An accident during a routine adventure made your life spiraled out of control with only the Doctor as the anchor. Will you ever find your way back to your Doctor again?
 Trigger Warning: ooc, angst, plot holes as usual, attempted suicide, dark!doctor, death, insanity, etc. You have been warned.
 More warning: English is not my first language so beware of the headache you will receive upon reading this.
   I found myself materialized inside some poorly lit room, disoriented and confused. I blinked my eyes trying to focus on the current surrounding.
  Suddenly someone strangled me by the neck and pushed me toward a nearby wall. I have no idea who it was that attacked me. I tried to get the hand around my neck off in futile. I groaned in pain as my eyes tried to focus on the attacker.
  "Did Jack send you?" The figure asked coldly.
  I blinked in confusion. I know that voice. I gasped as my vision finally cleared enough. It was the Thirteenth Doctor. As I focused on her sudden appearance, I noticed something off about her. For once, she has a menacing look on her face and she wasn't dressed in her usual outfit. She was dressed in all black and she has different hair style, wavy hair that framed her already beautiful face.
  "Doctor..." I managed to whisper her name.
  She stared at me in surprise and then suddenly snarled angrily. "Don't call me by that name!" she said as she tighten her grip on my neck.
  I gasped like a fish as I couldn't breathe. "It's me...(name)....Doct..." I don't understand why she attacked me but my mind supplied the answer, it is another version of the Doctor, one that apparently also has no idea who I am. "Please..." I begged her for mercy. 
  She glared at me coldly as she continue to cut me off from oxygen.
  A bunch of people barged into the room. They have guns as they demanded the Doctor released me.
  She glanced at me, rolled her eyes and released me as she raised her hands up in mocking gesture of surrender. The Doctor being pulled away from me roughly. I fell to the floor, gasping for breathe.
  A man bend his knees beside me and asked in concern, "Are you okay?"
  My eyes widened again. It was Jack Harkness. I lightly touch my sore throat as I glanced at the Doctor. The Doctor is being restrained. Her expression look bored now as she regarded everyone in the room with disinterest, as if she has not just attacked me violently.
 Jack pulled me up and away from the room where the Doctor is. The room then sealed with complicated lock. I realized it was a holding room, like a prison. I warily stared at Jack.
  Jack told me to sit down in the chair in another room. He wanted to check my neck. "It look bad. I will Tanya to look at it. She is a doctor." He said. "So...how did you get in? That room is deadlock so that nobody get in or out and yet you are able to come in undetected. Who are you?"
  "It's complicated." You said. 
  "Well, try me."
  This is Jack Harkness, a former companion of the Doctor in any universe, so I should be able to trust him, right? Beside, currently, it seemed he is more trustworthy than the Doctor. She just attacked me, after all.
  "Before that, can you tell me what is wrong with the Doctor?"
  Jack looked suspicious of me now. "How do you know the Doctor?"
  "I am her companion...in the alternate universe." I finally relented and tell him the truth.
  To my surprise, he accepted the explanation without much fuss. "I have seen so much in my lifetimes. I'm not surprised that alternate universe come into play now." Jack said with a shrug.
  "What happened to her? And where are Yaz, Ryan and Graham?"
  "You're kidding. Who is she traveling with then?"
  Jack frowned. "She doesn't travel with anyone as far as I know. She called herself the Valeyard now. She gets angry if anyone call her the Doctor."
  "I noticed." You said as you rubbed your throat while your mind flashback into the room. "What happened to her?"
  Jack sighed. "Honestly I have no idea. I haven't seen the Doctor for a long while suddenly I heard rumors that she went insane, killing and maiming people, blowing up planet. She is not in a mood to be chatty about why she changed." he explained.
  My mind flashed back into a version of dark Doctor I met before, how she torture that person who shot me. I gulped as I have a feeling this version of the Doctor is way more dark than the one I met before after listening what Jack said about the Doctor who called herself the Valeyard. 
  Jack explained to you the prophecy of the Valeyard, a most darker version of the Doctor.
  "How are you able to imprison her then if she is that dangerous?" I asked curiously as I warned him not to underestimate the Doctor, Valeyard, whatever.
  Jack explained he tried to reason with the Doctor at first but that did not end well with her killing Jack's friend as if she is making her point of her no longer the Doctor.
  He tried to multiply times to capture her and stop her reign of evil but failed. It was a genuine luck Jack is able to meet the right people and able to outsmart the Doctor. Or so everyone think. Of course, Jack knew better that it might be a trap. He is trying his best to rehabilitate the Doctor.
  Jack stood up and walked toward the giant computer in the room, one of the monitors showed the room where he imprisoned her.
  "It was like after the last regeneration, she just gave up and actively choose to be the Valeyard..." Jack said. "I heard the rumor of her cruelty...even her kindness is a double edge of sword thing...she is just brutal..." he said. "Of course, I found it weird that we are able to capture her. She is up to something but I have no idea what."
  I frowned as I realized that maybe this world's version of Twelfth Doctor, after he lost Bill and Nardole, regenerated into this dark version of Thirteen Doctor. My heart hurts for her. I thought of my Doctor, how she suffered so many lost and still able to overcome it. Of course, there will be alternate universe where she just gave up.
  "Who was the Doctor's last companion? Was it Bill Potts and Nardole?" I asked Jack and he confirmed it after he checked his file on the computer.
  I coughed suddenly and it turned into a bout of cough as I tried to cover my mouth.
  "Hey, are you okay?" Jack asked me after he noticed the blood between my fingers. He offered me water.
  I cleared my throat, accepted the water and reached around for my medicine but to my horror, I couldn't find the bottle.
  It was then the Doctor, no, the Valeyard suddenly called out from the monitor. "Looking for this?" she asked, showing the bottle of my medicine in her hand. She looked so smug. "I will return it to you, (name), after we talk."
  She knew that I needed the medicine, she somehow knew that the medicine is for internal bleeding. "Tiktok, dear (name)."
  I flinched at her tone. I exchanged a look with Jack. I was afraid to get into the room with her but I do need the damn medicine.
  "It is your call, if you want to talk to her, I will make sure she does not attack you again." Jack said.
  I tried to be brave as I prepared the face her. She wanted to speak to me alone.
  "W-what do you want?" I asked.
  "I'm bored. You are the first entertainment I had in a while." She said with a pout. "I just want a conversation. I promise I will behave." She winked at me.
  Apparently, she is curious about me and how I know her as she never met me before. So, I told her the truth that I am from alternate universe where I am her companion alongside with Yaz, Ryan and Graham.
  She looked curious when I mentioned alternate universe but get bored real quick when I told her my condition is the result of me trying to protect her alternate self. She is more curious about the weapon but I don't know much about it.
  "Can I have my medicine back?" I asked politely.
  She hummed and shook her head. "I think I will hold on to it for a bit. I still have some questions."
  I am nervous around her and get jumpy if she get too close to me and she knew that, still do it on purpose. It feels like I amused her and she is toying me now.
  I gulped. She is acting all nice now but she still feel intimidating. I figured I could hold on for a bit and hope I will splinter away from here soon.
  "So, who gave you this medicine? One of my alternate self?" She asked.
  I nodded.
  Suddenly an alarm sounded loudly making me flinched.
  "Well, that is my cue..." She suddenly said.
  My mind registered what she said a bit slow and before I could do anything, she suddenly took a grip of my wrist.
  With a chilling smile, she said, "You are coming with me."
  "W-why?" I asked dumbly.
  "Like I said I'm bored, your condition is interesting, I want to study it." She grinned menacingly. "Who know, maybe if you are good, I might even get you a cure."
  She rolled her eyes. "It is cute you think you have a choice." She gripped my wrist so hard I hissed in pain. 
  I laughed at her suddenly. I was hysterical now. "I don't have a choice since this whole thing happened..."
  It was at that moment Jack entered the room with a gun. "Release her, Valeyard!"
  The Valeyard seemed amused with Jack but she did release her grip on my wrist. She suddenly stepped forward menacingly toward Jack.
  "Don't come any closer." Jack warned but she ignored him. He shot her.
  I flinched at the sound of the gun. It was then I felt the tingling.
  The Valeyard laughed as if she is not just gotten shot. "Really, Jack, a gun? You should know better than..."
  I couldn't hear anything anymore as I splinter away from that horrid place.
  "(name)? (name)!" Someone shook me awake. "Are you okay?" 
  I blinked as my vision cleared up. It was River Song, she is wearing an astronaut suit. "River?" I hesitantly called out. She knew me. Which River is she? "Where are we?"
  "We are in the library." River answered. 
  "Inside the Tardis?"
  "No. We are in a planet called the Library." She explained as she pulled me to stand up. It was then she noticed the red handprint around my wrist. "You are hurt."
  I pulled my wrist away from her but she suddenly reached out to touch my face as she noticed the hand mark around my neck.
  River looked angry. "Who hurt you?"
  "It was a long story." I lied. I finally noticed the Tenth Doctor and he is with Donna, staring at us suspiciously.
  River pulled me to the side and explained that the Doctor and Donna has no idea who I am but she did because she had met me in her past before. "I guess you could say this is the first time you met me, this version of me."
  I had a fit of cough again. 
  "Your medicine..." River said. "You should take one."
  "I can't. Someone took it from me." I said weakly.
  "The same person who leave these marks on you?" 
  I nodded.
  "I would like to have words with this person."
  I felt vulnerable and the way River spoke, she sounded so protective of me, and suddenly I couldn't hold the tears. 
  "It was the Valeyard..." I said.
  River froze in horror at that. "Valeyard?" She asked for confirmation. "You met a version of the Doctor who called himself the Valeyard?"
  "It was her, actually, not a him." I said forlornly.
  River looked sad for me. "I'm sorry, it must be hard for you."
  I glanced at her sadly. She even know what the female version of the Doctor meant to me. She knew I traveled with the Thirteenth Doctor.
  She explained to me what the Valeyard is to me. Like Jack said, it was a darker version of the Doctor devoid of any care for those the Doctor stand for.
  "If you ever met that version of the Doctor again, you should run for your life." River said.
  "Trust me, I never want to see her again. I hope I never have to see her ever again." I said, shuddered at the reminder of the Valeyard's cold, unfeeling eyes on me.
  The Doctor stared at me and River curiously and he suddenly walked toward us. He introduced himself to me. 
  I told him my name. He said hi to me and then asked if I am also someone from his future.
  "She is." River answered for me. "But she can't tell anything more. Spoiler."
  I turned my eyes questioningly at River. I usually have to tell the Doctor about me being alternate companion and stuff.
  River shrugged. "I'm sorry, (name), but I need him not to be distracted right now." She informed me of the vastra nevada situation on their hands. "I suppose you would better off not taking that medicine of yours. The sooner you splinter away from here the better. It isn't safe for you."
  When the situation got worst, the Doctor wanted to send Donna back into the Tardis and River wanted to do the same for you but the Doctor refused, saying he doesn't trust you or River. River tried to calm herself. I felt like she is second away from slapping the hell out of the Doctor.
  I pulled River to the side. "I will be okay, River. I will have to splinter anyway sometime soon." I said. "Beside, you said you met me in the past, so I will probably be okay, we will all survive this situation."
  River still look worried. "Time can be rewritten sometimes..."
  I blinked at her. Wait, so there is a chance we could get eaten by these shadow monster? I internally started to freak out.
  "(name), make sure you stay by my side at all times." River said.
  I am not complaining so I stick by River side.
  After Anita got two shadow on her back and with Donna possibly dead, the Doctor seemed to get emotional and get mad at River. River didn't take his crap and told him to calm down. She whispered something in the Doctor's ear. The Doctor look shocked as he glanced at River. They seemed to talk again in whispers. I got the feeling that they were talking about me now as the Doctor stared at me in curiosity and wonder. 
  River told me that she finally tell the Doctor that I am his alternate future companion and will be someone he need to protect in the future.
  I glanced at River in worry. "Why? What is in my future?"
  River smiled. "Don't worry about it, (name), let focus on now, shall we?"
  They eventually figured out about CAL keeping Donna and the rest of the survivors. The Doctor said he need to download them back and he even goes oncoming storm on the shadow monster, telling them to search information about the Doctor in the library. River suddenly punched the Doctor much to my surprise. She told me the Doctor has to survive the Library. 
  I realized that River is about to sacrifice herself after hearing how the Doctor won't be able to survive the download. "River, isn't there any other way?" I asked in concern. I really don't want her to die. "River!"
  River is busy making the preparation and didn't answer me for a while much to my frustration. She told me that she knew she will die in the Library anyway that today will be her last day to see the Doctor. She said the Doctor knew it too. She suddenly turned at me and grabbed my face. I blinked at her in confusion. She tenderly kissed my forehead. "You will be okay, (name). I'm sorry, I'm so sorry for all the hardship that you will have to endure but remember, you will be okay."
  She released you as she continued her work.
  "There has to be a way, River, you can't die here." I pleaded with her.
  "There is no other way. The Doctor has to survive today or the future will be rewritten." River said. She turned to me and smiled softly. "It's alright, (name), we will see each other again somewhere in your future."
  I couldn't help my eyes being a bit teary, I felt emotional toward River for some reason. She is kind to me from the moment I landed here and she said we are friend and now I discover she will die here? I can't accept it but there is nothing I can do. And, of course, at that moment I felt the tingling. I don't want to leave. I don't want her to die alone.
  River smiled at me. "I know that face. You are about to go, aren't you? Go, (name), It is okay. I would rather you are not here to see what happen next..."
  I hugged her immediately and she hugged me back. I released her and then I was gone.
  I wiped away the tears in my eyes with my hand so that I could see where I landed to this time. My mouth dropped open when I realized I was in some train in space. Before I could do or say anything, an officer suddenly grabbed me, calling me a stowaway.
  "She is with us." I heard someone said. It was Twelfth Doctor and he is with Clara. They sort it off with the officer and they let me go.
  Clara turned to me and smiled. "It was nice seeing you again, (name)." 
  I smiled at her. "Same. Wait, the last time we met, was it with that time with Robin Hood?" I asked.
  Clara nodded with a laugh.
  I grinned with her before turning to the Doctor who is staring at me calculatingly. I suddenly felt self-conscious about the marks on my neck and wrist which thankfully I was able to cover with my coat but I have a feeling that he already saw a glimpse of it. I cursed myself for not being careful.
  Clara pulled my arms and took us to the scene of party.
  I scrunched my nose at the taste of the drink. "I don't like it."
  Clara grinned and talked to me about how I am doing so I lied that I am okay so far.
  I felt out of place in here due not wearing the period-appropriate dress for the occasion. I have fun in the party, eating some of the food. I watched as Clara and the Doctor talked to each other but I couldn't hear their conversation but they both looked sad for some reason.
  There was some incident on the train. Some old lady died after yelling loudly about some intruder. I glanced at the Doctor, wondering if he will investigate and Clara asked the same but the Doctor said it was nothing.
  Clara took me to a room on the train. I felt happy to see a bed but also annoyed realizing I couldn't rest properly for I don't have the medicine to delay splinter. But I used the time I have to wash my face and body. I suddenly remembered how the last Eleventh Doctor licked my face. I scrunched my nose and washed my face again.
  After that, Clara and I shared a bed as we tried to get some rest. We couldn't though so we ended up talking. Clara told me she wanted to stop traveling with the Doctor and that today trip apparently supposed to be their last hurrah. I felt bad now to crash it with my appearance but she told me not to. She said she is happy to see me again and once again asked if I am really okay as she pointed to the marks on my neck. Apparently, she noticed it too.
  I sighed. "I am fine now at least. I'm just...tired you know. I want to go home. I just...wonder if I will ever..." I shook my head tiredly.
  Clara wrapped her arms around me suddenly, rubbing my back in comforting gesture. I am grateful for the comfort all the alternate Doctors and their companions gave me. I remembered what River said about me will be okay but I don't feel like I will though. In fact, I almost feel like I'm about to have a nervous breakdown soon.
  Clara couldn't sleep so she goes to the Doctor, wanting to investigate if there is something going on in the train. She told you to get some rest. I honestly felt tired so I decided not to go with her.
  Not long after she left, I had a fit of cough again. I stared at the blood and washed my hands. I could feel my condition get worst now. I really need to get the new medicine from the Doctor. I stood up, wanting to go search for the Doctor for I knew this version actually have the medicine as he said it during the Robin Hood fiasco. But I get a headache suddenly as the surrounding started to blur. I fell back to the bed as everything turned black.
  I woke up to the frantic Clara. She asked me if I have taken my medicine yet. 
  "I don't have it." I whispered weakly. "I lost it."
  "You should have told us, (name), the Doctor will have one on board the Tardis." Clara said as she pulled me up. "Come on, (name), we have to go. It isn't safe here."
  I couldn't focus on her at all but she was saying something about a mummy on the train, something about sixty-six seconds left to live once targeted and how it goes after the weakest in a bunch. I blinked awake when she told me the Doctor deduced that I could be next due to my condition. She took me to some lab where the Doctor and a bunch of people are.
  It was then I saw the mummy. I freaked out but I was also too weak to run or do anything else but staring at the mummy. I heard Clara yelling at the Doctor and then suddenly the Doctor is in front of me, clutching my face on both hands, talking really fast about transferring the link the mummy had with me on himself. He went inside my head somehow, tracking down the link and pulled it to him but as he did, he seemed to froze. He stared at me in horror but he composed himself and turned to face the mummy.
  I fainted after that and woke up on some rocky-filled place. I heard the Doctor telling Clara about sometimes the only choices are bad choices. 
  The Doctor noticed me awake and pulled a bottle from his coat pocket. It was my back-up medicine. 
  I smiled gratefully at him. "Thank you, Doctor."
  He suddenly tousled my hair around in somewhat awkward but affectionate way. He glanced at me. "Hang in there, (name)...and I'm sorry..."
  I was confused why he is apologizing to me. 
  He looked grim now. "I saw it...inside your head...the Valeyard...and River."
  I glanced at him, suddenly mourning for River again. "I'm sorry too, Doctor, about River."
  The Doctor sighed as he sat beside me. I put my head on his shoulder. Clara watched us with a fond smile. I wanted to hug them but I felt too weak to do anything. I should probably take one right now so I could...
  I felt the tingling much to my disappointment. I pulled away from the Doctor and smiled at him and then at Clara. "See you soon." I said to them.
   tags: @thatsonezesty13 , @newheart97, @gracie-and-the-superwholock-gang
A/N: I want to say thank you for those who comments/reblog/kudos my stories, especially those who comments, I love re-reading your comments, give me energy boost and the believe that my stories are not that bad. So, thank you so much!
I know this is shorter than the last four chapters but hopefully it will be enough for now.
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isagrimorie · 4 years
Spyfall 2
Commentators: Jodie Whittaker, Sylvie Briggs (Ada Lovelace), Chris Chibnall
Much like the Doctor doesn't like being alone, Jodie also isn't keen on doing scenes alone.
Chibnall actually did consult with his brother in law, who is very knowledgeable in aviation, about landing planes without a cockpit. And it is possible to do so remotely, people will be surprised how a lot of modern planes are actually flown by a computer. I'm not surprised, my dad's a pilot and he told me a lot of modern aircraft are actually flown more by the computers than the pilots. It's a two edged sword tho because then the pilot becomes too over reliant on the autopilot, and that's when accidents happen.
The scene with Ada and Thirteen meeting in the Kasaavin dimension was actually Sylvie's (Ada Lovelace) final day. Her first day was waking up in 'Paris' with Thirteen.
Interesting comment about how the Doctor's rhythm and speech changed dictated by the period of time she's in. It's modern but enough to sound period.
The hall the Doctor and Ada are in is a school, the dining hall.
The Master and his Top Hat! Jodie and Sylvie are both admiring how Sacha commanded the room and how genuinely terrifying he was. 'He (Sacha) rehearses in a way physically you kinda know what he's gonna do but emotionally its different.'
Jodie: "We're the same height, well you can see it 'cause we are but what is really ace is bein' able to eyeball somebody, because very often when you have a standoff with someone there's usually one's looking up, one's looking down or whatever but to be absolutely--"
Sylvie: "Because that changes the power dynamic."
Jodie: "Yeah."
Chibnall: "I never clocked that."
Chibnall: "But I wonder if that's what makes it feels so much like your Master, your antagonist, your nemesis. It's like... that's interesting about the eyeline."
Jodie: "Cause in the scene obviously with Lenny outside like this (does something we can't see) and I like doing that thing of scrunching up and kind of, y'know, I suppose the.. doing that thing that kids do headstrong where the body leans forward. But with this two its (growls)."
Chibnall was uncertain about writing the kneel scene, Jodie agrees and didn't like it, Sylvie mentions that it feels epic to her. Chibnall:"There's something about your perfromances that makes it feel epic. But it's just that two-hander."
In the kneel scene, when they were filming, to keep the secret of the Master's identity, Jodie called Sacha 'Myka' instead of Master.
Jodie: "I like my bowtie." Chibnall: "Are you angling for the return of the bowtie?"
Jodie: "Every set, I try to knick something." LOL.
I love how Jodie compliments Sylvie, and I agree she fits the era very well. And an instance where costume (corset especially), and the hair all tied back helps get into character.
Ada really had episodes of paralysis, and one of the jumping off points for Chibnall's story.
Sylvie and Jodie comment on how lovely it was to have scenes with three women and not about 'Hey three women! Let's talk about being women! It's (their gender) is absolutely irrelevant to it but it is really lovely to have just three women. The kind of craziness Doctor Who brings with Ada in period clothes, the Doctor in a tux, and Noor in her period appropriate clothes.
They go on to discuss the Master's SS uniform and how it makes them (Sacha included) shudder because of what the uniform represented. And it's more of a reflection of the Master because he just treats wearing the SS uniform as a dress up without accounting for the implications and history of it. An alien tourist playing dress-up. [ED: I think the optics of this is still problematic I think it's something we need to acknowledge..]
There really was a point where Jodie and Sylvie were under the floor boards with people walking above them, and they held each other's hands because that experience was awful. On page it was very cool, but in execution. (Ed: I love that scene the whole way where there's a tense standoff between Noor and the soldiers, and the Master. And the steeliness of Noor just staring them down even with the soldier strafing the floor.) Chibnall wants several films with Noor Inayat Khan.
OMG. There was a point in the shoot where the Doctor was supposed to speak in perfect French, and Jodie joked that she already didn't speak English very well, and so she practiced speaking her line just to get the accent perfect... only for it to be cut for time. I WANT DELETED SCENES NOW.
Scanning through the Spyfall 2 script there's no mention of the scene where the Doctor speaks in French which really just confirms my suspicion that the scripts are not the shooting scripts, or at least the copies the actors use.
So, Chibnall gave the production several possible locations hoping to bring the budget to manageable scale and then he started writing and he got to the scene where the Doctor and Master spoke and the Master asked where they'd meet and then the Doctor answered; "Where d'you think?"
And Chibnall goes: "Oh they've got to meet in the Eiffel Tower. Production is going to kill me!"
Also, by this it confirms to me that Chibnall, like all of the showrunners is a Doctor/Master shipper, which I should've known already because Jack and Captain John were very much Doctor/Master lite.
Jodie loves doing duologues and is hoping for more two handers in the future, and Chibnall is taking note of that. Two handers where the other person has more of the dialogue... LOL. I guess Jodie really loved The Timeless Children.
[ED: Ada and Noor were such good companions. I want a historical companion for Thirteen next please. Thirteen, Yaz, and a historical Companion!]
Sylvie is so fascinated with the Doctor and Master's relationship, about how complicated it is.
One of the advises RTD gave Chibnall is that 'you can save anything in a line.' LOL. Apparently some of the Master's trauma across 77 years involved tailoring.
Jodie comments on how exciting it is being involved in the costuming, between herself and Sacha, they get to build their Doctors and Master's look and shape them. Also Jodie really loves cropped pants.
Jodie and Sylvie love the power walk, the big iconic, backlit smoke walk. The Big Exposition speech.
The scene where the Master arrives in Kasaavin dimension, same day filming for Jodie, and Sylvie too.
Jodie loves all the engineering and carpentry work, and any practical work.
They did do a shoot where they moved forward to a scene where Noor died, but in the edit found a better ending in the one that was broadcasted, and IMO, that was the right choice. Chibnall wants it more that Doctor Who will inspire people to read up more on Noor Inayat Khan and same Ada.
Chibnall didn't want to rob Ada of her agency, that the Doctor helped her discover computers or suggest that she didn't come up with it, everything Ada did she came up with herself.
The scene where Thirteen is alone and contemplating what happened to Gallifrey, Jodie comments how this was one of the few times where she's just very still.
Chibnall: "This is second series Thirteen, the place you take a character once you've done the first act, done in the beginning of your Doctor's second act."
Jodie and Sacha made sure that they're there in person for the scene in the TARDIS because having a stand-in would change the energy and performance of the scene.
Chibnall: "That performance from Sacha, the layer he brings to the Master there, of emotional truth and pain is so fantastic. It's a gift for a writer, and opens up the Master as well. And opens up your Doctor, I think, the trauma's so personal."
Hang on. Chibnall: "Is that the first appearance of the jumper? [ snip] They've come in this second series, its the first jumper. Little tiny changes you and Ray figure out." Are they implying there were more Doctor wearing only her long sleeve jumper we didn't get to see???
Chibnall: "And you got your Doctor theme but also it's the first time you [speaking to Jodie], it's interesting, I deliberately kept them back in the first series so that when you say them here, it's like you're saying 'Gallifrey', 'Kasterborous', 'Master for the first time."
Jodie: But its good that it ends with a: [using the same steely, angry voice]: 'Questions?' Like: 'Back to business, c'mon.'
Chibnall: (watching Thirteen's face subtly change when Yaz asked if they can visit, and it changes from a broken void to a forced smile). "Ohhhh. Why won't you tell them?" (LOL a writer asking his character.)
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a-casual-egg · 3 years
A collection of random Fawkes thoughts I wanna talk abt but I cant really
In case you dont have any of these blocked but you don't wanna read smth with this stuff in it self doubt tw/cw, jealousy tw/cw
Also Fawkes gets called Ky and Kyre in this. Kyre is the name he chose for himself but he normally introduces himself as Fawkes or Fawkes-Fatale so people know him as Fawkes more than Kyre.
That's all the text said, his name. Then another.
"Can we talk?"
Fawkes stared at his phone, trying to figure out what he could've possibly have done to make Lorelei want to have a talk with him.
Fawkes' anxiety yells at him to answer but his body can't. He doesn't wanna face whatever he's done wrong. So he tries to ignore the texts. He stares up at the sky trying to distract himself.
Yet his anxiety got the better of him and he texted back "yeah? What's up?"
"Are you ok?"
"Whaddya mean?"
"You havent been yourself lately"
"Oh? What is myself?"
"You're a very sweet person and very energetic but lately I feel like youve been pretty cold and distant."
Fawkes paused for a moment. Not wanting to worry Lorelei but not wanting to lie to her either.
"I've just been a tired lately don't worry"
"Alright, do you think you could try and take a nap then?"
He wasn't going to do that. I mean sure he was tired but he wasn't that kind of tired. It was his emotions and brain that was tired. He felt like a gold medalist in the emotional labor Olympics.
His brain telling him Lorelei cares because of course she does. Lorelei always cares, Lorelei's always so kind, Lorelei's always so understanding, Lorelei's always so smart, Lorelei's always so talented, Lorelei's always so good. Lorelei's an angel.
Fawkes loves her and knows he shouldn't be upset or jealous but he can't help it. Why does she have to be so perfect? It's not fair.
Fawkes wrapped his hands in bandages. He sat there in silence and in moonlight, staring down at his hands. He sits on the porch looking at his hands deep in thought until he feels a hand on his shoulder.
"Y'all right there kid?
Fawkes looked up to see the old man he's been traveling with for a while. Jed, wasnt your typical old man but rather he seemed to be insane with his talk of his ghost wife. It was charming though, in a way. A love that transcends life and death.
Admittedly Fawkes was jealous, jealous Jed had someone that cared so dearly for him and would wait for him even if it meant waiting for him to die. Fawkes wanted that, but then again who would ever love him? Romantically to be specific.
Fawkes simply smiled and asked "what?"
"Y'alright kid? You've been out here fer a while."
"Oh! I just, like the stars, y'know."
Jed's kind smile turned to a worried frown and Fawkes felt his anxiety get worse.
"Kiddo. . . I know that's not why you're out here."
"Then why'd you ask?" Fawkes asked trying not to sound angry.
"I asked if yaz was ok, not why yer out here."
Fawkes averted his gaze, not wanting to look at Jed's kind eyes. It hurt for some reason, like he'd done something wrong and is getting scolded for it.
"I ain't upset, little guy."
Fawkes continued to avert his eyes. He felt tears start to form and he doesn't want anyone to see him cry. Minutes passed and Jed caught on to Fawkes' trying not to cry.
"Can I touch ya or would you rather I don't?" was all Jed asked and Fawkes held out his hand for Jed to hold.
Jed slowly moved his hand to Fawkes back to rub it for comfort and Fawkes leaned into Jed's chest. Suddenly Fawkes' guard broke and his tears started pouring out like a river.
"Hey, hey, it's alright let it out. Y'all've been keeping your emotions locked up fer a while now, huh?" Jed says as he pets Fawkes back.
"It's ok, if y'all're scared or sad. Everyone feels like that sometimes."
Fawkes clings tighter to Jed.
Fawkes lays in bed, mindlessley scrolling through his phone. Suddenly he gets a notification. A text from Sidney, apologizing for not being there yet cuz of work. Fawkes sent a quick message telling him it's ok.
Fawkes stared back up at the ceiling. He runs a hand over the collection of movies Sidney put out for them to watch when Sidney got home from work.
More minutes have passed and the thoughts slowly crept in. Sidney has realized that he deserves better than him and he's leaving him. He's realized Fawkes isn't worth it. Fawkes knew it was too good to be true. He's so stupid. Such a wonderful person like Sidney would never actually wanna be with him. He's werewolf trash. He ran a hand through his hair and pulled on some strands of hair a bit.
Sidney did eventually come home. With snacks from a local convenience store nearby as another apology. Sidney flops onto the bed and hands Fawkes a chocolate bar. He has to push it into Fawkes' hands for Fawkes to realize what's happening and take the chocolate bar.
"So didya pick one ya wanted to start with?"
"The movies, Ky. Have you chosen which movie you wanna watch first?"
"Oh. . . uh, no sorry."
"Hey, it's alright. We can watch one of the silliest ones I've got in this pile."
Sidney picks a movie out of pile and plays it. It's about a knight who is they're own horse. They turn into a horse at night. It was one of Sidney's favorite movies when he was smaller. It makes Fawkes laugh quite a bit.
Sidney looks fondly at Fawkes while he's laughing at a joke he made in response to the movie and smiles to himself.
"How'd I bag him? He's so cute and funny." Sidney thinks to himself.
Sidney puts an arm around Fawkes and pulls him closer. Fawkes pauses from shock but then leans into Sidney's chest. Sidney plops his head on top of Fawkes’ and Fawkes playfully boops Sidney’s snout, which gets a chuckle from Sidney.
Then it’s one movie after another, some that Fawkes love and others not so much but he tries his best not to show his displeasure. He doesn't want Sidney to be upset that he didn't like some of the movies he picked out for them to watch. He'd definitely realize they aren't meant for each other. Fawkes runs a hand through his hair.
After hours of of only hearing Sidney's breath, Fawkes hears "hey,". He turns his head up to look at Sidney who has now taken his head off Fawkes'.
"If you didn't want the chocolate you could've grabbed something else from the bag, y'know that, right?" Sidney smiles slightly to show he's not upset.
Fawkes looks confused and Sidney points to his hands. Fawkes looks down to see the chocolate bar he was handed at the start of the movie marathon. Still unwrapped and a little broken from Fawkes unconsciously digging his nails into it.
"Oh! Uh, I'm just not really hungry I guess." Fawkes says as he scratches the back of his hand.
"Oh, alright well I'll put it away for Buggs then."
"Ok . . ." Fawkes says slowly letting go of the bar to see his nails got all chocolate-y.
"I'll get you something to clean your nails off with too, I'll be right back."
With that, Sidney got up from the bed and the bed adjusted due to the lack of weight, thus bouncing Fawkes up a bit. He didn't really notice, all he could do is watch Sidney walk away. It made him even sadder somehow, even though he knew he was just gonna put a chocolate bar in the fridge cuz Buggs likes them cold and get a damp paper towel to clean off Fawkes' fingernails.
But the emotions only got worse and the overwhelming feelings caused him to flop backwards onto the pillows and make his lip quiver. He closed his eyes tight and ran both his hands through his hair.
He feels weight be added to the bed causing it to sink down a bit. Then, a hand taking one of Fawkes hands in it. Dampness pressed against his fingernails. It felt cold. He wasn't sure if he liked it or not.
He didn't respond. He couldn't bring himself to.
"You're shaking." Sidney continued.
Fawkes hadn't realized he was shaking but he is. He can't bring himself to open his eyes.
Fawkes gets picked up and cradled in big arms. He pushes his face into Sidney's chest as to not have to look Sidney in the eyes. He feels Sidney pet his hair.
"Hey, hey, it's ok. You can let it out."
Fawkes buries his face farther into the softness of Sidney's hoodie.
"Ah, I see"
Fawkes punches Sidney's side, not with really any force. Sidney frowns at Fawkes' fist and his brows furrow in worry. Sidney pulls Fawkes closer to him and kisses Fawkes' head and rubs his back.
After a few minutes of them sitting in silence, Sidney hears a muffled "fuck you, asshole" in an affectionate and sad tone along with the sounds of tears. Fawkes wraps his arms around Sidney's middle, somewhat digging his nails into Sidney's back, desperately not wanting to let go. Sidney doesn't seem to mind, only focusing on comforting the poor werewolf that he calls his significant other.
After what felt like a long time yet still not enough time, Fawkes pulls his tear stricken face away from Sidney's chest. There's a puddle of tears on Sidney's hoodie now. Fawkes apologizes but is stopped by Sidney reassuring him it's ok.
"Do you want me to go-" "NO!"
"I was just asking if you wanted water to get water back into your body after all the tears shed but I'm not gonna go anywhere if you don't want me to."
Fawkes stared at Sidney for a while, Sidney stared back and smiled softly while running a hand through Fawkes' hair.
"I'd . . . like some water . . . please" Fawkes whispers.
"Do you want to come with me then?" Sidney asks putting his hand out for Fawkes to grab.
"Y-yes please." Fawkes answers placing his hand in Sidney's.
Sidney helps Fawkes out of bed and they make their way to the kitchen. Where Sidney picks Fawkes up and places him on the counter. Then he gets a cup out of the cupboard and fills it with water. He hands it to Fawkes, who takes it in shaky hands.
Fawkes takes a sip from the cup before whispering a thank you. Then slowly drinks the rest. When it's all gone he asks for a refill and Sidney refills the cup.
After he finishes drinking another cup of water he sets it down. Sidney picks it up to fill with water again but instead Fawkes places a hand on Sidney's hand. Sidney places the cup in the sink then takes Fawkes hand in his and leans down to kiss his partner's forehead.
"Would you like to go back to bed now?"
Fawkes places his head onto Sidney's collarbone and sighs.
"Can we stay here for a little while longer?"
"Of course, my love."
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