#yeah maybe amy would be a little upset or jealous at first. but those are all her friends too
sonknuxadow · 8 months
i hate it so so much when people portray amy as disliking or being mean to sally and/or elise. she was literally FRIENDS with BOTH of them. and in the case of sally she even outright said that she was ok with sonic dating her and was very supportive of their relationship. where do people get the idea that amy hates either of them. keep amys name out of your mouth forever
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amyscascadingtabs · 3 years
give you my wild, give you a child
"stupid numbers, think they’re so great. i'd love to see numbers give you a baby."
inspired by that one line in 8x08 renewal, because he really did give her a baby.
read on ao3
It's been three days and Amy can't stop crying.
 Sometimes she thinks it's stopped, that she'll finally have a stable moment to talk to her husband or eat a meal in peace or facetime some of the twenty or so relatives on her list, but it feels like it’s never more than minutes before her emotions swim to surface again and something new brings out the vibrating sobs that have seemed to characterize this day. As it turns out, even newly pregnant Amy has got nothing on three days postpartum Amy.
 That she cries about the big, life-changing things doesn’t surprise her. When she wakes up after a night of minimal sleep and sees Mac in the bedside crib next to her, she cries because she’s so grateful; that everything went well, that their baby is finally here and that he's perfect beyond words. Then she cries because she thinks about what could have happened if it hadn't gone well, because she gave birth in a makeshift birthing suite in a police precinct, and so many things could have gone wrong it’s a miracle nothing did. When she gets out of the shower, she cries seeing herself in the bathroom mirror, because she's proud of her body in a way she's never experienced before. Then she cries because she also barely recognizes the person staring back at her, still looking six months pregnant except with hospital underwear and nursing pads in her bra. When she has breakfast after feeding Mac and tries to read the newspaper, she cries because so many terrible things are happening in the world all the time, and she doesn’t know how she’s going to protect this child from a world that sometimes seems to be getting more and more cruel by the day. Then she cries out of guilt for feeling that way, because she’s supposed to be enjoying this baby bubble, and what kind of mother even is she for daring to think about anything but her baby right now?
  As the day goes on, however, her reasons for crying begin to feel increasingly ridiculous. She cries because she’s so relieved to be drinking regular coffee again, then because it doesn’t taste the same as decaf and she’s gotten so used to it that the caffeine tastes weird now. She cries because the coffee goes cold anyway when Mac begins to whimper and suck on his fingers in the way he seems to do whenever he’s hungry and she has to drop everything to feed him another time. She cries when Jake turns on the television and a commercial for diapers comes on, because she can’t believe they get to buy them now. Then she cries when Mac has finished eating because the red flannel she borrowed slash stole from Jake won’t button properly, and she realizes one of the buttons has gone in the wrong hole and she has to redo the whole thing. When Jake offers to help her with it, that makes her cry too, because the way he’s not laughing at her right now but patiently trying to solve her problems is making her feel so loved she doesn't know how to thank him.
  The thing that makes her cry most of all, though, is watching Jake and Mac together. She always knew that sight would drive her crazy, and it’s part of the reason she wanted to have kids with him so much in the first place, but not even in her most indulgent fantasies about their future could she have pictured this. As grateful as she is over the fact that she gets to be a mom, getting to see Jake be a dad is a close second. He loves their son so much, and Mac so clearly loves him too, and Amy has to remind herself of the nine months she's spent carrying this child by herself in order not to feel jealous when Mac stops fussing the moment Jake picks him up. He looks so tiny when Jake holds him, the back of his head fitting perfectly in Jake's palm, and the care with which he’s handling him keeps making her emotional. He's always talking to him, sometimes whispers she can't hear and sometimes praise for her which she can, and that makes her cry too. He even chats to him when he changes his diapers, which Amy hides behind the door frame just so she can hear, failing to stifle a giggle when he asks in a fake interrogation voice what Mac has to say to his defense for making such a mess. He wakes up with her in the middle of the night when she has to breastfeed to get her endless glasses of water and granola bars when it makes her feel starving, and then he lets Mac burp him in the face and spit up on the back of his shirt before he falls back asleep curled up on his chest. He leans his chin on the top of Mac’s head to smell that perfect baby scent, running his finger over those cute neck rolls, and the smile on his face when he looks back at Amy makes her completely lose it, because this is what she dreamed of all along.
  This is what she imagined when they visited her brother Christian’s new baby shortly before they got married and Jake spent the better part of an hour making funny faces to the child in his arms. This is what she panicked over when he said he wasn't sure if he wanted kids, because she had always thought. This is what she thought of those nights after another timed round of unenthusiastic sex, trying to keep the hope alight until that single line would once more tell them not this time. She had felt it in his teary smile when she showed him that first positive test, in how hard he'd squeezed her hand at their first ultrasound when their baby’s heartbeat had filled the room, in the absolute joy on his face the first time he’d managed to put his hand on her stomach just in time to feel their son kick, and now it's right in front of her and almost too much for her heart to take.
 She's so tired, and she's sore and overwhelmed and worried about a billion different things, but she's never felt so grateful.
 That's what makes her cry floods at three a.m. when Mac seems to have finished eating and she comes back from the bathroom to find Jake still sitting up with him in bed, holding him with a hypnotised look on his face. He doesn’t even seem tired, even though he must be, is just looking at his son like he’s holding the entire world in his arms and doesn’t ever want to let go. She always knew seeing him with a baby would be incredible, those surprisingly toned biceps curling around a fragile little human and those heart eyes focused on one thing only, but maybe she hadn’t expected not being able to watch it without breaking into tears.
 “Jeez, Ames,” he says when he looks up, the expression on his face changing to one of concern. “Are you okay? Honestly?”
“Yeah,” she sniffles and dries her eyes again as she sits down on the bed. The skin on her cheeks is stinging at this point. “I just can’t believe this is my life.”
“Why not?” Mac’s pacifier glides out of his mouth, and Jake puts it back with two fingers before he can notice anything. “We’re right here, babe. We’re very much real.”
“Sometimes I thought it was never going to happen.” She hiccups. “All the times we’ve been apart. The months we fought to have him. How freaking long and exhausting being pregnant was. And now I have him, and you, and I’m just so grateful I don’t know what to do with myself.”
“That’s why you’re crying?”
“I think I don’t even know why I’m crying anymore. I’m so sleep-deprived.”
“Yeah.” Jake smirks. “But I get it. I’m really, really grateful too.”
 Mac makes a short gurgling sound that Amy takes to mean he agrees. She reaches out so his hand can wrap around her ring finger, feeling him squeezing it tight in the cutest grip. The grey striped pajamas has little mittens on it to keep him from scratching herself, but Mac gets upset whenever they pull them down, so Amy figures they'll just have to keep filing his nails instead. Their son is already both opinionated and stubborn, and she loves it about him, because she loves everything about who he is. He's perfect, and he's hers, and she still can't quite believe it even though he's right there in Jake's arms. It's all her dreams coming true, and it's making all the hard things feel so worth it.
“Thanks for giving me a baby,” she whispers. She’s too tired, barely even knows what she's saying anymore, but looking at the two of them, all she can think about is how incredibly lucky and thankful she feels.
Jake blinks in disbelief, grinning at her. “Wait, I gotta make sure I heard this right. Did you just thank me for giving you a baby?”
“And you're serious about this?”
“Well… yeah.”
“So you mean after nine months,” he says, still wide-eyed, “of you telling me, minimum a couple times a week but pretty much daily toward the end, that I could never understand what you're going through, and then you shouting some lovely descriptions at me whilst you were literally pushing him out, and also earlier this evening when you cried because I can't breastfeed him for you – you’re thanking me?”
“Some of it was a team effort,” she insists. “You helped.”
“Oh yeah, my nards sure are loving the credit.”
“Don't be gross.”
“Sorry.” He smiles, a little bashfully, stroking his fingers back and forth over Mac’s forehead instead of looking at her. “But Ames, c’mon. It was a pretty limited effort compared to what you did.”
“Maybe they’re not the same thing.” She leans her head on his shoulder. Mac is still holding on to her finger, but his grip is getting looser now. “But you were part of it too, babe.”
“Really?” He’s blushing. “What did I do that was so special?”
“Let's see. You didn’t laugh at me when I kept crying at everything the first weeks. Rosa made fun of me on a daily basis, but you just hugged me and told me everything was going to be okay. You let me sleep in when I had days off, even though I pretended I wanted you to wake me up. You fixed food for me without telling me what it was, and put it in front of me before I could feel sick thinking about it.” She shakes her head at the memory of those, few but complicated, weeks, and how hard they’d had to work around it. “You kept telling me I looked great even when my body kept changing and it all felt weird, and helped me pick out maternity wear when I didn’t want to do it on my own. I don’t know that I would have taken barely any bump pictures if you hadn't made me. You listened to all my research about the best strollers and pacifiers and cribs, and you did those courses and read all those books with me, and you came to almost every scan and held my hand so tight every time. You came home with onesies and hats because you thought they were too cute not to buy, and you gave me massages whenever I wanted them, and you even slept on the couch a couple nights at the end when I got angry at you for snoring. You barely even complained about it.”
“I complained a little,” Jake mumbles. “When you couldn’t hear me.”
“Fine. And lastly, you rode a horse through the city to get to me while I was in labor, and you didn’t even act like seeing him be born was gross.”
“I mean, it was a little bit gross.” Jake lifts Mac so he can kiss his forehead when he whimpers. “No offense, bud. I mean you looked perfect, I didn’t think you looked like a slimy alien even for a second, didn’t cross my mind, et cetera.”
“Whatever.” She rolls her eyes. “Point is, babe, you were there. You're here now. I know I did the actual work, but you were the one who made sure I could. I don’t know how I would have made it through without you. So… thank you.”
 He doesn't give her any witty comebacks for that, only a shy smile.
“I love you,” Amy all but whispers through the tears that fight their way through her determination to keep them in. “Both of you. So much.”
“Love you, Ames.”
She kisses him, putting her hands on each side of his thighs so she can reach over Mac. Kissing is a lot more complicated than usual when both his hands are busy and none of them wants to risk crushing their son, but it's still nice, feeling his soft lips on hers and squeezing his lower lip between both of hers for just a moment before pulling apart.
“It's hard to kiss you while you're holding a baby,” she says, and Jake grimaces. “That might be the only bad thing about it.”
“My bad. I’m just going to put him down so we can make out all night.”
“Don't you dare. He currently doesn't have a boob in his mouth and he's still not crying, you're not doing anything to risk that now.” Amy pulls the comforter up to her chin. “Wake me up when he needs to eat again and not a second earlier.”
Jake chuckles at her as she turns out the light and snuggles up close to him, but he makes no move to put Mac down or even protest, and she didn't think it was possible to love him even more. Her heart has definitely grown with becoming a mom, much like everyone told her about, but most seem to have forgotten to prepare her for how much it would also grow when it came to her partner.
 “I still think I’m the one who should say thank you,” Jake whispers just as she closes her eyes, and Amy can't help but smile. “If we're talking about who gave who a baby.”
“Jake, just accept the praise.”
“Oh, yeah.” She doesn't need to see his face to know that he's grinning. “I’ve locked it in a little box in my brain and I’m gonna keep it as gloat material forever, bringing it up when you least expect it.”
“That's great, babe.”
“Mm-hmm. We both know the truth, though.” Jake's left hand strokes over the top of her head, and Amy has to look up to see that Mac is still resting safely on his right arm and doesn't seem to have noticed a thing. Another tear fight its way down her cheek at the thought of how safe he must feel with him. This time, she doesn’t even bother to wipe it away.
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sorry-apsalar · 3 years
Frender Week Day Three: Jealousy
I picked this prompt because they're both the jealous type and I wanted an excuse to write Fry being the jealous one for once. Initially it was gonna be a direct tie in with my 'Friends With Benefits' drabble and the conversation Fry and Leela have would've ended with them breaking up because she'd never liked him like that anyway. And then at the end with Bender, Fry would be like 'well we're both single now, wanna go out?' But writing Leela and Fry in a romantic relationship, even for a little bit made me unhappy so I changed the circumstances to this instead.
Bender spoke fairly often about hating humans and wanting to kill them all. Fry had never taken it seriously because had proven many times that if nothing else there were at least humans he made exceptions for, Fry being his best friend was one of them. But one thing Fry had always assumed, or would’ve if he’d ever given the matter any thought, was that Bender would never be interested in dating a human.
That was exactlywhat he was doing though. And… he was happy, very much so supposedly. He seemed enthused by Amy and she with him. Fry had gone out of his way to show nothing but support for them, what kind of jerk would he be if he hadn’t? But… he hated it. He hated seeing them together so much that the temptation to try to break them up was hard to resist at times.
Seeing Bender dating other people had kind of bothered him for a while now. But it had mostly been other robots and none of those relationships had ever lasted long. And Bender had never been so enthusiastic about any of them the way he was with Amy. It was unlike Bender to even be like that, right? He just wasn’t the type. … Fry was just making excuses, huh? There was no logic behind why he hated seeing them together so much and thus he was just searching for a reason to justify his dislike for it when he should be nothing but happy for them.
It ate him up inside, especially since it meant Bender forsook their usual evenings spent watching TV together to go to Amy’s place instead. Even when they were at work Bender chose to spend most of his time with Amy. Eventually Fry just couldn’t keep it to himself anymore, he had to tell someone.
“So you’re jealous,” Leela said matter-of-factly as soon as Fry had finished spilling his guts to her. Maybe while working wasn’t the best time for such a conversation but Bender declining to go on the delivery mission with them to spend time with Amy instead had been the last straw. Fry should’ve been happy to take such an opportunity to try to impress Leela again but was far too preoccupied with Bender to do so – which was probably for the best since it probably wouldn’t have worked anyway, nothing ever seemed to.
“No, why would I be… well, okay I guess maybe I might be a little jealous.” More like a lot. “But he’s supposed to be my best friend and he’s not spending much time with me anymore. And when we are hanging out, Amy’s always there too and I swear it’s like they’re going out of their way to rub it in my face. And I just… I just want to hang out with him again like we used to.”
“Have you tried talking to him about this?”
“No. How could I? He’s my best friend and Amy’s also my friend, and I want them to be happy, you know?” Just not while dating each other. Did thinking that make Fry a bad friend? Probably at least a little, right? But… he just wanted to hang out with Bender, just the two of them, like they’d done before all this started.
Leela didn’t even look at him. “I think you should try talking to him about it.”
“No ‘but’s. When you get a chance to, talk to him about both this and about your feelings for him. Lord knows you’ve never had any issue telling me how you feel about me, why should he be any different? Especially since he has a far better chance of actually feeling the same way. And then if you two get together you can finally stop asking me out every other Friday.”
“I don’t ask you out every other Friday.” He’d gotten a lot better about that even if he hadn’t given up on winning her yet. “And what did you mean by…” He cut off as the full meaning of her words hit him. He took a breath to voice a protest, say he didn’t like Bender like that, they were just friends. But… he’d be lying if he tried to say he never thought about Bender like that. He’d never seriously considered it though because Bender was always ready to say he hated humans. An obvious lie given who he liked to hang out with but one that would make any logical person think that he wouldn’t want to date one. But that was apparently not a thing. So really it was Bender’s fault and Fry was officially annoyed with him over it. Also… “He’s dating Amy so I can’t talk to him about that stuff.”
“For now, yeah. I doubt it’ll last for much longer.”
“I don’t know about that. They seem pretty happy together.” Fry would know, they liked to talk about how happy they were together around him all the time. It’s almost like they wanted to make him jealous.
Leela shrugged. “I guess we’ll see once they finish up the last of the Proposition Infinity business. Now get ready go, we’re almost there. The Professor said this package is going to someone important and potentially dangerous so we should handle it with care.”
Fry groaned but at least work would provide a distraction from thoughts about what Bender and Amy might be doing together right now. They were probably on a date or kissing or maybe even having sex. Ugh! How exactly did robots even have sex? … He was going to have to google later.
“I’m bored and it’s not working so we should break up,” Bender said as soon as he and Amy were alone in her apartment.
“We should finish making sure Proposition Infinity passes first though,” she replied as she settled on her bed. “We’re kind of like the heads of it.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know. As soon as it passes though we’re through.” Even if they had ended up entangled in campaigning for it on accident it was still a good cause and would result in Bender being famous so it was definitely worth it. Keeping up the pretense of being happy with Amy grew increasingly more annoying every day though.
“That’s fine with me. But uh, we don’t know if this whole thing failed entirely. Fry could be jealous and just hiding it because he wants to be a good friend. I mean you’re jealous of how into Leela he is and you don’t show it often because they’re your friends and you want them to be happy.”
She had a point but… “I doubt it. He’s only ever really had eyes for Leela.” The fact that Leela clearly wasn’t into him was fitting because that was exactly what Bender was going through too. The best he’d been able to get out of Fry with this scheme was annoying him enough to make him leave the room by being overly lovey-dovey with Amy. Which was fun, especially since it had annoyed everyone else too but it wasn’t enough and even that was starting to get boring.
“Hmmm… maybe. But do you think Kif will really take me back after you dump me?”
“I don’t know and I don’t care.”
Amy sighed. “Yeah, I know you don’t because you don’t care about anyone but yourself.”
“I’m glad were on the same page.”
She rolled her eyes. “Whatever. Let’s just hurry up and get the rest of this Proposition Infinity business done so we can finally breakup and be done with this dumb act.”
*Some days later*
“You uh… dropped Amy really fast,” Fry finally said as they strode into the apartment. He’d been dying to bring it up for hours and couldn’t wait any longer. The fact that Leela had been right about Bender and Amy breaking up soon wasn’t surprising because she was right about most things, it’s part of why Fry liked her so much. But the timing of the breakup and just how sudden it had been was still strange.
“Yep,” Bender replied nonchalantly as he settled on the couch and switched on the TV. “I was getting bored of her.”
Fry joined him on the couch, happy their evenings watching TV had been restored. But he wasn’t ready to drop it yet so… “You didn’t seem like you were getting bored of her.” If anything, it had seemed the opposite right up until he’d dumped her.
“Well, I was.”
“And you dumped her because she wanted a monogamous relationship?” It just didn’t make sense because they’d seemed pretty monogamous the whole time they’d been dating, why would that suddenly be a problem?
Bender shrugged. “I guess. I was mostly just looking for a reason to dump her. Now shut up about it, it’s not important.” He was annoyed but seemingly mostly at Fry for asking so many questions and not all that bothered by the actual breakup.
Well as weird as the whole situation was, he was no longer dating Amy and that was a good thing as far as Fry was concerned. And if he wasn’t upset about it then maybe… it was time to take Leela’s advice? She’d never steered him wrong before and the past few days he’d had plenty of time to think about it. He hadn’t really decided anything so maybe he shouldn’t say anything? Or maybe he should? Before Bender ran off and started dating someone else who he might not get bored of, thus killing Fry’s chances permanently. What though and how? Words really weren’t Fry’s strong suit. Well, no sense beating around the bush, right?
“Now that you’re single again you want to maybe go out on a date with me sometime?”
Bender froze for a few seconds before turning to look at Fry. “Are you really asking me out?”
“Uh… yeah. It’s fine if you don’t…”
“What brought this on? You’ve never showed any interest in me like that before so why are you suddenly asking me out now?”
“Well uh…” Blushing, Fry looked away. “I got kind of jealous about you dating Amy and spending so much time with her. It made me realize some things. Or more like talking to Leela about it made me realize why exactly I was so jealous and stuff. It’s fine if you say ‘no’, I’m pretty used to getting turned down and stuff so you don’t have to worry about hurting my uh…” He trailed off at Bender’s borderline evil chuckle. He seemed very satisfied by something, what though?
“Nah, I’m not saying ‘no’. We’re going on a date uh… how about tomorrow afternoon?”
“Yeah, tomorrow afternoon works for me.”
“It’s a date then.”
“All right uh… cool.” Fry wasn’t one to question luck or good fortune even if it was strange. “That’s the easiest I’ve ever had convincing someone to go on a date with me.”
Bender put and arm around Fry, pulling him closer to his side. “Don’t question it.”
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cutegirlmayra · 3 years
Do you think Sonic actually is slightly possessive of Amy? Like probably being (subtly) protective and jealous if she ever forgot to acknowledge him in favor of another boy. <3
I... don’t think so? Because Sonic’s big thing is freedom, yeah? So he wouldn’t naturally try to be ‘controlling’ in any sense of it.
However, though he hides his sensitivities, I think he would be slightly jealous of Amy’s attentions being pulled from him, but he’d have to be in a certain mood.
I think, normally, Sonic doesn’t worry too much about Amy unless she’s in immediate danger, or he feels he’s been gone long enough that--”I better get back. Amy may get worried about me.” Cause he knows she gets lonely, that’s why he goes on dates with her.
Also, SEGA officials stated that Amy will always have eyes for Sonic, and no one else. So... Sonic has nothing to worry about regardless XD
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Now for the evidence, he made sure SHE was the first person he visited when returning.
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It is officially stated in the Canon that she was worried about him, thus, my analysis that he’s aware she worries when he’s been gone for a long time has some merit.
Next, he does go on dates with Amy to ‘appease’ that loneliness she feels.
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He didn’t forget their date, but found out Eggman was lose, and couldn’t keep it in the end. (There’s also the translation that states it WAS his race day and she got it wrong, but I think that depends on iterations.)
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I doubt he’s possessive because in this scene, instead of telling Amy--”You can only be friends with heroes!” he accepts her decision of sparing the robots, showing he doesn’t mind her having other friends, it’s her mind and her life. He was there to protect and save her, not to attack her own choices or thoughts.
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Likewise, Amy is a little possessive, but actively fights that for the good of Sonic saving others/the world and letting him do what makes him happy--adventure. Sonic DOES accept Amy’s feelings in her romantic gift to help him conquer his fear of water-
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-showing she cares deeply about him, and he was about to receive that affection before Eggman interrupted. Then, he risks his life for Amy, taking on the water because in the end... she’s his lucky charm~<3 He doesn’t fear anything if it means saving her~<3
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See that? No fear. Just rescue. Expression is even one of care, not possessive ‘It must be me who saves Amy!’ but ‘I can’t let her get hurt for my sake!’.
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He’s fine being rescued by her, he’s fine with her nature but finds it a bit over-the-top which embarrasses him and weirds him out. But he accepts her, she’s still his friend.
What IS interesting is that in every storyline... I’m pretty sure Amy is always saved by Sonic and no one else. The few instances where she ‘convinces people’ to help save her is a little different than being in peril and having someone scoop you out of it. Could Sonic be possessive of being her hero? No. I think as long as Amy is okay, he’d be grateful.
He’s able to push his pride to the side to do the right thing, and isn’t ‘insecure about his manhood’ and allows Amy to even dominate over him at times... but he shows his discomfort in such antics, but never actively goes to stopping Amy from expressing herself in the way that makes her happiest.
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(She can get a little much... she’s a little more possessive than Sonic, so he doesn’t really need to be XD)
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He even shows nerves about her looking ‘pretty’ since his objectives are not ‘romance’ but I do believe he’s a ‘timing’ guy. As in ‘heat of the moment’ kind of guy.
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CAN Sonic have negative and even unhealthy emotions? Yes! It was canon within the Sonic X series, showing that maybe, if allowed another season, they would dive deeper into Sonic -needing to be saved, turning dark- but we never got to see more of this. And, Sonic had good reason to get upset during these transformations that made him lose control and get ultra violent in his speed. It wasn’t fun anymore... you were hurting his friends.
Now, back to the first question. Possessive? No. But accepting and wanting to be something important to Amy?
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Sonic is just fine being someone she loves... though it can get a bit... ‘expressive’ on Amy’s end, he finds his own ‘subtle’ ways to show he doesn’t mind... being with her every now and then~<3
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He’s even incredibly supportive! When she comes to get him, he constantly ‘compliments’ her as a ‘reward’ for all her effort in trying to help/save him... Even if he could do it himself, he didn’t mind her risking herself for him... because honestly? He’d do the same thing for her! (We support a supportive boyfriend who lets his girlfriend lead an episode rescue mission for a change XD)
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From the very start, he didn’t mind helping those who needed him. He still doesn’t mind being there for Amy, but no... As long as Amy is happy and safe, I don’t think he’d express too much ‘But I’m her hero...’ vibe. It’s just not like him?
But don’t we all want a little jealous Sonic xD
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Also, note, Amy has saved Sonic COUNTLESS times as well! This is a really good, healthy mutual saving and supporting one another in their ‘respective’ things XD
See? I try and make sure I have my thoughts plotted out with canon evidence (or different universes evidences) so everyone can see where I pull my theories from ^^ Logic! lol
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deja-you · 4 years
apollo & daphne
m. de lafayette x reader
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“Now, ladies, maybe we should take this to the roof? I promise the view will not disappoint.” 
“You have access to the roof?” One of the girls that Hercules had wrapped his arm around giggled. 
“I was unaware you worked here, Mr. Mulligan,” said the other girl.
“Oh, he doesn’t.”
Hercules glanced up to see his best friend, the Marquis de Lafayette, join his little group. 
“Non, last I recall, you were in the fashion industry. Correct?” Lafayette asked, giving each of Mulligan’s companions a charming smile.
“The fashion industry?” Asked one of the girls.
“Yes, I-”
“You work at the dry cleaners just down the street, isn’t that right?” Lafayette interjected.
The girls slowly began pulling away from Mulligan’s side. “So... you don’t have a big corner office upstairs that overlooks the Manhattan skyline?”
“Well, no, but I-”
“Ladies, he may not be a successful lawyer who works at this firm, but he can get you a great discount if you ever need some laundry done,” Lafayette grinned. 
“I think our friend is actually waiting for us over there...”
And with that, Mulligan’s two dates abandoned him and slipped off into the crowd. Hercules tried to call after them, but they were gone. Instead, he was left with a snickering Frenchman at his side.
“Oh ha ha. You’re so funny. You just cost me a great night.” Mulligan fumed.
“What? With those two? Please. You had no chance.”
“I had a plan and everything. I was gonna take them up to the roof, show them the view. Maybe steal a bottle of champagne from the party. And then take them back to your office,” Mulligan explained. 
Lafayette laughed again, taking a sip of his own champagne. 
“What?” Asked Mulligan. “You don’t think it would’ve worked? I guess we won’t know since you decided to come over here with your whole dry-cleaning-shtick!”
“Quoi? Is that not what you do for a living?”
“You know perfectly well that I’m a tailor. And a very successful one at that!”
“My mistake.”
Mulligan fumed silently for a second. His eyes searched the room until they landed on a familiar face, and a smile spread across the tailor’s face. A plan hatched right there and then. A plan that would make sure his friend never messed with him again.
“Or maybe,” Mulligan began, “you were just jealous.”
Lafayette nearly coughed up his champagne in surprise.
“Jealous?” He asked. “Of what?”
Lafayette sized Hercules up with an unimpressed look. 
“Jealous that the ladies love me and find you repulsive.” Mulligan stated, matter-of-factly.
“Moi?! Repulsive?” Lafayette was perplexed at the very idea.
“Yes, exactly. You were upset that you don’t have any date while I have two.”
“Had. Past tense.”
“Oh shut up. You can barely speak English. Don’t try schooling me on past and present tenses.”
This induced a chuckle from Lafayette. “Mon ami, I can assure you that I am not jealous of you. The ladies cannot resist me. It’s all in ze accent Francais. All I ‘ave to do is say “’ow you say,” and zheir knees go weak.”
Lafayette spoke in an obnoxiously thick French accent. One that Mulligan knew he was exaggerating just to make a point. An accent so pretentious, it made Mulligan want to punch is friend in that stupid French face. But not yet. He would play the long game.
So gritting his teeth, Mulligan said, “a French accent? Is that all you’ve got?”
Lafayette scoffed. “All I’ve got? If they are not impressed with the accent, my devilishly charming good looks will do the trick.”
“And this works on every woman?”
“Oui, every woman.”
A grin slowly spread across Mulligan’s face as he watched his friend fall into his trap. “Would you like to put that theory to a test?”
“A test? What are you proposing?”
“If you’re as charming as you say, then you’ll have no problem getting, I don’t know,” Mulligan surveyed the room before pointing at a woman in a deep scarlet dress, “her number by the end of the night?”
Lafayette followed Mulligan’s gaze to the woman across the room. She wore a form-fitting evening scarlet gown that complemented her figure nicely with a classy pair of heels. Her hair fell perfectly, making her look nearly angelic. And, God, that smile? Lafayette knew he would follow any command that came out of those perfect red lips. She was a goddess among men. 
“Oh, um...” Lafayette struggled to regain his composure, but eventually his cocky grin reappeared on his face. “Her number? That will be, ‘ow you say, a piece of cake.”
“And if you don’t get her number by the end of the night, you owe me ‘ow you say’ fifty bucks.” Hercules said, mocking Lafayette’s accent.
“Is that how it is now?” Lafayette raised an eyebrow. “And what do I get if I win?”
“Why, the phone number of a beautiful woman.”
Lafayette let his eyes wander back to the girl, his eyes traveling up and down her body once more. “We have a deal, Mulligan.”
“Great,” beamed Hercules. “Now, would you quit shamelessly checking out my cousin, Lafayette? It’s seriously gross.”
Lafayette snapped his attention away from the woman in scarlet. “Your cousin?”
“Yes, my cousin. Did I forget to mention that? My mistake.” Mulligan began making his way across the room to the gorgeous woman, calling out her name in a sing-song voice.
As Lafayette watched the two greet each other in a familiar manner, he felt his heart sink. Mulligan had set a trap and he had walked right into it.
“Hercules! I really thought you had abandoned me for some pretty girl.” 
“My dear cousin, do you really think I would have done that?” 
The answer was yes. Yes, Hercules Mulligan would have abandoned his cousin at the company party to charm a pretty girl. And it would have been two pretty girls if his friend hadn’t intervened. But that was fine. Mulligan would have his revenge. 
“Of course not, you would never.” Y/n rolled her eyes, still leaning up to kiss her cousin on each cheek. “Now, Hercules, where is this man that you’re always insisting is perfect for me? Do I finally get to meet him?”
Mulligan glanced at Lafayette briefly. “No, he couldn’t make it tonight. I’m afraid, dear, that most of the men here are only interested in getting you drunk and into their bedrooms.”
“Oh?” She frowned slightly. “Even the guy you were just talking with? He’s very attractive.”
“Especially him! He’s the worst of them all. He’ll show up to a party with one girl, and leave with another. I wouldn’t get mixed up with the likes of him, dear.”
“That’s a shame. Oh, it looks like he’s headed over here!” She whispered softly to her cousin.
“That would be my cue to leave,” Hercules muttered.
“Wait, wha-?”
Before she could finish her sentence, her cousin melted into the crowd and the handsome stranger took his place beside her. And was it possible that he looked even better up close?
“Good evening, mademoiselle. You must be Mulligan’s cousin, oui?” 
An accent? Y/n hadn’t prepared herself for that. It flustered her for a moment, making her eyes glance nervously to the ground. She snapped them back up to meet his, hoping he hadn’t noticed her moment of weakness. The easy grin he wore told her he did. 
“Ah, so you know who I am,” she said, “but I don’t know who you are.”
“Everyone around here calls me Lafayette, but you can just call me later.”
She scoffed at his cheesy pick-up line. Actually scoffed. Did he really think that would work on her? Did that actually work on other girls? She was reminded of what her cousin had said before. Perhaps Lafayette was used to waltzing in with his accent and pick-up lines and sweeping girls off their feet. But this was not going to be one of those times. 
“Did you... did you really just say that?”
“And I meant it. You’re the most beautiful girl in this room, chérie. I’d be a fool not to be interested in you.” His response was smooth, almost as if he had rehearsed it.
“You don’t know a single thing about me yet.”
“Then I’d love to get to know you some more.”
She shook her head in disbelief at the man’s insistence. He really wasn’t giving up, was he? Did he seriously want to get to know her? Or was this all to get her back to his place later?
“If you really want to get to know me, I’m going to need a few things.”
“First, you’re going to need to stop with your cheesy-pick up lines. And second, I’m going to need a drink.”
Lafayette chuckled. “Of course. Is there a certain drink you had in mind?”
She studied him for a moment. “Surprise me.”
He raised an eyebrow, shook his head a little, laughed, and made his way over to the bar. When he was gone, Y/n found she could finally breathe again. Did he really leave her breathless? No, not like that. It couldn’t be like that. Yes, Lafayette was incredibly charming, but she wasn’t about to forget what Hercules had told her about him. And speaking of Hercules, the tailor slid his way back to his cousin’s side.
“So, dear, what are your thoughts on Lafayette?” Hercules asked. “Was he charming?”
“Cheesy. But definitely charming.”
“Oh yeah?”
Y/n shrugged. “It’s probably stupid, but... I don’t know.”
“Just the way he looked it me. It made me feel like... like...”
“Like you’re the only person in the room who matters?” Hercules supplied.
“Yes, it seems he has that effect on most women. Like that blonde over at the bar.” Hercules nodded in the direction and Y/n followed his gaze.
Immediately, she felt her heart sink. At the bar, Lafayette was chatting pleasantly with a pretty blonde girl in an Egyptian blue dress. She laughed at something funny he must’ve said. Y/n watched long enough to see Lafayette give the blonde a flirtatious wink. 
“I’m such an idiot,” Y/n muttered.
“Hey, hey, it’s not your fault, dear,” Hercules cooed, “some people are just jerks. He never deserved you.”
“You know what, Hercules? You’re right. He doesn’t deserve me.”
“Yes! Exactly! Maybe you should... No, that would be too mean.”
She glanced at her cousin, suddenly curious. “No, what were you going to say?”
“Well, this guy is kind of a jerk. He deserves to be taken down a little...”
“So maybe you get some revenge. On behalf of women everywhere.”
She raised an eyebrow. “What are you thinking?”
“Nothing too devious,” Hercules assured her. “But maybe you should give him a taste of his own medicine. String him along tonight, and then...”
“And then?”
“Stomp on his heart with one of your little Louis Vuittons.”
Y/n couldn’t help but laugh at her cousin. Yet, she couldn’t deny that his suggestion sounded tempting. Remembering how stupid Lafayette had made her feel when she saw him chatting up the blonde at the bar, she decided she would take her cousin’s advice. 
“You know what, Herc? Maybe I will.”
“Good, good. Now I’ll be off, I think he’s headed this way.”
Hercules ran off to who knows where, and Lafayette took his place at Y/n’s side once more. He took a sip of champagne from a glass in his hand and offered Y/n a glass of red wine in his other hand. She accepted it quietly, taking a small sip of the strong drink. 
“I sure hope Mulligan wasn’t poisoning your thoughts against me?”
She studied him briefly. “Would he have a reason to?”
Lafayette thought back to the bet that had been made earlier that night and swallowed roughly. To Y/n, it looked like he was nervous that his playboy reputation had caught up to him. He quickly shook it off and pasted his devilishly handsome smile on.
“Non, non, of course not. Chérie, I was wondering if you’d like to see the view from my office. It’s only a few floors upstairs, but I promise you it’s the best view of New York you’ll ever see.”
She smiled, “well, how can I say no to that?”
A short elevator ride later, Y/n found herself on a quiet floor in the darkness. Lafayette stood beside her and flicked on a set of lights, bringing light to the floor. She followed him past a few sets of cubicles before they approached a larger office. On the glass wall it read “G. Lafayette, Head of International Affairs.”
“You must be pretty important, hm?” Y/n mused. “Corner office? Head of International Affairs?”
Lafayette shrugged, then a smug smile spread across his face. “Yes, I like to think I’m very good at my job. I have plenty of experience in international affairs.”
Y/n couldn’t explain why, but she felt a hot blush spread across her cheeks. Luckily, Lafayette was busy opening the door for her to notice how flustered she was. 
“So, what do you think of the view?”
Although she had reason to distrust Lafayette, she couldn’t deny that he was telling the truth when he had claimed to have the best view of New York. Her jaw hung open as she took in the breathtaking skyline in front of her. Buildings glittered like thousands of diamonds spread across the night sky. And it was so quiet, too. It was like she was in outer space. Surrounded in darkness with stars all around. All alone, except for Lafayette beside her.
“This... this is just amazing.”
“I couldn’t agree more,” Lafayette spoke softly. “And, I have another surprise for you.”
She arched an eyebrow. “Another surprise?”
He set his glass down on his desk and shuffled through a drawer. He pulled out two items, handing one to Y/n.
“Is this...” she turned the item over in her hand. “Is this a DS?”
“Non, non, Chérie. It’s a 3DS.”
Y/n couldn’t stop a laugh from escaping from her lips. “Are you serious?”
“I would never joke about something so serious. Are you familiar with Mario Kart?”
“Familiar? Are you kidding? I’m the best at Mario Kart.”
“That can’t be possible, Chérie, because that title belongs to me.”
“Prove it.” 
A look of determination settled in her eyes and she snapped open her gaming device. 
“And...! I just crossed the finish line! Third race in a row. I think that means I’m the champion.”
“Ah, but you must remember i won the last two races before that,” Lafayette reminded her. 
She set down the 3DS to cross her arms in indignation. “Only because you shot me with a blue turtle shell at the last minute! I was ahead of you the whole race.”
“Doesn’t matter, does it? I won in the end.” He stuck his tongue out playfully. 
She scrunched up her nose and narrowed her eyes. “But I won more than you!”
“Whatever you say.”
“You know what I think?” Y/n asked, leaning in a little. 
Lafayette leaned in as well. “What do you think?”
“I think you hate losing. And I think you especially hate losing to me.”
“I may hate losing to you a lot,” he admitted, “but you, on the other hand, I like a lot.”
Her eyes widened as he caught her off guard. Suddenly she realized how close they were sitting on his desk. Their legs were touching and their faces were a few centimeters apart. So close his cologne began to cloud her senses, and she realized she wouldn’t soon forget the expensive scent of sandalwood and vanilla. 
Y/n couldn’t stop her eyes from drifting from his deep brown eyes down to his lips. Oh god, did she really want to kiss him right now? She looked at his eyes to see if he had noticed, but instead she found his eyes were trained on her own lips. Lafayette began to lean in, his hand reaching up--
Beep beep. 
The phone beside Y/n lit up and buzzed on the counter with a text. Immediately regaining their senses, Lafayette and Y/n pulled away from each other. 
“I should get that.” She said quietly.
Picking up the phone, she read a text from Hercules asking her where she had gone. Checking the time, she realized she and Lafayette had been missing from the party for nearly an hour now. 
“What is it?” Lafayette asked.
“Herc’s just wondering where I am. We should probably return to the party now, right?”
He hesitated for a second. “Yes. Yes, I suppose we should.”
After putting the 3DSs back, Lafayette and Y/n entered the elevator again. In reality, the ride down was only a few seconds, but to Y/n it stretched into an eternity. Had he really almost kissed her? And had she really almost let him? ...did she want him to kiss her?
They rode in an uncomfortable silence. When the elevator finally dinged and the doors slid open, Y/n almost let out an audible sigh of relief. 
“If you would excuse me for a moment, I’m going to go use the bathroom.” She disappeared from his side abruptly. 
Lafayette didn’t have time to process the last hour when Hercules approached him.
“There you are! I’ve been looking for you everywhere. Where have you been?”
“I was upstairs with Y/n.”
Mulligan narrowed his eyes. “Oh were you now? And what were the two of you doing up there?”
“I just wanted to show her the view. And we played Mario Kart.”
“Mario Kart? What kind of play is that?”
Lafayette shot a glare at Mulligan. “We had fun, alright? Listen, I think I actually really like her. And I don’t want to screw it up wi-”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Mulligan interrupted. “Are you trying to back out of the bet?”
“Mulligan, I-”
“Is this because you think you’re going to lose?”
“Non, that’s not it at all!”
“So have you already gotten her number?” Hercules asked skeptically. 
“Non, not yet.”
“Then you are trying to back out because you’re afraid you’ll lose. I knew you wouldn’t be able to get her number.”
Mulligan had succeeded in getting Lafayette riled up. “You know what, Mulligan? I’m going to win this bet. I’ll have Y/n’s number by the end of the night, and you’re going to owe me 50 dollars.”
“You sure about that?”
“Positive,” Lafayette responded confidently. 
“Lafayette,” Mulligan started cautiously, “you might want to turn around.”
When he turned around, Lafayette came face-to-face with a fuming Y/n. Her hands were balled in fists at her side and her eyes narrowed as she stared at him. 
“You’re going to win this bet?” She asked.
“Y/n, how much of that did you hear?”
“I heard enough,” she snapped. It all made sense now. The only reason he had been spending time with her all night was to win a stupid bet. She shouldn’t have been surprised, Hercules had warned her about him before. But it hurt. She had let herself believe that maybe what she had felt with him in his office was real. And now she was left looking stupid again. How many more times would she let him do this to her?
“I can’t believe I was so stupid!” She said in anger. “I should’ve seen it earlier!”
“It’s not like that, I promise!”
“Oh, but it is. Everything that happened tonight was a lie. Just so you could win a bet!”
“It started that way, but-”
“I’m done wasting my time. Goodnight, Lafayette.”
He watched as she stormed out of the building with his mouth hanging open. How had everything gone wrong so fast? Was she really walking out of his life as quickly as she had walked in?
“What are you doing? Aren’t you going to go after her?”
Lafayette had nearly forgotten Mulligan was still there.
“You think I should go after her?” Lafayette asked.
“Of course! This may have started as a bet, but clearly you developed feelings for her over the night. And she likes you, too.”
“She does?” Lafayette found that hard to believe after what he had just witnessed.
“Yes!” Mulligan insisted. “If she didn’t care about you, she wouldn’t have gotten so upset. Now stop standing there with your mouth open and go after her, you idiot!”
Lafayette didn’t need any more urging, and quickly began to pursue Y/n. He exited the building, and the cold evening hit him like a train. He didn’t have time to process it as he frantically searched for Y/n. She had gotten a significant head start, and Lafayette hoped it wasn’t too late. 
Then a flash of red caught his eye. Y/n was in the park across the street, walking quickly in the opposite direction. Lafayette dashed across the street, nearly getting hit by a taxi in the process. He was running to catch up with her.
“Y/n, wait! Let me explain!”
She glanced back at the mention of her name and groaned. “Leave me alone, Lafayette. I don’t want to talk to you!”
She began picking up her pace, and Lafayette found himself in an all out sprint to catch up with her.
“Please, let me just talk to you!”
He was panting when he finally caught up to her, and seeing as he wasn’t going to give up, she stopped running. 
“How many times do I have to tell you to leave me alone?” Y/n snapped. “If I wasn’t wearing heels right now, we wouldn’t even be having this conversation right now!”
“I’m sure you’re right about that. You easily would’ve won this race.”
Y/n felt her anger rising again. “Is everything a competition to you? It’s fine if you want to win in a video game, but winning a bet by messing with me? You can’t do that.”
“I know! I was stupid. I can’t begin to explain how sorry I am. But I really like you, and if you’d give me another chance-”
She cut him off. “Another chance? You don’t deserve another chance.”
“Y/n,” he pleaded, “I don’t want things to end like this. Listen, there’s this coffee shop nearby that’s open. Let me buy you a drink and I can explain everything.”
She clenched her jaw. “You are so self-absorbed. And... you’re not as charming as you think you are! You’re arrogant, and pretentious, and... and...”
“Chérie, I never said I wasn’t.”
“So why would you ever think I’d want to go out with you?”
“I don’t think you want to go out with me. But Y/n, I’ve known you less than a few hours, and I can’t stop thinking about you. Trust me, if I could stop, I would. I would’ve left this stupid party hours ago. I can’t get your face out of my head. I could go home, relax, take this ridiculous suit off. But I know I would be in agony if I missed out on the chance to get to know you.”
He tugged at his tie in discomfort and continued on. “Chérie, you have no idea how much I want you. And not just tonight. I want you tomorrow, and the day after that. I’d never ask you to be mine, I know that’s not fair, but at the very least, let me be yours. I’m falling in love with you, and I hate it.”
There was a heavy silence. And for what came next, Lafayette could hardly comprehend. He had turned his face to look at her for a moment, expecting to see some kind of anger or resentment in her eyes. But instead there was a sort of longing; perhaps a glimmer of something that could almost be mistaken as hope?
His heart began to beat faster as her hand brushed lightly against his bottom lip, finding its place at the back of his neck. Her face was only illuminated by the moonlight that filtered through the trees above them. Lafayette didn’t have as much time as he wanted to admire her face before he found her lips on his. 
And she kissed him. Her lips tasted like some kind of expensive wine, but much more intoxicating. Everything had gone completely silent around them. The rustling of the leaves above, the noise of the New York City streets, all of it went silent. The only sound Lafayette could hear was her heart beat, only a few centimeters away. She kissed him again and again until they were both breathless. 
If, by chance, Lafayette could have suffocated in her kisses, he supposed it wouldn’t be a bad way to go. In fact, he’d rather enjoy it. She only pulled away enough to then rest her head on his chest. Maybe she could hear how fast his heart was beating now. 
“Well.” He took a deep breath, the cold evening air seemed to burn in his lungs. “Damn, ma chérie.”
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adenei · 4 years
Auror 99 - Chapter 3
A/N: Feels weird knowing I didn’t post anything yesterday (literally, nothing), BUT I’ve been doing a lot of writing. I was finally able to get chapter 3 onto paper! For those of you who dropped me some prompts, I’m not ignoring them, but do know it’s going to be a bit before I get back to those as I really want to see this story unfold first. Thanks for your understanding!
Chapter 3: Bonding
“So...do you mind if we take a look at the cases that are already outstanding on Gerteso?” Hermione asked Amy after she watched Ron leave with Jake. She was only slightly worried about him pairing up with Jake. He didn’t seem like the most...reliable of detectives on first glance.
“Oh, yes, of course!” Amy said as she pulled out a pile full of case files. She began going through each one, and Hermione was noticing a pattern.
“Gerteso doesn’t seem to hang on to each of these identities for very long. And he only stole a minimal amount from their bank accounts. Almost nothing to make it significant. Don’t typical identity theft cases open up multiple accounts and try to liquidate a person’s funds for their own gain?” Hermione asked Amy.
Amy pulled some of the files back and reviewed them. “Huh. You’re right. I’m not sure how we missed that before.” Amy looked a little more closely. “He even got a hold of their social security numbers, but never attempted anything with it. What do you think it could mean?”
Hermione furrowed her brow even more. “Is there any correlation between the victims?” She and Amy were reviewing the various cases. “The bank. It’s the same across all the cases!”
Amy grabbed some the files and cross referenced. “Ugh, this is the last time I trust Jake with the paperwork. How did he not catch this?! He really is normally better than this. Well, we’ve got a lead now! Charles, look.” Boyle came over when Amy called his name with Harry trailing behind him. 
“Whoa, Amy, Sterling National Bank? Do we know which one?” Boyles asked.
“It’s….the one two blocks from here!” Amy said looking at Boyle.
“Jason and I can go check it out. See if any of the tellers or the guards noticed anything off.”
“Great, Charlotte and I will comb through these to see if there’s any added correlation of when these took place,” Amy said, clearly throwing herself into work mode.
“Excellent! Jason, come with me,” Boyle said, grabbing his jacket. Harry looked at Hermione, making sure she was okay before following Boyle.
Amy and Hermione set to work, writing down the dates and ordering the case files by bank visit instead of the date they were filed with the precinct. “I can’t believe I didn’t think to do this to start with,” Amy said regretfully. “Captain Holt is going to be so upset with me. How could I let myself get so distracted lately?” She shook her head. 
“Um, is everything alright?” Hermione asked.
“What? Oh, yeah, it’s nothing. Just getting over a breakup that’s all.” Amy sighed.
“I’m sorry. Was it a bad one?” 
“No, no! It was actually needed. I just wasn’t into him at all..” Amy trailed off and glanced over at Jake’s empty desk. Hermione looked in the same direction to see what she was looking at. 
Maybe this is the perfect segue to ask about Jake; make sure Ron’s with a decent partner, she thought. “So, tell me about Jake,” Hermione said, trying to change the subject away from her breakup.
“Jake? What do you want to know?” Amy asked a bit skittishly. She contemplated Charlotte for a moment before making the connection. “If you’re worried about Nolan, don’t be. Jake has an unconventional way of doing a lot of things, but he really is a brilliant detective! You can trust him. Are you and Nolan primary partners on the force?”
“You could say that,” Hermione said. “I just wasn’t sure how serious he was. I tend to worry a bit too much about things, I guess.”
“Me too, but I wouldn’t worry about that,” Amy smiled genuinely at her. “Shall we compare dates, see if we find anything?”
“Sure,” Hermione said, thinking how she really liked her new temporary partner. 
Harry and Charles checked not only the closest Sterling National Bank to the precinct, but also the other two nearby, to no avail.
“I don’t get it!” Charles said with a disappointed look on his face. “Three banks, and nothing out of the ordinary was seen. Either Gerteso has several accomplices, or he’s incredibly good at disguises.”
That got Harry thinking: the likelihood of an invisibility cloak was slim, but disillusionment charms weren’t unheard of. It wouldn’t be the first time he and Ron had dealt with an elusive criminal because of them. But he couldn’t give that away yet to Boyle. “I doubt he’s got several accomplices. From what we’ve seen, he works alone. You might be onto the disguise thing, though,” Harry told him.
“Yeah, but it doesn’t bring us any closer to catching this guy. It’s like one step forward and two steps back the entire case!” Boyle sighed in frustration. He put the keys in the ignition and began heading back to the precinct. “Amy’s not going to be happy about another deadend. Hopefully Jake can get something., or Rosa on surveillance duty”
“Let’s hope,” Harry agreed.
“Tell me about Nolan,” Boyle changed the conversation abruptly.
“What about him?”  Harry asked, watching Boyle’s body language carefully. He seemed protective and...slightly jealous? 
“Well, we protect our own, not that you and Nolan and Charlotte aren’t welcome or anything. Jake’s my best friend. I would never let anything happen to him in the field, so I want to make sure Nolan will have his back like I would.” Boyle was definitely posturing, and that amused Harry, but also concerned him. 
Was he a bad friend for not worrying about Ron in the same way? He shook the thought from his head. No, he just knew his friendship with Ron was stable. Plus, he was a brilliant auror that could hold his own in any situation, so he told Boyle as much.
“Nolan’s a solid guy. You won’t find a better, er, detective. He’s my best mate. Been by my side since we were eleven, so he’s loyal to a fault. No need to worry with him.”
“Good...good.” Boyle said nodding as they pulled up to the precinct. 
Ironically, they pulled in at about the same time Jake and Ron had also returned.
“Jake!” Boyle said, “Any luck? We hit another dead end, but maybe Amy and Charlotte made another break in the case upstairs.”
“We’ve got something, that’s for sure,” Ron muttered as Jake had that giddy look about him.
“Uh, Jake? Buddy? Where’d you guys go, you’ve got that look about you when you...” Charles said and then gave Ron and Harry looks. “Who’d you guys see?”
“Charles, it’s fine! We went to see Doug Judy. Let’s go upstairs and we’ll discuss more,” Jake clarified.
Charles looked affronted. “Jake! I should have known! You’ve never been able to pull away from his charm.” 
“Good, you’re all back,” Captain Holt said. He came out of his office as the elevator dinged, and Jake, Charles, Harry and Ron walked out. “Everyone in the briefing room for an update.”
Once they’d all filed in, Captain Holt started by asking Amy and Hermione to start. “Santiago?”
“Charlotte and I went over the case files of the identity thefts again, and Charlotte found a pattern in the thefts.” Amy looked at Hermione to continue.
“Yes, it appears that even though all aspects of each victim’s identity were stolen, the only thing that was done as a result was stealing a minimal amount out of their bank accounts. No new credit cards, no major purchases, nothing of the sort,” Hermione went on. 
“All of the stolen money has come from accounts at Sterling National Bank. We reordered the case files based on when the money was taken, and Boyle and Cooper went to investigate,” Amy finished.
“Yeah, but unfortunately we didn’t get any new information. None of the tellers or the guards noticed the same person coming in or out to line up with the thefts,” Boyle reported.
“We even checked the other two banks in the area with no luck,” Harry added.
Holt nodded. “Peralta, any news from your informant?”
“Yeah, he said Gertie’s got a few hideouts around Brooklyn, not that he knew where, but he’s definitely working alone. He said his main target is the Woolworth building in Manhattan, but didn’t know when or why.”
Holt nodded his head and pursed his lips. “Diaz? Anything from your angle?”
“Nothing on the surveillance videos today, but if his target’s in Manhattan, I’ll widen the search tomorrow to some of those hole in the wall shops.”
“Well, it’s more than we had this morning. You’re all dismissed for the night. See you in the morning,” Captain Holt said as he walked out.
“Does anyone else feel like we’re no closer than we were when we started?” Diaz asked, as everyone nodded.
As they filed out back to their desks to grab their things, Jake asked Nolan, “So about tonight. Still on for Die Hard?”
Charles heard and immediately chimed in before Ron could answer. “Did I hear Jake suggest a bonding night? I’d watch Die Hard!” he said eagerly.
Rosa sniggered, “Come on, Charles, really? You jealous of Nolan?”
“What? No, of course not, Rosa!” Charles said as Harry tried to stifle his own laugh. “I just thought this would be a fun way to get to know our new partners,” he forged on. “Order some New York pizza, pick up some beer and just hang out.”
Amy piped up, “Actually, Charles has a point. What do you say, Jake?”
“I mean, sure, as long as we get to still watch Die Hard. But my apartment isn’t big enough for all of us…”
“You could come to our place. The, er, NYPD put us up in a two bedroom flat a few blocks from here. We’ve got plenty of space,” Ron offered.
Harry and Hermione looked at him in surprise. Jake, Amy and Charles all nodded in agreement. They all looked at Rosa, who reluctantly agreed.
“How does seven sound?” Ron asked as he scribbled down the address for them.
“I’ll bring the beer,” said Jake. 
“And I’ll get the pizza,” Boyle added.
“Charles, don’t order any of that weird shit you write about on your blog,” Rosa pointed out. “Better yet, I’ll order it, you pick me up at 6:30, and we’ll go together.”
“You don’t trust me?” Boyle asked as Rosa gave him a ‘are you really surprised’ look. “Okay, fair enough.
“I’ll bring some wine and snacks,” Amy said. “See you all tonight!”
Chapter 4 can be found here :)
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choicesfansstuff · 4 years
Hello, everyone! I mentioned in a previous post of mine that I planned to post a new Kamilah x MC story before the new BloodBound chapter is released. So, here it is! I hope that you all like it! :)
The setting of this story takes place after the meeting with the Five of Japan.
Amy’s POV
You sit on the bed of your chosen room at Takeshi’s penthouse suite. You absentmindedly clutch the soft comforter as your mind begins to wander.
You think of the Rheya and the impending doom that will surely come should you fail to stop her. You involuntarily swallow as you imagine the drastic consequences of such failure.
You then think of Gaius and automatically shudder as your mind relives the memory of your death at his hands. But you also can’t help but wonder at the vulnerability hidden behind his monstrous surface.
You then think of Kamilah… of how you and she went through so much together. And of how deep your feeling for her ran…
You also think of Aiko Nakamura and how Kamilah openly admitted to having a fling with her so carelessly. You then think of Gaius again and then of Serafine….
As an agitated feeling makes your chest ache, you force yourself to stop your train of thought. It’s not until you hear the tearing of fabric that you realize that your fingers actually ripped through the fabric of the comforter.
You sigh wearily and let go of the punctured cloth.
The sound of a knock then reaches your ears.
“Amy?” You hear Kamilah.
Upon hearing her voice, you automatically straighten your back and stare directly at the night sky beyond the floor-to-ceiling window.
You clear your throat before responding. “Yeah?”
The door opens and closes before you sense Kamilah approaching you. She stands at the foot of the bed - as if waiting for you turn your head to greet her.
You don’t.
After a silent second, the older vampire moves to sit beside you. Yet, you keep your eyes trained on the starry sky.
“Amy?” She calls out to you softly.
From the corner of your eye, you notice Kamilah’s eyes widen almost imperceptibly at the curtness of your voice.
“I… just wanted to see how you’re feeling.”
“I’m fine. Thanks for asking.” You say a little too quickly. You internally wince and curse yourself for being too obvious.
As expected, Kamilah is clearly unconvinced. “Amy…” she lifts one hand to touch your cheek.
But before she can, you immediately stand to move to the window. Although your back is turned to her, you can sense her shock at your abruptness.
“I said that I’m fine.” You say again, hoping that she’ll take the hint.
It’s clear that she has no plans of doing so when she moves towards you. “You’re clearly not okay.” She steps to the window so that you’re standing side-by-side. You still refuse to look at her even though her head is turned to yours.
Kamilah lets a few silent moments pass until she speaks again. “Will you tell me what’s wrong?” She prompts, her tone concerned.
You mentally debate whether or not this is the right time to bring it up. You eventually decide that now is as good as any considering the circumstances.
You sigh as you continue to stare at the dark horizon. "You said that vampires have flings every century or so because they get bored..." You begin, still looking forward.
You pause. And you can sense that Kamilah is waiting for you to finish. A minute lapses before you speak again. "So, what does that make me? Another... fling?" Your voice cracks at the last moment. 
As you silently pull yourself together, you sense her stiffen momentarily. A few seconds later, you feel her fully turn toward you. You crane your head and see her looking at you with completely widened eyes.
"No..." she starts to say, her voice colored with subdued shock. "... of course not. You are much more to me than that, Amy." She starts to reach for your hand... but you move it away from her grasp.
Both Kamilah's outstretched arm and expression fall at your rejection.
You bite your lip to calm yourself. "Oh, really?" You manage to straighten your tone again. You exhale before continuing. "Do you remember before I left for Paris? We went to your office together. And on the way, you told me that I'm the first person you've been within a century. And that I should know that that means something..."
You then cross your arms in front of your chest. "When you said that, I felt... special." You clench your own biceps even more tightly. "I felt like I meant something to you. But literally, just about an hour ago, you said that vampires have flings every century because of boredom. And then we both just met another ex of yours - a pretty, rich and powerful ex who may or may not still have the hots for you. And well ..." You finally look at her as you wave one hand around aimlessly as if to wrap up your statement.
A pained look settles on Kamilah's face. She bows her head as she takes a breath. She keeps her head down for a moment before raising it to look at you.
You train your eyes away from her again.
"Amy..." she steps towards you. As she raises her hands and hovers them tentatively over your shoulders, you take a step back. "Don't. Just don't right now." You mumble.
Kamilah's arms fall down back to her sides.
"I --"she struggles with her words for a brief second before clearing her throat. "I'm sorry." She finally manages. "I'm sorry for what I said. It was thoughtless and careless of me. I should've been more considerate of you."
You smirk sardonically. "Hmph. Maybe you should have. But then again, when we first met, you admitted to having had a lot of lovers. So that doesn't make what you said about vampire flings any less true, does it?”
From your periphery, you see the older vampire flinch at your remark. A tense silence fills the air. "... No. It doesn't." She finally admits.
You give a derisive laugh at your ironic victory. "Ha. I thought so."
The agitated feeling in your chest begins to grow, and you breathe in an attempt to quell it. But it eventually grows into a raging storm of emotions – you feel as if it's threatening to shatter you. You try to choke back a sob and roughly press your hand against your mouth.
Tears eventually fall from eyes as you try to take a breath. “After everything we went through together…. All the personal and intimate moments. The fact that you Turned me because you said that you didn't want to lose me…” you try to wipe away the tears as they come.
“… All of those things should be enough to give me a sense of security about our relationship. But… they…they aren't!” You start to cry freely. “For some reason, they aren't! And… now I'm feeling upset and jealous because you and your ex have a vibe going!” You rub at your tear-streaked eyes in frustration.
You then finally look at Kamilah and see shock and hurt on her features. “I… don’t know about this anymore, Kamilah!” You hastily rub your wet cheeks. “You can make me feel as if I’m the only one you see. But at the same time, both your past and your actions give me mixed signals!”
You sniffle and sob at the same time. “I accept your past, Kamilah. But somehow, it always manages to bite me in the ass!”
A tense silence fills the room. For what seems like an agonizing eternity, Kamilah can only stare and gape at you. A myriad of emotions flashes in her eyes as the gravity of your outburst settles. Your frustrated sobbing soon calms down to silent weeping.
The older vampire finally moves – she closes her eyes as if to reflect, before taking a deep breath. When she opens them, her gaze is anxious and uncertain.
“A…amy.” She calls to you, her voice a soft whisper.
Without a word, you move to sit on the bed and bow your head – too tired and numb to even give her a response.
Kamilah approaches you tentatively. When you show no signs of wanting to move away, she sits down next to you.
"I..." She hesitates and pauses. From the corner of your eye, you see her rubbing her thumb against her palm – a telling sign of nervousness. “I… I want to explain." She stops as if waiting for you to retort. When you remain quiet, she continues.
"Let me explain, Amy... Please."
Your raise your head at the last word and finally look at her – unable to believe it. You see the vulnerability you just heard in her usually calm voice clearly reflected in her eyes. The shock stills you for a long moment.
The older vampire seems unsettled by your lack of response. “Please.” She says again, her tone pleading.
Kamilah is actually begging you to listen.
You thought that you would never hear that word from her outside the bedroom.
You continue to look at her in surprise, unsure of what to say or do. You take in the weakness she allowed to break through her walls. A fragile and sad woman stands in place of the fearsome and proud warrior you’ve come to know.
“Fine.” You finally say.
Kamilah sighs, relieved. She clenches her hands together as if to brace herself for what she’s about to say.
Moments pass by before she speaks. “I thought that I loved Gaius.” She begins, her voice just above a whisper. “But I realized that I was merely manipulated by him. He turned me into the worst version of myself.”
She shuts her eyes tightly as she continues. “But that doesn't change the fact that at one point in time, I was a monster. And that I was devoted to him, in a sick and twisted way.
“We had... what you would call an 'open relationship.' We had no qualms about each other seeking out the company of others. And... I was actually thankful for that. I sometimes sought out other people for amusement. But over the course of several centuries, I found myself yearning for something else. Something that he couldn't give me. So, I had lovers.”
When she opens her eyes again, she immediately looks away, as if ashamed. “But I always went back to him. I think it's because I felt tied to him and that I'll always be tied to him no matter what. And he always went back to me.”
“But after nearly two millennia of bloodshed, I started to become disillusioned with the life I had been living. I slowly stopped enjoying needless violence. Eventually, I grew tired and sick of it. I guess I have Adrian and his goodness to thank for that.” The corners of her mouth quirk upwards at the mention of her blood-brother. “Somehow, someway, I resonated with his compassion.”
“When we moved to America, I felt like it was a chance for me to be a better person. But I was still with Gaius during that time, so for the sake of keeping up appearances, I played along. But in reality, I no longer enjoyed partaking in his monstrous activities.
“A part of me wanted to leave Gaius back then. But another part of me told me to stay with him for two reasons: the first was because of the history we had together… and the second was because…” She trails off, and you notice the slight tremble of her hands. “…he would probably execute me for even thinking of leaving him.”
Suddenly, her voice hardens. “But in the 1920s, Gaius went too far.” You see her hands close into fists. “He planned to virtually eliminate all humans save for a few thousand who would be drugged to serve as bloodstock for us. I could no longer just stand by. So, I decided to help the other Council members take him down and imprison him.”
Her fists then unclench as she sighs wearily, the burdens of the past obviously weighing heavily on her mind. “When we succeeded, I... didn't know what to feel. I felt relief, sadness, and anger all at the same time. I was relieved because Gaius was stopped. I was sad because, despite everything, the fact remains that Gaius and I still had a history together. I was angry because I hadn't acted sooner and because I had been blind for so long.”
The Egyptian vampire raises her hands to rub her face tiredly. “I eventually realized that I hated myself. I hated how evil I was. How I caused so much pain and suffering.
“So, I decided to try to atone for my sins. From that day and onwards, I denied myself any true happiness because I deserved none of it. How could I? I was a monster.”
She pauses as if to let the weight of her words of reflection sink in.
“For an entire century, I had been leading an isolated existence – devoid of any true happiness.” She speaks with an air of resignation while looking at the polished floor of the room. “My relationship with Adrian was a small piece of salvation. But at the end of each day, I was alone.”
She then raises her eyes to meet yours. “… until I met you.”
You feel your heart thump almost painfully against your chest as Kamilah looks at you with amazement, tenderness, and yearning.
“Before I met you, I thought that I would live the rest of my existence alone and without any kind of happiness until the end of time. I was trapped in a darkness of my own making… But you came into my life and lit the way to a better and brighter path." Her voice, which was weighed down with anguish, is now uplifted with a quiet joy.
“You are a kind, beautiful, and brave soul who drew me in. You saw me for who I am and accepted all of me. You showed me that there's still hope in this world. I meant what I said before, Amy. You are the most remarkable person that I know. You are my greatest miracle.”
Kamilah slowly reaches for your hands. This time, you don’t pull away.
She grasps them in hers, and you feel the warmth of her gentle touch. "… And the greatest love of my life.”
Your heart soars at her declaration, and you feel as if you're flying. You feel tears form in your eyes again.
“It's true that I've had lovers. But none of them could ever compare to you, my firefly. I love you, Amy. With all that I am and all that I have.” Kamilah’s voice is raw with solemn devotion and passion.
You gasp as she moves from the bed to kneel in front of you – all the while keeping your gaze.
“I told you back at Elias's vineyard that if you would accept me, I'm ready to be yours. So... the question is... will you have me?”
You take in the sight of her – kneeling and bearing her heart out. The tears start to stream down your cheeks freely. You feel as if you’re dreaming.
"Ka... Kamilah..." you begin shakily.
You slowly kneel down to meet her eyes. The earnestness and vulnerability in them are as clear as day.
You take an unsteady breath. "You... you have no idea how badly I wanted to hear that." You sniffle. "How badly I needed to hear that."
Kamilah's lips curve into a sad and remorseful smile. "I... I should have told you sooner."
Amidst your tears, you manage a small laugh. You frame her face with your hands, and she leans into the touch. You stroke the sides of her face with your thumbs. "Of course, I'll have you." You lean closer. "I love you too." Your voice is heavy and thick with emotion. "I love you so much."
A bright and beautiful smile graces Kamilah's features. "I love you, my firefly. And I vow to always stand by you and protect you."
You feel warmth and happiness bloom inside of you – the joy rejuvenates your entire being. You giggle uncontrollably and lean in even closer until your forehead is resting against hers.
"Kiss me, Kamilah." You whisper against her lips.
She gladly obliges, and you meet together in a soft and heated kiss. You wrap your arms around her, and she pulls you closer by your waist. Your tongues brush together sensually, and you moan into her mouth. You eagerly press yourself against her – wanting your every sense to be engulfed with her. Kamilah slides one hand down from your side and down your thigh until it reaches behind your knee. 
You break away momentarily to look at each other - you're both breathless from the intensity of your shared kiss. Kamilah's gaze is smoldering, but at the same time, her eyes are alight with love and devotion. You feel your already flushed face become warmer at her potent gaze.
"I love you, Amy." She declares once again, her voice gentle and solemn. "I am so sorry for not saying so sooner. And for making you think and feel otherwise."
You move one hand from her neck to hold the side of her face. "Hey. Better late than never, right?" You jest to lighten the mood. Your effort is rewarded with a light chuckle from the older vampire.
"But all jokes aside," you say while caressing the side of her chin, "I'm just glad to finally hear that you feel the same way."
Kamilah turns her head to press a kiss to the side of your hand. "I do feel the same way. And I always will. No matter what."
Your smile widens as your chest flutters again. "I'm going to hold you to that."
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jawnjendes · 5 years
her eyes are tired | shawn mendes
chapter 12/?, university au, shawn x goth oc
AN: a filler but issa good one! i also just wanna remind you all that no matter how bad things seem rn, things do get better and things are always changing. i believe in you!
***let me know if you wanna be added/removed from the taglist
masterlist | playlist (new song added every chapter!)
“Really, it's fine,” Annalise said to Shawn as he pulled into the last space in a crowded parking lot. “You don’t have to go the extra mile. I just needed company for the doctor.”
Shawn took the liberty of driving her to a nearby Starbucks after leaving Dr. Pacini’s office. He figured Annalise wasn’t in the mood for a full meal, at least this was better than nothing.
“Your blood pressure was low,” Shawn reminded her.
"Yeah, because I knew I would take a blood test, so I was fasting," she said back.
“And now the blood test is over. You need something in your system. Besides, food will help boost your mood. I know you like the chocolate chip muffins they got here."
Annalise took off her seatbelt as she hummed. She was too tired to argue, and she knew she wouldn't find anything more comforting or appetizing in the confined space of her dorm. "Thank you."
“Of course. I told you I’m here for you.”
He smiled, and Annalise couldn’t help but smile back. It was safe to say that most of her rage towards him had calmed down. The pelvic pain got her mind off of the stupid relationship problems for the time being. Replace one anxiety with another.
There was some noticeable space between Shawn and Annalise as they entered the coffee shop. She kept her phone in one hand and the other clutching the strap of her bag, like she was worried he would try to hold her hand or something. It just wasn't the time for those things.
Shawn happily paid for their order, both of them having some fruit refresher. Annalise couldn't find it in her heart to tell him that Starbucks was very 50/50 when it came to working with her digestive system. She knew the mango dragonfruit was safe for now, but the thought that it could suddenly be too sugary for her fragile stomach was a little nerve inducing. But she did have a soft spot for the muffins, like Shawn said.
Today, however, Annalise just picked at the treat, taking a couple of bites every so often. She was hungry, but anxiety was still very much in her system.
"History is kinda repeating itself, eh?" Shawn asked, getting her attention.
"What do you mean?" she replied.
"Where were we on this day a year ago?" He grinned before sipping his own drink.
"A coffee shop less crowded." Annalise slouched in her seat. Her feet naturally found their place between Shawn's legs under the table. "You were with a girl who was not as messy as this one."
"And my feelings for her haven't changed."
At least he didn't try to deny the disaster sat in front of him. It was much better than straight up coddling, in her opinion.
"I have a question," Shawn prompted.
"Out of everyone you know, why did you call me?"
Suddenly, Annalise had an appetite. She ripped off a rather large piece of her muffin and stuffed it into her mouth, avoiding eye contact. Several different answers popped into her head, but she refused to speak any of them into the universe.
"Okay, how about this," Shawn tried again, "why couldn't, say, Stella go with you?" He already knew why, he just wanted to see if she would share something like that with him.
And she did. Annalise swallowed, and then spoke. "She's really mad at me. We argued, and she left the dorm for the time being."
"What did you guys argue about?"
"I don't even know at this point. I just know I messed up and she's rightfully upset. God, I'm tired."
She didn't need to say that twice. Seeing her without her signature dark eye makeup made Shawn notice the fatigue in her brown eyes. It looked like she stopped trying, and it broke his heart. He wanted to touch her hand or her face, attempt to remove every kind of pain she was dealing with. But he still didn't know if this was the right time to do anything like that, and he wasn't sure if he was even allowed to ask.
"She'll come around," he told her. "I know it. You guys are unbreakable."
Annalise only took another bite of her muffin. She didn't want to talk about this anymore.
"Another thing," Shawn said, changing the subject. He took a deep breath, knowing he had this coming, and he didn't know if he was going to see her again after this. "I'm sorry for what I said to you that night."
She knew what he was talking about. She momentarily distracted herself with downing half of her drink. Then, "You weren't exactly wrong."
"But it hurt you," he told her. "I hurt you. It was never my intention to make you feel that way."
Annalise pursed her lips as she considered the words. He wouldn't have gone all this way for her today if he wasn't telling the truth. She sighed. "I'm sorry I didn't believe what you were telling me."
"Well, I didn't make it easy for you," he said.
"Yeah, but I know better than to give into my own paranoia. After all this time, I should have known to trust you more."
That was definitely true, but Shawn didn't say it out loud. "Just so you know, I did tell Alessia to back off. I don't talk to her anymore."
Annalise was surprised. "Really? But you guys were friends."
"She didn't want to be just my friend. No, I think it's better we're not around each other for now."
The persisting guilt made itself known again. If Annalise hadn't said anything then Shawn have had to just cut someone off like that. Admittedly, she was a little jealous of the chemistry he had with Alessia, and the fact that they were a more believable couple than "Shawnnalise" (still the worst name ever.) But if the roles were reversed, Annalise wouldn't just stop talking to someone like Stella or Patrick because of her boyfriend's jealousy. That would just be something he'd have to deal with.
"I hope you guys can go back to being friends after all this blows over," she told him, mindlessly twirling the straw in her cup. "She was really cool."
Shawn grinned, appreciating the sentiment. Then, came another subject change. "Do your parents know about anything that's been going on?"
To his surprise, Annalise chuckled. "All they care about is that I'm getting good grades and that I don't end up in the hospital again. I told my mom about the pelvic pain and she literally told me to stop talking to her about it and go to the doctor. So much for parental support."
"She just wants to make sure you get the help you need."
"I know… I just don't always want advice."
"Do they know what's been going on with us?" Another question Shawn was hesitant to ask, but he needed to know.
Annalise paused for a moment. "It's better that they don't. They like you, but it can be really easy for them to turn against you."
So that's where she gets it from. Must run in the family.
As soon as their cups were empty, Shawn and Annalise left the establishment. The ride back to his apartment was oddly silent until Shawn bumped the radio.
"Who's this playing?" Annalise asked as an acoustic tune started playing. It reminded her of Shawn's music, but it wasn't his own.
"Niall Horan," he told her.
"Hm, never heard of him."
"Seriously? He was in One Direction."
"Never listened to them."
"You what?"
She cracked a smile, but Shawn wasn't amused.
"They were the biggest boyband in the world!"
"So? They never piqued my interest."
"Yet you listen to Little Mix?"
Annalise chuckled, blushing. "That's different. They're super underrated! Their lyrics are sassy and full of life! And have you seen what the girls look like? They're all gorgeous!"
"So is Niall!" Shawn caught himself. "And all the guys from One Direction!"
Now she knew why he was passionate about this topic. She giggled. "Did I just discover your celebrity crush?"
He scoffed in disbelief. "What? No."
"Aw, he's not your free pass?" Annalise teased. This was the most fun she had today, and she wanted to savor it. Besides, she didn't know much about this side of Shawn. "So like, if I gave you my blessing, and you saw Neil-"
"-at a hotel or something, you wouldn't…?"
On a rare occurrence, Shawn was blushing. He focused on the road and stayed quiet for a moment. "Okay, maybe!"
"Ahh, I knew it! And it's okay! My free pass is either Jade from Little Mix or Amy Lee! Whoever I see first!"
Shawn breathed out a chuckle as his shoulders relaxed. "Okay, you have my blessing for either of them. But only them!"
For a moment, it felt like all the bad shit they had gone through these last few months had never happened. Annalise felt her chest get warm in that nice, heart fluttering way it used to. Her feelings hadn't changed either, and it was a relief to discover that. She wasn't stringing him along for nothing. None of this was for nothing.
They were in a comfortable silence when Shawn was pulling up next to Annalise's car at his apartment building. Neither of them wanted this thing to be over, but what were they going to do? Say it out loud? Make it known?
"Thanks again for everything," Annalise said. "I really appreciate it."
"Anytime." Shawn smiled.
Was it bad that she sort of wanted to kiss him? No, it would be bad if she actually did it. Everything between them felt so delicate, one sudden move could demolish whatever was left. Annalise had gripped the door handle for only a moment before Shawn spoke again.
“Wait.” His hand flew to her shoulder.
Annalise felt her heart race instantly, gently grabbing his wrist. “I-”
“I’m doing a gig,” Shawn explained. “Well, I plan to, anyway. The lounge hasn’t called me back yet, but when it comes around, I’d like for you to be there.”
She exhaled, her body relaxing. “So it’s not even booked yet?”
“It’s not set in stone, but it will be. I just wanted to let you know ahead of time. I really want you to be there.”
Annalise narrowed her eyes. “It’s not another serenade, is it?”
Shawn chuckled. “No, I promise. I already learned that lesson. Just be in the audience, okay?”
“Okay,” she said.
“You promise?”
“I promise I’ll be there.”
Shawn’s eyes lit up and he was smiling once again. “Great. I’ll text you when I get the date.”
For a moment, they just sat there and gazed at each other. Annalise felt herself melting like she did a year ago, but her brain caught up quick. She really missed Shawn. Although she was no sweet dream, she missed the pleasant romance they had prior to this mess. It was easy to tell that Shawn missed it too, and it wasn’t just because he previously told her that. There was that longing in his brown eyes that made Annalise’s next statement sting a little bit.
“I have to go,” she opened the door, only to hear the plea in Shawn’s voice.
“This isn’t a ‘fuck-it’ moment,” she told him.
And yet she still lingered in his Jeep. Shawn just had these stupid cute eyes and stupid cute everything. In the end, however, Annalise climbed out of the vehicle and went to her own. It wasn't time for all that yet.
“So you are on the same page again?” asked Callie the very next day. “You went through all of this just for you to make sure you still love each other?”
Callie wasn’t one to judge, being a professional psychotherapist. However, Annalise could tell when she didn’t quite understand something. For example, Callie asked a lot of questions regarding the separation. Whose idea was it? How long was it going on for? Annalise only found it strange because she knew Shawn must have talked about it during this time here. Callie had to have already known about this…
“Yes?” she said in response to her question. “Yes, we want to be with each other. But I can’t express that because Shawn will jump right into it and I don’t want that to be the thing to ‘fix’ this funk I’m in. Y’know what I mean?”
“Ah, I see. You’re aware of your depressive episode now.”
Annalise sighed as she nodded. “Yeah, I’ve been feeling the effects of it now. I’ve cried a lot, and I had an anxiety attack yesterday.”
“Did it help to get some of the pent up feelings out?” Callie asked.
“I don’t really know. Ever since the hospital, I thought if I let myself cry about it, I’d never stop. Like, I’m not crying nonstop, it comes in waves. So does the aching sadness. I don’t remember it being this brutal the first time I had a session here.”
“Some traumas are worse than others. This one clearly took its toll. I know it’s painful, but letting yourself feel the emotions will help you in the long run. And we can slow down with talking through all of this if you wish.”
Annalise nodded, realizing she was able to name something she was feeling. Sadness. It was a persisting issue in the past. Not speaking of her feelings and not knowing what they were was troublesome not only in romantic relationships, but with family as well. The fact that she was able to point out her sadness now made her think that maybe she wasn’t such a lost cause.
“And, I presume you have people around you?” Callie inquired. “People to support you, or distract you?”
Now, she slouched in her seat. “Yeah, uh… this particular episode hasn’t been nice to me or anyone around me.” She explained the fights with Stella and Shawn, and the impromptu dropping out of gaming club, which led the session to be consumed by tears and meltdowns.
But Annalise did manage to name another feeling: guilt. She felt guilty for screaming at the people she loves. She felt guilty for going off her meds. She even felt guilty for breaking Chad’s nose.
“And, I’m aware I’m lucky to be where I am,” she sniffed. “I’ve had good parents and good friends. Shit, I found a guy who actually cares about me! I have an education and I’m throwing that away because I haven’t done any school work… I’m lucky, and I should be happy! Why am I gonna complain about my perfect life?”
“Isn’t that something? You have all these good things in your life, yet the depression persists. That’s the thing with mental illness, Ann: it doesn’t discriminate. And, not to take away from everything you just said, but nobody’s life is perfect. You’ve had as many downs as ups.”
Oh yeah, because Annalise totally forgot about that load of crap.
“The fact that you went off your medication definitely contributes to this as well,” Callie went on. “So the first thing you need to do is get you back on something, maybe a new one altogether. When was the last time you spoke to your primary doctor?”
Annalise wiped her tears with her sweater sleeves and caught the words printed on. So much for having a ‘positive mental attitude.’
For the duration of the day, she felt quite shitty. The therapy meltdown took every ounce of energy from her. That, apparently, is the work of therapy she had gone through before. Like every illness, this needed to run its course and be treated. Not to mention, she couldn’t do it alone either. There wasn’t time to talk about it in detail during today’s session, but Callie suggested the obvious: try to make amends with the people hurt by Annalise’s words and actions.
It was important, duh, but she still made the point to go to her primary doctor on Monday morning instead. That same day, Annalise went to each of her professors and asked for extensions on whatever assignments she was about to royally screw up. Last semester didn’t go so well in the sense that Biology nearly killed her goal of attaining her Bachelors. The idea of having to repeat the class a third time was painfully unfathomable. This is how she procrastinated making apologies to anyone.
These days, it was hard to study in silence. Annalise had her phone on YouTube, and Bella Santiago's soft voice filled the living room. Having this particular YouTuber on was a comfort to Annalise; She felt like Bella would be the one to truly understand her. Although, for a beauty guru, she got quite deep in her videos, especially as of late. Bella's signature pink hair was long gone, but her infamous tangents remained the same. Annalise had just been working on a psych essay, having a makeup tutorial on as background noise, but she zoned back in to hear Bella's rambling.
"I'm not saying you all need to run away from home," she said as she dabbed concealer under her eyes. "Don't do that. But if you are gonna get away from everything for a bit, tell people where you're going. They might be able to talk you out of it. They might be able to help you with whatever you're going through. Seven months ago, I forgot that there are people who care about me here in LA."
That was the first strike to Annalise's chest. She slowed down her scribbling in her notebook, eyes glancing to the tiny screen.
Bella casually powdered her face with a large fluffy brush. "Mental illness has a way of making you think you're alone, and that makes you lash out. All the friends I have, all the ones that you see, none of those are perfect relationships. I've cut these people off before for no good reason other than thinking I was a burden and not worth their time."
And there's the second strike. Annalise put her pen down and sighed, now giving her full attention to this makeup artist.
"I know it's hard to believe when you're stuck in your own head," she continued, "but you are worth it. There are people who want to be there for you. And remember to forgive yourself for the things mental - or even physical - illness took away from you…" She paused and chuckled softly. "Okay, that got a little too real. Anyway, I'm moving onto contouring, and I'll be using-"
But Annalise never discovered what made Bella's cheekbones so defined and beautiful. She closed the video and opened up her text messages, scrolling down to the conversation with Stella. The last text was from a month ago, and it was just Annalise notifying her that she would be home late. It was the day of the Bart adventure gone wrong.
If Annalise were to apologize, how could she do it over text? Stella deserved more than that. She needed to know she matters to Annalise.
It's not like she didn't know where Stella was hiding out, but Annalise still procrastinated. Every morning in the elevator, she briefly considered going to the second floor on her way to class. Then she would make the "I have no time" excuse and carry on. That little surge of guilt settled deep in her stomach, though. When did she not feel bad about something?
The elevator did stop on the second floor that Tuesday morning. Annalise had the typical internal debate of getting off here before someone showed up and paused at the threshold.
That someone was Alessia. She had her phone in hand, texting while walking. One foot was in the elevator, and she had frozen on the spot. Two pairs of brown eyes pierced into each other, both clearly caught off guard. Somehow neither woman expected to run into each other despite living in the same building.
Neither woman noticed the two girls behind Alessia until one of them rather rudely spoke up.
"Are you going in or not?"
Alessia jumped, glancing back at the blonde girl and her friend, mumbling an apology. Then she turned on her heel and sped down the corridor. Annalise took only two steps out to follow her, until she hears that same rude, squeaky voice.
"Looks like she found another victim."
Annalise stopped in her tracks, hearing Ms. Blonde-Hair-Blue-Eyes and her friend giggle to one another. Yeah, that's not the first time Annalise has received a comment like that, but come on! She wasn't even trying to dress her best today. She didn't even have her signature "scary" liner on!
She turned and stuck her hand between the elevator doors before they could shut. They slid back open, causing the two normies to cease their laughter immediately. They both stared at Annalise, eyes wide.
"What was that?" she asked, voice sickly sweet but her face full of murder.
Blondie trailed her icy blue eyes down the other girl's appearance. "Just wondering whose funeral you going to?"
"Oh, I haven't gotten that far yet," Annalize replied. "Still gotta decide who is gonna be sacrificed to Satan himself. But uh, the decision just got a little easier." Then, she pulled out the pentagram necklace from under her hoodie and rubbed the charm. "Sana… sana… colita de rana…"
The two girls backed up against the wall, disturbed. "What did you just do?" Blondie frantically asked.
Annalise smiled. "Nothing at all. But now you're gonna be thinking about me all day." She winked, and then to be even more petty, "Boo!"
They both shrieked, satisfying the goth. She smirked and then went down the corridor.
She may have lost Alessia in those two short minutes, but it was worth it. She quickly rushed to the staircase and practically bolted down three floors, sidestepping past students coming in the opposite direction. Thankfully, she spotted Alessia's wild curls in the lobby and called after her.
It was easy to tell that Alessia did not want to be stopped, but she did anyway. She clutched her books to her chest as Annalise approached her, brown eyes wide with fear.
"What's wrong?" Annalise asked.
"Huh? Nothing!" she replied a little too quickly. "What's up?"
"Um…" It dawned on her that she had nothing planned out. "I… wanted to apologize…?"
Alessia tilted her head. "Why?"
"Uh, I've been an asshole to just about everybody, you included. Just wanted to say I'm sorry for being cold and antisocial."
"I think you should be mad at me. You haven't been an asshole. I already knew you weren't exactly social. You've been nice to me, actually. All I've done is hit on your boyfriend."
Annalise hesitated. "Yeah… but lots of people do. Like, come on, he's beautiful. You're the only person I've been mad at for doing so."
"Oh…" Alessia trailed off. "Well, since we're here. I already apologized to him, but I'm sorry to you too. I know you've got him wrapped around your finger. And I'm sorry for getting so drunk that you had to drag me home. And I'm sorry for the comments I made about your health."
Honestly, Annalise had been so preoccupied by her current health issues that she forgot about all of that. The resurfacing of these things brought the smallest hint of annoyance to hit, but she also logically knew that it was time to right the wrongs.
"It's okay," she said. "Water under the bridge."
"Cool." Alessia smiled.
There were still hints of awkward in the air. Annalise decided to change the subject.
"Still going to gaming club?"
"Yeah. Chad broke his nose somehow, that's the main topic going on. We're all trying to figure out what happened since he won't tell us."
Annalise chuckled. "Oh, I know all about that."
taglist: @normalcyisoverrated-beyou @ilsolee @mendesromano @1-800-khalid-mendussy @kitykatnumber @strangerliaa @iloveshawnieboi @poppyshawn @shawnsunflower @shawnvvmendes @shawmndes @ruinhoney @someoneunimportantxx @calyumthomas @yourdeflightfullyleft @havethetimeeofyourlifee @wronglanemendes @chillingbythesea @softmendesss @mutuallynotmutual
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goodbyecringe · 4 years
(Un)Natural Selection Chapter 13
I could see the bruise on Éponine’s wrist before she even got in the car. She had deep circles under her eyes that made her cheeks look more hollow than usual.
“How are you doing on this glorious Saturday?” I said, handing her a pair of sunglasses.
“I’m fine,” she said, in an unusually quiet voice.
“What’s happened to your wrist?”
“Oh, I was trying a bracelet earlier and it got stuck on my wrist. My maids had to pry it off of my arm without breaking it. I’m sure it’s worth more money than I make an entire year,” she laughed.
I decided not to push it any further and let silence overtake the car during the drive to the cafe. I knew that the stress of the competition was starting to get to Éponine, but she had too much potential. I figured that Courfeyrac would have some helpful advice and decided to consult after the meeting. I ran through my speech as I drove, since Éponine didn’t seem to be in the mood to converse.
When we finally arrived at the Musain Éponine broke her silence.
“I’m sorry Enjolras, I guess I’m just a little on edge. I’m supposed to gain 4 pounds by next week, and it hasn’t been going very well,” she said looking at her hands.
Of course I had noticed how skinny she was, but I didn’t think it was that bad. How many people in her situation were malnourished and hungry.
“4 seems like quite a lot in seven days,” I sympathized.
“I’m eating twice as much as the other girls and I still managed to loose two pounds since last week,” she chuckled.
“Well maybe you just need to reduce some stress,” I said getting out of the car.
“We have history lessons everyday, then some sort of Princess lesson, and then we spend the rest of our time waiting for you. In my free time I try to avoid the Women's Room and prepare for tonight.”
“Is tonight special for you?” I asked, opening the door for her.
“Well, this is the only part of my week that I’m not glared at whenever I speak. It’s bad enough that I’m the only girl that’s seen you three times, it only makes things worse that I’m-” she cut herself off.
“You’re what?” I asked as she walked ahead of me to the backroom.
“Going to be sent home if I finish that sentence,” she smirked.
It was the first real smile I had seen from her in at least a week. When we entered the room she went ahead to speak with Feuilly and Bahorel, leaving me with my lieutenants. It was refreshing to be in Éponine’s company since every other girl I had been out with clung to my side like a leech. Even Liberty, who I heard was adamant on no one pushing her wheelchair, had insisted that I push her.
“How have you been faring Enjy? Found that wife of yours yet?” Courfeyrac laughed handing me a drink.
“I haven’t even sifted through half of them yet, Fey. And I’m afraid the only one that’s different is about to crack,” I said watching Éponine.
“Why would you say that, Enjolras? What’s wrong with Éponine?”
“I think she’s worried about all of the associated formalities that come with royalty. However, I’m technically not allowed to interfere with these manners,” I sighed.
“Don’t even say another word, mon ami,” Courfeyrac laughed, placing his hand on my shoulder.
“Well then let’s get started with the meeting,” I said, taking my place in front of the tables.
This week I decided to stress the importance of revolution to Les Amis.
“Welcome everyone. As we begin this meeting I’d like everyone to close their eyes and imagine sitting at a banquet table during a feast. You’re sitting next to your parents, siblings, cousins, and some family members you might not even know. However, at the beginning of the meal you notice a man that they’d never met at the end of the table. This outlier is poorly dressed and obviously hungry. I’m sure that you feel a strong desire to give this man food and warm clothes, but doing so would require you to give up good conversation and maybe even experience some strange looks from your family members.
Would you go help the man at the end of the table? Many people wouldn’t because by doing so they too might become outliers to those they care about. However, I must stress to you that this is the right thing to do. Our current status quo must be broken so that we can build it back up correctly. It is not right for those at the middle of the banquet table to have so much when there are people that have so little,” I paused, noting that Éponine had stopped taking notes.
“May I interject?” She said standing.
“Of course, Éponine,” I said, taking a sip of water.
“If it’s wrong for the privileged to have so much, why are you okay with living in such luxurious palace?”
The room went quiet as everyone immediately turned to me. In all honestly I was surprised no one had asked sooner.
“This is actually a question that keeps me up at night. I’ve made so many lists of the pros and cons that I could recite them in my sleep. The palace employs hundreds of jobs to citizens and if we were to suddenly downsize the unemployment rate would skyrocket. The Royal Family must also present themselves in a way that reflects a positive image of Illeá to foreign countries. If you don’t mind me playing devil’s advocate, in the last five years the palace has decreased spending by almost 20 percent.”
“So what will you do when you’re King?”
“Several tedious things, Éponine. Decrease the Royal budget to go towards the caste relief program, increase job opportunities, and bring in business from other countries. However, if you’re looking for an answer that includes instant gratification you might be hoping for revolution.”
Éponine’s eyes widened as if I had just sent her home.
“You would commit treason against your father?” She asked sitting down.
“During this modern age we have different techniques,” I laughed.
Éponine was very vocal throughout the entire meeting. Even after the meeting and during the car ride back to the palace. When we arrived back she lingered at a counter in the kitchen.
“So you have to gain four pounds?” I asked as she sat down.
“Mhmmm” she hummed.
“Well how would you like a peanut butter and banana sandwich? Maybe one sandwich will go a long way,” I proposed with my limited medical knowledge.
“I’ll never deny a sandwich made by a Prince,” she laughed.
I pulled out the bread from a cupboard and took a deep breath.
“Éponine, since we’ve been on three dates, the public will be expecting an inside look on our relationship. Would you like to get dinner on Thursday night?”
“Will you be cooking?” she smirked.
Why did I expect Éponine to give me a straightforward answer?
“It may come as some of a shock to you, but my cooking skills stop at sandwiches,” I said lathering on a layer of peanut butter.
“Sure, I guess I could carve some time out of my busy schedule.”
“Yes, all of that time standing around and waiting for me,” I sighed.
“You don’t have to sound so upset about having several dozen girls at your beck and call,” she laughed.
“Actually, I never wanted to have a Selection. I’ve never had plans on marrying.”
“Ah, so Combeferre and Joly weren’t lying earlier.”
“No, I was furious when my father made the announcement. But Ferre was able to convince me that a wife would be good for my image. If Illea sees that I can be compassionate and caring my politics will seem less radical.”
“You do get quite passionate during those meetings,” she smiled as I handed her a sandwich.
“And I hope to find someone that can handle those passionate meetings.”
“Then you should bring all of the other girls to the meeting. I’m sure some of them would love them,” she groaned.
“I think you mean some of them would love to agree with me,” I said, slicing two more pieces of bread.
“Don’t knock it before you’ve tried,” she mumbled.
“Are you encouraging me to go dates with multiple women?”
“I won’t get very far if I play the jealous type, or would I?”
“No, you’re right. Jealousy is not a desirable trait, but given the circumstances I wouldn’t be surprised if that was a common emotion.”
“Well yeah, if you’re watching someone you love go on multiple dates with other women,” she said standing up to put her plate in the sink.
“So you don’t love me?” I asked, smiling.
“Sorry to disappoint, but no. You’re a really nice guy but I’ve only known you for a few weeks, Besides, I don’t think I’ve ever been in love,” she said, jumping on top of the counter.
“Me neither, which is why I guess we’re both floundering,” I laughed, taking a bite of my sandwich.
“Floundering? I didn’t know I was doing that badly,” she said as her eyes widened.
“I mean, I’d be worried if you were already head over heels in love with me. But I’m surprised no other guys spent eighteen years throwing themselves at you.”
Éponine’s face twisted into an odd expression as she stared at the bruise on her wrist. Almost immediately she slid off of the counter and started walking towards the door.
“I-It’s getting late. I should get to bed so my maids don’t yell at me for getting dark circles. I’ll see you for dinner though!” She called, picking up the maid’s uniform.
Once again, as soon as I felt like I was getting somewhere with Éponine she pushed away.
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shadowsfascination · 7 years
YAAU - Chapter two - Coping
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-An all zoned out Amy Rose sat on an old bar stool in Legends, the cafe downtown Newport where the gang always would meet up when they were going out at night. She was staring blank and stirring her drink with a straw. The ice cubes in it left a tinkling sound when they touched the glass. She was so lost in thought that she didn’t notice that someone stepped in on the bar, now standing next to her. It took her a few moments to realize that she knew this person- and that she was staring at him without seeing him at all. “Oh, ehh… I’m sorry.” He just shrugged his shoulders at her. “How long have I been staring at you like that?”
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“Minute or so.” The consciousness that came back to her crawled up from her spine and left a flustered color on her cheeks. “So, what’s on your mind?” He asked. “Not much. I’m just really tired.” “Then why sit here?” “Waiting for a friend.” Jayde had been one of her close friends since she entered college and they agreed to meet here tonight, but Amy hadn’t seen her yet. Lately, things had been rocky between them. Jayde hadn’t been feeling well over the last couple of months and Amy noticed that she’d been hanging out with other friends. Maybe she had forgotten about them meeting tonight- again? She was not gonna text her. Jayde had to think for herself. In fact, maybe she had stood Amy up… She grabbed her drink and drank it all in one pull. “Can I have another one?” She asked with a determined look in her eyes. Jayde wasn’t going to ruin her night. She could have just as much fun without her. She felt a hand gently touch her arm, trying to gesture that she’d keep her hands down, while she was actually searching for her wallet. “It’s on me.” He said while handing some money to the barkeeper. “Thanks, Shadow.” She smiled politely at him. They all had changed a lot over the past years. You can say whatever you want about him, but Shadow had manners. They had become good friends over the past years. Shadow’s still a closed up guy, by far not as enthusiastic, impulsive and outgoing as Sonic was, but he was loyal, polite, dedicated and many times he calmed Amy down with his down-to-earth way of looking at situations. She appreciated that in him. After a couple of hours “So, you think your friend’s still gonna show up?” “Don’t care.” “Then why were you waiting for her in the first place?” “She stood me up okay? Again!” Shadow couldn’t tell whether her cheeks were red from the frustration or from the fact that she was tipsy. “I’m sorry, but we’re closing in 5 minutes, so could you wrap it up? “- The barkeeper interrupted their conversation. “Yeah, sure.” They stepped into the cold and damp night sky to walk home and she told him all about her friendship with Jayde and how that changed a few months ago. How Amy got the feeling that Jayde kept things from her and having that confirmed later on by her other friends who did know about the thing she kept, while Jayde clearly left Amy out. And then there’s Sonic. Ever since he and Shadow got back from their latest mission, Amy had noticed a change in Sonic’s eyes. His avoiding attitude towards her and the rest of the gang proved she was right. Not only Jayde was avoiding her, Sonic was too. “I mean, can you believe that? I don’t want to, because- I mean I’m not jealous- but, I would like to spend some time with her too! Am I unrealistic? Might I not be fun to be around?” … He quickly unlocked eyes with her, not knowing how to comfort her, not only because it was not in his nature to do so, but also because he was tipsy as well. His mind struggled to form words. “You’re supposed to tell me I’m being foolish… you know?” The girl’s eyes were becoming watery as the silence lasted. On an impulse she quickly turned around and snored at him: “Never mind! You’re all the same; Sonic, Jayde, you. You’re all cutting me out, not telling me what’s going on and I know something’s off. I’m not stupid you know?!”
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The bubblegum pink hedgehog almost tripped over her own feet and experienced a shock from the pull on her arm that kept her from falling. Instinctively, Shadow pulled her towards him to keep her from falling. Locking eyes with her he saw her angry, upset face and she stumped on his chest. “I thought we were friends. What was I thinking?” “We are.” “Then tell me what happened on your last mission.” A painful expression appeared in his eyes when she mentioned this. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” “You do.” Her glance was firm as well as her grip on him, trying to convince him to talk to her. “Fine, I’ll ask Sonic.” She said when he ignored her for too long. She let go of his arms and tried to free herself from his grip, but he was reluctant to let her go. “Wait…” It sounded like a scream, but was just a whisper. She froze as she let him pull her closer to his chest and felt his heartbeat sped up. Amy took a breath to speak, but was interrupted by Shadow. “Sshh.” “But-“ “Shh.” “Argh, you’re sooo annoying” She lashed at him. The words she spoke were decorated with an agitated tone that gave away the fact that she was a little drunk. “It’s not always necessary to speak while being there for someone, you know?” “What do you mean?” “That we should just stay like this for a while.” She gave in and accepted his embrace with her body, but her mind wandered off, giving her a guilt trip. Something’s off! I just know it and this proves it. Something’s bugging him and I don’t understand it. I don’t understand him, but I want to! Why don’t they entrust me with it? Why does it seem like nobody entrusts me with the stuff they’re dealing with these days? I freaking want to be there for them. “Rose.” Suddenly the tone in his voice changed into a determined, slightly agitated and fed-up way of speaking and she felt busted- like he peeked into her mind and read her it like she was an open book. He continued: “Stop blaming yourself. Stop making yourself believe you’re not doing good enough as a friend and everything. Just stop. You can act all tough, but right now, I know you need me as much as I need you.” See? I was right! Something is bothering him. “And I want to be there for you and Sonic, but you’ve got to let me!” “Then shut up, will ya? I don’t want to talk about it. Period. Did it ever cross your mind that we might have our own reasons for not telling you?” “Like what?” “Like confidentially obligation? Like personal reasons or wanting to spare you the drama.” “Let me make that decision for myself.” “No, we do. It’s our matter. Sonic has to make this decision for himself and so do I. This doesn’t include you.” “But I… Weren’t you telling me that you needed me just a second ago?” “For goodness sake, just listen for once, Amy.” Guilt and the feeling of being selfish entered the door to her heart. He seriously broke through the barrier of her stubbornness and the drinking from before. “Stop joking around-“ His mimics changed along with his way of speaking to a much more soft and gentle expression. “You’re just trying to be the shoulder for us to cry on, so you don’t have to experience your own sadness, your own pain, Amy. You’re obviously hurt because of your friend and still you’re trying to be strong for me, for us.” “Shadow…” “Did I ask you to?” “No.” The girl’s muzzle showed a hint of annoyance because she had to admit he was right and she was wrong. “I’m not asking you to be strong for me. Just give in.” She buried her face into his shoulder and tilted her head towards his face to check one more time if it was all right for her to be like this. Looking up, she was caught by his glance and felt a tension boil up inside of her that she never experienced between them before. He slowly closed in on her and pressed his lips against hers, making their hearts jump from the adrenaline that flowed through their veins. 
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He left kisses on her lips, her jaw and down her neck, leaving her speechless. All flustered she stared at him, softly breathing out, blowing her breath in his face. It smelled like alcohol and strawberry from the cocktails she drank earlier. The ebony and crimson striped hedgehog looked her in the eye, barely showing any emotion in his deep red orbs. Still: Seriousness was found in it. His lips were just slightly curled, just enough to show some emotion. It had never been easy to read his mind and so it wasn’t easy to read it right now. Amy kept staring back at him, hoping to find a hint that’d show her what was going on inside his head- or his heart. His gestures took her by surprise and she couldn’t decide whether the sensation she experienced meant that she had feelings for him or that she simply longed for a comforting touch. One that kept her close to him, one that had awakened feelings inside of her she wasn’t aware of that she had those in the first place. It just felt… really good. Totally taken over by the pleasurable side of it, she pulled her arms around his neck and kissed him passionately on his mouth. The pleasant sensation it left, made her knees week and she let herself subside onto the grass.
Read the previous chapter here. Text in italic = thoughts Inspiration: - Scared to be lonely by Martin Garrix and Dua Lipa Illustrations: - Opening picture - How long have I been staring at you like that? - Never Mind! - Ending picture
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angry-eyeebrows · 7 years
okay 12/River for all 3 ship things, answered by the Doctor (ik you didn't reblog them here but since they're for the Doctor to answer...) -floof
(Now I did.) 
♡ Send me a ship and I’ll tell you…. Plus the other 2: 
Who accidentally pushes a door instead of pulling/vice versa: “I would never do something so stupid, but if I did it would because River was probably distracting me.” (I will have to do a little add-libbing in here because what’s rule 1? The Doctor always lies. And the Doctor would do this, okay? He can’t human very well…and River is not that dumb!) 
Who doodles little hearts all over the desk with their initials inside them: “River, she puts little hearts all over my TARDIS at the human holiday Valentines Day and it makes me gag slightly.” 
Who starts the tickle fights:  “Who ever dare to tickle me is getting a punch in the nose!” (River does!) 
Who starts the pillow fights: “Ha! There was this one time River wouldn’t shut up and I just wanted to sleep, I’m pretty sure we had been awake for at least four human days…..it get’s a bit confusing on Darillium, so I took my pillow and….well, then I sleeping on the floor, but it was still worth it!” (Doctor does this, clearly….and he probably shouldn’t.) 
Who falls asleep last, watching the other with a small affectionate smile: “….River, and it creeps me out. Don’t look at me while I’m trying to sleep! It’ll give me nightmares. Yeah…I slept on the floor that time, too!” 
Who mistakes salt for sugar: “River, I switched them….shh, don’t tell her it was me!” 
Who lets the microwave play the loud beeping sound at 1am in the morning: “What the….who would do that?! That’s just rude…” (The Doctor does this.) 
Who comes up with cheesy pick up lines: “They aren’t cheesy, they are well thought out and extremely romantic….just because most people don’t know what a nebula seed is, isn’t my fault!” (River does this! Or at least she probably does it better.) 
Who rearranges the bookshelf in alphabetical order: “ME!” (Yeah, I mean, come on, he’s a freak!) 
Who licks the spoon when they’re baking brownies: “I hope nobody does this, does no one think of germs?! I have personally met germs and even they are disgusted.” (I am going to go with River because he’s really serious about having met germs. I MEAN BUT THE MUN DOES THIS THO.) 
Who buys candles for dinners even though there’s no special occasion: “What sort of husband wuold I be if I didn’t do that? I buy candles for all sorts of reasons, River loves handles and fire is fun…” (Kids, fire is not fun!) 
Who draws little tattoos on the other with a pen: “This version of me doesn’t draw very well, and when  I do draw it is mostly offensive words or very difficult problems no one else would know the answer to, I doubt River would want those drawn on her body….I’m not apposed though.” (River, she draws things on his face while he’s sleeping and he doesn’t notice.) 
Who comes home with a new souvenir magnet every time they go on vacation: “I have a TARDIS full of souvenirs, magnets included…I should open a store!” 
Who convinces the other to fill out those couple surveys in the back of magazines: “River, and apparently I have a fear of commitment, what?! I told her that wasn’t true, because obviously…we’re married, and then she laughed in my face.” 
(Put the rest under readmore because damn is it long….) 
(The second one) 
who hogs the duvet: “I would never do that, I don’t get cold.” (The Doctor.) 
who texts/rings to check how their day is going: “River calls to check up on me sometimes, or sends me aggressive texts when I forget to come home after awhile…” (Awhile being probably a month.) who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts: “Alright, I know that I should say me, I really should, because I am the Doctor, I am an amazing space genius, but don’t give me hints about things you want me to buy for you, because you are getting a book. Oh, you wanted a dress? Here’s this book, learn something…” 
who gets up first in the morning: “I do, I don’t sleep very much.” (And he’s too nosy to sleep, but sometimes River can get him to sleep longer by various forms of forced cuddling.) 
who suggests new things in bed: “I always suggest new things, but not just in bed, on the sofa, in the hallway, outside, inside, walking….I do a lot of suggesting new things.” (River, to answer the real question.) 
who cries at movies: “I don’t cry!” (The Doctor, he SOBBED at the first 8 minutes of Up.) who gives unprompted massages: “I suppose me, because I will chop off anyone’s hand if they touch me. Including my wife’s…..no, I wouldn’t, don’t tell her I said that either!” 
who fusses over the other when they’re sick: “River…." 
who gets jealous easiest: “River would say me, but that’s not true….she was kissing all of these men in front of me, what am I supposed to do? Shout hooray and join in? No…don’t answer that!” 
who has the most embarrassing taste in music: “My taste of music is amazing, River loves it. She loves when I play the guitar for her.” (The Doctor, River also thinks he’s a bit of dork, too.) 
who collects something unusual: “Time travelers….we both are.” 
who takes the longest to get ready: “River….I don’t know what she does in there, she has a hairspray that can change for her, so why it takes her so long…?” 
who is the most tidy and organised: “I am extremely tidy and organised.” 
who gets most excited about the holidays: “River….I could really careless and Christmas always seems to cause me a bit of a problem.” 
who is the big spoon/little spoon: “I am the big spoon and River is the little spoon.” 
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports: “We are both very competitive, we always love when we beat each other.” 
who starts the most arguments: “River starts them, though she says it’s because I said something stupid again….and that’s probably true.” 
who suggests that they buy a pet: “River would probably like a pet, I should get her one, shouldn’t I? Maybe a dinosaur…” (River.) 
what couple traditions they have: “Not dying…? And getting into danger? Good, I know.” 
what tv shows they watch together: “Friends….no idea why, just Friends. I love Ross.” (-the mun is shrugging.-) 
what other couple they hang out with: “We don’t know anyone else, and I like it that way.” how they spend time together as a couple: “Finding things to explore in.” 
who made the first move: “River, she kissed me….” 
who brings flowers home: “River, I do love flowers…” 
who is the best cook:  “Not me….not even River, she really shouldn’t try cooking for me again, I still have black things in my teeth.”
(The Third One, quickfire time!) 
 who is more likely to hurt the other?: “Probably me, I don’t mean to, I’m just an idiot.” who is emotionally stronger?: ‘River…don’t ask why I know this.” who is physically stronger?: “Me….I am older now though, but I do pack a punch when I need to.” who is more likely to break a bone?: “Being stupid? Probably me…”  who knows best what to say to upset the other?: “Clara….that basically does it.” who is most likely to apologise first after an argument? : “Me, or else I will be sleeping on the floor some more.” who treats who’s wounds more often?: “River, not that  I get hurt that often, just the basic amount of falling down or being stupid and also brittle.” who is in constant need of comfort?: “Comfort for what? Look, we’re not six years old, both of us get on pretty well.”  who gets more jealous?: “I get Jealous when Ramone comes around….him and his stupid metal body, no one wants that!” who’s most likely to walk out on the other?: “River, don’t ask how many times she has either.”  who will propose?: “We’re already married…I could do it again, that would be romantic, right? No, I probably shouldn’t…it would be weird.”  who has the most difficult parents?: “They’re both dead, but Amy Pond was pretty difficult.” 
who initiates hand-holding when they’re out in public?: “River, I tell her not to do that to me, but she never listens.”  who comes up for the other all the time?: “What the hell does that mean?!” who hogs the blankets?: “If I said River would I be put on the sofa again?” who gets more sad?: “Probably me…Iiam pretty broody.” who is better at cheering the other up?: “River, she cheers me up all the time.”  who’s the one that playfully slaps the other all the time after they make silly jokes?: “River, I do tell amazing jokes, and I don’t mind if she does it.” who is more streetwise?: “River, I’m awkward.” who is more wise?: “ME!” who’s the shyest?: “Me…also.” who boasts about the other more?: “I am the Doctor, that is  pretty amazing to be married to, right?”  who sits on who’s lap?: “I sit on River’s lap….alright, I don’t, but I am going to try! Because she hits on mine all the time and I think it’s high time she returns the favor!” 
1 note · View note
itsjulesharper · 7 years
Bonjour, amis! Before we start on this recap, there’s a few things I have to draw your attention to. It appears to me (correct me if I’m wrong) that Season 2 plays out over a few months. I mean, I don’t see any winter scenes/change of season, any person looking visibly older or any other indications of the massive passing of time. Cassel is slowly being poisoned, and Louis spent maybe 2 or 3 nights in the nunnery with William of Orange. Philippe and Liselotte are married and now they are pregnant…. so, a month or two of shagging, then minimum of eight weeks where the baby sprouts and no one knows until the piss prophet announces it. So, what irks me is twofold: 1) the Dutch War went on for years. Hell, just travelling from the front then back to Paris took weeks. But it appears that Louis and his guards have found some kind of time portal to whoosh them quickly back. Yes, I know showing every aspect of travel across the country is damn boring. But I would’ve liked to have seen a bit more indication of the time it took. Even just a brief mention in dialogue “you have been gone for months now, Sire…” blah blah. And 2) the Affair of the Poisons literally spanned decades. If you want to read more about La Voison (who I am assuming Agathe was based on) then check out this article. Or maybe just read Holly Tucker’s book). Decades. it was a major – MAJOR! – scandal, implicating some of the most well-known names in French nobility. And it did not start with Voison’s arrest, oh, no. There were other things happening that Louis knew about. So all those years have been crammed into these ten eps, and tbh I’m just a bit over the whole poisoning thing now. 
So, back to the story. We have left Montespan with creepy Father Etienne, who by his looks alone, is most definitely Up To No Good. We open here, with Montespan telling him he is not what she expected. He reveals that he is Father Etienne: “the church may have rejected me, but they cannot take away my faith.” She wants to know if he can do what she says she wants, and Etienne goes on a bit of a speech about harnessing nature, and not going against the natural order etc and coming from anyone else, it would be a cautionary monologue. but from him it’s downright ominous, words that are meant to challenge what Montespan wants, to see if she really wants them. Playing the devil’s advocate. Montespan rises to the bait: “in his soul he desires me more than anything.” Etienne wants to know if Louis is deserving of her love, and Montespan declares calmly and firmly that she would sacrifice her life for him. Ah, that should not be necessary, replies Etienne and now we hear the faint cry of a baby from somewhere in the creepy underground tomb/rooms. Montespan goes to look, then finds the baby, touching its cheek with a soft “she’s perfect” and that is weird and so out of character for her. Etienne replies that the world has no place for her, so “it falls upon me to find her peace,” then utters a prayer and a sign of the cross on the baby’s forehead and miraculously it stops crying. Montespan looks at the baby and yeah, I think she knows what’s going to happen. Etienne moves off, telling her of the duties she must perform before the ritual, certain rites, and Montespan is suddenly panicking, heading for the door and declaring that she is not sure she is ready for this. Etienne is a bit shitty: “Do you think this is a market place? That I am some simple merchant? Do you think this is some take-it-or-leave-it service to be dabbled in?” Montespan is scared, you can see it, but Etienne convinces thus: “Devote you and I to his service and your wishes will be granted.” Swear to the Bible or leave her fate to the mercy of the prevailing wind. The choice is hers. One guess as to what she does.
Play glorious INTRO-OUTTRO.
We are in a salon, with music playing and courtiers gambling and mingling, Louis is happy. Philippe gambles with some dudes and Thomas, and look, Philippe is victorious once again. Louis watches from afar and Philippe gathers his winnings to leave. Thomas leaves with him and they have a bit of a giggle. Oh, look, there is creeper Chevalier, looking morose and emotional from behind a curtain, watching them both. To his credit he is dealing with A LOT of emotional shit – he knows nothing of Louis’ request for Philippe to spy on Thomas and has already observed them being chummy prior to this, which prompted the catfight. He has seen Philippe in bed with Liselotte, willingly shagging. I assume Philippe no longer comes to his bed anymore.
And he is obvs still processing the pregnancy announcement. So with all that, WHY is he still staying? Because of the money? Sure. But does he think being this horrible and creeper-ish will win Philippe back? Okay, so we know that Philippe does still love him, so why cannot Philippe TELL HIM THIS, to reassure him that he is first in his heart? SERIOUSLY, this is basic storytelling stuff. If a conflict can easily be solved with two characters sitting down and talking about it, then it is not a sustainable conflict. I know Philippe has a thing about admitting stuff to the Chevalier – we see that in Ep2 when he reluctantly says “I missed you a great deal.” It is all so unnecessary and would make the conflict so much greater if the Chevalier KNEW about Philippe’s secret spy role with Thomas, knew that Philippe had to do it because the king commanded him, and then had to fake being angry/upset/jealous (or maybe wouldn’t have to fake it much) and stand back to watch the love of his life actively seduce Thomas. Now THAT would be conflict. (okay, I ran with this idea, and you can see my alternate Philippe-spying-on-Thomas suggestion at the end of this recap).
So, anyway, back to Morose Chevalier watching Philippe and Thomas chat, and Philippe smiling and touching and all “we make quite a team.” As the Chevalier creeps off, Philippe says to Thomas, “I’d call that a handsome morning’s work,” then gives him a pouch of his winnings with a smile. Then he turns away and his face drops so we know it’s all just a charming sham, but of course, the Chevalier is not there to see that so he cannot know. Pleased Louis is pleased, smiling as they walk: “It’s a convincing charade.” To which Philippe replies: “it’s easier when my orders rule up with my hobbies.”
Louis: At any rate, he seems to be falling for your charms. Philippe: I’ve yet to meet a man who doesn’t. Louis: Make sure you have his trust. You can then chose a moment to abuse it. Philippe: (curtly) I must admit, I’m impressed, dear brother. You set a fine example on how to deny your passion in the service of your duty.
Then Philippe walks off and Louis is left with a little frown on his face. It seems to me that while Philippe would do anything Louis asks of him, this deliberate flirting and the subsequent pain he is causing the Chevalier is frustrating him. He is not pleased at all.
And now we are in Philippe’s rooms and the Chevalier is drinking and let us pause a moment to enjoy the furnishings before another argument will distract us. SO LOVELY. But now ominous music plays and the Chevalier is looking quite drunk/high/pained as he asks “where were you?” (ffs, you KNOW where he was!) And ugh, Philippe is all, “what business is it of yours?” as if he isn’t only THE LOVE OF HIS FUCKING LIFE. Can he not seeeee? Why would he think the Chevalier would be totally fine with him flirting with another dude?
The Chevalier: You’re fucking him, aren’t you?
Oh. Just… no, honey.
Philippe: (tightly as he pulls a pouch from his coat) we devised a deft game of cheating at the card table. (tosses the pouch on the table) That hardly constitutes consummation!
The Chevalier looks so very tired and worn, his little “I see” not really convincing at all. “You can’t even deny it.”
He walks slowly to Philippe, says “I want to know exactly what you’ve been up to.” Philippe replies, “you’re drunk,” but the Chevalier hurls the money pouch away, growls out “don’t patronise me!” and looks spoiling for a fight.
Philippe: There are bigger things going on here (the Chevalier dramatically rolls his eyes and stalks to the window). You have no idea what this is about. The Chevalier: (turns and yells) the whole fucking salon knows what’s going on. (pauses with a shaky breath) Do you have to rub my nose in it? Philippe: (turns away, clearly torn) It’s complicated. I can’t explain it right now. The Chevalier: (pulling out a musket, aims it at Philippe’s back) Maybe this will help you find the right words.
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No. JUST NO. This is just….. I CANNOT. Gimme a moment…… *hyperventilates, dragging in deep breaths*
Right. Okay. Back to this scene.
we are all Philippe at this moment.
Philippe turns to see the musket pointed at him, looks angry and incredulous for a second then briefly nods and stretches out his arms. “You dare-” he whispers, “-threaten me?” The Chevalier lowers the gun, mumbles, “no…I have a much better idea.” And then…. OH THEN….. PUTS THE GUN TO HIS HEAD.
Okay, dear readers, if you’ve been reading my recaps since the start, you KNOW how I feel about the way the Chevalier has been written for the show. How it is completely the opposite of how the historical Chevalier de Lorraine would have acted when presenting himself, when reacting to Philippe’s other lovers, when handling the jealousy and competition. This scene, this moment, is so far from what I know and love about the Chevalier that it is actually painful for me to watch. I am screaming “NOOOOOOOOO” at the screen, much the same as I did the first time I watched it. So. Much. Soap. I cannot see for all the melodrama.
*downs copious amounts of coffee*
Right. Back to the scene. The Chevalier holding a gun to his temple and looking as if his world has crumbled before him and Philippe standing there going, “you’re bluffing. Don’t even know how to load it properly” (okay, stop RIGHT THERE. The Chevalier is a fucking war hero, and even though they don’t show that in the show, he knows how to load a bloody musket. He is A CHEVALIER, which means he’s served in the army. Fucksake).
The Chevalier then smiles, a kind of sad-joyous-heartbroken smile as he looks at the gun and lowers it as Philippe ignores him and pours wine. Then he starts to blubber and says, ”do you really want to know how much I feel for you?” Philippe slowly looks at him as he continues. “Do you want to know what’s really in my heart? Let me show you.” And he cocks the gun, places it in is mouth. Philippe rushes over, wrestles for the gun and it goes off behind the Chevalier’s shoulder, taking out a gorgeous mirror on the wall. They struggle a bit, look a bit incredulous at each other, then Philippe throws the Chevalier to the floor where he curls up in a ball and whimpers. Philippe says tightly, “I don’t recognise you anymore. You stay away from me!” Then the guards burst in and see the Chevalier sobbing on the floor and Philippe standing, who says, “he missed,” then walks off, muttering, “the story of his life.”
Okay. I just cannot say anything more about that scene, except to say that Evan Williams is such a fabulous actor. I have absolutely NO issues with that whatsoever.
Marchal. Marchal will calm me.
*deeeeep breath* Now we are out in the gardens, thank Christ. This will be at least calming, right? uhhhh. non. We see a fox scampering about and apparently it’s such an unusual sight that the gardeners stop to watch, then race over to where it had been sniffing/nibbling the ground. Of course, the poor gardeners discover fresh dirt and a baby skull in it. Now we see Marchal on the case, looking further into the dirt, then commanding them to dig it all up. Poor man, can he not mourn in peace? First dragged back into Versailles because of the poison thing on request of the king, now some creepy baby killers that we know Creepy Etienne has a hand in.
So now we are with Louis in his small chapel room thingy, with Bossuet chanting and Louis on his knees in prayer. Bontemps enters and Louis is annoyed, but he insists the king comes with him, that Louvois awaits him in the council room. Apparently a messenger has just arrived from the Palatinate, Liselotte’s home. Oh, shit. This is not gonna be good. They are all in the council room, with a map before them as Louvois speaks.
Louvois: We have killed hundreds. Possibly more. Louis: And how many were soldiers? Louvois: (takes a breath) None, Sire. They were all unarmed civilians. Louis: (disbelieving) Our troops. Loyal professional Frenchmen have slaughtered innocent women and children. Louvois: They were out of control. Drunk. Rampaging. They looted. Butchered. Raped. They say the world has never witnessed such barbarity.
Louis is horrified, as well he should. He asks how it could have happened, that his general, Marcheral Turenne is a man of restraint. Louvois replies: “he claims, Sire, that he had his king’s blessing.” (remember Louis’ “do everything necessary?” to Luxembourg earlier?) Bontemps and Louvois both look troubled. “he’s lost all reason,” Louis says as he rips up the missive. “War has destroyed his mind. Eroded his judgement.” Louvois nods. “it would seem so, Sire.” The Elector Palatinate was their staunch ally, but now no more. He has joined William of Orange against them. Louis is speechless, sits slowly in his chair. “I must seek guidance from above,” he declares. “Ours is a god of wrath and we have angered him much already.” Bontemps wants to know if he is going to share the news with Liselotte. “She will find out soon enough,” replies Louis. “if she has not heard already.”
The camera is now on a letter in Liselotte’s lap, and slowly pans out to show her horrified expression gazing in the distance, eyes full of tears, while Philippe stands silently in the background. “What of your family?” he quietly asks. Some are unaccounted for but she has friends and cousins elsewhere. So they might have survived? “They say your forces killed everyone in sight,” Liselotte replies. “My country will never be the same again.” Philippe goes swiftly to her, says, “My brother’s actions have nothing to do with me.” Then he leans in, places a gentle kiss to her head and my heart breaks for Liselotte as she sits there in silence, tears streaming down her face. 😦 Philippe says, “I’m sorry,” and Liselotte finally looks up at him and says, “I am married to the family that has destroyed my people.” Philippe’s expression is a mix of sadness and anger.
*historical note. The sacking of the Palatinate was a black mark in history against the French. In Ruff’s Violence in Early Modern Europe, he writes: “ Perhaps the most devastating such desecration of our period took place in the Palatinate of western Germany, a natural area for staging attacks on France. To prevent such a use of the Palatinate, French troops under Marshal Turenne devastated the region in 1674, and the impending War of the League of Augsburg prompted Louis XIV of France to order devastation of the Palatinate again in the winter of 1688-80. This later act was one of systematic destruction, based on a map of target sites prepared by the war ministers, and the French destroyed many of the significant towns in the region, including Worms, Spier, Bingen and Oppenheim. In Mannheim, the capital of the Palatinate, the French not only destroyed the city but also executed citizens who returned to the ruins.”
The goblet again!!
Next scene and Philippe swiftly enters Louis’ rooms as he dines, declares, “Everybody out!” Bontemps splutters about conventions to be observed, but Philippe claps back with, “I don’t give a shit. Tell them to leave.” Bontemps, replies, his voice a little higher, “I don’t think that’s apt.” Philippe doesn’t care: “If you don’t, I will.” Bontemps is doggedly sticking to his guns but Philippe stares at Louis and says: “I have things to say that can only be heard both those who shared a bloody womb.” Louis casually drinks his wine (FROM THE GOBLET) as Philippe turns to the audience and yells, “Go on! GET OUT! Or do you defy your king’s brother?” and they all shuffle out as Louis gives Philippe a look, delicately pats his mouth with a serviette then tosses it to the plate.
“Must you live your entire life in a melodrama?”
Philippe doesn’t care. “You are a monster. What you did in the Palatinate makes you no better than a common killer.” So very emotional and you can see it, hear it in Philippe’s voice. Louis gives him a look then starts on the whole, ‘every war includes regrettable casualties’ excuse but Philippe is angry at the mass slaughter of innocent people and justifiably so. (I cannot help but draw a parallel between this scene and today’s conflict in multiple countries). Louis says it was out of his control but emotional Philippe scoffs at that: “Of course. It is always someone else’s fault, isn’t it? You’ve never said sorry in your entire life.”  (I am in two minds about this comment – Louis as absolute monarch would have not thought of apologising to anyone about anything. Yet this is his brother, and his brother is talking familiarly to him, like he always does. Philippe is allowed to overstep the boundaries of convention only because he is the king’s brother.)  Louis declares that Turenne was acting on his own initiative, but Philippe is having none of it. It could not have happened without Louis’ consent, therefore they are as guilty as each other. Louis angrily gets to his feet and boy, is he pissed. He has a spy in his palace, his troops are in retreat and half of Europe is out to destroy him. Philippe grabs Louis’ flailing arm, declares slowly that he has blood on his hands. With a disgusted look, Louis yanks away and Philippe sadly nods, his voice close to tears. “Maybe that’s your true legacy,” he says. “You don’t want to be loved. You want to be feared.” Then he walks out, leaving a stunned Louis in his wake.
Night falls over the palace now and a storm is brewing, and Louis is in his rooms, at an alter and kneeling in prayer. The windows burst open, sending correspondence flying and Bossuet hurries over to close them. Louis wants to know why he is still being tortured. Bossuet cannot say. He is frustrated – he’s crushed all carnal thoughts, destroyed his enemies and yet STILL God is punishing him with the massacre. Bossuet offers the usual “to pray is the only solution, Sire,” and yeah, Louis does not like that answer one bit. But apparently all answers will come to him through God.
We are back in Marchal’s dungeon/office where he is piecing together the baby skeleton, and one of his men enters, offering up the skull of another baby. Marchal looks grim – this is a pattern.
Cut to the chapel and Marchal approaches Bossuet, asks him about Saint-Geneviève’s, the refuge for lost souls, where babies of whores are taken. Bossuet says there is no such place. Marchal asks how he can be so sure. “Because,” Bossuet replies, “I have authority over all France. That includes you.” Marchal looks unimpressed/meh, asks him about Father Etienne. Nup, don’t know him.  Then as Marchal starts to leave, Bossuet replies, “Etienne… Guibourg?” Marchal waits. Bossuet adds: “If Guibourg is at large, you must stop him. Quickly.” *cue ominous music*
The Queen is at her toilette and Maintenon (formerly Scarron) enters with a smile. Oh, the Queen is asking her how she can become a better lover for her husband….. and Maintenon’s reply? “the profound love of wedlock can only come through God, Majesty.” OKAY THEN. But the queen wants to know more. How would Maintenon characterise her own marriage? “My late husband was very busy with his work. He was not one for… physical prowess.” The Queen is all ‘huh.’ and Maintenon adds, “although occasionally, my husband seemed to find me irresistible after I bathed in aromatic oils.”
*historical note: Paul Scarron was a poet and novelist and frequented salons in Paris, where he met Françoise d’Aubigné and married her at 17. He was 42. He was also crippled but details are unclear as to how – some accounts say he fell into icy water, some that he hid in swamp waters and others said it was the result of polio. Either way, he had a permanently twisted upper body and paralysed legs, so had to use a wheelchair and took opium for the pain. His salon was popular and frequented by the crème de la crème of Parisian writers and poets – Madame de Sévigné, Ninon de l’Enclos, Abbé de Choisy.   He also supported The Fronde (and lost his pension because of a ranty anti-Mazarin pamphlet) and their marriage yielded no children. You can read more about him here.  And with Maintenon here. 
A mademoiselle Solange then walks into the room, a former friend of Montespan. The queen would like to compensate the girl for her loss, by becoming a friend of the queen. She wants her to spy on Montespan: the queen does not trust ‘that harlot’ to keep her distance and she will make her pay if she returns.
I just have to interject here and show off some lovely earrings. Aren’t they fab? Click on them to zoom in.
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the queen….
and Agathe’s earrings
Back now with a worried-looking Montespan in Agathe’s place, who hands her a note. Montespan asks if reading it is all she has to do; Agathe says Guibourg will explain the rest. But Montespan is not comfortable going against the teachings of Rome. “The Church,” Agathe sighs. “The Church likes to believe there’s nothing of spiritual worth before Christ. They try to deny the ancient wisdom. They cannot ignore it. To doubt is natural.” She takes Montespan’s hand, a gentle gesture that still feels quite malevolent , then hands her two wrapped bottles. Montespan replies, “I will stop at nothing to secure the king’s love.” This pleases Agathe mucho and tells her Louis’ sweat is needed to seal the charm.
Suspicious Marchal is suspicious
Now in a salon, with merry music playing and courtiers mingling. Marchal prowls about (that word suits him so much… PROWL) and spots a couple doing not-so-subtle suspicious things. The woman walks across the room, deposits a book on a gaming table, Odile the maid saunters past and picks it up. Meanwhile, Marchal’s man says they cannot find Etienne, to which Marchal says to find Mathilde the whore. She will know. Off Marchal now charges, after Odile, who is hurrying through corridors. She runs into Marchal but there is no book and she stutters. Gaston suddenly appears.
Look at that lace! It better be French.
“Has Odile incurred your disapproval?” Ah, but Marchal is not having any of Gaston’s polite sly shit. He remarks on Gaston’s distinctive cloth of his coat.  “I’ll give you the name of my tailor… if you can afford him,” is Gaston’s reply. Marchal smoothly ripostes: “I prefer a less tawdry cut.” Gaston doesn’t like that, coming back tightly with: “some of us were born to set fashions. Others to merely follow them.” He leaves with his servant and Marchal prowls about the corridors a bit more, finds the book on the floor and sees that a hole has been cut in the centre. He knows and I am happy because Gaston’s time will surely come.
Night time now and Montespan is hurrying through the palace in a hood, a determined look on her face. She sneaks into Louis’ bedroom via the secret door, watches as Bontemps leaves, then pulls a pillowcase from the bed. She quickly leaves, through a less-pleasant passage way and gives the pillowcase a deep sniff. Poor Montespan, she is really feeling the loss of Louis and the romantic in me thinks she misses the man, not the privileges or the doors he opened for her Then she sees a door quickly close and it is poor Solange, the one who the queen told to spy on Montespan. “Where you spying on me?” Montespan says unnecessarily. “I thought you were my friend!” And Solange shoots back with “everything I learned of treachery, I learned from you.” So Montespan grabs her, drags her back into the passageway and….. Okay, strangles her from behind.
I have no words. Instead, I offer up this pic. >>>>>
We are now in Marchal’s dungeon/office and Mathilde is all a-huff as she enters, saying “I ain’t done nothin’ wrong,” in a cute but totally-out-of-place OIlver-Twist-gutter-English accent. Marchal needs her help to find Creepy Etienne and she’s shocked because the dude is a saint with all the whores. Marchal does his persuasive “if you care about the safety of your child, tell me all you know”.
Back to Montespan at Agathe’s and the woman is doing some ritual with the pillowcase and telling her to rub stuff on her skin and drink stuff that of course will be totally okay and legit. Montespan again expresses doubts and Agathe plays the most terrible of mind games, saying “I would not have invested in your future if I did not believe in you. And you know in your heart, you’ve already taken that first step.”
Too emotional. Do not want.
Montespan starts to cry, saying “she was my friend,” and I do feel quite sad for her. The look on Agathe’s face is frankly “ugh. Shut UP with yer moaning.” Clearly, Montespan with her FEELINGS and DOUBT and HUMANITY is harshing Agathe’s buzz.
Solange’s body has been found, and two men carry her through the corridor and everyone mills about, gossiping in shocked whispers. Finally, a death without poison. Sophie is sad and moves off, the queen looks at Louis then follows. Louis whispers to Marchal: “I can feel my enemy’s breath on the back of my neck. Find them!” Bontemps looks to Marchal, Marchal looks away expressionless, but his mind is no doubt furiously working.
Louis is pissed. He kneels in his little prayer room, scoffing at the effigy of Jesus on the cross, mocking him. “Here I am before you. A sinner. Penitent. Do you hear me? Do you see me?  You taunt me, is that it? I’m here for your amusement? Punish me if you must, but why should the people of France suffer for my sins?” Frustrated and angry, he paces, yelling about confronting his foes with God’s help, demanding it. Jesus on the cross stays silent as the ominous music swells.
We see Creepy Etienne exit his hobbit home in the woods with a bundle, mount his horse and leave, and yay! Marchal and his men are watching through the trees. To your horses, chaps!
Versailles at night again and Maintenon enters Louis’ little prayer room, to find him sat on the floor, looking drained and not looking at all King-like. He gave orders not to be disturbed, but apparently it’s okay to defy him because she came to pray. (such BAD protocol). What does she pray for? “For you,” she replies. He is a bit annoyed by that: “I am in no need of prayer.” Oh, but Maintenon disagrees. He needs it more than anyone because he carries everyone’s hopes, desires, dreams. But he is unimpressed. “I live a gilded life.” Montespan replies: “Bearing the heart of France is a terrible burden. You must be stronger than all of us.”  And if he can’t find the strength, then God will help him. And now we see Louis starting to get to know her, a scene that would have played a lot more logically before he made her a Marquise. He asks how she finds her strength: she has lived a full life, has known sin and redemption, and has achieved inner peace. Louis laughs: he wishes it was so simple. Then she gets all pious and says he must confront his fear, confess his sins, blah blah. Unimpressed Louis yells at her but something is sapping the breath from him. Panic attack…..? Stress….? Maintenon tells him he’s a good man, that he isn’t alone…. and I has a bit of a cry as Louis does, resting his head in her lap as he weeps.
Poor Louis. 😦
Right. Back with Montespan, and she stands in a dark room with candles and a stone altar with a carved pentagram as Creepy Etienne chants Latin and four other caped dudes stand about. She agrees to “serve the Lord” and steps forward, removes her cape and lays on the stone, then parts her robe to leave her topless. A baby is brought in…. and now we see Marchal and his men galloping through the night, searching. They find stone archways… (the grounds of a church? Monastery?) and Marchal is off and running, sword fighting off one dude then another as his men follow. The baby is crying as Etienne is handed a knife, the blade descends and blood splashes Montespan…. but Marchal is suddenly there and Montespan legs it, Etienne holds out his hands in surrender and a guard swiftly takes the baby. The baby is only cut across the arm, Montespan grabs her clothes from another room and runs. The plan is thwarted.
*Historical note: So over the course of ten or so years, there were numerous poisonings and black masses rumoured to be held. Montespan was implicated in them, as was Olympe Mancini, comtesse de Soissons (former lover of Louis and sister of his first love Marie, and who left Paris before being named). It was said Montespan took part in these masses/orgies and babies were sacrificed over her naked body as she sprawled on a stone alter. She also was quite paranoid of losing Louis’ favour at court, which also meant all her friends and family would miss out, so over a period of time, she was adding a ‘love potion’ to the king’s food and drink. Poor Louis would get pains and headaches for no apparent reason and when he found out what she was doing and put a stop to it, they vanished. Guess it can’t be too good for the body to regularly ingest bits of ground up animal and plants.
So now we are back with Louis, waking in Maintenon’s lap. He says she helped him find his strength, but she counters with “you carry your responsibilities like a cross.” Louis is coming to the realisation that he is just a man –  weak, fallible, a mortal man, and Maintenon encourages him to see, to hear, to feel. And to breathe. She places her hand on his chest and they take deep breaths together… and yep, there is the kiss. So much for the sanctity of marriage and all that. But I guess maybe they don’t think of kissing outside wedlock as a sin? Those crazy 17th century nobles. Maintenon slowly pulls back, she looks worried. Then Louis says, “my heart beats again,” and it is all good.
We see a wide green shot of Versailles, then we are in the Duc de Cassel’s rooms and he does not look at all good, coughing and stuff, and he finds a note. From Thomas to Sophie, obvs. He puts it back as she enters the room, asks if something is wrong because she cannot read his expression. “I’ve spent a lifetime perfecting that particular skill.” What is he thinking? “A wife,” he says, “should never ask her husband that question. The answer will always disappoint.” He puts out a hand to her and she visibly flinches, and damn, I am not happy that it is clear she’s expecting to be hit. But instead he strokes her hair then walks away. She is suspicious and it appears she thinks he’s found her letter. “You frighten me,” she admits. “Oh, I am not the one to fear,” he replies. “A girl like you should be more careful in her choice of lover.” She plays innocent but Cassel goes on: “never trust a man who presents more than one version of himself. Or one who writes stories for a living.” Damn, Cassel. That is some spot-on philosophical shit. Is it possible to enjoy such a horrible person?
Louis and Philippe now (FINALLY PHILIPPE!!), standing in one of Louis’ rooms, at the window.
Louis: You’re sure Thomas suspects nothing? Philippe: I have him eating from my perfumed palm. Louis: then you will tell him tonight that the king is arrogant, pig headed and paranoid. Philippe: Shouldn’t be too difficult. (Bontemps’ look LULZ) Louis: You will say I am losing my grip on reality, rejecting all reasonable advice and that you wish to leave Versailles for good. Philippe. Again, I think I can manage that. Louis: And then, you will tell him that the war is lost, that my men are cornered, like rats in a trap. We cannot hold onto Utrecht another day. We will withdraw all our forces after nightfall. Philippe: How can you be so sure this will work? Louis (smiles): Because I have seen the light.
gratuitous pretty-faced Philippe pic.
Then he turns and strides off, Philippe gives Bontemps a look, Bontemps leaves too and Philippe sighs and goes back to whatever is out the window. 
Now, we all know that being so blatantly obvious in imparting information to a spy can only backfire. Just you wait.
Thomas is writing at his desk as Philippe creeps up and puts his hands over his eyes. “Is that the delicate touch of the duc de Cassel?” LULZ Thomas. So hilarious. Philippe says they need to go out and gamble and get drunk as he casually checks out all the papers on the desk. Thomas gets nervous and says it’s a play about the war he’s working on. Philippe nonchalantly lets drop that Louis is making a mess of the war, Thomas says he should be in the play and be the lead role. They have a bit of flirty banter as Philippe walks about, notices Thomas closing a folder. Philippe then drapes himself on Thomas’ bed, reading aloud the verses from the paper he still holds. Thomas casually lays beside him, says “try some more, this time with real feeling.” And his hand goes to Philippe’s breeches, pushing the coat aside. The look on Philippe’s face is a bit “ooookay then…” but he sinks down in the bed a bit and keeps reading, the paper in front of Thomas’ hands as Thomas continue to undo his breeches. Then Thomas smoothly straddles Philippe’s legs, and the camera pans up to Philippe’s face as his words falter and he groans a little and it is more than clear that Thomas is pleasuring him with his mouth.
Okay. I actually do not think this is that bad. Sure, I am feeling SO VERY BAD for the Chevalier. But historically, Philippe and the Chevalier had other lovers during the time they were together. Also – my alternate Philippe-spying-on-Thomas plot line at the end of this recap.
Now we are back with Louis, Marchal and Bossuet, and Louis is looking through the books they confiscated from Etienne. Bossuet says they deal in the devilish art of human sacrifice. “This unholy priest feels no remorse? No pity?” asks Louis. Marchal: “not yet.” (ahhhh, yessss!) Louis commands Marchal to extract the names of the village accomplices from him – one of them a woman – and show him “the full force of my justice.” This is what we love about Marchal – taking down names and getting shit done.
We are with Agathe now, and Montespan jump scares her, and the poor woman does not look good. Black mass rituals will do that to you. Also, she hasn’t had anything to eat, just some weirdo potion Agathe told her to drink before the baby-stabbing ritual. Then she sees the blood on her arms and frantically rubs at it, getting a bit hysterical, crying that she has sold her soul as Agathe tries to soothe her. What of Father Etienne, Agathe wants to know. Yeah, Marchal has him and what if he speaks? Agathe says he has never betrayed any of his followers…. and they hear footsteps, and just like that, Gaston walks in (DOES NOBODY KNOCK??) and says calmly, “Then he’s never met Monsieur Marchal.” Montespan looks all sad and forlorn and lost, wants to know what she should do now. “After the way the king has betrayed you,” Agathe says, “don’t tell me you do not seek justice.” Gaston gives a most excellent evildoer face and we all know what Agathe’s brand of justice means.
Next scene and we FINALLY see the Chevalier again, dozing at a window, then suddenly waking as a door closes and we hear a “until the next time,” from Thomas and damn, the Chevalier has a determined look on his face as he follows. YOU GO, HON! We see incognito Thomas in the village, passing over a note to a caped figure, then glances back to the Chevalier ducking into a doorway. Thomas whispers something in the man’s ear that sounds like “I’m being followed” then they split up and Thomas heads behind a wall. The Chevalier looks out, follows, ducks behind another wall, then draw out a …. wtf a dagger? (the man is a knight in the king’s army FFS. HE HAS A SWORD). He whirls to see a man in the distance, a hand goes to his shoulder, spins him about then punches him in the face.  
<<<<<< And I am left here with THIS expression.
NO. I refuse to acknowledge this terrible travesty. I know it is within the character of show Chevalier but this is… Lord. An insult. A warrior, a man versed in battle, a decorated soldier who knows how to fence and shoot and ride… uselessly waving about his dagger as he is being beaten up then robbed – ROBBED AND STRIPPED – by a handful of villagers.
Oh, thank CHRIST we are back at Versailles now, with a view of the fountain in the morning. Can we have just some bit of sense, pleeeeeease? oh…… We see a pair of bloodied feet shuffling along the corridor, some coughing, someone being a bit startled…. it is the Chevalier returned, beaten and bloody as he opens the door to a dressed Philippe reading a book. His first words? “Look what you’ve done to me now.”
OH what the F—
Philippe is astonished as the Chevalier gets out, “compliments of your new lover,” and slams the door. Yes, it was Thomas although he didn’t see his face, because the Chevalier was following him. The first thing he does is grab the mirror (ahhh, that is amusing) and shuffles over to the desk to survey the damage. Philippe is all ‘whyyyy?” to which the Chevalier tightly answers, “ because I wanted to discuss the weather over armagnac and macaroons, what do you think?” Philippe silently kneels before him, pours water and then gently pushes back the Chevalier’s hair, dabs a cloth into the water to wipe away the blood. The Chevalier screeches and grabs the cloth: “you’re making it worse.” And the look Philippe gives him… Kind of shitty but also just taking it.
Philippe: Why won’t you let me help you? The Chevalier: Because this is all your fault! (slams the cloth down and rises) I’ll go ahead right now, kill him this time. Philippe (grabs his arm) You can’t! The Chevalier: I have my honour to think of. And so should you! Philippe (sounding worried) : You mustn’t cause him any more trouble. We have to leave him alone. The Chevalier: Why?! Philippe: Trust me. It’s important! The Chevalier: Trust you? Seriously?
Then Philippe kind of leans in, but the Chevalier slaps his hands away with a “get your hands off me!” And then… NOOOOOO Philippe, with tears in his eyes, says, “I love you!” and the Chevalier’s face freezes, stunned, but then Philippe ruins the potentially awesome “ILY TOO!” moment by adding, “but Thomas has to be left alone. We both… need to show a brave face. Can you do that? For me?” And the Chevalier briefly closes his eyes, looking all sad and bloody and UGH I need to give him a big hug because CONFLICT SO MUCH. He silently rolls his eyes then says quietly, “run me a bath,” and shuffles off and Philippe is left look all massive cry-eyes puppy dog sad.
Me? Asking for forgiveness?!
Okay, now we are outside, Louis standing under a massive fancy canopy as he watches Maintenon stare broodily into the lake, then she turns and sees him and comes over. She seems preoccupied but it is nothing. He invites her to sit down (armless chair AHHHHH) and of course it’s not nothing because she now proceeds to tell him it is definitely something. About the Princess Palatine. Okay, Louis’ expression means he was most def. not expecting that. Liselotte has been in mourning and Maintenon is sure it is an oversight because a few words from him would ease Liselotte’s pain. Louis looks a bit irritated, then says she’s right, that he will express his deepest regrets but damn it does not sound as if he really wants to do that at all. Oh, yeah, Maintenon is not impressed and Louis can see that. Maintenon has something else in mind: asking her forgiveness. (insert SHOCKED LOUIS face here). “Confession is not the same as apology,” she adds.  He leans in, strokes her face (for anyone and everyone to see, I might add!) says, “why can’t my priest be more like you?” then ….
OMG he KISSES HER! What on EARTH is the queen gonna say when she hears about it?? Montespan is subdued: he wants to know if he frightens her. Oh, no. “Only myself.”
The scene fades out, and then fades in to a teary Liselotte seated in her rooms, Louis standing as he says, “I want to show my appreciation and respect. You are a model of humility. And restraint. You have fulfilled your duty as my brother’s wife under trying circumstances…” He steps to her as she remains silent, a hand on her shoulder and I see they are using a particular filming technique. Liselotte’s face is clear and in shot, we see her entire expression and the tears on her cheeks, see her lips tremble. It is Louis out of focus, standing behind her, talking. It brings the viewer’s eye squarely to the most important person in frame – Liselotte. We have to see her pain and her upset. We acknowledge Louis only by his voice not his figure, so it is his words that matter, that speak for him. Louis continues: “and now you must feel great distress after what has happened in your country.” Liselotte still remains turned away from him as tears fall, says, “is that supposed to be an apology?” and now the camera goes to Louis’ face. “Obviously, I would let you return home were you not carrying my brother’s child.” Liselotte finally turns to look at him and now we also see Philippe in the room, out of focus and in the background. Liselotte replies: “my child will grow up in a family of murderers. I came here to discover a new life. Of joy. Of liberty.”   
The camera cuts to Philippe and there are his sad puppy eyes again 😦 Liselotte rises, continues: “I am now your captive. You have complete ownership of me. I am at your mercy.” And she stretches her arms a little, palms up in supplication, and Louis is a little shocked, I think. A little taken aback. Then he sighs, says “I am sorry.” Then turns and walks from the room.
We are at nighttime now, and Bontemps is getting into bed, beside Louis’ bed. We see Louis trying to sleep, but he has visions of a blood-red pentagram and the priests around the stone altar, some creepy words and the baby sacrifice. Which is weird because Louis did not see this first hand. Then he wakes, thinks for a bit: something is troubling him. Bontemps swiftly gets up. “What ails you, Sire?” And next we see him striding into his little prayer room with Bontemps behind, where they meet Bishop Bossuet and Marchal, who hands him the book that Father Etienne had. Louis flicks through the pages, then finds a picture of a minotaur and the labyrinth. “I drew this in my own blood,” Louis says. “And now I recall where I saw it first.”
We see a flashback to Louis’ tarot reading, the Agathe turning the cards to reveal the same picture. “And now the Labyrinth returns to haunt me,” Louis finishes as Marchal silently looks at him. “The tarot sorceress may be part of this heresy too,” Louis tells him. They both look ominously at each other, flint jawed and serious, then Louis gives him a slight nod. Marchal leaves and Louis turns to the crucifix, gives the tiniest of smiles, a brief nod and makes the sign of the cross before he strides out.
We are in Marchal’s dungeons now, and a beaten up Etienne is stretched out on a cross a-fixed to a turning wheel, much like roulette. His soul is immortal, apparently. “Is that so?” Marchal drawls, not at all impressed, and wants to know who else is behind ‘this abomination.’ Etienne will not give it up and a few torturous moments on the slow spinning wheel are had, until he mumbles… “Claudine.” Oh, shit, he is baiting Marchal. “…so soft to the touch,” Etienne whispers. Marchal is expressionless as he turns away and Etienne keeps on his creepy pained whispering: “She cried for your help, you know. As she died. Like a lamb to the slaughter.” Marchal sloooowly turns back around. “it was gratifying,” Creepy Etienne keeps whispering. “taking her life force. For one so… so sweet…” and then suddenly Marchal goes all rage face and lunges forward with a yell and stabs Creepy Etienne in the belly. Yes, it is gross… not overtly bloody but we see Etienne’s face and his expression and it creeps me out.. And yes, Marchal keeps stabbing him in a rage, and Etienne is already well and truly dead. But it feels like that was Etienne’s intention, to rile up Marchal to get him to kill him. Marchal is breathless, leans on the hilt of the knife still buried in the now-totally-dead priest, then with a gasp he turns, casually yanking the blade out as he goes.
End of episode!
And now the BONUS….
So, I mentioned an alternate Philippe Spying On Thomas plot line. We have Louis needing Philippe’s help to spy on Thomas the traitor. Philippe has massive reservations but says yes. So the Chevalier sees Philippe and Thomas getting chummy in the salons and is understandably heartbroken, but when he confronts him in his rooms, he is so very cool and collected. Glacial. The Chevalier: If you want me gone, I would just appreciate the direct approach. Philippe: What are you talking about? The Chevalier (casually drinking wine): Your little lapdog… Toby? Thierry? Philippe: It is Thomas and you know it. The Chevalier: Oh, oui. Him. (waves a dismissive finger) Well, if you do insist on trading down, then I shall take my leave. (makes a mocking bow, barely covering his hurt with a cold demeanour) With Monsieur’s permission, of course. Philippe: (watches in silence for a moment) It is not what you think. It is… (clearly struggling) complicated. The Chevalier (crosses his arms and raises an eyebrow): You know you are terrible at keeping secrets. Tell me.
So then after some coaxing (maybe even of the sexual variety because the Chevalier is not above using sex as a weapon), Philippe tells the Chevalier that Louis has commanded him, that Thomas is a spy and he has to get him on side so Philippe can spy on the spy. The Chevalier laughs, then realises Philippe is deadly serious and they discuss it, finally agreeing to do Louis’ bidding. And now the Chevalier has MAJOR CONFLICT because he has just given his stamp of approval for his lover to cozy up to another guy, to touch him, to flirt and stuff. Maybe even shag him. All in the name of loyalty and for the good of the country. And he has to reconcile with that, because his heart is torn. He loves Philippe and quietly rages inside because no one else can touch what is his. But knows how much Philippe needs Louis’ approval and how much this means, with Louis putting his trust in his brother and asking him for help. This is a Huge Deal in Philippe’s mind. So the Chevalier has to sit back, endure the gossip, the snide comments from his enemies who are suddenly seeing him publicly fall from Philippe’s favour. Worse, he has to see his lover with a traitor, in order to give Philippe what he needs… the approval and trust of Louis.
Merci for reading ❤ 
Versailles S2, Ep9 – The one with the sacrificing Bonjour, amis! Before we start on this recap, there’s a few things I have to draw your attention to.
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cutegirlmayra · 6 years
Ok, are you still doing Sonamy prompts? 'cause if you are, here's a 'silly' one: Remember how you said you wanted to do an actual GOOD SonamyShad love triangle? Ok. Now, have you heard 'Satisfied' from the Hamilton musical? There, see. Eliza is Amy, but if you want to, you can switch Sonic and Shadow for Alexander or Angelica, you can make Shadow the outcast or you can do a platonic/romantic Sonamy where he is the outcast! (not sonadow) IDK, I just love the feels. :') You're the best!
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(x) This lovely preview image was used with permission! Please support the Artist as well~
Yeah, I love that musical! I see Amy as Eliza a lot actually xD But I usually ship Sonamyshad as Sonic and Shadow having feelings for Amy. >////
The drink in his hand wasn’t much of a calming substance.
Long ago, Shadow had begun to feel… stirrings… for Amy, but such things were ‘disagreeable’ with him and his lifestyle. Instead, he kept it bottled up. Didn’t say much about how she made him feel during the time they all did missions together to put an end to a foreign enemy, nor the fact that he had chosen to partner up with her during that time instead of Rouge.
Rouge was the first to pick up a strange ‘attachment’—so to speak— coming from him when it came to Amy Rose. He was quick to interject when roles and aids were being called out, and always strongly enforced that he and Amy were a good balance of brawn and wit.
It was beginning to get controlling though, and although Amy never suspected anything, Sonic’s presence in her life was overwhelming to Shadow… he began to get eerily jealous of Amy’s admiration for him. He became more persistent in being with her, and even went so far as to drive a wedge between the two by keeping Amy away from Sonic…
However, these attempts failed.
Amy was always seeking out Sonic, never realizing Shadow’s harbored feelings, and soon…
Well, the wedding was a surprise.
Shadow clanked the glass down hard on the table, tsk’ing as the merry crowd gathered and cheered at some joke Sonic had said.
Although he respected Sonic… he didn’t owe him any favors.
He quickly gorged in one fatal gulp the rest of the drink, wiping his mouth and prepared to leave with a scowl on his face.
“Hmm?” Rouge, fancied up, moved slightly from Knuckles’s embrace to cock her eyebrow up at his obvious upset exit. “Leaving so soon?”
He only grunted in a sigh.
His eyes narrowed, not liking her eyes on his back, before…
“Alright, alright, alright! Let’s hear it for the lovely couple! And now, a toast!”
A toast?
Shadow stopped a moment, pivoting his head slightly to the side, but not fully looking back just yet. “Odd..” he didn’t think they would start without-
“And here’s the lovely bride now!”
Shadow couldn’t help it. All he needed was to watch a piece of fabric fly by the corner of his eye for the temptation to be too great and turn around to look at her.
He was stunned from head to toe, unable to look away and unable to close his mouth.
The longing to have Sonic never exist grew again… and jealousy turned to envy instantly.
She was beautiful.
Then, Sonic all but disappeared.
So did the party.
The guests.
The tables and it’s over-glorified food and beverages.
He found himself walking after her as if daydreaming, moving parallel but out of sight behind the crowd as he watched her through the slits of their bodies all tightly together in a line to welcome her.
“To the Groom!” To the groom… the groom…
“To the bride!” To the bride… to the lovely bride…
“To their future!” Amy…
“To their union!” To this revelation.
“And the hope that you’ll provide!” This can’t be happening…
Shadow stopped walking as the sides of his face pulled down in utter anguish.
Had he fallen so deeply into this… this fascination with her that he couldn’t even snap himself out of the trance she had on him? Could he really just not walk away? But watch this act be done?
His fists clenched along with his jaw… jagged in a line upon his teeth were the full bearings of his fangs.
“He doesn’t deserve her…” It was so faint, so completely drowned out by the crowd, that not even his own ears could pick up his muttered betrayal.
But someone did see his mouth move.
“Shadow?” Amy turned to look straight through the crowd, lifting a gentle and angelic hand towards him.
“Oh?” The crowd turned, as the announcer from before gestured to Shadow. “Do you have anything to say?”
“…Simply…” he held his head high, realizing he had to now.
Looking at Amy’s eyes… seeing her concern in them…
Did she know?
“…That you always… be satisfied.”
She smiled.
Rewind. “Chaos…” he slowly pulled the Chaos Emerald out, hurriedly walking back and away from everyone, heading outside.
“I remember that night… I just might regret that night for the rest of my days…” Shadow moved through the forest, seeing a weary Amy, struggling to breathe, crawling towards the only safety she could perceive.
He watched her, knowing exactly what he did and responded to her with… and thinking maybe history could repeat itself in a different way this time.
He approached her.
He felt a twinge of pain.
His face scrunched up, but he lowered himself down as her face moved up to get a better look at him.
“Are you alright?” He was following the script, not sure when to change it.
There’s eyes remained locked as long as Amy could muster them before she collapsed and he picked her up.
“Here.” He gave her something to drink as she gulped it down, hitting her chest a moment as she coughed up smoke.
“Explosion.” She explained with a weak voice. “Thank you… Shadow.”
“Rest. You need it.” He moved the drink away from her and as he did so, lightly brushed his fingers over her hair.
She didn’t notice.
She never did.
It was so secretive, the slight pleasure he obtained from those ‘slide-of-hands’ he all but perfected over the course of time they spent together… but now…
She coughed again, “I’m so lucky you found me…”
He didn’t respond, just helped lift her up more so she could breathe…. Then… leaned her back against his own as he rested upon a stump.
“A pity your hero didn’t find you.” Shadow retorted to, at last, going by his old words, but they held new meaning now.
It wasn’t a silly taunt anymore.
It held so much… more now.
“Hmph. You’re just like me then. I’m never satisfied with my rescues either.”
That triggered something in him, a sudden urge to lean down and claim her his right then and there. A kiss… forbidden and deadly… but could it change fate?
“There’s still a million things I want me and Sonic to accomplish.” She smiled, that same… unyielding smile of total and pure joy.
How could she be so content? With a boyfriend like him!?
Shadow turned away, tsk’ing again, as Amy giggled.
“But just you wait.” She retorted, looking down and away from straight up into his face. She lightly stroked Shadow’s hands around her waist… “I’ll make that Sonic respect me.”
I already respect you.
Shadow looked away, fighting the urge to pull her up further and take hold of her mouth and never give her time to breathe again.
But what good would that do? The second she caught hold of fresh air again, she would run back to her Sonic. Nothing he could do could change that.
The conversation lasted two, maybe three minutes… but it was in that moment that Shadow began to feel something for Amy.
They both played games of wit on their missions. They enjoyed the other’s company. She even got him to smile on more than one occasion.
What did she see in that blue menace?
Then again… currently speaking, with Shadow’s feelings and all, he was the true menace to her ‘happily ever after’…
“Do you ever wonder what would happen if Sonic wasn’t the one you end up with?”
She fidgeted, sweating a little in his arms as she didn’t speak.
She was flying off of hope, and nothing more.
Beautiful… and boy, did she know it.
She played innocent and cute so well… but he saw sides of her that he was sure even Sonic didn’t get a chance to see.
He wanted to take her far away from here, far into his arms and into a void where neither of them could escape from. A place where no ‘Sonic’ existed… but then he looked down to her face, hearing only silence, and watched in humiliating shock with her eyes light up.
“I’m just helpless, you know?”
And truly, he knew she was-
Her eyes simply screamed-
“Helplessly devoted to him~” she swooned, melting into Shadow’s arms with sighs as his own twitched and shook uncontrollably.
It didn’t matter. Nothing he did would ever matter to her more than Sonic. More than her own diluted feelings for him.
Then Sonic came.
“Woah! Amy! I finally found you!”
Shadow glared up at him, spooking Sonic slightly as Amy’s face lit up with smitten grandeur at his arrival.
“Miss me?”
“Aways!” she coughed then but tried to move out of his grasp.
Shadow continued to hold her.
He closed his eyes, ‘That’s when I realized… three fundamental truths at the exact same time.’
He handed her off to Sonic, who played the charming rescuer even though Shadow did all the work of helping her stay alive.
“I was worried about’cha. You gave everyone quite a scare, Amy.” He smiled warmly down to her, so friendly and full of hidden love she wouldn’t discover until another few years.
“Hehe, worried? Scared? Oh, Sonic!” she wrapped her strong arms around his neck, being careful to be gentle. Something… Shadow knew because she replicated it when he held her through missions as well.
Sonic held her bridal style, the exact same way he did.
So why was it different?
Shadow turned away, fists turning white as the gloves over them before he folded his arms and took a deep breath, turning away from the ‘happy’ couple.
“I miss you all the time! Why can’t you understand that?” she sighed, but Shadow knew from the tone of her voice that she was only playing.
He knew her.
Every gesture and mannerism…
But he wanted so much more than knowledge…
He gritted his teeth again, stifling any noise of aggravation he may make towards them.
Shadow reminded himself that Amy was his first love, that he was an abomination made on the Space Colony Ark, and that was why he let Sonic take her away that day.
Nice going, she was right.
He turned to the two.
He will never be satisfied.
He walked over to them, “What are you doing?” Sonic asked.
Shadow turned him around, “I’m about to change your life.” He stated and gave Sonic a little ‘nudge’ so to speak, “Go take Amy around the lake. Try and be somewhat chivalrous and give her a good time.”
“W-what!?” Sonic’s face lost it’s ‘cool attitude’ and suddenly was in shambles as Amy blushed and looked surprised back at Shadow.
He faked his smile and walked away from the two. “My only job in this life is to protect humanity and let them live out there dreams. So maybe that is why…” He pulled out his chaos emerald.
“I let Amy have her dream…” he was plenty far enough away for Amy and stubborn Sonic with his nose up in the air to avoid Amy seeing any further expression of his embarrassment on his face, although totally applying what Shadow said and giving her a night to remember… one that left Shadow without any chance to climb—but then again— he already knew he had lost.
“Even if she’s clueless.” He smirked, holding the emerald out, “That doesn’t mean… I want her any less.”
He teleported through time back to Amy and Sonic’s wedding, folding his arms as he watched her walk down the isle, Sonic sweating buckets and having to be fanned by Tails’s twin tails just to stay calm and not overheat from anxiety.
Cold feet?
Shadow snickered, before looking away, leaning on the door and not looking back.
“I’d have to be naïve to set her feelings aside,.. it’s just another reason why I-“ he gripped his head, suddenly feeling the rush of sorrow crash inside himself. “Maybe that’s why…” he started to feel a migraine the size of a walnut in his head, only growing bigger as he turned fully away from the scene and covered his face, trying to get some air.
“I gave her to Sonic… Now that’s her groom.”
He looked up through his fingers, glaring.
“Thank you for all the help you’ve done, Shadow.” Amy’s eyes beamed with praise.
He looked down at her hand…
“If it takes fighting a war to be with you…” he grabbed it, dropping down to one knee and surprising her, seeing her blink fast as he kissed her hand. “Then it was worth it.”
Sonic later bent to one knee… shocking her even more… frustrating Shadow even more…
Shadow walked out of the church, “I’ll leave you to it.” He lifted a hand up, dismissing the happy couple, letting Sonic win over himself.
Who was he kidding… Sonic had him beat before Amy even knew of his existence.
He knew Amy like he knew his own mind by now.
Sonic came out later, basking a minute in the moonlight before Shadow approached him.
“Shadow?” he straightened himself up, seeing Shadow’s demeanor looked off.
“What’s up? The food not good enough for ya? Hehee.” He smiled obviously, as Shadow took a deep breath to calm his rage, and then looked up within the shadows of the darkened trees towards him.
“Take care of her Sonic… you’ll never find anyone as trusting or as kind as Amy Rose…”
“Uhh… I think you mean, Miss The Hedgehog.” Sonic raised an eyebrow. Just as oblivious as her…
Shadow rolled his eyes.
Even he didn’t fully realize Shadow’s feelings for Amy.
He wondered… if he had told Sonic of his feelings… would he have been silently resigned? Would she have been his? Or would he have been lying about being indifferent to it all?
Either way…
If Shadow had succeeded in driving a big enough rift between them, she would have acted content and fine, but she’d obviously be lying as well.
Shadow left then… But deep in the night, when he dreamed or fantasized… It was always her eyes, Maria’s words in her mouth, as she would lean her back against his chest just like that first night… looking up at him…
Even if she never loved him…
At least he kept her eyes in his life…
But he’d never be satisfied.
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barry429484077-blog · 6 years
mature chat sites - 5 Mature Lesbian Seduction Stories Mistakes That Will Cost You $1m Over The.
So, my girlfriend was out of town. In fact she was out of the entire country. She had been gone six weeks at the time and wasn’t going to be back for another six. She had been accepted for an Erasmus term which meant she got to spend twelve weeks studying in Italy. I was delighted for her. The only issue I had with the plan was that it meant there would be no sex for almost three months. I tried to keep busy so my mind would be occupied and I had been ‘sorting myself out’ but the longer time went on the more difficult it got and things that would make me horny seemed to be seeking me out. A couple of the lads had arrived back in town. We had planned our holidays so that we could have the time off together to catch up. Since college finished last year we had been growing steadily apart so when we had an opportunity to get together we went all out. We met back in our local and sat in our usual spot. The conversation of turned from work to sport to absent friends and family to women and memories from school. The lights flashed and before we knew it last call was to be ordered. We all decided that the night was still young so we moved on to a club. It was a student night which meant the place was crawling with people but after a few years going through those doors we had gotten to know the door man who just waved us through. It had been a long time since I had drank shots and just as long since I had danced in a club but tonight I was doing both. Some of the lads were wild on the dance-floor. The chatty ones had talked their way into a group of strangers with the help of some liquid confidence. One of my friends had one too many and we figured it would be best to call him a cab. The single boys were on a roll that night, each of them finding a girl on the dance-floor and a corner of the club for a little privacy. With my perception dropping with every shot I didn’t even notice that I had been left by myself on the dance-floor. Well, I wasn’t entirely alone. A young brunette in a silver dress danced alone in front of me. She had been dancing with the girls who were now sitting with my friends. I couldn’t help but stare at her hips swaying back and forth to the beat of the music. When I eventually raised my eyes I saw that she was looking back at me over her left shoulder. She threw me a cute smile and turned around to me. We danced together for a short time before somebody bumped into the back of her or into the back of me. Whichever happened all I knew was our faces were just inches apart. I could smell her perfume as she threw her head back and placed her arms on my shoulders. I felt her thighs grind up the leg of my jeans until her dress lifted up slightly. My cock was pressed to the front of my pants at this stage but I felt that it had been like that for the past six weeks. In my peripheral vision I saw somebody trying to make eye contact with me. I turned and locked eyes with Amy. My girlfriend’s younger sister. She was by the entrance as if she had just arrived. She shot me an unknown expression and walked away in the direction of the bar. I never sobered up quicker in my life. I caught this girl by the hips and pushed past her in the direction Amy went. Shit, what had she seen? What was I doing? Was she contacting Claire right now? I found her at the bar counter with her back to me. Her straight, blonde hair fell softly on her naked back. The baby blue dress she was wearing hugged her body tightly and what a body it was. Her tits were bigger than her older sisters. They were at least a D-cup. Her ass was not quite as nice but held a small firm shape. Her long, athletic legs were even more defined tonight than usual because of her high heels. I had always thought she was quite sexy and I was clearly not the only one because she got a lot of attention from boys. It was her eyes that really made me like her though. She had large, light-blue eyes that always had a certain look in them. It was a look she shared with her sister except I only saw it in Claire’s eyes when she was looking up from her knees with the head of my cock in her mouth. A look that said "I know I’m a naughty girl." Amy always had this look and it made me really curious about fucking her. "Hey Amy," I said putting a hand on her back. "Heya," she answered with a hug "I haven’t seen you in ages. Just because Claire’s gone doesn’t mean we can’t hang out." I bought us both a drink and we sat at a table to catch up. She didn’t bring up the girl from the dance-floor and she didn’t seem pissed so maybe she hadn’t seen anything. I wasn’t entirely convinced. I hadn’t noticed how low cut her dress was until we sat down. You could see she wasn’t wearing a bra and her tits looked ready the burst out of the dress. After a bit of chat about frivolous things I noticed her getting distracted by something over my shoulder. "Oh shit…" I saw her mouth. "What is it?" I asked. "Well do you remember Tom?" "Your ex?" I had never met him but Claire had spent many nights on the phone consoling her sister both before and after the break up. It was a very messy affair. "Yeah, well he’s just after walking in with some slut. He knew I’d be here tonight. Definitely just trying to make me jealous. Ugh, look at her! You can tell it’s a push-up from here and…" "Ok," I chuckled "so what are you going to do about it?" She sulked for a moment before a look of realisation flashed across her face. "Do me a favour." She wasn’t asking. "Pretend to be here with me tonight. Like a new boyfriend or something. You don’t have to do anything. Just dance with me and hold my hand and stuff." I wasn’t sure about it. I had seen the way Amy danced with boys. She must have seen the indecision on my face. "Come on," she pleaded "you’ll be doing me a big favour and it’ll mean there won’t be any other girls tempting you here tonight." She winked and gave a cheeky smile when she said this last part. What did she mean by that? Was she referring to the girl on the dance-floor or was it just a coincidence. If she had seen something then I thought it best to not annoy her while she wasn’t mentioning it. I agreed. Amy jumped blonde milf with big ass up and grabbed my hand, pulling me towards to dance-floor. We danced for a few songs until she leaned in and whispered in my ear "That’s Tom, by the DJ." I saw the couple she was gesturing to. The girl he was with looked very drunk and had a skirt on that only covered half her ass. From where we were dancing he could definitely see us and had made sure we could see them. What a douchebag. "Come on then," I said to Amy "let’s make him jealous." She wrapped her arms around my neck and started swinging her hips to the side. I put my hands on her waist and pulled her in closer. "Is he looking?" she asked. I glanced quickly over and Tom was staring furiously at his ex. "Can’t stop staring," I replied. I really didn’t like the look of this guy and I had heard how upset he had made Amy. I really wanted to annoy him. At least that’s what I told myself but truth be told my cock was doing most of my thinking at that stage. Without thinking I grabbed her ass in my right hand and pulled her into me. Her eyes widened and then with a smile she asked "Is he angry?" I didn’t need to answer because he turned around and saw for herself. My mind was going a hundred miles an hour. Amy was rubbing her ass all over my crotch and making my cock rock hard. He left arm reached up and she ran her fingers through my hair all the while I was staring over her shoulder and watching her tits bouncing. It had been so long since I had sex I felt I could have came right there and then. Amy dropped down low and then slowly came back up pressing her ass hard into the front of my jeans. I was like a wild animal at this stage. I spun her around and pulled her in close so her tits flattened against my chest. I could feel her breathing heavily and I stared into her eyes and saw that look which I took to mean that she was dripping between her legs. She put on hand on the back of my head and the other on the back of my neck. There was no need to explain anymore. Her mouth found mine a second later and I tasted her tongue. I grabbed her ass with both hands a squeezed her little cheeks. She held my lower lip between her teeth and I felt her hand slip down and hold my cock through my pants. I stuck my tongue into her mouth again and she squeezed my shaft. I had to have her. I lead her through the crowd until I found a fire exit. We burst out into a deserted corridor that I imagined would only be used in the case of an emergency. I pushed her up against the wall and we began kissing again. My hands found the bottom of her dress and I pulled it up exposing her ass. As my hand fell between her legs I expected to feel lace but instead was met with flesh. I smiled and so did she biting her lower lip. "Don’t want to slow things down," she joked. Her pussy was soaking wet and my fingers slid inside her with almost no resistance whatsoever. First my middle finger, then my ring. I could hear her moans now as the music had become muffled. I pushed them in as far as they would go and began massaging her clit with my thumb. She pulled the front of her dress to the sides and pinched her nipples between her forefinger and thumb. Her moans grew loud and more intense. I was now rubbing her clit faster and pulling my two fingers back towards myself trying to find her g-spot. One of her hands grabbed the back of my neck hard and I knew she was close. I rubbed her clit fiercely and the energy drained from her entire body with one loud groan. She held herself up by holding onto me. She was sweating and out of breath. She looked up at me and I knew we weren’t finished. "Come back with me," she said. No more than two minutes later we were outside and waving down a taxi. She gave the address of the house she was renting for the college term as we sat into the back. As soon as we took off we were kissing again. I didn’t want to draw attention so I pulled back slightly. It was as though Amy was in a trance. Her hand reached for my zipper and started to open my pants. "What are you doing?" I asked in a whisper. She didn’t answer. Instead she just giggled and pulled my cock out through my fly. There was no hesitation from her. She opened her mouth and tried to swallow the entire thing. My eight inches were slightly too much for her. It had been so long since anybody had touched my cock besides myself that I almost blew my load. The only thing that stopped me was the concern that the driver would discover what was happening in the back seat of his taxi. Amy took my shaft in one hand and swirled her tongue around the head. She flicked her tongue over the hole before taking the head into her mouth. Her saliva began to drip from her mouth and was now running down the underside of my cock. She caught it with her tongue and ran it flat up my length. She started to bob her head up and down slowly and pumped the shaft with her hand. She twisted her hand slightly and worked as much as she could take in between thick milf galleries her lips. Every time my head hit the back of her throat felt incredible. Her pace quickened and I pulled her hair up into a ponytail. I bucked my hips and began to fuck her mouth. I knew I was a about to cum and Amy knew it too. I could feel it stirring in my balls and she was pumping my cock wildly into her mouth. I tried to save the moment for as long as I could because after such a drought I knew it was going to be amazing. When I reached the point of no return I pushed down on the back of Amy’s head and emptied my load down her throat. She didn’t gag and I tried my hardest not to make a sound. After I released my grip she made sure she squeezed every drop out and sat up. I put my cock back in my pants and I heard Amy tell the cab driver which house number. Claire had never swallowed my cum before and the fact the Amy just had turned my on even more. I was getting hard again by the time I was getting out of the taxi. "Is there anyone else here?" I asked as Amy unlocked the door. "No, they all went home for the weekend. It would have been just me tonight. All alone." She somehow managed to make everything sound sexy. She ran up the stairs undressing as she went. She kicked her heels off and pulled her dress over her head. By the time she reached the top she was completely naked. She turned around. "Whenever you’re ready," she teased and disappeared into a bedroom. For a very brief moment I re-evaluated the situation. I was about to go upstairs and fuck my girlfriend’s little sister. I felt so guilty but the arousal was taking priority. She had already sucked my cock so I was already in trouble. I started up the stairs and followed suit by undressing as I went. I pushed the door open and Amy sat upright on her bed, her legs to one side and curled up underneath her. Her hair was in a mess and hanging between her teeth was a condom packet. If my cock was half limp before it was hard as steel now. As I marched over to the bed she got onto all fours and crawled towards me. She tore the packet open and took out the condom. With her other hand she grabbed my cock and began to slowly stroke it. "I have listened to you fucking Claire you know. I could always hear her moaning even when you two were trying to be quiet. She always looked so happy in the mornings when you stayed the night so I knew you must have been a good fuck." Her dirty talk was driving me mad. "Every now and then I would pretend to be clueless about something and ask her how it works just to get some details of how you fuck her. I always wondered did you know how much you turned me on. Did you ever think that whenever we would go to the beach or you would take a shower in our house or made my sister cum when you thought the house was empty that I would have to fuck myself afterwards pretending it was who doing it?" As she said this she rolled the condom onto my cock. I had no idea that she had ever looked at me this way. She turned around and stuck her ass up in the air. She put her face to the bed and her palms flat down. I could see the drops of wetness glistening between her pussy lips. She looked back at me and said two words. "Take me." I ran my head up and down her pussy lips. I wanted to tease her before giving her what she wanted. I moved excruciatingly slowly up and down, up and down. I resisted the urge to just pound it into software assurance maturity model her because I knew it would make the initial entry more intense. "Ooooh, fuck," she moaned "just fuck me, just fuck me." Not just yet. I rubbed her quicker with my dick. "Holy shit, I’m so wet. Oooooooohhh that feels so good. Oh my god, please fuck me. Oh god, oh god." I could see her hands grabbing fistfuls of the covers. "Oh fuck, oh fuck I’m so close. I’m gonna- oooooohhhh!" I thrust into her. In case you have almost any queries relating to exactly where along with the way to employ mature lesbian porn video, you are able to email us on our own website. Her wetness allowed me to push my whole member inside her. The force made her lift her head up of the bed and arch her back. "Oooooohhhhhhh fuuuuuucccckkk! I’m cuuuuummmmminngg!" she screamed in orgasm. I caught the back of her head and pushed it back down. I started to thrust in and out of her. Each time I took my entire cock out except for the head before shoving the whole thing back inside her tight cunt. I hooked my hands underneath her hips and began to fuck her hard. "Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! That. Feels. So. Good! Fuck. Me. Harder!" each word coming as I slammed my shaft into her. Her petite frame made it easy for me to manhandle her and she was loving it. I pulled her pussy back onto my cock and with every thrust another moan. The sound of flesh hitting flesh filled the room as I fucked my girlfriend’s sister. I could feel her pussy lips tightening around my cock and I knew she was about to cum again. Her hand was rubbing her clit at great speed and I wanted to hold out so that she could finish. I wasn’t sure if I could because I could feel myself getting close. "I’m going to cum," I gasped breathless. "Cum for me," she moaned back "Do it!" I picked up my pace and started to go as fast as I could. The tips of her fingers were brushing the underside of my cock. He moans were getting louder and she more out of breath. With one final release her lips squeezed around my cock tightly. This was too much for me and I came hard. I pulled her hips back into me which I don’t think she was expecting because she let out a little gasp. Then I pushed her off my cock and we both collapsed onto the bed. After regaining her breath she told me I could spend the night. I agreed even though my mind was a whirlwind after what had just happened. "Well I think we definitely made Tom jealous," she giggled before we both went to sleep. 1wEAnms 4NFSW 1LwBrD8 1LwBrD8
0 notes
lorainelaneyblog · 7 years
God, I am God, writing through my favorite, joking, Loraine, Loraine knows Jesus a little bit from the ether, and she respects and loves him, and, though Jesus was smart, very smart, Loraine, a seven billion in fact, and, as yourself, the highest intellectual. Her eyes are wide, wide, because the only such man that she knows is David Suzuki, whom she loves, it must be said, Loraine, more than Jesus.
‘Thanks God.’
‘She wants to defend her feelings for Jesus, but she can’t, you can’t, Loraine, he is so sublime, that people almost find him boring. And he does nothing to correct them, same as you, yourself, Loraine, nothing. He does not care if people are disinterested, but Loraine is not the right orientation, and Jesus is still collecting wives, Loraine, in heaven, and he loves them so much, they all feel loved. A client of Loraine’s once said that fifty percent of her love was all he could handle, all, all, all. “I don’t think I could handle more,” he said once, to her, pleading for forgiveness for not loving him more.’
‘Why did he stay with her?’
‘No,’ says Jesus. ‘I love each of them one hundred percent, and yes, Loraine, you will love more, but your eighteen husbands will not allow it, they won’t. And, to answer your question, I do not accept wives who put limits on my affections, but, you do, that’s what you need, as a woman, control, and you like it, men don’t.’
‘I see, Jesus.’
‘We want to speak to that,’ says Mary. ‘Everyone has wishes, and we feel complete as a family. And that’s it. So does he, yes, Loraine. It took five years to settle that new woman, she was so demanding, Loraine. And we don't make love ourselves, though we want to, and should, we haven’t, we’re scared. Don’t you think that’s normal. This work of yours, made us realize our true orientations, are actually bisexual, as many, but we thought we were exclusively heterosexual, and we feel like we are cheating now, to have this realization so late.’
‘It’s true, isn’t it?’
‘Some men can be as jealous of women as other men.’
‘Really? That’s what we’re worried about. He wants to, he even feels it is part of an erotic experience with his wives, but we are afraid, what do you think?’
‘Women are afraid of being used for their bisexuality.’
‘Why though?’
‘Are you afraid he will divorce you for cheating?’
‘I think so, but maybe just love us less.’
‘What do you think?’
‘I think maybe sometimes, or, because you have waited so long, you may have to request private time with each other, before he is involved.’
‘Why though, because that’s exactly how we feel, we want time, Loraine. How will you feel, conjecture, obviously, but we were wondering, is it worse than when they go with a woman?’
‘I think I just enjoy it, though, actually, God has promised me, and the men, that there will be no jealousy.’
‘Really? Because that’s how he feels.’
‘I believe in knee jerk reactions, and I have to say, my thoughts are that you are pre-bisexual, that is to say, you overblow the relationship because you haven’t been with a woman.’
‘Women are equally moral in love.’
‘Oh, I see. So we will not be indebted for sex?’
‘I have to say, I don’t even understand the question. Elaborate please!’
‘We feel that we don’t to feel indebted to each other.’
‘Oh, sorry, obvious.’
‘Why, obvious?’
‘A fundamental of relationship.’
‘In what way?’
‘Well, this is something I’ve always wondered about, God.’
‘Yes, Loraine, you have to be able to resist their charms in order to say yes to relationship.’
‘Will they fall too in love? that means?’
‘What are you thinking?’
‘Nothing, really.’
‘What were you thinking?’ says God.
‘Morality again, women will use you, go in armed.’
‘Oh, I see. Though we are family.’
‘No. You are starting a love affair.’
‘That’s why we’re scared.’
‘Your brother wants to speak this, in full revelation of my identity, sister.’
‘Thank you.’
‘You’re welcome. You want more from it than you will get, rest assured.’ 
‘It’s the unknown.’
‘No, there is an extra expectation of kindness from one’s own gender.’
‘That is why I assure you, women will be no better.’
‘Why is that a comfort?’
‘I would say that we need permission to be ourselves. There will be little rejections all the time.’
‘Oh, I see.’
‘You must understand the feeling of being unafraid of hurting Kody?’
‘I do.’
‘It is the same.
‘Oh, I see. You have to be able to hurt them?’
‘No, reject them I think, God?’
‘That’s right, Loraine, because love is essentially cloying, and people find it too much, Mary.’
‘Oh, I see, it’s not necessarily negative?’
‘Mention it,’ says God. ‘I’ve asked them to read your book.’
‘We are afraid of hurting more.’
‘We feel we have lost out.’
‘There’s no time like the present.’
‘You’re funny, Loraine.’
‘Thank you.’
‘What were you going to say?’
‘Perspective falls into place immediately.’
‘In what sense?’
‘We are also protecting our feelings.’
‘Oh, right. Oh, right. It’s a relationship. How do you feel about the men’s relationships? We want to know.’
‘I love them.’
‘Is there a why God?’
‘When good people love, they love all the sexual and otherwise permutations of orientation, that’s what Loraine is experiencing. And yes, Kody is missing out. Yes, he is.’
’Bisexuality among wives is standard,’ says Warren Jeffs.
‘Oh,’ says Mary. ‘I thought we were weird.’
‘I have a very personal question.’
‘Thank you, Loraine, and yes, to a last woman, we have all fantasized about another woman, if not all the women, in the house.’
‘Also normal,’ says Amy, Warren Jeffs first wife. ‘And she is proud of it, Loraine, so don’t, as you feel, feel funny about describing them by their numbers. Yes, you said, there are already doubled numbers, yes, there are, and there is a good natured dispute about who is more submissive. You find women boring, Loraine?
’I guess, yeah. I think my friend needs me.’
‘She must go,’ says God. ‘Returning, her friend wants her to finish, and he sincerely doesn’t mind, Loraine, he enjoys reading it. Did you realize that once someone has spent five years in a place, the inhabitants start to trust them to stay?’
‘You’re never leaving, are you?’ says Dad. ‘You love Ontario.’
‘I do, Dad.’
‘All our people are here.’
‘Oh, I see. They fled.’
‘I should have moved to Surrey, I’m sorry.’
‘I would have stayed closer then.’
‘I see. What about all the Indians?’
‘Just over the bridge. Scott Road.
‘Oh, I see. In those high rises?’
‘Yeah, or leapt for a townhouse.’
‘Oh, I see. You were scared?’
‘I am a loyal old fool and I kept thinking you needed me. But you don’t really. You don’t really even love us that much Dad, you are so afraid of dependence that it interferes with your spontaneous emotion.’
‘But true. He hates dependence, Loraine. He was one of those people who wanted children who left at eighteen, that’s what he wanted.’
‘That’s okay.’
‘It is okay, but his guilt prevents him from loving you properly. Some parents don’t feel guilt over that, but he does, he’s a sensitive old fool,’ says God. ‘He hates to feel like he owes anyone, and that, you got from him. Loraine owes nothing, Mary, to anyone. This is where honesty comes in, Mary. It is the fountain of all love, trust me. The forebearance to resist easy attachment, in favour of being oneself, is everyone’s mission in love,’ says God. ‘Passion gives rise to the desire to be one with another, but one must, and this is what Loraine described as the function of love in her book, an excellent read for all, Mary, you will not, and I repeat, you will not, hurt, you will not.’
‘I see, I see, I see. Why?’
‘It’s painless, trust me,’ says God.
‘Why do women cry, then?’
‘In recognition, finally, of their suffering at the hand’s of well meaning men, Loraine, honestly. Your ability to differentiate between victimization and victimhood saved many, saved all, Loraine. And, I see you want to ask why.’
‘Yes, God.’
‘Because they thought they must be abused, and left men in droves, Loraine, citing feminism, citing the sex, citing God knows what all, they felt upset, in a social context, like they were victims.’
‘I see,’ says Mary. ‘I do. What does she do with prostitution moralities, as it respects wives?’
‘She acknowledges that there is an anti social quality to prostitution that can never be redeemed.’
‘Oh, I see, because we thought she wouldn’t do that.’
‘But no, Loraine cares very deeply for women, and her own resolution was to be out of the closet as a slut.’
‘Oh, I see.’
‘It is that which motivates her to use her face in ads, wouldn’t you say, Loraine?’
‘That’s kind, God. But I would agree, not in the day to day, but when I decided to be a prostitute, coming out grandly was my way of warning wives.’’
‘Are you so great?’
‘His wife was a professor of women’s studies.’
‘Oh, I see. And there were others?’
‘A couple, and I felt ruthless in my desire.’
‘Oh, I see. Oh, I see. Forgive me.’
‘Oh, no, nothing, honestly.’
0 notes
cutegirlmayra · 6 years
Would you make a prompt about sonic feeling upset about the swifty incident and his friends comforting him? (Sorry if I tire you out with boom things but i think that is the most deliciously adorkable representation of sonic universe)
Prompts are on shutdown, Cutegirlmayra.tumblr.com/commissions option, and if you see a prompt not reblogged by @idontworkforsega please let him know!
Now that business is out of the way,…
Tumblr media
Oh, yes. Your darling prompt, how rude of me. Shall we begin?
(And you’re quite right. Boom is fun to play with.)
Tails was working on his plane as Amy handed him tools.
“You know, Sonic hasn’t spoken a word about how he’s been feeling every since that Swifty incident.” Amy was aimlessly handed Tails tools at this point, looking away and thinking out loud, distracted as Tails’s signature twin tails would try and keep up with all the equipment she passed to him. “He’s just been so quiet lately… I’m growing worried that maybe he hasn’t forgiven everyone for how we treated him when Swifty was around.”
Her eyes arched in concern as her hands moved faster, and Tails leaned up from the cockpit, looking around him at the piles of tools and getting drowned in them. “W-woah!” He tried to hold some with his hands, his tails already wrapped around all they could, and looked around at his impending doom.
“I know! I mean, I should be used to Sonic not expressing himself so openly about it… but I really worry he’s bottling up something this time. Or is it just me? Is he upset with me!?” She suddenly cupped her hands on the sides of her face, shaking her head in horror. “Ohh!” she panicked, flinging more tools behind her.
A muffled ‘Amy!’ rang out as she stopped and turned around.
Tails blinked his exposed eyes, the whole of his body submerged under tools except from his nose up.
He looked annoyed, “Pah!” he wiggled his head out a bit, “Maybe we could talk to Sonic.” He tried to move his stuck hands a bit, the fingers wiggling from below as he gave her a forfeiting smile.
When they went to see him, it was clear he was still trying to come up with a catchphrase.
“Not today, Egghead!” His smile was cheap and his finger-guns over-exaggerated. “No, no… It’s over now, Egghead~” he tried to sound more western, sticking out his chest and deepening his voice. “No.. no…” He turned around, scratching his chin before flinging himself around, “Not on Taco Tuesdays, You Egg-…huh?” his finger-guns, still going strong with that ‘gut’ feeling that they should be included, were sticking towards Amy, Tails, Knuckles, and Sticks. The original two had spoken with them and gotten them together.
Amy stepped forward, “Sonic… We’ve been worried about you lately.”
“W-worried?” He looked down at his finger-guns, and awkwardly let out a chuckle as he threw them behind his back. “W-why would you be worried about me? I’m Sonic The Hedgehog! Fastest thing alive!” he struck another pose.
The gang looked to each other, before giving a pity laugh.
“Sonic, we’re worried you’re still not over the whole ‘Swifty’ thing.” Tails moved over towards him, gesturing his hand out as if wanting to wrap his arm around Sonic’s shoulders in comfort, but realized he was too small and just dropped it. “Heh…heh…” he tugged on his side-ways belt. “Forgot how tall you were…”
Sonic frowned immensely. “No, you just remember how short Swifty was.” He folded his arms and looked away.
“Oh, Radical speed!” Knuckles did the finger-guns, “Yeah, that guy was wicked cool.”
The others glared at him.
“I mean… dang… what a lousy sellout. I mean… a theme park gig? Really? Foul play… wait, why are we mad at Swifty again? I thought he was cool! I preordered his shirt line! Never did see that limited edition Swifty hat, though…” Knuckles pouted, bending forward and talking mostly up and away from everyone in mumbles.
Sonic shook his head, groaning and turning away. “Look, if you guys are trying to comfort me and tell me I’m still the coolest or something, I’m not looking for your charity.” He waved them off, “I just… want to be alone.”
“Liar!” Sticks jumped up onto a stone nearest to Sonic, before he glared at her and walked away. “You… missed it all, didn’t you?” She crawled along the rock formation, before jumping behind and across from him to land on another few boulders beside him. “When they dragged you to that boundary line… you missed your nice, calm hammock.”
Sonic’s annoyed expression suddenly turned tender and goofy. “I do love that hammock.”
“That scent of Mcburger in the morning… evening… night?” Sticks stopped to sniff the air a moment. “Ah! Do we even check the sky when we go to eat at the only joint selling food in this place? Seriously, no one saw that monopoly?” she gestured her hand around, “Conspiracies aside- I think you missed us too. Adoring you.” She mimicked the cries of a crowd, as Sonic finally stopped and breathed in the air.
“Yeah… I-hahaha-I do love a good Mcburger. We eat there a lot, huh?”
“Sorry, that’s probably me.” Knuckles drafted his backend with his hand. As he fanned, Tails and Amy stepped further out to the side of him, disgusted.
Tails had to cover his mouth from gagging.
Knuckles whistled, “Haha… nothing to smell over here… Sorry, Amy. You’re kinda downwind.”
“Oh!” she gagged then too, rushing over to Sonic, her hand still over her muzzle and nose. “Look! Sonic…” she placed her free hand on his shoulder, turning him around. “You know we’d never choose one cool friend over the other, right? I mean, you may have been the jerk at first-“
“But at least you’re my jerk.” Her eyes sparkled a moment at him as she lowered her hand and moved closer, fawning over him before catching herself and removing her hands from his chest. “Oh! I-I meant… Our… Jerk… haha.” She giggled nervously.
“Really? Didn’t you order the set of Swifty collectables first, Amy?”
“Quiet. Knuckles.” Amy gritted her teeth, turning around with each word to shush him up.
“Ehh.. I guess you’re right. I did get a little… steamed. I just felt he was taking you all from me.” He frowned and folded his arms, upset.
After seeing this, Amy felt more relieved, “Aww… Sonic.” She placed a hand to her heart as Tails smiled.
“You know that’d never happen. We’re best friends!”
“The bestest.” Sonic brofisted him, nodding.
“And we’re unstoppable!” Sticks came down, also fist-bumping him.
“The most… uh… unstoppable!”
“And we’re not robots!” Knuckles arched the side of his stomach and leaned on one foot, jamming both fists out for the gesture to also be given to him as well.
“O-oh… yeah… heheh…” Sonic looked away, but fisted him.
“You… did know he was a robot before spin dashing into him… right Sonic?” Amy raised an eyebrow, wearily holding out a fist as Sonic eyed her, looked away, then quickly back and fist bumped her too.
“Why would you think I didn’t think otherwise? Haha…” he shrugged, fiddling with his hands being speedily withdrawn behind his back…
“Otherwise… as in… you did know?”
“It was fishy.”
“MY BOWLS!” The fish cried out from a far distance, but no one saw him, so they all just looked around.
“I’ll need to do something about that fish.” Sticks’s eyes turned intense.
Knuckles added to the intensity, “He knows too much.”
Tails shook his head, “He’ll forget in a matter of minutes. All Goldfishes have a short-term memory.”
“Tails!” Knuckles suddenly snapped, defending the fish. “How dare you assume his species!”
Tails sweatdropped.
“Well, I just hope you know how much you mean to us, Sonic. So you don’t feel envious or jealous again.” Amy faced back to Sonic, who was a bit jittery at those words.
“W-what!?” Nerves took over and he spoke quickly once more. “Who said anything about turning green! I’m not green!”
“Told ya.” Tails side-swiped his eyes back to Knuckles.
“Oh, so now you’re picking on the memory-challenged, huh, Tails? Does that make you feel like a man, Tails!? Well? DOES IT?!”
“Besides, Amy and I were exaggerating.” Sticks flopped her hand in a sign of letting it go, “I would have never lowered my boobytraps! And Amy would have never-“
Amy’s face suddenly grew white with horror, “O-ok-okay, Sticks! That’s enough sharing!” with a red, flustered face, Amy pushed Sticks by her back away from the three. “Whelp, I’m glad we could have this talk and get everything sorted out. You’re still the coolest, Sonic! Ciao!”
He shook his head and lowered his eyes, groaning in a bit of envy again. “Ohh… She used to cut Sticks off randomly like that when it was her secretive things about me that she didn’t want being revealed…” he slouched forward.
“Come on, Sonic… we’ll play ‘How Many Coconuts Can Knuckles’s Head Crack Without Him Passing Out’ again?” Tails tried to turn Sonic away from the departing girls as Knuckles excitedly waved his hand around, jumping on each foot interchangeably.
“Oh, oh, oh! Me first! Me first!”
“Hahaha! Always, Big guy.” Tails laughed.
Sonic whined another moan again.
As Amy got Sticks further away, Sticks looked behind her back and forth from each side. “W-what? I was just saying you’d probably make a doll of him is all!”
“Sticks for once would you just. Shut. Up!” She was speaking through gritted teeth, as at her very home… next to her life-size Sonic Doll… was a Swifty Doll… Wearing a Swifty limited edition T-shirt and hat.
However, to her credit, it was dusty and looked untouched.
It sloped down after the Sonic doll slowly leaned it’s back over it and took it down, flopping on it. But there didn’t seem to be a push of gravity or wind…
“Remind me to recycle that thing later though…”
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