#yeah I’m peeved
lunacornfan2k24 · 1 year
How can I say that my adult sister is spoiled without sounding like a bitch?
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blaithnne · 3 months
Can we as a fandom collectively move on from writing Scrooge’s accent out in dialogue? Like the “ye” thing? Please. Please. Please. Please Please Please PLEASE—
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hamiltonforpowerpoint · 3 months
I just finished ACOFAF believe y’all think RueHob is toxic? Is it perfect? No but y’all placing all the blame on RUE. Saying that they only love this idea of Hob is crazy
Some things I want to touch (To my understanding this is what I perceived)
Rue didn’t choose to serve the court of wonder like it was some planned decision. Rue was an orphan who was kidnapped and forced to stay in the fae relem no? I think it makes sense for Rue to take the place next of the ppl who raised them.
So Oscar/Rue took the love at first sight route. Doesn’t inherently make it selfish, unreasonable, or shallow. I’ve heard plenty of stories of ppl getting together within days/weeks/months of meeting each other. Some people feel differently
Just because Rue lived in a place of lavish doesn’t mean they can’t be sad. Idk maybe it hit me more personally bc I saw it as yk yt parents non-black kid adoption. Rue being an OwlBear just trying to fit in in the society around them. We always say money doesn’t buy happiness why can’t this apply to Rue?
The love Rue wanted was romantic love. They may have had the love of the people, court, Wuvy, etc but it wasn’t the love they WANTED. Is Rue not allowed to want love? Love that is of kissing and holding and not making face and contracts?
It’s almost like the Bloom is made to make connections of any kind 💀 Again I don’t understand why it’s wrong for Rue to want to love somebody/love them. Rue didn’t force Hob to fall in love. Rue didn’t feed him a love potion or pushed him till he breaks.
I feel like we are a being harsh on Rue for being more emotional/dramatic but at the end of the day this is a dnd game. These characters actions rely on the descriptions provided by the player. If they add in a sigh here or a tears in the eyes there I don’t think it’s fair to fully put that on the character without the context of performance.
Wuvy Wuvy Wuvy. I love Wuvy but it’s clear that their relationship was platonic .l. I think Rue has felt that everything Wuvy has done (sort of) was due to responsibility of position/duty. Ofc Wuvy denies that but we don’t know how long Rue felt this way. I don’t think we see any evidence that says Rue told Wuvy to To change herself and make herself smaller I think Wuvy did that out of the love of her heart. If I had to take a major guess I would assume Rue made these changes to themselves first and Wuvy followed so that they wouldn’t be alone. While Wuvy may follow Rue command her actions are of her own. Did Rue do Wuvy wrong from time to time. Yes!
To imply that Rue is selfishly satisfying this hunger through Hob is crazy to me. I feel like y’all are babying this man. Hob was major and was set to be married. At the end it was Hob who went after Rue not the other way around. If he wanted to he could’ve atleast cleared the air with Rue then continue his duties. No one told him to hold on to Rue token. No one told him to dance with Rue. No one made him give Rue his badge. No one forced him to quit. He decided those things bc of his own heart not Rues.
Ig my question is if Rue only loves Hob bc of what he “represents” (like this idolization I suppose) why does Hob love Rue. He had his court, his honor, his goblins. A big chunk was Hob being to loyal to his court.
P.S The thing with the goblin court was f’ed up. Just makes Rue flawed not horrible.
TLDR: I’m more trying to fight I’m just RueHob number one defender. I’m not digging on anyone or being like “I’m right you’re wrong”. I’m just expressing my feelings after being on an 8 episode rollercoaster
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sanchoyo · 1 month
anytime I have to scroll thru a big fandom on ao3 there’s always dozens of chat fics and it makes me sad bc 9 times out of 10 they don’t have plots or are too ooc for me to want to read and it sucks bc I feel like the concept of an epistolary story told with only text messages is so fun!! Accounting for the diff ways characters would type/use emojis/emotes, how fast they would respond (if they have time stamps in the story) who’s getting left on read, trying to extrapolate what’s going on behind the texts, how a plot could progress in a text only format… it has so much potential yet usually it’s only lolrandom type meme stories which don’t scratch that itch for me 😔
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modwyr · 2 months
tbh I think the most concise criticism of ai in art (whether it’s movies tv paintings or games etc) is that one tweet that’s like if you can’t be bothered to make it why should I be bothered to engage with it
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daydadahlias · 1 month
any time i feel like my life is slipping away from me I remember the “open eyes right at twenty-three” line from take my hand and realize that im not even 23 yet. i have time
I’m going to say this in the most loving and compassionate way I know how
💙 you need to shut the fuck up 💙
im teasing but seriously the internet has so warped some of y’all’s perception of what age is and it’s genuinely so disappointing. If you are under 25, your goddamn brain is not fully developed and you need to chill out with this “im on the edge of my deathbed the second I turn 20” bullshit, especially if you’re a woman because media is constantly trying to convince you that you’re worthless if you’re not skinny and fresh-faced. Trust me, you’re fine. Your life is not slipping away. You’re literally not even a quarter into it. If you wanna come back and have this conversation when you’re 60, by all means feel free. But until then imma need you to buck up buttercup.
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lilgynt · 4 months
honestly fine with gale as far as how he responds and feels about counter violence to the capitol like i get why katniss is like i hate how he treats innocent human beings like they’ve personally responsible for his suffering and doesn’t know about taking a life up close like she’s right but also he’s thinking big picture during a war and doesn’t help most of his thoughts about the capitol or said war are proven right - like when he’s like is it safe to have everyone gathered here at the hospital and katniss is thinking yeah this can’t be healthy or encourage healing and he’s thinking no they’re gonna be targeted bc they can’t run and are useless for capitol use and bam what happens. he’s right in his own way half the time but what annoys the fuck me about him is him being like so pushy about his feelings even when he KNOWS katniss is completely oblivious to that kind of stuff and keeps blindsiding her with it and getting mad at her for not knowing what to do with that info even with the fact that she found out at like. the worst time of her life when she was stuck in a situation she would have a very hard time getting out of safely with everyone she loves and holds it against her she cares about peeta at all and the whole you only care about me in pain and all i could think is i’ll never compete with how much pain peeta is in so i lost it’s like so you understand how katniss operates is mostly out of concern and worry romantically wise bc she hasn’t had a chance to care about this shit outside of like oh who i am hurting/killing with my choices and then are STILL like im gonna kiss her then stop bc she’s obviously not into it at the moment for the right reasons and it’s like kissing drunk i get he’s like a teenager and is a dumb shit but also leave that girl alone for the love of GOD
#personal#like sorry! i’m gonna like peeta more where they have scenes#where katniss actively seeks him out after nightmares and refuses to let his hand go#where they spend their last free day just hanging out and cuddling and she’s like okay. to letting this moment go on forever#when she thinks about kissing him she’s like yeah it felt nice and had a suprising heat and i miss it now that i can actually think about#and in general seems like every moment isn’t spent feeling super guilty or worrying about his feelings#like that’s a large bit of it but more circumstancal than like. something that would happen with peeta#but with gale katniss is like i just want my friend back i feel bad i hurt his feelings like this#how can i make him feel better i wish it was like before and she’s constantly throwing out olive branches#and gale is upset with nearly choice she makes so yeah i get why she’s like okay yeah ill kiss him see if that helps#and in her mind it’s like peeta equals the capitol getting what they want and that path#holds so much danger and just. acceptance of the awful life ahead of her#so even if she does talk about his long eyelashes at length i could see why she’s like confused about feelings for him#and gale seems like okay picking him is picking a different life even she’s not actively picking him for him#does this make sense i don’t know but i get peeved during gale katniss scenes like give that girl a BREAK.#she’s been through two hunger games is obviously fucked up dealing with a lot of background drama and obviously cares about the people#around her stop being so fuckin mean#like they have nice scenes but it’s not their romantic scenes for sure#she feels safe with gale wants him around and they have nice banter but he keeps fucking it up with this i love you crap#even when he realized he likes her like damn.
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lizzibennet · 1 year
two wolves live inside you. one thinks that it’s really stupid how people almost personify years and blame the hypothetical concept of it for sucking and that people would be happier if they stopped seeing years as separate chunks of time and realized how arbitrary that is. the other thinks that people deserve to feel excited and revitalized and hopeful and if a new years’ celebration gives them that then by god let them have the fucking celebration. they are gay and in love. that has nothing to do with anything else the wolves are just gay
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aroaessidhe · 3 months
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2024 reads / storygraph
A Tale of Seashells & Shenanigans
YA fantasy
follows a grumpy 19yo who works in the fantasy thriftstore
when a girl tells them she accidentally donated her selkie sealskin on their watch, they have to go on a quest with her across the sea to the other store the donations were sent to against their will
but things quickly go wrong and they get stranded on a desert island, and they have to survive by busking, and hitchhike with some pirates to make their way there, and their frustration eventually grows into attachment
nonbinary ace disabled (cane user) MC, aroace ‘love interest’, QPR-ish
#A Tale of Seashells & Shenanigans#aroaessidhe 2024 reads#Hm.. I like the idea of this but it was a bit all over the place and I feel like the relationship development wasn’t great#the MC spends most of the book being pretty horrible to a very timid well-meaning autistic girl who isn’t mean back.#(like mutual antagonism can feel more even yknow?) Like yes this is the focus of their character development - we know why they’re like thi#the fact that they’re mean to her is very much addressed; they apologise eventually; the author is autistic and making intentional choices.#but......they apologise but then are mean again over & over. it keeps happening and it’s just not fun to read when it’s 80% of the book?#them being nice to her is a way smaller part and I just don’t really buy the love at the end.#I think the author’s strength is definitely in real world settings where it can just focus on the characters#- I feel like this kind of silly anachronistic fantasy world needs to be leaned into a bit more?#I also felt like Tillie was quite self hating (or: only focusing on the negatives) about being autistic and aroace with the MC there to tel#her that no it's ok! Of course that’s a realistic experience but I find when it’s so succinct like that it feels really….reductive; idk.#pet peeve i keep running into#I did kinda enjoy the detail of ‘I’m ace siren’s won’t effect me’ *immediately flings self overboard after hearing them* lmao#but yeah I feel like some sections of this could have been cut out and a couple things expanded on and I might have enjoyed it more
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luobingmeis · 1 year
☕ + pickles, and also indrid cold!!
(for the ask game)
this has been sitting in my inbox for an embarrassing length of time 🙈
(premise: give my opinion)
my opinion on pickles is that i really like them on my veggie burger :]
my opinion on indr*d cold is that i think i would appreciate him more as a whole now that i’m not super involved in taz anymore bc imo when amn*sty was Happening he fell a bit too hard for me into “fanon takes hold of this character and then gets up in arms when it isn’t canon” which like. full honesty was partially me being kinda annoyed and partially me being a hater because my other complex abt him was i saw like one or two people be super insistently like “d*nbrey is boring and irrelevant it should be replaced with indr*ck” and so indrid was kinda ruined for me bc d*nbrey was like So Big for me. and also i think ship wars are stupid + my previous grievance abt fanon vs canon. however as a character???? i think indrid is so cool, his theme is great, i loved his entire role, and honestly yeah i think it would’ve been fun to see more of him but i’m happy w/ what we got (esp w/ the entire style of amnesty and how griffin really showed that the character decisions justin/travis/clint made we’re going to Actually decide which characters do and do not show up) !!!
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sulevinen · 9 months
i feel like every jayce hater is a viktor lover
#like do you know what i mean?? every single girlie i see hating on jayce says they love viktor.#like of COURSE you love viktor who wouldn’t#but i don’t. understand. the correlation between loving viktor and hating jayce#because really jayce is the least of viktor’s problems#like oh jayce was sleeping with mel when viktor was dying (because of his own experiment) and that’s why jayce sucks???#like man. jayce has his own set of problems and VIKTOR NEVER TALKS ABOUT HIS so how is jayce supposed to know#idk my biggest pet peeve i guess is hating a character because they’re slightly mean to a character you love#because that is such a lame reason to hate someone#also?? most of the people who love viktor baby him. and that’ssssss a choice. to be sure. hm.#sigh i just sometimes dislike viktor fans so much lmfao and im not even a jayce fan#i just think it’s so unfair to hate a character from arcane over something so small#as jayce ’not being there’ for viktor.#i mean it’s ARCANE ffs and you decide to hate jayce over that???#really in arcane i don’t hate any characters except marcus#because every character has so much nuance and depth that i can understand them very well#except marcus. he’s just an asshole#but like. okay yeah i don’t know what i’m saying anymore#i just don’t like jayce hate because of viktor love#like it’s okay to hate jayce but PLEASE tell me there are other reasons than just the fact that he doesn’t baby viktor the way you do#ugh#viktor fans are another can of worms im not a fan of opening#🫧
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pebblezone · 1 year
Wait omg Apple changed the essential albums for The Beach Boys this is so fucking based
#talkingcore#like it’s newest to oldest so I thought they stopped at pet sounds because they wanted it front and center which is fair#but no they cut out everything before today! and put surfs up and sunflower in Oh My God#pet peeve: they have surf’s up under 1970 instead of 1971 which then cause of the alphabet makes it seem like sunflower came out first#which it did not. but whatever omgggg this has like no real impact but this is such epic news!!! great minute for annoying people!!!!#okay actually wait they do the same order thing with today! and summer days summer nights where they came out in the same year today!#came out first but because of the alphabet it makes it look like summer days summer nights is older which is false though I guess in som#ways the sound Does reflect that.GRGHDJ i forgot to post the other day how they fucked up their top songs#they had like a demo tape & 5 versions of merry Christmas baby as the top songs which like Girl No Fucking way#OH it was fun fun fun from fucking STARS AND STRIPES GDGDHDJ hate that album so fucking much summer in paradise gets bashed on (as it should#BUT it’s at least The Beach Boys singing. so tell me why they try to play off this shitty ass glorified cover album as The Beach Boys#the beach boys don’t sing on it!!!!!!! it’s just fucking covers!!!!!!!!!!!!! and they’re not even good they got Caroline no and it :(#that is not for you that is for me that’s me that’s my song I’m caroline I had my femininity mourned like it’s ME fuck You Stars and Stripes#it is funny that still cruisin and summer in paradise were So ass that they literally are Not on streaming platforms I had to listen to them#for the first time through YouTube because No one wants to pay for them and like. yeah. that’s a good call
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feretra · 1 year
gotta love spending like a dozen hours retooling your muses and about pages and rewriting things for people and then just getting unfollowed and shadowblocked by two people within a few hours of doing so
like fuckin’ tumblr lol
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whimsyprinx · 1 year
i hope people who get mad at others for writing in or folding pages in their own books know how unnecessarily stupid and annoying they are
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boysnberriespie · 17 days
One of my pet peeves is Americans talking about “libel” when what they mean is “lying”
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smut where he gets his multiple times on several different occasions throughout the story before it gets to where I get mine <<<
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🙄 i don’t read fics so that everything can revolve around the guy’s pleasure like real life
#been there done that#fanfiction pet peeves#im so turned off haha#fics aren’t meant to be as frustrating as reality#the fic had been sorta good except me being bored by how detailed scenes of him getting are and how not at all narrated ones for me such as#we are more than halfway through#skimming over me getting head by just saying it happened and giving shade size facial expressions of sounds he makes#his alleged “monster cock” that may as well not exist bc y/n hasn’t even gotten that far#who gives a shit#about a monster cock that serves no benefit for ME#i am bored#nothing indicated it’d be this way before reading so I think I’ll be checking out now#i haven’t enjoyed my stay#it’s turned into me glancing ahead in chunks to see when it gets to at LEAST the action going both ways but constantly being disappointed#not even enough praise for me like if I’m giving (despite the character wanting to receive) the least that could happen is extra adoratio#hmph#one of the reasons why​ I am so supportive of the writers who I read for is to manifest less of these kind of things in my life#don’t @ me#talm bout “then stop choosing selfish partners” yeah NO SHIT I can’t even be bothered to date bc I’m so over guy bullshit#& don’t go “well it’s free”- so we can’t dislike things we don’t pay for?? i know it’s free which is why I kept my opinion to my own post#instead of sending a message or qrt to the author out of respect. but I’m not ashamed it isn’t my taste#15k of me waiting on ‘the good part’#ydek when ur younger that it isn’t supposed to be that way. now I’m older & have learned but back then i thought that’s just the way it is#/end rant#it’s not an advice seeking post so don’t offer your differing opinion#was this written by a guy#update: 33,000 words. and it was all. about. him. 😑#that should have been in the fic warnings 😒
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