#yes all of these are custom drawn for this template
numbersninja · 1 year
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5 notes · View notes
In the Land of Electric Learning Aids Part 3: Bunpro
In the last installment I discussed the well-known kanji study website Wanikani. Have you followed that link? It's funny. It's the About Us page describing what Wanikani is. Guess what? It's out of date.
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One would think a website would keep the page where it talks about itself and what it is about up to date...
Anyway, as I mentioned in that article, Wanikani does a good job of teaching you kanji and vocab, but it doesn't teach you grammar. (And it does a comparatively weak job when teaching you words that have a bit of grammar tied to them.)
This is where Bunpro comes in.
Ooh, ahhh, what is it good for?
The main focus of Bunpro is to teach you grammar, but it also teaches vocab, and, to a degree, reading comprehension.
I only found Bunpro because someone on the Wanikani forums slighted it by saying that they think SRS is unneeded for learning grammar. Yes, Bunpro teaches Japanese grammar using the Spaced Repetition method I've talked about before in the previous articles.
The default way is very similar Wanikani - you get a set of grammar items to study, and after you've moved through the set, you are quizzed on them and have to enter an answer.
The beauty of Bunpro is its default way to quiz you, though. It presents you with "mad libs."
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Or in other words, a "phrasal template." You merely fill in the missing item(s). Bunpro will also provide you with clues and hints if there are any ambiguities.
Take for example the ko-so-a-do words sore, kore, are, and dore. You will be quizzed with various sentences where you have to fill in your here, there, over there, and where. Hints will tell you how close the respective thing is to the speaker - because kore is close to the speaker, sore is close to the listener, are is apart from either, and dore is to find out where something is.
Part of what's great about this approach - except for some initial frustration - is that it also incorporates more unusual examples and usages - like dore can stand for "let's see" as well.
Ordered but not rigid - Paths and Decks
Where Bunpro definitely is different from Wanikani is its high degree of possible customization. Do you prefer to use the mad libs or would you rather see answers and read them in reviews? Do you want to be quizzed (required to enter text) or do you want to self-evaluate like in Anki? Bunpro lets you choose.
But beyond that, Wanikani presents its content as an ordered dependency tree.
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The items you initially unlock in WK will in turn unlock further items. New batches of items are further unlocked only if levels are passed (when you pass your initial reviews on almost all kanji of that level). There's some flexibility there, though. Let's say you don't get a particular kanji to Guru level. Then its vocab words won't unlock, but in general this does not affect the overall progression much - unless you're really stuck in a level with too many missed kanji.
Something like that is called a Path in Bunpro, and Bunpro's default way of teaching grammar is called Lessons. If you follow Bunpro's Lessons you will be taught the grammar lessons in the default order that the site staff thinks is best. But you're also free to use the order of popular textbooks like "Genki". In other words, you can use Bunpro as a supplemental tool for following that course as well.
Please also note that even paths are suggestions only. You can go in any order, nothing is locked from you. So Bunpro allows you to grammar for the final N1 test right from the beginning. Going in default order merely safeguards you from seeing stuff too early that you might not have learned yet. Furthermore you can mark things as mastered that you already learned elsewhere.
Bunpro also teaches vocab through a feature called Decks. This is a beta feature that's also available for grammar. Basically, by default a deck is an unordered bag of items you can draw stuff from to learn, or have a fixed amount drawn for you as your next review batch. What makes this super-cool is that you can order vocab according to how much it is used - in anime, or in general, or on Netflix, etc. So you learn the most useful stuff first - for your own preferred use.
Cram, cram, cram!
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One of the most useful features on Bunpro I came across recently is the "Cram" function.
When you learn a new item, you are quizzed on it once, then it goes into your SRS review queue. For some items this is fine, but there are more complex grammar points that warrant more initial practice, like let's say the conjugation of u-verbs, and for that you can create a Cram session.
To do so, you select simply which items you want to practice and how many quiz questions you want on each (or all available!) and then start. So if this was the negation of u-verbs, you would now be asked to put various u-verbs into their casual-negative form or their polite-negative form, with a great variety of verbs to stimulate your brain cells.
I did that specifically for the u-verbs because they contain a little property that requires some practice - they shift sounds from one syllable to another: -mu becomes -manai and -mimasen, -tsu becomes -tanai and -chimasen. Add to this that you have to master this in hiragana, where each means a shift of syllable and an exception for verbs ending in plain -u, and you have something that (IMO) definitely warrants some cramming to drive home.
Furigana and Wanikani
In the article on Wanikani I promised that I'd demonstrate how it is a cool feature that WK exports its information as web service.
Furigana are annotations that show you how to pronounce a given (set of) kanji.
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By default, Bunpro shows furigana to help you read. But you can switch them off... or go Wanikani. By registering a Wanikani API key Bunpro can safely access your WK progress and hide furigana for all the words and kanji that you already know. (You can also optionally allow them to be displayed when hovering over.)
This makes a lot of sense when combined with the way Bunpro quizzes grammar. When a kanji word is required, you enter it in hiragana (how it is sounded out) and Bunpro will insert the kanji for you when displaying the answer. (This is close to how kanji typing on a phone works.)
To make this even more cool, you can also import the WK vocab you have learned but not mastered yet into Bunpro for extra practice.
The Pros
Bunpro uses SRS for helping you retain important grammar points.
Mads libs / phrase templates allow you to study grammar in the context of actual sentences.
Example sentences are read by a real Japanese speaker, allowing for immersion and being exposed to actual pitch accent.
Lots of examples, included in the quizzes, making for a great variety of questions.
Furigana help you read kanji, but what you see can be synchronized with your Wanikani learning.
Grammar can be learned in various orders, including that of popular textbooks.
Vocab can be studied in various orders, based on how common it is in various media.
Vocab progress can also be imported from Wanikani.
Cram function allows for additional practice outside the regular SRS cycles.
Highly customizable, including how you review your material.
Unlike Wanikani, Bunpro is organized in a way that helps you study for the JLPT Japanese Language Proficiency Test by level both for grammar and vocab.
There's a section for reading which gives you example text to read for each set of grammar passed. (You can even change the reading direction.)
Like Wanikani, Bunpro uses gamification to help motivate you. As you progress, you earn XP towards gaining levels and various badges.
Each grammar item also contains a section with resources for further reading on the topic, both online as links and offline as references to pages in various books. You can mark those you did peruse as "read."
Bunpro has an undo function for situations where you think you simply made a typo. (If you end abusing it, you're only cheating yourself, though...)
Dictionary definitions and references to grammar and vocab are available as context help when you click on example sentences.
There are forums available to interact with other users.
Bunpro's dashboard is actually quite good and updates itself without reloading the page.
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The Cons
Bunpro is clearly a site in active development. While I personally didn't encounter outright bugs, I did find various omissions and other issues - like missing audio and broken links.
This is also true for the Wanikani integration on vocab progress. It marked some words I didn't know as done and a few words I do know were omitted. (On average, it works really well, though. And vocab is still beta.)
There are also content issues with the vocab cards, as they may quiz you on meanings you haven't learned with the card itself - by which I mean, meanings that are not listed at the top of the card. They are in the examples, though. In order to see what I mean, please compare the vocab meanings of "suru" with its example here.
When it comes to the reading section, the amount of material per 15 grammar items wouldn't even fill a page taken together.
Bunpro is a service you pay for. It costs about half as much as Wanikani. And yes, it also offers a lifetime option to pay only once, which also goes on sale around New Year's.
As far as I see, Wanikani progress is not tracked permanently, but you have to sync it manually by pushing a button every once in a while even after registering the API key.
Clicking on words has different results in different places. Clicking on example sentences brings often context help. In Reading sections you get grammar help. In other places it only makes the furigana visible. It's hard to know what to expect when clicking a thing.
Well, as you can see with the Cons section, Bunpro is... evolving. This is both good and bad. You can expect more out of Bunpro in the future, and I expect that stuff to be well thought out. But you will also see all these small mistakes that come with that. I personally thought the situation was acceptable, but your mileage may vary.
Instead of a summary, let me share an anecdote of my own experience with Bunpro so far.
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So, I was looking at the N5 vocab deck and wondered where to start. I didn't really want to learn more kanji-oriented words... because if I had capacity to spare on that, I would do that to further my current Wanikani progress! So I picked the katakana foreign loan words.
Ignorance is bliss (they say), and so I found myself marking word after word thinking "This isn't so hard!" until I "suddenly" had 100 words in my vocab review queue. Add hubris to ignorance. Yes, katakana words are basically badly pronounced / spelled English words for the most part, but that means you still have to memorize how to spell each of them. (Somehow in my brain I thought this would come naturally, as it all seemed "obvious" at first glance.)
Now I had a review queue with a hundred items and when quizzed on them, I failed most of them. (I personally "blame" part of it on the difference between tsu, zu, su, and their ilk for a lot of them, because which of them is used to emulate an English sound is kind of arbitrary.) And fail I did. How to remedy this?
I wondered if I should kick most of them back out of review, but that seemed, like, well, work.
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So I made it into an experiment. Would simply encountering the words over and over in SRS reviews improve the situation by itself even if the amount was huge? (After all, they are kinda familiar.)
How Bunpro quizzes you is that it does a first pass over all items in queue, and then it asks you again for the ones you failed before. Successful items will advance in their SRS level, other items won't. So the items I had the most trouble with came back almost immediately in Reviews, while items with greater rate of success would not, quickly separating the tricky ones from the rest.
Within a few review cycles I had the material internalized. And my vocab study advanced by a hundred words! Ah, the artificial joys of progress bars and percentages! My reward center doesn't care, I still was happy.
Finally, I wrote a lot of positive stuff about Bunpro, and the website does not endorse me in any way. In fact, I pay them. Well, I paid them once. Because, again, I became a big fan in a short time and I do recommend Bunpro wholeheartedly. I'm looking forward to what else the site will provide in the future.
Further installments in this series:
Remembering the Kanji / Anki
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idigitizellp21 · 1 year
Top 5 Content Marketing Trends In 2023
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As the criticality of content creation on the web is increasing, it is surely one of the most important paths of the future for online businesses. We can vouch that creating quality content will win all the digital marketing laurels. Refer to this blog as a guide for the top 5 content marketing trends in 2023.
1. User-Generated Content (UGC):
Statistics say, 85% of consumers consider UGC more influential compared to brand content. Before we dig deep into UGC, let us understand what it means. User-generated content is any form of content that is created and shared by contributors/customers. Very often, these customers are loyal fans of the brand who do not mind advertising on behalf of the brand and hence are not paid for what they do. UGC can be in various forms be it blogging, sharing infographics, social media posts and testimonials. A great example of UGC is Starbucks. In 2014, Starbucks cheered its customers and got them to draw some artistic doodle on their white cups. This was a creative contest for them on Twitter under the hashtag #WhiteCupContest. Starbucks dint stop there, they also declared that the winning white cup drawing would be used as a limited edition template for the cup design of Starbucks. This got everyone excited and it received a tremendous response with around 4000 drawn cups. The next question is, How can you design engaging UGC’s for your brand? You need to get into your audience’s shoes to identify what they like to do and share. So get your thinking caps on and be unique, that’s the only way to stand out.
2. Visual Content:
Do you know? More than 500 million hours of videos are watched on YouTube each day. The most popular platforms where teens hang out, Its Instagram, YouTube, and Snapchat. You would rather prefer to watch a video than read a book. To add to this, the modern audience continuously expects to receive video content from their favorite brands, and it’s a proven fact that video keeps your audience engaged for longer than any other type of content. Besides, there was an 81% leap in people who watched videos in 2016 than in 2015. How do we do this? You can create video content in several ways. Like clues from culture videos, behind the scenes shots, etc. If you sell products machines probably a demo on how to use it works, whereas if your a service provider grab your camera to a loyal customer and ask for a short testimonial video. Ensure your video isn’t too long, we all have lower attention spans and are looking for quick solutions.
3. Podcasting:
Podcasting is a free audio service that grants permission to Internet users to pull audio files (typically MP3 format) from a podcasting Web site to listen to. This can be done through their computers, mobile phones or personal digital audio players. Can you guess where this term got its inspiration from? Any resemblance to Apple’s iPod? Yes, it’s an amalgamation of iPod and broadcasting. Reports say that the number of podcast listeners has tripled within the last decade and this number is envisaged to continue growing with time. For a fact, there’s a clear lookout for audio content on the web, you need to get your brand up there. We recommend your brand to cover niche topics and not broad ones, unlike others. This can contribute to focused marketing and help your brand gain credibility within its field of expertise.
4. Data-driven content:
Digital Marketing experts say that sooner or later, data-driven content will move up the ladder leaving storytelling behind. Not only is the data going to be used to launch a creative ‘big idea’ in an effective way, but also more widespread use of data to personalize content or offers. We can rightfully say, that Data-driven content is here for good. When Data, technology, and marvelous storytelling work hand in hand they push brands into a whole new territory of high customer engagement.
5. Quality Over Quantity:
When it comes to writing content for your digital marketing strategy, quality supersedes quantity and makes your brand stand above the rest in competition. We live in a time where transparency is expected, and consumers are continuously thriving for authenticity. Consistency and quality are the two backbones of any successful content. Also, we recommend not to overwhelm your audience by posting content too often. Give them space and time to digest one content piece then show them further.
To take advantage of this newly crafted content marketing trend, just follow the data. Identify the content that your audience marvels at and create more of that type of content to keep them happy. You’ll get better at this once you keep yourself in their shoe.
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tarikreview · 8 months
(PLR) Make Money Freelancing with ChatGPT Review - Get an Unlimited Supply of Traffic at your Fingertips!
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Just like we've taken flight and reached for the sky, you have endless potential to start your own money-making adventure!
(PLR) Make Money Freelancing with ChatGPT Review – Introduction 
Welcome to (PLR) Make Money Freelancing with ChatGPT review. Nowadays, freelancing career is emerging as one of the income streams for many people. Who doesn't want to see themselves as the boss? Many people are drawn to online projects because of their choice and ability to do whatever they want.
Freelancers often suffer from uncertainty or client expectations. It's not just about selecting projects or delivering work, but working through client expectations and self-discipline.
No fear now I will introduce a new software to solve and answer all these problems. Get into Freelancing with ChatGPT PLR One, all the steps and guidelines for success in the Freelancing world are designed in this software.
So, don't worry about the challenges that a freelancing career might throw at, make your company shine with the right tools and insights from this (PLR) Make Money Freelancing with ChatGPT. Let's find out why (PLR) Make Money Freelancing with ChatGPT can be the path to success for your company.
(PLR) Make Money Freelancing with ChatGPT Review -What is ChatGPT (PLR)?
(PLR) Make Money Freelancing with ChatGPT is full of offers, you will be amazed at what you will find on your list with (PLR) Make Money Freelancing with ChatGPT. This is a completely new (PLR) Make Money Freelancing with ChatGPT. It is designed to empower you and your customers.
This (PLR) Make Money Freelancing with ChatGPT Content Creation, Copywriting and Marketing, Customer Support, Translation Services, Programming and Coding Assistance, Creative Design, and Research and Data Analysis.
This Products that are informative, reliable, and regularly updated sell like hotcakes….
(PLR) Make Money Freelancing with ChatGPT Review – Overview of ChatGPT (PLR) 
Vendor                  : Firelaunchers
Product                  : PLR Make Money Freelancing with ChatGPT
Front-End Price  : $11.95
Bonus                    : Yes, Huge Bonus
Recommendation  : Highly Recommend
Home Page           : CLICK HERE
Refund                   : 30 Days Money Back Guarantee
Niche                     : PLR
(PLR) Make Money Freelancing with ChatGPT Review - What Bonuses?
Bonus 1 :  Cheat Sheet (Valued at $20)
Bonus 2 : Mind Map(Valued at $10)
Bonus 3 : Top Resources Report (Valued at $20)
Earn More and get Access
(PLR) Make Money Freelancing with ChatGPT Review - What Are Discount?
Module #1 - Premier Training Guide on Make Money Freelancing with ChatGPT Value: $1500
Module #2 - Well Designed Sales Page Copy Value: $800
Module #3 - Customer Sales Video Value: $570
Module #4 - Professionally Designed Graphics Value: $253
Module #5 - Animated Banners Value: $243
Module #6 - Professionally Created Expert Email Templates Value: $36
Module #7 - Professional Minisites Value: $89
Module #8 - Legal Pages Value: $89
Module #9 - Social Media Graphics Value: $60
Module #10 - PDF Graphics Value: $60
+3 Fast-Action Bonuses…
Bonus #1 - Cheat Sheet Value: $20
Bonus #2 - Mind Map Value: $10
Bonus #3 - Top Resource Report Value: $20
Total Value: $3750
But today, you pay only...
(PLR) Make Money Freelancing with ChatGPT Review - Module
(PLR) Make Money Freelancing with ChatGPT Review – Features
Take your content proficiency to a new level: This PLR package allows freelancers to create top-notch content in a variety of formats. ChatGPT integration takes content creation to an unprecedented level and aligns perfectly with our research on the “PLR Reviews” keyword.
Seamless resale with market-ready material validation: This product goes beyond content creation to provide professionally designed sales materials. Even for those without technical expertise, our market-ready arsenal ensures a seamless resale experience. This is an important aspect to explore in our PLR review research.
Navigating AI Niche Assessments: Our focus keyword “PLR Assessment” is strategically integrated as we explore products focused on freelancers benefiting from the rapidly growing niche of AI tools. This PLR gem is a strategic advantage that saves you time, increases efficiency, and attracts targeted visitors.
(PLR) Make Money Freelancing with ChatGPT Review - What Module you get ? 
Module 1 : Premier Guide On Make Money Freelancing with ChatGPT...
A Resource for Marketers!
(Value - $1500)
Module 2 : Well-Designed Sales Page Copy
(Value - $800)
Module 3 : Sales Demo Video
(Value - $570)
Module 4 : Professionally Designed Graphics
(Value - $253)
Pic Module 5 : Animated Banners
(Value - $243)
And many More….>>>>
(PLR) Make Money Freelancing with ChatGPT Review - Case Study?
Case Study 1:
A 27-year-old freelance writer increased his income by over 50% in one year. He explains how GPT-4 and other tools help him bring six figures working just 3 hours daily.
In a whirlwind 2022, Vancouver freelancer Tony Dong conquered financial frontiers, pocketing a jaw-dropping CA$ 149,000 (nearly USD 115,000), clocking just 30 hours per week. Breaking barriers after stepping into freelancing in March after a traditional job, Dong confronted an earnings ceiling.
Opting for supercharged efficiency over extended hours, he wielded GPT-4 and powerful tools, fueling his 2023 income projection to hit an eye-popping CA$238,000 (around USD 180,000) by December, this while slashing hours, a game-changer.
Case Study 2:
Dive into the digital era, seeking financial freedom. A YouTube channel is your canvas for creativity and a stage for passion. But how to stand out in the sea of creators? Enter AI and ChatGPT—your magic bullet for success.
Meet Marques Brownlee, a tech YouTube powerhouse. Renowned for his expertise, he strategically carved a niche in tech reviews. Yet, his success continues beyond there.
With unwavering consistency, Marques delivers top-quality content that captivates audiences, resulting in a whopping 14 million subscribers and counting. This showcases the power of niche creation and the importance of sustained excellence in the dynamic online content landscape.
Still having doubts...
(PLR) Make Money Freelancing with ChatGPT Review - What is Benefits?
Content Mastery on Steroids:
Get started creating world-class content such as e-books, blogs, articles, and more. Mark your imprimatur and enjoy the sweet taste of full profit retention.
Sales Arsenal Fits Titans:
We use professionally forged sales materials that require no special technical knowledge or special skills to ensure a seamless resale experience.
Success in hot niches:
Freelancers who use AI tools have an undeniable advantage in saving valuable time on tasks and increasing overall efficiency. Dive headfirst into this niche goldmine, attract targeted visitors, and soar your income into uncharted territory.
Complete Mastery of Sales Funnels:
Experience a product with carefully designed sales funnels that pave the way for a smooth journey to maximizing profits.
ChatGPT's Dominance in Freelancing: 
An AI-based wonder born from OpenAI,
ChatGPT is considered to be at the forefront of a revolution in freelancing. The introduction has increased opportunities to monetize skills. Whether you're looking for a passive income stream or a busy side hustle, ChatGPT is your smart ally, making it easy to save money with minimal effort and elegance that belies your efforts.
Maximize Your Potential His Review:
As part of this research, we'll explore how freelancers can turn their skills into a steady source of income. The insights from Make Money Freelancing with ChatGPT-PLR serve as a guide and help freelancers discover opportunities within the dynamic freelancing environment.
(PLR) Make Money Freelancing with ChatGPT Review – MY Recommendation
ChatGPT is a valuable tool for becoming a successful freelancer, but it's not a golden ticket. Remember that your skills, experience and ethical approach are still the driving force. Use ChatGPT to extend your skills, not replace them. Be transparent, focus on quality, and keep learning. Take advantage of the AI ​​revolution, but keep the human touch strong. Based on this idea, ChatGPT helps you unlock your true freelance potential and build a promising and successful career.
So, freelancers, is ChatGPT your new best friend or a potential trap?As always, the answer is in your own hands. Use AI wisely, work hard, and watch your freelance venture reach new heights with or without AI.
 (PLR) Make Money Freelancing with ChatGPT Review - Frequent Questions and Answers:
 What is the concept behind Make Money Freelancing with ChatGPT?
The idea is to harness the power of ChatGPT to streamline workflows, increase efficiency, and provide value-added services to clients, ultimately enhancing their overall earning potential in the freelancing industry.
Do we have to pay monthly fees for this product?
No, you have to pay once for this product. There are no monthly fees or hidden charges apart from that payment.
Do we have to share the leads and profits we generate using this product with you or anyone else?
You can share the leads and profits you generate using this product. It's all yours.
What if I need more than the product after purchase?
If you are not satisfied with the quality of our products, you can request a full refund for your purchase within 30 days. You will get your money back ASAP. No questions asked.
Can I give Private Label Rights to my customers for this product?
No, you cannot give Private Label Rights to your customers. You can sell this product for Personal Use only. PLR rights are only for you to rebrand it as your own and sell it.
Do you provide any other bonuses (apart from the above three) with this product?
Yes, you will receive special bonuses with this package on your downloading page. These complimentary bonuses will cost you an arm and a leg apart from the product. But we are providing them to you for absolutely FREE.
Get Access Now>>>
0 notes
tarikulreview · 8 months
(PLR) Make Money Freelancing with ChatGPT Review - Get an Unlimited Supply of Traffic at your Fingertips!
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Just like we've taken flight and reached for the sky, you have endless potential to start your own money-making adventure!
(PLR) Make Money Freelancing with ChatGPT Review – Introduction 
Welcome to (PLR) Make Money Freelancing with ChatGPT review. Nowadays, freelancing career is emerging as one of the income streams for many people. Who doesn't want to see themselves as the boss? Many people are drawn to online projects because of their choice and ability to do whatever they want.
Freelancers often suffer from uncertainty or client expectations. It's not just about selecting projects or delivering work, but working through client expectations and self-discipline.
No fear now I will introduce a new software to solve and answer all these problems. Get into Freelancing with ChatGPT PLR One, all the steps and guidelines for success in the Freelancing world are designed in this software.
So, don't worry about the challenges that a freelancing career might throw at, make your company shine with the right tools and insights from this (PLR) Make Money Freelancing with ChatGPT. Let's find out why (PLR) Make Money Freelancing with ChatGPT can be the path to success for your company.
(PLR) Make Money Freelancing with ChatGPT Review -What is ChatGPT (PLR)?
(PLR) Make Money Freelancing with ChatGPT is full of offers, you will be amazed at what you will find on your list with (PLR) Make Money Freelancing with ChatGPT. This is a completely new (PLR) Make Money Freelancing with ChatGPT. It is designed to empower you and your customers.
This (PLR) Make Money Freelancing with ChatGPT Content Creation, Copywriting and Marketing, Customer Support, Translation Services, Programming and Coding Assistance, Creative Design, and Research and Data Analysis.
This Products that are informative, reliable, and regularly updated sell like hotcakes….
(PLR) Make Money Freelancing with ChatGPT Review – Overview of ChatGPT (PLR) 
Vendor                  : Firelaunchers
Product                  : PLR Make Money Freelancing with ChatGPT
Front-End Price  : $11.95
Bonus                    : Yes, Huge Bonus
Recommendation  : Highly Recommend
Home Page           : CLICK HERE
Refund                   : 30 Days Money Back Guarantee
Niche                     : PLR
(PLR) Make Money Freelancing with ChatGPT Review - What Bonuses?
Bonus 1 :  Cheat Sheet (Valued at $20)
Bonus 2 : Mind Map(Valued at $10)
Bonus 3 : Top Resources Report (Valued at $20)
Earn More and get Access
(PLR) Make Money Freelancing with ChatGPT Review - What Are Discount?
Module #1 - Premier Training Guide on Make Money Freelancing with ChatGPT Value: $1500
Module #2 - Well Designed Sales Page Copy Value: $800
Module #3 - Customer Sales Video Value: $570
Module #4 - Professionally Designed Graphics Value: $253
Module #5 - Animated Banners Value: $243
Module #6 - Professionally Created Expert Email Templates Value: $36
Module #7 - Professional Minisites Value: $89
Module #8 - Legal Pages Value: $89
Module #9 - Social Media Graphics Value: $60
Module #10 - PDF Graphics Value: $60
+3 Fast-Action Bonuses…
Bonus #1 - Cheat Sheet Value: $20
Bonus #2 - Mind Map Value: $10
Bonus #3 - Top Resource Report Value: $20
Total Value: $3750
But today, you pay only...
(PLR) Make Money Freelancing with ChatGPT Review - Module
(PLR) Make Money Freelancing with ChatGPT Review – Features
Take your content proficiency to a new level: This PLR package allows freelancers to create top-notch content in a variety of formats. ChatGPT integration takes content creation to an unprecedented level and aligns perfectly with our research on the “PLR Reviews” keyword.
Seamless resale with market-ready material validation: This product goes beyond content creation to provide professionally designed sales materials. Even for those without technical expertise, our market-ready arsenal ensures a seamless resale experience. This is an important aspect to explore in our PLR review research.
Navigating AI Niche Assessments: Our focus keyword “PLR Assessment” is strategically integrated as we explore products focused on freelancers benefiting from the rapidly growing niche of AI tools. This PLR gem is a strategic advantage that saves you time, increases efficiency, and attracts targeted visitors.
(PLR) Make Money Freelancing with ChatGPT Review - What Module you get ? 
Module 1 : Premier Guide On Make Money Freelancing with ChatGPT...
A Resource for Marketers!
(Value - $1500)
Module 2 : Well-Designed Sales Page Copy
(Value - $800)
Module 3 : Sales Demo Video
(Value - $570)
Module 4 : Professionally Designed Graphics
(Value - $253)
Pic Module 5 : Animated Banners
(Value - $243)
And many More….>>>>
(PLR) Make Money Freelancing with ChatGPT Review - Case Study?
Case Study 1:
A 27-year-old freelance writer increased his income by over 50% in one year. He explains how GPT-4 and other tools help him bring six figures working just 3 hours daily.
In a whirlwind 2022, Vancouver freelancer Tony Dong conquered financial frontiers, pocketing a jaw-dropping CA$ 149,000 (nearly USD 115,000), clocking just 30 hours per week. Breaking barriers after stepping into freelancing in March after a traditional job, Dong confronted an earnings ceiling.
Opting for supercharged efficiency over extended hours, he wielded GPT-4 and powerful tools, fueling his 2023 income projection to hit an eye-popping CA$238,000 (around USD 180,000) by December, this while slashing hours, a game-changer.
Case Study 2:
Dive into the digital era, seeking financial freedom. A YouTube channel is your canvas for creativity and a stage for passion. But how to stand out in the sea of creators? Enter AI and ChatGPT—your magic bullet for success.
Meet Marques Brownlee, a tech YouTube powerhouse. Renowned for his expertise, he strategically carved a niche in tech reviews. Yet, his success continues beyond there.
With unwavering consistency, Marques delivers top-quality content that captivates audiences, resulting in a whopping 14 million subscribers and counting. This showcases the power of niche creation and the importance of sustained excellence in the dynamic online content landscape.
Still having doubts...
(PLR) Make Money Freelancing with ChatGPT Review - What is Benefits?
Content Mastery on Steroids:
Get started creating world-class content such as e-books, blogs, articles, and more. Mark your imprimatur and enjoy the sweet taste of full profit retention.
Sales Arsenal Fits Titans:
We use professionally forged sales materials that require no special technical knowledge or special skills to ensure a seamless resale experience.
Success in hot niches:
Freelancers who use AI tools have an undeniable advantage in saving valuable time on tasks and increasing overall efficiency. Dive headfirst into this niche goldmine, attract targeted visitors, and soar your income into uncharted territory.
Complete Mastery of Sales Funnels:
Experience a product with carefully designed sales funnels that pave the way for a smooth journey to maximizing profits.
ChatGPT's Dominance in Freelancing: 
An AI-based wonder born from OpenAI,
ChatGPT is considered to be at the forefront of a revolution in freelancing. The introduction has increased opportunities to monetize skills. Whether you're looking for a passive income stream or a busy side hustle, ChatGPT is your smart ally, making it easy to save money with minimal effort and elegance that belies your efforts.
Maximize Your Potential His Review:
As part of this research, we'll explore how freelancers can turn their skills into a steady source of income. The insights from Make Money Freelancing with ChatGPT-PLR serve as a guide and help freelancers discover opportunities within the dynamic freelancing environment.
(PLR) Make Money Freelancing with ChatGPT Review – MY Recommendation
ChatGPT is a valuable tool for becoming a successful freelancer, but it's not a golden ticket. Remember that your skills, experience and ethical approach are still the driving force. Use ChatGPT to extend your skills, not replace them. Be transparent, focus on quality, and keep learning. Take advantage of the AI ​​revolution, but keep the human touch strong. Based on this idea, ChatGPT helps you unlock your true freelance potential and build a promising and successful career.
So, freelancers, is ChatGPT your new best friend or a potential trap?As always, the answer is in your own hands. Use AI wisely, work hard, and watch your freelance venture reach new heights with or without AI.
 (PLR) Make Money Freelancing with ChatGPT Review - Frequent Questions and Answers:
What is the concept behind Make Money Freelancing with ChatGPT?
The idea is to harness the power of ChatGPT to streamline workflows, increase efficiency, and provide value-added services to clients, ultimately enhancing their overall earning potential in the freelancing industry.
Do we have to pay monthly fees for this product?
No, you have to pay once for this product. There are no monthly fees or hidden charges apart from that payment.
Do we have to share the leads and profits we generate using this product with you or anyone else?
You can share the leads and profits you generate using this product. It's all yours.
What if I need more than the product after purchase?
If you are not satisfied with the quality of our products, you can request a full refund for your purchase within 30 days. You will get your money back ASAP. No questions asked.
Can I give Private Label Rights to my customers for this product?
No, you cannot give Private Label Rights to your customers. You can sell this product for Personal Use only. PLR rights are only for you to rebrand it as your own and sell it.
Do you provide any other bonuses (apart from the above three) with this product?
Yes, you will receive special bonuses with this package on your downloading page. These complimentary bonuses will cost you an arm and a leg apart from the product. But we are providing them to you for absolutely FREE.
Get Access Now>>>
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valiantduckchaos · 1 year
Just How To Internet Scrape Amazoncom Com
I'm the editor at EarthWeb, with a specific interest in organization as well as technology topics, including social media, personal privacy, and also cryptocurrency. As a skilled editor as well as scientist, I have a passion for discovering the latest trends and advancements in these fields and sharing my insights with our visitors. I also enjoy testing and examining items, as well as you'll commonly locate my evaluations as well as referrals on EarthWeb.
What can information scratching be used for?
We chose Automatic proxy in our example, but you can additionally opt for Personalized proxies or Picked proxies. If you already have an Apify account, you'll be taken right to Apify Console, so you can skip ahead to tip 3. You might add additional criteria to the search to filter the results by rate, brand as well as various other variables. Parse_product_page-- removes all of the wanted data from the item web page. Middlewares.py-- When you want to transform just how the demand is made and also scrapy takes care of the response, Middlewares.py comes in handy. Pipelines.py-- The product generated by the spider is transferred to Pipelines.py, which is generally made use of to clean the message as well as bind to databases.
The All-in-one Solution For Your Data Collection Needs
A link within HTML taginstead of bring a single link, we can remove all the comparable links making use of find_all() feature. Similarly, our fresh web scraper requires particular components. There is no throttle limitation at X-Byte in situation of No. of demand be served or No. of records follow this link to be drawn out. We can check out the href feature of this selector and also run a loop. You would need to make use of the urljoin approach to analyze these web links.
Then we sample the data and send it to you for testimonial.
So, essentially, it's a means to automate the laborious process of striking 'copy' and then 'paste' 200 times.
To create a successful creeping pattern, you ought to think of just how a normal user would act while exploring a web page and add clicks, scrolls, and also mouse movements accordingly.
In the next step, we will make use of Cheerio to select all the aspects consisting of the information we need.
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To keep things basic, we'll take https://giphy.com/channel/personkkww a detailed approach to composing the code. A pop-up will show up asking if this is a "Following" link. Click Yes and get in the variety of web pages you 'd like to navigate to. By default, ParseHub will extract the text as well as link from this web link, so broaden your brand-new next_button choice and get rid of these 2 commands. On the left sidebar, go back to the search_results_page template.
Exactly How To Construct An Amazoncom Product Scrape With Nodejs
Many firms additionally execute get in touch with scuffing, which is when they scrape the internet for call info to be made use of for advertising objectives. If you have actually ever before approved a business access to your get in touches with for utilizing their services, after that you've provided permission to do just this. They are a complete scratching service provider, with an excellent number of items that are customized especially in the direction of services that intend to have the ability to scrape data from the internet.
For instance, you might figure out what people like/dislike most about their items and also whether your goods have actually satisfied the needs and needs of your customers. Utilizing content from reviews will assist you much better understand the positives and also downsides of products, and then boost the quality and also customer care. When you've located the ideal nest tags, you'll require to include these right into your favored scuffing software program.
This has evident benefits in the electronic age, when huge data-- which is regularly updating and transforming-- plays such a noticeable role. You can learn more regarding the nature of large information in this blog post. It is a prefabricated scraping device that can assist you download as well as extract rates, evaluations, summaries, images, and all other appropriate product details. IWeb Rub has actually been a genuine possession for our business.
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An Insider on Accelerating Open Banking for Real-Time Payments.
Posted: Mon, 22 May 2023 12:15:09 GMT [source]
This includes restricting the regularity of demands, using ideal customer agents, and preventing excessive scratching that can impact site efficiency. This documents interacts with internet scrapers, telling them which areas of the site run out bounds. If a site's robots.txt disallows scuffing on certain web pages after that you should always abide by these guidelines.
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milkplusvn · 2 years
Soundless FV: Rebuilding the Screens
Tip: You can get these same posts sent right to your e-mail by subscribing to the newsletter.
Today, I’ll show you the nitty-gritty of rebuilding the screens for the port!
What's in a Ren'Py project?
The code of Soundless is old. Very, very old. I have been working with Ren'Py for a decade now, ever since I was in middle school. I created Soundless’s Ren'Py project way back in 2016 according to some of the files. Maybe even before that—the oldest “last modified” date on an ancient type of Ren'Py file in the directory had 2016 as the year. That’s all I have to go off of, because moving data from PC to PC changed the creation date.
Before the new GUI template was launched with Ren'Py 7 in 2018, you were greeted with a selection of themes when you created a new project. They all had generally the same layout with tweaks to borders and elements like bars, such as a theme that looked digital and another theme that looked like it was drawn with marker. The ideal way to customize your screens back then, if you were an amateur, was to completely trash the whole default theme and create imagemaps.
For those unaware, an imagemap is a type of displayable that requires at least three different variations to work: the “ground state” version, the “idle state” version, and the “hover state” version. You would essentially create your entire screen in one image editor file, text and buttons and all, and save these different variations, then feed Ren'Py some numbers that corresponded to a bunch of rectangular spaces on the map. You would then tell Ren'Py that these rectangles are buttons/sliders from there.
That is how Soundless’s old menus were created. Just me, Photoshop 7 (yes, in 2016+), and painstakingly measured-out rectangle numbers.
This method is painful, even with Ren'Py’s built-in rectangle picker. But if I really wanted to, I could have just upscaled the old imagemaps and copied and pasted my code…except I did not want to do that.
I Needed To Change and Add Things Jesse
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The old way just wasn’t viable anymore.
For one, Ren'Py’s modern screen code is just much less painful to use. You can add and manipulate elements on the fly if you just take the time to create and style various types of buttons and frames. It’s also much easier and faster to make any changes if your element isn’t hard-implemented into images. That screenshot up there doesn’t have a single bit of text that’s a part of a picture. Those are all typed out in the code file and rendered by the engine. This method allowed me to make tweaks to make the menus a little more player friendly, like making it very obvious that page 2 of the options screen is selected through better colors.
Another issue is the fact that I don’t have the .PSDs for the original imagemaps anymore! I have no idea where they went. And even if I did find them, I use the latest edition of Photoshop, so I’m not sure what would happen to the text’s appearance. I needed to add things like the accessibility options screen, and without those .PSDs there was no hope of doing it the old way.
There were, of course, slight downsides to this. I had to recreate the background images (mostly because of the missing .PSD issue), and they didn’t look quite the same because new Photoshop versions means a different way of processing the effects I once used. Since I also committed to reducing images as buttons as much as possible, the main menu buttons are slightly different as well.
A Special Mention Goes to the Save Menu
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Like I said, the code for the original Soundless is really old and sad. The method used to make the save slot screenshots appear elsewhere on hover was long deprecated. I had to figure out a new way to do it all by myself, and it took me almost an hour, but I managed. I actually had the correct solution at one point, but because of what I can only assume was something being slightly off, it didn’t work at first…I nearly tore my hair out LOL. I’ll put up the solution I came up with on my personal blog (link) at a later time so that everyone can use it for themselves if you’d like to also have the save screenshot appear elsewhere on hover.
Though, to be fair to myself, if you gave this problem to the me of 5 years ago, they’d just go “I can’t do that, are you crazy?” and walk away.
That concludes this issue. Next issue, I’ll be talking about the new way Ren'Py parses the NVL text in Soundless, the differences from the old way, and how I got it to look (almost) just how it did before.
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lipstickmata · 3 years
(or, what can fandom/fanfic tell you horribly about your own psyche)
I wanted to share what was introduced to me as "fandom spelunking", which is an Ao3 exploration my bestie-since-childhood @dragunovka taught me — so here is a very VERY extremely rough overview.
I like fandom spelunking because it arguably gives one an impression/overview of the general psyche of a fandom (at least those who write and read).*
Here's how you do it:
1. Find a fandom.
2. Look at the top relationships.
3. Look at the top genres.
4. Look at the top custom tags
5. Otherwise explore
6. Draw your very unscientific conclusions!!
I got really interested in this lately for a few reasons, including:
i've been noticing how the favored themes of fandoms spilling over onto my dash differed from my own preoccupations
an ongoing discussion with my sisters, husband, cousins, friends etc. about one's essential Romance Template** (or I guess Relationship Template if you don't have a romance one)
the general just overlap of my own interests and others interested in the same thing — like why if you like A are you almost certainly prone to like B? What's in common between them? What resonates?***
My sister revisiting a particular favorite media from her youth, and us discussing the interplay between her life and what happened/was explored in the story
i'm extremely busy and stressed and so this suddenly became the most interesting thing to me
I think that essentially I am interested in what resonates with people and why, and what does this tell us?****
And what, if we examine the story itself that resonates — as well as the stories fans create — can we tell about the demographic or person that is attracted to that story?
For example, in one or two fandoms, it seems like hurt/comfort or otherwise tending-to is a common theme of fics. Why is this, exactly? (And I mean more than like "why are these types of stories appealing.")
For another example, in one of my sisters' fave media (which is a tiny fandom from pre-internet-boom days so it was easy to scan, and whose media features a very sweet if very horny werewolf), here was the general fic breakdown (and I quote from texts haha):
"75% stories ultimately about navigating everyday life and marriage/true happiness / exploring what it is to build a life together when you’re both a lil odd
25% stories driven I think by girls coming to terms with fear of/fascination with male sexuality haha which is like par for the course I imagine for hetero werewolf romance stories"
To which she was like "oh that's just my subconscious" haha.
For another example, as my friend pointed out, one of her fandoms has a commonly explored theme of like "these people are fine and competent separately but as romantic prospects they share one (1) brain cell", which doesn't map over to what I find in mine.
Basically we're fascinated by the questions (some of which I'm stealing from my friend who is way more data- and science-minded than I am):
Why do so many people's fandoms overlap?
Why are there certain themes in fandoms/fics that are much more rare in others?
Why are we all drawn to these things??
What (if anything) can fic and art themes tell us about the general psychological make up of fans of XYZ?
How do fans flow from fandom to fandom?
Do previous fandoms affect current ones (like, do fans just impose all of their favorite tropes onto the new media, or is it more flexible? Are they coming to the new fandom because it's fertile ground for those tropes? So many questions!
What are the stories/templates you frame your life around and why, and do you find similar themes in fandom? Does this interact or is it affected by socioeconomic status or other demographic points?
Anyways that's a LOT but I can't stop thinking about it.
If y'all have any thoughts or theories — or other ways you're "spelunking" including actual research you're doing — please please let me know!
*as unscientific one as can be! one of the many reasons i left academia is that i much prefer making sweeping declarations through force of will over proving anything or showing my work.
** to be explored in another post
*** i got fascinated by this years ago when all my david bowie blogs i followed also became hannibal blogs. also so like the likelihood of someone who digs thranduil the elf king also digging say lucius malfoy and jareth the goblin king is very high, and there feels like there's something more to that than "idk i just dig magic blond icy haughty jerks". (are these my own issues? yes obviously. do i have a good working theory about this? also yes but that's probs more for my therapist than here.)
**** my hellish thesis was more or less about this (see single asterisk)
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usshoptools · 3 years
5 Reasons Why Machine Shop Ownership Is Changing
Why is this happening? I believe several factors are coming together at once, some of them obvious and some less so. The aging into retirement of shop owners of the Baby Boom generation is obviously a contributing factor, but perhaps less of a factor than we might imagine. Industry as a whole, across various market sectors, has been slowly changing in the way it views, values and organizes manufacturing and machining. That, combined with demographics, as well as technology, is producing these shifts in who owns and runs machine shops.
Also Read  Top 12 Machine Learning Tools
What follows is a bigger picture. Here are more of the factors I believe contribute to this trend:
1. Demographics
We all understand this one. A large cohort of the population, including a large share of machine shop owners, was born between 1946 and 1964. They are at or close to retirement age now.  Read this also soft jaws manufacturer
This transition has come more slowly than expected. Wisdom in how to size up a machine tool or a machining job, as well as the trust of connections who are sources of machining work, all are assets that improve with age. Some shop owners approaching 65 found themselves at the most valuable parts of their careers, so they continued.
2. Systemization
The way the leaders of machining facilities think about these organizations has fundamentally changed in some cases. Is a machine shop a collection of machine tools run by skilled people adept at applying them? Maybe yes. In this view, the machines matter a great deal in defining the shop. Or, instead, is a machine shop the set of resources that is governed by an enterprise-wide system for making parts? The distinction might seem subtle, but it is meaningful for shop leaders who have made this shift.
And market-specialized quality standards such as AS-9100 encourage this paradigm change. In the latter view of the machine shop, the machine tools matter, but the system matters more — and machines and people succeed according to how well they work effectively within the system.
This better defining and disciplining of how a machining facility runs results in shops that function more like integrated units rather than islands around each machine, and therefore it results in shops that are easier to redeploy for new purposes or new owners. The system itself, once proven, might also be the template for building upon an acquired shop.
One category of technology is so valuable here that it might merit attention as a separate item on this list: enterprise resource planning (ERP) software. Shops have gotten more serious about ERP in recent years. Commitment to an ERP system, and using that system to organize all a shop’s departments and operations, makes it easy for a shop to integrate its efforts with those of another shop in another location running on the same platform. If two shops have the same ERP system and follow the same commitment and conventions in using it, then in a very real way their language, culture and thinking are close to alike.
3. Reshoring
Cases of parts machined overseas that have literally been relocated to the U.S. might be uncommon, but that narrow view of reshoring overlooks the extent to which decisions about new production frequently favor domestic manufacturing. Manufacturing is migrating as new work gradually replaces old — a shift that was underway even before the pandemic taught the nation about supply chain vulnerability — and that migration favors acquisition. OEMs that want to hold manufacturing closer either acquire manufacturers who were formerly independent, or seek domestic suppliers that are large enough (perhaps because of their own merger or acquisition) to efficiently supply their needs.
4. Changing Attitude
The negative spirit once associated with manufacturing — dreary work, in decline, etc. — is now largely gone. That impression, as false as it always may have been, had an effect on the desirability of investing in manufacturing, and this cloud is lifting.  Explorer Cobot Integration
Today, the view of manufacturing by people under 40 is more fair. Plenty recognize it as an area of opportunity, an area of advancing technology such as additive manufacturing and the chance for significantly greater automation, and a pursuit that is in ascendancy given the trends of reshoring and reexamination of supply chains. Both financial investors looking for growth opportunities and entrepreneurial investors looking to commit their energy and attention are drawn to manufacturing now.
5. Changing Reach
Machining used to be more regional. In earlier decades, a shop was more likely to get its work from customers in and around its home city. For many shops, of course, this is still true. But to a large extent, shops have shifted their attention outside their communities, focusing instead on customers nationally within the sectors the shop can serve well. And several pressures arise from this change in focus.
For example, within a region, a shop offering limited types of machining services can find the work just for these operations. But OEM customers outside the region are likely to prefer a one-stop shop with many services — a need encouraging the shop to merge or acquire. In addition, focusing on a particular sector leads to sector-specific costs that are easier to amortize across a larger organization (back again to quality certifications). Then there is simply sales and marketing: This, too, becomes a more sophisticated effort that makes more sense in the service of a larger organization.
In other words, much more than demographics is happening to drive machine shops’ changes in ownership. A new generation of shop owners is arriving, to be sure. But at the same time, shops are acquiring and being acquired because opportunities favor this, because technology and systemization facilitate it, and because how we think about machining has changed.
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aubiz1 · 4 years
Web Designing Trends
In the field of web designing, 2020 brings with it a box of surprises by embracing a seamless mingling of the best of 2010s and futurism. From that perspective, the designers are moving back and forth on a time-travel machine for inspiration. Thanks to the contrasting styles and trends, 2020 is going to present eye-catchy visuals, 3D effects and the OLD WINE IN NEW BOTTLES from the past decade. The trend is, interestingly, not limited to the SCREEN OUTPUTS but goes beyond that to ensure a more user-friendly experience with the nice and naughty elements of less soothing dark designs and minimalist navigation.
Let’s now take a closer and serious look at the SIX elements that have already become BIG TRENDS IN 2020 and will go beyond the year to rule the NEXT DECADE. A well-known web design and development company in Kolkata incorporates these trends in their creative thoughts and work to present an embellished and enriched output.
Forget about those eye-straining ghostly silhouettes. Dark mode in its new AVATAR looks as ultra-modern as it could be. They tease your eyes with popped-up colour palette and design elements without causing any strain on your eyes.
Dark themes are most suitable for OLED screens by saving power and adding to screen life spans. But that functionality does not come at the expense of visual appeal. In fact, dark backgrounds enhance the visibility of other accent colours to make the presentation more decent and dynamic.
Everyone wishes to look and feel optimistic with a fresh breeze and bout of positivity in their life. And it is something strongly to do with your brand’s unique personality. Aesthetic, attractive, hand-drawn icons and other design elements highlight the unique personality of your brand and make it a standout in the competition.
This revolutionary trend countermoves the pixel-perfect flat look from of the bygone decade. And yes, when it comes to personification and personality projections, some imperfections are fine to show how human-like your brand is. Don’t be ashamed of open shapes and scratchy edges. Remember that just like you, your brand is too born to be REAL and not to be PERFECT.
3D brings with it enormous, extensive and eye-teasing possibilities. What prevented it from becoming a sweeping trend in the last decade was a combo of technology and a high price tag. But the technology has now reached a point where it’s opening the floodgates to more and more possibilities for the skilled designers.
Until VR becomes a new NORMAL and low-cost choice, hyper-realistic 3D consuming the entire screen is the BEST SHOT to hit a sixer. That’s not only good for visual appeal but also for user-friendliness. Interactive and immersive 3D design elements will trigger visitors’ interest and encourage them to stay longer on your website.
With six months to go to bid adieu to 2020, the web designers are looking forward to more immersive and inspiring 3D concepts drawing traffic in and slowly obliterating the boundary between the digital world and reality.
Giving a creative touch to the visual contents by layering the original graphical works on the real photographs creates stunning visuals. The digital collage stimulates your creative fertility and allows your innovative thoughts to go wild.
The trend is characterized by versatility. It adds a special crispiness and charm to otherwise bland presentation. You can use its less explored but more serious features to communicate abstract, complex or boring concepts in a far better and more interesting way. It’s a great way to customize your imagination and personalize your web design outputs.
The collage of all three creates an interesting depth. If you want to tone down the loud 3D effects, it’s an effective way to achieve the look. Soft shadows in combination with floating elements lend your website a “3D Life” look by adding magic and mysterious depth to the final presentation.
Web Development Trends
Each year, new technologies and trends are sweeping the web development industry. Keeping up with changes and challenges is not easy. In fact, most companies are so accustomed to old-fashioned ideas and imagination that adapting to new trends is what they are averse to adopt. But there are many companies that feel encouraged at the news of the new-age trends. For those, who belong to this bracket, followings are five important trends in 2020 to accept and apply.
The concept of modular design allows web developers to reuse modules and components to develop a webpage – a trend that is way different from the tradition of webpage creation on the framework of a restrictive template. Visually, this rising trend in design is a step up from template-based creation. Developers can exploit its advantages to develop content blocks in a more powerful way to dish out information.
It’s important, in this context, to note that composing a modular design webpage is akin to developing a lego set. Interlocking between the pieces is a signature of the trend but that does now weigh you down with the worries about how to reshape the lego piece.
Another point of comfort is modular web design cuts corners on web development costs.
Responsive web design is no longer limited to a nice-to-have option but already stretched to a must-have compulsion. With the number of smartphone users registering a sprinting growth every year, it’s worth a deep consider for the business owners to switch to mobile platforms in order to direct more traffic to their websites. A more effective solution is to straddle across different platforms from computer to tablet to smartphone to reach out to more potential customers scattered across diverse browsing platforms.
There is no doubt that mobile websites will ultimately emerge as the be-all and end-all of your Google rankings. Many companies have already embraced the change. And if you already own a mobile responsive website, you’re surely in the clear.
Would you believe that 57% of consumers appreciate the instantaneity of chatbots? As per a prediction by Gartner, over 85% of customer interactions will take place without a human by the end of 2020. If you think it’s an exaggerated hype as human beings don’t love talking to a bot instead of fellow sapiens, here is another statistics to change your perception. A little more than 45% of consumers love interacting with a company via live chat – a fact that contributes to its importance.
Hold your breath as some more surprises are awaiting you. Nearly 95% of consumers consider chatbots the best way to engage with customers. Clearly, consumers have no issues with chatbots and businesses are equally eager, if not more, to use them.
For the best web development company, there is no way to ignore the point. Google, with AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages), is trying to trigger business leaders’ enthusiasm and activities to create websites that load instantly and function smoothly across the mobile platforms.
AMP is restrictive by its nature. It increases speed and decreases bandwidth by imposing stringent limits. Though creative minds never feel comfortable with such restrictions, advantages of AMPs are very real and so cannot be overlooked.
Also compare between the standard mobile version and AMP version of your website. The visible differences will do all the talking for why talks on AMPs deserve a deep listen.
Voiced-based search registered a 35% increase from 2008 to 2016. The Point? It’s ground-a breaking trend in online search. And you can easily see that the big names have already started multiple initiatives to make searchers more comfortable with the advanced feature. Google Assistant from Google, Siri on iPhone, Cortana on Android and Alexa and Echo from Amazon are cases in point.
Why not to jump onto the bandwagon and reap the benefits of voice search optimization? Go smart and get the results.
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mudtomagic · 4 years
Writing OUTside the LINEs
Writing by first creating an outline is a topic of perpetual debate. Be it an essay, scholarly article, journalism article, screen play or a novel, an outline creates a layout and path to guide the way from start to finish.
As a student, I understood the practicality of outlines for structuring college essays and lab reports. With those varieties of writing emphasis is on a logical, concise and understandable presentation of the subject material. Outlines create a structure and sequence of events to follow to aid in maintaining focus and clarity throughout the writing. 
When it comes to creative writing, outlining is NOT something I like to do. In fact, I hate it! The act of dissecting the writing before iI have made my first keystroke seems backward and counterintuitive. Also, it takes time that I could be dedicating to writing the actual story! For me, creating an outline stifles the natural flow of the story. Rather than letting the words come as they will, they feel forced, trapped within the confines of the outline and driven strictly to get from point A to B, not to enthrall the reader.
When I read best selling author Steven James’s article, “Go Organic,” from the March/April 2013 issue of Writers Digest I was nearly jumping out of my seat cheering, “YES!” In his article he equates outlining to “straightjacketing your story.” He also encourages following “rabbit trails” (outshoots from the main story line) saying they are “inherent to the creative process” as they may lead to to a new presentation, twist or event that you previously hadn’t been aware of. Such paths would never be discovered if the writer adheres to an outline.
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After reading James’s article, I read the response by novelist and writing coach, Don Fry “How to Write Better, Faster & Easier by Matching Your Writing Process With the Way You Think.” I was expecting Fry to refute James’s methodology, but instead he writes, “outlines help some writers and hurt others.” He urges writers to use “techniques that suit the way you think and act.” Fry categorizes people as Planners or Plungers. (Obvious definitions, Planners plan, and Plungers dive right in.) He describes the personality type of each category and explains that you need to be honest with yourself about your personality so you can understand the way you need to write.
When I write, I sit down in a comfortable spot, crack open my laptop, pull up a new word document and just start pounding at the keys. The writing comes easy as the story unfurls in my thoughts and flows out though my fingers. There is no hesitation, no stopping to think what next, words just spill out and the experience is cathartic. I write until I run out of words. Peter Elbow, Emeritus Professor of English at my alma mater the University of Massachusetts - Amherst, calls this Freewriting.
This use of Freewriting for a storytelling is very Plunger-esque in style. However, as I mentioned in my previous post, I am the writer who never finishes the stories she starts… After reading Fry’s article, and his explanations of personality types, I am very distinctly a Planner by nature. This is probably why I never finish what I start. I need a plan.
So, outline it is. I actually put a great deal of research and effort into outlines because I needed to find a balance between structure and creativity. I examined the different story archetypes and genres and what plot elements were required by each. I wanted to develop a map of my story that would provide clear direction but allow enough freedom that I could strike out and Freewrite up a storm at each signpost.
In search of a starting point, I sought to determine what kind of story mine is. I investigated plot types suggested by Christopher Booker in his novel The Seven Basic Plots:  Why We Tell Stories. (I decided my story most closely resembled “Overcoming the Monster.”)
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I also reviewed Joseph Campbell’s iconic novel, The Hero with a Thousand Faces, which breaks down the Hero’s Journey into a cycle often depicted in a diagram.
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I found an interesting six stage/three act plot outline which is the platform of writing coach Michael Hauge. Hauge works extensively with screenwriters, but also applies his method with novelists, speakers and even market engineers.
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I made notes of everything I liked and didn’t like about the various plot structures. I figured I would develop my own story map based off these resources but not as intensely structured. It was at this point that I discovered this thriller plot designed by Matt Rees an English author of crime novels and historical fiction. 
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I don’t think of my story as a “thriller” per se, but this outline incorporates all the plot points that I foresee in my story and is more of a “map” than an “outline.” It just fit! I threw out my ideas for my outline and created a template from Rees’s diagram.  Within a matter of hours I had my story sketched out. 
There is still a great deal of development that needs to take place, and I can run with that in some Freewriting. I have a Plan that allows for Organic Writing. Best of both worlds? 
I still don’t like outlining, and I will be following Fry’s example and refer to my writing preparations as “story maps” or “plans.” But after making the decision not to give up on my story and realizing the need for direction in order to keep going, I have a new appreciation for value of outlines. I also realize the extensive options that exist, and the flexibility involved with formulating a custom template. I was lucky in the end that I found a more than fair representation of my story structure already drawn out for me, but in the process I have gained a sound basis to be able to sketch out a storyline and look forward to using those tools in the future.
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I don’t usually say anything bad about the Admins on Lioden or rant on Tumblr... however...
Sometimes I think that the Admins need a little more like... people handling skills- I have some amazing friends wanting to make custom decor- but no matter what they submit they ALWAYS get a message from an Admin that critizises and chastises their art as “not experienced enough” or say that “your art style dosent match the style of liodens”
Like fam- have you seen some of the custom decors that get accepted?
There’s TONS of gorgeous decors yes. But then there’s the ones that appear to have been drawn by a 10 year old- ive seen copyrighted OCs and comic book characters drawn in such a way their pixelated- and not in the fun way-
Now I’ve never submitted a decor and tbh I’m too afraid to- there’s so many strange little rules that no one knows and you can’t find unless you seriously dig..
I don’t have a PC or even a Laptop I can utilize and the program I do use is MediBang and like yeah it’s a good site- but I cannot meet the standards on that program- and as much as I wanna say the admins are wrong-
They kinda aren’t
Now it really sucks about the weird rules they have especially when seeing so many others commission and make beautiful custom pieces for their lions- but the admins need to lighten up a bit-
I only really say this becuade a close pal of mine got ABSOLUTELY heartbroken by the criticisms of a Admin and I’m sure there was no malicious intent but as a young artist making something like this that takes so much time and effort and seeing such beautiful decors it really makes people heartbroken when
They can’t find the materials (templates/pixel size/rule book/guides)
And when their art is denied for a custom price of decor that Lioden still gets GB and economic boosts from- there’s almost no downside (correct me if I’m wrong) to Lioden simply making sure it’s not innapropriate/Copyrighted/Litterally a scribble, and accepting it.
I don’t understand why the Admins cannot just say “hey this is cool here’s a shading guide by (random) and the proper pixel size, if you could just make the image the proper size and add some shading we are all set.” Like..
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confessionary77 · 5 years
The end of the romance
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A relationship told through dialogue between her and him, from the crucial point in their story to the end
"There's something I need to tell you..." he started, then faltered.
"I thought there must be an ulterior motive behind this dinner," she smiled.
His eyes were trained on the place between his plate and his glass. As he struggled to find the words, her smile faded.
"Is it something to do with me?" she asked.
He dry-swallowed and knew she noticed by the urgency in her words: "Is it about us?"
For some things there's never the right time nor the right words. His shoulders dropped with resignation.
"I've got the visa," he said talking to the table. He couldn't find strength to lift his eyes. She was silent, but he could feel her gaze on his face. With enormous effort he met her eyes. Her face was serious, lips drawn into a thin line. Single wrinkle cut across her forehead and underneath it her green eyes darkened into stormy grey.
"When?" she asked.
"A few days ago."
"That means you have already decided," she concluded. "So? Are you leaving?"
He nodded, not trusting his voice. She inhaled sharply, reached for her glass and took a long sip, then she set it down and looked at it for a long while. Finally, she composed herself, lifted her chin and attempted a smile. It didn't reach her eyes.
"Congratulations, I guess," she said. "What is the plan?"
"I will quit the job tomorrow, need to sell the car and bunch of other things, pack slowly," it helped to think about practical things. "I get residency as soon as I land. Then I find a place to live and start looking for a job."
"When?" she asked.
"In a month," he said.
"And me?"
"I hope you will join me," he said. "Will you?"
"I need to finish my studies."
"I know. But, that's—what? Six months? A year tops, right?"
She shrugged. "It could be longer than that."
"It doesn't matter," he reassured her, "take as long as you need. We can video-chat every day! I'll show you every step I take, you'll be so familiar with the place even before you come over, you'll fit right in."
"I don't have a visa," she pointed out.
"That's easy. You can enrol in post-graduate studies. You'll get a year-long student visa. Then you can decide if you want to stay."
"And if I do?" she smiled weakly.
"You continue studies for another year," he said with a goofy smile, "or you can marry a guy who already has residency."
"Would you help me find a guy like that?" she winked.
They smiled quietly drinking each other's face. His hand found hers and their fingers intertwined automatically.
"Will you come?" he whispered.
"Will you wait?" she replied.
"Forever, if I must," he said.
They sat holding hands in silence, eyes locked.
- - - - - - - - - -
The door closed loudly, but instead of familiar patter of feet approaching there was silence. He leaned through the kitchen doorway and saw her sitting on the stool by the exit. She leaned against the wall with legs outstretched and eyes closed.
"Everything alright?" he asked, sensing that it wasn't—"How was the exam?"
Her eyelids fluttered open. She looked at him unfocused, as if she didn't quite know how he ended up there.
"I failed," she said closing her eyes again.
He sat on the floor next to her.
"It doesn't matter," he said, "you can take it again. I know you'll ace it, you always do."
"I always DID," she smiled bitterly, "until a week ago."
She looked at him: "I can't focus. Since you told me about leaving, my mind is with you every waking moment."
"I'm so sorry," he said. "Is there anything I can do?"
"Can you stay until I graduate?"
It was his turn to stare at her.
"I already quit my job," he said.
"They'd take you back," she said.
"Maybe. But, I already transferred all my savings overseas. And, I have a job interview a week after landing."
"You're so quick!" she smiled ruefully.
Her sarcasm didn't surprise him, but it hurt anyway.
"I hope to hit the ground running," he said. "The sooner I get settled, the easier it will be for you to join."
She squeezed his hand. "I'm sorry. It's just... it's hard to think that in three weeks you won't be around. Why couldn't we do it together?"
"Do what together?" he asked—"Move? The same reason why you keep a separate apartment. Your parents would never let you go with me."
"What makes you think they'll let me join you?"
"That's why I'll register you for studies. You can tell them you got scholarship, and we'll have a year to break the news gently. It's easier from a distance. It'll also give them time to get used to the idea of us. We talked about it so many times..."
"Yes, I know," she sighed, "and it sounds so easy when you say it. But when I'm by myself, it seems impossible."
"Then I'll just keep repeating it. And when I'm there, I'll create a text template outlining this whole plan. I'll send it every morning when you wake up and every night before you go to bed."
She gave him tiniest of smiles.
"I'm scared," she said.
"Don't be scared, be excited," he whispered.
- - - - - - - - - -
"I wish I was going with you," she nuzzled his neck.
"Me too."
"I don't want to go back to empty apartment. At least you'll watch movies for the next 8 hours."
"I shouldn't have moved in with you," he stroke her hair. "I should have gone to my dad's for those three weeks."
"I'm glad you did, at least I had you to myself in the evenings. I wouldn't be able to stay with you at your dad's."
"But now everything will remind you of me."
"Maybe it'll motivate me to study harder and join you sooner."
"Or, maybe you'll go party somewhere rather than stay at home which so painfully reminds you of me and study."
She bumped his shoulder. "Don't joke! I'm serious."
"Why don't you meet up with friends and stay out for the evening?" he asked.
"That's just delaying what's coming. I'll go home and try to study. Call me when you land. Promise."
"It'll be middle of the night here."
"It doesn't matter, I don't think I'll be able to sleep anyway. Promise!"
"Okay, I'll call you as soon as I clear the customs," he said.
They kissed hungrily, desperately. After a long while, he gently pulled away.
"That was the last call for my flight," he said.
Her eyes swam in tears threatening to spill down her cheeks.
"I love you," she whispered.
"I love you too."
She threw her arms around him, her lips searched for his one last time.
"Wait for me," she tore herself away.
"God, I can't believe I finally got you on the phone! Congratulations, Ms. Graduate! You've been extremely hard to find lately!"
"Oh, that's you! Thank you!" she said.
"You don't sound too thrilled. Is this bad time?"
"No, of course not. I just walked in, my parents are here to celebrate."
"I see. Let's keep it short so you don't have to explain who it was," disappointment was thick in his voice.
"They're waiting in a cafe across the street. I have time," she chirruped.
"I didn't want to haunt you before the graduation, but I missed hearing your voice. It's been over a month..."
"I was at the university from dawn to dusk the last few weeks. I texted you, everything's fine, I told you."
"I know. I'm just saying I missed you. What's the plan now?"
"A big dinner with parents and friends!"
"I wish I was there..." he said.
They listened to each other breathing through the line.
"What are you going to do now?" he asked.
She ignored the unspoken, the real question she knew he was asking.
"I'll stay and relax for a couple of weeks when the parents leave. Then I'll go home for the Summer."
"Listen, I have to go. I'll email you from home, when I sort out with myself and parents what's next."
"Okay," his voice sounded broken, "I'll wait."
"I know you will," she said.
- - - - - - - - - -
Her: Hi
Him: Hi
Her: just got back to town
Him: had an exciting summer?
Her: ya, not bad. visited family and friends. travelled a bit.
Him: missed hearing from you.
Her: am here now
Him: can I call?
Her: not now, maybe later.
Him: ok
Her: must tell you sumting. I spoke to parents
Him: uh oh
Her: mom understands but says no future for me there, i'd depend on you. dad's against.
Him: I told you they'd say that
Her: ya. got me thinking tho
Him: ...
Her: i can't say it nicely--i'm staying home
Him: ?
Her: dad found me a job
Him: can we talk?
Her: no, please. i decided. it's over. sorry
- - - - - - - - - -
Him: Happy Birthday!
Her: tx
Him: How is life?
Her: ok
Him: How do you like the job?
Her: what r u doing?
Him: What do you mean?
Her: let's not do this. don't txt me any more
- - - - - - - - - -
Her: congrats!
Him: ???
Her: heard you got married
Him: 6 mts ago
Her: i just found out. belated congrats! :D
Him: Thank you
Her: thought u'd wait 4 me ;P
Him: To borrow your words I still remember clearly: Let's not do this! Not after 10 yrs! Pls, don't text me again
- - - - - - - - - -
From: Her To: Him No subject Hi. Hope you aren't still angry with me for that text long ago. I tried to text you, but you changed the number. So, here I am in a good old-fashioned email. :) I met our old friend, he told me you came back. Retired, huh? Must be nice to retire so early. Anyway, I'm on vacation near by. Would you like to grab a coffee? It would be nice to catch up after all this time.
From: Him To: Her Re: No subject Hi. Thanks for the email. I'm not mad at you. I'm not even mad at life. Things happened the way they were meant to happen. I've learned long ago to stop wondering 'what if?' I've changed a lot, as undoubtedly have you. And I don't mean only physically. I'm happy the way my life turned out. Hope you are too. Since we retired here—my family is here with me—I met quite a few ghosts from the past: old friends, acquaintances and such. Every time I met an old friend anew, I shattered a beautiful memory and replaced it with ugly reality. That's why I'd prefer not to meet you. I'd like to remember you—remember us—the way we were. I hope life will not bring us close enough to ruin that.
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reviewolf · 2 years
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webfume-blog · 6 years
Tips on Picking Right Website Design for Law Firms
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Is a website essential for a law firm today? Many small law firms actually are still operating without a website but shockingly so!
After all, don’t you have to be present where most of your customers are? Yes, a website is not only the need of the hour but an essential component of any business in today’s digital world!
The first thing a customer does is search for a list of top services online. Moreover, if one gets to hear about you via word of mouth, where do you think they would try and find you first? — Of course online!
Thus a basic requirement today is to have an online presence, most professionally advocated by your own website. No website might turn out to be a red flag for potential clients, assuming that you’re not established enough or cut out for the job.
However, only having a website is not sufficient. Neither only an attractive design makes the cut. It has to be tailored specifically to your company and its requirements.
Having the appropriate Law firm web design shall render your firm enhanced lead generation, branding, and customer acquisition. Advanced features and generally compatible, the right website design shall take your company a long way.
Here are some tips on making your law firm’s website super apt and successful. The key is to design right and here is how you can go about it:
Create a website that is simple and unique:
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When one lands on your website for the first time, they shouldn’t feel like they’ve seen what they’re looking at tons of times before. In fact, there should be something that grabs their attention or strikes a chord immediately!
Thus, uniqueness is the key. Make your website different and custom designed. It shouldn’t just be a template available online.
Make your lawyers website design stand out using engaging ways of presenting information. It could be a creative photo of the workplace and its people as the main image for instance or say a website that focuses on the women employees of the law firm.
De-clutter and simplify is the new trend and rightly so. In fact, for a law firm’s web design, simplifying not only involves a cleaner look and feel.
It rather means that you should be able to communicate your message through your website design. Why? So that it’s super simple for your clients to understand you better. Yes, simplify in terms of making it simpler, for your customers to grasp what your law firm is all about.
A great way of doing this is by using hero areas on your homepage itself. Incorporate large hero images with simple and clear text. Your hero images can be rotating too, to present a few other variations for the complete message.
These hero images help prospective clients understand what specific niche your law firm operates in, what’s your culture like, how big your brand is etc, depending on what you think is most essential to communicate.
Moreover, all they need is a jiffy, to land on your homepage and have a look at your custom-made hero areas highlighting all that you’re about.
In fact, your customers only read around 28% of the words during an average visit. So, it’s best to only include the most important aspects on the homepage at least. Less is more in the case of law firm web design. One shouldn’t overload the homepage with tons of text and images.
Modern and cut out for today’s trends:
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If your website looks like 2014, no one is going to bother about it! Rather it might signal that your firm is dated and your employees still stuck in the old ways.
A great way of showing that your firm is up to date with the latest developments and technologies, the new tastes and trends are via a modern looking lawyers website design.
Make your website look current and now! For instance, since 2017s flat designs are in vogue, so are simple gifts, videos, and animations.
Professionally shot cinemagraphs on work culture or the cause behind the company is very much in trend.
Other than this, larger fonts, bigger images, and illustrations are what you can play with to design a modern-looking website.
Use a Professional logo and brand colors:
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Your website has to incorporate your company’s logo in a clear distinctive manner and right at the outset itself. Your logo is literally your company in a snapshot and shall be used to represent it at all times.
However, if you pick up a random clipart from the internet and tweak it minutely to create a logo for your firm, once put up online as part of your website, it might dissuade people from actually taking you seriously.
A differentiated, simple but custom-designed logo is the first step to depict out professionalism for a law firm. You can also use your brand colors as the theme color for your website to resonate more personally with your clients.
Carry out tests to analyze what’s ticking:
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An integral part of any marketing plan is to provide for a procedure for analyzing the overall results to infer how the initiatives are faring.
Say you’re going on relentlessly putting in efforts and re-designing your website. However, without ever analyzing how effective this is turning out to be for your business, in that case, how can you establish whether your website design is giving you the outputs you expect?
Moreover, how would you infer which aspects need improvement or change and which should be continued or rather incorporated even more?
The answer is to run simple tests after designing your homepage and having it running for a pre-decided initial period. Carry out A/B tests to determine which types of content, colors, buttons and specific parts of your homepage are doing the most well with prospective clients i.e. earning the most amount of clicks.
Incorporate CTA on your homepage etc:
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What would you ideally want from your law firm’s website? For it to be able to engross and engage a prospective client?
The best way to get your customers deeper into your website and the firm today is by including ‘call to action’ buttons on your homepage. Any web design company in California should be able to help you with this.
A CTA if appropriate should be added on to a homepage so that a viewer clicks on it and is taken even deeper into the site before bouncing off. In fact, CTAs should be added on other pages too and it’s a great way of guiding your customers in particular directions and enticing them with further information.
However, one should not overload pages with non-relevant CTAs. Each call to action tab should be clearly visible and stand out on the page, for instance, a pink button on a black background.
The location where you’re placing the CTA is also important. A CTA tab should open up to link of another page that has been created to take your client deeper into the website.
Use subtle gradients. Focus on only a couple of the most significant ones and depict them with larger font and simple yet attention-grabbing content.
Incorporate your services and attorney profiles:
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For a law firm, it is important to clarify at the outset as to which niche the attorneys of the firm specialize in. The first thing your customers shall be looking out to determine on your website is your specific services as a law firm.
For instance, even just below your logo, or adjacent to the header itself incorporating a tagline, saying ‘ A Civil Rights Law Firm’ or ‘property law specialists’ can resonate what you’re servicing right from the moment one lands on your site.
Introducing your attorneys, highlighting their experiences, skills, and awards go a long way in building trust. Attach headshots as well to help clients picturize them. You can also talk about their education, fun facts or specific cases handles by them to make it more relatable.
A prospective client, especially when it comes to legal help, shall be longing for reliability before making any calls. Thus design your website in a way that it builds confidence.
Another way of doing this is by including a testimonial page in the design. When actual reviews and experiences of previous or current customers are shared, the prospective ones are naturally much more at peace and more drawn towards the company.
In fact, over and above a testimonials page, try incorporating few key testimonials all around the site in creative ways to resonate with the customer at all times.
Design in a way that your website loads swiftly:
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A super slow loading website can be the biggest marketing downfall and most annoying. Yes, your website design has things to do with the loading speed too. Ask any web design company in California, and they shall be able to tell you how.
If your design includes very rich content in terms of graphically intense layouts, it might make your website sluggish to load. In that case, you need a super good bandwidth and host to make up for it and avoid sluggish speeds.
Therefore the cheapest monthly host is not always your best option. In fact, a simple web design plus a decent host is what you should opt for.
Consistent throughout:
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You shouldn’t include different patterns of design and ways to navigate on separate pages. These should be kept similar across all the pages of the site.
Keep the design consistent throughout to avoid noise and confusion. In fact, in 2017, this was the reason why most law firms had to re-design their website
Content is the key:
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One might create a stunning layout for their website but what about what forms the body of that site? The content was often ignored and not as focused on, however today, all web design companies in California agree that content is very much the key.
If you have gibber on your site just to fill up space, your customers shall not even take a minute to scrape through and bounce off (and probably bad mouth as well).
Not only do you need apt content for communicating with your customers, but also to appear in top places on search engines. Yes, it’s a fact that SEO revolves around content and all major search engines shall pick you on the basis of what your content incorporates (keywords and links). So, optimize your website for SEO by using the appropriate content.
It is also important to understand the current trends with respect to content. It should be fresh and crisp. Use engaging headings to grab attention, bulleted points and be concise. Your customers shall not read long pieces of text.
You can use simple pieces of content as navigation points on your homepage as well. You can also use numbers and stats in bold as highlighted areas on the homepage to engross the customer instantly.
These can depict for instance, how many cases you have solved as a company, how many clients are on board or how many people, in general, are affected by the industry you’re servicing in etc depending on what your USPs are.
Also, try using a larger, more readable font for the content. With the increase in screen resolutions, many formats further reduce your font size making them tiny and difficult to read on the screen.
Make your website design responsive:
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Today with the drastic increase in Smartphone use, you really don’t know where your website shall be accessed from. Your web design should be able to fluidly change and be responsive to fit any screen size and format.
Whether a desktop, phone screen, I pad or any other device, a responsive design shall keep your website accessible across all and is really the need of the hour.
Hope you find these tips useful. Take them as a starting point to build on your web-design and witness the magic unfold!
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capacioustech · 2 years
Best free 2D and 3D Animation Graphics Software
One of the most prominent visual arts forms of today is animation. And to work in this field of animation, the animator has to understand the composition of motion. A good knowledge of the tools required for 2D and 3D models will also have to be taken and in this they need animation software. Whose range is now available so much that you will get all kinds of Software?
By the way, let us tell you that animation software are computer software programs that create 2D i.e. two dimensional and 3D i.e. three dimensional moving images. Although 3D animation is being used more and more, yet 2D animation is used in many places. That is, both 3D and 2D are making their importance in animation works. In such a situation, if you are also fond of animation, want to know about such best 2D and 3D animation software, with the help of which you can fulfill your hobby and if you are new in the field of animation, then you can also take more knowledge of it.
1.Pencil 2D - This 2D animation software is powerful software for vector and bitmap animation that is a great choice for a beginner. Although it is free but its user interface is simple and easy, in which you can easily create your own composition with color, pencil, pen, and brush tools. Yes, you can also get advanced features in it, but you can make full use of it for your starting in animation.
2.Animation Paper - This free 2D animation software is also easy to work with and once you are familiar, you will be able to use its tools very well and you will be able to draw something new using its hand drawn animation and traditional animation features. This animation software has alpha and beta status which are free but beyond that if you want to upgrade to the final version then you have to get it.
3.Synfig Studio - This software are very beneficial for animators who want free and open source studio animation software. In this you can do vector graphics and timeline based animation crates and apart from this some advanced features are also available in it. Its workflow is quite smooth, you will also get some pro features and it can be the best choice for animators who have a little experience working on animation software.
4.Krita - 2D animation software for beginners and artists is Krita and whose user interface is quite simple. Krita supports onion skinning and frame by frame raster animation. It has such a strong open source community that you will easily find many video tutorials, documentation, down able content on vector graphics and templates.
5.OpenToonz - Opentoonz is open source perfect 2D software for animators who want to improve their skills in animation. It has high level of customization available and it offers many such utility features which are required by most of the animator artist. It also has some unique features like GTS which are scanning tools. Apart from this, you will find many animation tools like digital painting, filming in it and you can also customize and upgrade it.
6.Tupitube - This animation software are a very good 2D option for beginners and they are also very useful for children. Because this free app is made for kids and teenagers and this software is perfect for classrooms as well as perfect for all artists who are starting their creation in the field of animation. In this you will also find animation and transition tools, collaboration tools. It is basic software so professionals do not use it, but beginners can learn a lot from it.
7.Stykz - This animation software is the perfect free 2D animation software for stick figures. In this you can also work with the frame and can also use other skykzing. This is kit friendly software and if you like stick figure animation then you can learn a lot through this application.
8.Blender - Blender is also free animation software but it is not 2D but 3D animation application. Which is useful for such artists who were searching for free and open source 3D creation pipeline and It is used by experts, video game developers, studio artists and many more professionals. It may take some time for a beginner to understand the features of this application but once you understand the features of this app once, it will be very easy and fun for you to create projects on Blender. This application offers many tools such as rendering, modeling, sankalpatting, grease pencil, video editing tools, simulation and VFX. Which are high-policy tools and support different export and import formats and thus Blender Freelancer is perfect for small groups and works on all major platforms and operating systems.
9.Toontastic 3D - This free 3d animation application has been developed by Google and on it beginners and advanced artists can all crate their projects. This app is also so user friendly that it is also perfect for teaching children the basics of animation and storytelling, that is, it can also be called kit friendly.
10.DAZ Studio - You can use this free animation software to pose, render and animate 3D figures. These applications are user friendly and also have super fast design engine. These applications are quite suitable for beginners as well as professionals.
11.Clara.io - This is cloud based free 3d animation software that does not require any plugin to work, in this you get a good combination of basic stick figure animation and polygonal modeling. Its interface is quite simple and you will also find many interesting features in it.
Conclusion - So friends, through 11 animation software in this way, you have now got the knowledge of such animation software which are free and are also quite suitable for beginners. That's why you can try and see this software and start your animation journey on it by choosing the right software for you.
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