#I did my boy Logan dirty in the last fic so
ringa-starr · 6 months
Bill and Ted: Rock-A-Bye-Bivalve
Hi everyone! I am so excited to share my new fic with you guys! Well, old-new I guess. This has been sitting on my computer for the longest time now and I finally got around to finishing the first part! I've decided this is going to be two-parter and the second part will be even more exciting!
Not only am I trying to get back into the Bill and Ted fandom, I'm also trying to get back into writing and I think I'm getting there, slowly but surely.
Anyways I'll quit rambling. I really hope you guys enjoy this first part and please feel absolutely free to like, reblog, follow and comment.
Be Excellent to Each other and Party on Dudes!
Words: 3.3K
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“No more pencils, no more books!” Bill S. Preston Esquire cried out happily as he and his best friend Ted “Theodore” Logan ran out the front doors of San Dimas High before jumping down the small flight of stairs in front of the school.
Ted jumped to the ground after Bill, his long, dark hair flying up as he did so, a wide, excited smile that matched his best friends on his face. “No more teacher’s dirty looks!” Ted finished the rhyme before he and Bill did their signature guitar move.
It was the last day of school and Bill and Ted were more than ready for three months of nothing but rest and relaxation. They deserved it after all…the boys had to work their butts off in order to earn the ‘C’ averages they made in all their classes.
“Just think, Dude!” Bill exclaimed as he and Ted walked side-by-side on the sidewalk in the direction of Bill’s house.
“Three whole months of nothing but sleep, tv, video games and-“Ted smirked at his best friend, knowing good and well where he was going with this.
“-ROCK N ROLL!” the boys cried in unison before jumping up and playing air guitar again.
By this time, the two were just a couple feet away from Bill’s house, Bill taking his house key out of his pants pocket, not wanting to waste a single second of vacation time.
As Bill slid in the key to unlock the front door, the excitement he felt was almost overwhelming, Ted feeling the exact same way as he practically bounced on the soles of his shoes. 
“What should we do first?” Ted wanted to know, as if taking the question straight from his best friend’s mind.
The two walked inside, smiles on their faces as they collapsed on the living room couch.
“Watch MTV? Go relax by the pool? Go out to the garage and have a most excellent jam session?”
Before Bill could answer, however, his tv suddenly switched on by itself, their mentor and friend from the future Rufus on the screen in front of them.
“Hello, my most excellent friends”, Rufus greeted his two teenage companions.
Bill and Ted snapped their heads in the direction of Rufus’s voice.
“Rufus?” the boys questioned in unison; voices full of confusion.
“What are you doing in Bill’s TV?” Ted asked, a goofy grin forming. “Are you auditioning for one of those singing contests shows?” 
Rufus chuckled and slightly shook his head. “Not this time, Ted”, he replied, the smile on his face slowly fading.
In unison, he held up a piece of paper in either hand, the look on his face stern.
“I’ve been looking over your final report cards”, Rufus explained, “and it seems as if you two only passed your classes by a hair.”
“Not a problem, Rufus”, Bill assured his friend with a confident look that matched the tone in his voice as he leaned back against the couch.
He put his feet up on the coffee table before continuing.
“My pal Ted and I just need a bit of a vacation from our everyday learning environment. By the time school starts again, we’ll be ready for some learning!”
The goofy smile returning to his face, Ted happily nodded in agreement only for Rufus to softly chuckle and shake his head in disbelief.
“I wish I could say I believe you, William '', Rufus told the curly blonde, a small filing cabinet now beside him. He opened it up and skimmed through a few file holders until he came across what he was looking for, pulling out a small stack of papers from one of the files.
“But it looks as if your report cards of the past say otherwise.” Bill and Ted glanced at each other, looks on their faces matching that of two kids who were being scolded by their parents.
“It’s because of this”, Rufus went on, “that I have decided that you two don’t really need a summer vacation this year- “ 
“No way!” Bill and Ted interrupted in unison, absolute horror in their voices.
“Yes way”, Rufus mocked their exclamation calmly, a smirk slowly forming on his face. “Instead, I think this would be a great opportunity for the two of you to learn a lesson in responsibility that will make the concern of your schoolwork seem as simple as tying your shoes.”
Bill and Ted gave each other a nervous look. There was no telling the kind of thing Rufus would have them do!
“F-For the whole summer?” Ted stammered, fear taking over his whole body.
Rufus nodded. “For the whole summer”, he confirmed. 
“What about our parents?” Bill wanted to know. “How are we going to do what you want us to do without them finding out?”
“I’ve already taken that into consideration”, Rufus told the boys. “I have arranged for your parents-“he looked at Ted “-and your brother, Ted, a three month trip to Hawaii.”
At this bit of news, Bill and Ted slowly exchanged looks of shock, the eyes wide and jaws agape.
“Bogus!” Bill exclaimed.
“Most heinous!” Ted agreed.
“I’m sorry, gentlemen”, Rufus told them sincerely, “but I feel as if this is the only way you two are going to learn.” “Not only that”, the older man was quick to add, “but this will also teach you two about the true meaning of teamwork.”
Now came the dreaded question. “Well, what do we have to do, Rufus?” Bill asked.
At the question, Rufus smiled. “I’m glad you asked, Bill”, he replied as he looked down at his watch. “You should find out right about…”
As if on cue, Bill and Ted’s heads snapped up in attention at the sound of a knock at Bill’s front door.
“…now”, Rufus finished his sentence.
Nervously, Bill stood up and answered it, Ted on his heels. 
“Hello?” Bill asked, sticking his head out the door and looking from left to right, only to see that no one was standing on his front steps.
“Bill!” Ted cried after a couple moments; his eyes wide with surprise as something sitting on the front porch caught his attention. “Look!” He pointed to the object sitting at Bill’s feet.
Looking down, the blonde saw something small wiggling around underneath a small, light blue blanket which fit perfectly inside a small basket. Eyes wide with a mixture of surprise, wonder, and confusion, Bill slowly and carefully bent down, picking up the basket.
The blonde then slowly and carefully took a bit of the tiny blanket in his fingertips before slowly pulling it back only slightly, a bundle of blonde curls that matched his own coming into view, the face of a tiny human following close behind with chocolate brown eyes staring back into his green ones. 
The tiny creature’s mouth was formed in a small ‘o’ of the same confusion, wonder, and surprise that filled the teen who was holding him. “Dude!” Ted gasped. “That’s a baby!” 
In that instant, a wave of panic rushed over Bill and he nearly jumped clear out of his skin when Rufus’ voice could be heard again. “You are correct, Ted”, the older man said from his spot inside Bill’s television with a knowing smile. “Gentlemen, say hello to little Keanu Alexander. You two are going to be his parents for the summer.” 
“What?!” Bill and Ted exclaimed in unison, their eyes almost bugging out of their heads. Rufus nodded, holding his ground. 
“Thanks to the technology of the future”, he explained. “I took half of your DNA’s and put them together to create the baby you see before you.” 
At this piece of information, Bill and Ted gave each other awkward looks before looking back at Rufus who immediately smiled and shook his head. “Now I know what you two are thinking”, he told them, “but this is just a project for you guys to learn that there are some responsibilities harder than doing well in school and maybe by the end of the summer, you guys will have learned a thing or two from this experience.” 
He clasped his hands together, his smile getting slightly larger. “Now that that is settled, I’ll leave the two of you to decide what your next step is going to be. Best of luck, my most excellent friends.”
And with that, Bill’s tv switched off and the house went silent.
Bill and Ted each looked at the baby Bill was holding in complete silence before Ted nervously rubbed the back of his neck. “So, what do we do now?” he asked. 
Bill shrugged. “I don’t know, Dude”, he replied before an idea hit him moments later. “Hey! I think there is some of my old baby stuff in the attic! Let’s go see if we can find it!
“Excellent!” Ted agreed. 
Bill carefully put baby Keanu back in the basket and picked it up by the handle before following Ted up to the very top floor of his house.
Pulling on the pull chain, the dark attic was suddenly filled with light, boxes upon boxes among other antiques and items of all kinds from all parts of the attic greeted the two teens.
“Whoa!” Ted gasped as he and Bill walked further inside. “This looks like my uncle’s storage room!” 
Bill said nothing as he walked to the very back of the attic where he saw several boxes stacked on top of each other, some labeled BILL’S BABY CLOTHES and BILL’S BABY TOYS among other things.
Bill smiled widely. “Ted!” he called. “Over here, dude!” Ted hurried over to Bill’s side and smiled just as wide as his friend. “Alright!” he cried. “Let’s get moving!” He took a couple of the smaller boxes in his arms and started to walk towards the ladder which led to the second floor.
It was only then that a new realization hit Bill when he heard Keanu sneeze from the basket. Frowning, Bill gently set the basket down and picked up the tiny infant who, he now saw, was wearing only a diaper. Ted looked over his shoulder when he did not hear Bill’s footsteps behind him. “What’s wrong, Bill?” he asked.
“How are we going to watch the baby and get these boxes down at the same time?” Bill thought out loud. Setting down the boxes, Ted began to think until suddenly…”I got it!” Ted cried. “Why don’t I bring the boxes down while you stay downstairs with the baby?” “Ted! Great thinking, Dude!” Bill praised his friend, causing Ted to smile happily.
Bill then spotted the few pieces of his crib sitting against the side of the attic. “I’ll put the baby in my room”, he said, “and then I’ll come back for my old crib. Then I can have it set up when you have the rest of the stuff ready!” “Excellent!” the boys exclaimed in unison, playing air guitar. Well, Bill played air guitar as best he could. This caused Keanu to start laughing, Bill and Ted giving him a smile.
“Well, that’s the last of it, Bill”, Ted announced as he put down the final box among the few others in his best friend’s room before wiping the sweat off his forehead. “Phew!” Ted sighed as he slumped down on Bill’s bed, lying on his back. It was only then that he noticed something was slightly different. Smiling wide, Ted sat up and saw that Bill’s old crib was set up against the wall in front of him.
“Hey!” he cried. “You finished it!”
“Yep!” came Bill’s voice as he walked down the hallway, “and this little dude is ready for anything!” Bill entered the room with a now fully dressed baby Keanu in his arms. 
The baby was dressed in one of Bill’s old baby outfits: a white onesie with a black bow-tie below the collar, the words Ladies, I have arrived below it with the word arrived in black cursive font. Tiny black socks covered the baby’s equally tiny feet as well.  
“You look most excellent, Little Dude!” Ted told Keanu before ruffling his curls, causing the baby to babble happily and reach his little arms out to Ted. Smiling, Ted gently took the baby from Bill and began playing with him as he talked to him in baby talk.
It was only five minutes into playtime that Keanu suddenly started crying loudly. “Ted!” Bill cried. “What did you do, Dude?” 
“What?” Ted cried. “I-I didn’t do anything Bill! I was just playing with him and he started crying! I swear!” Bill knew he was wrong to accuse his best friend like that, but the baby’s cries caught him completely off guard.
Keanu’s cries were now getting louder. “What do we do?!” Ted asked in a panic as he began to gently rock the baby. “Uhhhh ….ummm”, Bill stammered, trying to come up with an idea and quick. Doing the very first thing that came to mind, Bill started making funny noises with faces to match. 
“Blah-blah-blah! Look at the funny face!” the teen said as he rolled his eyes and stuck out his tongue. “Doo, doo-doo, doo-doo! Look at the funny face!” His face beginning to get a little sore after a few minutes and with the baby’s cries not letting up, Bill decided to admit defeat. However, Ted was not giving up so easily.
“Maybe he’s hungry”, the teen spoke his thoughts out loud. “Oh, bogus!” Bill cried, suddenly remembering something. So that’s what his dad wanted him to do this afternoon! “We don’t have any milk!” 
He began digging through his pants’ pockets for the tiniest bit of money, even checking his socks and shoes a couple times, but he had nothing. “You got any money, Ted?” Bill asked, a slightly desperate tone in his voice. Ted began checking his own pockets after handing the baby to Bill. “Sorry, dude”, he said. “I’m broke.”
“What can we feed him then?” Bill wanted to know. At the question, Ted’s face brightened, his wide, goofy grin on his face. “I know just the thing!” he cried with confidence, running down to the kitchen before Bill could ask anything else.
Hearing Ted fishing around in the kitchen cabinets moments later, Bill gently began to rock little Keanu to help soothe him at least a little. “Shh shh shh shh” Bill softly whispered in the baby’s ear, beginning to pace his bedroom floor. “It’s all gonna be ok. Ted will be back any minute with something for you to eat.”
As soon as he had finished that sentence, Bill’s eyes went a little wide at the sound of…the microwave running? ‘Oh’, he thought with a smile, relieved that his best friend had found something for the little dude. ‘Ted probably found some canned milk Missy keeps in the kitchen sometimes for her ‘beauty treatments.’
Bill was about to finish his seventh lap around the room when he heard Ted’s footsteps rushing down the hall and into his bedroom. Slightly out of breath with the smile still on his face, Ted showed Bill what he had come up with.
“Veggie burger!” he cried happily. Bill glanced down at the paper plate in his best friend’s hand and sure enough there sat a leftover veggie burger from the Preston’s dinner last night.
“Dude!” Bill proclaimed. “Babies don’t eat veggie burgers! They can’t even chew them!”
“You’re right Bill!” Ted replied before facepalming himself with his free hand. “I don’t even know what I was thinking!” 
With that, Ted took the veggie burger from the plate and took a big bite out of it, chewing it slowly for several moments.
“I’ll just chew it for him!” he cried happily though a mouthful of burger before giving a couple more good chews and opening his mouth, aiming the chewed-up veggie burger at little Keanu’s mouth.
“Ted!” Bill cried in a disgusted voice. “Dude, that's so disgusting!” Ted swallowed the chewed-up burger in his mouth. “Birds do it!” he informed Bill. “Does he look like a bird to you?” Bill snapped before shaking off the frustration he was feeling.
“Okay”, Bill said after clearing his head for a moment. “Let’s think of something else…”
As Bill was coming up with a new solution, a strong, foul smell met Ted’s nostrils.
“How about chili?” Bill finally suggested.
Ted gently took the baby from his best friend again as if he wanted to inspect something. Carefully looking in the baby’s diaper, all of Ted’s suspicions were now confirmed.
“Oh, most heinous!” he cried. “Looks like he already had chili, Dude!”
“Ugh!” Bill groaned in disgust as he pinched his nose closed with the tip of his thumb and pointer finger. “Did you see any diapers in those boxes, Ted?”
Ted nodded, walking over to Bill’s six-shelves dresser, and opening the third one from the top where a couple neatly folded stacks of Pampers diapers greeted him.
"Hold on just one second", Ted told his best friend with a smile as he carefully laid the baby on Bill's bed. Not even three minutes later, little Keanu's crying had stopped and Ted hugged the giggling baby close.
"Here he is!" he exclaimed. "Good as new!"
"Ted!" Bill's voice had a touch of bewilderment to it as he took the baby in his own arms. He had known Ted pretty much all his life but Bill had never known that his best friend knew how to change a baby's diaper! "How did you know how to do that?"
Ted grinned and swatted his hand to the side in modesty, slipping his other hand in his shorts pocket as he smiled at the ground before looking back up at Bill. 
“Aw, my dad had me help out with Deacon when he was a baby”, he explained. “You know, I can’t believe I remember how to do that.”
Silence followed as little Keanu slowly fell asleep in Bill’s arms. 
A few minutes later Bill and Ted were walking out of Bill’s kitchen, a can of Coke in each of their hands. Bill sighed as Ted opened his soda, taking a drink.
“What’s wrong, Bill?” Ted asked.
“Nothing”, Bill replied as the two teens sat on the couch. “I just think it sucks that we won’t be able to have any fun this summer.”
“What are you talking about?” Ted asked with a positive smile. “Taking care of a baby could be fun.”
“How?” Bill wondered out loud.
“Hmmm…” Ted tapped his chin as he looked up at the ceiling, trying to think. “It could be like playing house!” he said after a moment. “One of us can be the mom and the other can be the dad.”
At his best friend’s response Bill laughed out loud. 
“No way!” the curly blonde cried out. “No way am I putting on any of Missy’s clothes!”
At this Ted laughed too. “That’s not what I mean”, he said.
Bill opened his own Coke and sipped thoughtfully in silence for a few minutes. The images of him and Ted playing with little baby Keanu, and taking turns feeding him, changing him, and rocking him to sleep slowly entered his mind.
“Yeah”, Bill finally said with a small smile. “I guess it could be fun and besides, the little dude is totally cute.”
Ted nodded in agreement. “I know. Believe me Bill, this summer will go by in no time.”
“Or”, Bill quickly added, a better idea coming to mind. “We do so well at taking care of the baby that Rufus lets us off the hook early!”
“Hey yeah!” Now Ted was even more excited, his smiling having grown bigger.
“Then let’s do it!” Bill exclaimed, lifting his soda can. “To being the best parents a kid ever had!”
Ted lifted his own can. “And to the most rockin summer ever!” he added.
And with the sound of the two cans hitting together, it was official.
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10 characters/10 fandoms
Thanks for tagging me @dirtbag-linecook-kyloren! Let’s get into it 🦆
We’re gonna go chronologically just like the post I was tagged in because it’s late and I have no original thoughts!!
1. Kirishima Eijirou / Boku No Hero Academia
So sweet. My boy. And so criminally underrated. I feel like I really connected with this character back when I was in the fandom, because for those who don’t know his origin story was that he was super boring and bland in the (Japanese equivalent of) middle school, and when he got to high school he had completely changed his personality and flourished. I wanted to be him in a way, strong and brave. (Was this where issues with gender began? Maybe.)
2. Pitch Black / Rise of the Guardians
HOOOOH BOY. So many people identify Jack Frost as their first animated crush, but goddamn it if I didn’t immediately start being totally obsessed with Pitch. Now, as the years have passed, it’s become difficult for me to tell if I wanted to be with him or /be him/, but I always thought that he deserved much better than he got.
3. Sokka / Avatar the Last Airbender
Sensing a pattern? Yep it’s another unappreciated side character used for relief that I identified with and stuck to like a cactus. I actually really liked his character when I first watched the show, and now am an avid Zukka fan! Will I ever write a fic for that? Maybe. But don’t worry, Kylux will forever and always be my main source of inspo. Those blorbos were made for each other.
4. Runaan / The Dragon Prince
Listen. LISTEN. I started watching this show years ago and it is SUCH A COMFORT. I adore it. As I watched the show, of course I immediately connected with Soren, but something about Runaan’s character and the fact that he was so powerful and cut off but also a father and a lover and he NEVER GOT JUSTICE,,, it impacted me. I’ve read every SCRAP of fic I can about his life pre-TDP. Love him to death. Save my boy next season please!!
5. Saiki / The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.
Something about a generfluid aromatic main character just hit home for me. The fact that it was so normal that Saiki was born a girl and just changed his gender and no one cares is such a tiny moment in the show but it introduced the idea of “this is ok” to me. I hold that show in a special place in my heart. Doesn’t hurt that it’s also hilarious.
6. Muriel / Good Omens Season 2
We come to the present! Or, well, a few months ago present. Loved the kiss scene. Cried at the ending. Something about Muriel made me want to protect them. They’re so,,, blorbo. Kinda reminds me of Mitaka, now that I think about it 🧐
7. Jim / Our Flag Means Death
Oh boy. OHHHHHH BOY. Him. I love him. I want to be him. Just,,,, JIM. His origin story, his love interest, his bloodthirsty personality, that one scene with Spanish Jackie… just a chef’s kiss all around.
8. Armitage Hux / Star Wars - Sequel Trilogy
SAY IT WITH ME: “HE WAS DONE DIRTY!!” He had so much potential and they just SQUANDERED IT. He could have been the next Thrawn! He had the brains for it, and the wit. I don’t know why Ylasmirs aren’t used more in Star Wars cannon. Did I mention that Hux was a GENIUS?! He built a better, more powerful Death Star and was killed by A CHARACTER THE FANDOM HAD JUST MET. Also, he was the spy??? REALLY?? …I’m so normal about him.
9. Clyde / Logan Lucky
Recently watched this movie with my family and adored it. It’s up there in my list of Perfect Heist Movies! I feel like Clyde’s character was really well executed, and at no point was he made lesser for being an amputee, which I really enjoyed. Also, with the Ferrari movie coming out, maybe another heist is set to happen 👀
10. Stensland / Crashpad
Listen. This movie. This fucking movie. It was SO BAD. And kinda misogynistic? But… I really enjoyed Domhall’s acting. Stensland was lovable and dumb and my heart ached for him when he got rejected. Does that excuse the movie’s weird ending? No. But I still like the character.
Honorable Mention: Captain Phasma / Star Wars - Sequel Trilogy
I love Gwendolyn Christie. I love a woman who can beat the shit out of me. I love a woman in armor. Need I say more? Also, that character’s death was very anticlimactic and I feel like she should have been in TROS.
No-pressure tags! @fridayincarnate @dragonflies-draw-flame @ironsoulmaker
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hausofmamadas · 1 year
| Chasing ghosts and choices |
Pairing: David Barrón x Enedina Arellano Félix x Claudio Vásquez
For @narcosfandomdiscord NarcOctober Fanworks collection - Day 13
Prompt: Day of Life - create a fanwork in which a character avoids their canonical death.
Word count: ≈ 1.7K
TWs: Canon-consistent violence, angst in only the way my boi does I mean just look at that face in the first gif, he’s so not a happy camperksjeb
They’d known each other too long, loved each other too much, and hurt each other too intimately and too many times to pretend they were better than exactly who they were. Okay on my life, I did not mean to do the same exact setup as @drabbles-mc fic for today. I just like am super back in my Barrón feels in a BIG fuckin way rn thanks to Bobby Soto ruining my life in A Million Miles Away skdjflsk but like weirdly and accidentally, this could be kind of a sequel to Adamant skjsldkj imsorryforeverything anyway enjoy Barrón lowkey kicking himself for saving Claudio and also being like, "aight, fine. It was the right call" bc he would never do his lady love so dirty as to purposely let her new husband die SKSKS
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At the sliding glass doors of the Arellanos’ place, Barrón stood, watching the predawn fog diffuse over houses on the streets below, making itself at home in the cracks of alleyways, like the city of Tijuana was an abandoned crypt, the casitas, its tombstones, and struggled to remember the last time he’d saved someone.
Being a sicario, he didn’t have much occasion to save people. Or at least, not without tipping the scales in death’s favor in the process. And yet, reminded in a flash of memory—some fake cop’s hat flying in the air when one of his bullets sinks in the guy’s forehead and drops him almost comically like his body’d turned to lead—in this case, he’d delivered plenty to death’s door. He was nothing if not a professional, right.
Maybe it was who he’d saved that made this feel more significant than past jobs. Less delivering to death’s door, more delivering life, delivering a future with one she loved, back to her. That felt as big. Bigger even. Particularly when it ensured his own future would be the same as it ever was. Chasing ghosts and loving in silence. Playing not the fool, but a tool. A weapon. Incredibly useful if only for a precious few tasks. And in the end, who could really blame them when he was so good at it? That’s right. Nothing if not a professional.
With any luck that’d be his ticket out though, what with Mín going off the grid until things cooled down and the family figured out the next moves to make. Hopefully, he’d have a new post to look forward to, a change of scenery. If not the places then the people. Or some of them.
Because no doubt there’d be some kind of political fallout, Claudio being a district attorney and all. He was affable enough to massage it over with the public but his own family was another matter. They were probably furious, already skeptical about the match from the get. So, the Arellanos would have to measure their response carefully. And that’s just what it would have to be: a response, not a retaliation. The inconvenience of legitimacy now rearing its ugly head with such urgency, Barrón didn’t even have the fight left in him to manage a glib, ya te lo dije.
He wondered idly if maybe that was part of Chapo’s plan or just an unhappy accident, forcing the Arellanos in the public eye at such a precarious time. Not yet legitimate enough to be installed in the untouchable chilango upper class where they could retaliate with impunity, but still beholden to the higher standards of a “real” business in the eyes of the people.
As of now, it all seemed like just the most fucked game of Cat’s Cradle. Too much for a pocho from Logan Heights to untangle. It wasn’t even that strategy wasn’t his strong suit, it was more political machinations like these never much held his interest. Maybe the attempt on Claudio’s life would be enough to draw Dina back in. Give her back what she gave up. That was how Barrón had known it was real with them to begin with. She stepped back. No longer lived and breathed for the thrill of realizing the potential of the family business like she’d envisioned. Envisioned since she was a kid, a fact she’d revealed in one of their little warehouse chats when he first got there. Years ago. Back when they were– ah, fuck it. He’d chase that ghost later.
The funny thing was she did that all giving up and stepping back in a bid to keep things separate, shield Claudio from the less savory aspects of things. A bullet to the shoulder is about as good as that plan went.
Maybe this would be Dina’s time. The prospect filled him with pride. Hope. It’d be a thrill to see if it didn’t hurt so bad. And truthfully, given the choice, Barrón would rather fight back boredom-induced sleep, watching little Ruthie play with Lincoln logs in a safe house somewhere, than sit around here watching the future that he’d sacrificed his own for blossom before his very eyes. He did what he did but he didn’t have to like it.
He fished for a porro he’d rolled earlier from his pocket and removed the few stray, leafy bits of weed that had escaped out one end, before popping it between his lips and lighting up. He usually didn’t smoke in the house but considering he still hadn’t changed his shirt stained with Claudio’s blood, setting into the fibers more and more with each passing second, courtesy of a bullet that sailed clean through the guy’s shoulder, he figured he’d earned a pass from his employers. That wasn’t even the best excuse he had. Just the simplest one. What a weird fucking night.
And fuck, he was tired. The noise of the drawers of the credenza opening and closing behind him wasn’t enough to make him turn around. Shit, he might stand here forever. Five hundred years from now, they’d find him, all petrified wood, in this exact spot still staring out the window. Exhausted. Since before he could remember, exhausted.
Her voice broke the reverie and he tried not to resent it too much. He failed.
Ugh, they’d talked about this. No first name. He hated it when she called him by his first name. Too close. A flash of red out of the corner of his eye took full shape as Dina joined him at the window, in her red silk robe, arms crossed, hair wild and free like she was the first woman.
A few tendrils of smoke curled out of Barrón’s nostrils and glided down his chin, moving lazy and listless as he felt. The question hung in his throat, thick with smoke, “How is he.”
Dina dropped her shoulders like she’d been holding her breath. “The doctor says he might lose function in his thumb and forefinger on that side, but otherwise,” she exhaled deeply, clenching her jaw to fight back tears of relief, “it looks like Claudio is going to be fine.”
“Heh,” Barrón nodded, half coughing, half chuckling, “I meant Pancho. But uh, no that’s good.” It was sincere and the most he could manage. Frankly, he was impressed he managed that much.
Head dipping forward, her shoulders shaking gently, she laughed self-consciously down at the floor. “Mi brujo, tu compa, sí se pondrá bien. Ese gatito tiene un chinga más de nueve vidas. No te preocupes.”
At that, he smirked and nodded with more heart this time.
They didn’t say anything else to each other for a while. Just stood there watching the purples of the sky brighten, the marine layer fog cooked orange by the rising sun. Down to a sliver of his joint, Barrón sighed, wishing he’d rolled another one, and cracked the sliding door to flick the butt outside. He closed it and stepped back inside to reassume his place as petrified wood but before he got both his hands in his pockets, Dina caught his wrist and slid her hand down into his. It was so stealthy and quick, Houdini’d be proud. He couldn’t place his finger on why, but it filled him with relief that she hadn’t looked at him. Merely held his hand firmly and continued staring out the window, one arm still held tightly across her chest. Yeah, that was easier.
“David. No sé como agradecerte, pero lo que has hecho por Claudio, la familia,” her voice dropped low as if she knew it should be left unsaid, “por mi,” all the while squeezing his hand. “Nunca lo olvidaré.”
He ran his thumb along her palm to let her know he was there, then hummed softly, “Pues, qué otra opción tenía?”
Echoes of the panic he’d felt when he rounded the corner, seeing Claudio crouched in a shower of broken glass, bullet exploding through his shoulder, blood dark red on his crisp blue shirt, hit Barrón like a grenade. What could’ve happened. What almost happened. If he’d gotten there just a second or two later … they both knew.
A dark and inconvenient truth of operating in a world as wild, wild west as theirs made it impossible not to consider. His job, his very nature, made it impossible to ignore: just exactly how easy it would’ve been for him to drag his feet a bit, move just a little slower, lag behind ever so slightly. That one bullet to the shoulder, turns into two in the chest, then three, then four– until. And how easy it would’ve been to play it off like a whoops, unfortunate happenstance, he’d done his best, just couldn’t make it in time, a tragedy.
The fucked thing too was ... for a fraction of a second?
He had thought about it.
He was pretty sure she knew that too or at least considered the possibility. They’d known each other too long, loved each other too much, and hurt each other too intimately and too many times to pretend they were better than exactly who they were. But that’s not how things went. Not the choice he made.
Instead, Barrón whipped around that corner, hammering Chapo and Arturo’s position so relentlessly, the gun felt almost an extension of his own arm – bullet hoses, right – while Claudio was slumped under the bar, clutching his shoulder. Instead, when their path was clear, Barrón yanked Claudio up to his feet by his good arm and offered a shoulder for him to clumsily toss the bad one over. Instead, Claudio bled all over his shirt, as he dragged them both up the steps, down the hallway, into the back kitchen where the Arellanos were waiting, and shot out the windows so they could all make their escape. Instead, he dragged Claudio, once again, to the getaway car and sat him next to his poor Panchito. Best to keep the mess in one place. No use getting blood all over the seats of two different cars.
Some would call it a choice. Then again, with her the foremost thought on his mind, the instant that first bullet ejected from the barrel of his gun into the face of a phony cop, did he really have one to begin with?
taglist: @narcosfandomdiscord @narcolini @ashlingnarcos @drabbles-mc
10 notes · View notes
quarantinevibes2020 · 3 years
Summary:  That trope where someone's eyes dilate when they see someone they love. That's it. That's the whole fic. OR Virgil and his accomplice play matchmakers for some literal star-crossed lovers.
Word count: 2198
Pairing: Romantic Roman/ Logan (college AU)
Warnings: drinking (not underage), other drugs mentioned but no one uses any
Yes this happened to me. Hush and let me project
AO3 Link
Roman was going to murder his roommate. Or at least shave an eyebrow off in his sleep.
He had been trying to navigate a small apartment decorated in polaroids and newspaper paintings, crowded with people he didn’t know. He had done his best flitting around from group to group: parties weren’t exactly a foreign entity to him and usually he would relish in the chance to make new friends. However, he had been looking for a particularly stormy visage among the sea of people.
He locked eyes with his target: Virgil Kross, aforementioned roommate who had dragged him here in the beginning of the night and told him to stay close before uncharacteristically darting off.
The get together was for everyone in Virgil’s physics class and when Roman found him, Virgil was propped up against a wall and sitting on some steps, swirling around a cider and talking to someone in square glasses and an almost comically over-formal button down.
Virgil caught his eye and lifted an eyebrow. Roman shook his head in a restrained don’t you dare Virgil I swear sort of way. Virgil either didn’t see it or outright ignored him. He waved Roman over, made some sort of excuse that Roman didn’t hear, and left the two alone.
Roman was going to fill Virgil’s pillowcase with popcorn kernels. He was going to tape his toothbrush to the ceiling. He was going to hide his socks in the freezer. He was going to-
Roman sucked in a breath, litany of threats against his horrible, no good roommate suddenly coming to a halt.
In front of him sat Logan Nova, Virgil’s study partner from when he had taken astronomy a semester ago and also, less important, the person Roman had been pining for ever since Virgil had dragged them on their fieldtrip in September. The class was supposed to map out the stars they saw, identify them, and measure their distances or something. Roman didn’t really keep track of the details. He wasn’t even too interested in looking at the stars, coming from a city where they were mostly blocked out by the light pollution.
And sure, they were pretty in the open sky, but not prettier than the wide eyes that drank them in, than the elated expression that same face had when Roman asked him a question about the class since Virgil was off probably shotgunning a beer with their professor and Roman was bored out of his mind. Logan had shown Roman his star maps and pulled out a worn out textbook with tenderly placed bookmarks of his favorite constellations. Roman had been fascinated by the stories behind them and the two spent the night going through the book, cover to cover.
By the end, Roman was sure he never thought the stars were beautiful until he saw them reflected in Logan’s eyes.
Virgil continued to bring Logan over, even after their astronomy classes had ended, sometimes completely unannounced, before flouncing off to run some errands with his art major friends (how Virgil managed to double major never ceased to amaze Roman, especially given that both those majors were so hard). And for the past six months, Roman had gone from crushing to something close to besotted. It wasn’t something very easy to hide so the next time Roman caught that spider he was going to put ice down his back and-
“Um, there aren’t anymore seats. I can move if you’d like?”
Logan’s voice brought Roman back to the present. He took an extra swig of his drink, hoping that Logan wouldn’t notice how he almost downed it for the courage, and shook his head.
“Scooch on over, Specs, we can share,” Roman said, the burn behind his sternum fueling his words.
Logan laughed, a little bubbly and Roman guessed that his cup was full of something with a similar texture, and moved for Roman to balance on half the seat.
Roman took another sip, looking out over the room of people.
“So this is what you physics people do on a Friday night, huh?” Roman asked, a little teasingly, “not bad.”
Logan bumped him and Roman barely kept his heart from fluttering out of his chest like a frantic dove.
“Did you see how drunk half the class got at the Meteor Fields?”
Roman snorted, “Fair. We almost had to carry Virgil back to the room.”
“You almost had to carry him. I did carry him.”
Roman made a noise of offense, “Excuse me! I am a knight in shining armor! Not a carriage!”
Logan laughed and Roman finally turned to look at him, startling when his face was much closer than he had anticipated.
“I don’t appreciate that I am the carriage in this metaphor,” Logan said with a faux-pout. Roman wanted to quip something back, but he had something of an elephant-sized lump in his throat. Logan tilted his head before leaning in. Roman just barely managed not to squeak.
“Goodness,” Logan said, “your eyes are so dilated!”
Roman blinked, taking another sip of his drink and trying to will a blush down.
“Yeah?” he asked.
“Yeah!” Logan exclaimed back, leaning in even more and woo-boy was he close.
Roman looked to his drink slightly, not able to hold Logan’s wide eyes for a second without turning cherry-red.
“It’s pretty bright in here, they shouldn’t be,” Roman said, trying to ‘science it out’ like Logan loved to do. Logan, mercifully to Roman’s thundering pulse, sat back a bit: considering.
“Well. Quite a few things can cause one’s pupils to dilate. Lack of light. Opiate withdrawal. Looking at someone you’re attracted to. Love. Parasympathetic activat-”
“Coke,” Roman nearly choked out. Logan paused in the list he was rattling off and blinked.
“I beg your pardon?”
“Coke. I did coke. Just- whole line of cocaine all in one gulp.”
Logan furrowed his eyebrows. “You don’t drink cocaine, Roman. Furthermore-”
Roman didn’t hear the rest of Logan’s sentence. He pushed off the wire seating, sputtering out something about refilling his drink, and made a beeline for the back exit.
When he got to the balcony, he nearly slammed his head into the corner of the railing.
Well Roman thought miserably better for him to think you’re on drugs than hopelessly in love with him. Really dodged a bullet there.
The thought didn’t help. Roman let out a groan and let himself slump. He poked his legs between the columns of the balcony and swung his feet. Above him, the sky was hazy. The moon was barely visible as it peeked through a curtain of clouds. Not a star in the sky. A part of Roman thought that was rather fitting given how royally he had just messed up.
A door opened and closed behind him. For a moment, Roman thought it was Virgil from how quiet the footsteps were and was about to get up and tell him he was heading out when he turned around.
Logan Nova, adorable wavy black hair and now slightly-crumpled but still endearing button down, was staring back at him. Clutching his drink a little as he moved to sit next to Roman. He didn’t say anything for a moment. Then-
“Whoever your dealer is, I don’t think they gave you cocaine,” he finally said.
Roman swiveled around to meet his eyes. Logan’s eyebrows furrowed even further.
“Your eyes are dilated again. And while that is a symptom of its ingestion, your behavior otherwise does not indicate its use.”
Something bubbled out of Roman’s throat. For a horrifying moment, Roman thought it was his drink trying to take revenge, but no- it was laughter. Croaky at first, but rapidly devolving into full-bellied howling.
“Perhaps I misjudged?” Logan said after Roman’s guffaws continued, Roman shook his head, trying to stop the shake in his shoulders as Logan, obviously more than a little concerned at Roman’s ‘illicit drug use’, got more and more worried by the minute.
“I didn’t do any drugs, Logan,” Roman finally got out between heaving breaths. Logan stuck out his bottom lip a little.
“But you said..?”
Roman waved at him, he must have misjudged the distance because his hand caught Logan’s shoulder but Roman didn’t feel like moving it.
“I know what I said,” Roman said, laughter trickling, “I know, it was stupid, I promise though. I haven’t had anything besides this crappy beer and,” Roman took in a breath, now or never he guessed, “maybe a little love,” he finished quietly, not sure whether he should thank the alcohol or curse it for letting him say it.
Logan’s eyebrows shot up, “Lovedrug? Like ecstacy?!”
“What?!” Roman shot back, looking incredulous before rubbing his face, “NO, not- not lovedrug you-UGH- how are you smart but so dense??”
Logan only blinked in return. Roman supposed he deserved that.
“Lo,” Roman said, taking his legs out of the balcony and setting them in a lazy kneel, “what were the things you listed off for making someone’s eyes dilate?”
Logan’s nose scrunched, “Em. Parasympathetic activation?”
“Keep going,” Roman said, exasperated but woefully fond.
“Ecstasy would certainly be on the list.”
Logan huffed, “Ah. I believe I also said looking at someone you’re attract-”
Logan stopped. His expression almost sent Roman into hysterics again but he didn’t give in because if he did he might have ended up crying.
“Oh,” Logan said in a small voice.
“Yeah, oh” Roman echoed softly, “sorry I lied, I kind of just. Panicked. A little.”
“So you led me to believe you had taken a bad strain of cocaine?” Logan replied, voice strained but still shocked out of emotion.
Roman squirmed. “Yee. My bad, you don’t- you know. Have to say anything though. I know you don’t- I just wanted you to know since you seemed a little freaked that I was having a bad drug reaction.”
“You know I don’t what?” Logan asked suddenly as he spun to face Roman. Roman looked down and scratched his nose.
“You don’t-ugh. Don’t make me say it dude, you know what I mean.”
“Roman, look at me.”
Boy, Logan was not making it easy. But he supposed if he was going to get rejected, he should look at him straight in the eyes. At least he’d retain some of his dignity then. Roman lifted his chin.
“What color are my eyes?”
Roman blinked, a little caught off-guard from the question. Was it that obvious that Roman had been waxing poetic about Logan’s eyes in his own mind from the moment he had met him? How they caught the light and sucked it in, like two galaxies swirling in his irises. How his lashes curled naturally, almost touching his brow bone when they were alight with wonder. How it didn’t even matter now that he couldn’t see a star in the sky because they were all caught in Logan’s eyes. They were a force of gravity pulling him in and everything else with them.
“…black?” Roman said, tamping down on his raging thoughts. Logan cocked his head.
“Are you sure about that?” he asked.
Roman almost would have been offended if Logan hadn’t chosen that moment to tug Roman’s chin towards him.
“Look closer,” Logan said.
Breathe, dumbass Roman’s brain said. He listened to both as he squinted.
There were still the swirling galaxies in the middle. The soft gaze did nothing to curb that, but there- Roman tilted his head as he saw something else. Like the sun brimming over the earth, a honey brown at the very edges. Logan must have seen Roman’s expression as he realized it.
“My eyes are amber, Roman.”
There was something in Logan’s voice, it was the same one he used when he was helping Roman with his GenEd calc class. Like he was trying to lead him somewhere. If Logan’s eyes were amber, then his pupils must have been massive because they took up the majority of the…oh.
“But-I-I don’t,” Roman stuttered.
“What were the reasons for someone’s eyes to dilate?” Logan pushed.
“Didn’t take you for a coke guy,” Roman said, trying for cool but bordering on watery. Logan huffed, his face was so close that Roman could feel the breath.
Then, Logan’s lips were on his own and suddenly Roman could care less about eyes.
“Logan,” Roman breathed, smiling when he pulled him forward into another kiss. He turned to pepper more along his jaw bone. Logan giggled. Roman tried to stamp the sound into his brain.
“You’re amazing, you know. Amazing, smart, beautiful, so beautiful,” Roman whispered, half out of his mind as he tugged on the hair at the nape of Logan’s neck.
“Are you sure that’s not the alcohol talking?” Logan managed, though it came out a bit garbled.
“Nothing can addle my brain more than your beauty already has,” Roman replied instantly, pulling Logan in again.
Behind the window of the balcony, a blue sweater clad boy adjusted his round glasses and gleefully took a five dollar bill from a pouting spider.
“I told you all they needed was a little push,” whispered the glasses boy.
“Fucking finally,” replied the spider, not missing his five dollars all that much.
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jynzandtonic · 4 years
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HOLY SHIT I FINALLY DID IT, Y’ALL! A COMPLETE MASTERLIST! All of my writings are laid out under the cut. XOXOXO!
Last updated: October 4, 2021 (refresh the masterlist)
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 Aaaand just a quick reminder...
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ADAM SACKLER - Girls (2012-2017)
- FICS -
MEET THE BOYS: Adam Sackler - (450 words)
an intro to Sackler in the jynzandtonic universe
The Show Must Go On - AO3 - (1.8k + 1.7k + 2k words)
{part 1} - {part 2} - {part 3}
switch!Sackler x switch!reader: “omg they were quarantined!” w/ anonymous webcam sex and edging
Cherry - (1.6k + ? words)
{part 1} - {part 2 tba; it’s on the back burner!}
Daddy!Sackler x virgin!reader: reader has a daddy kink and innocence kink, initiates a pre-negotiated roleplay scenario for their first time sexual experience
Swiped - AO3 - audio - (1.2k + 1.3k + 2k words)
FULL FIC + AUDIO or {part 1} - {part 2} - {part 3}
Sackler x inexperienced/virgin!reader: “omg and they were roommates!” w/ idiots-to-lovers, instruction, dirty talk
Cake - (1k + 1.9k + ?) - to be continued!
{part 1} - {part 2} - {part 3}
Sackler asks what you want for your birthday. You ask for DAT BOOTY. Switch!Sackler x switch!reader pegging fic!
What to Expect - AO3 - (30k+) - WIP!
ch.1 - ch.2 - ch.3 - ch.4 - ch.5 - ch.6 - ch.7 - ch.8 - ch.9 - ch.10 - ch.11 - ch.12 - ch.13 - ch.14 - ch.15 (epilogue)
You decide to have a baby via donor, but your friend across the hall offers to help out the old-fashioned way. Preggo/Babyfic feat. Sackler!
Whole - AO3 - (500 words)
There are days when it feels like you just can’t get out of bed. There are days when you feel like you’re broken. But with Adam, you know you’re never really alone.
Ask Her - AO3 - audio - (5k words)
When you let it slip that you fooled around with your best friend back in the day, Sackler asks if you’d do it again. When you say you would, he can’t seem to let the idea of the three of you go. Maybe—just maybe—all you have to do is ask her.
Basic Instinct - AO3 - (25k)
ch.1 - ch. 2 - ch. 3 - ch. 4 - ch. 5 - ch. 6 - ch.7 - ch. 8
It’s a lucky coincidence—when you’re desperately searching for a new place, Adam Sackler has a room for rent. Plus, alphas and betas make great roommates, right? … Right?
Losing your virginity to Sackler
Adam making you cum while out at dinner w/ his parents
Sackler fingerfucking you on a rollercoaster
Facefucking and spitting in your mouth
Sackler screeching for cuddles
Sackler finding ‘innocent’ virgin!reader’s vibrator
Feeling needy and giving Sackler a sloppy, lovey BJ
Sackler teaching anxious reader how to give him head
Sackler wanting to see your lipstick smeared on his cock
Shy reader pulling The Lip Bite (TM) on Adam
Temperature play w/ ice cubes
Shy reader turning passionate for Sackler
What are the odds: wearable vibe at work
You and Sackler jerking each other off at a movie theater
Fucking you so hard you forget you even met your ex
Soft dom!reader overstimulating sweet Sackler
Adam eating your pussy on a hike
Riding Sackler’s face to shut him the fuck up
Sweet, soft sex with Sackler in front of your ex
Soft, sleepy morning sex
Adam loving on your teeny tiny titties
Gremlin!Sackler fingering the fuck outta you
Shit-talking switch!Sackler feat. some bondage
Catching Sackler jerkin’ it and playing with his titties
Some very possessive dirty talk
Adam finding virgin!reader’s dildo
Sackler ‘helping’ busy student!reader unwind
Proud reader fucking Sackler backstage between shows
Sackler buys you your very first vibe
Sackler pulling up your sundress and fucking you in the park
Sleeping in *ahem* too small of a bed with roommate Sackler
Sex that sent you and Sackler to the ER
Sackler in a healthy, communicative relationship
Sackler comforting a reader far away from home
Sackler with asexual!reader
Random shit that Adam says in bed with you
Pregnancy kink with Adam Sackler
Sackler’s nicknames for reader
Daddy!Adam Sackler daydreams
Misc Sackler hcs: dirty talk, sex, exhibitionism, domestic fluff
Songs on my Sackler “bedroom playlist”
Comparing the temperature of your mouth and cunt
Sackler eating out nervous!reader for the first time
How Sackler gives kisses
Dan + Sackler soothing your anxiety
Making grumpy Sackler BEG FOR IT
Bashful Sackler hcs
On Adam’s chaotic!switch tendencies
NSFW Alphabet: Cum + Fave Position
On seeing a usually self conscious partner feel confident about their body
Adam Sackler loves love
Sexy HCs: cum, masturbation, oral, kinks, pussy-eating
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CLYDE LOGAN - Logan Lucky (2017)
- FICS -
Meet the Boys: Clyde Logan
Maybe - AO3 - (1k words)
breeding kink/creampie WITHOUT the possibility/goal of reader becoming pregnant
Clyde gets ASMR - AO3 - (1k words)
Your sweet boy Clyde is the first guest on your ASMR channel. SFW fluff, can you believe it?!
Solstice - AO3 - (3k + 1.8k words)
{part 1} - {part 2}
It happens every Winter Solstice–you shift into a fox and wander the West Virginian woods for the longest night of the year. When you’re injured in an accident, the kind local bartender takes you into his care. Little does he know you’ll shift back into your human form come sunrise… without a shred of clothing on you.
The Plunge - AO3 - (3.4k words)
Clyde's not too hot on the idea of you swimmin' all by yourself at night, so it's up to you to convince him to join you for some moonlight skinny dipping.
In Vino Veritas - AO3 - (6.6k words)
In Vino Veritas — ‘In Wine, Truth.' You open up your very own wine bar, but one Boone County bartender isn’t particularly pleased about it. When a rift emerges between the two of you, will you find a way to mend it? And is there really “truth in wine?”
Eyes Wide Open - AO3 - (1.5k words)
It's all anonymous, and you're so hungry for a lover's touch. You'll never see him; he'll never know you. After an hour together, you'll part ways and never cross paths again. You couldn't find each other if you tried. As luck would have it, you might not need to.
Rowdy fuckin’ with Clyde
Clyde comforting reader after a fight with a parent/other
Touch-starved, babbling, dirty-talking Clyde
Daddy!Clyde fucking bratty reader while decorating the xmas tree
Clyde getting riled up watching you do stretches
Mirror-fucking and dirty-talk with Clyde
Phone sex with Clyde
Teaching Clyde to dance
Making Clyde do a homemade facemask*
Clyde wants a baby for Christmas
Admiring and loving on Clyde’s soft cock
The first time Clyde made your cheeks go hot
Filthy fucking at Duck Tape with Clyde 
Clyde’s very first time eating pussy*
Crying on Clyde’s cock
Clyde making you cum seven times in a row (for luck, y’know)
Facesitting with Daddy!Clyde
Clyde fucking your ass at Duck Tape after seeing your plug
Leaving the big city and reassuring Clyde of your choice
Waking Clyde up with some slow head
Sweet n sensual mirror sex with Clyde
Clyde comforting you with slow lovemaking
Clyde comforting isolated reader
Sending/receiving nude pics with Clyde
Corrupting sweet sub!Clyde
Clyde comforting sad reader (gn)
Clyde + breeding kink/pregnancy - part 1
Clyde + breeding kink/pregnancy - part 2
Clyde + breeding kink/pregnancy - part 3
Clyde with a lactation kink
Clyde taking care of you when you’re sick
Netflix and... cockwarming. oops
Riding Clyde’s cock. That’s it. That’s the post.
Marking his territory with creampies
Fantasizing about meeting Clyde at the bar
Loving fussing over Clyde
High school Clyde (uwu)
Telling Clyde you want to have a baby
Clyde being protective of you
NSFW Alphabet: Oral + Jack Off
Clyde eating pussy
MORE Clyde and breeding kink
The first time you have sex with Clyde feat. SIZE KINK
Sexy HCs: creampies, pussy-eating, and pregnancy
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FLIP ZIMMERMAN - Blackkklansman (2017)
- FICS -
Under the Stars - AO3 - (2.8k)
Flip Zimmerman’s always talking shit—even about the gear you’ve brought on your weekend camping trip. When the rain rolls in, will you help him out with a dry place to sleep?
Sweeter Than Honey (multichapter)- coming soon!
Visiting Flip at the station to show him your new lipstick
Flip daring you to sit on a vibe for 20min (overstim)
Coming home to find you in lingerie + his flannel
Fucking you in the archives division and telling you to keep quiet
GOOD COP BAD COP feat. Flip + Ronnie
Mirror sex in a dressing room
Breeding kink w/ Flip*
Your first time with Flip - part 1
Your first time with Flip - part 2
Fucking the brat out of you at a holiday party
Flip taking care of you after a long work day
Lovey-dovey drunk sex with Flip
Playing strip-poker with Flip
Slapping Flip (hint: it doesn’t go over well)
Flip spitting on your pussy
JUST how much Flip loves you
Slow lovemaking with Flip
Flip’s kinks, fave things to do in bed, and aftercare
Flip cheering you up after a bad day
Visiting Flip at the station in your skimpiest outfit
Flip being territorial over you in public
L.E.O. boys on National Horny Day
Flip being charming and playful
NSFW Alphabet: Aftercare, Goofy, Motivation, Stamina, Unfair
Gender-affirming lovin’ with Flip (transmasc!reader)
Semi-public sex and getting caught
On the subject of Flip’s balls
Growing old with Flip
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OFFICER RONNIE PETERSON - The Dead Don’t Die (2018)
- FICS -
MEET THE BOYS: Ronnie Peterson - (1k words)
an intro to Ronnie in the jynzandtonic universe, in which the ending of The Dead Don’t Die is gleefully retconned
Holds Two Nicely - AO3 - (2k + ? words)
{part 1} - {part 2 coming soon}
switch!Ronnie gets road head in the Smart Car, and reader’s gonna pay for pulling that type of shenanigans
This Is The Way - AO3 - (2.6k words)
Bad Day - AO3 - (2k)
blowing off a bad day with some mutual masturbation + squirting
Meet the Boys: Officer Ronnie Peterson
Hand kink w/ Ronnie’s giant paws
Deepthroating + dirty talk with sweet + spicy bby Ronnie
Rescuing Ronnie from the apocalypse and settling in the big city
GOOD COP BAD COP feat. Flip + Ronnie
Handcuffing and domming Ronnie
Ronnie can’t keep his hands off you at the PD holiday party
Sitting on Ronnie’s face... HE LIKES IT.
Mando!Reader doms subby Ronnie
Cockwarming as a form of dominance with switch!Ronnie
DOUBLE PENETRATION with Ronnie + a Clone-A-Willy
Ronnie finding you half-naked in a Stormtrooper costume
Thigh-riding Ronnie at the station
Ronnie overstimulating you with a clit-sucker + cockwarming
Giving Ronnie head in the bathroom at a frat party
Ronnie spanking you after he has a rough day skiing
Make-up snuggling with Ronnie after a fight
Virgin!Ronnie x virgin!reader thots
Sending/receiving nudes with Ronnie
Fluffy/dirty HCs for nerdy boy Ronnie
What are Ronnie’s hugs like?
How Ronnie dresses when he’s not in uniform
L.E.O. boys on National Horny Day
Dan + Ronnie on Daddy kink
Ronnie Peterson Tummy Appreciation Post
NSFW Alphabet: Jack Off, Zzzzz, + Dirty Secret
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CHARLIE BARBER - Marriage Story (2019)
- FICS -
MEET THE BOYS: Charlie Barber - (550 words)
an intro to Charlie in the jynzandtonic universe, which occurs solely post-Marriage Story
Exit Stage Right - AO3 - (1k words)
Theater smut and a very protective, soft Daddy!Charlie
Special Spot - AO3 - (850 words)
Daddy!Charlie is stressed from work and asks you to play with his ass
Business or Pleasure - AO3 - (1.7k words + ?) - WIP!
{part 1} - {part 2}
Lost and Found - AO3 - (4.6k words)
You’re an artist in New York City patiently waiting to find your soulmate. But what happens if your soulmate didn’t wait to find you?
Desperate, touch-starved fucking with Charlie
Cockwarming in the theater with Charlie
Charlie buying sex toys for reader
Building IKEA furniture + drinking wine
How Kind of You to Let Me Cum: etiquette kink with Daddy!Charlie
Counting belt spankings for Daddy!Charlie
Charlie rubbing your clit on the subway
Daddy!Charlie feat. squirting kink
Charlie comforting you after a hard day
Christmas party cockwarming with Charlie
Thigh-riding Charlie in his office
Professor!Charlie Barber fucking you in the library stacks
Charlie and a little bit of voyeurism/exhibitionism
Teasing Charlie like a little brat
Charlie fucking nonbinary!reader senseless for looking too good
Sleepy morning head with Charlie + erogenous zones
Charlie punishing you with edging, spanking, and overstim
Wearing Charlie’s hand like a necklace + mirror sex
Late-night somnophilia with Charlie
Distracting Professor!Charlie during office hours
Getting messy making pancakes with Charlie
Cockwarming for Charlie during his zoom meetings
Charlie taking his frustration out on you + aftercare
Student/teacher cockwarming with Professor!Barber
Falling asleep after sex with Charlie
Soft breeding kink feels with Charlie
Misc Charlie hcs: nicknames, sex, aftercare, + more
Charlie sending you gorgeous NYC lingerie
d-d-d-d-DADDY KINK + more
NSFW Alphabet: Unfair - remote control vibe
NSFW Alphabet: Cum, Jack Off, Fave Position, Goofy, Stamina
Charlie teaching you your manners before a fancy date
Daddy!Charlie on erotic piercings
Threesomes with Charlie: Adam, Dan, + Toby
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PHILLIP ALTMAN - This Is Where I Leave You (2014)
- FICS -
A Great American Pastime - coming soon!
Edging bratty sub!Phillip
Phillip messing with you during Passover Seder
Sudsy shower sex with Altman
Altman fucking you in the pool during a family bbq
Making Philly cum in his pants at a house party
Phillip buying you a naughty present
Pegging bratty Phillip
Phillip degrading + facefucking you
Handcuffing Phillip and riding his face
Phillip + Sackler on the BDSM test
NSFW Alphabet: Goofy, Motivation, Unfair, Volume
Spending Hanukkah with Phillip
Sending/receiving nude pics with Phillip
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DAN JONES (au context) - The Report (2019)
- FICS -
MEET THE BOYS: Dan Jones - (550 words)
an intro to Dan in the jynzandtonic universe, in which he is still a Senate staffer and the lead investigator for the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence; this is not RPF
Business or Pleasure - AO3 - (1.7k words + ?) - WIP!
{part 1} - {part 2}
Long Day - AO3 - (2.7k words)
DOM!Dan Jones!
Consumed by his work for the Senate Intelligence Committee, Dan comes home to you tense and exhausted, desperate for an outlet for his stress. Lucky for him, his little dove always knows just what he needs.
Professor!Dan Jones AU - coming soon!
Sensual phone sex with Dan
Subby!Dan with assistant!reader
Riding the fuck out of Dan in his office chair (drabble)
Disciplining Dan when he’s misbehaved
Semi-public sex with riled-up Daniel
Dan begging you to swallow his cum*
Surprising Dan with head when he comes home from work
Dan + Sackler soothing your anxiety
Dan + Ronnie on Daddy kink
Dan with a shy!reader
Aftercare with Dan
NSFW Alphabet: Cum, Jack Off, + Toys
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TOBY GRISONI (GRUMMET) - The Man Who Killed Don Quixote (2016)
- FICS -
You Can, You Shall, You Must (multichapter) - coming soon!
Distracting Toby mid-film by being a brat 
Toby eating your pussy on the train + getting caught
Misc Toby HCs: fucking, protectiveness, aesthetics
Misc Toby HCs: thigh-riding, hair-braiding, polaroids
NSFW Alphabet: Kinks + WILDCARDS
Toby mustache HCs
RICK SMOLAN (au context) - Tracks (2013)
- FICS -
Meet Me in Moab (Vanlife!Rick AU) - coming soon!
Watching sub!Rick jerk himself off for you
Rick shooting outdoor lingerie photos
Fucking a very touch-starved Rick
Making Rick cum in his pants
Rick worshipping readers phat titties
Roadtripping with Rick
Rick tickling and teasing your pussy
PAUL SEVIER - Midnight Special (2015)
- FICS -
Sugar Daddy!Paul Sevier AU - coming soon!
Praise kink with sweet Sevvy
Catching feelings for Sugar Daddy!Sevier
Sugar Daddy!Sevier comforting you during hard times
Paul spanking you with his file folders
Giving Sevvy head so good he cries
Overstimulating sub!Sevier
Somnophilia with Sevier
Sevier comforting sad reader
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Dirty texts from all of the boys
How the boys feel about stretch marks
Cute lil’ domestic arguments with Clyde, Ronnie, Charlie, Dan, + Flip
The boys with pregnant!reader
The boys on hickies and love-bites
The boys on period sex
Loving on fat!reader
Sunday morning snuggles and ~shagging~
How the boys would ask you to move in with them
The boys with a nonbinary!reader (they/them)
How the boys would spend a snow-day with you
The boys on thicc thighs
Dominant/submissive x LNC chart for the boys
Charlie + Ronnie comforting sad reader
~Soft~ hcs for Flip, Dan, Sevier, Ronnie, + Phillip
TRUTH OR DARE with Sackler, Clyde, + Flip - part 1
TRUTH OR DARE with Sackler, Clyde, + Flip - part 2
TRUTH OR DARE with Charlie, Phillip, Ronnie, + Dan
Top three boys with a breeding kink
The boys on the BDSM test
Flip, Daddy!Charlie, Clyde, + Sackler on being called ‘himbos’
A lil’ bit of clit worship
Sweet + spicy hcs with Clyde + Sackler
Sweet + spicy hcs with Flip + Ronnie
What kind of porn the boys watch/read
Falling asleep and waking up with you
What to do to get the boys weak for you
Must-have songs on their “bedroom playlists”
How kinky do the boys get + fave positions
How the boys rate in the exhibitionist category
The boys taking care of you when you’re sick
NSFW Alphabet: Aftercare with Sackler + Charlie
NSFW Alphabet: Experience
NSFW Alphabet: Dirty Secret
NSFW Alphabet: Location
NSFW Alphabet: No
The boys with a transman (transmasc!reader)
What the boys sound like before they cum
On finding out you’re bisexual
What the boys are like when they’re drunk: Toby, Dan, + Rick
What the boys are like when they’re drunk: Charlie, Clyde, Flip, + Ronnie
How the boys give hugs
What the boys prefer to fuck
Reverse cowgirling Charlie, Dan, Sackler, + Clyde
What alcohol the boys like to drink
A few New Year’s Resolutions
How the boys feel about verbal debasement/degradation kink
Size kink with Flip, Ronnie, + Clyde
Favorite rewards for The Subby Boys (TM)
Romantic nights with Flip, Charlie, + Clyde
Reactions to participating in skin-care pamering night
On dating a reader who does camming
The Babie-Daddy-Gremlin Triangle
The boys helping you when you’re overwhelmed with work
Would be most likely to roleplay Mulder/Scully with you
Is most likely to cum on you vs. cum in you
Likes to be called “Sir” (for scientific purposes)
Has the biggest dick - part 1 
Has the biggest dick - part 2 (NSFW Alphabet)
Has the best cock
Prefer showers or baths
Is the dirtiest and softest
Give the best back scratches when tucking you in
Wear speedos vs. trunks
Want to bring snacks to sexytime (food kink)
Is an ass man vs. a boobs man
Would be into having a threesome, and what kind
Would want to have children*
Is the best at eating you out
Has the heaviest balls feat. @clydesducktape​
Love facials the most
Is most likely to eat ass
Do I ship with each other + threesome ideas : paul x rick threesome, flip x phillip
Like to dole out orgasm denial/edging
Is the cuddliest
Is most likely to fuck the bratty attitude out of you
Has an edging kink
- FICS -
The Dungeon Master - AO3 - (1.7k words + 1.9k)
{part 1} - {part 2}
Matt plays D&D on Thursday nights, and you decide to interrupt him for a good dicking. You get more than you bargained for.
HCs: Matt the Radar Tech, Cameron the Actor, + Mr. Ketchup
HCs: very NSFW chaotic-dom!Matt the Radar Tech things
Matt the Radar Technician’s pet chinchilla, Greg by @rollerdiscodiva​
How you got together with Matt + misc HCs
A few Matt x chubby!reader HCs
Feral Matt the Radar Tech being... sweet??
What Matt’s cock is like
Feral Matt being a little sweet after sex
Crumbs on soft!Matt
Surprising Matt with some DnD cosplay sex
Matt + first-time somnophilia
Matt congratulating you for acing a test the way he knows best
Trying to give Matt a slow, sweet blowjob
Keeping grumpy Matty up late with some deepthroating
Sweet Matt buying you succulents
Wearing Christmas Lingerie while Daddy McTavish tries to work on Zoom
Your first Christmas with Mr. McTavish and Mr. Pennyham (Sleepover Dad)
Kylo’s guilty pleasures
Kylo fucking his hand in the refresher
How Kylo/Ben shows everyone you belong to him
Sub!Kylo begging you to let him cum
Tending to each other’s wounds after defeating Snoke’s guard
Dom!Kylo fucking your throat
Kylo/Ben and possessive behavior
Kylo and pregnant reader snaccs
Rough, post-battle sex with Kylo
Tending to Smuggler!Ben’s wounds (Mando!Reader)
Sucking Kylo’s cock in the refresher
Cockwarming in the throne room
Kylo watching you kick ass in training
Sparring with Kylo till he fucks you senseless
Daddy!Kylo Ren overstimming and spanking your pussy
Kylo/Ben taking care of you after a hard mh day
A full month of kinky prompts with all your favorite boys!
Love Letters from The Boys
KINKS/TROPES - (will be expanded)
-additionally, all of these are tags that can be blocked 🖤-
daddy kink
virginity kink / innocence kink
pregnancy kink
breeding kink
size kink
body positivity
light verbal degradation / degradation kink
light bondage / bondage
light exhibitionism / exhibitionism / voyeurism
semi-public sex
1K notes · View notes
stovetuna · 3 years
Oh! Oh! Your Tony-finally-accepts-Steve-Loves-him fic was so lovely. A+ 🥺
And the reverse-ish! The first time Steve realizes Tony doesn’t actually believe him when he says I love you and how Steve both reacts and comes to term with the situation (does he plan on talking about it? Love offensive with super romantic dates? Figure out that the solution to this problem a marathon not a sprint?)
aaaaaahhh I am gonna EXPIRE
can you imagine?? the moment I think about it my heart absolutely BREAKS in the best, most bittersweet way, because oh, Steve. you really thought the moment you kissed Tony the first time—you were sitting next to him on the living room sofa, a whole empty seat on either side of you because you were so unnecessarily close together, but then you were struck by the thought not close enough, and you were in the middle of listening to and watching Tony watch the Lost in Space reboot (so many science critiques you didn't understand a lick of but you are more than happy to play audience to the things Tony cares about, loudly) when you leaned forward and placed a lingering kiss on the corner of Tony's motormouth, which apparently was all the invitation Tony needed to crawl into your lap and press his warm, warm, warm lips to yours and kiss the breath out of you—he understood.
because it was so easy to go from best friends to romantic partners, and you had years of friendship between you to hearken back to. Plenty of moments when you thought you'd made it clear to Tony that you loved him, that you cared about him, that you admired and respected and yes, deep down (not that deep, really) were very much attracted to him.
you thought.
so when you kiss the first time, you think he knows. when you go on your first real date and play footsie all night under the table and hold hands the whole walk home, you think he knows. when, a few days later, he slides inside you, deep and hard and wet, and butterfly-kisses the tears from your eyes and tells you how beautiful you are as he fucks you, wailing, into the mattress, you know, down to your soul, to the basest atoms of your existence, that Tony loves you as much as you love him.
but something isn't right, because even as weeks, months go by, and you move into Tony's suite and fall asleep wrapped around him almost every night (except those when he's in another country, and the bed is almost as cold as the ice, or when he's consumed by some project in the workshop and loses track of time), and you tell each other "I love you" out loud multiple times, and say it without words in a million other ways, you get the feeling that Tony. doesn't. believe you?
you're baffled. genuinely, it doesn't make sense. you've loved each other for years. even when you fought, bloody and fierce and deeply, horrifically wrong, you loved each other. it wouldn't have hurt nearly as much—felt like a piece of you being ripped away, phantom pain aging you inwardly until every step in any direction that wasn't toward Tony was agony—if you didn't.
but even though Tony says it back, and he does, every time, even when you're yelling at each other after a battle goes "tits-up," thank you, Logan, he has this look in his eyes, and the only word you've been able to put to it is doubt.
at first you think it means Tony doubts you—your feelings, your intentions, yourself and all the baggage that entails—but that thought quickly passes. because you know he doesn't. you know, from experience, that Tony's worst thoughts and feelings very rarely have anything to do with anyone other than himself. which means Tony doubts himself. maybe even reality. not in a "you might be a Skrull" kind of way, but in a "this is too good to be true" kind of way.
and doesn't that just break your fucking heart.
for months you watch this doubt flicker like a guttering little flame in Tony's bright blue eyes, every time you say "I love you, Tony" with your voice. it's never there when you're brushing your teeth next to other in the morning, bumping hips and giggling like the children you never got to be; it's not there when you silently hand him his coffee and kiss him on the temple on his way out the door to a morning meeting, grousing on the phone even as he blows a kiss to you before the elevator doors close; it's not there when you sit down next to him after a battle, on the steps of some middle-of-nowhere courthouse that just got blown up by some no-name villain, taking unspeakable comfort in the radiating heat coming off the armor that kept Tony safe in combat, and without having to ask or say anything at all Tony takes the helmet off and you lean your foreheads together and just breathe each other's air, too relieved and too exhausted to kiss; it's not there when you make love to him, slowly, excruciatingly sweet, your hips rolling in a steady, undulating wave between Tony's long, golden thighs, his arms loose around your neck, his gorgeous voice gone raspy and quiet from screaming through two orgasms already, and you tell him to look at you as you come together one last time.
it's only when you say it. put words to it. make it real. that's when that banked ember of doubt flickers to life, and it feels like you have to start all over again. which isn't a hardship, per se. not at all, really. it's an honor and a privilege and an absolute pleasure to be a part of Tony's life like this. it's also frustrating, and infuriating, and dangerous, but that was always the case. the only difference is now, you can have make-up sex.
you fight about it first. it starts out in earnest, a forthright—if frighteningly vulnerable—conversation over dinner that turns into a shouting match to rival anything from the war that of course gets cut short by the Avengers alarm going off and having to Assemble before you can clear the air. he almost dies in the battle, short-circuited by an exceptionally advanced EMP that takes out the RT (and whoo, boy does that make you spiral, thinking back, to the moment you did that to Tony, almost killed him, and thinking those thoughts while you keep vigil at his bedside for days makes you wish harder than you ever have before in your life that you could drink yourself to death), and you're too relieved when he opens his eyes and the first word out of his mouth is your name, like he's the one who should be relieved, to bring it up again.
you love him. he loves you. it works. better than that, it's good. and eventually—quickly, even—you learn. you learn tell him in every which way you can think of, without words, how much you love him, and why. you text him pictures from your runs through Central Park (he makes the photo you sent him that spring, of the adolescent raccoon emerging from a hollowed-out tree, his lock screen for a week before he changes it back to a picture of you in bed drooling onto your pillow). you help him take off the armor when he's dead on his feet. you feed him. you train with him. you listen to him ramble on about bad movie science and cheer when Matt Damon mentions him in that Mars movie. (You literally cry laughing when Tony picks up the phone at the end of the movie and calls Matt Damon and tells him to text him next time, "I'll come pick you up, just stop getting lost in fucking space, asshole!")
you kiss his scarred fingers, with their fresh cuts and scrapes and bruises from working in the shop, with a reverence. you draw baths for him and don't join, even though it's one of your favorite things to do in the world, because you can just tell Tony is going through something and he needs the space to work it out for himself. you're always there to fish him out when the water gets cold, and by that time Tony's ready to tell you about whatever's eating him.
you call him every foul, dirty name in the book when you fuck him loudly against the wall and sob yourself hoarse when he makes love to you for what feels like hours, so slow and deep and steady you honestly lose track of how many times you come. you clean him up after and tuck him in. you kiss him on the forehead before you go on your morning run, every morning without fail (except for those when you're apart, and you still, even after almost two years, catch yourself mid-motion sometimes, about to kiss empty air—you text Tony about it and he laughs every time).
you learn to be patient. you learn to show more than you tell. because you realize that Tony was lied to his entire life, about so many things. Lied to his face about who he was, who he was going to be, who he never would be allowed to be. Told over and over again by liars and cheats and villains and friends and lovers and family that he wasn't worth the effort of loving. that he would never be loved for anything other than the black credit card in his wallet, the cars in his garage, the houses and the private jets and the clothes and the money and the things he invented—the things he made—that were supposed to help people but only ever ended up killing them.
money, and blood.
it's no wonder he doubts.
so you set yourself to the long and genuinely joyous (if at times frustrating) task of convincing Tony that not only do you love him, more than you've loved anything else in your life, ever will, but he is lovable. not worthy of love, not deserving, and he is those things, but inherently—he is a sweet, caring, kind, fierce, sexy, strong, dangerous, incredible, dorky, suave, fumbling genius of a man and he is loved for those things.
it takes time. good things always do.
you've had a little velvet box hidden away in your bottom bedside drawer for four months when Tony wakes up and sees you in bed with him, realizes you've been watching him sleep—so peacefully, the furrow between his brows erased, as you play with his slightly overgrown hair (you wish he'd keep it, but it's a hazard, in your line of work). you kiss him on the forehead and say good morning, sweetheart, because it is, even if it is pouring down rain outside.
maybe especially because it's raining outside. because here you are, high up among thick grey clouds that smother every inch of the city, so it's just you two, in this bed, together in your own little world, and you're watching that stubborn ember of doubt in Tony's eyes finally get washed away.
read part one
140 notes · View notes
bothcreativitybois · 3 years
This is a fic I wrote as a gift for @star-crossed-shipper I don’t usually write analogical stuff so I hope this pleases you all.  Wordcount: 5633 Ship: Analogical TWs: Swearing, panic attacks, sexual refrences, hyperfocusing, isolating.   Taglist (ask to be added): @crazydemigod666 @newtnotfound 
Everything was running like clockwork. Wake up at seven am, personal grooming until seven twenty, head downstairs to make coffee, give Patton his muffin and hot chocolate at seven thirty three, make two eggs and a slice of toast with Crofters at seven thirty five, Roman’s grand entrance at seven forty, eat breakfast at seven forty five. It was now seven fifty, he had another three minutes to finish his breakfast. Then two minutes to rinse his plate. Everything had it’s time, everything fit into his neat little schedule. “Good morning, Pierce The Virge.” Roman announced from the kitchen as he mixed his tea. Logan swerved in his stool. Nearly everything fit in his schedule. “To what do we owe the pleasure of your face before noon?” Virgil was never awake this early. Then again Virgil had no schedule. Everyone else had one, even if they didn’t realise, and Logan had mapped them to fit his own. But Virgil just… did things. Virgil grumbled something and stole the toast off of Logan’s plate. “Hey!” Logan protested. “Your brother’s being loud in my room.” Virgil answered Roman. Logan noticed Virgil wasn’t wearing his usual jacket. Maybe Virgil was who he had heard in the laundry last night? Virgil took a bite of the toast. Logan stood up with his plate and walked around the counter to the kitchen. “That would be because I vanquished him from Patton’s room.” Roman said. He and Virgil were blocking the sink. He needed to rinse his plate but they were talking in his way. It would be rude to interrupt their conversation. Logan put a hand on the small of Virgil’s back to try and communicate that he needed to get past. Virgil jumped at the sudden touch and looked back. He caught Logan’s eyes and his face flushed. Logan wasn’t usually the touchy type. “Excuse me.” Logan said. His voice was still tired and a little rough, it made Virgil’s heart skip a little and his mind raced. Logan noticed the edge of Virgil’s make-up began to sparkle. “Hey! Wheezer! You paying attention?” Roman said, snapping Virgil back to reality. Roman pulled Virgil out of the way so Logan could get past. “Thank you, Roman.” Logan said. His head felt weird, it was lighter. Almost dizzy. Was he dehydrated? Virgil dropped his stolen toast and ran from the room. “Virgil?” Patton tried as Virgil ran. He didn’t stop. Logan ignored what happened and rinsed his plate like he intended. Roman and Patton looked at him in disbelief. “That wasn’t very nice, Logan.” Patton said. Logan put down the plate and checked his watch. “I don’t believe I did anything rude.” Logan replied. “They were talking and I needed to get past so I used a non-verbal gesture so as to not interrupt.” Roman rolled his eyes, Patton sighed. “Yes but people may not like you touching them without warning. Especially Virgil since he has a crush-” Roman jumped across the counter and put a hand over Patton’s mouth. “Crushing amount of social anxiety!” Roman finished. Patton looked at Roman and nodded furiously. That was unusual. “Yes well I thought it would be more rude to interrupt the conversation to tell him he was in the way. I believe I did what was most socially acceptable.” Logan said. “Besides his make-up sparkled which usually only happens when he is excited so it couldn’t have been too intrusive.” Roman and Patton looked at eachother flatly. Logan was so smart yet so damn clueless. Patton gently removed Roman’s hand from his face. “Still it may be best to apologise.” Patton suggested. “You know, for good measure?” Logan gazed up at the stairs, there was a tingling sensation in his stomach. He was sure he’d cooked the eggs thoroughly. Was this connected to the dizziness? He looked back down at his watch. The minute ticked over. “I cannot.” Logan said and began walking out of the kitchen. Roman and Patton began whispering to each other. “Why?” Roman asked as Logan began climbing the stairs. “I have a schedule to keep.”
After being startled Virgil had run back to his room out of habit. He slammed the door shut and sat against it, holding his head. He mumbled incoherently to himself. Unfortunately he’d forgotten the mustached menace in the room. “Really I’m giving you my best here but you’re scared when you leave the room?” Remus pouted. Virgil looked up in shock. Remus knew that look. “A panic attack? I really have been bested.” Virgil looked back down. “Not now, Remus.” He mumbled. Remus slinked over curiously. “Who was it?” Remus asked. Virgil tried to push him away weakly but couldn’t. “Was it my brother? No he’s way too weak.” “Go away!” Virgil curled up tighter. “It obviously wasn’t Daddy Patty.” Remus continued. “It could’ve been Janny but I doubt he’s out of the bath yet. Did you see Scales’ big ol’ trouser snake?” Remus lifted Virgil's head to get a reaction. “Get lost, Crap Face!” Virgil yelled as he pulled out of Remus’ grasp. That insult was weak even for Virgil. “Well then it must’ve been Dirty Nerdy.” Virgil’s head shot up, giving Remus his answer. “Ooh it was. Tell me what did he do? Did he tell you about the sun exploding? The chances of the earth being hit by an apocalyptic sized meteor?” Remus pressed. Virgil buried his head and tried to ignore him. Then Remus caught a glimpse of sparkle under Virgil’s eye. He smiled knowingly. “Or maybe he tried to kiss ya?”   “Stop!” Virgil’s voice echoed loudly. Remus knew he’d hit something with that. “So you wanna bone the teacher? I mean I guess I get it… if you’re into the nerdy emotionally cut off but goes off like a rocket in bed type.” Virgil began picturing it, he didn’t want to but he did. Why did Remus have to know just how to get to him? “No!” Virgil yelled. “Oh so I’m wrong? You don’t want him to kiss your neck? Or see his glasses fog up when you’re pinned to his wall?” Remus kept going. Virgil kept unwillingly picturing everything he said. “Go! Away!” Virgil struggled loudly. “Is it because you want to be in charge? You want to throw him on your bed. You want to pull him down by his tie so his face is between-” “Please stop!” Why was Virgil so embarrassed? “You want him on all fours begging for-” Out of everyone Remus was the least likely to judge him. “Fuck off!” It may be his chance to actually talk about it. “You want to bend him over your leg and-” Maybe it was best to let Remus win. “You’re right, Remus!” Virgil snapped finally. That was probably the first time anyone had ever said that. “I think Logan is hot! I want to kiss him! I want to cuddle! I even want to do… that too! I want Logan!” Remus smiled smugly. Virgil took a few deep breaths. “See? Was it really that hard to admit?” Remus teased. Virgil leaned his head back against the door. “Yes.” Virgil replied. “Logan doesn’t have feelings, or at least not the same way we do. And even if he did there’s no way he’d actually like me back. I’m… me.” Virgil felt hopeless. For pete's sake he was talking to Remus. “You aren’t completely unfuckable.” Remus said. It was actually kind of reassuring. “You definitely have the kinky ‘step on me goth boy’ appeal.” Well by Remus standards at least. Virgil smiled a little. “Thanks.” He replied genuinely. “Well I feel wanted here which means it’s my cue to leave.” Remus said standing. He opened the door, hitting Virgil. “Whatever.” Virgil stood and trodded over to his bed and flopped down. Remus looked back at Virgil. “Hey?” Remus said to get Virgil’s attention. He looked up slightly. “You think if Logan gets some he wouldn’t be such a stick up my ass anymore?”  Virgil threw a pillow at the door as Remus shut it.
Logan heard Remus in the hall as he worked. Maybe Remus would be able to help him with this. While he was messy and unproductive, this was a topic he’d sure like. Logan walked across the room and opened his door. “Remus.” Logan greeted leaning out the door. Remus turned quickly. “I haven’t even done anything yet. I’m just walking.” Remus replied. Logan rolled his eyes. “I believe your insight might be helpful to a problem I am trying to figure out.” Logan clarified. Remus groaned. “Do I have to?” Remus asked. “You don’t. But the problem is about illnesses and their symptoms so I figu-” Logan was nearly floored by the green blur rushing into his room. He looked in to see Remus sitting on his bed. Logan straightened his glasses and closed the door. “So who’s dying and how?” Remus asked. Logan took out a whiteboard and put it on a stand. He separated it into two sides. On the left he wrote ‘symptoms’ and the right ‘possible causes’. “Hopefully no one.” Logan began. “I believe I may have contracted something after our experiments last week in the imagination.” Logan wrote two symptoms on the board. Dizziness and unsettled stomach. Remus summoned a pair of thick fake glasses and slipped them on his face. He scratched his chin. “These seem pretty unexciting.” Remus said. “Anything else?” Logan took out a journal and flicked through the pages. He examined the logs from the days between when he and Remus experimented and now. “Yes.” Logan answered. Remus took the marker and got ready to write. “Five cases of tingling sensation in extremities. Each one seemingly isolated.” Remus added the list on the whiteboard. “Which parts?” Remus asked. Logan looked down then back up. “Be honest.” “Fingers, hands and toes.” Logan answered. Remus wrote one extra place. “Remus!” “If you won’t be honest I will!” Remus defended. Logan leaned over and wiped the crude word off. “I’ve also experienced temperature fluctuation.” Logan added. Remus wrote it and stepped back. “So far not really adding together.” Remus said. Logan looked over too. “Yes, I can’t see any connections either.” Logan commented then looked down again. “Well, are you sure that’s everything?” Remus tried to snatch away the book but Logan dodged. “I mean there’s some tachycardia I’ve been tracking but that’s been going on for longer than the figurative window. Same with some regular shortness of breath.” Logan added. Remus wrote that in the possible causes section. “That would only explain the dizziness and tingling. Maybe the fevers but that’s a long shot.” Remus nawed the marker, getting ink on his teeth. “But if you’ve been having those for longer than our experiment then it may be an underlying condition that’s only just rearing up.” Logan was actually impressed. He’d put the tachycardia and weak lungs down to stress and being generally unfit. “You… may have a point.” Logan admitted. “Maybe there’s something you missed further back? How long has this been going on?” Remus was suddenly serious. Logan thought that was impossible. He flipped through his logs. “The first time for the heart palpitations was a few months ago, I remember because it was the day when I got this new tie.” Logan explained. “What was happening when you got them?” Remus asked, tapping on the board slightly. “I don’t see how this is relevant?” Logan dodged the question. “Just indulge me.” Remus said. Logan sighed. “Uhm… it was while we were in a meeting with Thomas. Virgil had just shown us his new jacket.” Logan said. Remus lit up. He took off the glasses he was wearing and chewed on the arm. “And the shortness of breath?” Remus pressed. “Every morning before I walk down the stairs.” Logan informed. “And whose room is right there?” Remus quizzed.  Logan began to catch on too. “Virgil’s room.” They’d found the common factor. “The tingling?” Remus pressed. “When I’ve been handing or taking things from Virgil!” Logan was getting excited. So was Remus. They’d figured it out. Remus threw his glasses across the room. “You know what this means?!” Remus asked. “Yes!” Logan answered. “I’m allergic to whatever Virgil’s hooded jacket is made of.” “Yes! Wait no…” Remus dissaggreed. Clearly they’d come to very different conclusions. “There’s only one way to find out.” Logan said before sinking out. Remus stood there for a second. “Oh this is gonna be a disaster…” Remus laughed.
Logan rose back up in the laundry room. Virgil wasn’t wearing his jacket earlier and Logan had heard someone in there last night. Given that it was past the time everyone else went to sleep, and Remus is allergic to soap and therefore hates that room, there was only one person it could’ve been. Logan looked at his watch. He had time, Patton doesn’t do laundry for another fifteen minutes. He opened the dryer, thankfully Virgil hadn’t taken his stuff yet. He pulled out the mass of black clothes and threw them around looking for the jacket. He found it and pulled it out. “Ah ha!” Logan said to himself. He held the jacket at arms length, carefully. If his hypothesis was true then this was the cause of his problems. He looked at the jacket, hoping it would cause something to happen. Nothing did. He slowly pulled the jacket closer. “Come on…” he waited but still nothing. Surely this had to be close enough. He wasn’t getting much closer than this to Virgil. There was a catch in his throat with that thought. His eyes went wide. It was working. Logan brought the jacket to his face. This would surely get a result. He sniffed the jacket deeply. “What the hell?” A voice came from behind Logan. He pulled the jacket away and turned around, Virgil was in the doorway. Why couldn’t Virgil just run on a schedule? Logan’s face flushed and his breath stopped. He felt his head get dizzy. “It worked!” Logan announced. He shook the jacket. Virgil wasn’t sure what he’d just walked into. His clothes were all over the floor and Logan was excited about sniffing his hoodie? “What…?” Virgil managed. Logan shook the clothes off his feet and rushed over to Virgil. He grabbed Virgil’s shoulders. Virgil blushed. “I’ve been feeling weird and I went over my symptoms with Remus and we figured out I am allergic to your jacket!” Logan explained. He noticed Virgil’s pale cheeks had gone red. “Wait a minute.” Logan leaned forward, inspecting Virgil’s face. If Virgil was also allergic then maybe they all were. Maybe Thomas was. Virgil wasn’t sure what to do, Logan was so close. His whole chest was full of butterflies, some fluttering into his throat. Instincts took over, but this time it wasn’t flight. Virgil quickly leaned forward and pressed a kiss on Logan’s lips. Just a quick peck, but it was enough to make them both leap back. Like they’d been shocked by electricity. Logan dropped the jacket. Neither moved. Neither spoke. Virgil’s mind was running with anxiety and doubts, Logan was going over the symptoms again. He was feeling them all at once. It wasn’t the jacket. Suddenly a figurative lightbulb lit up. Fast heartbeat, raised temperature, short breath, lightheadedness, tingling, these were things Roman’s songs were about. This was… attraction. Virgil couldn’t believe he’d just done that, he didn’t even ask first. He was embarrassed. He was a terrible person. He’d pushed his feelings on to Logan selfishly. Virgil took off down the hall, covering his face. Logan was frozen for a moment then went after him. “Whoa watch it, Kiddo!” Patton shouted as Virgil pushed past him. Patton with his laundry, like clockwork. Patton looked forward to see Logan also barreling toward him. “Wha slow down!” Logan skidded to a stop in front of Patton. “Apologies.” Logan said breathlessly. Patton looked up at Logan then down the hall where Virgil had just run. “What happened?” Patton asked. Logan wasn’t sure how to answer. He wasn’t sure if he was allowed to answer. He knew nothing about attraction. Or romance. He was clueless and he hated it. He looked down and saw Patton’s cat onesie hanging out of the washing basket. It gave him an idea. “Research….” Logan mumbled before running off. Patton was more confused than before.
Logan’s room was dark, a sign of just how focused he was. It was almost like the rest of the room didn’t exist. The only light was the bright double monitors illuminating Logan’s face harshly. Three books laid open against the screens. “That lighting is not flattering, dear.” Roman said to announce his presence. Logan didn’t look away from the screens. Roman took a few steps closer, he could see a few empty mugs and countless papers cluttering Logan’s desk. Logan himself was hunched deeply over his desk, scribbling furiously into a book. Roman put a cautious hand on Logan’s shoulder. “Hey Logan, you doing okay?” Logan’s head snapped backwards, only just realising Roman was in the room. “Perfect perfect Roman you are perfect.” Logan muttered at a nearly incoherent speed. Logan’s eyes were wide and tired, it scared Roman. He pulled himself away from them to examine what was on the screens. “Is that Crazy Rich Asians and… Eat, Pray, Love?” Roman asked. The movies were going fast, playing at double the speed. “Yes.” Logan answered hurriedly. “Well that can’t be a melodic mix- Wait you hate romantic movies.” Roman was confused. Everything about this situation was out of character for Logan. “I came to tell you Patton made breakfast but I fear I stumbled upon something worrying.” “It’s morning?” Logan asked quickly. Roman nodded. Logan thought for a moment. “I should raise it to 2.5 speed…” Logan grabbed his mouse and began adjusting the movies. Roman backed up slightly. “I don’t have a clue what is happening so I’m just gonna leave you to-” Roman began but Logan stood hurriedly and grabbed his arm. “No no no you’re just the person I need!” Logan said, pulling Roman back over. He picked up his notebook and shoved it towards Roman. “I have been isolating the root of romance. I am looking through every romantic book and movie and recording any recurring themes.” Roman couldn’t read the notes, both from the darkness and how messy they were. He looked past Logan back at the screens. “Is that my copy of Boyfriend Material?” Roman pushed past Logan and took the book off the desk. “Yes. And your copy of Fifty Shades Of Grey.” Logan added. Roman blushed. “Uh no… I uh that’s Remus’ clearly.” Roman stammered. “What was this about isolation and themes?” Logan handed the notebook to Roman and wiped his whiteboard clean. He drew a three circle venn diagram. “I have isolated three elements to a successful romantic coupling.” Logan began. He wrote the first element, vulnerability. “Vulnerability. I’ve noticed most courting at some point or another has someone, usually the male, do something embarrassing or risky. I believe this is what you refer to as ‘grand romantic gestures’, correct?” Logan waited for a response. “Well… I guess?” Roman answered. “But what is the poin-'' Logan wasn’t listening. “Second, sacrifice.” Logan wrote the word down in another bubble. “The relationship does not start until one or more people give something up. Usually something that causes figurative friction between them and the other person.” Roman had an objection. “That is a rather cynical way to-” Logan still wasn’t listening. “And finally.” Logan wrote the final element. “Desire. Shared attraction is key to the relationship becoming romantic. If it’s one-sided then everything will fail and the attracted subject will be subject to embarrassment and sadness. If there is no desire then… I mean they just don’t become romantic partners.” Logan finished by writing one final word in the overlapping sections, Romance.  Roman looked over the diagram closely. “May I ask a question?” Roman finally had the chance to speak. Logan made a gesture for him to continue. “Why the sudden interest in how romance works past, and I quote, ‘an uncontrollable and unfortunate chemical reaction’?” Logan’s face flushed although Roman couldn’t tell in the darkness. “I uh… Well I just think… You see…” Logan couldn’t find a way to answer. Roman rolled his eyes, Logan struggled with emotions and abstracts. He tried to rephrase. “Are you planning on being romantic with someone?” Roman gave a simple yes or no. Logan nodded. Now they were getting somewhere. “Has anything happened between you and this guy yet?” Roman was trying to figure out what exactly was happening. “Be more specific.” Logan said. “Has anything that you would classify as romantic happened between you and this guy?” Roman tried again. Logan’s face burned as he recalled the kiss. This time it was enough for Roman to see. He smiled. “Yes…” Logan answered. “Okay well may I suggest one change to your approach?” Roman asked. Logan held out the marker for him. Roman stepped forward and began rubbing off the diagram with his sleeve. Logan panicked and pulled him away. “Whoa wait what was that?” Logan asked, shocked. “Logan, listen to me.” Roman said and grabbed Logan’s arms. “You’re doing this wrong, and I bet you know it.” Logan pushed Roman off. “I don’t know what you mean.” Logan said. Why would he do this if he didn’t think it’d work? Roman clapped his hands and Logan’s lights turned on. “Look around.” Roman demanded, taking Logan’s shoulders again. In the light it looked so much worse. He could see every crumpled note, every coffee stain, every hastily scribbled note, every smudge on his glasses. “Does this look efficient or healthy?” Logan looked across at a mirror. He had dark bags under his eyes and his hair was akin to a bird's nest. “No…” Logan admitted. “But why else would I do this?” Logan’s voice was weak. Roman sat him down on his bed. “You’re confused would be my guess. You’re not used to strong emotions like this so you’re trying to turn them into statistics and formulas.” Logan held his head in his hands. He didn’t like this. Roman looked down softly. “And maybe you’re holding yourself up in your room to avoid Virgil.” Logan reeled back. He didn’t remember telling Roman who he was having romantic feelings for. “How…” Logan tried. “Virgil is also hiding, which isn’t unusual for him but it doesn’t take a genius to put two and two together.” Roman explained, sitting next to the other man. Logan fell onto his back. Roman was right, he was confused. This wasn’t his area of expertise, hell that was probably an understatement. “Roman… please help me.” Logan finally asked quietly. “You are the expert. In everything I’ve researched it’s shown as a natural instinct or a happy daze but… I’m not used to emotions I can’t control. It’s overwhelming. I can’t do anything about it.” Roman brought his legs up on the bed to face Logan. “Tell me exactly what happened.” Roman said. Logan covered his face and sighed. He wasn’t quite sure how to explain it. “I was looking at his face for symptoms of allergies and he kissed me then ran away.” Logan summarised. Roman ignored the first part about allergies, he wasn’t even going to ask. “Heh, I’m surprised he had the guts to make the move. I owe Patton five bucks.” Roman joked. Logan shot a hard glare. “Did you talk to Virgil about it?” Logan sat up with a huff. “No, we haven’t talked since that happened.” Logan clarified. Roman put a hand over his heart dramatically. “Honestly, what did I expect from you two?” Roman sighed. “Can you be serious please?” Logan begged. Roman put up his hands in surrender. “Listen, the solution is simple. Virgil kissed you because he has romantic feelings for you. And you have romantic feelings for him, correct?” Roman already knew the answer but waited for Logan to nod to continue. “So go tell him. Talk to him and be honest about how you feel and what you want.” Roman advised. He really had to explain the basics, huh? Logan looked over confused. “I don’t need flowers or like… fairy lights on a boat in front of the statue of liberty?” Logan asked genuinely. Roman laughed. “Romance isn’t as complicated as you’ve made yourself think it is. As long as you’re open and honest with him you’ll do fine.” Roman looked over Logan once more. “A nap and shower wouldn’t hurt your chances either…”  Roman stood up and collected the mugs from Logan’s desk. Logan began to lay down. “Thank you.” Logan said as Roman reached the door. Roman smiled back and flicked off the light. “For what it’s worth, I believe in you.” Roman said as he shut the door. Logan laid on his back, staring at the roof. His tired brain began planning the script for the coming conversation.
Virgil didn’t know just how long he’d been locked away, curled up in the heaviest fluffiest blanket he had. Loud music blasted through his headphones. His world was crumbling around him but he was paralyzed and couldn’t do anything to stop it. He knew that reasonably he could just walk down the hall and talk to Logan, but his fear had tied him to his bed. Every worst case scenario danced around his room for him to watch helplessly. He wasn’t sure what he was going to do. Maybe the Others would take him back? Maybe he could just disappear into the imagination? He could probably convince one of the twins to conjure him a nice replica of Sally's tower from Nightmare Before Christmas. A loud knock managed to just get through Virgil’s headphones. “Not now!” Virgil shouted weakly. He was too busy having a crisis to talk to anyone.Whoever it was knocked again. Virgil took off his headphones. “Go away!” He shouted with a bit more strength. “Virgil, it’s Logan.” The knocker announced. Virgil nearly fell off the bed, his chest which had felt hollow seconds before exploded with activity. He couldn’t speak. “We should talk.” Logan said after a minute. Possibilities rushed around quick enough to crack Virgil’s skull. He stood slowly and took a small step towards the door, still silent. “Virgil please, we should both have a chance to be honest about our feelings.” Logan’s stoic voice cracked. Virgil walked up to the door. He knew Logan was persistent, he wouldn’t give up. Virgil rested his head against the door. “I’m scared…” Virgil couldn’t manage any more than that. The doorknob turned and Virgil took a step back. Logan didn’t enter the room, just standing in the doorway. “I think I’m scared too…” Logan said weakly. Virgil looked across the room at his clock. “It’s four pm, shouldn’t you be reading?” Virgil said to try and lighten the mood, it worked as Logan laughed slightly. “Well I never really could fit you into my schedule...” Logan joked. “May I please enter?” Virgil took a step away, signalling for Logan to come in. Stepping across the threshold made it feel real, Logan realised just what he was about to do. Virgil shut the door and stood there awkwardly. Logan turned to face him. “I’m guessing this is about… y’know…” Virgil tried to avoid the word. Logan nodded. “You kissed me…” Logan finished. Virgil bristled at the bluntness. Neither knew what to do, they just stood there. “I’m sorry.” Virgil apologised. He wasn’t sure if it was for the kiss, or the awkwardness. Logan looked over at Virgil’s bed. “Perhaps it would be better if we made ourselves comfortable?” Logan said. Virgil nodded. They both awkwardly walked over, sitting down on opposite sides of the bed. They both stared at the wall across from them, scared to look at the other. Neither could speak. What were they meant to say? Thoughts and fears wrapped around Virgil’s brain, squeezing his brain to say something but nothing came out. Logan looked at Virgil and saw how scared he looked. He had to say something. “Do you think I’m attractive?” Logan asked quickly. Virgil’s head snapped to Logan, his face glowing red. How was he meant to answer that? Why was Logan so calm? Did Logan hate him? Logan hated him. He had ruined everything. He was a terrible person. Logan noticed Virgil’s breaths quicken, his eyes faded in and out of focus. Virgil rocked back and forth slightly, his thoughts couldn’t stop. Logan moved closer as Virgil began pulling at his bangs. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” Virgil repeated weakly. Logan put a hand on Virgil’s shoulder, Virgil didn’t even notice the touch. “It’s okay.” Logan tried to reassure. “Focus on breathing.” Virgil couldn’t hear Logan, his thoughts were too loud. They were blocking out everything, he couldn’t escape. They curled around his throat and blocked out the air. They blocked his eyes in the form of hot stinging tears. They blocked his ears so he could only hear the darkness of his own mind. “I ruined everything. I’m sorry. Fuck.” Virgil kept muttering weakly. Logan got closer again. He pulled Virgil’s hand away from his head so he wasn’t pulling his hair. He put the hand against his chest. “Virgil, you didn’t ruin anything.” Logan tried to reason with Virgil but could barely scratch at his swirling thoughts. “Please try and breathe with me.” He just needed to get through. Virgil began scratching at his collarbone with the hand Logan wasn’t holding. Logan knelt in front of Virgil and grabbed his other hand, trying to stop any damage. “No no please no.” Virgil kept muttering through heavy breaths. Logan tried to get close enough for Virgil to see but not hit his head. “Virgil you can breathe, just breathe please.” Logan begged. Virgil shook his head. He couldn’t. He couldn’t do anything. He couldn’t. Virgil began shaking his head more violently. Logan’s hands were already taken up. He let go of Virgil’s hands and opted to pull him down into a full embrace, pressing Virgil’s head against his shoulder with one hand and rubbing his back gently with the other. Virgil's arms stuck out weirdly for a moment before grabbing Logan’s shirt. He pulled at the fabric desperately. Not to try and escape but just to get hold of something. Virgil felt the gentle strokes on his back, the only thing that broke through the darkness. He tried to breathe with them. He had to. Logan noticed Virgil’s breaths become a little deeper, he realised he’d somehow gotten through. “Virgil, you're doing great. Keep going, please.” Logan’s voice was a little panicked even though he tried to stay stoic. Virgil kept timing the breaths with the strokes on his back. Slowly they became deeper, then less shaky. Slowly the darkness gave way to a light dizzy feeling from the lack of air. He stopped tugging at Logan’s shirt which was fully untucked at the back now. “I’m sorry…”  Virgil managed weakly, this time less of a worried mumble and more a real apology. “You have nothing to be sorry for.” Logan said. Virgil pulled away from Logan, their legs stil knotted together but leaning instead on the bed so he could see Logan. His breaths still laboured. Logan grabbed Virgil’s hand. “I want us to be honest, please. Can you do that?” Logan asked. Virgil nodded slightly. “I will.” Virgil agreed. “But please don’t be mad at me.” Logan pushed some damp hair off Virgil’s face and nodded. Virgil nodded back. Logan thought carefully on what to say. “Can you tell me why you kissed me?” Logan asked. He wanted to know. Virgil did too. He looked away. “I don’t know.” Virgil answered after a beat. “You were close and I got flustered because… I really like you…” Virgil had finally admitted it. Logan’s heart felt weird. “You can ask me something.” Logan said. They both had things they wanted to know, it would be more efficient to take turns. Virgil thought for a moment. “Are you mad at me?” Virgil asked. Logan laughed lightly, he squeezed Virgil’s hand. “Not at all.” Logan reassured. “Did you enjoy kissing me?” Virgil squirmed. “I felt bad for not asking, and I was scared you would hate me.” Virgil answered. “Did you enjoy it?” Logan thought for a moment. It was a very quick kiss, but thinking about it made him smile. “I think I did.” Logan said. “It made me realise I have romantic feelings for you.” Virgil smiled slightly before covering his face with his arm, his chin resting on his knee. Logan felt himself blush. “Can I kiss you again?” Virgil asked quietly. Logan laughed. “I think it was my turn for a question…” Logan joked. He moved Virgil’s arm out of the way and rested his chin on Virgil’s knee too. Their noses touching and their eyes looking deeply into each other's. “Can you kiss me again?” Virgil closed the gap and pressed another quick kiss against Logan’s lips. Another sweet and light peck. They both smiled, absolutely giddy. Virgil put a hand on the back of Logan’s neck, making small circles with his thumb. “Do you want to be my boyfriend?” Virgil asked. Logan answered by leaning into another kiss, deeper than the last two. More hurried and warm. They stayed there until they were breathless. “I think I can fit that in my schedule.” Logan breathed happily as they pulled away. “You know I’m not going to stick to it.” Virgil said as he grabbed Logan’s tie, pulling him into another kiss. The world melted away around them, minutes ticked by carelessly. Maybe he didn’t need to schedule everything.
52 notes · View notes
2021 JDSE Release Post: Monday August 30
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[ ❤ Works posted so far! ❤ ]
Second Monday is always better than First Monday!
Here are today’s yesterday's posted works:
Something There by Anonymous for elwon [Teen And Up Audiences, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, 7.1k words]
Tags: Dick Grayson/Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Alfred Pennyworth, Bruce Wayne, Female Dick Grayson, Prom, Slow Dancing, Getting Together, Kissing, Conspiracy, Complicated Relationships, Unreliable Narrator, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence,
Summary: “Would I like to do what?” Nightwing asked, unable to keep a sense of incredulity out of her voice.
Jason scowled. He was stomping repeatedly at the side of his own dirty sneaker, all the while studiously ignoring her wide-eyed stare. Eventually, he cleared his throat and mumbled, “go to the prom with me.”
A senior prom AU that nobody ever asked for, featuring: off-screen pinning, on-screen astonishment, references to Alice in Wonderland and Alfred positively involved in making all of this happen.
Shrouded Yearnings by Anonymous for Hedgebelle (Ahaanzel) [Mature, No Archive Warnings Apply, 24.6k words]
Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Fluff, Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Pack Dynamics, Pack Bonding, Explicit Language, Sexual Tension, Omega Dick Grayson, Dick Grayson is Nightwing, Hurt Dick Grayson, Dick Grayson Has Abandonment Issues, Dick Grayson Deserves Better, Dick Grayson Has Issues, Dick Grayson-centric, Alpha Jason Todd, Jason Todd is Robin, Hurt Jason Todd, Jason Todd Deserves Better, Protective Jason Todd, Jason Todd-centric, Alpha Koriand'r (DCU), Protective Koriand'r (DCU), Sigma Garfield Logan, Cute Garfield Logan, Alpha Kon-El | Conner Kent, Kon-El | Conner Kent is a Pup, Cute Kon-El | Conner Kent, Getting Together, Dysfunctional Family, Family Secrets
Summary: Richard could force himself to be content with remaining Jason’s packmate. After all, there was no way that they were compatible enough to stay together. Right?
Jason has some OPINIONS concerning Dick’s reluctance.
you are my silver lining by Anonymous for dreamrecurrentdreams [Teen And Up Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply, 5.6k words]
Tags: Dick Grayson/Jason Todd, Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Vacation, summer vacation gone wrong, or right?, who knows which it is, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Hijinks & Shenanigans, Marriage Proposal, Minor Original Character(s), Established Relationship
Summary: “You know,” Jason tells Dick much later—two flights, a car ride, and one rickety boat ride on ten-foot tall waves later. It’s 10 PM. They have just arrived at their hotel room. “You never did tell me why we flew commercial. B has to be good for something.”
Jason and Dick go on a vacation.
Through All The Years by Anonymous for Nerd_by_Definition [Teen And Up Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply, 1k words]
Tags: Jason Todd/Dick Grayson, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Domestic Fluff, Dancing, Singing, Kissing, Jason is Basque Spanish, Jason's native language is Euskara, Set in 1956
Summary: Kitchens aren’t just for cooking in. Sometimes you’ve got to dance a little too.
Hopeless Salvation by anonymous for element78 [FIC, T, Graphic Depictions of Violence, Dick Grayson & Jason Todd]
Tags: Dick Grayson & Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Original Characters, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Pokemon, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Implied/Referenced Torture, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Trainer Jason Todd, Jason Todd is Not Red Hood, Protective Jason Todd, BAMF Jason Todd, Jason Todd Feels, POV Jason Todd, Jason Todd-centric, Pokemon Dick Grayson, Dick Grayson is Nightwing, Protective Dick Grayson, BAMF Dick Grayson, Hurt Dick Grayson, Pokemon References, Pokemon Death, Talking Pokemon, Human/Pokemon Relationship(s)
Summary: Failure is part of life.
Doesn’t mean that it ever stops feeling awful.
CAN I BE CLOSE TO YOU by Anonymous for tacnes [Explicit, No Archive Warnings Apply, 11.2k words]
Tags: Dick Grayson/Jason Todd, Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Kate Kane (DCU), John Constantine, The Lakehouse - Freeform, Time Travel, Angst and Humor, Canon-Typical Violence, canon-typical fighting, Implied/Referenced Cheating, Unnegotiated Relationships, Is …(click for more tags)
Summary: Boy falls from sky - or, rather, trips and falls through your window at 4am wearing blue glitter eye shadow and a crop top.
Jason's morning is about to go sideways. Maybe for forever.
big dick energy by Anonymous for Squishychickies [Explicit, No Archive Warnings Apply, 2k words]
Tags: Dick Grayson/Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Trans Dick Grayson, FTM Dick Grayson, gender euphoria, Strap-Ons, strap-on blowjobs
Summary: The front door opens and closes with a loud bang.
“Hey Dickie! Guess what came in the mail!”
Dick blinks and sits up on the couch, looking away from the TV to see Jason, grinning and holding a cardboard box.
“Is that-” Dick leaps up, suddenly excited. “Is that what I think it is?”
Or; Dick gets a new dick as a present from his boyfriend, and he and Jason have a great time.
under the yellow moon by Anonymous for elwon [Not Rated, No Archive Warnings Apply, 0k words]
Tags: Dick Grayson/Jason Todd, Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Motorcycles, Midnight rendezvous, Fanart
Summary: I'm thinking we should ride, to a place that we don't know, to a place where no one's seen us before
I'm thinking, you and I, better just go with the flow, last thing that we should do is go slow
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tlhrfanfic · 4 years
[Late] Cutie
Title: Cutie Ship: Late (Nate/Procrastination&Logan) Warnings: Cuteness.  Words: 1,110 Request: So this was a Kiss AU list request that was requested by @romantichopelessly​ for a present for getting lots of stuff done with her Botwot AU: 21. Kiss on a dare.
Summary: Logan, a hopeless gay, falls into Roman’s trap and is given a dare that could change everything. 
Read on AO3
Logan sighed as he readjusted his glasses for what had to be the fifth time in the last ten minutes. He was lucky his friends’ attention was focused entirely on their game of Truth-or-Dare or they would definitely have noticed that something was up. 
 The thing was that Logan was only readjusting his glasses so much as a way to hide the fact that he was most definitely staring at someone. 
 That someone? 
 Well, Logan didn’t know… exactly. 
 He knew his name was Nate but had not found out a last name and he was pretty sure that the guy was a year older than him. Other than that? No clue. 
You know he’s really hot~
 Shut up.
 Why were feelings and attraction and hormones a thing again?
 Logan was saved a lecture about why those very things existed from himself when one of his friend’s saying his name caught his attention. 
 “Huh, yeah?”
 “Oh, we were just wondering… truth or dare?”
 If Logan’s attention had been fully on what Roman had said, he would have quickly caught on and glared at his friend for such a weak attempt at the subtle art of sabotage. 
 Unfortunately, for Logan, his attention was now split between Nate and Roman’s words and the split was definitely not even. 
 “Uh… dare.” 
 “Roman no! He’s obviously not fully paying attention because of that boy!”
 Roman smirked at their distracted friend. 
 “Oh, I’m aware.”
 Remus snickered beside him and Virgil looked as if he didn’t know whether he wanted to laugh or run away from whatever was about to happen. 
 Roman snapped his fingers in front of Logan’s face. Logan, blinking, looked around at the others. 
 “Oh, nothing… except that you just agreed to a dare.”
 “I… no.”
 “Oh, yes.” Roman’s laugh was quite maniacal. Logan was a little impressed. He sighed and mentally kicked himself for ever letting his guard down around his so-called friend. 
 “Logan doesn’t have to do it. He was distracted!” Patton said with a tone of finality to his voice. 
 “It’s okay, Patton,” Logan said with a sigh. He readjusted his glasses out of nerves and straightened his tie. “Very well, Roman. Though Patton is quite right and I was not fully aware of what I was getting myself into, and you know well I do not like these sorts of games, I did state that I would take a dare. Go ahead.”
 Roman hesitated for a moment. Logan hoped playing to Roman’s feelings of fairness would help him but a second later a smirk slipped onto the other’s face and he knew his gamble had failed.
 “I dare you to kiss that boy who you are so enchanted with!”
 “Roman! You can’t dare that!”
 “I can and I did!”
 “Roman, that’s not cool, dude,” Virgil said. 
 Logan glared at Roman and then glanced at the guy. He was as relaxed and calm as ever lounging in the grass. Even his annoyance with Roman wasn’t enough to keep him from smiling. 
 As he watched the other continue to lounge there as if he didn’t have a care in the world, an idea came to him. He didn’t know if it would even work but it was worth a shot.
 “I’ll do it.” 
 The arguing at the table stopped and everyone looked at him. 
 “Logan, you really don’t have to…”
 “I know, Patton. But it’s okay… really.”
 Roman raised his brows. “You’re actually gonna do it?”
 Remus chimed in right after. “Seriously?”
 Logan glanced at Janus, who was smirking at him. 
 “No comments from you?”
 Janus shrugged. “Nope. Not surprised. The Intelligent Cool Logan is just as thirsty as the rest of us. Shocker.” 
 Logan was feeling a little annoyed until the other winked and nodded toward where Nate still lounged, unaware of the conversation happening about him not too far away. 
 Glancing at his friends, Logan rubbed his hands on his pants and stood. He forced himself to start walking toward the older teen, making sure not to look back at his friends lest he get nervous and chicken out. 
 As soon as Logan reached him, the older teen opened his eyes. Logan assumed it was due to the fact he was standing in the sun the other had been basking in but, as Logan couldn’t read minds, there was no way to know for sure. 
 “Hey,” the teen said, flashing a smile at him. “What’s your name?”
 “Uh… oh, it’s uh, Logan.” 
 “UhLogan? Well, is it cool if I just call you Logan?”
 Logan beamed at him gratefully and cleared his throat. 
 “So, what can I help you with, Logan?”
 “Um… I was wondering if… I could..”
 When he had come up with the plan in his head, it had played out perfectly. The only problem was that he hadn’t actually stopped to think about what he was going to say or how to say it. 
 He sighed and closed his eyes, trying to think about how the others would do this. Patton would just hug the other and say outright how he felt. Virgil would not likely tell his crush ever without one of the others’ help. Roman would say it with flowers and finesse. Remus with dirty kisses and lingering touches. Janus with wordplay and turn of phrase. None of those were Logan though. 
 Nate was still looking at him with interest though with a hint of worry laced in. Logan finally clenched his fists and said the first thing that came to his mind. 
 “Uh, my friends and I were playing Truth-or-Dare over there and I was dared to kiss you.”
 Nate’s brows rose as a pleased grin slipped over his face. 
 “You were, huh?” Nate glanced over at the group and then back at Logan. Standing up, he smiled down at Logan who was a head shorter than him. Logan blushed as he held the other’s gaze. “Well, we can’t let you lose now, can we?”
 Logan, a little afraid to even move, shook his head slightly. “N-no,” he breathed, his eyes a little wide. 
 Nate grinned, reaching up to grip the other’s chin, tilting his head back gently.
 “You good, cutie?”
 Logan nodded. 
 Logan closed his eyes and a moment later he gasped at the feel of Nate’s lips pressing against his own. Logan nervously kissed back, pressing in closer to the older teen. When they pulled away, both needing air, Nate chuckled before he kissed Logan’s cheek. 
 “I’ll definitely be seeing you around, Logan.” He turned on his heels and headed for the building only to call back out. “Later, cutie.”
 Logan, beet red, returned to the table and his friends.
Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with Thomas Sanders or Joan, nor the rest of their group. I do not own or make money off of these characters. I only own the story as it is written.
Super uber thanks to my beta reader for this fic @sunshineandteddybears​ and the two that preread my stuff to make sure its up to par: @romantichopelessly & @sunshineandteddybears.
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drethanramslay · 4 years
Without You
Tumblr media
Pairing: Logan x MC (Lexi Cahill)
Word count: 2.5 K words
Warning: Just a little cursing, here and there and Angst
MC is actually not present in this fic, this is Logan's POV, four months after he had to leave LA
Author's note: I decided to take part in @rodappreciationweek so here is my submission :)) 
Thanks to @choicesarehard @brightpinkpeppercorn and @client-327 for hosting this 💙
Thanks to @mvalentine for pre-reading it❤️❤️
Title inspiration: Without You by Avicii (ft. Sandro Cavazza)
Song: Gone by Blake Rose
Forgive me if I make any mistakes.
The rays of the sun spilled through the crack in my curtains, making the white walls a yellow hue. My eyes were bleary and red rimmed. It had just been moments since I woke up and my hangover struck me like a train wreck, a familiar electric pain behind my eyes.
I shouldn't have drank so much.
I moved my head to only see an an empty bed side. Of course she left. Who would want to stick around after a one night stand?
The hazy memories of last night filtered through my head, making me wince. Another night, another rave, another tray of shots and another chick to bang.
You could call it saturday shenanigans but, this was different.
Everything was different since I left her.
All my days just seem to melt away into a haze of alcohol and drugs... Today, tomorrow, yesterday seems to fuse into this neverending torture, an ache which no matter how much I drink or how many girls I fuck, never fucking ceases to hurt. The only thing which can fix this gaping wound in my heart is Lexi.
But she is not here.
And never will be.
So this is how it has been for the past weeks. Me getting inebriated to new extremes just to numb the pain and to temporarily erase the loneliness before I become sober again.
Because when I'm in those intoxicated wastelands, I'm so out of it that I can almost hallucinate her dancing with me. I can almost smell her strawberry shampoo, tickling my nose. I can almost hear her tinkling laugh.
And in my alcohol induced sleep, I dream of her in my arms the both of us fitting together, like two jigsaw puzzles.
I despise being sober. Because when I am In my senses, the entire load of loss weighs down on me, crushing me and suffocating me. The 'could have been's' and the regret are all a heavy burden on my shoulders.
A small part of me is often wishing, praying and hoping that things could just go back to normal but, deep in my gut I know, that nothing is ever going to be the same again.
Nothing is ever going to be the same, now that she was gone...
How much time does it take to get over people?
It may be a day, a week, a month or a year. There is no definitive time span for getting over someone you loved, someone you cherished or someone who was close to your heart.
I think it depends on how much of an impact the said person had on you or how much of a void that person left in you.
I was the wild and carefree guy, with no strings attached and never saw myself being the one to fall in love because... Let's admit it, love is a vulnerability, a weakness which people don't hesitate to exploit.
But fast forward to four months later, I am in the same category as those emotional pussies crying over a breakup.
Being brought up in foster homes made me grow up quickly. Some houses were good and caring whilst some were harsh. And knowing that I am the most cursed person to walk the earth, I was always was stuck with the shitty households.
Don't believe me? I still have those scars from the fights and the beatings.
Growing up in such a hostile environment, taught me that there is no room for weakness or error and that love and feelings are just some fairy tale myth which is made by philosophical fools to give you a sense of hope.
But, hope is a dangerous thing, two side of the same coin. It can make you and break you.
I don't think I would have survived my childhood but... That's when I fell in love with cars.
It holds a special place in my heart.
The way my adrenaline spikes as the pointer on my speedometer achieves unattainable speeds, the way I feel the purr of my engine resound through my entire body and they way it's just me, my car and the open road... Nobody could ever compare to that sensation of freedom.
Well, that was before I met her.
Lexi Cahill.
I admit it started off as a way to recruit her as an informant, a tool to stay out of prison, another heart to break.
But little did I know that life would pull the fucking reverse uno card on me. But, I'm low-key glad it did.
It's been 4 months since that scum bag was thrown into the jail.
Four months since the crew went its separate ways.
Four months since I walked away from her.
I don't want to let you go...
Those words were on a repeat in his head, like a broken tape recorder and her teary eyes and broken expression is forever burnt into his brain. It was so hard to let her go. The one time I found a reason to stay, a reason to fight for, a reason to stop running, life just fucked it all up.
It was a tussle, a war between what my heart wanted and the logical side of me which just left me exhausted.
In conclusion, heartbreak sucks.
I reach for my phone and switch it on to check the time. But my eyes fall on our prom photo which I had made as my wallpaper. It's really stupid how head over heels I'm in love with her.
But it's the truth.
There is a saying that life gives you only one great love and that many people go for years without that.
I was one of the few lucky people to get that at 18.
But life is not sunflowers and unicorns shitting rainbows. It's rough, it's hard with its a mix of ups and downs. But it seems like mine is set to be on the all time low.
Staggering to the bathroom, I heavily leaned against the counter, my muscles flexing as I gripped the edge. My eyes lifted to see my reflection staring back at me.
I look like a hot mess.
This isn't you Logan... My inner conscience said, which eerily sounded like her.
God, I really must be losing it, huh?
Slowly and painfully I started my morning chores, my body on auto pilot. My mind kept on wandering to Lexi. She would be in Langston by now.
Would she be in that off shoulder sweater of hers, her feather tattoo peaking from underneath the sleeve? Would she be highlighting and colour coordinating her notes like she always did?
Would she have made new friends? Or dare I say a new boyfriend?
Logan stop hurting yourself. I said to myself as I visibly cringed at the thought of someone else having their arms around her.
The idea of someone else kissing her soft lips or someone else holding her hands or someone else running his hands along the curvature of her naked back made me equal parts angry and sad.
Angry for you know, obvious reasons but sad for the life I had to leave behind in LA.
God I hate this existential crisis shit... It's to early to question life.
I dragged myself in the direction of the kitchen, the smell of bacon waking me up. I was shirtless and wearing a pair of sweatpants because I was too fucking tired to wear anything else.
"Look who has decided to grace us with their presence."
"Shut up Carl, it's too early for your bullshit." Raven said as she slapped the top of his head.
I shot her a look of gratitude as I sank into my seat and reached for the plate of pancakes.
Carl and Raven were the closest thing to parents for me. Carl was a tough man with huge muscles, around six feet tall but, he was as goofy as a child. Raven was his girlfriend who was hella intimidating. The kohl lined eyes and the floral tattoo on the side of her shaven head made her look fierce. Both of them were in their early thirties and ran the Detroit Central crew.
We three were in a different crew when I was 15 and they really took a liking for me. They taught me everything I know and they are the family that I always came back too.
I dug into my breakfast, eating slowly and savouring the sweetness of the maple syrup.
"Thank god you are atleast eating now." Raven said as she ruffled my hair and turned towards the sink.
I shrugged and Carl picked up the newspaper to read, settling into his seat. Suddenly, the bell rang which had all of our backs becoming as stiff as a rod.
"Were you expecting someone, darlin'?" Raven asked, trying to peak through the windows.
"Don't get up, I'll do it." Carl said as he picked up the gun on the counter and pushed it into the back pocket of his cargo pants.
I was frozen, terrified. I had been very careful in escaping but me being the reckless fool and getting drunk seven ways to Sunday may have tipped them off.
I'm such a colossal dumbass.
I could hear Carl's gruff voice talking but I couldn't peek at the person on the other side of the door. I just sank further into my seat, hoping that it was some lost person and not the FBI.
"Boy this one's for you." He moved aside and the person I least expected to see walked in.
"You look like shit."
"Good morning to you too, asshole." I rolled my eyes.
Colt walked into the kitchen, wearing his trademark leather jackets and dark jeans. His combat boots made a thud sound with each step which made my headache worse.
"Will you be okay, Lo-lo?" Raven asked, her eyes flitting to the jerk standing in her kitchen.
Colt snorted at the nickname but luckily kept his mouth shut.
"Yep Ra. Meet Colt Kaneko. Colt meet Raven and Carl." I spoke at I stood up and put my dirty dishes in the sink.
"Oh you are Kaneko's boy, aren't you?"
"We heard about what went down in LA. Our condolences. He was a great man."
He gave a nod. It was a sore subject for me as well. That night in the alley, I wished I could take it back. I usually am not one to regret what I spew but whatever I said to Kaneko is another burden I'm gonna carry all my life.
"Also heard about your crew busted the Brotherhood? You were the mastermind behind it right?" Carl said as he crossed his arms.
"As much as I would love to take the credit, it was Lexi who came up with the plan." Colt said his eyes darted towards me, gauging my reaction.
"The newbie? Heard she drives like the wind-"
Hearing her name felt like an iron fist clenching my heart. That name will always be the source of my happiness, my cherished memories and my melancholy.
"Colt let's take this to the backyard, shall we?" Logan spoke up, interrupting them.
He walked to the back door and Colt followed him wordlessly. It a sunny day but a cool breeze blew which provided some kind of relief.
I reached to take out two beers from the cooler and handed him one. Colt raised an eyebrow.
"Beer... At ten in the morning?"
I shrugged as I popped the bottle cap off mine. "It's 5pm somewhere else."
"That's true too. Cheers." We clinked the necks of our bottles and took a sip as we sat down on the patio chairs.
I turned towards him. "So what brings you to Detroit?"
"To see your pretty face?" Colt said sarcastically as he rolled his eyes.
I snorted. "Always knew you had a thing for me, pretty boy."
"Always knew that you had an ego the size of Jupiter, dickhead. Some things just don't change."
I sighed. "Can't say the same for me through. Everything is different now."
Surprisingly, Colt didn't mock him. He stared down at the bottle in his hands. "Yeah... I can understand. How are you holding up?" He asked as he turned to face me.
I took a huge gulp of my beer before responding, my eyes staring at the mango tree in my neighbor's back yard.
"Not too good. It's been hard for the last couple of months. Kaneko's death, leaving LA and maintaining a low profile... It's been tough."
Life without Lexi is tough.
"Yeah I can understand. I still imagine pops opening the door to wake me up. And don't get me started on the FBI... bunch of bloodsuckers." He muttered the last part.
I snorted. "I'll drink to that."
"Good thing they are off our backs now." Colt spoke eyeing him from the corner of his eyes.
I scoffed. "Bitch please. They are anything but lazy. They are gonna continue hunting us down till the end of time."
"I meant that we are not the top priorities at the moment. Sure Mona was sent to jail but, a little birdie told me that they are after this 'world class' thief at the moment."
"That's a relief I guess."
"Do you know what this means?" He asked taking another sip of beer.
"It's too early for my brain to function. Come to the point, asshole."
"We are rebuilding the crew, dickhead."
My eyes widened. "No way."
"Yup." He said popping the 'p'. He downed the remainder of his beer before standing up. "I'm done repairing the garage. We have a job in two months and I need a crew for that. I already have Ximena on board and now I'm gonna go over to Toby's."
My mind was swimming. Mercy Park Crew was coming back for good.
I looked up at him, suddenly nervous. "What about Lexi?"
He rolled his eyes. "When I said I'm rebuilding the crew, I also meant recruiting Lexi, dumbass."
Oh god.
She is going to come back.
I was frozen in my place once again. I had often asked myself how I would react if I got the chance to meet her again. I always imagined that I would let out the loudest cheer and dance like a mad man.
But this is reality and my thundering heart was a reminder of that.
"Why are you sitting there with your mouth open like a fish? Go! Get your girl."
And that was it. I rushed to my room, put on some decent clothes and haphazardly stuffed my things into my satchel. Grabbing my keys and yelling a quick good bye to Raven and Carl, I was out and in my 2005 Devore GT.
Reving the engine I took off on the roads of Detroit, heading for the highway.
The window was open and the breeze threaded through my unruly hair, making me feel alive. My hands clutched the wheel and my foot pressed down on the accelerator, speeding through the empty streets.
For the first time, in a very long, the roads which felt like a never ending maze for me, were the very ones which were the path to my freedom.
The path to my happiness.
The path to my Lexi.
I hope you liked it 😊
Logan x mc: @kaavyaethanramsey @openheart @skylarklyon @shadowycreatorpaperopera @pixelberryownsme @magicalshepherdtreeprofessor @anotherbeingsworld​
Permanent Tag list: @trappedinfandoms @oofchoices @agent-breakdance @rookie-ramsey @dailydoseofchoices @colossalpainintheass @siaramsey @raleigheffingcarrera @theeccentricbibliophile @ac27dj @ramseysno1rookie @justanotherrookie @openheart12 @jamespotterthefirst​ @checkurwindow​ @chasingrobbie​ @junggoku​ @bellcat2010​ @choicesstan1​ @mvalentine​ @crazynutella​ @hatescapsicum​ @dr-ramseys-rookie​ @lilypills​ @decadentwinnerjudgedream​ @choicesficwriterscreations​ @nooruleman​ @anonymously-cool​ @sanvivrma​
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abused-sides · 4 years
Virgil Comes Home [Roommates AU]
Trigger warning: This au follows most of the sides in the aftermath of surviving abuse (domestic, parental, etc). In this particular fic it’s not stated explicitly, but it’s an instrumental part of the story and if that bothers you, then please not only scroll past this fic, but block my blog as well. 
More tws: All sides are sympathetic, mentions of living in homeless shelters, poverty, a lot of flinching (though no actual danger), food, descriptions of severe eczema, please let me know if i missed anything. If there are any other preventative measures I can take to keep people safe, also please let me know. 
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
Ships: Endgame romantic intruloceit, romantic prinxiety, queerplatonic royality 
Words: 1729 
Virgil’s hands trembled as the elevator climbed. 
He was still in a sort-of trance, ready to wake up back home with his boyfriend on his way and waiting for dinner. He wasn’t convinced he was moving into his new apartment today, wasn’t convinced he was starting a new life. 
He flinched, the elevator ding sharp. He adjusted his backpack and ducked his head as he tiptoed down the hallway. He reached the door, but before he could knock, the door behind him swung open. 
“So you’re the new one!”
Virgil whipped around and puffed his chest out, squaring his shoulders. 
“Remus,” a bored voice said, “leave him alone.”
Remus stared with a manic, unblinking grin. His face was covered in stubble and his dark hair fell in oily, tangled curls down his face. Dread settled deep in Virgil’s stomach. 
“Remus.” Another boy appeared at the door, a delicate, scab covered hand wrapping around Remus’s shoulder. The new boy’s face was red and blotchy, covered in angry scabs and dead skin. A glare twisted his face. “You’re going to be late for work. Want me to finish, or not?” 
Remus’s face melted into a pout. “You’re the one that insists I put it up in the first place!”
“That’s because you look like you never made it off the streets.” The boy flicked one of Remus’s curls, his mouth quirking into a barely-noticeable smile. 
The door behind Virgil swung open, and he leapt back so his eyeline could catch both threats. 
“Are you two seriously trying to scare him off?” A boy who looked strikingly similar to Remus, only more… Put together, glared at the neighbours. 
“Don’t lump me in with him,” the boy said flatly. 
Remus giggled and kissed the boy’s cheek. “You’re stuck with me, Jan-Jan!” 
“I’m sorry about them,” his new roommate huffed. “I’m Roman. Come on inside, I’ll help you get the rest of your stuff.” 
Virgil’s heart pounded. He couldn’t get himself out of fight mode, even as Jan pulled Remus back into their own apartment and slammed the door. “This- This is it,” he managed. “This is all of it.”
Roman poorly masked his surprise. “Oh! Okay, well, travelling light has its pros, too, I’m sure.” 
He gestured Virgil inside. The apartment was exactly how he remembered it; warm, a little cluttered, covered in frames of photos of the three of them, beautiful homemade artwork, to-do lists, and schedules. Patton, the one who interviewed Virgil, stood in the kitchenette over a sizzling pan of bacon. 
“Virgil!” He cried happily and bounded over. 
Virgil stiffened as Patton pulled him into a tight hug. He marginally relaxed when Patton pulled away. “You’re just in time, breakfast is ready!”
Shrieking sounded through the apartment— Everyone flinched, and Virgil covered his head as the smoke detector wailed. A boy in glasses came out of one of the closed doors, disabled the smoke detector without stopping, and headed for the front door. 
“Thanks, Logan!” Patton straightened up and grinned. “Breakfast is ready!”
“I’m okay, I’ll grab something on the way.” He stopped in front of Virgil. His face was guarded, unreadable. He stuck his hand out. “My name is Logan. Virgil, I presume?” Virgil managed a nod. “Welcome. I won’t be back until tonight, but Patton works from home, so he should be able to help you settle in.” 
“Mister, your schedule is self-imposed,” Patton said with a scowl. “You’re eating breakfast! I know you won’t actually grab something on the way. Do you think I’m stupid?”
The smallest of flinches tensed Logan’s shoulders. “Of course not.” 
Patton scraped the burnt bacon into the trash. “Ro, set the table for me, love? Logan, show Verge to his room and get cleaned up for breakfast.”
Logan pursed his lips and nodded. “Come with me.”
Virgil followed Logan into his room. It was bare, walls empty and carpet vacuumed. There was a mattress and a desk with no chair. 
“We wanted to get you started with more, coming from the shelter and all that, but we’ve been short on rent the last couple months so we could only spare so much.”
Virgil was shaking his head before Logan finished talking. “It’s everything I need. Thank- Thank you.”
Logan glanced at him from the side of his eyes. “No trouble at all, Virgil.” 
Logan left. Virgil shrugged his backpack off and set it on the mattress. It was covered in what was clearly spare blankets, and a dirty pillow without a case. It was both so much less and so much more than what he left behind. It was his. 
From his backpack, he pulled out two t-shirts, a pair of jeans, a sleep shirt, a teddy bear, a stress ball, and a bag of cash. This was all he owned. It was all he needed. 
“Virgil! Breakfast is getting cold!”
He shook off the panic crawling up his spine with the realization that he did nothing to help. He just got here— How was he meant to help? 
He steeled himself, forced up a scowl, and headed into the kitchen. He fought not to melt at the amazing smell coming from the stack of pancakes, warm bacon, and hot coffee from the table. 
“Coffee, Virgil?” Roman asked as he poured Logan some. 
“Uh, sure.” He refused to admit he’d never had any before. “Thank you.” 
“Milk and sugar’s by the bacon!” Patton handed out napkins and took his head. 
“I’m fine,” he mumbled. He wrapped his stiff fingers around the hot ceramic and pulled it close to his face. It smelled like hazelnut and vanilla. 
Don’t cry. 
Don’t let them see you cry. 
“So, Virgil,” Roman said after downing half of his coffee, “Patton’s been talking about you nonstop, but we still don’t know anything about you.”
Virgil hummed noncommittedly, not sure how to answer. All the eyes on him made him want to crawl out of his skin. 
“Don’t be invasive,” Logan mumbled. He cut his pancakes into perfect squares, piling up the round edges on his fork and dropping them onto Patton’s plate. Patton immediately soaked them in syrup. “He doesn’t have to talk about anything he doesn’t want to.” 
Roman pouted. “I know that! But, well, he can at least tell us what job he plans on getting.” He peeked at Virgil nervously. “Right?” 
Virgil’s heart was in his throat. Was he supposed to know that already? What jobs were even available in the city? 
“Roman.” Patton gave him a look. 
Roman huffed and continued eating. “Well, if you’re stuck, the theatre is always hiring for the crew. We can’t get anyone to stick around that long.” His eyes widened. “Not that it’s a bad job! We just don’t really have enough money to pay more than minimum wage, and there’re limited hours. You can volunteer more time if you want, but we wouldn’t be able to pay for it.” 
Patton dumped approximately half a cup of sugar into his mug and stirred it with a child’s spoon, a frog at the end of the handle. “How about this: Virgil, would you want to walk around the city with me later? I have a few orders to finish up and then I gotta drop them off, so I’ll be walking around for a few hours. We’re sure to pass tons of help wanted signs, and we’ll see if anything pops out at you. If nothing does, maybe you’d want to go to the theatre with Roman tomorrow and see if you like it better there.” 
Virgil nodded slowly. “Sure. Yeah, I can do that.”
They finished eating, Virgil silent while the others engaged freely. Roman was louder than Virgil appreciated, constantly making Virgil flinch or go into defence mode. Logan occasionally noticed and gave him a small nod, or an eye roll in Roman’s direction, and it almost made Virgil feel better. 
Logan hurried out the first chance he got, claiming that he was behind on schedule and he really needed to get to the library. Roman was out shortly after, declaring something about the play they’re doing that Virgil couldn’t understand as much as he tried. 
On autopilot, Virgil picked up all the dishes and balanced it all in his arms. Patton looked at him in surprise as he carried them to the sink. 
“Wow, that’s- That’s impressive!” He laughed. “But you don’t have to do that!” 
Virgil’s face heated up as his actions caught up with him. He scrambled for the upper hand, “Yeah, I drop in short on rent, don’t help cook, eat my share, and I don’t have a job to get to, but sure, I’ll go fuck off and you can do them.” 
Patton’s giggling surprised him. “Well, I won’t complain! Thanks, Verge! I’ll just get started on my orders.” 
He pulled out the flour, sugar, and other baking supplies while Virgil washed the dishes. When he finished drying and putting them away, he went to leave, when Patton stopped him. 
“Oh, Verge!” Patton smiled sheepishly, his fingers covered in sticky cookie dough. “Could you grab the chocolate chips for me before you go?” 
“Uh- Sure.” Virgil found the bag with Patton’s direction and poured them into the bowl until Patton said. “Anything else I can do for you?”
Patton looked at him in surprise. “Well, if you really don’t mind, I’m going to have to use the bowl and other stuff again right after I get the cookies in the oven. Would you mind washing those, too?”
He didn’t have anything better to do, and he wasn’t even paying the full rent. “Sure.” 
He got those washed up, too, and once again asked if Patton needed anything else. He ended up helping Patton through the rest of his orders, getting powdered sugar and flour and cinnamon all over his clothes and hair. He knew more about baking than Patton had expected— Much to Patton’s delight. 
“Okay,” Patton said once all the treats were packaged up in pastel boxes, “I’m going to go clean up, and then I’ll be ready.” He threw his arms around Virgil, who flinched, but found his arms wrapping back around him. Patton squeezed him and buried his face in Virgil’s sweaty neck. “Welcome home, Virgil.” 
And then he’d skipped back into his room, door shutting behind him. And Virgil was left alone with the butterflies in his stomach. 
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gerec · 5 years
Ao3 Dirtybad Recs  
For @irelise​ - the second half of my dirtybad rec list! You can find the corresponding kinkmeme dirtybad rec list here.
Also, some shameless self promotion -  here’s my own series of dirtybadpornz aptly titled The Dirty Bad :D
There are 36 Ao3 recs here with the bulk under the cut. Lots of different pairings; all PWP; all dirtybad (obviously mind the warnings/tags). If you have a fave not on this list it might be because I felt it was dirty but not BAD enough to be considered dirtybadpornz. There’s also the chance it wasn’t to my taste; this is a personal rec list after all, and I make no claims to liking the same things you might like lol! Anyway I hope you find something here to enjoy!!! 
His Favorite Sin by dreamlittleyo
AU future fic, three years down the line. Charles finds himself cornered in one of Magneto's secret research facilities. Azazel can't keep his hands to himself.
Outside Upside Inside Down by Rubynye 
While waiting for Erik to come rescue Charles, Shaw and his Hellfire Club disport themselves. Then Erik finally arrives.
Drag Me On Down, Gladly I'll Follow by TehChou
Charles enjoys a night on the town and wakes in the bed of the stranger he met last night. He insists that nothing happened between them, but that doesn't stay true for long.
Erik fails miserably at not being jealous and when he finds out who the 'stranger' was, things come to a head.
Keys and Cages by orphan_account
When Charles and Raven are taken captive by King Shaw, they're separated and married off -- Charles to Shaw and Raven to Erik. There's nothing but the worst to assume of the man known as the Black King and his stoic right-hand.
Beneath Me by Magnetism_bind
Charles is a young lord staying at his family's estate for the summer. Erik is his family's stable-hand.
Hospitality by fatal_drum
In another world, Charles was forced from his home only to find a place by Sebastian Shaw's side as his trusted telepath and plaything. When Erik inevitably comes seeking revenge, Shaw decides to give him a taste of the benefits of being an evil overlord - starting with Charles. 
To Be Anywhere Else by helens78
Charles wakes up drugged, with Erik's boss demanding tribute. He gets it, even though Charles doesn't want to give it to him.
Play with Me by PoppyX
Teacher!Erik enjoys looking at jailbait!student!Charles and said boy enjoys making Erik look(fav of all fav kinks omg). Cue some resolved sexual tension and desk sex. Also, Charles sends porny notes hidden under his papers.
but everything looks better when the sun goes down by Coshledak 
It's become some unwritten rule that, if they should argue, Charles retreating to bed for the night is as figuratively a closed door as it is literally. The argument is over, at least until morning, and that's it. Erik doesn't know, precisely, how it was that this rule popped up, but he's been dealing with it for months.
Something Primal by zimothy (orphan_account)
Charles struggled to get out of his seat, hurrying to stand when the reality of the situation hit him. Erik Lehnsherr was his Alpha. Erik Lehnsherr was here to claim him. Erik Lehnsherr was going to do it in the middle of the classroom full of his peers.
At Any Time by musical_emjay
Strangers on a train. Things go as you might expect.
Treasure by professor
Knight Erik thinks he's going to slay the dragon and take the beast's treasure. He's very, very wrong about that.
He Ate My Heart (You Little Monster) by citizenjess (givehimonemore)
Erik decides to teach Emma a lesson about earning her keep in the Brotherhood. Set after "First Class."
The document title for this one is 'oh god did I really'. Says it all. by tahariel
“Erik seems to have got such a lot from you, Mr Xavier, that I thought it would be a shame for the rest of us not to have a try and see what other wonders your ass has in store for us,” says Shaw, just his lower legs and spit-shined shoes visible from Charles’ flattened position among the papers and pens of the desktop.
Secrets And Meetings by orphan_account
Logan comes to visit, and Charles gives into temptation as he too often does these days.
Xavier Bitch by Anonymous
Charles is unfortunately used to Kurt prostituting him out, but this time the client's dog wants in on the action too.
Broken by gregorin_greymalkin, twisted_id
AU from X-Men. Rogue doesn’t get captured at the railway station. Wolverine and Cyclops do. Toad tongues Cyclops while a tied-up Wolverine watches. Sabretooth makes everything worse. Major League non-con.
A Matter of Trust by a1_kitkat
Because there's a severe lack of X-Men:First Class Gangbang fics
Cocktail Party by Not_You
Alpha!Emma and Omega!Charles
The City is At War by theydonotmove
A non-powered High School AU, in which Charles and Erik are as obsessed with each other as they are with getting other people into bed.
Masterpiece by professor
An artist sculpts his finest creation.
Missed Connections by thatoldbroad
On a subway ride, a random stranger catches Charles's attention and from there his obsession begins.
Deep Cover by Subtilior
Omegas in heat? The perfect whores. Sebastian Shaw? The bastard who kidnaps them for his Hellfire Club. Erik Lehnsherr? A hard-boiled detective who's been on the Hellfire case for months. The catastrophe that unfolds when he goes in on retrieval and finds Charles Xavier still writhing in a Hellfire bed? .... Deep Cover.
Times Are Gone For Honest Men by citizenjess (givehimonemore)
"He used to cry, but Shaw won't draw it out too much if Charles doesn't show too much emotion."
It's Not Sharing If You Throw It In The River by tahariel 
Erik brings home a stranger to fuck Charles while he watches and gives instructions.
Does It Feel Like This When by helens78
Erik keeps everything -- body, mind -- under wraps, leaving Charles no choice but to find other outlets for his desires. When those desires cut a little too close to home, though, everything comes out into the open.
Barefoot Muse by velvetcadence
Prompt: "Charles is deaged to a small-sized nerdy looking kid/teen. Erik is fascinated and can't keep his hands off the soft smooth skin of this Charles. Charles obliges, trusting Erik blindly because Raven had told him that Erik is a close friend of his older self.
Beatus Vir by velvetcadence
Erik’s descent to hell began with a whisper, a breathy, “Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned.”
Sham by OffTheRocks
As they settle in Westchester, Erik finds out something disturbing about Charles' history in that house.
Charles is a clever child who wants to be a grown-up. Harry simply offers to teach him.
sugar milk and molasses by pearl_o
The first time Charles gets fucked, it's with Raven's cock.
Who's Come a-Knockin'? by ShadyQuiet
Logan follows his nose to the degraded remains of a pack in Westchester. Or to the omega there, more specifically. He doesn't count on the odd-ball co-dependent pair he comes across, or the unkempt and uncared for omega named Charles. Every man's got standards, even a wandering one like Logan, and Charles needs a bit of work before he's fit for the claiming.
That isn't about to stop the alpha from taking what's his though, with or without the help of Hank-wannabe-alpha-McCoy.
Run, Lottie by a_q
Inspired by a prompt in the meme (but not strictly fulfilling it) of going into heat while surrounded by fighting alphas. Charles as always-female!Charles, aka Charlotte.
Leave Me To Lay But Touch Me Deep by Synekdokee
David pulls out a chair and sits down, facing Charles. He beckons with his hand, a gesture so subtle and efficient it seems calculated, measured.
Or programmed, whispers the voice in Charles's head, but it's too fleeting for Charles to grasp. So Charles obeys, goes to stand next to David, his body swaying lightly as he struggles to keep his eyes open.
"In my lap," instructs David, guiding Charles with his hands until Charles is straddling him.
Cannot Fill The Chasm by Rubynye
"One of the boys... riding Erik while Charles gives them telepathic cues on what to do."
XMFC/DOFP Porn Battle Entry (2015) by Kernezelda
Prompt: Erik/fem!Charles, Shaw/Erik, Shaw/fem!Charles, pregnancy, pregnant sex, dub-con, captivity, anal
Eternal by Unforgotten
After being changed into a vampire, Charles goes home to change Raven into one too - but not before having a little fun with her, first.
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holylulusworld · 5 years
X vs A
Request:  Could you perhaps do a fic where you’re part of the Avengers and you have to work with the x men. Logan catches your attention and you catch his. You both flirt and it’s sort of a love-hate thing. End smutty if you do that?
Pairing: Logan x Reader, Steve Rogers, Tony Stark, Jean Grey, Professor X, Scott Summers
Warnings: angst, language, love-hate relationship, arguments, violence, smut, unprotected sex, semi-public sex
X vs. A Masterlist
“This is important Y/N, I trust you and Steve the most so you will do this meeting. Professor Xavier along with Jean Grey will wait for you at his office. They need your help with this mission.” Tony explains.
“Why Steve and me?”
“They got more power related fighter. I mean telekinesis, controlling the weather or minds. But they barely have someone with real physical strength. They got Beast and a guy name Wolverine according to Charles information but Hank, that’s Beast’s real name, is on his own mission so you will help them out.”
“Is this a babysitting job again? I mean shall I protect a damsel in distress once again?” You chuckle.
“No, of course not. But the enemies we are dealing with are powerful and more into attacking physically than using special powers.”
“My enhanced strength is a special power too, just like my teleporting.” You tease.
“I know, Y/N. Just do it for me, Charles counts on us. He helped me years ago, rather saved my ass. I want to return his favor.”
“Okay, Tony. I’ll do it.”
“I can’t come with you, Y/N. Bucky needs my help in Washington.” Steve says and you roll your eyes.
“Seriously? Is this a test again? I can talk to people and work with them, Tony.”
“You can work with us, Y/N. This is a difference. With others, you behave like a bull in a china shop.” Steve says and you punch your fist into his shoulder.
“Ouch! You know you can hurt me.”
“Tell me where and when.” You mutter.
“Ah, you must be Y/N. I’m Charles Xavier and this is Jean Grey. We will meet the others later.”
“Tony said you need my help on a mission?”
“Straight to the point…huh?” Scott says entering the room along with Logan.
Glancing at you the tall mutant sniffs to inhale your scent deeply. Almost purring he watches you with darkened eyes.
“Great timing Scott, Logan this is Y/N. She’s an Avenger and here to help us with our mission to infiltrate Stryker’s base.” Professor Xavier explains.
“Welcome to our school for gifted youngsters,” Scott says smiling and you take his offered hand to shake it politely. “I’m Scott and the grumpy looking guy is Wolverine or Logan, depends on his mood.”
“His mood?” You ask curiously looking at the tall mutant. A grin on his face he slides his claws out and your eyes widen.
“Interesting. Adamantium?” You ask and Logan nods.
“How shall a little girl like her help us, Professor?” Logan asks and you glare at him. You want to take a deep breath and calm your rage down; Tony and Steve are counting on you, but then Logan opens his mouth once again. “She should rather play with her dolls.” He adds and you cross the room in a split second by using your teleporting powers.
Pinning the tall mutant against the wall with your enhanced strength you glare up at him. “Did your mommy never tell you to not underestimate a little girl, punk?” You ask and Scott starts laughing.
“Whoa, Y/N. I never saw Logan speechless or pinned to a wall.”
“You’re welcome, Scott. I’m here to help after all. Maybe I should start by teaching Wolvie some manners.” You chuckle letting go of an angry looking Wolverine.
“This means war, little girl,” Logan says through gritted teeth.
“Bring it, punk.” You retort and Jean smiles at the scene. She can sense Logan’s arousal, just like yours.
“I better show Y/N her room,” Jean says to break the tension.
“Thank you, Jean. At least three people in this room have some manners. I apologize for my outburst Professor I tent to take things personally from time to time.” You say and Professor Xavier smiles.
“I think Logan started the war. I appreciate you came here to help us out, Y/N. Logan will behave from now on. Right?” Scott says and Wolverine rolls his eyes.
“I guess he swallowed his tongue, Scott. It’s quite alright. Little boys tend to act like … well little boys.” You shrug walking past Logan.
His jaw ticks and his muscles flex as you pass by, but the worst is, his cock twitched in interest.
“Don’t even think about it,” Scott warns. “She’s an ally. Don’t you dare to hurt her.”
Virtual training started…the voice says, and virtual enemies appear in the room.
Using your teleporting powers, you jump up to push off the wall, hitting the enemy from above. Defeating all enemies in no time you roll your shoulders.
“Is that all you’ve got? Boring.” You chuckle.
“Maybe you can try me?” Logan says grinning at you.
“Try what? To defeat you in no time, Wolvie?”
“Don’t call me like this, little girl.”
“First of all, I’m may be older than you, punk and secondly I will no give in only as you show your Alpha behavior. I know you are used to be the physically strongest and your claws are impressive. Maybe you are taller than me, but you know what people say…size doesn’t matter. More important is how you use what you have.”
“I will defeat you, little girl,” Logan says narrowing his eyes.
“I don’t think so, Wolvie.”
“Then let’s start, no holding back. I will mop the floor with you.” The tall mutant threatens towering over you.
“Can’t wait for your moves.” You tease.
“You wouldn’t survive my moves.”
“I bet I could. What’s with this hair thing? Is that a mutation too or just bad taste?”
“I will throw you over my lap and spank your ass bright red.”
“Big talk old man.”
“Thought you are older than me, little girl.”
“I look younger and I’m much cuter.”
“This is not a contest about cuteness. It’s about strength.”
“Then stop babbling and let’s go down and dirty right now.” You mutter.
The first punch he tries fails miserably. Using your teleporting powers, you jump at the ceiling to tackle Logan from above. Landing on top of the tall mutant you hold him down with your strength, but you must admit he’s not weak either.
Flipping you onto your back he slides his claws out to slice your top open. Missing the skin on purpose he grins down at you.
“Not fair! I’ve got no weapons, Wolvie!”
“Stryker won’t play fair either. He’s a monster and would use you for his experiments, little girl.”
“Are you suddenly worried about me?”
“Why should I be worried?”
“Shall we step in, Professor?” Jean asks watching you and Logan fight in the virtual training simulator.
“No, Jean look at him. He’s relaxed for the first time since we found the base. Stryker is his weak spot. The nightmares got worse since he attacked the mansion. Logan needs this, needs someone equal to release the pressure.”
“What if he hurts her, Professor?”
“He will not hurt her, Jean. Read his mind and hers. Both are interested in each other. They just need some time to admit their feelings. Let them figure things  out on their own.” Charles chuckles.
“I’m not sure this is the right way. I mean he has his claws close to her throat.”
“Jean…she’s ready to strike back…oh…look…she already did.”
Surprised by your attack Logan gets smashed into the wall. Your body is more than tense, you need to defeat this cocky asshole once for all. To hell with Tony, you won’t give in.
“Bring it punk!” You mutter storming toward Logan.
“I will not give in, little girl. But I will play fair and not use my claws.” Logan retorts, letting his claws slide back in.
“Fair play, huh? Then let’s start pretty boy.”
“Pretty boy?”
“Hmm…now, now…don’t get cocky. Only as you are nice to look at doesn’t mean I won’t ruin your face.” You chuckle and Logan’s eyes darken.
“I will rip you into pieces.” He threatens now but his eyes are lust-blown. Your destroyed top barely covers your chest and he gets of glimpse at your lace-covered breasts.
“Don’t think so, Wolvie…”
“You asked for this!” Logan yells storming toward you. Teleporting once again you giggle when he runs into the wall behind you. His head hits the wall hard and he falls to the ground bleeding.
“Shit, Logan!” Worried you jump back to the ground to hover over the tall mutant. “Hey, can you hear me? Wait, I’ll get a first aid kit and Jean.” You say carefully touching his face.
Before you can leave you can see his wound closing and a grin appears on his handsome face. Distracted you find yourself pinned underneath Wolverine a second later.
“Gotcha, little girl,” Logan says with a hint of pride in his voice.
“You tricked me! I thought I hurt you, asshole! You were bleeding; last time I hurt a team member I almost got kicked out of the Avengers.” You mutter and Logan can see a hint of fear in your eyes. “I got no one else…”
“Hey, this was my fault, running into a wall. I’m not that easy to kill. Didn’t even hurt, okay. My body is protected by Adamantium and I can heal myself.” Logan says unusual softly.
“Your whole body? How? I mean, isn’t this impossible?”
“Stryker…an experiment. I only survived due to my powers.”
“Shit, he really is a monster. Did it hurt?” You ask looking up at the man still pinning you down.
“Like hell. Still got nightmares of his treatment.”
“I’m sorry. My powers, well except my teleporting are not natural either. Hydra captured me and James. They did horrible things to us, manipulated us. I woke up seventy years later and now I’m here, trying to do the right thing.”
“Experiments too? Damn…”
“Hmm…” Using the opportunity, you flip the tall mutant over, a triumphant grin on your face you pin his wrists down. “You’re such a weak hearted guy, pretty boy. You better watch your back Mr. Sexy ass.” You chuckle.
“This means war!” He threatens grinning at you.
“I can’t wait for your revenge, Wolvie.” You chuckle kissing the top of his nose.
The next days are peaceful and you’ve got the feeling Logan will hold back from now on. Only giving you dirty looks he walks away as soon as you enter a room.
“You mean Stryker has four more bases like the ones he was holding your kid’s hostage?”
“Exactly. We found their positions. That’s the reason we need the help of the Avengers. Well, your help to infiltrate the last one, the most dangerous one. Your friends will take care of the other three along with Hank and Rogue.” Scott explains.
“Why me?”
“Professor?” Scott asks and Charles nods.
“You are not here because of your powers. I mean we need your strength, but you experienced the same abuse as Logan. Tony suggested to sent you to keep the Wolverine at bay. You can compare his strength and you know how it feels …” Scott says but he stops when he sees Logan entering the room.
“I got it, Scott. How do we do this?”
“You will not come with us, little girl,” Logan mutters and you glare at him.
“Who asked you for your opinion, pretty boy?”
“Wait you little…” Logan mutters sliding his claws out.
“Logan!” Professor Xavier scolds but you are already grabbing the hem of the tall man’s shirt.
“I think Wolvie and I need another round in the simulator. If you would excuse us.” You say dragging Logan with you.
“Let me go, little girl.”
“My name is Y/N! Not little girl! Not Red Shadow. I AM Y/N!” You yell pushing Logan into the training room.
“Stop arguing little girl.” Logan chuckles using his claws to ruin another top. Seeing the fabric falling down you get mad.
“This was my favorite top, pretty boy! You will pay for destroying it with your disgusting fingernails.”
“Fingernails? I will destroy you.” Logan yells pushing you against the nearby wall.
“The hell!” You yell back pushing against his firm chest. Feeling his muscles flex you lick your lips.
“Stupid, little girl.” The Wolverine mutters. His hands fist your hair to crush his lips onto yours. Lips parting you let his tongue in.
“Fuck you!” You retort as he moves his hands to your butt to pick you up. Your legs move around his waist on their own as you start grinding against his growing bulge.
“I will mark you, little Avenger. You are mine; an X-Men will make you scream right now.”
“Bring it punk!” You snarl ripping his shirt open. Chiseled torso and defined abs on full display let wetness pool between your legs.
“Going to fuck hard, so hard you will beg me to stop.”
“I can take it asshole. But can you take it too?”
“Is that a challenge?” Logan mutters letting his mouth wander along your neck. Nipping and biting the soft skin he leaves marks as promised. Your arms slung around his neck you close your eyes to let him suck purple hickeys into your skin. The aching in your core gets worse the more his mouth claims your neck so you grind harder against the tall mutant. “Needy?”
“Stop talking and start fucking!” You mutter.
“I will give it to you good,” Logan yells throwing you onto a mat. Pants shoved down he kicks his shoes off to step out of his jeans.
Glancing at his hard cock you bite your lip. “Don’t make promises with your mouth your cock can’t keep!” You challenge and you can see the anger radiating through his body. Butt-naked he stalks toward you. His claws slice your skirt open to get you bare as fast as possible.
“I will show the little Avengers girl how an X-Men satisfies a girl.” He warns roughly spreading your legs open. “You’re a mess down there.”
“Then do something against it, Wolvie.” You mutter fisting his hair to bring him down for a rough kiss. Biting his lip, you chuckle when he tries to free his hair out of your grip but you won’t let go, too busy to shove your tongue into his mouth.
“Let go…I want to fuck you.”
“Then do it! Or do you need Professor Xavier’s advice?” You tease and he gets even madder.
One hand pins your wrists down while the other is busy lining his cock up with your entrance. Sliding only the tip in he nuzzles his nose into your neck.
“I do not need anyone’s advice to fuck you, little girl.”
“I think you need it.” You talk back and Logan snaps his hips forward to enter you with one forceful thrust.
He’s long and thick, with a girth almost too much to handle so you cry out at the wide stretch. Not letting you time to adjust Logan rolls his hips against yours.
“Fucking tight pussy.” He mutters against your lips as you start whining for more. You want to touch him, press him closer to your body but he keeps your hands pinned down.
“Let go of my hands.”
“No tricks.”
“Fuck …me…harder…” You yell glaring at the tall man.
“You want harder? You’ll get harder.”
Biting your neck, he let go of your hands and you paw at his back. Leaving deep crescent marks, you stare up at the angry mutant as he starts slamming his hips against yours.
Cries leave your lips and Logan starts grinning, the need to smash his face is strong but the need to get more, more of him, more friction, more anything is stronger, so you let go of his back to press your hands against his firm chest.
His muscles flex underneath your fingertips and you start moaning louder. Now sliding in and out off you at a maddening pace he almost purrs with every hard thrust. Your cunt squeezes him tightly, clenching in need.
“Will you come? Come on my cock.” He grunts and you whine in response.
“Logan…please…” You whimper and he grabs one leg to move it over his shoulder. The new angle makes you cry out in pleasure with every long stroke of his dick. Brushing the blunt head of his cock over your g-spot, he makes you squirm under his assault.
It’s a tangle of limbs, hot, heavy and rough but you never felt more connected to another human being. His smell, the way he moves, the feeling of his thick shaft almost sledgehammering into you makes it impossible to remain silent.
Cries leave your lips along with curses of his name. Animalistic snarls leave Logan’s lips and you can see a glimpse of the wolf inside of him. Your nails bite into his biceps as he angles his cock to hit the right spot again.
“You feel so good…like you’re made for me.” He purrs and you choke out a broken sob as the coil snaps and you pulse around him. Not far behind he let go of your leg to move it over his hip.
Covering your body with his own he starts grinding against you. Pubic bone adding delicious pressure to your clit he smirks when you start writhing underneath him.
Hands covering your eyes you arch your back, it’s a light orgasm but still, it takes your breath away. A growl leaves Wolverine’s lips as he fills you with his cum.
“I told you I will defeat you, little girl.” Logan pants into your neck.
“You didn’t defeat me…just fucked me real good. Give me, let’s say twenty minutes and we can try again.” You pant.
His eyes fixated on you he cocks a brow…”Sex or fighting?”
“I think…” You gasp as he starts snapping his hips forward. “…I’ll choose sex. But don’t get cocky I will still hurt you, Wolvie.”
“I think we should look if they killed each other,” Scott says and Jean’s eyes widen.
“I don’t think this is necessary Scott.”
“Jean, she’s an Avenger. Do you believe they think it’s funny if Logan kills her?”
“Uh…let’s say they found an agreement to avoid killing each other.”
“In the training room?” Scott asks cocking a brow.
“I suggest we clean the whole room…with acid…”
“Acid…oh…really? Dammit, Wolverine.” Scott curses realizing what Jean tried to tell him.
“How do you know?”
“I’ve got my ways…”
“Okay…round two wasn’t that bad…” You pant resting your head onto Logan’s sweaty chest.
“You could become an X-Men, you know.”
“I’m an Avenger, Logan.”
“I mean you could spend more time here…with me…”
“Wolverine, are you trying to ask me to be your girlfriend?”
“Pfff…no…but I like your naked ass.”
“Maybe I’ll come and visit you from time to time…I’m pretty fast with my abilities…”
“Then let’s use the time you will stay here wise…” Logan purrs.
“Bring it, punk…”
All Works Tags
@meganywinchester​, @shikshinkwon​, @idioticsky​ (all works)
Marvel Tags
@stuckys-whore, @notyourtypicalrose, @voltage-my2dlove
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max-is-tired · 5 years
you dont have to be scared anymore from the protective starters with anxceit 👀👀👀
“You don’t have to be scared anymore”
Characters: Deceit Sanders, Virgil Sanders, Logan Sanders, the others are mentioned in passing
Words: 1.218
Warnings: captivity, kidnapping, electrocution, sympathetic Deceit, sympathetic Remus (mentioned), swearing, angst with a happy ending
Notes: oh boy howdy this ficlet got a little out of hand. I’m sorry for hurting you, Dee, but it’s for the plot. Also, Dee is something similar to a chameleon hybrid in this fic, I couldn’t find a good place to state it outright but it’s implied by his abilities and whatnot kxjcnsdjcn
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For once in his life, Dee had been happy. After centuries of fear and isolation, he’d found people like him, people who didn’t run away at the first sight of him and simply welcomed him in their group with open arms.
With them, Dee had found friends, love, a family.
He should have known it could have never lasted.
“Oi, you fucking snake!” yelled a man from outside Dee’s cell, slamming his fist on the metal bars. “You better stop hiding or we’ll tase you out ourselves, we’ve found a good buyer and he wants to see you before giving us the money.”
Dee bit his lip hard to stop the taunt building on the tip of his tongue, huddling closer to the wall as he glared at his captors -he wasn’t even a snake, but it was not like those bastards cared much about that, did they?
The hunters had found him in the middle of the forest, when he’d strayed away from the group to search for some herbs Patton had been in need of. He hadn’t been paying much attention to his surroundings, humming a song under his breath as he looked around, and had completely missed the movement behind himself until an unfamiliar hand had suddenly covered his mouth to muffle his surprised shout.
All he remembered was a prickling sensation on his neck, struggling becoming more and more difficult as his vision grew foggier by the second. And then, darkness, until he’d woken up in a small cell surrounded by unfamiliar faces that looked at him like he was a piece of meat.
Dee sighed, raising one hand to gingerly poke at the enchanted collar around his neck -that had happened a week ago now, and while there was a part of him that still hoped to be saved, Dee knew full well his chances of finding freedom once more were next to none.
He didn’t know where he was, trapped in a humid, dirty cell at the mercy of his captors. Rescue was not coming, and Dee had no chance of escaping without any outside help.
In short, he was screwed. He was tired, weakened by a week with next to no food and barely enough water to survive, and he didn’t know for how much he could keep his camouflage working. Still, Dee wasn’t going to drop it, even after the threat -it didn’t matter that he had no more hope left, Dee wasn’t going to go down without a fight.
The man snarled, taking a little device out of his pocket as a vicious smile stretched on his face.
“You asked for it, you fucking monster,” he said, pressing a button.
Immediately, the collar around Dee’s neck came to life, waves after waves of electricity coursing through his body as he fell to the ground with a muffled whimper -Dee refused to scream, refused to give those bastards the satisfaction of seeing his pain.
The man laughed, and that was all the confirmation Dee needed to know that his camouflage had dropped.
“That’s what you get for not following orders,” he taunted, settling the device back in his pocket. “Don’t think about disappearing again, or I’ll make sure to make it hurt a lot more next time.”
Dee stayed on the ground, riding the painful aftershock as his muscles twitched and spasmed. He gritted his teeth hard, fighting down the whimpers that threatened to leave his lips while his eyes stung with unshed tears. He hated this, he hated this so much.
He just wanted his family back.
Dee didn’t know for how long he laid on the ground, waiting for the one that would probably become his new owner. Probably hours, even if it felt like years had passed.
Then, he started picking out distant shouts in the distance, followed by the banging of doors opening and the sound of running footsteps getting closer and closer.
Blinking in confusion, Dee pushed himself up, groaning as his muscles ached in pain at the movement. He heard the man from before let out a series of curses as another door slammed open, this time much closer than before. There was a bang, a whooshing sound and then silence, eerie and charged as it filled the air and sent a shiver down Dee’s spine.
He quickly huddled back in his corner, eyes fixed on the cell’s door as a cloaked figure appeared on the other side of the bar.
“Dee?” the figure called, the familiar voice reaching Dee’s ears as his heart jumped in his chest.
“Logan?” he whispered before he could stop himself, hope igniting itself in his chest once again.
The figure raised an arm, quickly pushing the hood of his cloak to reveal neat, pushed-back black hair and electric blue eyes.
“Thank the stars,” Logan muttered before turning to the side. “Virgil, I’ve found him!”
Dee’s heart jumped in his chest again, this time for an entirely different reason as he stared at the man that had immediately run to Logan’s side. Virgil’s wings were open wide, the purple sheen of his feathers twinkling under the low lights of the dungeon.
Logan inspected the lock of the cell, muttering a quick spell under his breath as a blue hue surrounded his hands. After not even a few seconds a click filled the air, followed by the door swinging open.
Before Dee could even process what was happening, his boyfriend was kneeling in front of him, his wings filling his vision as if protecting them from the rest of the world.
“You’re here,” Dee breathed, barely believing his eyes as hope and relief soared in his chest.
Virgil smiled, raising one hand to gently cradle Dee’s scaled cheek.
“I am,” he murmured, voice soft and gentle. “I’m sorry it took us so long.”
“You shouldn’t have come,” Dee protested weakly, shaking his head, “it’s too dangerous, what if they get you guys too, you can’t-”
“There was no way we were going to leave you with those bastards,” Vee answered, stopping Dee’s protests in their tracks.
Then, his gaze moved to the slick, black collar around Dee’s neck, anger flashing in his eyes as he turned back towards the door.
“Logan!” he called, “can you get this off of him?”
Logan approached them, looking at the collar for a few seconds before nodding.
“It should not be an issue,” he commented, raising one hand to hover it just beside Dee’s neck, “please, keep still.”
Logan murmured a spell and they immediately heard a quiet click, the collar falling easily in Logan’s open hand.
“There, all done,” the mage murmured, standing back up, “we should get out of here soon, I don’t know for how long the twins will be able to keep everyone distracted and we need to bring Dee to Patton so he can heal his injuries.”
Virgil nodded, wrapping his arms around Dee and swiftly standing up, carrying him bridal style.
As they ran out of the door and down the unfamiliar corridors, Dee curled closer to Virgil’s chest, letting his sense be filled with his boyfriend’s steady heartbeat and familiar scent as he finally, finally relaxed.
“It’s okay, Dee,” Virgil murmured from above him, holding him just a little tighter.
“You don’t have to be scared anymore.”
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lorirwritesfanfic · 5 years
Lori's Favorite Fics #2
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Hi there! I’m back with more of my favorite fics and even though I haven’t read as much as I expected to in these first two weeks of January real life is such a buzzkill sometimes, I found excellent creative content from some of my friends, mutuals and other talented writers whose work I got the chance to read for the first time. 
Get ready to swoon with me.
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Desire and Decorum
Happily Ever After: Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 | Miss Parsons x MC: Regency era is a tough time for women in so many ways, but @samgtt700 's lovely fic is here to sate my need to see Annabelle and Maria (MC) happy.
Intermezzo | Prince Hamid x MC (Elizabeth) / Mr. Konevi x Mr. Chambers: Through Mr. Konevi's point of view, @missameliep gives the reader the opportunity to see revisit the night at the Opera St. James and the moment in which Prince Hamid falls in love with Elizabeth (MC) and a little moment of their happy ending. Also really cute? A Chanevi moment 😍
Second Chances series | Prince Hamid x MC: I was trying not to post more than one piece from each writer, but @missameliep 's Desire & Decorum modern-day AU gives me all the feels. Elizabeth (MC) is moving to England after her mother passed away but her journey changes when she meets Hamid Osmanoğlu. He may be a descendant from the Ottoman Empire sultans but strike the title. Hamid is now a commoner working for his country as an accomplished diplomat, but his flirty and playful essence is all there and he makes me swoon every single chapter 😍
The Cursed Heiress - Prologue: The Curse of The High Witch: The goth teenager in me is stoked with this witch story! Thank Goddess! @noeschoices expertly fuses Desire & Decorum, The Crown and The Flame, Nightbound and Bloodbound together to write the prologue of this Supernatural AU in which Mary (D&D MC's mother) gives birth to a child but her disobedience to her vow of chastity comes with terrible consequences to her and to Joanna (D&D MC).
High School Story
We Don't Talk Together | Michael Harrison x MC: In this canon divergent fic, @litgpop​ is bringing angst and I'm here for it. Michael and Maria's friendship makes Nari (MC) insecure and she can't no longer stand the fact that she can't even describe what kind of relationship she has with him. And though I love Michael, I gotta say I'm with Nari on this one.
A Little Bit Of Writing | M!Avery Wilshere x MC: In @ladykateofledfordpark 's super cute fic, Dawn (MC) is nervous about traveling by plane for the first time, but the popstar/sweetheart Avery gives her a piece of advice to help calm her nerves. And much like any other fangirl in her situation, she writes fanfic about her idol 😆
Ride Or Die
Kinky Card 25: Kinky Pictures | Colt Kaneko x MC: The Kinky Cards challenge came back with a bang in @lilyofchoices extra dirty fic which involves porn, sex toys and Ellie (MC) wearing a strap-on (!!!) and I'm sooo happy I found a writer who doesn't shy away from writing a good non-vanilla smut.
Waiting for you | Colt Kaneko x MC: Behind his bad boy facade, Colt hides a softer side and even though being vulnerable isn't his thing, @lizeboredom gives the reader the opportunity to understand Colt's feelings and motivations (which is a rare thing to see on Colt fics) he is so ready to tell Lara (MC) how he truly feels and it's sooo sweet!
Sanctuary Outtakes Pt.1 | Logan x MC: I still need to read the entire series, but I couldn't wait to make a review of this one. Logan is out of jail and Sidney (MC) is ready to help him adjust and get his life back on track. @client-327 did a wonderful job writing Logan so in character, especially in the scene he's getting acquainted with the house Sidney found for them.
Before The Come Down | Logan x MC: I am completely overjoyed that I stumbled upon this fic last week because this is a masterpiece! @diamondsless 's outstanding prose is inspiring and the attention to detail describing Logan's and Stella's (MC) every sexual and emotional response during this dangerous sex scene took my breath away.
The Royal Romance
Decision | King Liam x MC: I rarely find TRR fics that truly catch my attention, but whenever I see a fic from @allaboutchoices​, I know it's going to be good. Choosing between his love for his country and his wish to be with Riley isn't easy, but his heart beats faster for only one woman. Watch out for the lovemaking scene. It will melt your heart.
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abused-sides · 4 years
Corruption [Whumptober 2020]
Note: I’m doing whumptober as a series. Check out the tag #whumptober 2020 v on my blog to read in order.  Also on ao3.
Prompt: No. 15: Into The Unknown [Science Gone Wrong] 
Synopsis: Bates punishes Janus for his corruption. 
Trigger warnings: Cults, gaslighting/manipulation, restraints, kidnapped, non-con, humiliation, treating people like property, blood, knives, violence/beatings, a person in a cage, guns, body horror/gore, reference to murder/hate crimes/child death/minor character death, vomiting, non-consensual drugging, burn scar mentions and brief descriptions, off-screen dumpster diving, major characters talking about potentially dying (but I don’t write major character death so no worries there), branding/burning, nonconsensual body-modification, murder threat, some gross bodily fluids, let me know if I missed anything 
Word count: 1630 
A/N: Let me please remind you that this au does, in fact, have a happy ending :) in case this fic… makes you second guess that 
October 16th. 7:27 pm 
Janus woke to his handcuffs opening. 
He blinked at Bates in groggy confusion. He opened his mouth to ask where the hell he was being taken, then froze— 
Bates did not look happy. 
He looked to make sure Virgil was still alright, sleeping restlessly in his cage, but Bates grabbed his chin and forced his head away. He hauled Janus to his feet by his wrists, and Janus hissed in pain, his raw skin burning. 
His heart rate increased as Bates dragged him towards the auditorium. “Wait, wait,” he gasped, fighting the urge to dig his heels into the ground and fight Bates against every step, “what’s going on, what happened? Am I in trouble?” 
“I’d never give out punishment without explaining myself.” 
Janus’ heart buried itself in his stomach. He wanted to throw up, his skin tingling with sweat. 
The cult sat in the audience like always, only their usual silent, tense captive attention was replaced with exhausted obedience. There were no hands grabbing at him as Bates shoved him down the aisle, no prying eyes, no jeers. Everyone just wanted to get dinner.  
Remus stood next to Styx on the stage, pale and shaking. A collar Janus hadn’t seen on Remus since he left constricted his neck, the electrodes pushing into his skin. A medical bed stood in the ‘up’ position. 
On the stage, Bates yanked Janus’ clothes off, leaving him in his boxers. He shoved Janus against the bed and flipped him around, pushing his back against the thin mattress. “Styx, help me.” 
Janus laid pliant, from shock or fear he wasn’t sure, as they used thick leather to strap him in, his front on full display for the audience. He was only lifted a few inches off the ground, but his weak body already protested, dull aches spreading through his shoulders and the base of his neck. 
He squeezed his eyes shut, praying he could blackout or disassociate before it got too bad. 
Bates cleared his throat. “Before we get started, let’s be sure you know what this is about. How many of you remember Patton, Logan, and Roman?”
Though Janus couldn’t see him, he could imagine Remus flinching at the sound of his brother’s name, the hopeful shine in his eyes. 
Nearly every hand in the audience raised. 
“And how many of you miss them?”
Each hand stayed up. 
“Everybody knows by now that Janus here is the reason they’re gone.” His voice dripped with hatred, venom. Janus thought he might overheat from the fear coursing through his veins. He couldn’t breathe. “I had forgiven him for this. Poor thing was confused, and didn’t know any better. But people don’t just make the same mistake twice, do they?”
Janus swallowed as the crowd muttered their agreements. Through his haze of panic he was grateful Virgil was left out. 
“We’ve picked up a few new disciplinary tools that Janus is going to help us test out. Then, maybe, he’ll learn to keep his corruption to himself.” Bates gripped his chin and forced Janus to meet his eyes. “If you don’t stop, Remus and Virgil will be next.”
“Yes, sir,” he whispered. “Please don’t hurt them.” 
Bates raised his voice for the audience but kept his eyes on the quivering man beneath him. “Remus has already begun his retraining and is progressing beautifully. Styx will oversee Virgil’s.” 
Fuck. Janus was trying to reassure Virgil and help him survive, but all he did was throw him to the sharks. Depending on what punishment Styx chose, Virgil might not make it to their escape. 
He squeezed his eyes shut as they watered. 
Footsteps approached him, then a razor dragged roughly over his browbone, nicking the skin a few times. He watched in confusion as Styx shaved away his eyebrow. He tossed the razor and fit a thin, compact set of goggles over his eyes. 
Styx brought the kitchen torch into view as Bates picked up a brand Janus hadn’t seen before. On the end were squiggly lines, like a bunch of ‘u’s lined together. 
Styx fired up the torch. 
“I want to be clear,” Bates said as the metal turned red. “You’ve proven yourself, countless times, to be nothing more than an untrustworthy snake. I refuse to throw you out to the world. I will still protect you, despite how ungrateful you’ve been.” Bates stalked over with the brand. “We’d never send a defenceless man out to the streets, so if you don’t take this warning for what it is, I will put you out of your misery. This is your last chance to redeem yourself. Got it?” 
Janus struggled not to hyperventilate. “Yes, sir.” 
“Good boy,” Bates sighed, and pressed the brand to his face. 
It was nothing like his hand. The pain seared straight through his thin skin and to the bone, and Bates held it for much longer, almost ripping a scream out of him. He grit his teeth so hard something cracked, only for Bates to pull the brand off and place it lower. Janus let out a miserable moan as Styx and several members of the audience laughed. The smell of his scorched skin was nauseating. 
Bates pressed the brand right above Janus’ eye, on his shaved eyebrow, and a thin stream of bloody pus dripped down his goggles. Janus had to fight not to vomit, because if he did it would certainly get on Bates and he would certainly pay extra. 
After an eternity, Bates pulled the brand away for good and tossed it on his metal table. He held up a mirror. 
Behind the dirty goggles, Janus’ eyes were bloodshot. His vision was so blurred with tears, he could barely see the perfect scales Bates had seared into the side of his face. 
He stroked Janus’ hair back. “Don’t pass out. We’re not done yet.” 
Please pass out, Janus begged as Bates picked up the brand and heated it back up. He went in on Janus’ neck and chest, and this time, Janus did scream. The crowd cheered like they were at a fucking baseball game and Janus screamed so loud his throat was raw. It wasn’t all because of the pain— In fact, it was barely about the pain. It was the anger and terror and mourning that ripped through his throat, the fact that he belonged to this cult and he would never escape it. 
He would never get a job with the scales on his face. He would never be able to go on dates, or adopt children. He’d never be able to leave the house without people staring. 
How was he supposed to live like this? 
Maybe he was meant to get Virgil and Remus out and take the fall. Maybe he wasn’t supposed to leave. 
Styx forced a medical gag into his mouth, spreading his lips back to show off his teeth. Bates rested a hand on Janus’ shoulder as Janus’ breathing sped up, so quick he felt light-headed. 
“Hey, we’re not pulling anything,” he said soothingly. “This part won’t hurt at all. You have to breathe though, okay?” 
“Who cares if he passes out?” Styx asked. “It’d make it easier to do the work.” 
Bates rested a hand on the unmutilated side of his forehead. His skin was cold, and Janus hated how comforting it was. Bates chuckled as Janus pushed into his touch. 
“Alright, Styx, let’s get started. I want everyone to have time to eat before bed.” 
They each got to work filing one of Janus’ canines, and horrible vibrations reverberated through his skull. It didn’t hurt, but it was extremely uncomfortable, and his panic didn’t help. 
Janus wasn’t sure how long it had been when they finished. Styx stepped away and Bates settled something hard under Janus’ tongue. 
“Last thing,” he said, “then we can go to your room. Keep your tongue still.”
Janus didn’t know what to expect, and he didn’t care. He stared up at the ceiling as he tried not to sob. 
Janus screamed as sharp, searing pain shot through the centre of his tongue. His mouth filled with blood and he fought not to choke on it. 
“Remus!” Bates snapped his fingers. 
Remus finally rushed over. Janus instantly felt better as his worried face came into his vision. It took all he had not to fall into Remus’ arms when he undid Janus’ wrist binds. 
Remus pressed a thick piece of gauze between the split halves of his tongue. Janus whined as he pressed hard. 
“It’s okay,” he murmured. His free hand cradled the back of Janus’ head. “It’s okay. Just let me fix it.” 
Blood dripped out of his mouth and onto the floor as Remus tipped his head forward. 
“Don’t swallow any of that. Let it all drip out, we don’t need you choking on your own vomit.” 
His entire body thrummed with pain, but he focused on Remus’ fingers in his hair, his mouth; Remus smelled like coffee and stress, and his always-scratchy voice settled in Janus’ head like a hazy dream. 
After forever, Remus pulled the gauze away. He took away the gag and Janus wet his lips. He flinched, his tongue burning and metallic filling his senses. 
“Thank you, Remus.” Bates patted his back. “You’ve been helpful as always. Go ahead and get your dinner.” 
He hesitated as Bates undid Janus’ ankle binds and the audience filed out of the auditorium. “You don’t want me to stick around for part two?” 
Bates hauled Janus over his shoulder and laughed. “I would really hate to lose you, you know that? Go eat, and if you want, you can come to the room after.” 
Through Janus’ foggy brain, fear thumped through his heart in time with Bates’ footsteps. 
Part two? 
Kofi and commissions, 1 coffee = 300 words of your prompt
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