kemetic-dreams · 1 month
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dixvinsblog · 2 months
Contes et légendes -Yennenga la princesse amazone ou la légende de la fondatrice du Burkina Faso par Carmen Montet
D’après une légende très populaire au Burkina Faso : celle d’une princesse amazone qui combattit auprès de son père et qui s’enfuit pour être libre…. « Yennenga est une princesse originaire du royaume de Dagomba, fille du naaba Nedega Kola et de la reine Napoko. Elle est la fondatrice du royaume Moogo(rassemblant les peuples mossis) dans l’actuel Burkina Faso. C’est en voulant fuir son destin…
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valkyries-things · 16 days
“She was a legendary princess, considered the mother of the Mossi people of Burkina Faso. She was a famous warrior precious to her father, Naa Gbewaa, the founder of the Kingdom of Dagbon. The princess aspired to another destiny and left the kingdom. On the run with her horse, she met a young hunter, Riale, with whom she had a child called Ouedraogo (which became a famous last name in Burkina Faso to horse that led the princess to Riale). Yennenga and her son are considered the founder of the Mossi Kingdoms.”
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longliveblackness · 2 years
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Princess Yennenga
The Warrior Princess and the Mother of Mossi Kingdom (modern day Burkina Faso) in West Africa.
Princess Yennenga was the beloved daughter of the Dagomba king, Nedega, who ruled in the 12th century. Not only was she beautiful, she was also a cultural icon and a warrior. At just 14, she fought against the neighbouring kingdom, the Malinkes.
Not only did she have excellent skills with javelins, spears and bows, she also commanded her own battalion. Her prowess as a horsewoman and as a fighter made her revered by all and loved some more by her father.
Yennenga ran away from home after her father refused to let her get married. He wanted her to be a warrior but she wanted a different fate. During her sojourn, she was fought with the Malinkes, fell in love a man named Riale, and birthed a son called Ouedraogo.
Ouedraogo, upon reaching adulthood, left his parents home and travelled north, where he formed the kingdom of Tenkodogo, which is considered the cradle of the Mossi Kingdoms.
It is for this reason that Yennenga is called the mother of the Mossi people. She has been honoured with a number of statues and roads have been named after her in Burkina Faso. The Burkinabe national football team is called Les Étalons (The Stallions) after Yennenga's famous horse.
Princesa Yennenga
La princesa guerrera y la madre del Reino Mossi (en la actualidad Burkina Faso) en África Occidental.
La princesa Yennenga era la amada hija de un rey Dagomba, llamado Nedega, quién gobernó durante el sigo XII. No solo era hermosa, sino que también era un símbolo cultura y una guerrera. Con tan solo catorce años de edad, peleó contra el reino vecino, los Malinkes.
No solo tenía excelente destreza con las jabalinas, lanzas y arcos, ella también comandaba su propio batallón. Su valor como una amazona y guerra, hizo que todos la veneraran y también hizo que fuera un poco más amada por su padre.
Yennenga se escapó de casa cuando su padre no le permitió casarse. Él quería que ella fuera una guerrera, pero ella quería un destino diferente. Durante su estadía, mientras que peleaba con los Malinkes, conoció a un hombre llamado Riale y dio a luz a un hijo llamado Ouedraogo.
Ouedraogo, al alcanzar la adultez, dejó el hogar de sus padres y viajó hacia el norte, donde formó el Reino Tenkodogo, que es considerado la cuna de los reinos Mossi.
Este es el motivo por el cual a Yennenga se le llama la madre de la gente Mossi. Ha sido honrada con varias estatuas y varias calles en Burkina Faso han sido nombradas en su honor. El equipo nacional de fútbol de Burkina se llama Les Étalons (Los Caballos Sementales) debido al famoso caballo de Yennenga.
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thisismisogynoir · 1 year
Honestly, I wish Disney did movies that have stories focused on the African Diaspora….. like adapt Anansi, Princess Yennenga, stories that take place in the Caribbean as well and more….. like we only got the Princess and the Frog and that was back in 2009😐 How do you feel about it? Sorry if my tone may seem off in my question though😭
Me too. Especially Princess Yennenga I am in love with her story and that is so cool.
But then again adapting her story wouldn’t align with the Strong Black Woman trope they love to sell so good luck with that lol.
I believe Princess Asha in the upcoming movie Wish is Black, so I’m looking forward to that.
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themuseumwithoutwalls · 8 months
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MWW Artwork of the Day (9/9/23) Mossi culture (Burkina Faso) Warrior (19th c.?) Bronze sculpture Derme Seini, Ouagadougou
The Mossi (or Mole, Mosse, Moaaga) are a people in central Burkina Faso, living mostly in the villages of the Nazinon and Nakanbe (formerly Volta) River Basin. According to tradition, the Mossi comes from the marriage of a Mamprusi princess and Mandé hunter. Yennenga was a warrior princess, daughter of a Mamprusi king in upper east Ghana. While exploring her kingdom on horseback, she lost her way and was rescued by Rialé, a solitary Mandé hunter. They got married and gave birth to the first authentic Mossi, Ouedraogo, who is recognised as the father of Mossi people.
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La classe politique du Cameroun en deuil. Un autre député meurt à l’Assemblée nationale. Décès de député Antoinette Gbangbaye Epse Narké. Antoinette Gbangbaye Epse Narké, Décédée, député à l'assemblée nationale du Cameroun Ismaïla Madior Fall face aux députés pour 2 projets de loi Le membre de l’Assemblée nationale est décédé le lundi 02 octobre 2023. L’honorable Antoinette Gbangbaye Epse Narké quitte l’hémicycle de la Chambre basse du Parlement camerounais pour l’éternité. Originaire de Bertoua, l’élue de la circonscription de Lom et Djerem dans la région de l’Est, est décédée à Yaoundé des suites de maladie. Décès de l’ancien ministre de l’Education Nationale, Moussa Sourang (Médias) →A lire aussi Décès du cinéaste Roger Gnoan Mballa, deuxième Ivoirien Etalon d’or de Yennenga Elle s’apprêtait pourtant à effectuer un voyage le mercredi 04 octobre pour prendre part à une session du Parlement CEMAC à Malabo en Guinée Equatoriale. Les fonctions occupées durant ces différents mandats Elue député pour la première fois en 2013, Antoinette Gbangbaye Epse Narké a terminé le mandat de la 9è législature. Puis elle a été réélue lors du scrutin du 09 février 2020 pour le compte de la 10è législature qui est à sa troisième année. Au cours de ces différents mandats, l’élue du peuple, parmi les fonctions occupées, était présidente de la commission de résolutions et des pétitions à l’Assemblée nationale. décès de Antoinette Gbangbaye Epse Narké, député à l'assemblée nationale du Cameroun →A lire aussi Tremblement de terre : Le bilan du séisme au Maroc grimpe à 1305 décès Membre du Rassemblement démocratique du peuple camerounais (Rdpc), elle était aussi présidente de section de l’OFRDPC de Lom et Djerem Sud 1 à Bertoua 1er depuis 2015. Dans sa circonscription politique d’origine, la femme politique a souvent apporté un soutien matériel aux couches sociales défavorables et un appui en faveur de l’éducation.
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apsny-news · 1 year
le Tunisien Youssef Chebbi récompensé au Fespaco
Publié le : 05/03/2023 – 12:45 Le réalisateur tunisien Youssef Chebbi a remporté samedi l’Étalon d’or de Yennenga du 28e Festival panafricain du cinéma et de la télévision de Ouagadougou (Fespaco) pour son film “Ashkal”. Il devance deux femmes, la Burkinabè Apolline Traoré pour “Sira”, qui reçoit l’Étalon d’argent, et la Kényane Angela Wamai pour “Shimoni”, récompensée de l’Étalon de bronze. Le…
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best2daynews · 1 year
Youssef Chebbi wins coveted Stallion of Yennenga award
Youssef Chebbi wins coveted Stallion of Yennenga award Ouagadougou: Tunisian director Youssef Chebbi won the coveted Stallion of Yennenga award Saturday at the biennial pan-African Fespaco film festival for his murder mystery oeuvre “Ashkal”. Tunis-born Chebbi, whose film centres on the investigation into the killing of a caretaker on a construction site at Carthage on the outskirts of his…
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ahmed25646 · 1 year
CGE Immobilier works for the well-being of populations through sport
CGE Immobilier works for the well-being of populations through sport
Known for its commitment to providing Burkinabè with quality housing, CGE Immobilier also cares about the well-being of the population. It is in this vein that CGE Immobilier organized the Yennenga Sports Day, on Saturday November 12, 2022, in the New Town of Yennenga. What’s next after this ad It is known to all that the country of Upright Men is going through one of the darkest periods in its…
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aibagence · 2 years
La chute de l’ASFA-Y dans le "Fasico" profite au RCK désormais leader
La chute de l’ASFA-Y dans le “Fasico” profite au RCK désormais leader
FOOT-BFA-SPORT-FBF-LFP-CHAMPIONNAT-D1 La chute de l’ASFA-Y dans le “Fasico” profite au RCK désormais leader Ouagadougou, 9 mai 2022 (AIB) – La défaite de l’Association sportive du Faso Yennenga (ASFA-Y) face à l’Etoile filante de Ouagadougou (EFO), 1-0 dans le derby de la capitale, le Fasico, a profité au Rail club du Kadiogo (RCK), auteur d’une victoire face au KIKO FC (1-0) qui s’empare…
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comparativetarot · 4 years
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Six of Wands. Art by Yoshi Yoshitani, from the Tarot of the Divine.
Yennenga Burkina Faso, Mossi Legend
The Six of Wands represents victory and success. A warrior princess, Yennenga is her father's most prized fighter. Her skill is so great he never wishes to part with her, but she rebels. She seeks her own path and recognition for her deeds. 
Upright: Victory, praise, achievement, reward, fame Reversed: Ego, pride, disrepute, a fall from grace
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theartofstephen · 6 years
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“Gianna Watson as Yennenga: Tree from which the Mossi nation grew” After months of preparation I am pleased to announce #thefoundersproject. The Founders Project is a multimedia installation project headed by Boston based artist and educator Stephen Hamilton. The project re-imagines Boston Public School High-School students as the legendary founders of the West and West-Central African ethnic groups, that are part of the ancestral base for the African diaspora. The pieces will incorporate painting, weaving and sculpture traditions from each of the spotlighted ethnic groups and is to be installed in a yet to be determined public space in Boston. The project will contribute to a larger syllabus on West African cultural continuity in the African Diaspora designed for High School students. Follow #thefoundersproject for more updates! #thefoundersproject #blackart #blackartist #supportblackart #theartofstephenhamilton #blackisbeautiful #painting #africanhistory #blackhistory #africantextiles #handwoven #indigo #adire #artoninstagram #drawingwhileblack #Yennenga #mossi #burkinafaso #ghana #Dagomba #portraiture #blackgirlmagic #representationmatters
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"Yennenga was a legendary princess, considered the mother of the Mossi people of Burkina Faso. Yennenga or her son Ouedraogo are considered the founder of the Mossi Kingdoms. There are different versions about the escape of the princess."
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snailscorp · 7 years
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INKTOBER 2017, day 23: Yennenga
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isismarquesdesign · 4 years
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INKTOBER - Legend Yennenga was an african princess, who lived over 900 years ago, she became a cultural icon, a woman with a strong character and an independent mind who at 14yo, fought in battle for her father against a neighbouring kingdom. Skilled with javelins, spears and bows, she was an excellent horsewoman and commanded her own battalion. ✨ #yennenga #princess #drawingsketch #detailedartwork #crosshatching #warriorwomen #inspirationalstories #womancanitall #womeninhistory #greatwomen #legends #stallion #blackwomen #blackprincess (at Lisbon, Portugal) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4e2-oTq1sP/?igshid=1x4yt5c0h5w91
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