#yeehaw please enjoy 🤠
avvail · 1 year
can u write something about a manipulative hero pls big fan uwu >.<
tw: captivity
Somewhere, a door squeaked open.
Hero stiffened in their retraints, the metal chains digging into their skin painfully, craning their gaze up to the bars of their cell to see who had come in.
Footsteps started towards their cell.
Hero’s heart began pounding in their chest, shifting uncomfortably from where they were stood, toes just barely scraping the floor and arms suspended high above them.
They briefly heard a murmur from the cell next to them. They knew Leader had been thrown in a cell to their left, yet the whereabouts of the rest of their captured crew were unknown to them. Hero felt wholy responsible for their safety, considering the reason they were here was their fault.
They swallowed, mouth dry.
Even before they arrived at their cell, Hero knew it was Villain. They knew they had come down for them, they knew they wanted to talk to them, because why else would Villain have taken them in the first place?
They released a shuddering breath. Letting their head hang, they submitted to the exhaustion in their body, making their breath shallow, letting panic overwhelm.
Villain stopped still, standing behind the bars of their cell, and Hero could feel their piercing eyes landing on them almost instantly.
They needed to find their teammates. Being stuck in this cell was the worst place they could be.
Softly, they let small, stifled cries slip past their lips. Acting as though they hadn’t realised the villain was there, they let the throbbing ache overtake their muscles, shaking and trembling in their restraints.
Villain smiled, tilting their head. “Poor thing.”
Hero gasped, snapping their head up with watery, wide eyes. Tears were uncontrollably tracking down their cheeks, their bottom lip quivering when they finally met the villain’s steely gaze.
The criminal’s eyes glinted.
“Such a sweet sight,” they purred softly. “What ever is the matter, darling?”
The hero squeezed their eyes shut, a shuddering sob choking in their throat. They struggled to get anything out through their shallow breaths, the air having thinned dramatically.
They weakly tugged on the chains, biting into the already sensitive skin.
“V-Villain,” they whimpered. “Please...”
“Please?” Villain echoed, smirk twitching at the corner of their lips. The glint in their eye couldn’t hide the fact that they loved hearing the hero beg like that. “Please what?”
The hero’s chest squeezed painfully, and it felt like they were hyperventilating.
“I-It hurts,” they sobbed, the tears relentless as they streaked down their skin, slipping off their chin. They fell silently to the ground. “I can’t take it anymore, I-I...can’t do this...”
They hadn’t noticed the villain walking into the cell. They’d crept closer, like they wanted a front row seat. Their lips were curled into a satisfied smile.
“I don’t quite understand what you’re asking for here, Hero,” they taunted, a dark tone dripping off their words when they uttered their name. Tasting it off their tongue like it was wine. “Speak clearly.”
The hero’s exhausted sobs echoed through the cell. When their head weakly dropped, the villain’s fingers gently tapped the bottom of their chin, tilting it back up to face them.
Their eyes scanned their face slowly, drinking in every little detail on their broken face.
“Y-You...” The hero sniffled, a truly pathetic edge to their tone. “...said you liked me, d-didn’t you?”
Villain quirked a brow.
“Just please...p-please let me down,” they pleaded. “I-I’ll do anything.”
A dark grin spread across the villain’s face.
Hook, line, and sinker.
Hero frantically nodded their head, the tears glistening like gemstones. “Yes. Y-Yes, I’m begging you...”
They caught their gaze, and innocently battered their eyelashes. “Please?”
It didn’t take much longer than that until the villain was unlocking their chains, and the hero’s weight crashed back into them. For good measure, they staggered weakly into the villain’s chest, falling pathetically into their arms.
Villain cooed softly, their hand carding through their hair.
“This is a good colour on you, sweetheart,” they whispered into their ear, and Hero let out a soft whine at the words.
Villain took them out of the cell, arm wrapped around their shoulder, keeping them pressed securely into their side. The hero melted under the warmth, leaning eagerly into their touch.
When they passed Leader’s cell, Hero noticed they were on their feet, eyes wide and jaw clenched, having heard everything from beside them.
Effortlessly, the hero let a smile grace their lips, and they shot them a triumphant wink.
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Yeah, a lot of people like you for your lore and tv show stuff, and I certainly do too. But you're book reports are very great as well. They make me laugh, and I just love watching you read these books. Please don't give up on this series, even if you become more known for the lore stuff than them. I certainly love them.
Thank you so so much for this! I LOVE the book reports as well and love to hear that you enjoy them too! I’m keeping future nostalgic book reports (along the lines of frindle, flat stanley, homework machine) on the main channel but I’m moving the yeehaw romance novels onto the second channel 🤠
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violettduchess · 1 year
Hello! Congrats again on the big 1k! May I request #14 kissing to try it out + Gilbert in your Wild West AU, with a side of enemies to lovers? Or if you just wanna photoshop Gilbert's head onto a scantily-clad cowboy, that's cool too. Totes up to you! Thank you and happy writing! Yeehaw 🌵🤠🖤
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A/N: Here you go @atelier-the-atelier 💜 I love that you love AUs as much as I do and I hope I did our boy proud in his first role as a cowboy 😉
A contribution to @xxsycamore and @queengiuliettafirstlady's Different Universe Same Love CCC; an entry for my 1k First Kiss Celebration with the kiss prompt: "Let's try it out"
Warning: Spoiler for Gilbert's route ⚠️
Gilbert x female Reader
WC: 2.8 k
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It’s a long way from town to get to the hot springs on the very edge of Rhodolite County, but every aching muscle in your body is telling you it’ll be worth it. You would ride as far as Benitoite if it meant you could have some peace and quiet and time to recover from today. 
Sheriff Michel had been pleased with you. Single-handedly stopping a stagecoach robbery by a band of Obsidian ruffians is no small feat. Add to that the fact that you’re a woman and half a head shorter than these varmints? Hot damn. When you had shown up with the three men tied together, several with missing teeth and black eyes and one with a bullet hole in his shoulder, the sheriff’s lips had lifted in a cool smile before he nodded for them to be taken away to the county jail.
“This is why you’re Chief Deputy,” he said, offering you a satisfied nod. “Now go and take the rest of the day to recover.” It was an order, loud and clear.
And the best place to recover from an ordeal like tussling with bandits is the hot springs. You can see them now up ahead. Nestled into the narrow gap of a rocky ravine are several small pools of dark water, each one right next to the other. Above you the sky is a bright and brilliant blue, the sun shining high enough that you know you have plenty of time until nightfall. 
You slide off your horse with a grunt, then turn to pat his neck affectionately. “Go on now, Luke. Find yourself some grub.” He snorts, shaking his mane of red hair, and then wanders towards the side of the ravine where taller, darker grass is growing freely. You never worry about him coming back. He’s one of the most loyal creatures you have ever known.
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Soon your clothes are folded, resting on top of a smooth, flat stone, warmed by the sun. Your worn boots, with their scuff marks like battle scars, rest on the ground beside it. You consider moving your holster and gun to a patch of ground right behind you but decide to lay it across your boots so it won’t get wet. Your hat is the last thing you remove, tossing it with casual ease so that it lands on top of your clothing, perched there like it was on display. 
You pause a second, stretching your arms up towards the endless blue of the sky, enjoying the feel of the wind as it ribbons itself around your bare body. If someone asked you what freedom feels like, it would be this. Just you and the world and nothing in between. 
Carefully you step towards the edge of the dark blue water and then lower yourself in, inch by inch. The heat engulfs you and you sink down until only your head and shoulders are uncovered. 
Good lord, if this ain’t heaven.
The warmth kneads its way across your sore muscles, untying knots and soothing aches. Your eyes fall closed and you allow your head to tip back, your throat exposed and vulnerable but you don’t care. You don’t need to worry about protecting yourself 'cause there isn’t anyone here but you and the water and a whole lot of nothing for miles.
“Now this is a sight.”
Like a bullet through muslin his voice tears through your peaceful relaxation. 
Several thoughts, wild as runaway trains, collide in your mind at the same time: No! Why? Go away! Fuck!
Forcing yourself to remain calmer than you feel, you open your eyes.
In front of you stands The Trampling Beast himself, the outlaw Gilbert von Obsidian, leader of the Obsidian gang and a wanted man from here to the Acroite territories. The gold accents on his signature black leather boots and belt buckle gleam in the sunlight. His leather-gloved hands rest casually on narrow hips, but the deadly LeMat revolver at his side is just inches away. He tips his beautiful onyx Diamond cowboy hat in greeting, smiling at you with his perfect, white teeth. He reminds you of the drawings you’ve seen of tigers in those science periodicals the schoolhouse gets delivered. 
Beautiful and dangerous as hell.
“Goddamn it, what are you doin’ here, Gilbert?”
Your voice is steady and you’re deeply grateful for the water’s opaqueness. You’re also deeply aware of how vulnerable you are, naked and trapped in the water while he’s standing there in all his black and gold glory.
He watches you with his brilliant eye, red as sundown. A black leather eyepatch covers the mystery of his left eye. All kinds of rumors live around that eyepatch: the outcome of a deadly knife fight, a childhood accident, a science experiment gone wrong in his country of birth. Part of you wonders if it isn't just a ruse, a scare tactic to intimidate his enemies. Maybe there's nothing at all under that eyepatch but a second, perfectly healthy crimson eye.
His smile never falters as he shrugs, the motion far too performative for your liking.
“The same thing you are, I imagine. Looking for a place to recover from an arduous afternoon.” He catches your gaze and holds it. His eye gleams. The tiger has you in his sights. “You see, three of my men were accosted today. And then brought to jail.” He shakes his head. “Freeing them was……strenuous.”
Anger snakes its way around your spine. “God DAMN IT!” You slap the surface of the pool in frustration, water splashing up harmlessly. When you finally meet his gaze, his smile is still in place and absolutely infuriating. “Did anyone get hurt?”
He raises a hand to his heart, pretending to look wounded. “What kind of man do you take me for, Deputy?”
Your voice quakes with fury, glows with an anger hot as a blacksmith's forge. “A varmint. A dirty, no-good, black-hearted-”
“I see.”  Something crosses his face, a fleeting moment where his smile falters and it surprises you enough to quell some of your outrage. Have you made a dent in that armor of his?
“Let’s talk. I believe if I explain some of the situation, we may be able to come to an agreement. Save us both the burden of our rivalry.”
You raise your hand to your forehead, squinting at him. Even the sun seems to be in love, lovingly outlining his body in gleaming gold. But…..if he wants to negotiate, it needs to be on a level playing field and not one where you are vulnerable in the water and he’s fully dressed and armed.
“Fine.” You jerk your head towards the hot spring next to yours. “Get in and we’ll talk.” 
You’ve surprised him. He glances from you to the pool and the expression on his face sends a thrill of satisfaction through you. It’s not often Gilbert von Obsidian is thrown for a loop like this. It takes him a moment before he comes to a decision.
“As you wish.” 
He reaches up, removing his hat and places it carefully on the smooth, flat rock next to yours. His hair is dark, like the sky at early night and looks shockingly soft. Next he removes his black leather gloves, slowly, finger by finger. Have you ever seen him ungloved before? Somehow it feels almost indecent, the sight of his strong hands and bare fingers. Next comes his holster and gun which you note he places as far away from the spring as yours are. He’s playing fair. He bends down, moving his boots and socks and again, the sight of his bare feet shakes something loose inside of you, some part of you that you wish would stop reeling and be still again. Those naked fingers unbutton his black and gold shirt, revealing skin as pale as cream and when he removes it, your breath hitches. He’s long and lean, the lines of muscle cutting through him as if made by an artist’s brush stroke. You don’t realize you’re staring until he grins slowly.
“Like what you see?”
God damn it. This man is the enemy.
With an agitated exhale you turn in the water, facing away from him. What you don’t realize is that now he can look without restraint, his gaze running freely over the slope of your shoulders, the curve of your neck. Water beads and slides down your skin and some primitive part of him wants to catch them with his tongue, sink his teeth into the delectable place where neck and shoulder meet. 
With a start, he realizes where his thoughts are going and why he very quickly better reign them in. He strips off the rest of his clothing and lowers himself into the neighboring pool of warm water, sending the same prayer of gratitude for its dark opaqueness as you did earlier. 
“You may turn around, Deputy.” 
You turn around slowly, one hand still close enough to cover your eyes. But he is in the water up to his chest, resting his forearms on the rocky shelf between your two pools. 
Oh for fucks sake. 
He looks so…..
Your heart is racing and the heat that rushes through you has nothing to do with the springs. 
My God. He looks so…..
You build a dam to stop those thoughts from forming. A dam of anger, outrage, cold hard logic. This man is dangerous. He is your enemy.
“Well then spit it out, Gil. What did you wanna tell me?” Best to get this done as quickly as possible. 
He leans forward, resting his chin on his forearms in a move that is endearingly child-like. He’s left his eyepatch on but his one eye is focused on you intently.
“Did you ever stop and notice who my people have been…..relieving of their goods?”
You arch a brow. “Innocent victims.”
He frowns slightly and you can see he is disappointed in your flippant answer. Even more surprising is how much that bothers you. You clear your throat and try again.
“Your gang stole from a merchant family from Jade County, a visiting Tanzanite noble and the mayor of Rhodolite, all within the last three months.”
He nods slowly. “Yes. And what do they all have in common?”
You scoff. “They’re all rich.” 
He makes a gesture with his hand for you to continue. 
“They’re…..very rich.”
“Go on.”
While considering  you absently reach up to adjust the pins in your hair. His gaze darts to the curve of your arm, the water running in enviable rivulets down it, the way your shoulder hikes up and exposes the elegant line of your collarbone and a few tantalizing inches of skin below that. He licks his lips. The tiger lowers itself inthe tall grass, haunches tensed.
“So wealthy….,” you murmur, “that they can afford the loss.” Something clicks into place as you look him in the eye. Obsidian is a poor county, home to a lot of desert and rocky hills. Hot days and freezing nights. The people who live there have a reputation for being a hard folk. You hear someone from Obsidian is around, you tend to give them a wide berth. It’s a tough place to live, often populated by people who have nowhere else to go. It’s a wonder they manage at all, if it weren’t for……
He sees you have connected dots and realized that what he has been doing isn’t for him, but for the poor people of his county. The ones who took in an abandoned foreigner after his parents died and made him one of their own. 
“You’re using the stolen goods to help the people,” you say out loud, searching his face for the confirmation you know will come.
“Good girl.” 
Those words, almost a purr, nearly send you to the bottom of the springs but you manage to grip the rocky ledge between you and remain upright. You mirror his body language, resting your forearms on the same ledge. There are mere centimeters between his arms and yours. Your faces are closer than they have ever been but you need this, you need to look him in the eye and see if he is sincere. Has he really been playing Robin Hood this whole time? And if yes, does that make his actions any more excusable?
He sees the questions in your eyes, the way you are scrutinizing him. He’s told you the truth but he can see you need something more. A gesture of trust. It comes to him after a second. He reaches up and slowly removes his eyepatch, resting it on the ledge you’re both leaning on.
Your lips part but no sound comes out. What you see under the eyepatch isn’t scarred skin or a milky eye or even another crimson one. What you see under the eyepatch is an eye that echoes the sky in summer, the bluebonnets of the prairie, the bright feathers of the bluejay. 
You don’t even realize you’re holding your breath until it starts to ache and you’re forced to inhale.
“Why….why do you hide it?” You tilt your head, slowly adjusting to the sight of his mismatched eyes, both arresting, both magnetic.
“A lot of locals feel if you look like me….it’s a sign of being cursed. And minds steeped in superstition walk more easily down paths of violence.” 
You nod slowly. It wasn’t too big a stretch of the imagination to see someone who looks different being blamed for a drought. Or a wave of illness. You’ve heard stories of people run out of towns for it. Sometimes even worse. 
You hold his gaze, letting this new idea of Gilbert von Obsidian settle over you. It coats your previous conception of him as a ne'er-do-well criminal, remolds him into something….if not exactly noble, something certainly more…understandable.
You take a moment before speaking.
“Alright. I’ll make a deal with you. When you…..liberate….the very wealthy of their goods and it happens to be around the border between Rhodolite and Obsidian, I’ll turn a blind eye. But if you attack anyone, wealthy or not, clearly within the boundaries of Rhodolite County, you’ll be pursued.”
He considers this. There is a major stagecoach hub in Rosewater, the Rhodolite town right on the border to Obsidian. It also happens to be a busy train station where the wealthy often switch to stagecoach when traveling to the capital city. What you are offering him is, in fact, quite a gift. 
He smiles slowly, truthfully, devastatingly beautifully and you stifle the urge to gasp, stung by twin emotions of dismay and excitement. 
“I’ll take that deal,” he says. You clear your throat, lifting a hand. A handshake to seal the deal and then you would have the entire ride back to the sheriff’s office to figure out how to explain this all to Chevalier.
Gilbert looks at your hand, then looks you in the eye and his smile sharpens. “Oh there are better ways to finalize a deal.” His gaze drops to your lips. “Let’s seal it with a kiss.”
What the hell did he just say?
He tilts his head and it is so roguishly charming you could scream. 
“Why not try it? Hmm? Or am I really so repulsive?”
Oh no, no you’re not and that is the problem, you think as you stare back into those eyes, those beautiful crimson and azure depths that seem to actually twinkle in the sunlight as they regard you.
But you can’t show weakness, right? It would reflect poorly on the sheriff’s department. At least that's what you're telling yourself. 
“Fine,” you mutter, ignoring the wild fluttering of your pulse. “Let’s just get it over with.”
Now he laughs and good God almighty it is nothing like the harsh, sharp-edged laughter you’ve heard from him before. This is soft, almost breathy, dreamy with anticipation as he leans forward, forearms pressed against the slick rocky ledge and presses his lips to yours.
Gilbert von Obsidian tastes like the coolest mountain spring, right before winter hits. Cool and clean, crisp and exhilarating. Never would you have imagined his lips would mold so perfectly to yours, that they would be so soft, so sweet. He's the first drop of cold wine, the first splinter of chocolate, the first spoonful of iced cream.
The water sloshes as he reaches for you, leaning further across the rocky shelf that separates your bodies. His hand slides over your bare shoulder, up the curve of your neck and lingers there as his mouth learns everything there is to know about yours: shape, taste, texture. 
And then, with his hand on your neck, your fingers gripping the rock for dear life, you part your lips in invitation. 
He accepts without hesitation and my God did that sound come from your throat? 
Your low, soft whimper sparks something in him and your whine is answered with a growl. The tiger is ready, springing from its hiding place, scaling the rocky shelf and plunging into the water beside you.
You welcome him with arms as wide as the western sky.
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Tagging: @aquagirl1978 @alixennial @alexxavicry @rhodolitesrose @ikemen-writer @bellerose-arcana @thewitchofbooks @redheadkittys @dear-mrs-otome @firestar-otomeobsessed @curious-skybunny @tele86 @rhodoliteschaos @kpop-and-otome @writingwhimsey @mxrmaid-poet @silver-dahlia @wendolrea @otomefoxystar @nightfoxqueen @myonlyjknight @aria-chikage @queen-dahlia @aceuuuuu @scorchieart @joiedecombat @bubblexly
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annathesillyfriend · 2 years
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August slipped away like a bottle of wine which mean it's time for another rec list! Marvel? Who's she? Tom Holland? We don't know him. As you will see, Top Gun men have taken over my life this past month along with Steve Harringtion (still haven't seen Stranger things but let's not talk about it). I hope you're gonna enjoy all these wonderful stories just as much as I did 💕 Have a beautiful September 😌😌
To all the writers - I love you and I appreciate you so much!
To all the readers - please, share the fics you read and love. The reblog really makes the change! It’s the least we can do to show our gratitude.
Also, please, mind the writers’ warnings!
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the actress and the aviator blurbs by @greenorangevioletgrass
↳ collection of wonderful stories all about my favourite duo written by my favourite person ✨ i love every single one of them with my whole stupid heart :')
ocean in a seashell by @seasonsbloom
↳ one shot, 18+, what a stunning story it is, i am at a loss of words, please read it!
this fic by @bradshawsbaby
↳ one shot, 18+, mr bradshaw makes pregnant!wife feel good while making me lose all my marbles 🥵 i also highly recommend the whole rooster masterlist!
silk by @siempre-bucky
↳ one shot, i've read so many jake fics this month (like SO many) but this one has decided to implant itself in my mind and never leave, i think about it at all times
and the truth of the matter is (i'll never let you go) by @fidogo
↳ one shot, 18+, definetly in my top jake fics, loved this with my whole being
king of my heart by @kyber-crystal
↳ one shot, jake really is the kind of my heart (body and soul)
butterflies by @almightyellie
↳ one shot, this makes me go AGHHH 😫😫😫 but like in the best way possible
do not disturb by @callsign-valley
↳ one shot, 18+, every single cell of my body is in love this with one
it's not me, it's you by @phoenixsbby
↳ one shot, I LOVED THIS!!!!!!
the last word by @sunlightmurdock
↳ one shot, 18+, don't we just love mouthy boys 👀
tommorow never comes by @purplevortexx
↳ one shot, i enjoyed this one so much!
i drive your truck by @wombtotombx
↳ one shot, this shit hurted 😫 but it's also so good!!
dime store cowboy by @//seasonsbloom
↳ two shot, 18+, a big yeehaw moment 🤠🤠
this fic by @seasonsbloom
↳ one shot, i just love that man so much
of gym buddies and overlapping schedules by @priceof-freedom
↳ one shot, i loved this so much!!!
about time by @lovecraft
↳ one shot, 18+, the summary of this fic is 'bob gives you a compliment, you nearly give him an aneurysm' and if that doesn't make you wanna read it, then something's wrong with you 😬 SO GOOD
my love, forever by @robertcallsignbobfloyd
↳ series, i am loving this series so much 💕
sunscreen by @siempre-bucky
↳ one shot, dad!bob owns me
hair by @//siempre-bucky
↳ one shot, see above 👆👆
this fic by @//siempre-bucky
↳ one shot, i might be a little bit obssesed with bob and Kristi's work 👀
take me by the heart, take me by the hand by @ae-gar-targaryen
↳ one shot, danny ramirez and all of his characters are meant to be somebody's boyfriend i swear
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twisty by @musingsinmoonlightlibrary
↳ one shot, 18+, the summary alone has me losing it but the fic itself is even better 💕
for the first time by @jobean12-blog
↳ one shot, 18+, Jo, you bloody legend, this is so BLOODY GOOD
i need him like water by @pellucid-constellations
↳ one shot, get your tissues ready :')
drunk in love by @bethdutten
↳ one shot, 18+, reader can't keep her hands to herself and i can't really blame her
delicate by @mediocre-daydreams
↳ one shot, i loved this as much as i love the song it was inspired by 😌
i've got time, i've got love by @rodrikstark
↳ one shot, mannn i love this
...and i'm wearing tights by @ronearoundblindly
↳ one shot, 18+, no thoughts brain empty 🤤
neogenesis by @murdock-and-the-sea
↳ one shot, Vidra's back at it again making my heart melt :')
the favourite by @softspideys
↳ one shot, stark!reader, i don't know what is says about me but i live for stories likes this one 😅
middle by @fluffyprettykitty
↳ one shot, boyfriend!joaquin is just a dream
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bound to you by @vendettaparker
↳ series, royal!au, the best word for this story is a masterpiece, stunning work!!
no shoes, no shirt, no problem by @heyhihellowhatsup0
↳ series, 18+, another banger of a story from Nicole, tom + a lovely island sound like a dream 🥰
this fic by @//sunshinehollandd
↳ one shot, the softest thing ever 🥺🥺
i see you by @luciwritesstuff
↳ series, social media au, this was so fun, i loved it 😁😁
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i love you by @collecting-stories
fools by @spencerrxids
↳ series, i just love stories that make my heart hurt
hidden keepsakes and i don't hate you, i just don't like you by @hellhue
↳ two shot, 18+, yes, that's all i have to say
dirty dancing by @nexusnyx
↳ one shot, biker!reader, this made me yell 😁
this fic by @sunshinehollandd
↳ one shot, dad!steve, i can't even 😫😫
wash day by @//sunshinehollandd
↳ one shot, 18+, okay when is my turn to wash his hair???
chain reaction by @custardcrazy
↳ one shot, so lovely 🥰
power trip by @silkscream
↳ one shot, 18+, yes yes yes
and i get this feeling in my chest by @upsidedownwithsteve
↳ one shot, jealous steve and some soft times 😌
june baby by @luveline
↳ two shot, single mum!reader, i haven't read part 2 yet but i am looking forward to do so, incredible story!!
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sweetlyticklish · 1 year
Hi! My name is Katie, I'm 25, and my pronouns are she/her. I live in the great state of Texas! 🤠 YEEHAW.
I am a lee-leaning switch, a sub-leaning switch, and a little! I feel a bit more comfortable getting to know someone before being or doing either, but especially for my ler and dominant side, so please just be respectful and know it's just more of a comfort to know who I am being teased by or teasing!
I do want to share other kinks here on my blog besides just tickling. This is a NSFW blog, and I will do my best to make sure I attach tags, however please don't rely on that. I feel as though I shouldn't have to state this, but this is an 18+ ONLY blog. Minors, please do not interact, you will be blocked.
A couple of my other favorite kinks that you'd see on my blog are:
❀。Orgasm Denial/Orgasm Control
❀。Nipple Play
Anyways, I hope that you enjoy my blog and please don't be a stranger, I love meeting new people and making friends, especially ones that share like mind interests! Please feel free to reach out or ask questions!
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blorbocedes · 2 years
anything maxiel for the prompt challenge! maybe them hiding their relationship in the paddock (badly lol)
I have maxiel'd! twice! hehe this challenge is for ships I've never written for/considered
but in the meanwhile please feel free to enjoy these which is canon compliant and a little bittersweet and the yeehaw cowboy maxiel 🤠
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raikkxz · 3 months
⋆ ˚。⋆୨ 𝐓𝐎 𝐁𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐘 𝐀 𝐖𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄𝐑 (sv5) 𝐱𝐨 ୧˚
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★ 𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝﹕ yes/no — 𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦﹕Formula 1 [?] — 𝐟𝐢𝐜 𝐭𝐲𝐩𝐞﹕smau — 𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲﹕based off this request by @cliosunshine <3 — 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬﹕im not really sure what warnings there are, use of y/n, use of curse words, reader is faceless, i got some of the dates wrong, probably not proof read well, lmk if there's anything i missed!! — 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠﹕sebastian vettel 5 x fem!reader — 𝐰/𝐜﹕icba to check coz this is an smau LMAO ★ 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐚/𝐧﹕ hii my lovely angels!! no, i haven't finished the alex summers fic 😓 this became a little longer than i expected, buuuuut i had a lovely time making this 🤭 enjoy! ౨ৎ 𝐭𝐚𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 ;; none yet :)
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liked by sebastianvettel, yourbff, friend1, friend2, and 137,092 others
yns.library had to scream that off by writing and more screaming but hey, meet and greet on march 10th in australia! can't wait to see you all, yeehaw! 🤠🫶
view all 16,346 comments...
yns.library : TYY!
user : wait she likes seb but she's a ferrari fan??
user : babes, you can be fans of different teams and different drivers.. liked by creator!
user : I CAN'T WAIT FOR HER NEXT BOOK liked by creator! yourbff : BEAUTIFUL GIRL!
yns.library : ALL YOU
yourbff : can confirm, she was screaming all around the house.
yns.library : SHHHH I HAVE A VERY GOOD REASON FOR THAT. user : HELP I LOVE THEM user : i would be screaming too if i were a writer and THE sebastian vettel read MY books!! yns.library : YES YOU GET ME!!
yourbff : ..y/n babes, i think you got texas and australia mixed up 😞
yns.library : are they not basically the same........
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via instagram dms...
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Hello, Y/N!
hii! wait.. redbull??? 😭
Yes, haha! We heard you were coming to Australia. We were wondering if you'd like to come to the paddock for the race! We know you're a Tifosi, but it doesn't hurt to change sides sometimes 😌
oh my god?! i would love to!
Well then, pack your bags! We'll text you later for more info, don't forget to bring a pen to sign some books too! See you in Australia, Ms. L/N 😉 message liked by @/yns.library!
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OH. MY. GOD. [who's that again]
... f1 😔
HEY I HAVE NOT BEEN RANTING! @/yourbff reacted 😒 to your message!
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liked by sebastianvettel, yourbff, friend1, friend2, friend3, and 103,461 others
yns.library hihii guess who's going to another part of australia for another meet n greettttttt :)
view all 11,027 comments...
yns.library : CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU ML 😚
user : not getting over the fact seb is always in her likes 🤭 liked by @/sebastianvettel! yourbff : girlie could NOT stop reading 😒
yns.library : STOPP I LOVE MY BOOKS OKAY ☹️
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@/yns.library uploaded to their story!
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seen by by yourbff, sebastianvettel, redbullracing, friend1, friend2, friend3, friend4, and 859,271 others
@/yourbff replied to your story!
girlie livin the life message liked by @/yns.library!
@/redbullracing replied to your story!
We're all so glad you're here, thank you for the signed books! Everyone's happy, especially Seb 😉 message liked by @/yns.library!
@/user replied to your story
@/user replied to your story
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☆ 𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐚/𝐧﹕is it bad that i'm obsessed with my own layout 🤭i had sosoosso much fun making this, though i did get stuck a few times.. anyway, follow the next part and for more! have a lovely day, i hope you enjoyed <3
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my-weird-news · 10 months
🚨Miracle Rescue! 2 Lost Honduran Kids Saved at Texas Border!
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Texan Troopers Turn Kid Rescuers: A Wild Ride Down the Rio Grande! So, picture this: a couple of Texas DPS troopers are just minding their business near the Texas border, probably enjoying some good ol' barbecue, when suddenly they stumble upon not one, but two little adventurers straight out of Honduras. Yep, you heard that right! These two pint-sized explorers, aged 4 and 12, were chilling by the Rio Grande River in good ol' Eagle Pass, Texas. 🌮🤠 Now, let's get something straight – these kids weren't on some kind of solo adventure. Oh no! Apparently, some shady smugglers decided to drop these siblings like a hot potato right there at the southern border. Criminal masterminds, I tell ya! And who comes to the rescue? The Texas DPS troopers, obviously. I guess they were tired of just dealing with speeding tickets and decided, "Hey, let's add child rescuer to our resumes!" 🚓💪 So, our heroes in uniform have a chit-chat with these adventurous youngsters. And guess what? The kids spill the beans – they've got family all the way in San Francisco, California. Talk about a cross-country family road trip without GPS! 🗺️🚗 But let's pause for a moment and talk about the big picture here. Smuggled kids are like the forgotten fries at the bottom of the fast-food bag – nobody really cares for them. These little tykes get abandoned in the craziest situations. Thank goodness for our Texan troopers, right? They've actually rounded up more than 900 kiddos from smuggling shenanigans. That's gotta be some kind of record, maybe even a Guinness World Record for "Most Rescues While Wearing Cowboy Boots." 🤷‍♂️🥾 Now, let's zoom out a bit. There's a whole border situation going on here, and it's like a chaotic circus without the popcorn. People are crossing into the U.S. faster than you can say "yeehaw," tossing their hard-earned cash at human smugglers and hoping these guys won't take them on the scenic route to disaster. It's like a bizarre trust exercise – "Here, random stranger, take my money and my life, please!" 🎪💸 And here's a kicker for you: right before Title 42 expired (don't worry, I had to Google that too), Border Patrol were rounding up more than 10,000 migrants a day. That's a crowd bigger than your high school reunion! This Title 42 thingamajig was all about COVID-19 expulsions – apparently, the virus wasn't keen on crossing borders without a passport. 🦠🛂 Now, just imagine the tension building as this policy was about to expire. Everyone was like, "Oh no, not another migrant wave! We're already drowning in a crisis over here!" It's like waiting for the roller coaster drop after that long climb – you know it's coming, you just don't know when. 🎢😱 So, here's to the Texan troopers turned kid-rescuers, keeping things lively down by the Rio Grande. Who needs reality TV when you've got smuggler-ditching siblings and troopers with a knack for unexpected heroism? Keep on wrangling, Texas! 🤠🌊# Texan Troopers Turn Kid Rescuers: A Wild Ride Down the Rio Grande! So, picture this: a couple of Texas DPS troopers are just minding their business near the Texas border, probably enjoying some good ol' barbecue, when suddenly they stumble upon not one, but two little adventurers straight out of Honduras. Yep, you heard that right! These two pint-sized explorers, aged 4 and 12, were chilling by the Rio Grande River in good ol' Eagle Pass, Texas. 🌮🤠 Now, let's get something straight – these kids weren't on some kind of solo adventure. Oh no! Apparently, some shady smugglers decided to drop these siblings like a hot potato right there at the southern border. Criminal masterminds, I tell ya! And who comes to the rescue? The Texas DPS troopers, obviously. I guess they were tired of just dealing with speeding tickets and decided, "Hey, let's add child rescuer to our resumes!" 🚓💪 So, our heroes in uniform have a chit-chat with these adventurous youngsters. And guess what? The kids spill the beans – they've got family all the way in San Francisco, California. Talk about a cross-country family road trip without GPS! 🗺️🚗 But let's pause for a moment and talk about the big picture here. Smuggled kids are like the forgotten fries at the bottom of the fast-food bag – nobody really cares for them. These little tykes get abandoned in the craziest situations. Thank goodness for our Texan troopers, right? They've actually rounded up more than 900 kiddos from smuggling shenanigans. That's gotta be some kind of record, maybe even a Guinness World Record for "Most Rescues While Wearing Cowboy Boots." 🤷‍♂️🥾 Now, let's zoom out a bit. There's a whole border situation going on here, and it's like a chaotic circus without the popcorn. People are crossing into the U.S. faster than you can say "yeehaw," tossing their hard-earned cash at human smugglers and hoping these guys won't take them on the scenic route to disaster. It's like a bizarre trust exercise – "Here, random stranger, take my money and my life, please!" 🎪💸 And here's a kicker for you: right before Title 42 expired (don't worry, I had to Google that too), Border Patrol were rounding up more than 10,000 migrants a day. That's a crowd bigger than your high school reunion! This Title 42 thingamajig was all about COVID-19 expulsions – apparently, the virus wasn't keen on crossing borders without a passport. 🦠🛂 Now, just imagine the tension building as this policy was about to expire. Everyone was like, "Oh no, not another migrant wave! We're already drowning in a crisis over here!" It's like waiting for the roller coaster drop after that long climb – you know it's coming, you just don't know when. 🎢😱 So, here's to the Texan troopers turned kid-rescuers, keeping things lively down by the Rio Grande. Who needs reality TV when you've got smuggler-ditching siblings and troopers with a knack for unexpected heroism? Keep on wrangling, Texas! 🤠🌊 Read the full article
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daddy-deathslinger · 3 years
If it isn't to much trouble could I please have some deathslinger angst with an fem s/o??
Howdy! I apologize that this took so long to post, I've been busy with alot of not-so-yeehaw things, but I'm back now! Hope you enjoy this angsty lil' bit I wrote, take care! 🤠
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"Hold me" - Caleb Quinn/The Deathslinger x fem!reader
Cw; smoking
(I headcanon all the killers to have different names for the Entity, so Caleb usually calls it the Evil or something like that.)
Caleb put the cigarette to his lips and lit the sad looking butt he’d found in his coat pocket. He closed his eyes as he greedily inhaled the smoke into his airways. He closed his tired eyes in an attempt to stop the voices raging in his head, and for a moment, they actually seemed to quiet down. He hadn’t slept in days, weeks, who even knew what time was here? The big great Evil that haunted this place pushed him to his limits every trial, and afterwards. It never allowed him to relax anymore, he must always perform his best, and yet he always got tormented after the trials. It isolated him, made him see things, hear voices from his past. Foul voices, accusing him, pointing fingers, cursing him. He felt like he was going to break any second now from the stress. And yet, Caleb had done all this to himself. For you.
He’d made a deal with the devil, so to speak. He’d told the great big Evil that he wanted to spare you every trial for now on, that he was going to do so even if the Evil did not allow it. To his big surprise, the Evil had agreed, and the price Caleb had to pay had shown to be even sweeter suffering than the Evil could get from the survivors. In return for Caleb letting you go unharmed every trial, the great Evil tortured him immensely. During trials, making his work so much harder, and after trials, making the time he spent with you so much more trying. But the punishment was always worth it, when he got to see your beautiful smile and hear your amazing laughter. When Caleb was finished with the cigarette, he tossed it on the muddy ground and crushed it with his booth. He mumbled a low “thanks” to the Evil for allowing him a smoke before today’s trial, and then he grabbed his Redeemer and took a deep breath. He hoped this one would be over quickly.
As it turned out, it was over quickly, but not in the way Caleb had hoped.
“Come on, Kate, quick!”
A shot, another miss. The blonde one was out of the gates, and the rest quickly followed. Caleb had gotten none of them.
“Fucking hell, fuck fuck fuck…” he mumbled, frustration hammering in his chest as he watched the scum run away back to their safe campfire.
He turned around, trying to calm himself down, and headed towards his workshop. Maybe this time it wouldn’t be so bad, maybe-
“Caleb, help!”
Caleb reacted instantly, turning around towards the sound of the screaming woman. But the next second he remembered that his mother couldn’t be here. She was dead. He should know, he had watched it happen. First time as a kid, and then again and again in this hellhole.
“Caleb, help! Call for your father, help me!”
Caleb growled in frustration, covering his ears and quickening his pace towards the workshop.
“I-I can’t hold on any longer, Caleb-”
“SHUT UP!” Caleb screamed, closing his eyes tight as he burst into the workshop and closed the door behind him. “Just shut up, shut up!”
“You’re not real!” Caleb roared, and opened his eyes.
The workshop was surprisingly dark, and in the shadows he could see something staring at him. A shape, a formless figure, staring at him with malcontent, white eyes.
“W-Who are you? What do you want?” Caleb spat, readying his Redeemer.
The figure spoke, but he couldn’t understand it.
“Get out, get the fuck out of here!” he screamed, his voice making the dark room rumble.
“Caleb! Caleb, it’s me!”
Suddenly, like a spark of lightning on a dark night, the shadow in front of him turned into… you. His partner. The darkness of the workshop lifted, and Caleb stood in the middle of the room, his Redeemer at his side, staring at you like he’d seen a ghost.
“Caleb? W-What happened?”
Your worried voice sent spikes through his heart, and he let out a gasp as he dropped his Redeemer to the floor.
You quickly walked over to him, embracing him in a tight, warm hug. He hugged you back, releasing a deep sigh of frustration over what had just happened. He felt so stupid, scaring you like this over nothing more than tricks of the mind.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N-”
“No”, you hushed him, releasing him from your embrace to have a look at him. “You don’t need to apologize, Caleb, it’s alright! I know what it… What it does to you, I know it torments you so often.”
Your voice was sad, and it was almost worse than any torture endured by the Evil, seeing you like this.
“Did I… Did I hurt you-”
“No!” you quickly replied, a faint smile on your lips. “No, Caleb, you didn’t, you just scared me when you didn’t recognize me.”
You looked into his eyes, your eyebrows slightly furrowed, sadness and pain plastered all over your face.
“Didn’t you see me, didn’t you hear me calling your name…?”
Your voice made Caleb’s heart almost break right there. How could he have betrayed you like this, made you fear him? He would never forgive himself.
“I-I… I saw a shadow. I-I couldn’t understand what it was saying, and outside… my mother was screaming…”
He sighed and sat down on the rusty bed he had dragged into the workshop.
“You’ve been hearing her alot lately, right?” he heard you carefully ask, and with another irritated sigh he nodded.
This was getting too dangerous. He couldn’t stay with you, he was going to hurt you real bad one day, he knew it. You had no idea of the deal he’d struck with the Evil, but surely you must have noticed how agitated he had been as of late. How could you not have noticed? It had to end, he had to end things with you, there was no other way. But as he felt you sit down beside him on the bed, his heart screamed out for your touch. And as you embraced him again, he couldn’t hold back. He hugged you, embraced you desperately and sighed into your shoulder, so afraid of letting you go. As if holding you right now was like holding onto the last spark of sanity. You stroked his cheek, kissed him so tenderly, and he never wanted to leave.
“W-We can’t-” he started mumbling, but you hushed him with another kiss on the cheek.
“Let’s just lay down for a bit, please?” you asked, and how could he decline?
You laid in bed together, arms tight around each other. Caleb had removed his duster coat and his boots, and you laid close up to his chest, inhaling his scent. Caleb stroked your hair carefully, none of you speaking. Caleb would kill to have this moment last forever. But he knew that wasn’t a possibility; he knew you had to leave soon. Go back to the campfire, back to your friends. And he had to prepare for another trial. And soon enough, as he felt you starting to move underneath his arms, he withheld a sigh and blinked a few times to keep the tears at bay.
"Just stay here with me" he whispered, his embrace on you tightening. "Stay with me for a while longer. Hold me."
You smiled up at him, and laid back down comfortably. Soon, the two of you drifted off to sleep, holding each other as close as only lovers can.
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shvkespearc · 3 years
Can we please know more about your cowboy playlist? 🤠
🤠so glad you asked anon
here's my cowboy playlist on spotify
so like ok i cant call it a country playlist cause like. theres like . cat power and fucking radiohead.
but like this is my mysterious yeehaw playlist which has edgy gay cowboy 🔫🔫🤠(heres him with his guns for his Big Pistol Duel Shoot Out) vibes BUT ALSO ARGUABLY: vampire and/or werewolf vibes. like listen. southern gothic potentials. waving a crucifix at the newcomer in town who everybody lowkey thinks is responsible for all the sudden deaths that are actually just tuberculosis . crosses myself when i see the handsome dark stranger enter the tavern...
please enjoy the yees and haws
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