usertoxicyaoi · 2 years
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You know so well. You probably do this a lot? You’re the club president, but you break the rules yourself. I’ve never brought anyone here. Let me ask you something. Our relationship right now ... we’re both benefitting from it, aren’t we? Nobody gets taken advantage of, right? Yes, we are. What if I get bored? Then, we breakup. BETWEEN US (2022) - Episode 2.
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bnhaficsforthesoul · 1 month
BNHA College AU - Midoriya Izuku
Major: Biology
Minor: Forensic Science
Sports: Track
Clubs: Various fan clubs
Ever since izuku was little, he always had an interest in helping people. He’s overly caring and too nice for his own good, and on top of that the biggest overachiever on the planet
Which is why he wants to become a doctor. He hasn’t picked a specific department to go into, because he finds everything so interesting
He did also consider going into forensic studies as a whole career, always thinking solving crimes and stopping bad guys was super cool as a kid, and he knows there are ways he can kind of mix both interests, but for now hes just aiming for his degree
He does also hope to maybe be able to teach at medical schools later in life, once he’s fully experienced so that he can pass on all this experience to the next generation
Growing up he was always weak and small, and so towards the end of high school he decided he wanted to change himself a bit and worked out like crazy, going from scrawny as hell to strong and buff.
He’s always going to the gym in his free time, and he thought it would be a good idea to join a sport that way he can have some motivation to stay fit, so he picked track since he’s pretty agile
Any time a new fan club gets made for something he happens to be interested in, he’s always willing to join it, even if theres only like 3 members. He might not be the most active member, but he loves them.
Izuku is kind of known across campus now, hes so friendly that people cant help but like him. He’s also insanely helpful, and takes god tier notes, so a lot of people rely on him for help with school work
So, he has a busy schedule constantly. He prioritizes his friends over random people always, but with his heavy study based school paths, with sports, and working out, he rarely has free time
You had had a few classes with him here and there, and talked to him once or twice. You knew he was super sweet (and very cute), but you never really expected to even become friends with the dude
Which is why you were almost terrified when he ran into the room you were using for your new club (that you literally started like 2 days ago). You were more so looking for something to put on resumes and stuff, how you ‘managed a successful club in college’ or whatever, so you decided to make a fun little fan club for your favorite anime
Sadly, people weren’t exactly rushing to it (you knew it might take a while, but you knew people would come eventually at least to check it out). Which is why izuku running in so excitedly scared you
“Oh hey! y/n right? We had anatomy together last semester!”
You nodded, kind of surprised he remembered your name, and you asked why he was there.
“I love this anime, and I havent seen any other clubs for it here so i thought i would check it out.Is it just you?”
“Yeah, I just officially started this club the other day. No ones come yet except you.”
“Ah, well don’t worry, I’m sure people will come soon. It usually takes a week or two.”
The two of you started talking more, both about the anime you mutually enjoyed as well as him giving you advice for how to make people flock to your club.
He actually stayed for the entire time you were allotted to use this room, and helped you clean up (there wasn’t much, but you still had some materials just in case people did show up)
Afterwards, you both said goodbye, and went off on your own
Following this, twice a week every week, he would meet you for your club. Eventually more people did show up as well, izuku’s advice was working well, but you were more so interested in talking with him. As it turns out, his sweetness isnt just an act, and hes actually really interesting and fun to talk to
He would eventually even come a bit early to help you set up. Youd usually bring snacks and something artsy to do, or any type of activity you could think of to relate to the anime, so you tried to get there a bit early
After club one day, about 3 months after it started, Izuku and you were cleaning up the room just talking about whatever before he changed the topic
“Did you want to go get food after this? Like real food? I haven’t eaten all day other than what you brought.”
You were a little surprised, you had never hung out outside of club really, but you were definitely happy to do so so you agreed
The two of you walked to a near by restaurant, which also surprised you because you thought he meant fast food, and went inside. He told you to get whatever you wanted, that itd be on him, and you started to protest, “No, its okay! You don’t have to pay for me.”
He shook his head, “You have to buy snacks and supplies every week, youve probably spent way more than I will today, so I don’t mind.”
You definitely felt your face getting warm. You couldn’t really help it, he was so pretty, and probably the nicest man youve ever met. You had thought lately you might have the tiniest little crush on him, but now you were thinking it was an actual crush
It didn’t help when the waitress, a slightly older lady, finally came to take your order and went “Aw, you two are so cute! What’s the occasion?” It wasn’t a fancy restaurant by any means, but it was definitely nice enough to be date quality, and it seemed the lady assumed you two were a couple
And Izuku didn’t even care! All he did was smile and tell her that its a reward for all your hard work lately, to which she said he was ‘such a sweet boyfriend’, and then she asked for your orders
You told her what you wanted, and went quiet. He wasn’t saying anything either, and you wished you could reach into his brain and figure out what he was thinking. Was this just another act of kindness from him? Did he not get what she was saying? Did he just feel bad correcting her? It was too much to process right now, but luckily your food came pretty quick so you could hide your lack of talking through eating
The entire meal was pretty silent honestly, and it was killing you. Normally, you two could talk for hours about anything, but it was just so weird right now. You couldn’t even think of anything to say, and Izuku was staring weirdly at his food.
After he paid, and you walked back towards the dorms, you thanked him for all of his help with your club and for the meal, and he said not to worry about it, your little club was essentially his break time anyways.
There were a few too many moments of silence to be comfortable, so you awkwardly smiled, said “well, still, thanks again” before running off, not noticing Izuku’s lingering eyes on you as you disappeared into the building
In all honesty, izuku was just as flustered as you were. Hes worked hard over the years to not let all of his emotions show, but inside he was panicking the entire time.
He did enjoy your club a lot! It was probably one of the better fan clubs he’s joined, but he didn’t give it so much loyalty just because of that. He stayed because of you - how enthusiastically you talked about the things you like, or your career choice, or anything. How passionate and caring and considerate you are, not to mention beautiful. You’re genuinely perfect in his eyes
Originally, when he asked you if you wanted to eat, he was considering asking you on a date, but he chickened out and made it sound more casual instead
Which is why as he walked back into his dorm, his roommate, Iida, had to deal with all of the loud groaning and mumbling coming from Izuku’s mouth
Izuku had told Iida about his crush on you, and about how he wanted to ask you out today, so his first assumption was that you rejected him. But then Izuku went over and told him about how much of a coward he is, and Iida realized he never even asked you
“It’s alright, Izuku, you can always try again next time.”
Izu shook his head, overthinking, “No, they probably think I’m so weird now. I was so awkward. They were barely talking the entire time we were at the restaurant. Even if it wasn’t a date, it was still so awkward, Iida! I doubt they’d ever even consider dating me now.”
He was kind of losing it, so Iida patted his back in an attempt to comfort him.
“Just go explain yourself now then, before it’s been too long.”
Izuku considered it, and he was probably right. If he waited too long, he might lose all his nerve and never ask you out. And if you did think today was too weird, who knows if you’d even talk to him again.
He decided he’d do it, and so he thanked Iida and went back outside and towards your dorm building. He had your number because you put it on your welcome message for the club for anyone to text you if they had questions, but the two of you had never texted before. He was always too nervous to
Soon after, you got a message from an unknown number, reading “Hey, its Izuku. I’m sorry about earlier, I was wondering if we could talk? I’m outside your dorm if you can.”
You immediately felt anxious, but happy at a chance to make sense of what happened earlier. So you got dressed (you had changed into pajamas as soon as you got home) and went back out as quickly as you could, and immediately noticed him
He was anxiously messing with his fingers, but he smiled softly when he saw you
“Hey, thanks for coming out here. I promise I won’t take long, I just needed you here in person.”
You nodded slowly, slightly confused, but told him not to worry and you didnt mind it.
“So, uhm, I’ll just get straight to the point. Earlier, I was going to ask you on a date, but I chickened out and made it a more casual thing. Which is still fine! But that’s why I was so weird, I was kind of mad at myself and kind of embarrassed. The waitress didn’t really help any, but her thinking I was your boyfriend did make me happy… Anyways! Before I go on too long of a rant, I’m just trying to say I like you Y/n, and if youd let me, I’d really like to take you on an actual date.”
Your heart was melting, he looked so cute and shy as he asked you, and it made you happy knowing your feelings were reciprocated.
“Yes, of course I’d let you, Izuku. I like you too.”
He let out the biggest sigh of relief, barely mumbling out ‘oh thank god’, and his smile only got bigger when you hugged him.
For your real* first date, he took you to a nearby aquarium, it was really cute. He couldn’t help but send this really cute selfie he took of the both of you in front of a sea turtle to his mom and his friend group chat
Most of his friends were ecstatic for him, bakugou did make fun of him though for taking so long to ask you out (of course he knew about his crush too)
His mom immediately wanted to meet you, and you did after a few weeks of dating
It really didn’t take long for Izuku to tell you he loved you, like maybe a month later at most, you’re cleaning up the club room again and he just stops what hes doing and kisses you softly before saying he loves you, to which you reciprocate
He takes you with him to the gym all the time, even if youre not super into working out you can just hang out with him or go at your own pace. But its a great opportunity for tons of hot pictures/videos
Same with his track meets, youre always there cheering him on
You two study together a lot, especially if youre in the same class or even similar ones. Izuku always makes sure youre prepared for your tests even if it means he has to learn the material with you
Izuku is genuinely probably one of the best boyfriends on the planet, you are his biggest motivation and he will do anything to make sure that you are happy
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chainedupgirlsblog · 10 days
✎ Favorite moments of Ep 5 ~ The Loyal Pin (Thai GL-2024) - Part 1
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We start off strong again… the feelings, the heartbreak, the drawing, the yearning, the cluelessness of lesbianism so accurate it hurts 😭
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That must’ve hurt… look at Pin’s eyes. Food is the way she expresses her feelings and love… :( but tbf Anil was hurting too.
The way Pin still care and try to make sure Anil eats something tho like, “I don’t know what to do with these feelings we have for each other but I still care. Please eat something”
My heart ❤️‍🩹😣
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Anil giving mini heart attacks to everyone that morning and proving that you can in fact fall ill because of a broken heart (it was because of the rain and lack of food but yeah, no, it was because of her shattered heart) 💔
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Pin is told Anil is very protective of her body and she goes “So what? What’s hers is mine and what’s mine is hers, therefore, that’s MY body too, and I’m gonna take care of it. Thank you, Prik. You can go to sleep now”
Like??? Okay. Go on then. Take care of your woman.
And she does! She steps in that room and starts feeling Anil up like she owns her!!!! (Ugahhh these women make me go insane 😭) She starts touching Anil in disguise of checking for fever. HELP they’re so useless.
And Anil being so unbothered but also so stubborn about her feelings making sure Pin knows she’s HURT and that she doesn’t want to have this type of intimacy if it means nothing to Pin. But it doeeess. And Pin makes sure to let her know that, sort of (she’s still clueless)
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Look at her STRUGGLING to not look at her woman and Anil is so blunt about it, the moment she felt Pin hand on her she was already unbuttoning her dress.
I- Princess, please. I’m not your strongest soldier and neither is Pin.
Look at her averting and closing her eyes. She’s so cute 🤏🏼
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Oh, Pin is at university thinking about it.
How can she not when Anil confess her feelings so blunt and open and she’s being possessive… too
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PAIN. Heartbreaking pain in Anil’s face and I can not. Pin please… tell her already 😭😭😭
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Girl, don’t even mention it. That was foreshadowing of next episode.
Look at Pin’s sad expression. She’s terrified. I think she just realize there that she need it to act quick, and that’s probably why she goes straight to check on Anil and find out she’s gone (luckily not to England yet) but to her cousin, and oh that’s equally terrible for our poor Khun Pin.
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Prik is such a character I love her so much (Nam and FreenBecky are such a great combo)
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Babygirl finally realize!!!
Such a great scene, one of the best feeling realization scene I’ve watched. It was so sweet how everything was falling into place for Pin. She took her time (rightfully so) but she got there.
Congratulations on your coming out sweetie. You’re one of us now 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Also, Freen looks extremely pretty in this scene HELP
Was this episode long or was I just yapping too much? Anyway, here’s Part 2
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inevitablestars · 2 months
hi linds I'm really frustrated watching rn <3 so I would love to hear your thoughts on the current love island couples if you would like to share (don't worry about spoiling)
hiiii yes absolutely i have thoughts!!! okay going through current couples:
JaNa & Kenny: honestly top tier at this point. i love jana she knows shes hot and i love that for her! kenny actually treats her well and talks about her so highly and is just happy to be in a couple with her
Leah & Miguel: theyre okay. i really like leah because she owns up to her shit and also doesnt take shit from other people. and like miguel is okay compared to other people she's been with before... but mostly i just like her
Serena & Kordell: serena puts him in his place!!! she knows what she deserves and wont settle for less!!! kordell is genuinely so stupid but not in a malicious way so when he gets proved wrong hes like oh, right yeah youre right. and then moves on. i think they could totally last and i think theyre cute together. i also like the slow burn they went through bc serena wasnt ever really with anyone else but just needed to get to know kordell before trusting him and fully leaning into being a couple and thats so fair
Kaylor & Aaron: toxic!!!! aaron is sooo full of himself and will act like he takes accountability (referencing casa amor, get ready for this drama) but doesn't fully do that and leaves so much out and doesn't care at all when it ends up hurting kaylor. and kaylor keeps going back! its insane like she deserves better but shes so stuck on how aaron was earlier in the season that she wont open up to anyone else or realize how bad he is
Daniela & Rob: theyre... fine. i dont love how daniela switched over to rob so quickly when aaron was done with her and also the way rob just accepted that? like rob is awful but great for entertainment purposes but like them as a couple are so superficial and won't last. they're there still to egg on the aaron and kaylor drama but thats all
Nicole & Kendall: i hate kendall. he is the worst type of guy that acts like he's so nice and friendly and good with the girls and the guys but is. awful. the way he encourages all of the guys at casa and comes back and is confused why the girls are all mad at him??? also the way he talks about nicole is possessive and i dont like it theyre not even Official and she's not an object. i hate him!!!!! nicole could do so much better
Sierra & Harrison: (just happened!! caine is gone) why is sierra still here :/ im not at all interested in her bc she was a casa girl... like sorry but you were a plot device and we didn't sign up for you to get a spin off!! and harrison was on last season (i didnt watch usa last year im usually a uk guy so idk anything about him) but im not at all invested in them as a couple. i wouldve loved to see harrison break up nicole and kendall in the recoupling or even daniela and rob but instead he's with sierra and i hope they get the least votes from last night and go home
actually i want kendall to go home. i hope this vote leads to a recoupling where the two or three lowest voted couples are at risk and the guys pick a girl to go home and the girls pick a guy to go home. its one of my fav ways they do it because like its better than picking their own (like when andrea went home and the leah drama got intense again) but it might be too late in the season for that and it might just be lowest voted couple goes home
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dr-spectre · 1 month
What other games (other than sonic and splatoon) do you like?
I shall show you some of my favourite games! Not a lot but some of them!
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Ultimate Spider-Man is phenomenal. It's a short yet sweet game where you get to play as a really fluid feeling Spidey and a fucking awesome take on Venom. The first Venom mission is him EATING A CHILD AND FIGHTING WOLVERINE! THAT'S SO RAW!
The art style, THE MUSIC!!!!!!!! HOLY SHIT THE MUSIC! IT'S SO GOOD! I mean sure there's a couple of missions that make me groan, but most of them? Oh my GODDDD!!!!! Top tier game design and boss design too. You cannot top the Spider-Man vs. Venom fight on top of the Trask building, with all that fire and rain my GOD! IT'S SOOOO COOL!!!!!
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Ridge Racer Type 4... I'm gonna tell you to do something that will change your life.
Listen to 'Move Me' from the OST. Just listen to that single song and it will all come together on why this game is amazing. I am not gonna elaborate on the phenomenal gameplay, controls, track design, art style, etc, just listen to that song. PLEASE!
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This game right here, top tier, a near flawless masterpiece in puzzle design. It's difficult yet fair and i only got stuck at the very end of the game where i feel like it's at it's weakest. Act 1 and act 2 of this game is nothing short of fantastic art direction, storytelling and mechanics. It even has J. K. Simmons bro. J. K. FUCKING SIMMONS! THE GOAT! THE LEGEND! If you don't know who that is i will actually punch you i swear to god....
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Yeah... Yeah this? This is awesome. I was so impressed by it's visuals when i first played it, i was thinking to myself "how the hell is the ps4 rendering all this grass?!?" EVEN ON PS5 IT'S SO IMPRESSIVE! HOW CAN THAT CONSOLE RUN THIS GAME AT 60FPS?!?!? IT'S MAGIC I TELL YA!
The story of this game, holy shit the STORY! It's awesome. It's packed with intriguing character arcs, Jin Sakai, what a phenomenal protagonist.
The combat feels so fluid and brutal, the music is so atmospheric, the world is so dense and packed with so much detail. It's an awesome game.
And the final boss... The last 30 minutes... Don't even talk to me about it because I'm gonna start crying again.
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I mean do i have to really say anything? Do i even need to add any sort of reason or explanation on why i like this game?
I haven't finished the Yakuza/Like a Dragon series and i got stuck at 3. The games are long and can be filled with a lot of cutscenes. But I'm telling you, this game? This game rocks and it's a god damn rollercoaster of fun, drama, insanity, etc.
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I decided to save this one for last. Because this game means a lot to me and it's sequel too. I remember playing the re-release on Switch and i had to have a moment after just sitting around in the Comet Observatory, like i stopped playing and i had to cry for a solid 10 minutes. I'm not sure why i broke down randomly but i can figure out why. This game is the perfect encapsulation of my childhood and the sort of vibe i grew up in.
I had a Wii as a kid and so this game captures that sort of aesthetic and atmosphere that part of my life had. Playing this game, thinking about it, hearing the music, seeing the visuals... It makes me cry. It makes me sob. Space Junk Galaxy, the domes, Freezeflame galaxy, Honeyhive galaxy... Man...
The power of visual storytelling this game has is just... 100/10 for me.
And... Rosalina's storybook.
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I'm actually crying so much looking at this. I'm actually breaking down right now as i type this. Just this single image is enough to destroy a man's soul. It is some of the most powerful pieces of art I've ever had the pleasure of viewing.
And i wanna end it off with this. The Garden. The final dome in the game.
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This is just... I... Man...
I'm crying again.
Anyways, that's all!
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theguardianace · 6 months
ACEY PLEASE DROP THE ANALYSIS OMG. I WOULD READ THAT SO FAST. i’m kinda going insane over here abt toya but alas.post limit.
to be perfectly honest i need around 3-5 business days to sort out my thoughts on the first concerto. so here's something about nocturne interlude.
there's a very, very minor plot around miku finding a cracked cup in the sekai. something pristine, clean, useful. esteemed and established. its a mug! it was made for holding drinks. that's what it was supposed to be. that's the only thing it was ever supposed to be.
but. it cracked. it broke. maybe the heat became too much. maybe it just hit its breaking point. but it cracked. it cracked and it can no longer be the thing it was supposed to be.
and like. yeah. that might be disappointing to the person who had made that mug. that mug, who had so much potential, is now wasted. all that promise, gone. it's meaningless. it's forever going to be empty because it can never hold what he wants it to.
miku filled it with dirt. with grimy, wet, messy dirt. (you can't drink dirt. that's not what this mug was supposed to do. that is not the mug's potential.) that dirt, that opposite of what it's supposed to be. ground you run on. the wild toya never got to see.
she planted thyme on top. a symbol of courage. life. from that dirt, from that running, from that crack.
and that crack? it's not a symbol of being broken. it's because of the crack that the mug can be a planter. it acts as drainage. without drainage, toxins build up in the soil. without that crack, there would be no thyme and no courage.
(ignoring that crack, only seeing it as weakness- that's poison. that poison builds as guilt, as doubt, as failure. it's seeing that crack for what it is. not as a disappointment, but as a pride.)
maybe im thinking too much about a cracked mug. maybe this is some god tier symbolism about failed expectations and change.
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hay1ock · 1 year
Happy fucking birthday, indeed. Only Friends Episode 6 was absolutely insane. And I loved it.
So, what did we learn from this episode? That’s right, don’t get LASIK.
Like, if Mew hadn’t agreed, Top wouldn’t have bumped into Sand, wouldn’t have pissed off Sand, who then wouldn’t have… etc etc.
But lucky for us they did, because this episode was hella entertaining.
What follows is nonsense, my descent into insanity as I ramble myself in circles, go off at many a tangent and fail to keep my thoughts in any sort of order 😵‍💫
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So, Top and Mew. Just when I actually started to like them as a couple shit hits the fan. Them by the pool just hanging around discussing Mew’s mums was the first time I felt as if I could get on board their relationship. I mentioned before how their scenes always left me feeling anxious. There was always this push and pull, a sense of doom, and, I don’t know if sleazy is the right word, maybe, I don’t know, but they left me feeling a little bit icky - I think it was the giving up drugs for sexual favours scene that really got me.
The main problem with the relationship for me has always been Top, and to be honest, his interactions with others this episode still left me uneasy and ready to jump back off the TopMew ship. The way he acts makes me feel like he’s treating Mew like a possession, I talked about it in previous episodes but I felt it again here, both in his conversation with Sand and then during Ray’s confrontation and how he wrapped his arm around Mew as if in ownership, that he’d ‘won’ a prize. He certainly plays up to what you’d think a rich hotel owner’s asshole son should be at times.
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Now I can’t decide if Mew is just as bad in terms of being control driven - he has his list, which I don’t think there’s anything wrong with. I mean a non-drug user would probably rank kinda high on my list too. Top is definitely changing himself but it feels like there’s always something Top gets out of it. Giving up drugs = sexual activity, No sleeping around = a relationship and eventually Mew’s virginity. I don’t know. I mean they’re not exactly big asks of anyone looking to be in a 2 person, exclusive relationship. Top is just overtly possessive, at least to me as the audience and I guess to Ray at times. BUT THEN, he can be incredibly sweet around Mew like the notebook of drawings was a really lovely and personal present, and the way he was looking after Mew after his LASIK… it’s just… there’s something about him that irks me, even trying to forget the additional stuff we know about him and Boston, he makes me uneasy.
And now that ending scene between these two we have THE reveal and the lead up to it. I thought it was absolutely brilliant the way Mew seduced Top and lulled him into this vulnerable state to then bring out the recording. Book was great as Mew here. You can feel his building frustration, at first to get Top to tell the truth, then how he started thinking it was a plan to make a fool of him, to him feeling he isn’t good enough for someone like Top - the supposed top-tier.
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But, Top? I can not believe he was still trying to hide the truth about his recent encounter with Boston, at first only referring to the fact they had hooked up before ever knowing Mew. I genuinely believe he loves Mew, maybe he thought he could salvage things by not confessing. Despite my feelings about Top I do have some sympathy for him. He fucked up, he told Boston it had been a mistake. I do feel like he was trying to be a better person since then. I don’t know what would have happened if he’d confessed sooner. I’m still annoyed at him for wrongly getting on his high horse over Ray and Mew, and instead of talking to Mew somehow saw a kind of ‘revenge’ sex as the appropriate reaction, but yeah, I’m a little bit sympathetic. A little. I don’t know how things will go from here on. Can there be a future for them? And how will Top cope with his sleep issues if he’s back to being alone?
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Next up Nick. Well he finally got himself a photo. Probably because it was from a day out not a post-sex selfie. There wasn’t much story-wise that was just about him, but he certainly had his moments with Boston. In isolation, not gonna lie, they’re kind of good together like the scene on the pier. That moment though with Gap showing up. The hypocrisy from Boston about videoing people without consent, literally moments after Nick had just called him out for recording Ray and Mew, and also outing Ray loving Mew…💀
Despite what Boston and his dad discussed in front of Nick, he seems to keep falling for Boston’s sweet words and intimate touches. Nick’s no angel, but I feel really bad for him. He just keeps getting pulled back in. I don’t know if he still had any intention to use the recording with Boston’s focus seeming to be solely on him at the moment. He had been getting Boston’s undivided attention, or at least Nick and we assume so. I don’t think it’ll take Boston too long to get to the bottom of things when Top tells him about Mew having the evidence, especially considering Top knows that Nick knows about him and Boston hooking up, and saw Nick and Sand together at the apartments, throw in Boston knowing about Ray and Sand, that Ray confronted him, and then his outburst alluding to it in the bar, and the chain is complete. It’s going to hurt.
And so onto Boston. Was nice to get to know a bit more about him and his dad, well I say nice, but Boston definitely had a ‘look’ on his face when his dad kind of brushed off his love of photography (almost made me feel for him lol - no but it must be hard to have something you love poo-pooed), and it did feel like he was trying to make his dad ‘proud’ of the fact he’s playing the field and not settling down. I guess I understand (Understand Boston? What am I saying lol) where he’s coming from in terms of not getting attached to anyone if his intentions are to go to New York, which I think for arty, photography stuff would probably be a good fit. But, the way his words work on Nick and some of the moments he shares with him, I do wonder if deep down he would like something more significant than a bunch of fwbs and fuck buddies. He’s jealous his friends are moving on. Maybe not Mew so much as he had his ‘innocent’ virgin status, but from Ray’s speech it sure sounded like Boston told him a lot about his conquests, whether that was to rub them in Ray’s face for some reason, or he thought he had himself a ‘slutty brother in arms’? Who knows.
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When Ray came to confront Boston, Boston sure managed to turn that conversation around quickly. He’d been casting glances at Ray all day as Ray seemed continually over everything going on within the friends group. When they clashed again he was able to twist things and make Ray doubt himself. And while I’m sure deep down Ray would love to be Mew’s knight in shining armour and them ride off into the sunset in love, I’m pretty sure he knows that will never happen. But Boston poked at him, put that doubt in his mind at how his intentions would be viewed - that he would be accused of doing it to get Mew, that he would be as ‘evil’ and be the one destroying Mew’s happiness. Boston is definitely clever with words. I’m looking forward to seeing him kicked into the pool next episode.
And now for Sand and Ray. Sand really showed he has a greyer side to the straightforward, work hard for everything guy we’d gotten used to the last few episodes. Top really got to him, lauding over him that he’d ‘changed’ and got himself his new man, the fact he could get anyone he wanted, ie Sand’s ex. I can’t imagine a guy stealing your lover and in no more than 3 months (based on what we know of Top’s longest relationship) he’s already moved on from that person… I’d be furious and wondering what the hell was the point of all the heartbreak? Honestly, having seen the trailer, breaking his phone to get his hands on Boston and Top’s audio was no where on my list of reasons for Sand stamping on his phone lol. But that was a pretty smart idea. Not sure what Nick noticed on his phone afterwards, maybe the lack of a phone call, or something to do with the method Sand sent himself the audio file. But I don’t think it’ll take him too much to figure out what Sand did when he learns of what’s gone on beyond Ray’s outburst.
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I’m sure Sand thought it was an amazing idea handing the file over to Ray. He certainly lit the fuse on the powder keg that is Ray. Him saying about how great it is Mew has Ray at his side? - manipulation skill unlocked lol. I don’t know what he thought would happen or if there was anything more to it than getting back at Top but I’d like to think he wasn’t trying to get back at Ray for liking Mew by making him the bad guy. At the very least, it seemed Ray getting on that mic and making a huge scene was not quite how he’d seen it going.
Going back to Sand meeting with Ray. I felt so bad for Ray. It really felt as if he’d turned up with hopes he and Sand could maybe have a conversation about Mew, maybe even about the two of them. Instead, he was shut down not once but twice more by Sand saying he was fine with Ray liking Mew, echoing the same sentiments Sand had shared on the night things kicked off with Boston that it’s ‘nothing to do with him’.
Was it just me who thought Ray wrapping his hand around the cue ball was damn hot? 🫠 Honestly, the choice of fingers he wears his rings on too, I just… ahem. Anyway, what was I saying? Yeah, him grabbing the ball and basically telling Sand to get to the point was seriously a moment. I’m not 100% sure how he felt about Sand’s words after that, whether he felt as manipulated as Sand’s little side-eye suggested he was being, but clearly at the end of the evening Ray was absolutely done with everybody at that party. And to be fair, I kind of agree. (Also, I’m going to assume Sand renamed the file to Top & Boston - as much as I’d like to assume he knows Boston’s moans cos I’m a NeoKhao getting out the friendzone even just once enthusiast. I’d give him assuming the other voice is Top as Sand said it concerns Mew lol)
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And so, we reach the party. The awkward conversation at the table had me like 💀Cheum has always been vocal in her praise of Top - I think I said on episode one about how Top had probably been viewed as this top tier prize to win/be fucked by, and Mew had likely been a breath of fresh air - honestly, I felt a bit bad for April the way Cheum was so besotted with the awesomeness that is Top lol, and then we shift to thanking God Boston, and then apparently forgetting Ray existed for a moment as she got excited everybody was paired off with someone. Even Boston. Also, this friends group need to have better nicknames for each other, what with Ray the Burden and now Boston the Heartless Slut. I know people call each other all sorts when they’re friends, even seemingly offensive names, but sometimes people need to read the room lol. It seems anything but playful banter at times. Following being forgotten, we then have April pointing out Ray is in fact single. I was sat here thinking, please stop poking at him. It was only adding to the tension and left me wondering at what point Ray would actually snap. Even without the added knowledge of Boston and Top, if I was Ray I’d have been seriously considering if it was time to find some new friends, preferable ones that enjoyed activities away from places that serve alcohol. Because no sooner has Ray been pointed out to be a loveless loser, we have Mew opening their conversation in the bathroom by asking if he’s drunk already.
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I know Mew cares about Ray, asks him to stop drinking and doing drugs, and there’s only so much Mew or anyone else can do if Ray isn’t ready to help himself or accept help from others, but I don’t know, people expect him to be drunk, to be a burden, and I just feel like there comes a point where Ray, or anybody else, would just give up and act as expected.
(Possibly triggering stuff ahead as I refer back to episode 4)
Focusing on the conversation between them. It felt very ‘final’ and echoed a similar weight to it as the scene of Ray in the bathtub. The thanking him for being his friend, the hug. It might not have been so much the same thoughts right then as we’d had at the start of episode 4, but I think he probably believed somewhat in what Boston had said, he would be the bad guy, people would only view his intentions through the lens of him loving Mew and trying to split up Top and Mew, and in turn Ray loses Mew completely. So it really did feel like a goodbye. I don’t know if Mew got those vibes too, like he felt uneasy and that’s why he insisted Ray shouldn’t drive home, that he was worried about him, but for me there was this heaviness surrounding Ray.
We now know that Ray changed his mind and told Mew the truth about Top and Boston. He knew Mew might not like it and see his intentions in a bad light, but I’m glad he went through with it in the end. As he said later, no one else was saying a damn thing. I see people hung up on Ray being jealous, but I feel above everything else it is about Mew’s, and only Mew’s, happiness. When it comes down to it he’d rather tell him and risk being the villain, so long as Mew is okay. And so we shift to Ray taking the mic. I interpret him doing this out of a mix of things - frustration that even well into the night (despite Mew’s noticeable shift in mood when we catch sight of him again) everybody was singing and dancing as if everything was perfect, and to me, I feel like he was mad Mew hadn’t acted, not mad at Mew though, mad for Mew. That the person he cherishes the most seemed to have let Top and Boston’s behaviour slide, seemed to be accepting it when in Ray’s eyes he deserves so much more. And so fueled with alcohol, disappointed in almost everyone, he hit self destruct on each and every one of his relationships.
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I enjoyed Khaotung’s performance and delivery. It hurt to see Ray that way, that look after being hit by the only person he considered to have shown him any care, and as he scanned the crowd, saw how everyone was looking at him. I feel like Mew punched him for a few reasons. Sure he might have had a plan for Top, he also seems someone to like order, have control and Ray was taking that from him, but I also like to think he was trying to stop Ray from going too far, snap him out of his tirade. If he got into an actual fight with someone like Top whose family are rich and the fact Top hates Ray, I could see Top pressing charges. I feel like Mew was in part saving Ray from himself and from saying or doing anything that he couldn’t take back, or might reap serious consequences.
I do, however, support Ray calling out everyone’s bullshit (plus it’s a tv show so it’s damn entertaining lol), even Sand. Their relationship started as a transaction and all he’s heard from Sand recently is they are nothing to each other. The moment outside by the car, I feel that if Sand hadn’t yet again denied they were anything to each other, Ray may well have stayed. Instead, his expression drops and he pushes him away, calls him a whore. Sand had ‘whored’ out his time, that’s how they had started, and Ray maybe assumes that’s all they had ever been. So, having burdened his friends once more, severed his connections to them, I don’t think Ray cared what happened to him after getting in that car and driving away. Luckily Sand did, motivated by caring for Ray, for anyone that could be caught in the fallout, and of course by his own guilt for putting Ray on this path in the first place.
I can’t wait for the next episode.
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Oh my goodness. If you read all of that you’re a real trooper lol. I swear I start these the night of the episode and yet I’m still adding extra ramblings all through the week lol. I do enjoy it though. It’s kind of therapeutic to just get it all out. Stress relief 😆
Previous ramblings.
Episode 5 | Episode 4 | Episode 3 | Episode 2 | Episode 1
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blitzgamev · 18 days
hi hey hello here are some of my fav spies are forever london bits in a random order :) i am going insane about this :)
Never done a read more! Surely this'll work first try!
- The Deadliest Man Alive stinger. Him coming back on stage just to say it again for the stinger was top tier and the fact Everyone looked into the audience when it played!!
- The fact they had enough cast now to have DMA stand there visibly not enjoy his time at the ball except when people talked about pulling toenails off??
- No seriously doing an extra Owen there when Curt said it and not just having him to the lil pose but also walk across stage, look around, notice what's going on AND DOING THE GUN SHOOT WITH DMA HELLO CAN ANYONE HEAR ME
- The wolf whistle during That part of the stairway scene? Whoever did that is my hero that was hilarious
- Managed to get past the booking agent for the banana yippee
- Speaking of the emoting between Curt and Owen during the slow motion fall was top tier love these actors
- The DMA into Owen reveal was so funny because Owen walked on before The Line to stand behind DMA so you couldn't even hear it over people cheering and laughing
- The slow turn while Joey narrated and the little low walk for the trap door?? Top tier
- Vanger visibly cringing every time someone said something negative about the prince was hilarious but also the implication they aren't even trying to keep it down...
- Facial expressions! Some very very good ones between Curt and Tatiana in not so bad
- DMA being like "yeah I did that look how cool I am cheer for me" at Some Point I Don't Remember like I love how the actor played him
- The deafening cheering whenever Mama Mega showed up was the most based we ever got as an audience let's go Mama Mega
- This did lead to the cheering being so much that we didn't stop when Joey came on to do the scene transition and him having to go calm down guys just doing the next scene lol
- That was definitely not helped by the insanely funny Vanger bit to start act 2 like the cyber bullying in the 60s?? Every cosplayer (pog shoutouts btw) being him??
- The little acting choices Tatiana made in general?? The suspender bit in particular
- Speaking of acting choices. The Whole of Owen's appearance at the end felt like a performance for the audience to me and I need to know if that was A Choice or if I imagined it
- Seperate but related point but spies are forever reprise being on the programme... All I've ever needed now add it to the album smile
- Argh the staircase scene... To see that in person is to be alive I think. The shaking on the gun arm on That Bit. How close Owen looked and sounded to crying during the reprise. MOVING ON OKE KING
- Barb
- Did the informant just not die here??? Good for him maybe don't get into the song next time yeah?
- Curt hesitating to take the first shot is also gonna haunt me that's always been the one issue I had with one more shot
- All the little extra flourishes in the songs were very fun love actors making it their own
- The henchmen!! They lived! I don't know that tickles me no quick changes needed so they get to Vibe and giggle
- BARON'S DEATH SCENE "ouch my back *turns around* ouch my front ouch my self *dies" <- he bows after this btw
- Joey shouting out people who were at the matinee but not the evening show was not a planned bit I bet but it Was funny
- The band!!! Hearing overture In Real Life rewired my brain
- Also a shout out to the stage hand we cheered on before the show and act 2 started
- Everyone's faces but especially Tatiana when Sergio was doing the plead reprise were top tier "what are you DOING get away"
- YOU GOTTA y-you GOTTA :) the whole song was really good loved this Cynthia
- The one handed moves for eyes ii was necessary but also just fun
- Also DMA making curt move the whole chair over and him refusing for a while for realism
- The way Curt kept sputtering and touching his lips way after Tatiana got over it and also agreed it was shit way more
- Prisoner of my past is haunting In Real Life holy shit
- One step ahead :) that one moment they kept getting closer to eachother until they did the hand thing again and it looked like Owen was leaning in completely to the hug. Hey you can't do that. I wish I remembered who pushed the other away to mirror the opening betrayal line
- The final pose was so so good to see I adore spy dance and getting to stand up and clap for it was an out of body moment (I hurt my ear cheering)
This turned into a non chronological recap of the show but whatever I wrote all the energy and memory out that I had so good night tri state area . tri london area
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beevean · 1 year
You won’t miss anything by not watching the series, it’s absolutely dull. The monster designs are boring (this is the most grievous offense to me, they’re all human-looking but with added body parts, shells/armor, wings etc), the most frequent action our protagonists do is running away, the characters share no similarity to their game counterparts (big oof with Juste), the main boss is especially lackluster compared to Dracula (even Netflix Dracula), the music is lacking and unimaginative, the voice acting combined with the animation/design is awkward, the aristocratic enemies are non-entities (they’re just npc vampires in powdered wigs, heck the Headhunter has more personality and they only have attack voicelines), the plot is Richter, Maria, Annette, and Tera have to defeat the vampire Messiah and their underlings along with a subplot about saving a friend (how is it different and better than the games which “have no story”), their modus operandi for giving the protagonist characters a backstory is to have their loved ones killed (heck even Olrox’s past lover was killed), and France was underutilized.
I noticed in the first three episodes how the series has regressed to NFCV S1 tier of generic monsters, when the rest of the og show actually tried to bring back iconic enemies - I remember smiling when I saw Karasuman! Hell, Abel stole the show in S4E6! What happened here?
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no really. what happened here.
I'm already seeing takes that always bringing Dracula back is boring and we need variety (which is the literal same argument moved against Eggman. I hate it here). And look, not only Castlevania, original name "Dracula's Demon Castle" is all about Dracula and his castle... but are the replacements worth it? The games gave us the likes of a corrupted Richter lamenting the fate of his clan, Walter the entertainingly sadistic lord serving all sorts of cunt, Isaac the cruel, insane, cunning yet tragic and loyal servant, Brauner who stole two girls and turned them into vampires out of grief, Barlowe the eerily realistic abusive cultist... only the Sorrow games are lacking in this department IMO. What did the show replace Dracula with, after swearing up and down that he's nothing but a dysfunctional dumbass? A girlboss? A cute rapist? An edgy redditor? Now a thundercat with her BDSM simp that wants to be Isaac so badly but doesn't have what made him charming? Wow, it was worth shitting on Dracula for three seasons straight and then basically saying "yeah he's not evil anymore" :V
I also noticed how both animation and voice acting took a nosedive. The fight betwen Richter and BDSM mommy is 10 fps, and Sun Thundercat sounds like she recorded herself on a shitty flip phone. c'mon bruh those were like, the two things I could easily praise about the og show. what are you doing.
I also also noticed how everyone has a dead mom, or alternatively a dead sister, and now we have a dead lover because Olrox has to be a poor little meow meow too on top of the tiddies. Oh, but the Games Are Stupid because they keep fridging wives, right? We Are So Much Better Than The Stupid Games :) fuck you.
Yeah I am so uninterested. I don't even want to hatewatch this. I don't care. It's just a shitty French Revolution story told from an American perspective, plus the most condescending of crumbs for the game fans. No, I don't care that you brought Juste back and you gave him afterimages, if you then say that Maxim died like a dumbass and that turned Juste into yet another cynical old man. Bleh.
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toadstool32 · 1 year
its the sextuplets birthday! in celebration im ranking them based on personal preference <3
karamatsu < i like him
osomatsu < i like shitty older brothers when theyre not my own
jyuushimatsu < i dont even think he knows how baseball works
todomatsu < hes such a bitch i love him
ichimatsu < cat
choromatsu < at his best when insane
the nature making numbered list make it so that they all have a rank but if anything it would be like > 1 karamatsu >2 osomatsu / jyuushimatsu >4 todomatsu / ichimatsu > 6 choromatsu
now im gonna proceed to rank them as combinations <- insane behavior
i got the names from this list!
im mostly ranking them by how funny they are but comedy is subjective feel free to send me anon hate ovr this i dont care
doing this in a five star format! ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
choukeimatsu: starting out strong! i love shitty older brothers! they suck <3 five stars ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
sokudomatsu: its ok, i like they more when they act out as other characters than themselves, they either do a funny skit or their manzai act, this one is a toss up for me! ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ➖➖
parkamatsu: their shittyness and cuteness level gets balanced so evenly... its precious to see truly..... however!!! its cute to see oso treat ichi like a cat / a future ward of the state but alas its not tickling my funny bone as much ⭐ ⭐ ➖➖➖
bakamatsu: i like stupid idiots, i want more of them ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ➖
benimatsu: oso n todo are such shitheads fr, they enable eachother to be the worst version of themselves, which is both cute AND fun ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
suirikumatsu: i read this one comic where they both get bullied by everyone else and then get revenge at the beach, (ill find and reblog later) other than that i dont think they really have that many skits together? booo. its rough out there ➖➖➖➖➖
iromatsu: its mid, it makes me cringe more than laugh, well, thats a lie sometimes i do laugh, its a toss up really, (i do like the bazooka scene tho) ⭐⭐⭐➖ I
musclematsu: while iromatsu its ichi using kara as a chew toy karamatsu is like, a chew toy with spikes, and fire and hurtful things, so ichimatsu receives psychic damage by that. Yeah that does not happen with jyuushimatsu this is like a uno reverse, these two are made or way harder stuff, and way dumber too, five stars ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
woodmatsu: theyre sweet :3 its a good balance between karamatsu being a chewtoy and todomatsu being the tsukkomi fishing with love letters and falling in love with the same cashier? pretty solid gags ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ➖
middlematsu: funniest gag they ever did was the fact that they never talk to eachother, nobody has a good time here, four stars only bc its a rare one ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ➖
wakabamatsu: are u fucking kidding me ok this one is interesting bc when jyuushi is the boke i feel like the skits run way to long, i still laugh but whatever not the point. but when they make jyushimatsu choros tsukkomi??? insane behavior honestly. ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ➖ ➖
cybermatsu: funniest shit ever, choromatsu shines with todomatsu as his pair truly, funniest shit ive ever seen ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
numbermatsu: top tier! what do i ever have to say here they just work ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
110matsu: catty bitches, ichimatsu gets to be weird in new ways here such is the curse of being a good straight man! hang in there todomatsu!! ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ➖
youngestmatsu: they r so fucking cute, cant remeber any skits with them tho, oh well ⭐ ⭐ ➖➖
ok now im gonna do groups!! but not really just the ones i care about, fuck the list im doing numbers now:
125- i like idiots, i want more of them, jyuushimatsus fun day with his big brothers (goes wrong) <3
456- shitty little brothers represent! u cant be mad at them theyre just little guys and its their birthday :3
346- catty bitches but more toxic, this one rulez, the self awareness has left the room
146- i think theyre neat
126- this is just my dream blunt rotation lets move on
246- i thought abt girlymatsu for a bit and passed out for a sec imagine this with me
thats all!!! get out of my post!!!
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pesterloglog · 9 months
Jade Harley, Dave Strider
Act 6, page 6383-6387
JADE: her imperious condescension has duly noted your ridiculous tantrum
JADE: now take your welsh sword
DAVE: why
JADE: since you have obviously been identified as the one who must deal english his fatal blow we will need to make sure you are battle ready
JADE: and you do not seem very battle ready to me dave
JADE: show me what you can do
DAVE: wait since when could you use a sword
DAVE: also
DAVE: whats up with that dumb sword
JADE: i will not hear another word of such appalling slander about this fine weapon
JADE: its colorful and its silly and its a sword
JADE: end of story
JADE: as for why i can wield it, i surpassed the need for a strife specibus quite some time ago
DAVE: how
JADE: havent you climbed any more god tiers over the last few years?
JADE: what were you even doing on that meteor
DAVE: ohh
DAVE: yeah no
DAVE: i climbed a few yeah
JADE: what badges do you have on your kiddie camper handysash?
DAVE: which ones do you have
JADE: i asked you first
DAVE: show me your badges and you can see mine
DAVE: i want to scope out this universal specibus badge that sounds pretty cool actually
JADE: dave
JADE: we both know neither the kiddie camper handysash nor the badges sewn onto it are real objects
DAVE: oh yeah
DAVE: its pretty easy to forget sometimes tho
JADE: yeah...
DAVE: i think were getting sidetracked by the kiddie camper shit
DAVE: are you really suggesting that we do an actual sword fight right now
DAVE: like for training purposes
JADE: why not?
JADE: our empress can hardly have a knight with such rusty combat skills in her service
DAVE: will you cut it out with the evil jade baloney
DAVE: im not going to fight you
DAVE: my rooftop dueling days are OVER
JADE: en garde!
DAVE: ugh
DAVE: even if we just went balls out jackass BANANAS with our swords here i mean realistically how much appreciable advancement in my battle skills would even result from that
DAVE: are you actually thinking this through or just going through the vaguely nefarious motions that come with the territory of being evildog!jade
JADE: im gonna go through the vaguely nefarious motions of kicking your ass in a minute if you dont put up your dukes!!!
DAVE: yeah you probably will
DAVE: youll probably annihilate me worse than my bro used to
DAVE: dont you have all of your dogs insane powers and like
DAVE: god tier space powers on top of all that
DAVE: how exactly am i supposed to compete with that
JADE: by using your time trickery!
JADE: come on dave do your timey thing
JADE: get creative, make lots of copies of yourself or something... outsmart me!
DAVE: no!
JADE: yes!!!
DAVE: ok here i go
JADE: !!!!!
DAVE: wait
DAVE: nah
JADE: grrr
JADE: dave, just try a little time travel to get this fight started
JADE: see look, one of your time doubles is surely predestined to come from a few minutes in the future and appear behind me for a surprise attack, riiiight about...
JADE: now!
JADE: ...
JADE: no wait
JADE: riiiiiiiiiight...
JADE: ...
JADE: ...
JADE: ....
JADE: .....
JADE: dave why is your future self being such a wet blanket
DAVE: i told you
DAVE: im not time traveling
DAVE: i think im giving it up for good actually
JADE: :\
DAVE: im serious
DAVE: the thing is
DAVE: being a time guy
DAVE: like actually MASTERING time travel
DAVE: im pretty sure what that involves is
DAVE: learning to never use it
DAVE: see its like karate
DAVE: well
DAVE: its more like what they SAY about karate
DAVE: that you learn it so you dont use it
DAVE: but i mean we all know the truth about karate is if you know karate then obviously in reality you use it all the time
DAVE: like doing lethal fuckin crane kicks and sweet karate chops while walking down the street just cause you can
DAVE: its a god damn no brainer thats what you do with karate
DAVE: but see with time travel
DAVE: all the stuff about learning it so you dont have to use it is true
DAVE: theres no good that can come of it
DAVE: you can crunch the logic on the loops all you want
DAVE: but all youre doing is painting yourself into a corner
DAVE: creating inevitabilities you have to rehearse and enact or face death for yourself or everyone you know
DAVE: and sometimes facing death is the very inevitability you have to rehearse
DAVE: and then you wait and wait knowing its coming and knowing it has to happen
DAVE: how do you think it made me feel when we were gathering up all those frogs
DAVE: and i knew the whole time in a little while you would have to watch me get shot
DAVE: but i couldnt say anything or it would mess it all up
DAVE: all cause i thought it would be cool to be marty mcfuckin fly
DAVE: but instead of shredding johnny b goode on guitar to get my parents to bang
DAVE: my crowning performance was doing a funny dance while getting pumped full of lead
JADE: ......
DAVE: then i had to leave everyone behind and get into the delorean and return to the 1980s
DAVE: but the delorean was actually a big purple moon
DAVE: and the 1980s was me accidentally reaching god tier and living on a shitty meteor for a while
DAVE: and i guess rose was doc brown
DAVE: doc brown accidentally reached god tier too
DAVE: ok i guess this is where the analogy falls apart but you get what i mean
JADE: sorry dave, you lost me there after the part where i shot you
DAVE: damn
DAVE: ok lemme start over
JADE: omg, no!
JADE: the fact is youre going to have to rely on those powers if you want to stand any chance against a lord of time
JADE: it is safe to expect he can only be challenged by someone with a similar command over the aspect
DAVE: why is that safe to expect
DAVE: where are all these presumptions coming from
DAVE: if you can use swords why dont you take the welsh cueball sword and fight him yourself
DAVE: i bet you could fuck him up
DAVE: youre probably even more extra strong now that youve succumbed to the bark side
DAVE: did you ever think about that
JADE: dave i am perfectly aware of the awesome powers granted to me by the bark side
JADE: it does not matter
JADE: i cant be the one to wield your sword against english
JADE: it has to be you
JADE: it is the will of the empress, and thats final
DAVE: the empress can suck it
DAVE: i have no intention of fighting him
DAVE: and this isnt even me pulling more lame self aware reluctant hero junk
DAVE: i am just straight up not going to do it
DAVE: see thats not reluctance its just petulant refusal on my part
DAVE: reluctant hero shit is when the guys like aw shucks i dunno if i wanna but deep down we all know he really does
DAVE: but i really dont
DAVE: why should i
DAVE: i dont give a damn about lord english or his nebulous atrocities out in nowherespace
DAVE: what kind of villain is someone you never met who hardly did anything evil to you or your friends directly
DAVE: or even to anyone in your universe for that matter other than through some vague insidious influence
DAVE: who even is this guy and why should i hate him
DAVE: am i really supposed to be pissed off at a green muscle monster i never met
DAVE: cause i aint pissed off at no muscle monster
DAVE: hell wasnt he in some ass backwards way responsible for us existing in the first place?
DAVE: or all of humanity for that matter??
DAVE: maybe i should thank him before chopping him up via welshscalibur
JADE: jeez you sure have some issues
JADE: honestly it has become very tiresome listening to this sort of thing
JADE: i thought davesprite had problems
JADE: his issues i could kind of understand
JADE: i thought you might be different, being the alpha dave and all
JADE: but no
JADE: you might be even more messed up inside than he was!
DAVE: what
DAVE: why are you dragging that guy into this
DAVE: what happened with you and him anyway
JADE: none of your business >:p
DAVE: it kind of is
DAVE: hes bird me
DAVE: that clearly means i have a right to know
JADE: that doesnt make any sense!
DAVE: you said he had issues
DAVE: what issues
JADE: augh!
JADE: forget i mentioned it
DAVE: was he talking shit about me the whole time or something
DAVE: i know he resents me for being the real dave
JADE: dont say that, you arent the real dave!
JADE: well you are, but phrasing it like that is so mean!
JADE: hes just as real as you, and when you imply he isnt you sound like a jerk!!!
DAVE: man i knew it
DAVE: i knew he was poisoning your view of me all those years
DAVE: and i wasnt there to say anything or defend against his slander so now of course you think im a neurotic douche
DAVE: yeah but i only started acting like a neurotic douche like half way through this conversation
DAVE: you clearly had an axe to grind with me from the start and i want to know why
DAVE: what did i ever do to deserve this shit from you
DAVE: what
DAVE: i did
DAVE: when
JADE: ok not you
JADE: davesprite did
DAVE: whoa no way
DAVE: thats such an unfair characterization we are completely different dudes
JADE: you just said you had a right to know what happened between us because, and i quote, "hes bird me"
DAVE: no i know
DAVE: i was playing the "hes bird me" card because it was convenient to whatever it was i was saying at the time
DAVE: i forget what point i was making when i said that
JADE: *growl*
DAVE: but thats not the point im making now
DAVE: he and me are just
DAVE: crazy different yo
DAVE: hes got fuckin wings!!!
DAVE: he also presumably takes a dump and lays eggs out of the same ghostly hole
DAVE: ...
DAVE: ew man whyd i have to go there
DAVE: ok if he broke up with you or whatever that was because of his dumb bird issues not my issues
DAVE: theres no way i would have done that to you
DAVE: my issues are totally different and probably way more serious
DAVE: i dont see anyone ordering him to master time travel or trying to pawn brittle welsh swords off on him do you
DAVE: nobody is telling him hes got to murder the incredible hulk
DAVE: did you tell him hes got to murder the incredible hulk jade
DAVE: no i think not
JADE: *sigh*
JADE: dave, i did my best to put all this behind me a long time ago
JADE: i did not come here to dredge up any of this drama with you
JADE: besides, such behavior is unbecoming of her condescensions loyal subordinates
JADE: you can be stubborn all you want, but i will force you to comply with her wishes one way or another
JADE: it will be quite easy actually
JADE: all i have to do is target the people you care about most
DAVE: hey
DAVE: what are you doing
DAVE: dont you dare touch the mayor
JADE: he is a very cute mayor
JADE: it therefore pains me to have to do this
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jojameswinter · 1 year
NOT THE FACE SLIPPING INTO A SOB 😭😭😭 that was top tier acting from both of them, the whole scene was absolutely insane. Those little moments KILL ME.
Ah god don’t, the soft “what is wrong with you” then she gets more and more annoyed and blurts out “I LOVE YOU DUDE” I can’t put into incoherent words how they make me feel anymore like my brains a mess??
We will get though the wait together and I’ll continue to jump into your asks when I’m having a moment cos like it’s the only way I can survive at this point 🤣🤣
What’s your hopes for season 4 with jiara? Top 3?
YEAH THAT SCENE IN 3X4 ABSOLUTELY KILLS ME; rudy and maddie DESTROYED it - and don't get me STARTED on JJ's breakdown on the dock right after ksjdkfjfdf sometimes I genuinely cannot believe what we got!
MY BRAIN HASN'T HAD A COHERENT THOUGHT SINCE 2021 I KID YOU NOT KSDKFJSKD and it's just rotting by the day consumed by jiara 🤡 As painful as that fence scene was, I LOVED both their performances here, namely rudy's scathing WHEN YOU SEE MIKE COULD YOU JUST LET HIM KNOW THAT I DON'T FEEL BAD ABOUT THE MONEY CLIP - I ACTUALLY NEEDED IT and the buffering in real time WHAT
YES PLS KEEP SCREAMING INTO THE ABYSS WITH ME!!!! Maybe if we keep yellin we'll manifest some things for S4 🙃
OH GOD, TOP 3 THAT IS SO HARD!!!!! Some things that come to mind:
*I definitely need to see more comfort and love/affection from JJ's end toward Kie! We've seen the pining! We've seen Kie openly in love with him! It's his turn now!!!
*I need Kie's trauma and her relationship with the Carreras addressed - not just glossed over! I'm still clowning for some parallels there
*I'd also love to see JJ's trauma addressed and his healing shown - not just "oh hey, all is well now" bc we saw some of that process start in S3. He still has a long way to go! And if Luke returns as part of showing that process, BRING IT
*More Pogues - forever and always! That's four, but hey. I'm greedy when it comes to this show, what can I say
How bout you??!!!
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m1ckeyb3rry · 3 months
UNFORTUNATELY?? Nay….I say that the hair gel jokes are one of the highlights of his character…package deal yk….i know EXACTLY which panel you’re referring to HAHA I think every Karasu fan has that hiding in a little corner of the brain somewhere….but also I really wanna know what made him chose that specific shape Ike I get shaping it up but bro really said lemme make it pointy and sharp in the front too…like let me extend this far beyond my forehead….anyways…
But I TOTALLY feel you!!! I’m not much of a shipper myself either (both in BLLK and general media), just here to enjoy the hype and the goofy little men kicking balls! I do love the dynamics between characters though (like Barou and Chigiri, Karasu and Hiori, Otoya and Karasu, nagi and Barou, etc there’s too many LOL) but I’ve just never felt the seen anything really romantically although I don’t mind other ppl doing so! Maybe Karasu lovers are just on another wavelength bc I resonate a lot with what you said LOL I love analyzing lore and everything and seeing the different interactions and dynamics between characters, but I’ve never felt the need to push a specific romantic agenda to develop my understanding of them or their background…They’re so silly though I love those little almost slice of life moments where they’re just doing the funniest things…speaking of slice of life the bowling off day I cannot wait for that to be animated BUT what are your thoughts on tabieitaken outfits…I’ve heard mixed reviews and would love to hear your take LMAO
And LMAO RIN’S ENTRANCE so funny I fr lost it when I heard his theme music playing like oh my
I also only really consume the sub content and I agree!! I think it’s really cool how they hired some smaller/less known jp vas and how well they fit!!! Esp like Isagi and Bachira I think their voices are also perfect for them! I’m also really hoping eightbit puts their heart and soul into animating 2nd selection ppl bc I will also not survive if they’re all done dirty
And UGH HIORI I’m ngl I feel like he’s almost kinda a package deal with Karasu kinda like how Otoya is like….by default since I like Karasu those two end up growing on me too and I’m gonna be real I think your work (both white butterfly and the Hiori cameos in the Karasu series) have been converting me even more….its like I’ve been enlightened fr but their dynamic is so hilarious!! I agree I also thought that it was Karasu who was more interested in Hiori but then the LIGHT NOVEL HAHAHAHA I’m so glad they made that!! I’m crossing my fingers for an Otoya and Karasu version too!! I know the Yukimiya chapter is coming out this month so YAYY
The BLLK cast just has too many good characters it’s like my favs have to evolve to keep up LOLLL as of rn at the top it’s basically Karasu and like I’ve mentioned a little earlier Hiori is really growing on me too….esp in the latest manga chapters too like seeing him genuinely smile I’m like omg my boy!!! I think I’m probably a little biased too just because I also love his hair color like…coincidentally my fav shade of blue….Other than those two I’d say probably Chigiri!!! He’s so sassy I love it, and then Otoya nagi and Rin are a close second….its so hard to choose I’d fr just make an in depth tier list if I had the motivation LMAO but yeah uhh tldr in approximate ordered ranking…Karasu, Hiori, Chigiri, nagi, Otoya, rin….i think…..
You’re real for that though….the duality of nagi…6’3 squishable man fr…I also love the little miffy expression he makes it’s so cute <33
Also ugh yeah….fanon mischaracterization….really not it…I agree the mischaracterization for Rin is INSANE and NAGI TOO?? I definitely didn’t like Rin as much before but I think he also eventually grew on me when I realized he’s kinda just a dork who doesn’t know how to act and is dealing with some crap….luckily I don’t see as much mischaracterization of Nagi here specifically but generally in the fandom I know ppl say some wild things like throwing around that he’s a red flag or something and I’m like….are we talking about the same person? The dude who can’t even be bothered to wake up and dress himself like…Ofc diff interpretations can bring more interesting ideas and ppl are welcome to interpret things differently but yeah some I feel take a little too much artistic liberty…or straight up just make up facts but :/
And THANK YOU HAHA I’ll always have plenty of thoughts for you LMAO I’m like spilling all of my BLLK thoughts here and I love just chatting with you <3
YOU’RE SO RIGHT it’s not karasu if his hair isn’t getting made fun of just a bit 😭 pleaseee that panel is nightmare fuel HAHA i have to respect his commitment to the crow aesthetic though so i can’t hate too much 😫 he had a bit and he WENT for it
YESYES i love platonic relationships sm more!! writing and reading good friendships will always be far more enjoyable to me than romances especially rushed ones. tabieita and barounagi (as well as nagisagi to a certain extent) are my fav duos in the manga i feel like there’s always some silly nonsense going on when they’re onscreen. the nagi isagi barou trio from second selection can never be topped imo they were SO funny together but also balanced each other out super well?? super enjoyable overall. heheh i think it’s because only cool people like karasu so we’re always linked up 🫡
i feel pretty neutral abt otoya and yuki’s outfits…i think of the three yuki’s was my least fav but he still looked good!! otoya’s was a little goofy but it fit him so well that i can’t hate. and possibly an unpopular opinion but i LOVED karasu’s fit in the bowling chapters!! sorry but a man in a turtleneck will always get me going and tbh the trench coat made him look very mature and respectable so i loved it!! i also just love men who dress like grandparents tbf so that might be why. i feel like i have seen slander abt it but i was like 😲😍 when i saw it
RIN’S THEME HAS ME HOWLING EVERY TIME I HEAR IT BRUH WHY IS IT SO DRAMATIC HE’S SO STUPID (<- affectionate) KFDHSKKS although tbf barou’s lion growling and chigiri’s guitar solo aren’t any less over the top…smth abt rin’s specifically is insane to me though like he is fr trying out for a part in attack on titan or smth
okay honestly hiori has been growing on me for the same reasons which is hilarious because i feel like i wrote him so differently in white butterfly vs fwtkac?? like in wb he’s so sad and ghostly and sickeningly in love vs in fwtkac he’s just karasu x y/n’s goofy little shadow that they are mystified by but cannot help loving 😭 i think that’s a good example though of how the same character can be written differently while still seeming in character!! i actually have a couple more hiori requests that i’m going to work on once i’m done with the karasu ones so you have that to look forward to if you’re a fan of him as well 💖
ALL OF THE LIGHT NOVELS ARE SO OUT OF POCKET…craziest parts to me are when a bunch of girls refuse to wake up/talk to/touch nagi because they think he’s the cursed child of the devil and hiori trying to follow karasu home but then getting caught and #pranked by crow boy. i feel like an otoya ln would just be his extensive dating history FJDJSKAB but tbh i would read!! and ofc a karasu one would be super fun asw. i feel like if there were ones written abt yuki and ARYU of all characters there definitely will be ones for those two!! fingers crossed anyways
you’re so real for that…my top three has been p solid for a while now (nagi, karasu, barou) but four and five change so frequently HAHAH i think atm i would say in order it’s nagi, karasu, barou, reo, and maybe kaiser or one of the itoshi bros?? but only MY versions of them JDDHSK. otoya is a character i cannot help but slander though he is growing on me for sure and chigiri is an hm because i’m not attracted to him per se but he’s like my bestie yk. speaking of otoya slander omg i am so sorry in advance but he gets DOGGED on in the next part of fwtkac 😭😭😭 it’s all in good fun though but it had to happen alas
EVERY TINE NAGI GOES :x I SQUEAL he’s so cuteee but also enormous?? he’s just a big fluffy koala i love him and i want to carry him around in my pocket and take care of him forever 🥹
ohhh the mischaracterization of those two is frightening!! like no i’m sorry nagi would NOT be a cheater 😰 he’s not even that bad tbh!! he reminds me a lot of someone suffering from heavy depression and burnout…which especially considering how his light novel goes and the fact that his parents basically neglect him it’s v understandable??? he’s honestly a very sad character when you examine him on a deeper level 😕 and RIN PLEASEEE i think some people saw a hot talented dark haired character and decided he had to behave in a certain way when he’s really just an insecure unfriendly loser 😭🙏🏻 imo karasu yukimiya and aiku are what fanon rin wishes he was!!! i do think diff interpretations are fun and i’m the first to make a character ooc if that’s what i need for a fic — what gets me is when the ooc version becomes the widely accepted version of them and you can’t find anything else if that makes sense!! i wouldn’t mind ONE fic of nagi being a red flag because okay drama 🤩 but when people (more so on tik tok than her fs) act like that’s actually who he is i’m just like oh 😟
YAYYY i love talking to you as well!! as i’m sure you can tell by my extensive replies i am nothing if not a chatter…also kinning y/n’s bff in the saturday date oneshot of fwtkac because i did in fact respond to this while on the treadmill 😭 one thing abt me i will be chronically online so whenever you want to talk i’ll probably respond relatively quickly for the most part!! as long as i’m not out and abt with my friends or smth hehe
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midnightmoonkiss · 2 years
Streamer Childe
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Childe X GN! Reader
Word Count: 1.5k
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Childe, “Tartaglia,” one of the most popular gamer Twitch streamers out there, has over 6.4 million followers.
He doesn’t really go by Tartaglia unless he’s being consumed by his ego, Childe is the name he mainly goes by.
Of course, it’s a running joke in the community that he’s called Childe because he acts like one - and lets be honest he does act like a bit of a child lol.
His real name is Ajax, but he’s pretty determined to keep his private life private. He’ll only let people know what he wants them to know.
Since he’s the most popular streamer out of the friend group (Xiao, Scaramouche, Aether, Venti, Zhongli, Albedo, and Kazuha), he’s more liable to hacker attacks.. what people don’t know is that he’s a hacker himself.
Like an actual hacker.
He doesn’t use this to hack games, no, he’s got a sense of reason, he uses it to annoy the shit out of people and protect himself and friends.
His background is.. not entirely known, but here he is now! A streamer who’s been at it for close to seven years now.
He gained popularity quickly from his looks alone, but his chaotic persona certainly attracts another demographic as well.
He’s insanely good at games, preferring to play multi-player just so he can obliterate his opponents and tea bag them. He’s the king of games like Valorant, Apex, and League of Legends, streams where he’s playing those games are LOUD. He’s constantly seething and screaming.
It’s literally so funny. He’s not toxic, just an idiot.
Talks mad shit, but he can back it up.
Adores destroying Scaramouche in games especially, but they’re one hell of a team if they team up.
He also likes to play silly little fantasy games like Wizard101 (nostalgia) and Genshin Impact. It makes for great chill content on days where he’s a bit more tired than he lets on.
Is definitely not free to play, btw. If he wants a certain character or item he will get it.
Because he’s so popular, he doesn’t have the luxury of having an all too interactive Discord. ):
(That’s why he likes hiding out in his other friends discords under a different account)
In the beginning it was fine, people could talk in multiple chat rooms, but as he grew in popularity.. weirder and weirder people joined. It got to a point where he had to just.. get rid of everything. The only people who can talk on the server now are those who are subscribed to his Twitch for four or more months.
Even then, if they break a strict rule there will be no mercy.
It’s not something he’s happy about, but he cares more about others comfort and safety than overall happiness.
Childe is nice, don’t make him angry.
Of course, he goofs off in the server with his buddies, which is entertaining enough.
He’s pretty much a variety streamer, playing all sorts of games. Was definitely on that Among Us craze. Anything that can be fun he’s going to try.
Doesn’t like horror games all too much but MAN he still plays them if they interest him.
If they’re multiplayer, he’ll always collab with Xiao. Their screaming matches are top tier comedy.
When he rage quits he switches off the game and turns off the lights- “Deep breath in, deep breath out guys. It’s just a game~” 
Literally looks like the most level headed person but he’s grasping onto the last strings of his sanity so he doesnt go berserk on stream like that one time when Scaramouche one-shotted him and he got so pissed he accidentally broke his finger from wildly swinging his arms around.
That video still circulates the internet LOL.
He never lets his popularity get to him, he just wants to have fun and that’ll never change. If people want him to be their sponsor, he does an extensive background check and makes sure the thing is 100% good for him and his followers.
Yeah he doesn’t have many because of this, but he makes more than enough money to not care about it.
He’s the king of Instagram, always going out and taking hot photo’s.. narcissist but its ok.
You’re his cute photographer (:
He’s pretty addicted to waterparks so he tries going at least thrice a year! He doesn’t live far away from some amazing attractions!
And you!! He drags you along with him!!
Unlike with Xiao who tried to hide it, people know Tartaglia has a s/o.
He’s ALWAYS bragging about you to his watchers, you literally slip into conversation at least twice per stream.
“You know I was going to eat leftovers for dinner but when I got to the fridge I discovered the demon living in my house who I love very much ATE IT. So they’re ordering food right now. They’re literally the best.”
“My s/o put their cold gremlin feet on my legs last night and I think I saw God for a second there. Let’s take a moment out of our day to pray to our lord and savior- Zhongli. He owes me money btw.”
There’s never a dull moment living with him, he’s eccentric and can make you giggle so easily it’s not even fair.
Cleanest guy you’ll ever meet. Enjoys cleaning for some reason, relaxes him. He just likes living in pristine clean conditions.
He has his dark days, where things become so overwheming.. it feels like there are eyes everywhere watching him and he wants to hide under the covers.. Everyone has a breaking point, and this man has seem some seriously fucked up shit and been through even more fucked up shit because of him being a streamer. He can handle it, but the thought of you getting caught up in it makes him feel sick.
He.. has severe anxiety, and sometimes might even pause the stream because an anxiety attack takes his breath away.
He just really needs you near him most of the time.. Just chilling in a beanbag chair not far away from his computer desk is very cool. He’s clingy but not in a suffocating way. More like in a way where you keep him grounded.
You presence is beyond calming. Knowing he has you means everything.
He needs you more than he ever really let on.
He’s pretty good at hiding his emotions on stream though, he wants people to feel happy and have fun when watching him.
Has so many voice redeems (they cost a LOT of points and are for subscribers only but damn.) Once a bunch of people redeemed voice redeems all at the same time mid-game and he lost it. Crying while trying to not lose LOL.
“Wake up, mommy, I threw up”
“Gawd Dayum”
Various random noises.
Took ten minutes to calm down.
His streams are chaotic, not relaxing most of the time.
If you wanna laugh your heart out, he’s the guy!
Also! While he does bring you up often, he keeps you private as well. Doesn’t give key details away, he’s just open about the fact that he has someone that kisses him goodnight.
If anyone (usually weird fangirls) tries to shit on you, he’s calling them out immeidetly.
Only on stream, though, and without mentioning their user.
He’s aware communities can be toxic, and he doesn’t want to give anyone the oppurtunity to doxx someone.
He doesn’t reply to hate comments on Twitter because of this, he’s seen what has happened when other streamers do.
No one, not even his haters, deserve to be doxxed for something harmless.
Actually, he’s caught someone trying to hack him a few times. Cue the sinister grin as he out-hacks the noobs.
Literally no idea what his past was, he won’t say anything to you about it.
About once every two months, he has a 36 hour stream, all proceeds go to a charity. If a major event happens in the world, he’ll try to do a 12-24 hour stream and donate revenue to the organization thats helping.
Kinda like what Pewdiepie does??
He’s very rich btw. Buys designer shit because he likes feeling fancy.
Makeup KING. Has an extensive bathroom routine. You’ll never see him with dry skin or baggy eyes (unless its a long stream).
He likes helping small streams! Every month he compiles a list of recommended small streamers, even has an “End Of The Month Recommendation Stream” where he and his followers watch a small part of the streamers past stream as to advertise it.
Genuinely a good guy. Has so many giveaways.. on Twitter to make it easier. Don’t need to follow, just like and retweet. (:
He’s giving.. Gah! So hard not to love him!
Until you play games with him and he has no mercy and will destroy your team to win.
He lets people know that the person is his s/o, but what they don’t know is that you are also impossible to hack thanks to his security meassures.
He’s so thorough it’s insane. A perfectionist.
His PC set up is pretty cute, got an obsession with the ocean and whales so.. beach themed game room~
Not uncommon to see him drinking from a coconut.
There’s so much fanart of him it’s insane, even animations from collabs!
Adores his community.. but is aware of some bad apples.
Makes it VERY clear he doesn’t support harassment or doxxing, and that if any of his followers do that sort of shit they’re dead to him.
It’s hard work being popular, so many bodyguards at meet and greets.
Dude is so bad with money it’s not even funny, had to hire a personal assistant to keep him in check.. but but.. if he sees something he knows you’ll like..... MUST BUY.
Has a Youtube channel too, he puts up tutorials on there. Please sit on his lap while he edits videos, he craves attention constantly. Kissies your cheek while mindlessly editing.
He streams 4 days a week, sometimes 5 if he feels like it, so he needs his cuddles.
Streams last on average 3 hours, crazy 3 hours.
If you don’t give him a kiss before he streams he will be a very upset man on that stream. 
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shotorozu · 3 years
‘hey y’all i’m here w/ my best friend’
tiktok prank
character(s) : todoroki shouto, midoriya izuku, bakugou katsuki (bnha)
based off this tiktok
legend : [Y/N = your name] they/them pronouns used, quirk not mentioned
headcanon type : crack, fluff (x reader)
note(s) : yeah so my activity is pretty wonky 💀 anyways have you guys seen how momo looked like in the new episode? hot and the baddest b word in the house, as always
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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todoroki shouto
you think it’ll be hilarious to see, because his reactions are always top tier
despite his usual stoic and neutral expressions, with you— his expressions are versatile, and he creates expressions no one thought he was even capable of 💀
when your classmates saw your tiktoks, it was shocking to all of them, excluding the obvious, which was you of course
but lowkey, you’re scared 💀 shouto could go from this loving, and sweet boyfriend, to the coldest bitch alive
still, you decide to go through with it
doesn’t think too much when you ask him to be in a tiktok, it’s quite routine at this point— plus, he finds it fun
but the AUDIOO
and shouto’s always willing to be in any tiktok you want him to be in, BUT
‘bestfriend’ 😐❓ who are you calling ‘bestfriend’
stops in place and looks at you like you just slapped him, did he hear that correctly? like,, why the hell are you calling him your ‘bestfriend’
he’s your lover
“boyfriend.” he corrects you stern, but you pretend that you don’t hear the correction, “you mean, you’re here with your boyfriend.”
and yet, you go on like you didn’t hear a thing, shouto’s eyes narrow— and it almost feels like his right side has been activated just slightly
you have to hold back a shiver when he gets real close to you “boyfriend. not best friend, i’m your boyfriend.”
he doesn’t mean to be this worked up about it, it’s just a tiktok— and when you move the camera away, completely ‘unbothered’ he feels himself growing impatient
and when the video ends, the cool atmosphere seems to break into two, when you burst out laughing
“shou, it was just another tiktok prank, we’re way past the bestfriend stage, and you know it!” you poke his cheek, still laughing at his reaction
but, he’s relieved. your acting was good— and he’s glad that he’s not just imagining things.
otherwise he’d have to start acting desperate
the video gets a good amount of views and likes, and comments are INTERESTING “ooo did you see the way he just went up all close 👀” “i can feel the cool aura BWNDKWS” “he got so worked up 🏃💨 oh to have a relationship like that 😔🖐💔”
in short, never address him as your best friend. you either address him as ‘shou’ ‘love’ ‘pretty boy’ or ‘my boyfriend’
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midoriya izuku
the trend itself isn’t the funniest thing on tiktok, but it’s the reactions that makes up for it, y’know?
that’s why you decided to pull this ‘prank’ on izuku— his reactions are golden afterall
but a part of you couldn’t help but feel worried if he’d take personal offense 💀
similar to todoroki, your boyfriend is very willing when it comes tiktok pranks— despite it being well,, intense, sometimes
looked SO confused when you called him your ‘bestfriend’ and the smile is WIPED off his face
“b-bestfriend?” he has to make sure he heard it correctly, and he wants to throw a hissy fit when you ignore him
“Y/N?” he nudges his head on your shoulder, not liking the idea of being presented as your best friend, “i’m your boyfriend!” he laughs nervously
literally pouts
the struggle doesn’t last terribly long, as izuku continues to mouth boyfriend, when the word ‘best friend’ is being said (also while he smiles at the camera with awareness, he’s growing petty, can’t you tell?)
and also while he tries to make you look at him, by showcasing a look of innocence while leaning on, just because
when you finally acknowledge him with a stifled laugh, his expression is like 👁👄👁❓❓
yet, izuku’s relieved when you start full on laughing, wonderful laughter falling from your lips, the desperation calming down
and— the sudden mood change is well,, impressive! he was literally distressed from the word ‘best friend’ just a second ago, and now he’s relieved 💀
“r-right, you know i’m not just your best friend,” and he looks into the camera with satisfaction
the tiktok blows up, and comments overall— went insane over him
“mann he was so desperate 💀 he just kept correcting you” “bruh he was like ‘hold up’ 🖐😭” “NEVER call him your best friend again🏃💨 just look at that satisfied look at the end‼️” “aww look at that pout 🤩”
izuku’s surprised, sheepish— when all of his friends inform him about the sudden rise of his appearance on the app (afterall, he’ll still remain with you, even if he got even more popular)
needless to say, izuku will get desperate if you call him your best friend— man already spent some time being called your best friend and he won’t bear being called it for any longer
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bakugou katsuki
should,, you be scared? you should be but you’re not 💀 you can’t find yourself fearing death, since you’re dating katsuki bakugou
you say fuck it, and rope katsuki into your tiktok antics once again.
and to any outsider’s eyes, it would be surprising when katsuki joins in on your tiktok schemes
but it not— even though the blond pretends to hate it, he secretly loves doing these with you
except, that statement is ABOUT to be retracted back, when the audio mentions the word ‘best friend’
excuse you? katsuki is faar from being your best friend. that word literally makes him cringe, he hated being stuck in the friend zone even though katsuki looked like he didn’t care when he was still stuck in it
he literally glares at the camera, his palm’s already popping with mini sparks. if you were anyone else, you would’ve started pleading for your life but you fear NOTHING at this point
“who the fuck are you calling best friend??” he’s furious, and you try your best to ignore it, biting back laughter— as you film the tiktok
“i’m talking to you!” he fumes, getting even closer to you— and you don’t seem to budge, as you continue to record
then, he YANKS your phone out of your hands, and starts talking, well yelling— as if the tiktok would record his voice anyway
“i’m their boyfriend thank you very much! now fuck off extras! this ‘bestfriend’ will beat your asses!” he scolds as if he’s talking to the potential viewers, and stops recording— and hands your phone back to you calmly
you’re laughing your ass off, experiencing absolute field day, and he’s just like 😐🖐 looking super unpleased how could he not? he’ll never admit that he was this worked up though
similar to midoriya, the friendzone was a pain in the neck for him— so to make him feel like he was thrown back in it for a tiktok
just because it’s for a tiktok, doesn’t automatically give you an easy pass
“you were SO mad” you laugh at his expression, and he just says
“shut the fuck up, and you better not post that shit!” then proceeds to scoop you up, despite all your protests— and haul you into his room
you gotta give him cuddles, or he’ll be like 👹 a literal demon for the rest of the day.
but on the bright side— you have content‼️and the video did blow up, despite initially telling your boyfriend you wouldn’t 💀
“omg, you don’t fear death, death fears YOU.” “i can literally hear his voice through the screen, we love a protective boyfriend 🤩” “fly high, it’s been 4 hours since they’ve posted 😔🕊”
and when kirishima informed him about his sudden boom of popularity on tiktok, he knew that you had some explaining to do 🧍‍♀️
»»————- ♡ ————-««
likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei, i only own the writing and i do not profit off of my hobby
do not plagiarize, reupload, translate, or use my works for audio readings without permission
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cinnamonest · 3 years
Ok but also modern Xiao is the exact type of boy to fall madly in love with a camgirl/egirl.
Like people joke about "beta" dudes and simps being the type to like camgirls and whatnot but from what I've heard from accounts of camgirls, those dudes are the most *vocal*, but the real loyal viewers are the silent ones. Quiet, socially inept kissless-virgin loners that don't have a social life to speak of.
As a camgirl you get a lot of commenters during streams -- there's always dudes who feel the need, for whatever reason, to comment on parts of your body or the acts you perform, or a bunch of simple comments like "hot!!" and, you know, various spammed emojis. And most of the bastards seem to think their comments are worth more than money, since they leave the bare minimum despite all their drooling over you, but that's just how people are.
You do get one, though, that's virtually silent. Almost a lurker, if it weren't for the massive cash drops the guy deposits once per stream and one very short comment. It's very simple, it's always a huge donation, followed by a very simple request for this or that, a request that certainly isn't really worth the insane sum of money you're being given. Worded very plainly, no descriptive language or use of emojis or anything, it's more like "suck on it." or "use that one." Sometimes he alone out-donates the rest of your viewers combined.
Not to mention, he's the sole subscriber to the top tier of that patreon you started. So the mystery guy gets a lot of benefits. A custom 10-minute video per month, for starters. You weren't really certain what else you should put on that tier... So you contact him about it and agree upon sending him something per request every month. He's a gross perv, which you could have easily predicted. Asks for things like used underwear and shirts, lipstick prints on your polaroids, hell, you even fill up a tiny container with saliva once for him. Oh, bathwater too. Gross. But he's paying, so.
And then, he starts asking... For something different. A conversation. You're a bit surprised at first, but he's serious. So you do it. Schedule a thirty minute session, message back and forth. You expected maybe he wanted to say something, but you end up doing 99% of the talking - he just asks simple questions. What do you do when you're not working? What do you do for fun? Do you have any family? Do you have any friends? Essentially an interrogation into your life. It feels like the kind of questions someone would ask on a first date, to be honest. You can't help but feel some pity for the guy if he's so lonely that he's willing to pay for this, so, you let it go a bit over the time limit.
You ask some things in return - he seems to not like talking about himself, quickly turns back around to questioning you, but gives brief answers - You're surprised to learn he's young, and not, well, a gross old dude like you're aware most viewers are. Seems odd, why can't he just go out and meet people? You can't say so directly, it would be rude, but he seems to pick up on the hint from things you say and answers the unspoken question - I'm not good with people.
He's aware of how it all works. He's not a delusional bastard that thinks a girl on the internet actually gives a shit about anything but his money, but... It feels nice. He's... A very lonely person. Never got along well with others, never really had anyone that cared. You're always so sweet in your little messages, you send little heart emojis and smileys and xoxo's in every message you send him, and he knows it's part of the act, but sometimes he does like to pretend it's real. The semblance of kindness and warmth and love. Likes to pretend you're being that sweet because that's how you actually are. Likes to forget that he's living on ramen and has a flat-zero savings balance because he's blowing his grocery money and savings on you. Likes to forget the transaction entirely, pretend there's no money involved. And most importantly, likes to forget you have plenty of other dudes that pay for you.
If he's being honest, he does sometimes let... Fantasies run through his head. Sometimes. But he knows it's dumb. And he feels pathetic about it, really. It's not like he can even hope to get a girlfriend in real life, he can't even remember the last time he talked to a female human being. Or... Anyone, for that matter. He has no friends, he works from home online. To say his social life is empty is an understatement.
Becoming addicted to you is only natural. He realizes he's becoming obsessed, but doesn't see any point in fighting it. You're just so sweet, so nice, and you even take your clothes off too. So he... Kinda starts to lie to himself, intentionally. It's almost kinda like having a girlfriend, isn't it? A... Long distance one. That doesn't know his name, that he probably doesn't know your real name, and has never seen his face, but... Still. It's kinda like that, isn't it? Maybe, just maybe, he can hold a little bit of hope in that dream every dude that ever loves a camgirl has... That somehow, a miracle happens and he has a real chance.
But it occurs to him that even if that's not what fate has in mind, he can make that reality come true.
Perhaps you're desensitized to creepy, given how so many of your followers are, so you make what will ultimately be a mistake. One month he asks for something... Odd. Says he wants to send you something that you should wear in your stream, that's the arrangement for this month. You set up a PO box. Figure it can't lead directly to you that way. It's a t-shirt, rather plain single color. It occurs to you that it's probably one of his, that he'll get off to seeing you wear, but something feels... Off about the whole exchange. Like there's some other intention you don't realize.
See, he's a bit tech savvy and has already well figured out where you live in general, he just wasn't sure which apartment it was, so he waits outside for you to pick up the package and follows you home. What a perfect, utterly unimaginable coincidence it turned out to be - here you could have been separated by oceans and countries and yet, it turned out you two lived in the very same town! Well, you knew that when he sent you his address for mailing, but you were smarter than to inform the guy who spends nearly his entirely salary on a camgirl (let's face it, no one who does that can be a mentally stable person) that you just so happen to live so close together. He realizes you avoided mentioning that realization, but he understands why.
Yes, he understands exactly why you wouldn't tell him, because you know that if he found that out, then he might do exactly what he knows he's going to do.
Also, you seem to be looking over your shoulder a lot more lately. He would know, he counts the number of times you do it every day for the past week. At least when you're outside, he can't see you as well when you're inside your place, even with the binoculars.
Your paranoia is what he thinks about as he goes to the store - walks there of course, so no cameras capture license plates. Wears a hoodie over his head. Self-checkout. Pay with cash, untraceable. Double-bags to make sure no one can see the red-flag combination of acetone, bleach and duct tape.
Yeah, he can't say he blames you, but you started being cautious a little bit too late.
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