#yes ive blocked the tag and anyone who posts her
anasthesiaemporium · 1 year
l*** b**** sucks and anyone who fangirls over this person needs to get a life
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bunnyboy-juice · 2 months
#personal#i am emotional yes#over the years ive had this blog I've made a few posts abt being femme#nd whether they're serious or jokey..... inevitably someone in the tags goes “ohhh yeah bc pink”#or in the case of what inspired this post: someone going “what about the pink ones” on my praying mantis post#and im just.#sick of it. im sick of femme being equated to pink and frilly girlie behaviors.#im sick of femme being equated to skirts and heels. to makeup. to skincare. to pristine nails exactly almond shaped.#im sick of ppl acting like All femmes aspire to this shit. im sick of femms being reduced to this shit.#and i love pink! i love pink! my phone theme is quite literally just black and pink all over.#im just. so tired of any expression of Femme identity being shoehorned into being a Specific type of femininity#especially as someone who DOES get dysphoric wearing skirts. wearing dresses. embodying the femme aesthetic yall are so set on making#if u guys wanna rb this i truly dont care#i just needed to scream#and this is one small thing#but the 2nd largest category of anon hate i have gotten since making this blog is str8 up homophobia from other “queer” folks#saying i cant be femme bc of how i present. calling me slurs (and using them as such) bc they cant understand femme as anything but that#my wife and i have our users in our personal discord server set as 2 different things of anon hate ive gotten#i have had OTHER FEMMES tell me i am not femme. femmes who Know im femme who still call me butch. femmes who ive corrected and been blocked#-by bc of it. the number 1 largest demographic of queerfolk who have me blocked rn is TME femmes who embody pink also#and i dont think its a coincidence at all. (and i know this bc i go to try and follow these ppl bc they get rbed on my dash & i cant)#and ik their blogs arent deleted bc some of them don't block my wife (tall. white. butch) and it cant be politics cause her and i rb#a lot of the same political shit (fuck. i think she rbs More than i do even. this is genuinely mainly a nsft blog)#and usually i don't say anything but im having a bad day so i get to be angry about this and if anyone fucking tries me i will block u#idc if we've been mutuals 4ever. im judt so tired of feeling like i am not Enough as a femme bc i dont embody this shit#im sick of this lameass lip service to he/him gnc femmes etc when the thin white 50s housewife femme is still what is preferred and loved#im sick of this lamesss lip service when y'all feel entitled to theorizing on other femmes genders bc u cant conceptualize a femme who does#wanna be hypetfeminine. im sick of it. im sick of it. im sick of it.#celebrity bun
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godsofthecatz · 1 year
Excuse me if I come off as rude (I don't mean to be!) though I'm curious...
How do you get by the LMK fandom when you're a plumsynoodles shipper? A lot of people or either ships that or PeachyNoodles usually gets the door slammed on them? Do you not go through that? Or do you?
I mean, i dont think you're coming off as rude!-
I personally haven't gotten too much of it? (I was called a proshipper once, but that was also from me trying to ask them for details/info they said they had about it being gross) But it could also be that probably because I'm not too popular?
And I mean, I try to stay out of the drama-...I also just straight up say when i do post something related to Plumsynoodles that if they don't like it, they can block me or just block the tag! (if they still like what I post otherwise)... because I mean- idk- it's a whole topic on its own - i can actually talk about my feelings on ships in general below if anyone wants to hear about it!
I don't post too many different ships- though I did a small request for unusual ships on Twitter and saw a few different ones-...
I don't want to get people upset or mad at me...but if people openly start trying to call me something I'm not, I don't want to get involved with that-... it's not hurting anyone and again, I'm giving them a small note that if they don't like it they can block me! But hey! I'll gladly talk about it openly with an open mind if someone like you asks about it!
Personally...I don't mind what people ship or think of other ships, as long as your not shoving it on me I'm all cool! I'm not trying to shove my ships on others as well! (ill mostly be referencing lmk)
shipping fictional characters is to me- and like....I don't care what others ship- (one ship i dont like is Mei with *just* MK... i like to see her as a sister to him! But i still like Chimerashipping...) like iv been around people shipping Iron fan with Mei or someone else, while for one with the Mei is that she is around MK's Age- and two...if people really care about it 'she's married and the only cannon ship that's in the show-...there's a lot of funky ships that can scratch the "problematic" tag... like any of the demon/human ships- ...
Some of my favorites and/or views with ships-... I also really like Jin and MK! Even though they don't interact all to much- I like to imagine the interaction! Again, it's fiction!
With Plumsynoodles...though yes- Macaque is his own is a sea of problems- I mean...to me you can personally apply that to any ship he is in- kinda the same with Wukong... but I like to use the fiction and mix it up with my brain of MK would help Macaque be a better person despite everything that has happened between them... and one popular topic that effects both of the mythical monkeys with MK- is the teacher student thing-... for me, again it's fiction...and at least MK is an adult- I also personally don't see Macaque as a teacher to MK??? It feels like a week, and sure they tease each other about it- but ya know??? And with Wukong- idk- I like to think of the 'after math'...like once MK is no longer the student- and they have both improved!...(even once saw a really cool post about someone talking about how the two stones MK/Wukong were born from are different stones! I wish I could find it- maybe I could if I remembered where to look or who it was from! It was actually really interesting)
I love shipping and hearing people's ideas on romance, or friendship! Like...regardless on what it is- to *me* as long as they are not related, and both adults/ or around the same age...I really don't care on what you ship-
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Yay!! Rin will always have a place in our hearts forever, but branching out's a fun thing to do too! Let's discover the Naruto truths of this world!!!! >:D 1. Most Overrated Character? 9. Which Naruto Fandom Words Are You Allergic To? 10. Is Sakura A Shitty Character Or Shittily Written? 12. Who Should've Died In The War Arc? 15. Is Naruto White-Coded For Having Blonde Hair & Blue Eyes? 18. Ship Wars Or Power Scaling Debates? 19. Pettiest Fandom Opinion You've Blocked Someone For?
1. Most Overrated Character?
hmmmm ok so like. i will say that in general my opinion of characters fluctuates based on their portrayal. like in general i dont love any of the founders but there have been a few fics that really *got* them, and so like i'm willing to stay for that. i guess i don't love iruka? he tends to exist as "cardboard cut out to stand next to kakashi" in a lot of fanworks. i mean, i've seen compelling depictions, i just think that the ratio is pretty skewed. idk.
9. Which Naruto Fandom Words Are You Allergic To?
idk if this counts but i haaaate the word girlboss. put it back. i know its a word many fandoms use but like. no one is allowed to say it until they can give female characters personalities alongside it. umm actual naruto fandom word... well not a word but i dislike the depiction of anbu as more skilled than other ninja in common fanon. on account of i believe their reputation comes from their actions rather than power. you know. doing socially unsavory missions and whatnot.
10. Is Sakura A Shitty Character Or Shittily Written?
SHITTLY WRITTEN women deserve the world and i am so so glad to see all the sakura enjoyers out there forcefully fixing her character. honestly the crush stuff doesn't even bother me much as like a concept, it's just that. well you know. naruto writing. all the power to anyone who decides to keep that and all the power to anyone who overwrites it for their own perspective on her. she deserved better within the writing
12. Who Should've Died In The War Arc?
ughhh SO many more people. well ok i hate the war arc cuz its not even a WAR they're all just fighting one singular objectively evil dude so that everyone can turn their brains off but that is not new news we all know the war arc is bad. um. i do think it could have been drastically improved by more side-characters dying. just to increase the weight of the stakes. i'd def trade hinato for neji so that we could have like. SATISFYING ARC CONCLUSIONS. but whatever. im not really particular about who has to go for the greater good (meaningful stakes) but i do think that gai needed to live because it is funny.
15. Is Naruto White-Coded For Having Blonde Hair & Blue Eyes?
oh wow uhhhm. yes...? maybe? i dont know and i dont think i am qualified enough to have an opinion on this lol
18. Ship Wars Or Power Scaling Debates?
oohhh i dont really engage with either but shipping wars are at least usually really funny to watch. whatever kakashi has going on with every man he's on screen with for like four minutes (nothing)(and yet incredible amounts of sexual tension. apparently.) is really funny to me you mean to tell me we're giving this guy FOUR boyfriends??? before he even has a prozac prescription??? also people arguing about sasusaku and sasunaru are perhaps the biggest clown on the planet because those guys will back up everything they say with screenshots of the manga. i respect the grind. power scaling debates are just kind of annoying lol
19. Pettiest Fandom Opinion You've Blocked Someone For?
oh dude anyone who's not rin posting in the rin tag is getting blocked on sight lmao i'd say that's pretty petty. uhhh also ive blocked like three people who were saying that rin did nothing wrong when she forced kakashi to kill her. thats probably a little petty
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trollmaniac · 1 year
deciding to post this to the tumblr community to comment because this has started to frustrate me to no end.
i have an ex-friend who tried to sabotage me in high school (it failed because surprise! im a nice person who minds their business 99% of the time). she has always tried to get into some kind of singing as a professional career, whether it be songwriting, musicals, whatever. problem is she has no singing talent. because of this, she has decided to use the drag community to flaunt her “singing skills” and get the attention of as many people as possible.
before i delve into why this is an issue, let me explain: she is mentally ill. she did not have a good childhood. parents were also pretty shitty. i have tried confronting her before about this with a little “hey maybe seek therapy and/or meds, im sure all of your friends will support you” and she proceeded to tell me that all of her friends left her (supposedly because of this), tried 1 (one) therapist and found they “didnt help”, are on 3 different meds (????? okay. was this to brag to me or something? cool, i guess), and she wanted to keep this “private” (after posting it to all of her instagram followers to talk about her struggles). i tried messaging again with something along the lines of “therapy takes time and you might not have the right therapist, also all of instagram doesnt make this very private now does it” and i got blocked, of course. because she doesnt listen to any negative comments and instead cuts out those people from her life. sure, whatever, you do you hun.
my issue is this; ive been told she advertises everywhere she can that she is a Cisgender, Heterosexual Woman (cool) who is also a drag queen (not as cool). i would be cool with this if she was an ally, but shes sticking her nose into somewhere she shouldnt. because of the kind and acceptive nature of the drag community (and LGBTQ+ community and general), they took her in and allowed her to perform as a drag queen. her singing is still questionable, but now she’s parading around as what my town likes to think of as their very own LGBTQ+ drag queen icon that they can also flaunt to show our town isnt homophobic or whatever.
i would have no problem with this if she was a drag king! the point of drag is to challenge gender sterotypes, is it not (correct me if im wrong, but be nice about it lol)? but shes just…. putting on some makeup and a wig and saying “okay i can perform here now”. and you know how i said my town thinks she’s pretty neat? whoever organized the pride parade this year had her LEAD THE PARADE. and my nonbinary friend, who had just undergone top surgery, went to the parade of course because why shouldnt they participate in pride? they were damn determined to go lol. so then little miss pageant or whatever strolls up to them and their siblings during the parade and goes “omg hiiiiii do you remember me???” and “thanks so much for coming!!!!” as if it was her parade or something. like no. dont thank anyone who went. this is their parade, not yours. fuck off. but i cant tell her that. no one can, because she’ll remove them from her life. all we’ve been able to do so far is watch and be entertained from afar because she wont take any direct confrontation if it isnt praising her and her “talent”.
anyway yes im angry and yes im posting this, but im not going to tag it because part of me wants it to sink into the void of tumblr and never be seen again. i have a feeling someone is going to go and flip this whole rant to make it look like im a villain or something because i didnt source facts or i misworded something, yada yada, you get it. but if someone reads this and go “yeah, i agree, what the fuck is up with that?”, then i think that would be pretty neat.
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giorno-plays-piano · 3 years
Part VI
Tumblr media
Pairing: Steve x reader, Bucky x reader, Thor x reader, Loki x reader, Peter x reader
Warnings: yandere, obsession, stalking, possessiveness, theft, mention of blackmail, all characters are adults.
Words: 1567.
Summary: Transferring to Stark Academy that has only allowed to take in female students last semester, you realize you are just one of three young women among hundreds of students. Your things are constantly being stolen, and soon you begin fearing for your safety.
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
You spent the rest of your evening like a somnambulist, barely able to concentrate on your projects before you went to bed, barely finishing half of the things you planned for today. Even the change of locks didn't make you as happy as you thought it would. It felt like something between a dream and a nightmare.
Lying in the dark, you stared at the ceiling, thinking of what happened just a couple of hours ago. Why did he do it? Was it just out of habit and didn’t mean anything? Naturally, with his appearance and easy-going attitude, he probably dated many girls and didn’t think much before kissing someone he liked.
Remembering the way he talked to you in the morning, you thought he must have pretended to be shy around you. Thor certainly wasn’t sheepish.
Was it all a sham? Was Loki right about all of them, playing their roles to get close to you? You couldn’t forget the way Thor looked the moment he told you about being smart. It was like something switched inside him, and for a second you saw the real Thor who was far from being your simple, good-natured athlete.
Why did you keep thinking about that stupid kiss even after seeing the man could be dangerous?
Aroused and angry, you tossed and turned until you fell asleep.
Waking up was especially tough, despite the fact you didn't really do much yesterday, meaning you were going to spend your weekend studying. Shoot, and that's when you planned to visit that new chocolate boutique in the city. Maybe you could still make it if you spent more time studying today?
But then again, going to the city alone might be a bad idea. Even if the guys who stole your things were beaten, it didn't mean it had always been the same people following you. The school was full of weirdos, in the end. What if somebody went after you? Steve would definitely say you had to bring one of your guards with you.
Damn. It was better staying in the dorm then.
"Good morning! Are you ready?" Peter's voice broke through the silence, and you flinched, hurriedly applying some lipstick because you didn't have enough time to put your makeup properly.
Well, at least you were fully dressed.
"Just give me a second!" Picking up your bag, you put your shoes on and opened the door, looking at a young guy who's face was lit up like a Christmas tree. "Hi!"
He definitely liked what he saw, and you felt your cheeks growing hot from embarrassment. From the very start of the semester Peter acted very sweet around you, and you thought you could be friends with him. He wouldn't do something as ugly as blackmailing, would he? Thor said it too. Clearly, Steve was exaggerating.
"Did you sleep well? I've heard you changed your lock, so now it'll be better."
"Ugh, I hope so. But I still sleep with my dresser blocking the door." Sighing, started walking, afraid to look in the faces of other students, hurrying off to school.
They must have been disgusted, watching you being friendly with one guy after being all lovey-dovey with the other just yesterday. Although you didn't see anyone in particular, you were sure somebody saw Thor kissing you. And now you were walking the corridors with Peter.
"By the way, what's your Insta?"
What? Your Instagram? Whatever for? Although you had no idea why he needed it, you let him add you, by the time leaving the dorm and walking towards the main building.
Suddenly, Peter got pretty close, his arm on your waist as he lifted up his phone and hummed, "Look here and smile!"
Before you realized what he was doing, the boy kissed your temple, and you heard the sound of a photo being taken by his front-facing camera. What the Hell?!
"Peter!" Pissed at him, you quickly break free and stepped back, but he was already looking at his phone, editing the photo and posting it almost immediately.
You heard your phone buzz when he marked you on the photo.
"That's a good one. You look very cute here."
"What are you doing?!"
"Making a proof we're dating, of course?"
You were taken aback by the sincerity in his voice, and Peter smiled from ear to ear like an excited teenager, showing you the picture: it wasn't that bad, and you looked as if you were slightly embarrassed by Peter's closeness. Oh, of course. He had to convince his friends he was dating you, but he didn't kiss you on the lips that could make other people too suspicious. Instead, friends of Barnes or, say, Thor, would still think it was all for show, and it was their friend who dated you for real.
Shit, Steve's plan was incredibly complicated, and you didn't like it at all.
"Oh, alright." You mumbled, lowering your eyes to the ground, and Peter laughed.
"We'll make a TikTok dance later. If you wanna make people talk, just use your social media." He winked at you and put the phone in the pocket of his pants, resuming walking, and you moved along, your face still hot.
God, what did these guys got you into? You felt like you were lost in the middle of a play, not even having a script to read what was your role in all this.
Before you parted your ways, going to a different classrooms, Peter talked about videogames, the upcoming Resident Evil - apparently, his favorite franchise - and some Dota tournament, but you didn't know much about it, and Peter offered to show you his favorite games "because you can't spend all your time studying!"
He was as careless and sweet as always, but you couldn't get Steve's words out of your mind. Damn, if only you could know for sure that Peter didn't blackmail anyone. Who could you talk to about it? Obviously, not Peter himself, but every time he spoke you had that nagging feeling you needed to talk to him. You barely kept your mouth shut before he went to a different room.
Ugh, why didn't you transfer anywhere else when you still had a chance? Obviously, now you could only drop out of school, and it definitely wasn't something you were going to do.
Luckily, the next couple of hours you were busy with your classes, trying your best to prepare for the upcoming exams. The academy held high standards, and even though you were a good student, it still took lots of efforts to keep up the good work. How Thor even managed to get enrolled, judging by the fact he hated studying and often skipped classes?
Ah yes, he mentioned something about getting a scholarship from the academy for his success in the sport.
By the lunch time you were drained, listening to Peter chatting with an absent-mindedly epxression on your face. Funny enough, Peter's grades were better than yours, even though he spent much less time studying. What, was he some genius like Loki? You felt a little envy.
"I gotta go take my tracksuit, I have PE next," the boy said, and you nodded, throwing away the leftovers of your lunch.
As you stood close while he grabbed his sportclothes, you heard two guys talking behind the lockers to your right.
"Have you seen her today? She's with Parker!"
You tensed immediately. Of course, they were talking about you.
"Yeah, so what?"
"She was with Thor yesterday!"
Watching you froze on the spot, Peter stilled too, listening carefully. Oh shit, you hoped no one cared about who you went with - why should they, in the end - but, apparently, you were drawing too much attention simply because you were a girl among hundreds of male students.
"So what?" The other guy asked impatiently, growing tired of this conversation.
"Are you stupid? She's going out with them! I bet she's looking for a guy." The first student said with excitement, and you cringed. No, you weren't going out with anyone, you wanted to stop the weirdos from following you and steeling your things. Was it too much to ask?
"Yeah, who cares?"
"We have three fucking girls in the whole school, and you don't care if one of them could be going out with you? Besides, this one's pretty. I'd fuck her!"
You felt like you were going to puke any moment. Why on Earth did you decide to transfer to an all-boys school? It was like the whole school were a men’s room filled with stupid-ass guys, and you were locked inside, forced to listen them talk junk.
"You'd fuck a sheep, weirdo. Go get yourself a girlfriend if you can’t stop thinking with your dick.”
Laughing, the guy left, and his friend followed him, shouting something stupid while you breathed out a sigh of relief. Of course, you knew there would be some talk, but you didn’t expect it to be so... gross. Were you really gonna spend the two remaining years here?
Watching you getting frustrated, Peter gently touched you by the arm and said softly, “Don’t worry. They won’t talk rubbish about you.”
“What do you mean?” Suddenly thinking of Steve’s words, you blurted out exactly what you were thinking of the whole day, “Are you going to blackmail them with something?”
“I... what?”
Part VII
Tags: @finleyjayne @alexakeyloveloki   ​@helenaeisenhower @villanellevi @hurricanerin ​@inlovewiththefictionalcharacters @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @navegandoaciegas @rosalynshields @brattycherub @sllooney @angrythingstarlight @lookiamtrying @buckysbunny @stargazingfangirl18 @dillybuggg @literate-lamb @cosicas-cuquis @sarge-barnes-sir @buckybarnesplumwhore @jaysayey @megzdoodle @gotnofucks @lux-ravenwolf @ximebebx @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123 @sourpatchspinster @biiskuitx @stupendouslovegardener @iheartsebandchris @lovelydarkdaydream @soleil-dor @illyrianprincess @vampirestrawberries @goodgodimaweirdperson @frontmanash @freya-heya @yandematic @mariatietacapitu @d3monslust @maybesandohnos @ibeatuptwinks @mangobangi
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dark-side-laegrinna · 2 years
Check-in tag
@rudhira said anyone who sees their post is tagged, so I’m going to do this for both mrs-mquve and mrs-mquve-cc!
Why did you choose your url?
Because one of my favorite fictional characters is M’Quve from Mobile Suit Gundam. I was crazy obsessed with him for several years (I've had fictional character hyperfixations my whole life). I’m not so embarrassingly fixated on him anymore but I still love him, of course! I added “cc” for my Sims 2 custom content blog.
BTW, if anyone unfamiliar with Gundam is wondering how M’Quve is pronounced, it’s muh-KOO-vay.
How long have you been on tumblr?
10 years!
Do you have a queue tag?
I don’t use the queue - I’m a dork who’s on my computer all day so I just save drafts and post them sporadically. When I did briefly use it the tag was “m’queuve” 😆
Why did you start your blog in the first place?
To post about M’Quve and find other Gundam fans. Unfortunately the fandom (for the original Gundam from 1979) has fallen off the face of Tumblr. I just post other stuff I like and character aesthetics on my main now. I started my Simblr shortly after I started making CC because I discovered the TS2 community here.
Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
Another character hyperfixation. It’s Laegrinna, the protagonist of Deception IV: Blood Ties (Kagero: Dark Side Princess). I also play characters from that game in TS2, so sim!Laegrinna is my pfp for mrs-mquve-cc.
Why did you choose your header?
Because I took a sexy picture of sim!Laegrinna and I loved it. My Simblr header is her and Zeno Shin, they are my OTP.
What’s your post with the most notes?
Hoo boy. A silly post years ago about a Char Aznable vibrator I found browsing Japanese Gundam sites. I blocked notifications because I was still getting them 8 years later. I’ve since deleted all posts pre-2015 because my god was I cringy back then. Currently it’s a gif I made with PicMix of Tuvok from Star Trek: Voyager. I don’t know which post on my Simblr has the most notes.
How many mutuals do you have?
I’m too lazy to count. I do know that most of them for my main are inactive.
How many followers do you have? How many people do you follow?
444 on my main and 850 on my Simblr. I follow 460.
Have you ever made a shitpost?
All the time on my main. I even have tags for them. #fia shitpost and #deception shitposting.
How often do you use tumblr each day?
I have it open in my browser most of the day and post when I feel like it. I have no life, lol.
Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? Who won?
Uh... yeah, when I first joined. They won when they sent me a kind of threatening ask and I dropped it. I was more outspoken and generally cringy back then. I shared a lot of TMI. I feel like getting older has made me more careful and reserved.
How do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts?
I hate them. Nobody’s obligated to reblog anything. Tumblr’s not just for activism, people can post whatever the hell they want.
Do you like tag games?
Yes, they’re a lot of fun!
Do you like ask games?
Not really. I’m socially awkward so talking directly to people is less comfortable for me than communicating through posts.
Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
Oh, I dunno. I might be mutuals with a few bigger Simblrs but that might be it.
Do you have a crush on a mutual?
No. I’m married and that would be weird.
I’m pretty sure most people have done this at this point, so if you see this and haven’t already, consider yourself tagged.
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ratisnotcrying · 2 years
thank you for not giving up
summary:  Contrary to all evidence, Buck didn’t really enjoy writing - or rather he did enjoy writing, would even say he was good at it, but he never wrote for pleasure. He looks over at the countertops, freshly cleaned; looks at the sink, empty of dishes and wonders if he should have cleaned the drawers as well but he shakes his head, wipes away the tears blurring his vision and looks back down at the page he was writing.
pairings: implied/referenced buck/eddie, 118 family
warnings: suicidal thoughts, suicide attempt, fainting, insecurity, references to vomiting
word count: 3.6K
a/n:  this is my first fic in this fandom!!. Pre-editing there was a slightly excessive use of the word ‘wonder’ and i dont know if ive fixed it :D this fic was initially supposed to be 2k, and it was almost 4k after the first draft… oops anyway i really enjoyed writing this (bit morbid) which is nice after some huge writers block - this is cross posted on ao3 - please tell me if i need to add any tags or warnings
Contrary to all evidence, Buck didn’t really enjoy writing - or rather he did enjoy writing, would even say he was good at it, but he never wrote for pleasure. For example, when he had written postcards for Maddie he had enjoyed keeping her updated on his life, but he hated that this was the only way he could do it; it had been nice to write Abby, to finally let out everything he wanted to say, but he hated that it had come to that.
Then he had written a letter of resignation - he hadn’t told anyone for obvious reasons - but it had been like a weight off of his shoulders, knowing that he could escape the consequences of his behaviour, no matter how much of a coward it made him feel. Now that he thought about it, it was probably still somewhere in the kitchen.
He looks over at the countertops, freshly cleaned; looks at the sink, empty of dishes and wonders if he should have cleaned the drawers as well but he shakes his head, wipes away the tears blurring his vision and looks back down at the page he was writing.
It had started small, so small he hoped he could be imagining it.
It had started with Chimney.
The 118 had just got back to the house after what was, in the grand scheme of things, a good call - a group of friends had been on a hike and one of them had, somehow, managed to get stuck up a tree. It also happened that Chim had been standing right under the tree when she got out and was covered in all the leaves that had been shaken loose.
“Chim, you look fine! You kind of look like a bush in a school play, but other than that you look fine.” Bobby chuckled as he jumped out the truck.
“I can't believe so many leaves came from one tiny tree!”
Hen stuck her head round the ambulance, “Hey, you remember that call, what was her name?”
“Oh! Alex with the-”
“Yeah, Alex with the cat-”
“Chim, you climbed so far up that tree that time and you and that cat you were both such a mess - leaves and- and twigs everywhere.” Hen wheezes, doubled over.
Buck smiled, confused, “When was this?”
Chimney paused for a second, “Oh, it was when you were off, right after the lawsuit. Wasn’t that the same week you got pushed into all that fruit, Bobby?”
“Yeah, and yes, it was rotten before you-”
Bobby didn’t get a chance to finish his sentence before Chimney was cackling again, “You smelled so bad for weeks and- Cap, I swear I can still smell it sometimes.”
Buck was still listening as they all walked towards their lockers, but a small part of his brain was already replaying the conversation, reminding him that there were so many moments, tiny moments, that he had missed because of his own pig-headedness. It made him briefly, fleetingly, wonder why he had fought so hard to come back.
Then it was Hen.
Everyone was sitting together over breakfast, except Bobby who was still standing at the stove, silently praying they wouldn’t get a call until after they had eaten, or at least until Hen had finished the story she was telling.
“So then I realised where I knew this guy from - he was the last client I spoke to when I was a sales rep,” she faltered, ever so slightly and her eyes flicked to Buck for a moment, almost warry, before she continued, “I mean, I threatened to stab this guy with his own steak knife!”
The table erupted into laughter and so did Buck, more a reflex than anything else because the last time Hen had looked at him like that had been over the cold conference table, her personal life spread out for scrutiny, dumped out and mixed in with everyone else's.
Buck felt numb all of a sudden, shocked-still with guilt rushing through him - he was struck by the realisation that even though everyone seemed to have forgiven him, they still didn’t trust him, not even with the smallest stories.
It was different with Bobby, it wasn't anything that he had said because he hadn’t said much of anything since Buck came back: it was how he looked at him.
He still remembers when he got fired, which is unsurprising - it’s not every day you get fired for stealing a ladder truck twice - but more than anything he remembers how angry Bobby had been, how he looked angry at himself as well for not seeing this coming. That's how Bobby looked after the lawsuit, disappointed in Buck and angry at himself for not knowing Buck would do this: he looked like he believed it was a given, a fact set in stone, that Buck would always make the wrong choice.
Buck isn’t sure Bobby was wrong. If he thought about it, he had made the wrong choice more times than he had made the right one, more times than he could ever hope to count, and he had disappointed more people than he could count.
He was almost glad he hadn't seen much of Athena recently because he's not sure he could stand to see the hurt and disappointment on her face. Since their first meeting, rocky as it had been, Athena had been like a mother to him and disappointing her like he always had his own mother… that would be too much for him to handle.
So now, every time the bell rang, every time Athena pulled up on a scene, they would look at him and it made his skin crawl.
Buck was startled awake by someone banging on his door.
“Hey! You’d better be decent, we’re coming in.” Eddie called as he opened the door, Chris following behind him.
He was not, in fact, decent, and he had all of five seconds to throw on some pants before Eddie came jogging up the stairs.
“You said you’d watch Chris today, why’re you still in bed?”
“Uh, maybe because it's seven in the morning and I wasn't expecting you till nine?”
“Oh, right,” Eddie slapped him on the shoulder and grinned, “I forgot to tell you there was a change of plan.”
He listened from the bathroom to Chris and Eddie chatting and cringed a bit when he caught sight of himself in the mirror, grinning like an idiot.
“So, what are we gonna do today?” Buck asked as he rummaged through his cupboards for the cereal.
“Can we go to the beach?” Chris says with all of the child-like innocence Buck thought he’d had taken from him.
He tries not to falter, he really does, but he’s so shocked he spills some milk on the counter, “You wanna go to the beach?”
“Yeah, I went with Dad when you weren’t here, and now I want to go with you.”
Buck put a bowl of cereal in front of Chris, stirring his own as he thought.
He knew, realistically, that he would miss out on seeing Chris grow, would miss seeing him in general, but realising that he had missed something so huge, such a massive step forwards in his healing… Buck wished he could have been there, could have been with Chris so they could have moved on together, even if it was just one step they took together.
“Sorry, buddy, yeah, we can go to the beach.” He tried to smile but it didn't quite reach his eyes.
Chris ate in silence for a moment, studying him. It made Buck squirm - Chris was barely ten years old and he had seen so much, he could read people so well.
“I wanted you to come with us when we went before, but Dad said you were busy.”
“Yeah, yeah, I uh- I was, but I'm not now, so what do you say we head out about ten?”
He texted Eddie before they left, letting him know exactly where they were going, what time he expected to be back and whilst he waited for a response he half expected Eddie would tell him no, don't take my son to the beach.
Instead Eddie gives him the all clear, tells them to have fun.
But all Buck can think about is how sad Chris had looked when he said he wanted Buck there and how it was his fault Chris looked like that, that Chris felt like that, and he wonders how many times that had happened.
“Your actions, your choices, they impact the rest of us.” - that’s what Eddie had half yelled at him in the middle of a grocery store. Buck can’t believe it took him that long to realise he was hurting Chris as well, after he had hurt him so much already.
A week after the beach, Buck couldn't stop thinking about everyone he had hurt, not that he ever had, but it felt like he was being crushed by the weight of what he had done anew every single day.
“Hey, Chim?”
He looked up from where he was doing dishes.
“So, you know how after the lawsuit, me and Eddie weren’t really talking? Well, obviously he forgave me-”
“Yeah and thank god for that, it was almost unbearable being in the same room as you two.”
Buck chuckled, “Yeah, I get that. But, um. Did everyone else? Forgive me, I mean?”
“Yeah, of course - why?” He said, half listening to Maddie with Jee in the next room.
“I just- I can't help but think that no one has. Like no one-”
“Chim, can you come here for a sec?” Maddie called.
“Just a second! Buck, listen, everyone's forgiven you, okay? We’re fine, you’re fine, but Jee does not sound fine, so I'll be back in two minutes!” Chim called over his shoulder.
Buck just picked up the dishes where Chimney had left off.
It carried on like this for weeks, every interaction, every second glance, everything adding up until, inevitably, Buck reached his breaking point.
It was a bad call. A collision, two vehicles - a car and a tow truck - a freak accident, the driver of the car was thrown through the windshield, the truck had rolled and the car driver's leg was trapped under the cab.
Buck was good at his job, but he was only human so, as he worked, doing exactly and only as he was told, his hands shook to the point that he thought he was actually making the situation worse.
It took a couple of hours for everyone to be off to the hospital, and another half hour for the 118 to be back at the house. Buck did not remember most of it. The driver that had been crushed was going to be fine, but there had been three casualties and he could feel himself spiralling, every choice he had made since he himself had been crushed playing on repeat until he came full circle and-
“Buck?'' There was a hand on his shoulder, Bobby was standing in front of him, Eddie off to one side, watching, “Buck, go home. Get some rest, talk to someone, I’ll call you in the morning.”
Buck only now realises that the alarms are going off, he can hear people running, the engine starting and Buck nods blankly as Bobby almost carries him outside to an uber.
By the time he can feel his hands again he’s sitting on his couch, rubbing them together, rubbing salty tears into the wound he hasn't stopped picking for weeks. He thinks about Chimney. He thinks about Chimney and Hen and Eddie and Chris and Bobby and Athena. He thinks about his parents and his sister and the brother he didn't, doesn't even remember he thinks about Abby and he thinks about every mistake he has ever made. He thinks about the driver pinned under the cab of the truck and wonders if he should have warned him about how quickly everything can go wrong.
He thinks about how everything can still be wrong, even when you think it’s not.
He thinks about how his family still doesn't trust him, how he missed out on huge chunks of their lives, missed out on time he'll never get back, and he cannot breathe, guilt and hatred and rage crushing his chest until he thinks he's going to black out.
He comes too on the floor, drags himself up onto the couch and thinks about his letter of resignation, the kitchen drawers, cleaning the apartment so nobody else has to.
He thinks about how to let go of what he lost and never got back.
The sun had long set, but with all the blinds open and the dirty glow of the streetlights, Buck could just about make out the letter he was trying to write.
His hands were shaking and he wasn’t sure what he was doing. Apart from lying to himself, because he knew exactly what he was doing. He was stalling. He wasn’t sure if he was going to do this.
He had already written one for Hen, one for Chimney, one for Bobby and Athena, and now he was fumbling uselessly through his fifth page to Eddie. It was a barely legible garbled mess, half-formed sentences about loss and fear of losing, fear of missing out and the guilt that followed, the guilt Buck already felt for how this would end, each scrawled paragraph ended with an apology that he knew would never be enough.
Somewhere along the way he writes a letter for Chris as well. He tucks it in with Eddie's.
It was almost one am by the time Buck had all the letters written and he was moving on autopilot now: standing mechanically from the couch, pulling on his jacket, checking the door was locked as he left, then double checking and finally- finally, walking away.
As he walked, he couldn’t help but think about who he used to be - Buck 1.0 was a mess and made more mistakes than he cared to count, he had ideas he knew were bad ideas and then ran head first into them with a cheeky smile and a joke to pull him out the other side. Buck 2.0 still had bad ideas, still made mistakes, ones that he committed to, but somehow that commitment just made it worse. He thought about it right up until he found one reason it was a good idea, and then ran into it with all the confidence he could muster.
Which, he supposes, is why he was wandering the streets of L.A. at one am, all burnout and nowhere to go. Before, he could have gone to Eddie, he could have gone to Bobby, to Maddie, but that was all before. Before the lawsuit, before his leg, before the tsunami, before before before.
And then there’s now.
Now, where he had finally become Buck 2.0 with a whole plan, a plan which ended on a bridge. A plan, a bad decision, a mistake, that ended with him alone, sitting balanced on a railing.
In the distance, on the other side of the water, he could see the lights of a fire engine flashing, he could feel the wind trying to blow him off the railing, hear the water rushing to catch him, and felt all of a sudden calm. The kind of calm he only felt at- that he used to feel at work, the kind of calm that held his hands steady and slowed his racing mind.
The sudden reprieve from his racing thoughts had him thinking with more clarity - he knew this was selfish and part of him was screaming at him, begging him not to do this, to talk to someone like Bobby had suggested, but the voice in the back of his mind was whispering, louder and louder to just let go.
The whispering sounded so much like the wind, wrapping gently around him and tugging him forwards.
He uncurled his hands from the railing, adjusted his footing and-
“Sir? My name’s Bobby, why don’t you come down so we can talk?”
Buck hadn’t cried, not since the crash scene earlier but, hearing Bobby's voice, it was like a switch had flipped. The rest of the 118 were still on shift, because he had been sent home early, because they cared about him, except they didn't, they didn't trust him they didn’t-
“Okay,” Bobby called again, closer than before, “Could you tell me your name?”
“Stop! Stop coming closer. I dont- I don’t want to get down.”
He could picture the looks on everyone's faces, he could see the tears they thought they had to cry and it just made him feel worse.
“Buckaroo, what’s going on?” Chimney called from where he was gripping Hen’s shaking shoulder.
“Nothing, you guys should go. Please-” his voice cracked a little at the end, the wind picking up, trying harder to push him forwards.
“We can talk about this - whatever it is that’s brought you up here, we can help you.” Chimney tried, his voice wavering with desperation.
“You can’t help me. I made sure of that, didn’t I? I screwed up, every step of the way, I lost your trust - I didn't deserve your trust and now I don't have it, and you- you don't have to be here you-!” Buck choked on a sob.
“Buck you’re not thinking straight, which is expected right now,” Bobby cut in, “We can talk about this. I think that there’s been some miscommunication, but right now all you need to know that we do trust you. We trust you every single day, with our safety, with our hearts, with everything. Buck you are a part of this family - we are family and we need you, we need you to come down from there, we need you to talk to us.” He pleaded, desperately trying not to run to him and drag him off the railing.
Everyone was silent for a moment, the only noise was that of the water below.
Buck sighed, “I tried to talk to you. I tried to apologise but I- everything I do is just exhausting, I didn’t think, I don't think, I don't think about anyone except myself and you all have to clear up my messes, all the time. And now here you are cleaning up another one of my messes.”
Eddie hadn’t even moved from where he was, half in half out the truck - he hadn't moved since he realised it was his best friend, his- since he realised it was Buck, sitting there, ready to die. Because he thought he was exhausting. The word rang in Eddie's mind like he had been hit over the head with it, his teeth rattled with it, hands shook like they used to before a fight and all he could do was stand there as Buck swayed on the edge.
And then Buck was literally swaying as he brought both hands up in a futile attempt to scrub the tears from his face.
"I shouldn’t have said that to you.” Eddie said, a little too loudly and Buck jerked forwards in shock, barely grabbing the rail in time, “Buck, I was tired, but not because you had exhausted me, because, shit, Buck I was exhausted, I am exhausted but that’s not an excuse for what I said. I want to help you. Please.”
Eddie’s almost standing within arms reach of Buck now, but he doesn't dare move closer because he’s shaking his head like he thinks Eddie's lying.
“Buck, Evan, do you remember what I said to you? Do you remember what I said when I brought Christopher round for the first time after the tsunami? I said ‘thank you for not giving up.’"
He can hear Buck sobbing and his own voice cracking, hear people talking, a car pull up, but he tunes it out, focuses on Buck and his breathing.
“I didn't just mean not giving up on him, I meant not giving up on you. I could see you wasting away - I get it, you thought you had lost everything - but I will never stop being thankful that you never gave up on yourself. Buck - Buck, please you have to listen to me, you have to get down.”
Buck sighed, head rolling back, hands flexing where he held on, “You know, I was going to do this before. When I was a kid, I knew my parents… my mom always- they both looked at me in this way that made my skin crawl, made me feel like I had fucked up just by being born-” Buck laughed wetly, “guess I wasn’t too far off. I just couldn't…”
He had turned slightly, finally meeting Eddie's eye and giving Bobby the split second he needed to lunge forward and grab Buck tightly around the waist, the shock loosening his grip on the railing enough for Bobby to drag him backwards off the railing onto the floor. Eddie immediately drops to his knees next to them, wrapping his arms awkwardly around Buck.
Buck screams. It sounds distant, like a shot from a film. He screams and there are tears streaming down his face as he tries to fight free of the tight embrace he’s trapped in.
Then there’s two hands on his face as well, brushing tears away and it’s Athena, whispering to him telling him she can’t lose a child, not again, not like this.
His scream chokes off until he's only sobbing, loud, violent sobs that rack his body and each one tears its way up his throat, clawing its way up from somewhere so deep inside him he feels himself gag around it until he's dry heaving into the grass next to him and there's hands rubbing gently at his back, a bottle at his lips.
And, for the second time that night, he passes out.
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The House of the Rising Sun (Number 5 x reader)
A/N: This is an unfinished fic ive had in my drafts for well over a year,, enjoy? based of s1
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Crime rates had never been higher, gangs ravaging the city any opportunity they got dealing class A narcotics and carrying out random acts of violence. No one leaves their houses at night, as soon as the sun sets the streets would empty and complete anomie would take place. One ‘gang’ were set above the rest, they were practically the equivalent of the mafia, all dressed in a smartly pressed uniform and operating throughout the entire city, the Umbrella Academy. Rumour has it they all had ‘powers’ of some sort, making them the most powerful gang, even if they didn’t have their ‘powers’ they would still be in the lead having very high levels of violence between them.
The Umbrella Academy all had nicknames, a mere murmur of the said names would send people running like scared dogs, tails between their legs. The most feared of the Umbrella Academy was The Boy, just as him name suggested he was the one no one knew anything about, yes there was rumours but never any solid facts. The Boy had apparently travelled to the future, has a kill count of hundreds and can appear in a flash of blue from thin air, but these are just mad rumours that drift round town.
Dusk set upon the city but you didn’t notice, too busy finishing bouquets in your shop. You ran a small florists on the outskirts of the town, you never caused any trouble and had never stayed late until today. You glanced out the window and gasped, looking at the pitch black sky, feeling your heart rate increase at the thought of walking four blocks in the gang ridden town. As quickly as you could you close the shop, making sure the doors were locked and the solid metal shutters were firmly shut. You leave by the back door, locking it and closing the shutter yet again, not leaving your small life source of a shop to the vengeance of raging gangs who carry out pointless crimes.
Shadows hid your small frame as you quickly walked home, defenceless, hoping to miss anyone out at the late hours of the night. Unfortunately, luck was not playing on your side, from the shadows you could make out a group of lads making their way threateningly down the street. All you could do is pray that you wouldn’t get spotted in the dark shadows.
“Well what do we have here?” You quickened your pace somehow thinking that you could move away from them but you were wrong. You were surrounded like you were feeding bread to a flock of seagulls, if the seagulls were feral and had rabies it would mirror how afraid you were at that moment. 
“Sorry!” Is all you were able to squeak out as you were roughly pulled out from the safeness of the dark into the centre of the group, your bag getting ripped off your back. Your frozen, watching them go through the contents of your bad, dumping out all your papers and pens that you had in your bag until finally finding your purse. “Please don’t it’s all I have.” 
As soon as the words left your mouth you were on the ground, a numbing pain shooting through the side of your head, you could see heavy droplets of blood hit the floor as your nose bled from the impact. Another sharp impact landed against your ribs as a sob wracked through your shaking body, unable to comprehend how quickly the events had escalated, all you could do now is wait for the next impact but it never came.
“Hey, assholes!” The voice was crisp and sharp, dripping with confidence and authority. “Pick on someone your own size.”
Coins fell to the floor as the gang dropped your bag and your purse and ran, you couldn’t even look up, the thought of someone more threatening than an entire group sent shivers down your hurt body. You didn’t hear footsteps, all you saw from your peripheral vision a blue light and a dark figure. The rustling sound of papers cut through the silent street and the harsh zip of your bag startled you.
“You need to see someone about that.” You look up and were met with none other than The Boy, the most questioned of the Umbrella Academy, dressed in a smart uniform, domino mask securely covering his identity. His fingertips lightly brushed the side of your head, causing you to flinch away. “I’m not going to hurt you.” He said unconvincingly, emotions hidden by the mask.
He held your now packed bag out to you, you lifted yourself off the floor, wincing as you did so. You cautiously took your bag from The Boys hand, holding it loosely in your hand. Taking a step, you stumble, your side collapsing in on it’s self, The Boy caught you, putting his arm around your waist to steady you.
“Here, let me help you home, where do you live?” In your shattered state you told him, and in a blink of blue you were at your door. You messily fumble with your keys as your shaking hands roughly push your door open, dropping your bag into your small apartment.
“Thank you.” The mask clad boy stood before you, hands in his shorts pockets.
“It’s okay,” You couldn’t see his eyes but you knew they were scanning over your body. “Make sure to get your injuries checked over, they got you pretty hard y/n.” Then he was gone.
You lock your door and double check your windows, securing them before limping over to your bathroom, looking at your beaten form in the mirror. Red marks spread over your face and the side of your body, bruising already starting to form, blood stained your white patterned shirt with a now ruined name tag, the thought of work taking over your thoughts, well not all of your thoughts. The Boy was also on your thoughts, his cold emotionless face, half covered by a domino mask, contrasted with the softness of his words, the caring nature of his touch. He’s a crime lord, a dangerous man, yet he showed kindness to you.
Five was angry, he was angry with himself that he didn’t get there quick enough to stop them hurting y/n. She was the only pure thing left in the city and they went for her, defenceless. Five would’ve killed them on the spot if he didn’t want to hurt y/n any more than she already was. He wasn’t actively going out of his way to find y/n, she was sunshine in a grey and broken world.
“Five,” He hadn’t even finished teleporting into his room before Luther started speaking. “We’re not meant to be out on the streets. What were you doing?” Luther’s big frame towered over Five, attempting to threaten him.
“I was out doing what were meant to be doing, keeping our authority through the streets. Haven’t you heard that they’ve been saying we’re weak.” Five snarled at his brother prompting Luther to sigh then walk out. It wasn’t always like this, they could’ve been heroes but Mr Hargreeves only saw the darkness and the powers within them, he made them the best at being the worst and for some it was the end of the line.
An aching agony wracked through your fragile body as your head pounded like a thousand drummers sounding the beating retreat. You hoped a shower would ease any of the pain, warm water running over all of your bruises, the side of your body looking like a black and blue watercolour along your ribs. Your work clothes were just casual, simple, it was one of the upsides of owning your own business. However, you did have an apron, it had different flowers embroidered on it and a simple name tag. A name tag now covered in blood.
Quiet music softly played in the background of your flower shop, you swept the floor in time to the music, swaying your hips as you did so. Heading back to the storage room, you heard the bell to the shop chime, a welcoming noise. 
“Hey, how can I help?” The man seemed startled, looking up at the arrangement of bouquets and flashing a quick smile.
“I’d like some flowers for my mom,” He almost hesitated with his words, a soft peach colour present on his cheeks. “I saw your shop yesterday and couldn’t remember the last time anyone had got her any.” 
“Awe, that’s super sweet, have any of the bouquets caught your fancy or does she have a flower preference?” The boy in front of you was about the same age as you, maybe older, he had sharp features but they were even out by the softness of his eyes.
He thought for a moment, searching the deepest parts of his brain. “Lilies, she likes lilies.” You smile at his words before looking round your small, compacted shop for any pre-made bouquets. 
“We don’t have any made up right now but if you come back,” You look at the clock, thinking about a convenient time for him to come back. “In about 2 hours I’ll have one made up for you?” You give him a sweet smile as he nods. “Great! If you want you can leave your name and number so I can text you when its done.” 
You watch him messily write his details on a post it note. Peeling it off the block, you stick it to your notice board, looking at his name as you did so. Five. “I’ll send you a text once your bouquets done!”
“Ok, thank you,” He hesitated as he strained to read your name tag. “Y/n.”
“No problem, Five.” You see a small smile break out on his face as he left the shop. The rest of your day dragged as a slow drip of customers drifted in and out of the shop. You made a large bouquet of different types of lilies for Five, taking extra care to arrange them in the prettiest way you could, making it extra special for his mom. 
You admire your handy work, loving when you get special orders being able to be as creative as you want. You send a text to Five saying that he can drop in any time from now until closing to pick them up, you get an almost instant response sending his thanks. 
Shouting echoed down the street, sharp crashing of glass cutting through the air. Smoke drifted like ghosts down the street as screams echoed down the road of people coughing, spluttering grasping for breath. Peering out your shop window you saw them again, the lads from the night before, petrol bombs in hand ready to throw. You had to consider you options, quick, close the shutters quickly and run out the back or just run out and risk that they recognise you.
Quickly, you pulled the shutters down as you hear the unruly lads shouting get louder, you think your safe but then you remember the window upstairs, wide open, vulnerable. Taking two steps at a time but you were halfway to the window and heard a ‘get the flower shop’.
A flame like a rabid hare shot past you, shattering on the ground followed by another, hitting the window dead on surrounding you in flame, no escape in a smoke filling room. Smoke licked the walls as smoke danced in your lungs, making you feel lightheaded, blurring you vision. The floor burnt as you dropped to your knees, trying to take in any remaining oxygen, begging for your eyes not to close.
As Five walked back to the flower shop only to be met with shouting, screaming and sirens, noticing the smoke in the air he quickened his pace, only to break out into a sprint at the sight of the small flower shop in flames. He couldn’t see y/n out in the street in front of the shop, in a blind panic he blipped into the shop, looking round and seeing smoke pouring down the stairs, dread filling his body. In a blink of an eye he was in the burning room, finding y/n unconscious on the floor, he grabbed her body and as quickly as he could in the haze of the smoke.
He flashed to the academy, roughly shaking y/n shoulder. “Y/n,” He checked she was still breathing. “y/n please. Wake up. Mom!” Grace came round the corner, watching her son frantically shake an unconscious body.
“What’s wrong, dear?” Grace’s calming voice did nothing to sooth the panicking boy, she looked at the girls flame licked skin. “Take her to the medical room, Five.” Without another word Five had flashed upstairs, Grace beginning jogging up the stairs wrapping her medical apron around her as she did.
You gasp awake, proceeding to cough up whatever smoke settled in your lungs. You didn’t recognise the room around you, it didn’t look like any normal hospital, or even a hospital at all. Panicking at the foreign surroundings you drag yourself out of the bed, body screaming out at the heat in your arms and palms from the fire, the fire, your shop. Before even having time to comprehend the series of unfortunate events that led you up to this point, a woman walked in, sending heaving 1950/60′s vibe.
“Hello dear, I’m Grace.” Grace had a soft voice but it didn’t sound quite right, it sounded almost robotic, not human.
“I’m sorry, I’ve got to go.” You pushed past her and hope to find a way out of the large eerie house you were in. Panic mode overtook your whole body as you tried to find any way out, footsteps echoing behind you as Grace tried to catch up with you but you saw the front door and ran for it.
“My dear, you can’t go yet!” But you had already ran out the door, it being left wide open behind you, sprinting down the street probably looking like a madman but in that moment it didn’t matter to you, you had to get out.
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curiousscientistkae · 4 years
im going to get on a soap box a bit lol. Again, I hate I have to do this but some people can’t grasp others have different opinions this is just me venting. It’s tagged as it should be, under the cut, and I am not here to like go after anyone. Only say how i feel and maybe get others to at least understand a different side. You dont not have to read this and if you disagree with me, just ignore this post, block it, block me. I DON’T WANT TO ARGUE I just want to fuckin vent and express how I feel
anyway idk I am just very tired rn with how much the internet eats up c//a and like puts it on a pedestal. I can rant about how I don’t feel like it should have it or how it was poorly written or how it COULD have been great but falls short. But what I want to talk about is
how fuckin tiring it is to see it all the time when it is fucking triggering. Yes, I block the tags on like tumblr. I am happy i follow people who like tag that and if something gets untagged i block the post or maybe unfollow the person. If i am in the tags and see it somehow or someone it the icon, I block. I do it for my own sake
but so many other sites are not like that. Fuck joining discord servers now I am a bit on edge cause lol I don’t know who will have that as an icon and if they do I will block. or if people start to talk about it, I have to think to myself “will I be thought of as a ‘villain’ for asking to spoiler it or not talk about c/a at all” because yes a lot of people will respect me and my trigger but I have see SO many people disrespect people hurt by s/pop and c//a. So many times have people put us down or say we are not abuse victims or don’t understand it when MANY of us have been abused. When many of us see ourselves in Adora or wanted Catra to get better and saw us in her also. I cannot speak for everyone but so many of us wanted this to work out one way or another and all we got was a trigger and being bullied and harassed and told our abuse isn’t real (or we are racist or X-phobic when many of us are poc or queer)
there is just like no escaping c/a and it SUCKS as someone who is triggered by it. It sucks on sites where blocking is not as good as it is here, I have to play russian roulette. Fuck on youtube ill be watching a video and BAM a random c//a clip. It so fuckin tiring
and i loved s/pop. I relate to Adora so much so and that is why it hurts so much. ive been abused, I have been in toxic relationships, and I wanted good things for Adora and yet, now I got a trigger because s/pop was so poorly handled.
again I am not here to attack anyone, if you find comfort in c//a I am not here to change your mind. The fact of the matter is so many people got hurt by this. That there is another side to the story and we have been left in the dust. And it  just is tiring to be now walking on eggshells because you say one bad thing (which guess what you are allowed! to criticize shows you like! its how we learn from mistakes and get better!!!) and then you have a horde of people attacking you and saying your trauma, your experiences as a queer person or abused person or person of color is not valid at all.
it just fuckin sucks man
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couch-house · 5 years
Wow people like that anon are why we need to be more educated about manipulation via self-destruction. We all need to understand and know that if we constantly, repeatedly "make" someone feel bad enough to consider harmful actions just through TINY contradictions it might just not be us and we don't have to put up with all the stress, discomfort, depression, etc. that comes from it. And sometimes it's really obvious when it's manipulation, it's not NEVER an option.
exactly bro. i’m gonna do something real fun and talk about my abuser, who did this for years! under the cut
so im just gonna come right out and say it so i dont gotta give him an epithet every time, but his name was dibby/dib. he goes by a different name now i think but from what ive heard it seems like ppl r familiar with him by that name as well. w/e for his privacy i guess ill just leave his current name out of it. anyway i knew and was friends with/dated dib for about 7 years before we cut each other out.
ANYWAY dib had/has legitimate mental health problems, yes, but he also chose to use those problems as excuses for his manipulative and abusive behavior. dib had bipolar and would experience dramatic mood swings. unfortunate but normal and okay! if you experience mood swings and suddenly feel overwhelmed by sadness or anger, you probably know that, if you recognize this as a disorder, you should let the people around you know, tell them how you’re feeling, and do what you can to manage the situation.  dib would instead say “oh no i feel a mood swing coming. :( quick, distract me!” which, again is a clumsy but fair way to handle that, EXCEPT when it inevitably failed to cheer him up, he would blame us for failing, call us bad friends, insist we didn’t care about him, and isolate to only talking with his favorite person (for a while that was me). 
when dib got upset he would blow up, block me for days or weeks, and then later when he calmed down and felt lonely he’d add me back with some half-apology and assume everything was fine again. here’s a list i kept of things that upset him and had this result! it was called “things not to do”
tell dib when [his gf] is streaming
fail to tell dib when [his gf] is streaming
ask dib if it’s okay to do things
talk to him when he’s feeling antisocial
offer critique when it isn’t asked for
ask dib not to do something
talk to him in the tags (when not friends)
spam things he doesn’t like/isn’t involved in ((the relevant examples are bug blogs, bunnies, and the pbs kids show arthur. not because they trigger him, just because he doesn’t like them))
talk about/mention people that are my friends that he doesn’t like
offer solutions when he just needs confirmation
make it about you
yeah. keep in mind every one of those bullet points corresponds to at least one time he either faked his own death or blew up and blocked me for a week.
the bigger problem though was his suicide ideation. dib had a pretty shit life and pretty shit mental health and unfortunately was legitimately depressed and suicidal. he needed help but, living in america, really couldnt afford it most of the time. this is okay. if you or someone you know is unable to get medical health for depression or suicide ideation you know how hard it is to live with. sometimes there’s not a lot you can do and that person will Just Be Depressed an just Want To Die and theres not a lot you can do to help, even if you try your best. that of course, is not the problem with dib. 
the problem was repeatedly, starting i think when i criticized him for pushing everyone away by insisting no one cares about him and not putting any effort towards others, would make some vague allusion to feeling suicidal and abruptly log off and stop answering messages. this can be an okay way to deal with yourself if you’re upset BUT. THE NEXT DAY, after i frantically thought he was going to Attempt and repeatedly messaged him to try to deter him, check on him, ask if he was okay (he really just went to sleep, which again is fine), he decided to PRETEND TO BE DEAD.  he told his gf and maybe one other person he was alive but threatened them to stay quiet and pretend he was dead or he WOULD commit. so his gf at the time had to play along and all of us then-kids were freaking out that our friend had died, only for him to decide later that he’d had his fun and he could now announce “no i just logged off for a little bit :)”
he did this. many times. make some allusion to wanting to attempt then abruptly stop answering messages, knowing what people would assume. (this was one of the pieces of testimony i did not include verbatim in that rk post: i was told rk would do very similar things; part of why i thought the post was necessary. ive lived through the other side of that and i dont want ANYONE else to). i think two separate times that he did this, i was sent home from school early because i was crying so hard (my best friend let me think i was responsible for his death. he did this on purpose. he did this repeatedly. thats fucked up)
one time he posted a supposedly queued suicide note post! and all my friends were terrified he’d died! so i remember someone anonymously messaged kylee henke asking for advice, and i (who at the time he was mad at and had already blocked) got fed up with it (again because he’d done this so many times and i knew by now that there was no point in getting upset, he was just doing it for sympathy or attention or w/e) and messaged his mom on facebook asking her to check on him. he was fine, just like. crying in his room. also sidenote he got BIG MAD that someone told his mom and was posting when he was found out liek WHO TOLD >:( n i was like :)). bc bro if ur really abt to attempt i have an Obligation to get someone irl to check on you and protect you. but obviously you werent since this was like the 20th fucking time youve done this 🙃
he was a huge pizza shit for other reasons too but the main relevant one was that he would use his mental illness as an excuse for his deplorable behavior and blame others for things literally no one can reasonably do anythign about and then constantly and i DO MEAN CONSTANTLY use his own life and suicide ideation as a trump card.
anyway if you know someone who repeatedly threatens suicide or pretends to commit suicide by purposefully alluding to it before ghosting you, or posting a suicide note meant to blame others, you need to get out of there right now. that is not okay and you should not be dealing with that. ive taken years to get used to the idea that if i criticize my friends, they won’t kill themselves
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msjr0119 · 5 years
Cordonian Wags
Part 2b- I’m so sorry
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In a world full of Professional footballers and their demanding wives- can their football team nicknamed the ‘Cordonian Apples’ succeed? An American female physiotherapist joins the club. Will this cause issues with the footballers wives?
*This series is based on The Royal Romance characters who belong to Pixelberry - AU Plot switch*
Tags: @annekebbphotography @burnsoslow @drakesensworld @ladyangel70 @kingliam2019 @bbrandy2002 @butindeed @bascmve01 @drakewalker04 @pedudley @captain-kingliamsqueen @duchessemersynwalker @insideamirage @of-course-i-went-to-hartfeld @kozabaji @texaskitten30 @ibldw-main @kimmiedoo5 @nikkis1983 @dangerouseggseagleartisan @gnatbrain @walker7519 @lodberg @cmestrella @hopefulmoonobject @addictedtodrakefanfic @angi15h @liamxs-world @rafasgirl23415 @notoriouscs @whenyourheartskipsabeat @jovialyouthmusic @nz1091 @yukinagato2012 @indiacater
“Get your things! You’re coming back to mine. You are staying with us. It’ll be fun - sleepovers, eating more chocolate than you have done tonight, I have wine lots of wine. You are not leaving. You don’t have to tell us who you kissed... that is your business. Between you two.”
“I have no say in the matter do I? You’re going to force me to go to yours aren’t you? Yes I need to forget about it. Please don’t mention it. He wants to talk but I can’t do that - it was a drunk mistake...”
Maxwell and hana just nodded politely, Maxwell went to pack Riley a bag whilst Hana tidied up for her. She was grateful to have such nice people around her for once in her life.
Hey bro, Riley’s had a bit of a meltdown. But we are coming back now.
“Better tidy up a bit, they are coming back with Riley. Max has just text me, in his words she’s had ‘a meltdown’. Gentlemen be nice. It must be hard on her coming here.”
The trio arrived at Maxwell’s house, he had asked Hana to get them all a drink whilst he showed Riley the spare room in which she would be staying in. Riley felt like she was imposing and most likely playing gooseberry there was only the three of them staying there.
Riley quickly unpacked, and walked down the golden spiral staircase admiring Maxwell’s house. It was glamorous. Ambling into the room, she saw all the guests go quiet as she entered, then she saw him. No this is not happening- why is he here?
“So now we have the special guest here... why not play a drinking game? Never have I ever.” Maxwell said jumping up and down like an excited puppy. “I’ll start, so get comfy. Never have I ever fantasied over someone I shouldn’t have.”
Riley, Leo, Liam and Drake all took a shot. Riley daren’t look in the direction of who she kissed when she raised her glass to her lips- she didn’t fantasise over him but she couldn’t stop thinking about the kiss- his soft touch. Gulping the spirit down her she hoped that someone else would ask a question sooner rather than later. Leo began to blow kisses to her, she shuddered.
Savannah decided to ask the next question. “Never have I ever made out with a stranger.” Fuck Riley thought as she closed her eyes. As her eyes fluttered open she saw both the Rhys and Drake also have another shot.
“Never have I ever had a bedroom injury.”
“That’s hard to believe! Liam you have a turn.” Drake said nearly choking on his whiskey- shocked with Leo’s words.
“Never have I ever been cheated on.”
Riley took the shot along with only Drake. Feeling lightheaded she needed some coffee, or maybe just to get that intoxicated to block the pain away.
“Guys, I think the game is officially over. Leo has passed out. And myself and Drake are the only ones who have had a shot for every question. I’m out before I end up joining Leo on the floor!”
“Liam how’s your brother getting home? I’m not carrying him to a taxi... and I’m not explaining to the devil why he’s so drunk....”
“Why don’t you all just stay? I’ll take the blame if Madeleine, Olivia and Kiara question it....” Maxwell said with a cheesy grin- pleading with them all to stay.
“Bartie is in his room, Sav and Bertrand can stay there too. Hana can stay with me. Riley has her own room. Leo can stay on the floor- make sure he doesn’t piss himself again though and you two can share the sofa. There it’s sorted.”
Everyone agreed to stay, and said goodnight to each other. With the amount of alcohol they had consumed it was most likely going to be the second day in a row with a hangover. Maxwell had made them each a hangover bag- which contained a box of paracetamol, a bottle of water and some chewing gum. He really was the considerate one- even if he was to blame for their delicate heads they were going to have in the morning.
Riley collapsed on her bed after changing into her alluring lingerie- she really shouldn’t have trusted a man to pack her bag. He had no clue. She was hoping as soon as her head hit the pillow she would drift off to sleep- but no, her mind was working overtime. Thoughts due to her current situation in Cordonia and her past situation regarding her estranged husband. Maxwell kept texting her to check up on her- if she was able to fall asleep easily she would throttle him for constantly asking her. After the internal battle of trying to go sleep- her eyes were starting to feel heavy until there was a quiet knock on the door. Sighing, she stood up and answered the door.
“Max I’m fine. Well I’m not fine. You didn’t pack me any decent nightwear......”
“Shit!” Grabbing her robe, she attempted to cover her body up- assuming it was Maxwell, she didn’t really care about him seeing her dressed like this. “What do you want?”
“Ive been telling you since last night that I wanted to talk. About you know what.”
“And like I have been saying since last night- it was nothing.” Riley feeling frustrated really didn’t want to talk whilst she was still drunk. “Can I come in? If anyone wakes up and sees us?”
“No. And if anyone sees you, I’m sure you could come up with another lame excuse.” There is no us - attempting to shut the door she failed as he forced the door to stay open with his foot.
“What did you want me to say? ‘Hey Bertrand, can you give me Riley’s number because I’ve just had the most amazing kiss with her.’ “
“No, but maybe you should have just not asked for it in the first place!”
He placed his finger over her lips to keep her quiet- she was getting more and more frustrated so was becoming more loud. Forcing himself into the room, he quietly stepped in and closed the door quietly.
“I’m not a home wrecker. I don’t want to be the reason for a relationship breakdown. You should have just left it be.”
Riley was nervously playing with her wedding ring- thinking back to how she felt when her husband constantly broke her heart. She didn’t ever want to be the other woman.
“You would never be just the other woman or the reason for my relationship breakdown. I like you. And I can’t show it in front of everyone. You are beautiful and I can’t lie and say that kiss didn’t mean anything.”
Moving closer to her, she bit her bottom lip- he put his hands on around her waist keeping a slight distance. Both their heartbeats were racing ten to the dozen. She wanted to push him away- she knew it was wrong, but there was a magnet pulling them closer together. Knowing the minute he touched her again her resistance would crumble. He brushed her hair away from her shoulder, moving his head closer to hers - his body now leaned against hers. Feeling his warmth- he crashed his lips onto hers, not a soft kiss like the prior night. Instead it was passionate and demanding. Picking her up he carried her over towards the bed- hovering over her, he knew what he wanted. He wanted her. Removing her robe, he began to kiss her body.
“We are both consenting adults- I want you Riley. That kiss last night made me want you more.” His eyes full of desire, deep down she was attracted to him and wanted this too. But she didn’t want to be that woman.
“I feel guilty. I can’t help it. I promised myself to never get involved with a footballer again.”
“Don’t feel guilty. I’m not like most footballers.”
Scrutinising his eyes for reassurance, caressing her cheeks and lowering closer to her- she felt his trousers tighten. He began teasing her by thrusting against her. This time she made the first move kissing him.
I’m so sorry... I’m now the other woman. The home wrecker. He’s Xavier. What are we doing?
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tanukyclaws · 6 years
Since some people think that they’re the only ones that have to deal with bad shit/unrelated stuff in their character tag:
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Here we have Yang tagged (alongside others) when she’s not even in any of those gifs
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Here we have yang tagged when the post is about how ilia is as bad as Adam and blake and  yang are murderers
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Here’s a post that has Yang only mentioned, remove her and it’s literally the same
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Here we have someone complain about yang stans (aka those who check the yang tag) and about yang too
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Yes we got those too, anyways
These? Are bad. People posting negative things about Sun in his tag? Bad
this isn’t the point here
there are 2 points: 
1) people will be assholes no matter what, some of those weren’t, they maybe just wanted more attention to their post, even if it wasn’t yang related, some were just shitting on yang. If you don’t like it block them like we do, because asking won’t make them stop.
2)There’s literally only one fandom that acts as if they own the tag. Ive checked the comments on ALL of these, sure there were debates, arguments, but NO comment like “can you please remove the yang tag”. So yall got a problem with this, please realize it, stop it, and when you see someone being toxic (aka posting negativity in the sun tag) block them and pass the word.
I do not agree with this, I do not say we have it worse or you have it worse, I don’t think this is okay, I don’t think posting in the tag is that ok when the character isn’t even relevant/there at all, but i also don’t agree with people acting like they’re the only ones this happens to and then claiming the tag and attacking anyone who dares use it.
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battlestar-royco · 5 years
Youre acting like everyone on this site loves Daenerys but hates Sansa which just isnt true. Sansas currently the most popular got character, while literally almost everyone hates Daenerys. Personally Ive gotten alot of shit and have to defend myself constantly on why I like Daenerys, so to act like Dany stans are villains while Sansa stans are poor victims is a lie. Both sides have their problems
And this is the exact kind of drama I do not care for, never wanted to get into, and was speaking out against in my last post about this dumbass fight between Dany and Sansa fans. I don’t know what to tell you, dude. I tried to be as fair as I could in MY analysis from MY social position in the fandom as a person who identifies with Sansa’s arc. I never tried to deny that Sansa stans can be problematic, or portray myself or the Sansa fandom as the victim, and I never claimed that my perspective is all-knowing. I did not intend for my answers to come across that way, but I thought I was pretty clear.
To quote myself, from yesterday:
There are definitely bad eggs in every fandom, which is why I don’t follow any Sansa blogs or go through her tags much either. […] The only place I’ve seen where Sansa really has a strong fanbase is Tumblr […] Does [Danielle] get unreasonable misogynistic hate because she is a woman? Absolutely. Do I think anyone’s entitled to like Danielle in spite of all her flaws? Absolutely. But I also think the Sansa hate is unfair. x
Okay, fair point: the main players on the show are no longer [Jon/Dany/Tyrion] […] I also believe the way [Sansa and Dany] have both been treated by the writers is incredibly unfair, especially starting in season 5 with that nightmarish Winterfell plot and the way they dumbed down Danielle in Meereen […] So I’m not arguing that Sansa is an unpopular character in the show fandom, but more that the narrative is actively against her. x
Read this to see a more thorough analysis of that last claim.
From today:
To be completely fair to Danielle stans, it’s not just them who hate Sansa, and some of them do like both characters. And before s6, Danielles were probably more likely to be indifferent to Sansa, but the T/yrion and general Lannister fandoms (and probably a minority of the Arya fandom) were more likely to hate Sansa. I think a lot of Sansa fans pre-s6 felt the same indifference toward Danielle, and that may be because in my perception these two characters simply attract different fans. […]
I absolutely hate that we’ve come to this point in the fandom where liking one automatically means you dislike the other, and a few bad eggs constantly put down one or the other when both characters often have either nothing to do with each other or they could accomplish a lot more by working together. The true takeaway for me is that we should all just stop taking D&D’s shitty fanfic seriously because they really have no idea how to write women or how to interpret/translate the themes Martin put in both Sansa and Danielle’s stories. The way they and the fandoms have been turned against one another by two talentless men is more important and annoying to me than anything else in this entire situation. x
So to repeat my main points: yes, the Danielle fandom has turned me off from the character, but that doesn’t cancel out the wrongs that Sansa stans have done to Danielles. Of course Sansa has become much more popular in recent seasons, but that doesn’t mean she is being done justice in the story. Her popularity is at the very least irrelevant to me and at most bothersome because she became popular for all the wrong reasons. Both fandoms have polarized due to J0nsa/J0nerys discourse that I really could not care less about. Sansa and Dany fans are attacking each other for the deeds of cardboard caricatures in a narrative with so many holes in it that if it were a block of Swiss cheese it would taste like air. D&D’s utter lack of writing ability is more to blame than any Dany or Sansa fan, and we should all be able to enjoy our favorite characters in peace without coming into each other’s inboxes or making fun of the other characters like this.
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ratdoeswriting · 2 years
thank you for not giving up
summary:   Contrary to all evidence, Buck didn’t really enjoy writing - or rather he did enjoy writing, would even say he was good at it, but he never wrote for pleasure. He looks over at the countertops, freshly cleaned; looks at the sink, empty of dishes and wonders if he should have cleaned the drawers as well but he shakes his head, wipes away the tears blurring his vision and looks back down at the page he was writing.  
pairings: implied/referenced buck/eddie, 118 family
warnings: suicidal thoughts, suicide attempt, fainting, insecurity, references to vomiting
word count: 3.6K
a/n:   this is my first fic in this fandom!!. Pre-editing there was a slightly excessive use of the word ‘wonder’ and i dont know if ive fixed it :D this fic was initially supposed to be 2k, and it was almost 4k after the first draft… oops anyway i really enjoyed writing this (bit morbid) which is nice after some huge writers block - this is cross posted on ao3 and my main blog - please tell me if i need to add any tags or warnings
Contrary to all evidence, Buck didn’t really enjoy writing - or rather he did enjoy writing, would even say he was good at it, but he never wrote for pleasure. For example, when he had written postcards for Maddie he had enjoyed keeping her updated on his life, but he hated that this was the only way he could do it; it had been nice to write Abby, to finally let out everything he wanted to say, but he hated that it had come to that.
Then he had written a letter of resignation - he hadn’t told anyone for obvious reasons - but it had been like a weight off of his shoulders, knowing that he could escape the consequences of his behaviour, no matter how much of a coward it made him feel. Now that he thought about it, it was probably still somewhere in the kitchen.
He looks over at the countertops, freshly cleaned; looks at the sink, empty of dishes and wonders if he should have cleaned the drawers as well but he shakes his head, wipes away the tears blurring his vision and looks back down at the page he was writing.
It had started small, so small he hoped he could be imagining it.
It had started with Chimney.
The 118 had just got back to the house after what was, in the grand scheme of things, a good call - a group of friends had been on a hike and one of them had, somehow, managed to get stuck up a tree. It also happened that Chim had been standing right under the tree when she got out and was covered in all the leaves that had been shaken loose.
“Chim, you look fine! You kind of look like a bush in a school play, but other than that you look fine.” Bobby chuckled as he jumped out the truck.
“I can't believe so many leaves came from one tiny tree!”
Hen stuck her head round the ambulance, “Hey, you remember that call, what was her name?”
“Oh! Alex with the-”
“Yeah, Alex with the cat-”
“Chim, you climbed so far up that tree that time and you and that cat you were both such a mess - leaves and- and twigs everywhere.” Hen wheezes, doubled over.
Buck smiled, confused, “When was this?”
Chimney paused for a second, “Oh, it was when you were off, right after the lawsuit. Wasn’t that the same week you got pushed into all that fruit, Bobby?”
“Yeah, and yes, it was rotten before you-”
Bobby didn’t get a chance to finish his sentence before Chimney was cackling again, “You smelled so bad for weeks and- Cap, I swear I can still smell it sometimes.”
Buck was still listening as they all walked towards their lockers, but a small part of his brain was already replaying the conversation, reminding him that there were so many moments, tiny moments, that he had missed because of his own pig-headedness. It made him briefly, fleetingly, wonder why he had fought so hard to come back.
Then it was Hen.
Everyone was sitting together over breakfast, except Bobby who was still standing at the stove, silently praying they wouldn’t get a call until after they had eaten, or at least until Hen had finished the story she was telling.
“So then I realised where I knew this guy from - he was the last client I spoke to when I was a sales rep,” she faltered, ever so slightly and her eyes flicked to Buck for a moment, almost warry, before she continued, “I mean, I threatened to stab this guy with his own steak knife!”
The table erupted into laughter and so did Buck, more a reflex than anything else because the last time Hen had looked at him like that had been over the cold conference table, her personal life spread out for scrutiny, dumped out and mixed in with everyone else's.
Buck felt numb all of a sudden, shocked-still with guilt rushing through him - he was struck by the realisation that even though everyone seemed to have forgiven him, they still didn’t trust him, not even with the smallest stories.
It was different with Bobby, it wasn't anything that he had said because he hadn’t said much of anything since Buck came back: it was how he looked at him.
He still remembers when he got fired, which is unsurprising - it’s not every day you get fired for stealing a ladder truck twice - but more than anything he remembers how angry Bobby had been, how he looked angry at himself as well for not seeing this coming. That's how Bobby looked after the lawsuit, disappointed in Buck and angry at himself for not knowing Buck would do this: he looked like he believed it was a given, a fact set in stone, that Buck would always make the wrong choice.
Buck isn’t sure Bobby was wrong. If he thought about it, he had made the wrong choice more times than he had made the right one, more times than he could ever hope to count, and he had disappointed more people than he could count.
He was almost glad he hadn't seen much of Athena recently because he's not sure he could stand to see the hurt and disappointment on her face. Since their first meeting, rocky as it had been, Athena had been like a mother to him and disappointing her like he always had his own mother… that would be too much for him to handle.
So now, every time the bell rang, every time Athena pulled up on a scene, they would look at him and it made his skin crawl.
Buck was startled awake by someone banging on his door.
“Hey! You’d better be decent, we’re coming in.” Eddie called as he opened the door, Chris following behind him.
He was not, in fact, decent, and he had all of five seconds to throw on some pants before Eddie came jogging up the stairs.
“You said you’d watch Chris today, why’re you still in bed?”
“Uh, maybe because it's seven in the morning and I wasn't expecting you till nine?”
“Oh, right,” Eddie slapped him on the shoulder and grinned, “I forgot to tell you there was a change of plan.”
He listened from the bathroom to Chris and Eddie chatting and cringed a bit when he caught sight of himself in the mirror, grinning like an idiot.
“So, what are we gonna do today?” Buck asked as he rummaged through his cupboards for the cereal.
“Can we go to the beach?” Chris says with all of the child-like innocence Buck thought he’d had taken from him.
He tries not to falter, he really does, but he’s so shocked he spills some milk on the counter, “You wanna go to the beach?”
“Yeah, I went with Dad when you weren’t here, and now I want to go with you.”
Buck put a bowl of cereal in front of Chris, stirring his own as he thought.
He knew, realistically, that he would miss out on seeing Chris grow, would miss seeing him in general, but realising that he had missed something so huge, such a massive step forwards in his healing… Buck wished he could have been there, could have been with Chris so they could have moved on together, even if it was just one step they took together.
“Sorry, buddy, yeah, we can go to the beach.” He tried to smile but it didn't quite reach his eyes.
Chris ate in silence for a moment, studying him. It made Buck squirm - Chris was barely ten years old and he had seen so much, he could read people so well.
“I wanted you to come with us when we went before, but Dad said you were busy.”
“Yeah, yeah, I uh- I was, but I'm not now, so what do you say we head out about ten?”
He texted Eddie before they left, letting him know exactly where they were going, what time he expected to be back and whilst he waited for a response he half expected Eddie would tell him no, don't take my son to the beach.
Instead Eddie gives him the all clear, tells them to have fun.
But all Buck can think about is how sad Chris had looked when he said he wanted Buck there and how it was his fault Chris looked like that, that Chris felt like that, and he wonders how many times that had happened.
“Your actions, your choices, they impact the rest of us.” - that’s what Eddie had half yelled at him in the middle of a grocery store. Buck can’t believe it took him that long to realise he was hurting Chris as well, after he had hurt him so much already.
A week after the beach, Buck couldn't stop thinking about everyone he had hurt, not that he ever had, but it felt like he was being crushed by the weight of what he had done anew every single day.
“Hey, Chim?”
He looked up from where he was doing dishes.
“So, you know how after the lawsuit, me and Eddie weren’t really talking? Well, obviously he forgave me-”
“Yeah and thank god for that, it was almost unbearable being in the same room as you two.”
Buck chuckled, “Yeah, I get that. But, um. Did everyone else? Forgive me, I mean?”
“Yeah, of course - why?” He said, half listening to Maddie with Jee in the next room.
“I just- I can't help but think that no one has. Like no one-”
“Chim, can you come here for a sec?” Maddie called.
“Just a second! Buck, listen, everyone's forgiven you, okay? We’re fine, you’re fine, but Jee does not sound fine, so I'll be back in two minutes!” Chim called over his shoulder.
Buck just picked up the dishes where Chimney had left off.
It carried on like this for weeks, every interaction, every second glance, everything adding up until, inevitably, Buck reached his breaking point.
It was a bad call. A collision, two vehicles - a car and a tow truck - a freak accident, the driver of the car was thrown through the windshield, the truck had rolled and the car driver's leg was trapped under the cab.
Buck was good at his job, but he was only human so, as he worked, doing exactly and only as he was told, his hands shook to the point that he thought he was actually making the situation worse.
It took a couple of hours for everyone to be off to the hospital, and another half hour for the 118 to be back at the house. Buck did not remember most of it. The driver that had been crushed was going to be fine, but there had been three casualties and he could feel himself spiralling, every choice he had made since he himself had been crushed playing on repeat until he came full circle and-
“Buck?'' There was a hand on his shoulder, Bobby was standing in front of him, Eddie off to one side, watching, “Buck, go home. Get some rest, talk to someone, I’ll call you in the morning.”
Buck only now realises that the alarms are going off, he can hear people running, the engine starting and Buck nods blankly as Bobby almost carries him outside to an uber.
By the time he can feel his hands again he’s sitting on his couch, rubbing them together, rubbing salty tears into the wound he hasn't stopped picking for weeks. He thinks about Chimney. He thinks about Chimney and Hen and Eddie and Chris and Bobby and Athena. He thinks about his parents and his sister and the brother he didn't, doesn't even remember he thinks about Abby and he thinks about every mistake he has ever made. He thinks about the driver pinned under the cab of the truck and wonders if he should have warned him about how quickly everything can go wrong.
He thinks about how everything can still be wrong, even when you think it’s not.
He thinks about how his family still doesn't trust him, how he missed out on huge chunks of their lives, missed out on time he'll never get back, and he cannot breathe, guilt and hatred and rage crushing his chest until he thinks he's going to black out.
He comes too on the floor, drags himself up onto the couch and thinks about his letter of resignation, the kitchen drawers, cleaning the apartment so nobody else has to.
He thinks about how to let go of what he lost and never got back.
The sun had long set, but with all the blinds open and the dirty glow of the streetlights, Buck could just about make out the letter he was trying to write.
His hands were shaking and he wasn’t sure what he was doing. Apart from lying to himself, because he knew exactly what he was doing. He was stalling. He wasn’t sure if he was going to do this.
He had already written one for Hen, one for Chimney, one for Bobby and Athena, and now he was fumbling uselessly through his fifth page to Eddie. It was a barely legible garbled mess, half-formed sentences about loss and fear of losing, fear of missing out and the guilt that followed, the guilt Buck already felt for how this would end, each scrawled paragraph ended with an apology that he knew would never be enough.
Somewhere along the way he writes a letter for Chris as well. He tucks it in with Eddie's.
It was almost one am by the time Buck had all the letters written and he was moving on autopilot now: standing mechanically from the couch, pulling on his jacket, checking the door was locked as he left, then double checking and finally- finally, walking away.
As he walked, he couldn’t help but think about who he used to be - Buck 1.0 was a mess and made more mistakes than he cared to count, he had ideas he knew were bad ideas and then ran head first into them with a cheeky smile and a joke to pull him out the other side. Buck 2.0 still had bad ideas, still made mistakes, ones that he committed to, but somehow that commitment just made it worse. He thought about it right up until he found one reason it was a good idea, and then ran into it with all the confidence he could muster.
Which, he supposes, is why he was wandering the streets of L.A. at one am, all burnout and nowhere to go. Before, he could have gone to Eddie, he could have gone to Bobby, to Maddie, but that was all before. Before the lawsuit, before his leg, before the tsunami, before before before.
And then there’s now.
Now, where he had finally become Buck 2.0 with a whole plan, a plan which ended on a bridge. A plan, a bad decision, a mistake, that ended with him alone, sitting balanced on a railing.
In the distance, on the other side of the water, he could see the lights of a fire engine flashing, he could feel the wind trying to blow him off the railing, hear the water rushing to catch him, and felt all of a sudden calm. The kind of calm he only felt at- that he used to feel at work, the kind of calm that held his hands steady and slowed his racing mind.
The sudden reprieve from his racing thoughts had him thinking with more clarity - he knew this was selfish and part of him was screaming at him, begging him not to do this, to talk to someone like Bobby had suggested, but the voice in the back of his mind was whispering, louder and louder to just let go.
The whispering sounded so much like the wind, wrapping gently around him and tugging him forwards.
He uncurled his hands from the railing, adjusted his footing and-
“Sir? My name’s Bobby, why don’t you come down so we can talk?”
Buck hadn’t cried, not since the crash scene earlier but, hearing Bobby's voice, it was like a switch had flipped. The rest of the 118 were still on shift, because he had been sent home early, because they cared about him, except they didn't, they didn't trust him they didn’t-
“Okay,” Bobby called again, closer than before, “Could you tell me your name?”
“Stop! Stop coming closer. I dont- I don’t want to get down.”
He could picture the looks on everyone's faces, he could see the tears they thought they had to cry and it just made him feel worse.
“Buckaroo, what’s going on?” Chimney called from where he was gripping Hen’s shaking shoulder.
“Nothing, you guys should go. Please-” his voice cracked a little at the end, the wind picking up, trying harder to push him forwards.
“We can talk about this - whatever it is that’s brought you up here, we can help you.” Chimney tried, his voice wavering with desperation.
“You can’t help me. I made sure of that, didn’t I? I screwed up, every step of the way, I lost your trust - I didn't deserve your trust and now I don't have it, and you- you don't have to be here you-!” Buck choked on a sob.
“Buck you’re not thinking straight, which is expected right now,” Bobby cut in, “We can talk about this. I think that there’s been some miscommunication, but right now all you need to know that we do trust you. We trust you every single day, with our safety, with our hearts, with everything. Buck you are a part of this family - we are family and we need you, we need you to come down from there, we need you to talk to us.” He pleaded, desperately trying not to run to him and drag him off the railing.
Everyone was silent for a moment, the only noise was that of the water below.
Buck sighed, “I tried to talk to you. I tried to apologise but I- everything I do is just exhausting, I didn’t think, I don't think, I don't think about anyone except myself and you all have to clear up my messes, all the time. And now here you are cleaning up another one of my messes.”
Eddie hadn’t even moved from where he was, half in half out the truck - he hadn't moved since he realised it was his best friend, his- since he realised it was Buck, sitting there, ready to die. Because he thought he was exhausting. The word rang in Eddie's mind like he had been hit over the head with it, his teeth rattled with it, hands shook like they used to before a fight and all he could do was stand there as Buck swayed on the edge.
And then Buck was literally swaying as he brought both hands up in a futile attempt to scrub the tears from his face.
"I shouldn’t have said that to you.” Eddie said, a little too loudly and Buck jerked forwards in shock, barely grabbing the rail in time, “Buck, I was tired, but not because you had exhausted me, because, shit, Buck I was exhausted, I am exhausted but that’s not an excuse for what I said. I want to help you. Please.”
Eddie’s almost standing within arms reach of Buck now, but he doesn't dare move closer because he’s shaking his head like he thinks Eddie's lying.
“Buck, Evan, do you remember what I said to you? Do you remember what I said when I brought Christopher round for the first time after the tsunami? I said ‘thank you for not giving up.’"
He can hear Buck sobbing and his own voice cracking, hear people talking, a car pull up, but he tunes it out, focuses on Buck and his breathing.
“I didn't just mean not giving up on him, I meant not giving up on you. I could see you wasting away - I get it, you thought you had lost everything - but I will never stop being thankful that you never gave up on yourself. Buck - Buck, please you have to listen to me, you have to get down.”
Buck sighed, head rolling back, hands flexing where he held on, “You know, I was going to do this before. When I was a kid, I knew my parents… my mom always- they both looked at me in this way that made my skin crawl, made me feel like I had fucked up just by being born-” Buck laughed wetly, “guess I wasn’t too far off. I just couldn't…”
He had turned slightly, finally meeting Eddie's eye and giving Bobby the split second he needed to lunge forward and grab Buck tightly around the waist, the shock loosening his grip on the railing enough for Bobby to drag him backwards off the railing onto the floor. Eddie immediately drops to his knees next to them, wrapping his arms awkwardly around Buck.
Buck screams. It sounds distant, like a shot from a film. He screams and there are tears streaming down his face as he tries to fight free of the tight embrace he’s trapped in.
Then there’s two hands on his face as well, brushing tears away and it’s Athena, whispering to him telling him she can’t lose a child, not again, not like this.
His scream chokes off until he's only sobbing, loud, violent sobs that rack his body and each one tears its way up his throat, clawing its way up from somewhere so deep inside him he feels himself gag around it until he's dry heaving into the grass next to him and there's hands rubbing gently at his back, a bottle at his lips.
And, for the second time that night, he passes out.
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nonbinarypastels · 6 years
About & FAQ Page
This page was last updated on July 31, 2018
About nonbinarypastels
This blog was created to combat REG (reactionary, exclusionist, gatekeeping) politics in the LGBTQIA+ community as well as other forms of harmful conservative rhetoric that’s become so common on tumblr through the spreading of positivity and information based posts. My goal for this blog is not only to validate and support LGBTQIA+ people (and people of all marginalized identities) but also to encourage people to be more accepting of others, more able to think critically about all issues, and more passionate about making a positive difference not only in their own lives but the lives of those around them.
What I post about
Positivity — Not only nonbinary positivity but positivity for all  LGBTQIA+ identities and other people as well.
Social Justice/Politics
Mental Health/Mental Illness
Critical Thinking Skills
Miscellaneous Other Topics
If you’re only here for positivity
Please blacklist the #not positivity and #discourse tw tags.
Things you should know before you follow this blog
This blog is inclusionist. I believe that all aromantics and asexuals belong in the LGBTQIA+ community. I’m also firmly against other exclusionary rhetoric that seeks to exclude any non-cishet (by which I mean non cisgender, heteromantic, AND heterosexual) group from the community.
This blog supports creative freedom and a safe fandom environment. I don’t care what kind of fiction people write/read or what they ship as long as all of their content is tagged properly and kept in appropriate spaces. While I think media criticism and having civil discussions about what we’re writing and reading and why is a good thing, I think the ‘anti’ community on tumblr totally crosses the line with their behavior which goes beyond legitimate media criticism and straight into cyberbullying and harassment.
This blog does not support radical feminism. Radical feminism is a harmful conservative movement that harms and attempts to control the lives of marginalized people. I do not support any form of radfem rhetoric.
This blog does not support trasnmedicalsim or truscum. These are groups that actively harm trans and nonbinary people by pushing reductionist, transphobic rhetoric and policing the identities of trans and nonbinary people.
This blog is queer positive. I will not censor the word queer or exclude queer people from this blog or the community.
Please do not send me messages
About any medical or life-threatening emergencies you might be having. I am not a doctor and cannot give medical advice and there’s also no guarantee I’ll be online when you send your message. If you’re in a life-threatening situation please contact the relevant local authorities (either 911 or your country’s equivalent) or get to a hospital immediately.
Calling out people I reblog from or who are reblogging from me about anything having to do with ships or fanfiction. As stated above, I don’t care what people ship or write/read as long as it’s properly tagged and not posted in inappropriate spaces. Any messages I get about “so-and-so ships ___” will be deleted.
About anything having to do with MAP discourse. I am a CSA survivor and am generally not comfortable discussing or reading about MAPs.
Telling me that a-specs “aren’t actually lgbt” or anything similar. You will automatically be blocked for being an aphobe.
Saying there are only two genders. You will automatically be blocked for being boring.
Asking me questions that have already been answered on this page. I made this FAQ for a reason. Any asks I get containing questions that I’ve already answered (or asking for definitions of terms that are listed in the glossary) will be deleted.
———————————————————————————— General Questions Do you have a question about what a certain term means?
Please check the glossary page to see if I have a definition already listed. If the term you’re looking for is not in the glossary, please feel free to send me an ask about it.
Are you feeling down and need to be cheered up?
Please check the self care tag for posts you might find helpful.
Why do you put image descriptions on your posts?
Who is that in your icon?
Deadpool from Marvel comics
Icon by http://www.wadewicons.tumblr.com/
Do you take requests?
Who are you/what is your main blog?
Considering how nasty I’ve seen discourse about the identities I’m trying to provide positivity for get and the things I’ve seen other blogs similar to this one having to deal with, I’m not comfortable disclosing the link to my main blog. I value my privacy and my safety and I hope my followers can respect that.
What are your pronouns?
Any pronouns other than it/itself are okay. I have no other preferences.
Are you a minor?
Can people who aren’t nonbinary interact with this blog? Can cis people?
Anyone, nonbinary or not, is allowed to follow nonbinarypastels and reblog from us. Not only am I okay with cis people following this blog and reblogging from it, I 100% encourage them to do so. I think it’s important that not only do LGBTQIA+ people support ourselves and those who ID the same as us but that we support people of different identities and just as much I also think it’s vital for cis people to show that they support us. I think cis people reblogging positivity posts for people who aren’t cis is an excellent way to show that.
Can I interact with this blog if my blog is about ___?
I don’t care if your tumblr is 99% cute crayon drawings of pretty flowers or drawings of kinky furry porn, if you like the posts here or need them or want to spread the positivity with your followers I have no problem with you following + reblogging from this blog.
Can I share your posts on other sites?
Feel 100% free to share my posts on Twitter, Facebook, or other social media. Credit + a link back is appreciated but it’s not required. However, please do NOT upload my posts to sites such as redbubble, storeenvy, or other sites where you’ll be selling them to others.
Can I use your posts in moodboards/aesthetics posts?
Where do you get the pictures for your image posts?
Why the pineapples?
——————————————————————————- Call Me Out Would you like to tell me that the term ‘a-spec’ was stolen from autistics and that it’s problematic to use it to refer to ace/aro people?
Would you like to tell me to stop including the ‘I’ in the LGBTQIA+ acronym?
Would you like to tell me that butch and femme are lesbian-specific words and no one else has the right to use them?
Would you like to tell me not to use queer as an umbrella term?
Why are you intolerant towards conservatives?
—————————————————————————– Questioning Do you have tips for figuring out your gender identity?
Is it okay to use they/them pronouns if I’m still questioning my gender and might be cis?
I want to question my gender but I’m afraid I’m faking it all?
———————————————————————————– About Being Trans + Nonbinary Are nonbinary people trans?
Am I still agender if I have feminine interests/hobbies?
Can you be lunarian and agender?
How do you deal with nbphobia?
What do I do if my friends are nbphobic?
What’s the difference between being nonbinary and being a tomboy?
Can you be nonbinary and prefer she/her or he/him pronouns?
Are nonbinary people to blame for trans people not being taken seriously?
How do I deal with people saying nonbinary people are responsible for trans people being made fun of?
Is trans day of visibility for nonbinary people too?
Is there any proof there are more than two genders?
Do you think it’s fetishizing for people to say they’re attracted to nonbinary people?
Am I still trans/nonbinary if I didn’t always know from a young age?
Am I still nonbinary if I never want to come out?
How do I overcome internalized nbphobia?
What can I call the nonbinary person I’m dating other than boyfriend/girlfriend?
What’s your opinion on “there are only two genders” jokes?
Who is allowed to ID as nblm/nblw/nblnb? Do I have to have a certain alignment to ID with these terms?
———————————————————————————- About Presentation + Dysphoria
Do you have any tips for dealing with dysphoria?
What’s the difference between social dysphoria and body dysphoria?
How can I write about trans/nonbinary characters who have dysphoria?
How can I bind safely if I can’t afford to buy a binder?
Do you have any advice about buying your first binder?
How can I look more androgynous?
Is it normal to want top surgery but not want to take T?
What can I do if I hate my voice?
I want to change my hair but I’m afraid people will hate it?
—————————————————————————— About Sexuality How can you be sex-repulsed without being asexual?
Can you be in a queerplatonic relationship if you’re not ace/aro?
What’s the difference between demisexuality and regular attraction?
Is pansexuality transphobic/biphobic?
Do bisexuals have straight-passing privilege?
Can you be asexual and still like masturbation?
Can you be wlw and mlm at the same time?
Can you be nblw, nblm, and nblnb at the same time?
How can lesbians use he/him pronouns?
What is the split attraction model?
———————————————————————— About Coming Out
Are you looking for coming out tips and encouragement? Please check my coming out tag!
Is it okay to come out to my friends before my family?
How do I explain being nonbinary to my parents when they just don’t get it?
Do you have any advice for coming out as nonbinary?
How do I come out to my parents?
How do I get my parents to use my name/pronouns and accept me?
Fandom & Fandom Discourse Related
What is an anti?
What have antis ever done wrong?
How can I deal with antis who are harassing me?
Do you support pedophilic ships?
What’s your opinion about MAP discourse?
If you’re not a bad person, why do you like bad things in fiction?
What is purity culture?
What is your opinion on RPF?
What is fujoshi discourse?
——————————————————————— Misc. How do you handle ignorance?
What’s an invisible disability?
What is TERF/radfem rhetoric?
How do I know if I have an eating disorder?
What’s the difference between being squicked and being triggered?
How do you deal with bigots?
Why can’t someone be both anti-SWERF and anti-kink?
When was gay used as a slur?
How do you find out about the free samples you post?
What is your opinion on self-diagnosis?
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