#yep here it is! :D
Life of a Pirate Chpt 2
Welp here’s another chapter for you all! XDD  Hope you enjoy and sorry if the grammer is wonky.
Preview: https://at.tumblr.com/lootsofathousandsworld/life-of-a-pirate/1lwut1bs2x36 
Next: https://at.tumblr.com/lootsofathousandsworld/life-of-a-pirate-chpt-3/iznev36laj9z
I felt ice-cold water splash on my face.
"Wake up!" I gasped with a start at how cold it felt on my skin. I coughed and saw I was in a different place. And found myself tied to a chair with both hands behind it.
"Now, what are you be doing sneaking around on my planet, lass?" I looked up sharply and saw Captain Flint sitting on his golden throne with his long nails tapping his desk. I was inside his cabin, not knowing how long I'd passed out.
But I let it slide off because right now I'm speaking the front of a living legend. The one who was supposed to be dead! Dead in his own trove. All of this is not adding up.
He wasn't alone as B.E.N was beside him. And Billy, who was also here, is in the corner of the room, keeping eye at me making sure I didn't try anything. I swallowed with my heart pounding hard while Flint was giving me his cold glare.
"Well?" I felt overwhelmed and my mind was racing as he waited for his answer.
"I-I don't know," I manage to reply.
"Don't know?" He questions. "What do ya mean ye don't know?"
"I don't know how I got here," I repeated. "Honest." He raises all his right-side eyebrows and growls lowly.
"And I see you tend to be a spy from anyone I assume?"
"No," I answered fast. No, I travel alone."
"Lies," Billy confirmed and pulls out a cigar from his coat pocket and lit it. "Yer from that scurvy navy that is seeking out the captain's treasure."
I shook my head. "No, I swear!" I protest. "I didn't know this planet has people. I thought it was abandoned."
"S-sir, she might be telling the truth," B.E.N pipes in. I saw he was trying to help me.
"Quiet," Flint snarled. "If you bring this intruder to me, ye would not be in trouble." The robot hung his head, having a shameful look.
Then he turns to me and clasps his both bony hands together. "Then tell me how you get here," I breathed to see I was in a situation where if I tell him the truth, he'll murder me without hesitation. He only does it to keep his treasure safe.
So with no choice, I made a lie. "Actually, I crashed landed here,"
"So you did have a longboat?" B.E.N gasped.
"Used to." I corrected. "But not anymore." The Captain hums lowly and asks this.
"And ye set to believe my planet was deserted yes?"
I gulped. "Y-Yes, sir. " Then he asks another question.
"Then where is your long boat at?"
"I don't remember where it is at." I lied more. "But it's all broken and the pieces are all scattered." He was looking at me long as I was praying he's not seen the hidden lies behind my eyes.
He asked this final question. "And you be one of the people who are after my treasure?"
Again I shook my head, "As I told you no. I'm not.." I felt my blood freeze when B.E.N spoke out.
"But she told me she wanted to see them," About a second, he clasps his mouth with his robotic hands, realizing he shouldn't say those words. I saw the captain's eyes filled with rage.
So you are after my treasure!" He stood up fast and took his pistol out from his coat belt. My face went pale when I saw he was going to shoot me.
"Time to say goodbye, lass," He aimed it at my forehead and I shut my eyes in terror. Right before he pulls the trigger I yelled the word.
I panted heavily, shut my eyes, and waited for a loud bang noise. But I didn't hear it.
Trembling, I peeked my eyes and saw flint glance at me, now puzzled.
"What did you say?"
"P-paraly," I gasped. "You do paralys right? Where I'm protected until this bargain is complete?" I felt relieved when he begins to sit back down, lowering his pistol.
"Aye, there is a code for that."
"So if I used it I will not be harmed until the deal is done right?"
"You're correct but it only works if you have to speak to one of my crew. Still though," He turns to Billy and finishes," I guess him here counts," I felt more relief as I watched him put his pistol back and sat back down.
"What is it you want, lass?" After he asked this, I did not think for a second and answered quickly.
"I want to be set free when this ship comes across the merchant, and I don't want the merchant ships to be raided when I come aboard." Right when I said my wanting, he let out a dark chuckle.
'That's it? You wish to be dropped off when we plunder?"
"Yes?" I reply.
He then gives me his smirk with those nasty crooked fangs. "That I'm afraid I have to decline that lass,"
I breathed to see him refusing my want. With no other choice, I decide to play smart as I shrug my shoulder.
"Alright, either that or let me live to find my longboat pieces, and who knows, I might stumble upon your secret trove." I saw his face turning slowly from amusing to a scowl.
"You won't find it,"
"I'll only find it by accident." I corrected. "So which one is going to be? That or dropping me off. You're choice," I saw the Captain's nostril flare' almost baring his fangs like a Lion in irritation.
Wasn't sure if I was making a stupid life risk, but at least so far, that paraly worked out well.
Thank you Pirates of the Caribbean for existing!
"Cap'n, I suggest have her stay on this planet," Billy suggested.
I heard B.E.N gasp. "But she won't survive living here,"
"That is the point." He replied. "It be long for her to rebuild her longboat. And before we knew she be starving to death."
"Enough Billy," Flint silenced him. He looks at me, and my breath was quiet while he was studying my facial and felt nervous about what decision he was going to take. And of course, Billy was right.
I won't be able to survive staying on this planet. I would be dead probably by the next week or two. Then after a long silent treatment, Flint exhales in exasperation.
"Very well. You have my permission to stay on my ship until the merchant ship comes, and we release you and will not raid it.
I almost let out another relief sigh, "Yes thank you.."
"But on one condition," He holds his finger up, interrupting me. "You will be serving me as a new cabin girl. You do as you are told under my order without any complaints."
He then finishes. "And you will address me as Captain or sir, do I make myself clear?"
I slowly nodded. "Yes sir, do we have a deal?" Answering my question, he nods towards Billy, and the old turtle walks to me and pulls out his dagger.
He got behind me and cut my tied rope, releasing me. I got up while rubbing my wrist from the rope burning.
"You have a name? Miss?" Flint questions.
I bite my lips and answered. "It Ash, just Ash,"
"Hmm quite an odd name for a young woman," He stands up and holds out his hand. "Well, Miss Ash, it'll be accord to us,"
Knowing this was no going back and my chance of living, I took his hand to shake. All of sudden, I couldn't help to make a soft gasp at how his large hand was warm against mine.
Shaking this feeling off, I reply. "Alright, glad we settle this," He lets go of my hand and clears his throat.
The robot yelped. "Yes?"
"Take her to find some suitable clothing. Billy will be with you shortly,"
"Aye aye, Captain!" B.E.N saluted. He hurried over to me and grabs my wrist while giving me a friendly smile.
"Come on I'll show you some clothing we have, you're going to love them We got the best ones!"
With that, he leads me out of the cabin, and without anyone seeing, I made a small smile. Feeling I was going to get my wish fixed soon after my paraly is all done.
Third's person POV
After the woman and B.E.N left, the captain hums.
"Billy, have ye noticed something odd about this girl?"
"No?" The turtle questions after letting out a cloud of smoke."
Flint glanced at his first mate and snorted. "Did you not see how she was looking at me? The way she sees me as if I was some kind of ghost."
Billy blinked. "It is pretty odd for a woman, but so what? Everyone in the entherium is afraid of ya." He inhales his cigar and blows out a few more smoke.
"Each of them has a different approach to ye appearance."
Flint tsks, "True, and still, none of them has ever caught my interest on why they fear me. And this woman is without a question," As he was talking, he pulled something out from his coat pocket.
It was a golden sphere with odd marks around it. He looks at his reflection in his clawed hand.
"She'd be hiding something from me,"
"And what are you gonna do with her then Cap'n?"
After Billy asked, Flint smirked. "Simple, keep her until I found out her little secret. Even if I have to break her pathetic paraly."
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mangozic · 23 days
microwaves them in mind
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stargirl230 · 11 months
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Starstruck ✨
My chromebook finally gave out (rip) so I got a long-awaited hardware update!! This was a test on my new ipad :D
(no reposts; reblogs appreciated)
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aarghone · 10 months
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skitskatdacat63 · 4 months
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"Non paeniteo potitus."
+ details & process
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And, process !!
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The jump btwn the second to last and last always surprise me whenever I make one of these because I always forget to take snapshots after I start painting. It's always like: oh yeah heres the lineart with some colors- BOOM fully finished✨️
What he's holding are the Austrian imperial scepter and orb, seen below:
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I was going to draw the crown too but decided I don't hate myself that much(maybe some other day), and gave him a golden laurel crown, bcs I'm obsessed with that as a motif, and also its very remincient of the boy king statue that started this whole thing!
There's some symbolism of this, both intentionally but also just historically. I love that the orb represents that the monarch is holding the world in their hand, basically every old monarchy has one of those, and I think it's very cool for symbolism. But also bcs of that, I was forced to basically draw catholic fanart so, you win some you lose some. The star halo above him head is both to reference those religious statues with star crowns(I saw them a lot in Europe and they imprinted onto my brain), as well as: his four championships of course!
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dipplinduo · 7 days
Chapter 20 of Sweet & Sour Dipplins is here!
Idk why but Tumblr is being super glitchy about the link, so just click here for the update.
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And so the countdown begins...tick tock tick tock tick tock... :)
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angelonasher · 2 months
mmm sending the co.. author? writer? person?? co-person of an au of mine my worldbuilding rambles and its 1172 words now and i haven't even gotten to piglins yet
(@ajthepeach if you're reading this. fear)
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listen i love watching bdubs ad reads cuz he always is either so into it or hes more zoned out than you could ever imagine
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intistone · 1 year
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comic-in-progress because the animatronics are funky to draw
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wexhappyxfew · 1 year
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june 6th, 1944, esther armstrong and grief
plainwater by anne carson, fatigues by muralliann, i sing the body electric especially when my power’s out by andrea gibson, eyes closed by lulu, letter from anne sexton to w. d. snodgrass, battle dress by sonja, the truth the dead know by anne sexton, carentan from band of brothers
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When Fred said DAD VIBES he meant I GOT MY 🥸READERS🥸 ON BITCH
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its-paperd · 1 year
FINALLY........ he is done.
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yeah i know this is not really an "official ref" per say, but i'll still add this to the guidelist until i make a proper one ldjab
"paperd he's a fire monster how did a soulleech even managed to possess him"
... when did i say that he's possessed? :)
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homosexual-fast-dancer · 11 months
I am soooo normal about Ben Reilly btw :D soooo normal I don't at all wanna affectionately bully him, hug him, try to cheer him up, play with his hair, or anything like that!
I just think he's a completely average guy who's also a mega dork and not at all cute! Thanks for your understanding :D
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acatslifeif · 2 years
would...anyone be interested if I made a small "IF" in which MC is in a cat coffee shop with the ROs? (every ro will have a story separately, and a story with the full group, I may also add Maude and Alexis!) :D
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rubenesque-as-fuck · 2 years
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Operation Bunnyboy was a success!
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henriiiii-1001old · 1 year
help i think im giving puppet too much spider symbolism /pos (aka i have two theme songs for him that both center around spiders. and it works)
EDIT: the two songs are "キラースパイダー" by ピノキオピー and "Spider on the Wall" by GHOST (specifically the remaster w/ yuma it's so fucking good) btw. yes i need to spread more vocaloid propaganda around here /hj
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