#yep beauty and the beasty feels
chain-link-smut · 10 months
Hello Beautiful Beasties!
Smut-tember 23, Day 10: Wars x Reader - Can't Sleep
Summary: Sleep isn't going to come easy tonight and you are at your limit. Maybe Warriors will know how to help you or you could just keep him company for his watch. Watching him shift due to his 'morning wood', perhaps you could help each other.
Word count: 1,470
It’s nearly midnight and you haven’t slept a single bit. You close your eyes and start to drift, but that is as far as your body will let you go. The stress of traveling with nine others and the attacks that have been happening nearly everyday have you on edge and high alert.
Sky just switched watch shifts with Warriors and was asleep before his head even made it to the pillow. How wonderful that must feel. Curling into yourself you try again to get some kind of sleep.
Twilight snorts a snore.
Wind rolls over, making enough noise while doing it to wake the dead.
Hyrule is still recovering from a nightmare as he sniffles in his sleep.
Legend is no better than Twilight.
Four is whispering in his sleep.
Wild, sandwiched between Twi and Time, who has a tendency to throw his arms while turning over, does so and whacks Time in the stomach.
Time, one of the only ones that doesn’t move or make a noise while sleeping, is startled awake. He sees what woke him and gives a fond smile because Wild only moves in his sleep when he feels safe. Readjusting to the younger, he's back asleep.
You turn your head to find Warriors standing at the edge of camp and he lets out a not so quiet yawn. That is it! You aren’t sleeping! Keeping as quiet as you can while internally grumbling, you get out of the freshly made bed roll and make your way to where Warriors is standing against a tree. You don't say anything, just cross your arms with a scowl, looking in the same direction he is.
"Can't sleep?" he asks without looking at you.
"Did you drink some of Wild's sleeping tea?"
"Did you try counting sheep?" The Captain has a childish grin on his stupidly pretty face that said he was joking.
"... goats, but got distracted by them."
Wars gave a chuckle. "You have been hanging around the Rancher too much." He wasn't wrong.
"Any other suggestions?"
"You could always keep me company." That doesn't sound too bad and it's only for a couple of hours. When Wars shifts though, almost like he is uncomfortable, you look down and see why. HA! Morning wood… Well, there's nothing else to do and everyone is asleep.
You give no warning or room to argue (because this wasn't the first time one of you had done this for the other) you push him fully against the tree to where he isn't visible to the others. Your fingers find his trousers laces while you drop to your knees in front of him. You got the ties undone, starting to pull his pants down far enough to retrieve what you want when he says, "Y-you know, when I said keep me company, I wasn't implying this."
Looking up through your lashes, mouth hovering just inches from his skin, you ask, "Do you want me to not do this?"
His expression was almost panicked. "Good gods, no… keep going. "
Trousers to his knees, tunic under his chin, you waste no time with little licks to tease. He is half way in your mouth the moment his cock is to your lips. Hands are placed high on his hips just for you to have them somewhere to hold on to. His fingers pull all of your hair back to the back of your head so you are free to work up and down his length with nothing else getting in your mouth. The weight on your tongue is grounding, the taste of his pre is enticing and his natural musky odor is clogging your mind, making you forget everything you were worried about only ten minutes ago.
You try to hold back the moans that threaten to give you two away to the others. At least the ones that do manage slip free are muffled around Wars, sending vibrations through him as your head bobs. Warriors hip twitches with an involuntary thrust, shoving his cock almost all the way in your mouth. “S-sorry.” You aren’t. You want him to do it again.
Pulling back, there’s a thread of saliva from your bottom lip to the tip of his cock. You lick it up before demanding, “Don’t stop doing that.”
“Oh?” A smug smile follows. “Like this?” He leans over you so he is looking straight down into your eyes, your head tilted upwards and you naturally widen your knees to sit lower. Wars guides his cock back into your warm mouth and grips the back of your head. He gives you a moment to readjust to having him back in you, but that is all he allows before he rolls his hips forward, hands bringing your head closer at the same time. It pays off to have no gag reflex as he picks up the pace, openly fucking your mouth and throat. You breathe through your mouth when you can, eyes stinging with pleasure tears. Though Warriors is not exactly being gentle, he is being careful. He only holds your lips flush to his groin when he knows you have taken a breath and he releases you as your nails dig into his hips.
Giving your hair a delicious squeeze and pull, Wars moans, " Fuck… How is it that you look just as hot like this as you do riding me?" His eyes roll back in his head. "I'm so close sweetheart."
Your jaw is starting to get a bit sore after doing this for a while. You rake your nails down his thighs and massage his balls. You get an immediate reaction, maybe a little too loud of a reaction since he is now biting the heel of his palm to stay quiet. Stuttered hips are the clear sign of how close he really is. When he goes to pull out (no doubt to use his hand) you lock your arms around his waist, taking control once again, vigorously sucking and bobbing.
He slaps a hand over his mouth when he nearly draws blood from biting down so hard, muffling a scream as you take him all the way. He's done for, hot liquid runs down your throat, hair pulled taunt until it starts to hurt. You take all he can give, working him through his orgasm until he calms, letting go of your head and needing the tree for support.
You are both breathing ragged as you finally pull away, lips swollen and jaw tense. You use your thumb to clean off the foamed saliva from your lower lip and chin. When you lock eyes with the Cap, you both start to quietly chuckle like children sneaking around. "One of these days we are going to get caught."
He pulls his pants back up, shaking his head. "Apparently, that's not today."
"Still could if you don't tuck yourself back in and we shift worlds. Would hate for you to be literally caught with your pants down all because you lose the cover from the tree."
"Or you two could just wait for an Inn or something." The new voice made you jump to your feet.
Wars gave a colorful curse. "Legend! Were you watching?!" Everything was said in a whispered holler.
"If I have to be awake and listen, I might as well see the show." Your cheeks heated up quickly. Who else heard?! Legend looks over Warriors then you. "And you were just gonna let them walk away afterwards and not offer up any pleasure to them? Shame on you Cap. Thought a Pretty Boy, Pillow Princess like you would know better." Legend came over to stand behind you, arms encircling your hips, chin on your shoulder.
“Screw you Vet.”
“I’ll pass, but thanks. I’ll take good care of (YN) while you continue with watch.”
Wars let out a growl, taking a step forward. He stops when Legend's hands moves your tunic up, then into your trousers. His eyes follow the motion of Legend working you up. Blue eyes snap up to your face as a moan tumbles out.
Legend smiles into your hair, saying, "Shh, we can't have anyone else finding out what we are up to."
Swallowing thickly, your voice quietly comes out. "The next time we get to an Inn, ah!, all three of us are sharing a room." It wont be the first time you three did so and you beg it to not be the last. These two make a composition out of pleasuring you. Does it mean that you three are not sleeping that night? Yes. Does it mean that you three are exhausted the next day? Yep. Worth it? Not even a question!
Legend kisses behind your ear. "Whatever you want. For now though, let's make the Cap watch you fall apart.
Keep it Naughty you Beautiful Beasties!🖤
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hornedadvance · 1 month
Horned Advance
Chapter Q1 - Red
This chapter takes place a while before the current main story.
Dear Diary,
Hi hi, It’s Quinn! Checking in once again before bed. It’s been a while since I met Paly, but she still won’t open up to me. It took long enough for her to tell me her name alone, and I had to coax THAT out of her with milk and cookies! It’s a shame really, because she has the most beautiful red eyes but she always keeps them concealed, either looking to the ground and letting her hair droop over her face or avoiding eye contact entirely. I wish she’d understand that her red eyes are what makes her special! I wish I had red eyes like hers. I’d be the talk of the town! They’d call me red eyed Quinn…I’m bringing her some bread mama and papa helped me bake today. Hopefully she’ll let me past her tough shell if I keep feeding her.
Yours truly, Quinn.
Dear Diary,
Guess who?! Yep… You’re right… It’s me Quinn. I showed Palo some drawings I did today. I scribbled them down with papa’s pen but filled them in with red paint I got from mister smith down the road. I wasn’t very proud of them, but when Paly saw my drawings of my little imaginary hero fighting off beasties cloaked in red her eyes lit up for the first time since we met. I couldn’t stop smiling since then. I was smiling SO much that mama and papa kept asking me what happened when I got home. I’ll never tell them though, I promised Palo I’d keep her a secret even if it killed me! Yours artistically, Quinn.
Dear Diary,
It’s me again! Sorry. Not too much variety around here, I know. Anyways. Today I told Palo I couldn’t come out for a while, because mama and papa were sick and I needed to take care of them. I lied! I feel pretty bad about it too. Mama and papa always told me never to lie. BUT! This time I lied with GOOD REASON! I am starting work on my secret little project. A gift for Palo. I want to make her a dashing red cloak, just like the heroes from my drawing… It’s starting slowly. I’ve never sewn before, and I’m asking mama to teach me each day. I’m very clumsy, and I prick my finger more than I do the cloth… But I’m still determined! If I can see her pretty red eyes light up again, just like before, I’m sure it will be worth it. I’ve been giving the town tailor all of the pastries I’ve been making for cloth and thread. It SUCKS to not have the pastries myself… But sharing them with Palo later will make up for it. I’ll report back to you with my progress!
Yours hungrily, Quinn.
Dear Diary,
It’s DONE! My masterpiece… A cloak of beautiful red, just like Palo’s eyes. I couldn’t make it all of the same cloth, so it’s a little patchy. And the threadwork is… Mama says it's great, but I think she’s just being nice. I tried my hardest making it, and it feels comfy to wear at least. Now I’m starting to worry… Hopefully Palo will like it, I will be really sad if it doesn’t make her happy. All of my pocket money went on this project! If it doesn’t make her feel like I want it to I’d be devastated… I’ll let you know how it goes tomorrow. See you then!
Yours anxiously, Quinn.
Dear Diary,
Today I gave the cloak to Palo. My hands were shaking a little as I handed it to her, and this time I was the one avoiding her eyes. I felt bad to be so avoidant after pushing her to open up to me all this time, but I hope she’ll forgive that. I was expecting her to be unimpressed, underwhelmed or some sort of disgusted… But like magic, as I handed it to her, a sparkle washed over her eyes, and for the first time since we met her face went red. I could see the tears start to pool in her eyes, and a shaky smile form on her face. She leapt onto me and cuddled me tightly for a minute or two. She’d never even touched me outside of sharing food until now, so I was shocked but I reciprocated her warm hug until she pulled back from me. I was hoping that the cloak hadn’t torn or anything in the process, and to my relief it was fine aside from a few creases. I helped her put it on and it reached perfectly just down past her waist, with furls around the neck and a cool spiky pattern on the bottom. Even with the messy cloth colours and patterns, the red in her eyes seemed to match the cloak perfectly. It suited her like a charm, and for the first time since we met, she grinned happily at me, just as I had done to her all this time.
Yours happily,
Link to All Chapters
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imsparky2002 · 1 year
Mirrorverse Crossover - Rose
As the second day of meetings began, everyone could feel an increase of tension in the air. The dinner had not been pleasant to say the least, and the heroic students prayed that today would be even a sliver more peaceful. However, when Fairy GodBro saw who was next on the list to meet, he knew that things were bound to heat up again.
“I’m hopin’ today will be a little calmer. It’s great that we’ve all had time to get a good night’s sleep.” TiAlya said. Fairy GodBro just patted his girlfriend on the back. “Let’s hope so, tadpole.” he replied. The Mad King just scoffed at this.
“Oh pish posh! I want to see more chaos and bloodshed!” He said eagerly, giggling as his darling Poison King stroked his hair.
Inside the meeting room, Roselle awkwardly cleared her throat. “So... it’s clear that we didn’t exactly hit it off last night.” she admitted. The Queen of Candy just rolled her eyes. “Yeah, no kidding! You’re all such goody-goods it makes me sick!” QRC jeered. “You made that clear.” Roselle said quickly, before deciding to make an attempt at finding something in common with this tyrant.
“But I thought we could find some common ground to stand on. What about Juleka? She's lovely, isn't she?“
QRC got a lovestruck look in her eyes, humming with joy as she heard her darling’s name. “Yeah….my thorny is just incredible! So wicked, so powerful, and the most beautiful woman in the world!” she gushed. “Excluding the first part, I could say the same thing about my Jules!” Roselle agreed. “She's just so kind, so humble, and so elegantly dark. She lit up my life!”
The villain pretended to gag upon hearing this. “How sweet! Well, we both know that if it came down to it, my JuJu would burn your little beasty to a crisp!” she bragged. Both Juleficent and Julebeast watched from outside.
“Can't you villains agree with us for one simple thing?” Julebeast muttered. “Why must she resort to violence?” The Mistress of Evil just gave her counterpart a smug smile. “Because we are superior in every way, and it’s the only way you heroes seem to acknowledge that!” Juleficent sneered.
Meanwhile, Roselle decided she had enough of being soft with this girl. “Look, I really just want to have a simple pleasant conversation with you. Can we at the very least agree that our Julekas are the best thing to happen to us?” she asked. QRC pouted and reluctantly nodded her head. “Fine, whatever.” she groaned.
“Well, what about hobbies?” Roselle asked. “Besides killing and racing. For me, it’s reading.” The Queen paused and thought about it for a second, before getting a little smile. “Well…I guess I also have a thing for decorating! Mostly pink and candy, of course!” QRC chirped. For the first time, Roselle found herself nodding and smiling in agreement. “Ooh! That's nice! Pink's a good color. Does your Jules ever help you?“
Juleficent nodded happily. “Yep!” QRC beamed. “One of my favorite things to decorate are her horns!” The Mistress of Evil was giving an uncharacteristically shy blush. 
“My beloved queen is the only one who knows how to decorate to my liking.” she cooed. Julebeast smiled at her. “Hey, Rose decorates mine as well. See? We do have stuff in common!” Julebeast replied. Juleficent frowned once again, looking ashamed to admit she was correct. “I suppose so.” she muttered. All of a sudden, QRC got a wicked grin.
“Well, I know there's one thing we don't have in common. I could kick your ass in a race. In fact, that's what I'll do! I challenge you to a Sugar Rush match!” QRC shouted, pointing a finger dramatically at her heroic counterpart. Roselle just blinked for a second, and smiled.
“Sure! Sounds fun!” Roselle said.
“Yeah it wi- wait what?” QRC gaped. “Aren't you gonna say something like, ‘You're goin' down?’ Roselle shook her head. “Nope! I’m just really excited to see your kingdom!”
“The one she hijacked.” Julebeast muttered. This remark got her counterpart to glare at her. 
“W-well, you won’t be so happy when I leave you in the dust!” QRC sputtered. Roselle just shrugged. “If you say so! I'm sure it'll feel bad when I lose.”
Thanks to the power of magic, Roselle and her heroic classmates were able to be transported inside the land of Sugar Rush, specifically inside Royal Raceway. As the other heroes and villains watched from a special viewing room, Roselle took time to marvel about being inside a land made of candy.
“It’s even more wondrous than I imagined!” she squealed as she stared at the cotton candy clouds in the sky. She took out her diary and began writing about everything she saw. “Brings back memories of that wonderful book I read as a child, the one about the chocolate factory!” As she continued gushing about everything she saw, the Queen took the time to use her powers as a glitch to open the game’s code, modifying Roselle’s car to move at the slowest possible speed.
“Let’s see how long that smile stays on her face.” she chuckled. As both racers hopped into their cars, the heroes and villains looked on in anticipation. The light in front of them beeped three times, and they were off. Well, rather, QRC’s car sped off as Roselle’s moved at a snail’s pace. Julebeast and her heroic friends looked befuddled, as the villains grinned wickedly.
“Hey, our Rose’s car is barely moving!” Denise frowned. “What gives?!” Maxiro began to suspect foul play. “I believe it has been tampered with.” he replied. “Well, you can’t exactly prove that, pointdexter.” Mireides sneered, as the villains glared at him. “Oh really?” he challenged, looking at his robot buddy. “Markov, check your surveillance footage.”
Baykov made a soft beeping sound. He took a few moments to scan the footage after downloading and analyzing it. “Scan complete” he confirmed. Sure enough, the footage showed QRC meddling with the settings while Roselle was distracted. “I’m not even surprised.” Maxiro said.
“Didn’t anybody ever teach you villains that cheaters never prosper?” Julebeast snarled, as Jafardrien rolled his eyes. “They say it all the time at our blassted school.” he replied.
“Well, it seems like our Rose is enjoying herself regardless.” AriOndine beamed.
And she was! In fact, this was one of the most exiciting things she had ever taken part in! As she slowly made her way through the course, she oohed and aahed over boulders made of rock candy, peppermint trees, cherries the size of basketballs, windows created out of edible sugar glass, and so much more. She picked a lollipop flower and licked it happily. “Ali would love to visit sometime!” she chirped. Her brother was a known sweet tooth. 
A lot of her friends looked eager to come down there, especially those who cravings for all things candy-related. “I wish we could go down and check it out too! This place is really cool!” Adripunzel said excitedly. The villains looked flabbergasted. How were they not mad? QRC had just finished her final lap!
“We just wiped the floor with you! How is this not causing you to flip out?” ZoeHans sputtered. “Because y'all cheated!” TiAlya pointed out. “And even if ya hadn’t, we'd still be happy for Roselle for agreeing to do the race at all!” The demigod smiled at that. “Yeah, we don’t really care all that much about winning, barring battle where people’s lives are on the line.“ Kimules added. “Utterly ridiculous.” Lady Chloe scoffed. “You’ve got your ways of doing things, so do we.” QuasiIvan replied.
After Roselle finally made it to the finish line, QRC walked up to her with a smug grin. “Wow! I knew you'd be bad, but holy gumdrops you were awful!” She cackled. “I crossed the finish line an hour ago! Suck it, goody good!”
The hero just smiled gently. “I must admit, your skills as a racer are truly impressive. Nicely done! That was actually a lot more fun than I expected.”
QRC felt her eyes begin to twitch like mad at this statement. “F-Fun? What do you mean fun?! I BEAT YOU! What could possibly be fun about that?!” she squawked. “Oh, I didn’t really care about winning or losing, I just wanted to see the inside of a video game!” Roselle gushed. “It’s really quite interesting and beautiful!” The QRC stamped her foot in rage, snapping the candy cane she had been chewing on in half. “WHO GIVES A SHIT ABOUT THE SCENERY! You're racing! You gotta go fast or you lose!” she snarled. It was at this point, that Roselle’s beastly girlfriend walked up to join her.
“Well my flower never got the chance to go fast, did she? Because you sabotaged her car.” Julebeast frowned. Roselle blinked in surprise. “She did?”
She turned around to face her counterpart, frowning in disappointment. “The only thing accomplished by cheating is making a win hollow!” The Queen just stuck her tongue out. “Who cares if it's hollow?! I still got the W!”
Juleficent strode out to give her sugary scoundrel a loving peck on the cheek. “A victory is a victory, no matter how it’s achieved!” the villain stated, before sneering at the heroes. “Though I suppose you insipid heroes would value fair play and integrity.”
“Yes, but if she was the greatest racer ever, why would she need to cheat?” Roselle argued. The villainous queen’s face turned bright red, as she began to sputter a response. “SH-SHUT UP! I won, and that’s the end of it, you peabrain! I’m the greatest racer there ever was, and I won’t let ANYONE forget it!” she roared. Juleficent comforted her, cupping her face softly.
“Remain calm, my darling. Don't let those goody goods cloud your mind. None are as good at winning races as you.” Juleficent cooed. QRC nodded and nuzzled her girlfriend affectionately.
Julebeast sighed wearily and smiled at her own Rose. “I’m just happy you enjoyed yourself, my flower.” she said. “I can't wait to share what I saw with everyone else! Denise will be really interested!” Roselle squealed. As Julebeast nodded in agreement, they walked off to join their friends.
“So, my thorn, what should we do together to celebrate my victory? I think it's best if you choose.” QRC purred, stroking her darling’s horns. “Shall we force some of these pathetic peasants to build another monument in our honor, my dearest?” Juleficent grinned. QRC giggled and clapped her hands in eagerness.
And there you have it! Finally was able to finish the crossover, and Phase 2 is under way! Thank you SO MUCH to Weeby for helping with chunks of the dialogue! I’ll be helping her as well when she starts writing Mireille’s crossover, which is next on the list. As always, make sure to reblog, reply, post and ask. @artzychic27 @msweebyness 
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themsource · 3 years
A Moment Of Time
Pairing: Sans x Frisk Rating: T Word Count: 2,673
Hey @catsitta I was your secret santa for @secretsantafrans! I love your Fated AU so please excuse any cannon inconsistences if I made any @_@  I had fun mixing holiday themes for this; Kronia and Haloa specifically! 
Hope you enjoy ^^
Lord Death’s realm; usually so quiet and haunting, was unusually loud with the cries of celebration and joy. Golden light bathed the immense hall, the fires and torches giving such a grand view of the heavily decorated scaffoldings and food laden tables casting a supernatural warmth supplied by none other than Lord Fyre, for the evening's festivities.
Rarely was there cause for such lavish displays of black marbled fountains overflowing with fine wine, even rarer a reason for heavenly grown ambrosia to grace such a place as the Underworld with it’s desolate landscape and often gloomy atmosphere, but this was a day rare in itself.
Today marked the winter solstice; the time of year that many a mortal and god alike abandoned their divisions and classes that usually separated them from others of lower status as a show of civility and gratitude for one another.
And Death the youngest favored the holiday, in fact he was its greatest fan and celebrated it every year. Which was a surprise to the Goddess Spring given her dear husband’s solitary nature and not so subtle irritation at large gatherings. Let it be said that Sans denied Papyrus very little, and let him want for nothing.
An admirable trait in her spouse.
“My lady are you not enjoying the wine?” Frisk blinked free of her thoughts and spared a glance at her goblet, sitting wholly untouched and turning bitter the longer she ignored it and allowed it to spoil. 
A longstanding tradition on this day was that women alone were allowed to drink of the spirits and indulge in the fresh aged fruits of the last harvest, a tradition she always enjoyed, but now served as nothing but a reminder of lost youth and unwanted vows.
Frisk was gradually coming to accept the chains that tied her to her husband, and deeply appreciated the way in which he treated her as not only an adult, but as a partner, an equal. However it did little to ease the sadness she felt at times such as these, reminding her of the choices she’d unwittingly made that hadn’t truly been choices at all.
This year she wouldn’t be dancing among the snow of the surface, nor would she sit gossiping with her mother and her wood nymphs about plans for future growth and vegetation. Where once she used to greet the time of year with enthusiasm and eagerness, now sat nothing but a rock hard pit in her stomach that even Ambrosia couldn’t fill.
She felt out of place, and just a little bit lonely.
“Forgive me, but my stomach is not quite right tonight.” She forced a smile, small and fragile, but still genuine as she looked to her handmaiden. “Tonight I am not your lady, we are as equals, did you forget?” 
Daisy smiled as she took the opportunity and reached down to take the neglected drink, boldly taking a sip from it before offering Frisk a warm smile. “No matter the time or day you will always be my lady. As long as you’ll have me.”
Frisk chuckled before looking out to the crowd, her golden eyes skimming the dancers supplied by Mother Night as she caught the sight of Lord Fyre in hushed whispers with a fair skinned and golden haired Underworld denizen. 
Vaguely she tried to recall all the fallen heroes she’d been told would be allowed to attend but no name came to mind, maybe they were a member of the Asphodel Meadows?
“I take it Iris and Hyacinth are enjoying themselves?” She asked absently just as her eyes spotted her husband standing beside the hearth speaking with his brother. 
As if he could feel her gaze like a touch he subtly shifted his fathomless sockets to meet her.
Quickly Frisk averted her eyes with a grimace, and not so quiet skip of her heart. How he could draw such a reaction from her when she could just barely tolerate his presence she’d never know, and even as she watched Daisy blush, her flames tinting a slight shade darker, she swore she could still feel him watching her. 
Sans’s gaze always unsettled her, just as much as it drew her in like a vortex.
“Iris is currently in the kitchens, and Hyacinth, is showing Lord Cadmus around.” The way Daisy said his name was enough to make Frisk stare at her in shock. Cadmus, the hero of letters, how fitting given Hyacinth’s nature. Though it was still the last thing she’d expected of the elemental.
“I see…” Even her handmaidens dreamed of love she supposed, something she’d never really given much thought to. Was that one of the reasons behind their constant push for her to get close to Sans? “Well I hope she enjoys herself.”
Daisy offered a timid grin. “Are you sure it’s only your stomach that ails you tonight?”
Frisk dismissed her worry with a shake of her head. “Don’t worry Daisy, go have fun, you fuss over me enough every day as is.” 
Reluctantly the young fiery girl nodded and did as Frisk suggested, but not without offering a backward glance that the goddess waved off with a teasing smile. Slowly she let her hand drop and went back to looking out over the crowd. 
She felt like such a stick in the mud, truly not an attitude befitting of a queen.
Gracefully as she could, and still doing her best to ignore San’s continuously lingering stare, she skirted the side of the hall and slipped away behind a gathered group of souls. She didn’t stop holding her breath or head high until she’d safely made it back to her room, where she finally let her shoulders sag and sighed from sudden exhaustion. 
Papyrus might not be too pleased at her absence, but it was better than sitting in place all night frowning and pouting like a child. Frisk had gone to such lengths to show her mother and the other gods she was worthy of her title, she refused to spoil it all in one evening. 
More than halfway across her room she froze, her eyes going wide in disbelief, as they caught on a small object resting in the center of her bed.
Had someone been in her room?
Frisk’s heart anxiously fluttered in her chest as she debated on returning to the party or taking another step further into her room. Never before now had she noticed just how thick the curtains were that adorned her windows, or just how dark the corners of her chamber were where the miniscule candle light didn’t reach. 
Cautiously she inched forward, the ichor in her veins pounding like a drum as she shakily reached for it with all the control of a quivering branch. 
It fit perfectly in her hand, its texture like that of smooth glass with a coolness that sent a chill up to her shoulder. He guard dropped as she slowly raised it to eye level and turned it this way and that. It looked like a flat and rounded piece of polished obsidian, with golden leaf decorating it’s edges in swirling floral designs. 
A mirror, designed to be easily concealed and for discrete use.
She frowned.
Honestly Frisk wasn’t one to fret over her appearance, she never had been, always preferring wild and tangled hair with robes slightly worn at the fringes from hours spent in the dirt or walking. The only ones that showed any care to her looks were her caretakers and, on a less comfortable note, her husband.
She turned it twice over, as if the name of the person who had left this would magically appear if she simply kept looking, and nearly dropped it as the surface brightened, turning white hot and blinding.
Just as quickly as it happened it dimmed, and in its place was an image, crystal clear  and moving. 
Frisk gasped as she recognized one of the flower fields in which she used to play, now blanketed in freshly fallen snow, the picture of her mother standing silent and stoic as she looked out over the winter landscape. 
It was a looking glass! A magical item so very rare that only three gods she knew of had one, and none of them this small or intricately decorated. Whoever this was from had obviously put a lot of considerable effort into having it made.
“does my lady wife like her gift?”
She hadn’t expected his presence with the celebrations currently going on, but honestly she should have. Sans always had the habit of suddenly appearing from around corners or showing up spontaneously. 
Frisk spun on her heel, her hand quickly darting up to brush away the tears beading in her eyes as they widened at seeing her husband standing just within the dark shadows of the doorway.
At this point in their relationship she’d grown accustomed to his comings and goings. The only thing she never understood behind the actions was if it was done simply because he liked to use his name and title as the lord of death to unnerve others and to demonstrate the power he held, or if it was merely a fleeting moment of whimsy for a cheap thrill. 
One thing that always irritated her to no end though, was that he enjoyed targeting her the most.
Such as now; with an embarrassed flush on her cheeks and a jolt of shame running down her spine as she struggled to hide the very emotion she so blatantly wore. Gifts between spouses was a tradition, but she hadn’t given any thought to it. She didn’t think for a moment her lord husband would be partial to the tradition.
Frisk should have known better given how their whole relationship had even started.
“I...am afraid I did not prepare anything for you in turn.” 
His gaze, always so penetrating and watchful, dropped from her face to the looking glass she clutched to her chest, not missing the subtle way her knuckles whitened as she subconsciously tightened her hold on it.
As if he’d try to steal it away from her.
Sans’s smile widened. “what more gift could a husband want than the company of his wife?”
Her face stung as it turned red, and her voice came out uncertain, higher in pitch, as she stared at him. “I trust you mean platonically?”
“I have the desires of any man, for his bride, and while i wouldn’t turn away such an offer...” 
She tensed as his sockets did a slow, calculated roll of her form before flickering back up to her face, the gesture causing her heart to skip for the second time that night. “in this instance my intentions are entirely innocent.” He chuckled.
Frisk watched as he held a hand out in offer, his phalanges slightly curling as if beckoning her to him with a still ever present grin. It would be so easy, in another time and place, for Frisk to have believed the innocence behind his smile. But he always wore it, when amused, irritated, and when being cruel as Death often had to be.
It made it so hard to understand him.
Casually she slipped the now darkened looking glass within her robes and tried her best to keep her expression unreadable as she placed her hand in his, the icy touch of his bones draining the warmth from her, but never able to steal it all completely.
The edges of his smile seemed to soften as he glanced down.
It did something to her to see that. He acted so touch starved, so easily awed every time they had the briefest of contact.
They both stood there in silence, his thumb slowly running circles into the back of her hand the longer he held it. She sucked in a breath at the shiver it sent up her spine but dared an uncertain look up at him.
“Are we not going somewhere?”
His subtle movement stopped but he didn’t look away from where they stayed joined.
“is there somewhere you wish to go?”
She didn’t respond, and he took that as an answer. He gave one more slow, deliberate, stroke of his thumb before finally releasing her. If Frisk didn’t know better she’d have thought she’d heard a small sigh from him.
And then she finally noticed the faint blush on his cheeks.
“Have you been drinking?” 
He looked her in the eye as his grin hitched higher. “whatever gave that impression?”
Frisk narrowed her eyes at him suspiciously, the faint blush darkening as she stared him down and cultivated one on her own cheeks. She hadn’t noticed just how cute his magic could sometimes manifest itself, just how it left a vague ethereal glow that bathed the inside of his normally obscure hood.
“Sans…only women are supposed to drink today.”
His sockets lidded. “from what i could see earlier in the night, you weren’t in the mood, and it would’ve been rude to waste wine provided by asgore himself.” 
She knew he was using a poor excuse, but it was enough of one it lit a flicker of embarrassment in her. Frisk stubbornly focused on one of the gold medallions that held up his cloak to avoid eye contact.
“You just wanted to drink.”
“can you fault me? it was my favorite after all.” She glared at his cheeky smirk. “pomegranate.” 
“...If only divorce was an option.”
Sans’s sockets widened and then he let out such a deep, bass heavy, laugh Frisk openly gawked at him. It took a moment for him to compose himself but once he had his voice was filled with mirth.
“sadly it isn’t. i would only welcome the challenge to make you mine yet again, if i could.”
She couldn’t think of a response to that, not one that wasn’t insulting at least, and really she didn’t feel like trying to argue with the thick skulled god before her, it would be pointless, Sans never backed down when it came to a play on words.
Silence stretched before he spoke again. 
“i should be getting back to the celebration, gillby wanted to talk to me regarding a trade of some sort.”
Frisk suddenly felt a pang that made her grimace. She hadn’t realized she’d actually been enjoying the company. Maybe it was because they rarely spoke, or maybe she was just that emotionally vulnerable tonight, but her words were hesitant and honest. 
“I understand...I enjoyed this. The casual conversation.”
Her husband tilted his head.
“i should be thanking you, this was just the break i needed from the crowd.”
Despite herself she chuckled. “Of course, why would I ever assume you asked for my company purely for it alone?” 
He went silent, the brim of his hood covering his sockets as his tone came out blunt. “if this wasn’t what i desired i wouldn’t have asked for this when you offered me a gift in turn.” 
How did he keep doing that? Slipping behind her walls so easily with honeyed words after repeatedly testing their strength with his indifference and often selfish actions? He barely ever tried but it was always enough to make her question her stance on him.
“You’d better hurry back, I don’t think Grillby will be sober enough to remember his reasons if you don’t.” She whispered.
Sans gave a small bow, his hand swiftly cupping hers and bringing it to his teeth for a kiss. When he stood her hand was still lifted, frozen in place by confusion and surprise.
“i bid thee goodnight, happy solstice my queen.”
He vanished.
Frisk opened and closed her mouth dumbly, an almost plea for him to stay forever trapped on the tip of her tongue. She stared at where her husband had stood and slowly pulled out her looking glass.
Her first Solstice in the Underworld hadn’t gone well as it could’ve been, but it was still memorable.
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wyverian-lady525 · 2 years
Can I request a senario where the Reverto and Alwin are like competing for the MC’s affection but she is just oblivious to the whole thing?
Maybe they both accompany her on a Quest investigate a lingering rage rayed monster or maybe just mini slice-of-life events? I’m not picky when it comes to the setting or plot so do whatever sounds fun!!!
(P.S. I think it’s really funny to Imaginge Reverto calling Alwin “old man” or Alwin Calling Reverto “Conga Brained” under their breaths.)
YES😂This is BEAUTIFUL! Thank you so much for this anon! Yes, them insulting each other is something I can envision😂
A Tale of Two Men (And One Oblivious Rider)
Reverto and Alwin’s personalities clash in general. What happens when these two smitten dudes get stuck together with you?
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Lilia needed you for an urgent quest. Apparently, there was a new type of bazelgeuse stirring up trouble. Called a “Seething Bazelgeuse”, Lilia could think of no one better than you to dispose of it and its explosive destruction. She also mentioned how it would be best to bring along some friends to fight it.
You figured that another rider and a hunter would be best. So, you sought out Reverto and Alwin. 
Reverto prided himself that you called out to him for help. Dependable? Heck yeah, he would use the power of his great sword to your advantage and show you how much he cares about you.
Alwin legit thought you forgot about his existence. Hearing that you wanted his help made him feel all fuzzy inside. Perhaps this was his chance to win over your affections. The wyverian was not going to let anything hurt you.
They thought they were going to have you to themselves. What they didn’t know was that this adventure was going to be rather crowded. 
You made sure to make the meeting point somewhere where Alwin could find it, so you decided upon the entrance to Loloska. Then you guys would sleep the valley and into the woods for any trace of the monster. 
Unfortunately, Alwin and Reverto arrived before you did. 
“Um...” They both started with a confused tone. Neither Alwin nor Reverto really know each other. Seen maybe, but not really talked to. However, both men felt irked at the sight of each other.
“So, are you out on a quest?” Alwin asked, hoping that this was just a coincidence.
“Yep. Y/N asked me to be here.” Reverto said while crossing his arms. Alwin narrowed his eyes slightly.
“She asked me to be here too.” The wyverian said in a defensive tone. Reverto couldn’t help but smirk at the sound of his voice. He could only figure that the wyverian felt the same about you as he did.
This was gonna be fun.
“Hey, aren’t we all friends here? Y/N asked us both to be here, so I guess we just have to see who she likes better.” The hunter stated in a voice that nearly gave Alwin a headache. The rider narrowed his eyes as did the hunter. Both continued to glare at each other until the sound of your voice distracted them.
“Hi guys!” You stated in a cheery tone as you dismounted your monstie. The glaring contest turned to bright smiles as they greeted you. You, oblivious to the tension, gave each male a hug.
When you hugged Reverto, he glared at Alwin. And vice versa. 
“I’m glad the two of you could help me out! Thank you so much!” You beamed and both smiled, Alwin blushing slightly.
“Hey, I’m in my prime and ready to fight this beastie by your side.” Reverto said with a side smirk to Alwin, who just looked beyond enraged; eyes narrowed to slits and a frown on his face. You were too busy smiling at Reverto to notice Alwin’s unhappiness.
“Lead the way through Alcala, old man!” Reverto declared in a teasing tone while wrapping an arm around your small shoulders. Alwin would’ve sassed him back, but your confident smile at him silenced his tongue as he trudged onwards.
Soon, you all were walking side by side as the clouds grew overhead. You were in the middle of Alwin and Reverto, smiling with a glimmer in your eye as you stared at all the nature around you. Reverto and Alwin just looked at opposite directions from each other, trying to think of ways to get your attention.
Suddenly, there was a rustling in the distance. Alwin’s sharp ears picked it up immediately.
“What was that? Y/N, be careful.” Alwin warned while taking a step-in front of you. Reverto just crossed his arms and laughed slightly.
“Careful old man, all this stress can’t be good for your heart. Just chillax.” The hunter teased while unsheathing his sword and walking ahead while Alwin glared at him (sincerely hoping that it was a tigrex that would eat him). You, however, decided to wait with the wyverian (which pleased him so much).
Taking slow careful steps, Reverto readied his sword for a downward strike. Slower and slower, he stalked closer...and closer...and closer...
...until a konchu rolled out of the underbrush.
Reverto’s girlish scream probably alerted every living creature as he fell back. The insect stared at him before rolling away. You and Alwin laughed at the situation (him probably taking more pleasure in it than you).
“Don’t give up. You might actually win this fight.” Alwin said with a smirk of his own. Reverto, embarrassed, struggled to get to his feet and ended up tripping over Alcala’s thick underbrush leading to him being kissed by the ground again.
Alwin facepalmed and muttered, “Conga brained fool.”
You, concerned for your friend, just grabbed Alwin’s hand (he lit up like the bazelgeuse you were hunting) and walked over to Reverto, offering him a hand as well. With the two boys in your grasp, you marched onwards without noticing their obvious attraction towards you.
Both were red in the face from the physical contact. Too concerned about their proximity to you to worry about each other. How could you be so oblivious to their feelings?
Around half an hour passed before the sky began to darken and little droplets of water fell from the sky. Those little droplets soon turned into a downpour and the three of you ran blindly in hopes of finding shelter.
“There’s a hunter’s camp not far from here! Follow me!” Reverto called over the sound of the downpour. Around ten minutes of stumbling through the rain and underbrush, you three found the hunter’s camp which did have one tent, but it was...
“Well, looks like Alwin has to sleep outside.” Reverto said, about to help you in, but the wyverian he teased beat him to it, leaving the hunter to stand alone dumbfounded in the rain.
It was small aside, the two (soon three after Reverto finally steps inside) of you having to squish close together to avoid the cold wet tent walls. It was more of a temporary hunter’s camp meaning the tent did not have the best housing arrangements.
“You cold?” Alwin asked and you nodded while hugging yourself. While he debated on putting an arm around you, Reverto had already put a blanket over your shoulders.
“There’s always one of these babies in a hunter’s tent.” He gloated and you just hugged it around you while Alwin was the one to remain dumbfounded. Now everyone was kind of just awkwardly standing around, wondering what to do next. Alwin and Reverto kept sneaking glances at you for their own desires, but you thought that they were looking at the blanket.
“Guys, we can just share.” You said with an innocent smile. The very thought horrified them both.
But that’s how you ended up getting sandwiched between a big muscular hunter, and a slim and slender wyverian. 
The sun soon set and the three of you decided just to stay here for the night. While your companions were asleep on either side of you, you just stared upwards wide-eyed and on your back. Reverto was the snorer you expected him to be, and while Alwin didn’t snore, he was exceptionally clingy. The combinations of those two things didn’t help you sleep.
Plus, they didn’t seem to get along, for reasons you couldn’t quite pinpoint. Maybe Reverto was too easygoing for Alwin’s reserved demeanor? Maybe it was a rider and hunter thing? Human and wyverian thing? You didn’t know what their little squabbles could be over, but it better not affect the quest.
You were starting to think that maybe this wasn’t the best idea.
That maybe this might go poorly if they continue this infighting.
As you laid there on the cold ground, measly blanket covering your body, with a loud hunter on one side of you and a wyverian clinging to you like a newborn on the other...
...you wondered if it was too late to call for Cheval and Kyle.
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hoffthechain · 3 years
Thank u for tagging bro!!! Now I have to watch soundbreaking @cloudbear
1. what is the first song you remember hearing?
Ob la di bla da? Is that how it’s spelled?? The beatles song every dad shows their kid to introduce them to music.
2. what is the first band you got into?
Ah fuck this is a difficult question. Quite possibly the beastie boys. That’s the first band that registers as being on my $15 MP3 player from middle school haha
3. Do You collect physical music?
Yep! Around 30 vinyls probably! Very diverse in genre. Most recent acquisition being a Blood Incantation record, I think!
4. What is your favorite piece of music memorabilia?
A dave grohl candle, one of those Catholic saint ones!
5. what's your favourite concert you're ever been to?
I think I have 2….. firstly System of a Down at Sonic Temple festival in Ohio. I see a lot of pop punk shows in town and I always feel a little judged for some reason. I like big rock festivals because it’s mostly down to earth 30 year old working class metal heads who are extremely nice. The concert itself just had an awesome energy, we were packed like sardines, sweaty as shit, it was the headliner of the night. It just went hard as fuck.
Secondly tom morello of Rage Against the Machine/Audioslave. Again, older crowd, so a great vibe :). Tom is an incredible guitarist, but he doesn’t sing so everyone just fills in and sings the RATM and Audioslave songs, it’s really beautiful. And of course everyone singing killing in the name of together at the end is always killer!!!
6. if you could see one artist who is no longer alive in concert, who would it be?
2/3s Are still kickin, but the beastie boys. I’m sad I missed that era.
7. have you met any musicians?
Many 😎 I’m lucky and get to go backstage at a lot of festivals and stuff so I’ve rubbed shoulders with some pretty cool acts!!
8. What is your go-to album when you’re feeling sad?
There are two albums I have scream cried to: The Black Parade (cliche, I know) and a VERY UNDERRATED album that everyone should listen to: Mannequin Pussy’s “Patience”
9. What is your go-to album when you’re feeling happy?
Tough one! I find myself returning to Pink Floyd, but I’m more likely to listen to a new album when I’m happy!
10. what is one music documentary you love?
Aghhh can’t remember the name but it was on The Neptunes! If you think you don’t know The Neptune’s, yes you do.
11. What’s your favorite concert DVD?
Anything BeeGees.
12. do you prefer listening to playlists or albums?
Albums take the right environment and state of mind for me. I have to be in a space with 0 interruptions. I don’t PREFER playlists per se but for that reason I end up listening to them more.
13. Do you prefer listening to albums in order or on shuffle?
14. What is your favorite deep cut song by your favorite artist?
Maybe….Twin Hype Back by Run the Jewels.
15. what is your favourite cd/cassette/vinyl you own in terms of packaging?
I absolutely love the packaging for Paul’s Boutique by the Beastie Boys (geez 3rd mention in this post)….it’s also a very underrated album! Unfortunately overlooked!
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rayne-storm · 3 years
Day 13! Do your characters have any fears? Do the other characters make fun of them/abuse these fears? (Ex; Using plastic spiders to scare someone with a fear of spiders.)
They all obviously have fears, some very deep and others very surface-level. Here's a few:
Arthur: he most fears letting others down, and dying alone. More shallowly, he has a slight fear of creatures with more than six legs. Especially ones with more than eight legs. He hates them and has the occasional nightmare about millipedes. Guin tried to prank him with a fake millipede in the bed once and he burst into tears. It never happened again.
Lancelot: fears failure. He also has a pretty intense phobia of heights. Perhaps it's due to his upbringing beneath a lake, but he has to have railings and walls go hold onto if he goes up onto the roofs of the castle. Sometimes Guin (yep, she's the prankster of the trio) walks along the edge, and he will usually crawl on the ground until he can snatch her firmly into his arms. It's now become a playful little form of affection.
She's perfectly balanced, thanks to a childhood of climbing anything she could climb, but he hates the thought of a breeze or pebble causing her to fall to his death.
Guinevere: she most fears the feeling of being powerless. She is the master of her fate. She felt powerless before, and she hates that she still has the scars and nightmares from it. She also has a reoccurring nightmare about having to give public speeches extemporaneously. She may be catty and witty and clever, but when she must do important speaking she has to have time to gather her thoughts. It's now an inside joke that at any public event, Lancelot or Arthur or Tristan will suddenly say, "and does Queen Guinevere have anything else to add?" And usually she shoots them a dirty look and merely replies, "May your God or Gods bless you with love and light."
One time, however, she knew they would do this, and prepared a 45 minute speech about the importance of respecting the women in one's life. They did not play that trick for a long while after.
Mordred: Losing control or losing his loved ones, and he also fears that some day he will fall out of bed and break his neck and die, so now he sleeps with pillows on all sides (or in Galahad's arms 🥰).
Galahad: Deep down he fears that he is inadequate in some way. He also hates snakes, which is a shame because Mordred loves them, and keeps several massive, loving, beautiful constrictors as pets. But Mordred also respects that they make Galahad uncomfortable, so he usually keeps them away when Galahad is present. Likewise, Galahad trusts Mordred not to let the beasties hurt (or touch) him if possible.
Merlin: he has cosmic-scale fears about the end of all that is, but surprisingly also has a phobia of geese. He is teased endlessly about it, but in jest and good faith. Secretly several people share his opinions.
Tristan: that the people he loves will stop loving him someday, and quicksand.
Gawain: that he will be unable to protect those he loves, and now Giant Headless Green Men.
Sir Kalitrab: Spoilers 😘
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Favorite Character (19/???)
Jack Skellington (“The Nightmare Before Christmas”, 1993)
“I’m a master of fright and a demon of light 
And I’ll scare you right out of your pants
To a guy in Kentucky, I’m Mister Unlucky 
And I’m know thoughout England and France
And since I am dead, I can take off my head
to recite Shakespearean quotations
No animal or man, can SCREAM like I can
With the fury of my recitations.”
…so, can we do this? No fake outs this time? Can I be absolutely certain this is the real deal?
…*inhales* Alright, let’s do this!
The day of ghouls and scares has finally arrived, my beautiful beasties, and it’s time we get to talk about the Pumpkin King himself, the master of fright in no flesh and bone!
This is Halloween, everybody scream! Won’t you please make way for a very special guy?!
And this guy is none other thaaaaaaaan…
Jack Skellington!!
Phew, I finally got to say it!
Ok, let’s start by saying that the ever charismatic Jack is the king of Halloween Town, the world where everyday they plan the best Halloween day they can think of! Yep, the moment one Halloween celebration is over, they immediatly start making plans for the next year: the festivity is very much a prime directive, much to Jack’s chagrin.
Don’t get me wrong, Jack is very much the representation of Halloween itself: despite being a skeleton, he’s a lively and energetic fellow with a penchant for theatrics (so much so that in battle he moves like he’s dancing!), he’s got a fondness for screams and surprises, but always with the intent of delight instead of malice. But it’s also worth noting that when you’re the king of a world where everything is about your single job, and you’ve probably been doing this since the concept of Halloween was born, you’re bound to feel hollower and hollower each year.
Jack loves Halloween, absolutely, but over the years when he’s done nothing but that, he developed a dread over the monotony of his life: he often craves for novelty and chances to make his job more interesting every year. Indeed, the reason he got so excited in seeing Christmas Town is because it’s so different from his festivity: where Halloween is dark, scary and made of tricks, Christmas is all about cheer, light and carols.
As we could see with his reaction over Christmas, everytime he sees something new he wants to learns more and more about it, which is good, but the first time this has happened, he couldn’t grasp the concept completely even after trying to learn more the best he could, and then he went for a takeover in hopes to make Christmas even better.
Jack, we know you mean well. but Halloween is your speciality, don’t take jobs from other people, please!
Jack is very much open with his emotions: when he’s joyful he is contagious, when he’s sad he visibly slumps and feels hopeless, and if by chance you make him angry by hurting his friends (and we’re talking about a very amiable guy)… well, you pretty much sealed your death wish, because we can’t forget he’s the Pumpkin King for a reason, now can we? Just ask Oogie Boogie here!
…wait, how are you still alive?? o_o
Anyway, not only Jack gets easily enchanted by novelties, he gets so much into them that he sometimes forsakes his own health and friends: he doesn’t mean it of course, but it’s easy for him to lose sight of the important things that are in front of him: but luckily he’s been doing better, and he even grew to understand his true feelings over Sally, who was always there to encourage him but also to make sure he didn’t go over his head.
So, I like Jack for his charisma and earnest personality: despite being pretty much Halloween itself, he’s nothing short of nice and friendly; he’s proud of what he can do, but also humble about himself, especially when he recognizes when he does too far. Halloween is the celebration for fun and fright, and we say thanks to him for making it so memorable!
Hail to the Pumpkin King, everyone! And Happy Halloween!!
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inquisitorhotpants · 7 years
I was going to wait until I saw it again, but ... ehhh let’s get this done. God this post is gonna be long. I’m gonna miss stuff. 
I have 6 main gripes with this movie and I want to get those out of the way first.
That should have been Anakin, not that shitty-ass space frog. Fuck Yoda. 
The codebreaker Maz sent them for should have been Lando, and “we didn’t have time for Lando” is still nonsense. 
Rian, that is a bladderbuster of a movie, we did not need the milking scene, pal.
Also Joss Whedon gets tiresome, let’s dial back the jokes per second yeah? SW is tonally different from Avengers, let’s not make them all samey same.
Why was there no mourning for Han that was visible instead of only learned through “The Art of TLJ” (Leia’s hairstyle was Alderaanian mourning braids.)
... MOAR PHASMA, are you for real with this 0.3 seconds nonsense.
Now, I was so incredibly underwhelmed by TFA (I have literally never watched it since I saw it in theaters one time per my obligation as a Star Wars fan, I felt like JJ Abrams didn’t even care enough to make an original movie) that I wasn’t jazzed about TLJ.
I was very, very, very wrong in that. Holy fuckballs was I ever fucking wrong.
The flashback trio, holy SHIT. The sanitized, Obi-Wan’d version. Kylo’s “Bilbo seeing the ring” scary-ass wrong version. And finally, Luke’s “I fucked up so so much” version. Luke has always struggled with the Dark Side, with his anger. You see it at the end of RotJ where he’s just hammering on Vader, until he goes a step too far and goes “oh my god what am I doing.”  And then you find out that he bought his own hype, and the Order’s own hype, and drifted close to the Dark Side again, thanks to past trauma from dealing with Vader and his own established tendency to come close to the dark.
But he regrets it so so much. Mark’s monologue talking about that, where you can hear the pain and regret and guilt in his voice, it’s some of his best acting. Luke, driven by shame over what he almost did, driven by survivor guilt, ends up in a very dark place. Shame and guilt are real fucking beasties, and feeling that you failed your students, your nephew, your best friend, your sister, and the galaxy? Jesus. It makes my heart hurt just thinking about it. 
And then finally, someone with the same kind of optimism he used to have shows up, a real genuine Rey of Sunshine as it were. And she does exactly what he did with Vader. She tries, even though she has less of a dog in this fight than he does, and it’s just .... i love it, guys. 
That force projection. GodDAMN. Even Threepio can see him! HOLY SHIT. 
The mirroring of his sacrifice, buying our heroes time, of Obi-Wan’s, was so poignant. 
I cried like a baby all through the scene with him and Carrie. It was so good. 
And then his scene with Kylo, with this man who’s just devoured by anger and feelings of inadequacy and this desperate need to prove himself to a shitty-ass authority figure (Snoke). It was excellent. 
Basically A+ all around, gave Luke nuance and a real depth of character that I wasn’t expecting but I loved after I’d really sat and ruminated on it. He’s always been so positive, and things worked out for him (mostly), and this failure (and there’s the theme of the movie, how you handle failure) just walloped him upside the head and it felt so very, very real to me. <3
I also cried when his robes blew off that rock on Ahch-To. (I cried a lot in this movie lmao)
“Where’s Han?” (me: “fuck me i’m crying a lot.”)
Look even if i’d hated the rest of this movie, I was going for Space Mom.
She’s so tired of fighting. She’s so tired of losing that which she loves most. She’s so ready to just sit down and rest. But she won’t, because Leia is the most resilient, and so stubborn and determined and fierce and amazing. Even getting shot into goddamn space isn’t going to stop her.
LEIA USING THE FORCE AND BY GOD SHE HAS SO MUCH STRENGTH IN IT because she’s so very much also Anakin’s kid. <3
Leia being so done with Poe’s nonsense. She’s not going to keep seeing these wholesale sacrifices. Winning doesn’t matter if you don’t have anyone left. The Resistance is not cannon fodder. They are not the First Order, and their people matter. 
Every single scene with Leia I loved. All of them. 
The hurt, and the pain, and the resignation in her voice when she says her son is gone, it broke my heart guys. You can tell she isn’t happy about it. You can tell she didn’t arrive at this decision lightly. Letting go of a family member who’s determined to pursue something destructive is hard as fuck. I’ve seen it happen in my own family. Leia has lost so, so much. Her planet, her parents, her adoptive parents, her husband, her son, and now she knows she’s losing Luke too? I just ... my heart.  
Leia and Rey at the end!  <3  Loved it. 
the goddamn tribute before the credits, yep cried there too. 
God I love Rey. 
Zero time for Kyle Ron’s nonsense.
GET REKD NERD /vrooms off in the Falcon
Her strength of character, her mirroring of Luke’s attempt at redemption, her positioning as light to dark, her “fine fuck you I’m leaving” when redemption is rejected, I love everything about Rey. 
The introduction to Poe
Did I mention I love Rey? I love Rey. Rey is so driven and determined and amazing. <3 She has no time for an old-ass man’s nonsense. She has no time for a gold bathrobe wearing man’s nonsense. She has no time for Kyle Ron’s nonsense. “Look I have shit to get done so lead, follow, or get the fuck out of my way.” When Luke wouldn’t stand up (because he’s still fighting his own personal demons), she goes “fine, I’ll do it myself.” When Kyle Ron wouldn’t actually burn down the past, she goes, “fine, I have things to do.”
Rey is the Actual Best.
Rey uses her anger! Holy shit I love that. 
Kylo Ren
Look I have to give massive props to Adam Driver. The way he plays someone who’s been emotionally abused, fuck, that shit was giving me flashbacks to my own life. (snoke reminds me of my mom lmao my childhood was great.)
Unlike TFA, I actually found him compelling as a character this time. 
That scene in the elevator actually sort of hurt my heart a little. “Okay, FINE. You don’t think I’m anything? You think I don’t deserve this? THEN I’LL FUCKING SHOW YOU, I’LL DO IT WITHOUT IT, I’LL BE BETTER THAN YOU EVER EXPECTED” and the unspoken “and then you’ll finally accept me”. I got a little choked up, thanks past trauma. 
God I remember trying for decades to get my mom to love me, to say something nice that she meant, to just pretend she liked me. You agree with horrible shit, you feel beat down all the time, all trying to make this truly awful person think you’re somebody. 
So I understand part of Kylo Ren’s drive, tbh.
But he still chose the Space Nazis TWICE. And threw off the love of his family and his uncle. So fuck that jackass.
Look, my mom left literal scars on my face, and i didn’t burn down my school, murder the students, and go join the Hitler Youth. 
He’s the embodiment of “prior trauma does not excuse current actions”
A+ to Adam Driver for playing a character I can go “oh man that sucks, but I would still space your ass in half a second you shitty-ass human being.”
I love Finn so so so much and I could watch a whole movie just about Finn and Rose and Rey and Poe just ... generally wrecking rich people’s shit around the galaxy ngl.
I wish the fight with Phasma was longer. That was a bit of a letdown.
But Finn is just perfect. I love him. 
Can we talk about how he looked like an Actual Disney Prince running over to make sure Rose was okay? Because he did and I loved it. 
Also how he was totally prepared to give his life to save the Resistance because he has something to fight for, and I wasn’t SUPER sure he was going to be stopped and my heart was in my throat that whole time because Finn you fucking precious human being you. <3
THE REUNION oh my god 12 seconds of sublime perfection. THEY WERE SO HAPPY. (i cried. but i bet you knew that already lmao)
Cute, takes no shit, period. Love her. Awkward and adorable and just fantastic. 
She felt very reminiscent of Cassian with her “I’ve been fighting this my whole life” stance, and I loved it. 
Little acts of kindness can have huge rippling effects on the universe. <3
I can’t wait to see more of her.
Watching her and Finn totally fucking up rich people’s days, goddamn that was satisfying as fuck. 
I liked the kiss. It was pretty clear she was crushing on Finn the whole time (well maybe not to Finn lmao), it wasn’t drawn out. It didn’t make anything canon, and while I may be all about Finnrey and get more of a brotp vibe from Finnrose, I certainly wouldn’t be mad if it ends up going that way. I thought it was cute. “Fuck it, i’m gonna do it before i pass out.”
Poe getting schooled by two older, more experienced women, A+. 
Poe reminded me of Saw Guerrera, actually, speaking of Rogue One parallels. He wants to win, no matter the cost. Let’s remember that Saw ended up leaving the main body of the Rebellion over this. 
I thought Poe’s arc was great, tbh. He learned that you have to be able to ADAPT. 
I’m still personally “eh” on not disclosing anything, but at the same time, even if Holdo had told him at least a general idea of what was going on, I think he still would have sent Rose and Finn, he still would have staged the mutiny. His entire thing is “i know better” when he doesn’t, and he learns that he certainly does not always know better. There was a LOT of character growth there, and I loved it. So much of this movie adds depth to characters. <3
That intro to Rey! I loved it so much. 
POE AND BB8, enough said, god they were cute. THEY HAD A FOREHEAD TOUCH. <3 
General things I really liked
that scene where Holdo jumps into the ship. utter silence, light spilling forth from a source of darkness, GODDAMN that shit gave me chills. Amazing. 
The aesthetics, as always. Star Wars movies are just beautiful. 
Porgs! Jesus they were cute. 
“Jakku pretty much is nowhere.” lmao fucking sassy-ass skywalker men 
Literally everything with Chewie. 
Snoke Bond Villain-ing it up and promptly dying lmao. “Let me reveal everything about my plan including the fact that I faked this Force bond thing” /pulls a Darth Maul
THAT LIGHTSABER FIGHT GODDAMN. “The enemy of my enemy is my friend” basically. 
Luke flicking invisible dust off his shoulder. 
there’s a lot more but uh yeah i liked this a lot. I’m going to go see it at least one more time. 
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chain-link-smut · 1 year
Are you still taking ideas for smut-ember? If not, please feel free to disregard these x Reader ideas lol
Lazy, sleepy sex with Sky. Like, just slipping his hand under your panties, doing it from the side (or rolling on top of you, smooshing you into the bed as he slips in), etc. Maybe even some overstim
Sky + that whip of his 👀
Time & edging (brat taming the Reader, perhaps?)
Twilight practically ravaging you like a beast (no Wolfie stuff tho, I'm with you on that) bc he could smell your arousal all day
Fierce Deity + body worship (could go both ways, as two separate prompts, if you want)
Wild (pre-TotK) + using magnesis to keep your wrists together & towards the ceiling
Wild (either mid- or post-TotK) + that new arm of his 👀 (I bet it's textured juuuuust right, & tho nails, man)
Cunnilingus w/ any of the boys. Or all of them, individually or as a group. Honestly, just more cunnilingus stories -- there's never enough
Temperature play. Idk which Link would best go with that. Maybe Wild, idk. Hell, maybe Vio would be the one into it.
Sparring with Warriors Gone Wrong (And By Wrong I Mean Sexy)
Hyrule + a modified lightning spell -> vibrating fingers & electrostimulation
Sky meticulously carving you a dildo, trying you up & sits back, telling you he's gonna enjoy the show & won't touch you until you manage to make yourself cum with the dildo alone (he knows you can't. He made it just a little too thin, just a little too short, to get all your favorite spots. He just wants to watch you struggle & beg as you become increasingly desperate for him, until you finally break. And oh, will you be just perfect when he finally deigns to fuck you into oblivion)
I'm now out of ideas lmao but if you liked any of these, I could try to come up with more...?
Well hello Beasty!
Requests will be open for Smut-tember until September 1st. I will post the day before of what to expect every day for those who want to skip some days.
I don’t even know where to start with these delicious ideas!! I love them ALL!
-Sex with the sleepyhead in that sweet way is heaven!🤌
-Sky’s whip! That could be used to tie Reader up or see a different side of Sky if used on him.🥵
-Who doesn’t like a bratty Reader taiming? Especially when it comes to Time and his dom self pinning you down by the wrist. His legs used to keep you still under him with that devilish smile.
-Oooo! I have some good Twi x Reader planned for Day 1 & 2.
-F-Fierce Deity… The god that has my heart! He’s high on power after a big battle and Reader feeds his ego a bit with their praise and – yep, there’s my weakness.
-Reader wears metal cuffs for the Magnesis and Wild has them on their tippy toes or off their feet all together.
-Mid TOTK and Wild just need a damn break from the hero stuff and gets to try out some new thing with that arm of his. Nails dragging across stimulated skin. No, I’m not drooling over that idea…👀
-There is never enough Cunnilingus and I may have an idea for that involving FD, Time, Twi and Wars. All the big time Dom boys.
-WAX and ICE! Maybe even Legend would do it.
-Deffo using Sparring Gone Wrong with Wars, how could I not?
-Hyrule’s lightning spell dances across Reader’s g-spot at the same time their clit for some intense satisfaction.
-OMG! Who knew our Skylotian sweetheart had such a Naughty side to him? He knows exactly what he is doing by making the dildo a bit too small for Reader. Corrects them every time they try to change positions to hit that one spot just right. He deffo has no shame as he strokes himself while being entertained.
Thank you for the feast of ideas!!
I know I don't have to tell this Anon this, but- Keep it Naughty you Beautiful Beasties!🖤
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tirsaroundtheworld · 7 years
South Vietnam
A 6 hour bus ride took us from Phnom Penh across the border into Vietnam and to Saigon, or Ho Chi Minh City. Fully prepared with 90 day visa in our passports, we were ready to start our adventures in this interesting country! # Being Vietnam's largest city, Ho Chi Minh City is buzzing with energy. Culture is mixed with commerce, locals are mixed with tourists and there is no empty square meter of asphalt to be found between the millions of scooters driving around the city. We entered the country of conical hats, fine cuisine, haggling and honking with a bang! # In HCMC we learnt about the French and the American war in the War Remnants Museum. We probably used up a large part of our just bought mobile internet to do some more research about the motives, parties and events of the turmoil history of Vietnam, as we found the museum to be too little informative. What we read was firmly supported by the museum's intense collection of photographs from all the fighting, suffering, poisoning and destroying that has taken place though, and quite graphically too. # We treated ourselves to a night out in the Saigon Opera House, where we watched the so called "ÀÔ Show". During the show dance was combined with acrobatics, bamboo cirque and live music by folk instruments to portray Vietnam's contrasting portrait of peaceful country life versus the noisy and vibrant urbanization. The inspiring creativity in both movements and use of decor, the amusing touch of humor and the wonderful atmosphere of the Saigon Opera House completed the show and made it a perfect night. 🙌 # While exploring the different districts of the city, we were also exploring the different motorbikes that were on the market. After a viWe ew tryouts we found ourselves a nice, all black Honda Win - or at least the Honda Win model, as you can never be sure of authenticity in the crazy motorbike-market of travelers in Vietnam. But, authentic or not, it runs fine and there is a scooter shop around each corner where everything can be fixed or replaced. We had our motor upgraded with stronger suspensions and side racks for our bags, so that we would both fit on it. After some puzzling and positioning with the luggage, our adventure on the road began! # After the first 180km on the road towards the North, which took us about 6 hours, we arrived in La Gi. We stayed for the night in this very non-touristic town, before we continued our way to Mui Ne. In this little fishers village nothing much happens, but many many tourists are attracted by its beaches that perfectly lend itself for tanning, sipping on cocktails and doing all kinds of water sports - including kiteboarding. Finally Lodewijk got his day on the board! 🌊 # Still warmed up by the tropical Mui Ne heat, we continued our journey to the North. This time we drove rather inland and started our ascend, slowly but steadily on our impressively resistant 110 cc motorbike, until we reached the city of Dalat. Located at a hight of 1500 meters and surrounded by mountains covered in pine forests, the temperatures were 3 times lower than at the coast: we were freezing our very lightly dressed butts off!! Such a different climate! Dalat experiences 4 seasons in a day; mornings are like spring, turning into summer by midday, cooling down to autumn in the afternoon and feeling like winter (by Vietnamese standards that is 😂) by nightfall. # One place we particularly enjoyed in Dalat was one we almost skipped due to the busy coming and going of tourist buses but then blew our minds: the Crazy House (yep, that is its actual name). In a regular street and hidden behind a vegetation-covered wall, you would not expect to find this eccentric pair of buildings with melting walls, fluid organic shapes, twisted forms, nature inspired bridges and amazing views over Dalat that makes you feel like a Disney princess or hobbit. Crazy House truly does live up to its name! # The beautiful sight of Dalat on the Lang Biang plateau with its different layers we best enjoyed during a cable car ride to a mountain peak 6 kilometers from the centre. At the end of the ride we found peaceful temple ground and the beautiful Tuyen Lam lake, all surrounded by pine forest and fresh air. Quite a different side of Vietnam! # What comes up, must come down and so the route from Dalat to Nha Trang back at the coast was an easy one. And the most beautiful one thus far. Wow, such amazing views you get when descending in the mountains in combination with the mysterious clouds dripping over de peaks; it was breathtaking! 🙌 # As beautiful and scenic the ride was, as regular and taken over by Russians was Nha Trang. Though being Vietnam's most popular beach city, we weren't very impressed. We had some great Vietnamese food, strolled along the modern boulevard and visited the touristy Cham towers, but we couldn't grasp its charms. The fact that the germs got me wanting to lay in bed and cry most of the time could be influencing this feeling. 🙃 # All the way through Vietnam runs the so called Reunification express, a historic train journey connecting Saigon in the South with Hanoi in the North. In its existence of over 80 years after being finalized in 1936 by the French, the line has been bombed, abandoned, rebuilt and reopened in 1976 as a mark of Vietnam's rebirth months after the end of the American War. In just 36 hours the slightly outdated train takes you along Vietnam's various views of cities, country land filled with rice paddies, conical hats and buffaloes, mountains, coastline and jungle. Luckily, there are quite a few stops along the line, allowing us to pack our bags and motorbike (covered in a custom made wooden frame) and hop on to travel from Nha Trang to Hoi An. We spend 10 hours on board while enjoying the many sights of Vietnam from a much more comfortable seat than the one on our motorbike and saved ourselves at least 3 days of driving! 👍 And we chose the right stop; just one hour after we got off the train crashed into a truck killing 6 people (for what we have heard at least).. 😫 # Hoi An is famous for its wonderful authentic, UNESCO listed Old Town and its tailor-made clothing industry. Back in the 15th-19th century, Hoi An's old town functioned as an international trading point for silk, pottery, china and aloe-wood. It is exceptionally well preserved and reflects aspects of Japanese, Chinese and European cultures in its over 1000 timber-framed buildings. About 22 of these buildings, including old houses, assembly halls, museums, temples and the famous Japanese Bridge as portrayed on the 50.000 Dong bill, are open for visitors who need to buy a ticket to enter any 5 of them. Popping into those old buildings was cool to see the architecture and wooden details, but we found that just strolling through the lantern-lit alleys (especially at night), walking along the river and exploring the original street plan of the wooden town was the best experience. # Another interesting experience we had was getting some tailor made suits. Usually it takes some quick measuring and 2 tryouts before a suit is done, but the shop we selected from the many seemed to have some difficulties creating pants that properly fit Lodewijk's rich bottom; only after the 6th tryout they got them right! 😵At least we had sufficient time to cruise around Hoi An's beautiful surroundings of river delta, beaches and rice paddies during the wait. # Our last stop before entering the Demilitarized Zone that once separated North from South Vietnam was Hue. Unfortunately, as soon as we got on the motorbike in Hoi An to start the daylong ride it started to poor with rain. Once we had finally arrived we were cold, wet and sad as our camera had stopped working, but very excited to be reunited with our friends Andreas and Sarike! We spent a day and a half visiting the old citadel with royal palace, making friends with the deaf owner of a local restaurant, watching the worst movie ever made in the local cinema, playing pool and drinking liters of rice wine while the rain kept pouring. 👍 Leaving Hue means we are over half way our +/- 2.000 km journey through Vietnam, quite an achievement with the two of us plus bags on that one beasty bike if you ask us! We're ready for the other half and looking forward to finding out about the differences between North and South! 🏍
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I don’t say this to sound like you are a beastie that sits behind doors and jump-scares your kids.  I am talking about doing something (or things) that your kids will go: “MOM??!!”  (You do have to drag out the “o” part with the sound of “ah” to get the full effect.), once you have done it.
My fault is gifted from my mother.  My father did not know how to converse until he met her.   (Pretty sure of this fact.)  She, having been raised in the 1930’s without anything but radio and the art of conversation.  I know, I know…this sounds impossible (especially to those under thirty), but it is true.  She loved music, dancing, singing, and the art of conversation.
Lucky me – I received her gift!  It was not always this way.  I was a very shy and scared kid when I was younger.  Now that I think back, I guess part of my coming out also had to do with my father.  He forced me to go to work at about age fourteen selling sweet corn off the back of an old truck with a local farmer he knew.  The farmer was about as old as his truck and found it hard to attend to people like he wanted, so he hired me to do it.
He watched me the first day, cowering at the back of the wagon, and on the way home he said,
“Do you want to know the secret of selling stuff?”
Mousey me answered yes, so he went on to share his secret.  I will now share this once-in-a-lifetime, old sage advice with all of you:
Find something about that other person that catches your eye.  Then compliment them on it.
That’s it.  I thought that couldn’t be all there is to it and decided to try it out the very next day.  A Cadillac pulled over, and a very well-dressed lady got out and came toward the back of the wagon.  I happened to notice her ring was really catching the sunlight.  Before she could utter a word, I looked her square in the eye and said,
“That ring is beautiful!” (with a genuine smile on my face)
She instantly smiled back, held out her hand so I could get a better look, and told me how it had been in her family for decades.  We chattered back and forth about family heirlooms for a bit, and she ended up with two-dozen ears of corn.  I was so squirrely I thought I would explode with joy!
I used his tactic all the rest of that afternoon and could not thank him enough on the way home.  I did not feel shy anymore, but surprisingly confident.  The rest of the fall I would spend weekends with the old farmer selling his goods and loved every minute of it.  Not because of the sales part of it, but because of the conversation.
In all truth, I am a lousy seller.  I cannot bargain with anyone about anything.  If you tell me that’s the price, I will pay it with no dispute.  I make my younger sister do all the wheeling-and-dealing because she loves it, and is good at it.  Even to this day, I cannot sell anything unless I believe in it, like my crafts or our preserves.
However, if you would like to discuss something – ANYTHING – pick me.  I love the art of conversation.  I hated getting my first cell phone.  To me, it meant the end of proper, decent civilization.  Then the phone turned into a smartphone and death to the art of conversation.
You can:
Text for your groceries and pay for them too. Then just go pick them up.
Text for a pizza and have it delivered.
Argue or talk nasty about someone and never look them in the eye while you do it.
Brake up with someone
Fall in love with someone
Play games all by yourself, or with others, and you will never see your enemies eyes.
A part of me loves our modern convenience, but a bigger part of me is very saddened by it all.  You see it everywhere:
Coffee shops
Standing in lines anywhere
Driving (really ticks me off!)
Walking (ok, I do find this funny on Facebook posts when they walk into stuff while texting)
All the while none of these people are looking out at the world at all.  How can you text someone out to dinner with you, then spend the whole time looking at your phone?  I caught my daughter and one of her old boyfriends sitting next to each other at our table.  Both were texting and when I asked who they were talking to they said EACH OTHER – WHAT?!!?
Since that moment I have become obsessed with watching people and their “phones” and what they are missing during their obsession.  So, for those of you that do that…this is what you missed:
The best smile of your life.
The most beautiful sunset shared with a person you love.
Seeing the reaction, in real life, of a baby that gets introduced to a kitten or a puppy. Their laughter and the way they react to touching it for the first time is amazing.  You can’t get that wonderful feeling via a picture or video.  It must be experienced.
Touching a Rhino (yep, my nephew works at a zoo and did that, I am so jealous) or holding a penguin (yep, he did that too).
Hearing your child say, for the very first time – I love you.
Sharing a warm hug and tears with your best friend when their loved one dies. Sometimes no words are needed at all, just a hug and a smile.
I guess I got a little longer than normal here.  I just wanted to try to impress on everyone that the art of conversation must not die!  Keep your phones, social websites, and games; but look up once-in-a-while and smile at someone – even if they are a stranger.  You may be surprised to find that they usually smile back.  Oh and – BONUS – it makes you feel great.
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Please also check me out on: www.helbergfarmstories.com for more fun stories from our farm.
DO YOU KNOW THE SECRET ART? I don’t say this to sound like you are a beastie that sits behind doors and jump-scares your kids. 
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