#yeah the subtitles are garbage
thequeenofsastiel · 1 year
Gotta love that I finally have the emotional strength to get back into BL, and I fall in love with a show that apparently just @heretherebedork and I enjoy.
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karizard-ao3 · 1 month
My reactions to Evangelion episode 21: He was aware that he was still a child
If I must be completely candid, I've been putting off watching these last few episodes because I'm very frightened that something really awful will happen to my beloved Shinji and I really don't know how I'm going to bear it. I think I would be okay if he just turned out to be evil, but if he turns out to be good and sweet and dead, I don't know what I'm going to do.
Anyway, my stomach is churning and I'm about to start the episode.
Super solenoid (?) theory.
The spear!
I had to go back and watch it with subtitles. So the Longinus Spear just came from the dead sea and there's talk about a donor. A personality donor, maybe?
They put DNA into Adam. Is that why he's so fucked up looking?
Gates of Guf.
"It's wings are spreading. It's going towards the surface." This makes me feel like they did create the Angel that caused the Second Impact but that it might have been the first Eva rather than an Angel. They were talking about an anti-AT field.
Am I imagining things or is there new stuff in the video during the opening song? I just saw an Eva with biblically accurate golden wings.
"One last job". He's fucked.
"We have no intention of creating a new God". Hmm. That's even more sacriligeous than I expected. Gendo is certainly Tower of Babeling hard right now.
So is Seele a super computer like the Magi? I assumed it was an organization.
I was expecting Gendo but it was Yui.
If her last name is already Ikari, then... Are she and Gendo actually siblings? Or did he take her last name...?
Unit 1 is a god now.
Okay, Gendo did change his name. Because he's a criminal.
Okay, no. It looks like I was right and Seele is an organization. They're just talking through giant speakers, I guess?
God, Gendo is just the worst.
A child to care for at home. But if I'm mathing right it can't be Shinji who would be no more than a twinkle in his father's eye at this point. So Rei? Please consider I am not very good at math.
Oh, wait, actually, if it's after the second impact Shinji could be a baby.
More Misato back story. Mute for two years.
Rei does look similar to Yui, doesn't she?
Mysterious, spherical underground caverns created by someone else. One in the Antarctic and one here. If I understanding right.
Ritsuko's Mom. And Ritsuko!
Adam and Eva. How glaringly obvious it's been all along.
Ritsuko dyes her hair.
So ostensibly Seele is trying to prevent the third impact.
Baby Shinji. I'm a puddle on the floor. He's patting his mom's face.
Oh, it's Shinji as a little guy!
Shinji was there on the day Yui died. Or, rather, disappeared and was presumed dead, it sounds like.
Gendo the godmaker. So is he trying to make humans gods?
Gendo and Ritsuko's mom, huh? Were they having an affair?
So Gendo shows up with Rei, claims she's a friend's daughter, but she reminds Mom Ritsuko of Yui, so... Clone Rei or kidnapped child given Yui's personality?
Rei lol.
Did she kill the (first?) Rei??
Did Dr Akagi kill herself?
Did Misato kill Kaji?
I can't tell. I just know she got her gun back and then he seems to have been shot. Maybe it was Ritsuko, though.
Shinji running away again.
"I was just a child."
In Conclusion
Yeah, idk. Just waiting for everything to come together.
Seeing Gendo's past was interesting. He's such a garbage bag.
Thinking about Yui and what happened to her. It was on the day of her big experiment and she believed it was going to show Shinji hope for a better future. I also believe that's what he was wearing when we saw the quick flashback of him when he realized that he had seen an Eva before and knew what they were. Maybe his mom developed Unit 1 and was dissolved inside it like he had been? Could explain its ability to act without the battery pack, perhaps?
How does this all end, though? Like, we're building up to answers but I'm having a hard time predicting what the climax will be. I assume Misato will discover something awful about the Angels, maybe Rei will try to protect Gendo and get hurt? Shinji is going to probably go through some horrific metaphysical experience. I don't know!
I'm going to watch one more episode and then it's bedtime.
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malachianderson · 2 years
[Chi and Benji were giggling on the Smythe’s couch, watching Benji’s French serial drama (with subtitles on for Chi).] So she’s been having sex with both twins for four seasons and neither of them know? 
Mhm! [Ben replied easily. He had a permanent smirk on his face, loving that there was finally someone (human) taking this garbage show as seriously as he was.] Her husband’s a doctor, and his twin brother is a teacher at the same school that she’s a teacher at. She’s with her husband at night and having secret affairs with her brother-in-law during the school day and some weekends.
Secret affairs? [Chi just laughed harder and shook his head.] No, no, no. That’s not how men work, Sweetie. Especially not brothers. And they’re both tops? Forget about it. Tops gossip about who they’re screwing even more than bottoms do. 
[Chi paused to look down at Keyes who had climbed her way into his lap at some point. He petted her lazily as he continued, which she oddly accepted.] I’ve had my fair share of manwhore days, so I can’t comment on that, but I’ve never actively cheated on anyone. Plus, the least this floozy could be doing is tracking her cycle. This many scares past college-age is just completely inexcusable.
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Me and Luke call it our “slut chapters”. Even though that word’s technically banned in the house, [Ben explained. He giggled along with Chi’s roast of the main character.] Yeah, Chloé really should’ve figured this out b--... [Ben furrowed his brow.] ...Cycle of what?
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Beautiful Spouse’s Rewatch Thoughts SPN 12x12 Stuck in the Middle (With You)
“Oh it’s that asshole. Ok” “it’s just a time. It’s not present/past/future” “Who’s telling the story? Is it the same diner?” laughter
“Why the fuck did Cas sniff the waitress?” “that don’t looks so good” “Haven’t we seen the asshole who just died in previous episodes? They killed him off, just like that?” “I thought we saw him before” we saw him at the hunter funeral
“Going to need another one of those” “They must have sped that up for the show, because preachers like that don’t talk that fast” “Wait he’s dead” “ok” Have you ever seen a Quentin Tarantino film? “yes, and I have to watch them like 35 times to understand what’s going on” “Is this one of those repeating things? Who’s doing the repeating I wonder?” “Or is it actually the Tarantino thing” “the more I talk, the more annoyed you’re going to get” “that’s a perty gun” “Who the hell needs that many fishing poles?” “Is it a clip or a magazine? I think it’s called a magazine” “why the hell would you whistle that much? You’re just giving your position away the whole time. Always be quiet” “oh it’s that son of a bitch again” “imagine getting resurrected to only face your biggest fear” “oh shit” “the vessel can die. Can’t he just find a new vessel? They have to be willing I guess. SO it’s a whole thing” “Hold on” “hmm” “Azazel, that’s his name, right?” “Is she actually in her 60s? She doesn’t look it” “who are they talking about?” The British Men of Letters
“Nobody trusts them” “Whenever I can” “I thought that sound was piss at first” “the can rattle made it sound like Cas was taking a piss” “I mean they were talking about urination earlier I suppose” “Idk who the spear is” “oh that’s fancy” “Ah. I see. We get more of the story each time, yeah?” “This is the Men of Letters garbage. While everyone is outside dying, she’s figuring out what’s going on. Some holy grail bullshit idk” “that’s not good” “you just said that. Thanks bud” “didn’t see that coming” “ah I see” “that can’t be good” “what’s that supposed to mean? Do we meet them later?” “so it’s Crowley who’s fucked, not just everyone else” “I love how Dean always argues with everything” “Oh it’s terminal sickness? Nope. I don’t accept. I need something else” “that’s a lot of lube” laughter
“What the hell is a spaghetti western?” (From the subtitles) An Italian western 
“Cool. Didn’t see that coming” “about that cure, man, wanna figure that out” “Is Crowley just going to break it?” “He just destroyed the most powerful weapon they had” “bullshit” “who’s watching?” “mmhmm” “the hell is that song from?” “we already knew who he was”
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Bc Instagram gave me the trailer for the upcoming Disney Pinocchio remake (barf) I’d like to recommend my favorite Pinocchio adaptation and one of my all time favorite comfort movies!
Pinocchio (2019/2020 I’m not 100% sure) sticks pretty close to the source material from what I could gather, and has a great balance of whimsy, heart, and darkness without ever becoming too saccharine or edgy, and the practical effects are absolutely stunning. I adore the score too!!
It’s a great movie to just,, relax with. Yeah it’s weird, but it’s super heartfelt and mellow and it really does capture and embrace a certain type of energy. It’s just,, honest? If that’s the right word?
It’s a labor of love and I love that I could feel that in every facet of this movie.
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Sorry about the garbage photo quality of the poster this is all I got rn with my limited WiFi
Also I watched it with subtitles !!
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thegeminisage · 7 months
i watched THIS movie three days ago and im still not over it. incoherent phone liveblogs translated to normal human language below:
firstly, this movie is extraordinarily quiet. even with my computer and browser volume and 100% i still couldn't hear it. we had such trouble finding a copy that was both loud and subtitled i had to download my own - even actually starting a free paranmount plus trial didn't work because their website is GARBAGE and refused to load the movie for me on any browser. which meant losing one day. and then the second day i was out of town. i had to wait SO LONG to start searching for spock. i basically forgot the first 12 minutes of the film bc of those two lost days
uhura was very hot in this movie. i love how she had stuff to do. idk how she keeps getting hotter every movie but she's the most beautiful woman in the world i think. her telling that little ensign to get into the closet while calling him a good boy was maybe the sexiest thing she's ever done. i wish she had gotten to go with them the whole time!
the absolute screaming that ensued when kirk found bones sitting in a pitch black room with spock's voice coming out of his mouth. like i said i knew vaguely about this but i did not expect him to be FUCKING POSSESSED??? i need to find time to read 4000 spones fics about this specifically if anyone has recs i am soliciting them
everything was so good. the comment about poison in a bar not being logical. the failed nerve pinch. him being able to suddenly act as first officer. mwah
i like the snowy cacti on genesis even though most of those sections lagged for me personally. not like computer lag but like. psychologically. and baby spock was so cute!! teenage spock did not need to be fucking his former student who is now way older than him tho. that was wack. sorry saavik
the entire section of busting bones out of prison and stealing the enterprise is one of my favorite trek scenes from everything i've seen so far, actually. it's exciting, it's funny, it's heartwarming, the chemistry is off the charts, and they all truly feel like a family.......cathy said it best but this is what aos was missing tbh
ALSO I TOTALLY RECOGNIZED LEONARD NIMOY'S VOICE IN THE ELEVATOR SHAFT. am i faceblind maybe a little bit but my ear never fails me
very shocked to see christopher lloyd in this movie. his makeup was um questionable. but he did a great job
we went back and forth for awhile on whether or not bones realized he was possessed. i guess "you're suffering from a mind meld" wasn't specific enough. like did he know spock was IN THERE. but we didnt know for sure until jim was like "how are we doing" and bones was like "WE are doing just fine thank you but i'd rather he have just taken a kidney" which was fucking hilarious. third best best line after "i've got all his marbles" and "THAT GREEN BLOODED SON OF A BITCH THIS IS REVENGE FOR ALL THE ARGUMENTS HE LOST" he's so iconic. like it wasn't actually just revenge for the stunt he pulled in the empath.
deeply mourning the enterprise. i knew there were different enterprises and that they had to blow her up eventually bc spoilers but this is the one and only first ever enterprise TO ME. watching her go down in flames was almost as painful as watching spock die. rest in peace queen :(
absolutely FLOORED they fridged david. i didn't expect them to do that ever but i'm SO glad they did bc 1. cry bitch and 2. i didn't actually care about him. despite them finding spock on genesis those parts of the movie felt slowest to me because spock wasn't able to like, Be Spock and i just did not care about david. i like saavik but i liked her better when she wasn't fucking spock. so. perfect choice
final fight was good. i was like I DONT CARE ABOUT THIS SHOW ME SPOCK but then i gasped every time one of them almost bit it. rip christopher lloyd's character he did a great job
did i burst into tears when kirk held spock and pointed a gun at people? yeah
however what we missed was the bit where bones goes to hold him instead when kirk has to put him down. truly the mcspirk movie of all time.
bones going "i choose the danger" HE IS SO IMPORTANT i love him so much
having absolute kittens in the section where i had to wait to find out if they put spock's katra back. like obviously they were gonna. did i start crying again when spock started talking? YEAH. i knew he was gonna have amnesia but i forgot so i got to be surprised anyway. and then also cried through the credits too bc ofc i did. spock is so important. bones tapping his temple at the end was everything though
idk why everyone says the odd ones are all bad! 1 was bad and i know everybody hated 5 but 3 was REALLY GOOD. i liked it even better than wrath of khan - aside from, again, the pon farr thing. there was more interpersonal stuff than in 2 but it didn't lack action and momentum the way that 1 did. it was perfect. there's no way 4 can be better than this. no way. sincerely hoping i eat my words <3
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biteable-pink-pixie · 8 months
haha! yeah it's a big contrast 😂
And I forgot that I could use them as pack mules, that could have saved me some grief at the beginning of the game when I had so much garbage\in my inventory but was unwilling to let any go. but then I found infinite storage at the lodge 😅
oh nice, yeah Stardew Valley is a game I was watching before it even released back when ConcernedApe was developing it and Chucklefish who was publishing it had a sub forum for his game on their Starbound site.. big geek here. Funny how his game exploded while there game became basically abandoned.
LOL ..oi, listen here mate... I am guilty as charged lol. I feel like to watch the OG Japanese dub, I would rather go to the extent to learn Japanese ( am actually trying to learn) rather than read subtitles, Although I will put up with it if there is no eng. Dub.
I was carrying around like basically everything of worth from the lodge to sell and whe. I eventually sold it.... it was worth fucking shit all. I was like I almost died for this! (Mentally)
Oh dang, check out the big brain on Bret! That's a fun little bit of information. Did you know he's got a new game coming out call haunted chocolatier? I'm interested 👀
Oops you've dropped the mate bomb (dead giveaway of being either Aussie or from the UK) So you have a problem with subtitles huh? Well I love 'em! Can't hear without 'em! Also the Japanese voice actors are just better. I said what I said.
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sugaredge · 2 years
frances' favourite songs from different bands
oasis - live forever
mazzy star - wasted
brian jonestown massacre - my man syd
smashing pumpkins - cherry
portishead - threads
cramps - human fly
nick cave and the bad seeds - henry lee (ft. pj harvey)
pogues - if i should fall from grace
flaming lips - she don't use jelly
nirvana - dumb (acoustic)
blur - country house
pulp - underwear
placebo - nancy boy
vines - get free
white stripes - blue orchid
jesus and mary chain - never understood
pavement - cut your hair
vaselines - son of a gun
knife - ny hotel
pixies - is she weird
travis - she's so strange
bright eyes - lover i don't have to love
gossip - coal to diamonds
queen - bijou
rolling stones - bitch
velvet underground - pale blue eyes
pj harvey - c'mon billie
neighbourhood - how
cranberries - how
veruca salt - volcano girls
muffs - oh nina
stone roses - waterfall
sounds - no no song
christian death - romeo's distress
elastica - connection
lost pigs - she said
peace - from under liquid glass
b*witched - c'est la vie
supergrass - diamond hoo ha man
trio - wildflowers
zero 7 - in the waiting line
vaccines - weirdo
knack - my sharona
abba - dancing queen
teskey brothers - carry you
foster the people - sit next to me
mgmt - time to pretend
kills - black balloon
butthole surfers - pepper
siouxsie and the banshees - christine
mercury rev - delta sun bottleneck stomp
television - friction
r.e.m. - orange crush
warlocks - shake the dope out
swervedriver - english subtitles
wire - i feel mysterious today
sleater-kinney - little mouth
young marble giants - credit in the straight world
raincoats - fairytale in the supermarket
flipper - ever
gang of four - ether
teenage fanclub - the concept
lemonheads - my drug buddy
violent femmes - color me once
cracker - low
la roux - i'm not your toy
bauhaus - bela lugosi's dead
charlatans - the only one i know
primal scream - zombie man
radiohead - high and dry
gogol bordello - start wearing purple
fleetwood mac - landslide
kooks - sofa song
boo radleys - wake up boo!
james - laid
manic street preachers - your love is not enough
telescopes - i fall she screams
spiritualized - cop shoot cop
spacemen 3 - lord can you hear me?
galaxie 500 - strange
slowdive - machine gun
dr dog - heart it races
fruit bats - humbug mountain song
edward sharpe and the magnetic zeros - home
shakespeare's sister - wish you were here
ash - burn baby burn
transvision vamp - i want your love
von bondies - c'mon c'mon
jet - cold hard bitch
beta band - dry the rain
drugstore - alive
sonic youth - 100%
glasvegas - go square go
smiths - william, it was really nothing
fountains of wayne - hackensack
lush - for love
kitchens of distinction - drive that fast
my chemical romance - cubicles
xray spex - oh bondage up yours
damned - machine gun etiquette
joy division - disorder
echo and the bunnymen - nocturnal me
chinese stars - shake the nurse
pink and brown - messy bessy get undressy
ravonettes - kill!
yeah yeah yeahs - zero
shins - caring is creepy
remy zero - fair
garbage - only happy when it rains
sleeper - inbetweener
verve - drugs don't work
lightning seeds - lucky you
sparklehorse - it's a wonderful life
bay city rollers - saturday night
beastie boys - paul revere
wannadies - you and me song
florence + the machine - dog days are over
gun club - she's like heroin to me
t.tex - 20th century boy
porno for pyros - pets
led zeppelin - whole lotta love
saboteurs - steady as she goes
patridge family - i think i love you
beach boys - help me, rhonda
chromatics - shadow
ok go - here it goes again
buffalo springfield - for what it's worth
simon & garfunkel - mrs robinson
doors - changeling
noisettes - don't give up
adverts - bored teenagers
eels - love of loveless
moldy peaches - nothing came out
magnetic fields - i don't believe you
stooges - gimme danger
teenage jesus and the jerks - orphans
wipers - romeo
public enemy - don't believe the hype
edie brickwell & new bohemians - what i am
jimmy eat world - pain
x - because i do
pretenders - brass in pocket
luscious jackson - naked eye
first aid kit - hard believer
runaways - i wanna be where the boys are
helium - baby's going underground
smoking popes - pure imagination
scarce - all sideways
scars on broadway - chemicals.
xx - angels
le butcherettes - henry don't got love.
descendants - silly girl
dead milkmen - punk rock girl
big star - daisy glaze
raconteurs - consoler of the lonely
witchcraft - please don't forget me
boomtown rats - she's so modern
distillers - dismantle me
now now - oh hi.
black sabbath - heaven and hell
spits - die die die
marked men - don't lose it
misfits - teenagers from mars
a tribe called quest - the jam
filter - hey man nice shot
harvey darger - flagpole sitter
catherine - four leaf clover
medicine - slut
bats - sir queen
cure - m
suede - she
weezer - pink triangle
moonpools & caterpillars - moonpool
archers of loaf - mutes in the steeple
melvins - shevil
mew - special
weepies - all that i want
dead kennedys - kill the poor
black flag - tv party
morphine - you look like rain
magnapop - lay it down
stranglers - peaches
queers - fuck the world
daisy chainsaw - i feel insane
beast make bomb - 1234
blouse - into black
rilo kiley - accidntel deth
gin blossoms - hey jealousy
velocity girl - i can't stop smiling
haim - forever
out crowd - drugsick
asteroid #4 - wicked wire
sex pistols - anarchy in the uk
cat's eyes - cat's eyes
esben and the witch - marching song
pastels - nothing to be done
broadcast - come on let's go
l7 - diet pill
sunny day real estate - friday
meat puppets - plateau
superdrag - do the vampire
tripping daisy - i got a girl
primitive radio gods - women
spacehog - cruel to be kind
godspeed you! black emperor - mladic
super furry animals - crazy naked girls
slits - i heard it through the grapevine
my bloody valentine - only shallow
dandy warhols - bohemian like you
black rebel motorcycle club - took out a loan
marcy playground - sex and candy
toadies - possum kingdom
presidents of the united states - peaches
sponge - slowed
verve pipe - freshman
dishwalla - counting blue cars
oblivians - i'll be gone
half japanese - charmed life
civil wars - poison and wine
felice brothers - whiskey in my whiskey
dresden dolls - girl anachronism
jawbreaker - boxcar
youth brigade - did you wanna die
agent orange - it's all a blur
cosmonauts - shaker
sugarcubes - regina
blonde redhead - 23
cocteau twins - lazy calm
magazine - shot by both sides
swirlies - pancake
lilys - dimes make dollars
chapterhouse - pearl
sleeping years - dressed for rain
feelies - let's go
drop nineteens - kick the tragedy
maccabees - toothpaste kisses
nada surf - popular
faces - ooh la la
hives - abra cadaver
tlc - waterfalls
sixpence none the richer - kiss me
aqua - barbie girl
nothing but thieves - wake up call
happy mondays - step on
darkthrone - transilvanian hunger
blossoms - cut me and i'll bleed
public access tv - metropolis
circles - gonna get to you
jacques - scum in a bottle
dead weather - treat me like your mother
johnny thunders and the heartbreakers - born to lose
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joshhhhhhhhhhhhhhh · 2 years
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The wait for mtbb upload was a painful one, but well worth it - not being distracted by hidive’s garbage subtitles and even worse video more than makes up for the extra waiting time.
Anyway good episode, lowkey Riko’s presence kinda diminishes towards the end of s1 and Bondrewd arc so it’s nice seeing her have so much to do and learn here, able to act independently of the other two now that we’re in a relatively “safer” environment too. I’m also really appreciating the structural choice of having the flashback stuff occur in episode 1 - so now when we hear about Belaf and Wazukyan and Faputa it’s a lot more of an “oh shit” moment too, woo. Fun episode all around yeah, gamer.
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neriumdelusion · 2 years
They don’t know I’m too exhausted to stand
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eldesperadont · 5 years
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remember Wrestling Dontaku ‘18?
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bmpmp3 · 5 years
Imagine you were in a haunted area and you saw a ghost and you weren't all that scared but then the ghost pulled a glock on you
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dramavixen · 2 years
watch this! – delicious romance
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How do I describe my appreciation for a show, marketed as a feminist drama, that actually turned out to be a pretty darned good feminist drama? Gone are the days in which I feared such empty promises of compelling female characters, only to be cursed with some of the most obnoxious personalities ever known to womankind. Because now that I know C-dramas are capable of writing women, no one has an excuse to write any more that garbage with a “feminist” label slapped on it. I’m sure many can understand my pain.
Today, I’m officially recommending this drama called Delicious Romance (爱很美味), which just finished airing and ended with as much flourish as it began. And I’m recommending it loudly, because it is extremely, extremely good.
What is it?
A rather short (20-episode) drama centered around three 30-year-old women as they try to find their way through personal struggles in romance, the workplace, and life in general. One is an intelligent and ambitious vice president at her job, another is a naive (note: not stupid) and sweet housewife, and the third is a quirky lady who’s also the picturesque 剩女 – or, “leftover woman.”
Very down-to-earth comedy with its fair share of fun moments. Romance is involved, but the focus is always on the female leads and their growth during their transition into their 30s.
Part of the reason why people outside of China are not aware of this show is because Tencent has horrible priorities has not made a move to subtitle it. But fear not, for I am currently subbing it here; i.e., you now no longer have any excuses to not watch it.
Why watch?
A+ characters – I’m not sure what it is about C-dramas in particular that have a habit of writing boring, unrealistic female characters; but for some reason the entire industry belongs to this hive mind of doing so. You know exactly what I’m talking about – there’s always that female lead who’s sold to us as being really strong or the beacon of justice, and then you really think about it and realize that she’s super useless without the male lead or just a real bitch? Alas, this show has made me see the light: each character, including the supporting characters, is so entertaining to watch. The girl boss is actually a girl boss. The kindhearted one isn’t a pushover. The weird one isn’t a caricature. Bless. I think the great thing about each of these characters is that you can find a little bit of yourself in any one of them. You will have your gripes with them since they’re all rightfully flawed. You will feel bad for them and also cheer them on. This show is built on its characters, and these characters are the strongest of foundations.
What exactly is “girl power”? – There’s this odd misconception about what makes a good female character. Even though I’ve already brought up the characters, I think it’s worth mentioning how effective the feminist aspect of each truly turns out to be. For one thing, each of the leads feels like an actual person; this alone trumps about 80% of the female characters in Dramaland. For another, the way they’re all so different from one another, yet no less deserving of our respect as people, is something that I’m deeply thankful for. I think a lot of female audience members are frequently being forced to think that you can’t be a strong, independent woman without being overbearing. Or, conversely – that being nice or soft automatically makes you weaker. We constantly complain about it as viewers, but writers keep putting female characters into boxes. Gosh darn it, maybe I just want to be a person, you know? This is that show which tells you, yeah that’s fine. You do you, whoever you are.
Noms – Let’s talk food. Many important conversations and revelations happen when the characters are eating, and a lot of food metaphors are also utilized. This might just be a me thing, but this is actually one of my biggest biases when it comes to storytelling. I absolutely adore scenes where a character is eating something, and they suddenly feel like it’s okay to be vulnerable in the face of whatever is troubling them. By which I mean, I cry every time.
Intensely meta – This is a very self-aware show. It will constantly take tropes and clichés and turn them on their heads; then it’ll take that and turn it on its head again. It’s incredibly comedic but also a great lesson in creativity. There are more effective ways at delivering clichés than just...using them. So, yeah, I think my time watching low-effort rom-coms has officially ended. Welp. I won’t miss them.
Please stop telling me to get married – I don’t know if the poster in which they’re all donning wedding dresses might’ve been a hint, but marriage is a huge central theme. I mentioned the concept of “leftover women” in the beginning. So this is a really fun term – if you’re a woman in your mid- to late-20s and not married or are to be married soon, then you’re already considered a leftover woman. Yes, as in, “no one will want to marry you because you’re too old.” The way the drama goes about critiquing this term is both very interesting and incredibly positive. Frequently, the gut reaction to being called a “leftover woman” is for said woman to show in what other respects she’s been “successful.” For example, maybe she’s made great advancements in her career. Basically, she has “legitimate” reasons for not being married. I’m very thankful to this show for not relying on that. It will bring up that, yes, some careerwomen will delay getting married to focus on their job. However, it does not look down on women who may be single simply because they don’t want to get married, or aren’t ready to handle a relationship. Shout it from the rooftops! We don’t need an excuse for not being married! (Mom, please stop telling me to find a boyfriend.)
TL;DR please watch this quality drama, especially if you’re looking for one that’s easy on your heart without being stupid. Missing out would be the shame of all shames.
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numahachi · 2 years
hello :) what is the pleasant looking stop motion show you're posting screens of? is it called kooky?
yeah :) or kuky se vrací (kuky returns) in czech
from wikipedia:
The film combines techniques of puppet animation, stop motion and live action. It tells the story of a six-year-old asthmatic boy whose parents throw his favorite toy away, an old teddy bear named Kooky. The boy, however, secretly sneaks out of the house at night (without his boots and being dressed only in his pajamas), to retrieve Kooky from the garbage can and bring him back home. Due to that, the boy gets ill. In his feverish dreams, Kooky comes to life in the landfill, escapes into a mysterious forest and begins its journey amongst the rough-and-ready creatures of the forest.
original czech version:
trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ePelcaQOEaE
available on dvd with english subtitles: https://czechmovie.com/products/kooky-kuky-se-vraci
english dub:
trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MBQbkbnj780
available digitally (maybe US only?): https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/id1041375731 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B007K1DWAW
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soramei · 3 years
Intentional - Part 5
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Pairing: Bang Chan x Reader (she/her)
Summary: Landing your first real job at JYPE was something short of a miracle. You were prepared to face the new struggles of this elusive career whilst moving to a new country, however, nothing could have prepared you for him. Will stolen glances, secret touches, and hushed nights spent in the recording room ever be enough for the both of you?
Genre: idol!bang chan au, forbidden relationship, coworkers to eventual lovers, slow burn
Warnings: cursing, eventual smut
Word Count: 4.0k
A/N: yeah so about that upload... i was really busy this whole week but i hope to start uploading mondays again! thanks for understanding!!
Taglist (reply to be tagged!): @planetdemon​ @hvunvely​ @fluffybitch0325​ @fashi0nablee @juststop88 @straykisz @theultimaterad @margaritas-en-la-montania @meowtella
There was a pause in the phone call.
You started biting your nails, instantly regretting what you had just done. Basking in your stupidity, you could only wait for his response, for it was too late to retract what you had just said. Your day must have been worse than you thought. It must have been so bad that you had the nerve to ask Bang Chan — an idol, a person with a strict schedule, somebody who you had an argument with — to come over to your pathetic little apartment.
You kept nibbling on your fingers.
“I’ll get my jacket.”
You froze, eyes wide.
“Huh?” You were bewildered. You weren’t even expecting an answer, much less this.
“It’s cold this late at night,” he explained, “I’ll be there soon.”
You didn’t know what to say. You heard rustling on the other side of the call.
“Wait, I’ll tell you my address,” you blurted out.
“You did,” he said.
You frowned, trying to remember if you did or not. That’s right. You blushed at the memory of your first day of work.
“Oh yeah, umm, I’ll hang up now.” You awkwardly said, hanging up before Bang Chan could fit another word in.
You were a statue in your own apartment, clinging on to the last words exchanged on your phone. In actuality, you didn’t know why you asked him to come over. It was just blurted out in the moment. Or maybe it was a result of your extremely frustrating day. Either way, you felt extremely embarrassed that you did so, especially so late at night.
You started boiling some water, still trying to rationalize what you had just done. This was normal for friends, right? Na-eun and Yoojin came over just yesterday and you were friends with both of them. You knew for a fact that you two were friends, but you still couldn’t find an explanation for the strange feeling in your chest whenever you were around him.
Turning your phone on, you checked your face in the selfie camera. It was a miracle that your makeup didn’t smudge off. You thanked your new ‘CLIO’ foundation cushion, it looked like all that time you spent doing your makeup didn’t go to waste. You stared at your reflection for a couple more seconds before turning your phone off. Why did it matter what you looked like anyways? You wiped off any remaining lipstick with the back of your hand.
The kettle started rumbling, letting you know that the water was ready. You took out your mug to prepare some tea. It was a bad idea to have tea this late at night, but there was something about your mother’s tea that could knock a grown man out.
Sipping your tea, you turned on Youtube to an episode of a Korean web-drama that was getting really popular. It was another one with some rich CEO and a clumsy average girl, but you still watched, fully enamoured. On the recommendations list, there was a video with Felix — the other person you saw at the cafeteria on your first day — on the thumbnail. I can never escape from work, you thought to yourself, rolling your eyes.
You clicked on it anyways, just to pass the time. Watching through the video, you were shocked by the production value. Well, that, and Bang Chan. Whether it was hair and makeup or just his acting, he was so different from the person you knew in real life. You were in awe by his natural charisma gleaming at you through the screen as it was a rare quality that few people you knew possessed. Embarrassingly, you found your eyes drawn to only him in every group shot. He looked good in an apron.
You got distracted by more random videos before clicking back on your drama. The next episode was just about to start when the buzzer to your apartment rang.
It was Bang Chan.
Hurriedly, you shuffled towards your door. With your hand on the handle, you took a deep breath before opening the door.
“Hey,” you smiled.
“Hey,” he smiled back. He was leaning over you, his forearm on the doorframe. His coat was bulky, almost engulfing his whole upper body. He was wearing the same beanie you saw on multiple occasions, and in his hand was a white plastic bag.
You stepped aside, silently gesturing for him to come inside. He took your hint and sauntered in the room, head turning left and right to observe his surroundings.
“It’s not much,” you blushed, realizing how small your apartment really was. You could basically see all your belongings from the center of the room.
“No, it’s cute.” Bang Chan looked at you, taking his hat off. His dimple peaked out. “I brought some leftovers from that barbecue place. The kids and I went there after our shoot today.”
So that was what the bag was. With only food on your mind, you rushed to help hang Bang Chan’s coat before setting the table up.
The food was really good. They were leftovers, but it was so good. Stuffing a bite of pork belly in your mouth, you sighed. Where was this food earlier today?
“It’s good, right?” Bang Chan asked whilst chewing on a piece of meat. “I’ll take you next time.”
It was like he read your mind. You nodded eagerly in response, to which Bang Chan replied with a smirk.
“So, uh,” he scratched the back of his neck, “how was your date today?”
You rolled your eyes, not wanting to remember that embarrassment of a night. It was such a pity too, because that man was probably the most gorgeous man you’ve ever witnessed. You swore he had just stepped out of a webtoon when you first met him.
“It was alright,” you shrugged. It was difficult to reflect on the date without putting a damper on your mood, but maybe vocalizing it would have helped ease your discomfort. “He compared me to a model, you know.”
Bang Chan chuckled, making you look up in confusion.
“Was it because you looked exactly like the model?”
“No,” you replied.
His face immediately fell. “You’re kidding, right? Y/n, tell me you don’t believe anything that loser said. He’s got to be something below garbage if he was comparing two women.”
“Thanks, Chan.” You tried to force a grin on your face. “I appreciate it.”
There was a pause.
“I know my opinion means nothing, but Y/n, I think you’re beautiful.”
You stared into Bang Chan’s eyes, frozen like a statue. Your heart was beating so loud that you could hear it more than you could feel it. He stared back at you from across the table; mouth parted, breaths uneven.
You’ve received many compliments before, to which you would always reply with a smile and a quick ‘thank you’. However, it felt as if your brain malfunctioned in this moment and your heart was the only thing keeping you alive. You could still feel your body, but you couldn’t think.
“Thank you, Chan.” You awkwardly coughed, blushing profusely. Immediately focusing your eyes at the table, you couldn’t bear to keep looking at him.
The two of you ate in silence, with only the tapping of chopsticks adding to the ambience of the room. You wanted to make conversation with him, but you did not want to be the first one to break the silence. It frustrated you that you were so shy right now as you’ve never been like this back home.
To heck with it, you thought. There was no need to be shy around him.
“So,” you still couldn’t look him in the face, “any shows you’ve been watching lately?”
Small talk was good. You could do small talk.
“Actually, I’ve been wanting to watch this Transformers movie for quite a while.”
“Transformers?” You’ve never heard of that one. It must’ve been an American movie.
“Seriously?” his eyes widened. “You’ve never seen Transformers before? Oh, we’ve gotta watch it now.”
“You wanna?” you smiled. “I haven’t used my TV since moving in.”
“Mhm, let’s do it.” He stuffed the rest of the leftovers in his mouth before standing up and clearing the table.
You watched him clear the table in a trance. You should have offered to help since it was your own home, but watching the veins on his hands appear and disappear was way more interesting. Watching him, you suddenly remembered the hoodie.
“Oh, that’s right!” You exclaimed, shuffling over to the bag with the hoodie in it. Taking Bang Chan’s black hoodie out, you held it up to him with both hands.
He looked down at you and chuckled.
“Keep it,” he took it from your hands and slipped the hoodie over your head. “At least until you buy a new jacket.”
“I will.” You rolled the sleeves of his hoodie higher to show your hands. You turned the light off, leaving only the floor lamp to illuminate your apartment. Grabbing the remote from your coffee table, you summoned Bang Chan over to the couch.
You turned on the TV, fooling around with the remote control for a few seconds before giving up.
“I give up.” You sighed. Pouting, you handed the remote over to Bang Chan. He took it from you and started reading the buttons.
“Netflix, right?” Bang Chan asked, to which you nodded. “There we go.”
He scrolled through the titles, looking for the coveted movie. Once he found the movie, he quickly selected it and turned the subtitles on. That was nice of him, you thought. Although you also studied english in university, it was nowhere near the level of watching a full english movie.
The title sequence started and you tried to immerse yourself in the movie. You watched in awe, surprised at the fast pace of the action already.
Fully engrossed, you started to sink your back into the couch. Half-way throughout the title scene, you felt Bang Chan stretch his arm behind you to rest on the back pillow. Suddenly, you started feeling too aware of your surroundings. You sat up straighter.
Throughout the whole movie, you caught wafts of Bang Chan’s cologne everytime he moved. He smelled like safety and familiarity.
You turned your head up a little to get a glimpse of his profile, mapping out every edge and curve of his face. The light illuminated the tip of his nose, along with his dewy cheekbones and chin. The plum of his lips were let slightly open, allowing his teeth to peek out slightly. You unconsciously let out a sigh.
“Something wrong?” He turned his body to face you.
You shook your head and focused on the movie.
The rest of the movie was pretty good, although it lost you at parts. You watched the end credits in silence, not knowing what to say.
“So,” Bang Chan cleared his throat beside you, “I should get going now. Since it’s late.”
You turned your head to face him, not realizing how close the two of you had physically gotten throughout the movie. Looking up at him, your face was inches away from his. His face was almost enveloped by the darkness of your apartment. You heard his breathing get heavier.
“Yeah,” you breathed out, “you should.”
He didn’t get up though.
You heard his staggered breath as you kept looking in his eyes. The end credits had long been over by now. Your own breath was just as shaky and you heard your heart beat out of your chest.
He started leaning in. Slowly.
Your eyes widened. You gulped, your nerves snapped you back to reality all of a sudden. Wasn’t he supposed to be your friend? This wasn’t what friends did… Right?
Clearing your throat, you leaned back shyly.
“You should go. I don’t want the others to notice you’re gone.”
“Yeah.” Bang Chan’s lips flattened in a line. Without another word, he stood up and walked towards your door.
You followed him in silence, hoping to at least send him off. Wrapping your arms around your torso, you watched as he put his boots on in the dark. He tied his laces, and with a nod, he opened the door and stepped out.
You were left with a sour taste in your mouth and a cloudiness in your head. Still standing in front of your door, you tried to process what had just happened. However, you couldn’t. All you could think about was the soft curls of his hair, the delicate threads of his eyelashes, and his lips. The dusty rose of his lips. The parting of his lips. Inviting you in.
You were frozen, looking at nothing particularly. The only thing on your mind was Bang Chan.
The door opened.
“Hey, sorry, I forgot my jack-”
His sentence never got a chance to complete itself as you rushed to him, wrapping your arms around his neck. As your lips touched his, you felt a fire ignite in you like nothing you’ve felt before. Your fingers clawed at the nape of his neck, wanting more. Wanting to be closer.
Almost immediately, Bang Chan responded. He was taken by shock at first, but his hands didn’t waste any time to grip your waist. You felt the muscles of his shoulders tighten as he pulled you closer.
He moved you back into your apartment by the waist, lips never leaving your own. You blindly shuffled backwards, only focused on trying to get closer to him. If that was even possible.
You ignored the clunking of his boots against your clean floor, allowing him to guide you to the couch. A whimper left his lips as you used your hand to comb through his hair, pulling it. His soft brown curls were silk against your fingertips.
The back of your legs hit the couch and he turned you around so he could sit on the couch. Your lips finally left his. You gasped for air, trying to steady your deep breaths.
Bang Chan’s breathing was synchronized with yours, his equally as unsteady. He reached his hands out again, grabbing your waist and pulling you on top of him. You were a ragdoll, responding to whatever he wanted to do to you.
With each knee on either side of him, you gripped his jaw and kissed him again. The fire inside of you instantly reignited. It was addicting.
The two of you didn’t dare to separate from each other, only parting to gasp for air every now and then. Even in the dark, you could imagine the plum of his lips and the threads of his eyelashes. This drove the fire in you more.
“What if the boys realize you’re gone?” you breathed out the next time you parted from his lips. They were most likely sleeping, but the thought still worried you.
“Fuck them.” Bang Chan exhaled. Grabbing the back of your neck, he reconnected his lips with yours. You gladly complied.
His sloppy kisses slowly moved from your lips to your jaw, then to your neck, eliciting a soft whimper from your throat. This seemed to only edge him on as kept leaving sloppy kisses against your neck, all the while running his hands up and down your waist.
His cologne surrounded you, keeping you safe. Soon later, the adrenaline left the two of you, leaving only the sound of heavy breathing to fill the room. You brushed your thumb under his eye to which he deeply inhaled.
“Chan?” you said. He was leaving kisses all over your collarbone.
“Hmm?” He didn’t seem to pay much mind to what you were saying.
“It’s half past three. I really think you should get going.” You didn’t want him to leave, but you were almost sure he had another packed schedule for tomorrow.
“Mhmm.” Your words went in one ear and out the other as he made his way up your neck again. You couldn’t help but close your eyes and let out a small moan.
“C’mon, get up. How did you even get here, by the way?” It took everything in you to break away from his touch, but you were starting to get sleepy.
“Taxi.” He said, helping you get up from his lap. He stood up after you, brushing his hand against your waist one last time before making his way over to his jacket.
“You’re allowed to ride a taxi?” You tilted your head, sceptical.
He slipped his jacket on.
“No.” He peppered little kisses on your cheeks. “You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to do that now.”
You giggled, pushing him by his shoulders out the door. He played along, pretending to stumble with every step he took back.
“Text me when you get home,” you said, repeating what he said to you on your first day of work.
He nodded in response and winked before turning around to head home. As soon as the door shut, you slapped both hands against your face. Your little act of impulse had spun your head in spirals. You didn’t know whether to feel relieved at the fact that Bang Chan reciprocated your impulsive actions, or to worry that you had not only just kissed your coworker — but also a freaking idol. No one — not Manager Chen, your friends, or even anyone in the general public — could know about this. If they did, both your careers would be screwed.
You doted on this thought as you got ready for bed, only the worst possible outcome came to mind. If either your manager or his manager knew about what happened tonight, you could get fired. Or even blacklisted. You sat in bed, nervously biting your nails.
Your phone buzzed.
Bang Chan: Hey, I got home. Nobody’s awake… ^^
Bang Chan: Don’t think too much, alright? It’s late, go to sleep…
You felt relief reading his text. For some reason, he knew you were overthinking your actions. You decided to listen to his words and go to sleep.
The next day, Sunday, was very uneventful compared to the day before. You texted Bang Chan back when you woke up, but because of his busy schedule, he hadn’t had the time to reply yet.
Yoojin called in when you were eating lunch, asking about your date. You told her the truth, explaining how there would definitely not be a second date with that man. She sounded disappointed and vehemently tried to set you up with another man in her pool. You politely declined, thinking about your restless night with Bang Chan.
You finished some work ahead of time to free up the next week. Since you were invited to work with Manager Chen at the content shooting, you assumed that you could lessen your work stress ahead of time.
The shooting days were allocated for Friday and Saturday, with there being an overnight stay at the mountains. Whilst you didn’t know the arrangements for Stray Kids, you were informed that the production crew booked a small lodge for the team. You were excited to not only see a behind the scenes of a real shoot, but to also possibly form a closer relationship with Manager Chen.
You were thankful that you did some work ahead of time as Monday’s workload was so much lighter than usual. People were still coming to you with their ideas for the project, but with your other work done, you had the time to go through everybody’s ideas.
You didn’t hear from Bang Chan the whole day, which was nothing out of the blue. You remembered him showing his schedule to you once. The amount of things he had to do everyday had your eyes bulging out from their sockets. All of a sudden, you were thankful for your nine-to-five job.
The next couple of days ran the same way as your Monday, with you easily breezing through your workload. Since you had more time during your breaks at work, you took to exploring the part of the building that you could. You admired all the art, the trophies, the awards and memorabilia. Of course, you also spent more time with your new friend Na-eun.
On Thursday, the day before the shoot, you were helping the producers by translating some notes for the script. All was going smoothly, when you got a text.
It was from Bang Chan.
You weren’t going to lie; you were curious as to what he sent you. He was basically silent the whole week so far, and if you were being honest, you missed hearing his voice. And seeing his face. And feeling his hands brush against your waist.
Bang Chan: Come to my recording room… I’ve got something to show you.
Your eyes lit up right away, curious as to what he wanted to show you. Quickly checking the time, you decided to take your lunch break then and there. After all, you didn’t have much work left for the day anyways.
Locking up your computer, you zoomed inconspicuously past all the other cubicles and made your way to the elevators. You weaved through the hallways of his floor, praying that your memory didn’t escape you. It seemed like your memory was on your side today as you found yourself in front of a familiar set of doors. You didn’t bother to knock before going in.
Inside was Bang Chan: feet up on the desk, drinking from his iced coffee, concentrating on his producing software. You smiled. He looked so comfortable, even in an ‘office’.
He had his headset in, and didn’t seem to notice that you had entered. You went up behind him and tapped his shoulder. He turned around, and immediately threw his feet off the desk and stood up upon seeing that it was you. You smirked.
“I should really put a ‘please knock’ sign on the door.” He cursed under his breath. He reached behind you to close the door.
You giggled.
“So, what do you have to show me?” you wondered aloud.
“A new song. Since the filming is tomorrow, the producers put me on a time crunch to finish the song by today.”
So that was why he was so busy, you thought. You didn’t realize how the sudden filming would have impacted his schedule for the month. Especially since it would take up two whole days.
He let you sit in his chair, and hovered over you to press play on the song. His chair smelled like his cologne.
As he was playing the song, your eyes drifted up to see his face. The face — even after only four days — you missed. The dark circles under his eyes were prominent. That, along with his disheveled hair, told you that he truly was dedicated to his work. You imagined him sitting where you were, two in the morning, sipping on his iced americano.
“You like it?” His eyes drifted towards you, resembling a puppy bringing a ball back to its owner.
“It’s amazing. I don’t know how you managed this in just a few days,” you said. And you were sincere too. You couldn’t imagine yourself doing any of this.
“Eh, you know, late nights.” he shrugged. “Wanna see another?”
You nodded, and the two of you began listening to another one of his songs. You listened in silent wonderment.
However, the silence didn’t last long as the two of you soon found yourselves on the couch: hands all over each other, lips the same. You were lying underneath him, his arms resting on either side of you to hold his weight up. Your lips never left his as you ran your hands up and down his defined biceps.
The two of you couldn’t stay away from each other. The sound of the songs that he had put on shuffle filled the room, along with a fleeting sigh of moan every now and then. Bang Chan’s hand had started wandering up your blouse when, all of a sudden, the door opened.
“Hey, I have the lyrics h-” He stopped mid-sentence, eyes wide.
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fanbles · 2 years
Episode 2 commentary
I guess Pig Dad owns a noodle shop
Blue Guy isn't dead and he has a kitten, that's good
This is going to be one of those episodes where the main character takes on too many responsibilities and learns how to say no, isn't it?
"Wow, MK...you look like hot garbage." Yeah, Glasses Dude—of course MK is going to look like hot garbage when Pig Dad turned him into his delivery boy, Blue Guy can't decide on a damn paint color, and his best friend/sister (May or Mei? I think it's Mei) takes him out partying every night
This is going to end up with MK being too sleep deprived to fight his totally not a boyfriend, isn't it?
Yes, I still don't remember everyone's names asdfghjkl
I call Pigsy "Pig Dad" because I have no clue whether that's his actual name or if MK just calls him that. Considering his business is named Pigsy's Noodles, I have a feeling it's the former
Or is it Pigsie? Please don't make fun of me for spelling it wrong, the Google Drive episode doesn't have subtitles from what I can tell
Part of me hopes Monkey King shows up in every episode because he seems cool
I would watch the pilot now but it's still a huge commitment and I should probably sleep at some point if I want to get assignments done in the daytime
Glasses Dude is honestly being a good dad. Good job, Glasses Dude!
I guess Blue Guy is named Sandy.
MK just turned into an air horn oh dear
Glasses Dude why are you just telling this to MK now
MK is going to clone himself a bunch and cause chaos now, isn't he?
Mr. Tang, you can't just allow your child to clone himself a bunch and cause chaos like this, I revoke your responsible dad card
Tang has the best expressions though and he's become my Discord icon for the moment
And of course all of the MK clones have gone rogue
Mr. Tang, your son's clone is eating your husband's business into bankruptcy and you're just going to keep eating? Damn, that's cold.
Poor MK has a bald spot now
Pigsy has some pretty good expressions too ngl
He went from anger to fear in half a second
"Are you going to clean this mess up?"
I love the contemplative look before Mr. Tang goes "I don't know."
He has surpassed Pigsy as my favorite character, I'm sorry Pigsy.
"One wavy Kung Fu coming up!"
Mr. Tang just coughed up a hairball oh dear
Why must they play the theme song in the middle of each episode
"Mystic Monkey Business?" Everyone is just used to this, huh?
"You're really bad at making clones by the way."
"Hand her over, you...me? We???"
MK why did you make so many clones when you only needed three? You could have had more hair on your head and less clones to defeat.
I like how they keep the continuity with his bald spot.
"Never forget...da music."
I love how Mei just tries putting the hair back on his head.
And MK didn't learn his lesson. Of course.
Mei making a beard out of MK's hair
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