#yes in a Lila fic you heard me
sunshineandspencer · 4 months
All the world's a stage
A/N: Have I been plagued by musical!reader and Spencer ever since I set my eyes upon him and Lila? Yes, have I ever had an outlet before? No, suffer the brainrot with me.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Musical!Reader.
Summary: A case takes them to a musical theatre performance and Spencer finds himself utterly besotted for the pretty woman on stage.
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings: talk of disfigurement but no details, little fluff fic for my soul
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Musical theatre is an immense part of her life, she grew up surrounded by it through her entire family, and did dance lessons until she realised that doing tap dance in a leotard probably isn’t going to get her very many places in the future.
So, the minute she left home to go to college, she got a theatrical degree and got herself out in the world. Made a name for herself.
Which is how she found herself playing Jenna in Waitress, absolutely her favourite role so far.
Unfortunately, a week into the show’s run, there had been an incident. No one was quite able to tell her what was going on, but her castmates kept getting replaced with understudies. Until, finally, someone better than the local police arrived.
They came in quietly, which is very good etiquette, and spoke quietly with the director while they practised. While the show was momentarily put on hold for the next few days, rehearsals wouldn’t stop, meaning she was now singing Used To Be Mine with all the emotion she can hold with Federal Agents in the crowd.
Thankfully she’s partially blinded by the lights as she sings, or else she would’ve seen him.
Spencer sat down to wait for the song to finish, and immediately found himself frozen. Whoever this is, she has to be the most talented person he’s ever heard in his life, and while he doesn’t often listen to musical theatre, he’d make an excuse for her.
Ignoring everything around him to just watch this woman give the performance of a lifetime. It’s only the rehearsal but she was treating it like a packed house.
The minute it was over and the stage lights went down, house lights flickering on so that the cast could be questioned, he jumped up and started clapping. Eyes bright as he didn’t realise that no one else had been watching her like he had.
It was impossible for her not to notice him, a bright smile on her face as he realised he was drawing attention to herself.
Laughing softly, she curtsied just for him, loving that she could see the little blur of his face turning a soft red. That giddy feeling settled high in her chest as everyone was sent off to their changing rooms to be questioned in order.
By the time it got round to her turn, a knock on her door swiftly turned into its opening and being met with the stoic man she saw talking to her director. Standing, she held a hand out for him to shake, giving her name as she greeted him.
“SSA Aaron Hotchner, we’re from the BAU.”
“Hi, no one has really told us what’s going on, but it’s not hard to realise that people just.. aren’t here.”
Smiling as he offered for her to sit down, the rest of his agents filtering into the room and starting to look around. She knew she probably wouldn’t be a suspect, but that doesn’t stop her from being nervous at having FBI agents in her dressing room.
Agent Hotchner was talking to her, gently explaining that her castmates had been injured and disfigured, which is why they had been called in. It was very unusual to have so many attacks with all the victims coming from the same theatre, which she could definitely agree with.
Then, as if the Gods themselves handcrafted the interaction, the man that had applauded for her earlier walked in with flowers. She stood up to greet him, a little quicker than she did for Agent Hotchner, which all his coworkers immediately noticed. Hurriedly, he looked between the flowers in his hands and then back to her, his cheeks flushing and jaw dropping.
“Oh! This- This isn’t-- I mean, you were great! Amazing! The best portrayal I’ve ever seen, and you sang.. s-so well.” He saw the look he was getting from Hotch behind her and cleared his throat. “Bu- but these aren’t from me. They were left at the desk, had your name on.”
Granted, it did sting and she had to resist the urge to playfully pout about it, thinking it might actually cause the poor guy to short circuit. 
“Thank you for getting it for me, and for applauding. That was very sweet of you..”
“S-Spencer-- Spencer Reid, Doctor. Uh, Doctor Spencer Reid.”
Walking over to take the bouquet from him, smiling down at it and loving that she could see his blush in the corner of her eyes as she brushed her fingers across his. It was a massive bouquet with so many flowers it felt overwhelming, so she moved it to her dressing table and turned back to him.
“Well, thank you, Doctor Spencer Reid.”
He could’ve sworn they were the only two people in the room, and he had to look away from her. Fidgeting with his buzzing fingers and focusing wholly on the bouquet instead of the way she made him want to melt.
Something was itching at the back of his head as he looked at them, it was.. too much.
Rocking back on his feet, aching for a way to ground himself, he pointed out the bouquet to the rest of the team. Pretending not to notice the rest of them grinning at him.
“Orchid, lily, anemone, gloriosa, delphinium, clematis and genista, it’s an awfully overcrowded bouquet. Typically, flowers were used to send messages, usually to people of significance in their lives. There’s a lot going on here, but if I’m right it should mean an ‘all-consuming love’, from a significant other that’s either really sweet or he doesn’t really know anything about flower language. You have.. a very sweet boyfriend ma’am.”
Okay, maybe he was trying to determine whether or not she does have a boyfriend, but he could hide that with a work reason. Knowing that if she didn’t, whoever sent these likely sent them for a reason. Since the show hasn’t actually run today, but they knew she’d be here, that didn’t bode well either.
“I don’t have a boyfriend. I’m incredibly single right now.”
While she was smiling at him, the rest of the team turned to face them a little more. You didn’t just send a bouquet to someone saying you had an ‘all-consuming love’ for them when you didn’t know them. There was no card either, which made it a little more suspicious.
Especially when there has been someone disfiguring her castmates - people who played directly alongside her - so that they can’t get onto stage. Onto stage with her.
Emily walked over, realising that all the attacks were likely connected to her, and they’d struck out massively at finding her immediately. Now they could put her somewhere safe (and have Spencer watch over her).
“Ma’am, were you close with the other castmates?”
“Oh, I mean, somewhat? We all worked together, but I’m newer on the cast so I don’t really hang out with anyone yet.” It’s dawning on her now, they can see it in the subtle shift to how she’s standing and the brush of her hair out her eyes. “Is this.. my fault? Did someone do all that because of me?”
She looked to Spencer, as if expecting him to answer, and he immediately felt the need to step forward. Gently holding onto her upper arms to stabilise her, knowing how easy it is to get lost in your own head and not wanting that for her.
Of course, his own aversion to touching people and germs is nothing in the face of helping to calm this woman.
“For whatever reason this person is doing this, it isn’t your fault. We’ll take you to the station and I’ll- I’ll stay with you until they’re caught. Okay?”
His eyes fly to Hotch, but the man just nods at him, so he picks up her bag and leads her out of the dressing room. Leaving the team behind, buzzing with the need to talk about their resident genius and his obvious crush on the performer. 
All of them just watch the door swing shut until Morgan huffs out a laugh, going back to looking through the storage cupboard.
“He never comforts me like that.” 
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Thankfully, they managed to catch the guy pretty quickly once Spencer took her to the station. Since he had no way to watch her, like he had apparently been doing since she joined the cast, he went a little crazy.
Genuinely trying to break into the station to both see her and attempt to disfigure Spencer since he was now the closest person to her.
The man, however, was an idiot, and got caught almost immediately because he was carrying the exact same bouquet he’d gotten for her before. Not even getting through the reception. Leaving her and Spencer completely unaware in the break room, slowly getting to know each other.
Now, she is convinced she could fall in love with this man so easily. It’s hard not to imagine a little life with him. He’s an absolute sweetheart.
When he offered to drive her back to her shitty little apartment, she jumped at the chance. Much to his team’s continued amusement. Spencer didn’t often get a lot of attention, but when he did it was adorable to see him trying so hard.
The drive back was filled with an immediate panic, his phone connected to the car - which he didn’t even know could happen - and it started playing his most recently looked at song.. which happened to be from the Waitress playlist. Cue him hurriedly mashing at the radio to get it to stop, only for her to lean in and press the right button to change it to the stations again. Assuring him that she finds it cute that he was listening to the show she was in.
For the most part, she talked about the other shows she had been in, and tried to coax out some stories from him just to get him comfortable. Unfortunately it was a very short drive.
Undeterred by that, she showed him where to park and invited him up, just to see her to her front door after such a harrowing experience. He picked up on the sarcasm, and nearly fell out of the car to be with her.
Although, when they finally got there and she unlocked the door, she turned and leant on the doorframe, smiling at him softly as he resisted the urge to look into her home.
“Thank you for bringing me home Spencer, that was very sweet of you.”
“Of course, it was the least I could do.”
She bit her lip, wondering if she really could do what she was thinking. It probably wasn’t a very good idea, but then she watched his eyes dart down to her lips and then past her into her hallway and immediately back to her eyes.
Humming softly, she reached up to smooth his tie that definitely needed to be fixed.
“And you.. don’t have a girlfriend?”
He shook his head so fast that she was worried about him hurting himself, but that thought was quickly overtaken when he parroted her words from earlier ‘incredibly single right now’. Nodding along, she tightened her grip on his tie and tugged him closer.
Kissing him very lightly before pulling away, barely a brush. He would’ve sworn that he imagined it if it weren’t for the giddy looking smile on her face, backing away into her apartment.
“You have my number right? Please call me, I’d love to talk to you some more.”
“Yeah! Y-Yeah, of course, I’ll text you.” More breathless as he forced himself to stop looking at her lips, giving a tight smile. “I can do that.”
“Of course you can sweetheart, goodnight.”
Smiling softly at his wispy ‘goodnight’ and shutting the door.
Leaving Spencer in the hallway alone to react to what had happened. Eventually, a giddy little laugh passed his lips and he needed to move. Pacing quickly and in a small line outside her door, wanting to calm back down before having to drive to the hotel.
The fact that she had kissed him and wanted to see him again was insane. Even though he’s in another state, she doesn’t seem to care, so neither will he.
But just as he was about to whip out his phone and text her, not caring about the social etiquette in waiting, he just wanted to text, her door swung open again. And it looked like she’d been similarly celebrating on the other side, if her messy hair and red face were anything to go by.
“Uhm.. hi, would you like to come in instead? I have a spare room.. and a bottle of wine?”
Holding out her hand for him to take, desperately hoping he says yes. And even though he’s probably going to miss his flight in the morning, how could he ever say no to a woman who looks at him like that.
Slipping his hand into hers and allowing himself to be dragged into the apartment, the two of them happily discussing things like dinner and movies they could watch. Is it wrong to say that he’s glad her castmates got disfigured if it meant they could meet?
Probably.. he’ll keep that to himself for now.
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c0ffinshit · 2 months
Hello, You. (Dexter Morgan x Stalker!Reader) CHAPTER ONE
a/n: oh my god??? i literally didn't expect the type of love i would get on the prologue for this fic. i am so thankful for all the kind words said about my fic. so, in honor of that, here is the first official chapter of Hello, You. :3 word count: 1,255 warnings: dead dove: do not eat, intentionally awkward dialogue, talks of guns, vague mentions of self-harm, mentions of stalking along with some light stalking, idk dexter has mommy issues, mentions of breaking bones PROLOGUE
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What you don’t understand is that I have eyes and ears everywhere. That’s why I remain outside and a block from your shop, your place of work. It’s getting close to the end of your shift now. The moon is fading into my view and the air has suddenly grown cold. The thickest jacket wraps around me, the cold bricks of the alley hitting my back. But it doesn’t bother me right now.
I need to follow your every move.
I need to make sure you are safe.
I need to be focused on you.
It's hard not to watch you from inside the shop’s window. Your hands fiddle with the shop’s laptop, the way your eyes scan it with such intensity. You’re erotic without even trying. But it’ll be a miracle when I finally see you up close. When you finally get to kiss me like I always dreamed you would. When you finally get to be inside me and create our new family together. Harrison with a sister or maybe even a brother. Our own family to raise and grow with. Our grass that’s always greener than the rest with our children that we raised right. But not here, not in Iron Lake. Not with Rita, Lumen, Angela, or a fucking Lila. Currently, the only thing keeping me from you is walking inside and finally meeting eye-to-eye with you. I don’t even know what I’d ask to look at. I know so little about guns. Curse me for being more interested in your location and finding good hunting knives.
My eyes scan the busy small-town streets and cautiously enter the sidewalk. As I walk closer to the shop, the voices I walk beside grind against my eardrum. They all don’t know my truth. The truth that I want to show you and help you believe.
Because I do love you, Dexter Morgan, and that’s something you’ll never deny.
Your eyes shoot up as I shakingly open the door. "Hello, welcome in. What can I help you with?"
My legs feel like Jell-O, and my only movement is a head nod. I walk over to the cameo section and just stare at the patterns. But then, I came to a realization.
I’ve never heard you speak more than three words to me.
That has to be why my legs can’t work and my heart feels like a drum solo in a song.
It’s a little lovesickness.
My lungs inhale a deep breath as I walk over to your counter. "Hello-um-uh. I’d like to buy a gun."
You pause for a moment, your eyes burning through my skin.
You can finally see me.
"Alright, looking for anything in particular?"
I look up from the floor and look at you for the first time. Your hair is shorter than the pictures online and you look more tired. You need a release. Then, maybe you wouldn’t look so exhausted.
"Um, the cheapest. " I laugh, "and it doesn’t matter what kind."
"Let me see what we’ve got. Do you have your ID on you?"
I pat down my pockets, pulling out my leather, beat-up black wallet. My fingers comb through the folds and find my ID, sliding it over the glass casting. It’s a fake ID, of course. I only do that to keep you safe from what I might do. You’re tainted already, there’s no need to ruin you further. So I took a name that would recognize, Laura, your mother. Is it strange that I took the name of your dead mother? It’s not like she was using it. Plus, most people love their mothers. What do they call it? The Oedipus Complex? That feels right. I’m not one for psychology.
I watch your eyes scan my ID, stopping at my name.
"Laura. That’s a beautiful name."
Yes. Yes, it is.
I tuck my dyed hair behind my ear as you return my ID. "Thank you. I was named after my great aunt Laura."
You nod your head in acknowledgment and gently smile at me. Fuck, it feels amazing to make you smile. But a part of me knows that this is fake, that I put this on to remind you of someone. Someone you loved, admired even. Your eyes return to the computer, typing away at your computer. As much as I want to lean over the counter, grab your face, and kiss you tenderly, I physically can’t bring myself to do anything. Once again, I am frozen as your fingers clack against the keyboard. Pathetic. I can only pull at the bottom of my coat, hoping you don’t notice my cheeks growing redder. "Well, I have a few choices for you. Although, I do have one question. Are you looking for a smaller handgun or bigger, more shotgun-like gun?"
The sad part was that I thought for a moment. I, a girl who never cared about guns or bothered to buy guns, was thinking about the type of gun I wanted. Well, I wanted something to impress him. Something that said: Hello, you.
"Something smaller. Something a little more intimate."
He typed along on his laptop and waited, looking down at my hands. "Rough night?"
My eyes peek at my hands. The knuckles are darker than the rest of my skin, covered in deep scars and recently open wounds. To put it nicely, I had to break a few bones to get here. Both in the sense that I had to fight some personal demons and I had to break someone’s forearm for a decent car. Thankfully, both are dead now. I’ll never have to deal with them again.
"Yeah," I reply softly. "You could say that."
His gears began to turn again, probably thinking that I might be in some type of trouble.
"If you need a place to stay, my cabin is always warm and open."
My ears perk up at the invitation. I would have to jump through hoops to gain your trust. And yet, here you are inviting me over to your home. This is an innocent thing. No one would come up to your door asking for someplace warm. It's the polite thing to say.
"I’ll keep that in mind." I rush out like I’m trying to get my thoughts out.
His eyes flicker back to the laptop and after a few clicks, he turns the screen to face the both of us.
"So, we have this Smith & Wesson E-Series Semi-Automatic Pistol. It's known for its precision and accuracy. ‘Bit pricey but the brand is known for its close range and great for self-defense, and the like-"
"Can I pick it up tomorrow?" I burst out, cringing at myself for letting my mouth open like that.
"Of course! We’ll have it reserved for you. Let’s get a few things squared away first."
We go through all the necessary paperwork for gun ownership, ensuring I have a license and verifying my identity. Boring, I know. But everything was done just as the next person walked in. Perfect, the last thing I need is more people to remember. I thanked him and left, leaving a token of my love behind. A business card with my fake contact information. The only thing that was real was the phone number. Not my number, of course, but a phone he could contact through a burner phone. No SIM card so he couldn’t get anything from the phone even if he tried.
But I smile as I walk to my car.
He is within reach.
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What do you think about theory that Lila is Manon from future?
I am vaguely aware that this is a thing, but I'm also assuming that it's a joke and not a serious theory because that would be one of the most asinine things that I've ever seen. This fan theory is even worse than the pigeon feather thing in terms of absurdity. It should be reserved for crack fic and nothing else. However, this show never fails to impress me with its poor-quality writing choices, so let's take a quick moment to talk about why this wouldn't be a good twist.
The issue isn't the time travel thing. Lila being from the future is perfectly in line with the sort of crazy stuff that Miraculous does to the point where I wouldn't be shocked if Lila is from the future! Maybe Ladybug and Chat Noir "wronged" her and so she came back in time to try to stop them from being a thing or something like that? It fits her characters. Lila has been shown to be incredibly petty and, whatever is going on, it's clear that she came to Paris with an agenda otherwise why go the multiple identities and parents route?
However, if this from-the-future twist ends up being a thing, then Manon would be the worst choice for Lila's true identity because Manon is a well established character who shares no obvious traits with Lila. The only things that the two characters have in common are their hair and eye colors (or, at least, the hair and eye colors that Lila now has). Nothing else ties them together.
Yes, Manon does her baby-doll-eye manipulation thing, but that's not a sign that she's secretly a master manipulator or a compulsive liar! It's just a thing that little kids do. Boundary pushing is par for the course at that age.
For Manon to be a good baby Lila, we'd need to see Manon doing some actual quality manipulation tactics that trick people instead of just standard little kid pouting and boundary-pushing techniques. There's no point at which Manon is successfully lying to get what she wants. Her requests are always rather blatant and no one but Marinette falls for her "manipulations" because everyone else knows how to deal with little kids as we see in these two exchanges from Puppeteer:
Nadja: Alright, now give the doll back to Marinette. Manon: NO! I wanna keep it! Marinette: She can if she wants. I told her she could borrow it. Nadja: And that's sweet of you, Marinette, but Manon already has so many toys at home, I wouldn't even know where to put it.
Marinette: Manon! What are you- Manon: I left my bag here! Can I have Ladybug? Marinette: You heard what your mom said. Manon: She wouldn't know if I hide it!
Not exactly gold star manipulation tactics here. They'd fail if Marinette had a backbone.
Could you really picture Lila acting like this? I can't and that's the problem. Because Manon is an existing and well-established character, they have had time to make her into baby Lila. Time to set up the twist. But they haven't. They've just written your standard boundary-pushing little kid. Her behavior is really not all that different from Ella and Etta's (Alya's little sisters), so why would Manon be Lila and not one of them?
That's another problem. If you're going to have a big twist like this, then Manon needs to feel different from the other kid characters and she doesn't. Really think about this for a minute! As far as the kid characters' behavior goes, what's the difference between Puppeteer and Sapotis? I'd argue that there isn't one. In both episodes you see little kids pushing boundaries, leading to them being punished, leading to them getting akumatized.
In Puppeteer we get this:
Manon: But, Marinette wanted me to have it! Nadja: You disobeyed me. I told you the dolls were to stay at her house. You won't be needing these anymore. Manon: NO! Mommy, please don't! Nadja: I'm not happy about this. Wait for me here.
In Sapotis we get this:
Ella and Etta: It's not us! It's the—! Alya: That's it! (picks up the twins) Ella and Etta: Come on, Alya! We won't do it again! Alya: Yeah? Well, it's too late! (takes off both twins' propeller hats) We'll all go to the park when you can behave, some other day! Now go to sleep!
Extremely similar scenes with extremely similar outcomes.
Another similarity is Manon, Ella, and Etta's behavior in Simpleman. They're basically interchangeable in that episode, further killing this theory.
If this twist was going to be a thing, then I'd also expect us to see Lila and Manon interact at least once since we do let Lila talk to the kids on a few occasions. And if we didn't get that, then I'd definitely expect us to see a moment between Lila and Nadja or even a moment where Lila avoids Nadja. Anything to establish some sort of tie between Lila and this little family that she was once a part of. As-is, canon has done diddly squat to tie them together so I don't understand why the fandom is making this tie. Do people just really dislike Manon and want her to be evil?
In summary, Lila is - at most - a decade older than Manon, so we should see seeds of Lila already starting to form, but we don't. Lila holds grudges, Manon doesn't. Lila lies left and right, Manon doesn't. Lila plots, Manon doesn't. Lila hates Ladybug and Chat Noir, Manon adores them. In other words, nothing in the text backs up the idea that Manon would become Lila in a few short years, so where did this theory even come from?
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liquid-luck-00 · 1 year
Marks of Magic
Day 2 Vampire
Maribat Spooktober 2023
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I didn’t mean for this to become a song fic but that’s where it ended up (Vampire by Olivia Rodrigo)
Language and cursing is used
1790 words
She woke up the next morning, and it was so peaceful. She didn’t have to worry about Hawkmoth, she didn’t have to worry what her classmates thought of her. That just gave her so much freedom in fact she smiled, taking a breath of air for the first time in what seemed like years.
She bounced downstairs, earlier than her normal on a Saturday morning.
"some one is in good spirits today." Her Maman smiled as she came into the kitchen.
"Of course I am!" She tackled her mom in a hug.
"Did something happen at school?" Her Maman hugged her back. A second later her face turned somber, knowingly she asked. "Did Lila do something?... Alya?"
"Yes and no. I'll tell you and Papa at dinner."
"Okay Baio Bai." She flicked her on the nose. "For now help me get your father to eat something." She held a tray of berries, yogurt, granola, and coffee up for her to take down.
"Well isn’t this a surprise." Her papa smiled as she walked in to the bakery kitchen.
"Well it’s too nice to be crammed in my room." She offered.
"So what did your mother send?" He clapped his hands as flour clouded in the kitchen.
"A few staples." She started mixing granola into the yogurt, and tossing in a few of her papa’s favorite berries, before handing him the bowl.
"Any plans princess?"
"Don’t know." She shrugged. "Maybe walk around and sketch. I was also thinking about dropping by the Couffaine’s."
"Does he treat you right?"
"Papa!!" She blushed, covering her face with her hands. "He’s a good friend, nothing else."
She finally muttered when she found her voice again.
"He is a good kid Mari. Besides if he doesn’t he has to go through me."
She could only laugh before excusing herself.
She never thought of it before, never let herself truly think she could be in a relationship, but…
Luka knows who she is, was, damn that punched her in the gut. But he knows, and she made sure he was the only one that actually remembered that particular secret of hers. Sass had even been with him until a week ago, but could she actually let herself say it to him.
Without realizing she was coming up on the dock.
"How are ya lassie, come aboard." She heard Mdm. Couffaine call out to her.
"Thank you. How have you been?" She asked easily to the sweet pirate of a woman.
"All is good. He’s down in his cabin."
"Thank you." She walked down and approached the door, strums of a guitar floated through the hall. She lifted a hand up to knock, but the door swung open. She hadn’t noticed it had stopped.
"Luka…" The words died in her throat, her eyes began to sting.
"It’s okay, my melody."
Yes she was relieved that everything was over but that couldn’t last. She lost her best friend, Tikki had become such a huge piece of her and now she was gone. She guarded the kwamii, learned what made each one special. Barkk's loyalty and obsession with the knight's order. Wayzz's fondness of the other's antics and his calmness. She finally let her emotions rage through her without fearing repercussions.
"Marinette!" Luka’s usual calm melted into panic as she broke down.
"It's..." She choked on her words, everything from the night before crashed against her closed eyes.
Luka started to hum, pulling her into a hug. His steady heartbeat combined with his peaceful humming calmed some small part of her. "He's gone." He leaned back, a silent question in his gaze, 'who'. "Hawkmoth." She whispered before emotion overtook her once again.
They stayed like that for a while. Luka didn't pry, didn't try to stop her from feeling everything. At some point they ended up sitting on the bed, Luka started playing his guitar.
"You know you don't have to tell me." Luka finally spoke, not missing a note. "But if you want to I'll listen."
"I..." She pursed her lips, she was about to say more when the door swung open.
"Oh!" Juleka stood in the door, surprised to see the two of them. Her emotions then schooled themselves, ignoring Marinette, and turned towards Luka. "Everyone's here." The quiet girl turned and left.
"Come on." Luka extended his hand. "You need a distraction."
She took it and let him pull her through the house boat. There on the deck was almost half the class. Kitty Section (which included Rose, Ivan, and Juleka), Mylene, Adrien, Alix, Alya and Nino who were sitting next to Lila. Everyone turned and once they saw her scowled.
"Why are you here?" Alex voiced what everyone must have been thinking,
"Well... I..." she didn't know why, just that it felt right, even as Luka dragged her on the stage.
"Come on, just try." Luka placed the microphone in her hand as he plugged his guitar into the amp.
"But I don't..." She bit her lip unsure. Luka started strumming the song only he could hear. She just had to put lyrics to it. "Okay."
She let every thing pour int her words. Her sadness, joy, anger, everything she attempted and failed to tell Luka. Her eyes steeled as she became more confident with every note. Her first target was Alya.
'Hate to give the satisfaction, asking how you're doing now
How's the castle built off people you pretend to care about?
Just what you wanted
Look at you, cool guy, you got it'
Her eyes turned and caught Adrien's as the words formed in her mind mere moments before they crossed her lips.
'I see the parties and the diamonds sometimes when I close my eyes
Six months of torture you sold as some forbidden paradise
I loved you truly
Gotta laugh at the stupidity'
Without hesitating she stared at Lila.
'Cause I've made some real big mistakes
But you make the worst one look fine
I should've known it was strange
You only come out at night
I used to think I was smart
But you made me look so naive
The way you sold me for parts
As you sunk your teeth into me, oh
Bloodsucker, famefucker
Bleedin' me dry, like a goddamn vampire'
She took a short breath before continuing.. now catching Nino's attention.
'And every girl I ever talked to told me you were bad, bad news
You called them crazy, God, I hate the way I called them crazy too
You're so convincing
How do you lie without flinching?
(How do you lie, how do you lie, how do you lie?)'
Her eyes swept her 'friends' before landing on Alix.
'Ooh, what a mesmerizing, paralyzing, fucked-up little thrill
Can't figure out just how you do it, and God knows I never will
Went for me, and not her
'Cause girls your age know better'
As she began the chorus again she closed her eyes and stepped back, furthering herself from those on the deck.
'I've made some real big mistakes
But you make the worst one look fine
I should've known it was strange
You only come out at night
I used to think I was smart
But you've made me look so naive
The way you sold me for parts
As you sunk your teeth into me, oh
Bloodsucker, famefucker
Bleedin' me dry, like a goddamn vampire'
She picked up the pace and tried to catch everyone's eyes, but they seemed to be avoiding her gaze.
'You said it was true love, but wouldn't that be hard?
You can't love anyone, 'cause that would mean you had a heart
I tried you help you out, now I know that I can't
'Cause how you think's the kind of thing I'll never understand
I've made some real big mistakes
But you make the worst one look fine
I should've known it was strange
You only come out at night
I used to think I was smart
But you made me look so naive
The way you sold me for parts
As you sunk your teeth into me, oh
Bloodsucker, famefucker
Bleedin' me dry, like a goddamn vampire'
She took a gulp of air, now standing next to Luka. His, and everyone's, attention on her as he continued before cutting abruptly. "Better?"
she never thought it would actually be so releiving, but it was. she giggled at thats, a light smile entwined in the laughter. Such a contrast to what had come out of her heart seconds ago. "Yeah. So much fucking better."
He smiled at her, a small grin, but his eyes were bright, knowing. Her heart skipped as she felt her cheeks heat up.
"Gurl! You can't just show up and diss us like nothing!" Alya shouted nearly jumping up at her.
"Good thing I didn't plan it." she grumbled at the bespekled girl.
"Bull!" Alix jumped in. "We all heard that."
"Then consider it my good bye." She replaced the microphone and started down the steps. Luka catching up to her, he took her hand and their fingers intertwined, almost like second nature.
"Don't." Juleka grabbed Luka's shoulder turning him, and her in turn. "Please." She pleaded.
"I'm dissapointed." He took a step back and
squeezed her hand. "In all of you."
He pulled her and they walked off the boat.
"They're gone." she breathed after they walked a mile or two through the city,
"Hawkmoth?" He asked.
"Yes. But..." she finally stopped. "I released them."
"The kwamii." Her gaze was solely on her shoes and the pavement below.
"Oh." He lifted her chin. "Are you okay with that?"
She spilled. Everything that happend the night before. Everything that led up to her outburst yesterday and earlier. All the things she avoided telling him before. Once she finished she watched his reaction, hoping he wouldn't hate her, hoping that he could forgive her. Because she is why he will never see Sass again, never getting to be a hero again.
"Are they happy?"
The question caught her off guard. "I think so."
"Then you did the right thing."
she rose up on her toes and placed a small kiss on his cheek. "Thank you,"
A flash of teal exploded in front of her, but it lasted only a second when it was gone she was about to ask what happened, but the questioned died on her lips. There on Luka's wrist sat the miraculous of the snake.
"I guess they are still watching out for us."
"They said as much." She smiled, before adding. "They also said if I needed their power they'd lend it."
"Let's not test it so soon." He pressed a kiss to her forehead before they started walking again. "So Gotham."
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eridanidreams · 2 months
Snippet Sunday
tagging: @bearlytolerant, @silurisanguine, @aro-pancake, @fangbangerghoul, @atonalginger, @aislingdmdt, @fshenkoescape, @ninjaofnaps, @lisa-and-shadow, @a-cosmic-elf, @thatsgoodsquishy0, @hockeydemon42, @fomagranfalloon, @violenceandviolets, @therealgchu, @staticpallour, @artemis-crimson, @genesisarclite and @constellation2330
This is my brain right now...
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...and I've been writing in four different fics for three different fandoms. Today's snip is from The Passage of Distant Stars...
Cait braced herself before turning, knowing what she'd see. It still wasn't enough; Sam in one of his relaxed leans against the wall, looking devastatingly handsome in t-shirt and jeans damn near stopped the breath in her throat. "Comfortable?"
"Mmm-hmm. Like they were made for me." He eyed her up and down; she'd expected something of the sort, and managed not to outwardly react. "So tell me, you invite every Starborn that comes in here for dinner and a drink, or am I special?"
"Oh, you're special," Cait admitted, and took some small amusement in his well-hidden surprise. Well-hidden from anyone but her, that is. "And yes, I keep those in there for someone like you." She could smell the paprika now, mingled with the other scents, sharp and just this side of acrid. She grabbed the bowl of chicken and started adding it to the pan. "But I don't invite every person, Starborn or not, in for dinner. Most of them just want to go straight through. Others," she glanced at him as he came over to lean against the fridge, "I want to go straight through. There's usually a few, though. People I've known, one way or another. People who need a little reassurance before making the jump." The tomatoes followed the chicken and she gave the whole thing a vigorous stir, then set a timer.
"I'm in that first group, I suppose," he said, a little whimsically. "Damn, that smells good! What is it?"
"Paprika Hendl," she replied. "Cora ever make you read her Dracula?"
A fond expression crossed Sam's face. "Sure did. In more than one 'verse." He chuckled. "Her and those books."
Cait couldn't hold back a chuckle of her own. "In my universe, I gave it to her." She laughed a little more softly, caught by the memory. "Gave her every book I could find, just to see the smile on her face. It was like to drive her father crazy some days." She caught a shift in his emotions, like a cloud pulling its veil across the sun. She cast him a quick glance, and his smile had turned melancholy. "I'm—"
"Nah," he interrupted. "No need to apologize. That was my—Lila—in a nutshell." Wryly, "I've gotten used to looking at another me from the outside. In a weird sort of way, it's good to know I'm loved, even if it's at a remove." He looked like he was going to elaborate on that, but instead took a deep breath and nodded at the pan. "So what's that have to do with Dracula?"
She accepted his silent request to change the subject. "Ah, yeah. It's the meal Jonathan Harker has before he gets to Castle Dracula. Traditional Central European dish. Supposed to be served with slivovitz—that's a plum brandy—but I'm not much for hard alcohol, so we'll have to make do with wine."
"Works for me," he drawled. "So how come I've never heard of this—Paprika Hendl?"
"Now that's something interesting," Cait said, gesturing him to join her at the kitchen island. (Multiple jumps and she still could not understand why Sam always blocked the fridge when she was cooking.) "Before we jumped, Cora and I had a theory that we wouldn't see a lot of big changes in the universes we went through, at least not the first few times. The idea was that as we started out from our own universe, we'd go through some 'close' universes, where the differences that made them were pretty minimal."
"Right. The—uh—butterfly effect, I think Cora called it." Sam leaned on the island across from her, eyes bright with interest and a sharp-edged curiosity shivering around him.
"Right," she nodded. "We figured it would be hard to change the big events, the ones that had lots of decisions going into them and lots of consequences coming out of them. But small things, things that don't matter much in the long run, or only to a very few people—those we expected to see a wide variety in." She cracked an egg with a flourish. "Turns out, recipes are one of those small things. Someone remembers their grandmother's recipe book, another leaves theirs behind…" A second egg. "Once I figured that out, I started looking. Found this one three, maybe four jumps back." A third egg joined the others in the dimpled flour; she gave it enough of a stir to break up the yolks, then carefully poured in some water and stirred that in, as well. "I thought maybe I could share them across timelines. Restore a little of Terra's lost heritage where I went."
He stared at her in disbelief as she took a heavy spoon and started beating the egg-flour mixture. "Hell, you have got to be the least Starborn Starborn I've ever run into. Most Starborn I've run into don't have the time of day for history. Or the people around them."
"That's the problem," Cait said absently, feeling for that moment when the dumpling batter came together. "In their search for power, they've forgotten everything that makes them human. Unity asks for part of your humanity when you go through, to give to the universe you leave behind. If you don't restore what's left of yourself, what happens when you run out?"
Sam stared at her, mouth all but agape, for several long moments. "Jesus, you're dangerous," he finally said, sounding half-awed. "No wonder they all want you dead."
She lifted the spoon and watched a clump of batter fall back into the bowl. Just about ready. "They want me dead because I don't play their game." She gave him a sardonic look. "Don't tell me I should knuckle under to a psychopath and his enabler."
"Of course not!" he countered. "But the Hunter's bad enough news that I'd pick my fights with him real careful. I ain't going out there punching a—a—terrormorph in the nose, either!"
Cait couldn't suppress a smirk. "Oh, I don't know, some terrormorphs are downright friendly compared to the Hunter and his followers." She moved back to the stove and started dropping batter into boiling water.
"Okay," he said, voice reflecting his bemusement, "You are officially weird."
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andydrysdalerogers · 1 year
Yours Submissively ~ Consent
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Steve Rogers X OFC Isabella Davis
Summary: Five Years after the events of Civil War, Steve Rogers has moved on from avenging and has started his own business, Grant Inc. He has a secret that would turn his world upside down. And he's good at keep that secret. Until he meets the woman with violet eyes that could bring him to his knees. Now his mission is to make her, his. But she is the key that could bring the world into balance... or chaos.
And she has no idea.
Series Warnings: slow burn at the beginning, smut, angst, sexual themes of BDSM, dom/sub dynamics, kidnapping, (and a bunch of others that will come up)
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS. Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated
Previous: Excess
Series Masterlist ~ Main Masterlist
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Sunlight creeped across the hardwood from the floor to ceiling windows.  The blackout shades weren’t all the way to the floor, but it allowed the room to remain dark.  Belle felt herself wake and turn over.  She realized that action should have dropped her from her twin bed at home.  She opened her eyes and looked at the unfamiliar nightstand in front of her.  She looked at the soft sheets, dark red.  She sat up slowly, taking in the room.  
Wood tone furniture decorated the room but sparce, just a couple of chairs and a small coffee table in addition to the nightstands.  Belle looked down and saw herself in an unfamiliar shirt.  She was scared to move but managed to look over to the other side of the bed.  It was empty but slept in.  She looked back at the nightstand and saw some tablets and some water.  The pill bottle was next to it, so she knew it was safe to take the medicine.   Her head told her she needed to take whatever it was.  She swallowed and then moved her legs off the bed.  
The cold air hit her legs.  She started to panic.  What happened last night?  She heard the door open, and she pulled her legs back under the covers.  Steve walks in, sweat on his brow and his shirt soaked.  “Good morning.”  
“Uh… morning.”  Belle stared at the man, not sure if it was a good morning or not.  “How… ummm… when… ok, sorry.”  
“Breathe Isabella.”  Steve sat on the edge of the bed in front of her.  
Belle closed her eyes and took a deep breath.  “What happened?” 
“Before or after your drunken phone call?” 
Belle dropped her head into her hands.  “After,” she said behind muffled hands.  
Steve gently pulled her hands away from her face.  “I brought you home after you passed out in my arms.”  
“How did you find me?”  
“It’s easy to track a phone, Isabella.  They have an app for that.”  
“Great. Perfect.” Belle looked around.  “We’re in your bedroom?” 
“Did you undress me?” 
“Did we… did we do anything?” 
“No Isabella.  I’m not that guy.  I won’t do something without your explicit consent.”  
Belle closed her eyes in relief.  She took another steadying breath. “Why am I here?” 
“I didn’t know where you lived.  Lila told me to take care of you.”  
“Where are my clothes?” 
“Bucky brought you some new ones.”  He gestured to the shopping bag she missed on the chair. “The shower is through there if you like.  I’ll use the guest one.” He walked into another door and came out with some clothes. “You are quiet this morning. Not as lively as last night.  Are you planning on behaving today?” 
“Oh god.” She laid back on the pillow. “What did I do?” 
“I only have bits and pieces Isabella.  You called me, you were inebriated, I found you with a guy kissing you, I pulled him off and then you passed out.  You were entertaining.”  
“Well as long as I was entertaining.” Belle covered her face with the pillow, hoping it would suffocate her.  She felt the material pull away from her.  
“Are you ok?” 
“If you are ok with the ground swallowing me whole, then not yet because it hasn’t happened.”  
Steve chuckled.  “Come.  Get refreshed. I’ll take you to breakfast.” He left the room.  
Belle waited a moment before getting up and grabbing the bag. Jeans, a beautiful top and undergarments were in the bag.  Curiously it was all in her size.  She walked through the door indicated to find a gorgeous bathroom that was bigger than her apartment.  She showered quickly, skipping washing her hair. She pulled it up into a bun and got dressed.  She exited back to the room, where Steve was reading the paper.   “Feel better?” 
“More human, thank you. Have you seen my phone?” 
“It’s charging in the living room.”  Steve stood up and offered his hand.  She took it and he led her to a modern living room.  
Belle took in the room.  It wasn’t what she expected from the good captain.  Sleek furniture, hardwood floors, what looked like an easel in the corner.  She felt comfortable in the room.  She spotted her phone and went to reach for it.  Several missed calls from Lila and Scott.  She sighed and just sent a quick message to Lila. 
B: I’m ok.  
L: How was he? 
B: With what? 
L: You didn’t did you? 
B: Of course not.  
L: But you wanted to? 
B: I got to go.  
“Everything ok?” Steve looked at her inquisitively.  
“Yes, just letting Lila know I’m ok.”  Belle tried not to fidget.  “I am hungry.”  
“Let’s go.  There is a diner around the corner.  We can walk.  Here,” he handed her a pair of sunglasses.  
“Thanks.” She placed the glasses on the top of her head, and they walked to the elevator. The thoughts of doubt swirled in her head.  Steve had rescued her from herself apparently but had made no move on her.  She was awkward, she knew that about herself so it seems logical that Steve wouldn’t find her interesting or attractive.  Before she got lost in this man, she blurted out, “Steve?”  He turned to look at her.  “Am I not good enough?” 
Steve was puzzled by the question. “Sorry?” 
“You haven’t kissed me or made a move, yet you brought me here.  Am I just a charity case?” 
Steve pulled the emergency stop again and turned to face Belle. His anger at her presumption was showing.  He got closer to her, and she backed up into the elevator wall.  He placed his hands on either side of her face.  “Isabella if you were a charity case, I would not have brought you to my home or place you in my bed for that matter.”  He lifted his hand to caress her cheek.  “I’ve been dying to taste that mouth but I didn’t want to without your consent.”  
Belle’s breath hitched at the thought of him kissing her.  “You have it, Steve.”  
“I don’t.  Not until you agree to be mine.”  
“In every way, Isabella.”  He looked into her violet eyes, seeing the desire in them.  He leaned in and ghosted her lips. “I’ll explain soon baby.”  He pecked her ever so gently.  He pulled away and Belle was sure she needed to restart her heart.  Steve pulled the emergency stop so they could continue down.  Once at the bottom, he took her hand again and led her to the diner.  
They were quiet on the walk, Belle lost in her thoughts.  He guided them to the back of the diner and asked for two coffees.  “What are you thinking Isabella?” 
“I’m so confused right now.  These thoughts, feelings, words are just so confusing.  I know everything about you and yet….” 
“Yet, you don’t know everything.”  Steve watched as she made her coffee, light and sweet and made a note.  
“No apparently, I don’t.” Belle looked at her coffee.  She was scared to look up into the blazing blue orbs she knew was studying her.  
Steve took a sip of his own coffee.  “You know Isabella, you should really care for yourself better.”  
The change in topic stunned Belle.  “How do you mean?” 
“I’m all for having fun but drinking that much is dangerous.”  
“I wasn’t in danger.”  
“And what do you call the boy who assaulted you?” 
“Scott?  Scott just pushed too far.  I will need to speak to him.  Now that he and I are sober.”  She looked out the window.  That was going to be an uncomfortable conversation.  
“Is he something more to you?”  Steve’s jaw hardens at the thought.  
“No,” Belle finally looked at Steve, taking in his jealous expression.  “He is a friend. I didn’t realize he wanted more.”  
“Hmm,” Steve said taking another sip. “But last night can’t happen again.”  
“What does that mean?” 
“Alcohol negates consent Isabella.”  
“Consent?  Why would I need consent?”  
“Not you getting a consent.  Giving it.”  
“Why would I need to give consent?”  
“Because consent is everything Belle.”  They fell silent for a moment. 
“It’s funny.” Belle’s lips quirked up.  
“What is?” 
“Getting a lecture from someone who can’t get drunk. I read about that somewhere.”  
“Whether or not I can get drunk isn’t the issue.  I want you to be safe and be able to give consent whenever.”  
“Again, why would I need to give consent?  What aren’t you telling me?” 
“I can’t do this here.”  
“Steve, you are confusing me.  Just be plain spoken. I’m still here; you obviously haven’t scared me off.”  
Steve studied her.  Her angelic face, her violet eyes, her hair pulled up, exposing her beautiful neck. Steve decided to explain.  “I want a specific kind of relationship Isabella.  I’m not looking for a romantic type, more of a companion.”  
“Someone to attend events with me and attend to my other needs.”  
Belle looked at him curiously.  “Needs?  Like an assistant.”  
Steve chuckled.  “I have plenty of assistants Belle.”  
“I’m glad I’m still amusing.” Belle sipped her coffee again.  
“Let’s finish breakfast and I can show you what I mean.”  Steve ordered for them and they ate in silence.  Once he paid, he took her back to the penthouse.  He took her up the stair and to a plain room.  “If you agree to be mine, this room will be yours.”  
“You want me to live here?” 
“On the weekends, yes.  I’ll give you everything you need.  Clothes, toiletries, books, anything. In exchange, you get me.”  
“For what purpose?” 
Steve pulled her out of the room and to the dining room.  On the glass table sat a stack of paperwork.  “This is a contract.  Details of the relationship I want.  The dos and don’ts if you will.”  
“Contract for a relationship?”  
“It’s important.  It protects you and me from making a mess of our lives.  It outlines what I expect, what I offer.  It also states what you are and are not willing to try.”  
Belle’s head spun.  “I don’t even know what to think or say.  What are you trying to tell me?” 
Steve took her hand.  “Come.” He walked her into another room.  This room was dark, the black furniture, a king size black sleigh bed with stark white sheets.  Belle glanced around the room to see all of the objects on the walls.  She gasped at the whips and canes, chains and ropes.   
“What are you?” she whispered.  
“I like control Isabella.  A long time ago, I was introduced to the world of dominance and submission.  I am a dominate.  I would like you to be my submissive.” Belle started to walk the room, touching what she could, trying to make sense of what she was seeing. Her mind was reeling.  “Talk to me, tell me what you are thinking.”  
“I don’t know what to think.”  
“Is this something you have experience before?” 
“Well, during sex, have you tried anything that excites you?” 
“I couldn’t tell you.” Belle began to blush.  
“We can’t have secrets Isabella. Tell me.”  
“No, I really can’t.  I’ve never…never…”  
“You’re a virgin?” Belle couldn’t speak or look at him.  “Isabella, tell me.”  
“Yes,” she whispered.  
“How… why… Christ, I just…” He grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the room.  They sat in the living room and Steve dropped his hands in his head.  He didn’t know what to ask first.  Finally, he looked at Belle. “Why?” he asked simply.  
“There was a lot of things that happened since I was a kid.  It wasn’t something I was worried about,” Belle said simply.  
“Tell me.”  
“My adoptive father died when I was sixteen and I was alone.  I was taken in by some friends of his until I was eighteen and then I was in school on scholarship.  Delilah, Peter, MJ, Hope and Scott became my family.”  
“You were adopted?”  Steve was amazed that it didn’t show on the report Bucky had done.  
“Yeah, my parents died in an accident that I survived as a baby.  My dad took me in.  Said he was friends with them.  It was in their will that I be placed with him.” Belle wiped her eyes.  
“So you’ve never had a lover?  A boyfriend?” 
“One, but we were not together long.  He disappeared after I said I wouldn’t leave with him.”  
“And you never?”  She shook her head.  “I would have never shown you if I knew.”  
“And how was I supposed to tell you this?”  Belle grew angry.  “You were so confusing.  You brought me here and I assumed you wanted a relationship with me.”  
“I do, just not a traditional one. But I need to fix this.”  
“Fix what?”  
“Your status.  Come.”  He pulled her from the couch.
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air--so--sweet · 3 months
I will probably never properly wrangle the various scraps I have for this fic into anything coherent, and even if I do I don't think this scene quite fits the tone so I doubt it would make it. I enjoyed the silliness of it though, so felt like sharing. Also, I have like zero confidence in my writing these days so challenging myself to post this and not panic delete it like an hour from now
Anita stood in the centre of the rug, directly across from where Ben was seated on the sofa, hands on her hips as she eyed him suspiciously. Ben didn't know how to interact with children at the best of times, and, considering he was completely exhausted, he had had an emotional breakdown in front of Klaus and Diego, and he was no long allowed to be by himself in case he passed out again, this definitely was not the best of times.
He let his eyes wander around the room, looking at anything but Anita, and pretending he couldn't feel her eyes boring into him.
'You live with Uncle Klaus?' she said, finally breaking the silence. Ben sighed and finally met her gaze
'Sort of...currently...yes, I guess.' She frowned at him like he was a particularly difficult maths problem she was trying to solve. He decided against explaining that he had recently been released from prison as it probably wasn't conducive to his goal of having this interaction end as soon as humanly possible.
'Are you Uncle Klaus' boyfriend?'
'What?! No!' he blustered.
'Anita Grace, play nice!' Lila admonished without looking up from where she was setting the table.
'I aaam,' she huffed as she stomped over to her mother. She scowled in a way that Ben thought made her look eerily like Diego. It was a frightening sight to see his face on a five year old. 'And you said Uncle Klaus dates boys as well as girls.'
'He does love, just not this boy.' Anita threw Ben a glance over her shoulder before turning back to Lila.
'Pity,' she said again, putting extra emphasis on the word. Lila tried and failed to surpress a laugh while Ben cursed himself for not going to the boxing gym with Diego and Klaus.
'Trust me, baby,' she said as she straightened a place mat, 'it really isn't.'
'What's that supposed to mean?' Ben said, turning in his seat fully so he could look at Lila, forgetting that he wanted no part in this conversation.
'Yeah mommy,' Anita said, hands back on her hips, 'what does that mean?'
Before Lila could reply they heard the click of a key turning in the lock.
'Saved by the bell', she said, winking at him as the door swung open. Anita quickly forgot about her newly forged allyship with Ben, instead choosing to sprint across the room and throw herself bodily at Klaus.
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tleeaves · 9 months
Wasting Beats In This Heart Of Mine - how it would have ended
Hello, folks! As some of you already know or have heard me mention previously, my TLH fanfic WBITHOM is coming to an end. I am no longer comfortable with it being in the public eye since it involves a lot of personal stuff for me, and so I have decided to delete the fic entirely on every platform it's been published on (that's Quotev, AO3, and Wattpad) rather than rewrite the entire thing. This will also finally give me the chance to focus on other written works. Maybe I'll return to fandom with a rewrite one day for anyone interested, but for now, the future is dedicated to other things. The fic will be deleted in 48 hours, so readers on Quotev and AO3 have a chance to download the unfinished fic if they so desire before then or just have one last read. I ask that no one rewrites or adds an ending to my fic and publishes it anywhere without my knowledge and permission. Never put an author's work through AI either. I still have several copies of my fanfic and its outline, so I will always have evidence of where the story comes from.
WBITHOM is a monster, with the master document coming to well over 150,000 words and the fic so far being ~146,000 words (the entire outline and all my notes makes up over 4,000 words, yes). I predict that, had I finished the fic, it would come close to 188,000 words (so, there was a decent ways to go still). It's the biggest thing I've attempted, but because of that, it is also the most time-consuming (it's been almost a year and a half of writing, and each chapter either takes two full days to write or weeks) and it takes up the most space in my head, not really leaving room for the other ideas I want to explore.
So, as someone suggested, I thought I'd give readers who were hoping to see the fic to its proper end some closure. That's what this post is for: how it would have ended. Along the way, I'll explain some things too about recurring themes and motifs and all manner of behind the scenes and thoughts behind my ideas.
Character Arc Summaries
As readers know, this story follows the characters of Lila Raftis, James Herondale, Cordelia Carstairs, and Matthew Fairchild. They're all the most significant figures, though we do see other perspectives and side characters too. Essentially, Lila Raftis struggles with loneliness due to a myriad of other issues she has to work through, and James Herondale's arc starts with his depression and turns into a journey to authenticity where he feels like his own person and not just what he has been written or expected to be. Cordelia Carstairs' physical state of being lost extends to how lost she is within, and she ends realising that she has been continuously defining herself through other people. I see her as leaving London and the love triangle with James and (unconfessed) Matthew (and Lila) to deconstruct a lot of the ideals she was trying to live up to and why. As for Matthew Fairchild, I made the deliberate decision for him to turn into a werewolf and have that separation from Shadowhunter society so that he could pursue the arts and build a better life that he would find more satisfaction with, also eventually becoming sober. I took inspiration from his time at the academy, particularly when he turns to Lila in one of the earlier acts and asks if it's so bad to not be a Shadowhunter. At first, he regrets turning, but I planned for him to wind up relieved.
Honestly, while this work is very self-insert (and that's not a bad thing generally, but I've been finding it uncomfortable as time goes on, so that's why I prefer to take it down and keep it to myself), it was also my way of going How It Should Have Ended for the TLH series as a whole. I started it before ChoT, yes, but that book only led to minor changes and alternate paths taken -- I was already using ChoI as a base to steer these characters in the directions I thought they should go.
The Rest Of Act Three
The rest of Act Three of the fanfic is summarised below (...at length. It's a lengthy summary).
We ended the fanfic on the chapter where James and Lila returned to London, 1903 of his dimension. He was gravely wounded in his left arm, which ends up being amputated despite the efforts of Lila and Lucie (and Gus' help too). This is, of course, a reference to the recent fan art of James where a headcanon went around that the reason we couldn't see his other arm was because it just didn't exist. I took it and ran, which was not planned. I knew I wanted James injured so that Lila could return the care he once had shown her when she was wounded badly, but it wasn't going to be as severe as it ended up being. This is how we ended up at the Institute instead of 48 Curzon Street as I had previously planned for the chapter. James was going to be fine, but Cordelia had decided to confront Lila about several things, and they'd end the night having kissed -- which in turn leads Lila to going for a walk to clear her head and her subsequently getting kidnapped by Jonathan Bell (the Other James from another dimension). Anyway, the change did make some of these plot points awkward (😭) hence why I spent ages editing the make out between Lila and Cordelia because I could not decide how it should start and end. It was a nightmare. As Silver pointed out, it didn't make a whole lot of sense in the order of events (Cordelia should have gone to see James first), but I was in a mad rush to finally release the update since I knew people were waiting. The kidnapping also was not quite as dramatic as I envisioned it, but oh well. I'm actually quite happy with the rest of the chapter though.
From there comes the rest of the fic that readers probably will not get to experience, so that's why I'm writing this out, so you at least know the mysteries that I won't get to reveal and how we get to the end.
Jonathan Bell kidnaps Lila and, through the use of shadow, they end up in Paris, France. This is where Matthew also fled after his mother released him from the Silent City cells after he persuaded her into it. Lila ending up there and being away from both James and Cordelia, and spending more one-on-one time with our antagonist and Matthew since the earlier parts of the book was always intended.
Jonathan is revealed to have possession of another silver pen, which is a reference to a previous fanfic I wrote (also deleted) called Chain of Lies, where the pen could literally rewrite reality if you used your own blood for ink. In Jonathan's dimension, Lila ended up staying in his world and marrying him, but she also dies of a mysterious sickness during their honeymoon, so he uses the pen to go back in time and cancel their honeymoon, under the impression she would not get sick. Instead, she was hit by a car several days earlier, and died in the accident. Jonathan goes back again to stop that from happening, but Lila ends up dying again anyway, over and over again in different ways, every time Jonathan reverses time to prevent each event from occurring. Eventually, he goes so far back in their timeline together that he's reliving the December when they met, and that's how he knows how to divert the accidents in WBITHOM that threaten harm to this other dimension's Lila (are you still with me?). But before that, he created a time loop in that December of his dimension just trying to keep Lila alive for two years of his life whereas everyone else remained the same, but stuck in time. It's supposed to be very angsty and tragic, and it's a demonstration of one of James Herondale's core traits eventually twisting horribly wrong: how he would do anything for those he loves, whether that be family, friends, or lovers.
This character flaw/strength is something I reference lightly a few times throughout the fanfic, mostly in the ways he is concerned about the safety of his family and friends which he tries to find out from Lila, who has read Chain of Iron and knows what the future is supposed to be, and then how he reflects on how he does not know what he would do when someone he loves dies. Honestly, the issue is that he cares too much about people, which is both a good thing and a bad thing, depending on how far it goes. Jonathan is the literal embodiment of what would happen if James' care went too far, if it bordered on obsession, if he wanted to keep someone from dying so bad that he would sacrifice everything else, even the universe.
So, Jonathan finally confesses to the time-loop and explains that as a drastic measure, he tried finding Lila in another dimension to see if he could save her there, but this tearing of the time-loop to escape it worsened a tear that Cordelia had already created in her fight with Belial and the Mandikhor to such a point that it started growing and expanding and destroying the fabric of time and space between dimensions and the universe as a whole. You know, wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey... stuff (Doctor Who reference for those who get it). The thing he did not realise though is that in this timeline, Lila is not meant to die, so long as she goes back home instead of staying in 1903 (he still doesn't know this, it's just a fact I would have explained to the readers when we meet Circe, the employer of Poppy Morad (P.M.) and Saint Nicholas). This is supposed to leave Lila conflicted, because as much as she wants to hate his guts for being the reason for her family disappearing and the worlds ending, even this Other James is a reflection of her own nature, which is another thing that's been lingering beneath the surface for the duration as the fic: while James has a doppelganger that demonstrates who he might become if he cannot accept loss, he and Lila have similarities boiling beneath the surface that go unnoticed until an outburst we saw Lila have where she basically accuses James of being just like her (not complimentary at the time).
Lila as a character is someone who cares deeply, but is willing to sacrifice herself and others to protect what or who she cares deeply about (yet we also see her choose self-preservation over self-sacrifice a few times before she truly starts acting in service of others). Her circle of people she cares about is more limited than James', but the shared sentiments still stand. Plus, the way Jonathan has acted this entire time has always bordered on unnerving or odd -- I did that on purpose. He's been driven to obsession, where he's basically an extreme of what James and Lila believe in. And he is both James and not James in this way, if that makes sense. We see in one of Lila's nightmares earlier in the book Jonathan saying it does not matter which version of him he is or which version of her she is -- they belong together. Fully delusional at this point, but it's meant to be scary. I'm kind of obsessed that Jonathan is also a mirror for Lila to see how she might look to her James: someone who knows you way too well, but you've also never met nor know much about at all (she might know James but she does not know this one), who's inexplicably fixated on you (granted, James did not even begin to guess Lila's feelings, and hers were rather superficial in a way until they spent more time together).
Anyway, basically, the start of this rewrite of Chain of Lies pretty much began with these dynamics between the two Jameses and Lila. It was a whole thing with diagrams and late night ranting to my poor sister and everything.
So, of course, Lila is conflicted and she also does not know how she's supposed to get Jonathan to reverse the problem he has created -- whether he's also supposed to go back to his dimension and whether that will be enough to repair the tear. Most of this happens in the Notre Dame cathedral because I said so (I like cathedrals as settings, sue me if you dare).
Meanwhile, Matthew has been in Paris and totally avoiding Charles, so he also hears nothing of Will and Tessa being notified about James' injury in London and leaving by portal. But he does hear some French Shadowhunter gossip about the Consul's werewolf son's disappearance when he discovers Lila being taken to the cathedral by a masked man. Then ensues a solo rescue operation. Honestly, I always have a lot of fun writing Matthew, it's hard not to include him more. Anyway, the rescue is successful, and he takes Lila back to his hotel room to lay low for the night before he gets her back to London with the others (since he recognises that they must have no idea where she is, what happened, and she's an integral part of solving this whole mess, as people are still disappearing in this world).
I had a really nice scene planned that I'd been waiting the entire book to write, but basically Lila and Matthew spend a sober night together (as opposed to their time in the Silent City together) where they talk about all their woes, including their love lives, and eventually they get on to the topic of how they could have smoothed over both their dilemmas if they just had each other as lovers, if only their similarities were not such that would probably be self-destructive at this point in their lives. Because we've seen often in the book other characters compare these two, but it's these two themselves who recognise that, yes, they are alike in some ways, but not the ways it counts in order to have a healthy romantic relationship. They settle on being good friends. Matthew also takes her measurements so they can pick up some quick changes of clothes since Lila's still wearing her grimy outfit she wore during the explosion. And she also brings up that she knows he's an artist, but asks that she have the chance to sketch him, and he offers to do so in return, so they spend the rest of the night drawing, which I just find so sweet. There's not much significance in that at face value, it's just cute, but I also see Matthew embracing an old hobby as one of the first steps he takes in moving on from all his pain and finding better outlets for it.
Also, the platonic nature between Lila and Matthew, the complicated romance with James and Cordelia, and then all the familial themes and side-plots going on are all part of an idea I had going into this that I wanted to demonstrate many facets of love and the importance of each in their individual right. If anything, given the extreme slowburn I've come at James/Lila/Cordelia with particularly, I want to end this book purposefully with none of them winding up together because so many other things mattered more than their romance, and even the kind of loves they have for each other are a reason they don't end up staying because they would all rather see each other safe and not see each other at all than know they might cause other problems by being in the wrong dimensions.
Anyway, because I do multiple perspectives for everything, while Matthew and Lila and Jonathan have their bit going on in Paris, back in London we see James coming to terms with his disability and in all his rumination over what's happened and Lila being missing but him being unable to go out and find her, James finally (FINALLY!) realises his romantic feelings for Lila. This also leads to a scene between him and Cordelia where they both discuss Lila and their feelings for her. Cordelia also confesses how she has felt for James for a long time, but she also explains that she wants nothing to come of it anymore because she does not see herself settling down with him like she previously thought. James is a bit stung by this (I mean, my guy had no idea about Cordelia's true feelings until now and then she also springs a rejection on him at the same time when he's just begun to realise some of his own feelings around her) but is ultimately relieved since he feels he needs more time to figure out who he is and the life he wants without the bracelet numbing him.
We also would have seen Poppy Morad and Saint Nicholas again and their increasing distress and alarm with how difficult Jonathan Bell has been to track and control since he's hared of to Paris with Lila.
When Jonathan finds out Lila's gone, he feels betrayed and frustrated by his failure. Because while he feels he has saved her, she's refusing to be his as she once was in his dimension (also why he was confused and then against her leaving and going home earlier in the story). The world is breaking down around him (we start to see parts of Paris going up in flames, not unlike London 2021 of Lila's dimension) and he's about to go track Lila down again (but now he's going a bit more heavily into Villain Mode).
We also see Poppy Morad closing in on Jonathan as he returns to London when she's defecting orders from Circe, her higher up, to take him down instead of corralling Lila's effects on the timeline.
Lila and Matthew return to London on Christmas Eve just hours before the end of the world properly starts in 1903. This is also when she and James interact for the first time since he passed out on the bridge several days ago. I was a bit undecided on how I wanted this scene to look, other than I needed them to finally confess their feelings for each other in the rain like a cliche after they have an argument where Lila says that James has everything she wants (and this is where we realise the root of her problem in this whole book is not simply loneliness, but a dissatisfaction with herself and her life, which has lent itself to the more superficial issues she's been having) but that ultimately she also just wanted him though she knows she cannot be with him without risking everything. So, when James confesses his side, they decide to spend what little time they have left with each other as best as they can. (And this where I as an author push them together like Barbie dolls and go "now kiss").
Have I mentioned this story has too many layers and plot points and it's been driving me mad this entire time I've been writing it? Anyway.
They quickly determine with The Gang™️ that "Belial" and "Lilith" are not who they seem to be anymore, because while Alastair just got arrested for the murder of Lilian Highsmith (oh yeah, that happens while Lila and Matthew are in Paris, because I wanted a reversal where it's Thomas who stands up for Alastair when he's accused of murder, just for funsies) everything else that has happened seems to be related to whoever this P.M. (remember when Cordelia was also accused of murder because Filomena thought she saw Cordelia when she was attacked?) and Matthew body double is (spoiler: Poppy Morad and Saint Nicholas are codenames for other versions of Cordelia Carstairs and Matthew Fairchild in another timeline, I'll explain more about this later, but what you can probably surmise already is that this alternate Cordelia has taken the place of Belial within this dimension and is the one murdering all the victims (including her father. That was a difficult point, because we see in a PM and Saint Nick scene that he's concerned about whether she can go through with it) and Matthew has taken Lilith's place in some minor ways (like hiding and then handing back Cortana at the right moments)).
Anyway, because Lila's kind of behind on some events, she goes to confess to Cordelia (but explain how she also feels about James), when Cordelia says there's a lot more she wants out of life before she pursues romance again. That she's been so consumed by it, by finding love, by getting married, she's lost who she is beneath it all. (Have you noticed the theme for every character in this fic is basically authenticity and finding oneself despite whatever circumstances they find themselves in?)
Then, we also would have seen Lila dedicate herself to taking down Jonathan herself since he's the main problem that's tearing things apart and perhaps if he's killed then he can no longer influence time and reality.
Vaguely, I had planned that James and Lila would have what my outline says is "an emotional night together" because it could mean literally anything and I wasn't totally sure where I wanted it to go. So. Interpret that one how you will with whatever you prefer, honestly. Anyway, while that's happening, we see Matthew go home to his mother who is, understandably, worried sick and mad because he never wrote to her like he was supposed to and Charles return without him. We see Matthew collapse into her arms and just sob. That was the plan. It's important to me that he's actually vulnerable with her for once and that he, a young man too big to be in his mother's arms, lets himself be held anyway. There was also supposed to be a wholesome Thomastair moment that I hadn't really planned, though I knew Alastair would go home with Cordelia afterwards and she would start her journey to forgiving him. We also would have seen her kneel in front of Sona to confess A Whole Lot Of Things about what's been happening in her life, from as early as the marriage blanc and the Blackthorn Manor incident. Basically, everything is supposed to be hopeful even if it hurts just a bit and feels a little bittersweet. Because then in the chapter this all would have taken place in, we'd end with Saint Nicholas and Poppy Morad collecting the pithos from Christopher who picked it up in the background of everything (basically, all the Belial storyline has still been operating as it should, except it's being orchestrated by PM instead of Belial), when Jonathan sneaks up on them and fatally wounds (he had the intent to kill) Saint Nicholas, who he is shocked to find out in that moment is an alternate Matthew.
AND THEN, next chapter we would have had at the tolling of midnight, signaling Christmas day, PM the alternate Cordelia (whose character is the way it is because she's been hardened by some long and traumatic years -- she and alternate Matthew have a tragic backstory that I've been keeping in my back pocket that wasn't really necessary to be explained in the story, but if you want to know more, just ask) drags a dying alternate Matthew back to their tent where Circe, their mysterious employer, is torn away from her work elsewhere to start enacting emergency world-fixing in this timeline. This is also when we find out Circe's identity: she is Cassandra Clare, once again (if you read Chain of Lies) who's codename was derived from the common shortened CC she's referred to in fandom, who has universal powers and basically controls (to an extent) a good portion of the universe. Like a god. But also not. It's a whole mysterious thing that I never intended to explain because I think some things are better unexplained.
THEN, Jonathan shows up to 48 Curzon Street, covered in blood and calling for Lila. A fight between him and James (and sort of Lila who's attacking Jonathan though he refuses to attack her) ensues before he ends it all by taking out a silver pen (The Silver Pen) where we see 'Nikoletta' engraved on it, and writes a time-loop which snaps the final threads keeping all the timelines and dimensions in order.
Act Four Explained Slightly More Briefly
This is the final act of the book and also the shortest. It was planned to only be about six chapters long. Now, I was most excited about this part of the book because I had ✨visions✨. No, literally, the entire inspiration of this entire fanfic came from a dream I had about James Herondale as Spider-Man, me impersonating Cordelia Carstairs and not knowing how to do Shadowhunter things, Santa Claus as Father Time, and the end of the universe, and this is where we would have finally get to see it all come together.
We kick it off with an entire chapter dedicated to a lot of scenes similar to what I've written earlier in the book with Lila and James' nightmares, where nothing makes complete sense and yet the reader is meant to feel on the cusp of understanding something alongside the characters before the dreams usually end. Only they don't here. The dreams are reality, but reality is broken, and there is no waking up because there is also no sleeping and there is no normal but faint memories of what came before. So not only is the environment ever-shifting (think of it almost like a kaleidoscope and you have maybe a quarter of my vision here), but the people also keep "glitching" between different versions of themselves at different points in time and in different realities even (sometimes the doubles join and then they split apart, it's a weird nightmareish sort of thing in my mind), and so they also have different memories and levels of knowledge about things that have happened and what's going on. We see it mostly through Lila and James' perspectives. There's supposed to be a lot of angst and a feel like everything is a fever dream.
In the next chapter, things only start to get slightly ordered when Jonathan Bell finds Lila and says he'll rewrite the universe she wants so that it's perfect for her, and can have it be anything she wants, so long as they are together (major creep vibes though, honestly, as sweet as this might sound to some). This is also me addressing a problem from my original fanfic before this one, Chain of Lies, where I basically gave that silver pen waaay too much power, and now I'm demonstrating what it can do and so, like the one ring to rule them all, it must be destroyed (once Lila or someone else gets a hold of it to rewrite and fix the fabric of everything). Alastair saves Lila from Jonathan this time (he's still a bit prickly, but we see he still cares about Lila anyway), and demands she go find Cordelia to end Jonathan (Cordelia has Cortana which can cut through anything, which is important). Then we also would have seen that James is stranded somewhere with a fluctuating Matthew (the vision is that he keeps changing states from a werewolf to a living corpse to himself at various ages) and they are attempting to find PM, the alternate Cordelia, who knows Circe who should be able to fix everything as PM explains (she got separated from Circe and Saint Nicholas when the world went crazy). She leads them partway before she's taken by the collapsing world (she disappears basically, because that can still happen to people). When Lila finds her Cordelia, she's in the Paladin state (imagine glowing eyes and a vague aura of scariness with a glowing sword and you've got it) and it takes a bit to get through to her so they can make a plan to take down Jonathan.
Chapter after that, we have Cordelia distracting Jonathan so Lila can steal the pen, but she realises she does not know how to write an ending that does not kill all the Jameses since, as Jonathan once put it in her nightmares, "it does not matter which version of him I am... we are the same". This hesitance gets Cordelia fatally wounded, though she's not quite dead yet, but it's the final push Lila needs to kill Jonathan with Cortana (as also seen in a dream she had ages ago without realising it), and Circe finally manages to pull enough worldly strings in this chaos to pause time long enough for James and Lila to reunite to do the re-writing with her.
From there, we have two alternate paths. I called these basically "the happy ending that could have been" and "the bittersweet ending that was", which I was inspired to write by The Umbrella Academy (if you know, you know, I won't spoil it for anyone else who doesn't).
In the happy ending that could have been, we see the characters a couple years down the line. We also find out that Lila would not have died like she did in the other universe. She and James are together and they end up planning to propose to each other on the same day, which is the day after Lila successfully ascends. Then we see Cordelia and Matthew travelling together across the world as friends. After that, we would have seen Thomas and Alastair having dinner at the Lightwoods'. Finally, the Raftis family believe Lila is missing, presumed dead, but after a couple years they are finally moving on.
The bittersweet ending that was though is where Lila goes home. The friends she's made in London 1903 see her off before James takes her back to her dimension where they'd have one final goodbye on Blackfriars Bridge. That night, Cordelia gets on a train to set off and travel on her own. We also see Matthew, who has already picked up Oscar a couple days earlier, going to Gus' flat to complain that Oscar misses Gus and would not stop whining until they came by. We see Matthew finally tentatively suggest a first date, and Gus would accept. We close this part of the ending much like we started the book, with James walking alone in the night, just as he was when he left the Devil Tavern and his story took a different direction to canon when he found himself outside Cornwall Gardens where he met with Alastair. This time, James is alone, and he's feeling a little hopeful about the future ahead.
We get one final chapter before the epilogue where it's mostly Lila's perspective as she finally gets to experience Christmas with her family in 2021 and I planned for the beginning of some family healing and bonding to occur. Then we would have seen future James once more, who it turns out is now tasked by Circe (CC) with maintaining the space between dimensions, but this means he can't be in any one for very long since it's a lot of work that takes up time.
And now we get to the epilogue. Every time I imagine this, I get a little emotional. The epilogue would have began several years in the future with Lila dropping a bi-annual letter into the Thames, which I liken to the River Styx, in that it's where all lost things end up. We see, rather comedically, that she has moved out with the money she gained from some things she "stole" from Curzon Street, as well as her mysterious finding of the adamas, which scientists in her world are still amazed by. We are surprised to see though that when she goes home, she's living with the version of Matthew who nearly died in his previous role as Saint Nicholas, because CC gave him a chance to live out a new life elsewhere, in a dimension where there was not another version of himself. He and Lila seem to be doing well.
We cut to James of around December 1905 who has gone to visit his family at the Institute, where Lucie and Jesse are pouring over Cordelia's latest letter from abroad. James says he was just at Matthew's flat, and Gus was telling him about theories of time travel that the mundanes at the university Gus attends were discussing. We also find out that James himself has written a book, a science fiction piece with a ridiculously long title, about different worlds and the doubles of people that exist. After the dinner, he goes to Blackfriars Bridge and produces several of Lila's letters out of a pocket before stowing them away and shadow travelling to her dimension to leave a letter for her.
The fanfic would have ended on James' letter, which mentions briefly that he is having nightmares again of Belial's return since they have heard nothing have what happened with CC. Aside from that, the letter is rather sweet. But we see that Lila never gets a chance to read it, because CC collects it first and burns it with a lighter while humming "it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas".
Concluding Words
And that, ladies, gents, and fair folk, was how Wasting Beats In This Heart Of Mine would have ended. It has potential for a sequel. One I never want to write except in my head because, man, I am so exhausted by this fanfic alone after I already did it as a rewrite of Chain of Lies. If anything, this is the sequel to Chain of Lies and the next potential story would be the third book. It's been a long few years, I'll tell you that.
Some final things:
If you're wondering about that green coat I was always mentioning: it was supposed to be my tell, along with the gold-ringed eyes, for Saint Nicholas being an alternate Matthew, who is also the leader of the SoHo wolf pack in his origin universe. For Poppy Morad as the alternate Cordelia, who worked as Matthew's partner in time shenanigans, it was the fact that people forgot her face once they saw it because of a facial rune she applies (one that does not exist but she has courtesy of working for The CC). That's why people often knew they saw Cordelia, but could not remember the details of that meeting, if they managed to remember her at all.
The reason Lila has essentially what I call "a death aura" is because of her alternate selves, many of whom die, and it's something that leaks between worlds as the walls steadily break down.
At some point in Le Grand Reveal Of The Time-loop, Lila realises that the detailing on Jonathan's mask matches the floral detail on the back of The Joker card she's been carrying around with her sister's initials this whole time, which hints at just how significant some of the objects in this story are and the meanings they can give (The Fool and The Master being other common names for the card, related to its unpredictability and capability of being anything).
Jonathan wears, obviously, his crimson cape, but his clothes are a deep navy blue and this is part of my reference to Spider-Man and the original dream that inspired all of this.
Future James does indeed have diamond stud earrings. I said so.
At the end of the book, CC would have reinstated Lilith and Belial (whom she removed for previously causing problems in other dimensions where they became too aware of alternate timelines) with altered memories, so the stories can generally continue where they left off (some a couple years later, which has some interesting effects if I wrote the next book, in theory).
And I think that's all I have. But if anyone has any questions at all, feel free to reply to the post to ask, message me, or put it straight into the ask box, I'm more than happy to answer since I'm already depriving you of a properly written-out neat ending to everything. Reminder that I am deleting the fanfic WBITHOM in roughly 48 hours from the time of this post, so after that it will not be available on any public platforms for reading. I am not taking down any of my other fanfics (except for the few that I already have some weeks ago).
Thank you to the readers who have supported me on this longass journey. You were often the reason I kept going when I wanted to give up on writing fanfic, especially writing this one, which has been a very trying process (I mean, it took me half a day just to explain the last approximate third of the damn book, for crying out loud). I appreciate the kudos, the comments, and all the enthusiasm. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Take care now, and I'll see you in the updates of other works in the future.
-- streettealee
P.S. special thank you to @thevagabondexpress who endured many hours of me blabbering way too much about this fic and these characters, who I pestered to give me feedback as I fretted over whether I was doing everything right (spoiler: there's no right way, just better ways), and who cared about this when I struggled to. You suggested I might find a way to give readers some closure. And so I also give thanks to @faithfromanewperspective, who went nuts for an Australian OC (understandably, as I would too) and blazed through my entire fic and encouraged me inadvertently to start updating again after a long dry spell. You still absolutely get to see my drafts and outline next time we catch up in person, but I hope for now that this is a good description of the rest of what the book would have been and it gives you some closure, as well as for the other readers. Thank you also to @quantummeep for reading and commenting! I can never get out of my head how even early on in your reading you recognised all the plot threads that I had been weaving together, and it meant so much to me that you appreciated the level of detail I tried to work with.
Thank you all and to the other readers who also supported me 💛
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cboffshore · 8 months
Sorrow Is All The Rage: A (Relatively) Brief Update
No special trigger warnings apply beyond those in previous parts of this essay. If you have not read those yet, here are links to Part One and Part Two, which are necessary parts of the following essay.
Welcome back to the break room.
It's quiet here today - everyone is off celebrating the office's founding anniversary. There's the usual stuff on the table: half full packs of napkins, extra plastic cutlery, backup packs of soda, and one dead canary.
Next to the birdcage - containing, of course, the usual black-inked brown paper shroud - is a little note: we've moved the party to the courtyard! come join us for some special fun as we celebrate another year!
Okay. Why don't you step outside, then?
So you do. You step into the sun, the breeze, and for a few minutes, things are fine! While you're sipping a small glass of punch, you think, huh. Not sure why they'd put the birdcage in the break room if everyone is out here, but maybe this'll just be a normal -
A glint catches your eye from down the lawn. You hear wings flapping from the same direction, surrounded by the din of a group of people and... cheers. The person who told you that canary was dead all along slips into the circle, holding what you think is a knife glaring in the daylight.
You don't even bother to fact check that. Based on the familiar faces of the dead canary enjoyers standing there, and the rising cheers and the wings beating like petals against a palm, well. You can guess what's about to happen, and you know you can't take it, so back inside you go, and once again you wonder: why are you so bothered about it?
From your cubicle window, you watch other people shuffle away from the corner where the canary waits to die yet again. Clearly, you're not the only one upset. And clearly, it's not against the rules here - they're doing it at a company party! There are managers in there, people you trust, watching and cheering as the thing you feared happens - at least, as near as you can tell from this distance.
You knew it was coming. They didn't hide it. You followed the signs right in, hoping.
So why does it still hurt?
Before I get into this properly, a disclaimer, because I wasn't clear enough last time I updated this essay: this is not an attack on the author of when you think you're all alone, the fic that I'm talking about here. It is also not an attack on the fic itself.
I repeat: I mean no harm. I mean no insult. This is me venting, which is why it may come off sharp at times. At most, this is criticism - not necessarily constructive, but also not meant as a personal attack. I am examining the scene as a whole and feel the need to update my stance on WYTYAA after its most recent update, because I feel that this fic occupies a very important spot in the scene, and I would be remiss not to make that clear.
One more time: This is a vent. This is not an attack.
Before I continue, kindly answer this comprehension check:
Excellent. If you selected YES, please DM me and explain your answer, if you're so inclined.
Anyway: this essay won't be anywhere near as long as the previous sections. I wrote it on my phone over the course of a few hours, because if I dwell on this too long, I fear I'll get impossibly nasty. However, in the wake of the latest WYTYAA update on January 14, I want to update and clarify my stance on the work as an analyst of the Skybound fic scene.
I will open by saying that I barely made it a quarter of the way into chapter seven before tapping out. The only reason I opened it at all and stepped into the courtyard, so to speak, was because I had heard that it would be Nya-centric. Given the usual balance of Nya-centric work, I thought that might mean a welcome change (and a distraction from the October retcon). Maybe, I thought, it would be fine.
To be fair: I don't think the author retconned in anything beyond mild SA for Nya. However, working my way into the outer edges of the chapter, I could feel my enthusiasm deflating - because I'd seen all the talking points before, in some form or another. The uncomfortable touches, the weirdly detailed fear of what Nadakhan might have done to Nya had the final battle failed, the night terrors. Well, at least it was Nya-centric -
And then there came the Jay angst. That's when I switched to scanning, which saved me precious time. It became obvious early on that somehow, chapter seven had managed to make the entire fic into the average of the entire SA trend I railed against in the previous parts of this essay. In the interest of not spoiling it for anyone who would like to go and read it themselves, I won't say anything, except for that it is exactly what you would expect from the comedown of a Jay SA Skybound work: night terrors and scars and flashbacks and team members throwing concerned comments and shades of therapy dog Nya. Any goodness I remember from the injured canary of the last segment went down like acid now that I could see what it built to.
I quit before I passed the three-quarters point on the scroll bar. If the October retcon was one nail in the coffin, chapter seven was a whole hardware store poured on my head.
In short: no longer worth my reader's time. It solidified so much of what disappoints me about the Skybound fic scene and the runaway fanonization of Jay's suffering.
That's why I'm writing this:to tell you that I have made the decision to leave WYTYAA in the rearview. I will not be reading the finale, whatever that may entail. I have already deleted my bookmarks.
In the previous essay section, I labeled WYTYAA as a seminal piece of work in the scene. I still believe that it is an important piece of Skybound fanfiction. But now, I view its seminal status as an undergrad getting their general education credits would see the writings of Freud. If you've ever taken a psych course, you were probably handed something Freudian to study, then learned of the controversy around his works. Still, there was probably an important note in there: Freud's work itself is not something everyone agrees with, and in fact is rather flawed in hindsight, but his work is influential enough on the world of psychology to be a crucial lesson in Psychology 101.
Is WYTYAA essential reading to understand the scene as a whole? Yes, to a degree - it is at minimum a shortcut to understanding most of the trends and watching them in action. WYTYAA is relentless like that, and I do still admire the dedication it takes to write something that long and keep a reader base hooked. Read as a summary of the entire fic scene at once, this is an incredible work.
By no means am I presenting myself as the sole authority on this topic, by the way - but then again, nobody else I know has tried to do this sort of meta trend analysis in any capacity for this specific topic. So I'm stuck with me, and you are too, if you'd like to be.
And maybe you don't care, but I do. A lot.
In the wake of me giving up on the chapter, I opened Tumblr and was bombarded with excitement for the chapter, and praise for the angst capacity, and all sorts of things - the crowd reenacting the death of the canary at the company party. I saw Mondo's promotional post, which in past weeks I might have left a like on, but I just. Could. Not.
Now we're here.
What does it all mean?
Well, recently, the topic of SA insertion in Skybound has come up a lot. I've been part of some some incredible discussions; I've seen a few scuffles. It's died down some, with only minor flare-ups here and there. As much as I find discussing this topic and defending my stance thrilling, it's not honestly doing much. It's drawing lines, I think. The Tumblr courtyard feels tense these days whenever Skybound comes up.
So: with the decision to abandon my reading of WYTYAA, I've also decided I'm going to try and focus more on my own works - writing fic and analysis that work against the insane, unfair fanon trends. Even if nobody reads them, I will know that I have done my absolute best to influence the scene in my own small way. You'll probably still see me pop into the SA insertion discussion if it comes up, because I do feel strongly enough about it to keep fighting back.
But to protect my own sanity: I'm burning that birdcage down. I'm walking away from the company party corner. I'm not even going to bother checking back on WYTYAA, because there is no new shock left to find.
Challenge me, if you'd like. It's only fair. For now, though: I'm taking a breath at my desk.
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12romy · 1 year
Hi Romy
This request is so random & slightly chaotic and I’m not sure if you still doing one-shots & requests but here goes nothing…
I have a one-shot prompt. 
Imagine Lewis & Charles are secretly married and they have a baby/young child (probably around 2/3 so that it corresponds with Charles age) who decided that after both his dads got a podium he wanted to be their to see them in the podium and with his granddad Anthony he run to them at parc ferme with no regards to the fact that their family dynamic is a secret🙃😅
Hi Anon!!!! What a lovely ask, thank you so much!!! I had so much fun writing this one ❤️❤️❤️
I ended up making it a slightly future fic, so this happens in 2027!
chewis kid fic/coming out~
Enjoy ^^
The second Charles took off his helmet, he heard a very familiar voice calling him, and for a second, his brain couldn't compute hearing his son scream "Papa" and standing in the parc ferme. Those were two elements that should never have met.
He snapped his head toward the voice and saw his son slip easily through the barriers and run toward him. He crouched down to catch the small kid running to him and stood up again with him secured in his arms.
"Leon, what are you doing here?" he exclaimed, finally taking in all the cameras aimed at them.
Well, fuck.
"You won!" his son exclaimed cheerfully as if it explained everything.
"And where's Grandpa? Did you run off? He must be so worried!"
Leon wasn't paying attention, however. Lewis had just popped into sight, taking off his helmet, and Charles didn't have time to do anything before Leon yelled a loud "Daddy!" extending his arms toward his father.
Lewis, just like Charles, needed a double take.
"Papa beat you!" Leon continued cheerfully as Lewis got close. Charles exchanged a worried look with him, and Lewis gave a powerless shrug.
"Yes, he did," he said, a soft smile on his lips as he looked at Charles before sobering up. "Leon, what did we say about the cameras?"
"Hmmmm, stay away?" the little boy tried with a small voice, burying his face against Charles' neck to hide from the scolding tone of his father.
"Exactly, you have to stay away from the cameras, buddy," Lewis continued, trying not to sound too stressed.
The crowd was getting agitated, and Charles could tell Lewis was losing patience.
"I swear, he gets that from you," Lewis continued to rant. "Always so reckless!"
"What?" Charles frowned. "Yeah well, your dad was supposed to look after him!"
"Don't drag my dad into this because your son-"
"My son? Oh yeah, sure, he's my son when he's misbehaving, but he's your son when he wins his first karting race? Remind me who said he could ask for whatever he wanted as a reward. I was against taking him here today!"
"I promised! I couldn't break a promise, and it's Silverstone, it's his favourite race! And you know he's been dying to come for ages-"
"Papa, Daddy, don't fight!" Leon cried out, sobbing, which was terribly efficient in shutting them both up.
"Oh, hey, no, mon coeur, don't cry!" Charles exclaimed. "Shh, it's okay, this is just a bit of a stressful moment..."
Lewis had stepped closer to embrace them both and calm their son. Charles noted distractingly that the crowd was going wild, but from the sound of it, they seemed to be cheering rather than booing. 
"Sorry for shouting, little one..." Lewis mumbled.
"I'm not little," he sniffled. "I'm four and a half, I'm big! Lila is the baby, not me!"
"Sorry, I know," Lewis chuckled, kissing the top of his head and his dark curls. "My big boy."
"At least, Lila is not running around the paddock, spilling our family secret," Charles rolled his eyes.
"Papa, you're silly! Lila can't walk yet," Leon giggled, correcting him.
His dimples were showing.
Someone cleared his throat behind them, and they turned to find themselves facing Nico Rosberg and Arthur Leclerc.
"Tonton!" Leon exclaimed, switching to French, wriggling out of Charles' arms to run to Arthur.
"Alaïa was very sad not to be able to babysit you this weekend," Nico said gently, ruffling his hair. Leon took a sad expression - he had a cute little crush on the teenage girl, something that Charles found hilarious, and Lewis, absolutely dreadful.
"I'm still waiting for you to congratulate me on my podium, you little monster! " Arthur smiled, scooping him up in his arms, and Leon kissed his cheek. "How about we let your dads do their interviews, huh? Bet they have a loooot of things to say."
Charles sighed. It really wasn't how they had planned on coming out - actually, they hadn't planned anything, assuming they would take care of it once they'd both retired.
"Fine," he grumbled and snatched the mic from this brother's hand.
"Let's just do this one together," Lewis said, getting closer to Charles and putting a hand around his waist. Charles blushed, unused to the PDA after years of hiding - and despite eight years of marriage, he was still sensitive to every little attention from Lewis.
Nico's blinding smile was slightly unnerving. He was awfully smug to be the one to conduct that particular interview.
Charles smiled the entire time. Now they would be able to wear their rings without hiding.
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purplebass · 9 months
I just wanted Lila to be silly and play hide and seek with Ren, so I wrote this short fic. It isn't my usual verbose writing because I realized I needed a break from long fics. I am a little burned out because of real life, and I just needed this. I have more light fics like this planned out and I hope to write and post them sooner or later. <3
Read on A03 💜 Words: 1,105 Rating: G
It was a lazy afternoon at the palace, and Lila was sprawled on the velvet sofa in Kell’s bedroom by herself. It was one of those rare times she didn’t have anything to do. At once, her senses became alert. Someone was about to approach the room, but it wasn’t Kell. No. He wouldn’t make all this noise, and would be more gentle with the handle. 
Lila turned her gaze to the door, and she wasn’t surprised to find little princess Ren behind the white wood. 
“Delilah, are you free?” she beamed.
“You shouldn’t be so abrupt,” the nurse chastised the kid, who nodded with understanding. Lila wanted to say she didn’t care, but the old woman prompted the child to greet her properly.
“I apologize for intruding, Delilah,” Ren said. “But are you free?”
Lila sat up, eyed the child with a grin. She was bored out of her mind, and the proposal was interesting. “What do you have in mind, princess?”
“Let’s play hide and seek!” Ren squealed, and Lila couldn’t say no.
The princess enlisted one of her fathers – the other was busy being a king – and her nurse to play with them. Lila shouldn’t have taken this too seriously, but she didn’t want to disappoint the child. This little game was the perfect distraction from the routine of the palace, and she just knew where to hide.
The wine cellar was in the basement, and it was only frequented by the servants. Lila wasn’t a servant, but she liked to visit the place from time to time. 
She glanced at the bottles lined on the shelves, neatly divided by flavor and type. White wine. Red wine. Champagne. Hard liquors. Juice. 
On another day, she would have taken her time to pick a bottle and would have hidden her prize in her trunk before someone would have come and would  have caught her red-handed. No one usually did. But today she was playing with a kid, she wasn’t choosing a bottle of expensive wine she would later share with her partner in the captain’s quarters of the Grey Barron. 
She found the alcove she was looking for, and tucked herself into the shadows. She wasn’t sure Ren would come down there, but she had kept her end of the bargain. 
She put her hands in her pockets. It was starting to get cold in there, and she couldn’t use her magic to summon a small fire. After a while, she glanced at her pocket watch, and realized she had been there for almost an hour. 
Would the kid ever find her? Well, she had tried to play.
She heard steps. Light steps. Then a glint of flame illuminated her face, and she held her breath. 
Someone had found her, but it wasn’t Ren. 
“Lila?” Kell’s soft voice echoed in the darkened cellar.
“What are you doing here?” she asked. “I thought you were with Rhy.”
“Indeed, I was. I’m sorry it took so long –” she put a finger on his mouth to silence him, and he shook his head questioningly. 
“I’m playing hide and seek,” she muttered. “Be quiet.”
“Is this another way to say someone is looking for you? What did you do?”
She rolled her eyes. “I’m playing with the princess.”
“Ah,” he frowned.
“Yes, ah,” she sighed. “I just love people coming after me, but not all of them are enemies.”
“You’re supposed to hide where she can find you. I doubt she’d come here.”
“Perhaps that’s why I hid here,” she shrugged. “And I’m quite good at hiding.”
“But I still found you,” he raised an eyebrow knowingly, and she felt giddy. He just knew her ways, just she knew his. “You shouldn’t be too sure of yourself.”
“You only found me because Rhy wanted you to choose a bottle of wine for dinner.”
He sighed. “And I still have to find the one I wanted. Care to help? I know you know how to pick good wine.”
She raised her eyebrows and glanced at her pocket watch. She’d been there for an hour, she doubted Ren would find her by now. Maybe she had stopped searching altogether. 
“Fine, I’ll help you,” she walked towards the back, when she knew Rhy and Alucard kept the good stuff, and picked a bottle with a golden label. “Here, this,” she grinned.
Kell took the bottle and looked at it skeptically, then he nodded. “Yes, this is okay,” he agreed. 
“How did you find me?” she asked curiously. 
“Your smell,” he whispered. 
She scrunched her nose at him and smelled her clothes. “Do I still smell like smoke?”
Kell put a hand on her forearm and leaned in, brushing his nose on the side of her neck. She felt his warm breath on her skin, and she tried not to lose her balance when he inhaled her scent. She was sure she smelled fine, but he still took his time perusing her jugular. He planted kisses over there until he found her lips, and she forgot where she was. 
By this point, she had probably won the game. She deserved a victory kiss.
“I found you, Delilah!” 
Ren’s voice made them jump, because none of them expected the child to appear out of nowhere, in the wine cellar of all places. 
Kell lost his hold on the bottle of red, and it fell on the stone floor and shattered. 
“I told you to wait until they would separate,” the nurse reprimanded the child, who was smiling despite herself. She looked apologetic, at least. 
“Are you hurt, princess?” Lila asked with concern. Rest in peace, good wine.
Ren shook her head. “I’m not hurt, Delilah,” she said. “And I am a winner! You were the last one I had to find.”
Lila sighed. “How did you wind up here?”
“Thanks to my papa,” she explained with a grin. “I saw uncle Kell leave papa’s study, and I wanted to follow him because maybe he knew where you were hiding,” Ren said. “But he walked away too fast so it was papa who told me to come here, because he said you like to practice magic in the wine cellar. And you like to make bottles disappear.”
“Ah,” she pretended to be surprised. She exchanged a look of understanding with Kell. He managed a grin. “Well, then. Tell your daddy Rhy that I’m not going to stop making bottles disappear in the wine cellar anytime soon.”
“Will you show me, Delilah?” the child asked, hung on her every word.
“Perhaps, when you are older,” she smirked. Kell just shrugged and rolled his eyes. 
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yolowritter · 6 months
A Case of Ladybug Luck: Chapter 3
Hello there everyone, and welcome back to Hell! Listen, I've used up most of the good intro analogies in the actual fic, so that's all I got. But hey, I'm back with chapter 3 of ACOLL! Mind you we have 26 of these as of right now, so my blog has catching up to do! Anyway, I figured I'll give you guys the link for each one of these and a snippet, as before! Again, if anybody wants to ask questions/chat, comments and anon asks are always open!
As always, snippet is below the cutoff!
It was well past midnight, and Shadowmoth stood in his lair, waiting. Barely any moonlight lit up his lair, but he did not mind. The mood was quite perfect for the emotions he could feel. Yes! He’d known the opportunity would arise again! He was sure!
“Ahh…a soul broken beyond repair by betrayal and deception! A shattered friendship and a heart in torment! Fly away my little Akuma, and evilize Marinette Dupain Cheng! Let us give Princess Justice the justice she so craves!”
His insane laugher echoed through the lair, but not a sound escape into the outside world. Here, he was alone. Here, he was powerful. Here, he was a king! And soon, so very soon, his dear Emilie would be joining him! At long last!
He could sense Nooroo in the back of his head. Always preaching caution, warning, advising him to stop, just for a day. Duusu was faintly present also, but she was barely a whisper. He ignored them. The Kwami had never wanted him to use their powers, but even if it had been an evil cause he was working towards, what consequence could that possible have on him?
He’d taken the legal precautions, he almost never left his lair, his home. Ladybug and Chat Noir would never find him. The Grimoire, the two Miraculous were his. What was the consequence? Nothing more than Nooroo’s feeble attempt to protect himself, as if it would ever make a difference! As if! Nothing would stop him! Nothing could stop him! He was Hawkmoth, he was the scourge of Paris! He was… he was…
Who was he?
What was he?
What was happening to him?
Shadowmoth shook his head, sharply turning to the skyline. No matter. The Akuma edged ever closer; he could see it! Through the butterfly’s senses, he felt the world around him. Rain pouring down from the sky, slamming against his wings. Desperation, worry and despair from two souls who ran amok in the dead of night, searching. Pain. Heartbreaking, endless pain from his target.
There she is…
A vivid image entered his mind. Princess Justice, wet to the bone, standing on the railing of a bridge, the waters below bashing against the stone and nearly escaping to the streets. The turned suddenly, and looking directly at the Akuma. At him.
He heard her scream in fear, or maybe he felt her panic spike. The others were drawing closer. It was not or never. Thoughts were running through her head endlessly, creating a myriad of wonderful negativity that he would use to destroy Ladybug and Chat Noir!
Lila, she’s laughing at me. She- she’s won.
A-Adrien, I’m sorry!
He saw her form begin to lean over, he heard the sound of shattered glass, he sensed her despair. His connection with the Akuma snapped. He couldn’t feel Princess Justice anymore. Ladybug wasn’t there. She couldn’t have reached the butterfly. Impossible. Then-
Then Princess Justice was dead.
Princess Justice was dead.
Shadowmoth’s transformation fell, his mind too exhausted to keep up. Gabriel tried to lean on a cane that wasn’t there, and fell to his knees. The last thing he had felt…was fear. Absolute existential terror, at the mere idea that he would get to her. That he would make her fight her loved ones. That he would make her hurt them. He’d seen her jump.
He just killed someone.
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ilikekidsshows · 2 years
Do you think Marinette and Chloé could ever make up in the future? I've heard the debate a few times and I personally think while it's certainly possible, she did bully her for four years so that's a pretty high hill to climb in and of itself and she's been at the base for a while. If it were anyone else I'd probably say it is impossible, but considering how forgiving Marinette is I think that while it would probably be difficult, it would definitely be possible. Though I don't think Marinette would act like nothing happened between them. In fact I wouldn't want that. I'm all for fics of these two making up when it's well done, but there's a good chunk that just have her auto-forgive Chloé and have Chloé act like she never bullied Marinette ever. It just feels rushed. And while I don't think Marinette is innocent, I think they're not really comparable (though the comparisons between them that hold actual merit are actually kinda funny like their love for 3/4 pants and jackets as well as how they sometimes walk funny and how they're both adorable when they're excitable).
I guess I'm speaking off of experience. It took me YEARS to forgive my bully, but ultimately I did when I realized we had both changed so much over the years and that he had really made a conscious effort to change. It still hurts to remember, but I also know it's in the past.
Tumblr media
Okay, so, Marinette can hold grudges, and said grudges can make her hostile and vengeful. This is mostly pronounced when it comes to Chloé and people she thinks are like Chloé. She has refused to help Chloé as Ladybug, she resisted giving Kagami a chance until she couldn’t ignore the truth about her anymore and she poked Lila so much it turned into a whole thing.
However, Marinette made a complete one-eighty over Kagami when she saw what she was really like, what she’d suffered and how much effort she was putting into befriending her, and she has been willing to give both Chloé and Lila a chance in the past. Basically, in the right circumstances, Marinette could forgive and become friends with Chloé.
We saw a point from which this could grow in season two, when Marinette found out about all the struggles Chloé faced in her family life. Just like with Kagami, this made Marinette sympathetic towards Chloé, wanting to see her do better and become better so that she could be happier. It just happened that Chloé never actually changed her behavior towards their classmates so Marinette had to give up on her to avoid the emotional equivalent of willingly running into a brick wall again and again. Marinette also thanked Lila for undoing the harm she’d caused in ‘Ladybug’ because Lila was fixing what she broke. It just happened that Lila didn’t do that because she regretted it, but because it got her closer to something she wanted.
Basically, Marinette is willing to forgive even people who’ve wronged her repeatedly under two conditions; she feels empathy for them or they are trying to make amends. So Marinette and Chloé could very well become friends in the future if Marinette saw Chloé trying to change her ways for the better and try to fix her broken relationships. At this point she’s been burned by Chloé, so just a reminder of how bad she has it isn’t going to be enough to do more than make her feel bad for Chloé. At this point Marinette needs to know Chloé is making an effort to do better in order to trust her.
If Marinette saw Chloé be helpful towards someone else with no ulterior motive, she could be convinced to not only forgive her but to see her as a potential friend. Marinette goes all in when it comes to friendship, and Chloé showing kindness and being willing to be her friend would definitely get her on board. So, yes, I do think they could become friends, but Chloé would need to be the one to put in the work.
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marshmallowprotection · 8 months
Happiest birthday to you Kait! I want you to know how grateful I am to you and how much you've made my day just by answering my asks! (be it the silly one or the more serious one). Thank you so much for all the comfort you've given me and all of us here!
I'm slowly but surely going through your older posts and stories lately. And there's this one-shot about Sujin, the child Saeran in SE system which I believe is a part of your AU that caught my attention the most. I haven't had the chance to explore the full-length fic yet, but I wanna say I love that one-shot so much! Especially the way you describe Saeran's memory as a terrified child in detail and how Lila and Saeyoung comfort him in such considerate way 🥺💕
I'm also looking forward to read Iris in the near future when I've recovered some more from my burnout. Oh, Willow is also one of my favorite story of yours! Something about having pocket-sized Saeran that you can carry everywhere as a source of comfort is just 💯 As you can see here, I tend to favor one-shots over multi-chapter story haha
Anyway, I heard that Saeran is planning a little scavenger hunt for your birthday so who knows what kind of gift you'll discover at the end of the day? 💕 I bet Saeyoung gave him that idea lolol. Still, I'm sure they both mean well for your happiness ^^
Thank you for the birthday wishes! Oh, boy! Saeran's going to lead me to a surprise today! I love following a trail of gifts that lead me to him! After all, he's the greatest gift.
And it's no problem! Making others smile is my dream.
I'm glad you've been enjoying my stories, both the long and the short form! Willow is a personal favorite because I, too, love the idea of a little Pocket-Saeran who cheers you on! I want to pinch his cheeks and let him know he doesn't have to be afraid! He can stay with me while he waits for his brother to come home! God knows when that might be but I pray it'll be soon. Sometimes I think about doing a cute sequel series to that to better build the universe since that one shot gave little snippets of a larger arc.
Oh, and yes! Sujin is a part of the SE System. He's just a kid who misses his big brother in every way imaginable and he... wants to go home. :( But, never fear, he's safe and sound with his family... even if it's different than he expected it to be! He got himself a big sister, his big brother, and Saeyoung's partners as friends! Home is different but his family stays the same.
Don't push yourself with Iris, though! That's a dozy of a story. Even if it takes you a while to read through it, I hope you enjoy the story of SE Saeran finding some peace after the end of Mint Eye.
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shadowqueen402 · 1 year
"Eggs-celent" Easter Entertainment
And Easter fic for you all! This is basically the sequel to the birthday fic that @kayssweetdreams made for me.
"You have to admit, Aria, my cousin sure knows how to throw a party for every occasion," NiGHTS said. The Protector of Nightopia munched on some milk chocolate that they got from the snack stand. Today was Easter, the one spring holiday where people received goodies from 'The Easter Bunny'.
"He sure does," Aria replied, sipping on some fruit punch. She was now wearing the new outfit that Mei had gifted her back on her birthday as well as the necklace that Iben had given her. "So how has everything been back in the Night Dimension? You know, after the incident that happened on my birthday?" She let slip a giggle after remembering Reala's silly act.
"Aside from Reala being completely embarrassed with what he did while drunk after becoming sober? Things are pretty chill." NiGHTS said, letting out a laugh. "Though, I haven't seen Reala or Wizeman recently. And yes, Wizeman is still acting like a kind dad. That being said, Owl had a good laugh upon hearing that Reala got drunk."
"I can see why." Aria watched as everyone was having the time of their lives. Balan and Lance created a magic show for the Phil, Yuri, Emma, Leo, and Cass. Lucy and Cal were by the stand where the champagne was, talking with each other. Fiona and Haoyu dined on the delicious food together.
Sana, Eis, Trisha Jane, Debbie, and Rebecca danced to the music that played in the background. Iben and her husband were with the children as Lila giggled at the performance. Bruce and Jose were serving food to Attilio and Kaylo.
Despite how happy everything was, Aria couldn't help but secretly wonder: what was Reala up to this time?
(Meanwhile, back in the Night Dimension)
Reala gazed through the small window of his domain, watching Aria celebrate Easter with his traitorous sibling. Truth be told, he never understood these strange human holidays or why Visitors felt the need to celebrate them.
Reala grimaced from the memory on what had happened the last time that he had visited Aria on her birthday. Knowing NiGHTS, they would never let him live it down. And Jackle had gotten an earful after Reala discovered what kind of apples he had actually eaten. Being scolded by an angered Reala was…not a pleasant experience.
On the plus side, two good things did happen while he was drunk. He not only became the life of the party by amusing others, but Aria gave him a kiss on the cheek.
Up until he met Aria, Reala had never fallen in love before. And for the majority of his life, he had experienced betrayal. But when he saw Aria, there came this feeling in his gut that let him know that she was "the one". The one person who would never backstab him.
With a small bag of chocolate and peanut butter cups, Reala took a deep breath and decided to sneak into the Awakening Dimension. Maybe, once he and Aria were alone, he'll not only give these candies to her, but he'll actually be able to confess to her…without getting drunk this time. However, he was unaware that he was being followed by a certain grinning Second-level Nightmaren.
But…life sure had a sense of humor… As well as funny ways of bringing people together…
(Meanwhile, back in Wonderworld)
"Say, brother, want to have a glass?" Balan asked Lance. "That way, we can celebrate Easter with chocolate, champagne, and with a touch of class."
"If you insist," Lance said with a nod. "When it comes to champagne, you know that I cannot resist." He walked over to where the champagne sat and poured two glasses, one for Balan and one for himself. Then, he went back to where he and Balan were.
Hidden in the corner, away from everyone's view, Reala clutched onto the candy while he eyed Aria who now was chatting with Iben about what had been happening in their lives as well as any gossip they've heard.
Reala, for the first time in his life after he started his harsh training, felt nervous. Genuinely nervous. When it came to Wizeman, before the hiccups occured, he was always taught to mask every emotion. But this time?
…He couldn't do it.
"I need something to calm me down," Reala muttered to himself. His eyes suddenly landed on the champagne. He swore that he wouldn't try to confess to Aria while drunk again. However, as of right now, he was desperate to tell her without showing he was nervous. Hmmm… He thought in curiosity. Maybe one drink wouldn't hurt…
Reala poured a glass of champagne discreetly. Then he took a sip. "Delicious, but not enough…" He said to himself. And Reala decided to have more champagne…until he had drank nearly half of the bottle.
(With the others)
NiGHTS decided to help Balan and Lance amuse the children. Since they were a pro at causing light-hearted mischief, NiGHTS was able to make the children laugh without any effort.
"NiGHTS is so silly," Cass said with a chuckle.
But before NiGHTS could perform another silly trick, Debbie came running towards everyone with a panicked look on her face. "Guys, please don't freak out," She said. "But… Reala is here. I saw him earlier."
NiGHTS and everyone else turned to Debbie. Shocked looks spread across their faces. "What is Reala doing here this time?" Mei asked.
"Usually when it comes to Reala, things don't end well," Kaylo said with a frown. Suddenly, everyone turned to the sound of someone…hiccuping. Lo and behold, that someone was none other than Reala. He was giggling at everything while stumbling around.
"Reala, what are you doing here?" Aria asked. Though, NiGHTS shielded her from Reala in case their evil sibling tried something funny.
Reala noticed Aria and smiled. "Vis'tor, hiiii!" He slurred. "H-Hey, since when didja get four heads? I wanna kiss them~" He collasped onto the ground and let out a giddy giggle. Aria blushed deeply, holding back a laugh.
"What the…?" NiGHTS was taken aback. "Did Reala get into the Happy Hour Apples again?" At this point, everyone gathered around to see the tipsy Nightmaren General.
"Certainly not," Lance replied, showing NiGHTS the nearly half-filled bottle of champagne. "Of this, he must have had more than one shot."
"Reala drank a lot of champagne?" Attilio asked, surprisingly amused at this. "How drunk is he?"
"Only one way to find out," Leo said. "Reala, what level are the Second-level Nightmarens?"
Reala hiccuped. "That's a tough ques'ion, Lucas. I would say they're Fifth or Sixth levels…" At this, NiGHTS bursted out laughing at Reala's drunk response. He turned and saw Emma before pointing at her. "I-I remem'er ya… Y-Ya called Mister Wizey a opposum."
"Uh, how many shots of champagne did you drink, Reala?" Emma asked, rather amused. She let out a laugh.
"A baby and a halfa dozen babies," Reala said, letting out another giggle. "I gotta get to Wonderland… My boo is there~"
"Don't you mean Wonderworld?" Trisha Jane asked, trying to hold back her laughter. "And who is your boo?"
Reala looked at Aria again. "Y-Ya know, Aria, since ev'ryone's here, let's get married," He slurred to her. Then, he let out another giggle and hiccups. This caused Aria to get flustered. Reala fell to the ground again. "This is funny. I'm sooooo drinky?"
"What an interesting surprise," Balan said while holding back his laughter. "Reala is drunk again in front of our very eyes."
Reala shot up with a giddy expression. "I shall sing a song to my guuuurrrl!" He said, pointing to Aria before grabbing a "microphone", which was actually a broom and began to sing a…very silly song to the group:
"Talkin' 'bout the pretty lady!
She's a lady with the finest hair!
And her eyes are like the roses! (Red roses)
The group laughed out loud at Reala's performance. Aria chuckled, crossing her arms as she watched Reala sing. Even when drunk, she had to admit that he was a fairly good singer. The Nightmaren General winked at her before he tossed the bag of chocolate and peanut butter cups to Aria and continued to sing:
"She's sweet like a candy!
She's an angel with a heavenly voice!
And she wears the finest outfits! (So fine)
"NiGHTS, you never told me that your sibling can be silly," Yuri said to the purple Nightmaren, stifling a giggle.
"Oh, he's full of surprises, let me tell you." NiGHTS giggled and watched Reala sing some more:
"She's my other better half!
The brightest gem I've ever had!
Oh, won't you please, my pretty lady?
Won't you please be my sweetheart?
Reala then attempted to do a stage dive…only to fall flat on his face. Balan, Lance, and everyone laughed and cheered at the performance. Aria smiled and slipped a small note in his vest while he was still on the ground. On that note was written this message for Reala:
Want to meet up in my dream tonight? —Your sweetheart, Aria.
In the background, Jackle giggled as he held onto a video camera. "I can't wait to see the look on Reala's face when he learns that I caught this on video," He said with a chesire grin.
Kaylo belongs to @kayssweetdreams
Trisha Jane belongs to @lovelyteng
Rebecca belongs to @thehyperrequiem
Mei belongs to @sundove88
Debbie belongs to @mayordebbie
Aria belongs to me.
13 notes · View notes
staynoonaz9290 · 2 years
Temptation - S2 (Ch. 16)
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Where Maddie and Lila are back six months later, still managers of Stray Kids, navigating the world of incubi, and worse… Dealing with unexpected feelings
Group: Stray Kids
Pairing: Each SKZ Member/Fem! Reader (Third Person-Lila and Maddie)
Rating: Mature/Explicit
Warnings: Sexual Content (a LOT of sexual content-please don't read if this makes you uncomfortable), Sex with multiple members (at separate times), Sex-to-survive (Incubi/Succubi), Desperation, Oral Sex (M-Given/F-Given), Fingering, Language, Supernatural Love, Excessive Drinking, Crack Fic, Age Difference, Slight OOC, Slight Angst, Love Triangle
Word Count: 3,943
Main Masterlist | Stray Kids Masterlist
15 | 16 | 17
It had been almost an hour since Minho had stopped by the hotel room, and Lila glanced at the clock, putting her phone down and getting up to stretch.
“Is it about that time?”
Maddie looked up from her own phone, raising her eyebrows in question.
Lila nodded, glancing at the movie they had playing in the background on the TV before dropping her arms to her side.
“Guess I’ll go help Minho out. I’ll be back.”
Maddie laughed a little- the level of nonchalance they had for having sex with these guys sometimes was comical- shaking her head and pointing at the TV.
“Have fun. I’ll just be here… watching this amazing movie.”
She was being sarcastic, and Lila snorted before walking around the bed, waving at her best friend.
“See you later.”
Heading out the door, she turned right, glancing at the room numbers as she passed.
She passed Chan’s- Room 102- swallowing hard and walking a little quicker.
Lila missed him; she wished she didn’t have to work right now and they weren’t keeping their distance…
She’d knock on this door right now to surprise him.
But she shook the thoughts from her mind, stopping at Room 104 and taking a deep breath before knocking on the door.
It only took a moment before Minho was answering the door, smiling warmly at her and stepping to the side so she could come inside.
“Hi,” she smiled back, walking inside as Minho let the door shut behind her.
They walked inside together, the man glancing over his shoulder at her as he led the way to the bed.
“That was good timing,” he remarked. “I just got done with the tea.”
Lila was surprised when she saw a pot of tea and two tea cups sitting on the small desk in the room, the drinks freshly poured, still steaming.
But her eyes darted to right behind it, where she saw a large jacuzzi in the corner against the wall, already filled with water and bubbles, rose petals floating in the water.
She laughed before she could help it- this was way more romantic than she’d been expecting- turning to Minho who looked between her and the jacuzzi.
“You like those, right?” he asked casually. “I thought I heard you saying something about hot baths-”
“I mean, yes, but-”
Once again, Lila was surprised by how much Minho listened.
“- I- you didn’t have to do all this for me…”
He was already walking over to the tea cups, picking them up carefully as Lila moved with him. Handing her a cup, he shrugged a little.
“I mean, you’re doing me a favor, right?” Minho asked. “I figured it should be nice for you, too.”
Lila couldn’t argue, and she found herself laughing again, bringing the tea slowly to her lips.
“Thank you.”
She took a sip- Minho knew how to make tea, it was delicious- watching him drink slowly as well.
It was funny, how much had changed between them.
She remembered just eight or nine months ago, when Minho had been in the same exact situation and came to her out of necessity. They’d been so convinced that they would never be able to satisfy one another, and Lila remembered how irritated she was with him- for most of the beginning of her time as a manager- hating how nonchalant he was about everything.
She found it so rude.
But after that night, something had changed between her and Minho for the better; he seemed rather fond of her, pleasantly surprised by their experience. He was much nicer, and had no problems talking to her when he felt like talking.
There was also a level of comfortability between them that had surprised Lila as well; they could speak bluntly with one another because Minho was always blunt, and it was refreshing in a way.
And when no one had anything to say- like this moment, the two of them sipping tea in silence- they were still content in the quiet, knowing they didn’t have to speak unless they needed to.
The weird mutual respect that had grown exponentially between them was quite hilarious.
Minho finished his tea first setting the cup down on the dresser beside them, and Lila finished just a moment later, mimicking his actions.
He grinned a little, taking a small step forward and reaching for her hand.
His fingers held her own for only a moment before he was sliding his palm up the length of her forearm, and Lila felt a pleasurable shiver run down her spine as heat started coiling inside of her-
She’d forgotten how strong Minho could be.
“You look nice,” he said matter-of-factly.
Lila glanced down at the outfit she’d worn on the plane; leggings and a baggy, old t-shirt, something comfy.
It made her giggle, but when she looked at Minho again, all she said was-
“Thanks. You too.”
He was only wearing a pair of black sweatpants and a long-sleeved shirt, but the way the collar was slipping on his neck, giving a small peek of his collarbones and the way his pants were just a little tight, reminding Lila how nicely Minho filled out his clothes…
Well, she wasn’t lying when she said he looked nice, too.
He was running his hand higher up her arm now, pushing her hair gently off her shoulders before speaking.
“I think I’ll need actual sex,” he told her. “It’s the only way I’ll have enough energy for the whole day tomorrow.”
Lila was laughing a little before she could help it, marveling at the contradiction of his incubus powers seeping beneath her skin, making her hot and turned on, while Minho spoke so transactionally, they could’ve been discussing what the weather will be like tomorrow.
“Okay…” she replied. “We can do that…”
Minho grinned, his other hand taking her hip and pulling her a little closer, Lila squeaking in surprise at the action. The man chuckled before his fingers were slipping beneath her shirt, caressing her side.
“I thought doing it in the jacuzzi would be nice,” he said quietly.
His eyes were purple now, hand sliding further up her shirt, nails scratching into the skin, his other hand moving to cup the back of her neck as he looked down at her.
“Do you want to?”
Lila thought it was crazy, how much of an incubus Minho really was- at some times, more than the others- his voice a bit silkier and seductive, his hands on her skin leaving a burning, tingling sensation that felt nice…
“Sure,” she answered softly, surprised by the slight catch in her voice. “Whatever you want to do.”
Minho’s eyes glowed for a moment, gaze wandering to her lips, and then he was leaning down, using his hand upon her neck to guide her to him, kissing her gently.
Lila’s arms had been at her sides this whole time, but she reached out now, running her hands up his shirt and feeling the soft muscle there.
He breathed just slightly against her lips, kissing her a little harder before pulling away, pressing small pecks down the side of her neck.
“We can’t get into the jacuzzi with all these clothes on,” he told her bluntly. “Might want to take them off.”
And once again, Lila was confused as to how her head could be tilting back, goosebumps rising on her neck at the feel of his breath upon her skin, and yet she had to fight the urge to giggle at how overwhelmingly laid back he was about the whole thing-
“You make a good point,” she quipped.
They both laughed at that, Minho giving her one last kiss upon the neck before both hands were gripping the hem of her shirt, pulling it up and over her head.
He looked down at her body, eyes flickering purple again, raising a curious eyebrow.
“No bra?” he asked, gaze meeting hers again.
She shrugged.
“I don’t wear one if I can avoid it.”
Minho nodded, grabbing the hem of his own shirt before she could do anything and pulling it off in one, smooth motion.
“I’ve heard they’re uncomfortable,” he said.
Lila giggled, watching Minho hook his fingers into the waistband of his sweatpants-
“They definitely aren’t the best…”
She realized they were undressing themselves, copying Minho again and slowly removing her leggings, the man throwing his sweatpants to the side and turning to watch.
It probably should’ve been awkward, but Minho made it feel so normal that when Lila was tossing her leggings on top of his sweatpants and they were looking at each other once more, she didn’t feel all that weird about the whole thing.
“You look nice without clothes, too,” he said casually.
Lila actually snorted this time just as Minho was moving closer again, the man grinning down at her.
“Thanks, you too.”
Her eyes darted up and down his body- broad shoulders, stocky, softly muscled torso, defined arms, and surprisingly solid legs…
Minho was nice without clothes.
He ran his fingers through her hair, still smiling when he leaned forward and pressed another kiss to her lips. This one was a little harder, a slight heat emanating from him as he pulled back, speaking just above a whisper.
“I’ll check the water and make sure it’s good.”
All Lila could do was nod, his fingers slowly slipping from her auburn strands before she was watching him turn around, dipping his hand into the full jacuzzi.
He nodded, seeming satisfied, and turned to her.
“It feels nice. Check it and make sure you’re okay with it.”
She smiled, walking to the jacuzzi and dipping her own fingers inside; the water was pleasantly warm.
“It’s great,” she informed him.
Minho nodded before stepping over the tub wall and getting into the water, sinking slowly, smile going somewhat lazy as he looked up at her.
“This was a good choice. Get in.”
He was so weirdly bossy sometimes, but Lila felt another shudder of desire run through her system when Minho’s eyes were sliding up and down her body, clearly liking what he saw, excited for her to be in that water with her.
Lila didn’t waste a lot of time, putting one foot in the water followed by the other and adjusting so she was standing on either side of his legs. Minho watched, then reached up to hold her hips, pulling her carefully downwards, guiding her.
She was on her knees, sitting on his thighs, and as soon as she was comfortable, Minho was running his hands up her sides, watching his own movements.
More incubus powers were making their way through her system, pleasure coursing through her veins, Lila shifting a little at the pure strength of them, Minho’s purple eyes meeting her own.
“I’m ready whenever you are.”
His eyebrows quirked up playfully, grin going one-sided, and combined with the purple in his eyes, Minho looked so much less human, his fingers sliding delicately down the curve of her sides again.
“I’m ready,” she told him honestly, his incubus powers making her a little excited as they slid like lava through every vein in her body, a desirous knot tightening in her lower stomach-
Minho’s eyes brightened for a moment, fingers curling into her hips now and pulling her forward. He was a little rough, but somehow still careful- practiced- lifting her slightly as Lila grabbed his shoulders for leverage.
Her heart was pounding in her chest as she slowly lowered herself onto him, pressing her lips together around the cry that threatened to escape her throat at the feel of it, Minho’s grip on her now hard enough to bruise.
The man immediately sighed loudly, his head falling back against the ledge of the tub, his hands lifting her hips ever-so-slightly, telling her without words to move.
Lila did, a moan pulled from her lips at the pure pleasure of it, heat and desire sharpening her senses, making everything really good.
She set a slow, steady rhythm, water sloshing back and forth, rose petals fluttering away, sticking to the ends of the tub, Lila’s fingers holding so tight to Minho, she could feel her nails digging into his skin.
And then the man was lifting up to look at her, eyes so bright it was hard to look at first, shifting both of them so they were even closer, his hands running up her back.
Lila moved against him just as Minho was leaning down to kiss her shoulder, and he groaned low and guttural in his throat before making a trail across her chest.
“Fuck, Lila-” he breathed against her, fingers curling into the small of her back. “You feel great-”
She almost wanted to laugh again- how could Minho always sound so flippant?- but could barely breathe, the fiery buzz his lips left behind as he kissed her making her brain short-circuit-
“Yeah,” she managed, her voice strained. “So do you-”
He seemed to like that, moaning a bit as he kissed across her collarbones to her other shoulder, surprisingly coordinated for being so incredibly into it-
Lila increased the rhythm of her hips, head hanging forward as she tried to catch her breath a bit, holding his slick, broad shoulders, feeling the heat of his skin beneath her palms-
“Ah, God-” his words were muttered quietly in the space between them, the man falling back against the wall of the jacuzzi again, eyes slipping closed. “Shit-”
With his head tilted back like that, neck glistening from the water upon his skin, hair a little damp as well and hanging in his eyes, lips parted-
Minho was very hot.
His hands were sliding quickly to her hips again- inhumanly fast- holding her tight, more incubus power coursing fast and strong through her system, Lila mewling a little at the feel of it combined with Minho still moving in and out of her-
He was guiding her again, pushing her to move faster, and Lila obliged without hesitation, picking up the pace, circling her hips every once in a while.
“Ah yeah-” Minho sounded pleasantly surprised by that, voice catching in his throat. “That’s good, Lila, keep doing that-”
There he was being weirdly authoritative again, but Lila couldn’t say she minded, doing as he said, the movement feeling good for both of them-
Minho’s breaths were getting shorter, hips coming up to move into her a bit, another low groan slipping from his throat as he slid against the tub wall-
“Fuck, I’m really close-” he managed through gritted teeth. “Shit-”
Lila kept moving, Minho’s hands on her sending sharper, snappier shots of pleasure through her veins, telling her he was right-
And then he was arching his back, head falling against the tub again with a dull thud as he moaned louder than he had all night, eyes squeezing shut as he finished.
Lila was still moving a little, helping him through it before she slowed to a stop, surprised by how completely out of breath she was, heart pounding in her ears-
After a few moments, Minho lifted his head to look at her again, the purple in his irises shifting back to brown right before her eyes, the man’s gaze wandering up and down her body.
“Let me help you out, too.”
She squeaked in surprise when Minho pulled her off of him, Lila standing up to keep from falling over before the man was lifting up onto his knees, still holding her hips and pushing her towards the edge of the tub.
Lila sat down on the ledge, still shocked as he scooted forward, using his hands to part her knees gently.
“What?” she finally managed to ask, the question extremely delayed.
Minho was kissing up her inner thighs, and Lila didn’t realize how much his powers had affected her until she noticed her body trembling, the heated knot in her stomach still tight-
“Let me help you out,” he said again, moving farther up her thighs, using his hands to spread them further. “It’s only fair.”
Lila didn’t have time to think, her brain still a little hazy, breaths still a little short, Minho using his hands to scoot her to the edge of the jacuzzi before she felt his hot breath upon her-
And then she was moaning loudly before she could stop it, Lila’s fingers curling into the edge of the tub to keep from slipping, Minho’s tongue running slowly upwards.
She’d forgotten how good this was last time- the hot, overwhelming, desirous goodness of it- her hand slapping over her mouth to keep from crying out. 
The pressure and movements of his tongue were perfection, Lila moving into his lips, her hand coming off her mouth to hold the dark strands of his hair, her breaths short and shallow.
“Keep going-” she was telling him urgently. “Please, Minho-”
Her voice was high-pitched and wanton and she heard him chuckle against her, the vibrations of that sending another shock of pleasure through her system, the man moving his tongue a little faster, sucking slightly, Lila arching into that even more-
And then she too was tumbling over the edge, yanking her hand from her hair as she covered her mouth again, her moaning whine much louder than she’d meant it to be-
Minho was still moving his tongue slowly until Lila was pushing him lightly away, over-stimulated, the man pulling back and caressing her legs almost lovingly.
When she finally opened her eyes, he was looking up at her, that mild curiosity in his expression he had often, like he was studying her.
“Did you have fun?”
Lila laughed loudly, breathing still a little labored as she pushed her hair out of her face.
“Yeah,” she replied weakly. “I’d say so. You? Was that enough energy?”
Minho was standing up, holding his hand out to help her up as well.
“Yes,” he replied calmly. “Thank you.”
She took his hand, the man helping her stand on her slightly shaky legs before both of them were getting out of the jacuzzi, water spilling over the sides and splashing a bit onto the carpet.
It was comfortably quiet again as Minho handed her a towel, the two of them drying off quickly. She was still recovering, legs still a little wobbly as she watched the man move across the room, picking up their clothes before making his way back over to her.
“Here you go-” he smiled kindly at her. “It’s kind of cold in here.”
“Thanks,” she replied with a nod.
They were pulling their clothes back on, Minho checking his phone sitting upon the bed, Lila’s body finally starting to shift back to normal as she tried not to feel amused once more by how absolutely casual this entire exchange was-
And as she looked at him- pulling her shirt slowly over her head and fully dressed now- she wondered if he could answer the question that’d been on her mind for the past few weeks now…
“Hey Minho.”
He looked up with slightly widened eyes.
“Can I ask you a question?”
He locked his phone, throwing it back on the bed as he ran a hand through his slightly damp hair.
“Yeah sure. What’s up?”
“Well…” Lila hesitated, fiddling with the end of her shirt. “What does it mean, when an incubus’ eyes turn red?”
He looked slightly surprised.
“Red?” he repeated and she nodded quickly.
“Well, it doesn’t happen to me very often, it depends on the person,” he admitted with a shrug. “But it basically means the incubus is angry. Like super angry.”
Lila’s stomach twisted a little- so she was right.
“What do you mean?” she asked, wanting him to elaborate.
“Sort of like going rogue-” 
She thought of Maddie for a moment, and couldn’t help smiling a little; the older had said that at the beginning.
“When we get that mad, we don’t have a lot of control over ourselves,” Minho continued, plucking their towels off the floor and folding them up. “It’s happened to Han a few times; he said it was pretty scary. If you see any of us looking like that… you should probably keep your distance.”
Lila flinched, thinking of Chan.
How hard he’d had to shake his head the first time she’d seen the red in his eyes, and how the second time, he’d actually had to walk away-
“What causes it?” she found herself asking, trying to keep her tone light.
“All sorts of stuff.”
Minho was still folding the towels, placing them on the empty desk.
“Something really pissing us off. Frustration. Jealousy-”
Lila’s stomach flipped at that one, and Minho chuckled, looking thoughtful.
“I always thought if you were jealous, your eyes would turn green, but…”
He trailed off, and after a moment, she realized he wasn’t saying anything else about the subject, moving around the bed and plugging in his phone.
But Lila felt slightly frozen in her spot. 
It made sense; Chan getting angry about Minho wanting to schedule time. Chan hearing from Changbin that he didn’t need that girl anymore to feed, that he’d gotten it taken care of, and of course- stuck on the side of the road with a flat tire and no one but her- Chan knew it was Lila…
So the blue and red were related.
He was jealous.
But not just jealous; angry jealous. The kind of anger that- according to Minho- had Chan losing complete control over himself.
No wonder he doesn’t want to talk about it
Chan was scared of himself.
“You can watch whatever you want on TV.”
Minho interrupted her thoughts, and she was surprised to see him pulling back the covers, about to climb into bed.
“I was just gonna go to bed-”
“Oh, no-”
Lila laughed again- Minho was so weird sometimes- shaking her head and moving towards the door.
“-I’ll head back to my room.”
He nodded, walking around the bed and following behind her.
“I’ll walk you out.”
Lila made it to the door and opened it quickly, stepping out into the hallway as Minho leaned against the open doorway with a small smile.
“Thank you again,” he said sincerely. “I was getting worried when no one picked up.”
“You?” Lila teased, smiling up at him. “You never get worried-”
He chuckled, reaching over to fix the sleeve of her shirt that- she hadn’t noticed until this moment- was a little wrinkled.
“-I worry sometimes…”
“Sure you do, Minho,” she said playfully. 
Lila heard the slight click of a hotel door being opened nearby, but Minho didn’t seem to notice, still looking at her and shaking his head.
“See you tomorrow, Lila.”
He took his hand from her shirt, pushing himself off the doorframe and giving her a small wave.
“Bye,” she was still smiling, waving right back. “See you tomorrow.”
Just as Minho was closing the door, Lila saw movement out of the corner of her eye.
She turned, and almost immediately, her insides were twisting tightly.
Chan was standing three hotel rooms down from Minho’s, frozen in the doorway, staring right at her.
Eyes bright red.
Her heart was pounding in her chest- somewhat from fear, but also worry- at what he’d seen, what this looked like, her hair still half damp, cheeks still warm and she was sure very pink, clothes a little disheveled-
Chan turned right back around, fiercely shaking his head and quickly disappearing back into his hotel room.
And before Lila could even move, he was slamming the door hard behind him.
To Be Continued...
15 | 16 | 17
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