#and i love drawing so this is a beneficial relationship for us both!
just-null · 1 year
You like noritoshi? Das crazy (I love him so much it's so rare to see someone else who loves him too and your art is so good???? Omfg he's so cute??? Slay)
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i just really liked smth abt him! he's such a good boy.. but his abilities are so fucking cool which makes his stiffness with people so much better. IDK WHY HES NOT THAT POPULAR. ALL OF YOU SHOULD LOVE HIM! THIS SHOULDN'T BE RARE
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Thinking about…
Alastor and Bill Cipher after the same s/o (headcannons)
Hazbin Masterlist // Disney Masterlist // Navigation
Warnings: Obsessive behavior! Alastor being sadistic, Bill being a bit weird because duh, wrote this with Human form Bill Cipher in mind, mentions of death
A/N: I really like this dynamic, even though it’s kind of crazy and a lose lose situation for the reader, but it’s still interesting to write about. I hope you all enjoy!!
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• Alastor isn’t just charming; he’s obsessed with making you see him as the ultimate catch. He meticulously plans every interaction, ensuring that you are always impressed and feel valued. Every compliment and gesture is calculated to win your heart.
“Why there’s that smile I love to see my dear! Ever the beauty!”
Alastor can’t stand the thought of you being attracted to anyone else, especially Bill. He tries to mask his jealousy with his usual grace and horribly timed jokes, but it’s evident in the subtle digs he takes at Bill whenever you mention him.
When Alastor is alone with you he’s not above grand, romantic gestures. Picture him serenading you with an old-fashioned love song or setting up a beautiful, intimate dinner where he pours out his feelings and tries to convince you that he’s the best choice for a partner and way better than bill in all aspects of the word.
Alastor’s affection for you is deeply strategic. He genuinely cares, but he’s also careful in how he shows it. He’ll often try to subtly make you see how a relationship with him would be beneficial, not just for personal pleasure but for gaining power and influence. He’s a very strong man and his image is important, what’s not to want about him?
“Don’t you love this view dear? We could be here all the time, if you wished.”
Alastor envisions a future where you are by his side, helping him dominate Hell. His feelings are not just about the present but about creating a powerful, enduring relationship. He dreams of ruling Hell together, and he’s willing to go to great lengths to make that vision a reality.
But not all things with Alastor are good, you know how much he HATESSSS modern technology and well, it’s how the world runs now. this is something Bill definitely used against him
“Don’t get intimated by a big screen deer man!”
Though he hates how Bills joke makes you laugh, his smile tightens nonetheless
Alastor will often put doubts into your mind about Bill. He is partially right, so it does make you wonder…
“What if he were to suddenly get tired of you? My dear, he’s traveled galaxies and destroyed universes. You wouldn’t want to be subject to that would you?”
or maybe something like,
“That little shape is no better than a toddler. He can’t even take proper care of his toys, breaking them when he gets bored. How pitiful.”
Bill Cipher
Bill is intensely infatuated with you. His feelings might come across as chaotic and erratic, per usual, but underneath, he’s deeply drawn to your spirit and individuality. He finds your uniqueness thrilling and wants to be the one to make your life as unpredictable and exciting as possible.
“ Wanna see this guy dance with his eyes hanging out of his sockets? Gotta tell ya’ you’ll never see anything like it ever!”
Bill’s way of showing affection is through wild and flirtatious chaos. He might sweep you into a whirlwind of bizarre, fantastical experiences, always with an underlying flirtation that makes it clear he’s very interested in you.
Bill knows how to push Alastor’s buttons. He often uses his chaotic antics to draw your attention away from Alastor, playfully teasing him and making a show of his own appeal. For Bill, it’s not just about romance; it’s about proving he’s the more exciting option, you’ll never be bored of him!
Despite his chaotic nature, Bill genuinely wants a deep connection with you, even if he does have a weird way of being about it. He’s drawn to your complexity and wants to show you that his brand of chaos can be both thrilling and deeply meaningful. He might surprise you with moments of surprising sincerity.
Bill is not afraid to take big risks to win you over. He’s willing to gamble with the very fabric of reality just to create memorable moments. His love is unpredictable and intense, and he hopes you will find that thrilling rather than overwhelming.
Bill is the type of guy to take you to a different reality for a date, wanna go watch marshans fight? no problem! upset about something? let’s go to this dimension where you can blow anything up!
He’s definitely got jokes though, and he’s good at them too
“Hey furry, why don’t you cut that loose part of your hair? OH wait, it’s your EARS!”
Bill is no fool though, he sees EVERYTHING, so it’s really difficult to hide things from him, which means being with him also means you losing your privacy.
“He’s a sociopath dove, you can’t really believe that radio freak actually likes you right?”
He isn’t wrong, Alastor has proven multiple times he keeps people around because he needs them for something, and Bill loves this
“What if you don’t satisfy him? What if he decides you’re not worth being with?”
or maybe he’ll say
“ You never know dove, what if he’s just after your soul? Maybe he likes the fact you put up a good fight, eh?”
Both demons have their crazies to them. Picking Alastor means Bill might destroy your dimension and maybe rearrange his molecules. But picking Bill means watching Alastor rip hell to shreds at your expense, hurting anyone and everyone to get you, maybe even threatening whoever you love.
Dating Alastor means you can kind of live a normal-ish life
Dating Bill means you keep your dimension
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morphean42 · 2 months
Working on my soulmate WIP diligently, it’s 10k words already and it’s sort of all over the place (I have too many ideas and might need to just take some parts out and write another fic with them) but here’s a preview of what’s to come
I wanted to explore a world where soulmates are less of a “true love” sort of thing and more “someone who will be important to you in some way”. Of course, society treats the idea of soulmates as a strictly romantic thing (especially in Edwin’s time) and many people use their apparent soul bond as an excuse to harm others.
I’ve always been interested in soulmate AUs, how they would affect the society and way relationships form, and I thought DBD would be a fun fandom to explore that in. So yeah, Edwin and Charles aren’t soulmates in this, because they aren’t supposed to meet. How wonderfully romantic it is to fall in love anyway?
(Please if you enjoy this at all let me know, as I said my Google doc is a mess right now and I need motivation to edit and finish it)
It is in the summer of his 16th year that Edwin Payne meets his soulmate. It is July and he would quite literally like to be anywhere else, the heat is oppressive even indoors as he sits stiffly on the chaise longue beside his betrothed.
She wears a respectable pale blue dress that flares out at her ankles, her blonde hair is neatly tied up, and she never once smiles with her teeth. In fact, they do not so much as look at one other during their conversation, opting to stare out the bay window across the room.
“You seem like a very lovely young lady,” Edwin says, because he has no clue what else to say. She nods once at the compliment and does not seem offended by the lack of emotion he holds towards her.
“I look forward to our continued courtship.” In the corner of the room Edwin can feel the heavy stare of his soulmate’s governess. He knows this is utterly wrong (they are soulmates, the woman should have to beat them away from each other. Yet, the idea of trying to kiss this girl sends a shudder through him), but he does not know how to fix it.
They met the way offspring of the rich often do; parents having hired a professional soulmate tracker. After a month of worrying (what if she was lower class or, god forbid, not English. If his soulmate was of lesser stock, obviously it meant he was too and his parents would not hesitate to send him away for good) he finally received the notice— Miss Eliza Geralds had been located.
So, here he sits. She is of noble blood, the match will be beneficial for both of their families. Edwin tries, as he looks at her, to imagine all the things he should feel; the overwhelming love, the feeling of two puzzle pieces snapping together. The problem is he doesn’t feel anything of the sort— just vaguely sweaty.
The whole soulmate business was something he never quite got, after all. Here they were, the intangible red string that proclaimed them to be the perfect match for each other laying neatly between them, and he felt nothing. Yes, objectively he could say she was pretty. Yes, objectively he would say she was smart. In fact, as they met and talked and he realized this was the woman he would be married to in just a few years, Edwin could not say he minded her being his soulmate. If it had to be someone, he would take her.
But, and there is always a but where he is concerned, he does not love her. While he is not an enjoyer of romance novels (preferring detective stories in which the mystery overshadowed any relationships) he knew the basics of how this was supposed to go. Man meets woman, they are soulmates, they fall madly in love at first sight. He doesn’t feel anything except slightly uncomfortable as the future Mrs. Payne smiles (tightly, showing no teeth) and says he is ‘not as bad as he could be’ (Sherlock Holmes had a point when he said “the motives of women were inscrutible”, because what the devil could that mean?) as their initial meeting draws to a close.
When he goes to bed that night he runs a finger over the red string that sits upon his wrist. It is more a curse than ever, tying him to a life he wanted to escape. There’s a war on, they say it will be over soon enough (they have been saying that for two years now), and Edwin knows if it lasts much longer he will be sent off with the rest of his class. He will be sent off with his class to drown in mud and bullets and gas, and when he returns (will he ever return?) there will still be no escape, for Eliza will be waiting and he will be responsible for her.
His future is mapped out and crystal clear. Fight for England (try not to die). Go to law school (graduate early, do not be there longer than he has to). Marry the girl (the wedding will be small and he will practice in the mirror until he looks in love enough as to not break her heart). Have children (he will try to love them, better than his parents did for him, but he will mess it up of course. He only hopes they turn out more like their mother). Die (It will be nice to finally rest away from the expectations that weight down his every step. He can only hope it will be quick). He tugs the string that chains him down and felt a distant thrum of unease mingle with his own anxiety. Eliza is just as doubtful as he, it seems.
The thing about a soulmate is that they were truly nothing but a wild guess, a stab in the dark, an attempt at unconditional love. Edwin knew of soulmates who could never imagine life without the other. Edwin knew of soulmates who fought violently and spewed hateful words. Edwin had heard of a man and woman who were soulmates, the man murdering the woman in the middle of a crowded street. So, soulmates. Was your supposed other half your better or your worse?
Fight in the war (don’t die). Go to law school (do it quickly). Marry the girl (learn to fake it well). Have children (they will be the best part of him). Die (quick, in his sleep, no suffering).
Five months later Edwin accomplishes the last one. He was right, the actual dying bit is very quick. There is suffering, though. He suffers more in those last seconds than all his years on earth. He doesn’t notice the string fade to gray and slip from his wrist as his body is disintegrated and dragged to Hell. There is no comfort in Hell, after all, not even from a girl he could only teach himself to love.
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galactiquest · 1 year
Unexpected Waltz
Fandom: Trigun Pairing: Millions Knives x Reader Other Characters: None Notes: So ummm... Hi!!! I’ve been quiet on this blog for a while because I’ve been hemming and hawing about whether I want to keep participating in this community with others (I haven’t had a whole lot of good experiences tbh) but... I decided to whip up a little Knives x Reader for old time’s sake. Please enjoy! Also, this song inspired the title and general feel. Word count: 921
Warnings: None, just some dancing and a semi-established relationship. And maybe very slightly out of character Knives but this is my house and I get to decide how Knives talks.
[Also crossposted to AO3!]
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“I see no point to the task of dancing.”
Millions Knives, the Plant who was forever unconvinced that there was any substance to be taken from extraneous activities and pastimes of humans. And you, the human who loved him and desperately wanted him to do something nice with you.
You knew there’d be a rift between your worlds the moment you met him, regardless of whether that led to a relationship or not. Knives was just so convinced that he was different that he couldn’t fathom partaking in any sort of human activity.
Which, at first, you didn’t really mind–you wouldn’t push him, and he wouldn’t push you. Most of the time.But today, you really wanted to dance with him. Everything felt right, but he stayed stiff as a board on the other side of the room, arms crossed as crackly music came from the record player.
“Come on,” you huffed, mirroring his pout. “Just one little dance won’t kill you, you know.”
“Waste of energy,” Knives added. “Waste of time. All of it, a waste.”
“You said the same thing about kissing and hugging and cuddling at night.”
“And I’m still right,” he snided. “But it’s beneficial to you. That kind of contact releases oxycontin, a critical chemical for your wellbeing.”
“And you don’t feel even a little nice when we do it?”
Knives closed his eyes and refused to answer.
“Well. Dancing feels good, for one. It’s nice to move your body in a rhythmic fashion.” You spun around a little. “Humans have developed a multitude of dancing styles, both for music and without music. Some dances are sacred and used to tell stories, while others are just for fun.”
“...So it’s important.” He was looking away, but had a slight quirk to his lip that could imply a smile–the I’m-not-interested-but-since-it’s-with-you-and-I-like-you smile.
“To me, at least.” You held out a hand. “Will you at least try it? Just once?”
Something he’d heard a lot. When you urged him to take a bite of your cooking, or to draw on some scrap paper, or read a book that wasn’t another tome full of boring nonsense. And every time, he’d groan and lament about how you were expecting too much out of his greatness, how he shouldn’t bother with these things–but he’d still do them, so who was the real winner?
Both of you, actually. He just refused to admit that he’d both lost and won.
After a moment of hesitation, he approached, putting his hand in yours. Ever so gently.
That was the one far cry of the Knives that stayed in your house and laid in your bed from the one that used to be in the elements of the desert–he was gentle in most everything he did, despite his cruelty before, despite the harshness in his words. Maybe he knew that you were human and mortal, and you could only handle a mere fraction of his power before snapping. Maybe he really didn’t want you to break, because he finally found someone who could hear him.
Maybe he didn’t want to be alone.
You placed his hand on your shoulder, reaching the matching one on your side to his hip (his shoulder was far too high to hold comfortably) and interlacing fingers on the other side.
“I’ll lead us, okay?” You were alright with dancing–not an expert, but not completely clueless, either. A simple step would be fine.
“...Alright.” Knives usually hated relinquishing control, but he had extremely barebones dancing skills, if any at all, and didn’t want to step on your toes. Literally or figuratively.
Slowly, you moved your feet to the beat of the music, letting Knives follow in your footsteps. He was able to pick up the rhythm easily, though he was primarily just copying what you were doing. You took him around the room, spinning gently, watching his unmoving expression as he stared at you. There was a slight gleam in his eye–the gleam of I-like-you-but-I’m-trying-not-to-show-it.
As the music continued, you pulled away from him slightly, twirling yourself around his arm. He seemed a bit confused, but your smile was enough for him to allow this to happen. There was a certain warmth in his chest that came from his hand on your shoulder, your hand on his waist, and the other hands intertwined to the side. It felt nice, as much as he loathed to admit it. Knives almost wanted the music to last forever, but it was coming to an end.
“I’m gonna dip you!” You said, bracing your hand behind his waist.
Knives sort of knew this move. He wanted to make some kind of remark, one along the lines of you won’t be able to hold me up, but his body reacted before he made up his mind. He fell backwards, letting you keep him close with one arm. You still strained against his weight–how can one man be so dense, you wondered–but were able to hold the move for a few seconds until the needle bumped itself off the record, music stopping.
Knives stood up, partially taking you with him as you slid off of him.
“Well? What did you think?” You asked, grinning up at him.
Knives huffed out of his nose, then replied. “It… Wasn’t that bad. But don’t expect me to do it again.”
The tiniest smile formed on his face as he turned away. I want to do it again so badly! Please dance with me again!
You knew him too well by now.
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raayllum · 1 year
Callum 🤝 Stoick
“For you, my dear, anything.”
Everyone loves to draw comparisons between Callum and Hiccup (when they’re pretty fundamentally different people beyond the obvious surface level similarities) but sleep on this comparison! Love it
Gonna go on a deep dive cause Hiccup is one of my favourite characters ever but I've never written meta about him so
In some ways, Hiccup and Callum are similar - especially in terms of how they present. They're both goofy, more than a little awkward, deeply curious and compassionate, extremely loyal once you've earned/have their loyalty, a bit flighty and sometimes focused too much on the big picture in lieu of missing the little things. They both grew up feeling like the wrong fit for their environment/culture and it takes bonding with a mysterious, dangerous enemy and subsequent life changing adventure for them to start figuring out where they belong (and how). I think they'd get along splendidly and would absolutely show off flying tricks
However, they are also radically different, mostly because Hiccup is far more rebellious (and particularly in early HTTYD1) far more selfish than Callum is.
Due to a vicious cycle of "I want to prove myself to the village" -> "I mess up" -> "Village is annoyed by me" and a lack of other tangible options of places and circumstances to go into, Hiccup is about as bullheaded as it gets. Even before he meets Toothless, he's not super concerned about being a Viking according to his people's standards, and we don't know if he actually tried at being a traditional Viking very hard before he switched to machinery and inventing (I've also leaned towards not, but that's up for interpretation). He simply wants them to recognize that he can be a Viking, too, by his own standards - and in some ways better and more effectively than they can because he's using his smarts and not just his ('nonexistent') brawn. He's effectively beholden to no one but himself, especially since his relationship with his father is so strained and Gobber does his best, but is understandably not a perfect substitute / cannot be everything a 15 year old boy needs or wants to have socially. This is also why Stoic's scoldings are so ineffective, because pre-Toothless Hiccup doesn't really care that much if he royally mucks things up for the Village time and time again if it's in pursuit of praise/recognition - which is not entirely unreasonable (we all want attention/positive reinforcement) particularly for a teenager, but it is short sighted and immature.
Then he meets Toothless, and learns 1) how to put something and someone else heavily above his own wants & needs, and 2) how to contribute to the village in a way that would be beneficial for everyone, not just the people (beginning of the movie)/himself, or for the dragons/himself (when he was planning to run away), but for all of them, irregardless of himself. This journey is ultimately what's culminated in the third movie by finally living up to his father ("How do you become someone that great, that brave, that selfless?") by willing to do with Toothless what Stoic was willing to do with him: to let him go, so that he'd be Safe. The first thing Hiccup ever did, that set him on an entirely new path after all, was to set a dragon free. I always thought it was very fitting that was his final act as well.
And it's this journey from selfish slightly sarcastic but intelligent, sympathetically immature teenager to a wiser, selfless, less independent but more reliable adult, aided by the events of the films, the memory/inspiration of his father, everything about Toothless and his love/support of Hiccup, and Astrid being about as devoted to Berk as it gets (which is absolutely something Hiccup needs) that allows him to be a great Chief. He's able to put the greater good of his family and people above what he may personally want in the short term ("I was so busy thinking about the world that I wanted, I didn't think about what you needed") to prioritize his goals in the long term ("And we'll guard the secret until the time comes that dragons can return in peace").
And due to all of this, Callum starts out in a fundamentally different place, because he always has an internal and externally imposed responsibility from the start: Ezran. "Take care of your brother," are Harrow's final, parting words to him, after all, and we see Callum take this with him throughout the series, whether it's trying to be assassinated in Ezran's place, promising to return and help him once Zym is brought home, or rushing to defend him when he thinks there's another plot against the king. This is also where we see Callum's selective loyalty creep in. While Callum would make a great general due to his tactician skills and ability to think ahead, he is ultimately too reckless and obsessive to make a good king - or in the Hiccup comparison, Chief. Although both are leadership roles, having Ezran / others there to temper him occasionally as a general is crucial - he needs that safety net (or someone to tell him to keep his eyes on the road) which him being the final authority on the throne would not provide ("I may be queen but even I can't stop those two when they've set their minds on something") that not being on the throne can marginally provide. This is also one of the reasons why I don't think either Callum or Rayla are really suited to a long term life at court / as royalty, but post for another day <3
Callum also has more of a temper and more of a nasty temper toward his loved ones as well that Hiccup really doesn't have a shred of - he'll be sarcastic and a bit snippy but he'll never aim for the jugular, y'know? (Hiccup is also more marginally prone to self blame probably because he's grown up enough to take full responsibility for his actions after a childhood of mostly shirking/dismissing them, but like side tangent)
So like Callum's consistent sense of responsibility keeps him tempered and more mild mannered and less rebellious (and him and Harrow have a much better relationship than pre-HTTYD1 Hiccup and Stoick, which absolutely helps; each may have resembled each other more in HTTYD2 esque dynamic if Harrow had lived to see Callum mature / grow into himself a bit more) but also leaves him far more selectively loyal / focused on his own bubble most of the time.
Like Hiccup is just loyal enough (aided by Astrid) to his People to like be able to do the ins and outs and enjoy it overall? And I've never gotten the same sense from Callum at any point in the series (which "I'm beholden to my inner circle, not some silly kingdom" - thank you TOX). And I do think the way Callum would want to change the world is more magic based - teaching other people how to connect and harness magic - is more in line for him overall but again: post for another day (and we'll have to see where canon goes). Because of Toothless, Hiccup's bubble expands to Astrid and the gang and his father, fully, and stays expanded; Toothless gave him the family & support he needed to no longer need Toothless to stay in the same manner. For Callum, his bubble is Ezran, expands to Rayla as well over the course of arc 1 at first because of Ezran and because of their own bond - and it doesn't really expand with the same intensity to basically anyone else (see Callum being worried, sure, about Soren in 4x06/4x07 but also a lot more focused in general in how Soren's absence is affecting Rayla and thereby focusing on reassuring her)
Callum is also just way more of a loose canon, at least to me. Trying out the lightning spell just because in 1x05 with no safety net, staying way too long at the Great Bookery in 5x04 when they absolutely could've just come back after stopping Aaravos and co., and again: he just has an edge to him that Hiccup doesn't? It's hard to describe and I don't think there's necessarily a reason behind besides "they're two different characters with accordingly different characterizations" but I can't see Hiccup doing dark magic or being tempted by it - even if it was to save Toothless, or something? He's just too much of a bleeding heart/animal lover and a lot more Ezran on that level
Long characterization aside, I actually think Rayla and Hiccup are probably more similar in that rebellious / witty streak to your disappointed more restrictive tougher mentor (Runaan, Stoick) but that Callum 100% has Stoick's devotion to Valka down pat. "For you my dear, anything," the slow approach in asking but not assuming she'll be his wife again, the forgiveness and understanding of Valka and Rayla staying away all that time, the "I don't want another. Your mother was the only woman for me. She was the love of my life" excuse me while I go cry.
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w0nd3rplay · 8 months
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Don't know them? Look at these posts for context
The two met when all of the next gen defenders were gathered at the Wu Shi Academy; Satoshi was there as it's mandatory for future Lin Kuei and Shirai Ryu grandmasters to participate while Yoomi was there because her coven thought it would be beneficial for letting someone familiar with threats beyond what Earthrealm's defenders know to be trained under them as well as intel of other realms with their universe such as Edenia, Chaosrealm and Outworld.
The pair met when everyone was asked to partner up during a team exercise, they were the only ones left. Satoshi was supposed to be with Takeda but he went with Frost instead while Yoomi doesn't know anyone here just yet, standing there dumbfounded. So, out of reluctance they pair up cause Satoshi thought she was being left out while Yoomi was happy that there's finally someone to willingly pair up with her.
They had a civilized relationship as acquaintances in the beginning, and had shown a lot of respect for each other as future grandmaster and diplomat in training respectively.
Then they began talking about their interests in between the breaks in training, how their respective pasts were like. The more they learned the other had opposite personalities, the more they clashed, thus began a friendly rivalry.
They compete for the most dumbest ridiculous shit known to man, though it had to be held back since Yoomi was getting a bit too far with the bets. Despite being similar to Satoshi, he didn't grow up the same way she does.
When he has the chance, Satoshi sometimes brings Yoomi along to visit his home island. Spending time hunting and gathering in its lush forests, sometimes his father comes along and when nightfall arrives, they both tell Yoomi tales from their home country, ainu and their clan alike while eating the s'mores she packed to be toasted along with the edible plants in the campfire.
They also draw stuff together in their free time, often leading to collaborative pieces that had the charming beauty of having clashing and entirely different artstyles; Satoshi had a more semi realistic expressionist look while Yoomi has a more colorful and cartoony look. Satoshi kept one and hung it framed in his room back home.
Satoshi has dimples that he's very insecure about. He always covers them when he laughs and does a small smile for a genuine smile. Yoomi was sad that he felt that way and told him that his showing dimples would make him a more handsome man anyways. Which made him a bit more confident.
This led to him laughing without covering his face for the first time, Yoomi was right and she started to fall in love. She'd always make sure he laughs, even if it meant at least a day.
Satoshi came second to fall in love with her when he came to watch her practice her magic with her elders and he's beginning to be fascinated by the user rather than the magic they use.
Yoomi and Satoshi are both unaware that it's actually mutual but to everyone else it's really painfully obvious. Yoomi sometimes gives him a nice small bouquet that says 'I love you' in flower language that he always keeps in his room back home, taken care by his parents and in return gives her random doodles to express his love.
Speaking of parents, Satoshi even began to approach them for relationship advice but hides the actual reason why, always using 'just in case it happens one day.' and many of its variations as an excuse. Little did he know that they playfully teased him behind his back about how it reminds of them when they were his age, and was really rooting for him.
Odette, Yoomi's legal guardian and mother figure knew of this from them during a parent-teacher conference. So she began doing mock training tests on Yoomi's ideology towards romantic relationships to teach and train her about its ups and downs whenever she can, so Yoomi would have experience on what to do when the time comes. Yoomi on the other hand genuinely thought these were actual tests and took it seriously to which Odette doesn't mind.
When they visited the Fire Gardens during a field trip for their class. They were together, all alone. Yoomi was the first to initiate the confession by nervously rambling about how much she loves him more than a friend to which Satoshi hugs her making her speechless, telling that it's mutual.
Their first date was visiting an art museum in Earth-222 (the world designation number of her legal guardian's home dimension) with all of the old paintings in it, from across various cultures. Along with modern works that used those art styles as a way to preserve the culture, they even saw an old ainu painting featuring a samurai and a babaylan portrayed as a romantic couple to which Satoshi points out that it reminds of them.
Their overall dynamic is 'cute artistic couple that's mistaken as besties' which confused some of their peers and thought the whole crush thing was a dare until one day Yoomi gave flowers and referred to him as 'jonquille' (daffodil in french) while Satoshi in return referring her as 'amai haru' (sweet spring in japanese)
Satoshi isn't a big fan of pda but when he does, he often kisses all over Yoomi's scars as a form of affection and knowing that he found the person he was destined with. Meanwhile Yoomi just randomly sneaks in some small pda whenever she can
Yoomi 'moles' Moonstar × Satoshi 'freckles' Hasashi
Satoshi's parents doted on Yoomi every time she visits because they've already given her their blessings even waaaay before they even dated. Odette and Adaline (Odette's mom btw) were skeptical at first but were willing to trust their adoptive daughter/granddaughter with Satoshi.
Tagging: @theelderhazelnut @bloody-arty-myths @laismoura-art @running-with-the-feels
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fursectomy · 7 months
tumblr identity politics are so boring. please go outside connect with a real community and interact with real people. it will be way more beneficial to your growth as a person.
forget your dni list and GO OUTSIDE AND INTERACT. even if its hard even if youre in a more isolated place do your research go out of town join a club, an organization go to drag shows go to drag shows go to drag shows. or just talk to people. talk to strangers. learn about them. learn from them.
sit down next to a homeless person that everyone is pretending doesn’t exist and talk to her about her life. she may say something biphobic about one of her exes, but she’ll also tell you how much she loves her children who are being raised by her sister. she’ll show you photos of them and she’ll talk to you about her babydaddy who used to bash her head in and how she escaped and got her babies out of there. she’ll thank you again and again for being an angel and spending time with her.
when a strange guy covered in jesus merch comes up to you, bright and smiling, maybe give him a chance. you’ll mention your “girlfriend” (theyre nonbinary but you don’t wanna push it) and be surprised that he isn’t phased, he’s supportive even. you’ll realize he truly is one of those rare christians that loves jesus because jesus taught them to love everyone and value being kind. he’ll talk you about jesus like your 10 your old cousin talks to you about sonic and you’ll remember special interests can be anything.
befriend your partner’s old coworker who has a lesbian daughter and gushes about her to you and you to her. she knows youre nonbinary and lovingly calls you your partner’s “they” instead of girlfriend (its cute) but still misgenders both of you on and off. she’ll buy you slippers and earrings from ross that remind her of you. accept that shes 60 years old and her genuine care for you means more than say her vocabulary.
talk to the disabled person at your local coffeeshop who asks you about what youre drawing. listen to him when he tells you eveything about how a car engine works and what makes and models are his favorites, even when you don’t understand most of it. you’ll see him once a week and you’ll catch up when he asks you how your holidays were. he’ll tell you to be safe on new years eve because there are weirdos out there.
who gives a fuck about mspec lesbians. who cares if its “valid” or not. frankly, it doesnt matter. no one talks about mspec lesbians in real life because, like you w your dni, they’re hyper online. maybe you’ll meet a sugar mommy at a bar who tells you she’s a lesbian but she’s married to a man bc somehow, she fell in love with him anyway. she wants a sugarbaby because she needs to be with women to have a fulfilling relationship. you’ll think wow, i don’t know what to think of that or how to unpack that, but at the end of the day shes an interesting person that you got to learn about. she’ll buy you a drink and tell you you’re beautiful.
you won’t like all the people you talk to, but you will learn regardless. you will make friends, or maybe just passing connections, but they’ll be meaningful. walling yourself off and keeping yourself in a bubble of only people with your exact same opinions will render you unable to interact with the world and grow.
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achilleslefttoe · 6 months
JWCC Dr Buddies
ok so i love my Camp C dr to death and wanna talk about all my buddies
Brooklyn: so brooklyn and i generally get along, she gets on my nerves sometimes but i try to be nice about it. we also bond over not really knowing what actual high school is like. we’re both rich wildcards when it comes to skills. i may or may not have learned how to pick a lock from her youtube channel-
Yas: we also somewhat get along, we liked quietly drawing together before the whole indo thing. we bond over talking shit honestly. i forgot where but i keep seeing a lot of hcs saying she speaks arabic because of her family and i speak hindi cause of mine in my dr (i can go into that in a later post) so we end up teaching each other bits and pieces of the languages for the silly funnies
Sammy: sammy is the sweetest person ever and i love her for it. i knew she was lying about the meat supply thing immediately but i let it go cause i liked her, when the reveal come out i wasn’t shocked but i tried to be super supportive cause id do anything for my family as well. during the scorpius rex thing, i ran off to my cabin (another thing i can go into another time) to acquire some pain meds for her and extra bandages. i did get attacked and i might’ve passed out when i got back but it was worth it for my bestie
Darius: if i’m being so fr, we like info dumping about dinosaurs together and he loves hearing about what it’s like to live on the island. i actually wrote the storyline of and helped code the video game that Darius beat for his ticket to camp. he’s my little bro frfr. i do replace him in a lot of scenes because i needed some parallels.
Kenji: we’ve known each other forever. the year we’re in camp is like the 8th year of our friendship. we met when we were little since we both spent so much time on the island, his dad and my uncle were busy so they stuck us together. he’s a bit older than me but we end up really really close. when we were young we’d get into all types of trouble together and it stayed the same as we got older. we like to tease and make fun of each other all the time. we have a very sibling like relationship and after the island we wanted to stick together. after the show, he stays with me and Claire who gets custody over me after my uncles death. but when she goes back for he island during Fallen Kingdom, Kenji is in college and ends up staying near the Bowmans.
Ben: Last but definitely not least, my silly boy-o. our relationship is interesting. when we first met in camp our relationship was based on him wanting to be protected and me needing to feel needed. so we pretty much stuck together all the time, we liked being together and it was beneficial for both of us in some way. then when he fell, we both grew like a lot. i stopped being so reckless and started to be cautious and asking myself “what would ben do?” then he came back and he didn’t need protection. and that kinda freaked me out cause yk trauma. then we have this stupid argument and we make ups nd everything is good again!! we’re besties and we’re stronger than ever. then we start catching feelings for each other. my emotionally unavailable ass rejects him at first, terrified. then after a while we get even closer and i feel ready to take chance. ALSO I USED TO BE TALLER THAN HIM AND THEN SUDDENLY IN CHAOS THEORY HIS ASS IS TOWERING OVER ME??? LIKE WHAT.
also jwcc height hcs
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bandzboy · 7 months
Seeing the amount of hate she gets just for dating, aka a normal thing lots of people (even celebrities) do makes me so sad. I haven't seen this amount of hate in a while. I'm sorry for them because I don't want random people online to ruin what could be a beautiful relationship. I get people being surprised because they don't know what's happening in their faves' lives (and let's keep it that way) but I've seen some of the worst reactions ever when coming across an article confirm the dating news </3 Being a kpop for more than a decade, I can tell you many couples have broken up due to all the hate thrown at them. I'm just sad because these are people we're talking about. People with feelings. People who deserve happiness and love. What makes me sad is those are the same people who would bend backwards to defend their fave's cr*mes. But apparently, dating is where they draw the line...
it was genuinely wild 😭 i mean most of the things i've seen abt her dating was mostly people on twt saying they felt "betrayed" bc they projected onto her the fact that she is gay (even tho if she is that's none of our business) but yeah it's very obvious when these things come out it's usually the woman that gets the most shit for no reason! at the end of the day, this is something that should be normal for idols to do because they are humans with feelings and i honestly hate how companies still have the "dating ban" thing which is so stupid especially since these idols start so young and should have normal experiences like dating (if they want to ofc) like that should be something normal and not something they are demonized for and i think, the way these companies think, other than the fact that yes, they are sorta presented to us like they are our boyfriends and girlfriends, i think they see it as something that is gonna distract them and honestly it could be beneficial to have that in their lives regardless bc that's normal and human to want to be loved and these idols are not gonna date us it's not gonna happen and i wish people stopped thinking this fr! that's why when these news come out i support them 100%! if that person makes my fav happy i will support it at all times! but yeah when it comes to sm, it's so insane how they are debuting this man who has sa accusations and acting like nothing is happening while we don't know when seunghan is coming back we have absolutely no clue and once again he is on hiatus for dating predebut which is wild to me like god forbid he had a gf before he debuted god forbid he is human ??? and so as of late, i can't take sm seriously not that i have before but this is honestly wild to me how all of these situations are happening at the same time and are being treated SO different it's quite offputting to see it as a fan of both seunghan and karina
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rein-ette · 2 years
Okay I know its been a while but everytime I come back into hetalia I just fall in love with your England relationship chart every time!! Its so good!!! I love the little things like the same time he's married and deeply in love with Portugal he's getting his back blown out by Spain his husbands brother like wgrgshegqgsy sorry 😭 its just a great chart I love it!! But I was wondering if you can would you be able to tell us your own hc for his relationship with people like China, Russia, the nordics? Its okay if not!! Again I love all your England hc!! :^)
OKAY i was going through (one of my many) hetalia withdrawal phases and being crushed by work but now that im on break I just had to answer this ;-; thank you so much for loving my content enough to send an ask even though I've been dead for so long ;;-;; <3
I cant guarantee the quality of these hcs (when could I ever) but here are some of my thoughts on England and China:
I must say to start off that being ethnically Chinese and having grown up in Tianjin, I deeply disagree with Himas portrayal of China, so lets just forget that ever happened~ :,)
So what do I think China’s actually like? Its impossible to summarise in a couple words, but my overall impression has always been that he is simultaneously a very warm and very cold person. In fact, perhaps its best to say hes a reverse tsun? In this sense he is in some ways the opposite of England — with acquaintances and colleagues he is courteous and good-humoured, with friends he is generous and lively, with family he is fussy and scolding — but with almost no one is he truly honest or vulnerable. This trait means everyone who have known China can be generally split into two groups — those who are completely comfortable with his mode of interaction and either aren’t interested in his inner thoughts or don’t mind not knowing everything, and those who are made distinctly uncomfortable by his inscrutability.
I would say England belongs more to the second group. As pointed out, this is because in this sense they are opposites. Arthur prefers to come across as respectable, serious, even cold when it suits him, but is actually a warm-hearted and deeply passionate man. Even as he puts on his front, he hopes to be understood. China, on the other hand, is not at all interested in being seen through. Perhaps people will understand if I say he is much like France in this sense — for them, good humour is both a basic and essential form a respect towards others and a shield, which obscures that which is truly important to them. England, despite all his scheming, has little patience this kind of emotional obfuscation. When it comes down to it, England would much rather get to the point and either reach a mutually beneficial agreement or come to blows, so the fact that he feels China is often not being entirely straight with him is at best unsettling and at worst infuriating. When he was younger (and brasher), this sometimes led to loud declarations and privateer-style chair-kicking (think Opium War era, where Arthur thought he was absolute shit + a healthy dash of racism), which was always met with either disdainful silence or barbed comments. As he has matured, he has grown to respect both China’s grace as a host as a virtue in and of itself, and his emotional reservedness as a sound political/diplomatic strategy, though he has not gotten over his personal discomfort.
For his part, China views England very objectively, with no particular positive or negative emotional attachments. One might think that because the Opium Wars and general Western arm-twisting brought to an end China’s monarchy and to some extent its glory age as a world power, he might harbour resentment towards Arthur. But — and here is where I draw from actual personal experience for my hcs — most Chinese dont have any particular feelings of anger towards Europe or America, as opposed to the way they might feel towards Japan, for example. In fact, China admires and acknowledges Europe and England has having become very “refined,” artistically and technologically innovative, and generally sophisticated. Personally, I don’t like thinking of human development as being linear and of any culture as reaching a higher level of sophistication than any other, but there is definitely this feeling in China that Western culture has “become” something worthy of respect. While he once might have been angry, and he certainly found many of England’s methods in the 18/1900s boorish and distasteful, overall for China the strong dominating the weak is a political reality, and in the 1800s he was weak.
I want to emphasize here that just because I characterise China this way, does not mean that I personally approve or disapprove of these worldviews. I have always hesitated to write about him, a country that I love and am arguably more familiar with than Europe, because of the imminently political implications, but I’m answering this ask now because I think not doing so is also doing a magnificent and deeply complex country a disservice. Hetalia is eurocentric enough as it is. I want to do my part to correct that, and it makes me happy that there are people like OP who are interested enough to listen. Thanks again for the ask — I hope it met your expectations!
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blessed1neha · 1 year
How do I attract love? Crystals / Stones for relationship
Have you ever pondered the potential significance of a love stone in your life?
Every woman who aspires to a good family life eventually wonders to herself, "How do I attract love?"
Both conventional and magical techniques are employed.
However, we will not discuss fortune tellers in this article; rather, we will discuss the stone of love, a talisman that can assist you in locating the desired bliss with your soul mate.
If you handle the situation carefully, stone love magic has a lot of potential.
You can use it to increase the sentiments you already have in your heart as well as to draw more love into your life.
The most important step is to select the proper talisman after carefully examining the stone's qualities.
This requires the utmost caution because, depending on the situation, a love stone can be both beneficial and harmful. Even if you are desperate for love, you shouldn't buy a talisman right away.
Love stones can be quite erratic.
Only until your talisman finds you on its own will it be able to influence love intersections to their best potential.
Since there are various stones that attract love, you can select the one that will make you happy based on both its aesthetic qualities and its magical attributes.
Garnet is appropriate for someone, while someone will be enamoured with rose quartz.
So, think about the primary stones' features.
The primary gems that draw love
We shall build a list of the most potent in terms of love to make it simpler to navigate in the world of stones.
1. The heart chakra is opened by the love stone rose quartz. The talisman must be worn as a pendant around the neck in order to draw in the chosen male. Rose quartz is best left at the head of the bed when sleeping. This gem, among other things, aids in letting go of the weight of previous relationships, gets rid of negative ideas, imparts wisdom, and hones intuition. It is also appropriate for people who are too emotional because it will help them stay in control and rational.
2. Aventurine is made to balance the connection between the heart and the mind as well as draw affection. He adds some logic where emotions are dominant. As these two crystals compliment one another well, it is quite possible to combine it with rose quartz. Aventurine also shields the person from energy vampires' negative effects.
3.Pomegranate is a genuine stone for passionate red-colored couples. It activates sexual impulses, warms up fantasies, and awakens suppressed desires. The pomegranate talisman will soon ignite an extraordinary storm of passions and, of course, brand-new, positive emotions. Pomegranates are a symbol of sensuality and love, therefore receiving one as a present from a man will be the clearest indication that he cares about you. This stone should only be handled by married people with caution.
4.On the other hand, those who want to enhance and maintain current emotions are advised to wear emerald. This stunning stone of noble green balances relationships and draws in new affection. The emerald is thought to be a form of treason indication. The stone will break if two lovers wear emeralds, just as the relationship will break if one of them crosses the line of betrayal. These stones' very energy is directed towards preventing such occurrences since they do not accept lying and treachery in the name of attracting love. The crystal can eliminate the negative energy of the carrier, bring harmony to the family, and defeat deceit, a propensity for treason, scams, and robbery.
5.The rare and exquisite crystal known as turquoise encourages the pursuit and preservation of shared emotions. He will show affection to those who are simply looking for a soul mate, and he will support established relationships by fostering mutual respect and understanding. However, it is best to keep away from turquoise if you harbour wrath or hatred in your heart in order to avoid disasters and heartbreaking losses.
6.For young, naive girls and boys with pure hearts and strong spirits, diamonds are an expensive but powerful love stone. Two of these individuals can connect through the crystal's energy, which will also prevent them from making many errors. However, diamond jewellery will be useless for those who have already been married or in unsuccessful relationships.
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commandermahariel · 1 year
I know you’re working on the other ask but I had some more questions.
What is Doc/Katona’s love language? How does Katona respond to Doc’s nicknames of “beautiful” and “gorgeous”? Does she have specific ways she likes to be touched or talked to? Is she taller than Doc and if so, how does he feel about that?
And for Katona and Theron: what is their friendship like? What sort of things do they get up to? Does Doc ever get involved or is it purely Katona and Theron who hang out? What is Katona’s favorite and least favorite things about Doc and Theron?
this turned out quite long so i'm putting it under readmore jkhfakjfg
i think katona is more of a gift giver -- she'd buy or make anything that reminded her of her husband, while doc is more of an acts of service and quality time guy. physical touch is a thing for both of them.
at first katona find the nicknames a bit annoying, but starts to like them pretty quickly. she may not exactly share his views on her looks -- "i look fine, but nothing outstanding. aside from, you know, the veins and glowing eyes" is something she'd say -- but she appreciates it nonetheless. it's something nice amidst whatever disaster is happening at the time. makes her smile every time.
as for ways of being talked to, i think she prefers a casual, humorous banter kind of talk. unless we're talking about sex, in which case she has a praise kink.
touch is a bit hard to answer, but i think she likes having her hair braided/played with, and having doc's hand on her waist is one of her favorite ways of physical contact, alongside hugs and putting one's head on their partner's shoulder.
and oh YEAH she's taller. she's like 6'8, while i see doc as average or below average height. something like 5'9? having him shorter would be fun (not in a demeaning way though. he's just a little guy. stealing @rubensmuse's text here)
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but would be too much of a height difference. so he's about average in my canon
i'd say he was just surprised at first -- not every day you see anyone, let alone a human, over two meters tall -- but quickly got used to it. he likes it, it suits katona's personality and skills in his opinion, makes him feel defended when she's nearby. she could snap him in half and he loves it and also knows that she wouldn't.
now for theron. i think they really bonded during kotfe/et, when they had to closely work together and got to know each other better. chaotic adhd siblings. i think most of their shenanigans either happen when theron asks katona to help him on whatever job he has to do, which can be a lot of things, from recovering intel to getting new allies or assets. we all know how theron operates, and katona isn't afraid of doing some insane bullshit either. also i think there is a lot of grabbing food and talking shit about everyone and everything. don't think doc joins on their bullshit too often, most times it's only if several alliance people are involved. group bullshit, if you will.
have i answered favorite things about doc? i think i have. poke me if i haven't. as for theron, i think what draws katona to him most is the similar chaotic vibe they have and the opportunity to bond over their weird relationship with the jedi order.
as for the disliked qualities, i think doc's vanity can get on her nerves sometimes. another thing that just clashes with her personality is his immense desire to help people even if it puts themselves in danger. sorry imperials on balmorra yall are getting stabbed. nevertheless she saves his ass on dromund kaas instead of moving to attack the emperor right away. that's because she's a little hypocritical. as a treat.
i think the latter is also a point of conflict with theron -- he is, despite his chaotic nature, a very goodhearted character, while she has... interesting morals. if it's not beneficial to her or isn't explicitly a part of her task it's very likely she'll stall doing the objective to help someone, i.e. the reactor on zakuul. there is no time to waste, she's super confused and fresh out of carbonite, and she didn't even cause the damn explosion! not her job. master surro gets killed as a weird way of showing mercy. and so on.
she also never lets him forget the """""betrayal""""" and especially the dumb haircut he got. the spy shenanigans greatly annoy her, and the hair was just ugly.
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Some Assorted Notes & Musings on How I Read Cards
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So @rivthewitch suggested I talk about how I interpret cards for tarot, and I love hearing how other people interpret their cards too, so here are some ways that I read/interpret my cards and some of the rational behind those methods.
🔮 First I think it's a bit important to go over which sources I really used to learn tarot. I primarily learned from the Labyrinthos app and this website (thetarotguide.com) and I've found both to be pretty solid resources if there's anyone wanting recommendations for learning tarot. Some tarot books can be helpful and well done, but I would recommend that after you learn the basic meanings of the cards I'd try to find tarot books that are based on a 'tarot from x perspective' or 'tarot with x focus' for deeper insight. Taking notes about what cards manifest for you is also very helpful (for example, if you notice that the 3 of cups can indicate gossip more often with a certain deck). A lot of good card reading is intuition as well, sometimes things will come to you in the middle of a reading and sometimes you can pick up on unsaid things from the person asking for the reading. The individual art/visual seeds for decks also affect how things are interpreted (I give some detailed examples at the end with pictures).
🔮 Tarot/cartomancy in general is (in my experience) not for telling the future but for getting insight into the present energy/elements in motion. Divination tools give insight, but you should make your own decisions and outcomes can be changed. I don't care if you're getting a reading from the most talented reader in the world, you still need to evaluate a situation/concern and make you're own decisions. I (as a reader) basically take what context I know, the energy surrounding the subject, motivating factors, and the boundaries at play to say "ok this is where everything is and what's going on, X is probably what could happen- do with that what you will". At the end of the day, I'm just someone with some cards and the people involved in the situation I'm reading for are going to know better about what to do about that situation.
🔮 The main way I read cards is drawing cards for what a reading represents and then read those cards in context of the reading topic and what I know of the people in question. I could draw the same 3 cards for different people but those cards would mean different things/have specific nuances based off of the person's question and contexts.
🔮 I don't care what the reading is about (love, career, whatever) just because a reading indicates potential in something doesn't mean you have to pursue it. If a love reading indicates a connection has potential, if you don't want to date someone then you shouldn't. Simple as that. There are probably multiple different relationships or opportunities in your life currently that have some level of potential that you're not pursuing because you're just not interested (and that's perfectly fine). If you really want something, go for it despite a reading and if you don't want something don't feel pressured by a reading to go after it.
🔮 I used to use a lot of spread patterns (even made an outline and put it up on the blog) but I don't really use them often anymore. I'm not against using them obviously and structuring the cards in ways that make reading them easier is beneficial, but I don't tend to need spreads in smaller readings.
🔮 I really prefer to use oracle cards in conjunction with tarot in the bigger readings I do for people because a lot of them are more specialized in terms of topic.
🔮 I also definitely prefer reading for some topics more than others. I also, IMO, tend to do better work with the topics I prefer.
🔮 I really enjoy reading for people I've already established a rapport with, and while I'm not anyone's main reader (that I'm aware of) there are some people online and irl that basically just have to ask and I'll do a big reading for them. Having that rapport with them also allows me to look at cards and make easier connections because I know a bit more about them. Larger readings do tend to be more work for me, but some people are just a pleasure to read for.
🔮 I'm not hugely into the theory of birth cards, but I do tend to keep a lookout for the birth card sets if they show up together in a reading.
🔮 I actually changed how I drew cards a little over a year ago from selecting cards that felt right from the deck to shuffling and taking what one/two cards that jumped from the deck, and from feedback I've gotten and from personal observations I'd say the accuracy of my readings have really improved. I'll also put cards that jumped back into the deck if it doesn't make sense with what I've pulled or am reading for, but if the card jumps again it's kept in the reading. Establishing a relationship and or talking to decks in my experience tends to help (I usually try to at least thank my decks and other divination tools after using them if nothing else).
🔮 I don't typically read gender into most of the face cards or major arcana if the card is meant to represent a person in a reading. The cards representing someone (obviously) tend to reflect either where they are in life or their personal characteristics so most cards could represent anyone. I've had men come up as pages or queens and I show up as a knight or king pretty regularly in readings so🤷. In my experience it usually just comes down to either where they're positioned in life/the reading or their general vibe/presentation.
🔮 I also tend to interpret my 2 tarot decks a bit differently as well, because the visual seeds of my Rider-Waite deck and my Shadowscapes deck are very different (I also use these decks for different topics as well, and I went more into that in this post). But usually (for my decks and their specialties) I let my Shadowscapes deck deal with relationships/spirituality/emotions and my Rider-Waite deck deal with more practical life matters/hobbies/creative pursuits/jobs (my Rider-Waite specifically hates doing romance readings and will be mean about it).
🔮 I've noticed that the 2 of Swords show up in a lot of the love readings I do, but that makes sense in that most of the love readings I do involve deciding whether there will be a relationship going forward or not. The 2 of Swords is often a decision that is permanent though.
🔮 I don't (typically) see Death or the Tower cards as necessarily horrible cards, but I usually interpret them as something that the person I'm reading for may not really like. Abrupt upheaval or a big change is often quite uncomfortable/unpleasant even if the end result is needed. Depending on the context of what I'm reading for, I'd honestly be more worried about a reversed Tower or reversed Death because those can indicate resisting change that is inevitable (and often needed). The Tower collapses because the foundation of what is collapsing is unstable (ie the root of a situation was going to be untenable in the long run and the longer it continues the worse the upheaval will be, it needs to end so good things can happen). Death works the same way, something isn't working and change needs to be allowed to happen so something good can come. None of these things are necessarily pleasant but they're probably going to happen whether you like it or not.
More specific card comparisons and interpretations are below
🔮For an in-depth analysis of how I interpret different visual seeds for the same cards, I'll show 3 pretty prominent examples and then go into how I view each card differently. The 3 cards we're going to be going over is Death, the 8 of Swords, and the Devil (as shown below. The Shadowscapes example pictures come from Stephanie Pui-Mun Law's official Shadowscapes site)
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✨So when I look at Death in the Rider-Waite deck I typically see it as a big/fundamental change that's going to come to someone (usually it's a personal change that's going to come no matter how they try to stop it). I don't usually look at that the change Death brings as a pleasant/enjoyable process to go through, but I do usually view the results of that process positively. I also see it as more of an outside force making a change happen when I see Death from that deck. I see Death from the Shadowscapes deck as more of a sign of deep rejuvenating change with the Phoenix symbolism vs. the unrelenting change of horseman Death in Rider-Waite. I have another Death card in an oracle deck, but that Death card applies more to the ending of cycles, but if that card were to pop up in a reading with the tarot Death cards I would see it as more of a cycle-ending event that allows someone to move on over a event of change (though it could be both).
✨With the 8 of Swords I interpret the card as a sign of the querent/subject of the reading being being stuck, but the differences in the card's art indicate differences in how they're stuck. The Rider-Waite art shows the central figure as blindfolded and tied up while they're surrounded by sharp swords (the subject is stuck and can free themselves but they don't have the information/freedom of movement to free themselves safely and so they don't move) vs. the Shadowscapes art that shows the main figure of a swan wrapped in briars (again surrounded by swords) looking up at a flying hummingbird, with the swan struggling to fly but getting more stuck in that struggle. For the Shadowscapes card I see it as the subject of the reading needing to take a step back and understand how they're trapped so they can make plans for how they'll get themselves unstuck.
✨With the Devil card I interpret a lot of differences between my two decks (tbh though neither deck throw the Devil out often so I don't have much experience reading for it). With the Rider-Waite card I can read it as falling back into or developing bad habits/behavior patterns but feeling no control/powerless over the situation vs the Shadowscapes card, which shows someone with access to the key of the chains they're in with the devil flying over them with a heart, in my opinion could involve allowing oneself to fall into bad habits/behavior patterns and not getting yourself out (sort of like if you've known you're falling back into old negative habits/behavior patterns you know aren't good for you but allowing that to happen because those old behaviors are familiar or more comfortable/reassuring).
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Tarot Inspired Journal Prompts
Tarot Inspired Journal Prompts
Fool: what is something new you are doing or want to do?
Go to the ren fair, doing that this weekend for my birthday :)
Magician: what is a magical way to enhance my day? Or, how can I be more like the magician?
I like to draw sigils on myself and lover
High Priestess: what are my thoughts on divination? What about intuition?
Both are great for guidance
Empress: what part of myself do I want to grow/nurture?
My self compassion
Emperor: what part of my life needs me to take authority? How can I?
How I live, when I do things, how I do them, and how I make myself do them. Better consistent planning
High Priest: what are my personal traditions? How is my spirituality unique to me?
Spells are art or useful things, no spell jars really. I see things differently, my autism is great for that. I feel things differently than others.
Lovers: what relationships mean the most to me?
My dad, my dog, my love
Chariot: what part of my life needs me to be more combative/ warrior-like?
Making myself do the things I need to do, simple things such as putting away clothes
Strength: what part of my life should I face with courage?
Facing the future
Hermit: what do I need to do alone more often? What do I need to do with others more often?
Take baths and do spells - just hang out anything really
Wheel of Fortune: what do I think about luck, fate, and/or fortune?
Hmm not sure haven't really thought about this before
Justice: when do I need to focus on legality vs fairness? Or, What may cause me to seek justice/retribution?
I don't think this really applies to this chapter of my life
Hanged Man: what have/will I sacrifice for -x-? What am I never willing to sacrifice? What will I easily give up?
I have sacrificed friendships to keep my own morals and boundaries. I will never sacrifice living with my dog lol. I would easily give up things that make other uncomfortable (if its not something essential to my being/personality or crosses my boundaries)
Death: what is something personal I want to end or change? What is something that will end or change no matter how I feel? How can I accept it?
The feeling of mundaneness day to day. But I know that will ultimately change :) I accept that with much happiness
Temperance: what part of my life needs more patience? What part needs more balance? How can I achieve both?
At my job with the teenagers, they're just kids. I try really hard to not be condescending when I'm teaching them something over again. I just need to remember the person I want to be and think "How do I wanna think about this?" before speaking. I need more balance between rest and play, I tend to think play is rest, that is just not true. I find it very hard to rest sometimes, even to watch a tv show, I constantly need stimulation. Less screen time would probably very beneficial.
Devil: what is a primal desire I have? Should I grant it to myself? Why or why not? How can I get what I want?
To be naked in nature lol, I think about it a lot how we as humans aren't "allowed" to do this anymore. I should grant this to myself, my love has a family ranch with aches and aches of woods so there is def the privacy to go out there and do this. Why I should, it is grounding and our most humanistic way to be.
Tower: what can I learn from the current or recent chaos/disaster in my life?
You won't always have close friends, but you'll always have yourself.
Star: what do I hope for? How can I get it?
Travel, make money
Moon: what part of my life is best kept private? Why?
Private, Private
Sun: what makes me happy?
My dog miss Angel
Judgement: what part of me needs reflection? What is a fair assessment of that part?
All of me, I'm not ready, thats okay
World: what parts of my life have been fulfilled? What parts are still lacking?
Young adventures, my love, I have everything I need, I just wish for a best friend again
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gengrasfordf · 5 months
Gengras Ford
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natashahylee · 11 months
 A Different Point Of View
Source A: Beneficial Shock- The Together/ Apart Issue 
Source B: Issue 013 June 2004- Rem Koolhaas, New York, New Positions Stories From Milan Shin + Tomoko Azumi Berlin Architecture 
Source A: 
"Have you ever noticed that broken souls attract each other?" (pg 60)
"Under street lights, in the darker corners of the city." (pg 60)
"Until then, we are frozen, caged in all these spaces until someone walks in, a train arrives, someone fires a gun or the clocks stop ticking." (pg 22) 
Source B:
"Into a fairy tale forest of spinning printed silk banners, textile garlands, and chairs, tables and benches draped with layers of hand cut fabric flowers." (pg 57)
"The bubbles of certainty are constantly exploding." (pg 75) 
"Called Happily Ever After." (pg 57) 
Third Story: 
A: "Have you ever noticed that broken souls attract each other?"
B: "Into a fairy tale forest of spinning printed silk banners, textile garlands, and chairs, tables and benches draped with layers of hand cut fabric flowers." 
A: "Under street lights, in the darker corners of the city." 
B: "The bubbles of certainty are constantly exploding." 
A: "Until then, we are frozen, caged in all these spaces until someone walks in, a train arrives, someone fires a gun or the clocks stop ticking."
B: "Called Happily Ever After." 
In this piece, I wanted to tell the story of two people who are happily together, however one of them (the boy) is struggling with their mental health. They start off meeting each other, and start a close relationship. As time goes on, the boy begins to feel happier, and the love and positive energy is transferred from the girl. When they are together, nothing else matters but them. The black flowers represent negative energy, whilst the pink and purple flowers represent a more positive energy. As time goes on further, the boy understands that they can no longer be together, he has to work on himself, and believes that he is not good enough for the girl. He distances himself, and they end up breaking off the relationship. By the end of the story, the boy is filled with more love and positive energy (and therefore has more pink and purple flowers within him), than when he was by himself, and the girl is filled with negative energy from the break up, and the loss of the boy (and therefore has more black flowers within her).
My third story reminded me of a love story. “Broken Souls” made me think of mental health problems, whilst the “fairy tale forest” reminded me of a dreamy, loving environment. “Darker corners of the city” made me think of a dark, gloomy, unwelcoming atmosphere, along with being “caged in”, something unpleasant. To link these two contrasting descriptions, I wanted to represent a dark gloomy surrounding (using dark black fine liner), with two people in a more positive environment (using flowers), to show that all the bad things are forgotten about when they are together. The umbrella in the middle image, protects both the people from all the negative energy around them (the black flowers that are pouring down beside them). To represent the city, I chose to draw the buildings as seen from my bedroom, on the fourth floor. I have lived here in Bournemouth for one month, so I wanted these buildings in my drawing to represent new beginnings and new futures for the two people. I used a scalpel to cut borders to represent “caged in spaces” and to focus the audience's attention on the two people. The red train in the background represents distancing, and leaving. I wanted it to stand out from the dark imagery, a focal point to the eye, as well as an important part of my story. I chose to call my piece “Happily Ever After”, a happy start and middle to the relationship, and in another point of view, a happy ending, as the best decision for the two people was to break off the relationship, for them to live happy, separate lives in the future.
Tord Boontje inspired the use of the hand cut flowers. His works include flower table lights that are laser cut from steel, and then hand formed. One of his pieces that inspired me was called Bouquet. This piece was inspired by Boontje’s mother’s Swedish home, in which he admired the flowers in the garden and vases. He composed this piece using flowers from here, in which he pressed in a book and scanned to add to the drawing process. He then used a computer controlled plotter cutter to cut the flowers and leaves out from his chosen material, a matt, white sheet of plastic. This created a beautiful, delicate, romantic arrangement of flowers and leaves, something I wanted to similarly create.
Bouquet by Tord Boontje:
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Another piece by Tord Boontje, that has inspired me:
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Reference Pictures Of The Buildings From My Bedroom Window:
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Experimenting With The Cutting Out Of Flowers And The Placement Of People:
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Plan For My Third Story:
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Process Photos:
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Final Outcome:
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