#yes I definitely missed many points but this got too long and my mind is a mess when trying to talk about things I love
neuvie cuddles? fem!reader pls :)
Whoops, I got carried away and this is a bit long! (?) Anyways, general tags: sfw - cuddles - f!reader - established relationship - Neuv is being a workaholic again - Neuv calls reader "princess" and "love" - half dragon form Neuv (I am but a weak man)
It's nearing midnight; you've been quietly reading a book alongside your perpetually-busy Iudex, who, predictably, is still working on reviewing some cases. You frown slightly: immortal primordial being or not, Neuvillette, too, needs a rest. Unfortunately, there aren't many people that he would listen to regarding this matter; fortunately, you, being his lover and confidante, are one of them. Still, you decide to choose an indirect approach.
-Neuvilette, love? - you call out quietly, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder.
He leans into your touch much like a cat, rubbing his cheek on your hand.
-What is it that my princess desires?
This is where you put on a bit of a show.
-I'm feeling so lonely... I know you're right here, but you're so busy all the time!
It's not entirely untrue; while you enjoy just exsisting alongside Neuvilette, quietly going around your day even if you two don't interact, you do miss the rare occasions when his attention is entirely on you and you only. Besides, he does need a rest, and as do you.
Neuvilette makes an apologetic face.
-I'm sorry, love, I know I've been paying less attention to you lately... What do you want us to do?
-May we cuddle for a while?
He plants a kiss on your hand and gets up, suddenly lifting you up into a princess carry, smiling slightly. You giggle, not quite expecting him to have done that. His rather impressive height and inhuman strength mean you practically weigh nothing to him, and he does carry you around a lot because of that, but somehow he still manages to surprise you every time he does.
-Do you want us to lay down, or...?
-Yes! To the bedroom, please, - you ask him in a mock-commanding tone, pointing towards your shared bedroom in a spoiled princess impression. That makes him smile wider. He carefully maneuvres you around all the doorframes and finally places you gently onto the big, soft canopy bed, taking time to shed some outer layers of his complicated outfit to enter a more relaxed state. Meanwhile, you fluff the pillows, making some sorts of a nest for you two. With an exhausted, but still somewhat content sigh Neuvilette plops onto the bed next to you and immediately throws his arms around you. In this position his head is on your chest, and you really want to pet him like an oversized affectionate cat. When you give in to your desires, you hear a purr - right. Dragons, it turns out, purr. Because Neuvilette sure wasn't perfect before. You smile, looking at your adorable lover, who under your hands on his scalp has relaxed into a semi-conscious state... Oh, wait, what's -
You feel something slithering against your leg, waiting to circle it. It feels strange,and at first you get startled - but then you realize: Neuvilette's tail. Your lover became so deeply relaxed in your presence, his human form shifted into a more natural semi-draconic form. And his tail wants cuddles, too. You giggle quietly, planting a kiss on top of your lover's head; your legs become entangled with Neuvilette's tail, and, fast asleep, he mumbles something resembling "my love", before his body goes completely slack against yours.
Well, you definitely don't mind cuddling him throughout the night, then.
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firegirl888101 · 1 year
how would the harbingers react to a reader who's good at drawing? like, they like to draw the harbingers or other things
Good at drawing?
I'm shit at drawing so I'm not really sure what to say, that's why I didn't reply to this for awhile. But, I eventually got a couple things when my friend was sketching some stuff in front of me.
Sorry that the current Insatiable Madness chapter is taking so long, I've been studying a lot these past couple of days.
I also got another ask where it asked about Halloween. I don't really celebrate Halloween, because I never grew up with it. I've always been too shy to trick-or-treat and I didn't have many friends (and still don't) who'd want to go with me. Quite sad actually, but it's alright. I don't think I missed out on much.
Is anyone expecting me to make a Halloween special? I don't mind doing it, but I'll need inspiration as I wouldn't know where to start 💀
Actually, the more I think about it, I do have one fun idea. (Harbingers going trick-or-treating??? Halloween party if that even exists? Idk, I'll have to do some research.)
|You can take this with Yandere and without - some will probably lean towards yan though.|
So, to begin with:
Pierro wouldn't be too bothered. I feel if Y/N had a skill they were confident in, and wanted to show it, he'd let his curiousity get the better of him and check it out. But, if it's something like drawing he'll probably leave a comment then leave. Whether it's positive or negative, you be the judge. This man is like a slate slab. No personality I'm sorry 😭😭 (When I see more of his character, maybe I'll like him more?)
If you were to draw this man, he'd be humbled. A Grandpa who received his very first present from his grandchild. Would definitely frame the damn thing in his office (which originally was your parent's) he'd put it on the desk. It's his office now, don't argue for it back.
Capitano would show interest. Not too much since he's the main captain of the Fatui, but still interested. If he's bored, or deems the 'fort' (the house) safe, he'll sit down with you and watch what you're doing. Occasionally asking you if he could doodle with you - but I think that would be very rare. His main objective in his mind is guarding you when your own is low whilst you're having fun, doodling or drawing something.
Would 100% deny the picture of him at first. He'd think, that looks like me, but it can't be. Yes, it's him, you'd reassure. Eventually he does take it and folds it in his coat. After that, he'd probably leave the room in embarrassment. Since then on, he'd definitely keep all drawings you've made of him in his pocket. There's too many? Let's put it in the second pocket. That's full too? Looks like he's buying a new coat. Oh? There's room in his military coat he hasn't worn in two years? That'll do just nicely.
Dottore would be intrigued if he saw you practice anatomy - or if you drew more of a gorey scene. I think he'd be even more interested if you liked to draw the human body with extra things (such as arms, legs, eyes or even got rid of a few), and question you on your design choices and if it already exists somewhere. (He's not fooling you, he's obviously taking inspirations for a new experiment). If he didn't know, or wasn't good, he'd probably ask for tips on how to sketch ideas like yours. He reassures you it's not for any experimentation but once again, he's not fooling you at all.
If you were to draw him he'd treat it like glass. Nobody has ever given him a sketch before - bonus points if you draw him injured whilst you're angry with him. He'd treat it as if you drew him with love, and not as if you'd stab him in the heart if you ever got the chance. What do you mean he shouldn't like it this much? It's a work of art! He'd be very quick to correct the drawing if you got anything wrong. Who knows what this man has in his body at this point.
Columbina would join you in your drawing activities. Maybe add some glitter if you have any. The second you complain about cleaning up, however, she has somehow disappeared and has become very forgetful about the events upstairs. 'How curious!~' She would hum to herself with her usual smile. Is definitely the type to ask if you could draw her. Who are you to refuse? Especially when she gives you that look of daunt hope and kindness which makes you drop your pen in fear. Before you can give her an answer, you've already picked up your pencil and began to sketch her beautiful headpiece.
When Columbina receives her multiple sketches, she's overjoyed. Oh, look how you drew this part! How you drew her clothes! She's quick to kiss you on the cheek as a thank you and runs off somewhere. Huh, you feel like you've just been used.
Arlecchino will roll her eyes at first. She's seen many children in the hearth draw for her. Her initial thoughts were vague, she didn't really see much of your hobby. That was until she actually saw what you were drawing. She would stare as you worked, your pencil delicately brushing against the paper you most likely bought the other day. It soon will become a habit to watch you work, becoming a therapeutic source for her. She sometimes questions why you're drawing... certain things, but she wouldn't actually stop your creative mind from working.
Handing Arlecchino the drawing you drew of her would make her blood rise to her cheeks slightly. Sure, she's received a lot of gifts in this sense before. But from you? What an honour! She'll accept it with a soft smile she'd usually show the kids, and pat your head treating you like one. Little do you know she's trying so hard to control her cute agression response by not tearing the paper.
Pulcinella would react very similarly to Pierro. However, he'd have more experience with complimenting and encouraging 'a child' in a hobby they're having fun with. If he saw your skill, he'd probably compliment it whole-heartedly with a chuffed smile. Massaging his mustache like some aristocrat, in the 1940s... Anyway, he'd be very pleased when he watches you draw more and more. He's happy that you're spending your time doing something you like under the tense situation his coworkers (and him, but he doesn't like to admit it) have brought upon you.
I do not see you drawing this man at all. He's a short, dobby, old, looking as man. I don't see him as the type to ask either, at all. He's minding his own business in your house and plans to keep it that way until the situation is resolved.
Scaramouche really doesn't care. We've all got our own likes and dislikes, but he's not bothered about yours. Will most likely purposefully pass by you working on a piece and insult it just to get attention. He'd never actually mean it though - he just never tells you that important fact. As time progresses he'll sneak into your room just to look at more sketches or finished drawings you've done, and assess your progress from each year if you've been practicing for a long time-period.
Now, here's where things get interesting. If you were to draw him and never show it to him, said puppet finding it for himself in one of your drawers, he'd first feel angry. Why wouldn't you show him this? It's of him! ...But then he'd quickly realise it's because of the way he treated you when you were working (oops). If you actually handed it to him and let him keep it, he'd be delighted. You actually drew him? He didn't even have to manipu-- he means 'ask' you to draw him? This is a good step forward to where he wants to be in your heart.
Sandrone would be delighted to know that she's finally found a use for you in her head. She never thought that purposefully walking past you one evening would lead to her shuffling through all the sketches and designs you've done with awe. Where did you get this idea from? How can she recreate it? Would you be happier and more devoted to her if she were to make your dreams true? She digresses. Watching your creative little mind draw your ideas to life inspires her also, and makes her want to recruit you as a special exception to the 'no non-artificial beings' allowed in her workshop. Thinking of all the monstrosities you could design with her help sends pleasurable shivers up her spine.
Drawing her, however? This was rather unprecedented. Out of all the things-- no, people you could have drawn... and you decide on her? And ooh! You even drew her slave she likes to travel around on, how thoughtful, you're already expressing your adoration for her works! Trust me, don't draw her. You'll give her daydreams that will never happen.
Signora, like most of the harbingers, wouldn't care at first. She hates your house and hates your world, why in Teyvat's name would she be interested in what you're doing? That's what she used to think, until her arrogant slick eyes caught sight of what exactly you were drawing. In my opinion, there's only a couple things that would interest Signora. Drawing dresses, if you were interested in fashion designing, would definitely be the main one. Viewing your designs after you finished them would soon become a small hobby for her, and soon, she'd eventually ask you to draw her in one of your designs.
You'd say yes, of course. An excuse to draw a drop-dead gorgeous woman in one of your designs for free? No way you were going to pass this opportunity! For her hard work in modeling, you'd definitely pay back twice and give her a drawing of her in her harbinger uniform too - which I think would flatter her a bit too much.
Pantalone wouldn't care, and would never become interested. He's a very rich and successful banker, not any ordinary man. As soon as he sees you drawing somewhere in the house, he'll shrug and go the opposite way. He knows what it's like to be interrupted through a thoughtful process, and he doesn't feel like getting an earful from you if he interrupts it. What he does think about, however, is if you're making money from it. Maybe an online business. He asks, and receives a very disappointing answer. No? What do you mean no? These are good, he'd pay for a portrait! Well, if Mora was a usable currency here. Ugh, the thought of being a poor man in this world makes him disgusted.
Drawing him would result in lots of praise. He'd be very happy you used your own time to draw him. He didn't even have to pay for it, it was gift! You even said so yourself. Immediately taken from your hands and framed somewhere. You can't seem to find the drawing though... Pantalone insists it's still in the house, but no matter where you look you just can't find it! Oh well, it's probably better you didn't know where it went. (You would have never been able to find it, he hid the location so well after all.) Pantalone told you he'd give something back to you as a thank you, but you're not holding him to his word.
Tartaglia would be interested the second he sees you doing something he hasn't seen you do before. That looks interesting, let him give drawing a try! He'd boast how his siblings love his drawings he creates, but you knew he was lying to set a cheery mood. Your understanding was backed when you actually saw his 'Amazing Drawing'... It was embarrassing to say the least. He would heed all your little tips and eventually get good at drawing from your guidance! I can see him as the type to use these skills later for his siblings, and as the type to continue drawing even if you begin to get bored of it... He's skilled with his fingers after all-- okay I'm sorry I'm done.
Drawing him can go one in two ways. I see him as someone who will whine about being drawn. He'll say: 'Have you drawn me yet?' in one of the most annoying voices he cna muster. He knows and understands you find it annoying when he asks you to draw him, so he's found a loophole. Just keep asking questions related to it until you get the hint! ...You got the hint weeks ago, but you're refusing to do it. Well, you're refusing to show him your drawings you've already finished and hid out of sight. Showing him these drawings would make him really happy! Would fold his favourite and carry it around with him everywhere like some of the other harbingers. His next commission he's planned to ask you is of a drawing of Capitano. You eagerly declined, not wishing to impose on the Captain's privacy.
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look at me ~ bo burnham
word count: 2323
request?: yes!
“so you already know that inside: the outtakes has gotten so many people back into their bo thing. me included. sooooo i was thinking, he’s a big guy, ya know👀 so my lil brain was doin some thinkin (not at all while horny) and it came up with this: bo fucking you in front of a mirror!! he’s holding you up, fucking you from behind, saying things like ‘look at how much of a pretty little whore you are for my cock’. just, please please please do your thing and make this something great🥹”
description: after a long day of filming his special, he finds himself pent up and wanting to release his aggressive sexual energy, so he decides to take his girlfriend in the first place he finds her: in the bathroom in front of the mirror
pairing: bo burnham x female!reader
warnings: swearing, smut
masterlist (one, two, three)
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Bo had a lot of feelings surrounding the filming of his quarantine special. At first he was upset over having to cancel his plans of returning to live performances, but then the idea of filming, editing, directing, lighting, etc., his own special seemed exciting. And getting back into writing comedy felt almost therapeutic. The longer quarantine went on, though, the more his mental health struggled. He was enjoying creating, but he hated that this was how he had to create. And he hated how much he struggled to make everything perfect.
But more than anything, he was unbearably horny. To a point where he was writing extremely horny bits into the special.
It was his own doing really. Bo would spend every day - from the moment he woke up to the moment he fell asleep - working on the special. Most nights, that was late enough that his girlfriend, (Y/N), would be fast asleep. Other nights, he felt too mentally exhausted to try and initiate sex.
He felt guilty for the quality time he was losing with her by working all day, but (Y/N) was incredibly supportive. She would check on him every day to make sure he was doing okay, occasionally bringing him food so he would eat. She’d get him to take little break every now and then before going back to long hours of working on the special. Bo felt extremely grateful to have her in his life. But man, did he ever miss being intimate with her.
He was sat in this guest house one evening, editing his most recent bit, which was a song about sexting. His mind was on (Y/N) as his own voice played through the speakers. He thought about how badly he wanted to hold her, feel her body against his, her warm walls around him. His horniness was definitely trickling into his work and it was something he needed to fix soon or else he felt like he might explode.
Bo stood and looked out the window that faced towards his house. He could see a light on in the room that belonged to him and (Y/N), signaling that she was still awake. He quickly rushed out of his guest house, leaving the unedited song running.
(Y/N) was in the ensuite bathroom getting ready for bed. She had peaked out to the guest house to check on Bo. The lights were off besides a dull blue light that she assumed was Bo editing another bit. She had sighed to herself before going to the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her face. As proud as she was of Bo for working on this special all on his own, she really did miss getting to spend time with him. Their bed felt too empty without him.
She was leaned over the sink, washing her face, when she suddenly felt two arms wrap around her. She let out a yelp and stood up quickly to see Bo’s towering figure behind her in the mirror. He buried his head in the crook of her neck, lightly kissing the area, causing her heart to flutter for a different reason.
“Hey,” she said. “You finished up early tonight.”
“I can’t standing being away from you anymore,” he responded. “It’s getting too hard to not have you in my arms.”
“That’s not the only thing that’s hard,” she teased.
Bo chuckled and grinded his hard, clothed dick against her. “You got me there.”
He continued to kiss her neck as he pressed himself against her. She lulled her head to the side, giving him more access to her neck. She closed her eyes and sighed. His hands moved from around her waist, one going upwards to cup one of her breasts and the other moving down between her legs. Her breath hitched as he teased the waistband of her pajama pants.
“Is this okay?” he asked, his hot breath fanning over her ear in a way that sent a shiver down her spine. She nodded in response. “I need to hear you say it, baby.”
“Yes,” she breathed. “Yes, please Bo.”
Bo grinned and nibbled on her ear as his hand dipped under her waistband. He ran a finger through her folds, teasing her clit with a feather-light touch.
“You’re already so wet,” he whispered. “Desperate for me to you, baby?”
“Yes,” (Y/N) whimpered. “I’ve missed your touch so much.”
“I’ve missed touching you. You don’t understand how much I’ve missed having you. I think about being inside of you practically every waking moment, and when I’m sleeping too.”
She moaned as he finally applied pressure to her clit. He rubbed slow circles into the bundle of nerves as he continued to kiss over her neck. He nipped at the sensitive skin, leaving red marks in his wake that he really hoped would turn into hickies. There was something so hot to him about marking (Y/N) in a way that other people would see and know she was his. He slipped his hand under her shirt to cup and knead at her breasts, one at a time, making her nipples pop out underneath his fingers.
(Y/N) was a moaning mess; putty in Bo’s hands. He was essentially holding her up at that point as she was leaning back against him, her legs wobbling to a point where she wasn’t sure she could stay up much longer.
“Are you close already?” Bo asked. “I can feel you trembling.”
“I-I’m s-so close,” she said.
“Open your eyes, baby. I want you to look at me while you cum.”
She pried her eyes open to look into the mirror. Bo’s eyes were staring back at her, dark with lust. It was hard to keep them open as her orgasm washed over her. Her legs just about gave out from under her as she cried out. Bo held her, smirking to himself as she trembled in his arms. He whispered praises into her ear as she came down from her high.
“I need you,” he whispered. “Right here, baby, please.”
“The bed is just a few steps away,” she teased.
“I can’t wait. I’m a slight breeze away from cumming in my pants.”
She giggled and turned her head to kiss him. She reached back to run her hands through his long hair. At first, she wasn’t a fan of the idea of Bo growing out his hair and facial hair, but now, with his beard leaving a tickling sensation in its wake and his long hair giving her something to hold on to, she suddenly loved it.
Bo broke away from the kiss to shove (Y/N) down over the bathroom counter. He pulled her pants and underwear down around her ankles, helping her to step out of them and kicking them off to the side. He let his own pants fall to the floor as well, his hard dick springing free from his pants. He took it in one hand and ran it through (Y/N)’s drenched folds, collecting her slick to use as his own lube. (Y/N) bit down on her lip as she whimpered, but couldn’t contain her moans once Bo pushed the head of his dick against her entrance. He easily slid his cock into her, slowly moving inwards until he was buried at the hilt inside of her. He dropped his head against her back, groaning at the sensation. It was a feeling he had been longing for, and now that he had it he was afraid he wouldn’t be able to last.
He slowly pulled himself out halfway before slowly thrusting back into her again. The head of his dick so easily nudged her g-spot that it made her already shaky legs even more wobbly every time he thrust inwards. She held on to the counter, digging her nails into it with such a grip that she thought she was going to break the counter.
Bo kissed over (Y/N)’s neck and what he could reach of her face again. “Can I start fucking you, princess?”
She nodded, unable to speak. Bo took that as enough of an answer for him this time and started thrusting into her at a quicker speed. He held on to her hips as he slammed into her, the sound of their skin slapping together filling the room. (Y/N)’s mind went blank, the only thing she could think of being Bo, Bo, Bo! She cried out his name, a sound more beautiful than any song Bo had ever heard.
“I might not last long,” he told her. “Do you think you can give me one more before I shoot this hot load inside you, baby?”
“Yes!” she cried. “Yes, yes, yes.”
It became a chant, like that was the only word she knew.
Bo smiled and put his hand around her throat, pulling her up so that she was flush against his chest. He continued thrusting at his brutal pace while reaching his other hand between her legs to rub her clit again.
“Look at how much of a pretty little whore you are for my cock,” he said. “God, you look so fucking hot, falling apart for me like this.”
Her eyes were rolling in the back of her head, which clearly was not what Bo wanted. He squeezed her throat slightly, just enough to block her airways and make her lightheaded.
“I said look at me,” he growled into her ear. She opened her eyes and looked into the mirror. He smiled at her. “Good girl. Look how fucking good you look, all cock drunk for me like this.”
Her eyes were hooded, threatening to close again, and her mouth was in a permanent “O” shape as her body bounced with every thrust. Bo looked like a man on a mission, watching her face intently as he rubbed ruthlessly at her clit and thrusted hard into her. He took his bottom lip between his teeth, a sight which just drove her further over the edge.
She didn’t have to tell him this time that she was close. Actually, she didn’t even have time to tell him. Her second orgasm hit her quickly and intensely. Her vision clouded for a moment and her entire body felt heavy. Bo wrapped an arm around her lower stomach, keeping her up for his last few thrusts before he also hit his own climax. He buried his head in her neck again, muffled groans tumbling from his lips as he gave a few more shallow thrusts.
They were both panting and sticky with sweat once they finally started coming down from their highs. Bo was reluctant to pull out, but he could feel himself becoming soft and slipping from between her legs. (Y/N) gasped as she felt the hot trail of cum running down her legs.
“Let me clean you up so you can finally lay down,” Bo said.
He reached past her to grab the face cloth she had been using early and ran warm water over it again. Turned her so she was facing him and knelt down in front of her to wipe her legs and between them. He planted a kiss on both of her inner thighs, causing her to twitch a little from overstimulation. When he stood again, he discarded the cloth onto the floor and took (Y/N) into his arms. She giggled and wrapped her arms around his neck as he carried her to bed.
He laid her down first before crawling into bed next to her. He took her into his arms, reveling in the feeling of her warm body against his. It had been so long since they had been able to fall asleep together. He rarely tried to cuddle her when he came into bed after she had fallen asleep in fear that he would wake her.
“Are you done working for the night then?” (Y/N) asked, her voice soft and sheepish.
“Definitely,” he decided. “This takes so much more precipitant than working on that stupid special.”
“Hey, it’s not stupid. I think it’s going to be really good.”
Bo chuckled and kissed the top of her head. “You haven’t even seen any of it.”
“I saw that one that was a parody of Drake’s music.”
“Eh, I’m thinking of cutting that one. I don’t even like it all that much.”
“Don’t do that! It’s my favorite one!”
He squeezed her slightly and kissed her again. “Okay, no promises, but I’ll try my best to put it in.”
“Thank you.”
They laid in silence for a while. It was quite comforting. Bo never wanted to leave the bed. He just wanted to hold (Y/N) and lay here in the dark and silence.
“I miss this,” (Y/N) whispered into the silence.
Bo sighed. “Me too. I promise I’ll try not to work too late so that we can have these moments more often. And I promise I’ll try to finish the special soon so that I’m not working on it at all anymore.”
“You don’t have to finish it soon if you don’t feel it’s ready, but I would prefer it if you were here in bed with me when I fell asleep at night. It’s not the same to fall asleep in a lonely bed all by myself.”
“I promise. Now get some sleep. I can tell you’re fighting off the unconsciousness.”
(Y/N) shook her head and smiled to herself. Of course he was right, she felt exhausted now after their bathroom activities. Being curled in his warm embrace didn’t help that matter either. She settled herself next to him and closed her eyes, letting the sleep take hold of her. Bo wasn’t too far behind, placing one last kiss on the top of her head before closing his eyes and letting himself drift off to sleep.
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These Nimona headcanons have been sitting in my notes for like two weeks
I just know Bal and Ambrosius were those kids who had to be put on opposite sides of the room in class
And a lot of teachers assumed that they would just give up and pay attention but no
They’re some stubborn little shits who can't leave each other alone for more than five minutes 
And while they were on their breaks they went through the options of “long-distance” communication (because yes these dramatic dorks consider ten feet long distance)
Notes? No that could be tracked back to them
Sign language? No that's too noticeable 
They finally landed on morse code (because these losers would rather learn a dead language than wait to talk to each other)
Now you might be thinking “Roo wouldn't Bal be too focused on the lesson to talk to Ambrosius?” 
No this little nerd records all of their lessons so he won’t miss a single piece of information  
After they became fluent the only thing you could hear in class was the teacher talking some tapping here and there and Ambrosius and Bal holding back laughter with every fiber in their being 
I also know these dorks would choose each other for every single activity 
It got to a point where teachers would beg them to choose other people 
They would listen for like one day and then go back to working with each other 
These losers have known each other for so long that they can read each other's minds 
All they have to do is look at each other and they’re angry or laughing or blushing 
When people point it out Ambrosius will say he doesn’t even notice it anymore 
Bal will say it’s as natural as breathing 
And Nimona calls it creepy as fuck
They could also fill a book with the most random inside jokes most of which they don’t even really remember the context of 
The main trio are fiercely protective of each other 
Bal only got into a handful of fights back in the institute and it was all because someone got a little too comfortable and started talking shit about Ambrosius  
People lost count of how many fights that Ambrosius got into 
After a while Bal stopped wasting his breath by begging Ambrosius just to ignore them and bought a cool quality medkit 
The number of fights Bal got into skyrocketed after the wall fell 
While the majority of society saw the trio as heroes there were still some who called Nimona a monster and Ambrosius a disgrace
And most of those people couldn’t say anything afterward because their jaws were broken 
There was an incident in the market which was could be summed up as Ambrosius holding a man at knife point while threatening to cut his tongue out if he ever heard him call Bal a murderer again 
After Nimona came back the fights increased tenfold 
The first time Nimona and Ambrosius went to the market alone they came back bloody and bruised 
It wasn’t until Bal checked the news that he found out those dorks started a fucking riot 
There were also rumors that a man was missing a tongue but Bal hoped those were just rumors 
One time the three of them went out to dinner and some dumbass tried to jump them 
They claimed that it’s what Gloreth would have wanted 
Bal had to drag Ambrosius off of him while Nimona was egging him on
The first time that Nimona and Bal kidnapped Ambrosius from his office was undeniably the worst 
He hadn’t eaten or slept in days and he looked like he was ready to keel over 
And a couple of people dared to try and stop them 
Claiming Ambrosius “still had work to do” 
Nimona looked them dead in the eyes and said “If you don’t let us walk out of here I’ll make sure you never walk again” 
No one argued with them after that 
Bal told Nimona he was proud of them for keeping their cool
And Nimona replied “Thanks but I definitely broke someone’s foot on the way out”
He couldn’t even get mad at her because he broke someone’s hand
Bal says they’re the reason he’s getting grays in his early 20s 
To which Ambrosius responds “Moonbeam you came home yesterday with a broken nose and busted knuckles don’t talk to me about gray hair”
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Does gojo just fight for the thrill of it?…
Idkk I’m really confused tbf the manga really puzzled me 😭😭 (IM GONNA GO ON A RANT BEAR WITH ME PLSS 🙏 LOLL)
The afterlife chapter and how it’s shown, that he just fought sukuna for the thrill of it and not to protect others (students). I think that was implied by nanami when he called gojo a freak for enjoying and getting a thrill out of fighting them, while most sorcerers take it more seriously in a sense where they’re fighting for their lives and to survive/not get killed.. also what even is gojos motivation to keep going? This is a question I ask myself alot!! Is it his entire upbringing and how it was drilled into his head that he’s a weapon meant to be used or is it that he sincerely enjoys exorcising curses and it makes him feel superior (I find the latter more uncharacteristic of him tbh since why would he just do it for the sake of it?? It’s definitely draining to go on missions constantly and shoulder the responsibility of saving the world.. so does he view himself as some sort of a curse exorcising machine?…
Also many ppl on twitter call him selfish and uncaring towards others (his students,colleagues..) since he didn’t kill sukuna right after he got unsealed and waited for a month when sukuna got much stronger? Where he could’ve just finished sukuna off instead of dragging it into the shinjuku arc…
Also I really hate how in general gojo our smoll pookie baby gets soooo mischaracterized and gets called selfish, a philanderer, red flag, uncaring towards EVERYONE?? Some ppl even go as far as to say that he has a chronic god complex. <———— THIS ALL DRIVES ME INSANEEE
however, I kinda do think he has a superiority complex going on… Since he was put on a pedestal since birth and everyone praises him and considered him as the strongest and some kind of hero who’s only job/purpose is to constantly keep saving the weak… This may have gotten into his head a lil too much which shaped his perspective into him believing he’s superior than the other people who he must save from curses etc..
P.S I’m a new anon so call me bunny anon for any future asks 🥺
hiiiiii there my dearest little bunny anon!!!!! is this emoji okay? 🐰 or would you prefer this? 🐇 i’ll go with the former for now but please tell me if you’d like the other one instead <33333
NOWWW . okay okay okay. this was super interesting to answer, thank you sm for sharing your thoughts and letting me do the same!!!! and please keep in mind that this is all really just my own take :3 but i do have a loooot of thoughts abt this + the sukugo fight in general, so!!! buckle up.
long discussion + spoilers for chap. 236 under the cut!!
ALRIGHT . SO . i’m gonna try to adress everything in this ask but i am in fact scatterbrained so please bear with me 😭😭😭
well, first of all — yes, gojo absolutely fights for the thrill of it. the sukugo fight is a great example of this because it’s the only fight we see gojo let completely loose, but it’s an even better example because it also proves that gojo fights for a lot more than that. he obviously enjoys fighting, but i think you’d be missing a lot of key points of his character if you tried to say that’s all he fights for, you know? we know that gojo is fighting and training for the sake of making a change, of nurturing others, but more than anything else — gojo fights because that’s all he knows how to do. he was raised as a weapon. of course he’d grow to love fighting!! he literally has no choice but to live the life he was born into, and that’s the life of a weapon. weapons exist to kill.
i think his love for fighting is sincere, but it’s also a direct effect of being born as the strongest — do you see what i’m saying? gojo enjoys the thrill of a good fight, but there’s a lot more to it than that. and i personally think that he views fighting as a way to connect with others, not just an adrenaline rush. that’s kind of the whole point of the sukugo fight — they’re reaching out for each other.
aaaand that brings me to my second point!! i think the sukugo fight is like…. the most important fight to examine when discussing gojo’s character, because it tells us so much about him and why he fights in the first place. in this case — the manga almost outright states that he was fighting to teach sukuna about love. and this following part is just my own take!!!! but i think gojo cared about that on a personal level, that went beyond his duty to exorcise sukuna as a curse. gojo cared about sukuna. i think this is undeniable and that alone proves that he was fighting for something other than the thrill of it. he was having fun, but it wasn’t just because of the violence — it was because of sukuna himself.
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(stan sukugo btw)
and!!! it was also because of his students!!! i think this point is also undeniable. i reaaaalllyyy disagree with anyone who thinks gojo doesn’t care about them because it’s so …. obvious??? that he does???? he may not be the perfect father figure that the fandom often depicts him as (<- not complaining btw i eat that shit up), but he’s a good teacher. and he cares for them. he’s fighting sukuna for a lot of reasons, one of them being his love for megumi, who i’d argue is like a younger brother to him / the most important person to him since suguru died. <- that’s just my own hc really, but either way gojo cares for him!!! it’s obvious that he’s fighting with his students in mind, because he mentions them so many times. he is fighting to protect them. his character is built on a desire to nurture the youth, even at his own expense.
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(he loves them!!!!!!)
so, with that out of the way — let’s talk about nanami’s comment in 236. because i think a LOT of people misinterpreted it completely 😭😭 nanami mentions a scene back in premature death, where he exhaustedly asks geto why they can’t just leave everything to gojo. he then proceeds to say that gojo never cared about keeping sorcery going, or protecting people, and that his strength was all built on self satisfaction.
panels for reference:
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…. but notice that nanami is speaking in past tense. he mentions a moment in his youth, and follows it up with what his thought process was during that moment — to put things really simply, nanami isn’t talking about our gojo in this scene, he’s talking about gojo during his teenage years. the reason why the cast appears as teenagers in this scene isn’t just because that’s when gojo was happiest, but also to highlight how far he’s come as a person. how much suguru’s defection changed him and his values. teen!gojo wasn’t a bad person by any means, but he was definitely more selfish than gojo is now. teen!gojo cared about the people around him, but he did fight for self-satisfaction above all else.
our gojo doesn’t. our gojo fights to protect people, to make sure no one is lonely — not even sukuna — and because he has to. because he enjoys it, but also because it’s his duty to do so. there is absolutely a purpose behind gojo’s fighting. he’s matured a lot. he cares about a lot.
so, to answer your question properly: yes, gojo fights for the thrill of it. he also fights for a lot of other things.
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oddvanilla · 3 months
AAAA I love people who ask me open ended questions,, you're basically allowing me to yap 🫶🫶🫶
It all starts with Gen Z, you could say. The thing with Gen Z is that we're so sarcastic it's CRAZY. I mean, we got lots of terms that millennials can barely wrap their head around. It's like only we can understand this dumb humour. Like obviously, we say "rizz" (short for charisma: a charm) and "GYATT" (usually popular in African-American environments, short for goddamn),, but the thing is, we say that stuff ironically (in a sarcastic manner).
But there's Gen Alpha, basically people who are born after 2010 (until 2025, starts gen beta). And these kids are like brainrotted to the EXTREME. Keep in mind, brainrot usually means people who are too chronically online and sometimes can only speak in internet slang...weird. Gen Alpha is responsible for creating or popularizing some terms. These include a LONG list, I'll try to explain as much as I can here...
Sigma: the equivalent of alpha, an individual who's viewed as dominant.
Skibidi: short for Skibidi Toilet, a series made up of short videos created by DaFuq!?Boom! On YouTube.
Cap: a lie. Usually used in phrases like "No cap!" (No lie) Or "That's cap!" (That's a lie)
Slay: Something done impressively or greatly. Usually used between females but it's NOT restricted to that. used In phrases like "you slayed that/you ate that!"
Sus: Suspicious, unsettling
GOAT: abbreviation for "greatest of all time". Like in "Ronaldo/Messi is the GOAT"
Clout: popularity. Example— "I did that for clout"
Flex: to show off
Bop: Bae of plenty, someone who is seen as a player
Cancel: Cancel culture is pretty much getting celebrities banned off social media platforms. For example, many people want to cancel Andrew Tate.
Noob: newbie, someone who is a rookie. Either new to a game or bad at a game.
Drip: how cool your outfit looks. Like seeing a kid with a hoodie and saying "Damn, that kid got drip!"
Dope: The equivalent of Rad, something that's cool.
Dupe: yes, there's a difference. Dupe is like a knock off or a fake.
Lit: the same meaning as dope. usually something fire, as in it's awesome.
Stan: to be a huge fan of someone. Others can interpret it as a stalker fan, but the first definition is more popular.
Fanum tax: popular streamer Kai Cenat is friends with another streamer known as Fanum. Fanum often appears in Kai's streams to steal food from Kai. Fanum tax has become a popular term between fans indicating someone is stealing your food. Sometimes used in percentages. For example, my best friend casually fanum taxes 85% of my lunch every other afternoon.
Mewing: a technique used to sharpen your jawline, where you put your tongue at the roof of your mouth—often not allowing you to speak.
Edging/gooning/surfing: (Sorry asexuals..) a sexual practice involving controlling your 0rgasm.
Glazing: to over-hype something or give something so much compliments and attention it has gotten cringe worthy.
Tweaking/tripping: to act energetically or even unintelligently under the influence of crack/drugs, used sarcastically.
Aura: an imaginary calculation method of how much power or reputation you have. For example, falling In front of a group of teens means you have lost aura, or power. You can say that's -500 aura (points). Or maybe helping a homeless man. That's +5000 aura. Memes go around like "the golden dog", a card that makes you immune to losing aura.
Of course there is MUCH more. and Gen Alpha creates new terms every other weekend that it's starting to get tiring keeping up with these trends. Unless you're on the internet 24/7/365, then you'd surely know all of these and spontaneously use them. But I don't, so there's a lot I missed here, at least i believe so😭😭
The problem is, gen alpha uses all these different words and terms UNIRONICALLY. Meaning that they're actually serious. And oh, trust me they will look at you weird when you use an outdated word like "lol", "yas", or "YOLO".
So... Who can we blame for this ridiculous behaviour? Obviously, no other than millennial and generation Z parents. In my personal belief, Gen Alpha being on the internet from such a young age is seriously a bad idea. I mean, I have not one, but TWO (2) gen alpha siblings. You can imagine how hard it is from me... My 5 year old cousin goes to kindergarten and he says that he "rizzed" a girl at his class, which got him +10000 aura. Yeah, even I can't believe what this world has come to.
But from another perspective, we can do nothing about it. Maybe it's a good thing to let gen alpha on the internet? After all, we can't keep taking steps back, saying we need to quit phones and cellular devices in general. All we can do, really, is just let the future unfold. A few decades away from now, Generation Gamma or Delta or whatever, is gonna be laughing at gen alpha saying they're as old as time, probably holding a portable toilet in their hands. we never know what the future brings us🤷‍♀️
So that's it, sorry for answering your silly little question with a whole essay 🙏 thank you all for coming to my ted talk.
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yanderepuck · 7 months
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WE GOT ANOTHER ONE FOR THIS WHOOOORREE. It fits so well for him bc he's just so rough and doesn't care what happens to you as long as he feels please.
I love him on a sexual level and that's about it. Well let's thank @evil-quartett for this wheel prompt. I normally don't use dialogue prompts but something about this was so good.
Decided that it's going to be semi of a sequel to the last one I wrote
Prompt: "you know I love you, right?" "Yeah" "good, because I'm going to fuck you like I don't"
You wrap your arms around him from behind. Too short to look over this shoulder you move your head around him to see what he is doing.
"Whatcha working on?" You definitely want to bother him.
Faust jumps slightly from your touch. "When did you get back?"
"Just a few minutes ago. Seeing you was the first thing on my list," you smile at him as he sets his things down, turning to look at you.
He puts his hands on your cheeks and kisses you
"You were gone too long. That old bat isn't allowed to keep you that long again."
You had gone to the mansion for a few days per Comte's request.
"I'm sorry. But I'm back now," you smile and stand on your toes to kiss him. "But I'm glad to know you missed me."
"Of course I missed my meerschweinchen," he smirks at you, wrapping his arms around your waist. "Who else was I supposed to play with?"
"Charles was still here," you tease. Faust doesn't look amused however. "It was nice to see everyone there. I've missed them."
"All of them?" Faust knows some of the guys there are a tad... questionable.
"Yes all of them. Even if all Arthur did was flirt and Theo kept calling me a dog," you groan slightly. "He kept telling me to bark when he would ask me something."
Faust glares slightly. Oddly enough Theo is the one he dislikes the most. You would have bet anything it would be Arthur considering how much he wants to bite you, and how many jokes he makes about sleeping together.
"I hope you didn't spend too much time with him," he tries to stop himself from growling by biting his tongue.
You thought for a moment and that was the only answer he needed.
"I think i spent time with everyone equally. Though I guess I tend to spend more time with Theo and Arthur. They like to drag me around with them."
"That's it," Faust picks you up, setting you on the table behind him. "You're not going over there again."
"You can't ban me from the mansion, silly," you let yourself be picked up. On the table you are just a little above eye level for him.
"But I can stop you from leaving this castle."
He stands between your legs, his hands resting on your thighs. He's being so touchy today, you love it. Maybe you should leave more often.
"Are you going to trap me here like an evil witch," you giggle and drape your arms over his shoulders.
"Something like that," his hands slide up to your hips.
You begin to play with his hair as you lean closer to kiss him. You didn't mean for it to be rough, but Faust's kiss in return was.
You moaned and he pulled you closer to the edge so your bodies were pressed together.
Without waiting for your response, he was already in unbuttoning your shirt. He wanted to feel your skin. He wanted to squeeze you, pull at your flesh. Anything to feel you.
He already has you half undressed before you even started working on his clothes.
"They better not have touched you," he growled
Now you sense it. He's jealous. More than just because you left as well. You decide to play into it, wanting to know how far he'll take it.
"Not in a bad way, no. I got some hugs. Theo did get a little drunk and clung to me at one point," that was really Isaac. Some drinks got mixed up and you had to help him to bed.
You could feel Faust get tense as he grabbed you harder.
"Don't worry. No one bit me," you kiss him, finally getting his coat to the floor.
"They better not have," he gets your bra off and roughly gropes you, forcing a moan out of you. Just that squeeze made your mind go fuzzy.
"You're already wet for me, aren't you?" He smirks. He tries getting your skirt and underwear off. You rock your body every which way to get the fabric out from under you. In seconds you're fully naked on his table while he still has most of his clothes on.
You whine and get his shirt fully unbuttoned. "Why must you have such complicated clothes," you pout, glaring at his stupid amount of belts.
"Fine, fine," normally he likes to watch you struggle with taking his clothes off, but he does it for you this time. In seconds he's standing there naked, between your legs.
Your hands rest on his waist, keeping him close to you. Leaning forward, you kiss him. Immediately getting rough. His hands go all over your body, squeezing any bit he can while your hands go down to his cock.
He gasps between the kisses as you get him harder, wrapping your hands around his length. Pumping him, he gets harder and harder with more precum coming out of his tip.
He bites your lip and gets closer. He reaches behind you to move anything in the table that might be in the way.
His lips go down to your neck, kissing and nibbling at your skin. "You know I love you, right?"
You moan and keep working his cock, moving your head to the side for him. "O-of course."
"Good," he nibbles at the front of your neck, taking your hands off of him. You feel his tip press against your hole. You're eager for him. If you could suck him in you would.
"Because I'm going to fuck you like I don't," he growled in your ear and pushed himself all the way into you.
You gasp, falling back on the table. With a death grip on your hips he doesn't give you time to adjust. Now that he's in you he won't be kind. He pulls you closer to the edge to make sure he's as deep as he can get.
You can already feel bruises forming at your hips. Pushing your legs further apart, he thrusts into you roughly, only caring about his pleasure. Not only is he holding you close to the edge, but he's holding you down against the hard table.
"You're mine, got it!"
The air was practically fucked out of your lungs and you're still trying to catch up. "Y-yesss," all you could say.
"You're staying here. I will fuck you until you can't walk to be sure of that," his hips snapped into you harder.
You barely got time to moan before you were screaming. His tip is slamming into your cervix and he keeps trying to drive deeper and deeper into your hole.
You hold onto your tits, squeezing them yourself. Your body starts to squirm. It's too much. You squeeze your eyes shut and pant.
Your toes curl and your nails dig into your own skin. The table under you shakes with each thrust. Faust doesn't seem to be bothered by a few of his tools rolling around.
You knew he was the type to get jealous, but you didn't think it would be this bad. Your legs try to close. He's going so deep that you already feel sore
He forces your legs flat onto the table, holding them down.
"Stay or I'm tying you down," he bares his fangs at you, keeping his hands on your legs, digging his fingers into your thighs.
You scream again. As much as you'd love to be tied down, you don't force your legs against him.
In moments you clench around him, coating his cock and your walls in cum.
He moans now that he's able to slide in and out quicker.
He goes to take his glasses off, barely slowing down. They kept sliding and the chain was getting annoying. He holds you tightly again and gets harder.
You squeeze your flesh more, screaming in pain and pleasure. Now you're able to tell the difference from when he's using his vampire strength. He holds back more than you realize normally.
"Mine," he growls before cumming into you. You didn't expect it, and he didn't slow down at all as it shot out. He just fucked his cum deep into you. Even once his load was fully out he continued to keep the pace and force.
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head and you could barely hold onto yourself at this point, half of your body fell limp.
"That's right. Just lay there and let me fuck you."
Tag list~
@kissmetwicekissmedeadly @fang-and-feather @xalxtusxiao @namine-somebodies-nobody @ana-thedaydreamer @evil-quartett @ameyoruakiikemenseries @yrenesposts @p1nkpandomium @tele86 @damekathearasi @lokis-laugh @candied-boys @breadmercury @aquagirl1978 @xenokiryu @nightghoul381 @floydsteeth @vampiricpancake @tako-cafe
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tokidokitokyo · 17 days
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Photo by Bruno Souza on Unsplash
To be honest, August was really just an exercise in staying afloat. I was able to continue my little habits since I've been doing them so long that they are just something I do in my spare time. But anything else was really hit or miss! I also realized I had forgotten to set goals for August so I guess it worked out since I didn't miss any goals! Sometimes life just happens, so I try not to worry too much about it. Now with September and a new Japanese preschool year beginning (yes they follow the American system at this school), I want to try to focus on making significant improvement again.
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August Progress
I spent most of my time in August on Listening and Speaking, and the least time on Vocabulary and Kanji. Listening was primarily listening to (children's) TV shows, podcasts, and conversations, and the Speaking study time I recorded was primarily conversations (with ママ友s and this time I recorded in-depth conversations with my son and husband because my son can participate in actual conversations when did that happen).
I feel like I did a lot of Reading in August but less Grammar and Writing, because I had so much going on and I was just trying to keep on top of all my responsibilities and also trying to get enough sleep.
In July I didn't do a study habit check-in, but let's see how I did in August:
Study Habit Check-In:
〇 = Great, △ = Decent, ✖ = Not Great
Read daily - read something almost every day 〇
Write sentences 4 times a week - definitely not, but that's ok, I was busy! ✖
Review kanji and vocabulary flash cards daily - nope, no, not at all ^^; ✖
Review 1-2 N3 grammar points weekly - I did review grammar points but it wasn't as often as once a week △
Learn 1-2 N2 grammar points weekly - I reviewed a couple of N2 grammar points but did not learn any new ones △
Listen to 1 podcast a week - yes! 〇
Continue to work on hiragana with my son - not sure where we are at this point, we are reading books and I am trying to pinpoint which characters he knows and which ones he doesn't know; characters like ちゃ and じ (I learned today these are called 拗音・ようおん) are understandably difficult for him; since we practice every day I call this a win 〇
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September Goals
I'm super motivated for September, let's gooo!
I want to get back into my study materials such as:
新にほんご500問 (Kanji, Vocabulary, Grammar drills)
日本語総まとめN2 (Kanji, Vocabulary, Grammar, Listening, Reading workbook)
外国人のための日本語敬語の使い方 (85 Basic Expressions of Japanese honorifics for Quick and Easy use, aka Keigo)
日本の歴史366 (daily history lesson)
I also got really excited and checked out way too many textbooks on the Japan Foundation (Libby) so I'd like to go through those as well.
And finally, I'd like to take a tip from some of the ママ友s (those are mom friends) and start taking time on weekends to work on hiragana recognition with my son (very mindful). Making it fun helps keep his interest, and we are fortunate to have collected a lot of Japanese children's books in a range of levels to practice with.
How is your studying going? Any new study tips or new classes? Feel free to comment or DM me! Happy studying!
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carmesi-butterfly · 11 months
from me to you
vampire yang jungwon + human female reader. word count 2,3k. vampire au/fantasy au. warnings hurt/comfort, abandonment. &team's appearance. not proofread.
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«From me to you. A letter for Yang Jungwon.
I miss you, Won. I don't know where you are, I don't know why you left me, and I don't know if I honestly want to hold that knowledge in my soul until my ends arrive.
Because unlike you, I'm just a mortal spirit. I desire to spend the rest of my life with you but I understand that you don't yearn for the same as me, and even if it hurts my heart, I accept it, by cause of my respect for you and your freedom, since I had the chance to meet you I noticed how you are an untied person and that's what attracted me of you, and that's why I always knew how this would end, I tried to ignore it but… such a free nature being tied to someone? The end was evident.
I'm sorry, at this point I'm just rambling about everything I can, I have sent so many letters this year and no one got a response which makes me feel a bit unmotivated, because of that I chose to start using a diary and set all my thoughts in there! I don't want to wait anymore for an answer that will never come, for a lover that will never come. A diary is for me, I feel it can help me to heal and cure my inner self.
It's my time to go, this will be my last letter meaning that is a definitive farewell for me, forgetting is not an option and even if it was I would never choose it, because ¿why would I forget you? The only man I loved, you opened my eyes to a new world full of beautiful things and a different perspective, and I will always be grateful for that. I love you Jungwon, goodbye.»
The body of a man lay on the ground of a big lounge, surrounded by an immense amount of envelopes and letters, all opened, his friends standing near him encircling the space.
"She sent fifty-five letters, those are at least one letter a week" announced Jake, impressed by the situation.
"I feel bad… maybe we shouldn't have left" followed Sunoo with a hand on his chest, slightly caressing it.
"Maybe? She was heartbroken, and this letter was from a month ago so who knows how she is now" answered Sunghoon trying to be honest, but slightly being a bit rude at the end.
All the voices resounded in Yang's ears but he didn't seem to notice.
"Guys, this is not helpful for any of us" The conversation was interrupted by Heeseung, who seemed worried about his friend's state and how the others managed the situation.
"I'm sorry, I didn't think I could cause more problems than planned" apologized the leader of the pack of wolves.
"Don't apologize, K" a soft voice echoed over the rest, comforting his friend who seemed a bit conflicted. Jungwon left the cloud forming on his mind, bringing his feet back on the earth. "It was my fault, I managed the situation poorly" his hand reached his head, messing his hair with frustration that tried to hide behind a tiny smile.
"I think it's our time to leave," offered the second oldest of the opposite group, holding his comrade's shoulder.
"Are you okay with that, Jungwon?" kei asked.
The relationship between both groups was clearly out of the ordinary, vampires and werewolves forming an alliance, it could even be considered against nature, two categories who faced each other since the start of their lineage collaborating in search of a common good: peace, not only for vampires and werewolves but for the humans too, because ignoring the amount of suffering humans caused to their people, there were a few ones with a golden heart willing to help any creature just in behalf of the mere wish of assist the fellows, precisely like you.
"Yes" affirmed, accompanied by a nod, "I think it's time to rest, especially for all of you," said referring to the predators, "we don't need sleep hours, but you do. Especially after this long trip, the best is to go rest right away"
They assented, and the head of the wolves talked again. "We owe you a favor, search for us when you need it"
By the time all the werewolves crossed the entrance their presence became undetectable, fusing with the big trees that make up the forest and blending into the darkness. With that, the vampires dispersed in the house choosing to mind their own business, leaving their friend alone to have his time for himself.
"Are you going to be okay, Jungwon?" Jay asked, preoccupied with his confidant.
"Yes, don't worry, I have to fix the mess I created" sighed, his tone became serious showing his friend everything he needed to know: determination.
Between vampires and other magical species that knew him, Jungwon had a reputation of the solve problems in his group, one that tends to be a magnet for problems as pure vampires with a high range tend to get into problems easier than other vampires with a lower status, adding to the mix the uncommon union with a few werewolves, it gives the perfect recipe of a disaster. Because of this, a case where Jungwon committed a mistake was unusual, and now in a position where he had to resolve his own problems the logic that characterizes him is pushed into the background and his heart takes the lead.
«Since I had the chance to meet you I noticed how you are an untied person and that's what attracted me of you, and that's why I always knew how this would end, I tried to ignore it but… such a free nature being tied to someone? The end was evident.» The words materialize in his mind, recalling the letter he read just a few minutes ago. "She thought I abandoned her," thought, feeling his heart break like a crystal shattering on his chest.
He has to search for you, no matter the late hours or the poor lighting because of the recent night arrival, he had a mission before and achieved it sacrificing your union in the process, his mission now was to rectify his mistake, even if that doesn't bring you back to his arms like you were before, knowing that you're aware of the events that lead him to fade away and giving the most sincere apology was enough for his soul.
As if someone dropped a spell over him his body began moving by itself, heading to a small cabin near a lake that was pretty well-known to him. It was your house, probably one of the places where he keeps most happy memories, and where a lot of new emotions blossomed on his inside.
Since the start of his long-lived life, Jungwon had the opportunity to experience what love is, the love for his brothers, for his life, for his home, for his hobbies, and the nature around him amongst a lot of other things, but the feelings unfolding in his chest caused by you were a new experience, a ton of butterflies hovering on his stomach directing to his heart, a heart that hasn't beat in a long time but now felt warm and alive.
His journey ended with your portico in front of him, a lamppost lit up the entrance that was decorated with bindweed hanging over the top of it, flower pots beside the door; red carnations, crimson roses, and few aloes. Like a final touch, baby's breath surrounded the area. All of those plants were new, there was no way you could keep a plant alive, because as you said to him once: «I always forget to water my flowers! This is the third time I have killed a cactus, why do I have to be so reckless?».
Without noticing, tears started to fall from his eyes, on a familiar place that felt distant, with flora that didn't have to be there and memories from a faraway moment that now felt overwhelming, the young Jungwon got off the deep end, crying intensely while all sorts of emotions impact him, the remorse and fear, he should have told you, even if it was an emergency, how long would it have taken to inform you about the recent urgency? He just needed to tell you, but he didn't, and now he probably lost you forever, and that's such a long time for a vampire. Despite his recent thoughts about not needing your love again and only wanting to deliver his apologies in search of your wellness, his body quivered just thinking about it, the suffocating feeling of knowing that he could lose the person who showed him what is love, was eating what he had left of a soul.
But the situation had to be confronted, he was the one who chose to appear, if he had to talk to you with his face full of tears, reddish eyes, and his nose dripping then he would.
Three knocks on the door were enough to wake you up, and distrust invaded you while thinking "Who is knocking on my door at this time?" it was suspicious not to say the least, at first you decided to not open it, perhaps whoever was knocking your door in the middle of the night would choose to just go and come back in the morning, but when the second banging started it worried you, what if someone is in danger? There were sightings of wolves near your area, it could be someone at risk of being attacked and searching for help in the desolate house close to the forest. As a precaution you approached the front door with a sword in hand, maybe it was a bit exaggerated for the situation, but the elegant weapon had sentimental value being a gift from an old lover who yearned for your safety.
"Who's there?" you asked, raising your voice as a try to make your voice clearer for the person on the other side.
"I-I am Jungwon…" mumbled, his weak voice exposing the crying session he had just a few minutes before.
The answer petrified you, it was him, it was his voice, after a year of waiting patiently, after months of feeling heartbroken, and after a few weeks of giving up on ever seeing your significant other again, it happened, Jungwon came back. Without a doubt, you opened the door desperately searching for your once-lover, dropping the sword in the process.
When the entrance opened, both maintained an ecstatic stand, you wanted to jump into his arms, searching for the warmth and comfort only Yang can give you.
Taking the initiative the boy said "Hi, y/n…" while collecting the courage needed for the words he was planning to say. "I know that maybe it's not the best moment to come and that it's egoistic on my own to show up like this… but I couldn't wait anymore, not after all this time".
The words unfolded through your ears like soft petals falling out of a tree, it was enough for your tears to start sliding over your cheeks until they reached the end of your jaw, and a gasp came out of your mouth "Did you receive my letters?".
"I wasn't here to read them, but I've received all of them. I never knew you could write so good" A tiny smile showed up on his face, emphasizing his soft cheeks and shrinking his sharp eyes.
"I thought I was never going to see you again" cried with a weak voice, "Where were you?... Why did you disappear just like that?" the efforts of the boy in attempting to make a more agreeable space for the conversation worked, in spite of your questions each one more intense than the other one, your body language demonstrated comfort, especially for the way your eyes searched his and your distance reduced discreetly with a few steps made by you.
"I can explain everything, that doesn't mean you have to forgive me" Delicately his hands cupped your face, brushing your cheeks softly.
"Why wouldn't I forgive you?" you asked, a smile showing up on your face while your hands took his and caressed them, also maintaining the embrace on your cheeks.
The question confused Jungwon, who didn't manage to formulate a question before you talked again.
"Even if you truly leave, I forgive you, because that's what you decided although my heart may not take it well," said with a giggle "I already forgave you, there's no bone in my whole body that can be mad at you" the happiness you tried to demonstrate was overshadowed by crystalline years balling through your eyes. "I love you Won, and love hurts sometimes, I'm willing to experience that pain for you" Your testimony shocked the vampire, who felt touched by your words.
"I don't desire to hurt you, not anymore" And with that, helping himself with the grab he had on your face, Jungwon placed a kiss on your lips, after a long time of missing this kind of connection. A few seconds passed and the kiss got intense, the result of more than a year of dreaming with any dose of contact now unleashing, but sadly, you need to breathe. When the kiss broke, with irregular breathing spoke "Maybe we should talk inside… so I can explain everything, and you can talk to me about your new hobbies" referring to the new plants that formed part of the environment, "I'm interested in reading your diary entries if you let me"
All the pages you had the opportunity to fill talked about him, from top to bottom without wasting any minimal space, and because of that the petition made you feel a bit embarrassed, but you agreed intending to show more from you to him.
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04mxfutbol · 1 year
Reality (Pt. 2) (Christen Press x Reader)
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A/N: I listened to My Tears Ricochet by Taylor Swift on repeat while writing this. Safe to say my tears have been lost somewhere in the fic. Okay enjoy (:
What hurts more than a relationship breakup? A friendship breakup. Gosh do they hurt. It’s a different type of pain.
You don’t know how it got to this point but here you were. Surrounded by so many people yet not even close to the one person you so badly wanted but couldn’t have.
“You look good today.” Megan says sarcastically.
“I feel like shit, god I do this to myself. Over and over.” You say as you set your phone down. “It’s just hard not to.”
“You’re just torturing yourself Y/N.” Alex says as she sits next to you. “You’re just opening that wound even more. Let it heal.”
“I just want to see her without her knowing I’m looking.”
“So a stalker.” Megan says.
“Well.. no? I just don’t want her to know I’m lurking through her page or even her boyfriends page. That would be weird.”
“But she knows who you are.” Alex says.
“That’s still a stalker.” Megan says. “And it is weird.”
“Meg.” Alex says.
“What? It is weird.”
“Shut up already.” Alex says slapping Megan on the arm.
“We aren’t even friends anymore, not like before.” You say as you pull the hoodie over yourself. “I just wish I could go back in time and fix things. But it’s too late now.”
“It gets better with time.” Alex says as she wraps her arm around you.
“Trust me I’ve been waiting but it’s been years Al. It’s been literal years.”
“Give it time Y/N.”
“I hope you’re right Al. I hope you’re right. I can’t move on. I don’t want this to be my life.”
You pull the strings on your hoodie, covering your face as you lean against Alex.
“She’s here.” Alex whispers and you quickly let your head fall onto her lap.
“Hey girls.” You hear Christen say, you don’t look anywhere, you close your eyes pretending to be asleep. “Alex.”
“Christen.” Alex says.
“Where’s your boyfriend?” Pinoe asks and you discretely kick her shin.
“Couldn’t make it today.” Christen says and Alex puts her arm on top of your body.
“Bummer.” Alex says trying not to sound sarcastic. “Would’ve loved to finally meet him. You know, you’ve been dating for two years now.”
“Maybe another time.” Christen says. “I’m sure he’d love to meet you guys, he said he’d try and be here tomorrow.”
“Well that’s great.” Alex says.
“Is she sleeping?” Christen asks as she looks down to you.
“Knocked out.” Alex says as she places her hand on your head. “Long flight you know?”
“If I still remember correctly she probably stayed up all night to make sure she wouldn’t miss her flight.” Christen says, for some reason her remembering that made your heart flutter but also break a little.
She remembers. 
“I hate flights they stress me out.”
“Just sleep I’ll make sure I’ll wake you up if you don't wake up on time.” Christen says and you sigh.
“No because you sleep through your alarms.”
“Oh shush you. Look on the bright side, our families are going on a trip together.”
“True, it was a surprise they said yes.”
“That’s exactly what happened.” Alex says as she remembers last nights events.
“Same old Y/N/N.” Christen says with a chuckle.
“That’s Y/N for you.” Alex says patting your head.
“Well I’ll see you guys later right?” Christen asks.
You hear the wheels of a suitcase further away from you, finally lifting your head back up.
“Deep down I trick myself into thinking she loved me too at one point but never told me.” You say with a shrug.
“Come on let’s go back to our room.” Alex whispers as she stands up, extending her hand to you.
The three of you walk up to the hotel room, head rested against Alex’s arm.
As soon as you walked inside you laid down on the bed and curled up into a ball.
“Becky is on her way to grab something from here but don’t mind her.” Alex whispers and you nod.
You soon hear a knock on the door and hear the door open.
“Cap Becky!” Pinoe shouts.
“I’m just here to grab the folder.” Becky says walking into the room.
“Alex.” Becky says and then looks at the body on the bed, that body being you. “Hey Y/N what’s going on?”
“I hate feelings and love.” You say as you stare at the wall.
“Is Christen still being a total loser?” Becky asks.
“She’s not a loser.” You say.
“So it’s Christen.”
“When hasn’t it been.” You hear Pinoe say, you lift your head up and stick your tongue out at her.
“Can I state an opinion?” Alex asks, Becky looks at Alex and she tilts her head.
“Sure.” You say. “What is it?”
“I think there’s more to what happened the night it all went down, from my perspective at least. I mean there’s no reason to end a friendship over two people hanging out right?” Alex says. “I was there that night. I was that person hanging out with you.”
“I was very persistent on her calming down about you and me hanging out often. It didn’t seem like a big deal to me.”
“Then there’s more to it.” Alex says. “Just my opinion.”
“I guess, thanks.” You say as you grab a blanket, covering your head.
The sound machine beside the bed that Alex had turned on to help you fall asleep did it’s magic. Of course with a hint of Taylor Swift playing in the background, Alex knowing all too well it would knock you out, she had a playlist all made for you to sleep to.
“You know we can’t tell her.” Becky says whispering to Alex.
“Y/N needs the closure she deserves.” Alex whispers. “We’ve been lying to her the whole time.”
“We don’t even know the entire story! Christen said something just took over her that night.” Becky says. “You think I know the whole story? I don’t! Christen has been lying to us, we’re not lying to Y/N. We’ve told her all WE know.”
“All we know? Sure, but we sure as heck weren’t blind that night. You and I both know what we saw.” Alex says. “I was there Becky. It happened again that night when we all went together as a team to watch a basketball game.”
“And if we’re wrong? Then what? We give her false hope?” Becky says. “If we’re wrong we destroy her.”
“Well I wasn’t fucking blind that night that’s for sure and you know damn well what you saw that night.”
“I actually kind of agree with Becky here.” Pinoe says. “Are we certain of what we saw that night? Not necessarily but we also can’t kill her hope. We’re not even the ones to be saying what we saw because we all know Christen is the one who truly knows.”
“The same thing happened when we were in college. It was that same look of she wanted me dead.”
“No I’m serious. But it happened again and this time it looked like she wanted me to know. You were there.”
“We were all there this time but the first time? You said it yourself you guys were in college. We don’t know everything.”
“Christen has been on thin fucking ice since that night.” Alex says. “It’s been years.”
“Until she wants to say something about it then we can say something.” Becky says. “Okay? Okay. We’ve agreed”
Throughout all that whisper yelling you somehow slept through it, the sound machine doing its work as it should and the power of the playlist Alex had made you did wonders.
“You know this is the first time she’s actually getting some sleep. You guys haven’t been there.” Alex says. “I was! I was there! I’ve been there! She barely gets sleep and she needs help. It’s been years!”
“Clearly her first love.”
“You don’t get it, it’s been like this since college. Christen ruined this wonderful human being over what? Stupidity. Ignorance? JEALOUSY?”
“Okay now don’t say things like that.” Becky says. “We don't know that.”
“Y/N needs help I’m talking therapist help to heal and be able to move on.” Alex whispers. "You know I'm right. Christen only ever tries to find Y/N whenever things go wrong in her love life and Y/N being Y/N she lets her back in her life. Then when Christen is better she leaves."
"Okay so Christen is a jerk." Megan says. "What do you expect us to do then?"
"If I knew I would have been doing it already." Alex says as she gets into the bed with you. “She’s been through enough, she’s put up with Christen’s stupid games. Christen gives her false hope.”
“We don't say anything about it yet.” Becky says as she leaves the room.
“My poor Y/N has tried to face reality but can’t because she’s afraid.” Alex whispers as she runs her fingers through your hair.
“At least she has you.” Megan says with a shrug.
“She’ll always have me. That will never change.”
- - - -
“Good morning sunshine.” Alex whispers as she moves the hair out of your face. “Let’s go grab breakfast we’ve got a long day ahead of us.”
“Isn’t today a whole day of team bonding?” You grog out. “If so then I think I’ll take an extra hour of sleep.”
“Funny. Come on get up. Even if it’s team bonding, the time doesn’t change. It’s 7am. Get up.” Alex says as she pulls the first blanket off of you.
“Ugh sometimes this whole being a professional soccer player has its cons. This being one of them.” You say stretching. “A pro of being a professional soccer player is being friends with you.”
“Aww how sweet, nice try. Get up already.”
“You’re so bossy I hope you know that.” You say as you get up from the bed.
“I know.”
After dressing up you both head down to grab breakfast, naturally you sat next to Alex, always feeling protected by her.
“Feed me.” You tell Alex.
“Feed yourself I’m not going to feed you, your hands are working just fine.” Alex says.
“Alex please, I’m sad.” You say, you’re quick to give her the best puppy eyes you could.
“Ugh. Fine. Just this once.” Alex says grabbing your fork and grabbing a piece of fruit. “Open.”
“Thank you.”
Alex continues feeding you some food while also eating her own breakfast. Your head rested on your hand as you look at Alex. You’re interrupted when someone sits in front of you.
“Hi Alex.” Christen says. “Hey Y/N.”
“Hey.” You say quickly then try to scoot closer to Alex
“Christen.” Alex says.
“Al more.” You say opening your mouth.
“That’s the last of it. Now let me eat before we have to go.” Alex says and you nod.
“You two still hang out a lot huh?” Christen says and you turn to face her.
“We do, we actually live together because roommates!” Alex says making you laugh.
“Plus rent is cheap when this superstar gets paid big money with all her sponsors.” You say with a chuckle. “Gotta love living with Alex.”
“Who wouldn’t love having you around all the time. We get to stay in and watch movies and we end up falling asleep on the couch until one gets up and wakes the other up to go to bed. So fun.” Alex says.
“Sounds fun.” Christen says. “Sounds like you two really did solidify that good friendship.”
“Oh yeah, long ago. Ever since college right?” Alex says turning to look at you.
“Um? Yes?” You say.
“Very.” Alex says sternly, glaring at the green eyed woman in front of her.
“Alright everyone we’ve brought a team specified in team bonding to come and help this team become better and you know trust each other. We’ll be having activities all afternoon. So after breakfast we head to the conference room.” Vlatko announces. “Also we have Naomi Girma and Taylor Kornieck joining us for the first time. So let’s welcome them both with a good attitude. Dismissed.”
“Great, team exercises. Fun.” Pinoe says. “As if I don’t spend time enough with all of you.”
“You love us though, right?” Rose asks Pinoe.
“You my dear Rose are who I love the most.” Pinoe says patting Rose’s head.
“Ouch.” You say.
“How’s it feel to be a veteran?” Alex asks and you chuckle.
“I feel rather-.”
“Old? Yeah get used to it.” Pinoe says and you shove her.
“I was going to say I feel weird.” You say. “You on the other hand, you are old so time is ticking.”
“You little shit.” Pinoe snarls and you laugh, but soon enough she has you in a headlock.
“Y/N? You still love me even though Pinoe hates you right now right?” Rose asks and you smile.
“I’ll always love you Rose. You’re too precious.”
“Newbies in the house.” Kelley shouts, you turn around and see the two woman walking towards your table.
“Rookies.” You say looking at them.
“They’ll do great.” Alex says and you nod. "Megan let go of Y/N."
"You're lucky I love you."
“I definitely see Naomi being captain in the future. She has the spirit and looks like could give good speeches.” You say. “But I’m getting ahead of myself.”
“Good thing we all play together in club.” Alex says and you chuckle.
“That’s true.”
You all head to the conference room, sitting down at one of the many tables set up in the conference room.
“I’m ready to get this over with.” You say as you clap.
“Okay everyone, with the people in your table, let’s start with your name and something like a hobby.” One of the woman says.
“So I’m Y/N and I like to sleep? That can be a hobby right?” You ask.
“I think so.” Mal says and you nod your head.
“Then that’s my hobby.”
You looked up from your table, your eyes meeting the green eyes you so hopelessly fell in love with long ago. Christen smiled at you and gave you a little wave. Waving back, you immediately leaned against Alex. Christen’s smile fading away.
“You okay?” Alex whispers and you nod. “Hey. It’s me and you. Me and you always.”
You hoped this camp would finally be the time you both would reconnect after many years of not being friends.
You hoped.
Hoping. Like you always did.
But that hope was running out. You didn’t like that.
“Okay now that you’ve all clearly shared the same hobby. Let’s see if you know each other’s birthday.”
“Birthday’s? BIRTHDAYS? As in the day people were born? I barely even remember mine.” Rose says.
“Yet you remember Wilma’s.” Mal says.
Everyone at your table attempts getting each other’s birthday right when it’s finally your turn you groan. Not wanting to have everyone guessing once again for another birthday that not anyone can barely remember you decide to just make it go quicker.
“My birthday is-.” You’re cutoff by Alex who stops you.
“Oh I know this, easy.” Alex says with a smile. “It’s-.”
“I know your birthday.” Christen says pulling a chair to your table and sitting across from you. Interrupting Alex. “Super easy, Y/N’s birthday is Y/B/D. I know that.” Christen smiles as she looks at you.
You turn to look at Alex who’s just as confused as you are. She shrugs her shoulders as she tries to understand what just happened.
“When’s mine Y/N/N?” Christen asks you as she looks at you, ignoring the others at the table. “Do you even remember mine?”
You reach for Alex’s hand under the table, trying to gain some sort of reality in what seemed fantasy. Alex squeezed your hand three times and you took a deep breath.
"Happy Birthday Chris, what do we have planned for today?" You ask Christen.
"Me and you movies and maybe go to the beach?" Christen asks and you smile.
"Sure, whatever you want. It's your birthday."
“I remember yours, it’s December 29.” You say and you feel your cheeks start to heat up, but also your heart racing.
“I can’t believe you actually remember.”
“I could never forget.”
The rest of the time you were out of it, not focused in team bonding anymore after what had occurred. Your mind still groggy, trying to understand what the hell had just happened.
It wasn’t like Christen to do what she did, plus you had initially thought she didn’t want to talk to you. Yet here she was acting the way she was. It confused you in every single way.
Everything just made you remember the night Christen saw you and Alex holding hands at a game. Which you thought wasn’t a big deal until Alex told you that Christen was practically looking at her like she wanted her dead.
You just never understood why she reacted that way when she sat behind you at the game with her boyfriend. Christen knew you and Alex had always been close you just never thought it’d be a problem.
“Alright everyone you’re dismissed for whatever shenanigans you all will be up to. Be careful.” Vlatko says. “But be careful.”
You immediately get up pulling Alex and Rose.
“I’ve been chosen. Yes.” Rose says.
“I’m terrified of what just happened in there.” You whisper to the two women in front of you.
“Maybe Chris is trying to reconnect?” Rose says shrugging her shoulders. “But it was kind of unexpected if that’s what you’re implying.”
Alex looks at you with worried eyes, wanting so badly to tell you what she had thought of that night, the night everything crumbled for you. But she held back, remembering what Becky had told her.
While you racked your brain trying to find a perfectly good explanation to what had happened, Christen was walking right behind a group of youngsters.
“Did you see Alex’s private story? They went surfing and then to a concert just the other day. How can I trade spots with Y/N? I want to go to concerts too.”
“Y/N has just been going through it, Alex just tries to distract Y/N from practically everything.” Naomi says. “She’s a great friend. They’re both great people.”
“They’re attached to the hip, wherever Alex is, Y/N is right behind. And wherever Y/N is, Alex is right behind.” Taylor says. “I think it’s kind of cute.”
“Oh definitely.” Naomi says with a chuckle. “I do love their weekend cookouts that they invite us to, it relaxes me.”
“Oh my god you’re so right.” Taylor says. 
“What are we talking about?” Ashley asks as she catches up to the two Wave players.
“Alex and Y/N.” Taylor says. 
“Oh my god, they are the cutest. Did you guys see the picture of them both spending the holidays together with their families? When I have a friendship like that I’ll be happy.” Ashley says.
“They’re the best.” Naomi says.
“Cute.” Christen says bitterly as she walks past the girls.
“What was that?” Ashley asks, the two Wave players shrugging in confusion not knowing what may have caused such a reaction from who they thought was the calmest person.
- - - -
After a long two weeks of camp, you were a bit thrilled to return to San Diego. To be in your own bed and be away from all the chaos that occurred. To be as far away from what Alex is saying to be reality you didn't want to face.
Were you not facing reality already? You sure thought you were looking at reality.
“She leaving?” Alex asks and you nod. “If it’s meant to be then it’ll happen Y/N/N.”
“Thanks for that Al but she’s gone now. She always said she didn’t feel the same, others say differently but I do always wonder if at some point she did feel the same for me, for just a little bit.”
“Only she knows I suppose. I can’t read minds or else I’d read minds.” Alex says making you laugh a little bit. “Trust me Y/N. If it’s meant to be then your paths will cross and meet again. Don’t force it.”
“I am a big sucker for hope.” You say softly. “I feel like just waving a white flag you know? I surrender, it’s been years.”
“Don’t wave it.” You hear someone behind you say. “You’re the biggest sucker when it comes to hope and I love that about you. You always have hope. I have no idea what you’re talking about but don’t wave the flag, keep hoping.” Christen says as she flashes you a big wide smile as she walks past you.
“Y-yeah thanks.” You say as you lean into Alex, trying to feel some sort of protection. Alex is quick to react as she wraps her arm around you.
Alex didn't miss the glare Christen was sending her, the same glare she had received from the green eyed woman years ago. Alex tilted her head, she knew that glare, she knew that reaction. Christen was jealous, Alex knew it, it had to be that.
“I have to go but whatever it is don’t wave it. There’s always hope.” Christen says as she opens the door to the car that had just arrived. She opens the passenger door and you see her boyfriend.
“Hi babe you ready to go home?” Christen’s boyfriend says.
“Yeah. Ready.” Christen says as she gets inside. “Y/N don’t lose hope.”
You nod your head as the car drives off.
As soon as the car is far from your sight you pulled out a napkin you had in your napkin from lunch earlier that day.
“Y/N?” Alex asks as she looks at you.
You turn to look at her as you wave the napkin in the air.
“I give up.” You say as you begin to sob.
“Oh Y/N/N.” Alex says as she pulls you in for a hug. You sobbed into her chest as you grabbed the sides of her sweater.
“I just want to talk to her, but at the same time scream.” You say in between sobs.
“Then scream, scream at the sky and scream all you wish you could tell her. Heal Y/N. You deserve to heal from the pain she has put you through.”
You clung onto Alex’s hoodie, a sobbing mess in Alex’s arms.
Some of the older girls walk out of the lobby and they’re met with the sight of you clinging onto Alex, sobbing. They stop as Alex signals them to stop where they are.
“Here I have an idea.” Alex says. “Come on everyone. Follow me.”
Alex took you to a nearby beach, a secluded area where there weren't many people.
“What are we doing here?” You ask Alex.
“Scream. Scream at the sky, scream all you wish you could tell her, scream. Talk to her by screaming at the sky.” Alex says as she holds onto your hand. “Let yourself heal.”
You look at Alex and sniffle. She gives you a supportive smile and nods. You look around and no one was around. You took in a deep breath as you looked up at the sky.
“Scream. Scream all you want.”
You sniffle and wipe your tears. Closing your eyes you replayed every memory, they just all reminded you of what she was to you. She was home. 
“Apparently home doesn't have to be a place.” Christen says as she walks into your bedroom.
“Really? So then what else can it be?” You ask.
“A person.” Christen says as she lays next to you.
“Wow that's deep.” You say as you look up at the ceiling.
“You’re my home.” Christen says making you smile.
“You’re my home too.”
You begin to scream as you open your eyes, looking up at the sky. 
“YOU BROKE ME.” You yell at the sky. “YOU WERE MY HOME. I WAS YOURS.”
“There we go let it go.”
“Me and you forever.” Christen says as she plays with your hair, your head resting on her chest.
“Me and you forever.” You repeat.
“I HATE YOU.” You scream and sob. “I love you.”
“We’re going to live together one day trust me.” Christen says and you laugh. “What? Do you think I’m kidding?”
“Come on Chris maybe for a little but then you’ll get married or something.” You say looking at her.
“Married? Pass. It’ll be me and you living together forever. Nothing can separate us.”
“It was me and you forever.” You sob out.
“You have a boyfriend?” Christen asks and you furrow your eyebrows as you grab your backpack.
“No? Who said that?” You ask as you look at Christen weirdly. “Plus if anything I think I'd have a relationship with a girl first rather than a guy.”
“Oh I just heard something around.”
“Well I don’t so can you calm down?”
“I’m calm.” Christen says making you laugh.
“Why were you losing your mind over that? I don't react that way when you have a boyfriend.”
“I gotta make sure whoever dates you is good for you just like you do for me.” Christen says and you snort.
“Yes because when have you listened to me about your boyfriends, they’ve been terrible and I tell you before. I can sense it way before you do.”
“Yeah but your love life matters to me, I want you to be with someone who loves you and treats you right. I could care less about mine.”
“Clearly. Trust me I know.”
You continue to scream at the sky as you stomp your feet on the sand.
“You ever look at stars and think just how beautiful they are?” Christen asks you as you both lay outside on the lawn.
“Actually, yes.” You say. Christen turns to look at you, a smile plastered on her face.
“Why are you smiling like that and looking at me like that?” You say with a nervous chuckle.
“I’m going to be honest.” Christen says grabbing you hand. “What if we just never get married? What if it’s just me and you forever? Wouldn’t that be nice? Just us and laughter and adventures.”
“I suppose?”
“I’m just really grateful for you and I’m really lucky to have you in my life, you've stayed friends with me for so many years and I know I don't tell you often but I do love you and I appreciate it and all you do for me. I'm sorry I’m not the best of friend, or that I push you away sometimes, I don't mean it. I just don't ever want to lose you.”
“You won't. I don't want to ever lose you either Chris, I don't want to face the world by myself, I want to have you around forever.”
“Us two facing the world together. Facing reality.” Christen says booping your nose. “I love you.”
“Us versus the world.” You say making Christen laugh.
“It's me and you forever.” Christen says as she looks back up at the sky.
As you both laid on the grass Christen reached over to grab your hand, you turned your head and saw Christen looking at you, a very interesting look on her face that you couldn't quite figure out. The soft gaze and her smile.
Christen’s mind was everywhere, but when she would look at you and you smiled, she knew she loved you so much. Everything around you both seemed to not matter, she knew you were her home.
“I’m sorry I don't show it often but I really do appreciate you and I’m sorry I push you away, I don't mean it.” Christen says as she fidgets with your fingers. “I just-.”
“It’s okay you don't have to explain. I’ll always be around.”
“But you're the one who's constantly putting so much into our friendship and I know we've talked about this before, I need to do more.”
“I don't want to lose you, ever.”
“You won't. Come on Christen we both know we've gone through enough and we’re still here.”
“Yes because you're the one who's always trying to save this friendship.”
“Christen. Hey. It’s me and you. Me and you.”
“Me and you.”
You fall onto your knees as you hide your face in your hands. Trying so hard not to absolutely lose your composure, but you're pretty sure you had already lost it.
"I don't even understand why you're acting like this Chris, you're not like this." You say as you walk closer to her.
"I always say I'm gonna change the way I am to you but never do. I'm a bad person. I'm not a good person." Christen says and you look baffled.
"Don't say that, hey you're not a bad person. You are a wonderful and kind person." You say as you walk up to Christen, cupping her face in your hands.
"I don't know how you're still my friend. You are so fucking amazing Y/N. You don't even know how much you truly are worth, I'm fucking lucky to have you in my life and I should be cherishing you and appreciating you before it's too late."
"I'm right here Chris. I'm right here."
While you sobbed, letting it all out, Christen was with her boyfriend driving home.
“That was the famous Y/N?” Christen’s boyfriend asks.
“That was her with Alex yes.” Christen says.
“Are they together?”
“Who? Alex and Y/N?” Christen asks with a chuckle. “Probably, I wouldn't know.”
“I thought they were together.”
“Yeah well they might as well be.”
“Angry much?”
“No. I just want to go home.” Christen sighs, Christen’s boyfriend sighs and shakes his head as he looks at the road. ”What?”
“You get like this every single time you either hear, see or literally just know she's around. You get so- so..”
“So what?”
“Jealous! Christen you get jealous!”
“I don't know what you're talking about. Why would I be jealous? We haven't been friends since our first year of college.”
"What are you doing?" You ask Christen as you walk into her room.
"Getting ready?" Christen says, you raise your eyebrow as you see what's in her hand.
"What the hell are you going to do with a hammer?"
"Aren't you going to meet someone?" Christen asks and you snort.
"Yes but I can assure you I'll be fine."
"I just gotta make sure they're good for you."
"So you have hammer for that? Christen it's just a date."
"Okay and?" Christen asks as she looks at you, you raise your hands in defeat as you turn around and walk away.
"You're being extra weird."
“I feel like I always come second Christen. Even if she isn't in your life anymore, it seems like she's all you think about.”
“That’s not true.”
“But it is. Christen I’m tired of being second choice to your ex girlfriend.”
“Ex girlfriend? Where the hell did you come out with that conclusion? We were best friends, nothing more. Sure she liked me but I never liked her back.”
"Hey." Christen says as she looks at her neighbor opening the door to her house.
"Christen? Everything okay?" Christen's neighbor asks.
"Can we talk?"
"Sure come in." She says, Christen walks in as she sits on the couch. "No Y/N today?"
"Haha no, she's home."
"Very odd to see you both apart. You guys are always together. She cares about you a lot."
"I care about her too, a lot. She's become someone so important to me and makes me very happy."
"Oh I know." She says with a smirk, a smirk Christen doesn't see.
"Wait what do you mean by that?" Christen asks.
"Nothing. But I'm sure you know."
“She liked you? Oh wow, that explains a lot.” He says.
“Come on you can't be serious.” Christen says with a laugh. 
“I mean it all makes sense, so many times that we went to the carnival on the Fourth of July. Our anniversary. I don't know why I didn't catch that earlier. All those stories you would tell me, I just thought you missed being friends with her.”
“What? What are you talking about?”
“Are you that blind to your own feelings? You loved her or love her I don't even know anymore.” 
"Thank you for being in my life even though I don't deserve someone as great as you."
"Chris, come on. We both know you deserve a better friend than me."
"No, if I didn't have you I'm pretty sure I'd look for you. In every universe I think I'd look for you, because without you I feel like something is missing."
“No I didn't and I don't.”
“Our anniversary is something else to you, it’s a reminder of the times when you'd go with her to the carnival. You said it was a tradition. July fourth is our anniversary, but every time it comes around you seem so down, like if you have something else in mind. You have her in mind.”
“Oh my god you can't be serious.”
“I should've seen it sooner.” He says shaking his head.
"You're unbelievable, none of it is true."
"Face reality Christen, fuck."
Alex looked behind you to see the girls looking at you then Alex, a soft smile on their faces. They could see it and feel it. They all walked over to you and Alex, all sitting down on the sand as they hugged you.
"I hope you never forget how much I love you." Christen says as she fixes the blanket over you, running her fingers through your hair. "You don't even understand and you won't ever see how much I truly do love you."
“It was supposed to be me and her forever.” You sob out.
You were healing. Finally healing and they weren’t going to leave you alone to face the world, the reality, all by yourself.
“We got you.” Becky whispers. “We got you.”
It was a reality you had not wanted to face for so long, but you had to accept it sooner than later. This was reality. A reality you had to face without Christen was something you never thought you had to do, but unfortunately it had come to that.
As much as you wanted closure, as much as you wanted to know why Christen had reacted the way she did those nights. You knew you probably wouldn’t ever know, but it was time to start to do what you never wanted. It was time do so, to face reality.
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good-beans · 9 months
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HI @rainbowghostcat and @boxx-sama -- I have been enabled so I'm here to ramble a bit about my faves >:3 Top three are definitely Fuuta, Mahiru, and Yuno! Good taste gang !!🤝✨✨✨
It's a mix of enjoying their songs, genuinely getting into their stories, and relating to them just enough to go a little crazy asdfsd :') Shidou comes in at a close 4th, I love him a lot but I'm not as insane as I am about these guys lmao.
I was holding onto these asks to ramble when I had the time/energy but uuuuhhh I didn't mean to go on for so long sorry 😭 Woe, 03 06 02 thoughts be upon ye...
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Starting with Fuuta!! His character has everything – He’s cool, he’s lame, he’s terrifying, he’s tragic, he’s funny, he’s unbearably real, he’s my silly little guy, he makes me cry, etc. The core of his character that always gets me is how normal he is. How he’s probably closest to the majority of the audience – he (and Kazui) are the only ones who did not have murder on their mind at all. He anticipated harm, but the thought of someone dying never once crossed his mind. He’s right around teens/early twenties. He engages with the online world a lot. So many milgram fans are in that age range, on the internet a lot (in order to enjoy the project and its fanbase), feel a strong sense of justice (since they’re so engaged in a project about morality), and aren’t in any situation dramatic enough that they expect anyone to die. He’s so much like all of us. 
Continuing on that, his heart really is in the right place to start. He cares deeply about people and society, which is why he wants to fix it. His vision is a bit small, focusing on petty issues rather than huge social issues, but the point is he cares. He attacks Es because he’s trying to be the brave representative after hearing Haruka and Yuno were attacked. He yells at Kazui and Mahiru because they’re not helping the others. He takes care of Haruka. He gives Mahiru a birthday gift even when he has nothing to give. 
His biggest issue is, he doesn’t belong. I’ve written up a whole analysis on how he’s written very neurodivergent: he misses social cues, he’s on the outskirts of friendships and groups. It’s more clear in characters like Haruka and Muu, but Fuuta is just as incredibly desperate for attention. For love. For that feeling of belonging in a group. His knightly fantasies aren’t ones of violence and weapons – they’re mostly scenes of him surrounded by a close-knit party of adventurers who are cheering him on. 
All of this together is what makes him so compelling and so tragic to me. All the characters are human and real, but he’s the closest to a lot of viewers (myself included). He let the attention get to his head for just a bit too long, let himself get swept away in finally having friends. He got distracted thinking that the focus of being a hero was defeating, and not protecting. And all it took was a brief time of getting drunk on this attention, and now he has a little girl’s blood on his hands. It makes me absolutely insane.
I also think he’s such a cool special case because he truly got a taste of his own medicine. The other characters are being judged in an unfamiliar way, but he is being scrutinized in the Exact same way that Fuuta pried open others’ privacy. He was attacked and almost died because of Es’ judgment, just as his victim was attacked because of his judgment. The process of Milgram is putting him in his victim’s shoes, and it’s so cool to see.
Aaaaand on a lighter note – he’s just so fun!! He’s my little skrunkly fr!!! I love his shit-eating grin. I love his ridiculous laugh. I love his crooked teeth. I love the knight theme, and the fire symbolism. It’s pretty standard, but it suits him perfectly. He’s got such cool, badass songs! I’m obsessed with his voice, both his singing and vd performances are incredible. His vds are the only ones I’ll listen to often and out of the blue – Arthur Lounsbery uses such an interesting and fun voice for him ;--; His design is so fun (apparently I have a Type for redhead characters…), and his t2 development and design were amazing! There has been no other Milgram character that I want to reach through the screen and shake violently by the shoulders and also hug so badly 😂
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I’m so obsessed with her theme of ‘being so kind that it causes harm’!! Because it’s very easy to dismiss the other characters as unforgivable when you look at the harm they wanted to cause their victim, or disregard they had for their victim’s feelings. But Mahiru… she doesn’t want to cause any harm. At all. She took her boyfriend’s feelings into consideration so much so that she didn’t stop him when she definitely should have. She doesn’t have a mean bone in her body and yet she fucked up big time!! It’s such a unique type of murder!! The other characters need to be sat down and told “don’t hurt innocents, don’t seek revenge, don’t be selfish, etc” and then Mahiru is over here like “don’t be… nice to people.” Because it’s not about being nice per se – it’s about not being a doormat. 
(I know her story is still a bit mysterious – my running theory is that her bf had health issues completely separate from their relationship. They started getting bad and he started to consider suicide. Instead of stopping him, Mahiru combined her need to copy her lover (as seen a lot in TIHTBILWY), her ideas that lovers do everything together, and her belief that one should do anything they set their mind to (as seen in her comments about Es/Kotoko and the attack). She says she’ll join him, make it a lovers’ suicide, but doesn’t follow through at the last second.)
She (and Mikoto) have really interesting themes of how not caring for yourself can actually hurt others. They put all their efforts into giving back to others, to society, fitting into the norms and expectations, not questioning others, and it backfires catastrophically. If she had stood up for herself and her relationship, she would not have assumed anyone deserved to die. She would have known that it wasn’t up to her alone to deal with her bf’s mental issues. She obviously wasn’t handling it correctly (rats….) but she didn’t need to! She should have pointed him to professionals instead of deciding she deserved to die along with him! But she was so poisoned by society’s expectations of being the perfect girlfriend and being considerate of others…
She’s just such a tragic case because the power of love is supposed to be perfect. She’s been taught her whole life that it’s wonderful and magical and pure. Who can kill with the power of love, after all? I can completely understand her denial of the situation, because I also wouldn’t picture a terrifying, dark scene if I knew I was only being nice for my whole life! 
And her crime aside – she’s super fun :3 She has The Most Fun songs, she’s full of energy and excitement and enthusiasm! (out of the various english covers I like, hers is the one I jam out to most often hehe). She’s the most stunning character there! I’m a sucker for sunshine-coded characters 🌻🌻🌻I think she has the best symbols out of everyone, between the birdcage and the carousel. The fact that both Mahiru and her bf could be the bird and the cage. The two symbols representing beautiful things that can be trapping. Representing cycles. Representing relationships. I know the hourglass is a popular one but I think this is Yamanaka's finest set of symbols. I am unwell about it. So yeah, rather than give her a good shake I want to yank her right out of there – Get in loser we’re gonna get you some self-love!!!!
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And a slightly shorter rant on Yuno because that was a lot adfsdf. Ad I'm aware of the irony that one of my points is that it kinda sucks how most rants on Yuno are cut short :( The thing is, she’s been very honest about her crime, and most people have considered her issue in a context outside of Milgram so they already have a pretty good idea on where their vote stands. Despite being the “obvious” innocent one, she really is the most emotionally charged character imo. It’s easy to relate to the other characters and feel knee-jerk reaction, but none have been so widely discussed as abortion and sex work. I can talk openly about everyone else and get into a nice discussion on morals and emotions, but Yuno is the one character I have to talk very, very carefully around. Whether I’m rambling about Milgram to my family or interacting with new fans, I never know what’s acceptable to say without falling into a whole debate on politics.
So, if it’s made me into someone who keeps quiet and skirts around things, I shudder to imagine the amount of lying/masking Yuno herself must do on a daily basis. I can easily avoid the topic if I choose to – she was dealing with that debate long before coming to Milgram, and is currently dealing with debates and judgements and insults and pity surrounding it. She’s naturally strong so I think fans often forget all the shit that this 18yo is dealing with on a daily basis, and how effortless she’s making it look <3
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I just have to wax poetic about the beauty of gentlebeard, particularly why I, as an autistic person, love them so much and project onto them so badly
This might get a little long, so a read more will do
But first off, some fun brief history lesson on autistic relationships in media :). Which sucks most of the time :)))
Ok I'm really not gonna get too much into it cause most of its the same; white autistic man/white allistic woman (The Good Doctor, Adam, etc). There have been steps in more diversity when it comes to this (Jane Wants a Boyfriend and Extraordinary Attorney Woo, a flip on this trope, and Heartbreak High has an actually autistic actress as a main lesbian character) but some of these media aren't being continued anymore (Everything's Gonna Be Okay you will always be missed)
As of right now, the themes of these stories are usually about the disability, teaching allistics and just overall centers around autism itself, which considering how many of these projects aren't led by autistic people, it's shitty repetitive portrayals (The Good Doctor, Atypical, Extraordinary Attorney Woo, As They See Us, blah blah blah blah blah)
But then you got these two pirates.
And let me explain how they pressed all the right buttons for me:
1. Both neurodivergent coded
Stede Bonnet my autistic icon. Just, the way he goes about social interactions and his knowledge about things is so reminiscent of trying to understand social rules and masking and special interests. There's even the little things like his love of books and needing things spelled out to him and when he commented on the textures of the privateer clothing.
And there's definitely a reason loads of people love to read Ed as adhd: his brain thinking of plans ahead in the future, feeling stuck in life, collection of items in a "messy" room, and that fancy French party man. His reading is less overt and more nuanced to me, but I still feel connected to him like I do with Stede, like how I would feel when watching a show about autistic people.
2. Their neurodivergent relationship
I've said before that most relationships we see are with an autistic/allistic. It falls under the "teaching" category and makes me feel like its trying to make a point, like yes, autistic people can have relationships like anyone else and they are lovable enough to neurotypicals!!!1!!1!
So imagine my absolute glee at how when Stede and Ed have their first proper conversation, it goes like
Ed seemingly seeking a sensory touch from the softness of a fabric
Stede instead of judging him on doing something "weird" asks if he enjoys it
And because they find they both enjoy this certain thing
Stede shows him his safe space to Ed full of this same kind of thing Ed liked
Ed then expresses his personal feelings to Stede
And gets no judgment, in fact a show of agreement and sympathy
And then they do something that's like an inside joke that's really only funny to them
And then Ed encourages Stede to be confident by supporting him
This is thee meet-cute, nothing can ever top this cute and honest beginning of a medium-burn relationship, change my mind
Most of what autistics want more than anything, romantic or otherwise, is to feel listened to and accepted. And we get this almost immediately, with BOTH Stede and Ed feeling appreciated!!!!
3. No neurodivergent preaching
When autistic love is shown in media, it's usually never the focal point. The main thing is about the person having the disability - even shows I love and praise for its relationship representation like Extraordinary Attorney Woo and Everything's Gonna Be Okay do the same thing
Ofmd acknowledges issues existing like colonialism, racism and homophobia, yet this show is not about that. The characters are allowed to exist and be themselves and happy without having this fact shoved down their throat every waking second and the villains who keep up the systemic issues get their comeuppance, usually by that person they were hurting.
And I here what you're saying: that neurodivergency is not canon and so doesn't have the direct acknowledgement like the other issues I mentioned... well.
We don't see sexism in ofmd, yet we all understand how Mary wouldn't be able to make the same choices Stede could on leaving their family. We know that the French party were entertained by Ed, not just cause of his stories as Jeff The Accountant.
Stede was bullied in his childhood by his father and classmates for not fitting in, for standing out - yes this obviously reads as homophobia, but many neurodivergents can relate to feeling exactly like this, some i bet almost being in the same situation as Stede is when it comes to things like crying easily and liking to pick flowers
So a moment like Stede playing Stark Revelations, where he gets to make fun of people that were like those in his old life AND being able to defend his one and only friend? That felt pretty damn good to watch myself.
Even without the romance, you still have a show where the two main characters are encouraged to be themselves in every way. This is a far cry from other media where even though they aren't explicitly stated to be neurodivergent, they are generally unlikeable and/or characters around them scold and pressure them to change into something "better" (Sherlock, Big Bang Theory, etc etc). Doesn't change the fact they are read as neurodivergent and thus seen as harmful representation for people who are "similar" to them irl
Meanwhile, Ed and Stede love each other because of who the other is, no narrative about them having to fall in love with the other despite their differences... but because they found something in each other they always wanted to find, and to feel loved in return
And the narrative doesn't preach to you or tries to fix them. Instead it says "this is our main character who happens to be white and middle aged, and this is his love interest who happens to be middle-aged and a Māori man, and this is their love story". And it is so goddamn neurodivergent
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ourpickwickclub · 7 months
Yes Blake was away for her birthday and the extended family celebration last year, but that is very rare and also does not mean they did not celebrate together at some point. Anons point is also a little missed because I remember many asks at the time dragging Blake for not being there, so he definitely does get it too. I always try to remember that there are a lot of moving parts to their schedules and many we know nothing about. How many times has he flown in just for her birthday? (And even then people often complained he didn’t stay long enough!) So, if he didn’t do that this year, can we not just assume that was a decision they were both comfortable with and there may have also been reasons we don’t know about? I get that some anons may not think his reasons for missing things are as valid, but we should keep in mind that we are just spectators and ones with very little information at that. Sometimes it seems we project an unrealistic fantasy onto their relationship and then get disappointed when their actions don’t live up. I’ve certainly missed my partners birthday for other things and vice versa and we don’t live in two states or have 1/3 of what they have going on. Not everything has to be some grand gesture, particularly 8+ years into a relationship, for it to still be a wonderful relationship that both people genuinely show up for and support/feel supported by the other. They seem to have it worked out quite well imo and our bickering on a blog, even if is done in an effort to protect them, is just that.
I’m pretty sure it all has to do with joint planning. Gwen almost missed Blake’s after last Voice party. But when she somehow got there, Blake was so happy and that tells me that they decided that the gig money was more important than the party but he was just ecstatic that she somehow made it work anyway. His voice in that clip when he’s talking to her is so soft and sweet. 
But when you play out these scenarios, it makes so much more sense. Gwen gets an offer for $1 million to play a gig not far from home. San Francisco. And tells Blake she’s going to turn it down because it will conflict with his last voice. And Blake says some little party is not worth $1 million. Take the gig. Gwen plots and figures out how to make it all work anyway. They get the best of both worlds, the gig money and she made it to the party. 
- B
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Mary-go-round... Lan Zhan does not
@sasukimimochi here you go, the ficlet for your prompt <3 writing this made my heart warm, I got to remember so many of my own fond memories with amusement parks and fairs!
Prompt: here
Lan Wangji does not have regrets. He doesn't regret taking up education instead of music as his major, he doesn't regret moving in with Wei Ying after a month (well, 23 days) of dating and, of course, he does not and will never regret falling in love with Wei Ying no matter what his uncle has to say about it.
However, Lan Wangji now regrets something - and the moment the rollercoaster handler fastens the seatbelts and metal bars over his lap, Lan Wangji regrets it even more.
Why did he have to pretend to be brave? He's not. Really, there's not a brave bone in his body - not when it comes to this... contraption that's called something like The Deadly Loop Of Doom and Despair. Very aptly named, yes, but - but the point is that Lan Wangji regrets letting Wei Ying drag him into this.
Of course, if he said something, Wei Ying would have understood and respected it - but Lan Zhan just had to paint himself as this tough man that Wei Ying could always rely on for anything... so now, here is, about to go on the Deadly Loop Of Doom And Despair and probably die during it. So much for being tough and reliable.
He hates heights, he hates loops and spins - and he absolutely does not trust these shoddy safety measures that these very young employees are fastening onto people. Shouldn't there be more engineers around? Safety inspectors? Police? Priests??
Lan Zhan already feels dizzy and the thing hasn't even left ground yet. Well, if he dies at least he's gonna have Wei Ying by his side.
Wei Ying whose face is lit up like a Christmas tree, looking everywhere around, nearly vibrating with excitement in his seat.
Lan Zhan loves him so much - but he's never going to do this with him again.
The ride begins moving and Lan Zhan's stomach drops. This definitely has to be some kind of torture device, he's definitely going to have to check that Geneva Convention again one of these days, perhaps he can sue the park for unsafe practices, human rights violations or at least emotional damage.
The ride picks up speed and Lan Zhan realizes he's going to need to be alive to do those things and he doubts he will be.
Wei Ying jumps off his seat like he's actioned by spring, and he begins talking up a storm about how "cool" and "fun" that was.
It was so cool and fun that Lan Wangji can barely keep himself upright, and he's pretty sure he's mentally converted to at least 5 different religions.
"...Lan Zhan? Are you okay?"
Wei Ying looks concerned now, worry on his features much too pretty. Lan Zhan nods and takes his hand, hoping his fingers aren't shaking as much as his knees are.
He feels like a newborn, but in a bad way. No, he doesn't know what that means.
Wei Ying seems unconvinced. "Did something happen? You look a little... haunted."
He is.
"I'm fine."
Wei Ying tries to analyze his expression again, and Lan Zhan hopes his poker face is as good as Nie Huaisang complains it to be when they play cards.
It seems to be, because Wei Ying is back to dragging him around, and Lan Zhan is more than happy with that arrangement as long as there are no rollercoasters around.
The boy shoots his last arrow but misses the target miserably.
"Sorry, kid, the bunny plushie stays right here with me!" the vendor laughs and the boy sticks his tongue out at him before running off towards his parents.
Lan Zhan can practically see the idea be born inside Wei Ying's mind when he walks up to the stand and pays for a turn. There are a few kids in line behind him, and he turns to them as he picks up the bow from the vendor.
"In order to be a good archer, you need to have good grip on the bow, like this. Keep your back and shoulders straight."
He turns towards the target and the kids huddle to a side, to observe. "Place the arrow right against the middle point of the string, following the direction of your target."
Lan Zhan watches his form, perfect (and incredibly attractive), and imagines himself in those stereotypical scenarios with an apple on his head, half naked, Wei Ying testing his archery skills on him.
This is so not the place for such fantasies.
"And then, you focus on the target, take a deep breath, and..."
Wei Ying decides to show off, winks at Lan Zhan and closes his eyes, spinning elegantly in place, once. He lets go of the bow string as he stops and everybody watches the arrow fly with baited breaths.
It hits right on target, bullseye.
The children cheer and Wei Ying does a little curtsy their way as the vendor begrudgingly hands him the giant plushie.
"Here." Wei Ying says as he hands it to Lan Zhan. "This is for you!"
Lan Zhan huffs a breath that sounds suspiciously like a laugh and kisses Wei Ying's forehead. "My hero."
Lan Zhan is not used to having sugary treats often. When he was little, uncle said he became restless if he had too much processed sugar, so he rarely got to indulge in candy and cakes as a result. The habit was drilled into him, so his interest in sweets remained low all the way through adulthood... until now.
He is on his second serving of cotton candy and he feels at the height of decadence. Wei Ying bites into a candy apple himself, and he looks much like a happy chipmunk chewing on it. Lan Zhan is going to kiss him about it - later, when he's done indulging in this frivolous pink dessert that feels like he's biting into a soft, sticky, sugar cloud.
"You look like you're having a religious experience." Wei Ying laughs. "Last time I saw you like that was the first time you saw me naked."
Lan Zhan half glares at him as he bites into the cotton candy. "Ridiculous."
"No, it's true, you do look like you've made a big discovery about yourself."
And he has. He's starting to understand why uncle didn't let him have sugar as a child - he suddenly feels restless and full of energy, and he knows the sugar crash is going to be terrible after.
But never mind that.
They're selling gingerbread figurines two stalls over.
"We need to bring A-Yuan with us next time!" Wei Ying says as he and Lan Zhan walk out of the amusement park, fingers interlocked. "He's going to have so much fun here!"
"No big rollercoasters for him." Lan Zhan says and doesn't only mean A-Yuan.
"Oh, no, he's way too young! That's for grown-ups, only we can handle that kind of thing."
Wei Ying doesn't see the 'speak for yourself' in his lover's side eye as he climbs into the car.
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lcs-library · 4 months
Can I request Italian Soda and Mocha for Azami and Kumon(if you write for them) thank uu, have a good day💖
Of course, of course!! I'll really write for anyone lolol, but it has been actual years since I wrote Kumon so I hope this turns out okay hehe<3. Have a lovely day!!
Request rules
Cafe menu(request prompts)
Mocha: How do they show affection?
Italian Soda: How clingy are they? 
💄 He definitely values quality time the most methinks.
💄 He’ll go out of his way to spend as much time with you as possible, no matter how or where.
💄 Hell, he even seems like the type that would be really happy to just parallel play, anything so long as he knows you’re there with him.
💄 “You free this afternoon? Good. There’s a new store that opened nearby, according to #cosme they’re top-notch. The troupe’s been running low on good stuff, and you’re a good model. Wh- No, I-I didn’t mean you’re cute! You’ve just got good skin to try stuff out on! Jeez, you gotta stop taking what I say in such bad faith…” 💄 That blurb was longer than I wanted wow. Anyway.
💄 He makes SO many excuses to see you.
💄 One day he might need a model, the next he needs help figuring out the schedule to help at one of Veludo Arts’ shows he offered to volunteer for. 
💄 Whatever it is, his claims are fairly easy to see through, and you can’t help but want to laugh at his childishness. 
💄 Aside from trying to spend time with you by any means possible, he also will buy small things for you as thanks for doing so. 
💄 Usually, it’s something like a drink or a snack, but on occasion, he’ll just randomly buy you something really wild, like an expensive piece of jewelry or a pricey menu item.
💄 When you ask him why, he’ll try and brush it off as nothing until you force it out of him with some affection. 
💄 “You didn’t have to kiss me to thank me, you idiot, you could’ve just said it! God, you are impossible! Fine, fine, I got it for you because… well, you’ve been really good to me. That’s it. I am NOT blushing!”
Italian Soda
💄 He can claim whatever he wants, but he’s clingy. Look at that man. 
💄 He loves you. Sorry but it’s true. He can complain and act tough all he wants, but he wants your attention and he will have it, dammit. 
💄 Like I said with the affection thing, he will constantly be coming up with ways to hang out with you, it’s very cute. 
💄 Hell, he’ll even enjoy your touch once in a while, that’s how smitten he is with you.
💄 I can see you two just sitting on the ground, with him sitting in front of you while he plays with your hands, bending each finger this way and that without saying a word. 
💄 It’s one of the rare times he lets his mind wander for a bit, not having the pressure building up in his head, and allowing himself to relax. 
💄 He doesn’t have to think about anything or anyone except you, holding him safe and close.
💄 He probably cried the first time you did this, too, and now he asks for it all the time.
💄 It’s what he deems a “safe” form of affection, he’s not going too far beyond what he’s comfortable with, and it’s soft and warm
💄 Augh I made this about affection again whoops. It’s fine, again, he asks for your attention as much as he can, even if it’s in his own silly way. 
⚾ He’s very physical when it comes to affection!! ⚾ He’ll be all up in your business 24/7 to the point where you have to ask him to back off.
⚾ It’s cute tho so it’s ok<3
⚾ “Aw, but I gotta make sure you get your daily dosage! It’s really important that you know you’re loved! I wanna make sure you’re happy!”
⚾ Sweet boy… 
⚾ He’ll also be asking for affection from you often, usually hugs. Again, very cute.
⚾ He greets you every day with a big tackle into a hug, often surprising you. 
⚾ “Hehe, did I get ya? I missed you, cutie! C’mon, let’s go do something fun, okay?”
Italian Soda
⚾ If you thought his clinginess with his brother was annoying, boy just you wait. He is way worse with you. 
⚾ Okay, maybe not worse in the way of constantly asking for acknowledgement, but worse in the way of, again, being in your way. 
⚾ You cannot walk two steps without him trailing behind you, scooting in close. 
⚾ It’s to the point where you often have to ask him for space.
⚾ After setting some boundaries, he’s all good. Mostly.
⚾ Half of your phone’s storage is taken up by voicemails he left simply saying “I miss youuuuuuu you should come visit Mankai soon, okay! Alright, bye, love you!” And you just don’t have the heart to delete them :( 
⚾ But like. I don’t blame you :3
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ayyyez · 2 years
In honor of the books I picked up today that I ordered a week ago (finally got more kimi ni todoke!!), what series of manga can you see some of our haikyuu favs reading? Or if not manga what kinds of books can you see them reading, YA, thriller, mystery, etc. Feel free to pick whomever you want for hcs, I humbly ask for Tanaka thou <3
A/N: Look at you getting two answered in one day, it's like you own my ask box at this point bestie lmao but yes I have so many vibes for this one, okay <3
TAGS: manga/reading headcanons, fluff, general
CHARACTERS: Tendou Satori, Tanaka Ryuunosuke, Kenma Kozume, honourable mentions at the end
Okay so we know he used to collect shonen jump magazine when it was around in a physical form. I say he was a subscription owner who would get each issue.
He strikes me as the kind of guy who likes collecting things. Especially artsy types things like his movies. Especially in physical form so his shonen jumps are no different.
He's a constant but casual reader in terms of what he keeps up with in terms of series.
By that I mean he's not like 'OMG I NEED TO READ ALL OF ONE PIECE I'LL BE SO UPSET IF I MISS ONE CHAPTER.' Absolutley not. He's a casual One Piece fan. I know it seems like they don't exist because once you're in you're in BUT HE IS.
He enjoys reading it, don't get me wrong, it's just he's not tearing the issue open for the next chapter.
Tendou's an allrounder with his reading. Will try everything in the issue. Really liked The Disastrous Life of Saiki K the year it was published! He just vibed hard with it.
With Shonen Jump, he's collected it forever so he's read all the early 2000's classics like Naruto, Bleach and Death Note. He watches the anime too.
Outside of the shonen jump I feel like the only manga he would go out of his way to purchase and read would be something of the horror vein because he's a horror fan.
The first time he went into a manga store and saw the covers of the Junji Ito works he HAD to know what they were about. Started with one and ended up collecting them all.
Still prefers watching horror and thrillers over reading them. There's just something more satisfying about cinematic terrors BUT he does enjoy his small collection of manga too.
He just over all prefers reading manga to chill out. Which is why his go to is more the popular shonen series.
Tendou is pretty good with recs too! If you handed him a romance and told him it was the best series in the world and he had to read it he would. He doesn't care, you like it so why wouldn't he? It's just not something he would usually pick up for himself.
He's pretty good at recommending things too. If you're unsure he'll just hand you a shonen jump mag and tell you to go nuts. Just don't read the ads like Ushiwaka please, he can't handle another one. lmao.
Hanging out with Tendou as teens reading manga together would honestly be the best lowkey date every. Just vibing in each others company. Probably watching anime together after too.
I see Tanaka as more of a manga reader too over anything lengthy like novels. He just doesn't have the discipline to sit there and read for long periods of time.
This is why studying is so hard for him! He just gets bored! Would rather be doing something where he can move around.
Definitely doesn't mind picking up a manga every now and again though.
Now as for what he reads. Well. Here's the things. He's actually a real softy at heart and a sucker for romance.
How does he discover this? Totally by accident, he swears.
He went in to pick up a couple shonen series and the shonen jump issue (he doesn't have a subscription he just picks it up on occassion) and the cashier accidentally mixed up a shoujo series into the bag that was on the counter on the side.
Tanaka didn't realise until he got home and for some reason he just never bothered returning it. He had paid for it after all. He might as well read it.
The thing is once he did, he couldn't put it down! He had to read another and another. He was hooked. And what was this serious? Well guess what it was also Kimi ni Todoke!
That gets him hooked on Shoujo romances and has him going in buying more series. He buys one for every two shonen series he gets, hiding it under them at the casier mentally telling them 'They're totally for my sister.' as if they can read his mind.
Doesn't get too embarassed if you ask him about it though it's just an awkward flush of the cheeks and 'Yeah, I like them.' Because Tanaka is one to stay true to himself.
Okay but because he reads a lot of it he kind of gets real sappy ideas about romance and dating.
All those ideas about being a gentlemen? Carrying your bad, walking on the side of the sidewalk closest to the road, standing in front of you during confrontations? All further reinforced by reading those manga.
Has a cute little blushy face when he reads the confession scenes too. Hopes to be that cool when he confesses on day.
If you like manga he really likes sharing that with you. Going to bookstores together, he vibes on just watching you browse with a content look on your face.
Will buy you anything you want. Even if its a whole stack. Tanaka is slamming those bills down and paying. Anything to make you happy and see that smile on your face.
Kenma started reading and collecting manga when his parents forced him to have a hobby other than gaming. Something about resting his eyes from screens.
He did already sort of like reading manga anyway. Was into series like the legend of zelda because of the game. Also collects the standard shonen jump series like one piece, hunter x hunter and naruto too.
The thing about Kenma is he started out with the popular stuff and then he branched out and collected a bit of everything the more he read.
He has a bit of everything from each demographic. Has your Sailormoon, Fruits basket and NANA from your shoujo. Josei like Chihayafuru, shonen/seinin like JoJo's bizarre adventure, fullmetal alchemist, AOT, Gintama, Tokyo Ghoul.
As time goes on he'll collect ones like Given, I hear the sunspot and Blue Flag too.
Likes going to art stalls and places he can collect fan djs and art books too. Isn't really big on chit chat but will say a sweet 'I like your work.' Then pays and scurries off with a little happy face.
Like buying work of his favourite games and characters at the same time. Especially at conventions. Hates the crowds but finds this worth it.
Appreciates being able to do these things with you. Bonus if you like doing them too. If you simply go just to be with him he'll just swoon lol.
Back to the manga. He likes the anime adaptions too but doesn't always get a lot of time to watch them. Prefers games after all. If he does though he prefers to watch the anime after he's read the manga.
Loves watching the anime as a way to spend time with you though after you both have read the manga. Loves being able to compare and criticise it together. Just cuddling and vibing.
Reads books/manga: Semi Eita, Kuroo Tetsurou, Yamaguchi Tadashi, Yaku Morisuke
Reads manga: Hinata Shouyou, Atsumu Miya, Kunimi Akira, Hoshiumi Korai, Nishinoya Yuu, Kindaichi Yuutarou
Reads books: Sugawara Koushi, Yachi Hitoka, Oikawa Tooru, Kita Shinsuke
Reads food packaging and social media: Kageyama Tobio, Suna Rintarou, Kiyoko Shimizu
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