#yeaaah this is canon in my head
sarist0t · 8 months
Mr plant Icon ★
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My Mr. Plant head-canon is that he used to be a plant with roots, but as he grew older, he began to gain human features, so day by day he became more and more like a human.
so the roots now wraparound his limbs and etc etc I’m too lazy to write the rest 🌞
Hope y’all like it!
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insomniphic · 8 months
So guess what?! :D
I’ll be posting daily One-Shots of Narry in very Valentine scenarios for 7 days!
None of these are canon! They’re just cool “what if’s” since Narry is probably doomed to be forever lonely 😔.
DAY 1: Crowded Places
Narry participated in a party once; in our current timeline he might have already joined more than four, perhaps none, but ONE was enough to realize his hatred towards crowded places, of every kind. “Hatred”? No. Not really. Maybe it’s discomfort. Maybe fear.
The music is the latest hit of this year, so was the next, and the following. The taste was generic — made to entertain most of the crowd because of how trendy it is — so it was no surprise that everyone was still moving their bodies to a rhythm that matched their hearts more than the beat. Narry wished there was more variety so he could test his memory… Perhaps he could just list out the pitch, the notes, maybe the specific riffs to the bass that carried the harmony.
An arm brushes against his. A sandal comes close to stepping on his black loafers. Hair slashes across his back. An empty plastic cup tips and touches against his chest.
He really needs to stop closing his eyes, these sensations were becoming more intense without his vision and it was making him shudder when he isn’t even feeling cold.
While pursing his thin lips, the brunette tilts his head down and cracks both of his eyes open, looking straight at his feet. There’s about a two step radius that he could shuffle around in. (Disregarding the shoulders that nudged past that small border.) He made sure to straighten his body like a rod, taking less space to give himself, and others, more room.
It’s alright, Narry, just listen to the music. The music is loud, this room is big. It’s alright, Narry, just listen to the echo of the music. If the music echoes, then the room is spacious; it’s big.
“Oh my goood, have you heard what Juliet just did to her new boyfrieend?~” A random girl slurred out, her eyes hazy as she pressed herself closer to her other female companion, trying to be more audible in the crowd.
Narry blinks, his brows furrowing. Music, Narry, music. “You know how to dance, huh?” A man with a buzz-cut hair chuckled as he swayed along with a some blonde woman. The duo was too close for his liking; it’s almost as if those words were directed to him.
“Hahaha! Yeaaah!” The other squeaked, her face flushed and hair a mess from all the grooving, “I was in the dance team when I was in high school!” She grinned suddenly throwing her hands up, ultimately hitting against Narry’s arm without her knowledge.
Narry writhed as he began to inch away from them. He steps out of the center of his small safe space, and it led him into bumping against another stranger. And like a game of Pong, he bumped into another as he apologized. Where’s the music? Narry’s eyes whirled around, looking for safety. Why can’t I hear it?! Where is it?!
…Screw the music. Screw the size of the room. It’s too cramped here— WHY is he here?
“Narry!” The man jumped — not out of fear, but more in relief.
Music. He’s hearing the music.
“Narry! Oh god, what are you doing here?!” Narry’s lover pushed through the wall of people, concern driven all over their face. Before Narry could even reply, they were already taking action. “Common, let’s get you out of here!” They yelled over the crowd.
The yellow eyed man kept himself close behind them. He’s usually much more… organized than this. Thankfully enough, he felt all of the tension release as he stumbled slightly on random rubbish that’s been tossed on the hard tiles of the club. He’s usually much more autonomous than this. When finally reached the door — he forgot there was one (he’s usually a lot more aware than this) — he pries his eyes away from the textured ground and then up at the moon, the stars, his lover. Suddenly, his head was clear.
“Gosh…” Narry groaned, lowering his head into his hands, “I’m usually a lot more… normal than this.” He shuddered, his shoulders sinking slightly.
“Narry, you are being normal.” His hands are stuffy. Music. Listen for the music. “You’re just overstimulated, alright?” he looks up from his hands. He hears the echo of their voice. It’s spacious; the world is big. “Don’t bash yourself for that.” They smiled, clearly hazy from the fun he probably just pulled them away from, but they seemed clear in the head enough to mean what they’re saying.
Once he nodded, the other sighed, running a hand through their hair as they looked down the empty sidewalk and streets before glancing back. “Why are you here, Narry? I thought you said you’ll just stay at home for tonight,” they frowned slightly with concern.
Why? Why… Narry was quiet for a moment, the most knowledgeable being in the world seemingly forgotten. “Oh— uh…” his hands naturally ran down to touch his pocket, feeling the contour of his cellular device. Right. “I wanted to pick you up,” he mumbled, “You texted me a while ago, saying that your friends left earlier while you guys were at the pub, and I didn’t want you to go back with an Uber — and by yourself. I came — brought the car — and thought I could find you easily if I go inside myself instead of waiting. And—“ he paused, “I got stuck.”
His lover chuckled, before they reached down and took his gloved hands into theirs. “That’s really thoughtful of you, Narry… thank you.” They gave him a closed eyed smile, and Narry couldn’t help but reciprocate, albeit a bit shy because of the earlier predicament.
“Are you good for a hug?” They widened their arms for him, and Narry paused.
Of course he couldn’t say “no”. And with a small hum of encouragement, he bent himself down and enveloped themselves into each other’s warmth.
The hug was tight; it gave him no space to move, and the entirety of the hug were just sensations he wouldn’t usually agree to. And yet… he didn’t mind it.
Narry has a fear towards crowded places, but his only exception only ever seemed to be their comfort.
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universe-xlll · 9 months
Hey this post has spoilers from the PJO series, so beware of my rambling:]
So first things first....
I can't wrap that around my head still, like, I kept screaming thinking about it, I was hoping a Dam joke about some other stuff but not that one wtf
Also ANNABETH, EXCUSE ME BUT WTF?? she's smarter here ngl she saw the bathroom thing with Clarisse and said, that's the one I'm gonna throw him into the lake if he doesn't use his powers again B)
Sally, my girl, you are a Queen.
Percy making an offering to his mom??? That was so much sadder than I thought.
Grover, dude, no, that was rude, he betrayed Percy's trust like nothing!! Also Rick appears in the background as a teacher at the principal's office.
But then my man said nah I'm gonna tell him the truth about his mom because that's something he needs to know. But he said it so Percy would want to go to the mission, which is something that kinda happens in the books.
Percy wants to go to the mission because he wanted to save his mom. So yeaaah!
Mr. D, that scene was so pjo coded idk how to explain it but damn, that's feels like something Dionysus would try to do in the books with the new campers. Which is canon now thanks to Rick
Anyways I would keep making posts about the series as I rewatch it to point out stuff :]
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devine-fem · 5 months
honestly an industry that is made up by mostly white males who make content for mostly white males is already set up for failure but pleaseee never close your account & take this as god giving the strongest battles to the strongest soldiers
we need more people like you who actually read comics and who genuinely care abt the characters & not just some woobified version of them
yeaaah, people have a hard time digesting anything but fanon. fanon is for people who know canon and transform it into something they can enjoy more… but we forget that, i haaate the way people see the batfam, people make them boring LMAO
dude, i’m just so in my head about my depression thats been getting worse because ive recently not been doing anything but reading comic books… ive really just been pulled deep into the dcu and need to get out. especially when youre a damijon shipper and fandom likes to wack you over the head each month like its in their schedule. sighhh
but ive decided not to go anyway, just not gonna stress on making content and im gonna force myself to get out of my bed
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queenmina37 · 2 months
for your my ambition (will be your savior) AU
so we now know HOW they found out, but what do they do then. does Al call Izumi and tell her, how would Ed find out that they now know, does Izumi call HIM, or would he just go back to get his automail repaired just to get his head bashed in and kicked out. or would he even make it that far.
just, what next.
Ah, so, the thing is, nothing interesting happens.
By the time the people in Resembool find out, Al, Winry and Pinako have known about Ed being in the military for years. In fact, Al has been actively hiding that info from everyone in Resembool. And they get it, you know, because they wouldn't want anyone to know that they were related to someone who works for the military, so why would Al admit it? To them, it makes perfect sense, and they don't blame Al for hiding it. Al is probably going to be embarrassed that everyone now knows, at least for a while, but also, he's cut Ed off of his life completely.
Because, yeah, Ed doesn't go to Resembool. Ever. Not even for automail repairs. He already doesn't always go there in My Ambitions (Will Be Your Savior). He has a fucking apartment in Rush Valley. Even if he'd prefer it if the Rockbells did any major repairs, he's fine with other people doing them, as long as he knows they can do their job properly. Besides, since Al, Winry and Pinako found out, which is something that happens during the story so I'm not going to talk much about that, Ed's basically been a persona non grata at their house. So, yeah. He's been kicked out, cut off by them, and Ed may not be happy but he's okay with it because he knew that would happen and still chose military.
Al knows that Izumi knew. He's not happy that no one told him, but they're okay. He knows Izumi still has contact with Ed, too, but as long as she doesn't try to put them in the same room without his approval, he doesn't care. Her having a relationship with him doesn't mean she has to cut Ed off. Al doesn't ask her for any news about Ed, and Izumi doesn't tell him anything without being asked, so, yeah.
As for Ed finding out they know? Well... He never does. Because he doesn't visit Resembool, and why would anyone tell him? At some point, later in life, he's going to think "Oh, yeah, I think they probably did find out at some point, they still get news from around the country so they probably figured it out at some point I guess" and that's as much thought as he's going to give it.
Like I said. It's not really anything interesting. Nothing blows up, no one gets beaten up, or anything of the sort. People will gossip about it for some time, whispering about poor Al who has to live with the knowledge that his brother works for the military, and years down the line people will make a comment or two every now and then, but aside from that? Absolutely nothing happens.
I think I've said it before, but Ed and Al's brotherhood... Well. It doesn't really have a good ending in this story. They're definitely on the road to becoming estranged and having no contact with each other. In canon, they're close and constantly with each other, but in this story? They're already almost never in contact. Plus, they have very different ideologies (It's been at least hinted that Al also does not like the military, plus he's still a kid living in Resembool, he starts disliking the military more and more with each passing day, and then there's Ed, who wants to be a soldier and isn't about to quit just because everyone at Resembool hates it).
Personally, I don't think I've seen any fanfics where this happens to them, but I also can't really see a way for them to remain close, even as close as they are now.
(And that's all without even Al knowing how Ed got his body back, which... Uhhhh... Yeaaah... I don't think Al would approve.)
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@sssardonian-ssserpent; (Yeah my thoughts exactly. Like yeaaah Heaven’s influence on him (they do kind of fucking enable his shitty behavior to an almost laughable degree look at how he acted out of line SO much in the court room scene and didn’t even get a slap on the wrist for it) probably does kind of have some partial blame for how he is now but at the end of the day the man is a fucking asshole and Lilith no doubt left his ass for a fucking reason, lol)
Like I said A LOT of room for interpretation, especially since I wouldn't be surprised if Lilith exaggerated Adam's behavior. Again, speculation, as we haven't seen Lilith at all and I imagine what her canon portrayal is like in canon will effect how we start to view Adam
Maybe he gets some more sympathy points with Eve and being cheated on but again we don't know the facts
Did he truly love Eve? Was he actually hurt by her betrayal or just mad she disobeyed him?
Then the biggest question of, was Adam ALWAYS a rotten apple or did he become corrupt due to heavens influence? Was he forced to be the head exterminator or was the whole thing his idea?
You can debate back and forth insert your own ideas, etc, etc. But Adam is a grown fucking adult who's thousands of years old at this point and fucking knows better, maybe he's more sympathic and certainly more complex than he let's on but
He's a villain for a reason.
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zalrb · 1 year
the summer i turned pretty 1x03 review -- "you mean conrad?"
Oh god, the infinity symbol. Why would you pour that on her pancakes tho. Why is that the moment for the Moment.
"Looking like a vision in floral." She looks NORMAL. You guys are making it seem like she's Arwen coming to Frodo in an ethereal light and bringing him back from the brink of death.
Why would you get your daughter a present because it includes your best friend's favourite poem? That doesn't make any sense. That should be a gift for Susannah. This isn't how you show how close all of you are.
"You excited to see Taylor?" How long has it been since you last saw her? Like a week?
"You're the main character, not Taylor." Is she though?
"I do not want to be cancelled by the sailing community" that's not what being cancelled IS.
stop. saying. extra.
"I just really want to look good next to you" you know, you wouldn't have to try this hard with Jere, Steven.
Yeah, Steven, play with your boyfriend
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I don't understand why this volleyball scene is so long.
"I know, I just ... care." Do you though?
So if Nicole is the girl this season then who the fuck is Aubrey?
Nicole, honey, you can do SO MUCH BETTER than Conrad.
"Suddenly you care about clothes, you have new friends, you have a boyfriend." OK a) they're making it seem like Belly was dressing as a slob and she her wearing a baggy shirt and shorts isn't the same vibe, it's like when Teen Wolf was trying to say that Kira looked so un-put-together and messy and my girl was looking like this
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please be serious. 2. Nicole literally sat by the pool with Conrad and watched you and Belly play water volleyball together. It's not like you and Belly went to get a banana split and then Nicole dropped by and she was like I invited Nicole too, that's OK right? and then you watched as they had all these inside jokes and Belly's trying to include you. You are still very prominent Taylor. 3. Same thing. Jere picked you two up it's not like she came to pick you up from the bus station with Cam Cameron and you walk to the car and see them making out and you have to be like "erm erm". *cries in frustration* DETAILS. And if these things happen later, they shouldn't they should happen BEFORE this conversation.
Where are Steven and Jere they are my only source of marginal entertainment this season because of pure head canon.
"Just promise me one thing, we'll always be best friends?" She comes her for three months out of the entire year, Taylor.
Right, Aubrey was his girlfriend from before and Nicole is a new disposable chick.
"You think you could talk to him?" see, if they were as close as they were meant to be, Laurel wouldn't need direction to speak to Connor about opening up. She'd just do it.
Why would you have a Midsommar theme? White people realize it's a movie about white supremacy right?
See Jere's being an ass here with the whole her lips touch a dead animal's lips but calling him Cam Cameron is just a dumb way to be a dick.
And Cam showed you the fuck up with that quick peck, Jere, so shut up you child.
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Taylor is a good friend though, I just find her supremely annoying but that's a best friend.
OK so if you're going to play Best Friend by Saweetie, this is not the scene you play it at
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for thirty seconds until they walk into the party. Especially when you're rolling up looking like this
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If anything, what should happen is Taylor should do her up, look proud at her work and when they roll up to the party, she's NOTICED by people and Taylor should look her proudly and the song should be playing. JUST GIVE ME A SHOW.
Oh Jere and a disposable Black guy to make out with.
What kind of likkle stiff kiss is this?
*staring at Conrad* for WHY. I love how we're three episodes deep and I have NO IDEA why she likes him.
Yeaaah Lola tries too hard to act like she's having a good time.
So does Jeremiah.
Hahah I like how they skipped over the super rape-y part of Summer Lovin'.
Yeah, see again, this makeout is very just staged. If it's a stupid, drunken mistake, it should be a little sloppier.
"Oh my God I am so sick of hearing about this fucking deb ball." Did Belly ever mention it?
It's literally been one day, Taylor. And aren't you supposed to know that Belly has her Cousins life anyway?
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It has been. a day. And Belly has been acting EXACTLY the same. She just finally wears the clothes you want her to.
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So, she is but she hasn't done anything to you, Taylor, for you to say that.
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We literally never see this, though! She just looks at him from time to time in a way that's supposed to be wistful but she can't access the nuance for that.
I remember I was obsessed with this guy in high school and I took a picture of him and his friends when we all went on a class trip to the States, I really just wanted a picture of him but I wasn't going to ask him to JUST take a picture alone so I took the picture and then I was looking at the picture on the bus but like zooming in so I could only see him and my friend was like WHAT'RE YOU DOING? and looked over and saw what I was doing and then we both decided that she never saw that and THAT was super embarrassing. I should be seeing THAT type of "omg I feel like I'm in high school again" shit from Belly.
Give me a gen z version of this shit
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"I can't deal with this right now. I gotta go." I mean why? What are you doing, Belly?
See I know the whole thing is Jeremiah is supposed to be friending Cam Cameron up to deflect but it's not giving him the layers they think it is.
And he's not good at playing drunk.
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she is TERRIBLE.
"Can I ask you something..." "Is that it?" "Yeah, that's it." Why are they acting like the moment to ask him has passed when he still has to drive her home?
Like is that car ride silent?
"They should be in his desk" where she will find the infinity necklace.
"He's been acting weird for months. Just forget him." Lol, do you two like each other?
"And today you can't stop obsessing over Conrad" and like I know that we use that word liberally and this is partly because the acting is terrible but the scene needs more room to breathe. Like I feel like what should happen is she sees the bracelet and she mulls about it quietly and Jeremiah keeps asking her about Cam Cameron and she gives monosyllabic responses and then he's like Bells, where are you? Like you're barely speaking and then she should talk about Conrad in a rush where she just can't stop talking and it's like verbal diarrhea and then she takes a deep breath and Jere's just like wowwwwwwww
Honestly, Belly.
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Oh my god Belly, you should be yelling at him for making out with Taylor when he's dating someone else.
For your best friend dying, this is a very cold conversation. Like they're trying to be Beaches but they're not being Beaches.
My mom was OBSESSED with that movie omg.
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mx-loar-tev · 1 year
Updates concerning my works-in-progress in the Supergirl/SuperCorp fandom!
I definitively fell into the SuperCorp rabbit hole and I'm over my head and my muse has decided that I needed to work on EIGHT (8) projects at the same time, 4 fanfictions and 4 fancomics.
In this there's one fic and two comics in what I dubbed the "superwitch presents 'verse" :
the main story is about time travel and witch!Lena and huge fix-its bc really this show needs them. (I've plotted the main story and wrote some of the important scenes, but I need to rewatch the show for details);
then there's the "challenge accepted" comic (yes the one I shared a sneak peek the other day, that one) which is halfway done but I don't know when I'll post it bc it feels weird without context (the context being the time travel fic);
and there's also the second comic that is clearly NSFW. What am I getting into?
Second fic? A little something taking place in a canon-divergent season two, that has been inspired by an episode of Farscape (the one where Chrighton is the only genetically viable suitor to a sebacean princess?) It's probably halfway done, I guess?
Third fic? Alien!Lena, yeaaah! I'm a sucker for this trope. But I wanted to make it a little bit different. This one is kind of an author's favorite and I've been thinking about it for a year but I only started writing less than a month ago. I can't wait to finish it and share it!
Fourth fic! It's like, totally random. It started as a writing exercise with a random prompt I found here and that made me laugh. It helped me overcome my writing block, so I guess whether I finish it one day or not it accomplished its purpose but what I wrote is kinda funny so I'd like to post it one day. (And there's my "favorite" douchecanoe in it, yes, that douche ceo from season one, you know the one)
So it's about third comic now, I think? This one was supposed to be for pride month but well... The calendar and I never agree on anything. But yeah, trans!Kara is coming your way (sooner or later)
Fourth and last comic: something cute and funny involving a kitten. Because who doesn't like kittens? (Lena, apparently. Just kidding)
There'll probably be more project sprouting in my brain but I really need to focus on the main ones first. I promise I'm working on this as fast as I can, with every spoons I have (yes I'm a spoonie)
SuperCorp and creating works about SuperCorp make me so happy lately and I really hope I can make other people happy with that too, but I can't post an unfinished work. So well, you'll have to wait.
(And now that all is said I'm going to bed bc it's like 4:40am here... Bye)
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turntheotherpurf · 2 years
1: Sexuality headcanon = Repressed-Bi (which is basically already "canon", from what I can gather?)
2: Otp = Um... well idk if I'd really "ship" Clay with anyone legitimately... though I can't deny how fascinating it is to dissect pairs like Clay x Bloberta & Clay x Danielle, in terms of analysis-reasonings & what-not .3.
3: Brotp = If it weren't for the events of "Sacrifice", I feel like him and Reverend Putty could've made for an interesting pair of friends (esp with Putty being among the few Moralton residents who doesn't take anyone's crap... Clay could've def used that kinda influence to keep his bs in check lol)
4: Notp = Whatever was going on between him and Ms. Censordoll that one time was just... *shudders 2x* pls no-😖
5: First headcanon that pops into my head = He and Orel would've gone no-contact by the time Orel graduates highschool/attends college... for at least a good 5-ish years until Orel & Christina's wedding (in which Orel would've regained more of his good faith by then to wanna invite Clay back in his life, at least for this one time). Whether or not it'd lead to a full-on reunion/redemption for Clay though, I'm still not quite sure...
6: Favorite line from this character = Honestly his whole dialogue in eps like "Sacrifice" and the "Nature" two-parter were always so quotable as-is, I can't really pick a singular fave line tbh
7: One way in which I relate to this character = ....eh, nothing really comes to mind tbh .x.
8: Thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character = His last-minute love confession to Danielle in the finale... right in front of his wife & son, no less?? ...Yeaaah sorry Clay, that was preeetty cringe- 😬
9: Cinnamon roll or problematic fave? = Oh most definitely a problematic fave... no question about that lol
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rozetheeuwu · 10 months
Some fun (and maybe not-so-fun) facts for Dearil and Chad?
Yeaaah let's go!
Before the whole interceptor thing he specialized in ghost and normal types. He specialized in ghost dark during renegade because his adoptive mother did, although of course he didn't remember that. During paragon he specializes in ghost and dragon because of his brother. In Paragon he has a Delcatty referencing back to their time before the interceptor stuff.
He has spiritomb in renegade and delcatty in paragon, both crested. I did that because they're kind of the opposite of each other.
He's one of my only fangame amab ocs.
In both runs they care a lot about Mosely, Maman and the rest of the kids in the lost camp. This is mainly due to his upbringing with Chad. However in renegade he doesn't quite know why that is the case due to their memories not being fully there yet.
Before the interceptor stuff Dearil preferred fist fighting instead of pokemon fighting (Plus there aren't as many trainers in Oblivia and people rather just have mons as pets and stuff).
He's not buff, but he does have strong arms. They don't work out quite the same way as Chad does though. They're much faster than him though.
This is not really 'canon' to their lore, but in paragon I'll be using Aero's legacy design.
Before the interceptor stuff he was cocky and mischievous, during Paragon he becomes a sad wet pathetic cat of a person.
Paragon Dearil has PTSD.
Paragon Dearil gets Chad's coat that he had when he traveled through main game reborn, he got it (had to pay MANY black prisms) from Mr. Luck.
He has insomnia as well.
His postgame/future design is similar to his main game one, the main difference is the coat. It's the same model as his previous one, but has a red, green, blue and purple cross/x on it. His previous coat was lost during the final main game battle against Lin. He also has some facial hair in his future design.
He gets married to Cal, their wedding ring has an Ametrine stone embedded into it.
During the events in Aevium he gets twins! Alba and Arrow :>
He's third/fourth tallest fangame ocs.
He does reconnect to some of his family in Oblivia! He did have uncles, aunts and cousins there but Aasha had sheltered him from them so much that he couldn't remember what they looked like and almost forgot them all together.
Has allergic fish (food)
He has Dyscalculia & Dyslexia
These are some of the top of my head, Dearil more than Chad because I've talked a lot about him before.
Thanks for the ask!!! They are my most beloveds rn.
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nhaomei · 4 years
Omen - Viper - Sage theories coming up so buckle up kiddos
SO! Whatever happened to Sage and Viper, but mostly to Omen is what has caused the dimension break, creating multiple dimensions. Now, hear me out, bear with me, let me explain. So, whatever it was that has caused Omen to become what he is now, it has ripped him apart again and again, we know that. He has died multiple times. ("There is... another of me. How many times did I get ripped apart? How many times did I die?") His most important quote is "I am the beginning, I am the end." What does he mean by beginning? Maybe the dimension break, if it weren't for him getting split, all of this shit wouldn't have happened. Now, to talk about what I think he means about being "the end": Viper wants to help Omen become human again, it is one of the main things what drives Omen as well, it seems ("I will take back what is mine."). Although, I don't think he is sure of him ever becoming human again is possible. ("My burden never ends.") The voice lines have lead me to the conclusion that while the other agents ("impostors", "copies") are alternative versions of their 'original' selves (they are the same, but completely different... am I making sense?), Omen's 'copies' are way more than that. When he got ripped apart, he got 'split' between worlds/dimensions ("Split... sighs they don't know the meaning of the word.") that is why he is also always glitching, he is struggling to keep himself in one place, something is always pulling against him... (Although we know from one of his voice lines that if he gives in to this 'strain', he dies: "I let go for a second!" - when he gets resurrected (and some more voice lines fit in here but-, yea too lazy to write them all)) Fragments of himself literally scattered, either resulting in appearing in the many dimensions, or even creating them. Omen clearly shows some serious struggle to remember what has happened to him, and judging by his interactions, it is murdering other Omen's that gets parts of his memories back. "I will kill that Omen. I will take his memories. I will remember." // (Viper: "I wonder what's inside their Omen. What truth is he keeping from ours?") I do believe that he is especially out for the other Omen's blood.
But! It’s worth noting that he also feels better about himself when he's slaughtering the copies ("I feel like myself. Catch them. Again!" // "Again. Hurt them, again!") "How many must I kill before I am restored? sigh More. Always more." This could refer to the copies as well, but I think he is talking about killing other Omens. He seems to be very enthusiastic about killing his other selves, after all. Lil bit more I feel like could be connected to him feeling more like himself when he kills: "Close, I am so close." // "I can be even more." (The last two are new voice lines from deathmatch) Alright, so about his relationship with Viper. It is obvious that they've known each other before the 'tragedy' happened (Don't really know what else to call it, truth be told), we know that from their (mostly Viper's) voice lines. However, there is something that Viper is keeping from Omen. They both talk about getting the enemy Omen's memories. Maybe she kept some for herself? How... do you keep memories? Maybe I'm completely off track with this one, but her keeping secrets from him despite them trusting the other is worth mentioning. ("Don't die here, Sabine. I need your secrets.") Another thought: Maybe Omen knew the risk he was taking when he confronted the... thing that has eventually turned him into Omen (if we go with the theory of him not being the results of a failed experiment which I honestly doubt is true, but we don't know that yet. These are but theories.) What made me believe this was this voice line: "Make the right choice, even if it calls for sacrifice." Maybe it was an act of self sacrifice? (He took a risk to... to save something? Someone? Or for the sake of something I didn't think of? And well, he took the risk and look where it has lead... but maybe the other option was far worse? Maybe they had no idea what the options even were? Or what risks he/they were taking?) Him and Viper might have been counting on Sage to help them if things were to go wrong, alas, whatever it was that has happened was beyond Sage's powers. Omen: "I survived obliteration. I will survive them." I do not know what to say to this line, honestly. It's pretty self explanatory. Worth mentioning, though. 'Obliteration' does sound like something beyond Sage's powers to me x) So due to unknown forces (a massive explosion? a rift? idk) Omen has died, got split etc etc, and maybe Sage did try to revive him, maybe it did succeed, but not in the way they wanted it to; Omen was beyond redemption at this point. But she did reach out to him. With time I'm positive she has honed her skills enough for even Omen to recognize her strength. ("Sage, you are truly... limitless.") // (Sage: "I wasn't strong enough before, but now, now I am strong enough for us all." // "This is what I trained for.")
I do not know how to phrase this, but Omen has... ascented? Well, he certainly did become something way more than human. He senses when people are afraid around him, he feels what Sage's powers do to 'the natural balance' ("A Radiant healer is with them. I can feel her pull against the natural balance..."). Both him ("I have reset the balance." // "I will break the balance."- although the latter he means metaphorically, says it when the teams are tied) and Sage ("Tip the balance in our favour.") seem to have their hands on the scale, both tipping it. Sage pulling against the balance by reviving people, Omen resetting the balance by... killing? But why with killing? Well... another theory coming up: "Sage, the life you give. Do you ever wonder where it's taken from?" Remember what I wrote about Omen feeling like himself when killing others (and Omens)? I guess you could say he 'collects' when he kills to get 'restored' (back to the line: "How many must I kill before I am restored? sigh More. Always more.")... what it is he collects though, I lack the vocabulary to explain. Maybe that is where she gets the life from; from Omen. And if this is true, it also keeps him from getting restored. A quote from Viper that might be referring to this: "One more time, Omen. laughs How many times have you heard that now?"
Omen feels more obliged to kill and ‘tip the balance’ when sage tips the balance by reviving. Even, just maybe, that it’s stretched to Reyna “(...) You give life, i take it.” in a way, he is maybe fixing what sage has ‘broken’ or is doing what he believes will fix it. While we are at Viper, whatever that 'Obliteration' was, maybe Viper got blamed for it. She either lost everything due to the 'obliteration' or they took it away from her (she might has done time? idk this was a sudden idea haha) OR! A third idea. She might have been there when the 'tragedy' was happening; maybe a rift opened? Maybe that was the first time clones have appeared? Since it is the clones she is talking to when she says these lines: "You wanted a villain!? I gave you a villain!" // "I am your monster. You made me this way. Never forget that." // "Let's take from them what they took from me... Everything." // "They call me a monster. Shall I prove them right?" // ("I will not loose my home again." // "Hurt those who hurt us." // "We will hurt them.") ...Or I'm completely wrong and she is talking about something different. We shall not forget about Kingdom. Now, about Sage and Viper's vendetta against her. "Sage, you're the only one able to keep us alive. Don't fail us now, like you failed me then." Worth noting, she didn't say 'us', but 'me', 'don't fail me’. It is possible that she is talking about what has happened with Omen, but I think its more connected to her losing everything she had. How, you may ask? To answer that question: I have absolutely no clue. "That's payback, Sage." -When she kills Sage. Well, "Hurt those who hurt us." // "I am your monster. You made me this way." Hmm? Might be connected to Sage. Once again, I don't have many ideas what it is that Sage has (or hasn't) done for Viper to be so mad at her. Now a little bit about Sage! She doesn't really talk much about Viper, her voice lines are more directed towards Omen. "Omen. You are a force of nature!" (in contrast to Omen's voice line about her 'pulling against the natural balance') According to google: "To say a person is a force of nature means the person is a very strong personality or character.  In short, a person that is full of energy, unstoppable, and unforgettable. These attributes can play out in many ways, and those viewed as a force of nature, or who self-identify in this way, need to have an acute awareness of the impact, and consequences, sometimes unintended, of their power." ‘Force of nature’ in this case can be used in two contexts: to compliment omen by proclaiming he is strong, or to say that he is... one with the balance? His powers and who he is is literally a ‘force of nature’, becomes merged less with humanity and towards the unknown abyss of what we do know. Sage most definitely pities Omen. I'm convinced about that. "I wonder what torture their Omen is going through. Is it like ours? Poor soul." Does she know what her Omen is going through though? Hmm maybe she does. Sage and Omen embody life and death, Omen does feel her powers, but does she feel his? I say yes. And here is why: "Their Omen might be a nightmare, but I was never scared of the dark." Omen's whole kit works around fear, he fights by inflicting fear in his enemies. We know that from his many voice lines, his abilities and that one voice line from Phoenix: "Omen wins by fear. Don't let him get to you!" I don't believe an ordinary human is able to withstand Omen's paranoia. Sage however (while being human herself) does not fear him. Why? She knows better than that. She knows more. To quote Omen "They fear death... they should fear so much more than that." Sage might be aware of a huge chunk of what Omen knows... and knowledge keeps her from being afraid. That is all I have, thank you for coming to my TedTalk. Also! Feel free to share your thoughts on the matter, I’m curious! ----- Special thanks to @breaddaerb for helping me out finish a few thoughts
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hothothotch · 2 years
𝚏𝚒𝚡 𝚢𝚘𝚞 | 𝚊𝚊𝚛𝚘𝚗 𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚌𝚑𝚗𝚎𝚛 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚘𝚗𝚎
SUMMARY: for the past five years you’ve been working as a crucial part of the President’s Secret Service, protecting the most powerful woman on the country. But when, after a tragedy happens, you’re requested to replace FBI’s Unit Chief, you have to deal with a team that is not yours, and a skeptic Aaron Hotchner that, amongst other things, wants you to go away. [SET IN SEASON 5]
TW: canon-typical CM content (i’ll put the specific triggers on the chapters :D)
A/N: yeah, i know i promised a cute hotch x babysitter fluff, like, MONTHS ago, but this idea has been plaguing my mind since then and I was like ‘yeaaah, why not?’. also, this is my first try at an enemies to loves kinda story, so don’t hate me if it doesn’t work.
You were never a huge fan of silence — you were taught from a young age that silence predicted disaster, and the mere thought of staying in silence inside a room with someone was enough to set your nerves, hence why you always tried to have full control of the environment (not to say you were a complete control freak).
This time was no different. The silence inside Erin Strauss’ office was deafening, and screamed clearly inside your ears that a disaster was coming soon; your body seemed to have noticed that, too, since your brain had been involuntarily sending anxious messages to your feet (that were stomping non-stop under the fancy wooden table of the FBI’s Section Chief) and to your hands, that had been tapping your legs not as gently as you wanted them to be.
You took a deep breath, expecting that the woman in front of you hadn’t noticed how your chest trembled, or how your breath hitched at the movement. Shit, you thought, when did I become a frightened kitten?
Having worked for the past five years as the head of the Secret Service (the President’s Secret Service), one of the first things you learnt was to keep your anxiety at bay, since (even if you tried your hardest) there was just no way you could control your environment, just keep it as safe as possible so events like President Kennedy’s murder wouldn’t happen again.
Truth be told, it was a terrible experience, the idea of not being able to keep everything perfectly neat or the thought alone that one wrong step could cost the most powerful woman in the country’s life were enough to send anxious synapses all over your body, and for the first month or so you had trouble sleeping, your mind racing as you thought about each and every possible outcome that your irresponsibility could trigger.
You were pretty much a frightened kitten back then, but it had been five years ago. Since then you’ve been to parades, you had made sure that the President was safe, you’ve been in dinners with her — both as her security guard and her friend. You’ve sat personally with the President of the Free World and had talks about security strategies, personal life and how the country still seemed to be against the fact they had a black woman as their President (but that was a talk you never really delve deeper), and the feeling wasn’t quite as intimidating as sitting in front of the FBI’s Section Chief in a heart-stopping silence for 10 minutes.
Silence predicts disaster. And Erin Strauss was a master in keeping silence.
“Well… I have to say your resume is really impressive, Agent”.
You blinked, your mind finding it hard to bring you back from your previous unmoving and anxious state to the present, where Erin Strauss looked straight at you, her glasses on her hand and her unsettling gaze lingering on your face, studying your reactions.
No, she was studying you. Testing you to see if you were what she needed. And even if you were simply not interested in this job, it was instinct the way your body automatically straightened, your head held high as your own gaze met Strauss’; out of sudden, you were not that frightened kitten anymore, looking for a good way out of that place and regretting the moment you told President Amaya that you could deal with an FBI position — you were the woman the Secret Service molded you to be: strong, determined.
A leader.
“Yes, ma’am” you agreed, bobbing your head up and down. You’ve never been one to fake formalities — you knew you had an impressive resume, principally considering your were only 25, and whenever someone acknowledged the fact you were proud, because you have fought foot and tail to be where you were now. Blushing and saying it was nothing would be brush off the years of studying, training and working hard you’ve had all these years, “That was what put me in the Secret Service, they don’t accept anyone there. It’s the President’s life that is at stake”.
“I see” Strauss nodded, putting her glasses back on to look down at the manila folder where your documents were in, “And you have FBI training, too?”.
You nodded again, interlacing your fingers on your legs, “I joined the Academy one year before the Secret Service. I’ve done all the training, and the profiling course, but I received an opportunity to work at the Secret Service before I found an Unit I could fit in, so I took the opportunity”.
Strauss didn’t seem impressed by your statement — she didn’t seem like someone that got easily impressed at all —, instead, kept her judgmental glance on your resume, turning pages every now and again, as if looking for something she could criticize, or something exceptionally special.
You tried to keep the unsatisfied and offended look to appear on your face, your pride speaking louder as you thought that everything in your resume was special.
Suddenly your anxiety had gone off, opening space for your pride — and it had been hurt by Erin Strauss and her skeptical look.
“You know…” the blonde woman placed her glasses on top of her table, crossing one leg on top of the other as she leant against her chair, that emitted a soft ‘creek’ from the woman’s movement. She seemed comfortable, but not less formal than she had been the whole time, “With this resume and a history at the Secret Service, I don’t get why you’d want to join the FBI”.
That was a great question, and it had an even greater answer: you didn’t. You were really happy working with your old colleagues at your old job, being the head of the Secret Service and making sure that every person inside the White House was safe; it was a place you could easily administer, and you were used to your teammates. You loved your job.
But after the incident, well… it had been deemed that it would be best for you to step away from your job for a while, to prevent future accidents and (in the worlds of Madam President), for ‘your own mental healt’; you had the impression that it was merely an excuse to convince you to leave, and it wouldn’t have worked if she hadn’t take the matters at her own hands.
“You need a less stressful job” President Amaya had said, her posture was similar to Strauss’ at that moment, though her voice was soft — she was your friend, after all, “I talked with a friend at the FBI, apparently the BAU is having a hard time with their Unit Chief and looking for someone to replace him. I think you’d do a great job”.
You had no idea of how hunting serial killers was less stressful than taking the risk of being shot in the name of the President (as far as you knew, the BAU captured at least one serial killer per week), but you wouldn’t question her decision. To a certain degree, you knew Amaya wasn’t talking only as the President (someone that had to be concerned over her staff’s health and security), but as your friend; she was worried because everyone was worried, and because she knew you were worried — God, you were freaked out, anxious, going absolutely nuts — but your job always came first, and both of you knew that you were not giving up the job you loved to take care or yourself.
And that was exactly what you wanted to tell Strauss, hoping the woman would say you didn’t fit the pattern to work fill the Unit Chief position. But you wouldn’t — not because you were afraid, but because you knew it would be just a matter of time before President Amaya found another Federal Organization to put you in.
So you decided for a half truth instead, nervously running your hand through your hair, “Working for Madam President was — is an honor. But I’ve been doing this for the past five years, and I think I want a…” she sighed, trying to hide the role of her eyes, “Less stressful job”.
Strauss knitted her brows, looking at you through her thick eyelashes, “And you believe that profiling and hunting serial killers is less stressful than being head of the Secret Service?”.
“I think that hunting serial killers is less stressful than taking the risk of being shot in the name of Madam President every single day” you replied, trying to put as much honesty at it, even if it was a thoroughly built lie, “And it’s just a temporary job, for what I’ve heard?”.
“It is” Strauss nodded, crossing her arms in front of her body, “Agent Hotchner is the current Unit Chief, but he had been having some… trouble with the job, and I’ve been concerned about it. So, in order not to have the Board involved, I took the matter in my own hands”.
“He’s not being fired, though?”
“No” the woman shook her head. You noticed when she took a deep breath, her lips parted as a sigh escaped her lips, her chest going up and down slowly… she was impatient, wasted, almost worried. You just didn’t know if this worry was directed to her, to the previous Unit Chief or the whole situation, “He stepped back voluntarily, so we’re keeping him on the team. Agent Hotchner even suggested that one of his Agents, Derek Morgan, should take his place, but the decision wasn’t approved”.
You tilted your head to the side, “May I ask why?”.
“Agent Morgan is a capable Agent, and one of trust” Erin said succinctly, her feet moving nervously as she bounced on the chair, “But Agent Morgan is a member of Agent Hotchner’s team, and I can’t ignore the fact that he may be… biased”.
You nodded slowly, “And you’re also afraid Agent Hotchner’s gonna use him as a way to keep controlling the team behind the curtains”. It wasn’t a question, but the hard look on Strauss’ face was the behavioral answer you needed; the Section Chief certainly didn’t like to be questioned, “Got it”.
“Your position here is gonna be temporary” Erin changed the topic, and the way her body suddenly stiffened only made you even more sure that you’ve gotten in her nerves, “We’re looking for an specific serial killer, and he has threatened not only Agent Hotchner, but the integrity of this team. Your job is to keep them focused on what really matters: do their jobs”.
“So you want them to be neutral?” You clarified, “Not to be affected by something that’s clearing affecting them”.
“Yes” she replied quickly, “They can’t concentrate on their job if they’re constantly with their minds somewhere else. You need to put their minds back where they’re supposed to be”.
“So I’m a babysitter” you commented, finally letting your frustration show, “A filler”.
“You’re an asset to this team” Strauss corrected, passing a file over to you, “With your resume, I can’t risk letting you go. You’re gonna be of great help while you’re here”.
You nodded, your eyes lingering at the name on the file — George Foyet, open case, “And how long is this gonna take?”.
Strauss looked down at the folder she had passed you, and the answer was, once again, clear — it would take as much time as this case lasted.
God, you’d kill Amaya.
“Ok” you agreed in a whisper, grabbing the badge she had handed to you previously, your name and picture strange on that new badge, “It’s gonna be a pleasure to serve the FBI”.
Strauss gave her a small smile, “And it’s gonna be a pleasure to have you for the time being” she stood up, fixing her skirt, “Now come on, I’ll introduce you to the team”.
next —>
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casualgay-mer · 2 years
ND suspects ranked on how headcanonly lgbt+ are they (gayscale lol) this is my reality and I do as I please
Sorry if I mess up names, I played all thr games in russian dub soooooo yeah
SCK(R): Hol and Hulk and totally gay for each other no doubt. Connie and that blondie totally have smth going on, but Connie could be bi as well.
STFD: Everyone here is as cishet as you can get. Well probs Dwayne could be bisexual (or die-sexual)
TRT: mmmmmm Jaque is french, which means that he's at least bi by default. Lisa looks a bit aroace to me.
FIN: Brady gives off strange gay vibes for some reason
SSH: Johanna has some string lessabon vibes to her. Also Taylor has something queer going on 4sure.
DOG: The gay radar is silent.
CAR: Ingrid is pan, that's for sure. Joy is probably ace but hugely romantic type.
DDI: MMmmmm nope. Nothing queer
SHA: I mean, two of the culprits are getting into the relationship and the other two are well yeah... Shorty could be somewhat queer tbh
CUR: Ethel is aroace and also scary as fuck. Linda and Hugh are a couple so no. Jane is a child but I do believe smth queer will be going on for her in the future. Nigel is just a nerd, but not queer for sure.
CLK: I could totally see Emily as a lesboromantic ace. Richard is extremely queer, as well as good ol Josiah.
TRN: Tino and Gloria share a single braincell, and also super cishet and down to earth. Charleena could be on the ace side though
CRE: Quigley is mooost likely bi, and Malachi probs too, but on the homo side.
ICE: Yeaaah Comillo has some gay vibes as well as Bill and Lou.
CRY: MMMM nope, everyone here are straight af
VEN: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm nah Well no! Enrico. Def at least bi.
HAU: there is a hetero love triangle and old ppl, of course everyone here is straight... ... But I need to say smth so the crow is gay.
RAN: ... ... Iiii refuse to talk abt this game bc there is literally no ppl :т
WAC: Despite some nay consider Leela bi I would disagree - I know ppl like that and she's cishet af. Mel however!
TOT: Everyone here is too depressed for my gay radar to work :^)
SHA: Yumi could be ace for what I see
CAP: nope.
ASH: Okay I am convinced that Ned could be bi, George is bi as fuck and Joe - even though he's not in the game has some queer vibes operating in his head. ALSO I BELIEVE THAT DIRDRE HAS SOME BIT OF HOTS FOR ND
TOM: Jamila is some alienkin or some shit ;^)
Havent played the other games so stay tuned }:}
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Just brother in law things I suppose
{ ✨⏳Felix is definitely the type to wanna know all the good details. Not in a sick perverted way but in a hype man kind of way. ⏳✨}
Felix: “yeaaah that’s my hombrecito right there! I knew you had it in you mr lady killer! You left her weak in the knees right? You didn’t just get yourself off, yeah?”
Bruno *bright red and flustered*: “I wouldn’t just do that, I would make sure she finished first- finished at all! I uh, wow is it getting warm in here? I think I hear Mama calling, I gotta uh- I should leave maybe.”
*Bruno awkwardly trying to escape past his brother-in-law and Felix catching sight of a mark Vanessa left on Bruno’s neck*
Felix *with the biggest shit eating grin motioning towards his collar*: “I’d pop your collar up then mi amigo cause you’ve got a little parting gift from your lady if you catch my drift. Looks like she went a bit feral on you, haha Abuela isn’t gonna like that.”
Bruno *anxiously fumbling with the neckline of his ruana and shirt*: “y-yup got it. I-I’ll see you around Felix.” *mumbled under Bruno’s breathe out of embarrassment* “or maybe I’ll just hide out in the walls again until the excitement dies down”
{ ✨⏳Felix would them proceed to tell Agustin and they’d set up a boys night, an ambush if you would, so they can snatch Bruno up and give him all their trade secrets on women and what they love and what they hate. They wanna see their brother in law happy and they really would want his relationship with Vanessa to prosper! I just really love the head canon that these boys are best friends and stuff like this is just prone and while Bruno may be shy about it, he doesn’t hate it ⏳✨}
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0xeyedaisy · 3 years
Another very long and very boring post!
And Another sort of liveblogging post,,, where I live blog,,, in one post,, yeah! This time we're watching The Village That Went Mad! I'm only watching it cuz of Quackity's character /hj
Starting off strong w/ BBH's character saying "Hey lassie", love it love it
Karl abt BBH: He's roleplaying, he's doing it!!
"All of you guys put on skins"- Karl says and at the same time you can see Dream walk by in his usual skin
There are catboys in this village
Robin: I am an orphan child Karl: Don't let Technoblade see you... Robin: Yeaaah, I thought about that... (Okay, but the wiki says that this episode is set hundreds of years before the current events of DSMP and Robin seems to know of Techno, which makes Techno quite fucking old)
Helga: He (Jimmy) gave me dunderhead muffin head 3000
Okay, in this episode Karl is not participating in the rp, he's like a narrator, which is interesting! But Karl also says "Suddenly, they all realized and looked and saw, Karl Jacobs started his stream and is now staring at all of them", so it seems he's still included in the story, OH and Miles says "The eye in the sky!" which is?? SO fucking cool! Like they all see Karl and his viewers as an eye in the sky!! Hello??? I'm going insane
Karl: They feel something in them changing, each of them now acquiring a new sort of role! ... They are now realizing they are being used! Could it be in the name of satan? Or it could be in the name of content and Karl's stream, they don't know Robin: No difference!
Miles: Helga I'm with your man Bob: Sharing is caring
Bob and Helga have something going on
Karl:... and Quackity (Helga) is also gonna stand there Helga: Yeah, I will, I will, I'm a bad bitch
Robin's mom was taken from him and his dad was shipped off during the Red-Eyed village wars, so Robin decided to do medical training to save his dad, but he was shot and never found again
Catboy and Robin....brothers.......... or father and son.................family........FOUND family..............
Robin, standing in the execution cell: It's nice, I feel closer to my parents!... (HELLO?? I know he won't die but damn...)
Karl visiting Robin during the night and Robin shamefully looking away cuz he decided to save himself...... It's okay kid you're just trying to survive!!
Catboy abt Robin: What a legend, so proud of him! Robin: Thanks... (SOBS AND CRIES)
Helga, the girlboss, gonna suck off satan
Robin loves rain!!
Bob is being haunted by Helga
Cornelius: It's not me, Ponk was suspicious last round, he knew he was going to get checked Jack: Who's Ponk? I'm Jack, fail rp stupid!
Love whenever they ran an ad and advertise twitch prime and then someone will point out how they're advertising to ppl who already have twitch prime
And the villagers won!! Tbh it's a shame that this round is non-canon, it got a happy ending (Tho it is unfortunate that Helga died)
Now time for the actual canon round!
LMAO HELGA WAS NUMBER 2 TRENDING That's what she deserves!!!
Helga saw something messed up at Miles' house! He used for bait something that shouldn't be used as bait! (Bait as in fishing bait)
Catboy is blind
Robin says Catboy is like a father to him!!
They executed Catboy...And now Robin is spending the night at the execution cell............
Helga: Everyone goes to hell along with me, motherfuckers
Helga doesn't seem to like Robin much cuz she hates kids or something, but she still warns Robin that he'll die if he doesn't speak, I dunno, I just really liked this moment, esp since Big Q put on his serious voice
Helga was killed while watching the stars,,,,,
And so everyone died and Jack and Bob won!! And also Robin cuz he was a jester
Okay, we're done but I wanna look at the wiki rn
The wiki says that Ponk was a descendant of Jack, Ponk also knew from Jack (either through a diary or a word of mouth) that Helga was very respected, rich and had many connections (hell yeah!!!) Ponk even built a grave for her!!
"According to Ponk, Jack and 'Shrimpdick'(Bob) were the only survivors of the village" "The lines including the death of Cornelius and Miles may indicate that unlike what the viewers saw in the episode, the death of the villagers was not just the work of the killers, but the entire village coming together to kill who they thought were 'witches'" "Jack wrote of a strange man made of straw with eyes made of emerald (a description which matches Foolish Gamers' appearance and color scheme)" " It said that the strange man was fascinated by lemons and brought him a caravan of good and 21 'statues' in boats which were possibly the villagers. Two weeks after this encounter, Jack's writings seemed to become more and more incoherent. He wrote about cats in the walls and said that the cats murdered people. He also disliked Shrimpy's interest in his 'statues'. Then, one day, he wrote that he had a sudden urge to murder. He said that Helga was tempting but her husband needed to die, highlighting the tense relationship between Jack, Helga and Jimmy. Jack stopped writing in the journal for the next 135 days, during which most of 'The Village That Went Mad' likely took place. His last journal entry was after 'The Village That Went Mad', babbling about how only him, Shrimpy and the statues were left and that life was good." This all is just really interesting, the whole cats in the walls thing sound terrifying, and of course Foolsih being connected to this story is also cool!
And that's it, loved Helga she's the only character ever <33
Here’s also The Masquerade liveblog, I decided to put them in one post cuz they are pretty short
"Oh, I stream minecraft, don't worry I'm not poor" Hahaha yeah...
Ranbutler my beloved  
Oh, a chandelier! Whenever I see those I think about Foolish losing his mind over one that he was making for the beeduo mansion
Karl, about the chandelier: Some of it is just floating... Billiam: Oh, it does that... if you have money~
"No, this is where we have the balls"
Ah yes, Oliver Arechtenshire Smichalist Cumbucket (Cumbucket is silent) my beloved
Oliver is from London
Oliver has Benjamin Button disease, he's 63, but you can call him 7 months (???)
Oliver likes to swim and party and smoke
Also, I went to the dsmp wiki to look at this episode's characters and I found out that Oliver w/o the mask resembles Wilbur! He also has two-pixel eyes!!
Billiam: My old friend, how's the business? James: It's... Billiam: How's the wife? James: Divorced Billiam: How's the family? James: Gone Billiam: It's hard to talk to you
James has been going through some shit poor man
Billiam: He streams minecraft Lyaria: Oh no... Billiam: He's very rich Lyaria: Oh! Good!
Drew's from Texas
Drew has a stuck of guns in his closet
Drew hates London
The rich don't know what Youtube is
Ppl keep avoiding Drew in the Duck Duck Goose game
They killed Drew first fucking hell
"I can see them through the wall...MENACINGLY"
Ranbutler has a lot of milk... Like a LOT
Stuff from wiki
“Next to arrive was Lord Sebastian, a close acquaintance to Sir Billiam” (So, Seb and Bill are besties)
“James is not an easy person to talk to as he only spoke in short sentences” (He's an awkward guy)
“Lyaria, a close friend of Billiam” (Lyaria is also besties w/ Bill)
(Lyaria and Sebastian and Billiam are all besties, well, were besties)
“they found Drew's head, the rest of his body nowhere to be found” (he got decapitated)
“They asked Oliver how he ended up in the tank, but received no direct answer” (Inch resting)
“Oliver opted to play a jolly piano tune” (He can play the piano!!)
"In the next installment of the Tales from the SMP, The Wild West, it was revealed that Sir Billiam had received some amount of his wealth by stealing from the town's bank, and was wanted by the town sheriff." "In a Twitch email, Ranboo revealed that money seems to not be the only thing Sir Billiam stole. He pointed out that his Wild West character John John said that a brown haired orphan also went missing around that time. This is implied to be the butler" (Bill just steals kids)
Ok, now that’s it! I dunno why I post these, but it is my blog and I do whatever I want
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Hi darling 💕
I have some food to share. So we have Zhongli right? Cool and collected intellectual that could go talking about Li Yue for as long as you will let him and would take you watch sunsets with a bottle of wine
But what about young Zhongli? Archon war Zhongli? The one that won his place among the Seven with brute force? The one that fought Osial with literal mountains and sealed Azhdaha under the ground? Zhongli that used to walk around with his abs out and couldn’t solve the memory of dust puzzle because of his hot head?
Damn the things I would let Morax with dragon horns do to me are indescribable ⚰️⚰️⚰️
P.S. Guizhong is hitting Morax with a slipper each time he starts to act like a menace I am a chair in mihoyo headquarters I can confirm that it’s canon
I hope you are doing great and take care of yourself! I fought coronavirus thanks to your package with healing vibes so now I’m ready to fight everything that causes you any type of stress so get ready for my love and support 👊👊👊💕💕💕
— mirror
oh yeaaah Archon war Zhongli hits different for sure >< 
this was my thought process when writing ‘seeing you get hit’ with Zhongli -- he still has the ability to destroy entire regions I fully believe this, even if he has lost a significant amount of his power -- the power he has I can’t even begin to process it !! wowoa 
(you know, Guizhong 100% kept this man in place, she taught him a whole bunch of stuff about humans and why she loved them so much and I think that’s very sweet <3)
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