#yee-huh? au
yreapwhatyasow · 5 months
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Go where eagles dare’
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nmakii · 6 months
Hii! Hear me out on this, right, Alastor (in your current yandere husband au) has one-on-one bonding with our lovely Noah. (I have a cat named Noah...lowkey imagining him here.) Idk what dads do with kids but for the sake of plot I'm going to call it hunting. Reader is sitting quietly as Noah tells her all about his day in the forest and how he got to see his food before it was his food! She starts thinking that no amount of nurture can overpower someone's nature. Reader doesn't hate her son...but she's just worried and is trying her best, because in her mind, she's still a single mom and always will be. (Rightfully so) Alastor is egging this on and almost trying to get reader to lose it in front of Noah, to prove something. Other things ! Alastor is def not happy with one kid lmao. Seven years is a long age gap...better hurry up! He wants his Emilia....not because his mother is asking for it or anything like it! Speaking of his mother...god rest her soul man...i lowkey would just marry him for her to be my legal mother (in-law). Rip mom...fly high girl... (Ps, can i please hug you platonically, i literally love you and your writing so much. Please remember that you've made so many cool things and will continue to make cool things no matter which path you go. Love you girly (gn), a little more than Alastor's mom) - Charry Anon
[before you read this, read the rest of the story!]
— the more and more alastor influences your son, the more he becomes just like his father. but, why stop at just one child?
— i love u i will make MORE yandere alastor bc hes now my fave
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you hated this house. no matter how much alastor tried to hide it, the subtle scent of blood reeked from all over this house.
you oh, so desperately wanted to run away— hop on a train all the way to long island. but, it isn’t so simple anymore. you had a son to think of, a son who’s growing scarily closer to his father.
the thought of hurting noah might have never crossed alastor’s mind, but he wasn’t above threatening it to bring you back home. and above all that, you couldn’t leave him alone with this wolf.
and so, you stayed.
“and then, papa told me to stay quiet… and he shot the turkey! papa took me to his butcher room and showed how get the yummy turkey meat! y’know mama, papa has lots of meat in his butcher room.” your son rambled on, kneeling on a stool by the kitchen counter as you prepare for dinner. “lots of meat, you say?” you raised an eyebrow. “…that sounds really fun, baby.” you sighed.
it’s only been a month since he forced you back. and, noah’s already calling alastor ‘papa’. he tainted your sweet boy’s mind— ‘mama lied to you, she wanted to keep you all to herself. she’s really selfish, but then again, i can’t blame her!’
and, you couldn’t protest. if you did, if you broke the rose-tinted filter alastor created— he would hurt you. not physically, alastor is still a ‘gentleman’. he’d hurt you mentally, break your little mind until you can’t do anything but nod your head.
alastor would never strike his hand on noah. after all, deep down, there’s some part of him that’s still in love with you, albeit in his own twisted way. and, noah is apart of you, alastor couldn’t bear to hurt him, not unless he’s misbehaving…
“mama, can we have the turkey we hunted for dinner?!” noah asked excitedly, slamming his hands against the counter over and over again. “sure, baby… but, remember before..? you got in trouble with mr. yee because you released all his chickens…” you asked, quite desperate. this little boy, the one who finds hunting fun. he is nothing like the one who wanted to become vegan after he found out where chicken comes from, despite failing because of his love for chicken burgers.
“yeah, but papa showed me how fun hunting is!” he squealed. at the mention of papa, alastor laughed, carrying noah from behind, tickling his belly as he kissed your little boy’s head. “talking to mama about our little trip, huh?” alastor grinned.
“ah, alastor… dinner will be ready in a half hour.” you glared at him. “no worries, my love. it just means that i have a half hour to play with our beautiful son!” he smugly said. he saw the hatred in your eyes the moment he said ‘our’.
he was trying to make you lose your shit. make you seem like a hysterical woman. that way, if you even tried to divorce him, noah would be left in his care. now that you were older and wiser, you wouldn’t play into his little trap.
“alright, you two have fun.” you begrudgingly smiled. alastor’s eyes widened, showing his shock for just one split second. alastor nudged noah, “go on for a second. papa wants to talk with mama.”
oh god, what now?
once noah left, alastor went behind you, straddling your waist. “what is it, alastor?” you groaned. “i want another child, darling” he whispered against your ear. “i visited my mother with noah last week, she adored him, my love. she said she’d adore a granddaughter this time. she even picked out a name, emilia.” he rambled on. “as much as i love your mother, i don’t want another child, alastor.” you hissed out.
“oh, but it’s not just my mother, dear. little noah also wants a little brother or sister of his own.” at the thought of a little sister for noah, it would keep him busy, away from alastor, wouldn’t it? he’d gain those brotherly instincts that are so reminiscent of the soft hearted boy you raised.
“…alright…” you frowned. alastor’s grip on your hips tightened as he pressed kisses onto your neck. “good girl.” your head leaned back as you melted into his touch. as much as you didn’t want to, the warm sensation of his soft lips on your skin was to die for. “after dinner, darling.” he grinned, finally leaving you alone.
what had you done to be forsaken with this monster?
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radioactivepeasant · 5 months
Chaos Wednesday (doesn't normally happen): Demon Slayer Baby au!
Two back to back snippets: how DJ got his nickname, and how Damas caused A Misunderstanding (long post, be forewarned)
Tess brightened, flinging her arms open.
Daxter leaped up onto the bed, careful to avoid the stack of pillows Tess was using to prop up her swollen ankle.
"How's my best gal doing?"
Tess fell back against the headboard with a groan. "Booooooored. Nobody can get out to check Dead Town for old medpacks, so I'm stuck in here for now. I hope Krew isn't being too hard on you!"
Daxter scoffed. "Pssh. Me? Never. He finally appreciates my skill in drink mixing."
A snort of derision from just below the bed contradicted this. Tess noted the pitch of the voice and raised her brows.
"No fights on the way here to get the eco out?"
Daxter cuddled up next to her and shrugged. "I think he just wanted to feel safe, actually. He's getting better at transforming at will!"
Tess smiled and patted the bed. "Hey goober! Come on up!"
Little black claws appeared at the edge of the blanket and scrambled for purchase. Tess didn't really understand why he didn't just adjust his height -- he had full control over the proportions of his limbs like this. But she didn't mention it. Jak was so much happier in this state, acting more like Daxter said he did before they came to Haven. Tess may not have had a full picture of what was going on in that prison when Daxter rescued Jak, but she knew what complex trauma looked like. If it made Jak feel happier, feel safer to be some kind of little goblin, then who was Tess to stop him?
"C'mere, kiddo." Tess reached over to help him up.
With a little gasp of triumph, Jak scooted up over the edge and flung his arms up in a victory pose. His sleeves, sized for a teenaged boy of regular size, unrolled themselves with the motion and flopped over his hands. The travel-sized dark warrior shook them in annoyance, sending them flapping back and forth.
"Awww, come here you cutie!"
Tess scooped him up and danced her fingers over his sides.
"Tickle tickle tickle!"
Jak hissed, but his ear to ear grin gave him away as he batted at Tess’s hands.
"Weirdo sis!" he signed with a snort. "Daxter help!"
"Look bud, she was gonna go after one of us. You gotta take one for the team," Daxter said. "I just got this fur combed flat."
"Who's my favorite murderbuddy? Dee-Jaaaay! DJ's my favorite murderbuddy!" Tess sang, scrubbing her knuckles across the hissing eco being's scalp.
Daxter scratched his nose and frowned. "Huh? DJ?"
"Yeah!" Tess grinned at him. "Dark-eco Jak! DJ! Get it?"
The ottsel looked over at Jak, who was clearly enjoying being fussed over for a change.
"DJ...huh. Whaddya think of that, pal?"
A soft look overtook Daxter. He reached out to muss Jak's hair. "Alright, DJ it is."
"Yee!" The newly nicknamed DJ flailed his arms even faster in excitement. The sleeves smacked Tess and Daxter in the face. It was absolutely on purpose.
He didn't know why everything was more fun at this size -- was it because there were more things to climb on? Because fights were more of a challenge? Because people were nicer to him? -- but he loved how wild and big all the eco -- and even all his feelings were. Most of the time.
He didn't like Big Sad and Big Scared. He had to go back to tall DJ during those feelings to get them under control. Or let Sig carry him around, but sometimes that was embarrassing.
"Torn is going to come back here before long," Tess warned the boys, "So if you didn't want to do some work today you'll have to make yourself scarce."
DJ began to snicker and pulled his scarf over his head like he was hiding before flailing his arm out from underneath. Daxter cackled, knowing immediately what Jak was suggesting.
"No, bud, I don't think Tattooed Wonder would appreciate it if you hid under the bed and grabbed his ankle when he walked by. It would be funny though."
"Nooo that's so mean!" Tess giggled.
DJ kicked his arms and legs up in the air, made a croaking screech, acting out what he thought Torn's reaction would be before collapsing into giggles as well.
"You're a menace, DJ," Tess cooed, scratching the base of Jak's horn nubs.
"Why yes," DJ signed, "Yes I am."
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Damas Causes Problems (on purpose)
"No leads on Mar yet."
Sig slouched in the corner booth, eyeing the empty bar as he spoke quietly into his talk-box. "Been trying to work out why Jak does the...the thing. Why he looks like a desaturated Mar when he does it. All I got is that Praxis picked up a hu'men experimentation hobby."
"I wish I could say that didn't sound like a logical progression of his depravity," Damas hissed on the other end of the line. "Do you...know which form is Jak’s natural one?"
Sig knew what Damas was thinking. He'd wondered it himself. Was Jak made in Praxis's lab? Was the tiny child resembling Mar his truest form and the young teenager a disguise to protect him?
But to the best of his knowledge, it was the other way around.
"The taller one -- with- with Mar's kinda hair -- that's his base shape. He's still learning how to control the dark stuff. That's why he gets stuck in Baby Mode as often as he does. Used to make him real mad, now he just thinks it's funny. But while we're on the subject...I have a request. I know you don't want to get involved in the civil war beyond runnin' guns, but-"
"Spit it out, Sig."
Sig rubbed the skin under his prosthetic eye and groaned.
"I'm scared for Jak, man. Every time I see him, he's weaker. Kid’s about to drop over the edge of exhaustion and he keeps trudging on because he says "they" told him to. And I'm pretty sure he's talkin' about the Underground. Now, I know it's off agenda, but- I wanna follow him back. Find out whose trying to work him to death and straighten em out."
He could almost see the shrug as Damas answered.
"Why're you asking me? He's your kid."
Something warm fluttered in Sig’s stomach and he grinned despite himself. "Yeah. He kinda is at this point, isn't he?"
The line was quiet for a few seconds. Time enough for sounds to begin emanating from the street. Then,
"When you find Mar-"
When. Not if. As if his success wasn't even in question, even after two years.
"When you bring him home, bring Jak, too. I want to meet this kid -- in person, this time."
"You think I'd let him and Daxter stay here?" Sig scoffed.
Just then, the door swung open, bringing with it the ottsel's familiar voice.
"I'm tellin' you, sweetheart, it's all about the pine-pears. Slice em, grill em, put em on the steak. I guarantee even Hoverboy will love it."
Tess walked in with the boys -- Sig didn't blame them for walking together. This wasn't the nicest neighborhood even without the KG -- and she giggled.
"Daxxie, I've never even had pine-pear. How am I supposed to convince Krew to put something on the menu if we can't get any?"
Jak looked worse than before. The circles beneath his eyes were deep and purple, and he looked dehydrated. Daxter perked up from his shoulders to glance in Sig’s direction.
Crap. He loved the boys, but they weren't ready to know about Spargus yet.
"Hey, shift's gonna be starting soon, hon. Imma have to call you back."
"I beg your pardon!?"
Damas sputtered, not sure whether to be offended or amused. After a beat, in which he must've heard the other voices, he sounded calmer. "Ah. You have company. Carry on."
"Yeah yeah yeah. No, I'll remember. Don't worry about it," Sig said quickly, and a little louder than necessary. "Milk, eggs, paper towels. You need me to grab anything else when I clock out?"
Jak stopped next to his table and cocked his head with a soft frown.
"Who you talkin' to?" he asked.
With a sardonic lilt, Damas’s voice grated in his ear.
"Oh, is that my "stepson"? Tell him to take a nap."
"Tell him yourself!"
"Sure. Watch your ears."
And before he had time to brace himself, Sig had his ears ringing as Damas raised his voice and loudly called,
"Hey kid! Be good for your old man today. Take a nap when he tells you to this time."
Sig flushed scarlet from the tip of his ears to his neck when he heard the usually stoic king burst into uncontrolled cackling.
"I am going to get him for this," Sig muttered as Jak’s face twisted in confusion.
"Who the heck is that?"
"A menace, that's who," Sig growled. "Ignore him."
Jak, unfortunately, did not.
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cuteniarose · 1 month
who's lien-hua??
Short answer: My absolute child and the only OC I have cried genuine, REAL tears over. And not tearing up or sniffling a little, full on SOBS. Kat still owes me emotional compensation for that one 😤😤
Long answer: She's one of @katkastrofa’s OCs that I now have partial custody of. P'Li's little sister, born in 136 AG, a sweet cinnamon roll too good for this world, too pure, no matter how damn overused that phrase is, it still fits her 🥺🥺🥺 When drawing her last year I accidentally made her look a lot like my friend's little sister so now I am always extra soft about her. But considering what happens, you can imagine the level of emotional devastation this is causing me and just how much this has affected my ability to look at Katya the same way ever again. Doesn't help that her older sister has an annoying tendency to wear her waist length hair in a brushed back braid...
Anyway, for reference, the baby girl, sweet girl herself, from about July 2023:
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And now that you have been fully taken with this precious thing's cuteness, it is imperative I let you know that she is killed at age 7 by the warlord who tried to turn P'Li into a living weapon 😐
She's the living embodiment of a tragedy, a child born to be collateral damage, the one who could not be saved no matter what was done, the "it was always going to end this way" half of the tragedy dichotomy. A little girl unjustly killed as punishment for her sister not wanting to become a warlord's weapon, forever remaining as nothing more but a hazy memory of someone to protect. And I'm gonna stop now because I will start crying again, istg–
(There is a verse where she lives, though that is part of a much larger AU that can basically be summed up as "completely self indulgent mishmash of ideas, everybody lives/nobody dies, sunshine and rainbows and peace on earth, unless you're a world leader, then RIP", or as we like to call it, the Ultimate AU, because we never came up with a better name :P But getting into it would take too long and there really isn't too much to explain since it lacks a cohesive plot and is more a bunch of family shenanigans thrown together, so... moving on)
In Kat's fic Lost and Found the memory of Lien-Hua is the driving force behind all of P'Li's decisions, and she constantly blames herself for not having been able to save her (despite the fact she was a child herself, no older than 13), right up until the very end where she.. doesn't really get closure, per se, but is able to let Lien go, in the scene which I have affectionately dubbed "F.C. Yee owes Kat major royalties for this one, holy hell" #ifyouknowyouknow. But also Lien is a point of some interpersonal conflict since no one else can quite relate to P'Li in this case. Ming-Hua (while not present in LaF) is an only child, Zaheer is the youngest of three and was never close with his sisters, and Ghazan... well, his sister is two separate cans of worms depending on whether you're talking about Haya or Zada. Some pretty interesting stuff overall, really scratches my soft spot for family related dealings in fics, and I can't believe I just realised that P'Li's the only non-youngest child in the RL foursome, huh. It's oddly fitting, in a way, at least in my opinion
Oh, and also, Midori is a reincarnation of Lien-Hua :)
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ditzydreamsss · 3 months
"Run The World!!" [Bizly/Charlie Villain & Vigilante duo AU] Rant + Oneshot
Charlie's a villain and Bizly's a vigilante. Condi is a hero (med) and Schlatt's on neutral grounds along with Puddi and Apple (refer back to this <- I forgot this existed until 5 minutes ago). Grizzly had been kicked out.
Updates: - Puddi uses any pronouns + gender neutral pronouns. She/he/it/them/xe/ve..... etc. - Apple uses Apple/Apples/Appleself pronouns.
Charlie's also a little... bloodthirsty.... but Bizly's able to stop him! Most of the time.
Oneshot features crack and also angst :D
Title is from the song "Run the World!!" by Dayglow
-- "Fauna", The cat eared vigilante who seems to have close connections with the top villain "Warp". Be on the lookout for Warp when Fauna is present. || Power: Shapeshifting || Known for taking Puddi, along with other minor heroes in training, into war.
-- "Warp", the most powerful villain alive. || Power: Teleportation, blood manipulation(?) || If seen around the area, freeze and pray he may be feeling merciful.
-- "Chemi", best healer of the heroes. An excellent potions maker. Once worked closely with the fallen hero "GoldApple / Gapple". || Power: Teleportation || Known for the rumor that Chemi could control time, but was proved wrong.
-- "GoldApple", "Gapple", %^$ DATA NOT FOUND ^&#(#*
♬ welcome to my own little world ♬
Okay, first of all, Bizly did not take Puddi into war. The kid made the choice to leave because the hero training program is transphobic as hell! And Bizly was the one who made Puddi stay with Schlatt (and as much as Bizly didn't like Schlatt, he was the safest person to leave a runaway kid with).
And... In some way, Bizly could see that Schlatt was actually protective of Puddi. Though Schlatt would never admit it.
Bizly scoffed, continuing to read the newspaper and stopping at Grizzly's section.
Good, the hacking worked then.
♬ oh, I never listen ♬
"I AM! RED!!! THE NEWEST, BESTEST VIGILANTE THIS CITY WILL EVER SEE!!! I WILL PROTECT EVERYONE!!!" And with that, the kid jumped off the building and threw themselves at Bizly.
What the fuck??
The kid hissed at Charlie... apples floating around them protectively??
"Um." Bizly started, but Red interrupted him.
"NO! SCHLATT TOLD ME THAT VILLAINS ARE BAD BAD BAD!!" Red pointed furiously at Charlie with shaking hands.
Bizly finally got a better look at the child. They were wearing an apple themed outfit, a dress even, with brown branches and green vines wrapping around their ankles and arms. They also had a giant apple parachute.
Bizly didn't know Schlatt had a child.
Uh, no. Didn't red see them messing around only a few seconds ago-
"MANYPULLATE!! AND ONLY SCHLATT IS ALLOWED TO DO THAT!!! That's his thing." Red whispered the last bit.
Bizly and Charlie exchanged glances. Bizly internally sighed.
Do I.. Kill them-
NO! Let's just... entertain them. We don't know who they can tell.
But if Schlatt knows them..
We're NOT going to get on the bad side of Schlatt. That's where he's staying-
Alright, fineee....
"Uh. Oh. Oh no. I'm.. uhh.... I was being attack. Oh Red, are you my- my hero?"
"YEES!" Red triumphed, pronouncing YEES with the two E's.
"Ohh NOO!! I've been defeated.." Charlie yelled dramatically and proceeded to melt through the floor. Probably teleported somewhere else was Bizly's guess.
Red looked so proud.
"Soo.. Kid." Bizly started.
"What are your pronouns?"
Bizly faltered.
"..What ?"
"Ap- Apple?? Appleself-"
"YEEE!!! I'M APPLE!!!!!!!!!!! My vigilante name's RED! BUT I'M APPLE!!"
Later that day, everyone met up with Schlatt and they all explained to Apple that Charlie actually wasn't an evil asshole even if he was a little psychopathic.
♬ 'cause I could never be hurt ♬
Meeting Puddi was much more of a slowburn, in a way, but the encounter was... an encounter.
Puddi was some kid that Bizly saw around during patrolling. Rescued them a few times, and knew her enough to know he used a hell ton of pronouns. Not that it was a bad thing, of course.
Until the two got trapped in an abandoned building together as Charlie went on some speech to the newscasting helicopter about the justice in murder. (Bizly couldn't say he agreed, but that was the cost of being friends with the number one villain)
Bizly stared at Puddi, who was twirling its hair around.
Gods, Bizly had already used up all his 'outside' social energy with that one homophobic guy at the store he was this close to sending an army of birds down-
Point is, Bizly's mind was blank and also panicking.
What the fuck is he supposed to do with a twelve year old child.
"Um. So..... your name's.. uh.. Fauna?
"Huh? Oh. Yeah." What the hell is he saying CAN HE JUST SOCIALIZE-
"Oh.. ummm...... So... When's Charlie going to be done with this?" Puddi's voice was quiet-
Wait, hold on.
Hold on.
"You know CHARLIE?" Bizly asked, a little too loudly.
"Uhh.. Yes. Apple told me about hi- ohhhh." Realization hit Puddi.
"You're Bizly."
Gods help Bizly nothing could save him now. Yeah, Maybe Puddi was as awkward as Bizly and would probably forget about this but who cares about that Bizly's so bad at everything ever can't even say a simple hello SHIT HE FORGOT TO SAY HELLO-
Did Bizly just stutter, WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH HIM-
"H.. Hi."
Think of something think of something think of-
"Y'know Minecraft?"
And the two proceeded to talk about Minecraft and their opinions on the new update for two hours.
Charlie came in in the middle of their big debate on whether the Sniffer was a good mob to add or not. Charlie had to practically drag them home.
♬ oh, I am so fake ♬
"SHUT UP!!!! SHUUTTTTT!!!!!!!" Apple screamed towards the sky.
"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Grizzly screamed back.
"I- I- Plea- I'm- SCHLATTTT!!" Puddi cried, desperately trying to escape its fate.
Schlatt peeked over from the corner, "YES WHAT IS I- YOU."
"What- OH SHIT BIZ-"
"Don't drag me into thiiIIIISSSSSSSSSS-"
Bizly screamed bloody murder as a child, crazed goat man, and the number one target for the hero committee all leaped out to knock him down and probably kill him.
Ahh, home sweet second hom- Wait what the shit?
Condi squinted and saw his good ole friend Bizly got three insane psychopaths body slam him.
He teleported back to the base where his hero name, Chemi, was plastered at every inch of the walls.
It was creepy, but way better than seeing... whatever the hell was happening to Bizly.
Ehhh,, whatever, Condi will heal him later.
♬ And why is it that I believe ♬ ♬ Everything they speak of me? ♬ ♬ It's hard for me sometimes to see ♬ ♬ Beyond all that they want ♬
WARNING: Graphic descriptions of blood and injury!! And corpses. That too. Basically: mass murder.
End of section will be marked
"C-Charlie? W.... What are you doing..?"
"What do you think I'm doing, hmmm?"
Charlie grinned, pupils slit, and crooked his head. Blood dripped down from his chin, a corpse laid under him. Its eye sockets were hollow and bits of its eyes were crushed under its own hand.
Bizly's vision was blurry; he couldn't see clearly as the world spun around.. and around.. and around. He was still holding onto the hand that once belonged to Grizzly, which was now a empty, lifeless limb connected to a thing that Bizly once smiled at, full of affection, at those soft moments. It was turning grey now-- rapidly decaying. Leaving no trace of the past.
Bizly wanted to move, so desperately, as tears were falling from his eyes. He couldn't feel them.
Charlie crawled towards Bizly, in a form of a nightmarish terror with random arms fused together all over his body, all moving independently. A black matter burst out from his stomach, which had been torn apart when those giant legs took over the once human form.
Charlie's mouth was stretched, way too wide for it too be humanly possible.
Oh, wait.
Was that thing even Charlie anymore?
But he sounded like Charlie, good ole Charlie, who had made puns whenever Bizly had felt down, the one who rescued so many people...
Yet, killed thousands.
The air glitched around Charlie.
Bizly knew Charlie(?)'s power. He was the only one who knew.
Charlie cackled loudly and somewhere, a body exploded into pieces.
Atomic Manipulation. A power that made anyone basically stronger than any god in existence.
And Bizly had told them. Run away, run away before he falls apart and loses every sense of humanity, but they hadn't listened, hadn't they?
And look at where they were now.
Cold, grey things.
Taking a nap! This wasn't preschool, WAKE UP!
On the ground, so peaceful they couldn't even breathe. PATHETIC.
Could he?
Charlie grinned at him. The smile seemed to stretch for miles.
A smile.
That was a good thing. That meant he was happy.
That's good.....
Summary : Bizly watched Charlie commit mass murder. Bizly started losing his mind.
A voice whispered in the dark.
Aren't you dead?
"Bizly..? Wake up, pretty please?"
The warm body didn't reply, safely and comfortably under thousands of blankets that wrapped around him.
There was silence for a few seconds.
Are you gone now?
"...Bebo, I need to know you're okay."
Are you happy?
Bizly rubbed his eyes as he glared at the figure who was sitting down in front of him, on a chair.
A smile-
An eye-
A face-
Something grabbed his hands and pulled his hands towards the face looking at him.
A normal smile.
Normal eye. Normal pairs of eyes.
A normal face.
Bizly hadn't noticed his breaths were coming out shakily.
The figure at his bed- Grizzly-
Grizzly let him feel his own face. Touching every curve of their face, letting Bizly ground himself.
It was.. just a dream.
It was so warm.
Bizly cried as Grizzly held him, gently.
Charlie tucked them both to sleep.
Condi watched from the doorframe. They clutched his hands as every last bit of the pink light faded from the palm of their hands.
Everything was fine.
It was just a dream.
Nothing real.
♬ And I-I-I-I ♬
"Congrats, reader. You've reach the place where the epilogue usually would be, if there is one." Charlie smiled directly at the camera. "There isn't. So."
Charlie approached the camera. But before he could do anything:
"ChaaAaAAaARLIEEEE!! Are you breaking the goddamn camera again??"
Bizly walked into the living room to see Charlie with his fist raised.
Bizly crossed his arms, "Uh-huh. You weren't about to break the third camera of the week."
"Y..Yeah?" The top villain nervously giggled, scratching the back of his neck.
Saved by the child.
Apple came running in Apple's vigilante outfit, dragging a panicked Puddi around. Apple managed to scream, "AN OBSTACLE CAN'T STOP M-" Before tripping on the camera and breaking the third camera of the week.
"Uh." Apple looked down. "BIZZY!! THE CAMERA BROKE!"
What the hell was his life anymore?
Bizly slapped a hand to his face and only let out a disappointed sigh.
"Um.. Bizzy, I can go rob a new camera-"
"Ughh.... You're not going ANYWHERE, Puddi."
"J-Just trying to help.."
♬ I, I, I, I, wanna run the world, the world, the world, the world ♬
AND that was that :D
basically condi has the OP power to look into alternate universes. so yeah, the nightmare bizly had was real, just not in his universe.
+ in a way, condi does have power over time. he doesn't use it much though, at all.
Schlatt's place is technically neutral grounds but theres more fallen (kicked out) villains than heroes, though the nicer heroes visit sometimes.
Oh yeah also Charlie has atomic manipulation. i forgot if i ever mentioned that
he/they pronouns for both grizzly and condi here :>
condi is constantly betraying the heroes. he gets to get away with it, somehow.
OH! Also! These chapters are not in order to the timeline of the story. Bizly's meeting with Apple (vigilante name: Red) happened way before the first bit of the story/rant/drabble.
i thinkkk that's it?? maybe.
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aromanticannibal · 5 months
thanks @kahtherinee for the tag!
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
uh I have ten thousand wips! sorry! ill put the ones that have a chance of being finished one day! some of these are very dead dove do not eat so uh ya!
siren & shinsou aka more selfcest > catboy posted a censored message 5+1 aizawa sh fic another sick shinsou fic angsty new year bkdk be not defeated by the rain canon bkdk when cotl fic Deku-kun's journey to become a god!! deku w/ bkg mannerisms Face gone pale, I wail out ghost deku yee yee hallucination angst c.death HANAHAKI BKDK. FIGURE IT OUT more bkdk canon when oh yeah its the bkdk porn self hatred hurt/comfort the fucking izuku died illusion villain deku but he has a phd bkgs dead cannibal shouto dabi kills shouto <3 dad for one fic demon shinsou fluff drawback ghost bkg hisashi fic huh funni coming out platonic bkdk love quirk agaga mari lives <3 mimic mimic?? monster shinsou stuff mugger aizawa backrooms freckles kittne the rewrite Izuku has a quirk. uwu MONSTER AU MHA nagikarma uwu oboro shinsou meet omori self harm fic quirk training sent at shinsou's quirk Shinsou Hitoshi does not have crushes shinyuuga fic sludge deku :) Sometimes there's a thought, like you choose what you're doing stuck in cave shinsou fic The Story of a Very Loved Kittycat time travel shenanigans todoroki is an idiot shintodo fic togachako wedding touya au trans nagisa fic trying to rewrite that bsù yansim fanfic NSFW - shinsou selfcest zombie fucker fic NSFW - uhhhhhhh sex pollen shinbaku NSFW - zombie porn <3 NSFW - masochist shinsou tag x2 NSFW - the fucked up angle porn
Uh I do not know 63 people!!!!! @lollybliz @sillypilled-friendcel @ idk i woke up an hour ago im so sorry!!!
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sunnydust2003 · 4 months
My first SongFic Crossover au which based of The Monkey Song
Eds playing instrument on street, hoping people will interest this, gives them to money and goes to buy Jawbreaker.
Ed was playing his flute, Edd was playing his violine and Eddy was playing his tuba.
Ed was so excited about jawbreaker, he's accident pokes Eddy in eyes while still playing.
Eddy: That's it! (Eddy start fight) Hey, watch where you put-
Ed: Hey (complains during the fight)
Eddy: That sissy flute! You wanna play the flute! I got your flute! There! Here's your flute!
Butler IMP served cakes and tea to Stella and her friends because Stella and her friends have tea party.
Otis and Abby playing marimba from Stella and her friends, just long they are not brother them.
Ed saw Otis and Abby playing marimba, he's decide join with them until Eddy come towards Ed.
Ed: I thought i told you to stop with that fluting, huh. Take that! Get out of my face!
Eddy: OW! Just come on! Come on, i ain't come on, i ain't (incomprehensible) with my hands.
(Mixed with Eddy's dialogue)
Meanwhile inside of Castle:
Stolas was writer down, looks at picture of Blitzo and smile at Blitzo picture how he's handsome and one day, they will be married until loud crush sound.
One Monday Morning, i got up late and there were these creatures outside to gate.
I dunno what to say, the creatures won't do.
Scratch, Grounder and Coconuts:
Dunno know what to say, the creatures won't do.
I dunno what to say, the creatures won't do.
Scratch, Grounder and Coconuts:
Dunno know what to say, the creatures won't do.
My wife and her friends have tea party. I came downstairs and what could be worse.
The creatures was doing a crazy dance. They put buggies in my underpants.
I dunno what to say, the creatures won't do.
Scratch, Grounder and Coconuts:
Dunno know what to say, the creatures won't do.
Creatures dance, then i dance, too.
Scratch, Grounder and Coconuts:
Dunno know what to say, the creatures won't do.
I ran outside to get a stick, but i'm telling you, friends, those creatures was quick.
Cause when i returned, much to my disgrace,
Those creatures had my wife in a mad embrace.
I dunno what to say, the creatures won't do.
For a nickel, i'll give you a clue.
Coconuts (with mockey voice):
I didn't know your eyes were red.
I dunno what to say, the creatures won't do.
Stolas and Stella start runs away from Creatures.
Abby: Yessir, woo!!
Ed once again join with them and playing his flute.
Otis: Aw, play dat thing!
When Stolas and Stella runs away from creatures, Derpy was eating her muffins until saw Sonic and Tails running and she's decide join with them.
Stolas hides on a pink wall, while Stella has been chased by the Creatures and he flees.
Spongebob and Squidward chased Plankton from stole Secret Formula.
When Stolas runs into his room, Niffty was chased and about stabs some guy, while Sir Pentious trying save Niffty.
I went to me bath for a shower and shave. Them creatures going to put me into my grave.
The entire bathroom was laid to waste and they shaved my head with minty toothpaste.
I dunno know what to say, the creatures won't do.
Scratch, Grounder, Coconuts:
Dunno know what to say, the creatures won't do.
They's crazy nutso! I'm tellin' you!
Scratch, Grounder and Coconuts:
Dunno know what to say, the creatures won't do.
Well, by this time, i was feelin' dread. They was using a shoebrush to shine me head.
I asked them to leave, but they stayed around. They pulled the chain, and YEE, i went down.
I dunno what to say, the creatures won't do.
Scratch, Grounder, Coconuts:
Dunno know what to say, the creatures won't do.
Call my lawyer! I'm ready to sue!
Scratch, Grounder, Coconuts:
Dunno know what to say, the creatures won't do.
Yessir, brother.
Ed was forced to play flute, his accident pokes Eddy in the eye.
Eddy: Hey! That's it!
Ed: Ow!
Eddy: What do you think you're busting with that thing? (Incomprehensible)
Ed: Those are my foot, i need those!
Derpy was runs towards Sonic and Tails to join them until she's accident land to Sir Pentious and Niffty.
Spongebob and Squidward got Secret Formula and Plankton was got crashed like bugs.
Scratch, Grounder and Coconuts was playing maracas until stop after they see Stolas with angry expressions.
They start runs and Stolas chased them.
Well, me patience ran out and i'm telling you sure, tomorrow, i show those creatures the door.
And if they don't leave, i'm inviting you to my house for dumplings and creatures stew!
I don't know what to say, the creatures won't do.
Scratch, Grounder and Coconuts:
Dunno know what to say, the creatures won't do.
Now i'm in the stew, oh pooh.
Scratch, Grounder and Coconuts:
Dunno know what to say, the creatures won't do.
Watch out for creatures, i'm telling you!
Otis, Abby, Scratch, Grounder, Coconuts:
Don't know what to say, the creatures won't do.
Scratch, Grounder, Coconuts:
We're not creatures, we're just cuckoo!
Dunno what to say, The Badniks won't do!
Thanks from reading this songfic and sorry if english was shit because english isn't my first language.
I'm hope you guys enjoy it.
Edit: well i'm kinda make mistake when writer this but thankfully, i did fix it.
Sorry about that tho.
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pyroniite · 5 years
Sam: You know what?
Sam: I am tired of being nice.
Sam: I do want to go apeshit.
Xeneba: Welcome to the good side, Stardust.
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channoticedmeuwu · 3 years
𝐢𝐧𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐬 | 𝐲𝐮𝐭𝐚 𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐭𝐨
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p : yuta × fem!reader | g : fluff, humor, son of cheshire cat!yuta, rebel!yuta, daughter of sleeping beauty!reader, royal!reader, e2l!au | w : none except yuta how dare you
a/n : YUTA HOW DARE YOU also yeah the professor dude is that gnome guy who fails everyone in that one episode lmfao idk if you recognized his name but yee <//3
"this Hexonomics class is so boring," yuta whined, chewing the back of his pen as Professor Rumpelstiltskin continued about how important studying for the next test was, or he'd fail everyone (as usual.)
y/n glanced at him, narrowing her eyes as she tried to write down what the professor was saying simultaneously. "shut up and just write."
he pouted mockingly, tilting his head as he whispered in a high pitched voice, "oh, look at you, miss goodie little two shoes."
he cleared his throat, inching closer and speaking in his normal voice, "but, uh, can I have a piece of paper?"
y/n tore a piece of paper and thrusted it towards him, picking up her pen again, "now, hush."
"whatever you say, future sleeping beauty."
"don't call me tha—"
"y/n! Not paying attention again, huh? Do you want another F?"
y/n glanced up, stuttering as she tried pointing towards yuta with her pen. her cheeks turned a shade of the cherries growing down the valley as everyone in the auditorium glanced back at her.
"yuta! yuta's to blame! He was speaking to me."
the professor scrunched his gnome nose in confusion, "yuta?"
"yeah, he's right—"
y/n looked at his seat, and where yuta should have been sitting, silver glitter was dusted on the bench as some of it floated around in the air. y/n glanced back at the teacher, her face burning.
"I mean, he was right here..."
detention? she thought as she groaned, placing her head down, for a royal!?
as the lecture continued, she felt a tap on her arm, and she looked down in response, wondering if she'd been hallucinating this entire time. yuta's pen was floating in mid air, and where his paper was, in small, scribbly handwriting, a little message was written for her.
sorry about that, can't control sudden invisibility attacks. Guess it's a cat thing.
she placed her head down again in defeat, when she felt another tap. She groaned, looking down again. This time, there was something else written, and she felt the corners of her lips tug into a smile as her heart leaped at the sight of the writing.
ill see you in detention then, sleeping beauty
— your beloved
Maybe getting detention for a royal wasn't so bad after all.
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nct 127 : masterlist
main taglist (hmu to get added!) : @heephoria @navyhyuck @allegxdly @stayctday  @yunntext  @neotism @bluejaem  @radiorenjun  @sleepylixie @oifelixcmerebrou  @coffeevddict @mrkcore @imdamnconfused  @sicluvz @hyuckefi @lovleelixie  @isaac-newton-catboy  @cafe-jeno
I’d appreciate if you’d give me a little feedback on the drabble if you read, whether it’s an ask, a reply or in the tags of the rb! Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed!
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colossal-fallout · 3 years
@cursedranger121​ asks;  Mikasa x Male Bodied Reader modern setting. MBR Mikasa at a party. I'll let you pick kinks used, but any possessive elements from Mikasa in it would just be *chefs kiss* perfection.
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Male Reader X Mikasa Ackerman - Modern AU 
AN: Sorry if this seems a little rushed. I was half way through earlier and Tumblr decided not to save the draft. It’s not the first time it’s happened either... sigh. 
Warnings: NSFW. 18+ Orgasm denial. Smut. Alcohol consumption. Slight possessiveness. 
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Your stomach flutters and churns with eagerness and excitement as you pull up to the booming house, the siren call of a night of fun and debauchery calling your name.  
As you step out of the cab, your name is already called over the music from the people spilled out onto the lawn. You turn your head to see Eren and Jean standing with a beer in hand, raising them at you in a greeting. You begin to walk towards your friends as the cab makes its way back down the long, isolated country lane. Historia’s house is ideal for parties. It’s nestled within the middle of nowhere. No one is to be disturbed and the chance of someone calling the cops for a noise complaint is minimal.  
“What took you so long?” Jean asks before putting the glass bottle to his lips.  
“Work.” You sigh, gladly taking a fresh bottle Eren hands you.
The hiss of the suds is like music to your ears as you finally get to have fun with your friends after a long week. You relish the bubbles and foam that dance on your tongue with a bitter tang, the sound of laughter from within the house already lifting your spirits to a higher place.  
Your attention is pulled when Historia calls your name in a greeting and a wave from the porch as she keeps her farmhand boyfriend company as he sparks up a cigarette.  
The three of you slink over and exchange greetings - Sasha's booming laugh ringing from somewhere inside the house.  
"Mikasa's been looking for you." Historia mutters as Jean and Eren head inside.
Your cock twitches in a hopeful flutter at those words. Your eyebrow arcs as you shrug it off casually.
You and Mikasa had been chatting over the months. You'd even went on a date which had to be cut short because work had called you in. You were sure she'd lost interest until Historia lets out a small giggle.  
"She's been looking forward to you coming."
Maybe you still do have a chance?  
Tampering down your eagerness you nod in thanks for that titbit of information as you follow your best friends into the interior of the Hallway.  
Your memories decided to remind you of the moments your eyes had accidentally rested upon her beautiful chest during a conversation or her peachy ass as you headed up the stairs on your date. Her soft skin, her scent... It drove you wild. Those sweet lips and October sky blues along with that adorable little blush she hued whenever you stared a little too long... you were more than happy to see her again.
An hour went by in the blink of an eye as you caught up with your friends and let loose. Mikasa was indeed happy to see you, greeting you with a warm hug and her smile was evident from across the room. You tried to ignore the sly nudging's from Eren’s elbow and the envious pout from Jean as you chatted with the raven-haired beauty.  
At one point, you were about to take a swig of your drink when Annie purposefully knocked herself into you, your suds soaking the front of your shirt.  
“Ah, shit.” You sigh. “What was that for?”  
“Oh, lighten up.” She beams.  
The pink hue across her cheeks showed she was either drunk or just blushing at your presence; which you seriously doubted.  
“How have you been?” She then asks casually, as if you weren’t now patting your chest dry with your hand fruitlessly.  
“Good thanks. Yourself?”  
Before she can even reply you flinch at the surprisingly soft touch of someone snaking their arm around your waist, followed by a familiar scent.  
“Hey.” Mikasa smiles, giving you a little squeeze.  
Annie’s eyes roll. “Do you mind? We’re kinda in the middle of a conversation.”  
All your mind can focus on in your touch starved state is the feeling of Mikasa’s chest pressing against your arm.  
“Yeah, I do mind.” Mikasa smiles in reply. “He’s with me tonight. Okay?”  
Annie shakes her head and walks away, muttering. “Whatever. Not worth my time anyway.”
The raven-haired beauty pushes her nose against yours, her eyes crossing as they focus on your orbs. “You’re all wet. Come on, let’s get you more comfortable.” She laces her fingers within yours before leading you up the stairs, the building still vibrating under your feet from the thumping music.  
You were expecting her to take you to the bathroom to get dried up. But she’s taken you to one of the spare bedrooms, locking the door behind you and guiding you to sit on the bed. A cool and welcomed breeze rolls over you from the open window, the light drapes floating in the updraft. You weren’t sure why you were focusing on that. Maybe you were nervous, as Mikasa begins to unbutton your wet shirt.  
“We’ll hang it to dry…” she whispers, her eyes enlarging as more of your skin becomes revealed to her. You couldn’t identify why just yet, but as her face came close to yours, all you could think about was that beautiful draft from the damn window. Your head snaps away from hers as she pushes the material down your arms.  
Your mouth becomes dry as her now heavy lidded ocean blues close the gap between you.  
“Mikasa… how much have you had to drink?” you mutter, realizing it was your conscience preventing you to enjoy the moment.  
An etch of crimson sketches across her nose as she shyly glances away. “You’re so sweet. Don’t worry. I’ve only had two drinks all night.”
Her hands then slide up your chest to your shoulders, her slender fingers brushing up and circling your back. “Don’t you want me?”  
Of course, you do.  
You gaze down into her eyes, hopeful with a bittersweet undertone of a fear of rejection. As if you would.  
“YEE YEE!”  
Your heads snap to the window as the sounds of Connie and Sasha heading out into the back yard for air carries up on the breeze above the muffled booms of the bass.  
You both let out a small laugh. You adored your crazy friends.  
Knowing she wasn’t intoxicated; your confidence returns - your hands running through her hair as you firmly pull her gaze to yours.  
“I want you too. You’re so beautiful…”  
Her blush deepens as you press your lips against hers, a small moan already emitting from her throat. By the sounds of it, she’d wanted you for a while now.  
You’re not sure how long you’d made out with her for. You’d pulled her down to lie next to you, your hands palming her breasts, her hair and shape. But however long you had been, she was a flustered mess – her hair dishevelled and face deep red as your lips trail down her neck, leaving sucks and nips, her skin darkening as you mark her.  You could tell she was becoming desperate for more as her hips begin to absent mindedly grind on your thigh, her sex desperate for some friction from you. Your own throbbing cock was an indication of your own yearning as you sit up slightly, pushing her onto her back. Your hands fumble her shirt, quickly removing it - her breasts spilling out pulling out an unintentional groan from your depths of perversion.  
“Fuck...” You gasp at the sight of her squirming under you.  
Your cock is pulsing, begging to be inside of her as you pull down her pants and sighing as the scent of her arousal rolls down with the material. Her pussy is small and pink, neat and gleaming as if weeping for you to touch it.  
Your hands harshly  
Grab the underside of her thighs, pushing her knees to her chest as you begin to sensually kiss her fluttering slit.  
“Ah~!” She gasps, her chest pushing up and her grip tightening on the sheets beneath her.  
Her taste is like copper with a nice, sweet aftertaste, your finger stroking and teasing her entrance as your tongue harshly bats against her clit. Her eyes clamp close as her entire body tenses and trembles, the ignition of your act lighting up the kerosene of her yearning for you.  
You push your finger inside of her, followed by a second before you curl them and beckon at her g-spot as she melts into the palm of your hand in gasps and moans. You can’t actually believe you finally have Mikasa like this, the most vulnerable a person could be as you massage her insides with the pads of your fingers, building her orgasm from the very foundation, each wiggle, each stroke making her more and more hysteric, your name now leaving her parted lips.  
“Do my fingers feel good inside you? Huh?” You breathe onto her slit, her head bobbing in confirmation.  
You return to her nub; flicking and licking, your pace quickening as her wetness starts to splash around onto your wrist, her insides beginning to spasm erratically.  
“Ah, I'm... going to...” She whines, almost shy and embarrassed you were about to see her come undone.  
You slow your pace to a painfully gentle rhythm. “Hold back for me baby... wait for me.”  
Her hands run through her hair as you pull out your cock that’s been begging to be freed for some time now. You grab the base of the shaft, prodding your swollen head at her hole.  
“You ready for me?” You pant.  
“Yes!” She sobs.  
With a long push, you groan loudly as her warm insides embrace your entirety. Each bump and ridge rub you in the exact right way as you slide inside, her walls assisting your movement and pulling you in as she sighs deeply, her nails digging into your arms as you hover over her.  
“Shi~~t...” You hiss. “God, you feel so good.”  
Once you’re at the hilt, you lower yourself to her neck hiding your head into the crook while you begin to slowly dip your hips in and out of her, your moans muffled as you bite and kiss her neck and earlobe whispering all sorts of things. Anything your mind musters up about her.  
“You’re so tight...”  
“Oh baby... fuck... it’s too good...”  
Each slow drag of you, her volume and desperation increase slightly, the wet sounds of her cunt sucking you and pushing you are turning you onto another level while her nails sink into your back, your name leaving her over and over.  
“Please, don’t stop...” She begs, her eyes watering from the intensity of pleasure.  
You rut a little faster, caressing her hair as your cock begins to throb with more violence, the deep feeling in your stomach telling you that your time is almost there.  
“Cum for me...” You whisper. “Let me hear that pretty moan as you cum around me...”  
“y/n... oh my god...” Her walls tighten and clamp you in place as you push her over the edge, her silent scream beyond human perception as your rhythm falters, your thick cream spilling out inside of her as you both unravel into the ether.  
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yreapwhatyasow · 4 months
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More au stuff’
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quarantinevibes2020 · 3 years
Summary:  That trope where someone's eyes dilate when they see someone they love. That's it. That's the whole fic. OR Virgil and his accomplice play matchmakers for some literal star-crossed lovers.
Word count: 2198
Pairing: Romantic Roman/ Logan (college AU)
Warnings: drinking (not underage), other drugs mentioned but no one uses any
Yes this happened to me. Hush and let me project
AO3 Link
Roman was going to murder his roommate. Or at least shave an eyebrow off in his sleep.
He had been trying to navigate a small apartment decorated in polaroids and newspaper paintings, crowded with people he didn’t know. He had done his best flitting around from group to group: parties weren’t exactly a foreign entity to him and usually he would relish in the chance to make new friends. However, he had been looking for a particularly stormy visage among the sea of people.
He locked eyes with his target: Virgil Kross, aforementioned roommate who had dragged him here in the beginning of the night and told him to stay close before uncharacteristically darting off.
The get together was for everyone in Virgil’s physics class and when Roman found him, Virgil was propped up against a wall and sitting on some steps, swirling around a cider and talking to someone in square glasses and an almost comically over-formal button down.
Virgil caught his eye and lifted an eyebrow. Roman shook his head in a restrained don’t you dare Virgil I swear sort of way. Virgil either didn’t see it or outright ignored him. He waved Roman over, made some sort of excuse that Roman didn’t hear, and left the two alone.
Roman was going to fill Virgil’s pillowcase with popcorn kernels. He was going to tape his toothbrush to the ceiling. He was going to hide his socks in the freezer. He was going to-
Roman sucked in a breath, litany of threats against his horrible, no good roommate suddenly coming to a halt.
In front of him sat Logan Nova, Virgil’s study partner from when he had taken astronomy a semester ago and also, less important, the person Roman had been pining for ever since Virgil had dragged them on their fieldtrip in September. The class was supposed to map out the stars they saw, identify them, and measure their distances or something. Roman didn’t really keep track of the details. He wasn’t even too interested in looking at the stars, coming from a city where they were mostly blocked out by the light pollution.
And sure, they were pretty in the open sky, but not prettier than the wide eyes that drank them in, than the elated expression that same face had when Roman asked him a question about the class since Virgil was off probably shotgunning a beer with their professor and Roman was bored out of his mind. Logan had shown Roman his star maps and pulled out a worn out textbook with tenderly placed bookmarks of his favorite constellations. Roman had been fascinated by the stories behind them and the two spent the night going through the book, cover to cover.
By the end, Roman was sure he never thought the stars were beautiful until he saw them reflected in Logan’s eyes.
Virgil continued to bring Logan over, even after their astronomy classes had ended, sometimes completely unannounced, before flouncing off to run some errands with his art major friends (how Virgil managed to double major never ceased to amaze Roman, especially given that both those majors were so hard). And for the past six months, Roman had gone from crushing to something close to besotted. It wasn’t something very easy to hide so the next time Roman caught that spider he was going to put ice down his back and-
“Um, there aren’t anymore seats. I can move if you’d like?”
Logan’s voice brought Roman back to the present. He took an extra swig of his drink, hoping that Logan wouldn’t notice how he almost downed it for the courage, and shook his head.
“Scooch on over, Specs, we can share,” Roman said, the burn behind his sternum fueling his words.
Logan laughed, a little bubbly and Roman guessed that his cup was full of something with a similar texture, and moved for Roman to balance on half the seat.
Roman took another sip, looking out over the room of people.
“So this is what you physics people do on a Friday night, huh?” Roman asked, a little teasingly, “not bad.”
Logan bumped him and Roman barely kept his heart from fluttering out of his chest like a frantic dove.
“Did you see how drunk half the class got at the Meteor Fields?”
Roman snorted, “Fair. We almost had to carry Virgil back to the room.”
“You almost had to carry him. I did carry him.”
Roman made a noise of offense, “Excuse me! I am a knight in shining armor! Not a carriage!”
Logan laughed and Roman finally turned to look at him, startling when his face was much closer than he had anticipated.
“I don’t appreciate that I am the carriage in this metaphor,” Logan said with a faux-pout. Roman wanted to quip something back, but he had something of an elephant-sized lump in his throat. Logan tilted his head before leaning in. Roman just barely managed not to squeak.
“Goodness,” Logan said, “your eyes are so dilated!”
Roman blinked, taking another sip of his drink and trying to will a blush down.
“Yeah?” he asked.
“Yeah!” Logan exclaimed back, leaning in even more and woo-boy was he close.
Roman looked to his drink slightly, not able to hold Logan’s wide eyes for a second without turning cherry-red.
“It’s pretty bright in here, they shouldn’t be,” Roman said, trying to ‘science it out’ like Logan loved to do. Logan, mercifully to Roman’s thundering pulse, sat back a bit: considering.
“Well. Quite a few things can cause one’s pupils to dilate. Lack of light. Opiate withdrawal. Looking at someone you’re attracted to. Love. Parasympathetic activat-”
“Coke,” Roman nearly choked out. Logan paused in the list he was rattling off and blinked.
“I beg your pardon?”
“Coke. I did coke. Just- whole line of cocaine all in one gulp.”
Logan furrowed his eyebrows. “You don’t drink cocaine, Roman. Furthermore-”
Roman didn’t hear the rest of Logan’s sentence. He pushed off the wire seating, sputtering out something about refilling his drink, and made a beeline for the back exit.
When he got to the balcony, he nearly slammed his head into the corner of the railing.
Well Roman thought miserably better for him to think you’re on drugs than hopelessly in love with him. Really dodged a bullet there.
The thought didn’t help. Roman let out a groan and let himself slump. He poked his legs between the columns of the balcony and swung his feet. Above him, the sky was hazy. The moon was barely visible as it peeked through a curtain of clouds. Not a star in the sky. A part of Roman thought that was rather fitting given how royally he had just messed up.
A door opened and closed behind him. For a moment, Roman thought it was Virgil from how quiet the footsteps were and was about to get up and tell him he was heading out when he turned around.
Logan Nova, adorable wavy black hair and now slightly-crumpled but still endearing button down, was staring back at him. Clutching his drink a little as he moved to sit next to Roman. He didn’t say anything for a moment. Then-
“Whoever your dealer is, I don’t think they gave you cocaine,” he finally said.
Roman swiveled around to meet his eyes. Logan’s eyebrows furrowed even further.
“Your eyes are dilated again. And while that is a symptom of its ingestion, your behavior otherwise does not indicate its use.”
Something bubbled out of Roman’s throat. For a horrifying moment, Roman thought it was his drink trying to take revenge, but no- it was laughter. Croaky at first, but rapidly devolving into full-bellied howling.
“Perhaps I misjudged?” Logan said after Roman’s guffaws continued, Roman shook his head, trying to stop the shake in his shoulders as Logan, obviously more than a little concerned at Roman’s ‘illicit drug use’, got more and more worried by the minute.
“I didn’t do any drugs, Logan,” Roman finally got out between heaving breaths. Logan stuck out his bottom lip a little.
“But you said..?”
Roman waved at him, he must have misjudged the distance because his hand caught Logan’s shoulder but Roman didn’t feel like moving it.
“I know what I said,” Roman said, laughter trickling, “I know, it was stupid, I promise though. I haven’t had anything besides this crappy beer and,” Roman took in a breath, now or never he guessed, “maybe a little love,” he finished quietly, not sure whether he should thank the alcohol or curse it for letting him say it.
Logan’s eyebrows shot up, “Lovedrug? Like ecstacy?!”
“What?!” Roman shot back, looking incredulous before rubbing his face, “NO, not- not lovedrug you-UGH- how are you smart but so dense??”
Logan only blinked in return. Roman supposed he deserved that.
“Lo,” Roman said, taking his legs out of the balcony and setting them in a lazy kneel, “what were the things you listed off for making someone’s eyes dilate?”
Logan’s nose scrunched, “Em. Parasympathetic activation?”
“Keep going,” Roman said, exasperated but woefully fond.
“Ecstasy would certainly be on the list.”
Logan huffed, “Ah. I believe I also said looking at someone you’re attract-”
Logan stopped. His expression almost sent Roman into hysterics again but he didn’t give in because if he did he might have ended up crying.
“Oh,” Logan said in a small voice.
“Yeah, oh” Roman echoed softly, “sorry I lied, I kind of just. Panicked. A little.”
“So you led me to believe you had taken a bad strain of cocaine?” Logan replied, voice strained but still shocked out of emotion.
Roman squirmed. “Yee. My bad, you don’t- you know. Have to say anything though. I know you don’t- I just wanted you to know since you seemed a little freaked that I was having a bad drug reaction.”
“You know I don’t what?” Logan asked suddenly as he spun to face Roman. Roman looked down and scratched his nose.
“You don’t-ugh. Don’t make me say it dude, you know what I mean.”
“Roman, look at me.”
Boy, Logan was not making it easy. But he supposed if he was going to get rejected, he should look at him straight in the eyes. At least he’d retain some of his dignity then. Roman lifted his chin.
“What color are my eyes?”
Roman blinked, a little caught off-guard from the question. Was it that obvious that Roman had been waxing poetic about Logan’s eyes in his own mind from the moment he had met him? How they caught the light and sucked it in, like two galaxies swirling in his irises. How his lashes curled naturally, almost touching his brow bone when they were alight with wonder. How it didn’t even matter now that he couldn’t see a star in the sky because they were all caught in Logan’s eyes. They were a force of gravity pulling him in and everything else with them.
“…black?” Roman said, tamping down on his raging thoughts. Logan cocked his head.
“Are you sure about that?” he asked.
Roman almost would have been offended if Logan hadn’t chosen that moment to tug Roman’s chin towards him.
“Look closer,” Logan said.
Breathe, dumbass Roman’s brain said. He listened to both as he squinted.
There were still the swirling galaxies in the middle. The soft gaze did nothing to curb that, but there- Roman tilted his head as he saw something else. Like the sun brimming over the earth, a honey brown at the very edges. Logan must have seen Roman’s expression as he realized it.
“My eyes are amber, Roman.”
There was something in Logan’s voice, it was the same one he used when he was helping Roman with his GenEd calc class. Like he was trying to lead him somewhere. If Logan’s eyes were amber, then his pupils must have been massive because they took up the majority of the…oh.
“But-I-I don’t,” Roman stuttered.
“What were the reasons for someone’s eyes to dilate?” Logan pushed.
“Didn’t take you for a coke guy,” Roman said, trying for cool but bordering on watery. Logan huffed, his face was so close that Roman could feel the breath.
Then, Logan’s lips were on his own and suddenly Roman could care less about eyes.
“Logan,” Roman breathed, smiling when he pulled him forward into another kiss. He turned to pepper more along his jaw bone. Logan giggled. Roman tried to stamp the sound into his brain.
“You’re amazing, you know. Amazing, smart, beautiful, so beautiful,” Roman whispered, half out of his mind as he tugged on the hair at the nape of Logan’s neck.
“Are you sure that’s not the alcohol talking?” Logan managed, though it came out a bit garbled.
“Nothing can addle my brain more than your beauty already has,” Roman replied instantly, pulling Logan in again.
Behind the window of the balcony, a blue sweater clad boy adjusted his round glasses and gleefully took a five dollar bill from a pouting spider.
“I told you all they needed was a little push,” whispered the glasses boy.
“Fucking finally,” replied the spider, not missing his five dollars all that much.
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sir-sunny · 3 years
I won’t share my whole thing but I’ll share some Highlights from the sdr2 list cuz that’s the one I made lol.
- OBVS for me my S tier is just Chiaki/Sonia/Gundham. The ot3,,,,, Love them.
- And also ofc Komahina is A tier. Top tier gays. Izukoma? Too. Idk if that’s the ship name.
- Also on my A tier is Imposter/Hajime!!! Accidentally have been thinking about them A LOT. Imposter/Ryota’s up there too but. Haven’t watched enough of the anime for that. Imposter/Hajime hcs maybe coming soon though if you want owo? I love them.
- Generally more Imposter ships than I thought! Maybe I’ve just been thinkin about them and their dynamics more what with S out, even though I haven’t played it yet. I would die for them but I know canonically they’d never let me.
- Almost nothing for Hiyoko gets past D tier for me. Hiyoko is usually either very committed to Mahiru or just aro/Ace in my brain lol.
- Only one non-T*rut*ru ship got into my F tier and that’s Sonia/Souda. Ahdlahdkahfk very sorry I’m just allergic to it.
- So many ships got me rethinkin my preset headcanons for these characters ahdksjfkshsk. Also catch me frantically rushing to completely redo my nextgen au to fit my new favorite ships.
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yee!! honestly, the reason i put sonia/gundham/chiaki in a tier is because of you askdjghskd i never considered them until ur hcs 👀 i love them a lot
i was thinkin abt hajime and imposter too!! god,,, their free time events,,,, i kinda love themm,,,
yea im pretty attached to hiyoko and mahiru (however im kinda interested in ibuki/hiyoko...)
i also just cant get behind kaz and sonia :// aksjfghsg
YES omg i kinda hc that ibuki lowkey has a crush on every single person on the island aksjdasfj
also yea i love a lot of mahiru + any girl ships (mahiru/peko, mahiru/ibuki, mahiru/mikan, and of course mahiru/hiyoko)
OOOO i actually love toko and kyoko!! i like to think that they ending up becoming really good friends post game ykno they like to partake in relaxing activities together (they cloud watch, drink tea, or just nap:)) i like them a lot
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scullydubois · 3 years
Only the Light Ch. 20
20/? | AU where Melissa moves in with Scully after Scully’s abduction | angst, msr slow-burn, occasional fluff | currently: mid-s3 (canon-divergent) | T | 4.7k | previous chapters | read on ao3 | tagging: @today-in-fic <3
I now present to you a chapter that is filled with more angst than Chris Carter could ever dream of, and for that, I am truly sorry. 
Scully and Mulder's foray into domesticity with Emily is interrupted by the past catching up to them. Faced with despair, they cling even tighter to each other.
Scully is granted maternity leave, though it’s only for two weeks, which Missy let her know is “a piss-poor bargain.” And she knows this is true, but she also has more incentive to stay at her job than ever, so she’d like not to lose it. The fact that advocating for herself and her child would mean risking her job is a mess in itself, but one lone woman can’t be expected to take down the patriarchy, and besides, she’s already tried and failed. 
As for she and Mulder, they hide their flirtation in plain sight. Mulder’s perpetually present in body or spirit, but his behavior never reveals anything more than it did before. Every morning he swings by to say hi, brings Scully coffee and a bagel with full-fat cream cheese, and checks if Emily’s picked up any new words. Personally, he’s working on “alien” and if you ask him, she’ll get it soon. She knows that it refers to her UFO stuffie, so sounding out the letters can’t be far behind, much to her mother’s dismay.
On Wednesday of the first week, he shows up at 6pm with takeout carbonara from a local Italian joint. His presence makes every Scully girl happy, but it makes one in particular the happiest, and Melissa realizes that there are definitely things her sister has failed to mention. She doesn’t question it, but watches with glee as the situation unfolds. 
After that first night, Mulder keeps coming back with dinner and refuses to let either sister shoulder the cost. On Friday, he stays for a movie too and gets to participate in Emily’s nightly tucking-in ritual (a tickle on the left foot, a tickle on the right foot, and a big smooch on the forehead). 
Saturday afternoon, he joins them for a stroller push through the park, earning some serious side-eye from Scully when he suggests that they stop at the playground because, according to the mama bear, “Em can only take six steps at a time, Mulder.” So instead they buy hotdogs from a vendor and eat them on a bench, Emily sandwiched between her mother, her aunt, and her...Mulder. They couldn’t ask for more.
That night, Mulder hangs around after dinner because what else is he gonna do? Go home and watch old baseball games until he falls asleep? A new leaf has been offered to him, and he’s gotta turn it. 
He’s baffled when, upon announcing that it’s Emily’s bathtime, Scully goes to the kitchen and switches on the sink. 
Scully raises an eyebrow at him. “What, your mother never washed you in the sink when you were a baby?” 
“Not that I know of...I have a hard time envisioning myself ever fitting in a sink.”
Scully scoffs. “I forget. You were a Vineyard boy.” 
Before he can come up with a smart response to that (as if there actually is one), Missy pipes up. “Oh, I bet you were the kid that took baths with your mother,” she teases. “Care to confirm or deny?”
“If I did I blocked it out of memory, thank god,” he testifies. 
Having spread a towel on the counter, Scully strips Emily down and perches the girl on her hip. She sticks her hand under the faucet. 
“That’s not too hot, do you think?” she asks Missy, who tests it as well.
“That should be fine.”
Mulder joins in too, and immediately regrets it. He shrinks away from the water, shaking droplets all over the room. “Jesus, Scully! Are you trying to boil her?”
“Babies lose heat quickly because of their body surface to weight ratio,” she says matter-of-factly. “They’re more susceptible to the cold.”
“I think the cold will be the least of her worries,” Mulder quips.
“If you really think it’s too hot, I’ll turn it down…” There’s a concerned crease beneath her eyes, and it makes Mulder feel bad about his joking.
“No, no, you know what you’re doing,” he assures her. “You’re her mother.”
As she lowers Em into the sink, Scully’s heart twinges. Her. A mother. How many times will she have to hear this before it stops feeling like news to her? 
One week and bathtime has already become routine. Missy fills a plastic cup and pours it gently over her niece, the water cascading down Em like she is nature’s own. Scully soaps her palms, then glides over her daughter’s skin with such care that its memory may blight any future affection Em is graced with. And then another waterfall, and the gentle brush of a wash cloth against eyes and nose. 
Scully squeezes a penny’s worth of baby shampoo into her hand, looks to Mulder. “Come on, get in here. You’re not afraid to get your hands dirty, are you?” she says with a smirk.
He smirks back and shakes his head as she lifts his open palm and shrinks her accumulation to a dime. “Although, technically I am getting my hands cleaner…”
She boops him right on the nose with a shampooed finger. He laughs.
Missy smiles. Oh, to see destiny play out right in front of you. “Someone’s cracking dad jokes,” she points out, unable to resist. This observation is much too on-the-nose for the pair (quite literally for Mulder), who simultaneously blush but say nothing.
Mulder wipes the shampoo from his nose and plants it on Emily’s head, joining his partner in making soapy circles over the girl’s tuft of strawberry hair. Scully’s full attention is directed toward her daughter. As soon as the lather is sufficient, she dons the lifted lilt of motherhood. “Okay, time to rinse! Missy, will you do the honors?”
Missy turns the faucet, fills the cup, and lets it flow over Emily. Mulder and Scully wash their hands off in the stream. 
And as Scully leans for the towel, a splash of red dirties its fresh white surface. Mulder notices it first. He points at his partner’s porcelain face. “Scully, you’re bleeding.”
Her hand shoots to her nose. Sure enough, it stains her fingers. “Shit.” She turns away, goes for a tissue. “I haven’t had nosebleeds since I was fourteen,” she tells them, as if that invalidates this one. She wipes away a glob of blood, her stomach turning. “Missy--” her voice shakes involuntarily, “--will you dry Em off?”
“Uh-huh.” She nudges Mulder. “Will you grab a new towel from the linen closet?” she whispers, not wanting to further upset her sister.
Mulder goes off without a word, and Missy squeezes out Em’s hair as best she can. “What a pretty girl!” she gushes. “All clean!”
“Yee!” Emily throws her little fists in the air, injecting joy back into the room. 
“Time to put your PJs on, and get a tickle, tickle, smooch.”
Mulder scrambles back in with a new towel, skirting around Scully, who remains occupied with her own situation. He slides the soiled towel away and helps Missy swaddle Em. Mulder ruffles the little girl’s hair, and she laughs like a music box. 
“Mol-dy.” She spits it out in halves, as if she’s been rehearsing. 
Mulder’s eyes water with recognition. “Mulder? Mul-der? Is that what you’re trying to say?”
“Moldy,” the girl declares again, certain of herself.
Missy adjusts Em on her hip, smiles at Mulder. “Looks like you’re Moldy now.”
Mulder bites his lip to hide his overwhelming delight. “Yeah, I...I never thought I'd be so happy to be called moldy.”
Next thing he knows, Scully is at his shoulder with a tissue stuffed up her nostrils. “Wait, what’s going on?”
“Em called me Moldy,” he tells her, full of satisfaction.
“Oh.” It comes out relatively unimpressed, but really, she’s just distracted. “Missy, will you get a diaper on her before there’s an accident? I would but I’m still--” She gestures to her nose. 
“Yeah, yeah.” Missy smiles at the baby in her arms. “PJ time, Em!” They go off toward the bedroom, a happy pair.
As soon as Em is out of sight, Mulder spirals toward his partner, panic-stricken. The glee of moments ago has evaporated. 
“Are you okay?” He touches her hair, shoulders, and the familiar small of her back, unsure of where he should land. 
“I’m fine, it’s fine.” Her grip on his elbows--keeping his hands firmly placed on her waistline--suggests otherwise. 
“You’ve got to see a doctor,” he pleads. “This could be...”
“This could be what, Mulder?” The steel in her blue eyes is a death grip. She’s never liked being told the obvious. 
“Scully…” He sighs, rubs his neck, wills her to say what they both know. When she doesn’t, he takes his hands off her and wrings them together. “The Mufon women...they said it would happen to all of them eventually.” He’s careful not to lump Scully in with their group. 
“And what do they know?” she retorts. “One of them was sick. One.”
“Okay, well, don’t you think it’s better to be safe than sorry?” he reasons. “You have Emily to look out for now.”
Scully rolls her eyes. “Don’t guilt trip me. It’s a nosebleed. Those happen all the time for completely benign reasons.”
“Yeah, but they don’t happen to you. You just said--you haven’t had one since you were fourteen.”
She clenches her jaw. He’s right, and she’s playing the fool. His position is the one she would take if this were anyone other than herself. She’s gonna have to lose this fight with as much grace as possible.
“Fine. I’ll get it checked out, but they’re gonna think I’m insane for coming in because of one nosebleed.”
“That’s a nice change of pace--you being the insane one for once.”
“Well, you’re the one who wants me to go, so you’re not out of the woods.”
“Good, I’ve finally got some company!”
Scully smiles in spite of herself. “Yes, yes you do.”
It happens very quickly, as most calamities of life can be said to. This gives it the unreal quality of a nightmare that might soon be woken up from, if there is any justice in the world.
Scully snags a doctor’s appointment for three days after the initial nosebleed. By the time she walks into the waiting room, one nosebleed has quadrupled into four, and her minor concern has snowballed into abject terror. 
Margaret Scully drove into the city to watch Emily so Missy could join her sister. Scully insisted that she would go alone, but Missy wouldn’t accept this. She threatened to tell Mulder the details of the appointment if Dana didn’t let her go, and that was enough to earn her a spot in the passenger seat. Scully can’t take the thought of Mulder witnessing the worst--let alone her reaction to the worst. 
And so it goes something like this: they are taken to an exam room, at which point Scully explains her situation to a nurse, including that she has recently learned she is at high risk for cancer. The nurse assures her that such a diagnosis is highly unlikely, but makes a note for the doctor. The doctor comes in with knitted eyebrows and listens to Scully describe the aftermath of her abduction experience with a heavy emphasis on the convoluted but substantial claims of the Mufon women. She asks if Scully has had any other symptoms, to which Scully replies that it’s hard to tell because she has an infant in the house and thus, a marked lack of sleep. 
The doctor laughs, but it’s not a haha laugh, more of an I feel your pain. She agrees that the women’s claims are concerning, but tells her patient not to fret. They’ll take all the precautions, run any test that might assuage her worries. There’s a quip about how it’ll be on the government’s dime since it covers Scully’s insurance, and then the doctor leaves to order an MRI. 
A full body MRI, which Scully has never had, and which she hoped she would never require. There’s no deeper sickness than one that cannot be pinpointed, and no greater fear than of the unknown turning into the worst case scenario. 
The MRI is completed that same day. As she slides into the machine, Scully thinks of Betsy Hagopian and wonders how she’s doing. It has been many months since she stood outside an exam room and watched Betsy enter one of these. Has fate been kind to her?
For a few minutes, her world is limited to the mere inches between her face and this life-saving yet life-ruining contraption. It is noisy and sometimes bright and altogether disorientating. She is glad when it’s over. 
The images return almost immediately, and maybe it would all have been okay if Scully weren’t trained in radiology herself, if she wasn’t able to recognize the glaring speck of light in her nasal cavity for what it is. But that one glance is all she needs to know that waiting by the phone isn’t an option. 
“It’s a tumor, isn’t it?” she blurts as the radiologist tries to escort her and Melissa from the room. “In the nasal cavity. I have a M.D. I saw.”
“Your doctor will call with the results,” the radiologist insists, standing by the open doorway.
“No, no, you can’t do this to me,” Scully sputters. “I know what I saw, and I don’t have any time to waste.” Her eye twitches in a combination of stress and anger. “I have an infant daughter.”
The radiologist sighs, pity on top of pity. “Perhaps your doctor will talk it through with you now.”
“Yes. Please.”
And it is talked through, though there’s no need to make it complicated: nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Inoperable, and just barely in the realm of treatable. That’s the kicker, the coyote in the pasture, the cloud covering the sun. In the words of Scully’s doctor, it is auspiciously rare. And in Scully’s brain, it is the bottom she’s been expecting to drop out from under since she held her daughter in her arms.
Melissa drives home. The sisters cannot fathom how they will tell their mother. Cannot fathom ruining her blissful time with the granddaughter she’s just met. When they turn onto their street, Scully swallows hard and coughs on her own spit. “Will you do something for me?” 
Missy looks over, eager to do anything she can, yet terrified by the possibility of the request.
“Will you take me to Mulder’s?” Scully mumbles. “I would just take the car but...I can’t face mom right now. I don’t want to risk it.”
Missy bites her lip. “And what am I supposed to tell mom when she asks where you are?”
“The truth,” Scully says curtly. “She doesn’t need the backstory.”
Missy drives past their building, though she’s not completely sold on her sister’s reasoning. “Don’t you think she might wonder why you aren’t coming home to your daughter?”
“I know she’ll wonder, Melissa, I know all of this,” Scully snaps because she needs to. “I don’t care.”
“Okay.” Missy’s voice is barely perceptible. I don’t care; she knows how low her sister has to be to say those words. 
They complete the drive in silence, Scully biting her nails--a habit which she has never possessed, and perhaps just acquired. The car idles as Missy pulls up to the curb of Mulder’s building. 
“I can pick you up when you need it,” she tells her sister as she pulls herself out of the car. “I’ll bring Em.”
“I’ll figure it out,” Scully says, closing the passenger door and edging toward the building. Missy hears a thanks float toward the car, then her sister is gone like a teenage girl embarrassed by her mother.
They sit on Mulder’s couch, muted. Words cannot fathom the injustice of this situation, nor can they suffice as empathy. Their hands are clasped together, a throughline of strength between them. This is what they need now; the most primitive language of all.
Scully’s watery eyes brush Mulder’s face. His own eyes, more pained than usual, look into hers. Without a word, she drapes an arm around her partner’s shoulders and scoots into his lap. He is surprised but not distressed. What else is left for them, now?
She is tiny, so tiny. And she is his. 
Their eyes meet once again, speaking in tongues. Scully nods, and then Mulder does too. This is it. This is it.
Permission granted at last, Scully’s lips travel to her partner’s jawline. The first time her lips have touched his body, and this is where they go. She is a constant box of wonders, a fortune he can never predict. Her lips are much like he has fantasized they would be: wondrously soft and silky, stroking him like they have always meant to be there. Yet he couldn’t have imagined the urgency with which they burrow into his skin. As if she’s making a mental map of his bone structure. He never expected that she would want him this much. 
His hands find her hips and grip the cotton of her shirt between his fingers. It is enough to tear her away from his flesh. Mission accomplished. His breath travels past her ear, hitting her neck. It is shallow and warm as he breathes her name. Her real name, the one her family calls her. She breathes his own back to him, like a bird responding to a mating call.
She feels his lips on her neck, wet and aching. It feels like God. This is the most blasphemous thought she has ever had. She throws her head back, exposing the whole of her skin to him. What is holiness, if not this moment?
He showers her in tattoo kisses, and she lets him, she lets him, she lets him. This is not just what she wants, but what she needs. No one will save her now, she knows this. So she has decided not to be saved. 
Her shirt ripples as he clutches it. “May I?” He is breathy, awe-struck. 
“Only if I can do the same.” Always about equality, his Scully is. He lifts his arms, lets her strip him first. He is fraught with the temptation to feel insecure, inadequate, but this is not about him--this is all for her. There is no time to dwell on this anyway. Scully takes in the sight, then puts her own arms up with a hint of impatience. He pulls her shirt over her head, and goosebumps adorn her as the air hits her bare stomach. 
It is unimaginable, the significance of this moment. All Mulder can do is keep going, lest the emotion hit him and he find himself blubbering all over her. His hands travel her body...it is slender and white, but so solid, so strong. Cartilage forming ligaments forming joints connecting bones. And her skin, stretching over her hips and framing it all. The masterpiece that is Dana Katherine Scully. 
He fears for the day she will cave in on herself. Already, one of his hands covers her whole rib cage. Right now he can cradle her body comfortably against his own, but the day will come when a single cautious touch will crush her, and his heart along with it. He wants her as she is now forever.
Seeing that he wants to pamper her, Scully lets herself be pampered. He showers the taut length of her collar bone in kisses. The vibration resonates throughout her bone structure, and already she can feel him in places she’s only fantasized about having him. He is going to heal me, she thinks. If anyone could heal her in any way, it would be him doing this. 
She shows her gratitude by kneading circles into his soft tissues, so tense from all their days chasing ghosts. The sinew relaxes beneath the pads of her fingers, and she feels like she has solved the most important X-File of all. 
Mulder traces his way along her spine. He has never touched her here, nor ever even fantasized about it, and there is an erotic tension--like a needle about to drop on a record--that neither one of them could have seen coming. Inevitably, his hands converge at the hooks of her bra. She arches her back in approval. He slides the hooks away from each other, and both of them feel the release. She shimmies off the garment before he can pull it out of the way. No secrets, not anymore.
Mulder didn’t expect to cry and is aware that most women wouldn’t take that as a positive sign, but seeing her, like this, knowing what they both know, tears feel like the least he could offer up. She is...beautiful is too weak a word to describe it. He needs to invent a new word to capture the essence of his emotions, the reverence with which he views her. He is not a religious man, but he will worship her until the end of time. 
He has known this, intuitively, for a while, and now he’s putting it into practice. He wants to do everything he can for her, give her everything she wants. Yet he doesn’t know how to, and this scares him. She has always slipped through his fingers, always turned on a dime just when he thought he figured her out. Tonight is no exception. How was he to know that he’d be on his couch with a half-naked Scully in his lap?
He fears the tears will offend her, so he nuzzles into her heartspace, his nose pressed against the heart that is--by the grace of that God she worships--still beating. His lips meet the plush of her left breast. 
Where does he go from here? The dusty routine he’s used with other women--the few who have given themselves to him or let him hand himself over--is not worthy enough for Scully. He could never touch Scully in the ways he’s touched the women before because she is not like the women before. There is no mere giving or taking here, no detached exchange of commodities or pleasure for the sake of pleasure. This is survival. They are symbiotically keeping each other alive.
A drop of water hits Scully’s skin, slides down the curvature of her breast. She shudders. A tear. That’s what it is, she realizes. Mulder is crying. It’s a baptism of unfortunate proportions. 
She cups her hand against his chin, tilts it up so his bleary eyes meet hers. She rests her forehead against his. “Shh, shh, it’s okay.” She kisses each eye closed, his lids fluttering beneath her lips. “It’s okay.” 
His breathing steadies. He is quite certain that it is not okay, that it never will be, but he listens to her, lets himself pretend. 
Hands still on his chin, she careens their lips together. His mouth on hers; a godsend. They caress each other for a moment, then Scully opens wide, and Mulder does too. They are reflecting. 
If Scully could compress herself, pushing every particle of air out of her lungs and into his, she would. As a sort of thank you, for everything. For what he has done, what is doing, what he will do...She will never have to live without him. She knows this now, and it makes this easier. But he will have to live without her, and so she must make sure he gets the memories he needs to carry on. This is how grief works, she’s acquainted with it. These moments, these feelings, these bated breaths and tender touches, will be his survival mechanism for awhile. Until the day when he can throw them off and go on without her ghost. It will happen one day, and she will be glad that he made it. 
She feels him pressing against her stomach, which is certainly not where she wants him. “Fox…” Her hands hover above his belt. She unzips his fly first, her hand warm against him. He is dizzy with want as her fingers curl against his belt buckle, loosening it with confidence. In a sweeping gesture,  she pushes his jeans off his hips, exposing him. The thrill she feels, seeing him big and bare in front of her, is a new kind of livelihood. She’s overcome with the desire to take him in her mouth--and that has never, never been her first instinct. She ducks down, but he stops her.
“Dana, no. You.”
She doesn’t need to hear it twice. She sucks in a breath, arches her back, and slides onto him. Slowly, gasping as they go. 
“Am I hurting you?”
Scully shakes her head, lips parted. It has been nothing like this before...nothing so fulfilling. She crosses her ankles, binding them completely together at last. 
Unity triumphs against the self, their union abolishing the world’s insistence on the solitude of the individual. This is what it’s about, isn’t it? Being joined, not only in spirit, but in body? Knowing that whatever horrors are to come, he will feel them as she does. Her dwindling will be his too, her losses an equally empty space within him. 
She is teetering on the edge of something she can never come back from. She is not afraid. 
She careens her fingernails into his back as the pressure builds. If it doesn’t come to a head, she’ll die right here, she thinks. 
She barely registers the cathartic noises coming out of her, though they give Mulder great delight. He thought she would be quiet, and the fact that she’s not trying to hold anything in--after holding everything in for so goddamn long--is the most moving part of the experience. 
And they want this to go on forever, but they want the release. Mulder swivels his hips into her, bringing them both closer to climax. Scully curls against him. 
“I’m sorry,” she cries into his ear.
“What?” He nearly pulls out of her, fearing that she’s hurt. 
“No, no--” She scrambles to stay with him. “This--” she pants “--is so good.” She lowers her lips onto his as confirmation, then speaks into his open mouth. “I’m just sorry to be the one to go.”
He frames her ribcage, thumbs arching toward her belly button. “Fuck, honey...don’t say that, don’t even think that…”
They won’t linger on the choice of pet name, the tenderness with which it settles over her, nor the absolute devastation of her words. There is simply no time. 
Scully hides her face in his neck as the wave breaks over both of them. There is no world anymore, only the two of them on this couch. They have forsaken the physical realm, ascending to heaven in time with their heartbeats. 
Mulder understands then what his reciprocal means when she says she needs proof to believe. Now that he’s been there and felt it, he knows that heaven exists, and holy shit, what does that mean for the life he has lived and the time he has left? What did it mean for Samantha?...What will it mean for Scully?
They collapse into each other, a melted mass of skin and bone. Two becoming one, becoming two again. Mulder strokes the back of his partner’s head, presses his lips to her temple. Her chest rises against him in jagged breaths.
“You are the only proof I’ll ever need that this life is worth it,” he murmurs. “Just you.”
Scully looks up at him, tears running down her cheeks. He kisses them away and wraps his arms around her. “I don’t know if you got the memo, but I love you, Dana Scully.”
She rests her cheek against his. “I love you too, F--Mulder.”
Mulder chuckles, his amusement shaking both of them. Scully closes her eyes and snuggles into him. He puts his hand over her heart, feels it beating steadily into his palm, and longs for it to stay like that forever.
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v: i hate you but allie doesn’t (bucky barnes x reader)
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i hate you but masterlist
summary: bucky and y/n can’t stand each other, but y/n needs help with her sister’s kids (enemies to lovers au)
word count: 1903
warnings: swearing, arguing, death, and this is not proofread
taglist is CLOSED
A/N: HOLY SHIT 730+ FOLLOWERS?!? My tumblr’s gonna surpass my personal insta and i’m honestly not mad abt it ily alll
       “I can help you with that,” Bucky insisted as y/n pulled several plates from the cabinets under the counter. y/n gave him a questioning look, as though asking him why she was helping him, and he continued, “if you explain to me why you have a teenager and two kids in your apartment.”
       “Touché, but it’s actually two teenagers, so ha! You were wrong about another thing,” y/n chuckled before her features softened as her gaze wandered to the closed acacia door down her hallway, “My nephew, Ethan is sulking in his room. Honestly, I can’t blame the kid,” y/n explained. With every word that spilled from her lips, Bucky found himself growing more and more curious over y/n’s current situation.
       “How’d you end up with them all in your apartment?” Bucky questioned before adding a quick, “I’m not going to say no offense because that would be a lie, but you look really tired.”
       “Gee, thanks. You sure know how to charm a lady,” y/n rolled her eyes, shoving the plates in Bucky’s hands.
      “I was quite the ladies’ man back in my time,” Bucky winked, placing the plates on top of the place mats y/n had already set on the glass table.
       “I almost forgot you were an old man,” y/n snickered, setting the silverware on the table with one hand and placing Allie in her highchair with the other arm.
       “Didn’t your parents teach you to respect elders and learn to answer questions?” Bucky raised a brow, referencing his previous question.
       “What question?” y/n spoke in confusion as she buckled Allie into the seat. The toddler giggled whilst slamming her palms against the plastic table. y/n made a note not to leave the bowl of baby food there.
       “The one where I asked how you ended up having to take care of two kids and two teenagers,” Bucky chuckled awkwardly, watching y/n struggle to open a jar of baby food. Who knew it would take one jar of baby food to defeat one of SHIELD’s greatest agents?
       Before y/n could reply, Bucky didn’t notice the kid from earlier, Jackson as he would soon learn, was seated at the table and responded for her, “Mommy’s on a trip with daddy and Livvy and Ethan are sad about it,” came his petite voice.
       Bucky, knowing damn well “on a trip” was most likely a code for something he’d encountered quite a lot, gave y/n a look. She only responded with a sad smile as she poured the contents of the jar into a bowl.
       “Jackson, tell Olivia and Ethan breakfast’s ready, please,” y/n requested, earning an eager nod from the boy before he jumped out his seat and rushed to his sister’s side.
       Bucky approached y/n, looking for more answers regarding the kids. He knew this might have been the only opportunity he had to ask y/n without the kids—with the exception of Allie who could barely understand a thing—about what happened to the kids’ parents and what role she played in the kids’ lives.
       “Please don’t tell me you killed their parents and took them in as your own. I think I saw a movie like that once. It was pretty fucked up,” Bucky chuckled but immediately stopped when he saw the way her face dropped at the mention of the kids’ parents.
       “Their mom, she was my sister. I found out a few days ago she died in a car crash and the next thing I knew, the kids were being dumped on me,” y/n spoke, eager to finally explain her situation to somebody even if that somebody was Bucky, someone she clashed with more often than not.
       “What about their dad? Surely, he should’ve been the one to deal with the kids,” Bucky questioned, his brows furrowing.
       “I don’t know where that ass is right now or what he’s doing. That deadbeat killed my sister,” y/n growled, gripping tightly onto the marble counters. Bucky had no idea what to tell her. He’d never been in a situation where he had to comfort his teammate who not only lost their sister, but had to take custody of the kids too!
       Due to Bucky’s inability to speak, and y/n having nothing else to say, they stood there in an awkward silence as y/n stacked pancakes onto the plates one-by-one and topping them with a big scoop of gelato.
       Their mother used to make the best pancakes and top them off with gelato. She and Cassy got the exact recipe which really came in handy when Jackson asked for “Pancakes, please? The way mommy makes them” when y/n asked him what he wanted for breakfast.
       After a few moments of silence, Ethan, Olivia, and Jackson joined them at the table, all silently pulling themselves a seat. Jackson didn’t know why, but whenever his big brother was in the room with his Auntie y/n, there was a somber mood cast upon the room as though there was a rule telling them not to utter a word.
       Ethan sat at the farthest end of the table, Olivia took the seat parallel to y/n’s, while her little brother took the seat next to her. Bucky, not really knowing what to do, stood there awkwardly by the countertop before y/n motioned for him to take the seat next to him where she’d also set a plate of pancakes.
       He took the seat next to her as the table fell into a state of silence while he ate away at his pancakes as y/n turned to Allie and fed her. He would never admit it to y/n, but her pancakes were beyond amazing. Never in a million years did he think to top ice cream with gelato or ice cream until that day.
       “Auntie y/n, is he your husband?” Jackson was the first to break the silence as he stared curiously at Bucky.
      “What makes you think that, buddy?” y/n chuckled awkwardly as Bucky kept his gaze to the plate of pancakes in front of him.
       “Well, daddy always sits at the table beside mommy and he’s her—” Jackson tried to explain only to get cut off by his sister sobbing, “Livvy, you okay?”
       “These pancakes taste just like mom’s! It’s the same fluffiness, same taste, and same brand of gelato for god’s sake!” she sobbed, shooting up from the table and staring down bitterly at the plate of pancakes in front of her.
       “Damn it, Liv, she’s trying to replace mom, can’t you see?” Ethan snarled before turning to face y/n, “You will never be as good as mom ever was. Yes, these pancakes taste like hers, but you won’t replace her just because she’s dead and dad’s in prison!” he cried out before bolting down the hall and back to the room he was previously shutting herself in. Olivia’s features softened a little as she saw the look of hurt on y/n’s face,
       “It’s okay, aunt y/n. I know you’re not trying to replace mom. He’ll come around,” Olivia tried to reassure y/n that through the sobs as she wrapped her arms around her. y/n just nodded slowly in response to the hug.
       “God, I wish grandma and grandpa got custody of us instead!” Ethan’s voice boomed from the room as both Allie and Jackson began crying.
       “Mommy’s dead and daddy’s going to jail?” Jackson cried, a broken expression on his face. y/n rushed to his side, wanting to lie to him and tell him Cassy was coming back, but she couldn’t. She was going to have to explain it all to Jackson some time; she just didn’t expect that time to be at 9:49 in the morning.
        “I’m sorry, buddy,” y/n’s voice broke as she wrapped her arms around the crying boy. Bucky knew he couldn’t just sit there and watch the scene unfold. He knew he had to do something; anything! He hesitantly got up from his seat and moved to the highchair where the baby—Allie—was seated as he unbuckled the seatbelt keeping her on the chair as he hesitantly lifted her up with his flesh arm.
       “Shh, it’s going to be okay. Your auntie y/n’s going to be here and your older siblings are going to be okay,” he whispered as he began cradling Allie against his chest. He didn’t know whether or not he was holding the baby right or if he should’ve been rocking her, but it worked. She calmed down as her cries turned to quiet babbles.
       Bucky nearly panicked at how quickly she became quiet in fear that he’d knocked the toddler out. He held her out again to see if she was—well, alive. She smiled up at him, her big doe e/c eyes piercing into his baby blues. Bucky Barnes was never one to care for kids—not since he became the Winter Soldier—but this was different. A baby, who he was holding in his arm, smiled up at him as she reached for his metal arm? His heart melted at the sight.
       “Otie?” she questioned him, her brows furrowing. He took a seat on the chair, not sure if he could trust himself with a baby while he stood up, before chuckling.
       “I’m not your otie y/n, kid. She’s a little busy at the moment, but I’m her much better teammate, Bucky,” he smiled down at her.
       “CKY!” she exclaimed excitedly, trying to jump up. He readjusted the way he carried her, seating her onto his lap while his hands—both metal and flesh—supported her weight to keep her from tipping over.
       “Close enough, kid,” Bucky chuckled, “So, what’s your name?” Bucky didn’t think his morning would lead to this; witnessing y/n trying to console a kid while he talked to a one-year-old.
       “Ayee!” she exclaimed, a wide smile on her face.
       “Ayee?” Bucky questioned, raising a brow at her, making Allie laugh.
       “A-yee,” Allie repeated slowly.
        “Al-lie?” Bucky questioned, his brow still raised as Allie reached for his face, smacking her hands against his eyebrows.
       “AYEE!” Allie exclaimed happily, clapping her hands to celebrate getting Bucky to correctly say her name.
     “Allie, huh? Is that your name, kid?” Bucky questioned as Allie slammed her hands against his face excitedly.
       “CKY!” she giggled as he continued making faces for the girl. Never in a million years did he think a baby would feel at ease with his present. He was learning new things that day, he shrugged.
       “You can’t be Bucky, I’m Bucky” he chuckled as Allie found herself pulling against his beard.
       “Cky!” Allie insisted.
       “No, you’re Allie. I’m Bucky,” Bucky chuckled, poking at her squishy cheek.
       “I Ayee, you Cky?” she repeated, a smile on her face.
       “Exactly,” Bucky smiled.
       “So, you’re Cky now, huh?” he turned to see y/n standing there, her nephew—whose sobbing was coming to an end—in her arms as she grinned at the sight of Bucky with her niece in his lap.
       “Only because you stink at your job here too,” Bucky scoffed.
       “Rude,” y/n mumbled to herself as she set Jackson down on his seat with a ‘you’re going to be okay, buddy’ as she picked Allie up from Bucky’s lap and set her back onto the highchair so she could continue feeding the toddler. As a matter of fact, Olivia’s sobbing even calmed down a bit as she downed the stack of pancakes her aunt prepared for her.
a/n: this chapter was brought to u by my gelato (my mom kinda got made because it was expensive but yknow a girls gotta treat herself) and me wanting ice cream 
i hate you but taglist: @sarcastic-britt​​ / @kmuir1​​ / @shower-me-with-roses​​ / @justab-eautifulmess​​ / @thomasthetankson​​ / @x-abi-sharp-x​​ / @intovert-gone-wild​​ / @brittanymcsharry​​ / @leaving-the-past-behind​ / @xoxabs88xox​​​ / @mylifeiscrazy0423​​​ / @howliebucky​​​ / @i-cry-so-much​​ / @witchything​​ / @naimalove143​​ / @simplybarnes​​ / @kseniiafirebrace​​ / @buckybarnesishot310​​ /
Forever tags: @spatium-viatorem​​​​ / @sxphiiwrld​​​​ / @strangersstranger​​​​ / @nerdy-bookworm-1998​​​ / @cutie1365​​​ / @valeriiaaass​​ / @adorkably​​ / @whatinthyworld​​ /
MARVEL TAGLIST: @captainamerica-is-bae​​​
BUCKY TAGLIST: @missmidnightxo​​​ / @tinymalscoffee​​ / @howliebucky​​ /
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Ok so can I ask for a werewolf au like George being a werewolf ok and he turns into this huge ass black dog ok and the Beatles are near the suvillan show ok ans George has to tune into a wolf and do you remeber that photo shoot of the bug boys in New York without joj bc he was sick? So yee do that but joj is a dog now and they throw sticks and play with him and he's a happy dog woof woof (maybe even some articles may pop out commenting on the size of the dog like "is ir haut me or os this dog huge)
“Huh never took him for the runnin’ type,” John says as they watch George, er now a werewolf, bound around the garden like some sort of very large dog.
Paul only laughs before throwing another stick, watching as George bounds after it.
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