#yellow lego castle
bluenpinkcastle · 9 months
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20240102: the History of LEGO Castle day 002. 375-2 / 6072-2 Castle (1978 / 1981, 779 pieces, 72 different parts, 1 sticker sheet) The "Yellow" Castle was designed by Daniel August Krentz and was the first mini-figure scale castle. The original (375-2) was released in the United Kingdom in 1978 while the United States version was released in 1981 (6075-2). The 1982 LEGO catalog said, "LEGOLAND Castle Sets take you back to the Middle Ages. The largest set has a castle with a working drawbridge you can raise and lower, 4 knights on horseback, and 10 guards with armor. With LEGOLAND Castle Sets, you can launch your own Medieval Adventures." Five thin baseplates allow the castle to be opened into several shapes and features a mostly yellow build with an arch over a red drawbridge, two side towers, and one rear tower with small red windows over two red doors. A sticker sheet is used to provide decoration to the light gray shields, mini-figure armor, towers, gate arch, and flag. Most of the stickers feature a yellow crown on a triangular dark pink background, while other stickers include dark pink decorative scrolls on a yellow background, eight yellow trefoils on a blue background, green chevrons on a yellow background, and a white maltese cross on a red background. The castle also features four brick-built horses; three black and one white. The minifigure as we know it today first began production in 1978, creating more versatile and mobile characters for Lego's first three themes: Castle, Space, and Town. Early versions of the minifigure torso used an entirely open interior and later versions utilize the cross-section interior stud holders. These minifigures have plain torsos with no print and the design effect is created with minifigure armor with stickers. Included in this set are fourteen plain minifigures, two black, eight blue, two red, and two white. With their plain smiling yellow faces, the four knights, four squires, and six guards could be any gender and that was one of my favorite parts about Lego as I was growing up. I like the ability to create my own stories and populate my realms with characters more in line with my own imagination with women knights and rulers. Early Lego sets all had a "back of the box" build, to show builders some of the other things it would be possible to build with the set. I've always enjoyed these alternate builds but as a younger human, I often felt like I didn't have the skill to build something pictured without instructions. I've been pretty good about building random things on my own, but something about building to a picture has always intimidated me. This set is a really good basic castle build, though the baseplate design makes it difficult to lift up and move to different locations. For only being a six-color castle (black, green, light gray, red, white, and yellow), this is a very interesting build. I like the hinge element and how you can expand the castle for easier play and all the parts involved make it very easy to build other things. While it is a very basic design, it is the first of it's kind and was definitely the building block for many of the following castles. Parts lists for this set can either be found on BrickLink or Rebrickable, while scanned instructions can be found at ToysPeriod. If you want to know more about the designer, Daniel August Krentz, BrickSet did a really nice tribute and has a full list of everything he designed.
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LEGO Minifigure Series 23: Knight of Yellow Castle
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scribblesofagoonerr · 2 months
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— Separate III | © scribblesofagoonerr
pairings: leah williamson x reader!buddy x reader!monkey
summary: buddy finds it difficult to express her emotions.
thank you @alotofpockets for putting up with me firing ideas at you as usual, hehe
also, i'm ill right now so if this sucks then i'm sorry!
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“Put the red block on top of the ‘ellow one!” Your little voice demands, pointing your index to the red lego block that sat on the floor abandoned.
“This one?” Monkey asks, picking up the said block in her hand to which you nod, “You want it on top of the yellow one?” She checks for your agreement.
“Uh huh! We gon’ make a big big tower!” You tell her, motioning the tallness of it with your tiny hands, “Huge!”
“Oh yeah? Why not a castle instead?” Monkey questions, curiously as she pieces the red block on top of the yellow like you had told her.
“No, big tower!” You insist, scowling at the older girl like you’d watched Leah do a lot when Monkey is in trouble with her, “No castle, Monkey!” You add.
“Alright, alright, got it,” Monkey grins, holding her hands up in surrender, “No castle, we’ll build a tower… Although technically, they’re sort of the same thing,” 
“No!” You exclaim in protest, no doubt alerting Leah from where she is in the kitchen to the commotion in the living room.
“Now the blue one– Not that one!” You continue to demand, doing your best to perfect the glare while resting your hands on your hips sassily.
Leah will be proud of you for that.
“Right, okay, that one,” Monkey murmurs, rolling her eyes at your newfound bossiness, “Geesh, when did you get so demanding, huh?” She attempts to joke.
“That blue one, Monkey!” You repeat loudly.
“Are you two playing nicely in here?” Leah teases, entering the living room after hearing the commotion between the two of you and watches in amusement as your stubbornness comes out in full swing.
You truly are her mini me.
“Mummy! Monkey’s building the tower wrong!” You snitch on your favourite person straight away as your bottom lip wobbles, “Tell her off, Mummy!” You demand.
“Wha? I didn’t do anything!” Monkey defends herself, “I simply just suggested the idea that we could build a castle instead, which would be so much cooler!”
“Nuh uh!” You state in protest.
“Yuh huh!” Monkey argues back.
“Nuh uh!” You repeat, louder and going for the ulterior motive of getting what you want, standing in front of Leah and lifting her arms up for her to pick you up, “Mummy, Monkey’s being mean to me!”
“No I am not!” Monkey shouts in protest, flailing her arms in the air, “Le, your daughters’ the one being bossy!”
Leah can’t help but laugh slightly and shake her head, “Okay, okay, that’s enough,” She breaks up the squabble between you both as she lifts you up into her arms, “If you two can’t play nicely together then I think it’s time we put it away, hm?”
“That’s not fair,” Monkey is the first to protest the idea, slumping her shoulders from where she sat on the floor, “I’m just sayin’ towers are boring and castles are more adventurous!”
“Put it away, Monkey,” Leah tells her with a pointed look, “And then afterwards, I need your help to lay the table,” She adds.
“Why? I wasn’t even that mean!” Monkey exclaims in disagreement.
“I’m not asking for that reason,” The blonde tells your favourite person, “Dinner will be ready soon, so just come and do it please,”
“Not like I have a choice in the matter,” The girl murmurs before she huffs and begrudgingly puts the lego away like she’s been told to do.
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“Come on Buddy,” Leah encourages, her voice gentle but still trying to remain firm with you, “You need to eat your dinner,”
“Nuh uh,” You protest against the idea, providing another battle for the blonde to deal with much to her detest, “Don’ wanna!” You add, crossing your arms stubbornly.
Sitting at the dinner table, you find yourself being unusually fussy about your food, but that’s just because now you are starting to miss Jordan again.
You wish that she is here as well with you, not at her home instead.
Leah furrows her eyebrows, “Why not?”
You exhale a loud sigh in response, “Ou’ don’ understand!” You state, pouting at the plate in front of you.
“What don’t I understand?” Leah’s certainly frazzled by your unusual fussiness during dinner, “You need to eat your vegetables to grow up big and strong, remember?” She continues to try and encourage you to eat them.
“No, I don’ like them!” You insist, moving to push the plate away from you, “No hungry!” You add, dramatically.
Monkey snorts across the table from you, “Well this is new,” She remarks, amused with your current antics, “Can you really blame her for not wanting to eat vegetables? They’re gross,” She asks.
“Really? You’re not helping here!” Leah gives her a look across the table before continuing to try and encourage you to eat your dinner in front of you, “Come on sweetheart, I need you to try and eat a little bit or you’ll be hungry later on, won’t you?”
“No!” You shout in further protest.
“Hey, no, we don’t shout at Mummy like that, little miss,” Leah scolds you for your outburst, “Can you tell Mummy why you don’t want to eat the rest of your dinner?”
“Don’ wanna eat it and 'ou not listen to me, Mummy!” You cry out, wanting nothing more than to abandon the rest of your dinner in front of you, “It yucky!” You add, scrunching your face up at the sight of them.
“Damn, you are being stubborn tonight,” Monkey murmurs in a low voice as she catches the pointed look Leah gives her again, “Alright, got it. I’ll shut up… But you know, your eating habits are just as bad sometimes. You’ve only got yourself to blame there,” She tells Leah.
“Monkey!” Leah warns, her voice sharp.
“Come on, I’m only messing here,” Monkey states, holding her hands up in mock surrender as she has an idea, “Hey, Buddy! How about you eat the yucky vegetables and then we can have chocolate cake for pudding. Sounds good?” She bargains with you.
Your eyes light up at the thought of cake, “Yeah!”
With the thought of cake in your head, you begin to start picking at the vegetables on your plate as you know you will soon be rewarded with cake afterwards.
“Unbelievable,” Leah clicks her tongue in disagreement.
“See? Works like a charm! Be happy that she's eating now,” Monkey smugly looks at Leah proud of herself, “But uh, do we have any chocolate cake? Cos’ I promised it to her now and I can’t break a promise!”
Unfortunately for Leah, this is only the first of many battles that she will have with you tonight.
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© scribblesofagoonerr
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perfectlyoongi · 3 months
DAD!JIMIN who takes your child to meet the ducklings in the lake near your house. the path to the lake was decorated with the most beautiful greens in nature and, on them, Jimin played with your kid amidst running and laughter, guiding them to a small oasis only known to you and Jimin. the spring air gently invited your child to approach the calm waters of the lake, their tiny hand always clinging to Jimin's sweater as your kid, very curiously, looked at the small yellow and brown dots in the water. with bright eyes and an open mouth, your child marveled at the ducklings and all the dances they did behind their mother, encouraging your child to dance with Jimin too. “these ducklings are your friends and they really want to play with you. just be careful because they are still very little, just like you.”
DAD!JIMIN who says the stars are waiting for your child every night when they don't want to sleep. when the games were more fun or the conversations were more fantastic, it was normal for your child to refuse to lie down, always wanting to enjoy all the time with you and Jimin. as such, Jimin thought of a small and tender solution to this problem that always created intense sparkles of hope and happiness in your kid's small, sweet eyes. “the stars are waiting for you to go to sleep so they can tell you the oldest stories they have ever seen. and who knows, maybe they’ll take you on their next adventure.”
DAD!JIMIN who ordered mud salads and stone juices on the hottest summer days. it was normal that on days when the sun was more intense and all the heat of the day accumulated in one spot, Jimin just wanted to cool off — going to visit your child's restaurant seemed the only plausible solution. listening carefully to the chief's recommendations and always questioning the various ingredients used, Jimin seriously considered his order, wanting to make sure that all the balls of play dough would be well spent on his late lunch. “i’ll have a grass and water salad and a white stone lemonade. and i also want a mud and petal salad to take to your dami.”
DAD!JIMIN who renovated a room in your house to store all of your child's legos. you had an extra room since you moved into that house and, after debating the various possibilities that could fill that room, when your child was old enough, Jimin used that room to display all the various legos made by him and your kid. various plants and houses, castles and ships, a whole colorful diversity filled endless shelves, making that room your child's favorite, as in each lego placed there lay a happy and comforting memory. “i think we’re going to need more shelves, love. you have a lot of legos on the floor and you could get hurt. do you want to choose the wood for the room?”
DAD!JIMIN who takes your child to sound checks before the show just to play with them on stage. when the microphones were tested and the band finished rehearsing, Jimin would take off his child's soundproof headphones and place them in the middle of the stage while he watched them. there were moments when the technical team played with the lights and invited your child to run like a butterfly across the stage; other times, Jimin would offer his microphone to them, encouraging them to sing Jimin's songs, performing extremely dramatic duets for the whole team to enjoy; and there were other moments when Jimin and your child played tag among the various people who hadn't yet finished their work — all adventures making your kid's laughter echo loudly throughout the venue. “one day you will be a star, pumpkin. one day you will conquer all the stars!”
DAD!JIMIN who encourages your child to live their feelings. whether it was fear or pain, joy or longing, Jimin always made a point of sitting with your child and guide them through the complex paths of emotions; always showing that they should never be afraid or ashamed to feel, Jimin made it his personal mission to make your child stronger, telling them that all the emotions they felt were human and that was what made them beautiful. “never be afraid to show who you are. it’s our emotions that make us real and you have every right to live and feel them.”
DAD!JIMIN who offers as many roses as your child’s age and keeps all the dried petals in a jar to give to them when they turn 18. Jimin didn't put much thought into what color to buy the rose, he just knew he needed one. or two. or three. or even four. the truth is that Jimin offered roses to your child every year, matching the number of flowers to your kid's age, ending up creating a small dry garden in your garage. when eighteen years of life arrived, Jimin appeared with a large vase, the glass showing all the various dried petals that used to make beautiful and vivid roses. and it was in these petals consumed by time that Jimin had placed all his love. “not all the petals that are here constitute the number of days that i loved you. but every petal holds with them a unique memory of my love for you.”
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buckys-little-belle · 4 months
He he! Stevie would need to practice to make his Legos look like tree house! 🙂 He is good at drawing art. Little needs to teach hims so they can be so good together
Practice Makes Progress
Steve Rogers x Little!Reader (He/Him Pronouns Used)
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Warnings - None! :)
Notes - This inspired me to do a little part two to this, I hope you enjoy! I loved this ask!
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Every sunny day Steve would walk by the same spot he had met Y/n, yet after two weeks he was beginning to think the fun boy with the difficult blocks wouldn't be back again.
Y/n on the other hand did his best to get all his work and chores done so he could lay his blanket out at the park again, legos on display, hopefully able to reel in the sweet gentle giant that was Steve Rogers.
Two weeks and three days after they met Steve walked past a familiar yellow blanket, a familiar boy laid out with his blocks and the breeze floating past him. "Hey, Buddie!" Steve smiled, trying his best not to come of too strong, yet too excited to stay quiet. "What are you building today?" He crouched down, a bigger smile plastering itself on his face when Y/n looked up at him with a huge smile and wide eyes.
"'m building a castle!" He cheered, waving his hands around his small structure, giggling at the fact that Steve couldn't tell it was obviously a castle.
"Can I join you again?" Steve asked, making Y/n nod his head quickly, excited to have company again.
"You might need help dis time." Y/n admitted, watching as Steve sat down, already picking through some pieces. "You sort of struggled last time." Y/n shrugged his shoulders, remembering the awkward thing Steve had built last time that he called a treehouse. It was not. It was a blob, but Y/n didn't want to be mean.
"I'll never say no to some help." Steve chuckled, building a small foundation.
"You should make a tower!" Y/n giggled. "For my castle! Towers are easy." Steve laughed, hoping four tall walls would be a good tower, knowing that that was about all he could do.
"I'll try my best, don't laugh if it's bad." He joked.
"I'll probably laugh." Y/n giggled. "Your treehouse was really bad."
"You little stinker." Steve laughed, hating just how right Y/n was. "My treehouse was perfect."
"Maybe we should get together more often." Y/n offered, eyes still focused on his blocks, not wanting to see the possible rejection in Steve's eyes. "So you can practice your building skills." He said quieter.
"I would love to." Steve smiled. "But if I have to keep building then one time we have to colour, I'm much better at colouring."
"I love colouring!" Y/n smiled at Steve. "We should colour next time." He nodded his head.
"Sounds like a deal, Buddie." Steve smiled, a warmth spreading through his chest, enjoying this little moment of peace that he got in the middle of a busy park with a creative boy at his side, and difficult blocks in his hands.
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yuri-badiner · 4 months
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Wrong spell
We often complain that voice assistants do not understand us. Either they don’t do what we ask them to do at all, or they don’t hear us at all. It’s no joke, the problem of communication between a person and an inanimate object has existed for a very long time. Another person intuitively understands us, even if we speak quietly or indistinctly, but with objects everything is different...
Look at Alice's surprise when her wand cast a completely different spell than it was supposed to. Alice had long wanted to get rid of the habit of curling her curls in anxious moments, and she believed that magic would help her. She said “Eliminate bad habit!”, but the wand applied a spell “Multiply that rabbit!”.
Here I depart from my favorite space, but do not move away from the LEGO classics: here you are a sorceress in a traditional blue robe, and a castle even made of yellow brick, albeit on a micro scale, which is almost the source of the entire Castle series.
I took this photo to illustrate the Brickcentral theme of the month. I invite you to join us in search of adventures in the world of magic!
The environment
Initially, I wanted to put together a children's play room, stylized with a fantasy theme, but in the end I am no longer sure whether this is stylization, or really a room in some castle.
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The build is very simple, without any frills or unusual solutions. The filling of the room is not too dense, exactly as much as I planned to place in the frame. The cloud mat is missing from the final photo because I felt it was too distracting. I would like to focus on two elements that I really like:
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A white sofa inspired by the work of the amazing builder Brickdesigned. I took one of his models as a basis and modified it to suit my needs. And a micro-scale model of the classic yellow LEGO castle from the talented photographer @johnreiley. It was absolutely impossible to pass by this wonderful miniature.
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hes-a-rat-whisperer · 10 months
Once Felonious had calmed Alistair, and a quick stop for some ‘Feel Better’ ice cream, the two had finally made their way to the Lego store.
“Go on.” Felonious crouched down to Alistair’s level while gently patting his back to urge the little one forwards.
“Go pick out what you want, ok my little prince?” The raven haired man said while motioning the various sections and display areas that these vibrant yellow walls housed.
“You can have as many sets as you want, but be nice to the other kids though, ok Alistair?”
"o-okay.." Alistair said, a little bit hesitantly as he stepped forward and further into the store.
he was a tiny bit intimidated by not only the size of the store, but also the many colors and toys along with his father telling him he could have ´as many sets as he wants´. all of this still seemed..too good to be true..
however, those first anxious thoughts were soon enough replaced as the little child found himself in awe at one of the colorful toy sets in particular.
it was one of those ´fairytale´ sets with a big castle that had a working drawbridge and even a moat!
but his big excited eyes were soon drawn on another set, one that would be a great addition to the castle- a big, ferocious looking dragon with big, kind of intricate wings and a light up mechanism that make it look like it´s spitting fire!
the little boy hopped in place excitedly as he pressed the castle box to his chest and looked around at more fairytale themed sets.
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realmackross · 6 months
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PARTIES: @notstinky, @realmackross TIMING: August 3rd at Mistwood Park SUMMARY: Waka Waka Waka Waka....Howdy Partner! WARNINGS: None!
Mistwood Park was bubbling with life; the rumbling sound of voices like a swarm of insects hung over the clatter of legos and occasional fits of laughter. Thea could pick out bits of conversation: people who had gotten narratively invested in their lego creations, people who were complaining about the heat, someone who thought a lego hot dog was a real hot dog and now had a chipped tooth. Thea had come down to watch people build their lego creations for the contest tomorrow, mesmerized by how tiny blocks could form blocky recreations and works of art. The creations ranged from lego animals to spaceships (Thea liked those best). Someone had even built a large lego castle with a winding, maze-like interior. Thea, who maintained that the most creative thing she was capable of was color coding her notes, was impressed. 
Thea walked through the park, approaching the end of the displays where a large lego Pac-Man stood, built up from hundreds of yellow legos. His accompanying ghosts and circle pellets were still being made, but she thought the scale and accuracy of the Pac-Man was impressive enough. Having walked through all of the entries to the lego building contest, Thea turned to leave when her body crashed into another’s. “Oh!” she squeaked, holding out her hands to catch the stranger if they fell. “I’m so sorry! I wasn’t looking where I was….” Thea trailed off. That was a familiar mess of blonde hair. In fact, that was a very familiar set of features. “Oh my god…” she blinked. “Wait a minute, are you Zoey Ross?” 
It wasn’t Mackenzie’s plan to go look at Lego sculptures in the park. In fact, the last time she had played with a Lego had been years ago, but she couldn’t stay cooped up forever after the Barbie Nightmare Sleepover fiasco. In fact, she had only recently cleaned her house. But it was nice out and instead of living life as a complete hermit, she opted to go see other people’s talent with small plastic bricks that hurt like a motherfucker when you ran one into your foot. But being dead, did this mean she was immuned now?
As she let her eyes wander up and down the rows of colorful bricked creations, she was caught off guard by a hard thud, which resulted in a Roblox type of noise escaping her mouth. If it hadn’t been for the person who bumped into her, catching her, Mack would have hit the ground, “Hey, it’s no problem. I-” Before she could finish, Mackenzie heard a squeal of recognition, but with the wrong name. It had been a while since anyone had called her Zoey. Her fellow actress on Dropped dawned the same last name, which always made for an interesting conversation after the fact, when she would have to explain the mix-up. “Uh, yeah. That would be my co-star. I’m actually Mackenzie Ross, no relation to Zoey, but I see you’re a fan of the show?” An uneasy smile crept across her features.
Thea didn’t watch a lot of TV, she didn’t watch a lot of anything. It was hard to stay interested when it wasn’t animated or filled with enough gore to make her sick; either she liked shows and movies intended for children or things that no child should ever watch. “Oh, um…” She willed recognition to come to her. This was not Zoey Ross, she told herself. This was someone called Mackenzie Ross. And Mackenzie Ross was famous for… Thea didn’t know. She might as well have been talking to a rock and not The Rock but a literal rock. “Oh, are you two sisters?” Thea asked with a smile. “Um, actually, I didn’t like the show. I thought it was kinda…” Thea waved her hand in the air. “Um, like unseasoned chicken.” She paused, flushing. “No offense though! I’m sure you were great in it! Not that I remember who you played—I remember Zoey Ross—but maybe it just wasn’t for me!” Thea’s hands flew around her body, trying to keep up with her rushed words. 
“W-what brings you to the LEGOs?” Thea gulped. “This, um, this Pac-Man is really nice.” She gestured to the large yellow LEGO sculpture beside them. “Um, it’s not done yet, but when they run the contest tomorrow I bet it’ll be a hit! W-what do you think, Ms. Ross-but-not-Zoey?” 
Mackenzie had never been so insulted yet entertained in her life. Unseasoned chicken. That was a new one, and as much as she wanted to be upset by the comment, she just couldn’t. Would this person still consider Dropped unseasoned chicken, if she had known that I had died on the set? She pushed the thought from her head. “Uh, no. We’re not related. She was just another person that worked on the show. And you know, not everybody’s gonna be a fan. I’m just not sure I’ve ever heard it be compared to unseasoned chicken before.” She laughed.
Glancing over at the huge life sized Pac-Man set up next to them, she admired the dedication it took to build it, “I think somebody has a lot of talent, and I would hate to make that thing angry if it ever came to life.” It was a LEGO sculpture, and that couldn’t happen right? I mean she knew this town was weird, but still…It was made from plastic. “And you can call me Mack.” She looked back over to the woman who was clearly nervous.
“Two people who worked on the show had the same last name and weren’t related?” Thea could imagine the nightmare of it. To ease the trauma she assumed Mack’s had with her last name, she smiled softly. Not that smiling ever eased any trauma, but it was the only thing Thea could offer. “I just mean it’s bland,” Thea elaborated despite the fact an elaboration wasn’t needed. “Like it wasn’t funny. For me. Or good. In my opinion. Or entertaining. To me.” Thea shrugged. “My favorite show is NOVA. Y’know? The science documentary show?” She paused, there was probably a reason she didn’t find anything live-action entertaining unless it was educational or a gore-fest.
Thea’s attention snapped away from Mack as a WAKA burst through the air. Thea stared at the Pac-Man, whose mouth was now closed. Strange. It must have always been closed, now that she thought about it. The sound must have been programmed into the stand; authentic Pac-Man noises. She turned back to Mack. “I don’t think it’ll come to life. that would be weird,” Thea laughed. “What? Would it chase us around and try to crush us under its large lego mouth?” She smiled, shaking her head. “Did you move here to lay-low?” Thea asked. “You couldn’t have picked a more normal town! I’m pretty sure, like, nothing bad happens here.” Just as she said it, something. behind her snapped. 
“Yeah, it wasn’t too bad considering we mostly went by our first names.” She smiled softly and wanted to keep smiling, until the insults just kept coming. The woman had definitely gotten her point across with the unseasoned chicken comment leaving Mack feeling much like Maddy from Wild ‘N Out. If this woman had said something about the actress putting raisins in her potato salad or liking mayonnaise, she was out. “Uh, yeah. Science is cool. Have you thought about talking to this guy that works at the university? His name is Gael, and he loves science. You know, it might be a little more entertaining…” Mackenzie was gritting her teeth by this point and forced a smile back onto her face.
It had come as a relief when she noticed the woman’s eyes shift to the statue rather than staying focused on Mack and insulting the show she worked so hard on and had literally died on. But Mackenzie hadn’t noticed any odd movements from the statue, since she had been so invested in trying not to slap the science out of Thea. “Yeah, it would, but I feel like stranger things in this town have happened.” The comment about the giant Pac-Man crushing them in its mouth did somewhat worry Mack though. But she couldn’t let the worry of something as silly as that- “Uh…I don’t know your name, since you were more concerned about giving me your honest opinion of my show, but I would move away from the statue if I were you…” Mackenzie motioned towards the Pac-Man that was now hovering in the air off of its stand, as she slowly began to back away.
The mention of university made Thea frown. If she hadn’t been bit, she would have graduated this year. Without a cure, without any semblance of control of the wolf, there was no way she could go back to school. She filed the name ‘Gael’ away, regardless, and missed the forced smile and annoyed tone; she was too far gone inside of her head. Thea picked at a loose thread at the end of her sleeve. “Um. Yeah. Maybe. Thanks,” she mumbled. 
“Thea,” she responded, still trapped in the labyrinth of her thoughts. Was it a left to clear them or a right? WAKA. WAKA. No, she must have taken a wrong turn somewhere. WAKA. WAKA. What was that about Pac-Man? Man, these sound effects were really loud. Thea turned around, her nose scraping the lip of the LEGO Pac-Man. It WAKA’d once more, pinching her nostrils. “Oh,” she said. “Oh, yeah. You’re right. We should run.” She pulled her nose free and grabbed Mack’s arm, pulling her along just enough until she was sure the actress was running too. Behind them, the Pac-Man shut its mouth with a thunderous WAKA and screeched like a rusted hinge when it opened. The ground shuddered where it carved a line through the earth, hungry for the flesh of two young women. “I don’t think this is supposed to happen!” she called out. 
Mackenzie’s eyes grew wide as the giant LEGO creature nibbled on Thea’s nose. Her legs continued to slowly carry her backwards, until she noticed that the woman had finally started moving away from the thing, but before she could really process it all, Mackenzie felt herself being tugged forwards by Thea.
Hearing its loud WAKA booming behind them both, Mack continued to press forward, but the neuropathy in her feet seemed to slow her down. It was a brief nip on the tush that seemed to give her the inspiration she needed to force herself to move faster. And luckily for her, running out of oxygen wouldn’t be an issue. But that thing was HUGE, and if they both didn’t pick up the pace, it was probably going to end in two flattened people and one large Pac-man destroying downtown Wicked’s Rest.
“THEA! Look!” As she continued to move forward, Mackenzie spotted a castle completely made of LEGOs that was actually rather big considering what it was made out of and where it was located, “Maybe we can hide in there!” Without giving it much thought, she turned left and started running towards the drawbridge gate. If they had needed a mote, the Pac-man could certainly lay the groundwork. But Mack’s mind was on the opening that lay just a few hundred feet ahead; no thought given on if this would be a trap in itself!
Running out of oxygen was, however, a big issue for Thea, who couldn’t figure out how to breathe while her pulse cleaved through her body, splintering her bones from the sinew. Her feet thumped on the ground and she tried to remember how running was supposed to feel and supposed to happen and where her feet were meant to land and what her arms were meant to do. Her body moved but her mind hadn’t caught up with the logistics. Mack pivoted left and Thea stumbled as she followed, searing her palms on the gravel before she kicked up and bolted after the blonde. Thea wasn’t out-of-shape—cardio exercise was a constant in her life—but she watched Mack run like a movie star: no sweat, no heaving. Well, she supposed, Mack was exactly that. That was so unfair; Thea probably looked like a personal-sized tornado had swept across her body and Mack looked photoshoot ready. Rich people sucked.
Thea pushed herself into the LEGO castle, diving through the threshold like a baseball player hitting home plate. “Close the doors!” she called out over her shoulder. “Close those intricately made LEGO doors!” Really, the craftsmanship was something else; not only was the castle big enough to house two adult sized women, but it seemed to stretch on into more rooms and halls. The walls were adorned with block sconces outfitted with red LEDs. Thea took only a moment to consider how that was wired. “Are we…” Thea gulped. “Are we safe?” She couldn’t hear the hungry yellow monster anymore. 
Mackenzie had managed to slip inside, but seeing Thea barreling towards her like a bull during the Running of the Bulls alerted her to sidestepping just in time to not get smacked. But the Pac-Man was still following closely behind, and at the woman’s request, Mack used all of her strength to close the doors just in time before the thing could WAKA them to death.
“That was so fucking close!” The zombie collapsed to the floor in relief, but also because both running and closing well made LEGO doors that were lifesize had been nearly impossible for one person, “And those doors are surprisingly heavy to be made out of just plastic blocks. Geeze!” Mack looked back up at Thea, who seemed winded, “You okay, Bud? You look like shit.” A small smirk slipped across her lips at the enjoyment of finally getting to insult the brunette back; glad they were both safe, but still getting some pleasure. “So what do we do now? Just hangout here, until that thing outside gets bored and moves onto someone else?” She looked towards a window, only to see yellow slowly floating past which made her quickly look away.
Thea couldn’t help it; as Mack collapsed on the floor, she peered over her, inspecting her skin. She wasn’t sweating, she wasn’t flushed—what kind of a personal trainer did she have? Thea’s heart hammered in her chest and she strained to hone in on Mack with her erratic hearing—she wasn’t very good with her strange, new senses, mostly the world was a jumble of too loud, too stinky for her—and found that she couldn’t hear anything from the actress. Well, she wasn’t good at picking up heartbeats anyway. Once, she thought she might use her new senses like a lie detector and found herself listening in on the gurgle of intestines instead; bodies made a lot of weird squelching noises she’d rather not focus on. Thea stumbled back with a flush. “I don’t look like shit!” She blinked, gesturing at Mack. “Not all of us can have…uh, whatever you have going on. Like, you look like those girls in the sportswear ads? Like Nike and Adidas and stuff? You know how they’re doing sports but all their hair is tidy and they’re not sweaty or red? That’s you.” She was too exhausted to hide the amazement in her voice.  
Thea pushed herself off the ground and dusted off. She smiled at Mack, holding out a hand to help her up. “Maybe we can check this place out? I kinda want to see what all the rooms look like. It seems like they built a lot of stuff! That’s neat.” Gone, as if it had never existed, was her fear of Pac-Man. Thea was proud of her ability to deny, forget and repress; if Nike made ads for that, she could totally star in them. 
A compliment from Thea? Wow! That had surprised Mack, but maybe it was because of the defeat in Thea’s voice from being winded, “You know? I think that’s the first nice thing you’ve said to me since we met. I’ll take it.” Any chance to mess with the woman, she was going to take it after being humiliated by her earlier. “And hey, Thea? I was in a Nike Ad once. I’ll show you the pictures if we ever get out of here.”
Taking Thea’s hand, Mack pulled herself up and followed suit dusting off her pants, “I’m down. Besides, it’s not like I really want to go back outside right now considering you know what is lurking around the building.” She hated to think of that thing chasing them again and chomping down. Mackenzie didn’t know how much more running she could take, despite not being winded. “Whoever constructed this thing must either be a genius or practice magic. Can you imagine the time it took?” She started to move forward taking in every delicate plastic brick that had surrounded them. “How many Legos do you think it took to make this place?” She looked over at Thea.
“Thanks! I guess I…wait…” Thea squinted. “What do you mean ‘first nice thing’?” She thought she was being friendly. Still heaving, she searched her pounding brain for memories of their brief conversation. Yes, in there somewhere, she had accidentally insulted her acting talent. “I mean, there’s nothing wrong with being a mediocre actress?” she said, thinking more out loud than talking to Mack. “Not that you are one! I just mean, like, if you were. Hypothetically!” Her hands shot up again, waving wildly in the air. “I don’t want to see you in a Nike ad! You’d be half-naked, probably, and I don’t want to see that. I mean, not that you’re not attractive. I mean—it…” Thea gulped, flipping around and storming down the lego hall. If she physically moved on, then perhaps they could emotionally move on and forget she said anything. 
“There’s no such thing as magic!” Thea called back from over her shoulder. “That’s silly! This is obviously like, hard work and science, or something.” At the question of how many LEGOs were inside the castle, Thea started running calculations in her head. The length of the hallway, and the length of a LEGO, and the height of the room… And then she heard it. 
It was inescapable. 
“Howdy Partner.”
The roof of the castle snapped and pebbles of LEGOs rained down on them. The smiling face of a giant LEGO Sheriff Woody peered down. Thea stopped walking. “Mack,” she said, “I think we should just run out of the park now.” 
Mack took pleasure in witty banter with Thea. She couldn’t help but snicker under her breath, and then there it was again; an insult wrapped up in a nice pretty compliment. By now, Mack had just come to accept it. And instead of further carrying on the banter, she let it go as she watched Thea move forward.
This day had certainly turned out much different than she had expected it would, and despite the fact that they were almost eaten by a giant Pac-man, Mackenzie had found herself grateful she had decided to venture out since things had seemed to settle down. But almost as if the Gods of Wicked’s Rest had noticed her getting a little too comfortable with her surroundings, Mack quickly heard the boom “Howdy Partner” only to look up to see a giant Sheriff Woody loom down at them both.
For once, Mack had actually agreed with Thea, and without hesitation, she snatched up her new frienemy’s hand ready to haul ass out the back half of the castle to freedom and safety with the goal of them both living to see another day.
As Thea ran, she spared one glance at the giant Pac-man and another for the giant Sheriff Woody and one for Mack, who was still not sweaty. As they moved on from the pack, and the giant legos turned shrunk into the horizon, Thea wondered if after mercilessly insulting Mack, they could still be friends.
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bricksxbooks · 14 days
I support this product idea on LEGO Ideas, and you should, too!
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emmajh97-mumaji · 1 year
Literally ALL My Blorbos
A comprehensive list of my favorite characters from my favorite media! (I keep this because it makes it easier to decide on what to draw lol)
[This post will probably be edited every so often, so make sure to go to the original and not any Reblogs for the most up-to-date version!]
[page break because LONG LIST IS LONG]
Ace Attorney: ○ Apollo Justice ○ Miles Edgeworth ○ Phoenix Wright ○ Simon Blackquill Animal Crossing: ○ Lily (Rainy) ○ Wilbur Avatar - The Legend of Korra: ○ Mako Barbie in The Nutcracker: ○ Captain Candy Ben 10: ○ Ben Tennyson Black★Rock Shooter: ○ Black Rock Shooter Bleach: ○ Ichigo Kurosaki Danganronpa: ○ Hajime Hinata ○ Kaito Momota ○ Kazuichi Soda ○ Kiyotaka Ishimaru Danny Phantom: ○ Danny Fenton DC Comics: ○ Shazam (Captain Marvel) ○ Aquaman Demon Slayer: ○ Kyojuro Rengokou Detroit: Become Human: ○ Connor (RK 800) Digimon: ○ J.P. (Shibayama Junpei) ○ Marcus Damon ○ Takato Matsuki ○ Takuya Kanbara Dragon Ball Z: ○ Trunks Briefs (Mirai Trunks) Frozen (Disney): ○ Elsa Final Fantasy: ○ Cloud Strife ○ Prompto Argentum ○ Black Mage [any generic one] ○ Zack Fair Five Nights at Freddy's: ○ Glamrock Freddy ○ Golden Freddy (Fredbear) ○ Toy Freddie [in huggable Gijinka Form] Generator Rex: ○ Rex Salazar ○ Six Genshin Impact: ○ Arataki Itto ○ Lisa Minci ○ Mona Megistus Hazbin Hotel: ○ Lucifer Morningstar ○ Angel Dust Henry Stickmin: ○ Charles Calvin Hetalia: ○ America (Alfred F. Jones) ICEY_ (X.D.Network): ○ ICEY Interstella 5555: ○ Shep ○ Octave ○ Manager (Music Producer Guy) Jarrett Williams' Comics: ○ Joe Somiano from Super Pro K.O. ○ Sensational Sike from Super Pro K.O. ○ Ace Estrada (Yellow Hype) from Hyper Force Neo ○ Neil Tran (Blue Hype) from Hyper Force Neo Kingdom Hearts: ○ Axel (Lea) ○ Meow Wow Kiznaiver: ○ Hajime Tenga Legend of Zelda (BotW/TotK): ○ Link ○ Sidon Mario (Nintendo): ○ Luigi Marvel: ○ Clea Strange ○ Doctor Strange (Stephen) ○ Spider Man (Peter Parker) Miyuli's Webcomics: ○ Oz from Morgana & Oz ○ The Bogeyman from Lost Nightmare My Hero Academia: ○ Izuku Midoriya (Deku) ○ Kirishima Eijirou (Red Riot) Mystery Skulls Animated: ○ Lewis Pepper the Skeleton Ghost Mystic Messenger: ○ Yoosung Kim No Straight Roads: ○ 1010 [Eloni, Rin, & Purl-Hew are all good] ○ Zuke Persona: ○ Ryuji Sakamoto Pokemon: ○ Ash Ketchum (Satoshi) ○ Cilan ○ Hugh ○ Milo ○ Pearl (Barry /Jun) ○ Deoxys ○ Mismagius Promare: ○ Galo Thymos Rise of the Guardians: ○ Jack Frost RWBY: ○ Neptune Vasilias ○ Qrow Branwen Sanrio: ○ Keroppi ○ TuxedoSam ○ Shunsuke Yoshino Seduce Me (The Otome): ○ Matthew (Zecaeru) SOMA: ○ Simon Jarrett Sonic the Hedgehog: ○ Gold the Tenrec ○ Mighty the Armadillo ○ Shard the Metal Sonic ○ Silver the Hedgehog Soul Eater: ○ Black Star The Book of Life: ○ Manolo Sanchez Tiger & Bunny: ○ Kotetsu T. Kaburagi Vampire Knight: ○ Zero Kiryu Voltron: Legendary Defender: ○ Shiro (Takashi Shirogane) Xenoblade Chronicles: ○ Shulk Yu-Gi-Oh: ○ Soulburner (Takeru Homura) ○ Yami Yugi (Atem) ○ Yusei Fudo ○ Stardust Dragon 2064: Read Only Memories: ○ Lexi Rivers ○ Turing
BONUS: Media I love, but don't have a blorbo from
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Avatar (world of Pandora; James Cameron)
Atlantis (Disney)
Angry Birds
Dekoboko Sugar Days
Disney Princess Movies [i.e. The Little Mermaid, Mulan, Sleeping Beauty]
Epic (Blue Sky movie)
Epithet Erased
Full Metal Alchemist
Ghibli Movies [specifically Castle in the Sky & Kiki's Delivery Service]
Hindu Mythology [Amar Chitra Katha comics]
How to Train Your Dragon movies
Kal Ho Naa Ho
Kung-Fu Panda movies
Land of the Lustrous
The Lego Movie (and 2)
Lisa Frank
Little Witch Academia
MLP: Friendship is Magic
Molly Moon (book series)
Mune Guardian of the Moon
Paleoart (dinosaur documentaries & encyclopedias)
Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt
Penguins of Madagascar
Pretty Cure (HeartCatch)
Sailor Moon
Scooby-Doo [What's New? and Mystery Inc.]
Scott Pilgrim
Starlight Brigade - TWRP
Steven Universe
TRON [1982, Legacy, and Uprising]
Tatsinda by Elizabeth Enright
The Avengers
Tokyo Mew Mew
Treasure Planet
Undertale & Deltarune
Vocaloid / UTAUloids
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bluenpinkcastle · 2 months
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20240718: the History of LEGO Castle day 200. 70402 Gatehouse Raid (2013, 248 parts, 83 different pieces) Gatehouse Raid is a small gate with two light bluish gray and dark bluish gray sections on either side of a dual-opening black-barred gate with points on top. A black and red catapult with 4x4 dark bluish gray brick wheels is moved by a dragon soldier and a dragon knight on a black horse with red barding and black dragon head decorations. This set has four minifigures. -The first castle knight has a metallic silver knight helmet with front grill and blue plume, a yellow minifigure head with dark orange bushy mustache, goatee, eyebrows, and sideburns, a dual-sided dark bluish gray torso with blue arms and black hands, printed silver plate mail with a large gold crown in the center over a halved white and blue background with a silver chain belt and a brown and gold clasp, flat silver armor with a front-facing gold lion head with gold lion mane and gold crown, and dark bluish gray legs with printed metallic silver hip armor and a printed black buckle with silver notches. Accessories include a light bluish gray ovoid shield with a gold border and a front-facing gold lion head with a gold crown and black mane on a white and blue halved background and a flat silver elaborate hilt sword. -The second castle soldier has a metallic silver pike helmet, a yellow minifigure head with brown eyebrows and one-sided tooth grin, a dark bluish gray torso with blue arms and black hands and a dual-sided printed white and blue halved shirt with a brown cross-torso belt and a brown waist belt with gold crown symbol, and dark bluish gray legs with a black belt. -The first dragon solider has a black axe helmet, a yellow minifigure head with black beard and mustache and brown circles under the eyes, a dual-sided black torso with red arms and black hands with printed silver square studded mail, a silver printed belt with a silver buckle, a red dragon head with a red border on a black triangular print in the center, a silver neck protector with silver buckles on the back, and plain black legs. -The last minifigure is the red dragon knight with a black knight helmet with open eye slit and red plume, a dual-sided yellow minifigure head with black facial scruff, a black rat-patch, bushy black eyebrows and brown circles under the eyes, a dual-sided black torso with red arms and black hands with printed silver square studded mail, a silver printed belt with a silver buckle, a red dragon head with a red border on a black triangular print in the center, a silver neck protector with silver buckles on the back, black armor with a silver neck protector and a red front-facing dragon head on a black triangular background with a red border, and black legs with printed hexagonal red kneepads and a black belt with printed silver squares with black Xs. Accessories include a pearl titanium great sword and a light bluish gray ovoid shield with a silver border and a front-facing red dragon on a black background. Rare and unique pieces in this set include: -The red horse barding with black dragon head decorations is unique to this set. -The red horse battle helmet is only found in two sets, 70401 Gold Getaway and 70402 Gatehouse Raid. -The black horse with posable rear legs and a black bridle is only found in three sets, 70401 Gold Getaway, 70402 Gatehouse Raid, and 79108 Stagecoach Escape. -The light bluish gray ovoid dragon shield was only found in three sets, 70402 Gatehouse Raid, 70403 Dragon Mountain, and 850889 Castle Dragons Accessory Blister Pack. Parts inventory for this set can be found on BrickLink or Rebrickable and a free download of the instructions is available under the "instructions" tab on Rebrickable.
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sokai-asuki · 7 months
Lego Nexo Knights x Hatsune Miku: Colourful Stage
Originally inspired by @soragawanaeru (sorry for tagging you)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
A place that are unknown to humankind, no one has ever been in it and no one has ever witness it... In the middle of nowhere, there's a tree, similar to cherry blossom tree but instead of a pink petals, there's a music note on some branches of the tree.
There's only a single person that inhabit in this place, she alone have a duty to help people find their true feeling and help them get through with it. She could ask her friends to help her but she believes this is her job and to help the poor soul who's been through much.
As she look around the Sekai that has been created from some certain children's feelings, she noticed some weird bug on some certain Sekai. 5 Sekai specifically... Even though those 5 Sekai haven't been discover yet by the host.
She look at those 5 Sekai in curiosity as she wondering what the cause of it. Is the true host have a problem, is the problem they are currently in is too much for them?
Before she could check on one of those Sekai, suddenly she saw a yellow dust coming out from one of it. She was surprised and look closely at that specific Sekai.
The Empty Sekai is what she called it with how much nothing is in it, she herself wondering what exactly happen in that host's mind but couldn't exactly see it clearly.
As she watch those yellow dust coming out from that Sekai suddenly it stopped. She observe the Sekai closely again and find there's no problem in it... Weird...
Is it just her or something is actually happening outside of the Sekai?
Knightonia (Knights' Academy)
Today is the day, the 5 students from Knights' Academy are finally gonna graduate and become a true knight tomorrow. They also gonna be accepting the shield symbolizes their honor and loyalty to the Knightonia. As one of the student that's gonna graduate, Clay Moorington, is in the training ground, practicing for his tomorrow performance as a knight for his graduation.
Macy, his friend and one of the students that's gonna graduate, is currently at the castle. Might try to convince her father that she should graduate to be a knight, her mother probably let her but not so sure for her father however. Aaron, also one of his friends and gonna graduate too, is currently at his home, probably have a time for his family and telling them about his graduation.
Axl, his friends and also gonna graduate, at his home, might be celebrating and preparing a meal for his family. Lance, he is not sure if he is his friend or not but still, Lance is gonna graduate tomorrow, probably at his home with his family to celebrate or just off somewhere to do his acting career...
Clay had finally done his training, exhausted by all the dummies he hit and score. The squirebots that have been here with him seems to notice his exhaustion and go away to brought some water for the young man.
Just as they run away, Clay sit on the bench that's been on the training ground and try to collect his mind. To say the truth, he is kind of nervous... Just as Clay gonna clear his mind with reading the Knight's Code, suddenly he hear a sound from besides him. It was a Nexo Phone, a "gift" from Lance. Saying he could use outside connection as well.
Well, he is not going to deny, he is pretty much a reserve person but still! As he glance at his phone, he noticed a title on it.
Clay grab his phone to read it, "Untitled?" He said in confusion. With curiosity on his mind, he press the word.
A lonely white hair girl walking around aimlessly, it seems her host is not gonna be here today. As she walk around the empty world of hers, suddenly a yellow light suddenly appear.
What? Mafuyu here? But that light is far off from how she enter here? She did not summon someone else, right?
Just as the girl cover herself from the bright yellow light, the light finally faded. She slowly uncover her eyes to take a peak at the newcomer. It was a young man, wearing a weird clothing? It is not the same clothes as Mafuyu sometimes wear, though it might be because of different gender but still, it is a bit off...
The young man also notice her as he didn't say and just stare at her. Might be too shocked to say or do anything. Unlike Mafuyu, the first she first came here, she started to ask a question but none of that question of her bring any surprised or shocked tone.
The young man however seems lost and confused. He look at the girl, seems to be on guard, "Um, where am I?" He asked.
The girl look at him with blank expression but no malice in it, "You are in Empty Sekai, created by the host's feelings." The girl answer, not wanting to share Mafuyu's name, in case this man might be a dangerous comer to Mafuyu...
"Sekai?" The young man said, "What does it mean?"
"A Sekai means for "World", this Sekai you are in is currently a world created by the host's feelings," the girl reply.
"World? Host's feelings? Then, where is the host that created this world?" The young man ask.
"She's... Not here..." The girl said, feels a bit nervous. This newcomer ask too much questions and the girl felt a bit good to have someone to talk with other than Mafuyu but she has no idea who's this man anyway.
The young man seems to notice the girl's nervousness, and quickly try to avoid it, "Ah, how about we introduce ourselves?" After the young man said it, the girl look at him in surprised, "I'll start, my name is Clay Moorington. Nice to meet you...?"
Clay Moorington? Sounds like a foreign name... The girl seems to notice she have to introduce herself next, "Hatsune Miku, I am from the Empty Sekai. Here, we are currently at the Empty Sekai."
Clay seems to be brighten by it, "I see." Clay said, he then look around the Sekai. It just as Miku said, it's an Empty Sekai. There's nothing here but a few blocks and some pole...
This Sekai is truly empty, but for what reason for it to be empty? Clay is not empathetic enough to know about emotions but he knows well, emotion have a meaning on some certain condition behind it.
But even if it's empty, Clay can't help but feel the warm in here. It felt warm, like how Merlok help him to read a book from his library, or how he, Macy, and Jestro are hanging out together... But again, the feeling of emptiness seems to be occupied on his heart...
He look at Miku, who staring at him as she seems to notice something. He sighs, "I am sorry for intruding, I didn't mean to come here... It seems to be an accident on my behalf..."
Miku shake her head, "No, you are not. It might be a mistake as well..." Miku said.
"Well, I, myself, feel a bit confusing on this circumstances but how do I get myself out of here?" Clay asked.
"Well, do you have your phone with you?" Miku asked.
Clay brought out his phone and show it to Miku, she continue, "Go to the song "Untitled" that you play, and press it again on the play button to pause it. That way, you can leave this Sekai..."
Clay smile softly at the explanation, "I see, thank you, Miku..." Clay said.
Just before he could press the song to pause it, he hear a soft voice from Miku, "Um, if by chance, could you come here again?" Miku ask.
Clay heard it and look at her, he doesn't know how to answer nor did he even think about coming back... But again, this girl, this world, he can't help but wanting to be here again. Want to feel that warmth again. That warmth, not like Merlok, not like Macy or Jestro. This warm is different from any of them... And yet, still empty.
He smile, but it didn't reach his eyes, "I will, if I had a chance to be here again..." He said as he press the play button to pause the song.
And just like that, the bright yellow surrounded him and then faded as he disappear. Miku, still standing at where she is before, look around and look at her hand palm. She's not dreaming, right? Or hallucinated?
As she making sure she's none of that, she notice a small speck of yellow dust at where Clay stands before. She slowly walk towards it and observe the dust...
What's exactly happened?
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hazel-mckat · 2 years
Characters I relate to by the personality database
Personality type: Infp
Legoshi ( beastars )
Darwin watterson ( tawog )
Joker 'Arthur fleck' ( Joker )
Butters Stotch ( South Park )
Lapis Lazuli ( Steven universe )
Peter Parker/Spider man ( Marvel comics )
Bubbles ( the powerpuff girls )
Edward scissorhands ( 1990 )
Charlie brown ( Peanuts )
WALL-E ( 2008 )
Jaiden animations ( Artsists & Animators )
Victor Van Dort ( Corpse bride )
Sykkuno ( Gaming )
Napstablook ( Undertale )
Panda bear ( We bare bears )
BMO ( Adventure time )
Asriel Dreemurr ( Undertale )
Noelle Holiday ( Deltarune )
Eeyore ( winnie the pooh )
Carrie Krueger ( Tawog )
Jack stauber ( Musicians )
Nikki Maxwell ( Dork dairies )
Vex ( League of legends )
Yellow guy ( dhmis )
Cinnamoroll ( sanrio )
Pyro ( tf2 )
Alec benjamin ( pop & contemporary )
Evan afton/crying child ( Fnaf )
Licorice cookie ( cookie run )
Bob ( despicable me )
Kermit the frog ( the muppets )
Totoro ( Tonari no Totoro )
Mimikyu ( Pokémon )
Ghast ( Minecraft )
White crewmate ( Among us )
Aled Last ( radio Silence )
Candy Chiu ( Gravity falls )
Mew ( Pokémon )
Salad fingers
Bingo heeler ( Bluey )
Resasuke ( Aggretsuko )
Frisk [Pacifist Route] ( Undertale )
Celeste ( Animal crossing )
Flick ( Animal crossing )
OMOCAT ( Game development )
Daniel Middleton/DanTDM ( Gaming )
Christopher Robin ( Winnie the pooh )
Kayleigh Smith/Wolfychu ( Artists & Animators )
Niko ( Oneshot )
Bonnie Anderson ( Toy story )
Blue pearl ( Steven universe )
Bastion ( overwatch )
Toxic morty ( Rick and Morty )
Baby groot ( MCU: The heroes )
Shirokuma ( Danganronpa )
The Hollow Knight ( Hollow Knight )
Pochacco ( Sanrio )
Po ( Teletubbies )
Frog ( Peppa pig )
My melody ( Onegia My Melody )
Maddie Flour ( Amphibia )
Marshmello ( Pop & Contemporary )
Pusheen ( Pusheen the cat )
The Iron giant ( 1999 )
The little prince ( 2015 )
Ivor ( Minecraft story mode )
Sherb ( Animal crossing )
Ravenpaw ( Warrior cats )
Andrew Tsyaston ( Artists & Animators )
Audrey ( Bendy and the dark revival )
Bendy ( Bendy and the dark revival )
Cuptoast ( Artists & Animators )
Owlbert ( The owl house )
Squid ink cookie ( cookie run )
Sarah ( Sarah's scribbles )
Depressed stereotype ( Gacha life )
Clumsy smurf ( Smurfs )
Penny ( Bolt )
The living tombstone ( Musicians )
Henry stein ( Bendy and the dark revival )
Tack ( The thief and the cobbler )
Lloyd Garmadon ( The Lego Movie )
Ghosts ( Among us )
Nightmare Fredbear ( Fnaf )
Piu Piu ( Molang )
Graphite Raven ( Teen Titans 2003 )
Squid ( Minecraft )
Antfrost ( Gaming )
Pichu ( Pokémon )
Pinga ( Pingu )
SCP-1471 "MalO ver1.0.0" ( SCP Foundation )
Shy imaginary older brother ( dhmis )
Katzun ( Artists & Animators )
Bonnet ( Fnaf )
Timid Raven ( Teen titans Go! 2013 )
Manatreed ( Gaming )
Arts and Crafters ( baldi's basics in education and learning )
Sophia ( stardew valley )
Jay ( The lego movie )
Jack Russell ( Bluey )
Shannon Gurr/Shgurr ( Artists & Animators )
Skittle ( Beluga's Discord Characters )
Alolan Vulpix ( Pokémon )
Clancee ( Ninjago: Masters of spinjitzu )
1 ( Numberjacks )
Softie stereotype ( Gacha Life )
Oz ( Monster Prom )
Kyle ( Animal Crossing )
Angmar ( the owl house )
SCP-2521 "••/•••••/••/•" ( SCP Foundation )
Cappuccino ( Sanrio )
Teddy ( Mr. Bean )
Winnie the pooh ( Christopher Robin )
White Puffle ( club penguin )
Chipflake ( Artists & Animators )
August "Auggie" Pullman ( Wonder )
Norton ( Spongebob SquarePants )
Meowstic - Male [Nyaonix] ( Pokémon )
Claire/Opal ( Jack stauber's OPAL )
Espurr ( Pokémon )
Whimsun ( Undertale )
Bryan Jacobsen ( Inside job )
Mincy ( OMORI )
Tails ( Sonic the hedgehog )
Panda ( Minecraft )
Jesus ( Family guy )
Grim Matchstick ( cuphead )
Clara Buhalmet ( Fran Bow )
Rococo ( OMORI )
Turniphead ( Howl's moving castle )
JAMIErighrmeow ( Artists & Animators )
Spifey ( Gaming )
Honeycute ( Sanrio )
Puddle Slime ( Slime Rancher )
Sarah ( Sarah and Duck )
Bebepine ( Artists & Animators )
Dream ( Heat Waves (Fanfiction))
Hummingmint ( Sanrio )
Shyren ( Undertale )
Calum Bowen "bo en" ( Electronic and Experimental )
Invader Skoodge ( Invader Zim )
Alfie ( Bluey )
Sad Larry ( Cyanide & Happiness )
Pure Vessel ( Hollow Knight )
Die ( Homestuck )
Po ( Slendytubbies )
Donald Duck ( Duck Tales )
Boggo ( The land of Boggs )
Withered Cupcake ( Fnaf )
Glare ( Minecraft )
The Diamond Minecraft "DanTDM" ( Minecraft Story Mode )
Kit ( Ratchet & Clank )
Rusty the Dalek ( Doctor Who )
Beau ( Helluva Boss )
Pat ( Later Alligator )
Melotune ( Sanrio )
Milkeemimi ( Sanrio )
Mr. Nobody ( Mr. Men )
Oldmin ( The Henry Stickman collection )
Axo ( Fortnite )
Doll ( Murder Drones )
Qbert ( Pixels )
Blue-Haired Girl ( OMORI )
Sharleen ( OMORI )
Costume Bob ( Sr Pelo )
Dana Cardinal ( Welcome to Night Vale )
Googuy ( The Henry Stickman Collection )
Yogurt ( Dream SMP )
Pain Demon ( Yandere Simulator )
Nyoko ( Sanrio )
Z ( Alphabet Lore )
Shmipper ( Gravity falls )
The Bin ( Don't hug me I'm scared )
Pooky ( Garfield )
Phoodu ( Gaming )
Callahan ( Gaming )
SOUL ( Deltarune )
Duncan ( Don't hug me I'm scared )
The Lost ( The binding of Isaac )
Nuetral Good ( 5x5 Alignment chart )
Emma ( Sanrio )
Tubbo ( Passerine ( Fanfic ))
Phantom Mangle ( Fnaf )
Voss ( Beastars )
Megan Holmes ( Sally Face )
Lucas Ryan ( Solitaire )
Can't let go ( Geometry dash )
Amaura ( Pokémon )
N ( Alphabet Lore )
Foxy ( Fnaf )
Polargeist ( Geometry Dash )
Henry Fisher ( Sally face )
Lost ones ( Bendy and the ink machine/dark revival )
Boris ( Bendy and the ink machine )
Idek why i did this-
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nzbricks · 2 years
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“Fear me, if you dare!”
Like many people, I was blown away by the outstanding quality of Puss in Boots: The Last Wish. As such, I have once again captured something I am fond of in LEGO form. 
Truth be told there’s not much to say, the Puss in Boots minifigure uses standard pieces, the most outstanding of which are a modified dual-printed cape from the LEGO Maleficent minifigure, and a yellow feather piece from LEGO Castle’s earliest years. Combined with the closest color of minifigure torso and head to Puss’ orange fur, and a black hat and Rapier element, makes an excellent approximation of Puss’ iconic look in LEGO form. 
Additionally, I took this opportunity to update my Big Bad Wolf/Death minifigure to more closely resemble his onscreen counterpart. 
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jerichomere · 10 months
tag game :D
Thanks for the tag @roundaboutnow !!
1. Spell your name in songs (this was harder than I expected)
J- Jack & Jill, Pt 2 by the Gray Havens E- Everything is Awesome from the Lego movie R- Rain by SID I- It came upon a midnight clear, my favorite Christmas carol C- Castle on a cloud from Les Mis H- Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride from Lilo and Stitch O- Oh Ms. Believer, Twenty one pilots
2. Why did you choose your url? It's a college nickname with an added fake last name that I often use online. Or maybe if I ever write a book
3. What's your middle name? skipping this one soory
4. If you could be a mythical creature what would you be? Mermaid 100%
5. Favorite color? Yellow!! Then purple, then warm greens of mid-to-light values
6. Song you love right now? Gently Down the Stream by Hem!
7. Top four fandoms? Well at the moment... Ninja turtles, One Piece, Danny Phantom....... those are the main ones rn
8. Tag 9 people? Anyone who wants to :D
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best-bird-bash · 2 years
The Final List of Competitors!
Hawks, My Hero Academia
Revali, Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild
Big Bird, Sesame Street
The Babylon Rogues, Sonic the Hedgehog
Donald Duck, Disney
Beatrice, Over the Garden Wall
Hooty, The Owl House
Tokoyami and Dark Shadow, My Hero Academia
Flapjack, The Owl House
Tobias, Animorphs
Xiao, Genshin Impact
Tsubasa Otori, Metal Fight Beyblade
Kass, The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild
Davesprite, Homestuck
Eda the Owl lady, The Owl House
Hei Hei, Moana
Duck/Ahiru, Princess Tutu
Dick Grayson, DC
Chainsaw, The Raven Cycle
Zazu, The Lion King
Woodstock, Charlie Brown/Peanuts
Bird that Carries you over a Disproportionately Small Gap, Undertale
The Road Runner, Looney Toons
Stephanie Brown, Batman
The Raven, The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe
Matthew the Raven, The Sandman
Launchpad McQuack, Ducktales
Dee Reynolds, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia
Germ Warfare, Night in the Woods
Kevin, Up
Crane, Kung Fu Panda
Black Canary, DC
Blathers, Animal Crossing
Hawk and Dove, DC
Damian Wayne, DC
Jason Todd, DC
Raven, Teen Titans
Qrow Branwen, RWBY
Huey Dewey and Louie, Ducktales
Grian, Hermitcraft
Polly the Parrot, Ace Attorney
Pericles, Scooby Doo Mystery Incorporated
Daffy Duck, Looney Toons
Mumble, Happy Feet
Iago, Aladdin
Eren Yeager, Attack on Titan
Cloud Retainer, Genshin Impact
Rowlet, Pokemon
Duck Guy, Don’t Hug me I’m Scared
Piplup, Pokemon
Ho-Oh, Pokemon
Della Duck, Ducktales
Kiri, Critical Role Campaign 2: The Mighty Nein
Philza, Origin SMP
King Dedede, Kirby
Celeste, Animal Crossing
Berdly, Deltarune
Lord Shen, Kung Fu Panda 2
Soren, Guardians of Ga’hoole
Scuttle, The Little Mermaid
Kaeya Alberich, Genshin Impact
Webby Vanderquack, Ducktales
Hetare, Tokyo Ghoul
Katniss Everdeen, The Hunger Games
Icarus, Greek Mythology
Stolas Goetia, Helluva Boss
Flappy Bird, Flappy Bird
Brennan Lee Mulligan, Real Life (Exception)
Zane’s falcon, Lego Ninjago
Howard the Duck, Marvel Howard the Duck
Flit, Pocahontas
Itachi Uchiha, Naruto
Colonel Sanders, KFC
Xavier Ramier/Mr. Pigeon, Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir
Stardust Cookie, Cookie Run: Kingdom
Duo, Duolingo
Ishtar. Mesopotamian Mythology
The Eagles, Lord of the Rings
Dodo, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
Diluc, Genshin Impact
Xatu, Pokemon
Blu, Rio
Washimi, Aggrestuko
Oz (And Fischl), Genshin Impact
The Penguin, Batman
Hoothoot, Pokemon
Coo, Kirby
Dyna Blade, Kirby
Taillow, Pokemon
Staraptor, Pokemon
Farfetch’d, Pokemon
Apollo, Animal Crossing
Torchic, Pokemon
Boyd Drake, Ducktales
Wan Shi Tong, Avatar the Last Airbender
Howl Pendragon, Howl's Moving Castle
Parrot, Minecraft
Sadie Kane, The Kane Chronicles
Mordecai, Regular Show
Chicken Little, Chicken Little
Hawkeye Clint Barton, Marvel
Reaper, Overwatch
Otulissa, Guardians of Ga’Hoole
Poromon, Digimon
Horus, Egyptian Mythology
Callum, The Dragon Prince
Foghorn Leghorn, Looney Toons
Magpie, Inkheart
Billina the Yellow Hen, Oz
Hasshie, ClassicaLoid
Longclaw, Sonic the Hedgehog
Swatch, Deltarune
The Bird, Portal 2
Jose Carioca, The Three Caballeros
Falco, Star Fox
Kaepora Gaebora, The Legend of Zelda
Tuca and Bertie, Tuca and Bertie
Owlowiscious, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Owl, Winnie the Pooh
Crowberry Cookie, Cookie Run: Kingdom
Nightingale, The Nightingale and the Rose
Loftwing, The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
Orville, Animal Crossing
Scrooge McDuck, Ducktales
Piu Piu, Molang
Kaneki Ken, Tokyo Ghoul
Magica De Spell, Ducktales
Cerrit Agrupnin, Critical Role Exandria Unlimited: Calamity
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