#yeah thats the gist of it
cactuupng · 7 months
I've had a itch about this art for a while [dw it's a good one] even though you made it a while back
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And I was really really curious if the drawings and the captions were based on the fact that mumbo died in lava(technically twice)?
cause considering his luck with lava I've made it a little silly head cannon that he has maybye a little ptsd when it comes to lava...anyways love your art especially the mumbo art, it makes me happy :D
My headcanon for Mumbo is that he's very much still traumatized from LastLife. Even though he's been getting better and healing with the help of friends, he's still weary around anything that burns, especially lava
You can see in the art that there's fire on him in certain places, and those are the places where he got hurt enough to die (Stomach is Grian stabbing him, shoulders/back is where Scar poured lava on him to kill him)
He is very much still not over actually like...dying and feeling the pain of dying so slowly
The whole idea of the art is just him, post LastLife, not knowing if it actually happened in the early days of being back because the emotional scars are very much still there, but any physical scars, like his burned back and legs, stab wound from a sword and axe, aren't
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buckosartthingamabob · 2 months
would anyone want to see like. these ideas for a horror game ive been drafting but instead of me just showing the images and describing the characters and allat but i host it on a seperate blog and its formatted like from the view of the main character or something in journal logs
the main idea behind it as a whole is it would like riff and spoof common horror tropes but actually like. attempting to be kinda screwed up
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rpfisfine · 6 months
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mesmerized by what they look like when you set the pixel size to 100
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red-velvet-0w0 · 6 days
Can you summarize what's going on with Jane and the Reflection? I've gathered a little from your posts, and they seem interesting, but i don't have the full story.
Oh those two
uh so fair warning things get dark pretty quick
So basicaly the Reflection, as the god of mirrors, has power over self hatred and self perception, and has a habit of "playing with its food" as some of the other gods call it, where rather than just killing some its enemies outright it likes to manipulate them psycologicaly and torture them into hating themself for its own pleasure, until it is able to consume their soul and steals their face forever.
Jane has... a whole fuck ton of dysphoria and self hatred issues. So when the Reflection comes to town origionaly trying to get its hands on the pocketwatch, it quickly gets distracted by deciding to try and turn Jane into its newest pet as well as getting to use her to get closer to the pocketwatch
So it starts off by murdering everyone a few times, before eventualy killing everybody but Jane one loop, and explains that if she does exactly what it says then it will love her and adore her and give her everything she wants and eventualy give her a new body that she will finaly feel at home in, and if she doesnt it will just kill her and all of her friends over and over and over and over and over again until it gets what it wants
Which then leads to them entering into a "relationship". how romantic i actualy want it to be i havent decided, because it is an eldritch being with no real understanding of the concept, but it uses the appearences and asthetics of love (ie kisses, hugs, dances) even though neither of them actualy care about each other, it just likes toying with her and being in control. Also whenever the two of them are together it takes the form of what Jane wishes she looked like just to fuck with her. Also it does occasionaly help them out when asked by Jane, but just to prove to her that she needs it, and always makes her owe it something in return. Generaly is just a terrible person who forces jane to feed it everything she learns about the pocketwatch, though she does try to hide at least some of what shes learned from it.
This goes on for a while, until eventualy she confesses to Amelia about whats been happening (should be noted that theyve kinda been crushing on each other the whole time) (or at least in the way of "wow your hot and really nice and it might be nice to date you if we werent stuck in a time loop and I didnt have an evil eldritch secret abusive partner") who supports her to end their relationship by basicaly telling her "yeah its going to suck for a while and its probably going to hurt all of us but its better that we all suffer together and try and fix this than for you to suffer alone with no hope of things getting better", which then leads to it trying to murder them for a while before eventualy being trapped in the enchanted hand mirror with the help of the The Mask.
After that Jane and Amelia eventualy end up together and all things considered live a happy and normal life after everything is over so at least theres that
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ispyspookymansion · 5 months
besides i thought you were in love with john q Yeah but hes not real hes just my music boyfriend. im gonna take you to see psyops tomorrow night and youre gonna see your Music Boyfriend. well is that a date? yeah thats a date.
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camels-pen · 11 months
mmm read a hurt/comfort Zoro fic recently and like. I get it now. That guy DOES hurt so pretty. kinda wanna try my hand at it.
A voice disappeared.
Zoro stopped in his tracks, feet rooted to the spot.
Who was it? Where? How-?
Just barely, he managed to block a blade aiming for his neck.
Luffy was ahead of him, laughing his head off. The cook was a bright flaming beacon in the sky.
The rest? C'mon take a count, Zoro. Make sure.
Usopp. Nami. Chopper. Jinbei. Robin. Cook. Luffy.
What? Two? No, where were-
His breath hitched as he blocked another attack.
Calm down. Take a breath. Count again.
Usopp. Nami. Robin. Cook. Luffy.
Fuck. They couldn't-
No, they had to have left the battlefield. These guys were smallfry, even for the so called "weakling trio".
Zoro took a moment to focus on the enemy around him. He let off a tatsumaki before focusing again.
One at a time, Zoro. Come on.
Zoro jerked, eyes wide and searching frantically.
"No, no no no no no. He can't have-" Luffy would never leave before the battle was done, not without making some kind of grand exit. He wouldn't leave without telling Zoro- telling anyone- about it.
He wouldn't up and disappear into thin air like that. Not unless-
Zoro shook his head roughly. They were fine, he just couldn't see them. It would be too much of a coincidence for them all to disappear like that. He just needed to count again, then regroup with Usopp, Robin, and the cook, and figure out what was going on.
Stay calm, Zoro. Losing your head won't find your friends.
So, again, Zoro breathed. And Zoro counted.
The only voice left, was Usopp.
Zoro wasted no time.
He sprinted as fast as he could, cutting down anyone in front of him almost as an after thought, as he bulldozed towards Usopp's voice.
He'd nearly made it too, when some dead man kicked his side hard enough to stop him in his tracks.
Zoro turned to him, a snarl on his face. "Get out of my way before I kill you."
"Huh?" The man sneered. "I should be saying the same thing, watch where you swing those swords, asshole."
Zoro was about to retort when he noticed Usopp's voice moving away from him. He didn't have time for this.
Without warning, Zoro moved to slice through his opponent and, to his surprise, the man blocked it with ease.
"You wanna go? Here and now?" the man growled. "I'll kick your fucking ass."
This man- Zoro has never met him before, but nonetheless felt he would need to pay him his full attention to have a chance at winning.
But Usopp was getting farther and farther-
Oh, Zoro could hit himself.
"USOPP!" he yelled at the top of his lungs, startling the man. "STAY RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE, I'LL BE THERE SOON!"
Usopp didn't respond, but he stopped moving, and that was good enough for now.
"Hey!" The man yelled, pressing down on Zoro's swords. "Whatever you need him for can wait until after our battle's over. He's got his own problems to deal with."
Zoro didn't bother wasting his breath. He cut and slashed, throwing attack after attack without abandon. It didn't matter if he was wasting his energy, he needed to get to Usopp before- before-
The man, infuriatingly, blocked almost every blow, and got a few hits in on Zoro himself.
Zoro would get to Usopp, even if it killed-!
Suddenly, there was a crackle in the air and all at once, Zoro's nerves lit up with pure unfiltered pain.
He dropped to his knees, blurry vision wavering on black shoes. He couldn't feel his arms. Or his face. And his head was getting lighter and lighter.
Zoro's fading thoughts were prayers, to a god he didn't believe in, to keep his friend safe.
"Nami-swan, a little help please?" Sanji said, voice uncharacteristically strained.
"If you're asking, how can I say no?" Nami said, smirking. "Get out of the way... now!" The moment Sanji pushed off Zoro's swords to hop away, she brought down her Thunderbolt Tempo on top of Zoro. He fell to his knees before crumbling to the ground, twitching.
"You could've knocked him out on your own though, why ask for my help?" Nami asked.
"Ah well, it seemed he had a couple screws loose and I didn't want to kill what little braincells were remaining." Nami nodded in understanding.
The two of them turned to Usopp as he inched his way closer. He carefully prodded Zoro's thigh with his boot. "He's really unconscious, right? Not gonna get up anytime soon?"
Nami shrugged. "It's always hard to tell with him. But don't worry," -she stood tall, holding out her Climatact- "I'll shock him as many times as necessary."
"That means I get to live another day, so you have the Usopp deal of approval." Usopp gave her a thumbs up.
"What'd you even do to get him so pissed at you, Usopp?" Nami asked.
"Nothing!" He paused and looked away. "Well, nothing recently."
"He wasn't just mad," Sanji said. "He looked..." Scared, Sanji wanted to say. But the word was so... simple. Too simple. And it didn't explain the desperation in his eye. The wet sheen. The way he hardly blinked.
The way he kept himself facing the direction Usopp was in, revealing his constant use of Haki.
This wasn't just Zoro scared. This was Zoro terrified.
And Sanji had never seen him terrified before.
"...off," Sanji settled on, furrowing his brow. "He looked off."
Nami and Usopp hummed in thought.
The three of them stared down at Zoro's prone body. An ominous dark puddle started growing under him.
The three of them sighed.
"I'll call Chopper-" Usopp felt a tug on his ankle. He looked down. Zoro's hand was holding his boot. "I thought you said he was unconscious!" he yelled, trying to break his grip unsuccessfully.
Sanji poked Zoro with his shoe. Zoro didn't move. "He's still unconscious, so you're gonna have to be his teddy bear."
"What?! No!" He gripped onto Sanji's shirt. "Sanji-kun pleaaaaase free me before my ankle's crushed in his sleep!"
Sanji rolled an eye. "You'll be fine."
"Then can you go get Chopper? Zoro's losing a lot of blood."
"The mosshead'll be fine too. Also," -Sanji pointed to Luffy and Chopper doing some kind of strange combo attack, with Chopper in Heavy Point using Luffy as a whip- "I don't wanna break up their fun."
"Sanji-kun," Nami piped up. "Go get Chopper, please."
"Of course, Nami-swan!" Sanji immediately ran off.
The two of them quietly watched him go.
"Did you see what caused this?" Usopp asked.
Nami shook her head. "I know about as much as you do: Zoro suddenly taking out a big group at once and then charging towards you." She bit her lip. "I don't think he recognized Sanji."
Usopp sighed, squatting down to pull the bandana from green hair. He stared at the slackened face of his friend, hands tightening in dark fabric.
"What happened to you, Zoro?"
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idk im glad they didn't give us any actual details about caleb and evelyn beyond belos's memories and like. fifty-sixth-hand information from masha's story so audience members not paying attention would at least know who they are.
whatever nitty gritty details the audience comes up with on their own for what happened to these two would be infinitely more satisfying to them than what the show would have been able to depict in a flashback. especially working within what's appropriate for children's television.
caleb the person isn't important to the story anymore. the MEMORY of caleb, which belos has never let himself get over in 400 years, is the important thing. and you don't need to know much about caleb for that to work. and while i loved the parallels between the wittebanes and hunter and luz, as well as the clawthornes being a descendent of evelyn, i'm glad they never confirmed it, and it remains situational irony purely for the audience.
hunter's only connection with caleb is his DNA, which also ties back to belos's feelings. him befriending luz is something they did of their own volition. it's not because hunter is fated to play out every beat of caleb's life by virtue of being his clone. similarly, while i love a good hunter clawthorne, dell taking hunter as an apprentice and eda showing care towards him in s2 are because eda is kind to children and hunter independently had passion for palisman carving. it's not because they found out they were related, because the whole show is about found family.
having flashbacks to the real caleb and evelyn wouldn't have contributed anything to the story aside from fanservice. what matters is how belos feels about them. belos's ego and the desperation to be acknowledged by his puritan community and God aside, the idea of caleb haunts his every action. not the actual ghost of caleb-i've already discussed here why the idea of caleb's ghost literally haunting belos would be a poor writing decision. belos knew the person his brother actually was, killed him, and imagined a perfect version of him that he chased after for the next 350 years.
the tragedy is that the perfect version of caleb is unattainable, and now belos can never get the real caleb back. he refuses to acknowledge that caleb may have been flawed before the influence of evelyn. to phillip, everything he thinks is wrong about caleb is because he was corrupted by the boiling isles, and that's part of the reason he starts on a quest to kill all the witches. it's also why he makes so many grimwalkers. he desperately misses that ideal version of caleb, so he makes copies of caleb and plays family with them.
and belos loathes the grimwalkers. he kills them because he hates the magic they were made with. because he hates being reminded of his brother and what happened to him. and of course, he hates the grimwalkers for not meeting his expectations of what his "ideal" caleb would have been like. it's a fluid expectation that belos, subconsciously or not, changes as he goes, all in order to take out his anger on innocent children. he seems to recognize his enjoyment of harming the grimwalkers, though it's unknown if he understands the reason-which is that the "perfect" caleb will never exist, and likely never did. phillip's brother is gone forever, and it's all his fault.
and idk maybe in the writers minds caleb was a perfect brother and baby phillip was just a possessive little shit. or maybe it's the opposite and caleb messed up a lot in communicating with phillip on his relationship with evelyn. maybe evelyn was a perfectly nice girl who was perfectly supportive of caleb and phillip's choices or maybe she hated phillip and the other humans and did convince caleb to leave it all behind. it's a fascinating piece of backstory and i love seeing fanworks that talk about it! but anything more about caleb and evelyn that the creators add in canon would give actual context to their situation that we don't need! their story has been over for 350 years and dont affect any of the other characters beyond how it affects phillip!
nothing more about these two can be said that will contribute more to belos's character that isn't already conveyed with the barebones material we got in the show. this story isn't about "forbidden love," this is about how phillip was confronted with the fact that his brother found happiness outside of him, and that someone he's been taught since childhood to hate may not be all bad. it's about how he plugged his fingers in his ears in response to this and went on a 350 year long killing spree to prove to himself that he can never be in the wrong.
basically, i wouldn't go so far as to call caleb and evelyn's backstory "purposefully unexplained," but i definitely think the story is a lot stronger as it is than it would be if they did explain it all. not every detail of a story needs to have a word of god answer as to how it all went down. sometimes adding in unnecessary detail for completionism's sake just distracts from the point you're actually trying to convey. while there are a lot of things that i wished the show could have explored in more detail had it not been shortened, caleb and evelyn's story is not one of them.
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thefouraboveall · 2 months
Nurgle:Aww so sweet here go be sick somewhere.
Khorne:Did you finish all your murder today? I don't think so things are still alive.
Slaanesh:YOU SNEAKY LITTLE SLUT I'm so proud.
Tzeentch:Don't bother me kid I'm reading.
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koushirouizumi · 8 months
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Katekyō Hitman Reborn! + Ep. #180 ~ Yamamoto & Tsuna {YamaTsuna} / 8027 + Moments & Interactions + Important Dialogues {Anime Ver.} + Character Development Parallels - Tsuna's Character Development{s}
"I put unnecessary 'Pressure' on you without realizing it..." - Tsuna, Initially
{"...I want you to stop."} - Tsuna, Later
Happy belated Birthday, Yamamoto! {Apr. 24th}
{Gifs by Me} {Do Not Re-post} {Do Not Re-produce Without My Permission} (Please ASK to Use)
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#koushirouizumi khr#koushirouizumi khr cap#koushirouizumi tsuna#koushirouizumi 80x27#8027#yamatsuna#c: tsunayoshi#c: takeshi#c: hayato#khr: primo guardians arc#khr spoilers#(Just 80x27 Things)#({oK BUT} Lead in to Later Moments in Full)#(HI THESE CONCEPTS WERE G O O D)#(HI I NEED MORE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT + SELF A W A R E N E S S LIKE THIS IN S H O N E N SERIES *IN GENERAL*)#(Tsuna makes up for it later by c LARIFYING Too)#(Im honestly almost m AD this concept between them ISNT 'main' c ANON BC IT S H O U L D B E hHHHH)#(MORE ON THAT LATER T h o)#(Hi was it REALLY n ECESSARY to make {Takeshi} sound B r o k e n Voice'd while Watery e YES MULTIPLE TIMES BETWEEN BOTH This Sequence)#({Hayato} ofc gets pissed and is like 'k NOCK IT OFF I KNOW YOURE BETTER THAN THIS WHATS *WITH* YOU')#(&NEGL when I first watched like *2k10!!!* I had wondered if theyd Go There with Ch05 referring to BUT Yeah I Was Let Down in that regard)#(They Sure Did Get The Feeling of Ch05 {Takeshi} Down Here Though It Felt Like)#(Also {Takeshi} With The D r a m a t i c w INDOW SeatTM View)#(Tsuna WAS VERY GOOD STILL THOUGH in these eps and to this day I Long For More Like This From S h o n e n)#(Because this was TSUNA Trying to Give {TAKESHI} AN ***O U T***)#(TSUNA WANTED TO GENUINELY LET {TAKESHI} KNOW THAT TAKESHI COULD S T O P W V O N G O L A IF *TAKESHI WANTED*)#(*AND TAKESHI DECIDES TO CONTINUE f OLLOWING + P R O T E C T TSUNA a NYWAY* ALL BECAUSE OF SUCH MOMENTS BETWEEN THEM)#(LIKE YES ITS S H O N E N THATS THE GIST BUT ITS A GREAT DYNAMIC ID LIKE MORE OF IN SOME FORM SOMEDAY THANKYOU)#(HI THIS SET NOW RBABLE BUT PLEASE KEEP IN MIND I Have Blogrules That Should Be Followed I AM NEW TO K.H.R TAGS p OSTING PLS R E G A R D)#(I AM NOT New to K.H.R as a whole and actively followed m a n g a while it released in J.P.N until End but PLS BE KIND ON THIS THANKYOU)
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magicmarkerz · 8 months
this song. btw.
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dragoncarrion · 1 year
BASICALLY all drawings I do on procreate get their colors dulled down when uploaded to websites (ie: tumblr or toyhouse) which afaik it's got something to do with png compression and color profiles (supposedly you gotta start your drawings in sRGB instead of P3 or convert them to that with some other software like photoshop or gimp? I'm just repeating what I saw online about this since other ppl seem to have the same problem) however if I save them as jpeg rather than png this dulling down doesn't happen but the quality is radically decreased. Interestingly enough this doesn't happen with krita drawings or if I put the pic on an ibis paint canvas and re save this file as png the colors are maintained intact from what I've seen so yeah it's again just procreate being the worst program in the world lolz. I'm not very tech savvy not even in art programs so if anyone's got a solution or a better explanation please lmk 💔
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Okay but please tell me about this headless incel and how revenge quest that tag has me CACKLING
AH LOL so it's not necessarily a headless incel but moreso a headless knight going on a revenge quest to KILL said incel <3
juno is a knight who kinda had everything in the eyes of the guy and he got so jealous he stole her girl - juno went after him, things went bad, said wizard incel went very If I Cant Have Her No One Can and did some fucked up magic that killed juno's gf and got juno ex-headed in the process. then he ran away bc of course
so juno's on a revenge quest to find the bastard and try to reverse the curse when poof who comes in but carol fresh from the real world, brimming with new magic and very Very confused
(they fall in love)
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pandaemoanium · 1 year
i'd like to ask you to be less normal and give us the deets about Valtiel
ok so uhhh i wrote a lot more text than i was supposed to dfhgjkdgh, so heres his backstory under the cut:
valtiel was born and raised in baldur's gate. his childhood was pretty normal, living with his parents in a modest house, his father earning well enough working as a high ranking officer in the flaming fists.
it was also his father who suggested that valtiel would take up swordsmanship when he was still in his early teens. he quickly learned to wield a blade, and ended up joining his father in the baldur's gate military once he entered adulthood. he served under the flaming fists for a few years, working his way up in ranks till he was promoted to a sergeant.
the payment was nice, and valtiel was glad he could put his strong draconic physique to good use, but he slowly started resenting the way the army was handling certain things. he could sense something was off with the higher ups - corruption, possibly? - and tried to bring it up to his father, who just brushed the whole thing off as valtiel just having issues with the authority (which he also did. he was never happy taking orders from others.)
a year or so pass, and valtiel and his father have a falling out over him getting into more and more trouble with the authorities, and his father being the proud soldier that he is, couldnt turn a blind eye any longer. valtiel resigned from the military, left most of his earnings to his mother before walking away from baldur's gate for good.
valtiel traveled around the lands, working as a merc for hire for whoever was willing to pay. it didnt really matter whether the gig was morally "good" or not, as long as he could afford nice warm meals and the occasional ale. one day, at a pub in a small town, he meets a bard, an elf who had just performed there earlier. they hit it off almost immediately. on one bored, drunken night the bard decides to teach valtiel how to play a lyre, and through that, magic. it took him quite a while to get proficient with the instrument since he can be quite clumsy with such things that require more finesse to use properly.
a while pass, and the two have to part ways, promising to meet again someday; after all, the bard has to see if their pupil has actually stuck with the performance arts, and how much he has learned.
now, valtiel continues his travels working as a mercenary while also diligently practicing his newfound skills to wield magic.
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nintendont2502 · 11 months
i see you. mirros and parralells to grimdarc. something something the power of homosexuality overcoming cal(maybe itd even be a kiss itd be Thematic). I See It
.no comment
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diancite · 11 months
growing up in a place immersed in a language but never becoming properly fluent in it is so weird
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applescabs · 1 year
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the t4t girlies btw. if you even care.
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