#yeah actually i think its you guys who hate adam
myhouse-pk3 · 1 year
when scott tibb haters + trans adam truthers for some reason wanna argue that scott doesnt support adam and his gender identity and thinks hes still a girl (in the situation of ftm transness) and is transphobic to him; they better know that im putting nails in their shoes and putting a jar of acid on top of a slightly ajar door so that when they walk in acid falls onto them
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Hazbin Hotel Characters React to You Asking for a Hug (PART 2)
Buckle in bitches, its time for some COMFORT
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Guys he’s SO nervous
“Oh really? You, uh, you want a hug from me? Are you sure?”
Nervous laughter 100
Takes a hot minute for him to adjust, but DOES give good hugs
Y’all gotta remember he’s a dad
So good, firm dad hug
His hands are clammy af, but don’t mention that pls
Gives you the opportunity to talk out whatever’s going through your head
Actually has really insightful advice
Like his daughter, honestly so honoured you chose to come to him
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“Must I?”
Begrudging as FUCK
But she’ll do it
If she has to
Stiff, awkward hugs that last for 5 seconds tops
No wing hugs :(
“Human souls are weird”
Tries to teach you how to fight so you can use sparring as a “normal” coping mechanism
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As much as I hate him, would give BANGIN hugs
“Fuck, you wan’ a hug? Fuck yeah bitch, get over here!”
Super enthusiastic about it????
Like, gives you shit, but its still one of the tightest and most excited hugs you’ve ever received
Very very warm
You will probably overheat if you stay there too long
WING HUGS!!!!!!!
Will be extra touchy with you from here on out
Arm around the shoulder, etc
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Is she mom, or mommy? Jury’s still out on that one.
Will never ever refuse you if you need a hug
Will, however, try to pull you aside and make it a private moment
Not a big fan on PDA, but your wellbeing takes priority
Makes you rest your head against her chest, no matter how tall you are
If you tell her what’s going on, will fix it
You don’t even need to ask.
She’s gonna check up on you after at LEAST twice
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Is she mom or mommy part 2: electric boogaloo
Ushers you into a sunroom and brews you a pot of tea to share
And grabs snacks, of course
Definitely forgets if cannibalism makes you queasy
Holds you hand from across the table and encourages you to talk it out with her
A lil bit pushy about it, but its from a place of love
But if you need it, will definitely hug you
Another one with bone shattering hugs
Her hands are cold af tho, so beware
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Tbh doesn’t hear you the first time, he’s super focused on whatever else he’s doing
Once he hears you/it registers to him, he’s pretty confused
“Why do you need a hug?”
Only hugs you if y’all are really close
Generally not a touchy person
He won’t stop whatever he’s doing though
Most likely will just sit you in his lap, so he can cuddle And work
Multitasking, bitch
Don’t do it while he’s actively broadcasting though
Super against PDA (bc he’s embarrassed) and will probably snap at you if you break this boundary
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“Wot. Why?”
Also confused
Like Vox, usually to busy to properly hug you
But will let you stick around and lay all over her while she works
Anyone who questions it dies Very quickly, and Very grotesquely
Very protective
“Babes, do I need to hurt someone? Coz you Know I’ll do it”
Probs takes selfies of you hanging off of her bc she thinks its cute
Will dress you up to try and make you feel better
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Seek psychological help 💕
I know he’s got a sexy voice, but you know I’m right
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taylorkellyreporting · 9 months
i hope no one minds if i inconsistently liveblog this bitch: doctor who season one from 1x04
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“you’re 900 years old?” “yeah.” “my mum was right, that is one hell of an age gap.” lmfaooo
“i’m the only person who knows it exists.” spoke too soon
damn, he left her. i wonder if the key he gave her was even real.
it was a pig 😭
every time they get separated, shit goes off the rails
girl, FUCK the emergency protocols
“sorry.” 😭
that shit was intense
“my mother’s cooking.” “good, put her on a slow heat and let her simmer.” CACKLING
i feel so bad for her mom :(
this episode really is…something.
why the fuck is the doctor just offering up all of this information???
he really should have seen this coming
*pretends to be shocked*
their cockiness is gonna get them killed
i never want rose and the doctor to be separated EVER again
“what use are emotions if you won’t save the woman that you love?” damn
don’t know how i feel about this dude joining them
“he’s your boyfriend.” “not anymore.” did i miss something???
something’s wrong…
is that guy dead?
i don’t trust adam at all
rose is so stupid. i could understand if it was mickey she was trusting but she doesn’t even know this man
huh, that was unexpected.
what the actual fuck
this ep’s gonna be so sad
the doctor never should’ve taken her to that day
“alright, i’ll tell him you’re not my boyfriend.” obsessed with her thinking that was the issue 😭
not important but jackie looks really good with her hair like that
well. that was heartbreaking.
sorry, but if a kid wearing a fucking plague mask was repeatedly saying “mummy” in an eerie voice, i would have turned and walked the other way. r.i.p. to rose but i’m different
what part of “don’t answer it.” is hard to understand? lmao
“excellent bottom.” gross.
i know i sound like a broken record but what the fuck?!
this is one creepy ass episode
this dude is coming on so strong dkgjgks
“finally, a professional.” rose, be serious.
“they’re not dead.” okay.
girl, what the fuck?
i can’t believe that worked lmfaooo
“those would’ve been terrible last words.” 😭
“half this street thinks your missus must be messing about with mr haverstock, the butcher. but she’s not, is she? you are.” SCREAMING
“i sent it to its room. this is its room.”
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that’s fucking terrifying
“the first day i met him, he blew my job up. that’s practically how he communicates.” pls
“okay, so he’s vanished into thin air. why is it always the great- looking ones who do that?” “i’m making an effort to not be insulted.” “i mean…men.” “okay, thanks, that really helped.” fkfhhgdj
i hate jack for interrupting their dance. IT WAS JUST GETTING GOOD.
“carry on with whatever you were…doing.” “we were talking about dancing.” “it didn’t look like talking.” “didn’t feel like dancing.” 😭
these episodes are so fucking creepy but they’re definitely the best of the season
oh my God, he’s her son
i can’t wait for mickey’s reaction to jack
“trust me, safest place in the universe.” famous last words
i hope the doctor doesn’t trust her
poor mickey
“it’s always the doctor, it’s never me.” buddy you should’ve known you weren’t first choice when she left you in the beginning
she’s an egg 😭
i almost don’t want to press play.
lmao, what the hell
it always comes back to floor 500
oh shit, the doctor cause all of that?
rose can’t be dead
i can’t believe the daleks actually survived
i’m not ready to say goodbye to nine
rose is getting a taste of her own medicine with the doctor and lynda djfjgjs
i can feel my heart breaking
who the fuck is bad wolf if it isn’t the daleks???
mickey’s really getting on my nerves this ep
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“there’s nothing left for me here.” ‘nothing?” “no.” she’s RUTHLESS 😭 but honestly he shouldn’t be surprised at this point
“i am the bad wolf.” BITCH???? WHAT????
i got my kiss but at what cost
all i feel is pain
that’s it??? how am i ever going to move on from eccleston? how the hell are you guys strong enough do this every season? cause i’ll tell you how i’m doing: not well, bitch!!
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thesimulacrasimp · 8 months
Ah shit, here we go again!
Ok i literally was waiting so much to see Lucifer n Lilith being a really happy and cute maried couple and now yall telling me that THEY DIVORCED??????? IM LITERALLY CRYIN WHAHT??? 😭
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And his voice is really cool too! Not really what i expected him to sound like but still good! N the way he speaks is really funny too:
"Oh the applause! Oh please, thank u, thank u.. oh gOD WHO AM I KIDDING, THIS SUCKS!!"
"Daughter callin-- Da-DAU-DAUGHTER CALLING??? OH---"
"Oh my golly!! You like girls!! SO DO I, WE HAVE SO MUCH IN COMMON!!!!"
Hes ABSOLUTELY my 2nd fave character after Vox. Hes such a sweetheart i cant---
Also the fact that Alastor was immediatly so pissed when Luci just steped into hotel is really strange. Maybe something happened between them that we dont know so far? Cuz purposely making Luci mad literally 5 secs after u met each other is really weird.
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i dont know how i think bout Mimzy rn. All i gotta say is she have a really cool singing voice!
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And this shot is really adorable
Ok we actually now know from Husk that someone actually having Alastors soul! Just think about it: someone have AN OVERLORDS SOUL. Not ex-overlord like Husk, AN ACTUAL OVERLORD. Is this even possible??
This last song made me cry (again). I feel so bad for Luci, he was abandoned by heaven n he just doesnt want the same fate for his beautiful daughter, cuz she is the only thing he live for (i want him to be my dad so much omg..)
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Also when Lilith took little Charlie away from Luci, it was sad, but it actually made me think, what if Lilith will be an antogonist? What if she will be the bad person? Maybe the main vilian even. I think if that will actually happen everyone will go CRAZY. But thats just my lil thought.
Ok, 6th ep! I actually didnt expect that we will see heaven so soon!
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Also i expected heaven to be much more strict place with many rules, where noone is alowed to swear. But turned out that its actually just a hell with better people and more rules, thats all. And its actually really strange that u can swear in heaven. Im not talking about Adam n Lute, cuz theyre exterminators and clearly just awhul ppl, this guy infront of heavens gates actually said fuck. Maybe im just wrong, but isnt swearing unacceptable in christianity?..
Also HELL YEAH we nailed it! We were right about Vaggie being a fallen angel. But the reason why she fell.... She was an exterminator and literally just didnt kill one child (which is really shows us that she have a kind heart) BUT SHE WAS EXPELED FOR IT IN SUCH HORRIBLE WAY.
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Also Cherri Bomb is being kinda toxic friend to Angel n i dont like that.
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and Charlies reaction to that was actually really heartbreaking
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And everything ended up with Adam winning. I really hope that justice will overtake in this whole situation and Charlies plan will work. And im really interested to see Charlie n Vaggies relationships after that reveal. I honestly think that Charlie will forgive her, but its still really interesting.
Wow, it took me long enough to make this post.. I really like direction this show goes, n i can not wait for the next 2 eps!!
My thoughts/review on eps 1-2
My thoughts/review on eps 3-4
My thoughts/review on eps 7-8
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iamafanofcartoons · 11 months
I honestly hate when people try to power scale Team RWBY to other character from other series. All they do is downplay their strength and call them weak. I bet if Team RWBY was all men, they would be calling them strong.
Well, that's not it, actually.
These people, when they "criticize" RWBY, they may watch the show, but they completely ignore what the show is about, its themes, what the writers are trying to do.
Here, I'll give examples. Star Trek vs Warhammer 40K Sailor Moon vs Dragonball Z/Naruto The former: women as protagonists or at least equal to men both physically and mentally, LGBT Themes, skill over strength, exploration of psychological and societal concepts, the women in the show can do amazing things that the guys cannot, you have to turn your brain ON to enjoy the show or at least think.
The latter: Women are lesser than men physically/mentally, fanservice, retcons, strength over skill, power solves everything, talking down women and telling them they suck, you turn your brain off to enjoy the show, and of course plot armor.
RWBY at the end of the day is not a shonen show....and many people hate on it because they want it to be. They WANT the men to be greater than the women. They want there to be power levels. They want women to be talked down to and made lesser. They want the show to "not be woke" Ironwood is only powerful because of his guns. Adam is a one-trick pony whose only a threat because of his semblance. Both are defeated using approaches that don't rely on screaming and power levels. The women win using skill, not strength or power levels. The theme of the show is about optimism not mary/gary stu stuff. The RWBY characters don't get plot armor, unlike shonen mcs. They suffer loss. People will scrape from the bottom of the barrel to find a reason to hate on RWBY, including somebody making a video claiming that Jaune wearing the dress was apparently offensive and bad writing.
RWBY still has cool fight scenes, but those fight scenes also mean something. Watts was nearly able to defeat Ironwood using brains, and Ironwood only won by powering through something, permanently losing an arm that he immediately replaced with a prosthetic. adam was nearly able to defeat yang and blake, who had to use brains and teamwork to win. Let me quote Vegeta from Dragon Ball Abridged "Power levels are bullshit"
You should watch Dragon Ball Abridged by Team Four Star, they recently wrapped up the Buu Saga.
They do a lot of trope inversion and deconstruction in their parody. And of course they're very respectful to the original show. But yeah, RWBY ain't a shonen show...it HAS shonen elements, but its more like a magical girl show with shonen elements mixed into it. Honestly the thing about RWBY is that its unique, you can't find anything like it anywhere...and that's part of the sad thing.
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Hello, redeemed Adam AUs anon here! Thank you so much for your thoughtful response. Despite close friends telling me to watch FMA for years, I've never gotten around it so I didn't know about Scar. However it's obvious the writing is far superior, and I've watched Arslan Senki from the same author so I know we can trust her with antagonists.
You mentioned the authors having to acknowledge that the system is flawed in the first place, to which I nod eagerly! Except, the authors already acknowledged this!!!
In V4 E6, at the charity party, there's a businessman that's always forgotten, who mentions the real problem is society as a whole. Even worse, that the faunus were PROMISED JOBS by the SDC! So they were cruelly tricked! By the dialogue, Jacques says mining staff from Atlas and Mantle are paid the same, but the businessman points out that there's a significant economic disparity between the two. Obviously it was a good scene to portray and acknowledge the actual issue and how people of power in Atlas didn't care anyway. Good scene.
Except it was never brought up again!!!
I swear, every time you think CRWBY can't get worse, they prove you wrong. So you acknowledge society is at fault, Adam and Ilia's families were tricked into getting a job, and the SDC is very aware of the issue (including Weiss WHO WAS PRESENT), yet ADAM is at fault? Huh? Wha? HUH?!
I know V4 and V5 are known to be some of the worst volumes (dethroned by V8 and V9), but they had so much lore hidden in details that went forgotten two seconds later, they sometimes feel like a fever dream.
Thank you again for reading my ask and answering it! I read the response many times!
Long Post Ahead
You're welcome, anon! To be honest, having such a nice ask after so long was a refreshing surprise for me lol. I'm glad that my answer was satisfactory, and you really should get into FMA! (Based for reading Arslan Senki tho-).
I'm really impressed that you remembered that segment of V4, so I went back to rewatch it myself (in Japanese dub, I can only take Nora and Ruby's Eng voice for so long), and yeah! They DID acknowledged it! Which is why not having Weiss confronting the malpractice of her family's company in V7-8 was so frustrating! Not SHOWING MORE of the wealth disparity of Atlas and Mantle was so bad! We were stuck in a nothing arc where the only person making sense, Ironwood, was bastardized even though in the same episode in V4, he stood up for Weiss!
Ironwood understood that the system of Atlas was extremely flawed, and he ran himself ragged to make sure it gets reformed against an entire council who doesn't care! The guy who actually gave a fuck was made into a villain because the writers are incompetent, the child slave who was branded and disabled was killed off with NO ONE knowing about his abuse or even acknowledged after his death, and the two main characters (Weiss and Blake) fucks around in Atlas with people they do not like instead of at least going to a political rally to support a council candidate who wanted to do better for both human and Faunus!
Hell, Blake and Weiss never brought up the abuse that Faunus goes through in the SDC itself after V7C3, where all Weiss does was give Blake a luke warm apology about her family's sin. Hello?? DO SOMETHING THEN! ARRESTING YOUR SHITTY DAD WILL NOT CHANGE THE WAY FAUNUS WORKERS ARE TREATED, ALL YOU DID WAS CREATE A POWER VACUUM FOR PEOPLE WHO BACKED HIM UP TO TAKE CHARGE AND CONTINUE THE ABUSE!
The show can acknowledged the imbalance all it wants, if it doesn't take the fucking charge of challenging the system it's calling out with its characters, it means nothing. Adam and the Amitolas weren't the only ones tricked to work so that they can survive in a kingdom that hated them for existing, but our protagonists do nothing to prevent more like them from being exploited.
I also stated that the authors have to acknowledge this systematic abuse applies to fan creators. You can criticize Adam for his actions against innocents all you like, but the moral of the story is that he is still a victim and shouldn't be made into the scapegoat of anti-Faunus violence. Adam wasn't wrong to be angry or hateful, stop demonizing him for being rightfully bitter about being abused! Stop with the Perfect Victim shit, please!
V4-5 were bad because they had potential but the writers elected to be boring with them instead, at least those two had a point. V7-9 meant nothing, and that's why they're the worst of the show yet.
Thank you for your asks, anon!
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arudoe · 10 months
talk about bruise anything you want, i wanna hear
i alr talked about some hcs so ill chat a bit about some aus i have heehee!
- idol jay au !
i feel like this one is prolly the most well known (only because its the only one ive ever drawn for….) but basically jay is an idol/musician and cole is his nr1 fan! it was very inspired by prime empire and also those like harry styles x reader wattpad fics from back in the day… yeah…
all ive got for the story so far is that cole went to a fansign event and while getting his magazine signed jay also sneaks his personal phone number on one of the pages (something along tbe lines of xxx-xxx-xxx text me o_<) and… yeah things move on from there 🙏🙏
- mad scientist jay and his creature cole
OKAYY this might be one of my weirder ones but i think about it a lot 😭😭
anyways jay is a disabled basement dweller college dropout scientist guy and one day he kind of feels some paranormal presence in his lab and conducts a bunch of tests and comes to tbe conclusion there is a ghost floating around in his lab. so like the normal person he is he tries to communicate with it but only gets a bunch of weird cryptid messages that dont make sense… so he comes to bright idea of “hey! i should make this ghost a vessel they can possess!” so he makes a body frankenstein style and low and behold his plan worked!
cole, a ghost from the 80s who possessed the body is now chilling in jays lab with him, but like most people who have been dead for over 40 years he is very curious about the outside world and what has changed.
but jay for some reason is very adamant about him not going outside at all, which causes some tension between the two..
(the reason is jay has abandoned issues) (also cole is kind of a freak of nature) (affectionately)
I LIKE THIS AU A LOT cus its so stupid honestly and i love me some ghost cole also like im still mad about how ninjago decided to completely discard jays love for inventing… let the man make his little trinkets…
- wizard school au
basically what it sounds like… they are wizards.. at a wizard school… and do magic…
yes this was partly inspired by h*rry p*tter BUT ONLY THE VIBES (i barely remember the movies)
BUT UM this is like a whole universe thing and theres so so much lore and world building so… if u want a separate post about it… lmk
- roommates au!
this is my most recent one (and the one i think about the most) but um yeah pretty self explanatory it was based off this jdrama/manga called good morning call so uhhh ya!
basically cole and jay were enemies throughout highschool and basically spend all their energy hating each other but they to their separate ways during college but reunite (unwillingly) as roommates!
they navigate living with each other and learn to let go of their hate (which stemmed from a mixture of misunderstandings and insecurities) and then eventually fall in love!!
i think this is the au i have the most work done on (i have a draft for every major scene that happens in the story heehee) and perhaps! one day i will actually make it a real thing !
so um yeah! i have a bunch more but most of them are very unfinished or just… vague ideas or vibes i go by… i also have some aus that arent bruise so um if anyone wants to hear about those… smiles
BUTTT TYSM FOR UR QUESTION i dont rly say this a lot but any interaction i get with my content means the world to me and i always giggle and kick my feet when reading reblog comments bc everyone is so nice 🥹🥹
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cringefailvox · 3 months
Hello! Fanfic questions! Numbers 15, 26, and 27 for the meteor shower series :D
meteor shower
15. talk about the characters' struggles and how you decided on those.
rosie: rosie struggles a lot with Wants To Fix People syndrome that is not helped by her self-awareness about it. she's a meddler, an enabler and a nosy bitch, and these traits lend themselves pretty easily to self-recrimination when she fails to steer a situation in the direction she wanted it to go. she gives herself grace, but she definitely feels responsible for vox and alastor since she introduced them, and since their falling out puts her directly in the middle, she's thrust into the role of mediator, however incidentally. she misses her boys and she wants that closeness back! but she has to come to terms with the fact that while she can try her best, at a certain point, the impetus falls on them to actually listen when she speaks, and it's not her fault that she can't fix everything. girl they need to be making this up to YOU.
vox: anxious attachment issues + rejection sensitive dysphoria + superiority complex + greedy bastard who gets off on exploiting vulnerable people, doesn't understand why his vigilante punitive justice besties hate capitalism when it's so fun + in crippling unrequited love with the radio demon = messy bitch activities. please pick a struggle
alastor: my guy is in the g-ddamn trenches in this series, rip. lots of stuff is wrong with him but in particular, the second installment highlights his struggles with amatonormativity and abandonment issues when he's briefly convinced rosie & vox don't need him anymore now that they're dating (they're not; he's delusional). he struggles a lot with his aroaceness, mostly because he doesn't think he's broken but he does feel bitter and resentful about the prioritization of romance over friendship, and DITITS is just one long relationship anarchy angst fest bc he's so meirl.
26. share your favorite detail(s).
from time has changed the metaphor: i've mentioned this before, but the parallels of rosie calming vox down from a panic attack after the radiostatic divorce / vox calming alastor down from a panic attack after the fight with adam in the exact same way <3
from dragging its tail in the sea: the running joke about the changing painting in alastor's room at cannibal town, because it still makes me giggle every time i re-read it
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27. share a piece of lore you made up for the story.
all the little bits about alastor's deal!! i'm a roo truther in my heart and i loved peppering in all the hints and motifs about the eyes, alastor being bound to silence, the idea that she only approached him with a deal when he was at his very lowest + after decades of inflicting low-key psychological torture on him -- oh yeah, delicious. i don't have any concrete ideas about this but i did very much enjoy crafting the Implications
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ineffablelvrs · 4 months
ok nevermind abt that ask i just replied to the person was a zionist and i dont want zionists on my blog BUT i do want to do a post about polish classic literature that ive read so let's get into it
so basically to start it all off there's a bunch of books you have to read for school in poland and that's like mandatory and in every school its the same and most people hate it a lot because they think its boring (its not the language is just a bit weird but i mean that's to be expected lol)
(for. literally all of these 😭 very important are the polish partitions, there were 3 of them, and after the 3rd one (1795) poland disappeared from the map for 123 years, its land divided between prussia, russia and austria, regaining its independence again in 1918 & it's important to read these with the context in the back of ur mind :])
the most hated are two most important polish poets and dramatists, adam mickiwicz (his books: sir thaddeus, konrad wallenrod, forefathers' eve/dziady) and juliusz słowacki (his books: balladyna, lilla weneda, kordian (dude's really great at making female characters honestly so id recommend balladyna and lilla weneda)) and due to their literary works they're pretty important to the culture (and here's a fun fact, they hated each other and now people ship them) (actually another funfact słowacki is suspected to be ??? actually idk i think hes just queer for a lot of reasons, particularly his letters to zygmunt krasiński)
ok but abt their books, mickiwicz's sir thaddeus is, as the subtitle suggests, about polish nobility and the last foray in lithuania, and its to poland what homer's iliad is to greece LOL
konrad wallenrod, my personal favorite of mickiwicz's works, is abt a lithuanian knight who goes undercover as a teutonic knight and become the order's grand master to fight and defeat it. machiavelli's philosophy plays a big part here (the motto is literally from the prince), and there's a coded message here how to fight tsarist russia
forefathers' ever/dziady is divided into 3 parts (part 2, part 3 and part 4, do not ask me why there's no part 1 i do not know). part 2 is about, well, forefathers' eve, part 4 is abt a guy who killed himself but also not really because of like failed love or whatever and hes telling a priest the story of his life or something i don't actually remember i havent read it in a long time 😭😭 part 3 is about the same guy but he changes his name so he apparently never killed himself ?? but anyways its my favorite one and it's considered one of the most important polish literary works and its got great lines and religious symbolism but it's also shows the pain of polish people, particularly polish youth, and cruelty of the russian tsar alexander and all his subordinates (also, the beef between mickiwicz and słowacki is present here. one of the negative characters, the doctor, is actually august bécu, słowacki's stepfather, who died the same way his character dies in the play lol)
onto juliusz słowacki now, kordian is abt your typical romanticism era guy, so you know, weltschmerz and all that but later on in life he finds a purpose in life and of course its helping poland regain its independence. so he decides to kill the tsar by himself and yeah there's no way this could go wrong right. written after the november uprising, it analyses the reasons of it's failure
balladyna is about a peasant girl who kills her sister to marry a noble man, and later keeps killing more people so no one knows she killed her sister and also because she wants to be the queen. great for cain and abel enjoyers id say lmao
lilla weneda is abt a nation doomed to failure from the beginning of the play by the prophet roza weneda. the story follows lilla weneda (also doomed from the beginning lmao) trying to save her father from death from the hands of the enemy who captured him and her brothers, so she makes a bet with the queen of the nation that captured him. it's inspired by celtic and slavic culture, and also greek tragedies. could be interpreted in a bunch of ways, like why the november uprising failed, why poland lost it's independence etc
probably the least hated one is the doll by bolesław prus, lotsssss of topics to use for writing argumentative essays which is why ppl like it sm 😭 and it's actually really good, it depicts a detailed picture of warsaw in the late 1870s . also one of the important plot points is the unrequited love of the mc, stanisław wokulski, for an artistocrat izabela łęcka
my favorite one is the wedding by stanisław wyspiański !! its a play abt a real life event of wedding of a member of cracow intelligentsia and a peasant girl (at the time it was rly popular for the aristocrats to marry peasant girls) with lots of symbolism !!!! wyspianski analyses the state of polish society which is unable to start an uprising, demythologizes a bunch of national myts at the time :]
another one of my favorites is the deluge by henryk sienkiwicz! its a long read so be warned lol im still reading it honestly 😭 it basically was created to keep polish people's spirits up in the 19th century, and its abt 16th century nobility !! its mostly a story abt andrzej kmicic and how his character changes and develops due to historcial circumstances (and also bc of his love for a woman) (honestly him and his lover oleńka are one of my favorite ships in classic literature 😭) but there are other great plot points ofc
gloria victis by eliza orzeszkowa is also a great one. set a few years after the january uprising, the wind visits a forest it hasn't been in in a while and the nature tells the story of the people who took part in the january uprising (the name is never mentioned due to censorship but we can deduct that thanks to context clues)
the coming spring by stefan żeromski depicts an natural and brutal image of the russian revolution, armenian-tatar conflict and of poland right after it regained independence again and it's issues. the mc is a pretty conflicted i believe is the right word? character which i think makes him interesting to analyse
tango by sławmoir mrozek i wouldn't say is hated, actually 9 out of 10 polish students love it and reasonably so ! it's sososoososo great and its so funny and polish writers just looooove analysing our society and in this case honestly just society. its abt a world with no rules with the roles reversed (the parents are rebellious and rebelled against all societal norms and everything is chaos now and their son wants the old world and its norms to come back bc like i said everything is a mess and he also wants to rebel but because he cant rebel against anything else he has to rebel against his parents and the lack of any norms)
if yall want the full list of polish mandatory reading books i can totally hive it to you !!! anyways i hope i convinced at least a bunch of people to read some of these because i really wish they were more popular lol
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gooselycharm · 1 year
pray tell what are your birdmen thoughts on the finale
oh man.... i just finished it today so my thoughts are very jumbled
i loved the first like 2/3 of the manga a lot! the original bird club cast charmed me SO much when the manga first started coming out. and what i really enjoyed about the story was that the sci-fi element served more as a vehicle for the casts' psychological drama and coming-of-age stories than sci-fi for its own sake. yellow tanabe spent of lot of time developing the bird club kids with so much care that when the scale of the story started expanding, i lost my initial interest... which is why i stopped reading years ago.
and catching up... yeah, i still stand by my thoughts LOL like the scope just got too huge too quickly... it seemed CRAZY to me that tsubame and sagisawa stayed behind the last 10 chapters or so like WHAT. they straight up went from main cast to minor characters... and yellow tanabe is a good character writer, so i was somewhat invested in the other groups like the american seraphim and the adams/eves, but anytime the OG bird club wasn't on screen i was just like :/ where are my kids
those are my main complaints! i enjoyed the slower smaller more psychological and interpersonal storytelling of the first half compared to the more philosophical and global scale of the second half. like please tell me more about kamoda's ex-basketball club. legitimately i want to know more about that rather than the fate of the world sjfsd;jfgkdf
but that's not to say i completely hated the second half! like omg..... it got so gay..... like wtf.... sorry eishi about your life. and how in love you are with the world's most inscrutable and cryptic 15 year old. i guess the tradeoff for yaoi is good writing. well. that's fine. no but i did enjoy the focus on the two of them even if came at the expense of the completely sidelining of the other 3 bird club members :'( sorry y'all don't have a homoerotic quasi-religious counterpart to share a dreamscape with
similarly, this is how i felt about kekkaishi's run too. the last time i read it was like 7 years ago, so i don't remember it that great, but i think i enjoyed the beginning/middle of it the most and was dissatisfied with its ending as well
also i echo this post by simkjrs, an artist i like, which actually prompted my reread!
but in the end we have this picture so its okay. at least my favorite character didn't die mid-series this time, thank you for that yellow tanabe
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EDIT: realized you asked specifically about the finale and i didn't.... really say anything about the last chapter LOL. my main gripe is that it felt very rushed -- we have so much build up to the seven meeting and what kind of decision they're going to make and then it all just kind of - ends? like they just kinda came to an offscreen consensus or something...?
in general it felt like this big climax that everything was building up to, all these different factions and sides, just all got swept aside and tidied up. the part where robin and her crew get greeted by this loving crowd especially threw me for a loop like WHAT... how does this happen??? just feels like we skipped several steps LOL.
but it's a sweet little ending, with seraphs and humans co-existing and determining their own fate... and the one thing i REALLY like is eishi being some government representative like that cracks me tf up it's so funny. you spend ages 15-16 on an international adventure fighting the worlds most morally bankrupt accelerationists and then ages 16 onwards as a teenage bureaucrat. amazing.
plus: apparently takayama gives up on becoming a timeline-hopping?? space-faring?? angelic being?? to stay guy who rescues cats and (APPARENTLY?) HAS A JOB? wow. what being in love does to a god.
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stylespresleyhearted · 6 months
I didn't follow the elvis promo closely: what happened between Austin Butler and Olivia Dejonge?
hiiii ohh well i’d say it’s more about what happened before promo ??? i.e more specifically during filming and covid lockdown. it might be a bit lengthy so bear w me sweet anon
*if you don’t like olivia don’t read won’t tolerate hate against my girl 🌚*
so sometime in dec 2019 deuxmoi got a tip about olivia and austin checking into a hotel together and keep in mind this is before any vanessa + austin break up that i know of although DM didn’t make this public until either 2020 or 2021. there’s also two infamous photos :
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that’s bebe orleans (a best friend of olivia’s during the time of filming i don’t think they’re friends anymore tho opp-) and a shirtless austin butler hugging her (apparently during this time olivia would post A LOT of stuff and austin or something of his would be in the background and as soon as fans pointed it out she would delete it poor girl is still so spooked by social media to this day)
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Then there’s the infamous shirt-gate. Olivia wearing Austin’s Hawaiian shirt and this was posted to Olivia’s IG jan 2 2020 about two weeks before vaustin break up hit any headlines. vanessa fans clocked this and tore olivia apart. i’m not saying it was alright for olivia to post but she was young, she was about 20/21??? and we don’t know where austin and vanessa stood during this time. idk just ~ drama really. filming continued, life went on, austin was in london filming mota and then DM was sent in this tip right after the austin x lily rose photos dropped
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Olivia followed DM when this was posted and only unfollowed them *after* this had been sent in. Now as much as I love Olivia and Olivia x Austin I actually don’t think they ever officially dated either like where Austin was claiming her as his girlfriend or girl or anything. I think they were just something ya know? Fucking, hanging out, feelings unrequited maybe but no titles. So yeah I don’t think Austin “cheated” on Olivia with Lily Rose but maybe they were still hanging out or Olivia was still waiting on him when the photos dropped so she was just hurt/heartbroken? Personally I think someone Olivia knows (or maybe Olivia herself) sent this in and knew using words like cheated would just make Austin look worse so they went that route with those words.
If you watch Elvis promo interviews/videos Olivia and Austin seem to get along just fine and this is where Kaia (austin’s long term gf) comes in. the photo of olivia holding austin’s face in cannes with kaia sitting behind them will always make me laugh because its so relatable i too would be messy having to see the guy who broke my heart be in love with his new gf while we promote the movie we’re in. olivia and kaia follow each other so i think they’re friendly as well. i think its kinda obvious that olivia did have feelings for austin/was hurt by him and then had to do promo with him where he sometimes brought along his new gf. this is when i really started to feel for her and began looking into her.
But then of course press tour ended and so did anything between austin and olivia??? they have different friend groups, live in different cities but then comes austin’s aacta speech
now austin robert butler why in the damn hell were you waxing so poetically about your co star who by this point wants seemingly nothing to do with you? i love this speech and can rewatch it and cry especially when you realize olivia didn’t mention austin by name not even once in her acceptance speech. i don’t think she did that to be petty i think she didn’t want the drama of it which i can understand. so i think she was just distancing herself from the elvis experience already by this point and trying to move on. there’s one (1) photo of them at the Oscars greeting each other but idk as much as it hurts me i think olivia really just wanted to move on from this part of her life. she’s good friends with sophie turner (who i also love and think is so awesome) and one night last year went to dinner with sophie and taylor swift and unfollowed austin. she tried to play it off by unfollowing 100 people the next day lol but girlie u didn’t fool anyone!
fun fact and unrelated but in 2022 kaia was having a girls night with charlotte lawrence (her best friend) and this same night charlotte followed olivia on ig (olivia who was in australia) so i always wondered if kaia was maybe talking about olivia lmao
now i think i’ve covered the most important parts but honestly it’s a lot of lore and most of it unconfirmed you just have to use your basic common sense and critical thinking skills it is not hard to see there was obviously something between them and olivia was hurt. i think if timing and the elvis possession and austin’s identity crisis during all this played a big part in them not publicly dating but i think in a different time/life they could have been “the one” and i associate maroon and the 1 by taylor swift to them. i love olivia, she’s gorgeous, talented, chill, minds her business, kind, idk what everyone has against her.
also gonna tag @bcofl0ve on this because she knows a lot more than me on this subject and was auslivia president she can correct me on anything if im wrong.
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lqfiles · 6 months
ANON WHO BROUGHT UP LUCAS THANK U I WAS ITCHING TO TALK AB HIM BUT I WAS SOOO SCARED BC i didn’t know if it was a safe space free of lumis or not…
my ig feels kinda curated to show me content of him there’s so much of his stans there compared to tiktok and the specific posts im getting is like “dreamies winning for smoothie!! …lucas in the back🥺💔” OR “dejun introducing lucas for his stage🥺🥺” SHUUTTT UPPPPP
it’s especially aggravating when there are situations in the industry that were far less impactful than his allegations the ones i’m thinking of specifically is soojin ex gidle as well as chuu have not promoted on music shows BUT WITHIN LIKE TWO MONTHS OF HIM COMING BACK HE GETS TO HAVE HIS SOLO DEBUT AND PERFORM??? and don’t even get me started on seunghan. what the fuck do you mean ot6 siren gtfo
i gave up on editing and was making shitposts on my tiktok praying for the downfall of sm ent because it seems they have a 7 member group curse DIEEE!!! (respectfully..! i lov u lee donghyuck i hope u can be free from the sm shackles in due time)
HSDJDKSKS don’t worry this is never a safe space for him and his fan i rlly do not like that guy and you’ll never catch me praising him.. anyways i got some stuff to say too but it will probably be the only time i’ll speak on it here because i don’t like giving that man attention 😶‍🌫️
bro i’m not surprised that you’re getting that stuff because when i tell you 99% of nctzens on insta are all lucas fans it actually shocked me 😭😭 i remember once commenting smth like “we don’t want him back” and i got sent death threats like OVER DOZEN???? MR CANT FIND THE BEAT?? 😭😭😭 tiktok is really 50/50 with a side that’s here for him and another side that doesn’t like him. the only platform i know where it’s mostly people disliking him is twitter but even then he got a pretty large following on there that is LOUD and ANNOYING
and you’re so right about that ITS SO CRAZY TO ME how SM just wouldn’t let go off him like they were so adamant on keeping him in the company for some reason and have been soft launching him for a good year trying to get the public to ease a bit, (the amount of concerts he’s attended to make his presence known.. you’re not slick SM) and i just don’t get what value he has to that company. he doesn’t bring the talent like he literally invented the term dozen because he dozen do anything right, he doesn’t bring the visuals, you can argue that he brings fans because he got a very huge SEA and latin (?) fan population that is veryyyy loud but even then the number of haters is much bigger, china literally hates him and korea barely tolerates him.
they didn’t hesitate to put seunghan on hiatus and are literally erasing him from the group in real time with the ot6 siren ver it’s crazyyy, all because he got his privacy invaded and did acceptable teen things? they kicked that SNSD member out for starting her own clothing brand and i’m sure they blacklisted her too, jaejoong got blacklisted too, soojin and chuu got kicked out, but the guy who has literal criminal allegations (that he basically admitted to himself) gets a whole pity sob documentary as well as rebranding as a soloist? chris lee is the biggest dick rider ever for this and it will never make sense to me😭
i honestly don’t like talking about him or mentioning him because 1. any type of publicity can be good publicity to him 2. arguing with his fans is useless and tiring because they will NOT change their mind 3. his face and existence annoys me so yeah i don’t like mentioning him because what’s the point hate-watching his content like that’s still publicity for him
but yeah if i find out any of his fans follow me i’ll literally block, even if you dont follow me and i find you’re his fan i block 💀 NOT A SAFE SPACE FOR LUMIS PLEASE LEAVE BEFORE I HAVE TO BLOCK U MYSELF 😭🙏🏽
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websterss · 2 years
I strongly believed that if you had found out what Ethan does to anyone who looks even breaths the same air as you
And it causes you to hate him because that he either will be heartbroken or he may kill you but we all know
He wouldn't kill you he would have to get Quinn or Wayan to kill you after they kill you he would
Be so heart broken because he had to do that, which he strongly did not want to do
But if you found out and like it made you love him even more he would be so confused but happy that you didn't hate him for it
I have to wrap my head around this for a sec 🤔 okay done…
If we’re going down the path of hating him, and you discovered that he killed everyone who looked at you or breathed on you then you’d think back to all those moments and the faces.
“What did you do?”
“I killed them all!”
“All of them…”
“Every one!” He nod so proudly.
Your mind thinks back to the girl who you had collided with. You both apologizing to one another as you both collected your discarded things from your bags. Or the man that tried hitting on you on the street, the guy at Central Park with the dog. Ethan had been adamant that his dog didn’t just take off on its own. That he ordered it to approach you with the chew toy. You’d ask…
“How would you know?” And he’d whistle, and you’d turn as you heard the pitter pattering of its nails on the floor.
“I told you there was no way he got lose on his own. He’s actually quite well trained look…play dead!” You’d gape in fear as the dog lay down on its side.
You try and flee but he’d slam the door closed shut. “Don’t do this. We’re fine. This is just a bump in the road. Don’t make me have to kill you…please!” You cry hoping not to end up like one of them, but little did you know you would.
If we’re going the “you like it” path. You’d stare at him speechless for a second trying to process the fact that he was clearing a path for you. Getting rid of people who socialized or brushed you in the slightest bit. On one hand it feels romantic. On the other you knew that you had to stop him.
“You gotta stop.”
“What? Are you serious?”
“You can’t just kill someone on my behalf just cause they looked at me funny. Like why would you waste your time on someone who didn’t even cross my mind afterwards. Can you be a little more smart about this?” You shake your head. Ethan would have assumed you’d be upset, hurt, devastated yet here you were judging his motives, his thought process.
“You’re not mad…”
“That you killed people for stupid reasons, yeah, I am. At you…not really.”
“Thought you’d freak.”
“Then you don’t know me at all Ethan Landry.” Your lips upturns in a faint smile.
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nerves-nebula · 1 year
I've been into the ARG/Unfiction genre since like. 2015. And literally I've understood the hype around almost every unfiction project to some degree, EXCEPT for Mandela catalogue. Like. I've never understood the hype. Maybe it's just because I found it to feel very formulaic but like. Some of the faces used for this that are meant to be slightly unsettling are just,, not perfectly proportional and are badly lit?? Like literally that's it. Like there are real people who look like that. Fix the lighting and it's just gonna look like your neighbor of something. It's not very scary
But also like, for real? On your points abt how the series itself gives off A Lot if proto-fascistic messaging,
when I first watched it I was like "oh! That's the point! This is abt how fascist governments use media like TV to influence and misinform the public in service to facism and paranoia. Like these doppelgangers aren't actually real! They're just made up boogiemen to incentivize the public to turn on their neighbors/to attack people who are disfigured or disabled" and I thought that I finally was maybe getting why people found it interesting and that I had judged it too harshly
And then it wasn't that and instead was like "yeah no. There IS a secret boogeyman group who aren't (side eye to that) who are gonna steal your children via television (even Bigger side eye), and nearly off of them are just like, slightly photoshopped pictures of Real People but now they're just disfigured/disabled/literally just slightly non proportional features
This series could be very cool, but its just a thematic mess and is (intentionally or not) communicating a lot of facistic/eugenic sentiments
Idk if this anon is well phrased but like. You're so right it's unreal
LIKE. what is the POINT. half the "scary" ppl look like someone I'd see on the bus. the intruder looks like the homeless guy who asked me for bus fair a while back.
CRUCIALLY I don't think any of the bigotry was intentional, however it's SO thoroughly interwoven into Alex's worldview and the world he's created that it's like. at the fucking center of everything. it's insane to me how full grown adults analyze it on youtube and somehow manage to do that without comparing and compiling all the tropes it uses to make its point (whatever it's point even IS)
whenever me & my friend talk about it we somehow manage to keep tripping into different kinds of bigotry!! we'll be talking about ableism and how Adam's arc is very similar to many changeling tropes, which were (and to some extent still are, see: Star Children/Indigo Children) often used to abuse neurodivergent or mentally ill/disabled children. and we'll realize that Adam arc ALSO mirrors the Tragic Mulatto storyline too and it's like wow!! Two in one! you've done it so bad!!
a lot of the issues with it are small little things that could be excused as a coincidence- EXCEPT THERE'S SO MANY LITTLE THINGS THAT IT BECOMES IMPOSSIBLE TO IGNORE.
it's like- ok imagine this: you're having an interaction with someone and they do a microaggression at you, right? not outwardly bigoted, just kind of ignorant. and you're like, ok. fine. nobody is perfect, they probably didn't mean any harm. it's not worth kicking up a fuss about.
but if it keeps happening EVERY SINGLE TIME you talk to this person, it starts to build inside you and it's like. it's hard to even say why you hate them because you'd need to drag out every shitty tiny thing they've said and at that point you feel like maybe you're just being petty- BUT IT'S NOT PETTY IF IT HAPPENS EVERY SINGLE TIME AAA
ok sorry i started writing an essay again. i think my bud's gonna like this tho he's gonna be so happy other people did actually notice
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jswayman1 · 3 months
hi could I pretty please request a jacob trouba imagine? maybe some like off day fluff (or perhaps smut lol)? troubs doesn’t get enough love on here :(((
sketch me in your notepad with the stain of this city, stitch my anxious heart, painter; let's get lost in the chaos together
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IN WHICH, the captain is spared from errands for his well-deserved day off, and finds perfection in imperfection.
2.3k words with pure FLUFF😮‍💨 hope this is good for you anonymous
— a song to listen to while reading: THE ONLY EXCEPTION, PARAMORE
Manhattan and I, we had a love-hate dance going on. The city's unyielding audacity seemed to waltz right into my nose with the scent of gasoline, sugar, and gross hot food—a ghostly perfume that clung to my clothes as I walked like some persistent ex-lover, refusing to take a hint no matter how much I quickened my pace. It was as if the city was trying to leave its mark on me, insisting I carry a piece of its soul wherever I roamed.
I had just moved here recently from Saskatchewan, settling into the chaos with my boyfriend, Jacob Trouba, and adapting to our new life together.
Despite the upheaval, my work remained uninterrupted; thank God for my employer's understanding of my desire to work abroad. From our charming apartment, I was able to immerse myself in the lively energy of the city. The move went surprisingly well, and I credit Trouba's steady support, even with his busy schedule.
Errands around here just seemed like an entirely new ball game. Thankfully, I already had the time this morning to grab myself some coffee and note that we needed groceries to keep the fridge from being declared an official disaster.
It’s also Jacob’s first day off in what felt like ages, so I had decided to let him off the hook from the usual grocery run. I'd actually much rather have him around, his tall frame towering over me as he fumbled through the many aisles, showing me right where to go rather than to fake-smile and actually talk to the folks in New York who are just absolutely known for their polite and kind nature.
Plus, seeing him navigate through everyday tasks with his usual mix of boldness and sincerity has yet to fail to bring a smile to my lips.
Lost in my thoughts, I almost collided with a hurried pedestrian. "Sorry!" I called out, sidestepping just in time to avoid a collision. The woman shot me a brief smile before disappearing into the crowd, leaving me chuckling at my near-miss.
I shake my head thinking about my own mistake, continuing my walk, feeling the concrete beneath my feet as I attempt to avoid another near-injury mistake on my way to the nearest grocery store. The familiar sounds of honking cars and distant sirens forced to fill my ears. While it didn’t feel new, and I guess I have no choice not to mind it, it didn’t feel familiar either.
As I entered the store, I grabbed a cart and weaved through the aisles, making mental notes of our usual essentials. Bread, milk, eggs—simple items that grounded me amidst the whirlwind of city life. I reached for a loaf of artisan bread when I felt a tap on the shoulder from familiar fingers.
Startled, I looked up to see Tate Green, the girlfriend of one of Jacob’s teammates and another person who had helped me find my footing in this city.
"Hey, you," Tate greeted me with a warm smile, her eyes sparkling with familiarity. Seems she had the same idea, picking up a few groceries herself. "What a small world, running into you here," she remarked, falling into step beside me.
I returned Tate's smile. "Yeah, hey!" I quickly reply, adjusting my grip on the loaf of bread. "Always nice to see you."
Tate glanced at my selection. "Mmm, going for the good stuff I see. The other half must be home today, then?"
I nodded, a fond smile tugging at my lips. "Yeah, well, it’s finally their day off, so I figured I'd let him relax at home for once. How about you?" I asked, gesturing to the items in her basket.
Tate chuckled, shaking her head. "Oh, no. Adam is out with the guys, probably watching some game or something, and they'll probably be out for the night. I decided to take advantage of having the apartment to myself and catch up on some reading." She held up a novel, its pages well-worn and loved.
"Apartment alone? Sounds like a dream." I commented, glancing at the book in her hands. "Hope you enjoy the peace and quiet."
Tate nodded, a content expression crossing her features. "It's rare to have the apartment to myself, so I'm, well, savoring every moment of it.”
I chuckled and couldn't help but envy Tate's solitude for a brief moment. The idea of peaceful silence sounded like a luxury I rarely indulged in, especially now that I moved in with Jacob.
Sure, I guess he’s not the most chatty person during the week, but those moments of complete quiet are few and far between. And when he is silent, it's usually because he's rewatching old plays on TV. I don't mind having some space, especially with how much I actually receive, but even thinking about it I can picture sounds of him right now replaying those games over and over, talking down on himself.
Shaking that off, Tate and I continued down the aisle, sharing tidbits about our week as we picked up various items.
We reach the checkout counter, and Tate and I bid each other farewell, promising to catch up soon over coffee—plans that will probably not be acted upon.
Bags in tow, I made my way back to the apartment, smiling of the thought about sharing this encounter with Jacob. The idea of him unwinding at home brought a sense of warmth to my chest. I couldn't wait to see the surprise on his face when I told him about bumping into Tate at the store.
The walk home was quicker with that thought in mind, and before I could finish that thought, green stairs loomed ahead as I climbed up to our floor, the bags feeling heavier with each step. Finally reaching our apartment door, I juggled the bags in one hand to fish out the keys from my pocket. The familiar jingle of keys against metal announced my arrival as I unlocked the door and stepped inside.
I look down at the floor of my entrance. Come on, Jacob. Put your shoes away.
The apartment was quiet, a rare occurrence when he has time off with both Jacob and me bustling around. I set the groceries down on the kitchen counter, taking a moment to appreciate the cozy space we had carved out for ourselves.
I exhale with a breath I didn't know I was even holding and see the sunlight filter through the windows, casting a warm glow over our living room. I smile to myself. I really did do a great job on this room, huh?
Unpacking the groceries, I heard a faint sound coming from the direction of our bedroom. Okay.
Curious, I made my way down the hallway, my steps quiet on the wooden floor. Pushing open the door, I found Jacob laying on the edge of our bed, my side by the way, engrossed in what seemed to be a sketchpad.
He was sprawled out, his white t-shirt and plaid pajamas creating a unique contrast only he could make work. Jacob's forehead was creased in deep thought, and I couldn't help but wish I could observe him unnoticed, just to see what had captured his attention so intently.
When he spots me, his eyebrows raise as he puts the book to his chest. “Oh, hey. You forget something?”
I couldn't help but laugh at his question. "No, I remembered everything. But it seems like someone forgot to put their shoes away once again," I teased, pointing to his discarded sneakers by the doorway.
Jacob chuckled sheepishly, running a hand through his scruffy hair. "Fuck, my bad.” He explains. “Got caught up in this idea and lost track of time," he smiles now, holding up the sketchpad for me to see.
On the sketchpad, bold lines and vibrant colors danced across the pages, forming a chaotic yet mesmerizing pattern. I leaned in closer, taking in the intricate details of his latest creation. My head turns to him, mouthing a 'wow' before looking back at it for another analyzation.
In a word: it's messy, but that’s usually what made Jacob's art so captivating. The raw energy and passion that bled through every stroke and splatter of paint never failed to draw me in. His unconventional method of skating into canvases was a reflection of his personality on the ice – fierce, unapologetic, and completely his own.
"What's the story behind this one?" I asked, genuinely curious now, taking the pad from his hands.
He looks at me with a mixture of pride and sincerity in his eyes, a rare combination that always tugged at my heartstrings.
"Well, it's a work in progress," Jacob began, his eyes locked onto mine, which were still eyeing over the drawing. "I think I’ve been so focused on hitting the mark lately that I forgot about the beauty in the mess. This is my reminder that perfection isn’t — always the goal." His words were gentle but carried a sense of vulnerability that he rarely showed. "And that it's okay to embrace what's not perfect."
I traced a finger along the chaotic lines, feeling the energy crackling beneath the surface. Jacob's vulnerability in his art was a side of him that he only shared with a select few, and I cherished these moments when he let me into his world.
"It's beautiful," words that spill from my head to my mouth, my voice filled with a smile and admiration for the intricate mess laid out before me.
Jacob's eyes softened as he watched me study the sketch, a hint of uncertainty flickering in his gaze. I could tell that sharing this piece with me meant more to him than he let on, his guard momentarily down as he waited for my reaction.
"It's powerful, Jack," I emphasize my statement, using the nickname I have for him, which has a story behind it that's too lengthy to explain. I finally tear my eyes away to meet his gaze. "You've captured something raw and real here. It speaks volumes."
I watch a wave of tranquility wash over Jacob's features, his shoulders relaxing imperceptibly as he took in my words. "Thanks," he murmured, a small smile playing on his lips. "Sometimes I forget why I started doing this in the first place. Your perspective always helps me see things differently."
I returned his smile, feeling a rush of warmth at his words. My hands dipped to put the sketchpad back on his chest, and now I returned to standing upright.
“Y’know, I just ran into Tate.” Biting my lip.
Jacob's eyes widened slightly at the mention of Tate, a flicker of curiosity passing over his features. He sat up a little straighter, setting the sketchpad aside as he focused his attention solely on me. "Oh yeah? How's she doing?"
"She's good, just keeping busy with work and all that." I paused, studying Jacob's face for any sign of jealousy or discomfort, but found only curiosity in his expression. "We had a nice chat at the store. It's always good to catch up with her."
Jacob nodded, his gaze fixed on me as if waiting for more information. "That's cool. She seems nice," he remarked, his tone casual but attentive.
"Yeah, she is." I shifted slightly, feeling a pang of guilt for bringing up Tate in our intimate moment. But honesty was key in our relationship, and I wanted to share everything with Jacob. "She mentioned that Adam and some of the other guys seem to be going out tonight. Did you plan to go, or…"
Jacob's eyebrows furrow, he ran a hand through his scruffy hair, a thoughtful expression crossing his face. "I think I'll pass on tonight.” He nods as he speaks, confirming his decision. “Got some things I want to work on," he finally replied, his voice tinged with a hint of reluctance.
“I'd also rather spend the evening here with you.” He paused, his gaze locking with mine. "If you didn’t have plans already."
A smile tugs at the corners of my lips, touched by the sincerity in his voice. "Sure," I reply, a warmth spreading through my chest at his words.
I could feel the tension of the day melting away, replaced by a sense of contentment that only Jacob could evoke in me. I will make sure I keep the way he looked at me right in this moment— for myself.
Slowly, Jacob shifts on the bed, making space for his hand to pat twice beside him. As I settle down next to him, our shoulders brush lightly, and his hand found mine almost immediately, intertwining our fingers.
He leans down, his eyes pressed closed, and his warm breath brushes against my hand as he presses his lips gently against it.
The contrast of the cold city air against the warmth of their connection sends tingles through my upper half. I can feel the heat radiating from Jacob’s touch, and for a moment, I forget about the biting cold of Manhattan.
"I'm grateful for you, you know that?" Jacob utters, his voice soft and sincere.
His mouth still rests in between my thumb and pointer, grazing the two fingers lightly, obviously not aware to the chapped texture.
I smile at his chivalry, tilting my head and lifting my free hand to push hair behind his ears. “Mhm. Grateful for you, too." I reply softly, letting my hand linger against his cheek for a moment before leaning in to press a gentle kiss to his lips.
Jacob's arms wrapped around me, pulling me closer as the sketchpad lay forgotten on the bed. I guess you could say his art mirrored the three best describers of what we have - messy, passionate, but undeniably real.
Maybe getting married isn't such a bad idea.
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horrorknife · 5 months
hi! its the bastard from earlier, you're plaguing me with visions
COMPARING THEM TO PREY ANIMALS !?!?!!! I LOVE PREY ANIMAL COMPARISONS YOU HAVE NO IDEA !!!!! I'm putting these 2 under a microscope and chewing on the slides
YOU R SO SO RIGHT !!! Hoffman's need for direction is something I will never shut up about,, even if Adam can't directly give instructions (personally I see him following along as much as the next guy) he would be such a good anchor. GOD !!!
old man cutting up apples imagery save me. I know you probably didn't mean it literally but that domesticity is nice 2 me and oh my god aughhhh
New dynamic to rot my brain I guess. need to draw about it... pawing uselessly at my drawing tablet....
I have this like, idea in my head that Adam offers his cigarettes to people whenever he has spares. he gets denied like 90% of the time and most of it is just habit from when he hung around more people who DID smoke (I can't see most of the Jigsaw crew smoking) but do you think Hoffman would join in??? or would he just let him exist like that?? would he start hating it but grow more favorable to, at the very least, the smell (association and all)
like whenever I think of Lawrence / Adam I always see Lawrence as not completely attempting to cut the habit out but definitely making an effort to lower it. Also very vividly see Lawrence smoking once in a blue moon when shit gets rough because he needs the edge off and something something associations. I'm just curious how you view Hoffman in Adam's relationship to that. Hoffman has his own issues with substance abuse (drinking relentlessly and all) so like. lots to think on!
going to you like you're the end all with these two (you are in my head sorry this can't be undone. you answered a single ask now I'm your problem)
HIIIII im so glad to see you back!! <33
I LOVE THE PREY ANIMAL THING...i think all jigsquad members are inherently prey animals (that trait never leaves u even after ur test) but adam and hoffman exhibit it the most i htink........i love the prey animal thing idk i just. thats always the wording ive used for it thats always the comparison ive made...i think it actually started w adam for me lol because he's SO prey animal in like the whole of saw 2004. scared fighting back biting thrashing doing all he can to live...
YES you get itttt! adam is VERY much a follower and not the orders guy. hes very wallflower/voyeur/watcher/etc. that doesnt mean he cant give hoffman direction tho! all hoffman needs is to feel like hes in control + be nudged into a lane. and i think adam is perfect for that bc he has that innate vengeful streak hoffman does i fully believe this. (adams characterization is VERY specific to me and im extremely picky with it bc i have done so much personal/rp writing building up of him and SO MUCH character analysis...............akjfngdkjfngjf character analysis is like. one of my special interests)
i would love to see your art and ideas oh my god. please . Please. also i am thinking about drawing the apple cutting metaphor cuz........i kind of got super attached to it as soon as i typed it LOL i have such a clear image in my mind.......
I LOVE THAT HC!! i have a similar one ahaha except i think he's a consistent Smoke Bummer. i think hoffman smokes also, and i think them taking smoke breaks together is so..............Yeah........i dont think hoffman minds it at all. actually i think he probably has a tendency to chainsmoke too. i agree about lawrence as well!! i actually just drew a pic of chainshipping smoking together :-) lawrence would def try to get adam to cut back but he's susceptible to it because i think it's also a way for them to bond and manage THEIR horrible mess of a relationship too. often times adam has to step up to lawrence's playing field but i hardly ever see people putting lawrence on adam's? and i think that's so much more impactful for their dynamic, bc lawrence Doesn't usually want to get on adam's level to understand him bc hes stubborn and Has To Be Right. for adam that would be huge because everyone in his life has treated him like shit forever and he doesn't think lawrence will do any differently, but if lawrence were to be the one extending the branch? Hoo Boy. yeah.
I REALLY HOPE YOU COME OFF ANON I WOULD LOVE TO DM ABOUT THIS STUFF!!! GENUINELY!!!! PLEASE TALK TO ME i love talkign about my special interests with people!!!!!!!!!!
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