#welp goodnight! *heads off to bed*
Life of a Pirate Chpt 2
Welp here’s another chapter for you all! XDD  Hope you enjoy and sorry if the grammer is wonky.
Preview: https://at.tumblr.com/lootsofathousandsworld/life-of-a-pirate/1lwut1bs2x36 
Next: https://at.tumblr.com/lootsofathousandsworld/life-of-a-pirate-chpt-3/iznev36laj9z
I felt ice-cold water splash on my face.
"Wake up!" I gasped with a start at how cold it felt on my skin. I coughed and saw I was in a different place. And found myself tied to a chair with both hands behind it.
"Now, what are you be doing sneaking around on my planet, lass?" I looked up sharply and saw Captain Flint sitting on his golden throne with his long nails tapping his desk. I was inside his cabin, not knowing how long I'd passed out.
But I let it slide off because right now I'm speaking the front of a living legend. The one who was supposed to be dead! Dead in his own trove. All of this is not adding up.
He wasn't alone as B.E.N was beside him. And Billy, who was also here, is in the corner of the room, keeping eye at me making sure I didn't try anything. I swallowed with my heart pounding hard while Flint was giving me his cold glare.
"Well?" I felt overwhelmed and my mind was racing as he waited for his answer.
"I-I don't know," I manage to reply.
"Don't know?" He questions. "What do ya mean ye don't know?"
"I don't know how I got here," I repeated. "Honest." He raises all his right-side eyebrows and growls lowly.
"And I see you tend to be a spy from anyone I assume?"
"No," I answered fast. No, I travel alone."
"Lies," Billy confirmed and pulls out a cigar from his coat pocket and lit it. "Yer from that scurvy navy that is seeking out the captain's treasure."
I shook my head. "No, I swear!" I protest. "I didn't know this planet has people. I thought it was abandoned."
"S-sir, she might be telling the truth," B.E.N pipes in. I saw he was trying to help me.
"Quiet," Flint snarled. "If you bring this intruder to me, ye would not be in trouble." The robot hung his head, having a shameful look.
Then he turns to me and clasps his both bony hands together. "Then tell me how you get here," I breathed to see I was in a situation where if I tell him the truth, he'll murder me without hesitation. He only does it to keep his treasure safe.
So with no choice, I made a lie. "Actually, I crashed landed here,"
"So you did have a longboat?" B.E.N gasped.
"Used to." I corrected. "But not anymore." The Captain hums lowly and asks this.
"And ye set to believe my planet was deserted yes?"
I gulped. "Y-Yes, sir. " Then he asks another question.
"Then where is your long boat at?"
"I don't remember where it is at." I lied more. "But it's all broken and the pieces are all scattered." He was looking at me long as I was praying he's not seen the hidden lies behind my eyes.
He asked this final question. "And you be one of the people who are after my treasure?"
Again I shook my head, "As I told you no. I'm not.." I felt my blood freeze when B.E.N spoke out.
"But she told me she wanted to see them," About a second, he clasps his mouth with his robotic hands, realizing he shouldn't say those words. I saw the captain's eyes filled with rage.
So you are after my treasure!" He stood up fast and took his pistol out from his coat belt. My face went pale when I saw he was going to shoot me.
"Time to say goodbye, lass," He aimed it at my forehead and I shut my eyes in terror. Right before he pulls the trigger I yelled the word.
I panted heavily, shut my eyes, and waited for a loud bang noise. But I didn't hear it.
Trembling, I peeked my eyes and saw flint glance at me, now puzzled.
"What did you say?"
"P-paraly," I gasped. "You do paralys right? Where I'm protected until this bargain is complete?" I felt relieved when he begins to sit back down, lowering his pistol.
"Aye, there is a code for that."
"So if I used it I will not be harmed until the deal is done right?"
"You're correct but it only works if you have to speak to one of my crew. Still though," He turns to Billy and finishes," I guess him here counts," I felt more relief as I watched him put his pistol back and sat back down.
"What is it you want, lass?" After he asked this, I did not think for a second and answered quickly.
"I want to be set free when this ship comes across the merchant, and I don't want the merchant ships to be raided when I come aboard." Right when I said my wanting, he let out a dark chuckle.
'That's it? You wish to be dropped off when we plunder?"
"Yes?" I reply.
He then gives me his smirk with those nasty crooked fangs. "That I'm afraid I have to decline that lass,"
I breathed to see him refusing my want. With no other choice, I decide to play smart as I shrug my shoulder.
"Alright, either that or let me live to find my longboat pieces, and who knows, I might stumble upon your secret trove." I saw his face turning slowly from amusing to a scowl.
"You won't find it,"
"I'll only find it by accident." I corrected. "So which one is going to be? That or dropping me off. You're choice," I saw the Captain's nostril flare' almost baring his fangs like a Lion in irritation.
Wasn't sure if I was making a stupid life risk, but at least so far, that paraly worked out well.
Thank you Pirates of the Caribbean for existing!
"Cap'n, I suggest have her stay on this planet," Billy suggested.
I heard B.E.N gasp. "But she won't survive living here,"
"That is the point." He replied. "It be long for her to rebuild her longboat. And before we knew she be starving to death."
"Enough Billy," Flint silenced him. He looks at me, and my breath was quiet while he was studying my facial and felt nervous about what decision he was going to take. And of course, Billy was right.
I won't be able to survive staying on this planet. I would be dead probably by the next week or two. Then after a long silent treatment, Flint exhales in exasperation.
"Very well. You have my permission to stay on my ship until the merchant ship comes, and we release you and will not raid it.
I almost let out another relief sigh, "Yes thank you.."
"But on one condition," He holds his finger up, interrupting me. "You will be serving me as a new cabin girl. You do as you are told under my order without any complaints."
He then finishes. "And you will address me as Captain or sir, do I make myself clear?"
I slowly nodded. "Yes sir, do we have a deal?" Answering my question, he nods towards Billy, and the old turtle walks to me and pulls out his dagger.
He got behind me and cut my tied rope, releasing me. I got up while rubbing my wrist from the rope burning.
"You have a name? Miss?" Flint questions.
I bite my lips and answered. "It Ash, just Ash,"
"Hmm quite an odd name for a young woman," He stands up and holds out his hand. "Well, Miss Ash, it'll be accord to us,"
Knowing this was no going back and my chance of living, I took his hand to shake. All of sudden, I couldn't help to make a soft gasp at how his large hand was warm against mine.
Shaking this feeling off, I reply. "Alright, glad we settle this," He lets go of my hand and clears his throat.
The robot yelped. "Yes?"
"Take her to find some suitable clothing. Billy will be with you shortly,"
"Aye aye, Captain!" B.E.N saluted. He hurried over to me and grabs my wrist while giving me a friendly smile.
"Come on I'll show you some clothing we have, you're going to love them We got the best ones!"
With that, he leads me out of the cabin, and without anyone seeing, I made a small smile. Feeling I was going to get my wish fixed soon after my paraly is all done.
Third's person POV
After the woman and B.E.N left, the captain hums.
"Billy, have ye noticed something odd about this girl?"
"No?" The turtle questions after letting out a cloud of smoke."
Flint glanced at his first mate and snorted. "Did you not see how she was looking at me? The way she sees me as if I was some kind of ghost."
Billy blinked. "It is pretty odd for a woman, but so what? Everyone in the entherium is afraid of ya." He inhales his cigar and blows out a few more smoke.
"Each of them has a different approach to ye appearance."
Flint tsks, "True, and still, none of them has ever caught my interest on why they fear me. And this woman is without a question," As he was talking, he pulled something out from his coat pocket.
It was a golden sphere with odd marks around it. He looks at his reflection in his clawed hand.
"She'd be hiding something from me,"
"And what are you gonna do with her then Cap'n?"
After Billy asked, Flint smirked. "Simple, keep her until I found out her little secret. Even if I have to break her pathetic paraly."
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breeloveschris · 3 months
Pairing: Sub!chris x Reader
Summary: Chris starts getting touchy as y’all are watching a movie..
Warnings: smutttt,oral (male!receiving), making out, use of safe word, pet names, praise, degradation, choking, overstimulation, p n v.
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You and your boyfriend Chris were in the living room watching a movie with his brothers.
You were so into the movie you nearly missed Chris’s stare, but you saw him staring from the corner of your eye. The tiniest smirk made its way onto your face but you wiped it away before he could see it.
After a couple minutes chris had stopped staring and grabbed the shared blanket between you two and pulled it up higher onto his chest.
As the movie went on it only got more interesting to you, but what you didn’t know was that your boyfriend beside you was growing quite needy.
He doesn’t even know why he has became so horny, but he needed you.. like now.
You feel a hand start to creep up onto your thigh, you pay it no mind considering Chris always ends up with his hand on your thigh no matter where you guys are.
That was until you felt his hand inch closer to your core, making your breath hitch. You faced Chris and sent him a glare to which he just looked at you with soft doe eyes.
You put your hand underneath the blanket and wrapped your hand around his wrist and shoved his hand back on his lap resulting in him letting out a very quiet whine that only the two of you could hear.
Your eyes trail back to the movie bringing your knees to your chest and laying your head on the arm rest of the couch.
Only 5 minutes go bye before you feel Chris’s hand sneaking back up to your leg. You roll your eyes as you keep watching the movie deciding to just ignore him.
He begins to softly trace circles around on your inner thigh, gripping softly on your skin at times.
You hate to admit but he was slowly turning on, and you hated that he knows what he’s doing. He knows all the ways to get you to give into him.
But tonight it’s just not gonna be that way.
The credits to the movie started playing and Chris still hasn’t stopped, and in the corner of your eye you can see that he’s still looking at you with begging eyes.
“Welp, now that I’m terrified to step foot in a gestation ever again.. I’m going to bed, goodnight everyone” Nick said with a laugh, you all returned the goodnight besides Chris who was in his own world.
You stretched out your arms before standing up, “alright y’all, I’m off to bed. Goodnight” you smiled as you walked around the couch. Matt said a quick goodnight as his phone took him over. Chris was just looking up at you with a pout.
You made your way to Chris’s room. As soon as you got to his room you went straight to his dresser grabbing one of his large shirts and throwing it on as a night gown.
You made your way over to his bed grabbing your phone off of his desk where you had left it earlier today.
Plopping down on his bed you pulled the blankets above your shoulders turning on your phone. You opened TikTok and scrolled through many videos before you heard Chris coming down the stairs.
You turned your phone off and tucked it under the pillow as you closed your eyes to pretend that you’re sleeping.
You heard him crawl into bed and under the blankets, he put his hand on your hip and leaned above you to look down at your face.
“Baby” he dragged out as he shook your hip, “I know you’re not sleeping” he giggled. You opened your eyes looking up at him smiling before your smile dropped and you leaned up making him move backwards confused.
You moved your leg over his straddling him, and pushing him so he was lying down making him gasp and look up at you with slightly wide eyes.
As you looked down at him smiling falsely, you rubbed your hand on his bare stomach slowly going up. He was just smiling up at you thinking he was gonna get what he’s been silently begging for.
Your hand reached the base of his neck slightly squeezing making Chris’s eyes go wide as he let out a soft moan. You smirked as you felt his cock grow under you.
You leaned down so your nose was barely grazing his, “what the fuck was that Chris?” You seethed. “Getting handsy like that in front of your brothers? Are you seriously that needy?”.
He moaned at your words and nodded his head fast, “m sorry” he arched his back off the bed as you rocked your hips on his member.
“So pathetic” you whispered leaning down and pressing your lips to his in a heated kiss. His hands moved to your ass giving it a light squeeze before you grabbed his wrist pinning them down above his head without breaking the kiss.
You bit his lower lip pulling away and letting go watching it recoil back into place. You smirked as he looked up at you with lustful eyes.
“Please” he moaned making you raise an eyebrow, “please what?” You rocked your hips again as he wined.
“Please touch me” he thrusted his hips into you which made you let out a soft moan at the pressure of his cock on your clothed pussy. He smirked up at you as you looked down, you rolled your eyes as you moved off of him.
“W-where you going?” He whimpered at the loss of touch, you smirk and shook your head. You put your hands on his waistband of his pants looking up at him as he moved to sit up on his elbows.
“I’m not going anywhere baby, can I take these off?” You asked as you pulled on his waistband and letting go as it snapped into his lower stomach. “Please, please” he moaned out, you pulled down his pants seeing his pre cum on his boxers.
You put your hand softly on his cock keeping eye contact with Chris as you felt his cock jump at just the slightest feeling of your hand making you smirk and Chris groan.
You hook your finger in his boxers looking up at him for permission which he quickly nodded. You pulled down his boxers as his cock slapped against his stomach.
You wasted no time and leaned down immediately putting your mouth around his tip, he threw his head back moaning loudly.
You swirled your tongue around his tip before going all the way down till your nose brushed against his stomach making you slightly gag, “so good” Chris moaned.
You pulled all the way off of him making him whimper, you licked from the base up to his tip before doing everything again.
“Fuck” he breathed, you did the same thing three more times and when he was in the back of your throat you felt him twitch and his hot load shoot out into your throat as you stilled.
You swallowed as you pulled off of him and immediately wrapping your hand around his cock and moving up and down at a fast pace.
“Wait, wait, holy shit” he whimpered jerking up, you kept going as you started kissing his neck. “Fuck, im so sensitive” he groaned as he threw his head back.
You grinned against his neck as you felt him come undone again, you looked at Chris as you kept going.
He screwed his eyes shut, “baby I c-can’t” he whined. “Aw sweet boy, you know your safe word” you whispered, he whimpered and shook his head grabbing your face and pulling you into a kiss which you accepted and kissed back.
As y’all were kissing he moaned loudly as you felt him twitch and come undone again making you gasp never seeing him cum this much and this fast.
“Baby please no more” he moaned as you let go so you can take your panties off, you looked at him and tilted your head “safe word?” he just shook his head whimpering. You smirked as you straddled him.
You reached down between you and lined his cock up to your entrance. Sinking down on him letting out a moan as Chris let out a whimper at your tightness.
“You’re so tight baby” he moaned and laid his forehead on your shoulder as you started rocking your hips. He moaned out and moved his hands onto your hips rocking you faster because at this rate he wasn’t gonna last longer.
He gasped as you started moving up and down on his shaft, “you make me feel so full sweet boy” you whispered into his neck, he moaned and jerked his hips up. He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you down so you were laying on top of him as he started thrusting up into you making you moan loudly.
He sped up when he felt you clench around him, you felt him twitch inside of you. “Let go baby, cum inside me, I need it” you whispered and at that he let go moaning, you coming undone moments later shuttering.
You leaned back and started rocking your hips, making Chris’s eyes go wide. “Stars, stars” he mumbled as you quickly got off him, “are you okay baby? Did I hurt you?” You whispered as you cupped his face in your hands.
He smirked and shook his head, “no baby, that was great, I just can’t go for another” he sighed.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to overdo it” you spoke, “baby you didn’t” he laughed as he pulled you down onto his chest and kiss your head.
“Next time I’m calling you mommy because holy shit” he smirked as you leaned up to face him.
“Absolutely not” you laughed and shook your head, he threw his head back and laughed.
“Let’s go shower yea?” He whispered looking over at you, you nodded softly.
Breespeaks: hi ! 2nd smut.. how we feelin???
taglist: @worldlxvlys @sturniolosmind @luverboychris @disturbedwoodelf @junnniiieee07 @lacysturniolo @patscorner @nicksmainbitch @mayhem-72 @b2cute
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kitten4sannie · 2 years
𝐏𝖆𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖔𝖗𝖒𝖆𝖑 𝐀𝖈𝖙𝖎𝖛𝖎𝖙𝖞
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part 2
Incubus! San x Fem! Reader x Boyfriend! Wooyoung 
Genre: just actual depravity   
Summary: After going to a fun Halloween party, you and your boyfriend were completely exhausted. You happily turned in, welcoming a night of restful sleep. That is, until you had a visitor. 
W.C: 7.8k (Idek what happened…I was just editing it and it got longer somehow 😭 Welp, it’s Halloween so I have an excuse to go overboard 🖤)
Warnings: *possibly triggering content* brief noncon (if this makes you uncomfortable, please do not read this), mind control/mind manipulation, dom! San, San is a sadistic/dualistic demon with a monster cock, sub! reader, sub! Wooyoung, woosan, dirty talk, pet names, name calling, degradation, ownership kink, biting, blood play, manhandling, tongue kink?, voyeurism, cuckolding, kissing, spit play, masterbation, edging, dacryphilia, cum swapping, oral (receiving), pussy slapping, squirting, frotting, anal, double penetration (rough and unprotected), mind break, creampie 
A/N: Thank you guys for all the love on my teaser! I'm really excited i get to share this one cuz this is the filthiest shit I’ve ever written 🖤 Also, if you liked this please consider reblogging or leaving a little comment, even if it’s just a simple “this was good”. It would really help in giving me the motivation to continue writing 🥺 San’s a part of the demon line so that’s pretty much where the inspo came from 👍🏼 I hope everyone has a fun Halloween, stay safe, and enjoyyyy 🤭🖤
P.S: I tried to implement a little humor at the very end, since this ended up being a little dark ;;
Song Recs: Devil by Wonho, Blood Walk by Cabaret Nocturne, Sleep Paralysis by Sidewalks and Skeletons, Grey Veils by Chainless, and Closer by Nine Inch Nails (“I’ve got no soul to sell”, “you let me desecrate you”, “you can have my absence of faith” like must I go on??? this song is perfect for this 😭) 
You sighed heavily, using all of your strength to pull your intoxicated body out of the car you were in, gently pushing your back against the car door to close it. “Ugh, my feet hurtttt…” you complained, turning your head to watch as your boyfriend walked around from the driver’s side of the car and over to you, wrapping an arm securely around your waist. 
“And that’s why I was trying to get us out of there. I already knew you’d be exhausted. But nooo, you just had to dance to ‘your song’ like ten times in a row.” 
Wooyoung shook his head slightly, gently guiding you up to the front steps of your shared apartment, unlocking the door with his free hand. 
“Whateverrrr, I was just having fun. That was literally the only party we’ve gone to this entire year,” you reasoned, leaning your head against Wooyoung’s shoulder, allowing him to lead you past the entrance and down the hall into your bedroom. 
“Yeah, you’re right. I’m sorry, baby. I’m glad you had fun,” he apologized, cupping your face with his hands and giving you a small pout. “Just go easy on the drinks next time, okay? I don’t want you getting sick.” 
You nuzzled your face against his hands, appreciating his warmth. “I got it, Dad,” you replied playfully, giving him a quick kiss, prior to throwing yourself onto the bed and lazily pulling all of your clothes off, except for your underwear. You watched as Wooyoung stripped off his own clothes and gave you a quick wink, before jumping into bed next to you. 
“You wanna…mess around?” Wooyoung inquired, rubbing small circles on the side of your upper thigh, his eyes focusing on your own. 
“Mm, not tonight, Woo. I’m super tired…like I’m ready to pass out.” Without another word, you faced away from him and pushed yourself back against his body, so that he could hold you. 
Wooyoung wrapped his arms around you and kissed the back of your head, whispering, “Goodnight, baby. Sweet dreams.” 
“Night, Woo. Sleep tight.”
You fell asleep as soon as you closed your eyes, getting sent into a random dream that you would probably struggle to remember once you woke up the next morning. Unfortunately for you, you wouldn’t be able to sleep long enough to even achieve that. 
After a few hours passed, your body suddenly jolted, bringing you out of your unconscious state. You opened your eyes and scanned the darkness near your side of the bed, a feeling of uneasiness immediately creeping up your spine. There was an intense presence in the room, one that was so palpable that you couldn’t even try to ignore it and go back to sleep. Gathering up all your courage, you took in a deep breath and pulled your covers down so that you could scan the room in front of you. Nothing could have possibly prepared you for what came next. 
You saw a pair of bright red eyes glowing against the darkness that swallowed the room, causing your breath to initially get stuck in your throat and your body to jolt, out of pure shock. “Wh-what the fuck?” you eventually cursed in a shaky voice, immediately pulling yourself from Wooyoung’s grasp and sitting up, pressing your back against the headboard, the metal cold on your bare skin. “I gotta be hallucinating. There’s…no way…I-i must still be asle…” Your voice trailed off when you saw the pair of eyes grow closer and closer, an outline of what appeared to be a naked man becoming more clear to you. 
“Fortunately for you, darling, I am very much real,” the mysterious being revealed in a soft, yet sultry voice. 
“Wake up, Y/N! Fucking wake up!” you whisper-yelled to yourself, slapping your cheeks roughly a few times. You were freaked out enough already, so it didn’t help when the entity suddenly disappeared into thin air and reappeared, sitting directly next to you, just a few inches away. 
That was when you felt true fear, as well as something else you couldn’t quite detect in the moment, but all you knew was that it was causing your mind to feel clouded and a knot to begin developing in your stomach. 
“G-get the hell away from me!” 
You couldn’t even get another word out, as one of the being’s slender fingers came up to your gaping mouth and slid teasingly from your top lip down to your bottom lip, his sharp black nail scraping lightly against your skin. You winced slightly, still unable to take your eyes off of his glowing ones. 
“Don’t be scared, little one. I’m not here for your soul. I’m here for your body,” he informed, letting out an airy chuckle. 
Now that you could get a good look at him, you realized that he wasn’t as scary-looking as your frightened mind had previously assumed. Sure, his gaze alone was able to strike terror into your fragile heart, but his angular, feline-like features intrigued you. To be quite frank, you had never encountered someone who was this captivating before, besides Wooyoung of course. Not to mention, the entity’s overwhelming presence even made you forget that Wooyoung was laying just a few inches away from you, still snoring peacefully as though there wasn’t a literal demon in your room. 
“Wh-who are you? What...are you?” you murmured softly, barely able to hear your words over the sound of your heart pounding inside your chest. 
“You wouldn’t be able to pronounce my birth name, so you can just call me San,” he explained, his words sounding almost serpent-like when he said his name. “And lucky for you, sweetheart, I’m an incubus.” 
“I-incubus? Like a…a…demon?” you stammered nervously, almost paralyzed with fear at this point. Suddenly hearing Wooyoung talking incoherently in his sleep, you briefly considered trying to wake him up, but you couldn’t bring yourself to move even a single inch.
San’s intensely warm hands pressed down onto your thighs, immediately giving you goosebumps. They slowly traveled past your hips and onto your waist, forcefully pulling your bodies together. The skin-on-skin contact sent what felt to be electricity through your body, causing the knots in your stomach to tighten significantly.
San sighed lightly, caressing your hips, his nails just barely dragging along your soft skin. “Simply put, I like to play with pretty girls like you at night…Pretty boys too,” he purred into your ear, as his crimson eyes flickered down to admire Wooyoung’s sprawled out, half-naked body. 
Before you could even come up with something to respond with, San was already planting a few light kisses from your jaw down to your shoulder. Each kiss left a burning sensation on your skin, causing more goosebumps to form. His long, snake-like tongue fell from his mouth and slid down the valley of your breasts, then back up to your neck, leaving a trail of saliva behind.
“A-aah...” you let slip out, unconsciously arching your back, unable to stop yourself from reacting to his touch. 
“Mm, if you make noises like that, I might not be able to keep myself from biting you,” San warned, bringing his face up near yours, so that his lips and tongue could carefully glide along your jaw, savoring the way you tasted. 
“N-no, wait…” Your body tensed up, not only from his words, but from the pain you felt as soon as he made contact with your skin. It was as if someone had held a lighter just a little too close to your jaw, allowing the tip of the flame to flicker along it, enough to singe the peach fuzz away. 
“Maybe just a little bite…” He fought himself internally for a second, just to end up baring his sharp white teeth and sinking them into your neck, wanting to pull back to see the blood eventually trickle out. Anticipating that you’d react, he placed a hand securely over your mouth, just in time for your shriek to be mostly muted, his nails stabbing lightly into your cheek. 
You looked down at San with watery eyes, letting out a whimper, somehow both afraid and aroused at the same time. 
“Awwh, what’s wrong? Did that hurt?” San mocked, giving you a pout, his lips curling up into a wicked smile when he heard you make another sound of disapproval. “That sound you made just now was even cuter than…than…the…” He sniffed the air, his unusual irises forming into small slits, his hand dropping from your face, abruptly being distracted by the blood that was slowly dripping out of your neck. He lapped it up, making sure to repeatedly prod his tongue into the bite marks he left as well, all while emitting soft groans of pleasure. 
You shuddered, an unfamiliar, almost overwhelming sensation developing within you, instantly becoming lightheaded because of it. It was as if you had been injected with a cocktail of aphrodisiacs, rendering you vulnerable to the way your brain was screaming for San to destroy you beyond recognition. 
“Feeling good?” the demon taunted in a deep, gravelly voice, giving you a satisfied grin, crimson staining his sharpened teeth. “You must be…Just look at this…” San motioned down to your now-hardened nipples that were poking through the thin material of your bra. He licked his lips, using one of his nails to slice open your bra down the middle, causing your breasts to spill out of it.
“S-San…” You whined a bit, your already incredibly flushed face feeling even warmer, from the way he was drinking in the sight of your exposed chest. 
“Mm, you’ll let me have a taste, won’t you?” he asked rhetorically, believing you weren’t capable of resisting him. He chuckled at his words, until he was too focused on using his mouth to latch onto one of your breasts, while his hand squeezed the other. 
You sank back into the headboard, your breathing already starting to sound labored. Noticing the beautiful, yet unintelligible symbols that neatly decorated most of San’s body, you closed your eyes and shook your head, trying to come to terms with the fact that you were dealing with an otherworldly being. 
This had to be a dream, right? There was no way that you were actually in this situation. You almost felt some kind of comfort knowing that this probably wasn't happening, but you couldn’t fight the feeling that it was real; the sensation of being touched and bit into was far too realistic. You could smell blood in the air — your own blood. To make things worse, there was still an incessant throbbing pain in your neck where he had broken the flesh. And, of course, you couldn’t ignore the wetness that had been dripping out of you ever since he put his hands on you. Though it was incredibly depraved, you almost hoped that Wooyoung would never wake up, so that San could continue doing as he pleased. 
“Look at me,” San mumbled against your breast, his heavy tongue rolling over your nipple and then flicking at it, before focusing his attention on the other one, getting bothered when you didn’t obey. “I said, look.” 
Though you heard your brain screaming at you, you kept your eyes shut, wanting to hold onto the possibility that this was an alcohol-induced nightmare, so that you didn’t have to feel like you were cheating on your boyfriend. You figured that if you tried to resist him, even if it was in small instances, you could alleviate the guilt that was trying to claw its way into your heart. 
San let out a low growl, resisting the urge to bite your nipples, knowing that they would be gone in a second — if he gave into his dark desires. Instead, San bit into the side of one of your breasts, not deep enough to cause major damage, but just enough to draw a certain amount of blood from where his teeth sliced into your soft flesh. “Bad girl…” He sucked on your stinging skin, taking slow gulps of your life source, while using two fingers to tweak one of your overly sensitive nipples. 
You let out a long, strangled moan, wanting to completely lose yourself to the pain and pleasure he was providing you. You couldn’t even make sense of what was happening; your brain was too foggy, too clouded with lust. All you could do was lay limp, knowing you couldn’t escape the demon’s clutches. 
“Open your mouth for me,” he demanded, appearing even more devilish (if that was possible) when you did just as he asked of you, after a moment of hesitation. San snaked his arms around you, squeezing your body against his heated one, diving tongue-first into your mouth, causing you to gag from the overwhelming taste and smell of iron.
“Mmmn…!” You almost choked when his tongue wrapped around your own and slid further back into your mouth, the forked tip of it tickling the entrance of your throat. 
San let out a pleased, guttural sound into your mouth, one of his hands slipping down between your bodies and past your soaked panties. Being careful not to stab you with his nails, San rubbed slow, teasing circles around your clit, only speeding up when he felt your hips moving involuntarily. 
You felt the muscles in your thighs tighten in response to the multiple avenues of pleasure San was providing you, unable to do anything, besides moaning incessantly onto his tongue that now lapping at your own. 
After he had his fill, San broke the kiss, long strings of red-tinted saliva still connecting your lips together. “I never would’ve guessed you’d be so obedient. You seemed so scared at first, but now here you are…moaning for me like a brainless little whore, while your boyfriend’s laying right next to you,” he exhaled out, his eyes glowing a little brighter than before, but only for a split-second. 
“I-it’s not my fault! You did this to me! I know you did…My body…it-…I can’t even explain it…” you argued, your eyes half-lidded, a bit of drool leaking out of your mouth. 
San licked his lips, looking at you like you were his next meal, clearly pleased with your current state. “Yes, there is some truth to that; I’ll give you that…but, the thing is, love, I could smell your arousal as soon as you laid your pretty little eyes on me.” His fingers went back to teasing your clit, this time pressing them firmly against your sensitive bud, rubbing it in tighter, more precise circles. 
“W-wait…! It…aah…feels too good…” When he didn’t stop, you instinctively tried to push him away, almost successfully doing so, until he decided to retaliate. 
“Actions have consequences, whore.” 
You let out a sharp gasp, thrown off by the way that San had effortlessly pulled you forward and shoved you back into the headboard using his free hand, your head hitting the metal hard in the process. “Shit…” you mumbled, your hand moving up to rest against the back of your head and rubbing it a bit, waiting for the throbbing to stop. 
The loud, reverberating clang was somehow the thing that woke Wooyoung up out of his deep sleep, causing him to open his eyes. He squinted into the darkness, before his eyes started to focus properly, with the aid of the moonlight that slipped in through the half-shut blinds behind the bed. “Wh…What the fuck is going on?! Who the fuck are you?!” he shouted, already sitting up in bed, ready to beat the shit out of the naked stranger that had his hands all over his girlfriend. 
San grinned like the Cheshire Cat, as he turned his attention to the other male, quickly grabbing him by the shoulders and forcing him down onto the mattress. 
“Hey there, sleepyhead. I’m glad you finally decided to join us,” San remarked, his tongue slithering out of his mouth slightly, so that he could run it across his top set of fangs.
Wooyoung looked up helplessly at the otherworldly being with bewildered eyes, unable to process what was going on. “W-what the fuck are you talking about?! Why are you in my hou-” Wooyoung was instantly silenced when San’s mouth encased his own, feeling the demon’s hand force his jaw open, so that their tongues could come in contact with one another. 
“Mm-mmm…!” the weaker man protested, pushing on the other’s shoulders and hitting them with closed fists. After a few more seconds of struggling, his body eventually relaxed. He gasped into San’s mouth, an unholy amount of arousal spreading throughout his body like an untamed wildfire, almost causing him to lose his mind right then and there. 
San sucked eagerly on the young man’s tongue, his own coiling around it, earning a soft moan from him. Wooyoung’s eyes fluttered shut, his hands slowly finding their way into the demon’s raven hair, his entire demeanor switching in an instant. 
All you could do was watch, slack-jawed, as this unfolded before you, until you were ultimately unable to ignore the constant pulsing you felt in between your legs. Without a second thought, you began to play with yourself, holding back a moan and forcing yourself to go slow, so that you didn’t cum too fast. 
After breaking the somewhat messy kiss, San ran his fingers through Wooyoung’s soft hair, thoroughly admiring the way his spit was left on and around the other’s mouth. “I want you to call me San, pretty boy.” 
“S-San…” Wooyoung choked out, his brown eyes filled to the brim with unadulterated lust. “P-please…kiss me more…”
Hearing this caused both you and the demon to moan in unison at Wooyoung’s bold desperation. San turned his attention back to you, smiling lewdly when he saw that you were rubbing your pussy, pleased that you were finally submitting to the lust inside you. 
“How sinful of you, my darling. You like seeing me play with your boyfriend that much?” 
“Yeah…” you exhaled, biting your bottom lip, just as you pulled your panties off hastily, so that you could resume your previous endeavor to cum. “Please continue…” 
“Good idea.” San didn’t waste any time shoving his tongue back into Wooyoung’s eager mouth, this time exploring in a more lazy, but sloppy way, their spit mixing together and dripping down their chins. 
When Wooyoung felt San’s warm fingers pull off his boxers and wrap around his stiff cock, he whimpered into the demon’s mouth, arms wrapping tightly around his neck. 
“So hard for me already, baby…You want me that bad?” San purred in a deep voice, after breaking the kiss Wooyoung so desperately wanted to continue. 
“I need you, San…please…” 
“Even though your girlfriend is sitting right there? You want her to watch me take care of you?” San pushed further, his dick throbbing against their flush bodies. 
Wooyoung turned his head to make eye contact with you, feeling somewhat conflicted initially, but when he saw the blatant lust written on your face, he knew that you both wanted the same thing.
“I really want her to watch me when I cum for you,” he exhaled, earning a pleased groan of approval from the demon. “Hurry up, please!” Wooyoung gripped San’s upper arms tightly, feeling his muscles flexing underneath his fingers. 
“Oh, my Lucifer, you two are so cute. I’m going to fucking ruin the both of you. In fact, I’m going to make sure you two never forget how you let a demon have his way with you…” San expressed, breathing heavily from hearing his own words, a bit of drool starting to escape his lips.
“Stop with the monologue and just make him cum alreadyyy…'' you whined, pressing your head against the headboard, slowing down your hand movements, but not stopping completely. 
“So cute,” San repeated, eyeing you, until Wooyoung grabbed his face and forced him to look down at him. And just like that, San was back to kissing Wooyoung in the most passionate way possible, for an unprecedented amount of time, their spit now getting anywhere and everywhere. Wooyoung periodically ground his hips into San's, desperate for some relief. 
Breaking the kiss once more, San carefully pushed three fingers into Wooyoung’s mouth to gather up some of their combined spit, using it to lubricate the young man’s throbbing cock, quickly working his hand up and down it, without showing any signs of slowing down. 
“Fffuck! San!” Wooyoung cried, gasping for air. He felt himself getting closer and closer to his release in a matter of minutes, the gradual buildup of pleasure inside him feeling ten times better than it usually did. 
“Are you gonna cum for me already, baby? Hmm? Are you gonna shoot your load out for me like the good boy you are?” San inquired, sweat dripping down his forehead and onto Wooyoung’s flushed face, his hand movements suddenly slowing down to an infinitely slower tempo.
“Yes…please…let me…” he replied breathlessly, his back arching, due to the mind-numbing pleasure coursing through him. 
San stopped moving his hand and squeezed the base of Wooyoung’s length, his voice dropping an octave, “But, what if I want to see you cry first, huh?” He turned to face you, biting his lip when he saw the state of desperation you were in. “What do you think, pretty girl? Should I make him cry?” 
You panted heavily, fingers buried to the hilt inside your soaking wet pussy, shoving them in and out of yourself. You never felt this high before — this consumed with desire. If you weren’t careful, you could easily get addicted to this kind of feeling. You opened your mouth to encourage San, requesting under your breath, “Do it…” 
San’s eyes rolled back into his head, nearly cumming himself, without any physical stimulation — just from hearing the two words that left your lips. “You heard her, baby. Let me see those tears,” he cooed, his hand working Wooyoung’s swollen shaft in a way that he had never experienced before, making sure to stop abruptly out of nowhere, only to repeat the process over and over, until tears finally began to run down Wooyoung’s warm cheeks. 
“Sannnn…” Wooyoung whined, sniffling, trying to hold on to his sanity the best he could. He wiped some of his tears away, only stopping when San had swatted his hand down.
“Bad,” San mumbled, leaning down to his face, so that he could lick the tears away instead, his hand still idly pumping Wooyoung’s pulsing length.
 “Sannn, pleasepleaseplease let me cum…!” 
“I suppose you’ve had enough,” San chuckled, unable to resist Wooyoung’s pleading, but suddenly lifting up the crying young man’s legs and positioning them so that they were almost all the way over his head. “You look so pretty like this…” Hearing Wooyoung still moaning and repeating the word ‘please’ like a mantra, San jerked him off as fast as he possibly could, groaning all the while. “Cum, baby. Cum for me…” 
White, hot pulses of intoxicating pleasure tore through Wooyoung’s body, causing him to let out a few choked moans, his face contorting, as though he was in pain. “San! Oh my fucking god...!” he cried out, as his load shot out of his cock in long spurts, landing on his own face and mouth. 
Just as you witnessed Wooyoung meet his high in such a vulnerable position, your own orgasm ripped through you, your hips bucking uncontrollably, as a result. You couldn’t even make a single sound when an abundant amount of arousal gushed out of your pussy, dripping down your inner thighs and onto the sheets of the mattress. 
San leered at you with half-closed eyes, chiming, “What a good girl,” before focusing his attention back on Wooyoung, who already looked fucked out of his mind. “And, you’re a good boy…Can you be an even better boy for me and clean up your mess?” San suggested lustfully, reaching up to gather up Wooyoung’s release with his fingers and guiding it into the younger man’s already open mouth. 
“Oh, wow…” you whispered to yourself, slumping down against your pillows, not having the energy to touch yourself again, but still mesmerized by what was going on right next to you. 
San swallowed harshly, barely able to handle how hard he was at this point. However, he persisted, incredibly satisfied by just feeding off of the sexual energy both you and your boyfriend were providing him. “Don’t swallow, baby. I want you to hold it in your mouth until I tell you what to do with it.” 
Wooyoung nodded his head slightly, feeling more cum slide down his throat, causing him to close it so that he wouldn’t accidentally swallow. He obediently held it in his mouth, breathing carefully through his nose, so that he didn’t choke. 
San sat up and grabbed your arm, forcefully yanking you further down so that you were lying next to your almost fully delirious partner. “I want to watch you drink up all of your cute little boyfriend’s cum from his mouth…but make sure to take your time. Can you do that for me, my darling?” the demon instructed, finally reaching down to wrap his fingers around his hard cock and stroking it lightly. 
You nodded quickly, just as Wooyoung grabbed you by the shoulders and brought you down onto him, his cum-covered tongue slipping past your parted lips. His cum was still very warm and slightly bitter, slowly getting passed around from his mouth to yours and vice versa. 
“Fffuck, that’s it…just like that…” the demon commented, jerking himself off at an incredibly rapid pace, but only when he saw how you had pulled back for a second and let a combination of spit and cum drip down from your mouth onto your boyfriend’s tongue. 
“Look at you, baby…You’re so good for me…” you murmured quietly for only Wooyoung to hear, causing him to let out a small whine, his fingers caressing your cheek. You sighed softly, just as you grabbed Wooyoung’s chin and slurped his cum back into your mouth, earning an even louder whine from him. 
San simply couldn’t take it, reaching his orgasm sooner than he had expected, due to the lewd show he was witnessing. “Fuck…!” he gasped, tossing his head back and shutting his eyes tightly, staining your bed with his seed.
You and Wooyoung both swallowed the remainder of cum and saliva, gazing into each other’s eyes afterwards. Wooyoung ran his thumb over your bottom lip, looking at you with love and lust in his eyes, panting softly, “I…love you…so much…” 
You smiled down at him, lightly caressing his jaw, almost forgetting about the demon sitting on the bed in front of you. “I love you more, Woo.” 
“How adorable,” San chimed dryly, unable to keep himself from grimacing. “You two can fuck after I leave; I’m not done with either of you. Especially you, my little slut.” After addressing you directly, he grabbed you by the ankles and dragged you towards him, promptly spreading your legs apart.
He laid down on the bed, bringing his face close to your slit, his tongue already beginning to slide out of his mouth. “You better squirt for me,” was all he said before his mouth was glued to your pussy, eating you out like his life depended on it. 
“San!” you cried out, unable to handle the sudden influx of pleasure. The pads of his fingers rubbed violently against your swollen clit, his long tongue sliding vigorously up and down your slit, the tip of it already teasing your hole. “Oh my godddd…” Your hands found their way into his jet black hair, gripping it tightly when you felt him push more of his tongue into you. 
San’s cat-like eyes bored into your own, the corner of his lips curling up into a smirk. “Uh-huhhh…I know you love it, baby…” he mused, just before he plunged his tongue deep inside your pulsing entrance, letting out a small ‘ahh’ sound each time he shoved it in and out of you. 
You tossed your head back against the mattress, an endless string of curses and moans leaving your lips, your fingertips squeezing into the sides of the demon’s head. “Don’t stop! Dont fucking stop!” San’s unusually sized tongue threatened to break your mind, but you didn’t care; you just wanted him to keep going.
He wasn’t going to stop, even if you had felt differently — so it worked out. San continued to shove his tongue deep into you, his eyes disappearing behind his half-shut eyelids, giving the illusion that he had no irises. 
Wooyoung had his fingers in your (h/c) hair, playing with it, and silently watching you with a smile on his face and the tip of his cock throbbing against his lower abdomen. “So beautiful…” he sighed, inviting you to turn your face to meet his gaze. 
You felt your cheeks grow warmer from the way he was looking at you. “Yeah?” you whispered, as he grabbed onto one of your breasts with his free hand, gently kneading it. 
“Mm-hmm, now come here.” He leaned down and gave you a soft kiss, his plump lips enveloping yours. “Mmm…” he murmured, his voice vibrating into your mouth, his fingers still stroking your hair. 
A pained, muffled cry tore through your vocal cords, feeling an intense piercing sensation near your inner thigh, bringing you to pull away from your boyfriend in order to see what had just happened to you. “What the fuck?!” you reacted as San pulled up slightly, a fair amount of blood dripping down his chin and onto the sheets. 
San growled like an animal would, baring his pointed, blood-stained teeth and looking at you with a hostile glare. “Take your eyes off of me one more time and it’ll hurt a lot more than that. Do I make myself clear?” His hands were squeezing into your thighs, tight enough that his nails began digging painfully into your skin.
“Y-yes, I got it! Please…stop!” you choked, feeling your eyes begin to water when the demon started pushing his tongue against the raw, bleeding section of skin that he bit in. 
San quietly slurped at it until the blood began to clot, swallowing the rest down with a satisfied hum and licking his lips clean. To punish you further, he quickly swatted your swollen pussy with his hand, rubbing it slightly, before doing it once again. “Silly whore doesn’t know her place…” 
You cried out in pain and pleasure, sweat dripping along your jaw and down your neck, settling inside the crevices of your collarbones. “F-fuck…” 
“There, I stopped. Are you happy now?” San asked dryly, eyes flickering from your half-closed ones to Wooyoung’s somewhat worried ones, once he had seen that you gave him a slow nod. “You enjoying the show, pretty boy?” His eyes scanned down the young man’s toned body and settled on his shamelessly hard cock. “Looks like it. I didn’t picture you as the type to get off on watching a demon drinking your girl’s blood after tongue-fucking her. You’re almost as nasty as I am,” he commented, as if he was proud, his previous anger melting away and being replaced by a pleased demeanor. 
A deep blush appeared on Wooyoung’s cheeks, his hand traveling up to his neck, so that he could rub it awkwardly. “I-i guess I am, yeah…”
San rolled his eyes at Wooyoung’s reaction, prior to using one of his fingers to beckon him to his side. “Make yourself useful and finger your girlfriend while I play with her clit, okay? You better do it right, too. I want to see her squirt,” he instructed, making his request very clear once again. 
Wooyoung nodded at San, giving you a soft smile and a wink afterwards, as an attempt to ease the absolute insanity of the situation. He then slid his ring and middle finger into your wet hole, beginning to push them in and out of you. It wasn’t hard for him to bring you back to an intensely pleasurable place, considering that he already knew your body like the back of his hand. 
You moaned and moaned in response, all the while making sure you didn’t accidentally take your eyes off of San. Your back arched forcefully once you felt the demon’s heavy tongue rubbing rapidly against your clit, not even stopping for a second. “S-San…! Ffffuck, I’m gonna…!”
San gave Wooyoung a serious look, using only his eyes, speeding up his movements and applying as much pressure as he could with his tongue. Wooyoung switched it up, slipping in a third digit, as well as curling his fingers up into your cunt. They both eagerly continued their movements at an unforgiving speed, their eyes focused solely on you. “Cum for us, baby,” Wooyoung encouraged, licking his lips, his brown eyes practically sparkling. 
You resisted the urge to look at him, fearful of how San would react. Instead, you kept your eyes on the demon, chanting his name as though it were a prayer. The last time his name left your lips, it came out as a scream. You used your hands to hold San’s face down against your pussy, just in time for you to squirt all over him. 
“Mmmnnn…” San groaned against your slit, eagerly lapping up your essence into his mouth, only stopping when he noticed Wooyoung about to taste your cum on his fingers. With lightning speed, San had grabbed Wooyoung’s wrist tightly, their faces only a few inches apart. “Mine,” was all he said, carefully slipping Wooyoung’s fingers into his mouth, using his tongue to thoroughly clean your wetness from each of his digits. 
The two men exchanged eye contact for a while until San broke it by turning his head to study your fucked-out face. “Think you can take both of us at once? Hmm? Would you be able to handle that, my pretty little slut?” he challenged with a sharp-toothed grin, his head tilting to the side.
The insatiable lust inside you hadn’t been quenched whatsoever; in fact, it was even more debilitating than ever, the previous foreplay you endured acting as gasoline, bringing you closer and closer to the brink of insanity. “Yes. Yes, I can,” you replied, gazing back at the demon with an intensely serious expression, pushing yourself up from the bed and sitting on your knees.
San pushed some air out of his nose, casually grabbing Wooyoung’s shoulders and pushing him down onto the mattress, before positioning himself against the other male’s body, so that they were scissoring. “Mm, that’s it…” 
Wooyoung let out a soft moan, unable to handle how their cocks were pressing directly against one another. “A-are you sure you can take us, baby? San’s…his…is a lot bigger than mine,” he murmured, looking up at you worriedly, as you hovered hesitantly next to them, your hand resting gently on your worried boyfriend’s thigh. 
“Um, well…” you replied, suddenly feeling a lot less confident than before, now that you could get a closer look at San’s hardened cock. It was slightly thicker than Wooyoung’s, at least five inches longer, and a lot veinier. You stared at it for a while, drool pooling inside your mouth, the voice inside your head begging you to ride him growing louder in volume, the longer you waited.
Your reaction brought a pleased smile to San’s face, his seductive voice interrupting your decision-making, “We'll just have to make sure she has enough lube to work with, now don’t we, baby?” he said matter-of-factly in Wooyoung’s direction, spitting into his hand and suddenly gripping both of their cocks with his large tattooed hand, immediately beginning to jerk them off. 
“Oh, fuck…” Wooyoung exhaled, tossing his head back for a moment, his slightly damp hair bouncing along to his movement. He gritted his teeth tightly when he felt San’s hand squeeze their shafts together, eventually relaxing his jaw, giving into the pleasurable feeling. “Nnngh…” With half-closed eyes and parted lips, he simply watched as the demon’s hand continued to move in an overzealous manner. 
“Ahh, it’s getting a little rough. Mind helping us out, darling?” San questioned, turning his head up to look at you, one eyebrow raised slightly. 
You answered his question by leaning yourself down in front of their cocks, gathering up as much spit in your mouth as you possibly could, then letting it drip down onto them. You did this until you could hear the lewd wet sounds San’s hand was making, as he furiously jerked himself and Wooyoung off. 
“Oh, ffffuck yeah…that’s it,” San groaned out, his hand movements starting to become more sloppy, but still fast-paced. “I can feel how much your cock is throbbing against mine, baby. Just let go and cum already.” 
“S-San! Oh my goddd…” Wooyoung moaned, his hips bucking up a few times. He let out a few more choked moans, his orgasm tearing violently through him, San’s name falling from his lips over and over. 
A loud, primal sound erupted from San’s throat, cumming at the same time as Wooyoung, quickly holding his hand over both of their tips, in order to catch most of their cum inside his palm. “Fuck…” he exhaled, his chest moving up and down, trying to catch his breath. 
“Wow…” You wiped some drool from your lips, almost certain that there was a small puddle of arousal soaking into the bed underneath you. 
San’s eyes flickered up to yours, a pleased smile on his sweaty face. “Are you ready, sweetheart?” he inquired breathlessly, slowly moving his cum-covered hand up and down both his and Wooyoung’s lengths, getting them hard again almost instantly. He pushed some air out of his nose when he saw you licking your lips and nodding your head adamantly. “You loved watching that, didn’t you? I bet your tight little pussy is nice and wet for me now, huh?”
“Why don’t you look for yourself?” Making sure to face San, you straddled both of them, spreading your folds apart, so that he could see just how wet you were. 
The demon took in a deep inhale and let it out, extremely satisfied with your whorishness. “Good girl. Now, get to work.” 
“Hold on.” Wooyoung reached over to the nightstand and grabbed the conveniently placed bottle of lube that he had forgotten to put away the previous night, squirting some on his fingers and prodding them past the rim of your tight hole, working them in and out, until you were to take him. “Go slow, baby…” Wooyoung suggested airily, gently rubbing one of your hips and smiling at the back of your head, knowing you weren’t going to look away from San. 
Taking in a deep breath, you hesitantly slid yourself down onto their cocks, taking them both in each of your entrances, and in turn, feeling a deep, unwavering strain within your inner walls, as well as an incessant urge to move immediately and fuck yourself to the point of no return. “F-ffffuck…” 
San grabbed your hips and slowly dragged them down, both him and Wooyoung letting out groans of satisfaction, as soon as they bottomed-out inside of you. “Fffuck, you’re so tight for us, you slutty fucking whore. I can’t wait to stretch you out,” he mused excitedly, his crimson eyes turning completely black, including his scleras. 
You noticed this change right away, murmuring nervously, “J-just give me a second to adjust, okay?”
San gave you an ominous smile, his fingers latching onto your waist. “Sorry, darling, I can’t wait,” he replied, his voice sounding multi-layered, like there were others speaking along with him. Before you could even process this, he began slamming his hips up viciously into yours. 
“Fuck!” you cried out in a strained voice, unable to do anything except take it, not able to contend with his inhuman strength. “P-please! I-aaah-I can’t! It’s too much!” You pleaded with your teary eyes, sort of put off by San’s black ones, but ignoring it, wanting him to show some kind of compassion for you.
 This didn’t work, in the slightest, his only response being to grin evilly up at you and grabbing your wrists, holding them down against your thighs.
“Please, slow down…!”
San shook his head, sweat flying off of his face, his nails digging into your skin and drawing blood. “Shut the fuck up and take this cock!” he snarled, sparing no sympathy for you whatsoever, continuing to thrust into you with reckless abandon.
When a potent amount of pleasure began consuming your body and mind, you relaxed your hands within San’s grasp, letting out a strangled series of moans. 
“I knew you’d give in, my love…You can’t resist me.” 
You didn’t even notice when he had stopped moving entirely and you just started mindlessly fucking yourself; all you knew was that you were doing something right, thoroughly enjoying the way the two men throbbed continuously inside you. 
The demon took immense satisfaction in your submission, prompting him to target Wooyoung, “Do you like how I fucked your girlfriend so hard she went completely dumb? Huh? Do you like how she's riding my cock like it’s her new religion?” 
Wooyoung could barely react to what was happening, having lost his mind just as you did, completely consumed with lust. “Y-essss, I love it when my baby feels good…” After that, the only thing that was coming out of his mouth were moans and your name. The combination of being inside your tight hole and the rampant arousal that coursed through him threatened to break his mind permanently. 
“F-uuuckkk…” Never breaking eye contact with San, even for a second, you continued to bounce on their lengths with unwavering enthusiasm, getting closer and closer to your much-needed release. 
“Take it! Take it! Take it!” the demon chanted, unable to keep himself from letting out a maniacal-sounding laugh, resisting the urge to fuck you into a coma. “Say my fucking name, you whore!” 
“San…! Oh my god, I’m gonna fucking cum! Just for you, San! Just for you!” you cried obediently, taking in a sharp inhale, when San rewarded you by grabbing both of your breasts and massaging them, using the pads of his thumbs to roll your nipples around. 
“That’s fucking right. You hear that, pretty boy?”
Wooyoung mumbled something incoherently, his eyes moving around underneath his shut eyelids, unable to add anything to the dynamic — other than moaning and cursing. 
You desperately ground your hips down onto their pulsing cocks, hot tears streaming down your cheeks, as you felt the most intense orgasm you’ve ever had completely take over your body. You couldn’t even make any sounds. All you could do was keep your barely open eyes locked on the demon’s, feeling like you were ready to float away. 
“Fuck, I’m gonna fill you up. You want my cum inside you, huh? You want it?” San questioned, squeezing your tits roughly inside his calloused palms when you didn’t reply fast enough, bringing you back down to earth. “Answer me!”
“Y-yes!” you gasped, your attention snapping back to San, unable to see him clearly due to your blurry vision. “Please, San, cum inside me! Please! I need it so fucking bad!” 
While his hands moved down to your hips and maintained a death-grip on them, San yelled out something in Latin, cum shooting forcefully out of his dick in hot spurts, filling you up just like you begged him to do. His eyes rolled into the back of his head, his eyelids fluttering shut, but still fucking his load into you, wanting it to stay there, so that it would drip out of you the following day. 
“B-baby, I’m gonna…!” Wooyoung was holding onto your waist from behind you, when his own fingers squeezed into your sensitive skin, a strangled yell erupting from his throat, threatening to damage his vocal cords. He pulled out, so that his cum shot out onto your lower back, some spilling out and dripping down his twitching, softened length. 
“F-fuck…” You weakly pulled yourself off of them and collapsed onto the bed, completely and utterly fucked-out beyond comprehension, unable to do anything except lie there and close your eyes.
“Come here…” Wooyoung used all of his strength to move away from San and turn his body in your direction, pulling you toward him and holding you tightly against his chest. You both immediately fell into a deep sleep, not even bothering to acknowledge that the demon was still there. 
San sat in the dark, silently admiring his work, his body still tingling from the overabundance of sexual energy he had collected. “I’ll be sure to visit you two again when I need my fill,” he remarked to himself, slicking his wet hair back and licking the blood that still remained on his jagged teeth, before disappearing into thin air without another word. 
* * *
The sun was already setting by the time you and Wooyoung had regained consciousness, prompting the two of you to look at one another in silence, so that you both could ignore the elephant in the room.
Wooyoung was the first to speak up, his voice hoarse, “S-so…did that really happen? Are we sure it wasn’t  just a…really weird nightmare?”
You used all of your strength to sit up in the bed, eyes focusing on the deep bite mark that was left on your inner thigh, as well as the multiple bruises that littered your skin. You definitely couldn’t ignore the multiple blood and cum stains that were scattered across various sections of your bedsheets. “Yeah, Woo…I think…I think it really did happen.”
Wooyoung grunted, forcing himself to sit up next to you. He rubbed his neck for a bit, silently observing the proof as well. He cleared his throat, breaking the silence. “So, what do we do now? Buy some holy water and sprinkle some salt around our apartment?”
“I think…I think it might be a little late for that.” You shook your head slightly, letting out a laugh and pulling Wooyoung into your arms to give him a comforting hug, wanting to forget about the darkness of the situation. 
Wooyoung nuzzled your shoulder, humming against your skin, his fingers clutching your bare back. “You might be right,” he murmured, his breath tickling your neck. 
You nuzzled him back, bringing your fingers up to his hair, so that you could pet it in a gentle manner. You remained silent for a while, before adding, “Let’s just buy a crucifix so I can stab him in the dick with it if he shows up again.” 
Wooyoung pulled back slightly to give you a smile and a small giggle, a somewhat mischievous glint in his eyes. “That could definitely work. We would have to sharpen it, though.” 
“Well, yeah, obviously.” 
Tags: @dazzlinglight @thefinerthingz3 @cloudysannie @aryraaaa @za-con @cosmiczen @choerryge @aikyubi @arusio @gueritaybonita @i-l0v3hands @ethicalz @jinsonaz @kitty4hwa @jexidamulti @as-she-pleases @purplechannie @lilactiny @jazzymoore @kodzukein @asjkdk @cherryxsang @namsloverr @chanst1ddies @woo-stars @createyour0wnworld @roarmingi @simeonswhore @k0rean-big-mini0n @fairyoftaehyun @bls-luv-me @lavanyasingh04 @igotlockedout @fl0r4f4wn @miriamxsworld @mork-ly @Woosmaid @kawaiikels @azcon @merciluv-blog @atzcrime @lovekeeho @sup-dallyboy @allofuswantgwinam @breezy-simp
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© toxicccred, 2022.
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dream report
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sub humbug alex x soft/rough(ish) dom reader
synopsis: tending to alex after he has a particular dream
based off of this request, (much appreciated, thank you for sharing your ideas!! ❤️)
i’ve been a bit too obsessed with humbug alex recently, he’s just so fuckable kissable. on that note, enjoy!
about 20 minutes ago, you’d woken up for no apparent reason. you figured you’d drift back into your previous ever so peaceful slumber, but you were wrong.
so now, very much annoyed at your minds inability to fall back asleep, you stared at the wall, mindlessly observing how the moonlight ever so slightly lit up the back of the curtains, the drapes allowing the softest light to mix amongst the darkness the room withheld.
whilst lost in various, mundane thoughts, you sensed your lover shuffling a bit beside you. you turned over to watch him, deciding he was a prettier sight than the wall. his long brown hair splayed across the pillow, curls mussed from sleep. you smiled softly, ever so tenderly tucking a strand away from his face, careful not to wake him.
as you gazed at him, you noticed his lips parting in a small whimper, a sound much too similar to the ones he made when you were intimate. his soft whimpers continued, his hips shuffling a bit under the blankets.
at first, you assumed he must be having some sort of nightmare, but you were proved wrong when a rather loud moan escaped his mouth, followed by a mumble slash whisper that conveyed something along the lines of ‘holy fuck.’
you tried to conceal your laugh but failed, giggling enough for him to jolt awake. you immediately felt bad for waking him, mumbling “shit, sorry.”
alex looked up at you with his sleepy, hazy brown eyes and you leaned forward to kiss his cheek. you adored him like this, all sleepy and soft. “fun dream eh?” you teased. alex’s cheeks flushed a hot red, the comment snapping him out of his half-asleep, half-awake state.
he looked at you, puzzled. “how the fuck do you know?”
you smirked. “because i heard you.”
he covered his face with his hands at your response and you grabbed his wrists in return, sitting up and holding his wrists so they lay on either side of his head. “don’t be embarrassed, it was cute.” he blushed again as you leaned down to press a soft kiss to the corner of his open mouth, sitting up some more so you were now straddling him.
“tell me…. what was it about?” you whispered, evoking chills down his neck. he gulped, trying to regain composure. he didn’t know where to start. the dream was more so in glimpses and flashes, not a fluid scene but god, it did something to him. it was the sort of dream that would loop round’ his mind all day, giving him butterflies every time the images flashed across his mind.
“i- i don’t really know, but um…” he suddenly got a bit shy, breaking eye contact momentarily before he continued. “you were fucking me in the studio,” he flustered, biting the inside of his cheek.
you grinned. “yeah baby? did you like it?”
he nodded, eyes glazing over with need as he gazed up at you, his hips shifting a bit. you leaned in, soft hands cradling his sleepy face as you kissed him with a certain fervor, your tongue sliding against his. he whimpered softly into your mouth, provoking a eager smile from you.
once pulling away from the kiss, you rolled off of him and back over to your side of the bed. “welp, goodnight,” you smiled innocently.
alex looked wildly offended and you couldn’t help but chuckle. “you okay?” you teased, pretending to be confused.
he grabbed your arm. “you can’t just do that to me.” you knitted your brows. “what?” he sighed. “you can’t just kiss me like that after i had a dream about you fucking me and then go back to sleep.”
you sat up, bringing one hand up to tuck a loose strand out of his face, and then intertwining your fingers in the back of his hair, lightly scratching at his scalp. “oh alexander, tell me what you want then, hm? use your words.”
his hands traveled just under the hem of your shirt, his fingers pressing into your warm skin. “please, fuck me momma.” he kissed your cheek.
heat flooded to your core at the nickname, and you smirked. “since you asked so nicely.” without warning you positioned yourself so you were on his lap, then pushing him down so he lay flat on the mattress. you took his hands, interlocking your fingers as you pinned his wrists on either side of his head once more.
you nuzzled your face into his neck, pressing slow, sweet kisses that quickly turned into small bites and licks. he was immediately a whimpering mess under you, his hips wriggling as he panted.
you made your way down to his collarbone, which was partly exposed from the large shirt he wore to sleep. you continued to build him up, leaving hickeys and kisses along his shoulders.
eventually, you were pushing his t shirt up, nuzzling your nose into his stomach and pressing soft kisses to it. you grinned at the way his stomach rose and fell in tandem with his shaky breaths.
looking up at him with glazy eyes, you trailed your open mouth down his lower stomach, admiring the way his soft hair framed his face, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. you pulled alex’s tight boxers down, revealing his almost painful erection.
you barely touched him, taking delight in watching him squirm as you kitten licked the pre cum off his tip. “oh fuck…” he tipped his head back, quickly positioning to look at you once again.
looking up at him, you let a thick strand of drool fall from your open mouth, dribbling down his length. “please, please touch me,” the boy hissed.
you planted a soft kiss on the tip, smiling up at him. “shh shh, keep quiet now, don’t fuss,” you taunted. deciding you’d teased him enough for now, you wrapped your hand around his base, pumping up and down as you sucked his tip into your mouth.
the noises that left his mouth had you squeezing your thighs together, arousal sure to have your underwear soaked by the end of this. savoring the noises he made, you slowly started taking more of him in your mouth, drool coating his length.
alex tangled his fingers in your hair, bucking his hips up as to fuck into your mouth. almost immediately you pulled away, evoking a strangled moan from the boys lips. you sat up, moving to now straddle him again, hovering over his stomach, leaving his cock aching and unattended.
“who’s in control baby? tell me,” you demanded, eyes harsh. alex gazed up at you, immediately regretting his actions. he stuttered, not being able to form coherent words. you grabbed his hair and pulled rather hard, a sharp gasp escaping his lips. “what’s that honey? speak up.”
he whimpered. “you momma, y- you’re in charge m’ sorry.” his eyes teared up a bit and you kissed his cheek, soothingly rubbing his arm. “atta boy, don’t let it happen again.” he nodded quickly, hands gripping your waist.
deciding he didn’t deserve your mouth anymore, you shuffled a bit so you were now hovering over his cock, one hand resting on his lower stomach. he was aching, begging for you to touch him. if he really wanted to, he could angle his hips as to rub against your thigh. that would relieve some of the ache surely, but nevertheless, he wanted to be good for you so he instead gripped the sheets, trying his best to ignore the impulse.
you pushed your underwear down your thighs, kicking them off. you then instructed alex to remove his shirt. he did so immediately, as did you. alex’s gaze fell to your cunt, licking his lips at the way arousal dripped down your inner thighs.
equally eager, you positioned his tip against your entrance, hissing as you sunk down, his thick cock stretching you out so perfectly. you bit your lip, the slight sting from how big he was taking a moment to fade away. heat flooded through your lower stomach as you moaned, alex now fully inside you.
you leaned forward, one hand on the mattress as to hold you up as the other cradled alex’s face. you leaned your forehead against his, soft breaths fanning across your cheek as he whimpered and panted.
“i love you,” he gasped as you rose up and sunk down on him again. you smiled, kissing his nose. “i love you too.” you kissed the corners of his mouth as your hips met his repeatedly, drinking up his little whimpers and gasps.
as much as you liked to be rough when you were in charge, you couldn’t help getting all lovey and sweet with him. the way his doe eyes looked up at you, all gentle and soft had you kissing his face, cradling his cheeks, and nuzzling your face in his neck. you’d give him the world.
his eyes squeezed shut and then languidly fought to open again as you had picked up the pace. your thighs began to grow weak with pleasure, your soft moans and sighs frequently getting louder.
“good boy, letting me fuck him so good, that feel good baby?” you rasped, knowing how much your dirty talk turned him on. he moaned, his nails scratching down your back as he frantically nodded. “yes momma- fuck so good.”
you were impossibly wet, for your arousal had dripped down his length and onto his inner thighs. you repositioned your hips a bit, your face quickly falling into the crook of his damp neck, his cock ever so deliciously stroking your walls in all the right places.
“f-fuck, i’m close mommy,” he gasped, his hands grasping at your back and shoulders, nose pressing into the side of your hair. you pulled back, positioning your mouth over his. you were a bit surprised from how quick it’d taken you both to get close. “me too, cum with me sweetheart.”
and with that, you kissed him, riding him a bit harder than before as your hips started to falter. you slightly bit his plump bottom lip, starting to feel the coil of pleasure build up in your stomach.
“fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck,” he hissed, nails digging deep into your back and scratching as he came, the pain from the scratches and the feeling of his hot release coating your walls sending you over the edge.
you clenched around him at the mere intensity of your orgasm, yelping his name as you rode out your high. once you started to come down, you nearly collapsed onto alex from how tired your arms and legs were.
he chuckled a bit, helping you off of him. once you were now laying down on your side, he nuzzled into you. you brought your arm up to hold his head as he tucked his face into your breasts, his nose grazing the side of your boob. you laughed softly. “you alright baby boy?”
he nodded, still panting. you knew he usually needed a couple of minutes to fully come back, so you cuddled him close, soothingly running your fingers through his damp brown curls, occasionally kissing the corners of his mouth.
moving him off of you a bit, you quickly threw on his shirt and grabbed the glass of water from your nightstand, helping him sit up and take a few sips. he smiled at you sleepily, eyes reflecting shimmery stars as you kissed his cheek, reveling in his musky scent.
“that was.. wow,” he finally mumbled, coming out of his hazy state. you flashed him a sweet smile. “i’m glad i could make you feel good.” you pulled him into your arms again, rubbing his back.
“im sorry about your back, it must sting,” he whispered, referring to the way his nails dug deep into your back when he came. you shook it off. “s’ okay baby, means i fucked you good.” it did sting, but you truly didn’t mind, it was the kind of pain you were proud of, symbolizing how good you were at making your boyfriend cum.
he grinned, yawning. you kissed him once more. “lets get some sleep alright? you’ve gotta go to the studio pretty early tomorrow.”
he groaned. “you aren’t coming with? we can fuck in the bathroom, just like in my dream.” you rolled your eyes, laughing. “sounds tempting. i’ll consider it.”
he chuckled, kissing your cheek before wrapping his arm around your middle. you closed your heavy eyes, reveling in the way the soft bed embraced your sore limbs so comfortably. your lover was happy and content in your arms, the moonlight still glittered through the curtains, and everything was so blissful, so tranquil.
alex’s soft breaths against your cheek elicited a sweet hint of a smile from your lips before you slipped into a peaceful, much needed slumber.
hope you enjoyed!! im so sleepy i’ll proofread this and make some edits tomorrow
p.s. i like to imagine he starting crafting dangerous animals the next day in the studio
taglist (let me know if you want to be added/removed)- @ultragirrl @inmyownfantasywrld @almluv @raven-ql @ohladymoon @yourstartreatment @missbabyjay @andulina567 @blair-s-world @rentsturner @indierockgirrl @kittyrob0t
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rhenuvee · 11 months
Nighttime Routine with Genshin Men [Mondstadt]
A/N: Welp this series seems pretty popular so I'm continuing this but for night. Check the "How They Greet You In The Morning" imagines from my Genshin masterlist!
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Kaeya: Depends which Kaeya you're dealing with (drunk kaeya is another story). Normally, once he climbs in bed you both shift to face each other eye to eye. Sometimes if he's feeling cheeky he likes to tuck you in and fluff your pillows as if you were royalty. While you're nice and comfy, if you want to talk a little more, he is willing to hear you despite being tired from the day. He's a good listener and wants to hear your voice before falling asleep. Only sleeps once he knows you're peacefully sleeping. "Sweet dreams, darling. Don't forget to dream about me~" Please hit him with a pillow.
Diluc: We all know he comes home late af because of his Darknight hero duties. Most of the time when he gets home, it's around midnight. He always tells you to go to sleep without him, but you're still awake because you want to wait for him. He sighs because of your stubbornness, but lets you stand up and take off his jacket for him so he can come to bed. Whispers a soft apology for keeping you up so late, the kisses your forehead once more before closing his eyes and saying, "Goodnight, my love."
Bennett: Random but he seems like the type of person to fall asleep within five minutes of his head hitting the pillow. Also I think he'd sleep camping out a decent amount. He still goes to bed with just as much energy as he had in the morning, talking about where he wants to explore tomorrow. Sometimes he gets sad when his adventure ends up empty-handed. But after you cheer him up and tell him you'll go with him tomorrow, he instantly smiles and is able to rest. "Ah, goodnight (y/n). Let's go to Starsnatch Cliff tomorrow!" Probably falls off the bed/rolls out of the tent at some point.
Razor: He makes sure to have you all comfy before going to sleep. It is probably not comfortable for you to be sleeping/camping in the woods. He insists on staying awake for a bit, just to make sure your surroundings are safe, but you tell him that you prefer going to bed knowing that he's comfy sleeping too. He grunts as a hesitant way of saying "fine" and joins you, putting a piece of cloth overtop of you as a blanket. "Goodnight Lupical."
Venti: ...I don't know why I didn't ask this last time but where does this guy sleep?? Anyway- he likes to end off the day on a good note by telling each other the good things that happened today, what you guys can do tomorrow, how much wine he's had, how much he's annoyed Diluc tonight. You giggle at his antics, knowing that he has had a good day being his normal chaotic self. "Goodnight my lovely (y/n). May the wind bless you with sweet dreams." If you have trouble sleeping, he's more than willing to hum a lullaby for you.
Albedo: You kind of have to pry him away from his final experiments and research for the day. He tells you to go to sleep first without him, but you tell him that he can continue tomorrow. He's not that stubborn so eventually he listens and gets ready for bed with you. I think it's still a little to grasp relationships, so most of the time your conversations before bed are mostly about what you did during the day. However, that doesn't mean he doesn't try. There are times he suggests ideas on things to do together tomorrow, and that's enough for you.
Mika: If I'm being honest I feel like his sleep routine (time) is a little irregular because of his job. Because of that he doesn't want you to feel like you have to conform to his schedule. He knows you don't like going to bed alone, so he accompanies you until you fall asleep, despite having to possibly get up later. If you can't sleep he'd suggest to have a midnight snack with him while talking until you start getting sleepy. Mika makes sure to always say goodnight and that you're nice and tucked in before your eyes close and you drift off into the dream world.
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levi-akerman248 · 2 years
HI wanted to request if you could do a levi with a soft dom male reader who likes praising him , so maybe a praise kink and a bit of overstimulation
and ofc smutty as always thank you
Sorry this took me a bit, hope you enjoy 😊
One more.
Levi x male reader
Smut, Praise kink, overstimulation
Levi never understood praise, and looking back how could he? He could barely remember what his mom looked like yet alone what she’s said to him.
Kenny, the bastard, never praised him. Once Levi learned what he needed Kenny would just move onto the next lesson. Never saying Levi did good or any shit like that.
Not that Levi needed it or anything. He’s not a narcissist but he’s not an idiot either. He knows he’s stronger than the regular soldier so it’s not like he gets any joy from people telling him that.
But Y/n. All Y/n has to do is look at him and Levi gets this weird feeling in his stomach. And when y/n praises him? Oh god. Levi could bust just thinking about y/n’s soft voice whispering about what a good boy-
“Whatcha thinking about so seriously levi?”
Levi glanced up at Hanji, having forgotten they were in the mess hall.
“….just about how I haven’t shit yet today.”
“Oh, well maybe I should make you some coffee instead of that stale tea you like to drink. You’ll be shitting piles as tall as you, short stack”
Levi scoffed and Hanji giggled.
Then, a knock. They both looked up and saw y/n standing in the door way
He gave a little smile, “Sorry to interrupt your…shit talk, but it’s getting late.”
Hanji glanced out the window, “Ah, I suppose it is. Welp, I better head to bed then. See you guys tomorrow!”
They waved and walked past Y/n before turning around quickly, “Oh! And don’t forget we have that meeting before morning training”
Levi wanted to roll his eyes, they always had a meeting in the morning every Wednesday. Y/n smiled, “Alright, thanks Hanji. Goodnight”
“Goodnight blushy” Hanji smirked before leaving
Y/n just shook his head, “I still don’t know why they call me that”
Levi cursed Hanji for that. They called Y/n blushy cause for a while before Y/n and levi were dating, levi would blush when Y/n entered the room.
Damn four eyes. They always had to tease him about something
“Levi, you coming?”
Levi stared at Y/n for a second, admiring his eyes and the way they always seemed to sparkle
Y/n chuckled, “well then let’s go”
Levi hid his smile behind his tea cup as he quickly drank the rest before getting up and following Y/n through the kitchen and to their bedroom
They laid there, Y/n spooning Levi from behind
As usual, Levi was having trouble falling asleep and Y/n took notice of this
Y/n scooted as close to levi as he could, pressing himself against his lover and nuzzling his face into his neck
Levi couldn’t help but shiver when Y/n spoke softly into his ear
“Do you need some help falling asleep pretty boy~?”
Levi let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding, his face burning up and his cock hardening
He gulped and nodded just enough for Y/n to catch it and smirk
Levi felt Y/n’s cock grow and press harder against his backside, making him silently hope this leads to fucking
Y/n slid his hand down Levi’s front and under his pj’s, grabbing his cock firmly
Levi let out a small whine as Y/n pushed Levi’s pj’s down just enough to pull his cock out and slowly started to jerk him off
The room was quiet, only Levi’s soft panting and the wet sound of Y/n’s kisses on his neck could be heard
Y/n couldn’t help but gently grind his clothed cock against Levi’s bare ass as he played with his lovers dick
He nibbled and kissed Levi’s neck, loving the little whimpers he got in return
Levi brought his hand to his mouth and gently bit down on his finger, trying to keep quiet as Y/n’s strokes got faster
Using his free hand, Y/n grabbed Levi’s and pulled it away from his mouth
“Uh uh, I want to hear all your precious sounds pretty boy”
Levi moaned, his stomach fluttering at the pet name and his hips grinding up into Y/n’s hand
Y/n loved watching Levi squirm under his touch, it made his cock twitch with the need to bury it in Levi’s tight ass
But first, he wanted to watch Levi cum and make a mess all over himself
So Y/n sped up his strokes and whispered into Levi’s ear knowing his words would make him come undone faster
“That’s it baby boy, cum for me”
“You’re such a good boy, such a needy little baby.”
“You wanna cum so bad don’t you?”
“Come on pretty baby, make a mess all over yourself for me. Be a good boy and give me your cum”
The combination of Y/n’s firm but gentle voice complimenting him and the working of his hand on Levi’s cock made levi convulse in pleasure
His eyes rolled and his cock sprayed cum all over Y/n’s hand and the front of Levi’s shirt
“Good boy~ that’s my pretty baby, you did such a good job levi”
Levi couldn’t help but smile at the praise as he caught his breathe
Y/n cleaned up his hand with the tissues on the nightstand and helped levi out of his tainted shirt
Y/n sat up and glanced over Levi who had now caught his breathe and seemed much more relaxed
Y/n smirked down at Levi, “Sleepy now?”
Levi thought for a second, he definitely wouldn’t have trouble falling asleep if he tried to now
But, he also really wanted Y/n to cum as well
Y/n looked surprised when Levi shook his head, “Nope”
“Hm, that’s strange. I thought for sure it would be enough”
Levi was amused at Y/n’s small pout of disappointment, he almost gave in and told him the truth
Levi hummed and wrapped his legs around Y/n’s waist, pulling him down and causing Y/n to be leaning above him
“Maybe one more will work.”
Y/n stared down at Levi, watching as he clearly tried not to blush at the suggestion
Y/n smirked and leaned down to nibbles on Levi’s ear,
“One more it is then~”
Levi smirked back and quickly got to undressing Y/n
Once both were fully naked, Y/n grabbed the lube from the drawer and poured a generous amount on his fingers
He closed the cap and set the lube back down, he then lifted his fingers to Levi’s entrance and inserted one
Levi clenched his teeth at the slight uncomfortable feeling, then moaned as Y/n leaned down and licked his nipple
Sparks shot through his chest as Y/n nibbled and sucked on his chest
Levi never knew how sensitive his nipples could be until he met Y/n and now it was one of his favorite pleasure spots
He moaned softly as Y/n inserted a second finger and was now pumping his fingers in and out, occasionally using a come hither motion which made Levi bite down on his lip to keep quiet
After a bit more stretching, Levi was ready for Y/n’s cock
Y/n pulled away from Levi’s chest, the cold hitting Levi’s wet nipples made him shiver, while Y/n slowly pushed the head of his cock in
Levi’s eyes squeezed shut as he bit down on his hand again
Y/n groaned in pleasure as his cock was encased by Levi’s tight warmth, he pushed as slowly as he could trying to be patient and not just ram it in at once
Finally after what seemed like forever, Y/n’s cock was fully inside of Levi
Y/n laid gently on top of Levi, allowing Levi to get accustomed with the feeling of Y/n’s thick cock stretching his walls
Once he was ready, Levi wrapped his arms around Y/n and gave him the ok
Y/n started out gentle, pulling his cock out only a few inches before slowly pushing it back in
Levi let out a small moan with every thrust and whisper of Y/n’s voice in his ear
“You’re doing so good baby”
“You’re so fucking tight”
“Always feel so good on my cock”
“Such a pretty boy you are, taking my cock so well”
With every sentence, Levi was closer and closer to cumming
Soon, Y/n’s pace had quickened into a violent thrust that had Levi moaning and begging,
“Ahh~ fuck! Please, more, please~”
Y/n moaned and growled, loving the sounds his little lover made
“That’s it baby, mmm let out all those pretty sounds”
“Fuck I love how good you are, such a good boy for me”
“You’re so strong, taking my cock so well~ making all those pretty sounds”
Y/n growled into Levi’s ear, “Louder, scream louder for me Levi, want everyone to hear how good I make you feel”
Levi couldn’t even blush anymore, all he could do was sit there and moan as he took Y/n’s cock
Soon he felt his second orgasm of the night build up and it had him whimpering into Y/n’s ear
“C-close, so close, ahh~ gonna cum~”
At that, Y/n reached down and pumped Levi’s cock in rhythm to his thrusts making Levi scream and curse as he came
Levi’s back arched as his eyes rolled, his hands fists the pillows and his cock spasmed
Only a few squirts came out but it left Levi buzzing in pleasure
Y/n had paused his thrusts to watch Levi come undone and he was stunned at the sight
Once Levi had finished and was catching his breathe, Y/n decided he had to see it again
So he picked back up his thrusting and leaned over Levi to look into his dazed eyes
“Again, do that again.”
Levi groaned in pleasure and confusion, “w-what?”
Y/n growled and sped up his thrusts, feeling his orgasm near but needing to see Levi cum again
“Cum. I want to see you cum on my cock again”
Y/n reached up and played with Levi’s nipples causing him to moan louder as Y/n’s cock was just grazing his prostate at the same time
“Cant. I-I can’t”
“Yes you can baby, I know you can do it. Just once more please pretty boy, just cum one more time for me”
Levi whimpered, a single tear running down his face that Y/n leaned down and licked up
Y/n then encased Levi’s lips with his own, his tongue twirling in Levi’s mouth as he pounded him with his cock
Feeling his end near and knowing it wouldn’t take much for Levi to cum again, Y/n picked him up so that Y/n was now kneeling in an upright position on the bed and levi was bouncing on his cock
Levi screamed loud in pleasure as this new position allowed Y/n’s head to hit his prostate dead on with every thrust
Levi felt his orgasm build yet again and couldn’t help but cry from the pleasure
Y/n bounced Levi faster on his cock, watching as tears fell from his lovers face and moans of pain and pleasure left his lips
Levi cried as his cock ached, “I can’t, Y/n please no more, can’t”
“Yes you can baby, you’re almost there. Just one more, you can do it I know you can”
Levi whimpered and hid his face in Y/n’s neck as he was filled with a combination of pain and pleasure, his cock ached for release and his mind clouded with need
Levi was confused, he didn’t know if he wanted more or not. The thought of cumming again made his cock twitch in pain but the thought of stopping now made him wanna scream in frustration
He was relying solely on Y/n right now to decide what to do, and it was clear what he chose
One more.
Levi cried and begged Y/n to stop but Y/n knew that’s not what Levi really wanted. They had a safe word and Levi hadn’t used it yet so Y/n continued to push Levi’s body for just one more orgasm
Y/n bounced Levi on his cock and as soon as he saw Levi’s eyes start to roll he quickly wrapped his hands around Levi’s swollen cock and stroked him
“That’s it baby, cum for me~ that’s it, such a good boy you are~”
Levi’s balls drew up and his cock twitch but nothing came out, he moaned so loud he was sure everyone could hear him but he didn’t care
His ass tightened around Y/n’s cock causing him to cum with just a few more thrusts, filling levi full
Y/n gently laid Levi down as they both caught their breath
Levi was completely gone, he saw nothing but stars and clouds. His body felt like it was floating and it was by far his best orgasm yet. He didn’t even care how messy the bed he was laying on was right now, he couldn’t think about anything
He was completely at peace. And was soon able to fall into the deepest, best sleep he’s ever had.
They’re definitely doing this at least one more time.
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honeytama · 5 days
I’ll Take You On
Matt Dierkes x Musician!Fem!Reader
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A/N: A little one shot based off a thought I had the other day. I cleaned it up and included it in the fic. Also, tysm to @exitwoundsx for matching my freak and sharing her Matt thoughts with me to make this!
Summary: Matt physically defends you from a nasty group of men at your impromptu meet and greet. The sight turns you on, and he notices. He can’t help but give you exactly what you want.
Content and Warnings: Some sfw and smut 18+, physical altercation, sexting, masturbation, use of “daddy”, oral (receiving), fingering, raw p in v, creampie, Matt being insufferable ofc
Word Count: 2.4k
You’re touring with your band alongside Bad Omens. After a show one night, you decide to stay outside behind the venue to talk with fans and take pictures.
Matt happens to be off to the side watching you laugh and smile with a bunch of people wearing your merch. He’s so proud of you and he loves the way you throw your head back in laughter at some of the things fans say to you, but he would never admit that.
It’s fun for everyone until a small group of guys approach you. You’re sweet to them, as always, believing they just wanted a pictures, but they start to flirt, get handsy, and they won’t let go of your wrist.
Matt watches you grow more uncomfortable and rushes to you after he hears, “We paid so much money to be here, you could at least give us your number… or a good time,” come out of one of the guys mouths.
“The fuck did you just say? Get the fuck away from her before I beat your fucking ass,” Matt asserts.
You step back in surprise and watch as Matt shoves the loser in the chest causing the him to stumble against his friends. The guy’s friends push Matt back until he loses it and starts throwing punches to their cheekbones.
Honestly, it turns you on watching him fight for you, but your thrills aren’t worth him getting arrested.
“Matty, c’mon!” You put your hands on his shoulders to pull him out. He finds your face and sees you’re okay before backing out of the fight with you. He wraps his arm around your waist, leading you onto your tour bus.
“Damn, Matt, you’re like my own personal bodyguard,” you laugh, coming down from your adrenaline rush.
Matt shows off by flexing his biceps for you, “Anything for you, Y/N. Just say the word. I haven’t got to use these in a hot minute.”
Fuck, your eyes get wide and you look away to hide the hot blush that creeps up your neck to your cheeks.
“Welp, goodnight, Matty,” you rush to the back of the bus to get ready for bed.
“Don’t call me that,” he points at you before heading toward the door.
A feeling causes him to stop in his tracks and linger. He turns to you and catches the moment you pull your pants down your legs thinking he’s already left.
Blood rushes to his cock and he saves the view of your thighs and ass for later. Matt leaves quietly with you none the wiser.
Later that night in your bunk, you’re unable to sleep and your phone buzzes in your hand as you scroll through Twitter.
Matt’s name pops up at the top of your screen with the message, Attachment: 1 Image.
Excited at the thought of talking with him after tonight, you quickly open his message and are met with a surprise.
I thought you might appreciate this, Matt texts.
A selfie. Him, shirtless, in his underwear in the mirror of the Bad Omens tour bus… flexing his biceps and chest just for you. Matt’s dark eyes make direct contact with the camera.
Your eyes trail down his chest to his groin and you can’t but zoom in to the prominent dick print in his gray underwear.
You startle when he sends another text, almost right away.
See you in the morning.
Oh, fuck, you think.
You lie there in bed for what feels like an eternity just thinking about why he sent this to you.
Do you compliment him? Should you send him something back? Is he mocking you for ogling him earlier? Is he already asleep and it didn’t matter what you did, anyway?
You calm yourself before peaking out of the curtain of your bunk to check on the rest of your band. The coast is clear as everyone is fast asleep.
Facing your phone camera to your chest, you adjust the neckline of your tank top to expose the tops of your breasts and push them in as much as possible with your biceps. The flash of your phone goes off and you're left with a glorious picture of your cleavage.
You send him the picture immediately, knowing you’d back out of it if you thought about it anymore.
Your chest is so hot. Do you like mine? You text.
You wait… and wait. Your breath hitches when the three dots pop up on your screen to signify him responding.
Take it off, and then I’ll let you know, he texts.
You bite your lip and your hand mindlessly makes it to your nipple to roll it in between your fingers.
Fuck it.
You clumsily sit up in your bunk to pull your tank off of your torso. With your tits now bare and nipples peeking from the bus’ chilled air conditioning, you lie back down and ready your camera again.
You hit send.
You follow directions well, huh? Nice tits, he sends back.
He sends you two other photos.
The first one is a picture of him in his bunk, still in his underwear, but with his hand wrapping tight around his clothed, hard shaft. The second is a photo of the same hand underneath the front of his underwear grabbing himself.
You liked that I stuck up for you earlier tonight. Couldn’t keep your eyes off of me, Matt messages.
You throw your phone to the side and yank your pajama shorts down to your ankles. Your hands trail down your chest to your pubic mound as you spread your legs. Your fingers press languid circles on your clit over your panties. You point your phone at your fingers dipping underneath to your clit and the photo captures the prominent wet spot forming on your underwear.
Mhm, thank you for protecting my pussy from those scary boys. Very Daddy of you, you teasingly send with your photo.
You wait some more, slightly proud of yourself that he might be writhing in his bed fifty feet away from you.
You gulp at his next response.
A video. The thumbnail is his cock in his right hand and his cotton briefs pulled down just enough for his dick to be released.
You press play and the video overtakes the surface of your screen. Matt’s pink tip is slick with his arousal. He strokes himself and with every stroke, his precum makes a clicking sound in his hand.
“Y/N, oh, fuck,” he moans, “That pussy is fucking mine.”
You’re bold for moaning my name out loud, you text back.
Nobody’s here. They got a hotel for the night and I’m watching the bus. Come over, he responds.
Should you? You think.
Now, he sends it right after.
You leave the rest of your clothes in your bed, get down from your bunk, and grab your silk robe that hangs on the bathroom door.
You tiptoe through the bus to not wake the others and you put on your slippers before rushing out into the alleyway.
It was a short wait at the Bad Omens’ tour bus door. Matt opened it for you and pulled you in quickly before pulling the door closed and locking it.
You two stood in their tour bus in silence in front of one another; both of you vulnerable in just a simple garment. His boxer briefs and your robe.
Matt steps toward you and puts his hand on the back of your neck, pulling you into your first kiss with him. He’s rough, but you gradually meet his pace. He pokes his tongue through your lips to test the water and you meet his tongue amicably. You step forward between his legs and grind on this thigh that’s between yours.
“Why have you never said you liked me?” You ask in between kisses.
“Who says I like you?” He groans.
Matt’s hands explore your body for the first time. They travel under the curve of your ass, down your back, to your hips and breasts, again, and again. Until his hands come to the front of your robe to undo its bow tie.
He pulls away to watch your robe fall off your shoulders into a puddle on the floor.
“So fucking pretty,” he whispers before falling to his knees in front of you. He switches his hat backward before dipping his face to your core. “You keep it wet just for me?”
That stupid hat is still on, you think, you hate to admit that you loved that quirk about him.
Matt lifts your leg over his shoulder and you grab his head for balance.
“Matt, oh, God!” You throw your head back and moan.
He attaches his lips to your clit; he sucks and also takes the time to give your clit meticulous circles with his tongue. His open hand is brought to your pussy lips, rubbing your arousal around before dipping into your cunt with two fingers. You adjust to them quickly and he uses a come hither motion while pumping in and out of you.
The sound of your moans and pussy squelching fills the dark, empty bus. You attempt to grind on his face, but he holds your hips in place.
He looks up at you through his eyelashes. “Don’t drip on my floors, Y/N,” he asserts.
“Matt,” you moaned his name with furrowed brows. You despised how much you liked him, yet all you wanted was to follow his instructions.
Suddenly, Matt pulls away and stands. You whine from being left empty and he silences you with a kiss. His hands attach themselves to your hips and gradually push you to the black leather couch on the side of the bus.
You sit and are met with the sight of the tent made by Matt's hard cock in his briefs.
“I would have you suck me off but, what I want…” he brings his waistband down and his dick springs out, “Is to fuck you until I’m all you can think about.”
You nod, “I want you so bad.”
“Good,” he smiles. He leans over and presses you onto the couch with a passionate kiss. Matt folds your legs to your chest and holds your thighs down with his hands.
Matt rubs his cock in between your folds repeatedly, only slightly entering his tip into your hole with each pass.
“Matt, no more teasing,” you breathe out.
“What did you call me earlier, Y/N?” He tilts his head tauntingly.
“What?” You ask, dizzy from his hard tip passing back and forth over your clit.
Oh, you think, Fuck him.
“Tell me who’s pussy this is,” He commands.
You moan before responding, “Yours, Daddy.”
How did you find yourself in this situation? You think.
“Good girl,” he smiles while pressing his length into you. With the position you’re in, he takes long, balls-deep strokes, but not as fast as you would like.
“Fuck me, please,” you moan.
“Oh? You want more?” He taunts, again.
“Yes, please,” you whine. “I need your cock, Daddy,”
He grants your wish and presses your legs deeper into your breasts while continuing with faster thrusts. The sound of his hips slapping your cunt bounces off the walls of the bus.
You chant “please” and “thank you” and “fuck”, so much that your throat becomes dry.
“This pussy is mine, all mine,” Matt moans. “No other man is fortunate enough to have you.”
You recall earlier that night when he fought the group of men that were tormenting you. Slowly, you realize that his actions were not him being chivalrous, but that he just wanted you all to himself.
Tears well up in your eyes at how good his cock feels against your walls. His tip hits the most perfect spot inside each time he plunges into you.
“I want you to cum so badly, Daddy, please keep going,” you cry.
Matt pauses and gives you a dark look. He allows his cock to exit before asking, “Where should my cum go?”
You smile up at him and pat the entrance to your pussy with your open hand, “Here.”
He smiles proudly and your heart melts as his eyes’ crow’s feet show in the moonlight.
He presses into you again and continues to please you, happily. The squelching of his cock pressing your arousal into your cunt gets louder and you realize your time to cum is near, too.
“Cum on my dick, Y/N,” Matt notices, too.
“Ooo, yes, Daddy,” you moan while making direct eye contact with him. The rush of your orgasm flows over you and mentally you thank him for his cock in ecstasy.
With you, he spills his full load into your pussy. He writhes and yells out your name with his release.
You feel the heat from his cum gradually overtaking your insides. You whine when he finally withdraws from you and watch as he gives a few last pumps to his cock to get every last drop of his cum onto your weeping hole.
“Hold still,” he turns his hat back to its regular position and quickly goes toward his bunk. You lie there on your back with his cum deep inside of you.
He returns soon after with his phone in his hand. He stands in front of you with his phone pointed at your used pussy.
Realizing his plan, you bite your lip and push out as much of his load out of you. You hear it drip onto the polished hardwood of the bus.
Matt, with wide eyes, snaps a flash photo of your creampie.
“So fucking cute,” he grunts. “But, God, damn it, I told you not to drip on my floors,” he laughs.
“Oh, fuck off, Matty,” you blush and close your legs.
The afternoon after your late-night tryst with Matt, your band is performing a sound check for that night’s show.
Your phone buzzes in your pocket and you stop playing your guitar to answer it.
Again, it was a text, from Matt.
Attachment: 1 Image.
You open it mindlessly, but immediately hug your phone to your chest after reading his message.
It was the photo of your filled, sopping cunt. His cum oozing out of your hole.
He texts you, Missing this. Let’s do it again soon.
Your phone buzzes again, Also, you sound great. Or is that just me being great at what I do?
You look up from your phone over to the sound deck across the floor.
Matt smirks teasingly with his phone in his hand.
You give him an annoyed look and roll your eyes.
He sends one last message, I meant in bed by the way. When you're moaning on my dick :-)
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imawkwardlysoc · 1 year
meet me in the pouring rain
Tumblr media
Song- Sparks Fly by Taylor Swift
Paring- bob floyd x bradshaw! gn! reader
Warning(s)- Just pure fluff! Also Nick and Carole are alive in this because I said so.
Wordcount- 1,039
Summary- Reader has always been a hopeless romantic and has always wanted to share a kiss in the rain.
“I’m so tired of dating!” I announced myself as I walked into my childhood home to see some of the Dagger Squad there.
“What happened?” Bradley handed me a bottle of beer.
“How come when I set the bar so low for these guys,” I sat down in the open spot on the couch next to Bob, who I greeted with a smile. “Like the bar is six feet under the ground, but they somehow manage to go under it. Like how? I literally lowered my standards for these dates.”
“How do you even find these guys?” Phoenix asked.
“Tinder,” I saw everyone wince as my answer. “I know. I know. A twenty eight year old still using Tinder.”
“Come on Chickadee, you’ll find your prince or princess charming one day,” Coyote gave me a smile.
“Hopefully,” I sighed and sipped on my beer. “I just want the same love that Mom and Dad have. It also doesn’t help that I’m a hopeless romantic with high standards. Just dropping everything you’re doing just to dance in the rain like Mom and Dad did. Where are they anyways?”
“Went on a triple date with Mav, Penny, Ice, and Sarah,” my brother replied.
“Ah, welp I’m gonna head to bed now,” I placed my empty beer bottle down. “Have a busy day tomorrow writing people’s memoirs.”
“Night, go romanticize those people’s decent lives,” Roo chuckled before giving me a kiss on my forehead.
Saying goodnight to everyone else, I headed upstairs to my room.
“Hey, I’m gonna drop off lunch for your father, brother, and everyone else in the squad,” Mom poked her head in my room. “Wanna come with?”
“Sure,” I nodded my head. “Let me wrap this last paragraph up and change.”
Mom nodded her head and left my room. Wrapping up my last paragraph, I saved and closed my laptop before getting up from my chair. Putting on a pair of jeans, a t-shirt, and a cardigan, I slipped on my glasses after fixing my hair. Grabbing the wrapped book, I slid it in my bag before throwing it over my shoulder. Walking down the stairs, I grabbed one of the trays and carried them to the car. With two trays of pasta, a tray of sweets, and a tray with veggies and fruits, we started to make our way to base.
Showing our IDs, we were let through and parked in one of the parking spots. Carrying the trays of food, we looked up at the sky.
“I have a feeling it’s going to rain,” Mom said.
“More like a sprinkle probably,” I shrugged my shoulders. “But if it does, I’m going to be so happy.”
“What’s with your love for rain? We barely get some down here,” Mom quizzed.
Rain has always felt calming to me. The tiny droplets hitting my window just makes me feel more relaxed. I’m also able to relax more while working on my writing if it rains. If I’m not working, the feeling of being wrapped up in a blanket on the couch while drinking a cup of hot chocolate and watching a movie feels just right. Also the thought of kissing your loved one and dancing with them in the rain is one thing that I want to experience.
“Is Y/N talking about her love for the rain again?” Rooster joked as we placed the trays of food down on one of the desks.
“And you are not getting any food,” I told my brother, jokingly.
“Y/N, Bradley, play nice,” Dad told us.
“Dad,” we wined.
We saw our parents let out a laugh and shook their heads in regret for deciding to have us. Soon all of us filled up our plates and ate.
“Oh, I have something for you,” I told Bob while reaching into my bag. “Here.”
“What is this?” His eyebrows furrowed as I handed him the book.
“Open it,” I answered.
Placing his empty plate down on the floor, he started to unwrap the book I got him. With a smile forming on his face, I looked at his reaction when he saw what I got for him.
“Wait, is this?” He looked at me.
“Yeah, all of the original stories and sonnets of Shakespear in his own words in one book. Also with no translations,” I nodded my head. “I finally got all of my stuff that I bought and shipped from my month-long trip in Europe.”
“Thank you,” Bob hugged me.
“It’s no problem,” I hugged back and smiled.
We talked for a couple of minutes before I heard the sound of raindrops hitting the ground. Getting up from my seat, I threw away my plate and walked out of the hanger into the rain, ignoring the looks everyone was giving me. Looking up at the sky with my arms wide open, I felt the droplets tap my skin in an irregular rapid pattern.
Soon, I felt someone’s arm wrap around me and spun me. Looking away from the sky, I saw Bob in front of me giving me a smile. Letting out a joyful laugh, the both of us danced ignoring the looks we’ve been getting from everyone. We both let out a laugh as it started to pour down on us.
“Hi,” I smiled as he dipped me.
“Hi,” he smiled back.
I gently placed my hand on his cheek and moved my head up to his lips. Bringing me back up from the dip, I wrapped my arms around his neck while his arms were wrapped around my waist. Our lips slowly moved in sync as I felt my stomach flutter. Detaching our lips, I saw the blushing on his face and I could feel mine.
“Wanna go on-?” We asked at the same time.
“Sure,” we answered.
*Meanwhile in the hanger*
Hangman- Did that just?
Coyote- Yeah, it did. All this time Bob had game?
Fanboy- That’s really romantic, I like it.
Goose- Look if he hurts them.
Rooster- Dad, Bob wouldn’t even hurt a fly. They’re in good hands.
Carol- Besides, they look happy with him. Also, doesn’t this look familiar?
*The couple looks at their youngest and the WSO*
Goose- Yeah, yeah it does.
A/N- It is cannon that Bob is a Speak Now and Lover stan and is a hopeless romantic. Change my mind. Also this is gonna be a mini series with two other songs so stay tuned!
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secretkittywolf · 5 months
High Life
Chapter 4
Cleo collapses onto the velvet chaise couch. It is a shade of red; burgundy, they assume. "So why exactly did you lie to me back there?" Asks Ren. "L- Lie?! What are you on about?" "Cleo, I'm a dog hybrid, remember? I can tell that you're lying by your scent" "Oh... Right. Well yes. I did lie. You see, Pearl nearly punched me because I stopped her forcing Gem to dance, since it was making her uncomfortable" They admit. "I see... An enemy on the first day, huh?" He chuckles. "Yeah... Looks like we are" the atmosphere grows quiet as the only sound that can be needed is the crackle of the nearby fire. "You got a fireplace?!" Ren looks up. "You dont?" "No I don't! I didn't even notice until now!" "You literally watched me light it!" "Did I?" "Yes!" The two look at each other before laughing.
"I'm such an idiot" she chuckles as Ren grins, tail wagging. They sigh, looking out of the window. The city was lit up and it looked mesmerising. "Hey, fancy staying the night?" He offers the zombie. "Sure. I'd like the company" Cleo undid her bun, letting their hair flow down their back. Ren gets up and bids Cleo a goodnight before heading to the suite. She sighs, taking off her tie, coat and shoes. They walk over and draw the curtains close before grabbing a blanket off the side of the couch and lying down. Even though, they don't need to sleep, it's sometimes quite nice and it relaxed her. They shut their eyes and the room was filled with crackles from the fire and Ren's snoring, which didn't bother Cleo.
Outside, Scar, Grian, Skizz, Pearl, Gem and Scott bid their goodbyes to Martyn and start heading to their penthouses. "Hey" "What?" "Is the moon big?" "......... That's it. I'm going to bed" "Wait Grian!" Calls out Scar. "Nope. We're not doing this again, goodnight Scar!" Grian begins to walk faster. Huffing with annoyance, Scar goes after him, limping closer to the avian. "Grian!" "No. Go away, Scar. I'm heading to bed" "But Grian-" "What?!" He turns, puffing out his chest and flapping his wings. "But doesn't it look slightly bigger?" Grian gives up and looks. "It's the same, Scar. This isn't season 8 okay? Now, goodnight" The parrot hybrid opens his wings and takes off into the night sky. Scar watches as he gets smaller and smaller. "Welp. Worth a shot. Night guys!" Scar waves goodnight to the other and heads to his penthouse as the sound of his came clicking gets quieter and quieter. "Does anyone know what that was about?" Asks Scott, breaking the silence. "I don't fancy talking about it. Night!" Replies Pearl, walking away. "Night guys. I'll talk about it with you tomorrow Scott, okay?" "Yeah that's fine, Gem. You okay though?" Gem hugs herself.
"I'm okay Scott. Anyways night you two!" She smiles and waves. Skizz and Scott stood in awkward silence for a bit as they watch Gem leave. "So" "So..." The two look at each other. "Would you like me to walk you home?" Skizz offers. "Sure... I guess" The two start walking, the air around them getting thicker due to how uncomfortable this all was. "Are you sure that you're okay, Scott?" "Not this again" "I- It's just that earlier I-" Scott rolls his eyes and kisses Skizz. The angel was taken aback, but returns the kiss. "Everything's fine, okay. You've got nothing to worry about" Scott says softly, after breaking the kiss. "Promise?" "I promise" Skizz smiles at Scott, brushing a strand of hair out of his boyfriends face. The two continue walking in less awkward silence as Scott stopped outside a building. "Night Skizz" "Night. I love you" Scott 's eyes widen slightly. "I love you too, Skizz" He heads inside. Despite saying "I love you" back, Skizz couldn't help but feeling that Scott didn't mean it.
Back at Ren's penthouse, Cleo shifts on the couch, turning to their side. Ren also moves as a figure appears at the window. They slowly open it and climb in. They stand over Ren as he senses that someone's watching him. He opens his eyes and gasps as a gunshot rings out. Cleo jumps with a start, fully awake. "Ren?! REN!" Loud clatters come from Ren's room as a couple more gunshots could be heard. The suite door bursts open as Ren runs over to Cleo. "Cleo, I need you to leave now" "Ren-" "There's no time! Please go" The cloaked figure picks up a lamp and launches it at the two. Ren grabs it before it hits them and throws it back. It misses, hitting and breaking against the wall behind the figure. Cleo scrambles and grabs her stuff, places it into their inventory, before heading to the doorway. The figure noticed and blocks the exit. Cleo frowns before punching them but they grab a hold of their hand. She uses her free hand to pull down the hood. They gasps as Doc glares.
"Get off her! They're not a part of this and you know it!" Ren and Doc start to fight each other as Cleo can only watch in shock. Doc grabs his gun again, aiming at Ren but the dog hybrid, grabs a hold it and throws it aside. Doc shoves Ren and he smirks, watching him tumble back and off the couch. Ren stares at the fire before grabbing a log. He gets up quickly and used it as a weapon. Doc grabs a hold of it with his metal arm before throwing them both onto the couch. "You know I have to do this" "But why now?" "It's better to get this over and done with" They wrestle and the burning log falls from Doc's grasp and onto the couch as the two roll off and hit the floor. It's immediately engulfed in flames. "My couch!" Ren received a punch to the face and he shoved Doc off, scrambling over to Cleo. He's down to five hearts as the fire starts to spread. Doc's eye widens as he turns and jumps out of the window. "We need to leave!" The two run to the bubble elevator and head down. Soon enough, the top of the building is fully on fire as they make it out safely.
Helicopter blades are soon heard as Grian flies it over the building, dropping a large amount of water over it. He knew that adding a fire station would be not only realistic, but also handy. It flies away as both Ren and Cleo hold on to each other. "What was that about?!" "Ren! Cleo!" They turn to see everyone running towards them. "What happened?" "Doc" says Ren. Bdubs frowns. He understood the situation. Cleo hugs Scott. Their shaken figure holds him close. "You want to stay at mine?" "Bdubs, it won't be safe-" "But it would be better. Plus it will make planning a whole lot easier" Ren sighs and nods before making his way over to Cleo. "Hey" She hugs him. "It's okay now. Go home or stay with Scott" "What about you?" "Bdubs has offered me a couch to sleep on" They smile and takes Scott's hand and head home. The others soon leave, talking about what just happened. "Ready to go?" Ren looks at his building. Smoke fills the sky as the whole penthouse was burnt down. "Yeah. I'm ready" As the two walk, Ren pulls out his book and looks over his backstory.
"You and Bdubs are hitmen, hired to kill Doc and Etho by an unknown player. You four have been going back and forth, neither of you have succeeded in taking them out.
Your motive? Kill either Doc or Etho"
A longer one but I definitely had fun writing this! Doc & Etho have the same task as Ren & Bdubs but they have to kill the other two. A slight Scott/Skizz cute moment! Also ship name ideas are welcome cause I got nothing
Also link to my pinned post if you want to read the ao3 version or the first part of you see this first!
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punsmaster69 · 8 months
papyrus seems to believe me a little more when i say that i feel better now, but he still insisted that i stay in today.
being in the house all day, it was easy to notice something was.. different.
every shelf? organized.
not a speck of dust anywhere..
even the mess that usually is my room was suddenly clean.
seems like papyrus needs to stay in just as much as i do today.
hands on his hips, paps stood proudly in the center of our living (now turned giant pillow fort).
chucking a spare pillow, i hit papyrus square in the chest.
after smacking another one at his head, he accepted my challenge.
papyrus grabbed a small pillow, and hurled it at me.
we threw pillows back and forth for a little while, at least until i had to tap out.
"i admit defeat...."
"this is the end for me..."
he seemed less than enthused about me faking my death, so i sat up off the floor.
"welp. that's that, then."
"what now?"
"does this mean i'm ungrounded now?"
digging our folding chairs out from the closet, we set up on the balcony.
temporarily sacrificing a wall of the fort, me and paps wrapped ourselves together in a blanket while facing the sun.
the surface is pretty nice sometimes.
"what's that one supposed to be?"
paps said we should unroll our sleeping bags to hang out and sleep in the pillow fort.
we ended up taking turns holding a flashlight at the ceiling and making shadow puppets, so the sleeping part has been postponed.
papyrus moved his fingers to make it look like his shadow dragon's mouth was opening and closing.
"definitely see it now."
i passed the flashlight to him.
"i've got one."
a vaguely dog-like silhouette was formed after some struggling.
"probably the best one you're getting outta me."
papyrus yawned, making me yawn in turn.
"callin' it a night?"
i'd already tucked into my sleeping bag before realizing.
" 'night, paps."
he clicked off the flashlight.
"bro.. i'm- i'm trying, but you keep laughing and it's just making it worse again."
barely anything would happen, and we'd get thrown into another laughing fit.
he covered his face with his hands, still shaking with laughter.
"it's too late for this-"
"what do taller people do in bed?"
"sleep longer."
we tried to keep it in, but failed.
"you don't have it your bones to."
"you're smiling though."
it's a miracle we got any sleep at all, honestly.
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orangelemonsstuff · 2 years
my friend originally had this idea, too bad she dont have a Tumblr acc but credits still goes to her for this idea
Goodnight Argument
Jack x GN!Reader
Summary: You and Jack had an argument, you don't want to see his face tonight so you decided to sleep on your couch. Jack felt alone sleeping with himself
Tis pure fluff
furious, you slam the door to your shared bedroom close aggressively as you walk out leaving Jack stunned and alone in your room
your steps were thumping on the wooden floor and the staircase intentionally making loud noises to say you are way too damn upset
a disagreement between you and jack that turned into a heated argument left you upset
you click your tounge as you sat down on the couch, arms crossed and eyebrows furrowed, the burning irritation inside you was slowly calming down
well you guess he's going to sleep alone tonight--
wait that was your room too
dammit you scewed up
you clearly didn't mean to walk out of your room leaving the man you had an argument with on it
you do want to go back in there but your pride won't take it and doing so was just basically proving Jack's point about you
if not the second one, then it'll be just awkward for the two of you sleeping in the same bed after what happened, probably just had your body turn the opposite of each other, maybe later in the night your bodies would suddenly cuddle out of spite probably missing the warmth of the other
waking up on that would be even more awkward, you will not know if you want to pull away or let it be, otherwise it'll still leave you two not talking to each other through the day
with overthinking those scenarios, you decided to sleep in the couch tonight, although you can't just barge in and get the pillows and blanket for more comfort
welp you'd just have to bear with it
one night of uncomfortable sleep in the sofa would be enough for you to cool off to be able to share a bed with him again
you sigh, you lay your head in the arm facing off the fireplace. why can't we have the tv down here? you want to at least pass your boredom
ah yeah, that's right Jack wanted the tv upstairs so the two of you could doze off on shitty tv shows while close to each other, specifically when he can't sleep without some noises in the background or without you, It was pretty sweet. maybe it's not too late to say sorry to hi--
keep it together, he reap what he sow with the quarrel and sleeping separately for a few days isn't that hard but if he makes up to you tomorrow you might just as well sleep with him again next night
yawning you felt the worn out tiredness seeping in, you need to sleep for now then wake up next day after tomorrow next to him.
You were too prideful
Really? walking out of a room on a argument? you were childish than what he thought
he huffs out in frustration, scratching the back of his neck to relieve the seething itch
Jack was just trying to share his point of view, he didn't exactly want to start this big fight with you
but alas, your pride and his ego crashed through each other like opposing waves, battling a debate leaving both of you mad at each other
it has been alot of minutes since you left the room, you didn't seem to leave the house though, he didn't hear you opening the front door and leaving with the grunting you make as you go down the stairs
he figured you were too upset at him
and you don't seem to be coming back anytime soon to get a goodnight rest besides him
he lets out a sigh, you two don't argue that often so tonight's going to be different without you
he walked over to the lightswitch, flipping it off to darken the room he needed to feel comfortable enough to sleep even with himself only
he turned away from your side of the bed he's way too guilty to even take uo your space he shifted to find comfort in his own warmth making the neat sheets wrinkle in his movements, his eyes followed the clock's hand, its the time both of you would hover to each other and watch those...crappy game shows together
he tossed and turned around, his large hand placing on the empty space missing on a body he used cradle in his arms, he was used to doing this and you would always let him... he is clearly used to you just being besides him
he tossed and turned around again, seeking out something, someone to make this night bearable
he could do this, he is used sleeping alone before so why now? he should just close his eyes and let be drifted away in the darkness of rest
he turned around again doing the sane thing earloer by putting his hand onto a missing waist he used hold on
this is messing him up
two hours have passed and he did the same process over and over again till he can't take it anymore
he stood up from the bed and took a long inhale and exhaled indifferently. the room smells alone with his scent
dammit he misses you
just for this night he would swallow his ego just for you, hopefully you could do the same with your pride so he would get his good-night rest
it's not that going to be hard just-- he just wishes you would be alright for this in the morning and be asleep by now
He's here
you hear creaking of the floorboard rhymed with light steps of a large footed wolf beastman
he's probably going for a water or something, you two fought it's none of your business to go check on him, still, you are just a bit curious what he'll do actually
the footsteps are getting nearer and closer to you
your eyes were still closed yet your senses can feel his presence, of course you were not asleep yet with a lot in your mind after the lovers quarrel between you two. or maybe because you can't sleep without Jack either
a lot of time you two spend, you were used being next to each other at this home, breakfast, lunch or dinner even nights you two stay up for no dumb reason.
yeah... you missed him.
you felt his figure gets to you and bent down a little moving a bit closer to your face, you kept your eyes closed thinking the phrase "what does he want? is he going to wake me up to say sorry or start it agai--" as your thoughts were interrupted by his hands going underneath your thighs and the other to your nape
he's carrying you in a bridal style
you've figured he's going to move you in your room so you could sleep comfortably
he held you close next to his soft clothed chest making you hear every muffled pound of his hearbeat god you want to cling to him so bad, just to hang both of your arms to his neck and lean in closer to hear it clearer and feel his warmth more but you can't do that, you're asleep right now is what he knows
he might had a point earlier, maybe you were just a tiny bit prideful, you should consider yourself lucky with a guy like Jack being on your side, and you do you are way more grateful than anything to have him.
his footsteps to the creaking wooden staircase were light for a heavy guy like him, still holding you close like a treasure he always have kept
he reached the top of the stairs and walked in to the room, plopping you down immediately at the bed, a grunt escaping him as you plopped down on the bed
ah yes the soft and smooth mattress hitting your skin was more comfortable than the rough plushed texture of the sofa, you rolled over to the other side (Jack's side of bed) to feel his left warmth by laying down alone earlier
this is bliss.
Jack wasn't aware you were smiling to yourself because of you facing the other side making him think you're still upset to him (you're not) even in sleeping so what he did was also lay down besides you to your side of the bed before and face the other way opposing you, like fighting couple on a bed scene where they turn to each other to express how upset they were
not feeling Jack's hand the same way it was always put on your waist to pull you close to snuggle up, you instead turned over and put your whole arm barely wrapping over his big muscular body
you opened your eyes, peeking a bit for his reaction, you see his wolf ears flinch a bit and his cheeks tinted a bit red
he maybe upset or not, be too embarrassed to hug you back, but you'll keep doing this till he's content and as a sorry at your side.
a/n: finally done this b was sitting on my drafts for few days lol, shout out to my friend who we gonna call HanaLemon she just spewing out ideas right into my head idk what to do sometimes
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autizmoeddiemunson · 2 years
Soft- part five
Steddie, little Steve, cg Eddie
Part four part six
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Eddie checked his watch, 8pm. The doctor told him not to let Steve fall asleep until midnight. “Welp, four hours until you’re allowed to sleep, whatcha wanna do?” Eddie asked fondly.
They headed back upstairs and sat on the carpet. Eddie dumped out his backpack, it was full of books, art supplies, and various other trinkets & kits. They played add on for a bit on a sheet of paper, eventually creating a skeleton knight with a flaming sword battling monsters. They hung out and talked for hours. Not much in the backpack stuck out to Steve, except for one thing. He was shy to ask if he could see it but with how close he felt to him after these last few days, he figured he might as well just pick it up.
He picked up and examined a plush bat. It was mostly black & dark grey with a few details in red. “Ya’ like it?” Eddie asked when he saw him admiring it. The soft fabric felt wonderful in his fingers, he would hug the thing now if he weren’t being watched. He nodded and smiled, rubbing the fur against his cheek. “Wait, lemme see it.” Eddie asked. Steve handed him the plush and watched as he grabbed a box from the pile and turned away from him.
“Close your eyes and put out your hands!” Eddie said after a minute, turning a bit to see if he was, when he saw that he had done it he placed the bat into his hands. “Ok, open!” He said.
Steve didn't immediately notice the alteration, until he opened the bats right wing. Eddie had quickly stitched a heart with ‘S + E’ inside it in red thread. Steve’s heart swelled, an uncontrollable joy on his face. “Do you like it?” Eddie asked anxiously. Steve damn-near tackled him in a hug, bursting out in a fit of giggles when Eddie surprised him with a kiss.
“He’s amazing.” Steve panted out, absolutely gleaming. Eddie gladly returned it, delighted by the boy personifying the bat. “Not as amazing as you, angel.” He punctuated his sentence with a kiss to Steve’s cheek. He was absolutely infatuated with him, he wished this moment could go on forever.
Steve was getting softer as the time passed. Eddie watched Steve draw, laying on the carpet, while he did check-ins for him. “Where’s Steve?” Dustin asked over the radio. Eddie realized he had never told the group. “He has a concussion, I’m taking care of him until he’s better.” He hoped the smile wasn’t apparent in his voice. “How the hell did he get a concussion?!” Dustin yelled, immediately concerned. “Quiet down, he still can’t handle loud noises. It was a pancake disaster.” He said, like that wouldn’t just raise more questions. “How the hell did you- Eddie, just tell Steve I'm dropping by tomorrow, ok?” He sounded frustrated but it was understandable. “Alright, fine, but bring Robin. I have to talk to her.” He said. “Ok, goodnight and make sure Steve doesn’t die or I’ll kill you.” Eddie chuckled and shut it off, turning his attention to the boy on the floor.
Steve felt warm & calm, the fuzzy feeling intensified but he was ok with it, dare he say ‘happy?’ He was laying on his stomach, happily drawing, bat under his arm & shirt collar in his mouth. He felt childlike but had never been more relaxed. He looked up at the other boy with glittering doe eyes as Eddie’s watch beeped. “Midnight! You’re allowed to sleep!” Eddie chirped, sitting on the floor in front of him. “You ready for bed, sweet boy?” He asked, caressing his face.
He stared up at him softly, raising his arms up as a way to ask to be carried. He gladly scooped him up, cradling him to his chest. Steve tucked his head into the other’s neck as he carried him to bed. Eddie bounced him lightly, earning an angelic giggle from the boy. They crawled into bed, Steve sat in the other’s lap, looking at him expectantly.
“What do you want, baby?” Eddie asked, tucking a strand of hair behind the boy’s ear. “Read to me?” He asked. Eddie reached over and grabbed the copy of Lord of the Rings he was reading earlier. “What page were you on?” He asked, positioning the book in front of them. “Page 10 I think.” Steve said, getting comfy.
Eddie began reading, doing all the voices, of course. Steve was only half listening, instead reading the notes & admiring the art Eddie had made. He read him to sleep, kissed his forehead, and allowed him to rest. “Goodnight, sweet boy.”
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thegoldfishkid13 · 8 months
Girls gone wild Sodapop x reader Modern AU
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Warnings: Drinking, smoking swearing?
AU: mordern
Word count: 771
Type: Unknown, fluffish
Sitting in the driver seat of your car, phone connected to the radio playing “Breakin’ Dishes” By Rihanna, arm resting out the window, the other with a cigarette in your hand. You pause the music to call Soda. 
  “Hello?” Soda sounds confused on why you're calling him.
  “ Do you have plans tonight?” You ask about taking a long drag from the now dead cigarette.
  “No, why?” He asked.
  “ Want to go out and drink?” You flicked the cigarette but out the window.
  “ I don’t really drink and you know that.” 
  “ Come onnnnn, you’re being no fun, like at all.” You tease him causing him to chuckle. “ Either you go or I go alone.” Trying to threaten to go with you.
  “ Welp sounds like you’re going alone, I have to work this morning.” He shifted so that the phone was closer to his mouth.
  “Well you’re no fun. But I love you and I will talk to you later.” You hung the phone up after he said he loved you back. Shifting the car into drive you took off towards your apartment to get ready to go out. Cherry Valance texted you asking what plans you had, and you told her that you were going out for drinks and that she was welcome to join if she wished. And she is coming and meeting at your apartment.
  You pulled into the parking lot and shifted the car into park and disconnected your phone and shut the car off. Getting out you saw Cherry waiting there already and she got out when she noticed you and the both of you walked into your apartment.
  “ How about this dress?” She held up a short red silk dress that had a slit in it and a swoop neck. You shook your head and grabbed a black dress that had a corset built in and was slightly short.
  “That’s really cute too, but I think I will go with the red dress.” She said turning to get started on her makeup.
  “ Well I will do the black then. So how are you and Bob doing?” You ask moving to stand next to her and grab a tube of Elf primer. 
  “ Same as always, drinking and then wanting to drive me everywhere and anywhere.” You chuckle at that.
  “What about you and Soda? Is he still acting like Prince Charming?” 
   “Cherry! You know he is. He is such a dream. A sweet thing.” 
   “ Are you going to corrupt the poor boy? He seems so incoccent.” She said, causing both of you to laugh. 
   “No…” Your voice trailed off.
  “Y/n! You have!” She laughed. She grabbed the bottle of foundation and applied some onto her fair skin. 
  The rest of the night before you guys went out was spent pre-gaming and dancing around to music before deciding to hit the town at 7:00pm. After that the rest of the night was a blur and you woke up in your living room with a bottle of Tito’s in one hand and your cigarettes in the other. Cherry was fast asleep on your bed and the start of a raging hangover started. Looking through social media there were pictures of you guys taken from friends and one captioned “Girls gone wild”. The picture of you was Cherry and Dallas dancing, but there was more happening between Cherry  and Dallas. You grab a bottle of Ibuprofen and text Soda that you made it home alright and that you didn’t remember much from the night before. He sent back pictures that must have been sent to him. This caused you to laugh and ask him where he got those. Dallas and Two-Bit sent them to him. Two people that you never expected to see at a Tulsa club. Those two would probably be at a country bar or something. You call it Soda.
  “Hi love how are you?”
  “I’m good, it looks like you had a goodnight last night.” He laughed.
  “Honestly I don’t even remember it. But I have a question for you.”
   “ Did you send Two-bit and Dallas to come and watch me and Cherry? Or am I just being paranoid?” You said causing him to laugh/
   “Yes, I don’t need you being labeled as the girl who went wild again. And I know how much you like drinking with them.” He said honestly.
   “You’re mean. I can handle myself.” You said jokingly, causing Soda to laugh. You both talked for a little more before Cherry woke up and you both went out to get breakfast, and then you spent the rest of the day sleeping.
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sil1y-guy · 3 months
Glimpse of loneliness
Chapter one
TW! Mention of gore/death
Mikey is washing the dishes, listening to his brothers rant, laughing along with some of the statements made. He finishes up, the time still early. His brothers yawn. "Welp, I'm heading to bed hermanos," leo says, getting out of his seat and stretching. "Same here" says donnatello, getting out of his seat aswell "I need my rest if I'm gonna finish that upgrade tommorow " he walks off to his lab. "Raph is tired aswell, goodnight mikey, get some sleep." Raph gives mikey a soft noogie than walks off yawning.
"How come they are all so tired? I'm not even sleepy at all!" Mikey says to himself. He walks off to his room, closing the door behind him to bask in his colorful lighting. He opens his computer to see if his friends are on any games or chatting in discord, but alas, they are all asleep. Mikey frowns at his loneliness, grabbing his sketchbook and pencils, hops in his hammock and doodles angrily.
The next morning, mikey wakes to a shockingly quiet household. Is he still dreaming? He hears the ticking of the clock pounding into his eardrums like scratching on a chalkboard. The dogs bark in the streets above, chasing street cats along the empty streets. Mikey goes to check his brothers room, only to find them all vacant. 'What the- did they go on patrol without me?' He thinks. He puts on his jacket, heading to the surface. Cars are everywhere, crashed into buildings, on telephone poles, inside of shops. He checks the cars to find any signs of life... again... nothing, IDs, Phones,Luggage... that's it. He jumps at sudden barking. He turns to find street dogs fighting over a dead corpse. He turns his nose up in disgust. What was going on?
This is based off of this poem I wrote when I was having a panic attack
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wellthebardsdead · 1 year
*Secrets part 2. Part 1 here*
Henwen: *wincing a little as Kaidan looks over his neck and wrist where dirge got his hands on him* is it bad?…
Kaidan: It looks bad… can’t really tell, Ive never seen another snow elf as a point of reference… but it looks like nightshade flowers against snow…
Henwen: It’s just bruised then… *sighs* why did you follow me?…
Kaidan: I wasn’t drunk. I was pretending to be, I saw those creeps eyeing you up all evening and when they followed you out I went after em. *huffs* I knew the thieves guild were a group of thugs but they really need to reconsider their recruiting method if they think grabbing people by their throats is appropriate… but, what did he mean by debt?…
Henwen: …when you were having a rest today he offered me some work… then asked me to plant a stolen ring on some poor guy… so I put it in his pocket instead and set the guards on him in front of everyone… must’ve really bruised his ego, heh…
Kaidan: *snickers* well, serves the bastard right but, you should have told me. Tonight could have ended very differently if I wasn’t on my toes… I don’t want to be known as the bastard who let the last dragonborn get killed. Never mind the last snow elf.
Henwen: I know, I-I’m sorry…
Kaidan: …hey… *places his hand to his shoulder* it’s okay… just… don’t wander far from me until I get you trained up a bit more yeah?…
Henwen: okay… *smiles up at him* we should go to bed… early rise tomorrow…
Kaidan: With how bruised up you are I say we move at whatever pace your comfortable with. But I agree, I want to get out of this town fast… *stands up and stretches as he walks to his bed* goodnight… Wendy.
Henwen: *still unsure of the nickname but too tired to argue it* goodnight, Kaidan…
*a few hours later*
Henwen: *blinks awake hearing whispering from outside his window* … *peers out to see shrouded figures staring at the blood on the ground from where Kaidan cut Dirge’s arm clean off*
???: Told Brynjolf to be careful, anyone who can outfox him shouldn’t be taken lightly.
???: yeah, Maul said to watch out for the big guy but I think Bryn underestimated just how big his companion really was. Let’s see if the face sculptor can reattach dirge’s arm. He’s lucky he didn’t lose his head while he was at it.
???: Shame it went so wrong. The lad had some real talent, the guild could’ve done great things with him. *sighs* Anyway, how’s about we grab a drink at the flagon after we give dirge his arm back? Ey vex?
Vex: shove off delvin or I’ll be shoving that arm somewhere you don’t want it to be. *walks off ahead*
Delvin: Oh come on I was only teasing!
Henwen: … *quietly watches them sneak off, almost undetectable, invisible* … *looks over at Kaidan*
Kaidan: *snoring like a bear*
Henwen: … *gets up and pulls on his robes hiding his face again* I’m sorry my friend… I can’t always rely on you to be there to keep me alive… I need to find a way to do that on my own… *tucks him in a little making the swordsman groan and roll over*
Kaidan: *still snoring, fast asleep* I didn’t mean to make the horkers stampedezzzzi just wanted a sandwich…
Henwen: *snickers and sneaks out of the room and downstairs before heading out of the tavern, slowly tailing the two thieves down into the ratway*
*Agonised screaming echoing from far off in the sewers*
Delvin: Welp take it dirge isn’t handling the pain well.
Vex: he lost an arm what did you expect? *waves the floppy appendage at the other thief before freezing in her tracks seeing movement in the shadows* whose there?!
Delvin: *heard Henwen following for a while now but was waiting for vex to notice, just smiles and turns around, hands out showing he’s unarmed* hey there lad, it’s alright, come out. No mean tricks ere.
Henwen: *slowly peers out, spear at the ready and covered in dried blood from the last frost troll he killed*
Vex: *reaches for her knife but stops as delvin glances at her*
Delvin: oi, no weapons. No force, just words. Let’s talk lad…
Henwen: *steps into the light of the torch hanging on the wall, bright blue eyes glimmering from under the shadow of his hood* okay… we talk…
Delvin: Okay lad… I’m guessing Brynjolf just plucked you off the street and threw you into the thick of it yeah? Wanted you to get your hands dirty immediately and wouldn’t let you back down?
Henwen: he wanted me to get an innocent man imprisoned…
Delvin: Aye, and your not one for that sort of work, I think he often forgets many members of the guild have different morals when it comes to their preferences for thieving. *snickers* The mans never done an honest days work in his life. But you, you’re a good lad, I can tell by the way you walk you’re young and cautious of the world too. But yet, your here. Why is that?
Henwen: I’m not a thief… I’ve never taken anything that didn’t belong to me in my life… but I know I can’t survive in this world without someone else’s help. Everyone is out to use me or… *shudders a little* never mind… but… I need to know how I can use them too. If I can’t protect myself with brute force then-
Delvin: protect yourself with information, and the shadows.
Henwen: *nods*
Delvin: Then I think the guild can help you after all lad. Come with me, we’ll talk a little more on the way.
Henwen: … *slowly puts his spear away and steps closer to follow*
Vex: …Y’know delvin I really question why we have Bryn bringing in new recruits when you can do so much better.
Delvin: Aw thanks vex, making me blush.
Vex: Say that again and I’ll hit you with dirges arm then make him hit you himself after it’s reattached!
*a few moments later*
Henwen: *walks into the flagon after delvin to hear the screaming now at full volume and yelling between two men*
Henwen: good I didn’t appreciate the bruising he left me.
Everyone: *shuts up so fast you could hear a pin drop before looking at the three as they enter*
Vex: I got the arm let’s get it back on his body.
Delvin: and I. Got us a new recruit. *pats Henwen on the back*
Brynjolf: I- what?!
Delvin: Maybe try communicating with potential new hires ey? Rather then randomly accosting them.
Henwen: *knowing there’s a massive risk to showing his identity but deciding it’s best to be honest amongst a den of thieves* Sorry for embarrassing you lot twice now but- *pulls back his hood showing his pretty snow elf face, his long white hair, and the now dark purple bruise on his neck* I’d say we’re even now, yeah?
Brynjolf: *nearly as red as his hairline* I-… aye.
*the next morning*
Henwen: *groans flopping back into his bed in the bee and barb, covered in bee stings and smelling of wood smoke after completing the golden glow job by sheer dumb luck alone and somehow managing to not fuck it up*
Kaidan: *yawns awake* good morning, howd you-
Henwen: *snoring into his pillow completely conked out*
Kaidan: …sweet get to sleep in. *lays back down and goes back to sleep*
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weaponimagination · 2 years
Forest Guardians au pt1 (warning brief blood and alcohol mentioned)
"Emma dear, come away from the fence, would you." Her nanny Bridgett yelled, waving her hand for her to come back towards the garden. 
Disgruntled, she walked away from the warm stone feature the sun fading "I was only feeding the deer!" She mumbled oats in hand, walking back to the house. 
"You know the rules, it's almost dusk." She patted the girl on the head, "I'll fix us some tea." 
Emma shook her head displeased, "alright, do you know when my mum and da will be back?"
A nervous look crossed her features, "not to worry they'll be back soon. I promise!"
'She always says that' she thought.
"Goodnight sweetheart!" Her nanny said, flicking the light of her room off.
Sighing, she let her eyes flutter shut, hoping her dreams were sweet.
A loud crash woke her up almost immediately. An animalistic groaning and whining brought her to her senses. 'What the?' She thought, grabbing a torch from the top drawer of her nightstand. The clock next to her bed read 23:30. She grabbed a pullover off her door, yanking it over her head.
Loud creaks echoed through the silent house. Passing a door on her way, her nanny was fast asleep, a light snore coming from her. 
She made her way down the stairs, nothing could be seen from the windows in the house. Tripping slightly over a raised portion of the kitchen floor, she recovered grabbing onto the sliding back door. 
Whatever the noise was, it had stopped. She yanked open the door, flicking her torch on. A light mist swirled as she scanned the back garden. A pair of what looked like deer legs caught her attention. They were partially obscured by a black berry bush. She rushed over, 'those dang hunters, when would they leave the poor deer alone?'
She gasped trying to catch her breath as she looked at what was behind the bush. She began to shake, holding her breath, this…. This thing wasn't a deer. 
A tall lanky figure was draped partly in the bush. Dark almost onix coloured fur covered its arms and legs. Alabaster cut through on its chest and the top of its head. Gold markings shimmered separating the dark grey and white of its fur, lilac teardrop shapes were on its chest, stomach and… eyes? Did it have eyes? Golden horns adorn its head like a proud crown that was surrounded by long green dreads cascading along and partly over its face. 
Shakily she walked around the creature, tumbling over as her foot collided with something.
She pointed her light towards it… it was a tail, a long one at that. It was striped in grey, gold, and violet colours, the same minty dreads adorn it at the end… though it looked more like a hand.
As she marveled at it more, concern washed over. Glowing and sparkling ultramarine blood seeped from deep gashes in the lower portion of its legs. It looked as if it had put up quite the fight. Specks of tree bark, leaves, and sticks littered its fur.
Acting quick she dashed back to the house. Snatching the first aid kit from under the kitchen counter and yanking a thick blanket from the couch. 
She quickly sanitized and wrapped the monster's wounds. After her work was done she put the blanket over it to keep it warm. (Not that it really did much, it barely covered its torso) She sighed wiping her brow, 'hopefully her first aid was good enough to help it.' 
She went to pat it on the head when it grabbed her, holding her close to its chest like a child would a stuffed animal. 
'Great' she thought, 'what do I do when it wakes up?' 
She tried to worm out of its grasp, this only caused it to hold on tighter. 'Welp I'm stuck.'
Its fur was incredibly plush and warm, strange the monster smelled of lilies and lavender. A soft what you could call pur came from it. Her eyes slowly closed, strangely comforted and content by this creature.
A light murring sound woke her, 'no it was too early!' Loud sniffing and a light lap of her cheek caused her to snap awake. 'What the… oh' she was face to face with the monster. It 'gazed' bewildered at her. 
"Uhhhh… hello there?" She waved at it. 
It started sniffing at her again when its stomach growled loudly. Her eyes widened.
A sheepish look crossed its features, as it murmured at her again. 
"Do… Do you want something to eat?" She asked, trying to think of what this thing could eat.
It tilted its head to the side almost as though it didn't understand her. "Something to eat?" His voice was deep rumbling in his chest, she saw the flash of sharp animalistic teeth.
"Y-you can talk?"
Her brows furrowed as he spoke a language she couldn't understand. Then tried to get up, "wait, no don't!" She sprung at him.
He bared his teeth, growling and hissing in pain quickly flopping back down. 
"J-just stay here, I'll be back" she waved her hands to stay put. 
She flew back towards the house almost tripping over her own feet. She pulled a reusable shopping tote from the small bin next to the pantry. She yanked the doors open, 'maybe he likes sweets?' She shoved a large bag of marshmallows in with some chocolate. Opening the fridge she grabbed a bottle of water eyeing some meat. 'His teeth are kind of like a shark's, maybe he eats meat?' She grabbed the container, setting it on the counter, collecting a couple more items. Once she was set she grabbed the meat and ran back to him.
He was slumped over on his front, head partly under the blanket. He looked defeated, 'what happened to you?' He perked up, as she approached. 
"I don't think you can really hide under that big guy." She giggled while sitting by his head.
"This might make you feel better though." She held a piece of chocolate in front of his face. He sniffed it a few times, unsure of it.
She broke off another piece then munched on it, "see it's good! I know when I'm sad my mummy would bring me some chocolate to help me feel better." She said holding it out to him again. 
A large clawed hand emerged from under the blanket. He gingerly took the chocolate, nails barely grazing her palm.
He sniffed it again then snapped it up. He chewed for a second then stopped, a loud thumping started. She looked behind him as his tail started to wag. 
She giggled, "is it good?" 
He bobbed his head up and down, "good!" 
As she rifled through her bag, she watched him poke at the plastic covering the meat. "Do you want that?" She asked, grabbing the container.
She opened it, watching him start to salivate. 'He really was like a big dog', she giggled at the thought, then pushed the meat over to him.
One large bite and it was gone.
Her eyes widened, "wait you can't eat the container, spit it out!" She put her hands on his face, trying to open his mouth. 
He growled lightly at her, moving his face to the side. 
She watched him swallow, then spit out the container directly into her hands. 
"Ewwww…" she scrunched her nose and heard a low chortle from him. 
She tossed it away wiping her hands on the grass. 
"Emma!... Emma, where are you!" The panicked yelling of her nanny echoed in the woods scaring some birds. 
'Oh no!' She thought, 'where am I going to hide you?' 
She heard him mumble something, then heard a loud crash in the shed near the garage.
'He… he was gone, wait did he… oh no!'
"It's okay, I'm right here!" She yelled out to her nanny, quickly stuffing the bag of food under the bush. She grabbed the blanket and made her way around the corner. "I wanted to watch the sunrise, I didn't mean to scare you… I'm sorry." She said looking down at the blanket. 
Bridgett rubbed her temples, "please leave me a note or something, you can't keep scaring me like this kid." She shook her head, "come on, let's make some breakfast." 
She all but ran out of the house after doing up the dishes from breakfast. Stopping by the bush, she grabbed the bag, then took off towards the shed. 
Slowly she opened the door,  "Mr. Monster you here?" 
She heard a loud murr and the door was pushed open more. Tools and toys were scattered all around, a hammer hanging from one of his horns. 
"I brought you more food,'' she dropped the bag in front of him. Walking up she tried to grab the hammer from his horn, even sitting down he was tall, not even standing on her tiptoes worked. He looked bemused at her antics, then lowered his head. 
"Ah ha, got it." She exclaimed, turning to set it on the workbench. 
"I have to go into town with Bridgett today, please just stay here." She said, "I'll be back later I promise." 
She doubted he heard her, he was too enthralled with the food at the moment.
As she went to leave his long tail snaked around her dropping a piece of chocolate in her hand. "Oh uh, thank you!" She smiled at him. "Though before I leave, what's your name?" She asked.
He stopped for a moment tilting his head to the side, "name?" He parroted back. 
"You know name," she pointed at her chest. "Emma, that's mine." She then pointed at him, "your turn." She popped the chocolate into her mouth.
"Emma?" He pointed at her then pointed at himself and said something in another language that started with a b. 
She stared at him as she chewed slower, maybe if he spelt it out for her. She watched as he began to scratch something into the dirt floor. He then circled it and pointed to himself. 
She looked at it, it sort of looked like a b-a-l-a-n? "Balan?" She said confused, that sure didn't sound anything like how he said it. 
Better than nothing, he nodded. "Balan" he said, then pointed at her. "Emma."
"Nice to meet you Balan" she smiled at him then closed the door running back to the house.
She parked her bike beside her nanny's at the bakery.
"Hey Emma, long time no see!" A boy around her age ran up to her as she was taking off her helmet. 
"It's only been two days Leo." She said, shaking her head. 
"So, you ditch the nanny yet?" He asked, rubbing his nose.
"Nice to see you too Leo." Bridgett rolled her eyes. "Go on Emma, I'll meet you back around supper time." She said, shaking her head as he stuck his tongue out at her, little booger. 
Water splashed as Leo skipped rocks through a calm brook. 
"Hey did you hear that someone got one the fabled guardians of the forest last night?" He said nonchalantly searching for another stone. "Some hunters were bragging about it outside of the pub." 
"What?" Her face grew pale, "d-did they kill it?"
He chucked another rock, "no, they said it ran off. Though I doubt their story is even true." He looked at her, "they were pretty trashed when they were talking about it. One even looked like he had blue glitter glue all over his hands." He smirked, "you don't really believe that stuff right?"
Her eyes widened, "it's true Leo! It's not funny to joke about these things ." 
He snorted, "psht- they are only bedtime stories made to scare little kids." He saw her cheeks puff out, "oh don't tell me, you've actually seen one of these things" sarcasm oozed from him.
She turned from him crossing her arms over her chest, "for your information I have!"
He cocked an eyebrow at her, "prove it!" 
She glared at him, "fine, come to my house at 22:00. I'm sure he'll be interested to see you." 
He grinned rolling his eyes, "deal." 
"Emma, time to go!" Bridgett yelled. 
"See you then," she waved at him as she left.
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