#yes I know it’s Turkish
thou-babbling-brook · 2 years
The events following the end of AC1 to Altaïr’s death in Revelations except it’s an overdramatic historical soap opera feat. slow motion scenes, dramatic music, zoom-ins, internal monologues, and so many fucking transitions
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danelloevee · 2 years
Okay so when a bird painting says it’d sell you to satan for one corn chip everyone laughs, but when I, Edmund Pevensie—
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could you continue on the story you had for the poor hero x millionaire villain?
pt. 1
The villain sat down reluctantly. Although their concern and regret seemed to be genuine, the hero wasn’t able to accept this.
“I appreciate it. I do.” They reached for a second cup and watched as the water started to boil. “But it’s fine. I wouldn’t even accept a cent from you. It’s not personal. It’s not to torture you.”
“Well, you are torturing me,” the villain said.
“I don’t mean to.”
“But you are.” The hero turned around and looked at their nemesis.
“Black coffee?” they asked gently, ignoring how the villain scrutinised them tragically. The villain went with a hand through their hair, sighing in defeat. They nodded. “Turkish?”
“I know you’re trying to manipulate me. You’re trying to make me feel bad for not taking the money,” the hero said softly as they poured the steaming hot water into the cups. Their eyes were drawn to the little bubbles that formed on top of the water’s surface.
“Do you think what you’re doing is heroic? Deciding to suffer in poverty when you have the chance to get out of it? Do you think people will admire you for that?” the villain asked. Still focused on the coffee, the hero took both cups and turned around, scared to burn themselves. They walked over to the table, placing one cup in front of the villain, the other in front of themselves. At last, they put a spoon into the villain’s cup.
“I think you could give that money to someone who needs it more than I do,” they said as they sat down. The old chair sighed under their weight, more a result of the chair’s age than the hero’s physical condition.
“Well, I don’t like anyone beside you.” And that was the problem, wasn’t it? The hero took in a deep breath, debating if these feelings were coming from their side, too.
“That’s a little sad,” they whispered. They looked around the small kitchen and truly, they couldn’t remember when they had accepted this kind of life. Saving people was their priority and despite the negative aspects, they enjoyed it. The poverty was a sad side effect and they had just accepted it. It wasn’t optimal, they knew that. But they could be doing a lot worse.
At least they had something. Right?
They’d always thought it didn’t affect them that much, that they could live with it easily.
“And a little intimate. You feel guilty because you fancy me.”
The villain stirred the coffee with the spoon and didn’t answer for a long time. However, the hero saw the soft blush on their cheeks.
“Fancy is a big word.” They put the spoon into the hero’s cup.
And the hero didn’t quite know what to do with that. Sharing this one spoon, this one thing, despite their disagreements on absolutely everything made them long for more of it. More of drinking coffee together, more of talking, more of sharing a spoon. It was silly, but the hero hadn’t realised how isolated they were.
They hadn’t touched anyone in months, except for getting punched a few times. Talking to someone was just as rare as money.
People had turned away from them once this had become normal. Friends, family, colleagues…some had offered money too and then judged them for not taking it.
And the hero had just made their peace with it. God, they were such a fool for thinking poverty wouldn’t make them miserable.
“I’m gonna say this one last time.” The villain had to blow on the coffee before they took a sip. It was still too hot, so they grimaced. “Take the money. Or you won’t get me out of your hair.”
“No,” the hero said. “Give it to someone else. You can’t force me.”
“Oh, I can, little hero. I can.” The villain leaned back casually, studying the hero’s face. “That coffee is shit.”
“What? Are you gonna kidnap me?”
“Tempting. But no. I will buy this house, turn it into a fucking palace and fill your fridge up to the brim every day.”
“I hate you,” the hero said, giving up on protesting. They felt defeated, they were tired of fighting and maybe, maybe they were tired of living like this.
“You wish you did.”
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nthflower · 1 year
My girlie in fallout is such a Mary sue etc. whatever buzzword for op character and I love her.
She was a stay at home young newly still mother with law degree, who slept for 200 hundreds years then wake up and see her son is kidnapped her husband is killed. And world she know is gone.
Then she killed a deathclaw and become generall of minutemen first day of her waking up. Them she just established 20 towns, (with trading and social communities also) found boogeyman organisatios secret base, joined their enemy spy organisation and become a heavy top agent, killed their most dangerous man, joined one of most powerful factions of entire wasteland and also become and important member, killed a god, become a literal superhero with sidekick and costume and shit, helped a vault and become welcome in their vault, fucked with best singer of commonwealth, last standing minute man is very in love with her, also bad boy major of goodneighbour has a crush on her, and of course best paladin of brotherhood too, and paper girl, and bad mean girl too, also french robot scientist girl turned human too.
Also evil organisation is directed by her own son who is older than her. And everybody is so respectful in evil organisation too like their top elit murderbot admires her they always thank and praise her. Also radio host of biggest city talks about her and her achievements goodly because she helped him.
Oh also popular fave character synth detective is becomes her best friend/partner and he knows half of the commonwealth population he is very old and she is only in his life like for two months. He literally currently see her as an icon. Because she helped him to solve his biggest life problem. Also saved him.
Oh also if she didn't killed god she could have infinite immortality too. But now instead employed and kinda part of his kinda immortal rich family.
And this is only short lists of what she done. She is also good looking according to some people she killed.
Anyways support your 200 hundreds years old girlboss lawyer general knight agent superhero local legend polygamous pansexual Immigrant newly widowed mercanary hacker major MILFs with evil sons and fucked up polycules.
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salvadorbonaparte · 11 months
I slipped and fell into the Greek duolingo course, oops
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carlos-tk · 6 months
Just had an eye checkup and the optometrist was THE hottest guy I have ever seen in my life
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volixia669 · 1 year
Hi, do you also have a weird thing where getting a lot of games that you may or may not get around to playing for cheap gives you dopamine?
Well, there’s another Itch.Io Charity Megabundle! This time to help Turkey and Syria with Earthquake Relief. This is particularly notable because in addition to Syria’s government being...a mess due to war, Turkey’s government has been hoarding relief funds. Fortunately, these funds go to Doctors Without Borders, UNICEF, White Helmets, and Ahbap who SHOULD be spending them on helping out victims of the Earthquake(s).
Over 200 games and game assets, as well a mixture of ttrpgs and video games, there should be something for everyone!
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crescentmp3 · 1 year
hi i just watched another one of the mortal kombat movies! that was great
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I don't think goyim properly understand the fear and change that the wave of antisemitism currently taking place in the wake of the October 7th massacre has induced in the Jewish community.
In a wide-lens view, Jews have become a 1000% more wary and introspective. This isn't limited to diaspora Jews--the headlines pouring out of Israel until October 7th have been of division, polarization, and conflict. Conflict over the 2018 Nation-State Law. Over Bibi's premiership. Over the judicial reform laws. Over the Orthodox Rabbinate. Over this. Over that.
But Israeli society is more unified than ever right now. The judicial reform laws were shelved shortly after the war began and the protests ended on October 8th. Some of it is the rally around the flag effect, yes, and will probably fade as time passes--politics never stops--but the era of Israelis being at one another's throats? Of forgetting that we are all one people and we are all under attack? Gone. It died on October 7th.
In the Diaspora, Jews are once again asking themselves the question--will I need to flee? Guys, a fifth of Gen Z--my generation, that I attend university with--believes the Holocaust was a myth. Two thirds of them think Jews are oppressors. That's terrifying. And the reason we don't take comfort in people saying, 'They're kids with no political power.' is that that won't be true forever. Today's slacktivists who casually say that Israel has no right to exist are tomorrows lawmakers. They will grow up and set policy.
We don't know if they'll grow out of it. I pray to HaShem that they will, but how do I know if they will?
And that's tomorrow's world. Today's world is already bad enough. I don't wear my Star of David necklace to the self-defense classes I've started taking because being surrounded by burly dudes learning how to fight people better isn't a great place to potentially learn that I'm surrounded by antisemites.
Jews--in the year 2024--are being doxxed, seen their homes and synagogues vandalized and threatened, walk past Palestine protests screaming for the death of Zionists, and antisemitism has increased in the United States alone by more than 400%. It's worse elsewhere--Turkish shop owners have been barring Jews from their stores and France has seen antisemitic incidents increase by 1000%. Jews have been leaving social media sites like Tumblr, Reddit, Tik Tok, and Twitter in droves, chased away by the constant, unceasing stream of anti-Jewish hate.
Gentiles need to understand that their words and actions have very real consequences. Jews are not dumb. We're not imagining things. We aren't 'getting our just desserts'. Our fears are grounded not only by historical context but by our current, everyday, lived realities. To gentiles, reading 'antisemitism has gone up by x percent' is a factoid. To us, it is a serious threat and a deep concern.
EDIT: I'm tired of pro-Palestine people sharing this post and using it to back their agenda. You are not welcome to use my experiences to suit your agenda. I am a Zionist! This post is Zionist! Stop taking my words from me and using it against my people.
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buckyalpine · 8 months
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Please do a teeny story where buckys kitty is all over a y/n and he is so flustered about it. These pics of my cat who is a Turkish Angora. I like to think he might look a bit like Alpine 😉
I'm here for all the domestic fluff rn. WHAT A CUTE BABY PLSSSS absolutely yes your fur baby looks like such a little angel. That is most certainly Bucky's sweet Alpine.
Bucky finally moved into a new apartment. One with proper heating and lighting. A comfy bed he actually liked to sleep in. Furniture he picked out. It was a simple space but he liked it. He even got a few plants and hung up a few pictures, most of them with Sam and Steve.
His favorite place was surprisingly the kitchen. After years of tasteless mush and not exactly feasting every day back in he 40's, Bucky loves trying experimenting with different recipes and recreating ones he remembered his ma making for him.
Then there was his favorite thing in the whole world. A little white ball of fur that would slink around his legs all day, meowing for pets and cuddles, purring so loudly Bucky was sure the neighbors could hear. He'd never meant to get a cat but all it took was one charity event at a local animal shelter and the rest was history. He couldn't resist those adorable blinking eyes and soft, wispy fur.
"Alp?" Bucky rubbed his eyes, curious as to why there wasn't a fuzzy motor boat purring on his chest while the sun streamed through the curtains. "Where'd you go, baby"
It wasn't rare for Alpine to wake up earlier than Bucky, sauntering around the apartment to lay under a patch of sun. He swung his legs over, making his way to the kitchen to make breakfast for both him and his cat only to find the apartment empty and the cat door swinging.
"I should've never installed that" Bucky groaned to himself, deciding to continue making breakfast in hopes that Alpine would be back shortly whilst also wondering why he thought it would be a good idea to give his cat a sense of independence. Moments later, Bucky heard the swinging of the flap, announcing the arrival of the fur ball.
"Where did you go" Bucky cocked his head, noting the way his cat was smugly licking his lips before jumping onto his cat tree and stretching out for a nap. "For fucks sake, you're worse than Steve, running off God knows where and doing who knows what"
A knock of the door broke Bucky away from the conversation he was having, his eyes growing wide seeing his pretty neighbor on the other side.
"H-hi" Bucky stuttered, smiling down at the PJ's you were still in along with soft bunny slippers on your feet, sleep still evident on your face. Before either of you could speak, Alpine trotted over, walking right past Bucky and straight to you. He stood up on his hind legs with needy meows, batting his eyes as best as he could, something he very clearly learned from his owner.
"Alpine" Bucky hissed, his cheeks growing red while his cat continued to paw at your leg, trying to climb you like a tree, begging to be picked up.
"Is he yours" you giggled, picking up the fussy cat in your arms, letting him adjust himself until he was comfy, his eyes closing for a nap. "He was at my door this morning"
"You can't nap there baby" Bucky sighed, embarrassed over the fact that his cat was rubbing himself all over you plus he'd clearly just revealed Alpine wore the pants in the relationship. "Yeah, he's mine. I'm so sorry, he's usually not like that, he usually runs away from people-
"It's okay" you cooed at the content cat in your arms, giving him another snuggle before turning to Bucky again. Something silver in your hand caught his eyes, running and hand over his face when he realized what you were holding.
His cat was a menace.
"He left this at my place while coming for a visit. Thought I should bring it back to its rightful owner, Sargent" You said shyly, handing over Bucky's dogtags, your breath hitching as your fingers brushed over his metal hand, placing them in his palm.
"Supposed I should give this back to you as well" you handed over Alpine, torn between wanting to cuddle the fur baby more and also feeling jealous of how comfy he must've felt in his daddy's thick arms, resting against his strong chest-
Get a hold of yourself.
"Thank you, doll" The pet name slipped out on is own making both of you giddy again. "I-I was just about to make breakfast, if you want to come over in half an hour" Bucky offered, nervous at how your react, butterflies bursting in his tummy when your eyes lit up.
"I'd love that" You gave Alpine one last scratch behind the ears before retracting back to your apartment to get changed while Bucky closed the door behind him.
"I know you want a mommy but you can't just plant yourself into the arms of the first pretty girl you see" Bucky's muffled voice carried through the door making your cheeks heat up, smiling to yourself when Alpine meowed in response.
"I know you have good taste but you know I would've asked her out eventually. You didn't have to drag my dogtags there"
"I'm not scared"
"I'm not!"
"Fine. But you let me handle this when she comes over"
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poptheweasel · 2 months
Turkish Delight
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Cory quickly realised he’d made a mistake.
He just couldn’t help it. Cory was enjoying an evening coffee at one of those small classic neighbourhood coffeehouses in Istanbul, the kind frequented mostly by aged locals, not young tourists like him. He felt and looked out of place, sure, but it was fine. Sitting at a far corner of the cosy establishment, no one bothered him and he bothered no one. It took him a little while, but Cory was just starting to feel at ease.
And then he entered. Clearly a regular, judging by the way he swaggered in and interacted with the owner and other customers. But he stood out among the others in that he wasn’t old like the rest of them; in fact, he and Cory seemed to be the only men under 40. He sat at a table at the other end of the place, placing him on Cory’s line of sight.
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Cory was immediately captivated by this stranger, not fully understanding why. Maybe it was because the guy contrasted so strongly with himself. Not that Cory wasn’t attractive — of course he was — but something about the man transfixed him. “Fuck, he’s hot,” Cory thought. Maybe it was the gleaming light brown eyes to Cory’s own icy blue, or the meticulously-groomed heavy stubble the guy sported that accentuated his sharp jawline; maybe it was his athletic physique, his well-defined body betrayed by a shirt that was clearly a size too small, or maybe it was how hairy he was, the dark hair very conspicuously thickly covering his sturdy legs and arms offering a stark contrast to Cory’s blond hairs barely visible from a distance… Whatever the case, Cory just couldn’t take his eyes off that Turkish guy. He wanted him, to feel him, to taste him, and imagined all sorts of scenarios.
That’s when Cory realised: he was shamelessly ogling the man. Snapping out of his reverie, he noticed the hairy hunk staring right back at him, completely emotionless. Shit. Flushed and embarrassed, Cory hurriedly paid for his coffee and left, all the while the man continuously and intently observed his every move. Just as he exited, the guy whom he mentally violated also got up to follow him.
His cheeks still ruddy and warm from the unfortunate encounter a while ago, Cory briskly made his way through the labyrinthine streets of the hilly city, desperate to return to his accommodation. The Turkish guy wasn’t too far behind him; Cory meanwhile sensed he was being pursued so he quickened his pace. In an attempt to throw him off the trail, Cory turned a corner into a quiet narrow alleyway flanked by an empty lot and vacant buildings.
Right then, a deep voice called out from behind Cory.
“Hey, you.”
Cory froze, his face drained of the redness. He stood in silence, not knowing whether to respond or run away. He was terrified and felt faint. Only the fresh cool evening maritime breeze kept him on his wobbly knees as he shuddered, half because of the chill, half because he feared what would happen next. Ultimately, after a tense while which felt like an eternity, Cory turned around to see the man approaching him. Although Cory still was scared, he weirdly felt an emergent sense of excitement as well.
Soon, Cory stood facing the Turk. A dimly-lit streetlight was the only source of illumination through which Cory could better appreciate the figure before him. He noticed how the guy was even more hirsute than he realised, with chest hair spilling over his too-tight shirt. Cory’s cock twitched.
“I saw you look earlier,” the guy drily said, maintaining intense eye contact with Cory.
“Ye… No! I mean, yeah, I was…” Cory stammered sheepishly. Fuck, why was he getting turned on all of a sudden?
“Like what you see?”
Cory gulped and nodded. His knees were about to give in when the hunk suddenly grabbed Cory by the shoulders with his hairy meaty hands and yanked him close to give him a forceful yet passionate sloppy kiss. Cory was taken aback and screamed internally, but at the same time, he liked what was happening. Wasn’t this what he wanted in the first place? He didn’t resist the surprising advances; he simply couldn’t resist. He reciprocated, their tongues roaming each other’s mouths. As the Turk continued to shove his tongue in him, Cory felt like putty — he’d let the guy do anything to him, he’d be happy to be used by this gorgeous hairy man in whatever way.
The man’s stubble scratched and tickled Cory’s soft skin around his lips moistened by the wet kisses. Cory felt strong itching sensations in the same area. He normally kept himself clean-shaven, mainly because he could only manage to grow some wispy hairs on his face. As the Turkish guy momentarily pulled away from the kiss though, the area around Cory’s mouth was substantially darker than it was just a minute ago, the beard growth process being accelerated. Cory ignored the itch and continued making out.
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After a while of spit-heavy lip-locking, the Turk pulled down his shorts and grabbed Cory by the shoulders, pushing him down to his knees. Cory, at eye level with the guy’s cut 8-inch cock, was completely mesmerised by the sight and especially the scent; the pubes were so dense, they trapped and collected all the musky sweat and oozing precum. The smell was rather pungent but Cory didn’t mind at all. If anything, the odour had a simultaneously captivating and relaxing effect on him and he felt compelled to inhale it more.
Cory piggishly sniffed the ridiculously hairy crotch, even licking the beads of moisture off individual strands of pubes. While doing so, the hair on his temple grazed the guy’s leaking member, some of the precum sticking onto his blond hair. His hair absorbed the pre almost instantly and began to darken, the change in colour spreading from where the precum had been smeared. The hair on Cory’s scalp lost its sandy hue but retained its sheen, turning browner and darker as the pigmentation spread from the roots to the tips. His face still buried in the thick pubes, Cory felt the man jerk himself, squeezing out more pre from his throbbing cock. “Suck,” he commanded. Cory swiftly obliged.
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Cory was dazed; the public setting, the man’s body and scent, his own eagerness… all that was happening was wilder than anything he’d ever dreamt of. After admiring the juicy rod bobbing up and down in front of him, Cory closed his eyes and got to work, savouring the taste of the musky cock with a faint taste of piss. He took the whole length in his mouth and down his throat, blowing to the best of his abilities. He eagerly lapped up the copious amounts of pre from the Turk’s slick pulsating member, coating his tongue.
The more he sucked and swallowed, the more hairs grew on his face. The itch intensified above and below Cory’s lips, little needle-like black hairs pushing out from his smooth skin and multiplying below his nose and on his chin. The beginnings of a luscious beard then steadily migrated outwards, short pointed hairs breaking out all over Cory’s cheeks and linking with his tapered sideburns. By now, Cory had grown a remarkable designer stubble which grew in thicker by the minute and slowly crept down his chin. At the same time, his face took on a slight tan, darkening independently of the hair growth that took over the whole lower half of his face. Cory’s jaw looked more rugged too, becoming more square and masculine.
Cory carried on blowing his new acquaintance, completely oblivious to the changes affecting him. “You like?” asked the man. “Mmhrrrgggmm,” Cory could only nod and let out a gurgled hum of approval to affirm. The Turkish guy then forcefully rammed his cock down Cory’s throat, making him gag. Just as he did, Cory’s Adam’s apple jutted out more prominently. He opened his wet eyes to look up at the hunk; as he blinked away the tears, his blue eyes lost their iciness as the colour shifted from a cold blue to a warmer mixture of green and brown with flecks of gold. With his new hazel eyes, Cory saw the guy with a smirk on his face for the first time.
Cory’s body continued to change. He felt bulkier, the clothes he wore starting to strain against the muscles growing on his formerly slim frame. He also felt so much warmer despite the breeze; he felt heat radiating all throughout his body from the pit of his stomach and was sweating profusely as a result. He also felt his whole body itching uncomfortably by now. Watching the Turk strip and bare his gloriously hairy body, Cory did the same — he certainly wasn’t as hairy as the guy. Yet. The hair growing on Cory’s face continued to travel down, prickly hairs sprouting on his neck, past his collarbones and on his chest. Cory initially only had a faint patch of barely-visible hair right at the centre of his chest, but as the hairs darkened and thickened, they fanned out towards his pits, forming whirling patterns around his nipples and covering his whole chest with stubbly black hair, like a freshly-mowed lawn. The prickly sensation migrated south to his midriff, a trail of nascent coarse hairs sprouting from his chest down to his navel and then his crotch. From there, the newly-formed treasure trail widened and began to spread outwards in all directions, hairs multiplying rapidly until Cory’s whole torso was blanketed in a field of short hair which connected his stubble and still-sparse pubes.
After a few minutes of Cory sucking, slurping and gagging on the fat Turkish cock, the guy made him stop. Cory reluctantly agreed. The guy then grabbed Cory by his wavy, shiny black hair and got him up back on his feet. Cory was in a state of utter bliss, drunk on pre and musk, drooling uncontrollably. The Turk lifted his arm, exposing his smelly pit completely covered in tangled wiry hairs. The dark hairs were so incredibly dense and tightly-spaced that Cory thought he was staring into the void. “Sniff and lick,” he told Cory. Who was Cory to say no? He stumbled forward, faceplanting right in the sweaty jungle of pit hairs. The pit musk was surely at least ten times as potent as the musk from crotch! The pungent scent was overwhelming; it burned Cory’s nostrils, and yet his cock throbbed even harder, dripping pre all over. What would have been torture felt more like heaven to Cory. He grunted as he took a deep whiff of the rank musk and licked the matted hairy mess soaking wet with sweat. It was absolutely acrid, and the sharp sourness also scalded his throat, making him cough. Cory was immobilised though, his head held in place in the Turk’s reeking hirsute pit; he let out muffled moans, struggling to breathe. Inhaling the musk and gulping down obscene quantities of rancid sweat accelerated Cory’s changes.
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Cory’s body ached all over as he increased in size, growing a few inches and gaining muscle mass. His muscles pulsated and expanded; it really looked as if someone was blowing air into him. His chicken legs inflated to become sturdy trunks, with hard thighs and bulging calves. His arms too grew larger, the veins protruding, his forearms thickening along with his biceps and triceps which doubled in size. Cory’s shoulders and chest broadened, providing him with a more robust, rugged physique. His abs also became prominent, the tight muscles emerging with several popping sounds. Cory was granted a temporary reprieve from piggishly eating out the Turk’s pit, leaving him to gasp for fresh air. The guy then tugged sharply on Cory’s nipples, making him let out a simultaneous yelp and low moan. As if some mechanism had been activated, Cory’s pecs ballooned and jutted out forward, his nipples looking thicker, longer and juicier than the goose-pimple ones he had before. Along with his pecs, his ass also expanded; what was once fairly flat and sad-looking was now globular, the firm cheeks jiggling with every move.
Cory’s puppeteer shoved Cory back into his other, equally hairy and musky pit. With his face buried in the nasty armpit, Cory panted and grunted as the intoxicating scent continued to work its magic. Cory’s brows became wider and bushier. The stubble on his face grew darker and thicker, the hairs coarsening and lengthening as well as multiplying in greater numbers. Starting from under his nose, more hairs poked out to give him a moustache which covered his whole upper lip. The hairs on his chin grew out in all directions, growing unruly and tangling up as Cory rubbed his face in the Turk’s manly pit. His cheeks underwent the same treatment, thick beard hairs pushing out from the follicles and cascading down, following Cory’s rugged jawline and covering the entire area of his face below his nose, the new bushy growth connecting with the moustache and the hairs below his lips. The growth continued to give Cory an incredibly thick medium-length beard that he’d only ever dreamt of having, now coated with a layer of musky sweat and Cory’s own saliva owing to his ravenous worshipping of the Turkish man’s pits. The man held Cory firmly in place, as if to cure the scent onto him.
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This second explosion of hair travelled down Cory’s heaving body. Where the first wave of hair growth resulted in hairs which looked trimmed, the wiry, curly growth this time gave him a natural look, the hirsuteness of a man who had never shaved in his life, possibly unable to, due to how densely and much the hair grew. Coarse hairs burrowed their way out of Cory’s shoulders, leaving a forest of curly fur surrounding his neck, and flowed down his swollen upper arms and to his forearms, forming whirls and wave-like patterns, the wild, dense growth of black hair obscuring the view of the skin underneath — his arms looked as if they were wrapped in steel wool. Cory’s hands cracked and popped as they grew meatier and burlier, his fingers rough and calloused and speckled with thick hairs, giving him an almost beastly appearance.
The rapid growth of hair continued unabated, Cory feeling an intense itch under his arms. Soon, dark pinpricks appeared in his shaven pits, increasing exponentially. From those black dots, long wiry hairs shot out, growing thicker and longer, seemingly watered and fed by the sweat that had accumulated in his pits all this time. Radiating from the centre of the pits, the hairs blanketed a larger area, connecting with the hairs on Cory’s chest. Much like the Turk’s pits, Cory’s pit hair grew unwieldy and matted, the strands twisted and twirled from both the growth and the dampness. The moisture trapped under the massive tufts of pit hair emanated a smell. Indeed, accompanying the growing hairs was a stink, the same kind of rank smell that Cory had been inhaling for some time now, which grew increasingly more powerful as the fur grew in. Cory’s chest hair also began to lengthen at the same time, the hairs coiling out and curling and bunching up. Any remaining empty space was filled with thick wiry hair springing out in rapid succession. The amount of hair was grotesque; the eruption of wiry black hairs created a rug of fur on Cory’s toned body, completely enveloping his torso such that his pecs and abs were hardly visible at all, only his engorged nipples barely poking out from the dense field of hair.
Together with the massive hair growth and coupled with the increased pigmentation in his hairs, the light tan which had developed on his face also migrated down. Cory’s pale complexion on his face was already completely replaced by a natural tan, a light sun-kissed brown. The colour seeped down his neck, his back, his shoulders, like someone had dumped a bucket of oil on Cory. The dim orange streetlight made his tan appear darker, what little bits of skin peeking out through the dense hair glistening with the light reflecting off the sweat. Soon, all of Cory’s skin was a luscious earthy tone, not that much of it was visible under all the fur carpeting his whole body.
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Cory’s raunchy pit sweat guzzling was interrupted when the Turk made him turn around and stand facing the wall of the vacant building. “Ass out,” the guy ordered. Cory immediately obeyed, panting like a dog that’s had too much sun. He was excited by the prospect of getting railed by this hot Turkish hunk, not having realised all the changes that affected him. Beads of precum dribbled out of Cory’s aching cock, which in the meantime had also darkened to match the rest of his complexion. His balls, larger than before, also churned. Cory felt the Turk holding him from behind, grinding his wet slick cock against Cory’s ass crack filling with hair. “Ready?” asked the man. “Fuck yes,” Cory responded. The guy spat right onto Cory’s tight puckering hole. Wiry black hairs blossomed around the pink ring, spreading out alongside the hairs growing on his crack. The light dusting of hair on his bouncy glutes was swiftly overtaken by curly dark hairs.
The Turk slowly inserted his cock lubed up with Cory’s saliva and his own precum into Cory’s inviting hairy hole, making Cory emit low moans and animalistic grunts sounding deeper than the previous ones. The man thrust in and out of Cory in a rhythmic fashion, Cory’s hole wrapping around his cock, basically milking him of his pre. With every thrust and pound and depositing of the Turkish guy’s precum in him, Cory changed further. His furry mounds ballooned even more. Pound. Fuzz grew in from the area of his coccyx and crept up the entire length of his spine, connecting with the thick curly hairs on his shoulders. Pound. The same fuzz then fanned out from the backbone, coating the lower back and colonising the previously hairless area of the shoulder blades. Pound. The wispy hairs on his whole back turned darker, growing longer and thicker, thousands of individual strands unfurling as they burrowed out of Cory’s smooth skin with great strength, leaving him with an impenetrable pelt of fur on his back. Pound. The wiry hairs erupted in greater quantities on his legs and snaked down, growing all over and wrapping around his thighs and calves and shins. Pound. The midnight black hairs on Cory’s legs thickened considerably that they were now visible from a distance, in stark contrast to before when he still had barely-visible light hairs against his pale white skin.
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The pounding increased in speed, the Turk’s hairy low-hanging golf ball-sized balls slamming and smacking sonorously against Cory’s voluptuous hairy ass, also making his balls increase in size to those of tennis balls. Each frenzied slap caused Cory’s bush to fill in and spread beyond its confines at the base of his penis. He had previously kept his crotch trimmed, but that was history now; his pubes more closely resembled black fur due to how dense and tightly-packed it was. It was impossible to see the skin underneath the bush which had basically spread to the navel and also around Cory’s hips, even having crawled a little bit up his shaft. The wild, unkempt matted fur on his groin, much like the coarse tufts of hair under his arms, collected both musk and moisture, rendering it damp and especially pungent. It was only this time that Cory realised how much he reeked, with his arms outstretched to prop himself against the wall as he was fucked by his dream man. He didn’t care that he stunk; no, it turned him on, even. His dick responded accordingly, pulsating painfully — as the Turkish guy continued to thrust rigorously, Cory’s leaking cock grew larger incrementally, as did his balls which were engulfed in wiry hairs, and Cory produced more and more pre which trickled down his shaft and onto his extremely tangled mess of a bush, stinking it up even more.
Very little of Cory as he once was at the coffeehouse remained. At this point, he resembled an extremely hairy, beefy Turkish man, handsome and masculine, oozing testosterone out of every pore, blessed with the perfect manly genes such that luscious fur carpeted his body front and back, head to toe. After a few more thrusts and plunging and poking, the Turk erupted with one drawn-out growl and heavy panting and flooded Cory’s insides with his hot, sticky seed, depositing load after load in him. On Cory’s part, he too was close to cumming. As his cock reached a fully erect length of at least 9 inches, his foreskin retracted down his pulsing shaft and vanished altogether, leaving him with a newly-cut slab of meat. Cory blasted — hands-free — at the same time as the other Turk, leaving a puddle of splooge on the ground and painting a fair bit of the wall he propped himself up against. As he came, so came out the last vestiges of his former whiteness, his balls now filling and churning with Turkish cum.
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The guy pulled out of Cory with a shlorp, cum dribbling out of Cory’s manhandled hairy hole and clinging onto the thick curly hairs on Cory’s ass and legs. Both men were breathing heavily, completely spent. They momentarily stood in silence punctuated by the sounds of buzzing insects and the occasional evening breeze. The other Turkish man, now slightly smaller in build than Cory, pulled Cory close for a kiss, gently and tenderly this time, not minding the pre and drool that had stuck and dried onto Cory’s majestic bushy beard.
“What’s your name?” the guy asked, thumbing Cory’s still-hard protruding nipples. Cory opened his mouth to respond but he hesitated. He suddenly realised he didn’t remember his name — what was his name? What a strange thing to forget! He knew it started with a C… no! It wasn’t a C, silly him. It started with a K, of course, and there was an R in there. K… Kor…? Ker…
“Kerem,” he finally answered. Yes, Kerem; that was his name, the name that he’d obviously had all his life. He’d always lived in Istanbul, hadn’t he? He liked the sea and the hills, his native culture, and the men, especially the men — those hirsute and masculine like him, of course — how happy is he who calls himself a Turk!
“I’m Semih,” said the other man who had followed Kerem all the way from the coffeehouse in the hopes of having fun with him. He certainly did get lucky, even out in public like this. “Evimde bir kez daha?”
“Peki, kanka.” Kerem was so ready for round two with Semih.
Hi all, decided to upload something original for a change. Kudos to @hairyjocktf for the encouragement!
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matchaskiiess · 2 months
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in which charles leclerc’s fans can’t get over how devoted he is to learning his girlfriend’s language.
warnings: idek. fluff? love?
AN — it’s been a bit, and I know it’s like already late into the year, but happy new year!!! this is a short one, but I just wanted to post something cause I am gonna be doing start my gsces next week and will only finish them towards the end of june. I am doing another turkish!reader but I wanna do other nationalities, so please tell me what you’d like to see. thank you xx and I hope you enjoy.
WHITE FERRARI (f1) NAVIGATION (main info centre)
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TO SAY YOU WERE SHOCKED was an understatement.
your boyfriend had made no indication that he was learning your home language, just like you made no indication that you were learning his.
“why didn’t you tell me you were learning it? I have to find out through twitter?” you asked, your voice filled with amusement as you sat across from charles.
“ok, for one, I wanted it to be a surprise so that I could communicate better with your family, and two, you didn’t tell me you were learning french.” he responded with a large smile on his face.
“alright let’s hear it, tell me a sentence.” you asked him, leaning back in your chair with a grin on your face as he let out a chuckle.
“sen benim hayatımın aşkısın ve seninle evlenmek için sabırsızlanıyorum.” charles said confidently, a smirk on his face as he looked at your reaction to his words. “you are the love of my life and I can’t wait to marry you.”
“baby, do you really mean that?” you asked, shocked at his statement and his perfect pronunciation. “tu veux vraiment t'épouser?” you asked shyly. “you really wanna marry me?”
“yes baby, of course. it’s why i am learning, so that i can communicate with you in a language you’re more comfortable with, and also so that I can talk to your family better.” he smiled, “and can I just say your french is very good.” he told you, taking your hand in his and kissing your knuckles.
“thank you my love, and your turkish is so good, you pronounced everything so well.” you told him happily.
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liked by danielricciardo, yourusername and 292,919,191 others
charlesleclerc yes I asked her in turkish and yes I asked her family’s blessing in turkish.
tagged; yourusername
view 10,821 comments
yourusername I still can’t believe you did it so perfectly!!
⤷ charlesleclerc anything for you
user them vows best be in french and turkish.
user i am so glad he finally asked, they’ve been dating for too long :)
danielricciardo congrats mate!
⤷ yourusername thanks uu
⤷ danielricciardo did he drop the ring?
⤷ yourusername yeah…
⤷ danielricciardo maxverstappen1 pay up
⤷ maxverstappen1 damn, really had belief in him not dropping it.
⤷ charlesleclerc you seriously made this a bet?
⤷ maxverstappen1 course
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thatbitchery · 5 months
& ladies remember outside your leveling up circles if anyone asks you eat at the drive thru, it's burger & fries, you prefer sweatpants and spend your time watching Turkish Thai dramas and your sexual orientation is pretty kpop boys. Your goal in life is to get married and stay at home and your hobbies are flip flops and watching gmmtv, you're the most basic average Jane there is out there you just dress up because mom makes you. What have we said about keeping your competition feeling safe? In competitive environments so school and office and your local communities and especially your family you're couch potato potato so you're not available because new series just dropped- do you want to cause unnecessary friction? Keep your level up to yourself and your level up groups people are herds herds herds with that crabby crabba crab mentality so any sign you could leave the herd behind is a trigger to Crabb crabbb crabby pull you back into the bucket. Human beings are animals before they are people when will you understand this? Why would you scream in the face of a tiger? Do you want to get bullied? What happened to moving in silence.
Keep your workouts out of social media and your trips to the dermatologist to yourself, your paycheck is between you and your bank and stay away from the brands unless everyone in your group is wearing them so brands are just the average. Why would you sabotage yourself like that? Why would you go telling anyone your goals? Do you want to get laughed at? Haven't you learned your lesson? Hasn't your mother, your own mom, judged you for wanting to be better? Even though you're not in competition? Then why would you tell Betty from HR when it's literally the most competitive environment out there? Do you want to ostracize yourself? Then don't create drifts with your herd and level up in the shadows, when your current friends see you eating healthier its omg lol why? Then the answer is actually I took a blood test, autoimmune diseases are around the corner you don't know how badly I need McDonald's rn but life first. You're dressing elegant lately- girl stop my mom is insufferable she's making me these conservatives please. You look nicer- I'm on birth control, I had that acne issue. I feel the weight creeping up lol. You're taking more classes? Gosh yes there's this scholarship thing I need so you know. Your posture is better lately- baby girl stop my back was on fire last week leave me alone I was dying like- it's never because you're bettering yourself. Never. Ever. As long as they're concerned couch potato potati potata average Janey.
Human societies are competitive in nature especially among women because resources are so scarce and we know this and herd mentality makes us detest people that place themselves in positions to have better access to these so once you start getting better its underhanded compliments and what's app groups and side glances as you walk, learn to keep people comfortable and do you in the background, don't buy into whatever self soothing we are all good people bs you're being sold, we are only as supportive as you're below us once you start doing better your own sister and best friend have a lot to say. Move in silence & keep your life away from public view and have believable excuses for what you can't always hide & find a way to say you're better than me. Why cause unnecessary friction?
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fairuzfan · 8 months
The US tried to rid themselves of natives, but they are still here.
The UK tried to destroy Iran but the Iranians are still plenty.
The Turkish refuse to recognise the Armenian genocide and they tried to eradicate Armenian people, but Armenians still exist today.
The US tried to destroy Iraq, but the Iraqis are still plenty.
The UK were colonisers of South Africa, but we are still present.
The US supported South African apartheid, but we South Africans are still plenty.
The US is supporting Palestinian apartheid, but you shall be plenty.
And just as we are still thriving, Palestinians will still thrive. You will survive this. Remember that they CANNOT erase you. Whenever you get anxious about the news remember that your people will not be erased.
It is tough not being Western, yes. But this isn’t our first rodeo with these people. Don’t lose faith just because Genocide Joe has entered the mix. You’re gonna make it, I don’t know how I know, but my faith in y’all is unwavering.
In the midst of y’all’s curses, count your blessings. You’ve survived for more than 70 years, isn’t that crazy? Like they’ve tried this shit before with y’all, annexing y’all’s territory and killing y’all, but y’all are still here. Think about that. Y’all’s spirit literally refuses to die. Don’t let it die now.
Y’all are gonna survive this, and one day, hopefully soon, y’all’s peoples will be free. From the river to the sea.
Thank you so much!!!!!! And I hope for the everlasting liberation of Indigenous Populations throughout history!!!!!!!!!!!!
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monzabee · 8 months
red bull gives you wings! (social media au) - dr3
Summary: The one where red bull brings together people, again.
Pairing: daniel ricciardo x reader (model used: hande baladın)
Warnings: none other than some cursing, internet being the internet
Please also note that all of my works are protected under copyright, and not available for reposting on other platforms. 
ynyln posted a story!
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Liked by tarkanofficial, redbulltr, edaerdem14 and 384,927 others
ynyln: çok çok love 🥹❤️🏐 thank you, VNL! see you in tokyo!✌️
powervolleyballofficial: golden girls 😍🇹🇷🏆🏐
user: release the naim video!! now!! we need it!!
zehragns18: 🥹🥹🥹
view all 7,367 comments
bednii: 👏🏼😉
user: she needs to work on her passes more she is very weak
user: are you the one playing in the national team?
user: if i'm the one noticing the mistake then there is a problem
redbulltr: we knew you could do it!👊❤️
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Liked by kpvolley, yukitsunoda0511, eczacibasisporklubu and 537,928 others
volleyballinsider: going from being one of the most criticised players on the turkish national team to one of the most valuable players, Y/N Y/LN proves that dedication and hard-work are the key elements of success. congratulations to Y/LN and the rest of the turkish team for their recent win in the european championship!
user: yet another propaganda to make us think that women are better than man at sports
user: i don't think we need a propaganda for that, dude
user: i don't mean to be annoying, but what's yuki tsunoda doing here??😳😳
user: he liked the post-
user: congratulations to the sultans of the net, they are having a golden summer!
view all 7,452 comments
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Liked by abreusmelissavargas, yukitsunoda0511, danielricciardo and 786,928 others
ynyln: not sponsored🙃✌️
user: she knows how to party!!🤩
user: i hope red bull knows they have a walking, talking breathing ad😭
user: she's a red bull athlete, what did you expect her to do?
user: first yuki, now daniel?👀
user: she was in australia last year, do you think they met there?
user: i mean.. that's reaching, australia is quite big
user: drop the hair care routine queen🙏
ynyln: the tears of my enemies as conditioner💅
view all 12,736 comments
danielricciardo: nice hat
ynyln: howdy
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danielricciardo posted a story!
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ynyln posted a story!
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Liked by redbulltr, tvfgovtr, danielricciardo and 873,647 others
ynyln: paris, ça va?✌️
redbulltr: saint joseph online🫡
user: ma'am you are a MONSTER (respectfully)
user: the hero without a cape is still a hero, wonderful match today!
user: haters will say she is weak, and then she will spike on em
view all 123,625 comments
user: f1 fans are confused and i feel so sorry for them
user: yeah we're confused because how did daniel bag HER
ynyln: with a lot of tim tams👀
danielricciardo: don't give away all my secrets🙃
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Liked by ynyln, pierregasly, f1wags and 973,425 others
danielricciardo: a different kind of a grandstand this time, congratulations pookie
ynyln: now you're just making up words
danielricciardo: where is my date?
ynyln: let me shower first, god
ynyln: also, yuki is still here
yukitsunoda0511: yes i am✌️
user: this man... hard launched... on the main.. just like that..
user: i don't know if i want to be her or i want to be him🙃
view all 5,625 comments
user: STOP i love them so much already
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Liked by landonorris, redbullracing, ynyln and 973,425 others
danielricciardo: post-summer summer dump
pierregasly: good dump
ynyln: ew, pierre
danielricciardo: she's right ew, pierre
yukitsunoda0511: ew
user: this is my bi awakening
user: are we not going to talk about the bucket hats?
user: are we not going to talk about the fact that they've adopted yuki?😭
user: so normal about this, absolutely so so normal about this
landonorris: how does she feel about papayas?
user: OMG STOP
view all 5,367 comments
ynyln: dude, are you obsessed with me or something?
danielricciardo: or something
ynyln: stop making me blush danny
redbullracing: tell yn hi from us!✌️
redbulltr: back off, chief
danielricciardo: 😳
ynyln: 🤩✌️
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Liked by ilkinaydin, simgeakoz, danielricciardo and 683,728 others
ynyln: collecting miles and smiles🙂 p.s. these photos are ollllllld
user: i'm so confused but so obsessed a the same time😩😫
user: but did she teach him how to spike??👀
francisca.cgomes: please come back to paris😭 i miss you😭
ynyln: they way i would jump on a plane RIGHT NOW
pierregasly: i'm right here
ynyln: sucks to be you🙃
user: yikes overtook by y/ln
ebrarkarakurt18: aşkım what happened to hot girl summer??
danielricciardo: oops
danielricciardo: who's the guy? he looks good
ynyln: a kangaroo
ynyln: he jumps sometimes
view all 3,746 commenst
user: who is your favourite f1 driver?😉
ynyln: sebastian vettel!☝️
danielricciardo: COME ON
4141spor posted a story!
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Liked by zehragns18, kpvolley, redbulltr and 683,728 others
ynyln: in between training sessions, thank you @redbulltr for stopping by! @eczacibasisporklubu
redbulltr: see you next time, partner!✌️
user: girl what are those nails??
ynyln: new strategy!!
simgeakoz: ready for another season with my girls👊
user: she's a redbull athlete??
user: you bet your ass she is
user: red bull is the best matcmaker fr
view all 15,362 comments
yukitsunoda0511: 🤟
ynyln: yukinooo
ynyln: 🫶
user: i really don't understand how the aussie man bagged her
landonorris: you and me both
danielricciardo: red bull gives you wings!
ynyln: it does!
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Hello helloo! I've a request but I hope it doesn't sound weird.. There is such a tradition in Turkey, maybe you know, or heard about it. Women add salt to their fiances coffee to show that marriage is not always sweet (during their unofficial engagement ceremony among their family and friends, Turkish coffee is served to everyone). Soo, I was thinking about it, what would ghost/könig/soap do if their s/o did it to them? Like their s/o sees a video about it and decides to try. I think that would be funny ehehe
Hi!! It's not weird at all! This one was a fun one to write. Hope this is what you were looking for!🙃❤️
Warnings: swearing
Ghost/Soap/König's Reaction to Reader Pouring Salt in Their Coffee
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Simon "Ghost" Riley-
You and Simon had been together for years before he'd popped the question. In the years you'd been together, you'd never once pranked him.
Scrolling through your phone one day, you came across a video of a Turkish tradition where the bride puts salt in her groom's coffee, and he has to show no indication that he didn't enjoy it. You knew at that moment you wanted to try it on Simon.
He'd just gotten home from running some errands, so you decided to make him a coffee to "help him decompress".
He smiled warmly at you, and graciously accepted the coffee. "Thanks, love."
You bit your lip to hide a smile, and simply nodded your head. You watched his face scrunch up in disgust as he took a sip of the coffee.
"Bloody hell, what's in this?"
You faked a sad expression. "What do you mean? It's just coffee."
Simon took in your expression, and a frown formed on his face. "Love I- I meant no offense it's just. It's salty?"
Unable to hold up the facade any longer, you busted out laughing.
Simon was beyond confused at what was going on. "Babe?"
"I watched a video the other day, it's a Turkish tradition that the bride puts salt in her groom's coffee, and he has to not make a face. I thought it would be funny to try." You bit your lip to stop yourself from laughing further. "Your reaction was priceless."
"Glad you found it amusing, love. Now come try a sip of this shite yourself." He held the cup up to you for you to try. "Let's see how you react."
"Nope, not gonna happen." You said backing away from the mug.
"Get over here, babe." He moved closer to you as you proceeded to move away from.
What ensued was Simon trying to catch you and force you to drink your concoction.
Much to your dismay, Simon was a lot faster than you.
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You'd seen the videos circling TikTok of the Turkish coffee tradition. You found the videos hilarious as you watched the different groom's reactions.
The more you watched them, the more you knew you wanted to try this out on your fiance König.
You'd gotten everything set, it was early morning and you knew König would be down any moment for his usual cup of coffee. You'd made the coffee just the way he liked, the only difference was, you'd poured about a tablespoon of salt in the cup.
König came downstairs with a radiant smile on his face. He saw you holding out a cup of coffee to him, and his eyes lit up. "Good morning Schat. That for me?"
"Morning! Yup, all for you. Made it myself." You were desperately trying not to laugh, as you didn't want to give anything away. "Just the way you like."
"Thank you, my love." He nodded at you before taking a sip from the cup.
You watched as he processed the taste. His nose scrunching slightly, as he turned his back to you.
"This. This is very good dear. Thank you." You could hear him struggling to get the words out, before a coughing fit consumed him.
He turned to you and mustered the best smile he could. "Tastes a bit different. But it's. It's good. Yes."
He moved to take another sip, clearly pretending to enjoy the coffee for your sake so as not to hurt your feelings.
"Kö, baby you don't have to drink it, it's okay." You giggled.
"No love you made it. I shall drink it." You could see that he was doing his best not to gag.
"Baby, it was a joke. I saw a video on tik tok that it's a Turkish tradition to put salt in the groom's coffee to test his reaction. It's evidently a way of saying marriage won't always be sweet."
König visibly relaxed at this, clearly happy he didn't have to continue to drink the coffee. "I hope I have responded well, Schatz. That was not sweet at all. Frankly that was utter shit."
You cackled at his reply and moved to wrap yourself against his torso. "God, I love you, I can't wait to marry you Kö."
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Johnny "Soap" MacTavish-
The two of you had actually both seen the tik tok, on your own. The minute you'd seen the video, you knew you wanted to try it on Johnny.
You both were in your kitchen, getting ready for your day, when you approached each other, drinks in hand.
"Aye, bug I made you tea. Two creams with extra sugar." He said with a shit eating grin.
"Oh. Well. I made you a coffee. Great minds think alike, huh?" You asked sheepishly, handing the coffee to him.
"What's the occasion?" He asked with a raised brow.
"Just seemed tired, wanted to make you a cup?" You took the tea from him, and studied it closely. In all your years together, he'd never once made you a cup of tea.
"Well thank ye." Soap smiled at you, and moved to take a sip. You watched as his eyes widened, and he immediately spit out the coffee.
"The fuck? You did not." He was laughing hysterically.
You smiled to yourself, before taking a sip of the tea he made you, only to be met with the worst tasting liquid you'd ever experienced. "Good grief Johnny, what the hell is this?" You scrunched your face up in disgust.
"Seems we both had the same idea." He winked, a wicked grin forming on his face.
"Oh my God, did you watch the same video? The Turkish salt in coffee tradition?"
"That I did love. Looks like I'm gonna be the best husband ever."
"Your reaction was terrible! That proves nothing!"
"My dear, you should know, marriage won't always be this sweet." He sauntered up to you, leaning down to place a kiss on your lips. "Your lips, uh, taste a little salty, dear."
"Screw you, MacTavish."
A/N: hope you enjoyed!! Thanks for reading🙃❤️
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