#yes i know Five guys is a fast food restaurant
danystargaryens · 4 months
everytime i talk to someone from another country. i always say if i need to say a brand name, i will always go with: oh this name is a makeup store in my country! Or a restaurant here! Cause how else would a person from another country, know that?? then i talk to an american and go: oh yeah i just went to Five guys. like. IDK WHAT THAT IS? HELLO?? If i wasn’t as online as i am, i would literally be so confused.
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I love the idea of Richie always making fun of how sweet carmy is to you but he litterally can't help it because he's so in love with you so he just blushes and tells Richie to fuck off
Lovesick puppy
He can't help it, poor guy. He just loves you and it just happens. Holding the door open for you. Always stopping to listen to what you have to say. Shrugging off his jacket to wrap it over your shoulders. Making your food even during rush hours. But then it's the way Carmen can't help but bring you into any and every conversation. "Oh, but Y/N said", and "Y/N.. we could just call her, she knows".
And Richie he clocked onto that so fast. And he's so happy that his cousin has finally found the one. He too knows that lovesick puppy look. He catches the way Carmen looks at you when you're not watching or when you speak. He's captivated as if all the world's miracles are now in front of him. As if there's nothing else around him but you.
But he's Richie so he has to... You know, a must to tease. It starts with him just pointing out every time Carmy is lost admiring you. He would come up to him, brushing a napkin onto Carmen's chin, "You're drooling, man", and Camren would snatch the napkin, flipping him off. Then it's the, "Oh, you won't say anything else? You won't mention Y/N?" when Carmen doesn't say your name in a conversation he is having with Richie or someone else. Checking Carmen's temperature when he doesn't lean to smile at his phone for longer than ten minutes, "Fuck off, Richie", Carmen growls.
But baby boy is just so in love he simply can't help it. Every part of him craves you. He feels the most himself when he's around you. So yeah, he is smiling as bright as the Christmas tree when you walk through the restaurant door later at night. And yes, he's dropping whatever he's been doing just so he could wrap you up in a hug and kiss your lips a couple of times. Enjoying the giddy, bubbly feeling in his stomach.
"Happy to report that he only mentioned you 78 times today, five times less than yesterday", Richie calls out already smirking. Carmy's grip on you tightens but you only laugh, "Dangit... Are you feeling out of love with me??", you cup Carmy's face, giggling. He shakes his head in disbelief. "I've missed you", Carmy whispers, pressing his forehead to yours. You look up at him smiling, "Missed you two, bear".
"Use protection, kids, surprise conception is a real thing", Richie shouts. "Oh, fuck off, for real", Carmen barks back, only causing Richie to laugh harder. "Ignore him, he's not getting any", Carmen shakes his head but before you can answer Richie's voice booms through the place again, "Heard that and just to be clear. You're getting too much because you're as soft as a fucking buttercream frosting, cousin".
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Mkay fuckers time for solangelo HCs.
nico tries to pick up a musical instrument to try it (coughcough IMPRESS WILL) but quits. spoiler: he's not good at it.
nico does not in fact live on just mcdonalds all day actually, but he eats fast food in general.
will does not like this and constantly lectures nico. nico does not care.
but will defo has his junk food moments. oh boy.
when will studied for med school, he was really stressed. REALLY STRESSED. because sure, your dad being the god of healing and all is great, but apollo is also the god of poetry and that's been.....well....terrible.
nico knows how stressed he is and does the small things to make him feel better. make him a sandwich (nico cannot cook). bring him coffee. a pair of pjs once.
will (before studying for med) would constantly urge nico to improve his mental health. now nico teases will because the roles are reversed.
when will gets into med school, nico takes will out to eat at his favourite mexican restaurant.
will solace is a swiftie. but he's selective about the songs he listens to. like?? this man is going to be YELLING to tolerate it and right where you left me and nico is all like 'what are you on about'
but ofc nico is such a lil nas x fan (canon??) and will teases him about it. neeks also tried jojo siwa but was cringing after watching karma.
so uh. marriage.
they wait till their late thirties to get married. and nico totally proposed.
see nico has been waiting to call will his husband forever and godammit, will was taking too long, so he got a fresh pressed suit, a nice ring, and a nice place to propose.
will is SHOCKED. he says yes ofc but he did NOT except nico to do it at the time he did.
hades and apollo were delighted. hades left thanatos incharge while he attended the wedding (ahem big mistake)
apollo was soo proud and constantly teased will for liking an emo dude and will is like dad. your ex is a fucking flower.
apollo dramatically sobs.
so apollo comes in this suuuper hot god form to the wedding hoping to find someone but all the guest guys were in established relationships and the women were straight.
the enbies and people of other genders were not impressed by apollo.
they dont adopt kids for a whileeeeee. but they do and its this five year old and he warms up to them pretty quickly.
i really couldve done better on this smh
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itzynabi · 1 year
late night adventure
summary: in which eve forgets the code for her dorm and gets taken out
set: late april 2022
word count: 1.8k
warnings: mention of food and i think that's it
an: another mediocre scenario from me. i've been working on this one for some time so i'm glad for it to finally be out. i dont know anything about seoul's geography so bare with me. feedback and reblogs are much appreciated 💘
eve’s masterlist
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“Unnie, do you remember the code to my door?”
“What?” Sooyoung asked.
Eve shifted from her position on the floor against her apartment door. She finished a practice for glassy and just got home, but forgot the code to the door. After trying to guess it, she succumbed to her fate and just called Sooyoung.
“My door. The code. I’m locked out,” she explained.
“Why didn’t you ask your members?”
“When I left the company building, they arrived for their dance practice and they’re not going to be checking their phones.”
Sooyoung hummed. “Okay. I’ll come fetch you.”
Eve blinked. “I didn’t ask you to fe–” cutting herself off, she shook her head. “I just need the code. I know you know it because I know I told you.”
There was shuffling on Sooyoung’s end of the call. “Don’t worry, I’ll come fetch you.” She pulled the phone away from her ear and started speaking to someone near her, her voice muffled. “It should take about twenty minutes to get there.”
“Ahjumma, is your hearing okay? I just need the code, you don’t need to fetch me.”
“Do you have a change of clothes in your bag?”
“Wha– yes, I do, but that’s not what I need. I nee–”
“I'll call you again when I’m five minutes away,” Sooyoung said.
Eve blinked her eyes really fast. “Okay. Bye, I love you.”
“I love you too, bye.”
They hung up, Eve standing in the hallway, wondering how life turned into this.
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“Were you guys having a date?” Eve asked from the backseat of Sooyoung’s car.
In the front was Sooyoung, who was driving, and Jung Kyungho, Sooyoung’s boyfriend. She was quite surprised to also see him in the car when Sooyoung picked her up.
“It wasn’t a date,” Kyungho answered. “We were just spending time together.”
“Was it a romantic time?”
He nodded. “Yes.”
“Then it was a date,” Eve said.
Sooyoung shook her head. “No, it wasn’t a date.”
“Date or no date, I’m sorry for interrupting your night. I don’t really know why I’m even in the car right now, all I wanted was the code to my dorm.”
Kyungho waved her off. “No, no, no. It’s okay. Sooyoung can be stubborn.” He checked something on his phone. “Have you had dinner yet?”
Eve squinted her eyes as she thought, trying to remember. “Would a chocolate bar count as dinner? Because if so, then yes,” she said with a smile.
He shook his head. “That won’t do.” He placed his hand over Sooyoung’s on the gear shift. “Jagi, let’s go get dinner. She only ate a chocolate bar, which is not a meal,” he directed that part to Eve, who raised her hands in surrender. He looked back at Sooyoung, continuing, “And she ate lunch at… what time?”
“Two thirty,” Eve answered, causing Kyungho to groan.
“At two thirty! We need to get her food!” He insisted.
“Okay, okay,” Sooyoung conceded. “I was going to agree earlier, but you just kept talking. What makes you think I’d let her starve? Her brother would kill me.” She turned to face Eve as they approached a red light. “What do you want to eat?”
“Um…” Eve thought. “Oh! There’s a restaurant I’ve been wanting to try, let me just find it.” She pulled out her phone, scrolling through her open tabs on Google. “Rolling Rice Kitchen Hongdae.”
“What do they sell?”
“Rice, I think.”
Kyungho started laughing. “How can you want to go to a restaurant when you don’t know what they sell?”
“I saw a photo of the food and it looked nice!” She defended herself. “I’m sorry I didn’t cross analyse the menu. Next time, I’ll know what to do. Is there anything else I should make sure to check?”
“Do they have meat?” Kyungho responded, playing along with Eve, who rolled her eyes and groaned.
“I don’t know,” she answered. “We can find out if the driver takes us there.”
They both looked to Sooyoung, who had been ignoring them ever since Eve said the restaurant name.
“Driver-nim,” Kyungho started, “please take us to the restaurant. My curiosity has been piqued.”
“Please, driver-nim,” Eve added. “It would mean so much to us if you took us there.”
“Alright, alright!” Sooyoung said. “I thought there was only one child in this car, but there appears to be two.”
“So are we going?” He asked.
She rolled her eyes. “What’s the address?”
Eve rattled off the address as Kyungho put it in the GPS. When they arrived at the restaurant, they were seated at a table and a menu was given to them shortly. They all ordered similar dishes and a plate of bulgogi kimbap to share.
“Didn’t you already eat dinner?” Eve asked, taking a bite of her food.
Sooyoung nodded. “It’s rude to make someone eat by themself.”
Kyungho made an agreeing noise as he reached for another kimbap. “That’s true. We’re eating for your benefit.”
Eve squinted her eyes at them. “I’m not going to say anything because I’m enjoying my food too much.”
They continued to eat in silence, only talking to decide who would eat the last kimbap (Eve ended up getting it because she was the reason they even went there.) When they were done, Kyungho paid after having to fight Eve’s hand away from offering her card to the waiter. They gathered their things and soon left after that.
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“Are you colourblind?” Sooyoung asked. She was in the backseat with Kyunho as Eve offered to drive home after eating. The traffic light had turned green and she found fault with the fact that Eve took more than half a second to start driving again.
“The light just turned green,” Eve argued. “Just for that, I’m not moving. Hopefully, you’ll have learnt your lesson by the next green light.” She pulled the key out the ignition, crossing her arms over her chest.
There weren’t that many cars on the street, otherwise she’d have no choice but to drive. Sooyoung started kicking Eve’s chair in protest, Kyungho trying his best to get her to stop. The light soon turned yellow, then red, meaning Eve couldn’t drive.
“Well, I can’t go anywhere now,” she commented, scratching her head.
Sooyoung groaned. “You’re a headache.”
“I love you too.”
When the light turned green, Eve waited five seconds before driving off. Kyungho gave her directions to Sooyoung’s apartment. Upon arrival, they all excited the car and rode the elevator up to her level, soon entering her apartment unit.
“Go to my room and sleep there,” Sooyoung told Eve when they arrived, speaking quietly to not wake her dogs. Kyungho slipped past the two to find blankets.
“Why?” Eve asked.
“You’re a guest,” Sooyoung explained.
Eve looked from Sooyoung to the hallway leading to her room. “I don’t want to.”
Sooyoung groaned as Kyungho brought out blankets for the couch. “It’s too late for me to debate with you, just go.”
“Where are you two going to sleep?”
“On the couch.”
Eve gasped, nearly falling over. “How could you do that? You can’t do that! Maybe you might survive, but Kyungho oppa is too old to be sleeping on your couch.”
Kyungho looked up from laying the blankets on the couch. “I almost swore at you,” he said.
“Oppa, how old are you?”
“Wow, he’s basically a senior citizen. Your boyfriend is a senior citizen and you want to force him to sleep on the couch? That’s so cold.”
“Nabi, just go sleep in my room.”
“You’re not even couch heighted,” Eve argued, sitting on the couch. “Your legs will dangle off the edge. I mean, the entire reason you brought me here is because you wanted me to sleep nicely, right?” She waited for Sooyoung to nod before continuing, “And it would make me sleep nicely knowing you’re sleeping nicely. In your bed.”
“You really want to sleep on the couch?”
Eve nodded.
“You’re not going to complain about any back pain in the morning?”
“I most definitely am and we both know that.”
“You’re going to be comfortable here?”
Sooyoung sighed. “Fine. I’m letting you sleep on the couch.”
“We both know I was gonna sleep here anyway.”
Kyungho watched in confusion as Sooyoung helped Eve put the blankets nicely on the couch and set up the pillows. When Eve went to the bathroom to change into comfier clothes, he tapped Sooyoung’s arm.
“Why did you let it go so easily?” He asked. “She should sleep in the bed.”
“Nabi is more stubborn than me,” she explained. “When she says she doesn’t want to do something, that means she’s thought about it probably a thousand times before coming to her decision. And convincing her to change her mind is a hassle. It takes three hours to get her to keep quiet and stop arguing, then another hour to say your piece. And what you say in that hour is very important because she will stop listening the second she hears something she doesn’t like.” Sooyoung sighed. “If it weren’t so annoying, I’d be in awe of her.”
“Yeah. And it’s already going to twelve, I don’t have it in me to debate with her.” She pointed at the watch on her wrist as she spoke.
Eve soon reappeared in sweatpants and a baggy shirt. She put her bag against the couch and got in the covers.
“Are you going to watch me until I fall asleep?” She asked the couple watching over her from in front of the TV stand.
Kyungho cleared his throat, slowly beginning to walk away. “No, I’ll get ready for bed now. Goodnight, Nabi.”
“Goodnight, oppa. I love you.”
He stopped in his tracks, shocked. A heartwarming smile crept onto his face as he replied, “I love you too.” He walked down the hallway, disappearing behind the door to Sooyoung’s room.
“And you ahjumma?”
“I’m just making sure you don’t end up rolling off the couch,” Sooyoung answered.
Eve chuckled. “I’ll be fine. I promise. You must go to sleep. I’ve already bothered you enough.”
“I wouldn’t say you bothered me,” Sooyoung joked. “What time do you need to leave tomorrow?”
“Seven in the morning. I told my manager to pick me up at a convenience store nearby, don’t worry. You can sleep and be with your boyfriend.”
Sooyoung groaned. “Oh, you’re so annoying.”
“Only for you.” Eve blew her a kiss.
Sooyoung chuckled, shaking her head. “Goodnight, Nabi.”
“Goodnight, unnie,” Eve replied. “Oh! But before you go to sleep, I have to ask you something. You brought me over because you forgot the pin to my dorm, right.”
Sooyoung rolled her eyes as she walked away. “I love you.”
Eve laughed as she responded, “I love you too, ahjumma!”
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tagging: @seolboba // @ateezivy // @ateezjuliet // @cafemilk-tea // @smh-anon // @alixnsuperstxr
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©️ kim nabi
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prongsmydeer · 6 months
Ayesha Liveblogs Hidden Agenda S1
I will not lie to you, I am watching this entirely for the fact it stars Tony from the Warp Effect
"I will get back my five minutes. When that time comes, I will let you know." Seems like an extreme overreaction to imply you want some sort of physical favour for missing a few minutes of studio time, but hey, I'm not a musician!
Much like Pat, I also feel like I've walked in the middle of something
LMAO @ the opening theme suggesting there's only one woman in this whole show, but I guess if I want women, I should choose a different genre
"As I've told you guys, I'll deal with the Nita situation my way." You know that post that's like 'I'm bisexual, by which I mean I'm physically terrified of dating men and emotionally terrified of dating women?' That's Zo
"Joke used to date Nita. Maybe he can help you out." Ah, I think we have arrived at the premise
I really want to know what's going on between these two because they are really acting like We Have A History:
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Nita talking to a female classmate who is fully offscreen because she's the only woman on this show HAHAHA
"Why did you freak out like that?" said Pok, as if he had not jumped on a man holding a full cup of coffee
Not the debate club of the political science faculty!! This is far too relatable to my university experience LOL (also RUN Nita this is a terrible dating pool)
So far, mostly Joke's role has been to pop up out of nowhere to taunt Zo about being romantically inept, like a particularly Rude Flirtation Ghost
"I'm not sure, [Joke] might have a problem with me." If by 'problem' you mean a semi-hostile leetle crush, Zo, u right
Fellas, is it romantic to lean into ur crush and whisper in their ear that they have no spine?
[Taylor Swift voice] I think I've seen this film before:
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I've said this before but: If your friends leave you alone at a bar while ur plastered, get new friends!!!
Awwww Joke taking the 5 minutes to clear up a misunderstanding with Zo is the first sincere thing he's done in this show
SCREAM why did you make one of the romantic leads punch the other? I know he's drunk but COME ON. WHO LIKES SOMEONE WHO PUNCHES THEM IN THE FACE FOR NO REAL REASON
At least he's apologizing right away???? What a bold first ep
Yes, I do know in Bad Buddy (also by GMMTV) they were starting with street brawls, but that's different, it was their faculities fighting, not like one guy doing it unsolicited
LMAO I can't believe the punch was a plot device to give Zo a reason to follow Joke around wanting forgiveness
"If you just leave it as it is, it won't heal quickly." It was ALSO a plot device for intricate rituals for touching the skin of other men
"Who said I don't like you?" "You repeatedly gave me harsh words during our freshman year." Ohhhhh so their history is that tweet with Joke not knowing how to deal with his crush and writing Zo a letter that says, 'get out of my school'
You know, I do enjoy the Share My Drink So We Can Start a Weird Dating Mentorship Pact. It's fun! It's like a blood ritual but for stupid bisexual guys. Or a marriage, take your pick
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"I can't eat anything here, right?" Dkljdlkjdd is Zo just a very picky eater? Vietnamese food isn't even like a polar opposite to Thai food in my experience, it's still Southeast Asian cuisine?? Also I have definitely had fresh spring rolls from Thai restaurants LOL
"My peer mentor is the best!" For some reason, I did think Pok was older than Zo at first sight
The more time that Zo and Joke spend in the debate room, the more Zo's personality (a mild pain in the ass) makes sense
HHAHAHAHAH is Zo dream-sequencing about kissing him? I didn't think we'd get here so fast
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Oh psych, it's Joke's dream sequence. That tracks, but my god, get it together Joke, this guy punched you like yesterday
"No, let's get something to eat." Joke said: If we stay in this debate room any longer I WILL kiss you, Zo, and then it'll be both of our problems
I like that they haven't done ANYTHING to talk about Nita all day. They're just hanging out hahahaha
"Why would you come [to my gig]? It's not the right place for practice." "You'll see." Colour me intrigued about Zo's plan
Joke alternating between singing scales and practicing debate intros is so me. I am so him
Joke's cousin laughing at him but cheering him on for debate while handing off the key card is the true family representation I need from these shows
Trin is also P'Dim from 2gether and Captain from the Warp Effect so this is really the first role I've seen Guy Sivakorn in that he's not at least a little nefarious
"This is your home turf. Trust me, you can do it, Joke." Awww I like that Zo is teaching debate techniques through a medium he feels more comfortable with, which is music performance
I like that Zo has also made himself designated driver! Always appreciate someone staunchly against drinking and driving
"I told you who my crush was." "You told me voluntarily. I didn't ask," said Joke, like he didn't eavesdrop on Zo in a bus and then accost him to confirm what he heard
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"Why would you want to join this club? I don't get it at all." "I'll explain later." Will you Joke? Because every explanation for this situation makes you sound a little crazy. 1) I am helping a guy to date you, Nita, so I need to be in this club to make that work or, more honestly 2) I like a guy in this club, but he wants to date you, so I'm in this club to spend time with him, while hoping that I don't help him enough to date you
A relationship with a hidden agenda is such a broad topic for someone's first debate. Talk about school uniforms, or fracking, or a legitimate social issue. Also also also. Do they not have a structure for this debate? Where are the themes, the motions, the timed speeches. Even if Thai debate is different from the styles I know, there should still be a structure. Why they just rebutting ceaselessly back and forth? All this for a title reference. Which debate nerd signed off on this!!
"To me, a hidden agenda is a secret." You have to decide the definitions at the top of the debate, or else you can't have one!! Writers team, I'm sending you a passionate telegram
It is fun how Joke is always standing like, 6 inches from Zo's face at every opportunity and you can see Zo getting progressively more distracted each time
The English dialogue and PowerPoint caught me off guard:
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Honestly, as bananas as this is, I feel like Joke really does have the opportunity to Build-A-Boyfriend here, which does tickle me
Zo every time Joke stands too close: Not now, gay thoughts!
"But if you never try new things, how will you know what suits you?" Like dating men, said Joke, in the subtext
I don't actually like Zo's white jacket, but I appreciate that all of these outings are giving him an opportunity for both new things and confidence-building
"Well, look at him. We might need an exorcism. He must be possessed." Pat absolutely losing it because his friend showed up slightly hotter than he was the day before:
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"Your task is to plan a mock date with Nita. I'll be there to fine tune the details." "Wait a minute. So you're telIing me you'd play Nita, and I'd be... dating you." Oh, I love a mock date
Zo crashing his bike because he's too busy making eyes at Joke LMAOOOO
I LOVE the pottery painting date and Zo giggling because he tried to clean paint off Joke's face but he made it worse
If a man tried to order for me on a date, immediate red flag LOL
"Stay true to who you are on your first date." Every bit of advice that Joke gives is genuinely helpful
"Would you like to go on a date with me?" [Joke freezes and then leaves immediately] Truly a congratulations, you played yourself moment
Two dudes, standing in a library, 6 inches apart bc they are bi:
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Reading someone your favourite book while sitting together in the library stacks IS emotionally intimate. Good job, Zo!
We interrupt this program to say: Hee hee
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Zo, beelining for the bathroom: Something LGBT just happened to meeeeee
It only took Zo three episodes to realize that dating someone might lead to you being attracted to them, good for him!
Debate club members using school activities to trick people into a date really brings back some war flashbacks for me
"The portrayal of women is quite antiquated. If I were in Clytie's place, I wouldn't just wait. If someone doesn't want to be with you, they simply don't. The sun will never look at you. Isn't it better to look for someone who truly values you?" I love Nita
"First is passion. Second is intimacy. And third is commitment." I do enjoy a Romantic Realization montage
Zo said: The best way to deal with my newfound romantic feelings is to run away to Chiang Khan
Joke said: Great! I'll come with you. To which Zo said: That's not what I meant!!! U r not helping the crush crisis
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LOL when they subtitled them bowing to the monk with "Vulnerable" did they mean "Venerable"?
I was wondering if Nu was a Thai honourific but upon googling it is a diminutive meaning "mouse" or, contextually somewhat like being someone you just met calling you baby
"When a person is sad, he needs some alone time." "Have you tried being someone else's company? It might be better than being on yotur own." Touché, Joke
I did not expect Jeng and Pok to already be dating. Points for surprise!
Awwwww Pok looks v nervous, is he worried about Zo finding out that he'd dating a man? Don't worry Pok, he's also kinda dating a man, in a very convoluted way
If there's one thing Joke will do, it is button not even HALF of his shirt. Tiddies out always. Respect
"But Pok and I are close. He's my peer mentee. Finding out like this feels off. Am I not trustworthy?" I really did think that Zo was stankfacing Pok for just crashing the date-cation, and not because he was concerned about not having known Pok was gay. Also babygirl, with greatest affection, it really isn't your business why or when someone comes out to you, or doesn't
"I just don't want to make anyone uncomfortable." Awww Zo
"Stop giving each other doe eyes." Zo and Joke have been CAUGHT and CALLED OUT hahaha
I am also Team Glass Floors Are Scary. I feel closer to Joke with every passing minute
Zo laughing while still helping Joke through his fear is my love language:
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"The first photo Pok and I took together is in that wallet." Maybe I'm just from the age of digital cameras, but I feel like that is not what would stress me out about losing my wallet LOL
Joke trying to recreate the sunset for Zo. SWEET BOY
"When I look at you, you make people around you happy. They smile, and at ease. You bring a warm and comforting vibe with you." Joke comparing Zo to the sun!!!!! ROMANCE
"Aren't we all the protagonists of our own shows?" How meta
The tinkling of bells while Zo eats grilled rice for no reason. Beautiful sound editing
I love these guys talking to their friends about their concerns, both in Joke pointing out to Jeng that just because Pok is willing to be closeted for now, doesn't means he feels good about it, and Zo establishing that Pok doesn't need to talk about anything before he's ready, but Zo is there to help
"From your perspective, what kind of person am I?" Joke said: Do you like me? Check ☒ yes or ☐ no
"You should let yourself express your feelings sometimes." This is both good advice and a possible romantic segue, Joke can multi-task
"Do you think... if your heart races whenever you're around someone, does that mean you have feelings for that person?" Zo said: Do I like you? Check ☒ yes or ☐ no
Zo said: Actually, never mind, the answer is yes:
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I really look forward to Zo trying to explain himself after this
"I wanted to know what you were doing, but you didn't answer me." Based on how this bus ride is going, I feel like they did not have a conversation about the kiss
"I'm sorry. But I think we should keep things the same between us." Zo said: I will NOT be elaborating on our kiss at this time xoxo, goodbye!
Replying, "Mom, I got a lot of snacks?" to "Did you go there alone?" is a MUCH more suspicious answer than saying you went with a friend (who you're kissing and dating and having feelings for, but I digress)
"Should I put water on it?" "No, that'll fill the room with smoke!" GHKJHGKJHGG Joke trying to help with the burning food but not having a clue what to do. Mood
WikiHow Article: What Do When Your Crush and Close Friend That You Kissed and Are Now Avoiding Like the Plague Shows Up in Your Dorm Room Wearing Matching Aprons with Your Mom
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"If it's too hot, take it slow. Try these dishes, they aren't spicy." Oh how the food suggestions turntables
"I wasn't exaggerating. I genuinely think you're exceptional." Get you a man who hypes you up like Joke
Fellas, is it gay to hold hands and gaze deeply into your homie's eyes while doing the dishes?
"I don't know how I feel about you. And there's this whole thing with Nita. I don't want to say things that I might regret later. Can you give me a bit of time to figure it out?" COMMUNICATION
Joke karaokeing out his romantic woes. Me too, buddy
"Knowing how you feel might help him make a decision." Joke said: How dare you make an excellent point, Jeng
"When did you realize that you were into Jeng?" Awww, Zo is trying to sort out his feelings
One (1) kiss with Joke cured Zo of all his nervousness around Nita
Joke showing the debate club his goofy side just to make Zo smile
"I'm looking." "Where? You're only looking at my face." Truly these two sitting beside each other in debate club is a big hazard to their focus
"I want to love the toad. Does the toad love me?" Crazy lead-in to telling you have feelings for someone by comparing them to a frog. I am in love with Joke
It makes me happy how much Zo is a true debate nerd
"The topic for today is school uniforms: Pro or con?" I told you it was a classic!
"I felt bad about kissing you, avoiding you, and being the idiot I've been. Despite all that, you still helped me." Zo says: Stop being nice to me or I WILL fall in love with you
"I like you, Zo. I'll make you see that I really like you. I want to make you see that you like me too. Let me win you over." Roooomance
The most unrealistic thing that's happened in this series thus far is them pretending that this pillow looks at ALL like a sunflower. Could the props department not have at least found some felt and tried their best?
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"I'm still in shock," said Zo, about Joke trying to win him over, as if he had not been the one who kissed Joke first bkjgjhgkjhg
"You guys don't seem all that surprised, especially you." Has Pat been pulling some shenanigans this whole time? He was the one who kept saying Zo should ask Joke for help
"What did you do as a kid?" "I stayed home, did homework, and went to tutoring classes." Nerd ❤️
Zo said: You must beat me at ten arcade games to earn emotional honesty on this date
And Joke replied: Let's do it baby, I love winning AND talking about our feelings
"Why are you forcing stuff on Zo? If he doesn't want to eat it, drop it." Honestly this is also how I'd react if someone was trying to make my friend eat food they didn't ask for, Kot. There's a fine line between expanding your horizons and ignoring someone's preferences
"Do you think it's right to pick a fight with Kot like that?" [Zo as the Spice Girls voice] If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends
"You can do what you want, but respect boundaries. As for the food, I know you meant well. You wanted me to try something new. But you need to understand that I don't like it. People don't like things they don't like." I'm glad Zo is establishing boundaries. We love a healthy heart-to-heart
"I know that you're in a bad mood. You're not ready to listen. Take some time to cool down. I believe you'll get what I'm trying to say." I just love the entire vibe of this conversation. The confidence, clarity, empathy, honesty. Go Zo!!!!
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Ohhhhh, was Joke never dating Nita at all??? Just protecting her from this weirdo who leaves her haunting sticky notes
"After that, rumours about Nita and me started. I didn't bother clearing them." You know, now that I think about it, Joke never did say he dated Nita LOLLLLL
"You didn't really want Nita." Bold take, Joke, how are you gonna mansplain Zo's feelings
"I had feelings for you." HAHA Zo confessing to Nita in past tense
"Thank you for the feelings you had for me, even if they were just admiration." KJHGKJGH Zo said: Joke was right, I am not in love with you, you are simply the Zendaya of this school
God, this metaphor of Zo being the sun and Joke being a sunflower is getting to me. I LOVE SUNFLOWERS
"I'd be so lost without you," said Zo, after Joke simply handed him a glass of water HAHAHAH
"Just be yourself. Being you is more than enough." STOP THEY'RE SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!! You win this round, drunk punch debate show
Oh I do love their little hand holds. And Zo being the one to reach out:
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"Yes, I am [single]. I can give you my Line ID." Jeng, how is Joke, who is not even officially dating Zo yet, better at turning people down than you, who has been with your boyfriend for like a year? Bananas behaviour
This show is capturing the very real sentiment of visiting a man's apartment and going, "Damn, you live like this?"
Zo taking food from Joke's chopsticks instead of getting his own because he wants to flirt. Hee hee
Lmao @ Zo looking surprised at Joke asking him how he feels about him as if that's not the natural progression from Zo saying he doesn't have feelings for Nita
Zo every time things become a little too romantic: I gotta go to the bathroom
It's fun that they have already slept in the same bed without even it being a big thing before but this time is different because they are Romantically Involved
"Why did you choose this place for our date?" Hee hee amusement park date. First official date!!
Joke saying he's not scared of he amusement park when he is in fact, very scared and motion sick, is very funny
I'm surprised it's taken this long to get to an Obviously Sponsored Segment. They lasted seven episodes!:
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"I think... I think I like you." Awwwwww so Zo has liked guys before, it's just didn't work out with this guy Puen
Being dumped on a moving merry-go-round by a guy who was leading you on because Puen "just thought it'd be fun" is BRUTAL. No wonder Zo asks Joke if he's serious about them 14 times a day
"Maybe that's why I'm afraid to confess my feelings to anyone." True, this actually does add some context to Zo's interactions with both Nita and Joke
"You're just like my grandma," said Joke, which is both a delightful implication his grandmother also laughs at him for being a scaredy cat and a wild thing to say to your crush
They said: Fear not, if you are missing the kissing, we will offer you some JengPok kisses
Bold choice for them to choose to end this date with an introduction to Joke's grandma, but I suppose she was part of theme of the day
"Why is he wearing your shirt? Did you spend the night together?" Also a bold choice for in front of grandma
"I'll come over tomorrow for round two. I'm not backing down that easy." Zo said: Meet me in the ring, Joke's Grandma, I WILL make you love me
"Your partner has to be a fighter. It wouldn't last otherwise." Grandma said: I bully your future boyfriend as a litmus test for his strength of character. He passed!
"You need to step up your game, Joke. Because I'm kind of fond of this one." HAHAHA Grandma dunking on Joke for them not being together yet
Also, all of Grandma's outfits are INCREDIBLE
I repeat, if there's one thing that Joke will do, it's take his tits out at the first opportunity:
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Awwww Zo helping Joke to "recharge his battery" by giving him a tighter hug
Fjkfhkjfhkfjh what's going on with Zo, passing out in his living room and getting nauseous over chicken? I mean, relatable, but what's up. Overworking or is he coming down with something specific?
Update from 1 minute later: Overworking, apparently
It's fun that we've progressed from pottery painting to making your own pottery and then painting it. It's symbolic. Also Zo putting a sunflower on his cup!!
"Honestly, I felt something for you too." Coffee Shop Carthasis ft. Puen the Ex-Situationship, perhaps?
"Are you planning any late-night funny business?" I think this Joke's way of saying, 'Please kiss me again'
Also I love that they just hold hands as they walk around now
"Thank you for coming into my life. Thank you for trying to win me over. No, I should say, thank you for being my boyfriend." AYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
HAHAHA Zo closing the door only to yank him in for a quick make-out and shove him back out again:
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I feel like the anonymous breathy phone calls to Joke have to be the same guy who keeps sending Nita haunting sticky notes. He's an equal opportunity harrasser, I guess
Them hanging out in bed just to cuddle. I looooooove
[Pat as Joke] "Darling I, miss you." [Kot as Zo] "I do not want to go to class, Joke. I hate being away from you." Hahahaha Zo's friends pretending not to look at Joke and Zo while they flirt but then immediately reenacting their flirting as soon as Zo sits down. 10/10 friendship
Something I haven't really talked about in the past 8 eps but that has consistently been happening is that every time Zo is thinking very hard he kind of stares into space with his mouth slightly open like :o It is very awkward and endearing
NOT Zo making class friends with Poom the Stalker
Zo play-biting Joke's hands while he has his arm around him is also one of my love languages
Convenient of Poom to send an incredibly threatening message confirming that he was stalking Nita, Zo, and Joke at the exact time he would be at Zo's apartment
I know it's necessary to resolve the storyline but I would like them to get rid of Poom ASAP
Poom smashing their special date mugs >:( He is not only a gross, harassing stalker, but also just a run-of-the-mill douchebag
I'm glad Nita gets to see Poom (James) get his ass beat by Joke and then taken away in a police car
"Until you're ready, I can wait." [Zo immediately kisses him] Zo said: I've thought about it for ten seconds, and it turns out I'm ready now!
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"How can a couple have a secret relationship that goes on and on?" Nine episodes in, Pok and Jeng are finally dealing with the festering romantic resentment of Jeng being so closeted he is actively leading on women
"Although you don't plan on dating her, you can't just go around acting like you're single." A really reasonable point, Joke
"I see a knot between your eyes." "You can be a masseuse." Meanwhile, Joke and Zo are in their sappy couple era, good for them:
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Not Pat and Joke being caught shenanigan-ing about Zo. Eep!!!
I can understand why Zo is upset. If you found out that the moments that felt organic and meaningful to your relationship (impromptu trip to Chiang Khan, even Zo coming to Joke for help, all ochestrated via secret texts) were actually planned with one of your friends and your partner scheming to get you together, that would really make you take a pause and reevaluate
"You and I still have things to discuss." "Discuss what? Why am I out of the loop?" Kot being the only one who isn't In Trouble with Zo LOL
"How should I be feeling? My best friend pimping me out to you!" That's a rough but fair way to phrase it, Zo
I am also 100% on Zo's side here, he has, at best, been told many lies of omission, and at worst, had his feelings and boundaries disrespected by his loved ones, and he's given Joke so many opportunities to tell him. Joke minimizing is not helping, and it's kind of Zo to not immediately dump his ass
"During the debate tournament, you may get a topic that doesn't align with your beliefs." That's true, it's like 50-50 at any given time LOL
Also: If I were watching these debate interactions you best believe me and the besties are debriefing about the debationships
"Grilled Rice, tell me, what should I do?' Props to Joong for keeping a straight face
Yeah, Pat and Joke, Zo is mad at you for lying, but luring him into a mascot flash mob in his classroom with another lie with fix it
Also I didn't mention it but if for some reason you've gotten this far without seeing the show, Pat fell down the stairs after Zo caught him in the lie, that's why the furthest dog is on crutches:
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"Zo is mad because you lied to him. But your apology is another lie? Enough already." THANK YOU KOT
I'm not even sure that at any point Joke has said, "I'm sorry," so my opinion is that he should, in this order, say: 1) I'm sorry for lying to you. It hurt you, I realize that now. It wasn't fair to you. 2) If you can, please tell me more so we can make sure all your concerns are heard. 3) What, if anything, can I do to start rebuilding trust? What do you need from me? Space, access to my messages, an explanation of how me and Pat know each other
"I know you understand me." "I know. I've been so understanding. Even though I'm not fine with it, I try to be." I actually like the B couple conflict much more than the main couple conflict, at least Pok and Jeng both have legitimate sides
"I was blind to how my selfishness hurt you. I need you in my life. I can't live without you. You are my everything. I promise I'll make this right. I will fix this for you. I'm sorry." Now THAT is an apology. 1) Say you're sorry 2) Acknowledge and address the concerns being raised and 3) Change your behaviour!
Jeng coming out to the football club to assure Pok he's serious about them. ❣️
"I was just helping Joke get close to you. When you started dating, I did nothing to influence either of you. But it was wrong to keep it from you, to go behind you back. I was supposed to be a friend you can trust. I'm really sorry, Zo." Pat also knows how to give an apology. 2 down, 1 to go!
"I'm really sorry. I've done you wrong all this time, but I never apologized. You don't have to forgive me for this. But I promise I won't lie to you or hide anything from you again. You may not believe me now, but I'll prove it to you. FINALLYYYYYY JOKE. IT TOOK YOU SO MANY TRIES
Gjkljgkgjlgk Zo gently informing him, 'Yeah stupid, I was waiting!'
"Absolutely no lip contact for a month." HAHAHA. Good for Zo. Also I give them a week
If we count play-kissing, it took them like 50 seconds
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I appreciate whoever captioned ep 10, because not only did they caption the dialectical differences or accents from where Zo is from versus Bangkok, they also made sure those captions sit higher on the screen the default English caption height, so you can see both without moving it. GOOD JOB!
"Zo, where are you? Why aren't you here at my house?" Hahaha Zo has earned his place in Joke's Grandma's Favourites (Joke is not included)
"You'll need fuel for an intensive tutoring session tonight." "Maybe ease up a touch?" Can confirm, this is a relatable Asian parent-child dynamic
"By the way, I've got a debate topic in mind for tonight. Childhood trauma from parental conflicts results in troubled adults." Wow, a little on the nose, but true, Mrs. Zo's Mum
None of these guys follow any structure when it comes to debate. Normally, you get a topic, you take a few minutes to prep your arguments, THEN you start arguing. You don't just automatically keep rebutting back and forth. How can Zo be expected to speak to his arguments after like less than 10 seconds of thought? Unreasonable!
"I can play [football] anywhere. It doesn't have to be that club." Maybe Jeng should go to Sarawat and Tine's school, where more than half of any given sports team is at least somewhat gay
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Pok crying because he realizes being out makes Jeng's life a lot harder :'(
"One day you'll find that love will make the impossible possible. This too shall pass. It will." I'm glad Zo has a good relationship with his dad
It's a good thing that Zo likes Joke so much, or showing up out of the blue at his house could've gone over a lot more poorly
"Your parents seem chill." Famous last words, Joke, I tell ya
Also, I do appreciate how evident it is that Zo DOES want Joke here
If there's a trope I will never get tired of, it's sneaky hook-ups in your childhood home as adults. In practice, maybe a lil stressful. In fiction, VERY FUN
"Your mom's pretty intense, huh?" [Tonelessly] "Yeah, but I'm used to it." Oh, Zo, I know the voice of childhood trauma when I hear it
The fact that everything with Puen also made Zo's relationship with his mum worse. No wonder he plays things so close to the chest
"I get it completely. Your family and mine are not so different." That explains why Joke spends all of his time at his grandma's and not with his parents
"I've got your back from now on." Sometimes that's all you need. Empathy and back-up
"Happy birthday!" "You knew?" He went to see Zo because it was his birthday!! They are sooooooooooo
Also, Zo said: The kissing embargo does not count on birthdays
Woo for Zo getting debate club presidency for this year!!!
"What did he do that made you hate him?" "He's close with Trin!" Finally the weird tension between Former Debate Club President Wave and Bar Owner Trin is being addressed
"But we're pals! You can't have feelings for me." I know this is supposed to be an emotionally intense conversation but it reads SO funny in English:
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Unbelievable!! You're telling me that Wave is made because HE started throwing punches in the dorms and got banned from debate tournament
"He cost me the competition!" "That's on you. You wouldn't have missed out if you hadn't thrown that punch." You tell him, Zo!
"Who said you could smooch my hand?" [Zo does a finger gun] "Took the liberty myself." Bi culture khgkjgh
Joke saying, "Then let's ramp up our international relations, shall we?" as a segue for sex is incredible. This series may not be for everyone, but it is for meeeeeeeeee
Not Joke's family trauma revealed as being left on read in the group chat
I do appreciate at the debate tournament they actually are (finally) following a motion, prep time and speech structure
Also. It's clear whoever wrote this scene has NEVER competed in a debate tournament because they are not talking fast enough or writing anything down
"Can you say in all honesty that your effort here is not a product of hard work?" Not to jump on Nita's argument specifically but this making a point about the individuals you're debating rather than their arguments is ad hominem fallacy and would not score well at a debate tournament. In this essay, I will—
It's SOOOO funny that they made Zo loving the sound of soda tabs a genuine characteristic so they could better integrate sponsors. I miss the Bad Buddy soda sponge bath
Good for Nita for taking home the Finland prize. Regardless of substance, it was very well-delivered!
[Park, about Nita] "Look at our shining star! So gifted." [Zo nodding, looking at Nita] I think Zo is doing a very good job of not showing how much not getting the Best Speaker/study abroad scholarship has hurt his feelings
"You don't always have to put on a brave face, you know?" said Joke, to which Zo probably thought, 'You don't understand, putting on a brave face is all I have done my whole life, I don't know how to turn it off!'
It's funny that Park is a credited character in the intros but the only memorable dialogue he's had up until Episode 11 is asking Zo to dress up as a frog to surprise Nita
It makes a lot more sense now that I know it's Nita's birthday and they weren't just frog-surprising her for winning best speaker LOL
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I do love the nonverbal communication of Joke raising his eyebrows like, 'You okay?' and Zo smiling and fixing his hair like 'No sweat'
"Saijai, Joke isn't here. Shall I call him?" "That's fine. He'll turn up." LMAO no one in this show tells ANYONE that they're coming. Zo's mum didn't when she visited Zo in Bangkok, Zo didn't when he went home, Joke didn't when he visited Zo at home, Joke's family hasn't when they're visiting him. WHY DOES NO ONE THINK THEY SHOULD SAY THEY'RE GONNA VISIT
"You can tell me." [Zo sighs, hesitating.] "Alright, if you're not ready to tell me, wait until you are, okay? Do what makes you feel good." This is good relationship communication
"My mom's never said she's proud of me. Not even once." Oh, Zo. Heartbreaking. Also same maybe? I don't know fhkjfhkjf
I really do think they are both handling this situation as well as possible
"Zo, what brought you here?" said Zo's mum, like his dad wasn't lying in a hospital bed right front of him
"Was it a kidney stone?" "Yes, indeed. But surgery these days is minimally invasive. They just insert a tool. It doesn't hurt much. An ingrown nail hurts even more." First of all. As a person who has had 'miminally invasive surgery' YOUR BODY DOES STILL HURT AFTERWARDS. Secondly, the thing that precipitates the surgery is usually a very painful medical emergency!!!!! That is why you go to the hospital. I haven't had a kidney stone but I know they can cause a ton of pain!!!! Thirdly, it's not YOUR body, Zo's mum, so shut up about it. This is like, incredibly rude dialogue. Villain behaviour. Meet me in the Denny's parking lot LOL
"Buzz the doc if it hurts, okay? Don't think you'll disturb him. Don't just hold it in." At least she is NOW acknowledging Zo's dad could be in pain. But good grief
"Zo, you know your dad was in pain for a long time. But he wouldn't tell me, wouldn't see the doctor." Why are so many dads this way jkhfkhf. But also, why then, were you dunking on him for being worried, Zo's mum!!!
I do actually understand why Zo's mum did not tell him mid-debate that his dad was in surgery. Would've been rough
Joke subtly telling Zo's mum he needs support without betraying Zo's confidence. Love that!
"You did such a great job today. You nailed your speech. I'm so proud of you." Awwwww, good for Zo and his mum
Fjfhjfkhf Joke missing out on his family trying to celebrate him because he's been too busy with his friends and supporting his boyfriend. How many of these problems would've been solved if they'd texted beforehand
"Joke, I need some alone time tonight. Just to process how I feel." We love a boyfriend who expresses his needs
Joke making faces to his BF to say goodbye and then continuing to make faces to himself for no reason is so me. Joke continues his streak of Niche Relatability
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I do wish that Joke got to celebrate with his family, he needs family time too!
Poor Zo and his mum though, this is the worst feeling
"You can count on me to be here for you in times like these. Remember, I'm your sunshine." Ohhhh I like that they've switched up the metaphor, they are both suns
In all this, I did forget about the random bunny animation voice-over that they started this show with LOL
What class is that voice-over even for? An elective?? It's been going on for months. They never explain!
"This 'under the weather' thing seems to hit you every year on this day." Is Joke's dad the emotional equivalent of Zo's mum, in that he is prone to bringing bone arsenic to his child whenever possible?
Dhkjhgkjghgkj Joke walking around his huge, beautiful house looking for his parents does give Poor Little Rich Boy
Also. They've not put Joke in a super reasonable position in either of these situations. Of course Joke's parents would be busy if they're planning Bachang's (I assume Joke's brother's) graduation, which is time-sensitive, as opposed to a college acceptance, which is often unpredictable and happens months ahead of time. Of course Zo may be a more absent partner if his dad is in the hospital with sepsis. Joke isn't making it their problem or anything, but it is a little bit lacking perspective to be upset that Other People Have Stuff Going On When You Want Them Around
"I think what you're feeling isn't physical, but mental." At least Jeng is here to help Joke talk it out
"Am I one of the things bothering you?" Shockingly emotionally perceptive of Zo's mum
"I feel like all that I've done means nothing." "Zo, you've got it all wrong. I've never set any expectations for you to follow." Zo's mum, you should read a wikipedia article on gaslighting, because you have done it multiple times, on screen
"I'm sorry for making you feel this way." That's a better response
"You're always enough. Winning that scholarship or not, success or failure, you're still you at the end, and you matter. Remember, you're the sun, always shining brightly on your own." "I'm sorry. But I need to be with my parents." It's funny, because Zo and Joke didn't actually do anything romantic in this hospital hallway, but I think this particular argument is the most emotionally intimate thing they could do while his mum was eavesdropping without them knowing kgjhgkjhghgj. Like, they didn't say anything about dating, but it screamed couple
She's gotta know they're dating now, right? She's gotta!
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"What's going on between you and Joke?" That didn't take long. Also I love her little smile after she asks
"You might end up pushing Joke away, like you did to me." I take back my love, see u back in the parking lot, Zo's mum
"Something precious... Joke!" I'm glad Zo does see the value in his relationship. Also, now they ARE romancing in the hallway
"It's great... seeing you get your act together, finally." Joke's dad IS the same vibes as Zo's mum. Coming in hot with a backhanded compliment
"I stopped by your apartment and ran into Jeng. He said you might need a friend. So I'm here." Zo said: Uno reverse on the boyfriend drop-in family support visit. No one on this show knows how to use a phone 💖
"You don't need to cover for him. I know he's up to no good." What an insane thing to say to your son's friend upon first meeting him. He is monologuing on Joke's flaws. Joke's dad SUCKS.
"[Joke] may not be the golden boy you pictured, but to me, he's pretty much perfect." Zo said: You have actually chosen the extremely wrong audience, as I am President of the Joke Fan Club, and will reverse monologue on Joke's virtues
Get you a boyfriend who will therapize your dad at the dinner table
Also, do these wider shots suggest Joke has TWO brothers, neither of who have named as his brothers LMAO. This show really only utilizes its cast for drama
Zo and Joke really said to each other: Give me ten seconds, I will fix your relationship with your mean parent:
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"If you've ever felt I didn't care for you, you're wrong. I love you just like your brothers." Oh, so they are his brothers!
The most realistic part of this show is all of the parents going, 'Actually, the emotional problems in our relationship are the fault of your own misconceptions.' 10/10, terrible and true parenting. Also Dad revealing it was middle child trauma all along LOL
"I've always been proud of you, son. Without fail, any given time. I'm so happy that you're my kid." Again, refer to what you JUST did moments ago, Joke's dad. But, better, I guess
"I'm sorry I pulled away for a bit. I was lost. I didn't know where to turn or what I wanted." I'm glad that Zo is acknowledging it. These two are all about talking through their feelings
"I love you, Joke." I like that Zo is initiating this 💞 They make lots of effort to balance the support and love
"I've never been shy about us, and I'm no longer scared." I really love Jeng and Pok's relationship arc
Jeng kissing Pok outside the party to show how much he means it and loves him!!
"But let's be honest, it's not the outfit that makes me look this good, it's all in the face." Hahaha Joke has never been lacking in self-confidence but I like how him voicing it shows he's back in a good emotional place
"But, you know, I was in a weird place back then. It's all good now." Me about myself every minute that's not the current one
"And honestly, you totally deserved it." We love a good sport!
Not them fully pausing the montage of their friends achieving their goals (beating video games, passing exams, rejoining football, going to Finland) to resolve the Wave and Trin conflict
"Kiss me, this time with the certainty we have in each other now." Oooh we love a full-circle post-uni kiss in Chiang Khan
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"Well, my dream is a lot simpler now. Just being by your side like this, forever." ZOOOOO. STOP THAT'S SO SWEET 🥺💘
Final thoughts on this show: I would say the plot is somewhat meandering because it doesn't feel like it has one particular story to tell until the last few eps, and the use of their cast of characters could've been better, because I felt like people would only pop up to drop in a plot point. BUT I do find the show incredibly endearing!! I love the debate themes, I love how Zo is really focused on school, I love the silly little dating lessons. I think they do a particularly good job of building upon Zo slowly to help you understand who he is and why. I also liked the way they navigated the friends to lovers arc, though I could've done without the initial drunk punch or all the scheming. I don't feel like it added much, and I do think it took away from the relationship. I get that it's called, 'Hidden Agenda' but the mere fact that Joke liked Zo from the start fulfills that. The other part is that they laid some groundwork on why exactly their relationship was so tense in the beginning with flashbacks about the Freshy contest, but didn't really deliver on it beyond Joke appreciating that Zo asked how he felt. It felt like they didn't make much effort to reconcile the tone change or develop Joke's backstory in general. In any case, they had good chemistry, really good communication, a fun secondary couple, some really realistic parent dynamics and I liked it enough that I'm willing to hand-wave away its perceived flaws. A pretty solid mid-tier romance!
8 notes · View notes
sunnyie-eve · 8 months
4 | Bam's job
Series: Odds Together
Paring: Ryan Dunn x OFC Margera!
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: Family problems
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"I gotta take Phil out. You wanna come with?" Raab asks walking into my door way with a a big smile.
"No, because he's gonna try to go everywhere for food and they're gonna tell him no. And going to different places I'm gonna want something but can't because I'll be with him. Bam said they aren't aloud to give us food if we're with him." I explain cleaning up my room.
"You suck. I don't wanna be alone with him." He complains.
"I know and you aren't alone... you have the camera guy and crew with you." I smile over at him. "Whose after you though?"
"Dico, Dunn, then Don Vito. You still suck." He leaves my room.
To seem busy during the day I clean the house up just to please my mom since she hates when the house is even last a tad dirty. When I was finally done I see Ryan show up for his shift to watch my dad. "What are you making?" He walks over to me after clocking in.
"Coffee, and I can because Dico is out there eating in front of my dad." I say putting the sugar in stirring it.
"Thanks, sweetheart." He takes my cup going outside and Dico leaves.
"I didn't make that for you!" I shout towards the door making myself another cup then join them outside.
Are you going to the concert with them?" My dad asks as I move the bag of chips away from his reach.
"Yes/No" Ryan and me look at each other.
"I'm not going." I tell him.
"Why? It's not like you have anything else to do."
"You really are gonna trust Vito alone with him? Two fatties who eat constantly?" I laugh getting a hard slap from my dad.
"Watch your mouth, young lady." He gives me a look.
I stare at him shocked why I get hit for what I said when Bam gets away with every rude thing he says to him. "Sorry, Phil." I stand up going back inside.
"Why are you pissed off?" Bam asks walking into the kitchen.
"Phil." I bump past him.
"Did you just call your father Phil?" My mom asks as I pass her.
"Yes, April." I go up the stairs to my room looking through my clothes.
"She never calls you both by your names." Bam looks at his mom, who was surprised by the sudden name call. Bam goes outside to see Ryan bitching to Phil about hitting Annabelle. "You hit Anna, why?" Bam asks his dad.
"She called me and Don Vito fatties who eat constantly." Phil tells him while Ryan gives him a dirty look.
"I call you fat all the time!" Bam finds the reasoning stupid.
"But she never does so it's disrespectful." Phil tells him.
"You didn't have to hit her." Bam goes back inside jogging up to his sisters room. When he opens the door he sees her dressed up. "Where are you going?" He eyes her.
"Out." She goes to do her makeup.
"Out where?" He walks all the way into her room.
"Out and about. Most likely a bar. Somewhere were Phil won't be."
"Stop saying his name it's weird hearing it come from you. That's my job not yours." He tells her.
"Boohoo." She stands up grabbing her bag.
"You're leaving now? It's not even five yet." He says as she passes him.
"I can go out to eat." She jogs down the stairs. "I'll be back later." She shouts going out the door.
"Where is she going?" April asks Bam.
"Out to eat then a bar." Bam goes back outside.
"Where is she going?" Ryan asks watching Annabelle drive off fast.
"Eat then the bar."
"Why didn't you just asked her to come with us to the show?" Ryan asks thinking it's better if she was with them pissed off then out alone.
"She had her mind made up."
When I got to a small restaurant I take a seat alone looking through the menu. When the waiter comes over he takes a seat across from me. "Phil's not around is he?" I look up to see an old friend from school.
"He's at home and I plan on eating here so you can serve me."
"How have you been? How was Ireland?" He leans back in he seat.
"Good and good. Lived there for most of my years away then stayed in LA for a few months mostly with someone since I was staying in the worst place." I explain to him. "Oh and you can start me off with water." I smile at him.
"Yes, ma'am." He gets up going to get me a water then brings it back to I tell him what I want to eat.
While I eat he sits down having a conversation with me, eating my fries from time to time. When I was done he said he was getting off his shift, so he asked if he could tag along with me to the bar. I of course said yes because it would be nice to talked to someone than being alone.
"You know I never believed Austin." Adam tells me after a few rounds and hours of drinking.
"Could have fooled me. You didn't talk to me after he started the lies."
"The dick is my cousin and my whole family didn't want anything to do with you. He said if he saw me talking to you he'd tell my parents." He tells me crap.
"A good friend wouldn't care what their parents thought. The only person who was on my side from the moment lies were being told and me not having to say my side was Ryan. And you know what? That's all that matters to me. Because to be honest he was the only person, who I honestly cared about how they thought and saw me." I say finishing my last drink.
"You only cared because you were in love with idiot." He says as I stand up after paying for my drinks.
"I wasn't in love with him." I turn to leave.
"Yes, you were. Anytime I asked you to hangout, or what did you do, and shit... Dunn's name always came out of your mouth." He follows me out.
"He's my brothers best friend, who was and still around everyday, and I hung out with my brother. Plus Ryan was my friend too." I stop at my car.
"Let me rephrase it... Dunn's name always came out of your mouth with a smile and blushed cheeks."
"Why does it matter if I liked him or not? You sound jealous which is stupid because back then I told you I didn't like you like that. I still don't." I get in my car driving home.
When I get home is we it was packed and looked like Bam invited the whole concert. "Excuse me. Excuse me. Get the fuck out of my way!" I try to make my way through a small crowd of people standing around my car since they only moved for me to park.
"Annabelle!" I hear Ryan shout my name then him run over to me. "You've been gone for about seven hours?"
"So what? Is it not like me? Is it Bam's job?" I ask in a mocking tone. "Guess what? I don't fucking care!" I snap shoving past him.
"It's about time you got home." My mom crosses her arms at me.
"Don't give me shit for going out all night when fucking Bam brings this bullshit here. I'm aloud to have fun too, Ape. You always let him get away with shit but never me! You pulled me aside and chew me out every time I did something like Bam. I was raise to care about school, and luckily I was just smart to where I didn't really have to try. I had to do chores in order to even go outside with Bam... while he never had a single one. The list can go on. And now I get in trouble for using your names when he's been using them for years! You three are one of the three reasons I moved away and I only came back because of some abusive dick." I snap letting all the words leave my drunken mouth before going to my room.
Since it was so loud downstairs, I grab the bat from behind my door swinging it at the wall repeatedly till the anger was out of me.
- - - : It's been months since you left but I keep thinking about you. Wished you stayed longer. Sorry I'm drunk and came across your name in my phone.
I read the message as my phone went off.
Annie: I'm drunk too but I should have taken your offer.
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love--t · 2 years
The Lonely Hearts Club
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Are you lonely too?
Pairing: Punk!Wooyoung X Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluff, Enemies to lovers, Battle of the bands, Slow burn
Warnings: red head wooyoung, mean wooyoung, swear words. Mention of ice cream.
Please tell me if I'm missing something
a/n: Please like and reblog, Feedback is highly appreciated, Thank you for reading :)
(Has not been proof read)
Track Two: Graveyard
You shook your head and sighed.
"you've got to be kidding me?" You questioned. Sana stood next to you. Big smile on her face, she just nodded at you.
"Battle of the bands. Someone has to beat We the kings this year" She stated, sipping at her milk shake, as she walked away from where you were observing the poster.
You scoffed. Following behind her.
"Right, and it's going to be me and this imaginary band"
She whipped around, making you bump into her.
"not just any band y/n '' she raised her eyebrow at you with a smirk playing on her face. "The band of the century".
"look i know you've had this fantasy of being in a band bu-"
You looked around and observed the stores in front of you as people came in and out.
"What do we need at the music store?" You questioned
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"Song Mingi"
"Song Mingi? The nerd?" You said, shocked at the quiet boy she's suggesting
"The same Mingi that projectile vomited in front of everyone in 6th grade?"
Peeking from behind the guitars, staring at said boy as he helped a family buy a piano for their child.
"Yes, dear cousin, Song Mingi, the same one who graffitied on the teachers car for senior day"
You gasped, not believing a word that came out of her mouth.
"You mean fix on?"
She nodded.
"Trust me he's your guy, straight A's, strict korean parents have made him play cello since he was five years old, he's basically a prodigy" she threw her arm around you, her body weight against yours "but it wasn't till he heard John Entwistle from The Who play his solo on My generation did he change his mind and started to play bass behind there back"
You stared at her a bit creeped out at how she knew all this information.
"If his parents found out they'd probably kill him" Sana said, turning towards you.
"Now, how do you plan to get him into the band?"
"Me?" you Shouted a little too loud, making the girl shush you.
"Yes. You. Who else?"
You gaped at her like a goldfish out of water.
"This was your idea not mine"
"Yes but it's your band"
"My band? you were the one who suggested -"
Your fight was broken by a deep voice coughing, making you both look at him comically.
"Can I help you ladies?" Questioned the Tall boy.
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"Well that didn't go so bad,did it?"
You glared at the girl from her seat across from yours. thinking back on the fool you made yourself in front of Mingi 
"He probably thinks i'm a freak"
"I don't think he minds, he's pretty cute, have i dated him before?"
You were too lost in your thoughts to respond to her, as she scrolled her phone, probably looking for the next member.
Having a bassist meant having a guitarist and that meant having a drummer as well.
You Gasped snapping up with a big smile on your face.
"We need to go to wendys!"
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"Why are we at Wendys?" Sana questioned.
The sun had set, making the night chilly, as you both stared up at the neon sign of the fast food restaurant.
"Because, dear cousin, i know exactly who could be our guitarist"
You pulled the door open, the smell of fried food hitting you all at once and the sound of Steve vai shredding on the guitar landed on your ears.
You smiled to yourself, staring at your only other friend in this beat up town, frying burgers.
The giant looked up from his work giving you his big puppy eye smile.
"Y/n!" he eagerly said
Jeong Yunho. High school dropout. legendary guitar solos at underground shows. Doesn't know what to do with his life but seems to be happy where he is.
The boy jumped over the counter in a rush, bringing you in for a big hug.
"Do you want some ice cream?" the boy murmured, mushing his face into your hair.
The moment you met Yunho it was as if everything had fallen into place, you guys were soulmates, not the romantic type, but your brother/ sister type of love.
" Yes please with sprinkles on top" you beamed, relaxing at the counter as you watched the boy make your ice cream.
He cleared his throat.
"So what brings you here Tiny?" he questioned, broad back towards you
" Well me and-"
You looked around for the pink haired girl, as the sound of the door opening rang out.
"Sorry y/n Mina had called and said she had a fashi- on emergency" she sighed out, stopping in her tracks, her eyes glazing over with a dreamy look in them.
You turned to see your ice cream cone crushed in Yunho's big hands, ice cream dripping down onto the floor as he stared back the same dreamy haze in his soft eyes.
"H-Hi" He Stuttered out, whipping his free hand on his apron, pushing you slightly out of the way.
"Hello" Sana Said nervously, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear, shaking hands with the boy, both gasping at the contact.
It was as if two magnets were drawing each other in, they could not take their eyes off of each other.
"umm guys?" you snapped , making them both stare at you, as you stared back eyebrows furrowed at what you had just witnessed.
"Are you okay?"
They let go of each other's hands, hearing yeses and a few shy giggles come from them.
"Umm, shall we sit down and talk?" you scratched at your head, not sure what to do.
Yunho and Sana sat down across from each other, Sana fluttering her eyelashes at the tall boy who stared back in awe, knuckles to his rosy cheeks.
"Getting to the point i need a guitarist to play in-"
"i'll do it" the boy answered, the love sick look on his face not leaving once.
"You will?"
"You will?".
Did you really just witness your cousin and your best friend fall in love with each other? and at first sight?
"Okay then" you said getting up from the booth.
"i'll wait for you outside, uhh Yunho Text me"
only a hum came from the duo making you roll your eyes at them.
Who needed love anyways when you had music
"Well"? You smirked, as the girl got into her car, a new aura surrounding her. She sighed with a big smile on her face turning the car on as she drove out of the empty parking lot.
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Where is he? sana questioned
Yeosang, the boy's bored eyes stared back into hers through the glass of the concession stand.
"Out back like always" he muttered.
"What are we doing" you asked, hesitantly
As she pushed open the emergency door, letting you out first, She just smiled at you with mischief in her eyes.
"Getting you a drummer".
You heard the sounds of cheers and beers being cracked open, the parking lot to the town's cinema was a very famous hang out spot for those who enjoyed illegal activity and just as you expected everyone who was someone in this town was here.
A red haired boy pushed himself up onto one of the trash cans, letting his leather jacket hang around his elbows, showing off the different tattoos he had scattered on his arms, air guitaring to the song that played off the speaker.
You didn't need to look at the owner of that high pitched laugh to know exactly who it was.
The infamous Jung wooyoung.
The red haired male has always been very outgoing, not shying away from a challenge or the chance to make someone else laugh.
You stopped in your tracks, the thought of leaving Sana alone crossed your mind.
"What the hell are we doing here?" You whispered, harshly.
She knew very well you didn't like being near the type of crowd she's involved with but she just smirked at you, not expecting the next words to pierce you with hurt.
"Just because you and San stopped talking to Wooyoung doesn't mean I did"
and just like that she ran towards the redhead screaming his nickname for everyone to hear. The boy perked up at the mear call of his name, a gorgeous white pearly smile on his tanned skin as he twirled the girl around, picking her up off of the ground.
Rolling your eyes, you walked slowly towards the duo drying your sweaty palms on your skirt. Already knowing how this interaction is going to go.
"Well, well, well if it isn't my favorite girl"
You looked up at a split hair dyed boy, his small hand intertwined with a sharp eyed boy.
"Kim Hongjoong!" You beamed, relieved that at least you knew a face.
The world suddenly became a blur for the red head as he locked his cold brown eyes onto you. He could suddenly hear his heart pounding in his ears, his hands sweating and shaking from familiar feelings hitting him after all those years.
The boy scanned you, hiding his disbelief that it was really you, the years doing wonders to you. You weren't that child he used to make mud cakes with. Now, you are a woman.
He watched as Hongjoong hugged you, making him clench his fist, his anger bubbling up, preparing to burst at any moment. But Sana calling you over shook him out of his stupor.
"How about you love? How's this shitty town been treating you?" Hongjoong asked taking a drag of his cigarette
"Well i se-"
Sana called out to you, making everyone stare at you. Not liking the attention, you put your hood up to hide your blushing cheeks.
You bid your goodbyes to the two boys before you, Hongjoong telling you that he'll call you for future producing sessions.
You stared straight into Wooyoung's cold eyes as they stared back at you without emotion, as you made your way towards the excited female side.
"Wooyoung this is y-"
"I know who she is" he deadpanned, taking a cigarette out of his leather jacket
Sana hesitantly smiled, not expecting for the conversation to go this way, She just smiled at you and grabbed your arm, trying to comfort you.
"Well the reason I have brought you both here is because, we're entering battle of the bands and we need a drummer and-"
The boy lit the cigarette, not once taking his eyes off of you
His reaction didn't surprise you. Wooyoung stopped having any affection for you a long time ago, Sana whined and pouted at him.
You were annoyed at the situation that she had gotten you into.
"You're wasting your time Sana" you scoffed, not backing down. Your mother once taught you to stare down your enemies and that was what you were trying to do, but who are we kidding this Jung wooyoung scares you.
"If it isn't Miss goodie tooshoos " he chuckled "can you finally talk without stuttering?"
He taunted you by walking closer, making you take a little step back as he leaned down to your height, blowing the smoke of the cigarette he was smoking into your face, making you give a little cough as you waved your hand.
you bit down on your tongue.
"What?" He questioned tilting his head to the side, feigning innocence.
"Cat got your tongue?"
You clenched your fist at his words, the boy playing with your emotions
"Wooyoung don't be a prick" Sana Scolded, pushing him back from you.
"You haven't changed a bit" you retaliated
The last thing you expected was laughter to escape the males lips.
" Yeah?" He questioned, getting even closer to your face, staring down at your lips as he bit down on his.
“After years of friendship. That's how you greet an old friend?” he chuckled, turning his back towards you, about to walk away when your next words make hip stop in his tracks.
Maybe you should’ve just kept your mouth shut.
“You’re no friend of mine”
The boy sniffed, turning towards you with a cocky grin on his face, tongue poking at the inside of his cheek.
He once again leaned down towards you, now lips at your ear, as you tensed up from the closeness of the male.
"Well you're still that shy, nervous kid, who won't get anywhere because she doesn't know how to ask for what she wants y/n" he whispered eyes meeting yours.
"It looks like we both haven't changed."
You breath hitched at his words, he stood to his full height, taking one more puff of his cigarette, he dropped it right in front of you smashing it with his black combat boots.
You stared down at the asphalt, hands in tight fists, shaking at his words, as he walked away leaving Sana and you stunned at his attitude.
"I'm sor-"
"Don't" you snapped tears finally falling. "Sana just leave me alone please"
You wiped your tears with the back of his gray hoodie and made your way home.
That's not the Wooyoung you grew up with.
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nucksgal03 · 2 years
🍪 - Anything with Crosby, Seguin or Oleksiak
Here you go, I decided on Tyler Seguin. I hope you like it @starshine-hockey-girl This is a part of the Mollie’s Just for Fun Week event I am currently having. feel free to take part if you would like to!
Now onto the request.
I should’ve known that dating a hockey player would force me out of my comfort zone.
The media attention and constant separation I can manage but when it came to going to any of the events that Tyler would inevitably drag me along to, I had one problem with them.
Well two I suppose, you would think that because they have hockey players there, they would learn to provide sensible portion sizes for dinner. I mean seriously, those meals could barely fill up a five-year-old the portions are so tiny. But that’s beside the point.
These events were understandably very crowded, to the point where I would always get separated from him. All the WAGs joked that at this point we all needed to invest in those animal backpacks with the leashes. Maybe then we would be able to find them.
If it isn’t clear by now, I HATE CROWDS! Yes, I am aware it’s ironic given my habit of braving the crowds in the stands because I prefer to sit in the stands with some of the kids instead of being stuck in the family box.
I like the vibe of being surrounded by fans, sue me.
I decided to finally voice my uncomfortableness to Tyler before we had to head to a casino night the team was holding for charity. “Umm Tyler, babe?” I spoke aloud meekly pulling on my stockings.
Tyler turned to face me with his tie messily around his neck. “Yeah, babe what’s wrong, you only use that tone when you are nervous to tell me something. Did something happen at work today, did the vet call saying that something is up with the dogs?!?”
I giggled at his worry about his Labradors that were curled up on the bed. “Nope, the vet didn’t call, and work was, well, it was work. I just get nervous before these types of things.”
“Why do you need to be nervous, the guys said that all their significant others are coming. It’s not like you won’t have anyone you know at the event. You’ll be fine.” He said turning towards the mirror to fix his tie.
I sighed defeated and finished pulling my stockings up my legs. “Yeah, I’m sure I’ll be fine. It’s not like I hate crowds or anything.” I said muttering the last bit to myself.
When we arrived at the event, I took a deep breath before exiting the car and following Tyler into the casino that they rented specially for this event.
As soon as we entered the event, my heart rate increased, and I looked around to find someplace where I could calm down. And of course, as soon as the media and fans saw Tyler, they swarmed around him making me panic.
Tyler looked back towards me, and I saw him register the panic that was in my eyes. He had a oh shoot moment as he realized why I was so nervous for this event. He grabbed my hand and pulled it to his lips lightly kissing the back of it calming me down slightly. I thought that he was going to drop my hand after that, but he kept hold of it answering questions as he rubbed small circles on the back of my hand keeping me grounded.
I breathed out a laugh at how easily Tyler managed to pick up on my nerves in the moment versus how he, unintentionally, dismissed the same nerves when we were at home.
After the crowd dispersed a slight bit Tyler pulled me along towards where some of his teammates were standing with their plus ones. As soon as we reached the group I felt as at ease as I could be at a crowded event.
As we settled into the group I heard Tyler whisper, “Is that why you were so nervous at home?”
I subtlety nodded my head, “Yeah, I get nervous in crowds.”
“But you’re so good when you’re in the concourse at a game?”
“Not as many eyes on me.” I said shrugging.
“Sorry I didn’t pick up on that earlier.” He said kissing my temple.
“It’s all good babe, now let’s just enjoy the night and plan which fast food restaurant we are going to after because we both know how little they feed you at these things.”
“McDonalds?” Tyler asked.
“No, In-n-Out.”  I countered. Beginning a heated debate that we always had at these events.
“Both of you are wrong, we are going to get Pizza Hut after. Quick and easy, also not the type of food we get when we are on the road.” Jamie said like it was already set in stone.
The others laughed as we started all debating where the best place was for us to get food.
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megan-loves-surveys · 7 months
How are you doing today? Alright. I just got home from work. Concert last night was awesome, as was meeting the boys <3
What is the last song you listened to in a car? Not sure.
Do you like prefer apple cider warm or cold? I've never had it.
When did you last feel misunderstood? Dunno.
Have you ever visited The Louvre or would you like to? I'd love to.
Have you ever accidentally locked yourself out of your place of residence? Not my house, but my Dad, stepmum and I got locked out of their house once. My Dad had to climb in the bathroom window xD
Do you remember your favorite songs as a kid? Spice Girls, Five, Backstreet Boys, Aqua, All Saints etc.
Do you currently feel calm? Not really, but I'm not anxious either.
When did you last lace up a pair of shoes? Today.
What’s your go to comfort meal? Mac & cheese, or just a bag of chips.
Do you enjoy cloud watching? Haha not really.
Do you currently have any candles lit? No.
If applicable, what’s your favorite sports team? None.
How many cardigans do you own? Loads, about 7 or 8.
How much is too much for clothes? Depends what it is - most of the stuff I wear is cheapish.
How soon do you normally decorate for holidays? Depends - we usually put our Christmas decorations up at the end of November. My Mum put up our Easter decorations the other day, but Easter isn't until the end of March haha.
Are there any important things happening this week? I saw Five and met them last night, that was important to me <3
Do you know anyone who is terrified of dogs? Yes.
What scent was the last soap you used? Unscented.
How old were you when you made your first big purchase? Hmm, not sure but it was probably a computer or a cellphone xD
What last made you angry? Some random woman at the concert last night pushed in front of these people near me and when a guy shoved her back, she played the victim when the security came to sort it out, saying he shoved her for no reason. I backed the guy up and said she appeared from nowhere and got in his way. I HATE people who push in at concerts, if you didn't arrive in time, you can't just get to the front. Go away LOL.
What’s a color you think is underrated? Orange. I love orange, but not a lot of people like it.
What are you usually doing when midnight comes around and you can’t sleep? I never go to bed at midnight unless I'm super tired or sick lol. But when I can't sleep, I just put on a YouTube video on my phone.
What is your favorite way to eat rice? (white, steamed, fried, brown, sweetened…) Fried.
What color is the top you’re wearing? I'm wearing a purple playsuit haha.
When did you last laugh so hard you cried? Last week watching Matt Rose videos on YT, he's so FUNNY. I was laughing so hard I could barely breathe xD
What’s your favorite horror movie? The Ring.
What’s your favorite and least favorite fast food restaurant? Fave - KFC. Least fave - I don't really have one, I like all of the main ones in some way. I used to say Burger King but I like BK a lot more these days.
How many pictures can you see in the room you’re in? LOADS. My walls are covered in posters and photos.
When did you last sign your signature? At work.
What cover do you think is better than the original song? Loads! Too hard to pick just one.
Are you currently listening to music? Yep, Blue - Let's Get Sad <3
What do your favorite pair of pajamas look like? Prob my Winnie the Pooh shorts and a tank top haha.
What is something you’ve been working on? Some fanfic, but I slack on it a lot.
What’s something that excites you about the future? Going to wrestling shows and hopefully traveling again.
How often do you drink smoothies? On occasion.
What’s a TV show you have gotten into recently? I only watch wrestling and soap operas lol.
Have you ever had to have a tooth cut out? Yes.
When did you last rush for something? Monday at work, the bus got caught in traffic so I had to basically run from the bus to the office.
How many blankets do you own? A few.
Have you drank enough water today? Probably not.
Do you prefer apple pie or pecan pie? I don't like nuts, so apple pie.
What color takes up most of your wardrobe? Black.
What makes you feel alive? Lots of things.
Who is your last missed call from? Work. They called back, so it's fine xD
Do you have any unusual pet peeves? Probably.
What is a food you think is nasty that most people enjoy? Onions.
Would you rather never be sick again or be rich? Be rich, cos with money you can buy medicine xD
Do you have a specialty dish that you’re really good at making? I suck at cooking.
What video games did you play when you were growing up? Loads and loads of DOS games, usually platformers like Doom, Wolfenstein 3D, Commander Keen, Secret Agent, Crystal Caves etc. Broken Sword was another series I got into as a kid, still love it to this day <3
Are you good at making big decisions alone or do you tend to seek approval from others? It depends on the decision and what it affects.
Does your town or city have good public transport, or is it easier to drive? I use public transport and it's a mixed bag. The buses are pretty good but the trains are atrocious - our train line was closed for 10 months in 2023 lol.
What was the last cocktail you drank? Long Island iced tea.
Are you good at keeping running counts and tallies in your head? Depends.
Does your country have its own edition of Big Brother? We never did, we just got the Australian version over here.
How often do you take a nap during the day? Never, unless I have a migraine.
What social media platforms do you use? Facebook and Discord if it counts. I have Twitter/X but I haven't tweeted since 2022 lol.
Are there any foods you hate the smell of but like the taste, or vice versa? Probably, but I can't think.
Do you have a dishwasher? Yep.
Who do you live with? My Mum.
Are you listening to anything right now? NiziU - CLAP CLAP
What is one of your favourite sitcoms? Desperate Housewives counts, right?
Do you make to-do lists? Sometimes.
If you could magically become fluent in any language, what would it be? Japanese or Mandarin.
Have you ever tried vegan ice cream? No.
What pet names do you use for your friends/loved ones? I call my boyfriend babe and baby xD
What pet names do you like to be called? I love most of them - my boyfriend calls me babe, baby, baby girl, sweetheart, darlin, kitten, sugar, buttercup etc.
What was the best concert you’ve ever seen? It's hard to pick, but right now I gotta go with Five last night <3
Do you have any hobbies? Loads - video games, music, writing, watching and attending wrestling shows etc.
What is your favourite pasta shape? Dunno xD
Have you ever developed your own film? Yes, cos I took Photography at school.
When was the last time you stayed in a hotel/motel and where was that? Hotel - 2019 in Melbourne. Motel - not for years, prob when Zoe came up to Auckland and I stayed with her lol.
What breed was the last dog you saw? Not sure, but it was really small and super cute.
Do you watch the Super Bowl? I watched some of it this year, I gave up after the halftime show ended lol.
What’s your favourite Disney movie? Dunno.
What’s the most stressful job you’ve ever had? Call centre, I hate answering phones. I do it at my current job, but it's more chill now.
What was the last text message you received? It's from my boyfriend, he texted just to tell me how nice his lunch was, LOL.
Should you be asleep right now? If so, go to bed! It's 4:39pm, so no.
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kuugabuster · 1 year
Blue Beetle tastes the Grimace Shake
TW : mentions of fictional deaths, emetophobia, poison, food
Jaime watched all those tiktoks where people ordered the peculiar purple milk-shake and were found unalived afterwards. He found them pretty stupid and not very entertaining and was ready to move on from the trend, until he saw the thumbnail.
He had heard of McDonaldland earlier, that’s where the famous clown – Ronald McDonald, mascot of those fast-food restaurants that were number one on Earth-1 before Big Belly Burger was created – came from, along with numerous other characters. Upon extensive search, Jaime found out that Grimace was one of those characters. A clumsy purple monster who looked like a taste bud and liked milkshakes. It only made sense that McDonald’s were promoting this character with a shake that looked just like him.
The thumbnail was that of a video from a certain Jollysaw. It featured Grimace, a birthday hat on his head, holding a milkshake between his little hands. And he was crying. Jaime thought about the Grimace Shake trend again. One recurring aspect of it was the fact that all the people who tasted the shake seemed to puke like it was poisoned, or something like that. He felt that it was of bad taste, wasting food this way. His parents would never have let him waste a milkshake prepared by some underpaid worker that capitalism would see as expendable at best.
His thumb was trembling. He knew it wasn’t the same kind of videos that he’d seen on that topic, and the Scarab knew it too. He clicked on the tiktok. Looked at the first picture. The second one. The last one.
And cried.
Jaime didn’t know why or how, but he felt an immense sentiment of despair and hopelessness through those pictures. He felt the loneliness. The rejection. All those things that he went through during middle school.
“Scarab. Bring me to the nearest McDonald’s.”
Less than five minutes passed, and Blue Beetle was sitting on a bench, taking a sip from the famous Grimace Shake, his helmet beside him. The tasteful berries hit his tongue with the strength of a Kryptonian infused with yellow sunlight. It was wonderful from the first to the last instant of it. He didn’t know he had that kind of empathy for fictional characters, but he appreciated it all the way. The impulse was so strong that he didn’t even touch his burger or fries, but went straight to the shake, as if he had to honor Grimace’s birthday.
A noise came up from the bushes. Jaime quickly put his hand on his helmet, ready to face whatever was coming at him. But what was before his eyes didn’t seem to represent any menace. It was a purple furry ball with small arms and small legs, and a party hat on the head. Jaime’s eyes opened wide.
“Are you... – Is...is it my shake ?” the creature asked, and Jaime sensed it was so worried about the answer that it was hesitant to even ask that question. He smiled and crouched to its height. “Yes, Grimace. It is your shake, and I’m loving every bit of it. – Oh...I thought you wouldn’t like it...nobody does... – I do ! And many people do too, it tastes wonderful ! – Really ? – Really. Happy birthday, little guy.”
Jaime hugged Grimace, unsure whether or not he could hold his tears any longer. When he released him, Grimace's whole body was shaking.
“You don’t know...how much it means to me... – Oh, buddy. Yes, I know. Too well, actually. But you’re not alone anymore. Oh, I almost forgot ! Are you hungry ? I barely touched my burger ! – I’m not, but you’ve been so kind to me, I want to thank you for everything. – Oh. Wow. You don’t need to, you know. I’m just Blue Beetle, a small vigilante that helps people in the need. – I have a friend. He’s the Burger King and he’s super super nice to me. I will tell him to create a burger in your name. A Blue Beetle Burger. Just for you. – ...I accept. It would be an honor. – Great ! I have to go. Thank you for everything, Blue Beetle !”
Grimace then returned in the bushes, leaving Jaime alone. He went back home, glad that he could bring happiness to someone he didn’t even know a few hours ago.
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razorsadness · 1 year
There is so much going on, but all my real-writing energy is going elsewhere, so I’ll do what I always do when I want to get it down, fast. I’ll make a list:
1. The last day of May was my Inferno-versary. 19 years ago that day was the first time I ever saw my beloved W/IFS live, and it’s no lie to say that I wouldn’t be who I am today had that never happened. So I dressed up: put silver glitter on my eyelids, a fake flower in my hair.
2. The first of June, me and P. took the kiddos to the beach in Kenosha, then for burgers & fries & rootbeer floats at The Spot, a drive-in restaurant which has been there since 1945. I flirted with a gorgeous guy who looked like a bad boy from an ‘80s movie, that beautiful & stoned & dangerous type. We drove home on Highway 32. The roadsides were lush with purple, pink, and white flowers. In downtown Racine, I spotted a hot fat femme, they had pink hair and pink leopard-print hot pants. And oh, happy Pride; I am just a midwestern queer who loves femmes and bad boys, who loves roadside flowers and rootbeer floats.
3. Speaking of midwestern queers—I’ve been getting to know more of my neighbors, and more of them are LGBTQ+ than I’d even previously realized. The folks across the street are a Black lesbian couple—I’ve talked to them both separately but never knew enough about them to realize they were a couple. This is the first year they’ve hung a Pride flag and it makes me wish I could, too, but since we rent I’m wary of it. Last week when we were grilling our Memphis BBQ ribs, L. (one-half of said couple) came by. We were listening to Otis Redding and other Stax Records artists; she said she heard the music and decided to come say hi, and then said the food smelled so good she was jealous. We had plenty of extra, so we made up two plates of ribs and sides for her to take home for herself and her wife. The other neighbor I’ve gotten to know is an elderly gay man. He’s in his eighties and uses a walker, and needs help with his garbage and recycling bins sometimes. A couple weeks ago, the neighbor who normally takes his trash and recycling out approached me, and asked if I could do it that week while they were out of town. Of course I said yes. When I went to do it, I took him a slice of the strawberry galette I’d made. He invited me in, and made us tea, and we sat and drank it and talked while listening to Billie Holiday, and he is just the most wonderful person. I want to know all his stories.
3.5. I did have a sorta shitty encounter with a different neighbor. He was walking by one evening when P. and C. and I were out in the front yard. C. was doing his usual stream-of-consciousness talk, and said something about his boyfriend. Now, he’s five; he calls girls he’s friends with his girlfriends and boys he’s friends with his boyfriends. He absolutely does not understand platonic vs. romantic relationships, nor should he at this age. But anyway, there he was, saying: “And I was with my boyfriend, Luke,” and the neighbor said: “Your boyfriend? Nope, nope, not allowed. I’ve got my eye on you.” And I wanted to be like hey, excuse me, what the fuck, do not place your homophobic opinions on my fucking five year old son who is just innocently talking about his friend, but my neighbor had kept walking so I couldn’t even say anything. I had a talk with C. later, to let him know it’s okay with me and his dad if he has a boyfriend when he’s older, and to not listen to our neighbor and he was sorta confused—fortunately, I don’t think he even really registered what our neighbor was saying or what it meant.
4. Other queer/Pride related stuff: I’ve been dressing however the hell I want on any given day, not worrying about what gender I ‘read’ as, not worrying about being ‘too old.’ Because if you can’t dress how you want during Pride month, when can you? So yeah, I’ve been rocking the short shorts, the crop tops, the big earrings and pseudo-rockabilly hairdos. I’ve been getting my flirt on with gorgeous queer babes, both online and off. I watched the online OFMD panel discussion on June 2. I heard from T. They apologized for using the wrong pronouns when introducing me at the last Vista 59 event. Turns out they had read an old bio of mine, when I was still using she/her pronouns, and didn’t realize I no longer did; also turns out I was using the wrong pronouns for him. (T. uses they/he pronouns.) And they asked me to be one of the featured performers at a Pride Month poetry event they’re hosting on the last day of June. My dad sent me a Pride Month thing from the Peninsula Pulse, and I realized that’s his way of telling me he knows I’m queer and he’s okay with it, all these years later.
5. Other things: P. and I celebrated our anniversary weeks with good food and good drink and great sex. As much as I may like to flirt with others, or fantasize about them, P.’s my person, and I feel lucky every day that we found each other and we’re still together. I’ve been spending a lot of time in the garden. As of this week, we’ve finally had some rain, and the things that were getting dried and dead are greening up again. The other week, I attended a Students Against Gun Violence rally that was being held downtown. I’ve been going to the library a lot. I found out one of my poems was selected for the Wall Poems project, so at some point later this year a beautiful mural with an excerpt from one of my poems is going up on a wall at the old Horlick Malted Milk factory. We canceled cable and switched Internet providers; because of the Affordable Connectivity program, our Internet will now be completely free, and between that and canceling cable, I’ll be saving like $100+ a month. I’ve been reading a lot, and writing so so so much, and I know I mentioned it in my last entry but I can’t tell you how good it is to write fiction again. I’ve been so focused on poetry, with a side of non-fiction prose, for so long, that I’d forgotten how fun and freeing fiction can be. There have been some hard and sad things mixed in, too, of course—there always are. But I don’t feel like writing about them right now, not here. So for now, I’ll leave it at that.
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fantasyideas1 · 2 years
Poetry So eloquently seducing the shape of your body, you are my insatiable lust, every second with you is the eternal beauty of love nostalgia, Eloquent eroticism in grandeur and splendor, prosaic refinement in the detailing of temptations, covered in sweat from passion, like a soul from passion, powerful passion like an electric shock , I am bewitched, programmed to love you forever, you are an eternal spring of passion in my heart, torture to be in the distance, you are part of my soul, my body is a continuation of you, Sadistically teasing beauty, torment and torture do not caress you, your beauty can torture people from being that you are unavailable jokes When he swears, he seems to orchestrate our emotions with his middle fingers. Erection benefits even wagging his tail When I die, my relatives will say yes, he died ... well, who needs pizza, me, me, me I can't take it anymore, this is too boring a love movie, weakling, what, there's nothing The knot on the neck is tightened, tied by fate with love Guys heavily stoned, voice from the toilet, I have a pixelated penis, nipples, anus, like in Japanese porn I'm a smart home program, and you ran out of food and you didn't pay for electricity, you're worse than any bitch wife, well, repeat, now I'll order five hundred T-shirts online with the inscription I'm a slacker, just try, a courier comes and a truck is nearby, that's what we did order that you ordered ten thousand dildos, that I did not order it, probably the smart home system ordered, we do not blame you sir Brownie, on the contrary, fast food stolen from a restaurant appears out of nowhere, I don’t know what’s going on here, but I like it From his wisdom I grew old, from sex with her I also grew old, my legs could not walk The girl says I will fuck mega aggressively, that even after death you will remember me Was she divorced? No, I don't want to meet smart You're over a hundred years old, you're crumbling, you don't even need cremation, stay away from the fan Mini hand fan, for my personal belongings. Did you see this beauty again? The secret of an alcoholic is a distended bladder and the most drunken genitals in the world You watched the candy in the closet for a week, waited for the time to come and the child would forget about it, and when you opened it, there is a big, fat worm with chocolate smeared in his mouth, asking to turn off the light What is the worst pain in your life? Dropped cell phone Your son reads a lot, he only reads porn captions Pillow in the shape of boobs, you strangled your second husband with them He talks to his penis: you are the most chaste pipito in the world, you are more holy than any monk on earth, do not cry pipito, so that you, pipito does not move, why did God make me this meaningless accessory, I will bury you in a small coffin, in the shape of a heart along with your amigos (eggs), and I will send it by mail in the form of a heart of my first love in my life, pipito moves, I saw boobs, he will live, oh pipito you are gray with a haircut like a mad scientist Author: Musin Almat Zhumabekovich
0 notes
jungk0oksthighs · 2 years
Over The Odds | Regrets Pt.2 
Pairing - jungkook x reader
Genre - angst, smut, fluff, S2L, ceo!jungkook, sugardaddy!jungkook
Word count - 2.5k
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Drabble 12 - Your day goes from bad to worse
warnings: swearing, heated argument, 
Namjoon: Hey Y/N… Just got to the coffee place and there’s tonnes of paparazzi, do you want to come to my apartment instead? I’ll send the address now [received: 22 minutes ago]
Y/N: I’m outside [sent: 1 minute ago]
Namjoon: Doors open x [received: just now]
Namjoon’s new apartment feels far from new; the furniture, the smell, even the colour scheme is identical to the apartment he had when the two of you were in a relationship. You swallow thickly, somewhat nervous to be alone with him for the first time in years. His living space is small but homely, you make your way through the narrow corridor before eventually finding him in a bright yellow kitchen with oak wooden cabinets and the scent of coffee staining the air.
“Hey,” His dimples show when he turns to face you, a bright smile tugging his features, “Do you still have blonde coffee blend?”
“I do, I can’t believe you remember that.” You smile back, already regretting this decision. You’re going behind Jungkook’s back to have coffee with your ex-boyfriend who may or may not be seeing Jennie – Jungkook’s kind of ex. It’s a complicated situation to say the least.
“I made you a coffee every morning for six months, it’s hard to forget.” He chuckles mostly to himself.
There’s a small white two seater table in front of the window, a vase filled with freshly cut flowers stands in the middle. You take it upon yourself to sit there and take off your leather jacket, draping it over the back of the butter coloured chair. Joon’s clumsily preparing two drinks at the other end of the room, his big hands accidentally spilling the ingredients as he goes along – some things never change.
A dull vibration in your jeans causes you to jump, you quickly glance at the notification when a tidal wave of guilt comes crashing over you:
Jungkook: I can’t wait until tomorrow to see you, are you free tonight?
It’s like he purposely picked the worst moment possible to text, reminding you what you’re doing right now. He’s at the office stressing about work and the police investigation while you’re having a casual coffee date with the one person in the world you know he has a problem with. You’re frowning lightly, lips pursed into a flat line as you type a quick reply, since Namjoon’s too busy cleaning up after himself to notice.
Y/N: What do you have in mind?
Jungkook: Dinner at my place? I’ll even cook for you
A blissful yet amused sigh escapes you at the idea of Jungkook wearing an apron and preparing a meal from scratch, he’s usually more of a ‘let’s go to a five star restaurant tonight’ or even a ‘why don’t we take the jet to Italy today and have a real Italian?’ kind of guy. Can he even cook? You think to yourself, locking your phone and shoving it back into your pocket after sending another fast reply.
Y/N: If I say yes you have to promise you won’t kill me with food poisoning
“…Alright, blonde coffee blend with almond milk and one sweetener.” Namjoon says proudly, placing a large purple mug down in front of you.
“Thank you.” You smile, a little nervous to be alone in his company.
It seems as though you didn’t get the memo – you’re wearing blue ripped jeans, a copped white Motley Crúe shirt and white converse with sunglasses atop of your head, feeling somewhat underdressed compared to your ex who’s sitting opposite you sporting a baby blue dress shirt and black slacks, sipping at his coffee that’s definitely not cooled down enough yet.
“So,” He’s the first to speak, fingertips rhythmically tapping his mug, “How have you been? Aside from the obvious.”
“I’m okay actually, all things considered.” You give him eye contact and a small smile, unable to rid your stomach of the guilt trying to gnaw its way out, “How about you?”
“I’m okay.” He nods, his gaze flickering from your face to the window, zoning in on the traffic below, “I’m glad you came, I was worried you wouldn’t want to see me after what happened when I saw you at the club.”
“Well we’re just friends, right?” You don’t know who you’re trying to convince, you feel selfish for even being here when you know he still has feelings for you, an apologetic smile tugs the corners of your mouth, “Friends can have coffee together, it’s no big deal.”  
At this he visibly stiffens with pinched brows, erasing any trace of emotion he once showed as he chooses to look you in the eye, “We’re a lot of things Y/N… But we’ll never be just friends.”
This was a mistake. A terrible, terrible mistake. Not only are you keeping this meeting from your present boyfriend, you’re toying with your past boyfriend’s heart strings. Shame and sadness hits you like a tonne of bricks, so what if Namjoon knows Jennie and didn’t tell you? This isn’t fair on anybody, not Namjoon, not Jungkook, and not you. You exhale, mustering up the courage to set boundaries with him even though you’re the one sitting in his kitchen.
“Joon…” You swallow, “You know that I’m with Jungkook now, you and I… We-, You’ll always be important to me and I’ll always be here for you if you need me… But only as a friend.”
“And he’s okay with that? Jungkook’s fine with you and I being friends?”
“Well he might not be fine with it but it’s kinda understandable… Put yourself in his shoes.”
Namjoon’s shaking his head, his face contorted with a cocktail of jealousy and regret, “I’d love to be in his shoes, to have all that power. He’s got the nice clothes, the penthouse apartment, expensive cars… And most importantly he has you.”
Your hands tremble slightly as you take a sip of your coffee, struggling to find the right thing to say, “I’m not one of his possessions Joon, I chose to be with him.”
“Chose?” He scoffs, obviously irritated, “You were coerced, he bribed you with money.”
“Wha-, Excuse me?”
“That was the deal right? Sex for money?” He’s getting louder, “Do you really think someone like that cares about you?” While his words manage to cut you deep, you defend Jungkook, he’s a good man and shouldn’t be spoken about this way.
“You’re way out of line Namjoon,” You warn him with a steady voice, “Jungkook and I are in a relationship, I’m not going to sit here and let you talk about him like that. He’s done nothing wrong.”
“I was suspicious of your ‘relationship’ with him from the get go,” He mimics air quotes, “He’s not exactly a respectable man. He’s nothing more than an adult fuck boy, and when I saw the video and the conversation—”
“You watched the video?” Your tone is low, your heart dragging down into the depths of your stomach, it’s one thing for a total stranger whom you’ve never met to watch the tape but for your ex-boyfriend to watch it? That’s a whole other level of disrespect.
“I mean it’s nothing I haven’t seen before Y/N.”
There’s no emotion in his eyes, not even a spec of guilt or shame at his behaviour – this isn’t the Namjoon you once knew and loved, this is somebody else. You’re equal parts disappointed and outraged by how he’s acting, he’s staring at you expectantly as though the conversation hadn’t just taken a turn for the worse not even five minutes after you arrived. He sees no issue with watching the video, and evidently he sees no issue with berating you about Jungkook either.
“This was a mistake,” You fumble with your jacket, trying to get it on as quickly as possible, “I didn’t come here for you to make me feel like shit.”
“I never want you to feel like shit, I still love you, you know that.” For a split second you see a glimpse of the old Namjoon, his cute dimples piercing his cheeks as he talks, “I want to give us another chance, you’re so much better than him and you need to see Jungkook for who he really is instead the lies he’s told you.”
At this you laugh humourlessly, finally snapping, “You wanna talk about lies? Okay.” Your voice is raised, “Why are you so adamant my relationship isn’t real? Hm? You must’ve got the idea from someone, right? I know that you know Jennie, and I know that you were both outside my old apartment yesterday. You wanna talk about lies? Tell me why you denied it when I asked.”
It’s not clear where you got your hypothetical balls from, there was a time you would’ve never spoken to him like this – and a time where he respected your privacy, but as that’s no longer the case you’re done taking shit from people who clearly don’t give a shit about you. And so you finally grow a pair of balls and bite back, huge, venomous balls, that Joon’s currently choking on as he struggles to find any words.
“Jungkook isn’t a good person, one way or another he’s going to break your heart. He’s already publicly humiliated you.” Is what he settles for, staring at you with dark eyes as he completely ignores your outburst.
“Is that what Jennie says?” You’re not going to let this go, you need answers.
“It is, and I believe her.”
“So you do know her?” The back and forth between you is gradually getting more heated and emotional.
“I do.”
“She’s my-,” He clicks his tongue, he looks annoyed, “We’re seeing each other.”
“You’re seeing someone yet you invited me over and just told me that you still love me?” You’re shaking your head, standing from the table as you finally get both arms into your jacket. “What a gentleman.” 
“You’re with Jungkook and you agreed to come here, presumably behind his back no less. At least Jennie knows that you’re here.” His tone oozes jealousy at the mere mention of your boyfriend, he stands too, his tall frame towering over you.
Ouch, that stings a little harder than it should, “This was a mistake,” Your hearts beating so fast, your stomach churning with regrets, “But I guess you were right about one thing… You and I? We can never be friends.” You spit, not bothering to look back at him as you storm out of his apartment.
It’s when you make it outside that you’re caught by dozens of cameramen leaving the building. One of them shouts something that sounds something similar to ‘Does the new boyfriend know of yours and Jungkook’s video?’ You ignore him, pushing your way through the crows of flashing lights with nothing but adrenaline and anger in your stride. Fuck. How on earth are you going to explain this to Jungkook? Stone cold regret stiffens your joints as you try to escape the paparazzi. 
A small white car pulls up beside you, blocking you from crossing the street which only pisses you off even more. Your eyes focus on the driver, your stomach flipping anxiously as you realise who it is.
“Get in.” She says quickly, opening the passenger door.
With a large amount of hesitation, you oblige, slipping into the vehicle before she speeds off down the busy streets of London. Strange isn’t the word, bizarre isn’t the word, coincidence isn’t the word. You’re confused, clicking in your seatbelt before finally glancing in her direction. She’s as gorgeous as ever, her thick hair is shorter than it used to be but other than that your sister still looks the same.
“What are you doing here?”
“You’re welcome.” Ruth mumbles, lighting a cigarette. “Lucky I saw you when I did, otherwise you’d still be back there getting harassed by cameramen.”
“Right… Thanks.” You exhale, you’ve been in her company less than a minute and of course she’s already found a way to make herself out to be some kind of hero, “Why are you even in London?”
“Didn’t you hear?” Her thin brows are furrowed as she drives round a corner, not even looking your way once, “I got a new job, I moved back in with mum and dad yesterday.”
“Oh.” You’ve been so consumed with your own life that you haven’t bothered to check the family Whatsapp group chat recently, not that she ever usually puts anything in there. In an attempt to fill the awkward silence you ask, “So how have you been?” 
“Better than you’re doing, clearly.” She scoffs. She knows. Of course she knows. She takes a long drag from her cigarette, blowing smoke out of the open window, “So when do I get to meet him?”
“Who?” You know full-well who’s she’s talking about, but you ask anyway to give yourself another few seconds to think of a response that isn’t piss off Ruth.
“You’re a little too old to play dumb don’t you think?” 
“Oh I’m fine by the way,” You nod slowly and sarcastically, making a ‘tsk’ sound with your teeth, “Thanks for asking.” 
Fine doesn’t even begin to cut it. There’s the video and it’s repercussions to deal with, including getting to the bottom of who leaked it in the first place. Then there’s Namjoon nagging in your ear about how much of a bad person Jungkook is because that’s what he’s heard from the ever so reliable source Jennie. Then there’s the fact Jungkook’s gonna find out that you had coffee with Namjoon, you know he’s not going to be happy about it to say the least. And now, Ruth’s back in London - still as bitchy and tactless as ever. It feels as though your head is going to implode, you’re so done with everyone’s shit recently. Including your own.
“Why don’t you invite him to dinner tomorrow? Dad’s doing a barbeque.” Of course she ignores your pettiness, she’s an expert at that, “Plus now I’m there he might overlook the whole sex tape thing, he’s been so happy to see me.” 
“Oh I bet.” You say between clenched teeth, she’s fucking unbelievable. “But no can do, I already have plans this weekend.” 
“Tonight then.” 
“I’m busy.” 
“Too busy for your big sister?” She pouts, faking offence as she pulls into your parents’ street, “Come on I need to meet him as soon as possible, mum seems to think highly of him, even after everything that’s happened. She prefers him to Namjoon which is saying something considering he’s a doctor.” 
“Why are you pushing this so hard?” You may be smiling but you’re not amused, you’re in disbelief that this is even happening to you right now. For a split second you consider latching onto the steering wheel and crashing her car, just so she’ll shut up. 
“I wanna meet my new boss.” She shrugs nonchalantly, as though she hasn’t just dropped the bombshell of the century, “I start at Jeon Industries on Monday.” 
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offbrandhange · 4 years
Wedding Day ! | 𝕳𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖈𝖆𝖓𝖓𝖔𝖓𝖘
Fluff & NSFW headcanons on your wedding day/night with some of the AOT boys!
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! Slight NSFW !
Warnings: Alcohol, mentions of sex, pregnancy. Fem ! reader.
Majority of this is fluff, but there are mentions of !BEEP! sooo yeah.
Characters: Armin, Eren, Erwin, Jean, Levi
a/n: I have to take my SAT tomorrow, please wish your girl good luck for those sweet, sweet good grades....
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𝕬𝖗𝖒𝖎𝖓 𝕬𝖗𝖑𝖊𝖗𝖙 ~
Helps you plan the wedding and possibly loves it even more than you do. He’s a sucker for quality time. 
Armin would prefer a small or medium-sized wedding. If you want a large wedding though, there’s no way he’s holding you back from having it. 
100% a beach wedding. No doubt.
The venue is BEAUTIFUL. Spent countless nights researching and visiting places to make sure you got the best.
Eren is chosen as the best man, although Armin feels guilty for having to pick only one out of all his friends.
On the day of the wedding, Armin is a panicking mess. Eren and Jean literally have to give him a pep talk before he goes to stand at the alter.
Practiced deep breathing techniques before the wedding. Unfortunately, they aren’t working.
When you finally walk down the isle, Armin starts crying softly. Eren put his hand on his shoulder to comfort him......which just made him sob harder. He cried multiple times during the wedding.
Your wedding rings are the set his grandfather and grandmother shared :’)
Specifically told the bartender not to serve Connie and Sasha more than 3 drinks. He doesn’t trust them making their own alcohol-related decisions at his wedding.
Armin isn’t a dancer but....he practiced how to slow dance just for you.
Shy at first when it comes to the more fast-paced dancing, but Jean coaxes him into it, and he ends up having a lot of fun.
The speeches are so nice!!! But mostly because Armin asked Mikasa to read them over before hand to make sure they were okay.
After the wedding ends and everyone has left, you and Armin sit and watch the waves at night.
NSFW below !
The beach was reserved...meaning it is now completely deserted. I am now politely reminding you, Armin is not a saint. Honeymoon sex on the beach, anybody?
The sex is slow and sweet; he takes his time with you and kisses you all over. It’s 100% the definition of, “making love.”
If you’re down for a kid right now, Armin’s down for a kid right now. He WILL try for a baby with you if it’s what you want.
After you made a mess of yourselves in the sand...Armin would probably let you sleep for a little bit as he watched the waves. He doesn’t want it to end yet.
When he’s finally content, he would carry you back to the hotel, trying not to wake you.
Super considerate dusting the sand off you, and then tucking you in bed. He’s totally cuddling you to sleep, too.
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𝕰𝖗𝖊𝖓 𝕵𝖆𝖊𝖌𝖊𝖗 ~
Pretty much gives you full control of the wedding planning; he only has a few requests.
Eren would be the type of dude to invite friends, friends of friends, and friends of friends of friends. Your wedding is gonna be packed.
Has no idea what kind of wedding he prefers.
Please, god, don’t let him pick the venue. He will go to the first one, look around, and go, “Yeah, this is pretty nice.” That’s how you’ll end up getting married at an AirBNB with a nice backyard hidden behind the local Walmart.
Doesn’t know if he should make Armin or Zeke the best man, so he flips a coin to decide. It landed on Armin, and from that day on, Zeke was super salty.
Tries to convince you to try on the wedding dress/suit the day before. He can’t sleep that night because he’s so keyed up thinking about how pretty you’ll look.
On the day of the wedding, he’s super fucking ecstatic and practically bouncing all over the place.
Eren would get kind of impatient when waiting at the isle, to the point it would annoy the groomsmen. Jean came so close to saying something but was thankfully stopped by Armin.
When you finally walk down the isle, he’s BEAMING. He tears up a little bit out of happiness, but nothing too extreme.
Armin had to help him pick out the wedding rings otherwise you would’ve ended up with one of those plastic spider rings you win at Chuck e. Cheese’s.
Eren gets so fucking drunk you’re worried you might have to carry him back to the room by the end of the night.
Jean literally nit-picks everything Eren does the whole night....which almost ends up resulting in a drunken bar fight...at your wedding. It ends up fine, though, because Levi and Mikasa step in as bodyguards.
You SWEAR Mikasa is giving you dirty looks. Likewise, Eren SWEARS he’s getting dirty looks from Levi.
He does alright slow-dancing, but is so tipsy and distracted by how attractive you are to him, he’s kinda just....trying his best.
Absolutely OBLITERATES the dance floor when the fast-paced songs come on...
WILD assortment of speeches. Mikasa is crying, Armin’s reading a poem, Floch’s trying to get you to join his cult, Zeke is crying......and Eren is sitting there like, “Is this almost over.” You’d think it was America’s got talent, or something.
When the wedding ends, he 100% drags you to your favorite fast-food restaurant. Still in your wedding attire. Seriously, this dude is crazy, but he’s fun.
NSFW below !
When you get back to the hotel, he lets you eat your food--and then he fucks the shit out of you.
Way, way, way more rough than usual; super passionate sex. Multiple rounds, too. You don’t even KNOW how he has this much stamina by the end of the night.
Not even TRYING to get you pregnant, but his dumbass probably accidentally would.
Good luck trying to walk tomorrow!!!
When he’s finally tired, he is GONE. Like, you could scream bloody-murder and he still wouldn’t wake up.
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𝕰𝖗𝖜𝖎𝖓 𝕾𝖒𝖎𝖙𝖍 ~
You can TRY and take that wedding planner from Erwin--the only way he’d give it to you is if you pried it from his cold, dead hand(s).
Tells people he’s married MONTHS before the wedding.
Everyone.....and I mean EVERYONE.....knows you’re getting married. he will walk up to strangers and brag about you.
Erwin invites everyone he sees. Elderly woman crossing the street? Invited. Barista at the coffee shop? Invited. Guy on the bus who offered him a seat? Invited.
All those people attend the wedding, too. Why? Everyone knows and loves Erwin. So when your wedding is literally PACKED with people you have never seen before--you’re only slightly surprised.
You know those reality shows where they have HUGE, expensive weddings? Your wedding would put theirs to shame. Erwin goes ALL OUT.
The venue? A literal castle. How did he manage to book and afford a castle? Don’t question it.
Your wedding dress doesn’t have a budget. Seriously, your wedding is crazy expensive--and straight out of a fairy tale.
You’re pretty sure Levi made himself the best man--and Erwin was fine with it.
Is super excited on the day of the wedding. He knows it’s going to be perfect; he got his eyebrows done just for the occasion.
When you walk down that isle his smile is SO BRIGHT. he is SHINING.
Yeah, those wedding rings? Imported from Italy, plastered with giant, real, diamonds. You will never be able to say Erwin doesn’t spoil you.
Pretty chill wedding, nothing’s too rowdy and everyone’s still having a good time.
Whispers sweet nothings and tells you how happy he is the whole night. He can’t go five minutes without saying, “I love you.”
Just TRY to get him to stop holding your hand; he won’t.
Erwin is so good at slow-dancing??? And he’s so careful with you, too. 100% the one in the lead, but he’s spinning and dipping you so sweetly. Not to mention the way he’s looking at you...
He’s a serious guy a lot of the time, but I honest to god believe in the sweetest way possible, you would genuinely have a really fun time fast-pace dancing with him. You would both be laughing at each other’s moves.
Majority of the speeches are super nice. Hange tried to get Levi to say something, brought him up to the stage and....he starred at the crowd for a couple awkward seconds, then walked off. He conveyed his message through his eyes, I guess?
The wedding is so long you weren’t sure it was ever going to end...
Hotel? Nah he booked that castle, that’s where you’re spending the night...
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You’re fucking in the king bed tonight baby, literally.
Pays attention to your needs/wants the WHOLE NIGHT. Seriously, he’s a soft dom, and makes sure you’re more than satisfied.
Tons of body worship?? He’s so sweet and careful with you.
Erwin secretly really, really wants to give you his babies and start a family with you on the honeymoon. If you’re willing, he will make sure he gets you pregnant; you’re getting no sleep.
After you’re done, he will run you two a bath and clean you off. He adds in a little bonus massage, too.
When you get in bed, he pets your head, cuddling you until you fall asleep. You could’ve sworn you saw him smiling before you drifted off to sleep.
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𝕵𝖊𝖆𝖓 𝕶𝖎𝖗𝖘𝖈𝖍𝖙𝖊𝖎𝖓 ~
Jean would definitely help you plan the wedding--he values romance a lot, so having the perfect wedding for him and you, is important. He also doesn’t want to put all the weight on you.
Brags to his friends that he’s getting married--they all get tired of hearing about it.
Normal sized wedding--not too many, but not small, either. Lots of family and friends.
The venue is at a barn. Yes, he picked a barn. it’s a nice venue, too; the only problem is that he’s not going to be able to escape those horse jokes.
Marco is chosen as the best man--and when Connie hears about it, he sulks for a few days. He gets over it eventually, though.
He’s kind of nervous the day of--but Marco reassures him and teaches his some deep-breathing techniques.
Keeps his cool until he goes to stand at the alter--and then he’s in full-blown panic mode. “What if I can’t make her happy?” “What if she runs away with Eren?” meanwhile, Eren is standing right there with the other groomsmen, like “wtf?”
When you walk down the isle--he’s super overwhelmed. He feels a huge sense of relief you didn’t ditch him and run away, but also metaphorically hit by a semi-truck of emotions since he realized he’s ACTUALLY getting married. There’s a little bit of happy crying.
His mom picked out your wedding rings; you only find out when she brags about it--and Jean yells at her for telling you.
His wedding gift to you is a giant portrait he drew of you--and on the back, there’s a message in French. He won’t tell you what it says, but you’re pretty sure it’s an oath to love and protect you ‘till the day he dies.
He does pretty well slow-dancing. His mom also mentions he begged her to practice with him so he didn’t mess up.
He’s a little worried about making himself look like a fool dancing in front of you--but for you, he does it anyways; You both laugh your asses off and have a lot of fun.
The speeches make Jean look like he wants to drop dead from embarrassment. He’s not sure what’s worse--Connie and Sasha doing karaoke, Eren making horse jokes, or his mom telling all of his embarrassing baby stories.
After everyone leaves, Jean takes you to look at the animals before you leave, too.
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 As for honeymoon sex; you better not make a horse joke, otherwise you’re getting laid in that fucking barn. Maybe. He threatens that, but you know he wouldn’t want to have sex there on your wedding night. He’s 100% down for another time, though.
A mix of rough and sweet at the same time--he does the right things at the right times.
Is a lot more passionate and soft than usual--very careful with your body, and makes sure to really take everything in; He wants to remember the night for as long as he lives.
Immaculate aftercare; and on top of that, he lets you fall asleep in his arms, occasionally kissing your forehead.
Bonus: he sings you to sleep.
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𝕷𝖊𝖛𝖎 𝕬𝖈𝖐𝖊𝖗𝖒𝖆𝖓 ~
Lets you plan the wedding, but looks it over and makes sure there’s nothing too crazy happening. He, somehow, is worried you’re going to plan a circus or something else ridiculous to show up.
No one knows you’re getting married until the envelopes are mailed to family and friends. In fact, some people didn’t even know you were together.
Pretty small wedding, it’s mostly people who are very close to you two. It has a very homey-feel.
The venue HAS to be indoors. Levi thinks an outdoor wedding is unsanitary--so you end up getting married in a banquet hall.
Erwin is 1000% the best man. You don’t even have to ask, you already know it’s going to be Erwin.
Is literally shaking and sweating his ass off he’s so nervous the day of the wedding--if anyone asks, though, he swears he is fine. Has no idea it’s completely obvious he’s on the verge of absolutely freaking out.
Erwin and Hange try to get him to relax--but he continues to deny that he is in fact, NOT calm.
When you walk down the isle and he makes eye contact with you--his brain short-circuits. His mind literally stops working and is constantly repeating, “p...p...pre....pretty..” the whole damn time.
Mentally saves the image of you in your dress/suit to use as his motivation to always come home to you.
Tries to remain expressionless, but is literally tomato-red and on the verge of crying; he never thought he’d be able to find happiness--it feels like everything is finally going to be okay. Erwin is smiling like a proud dad, and Hange is trying to suppress their amazement that the dude’s showing emotion.
Your wedding rings are fairly plain--but on the inside of the bands, both of your names are etched.
He won’t read the vows out loud, he simply hands you a letter and tells you to read it another time.
When the time comes to kiss--Levi literally hides behind you and shyly pulls you in. The view the audience gets is your back--and they aren’t sure whether to clap or not.
Your wedding gift to him was a giant assortment of different teas--and he genuinely seemed really excited to try them. He didn’t realize it, but when he mentioned tasting them, he said, “with you” at the end.
Has no idea how to slow dance. Erwin tried to help him, but it didn’t do much, so you teach him on the spot. Your first dance, he concentrates really hard on not messing up, eyebrows furrowed and all.
Doesn’t know how to dance fast-pace either, in fact, he’s pretty confused. You have to grab the man and force him out of his comfort zone, spinning him and all. Hange and the Survey Corp members are laughing their ass off at his bewildered face.
The speeches went pretty well--except for when Hange didn’t stop talking; Levi threatened to force them off the stage, and you don’t think he was joking.
The wedding was fairly short--but only because Levi rushed everyone home; he just wanted to drag you off and keep you to himself for the rest of the day.
After the wedding, he takes you to a spot nearby to watch the sunset. He has a soft smile, and you can tell he’s genuinely happy.
You take HIM back to the hotel--he would’ve been fine staying there just a little longer, in the peace of it all.
NSFW below !
You’re literally taking his virginity. He saved himself for marriage; he wanted to make sure he gave himself to the right person.
Very nervous--and kind of insecure, too. He isn’t sure what you’ll think of him, and he’s worried about you seeing his scars. He STILL isn’t completely convinced you really want him.
Lots of body worship and reassuring him; he melts at your touch.
Once he gets comfortable and into it, he repeats “I love you” a lot.
He doesn’t last very long...but keeps going until you get off, too. He’s still a little confused by everything, so you have to teach him.
He’s half asleep after cumming--but still insists the two of you need to get in the shower.
Was too tired to stand, so you took a bath together instead. He falls asleep, leaning on you, when you massage his head.
You end up being unable to wake him up--the man is dead tired from not only sleep deprivation, the long day, but also his first time.
You can’t get him out of the bathtub, either--he’s too bulky to lift. You expected him to be much lighter due to his height, but his muscle makes him a lot more heavy.
Hange and Erwin have to be called to haul his ass--naked--out of the tub and into the bed. Hange is of no help since they’re laughing so hard--and Erwin is helping, but trying so hard not to break face and laugh too.
After they leave, you cover him up and cuddle into his frame; you could swear you heard a quiet, “thank you.”
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hawkins-losers · 2 years
number 13 with steve please🦦🦦🦦
 (‘’My friends get annoyed by how much I talk about you sometimes.’’)
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‘’Talking about birthdays, Y/N and I are celebrating our seven months anniversary next week. I’m taking her to Enzo’s for dinner. Do you know? I had to make a reservation five weeks in advance, but it’s the only restaurant in Hawkins that’s not a fast food chain or a diner,’’ Steve went on while scanning returns on the computer and checking if they had been rewinded.
Celebrating your anniversary every month could be perceived as excessive to some, but you were his first relationship since Nancy and it was a huge deal for Steve. A huge step forward in his life. And like every huge step in life, it deserved to be celebrated. His and Nancy's breakup had been tough on him. He was still hung up on her for months following the breakup, but he finally moved on and healed – and given his heart to someone else.
‘’Do you guys think I should get her a gift too? I was thinking a piece of jewelry, but I’ve already given her a necklace and earrings. I’m afraid a ring could give her the wrong message and scare her-’’
Dustin’s head slowly turned to Steve, his annoyance growing and about to explode. ‘’I’m asking you if you can pick up Lucas and his cake for Max’s birthday tomorrow and you’re telling me about you and your girlfriend’s anniversary that’s next week?’’ The younger boy let out an exasperated sigh, which made Steve really confused. ‘’I’m very happy that you finally found a girl to settle with, but do you always have to talk about her? Every occasion you get, you bring her up. No hate to Y/N, she is a really nice girl, but give us a break.’’
Steve was shocked by the younger boy’s outburst. Maybe mentioning your anniversary when the subject was Max’s birthday was a little rude, but Dustin was wrong about Steve always talking about you.
‘’Robin, can you tell Henderson he’s wrong?’’ Steve turned to Robin for back up, but she was busying herself with a stack of flyers about Family Video’s new loyalty program. ‘’Robin!’’
She didn’t want to get involved in another stupid argument between her co-worker and his adopted son, but she was the only other person inside the store – unfortunately.
She shrugged. ‘’I mean, Dustin’s not wrong-’’
‘’You’re gonna side with him?!’’ Steve scoffed, shaking his head. ‘’I don’t mention her that much. You’re both exaggerating. And, even if I was, you’re no better. You talk about Vickie all the time too.’’
‘’Vickie is not my girlfriend,’’ Robin pressed to correct. ‘’She’s a girl…who is my friend. I may or may not wish we would be more, but we’re both really awkward and neither of us has the balls to make a move so we might get stuck in this friendship zone for a very very long time-’’
‘’The point is,’’ Dustin said, snapping everyone out of their bubble and reminding them of the main reason he came to Family Video. ‘’Can you pick up Lucas with the cake tomorrow and take him to Mike’s? Yes or no?’’
The second time someone pointed it out, Steve wasn’t as defensive.
He and Robin were on their way to the pep rally, driving bright and early to Hawkins High School. Robin was rushing to get ready in the car while Steve carried the conversation from one subject to another. Naturally, you ended up in the mix.
‘’I can’t work the closing shift this weekend because-’’
‘’Your anniversary date at Enzo’s, I know,’’ Robin finished while fixing her hair in the car’s mirror.
Steve glanced at her confusedly. ‘’How do you know?’’
‘’You’ve mentioned it a billion times in the last twelve days. I think even the Tuesday delivery guy knows about Enzo’s. Everyone knows.’’ She gave herself a spritz of mouthwash and grimaced because of how strong it tasted. ‘’Keith begged me to take your shift so he would stop hearing about it.’’
At the pep rally, Steve immediately searched for you. Your little sister was on the cheerleading squad so you had to drive her to school very early for a last minute practice. He spotted you in the bleachers, difficult to miss in your tracksuit jacket and green scrunchie to match the Tigers’ spirit.
‘’Good morning, handsome,’’ you greeted when he got to your seats, cupping his face for a kiss.
Steve happily obliged, keeping it sweet. You pouted at the shortness of the kiss, so Steve pecked your lips a few more times to make up. If any of his friends would’ve been nearby, they would’ve complained about the overload of PDA so early in the morning.
‘’Look, it’s Dustin,’’ you said, pointing to the curly haired boy a few steps lower. He was sitting with Mike and Max. ‘’Should we go sit with them?’’ You made a move to go, but Steve grabbed your arm to stop you.
‘’No?’’ You frowned. ‘’Did you ask Dustin get into an argument or something?’’
Steve rubbed the back of his neck. ‘’No. It’s nothing like that. It’s just, my friends get annoyed by how much I talk about you sometimes. I don’t want to annoy them further by sitting with them. I already have to announce to them that you’ll be coming to the championship tonight and for ice cream on Sunday. Let’s give them a break.’’
The corner of your lips curved into a smile. ‘’You talk to your friends about me?’’
‘’A little.’’
‘’A little?’’ You raised an eyebrow, skeptical. ‘’Should I go ask Dustin? Or Robin?’’
‘’Okay, maybe more than a little,’’ Steve admitted, his cheeks turning a light shade of pink.
Taglist: @broadway-or-noway @violetsleftfist @thelaststraw3  @cursedandromedablack  @Slashersimpfor  @savagejane1   @wh0reforbucknasty   @eddiemunson-slut   @slvdsjjk  @hehehehannahthings  @dreamdancers-world  @eddiemunsonbby  @notbeforelong  @lexi-2004 @violetrainbow412-blog  @tatespillows  @alwayslexii  @lilygreennn   @milkiane  @imahomeslice  @bunnygrl16 @cwritesforfun @marauders3rawh0re  @your-mom21 @parkersmyth @voguesir @milkiane @andrewgarfields-girlfriend @lilygreennn @alexxavicry @charlie-chick  @wandamaximoffs-deadchild  @horrorstreet  @rmeddar123  @pastel-abyss-x @lil-tracys  @luvmybbies  @chloepricesgrafitimarker  @inluvweddiemunson @i-like-trains @kittenfrostt @simp-for-slasher @m-rae23 @kenzi-woycehoski
Steve Harrington taglist: @dylanstilinskiposts  @captainbuckyyy12  @valevalentyne  @yourfavoriteakutagawakinnie  @heizenka  @eddie_munsons_girlfriend @scarlet-kazuha @uhidklol-26 @magicalchocolatecheesecake @swiftbyul @Fandomfaeryreads @harrys-tittie  @tinfoilhat2719 @straycatarang @wayfaring----stranger @starstruckspring @fourlokiss @mi-amoree1111 @starshipsxx  @ghoulishlygrey @bubsonnobx  @truewdw1 @bubsonnobx @ohhrexella  @Dreamtiara  @pastelbabygirl19  @steves-robin @eddiemunsonbby  @evanstanwhore @bootlegmothman420   @courtmr  @nia-um   @strangermarvelgirl  @fandomloversvaries  @missmaxmayfield  @m1rkw00dpr1ncess  @Minksblog  @soph69420world @truewdw1  @crying-caro  @nancewheelersworld  @nluvwitheddiemunson @veniceb1tch88 @hcloangcls @ilovetaylorswift1 @steveharringtonsupremacy  @jusstdreaaming @buckyswhxre @tomspidertingle @thechoiceslookgrimm @bobafettsleftglove @princesseddie @yourfavdummy  
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mysticalrambling · 3 years
Coming Home (C.E)
Chris Evans Fanfiction (Fanfiction Masterlist)
Summary: dad!Chris Evans. Chris comes home to his twins fighting and he scolds them. But he also takes care of their wounds with you and then you all go out to eat ice cream and have a family day.
Warnings: None. Minimum angst but fluff all the way.
"Where are the kids?" Your husband came and sat right next to you on the couch. It was a shock to him when he didn't see his two little munchkins clinging to his legs the moment he entered the house. It has been kind of their routine from the moment they could walk on their little two legs.
“They are busy playing in their play room. Why are you not happy about it?” You knew that after a full day of shooting, coming home to two energetic kids was tiring and stressful. So you were shocked when he wasn’t glad to have a moment of peace by himself.
“Well, they are a part of my routine now. It feels weird not having them jumping around me.” The three year olds have always been more attached to Chris than you. Initially, you were a little jealous that the twins focused all their attention on your husband but now you were glad. Having a piece of quiet while he handled the children was pretty awesome.
You both had pretty successful careers and when the twins came into your lives, you both decided that you would handle it all together. In the start, each one of your married girlfriend told you that you had to quit your job as the marketing head because being a mom was a full time job. You were scared and when you shared your concerns with Chris, he consoled you and told you that you would both do it all. Having successful careers while being good parents.
“Just spend sometime with me while Emma and Jason are distracted.” Pouring him a glass of wine, you leaned in to him with your head on his shoulder.
“That is a good way to spend my evening. How was your day, sweetheart?”
“It was hell. My boss gave me a project to complete with a bizarre timeline and when I couldn’t complete it on time. He just took it all out on me in front of my colleague.” Today was humiliating for you and you couldn’t wait to get home, drink a nice glass of wine and relax. “Hated it, babe. How about you?
“Well, my co star couldn’t get her part right so we had to do the same scene five times. We are behind on shooting now and I have to get up early tomorrow morning so that we can catch up to the schedule.” Sighing, he took a long sip of the red liquid and felt his muscles relaxing.
There was a moment of silence that enveloped the room and you just basked in it. “A crappy day for us both.”
“Indeed. Let’s do something exciting then.” He kissed you and just when things were about to get heated, a piercing scream interrupted the moment.
“What-What is happening?” He was still in a haze and couldn’t properly interpret anything.
“It looks like your kids are fighting again.”
“Are you going to handle them?”
“Oh no!” Laughing at his incredulous request, you picked up your glass again. “You wanted to spend time with them so go on.”
Chris got up from the couch and went upstairs. Emma and Jason love each other to death but they have been fighting from the womb. Emma is the stubborn one and while, Jason backs out most of the time. Sometimes, he retaliates and it turns real bad, real fast. They were pretty hot headed, just like you.
“What is happening here?” The dad mode was fully in place when he saw his little girl sitting on the floor with hands pressed to a bloody forehead and his little boy trying to console her.
“She pushed me and then I pushed her. Not my fault. But she hurt, daddy.” The panic in Jason’s eyes was evident.
“(Y/N)! Come here, right now!” You scrambled to your feet as soon as Chris’s voice boomed across the living room. “You never hurt your sister, Jason. This is not alright.” The stern voice was new for Chris but the situation required it.
“But, daddy-”
“No excuses, Mister. Now, apologise to your sister and no toys for you for the whole week.” He got in to action with the first aid kit that he took out of their walk in closet. Emma was still crying her lungs out even when Chris tried to console her. She was not letting him touch the wound and was squirming uncontrollably in his lap.
“Daddy, why you always bla- blame me? Hate you.” Hiccuping, he stuttered on the big words and then stomped out of the room. You tried to stop your son but he just ran past you.
“What is- Oh my god!” The blood was now soaking up your little girl’s shirt and she still wouldn’t let Chris touch the wound.
The one thing that your kids inherited from your husband was the fear of blood and stitches. The small three year old knew that a boo boo that hurts really bad will lead to stitches. You knew how to handle all three of your babies in situation like these. Taking Emma from your husband, you hugged her lightly.
“Bubba, I need to look at your boo boo and then you can have the Elsa bandage.”
“Promise.” When she removed her chubby, little hand, you were relieved that the cut was not big or deep. A bandage would just do the trick. You softly hummed a tune in her ears while you applied an antiseptic to the wound and then the band aid. She had tears streaming down her face and she was sniffling quietly. Chris took her from you when you were done and gently rocked her in his arms. He always loved it when both your children seeked comfort in you. It reminded him of how lucky he was to have you. “Where did Jason go?”
“I scolded his regarding this and he threw a tantrum.” When Emma heard Jason’s name, she further curled herself into his chest.
“Give her to me.” Raising her face by holding her chin, you sternly asked her. “Tell me what happened, young lady?”
With a guilty tone, she told you both that she was the one who pushed Jason first. They were both playing with the doll house that Chris bought Emma as her third birthday present. Jason wanted to add his toy cars to the doll house but she won’t allow it. She pushed him first and he hit his wrist on the small coffee table but then he pushed her back. When she fell back, she hit her head on the side of the wooden house.
“You are going to apologise to him, Emma. I told you that this much anger is not alright, bubba.” Chris took her to the twin’s room that had two different themes running through it. Emma was never a fan of the color pink so she went with purple and Jason really loved yellow, so he got that. The room looked like a clown’s den but Chris was never the one to deny his children’s requests. They had his whole heart well, except you.
“Jace, Emma would like to say something to you.” Setting her on her feet, she went towards his elder brother by barely three minutes.
“I am sorry, Jacey. Never should have pushed you. Kiss your boo boo to make up?” He nodded gently when his sister climbed in to the body. Extending the bruised wrist, Emma held it in her hands and lightly pecked on it. Meanwhile, you got a numbing cream for Jason and you stopped in the doorway with Chris and watched their interaction. They were your and Chris’s two little bundle of joys and you both couldn’t get enough.
“I am sorry that I yelled at you, baby. You two will not have your toys for a week. But who wants ice cream right now?” They both jumped at the mention of their favorite treat.
Chris had a way with the children. He completed all their wishes from eating ice cream as dinner or buying the most expensive toys for them. Making them happy was his primary job and he fulfilled it with great joy. However, he knew when to step up. He knew when to tell them no because he didn’t want his children to be some spoiled brats. He knew how to mediate and that was one of the many thing that you loved about him.
“I will get your jackets while daddy will help you with your shoes.” Going downstairs, you placed Dodger’s food in his bowl because you were going to be out for sometime. Chris always turns a simple outing to a full blown family day. A walk in the park, dinner at a high end restaurant and then shopping at the mall.
“Let’s go.” He buckled both the kids in their respective booster seats and made sure that they both had their preferred stuff toys. God knows, if they didn’t have them on their car ride.
The ice cream place on the fifth avenue was your favorite because it was where Chris took you on your first date. Both the children went for chocolate ice creams and Chris cleaned them up after they were done anything. It was so wholesome to watch him perform his dad duties.
“Then Oliver tried to eat dirt and the teacher gave him a time out.” You never understood why your son was friends with that boy because all he ever cared about was dirt.
“That’s why I hate boys. They are dirty.”
“That’s right, bubba. They are all dirty and disgusting. You stay away from all of them.” Gently nudging him with your shoulders, you playfully scoffed at him. He was sometimes very protective of his children.
“Ollie said girls also have icky germs.”
“Yes. You also stay away from them.” Chris was full on laughing at the situation right now because both the kids were in some serious thoughts.
“Okay dadda.” They both started skipping on the side walk and already started bickering about who was their dad’s favorite. He took you in his arms and kissed you on the forehead.
“Thank you for all this, babe. I love you.” He was truly thankful for you and for everything that you brought in his life.
“I love you too. Now let’s buckle them in before they start pushing each other again.”
Hope you guys enjoyed it!!
A/N: Dad Chris Evans is a dream so I wanted to write a little blurb related to this idea. Hope you guys enjoyed it. You guys can send in requests but I will get to them a little bit later because I am focusing on my drafts right now. Tell me if you guys want to be added to the tag list.
Taglist: @justile
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