#yes i am a gem nerd
aegann · 1 year
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Holst - Graviturgy Wizard
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Character(s): Kakavasha/Aventurine, Veritas Ratio/Lapis Lazuli
Tags: Angst, long fic, role swap!au
Word Count: 933 words
Summary: A role swap!AU where Ratio takes his rejection by Nous a lot harder than he did in canon and loses himself as a result, becoming one of the Ten Stonehearts, while Aventurine is not recruited by the IPC and is instead a scholar in the Intelligentsia Guild.
Author’s Note: This was inspired by the amazing @havanillas with their role swap! AU! Check it out! Their mind is brilliant (and I am obsessed with the way they have drawn their differences). Also, I’m a nerd about crystals, not about space, so forgive me if there are any inaccuracies. I was also vaguely tipsy when I was writing the ending, so please excuse that. This will be multiple chapters, so let me know if you’d like to be on the tag list.
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A science lesson in the metaphysical properties of crystals and gems, if you’ll allow me.
I know, I know. You did not click this fanfiction for a science lesson. It’ll be quick, I promise. It would be perfectly understandable for you to click off this, or even send a hate comment stating “I DID NOT ASK FOR THIS!!1!1!!”
Still here? Great. I’ll continue.
Everything has a vibrational frequency: from the rocks in the ground to the leaves in the trees. You have a vibration. Your best friend has a vibration. Your pet gecko has a vibration. Hell, even the device you’re reading this on and the bed your sitting in has a vibration. You get the picture, yes? These frequencies are like a marker that interact with other markers to create different influences.
Things like crystals and rock - objects that have existed for thousands of years - are bound to have stronger frequencies (let me know if I lose you. There is a point to this, I promise) that interact with you differently. Amethyst, for example, helps with sleep and meditation; Rose Quartz is great for self love; Carnelian and Tiger’s Eye can give you a confidence boost, and Aventurine is good at manifesting luck.
So, what is Lapis Lazuli good for? What magical powers does Lapis Lazuli have? What funky frequencies does it fuck around with?
Intellect, wisdom, and the ability to communicate, to be specific. It was used by the Egyptians a few thousand years ago as makeup and medicine, and is the stone of many gods of wisdom in various mythos’. Interesting, right? Veritas Ratio was a man of intellect. A man of prestige and great wisdom who wished to communicate his genius to those more mundane in hopes of curing ignorance. An honourable cause, if any.
See how far he has fallen.
Lapis Lazuli is no longer a man of intellect. He drinks and gambles and throws his life away all for the purpose of forgetting. Forgetting THEIR rejection. Forgetting his own ignorances.
Forgetting his own genius.
The IPC ate him up. They picked him up by the scruff of his collar and swallowed him whole. They boiled him in their stomach acid and digested him into something functional. Something utilisable. Something mouldable.
He let them.
I told you this science lesson had a point to it.
The fall of a star is always so explosive, so why did he burn out so quietly? Perhaps the rejection from a star as mighty as Nous made the rejection of himself quite infinitesimal in comparison. When a red giant explodes into a supernova, it is much more noticeable than a white dwarf imploding in on itself to create a black hole.
That doesn’t mean that a black hole doesn’t have a presence. It is a presence of darkness, yes - practically invisible if it weren’t for the event horizon that drew the eye of the nosey - but a presence nonetheless. No matter how difficult it is to see, it is still ever-present, sucking in the warmth of stars and the things it kept dear until there is nothing left. It is a shell of what it once was. Just as Lapis Lazuli is a shell of what Veritas once was. Veritas Ratio has been sucked up by the black hole, warped and spaghettified until there is practically nothing left, leaving behind only the blinding horizon disk that is Lapis Lazuli. Anyone who dares to find him - the real him - only risks being sucked up and warped themselves.
It is not wise to try and find Veritas Ratio.
Veritas Ratio: the legend of the Intelligentsia Guild. A young prodigy with three pHds under his belt at the ripe old age of sixteen, only to achieve five more before twenty-five. He is the example set for all scholar’s who wish to make names for themselves. His name is whispered in hushed voices by students for support before their exams as if he were an Aeon they worship. In the eyes of the average mundanite, he basically was.
The duality of the esteemed Doctor Ratio is a fascinating one and the topic for debate for many of his former colleagues. These debates have never been made private (for who would care? He isn’t around to hear them anymore), so even the esteemed Doctor Kakavasha has heard of his story.
The scholars of the Intelligentsia Guild have always been creatures of gossip, spreading rumours and half-truths wherever they go in order to foster attention. Kakavasha knows of these tricks and refuses to fall for them. To judge a book by its cover is as criminal to a scholar as blasphemy is to a priest. Honestly, these Guild members have such massive sticks up their backside that Kakavasha is surprised they’re not coughing up leaves. He, like many of his calibre, has looked up to the legend that is Veritas Ratio ever since he started his first degree at university. The man is only a few years his senior, but his reported work ethic and candid attitude has followed the Avgin throughout his own education and beyond. It’s safe to say that he idolises the man despite his unknowable reasons for his disappearance and recruitment into the IPC. Time changes everything. Perhaps time changed Veritas Ratio’s outlook in life and he found better prospects in an institution as massive as the IPC.
Despite this, Kakavasha wishes to find him, to hold an educated conversation with him, in hopes of receiving his perspective on his independent research project:
How to get rid of his divine luck.
Hope you enjoyed! Super proud of this. Reblogs appreciated!
Next Chapter
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sgiandubh · 1 year
It all starts with a smoke alarm
This wasn't supposed to happen like that, of course. It was supposed to happen with an ”allow me to introduce myself”, at the least. But hey, I am playing the cards I've been dealt, and since an anonymous ask on Tumblr does not allow pictures or links, this will have to do. We'll have plenty of time later.
Yesterday, I said that reading that Single Report reaped benefits. I have screen capped and summed up all the things that made me rise an eyebrow, to make things easier. Hopefully, this is going to be short: who would wax lyrical about a septic tank, after all?
I did not use my superpowers to do this, but simply the link provided by a very active Anon on several shipper blogs, in order to properly stir shite, I presume: https://corumproperty.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/HomeReport-31.pdf
Armed with my wits and a virtual highlighter, I started to carefully read the whole document. Ownership details aside - this, I discussed yesterday -, I remind you that it should give any prospective buyer a good, detailed idea of the available fittings and current condition of the house put on sale.
In Europe and elsewhere, I guess, inspections of this type are rather a dull and thorough affair. And these people did an excellent job: they checked every single nook & cranny, used binoculars to have a closer look at the roof tiles and listed it all on these papers a good researcher should read, before dropping to conclusions.
This is how we know, for example, that the inspection happened on a rainy day:
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.. and that the guttering was overflowing. Does that sound like a well loved, lived-in house to you?
Thought so.
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This brought a smile. And the image of a Christmas tree left near a London dustbin in June. Home, sweet home?
Like all properties, this also comes with burglar and fire alarm systems. However, apparently not much has been done, in this respect. Or at least, not recently. Not since February 2022, to be accurate: otherwise, they would have been upgraded. Yet, no such thing: it's up to the buyer to do and pay for the upgrade.
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Lived-in? Certainly not after February 2022 and probably even earlier, would be my best guess. But lived-in at some point in time, most certainly.
You see, since I was on the real estate agent's webpage, I also took the virtual tour of the house. It is available to everyone, here: https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=AFKibrk8QiD
Now, I don't know about you, but when I visit somebody's house for the first time, I always check the bookshelves: yes, I am a shameless nerd. I am also well aware that the rest of the furniture was staged, it looked that sad, clinical way it does all over the world. Did not expect to find any books in there, to be honest. And yet, there they were.
I didn't bother with the fashion coffee table books, although I thought they were a nice nod to Ms. B's past, and totally the kind of things she might have on her credenza.
A built-in bookshelf in the basement caught my eye. That did not look staged. It looked as she might have left some of her own books in there, like an afterthought, if you want. And people's choices of books are always speaking volumes to me, about who they really are.
It did not disappoint.
More fash-un. And yeah, Tiffany & Co! I knew it!
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A Tina Turner bio or memoir. Awww:
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Bette Davis and some feminist literature. Her books, I am pretty sure of that:
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And, to save the best for last, lo and behold, what do we have here?
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Bear Grylls?
That Bear Grylls?
Hahahaha. Of course. I have all the reasons in the world to believe the music producer/PA/whatever is into masculine thrillers written by a world-renowned survivalist, haven't I?
Not a chance in hell, to be honest. I grinned like the Cheshire cat because, ladies, we do know WHOSE book is this, don't we?
Judging by its jacket, well-read. Not a prop.
Belonging to someone with a dry, wicked sense of humor who apparently also left this gem:
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A Captain's Duty. At this point in time, I wasn't grinning anymore. I was laughing like an idiot, of course.
Slàinte mhath, ladies. We'll have time for a proper introduction later.
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hinamie · 4 months
Do u have a favorite random detail about the atla au that isn’t yet connected to anything else to make sense but is so stuck in your brain?
honestly not to pat us on the back but most of the ideas sam and i have vaulted back and forth have been kind of .. /scarily/ well-integrated into the overall plot so i don't think there are too many stragglers ??? like fr its kind of wild how we'll toss something out and it just slots into place like it was Meant 2 happen
however i do have a favourite random detail i can share!! made th executive decision 2 make yuuji a Rock Nerd(tm) because /i/ love gems and shiny things and i am Projecting . like listen ok listen. image of tiny yuuji covered in dust bashing rocks tgt to try and find crystals inside (i did this as a child and got in trouble at recess,,, smth about them being scared id 'crush a finger' or 'lose an eye' smh . anyway yuuji can live my dream)
so yes not only is yuuji an earthbender he gets rly excited abt the Properties Of Rocks and Types Of Minerals n whenever he finds himself in a new environment he'll dedicate time to seeing what he can find in the cliffs,, i love him so much ok this is MY (co-owned) sandbox and I am gIVING this boy a gem collection >:(
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greenreticule · 4 months
There's this very adorable, nerdy through-line between "Cool As I Think I Am" and the reprise in Nerdy Prudes Must Die.
See, in "Cool As I Think I Am," we get this gem from Pete:
Princess Leia told me "I'd just as soon kiss a Wookiee"
This is obviously a Star Wars analogy (yes, Richie, calm down. Star Wars is good anime too. Watch some Visions, you'll see), specifically for Empire Strikes Back when Han tries to insist that Leia likes him and she snaps back with this line. And while there's no direct Star Wars analogy in "If I Loved You," the energy of that song is reminiscent of Leia insisting throughout all of Empire that no, she doesn't get excited by Han, no she doesn't like scoundrels, etc.
Personally, I don't enjoy this element of Empire, because it actively denies Leia her boundaries by allowing Han to ignore her "no" time and again. But the point remains for Nerdy Prudes: there is a repeated analogy between Han and Leia for Pete and Steph.
Side Note: We also get Ruth's reference about Pete being Steph's "only hope" and that is the first time we get a Star Wars comparison for their romance. However, that line is never applied to Han. That is directed at Obi-Wan and is witnessed by Luke. Han doesn't even know about any of this until he's on the Death Star. Honestly, when Richie chided Ruth for that reference, I first thought he was going for a "god, you're not shipping the siblings are you???" So I only partially count this towards repeated Han/Leia analogy.
Said analogy comes to its conclusion with "Cool As I Think I Am (Reprise)" delivering this:
[STEPH] If I really, really did love you You'd have to say [PETE] I know
If Steph (Leia) really did love Pete (Han), he'd have to say...
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This line is said by both Pete and Han as they think they are about to die. Furthermore, for this moment in Empire, Harrison Ford said he played it as Han giving Leia permission to move on after he dies. This is exactly what Pete says to Steph in "Cool As I Think I Am (Reprise)".
[PETE] Let me be cool this time Let me take the bullet Is it really a crime If you get to live your life to the fullest?
I think this genuinely adds to the musical. You don't need to catch the references for either character's arc or the music to work, but catching it does add a little more depth to that moment where Pete says "I know." It might not be the deepest of Star Wars cuts (wake me up when they make a Maz/Dex analogy), but the fact that it's specifically a nerdy reference falls right into the ethos of the play itself: that nerds have depths worth exploring.
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slippinmickeys · 5 months
Twenty questions for fanfic writers
I was tagged by @agent-troi and @randomfoggytiger Thanks for the tag, guys!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
712,000 exactly, which is sort of creepy?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
The X-Files mainly, though a million years ago I wrote two fics for JAG, and technically, I have a His Dark Materials fic (but it's an XF crossover)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The Mesas of Deuteronilus Mensae
Prompt Drabble Collection
The Annapolis Grant
Three Part Harmony
A Companion Unobtrusive
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try to! Comments are the only payment fanfic writers get, and it's an incredibly valuable and underrated currency. Fanfiction as a community is one of the most generous you'll find, and I'm incredibly proud to be a part of this particular one.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oh man, probably La Comtesse de Saint-Germain.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
In this day and age I feel like we deal with enough shit, so I try to end most of my fics happily. I think A Gem-Like Flame probably has the most uplifting happy ending, but then, I'm a sports nerd.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I haven't yet.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Um, probably pretty vanilla het MSR. No shame.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I've only written one, but it turned out really well, I thought. It's an X-Files/His Dark Materials novella-length crossover that takes place in Lyra's world, pre-Lyra, called Out of the Little Grove.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Anyone who steals my fic is going to catch these hands.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, a couple of years ago someone asked if they could translate one of my fics to Russian. It's out there somewhere.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I jumped in and helped @monikafilefan get Five Years and a Lifetime over the line for a fic exchange a couple of years ago. A fun, collaborative experience, that was like 85% Monika. It's a great fic, check it out if you haven't!
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Mulder & Scully are my OTP. Always and forever.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I'd love to finish Madam Scully's Spiritual Services, Inc., it's an AU where Scully works for her sister's Psychic Boutique while prepping for med school. Scully ends up being actually psychic and she helps newly minted FBI agent Fox Mulder solve a series of murders. I have it almost completely plotted (except for the nitty-gritty hard stuff), but I don't think I'll ever get it done, sadly. It's just too big a story to tackle with where I am in my life. Though I never say never.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I'm decent at dialogue, have a pretty firm grasp on plotting, and, I hope characterization.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
My character work is probably my weak spot, which is why I have so much fun writing fanfic--the character work is already done, I just get to play around a world where everybody already knows the characters.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
When I do it, I hope like hell that I'm doing it right. I think it's necessary for some stories and you just hope you're properly respecting a language you don't speak.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
The X-Files, in the year of our lord nineteen hundred and ninety eight.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
It's a toss up between Proof of Life, an AU where CNN conflict reporter Dana Scully is kidnapped and imprisoned with fellow kidnap victim and photojournalist Fox Mulder, and they, you know, fall in love. And North of Zero, a post-col novel where Mulder and Scully get William back and have to save the world. The one I totally pantsed (made up as I went along), and it came together like alchemy. I love that story. If you don't like AU, you'd like Proof of Life. If you don't like post-colonization stories, you'd like North of Zero. I don't always like everything I've written after I'm done writing it (a writer's life), but I'm incredibly proud of both of those fics.
Tagging @monikafilefan because she's already tagged, and anyone else who wants to do this!
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slaaverin · 2 years
Honestly we need more shows like Willow (2022). The characters are on this quest (pretty simple plot) and they have adventures along the way. It reminds me of old school shows like Merlin or Legend of the seeker, and those shows were so good too! The characters are interesting, and they take time to really build them not like in other shows (yes I am looking at you blood origin). There also is representation, but to me that makes sense and isn't forced so the "wokeness" absolutely doesn't bother me and I even quite like it! The lesbian romance is nice and interesting. Characters have depth and flaws. They are not perfect like a Galadriel which would make them dull. I absolutely love this quite modern comedy, it is really funny and adds a real human-ness to the characters. They feel like real people.
Everything is quite simple but I mean it's all I need to enjoy it??? Being attached to characters and enjoying the dialogues and the character's relationships? Also not knowing how the quest will end???
I saw so many terrible comments about this show and I honestly don't get it. I mean, this show just works. It's better than terrible Blood origin and better than Ring of Power!!?? (I actually give a fuck this time)
Yes it is not perfect but I am ready to let them get away with the flaws because they are actually offering something creative, that doesn't take itself seriously, while making you reminisce about the old movie in a good way.
I really feel the passion and that they are trying their best and it makes it a pretty cool show that I am excited to watch.
What you need to realize is that hollywood doesn't make that type of shows anymore, now everyone wants another game of thrones because it is more mainstream. But these old school shows are gems. Pure gems. And it is a miracle someone decided to make another one. This is really a nerd show and I get why most people don't love it.
But for people like me this is really precious and it should be celebrated.
So please, share this show with people you know, praise this show, watch it, because it deserves a season 2. We desperately need it because this is the only type of show such as this that we have and have had for several years. If this kind of story doesn't work and it doesn't get renewed we might not get anything like this again.
I hope we can build a community around this show and that the fandom will grow.
Because Willow is really worth it.
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lowcallyfruity · 6 months
hcs for pomefiore?? 🙏
😭😭😭 ASTER…. I am so sorry but my hcs for Pomefiore are so disappointing 😭😭😭😭 I don’t really think about them often so I don’t have much aside from like my queer hcs and da autism/neurodivergent hcs ☝️
these are my main queer hcs for them:
Vil- Omni (high male pref, some enby pref) , any pronouns but prefers he/him 👍
Rook- pan 💥💥💥💥 he/none/it/they/ any he doesn’t care <//3 use whatever
Epel- GAY!!!! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 he/him :3
“Wow lux your hcs are so boring” YES!! I KNOW!!!- I’m a very simple person 🙄🙄🙄🙄 ignore my 5000 million other AUs and hcs for them
Uhmmmm Vil and Rook have autism !! Epel is neurotypical to me 😢😢😢😢 sorry to everyone that hcs him as neurodivergent <//3
Okay now random ass hcs
ROOK HUNT FRECKLES 🗣️🗣️🗣️ has ALOT all over his body </3
Epel also has freckles but they’re very light…. And also doesn’t have a lot
In my heart Epel sleeps with like 3 blankets and like. A bunch of pillows 😭😭😭 cause I just think he likes being comfy 🤷
I think Vil swears… but like…. Very rarely…. And the chances are higher when he’s really mad…..
VIL LOVES COLLECTING JEWELRY 💥💥💥 loves getting them from different time periods…. Huge fashion history nerd….
Kind of related to the last hc but one of his stims is jewelry/gems…. He likes the way they feel… gold/glitter/sparkly stuff/anything that’s ‘carved’ are visual stims for him…. Also feathers….. he likes feathers in my mind…
Vil and Leona are exes okay…. And a stim he got from Leona is twirling his hair/trying to curl it… (if that makes sense)
GRAHH ROOK LOVES THE TEXTURE OF FUR AND FEATHERS 🫡🫡🫡 also leather he likes the way leather feels
😭😭 rook hunt the type of guy to crack his bones and it sounds so fucking terrifying like my GUYYYYY
Controversial opinion…. Rook hunt…. Isn’t a skinny twink…. He actually has some fat…some muscle… but not in a dorito waffle abs dehydrated anime boy and kinda way… no no no…. Wrestler type build…. In my heart and in my soul… when he gets older he has a strong man body type ✌️
And yeah that’s all I can think of rn 😢
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Bridgerton Season 3 Episode 2 Initial Reactions
I'm late I know, but I didn't get to post these reactions so here they are.
ooh the historical pineapple reference!! I love the set design people they just keep delivering these little gems.
Edwina beloved! I think this confirms the marriage to the Prussian prince. Good for her, go be a princess babe.
Charlotte's wig is so beautiful and elaborate
Not Kate getting called old and hopeless on the marriage mart like free my woman from these allegations.
Nicola is eating up these green looks
"But have no interest in other debutants" not Benedict sniffing out my imaginary lesbian love story here.
Pen regretting her latest column
Penelope being so awkward at flirting is giving baby gazel trying to walk for the first time. it's vv endearing
Oh no is this foreshadowing Francesca diamond allegations? I read the books but I've forgotten this bit
Tbh I'm loving Featherington women they are peak bimbo
The actress for Phillipa has such a good voice it matches the character perfectly
Portia Featherington don't be controlling challenge
The most realistic representation of regency era sex ed I fear.
Colin threesome? See I said it was a slutty summer.
Not to nit pick/slut shame but at the least an hour needs to pass between your sinning and then being around your future love interest.
Aww Polin first meeting reminiscing.
You know nothing Colin Bridgerton you could have Apollo gift you with prophecy and you would still know nothing!
Aww they're apart and not in the same bed. They're really cute.
Yes madam Delacroix encourage these women to take fashion risks.
So Francesca wants to get matched to avoid attention? But she welcomes the prospect of marriage, hmm…
Bridgerton family cuteness
Hyacinthe being good at cards and a menace! I'm loving the younger kids being brought into this season.
Secret Polin meeting the tropes are troping.
Colin getting offended when Pen is like "you" bahaha
"Your eyes are the most remarkable shade of blue..." Colin was shooketh that boy is living in his "romancing mr.bridgerton" era.
Not her finding his musings on his smutty summer and getting turned on.
To paraphrase: "Were you reading my smutty journal Penelope?" like do you not know how nosey she is??
They’re touching hands and staring into each other's eyes your honor.
Girl what was this "lesson" even, I enjoyed it but still
Honestly same girl I too would vibe with pretty jewelry.
Colin wants the tea for the Pen and Eloise drama so bad!!
"how is she" spoken like a true divorced couple Eloise
Eloise speaking fax about how strange Colin and Pen's arrangement is.
Queen Charlotte back with a banging wig and more disparagement
Francesca: I was promised a music man, and I shall like one right this instant.
Mr. Dankworth and Mr. Finch we finally learn their names! Or maybe I have terrible memory?
Not them getting abandoned by their wives lmao
Not Portia acknowledging Mr. Dankworth's Kenergy "You are so pretty" and then the Kens are terrified of her this family is giving me too much entertainment
Colin "If you speak to one man tonight you can read of my sexploits" Bridgerton
"His horse recently died" ma'am this show is so unserious
Also not usually very caring of this but their height difference is everything
Eloise's talent would have been stand up commedy if it were not 1815.
Benedict’s commitment issues continue I see
It's the way this scene with Benedict has explained the complexity of all these society rules being in place solely for the sake of the marriage mart institution
Hannah Dodd so beautifully portrays a music nerd that just wants to be alone
Volet-Danbury shenanigans are afoot
Also Lady Danbury's outfits are so cute this season
Omg Featherinton sex talk is 10/10 comedy
"Inserts himself? Inserts himself where?" was delivered so perfect no notes just me gasping and dying laughing. Mr. Finch idk what your game is but I am deceased.
Oh no these girls are pirannahs and they smell blood
Aww Pen meeting a Whistledown fan in the wild is so sweet.
Also, she has a caller! Thank you Lord Remmington!
Oh no, oh no, oh no no no no their scheme is exposed poor Penelope will have to ruin her own reputation.
While I feel terrible for Pen she kinda deserves her serving of karma
Lady Danbury you are a level 1000 master manipulator here for Francesca.
Oh no Fran looks so distraught this is everything she was against
Ok I'm seeing the commentary they want to set up with the Kent’s situation
Visitor- sounds controversial Lady Danbury
GO off Eloise defend your cancelled wife!!
Ok Cressida has some points here.. that still doesn't endear me
Omg it's the first Polin kiss scene!!
"But you would be dead" best comedian right here give him his award!
Also, that was one passionate kiss for helping a dear friend out. These two dorks are so in love they can’t even see it (facepalm).
You can see it on his face he has unlocked something, he doesn’t know what but it’s something.
Tbh the maid is the MVP here she has allowed all of this to happen.
I'm starting to see where the plot is going and I approve. I will say the Polin story line is going well and I have no notes but a lot of other characters do not get screen time. There are no Lady Danbury Penelope interactions. It does feel at times there are too many characters due to these interactions.
Overall good, the ending odiously was the strong point I gave it 10/10.
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its-jaytothemee · 5 months
Until I Met You - Chapter 13
Chapter 13: With Friends Like These
Pairings: Halsin x Tav
Word count: 5,136
Rating: Currently M, will be Explicit in later chapters.
Read on AO3
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Summary: The guys and gals split up for the day. While the ladies take care of the duergar problem, the guys have some bonding time around the fire. And there may just be an exciting new addition to their camp. Part 13 of the slow burn fic. Halsin and Tav POVs.
Tags: Slow burn, mutual pining, hurt/comfort, emotional hurt/comfort, fluff, eventual love confessions, eventual smut, angst, implied past rape/non-con and abuse, graphic description of injuries.
A/N: Girls night vs. guys night. More campfire fluff before moving on to more Tav'ahria backstory in the next chapter!! I hope you're all feeling the burn like I am. Thanks for all the kind comments so far! They really do keep me motivated to continue writing <3
See also: Gale and Halsin are massive nerds
Tav and her companions had spent days exploring the Underdark. The winding pathways and lack of light made it difficult to navigate and map out.
Between the deadly arcane tower they explored and the Kua-Toa ritual they stumbled upon, not to mention those damned hooked creatures they kept running into, they were getting a little sick of the dangerous environment down here. A pleasant surprise was finding a peaceful mind flayer among the myconids, even if it did agitate the tadpole. It had taken all of them to hold Lae’zel back from killing Omeluum then and there.
But today, they had finally found and removed the duergar that had been terrorizing the myconid colony. Once Tav and the others snuffed out their ambush, they didn’t put up much of a fight.
“See? We just needed a good ol’ girl’s day out, no boys allowed. Isn’t this nice?” Karlach asked as she ripped her sword out of the chest of one of the bodies.
“I must admit, I was uncertain about this ‘girl’s night’, but this was enjoyable, yes.” Lae’zel rolled her shoulders, stretching her arms after the fight. “Is this a common bonding practice for women in Faerûn?”
“Something like this, yeah.” Tav chuckled as she plucked a few arrows from the corpses strewn about.
“Yes, but did the wolf have to come along?” Shadowheart was still wary of Lunari, even after all their time together.
“Lunari’s a girl too, of course she gets to come! Besides, what better way to get over your fears than to spend time with this sweet pup?” Karlach bent over to coo at the wolf, careful not to touch her though. Lunari’s entire body wiggled in response.
Tav continued going between bodies, looking for any useful materials. Near one of the dead duergar, she found a logbook.
The writing was faded and difficult to read, but she could make out the list of gems and valuable materials that had been mined from a nearby fortress. As she turned the pages, she found more lists. Not gems or valuables. The title of one of the pages read “Stock”, but contained descriptions of…people? 
Deep gnome, female, young, white hair, missing one eye. Serving duty.
Deep gnome, male, bald, timid. Mining duty.
She did a quick scan through the rest of the book, trying to find any detail about their mining operation. On one of the last pages, she saw a symbol that caused her blood to run cold.
A small black hand had been scribbled into the corner.
Tav’s throat felt like it would swell shut. Suddenly aware of how cold the area was around her, she shivered as she fought the tears stinging her eyes. Images of her father and Noravi flashed into her mind. 
A black hand on a gold cufflink.
“Hey, soldier…you alright?” Karlach came up to her side and Tav showed her the book.
“Slavers…” She could only manage one word.
“Gods above, there’s so many listed in here.” The disgust in Karlach’s voice rivaled Tav’s.
Tav pointed to the large boat bobbing in the water next to the dock.
“I’ll bet that’s the way to the ruins the gnome told us about. Probably where these assholes are holed up.”
“Ugh, I don’t know that I’d want to go for a sail across those waters.” Karlach grimaced as she looked over the uncannily still lake.
“Something tells me that’s where we’ll be heading next.” Tav said with a sigh. She saw that multiple bodies on the beach were adorned with the symbol of the Absolute. “Come on, let’s go tell the sovereign that we’ve cleared them out.”
This time they only made one wrong turn on the way back to the myconid colony – a personal best for their group – and luckily nothing dangerous came with that small detour.
The closer they drew to the myconid colony, the louder the eerie melody they used to communicate sang in their minds. Tav made her way to the top of the overlook where Sovereign Spaw resided.
The humming tune radiating from the myconid was a warm welcome, at least as far as she could tell. She conjured an image in her mind to share with it – the duergar lying dead at her feet.
“The duergar are slain; the rot has been purged.” She gave the sovereign a slight bow of her head.
The musical voice that graced her thoughts danced with a newfound hope.
“Freely you have given to us, freely you may take.” An image of parting vines glided into her mind’s eye.
“The guardian gate is open. Go and claim your reward.” It gestured behind her. “But before this, I have another boon to ask of you. You have cut out the blight, but not its source.”
Another vision played vividly in her mind. A drow dressed in Absolute garb, strolling among myconid corpses. Proud and unphased by the carnage surrounding him.
“Nere, this one is called. He hunted us – hunt him in turn. Bring me his head, and I will know my Circle is safe.” The melodic plea had taken on a more aggressive tone.
“Consider it done. I will bring you Nere’s head.” These slavers needed to be dealt with, one way or another.
“The drow lurks in the ruins beyond the lake. Bring him death, and return.” The words slowly faded into the melody floating through the colony.
Tav spun on her heels with a curt nod. She stopped to speak with the gnome she had helped a few days back.
“I wanted you to know that I’ve killed the duergar who were hunting you.” She knelt down next to Thulla.
“I’m almost sorry to hear it, I’d hoped to have the pleasure myself.” She scoffed, causing another wince of pain. Whatever poison had been used was still affecting her.
“Can you tell me who was in charge of the duergar that captured you?” She kept her voice low so the others wouldn’t hear her.
“Just those Absolute nut jobs. Can’t go five seconds without hearing that name over there.”
“Yes, but was there anyone else? Any mentions of slavers outside of the Absolute?” Tav was anxious and her tone reflected it.
“Sorry, no. They were awful tight lipped around us. Only thing I heard besides the Absolute was about sending word to some lord in Baldur’s Gate. They didn’t use a name though.” Thulla shrugged.
Tav took a deep breath in a desperate attempt to maintain her composure. She couldn’t tell the others why this slave ring had her so upset. She wasn’t ready for them to know who she really was.
“Thank you, Thulla. I promise you, we’ll get across the lake and save your friends.” Tav gave her a quick pat on the shoulder before rejoining her companions.
“That’s a big promise, Tav.” Shadowheart stood with her arms crossed.
“We have to go across the lake anyway. Are you telling me you’d rather leave her people enslaved?” Tav folded her arms across her chest to match Shadowheart’s stance.
“Sometimes difficult choices must be made. First and foremost, we need to find a way to Moonrise. I’m simply suggesting that we shouldn’t make promises we aren’t sure we can keep.”
“And based on the Absolute insignias I saw littered on that beach, we’ll be well on our way if we cross that lake.” Tav’s tone rose with her anger. “And believe me when I say I do not make that promise lightly.”
“I reckon we can do both, friends.” Karlach came to stand in between their feud. “Take out some more Absolute cultists which should free the gnomes, then we’ll explore the area to see if we can’t find a way to Moonrise Towers.” Though flames raged from Karlach’s skin, her words helped to cool the rising tempers between Tav and Shadowheart.
“Fine.” Shadowheart turned her nose up at Tav.
Bloody Sharrans.
They decided it would be best to come back to camp and rest before trying to make their way across the lake. No one knew what would be waiting for them, and they didn’t want to push their luck. Plus, they needed a chance to catch the guys up on what they found. For the short walk back to camp, Tav was consumed by the thought of the slavers. Terrified that their source would be revealed, and her past along with it.
Halsin, Astarion, Gale, and Wyll sat around the fire in awkward silence. When they were getting ready to leave this morning, Karlach insisted on having a “girls’ day out.” Tav had told him it would be a good way for him to bond with the other guys a bit more too.
Bond…you can bond with new friends, can’t you?
“So, Halsin…” Wyll started. “Is it…fun turning into a bear?”
“Um, yes. I mean, I enjoy it. There’s something comforting about walking through the forest among nature disguised as one of its inhabitants. It makes me feel more of a sense of belonging.”
“Not to mention you could rip a man’s throat out with your teeth, and what could be better than that?” Astarion was throwing his daggers into a small stump next to him repeatedly.
“Not my first choice, but yes, I suppose that is an option.” Halsin snorted as he rubbed Scratch’s belly.
“You know, I consider myself adept at most forms of magic, but druidic craft has always eluded me.” Gale looked up from his book. “How did you find yourself so proficient?”
Halsin hesitated. He wasn’t sure he was ready to explain Thaniel to them yet. Or the hours and hours he spent gathering favor with Silvanus himself.
“Well, after three hundred and fifty years, anyone can become a master of their craft. You’re already a talented wizard, Gale, imagine what you would accomplish if your lifespan increased by a few centuries.”
“That’s a good point. You elves do get an unfair advantage in that regard.”
“Trust me, darling. We pay for it in other ways.” Astarion grumbled from across the fire as he yanked a dagger from the wooden stump again.
That we do.
“Is it painful?” Wyll asked.
“Is what painful?”
“The transformation. I mean, you adopt a completely new anatomy every time you wild shape. Surely that must be at least a little uncomfortable.” Wyll’s eyes shone with curiosity.
“Well, the mechanics of wild shape vary greatly between druids. I wouldn’t want to bore you with the vast library of tiny details that make it up.” Halsin averted his gaze to the ground.
As much as he enjoyed sharing his knowledge of the ways of druids, he found not many actually wanted to listen to his expertise. They wanted grand stories of ferocious fights between beasts or demonstrations of their abilities. No one wanted to hear him ramble about the beauty of balance that could be found in nature. They couldn’t care less about how he described the difference between shifting to a bear compared to shifting into a raven. No one wanted to discuss the intricacies of utilizing magic by manipulating the Weave itself versus drawing on the power of nature around them. Even the druids of the grove would start to nod off when he began long winded speeches about their ways.
“It would be anything but! As I said, this is one area of magic that remains mostly a mystery to me. I’d much appreciate the chance to hear about it firsthand from someone of your skill.” Gale set aside the book he had been reading to give Halsin his full attention.
“That’s quite a broad subject. I don’t even know where to begin…” He fidgeted with his clothing as he racked his brain for something to share.
“Maybe just start by describing how it feels to you.” Wyll suggested. Even Astarion’s eyes flickered toward him for a moment, a quick look of interest betraying his indifferent aura.
“Well, let’s see…” Halsin took a deep breath and concentrated on the last time he had wild shaped into a bear. He closed his eyes as the familiar memory brought a small wave of comfort.
“It’s not painful, per se. There is a brief feeling of discomfort, like a limb stretched too far. It’s an itch that you can’t possibly keep yourself from scratching. And once it’s done, a fresh feeling of relief washes over you as you reveal the new form.
“But just before I look out of new eyes, familiar yet different, there’s a moment where I swear I can feel Silvanus himself standing next to me. It lasts only a fraction of a second, yet it gives me a blissful, but fleeting, feeling of safety. Of peace. There’s a balance and harmony I can only feel when I’m in wild shape. It provides me the opportunity to experience the world around me as nature intended.”
When he opened his teary eyes, Wyll and Gale were leaning forward with their arms resting on their knees. Gale’s eyes were alight with his eagerness for knowledge, Wyll had a wistful smile on his face. Astarion kept himself facing away from them, but he noticed that he had stopped throwing his daggers.
“And?” Gale prodded, his voice an enthusiastic whisper.
“And…whenever I return to this form, I feel a different connection to the Weave around me – as if Silvanus builds it anew with each transformation.”
“Fascinating!” Gale clapped his hands a couple of times. “Spending time in your animal forms actually strengthens your ability to call on the Weave?”
“In a way, yes. Of course, unlike you, I cannot manipulate it directly. That power flows through nature, through Silvanus.” Halsin found himself leaning forward as well to converse with them, his hands gesturing excitedly as he spoke. “But as I said, it’s different for all. Many druids I know only use wild shape when absolutely necessary. Instead, they rely solely on their meditations and work to strengthen their abilities in that manner.”
“Of course! Study habits are always bound to differ. Now, what about…”
He continued fielding questions and theories from Gale for hours. His insatiable desire for knowledge brought a smile to Halsin’s face, as eager to learn as he was to share. Every now and then Wyll would chime in with an inquiry or a joke. Astarion continued to project indifference, but the little twitches in his ears betrayed him as he listened to their conversation.
“Thank you, my friend. This has been most enlightening.” Gale made a few more scribbles into a notebook before turning back to beam at Halsin. “I wonder if I might make one last request?”
“Of course.”
“Would you mind casting a spell for me? Nothing complicated, I’d just like to see if I can feel the difference in the Weave around us as you do it.”
“I suppose I can manage that.” Halsin said with a laugh. “Let’s see here…” He cast a quick and familiar spell that caused a small glowing orb to appear in his hand. With a quick whoosh, the glow materialized into a small goodberry.
“Yes!” Gale let out a delighted yell. “I could feel the same pull on the threads around me as I do when I cast a conjuration spell. Yet when yours came to its fruition, I didn’t feel the familiar plucking of one those threads, more of a low hum that vibrated throughout many.”
“Glad to be of help.” He laughed as he popped the little berry into his mouth.
“Oh Gale, so easily entertained.” Astarion giggled. “Let me know when he conjures up a real feast, rather than one measly berry.”
“Considering your diet, Astarion, I do believe it could be against many magical codes of ethics to do so.” Gale continued scribbling in his notebook.
“Yes, why waste spells for that when you already have a feast right here with the three of us?” Halsin added with a chuckle.
“Hey now, don’t be offering my neck up for dinner.” Wyll laughed along with him.
“No?” Astarion had a slight pout on his lips as he turned to face Wyll. “Perhaps a wrist then?”
As the other three continued their regular banter around him, Halsin had a distant, familiar feeling creep over him. Camaraderie. Friendship. It had been so long since anyone listened to him ramble with such rapt attention. He didn’t realize how he had craved sharing his thoughts on the intricate balance of magic and nature. And to have someone who not only listened, but actively engaged in a discussion? He thought this would be the highlight of his day for sure.
Until of course footsteps pulled their attention away from their discussion of magic and vampiric diets.
Halsin once again found a grin coming across his face as Tav made her way back into the camp, the expression had become a reflex of late. When her tired eyes looked up to find his, he could have sworn they shined just a tad brighter. Not a moment later, a smile broke through her exhausted exterior. Each day he spent in her presence caused the pull in his chest to tug him a little closer to her. Their mornings were spent in one another’s company by the fire or by the glowing pond he had found. The comfort he felt spending time with her kept the darkness in his mind at bay.
It had been so long since anyone was comfortable enough to reach out to him as well. She would always be ready to give him a hug or lean her head on his shoulder, the friendly touches satisfying part of the hunger for companionship he had craved for years.
“Welcome back, my friend.” He stood up to greet her as she reached the fireside and placed one arm around her shoulders, letting his hand rest on the opposite arm from him.
“Thanks, love.” She returned the gesture with a welcoming arm around his waist.
Thanks, love.
It’s how she referred to all of her friends, but something about hearing the word “love” to describe him caused another skipped heartbeat.
“Why don’t any of us get hugs when we get back to camp?” Astarion crossed his arms with one hip cocked out to the side.
“My apologies, would you also like a hug, Astarion?” He removed his arm from Tav’s shoulder and held both out to their cheeky friend.
“Ugh, no. Just making sure you understood the favoritism at play, darling.” Astarion waved him off.
“That’s okay, I’ll take his instead.” Tav’s arm had already made its way back around his back, hugging herself to his side. It could have been his imagination, but he thought she hugged him just a little tighter today.
He chuckled in response, trying to hide the pure delight threatening to take over him. “So, how was your girl’s day?”
“Fucking spectacular!” Karlach bounded up to join the conversation. “We found the duergar, Lae’zel cut a guy in half, discovered an underground slave ring in need of busting, got a new job to kill a drow, Tav found a book about mating rituals, and a shiny icicle thing.”
“…Mating rituals?” Halsin smirked as Tav rolled her eyes.
“Here. The title says ‘Flumph Mating Rituals,’ but it seems…off somehow? I think it might be an illusion, but I can’t seem to dispel it.” She grabbed the dusty book out of her pack.
“Illusion, you say?” Gale popped out from behind Halsin causing him to jump.
“By all means.” He handed the book over to the eager wizard.
Gale made a tutting sound with his tongue as he investigated it. He ran his fingers along the spine and cover before opening it and taking a deep breath to inhale the smell of the book. After thumbing through a few pages, he briefly licked one of them. Tav’s face scrunched up into concerned disgust.
“Ah, yes. It appears to be a simple disguising charm. Just a quick little scatter of the magic here…” He swirled his fingers around the spine of the book and Halsin saw the blue, misty magic float away and dissipate into the air around them.
“Did…did you have to lick it?” Tav’s eyebrows were still furrowed as she took it back from him. She pinched the book between two fingers, letting it dangle in front of her.
Gale shrugged. “It worked, didn’t it?”
“Oh, by the way…” Tav turned to dig a small, shiny piece of twisted metal out of her bag. She juggled it between her hands before giving it to Gale. Even from where he was standing Halsin could feel the icy energy radiating from it. “Found this on another dead drow. Might be your missing piece.”
“Yes! This has to fit with the others we found. Oh, yes, most promising. I do believe I can piece these together to form a new staff. If anyone needs me, I’ll be fiddling with this in my tent.”
“Ew, Gale don’t announce that to everyone.” Karlach stuck her tongue out with a small shake of her head. Tav let out a loud cackle, almost dropping the book.
“What? That’s not…I…argh, I’m surrounded by children. As I said, I’ll be in my tent.” Gale grumbled as he stormed off to his tent with a huff.
“Best not to interrupt a wizard when he fiddles with his staff.” Halsin smirked. Before he could be embarrassed by his joke, Tav and Karlach burst into a fit of laughter. The sight brought another warm feeling to his chest.
“Where’s this funny bear been the whole time?” Karlach wiped stray tears from her eyes as she regained her composure.
“He’s always been funny, just too shy about it.” Tav nudged him in the arm as she started reading through the revealed pages.
She thinks I’m funny?
“Huh, another mention of the adamantine forge. This journal confirms that it was Sharran in design.” As she continued skimming, Halsin caught a few diagrams among the words.
“Isn’t that what that petrified drow was rambling about the first time we were down here?” Shadowheart had wandered closer to their conversation.
“Not just the location, this journal is detailing how to actually operate the forge.” Tav’s eyes flitted back and forth rapidly as she scanned the page. “It mentions a guardian as well.”
“I heard rumors long ago that adamantine was among the finest metal to craft weapons and armor.” Halsin held his hands out to request the book. “I am surprised to learn that a forge of this magnitude would reside in a Sharran fortress.”
“We should seek it out when we cross the lake. If this journal is to be believed, we could craft some rather useful equipment, no?”
Halsin bristled at Shadowheart’s suggestion. No matter how useful the armor, he couldn’t think of a scenario where he would be tempted to utilize Sharran technology. Or maybe he was simply disagreeing with her for disagreements sake.
“I suppose it couldn’t hurt. We’re not exactly in the position to turn down the help.” Tav’s words were polite, but her clenched jaw told a different story. He slammed the book closed with a little more force than necessary.
“Let’s gather everyone around. We have a lot to discuss from today.” Tav began pulling at the straps on her armor as she stalked off toward her tent. Halsin briefly considered offering to help with them but figured it would be best to avoid that temptation today.
Once everyone had changed into more comfortable attire, they gathered around the fire for their meal as Tav filled them in on their excursion of the day.
“So based on what we found on the duergar, and the request from Spaw, our next step is taking that boat across the lake.” Tav was fidgeting with the small wooden fork she had used for her dinner as she spoke. Halsin could just barely perceive a nervous edge to her voice. Whether it was nerves about the journey across the lake or something else, he could not say.
“It sounds like this could be the fortress I’ve been looking for, the one that will lead us to Moonrise.” Halsin couldn’t contain his eagerness. This was it; he was sure of it.
“Yes. Yes, I think you may be right.” Tav gave him a light smile.
Something’s wrong…
“There’s something else…” She trailed off for a moment. “The cultists there have gnome slaves that were captured nearby. We need to make sure they’re released as well.”
“It wouldn’t do to let them stay in such a state,” Wyll spoke up immediately. “Do you know where they’re being held?”
“Not yet. I have a feeling if we find the drow, we’ll find the slaves.” She started tugging at the end of her braid.
“Then I’m sure we can take the opportunity to kill two birds with one stone, if you will,” Gale chimed in next. “If we remove the cultists, it should be easy enough to get the slaves out of there as well.”
He expected Tav to relax with Gale’s suggestion. Instead, her nostrils flared and her breathing quickened.
“Yes, it will be plenty easy to free the gnomes once we’ve killed every slaver in sight.” Tav’s bitter threat startled Halsin, the disdain dripping from her voice was a terrifying contrast to the woman he had gotten to know over the past week or so.
By the looks on everyone else’s faces, he wasn’t the only one in shock from her change in demeanor.
However, the brief lull in the conversation allowed a few timid hoots to be heard from the edge of camp. As the small beaked face peeked around the foliage, Halsin couldn’t help the eager gasp that escaped his lips. In his excitement, his hand shot over to grab Tav’s leg.
“Cub.” He could only manage to whisper the one word.
The poor thing limped along as it favored a bloodied paw.
As soon as her eyes caught the cub, her vengeful aura dropped. Tav crouched down low and took a couple of slow steps toward the owlbear, stopping to kneel on one knee a few feet away from it.
“Blood…hurts…” It kept its wary eyes darting between Tav and the others.
“Oh, you’re hurt? Let me see.” She stretched her hand out and waited for the cub to come to her.
“Look. Cut.” It…he…held his paw out for her to examine. From where he was standing, the small gash didn’t look too deep.
Halsin could hear the others stirring behind him, but he waved his hand behind his back to keep them in place.
We’re not scaring it off again.
“Hold still, I’ll clean it up and make it better.” Tav spoke in a soft tone as she took his paw in her hands, healing the wound with ease. Another wave of affection slammed into his chest watching her.
“There we go, good as new.” She let the paw drop to the ground as the cub took a few tentative steps to test his weight.
“Good. No hurt.” He gave a happy wiggle of his head.
“How did this happen?” She was inspecting the cub for any other injuries he may have suffered.
“Teeth. Claws. Bigger.” Halsin stifled a thrilled chuckle as the cub stood up on its hind legs in an attempted display of power.
Remarkable how he’s interacting with her.
“Why would you fight something bigger than you?” Tav’s tone had shifted to a loving scold.
“Strong. Fight! Win!” He bowed down into more of a crouch.
Trying to show her he’s able to fight.
“Well, maybe for now stick to fights with creatures more your own size. Or maybe even a tad smaller.” Tav stood up as the cub tilted his head side to side.
“Too big? Wait…Strong! Show you!” He started bouncing excitedly around her legs, playful nips aimed at her feet. Tav laughed as he ran around her in circles and his happy chirps filled the air around them.
“I love him. So. Much!” Karlach squealed from behind them. The cub didn’t seem phased by the sudden outburst this time as he was still rather concentrated on trying to unlace Tav’s shoes with his beak.
“You do realize these things grow, do you not? Teeth and talons first.” Gale called from his seat.
“Then maybe he’ll be a good guard for the camp.” Tav knelt back down to rub the cub’s ears.
“Ooh. More.” He leaned into her touch and closed his eyes.
“Well done. He seems to trust you.” Halsin came to sit next to Tav and their new feathered friend.
“He needs a name.” She scratched under the cub’s chin as he started to aim its nose up in the air, taking in the smells of the camp.
“How about…Sniff?”
“Sniff?” Tav whipped her head around with a smile.
“I mean look at his little beak go. Besides, I think Scratch and Sniff has a nice flow to it, don’t you?” Halsin felt a sudden stab of embarrassment at the suggestion. He wasn’t sure if he had earned the right to name a new addition to this group. But when he looked back up, Tav was still smiling at him.
“I do. Sniff it is.”
“Sniff? Sniff. Sniff. Sniff!” The cub jumped around as he chanted his new name, causing another laugh from Tav.
“Ugh we need to get this engine fixed. I am dying to pet this little guy.” Karlach looked to be in physical pain at keeping her hands tight at her side.
As he sat and considered his surroundings, the cub wandered over to sit in his lap. He had tracked him and the mother for weeks; at the time he was thankful to even get a glimpse of them. Now, he had the cub sitting here with him. Something that never would have happened were he still stuck with his Archdruid title, confined to the politics of the grove.
“Thank you, Tav,” Halsin whispered.
“Whatever for?” She plopped down on the ground next to him.
“For this.” He gestured broadly around their camp. “For allowing me to share in your company. For rescuing me from the goblins, for finally giving me an excuse to leave the confines of the grove.”
“It was hardly a difficult choice to make. I’m glad to have you here.” She reached over to pet Sniff’s ears again.
It was everything.
“And I’m happy to be here. Now, I believe you all will be needing your rest before your journey tomorrow.” He would have stood up with Tav, but his new feathered friend kept him pinned to the ground. She grabbed one of his shoulders to help herself off the ground, giving it a soft squeeze.
“Goodnight, Halsin.”
Was that the faintest brush of her fingers running across his neck as she walked away?
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mysteriousmoss · 1 year
Tango nerding out like Zelda!!! And jimmy protecting him while also being such a big goof!!!! It's really good
Do you have any more ideas you could throw out abt it? I am so intrigued
I have some ideas who the champions are! Some are bound to change but so far I genuinely adore who I have chosen!
First up Rito Champion
Rito Champion Grian! Reason? He’s a birb and cause I like the thought of him like a older brother who acts like he’s annoyed and jealous( do I live by the thought Revali is like Link’s big brother from what interactions I have seen? Yes yes I do)
Next up Gerudo Champion!
There’s also Gerudo Champion Gem. Cause GeminiSlay. I though who better but to make her be Urbosa! She knows how to fight and is good at it and has some Gerudo like traits with her hair!
Next we have the Zora Champion!
Champion Lizzie! She’s a big sister figure to Jimmy in this(not going with the whole Mipha and Link romance plot that happened. Lizzie is just a worried sister). Only change really is she’s gonna be married to Joel and the Sidon of the au Hermes will be her son instead of her brother. So when the calamity happens she is the Queen of Zora not a princess like Mipha.
Finally is the Goron Champion!
Champion Impulse! He the main reason why Jimmy eats so much weird shit. Impulse is the only Goron that’ll eat normal soup. Tango tried figuring it out but couldn’t and he was not happy and poured in the corner for awhile.
Still deciding who’s Calamity Ganon. Helsknight or Xornoth. Leaning more towards Xornoth currently.
Also am I making Ren Tangos dad in the au cause of King Ren and Red Winter? Yes yes I am. But unlike Zelda’s dad he’s a good dad! Just near the Calamity he became stressed and lashed out a lot. His ghost is horrified.
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pragmatic-optimist · 1 year
Sonia, I'm roping you in with an ask even though you're not always here (miss u, love u) 💜 we know you are the romcom QUEEN - give us your top 5 favourite romcoms!
Hi friend, thanks for this totally not difficult-at-all question. Lol.
Okay, as you know, I can’t ever answer anything succinctly. I am going to take this opportunity to plug this nonfiction book I’m listening to on audio, titled “From Hollywood with Love: The Rise and Fall (and Rise Again) of the Romantic Comedy.” –highly recommend it to anyone who is a rom-com nerd like me.
The book asks the following question to determine what can be considered a romantic comedy:
“If you removed the love story from this movie, would you still have a movie? If the answer is no, it’s a romantic comedy.”
With this question in mind, here is my list (not in ranking order, I’m just listing them as they come to me.) Also, yes, this means I can’t list the 2000 gem that was Miss Congeniality. That is my #1 favorite Sandy movie. Not to worry, though, Sandy B. still makes the list.
Here we go:
Serendipity: The trope. NYC as a character. The cast—John Cusack, Kate Beckinsale, John Corbett, Molly Shannon, and the illustrious Eugene Levy who stole all of his scenes as the Bloomingdale’s employee making John Cusack’s life miserable lol. It’s just so good. It’s peak rom-com in the early 2000s. Those of you old enough to appreciate that era of rom-coms will know exactly what I’m talking about. It’s one of my all-time favs. 👏🏽
Two Weeks Notice: Sandy B. Listen, I had to work hard not to make every movie on this list a Sandra Bullock-starring film. I feel like choosing your favorite rom-com actress from the 90s/2000s is a little like choosing your boyband team from that same era. I am Team Sandy B. all the way. (No disrespect to Julia and Meg, and so many others who also made movies I loved.) I love Sandra in this movie opposite Hugh Grant, she’s so smart and so funny. The premise of this movie is actually one I still hold out hope for seeing written as firstprince fanfic someday. Sandra is an environmental lawyer who goes to work for a billionaire’s company in order to save a community center that is very dear to her. There are aspects of that plot that I think Alex and Henry would fit into, and aspects to tweak because I don't think Henry would be quite as arrogant or bumbling as Hugh's character. I could talk about this at length lol.
Definitely, Maybe: Again – the cast. Ryan Reynolds. Isla Fisher. Rachel Weisz. Abigail Breslin. The trope/premise?? So good. I love how it jumps through time and shows us how second chances present themselves in our lives. It’s just a really lovely film and probably my favorite Ryan as a rom-com leading man, though The Proposal is a close second.
Hitch: This movie had me in tears, both from laughter and emotions. Also, the scene where Will Smith is teaching Kevin James’ character how to dance. Iconic. "I'm making the pizza!" “Don’t need no pizza, they got food there!” 😂
My Big Fat Greek Wedding: Windex. Nia Vardalos and John Corbett, watching their characters meet and fall in love. Just so damn dreamy. 😍 I also really love how this movie portrays that when you choose a partner, you’re also choosing their family. 💖
Set It Up: I know this is six lol. But I had to add in a movie post-2010. I love this one so much. I know a movie has become part of my personality when I start adopting the dialogue into my everyday vernacular lol. “I overdicked” is said A LOT. 😂 Also GLEN POWELL. 😏
Thanks for the nice ask! 💕
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lookbotsfollowmeyay · 5 months
Making a fucking master sword out of paper for a school project
Woke up at 7:30 on a Sunday to do game nerd bullshit. Started at 8, still haven't had breakfast yet by 8:50.
You'll need:
A pencil
A ruler
A long tape ruler
A pair of scissors
A scapel/box cutter
A fuck ton of paper
Too much time on your hands
(Update from when I just cut the handguard out: you need a fuck ton in the power of a shit ton of dedication. If I paid myself minimum wage for this, I'd be able to afford a custom forged master sword.)
Step 1: measure shit badly
With the power of a free sketch book app, a ruler downloaded from the internet and two reference images (BotW Link with the sword on his back and TP concept art), I set off on my quest to make a sword.
Here are the measurements if anybody ever wants them.
Provided with a 160cm tall Linky:
140cm long in total
105cm blade (everything after the gold gem thingy)
88cm from triforce to tip
9cm wide
1cm tapered side each side
6cm thinner part of the blade behind triforce
3cm golden gem (corner pointing to end of blade) to end of pommel
3cm tall golden gem
3cm weird flared bit above gem
24cm handle+pommel
17cm handle only
7cm pommel only
7cm triforce logo
4cm triforce tall (no lil bits outside)
5cm triforce wide
31cm across the "M"
9cm triforce to M
If you want to give up here, I 100% support that.
Step 2: try figure how to put everything together with tiny prototypes
It's 10:15.
I'm going to try make an A4 length one, roughly to scale but that's not a priority right now. The point of that is to try find out what I need with small scale fuck arounds.
And we have logistical issues! Whoop.
I'm going to put long rods of rolled up paper inside the sword to give it some structural integrity. The blade is going to be a couple pieces, but will be put together and treated as one. The part with the triforce bit to the M is going to be a piece in itself. And now we have the hardest part: the handle and shit.
I'm going to put the pieces of the M together seperately (once I figure out how to pull that off, I think that would require a bit of origami.) The handle is just a lot of rolling, might look for something to form a core.
(fig.1 what parts I'm going to build this in)
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....it's been 45 minutes and 11:00, bloody fucking hell.
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Okay. So if I cut these triangular things on the side, I can achieve the squish I need to put the longer bits of the M on to the shorter bits. It's already 14:00 oh my god.
I then spent half an hour trying to improve it, but I forgot what was wrong with the OG one.
Step 3: surrender all planning and wing it.
I gave up on "the process". What a surpise.
So I printed an image of the MS, cut the template out and glued it to cardboard to cut out. I might have to do this twice, I don't know!
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We do this not because it is easy, but because we thought it would be easy
-Moon Tzu
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Yes. I do have to do this twice. God fucking damnit, my hands hurt a bit. But as the old wisdom of my people said:
Fuck it, we ball.
We masking tape it down, trace one more
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Then we cut that bitch out again.
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.... fuck it, we ball.
You may think my hard work looks like a pile of scrap, that's because it is a pile of scrap before I figure out a way to put it together.
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I am considering a sandwich of paper/card/paper/card/paper to somehow keep this in one piece. I know I'm failing and desperately grasping, shut the fuck up.
I'm running out of curse words. Godforsaken cunty bloody twat of a project.
Good lord my right index finger. Cut it playing with knives and now it's exhausted because of another knife.
Step 4: how to make my art teacher faint
I've slept on it (procrastinated) and asked Chat GPT for a bit of help and it says I should make the blade and the handle slot together. Good idea. So I have to cut 4 more pieces of cardboard.
Everything's a mess and unplanned, my art teacher that spent 2/3 of our project planning shit and not leaving enough time to do the actual project will faint from the sight of all the abandoned parts because I had a better way to hake it lol
Anyways, I've printed out a sword on paper so I can identify problems before I get to it and realise I fucked up.
Look. It's another picture that testifies I don't think shit through (and decided to put the blade together before I worked out how).
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Eh. All I'll need to do is tear out the supports and reuse them. Printer paper that's been processed such a small amount is no loss compared to the cardboard fuck ups.
The triforce on the sword is not equilateral yare yare fucking daze.
Step 5: How to not want to see a scapel ever again for the rest of your life
Here's all the shit I cut out. Subject to change.
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I had to use tumblr web on my phone to put this here. One more reason to thank me for my contributions to humanity. Maybe it's from the cutting things in surgical white light or maybe it's because I forgot the eat and drink water, but I kind of feel like throwing up. This is how the sharp end is supposed to be cut.
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Then just crease the blade bits along the lines, tape it together with clear tape to form a very long blade. Glue the parts together. If you got this far, I won't bother to explain (definetly not because I forgot to photograph any and can't properly explain shit.) Make a handle with rolled paper (2 sheets, roll, then tape), for strength, cut A4 in half (halve 30cm side) roll those bitches up, glue them into the interior of the big roll, only one circle around then stuff it with tightly crumpled paper. Masking tape that bitch onto the guard that sandwiches the blade at the end. Just make sure it's flat enough to glue the seperate parts of the guard on. I actually had to dispose of some parts to make it work. It's also weak at the point between the blade and guard. What genius idea did I have late at night with this thing due tomorrow? Wrap 2 USB sticks onto both sides with masking tape. I recommend using empty Pilot V5 cartridges or like, hard enough pens instead of USB STICKS TAPED RIGHT ON THE OUTSIDE. Anyways, it's done. The pommel's origami (not on photo).
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kidge-planet · 1 year
lapis and peridot are pretty different... I mean, They have things in common like their hobbys and stuffs BUT also, they are both trapped on earth at some point of the show....
Now I relate this to the fact that Keith and pidge both lost ppl they cared about into space, in the Kerberos mission....
It feels like both ships have a "traumatizing" thing in common that brings them together at some point...
Also, peridot is the nerd one like our cute pidgeon... she is also fun, nice and omg, FREAKING CUTE. She is bad at understanding ppl, Just like pidge.
Now, Lapis is more of a "lone wolf"... LIKE KEITH. She in fact likes to be alone... Also, she takes impulsive decisions like when she trapped herself under the water with Jasper or when she ran away with the barn, living peridot alone... Keith also tried to sacrifice at some point...
But most importantly, Lapis cares a lot about Peri, the same way Keith cares for Pidgeon. She is very protective towards Peri, like Keith is protective towards pidge.
My question is, why do when it comes to lapidot, ppl agree but when it's kidge, most ppl are against it? ( Ppl talk about the age difference when lapis is 3000 years older then Peri that is a 2nd era peridot, she is a litteral baby in gem's standards... It gives them 3000years of difference like Keith and pidge, they have 3 years of difference.... I don't see why it is a problem for kidge when it is not for lapidot. No hate tho, I get your point.)
Yes, I used to be a huge fan of SU and a lapidot shipper..
I haven't criticized any ship here ( because I don't need too lol, every ships are great, keep shipping! ) , so please, be respectful :)
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localplaguenurse · 1 year
What’s the whole gingko family doing in the modern era besides losing a piece of their sanity every they go into the museum
Okay it’s raw brain mode since I woke up not too long ago and I gotta get ready for work. Also for simplicity we’re gonna call it “lived to the modern era” because I have different ideas for an AU specifically set in the modern day. (Will I write it out? Depends on if prompted because otherwise it’s just gonna float around in my brain soup.) Also, wifey and Zhongli are keeping a low profile since he’s supposed to be dead, but the kids can be open about their identities.
Zhongli and wifey: Wifey is still doing art, but they have to be very careful about it. They have to pretend that instead of doing art for thousands of years that they actually come from a family of artists. I feel like Zhongli isn’t too picky what his job would be, my brain says historian, teacher, or maybe still funeral consultant. One thing’s for sure: they’re still married.
Yánjiāng: His love of cats has paid off and he now has a cat cafe. Is this a goofy idea? Yes. Absolutely. 100%. But people kept asking about him and cats so I gotta make a reference lmao. I’ve got a cold and am still tired, forgive me. The cats like to snuggle his tail after hours.
Lihua: A lot of modelling/fashion. I always imagine her wearing traditional and very ornately designed hanfu, so I also see her being one of those tiktokers/youtubers that critiques how period accurate costume designs in movies are.
Zhusha: A lot of pottery (better than whatever that thing in the museum is...). But like honestly I can see her doing a lot of art things and following in her mother’s footprints. Her preferred medium is sculpting. When she’s not designing/making statues, she’s running one of those pottery stores where you go in, pick a premade cup or bowl or whatever, and paint it. (I wanna go to one of those again soon...)
Yaling: So beta gave me the idea that she finds good high quality ore for mining. I think she still does that, however she’s become fascinated by those lab grown gems I hear about every once in a while. I feel like in the modern age she would also start looking into that. Granted she can literally just make crystals on her own but the people can’t, so y’know. Also hates Musk for all that shit about the emerald mine so it’s both “this is better for the environment/safety of the people plus oooo modern science” and “fuck that guy.”
Feng: Still does blacksmithing obviously but I feel like he’s also become like... this big himbo nerd. He makes regular blades and jewellery but sometimes he makes functional replicas of weapons and costume pieces from books and shows he likes. Yaling gives him shit for it whenever he asks for highly specific stones. “Nerd.” “Oh come on! So we can’t make fun of Yánjiāng for the cat cafe but we can pick on Feng for making a functional hat with hidden blades?” “First off, we do. Second, you stole that from that one jojo guy that kinda sounds like dad.” “... Shut up.”
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wrecking · 8 months
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how is it already january 31st. ok anyways uh fun month musically tbh! been listening to a looooot of yeule and a bunch of random older stuff clicked with me finally, gonna ramble about them under the cut
allie x - girl with no face (pre-release singles)
tbh gwnf made sense to me instantly and owht was incredible on first listen, but black eye took MONTHS to grow on me. at least i'm obsessed with now, prepare to see this on the list all year
ariana grande - yes, and? (single)
i am basic and like house music. i think the dissonance on the chorus lines scratches my brain in a way not a lot else does currently, it's just kinda listenable in a fun way and that's all it needed to be imo. that one line is kinda funny with how underperformed it is tho
dua lipa - houdini - extended edit (single)
this has just been slowly taking over my brain ngl, hooks on hooks and they're all very fun to just sing to yourself while you're doing random things
tinashe - bb/ang3l
talk to me nice SWEEPS okay but also tightrope, needs, treason... honestly the whole fucking ep okay it's all good
paramore - this is why
tbh this gets on here almost exclusively off me watching the live debut performance of running out of time. her vocals are so good and that song in particular has been my jam this month ok, also you first is so good both as their song and as remi wolf's
adrianne lenker - songs
several alters were vibing with this this month and tbh good for them. her next solo album is probably gonna take over my life when it releases so hey
paramore - after laughter
dash really liked this one, i've been really clicking with rose-colored boy finally. i find this is why to be the better listen overall, but god this thing is still really good
confidence man - tilt
weird pick but i've kinda come back around into being obsessed with this again! subdued but quirky dance, it's not as immediately catchy or bold as their debut, but i really like it for what it is
yeule - softscars
this was the centerpiece of the month, well tbh all of yeule's discography could be. their stuff is so good but in particular like poison arrow, a song i'll get to later when i talk abt glitch princess, and cyber meat and 4ui12 have been just ruling this month for me. this album's groaning metallic soundscapes have just been so cathartic as of late. i'm a stan now
looks away somewhat shamefully - 1989 (taylor's version)
i don't even have an excuse for this one ok i just like this album, i have for like fucking 7 years at this point and i like the vault tracks and the less i have to think about the discourse surrounding Her As A Person the better.
charli xcx - crash
this kinda snuck back up on me this month? finally decided to revisit it after a long long time away, and it's held up incredibly well! much like hold the girl by rina sawayama, an artist is not merely worth based on how much they pander to rym nerds. the hooks, delivery, and production on this are so fucking good idgaf
100 gecs - 1000 gecs
this really has held up so well ok. 10k also rly good but this and the unreleased stuff has been scratching a particular itch for me this month. literally every song (except stupid horse i THINK which is fine bc i was obsessed with it before now) has been the subject of a small obsession of mine this month it's so good
olivia rodrigo - guts
this album keeps holding up and keeps being relevant to me personally. girl please put the deluxe tracks on streaming already for me
pinkpantheress - heaven knows
this album is SO fucking good hoooooly shit. i thought her first project was just ok but this is an ALBUM. ophelia, feel complete, mosquito, the aisle, hell that ENTIRE first 4 track run, i feel like i'm forgetting more but like just that alone... god...
rajie - heart to heart
my city pop hidden gem, this thing is so flawless even still. it's me it's you is still peak hooks. there are a couple other japanese titles i don't wanna go copy paste but like they are also just some of the most timeless melodies i've ever heard. this and timely by anri are the 2 city pop releases i keep on full rotation constantly now
yeule - glitch princess
don't be so hard on your own beauty. that's literally it. i don't want to talk about it because it's personal but i've been streaming it like my life depends on it. means the fucking world to me
cafune - love songs for the end
this just refuses to let go of my attention? 5 songs, probably just "generic pop" to most people, yet perspective and unchained memory REFUSE to leave me alone. the amount of times i've just ended up mumbling out that "honestly i think about-" and end up singing the entire thing to myself is unreal. shockingly effective hook
lady gaga - the fame monster (deluxe)
felt like revisiting this and it's still kind of just a big pop bible. my spotify has been playing teeth way too much but other than that, no song really manages to wear itself out. i guess maybe paper gangsta but that one's so silly how could you hate it
florence and the machine - how big, how blue, how beautiful
random pick but i'm standing by it. have come to the conclusion this and hah are her best records, and i maintain that. this one in particular tho is just stunningly good
kacy hill - is it selfish if we talk about me again?
alice really liked this, and i've also been streaming frog rinse a fuckton bc god that vocal effect is so unique yet so good
laura les - haunted (single)
probably the 2nd most defining thing in january besides yeule, this single has been just The thing i listen to all the damn time. her unreleaseds are so good too (walls are closing in?!?!>?!?>!>??!! RELEASE IT)
maude latour - 001
random pick again but this ep is so good, it's her best imo despite not appearing to have "that high highs." something about the aesthetics of each song here and how they're basically all good bops holds them up so well
hiroshi yoshimura - music for nine post cards
this and green are records that mercedes has been streaming like no tomorrow cuz they're so chill, but this one is definitely my lesser favorite? better cover but i care a lot more abt the songs on green except for blink, which is mesmerizing
100 gecs - unreleased
literally all of them but especially ratatouille and the thos moser remix. they need to just put out an unreleased record idgaf they have too many good songs sitting on youtube
hiroshi yoshimura - green
i got a gorgeous vinyl copy of this, and i've just been thinking a lot about this album. also peak reading music, ambient sweep
ok so unrelated ik i said i'd do stats for 2023 in this post back in december but you know what... i don't feel like it. just know it was like big thief dragon, ethel preachers daughter, and maggie rogers surrender top 3 charters of all time so far. let's see how this year treats all of them!
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