#yes thats correct
gibbearish · 7 months
love when ppl defend the aggressive monetization of the internet with "what, do you just expect it to be free and them not make a profit???" like. yeah that would be really nice actually i would love that:)! thanks for asking
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toa-arania · 8 months
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Artfight Backlog 7
Casrath Arkenea, the Red Wizard, my third attack against @bubbleteaacadamia and this time I evidently did something a little different. Casrath had his magic yote by a god in the campaign he's from, dramatically recreated here with questionable accuracy. (Also for the love of god open the file separately or it just Does Not Work)
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batcavescolony · 5 months
just saw someone say Rick Riordan making a TV show is just as bad as anything JKR has done. BFFR you're comparing Rick Riordan trying to make his world more inclusive, changing some parts because of money/time constraints, or just making changes cus he thinks they're needed, to JKR being a terrible person!
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slavhew · 2 months
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I wanna play OFF
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rainymoodlet · 11 months
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Kiss Me in Komorebi+ 🌸
Episode Ten’s Outtakes!
While I build for and play through the next couple of dates today, I thought I’d get my act together and reorganize the posts I’d meant to go along with each of the latest episodes 😤
Fabian just looks so gorgeous and vulnerable here, touchin’ up on Dan’s arm like that 🥺 @rebouks
[ 🌹 ]
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just-null-cult · 9 months
You like noritoshi? Das crazy (I love him so much it's so rare to see someone else who loves him too and your art is so good???? Omfg he's so cute??? Slay)
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i just really liked smth abt him! he's such a good boy.. but his abilities are so fucking cool which makes his stiffness with people so much better. IDK WHY HES NOT THAT POPULAR. ALL OF YOU SHOULD LOVE HIM! THIS SHOULDN'T BE RARE
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spotsupstuff · 1 year
The way u draw hunter being a LARGE scugcat gimme funny ideas
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FUCK THAT IS BIG. THEY LOOK LIKE THEY COULD EAT NSH, SHIT,,, THE SHEER SIZE OF THOSE EYEBALLS?????? HOLY FUCKMAS dear god not combined with those little tiny miniscule hands, dear jesus.... "They grow so fast... and so *BIG??*"
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fluxydrawings · 6 months
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back on my podding @sixteenth-days' fic bullshit lmao. chapter 1 has been posted :D i love weird character studies this ones fun <3 chaps 2-3 will be out soon!
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bigmammallama5 · 1 year
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do you ever just. yeah.
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theguardianace · 15 days
Aroace tsukasa getting a confession scene in a romantic script and being like "EASY I say 'I love you' to saki ALL the time, i got this covered!" and promptly completely dissipating the romantic atmosphere of the scene with a complete casual, undelicate and loud delivery of the line, giving the whole troupe secondhand embarrassment am I getting this right
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i saw this so vividly i had to sketch it
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rg11 · 6 days
Do u think Karkat and Jade share some sense of loneliness? With both of them not really being able to connect with other people for the first 13 years of their lives because of outsides forces (Being a mutant in Alternia and living in an island alone)
i like to imagine they connect like that, just a small detail. its nice and really depressing, they turned out very differently.
though yes jades isolation is a bit more important (plot wise-ish) than karkats, but its still a very interesting parallel
With both of them not really being able to connect with other people for the first 13 years of their lives
i mean for karkat it was probably a nightmare, not being able to connect with anybody physically for years and just having to deal with yourself and just... with self loathing a part of it? yeah probably really lonely. though karkats life pre-sgrub is a bit more vague than jades, its kind of obvious that he didnt have any physical interactions (other than crabdad) due to the fact that he needed to be protected by well, alternias whole.. everything system. i think about karkats life pre-sgrub a lot, actually
and jade? loneliest girl on earth. she didnt really have anybody (except for her grandpa but .. You know. Dead. taxidermized. or after she was a toddler. i say 2 years old) and she was left on prospit wondering and the only time she was with another person was with a sleeping john in the other tower. and all the prospitians. but that was her main physical interactions (were not using bec because .. Dog. woof bark woof bark)
because of outsides forces (Being a mutant in Alternia and living in an island alone)
and thats the saddest part, it really isnt either of their faults for any form of isolation.
anyways sorry if i got anything incorrect or just kind of got things straight up wrong. its 1:20 am (as im currently re-vising) and i am too tired to correct myself
now i know this is more of a fully canon analysis. but i do want to give my opinions on how it would effect them after the game
using the fact in the credits that they do live together (with d*ve. why am i even censoring his name? because its funny) i think they would prefer to be close to each other. for karkat its more of the fact that i think he still would feel a bit sorry (not in the sense that he didnt feel all that sorry during the game when he was harassing jade, but i mean that the feeling still lingers from time to time) and would try to just stay near her to make sure shes alright
and jade would be near karkat because of the fact of their relationship during the game. i feel like after she did forgive him during the game she did get more curious. like the reactions he had with the passwords. probably just wanting to have someone around that was talking to her for so long and was bothering her while she was still alone, just the concept of someone who was bullying you for maybe.. MONTHS (i.e "CG: HI AGAIN, IDIOT.") (emphasis on again) .. YEARS?? (or on her part) is just.. near you. physically. it brings an awkwardness between them. from how they were isolated and bothering each other and now just... together ??? physically?? it probably is so strange to them . strange to me mostly but it is a strange concept in itself
but i digress this part, i just started rambling about it
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bapydemonprincess · 11 months
Ok but I could so see younger Finny, three days after joining Seb and o!ciel at the manor or so, wobbling around crying in the middle of the night in the halls and finding Sebastian and going
"...Ich few up.."
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screambirdscreaming · 2 months
At the bus stop one time there was a gaggle of preschoolers waiting to catch the bus for a field trip day, and someone walked past with a couple of friendly little dogs, to great general delight.
But after a little bit, the dogs were getting overwhelmed, and the preschoolers were gently coaxed to back off so the person with the dogs could continue on. Specifically, one of the preschool teachers said, "Sometimes, when you're small, being surrounded by big people can be a bit scary and overwhelming. Even if they are friendly."
This was recieved as great wisdom: after all, the preschoolers were also small, and understood how scary and overwhelming big people could be! And the dogs were indeed even smaller than the preschoolers, so it made sense.
What was funny and charming was that, upon absorbing and reflecting on this wisdom, they all felt the need to tell it to one another. In tones of great insight, they turned to one another and said, "Did you know? Sometimes when you are small, being surrounded by big people can be scary and overwhelming! Even if they are friendly!" Back and forth, without any particular concern that they were all saying the same thing. Have reached comprehension of an insight, it must be shared!
I must say that this behavior is less charming in tumblr users than in preschoolers. Not least because tumblr users, having gained a little analytical skill to misuse, insist on Summarizing and Generalizing and Unifying the insights they repeat, quickly turning any interesting new information into formulaic dogmatic mush.
#i made the mistake of looking in the notes of the beach sand post i reblogged to see if anyone else had interesting comments#And the rate at which it went from like#1) person states with moderate confidence an opinion based on their personal observations#2) multiple people reply with “wow thats so insightful!” (aka it aligns with my preconceived notions of how things work)#3) someone else adds additional personal observations which are not really relevant but which can be absorbed into the narrative#4) people start outright stating the underlying belief on which this bias is constructed as if it were a fresh insight#5) general derisive attitude towards people who haven't seen the Obviously Correct solution to this complex real world problem yet#It's very.......#It's not like it's a high stakes post but it's such a microcosm of the whole dogmatic phenomenon#Also this js a more specific gripe to My Field or w/e#But the degree to which people react to the problems caused by the whole “Control of Nature” era of engineering#with this equally reductive “Nature will Fix Everything” type of attitude#Is sooooo frustrating.#Yes a great many of our current problems could have been avoided if we had not made massive changes to ecosystem processes on the assumptio#That they were simple and we understood them. And that they would respond in predictable ways.#the simplicity in retrospect of “wow we Should Not have done that” does not mean that they are simple to undo!#You can't go back in time. You can't turn back the clock on chaotic processes#Which is. Almost every process ever.#Restoration is hard! Returning to previous regimes of sediment or flooding or fire is tricky and full of foibles!#Moving towards a future which doesn't suck as much even if the past cant be recreated is also uncertain and difficult!#It's frustrating to see people act all high and mighty about how they Respect Nature unlike whoever is making all these decisions#When their understanding of the natural processes in question is AS simplistic as the people who caused the whole mess back in 1910 or w/e#Like I'm not saying there's not bad interests standing in the way of functional restoration on all levels#That's very much a fight to be fought.#But looking at that fight-in-process and saying “wow none of you Respect Nature like me uwu let nature fix it”#Is.#Ugh.
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rinaforstars · 7 months
“the puck is underneath the- ullmark”
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marimeeko · 7 months
Yeah, Izuku is not the sole person to ever call him Kacchan....
But Denki has only done it like what, once or twice?
Everyone else only called him that when they were kids and grew out of it.
Izuku is still undisputed champ of calling Katsuki Kacchan. Kacchan really wouldn't be as much of a thing, if he hadn't kept calling him Kacchan throughout their entire lives. That significance is not nothing.
So like...people aren't exactly wrong to associate Katsuki calling himself Kacchan with IZUKU and his refusal to let that name go.
So I don't fully know what this all means yet, but you cannot deny that the name Kacchan is so heavily associated with Izuku. And that the choice Katsuki made to call himself that over his chosen Hero name is unexpected, and interesting at least.
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saintaemond · 1 year
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